:xman: Enigma's X-Man Mod v2.8 :xman:
This is my X-Man mod. It contains the following improvements over the original mod by nodoubt_jr:Sound Changes:*A voicepack featuring his own unused XML2 PC voices by Quinton Flynn, including both of own Xtreme callouts.
-I expanded his voicepack using his Menu Breaks because they fit perfectly and he needed some more voice clips.
-2 of his no work lines double as no power lines because they fit perfectly and no work lines aren't used much.
-I used part of 1 of his unused sight lines as a cmd follow line.
-I've also used several lines by the same actor taken from his role as Iruka Umino in Naruto Clash of Ninja 2 because he's doing the same voice for that character as he is for X-Man.
*Because he has no official grunts (they're reused from another character by another voice actor), I've given him his own unique grunts voiced by Quinton Flynn, taken from his roles as Iruka Umino in Naruto Clash of Ninja 2 and Axel from Kingdom Hearts 3.
*Includes all-new power sounds sourced from X-Man's PSP power sounds (which I found in high quality among the XML2 UK DVD's Spanish audio files), Stryfe's XML2 power sounds, Jean's MUA2 power sounds, and Jean's power sounds from Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
-In particular, the PSP sound I used for Plasma Spear sounds like Cyclops's Optic Beam power sound but it is distinct from it when comparing them, and the same is true of his Mind Control power sound and one of Jean's radials, which I really like.
-All powers now have unique power sounds and they all now play properly.
Power Changes:*He now uses an animation mixed skeleton.
-He now uses his XML2 PSP menu, flight, idle, and power animations.
-He still uses Jean's XML2 animations for his Plasma Spear power because I couldn't get the effects to line up properly with his eye when using that animation.
-He also still uses Jean's XML2 animations for his melee knockback, Plasma Fists, and Shamanistic Healing.
-Telekinetic Crush uses 1 of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC animations.
-Hive Mind uses 1 of Professor Xavier's XML1 animations.
*All powers now have AI coding and combo text.
*Removed custom script file.
*I removed the custom flight coding from his powerstyle, as it wasn't necessary and was screwing up how his flight effects worked.
*Changed his fightstyle from psionic to hero, which is what he uses in XML2 PSP.
*I completely recoded all his powers to fix numerous assorted coding bugs of various kinds.
*Reorganized powers into a better order and to unlock in a better order.
*Rewrote his power descriptions to fix spelling and grammar issues, to more clearly explain what his powers do, and to sound better overall.
*Renamed the following powers from their XML2 PSP names to new names:
-Brainwash > Mind Control
-Plasma Charge > Plasma Overflow
-Plasma Fist > Plasma Fists
*He now has Mental Immunity.
*Plasma Bolt:
-Completely redid coding.
-Now properly listed and coded as a beam.
-Now does Mental damage instead of Telekinetic damage.
-Now energizes and stuns.
-Now pierces through enemies
-Renamed to Plasma Spear.
*Mind Control:
-Now does damage to the environment.
*Replaced Plasma Pulse with a new power, Telekinetic Tornado
*Replaced his Psionic Echoes Xtreme with a new one, Plasma Filter.
*Replaced his Plasma Shield boost with a new boost, Shamanistic Healing.
*Added another new boost, Hive Mind.
*Plasma Overflow is now listed as a Special instead of a Blast.
*Before, Plasma Overflow didn't say what type of damage it did and was coded to do Energy damage. It now does Telekinetic damage and says so.
*Plasma Overflow now actually works, whereas it didn't before.
-Plasma Overflow now does popup like its description says instead of doing knockback.
*Plasma Fists now applies to the entire party, and I've also changed the AI to match.
*Plasma Fists originally said it did Mental damage but it actually did Telekinetic damage. Now it actually does Mental damage.
*Plasma Fists now actually works, and now has effects that actually appear.
*Telekinetic Crush originally said it did Telekinetic and Bleed damage but actually only did Telekinetic damage. Now it does Telekinetic and Crushing damage.
*Fixed issues with Telekinetic Crush and rebalanced how long it lasts.
*Overhauled Telekinetic Crush's effects coding so that effects will now properly appear.
*His Clairvoyance passive now has a chance to dodge projectiles instead of increasing Movement Speed and reducing damage taken. Passives that increases Movement Speed very quickly get overpowered and unbalance the game and I felt that dodging projectiles made more sense for a passive called Clairvoyance.
*Overhauled what powers require qhich other powers.
*Xtreme on-screen text is now in all capital letters.
*Xtreme power names are now in all capital letters in character select menu.
*His Xtremes now have the same number of levels as the default characters' Xtremes do.
*His leveling info no differentiates between which powers do Telekinetic damage and which do Mental damage instead of just saying they all do Mental damage, which they don't.
*He now has a unique knockback.
*Fixed bugs with how Mental Mastery passive works.
*Fixed bugs with X-Man's Critical chance coding and its leveling for his Mental Mastery passive.
*Plasma Fists now only adds Mental damage to non-powered Melee attacks.
*Mind Control now says it can build bridges.
*He can now see cloaked enemies.
*Plasma Guardian's HP is now a percentage of X-Man's HP instead of a fixed number. This is both to differentiate it from Jean's normal power Mental Guardian and to match Iceman and Magneto's Xtremes that also summon minions.
*Enemies now bounce off the ground when Telekinetic Crush ends.
*Rebalanced starting stats.
*Enemies converted by Mind Control now explode when the conversion wears off.
*Added grab.
*Plasma Overflow can now energize and knockback enemies near it.
Visual Changes:*Includes new skins, conversation huds, 3D heads, character select portrait, and icons by BaconWizard17.
*I've modified the face on his official unused XML2 PC loading screen to fix various issues with it and to make it look as close to the new face that BaconWizard17 gave him on his skins as possible. I then AI Upscaled and denoised the image to further improve its quality. The character select portrait BaconWizard17 made is based upon this.
*A new set of icons by BaconWizard17
*I've created a completely new set of effects.
-This also means all issues with his effects, including missing effects issues, are fixed.
-His effects are all yellow to match the color of the Mental powers in my Cable mod.
-They all look like Jean's effects, and Cyclops's in the case of Plasma Spear and Hive Mind, as they are his parents, and I felt that was fitting.
-He now has properly working flying effects.
-His eye effect is the same one from my Cable mod, which means it no longer clips through his head.
-For his Telekinetic Tornado effect, I've used a recolored version of Jean's unused unique XML1 Prototype Telekinetic combo effect.
*I've created a new set of packages so that he can have a full 9 skins and so that his icons can appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
-He doesn't have 9 skins in this mod, but the option is now available to you.
*The following powers use modified version of X-Man's XML2 PSP effects:
-Telekinesis now uses its XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored and removed the camera shake from 1 of them.
-Mind Control now uses Brainwash's XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored and removed the camera shake from 1 of them.
- now uses 1 of Plasma Charge's of his XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored. The rest of its effects I made.
-Plasma Guardian now uses its XML2 PSP charge effect and his flight effects. The rest of its effects I made.
*Modified his talent file so that his icons can appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
Misc Changes:*He now has new package files so that his power icons can be in higher resolution in the character select menu, and so that he can have a unique conversation hud and 3D head for every skin.
-These are also the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
*I also modified his talents file so that his power icons can be in higher resolution in the character select menu.
*Removed unneeded custom script file.
Bonuses:*Non-Cel-Shaded Assets:
-These are the non-Cel-Shaded versions of his skins.
-He now uses an animation mixed skeleton. He now uses his XML2 PSP menu, flight, idle, and power animations. He still uses Jean's XML2 animations for his Plasma Spear power because I couldn't get the effects to line up properly with his eye when using that animation. He also still uses Jean's XML2 animations for his melee knockback, Plasma Fists, and Shamanistic Healing. Telekinetic Crush uses 1 of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC animations. Hive Mind uses 1 of Professor Xavier's XML1 animations.
-Telekinesis now uses its XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored and removed the camera shake from 1 of them.
-Mind Control now uses Brainwash's XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored and removed the camera shake from 1 of them.
-Plasma Overflow now uses 1 of Plasma Charge's of his XML2 PSP effects, which I recolored.
-Plasma Guardian now uses its XML2 PSP charge effect and his flight effects.
-Plasma Overflow can now energize, knockback enemies near it, and I fixed issues with it.
-Added grab.
-Enemies converted by Mind Control now explode when the conversion wears off.
-Rebalanced Mind Control.
-Minor typo fix.
-Telekinetic Tornado can now affect enemies on the ground.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-Plasma Bolt now pierces through enemies.
-Fixed issues with Telekinetic Tornado.
-I've renamed Plasma Bolt to Plasma Spear.
-Fixed issue with a power requirement.
-Minor fix to Hive Mind.
-Cosmic Mastery's description now says it affects attacks that do Telekinetic damage.
-Fixed various issues with Telekinetic Crush.
-Fixed issues with Telekinetic Crush's levelup info and made it more clear.
-Enemies now bounce off the ground when Telekinetic Crush ends.
-Rebalanced Plasma Bolt, Mind Control, Telekinetic Crush, and Plasma Overflow.
-Rebalanced Mind Control's EP cost.
-Rebalanced his boosts' EP cost.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Rebalanced Mind Control's starting damage.
-Plasma Guardian's HP is now a percentage of X-Man's HP instead of a fixed number. This is both to differentiate it from Jean's normal power Mental Guardian and to match Iceman and Magneto's Xtremes that also summon minions.
-Rewrote a few power descriptions.
-He can now see cloaked enemies.
-Removed Clairvoyance's chance to dodge powered and non-powered Melee attacks.
-Fixed issues with Telekinetic Crush and rebalanced how long it lasts.
-The crush part of Telekinetic Crush now does Crush damage.
-Made Plasma Fists' power description more accurate.
-Plasma Fists now only adds Mental damage to non-powered Melee attacks.
-Mind Control's description now says it can build bridges.
-Telekinetic Tornado's description now says it can put out fires.
-Plasma Overload now does popup like its description says instead of doing knockback.
-Fixes to Xtreme 2 callout coding.
-Fixed some audio popping.
-Fixed a bug with Hive Mind's coding that reduces EP cost.
-Fixed bugs with X-Man's Critical chance coding and its leveling for his Mental Mastery passive.
-Made Clairvoyance description more clear.
-Fixed bug with how Mental Mastery passive works.
Credits:*nodoubt_jr: original X-Man mod
*BaconWizard17: skins, 3D huds, conversation huds, character select portrait, icons, feedback
*hemlot: feedback
*tubularspaceman: ripping XML2 PSP and MUA1 DLC animations, renaming 1 of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC animations and 1 of Professor Xavier's XML1 animations
*Nikita: animation mixing program
Updated him to v1.1.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.2.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.3.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.4.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.6.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.7.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.8.
Check changelog for details.
Updated him to v1.9.
Check changelog for details.