:stooth:Enigma's Sabretooth Booster v2.1 :stooth:
This is my Sabretooth booster. It contains the following improvements over the default version of Sabretooth:Sound Changes:*A new and greatly expanded voicepack using all the grunts and the best of his voiced lines taken from his appearances in XML1 (this audio was unused), XML2, and MUA1 DLC, all voiced by Peter Lurie.
-This means you can hear his unused MUA1 bored lines, among many many other new and different lines.
*He no longer has Wolverine's claws in and claws out sounds in his sound file because he didn't use them.
*He no longer uses the generic XML2 woosh sounds for some of his powers and his unique stun.
*Every power now has a unique sound that isn't shared with any other powers or with Wolverine.
*His unique stun uses 1 of Sabretooth's XML1 Prototype power sounds.
*Talon Slice uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Sabretooth Slash power sound
*Talon Spin uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Disembowel power sound.
*Rending Talons uses 2 of Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Talon Frenzy power sounds.
*Pounce uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Pounce power sounds.
*Roar uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Roar power sound.
*Talon Fury uses 1 of Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Talon Frenzy power sounds and his Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Talon Concussion power sounds.
*Feral Rampage uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Berserker Rage charge sound and 2 of his XML1 Retail power sounds.
*Untamed Frenzy uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC Savage Rampage charge sound.
*Slash and Bash uses 1 of Sabretooth's XML1 Retail power sounds and 1 of Daredevil's MUA2 PC Fusion power sounds.
*Regeneration Overdrive uses Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC grabsmash sound and 1 of his MUA1 DLC Savage Rampage power sounds.
Power Changes:*I changed his fightstyle from hero, which is what Wolverine also uses, to wrestling, which is what Sabretooth used in XML1.
*Includes the following fix Cohollow made for the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of Sabretooth:
-Lunge attack speed inaccuracies fixed.
*I also fixed various typos, spelling errors, grammar errors, and punctuation errors in his powerstyle file.
*Sabretooth's levelup info for all powers now correctly says what damage type those powers do.
*Removed a line of code in powerstyle left over from Wolverine.
*Sabretooth's unique stun attack now does Blade damage.
*Replaced Regeneration Overdrive with a new Xtreme Boost using the same name. By default, it resurrects him if the boost is active, but I felt that was sort of useless. I've changed it to increase his damage and make him invincible for a time, which is more useful and still fits the name of the Xtreme.
-Regeneration Overdrive now uses an unused animation.
*Unscaled and rebalanced all powers.
*Redid power unlock order and requirements.
*Rewrote all power descriptions.
*Rewrote all combo text so that it's no longer identical to Wolverine's and no longer uses words that don't make sense for Sabretooth.
*Added AI coding where it was missing and changed some to fit the powers better.
*Many of his powers used to scale up his Attack Rating while they were active, which I've removed.
*All his powers, as well as his unique stun attack, now do Bleed damage instead of Blade damage.
*Altered Sabretooth's Talon Mastery to account for all powers now doing Bleed damage.
*Talon Fury is now listed as a Charge power instead of a Melee power.
*Rending Talons no longer weakens him after he uses it.
*Rending Talons now trips enemies.
*Talon Fury is now a hold the button power instead of a tap the button power to match how other XML2 charge powers work.
*You can now target enemies with Pounce in order to make it easier to use.
*Feral Rampage no longer boosts Defense Rating, since that overlaps with one of his passives. Instead, it gives him immunity to knockback, pain, and slow.
*Feral Rampage now increases his Movement Speed instead of his Attack Speed, like his very similar Boost does in MUA1 DLC.
*For Slash and Bash, he now slashes all enemies within range instead of it being a set amount that levels up.
*Slash and Bash now immobilizes enemies instead of knocking them back.
*I removed the Strong Willed passive because I didn't think it made much sense for him to have it. I've replaced it with a 10% radiation resistance.
*I removed Bleeding Talons because it's identical to Talon Slice except for the damage type, and now that I've changed all his powers to do Bleed damage, that's the same too, so there's no reason to have both powers.
*I renamed Deadly Lunge to Pounce, which is the name of a very similar power Sabretooth has in MUA1 DLC.
*I renamed Talon Slash to Talon Spin.
*Talon Spin is now listed as a Radial power instead of a Melee power.
*I added a new boost called Untamed Frenzy.
*He now has the Mutant Master passive.
*He now has double jump.
*I removed the limit on Might so that it can now level up to level 2.
Visual Changes:*Includes new skins, conversation huds, 3D heads, and power icons by BaconWizard17.
*Includes a higher quality version of his XML1 loading screen that I AI Upscaled to further improve its quality.
*Includes a higher quality version of his character select portrait I made based up my afforementioned higher quality version of his XML1 loading screen.
*I modified, updated, and fixed the effects from nodoubt_jr's Sabretooth effects mod, which are based on Sabretooth's MUA1 effects. I also removed all the many unused effects files the original mod had.
-I converted Sabretooth's MUA1 DLC 5 claw texture. I've modified the effects to make use of this texture as much as possible.
-I removed Talon Slash's weird glowing aura effect.
-His boost and debuff both use the same effect, as Wolverine does. I have recolored it. This effect serves double duty for his Feral Rampage boost as both the charge effect and the aura effect and as such, it's tricky to find one that looks good as both parts, so I left the texture as-is.
-His Slash and Bash Xtreme texture no longer has blue in it and instead now uses colors that match his other effects.
-His Regeneration Overdrive no longer shares one of its effects with Feral Rampage and also no longer uses Wolverine's Rude Awakening Xtreme effect unaltered. Instead, it now uses 2 effects I made.
-One of his effects file, p6_charge, referenced a Wolverine sound file and the file itself had the wrong filename. I have changed it to reference the equivalent Sabretooth soundfile and fixed the filename issue, which also included a brief change in his powerstyle file.
*I created new effects for Untamed Frenzy and my new version of Regeneration Overdrive.
Misc Changes:*Includes new package files by BaconWizard17. There are packages for 9 skins. Only 8 skins are included, but the option for 9 is there.
-These are also the new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages.
Bonuses:*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Custom Classic loading screen: featuring art by Peter Nguyen, which I AI Upscaled.
-X2 Wolverine's Revenge Weapon X loading screen: his X2 Wolverine's Revenge loading screen, which I AI Upscaled.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-Custom Classic CSP: a character select portrait based upon the afforementioned classic loading screen.
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-Custom Classic Hud: a hud based upon the afforementioned custom classic loading screen.
-XML1 LS Ultimate Hud: a hud based upon his XML1 loading screen.
*MUA1 Menu Breaks:
-These are all his MUA1 Menu Breaks. If you don't know how to use these, don't worry about it.
-The "initial" one is way too long to use as a Menu Break, but I've included it anyway for completionism.
*Non-Cel Shaded Skins: Non-Cel Shaded versions of all skins.
Credits:*BaconWizard17: skins, conversation huds, 3D heads, icons, packages, feedback
*hemlot: feedback
*Cohollow: bugfixes
*nodoubt_jr: original Sabretooth effects mod
*Logan: bug report, testing
-I've added BaconWizard17's House of X skin in the previously empty Winter slot. I've made a XML2-style hud for it using the image BaconWizard made for his character select portrait for that skin.
-Replaced Untamed Frenzy's Deadly Strike chance for everything affect with a lowered EP cost.
-I've removed Pounce's chance to instantly knockout targets because it was broken and causing him to do way more damage with all powers all the time and I didn't know how else to stop that. I've replaced it with a chance for a Deadly Strike, which I feel is similar enough.
-Fixed a minor typo.
-Rebalanced Pounce.
-Removed dust clouds from Pounce's effects, since I felt they were out of place.
-Added Non-Cel Shaded versions of skins as a bonus.
-Remove an unneeded line of code.
-Minor typo fixes.
-Feral Rampage now gives immunity to knockback, pain, and slow instead of giving EP per defeated enemy.
-Untamed Frenzy now gives EP per defeated enemy instead of HP.
-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-I removed the limit on Might so that it can now level up to level 2.
-I made the alternate version of Regeneration Overdrive the only one, since the default version is pretty useless.
-Regeneration Overdrive now uses an unused animation.
-Unscaled and rebalanced all powers.
-Many of his powers used to scale up his Attack Rating while they were active, which I've removed.
-All his powers, as well as his unique stun attack, now do Bleed damage instead of Blade damage.
-Altered Sabretooth's Talon Mastery to account for all powers now doing Bleed damage.
-Redid power unlock order and requirements.
-Rewrote all power descriptions.
-Rewrote all combo text so that it's no longer identical to Wolverine's and no longer uses words that don't make sense for Sabretooth.
-Added AI coding where it was missing and changed some to fit the powers better.
-Talon Fury is now listed as a Charge power instead of a Melee power.
-Rending Talons no longer weakens him after he uses it.
-Rending Talons now trips enemies.
-Talon Fury is now a hold the button power instead of a tap the button power to match how other XML2 charge powers work.
-You can now target enemies with Pounce in order to make it easier to use.
-Feral Rampage no longer boosts Defense Rating, since that overlaps with one of his passives. Instead, he regains EP for every enemy he defeats.
-Feral Rampage now increases his Movement Speed instead of his Attack Speed, like his very similar Boost does in MUA1 DLC.
-For Slash and Bash, he now slashes all enemies within range instead of it being a set amount that levels up.
-Slash and Bash now immobilizes enemies instead of knocking them back.
-I removed the Strong Willed passive because I didn't think it made much sense for him to have it. I've replaced it with a 10% radiation resistance.
-I removed Bleeding Talons because it's identical to Talon Slice except for the damage type, and now that I've changed all his powers to do Bleed damage, that's the same too, so there's no reason to have both powers.
-I renamed Deadly Lunge to Pounce, which is the name of a very similar power Sabretooth has in MUA1 DLC.
-I renamed Talon Slash to Talon Spin.
-I renamed Talon Rage to Rending Talons.
-Talon Spin is now listed as a Radial power instead of a Melee power.
-I added a new boost called Untamed Frenzy.
-He now has the Mutant Master passive.
-He now has double jump.
-Fixed a minor typo.
-Removed some unneeded leftover Wolverine coding.
-I removed the broken smoke cloud part from one of Pounce's effects.
-Fixed some issues with the sounds.
-Completely redid and replaced all his power sounds.
-Sabretooth's unique stun attack now does Blade damage.
-Removed a small bit of unneeded coding from his powerstyle.
-Added a bonus Alternate Xtreme 2. It changes what Regeneration Overdrive Xtreme Boost does. By default, it resurrects him if the boost is active, but I felt that wasn't very useful. I've changed it to increase his damage and make him invincible for a time, which is more useful and still fits the name of the Xtreme.
-Sabretooth's levelup info now correctly says the following powers do Blade damage instead of Physical damage: Talon Slice, Talon Slash, Talon Rage, Talon Fury, Deadly Lunge, Slash and Burn.
-Bleeding Talons now actually does Bleed damage.
-Altered Sabretooth's Talon Mastery so that it still affects Bleeding Talons now that Bleeding Talons actually does Bleed damage.
-Changed how coding for Xtreme 2 callout works.
-Removed a line of code in powerstyle left over from Wolverine.
-Added bonus Classic and Ultimate huds.
-Made Strong Willed resistance text more clear.
-Fixed an issue with his packages causing his powers to not work. (Thanks to Logan for telling me her powers weren't working, and to BaconWizard17 for fixing them.)
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages
-Added 2 textures I forgot to include.
-Renamed loading screen review_paths entries.
Wow top quality everything I ever wanted Thank you! hope there is more to come. :bowdown1:
Updated him to v1.1.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.2.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.3.
Check changelog for details.
I've updated him to v1.4.
Check changelog for details.
I've updated him to v1.5.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.7.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.8.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.9.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v2.0.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v2.1.
Check changelog for details.