Does anyone bother modding Ultimate Spider-Man anymore?
I recently found out about TexMod and had a little fun with it, tried to make a toxin mod. Though I could only make the chain-web related stuff. I thought about using the wrestling costume template to make the costume for toxin, even thought about somehow replacing the websound with chainsound, but that is a little far-fetched.
So, I managed to replace the chain for his web, and a bullet-hole instead of the webby part that attached to the buildings. And, you know when you web those guys up, I put chains instead of that too.
I know they're not the best though, that's why I'm asking if any of you made anything bigger?
wow!!the one on the far right is great!
Yeah, it looks great in the pic, but it still looks messy and web-like when i web an enemy..