By BaconWizard17
Introduction Welcome to the XML2 Mod Installation Guide! This tutorial covers everything you need to know to mod your copy of
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. This tutorial discusses how to add mods to the PC version. Specifically, this tutorial covers the Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) method for installing mods. There are two methods for installing mods on PC: The MO2 method and the direct method. The MO2 method is beneficial for the following reasons:
- Mods are all stored separately from the main game files, so you won't lose any important files.
- You can easily see which mods are currently installed.
- Mods can be removed with a single click, which helps with testing mods or getting rid of files that are causing problems.
- You can control which files overwrite each other.
- You can update a mod without having to reinstall your game files or other mods.
- It's easier for others to help you solve issues in your game.
Although there are more steps when using MO2, it has great benefits in the long run. You will need a 64-bit PC to run MO2, and you also need Windows 10 or 11. If you don't have a 64-bit PC or the correct version of Windows, or you would prefer to use the direct method to install mods, you can check out the XML2 Mod Installation Guide for PC - Direct Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11334.0.html).
YouTube video for this chapter (Coming soon!)
How to Use This Tutorial This tutorial is broken up into several chapters:
- Chapter 1, which is this chapter, is the introduction and connects everything together. It's where you start.
- Chapter 2 teaches you how to install the game.
- Chapter 3 shows how to install and configure MO2, which is the program that you'll use to install mods.
- Chapters 4-10 show you how to install different kinds of mods.
- Chapter 11 shows you how to play the game and how to set up controls.
- Chapter 12 contains additional tutorials and information that may help you mod your game.
- Chapters 13-15 will help with solving issues you may have.
This tutorial is long, but it contains almost everything that you need to mod your game. You only need to follow the steps that apply to the types of mods that you want to install. The steps are not difficult, but take your time reading through the information, and only change a few things at a time. If you're struggling, try working through the tutorial with a friend or family member. After all, two heads are better than one!
Most community members had never modded any games before, but have been able to install all the mods that they want to use using the tutorials and information from our community. If you run into any issues on your modding journey, we're always happy to help. Read through chapters 13 and 14 first to check for common issues. If nothing in the tutorial helps you, you can visit Chapter 15 to see how to properly ask for help in the
#help❗ channel of our Discord server.
If you're more of a visual learner, this tutorial will gradually be filled in with video tutorials on our YouTube Channel. You can already find some older videos there that may contain helpful information. The Library of Links is your one-stop shop for all additional links that you may need.
Marvel Mods Discord Server (https://discord.gg/DtdWGxB)
Library of Links (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10301.0.html)
Marvel Mods YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwziCGGqerG0k5PBD6EL0gA)
Helpful Tips Before you get started, there are a few more things you need to know that will make modding (and using this tutorial) much easier.
First, enable file extensions and hidden folders in File Explorer. To do this on Windows 10, go into any window of File Explorer and click "View" at the top. Check the boxes for "File name extensions" and "Hidden items". On Windows 11, go into any window of File Explorer and click "View," go to "Show", and click "File name extensions."
Next, Windows Defender or other antivirus programs may say that the programs or mods here are unsafe or contain some sort of virus. All the mods and programs have been tested to be safe by our community. If you have any concerns about a download, you can ask in our Discord server. You can set these programs and your game files to be on your antivirus program's exception list to prevent any issues. Each antivirus software has a different process for this, but you can easily find out how to do this online.
In this tutorial, I've put some information inside of sections that can be expanded. This makes it easier to look through the information and only expand what you need to see. Whenever you see one of these sections, it will say "Expand to see Steps". Click on the bar to expand it, and you'll see the additional information.
Lastly, if you see an image that's too small, you can click on it to make it bigger. When you're done with the image, you can click on it again to make it smaller. This will only apply to static images; gifs will be shown in their original size.
Where to Go Next To get started modding the game, go to Chapter 2 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203639.html#msg203639). If you have a particular topic you want to know more about, you can visit the chapter that discusses it. Each chapter is linked below in the
Table of Contents. Each chapter also has links that will tell you where to go next. Just click the link and you'll go to the chapter that you need!
Table of Contents- Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203638.html#msg203638)
- Chapter 2: Getting and Installing the Game (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203639.html#msg203639)
- Chapter 3: Setting up MO2 (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203640.html#msg203640)
- Chapter 4: Installing Base Mods (Package Mods) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203641.html#msg203641)
- Chapter 5: Installing Character Mods and Boosters (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203642.html#msg203642)
- Chapter 6: Editing the Herostat (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203643.html#msg203643)
- Chapter 7: Editing Data Files (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203644.html#msg203644)
- Chapter 8: Installing Skins, Portraits, and 3D Heads (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203645.html#msg203645)
- Chapter 9: Installing Sounds (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203646.html#msg203646)
- Chapter 10: Installing Misc Mods and Loose Files (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203647.html#msg203647)
- Chapter 11: Playing the Game and Setting Up Controls (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203648.html#msg203648)
- Chapter 12: Additional Useful Links and Tutorials (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203649.html#msg203649)
- Chapter 13: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203650.html#msg203650)
- Chapter 14: Troubleshooting (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203651.html#msg203651)
- Chapter 15: How to Report an Issue and Ask for Help (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg205658.html#msg205658)
Credits/Thanks Man, how can I possibly thank everyone who's helped with this tutorial. There are so many people that have had a hand in different aspects of this tutorial, from giving advice and instructions to creating new useful tools. This list is non-exhaustive, and I would be happy to add you if you're missing. But a huge thanks to ak2yny, BLaw, Ceamonks890, Enchlore, Enigma, jayglass, Kako Clanworth, Lags, LarsAlexandersson, Maegawa, MelloMods, MrKablamm0fish, Nicaras, Norrin Radd, Outsider, Rampage, Teancum, THX, Tony Stark, UltraMegaMagnus, and all the other hardworking members of our community. Thank you for all that you do! If you feel you've contributed to this tutorial and I've forgotten to include your name, please let me know.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction This chapter shows how to install the PC version of X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. Most of the XML2 mods on the forums are created for this version of the game. The PC release of the game has been archived, meaning that a
free, legal download of the game is now available.
YouTube video for this chapter (Coming soon!)
Downloading the Game If you don't already own the game, you can find a free, legal, archived copy of the game at this link (https://archive.org/details/xml2dvd). Even if you do have a physical copy of the game, it's best to download the archived copy so that you can follow along and have the exact same files. Here's how to properly download it:
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- Go to the download link provided above.
- On the right side of the screen, choose to download the "ISO IMAGE".
- Above that, choose to download the "7Z" file.
- Downloads for XML2DVD.iso and No Disc EXE.7z will begin. Once the files have downloaded, proceed below to learn how to install the game.
Installing the Game Now that you have the game downloaded, you can begin to install it. Here's how:
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- Right click on XML2DVD.iso and choose "Mount". Some PCs may not have this option, in which case you'll need to double click on the ISO. If neither option works, use an external program like WinCDEmu (https://wincdemu.sysprogs.org/download/).
- If it doesn't automatically open, go to the drive where the ISO has been mounted in File Explorer. It will be listed on the left side under "This PC". Click to open it.
- Double-click Setup.exe to begin the installation.
- You'll first be asked which language you want to use. Choose English, as all mods are released in English. Mods will not work if you choose another language.
- Follow the instructions on the installer. Don't change any of the settings. The default install path will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\X-Men Legends 2. Don't change it. You will be moving it later.
- When the game finishes installing, the installer will ask if you want to create a desktop shortcut. Since you will be moving the game files, say "No."
- If you haven't installed it before, be sure to also install DirectX9 when prompted.
- Once the DirectX installation is complete, press "Finish". When you see the launcher, you'll know that the game has installed. You can now press "Quit", since it won't start when you press "Play".
- Go to No Disc EXE.7z, right click it, and extract it. A new folder will be created with the cracked exe inside.
- Copy XMen2.exe from this new folder into your game files, replacing the original. This will allow you to play without the disc, and it improves compatibility.
- The next thing you'll want to do is move your game to a folder that won't cause any access issues. My recommendation is C:\Games\Activision. To do this:
- If it doesn't already exist, create the C:\Games\Activision folder.
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision.
- Select the entire X-Men Legends 2 folder and move it to C:\Games\Activision.
It is no longer recommended to move your game files to your Documents or Desktop, because this can cause problems with OneDrive. Do not leave the game in C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision, because this will cause issues with administrator access.
Before continuing through this tutorial, I recommend making a full backup of your game files. To do this, simply copy your
X-Men Legends 2 game folder and paste it in another place. I recommend compressing it into a .zip file or .rar file and putting it on a flash drive for safekeeping. You can find a tutorial on how to do that here (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/zip-and-unzip-files-8d28fa72-f2f9-712f-67df-f80cf89fd4e5).
Cleaning Up the Game Files After backing up your files, you have the option to clean up the game files. This is
completely optional and will not impact game performance. However, it removes a lot of useless files and visual clutter. Here's how to do it if you choose to:
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- Download the File Cleanup Script from the latest release of the Marvel Mods Batch Scripts (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11505.0.html).
- Extract the .zip file, and you'll see MarvelModsFileCleanup.bat.
- Move MarvelModsFileCleanup.bat into your X-Men Legends 2 folder.
- Double click the batch file to run it. Type 2 to select X-Men Legends 2. The script will perform the cleanup.
- The script will then allow you to pick if you want to change file extensions and folder names to lowercase. This is optional, but I recommend it because it makes the files look more presentable. Changing the file names to lowercase will take several minutes because there are so many. Sometimes, you may get an access error during the lowercase folder step. This can happen somewhat randomly and inconsistently, but you can rename any lingering folders manually. When the script is complete, you can press Enter. The folders may not appear lowercase until you exit the folder and return to it.
Note: The gif is sped up significantly so that you can see the whole process. For me, it takes about 5 minutes to change everything to lowercase.
- When you're done, delete the script.
Setting the Resolution The resolution of the base game is often too small for modern monitors to properly display the game, which means that the game won't start or will give you an error. To get around this, you should set the resolution before starting the game for the first time. Here's how:
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- Download the Resolution Setter for XML2 from the latest release of the Marvel Mods Batch Scripts (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11505.0.html).
- Extract the file that you downloaded. You'll get a file called resolutionSetterXML2.bat.
- Double click the batch file to run it. You'll first be asked if you want to create a backup profile first. Type Y for yes.
- You'll be asked for a name for the backup profile. Name it something like "registryDisplay" and press Enter to accept the name.
- You'll get a popup asking if you want to allow the script to edit the registry. Allow it to do so.
- You'll be asked which profile you want to restore. Type the number next to the profile that you saved in the previous step. (Note: if your game files are stored in the default save folder, C:\Users\(your username)\Documents\Activision\X-Men Legends 2, you'll see all of the game folders listed. Type 0 to see more options and then copy or type the name of the backup profile you created.)
- You'll now have the option to change the resolution. Type S to cycle through the available options. When you get to the correct resolution for your monitor, type A.
- You'll get a popup asking if you want to allow the script to edit the registry. Allow it to do so.
- You'll get another popup asking if you're sure if you want to continue. Press Yes.
- One final popup will confirm that the changes have been made.
Testing the Game Now that you have the game installed, it's a good idea to test it before you start modding. You can also set up the proper resolution for your monitor.
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- First, run the game and make sure that it starts. If it doesn't start at all, that means that you didn't install the cracked exe correctly, you didn't move the game files to a non-admin folder, or you didn't properly set the resolution. If you've already tried to run the game and it didn't start, you will have to reinstall the game before you can apply the fixes.
- If the game starts but you get an error that says "Unable to initialise graphics display. Resolution and FSAA have been reverted to default", then the starting resolution is too low for your computer. Goo back to the section above called "Setting the Resolution."
- If you get errors stating that various .dll files can't be loaded, this is usually something that can be ignored, and the game will run without issues. If the game still doesn't run, you will need to reinstall it and reinstall DirectX9.
- If the game runs successfully without using the resolution setter, it will start at 800x600 resolution. Most monitors are higher resolution these days, so now is a good time to change this. Even if you used the resolution setter, you can still customize this and other graphics settings at this point. To get to the settings, go to the "Options" on the main menu screen. You can navigate with the arrow keys and select with Enter on your keyboard. Next, go to the "Advanced Options" by pressing Space or clicking on the option.
- In the advanced options screen, you will now be on the resolution options. You can use the arrow keys to cycle left and right. The highest resolution is 1920x1080, but you can go beyond 1920x1080 with this method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10578.0.html). You can change any other graphics settings that you want now, such as increasing the anti-aliasing ("FSAA"). The 8x value for FSAA will not work and will cause your graphics settings to not apply. Unfortunately, there is no method for running the game in windowed mode. When you're satisfied, scroll down to "Accept" and press Enter on your keyboard. The game will announce that the changes will apply when you restart the game.
- The next time you start the game, it will be at the resolution that you set.
Game Limits Before you start modding your game, you can get familiar with the game's limits. This isn't required, but it will help avoid issues when modding. This isn't required, but it will help avoid issues when modding. This game is old, so it can have issues if you exceed the limits set by the developers. Not all limits have been documented yet, but the ones that we are aware of can be found in the XML2 Limit Documentation topic (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10885.0.html).
Where to Go Next Now that you've installed the game, you can install Mod Organizer 2 (MO2). You'll need this in order to begin installing mods. These instructions are in Chapter 3 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203640.html#msg203640).
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) is a program for installing, organizing, and managing mods. It's incredibly useful. It allows you to install mods to your game without overwriting any files. This means that you can easily install and uninstall mods and restore default content. It also makes it much easier to remove files that are causing problems in your game. With MO2, you don't have to reinstall the game any time you mess something up. It allows you to always know what mods you have installed, and you can easily reinstall mods that are updated. Note that MO2 only works on 64-bit PCs, and you must have Windows 10 or 11.
YouTube video for this chapter (Coming soon!)
Adding XML2 to an Existing Installation of MO2 If you already have MO2 for another game (such as MUA1), you can easily add XML2 as a new game without having to install a new instance. Here's how to do it:
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- First, it's important that you have a global instance of Mod Organizer 2 set up, not a portable instance. Portable instances only support one game. If you set up MO2 for MUA1 using the MUA1 PC Mod Installation Guide - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.0.html), you already have a global instance. You may have one from another game as well.
- The first thing that you need to do is download the handler plugins for XML2. You can download them here (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11447.0.html). The file is called XML2.MO2.Plugins.zip.
- The current version of the plugin-in require MO2 version 2.5.2 or later. If you have an older version, it's recommended that you update to the latest version. Otherwise, the plug-ins won't be compatible. Come speak to us on the Discord server if there's something preventing you from updating to the newest version.
- After downloading the plugins, you'll need to extract them. Right click and choose the option to do so.
- Once you've extracted the plugins, go into the extracted folder. You should see a basic_games folder, XML2Patch.zip, and XML2Tools.py. Select them all and put them in your MO2 files in MO2\plugins. This folder is in the install location for MO2. By default, this is C:\Modding, but you may have installed it elsewhere. If you don't install this plugin, MO2 will not be able to recognize XML2, and you won't be able to use MO2. Make sure you add this plugin when MO2 is not open.
- The next step is to launch MO2. Go up to the top left of the screen and click on the Instance Manager (the very top left button). This will bring up the "Instance manager" window. Once you're there, click the button at the top left that says "Create new instance". That will bring up the "Creating new Instance" window. To continue, go to the part of this section called "Configuring MO2."
Installing MO2 If you haven't previously installed MO2, or if you previous installation was not a global installation, you'll need to install MO2 before you use it. Here's how:
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- You can download MO2 from this link on NexusMods (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194?tab=files), where you can also find more information about the program and its creators. Go to the Files tab and choose "Manual Download." You need to have an account with NexusMods to be able to download files. You must download version 2.4 or later, which should be the default option. If you don't want to create a NexusMods account, you can also download it directly from the program's GitHub link (https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer/releases/latest).
- Next, double-click the installer to start it. If Windows Defender tells you not to run the program, simply press "More info" and then "Run anyway." It has been tested to be safe as long as you are downloading it directly from the creators.
- The installer will now come up. First, accept the licensing agreement. Then, choose where the main files for MO2 should be installed (the default location, C:\Modding\MO2, is recommended). Choose the settings for a recommended install. You can choose to create a start menu folder and desktop shortcut if you wish. I recommend creating a shortcut. At the end, you'll be asked to confirm your choices, and then the program will install.
- When you've finished the installation, don't launch MO2 just yet. You can now press "Finish" on the installer.
- The next thing that you need to do is download the handler plugins for XML2. You can download them here (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11447.0.html). The file is called XML2 MO2 Plugins.zip.
- The current version of the plugin-in require MO2 version 2.5.2 or later. If you have an older version, it's recommended that you update to the latest version. Otherwise, the plug-ins won't be compatible. Come speak to us on the Discord server if there's something preventing you from updating to the newest version.
- After downloading the plugins, you'll need to extract them. Right click and choose the option to do so.
- Once you've extracted the plugins, go into the extracted folder. You should see a basic_games folder, XML2Patch.zip, and XML2Tools.py. Select them all and put them in your MO2 files in MO2\plugins. This folder is in the install location for MO2. By default, this is C:\Modding, but you may have installed it elsewhere. If you don't install this plugin, MO2 will not be able to recognize XML2, and you won't be able to use MO2. Make sure you add this plugin when MO2 is not open.
- Now that you've done all this, launch MO2, and then proceed to the part of this section called "Configuring MO2."
Configuring MO2 Now that MO2 is installed and ready to recognize XML2, it's time to configure a new instance for it. You must do this before you can install mods. Here's how:
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- Whether you just installed MO2 for the first time, or if you're just adding a new instance, you'll get the dialog for creating a new instance. You should choose the option to create a global instance. Portable instances store their files all in one place, but they only allow one single game. Global instances allow you to manage multiple instances and games from a single installation. So, choose the option for a global instance.
- Next, browse for your X-Men Legends II game files. Mine are in C:\Users\(my user)\Documents\Activision\X-Men Legends 2\, but yours may be in a different location (you moved them earlier in Chapter 2 of this tutorial). Navigate to this folder and select it.
- If you installed the handler plugin correctly, you'll be able to proceed. If you get an error saying that the game is not recognized, close MO2, go back to the earlier steps, and make sure you correctly installed the plugin file.
- Once you've located your game files, you can choose a name for the instance. The default name will be "X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse."
- Next, you'll be able to choose where the specific data for your game is stored. The most important thing that will be stored here are the mods that you install for your game. Make sure it's a folder you can easily find, or one that you know the location of. The default location is C:\Users\(your user)\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse. I personally prefer to use a folder that I have set up on my desktop. The choice is up to you.
- Next, you may see a screen that asks if you want to connect to your NexusMods account. Feel free to do so, but it's not required, and it won't impact your experience with Marvel Mods. Lastly, you'll see all your settings one last time, and you can either go back and change them or continue along. If you proceed, MO2 will set everything up, and you'll be ready to install mods!
The MO2 Interface Before you begin installing mods, you should get familiar with the user interface of MO2.
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When you start MO2 for the first time in your instance, you'll get a small tutorial made by the developers of MO2. I would recommend going through it to get a basic understanding of the program, but not all of it is relevant to Marvel Mods content.
This is the user interface of MO2. There are 4 areas you'll want to be aware of. I'll walk through each of these individually:
- The toolbar icons
- The mod list
- The file list
- The run section
The toolbar icons have some of the important actions you'll be using often. I've circled the ones that are important for Marvel Mods content. From left to right:
- The "Switch Instance" icon allows you to switch between any global instances that you have installed with MO2. Through this dialog, you can switch to other games that MO2 manages and add new games as well.
- The "Install Mod from Archive" icon allows you to install mods to your game. This is how you'll install the majority of the mods you download from Marvel Mods, but don't start using it yet.
- The "Refresh" icon allows you to refresh MO2. Pressing this will refresh the mod list and files list. This is useful if you make changes to any of the files of your mods outside of MO2.
- The "Tools" icon contains tools that are useful for modding the game. These tools will be covered later.
- The "Settings" icon has all the important settings for MO2, including visual settings like theme and icons. You can also find important information here, including file paths.
- The icons can be a bit confusing, since the icon of tools is for the settings function, and tools function has a different icon. This tutorial will always point out which icon to use so that it's clear.
The mod list shows you all of the mods you currently have installed, as well as important information about them. Right now, you don't have anything there, but mods will appear here when you begin installing them. It will show you information such whether the mods is selected, the name of the mod, its priority, and if there are conflicts with other mods (which is normal).
The file list shows all the files that are currently in use. This includes the base game files, plus the files of any active mods. Any files that exist in multiple mods or in a mod and the base game files will show up in red, meaning that there is a conflict. Conflicts are normal and will occur when you're installing mods. This list will also show you what mod the files belong to, which is useful for debugging.
The run section is how you actually launch the game whenever you want to play it. There are a few other options here, such as the ability to change which exe you're running and browse a virtual folder that shows only the active files.
Customizing MO2's Theme One other thing that I prefer to do with MO2 before I start modding is change the theme. Feel free to do this too if you'd like, but it's not required. The theme that I pick will be used for the rest of the tutorial, so my MO2 may look a bit different from yours.
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- Click to the settings icon in MO2.
- Go to the "Theme" tab.
- Click the drop down for "style". Several options will be presented. I prefer "1809 Dark Mode". Press OK once you've selected a theme.
- MO2 will now have the new theme.
Priorities in MO2 Before you get started installing mods, it's important to understand priorities in MO2. The order that you install mods in in MO2 doesn't matter, but the
priorities of the mods do matter. Whenever you start installing mods, you'll notice a column appear in the left panel that shows the priority. You'll want to sort the list by this column. If a mod is higher up on the list, it will have a
lower priority, so its files can get overwritten in a conflict. If a mod is lower on the list, it will have a
higher priority, which means that its files will be more likely to be used if files conflict. Conflicts are normal in MO2 because many mods will have their own version of certain files. So in review:
- Smaller priority number = higher on the list = lower priority = files can get overwritten in a conflict = treated like it was installed earlier.
- Larger priority number = lower on the list = higher priority = files can overwrite in a conflict = treated like it was installed later.
The "order" essentially corresponds to the priorities. Throughout this tutorial, I will specify what the priorities of different mods should be. I will also provide a screenshot at the very end of this chapter that shows what priorities I give to different mods in my game.
What to do Next Once you've successfully installed and configured MO2, you can begin learning how to use it to install mods! Different kinds of mods are discussed in chapters 4 through 11 of this tutorial. Currently, XML2 does not have any required mods, though this will change in the future. All other mods are optional. Proceed to the section that interests you to move on with the tutorial.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 4 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10809.msg199944.html#msg199944) for a general idea of how to install equivalent mods for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- There is no OCP for XML2 (though the X2UP will fill this role when it is released).
- There are no Roster Hacks for XML2. The roster size is fixed at 21.
- There is no EXG for XML2.
- There are 3 package mods available for XML2: the All X-Men Edition (AXE) (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2584.0.html), which includes a separate roster of all X-Men characters, the Brotherhood Edition (BHE) (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2981.0.html), which includes a separate roster of all Brotherhood characters, and the Marvel Universe Edition (MUE) (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2278.0.html), which includes a separate roster of Ultimate Alliance characters. All 3 mods are installed the same way, which is similar to the MUA1 package mods. Unlike in MUA1, the XML2 package mods already include all of the required characters, so you don't have to install them separately.
Where to Go Next The next type of mod that you can install is character mods and boosters. Character mods are individual new characters that you can add to your game, and boosters are mods that modify existing characters and mods. Proceed to Chapter 5 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203642.html#msg203642) to learn how to install these mods. If you have another topic that you want to learn about instead, you can move on to that chapter instead.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 5 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203746.html#msg203746) for a general idea of how to install equivalent mods for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- Character mods can be found in the XML2 Character Mod Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,753.0.html) and the XML2 Non-Marvel Character Mod Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10710.0.html)
- Boosters can be found in the XML2 Booster Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10712.0.html) and the XML2 Non-Marvel Booster Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10710.0.html)
- There are no reducers or echo champions for XML2
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 6 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203848.html#msg203848) for a general idea of how to edit the herostat for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- With XML2, use the xml2/xml folder instead of the mua/xml folder.
- You can control character unlocks in the XML2 roster config files, but you can't control which characters are the starting characters.
- XML2 does not use roster layouts, so OHS will skip this step for XML2. However, it will ask about the roster size. The PC allows 21 characters.
- Package mods (the AXE, BHE, and MUE) use their own file names for the herostat and other files. When running OHS, be sure to select the proper option that you're using a package mod. The file names for these mods are listed in help_files\Package Mod File Names.txt.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 7 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203849.html#msg203849) for a general idea of how to edit data files for XML2.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 8 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203914.html#msg203914) for a general idea of how to install skins, portraits, and 3D heads for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- You can find skins in the XML2 Skin Thread Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10954.0.html).
- XML2 doesn't use mannequins, but it does use character select portraits. They are installed in ui\models\characters. Their file names don't have to end in 01. These portraits must be referenced in packages\generated\maps\package\menus\characters_heads.pkgb.
- In addition to conversation portraits (HUDs), XML2 also uses 3D heads, which are the floating heads that show what character you're controlling. These are installed in ui\hud\characters, and their file name should be the same as the skin number.
- 3D heads and conversation portraits should both be referenced in the character's packages.
- The herostat references skins differently from MUA1. In XML2, there are 9 categories and no names. You must use one of these 9 categories when defining a skin. The categories are used in the following order:
- Main
- astonishing
- aoa
- 60s
- 70s
- weaponx
- future
- winter
- civilian
You can find another explanation on installing skins for XML2 in this post (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10629.msg203371.html#msg203371).
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 9 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203915.html#msg203915) for a general idea of how to install sounds for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- Before installing any sounds, you must install the 2020 character voice/x_voice update (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10890.0.html). There are several files that you must delete for this to work correctly, and they're discussed in the release post for this mod.
- You can find sounds in the XML2 Sound Pack Catalog (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10889.0.html).
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 11 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203916.html#msg203916) for a general idea of how to install misc mods and loose files for XML2. Here are the important differences:
- You can find XML2 misc mods in the Misc. Modifications Board (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/board,60.0.html) for XML2.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction Until the X-Men Legends 2 Ultimate Patch (X2UP) (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11057.0.html) is complete, this tutorial is going to be unfinished. However, you can use Chapter 12 of the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide for PC - MO2 Method (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11326.msg203917.html#msg203917) for a general idea of how to play the game. Here are the important differences:
- To set up your controls, you must go to the advanced settings in the main menu. The controller must be connected before you launch the game. You must manually input the controls.
- If you use a PS4 or PS5 controller, DS4Windows (https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows) can help you the controller work better.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction You're almost at the end of this tutorial! This section contains a series of useful links for additional information related to modding your game.
General Helpful Links- Library of Links (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10301.0.html): Links to all the important content on the site.
- ak2yny's YouTube playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoDlrzGSYQ6hzX_7ggKWwgRsQZyCxGmzH): A YouTube playlist with a variety of tutorials from different creators. Some of these videos are older and may be outdated.
Gameplay- Cheat Codes (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10301.msg204227.html#msg204227): A list of cheat codes for all games.
- Playing at Resolutions over 1080p (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10578.0.html): Using dgVoodoo2 to play the game at resolutions over 1080p. This option does not support aspect ratios other than 16:9.
- Reshade (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11205.0.html): Play the game with a variety of graphics filters for enhanced graphics.
- Online Co-Op with Parsec (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10301.msg191770.html#msg191770): Learn how to play online with your friends! This is only for emulators.
Additional Modding- Multiple Themed Herostats (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8284.0.html): Learn how to create your own package mods with a roster and save files that are separate from the base game. (This tutorial is specifically for MUA1, but much of it is relevant to XML2).
- Adding Breaks and Callouts (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11055.0.html): Learn how to add callouts and break sounds in the character select screen for new characters.
Creating Your Own Mods- The Outsider's Guide to Modding (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10705.0.html): Learn how to create your own character mods.
- Marvel Mods Modeling Tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10797.0.html): Learn how to create new skins and custom models.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction This chapter covers some frequently asked questions related to modding MUA1. Search through here for answers to questions that you may have during the modding process.
Common Game Errors- Q: Why is my mod/game not working?
- A: You'll have to be more specific. What issues are you having? When do they happen? Answer these questions to yourself, and then use this FAQ to find solutions.
- Q: Why is my game crashing/freezing/locking up/stuck on a loading screen/not launching?
- A: There are several possible causes for this. Check out our troubleshooting guide in Chapter 14 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203651.html#msg203651).
- Q: Why are character powers not functioning properly in my game?
- A: There are several possible causes for this. Check out our troubleshooting guide in Chapter 14 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203651.html#msg203651).
- Q: Why are new mod characters locked whenever I try to select them?
- A: Character mods will be locked in-game whenever you first add them. If you use OpenHeroSelect (OHS), you can unlock characters through that program. If you're editing the herostat manually, you can unlock characters through a script. For more information on this, check out Chapter 6 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203643.html#msg203643).
- Q: My character has a power where they swap skins, but they don't change to the right skin. Why is that?
- A: This means that the skins aren't hex edited. Learn more about hex editing in Chapter 8 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203645.html#msg203645).
- Q: Why does my controller only support 4-direction movement?
- A: The base game doesn't have perfect controller support. This is a glitch found in many controllers, especially new ones, and we have no solution for it currently.
- Q: What do I do if my question isn't answered here?
- A: Go to Chapter 15 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg205658.html#msg205658) to learn how to properly ask for help.
MO2 Issues- Q: Why does MO2 not recognize my game files?
- A: You are likely missing the proper plugin for MO2 to recognize your game. Revisit the start of Chapter 3 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203640.html#msg203640) to find this plugin and learn where to put it.
- Q: What priority numbers should I use for different mods?
- A: You can find specifics on priorities throughout the tutorial, but here's an overview in order from smallest priority number to largest:
- Package Mods
- Character Mods
- Boosters
- Skins
- Sounds
- Misc Mods/Loose Files
- Modified Data Files
- Modified herostat
Setup, Graphics, and Gameplay- Q: How can I run the game in windowed or borderless windowed mode?
- A: As discussed in Chapter 2 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203639.html#msg203639), there is no known method for achieving this. The game will always run in fullscreen mode. It is possible to use Alt+Tab to minimize the game. However, doing this while the game is loading anything can cause it to crash. Only do this while the game is idle.
- Q: Can I run the game in resolutions over 1080p?
- A: As discussed in Chapter 2 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203639.html#msg203639), there is a method linked in Chapter 12 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203649.html#msg203649).
- Q: Can use a ultrawidescreen resolution to play the game (greater than 16:9)?
- A: This is not possible. Even the dgVoodoo2 method mentioned in Chapter 12 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203649.html#msg203649) only supports 16:9 resolution.
- Q: Does online play or multiplayer or coop/co-op still work?
- A: No, not natively, since the servers were shut down for a long time ago. If you wish to play online with others using the 2006 PC version, you can use a program called Parsec. The guide for that is in Chapter 12 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203649.html#msg203649).
Locating and Downloading Mods- Q: I can't find a particular mod, booster, or skin. I've checked the catalogs and the search bar. What do I do?
- A: You can check Ceamonks890's archive (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/nhw6skl65lj2b,n2dwu8p6cd5rs/shared), as he's backed up almost everything. If you can't find it there either, then it probably doesn't exist.
- Q: The link to a wanted mod, booster, or skin is broken. What should I do?
- A: First, let us know of the broken link, so we can replace it. Then, check Ceamonks890's archive (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/nhw6skl65lj2b,n2dwu8p6cd5rs/shared) as he has backed up almost everything.
- Q: I want to request a new mod, booster, or skin for someone to create. How do I do that?
- A: Currently, most modders do not accept requests. If a modder does state that they accept requests, you can ask them nicely, once. If they turn you down, do not pester them. If you can't find someone to take your request, you can post about it in the the common request topics (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/board,15.0.html) or in the #suggestion-box channel on our Discord server, but keep in mind that no one is obligated to take your suggestion. Keep in mind that the best person to create a mod is you! Chapter 12 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203649.html#msg203649) has a wide variety of tutorials for making your own mods.
By BaconWizard17
Introduction This chapter is a troubleshooting guide for common issues with XML2. You can find solutions to the most common problems here.
Game Crashes This section is for game crashes. The following are considered crashes:
- If the game closes unexpectedly
- If the game freezes and does not unfreeze
- If the game does not launch
- If the game gets stuck on an infinite loading screen
- If the emulator gives some sort of error
Expand to see solutions
Different types of crashes and their solutions:
- The game does not launch
- There are a few possible reasons for this, depending on when it occurs in the modding process:
- After changing the herostat: If you exceed the roster size limit for your version of the game (21 for PC), the game will crash when you try to launch it. If you're using OpenHeroSelect (OHS) to edit your herostat, make sure that you're selecting the correct roster size for your version of the game. If you're using XMLBCUI, make sure that you are not adding too many characters to your roster.
- If none of these issues are the cause, it's possible that you have a corrupt file or some similar issue. The only solution is to restore the default files and try again. Test after installing each mod to see what causes the issue.
- The game crashes when you start a new game (before or after the opening cutscene):
- This type of crash is less common, but it can also be the hardest to diagnose. Here are a few possible solutions:
- First, make sure that you delete your existing save files.
- If this doesn't solve your issue, it's possible that you have a corrupt file or some similar issue. You may need to start fresh and reinstall mods, checking them one at a time.
- The game crashes when you select a character:
- There are a few possibilities here:
- If the character's character select portrait is also missing from the character select screen, then this means that you didn't install the character correctly or at all. Remember that adding the character to the herostat is only part of the process of installing a character, and the character's files must be installed in the correct place. Revisit Chapter 5 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203642.html#msg203642) to see how to properly install a character.
- If the character's character select portrait does appear, but selecting them crashes the game, it's possible that the skin file is missing/corrupt. This is unlikely with released mods, but it can happen if you modified or hex edited the skin incorrectly. It can also happen if the skin is not compatible with your console. Download a fresh, unmodified copy of the skin and check its compatibility. Then, you can reinstall it. You can learn more in Chapter 8 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203645.html#msg203645).
- The game crashes during a loading screen:
- This means that your currently selected team has exceeded one of the game's limits. Reduce your team to 2 or 3 characters and try again. If 2 or 3 won't work, try using one character by themselves. You can find more information about limits in the XML2 PC Limit Documentation thread (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10885.0.html).
Power Malfunctions There are many ways in which a power can fail, but there are usually just a few causes for this. Malfunctions include:
- Effects not appearing
- Powers not activating
- Incorrect animations
- Powers doing no damage
- Boosts/passives not applying to characters
- Characters not swapping to the right skin
Expand to see solutions
Here is a general guide for dealing with these issues:
- Skin-related issues (like if a character swaps to the wrong skin) generally occur if the skin is not hex edited correctly. Learn more about hex editing in Chapter 8 of this tutorial (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.msg203645.html#msg203645).
- For other power issues, there are several things you can check. First, if you modified any data files (.engb, .xmlb, .pkgb, etc.), including the herostat, make sure that you start a new game and delete your old save files. This is a required step and will help with many power issues. If you've already done this and it hasn't helped, try the next option in this list.
- Next, reduce the size of your team. Instead of using 4 characters, try using 2 or 3. This will generally help with issues like effects not appearing. If 2 or 3 characters doesn't work, try using just one. If this still doesn't work, try the next option in this list.
- If the above options don't work for you, it's possible that you have a corrupt file. It's also possible that the mod itself has issues. If this is the case, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause when using the Direct method to install mods. You will need to do a fresh reinstallation of the game and test it after adding each mod to see what the possible issue is. If you don't want to have to keep reinstalling your game and mods, you can switch to using the MO2 Method for installing mods (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,11322.0.html).
By BaconWizard17
Introduction You've gone through the entire tutorial, the FAQ, and the troubleshooting guide, and you still can't find what you're looking for or can't figure out what's wrong. It happens to all of us! This chapter discusses how to ask for help.
Identifying the Issue Before reporting an issue, it's important that you're able to say exactly what it is. Here are some tips:
- Determine when the issue is happening. Does it start happening after you do a certain action? Is it only occuring in a certain area of the game? With a certain character?
- Determine when you first noticed the issue. Is it ongoing? Did it start after you installed a certain mod? Has it always been the case for you?
- Determine if there's something that impacts this issue. Do certain actions make it more or less noticeable?
Describing the Issue Once you know your issue, you need to be able to properly describe it. Here are some tips:
- Type up a description of what you've found. Be as detailed as you can, and include all the information from above.
- In your description, you should include the game that you're playing (XML2 PC in this case), the installation method that you're using (direct method in this case), and the tutorial chapter that covers your issue, if any.
- Also include anything that you've tried to do to fix the issue.
- Lastly, get some visual representations of the issue. Screenshots and screen recordings can tell a lot more than words by themselves. If you don't know how to take screenshots, here is a tutorial for Windows 10 (https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-take-screenshots-in-windows-10). Most of these methods work on Windows 7 and Windows 11 as well. You can use OBS Studio (https://obsproject.com/welcome), an open-source (free) screen recording software, to record your screen. The built-in Xbox Game Bar in Windows 10/11 also allows you to record footage from the game easily.
Reporting the Issue/Asking for Help Once you've gathered your information, you can ask us for help on your issue. Here's the best way to do this:
- Do not reach out to a modder by DMs to ask them for help. It's best to ask for help publicly.
- For public help, the best place to ask is the #help❗ channel on the Marvel Mods Discord Server (https://discord.gg/xcVFEPzhcM). You can also ask for help in the Technical Problems board on our site (https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/board,17.0.html), but response times will be much slower, and you'll likely be told to come to our Discord server anyways.
- When asking for help, send all the information you've gathered, including the written description and any images/screen recordings.
- Be sure to mention which tutorial chapters you checked to find solutions (such as the FAQ or troubleshooting guide).
- You may not get help right away. Be patient. On the Discord server, if it's been more than a day, you can follow up, but be respectful. Don't tag people unless they're actively helping you, and don't tag people more than once in a row.
- If someone offers to help you, be respectful to them. They may ask you for more information, including additional screenshots.