Enigma's MUA1 Miscellaneous Mods:
Arachne Omega Flight Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205920
Arachne MUA1 Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205417
Batman Justice League Heroes Cover Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205682
Beast X-Factor Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206151
Beast X-Treme Gear Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205413
Ben Grimm Age of Apocalypse Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204683.html#msg204683
Ben Grimm Spacesuit Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204602.html#msg204602
Captain Britain Unused MUA1 Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204698.html#msg204698
Corsair's Cutlass Boltonhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203962.html#msg203962
Corsair's Revolver Boltonhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203964.html#msg203964
Corsair MUA1 Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203978.html#msg203978
Cyclops XML2 Ultimate Cutscene Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205309
Doomsman II MUA1 Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206152
Doctor Doom God Emperor Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206156
Doctor Doom MUA1 Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206154
Doctor Doom MUA1 NPC Hud Remakehttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205641
Doctor Doom MUA1 Secret Wars Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206030
Doctor Doom MUA1 Statue Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206155
Doctor Doom MUA1 Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206107
Doombot MUA1 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206109
Electro Unused MUA1 Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203317.html#msg203317
Forge Earth-95165 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205189.html#msg205189
Forge Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205187.html#msg205187
Forge Classic Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205188.html#msg205188
Forge Modern Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205190.html#msg205190
Forge Modern Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205191.html#msg205191
Forge New X-Men Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205194.html#msg205194
Forge X-Treme Gear Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205195.html#msg205195
Forge XML Ultimate Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204998.html#msg204998
Forge XML Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204997.html#msg204997
Ghost Rider MUA1 Hud Remakeshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205690
Guardian Antiguard Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205245.html#msg205245
Guardian XML2 Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205244.html#msg205244
Hellfire Club Guards Skin Packhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205102.html#msg205102
Human Torch Flame On Silver Age Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205152.html#msg205152
Human Torch Marvel Nemesis Dark Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204846.html#msg204846
Human Torch Unused MUA1 Flame On Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204844.html#msg204844
Hulk MUA1 Cutscene Model Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205628
Hulk Unused MUA1 Original Gray Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204011.html#msg204011
Hulk Unused MUA1 Classic Green Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204717.html#msg204717
Kristoff Vernard MUA1 Acts of Vengeance Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206108
Lady Sif Unused MUA1 Prototype Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204147.html#msg204147
Living Monolith Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205918
Luke Cage MUA1 90s Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204904.html#msg204904
Luke Cage MUA1 New Avengers Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204939.html#msg204939
Luke Cage MUA2 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204941.html#msg204941
Magik XML1 Civilian Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204589.html#msg204589
Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206075
Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Helmetless Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206076
Mikhail Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205626
Mattie Franklin Unused MUA1 Modern Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205082.html#msg205082
Marvel Legends Menushttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg202682.html#msg202682
Mister Fantastic MUA1 Expanded Voicepackhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204585.html#msg204585
Morph Age of Apocalypse Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204111.html#msg204111
Morph Age of Apocalypse Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204112.html#msg204112
Morph Animated Series (Jacket) Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204128.html#msg204128
Morph Animated Series (Jacketless) Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204129.html#msg204129
Morph Exiles Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204113.html#msg204113
Morph X-Treme Gear Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204130.html#msg204130
Morph Ultimate (Jacket) Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204166.html#msg204166
MUA2 DS Hud Recreationshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205738
MUA2 and XML1 Triviahttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206026
Nightcrawler MUA1 Cutscene Model Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205635
Peter Parker 90s Animated Series Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204829.html#msg204829
Radioactive Man MUA2 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203609.html#msg203609
Restored Alternate Openinghttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205955
Reverse-Flash Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204153.html#msg204153
Rhino Unused MUA1 Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206153
Sauron Unused XML2 Alternate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205924
Sauron XML2 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205922
Senator Kelly Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203950.html#msg203950
Servo-Guard Unused MUA1 Skins Packhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206256
Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel 90s Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204466.html#msg204466
Sharon Ventura She-Thing Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204424.html#msg204424
Sharon Ventura She-Thing Alternate 1 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204426.html#msg204426
Sharon Ventura She-Thing Alternate 2 Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204428.html#msg204428
Shocker MUA1 Ultra Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206218
Silver Surfer Captain Universe Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205037.html#msg205037
Silver Surfer Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205036.html#msg205036
Silver Surfer Dark Surfer Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11136.msg205273.html#msg205273
Silver Surfer Infinity Gauntlet Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205277.html#msg205277
Silver Surfer Infinity Watch Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205038.html#msg205038
Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205035.html#msg205035
Silver Surfer Mutant X Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205949
Silver Surfer Norrin Radd Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204761.html#msg204761
Silver Surfer The Keeper Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205110.html#msg205110
Songbird MUA2 Thunderbolts Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204091.html#msg204091
Spider-Man 2000 Game Cover Loading Screenshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203584.html#msg203584
Spider-Man 4 Xbox 360 Loading Screenhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203878.html#msg203878
Spider-Man 2099 Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205793
Spider-Man Ben Reilly Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206071
Spider-Man Black Suit Randy Schueller Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203715.html#msg203715
Spider-Man Classic McFarlane Eyeshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205789
Spider-Man MUA1 Black Suit Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205128.html#msg205128
Spider-Man MUA1 Classic Small Eyeshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205785
Spider-Man MUA1 Dark Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205787
Spider-Man MUA1 Iron Spiderhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206203
Spider-Man MUA1 Scarlet Spiderhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206204
Spider-Man Unlimited Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205791
Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic with Big Eyes Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203579.html#msg203579
Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic with Medium Eyes Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203763.html#msg203763
Spider-Man Negative Zone Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203615.html#msg203615
Spider-Man Original Skinshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205795
Spider-Woman Classic Unique Hudshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205845
Spider-Woman Classic Unmasked Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206220
Spider-Woman Earth-X Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206221
Spider-Woman MUA1 Classic Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206219
Spider-Woman MUA1 SHIELD Agent Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206223
Spider-Woman Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206224
Spider-Woman Secret Invasion Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206222
Spider-Woman Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206225
Storm MUA1 Expanded Voicepackhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205655
Super-Skrull Unused MUA1 Concept Art Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203201.html#msg203201
Super-Skrull MUA1 Ultimate Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg202820.html#msg202820
Superman Justice League Heroes Cover Hudhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=205683
The Punisher Game Cover Hudshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206258
Thor MUA1 Classic Statue Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204020.html#msg204020
Tyr MUA1 Statue Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204021.html#msg204021
Unused MUA1 Wolverine Leather Jacket Hud:https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg202412.html#msg202412
Winter Soldier Boss Upgrade Modhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg203487.html#msg203487
Wolverine Bone Clawshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg202892.html#msg202892
Wolverine Rage Clawshttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?msg=206205
Wolverine Evil Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205049.html#msg205049
Wolverine Evil Human Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205050.html#msg205050
Wolverine Secret Invasion Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205052.html#msg205052
Wolverine Unused MUA1 Brown Jacket Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205051.html#msg205051
Wolverine Unused XML1 New X-Men Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg205053.html#msg205053
Zarathos Original Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204504.html#msg204504
Zarathos MUA1 Unused 90s Skinhttps://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11188.msg204505.html#msg204505
Unused MUA1 Wolverine Leather Jacket Hud
This is a version of Wolverine's unused MUA1 Leather Jacket hud for Wolverine's unused MUA1 leather jacket skin. The hud not included in any version of MUA1 and was only on the official MUA1 PSP website, where it was cropped into a hexagon.
I cut it out of the image, did 2 different AI Upcscaled that I merged together, then I painted in the missing parts, used part of the hair from BaconWizard17'a Wolverine Leather Jacket hud to fill out his hair, erased the blue glow and metal background, then I added in the texture template metal background, and added a new glow.
I have included versions with and without the blue glow.
All are hex edited and will work in either XML2 or MUA1.
Marvel Legends Menus v5.0
The MUA1 Prototype, which is called Marvel Legends, has very different menus.
This mod enables as many of them as I could fix and get working in MUA1.
This mod changes the following menus, which have been fixed to work in MUA1:*Character conversations menu
*In-Game Messages (Load Game, Unlock a new character or simulator mission, quit game, stuff like that)
*Save Point Menu
*Review Menu
-This has a small white Marvel Legends logo in the lower left corner.
*The Marvel Ultimate Alliance logo on the legal screen and main menu. (The Marvel Legends logo even has an animated gold sparkle! It doesn't appear to have been used in the MUA1 Prototype.)
-I also replaced the file m_logo_lg, which is another MUA logo. I don't know where this appears in-game. If you know of a 3rd place where the Marvel Legends logo show up, please let me know on the forums or discord so I can update this readme.
*Pause Menu
-This menu also has a small white Marvel Legends logo in the lower left corner.
-This had crashing issues, but I believe I've fixed them by removing a broken menu option that MUA1 doesn't have anyway. This means there is a blank spot in the menu. This was unavoidable, but there aren't any scrolling issues and every menu option comes up fine.
-If you experience any after installing this mod, and believe it's related, please let me know.
*Players Menu
*This mod also add a map visibility toggle option to the Pause Menu.
Bonuses:*Marvel Legends Full Main Menu:
-I took screenshots of some of the Marvel Legends main menu elements in Alchemy Insight, expanded them, and put them together as a loading screen to recreate, as close as I could, what the Marvel Legends unused main menu looked like, and altered the main menu's engb file to have a loading screen instead of a video playing.
*Marvel Legends Main Menu Select Bar:
-This replaces the default main menu select bar with the unused Marvel Legends version. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the molecules overlay to appear on it as the Marvel Legends files make it clear it was intended to. It also appears in the Options menu, where it overlaps a little bit, but it's not a big deal.
*MUA1 Logos:
-This adds a gold MUA1 logo to the main menu loading screen and main menu (thanks to tubularspaceman for finding this) and a white MUA1 logo to the pause menu.
*Unused Main Menu Select Bar:
-This replaces the default main menu select bar with an unused version from MUA1 PC's files.
*Debug Menu:
-This adds the Debug Menu to the Pause Menu and changes the Debug Menu to it's Marvel Legends version.
-The Debug Menu is empty, so this isn't very useful.
-It's only here for preservation and for anyone that want to take a look at it.
Credits:*tubularspaceman: finding the gold MUA1 logo.
Bugs:-There is one lingering issue. The objectives menu doesn't quite work right and if you open it, the game sometimes crashes. I'd recommend not entering the Objectives Menu while using this mod. But since it's not used very much, I figured releasing this with the disclaimer was okay. Also, your current objectives appear on the main pause menu anyway, so you don't really need to open the menu anyway.
-Added bonus MUA1 Logos. This adds a gold MUA1 logo to the main menu loading screen and main menu (thanks to tubularspaceman for finding this) and a white MUA1 logo to the pause menu.
-Added Marvel Legends Full Main Menu
-Added Marvel Legends Main Menu Select Bar
-Added Unused Main Menu Select Bar
-Added Pause Menu, which I've fixed. Also includes a new map visibility toggle option.
-Added Players Menu
-Added Debug Menu and an optional alternate file that lets you access it.
-I had accidentally forgotten to include the In-Game Messages and Save Point Menus files.
-Added Marvel Legends Logo to the legal screen and main menu.
-Added image of conversation menu which I'd forgotten in v1.0.
:sskrull:Super-Skrull MUA1 Ultimate Skin v1.0 :sskrull:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SxxB_WqnE8g0KWwFDF_6bkmLRJJkslmX/view?usp=sharing
***I've taken the MUA1 Super-Skrull Ultimate skin texture (taken from MUA1 PSP lead artist Jason Harlow's website) and put it on the PS2 Super-Skrull model and the MUA1 Prototype Cel-Shaded Super-Skrull model.
*I have also recolored Super-Skrull's MUA1 hud to match the skin's colors.
*This skin was originally only used in a simulator mission in the PSP version. This is a PS2 version of that skin.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: help
*MrKablamm0fish: ALchemy 3.2 Optimizer
Updated Marvel Legends Menus to v4.0
:wolverine:Wolverine Bone Claws :wolverine:
I reskinned BaconWizard17's Wolverine Metal Bone Claws Bolton with a bone claw texture I made.
There are Cel-Shaded and Non-Cel-Shaded versions.
These will appear on all skins.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Metal Bone Claws Bolton
:sskrull:Super-Skrull Unused MUA1 Concept Art Skin v1.0 :sskrull:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vTVaKBVzSfy1oEXrj8IX8zJ1lg9uDLVg/view?usp=sharing
**In MUA1's concept art gallery, Super-Skrull's skin is shown as having his right arm and hand be the Thing's and his right arm and hand be the Human Torch's. They are also shown as being different sizes. Whereas in the final game, he doesn't.
This changes his arms and hands to both be the Thing's, which is as close as I can get because his arms are both the same size and shape, and they're well-suited to look like the Thing's arms. I also think it looks great like this anyway.
*I have included 2 versions: 1 version on the PS2 Super-Skrull model and 1 version on the MUA1 Prototype Cel-Shaded model.
*I've also included a version of his hud that's converted to work with XML2.
*Because the Captain Marvel Simulator Mission boss version of Super-Skrull in the Official Character Pack uses a custom hud using art not from MUA1, I've included a version of his campaign boss hud that's hexedited for the Simulator boss version for MUA1.
Credits:*MrKablamm0fish: Alchemy 3.2 Optimizer
:electro:Electro Unused MUA1 Classic Skin v2.0 :electro:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PFhGkKEq_hKmPaGJjuF67uPTKYAPXaoh/view?usp=sharing
**This is Electro's unused MUA1 PS2 Classic skin, which was reused in the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions of MUA2.
*I ripped the MUA2 Wii version of the model, applied the texture to it which ak2ny had ripped, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I also made a lot of fixes and improvements to the texture, as it was in fairly rough shape originally.
*I've made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a 3D head, character select portrait, and 2converation huds: an XML2-style one and a MUA1-style one.
*The MUA1 version has been hex edited, so that it's all ready to use with Enchlore's Electro Boss mod and the Electro character mod.
*The XML2 version isn't hex edited, as there isn't a XML2 Electro mod.
*ak2ny: ripping texture
*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, troubleshooting
*UltraMegaMagnus: troubleshooting
-I fixed various issues with the texture.
-I fixed some issues with the model.
-I redid the skeleton to fix mistakes I made the first time.
-I had forgotten to hex edit something in the skins.
Winter Soldier Boss Upgrade Mod v1.0
**This mod adds and changes things about the Winter Soldier boss's gun power that are only in the MUA1 Prototype version of him:
*It now does knockback.
*It now has a charge effect.
*Its beam effect and impact effect are different.
:spiderman: Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic With Big Eyes Skin v2.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19GxQ8_SaglHFhipGGdVG9u1LU1ltpZEi/view?usp=sharing
**This is recreation of Spider-Man's unused MUA1 Classic Big Eyes skin, which features big eyes like the early unused art and cutscene model had.
*I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I started with BLaw's Spider-Man Classic texture, which I modified to fix issues, make some changes, and recolored it to be brighter.
*I replaced the eyes with new eyes I made to look as close to the unused big eyes as possible.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I've also made the following character select portraits and XML2 and MUA1 style huds using official MUA1 art of Spider-Man with small eyes: unused MUA1 loading screen (uses an unused loading screen I repaired and AI Upscaled), MUA1 Cover (I AI Upscaled and repaired this art), MUA1 Cutscene Model (from a model render sheet I found), MUA1 Promo Playing Card (using a higher quality version I found),
*I've also included the OCP's fixed version of Spider-Man's default Classic MAU1 hud because the art is actually the head from his unused MUA1 Big Eyes loading screen put on a new neck.
Credits:*BLaw: original Spider-Man Classic skin texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
*metal venger1: finding alternate Spider-Man loading screen which I repaired and restored
*Official Characters Pack: fixed version of MUA1 Classic hud
-Completely did and replaced everything.
:spiderman:Spider-Man 2000 Game Cover Loading Screens v1.1 :spiderman:
These are based off of a high quality version of the Spider-Man 2000 PS1 game box art without logos that I found.
There are 2 versions.
One is the original version I found and features small eyes (which the game box doesn't so this is presumably an unused variant of the art) and for the other, I AI Upscaled the Amazing Spider-Man 2001 Annual cover, which uses big eyes like the game box does, and edited the eye parts into the image.
For both, I fixed an issue on the right side of Spider-Man's head and Denoised them.
I've included the fullsized images of both.
-Fixed issue with them appearing as the wrong colors in-game.
Updated Spider-Man 2000 Game Cover Loading Screens to v1.1:
Fixed issue with them appearing as the wrong colors in-game.
Radioactive Man MUA2 Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sOdau6Lc5YO3zzdzJ2YGheqBVwXD0_1Z/view?usp=share_link
This is Radioactive Man's MUA2 skin from MUA2 Wii/PS2/PSP.
I've converted the original texture to the proper format, reskinned his MUA1 PS2 model with the texture, and recolored his MUA1 hud, as well as fixed an issue with a weird bit of blue glowing on the right side of the hud.
Credits:*ak2ny: ripping all the MUA1 Wii textures.
:spiderman:Spider-Man Negative Zone Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-w5oj4LksqM35O3d4oZabBdq21My0c-6/view?usp=share_link
***This is my skin of Spider-Man's Negative Zone costume.
*This is also included in my XML2 Spider-Man mod.
*I made the texture.
*tubularspacedude did a Cel Shaded version of this and I did the non-Cel Shaded version.
*I've done XML2-style and MUA1-style versions of his conversation hud, as well as a character select portrait, all using part of a Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions promotional render of this costume.
*Versions hex edited for both MUA1 and XML2 are included.
Credits:*tubularspacedude: making the Cel Shaded version of the skin.
I've updated Spider-Man Classic with Big Eyes to v2.0
Check thread for details.
:spiderman:Spider-Man Black Suit Randy Schueller Skin v3.0:spiderman:
This is my version of Randy Schueller's original version of Spider-Man's Black Suit.
*Schueller was the fan that sent in the design to Marvel. It was later reworked by Marvel into the Black Suit we all know.
*This is based off of my version of his MUA1 Black Suit, which I fixed all the issues with the texture and model. I also added red environmental mapping to it and Cel Shaded him in red.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded skins, made a 3D head (I've made versions with and without the environmental mapping), made a character select portrait, and made XML2 and MUA1 style huds including versions using the original concept art.
*I've included versions without the environmental maps. There are 3 Cel Shading choices to choose from for these: red, black, and white.
-Made versions without environmental maps and with white and black Cel Shading. Also made a version of the 3D head without the environmental mapping.
-Fixed an issue with the skins
-I redid and improved everything.
-Now has red Cel Shading, red reflective environmental mapping, a character select portrait and more and different huds.
:spiderman:Spider-Man MUA1 Fixed Iron Spider v1.0 :spiderman:
*I've fixed as many issues with the original textures as possible for the PS2 versions of Spider-Man's Iron Spider skin.
*It's hex edited.
*The XML2 version is included in my XML2 Spider-Man mod instead.
I've updated Marvel Legends Menus to v5.0.
Check changelog in post for details.
:spiderman:Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic with Medium Eyes Skin v2.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1btDvtEIWrjAamscIkJIa2ZStqT1iwSDS/view?usp=sharing
This is my skin of Spider-Man's unused medium eyes version of his MUA1 Classic skin.**This is recreation of Spider-Man's unused MUA1 Classic Medium Eyes skin, which features big eyes like an unused cutscene model render sheet uses.
*I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I started with BLaw's Spider-Man Classic texture, which I modified to fix issues, make some changes, and recolored it to be brighter.
*The eyes on the MUA1 Dark Spider-Man NPC's eyes are about the size of the eyes on the medium eyes cutscene model render sheet and are halfway between the size of the Small Eyes and Big Eyes versions. So I modified MUA1 Dark Spider-Man NPC's eyes to remove the evil trendils and such and make them more normal looking.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I've also made a character select portraits and XML2 and MUA1 style huds using the unused cutscene model render sheet, which I AI Upscaled and denoised to improve its quality.
Credits:*tubularspacedude: making the Cel Shaded version of the skin, giving me the idea to do this
-Completely did and replaced everything.
:spiderman:Spider-Man 4 Xbox 360 Loading Screen :spiderman:
This is the main menu loading screen from the Xbox 360 Spider-Man 4 prototype.
I extracted it myself and AI Upscaled it.
I've included the original image and my upscaled version as well.
Please credit me if you wish to use it for something.
Senator Kelly Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rAvgL3WxSpBaKMa0lw9dIv8q4uw7KIAV/view?usp=share_link
**By default, Senator Kelly's PS2 skin is broken. His right arm has a large weird trianglar part extending from the back of it when moves. Since he uses the same model as Tony Stark in his suit, I've reskinned BaconWizard17's custom model version of that skin to make a fixed version of Kelly.
*I've also made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a 3D head and a version of his MUA1 hud that works in XML2.
*The skins are hex edited for Mystique in XML2 and for Kelly in MUA1.
*Thanks to BaconWizard17 for telling me the models are the same.
*Credit me if you use this or anything else I've made for anything.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Tony Stark suit model and 3d head, screenshot template
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
Corsair's Cutlass Bolton v3.0
**Corsair has a cutlass sword weapon as part of his MUA1 skin as a skin segment. I've separated it and turned it into its own bolton.
*I've made left and right handed versions as well as Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions.
*Credit me if you use this or anything else I've made for anything.
-Fixed an issue with the model.
-I had made a mistake when making the left handed version.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: tutorial
Corsair's Revolver Bolton v2.0
**Corsair has a revolver gun weapon as part of his MUA1 skin as a skin segment. I've separated it and turned it into its own bolton.
*I've made left and right handed versions as well as Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions.
*Credit me if you use this or anything else I've made for anything.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: tutorial
-Fixed an issue with the model.
Corsair MUA1 Classic Skin v3.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13p8tltuyWz9z2idQLOIa6E5foCjuD8uG/view?usp=share_link
**This is my version of Corsair's MUA1 Classic skin.
*I've removed his skin segment weapons and have released them separately as standalone boltons.
*I ripped the MUA1 model, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I also fixed various flaws and issues that the original texture had.
*I've done Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions.
*I made a 3D head.
*I've done an XML2-compatible version of his MUA1 hud.
*The XML2 version isn't hex edited because there's no XML2 Corsair mod.
*Since the MUA1 NPC uses the original skin's skin segments and since Ceamonks890's mod uses a different skin, I've renamed and hex edited this skin to be 2317 so that it can be used as the 2nd skin for his mod.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, feedback
*tubular-spaceman: feedback
-Fixed an issue with the model and 3D head.
-Fix issues with the model.
-Fixed issues with the texture.
-Fixed issues with his skeleton.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:hulk_icon:Hulk Unused MUA1 Original Gray Alternate Skin v2.0 :hulk_icon:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WOMgCiv33pDpd0aJNId1hUjIHpm1hcbS/view?usp=share_link
**Hulk has an unused MUA1 loading screen depicting his Original Gray skin, but unlike the skin used in the MUA1 DLC, the version of the loading screen doesn't have the torn shirt. So I've made a version of that skin.
*UltraMegaMagnus kindly made a Cel Shaded XML2-compatible version of Hulk's MUA1 DLC Original Gray skin for me using textures supplied by MrKablamm0fish.
*I modified the model to remove the torn shirt.
*I also made some fixes to the Cel Shading and made a non-Cel Shaded version.
*I made the 3D head.
*I recolored the OCP version of the MUA1 DLC Hulk Classic Green hud to make the MUA1-style hud for this skin.
*I made a XML2-style hud and character select portrait based on his my improved version of his unused MUA1 Original Gray loading screen.
*I've hex edited everything.
*I've also made versions of the non-Cel Shaded skin and MUA1-style hud that are hex edited for MUA1.
Credits:*UltraMegaMagnus: Original Gray skin
*MrKablamm0fish: skin texture
*Official Characters Pack: MUA1 DLC hud image
-Fixed issue with MUA1 version.
:thor:Thor MUA1 Classic Statue Skin v1.0 :thor:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mLUPplzK_efG_-guYBhP-FCcdp7FG0TA/view?usp=share_link
**In MUA1, there is a statue of Thor in his classic costume. I've reskinned Thor's MUA1 Classic PS2 skin with the texture of this statue.
*I've made a 3D head.
*I've done versions hex edited for XML2 and MUA1.
Tyr MUA1 Statue Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11x0aRwMRU0xzI4pPDC7L8BQeUh_Ecury/view?usp=share_link
In MUA1, there is a statue of Tyr. I've reskinned Tyr's MUA1 PS2 skin with the texture of this statue.
It's hex edited for Tyr's MUA1 character number only, because there's no Tyr NPC or mod for XML2.
I updated Electro Unused MUA1 Classic Skin to v1.1.
Check changelog for details.
Songbird MUA2 Thunderbolts Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16DGj_cKbft4xfxDHj6k_Nmh77r6qCejO/view?usp=share_link
**This is my version of Songbird's MUA2 Wii Thunderbolts skin.
*I ripped the MUA2 Wii version of the model, applied the texture to it which ak2ny had ripped, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I also improved the texture a little.
*I also removed the bird skin segment that was on her back from the model.
*I've made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA2-style conversation huds.
*There are versions hex edited for her XML2 and MUA1 mods.
Notes:*The developers designed the shoulderpads and the shoulders in an odd way. I've done everything I can to fix them and make them move in the least odd way possible, and while they still move in a bit of an odd way, it's not really noticeable in-game.
*Songbird was a cut boss NPC from MUA1 under her Screaming Mimi name. Since in MUA1, characters that had no Ultimate costumes used their most recent costumes which was Thunderbolts for her, since Swordsman also used his Thunderbolts costume in MUA1, since this model is a MUA1-style model, and since Songbird is her hero name and Screaming Mimi was her villain name, it's possible this was her cut MUA1 skin.
Credits:*ak2ny: ripping texture
*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template
-Fixed issues with texture.
-Fixed issues with model.
-Fixed issues with hair, shoulders, and shoulderpads.
-Redid huds and character select portrait.
:morph:Morph Age of Apocalypse Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlrRUWgtwsQhcvwJNr5xWUDXsb1QHwMW/view?usp=share_link
**This is my skin of Morph's Age of Apocalypse costume.
*I ripped Vision's MUA1 model, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I removed the nose and ears.
-It's inconsistent in the comics whether Morph has ears, has the weird ear bumps that Vision has, or has no ears. I went with no ears because I think that looks best.
*I used Ultimate VeNoM's Morph Age of Apocalypse skin texture and made a lot of fixes and improvements to it.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*Ultimate VeNoM: original texture
*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting
:morph:Morph Age of Apocalypse Alternate Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aEsYdYYB3GucVG_9gPlDpAPdrgB82Mub/view?usp=share_link
**This is my alternate skin of Morph's Age of Apocalypse costume.
*I ripped Vision's MUA1 model, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I removed the nose and ears.
-It's inconsistent in the comics whether Morph has ears, has the weird ear bumps that Vision has, or has no ears. I went with no ears because I think that looks best.
*I used Lionsden's Morph Age of Apocalypse Alternate skin texture and made a lot of fixes and improvements to it.
-I also made the cape purple to match the MUGEN palette that Lionsden based his original texture off of.
-I replaced the head texture with my same modified version of the head texture from Ultimate VeNoM's Morph Age of Apocalypse skin that I used in my Morph Age of Apocalypse skin.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*Lionsden: original texture
*Ultimate VeNoM: original version of head texture
*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting
:morph:Morph Exiles Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15N-d-SRCmmqyAIpDG1sTssyvr-MIetuO/view?usp=share_link
**This is my alternate skin of Morph's Exiles costume.
*I ripped Vision's MUA1 model, gave it a new and better working skeleton, and fixed the model.
*I removed the nose and ears.
-It's inconsistent in the comics whether Morph has ears, has the weird ear bumps that Vision has, or has no ears. I went with no ears because I think that looks best.
*I used iammingy's Morph Exiles skin texture and made a lot of fixes and improvements to it.
-I replaced the head texture with my same modified version of the head texture from Ultimate VeNoM's Morph Age of Apocalypse skin that I used in my Morph Age of Apocalypse skin.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*iammingy: original texture
*Ultimate VeNoM: original version of head texture
*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting
:morph:Morph Animated Series (Jacket) Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dClq30lJDD_mKkRfF-jDh22U80Ukg2l7/view?usp=share_link
**This is my skin of Morph's jacket design from the 90s animated series.
*I removed the visor, chest logo, and chest straps from BaconWizard17's Cyclops 90s (Jacket) model, recolored the torso and shoulders to have yellow sections on them, then I altered the face to make it as close to Morph's face in the cartoon as possible.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Cyclops 90s (Jacket) skin texture and model, screenshot template
:morph:Morph Animated Series (Jacketless) Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GRL5Z-QwxZYuCsZdTWYPOb3G6X9lVijk/view?usp=share_link
**This is my skin of Morph's jacketless design from the 90s animated series.
*I removed the visor, chest logo, and chest straps from BaconWizard17's Cyclops 90s model, recolored the torso and shoulders to have yellow sections on them, then I altered the face to make it as close to Morph's face in the cartoon as possible.
-In the cartoon, this costume has no yellow sections on the shoulders but the action figure version does, and I thought it looked better that way.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Cyclops 90s skin texture and model, screenshot template
:morph:Morph X-Treme Gear Skin v2.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VN9nHjjoJ--Fe_Xx3J3Y96GoWbPCJgkL/view?usp=sharing
***This is my custom X-Treme Gear skin for Morph.
*I made a head for Morph by removing the nose and ears from Vision's head.
-It's inconsistent in the comics whether Morph has ears, has the weird ear bumps that Vision has, or has no ears. I went with no ears because I think that looks best.
*I used the head texture from Ultimate VeNoM's Morph Age of Apocalypse skin texture and made a lot of fixes and improvements to it.
*I used the body model from BaconWizard17's Cyclops X-Treme Gear skin and I recolored this same model's texture.
**I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and an XML2-style hud and a MUA1-style hud
**The MUA1 version is hex edited for Outsider's MUA1 Morph mod.
Credits:*Ultimate VeNoM: original head texture
*BaconWizard17: Cyclops X-Treme Gear skin texture and model, I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and re-rigged the model to it, screenshot template
-I've redone everything and recolored the colored panels on the costume to be white.
Lady Sif Unused MUA1 Prototype Skin v4.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MQTv4wgQVXXBERM6AZAIQy1uJF1NKJiP/view?usp=share_link
**This is my version of Lady Sif's Unused MUA1 Prototype skin.
*Unlike her MUA1 Retail skin, this version has a cape, no sword skin segment, and lacks the weird jagged bits the PS2 model has in a few places.
*I've made the following fixes to this skin (some of the issues I fixed are also issues with the MUA1 Retail version):
-I gave her a new and better working skeleton.
-I used the PS2 skin texture because it's better quality and because the MUA1 Retail version's texture still contains the cape texture as well as part of it on her back where the cape is supposed to connect. The only difference between the 2 textures other than quality is that she wears lipstick in the Prototype version but not in the Retail version. I didn't add the lipstick because I felt out of character for her to it, based on a comic where she was shown to not like that sort of thing.
-I fixed the black lines on her boots so that they now connect properly.
-The model now properly displays the skin texture.
-I fixed issues with shoulder pads having gaps where skin underneath was visible.
-Her wristbands are supposed to be the tops of her gauntlets, but they were placed too far down on her arms for this to be the case and the gauntlet textures on her arms went past the wristbands. I've moved the wristbands up further on her arm to fix this.
-I fixed issues with the seams on the model.
-I fixed issues with the thigh bands.
-I fixed issues with the shoulder pads and top of the cape clipping through each other.
*I made a XML2 compatible version of her MUA1 hud as well as 2 new huds (XML2 and MUA1 style versions) and a character select portrait.
Notes:*It's hex edited for Lady Sif's MUA1 NPC and mod only, because there's no Lady Sif mod for XML2.
*As far as I can tell, Sif's MUA1 costume is 2 of her 1970s comic costumes merged together.
-Fixed issue with skin.
-Added instructions on adding sword to her npcstat in MUA1.
-I fixed an issue with the right armband.
-I fixed issues with her shoulderpads, cape and Cel Shading.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template
Reverse-Flash Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ighQEujO2qpP1CVovBUoj6ug7UeYxM1i/view?usp=share_link
**This is my skin of the Reverse-Flash.
*I reskinned BaconWizard17's the Flash Barry Allen Silver Age skin.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: XML2 style, MUA1 style, and MUA1 boss style.
*There are versions hex edited for the Flash's XML2 and MUA1 mods.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: the Flash Barry Allen Silver Age model, 3D head model, and texture. Screenshot template.
:morph:Morph Ultimate (Jacket) Skin v1.0 :morph:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RX2YDGUczm2psHp-Rg9fIcCqSra-DhHo/view?usp=share_link
**This is my custom Ultimate (Jacket) skin for Morph.
*I removed the body from my Morph Age of Apocalypse skin's (which uses my modified version of Ultimate VeNoM's head texture), then removed the head from BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML1 (Civilian) skin, then merged the head and body together, added the yellow glove textures from his Cyclops Ultimate XML2 (Civilian) skin, recolored the kneepads to yellow, and redid the skeleton.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and 3 huds: an XML2-style hud, a MUA1-style hud, and a MUA1 boss-style hud.
*It's hex edited for Morph's MUA1 mod only, because there's no Morph mod for XML2.
Credits:*Ultimate VeNoM: original head texture
*BaconWizard17: Cyclops Ultimate XML1 (Civilian) skin texture and model, Cyclops Ultimate XML2 (Civilian) skin glove textures, screenshot template
:thing:Sharon Ventura She-Thing Skin v1.0 :thing:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PR23V6nQKl2ARq4xSDzgB7ZM2KRKTgh7/view?usp=sharing
**I made this skin of Sharon Ventura as She-Thing.
*I made the model by altering the Thing's Ultimate model, made the texture, made a custom skeleton (by heavily modifying BaconWizard17's large character skeleton template), and made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The sash is from BaconWizard17's Jean Grey Phoenix skin, which I've recolored white and modified to fit on my model.
*In the comics, this costume has a lot of small variations, so I've gone with the ones I liked the best and thought looked the best.
*In the comics, her waist sash was on her left hip, but I put it on her right hip to match where the waist sash is on the MUA1 Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel skin.
*For MUA1, it's hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod. For XML2, it's hex edited for the Thing.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: sash from Jean Grey Phoenix skin, large character skeleton template, troubleshooting
*Ceamonks890: feedback, testing
:thing:Sharon Ventura She-Thing Alternate 1 Skin v1.0 :thing:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VsCKGzo3oaYdBRu8nHXAA-jyUdm9FfNa/view?usp=sharing
**This is an alternate version of my skin of Sharon Ventura as She-Thing. It's based on a toy Marvel made of She-Thing where the black parts of her costume are blue.
*I made the model by altering the Thing's Ultimate model, made the texture, made a custom skeleton (by heavily modifying BaconWizard17's large character skeleton template), and made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The sash is from BaconWizard17's Jean Grey Phoenix skin, which I've recolored white and modified to fit on my model.
*In the comics, this costume has a lot of small variations, so I've gone with the ones I liked the best and thought looked the best.
*In the comics, her waist sash was on her left hip, but I put it on her right hip to match where the waist sash is on the MUA1 Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel skin.
*For MUA1, it's hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod. For XML2, it's hex edited for the Thing.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: sash from Jean Grey Phoenix skin, large character skeleton template, troubleshooting
*Ceamonks890: feedback, testing
:thing:Sharon Ventura She-Thing Alternate 2 Skin v1.0 :thing:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10UEvaZUgS6KprqCAo-Z0jfsCLmkGvhiU/view?usp=sharing
**This is an alternate version of my skin of Sharon Ventura as She-Thing. It's based on Fantastic Four Volume 1 Issue 311, where She-Thing is in a version of Sharon's Miss Marvel costume.
*I made the model by altering the Thing's Ultimate model, made the texture, made a custom skeleton (by heavily modifying BaconWizard17's large character skeleton template), and made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The sash is from BaconWizard17's Jean Grey Phoenix skin, which I've recolored white and modified to fit on my model.
*In the comics, this costume has a lot of small variations, so I've gone with the ones I liked the best and thought looked the best.
*In the comics, her waist sash was on her left hip, but I put it on her right hip to match where the waist sash is on the MUA1 Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel skin.
*For MUA1, it's hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod. For XML2, it's hex edited for the Thing.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: sash from Jean Grey Phoenix skin, large character skeleton template, troubleshooting
*Ceamonks890: feedback, testing
Hello Enigma. I am a big fan of your work here. But I was wondering about something. Can you make these into mods for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance please?
Agent X
Annihilus (his skin should be based on his unused 3D Head)
Blackout (Lilin)
:hobgoblin: Hobgoblin
Stygorr (his skin can be based on his unused Hud Head)
:blade: Blade's Daywalker Costume (with hair)
:capamer: Ultimate Captain America (with wings) from Marvel Legends
:capbrit: Ultimate Captain Britain (SpaceJase)
:capbrit: New Excalibur Captain Britain
:capbrit: Captain Britain's outfit from Excalibur Vol 1 13
:ghostr: Zarathos outfit for Ghost Rider
Hela (her skin can be inspired by the artwork from Glen Angus)
Kang (his skin can be based on his unused 3D Head)
:fantastic: Modern Mr. Fantastic (can be based on a skin Invisible Woman has in her mod by nodoubt_jr)
:fantastic: New Marvel Mr. Fantastic (Lab Coat)
:warbird: Ms. Marvel's Warbird outfit (Maskless) from Marvel Legends
:nightcrawler: New X-Men Nightcrawler (based on Nightcrawler Vol 2 from 2002)
:spiderwoman: Mattie Fanklin (Spider-Woman Vol 3 18)
:thing: The Thing in a Tuxedo
:thor: Battle Armor Thor (can be based on his 4th hud head)
Victorious (PS2 Version)
:vision: Vision (SpaceJase)
Astral Fiend
Astral Ghost
:beast: Original Beast (X-Men Legends)
:panther: T'Chaka (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:panther: Ultimate Black Panther (based on a skin by Quentin Hex)
:blade: Steampunk Blade (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:cable: Cable (X-Men Legends 2)
:cball: Cannonball (X-Men Legends 2)
:phoenix: Dark Phoenix (X-Men Legends 2)
:phoenix: Jean Grey as Phoenix (X-Men Legends)
:jubilee: Jubilee (X-Men Legends)
:magma: Magma (X-Men Legends)
:fantastic: New Marvel Mr. Fantastic (PS3 and X-Box 360)
:xavier: Astral Plane Professor X (X-Men Legends)
:psylocke: MUA2 Psylocke (PS2, PSP, and Wii)
:pyro: Dark Pyro (X-Men Legends)
:ronin: Post Civil War Echo (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:ronin: Ronin as She-Daredevil (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
Shadow King (X-Men Legends)
USS Arbiter Crewmate (X-Men Legends)
:wolverine: Dark Ultimate Wolverine (based on a skin by DamesMaximoff)
:xman: X-Man (X-Men Legends 2)
Loading Screens:
:bishop: Unused XML2 Bishop (Loading Screen)
Hela artwork by Glen Angus
:iceman: XML2 Iceman (Loading Screen)
:stark: XML2 Iron Man (Loading Screen)
:juggernaut: Unused XML Dark Juggernaut (Loading Screen)
:magneto: XML2 Magneto (Loading Screen)
:namor: Namor (based on a cover for Sub-Mariner Vol 2 1)
:avalanche: :pyro: Unused XML Avalanche and Pyro (Loading Screen)
:pyro: XML Dark Pyro (Loading Screen)
:spiderman: MUA Promo Art Spider-Man
:storm: XML2 Storm (Loading Screen)
:toad: XML Toad (Loading Screen)
:wolverine: XML2 Wolverine (Loading Screen)
:wolverine: XML2 Astonishing Wolverine (Loading Screen)
Idle Animations:
:beast: XML2 Beast Idle Animation for Beast
:xman: XML2 X-Man Idle Animation for X-Man
:capbrit: Ultimate Captain Britain (SpaceJase)
:archangel: XML2 Angel
:capbrit: Captain Britain
:cball: XML2 Cannonball
:electro: MUA2 Electro
:longshot: Longshot from X-Men TAS
MUA2 Penance
MSHSO Sentry
I'm glad you enjoy my work.
I'm sorry, but I don't have time for that very long list of requests.
Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel 90s Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15KXaed0L_Wo-WH8s3BJEZY_C3eXRsojw/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Sharon Ventura's 90s Miss Marvel costume. I made the 3D model and texture, and I also made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, a 3D head, a character select portrait, and MUA1 and XML2-style huds.
*I had to redesign it somewhat because of difficulty, because the comics design wasn't entirely possible, and because parts of it didn't really look that good on a 3d model.
*For MUA1, they're hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod.
-I fixed issues with her shoulder pads.
Credits:*Ceamonks890: idea to do this, feedback
I've updated Corsair's Cutlass Bolton, Lady Sif MUA1 Prototype Skin, and Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel 90s Skin.
:ghostr:Zarathos Original Skin v3.0 :ghostr:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xlEAZ5jHjJMV3LtGTKXUbpoPBZ4x-pSi/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Zarathos's original costume.
*I made the 3D model by combining parts of various different models and modifying them. I also used BaconWizard17's Wolverine Original model's boot/kneepad tops and modified those. I also made the texture, 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I also made effects for flames to appear on his head and hands.
-Added fx01 to MUA1 version of skin so that the effects on his chain during melee attacks will now work. I've remove the workaround folder since it's no longer needed.
-Fix issue with skins.
-Added fix/workaround for the effects on his chain during melee attacks being broken for custom skins in MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: feedback, ideas, troubleshooting, Wolverine Original model
*Built Rat: feedback, ideas
*Ceamonks890: MUA1 herostat flame head effect coding, feedback, ideas, troubleshooting
*Outsider: feedback, ideas
*Wellington Andrade: ideas
:ghostr:Zarathos MUA1 Unused 90s Skin v3.0 :ghostr:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14KoIufkyPfX6IK38uHzhfWc7iFGYt1xT/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of the unused MUA1 version of Zarathos's 90s costume. It was supposed to be Ghost Rider's 4th costume, and is in that slot in the MUA1 strategy guide, but was replaced with the Phantom Rider costume when MUA1 was released. I have recreated it and also made some changes to make it more accurate to the comics.
*I made the 3D model by combining parts of various different models and modifying them. I also used BaconWizard17's Wolverine Original model's boot/kneepad tops and modified those. I also made the texture, 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I also made effects for flames to appear on his head and hands.
-Added fx01 to MUA1 version of skin so that the effects on his chain during melee attacks will now work. I've remove the workaround folder since it's no longer needed.
-Fix issue with skins.
-Added fix/workaround for the effects on his chain during melee attacks being broken for custom skins in MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: feedback, ideas, troubleshooting, Wolverine Original model
*Built Rat: feedback, ideas
*Ceamonks890: MUA1 herostat flame head effect coding, feedback, ideas, troubleshooting
*Outsider: feedback, ideas
*Wellington Andrade: ideas
I've updated both Zarathos skins
Nice job on the :ghostr: Zarathos skins. And thank you. Keep up the good work.
I've updated both Zarathos skins
:fantastic:Mister Fantastic MUA1 Expanded Voicepack v3.0 :fantastic:
**By default, Mister Fantastic's voicepack in MUA1 is almost completely empty. He has 1 bored, 2 can't go, 3 cmd attack any, 3 cmd attack target, 3 cmd follow, 4 respaffirm, 6 stats, 7 Xtreme callouts (none of which have echoes on them like they're supposed to), and his Menu Breaks are in the file for some reason. All other types of lines are missing.
*I've expanded his voicepack as much as possible by repurposing the Menu Breaks and stats lines, adding more lines from his unique conversations, and adding Dark Mister Fantastic's 1 Death grunt and 3 Pain grunts.
*I've added reverb to his Xtreme callouts.
*He has no Throw Taunt lines. There weren't any suitable lines for them. Also, those are barely ever used in MUA1, and there are a few other MUA1 official playable characters that also don't have any.
*I've removed the bored line, since bored lines are only used in XML2.
*1 of his 3 Pinball impact sounds has a loud unfixable audio pop at the end of it and is much lower volume than the other 2. I replaced it with the PS2 version of this sound, which isn't broken, and I rebalanced the audio level to match the other 2.
*The Dark Mister Fantastic npc has an unused power sound that's labeled as being for power 4. It sounds similar but different than the power sound for the playable version's power 4, Drastic Elastic, so I've added it as an alternate sound for that power. Each time you use that power, the game will randomly pick 1 of the 2 sounds to use.
*Fun fact - He's voiced by David Naughton, the lead actor from the film An American Werewolf in London.
Credits:*tubular spaceman: telling me about the voicefile problem.
-Rebalanced audio level of Respaffirms.
-Fixed another broken Pinball impact sound.
-Rebalanced volume of all 3 of his Pinball impact sounds.
-Fixed audio popping issues.
:magik:Magik XML1 Civilian Skin v2.0 :magik:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MWi8TcCiXCZjlXbYX3l4_GVKFsxBgPTW/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Magik's XML1 skin.
*By default, Magik's XML1 skin model and texture are in very rough shape. I've done the following to fix and remaster it.
-I've taken the highest quality version of the model, fixed all issues with it, including replacing the arms with BaconWizard17's Magma Civilian arms due to the unfixably broken way Magik's arms displayed her hand textures, fixed her limbs clipping through her sleeves and skirt as much as possible, and various other issues with the model.
-I used the highest quality version of her texture and denoised it to improve its quality. Because this version had her eyes closed, because her open eyes were poor quality, poorly done, and the wrong color in the versions of the texture that had them, I used Magma's eyes from BaconWizard17's Magma Civilian skin texture (because she has the same color eyes that Magik is supposed to have) and modified them to fit on Magik's face.
*I Denoised her XML1 conversation hud and edited it to make her eyes look like the new ones I gave her.
*I also made MUA1 and XML2 style huds and a character select portrait.
*The XML2 version is hex edited for her XML2 mod and the MUA1 version is hex edited for her MUA1 mods.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Magma Civilian texture and model, troubleshooting
-Replaced arm models and textures with fixed XML1 versions of Magik's actual ones.
I've updated Lady Sif's skin to v3.0.
:thing:Ben Grimm Spacesuit Skin v2.0 :thing:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aeVjSgyVtXV9FXERiXUM_rhf0NH9CYqr/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of human Ben Grimm in his spacesuit costume from Fantastic Four Volume 1 #1.
*For the body, I modified the AIM Trooper's body and texture. For the head, I fixed and modified the unused XML1 Prototype's Olympian Civilian 2's head and texture. For the collar, I modified the one from BaconWizard17's Cannonball X-Treme X-Men skin and made a new texture. For the belt, I modified the one from BaconWizard17's Wolverine Age of Apocalypse skin and its texture.
*I've matched his hair color as much as possible to Fantastic Four Volume 1 #1.
*You don't really see the boots in the comic, so I made them white to match the gloves.
*I've made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The files are hex edited for The Thing in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Cannonball X-Treme X-Men model, Wolverine Age of Apocalypse model and textures
-Fixed minor issue with skins and 3D head.
I've updated Corsair, Electro, and Songbird. Check changelogs for details.
:thing:Ben Grimm Age of Apocalypse Skin v1.0 :thing:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13RcQyd8DaKvCiCkVnkItnFWN2UhmsdTV/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of human Ben Grimm's Age of Apocalypse costume. I've made a few changes to the design due to difficulty.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions, MUA1 and XML2-style huds, a 3D head, and a character select portrait.
*He's hex edited for The Thing for both XML2 and MUA1.
*I modified the textures and parts of the following skins by BaconWizard17:
-Cannonball: Age of Apocalypse (belt, legbands, holster), New Mutants (boots), X-Force (torso, arms, legs)
-Cyclops: 90s (visor)
-Gambit: Thieves Guild (left kneepad)
-Iceman: 90s (hair)
*I also used the same modified head from the unused XML1 Prototype Olympian Civilian skin that I did for my Ben Grimm Spacesuit skin.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: textures and models: for Cannonball AOA, New Mutants, X-Force; Cyclops 90s; Gambit Thieves Guild; Iceman 90s
:capbrit:Captain Britain Unused MUA1 Ultimate Skin v2.0 :capbrit:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z-vz1a97oQDZq7CMZUEsCfgDLbg3Onl-/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Captain Britain's cut MUA1 Ultimate skin.
*I started with Genis-Vell's body model (thanks to Jayglass for the idea) and Hawkeye Ultimate's head model (using UltimateMegaMagnus's source file and texture) and extensively modified them (with help from BaconWizard17) to get the official texture (which artist Jason Harlow posted on his website along with a screenshot of the finished model) to fit as well as possible on the model.
-I also reshaped Hawkeye Ultimate's head to look as close as possible to Captain Britain's headshape in the screenshot.
-Due to massive unfixable issues, I removed all the stripes from his feet except the ones on top of them and repainted the entire foot.
-I added in the back of the neck, which was missing from the official texture.
-I remade and repainted the gloves by using Genis-Vell's Wii texture as a starting point.
-I made various other modifications to the official texture to get it to fit the model, to fix issues with it, and to make it look better.
-I've made the textures DXT1 because making them PNG8 badly ruined the texture.
*I've done 2 sets of huds and character select portraits:
-One I made by taking a screenshot of the model and using part of a textless cover of Marvel Tales: Captain Britain Vol 1 1 by In-Hyuk Lee for the XML2 versions.
-The other I made using a cutout of the only official MUA1 art of Captain Britain we have, which is his appearance in one of the MUA1 epilogues.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting, removing the star from Genis-Vel's chest, teaching me how to to UVW editing, walking me through how to get the hips and waist parts of the texture working correctly on the model, feedback
*Jayglass: idea to use Genis-Vell model
*Tubular-Spaceman: Thor Classic mod source file, testing, feedback
*UltraMegaMagnus: Captain Marvel Genis-Vel and Hawkeye Ultimate Wii model source files, Genis-Vell Wii texture
*Jason Harlow: original texture
*In-Hyuk Lee: XML2 hud and character select portrait background
-Fixed an issue with the neck seam on the skin and 3D head.
This :capbrit: Captain Britain skin looks epic! Thanks, mate!
I've updated Hulk Unused MUA1 Original Gray Alternate skin to v2.0.
Check changelog for details.
:hulk_icon:Hulk Unused MUA1 Classic Green Alternate v2.0 :hulk_icon:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ra8_1Q9h7ybKVPCULLUl85jZmVm21YYl/view?usp=sharing
**In the early screenshots of Hulk in MUA1, the skin textures of his Classic Green skin are much brighter in color, but when the Hulk DLC was released, the textures were significantly desaturated. I've recolored his skin textures (provided by MrKablamm0fish) to match this as closely as possible and put them on the his Classic Green skin (made by UltraMegaMagnus) which I fixed the Cel Shading for.
*I recolored the OCP version of his Classic Green hud to match. I also included the huds and character select portraits I made based on my restored versions of his unused Classic Green loading screen and his MUA1 Gold cover art since they also still depict him as being bright green.
Credits:*tubularspaceman: getting maps applied to MUA1 version of skin, mannequin
*UltraMegaMagnus: original skin
*MrKablamm0fish: original skin texture
*Official Characters Pack: original MUA1 DLC hud image
*ak2ny: getting maps applied to MUA1 version of skin
-Maps are now applied to MUA1 version of skin (thanks to tubularspaceman and ak2ny for this).
-Added mannequin by tubularspaceman
:silvers:Silver Surfer Norrin Radd Skin v2.0 :silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1izgoh8zKYp51MpzG5qbn0nztHf-s8AcY/view?usp=sharing
*This is my version of Silver Surfer's Norrin Radd costume.
-I used iammingy's Norrin Radd as a starting point. I fixed issues with the texture, modified it to make it more similar to how his costume looks in the comics, and altered the face to make it look as much like Silver Surfer's face as possible. I also fixed issues with the model (which is the Zealot Minion model), added a waist sash and gave him a new skeleton.
*I also made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions, a 3D head, XML2 and MUA1 style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: eye from Angel Classic Blue skin texture which I modified, waist sash from Jean Grey Phoenix skin which I modified, skeleton template, screenshot template
*iammingy: original texture
-Fixed issues with skin.
Is it okay if I make some of your artwork as mods with your permission?
Yes, if you credit me properly for everything you've used.
:spiderman:Peter Parker 90s Animated Series Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VV_2JWnhUUlk44iQbk525rTALnmYzWZm/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Peter Parker from the 90s animated series in his famous striped shirt.
*I gave him a unique face, made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions, a 3D head, a character select portrait, and MUA1 and XML2 style huds.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Fixing a lot of issues with the head, feedback, I modified his Professor X Ultimate XML2 body and texture as well as the hair from his Cyclops 90s skin, screenshot template, skeleton template
*tubularspaceman: Feedback
*UltraMegaMagnus: I used the ears and their textures from his Ultimate Hawkeye Wii source file
Updated Lady Sif Unused MUA1 Prototype skin to v3.1.
Check changelog for details.
:humant:Human Torch Unused MUA1 Flame On Hud v1.0 :humant:
**By default, the Human Torch has an unused unfinished MUA1 Flame On hud. The flames around him around aren't really done, it has no blue glow, and there are various other issues with it. I've fixed all of them.
:humant:Human Torch Marvel Nemesis Dark Skin v1.1 :humant:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yg-NZZFP3lT32W9YOQMne_R3ucacYbvK/view?usp=sharing
**This skin is inspired by Human Torch's Dark Marvel Nemesis skin. I say "inspired by" because the Nemesis version is fairly generic and lacks a Fantastic Four logo on it. But I really liked the idea of an evil Flame On green version of Human Torch, which is what his Dark Nemesis skin is. So that's what I've made.
*For the XML2 version of the skin, since the default the PS2 version of his Flame On skin has a texture that is much lower quality than most of the rest of the PS2 skins for XML2 and MUA1 are, and since the PC version of that skin is exactly the same texture but at the proper resolution of 256x256, I used that version, fixed an issue with it, and recolored it to be green. I used the PS2 skin model, fixed an issue with it, and gave it a new skeleton.
*The MUA1 version of the skin has the proper fx bones.
*I made a Cel Shaded version with a green Cel Shading outline, a non-Cel Shaded version. and 3D head.
-There are versions hex edited for use as a skin swap and a standard skin for both games.
*For the XML2 hud, I took the unused unfinished MUA1 Flame On hud and I painted in more flames so the whole background would be covered and fixed various errors with it and recolored it to green. For the MUA1 hud, I removed enough flames so that the background would be visible and added the blue glow to it.
*For the character select portrait, I used part of his MUA1 loading screen. I also made an extra hud using that same art as well.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template,
-I updated the skins to fix a few minor issues.
:pman:Luke Cage MUA1 90s Skin v1.1 :pman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jqGj2ywUMura36tSTSeA79AXZWNDlTZu/view?usp=sharing
**It's always bothered me that Luke Cage's 4th skin in MUA1 has a lot of differences from how it looks on his official MUA1 comic cover and in the comics. So I've made it as close as I could to the comics version, which also make it less similar to his 2 other non-Heroes for Hire skins in MUA1. I've also renamed it from "Modern" to "90s" since that name is much more accurate and he's had a lot more modern costumes than this one.
*I also fixed many issues with the original texture and model.
*I've given him a new and better skeleton.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions, MUA1 and XML2 style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, feedback
-Fixed some issues with the skin.
:pman:Luke Cage MUA1 New Avengers Skin v1.2 :pman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IIRuANfEA2eB3OPHEBmSxm1EfMqze5QK/view?usp=sharing
**By default, Luke Cage's MUA1 New Avengers skin is very different from how it appears in the comics. So I've made it as close as I could to the comics version.
*I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including giving him the same skintone, eye color, head shape, and ears shape as my Luke Cage MUA1 90s Alternate skin.
*I've given him a new and better skeleton.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions, MUA1 and XML2 style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, troubleshooting
-Fixed issue with texture on sunglasses.
-Fixed some issues with the skin.
:pman:Luke Cage MUA2 Skin v1.1 :pman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LX2JZzI3OZUgCBl4JP9CCWtPWwAWtu4a/view?usp=sharing
**I've recreated Luke Cage's MUA2 as closely as possible, although I've changed the belt buckle design due to difficulty.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions, MUA1 and XML2 style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template
-Fixed some issues with the skin.
Forge XML Ultimate Skin v1.1
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dm0jWT8TeiFyY5hZAe77jb2riRxRQiTw/view?usp=sharing
**By default, Forge's XML default skin (which is used both XML games except the texture is higher quality in XML2) is pretty rough and there are lot of issues with both the texture and the model. I've fixed all of them, including restoring his cut robot right hand, and also added ties to back of his bandana. I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*I also included a version of his XML1 and 2 conversation hud that hemlot AI Upscaled and denoised.
*I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
*There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and rigged Forge's body to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI upscaled and denoised XML1 and 2 conversation hud
-Fixed some issues.
Forge XML Ultimate Alternate Skin v3.1
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DHxO7b5z9wipufYxKHv7Nrcem45CPtar/view?usp=sharing
***Forge's skin is the same design in both XML games. So I've given him the kind of redesign many of the returning X-Men's Ultimate costumes got in XML2. I recolored the gloves, elbowpads, kneepads, and boots to be yellow.
**The rest is the same as my Forge XML Ultimate skin:
*By default, Forge's XML default skin (which is used both XML games except the texture is higher quality in XML2) is pretty rough and there are lot of issues with both the texture and the model. I've fixed all of them, including restoring his cut robot right hand, and also added ties to back of his bandana. I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
-I also included a version of his XML1 and 2 conversation hud that hemlot AI Upscaled and denoised.
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and rigged Forge's body to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI upscaled and denoised XML1 and 2 conversation hud
-Fixed some issues.
:silvers:Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original Skin v1.0:silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_y2ywYmX07nFzF9mrYkDS6rqjqhGqgaX/view?usp=sharing
***The Silver Surfer's PS2 skin is in higher quality in the MUA1 Prototype and also has a reflective environment map on it. It's also a different design from the MUA1 PC version. I've made my own version of this by fixing all issues with the model and skin texture.
**The Silver Surfer's MUA1 official hud depicts this skin, not the PC version. I've made a version of it that fixes an issue. I also made a XML2 hud, character select portrait, and 3D head.
*His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is also higher quality than the PS2 version and has the same reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.
Credits:*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
:silvers:Silver Surfer Classic Skin v1.0:silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tqko60L2cKu7ZAnaCw_WC2slntmkUIRv/view?usp=sharing
***I've reskinned my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin to be more silver and less blue, including using silver environment maps.
*I also recolored my fixed version of his MUA1 official hud and made MUA1 and XML2 versions of it. I also made a character select portrait and 3D head.
*I also reskinned my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original surfboard.
Credits:*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
:silvers:Silver Surfer Captain Universe Skin v1.0:silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X8fnuE-HWVC-tiYEco7kw87aTbnaERHC/view?usp=sharing
***I've reskinned my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin to be his Captain Universe costume.
*I also recolored my fixed version of his MUA1 official hud and made MUA1 and XML2 versions of it. I also made a character select portrait and 3D head.
*I've included my same version of his surfboard from my MUA1 Prototype Original skin as well. His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is higher quality than the PS2 version and has reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.
Credits:*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
:silvers:Silver Surfer Infinity Watch Skin v1.0:silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MO-THDtqfqRQ831OuOEbtSp8vpKFvwB-/view?usp=sharing
***I've reskinned my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin to be his Infinity Watch costume, including making bronze environment maps.
*I also recolored my fixed version of his MUA1 official hud and made MUA1 and XML2 versions of it. I also made a character select portrait and 3D head.
*I also reskinned my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original surfboard.
Credits:*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
:wolverine:Wolverine Evil Skin v2.0 :wolverine:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O_OmExp8ph8Al_NR3e4rXAU9PrDu4prX/view?usp=sharing
**This skin is based upon the evil version of Wolverine from the SNES game Marvel Super Heroes War of the Gems.
*With Maegawa's permission, I extracted his MUA1 PS2 Wolverine Evil skin texture, altered the face to fit BaconWizard17's Wolverine Classic model, put in on that model and 3D head, made a XML2 conversation hud, character select portrait, and made Maegawa's MUA1 hud work in XML2.
*I also made a villain version of the MUA1 hud with a red glow.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Classic skin model, texture and 3D head, and screenshot template
*Maegawa: Wolverine Evil texture and MUA1 hud
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:wolverine:Wolverine Evil Human Skin v2.0 :wolverine:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nJekcVK1Ox0JeCxsapSjb1EmvsGxDVmD/view?usp=sharing
**This skin is based upon the evil version of Wolverine from the SNES game Marvel Super Heroes War of the Gems.
*With Maegawa's permission, I extracted his MUA1 PS2 Wolverine Evil skin texture, replaced the face and flesh part of the arm with BaconWizard17's Wolverine Classic texture, put in on BaconWizard17's Wolverine Classic model and 3D head, and made a XML2 style conversation hud, and character select portrait.
I also made a villain version of the MUA1 hud with a red glow.
I also altered Maegawa's MUA1 hud to have human skin and white eyes.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Classic skin model, texture and 3D head, and screenshot template
*Maegawa: Wolverine Evil texture and MUA1 hud
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:wolverine:Wolverine Unused MUA1 Brown Jacket Skin v2.0 :wolverine:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NInMCvVDfMmeDMnalgeJBJDaflMgtWJt/view?usp=sharing
This is my remake of an unused MUA1 skin. There's quite a long story behind this.
In the Bonus DVD that came with some PS2 copies of MUA1, there are 3 brief clips of Wolverine wearing a brown jacket with yellow and white stripes on the sleeves. (I have included a screenshot of this.)
Wolverine has a different face and hair as well.
This skin is different from the unused MUA1 black leather jacket skin that BaconWizard17 did a version of.
This skin's texture is unused in MUA1's files, but is put on the wrong model (Wolverine's unused briefing model) and we don't have the model is was originally for.
iammingy released a version for MUA1 in 2008 that appears to be an adaptation of this. iammingy offers no explanation, but after comparing the unused MUA1 version to his, it's clear to me that he took the jacket parts of the texture, arranged them to fit on a model he appears to have made, and made new pants that look similar to the ones on the unused skin texture (because the existing pants are layed out too differently), and made various other modifications.
However, his version still not as close as it could be, is not a XML2 compatible skin, doesn't have a Cel-Shaded version or 3D head, and I wanted it to fit in with BaconWizard17's Wolverine skins and models.
I took the pants and jacket from iammingy's skin and the belt and belt buckle from BaconWizard17's Wolverine Modern Jacket, put them on BaconWizard17's Wolverine Civilian Jacket skin and rearranged them and modified them to fit.
I recolored the belt buckle to be gold like the unused MUA1 version is.
I put this all on BaconWizard17's Wolverine Civilian Jacket model and 3D head.
This all means this skin uses BaconWizard17's hair and face textures.
This is so that he'd be consistent with Wolverine's other skins and because the face and hair in the unused original texture look sort of odd.
In this way, I've remade this skin to fit in with BaconWizard17's Wolverine skins and models.
I made Cel-Shaded and Non-Cel-Shaded versions of it as well as XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and a character select portrait.
(It's kind of hard to see the stripes on the arms in the screenshot because of the camera angle, but they're much easier to see in-game and they can be seen in the included MUA1 PS2 Bonus DVD screenshot.)
Credits:*iammingy: rearranged jacket texture, pants texture
*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Citizen Jacket texture, Wolverine Modern Jacket texture, model, and 3D head model, screenshot template, telling me where the original unused texture was
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:wolverine:Wolverine Secret Invasion Skin v2.0 :wolverine:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UclO1MvyVUfuNt9ZAp9Js5dBKKOVkbKA/view?usp=sharing
**This skin is based upon some promo art Marvel did for their Secret Invasion comic event, where a Skrull was impersonating Wolverine and was wearing his classic brown costume. I used the face from the MUA1 PS2 Skrull Scientist, put it on BaconWizard's Wolverine Classic texture, touched it up a little, and recolored the arms to match the Skrull's skin color.
*I used the promo art for the XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and CSP, because it closely resembled the MUA1 Wolverine huds, even if the shade of green is different (although that's also the case with Super-Skrull's MUA1 hud and skin anyway.)
*I also made a villain version of the MUA1 hud with a red glow.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Classic skin model, texture and 3D head, and screenshot template
-I recolored the skins and 3d head to match the promo art.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:wolverine:Wolverine Unused XML1 New X-Men Skin v2.0 :wolverine:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgLWO1t_eYxfIDQQXIZscrYMpdEgFQgG/view?usp=sharing
This is my recreation of Wolverine's unused XML1 New X-Men skin, which can be seen in early screenshots for XML1, but was cut from the game before release and isn't included in either the Retail or Prototype versions of XML1.
I looked closely at all the available screenshots and renders and have recreated this skin as closely as possible. I've made it on BaconWizard17's Wolverine Civilian Jacket model and used his texture as a starting point.
The one thing I left out were the brown kneepads, for 2 reason. 1st, because they were impossible to get right, and 2nd, because I think the skin looks better without them.
I also made a character select portrait.
For the MUA1-style conversation huds, I made normal and boss versions.
For the XML2-style conversation huds, I did something special.
In the XML1 prototype, there's a set of black and white huds that were intended for when XML1 was supposed to use a more MUA1-style hud system. When a character died, their hud would be replaced with a black and white version.
When Raven switched over the the current 3D head system, the 2d hud images were repurposed for conversations huds.
In the XML1 Prototype, Wolverine's dead hud is a completely different unused design from his conversation hud that's used in the final game.
I have colorized this and have used this for this skin's XML2-style hud.
My reasoning is that since it's appears to be an eariler unused hud design, and since Wolverine's New X-Men skin is an earlier unused skin, I thought they would go very well together, especially since the hud features only Wolverine's head and not his costume.
By the way, I was unable to get the hair to be black because of how the skin can be seen through his hair and how the skin and hair colors blend together, so I had to make it brown.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
-Added dead hud as a bonus.
-Renamed skin.
Mattie Franklin Unused MUA1 Modern Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bTa2GeAgDMeFGDnrExGF7xA_NcTioQGg/view?usp=sharing
**Spider-Woman was originally supposed to have a skin of Mattie Franklin in MUA1, as you can see in MUA1's concept art gallery. But Raven removed this skin and replaced it with Spider-Girl. I have made a skin of Mattie Franklin that matches the concept art as close as possible.
*For the head, I heavily modified BaconWizard17's Jean Grey Ultimate XML1 head as well as recolored that skin's hair texture.
*I made a 3D head, Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*For the MUA1 and XML2 style huds and the character select portrait, I used the concept art itself which I AI Upscaled and denoised.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Jean Grey Ultimate XML1 head and hair texture, troubleshooting
*tubularspaceman: suggestion to use Jean's Ultimate XML1 head
Thanks! Mattie Franklin looks so cool! :spiderwoman:
Hellfire Club Guards Skin Pack v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1248_fL_tmcWPO3ENtPylan38pK0Af8fQ/view?usp=sharing
**This skin pack contains 5 variants of the XML2 Hellfire Club Guard enemy.
*BaconWizard17 made the textures and models. He also made several new variants since by default this enemy doesn't have any. I compiled the skins and 3D heads and made the huds, character select portraits, and took the screenshots.
*Here's what all the variants are:
-The default skin is the "_a" variant. This is an improved version of the default XML2 texture.
-The default skin but with yellow accents is the "_b" variant.
-The default skin but with green accents is the "_c" variant.
-The cyborg skin is the mutated variant.
-The default skin but with some more blue details and a darker red is the leader variant.
*I've hex edited these for use with the XML2 enemy and with the version in the Playable Generic MUA1 Enemies Collection.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: textures, models
:silvers:Silver Surfer The Keeper Skin v1.0 :silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SyQ7Mz3bcdwlrIzklT35UMGZ5VN_GDd0/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of the Silver Surfer's Keeper costume. He has gold eyes, his gauntlets are separate models, and he has his cape, which is a recolored and modified version of Uatu's sash, as that's relatively close to what the Keeper's cape looks like.
*I've made Cel Shaded and Non Cel Shaded versions of the skins, MUA1 and XML2 huds, a character select portrait and a 3D head.
*I've included my same version of his surfboard from my MUA1 Prototype Original skin as well. His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is higher quality than the PS2 version and has reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: fixing the model
*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
Spider-Man MUA1 Black Suit Skin v2.0
**I have fixed all issues with Spider-Man's MUA1 Black Suit texture and model, as well as added blue reflective environmental mapping to it.
*I also added Cel Shading to it, and made a new 3D head (I've made versions with and without the environmental mapping), a character select portrait, and an XML2 style hud, as well as included his MUA1 default hud.
*I've included versions without the environmental mapping. There are 3 Cel Shading choices to choose from for these: blue, black, and white.
Credits:*tubularspaceman: idea for various Cel Shading colors
-Made versions without environmental maps and with white and black Cel Shading. I also made a version of the 3D head without the environmental mapping.
-Fixed an issue with the skins
:humant:Human Torch Flame On Silver Age Skin v1.1 :humant:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1STbbwDGyvOwu3nRFCPoewMq2NaoeDk_7/view?usp=sharing
**I've made a red version of my version of Human Torch's MUA1 Flame On skin because his Flame On form was often red during the Silver Age. So I've recolored it to be as close to the color it was back then as I could.
*For the XML2 version of the skin, since the default the PS2 version of his Flame On skin has a texture that is much lower quality than most of the rest of the PS2 skins for XML2 and MUA1 are, and since the PC version of that skin is exactly the same texture but at the proper resolution of 256x256, I used that version, fixed an issue with it, and recolored it to be red. I used the PS2 skin model, fixed an issue with it, and gave it a new skeleton.
*The MUA1 version of the skin has the proper fx bones.
*I made a Cel Shaded version with a yellow Cel Shading outline because in the Silver Age, his Flame On form often had a yellow glow around it.
-I also did a non-Cel Shaded version and a 3D head.
-There are versions hex edited for use as a skin swap and a standard skin for both games.
*For the XML2 hud, I took the unused unfinished MUA1 Flame On hud and I painted in more flames so the whole background would be covered and fixed various errors with it and recolored it to red. For the MUA1 hud, I removed enough flames so that the background would be visible and added the blue glow to it.
*For the character select portrait, I used part of his MUA1 loading screen. I also made an extra hud using that same art as well.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template,
-I updated the skins to fix a few minor issues.
Forge Classic Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_OPul9NaCysrj6211RmDr4d60WCAcpf/view?usp=share_link
*This is my skin of Forge's Classic costume. This version has yellow boots.
-I combined my fixed version of his Ultimate model and texture with the gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin. I also used recolored version of the gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin; gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin; I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
-I redid everything, including making a custom model and new texture.
-I made a character select portrait, a new 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Forge Classic Alternate Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oo8COZ0undMGs0zgxsOEcKZkz46RP3Mx/view?usp=share_link
*This is my skin of Forge's Classic costume. This version has brown boots.
-I combined my fixed version of his Ultimate model and texture with the gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin. I also used recolored version of the gloves, belt, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin. I used the boot cuff textures from BaconWizard17's Sabretooth Age of Apocalypse skin.
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin; gloves, belt, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin; boot cuff textures from BaconWizard17's Sabretooth Age of Apocalypse skin; I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
-I redid everything, including making a custom model and new texture.
-I made a character select portrait, a new 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Forge Earth-59169 Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nWQga5LEbB10Zs_LYvMK3h8-VldgUFOK/view?usp=sharing
*This is a skin inspired by Forge's costume from What If Volume 1 #69, which takes place on Earth-95169. I say "inspired by" because while I liked the idea of the yellow parts on Forge's classic costume being the same color red as his bandana, I didn't like the other changes that comic made to it.
-I combined my fixed version of his Ultimate model and texture with the gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin. I also used recolored version of the gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin; gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin; I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
-I redid everything, including making a custom model and new texture.
-I made a character select portrait, a new 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Forge Modern Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11_JBGro6ZO3Qjm917ZyHn65fpWGnuCX5/view?usp=share_link
*This is my skin of Forge's Modern costume. This version has yellow boots.
-I combined my fixed version of his Ultimate model and texture with the gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin. I also used recolored version of the gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin; gloves, belt, boot cuffs, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin; I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
-I redid everything, including making a custom model and new texture.
-I made a character select portrait, a new 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Forge Modern Alternate Skin v2.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hf7asd-kMQZRJtEo98JXfKOVTUWx_MQG/view?usp=share_link
*This is my skin of Forge's Modern costume. This version has brown boots.
-I combined my fixed version of his Ultimate model and texture with the gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin. I also used recolored version of the gloves, belt, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin. I used the boot cuff textures from BaconWizard17's Sabretooth Age of Apocalypse skin.
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: gloves, belt, and boot cuff models from his Cyclops Original skin; gloves, belt, elbows, and parts of the leg textures from his Cyclops Original skin; boot cuff textures from BaconWizard17's Sabretooth Age of Apocalypse skin; I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
-I made a character select portrait, a new 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
-I made a character select portrait, 3D head, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
I updated the following skins:
Forge XML Ultimate Skin
Forge XML1 Ultimate Alternate Skin
Morph X-Treme Gear Skin
Forge New X-Men Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10liZT3f-QFoIjXTisZLNx-hYdhOkhdE0/view?usp=sharing
***Originally in XML1, all the X-Men were supposed to wear their New X-Men costumes. Raven redesigned some of these and made new ones for the characters that didn't have them in the comics. We don't know what Forge's would have looked like, but judging by his torso having an unused outline, this is my design of what I think Forge's would have looked like.
**The rest is the same as my Forge XML Ultimate skin:
*By default, Forge's XML default skin (which is used both XML games except the texture is higher quality in XML2) is pretty rough and there are lot of issues with both the texture and the model. I've fixed all of them, including restoring his cut robot right hand, and also added ties to back of his bandana. I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
-I also included a version of his XML1 and 2 conversation hud that hemlot AI Upscaled and denoised.
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and rigged Forge's body to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, Wolverine Ultimate XML2 belt buckle model, screenshot template
Forge X-Treme Gear Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UE_octqgUYHJINZ2G8-meSPKcly9J8_m/view?usp=sharing
*This is my custom X-Treme Gear skin for Forge.
-I used BaconWizard17's Cyclops X-Treme Gear model and put my version of Forge's head on it, which includes bandana ties, and many fixes to his head texture and model.
-I used BaconWizard17's Cyclops X-Treme Gear body texture and recolored the colored panels to be yellow.
-I made XML and MUA1 style huds, a character select portrait, and Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded skins.
-There are versions hex edited for his character number in both XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Cyclops X-Treme Gear model and texture, I used his Cyclops X-Treme Gear skeleton and rigged the model to it, bandana ties model is from his Iceman XML2 skin, screenshot template
:guardian:Guardian XML2 Classic Skin v1.0 :guardian:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h_KGGokH3oAL3JcWZbjIU2xVA-rr7G-E/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Guardian's XML2 Classic skin.
*The costume has had a lot of minor variants over the years in the comics, so I've picked the ones that I thought worked best and looked best.
*I've given him yellow eyes, made a white stripe on his back that's the same size as the one on his front, and made the inside parts of his legs white.
*I've also fixed a lot of other various issues with the model and texture, including the issue with the bottoms of his feet having placeholder wireframe textures.
*I've made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a yellow Cel Shaded version, since he's sometimes depicted with a yellow glow around him in the comics.
*For his XML2 conversation hud, hemlot AI Upscaled and Denoised it, then I fixed a lot of various issues with it and added the yellow eyes.
*I made a MUA1 hud using the same art from his XML1 hud.
*I also made a 3D head and character select portrait.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: foot bottom texture from his Cyclops 90s skin which I recolored, feedback, troubleshooting, skeleton template, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI Upscaling and Denoising his XML2 conversation hud.
-Added an alternate version with yellow Cel Shading.
:guardian:Guardian Antiguard Skin v1.0 :guardian:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k2WzuXtCaHkr-27LzwO8MMCVRvhp1vef/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Guardian's Antiguard skin, which was a sort of zombie version of him that was used briefly in the 1980s Alpha Flight comic series.
*I've given him light blue eyes, made a white stripe on his back that's the same size as the one on his front, and made the inside parts of his legs white.
*I've also fixed a lot of other various issues with the model and texture, including the issue with the bottoms of his feet having placeholder wireframe textures.
*For his XML2 conversation hud, hemlot AI Upscaled and Denoised it, then I fixed a lot of various issues with it, recolored it and added light blue eyes.
*I made a MUA1 hud using the same art from his XML1 hud.
*I also made a 3D head and character select portrait.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: foot bottom texture from his Cyclops 90s skin which I recolored, feedback, troubleshooting, skeleton template, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI Upscaling and Denoising his XML2 conversation hud.
:silvers:Silver Surfer Dark Surfer Skin v1.0 :silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oC86htymSoNamAab-Pw5XioFchFMxjuo/view?usp=sharing
***This is my skin of Silver Surfer as the Dark Surfer from Marvel Super Hero Squad. I've used my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original skin, recolored it, then made and added black environment maps to it, then added an Infinity Gauntlet I made to it, then made and added gold environment maps to that.
**The rest is the same as my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin:
*The Silver Surfer's PS2 skin is in higher quality in the MUA1 Prototype and also has a reflective environment map on it. It's also a different design from the MUA1 PC version. I've made my own version of this by fixing all issues with the model and skin texture.
*The Silver Surfer's MUA1 official hud depicts this skin, not the PC version. I've made a version of it that fixes an issue. I also made a XML2 hud and character select portrait and recolored them all to match the skin.
*I made a 3D head.
*His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is also higher quality than the PS2 version and has the same reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture and recolored it to black.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working, idea for skin, screenshot template
*Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
:silvers:Silver Surfer Infinity Gauntlet Skin v1.0 :silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qfFSe_RNBb8OHJNsMMbd2x_t7fxBogzM/view?usp=sharing
***This is my skin of Silver Surfer wearing the Infinity Gauntlet from What If Volume 2 #49. I've used my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original skin, added an Infinity Gauntlet I made to it, then made and added gold environment maps to that.
**The rest is the same as my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin:
*The Silver Surfer's PS2 skin is in higher quality in the MUA1 Prototype and also has a reflective environment map on it. It's also a different design from the MUA1 PC version. I've made my own version of this by fixing all issues with the model and skin texture.
*The Silver Surfer's MUA1 official hud depicts this skin, not the PC version. I've made a version of it that fixes an issue. I also made a XML2 hud, character select portrait, and 3D head.
*His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is also higher quality than the PS2 version and has the same reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working, feedback, screenshot template
*Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
I updated the following skins:
Human Torch Marvel Nemesis Dark Skin
Human Torch Flame On Silver Age Skin
:cyclops: Cyclops XML2 Ultimate Cutscene Skin v1.0 :cyclops:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nEOMR0AIu48iP14ECSCRF0WEzap3Vuf5/view?usp=sharing
**XML2's concept art gallery features a render sheet of Cyclops's cutscene model, which matches his in-game default skin. But the actual model used in XML2's opening and closing cutscenes doesn't match those. Instead, Cyclops's gloves and the straps on his boots are gray instead of yellow. Interestingly, this is very similar to an unused variant of Cyclops from early XML1 screenshots, which BaconWizard17 recreated as his Cyclops Ulimate XML1 Alternate Skin. I've made a skin to match the XML2 cutscene version.
*I combined BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 skin texture with parts from his Cyclops Ultimate XML1 Alt texture. I then put this texture on BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 skin model and 3D head model.
*I've used BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 huds (MUA1 style, MUA1 villain style, and his improved version of Cyclops's default XML2 hud) and character select portrait because there are no differences in the parts of the skin those show.
*copycat: letting me know the cutscene model is different and what it looks like.
*BaconWizard17: Cyclops Ultimate XML1 Alternate and Ultimate XML2 textures, models, 3D head model, huds, character select portrait; screenshot template
Beast X-Treme Gear Alternate Skin v3.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11FnXiaTOhd5eRBH56DjwdnTP7iWOhx4G/view?usp=share_link
**Originally, Beast's X-Treme Gear skin features him without blue fur. This is because that skin was originally made for the cut Act 4 of XML1 which would've featured Beast somehow losing his blue fur. I made this variant so that his X-Treme Gear skin could also have the blue fur. Also included is a 3D head for this skin.
*I've also made XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and a custom character select portrait.
*There are versions hex edited for XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:BaconWizard17: Beast Ultimate skin texture, model, and 3D head model; Beast X-Treme Gear texture and model, feedback, troubleshooting, screenshot template
-He now has the claws and sideburns that the other blue fur Beast skins do.
-Redid the character select portrait and huds.
-Redid the screenshot.
-Made a version for MUA1.
-I've replaced the character select portrait and both huds with new ones.
-Redid the screenshot.
I updated the following skins:
Captain Britain Unused MUA1 Ultimate, Luke Cage MUA1 90s, Luke Cage MUA1 New Avengers, Luke Cage MUA2, Senator Kelly MUA1, Hulk Unused MUA1 Classic Green Alternate Skin
Arachne MUA1 Original Skin v2.0
Preview 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gvGia6TWIzbyTGZtppTdJeFv_1owMX_G/view?usp=sharing
Preview 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yCTkLoVi-lF3qJJBdDnFBenQZbnNwMtn/view?usp=sharing
**Spider-Woman's MUA1 Arachne's skin is pretty inaccurate to Raven's own color concept art, which looks exactly like she does in the comics.
*I've modified her texture to look as close to this as possible as well as to fix various issues with it and the model.
*I've also tried to make her costume as close in color to Spider-Man's Black Suit, since the colors of it were the inspiration for it.
*I've also removed the webwings because she doesn't have them in the comics or on the concept art.
*I've also used the concept art to make new huds and a character select portrait.
*I've Cel Shaded her in blue because this costume typically has blue highlights in the comics.
*I've also done an alternate version Cel Shaded in black.
*For XML2, I've hex edited for her mod.
*For MUA1, I've included versions hex edited for Spider-Woman and also Outsider's Arachne mod.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template
-Fixed an issue with the skins.
Mikhail Hud v1.0
I made this MUA1-style Mikhail hud using a higher quality version of his XML2 loading screen I found and removed the XML2 logo and background from. It's all hex edited and ready to use with Ceamonks Mikhail mod.
:hulk_icon: Hulk MUA1 Cutscene Model Hud v1.0 :hulk_icon:
I made this hud by cutting out part of a model render sheet I found of the model used for Hulk in the MUA1 Dr Doom defeats the X-Men cutscene and in a TV ad for The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction. It's all hex edited and ready to use.
:nightcrawler: Nightcrawler MUA1 Cutscene Model Hud v1.0 :nightcrawler:
**I made this hud by cutting out part of a model render sheet I found of the model used for Nightcrawler in the MUA1 cutscene where he tries to escape Doom's Castle.
*I've done versions hex edited for both his NPC and playable versions. By default, his NPC version reuses an XML2 hud (and the OCP version uses that same XML2 art) so this gives him a unique hud.
:doom: Dr. Doom MUA1 NPC Hud Remake v1.0 :doom:
**I remade Dr Doom's MUA1 NPC hud by cutting out part of a higher quality model render sheet I found of his MUA1 cutscene model. It's all hex edited and ready to use.
:storm: Storm MUA1 Expanded Voicepack v1.0 :storm:
**By default, Storm's voicefile in MUA1 is almost completely empty and is missing almost all types of required lines. Also, her other sound file has no grunts.
*I've made a new voicepack using the best of Storm voiced lines from XML2, MUA1, MUA2 Wii, and MUA2 PC, all voiced by Dawnn Lewis.
-I used some unused types of lines as various other types of lines.
-I've had some of her No Work lines double as No Power lines because they fit and No Work lines aren't used very much.
-I've also used some of her XML2, MUA1, and MUA2 Wii Menu Breaks as additional voiced lines.
*I've also used the best of her grunts from XML2 and MUA2 PC.
*I also fixed an issue with one of her power sounds.
*I've also included her XML2 and MUA2 Wii Menu Breaks as bonuses in case anyone wants to use them.
I've updated Mr Fantastic MUA1 Expanded Voicepack to v2.0
Batman Justice League Heroes Cover Hud v1.0
I made this hud by cutting out part of a high quality version of Batman's art from the cover of Justice League Heroes from artist Albert Co's portfolio.
It's all hex edited and ready to go, and I've also included the original art file.
Superman Justice League Heroes Cover Hud v1.0
I made this hud by cutting out part of a high quality version of Superman's art from the cover of Justice League Heroes from artist Albert Co's portfolio.
It's all hex edited and ready to go, and I've also included the original art file.
:ghostr: Ghost Rider MUA1 Hud Remakes v1.0 :ghostr:
**I found an unused MUA1 loading screen for Ghost Rider. This loading screen's art was the original source of the art that was later modified and used for Ghost Rider's MUA1 Classic and Original huds. I've used this loading screen and modified and repainted it as necessary to create higher quality remakes of those 2 huds.
*Also, Ghost Rider's Classic hud shows him with an orange skull. While this is the case in the MUA1 Prototype, that skin was changed to have a white skull in the final retail version, but the hud wasn't changed. So I've made an alternate version that is more accurate to how the final retail skin looks.
I've updated Mr Fantastic MUA1 Expanded Voicepack to v3.0
MUA2 DS Hud Recreations v1.0
The DS version of MUA2 features MUA1-style huds using new art. I recreated some of the huds from the DS version of MUA2 by using cutting out higher quality versions of the MUA2 DS hud art I found on artist Andrew Olsen's portfolio.
I updated the following skins:
Corsair MUA1 Classic
Corsair's Cutlass Bolton
Corsair's Revolver Bolton
Lady Sif Unused MUA1 Prototype Skin
Magik XML1 Civilian Skin
:spiderman:Spider-Man MUA1 Classic Small Eyes v1.0:spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eX1Gow19wvNPok5mC-_tDY03c4kHWfWD/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Man's MUA1 Classic Small Eyes skin, which has small eyes like the default version in MUA1.
*I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I started with BLaw's Spider-Man Classic texture, which I modified to fix issues, make some changes, and recolored it to be brighter.
*I replaced the eyes with the eyes from Spider-Man's MUA1 PS2 Classic skin and modified them to fix issues.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I also gave him a new and better working skeleton.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I've also made the following character select portraits and XML2 and MUA1 style huds using official MUA1 art of Spider-Man with small eyes: MUA1 loading screen, MUA1 Cover (from a higher quality full version of the art I found), MUA1 Cutscene Model (from a model render sheet I found)
-His default MUA1 hud, and the OCP fixed version, are actually of his unused Big Eyes skin and isn't included here.
Credits:*BLaw: original Spider-Man Classic skin texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
:spiderman: Spider-Man MUA1 Dark Skin v2.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1crvG5xCp3QPAFgtTbAXO4TjRNhTEvUdH/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Man's MUA1 Dark skin. I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I completely remade this skin's texture by starting with BLaw's Spider-Man Raimi skin texture (which incorrectly has the same back spider as the MUA1 Classic skin which is a good thing in this case), which I modified to fix issues and make some changes, then I recolored it to match the default MUA1 Dark texture as closely as possible. I then replaced the eye textures with versions of the default MUA1 Dark eye textures which I modified to fix some issues.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and 2 kinds of XML2 and MUA1 style huds: ones using his MUA1 official hud art and ones using custom screenshots of the skin.
Credits:*BLaw: original Spider-Man Raimi skin texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
-Added XML2-style version of MUA1 hud.
:spiderman: Spider-Man Classic McFarlane Eyes v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17vlXXLBxD_Y0OzSBnNaOgxQfHGxc_P56/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Man's Classic costume using 90s McFarlane-style eyes. I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I started with BLaw's Spider-Man Classic texture, which I modified to fix issues, make some changes, and recolored it to be brighter. Then I replaced the eyes with the ones from Spider-Girl's MUA1 eyes, which I modified to fix some issues and make some changes.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Credits:*BLaw: original Spider-Man Classic skin texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
:spiderman: Spider-Man Unlimited Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pWtSfBkwCuJLpeoGsMBsOrEFt8jmaPwy/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Spider-Man Unlimited's costume from the cartoon of the same name. I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I used iammingy's texture which I modified to fix issues and make some changes. I used the cape from ak2ny's Spider-Man Unlimited skin (which is itself from a mod for Insomniac's Spider-Man 1 game by an unknown creator) and modified it to be transparent and I also modified and recolored its texture.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I've made versions with and without the cape as well as Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of both of those.
Credits:*ak2ny: cape model and original texture
*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting
*iammingy: original texture
:spiderman: Spider-Man 2099 Original Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VQussBfaMc7Vg8PRDk4NdctgsXioG6It/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Spider-Man 2099's original costume. I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues . I used iammingy's 2099 texture which I modified to fix issues and make some changes. I modified the arm talons from ProfEscanor's 2099 skin and gave them a new texture. I used the cape from ak2ny's Spider-Man Unlimited skin (which is itself from a mod for Insomniac's Spider-Man 1 game by an unknown creator) and modified it to be transparent and I also modified and recolored its texture.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I've made versions with and without the cape as well as Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of both of those.
Credits:*ak2ny: cape model and original texture
*iammingy: original texture
*ProfEscanor: original arm talon models
:spiderman: Spider-Man Original Skins v1.0 :spiderman:
**These are my versions of Spider-Man's original costume.
*I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I used a texture BLaw made which I modified to fix some issues and make some changes.
*There were 3 variants from the comics which I've made: a red and black version with a blue back spider (only used in Amazing Fantasy 15), a red and black version with a red back spider, and a red and blue version with a red back spider.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Credits:*BLaw: original texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
I updated the following skins:
Spider-Man MUA1 Black Suit
Spider-Man Black Suit Randy Schueller
Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic Medium Eyes
Spider-Man Unused MUA1 Classic Big Eyes
I've removed the following skins since they are now redundant:
All previous Spider-Man Ditko Original skins and Romita Sr skin
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Classic Unique Huds v1.0 :spiderwoman:
**By default, Spider-Woman's Classic hud is just a repainted version of Selene's XML2 hud.
*I've made 2 unique huds to replace it. One I made by cutting out part of her loading screen. The other I made by cutting out and AI Upscaling the color concept art of her from MUA1's concept art gallery.
*Both are hex edited. The loading screen hud is HD sized. The concept art hud is SD sized.
Credits:*Lego Ken: noticing Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic hud was just a repainted version of Selene's XML2 hud
Living Monolith Hud v1.0
**I made this MUA1-style Living Monolith hud using a higher quality version of his XML2 loading screen I found and removed the XML2 logo and background from. It's all hex edited and ready to use with Ceamonks Living Monolith mod.
Arachne Omega Flight Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EELkV9pGu8MunSSpZR6M5HsdcRBgBSsX/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Arachne's Omega Flight skin.
*I used the hair, torso spider and leg stripe textures from BLaw's version of this skin, recolored them, and made various fixes and improvements to them, and made the everything else myself by modifying my Arachne Original skin's texture and model.
*I made XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait.
:sauron: Sauron XML2 Skin v1.0 :sauron:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QkaIOdZRu3T4cIWlUch5d9naU9phsYeP/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Sauron's XML2 skin, which I believe is an original design of Raven's that combines aspects of various different designs from the comics.
*I've made various fixes to the texture and model.
*The skin and 3D head now use the same texture instead of slightly different versions.
*I redid the Cel Shading and made a non-Cel Shaded version.
*I AI Upscaled his XML2 hud and painted in various fixes to it. I then cut out the art and made a MUA1 style hud using it.
*I made a character select portrait using a higher quality version of his XML2 loading screen I found, removed the XML2 logo from, and AI Upscaled.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.
:sauron: Sauron Unused XML2 Alternate Skin v1.0 :sauron:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OkH9zyzaRLPYXr7BW3hEr_NQkq48wWfu/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Sauron's unused alternate XML2 skin which is feature on his loading screen, which I believe is an original design of Raven's that combines aspects of various different designs from the comics.
*I've made various fixes to the texture and model and changed them to be accurate to his loading screen.
*I made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded version.
*I made XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait using a higher quality version of his XML2 loading screen I found, removed the XML2 logo from, and AI Upscaled.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.
I've updated the following skins:
Arachne MUA1 Original Skin
Guardian XML2 Classic Skin
:silvers: Silver Surfer Mutant X Skin v1.0 :silvers:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b-OfCFsIgZMyvXO-SthmPZ5GVJUCw2To/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of the Silver Surfer's Mutant X costume. I used the comic art of his badge and modified it to make the badge's texture. I used BaconWizard17's Magneto Classic cape model and recolored the texture.
*I've made Cel Shaded and Non Cel Shaded versions of the skins, MUA1 and XML2 huds, a character select portrait and a 3D head.
*I've included my same version of his surfboard from my MUA1 Prototype Original skin as well. His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is higher quality than the PS2 version and has reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: ideas, Magneto Classic cape model and texture
*BaconWizard17 and Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working
I updated Silver Surfer Norrin Radd skin.
Restored Alternate Opening v5.0
**This mod restored a cut alternate opening for MUA1. Instead of the camera panning over to where the 4 heroes are while Nick Fury talks, the camera is already on them. Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor and Wolverine each have unique voiced dialogue and Nick Fury's dialogue is an extended version of his default opening dialogue. I have restored this.
*Because I wasn't able to get a unique conversation to require 4 characters to trigger, instead I've made 4 different versions, each of which trigger with 1 of the 4.
*If that character isn't there, instead it will play a new version of this conversation I made that only plays Nick Fury's extended dialogue. I edited out the word "Gentlemen" from 1 audio file used for this version.
*I've also made versions that always trigger the generic version and removes the opening conversation completely.
*If anyone knows how to get a unique conversation to require 4 characters to trigger, please let me know.
*If you want to include this in any mods, please credit me and let me know you're doing so.
*Ceamonks890 has given me an optional compatibility patch he made that makes this mod compatible with Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod.
Credits:*Ceamonks890: suggestion for removing "Gentlemen" part of audio from version that plays if that character isn't there, how to fix issue with 2 generic enemies being stuck, Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod compatibility patch
*tubularspaceman: telling me about this, assistance and ideas
-Ceamonks890 has given me an optional compatibility patch he made that makes this mod compatible with Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod. Thanks to him for doing this.
-Fixed issue with 2 generic enemies being stuck (thanks to Ceamonks for the help)
-The version that removes the opening conversation now properly triggers the objective.
-Fixed whatever weird issue was happening with the audio file.
-For the generic version, I've removed the word "Gentlemen" from the audio and subtitles, since if the player is picking a different team of 4, they might not be all men.
-Created a version that always triggers the generic version and a version that removes the opening conversation completely.
While I have your attention from the mod I just released, Restored Alternate Opening, I want to post an announcement:
Going forward, until further notice, I will be posting about my mods exclusively here on the forums.
Keep an eye on this thread and my other threads for both MUA1 and XML2 for what mods have been updated and released.
Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my work and I hope you continue to.
I will be continuing to make and release mods in the future.
(If you have a bug report for me concerning one of my mods, you can post about it in this thread, the mod's own thread, or send me a PM)
I fixed an issue with Restored Alternate Opening. If you downloaded it in the past 20 minutes, redownload it.
Two Ultron robots remain permanently in idle stance around the first bridge and unable to be killed, with this mod applied. Unsure if its to do with a roster hack or conversation limit being reached, but they no longer spawn in ready to fight currently.
Oh, I've seen that problem happen off and on for years, long before I made this mod. I always thought it was a common bug in MUA1, and I figured other people knew about it.
I would guess it's something to do with one of the roster hacks or something else. Besides, nothing I did modified the enemies.
I've updated Restored Alternate Opening to v2.0:
-For the generic version, I've removed the word "Gentlemen" from the audio and subtitles, since if the player is picking a different team of 4, they might not be all men.
-Created a version that always triggers the generic version and a version that removes the opening conversation completely.
Thanks. Unfortunately, the level music for Heli1 now no longer works and there's some nasty audio static playing in the background whenever the conversation voice audio plays on Heli1 or level music attempts to be played.
There, not sure why that happened, but I fixed whatever was going on.
Yep, its all fixed now. Thanks again.
I made a small update to add a listing for the new conversation file I made for the generic version of the conversation to the OCP version of the heli1.engb map file, so if anyone downloaded this in the last half hour, download it again.
Updated Restored Alternate Opening to v4.0.
Check changelog for details.
MUA2 and XML1 Trivia v2.1
***This is a modified version of MUA2 Wii/PS2/PSP's trivia. It is compatible with both XML2 and MUA1.
**I have done a few things to fix and change this:
*Fixed some weird phrasing, typos, punctuation, and such.
*Rewrote one question to call the yellow symbiote Scream instead of Venom
*I replaced 5 questions about Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy's son because everyone hates that, myself included, and one refers to them as if they were married which wasn't the case, and 1 contradicts a question about Harry. 1 mentioned Liz Allan so I wrote a new question about her. 1 was about the mother of Norman and Gwen's son, so I changed it to be about Harry's mother instead. 1 of them I replaced with a question about Bruce Banner's parents. 1 of them I replaced with a question about Spider-Man's wrestling name. 1 of them I replaced with a question about the U-Foes.
*There's a question about Thor's mother and the answer is Gaea and Freyja is wrong. Because that's confusing, since who his mother is has changed in the comics, I rewrote the question to say "Which Goddess has sometimes been said to be Thor's mother?" changed the answer to Freya, which is the most recognizable answer, and replaced Gaea with a wrong answer, Hela.
*Because Ben Grimm's hair is sometimes brown and sometimes red, and brown is the right answer and red is a wrong answer, I replaced that question with one about when Hulk left the Avengers.
*Act 5's questions are just all the Act 1-4 questions so I've added 1 new question about the Rivals, 1 about Hulk's real name, added all XML1 trivia questions that weren't in XML2's trivia file (although XML1 has 5 choice per question so I've had to remove 1 choice for each. I've also rewritten some questions and answers to fix weird phrasing, typos, punctuation, and such.), and added some from MUA2 Next Gen that weren't in MUA2 Last Gen's trivia.
Credits:*tubularspaceman: replacement question ideas
-Fixed some formatting issues and more punctuation issues.
-Changed wrong answer on the founding member of the Avengers from Spider-Man to Captain America to make it harder.
-Since I realized there was a different question about Hulk's real name in Act 1's questions, and I liked the new one better, I replaced it with one about the Leader's real name and kept the original question's wrong answers.
-Replaced 3 more questions about Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy's son with one about Bruce Banner's parents, one about Spider-Man's wrestling name, and one about the U-Foes.
-Act 5's questions are just all the Act 1-4 questions so I've replaced them. I added 1 new question about the Rivals, added all XML1 trivia questions that weren't in XML2's trivia file, and added some from MUA2 Next Gen that weren't in MUA2 Last Gen's trivia.
-Renamed the mod.
I updated the following skins:
Ben Grimm Spacesuit skin
Luke Cage MUA1 New Avengers skin
:doom: Doctor Doom MUA1 Secret Wars Skin v2.0 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BIFYG5iNYX_5CBaVJ-epjA63bkJR0gNb/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC Secret Wars skin.
*I've basically made a PS2 version of this skin, which it never had. I replaced the hands on the model with the hands and wristbands from Doctor Doom's MUA1 Classic PS2 skin. I replaced the metal parts of the texture with those from his MUA1 Classic PS2 skin as well as using the thumb texture from the Doombot PS2 skin texture. I replaced the eyes with modified versions of the eyes' outlines from the Doombot PS2 skin texture and the human eye parts with those from the texture of Doctor Doom's unused MUA1 PC 3D head. I recolored his legband so it's now metal like it is in the comics. I recolored the belt and belt buckle's textures to be the same color green as the rest of the green parts of the texture. I also fixed various parts of the original textures.
*Bizarrely, this skin's official MUA1 DLC hud design is different from the design the official version of the skin uses but it's also closer to the face that PS2 Classic Doom uses. Because of that, and because it's also different from changes I've made, I've repainted parts of the hud to be as accurate as possible. I've also removed the red outline from it. I then used it to make XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
*tubularspaceman: testing
*UltraMegaMagnus: original source file of the skin (which I modified)
-Fixed an issue with the hand textures and an issue with the skeleton.
:spiderman: Spider-Man Ben Reilly Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CBy60t00yZsFc2Kpqr5QxsmsqQtNKuVW/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Ben Reilly's Spider-Man costume. I used a version of Spider-Man's Classic MUA1 PS2 model which I modified to fix issues. I started off with BLaw's Ben Reilly texture, made various fixes to the texture, repainted the spider on his torso to be black instead of blue and to fix issues with it, replaced the eyes with the ones from Spider-Girl's MUA1 skin texture which I modified to fix some issues and make some changes, replaced the hand textures with versions of Spider-Girl's MUA1 hand textures which I modified, and added Spider-Girl's MUA1 web shooter models and textures.
*I made versions with and without web wings, which are versions of BLaw's web wing models and their textures that I modified to fix some issues. I made Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of each.
*I've made a 3D head, a character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
Credits:*BLaw: original Ben Reilly texture, original web wing models, original web wing texture
*tubularspaceman: feedback
:magneto: Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Skin v2.0 :magneto:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O430aXcW5jb4vErWumw9JZvlEgZhqySp/view?usp=sharing
**I recolored BaconWizard17's Magneto Ultimate XML1 skin and 3D head to look like Magneto's MUA2 default skin, as his default skin in that game is just his XML1 Ultimate skin but different colors. (The red parts of his costume are as close to dark purple and the rest of it is now much darker shades of black and grey. I got the colors as close to MUA2's as I could.)
*I also made a custom XML2-style and MUA1-style conversation huds and a custom character select portrait using Magento's MUA2 concept art, which I AI Upscaled and denoised.
*I've included versions hex edited for XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Magneto Ultimate XML1 skin model, skin texture and 3D head model, screenshot template
-Added MUA1-style huds.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
-Added version for MUA1.
-Renamed skin.
:magneto: Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Helmetless Skin v2.0 :magneto:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zDRvK4FHhC8_y_PBuqKjL-IIRKBFL55v/view?usp=sharing
**I recolored BaconWizard17's Magneto Ultimate XML1 skin and 3D head to look like Magneto's MUA2 Ultimate skin. This is the helmetless version.
*I made a character select portrait and 3 huds: a XML2-style one, a MUA1-style one, and a MUA1-boss style one.
*I've included versions hex edited for XML2 and MUA1.
Credits:BaconWizard17: Magneto Ultimate XML1 Helmetless skin model, skin texture and 3D head model, XML2-style hud background, screenshot template
-Redid character select portrait and did 3 new huds: a XML2-style one, a MUA1-style one, and a MUA1-boss style one.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
-Renamed the skin.
-Included MUA1 version.
:doom: Doctor Doom MUA1 Ultimate Skin v1.0 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fnt4f__banmLDWHLzBpkbMJXp8WAvZCb/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC Ultimate skin.
*I've basically made a PS2 version of this skin, which it never had. I replaced the hands on the model with the hands and wristbands from Doctor Doom's MUA1 Classic PS2 skin. I replaced the metal parts of the texture with those from his MUA1 Classic PS2 skin as well as using the thumb texture from the Doombot PS2 skin texture. I then recolored them to match the color of the metal parts of Doctor Doom Ultimate's texture as closely as possible.
*I also made various fixes to the model and texture.
*I did the following recoloring to match how the comics:
-Recolored the irises of his eyes from green to red to match the comics.
-Recolored belt to all be the same color and recolored belt buckle to be silver
*I've added textures to the following parts that were missing them: neck, sides parts of face, mouth (mouth used modified texture made by BaconWizard17)
*I made a 3D head.
*I've also removed the red outline from his official MUA1 DLC hud. I then used it to make XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait.
*UltraMegaMagnus kindly weighted/rigged the skeleton for me.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: mouth texture
*UltraMegaMagnus: weighting/rigging skeleton, original source file of the skin (which I modified)
:doom: Kristoff Vernard MUA1 Acts of Vengeance Skin v2.0 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kOBvgy4BLA5jnHbowlVHg_ej6e-RrUtH/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC Kristoff skin. I've renamed it according to what the MUA1 DLC design is based off of, which is the cover of The Mighty Thor Volume 1 #410, which is part of the Acts of Vengeance story arc (this design isn't actually used inside that issue itself or any other issue I could find. It's only used on that comic cover.)
*I've basically made a PS2 version of this skin, which it never had. I've used the chainmail arm textures from the official texture and done everything else myself.
*I've redesigned the skin to be more accurate to the comic cover it's based on.
*I made a 3D head.
*I've also removed the red outline from his official MUA1 DLC hud. I then used it to make XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
-Fixed issues with skirt. There's still some clipping, but it's a lot better than the default version.
:doom: Doombot MUA1 Skin v2.0 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A3_cG_VfhEOblDEkEzoQyd9Z2RdfiQEe/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of the MUA1 Doombot skin.
*I fixed issues with the model, including issues with the arms clipping through his elbows and his belt clipping through his belt buckle.
*I AI Upscaled and Denoised his MUA1 hud and also made an XML2 version of it.
*I made many fixes to the texture, including the following:
-I replaced the metal parts of the texture with fixed versions of the metal textures from Doctor Doom's PS2 Classic skin, except for the thumb, head, and eyes.
-I recolored the texture for the inside of the skirt.
-I added textures for the top and bottom of the belt, which were missing.
-I made various other smaller fixes.
*I made a 3D head and character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
-Fixed issues with skirt. There's still some clipping, but it's a lot better than the default version.
I've updated Doctor Doom MUA1 Secret Wars Skin to v2.0.
Check changelog in post for details.
:beast: Beast X-Factor Alternate Skin v2.0 :beast:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CSEY4FCSZhQiexeIQ3B8ZZd9oDxMtuVt/view?usp=sharing
**I recolored BaconWizard17's Beast X-Factor skin to look like Beast's later yellow and brown X-Factor costume. I also added the head and neck stripes that the costume has. I recolored a hud BaconWizard made as well, and I made a character select portrait.
*I also made a character select portrait and 2 conversation huds: 1 MUA1-style one and 1 that's a recolor of a conversation hud BaconWizard17 made for the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch
Credits:BaconWizard17: Beast X-Factor skin model, 3D head model and conversation hud, screenshot template
-Made some fixes to skins and huds, added another hud
-Added MUA1 versions of skins
Doomsman II MUA1 Original Skin v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qO2OTCxBy10LiXXcpnATRLL7Nb8n2j-W/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of the MUA1 Doomsman skin.
*I fixed issues with the model, including replacing parts of the hands that had a weird gap in them.
*I made many fixes to the texture and recolored it to be as close to how it looks in the comics as possible.
*I made a 3D head and character select portrait.
*I made an XML2 hud as well as a new MUA1-style hud because the official one was pretty low quality and in pretty bad shape.
*I gave him a new and better working skeleton and made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
:rhino: Rhino Unused MUA1 Original Skin v1.0 :rhino:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZcpnjDBXJLe0RwD7QuuHuPq53K43qg3S/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Rhino's MUA1 Original skin, which is unused in MUA1 by default but which the OCP uses. There isn't an official PS2 version of this, so I've made one so that this skin can be used in XML2. Because I made various fixes to the model and texture, I've also included a version for MUA1.
*I fixed issues with the original model and texture and made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*I made a XML2-compatible version of the OCP's higher quality version of the MUA1 hud then cutout that hud's art and made a XML2 style version of the hud.
*This is called Ultra Rhino in MUA1 PC, but this is actually his Original costume, so I've named it accordingly.
-The Marvel Masterworks version of his first comic appearance features him in a gray costume so that's why I've name it Original and not Classic.
Credits:*OCP: improved version of MUA1 hud
:doom: Doctor Doom MUA1 Classic Skin v1.1 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qTmt34Pl_DOg5ZuIw6Hng-FnnK6SqbmJ/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Doctor Doom's MUA1 Classic skin.
*I fixed issues with the model, including issues with his arms clipping through his elbows and his belt clipping through his belt buckle.
*I replaced the head of the skin with the version from my Doctor Doom Secret Wars skin.
*I gave him a new and better working skeleton and made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*I replaced the texture with a version that combines elements from the fixed and modified textures I made for my Doombot skin and for the head of my Doctor Doom Secret Wars skin. I also recolored the hood and the cape to match the color green that the rest of the texture is using. I also AI Upscaled and Denoised the cape texture.
*I made a 3D head.
*I modified the art used for the MUA1 DLC version of this skin to remove the weird red outline it has and to fix some issues with it. I then used that to make XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and a character select portrait.
*I also made XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and character select portraits using the following official art:
-A higher quality version of his MUA1 Promo Playing Card which I found.
-A remade version of his MUA1 NPC conversation hud which I made using a higher quality version of the model render sheet for his MUA1 I found.
-His MUA1 loading screen.
-A version of his unused alternate MUA1 loading screen which has had the following done to it: (I've removed the MUA1 logo from a higher quality extended version of this image and then I painted in what was missing. I also AI Upscaled and denoised it. metal venger1 then altered the parts I painted in to blend in better. I then went back and added the rightmost smoke trail on the right side his cape.)
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, troubleshooting
*UltraMegaMagnus: original source file of the skin's head (which I modified)
-Fixed a tiny issue with the cape texture.
:doom: Doctor Doom MUA1 Statue Skin v1.0 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UuJ8x8duwDDavvz1JJLEWUyKImfd1w3W/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Doctor Doom's MUA1 Statue.
*I started with the fixed Doctor Doom Classic skin I made, which I fixed issues with the model, including issues with his arms clipping through his elbows and his belt clipping through his belt buckle, which I replaced the head of the skin with the version from my Doctor Doom Secret Wars skin, and which I gave a new and better working skeleton and made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin. I then replaced the texture with the texture of the MUA1 statue of Doctor Doom. The cape texture I modified to make it work on the cape part of the skin and created the missing texture for the bottom edge of the cape.
*I made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 conversation huds.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, troubleshooting
*UltraMegaMagnus: original source file of the skin's head (which I modified)
:doom: Doctor Doom God Emperor Skin v1.1 :doom:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17FcCRox8kL0OSZ6vPivcsDC1DZg1N7c3/view?usp=sharing
**This is my skin of Doctor Doom's God Emperor costume.
*I started with the fixed Doctor Doom Classic skin I made, which I fixed issues with the model, including issues with his arms clipping through his elbows and his belt clipping through his belt buckle, which I replaced the head of the skin with the version from my Doctor Doom Secret Wars skin, and which I gave a new and better working skeleton and made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin. I then reskinned the white parts of the textures to be white.
*I made a 3D head.
*I modified the art used for the MUA1 DLC version of this skin to remove the weird red outline it has and to fix some issues with it. I then recolored the green parts to be white and used that to make XML2 and MUA1 style conversation huds and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template, troubleshooting
*UltraMegaMagnus: original source file of the skin's head (which I modified)
-Fixed a tiny issue with the cape texture.
I updated the following skins:
Doombot MUA1 Skin
Kristoff Vernard MUA1 Acts of Vengeance Skin
I updated the following mods:
MUA2 and XML1 Trivia
Spider-Man MUA1 Dark Skin
:spiderman: Spider-Man MUA1 Iron Spider Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfaxICJhUuneHaVK-CR5KdAndUKATrCF/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Man's MUA1 Iron Spider skin. Because the PS2 texture for this skin has a lot of issues, I modified the PC skin instead. I also used my fixed version of Spider-Man's Classic skin model and gave him a new and better skeleton.
-I didn't give him the back spider legs like this costume has in the comics and has in the MUA1 concept art because getting those to work with the skeleton and animations wouldn't really be possible. And besides, this costume was used without the back legs when it was first used in the comics.
*I made a 3D head and Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*Because the default MUA1 hud looks like the PS2 version of the skin, I've made new XML2 and MUA1 style huds. I also made a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, feedback
:spiderman: Spider-Man MUA1 Scarlet Spider Skin v1.0 :spiderman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k_I2n4rhao3O5zm2_nF2yy8fzLxEeXQ5/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Man's MUA1 Scarlet Spider skin.
*I gave him a new and better skeleton.
*I've fixed all issues with the model and texture, including recoloring his belt to now actually be brown and not a sort of pinkish tan color, recoloring all red and blue on his costume to now be the same consistent colors of red and blue.
-Due to technical issues with model, I've replaced his legs and the parts of his torso below his belt with my fixed versions from my Spider-Man Black Suit skin.
*MUA1's concept art gallery features Scarlet Spider's original design, but the skin in the final game uses an inaccurate version of Scarlet Spider's later "torn shirt" design. The developrs also removed a lot of parts of the costume that both versions should have. I've made the following changes to make this skin closer to the original design:
-I've added a hood using my fixed version of the MUA1 Doombot hood and recolored and modified its texture to match his shirt. I modified the collar to allow it to fit.
-I painted the strings for the hood onto the front of his shirt.
-I removed the parts of his torso that were above his belt and modified his shirt to now be tucked into his belt.
-I replaced the belt buckle texture with BaconWizard17's X-Man Civilian belt buckle model and modified Scarlet Spider's belt buckle texture to fit it.
-I replaced the webshooters with the ones from BLaw's Spider-Man MUA2 Remixed skin.
-I added the little webshooter cartridges onto his belt. Due to technical issues with the model, I had to make them smaller then the webshooter ones. Sometimes in the comics, they look different from the ones on his webshooters, and in those case, to me they look like cartridges that are supposed to go inside the tubes on his webshooters, so I felt this was okay.
-I replaced his anklebands with new bands and textures I made and added onto them pouch models and textures from BaconWizard17's Bishop Heroic Age skin.
*I've made versions of the skin that are Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded and also versions with and without the hood and hood strings.
*I've made a 3D head and character select portraits.
*Because my changes have made the official MUA1 hud not accurate to how the skins look anymore, I've made MUA1 and XML2-style huds for the hood and hoodless skins.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Bishop Heroic Age pouches and textures, X-Man Civilian belt buckle model, skeleton template,
*BLaw: webshooter models and textures from his Spider-Man MUA2 Remixed skin
*tubularspaceman: ideas, feedback
:wolverine: Wolverine Rage Claws v1.0 :wolverine:
***These claws are based loosely upon an idea that some comics in 2018 and 2019 did where Wolverine's claws heat up during his Berserker Rage.
I recolored the texture for BaconWizard17's Wolverine Metal Bone Claws Bolton to be bright red to be similar to the color of Wolverine's MUA1 Rage aura effect.
There are Cel-Shaded and Non-Cel-Shaded versions.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Wolverine Metal Bone Claws Bolton
:shocker:Shocker MUA1 Ultra Skin v3.0 :shocker:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WjL5xb-LlVAkytX6W_c84qUTjE37u4H4/view?usp=sharing
**This is Shocker's MUA1 Ultra skin. I've converted this skin's texture and model to work in XML2, since it wasn't in the PS2 version of MUA1 and therefore didn't have a XML2 compatible version. Because I made various fixes to the model and texture, I've also included a version for MUA1.
*I've included Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a 3D head, and a converted version of its MUA1 OCP conversation hud.
*Since there's no XML2 mod of Shocker, only the MUA1 versions are hex edited.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: troubleshooting, showing me how to do this
*OCP: hud
-Redid skin to fix some issues.
-Because I made various fixes to the model and texture, I've also included a version for MUA1.
-Hex-edited something I forgot to before.
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman MUA1 Classic Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g0t8hJkfa3aIN_axEjUrTnxO6nScaw2Y/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic skin.
*I fixed all issues with the texture and model, including the following:
-Her eyes are white now instead of light bluish-gray.
-Fixed issue with part of her hair texture being brown instead of black.
-The exposed part of her face is now the same as her unmasked face on her MUA1 Shield Agent skin texture. This uses my fixed version of it from my version of that skin.
-I replaced the texture of her lips with a better looking and recolored version.
*I gave her a new and better skeleton.
*I made a 3D head and Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*Her default MUA1 hud is actually just a version of Selene the Black Queen's XML2 hud with the background removed and a mask painted over here eyes. Because of this, I haven't used this hud. Instead, I've replaced it with new XML2 and MUA1 style huds I made using her MUA1 loading screen and concept art. I also made character select portraits using both sets of art.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
*Lego Ken: noticing Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic hud was just a repainted version of Selene's XML2 hud
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Classic Unmasked Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10sF8VfmA3cgqfPq4XOgHn0AMXh_gsvvH/view?usp=sharing
**This is an Unmasked version of my fixed version of Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic skin.
*I've recolored and modified the texture from my fixed version of her MUA1 Classic texture to make this by replacing her face (except for the lips) with the fixed version of her face from my Spider-Woman MUA1 SHIELD Agent skin.
*I made a 3D head, Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin, XML2 and MUA1-style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Scarlet Witch eye texture which I modified and used for the face
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Earth-X Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxAofKzP4ROgCIvwNQS0LADjyCg_iGvs/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's Earth-X costume.
*I've recolored and modified the texture from my fixed version of her MUA1 Classic texture to make this, including replaced her lips with the fixed versions from my Spider-Woman MUA1 SHIELD Agent skin.
*I gave her a new and better skeleton.
*I made a 3D head, Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin, XML2 and MUA-style conversation huds, and a character select portrait.
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Secret Invasion Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kW8Vvu0v1v_qkUydpLBfl9VHOptYI-Zy/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's Secret Invasion costume.
*I've recolored and modified the texture from my fixed version of her MUA1 Classic texture to make this by replacing the exposed part of her face. I
didn't use the Skrull Empress's skin texture because the MUA1 version is just looks like a green version of a normal human female-looking face. Instead I combined a part of Super-Skrull's face with the nose from the Skrull Empress since those combined look as close as possible to the art I used for the huds and character select portrait.
*I made a 3D head and Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*For the XML2 and MUA-style conversation huds and character select portrait, I used the art from trading card-esque promo art Marvel made of her for the Secret Invasion comic event, inspired by the old Mars Attacks trading cards.
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman MUA1 SHIELD Agent Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WO6hLZtpTZ5CZFd1L-wsgzAKajIm8C0m/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's MUA1 SHIELD Agent skin.
*I fixed all issues with the texture and model, including the following:
-I replaced her eye textures with the one from BaconWizard17's Scarlet Witch skins.
-I've replaced her hair texture with my fixed version of Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic hair texture which I fixed part of her hair texture being brown instead of black.
-The color of her eyebrows now matches her hair color.
-I replaced the texture of web wings with my fixed version from Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic skin.
*I gave her a new and better skeleton.
*I made a 3D head and Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*I made an XML2-compatible version of her MUA1 hud and also made an XML2-style version of that hud. I also made XML2 and MUA1-style huds using her MUA1 concept art. I also made character select portraits using both sets of art.
*As far as I can tell, this skin isn't from the comics and was instead an original design by Raven Software.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: Scarlet Witch eye texture, skeleton template
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Original Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EkGmLSGdi_HDCIngmCDft8FsyoYa4R8F/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's Original costume.
*I modified the texture and model of my fixed version of Spider-Woman's MUA1 Classic skin to look like her Original costume.
*I made a 3D head, Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin, XML2 and MUA1-style huds, and a character select portrait.
:spiderwoman: Spider-Woman Ultimate Skin v1.0 :spiderwoman:
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dg4DMPgSngDJpQFOtbrfV3WoediqQsBe/view?usp=sharing
**This is my version of Spider-Woman's Ultimate design.
*This costume's design is very inconsistent from page to page and issue to issue, so I've picked what I liked the best from the various different variations. I've done the more recent version of the costume, which is a brighter deeper red instead of black with red highlights, since it was both easier to do and because it makes it more different from my Arachne skins.
*I used the hair texture from BLaw's Spider-Woman Ultimate skin and recolored it. I made the rest of the texture.
*I made a 3D head, Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin, XML2 and MUA1-style huds, and a character select portrait.
Credits:*BLaw: hair texture from his Spider-Woman skin texture which I modified
Servo-Guard Unused MUA1 Skins Pack v1.0
Preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rDsciuOWSqo-lJbBEoHN1A8Z6SvtKEqv/view?usp=sharing
**These are my versions of the unused MUA1 Servo-Guard skins.
*I fixed issues with the model and textures.
*I made a 3D head.
*I made XML2 and MUA1-style huds for all 4 variants. I've also made an AI Upscaled version of the unused MUA1 hud for Variant A.
*I gave him a new and better working skeleton and made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions of the skin.
*The XML2 versions are hex edited for Doctor Doom and the MUA1 versions are hex edited for the Servo-Guard's number, which is also the same number used by playable Servo-Guard mod in Ceamonks890's MUA1 minion mod.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
I updated the following:
Doctor Doom MUA1 Classic Skin
Doctor Doom God Emperor Skin
MUA2 and XML2 Trivia
The Punisher Game Cover Huds v1.0
**These are huds I made using the original photoshop file of the cover of the THQ Punisher game which I found. The file has layers on his eyes and face that make them lighter. I removed the background and did 2 versions: 1 with the light layers and 1 without them.
*They're both hex edited for The Punisher's mods in MUA1.
I've updated Restored Alternate Opening to v5.0 since Ceamonks890 gave me an optional compatibility patch he made for Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod.