General Rules- Don't offer money in exchange for someone else's services.
Making any profit from the modifications we do here in connection to games we don't own is illegal. Therefore, it is not allowed here, so don't bother asking. Likewise, modders cannot set a monetary price for their services. Everything offered here is offered for free, and always will be.
- Don't Use All Caps, and Post Meaningful and Clear Topics and Posts
Never post a message with all caps, nor a topic. It's considered rude, plus it's a bit more difficult to read. Type with proper sentences and punctuation. Topics should clearly state what you need help on. When you're posting a message, please use punctuation so we can read it. (We understand if English is not your first language) Also make use of the edit button in your post.
- Don't hijack another's thread with your own work or requests.
Posting one image of yours in someone else's thread for comparison is okay. If you want to post more than that, create your own thread and provide a link to it in the other persons.
- Don't play 'Junior Moderator'
If a user is doing something wrong, kindly explain how they can fix it. If it becomes a problem let the Moderators and Administrators do their job. Usually if we don't do something about it, there's no need. If you feel that it should be reported, please send us a PM with a description of what's going on and a link to the problem.
- Be kind to other users and Don't be rude.
You all know what's rude and what's not. We're all adult enough for that.
- Multiple Member Accounts Are NOT Allowed
There is absolutely no reason to have more than one account. If you want to rename your account, an Admin can change it if the new one is available. If you are having trouble logging in, have a proxy find out for you why.
- Don't spam
What's spamming? Posting pointless messages to up your post count, double posting without good reason, resurrecting old topics for no reason, etc. We have special ranks that we'll give you if you spam, and you won't like them.
- Don't ask questions in the Knowledge Base forum
The Knowledge Base forum is only for the specs on the game, tutorials, stuff like that. If you have a question... ANY question, ask it in one of the "General" boards
- Violating author's rules
Most, if not all authors have certain rules set up for each of their downloads, either it be a full mod or skin or anything else. We highly suggest to abide by their rules. Authors are able to request the punishment they set up if you don't follow the rules. This fore mostly includes warehousing and hot linking on other sites without crediting the original author.
- Edits and releases without permissions
If you want to edit something someone else made (custom mod, custom skin or custom model), then we highly advise you to ask permissions first from the original author through PM. No harm is done when you edit the base model made by the creators of your game because you own the game, but author's have spent time working on their custom releases. Every author should have their own rule for permissions. Some have "just credit me" as a rule, others have "ask permission first and credit me" as a rule. It's always nice to do the latter, so the original author knows what you want to release.
- Avoid Discussions of Real-World Topics
Please leave out discussions of real-world topics, such as politics and religion. This forum is about modding, and is not a place for such serious discussions.
Insta-Bans Below are some of the things that will instantly get you banned without an explanation or warning:
- Software Piracy
Don't be cheap. Go out and buy the software. If we catch you, we must ban you. We don't want lawyers coming to us with issues. If you use the word "downloaded" in regards to your game expect an instant ban, as none of the games we mod here are legally available for download through systems like Steam or Direct2Drive. Legally preserved abandonware that is archived through official sites is an exception to this rule, as there is no other method of acquiring this software. However, if we encounter issues with this exception, it will be voided.
- Accepting Payment / Commission
As stated before, making profit for any services connected to games we don't own is against the law. If we find out that you've taken money in exchange for your works, we must instantly ban you and erase your work from being offered here. We don't want cease and desist letters coming at us.
- Circumventing Any Type of Ban
You were banned for a reason. If you have a problem with it then contact THX or Teancum with the reason you feel it was a mistake. Be nice about it. Don't burn your bridges. If you made a mistake, apologizing or kindly working out the problem helps the situation get resolved quickly. If we made a mistake, we'll be willing to work on it too.
- Logging in Under Another Members Account
If you feel your account has been breached, notify an Admin before the violator has a chance to get you banned. We have had some occasions where a sibling got a member's account and had a field day.
- Breaking the rules after a ban lift
You were banned for a reason. If you break the rules after we were generous enough to let you back in, then you had no respect for the ban lifter's kindness and you will be removed permanently.
Courtesy Rules- Be specific if you can.
Say, for instance that you're trying to add a character. You can say "I read the tutorial, and I updated the herostat, but it won't compile!" It helps veterans to know as much as they can about the problem. They can diagnose what's wrong quicker and get you back on track. Sometimes you don't know how to be specific on something. That's okay. Just try to as often as you can.
- Be helpful.
If someone asks how to do something and you know where to send them to the answer, don't just say "Use the search function", or if you do, add "Also, check out [this] thread -- it explains how to fix your problem" or whatever the case may be.
- If a person has trouble with something specific, be sure you ask them specifically what you need to see in order to help.
In other words, things like "Post your herostat and I'll see if there are any errors".
Regarding non-Marvel characters and modsThe folks at Marvel, Raven Software and Activision have been good enough to look the other way when we convert things from the X-Men Legends games to Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and vice versa. They probably realize that modding helps PC sales, and that often ideas for a game's sequel can spring from mods for the first game. That being said, we always welcome Marvel-to-Marvel conversions, as our ideas can become the springboard to creating new games.
As of July 13 2011, we do allow non-Marvel releases. We have been a long living community. We will cancel this rule of it causes problems.
Completely original characters are always welcome, and always will be. There haven't been many 100% original characters created, but they're totally safe, as they're
your creations. However they must be 100% your work, and no one else's. Violating this policy will have severe consequences.
I want to make it clear that we aren't all of the sudden ruling with an Iron Fist. (http://www.gametoast.com/forums/images/smilies/halarious.gif) We just want to make sure that we all understand each other.
Feel free to discuss.
sounds good, the only one im not to sure about is the double posting. i tend to double post in a lot of my threads, since sometimes i need to post something new and no one has responded or when im releasing a new version but the old version was the last post, and edit doesnt always get attention. I guess i just want an explanation of when double posting would be considered breaking a rule.
Yeah I'm revising them right now. This was a proposed ruleset from awhile back. I removed the Double Post rule. Check back in about 15 min.
Also folks, remember these are just to keep everything running smoothly. We're still the same old MarvelMods.
oh ok, just wanted to make sure :)
Yay! I was also about to suggest a leniency(speeled right?) on the double post rule.
I will certainly do my best to stay within these pretty obvious rules.
If I step outside them, feel free to smack me upside the head (repeatedly if neccessary) and correct the error of my ways.
I know I have done some double posting (Maybe even triple posting in at least one thread) but I am not doing that to be obnoxious.
Most forums I see have a separate board where the board rules are. If you think about it, for a new user to find this thread they have to a) click on the forum tab in the main page, b) go to the Knowledge Base and c) read the stickies titles. I think it might be better to have a separate board with this info, and maybe some other site-related stuff.
For an example of what I mean, check marvel.com's boards: http://marvel.com/boards/
or how about when some1 signs up, they are directed to this page?
Quote from: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 12:45PM
That being said, using other franchises such as (but not limited to) DC, Dark Horse, LucasFilm (Star Wars) are not allowed here at MarvelMods.com.
a comment on this rule:
correct me if im wrong moderators, but chars partially-owned by marvel (such as amalgam) are not allowwed here either. i'm just pointing this out because i got baaned for asking about amalgam at one point, and i did not releize that amalgam counted as non-marvel, and i dont want others making the same mistake.
That's right. A character must be 100% Marvel-only. A good rule of thumb is that if you it makes you wonder whether it's safe, it probably isn't.
ty for the heads up.
I don't want to be bad, but the "Be kind to other users and Don't be rude's" explain is not too good, because I'm not an adult and I think I'm not the only one. (Sorry if I said something wrong)
I do believe it's common courtesy, that people don't be rude to others.
I'd even say that "respect others if you want to be respected" is common sense, unless people are too ignorant to understand it!
Quote from: Juggy on November 11, 2008, 01:49PM
I don't want to be bad, but the "Be kind to other users and Don't be rude's" explain is not too good, because I'm not an adult and I think I'm not the only one. (Sorry if I said something wrong)
You don't have to be an adult to know how to behave in a good manner. I personally think mature would have been a better word to use than adult.
Basically, treat others as you wish to be treated.
Quote from: Dihan on November 12, 2008, 03:34AM
Basically, treat others as you wish to be treated.
Very well said man! That's what I wanted to express
Well, OK. I can understand this :D :D
Hi, I'm new, and I think that the rules are great. I don't find anything wrong with them. But I'm new and that's my opinion. But I think they rock.
:thor: :sskrull: :strange: :doom:
so we can make up our own characters and mod them in to the game or ask some 1 else to do it?
well hi this is my first post and i will do my best to keep in the rules but my son (we both love games) recomended me this page and said that he loved it!!but then he just stopped telling me about it and turned his account off because he asked a question about torrents and you went quickly on him...he wasn´t going to torrent the game...cuz he has it,he was just curious,anyway i saw the topic and really think that the answers were kind of rude well i think that my point,here it says to be king and helpfull (yes it does work but it's not the right thing to do) not just to say no because it's not original...hope you understand
[edit] i just saw another torrent post by eevan79 who seemingly went off too ohh my point is that he is not my son...just to avoid confusing ideas
The point is that we don't even talk about torrents. We have to protect the site from legal battles. Your "son" (if you truly are his father you should have MUCH better grammar, but I'm going to assume you're not) should have known better. I'm sorry it turned out that way but that's life to be honest. We have rules and members are expected to follow them. We rarely ban users except in the case of blatant disobedience to the rules -or- even discussion of illegal activities. We have 1400+ members that know and follow these rules so I don't see a problem with our system.
Oh, by the way - your typical dad doesn't have an email that has to do with an anime show, sock puppet (http://en.wikipedia.org/Sockpuppet_(Internet)). Therefore since you're the same person yet again (circumventing a ban) you too are banned.
Updated the rules. They are mostly just tweaks to the original text, but it's probably a good idea to browse over them again.
New rule:
Quote- Don't ask questions in the Knowledge Base forum
The Knowledge Base forum is only for the specs on the game, tutorials, stuff like that. If you have a question... ANY question, ask it in one of the "General" boards
Added two new rules to the first post in the general section:
- Violating author's rules
- Edits and releases without permissions
As of today, we allow the releases of non-Marvel related characters. See first post for information.
I took away the ability for NEW MEMBERS to make a topic due to spam/ad bots coming to our forum and post their junk on our forum.
It has come to my attention that a long-time modder around here was the victim of disrespect and was called nasty names (basically verbal abuse). I remind you of one of the forum site rules...
Quote from: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 12:45PM
- Be kind to other users and Don't be rude.
You all know what's rude and what's not. We're all adult enough for that.
...and yet, some people choose to be disrespectful fools. It's sad and pathetic. I want to remind you all that negativity of any kind is not tolerated. Though this incident did not happen on the forum site, the modder was distraught and discouraged from modding at least for the time being. I should remind you all that each and every person who has contributed to this forum (gameplay packages, character mods, skins, audio files, callouts, movesets, sim missions etc.) doesn't have to do anything, and no one is being paid to do it, either. We are taking time out of our personal lives to create material for all of you to enjoy. So appreciate what is being offered and do not bad-mouth any of us. If you have a problem with something, voice your concerns in
a respectful manner. There is no need for foul language, name calling, or other ridiculous behavior. Remember that there are real people behind all of these works doing all of the hard work that you likely can't do. And if you think you can do better, go right ahead, visit the Knowledge Base, and try your hand in it. Bottom line, don't behave like spoiled little children. You wanna be negative? Take it elsewhere.
New rule added:
Quote from: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 12:45PM
- Don't offer money in exchange for someone else's services.
Making any profit from the modifications we do here in connection to games we don't own is illegal. Therefore, it is not allowed here, so don't bother asking. Likewise, modders cannot set a monetary price for their services. Everything offered here is offered for free, and always will be.
New insta-ban added:
Quote from: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 12:45PM
- Accepting Payment / Commission
As stated before, making profit for any services connected to games we don't own is against the law. If we find out that you've taken money in exchange for your works, we must instantly ban you and erase your work from being offered here. We don't want cease and desist letters coming at us.