I didn't see any "Introduce yourself" boards here and I wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm obvoiusly new here and am a huge Marvel comics fan. I've been reading Marvel comics since I was about 6 years old. I own a Nintendo Wii (Even though it isn't the best console out there, it's still playable). I have bunches of Marvel games on a bunch of consoles like Sega Genisis, PS2, GBA and a lot more. My two favorite Marvel games are X-men Legends (I still don't have to second one) and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Can't wait for the second one!). Well, I'm eager to talk with all you guys and i hope i can get a warm welcome here.
Hi, and welcome aboard.
welcome to the forum if i could be of any help just let me know ok? :D cya around
Hi and welcome :D
welcome to marvel mods. A place where a gamers dreams can come true....wow, that was so cheasy i actualy had to try. anyway, see u around the forums =)
G'day and welcome to MarvelMods! Hope you enjoy your stay here.