Here's a checklist of every playable character who appeared in Capcom vs. SNK series (and SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos) that are playable through mods here at MarvelMods.
Card Fighters and cameos are ignored for sanity sake.
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SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium - December 1999Akari Ichijou (The Last Blade)
Athena Asamiya (Psycho Soldier)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Haohmaru (Samurai Showdown / Samurai Spirits)
Iori Yagami (The King of Fighters)
Kyo Kusanagi (The King of Fighters)
Leona Heidern (The King of Fighters)
Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury)
Nakoruru (Samurai Showdown / Samurai Spirits)
Orochi Iori - Alternate form of Iori (The King of Fighters)
Ryo Sakazaki (Art of Fighting)
Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury)
Yuri Sakazaki (Art of Fighting)--
Akuma / Gouki (Street Fighter) :done:
B.B. Hood - Baby Bonnie Hood / Bulleta (Darkstalkers)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter) :done:
Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
Evil Ryu - Alternate form of Ryu (Street Fighter) :done: (Playable through Ryu)
Felicia (Darkstalkers)
Guile (Street Fighter)
Ken Masters (Street Fighter) :done:
M. Bison / Vega / Dictator (Street Fighter) :done:
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) :done:
Ryu (Street Fighter) :done:
Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter)
Zangief (Street Fighter)
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 -August 2000Balrog / M. Bison / Boxer
Blanka (Street Fighter)
Cammy White (Street Fighter) :done:
Dhalsim (Street Fighter)
E. Honda - Edmond Honda (Street Fighter)
Sagat (Street Fighter)
Vega / Balrog / Claw (Street Fighter)--
Benimaru Nikaido (The King of Fighters)
Joe Higashi (Fatal Fury)
Kim Kaphwan (Fatal Fury)
King (Art of Fighting)
Raiden (Fatal Fury)
Rugal Bernstein (The King of Fighters)
Ryuji Yamazaki (Fatal Fury)
Vice (The King of Fighters)
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 - August 2001Eagle (Street Fighter)
Kyosuke Kagami (Rival Schools)
Maki Genryusai (Final Fight)
Rolento Schugerg (Final Fight)
Shin Akuma - alternate form of Akuma (Street Fighter) :done: (Playable through Akuma)
Yun Lee (Street Fighter)--
Chang Koehan (The King of Fighters)
Choi Bounge - fights alongside Chang (The King of Fighters)
God Rugal - alternate form of Rugal (The King of Fighters)
Hibiki Takane (The Last Blade)
Rock Howard (Fatal Fury)
Ryuhaku Todoh (Art of Fighting)--
Asura - fusion of Akuma and Rugal from the ending
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos - July 2003Athena
Earthquake (Samurai Showdown / Samurai Spirits)
Genjuro Kibagami (Samurai Showdown / Samurai Spirits)
Goenitz (The King of Fighters)
Kasumi Todoh (Art of Fighting)
Mars People (Metal Slug)
Mr. Karate - alter ego of Takumi Sakazaki (Art of Fighting)
Serious Mr. Karakte - alternate version of Mr. Karate (Debuted in this game)
Shiki (Samurai Showdown / Samurai Spirits)--
Demitri Maximoff (Darkstalkers)
Hugo Andore (Final Fight)
Red Arramer / Firebrand (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
Tessa / Tabasa (Red Earth / War Zard)
Violent Ken - alter ego of Ken Masters (Debuted in this game) :done: (Playable through Ken)
Zero - Mega Man Zero series incarnation (Mega Man / Rockman)