:mystique:Enigma's Mystique Mod v2.0 :mystique:
This is my Mystique mod. It contains the following:Sounds:*A voicepack that combines the best of her XML1 and XML2 x_voice lines and grunts as well as clips taken from her NPC lines from both games, all voiced by Grey Delisle.
-I've also used additional lines by the same actor from her role as the XML2 Shifter enemy, because she's doing the same voice for Shifter as she for Mystique.
-I've also used additional lines and grunts by the same actor from her role as Azula in the game Avatar the Burning Earth, because she's doing the same voice for Azula as she is for Mystique.
-She has 2 banter lines: 1 with Rogue and 1 with Wolverine.
*Power sounds:
-Single Shot uses the charge sound it uses in the XML1 Prototype.
-Double Up uses the charge sound it uses for both her XML1 Retail and XML2 NPC versions.
-Shootout uses the charge and impact sounds it uses in XML1 Retail.
-For the bullet sounds that are shared by Single Shot, Double Up, and Shootout, they used XML1 Prototype's Single Shot's bullet sound and XML1 Retail's Double Up's bullet sound.
-Grenade Bomber uses the generic XML1 grenade impact sound that it uses in XML1 Retail. For the grenade throwing sound, I used one of Punisher's Marvel Heroes power sounds. The sound made when the grenade is in the air is from Deadpool's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-Pandora's Box uses 2 of Gambit's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-Claws Out uses one of X-23's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-In Plain Sight uses one of Rogue's Marvel Heroes sounds for the charge sound and Mystique's XML1 transform sound for when she actually transforms.
-Civil Chaos's charge sound is from Star-Lord's Marvel Heroes sounds and the sound used when she transforms is one of Rogue's Marvel Heroes sounds.
-The Enemy Within's sounds both come from Star-Lord's Marvel Heroes sounds.
-Grenade Frenzy's charge sound is from Deadpool's Marvel Heroes sounds and all other sounds are the same as Grenade Bomber.
-Let the Games Begin's sounds both come from Star-Lord's Marvel Heroes sounds.
Powers:*She uses fightstyle_finesse1, which is what she uses in both XML1 and XML2 as an NPC.
*She can double jump.
*I've fixed the coding of all powers so that they'll work properly in XML2.
*She has a 10% resistance to Radiation and Mental damage, similar to what she has in the comics.
*All bullet projectiles for all powers now pierce through enemies.
*She uses her XML1 Prototype-only power1, which I've named Single Shot.
-I've changed it to do Bleed damage instead of Physical damage.
-The bullets don't come out of the right spots by default, so I've used the offsets coding from a power from nodoubt's mod that uses the same animation.
-It now trips enemies.
*She uses her XML1 and 2 NPC power1, which I've named Double Up.
-The bullets didn't come out of the right spot by default, so with Outsider's permission, I've used the offsets from his MUA1 Mystique mod. (This fix is also present in her NPC version in the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch.)
-I've altered it to work for as a XML2 playable character power.
-I've changed it to do Bleed damage instead of Physical damage.
-It now immobilizes enemies.
*She uses her XML1 Retail power2, which I've named Shootout.
-I've changed it to do Bleed damage instead of Physical damage.
-The bullets don't come out of the right spots by default, so with Outsider's permission, I've used coding from his MUA1 Mystique Mod's Trigger Happy power because it fixes this issue.
-I've used some other misc coding from a power from nodoubt's mod that uses the same animation.
-It now stuns enemies.
*She uses her XML1 Retail grenade power, which I've completely redone so that it'll work in XML2.
-I've named this power Grenade Bomber.
-It previously had no damage type, so it now does Fire damage.
-It now burns enemies.
-It now knocksback enemies.
*She has an Xtreme called Grenade Frenzy.
*She has a boost called Claws Out, which gives her X-23's hand and foot claws.
*She has a boost, In Plain Sight, which lets her transform into nearby enemies.
*She has a boost, Civil Chaos, which lets her turn 1 of the following NPCs, each with a different result: Stan Lee, Doctor Cornelius, Moira MacTaggert, General Kincaid, Senator Kelly
*She has a boost, The Enemy Within, which lets her turn 1 of the following NPCs, each with a different result: Hellfire Club Guard, GRSO Elite, Shi'ar Gunner, Super Soldier, Skrull Commando
*She has an Xtreme boost, Let the Games Begin, which lets her turn 1 of the following NPCs, each with a different result: Forge, Guardian, Multiple Man, Lilandra, Corsair
Visuals:*Includes a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen I made using a higher quality source image I found.
*Includes her unused XML1 Gladiator Pandora loading screen which I AI Upscaled.
*Includes a character select portrait I made using the same higher quality source image of her XML1 loading screen.
*Her XML1 and XML2 skins both use her XML2 3D head because her XML1 3D head uses a completely different face that her XML1 3D skin doesn't use.
*Includes a version her XML1 and 2 conversation hud I made based upon the higher quality XML1 Prototype version of it.
-Her XML1 and XML2 skins both use this hud.
*Her Gladiator skin uses a hud I made based upon her Gladiator loading screen.
*Uses the correct mini convo hud (which is what's used in the main menu Danger Room).
*I've used the icons from Matt710's Mystique mod, which I've AI Upscaled and denoised to improve their quality.
*I've removed the camera shake and full screen white flash from all effects that had it.
*I've recolored all her effects (and colored the new ones I've created) to be the same colors as her XML2 NPC Double Up charge effect.
*Double Up uses the effects it uses for her XML2 NPC version.
*Shootout uses the same bullet and impact effects as Double Up, just like it does in XML1 Retail.
-I've also uses its XML1 Retail power, but I've removed the smoke cloud and shining star parts of the effect, as I felt they were out of place and didn't make sense for how they were used.
*Single Shot has no effects in XML1 Prototype, but I've had it also use Double Up's bullet and impact effects.
*She uses the same grenade she uses in XML1 Retail, which is just the generic grenade model.
*Grenade Bomber uses a recolored version of its XML1 Retail effect (this effect is also used for the XML1 generic grenade impact effect).
-Grenade Frenzy also uses this effect.
*Pandora's Box and Grenade Frenzy use a new revolver bolton I made. I separated Corsair's revolver skin segment from his MUA1 skin and made it into a standalone bolton.
-Pandora's Box uses a recolored version of the XML1 Astral Fury's impact effect (this NPC uses a recolored version of Mystique's unused Gladiator skin). The power effect is one I made.
*Claws Out uses iammingy's X-23 hand and foot claw boltons and some new effects I created.
*In Plain Sight uses an effect I made.
*Civil Chaos uses a recolored version of one of Mystique's XML1 Prototype transform effects.
*The Enemy Within uses a recolored version of one of Mystique's XML1 Prototype transform effects.
*Let the Games Begin uses an effect I made.
Misc:*She has 9 packages.
-They allow her to have 9 skins as well as unique huds and 3D heads for every skin.
-These are the streamlined X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style packages.
Skin List:-Skin: XML2 Modern (2801)
-Skin_Astonishing: XML1 Modern (2802)
-Skin_AOA: X-Men Destiny (by UltimateVeNoM) (2803)
-Skin_60s: New X-Factor (by Matt710) (2804)
-Skin_70s: Next Dimension (by Matt710) (2805)
-Skin_WeaponX: Movie (by mathw12) (2806)
-Skin_Future: Ultimate (by Matt710) (2807)
-Skin_Winter: Gladiator (XML1 Prototype Non-Cel Shaded) (2808)
-Skin_Civilian: Overcoat (by Matt710) (2809)
Skin Swaps List:*Civil Chaos Boost:
-2810: Stan Lee (BaconWizard17's version of the cut XML1 Prototype gray coat version)
-2811: Doctor Cornelius (cut XML1 Prototype NPC. He's a Weapon X scientist from the comics.)
-2812: Moira MacTaggert (My version. I AI Upscaled Moira's PS2 skin texture so that it's at the same 256x256 resolution as the rest of the XML2 skins and saturated her skin color to make her less pale.)
-2813: General Kincaid
-2814: Senator Kelly (My version. The PS2 skin is broken when the right arm moves, so I reskinned BaconWizard17's Tony Stark suit skin, which uses the same model and is Cel Shaded.)
*The Enemy Within Boost:
-2815: Hellfire Club Guard (BaconWizard17 version)
-2816: GRSO Elite (Higher quality version from the XML1 Prototype. This model was reskinned and reused for the Sinister Agents in XML2.)
-2817: Shi'ar Gunner (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded)
-2818: Super Soldier (MUA1 Prototype Alternate, Cel Shaded)
-2819: Skrull Commando (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded)
*Let the Games Begin Xtreme Boost:
-2820: Forge (My version of his XML Ultimate skin. By default, Forge's XML default skin (which is used both XML games except the texture is higher quality in XML2) is pretty rough and there are lot of issues with both the texture and the model. I've fixed all of them, including restoring his cut robot right hand, and also added ties to back of his bandana. I've also given him a new and better skeleton.)
-2821: Guardian (My version. I've fixed many issues, including the issue with the bottoms of his feet having placeholder wireframe textures. I've given him a new and better skeleton. I've given him yellow eyes, made a white stripe on his back that's the same size as the one on his front, and made the inside parts of his legs white.)
-2822: Multiple Man XML1 Future (My version of his cut XML1 Future skin. I put the higher quality XML1 Prototype texture in the right format and reskinned his XML1 Retail model with it because the Prototype model has issues that the Retail version doesn't.)
-2823: Lilandra (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded)
-2824: Corsair (My version I made. I removed his skin segment weapons, gave it a new and better working skeleton, fixed the model, fixed various flaws and issues that the original texture had, and Cel Shaded it.)
Bonus Skin Swaps:*Civil Chaos Boost:
-2810: Stan Lee Green Sweater (BaconWizard17 Cel Shaded & Not), Stan Lee Senator Lieber (BaconWizard17 Cel Shaded & Not), Stan Lee Tan Coat (BaconWizard17 Cel Shaded & Not)
-2811: Bruce Banner (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded), Hank Pym (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded), Weapon X Director (XML1 Cel Shaded)
-2813: Dum-Dum Dugan (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded), Weasel (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded)
-2814: Wyatt Wingfoot (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded)
*The Enemy Within Boost:
-2815: Hellfire Club Guard Alternates (Variant B, Variant C, Leader Variant, Cyborg Variant (which is used for Mutated in the Ultimate Patch), all by BaconWizard17.)
-2816: GROS Black (higher quality XML1 Prototype version), GROS Blue (higher quality XML1 Prototype version), GROS Gray (higher quality XML1 Prototype version), GROS Green (higher quality XML1 Prototype version), GROS Tan (higher quality XML1 Prototype version)
-2817: Shi'ar Soldier (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Shi'ar Tracker (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
-2818: Super Soldier (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded)
-2819: Skrull Deviant (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
*Let The Games Begin Boost:
-2820: Captain Britain Ultimate (I made this skin. Cel Shaded & Not), Crimson Dynamo (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Ka-Zar (XML2), Forge Classic Alternate (I made this skin), Forge Earth-95169 (I made this skin), Forge Modern (I made this skin), Forge Modern Alternate (I made this skin), Forge XML Ultimate Alternate (I made this skin), Loki (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Neutron (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Shocker (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Forge XML2 Ultimate (XML2 Cel Shaded), Warstar (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
-2821: Black Bolt (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Electro Classic (My version of it. Cel Shaded & Not.) Executioner (MUA1 Non Cel Shaded), Grey Gargoyle (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Grizzly (XML2 Cel Shaded), Magik XML1 Civilian (My version of it. Cel Shaded & Not. I fixed all issues with the texture and fixed as many issues with the model as possible.) Paibok (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Titannus (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
-2822: Gladiator (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Gorgon (MUA1 Non Cel Shaded), Heimdall (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Multiple Man XML1 X-Corps (My version of it. I put the higher quality XML1 Prototype texture in the right format and reskinned his XML1 Retail model with it because the Prototype model has issues that the Retail version doesn't.), Rhino (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
-2823: Attuma (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Balder (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Radioactive Man (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Skrull Empress (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
-2824: Bullseye (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded), Mysterio (MUA1 PS2 Not Cel Shaded), Odin (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not), Tiger Shark (MUA1 Prototype Cel Shaded & MUA1 PS2 Not)
Other Bonuses:*Bonus Skins:
-Astral Fury skin: After Mystique's Gladiator skin was cut from XML1 along with the future act, that skin was reskinned and reused as a Danger Room only enemy called Astral Fury (although the internal name is Astral Ghost). I've made a conversation hud by recoloring her unused Gladiator loading screen.
-Classic by Nuhverah
-House of M by BLaw
-Messiah Complex by Shafcrawler
-XML2 White Recolor by Gabriel ガブリエル
*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Custom Astral Fury: I recolored the unused XML1 Gladiator loading screen to look like her Astral Fury skin, which is a recolored version of that skin.
-Custom Mystique XML2: I recolored my version of her XML1 loading screen to look like her XML2 skin, which is just a recolored version of that skin.
*Non Cel Shaded Default Skins: These are Non Cel Shaded versions of Corsair, Forge, Hellfire Club Guard, Lilandra, Senator Kell, Shi'ar Gunner, Shi'ar Commando, and Stan Lee. I made the Corsair, Forge, and Senator Kelly skins. The Hellfire Club Guard is by BaconWizard17.
*Concept Art:
-This is a concept art page for Mystique. It features concept art of her cut XML1 Gladiator skin, Pandora, as well as Pandora's first form skin, which is in this mod and was in the XML1 Prototype, as well as her second and third form skins, which we don't have usable skin versions of.
*Bonus Conversation Huds: I made these conversation huds using my version of her XML1 loading screen as well as my custom XML2 loading screen.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits: I made these using my version of her unused XML1 Gladiator loading screen, my custom XML2 loading screen, and my custom Astral Fury loading screen.
*XML1 3D Head: This is her XML1 3D head, which has a different face then her XML1 and XML2 skins do.
*Alternate Power Names: One of the sets of names that the powers I've named Single Shot and Shootout have in the XML1 Prototype are Howdy Partner and Blazing Saddles respectively. This file changes those powers' names to that set.
*Announcer Callouts: There are 3 announcer callouts. Mystique spoken by Patrick Stewart is from X-Men Next Dimension and is better than the one in the current version of x_voice. There are also callouts for Mystique and Pandora (her cut Gladiator version) voiced by the Danger Room Computer.
Credits:*coney: fixing issue with Mystique only turning back to normal after using In Plain Sight if she was in the top slot
*Matt710: I used the offsets from his Mystique mod to get the bullet to come out of the right spot on her Single Shot power, I used some coding to get Shootout working properly, I used some coding to get the random shapeshifting part of her boosts working, icons
*Outsider: Coding to get the bullets for Double Up and Shootout to come out of the right spots.
*iammingy: X-23 claw boltons
*BaconWizard17: Hellfire Club Guard skins, feedback, ideas, troubleshooting
*hemlot: ideas
*Enchlore: feedback
*ak2ny: troubleshooting
*Generic Unit: troubleshooting
*mgcorpa: troubleshooting
*Nicaras: assistance with coding In Plain Sight boost, troubleshooting
*Gabriel ガブリエル - XML2 White Recolor skin, 90s skin, finding and gathering all the custom Mystique alternate skins, troubleshooting
*BLaw: House of M skin
*mathw12: Movie skin
*Matt710: New X-Factor, Next Dimension, Overcoat, and Ultimate skins
*Nuhverah: Classic skin
*Shafcrawler: Messiah Complex skin
*UltimateVeNoM: X-Men Destiny skin
*Fr3ddy: bug report
*Phantom: bug report
-Pandora's Box now homes in on enemies instead of piercing through them.
-Made Single Shot's description less confusing.
-Alternate Power Names is now updated to match the updates the main talents file has gotten.
-Fixed issues with her packages.
-Removed an unneccessary line of coding from powerstyle.
-Fixed issue with Pandora's Box's Deadly Strike.
-Fixed issue when Mystique gets knocked down and boltons don't disappear.
-Minor typo fixes.
-Fixed an issue with Pandora's Box's projectile's speed and another issue with its impact effect.
-Minor update to packages.
-Thanks to some amazing work by coney, Mystique now properly turns back to normal after using In Plain Sight no matter what character slot she's in.
-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Fixed minor issues with Double Up and Claws Out.
-Fixed issues with Grenade Bomber and Grenade Frenzy and removed knockback from them, since knockback doesn't really work on enemies caught in explosions in XML2.
-Replaced Corsair skin and laser gun models with improved versions.
-Replaced Magik skin with improved version.
-Fixed issues with shapeshifting powers not working.
-Replaced Captain Britain skin with updated version.
-Replaced Guardian skin with new and improved version by me.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Fixed issue with In Plain Sight's level up info.
-Replaced Hellfire CLub Guard skin with version by BaconWizard17. I compiled the files.
-Replaced Forge skin with XML Ultimate version by me.
-Added bonus non-Cel Shaded Forge and Hellfire Club Guard skin.
-Added 4 bonus Hellfire Club Guard skins by BaconWizard17.
-Rebalanced Single Shot.
-Fixed a typo.
-Added updated versions of Corsair's skin.
-Added Captain Britain Ultimate and Electro Classic as bonus shapeshifting skins.
-Added Mystique 90s skin by Gabriel.
-Added bonus Magik skin swap using a skin I made.
-I gave her Grab, since I figured it would make sense for her.
-I accidentally mixed up the XML1 and custom XML2 loading screen files.
Really impressive. Thank you for such cool mods, Enigma! Love it. Congrats!
I've updated her to v1.1.
Check changelog for details.
I've added the following to the Important Notes section of the mod's readme:
Mystique must be in the top middle character slot (so, North on a compass or 12 on a clockface) in order for In Plain Sight to work properly. If she isn't there, she'll turn into whatever character is in that slot when In Plain Sight wears off.
I've updated her to v1.2.
Check changelog for details.
I've updated her to v1.3.
Check changelog for details.
I've updated her to v1.5.
Check changelog for details.
I've updated her to v1.6.
Check changelog for details.