Marvel Mods

XML and MUA - Common Items => Knowledge Base - (not for questions) => Topic started by: Teancum on February 28, 2008, 01:25PM

Title: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Teancum on February 28, 2008, 01:25PM
For now this thread is only to be used for PS2 skins, so as not to be confused with other skins.

PLEASE use the following format: (so people can just add it to their NRSkinner files IN ALPHABETIC AND NUMERIC ORDER)

SKINNUMBER.igb ps2 256 256 [offset1] [offset2] .


X-Men Legends 2
forge.igb ps2 256 256 19399 136435 .
grizzly.igb ps2 256 256 57741 166389 .
apocalypse.igb ps2 256 256 150999 199329 .
toadaoa.igb ps2 256 256 12073 166589 .
gambitultimate.igb ps2 256 256 13257 141585 .
cyclopsastonishing.igb ps2 256 256 35651 146739 .
blob.igb ps2 256 256 10673 163921 .
beastultimate.igb ps2 256 256 10677 136829 .
angelnowings.igb ps2 256 256 24639 137991 .
archangel.igb ps2 256 256 24309 155293 .
cuckoos_3701.igb ps2 256 256 16651 129895 .
gambit_aoa.igb ps2 256 256 13129 170389 .
guardian_3101.igb ps2 256 256 31541 125978 .
hellfire_minion_11101.igb ps2 256 256 47205 125969 .
ironman_modern_1503.igb ps2 256 256 62831 178036 . (Use the MUA version, XML2's has trace amount of bright white dots (cel-shade) at the ankle.)
juggernaut_nohelmet.igb ps2 256 256 12491 184100 .
pyro_modern.igb ps2 256 256 19565 162657 .
sabretooth_aoa.igb ps2 256 256 10447 170471 .
sunfire_aoa_1202.igb ps2 256 256 26143 124487 .
nightcrawler_aoa.igb ps2 256 256 33793 163890 .
nightcrawler_astonishing.igb ps2 256 256 28525 130238 .
nightcrawler_classic.igb ps2 256 256 12767 136367 .

X-Men Legends 1 --If the model exists in XML2, please use that one
shadowking.igb ps2 256 256 21733 25941 .
emmafrost_uncanny_1501.igb ps2 128 128 18893 19997 .
policeman.igb ps2 128 128 35535 36559 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Teancum on February 28, 2008, 01:25PM
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: iammingy on March 09, 2008, 01:23PM
Teancum, I *think* you forgot to add "ps2" for Blob's entry when transfering the entry from PS2Skinner to NRSkinner.

I am posting all the ones I have tested (colors are right, doesn't crash the game, doesn't skew the model geometry, etc.)

You can add these to above.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
blackwidow_14801.igb ps2 256 256 26223 60907 .
bulldozer_4501.igb ps2 256 256 17067 79643 .
doom_ironman_12901.igb ps2 256 256 23595 52223 .
doomsman_13601.igb ps2 256 256 61467 77451 .
invisible_woman_classic_2204.igb ps2 256 256 9451 69115 .
ironman_modern_1502.igb ps2 256 256 15699 88220 .
silversurfer_surfboard.igb ps2 128 128 25804 9421 .
spidey_symbiote_0902.igb ps2 256 256 37103 70179 .
winter_soldier_11901.igb ps2 256 256 213923 142167 .
winter_soldier_11901_gun.igb ps2 128 128 207703 .

X-Men Legends 2
archangel.igb ps2 256 256 24309 155293 .
cuckoos_3701.igb ps2 256 256 16651 129895 .
gambit_aoa.igb ps2 256 256 13129 170389 .
guardian_3101.igb ps2 256 256 31541 125978 .
hellfire_minion_11101.igb ps2 256 256 47205 125969 .
ironman_modern_1503.igb ps2 256 256 62831 178036 . (Use the MUA version, XML2's has trace amount of bright white dots (cel-shade) at the ankle.)
juggernaut_nohelmet.igb ps2 256 256 12491 184100 .
pyro_modern.igb ps2 256 256 19565 162657 .
sabretooth_aoa.igb ps2 256 256 10447 170471 .
sunfire_aoa_1202.igb ps2 256 256 26143 124487 .

X-Men Legends 1 --If the model exists in XML2, please use that one
emmafrost_uncanny_1501.igb ps2 128 128 18893 19997 .
policeman.igb ps2 128 128 35535 36559 .

EDIT: Thanks!
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Teancum on March 10, 2008, 08:23AM
Thanks Iammingy.  I added them to the first post
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: matt710 on May 01, 2008, 09:00AM
I don't know if this makes a difference, but I am using PS2skinner.exe.  If there isn't one here are some PS2 XML2 offsets:

XML2 Black Queen
10101.igb ps2 256 256 17049 143165 .

XML2 Wanda (Force Works)
2403.igb ps2 256 256 31705 159513 .

XML2 AOA Storm
0402.igb ps2 256 256 32405 162781 .

XML2 Spacesuit Storm
0423.igb ps2 256 256 39877 200562 .

One MUA:

MUA Modern Storm
0401.igb ps2 256 256 9419 79068 .

I forget if this one is MUA or XML2... I think it may be MUA.

MUA? Ultimate Storm
0403.igb ps2 256 256 122323 34019 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BliZZ on August 21, 2008, 02:12PM
Teancum, you forgot the "ps2" for blob and beastultimate, I added it. (thanks iammingy for pointing it out, I guess Teancum didn't notice that you posted it :))
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: matt710 on June 30, 2009, 09:48AM
XML2 Shadowcat
Shadowcat_2001.igb ps2 256 256 24151 150935 .

XML2 AOA Jean Grey
Jean_0202.igb ps2 256 256 60603 156831 .

XML2 Original Jean Grey
Jean_0220.igb ps2 256 256 17711 136655 .

XML2 Original Storm
Storm_0421.igb ps2 256 256 34335 159111 .

XML2 Classic Scarlet Witch
Scarlet_Witch_2401.igb ps2 256 256 33007 167043 .

XML2 Force Works Scarlet Witch
Scarlet_Witch_2403.igb ps2 256 256 31705 159001 .

MUA Modern Storm
Storm_0401.igb ps2 256 256 9418 79067 .

MUA Ultimate Storm
Storm_0403.igb ps2 256 256 23151 68191 .

MUA Binary
Warbird_1404.igb ps2 256 256 19087 60015 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on July 10, 2009, 05:45AM
These may come in handy for my XML2 PS2 Offset Skinning Pack, which I still have on my HDD. I'll continue all work for PS2 offsets after my vacation.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: sesaru1984 on September 24, 2009, 01:32PM
i was wondering if anybody had the offset of mr fantastic from ps2 compatible with xml2??
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on September 24, 2009, 01:35PM
;20 - Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate, Original, New Marvel, Classic, Dark (with left & right arm)
2001.igb ps2 256 256 100829 35289 .
2002.igb ps2 256 256 11345 14417 .
2003.igb ps2 256 256 135905 38153 .
2004.igb ps2 256 256 15045 46689 .
2005.igb ps2 256 256 12885 25693 .
2090.igb ps2 256 256 14489 18845 .
2091.igb ps2 256 256 14285 22841 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on September 27, 2009, 01:38PM
;22 - Invisible Woman (Ultimate, Original, New Marvel, Classic, Dark)
2201.igb ps2 256 256 43095 71331 .
2202.igb ps2 256 256 42707 68902 .
2203.igb ps2 256 256 134091 68555 .
2204.igb ps2 256 256 9451 69115 .
2205.igb ps2 256 256 29647 90536 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on October 27, 2009, 11:04PM
Hey, I need the ps2 offsets of Scarlet Witch Clasic costume, this one:

I also need the ps2 offsets of Agent of Shield Spider Woman and Ultimate Cyclops. If anyone has that offsets, especially classic Wanda, please post them here, I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: ThePhoenix on October 28, 2009, 06:34AM
I should have Agent of Shield Spider Woman.

MUA Agent of Shield Spider Woman
3802.igb ps2 256 256 9443 59595 .

That should be it. Ufortunately I don't have Cyke or Wanda...

I have some others though:

MUA Classic Doctor Strange
1601.igb ps2 256 256 32499 114566 .

MUA Ultimate Doctor Strange
1604.igb ps2 256 256 9461 52553 .

XML2? Dark Phoenix Jean
0201.igb ps2 256 256 9107 96104 .

That's it I guess, I'm not 100% sure of if Dark Phoenix is from MUA or XML2 but I think it's XML2.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on October 28, 2009, 01:13PM
Quote from: ThePhoenix on October 28, 2009, 06:34AM
I should have Agent of Shield Spider Woman.

MUA Agent of Shield Spider Woman
3802.igb ps2 256 256 9443 59595 .

That should be it. Ufortunately I don't have Cyke or Wanda...

Thank you so much, and hope that somebody else has the other 2 :)

EDIT: Nevermind, I finally learned how to find ps2 offsets.

MUA Classic Scarlet Witch
20504.igb ps2 256 256 10451 163129 .

MUA Ultimate Cyclops
17202.igb ps2 256 256 10527 149843 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on January 28, 2010, 04:19PM
Sorry for the double post :)

Quote from: matt710 on June 30, 2009, 09:48AM
MUA Modern Storm
Storm_0401.igb ps2 256 256 9418 79067 .

This offsets are wrong, Matt forgot to add a "1" on the values of the texture, This is the correct one:

0401.igb ps2 256 256 9419 79067 .

And new offsets:

XML2 Emma Frost
9001.igb ps2 256 256 46279 161965 .

MUA Dark Cyclops
13101.igb ps2 256 256 9451 42735 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on February 04, 2010, 06:22PM
may i ask for ps2 offsets to electra ultimate and assassin, and crystal?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on February 04, 2010, 06:34PM
Quote from: Deedooo on February 04, 2010, 06:22PM
may i ask for ps2 offsets to electra ultimate and assassin, and crystal?

MUA Elektra Assasin (12103 is the skin number on the XML2 mod):
17103.igb ps2 256 256 43429 61621 .

I don't have the other 2 :(
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on February 04, 2010, 11:00PM
that isn't working right for me, it show's up as bright colors and weirdness. any ide why? this happened with fantastic too... :(
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on February 05, 2010, 08:36AM
deedoo look at Marvel Watcher's posts, I posted a temp. offset CFG file for MUA PS2 characters in his topic.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on February 05, 2010, 01:11PM
there, right?

edit, nevermind, it's right. maybe you should uppdate the first post with the link?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on February 05, 2010, 01:15PM
No not yet. I aim to have them all like a Pokemon Master, in this case I'm the PS2 offset master. However, I was stupid enough to not-spend time on it anymore, but I'll pick that up soon. It didn't take long to find them (20 in 5 minutes?)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: scott summers on February 10, 2010, 06:05PM
Quáles són los valores de la skin phoenix de Jean Grey
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: scott summers on February 10, 2010, 06:08PM
Sorry I though I was in another topic. What are the values of the skin phoenix Jean Grey
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on February 10, 2010, 06:32PM
Jean Grey- Green Phoenix (12302)
12302.igb ps2 256 256 10939 147003 .

Ah y yo hablo español, asi que puedes preguntarme en ese idioma si es mas fácil para ti ^^
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Guyver on February 18, 2010, 06:55AM
Sorry, what not on a theme. Dear Mr. Law^^,  please, can lay out offset skins MUA2, if it is not difficult ?
Also I apologise for the broken English...
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on February 18, 2010, 07:02AM
MUA2 skin offsets are useless. A method must be applied to get the actual texture. Reimporting the texture back in screws up the whole model.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Guyver on February 18, 2010, 07:16AM
Means to receive offset TextureFinder v132 it will not turn out?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on February 18, 2010, 07:22AM
means looking for it is useless, which means skinning MUA2 models is also useless.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Guyver on February 18, 2010, 07:29AM
It is a pity...But thanks for the information!
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on February 18, 2010, 07:35AM
No problem^^ It's such a shame that the MUA2 models are useless.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: salinium on March 05, 2010, 10:28AM
Does anyone know how I can upload these On my PS2? I have it modded, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nodoubt_jr on March 05, 2010, 01:50PM
Quote from: salinium on March 05, 2010, 10:28AM
Does anyone know how I can upload these On my PS2? I have it modded, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Again not even the right section to ask this. This is a thread for offsets, not ps2 skins. If you want to mod the ps2 look here,21.0.html
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on May 02, 2010, 03:41AM
Do ya'll mind if I take the first post? I have a collection of MUA PS2 offsets, which I still need to finish but the list is neat and tidy (and works in the CFG file of NRSkinner). That way nobody will have to rename the original skin to, for example wolverinemodern.igb (from 0301).

EDIT: Nvm I just went ahead and edit it. Please read the instructions carefully! It's easy but yet hard for a non-trained modder^^
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on May 25, 2010, 09:12PM
I guess this 2 are not included yet:

Ultimate spiky Storm
0403.igb ps2 256 256 10753 165365 .

Civilian Storm
0422.igb ps2 256 256 10831 138072 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nodoubt_jr on June 01, 2010, 07:49PM
Heres the Dark Psylocke offsets that wont crash your game. The previous ones I found myself would crash my computer, but these new ones are good to go :)

3005DarkPsylocke.igb ps2 512 512 45991 84288 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on June 02, 2010, 05:08AM
Editted the Dark Psylocke entry in the first post, thanks for the offsets^^
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: theo_mm on June 08, 2010, 03:27AM
Lady Deathstrike offset:
Quad Format = DXT3
shift = 559

sorry im a noob lol
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Jeanfan321 on July 11, 2010, 12:56AM
does anyone have rouge modern ps2 offsets?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: scott summers on October 14, 2010, 10:12AM
I found a problem with Xavier's Mua ps2 offsets. Look at them:
3901.igb ps2 256 256 (the offsets shuld be here) .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on February 28, 2011, 07:36PM
I was wondering if someone has the offsets for the Valkyrie ps2 skin (14601.igb) please.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nodoubt_jr on February 28, 2011, 07:47PM
valkyrie.igb ps2 256 256 46147 58819 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: whiteking on February 28, 2011, 07:50PM
Thank you :)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Scabbia on March 18, 2011, 12:25PM
Does anyone have the offsets for Rogue's Ultimate skin? 0703 I believe...
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on March 19, 2011, 08:44AM
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 18, 2011, 12:25PM
Does anyone have the offsets for Rogue's Ultimate skin? 0703 I believe...
unless somebody else posts it first for you i'll send you it and the otherwise giant compilation of offsets i have
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Scabbia on March 21, 2011, 12:33PM
Ok, I was just in a hurry  that day lol. Thanks.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: M_L on April 23, 2011, 08:33AM
Does anyone have the offsets for Magneto?
Also, are there offsets available for Magneto's helmet? Is it a bolton? I'm hoping to edit it and use it on a new skin (which all depends if Magneto's helmet is a bolton...)
Thank you.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Gevth on April 23, 2011, 09:40AM
I'm pretty sure the helmet is a skin segment, since Dark_Mark uses this in the scripts to hide it on the HQs:
setSegmentVisible("Magneto", "ClassicHelmet", "0")
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: M_L on April 23, 2011, 10:51AM
Thanks Gevth, will look into it, but does anyone have his offsets?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: scott summers on April 23, 2011, 11:21AM
I think I have the PS2 offsets of his ultimate XML2 skin.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: M_L on April 24, 2011, 06:20AM
I would appreciate them Toothless :)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: scott summers on April 24, 2011, 10:22AM
magneto.igb ps2 256 256 58685 28272 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Techon 7 on June 15, 2011, 02:25PM
Does anyone have the offsets for Jubilee and XML Xavier? If you do, in advance, thanks.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Midnightphoenix on June 17, 2011, 08:10PM
I need Storm's Ultimate from XML1 offset please
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: SuperNatural-Witch on June 20, 2011, 10:00PM
do anyone have Jean short hair offset
Here's one MUA Ultimate Storm
Storm_0403.igb ps2 256 256 23151 68191 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nuhverah on June 21, 2011, 12:08AM
Jean Short Hair AoA
0202.igb ps2 256 256 60603 156831 .

Jean Short Hair Ultimate
0201.igb ps2 128 128 15449 16473 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Midnightphoenix on June 21, 2011, 10:20AM
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on June 20, 2011, 10:00PM
do anyone have Jean short hair offset
Here's one MUA Ultimate Storm
Storm_0403.igb ps2 256 256 23151 68191 .

Isnt that the one for MUA though? Because I want the long ponytail one from XML1, but thanks for this anyway :D And thanks Nuhverah
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Techon 7 on June 21, 2011, 07:24PM
Does anyone have any different Shadowcat offsets? I can't seem to get the ones posted to work.

Quote from: nuhverah on June 21, 2011, 12:08AM
Jean Short Hair AoA
0202.igb ps2 256 256 60603 156831 .

Jean Short Hair Ultimate
0201.igb ps2 128 128 15449 16473 .

Thanks, I think I might use one in the near future. (hint, hint)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Midnightphoenix on June 21, 2011, 07:36PM
Here is Kitty's just replace the "scat" part with her skin number but im sure you knew that already

scat.igb ps2 256 256 24151 150935 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Techon 7 on June 21, 2011, 08:13PM
Thanks, I'll try it later and see if it works.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Midnightphoenix on June 21, 2011, 08:16PM
Quote from: Techon 7 on June 21, 2011, 08:13PM
Thanks, I'll try it later and see if it works.

Hope it works, I know i does for me
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Scabbia on June 23, 2011, 11:10PM
Does anyone have Magneto's Ultimate "helmetless" one from XML2?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on June 25, 2011, 10:34PM
Quote from: Scabbia on June 23, 2011, 11:10PM
Does anyone have Magneto's Ultimate "helmetless" one from XML2?
i would appreciate this one as well
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Scabbia on June 26, 2011, 08:13PM
I also would like Xavier's New X-Men offset... please?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nuhverah on July 15, 2011, 12:05AM
I just hope these would work :P

profxnewxmen 1110.igb
1110.igb ps2 256 256 16927 148130 .

magneto helmetless xml2 2503.igb
2503.igb ps2 256 256 19899 170415 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on July 15, 2011, 01:55AM
thanks ^-^ i'll try them out tomorrow
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Scabbia on July 15, 2011, 04:14AM
Quote from: nuhverah on July 15, 2011, 12:05AM
I just hope these would work :P

profxnewxmen 1110.igb
1110.igb ps2 256 256 16927 148130 .

magneto helmetless xml2 2503.igb
2503.igb ps2 256 256 19899 170415 .

Woo! I'm excited now. lol. Thanks so much :D Now I can do that Magneto skin from AOX.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: venom64 on November 27, 2011, 09:30AM
any1 got hulk classic?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Cascade on December 03, 2011, 05:35PM
Hey guys, could anyone please post jubilees offsets if they have them. I really need them, thanks.  :jubilee:
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: .:Markloto::. on December 11, 2011, 11:50AM
can anybody find for me the ultimate and modern saberthoot offsets i really need those...

Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on December 18, 2011, 10:03AM
Quote from: marvel_kid on December 03, 2011, 05:35PM
Hey guys, could anyone please post jubilees offsets if they have them. I really need them, thanks.  :jubilee:
jubes.igb ps2 128 128 24189 112005 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: venom64 on December 24, 2011, 05:02AM
any1 got Bishop AoA?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: MelloMods on January 13, 2012, 10:02PM
Does anybody have Ultron's or Loki's offsets?

Edit: Oops.  Found Ultron's and Loki's offset on the PS2 offset request page:

3401.igb ps2 256 256 30491 83671 .

3601.igb ps2 256 256 63029 67317 .

...thanks to White_TIGER.  How did I not see this before?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: MelloMods on March 12, 2012, 07:19AM
Here are the ps2 offsets for XML1 Brotherhood Energy (2601.igb) just in case anybody needs it in the future:

2601.igb ps2 128 128 10451 11220 .

Update: just to add some more offsets I've found:

;49 - Omega Red
4901.igb ps2 256 256 12207 163347 .
;57 - The Collector
5701.igb ps2 256 256 10455 129835 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: SuperNatural-Witch on April 12, 2012, 08:12PM
I need rogue trim coat 0703 and 0203 (jean ultimate long hair) offset please
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: hemlot on May 24, 2012, 05:12PM
Anyone have the Ultimate Cyclops skin from XML2?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: SuperNatural-Witch on May 30, 2012, 11:33AM
Clea offsets don't work could someone post the right ones
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Tony Stark on June 10, 2012, 07:33PM
6801 Tony Stark NPC offsets aren't working either.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: hemlot on July 01, 2012, 10:55PM
Could anyone please provide the offsets for the XML1 Magneto cape (9901, I think it is)? I just don't get them right, and I've seen at least one reskin of his cape.

EDIT: Nevermind that. NDJR already gave me those. Now, does anybody know the offsets for the XML2 Ultimate Magneto cape. I do find the texture offset, but I can't open the dds image... so I guess I get the other offset wrong.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: nuhverah on July 02, 2012, 01:55AM
Hmm I think I have Clea somewhere...

15101.igb ps2 256 256 9347 32173 .

Aww yeah.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: LX - Rampage on July 16, 2012, 03:40AM
I don't know if I'm writing this to the right place, but with many skins (like 1702), when I try to edit them, the whole picture is black. 1502 worked just fine, so, I dunno what's the problem. I use the offsets and stuff provided on the site.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Quentin Hex on July 16, 2012, 07:14AM
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 16, 2012, 03:40AM
I don't know if I'm writing this to the right place, but with many skins (like 1702), when I try to edit them, the whole picture is black. 1502 worked just fine, so, I dunno what's the problem. I use the offsets and stuff provided on the site.
Sometimes the offsets are wrong :p
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on July 16, 2012, 07:27AM
Since I'm bored, I'll find offsets.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: LX - Rampage on July 16, 2012, 07:32AM
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 16, 2012, 07:14AM
Sometimes the offsets are wrong :p
But, the strange thing is, that the first skin I tried to edit worked properly. But from the moment I tried to make dds an igb file, none worked right, not even the one I already used.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on July 16, 2012, 07:41AM
Then you're doing something wrong, which is most likely saving the file incorrectly. Are you using GIMP for saving the DDS?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Tony Stark on July 16, 2012, 10:14AM
When you save the file does the skin come out black with weird patterns?

The solution I found was when you make the skin indexed, reduce the number of colors to 255 instead of 256.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: LX - Rampage on July 16, 2012, 12:01PM
Well, I used MUAPS2Skinner. I got a .dds file, then I used a .dds file converter, made it into a .png file, changed it up with photoshop, tried to compile it back (which it did), and the outcome was bad. But the thing is, that after the first time I used the Skinner to make a dds file, whatever I tried, it was all black. Nothing else, just black
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on July 16, 2012, 05:27PM
The best thing you can do is getting GIMP (since it's free) and download the new DDS plugin (some google source website). It'll let you save with the right settings according to my tutorial.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on July 16, 2012, 05:55PM
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Me on August 07, 2012, 01:00PM
Does anyone have the offsets for Black Widow classic, and Ronin, Her Ronin costume.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: sbarth13 on August 16, 2012, 07:25PM
anyone have the offsets for XML2 dazzler and XML1 magma (skin #1 & 2)?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Techon 7 on December 01, 2012, 09:48PM
Anyone have the offsets for XML1 ultimate Iceman human?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Owl City on June 24, 2013, 09:18AM
Can someone tell me what are the offsets for PS2 XML2 Ultimate Rogue and XML2 Long hair ultimate Jean? I really need them.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: cyberhawk777 on November 16, 2013, 06:24PM
Don't know if anyone is still paying attention to this topic, but does anybody have the offsets for Ultimate Hawkeye?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BLaw on November 17, 2013, 10:47AM
Those wouldn't be in here as it's not a PS2 model, but a custom MUA model.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Nadino on June 11, 2014, 06:40PM
Here's some I came up with, hope I'm doing these correctly lol
Let me know and I'll slap more together :D
4201.igb ps2 256 256 12089 150393 .
1701.igb ps2 256 256 12179 155886 .
1301.igb ps2 256 256 35851 167147 .
1303.igb ps2 256 256 13257 141585 .
1323.igb ps2 256 256 136961 168273 .
0201.igb ps2 256 256 10827 147003 .
0203.igb ps2 256 256 10677 140793 .
0701.igb ps2 256 256 11205 161045 .
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: DamesMaximoff on January 15, 2015, 08:44PM
I'm very sorry to bump this but I was wondering if anyone had XML2 PS2 offsets for Polaris (if they exist)?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Maegawa on January 16, 2015, 12:12PM
Quote from: dameshudson13 on January 15, 2015, 08:44PM
I'm very sorry to bump this but I was wondering if anyone had XML2 PS2 offsets for Polaris (if they exist)?

Here you go:

10301.igb ps2 256 256 31997 161849 .

I haven't tested skinning and using the edited skin in game 'cause I'm not home right now and I'm using my notebook which I'm not sure that runs MUA though I'm 100% sure the offsets are correct.
Let me know if it worked, if possible.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: DamesMaximoff on January 16, 2015, 04:24PM
Quote from: Maegawa on January 16, 2015, 12:12PM
Here you go:

10301.igb ps2 256 256 31997 161849 .

I haven't tested skinning and using the edited skin in game 'cause I'm not home right now and I'm using my notebook which I'm not sure that runs MUA though I'm 100% sure the offsets are correct.
Let me know if it worked, if possible.

It worked perfectly. Thank you my friend!  :polaris:
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Maegawa on January 16, 2015, 04:51PM
Always glad to help :)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 19, 2015, 01:35AM
I can't find Luke Cage & Thor's hud for PSP Console Modding, is somebody knows the offsets for these two?
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Outsider on October 08, 2015, 10:00PM
Damn, this is old. My bad for bumping this... does anyone have the offsets for the XML2 PS2 skin of Shanna? Not planning a mod of her, but I do need it for something else.

Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Maegawa on October 11, 2015, 01:15PM
Try using these Outsider: 2701.igb ps2 256 256 18027 172219 .

Though I haven't tested them, they should work fine.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Outsider on October 11, 2015, 04:01PM
Quote from: Maegawa on October 11, 2015, 01:15PM
Try using these Outsider: 2701.igb ps2 256 256 18027 172219 .

Though I haven't tested them, they should work fine.

Thanks. It worked -- nice job.

Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 12, 2017, 03:35PM
Sorry for bump, but I need the offset for XML2 Ultimate Cyclops (0103). The one on the first page for MUA Ultimate Cyclops (17202) doesn't work for it (or for 17202 for that matter).
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: Maegawa on April 02, 2017, 03:07PM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 12, 2017, 03:35PM
Sorry for bump, but I need the offset for XML2 Ultimate Cyclops (0103). The one on the first page for MUA Ultimate Cyclops (17202) doesn't work for it (or for 17202 for that matter).

cyclops_ultimate.igb ps2 256 256 10527 149331 . (0103.igb from XML2)
cyclops_XML1.igb ps2 128 128 11395 12811 . (0101.igb from XML1)
dark_cyclops.igb ps2 128 128 9451 42735 . (13101.igb from MUA1)
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 02, 2017, 03:08PM
Quote from: Maegawa on April 02, 2017, 03:07PM
cyclops_ultimate.igb ps2 256 256 10527 149331 . (0103.igb from XML2)
cyclops_XML1.igb ps2 128 128 11395 12811 . (0101.igb from XML1)
dark_cyclops.igb ps2 128 128 9451 42735 . (13101.igb from MUA1)
Thanks. I actually found these a while ago, but thanks anyways.
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: jayglass on October 20, 2017, 05:07PM
dark_cyclops.igb ps2 128 128 9451 42735 .
Is doesn't work,it has to be 256 256
Title: Re: PS2 Offset Central thread
Post by: jayglass on November 22, 2017, 09:18AM
Do you have xml1 offsets ps2