Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: SuperMaster10 on December 26, 2023, 06:20PM

Title: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on December 26, 2023, 06:20PM
Hey everyone! I'm SuperMaster10 or Super for short. MUA is one of my favorite games of all-time and it's mods have impressed me since I first discovered them and now I'm finally making some of my own...welcome to the Master Workshop!

- Don't sell my mods for money and try to claim them as your own. We don't wanna go there, yeah?
- If you want to make an edit or a booster of one of my mods, go for it! As long as you credit me and others, it's fine by me! While not necessary, I would appreciate it extra if you let me know about it or sent it my way. Hell, if it works for me I could even incorporate it into the mod as an update.
- Backup your files before modding your game so that you can easily revert something if it breaks. Alternatively, something like Mod Organizer 2 works wonders for this type of thing.
- These mods only work on the original 2006 version of the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance PC Port. Honestly, considering it doesn't have the "advantage" of being digitally available anymore, I say there is literally no reason to play that inferior 2016 port anyway.
- Have fun! We're building a Multiverse Army to take on an Odin-powered Doom here after all!

That being said, enjoy your stay and happy modding!

- "damagescale" is always set to "difficulty". This way, my characters will be able to keep up no matter the difficulty
- Upgradable Grab Smash System by Outsider
- Music Script by Outsider, for a smooth experience if you're playing with Combat Music on!


Kick it back on this 4th of July Halloween with this Bridgette Hashima cosplay!


Get 'em here:

A HUD Pack with the character select art of the entire roster! (+ first form of Abyss and 2 extra Servbots from Tron's artwork)


Get it here:


A pack of HUDs featuring the artwork made by Shunya Yamashita for Kotobukiya Bishoujo figurines!
Prioritized Marvel, DC and other playable ladies here. It's incomplete as my collection is missing good quality artwork of some like Raven and Morrigan, but I can always update.

Get it here!


Part 1:,11428.msg205197.html#msg205197
Part 2:,11428.msg205696.html#msg205696



Pepsiman: Below
Linn Kurosawa - Alien vs. Predator (Capcom) (,11428.msg205172.html#msg205172)
James Earl Cash - Manhunt (,11428.msg205223.html#msg205223)
Dragonfly - Superhero Movie (,11428.msg205285.html#msg205285)
Postal Dude - Postal (,11428.msg205437.html#msg205437)

Makoto Niijima (Queen) - Persona 5  (,11428.msg205521.html#msg205521)
Powerpuff Girls (Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup) (,11428.msg205634.html#msg205634)
Frank West - Dead Rising (,11428.msg205725.html#msg205725)
Quiet - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (
Piggsy - Manhunt (,11428.msg205849.html#msg205849)
Godzilla (
Betty Brant - Spider-Man/What If? (
King Kong - Giant Patch (

Image on Screen Effect:,
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on December 26, 2023, 06:22PM

Pulled through an unexplained portal during his regular adventures of running around and collecting cans, Pepsiman finds himself in an unfamiliar world.
The Man Behind the TV, who has been watching Pepsiman do his job all this time, doesn't lose any spirit and cheers Pepsiman on! He will surely comment on these adventures aswell!
Spotting a group of colorful individuals, Pepsiman can feel they're fellow superheroes just like himself! So much so that he's willing to forgive Wolverine for confusing him for an Ultron Warrior before his smelling picks up the scent of Pepsi.
After offering them cans of Pepsi and assuring them they're not expired despite the very late 90s look of the cans, Pepsiman joins the Ultimate Alliance and goes onward with our heroes to defeat Doom!....or offer him a Pepsi if he so desires!


UPDATED!: Powerstyle, Talents & Loadscreens are changed. Herostat is unchanged.

- Loadscreens moved up, now you're more likely to see him instead of Cable. Clash is noted.
I recommend deleting the extra unnecessary third loadscreen after installing this over the previous mod if you're not installing from scratch.
- First power mentions Grab Smash damage in the stats
- The delay before "Call of Thirst" starts is eliminated. The run itself has a faster animation now.
- Added 2 more breakout lines for x_voice.

- Music Script implemented
- Cleaned up useless and redundant coding in Powerstyle. Reducing useless triggers and makes things work better.
- "Call of Thirst" now has a new animation for the preparing phase, indicating that Pepsiman is reving up his speed!
- "Catch a Wave"'s values have been updated, behaving much like a liquid wave being thrown at your enemies now!
- Fixed Errors & redundant values in Talents, as a result "Truck Slide" now levels up properly!
- Appropiate powers now say "Pepsi Dmg"
- "Have a Pepsi" now mentions that it also upgrades the Grab Smash.
- "DRINK!" is now labeled as a "Team Boost" in hero details.
- Added previews for the default and alternate Mannequins to help choose better.
- Removed "plat" values from boost effects. Making them better compatible with the "High Particle" setting.
- Now has proper VICTORY lines, split from the TAUNTKD lines in a balanced way

- 5 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Xtreme
- 6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using his and Mike Butters' voices from Pepsiman (PS1)
- Uses assigned number #210 (clashes with Cable on mannequin, but not the skins nor loading screens)

1. Have a Pepsi: Pepsiman creates and sends a Pepsi his enemies' way. Now they'll never go thirsty again!
2. Truck Slide: Pepsiman slides into his enemies, knocking them down! Also useful for sliding under incoming Pepsi trucks.
3. Pepsi for Everyone!: Still thirsty? Worry not, Pepsiman got more where that came from! Pepsiman rapid fires even more Pepsi at his enemies' way.
4. Call of Thirst: Pepsiman runs into his enemies, hurting them in the process. Not even Doom can stand between Pepsiman and the thirsty people!
5. Catch a Wave!: Pepsiman unleashes a whole array of Uncanned Pepsi at his foes! It's almost concerning how insistent he is on keeping them hydrated...
6. (Boost) The Running Hero: Pepsiman becomes even faster for a short time, with his melee attacks dealing additional Energy Damage. PEPSIMAN!!
7. (Team Boost) DRINK!: Take a Pepsi break! Pepsiman creates Pepsi for himself and his teammates, restoring HP and reducing EP cost. ;
8. (Xtreme) Pepsi for TV-Game: Pepsiman rains Pepsi on his enemies in all-out attack! The Man Behind the TV watches in joy as the unfortunate foes drown in Pepsi!

SKINS (21010-21015):
1. Modern (1998 Design)
2. Classic (1996 Design)
3. Lemon Pepsi
4. Pepsiwoman
5. Cherry Cream
6. Pepsi MAX

- This mod uses a 30 second snippet of one track from Pepsiman (PS1), composed by James Shimoji. I claim no ownership of this music.
- Some of the audio was cleaned up using AI-powered tools. Nothing was generated from scratch.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Lemon Pepsi Skin, HUDs, Loading Screens and Icons
Ceamonks890 - Guidance, Help, Coding Assistance and Beta Testing
BloodyMares - Help with Animation Sets, Combining the Animation Sets and Coding Assistance
ak2yny - Help getting the proper tools, Help with XML files, Powerstyle and Talent Help. Effects Documentation and Example Model Effect Code
Outsider - Help with skin numbers, Coding, Ideas, Assistance, Upgradable Grab Smashes system, Music Script.
ProfEscanor - Porting the Skins, Cherry Pepsi and Pepsi MAX textures, Pepsi Can Bolton, Mannequins, Beta Testing, Help with Texture Modding and Endless Support.
BaconWizard17 - Further Help
UltraMegaMagnus - Further Help
Corvetterules - Further Help
BLaw & Broly / Tien - Hydro-Beam Impact Effect from Hydro-Man Mod
IVatu - Pepsiman Model
Jacob Quintana/@jacob11004 - Pepsiwoman Model
KID - Pepsi Can Model, Pepsiman Game Sounds

If your game launches straight into the Hero Select Menu, the banner and icons might not appear. Simply changing the skin will fix this.
It is still a rare and unlikely bug however as it personally hasn't happened to me.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Pepsi, Only My Choice:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on January 05, 2024, 05:43PM

Around 3 months after saving San Drad from the evil plans of Weyland-Yutani Corporation and being left wondering if she'll have to fight her previous Yautja allies next time, Linn had just wrapped up training in the shooting range. Only to find a strange portal waiting for her in the locker rooms.

Preparing her katana, Iakiri and her Colonial Marine pistol, Linn immidately stood ready to face the danger. Realizing there is no problem after a second, she somehow felt like she should leap into the she took a brave step and found her atop the Helicarrier under attack. Linn immidately got into power stance and started taking down Ultron drone after Ultron drone

Eventually coming face to face with a group of powerful yet colorful heroes, it was clear to Linn that she had to team up with an unlikely team to stop evil once again...

However she did not expect to fight alongside a Yautja again...let alone a Xenomorph!


UPDATED! (July 15, 2024): Powerstyle & Talents changed. "grab_smash" effect added. Herostat is unchanged.
- Her physical resistance was 85% percent instead of 15% due to an error. This is now fixed.
- Increased her jump distance by 20%.
- No longer borrows the Grab Smash effect from an official character in the code, making her completely independent on effects.
- Got rid of some redundant fxlevel values on the effects of "Recovery Rations".
- Linn now uses her sword on the Jump Smash.

- 6 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Xtreme
- 2 hex-edited skins, 2 HUDs, 4 Alternate HUDs (2 for Linn, 2 for Simone), 2 loading screens (again, one for each), icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using her voice from Capcom's Alien vs. Predator arcade game.
- Her own announcer and breakout voice for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #236 (clashes with Daken and Sleepwalker on mannequin and Loadscreen 2 on Sleepwalker)

1. Iaikiri: Linn slashes her opponent with the katana representing her very soul.
2. Eat this, Scumbags!: Linn rapid fires several shots with Colonial Marine issue pistol, blowing 'em open!
3. Mow 'Em Down!: Linn fires her Pulse Rifle at the enemy, piercing through if there are multiple. Get a load of this, you pests!
4. Senpuuzan: Linn spins with her katana, slicing and dicing all her enemies!
5. Koeikyaku!: Linn kicks her opponents high into the air, making sure they have a painful trip down!
6. Sokeiha: Linn creates a shockwave, knocking back any enemy gaining up on her!
7. (Boost) Super Magazine: It's time to shoot them down!! Increases team's Damage and temporarily eliminates Energy usage.
8. (Boost) Recovery Rations: Lt. Kurosawa shares buffet-level food with her teammates to replenish their health. A beat 'em up classic!!
9. (Xtreme) Alien Extinction: Linn fires a Grenade Launcher into the sky. The grenades explode in the air as they cause a harmful rain down on the enemies.

SKINS (23609-23610):
1. Linn Kurosawa
2. Simone (Cannon Spike / Gunspike)

A proper skin for Simone, either converted from the Dreamcast game itself or a good kitbash. She temporarily uses a sheathless Linn model.

- This mod features the iconic Pulse Rifle from Aliens converted to MUA for the first time, the one in this mod has been retextured to resemble the AVP Arcade version but I also included one closer to movie colors. I highly recommend using it for potential future Alien mods (such as Ripley, Hicks, Vasquez etc). It was made with Black Widow and Nick Fury's Sniper animations in mind, so take note of that.
- As you can see this mod also features her spiritual successor from Cannon Spike, Simone! Though she lacks a skin, she has everything else in place for now.
- Some of the audio was cleaned up using AI-powered tools. Nothing was generated from scratch.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Retexturing of Katana, Pistol and Rifle Boltons, HUDs, Loading Screens and Icons
ProfEscanor – Endless Support, Skins, Mannequin and Pulse Rifle Bolton
Ak2yny – Assistance
Outsider – Help, Cammy's Cannon Spike Code as reference and effects, Upgradable Grab Smash System & Sword Boltons from his Psylocke Mod
Blitz – Shocker Mod and Original Shocker Talent Values as Reference and Inspiration on tidying up the boss ability
Ceamonks890 – Raiden Mod's Nanomachines Son! Custom Talent, which served as inspiration
BloodyMares – Help, Acrobatics Talent & Code
MelloMods & iammingy – Quake Rocket Launcher Model from Deathlok Mod
Maegawa – Brining No EP Code to attention
Corvetterules – Help
Sasa – Power Icon Recommendation
Geo – Assistance with Japanese
Dedtoot – Geo's Messenger

Capcom - Original Ibuki Model
Kraga Phan - Linn Kurosawa USF4 Mod
Pliberty - Mod Reupload
RyuAensland - XNALara Conversion
Th3Ki11er - Pulse Rifle with it's Original Textures

None so far.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on January 13, 2024, 02:32PM

Alien - PSX Model (Alien: Resurrection)
Picture is brightened to help you see it better.

Impostor Spider-Man (Spider-Man 3)

Eddie Brock Impostor Spider-Man (Spider-Man 3 Past Gen)
Retextured on the SMU model ported by ProfEscanor, texture rips and original upscales by Kiri.
Final texture was de-noised through AI powered tools, nothing was generated from scratch.

Black Cat Pack (Spider-Man 2 & Web of Shadows)

Thanks to ProfEscanor for Helping and bringing DS model to my attention
Thanks to UltraMegaMagnus for teaching me how to apply Normals & Specs
Thanks to Waggens7uP for the WOS Symbiote and Blacksuit models

Spider-Man - Shattered Dimensions Amazing & Todd McFarlane Pack
Thanks to Julio Cabral for originally porting the model with a custom texture as "ITSV Peter Parker", I simply gave it new textures.
Thanks to spidermansamp on gtainside for the Todd McFarlane textures
Thanks to  Cykal455 for bringing the original skin to my attention
Todd McFarlane textures were de-noised with AI tools, nothing was generated from scratch.

Spider-Man 2 PC Pack
Last one is my own customization of his glow, all have speculars
Thanks to Julio Cabral for originally porting the model with a custom texture as "Movie Spidey", I simply gave it new textures.
Thanks to BillyBnMOfficial on Models-Resource for ripping the textures
Thanks to UltraMegaMagnus for Green Screen Mod for HUDs

Heather Mason / Cheryl Mason Skin Pack
Thanks to ProfEscanor for some tips and tricks he taught me as he I ported these
Any skins missing here can be found in Ceamonks890's Character Mod
XNALara Model Credits to Mageflower, deexie, Pinkie-Pie297 and Snowman1940, more detailed credits are in the Readme

CJ asset pack consisting of 3 skins, 3 HUDs and a mannequin! Either to put it over someone else for fun or to use make your own character mod. Have fun!
Models Rippers: o0Cristian0o, HenrysDLCs & Minnie Mouse

Can't get enough of Postal Dude in my mod? Worry not! This hex-edited 12 skin pack comes to rescue!
UPDATED (March 16, 2024) - Skins and HUDs in the first slot are renamed to avoid clashes with Plastic Man's skin.
Skins, HUDs Movie Dude glasses edit by SuperMaster10
Credits for ripping the models go to BillyBnMOfficial, Danielgamer9511, Homer256, Orxata & Isan Dsis
Credits for making the models go to Running with Scissors, Destructive Creations & Mama Brickolini
Further details in the readme

Spider-Man 2 (GC/PS2/Xbox) Skin Pack
Skin ported by ProfEscanor for Chasm, I re-textured it with the official skin, SM1 edit of it by low_res_jpg and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes skin by Ghost1764404 (last one further brightened by me)

NOW AN ACTUAL CHARACTER MOD! THANKS TO CEAMONKS890!,10976.msg205472.html#msg205472

A Tifa Lockhart asset pack with 4 skins, 5 HUDs and 2 mannequins. To either put over someone else or use for your own character mod.
Models ripped by raidergale & Sgtsoupie
Mannequin built off XNALara poses made by Hatredboy

Vice City Hedgehogs Skinpack
Some of you might've seen or played with this particular model if you were into GTA Vice City and San Andreas modding in the 2000s. I finally brought this beautiful thing over to MUA.
The extra crouched over Sonic you see is how it looks on the Sonic mod, albeit with the scale_factor removed.
Compatible with both regular skins and respective character mods, more details inside.
Special thanks to ProfEscanor with various help on this one.
Model and Sonic texture are created by Russificator, Shadow and Super Sonic textures by caoss, Super Shadow texture by SuperMaster10 and rest of textures are by American Cliftonator Dragon

Zatanna (Zee Zatara) DC Super Hero Girls Skin Pack
Includes skins, HUDs and a mannequin.
Models ripped by AkuzaGuy

Venom - Web of Shadows Skin Pack
Includes 3 Skins and HUDs, all come with Tongue and No Tongue variant
Models ripped by E-Urara & sweeper3
Spectacular Venom texture by DeadGun
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on January 19, 2024, 11:08AM

After a three year trial, James Earl Cash was sent to death row and injected with a lethal serum and the whole world knew him as dead as the journalist on television announced to people watching at home....

Suddenly, Cash woke up and heard the ominous voice of a strange middle-aged man. "Hey, tough guy, wake up. You're not dead." he said and instructed a confused Cash to pick up an earpiece, he put it on, now only him hearing the voice. He informed him that the injection that was given to him simply put him to sleep and that he was snuck out to wherever he is now. Unbeknownst to Cash, the man he was speaking to was Lionel Starkweather, former director he fell off a long way from his Vinewood days.

He placed Cash in this sick game with murderous psychopathic gangs patrolling everyone, looking to hunt him down and cut him up...
It was kill or be killed as Cash had to make use of his killing skills, blend in with the shadows, sneak around and distract his enemies as Starkweather recorded it all to sell on the black market and for his own sick twisted desires.

The game went on and Cash went through many of the gangs that was placed against him...but what happened next was something neither of them could ever predict...."What the hell? That wasn't in the script!" yelled Starkweather. Before Cash was a big blue portal, looking quite omnious, Cash, unsure if this was a trick or not...slowly stepped into the portal and soon was sucked in as the portal closed with him.

Cash woke up atop the Hellicarrier with what looked like a warzone with robots and brightly costumed people...Cash wondered if this was an elaborate setup or was he on some kind of he stood up and looked around he realized this was all real enough, so he decided to go with it. Getting close to the group of heroes...he could tell they were not people he should try to slay (not that he'd have much of a chance) but rather people to ally with...going on this strange journey in this strange land, he saw there were still plenty of enemies to kill on this path...eventually leading to someone named Doom?

Meanwhile, he could still hear Starkweather commenting in his ear..."Eh, murder is murder! The show must go on!" said the now directionless was he still seeing all this? did he have cameras here? Was he even able to record anymore? Would either of them even remember this or have any recording of it remain when Cash eventually got back to his own world? Who knew...who the hell cared...all Cash knew was, it was time to hunt!


MINOR UPDATE! (September 4, 2024): Powerstyle & "p2_power" effect changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- "Packing Heat"'s trigger count has been efficienty reduced & an issue with the shot effect has been fixed. Now each shot delivers index damage too!

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features violence, some blood, swearing and lines with messed up sexual references.

- 5 Powers, 1 Debuff, 1 Boost and an Execution.
- 4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Stephen Wilfong and Brain Cox's voices from Manhunt.
- Starkweather announcer voice and Cash breakout voice for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #164 (clashes with Hope Summers and Valkyrie II (MCU) on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.

1. Cutting Wire: Cash grabs the nearest enemy and cuts their neck clean off with this gruesome execution.
2. Packing Heat: We're cooking with gas now! Cash pulls out a magnum and shoots several shoots. Has a 50% critical chance if the enemy is stunned. Also upgrades Grab Smash.
3. Batter Up!: Cash prepares his bat, ready to swing and do a poor chump in! Has a chance to instant-kill stunned chumps when fully charged.
4. Smash That Padlock!: Usually ideal for smashing a padlock, Cash swings his crowbar forward at his enemies. Busting a "headlock" is just as good, eh?
5. Killer Shot: Cash gets out his shotgun to give the enemy a killer shot. The shot will pierce through multiple enemies with a 50% critical chance if victim is stunned. Perfect for any potential cameras!
6 (Debuff) Head Hunter: Cash throws the severed hunter head he cut off. Dropping the enemies' defense and causing them to be distracted. Now they'll be too busy to notice the silent hunter standing right beside them!
7 (Boost) Pop 'Em Like Bubble Wrap: Cash focuses his murderous energy, gaining more Damage and reducing Energy Cost for a while.
8 (Execution) Cut-Throat Cash: Time to cut 'em up! Cash goes from one enemy to another, slashing every single one until no one is standing!

SKINS (16413-16416):
1. James Earl Cash
2. Beta Cash
3. Monkey
4. Rabbit

- This mod uses 30 second snippets of two tracks from Manhunt, composed by the talented Craig Conner. I claim no ownership of these music tracks.

SuperMaster10 – Mod creation, mannequin, skins, projectiles, HUDs, Loading Screens, Icons and Banner.
Dedtoot – Co-creator of mod, being a based Manhunt enjoyer, providing ideas and the sounds. This mod also doubles as her (a day late) birthday gift. Happy birthday, bestie!
ProfEscanor – Teaching me the process of making skins, which is a massive help that unlocked a whole new door of possiblities. Helping repositioning a menu animation.
BloodyMares – A lot of help with the coding and code clean up.
Ceamonks890 – Poisonous Balloon coding from his Arcade Clown conversion as reference
Outsider – Music Script, Skarlet's Blood Effects as reference, Shotgun Blast and coding inspiration from Punisher & Upgradable Grab Smash System
Andersonbrazil – John Wick Shotgun Bolton from his Small Pack 27
Avertureiromax – Magnum Bolton
Julio Cabral – Baseball Bat Bolton from his Casey Jones
UltraMegaMagnus - Uploading MUA2 Past-Gen, XML1 and Marvel Legends resources
toonster95 – Ripping the rest of Starkweather sounds (as found on Sounds-Resource)
Rockstar Games – Original Models
Geisteskrakenchan – Porting the Models to Garry's Mod
Manhunt Wiki (Not to be confused with Wikihunt) – All the lovely high quality Manhunt renders

None so far.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Go on![/b]
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: Johnny Crazy on January 25, 2024, 10:13PM
Nice! More Capcom characters is always welcome. Alien vs Predator still one of my favorite arcade games. Thanks for making Linn Kurosawa.
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on January 27, 2024, 06:15AM
Quote from: Johnny Crazy on January 25, 2024, 10:13PM
Nice! More Capcom characters is always welcome. Alien vs Predator still one of my favorite arcade games. Thanks for making Linn Kurosawa.

More Capcom the merrier indeed! Thank you for playing with my mod, glad you're enjoying Linn!
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on February 05, 2024, 03:22PM

After being bit by a genetically-engineered dragonfly and gaining superpowers, Rick Ryker became the hero of Empire City, known as Dragonfly!

Having saved the city from the diabolical plans of Hourglass, finally gaining his wings and saving the girl of his dreams, Jill Johnson. Life was going well for the young hero, now being able to cover both ground AND aerial crimes! Although he had to admit...there hasn't been as much action lately..erm, the superhero kind! Sure he was still taking pictures of...himself (not in that way!) for Empire City Times and Trey always had his back's been kind of quiet.

However, one faithful day...he came across a strange big blue portal! Taking a step back and realizing he's face to face with a portal. Dragonfly said to himself: "Nah...I ain't that stupid!" and turned around to walk away, knowingly smiling to himself on avoiding such an obvious danger...only to immediately slipping on the wet alleyway ground and falling backwards into the portal. His scream followed by the portal closing up upon him.

Landed pretty badly face first with his butt up in the air, Dragonfly groaned as he woke up atop a strange giant...floating ship? He looked around and saw a group of heroes fighting who were clearly bad guys! He recognized Wolverine...though who was that wannabe in red-and-blue?

Thinking of his father's words...he sprung into action to join the heroes on their quest! He saw some more familiar faces along the way...Professor Xavier looked different...looks like John...ny Storm got better...looks like Invisible Gi- Woman found her own man this time and...

Holy S#!t! Is that Uncle Albert?!

Why are his power details blurred? While moveset itself is nothing insane, there are some details I want you to find out for yourselves, hehehe...give them a good look! Don't forget the stats tab!

MINOR UPDATE (July 26, 2024): Powerstyle changed. "p6_power" changed. "p5_charge" & "p6_head" effects added. Herostat unchanged.
- The effect on his head for "Words of the Unwise" now only appears at activation instead of looping for the whole boost.
- He's now completely independent on effects. No longer referencing official characters' effects in his powerstyle.
With this, all of my mods are completely independent on effects and entities now. Removing the risk of something being changed for them too, in case a booster changes it for an official character.

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features swearing and sexual jokes / references.

- 5 Powers, 2 Boost and 1 Xtreme.
- 2 hex-edited skins, 5 HUDs (2 alts for Skin 1, 1 alt for Skin 2), 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Drake Bell's voice from Superhero Movie and Disney Infinity 2.0.
- 2 hex-edited xtra skins, with 2 HUDs for them
- Announcer and breakout voice for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #216 (clashes with Pyro and Wendigo on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.
You really think I'd reveal those juicy details after blurring the picture and everything?

1. Dragonfly Punch! (Patent Pending): Dragonfly throws a strong punch that sends his enemies flying, perfect for stopping bank robbing supervillains! Also upgrades Grab Smash.           
2. Get Your Wings!: Dragonfly teaches enemies to fly with his strong uppercut! Hope they don't fall off a 50 story building! (Chargable)
3. Dragonfly Sting (No Relation): Dragonfly prepares and strikes at his enemy with a powerful kick! His...area will only be the second last thing they see! (Chargable)
4. Check Out These Moves!: Throws a radial kick into the air, sending bad guys tumbling and bringing the house down with these cool moves!
5. Essence of a True Hero: Using his rightfully gained wings, Dragonfly flies at his enemies. Following it up with a mighty uppercut!   
6. (Boost) Words of the Unwise: Dragonfly remembers "wise" sayings from his loved ones, increasing his speed and defense....somehow?           
7. (Team Boost) Watch Where You're Going In Slow Mo'!: Using his senses, it feels like time slows down for Dragonfly and his allies, allowing them to react to danger and nailguns more quickly.           
8. (Xtreme) Romantic Show-Off: Dragonfly flies into the air and lands back down, dealing massive radial damage with his super strength. If Jill could see this, she'd be falling for him all over again!

Hold Block and Press Jump to play one of the two theme songs made from Superhero Movie!


SKINS (21611-21612):
1. Modern
2. Prototype Suit

- This mod uses 50 second snippets of two songs made for Superhero Movie by Drake Bell and Sara Paxton, respectively. I claim no ownership of these music tracks.
- Some of the audio has been cleaned up using AI tools. Nothing was generated from scratch.
- Tom Cruise cannot fly.
- Your Ad Here

SuperMaster10 – Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, New Dragonfly Textures, Proto Suit, Animated Wings Bolton, HUDs, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, etc.
ProfEscanor – Ideas, Modelling Tips & Tricks. Help with Animated Bolton
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System, Music Script & Block Abilities. Further Help.
Ceamonks890 – Studied his Raimi Spidey & Bully Maguire mods for...obvious reasons, hehe. Referenced the Block Combo Code from Both. Technical help.
BloodyMares – Big help with fly looping sound (Coding & Setting zsm flags). Further Info.
Ak2yny – Help with Animated Bolton and further things.

UltraMegaMagnus – Uploading MUA2 Past Gen & Marvel Legends Assets
LukeWarnut – Disney Infinity 2.0 Voice Rips (Sounds-Resource)
Beenox – Original Model from The Amazing Spider-Man 2
ErichGrooms1 – Original Dragonfly Model Edit, Textures & Garry's Mod Porting
NetEase Games – Original Wasp Wings Model
IIIDreamerIII & DatKofGuy (w/ BigChillGhost, Luigi Auriemma & Imagination) – Ripping Wasp's Marvel Super War Model

Leslie Nielsen
Sara Paxton
Kevin Hart
Robert Hays
Marion Ross (well, not exactly but you'll hear for yourself in-game...)
Christopher McDonald (sampled in one of the songs)

None so far.

While not a heavy character himself, when used in a heavy team (Venom, Ronin, Nightcrawler, Deadpool etc.), limits will be exceeded.
This will cause all effects and power sounds to stop coming and cause the game to stop responding on the next loading screen.
I recommend either avoiding such teams or using SPOONY's reducers. However limit will still be exceeded on levels like Spire's Ascent.
He will work fine with a normal / light team (Pretty much everyone else, including my other mods and probably majority of mods).

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

I'm not wearing any diamonds!:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on March 12, 2024, 03:57PM

STORY BIO was just another day in...Paradise? Catharsis? Edensin?...Hasselridge? Postal's Dude Own Brain?....New York City?

Well, where the hell it was, it was sure another day in it for Postal Dude! As he went around, doing his chores...going on a killing spree... and definitely not post office work.

Dude decided to take a "break" on a nearby tree. In his own little world, he suddenly felt a strange presence he felt. "Gah!" he said as he was startled, only to look down...

"Oh great...all over my shoe...can't I catch a break around here?". He said as a zipper was pulled up and he looked at the direction of the presence he felt...only for his expression to drop as he saw a big blue portal standing right before him.

"Well I'll be...did those moronic game designers confuse the name of the game again? Last thing I need is people thinking there's puzzles with actual brainpower required around here..." He complained as the kicked the ground.

But then he thought to himself "Hmm...maybe this could be just what I needed today. Might as well have some fun!" He started walking as he heard a bark. He turned his head to see it was his dog, Champ. He smiled and said to his buddy "Don't worry about me, Champ. I'm just gonna take a little trip, and the physical kind this time too! You be good boy now!"

He walked into it as the portal closed behind him. Champ just sat there and made a noise with a look of confusion.

Eventually this portal lead to...a flying mechanical ship? Dude looked around and whistled, clearly impressed.
"Wow, this place actually looks well made! That's gonna be an interesting change of events..."

He heard the sounds of battle and turned his attention towards it, seeing people in colorful costumes fighting an army of robots. Dude quickly gained a sinister grin as he pulled out his pistol.

"Oh yeah, things are definitely gonna be more fun today!" and he leapt off in their direction...who knew where this would lead to and what Postal Dude would gain out of it...but one thing was for sure, he was gonna have one hell of a time here!

Preview picture overall generically censored just in case

Minor Update! (October 30, 2024): Powerstyle changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Fixed the broken Smash charge effect.

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features violence, swearing, urination, recreational use of drugs, objects of a certain shape, unkind treatment of feline creatures and jaywalking.

- 6 Powers, 3 Boosts and 1 Xtreme.
- 6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs (and 2 alt HUDs for Skin 1), 1 loading screen, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Rick Hunter's voice from Postal 2 (and death grunts from Postal Redux)
- Announcer call and 3 Breaks for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #169 (clashes with Gun Girls 2, Velocidad & Plastic Man on mannequin and the Loadscreen 1 of Gun Girls 2 & Plastic Man)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.
And trust me, many of these will make more sense there. If you're familiar with Postal (especially 2) you might guess some of these already.

1. Rightfully Armed: Postal Dude expresses his birth right with both his left and right pistols, you ignorant scum! Also upgrades Grab Smash.
2. Now the Flowers Will Grow: Postal Dude takes a much needed break and ends up hurting the enemies. Enemies caught during this break will wish he just shot them instead.
3. Cat Silencer: Well aren't you a chick magnet? Postal Dude sure thinks so with this shotgun in your face!
4. Can't Keep Me Down: Postal Dude throws officially licensed grenades based on his favorite mascot. That other guy has nothing on this!
5. A True Match: Dude lights and throws a match forward, leaving a little pool of fire. A real match made in hell.
6. Need to Kill a Few Weeds:  Dude takes care of his little lawn problem with his Napalm Launcher! Not recommended inside closed spaces unless you happen to be a Tibetan monk.
7. (Debuff) Would You Like to Sign My Petition?: Dude annoys the enemies and causes them to attack, lowering their defenses. Sign my petition, dammit!
8. (Team Boost) Catnippin' Time: Postal Dude catnips all over the place as time slows down for the whole team.
9. (Boost) Health Pipe: This can't be good for me...but I feel great! Heals Postal Dude without any repercussions...right?
10. (Xtreme) I Regret Nothing: Dude throws several grenades in the air and shoots them to take himself (and possibly his teammates) out, only to end up harming  the enemies instead.
Oh well, I'm sure he'll get it right next time!

SKINS (16911-16916):
1. Postal 2
2. The Gimp
3. Postal 1 / Redux
4. Postal III
5. Postal 4
6. Brain Damaged

Not enough Dudes (and Does?)
GET THE XTRA SKIN PACK HERE!:,11428.msg205197.html#msg205197

Remember, this mod is only as violent as you are!

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Boltons, Mannequin, Loading Screen, Icons & Banner, Some Effect Customization etc.
Outsider – Coding Help. Upgradable Grab Smash System. FIM-92 Stinger Coding, Values and Entities from Solid Snake. Shotgun Coding from Punisher.
BloodyMares – General Coding & Powerup Help. Teaching me Zsound, Sound Help & Custom Shieldless Cap Grab Smash Animation.
ak2yny – Effect Help & Sound Assistance. Teaching me Zsound.
BLaw & Broly / Tien - Hydro-Man's Hydro-Beam Impact Effect.
Ceamonks890 – Inspiration for the Petition text gag.

UltraMegaMagnus – Uploading MUA2 Past Gen Assets
Avertureiromax – Pistol Boltons
BillyBnMOfficial – Ripping all Postal 2, Redux & 4 Models except otherwise mentioned, Ripping HUD Elements.
Danielgamer9511 & Homer256 – Ripping Postal 2 Dude Model with BillyBnMOfficial
TayKlor – Ripping Postal Redux Dude with BillyBnMOfficial
Spike10164 – Ripping Krotchy
murdfexx – Ripping the Matches
DragonsHidden – Ripping Censored Graphic, Weapon Icons & Item Icons
M16A1 – Ripping Postal Brain Damaged & III Models
tony gunk – Postal III Sunglasses Textures
??? - Original garrysmod org uploader of Postal III Sunglasses
Running with Scissors – Creating Postal 2, III, 4, Redux, Brain Damaged & POOSTALL Royale Models
Trashmasters – Creating Postal III Model
HyperStrange & CreativeForge Games – Creating Postal Brain Damaged Model
Postal Wiki – Ripping Postal Dude Voice Clips
EscapeRouteBritish – Ripping Animal, Weapon and Krotchy Sounds

- If you switch from one power to another too quickly before the animation ends (Say the Flowers one to Shotgun for example). It might cause the bolton of the next power to not appear.
Or cause the bolton of the previous to not despawn (if that happens simply activate the previous power again and let it finish). This is easy to avoid and likely might not even happen to you.
- Custom passive icons for Costume 3 and 4 will display a different icon in the pause menu but show up fine in Character Select.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Say, I'm pretty good at this!
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on April 01, 2024, 06:47AM

X-23 (UMVC3) Mannequins Pack
Original Mannequin & Skin credits go to Andersonbrazil & Avertureiromax
When Anderson ported made this mannequin back in his Small Pack 6, it had the Captain Universe textures.
I simply replaced them with the default and Striped textures from UMVC3 through his skins from the other pack

Nightcrawler & Jean Grey - Mephisto's Realm Statues Mannequins
Here's a quick silly release for April Fools. I wasn't even expecting this myself to be honest, I was just looking through the files and thought why not?
All credits for the models go to OCP Team and Raven Software. I simply copy-pasted the models and retextured.

Sentinel COTA-94 Model Mannequin
Original Mannequin & Skin credits go to Andersonbrazil
When Anderson ported made this mannequin back in his Small Pack 5, it had the SNES textures and came with a matching skn. While the skin was later updated and got the proper default colors in Small Pack 13 Update 1, the mannequin did not...until now!
I took the mannequin and swapped it's textures with the skin, also carrying over the speculars in the process.
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on April 03, 2024, 06:14PM

After awakening to her true self and gaining her Persona, Johanna. Makoto joined the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and fought on with a new found resolve and sense of justice, operating under the codename: Queen.

Together, they changed the hearts of corrupt people all over Japan and reforming society one step at a time. They would do this by going into an alternate world known as "Metaverse", where cognitions and desires take shape, shadows roam and the power of Persona rules. They would get there through a strange app that appeared on it's own on their phones, known as the Meta-Nav.
It has been some time since Makoto and her allies have changed the hearts of many in Tokyo and eventually all over Japan.

Having arrived home during a summer break from college, Makoto was looking out the window as she sat on the dinner table. Seemingly enjoying the view without much on her mind.
It has been a while since they had seen any action, were her muscles aching for another Metaverse adventure? Who knew...
but what she knew was that she had already made plans with her friends for tomorrow and was gonna enjoy her summer...when suddenly!

Makoto's eyes widened as she felt the presence of something and stood up to see it's a big blue portal standing in front of her.
"Wha...what is this?!" she asked out loud to herself. Looking around as the only other resident in the house, her sister Sae, is nowhere to be seen.
Turning her attention back to the portal, she didn't knew what to make of it..."Things like this don't just pop out in real life, do they?..."
She assumed a thinking expression "Have I somehow went through the Metaverse and didn't notice?..."

Getting a little scared on what it could mean...Makoto slowly reached over to touch the portal...only for it to quickly suck her and close behind her! Making our heroine vanish without a trace...

Makoto slowly came to...she felt her face resting against something cold and metallic..she opened her eyes and slowly got up, groaning and holding her head. Her eyes widened as she realized her surrondings! She was high up in the air?! She looked around as it seemed like it was some kind of airship..

But the real surprise came when she realized she just felt her mask on her face, she was in her Metaverse outfit! In surprise, she touched her mask once again. "Why am I in my Metaverse suit? Is this a Palace? a Jail?..."...yet something felt different...
she could feel the presence of Johanna and her usual strength in the Metaverse...yet this place didn't feel like Metaverse, nothing about it felt cognitive at all! It felt more..physical...

She was really confused as to how can this all be when she suddenly saw a group of superheroes fighting robots. She looked on in surprise!
It was not the first time she saw people in colorful outfits, she had seen the western comic book types and the Featherman types, yet something about this group felt different..

Figuring she was already in the outfit and ready to go, she donned her codename of "Queen" once again and decided to follow this team and see where it leads to..

As she took off on her way, her mind went to her friends...she wondered if she'd ever see them again...they had never been separated like this Joker to lead, no Oracle to show the way, no Skull to bust some heads with...
For the first time, she had to take charge and lead herself without the guidance of Joker in the battlefield. She took a breath and nodded to herself with determination. Focusing back on her goal, she took off to catch up to the group of heroes and find some answers...

And kicking the butt of whoever decides to oppose her along the way!

Look out Doom! You will taste JUSTICE!


MINOR UPDATE! (September 4, 2024): Powerstyle changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Restored remove_johanna script to idle. I found out not only it does not truly fix the first boot bug but also introduces the bug of rideable Johanna bolton being stuck on her after getting on Johanna and letting AI control her, therefore the script is back in action.

- 5 Powers, 3 Boosts and 1 All-Out Attack.
- 6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs (with 4 alternate HUDs), 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Cherami Leigh's voice from Persona 5 Royal & Persona 5 Strikers
- 5 Breaks for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #238 (clashes with Cyber & Huntress on Mannequin & Loadscreens)

1. Frei: Makoto casts Frei on nearby enemies, causing Nuclear Damage. Also upgrades Grab Smash and Johanna's Damage when driven.
2. Swift Punishment: Queen strikes with her lightning fast fists, dealing more damage with each hit! ORA ORA ORA! (Press and hold)
3. Sledgehammer: Makoto charges herself up with her inner self's power and deals a sledgehammer blow to the enemy.
4. Flash Bomb: Makoto strikes her opponent with an appetizer punch and finishes off with the REAL explosion.
5. Atomic Flare: Makoto engulfs the enemy in an orb of Nuke with the help of Johanna, dealing major damage!
6. (Debuff) Checkmate: The strategist of Phantom Thieves uses her special debuff. Decreasing the enemies' Attack, Defense and Agility.(Only takes effect when used near enemies)
7. (Boost) Full Throttle: Makoto boosts her own Attack, Defense and Agility with her inner power.
8. (Team Boost) Mediarama: Makoto supports her team by having Johanna heal all her allies.
9. (All-Out Attack) Fist of Justice: Makoto charges up into the air and slams down with a powerful punch, punishing all nearby enemies with her own justice! Has a chance to slow them down for a while.

Charge, Johanna! - Press spacebar while blocking to ride Johanna on the battlefield. Press it again to jump off!

Nuclear Immunity - 100% Immune to Radiation Damage
Psy Weakness - 20% Weaker to Mental and Telekinesis Damage

SKINS (23809-23814):
1. Metal Rider
2. Winter Uniform
3. Summer Uniform
4. Swimsuit
5. Winter Clothes
6. Summer Clothes

Can't get enough Queen? None of us can
GET THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE XTRA SKIN PACK HERE!:,11428.msg205696.html#msg205696

- She goes by her codename: "Queen" in-game, she will still keep her identity hidden during this operation afterall.
However if you don't like this, you can use the alternate herostat, only thing different there is that the name display in-game is "Makoto Niijima".
Neither choice affects the other files as they all use makoto_niijima or makonij regardless
- While her trigger count is safe (124), using the bike will add 13 extra triggers to it, rising it to 137. However, those extra triggers will always unload when you go to character select or load into another map and will stay that way if you don't use the bike.
- I highly recommend using the bike riding animation used in this mod for your own mods. It's been customized from the Bumper Car animation by ProfEscanor and with it's height and how it works, it allows you to line up the bike without half of it clipping into the ground. Just make sure to credit properly!

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Boltons, Mannequin, Loading Screen, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
ProfEscanor – Bike Riding Animation and Help Lining it Up
Ceamonks890 – Help with setting up Hellcycle coding
Outsider – Chun-Li's Hyakuretsukyaku as reference. Ghost Rider's Hellcycle coding and scripts. Blue Fire Textures. Cassie Cage's Screen Flash effect. Coding Help.
ak2yny – Information about see-through textures
UltraMegaMagnus – Uploading MUA2 Past Gen & Marvel Legends Assets. See-through texture tutorial.

Tubularspaceman – Chargable Gun Animation
Xelandis (DeviantArt) – Model Ripping
Mannequin built off XNALara pose by IKeelYou457
Century_ (Sounds-Resource) - Ripping P5S (English) voices
DeathChaos (Sounds-Resource) - Ripping Persona 5 Royal voices, P5S Battle Sounds
Tatsudojo (Sounds-Resource) – Ripping Persona 5 Skill Sounds
Flandre9999vr (Sounds-Resource) – Ripping Persona 5 Common Lines
? (Sounds-Resource) – Ripping Bike Sound from LEGO Jurassic World
80constant (Spriters-Resource) - Ripping P5R HUD elements & Skill icons
P-Studio, Atlus & Sega – Original Model & Asset Creation

Not recommended to use with a heavy team (Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Venom, Ronin) as it strains the game limits, even reducers only get you so far.
Also the bike breaks and makes the game prone to crashing when used with such a team.

Sometimes (usually on the first boot of the game), Makoto will be stuck in a weird jumping pose when she gets on Johanna, simply get off her and get on again to fix that and it should work properly from then on.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Justice has been served!
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on May 20, 2024, 09:09AM

Sugar...spice...and everything nice.

These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls.
But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction...Chemical X!

...thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born!

Using their ultra-super powers,
Blossom! Bubbles! and Buttercup!

Have dedicated their lives to fighting crime...and the forces of evil!

The city of Townsville!
Just another day in Townsville as the Powerpuff Girls have just returned from a day of crime fighting and are returning home!
This time, Bullet the Powerpuff Squirrel has tagged along too!
As they were flying back home...suddenly!

Bubbles suddenly stops flying with a curious expression on her face! Blossom and Buttercup keep flying for a few more seconds until they realize and stop.
They fly back to where Bubbles is, who is looking in awe at a big blue portal. They don't even get to ask Bubbles what gives as they're surprised by it too.

"Woah..." Blossom exclaims. "What do you think it is?" Buttercup adds in confusion and skepticism.
"It's pretty.." Bubbles adds in awe as Bullet chips in response.
"Yeah...pretty freaky" Buttercup adds.

Blossom flies up near it with her hand on her face in thought "You think it's HIM's work?"
"Maybe it's one of Mojo's nerdy inventions." Buttercup adds with her arms crossed.
"Maybe Fuzzy Lumpkins did it!" Bubbles happily says as Bullet comments too.
"You goof! Fuzzy can't open portals!" Buttercup says in response.

Blossom looks back and asks in surprise "Anyone notice the Narrator describing things in more detail than usual?"
As Blossom says that I- well, Blossom! Funny you should ask as this time I had to step it up a notch, seeing as there is no other way for the audience to follow what's going on otherwise!
"Man, I hate it when things get meta!" Buttercup crosses her arms and looks away in anger.

As Blossom dismisses the thought and looks back, her eyes grow in alarm "Bubbles!"
Bubbles has just put her hand slightly through the portal and is giggling.
Blossom says urgently "Bubbles! Don't touch it! You don't know if it's safe or not!"
Bubbles looks up at Blossom with a smile as she pulls her hand away, only to put it through again "It doesn't seem so bad!"
Blossom sighs and looks at Bubbles like the commanding leader she is, putting her hands on her waist. "How do you know that's not exactly what they want you to think? It could be a trap!"
Buttercup adds "'s probably a trap! But we're not stupid enough to fall for it! Come on, let's go home!"
Blossom turns to Buttercup "We can't! We can't just leave this portal here! What if someone else falls through it?"
Buttercup groans "So what are we supposed to do then?!"

Blossom responds "We need to-"
"BUBBLES!!" Blossom interrupts herself, joined by Buttercup as they look at their sister, who's in the portal from waist up and giggling. "Bubbles! Get out of there!" exclaims Blossom to her ignoring sister.
"Don't worry, I got her!" Buttercup grabs Bubbles from behind, ready to pull her out. "Come on, Bubbles! Don't fall for Mojo's stupid traps!" Suddenly Bubbles loses her balance and falls through, with her goes Buttercup as they both yell in their sudden loss of balance.

"Bubbles! Buttercup!" Blossom yells after them in worry. Her attention is drawn to the portal slowly closing, gasping, Blossom puts on her serious face and dives in after her sisters with no hestiation, the portal closing behind them.
Oh no! Where has the Powerpuff Girls gone? Will they be alright? Who will protect Townsville now?!

Blossom has flown through and lands on a giant metallic looking ship floating across the air. She lands with a thud as she gets up and rubs her head with an "Oww..."
She looks around and sees no one around, remembering why she came here she yells out "Bubbles! Buttercup!", no response and neither of them in sight, she sigh when suddenly...
She sees a group of heroes fighting what looks like evil robots. Blossom's face lights up as she floats up "Other superheroes! They might know something about this!"
Suddenly she remembers "Oh no! Professor! He must be worried sick about us!". She sighs and thinks to herself again, "Nothing we can do about that now...might as well get some answers and see what we can do!"
Blossom nods to herself and looks up with her resolve, she flies ahead to the group of superheroes with no hesitation.

Bubbles wakes up on a cold metallic floor to the sound of Bullet talking to her with worried chips. Bubbles rubs her head and yawns "Bullet?" it takes her a second to realize..."Bullet!" she hugs her with joy and relief "You're alright!"
"But where are we?" she looks around to get answers to just that. It seems to be a base of some sorts, suddenly men in yellow suits fill the room. Bubbles gets up with Bullet on her shoulder "Wha?..." they waste no time to surrond her and ask questions
"Who are you?! State your business!" Bubbles just looks at them in surprise before responding "Um, well I was just flying through the air you see and then-" suddenly she interrupts herself as she's about to sneeze "Ha....ha...." the soldiers look in surprise...
"Achoo!" she sneezes and with that she accidentally sends a laser beam from her eyes, it bounces around the room, everyone follows it with their heads until it hits one of the soldiers right in the head and knocks them back down, Wilhem Scream and all!
Bubbles is surprised as she adds "Um, sorry!", the frightened soldiers prepare their weapons and get in battle positions "Hostile! Hostile! We got an hostile!" Bubbles tries to calm the situation "W-wait! I didn't mean to-" she sees she's surronded and they're not willing to listen
One soldier adds "Uh, I think she's just a little girl...", the other responds "Did you not see what she did to Mike?!", the other soldier nods and reluctantly prepares to battle. Bubbles sighs and gets into battle position too. "Alright, let's do this!" She adds

Buttercup is slowly waking up as she's bothered this room too hot?
She wakes up and slowly opens her eyes all groggy, blinking a few times. She wakes up fully when she realizes she's in...what is this place?!
Buttercup floats up and looks around "Woah!" it's hot, with rock platforms everywhere, all sorts of fires burning and sounds of screaming can be heard "Where the heck am I?"
Buttercup keeps looking around and eventually decides to herself "So that portal WAS HIM's! I knew it! Ooooh I'm gonna kick his butt so hard that he'll-" Buttercup's plans of kicking HIM's heiny are suddenly interrupted by a bunch of demonic creatures appearing before her.
She is shocked as she looks at them, realizing "Woah...those definitely aren't HIM's...." as the demons make noises and suddenly charge to attack.
Buttercup suddenly grins and gets into battle position, confidently exclaiming: "But they'll definitely get their butts kicked!". She flies forward with her fists ready, also yelling in a battle cry!

Oh man! The Powerpuff Girls! In a brand new universe, no less! Will the Powerpuff Girls be able to find each other again? Will they figure out whatever the heck is going on in this new strange world?
And mostly importantly, will they once again save the day and find their home back to the Professor?! One can only hope as we follow The Powerpuff this brand new adventure on a brand new world!


Minor update! (October 30, 2024): Powerstyles changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Buttercup's "Powerpuff Slam" now jumps higher into air!
- Got rid of some redundant triggers and fixed some minor errors.

- Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup!
- 5 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Chemical X-treme for each girl.
- 4 hex-edited skins per girl, 4 HUDs per girl, 2 loading screens per girl, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Cathy Cavadini, Tara Strong and Elizabeth Daily's voices from various PPG & Cartoon Network Games, and some from the show itself.
- 3 xtra hex-edited skins & HUDs her girl.
- Variety of special talents, they're Powerpuff afterall!
- 2 Announcer Calls and 5-6 Breaks per girl for x_voice
- Uses assigned numbers #106-108:
(Blossom clashes with Frost Giant, Inferno, Siryn and Super Mario's Toad on loadscreens & mannequin)
(Bubbles clashes with Megamorphs Hulk, Morbius, Yondu and Solomon Grundy on loadscreens & mannequin)
(Buttercup clashes with Union Jack, Shuri and Wonder Girl on loadscreens & mannequin)

1. Laser Eye: Blossom strikes the enemies with her powerful laser vision! Also upgrades her Grab Smash.
2. Ice Breath: Blossom uses her special power of ice breath, freezing the bad guys. Frozen enemies will shatter upon a critical hit.
3. Power Ray: Blossom creates a burst of pink energy and fires it at her enemies. Powerpuff!
4. Tornado Trap: Blossom creates a tornado trap and sends it forward, lifting up objects and baddies alike!
5. Heroic Charge: Blossom shows 'em who's boss as she flies forward and knocks the enemies down!
6. (Debuff) The Talk Down: Blossom criticizes and talks down to the enemy. Enraging them and causing them to focus on her, not realizing their attacks have dropped and all their projectiles will be reflected!
7. (Team Boost) Everything Nice: Blossom inspires her team with her leadership skills and confidence, raising everyone's speed!
8. (Chemical X-Treme) Snow Day: Blossom focuses up her ice breath and fires it on the area, freezing the bad guys unfortunate enough to get caught in it!

1. Laser Eye: Bubbles strikes the enemies with her powerful laser vision! Also upgrades her Grab Smash.
2. Sonic Scream: Bubbles unleashes her earth-shattering scream, pushing the enemies back and hurting them in the process!
3. Power Ray: Bubbles creates a burst of pink energy and fires it at her enemies. Powerpuff!
4. Tornado Trap: Bubbles creates a tornado trap and sends it forward, lifting up objects and baddies alike!
5. Hardcore Bubbles: Bubbles shows 'em who's hardcore as she pounds the ground in an ever increasing radius!
6. (Team Boost) Bullet to the Rescue!: Bubbles calls Bullet, the Powerpuff Squirrel for help as she supplies the team with regenerative health nuts and scouts ahead to reveal enemies on the minimap. Love makes the world go round!
7. (Team Boost) Sweet Sugar: Bubbles spreads joy to her team with her cheerful spirits, raising everyone's defense!
8. (Chemical X-Treme) Bubble Blast: Bubbles focuses her laser vision into one strong beam and unleashes it on all the bad guys in a 360 degree spin. Now those suckers will know hardcore!

1. Laser Eye: Buttercup strikes the enemies with her powerful laser vision! Also upgrades her Grab Smash.
2. Fire Ball: Buttercup rubs her hands together until smoke comes out, releasing to create a fire ball she hurls at the enemies.
3. Power Ray: Buttercup creates a burst of pink energy and fires it at her enemies. Powerpuff!
4. Tornado Trap: Buttercup creates a tornado trap and sends it forward, lifting up objects and baddies alike!
5. Powerpuff Slam: Leap into the air and drill into the ground, damaging and knocking back nearby enemies.
6. (Debuff) Tongue Curl: Buttercup curls her tongue at the enemies, confusing and frustrating them as they does she do that?! Their defense and attack power drops in the process.
7. (Team Boost) Brutal Spice: Buttercup gets pumped up and inspires her team in return, increasing everyone's attack power. Pummel those losers to dust!
8. (Chemical X-Treme) Drilling Smash: Buttercup leaps into the air and slams to the ground with a drill spin! Causing massive physical damage to all those unfortunate losers who crossed her path!

- All posses Might, Flight and Girl Power!
- Girl Power!: All girls have immunity to Stuns, Fire Damage and Cold Damage.
Blossom and Bubbles move 20% faster with 15% resistance to all attacks.
Buttercup moves 25% faster with 20% resistance to all attacks.
- Blossom exclusively has Leadership

BLOSSOM'S SKINS (10620-10623):
1. Blossom
2. Brick
3. Dark Blossom (CN Punch Time Explosion)
4. FusionFall Nano

BUBBLES' SKINS (10717-10720):
1. Bubbles
2. Boomer
3. Dark Bubbles (CN Punch Time Explosion)
4. FusionFall Nano

BUTTERCUP'S SKINS (10815-10818):
1. Buttercup
2. Butch
3. Dark Buttercup (CN Punch Time Explosion)
4. FusionFall Nano

- This mod uses 6 seconds (2 seconds each) samples of music from the Theme Song of The Powerpuff Girls, I claim no ownership for this music.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Mannequin, Ripping Dark Textures from CN PTE XL, Ripping some lines from PPG, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System & "Back to the Future" Boost Coding & Values from his Cable Booster
tubularspaceman & Epicandragon – Freeze Breath coding and effects from Superman
ak2yny – Help with one effect looking right
Hannah - Canary Cry effect from Black Canary

UltraMegaMagnus – XML1 & MUA2 nSpace Assets
Eeveeloverthespriter8 & lemurboy12 – Ripping CN PTE XL Models
SAB64 – Bubbles Model Fixing & Classic Rowdyruff Boys Models
Danny O & ExtraOrdinary089 - Ripping FusionFall Nano Models
lemurboy12 – Ripping Cartoon Network Racing Voices
MonadoBoy16 – Ripping Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL Voices
Pingus! - Ripping Powerpuff Girls Relish Rampage Voices
ExtraOrdinary089 & Paniques – Ripping FusionFall Nano Voices
OMEGAPSYCHO, Ssonic & CS x TBM (MUGEN Community) – Ripping Powerpuff Girls SFX and voicelines

Ceamonks890, ProfEscanor

None so far.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

And once again, the day is saved! Thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on June 05, 2024, 03:56AM


UPDATE! (August 1, 2024):
Now includes Jill's alternate outfits from PS1 & PC!

Currently includes Jill Valentine from RE1, alt outfits from RE1 PS1 and PC, and almost all her outfits from RE3
Jill is made and hex-edited for Outsider's version but should probably work well with other versions
Thanks to Bluejet97, Rexil & vinrax for ripping the models! Thanks to ChristmasAuri for Jill RE1 Alt textures!

More Queen, the merrier! All hex-edited and ready for action!
Thanks to Xelandis for ripping the models and for UltraMegaMagnus for his Green Screen Easy HUD Maker Mod

Sentinel - Servbot #42 Skin Pack
Servbot #42 Skin Pack for Sentinel, based on Tron Bonne's Ending in MVC3!
All credits go to Andersonbrazil for the original skin, I edited the textures.
Mega Man will now have no choice but to go on that date with Tron...

Jinx (Teen Titans 2003) Asset Pack
An asset pack of Jinx featuring a skin, HUD and a mannequin for those who wanna make a character mod out of her or simply use her as a skin!
Custom model created by ASideOfChidori, Mannequin built off a XNALara pose by IKeelYou457
Hope you're not afraid of a little bad luck!

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil 8: Village) Skin
Chris Redfield as he appears in Resident Evil Village
Thanks to ProfEscanor for letting me know this model exists!
Credits to Boxy (Models-Resource) for ripping the model from State of Survival: Zombie War!

Japanese Spider-Man (Shattered Dimensions Mod Backport)
The Japanese Spidey mod I made for Shattered Dimensions in 2020, now backported to MUA!
Special Thanks to ProfEscanor for porting the Secret War model and backporting my texture over it
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on June 16, 2024, 03:22PM

After hearing a tip about something big about to go down, photojournalist Frank West went to the quiet little town of Willamette, Colorado. He arrived in town in a helicopter observing the scene, at first thinking riots occured in the streets he soon found out the truth as he landed on the roof of Willamette Parkview Mall...
The city has been infested with zombies! And now, they have broken into the mall! Using everything he can get his hands on from hockey sticks to CDs to mannequins, Frank fought his way through hordes of zombies, saving survivors and uncovering the truth along the way.
Frank eventually unearthed the truth and escaped Willamette with his life and camera in hand, but not without a cost. He has been infected and through the help of an individual known as Isabela Keyes, they developed a vaccine that stops the infection for every 24 hours it's injected.
Three weeks after the incident, Frank tried to expose those responsible for the incident but was quickly buried due to lack of sufficent evidence, but the government was forced to admit their involvement in the incident.

Around a year after the whole incident, things would only get stranger as Frank found himself pulled into a portal as a result of the actions of a creatue known as Yami.
While assisting in the fight aganist this ancient evil creature hellbent on consuming time and space, he found himself fighting alongside many heroes like Ryu, MegaMan Volnutt, Joe the Condor and Tekkaman.
Getting a group shot of himself with everyone after the battle he affectionately calls "Ultimate All-Stars", Frank would hold onto this photo fondly. Knowing he won't be able to really convince any news outlets with this, he would simply glance at it from time to time to remind himself of his fantastical journey.

Next year, Frank would become somewhat famous for his escapades. To the point of many people considering him a "badass who kicks ass and takes names" but Frank would kindly correct them on being nothing more than an honest journalist doing his job.
Finding what happened after Willamette somewhat bittersweet, Frank used the opportunities presented to him to get further in journalism and grow his outlet. Even taking on having his own TV show despite it not normally being his scene.
Frank eventually would come to know about Rebecca Chang, who had been on the tail of suspicions abouıt government covering up small, contained zombie out-breaks in the midwest.
Deciding to finally go back to field reporting after being in the celebrity status for so long, Frank would get in touch with her and soon both would make their to Fortune City, Nevada, which they believe  to be their best bet.

Soon Frank would find himself saving a man named Chuck Greene surronded by zombies. Believing him to be the culprit behind the Fortune City outbreak, Frank proceeds to confront Chuck about it, who in return would explain that he has been framed.
Believing his claims, soon the two of them would make their way to Phenotrans facility to meet a client of Frank's and help gain evidence to clear Chuck's name. Soon they would find out this source is none other than Isabela Keyes herself...
After a confontration and a possible permanent cure being lost, Frank and Chuck find themselves on a hill outside of the facility...Chuck ponder the difference a cure would make while Frank considers it could easily have been fake.
Frank notices he lost the now mass-produced suppressing vaccine, Zombrex in the facility. Only for Chuck to hand him his spare one, telling him: "The world still needs Frank West."

Having gone his own way...Frank would soon find himself sucked himself into another multiversal adventure...reuniting with not only the likes of Ryu and Chun-Li but meeting more superheroes like Spider-Man and Captain America, even forming a friendly rivarly with the former over their mutual profession of photojournalism.
This time helping in the fight against the giant planet eater known as Galactus as a result of the actions of the villains known as Doctor Doom and Albert Wesker. Frank looks up and wonders how does he gets himself into these situations.
Smirking to himself, he readies his camera and weapons to go into this adventure fully prepared and determined to come out with some nice photos, regardless of their believeability in his home world.

After defeating Galactus and having made his zombie escapades known to the team, Frank is approached by Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. Reed doesn't take long straight to the point...
He tells Frank about an alternate universe where all the superheroes of the world have mutated into zombies and are trying to cross over to this dimension...trusting his experience and skills with handling them, Reed asks Frank if he would be willing to help.
Surprised and even considering the fact that he'll be taking on superpowered and intelligent zombies, he accepts with sheer determination as they head into the zombie infested universe to put a stop to it.
Along the way...he meets another chainsaw-wielding mall experienced undead slaying man who seems really out of place here....after a brief run-in and going their own ways, Frank helps put a stop to the zombie universe and save the day through the help of Reed and Uatu the Watcher.

Frank would have another run-in with a multiversal event as he would help stop the likes of Ultron, Sigma and the combined Ultron-Sigma alongside many faces, old and new.

Back home, sitting up and watching TV one night, Frank would think about all the crazy adventures he has been on since Willamette. Not many developments happening since Fortune City, he would even briefly considering teaching photography classes....when suddenly!
Frank would suddenly get up in shock at a blue portal appearing in front of his couch. "Woah!" he would claim...before realizing it's a sight he's all too familiar with..."Another one, huh?". Frank would think to himself. "I've been going away a lot lately...wish I could be uncovering more things back here..."
But thinking it over, he decideds to chin up as that irresistable calling of a scoop would come to Frank's ears again. "But if it's the entire multiverse that's in danger once can count me in!". Frank would quickly go and change into his clothes, equipping himself with his weapons and trusty camera, he'd look at the portal with confidence as he rests his bat on his shoulder.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!". Frank would bravely hop into the portal as it closes behind him...soon he found himself landing with a thud on a giant floating metal ship. Rising up and looking around, Frank would recognize the place from his past adventures..."It's the hellicarrier! Must be those guys again...probably that Parker kid is here too."
Looking around, he spots a group of heroes he has fought with before "Speak of the devil....", Frank says to himself. "Alright then, I don't know what big bad villain we're taking on this time but I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!"
Readying his weapons, combat skills AND trusty camera, Frank would take off in the direction of the fighting heroes to cover himself yet another war.


MINOR UPDATE! (September 4, 2024): Powerstyle is changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- "Mega Man Rising"'s Mega Buster now uses the fourth power damage values instead of sixth, so that it's more balanced in accordance with the power unlock progression.
- Made the animation for Music Block Combo play faster.

- 6 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Xtreme.
- 4 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs (with 2  alternate HUDs), 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using TJ Rotolo's voice from Dead Rising 1 & Marvel vs. Capcom games.
- Announcer call and 5 Breaks for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #116 (clashes with Byrrah, Quake & Lily Bloomerchen on mannequin & loadscreens)

1. Chainsaw Slash: Frank swings the small chainsaw he got from Adam the Clown at the enemy, dealing good damage. Also upgrades his Grab Smash.
2. Servbot Slamdown: Frank slams a Servbot head rigged with explosives on an enemy he grabs and pushes 'em off. Serving in 3, 2, 1...
3. Roundhouse Kick: Frank kicks the enemy straight in the jaw. They're not that different from the zombies when you think about it...
4. Giant Swing: Frank grabs a nearby enemy and swings them around before throwing them far with the release of the button!\nNot too shabby, huh? (Hold to Keep Spinning).
5. Double Chainsaw: Frank gets out 2 small chainsaws and spins them around, turning the enemies into minced meat (Hold to Keep Spinning).
6. Home Run: Frank gets out a baseball bat and charges it up, releasing it to hit the enemies with a home run! (Chargable).
7. (Boost) Quickstep: Made from his own recipe of blended wine and beer, Frank drinks a cup of Quickstep. Gaining faster movement speed and giving himself regenerative health for a time.
8. (Boost)  Mega Man Rising: Frank changes into his Mega Man suit, equipped with the REAL Mega Buster. Allowing him to shoot beams with Attack button and deal more attack and power damage!
9. (Xtreme) Real Mega Slam: Frank charges up his Mega Buster and fires it with a slam to the ground, creating a large focus of energy that hurts and stuns all enemies.  If the enemy is already stunned, then the energy will critically hit for 50% of their life.

Smile! - Press Smash while blocking to take a photo and gain PP! If an enemy is nearby, they will be dizzy for a short time.
Zombie Slaying Tunes - Press Jump while blocking to play one of three music tracks!

SKINS (11612, 11614-11615):
1. Dead Rising 1
2. Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
3. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Fourth Skin (11613) should be obvious by now

- He's covered wars, y'know.
- This mod uses a minute worth of 3 tracks, Gone Guru by Lifeseeker, Fly Routine by Hostile Groove and Frank's Theme from UMVC3 by Hideyuki Fukasawa. I claim no ownership of these tracks.
- Xtreme sound effect comes from Akuma in UMVC3
- Servbot explosion sound effect comes from Chris in UMVC3

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Boltons, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
ProfEscanor – Photo Animation & Drinking Animation
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System, Music Script, "Back to the Future" Boost  from his Cable Booster, "Snap, Chuckle & Pop" coding & effect from Cassie Cage
Ceamonks890 – Princess Heart Boost coding from Cheryl Mason
Enchlore – X-Buster effect and coding from Mega Man X

ArmachamCorp & Bringess – Ripping DR1 Model & Reuploading, respectively
JSRRemix - Ripping UMVC3 Model
senjen – Ripping OTR Frank, DR1 Small Chainsaw & DR1 Servbot Mask
Markee - Ripping TVC Model
RyuAensland - Ripping Mega Man Volnutt Model from Mega Man X Dive
Avertureiromax - Shotgun Bolton
Julio Cabral – Baseball Bat Bolton from Casey Jones
jason 278 & George_the_crab - Ripping DR2 OTR Quickstep & Reuploading, respectively
8Tey & Crimson Fury – Ripping / Uploading DR1 Frank Voicelines
RandomTalkingBush – Ripping UMVC3 Frank Voice
Mysticus & NinjaGrump – Ripping MVCI Frank Voice
Interstellar Star Sailor – Ripping Dead Rising 1 Sound Effects
Nai255 – Ripping Mega Man NES Sounds
Free Sound Effects – Anime Shine Sound Effect

If the Xtreme is activated when the Mega Man Rising boost is in use, it will make the costume disappear anyway. However, you can still tell the boost is active by the aura around Frank
and the buffs and beam will still function as intended for the duration of the boost, he just won't be in costume anymore.
I couldn't really find a way to fix or filter this, so I recommend just being mindful of this when using one or the other if this bothers you.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

I've covered wars, y'know:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on July 01, 2024, 04:27PM

WARNING: The following bio and some of the move info might contain minor spoilers for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. You have been warned.

It has been weeks since the sniper deprived of her words had left the Mother Base out of her own will. In process, also leaving behind Big Boss...the man who she shared a deep bond and spent a lot of time with...
Having shown her gratitude back then...Quiet just kept moving on...wandering the desert, keeping herself well "fed" and taking down a target or two.

As skillful and determined as she is, even someone bestowed with such abilities and feats would sometimes be hit with memories and thoughts of what could've been...but alas, carrying what she's carrying, this was for the best...or so she told herself...
Was she going to go on? Was she going to let herself be consumed by the merciless desert? These were things that crossed Quiet's mind, yet she kept doing what she did best nonetheless...

Taking down target after target, run from location to location, enjoy the occasional rain every now and then...time just kept ticking as Quiet felt conflicted for probably the first time in her life...
She wouldn't have much more time to think however...

One day, while crouched in a pool of water under a rainbow, splashing it on herself and consuming it with her skin. She suddenly felt a presence behind her...
IMMEDIATELY running out of her compromising position in a lighting fast zoom, she suddenly came back, facing whoever dared sneak up on her with a knife ready in her hand.

She gasped to herself as she saw it was no person...but instead...a strange big blue portal...? Bewildered, the sniper carefully approached the portal with her knife still held up.
Coming near it and sensing no true threat...Quiet touched it...seeing her hand going through, she didn't hesitate as she jumped right in!

...Quiet opened her eyes...she was...underwater! Completely submerged! She held onto her neck and looked around as she was quickly she was fading she could make out some colorful yet blurry silhouettes...

Quiet opened her eyes she saw it...sun touching her face...but something wasn't right....she looked down to see a blanket on her...and she was being carried by someone! A man....made of...stone?
"Woah! You're awake! Ya gave us quite a sca'e back there, ya'know! Let me tell ya, Johnny would be really upset if we let a gal like you dro-". Quiet quickly threw the blanket into the air and suddenly disappeared from the stone man's arms.
"Woah...where'd she go?!". The man would soon get his answer as Quiet suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him in a chokehold, resting a knife near his neck as black markings appeared around her neck. The man looked down in shock, looking at the person that managed to hold him.
"Aight goilie...let's calm down, arright? We're not here a hurt ya...". A woman with white hair flowing hair in black clothes slowly approached. "It's don't have to be scared. I'm Ororo and the man you're holding hostage is Ben." At which, Ben simply looks at Quiet, trying to crack a smile.
"We found you drowned in Atlantis...are you alright?...are you..a mutant?" Confused by the question, Quiet simply looked at the colorful team before her...all decked out in their own gear...some ready to reason...some ready to strike...with a "Tch..." sound, her face cleared up from the markings as she disappeard to thin air again, letting the man known as Ben go.
As everyone looked around, Quiet suddenly appeared near the entrance to the jet. Shooting them a glance and simply going in. Surprised, the team just shrugged to themselves and start to follow suit. "Well, looks like Kurt found a playmate...though, not a very talkative one..." said the man as he retracted his claws.

Landing on a big high tech looking building with a lot of colorful armors around...Quiet was surprised to see a city like this again after so looked like New York vaguely, albeit much different than whatever glances she ever saw of it.
Walking inside the builing alongside the heroes...they came face to face with a well-dressed goateed man. With a surprised expression "Oh, you guys are back sooner than expected...and who is..." taking a glance at Quiet and not being able to take his eyes off her...he saw the glances of Quiet, Ororo and a few others as he quickly cleared his throat and decided it's best not to comment on Quiet's...choice of attire.

Simply walking past the group and looking around the building, Quiet looked at all the strange people here until he saw....him! The black markings returned to her face as she saw him! The man she shared a bond with, the legend himself, Big Boss!...but he looked so clean...his eyes...his arms...all intact? And what had happened to his horn? No...this man wasn't Big Boss at all...but why...
Noticing her gaze, the man in the bandana looked in his direction with his expressionless face. Feeling drawn in by her in an unexplainable way, he started to walk towards her. Unsure of what to do, Quiet simply let him approach until they came face to face... "Do I know you?" The man asked. Quiet simply looked at him.

"Name's Snake. Solid Snake..." He introduced himself as she just looked at him in curiosity. "Are you alright...Quiet?..." Snake suddenly blurted out, surprising them both. Snake held his head and groaned... "Ahh....Qui....Quiet?...What the hell was that? I haven't felt that way since Psycho Mantis..."
Quiet simply looked in surprise...then she understood...this was not the mean she knew and obviously, he wasn't about to become what he was for her...but alas, somehow he had his face...and they still felt some strange mutual understanding despite never knowing each other.
"Is that your name? Quiet?....but how do I....gah forget it...this whole thing so far has been nothing but insanity...just another mystery to take with us on the road, I suppose.". Snake said....putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it...he gave Quiet one more glance..."Stay safe, Quiet."
She simply nodded with an affirming hum. And at that...this stranger wearing the legend's face simply walked away.

...A lot has happened...suddenly being thrown into another group so soon after just seperating from one not too long ago....this strange new world...all these strange new people...this stranger wearing Boss' face...there were so many mysterious...could she even go back home? Maybe...maybe did not matter...
Quiet was here and now, they seemed like good people and she figured it's better to go with them and see where this leads rather than being locked up again...
despite everything that happened back home...this was a whole new world, and she wasn't about to risk this one nor the people in it...and for that, with her trusty Butterflies in her hand...she kept on keeping quiet and set on a new journey.


Minor Update! (October 30, 2024): Powerstyle changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Added more measures to make sure "Scout Ahead" is uninterruptable on the activation phase.

- 6 Powers, 3 Boosts and 1 Xtreme.
- 4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, 2 mannequins and sound/voice file using Stefanie Joosten's...sounds from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Uses assigned number #213 (clashes with Magma & Luna Snow on mannequin & loadscreens)

1. Wicked Butterfly: Quiet aims her sniper rifle at the enemy and fires on release. Thanks to her masterful sniping, there is a 25% chance for an instant kill if the victim is stunned. (Hold to Aim) Also upgrades her Grab Smash.
2. Lethal Throw: Quiet shoots to kill with a lethal knife throw, dealing serious damage and causing bleeding.
3. Close Quarters Conflict: Quiet engages the enemy as she strikes once, twice and finally finishes the encounter with a flying kick.
4. Tactical Takedown: Quiet exhibits her excellent combat skills as she grabs a nearby enemy and mercilessly slams them down, with a 50% possbility to stun them.
5. Fearsome Cutter: Quiet strikes fear in her enemies as she viciously jumps on one and proceeds to repeatedly stab them.
6. Sinful Butterfly: Quiet prepares her powerful sniper rifle and aims with masterful precision. With a 25% chance to instant kill an enemy, these shots do not miss. (Hold to Aim)
7. (Boost) Dancing in the Rain: Quiet splashes a bottle of refreshing water on herself and absorbs it with her skin, healing herself and increasing her defense.
8. (Team Boost) Scout Ahead: Quiet runs ahead, quickly scouts ahead of the team, marks all enemy positions on the map and comes back. Also increasing the team's Attack stat and Damage.
9. (Boost) Cloaked in Silence: Quiet phases out of vision and becomes invisible, increasing her chances of doing critical attacks and evading enemy assault.
10. (Xtreme) A Quiet Strike: Time feels as if slowed down as Quiet quickly moves from one enemy to another and strikes down every single one. Just when it seems like she's done, the pain of the vital spots that Quiet struck during the attack hit the enemies and deal additional damage.

A Memorabilia from the Boss - Press jump while blocking to play a casette tape that Quiet borrowed from the Boss' collection.

Parasite Treatment - Thanks to the vocal cord parasites, Quiet is 40% faster, 20% more resistant to all attacks and completely immune to stuns. Press jump right after jumping the first time to quickly phase through objects, as if teleporting.
Fire Weakness - Quiet is 70% weaker to Fire Damage.

SKINS (21319-21322):
1. Naked (not literally!)
2. Gray XOF
3. Sniper Wolf Cosplay
4. Black Markings

- AI was used to upscale the first Loadscreen image, nothing was generated from scratch.
- This mod uses 62 seconds of the song: "Maneater" by Hall & Oates, I claim no ownership of this music.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
Outsider - Upgradable Grab Smash System, Music Script, "Tactical Defense" codes from his Cable booster.
ProfEscanor – Halo Anti-Material Rifle Bolton
iammingy – Knife Boltons
UltraMegaMagnus – Uploading XML1 & MUA2 Animations
BLaw & Broly / Tien – Camera Shake from Hydro-Man's Hydro-Beam Impact Effect

Asset Credits:
thePWA (DeviantArt) – Ripping Quiet Models
Soldical & MacMillian11 (DeviantArt)  – Textures for Sniper Wolf cosplay
LordAardvark (SFMLab) – Black Markings Face Texture
IIReII (DeviantArt) – Specular Textures
Salaryman (SFMLab) – Ripping Quiet's sounds and certain sound effects
Nox (YouTube) – Ripping Reflex Mode SFX
Cooper B. Chance (Sounds-Resource) - Ripping MK9 & MkvsDC General Fight Sounds
Kojima Productions & Konami - Model & Original Asset Creation

"Tactical Takedown" seems to cause damage to enemies in range even when it's simply used to seek out a victim sometimes. I could not find a solution to this at the moment.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

I am Quiet...I am...the absence of words:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on July 24, 2024, 08:10PM

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features gore, violence, blood and swearing. Now that's the usual warning for mature-rated characters like this but this one is a little different:
This mod, by default, comes with a NSFW (Not Safe for Work) skin and a mannequin featuring NUDITY on top of the already existing BLOOD and GORE on the skin. His third loadscreen also features said NUDITY.
And the xtra skin "Dead Starkweather" and its following HUD features some extra GORE.
So, as a result, if you're not in the age range for this mod, playing with your family or simply don't want to see it, then don't download and play it, you have been warned.
HOWEVER, if you want to play it without seeing Piggy's business: a version of both the skin and mannequin without the nudity have been included as an xtra, in this case you can also simply delete his third Loadscreen (textures > loading > 21203), be careful with loadscreen clashes so you don't accidentally leave it behind or delete someone else's!
Obviously the squeaky clean version is used the screenshot. As for Dead Starkweather...simply not install him if you don't want him. Did I make myself clear? Good. Let's get into the mod.

It was a dark cold night, just like any other...up in the attic of a certain director's mansion...
There he was once again, grotesque naked insane homicidal former star, Piggsy...all chained up to the wall and on his knees... waiting here, in his least, as far as he's concerned...

Suddenly, came in two men, covered in black suits and masks head to toe, to bring Piggsy his food which has been wonderfully "prepared" from the remains of the "actors" that he once shared screentime with in said movies...
Not caring, hearing, or perhaps simply not acknowleding the men's insults...Piggsy just devoured his food without hesitation. The disgusted men mocked him and soon seems like they had their hands full with another job tonight...

Not long has passed and now Piggsy was standing and violently shaking his chains, trying to get free and squealing like the pig he is. Suddenly, the chain snapped and Piggsy freed himself!
Taking a glance at the on-looking camera, Piggsy squealed with his arms in the air! Then he walked off and got a hold of his chainsaw...leaving his home and doing the only thing he knew!...

He roamed around the courtyard area, roaring, squealing, tearing, ramming and chopping up anyone who dared come his way! "Piggsy is angry! AHHNNNGGRRRY!" He yelled out loud! Only thing close to his volume was his roaring dull-bladed chainsaw.
Leaving a trail of blood, guts and corpses of more armed men behind him. Piggsy just aimlessly wandered and pierced his way through. He didn't stop for anyone, nor anything...not even the...
The big blue portal that opened right ahead of him!

Piggsy stepped through without hesitation...before it even registered to him...he was in a different wasn't the courtyard anymore...yet the place felt similar...
Now on a stormy place that seemed to be floating above the ground...he soon saw...meat! More fresh meat! Terrified and surpried, the people who came face to face with him were simply asking themselves just what the hell he was!
Piggsy squealed and his chainsaw started roaring again, slowly walking forward them...deciding to not take a chance, they quickly started their assault! Piggsy's angry and his night just has started! So he revved up his chainsaw and charged right at them! He only had one thing to say!:


Minor Update (October 30, 2024): Powerstyle changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- "Throu' da Grinder" is no longer interrupted when he makes contact with a victim.

- 3 Powers, 2 Boosts and an Execution.
- 3 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Hunter Platin's voice from Manhunt.
- SQUEAKY clean alternate skin and mannequin. And 2 xtra skins with matching HUDs.
- 2 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #212 (clashes with Gambit & Iris Yuma on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.

1. Guts & G'ory: Piggsy, the ever-lovable star, tears the suckers apart with his DULL painful chainsaw! This classic is now available to all enemies with the press of a button! As a bonus feature, it also upgrades his gruesome Grab Smash! Now that's some GEWD entertainment!
2. Flying Pigs! - Pigs can fly! Pigs can fly! And so can YOU! In this picture, Piggsy swings his chainsaw right at these poor chumps, making everything fly away! What will land? A hand? A leg? Maybe even a head! Whatever the hell it is, this flick is 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
3. Throu' da Grinder - Piggsy does what he does best, running and slashing! Right through these suckers, no less! The only thing louder than his maniacial noises is his MAD screeching chainsaw! Piggsy saw you and Piggsy puts the 'U' in abuse!
4. (Debuff) Sniff Sniff - Sniff never smelled gut-wrenching action like this before! Watch in awe as Piggsy sniffs out the fresh meat and catches those wandering losers off-guard! Piggsy will be covered in the stench of blood tonight!
5. (Boost) All Fed Up - Wanna know where the remains go after a movie is done? Piggsy will show you as he REVVVVS U^ his chainsaw and gathers all of his RAW strength! Knowing they'll just be chopped up for the next scene, these shmucks have no choice but to just run away in fear!

Piggy's Greatest Hits - See every scene you love of the inimitable Piggsy in this 6 hour compilation, exclusive to VALIANT VIDEO! Piggsy is %15 more violent to his victims and 15% more resistant to all attacks. On top of that, he's completely utterly ungrabbable!! Cut loose!

SKINS (21211-21213):
1. Piggsy
2. Lionel Starkweather
3. Binbag

- My second Manhunt mod! Now, Cash is not so lonely anymore....

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Bolton, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
dedtoot – Ripping Piggsy's Sounds and being an awesome fellow Manhunt fan
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System & Original Blood Effect Base from Skarlet
ak2yny – help with mixing one animation

UltraMegaMagnus - XML1 & MUA2 nSpace assets
Geisteskrakenchan (Garry's Mod) – Ripping Piggsy model, Starkweather model & chainsaw execution sounds
Weirdo Sonic (Dixmor Hospital / Manhunt Modding) – Putting the Dead Starkweather model together & the screenshot used for the HUD
miauz & ermaccer – Binbag skin & originally porting it for Manhunt, respectively
Kaori_Naim (L4D2 Modding) – Ripping chainsaw sounds
Sketch the Cow (Archive) – Manhunt PS2 Manual Scans
Manhunt Wiki – Piggsy renders
Rockstar Games - Creating Manhunt, Piggsy and many of the original assets

- Sometimes the chainsaw might despawn after certain moves, interruptions and possibly events. Simply stop moving or do a different motion to get it back.
- It can also sometime despawn in hub worlds. Talking to someone will restore it.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Piggsy bored. Going home! Go to bed and SLEEEEEP!
Link temporarily removed
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on October 06, 2024, 10:24PM

A night seemingly like any other...stars decorating the sky and the moon shining on the seas below.
Suddenly, noises of jet engines soar through nearby... only to be soon followed by explosions... a common occurence of many in recent times.

Meanwhile in the deeps of the sea....a colossal creature passes by a nearby underwater civilization. 'A whale?' the residents think to themselves as they're greately disturbed by this strange presence but soon return to their busy days...

The chaos continues to sound on the can be seen flashing from a castle nearby, along with more destruction and sounds of battle in vain...
Something is wrong...the peace is disturbed...the planet as not as it should be...

Suddenly... spiky dorsal fins rise above the water, moving at rapid speed, headed straight with the castle in the view ahead...
Near the shore, it surfaces... the mighty Godzilla! He roars his loud as he throws his head back to the sky!

Looking right ahead, he sees the castle in his sights...where lightning, fighting and destruction never stop. A look of anger on Godzilla's face... almost as if he's bothered by what man has done to nature and the world lying before him, much like it has done to him.
But things were different this time...

He walks forward and takes a step out of the water, onto the sandy shore ahead with a loud THUD!
Godzilla has surfaced on land! And he's coming for the man responsible for the corrupting of this world! Whether it may be his or not...

Godzilla roars again and starts to march! Making his way with his loud footsteps, followed by his gigantic tail dragging on the ground. He approaches the castle rapidly!
Whoever resides in there, will be ever so sorry that they dared defile this world and challenge the likes of him!


Minor Update! (October 30, 2024): Powerstyle changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Now reflects more damage than just 1 when hit during blocking.

This mod requiress "Outsider's Special Scripts" for one of the special talents, which you can acquire here:
However, if you have the EXG installed, then disregard, as those scripts are already included.

- 7 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Xtreme
- 6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using the various roars and sounds Toho and Pipeworks have used for the Big G over the years. A detailed list of what is used where is included in the mod in a txt file.
- 1 extra hex-edited skin used for a boost
- 1 announcer call and 5 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses the number #193 (clashes with Mystique, Grant Ward & Albert Wesker on mannequin & loadscreens)

1. Atomic Breath: Godzilla's fins glow as he fires his atomic breath at the enemies, causing further Radiation to spew after each hit! (Press and hold) Also upgrades his Stomp Damage.
2. Tail Swipe: Godzilla swings his gigantic, powerful tail, making the enemies trip and swiping them away!
3. Rock Kick: Godzilla kicks a rock straight from the Monster Island and sends it toward the enemy!
4. Dropkick: Godzilla throws a battle cry and sends himself forward with a mighty kick to pummel his enemies into the ground!
5. Body Slam: Godzilla takes a giant leap to the air and lands back with a MIGHTY body slam on the ground, destroying the enemies and knocking them back! (Press power button again in-air and aim to redirect yourself.)
6. Vapor Breath: Godzilla breathes deadly fire on an enemy, burning everything in his path to crisp.
7. Atomic Blast: Godzilla charges up his atomic breath to new levels of destruction as his scales light up one by one... and finally releases a devastating radioactive blast! Has a 50% chance to insta-kill them. (Chargeable)
8. (Boost) King of the Monsters: Mighty Godzilla roars loud and proud, raising his $AR Rating, Attack Speed and Absorbing Energy from enemies hit!\nThe king of the monsters roams once again!
9. (Boost) Burning Godzilla: Godzilla comes to a boiling point and turns into...Burning Godzilla! Becoming more vulnerable yet increasing his Power Dmg and causing all Melee Attacks to set the enemies on fire.
10. (Xtreme) Nuclear Pulse: Godzilla focuses all the radioactivity in his body and releases a devastating blast in every direction, blasting away everything in range!

Monster of Monsters: Thanks to his unique physiology, Godzilla has.... a lot of things! Play the mod and find out!
Special Moves: Press smash while blocking to roar! Press jump while blocking to a victory dance! Jump twice to fly using the Atomic Breath! (Flight Unlocks at Level 5)
Kaiju of the Sea: Press attack while blocking to use Godzilla's underwater prowess to gain +10 in all attributes, +50% speed and +50% momentum! Will not work on land.

SKINS (19315-19321):
1. Heisei (MogeGoji - Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla (1994))
2. Millennium (MireGoji - Godzilla 2000: Millennium (1999))
3. Showa (MegaroGoji - Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973))
4. 1954 (ShodaiGoji - Godzilla (1954))
5. Hanna-Barbera
6. A Surprise Crossover!
19321 is used for Burning Godzilla for the Boost.

I have provided Max bases for the skins in the mod anyway but if they don't suit your needs and you have to put in a model from scratch, here are a few things to note:
There have been a lot of figuring out and growing pains with making these skins, such thick characters don't always rig great and his posture, scales on his back and tail only added further to it.
I made these notes to hopefully save you the trouble if you wanna make a skin for Godzilla yourself or plan to convert further Kaiju.
- Make sure his model is always raised slightly off the ground (maybe about half a block), otherwise his feet will clip into the ground.
- If you plan to have tail bones, using the Blackheart Skeleton instead of the Lizard Skeleton from the Model Tutorial yields better results in my experience.
- For skins with no tail bone, I just put them in the Juggernaut base and connected the tail to Spine (the one under Spine1). These seem to have bigger scaling than those made with tailed bases tho and had to be manually downscaled in Finalizer afterwards and it's not very ideal.
- Ultimately, ask yourself if tail bone is truly worth it cuz I consider it not really, most animations don't account for it and outside of say...making the tail swipe look more natural, it didn't amount to much here.
Once you decide, pick one of the bases for certain and just go with it for all skins to save yourself the trouble.

- Uses 40 seconds of the original 1954 Godzilla theme composed by the legendary Akira Ifukube. I claim no ownership of this music.

Well... this has been one challenging mod to make. The main reason for this taking 2 months (besides me taking it slow for sanity sake and having other projects) was the fact that I essentially had to design a new moveset style that game was.... really not designed for. Well that and the skins being murder due to their thick size and all the details on his back...and that damn tail! Don't forget the tail!
Basically, with Godzilla, I'd like to introduce what I call the "Giant Style" or the "Kaiju Style" if you will. And I hope it becomes a useful base to use for being wanting to make Kaiju mods.... may God(zilla) have mercy on the poor souls who try such a thing. Oh and believe me I wanted to make him much bigger but it's TERRIBLE for visibility and fun, bigger you get, harder it becomes to hit targets too, luckily "always_target" came in handy for some moves.
He's ultimately a composite Godzilla with the best material from all eras you will find, which I found to be the best option. Though some variants like Shin, Zilla and MonsterVerse deserve their own mods, in my opinion. Well, let's get to the bullet list of some facts about this big guy:
- He was an idea I always had but what ultimately gave me the motivation to make this mod was finally buying a NECA 1994 Godzila vs. SpaceGodzilla figurine with my hard earned money. I'm very happy with it and I hope you'll be happy with how I put him into the game too!
- This has been the most challenging mod I made since Pepsiman, who was my first mod. Like I said, he required A LOT of out of the box thinking due to his size and playstyle. I used to think PPG was the most challenging since Pepsiman but Goji takes the cake by far. Atleast I didn't have to make 3 of him at once...
- Pipeworks & DS models surprisingly (or rather unsurprisingly) came out the cleanest and least deforming rigs. Wonders of the 6th gen models on this game, I suppose.
- 1954 skin was intentionally not color fixed because him turning black on being hit fits his Black & White look. His HUD is also completely Black & White.
- Blame Metal Bay G2 in a way for having that secret crossover skin in. You're welcome!
- I originally wanted 2000 as the main skin and the mannequin as he's my favorite Godzilla design. But having lesser deformations and being more or less the first look people think of with Godzilla, Heisei look won out. Also there was no way I was gonna do red glows and Atomic Breath for him...
- Speaking of which, effects are mostly based on Heisei, but I did look at Showa and Reiwa when necessary and the Flight breath is the odd but nice mix of Showa and Heisei. I also studied Pipeworks for the glows on his fins and the 2014 game for the Nuclear Pulse. I had to study the Pulse FRAME BY FRAME to get it right. Most challenging effect to make was that one for sure, with the back glow being the second hardest.
- How I wished I could just draw the effects on like in Showa era...
- My favorite top 5 Godzilla movies are: 1. Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), 2. Godzilla: Minus One (2023), 3. Godzilla (1954), 4. Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) and 5. The Kiryu duology (2002-2003). I cheated on the last one!
- Godzilla got busy.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization  & Creation etc.
ProfEscanor –  Teaching me to decimate models the Blender way. Editing Flight Animation. Helping downsize the Showa & 1954 skins. Attemps to help me fix Godzilla's shoulders and figure out a formula for the skins
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System, Music Script, Nemesis landing codes & Ground Crack effect, Ymir Aura effect. Wave's Aquatic Advantage coding and base.
Ceamonks890 – Various code referenced from his mods
BloodyMares  - Custom Divekick Animations
Avertureiromax – Green Ranger Megazord code reference
Metal Bay G2 & Felicia – For being awesome fellow Kaiju fans, giving some ideas and motivating me by looking forward to the mod.
Cyborg Sun – A lot of emotional support and ideas
Dihan – Shadow King's Fire Breath power coding & effect
Toho - Creating the character, the roars, music, designs and etc.

Sega Sapporo Studio (of Phantasy Star Online 2) - Creating the 1994 Heisei model
MMDCharizard & JJJ / Caseys42 - Creating the  2000 Millennium & the Secret Crossover models
2009MechaGodzilla - Creating the  1974 Showa & Hanna-Barbera models
Vrahno - Creating the  1954 model
Natsume Atari & Bandai Namco - Creating the Burning Godzilla model
UltramanUltimo / NeoUltimo & Alien Baltan - Porting Burning Godzilla to Garry's Mod and reuploading it, respectively
Pipeworks Studios - Creating the Godzilla: Unleashed's 2000 model
Santa Cruz Games - Creating the Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smaash (DS) model
UB14 - Porting Heisei & 1954 models to Garry's Mod
Tough-Turtle-Dragon - Porting 2000 model to XNALara
WOLFBLADE111 - Porting 1974 & Hanna-Barbera models to XNALara
Ploaj - Ripping Pipeworks 2000 Model
groundpork - Ripping DS Model
uhjububu, M11 & The Plage Doctor - Further credits involved in the porting process of these models before they got into MUA (except Pipeworks & DS)
DylanRocket – Ripping Unleashed Announcer, Destroy All Monsters Melee & Godzilla (2014 game) SFX
Bumuman and Toku Society - Ripping Movie and Godzilla: Battle Line SFX

SPECIAL THANKS and SHOUTOUTS to everyone who motivated me by simply looking forward to the mod!

- On some interactions (like grabbing a sword or shield from an enemy/boss like the AIM Agent, Fire Giant or Mephisto), either Godzilla or the enemy or both can shrink / grow. Everyone will return to right size afterwards. I like it personally lol
- There will be the occasional mismatched interactions like with being grabbed by bosses, Arcade fight, the rope and so on.
Nothing can be done about these but they're not game breaking and frankly, quite fun charming jank!

- While he is playable fine in Pitfall and can even beat it, he ups the challenge a bit due to his size. He can also cause some weird glitching and immersion breaking things in there and he absolutely cannot catch a break with the stairs, took me a few tries to get hm out of those. Just switch to a different character for Pitball or get the patch to skip it.

- There will be some more than usual skin deformations on these, wheter it's due to the skin itself or on some animations. These rigs were especially challenging and sometimes even frustrating, I did my best with what's possible here, anything further well.. you'll have to deal with it.

There are no true bugs I would really count here.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

This creature, according to the folklore of Odo Island, is called Godzilla:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on October 07, 2024, 10:35AM

King Kong - Giant Patch
A simple patch to make King Kong fit the "Giant Style" to make him on equal grounds with Godzilla.
Check the readme for the list of changes!
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: SuperMaster10 on November 10, 2024, 10:01AM

In this universe, as we all know, Peter Parker attended an exhibit at the science hall, alone, and was bitten by a radioactive spider there. Given incredible powers, he used them to become the superhero known as Spider-Man and now fighting alongside our very Alliance.
But let us depart this universe for a moment and look into another...where many things happened the same but some things not quite so, what were to happen if someone else was present with Peter at the exhibit that faithful day...
What if someone else besides Peter Parker had been bitten by the radioactive spider?

In this world, among the spectators are one J. Jonah Jameson and his secretary... Betty Brant.
Coming face to face with a young man known as Peter Parker, the two have shared a gaze long enough to share a smile too. Amidst the chaos...mostly caused by Jonah, Betty was bitten by a radioactive spider!
Peter, happening to see all this, helped Betty out of there and soon discovered the spider gave Betty amazing strength! Realizing what this could mean... it wasn't long before Peter convinced her to be a superhero and things were history from there.

Alas, Spider-Girl was born!
Using this as her chance to break out and let loose, Betty sewed herself a suit she'd never dare wear in her daily life...she did not like the idea of hurting people with her super strength however, even crinimals
So, Peter helped her by making web fluids, which came with all sorts of great ways to take down crinimal without punching them directly. He also came up with the brilliant idea of taking photos of her as the said hero for the Daily Bugle.
Peter also shared an interesting fact, that he held onto the spider, possibly to study it further to see just what's going on here.

Things were going well, Peter and Betty's relationship growing as strong as ever while Jameson was baffled about this new "menace" turning things up in the city.
Up until one day...! When Peter and Spider-Girl were returning from one of their Bugle shoots, a robber ran right past them! Having ran out of webbing in the said photoshoot, Betty had no way to pull her the robber got away in a cab!

Not heeding the disapointed security guard, Peter invited Betty over to his house for dinner....only to see police cars outside the house, what could be wrong?
It was Peter's uncle... Uncle Ben! Shot and murdered in cold blood! Hearing where he took off to, an angered Betty put on her costume and rushed to the warehouse!
Catching the scared robber by surprised, she webbed up his gun and gave him a big punch! She checked to see if he's okay, as she didn't want to hurt a human being even as lowly as so when...
It was him! That robber! She could've stopped her! But she didn't.... filled with heavy thoughts, she rushed back to Peter and apologized, feeling guilt over his uncle's death.

She decided to give up the mantle and dump the costume in a trash can, telling a comforting Peter that this was a responsibility that she just could not handle... as Peter took a look back at the costume shining brilliantly....
And thus....was the end of Spider-Girl....

Or was it?
It was a seemingly ordinary day when Peter came to visit Betty. "Hey, Betty." he greeted at the door. "How have you been?".
"Hey, know, hanging on..." she said as she invited him in, a troubled look on her face. Peter took notice as he sat down next to Betty. "Are you still thinking about that night? It's been 5 can't keep blaming yourself, Betty!" he said.
Betty looked down and sighed "I know...I know but I just can't help it! If I hadn't gone way over in my head with this whole thing, your uncle would still be alive!" she just sighed and looked away from Peter, ashamed. It was true, while some time have passed, it never truly felt like Betty moved on... lost for words, Peter just looked away, frustrated at his inability to help his friend.

The silence was short lived however as, suddenly a blue portal opened in the middle of Betty's living room! They both stood up in awe! Just what on Earth was this!? Peter came close and wondered what it is when...
"Peter, get back!" Betty suddenly jumped between Peter and the portal and slammed her fist right into an incoming robot without a thought! Sending the sudden assaulter to the ground as it laid motionless, with it's circuits buzzing from the impact.
Betty breathed heavily as Peter just looked in shock, suddenly the pain of what she suddenly did caugh up to Betty as she held her shoulder with an "Oww!". "Betty, are you alright?!" Peter asked urgently, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, you?" Betty calmly replied.

"What on earth was that thing?!" Peter asked as he walked closer to the robot on the ground to inspect. "I don't know... but... gosh, can't a girl get a peaceful afternoon to herself?! This portal in the middle of my living room is just what I needed!". She held her head as her Spider Sense wouldn't let up at the presence of it.
Peter turned around and chimed in and suggested they should investigate this thing. Only for Betty to object and suggest they call the police again. "Betty... you really think the police are qualified to handle this? We have a phenomenon happening right here! It could be dangerous! Someone should look into it so nobody gets hurt like I almost did! Someone like... "
Betty looked at him with a look of sadness "Don't. Don't say it, Pete. I know what you're getting at. The answer is no.". Peter just sighs, obviously, he understands but the situation is...

No time to think! Suddenly not one but two robots jump out of the portal! Betty struggles with one as it charges right at it, quickly overpowering it and throwing it back. "Ugh!" she exclaims, frustrated. Other robot is walking right up to Peter but not for long as Betty grabs it from behind and lifts it up in the air. "Can't I get one moment of peace to speak with my man?!" she yells as she breaks the robot in two over her knee, throwing the pieces into the portal and dusting her hands off.
"Whew" she sighs and puts her hands on her waist. She notices Peter's gaze and gives him a straight "What?". Peter just looks and asks " 'Your Man'? ". Betty's eyes widen and "corrects" him. "My friend, I said my friend.". Betty sighs "Listen, I'm still not crazy about this thing but... fine. I don't need these things going around terrorizing you or anyone else with a fashion sense as good as yours!" ...."I'll need a costume... guess I'll throw something toge-"
"About that..." Peter says as he opens his briefcase to show Betty her previously discarded costume. "What...? Peter, you didn't!" Betty asks in surprise. "I couldn't just let Spider-Girl go to waste like that...don't worry, I took the liberty of cleaning it up and keeping it in mint condition like a brand new comic book!". Betty grabs her costume and looks at it "I don't know what to say...thank you, Pete... I guess the world needs a Spider-Girl afterall, huh?" she says with a smile in what feels like forever.

Peter nods and adds "Go get em, Tigress.", Betty chuckles and nods.
Suiting up, the heroic and Amazing Spider-Girl is ready for action. Throwing the other robot into the portal as well, they both stand bravely to face this brand new phenomenon, Spider-Girl turns behind to Peter and asks: "I probably shouldn't let you do this but... are you sure about this?"
"And miss the photo opportunity of a lifetime? No way! Where Spider-Girl goes, I go! Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.". Betty nods and turns back to face the portal once again. Bracing herself and grabbing Peter, she jumps right into it. As if it was waiting for this moment, the portal quickly closes behind them.

Finding themselves falling through the air on the other side, Spider-Girl holds tight to Peter and looks around for somewhere to swing from, catching the sight of a huge flying metallic ship in the sky, she shoots her web to swing from it.
Spider-Girl looks around, "I'll find us somewhere safe to land, hold onto your lunch, Pete!", to which he replies "Erm...right!". After swinging for a while, they find themselves above what looks to be New York...albeit it looks a little different from their own, with chaos involving what seems to be... ninjas and cops going on? Swinging from a few buildings as they get closer to them and having a soft landing, they land right in from of a... very stylish looking and bright house, almost as if it's magical.
Before they can further take their sights in, the door opens and speaks a man with stern voice: "Ah, welcome, my friends! Please, make yourselves at home!"
What awaits our heroes in this strange new world? Will they find out what's causing all this? Will Betty finally truly get comfortable in the shoes of Spider-Girl? Join us, true believers! As we find out just how strange a certain afternoon can get for one Betty Brant and a Peter Parker!


- 5 Powers, a Debuff, a Boost and an Xtreme
- 4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Rachel Kimsey's voice as Nozomi Nakahara from Persona 4: Dancing All Night (who previously Betty in Spider-Man 3: The Game)
- 4 x_voice callouts
- Uses the number #234 (clashes with Clashes with Boom-Boom, Victorious & Santa Claus on mannequin & loadscreens)

1. Disarm: Spider-Girl sends out binding webs. That'll make 'em think twice before committin' another crime! (Rapid tap) Also upgrades her Web Zip and Grab Smash.
2. Time-Out!: "Alright, that's enough out of you, bud!" says Betty as hangs the enemy from the ceiling to let them think about what they've done for a while!
3. Web Trip: Spider-Girl leans down and shoots a web right at a bad guy's foot, making 'em trip with a chance to get stunned!
4. Take You for a Ride: "How about we go for a ride, handsome?" says Betty with her itchy web fingers. IF FULLY CHARGED: She'll lasso the enemy around, if the button is pressed and held again during this phase, she'll keep going. IF NOT CHARGED: she'll simply pull the enemy towards herself.  (Hold and charge)
5. Web Dome: Spider-Girl weaves a dome around herself and suddenly explodes it into pieces, spreading 'em everywhere and causing massive damage and knockback to bad guys!
6. (Debuff) Got it, Honey!: Peter comes in just in time to snap a picture for the Bugle! Wheter it's of Spider-Girl or the scenery, Betty's confidence will increase and nearby enemies' fighting abilites will decrease!
7. (Boost) Pummelin' Sensation: Betty's Spider Sense kicks in as she realizes the innocents are in danger! Webbing up her fists and no longer holding back, this is one tough chick you don't wanna mess with!
8. (Xtreme) Web of Destiny: Spider-Girl covers the stage like snow as she shoots richocheting webs in every direction. That's what you get for messing with The Amazing Spider-Girl!

Web Zip (Damage and Knockback upgrades with level)
Don't Wanna Hurt Ya, Tough Guy! - Betty doesn't wanna hurt anyone with her super strength, even lowlives such as these. As a result, she holds back and does 10% less damage.

SKINS (23413-23416):
1. Spider-Girl (What If? #7)
2. Spider-Geddon
3. Spider-Man 3 (Raimiverse)
4. 1967 Animated
23417 is used for Peter

- Betty Brant is indeed, the perfect woman.

Ah, Betty... it's hard to not love Betty. While she appears on and off in adaptations, what made me love the character as an adult (and not so much as a kid) was the Raimi trilogy.
That was also my primary inspiration to want to make a Betty for MUA after seeing pretty much all Spidey supporting cast getting mods (hopefully Robbie gets a Spider variant any day now).
While thinking how to do this, the What If? variant luckily came in as an excuse for me to give her spider powers. I read the issue and really loved it and it ended pretty open ended, which left a lot of room for a followup. I also love Betty and Peter's relationship there and how she decides to let loose and dress in a way she'd never dare to as Betty Brant, which I also leaned into with the mod. Her relying more on webs cuz of not wanting to hurt anyone with her super strength is also an interesting angle.
I know some might find her costume to be lacking or off or "improper" (more so in an underdesigned way than a revealing way), hey, including me at the start but once you read it and understand she designed it this way cuz she wanted to let loose and break free, it becomes pretty damn beautiful in my opinion, I wouldn't think Betty would want to loosen herself up like this (akin to how Peter quips a lot more and becomes more confident) but I'm all for it!
I also wanna mention Escanor read the comic ahead of me and provided a lot of ideas and summed it and I wanna thank him for that. Also shoutouts to Felicia for being so supportive and being a fellow fan of Betty. I thought to mix in quirks of Raimiverse and 616 Betty if need be but since she's basically 616 up to 1977 and with Raimiverse being such a damn close adaptation, there was really no need. I wanna acknowledge that she was in Spider-Man Unlimited mobile game, Spider-Verse 2014 comic event and Spider-Geddon comic event but I didn't really find them fitting for her bio here so I skipped them.
I guess you could have MUA take place before them as her first multiversal adventure though.

As I made her, not only I wanted her to be a wonderful Betty but also to encapsule that classic "saturday morning" Spider-Man vibe you'd find in the 60s-70s comics, 1967 cartoon, 1994 cartoon, PS1 game and so on. As such I took inspiration from those aswell, Web Dome and Web Fists in particular, I wanted to carry over the Dome to MUA for a while but had no idea how, luckily MUA2 n-Space has the assets for it, after some help and trial and error I think we did a great job carrying it over to make a new move involving webs.
Honestly this is one character where her being a clone or semi-clone would be more than justified and understood but I still went out of my way to differentiate her as much as possible, I actually played with pretty much every Spider variant mod and booster out there as inspiration! As for the Web Pull and Web Throw, I could simply reuse these per slot from Peter but I decided to give them a new edge by making them 2 different ends of the special charge move: "Take You for a Ride" and I thought it was pretty innovative hehe.
She was fun to build overall, occasionally I do babes like her to relax and re-energize myself and I especially needed this after Godzilla. Especially considering that we have Spiders and spider assets already and I used pretty much everything besides mods too, I looked a lot into Marvel Legends and MUA2 n-Space on the side. Sound effects are a mix of MUA1 PC, Marvel Legends, MUA2 Wii and Spider-Man 3 PS2, topped all off with the TAS Spider Sense sound.

What else can I say about Betty Brant in general? Wheter it's 616, Raimi, What If?/This mod or otherwise. She's fun, she's confident, she's sexy and I believe I've put all of that together to good use here. She's a mod I had a lot of fun making and I'm very proud of the result, I hope you enjoy playing as her too!

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, SM3 & 1967 Skins, HUDs, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
ProfEscanor – Comic skins & mannequin, Providing a lot of context and ideas, Camera animation
ak2yny & BloodyMares – Fixing the textures of the Web Dome and further help on it
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash system. Spider-Gwen's "Leave You Hangin'" code. Source of Web texture used for fists.
Enigma – XML2 Spider-Man Mod's "Web Snare" code. Ripping Marvel Legends Spider-Man sound effects
iammingy – XML2 Spidey Victim Coil Bolton
Maegawa – Spider-Man 2099's Crawler Assault Xtreme effect and projectile code reference. Snared enemy fix
tubular_spacedude – Spider Sense effect
Jonohood – Code and inspiration from the Storm assist in his Bishop's "Recharge"
Felicia - Special thanks for being so supportive and a fellow fan of Betty

UltraMegaMagnus – XML1, ML and MUA2 Assets
nodoubt_jr - XML2 PS2 Assets
ShrineFox & SkylaDoragono – Ripping Nozomi Nakahara's voice from P4:DAN
? (username) – Ripping Spider-Man 3 (PS2) sound effects
Xenozinol – Ripping TAS Spider Sense Sound

None so far.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

If I blush, no one will notice under my mask!:
Title: Re: SuperMaster10's Master Workshop
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 04, 2024, 04:14PM
For those who are unaware, SuperMaster10 is no longer able to post mods in this community. As such, the mods he has hosted here are no longer maintained and will quickly become very outdated as time goes on.

If you still want to access more updated versions of his classic mods and anything new that comes out (which will no longer be officially recognised by the CCC as of Mizuki and be installed at your own risk of skin or mannequin conflicts with other modders' works hosted at MarvelMods exclusively), you can check out his GameBanana page here:

The MarvelMods community archives will still be updated with Super's latest releases when applicable as well, so you won't have to worry about anything being permanently lost. Can access his archive section here:'s_stuff