Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Blitz_Storm on April 24, 2023, 06:59AM

Title: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on April 24, 2023, 06:59AM
Here's where I'll be showcasing some of the mod stuff I have in the works
~ hope you guys enjoy  :spiderman:
Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on April 25, 2023, 12:24PM
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Mod-ish
what better way to start my opening debut than to unveil my first attempts at moddng a character.

Although this is mod acts more as a reskin of Jake(Ceamonks890)'s DUM DUM DUGAN mod which you can find here (,10976.msg200134.html#msg200134t)
~ other than that, there has been a few changes the mod such as the character number which is now more in line with the official number for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents within the base game.



Up n Over: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent grabs an enemy and slams them to the ground really hard, dealing physical damage.
Bullet Spray: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent pulls out a pistol and fires several shots, causing physical damage and knockback to enemies.
I'll Cover Ya!: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent pulls out a submachine gun and fires it, so long as button is held down. Capable of strafing whilst this power is used!
Target Sighted: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent pulls out a powerful sniper rifle to take down a single enemy. Charge attack for max damage! Chance of instant KO for struck foes will depend on whether they're stunned or not before being shot at.
Motion Sensor: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent pulls out some custom SHIELD tech to reveal all enemies on the minimap. Will also decrease damage taken for the entire team.
Adrenaline Boost: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent injects himself with a prototype super soldier serum that increas the damage of his attacks.
Blindspot: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent flings a flash bomb onto the ground, stunning enemies and lowering their overall damage output.
Barbecue Time!: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent throws several grenades into the air, dealing fire damage to all nearby foes.

Extra Ability:

Back in Action: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent will have a chance to resurrect himself if he suffers otherwise fatal injuries, by transferring his consciousness to another LMD body bearing his visage. However, he can still die permanently from heights, regardless of this talent.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on May 04, 2023, 09:00AM
Custom Skin Pack

Giant-Man (ultimate)  ( Polaris (modern)  ( Armored Bullseye  (
( ( (




credit to BACONWIZARD17's Scarlet Witch custom skin (,10629.msg201462.html#msg201462) used for the Polaris skin
Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on May 08, 2023, 08:26AM
Ultron mini-Booster
this is a booster made for Outsider's Ultron mod which you can find here (,8753.msg174259.html#msg174259)

this booster allows for Ultron to create a holographic double of himself instead of summoning an Ultron Striker

Download link:   
Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: NoahTheNerd on June 20, 2023, 03:28PM
These all look really good! Keep up the great work man!
Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on September 13, 2023, 03:36PM
Prowler Mod
this was a big project in making.

This was a long worked in project inspired by Jake(Ceamonks890)'s Prowler mod which you can find here (,10976.msg204470.html#msg204470), after all countless hours I spent on making what is apparently my first ever character mod I am really happy with how this came out.



(Melee) Counter Slash: The Prowler slashes at enemies with the claws on his gauntlets, dealing physical damage.

(Projectile) Dual Shot: Prowler fires a stream of bullets from his gauntlets, dealing physical damage to his targets.

(Projectile) Tracking Blades: The Prowler throws infrared homing blades that can cut nearby enemies.

(Projectile) Venom Blast: Shoots a bioelectric beam that pierces through multiple enemies if fully charged.

(Melee) Venom Sting: Prowler grabs and shocks a nearby enemy with an electric charge from his gauntlet.

(Debuff) Blindspot: Prowler throws a flasbang which leaves neaby enemies stuned.

(Buff) Covert Camo: Prowler uses his cloaking gear to becomes seemingly invisible to enemies, increasing critical hit chances, and reduces damage received from enemy attacks.

(Xtreme) Smoke Screen: Prowler throws a barrage of canisters filled with toxic gass incapacitating enemies within the area.

Extra Abilities:

Suit Glide: The Prowler is able to glide through the air by double jumping, and holding the jump button a third time.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on September 19, 2023, 05:27PM
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Booster
Wanna step in the shoes of a common soldier? Well now you can.

This is a booster for in Jake(Ceamonks890)'s playable NPC mod which you can find here (,10976.msg201501.html#msg201501), I decided to add some more powers and abilities to make him more of playable a character.



(Melee) Counter: The SHIELD Agent grabs and slams an unlucky enemy to the ground, breaking their arm as physical damage is dealt.

(Projectile) Locked & Loaded: The SHIELD Agent fires from two of his guns, dealing physical damage to targeted foes.

(Projectile) Stun Dart: The SHIELD Agent uses his gun to fire projectiles that stun enemies.

(Radial) Frag: The SHIELD Agent tosses a grenade, damaging nearby enemies.

(Radial) Bullet Barrage: The SHIELD Agent spins around firing rapid fire bullets from both his guns.

(Trap) Land Mine: The SHIELD Agent places a portable trap on the ground, triggering an electric shock that stuns any target unlucky to get close.

(Boost) The Cavalry: The SHIELD Agent calls for backup to help assist in combat for a time.

(Xtreme) Bullet Storm: The SHIELD Agent fires several incendiary rounds into the air. Causing a hail of bullets to come crashing down into nearby enemies and objects.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on November 13, 2023, 11:00AM
Swordsman Mod
the jack of all blades, master of every single one.

Ever since his brief appearance as a minor boss in the comic missions Swordsman has been one of many enemy NPCs I've wanted to make into a playable character for a while now, given that I was mostly starting from scratch there was a few challenges here and there but nothing too difficult. In the end I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys enjoy.

(It should be noted that Swordsman will clash mannequins with Oya and Gun Girl 1, so I would be mindful of that)



(Melee) Forward Jab: Swordsman performs a two-hit forward combo with his swords, dealing physical damage.

(Projectile) Blade Spark: Swordsman generates a spark of energy from his swords which can be used as a projectile.

(Radial) Sword Smash: The Swordsman slams both his swords causing a shockwave that lifts enemies off the ground.

(Radial) Slicing Combo: Swordsman performs a radial attack with his swords, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies.

(Melee) Sword Slash: Swordsman delivers a sharp sash to nearby enemies with causes bleeding.

(Boost) Sharpened: By sharpening his blades, Swordsman is able to deal more damage to enemies.

(Buff) Razer Focus: Through precise concentration Swordsman can boost his defense and movement speed.

(Xtreme) Blade Frenzy: The Swordsman circles around the area, slashing nearby enemies.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on December 02, 2023, 11:03PM
Shocker Mod
from low level crook to big time hero.

This was another boss character that I've wanted to make playable for a while, although there were other mods for the shocker they didn't feel as refined or detailed as other mods in the catalog. Now that I've gotten a better grasp in character modding I decided to take it upon myself to construct my own character mod for him.



(Beam) Shock Blast: Channels energy through his gauntlets to blast foes with a beam of focused energy.

(Radial) Power Smash: Sends out a blast of energy, knocking back all nearby enemies.

(Special) Supercharge: Charges an enemy with vibrations for a short while causing them to detonate, which doubles the overall damage.

(Radial) Earthwake: Jumps into the air and comes back down HARD doing radial damage.

(Radial) Avalanch: Smashes the ground doing radial damage by sending a shockwave toward nearby enemies.

(Boost) Sonic Feild: Shocker amplifies the vibration waves around his suit which reduces damage and deflects all projectiles.

(Boost) System Shock: Shocker supercharges the gauntlets which adds Electricity Dmg to his melee attacks.

(Xtreme) Vibration Overload: Shocker unleashes a burst of energy within his vibro suit in a single blast.

Extra Abilities:

Suit Resistances: Vibro Suit gives Shocker resistance to Electricity Dmg and Energy Dmg.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on December 25, 2023, 03:23PM
Ultron Mod
the ultimate power of machines is at hand

Ultron was one of my favorite characters in MUA so making him a playable character was pretty high on my list. For this boss NPC I wanted to make him a powerful character by upgrading a few movesets from tech-based characters as well as basic enemies in the game (mostly the ultronstriker) 



(Beam) Cyber Beam: Channels energy through his hands to blast foes with a beam of focused energy.

(Beam) Rapid Fire: Fires his Lasers in broad sweeps, doing massive energy damage to enemies in the area.

(Projectile) Multishot: Fires multiple energy blasts which can ricochet off multiple surfaces while doing energy damage.

(Projectile) A.P. Missile: Launches auto-targeting missiles that reduce the enemy's defense for a short time.

(Radial) Heavy Metal: Using his enhanced strength, Ultron smashes the ground doing massive knockback to nearby enemies.

(Boost) Power Boost: unleashes a burst of energy throughout his body which enhances his damage and durability for a limited time.

(Boost) Advanced Projection: Ultron constructs an advanced hologram to assist him in battle.

(Xtreme) Aerial Devastation: Summons an overhead drone to unleash an airstrike upon nearby enemies.

Extra Abilities:

Adamantium Armor: Ultron's body armor comprised adamantium, making him durable to %50 of physical damage.

Assimilation: Ultron uses his grabsmash to convert the enemy to fight for him and his allies

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on January 17, 2024, 10:47AM
Winter Soldier Mod
the one man army himself.

This was a tricky character mod to work on for a while. Nevertheless, I am quite happy with how it turned out. For this boss NPC I wanted to go for a more tactical, black-ops type moveset that was fitting for the character.



(Projectile) Gun Blast: Fires several shots causing energy damage to targets within range.

(Melee) Side Sweep: Unleashes a barrage of kicks towards the enemy, dealing multi-hit damage.

(Melee) Steel Jab: Charges his bionic arm to deliver a powerful punch.

(Projectile) Grenade Launcher: Uses the grenade launcher mounted on his rifle to fire explosive rounds, causing major damage.

(Projectile) Throwing Knives: Launch a spread of throwing knives, inflicting bleed damage.

(Boost) Super Soldier: Boosts attack speed, and adds damage to melee attacks.

(Boost) Master Assassin: Adds extra bleed dmg for basic while also increasing the chance of critical hits.

(Xtreme) Full Auto Assault: Drawing two SMGs, the Winter Soldier unleashes a barrage of bullets tearing down everything around him.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on August 11, 2024, 10:35PM
:shehulk2: She-Hulk Mod :shehulk2:
brains, beauty, and bronze ... and modest too

For She-Hulk I wanted to use her boss NPC from the PS2/wii port of MUA2 where she (and Black Widow) infiltrated a rebel hideout.
I wanted to give her a similar strength based moveset to her cousin while making it more unique to the OG Hulk himself.



(Radial) Objection: Jumps into air and comes back down hard doing radial Damage.

(Radial) Cyclone Slam: She-Hulk leaps into a spinning slam attack.

(Melee) Capital Offense: Performs An increased melee attack to enemies hit along with added chance of critical hit.

(Radial) Civil Dispute: She-Hulk pounds the ground with her fists, damaging enemies in an increasing radius.

(Radial) Thunder Clap: She-Hulk claps her hands together to creates a concussive wave that stuns nearby enemies.

(Boost) Gamma Shield: Allows the team to absorb a percentage of Physical Damage as HP gain and reduces Damage taken for a time.

(Boost) Power House: Becomes a powerful force by Increasing max HP and Striking for a time.

(Xtreme) Final Verdict: Slams into ground, dealing massive Physical Damage to all nearby enemies.

Extra Abilities:

Gamma Power: Absorbs all Radiation Damage and converts it into gamma energy.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on August 12, 2024, 07:08AM
Black Widow Mod
SHIELD agent or double agent, take your pick.

For Black Widow I wanted to use her boss NPC from the PS2/wii port of MUA2 where she (and she-hulk) infiltrated a rebel hideout.
Overall, I wanted to use her original character file for the basic fightstyle while being a more centered toward her NPC port.



(Projectile) Sniper: Use high-powered rifle to shoot a single shot at long distance enemies.

(Projectile) Flashbang: Throws a flash bomb that will stun enemies at a distance.

(Projectile) Frag: -description

(Projectile) Dual Shot: Pull out two pistols and fires at enemies within range.

(Radial) Spinning Sweepkick: Spins around tripping any enemies within range with a sweep attack.

(Boost) Widow's Bite Sets gauntlets to stun which adds Electricity Damage to melee attacks.

(Boost) Radio Silence: Go into stealth mode giving melee attacks a greater chance of bleed damage.

(Xtreme) Russian Fury: Drawing both her pistols, Black Widow unleashes a furious volley of fire tearing down everything in front of her.

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Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: drewdavis on August 13, 2024, 01:30AM
Congratulations on your awesome mod!
Title: Re: The Blitz modding center
Post by: Blitz_Storm on September 14, 2024, 12:49PM
B... — Today at 3:46 PM
The Lizard Mod
a brilliant man turned monster by his own experiments

For the Lizard I used the boss files from MUA2 which contained an extra ability, I've also used assets from wolverine and sabertooth ( XML1 ) that matched his more feral like fighting style.



(Radial) Tail Slash: The Lizard does a tail spin, damaging nearby enemies.

(Melee) Claw Attack: Leaps forward, knocking back enemies with his claws.

(Charge) Lethal Lunge: Lunges at an enemy and brutally slashes them to pieces.

(Melee) Spin Attack: Spins forward, hitting multiple targets with his claws.

(Melee) Fatal Frenzy: Unleashes a barrage of slash attacks, damaging nearby enemies.

(Boost) Serum Boost: Uses an experimental formula that Increases maximums Health and Energy for a time.

(Boost) Feral Rage: Taps into his animalistic nature which boosts his attack speed and adds Bleed Damage to all melee attacks. ;

(Xtreme) Reptile Rampage: Slashes multiple targets in the area by preforming a fatal spin attack.

Extra Abilities:

Healing Factor: Using reptile DNA The Lizard can regenerate his health for a period of time.

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