When you see and / or download any of my stuff, you agree to the following terms:
- Do NOT modify any of my mods without permission!
- Do NOT put any of my mods available for download on ANY website or whatsoever!
- Do NOT claim it is YOUR work; Try making one for yourself and see how much time someone spends in making a mod!
- Do NOT sell any of my mods for cash: go find yourself a job if you need money!
MARVEL UNIVERSE :wolverine: Daken » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg78064#msg78064)
:docock: Doctor Octopus » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg126487.html#msg126487)
:phoenix: Firestar » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg75056#msg75056)
:greengoblin: Green Goblin » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg79170#msg79170) (Updated 4/21/2010)
: :archangel: Penance » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg92806.html#msg92806) (Uploaded 07/01/2010)
:sandman: Sandman » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg78734#msg78734)
:spidergirl: Scarlet Spider » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg81214.html#msg81214) (Updated 3-7-2010)
DC UNIVERSE :greengoblin: The Joker » CLICK HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg127328.html#msg127328)
Feedback:Drop it either:
- In my workbench topic: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2428.0 ;
- In my release thread: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.0
:wisdom: Classic
:wisdom: Ultimate
:wisdom: X-Factor
:wisdom: Modern
Features:- 5 attack powers, 2 boosts, 1 X-treme
- 1 unique mesh
- 4 unique huds
- New mannequin
- Loadingscreen by the amazing Shafcrawler
This mod makes use of several boltons made by Iammingy, namely both Desert Eagle boltons and the M4 Carbine. Download it from Iammingy's skin + bolton release thread (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=435.msg7577#msg7577)
DOWNLOAD FORGE MOD 1.1 HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/?hp2eqn41sx6eiu5)
Known Bugs:
- Grab may not function properly?
- No sounds.
- Ultimate doesn't have a hud yet.
Changelog v1.1:
- Customized mesh for Classic
- Fixed several powers
- Added loadingscreen by the amazing Shafcrawler
Future updates:
Certified: X-Factor, Ultimate, Shaman
Certified: Unique sounds (Ordo,kotor)
Certified: Renewed powerset
Certified: Effect upgrades
Certified: Change in abilities
:sskrull: Savage
:sskrull: Evolved
:sskrull: Hobgoblin
This mod features:- 5 attack powers, 2 boosts, 1 X-treme
- 3 skins: all done by me.
- Each skin comes with their own hud.
- Own mannequin. Need to be redone os it's positioned correctly!
- Own loadingscreen
Instructions should be clear enough. Just place everything in the main folder of your game. Open up the text file in the rar for the Herostat entry and give it a menu location and you're done.
DOWNLOAD ULTIMATE GREEN GOBLIN HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/?tm7xytyqpsbbldh)Known Bugs:- Grab: doesn't pick up enemies like he should and unable to drop enemies.
- Possibly: costume passives.
- Mannequin: not positioned correctly.
- Crashes game when used with Scarlet Spider.
Feedback:Drop it either:
- In my workbench topic: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2428.0 ;
- In my release thread: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.0 .
Future updates:Certified: 1 Mesh as 4th skin; Norman
Certified: Fixed mannequin;
Certified: Temporary soundset
Certified: New Power; Fire Smash (Melee)
- Own comicmission;
- Own sounds;
- 1 New power.
Special Thanks To:- BliZZ for the old Forge mannequin (which got lost :( ) and the old Scarlet Spider mannequin
- Shafcrawler for the loadingscreens, pure work of art!
- Iammingy for letting me use his boltons;
- Everyone else who helped me with ideas etc.
- You for the support and perhaps downloading and playing the mod!
- Sidewinder for the feedback;
- Dihan and Gevth for giving me pointers with the powers;
- Sasquatch and MidnightCurse for giving me for the Scarlet Spider modideas;
- Thetommyboy2002 and Dark_Mark and Volsung for the pointers in the mesh tutorial.
- The guys who made MUA;
- Spiderfan for help with fixing the powers!
- and a BIG THANKS to Stan Lee!
Very cool BLaw. I'll have to mess with it this weekend.
Thanks for the comment TC! I'll have ya'll know that I'm working on a simulator mission for Scarlet Spider aswell for Forge.
preety good
Anyone else experience bugs in this?
The move where the enemy is webbed and then thrown around in a circle to push back enemies doesn't work for me (does kind of a jojo thing that doesn't damage properly).
Also there seems to be some overlap between Spidey and scarlet spider. When using both I get errors in the power selection, ...
I think it has something to do with the effects, as they share both. I'll update it later, so scarlet has his own effects.
That's a really nice lookin' mod. Too bad I haven't relocated yet to a permanent house. (I will on Wednesday, and I'm eager to set up the PC and check out all these new mods this week!)
And finally ive been waiting for someone to make on,so one bug big deal why not use Spider-Man's grabsmash
I would think that would be up to the modder.
I think i have an idea about grabsmash. Maybe Spider-Man's grabsmash can.
Quote from: Bardockclaw on October 14, 2008, 09:03PM
And finally ive been waiting for someone to make on,so one bug big deal why not use Spider-Man's grabsmash
That's what he just said, Cosmic.
Any news about the mod and the bugs it has?
I've put everything on hold. I had to format my pc and I'm waiting for both MUA and XML2 to be in my grasp. Which takes weeks when it comes to let's say t**r*n*s. I think I'll buy both in the nearest store some day, when I have the money. So sorry to disappoint everyone.
I DO have all the files which I used to make everything, like IGB's and stuff (basicly copied the XML2 and MUA folders to my Ext. HD), but the games do not work without a reg key for me :(
Great news.. I'm getting MUA back again on my PC.. So I'll be able to fix the Scarlet mod and able to work on the Forge mod again.
Mod updated! Check first post to see what's up! Hint: It's Cosmic!
Cap Uni?
I just tried that megaupload link but it's not available! At first, I thought it was due to the Chinese firewall blocking, but a friend tried it from Brazil and still didn't work! Please check whether it's working or not! Thanks a lot!
It works fine for me.
I'm just about to go out, so if you can wait for a bit then I will.
No problem, dude!
I'll wait!
Again, tks!
@ Blaw -- great job on the Capt. Universe skin! My one critique is that the blue sections look way to black.
Hmm, perhaps I could give a blue tint to it, mixed with the black.
I'll release it with a HUD when it's done.
Hey Dihan!
No bothers! Curiously, I just got access to the file and downloaded it!
Hey Blaw! At first, awesome work on this mod! But I've got one observation! It seems that Scarlet Spider looks too low in the heroes menu, I mean, crouching too much! He almost completely disappears from the screen! No matter what position he is! Is it possible to make him hang like Peter Spider-Man Parker?
Also, I had problem when double jumping to swing in-game! After the second jump, the web comes out alright, but he just stands right there in the air! I started a new game, of course! What could it be?
Thank You
1. Mannequin? It's possible, but I rather recommand you change positions of several characters so scarlet is visible. Blizz made the mannequin, and I don't have the programs 'n tools to make one.
2. Strange, I don't have the swing problem at all. I'll check to see if I will come across this problem.
Quote from: xlehnsherr on February 17, 2009, 05:53PM
Also, I had problem when double jumping to swing in-game! After the second jump, the web comes out alright, but he just stands right there in the air! I started a new game, of course! What could it be?
Thank You
Make sure you start a new game.
As I said before, I did start a new game, using defaut stats.
Ah, I found it. The animation set 225_scarletspider is missing from the zip file.
Ah, I'll reupload it then.
TKS guys! Is it up already? Anyways, I just tried copying Spidey's original animation set and renaming it to 225_scarletspider and tried a new game using default stats, it worked fine! Is it just it? Anything to be added or removed?
Hey, Teancum, sorry for the harsh tone! didn't mean it at all. Just I was pretty anxious to get this mod to work! Hope you don't mind!
Thats actually the skeletonfile, no its not yet up. I'll do this when I am at home.
Any chance of a mirror, BLaw??? Looking forward to try this, but Megaupload isnt really working for me....
I'll try mediafire as a mirror. Will be reuploaded within an hour.
Thanks, dude!
Reuploaded. I noticed both skeleton files were missing.
Hey Blaw!
Just got one more problem... I can't access mediafire because it's blocked for IP in China!
Could you reupload it to rapidshare our easyshare?
Thanks a lot!
Woah more download problems? I'll try another mirror, if that won't work, then I suggest you PM me your mail address so I can send it via e-mail.
For everyone who can't download the file:
One of the skeletonfiles is tweaked, so the powers work as they should. So it's a must to have the right files.
I've had troubles with mediafire lots of times. Never had problems downloading from rapidshare, easyshare or megaupload... Dunno why China firewall blocks mediafire!
Anyways, I asked a friend long away in Brazil to download it and send back to me!
Thanks a lot! I'm gonna add Scarlet Spidey and make a Arachnid Team with Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Woman, Toxin and Venom! Gotta give it a try!
I'm having some problems with Scarlet. Only three powers seem to work: The warning punch, the flipkick and the shadow shot(the first two do minimal damage than required). None of the other powers seem to work. I don't know where I've gone wrong, as I started a new game with default stats. Help??
I have countered that problem aswell Cosmo. I will upload the fix for it.
Here's a preview of the upcoming Forge mod for MUA:
Looks great man! The one tweak I'd look at is hexing out Deadpool's jump animations and using Nick Fury's. The teleport jump just looks too Deadpool-ish.
Agreed with that. I'll finish up Firestar first, also a preview of Firestar will be coming soon.
Firestar? Wow! Time for the return of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends!!! I only wish Ms Lion was there..hehe..
Speaking of Firestar, I'm currently uploading a preview video. Stay tuned :P
Preview Firestar!
I just checked out your video! IT'S AWESOME! You really are good, man! Her "Modern" skin is very similar to one of Sunfire's thought!
Why does it show "Fantastic Fire" when she fires her xtreme?
The moves look a lot like Human Torch. Is he the base you're using?
Anyways, it's very awesome!
Can't wait to see it out!
Yeah, almost all powers use Torch's animations, except for the Stun Wave, but that is not shown in the video because the effect needs to be recoloured and it doesn't work properly atm.
The reason why it shows Fantastic Fire is because I forgot to change it in the powerstyle file :P
Too bad there aren't any (good) female jacket models available. Otherwise the mod would include a 5th skin.
When Stun Wave is fixed (except for the effect), I think I'll release it (without a manny and loadscreen).
She's a powerful character. I think I'm gonna try to play through the game using only Firestar :P
If you're after a long jacketed female model then there's a Rogue skin that you could possibly use.
Ye I know, I dislike models with long jackets actually :P I'll think about it though.
Awesome! I'll work on an loadscreen, simply because I loved her during her tenure with the Avengers. You can use it if you like!
That would be great shaf! I like your work a lot and also the Forge loadingscreen which will be included when he's released, so a Firestar LS will no doubt be amazing.
sorry i'm a little late on the draw here but is there a replacement for scarlet spider's stark armor skin?
Actually.. No. Not yet. I've got at least 1 skin for scarlet on my to-do list, aswell as a new mannequin. So it's just a matter of time and patience.
Quote from: BLaw on March 01, 2009, 06:27PM
Actually.. No. Not yet. I've got at least 1 skin for scarlet on my to-do list, aswell as a new mannequin. So it's just a matter of time and patience.
Hey Blaw, just to check. Does this manikin make Scarlet Spidey look bigger in-game AND menu or how does it really works?
Quote from: xlehnsherr on March 01, 2009, 06:38PM
Hey Blaw, just to check. Does this manikin make Scarlet Spidey look bigger in-game AND menu or how does it really works?
Mannequins go in a different folder and are unrelated to what the skins look like. So no matter how big or small the mannequins are, or what skin they have, it won't affect the in-game character. In fact, you could replace all skins in a character, but the mannequin will still be the same as before.
EDIT: For example, this is a video from before it was known how to make new mannequins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkzVBPyoPVQ&feature=related
Thanks for the info!
As for modding, I'm really dumb! Can't even make one single skin. Don't got the skills for it! Your Scarlet Spider mod really is amazing. The only thing I thought was very small was the size in the menu screen.
Just a question, what goes wrong when you try to skin?
Firestar has been unlocked and is now playable! Download and install her, and select her in the character selection screen! (Does it look like the game's dialog? :P )
What did you do about the troublesome effect?
Basicly: nothing. It does look good (default effect), but I got lost because of the effects being colored wrong all the time. Perhaps I either will redo the power with a new animation or I'll find out how it works the right way.
Just to clarify, I don't got any notion on 3D software!
Yeah, Firestar! Downloading right now :)
Thank you BLaw!
Hi Blaw!
I got to install Firestar to my MUA, but it's weird! Dunno where went wrong! The Smash command won't respond and if I use Air smash, she just freezes there! (See pics)
And I did star new game using default stats, BTW! What could be wrong?
Interesting. Because it works fine here. I may have forgotten a file in the pack.
uh-uh, and no sounds either!
Since you mentioned you may have forgotten a file, I was checking the folders system of the game and saw something different.
Under MUA\Data, there is a folder "fightstyles" containing fightstyle_name.xmlb files for the characters in-game. I noticed the folder in the mod pack is "fightstyle" wihout the "S" in the end. Could it be the problem?
Guess what! I copied the files from "fightstyle" folder into "fightstyleS" and it worked! But turns out her grab/smash (similar to torch's, throwing the enemy to the air and launching flames at him) won't work properly! I mean, she grabs the enemy alright, but drops him before take him up flying and burn! That was very weird!
Thats the reason why I mentioned that it doesnt do any dmg. It now kinda looks as she's toying with the target. Did that on purpose: she is powerful enough imo
AAAAAAAHHHHH... Now I do understand! :D Although that looks kinda funky!
Because when drops back to the ground if there are lots of enemies surrounding her, she gets pounded a few times! hahahaha...
So, it is supposed to be like that uhn!
I'd like to make one little request! Could you make her grab/smash move the same as Human Torch's? I kinda like it better that way!
Firestar PS2 Skinspack 1 (?, what, 1???)!
I've converted the textures of the MUA model to the PS2 model, so there's no need for bump or spec mapping. Firestar will look great! Even with AdvL on! I also made some tweaks to the skin concerning the face, where a thin black line was visible at the chin.
DOWNLOAD FIRESTAR - PS2 SKINPACK1 HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2yzgiymzdde)
MIRROR (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XP7OLRC3)
Another skinpack is coming.. For Scarlet Spider that is!
Featuring skins will be:
Spider-Man - X-Men (for replacing Stark skin so both Spidey and Reilly have unique skins)
Scarlet Spider - Street Gear (one of the first skins I made lol)
And the long awaited....
Scarlet Spider - Spider-Carnage!
(http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6676/marvel0134.th.png) (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=marvel0134.png)
Hmmmm. Ima try it today!
EDIT: I mean, Scarlet Spider, not the skin pack, as it is not out yet.
Well, have fun with it :D
IMO the Spider-Carnage skin is done. Total list of skinpack will be:
- Spider-Carnage
- X-Men
- Negative Zone
- Reverse
- Street Gear.
5 skins ^^
EDIT: why is there an EDIT in your comment when your post hasn't been editted at all XD
Hey Blaw!
Could you gimme a non-mediafire link?
Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XP7OLRC3
Hey man!
Just downloaded it! I've got a question. How come the 22401 skin I have from the mod is like 740kb size and the ones from the new skin pack are 140kb?
The answer is PS2 models. They only have 1 texturemap and that is not 1024 nor 512, but 256. In comparison to pc models which have about 7 or more.
aaahhh... dummy me! rsrsrsrs...
Also, do you think you could change her fightstyle to make her grab/smash move like the Human Torch's? Or give me directions to?
I find it weird when she simply drops the enemy while flying up. It looks goofy! :D
Well she is a goofball. Its actually something I overlooked. I can't fix it atm nor give directions: I am at school and have to repair MUA.
I was just looking around the fightstyle files of Human Torch and Firestar but just can't find anything related to grab/smash so I can edit it, so her grab/fly/burn moves look exactly like the Human Torch~! Any help please?
I'll look into it myself when I reinstall MUA.
Thanks a lot man!
Added Ultimate Green Goblin to my mod collection! VISIT THE FIRST POST FOR DOWNLOAD!
SWEET. You whipped up Ultimate Goblin pretty darn fast.
EDIT: I just downloaded and tested out the mod, and I only found one little bug (maybe). When I grabbed an enemy (you know, pressing "F") I wasn't able to put him down.
EDIT #2: Another issue, maybe it's just me, but don't know. "Hobgoblin" skin doesn't work correctly. Meaning, no hud, no powers, no double-jump, and no punching/kicking.
Good work on Ult Goblin has some awesome moves :D
@ ragingcajun
have you tried only the hobgoblin? Because the grab works good with savage(tested powers with savage, so I assumed the other skins were fine).
I'm home late, so I won't be checking it in the following 10hours. The bug must have something to do with the pkgb files. I think I packed the wrong onesXD
I tried all three skins. I experinced the grab problem with "Savage", I'll check my files to see if I made a mistake. "Hobgoblin" still has lots of issues.
I think I know what the problem is: ultgreengoblin_16103 is engb and not pkgb.
That's not it, because the engb file and the pkgb are both in the downloadpackage. I will put the full mod with the fix online in a moment.
Updated first post with new links for the Goblin mod.
Remember: TO START A NEW GAME! Even if it's against your will. Just do it. Otherwise it won't work properly.
EDIT: Noticed the grab bug. I'm gonna try to fix it. Strange, because it worked once, and then it doesn't.
I figured about 75% out about the grab stuff. It seems when you are not moving at all, so completely idle, and then use the USE key, Goblin grabs the target the right way.
If someone who has experience with the carryguy stuff would like to take a look at it, be my guest. Something must be wrong with the coding of the powerstyle (I think).
Nice job with Ultimate GG, Blaw. But, I also encountered a problem, the powers and melee attacks do little damage when using the Hobgoblin skin (And I did download the most recent update)
That would be strange, because the character has consistent stats. I've never heard of a bug that affects only 1 skin. All packages are configured correctly.
Well, I deleted the 16103 engb package (because it wasn't in the new download, I thought I didn't need it anymore)
It idd wasn't needed, was just a mistake when I was compiling the packages.
are you going to either update or make a slightly new version of scarlet spider with at least one of your skins from the scarlet spider skin pack?
also i used venom's sound set for ultimate green goblin "rawr"
Hey again BLaw, I finally got around to downloading your Scarlet Spider mod, and maybe I'm just crazy, but most of his powers don't work? Only three of them do work.
1. @ deedoo: Yes, Spidercarnage will be included in the update, instead of the Stark Armor.
2. @ ragincajun: You're crazy. No really, because no-one else had that problem. Meaning you must've done something wrong. I suggest to unpack the mod again, making sure that all files are in the right place (so fightstyles not fightstyle, and powerstyles and not powerstyle, talents and not talent). It may be that I renamed a folder incorrectly.
Also, I used the char and tested him after my MUA installation, and all powers work. I hope you've also kept in mind that you need more energy to perform a move when you start a new game.
I hope that helps ragincajun.
Stupid me. Going through the files I found that I DID misplace a few files. Sorry for the bother.
No problem. I'm glad that your problem has been solved (y)
Hey Blaw, I read you don't want people to upload your mods anywhere. I agree with that, so I'm gonna ask you: In the "Links that need rescue" thread, I've posted a box.net link with a collection of all mods I've got from Marvelmods, minus your Firestar, Goblin and Scarlet Spider. I had them in box.net but removed after reading your first post here. Is it alright if I put your mods along with the others for people in here to download? It'd work as an alternate mirror.
Here's link:
I'll only upload your mods after (if) you give me permission to.
Well it has a good purpose, but:
I have an account with mediafire, so I have full control of the files (all old files will be removed by me)
But since a few people can't download from mediafire, you may upload those mods to 1 file service. PM me the link with it, so I can adjust my first post.
Scarlet Spider 1.7 UPDATE ONLY
- Fixed herostat entry so you start out with the first power, line: "scarletspider_p1" changed to "spider2_p1"
- Updated the Ben Reilly skin with a PS2 model and tweaked it a little.
- Changed the 4th skin, Stark Armor to Spider-Carnage!
- Changed the 4th hud, Stark Armor to Spider-Carnage!
DOWNLOAD SCARLET SPIDER UPDATE 1.7 HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yth0oyjynnt)
MIRROR (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JK09MOGP)
For other Scarlet Spider skins, visit my Skins Release topic for the Scarlet Spider Skin Pack 2 which features 4 skins!
Quote from: Power Cosmic on October 25, 2008, 08:02PM
I think i have an idea about grabsmash. Maybe Spider-Man's grabsmash can.
Dude i just said that.
Dude that post was from over six months ago...
LoL. Must be a big delay :P
Ultimate Weapon X Skin Pack #3
Includes 9 new skins (and some are unique!)
1 Nightcrawler
2 Rogue
3 Gambit
4 Jean Grey
5 Bishop (Custom)
6 Cable (Custom)
7 Forge (Custom, yep I'm teasing ya'll!)
8 Sabretooth (it looks awesome..)
9 Mysterio! (Wtf why him? Well the 2 logo's on his chest are a perfect fit for the X logo. Really looks cool!)
I can't post any pictures atm. I've sent the file to my e-mail, so I can post it here at school. I hope ya'll enjoy!
DOWNLOAD ULTIMATE WEAPON X SKIN PACK #3 (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3ojqdyzhdz2)
MIRROR (http://www.box.net/shared/e6vr8enj16)
i have some problems with some of my mods (at least those i have already tried)
firestar's explosion pop, when activated, don't appear on the power selection buttons and won't work
toxin's attack & smash button's don't work, only the jump & grab options (not sure yet for the extreme button)
pls help
Im sorry, but I downloaded the Ultimate Weapon X Skin Pack 3 and...its definetly not skins. Bunch of word docs.
Quote from: ragincajun on April 01, 2009, 04:41PM
Im sorry, but I downloaded the Ultimate Weapon X Skin Pack 3 and...its definetly not skins. Bunch of word docs.
Sounds like a April fools joke by Blaw ?
Looks like it, since I felt right into Dihan's joke alright! :D :D :D
Yep, April Fool's joke :D
There are a few things to this joke:
- I'm not gonna make Skin Pack 3 at all
- Skin Pack 2 isn't even ready yet!
- Why the hell would Mysterio be in this? (though the possibility of me making this costume is there)
- Why would I post this in my MOD RELEASE thread and not the SKIN RELEASE thread? :P
On the other hand:
- Skin Pack 2 will feature PS2 skins, so even X-Men who got an UXM skin will be redone.
Quotei have some problems with some of my mods (at least those i have already tried)
firestar's explosion pop, when activated, don't appear on the power selection buttons and won't work
toxin's attack & smash button's don't work, only the jump & grab options (not sure yet for the extreme button)
pls help
All should work properly. Make sure you:
- start a new game with default stats;
- have put all files in the right folders.
I may have made a mistake about the folders in the rar, so always check what file goes where.
Bug report on the green goblin:
* One cannot put down a grabbed opponent.
* All costume passives don't work (either they have 0 effect or they actually have a negative effect).
- The grab one is already a known bug and in progress for a fix.
- The costume passives however wasn't a known bug yet. I'll take a look when I get home. Thanks for the feedback!
Quote from: BLaw on April 01, 2009, 11:19PM
Yep, April Fool's joke :D
Oh wow, fell for that one hook, line, and sinker.
I've fixed the costume passives bug. The grab is still messed up, but it currently works like this:
Sometimes, it animates and works perfectly. When it doesn't, it picks enemies up like if it was a weapon, but you can't drop it!
So I must have made a mistake when adding the grab in the powerstyle or so.
First post updated with version 1.0 of the FORGE MOD!.
I'm sure that it's not 100% bugfree, but that's the result of being inactive for a few months XD .
Hey, tried out Forge. Here's the bug report:
Heavy Fraps power didn't work.
After using the Killer Teleport power, Forge stands still for about 4 or 5 seconds.
Ah forgot about the Killer Teleport issue. Thanks for noticing!
Heavy Frags should work.. At least here it does. I'll re-check it.
Quote from: ragincajun on April 04, 2009, 11:21PM
After using the Killer Teleport power, Forge stands still for about 4 or 5 seconds.
I think it does it for some other moves too. I had problems with him just standing there several times. Can't test all powers right now bc I am having issues but someone else may want to check them all.
EDIT - Tested it out and I couldn't repeat it on any move except for the teleport. I could have sworn it was doing it more often to me but maybe I'm just going crazy.
Blaw! Just wanted to tell you that I tried your Firestar mod, and I can tell you this is one of the best characters to play with in the game. (including original characters). Well Done!!!
Thanks! All mods will receive an update soon. Found another major bug with forge. When using him with my other mods, the game freezes.
Quote from: opakarlo on April 06, 2009, 02:42AM
Blaw! Just wanted to tell you that I tried your Firestar mod, and I can tell you this is one of the best characters to play with in the game. (including original characters). Well Done!!!
yeah she is fun!
Updated the first post. I've packed every file of Scarlet Spider into an installation file. It makes installing my mod easier!!!
The mod version is 1.7. If there's an update, download it and install the update. It'll override the previous installation! (Which is good, not bad XD )
Updated the herostat entrycode. File containing the code will be in the DATA folder of your game.
I'm unable to fix an important and bad bug: The game crashed when Scarlet Spider is used with either Firestar or Ultimate Green Goblin in your team. All other characters are fine. At least, I think it's fine. Feedback welcome.
Besides hating that stupid installer, thumbs up for "Scarlet Spider 1.7 FULL".
1.5 updated to 1.7 never worked for me at all (half powers not working,...)
However, you should check the costume passives. They do not work as is (idetifier too long)
Must be a mistake in the packages. Will do.
It happened to me too! Half of the powers didn't work! Also, what mannequin is in the pack? The one crouching on the floor or the one hanging on the sealing?
I believe the one hanging from the sealing. I think I made a mistake with the herostat code but Im not sure. I will check when i get home
I'll be releasing a patch tomorrow, fixing the costume passives bug, and some minor changes in packages, power & talent files.
Scarlet Spider 1.71 is now released. For details and the download links, visit the first post.
Also, if anyone wants an installer for their mod(s), give me a PM.
I just tried your firestar mod. She's quite nice... If you decide to add one or 2 powers, maybe you could consider to give her a power where she shines really bright like the sun to blind enemies on the screen. She used that kind of power in the TV series once. Just a random thought...
I have a few questions though:
-did you make a different folder on intend? If I remember correctly, she has a powerstyles or talents folder (the problem is the s in the end). Is that on purpose or should the files inside the folder be moved?
-is she stun wave supposed to look like invisible woman's concusion blast? It looks just the same.
Maybe I messed up with installing part ;p Just wanted to let you know.
it's the "s" at the end, but it's been corrected already. the most recent pack doesn't have this problem anymore
Effx will be updated soon
Dude, tried your Scarlet and Firestar. Great jobs!!!!!
Is it my bloody computer, or do only 2 or 3 of his powers work? (or do I not have the most recent updated one?) (please excuse me: I'm too lazy to check the previous pages. If it is on one of the previous pages, just say so, and I'll check :)) Cheers!
I had this problem with the previous versions. The setup fixes it. Make sure you update the herostat as well....
OOOooooookkk. So, I will download the update... Make it cooler then it already is!
Always download the latest setups from the first page.
I'm gonna add an effect which is similar to Invisible Woman's (custom) block effect. In a future update. The next update will feature a recolored effect of Firestar's Wave power.
Great news: I've finished a new Forge mesh which will replace 23001, the default skin. It has the textures of Retro Colossus, to fit my retro X-Men theme. I'll also adjust the mesh to make a replacement for X-Factor Forge, edit Modern (meshy) and put some long hair on ultimate (meshy). Finally the loadingscreen by shafcrawler. All coming up soon!
PS: Don't mind the shoulders, it's the stupid nick fury skelly doin that
(http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/743/marvel0234.th.png) (http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=marvel0234.png)
Updated Forge mod with a mesh, new mannequin and shafcrawler's loadingscreen! Setup ofcourse, for your ease! See it here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg44399#msg44399
Blaw I installed Firestar and when I was playing with her I noticed that she doesn't have melee moves.
Looking at the herostat provided in the Rar file, she doesn't have the melee moves entry so I put that entry, but still she doesn't have melee moves.
I also re-installed the mod again and no melee moves and as always I started a new game with default stats, I'm doing something wrong? Any idea of what's the problem?
Here's the herostat in the Rar file:
stats {
autospend = support ;
body = 5 ;
characteranims = 224_firestar ;
charactername = Firestar ;
level = 1 ;
menulocation = 16 ;
mind = 12 ;
moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
name = firestar ;
playable = true ;
powerstyle = ps_firestar ;
scriptlevel = 3 ;
skin = 22401 ;
skin_01_name = Classic ;
skin_02 = 02 ;
skin_02_name = Original ;
skin_03 = 03 ;
skin_03_name = Modern ;
skin_04 = 04 ;
skin_04_name = Ultimate ;
sounddir = invisw_m ;
strength = 4 ;
team = hero ;
textureicon = 5 ;
Race {
name = Mutant ;
Race {
name = XMen ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fires_p1 ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = block ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = grab ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = leadership ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fires_resist ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fightstyle_firestar ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = flight ;
StatEffect {
bolt = fx01 ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = fx02 ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 1 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 3 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
Strange. I'll reinstall Firestar and see if I encounter the same problem.
EDIT: Everything is fine here after full mod installation. Do add the melee_moves entry in herostat, I forgot that in the readme file.
Quote from: whiteking on September 15, 2009, 11:59AM
Looking at the herostat provided in the Rar file, she doesn't have the melee moves entry so I put that entry, but still she doesn't have melee moves.
I did it and she doesn't have melee moves.
Quote from: Firestar Herostat
stats {
autospend = support ;
body = 5 ;
characteranims = 224_firestar ;
charactername = Firestar ;
level = 1 ;
menulocation = 17 ;
mind = 12 ;
moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
name = firestar ;
playable = true ;
powerstyle = ps_firestar ;
scriptlevel = 3 ;
skin = 22401 ;
skin_01_name = Classic ;
skin_02 = 02 ;
skin_02_name = Original ;
skin_03 = 03 ;
skin_03_name = Modern ;
skin_04 = 04 ;
skin_04_name = Ultimate ;
sounddir = invis_m ;
strength = 4 ;
team = hero ;
textureicon = 5 ;
Race {
name = Mutant ;
Race {
name = XMen ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fires_p1 ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = block ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = grab ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = leadership ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fires_resist ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = fightstyle_firestar ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = melee_moves ;
talent {
level = 1 ;
name = flight ;
StatEffect {
bolt = fx01 ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = fx02 ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 1 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 3 ;
menuonly = true ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = false ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
effect = char/firetorch/special_burning ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
menuonly = false ;
skin = 04 ;
zoneonly = true ;
Try that one out. O yeah, and change the position number.
Done. The normal combo (the one that result by pressing the same button 3 times), the smash and air smash works.
Her popup, trip and stun combos are still missing.
I guess that this has nothing to do with her herostat now, perhaps the problem is in the powerstyle (?)
I doubt it since it all works here. What exactly did you do to make the others work?
Quote from: BLaw on September 15, 2009, 01:51PM
I doubt it since it all works here. What exactly did you do to make the others work?
Never mind I found the problem, you put her fightstyle in a folder called "fightstyle" and the MUA folder is "fightstyles" just one damn letter and see all the troubles it caused, lol. I guess I need to be more carefull in that little details.
Thanks for your help and support Blaw :)
No problem, but it's ME who needs to be more carefull since I packed it :P Hope you enjoy version 1!*hint*.
Gonna update her in the near future, but Forge will be the first one who's gonna get an update. I'm already busy with an Ultimate Forge mesh..
Cool I'll wait for the update for Firestar :)
Thanks again.
hey, could you upload a zip or rar file of forge? my computer needs administrative permission to install it and it would just be easier to manually do it. thanks!
Will do later today.
Hey guys! Quick question-is there an xml2 version of Firestar and if not are any of her files usable with XML2 (permission pending of course). Thanks!
I made a Ps2 skin pack for her. In my opinion they look better than her MUA versions. Those are XML2 compatible.
I'm going to update her powers in the near future, making her less Torchy.
Oh and sorry, I forgot to upload Forge's files yesterday. Will do so after I get home.
The file to Forge is *.exe?!
Sounds like a virus.
Can I trust? Or maybe somebody changed the file without autorization of the marvelmods?!
It's safe. BLaw likes to make his mods into .exe installers that put everything where it's supposed to go.
Well, like is a big word. I do it mainly for people who do not know how to install a mod. Gives the comfort of using just a few mouse clicks ^^
It's safe. If there's a virus in it, I have it aswell. And I hate virusses.
So nice!!!! Everything auto...!!!!
Quote from: Bizarro on November 05, 2009, 03:31PM
So nice!!!! Everything auto...!!!!
Nah I dun think all of it is automatic lolz because if you wanna install a new character, you still need to add his/her herostat's entry :D
EDIT : By using Xmlbcui or whatever you use :P
Or download the heroselect files somewhere in the release section. Those contain my mods herostat entries ^^
Hey Law, ive re-installed MUA, i went to install your Forge mod and it doesnt work, i dont know what the problem is. I ran the .exe, copied his herostat entry from the premade one we did, which worked fine when i first made it. For some reason he has no manny and my game crashes when i go to pick him. Im guessing its files, any idea which ones so i can fix them?
Depends if you have partitions or not, all works fine here when I had to reinstall MUA lol.
Did you adjust the installation dir in the setup?
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on November 13, 2009, 06:57AM
Depends if you have partitions or not, all works fine here when I had to reinstall MUA lol.
Did you adjust the installation dir in the setup?
No, didnt mess around with any of the install settings.
Did it work?
if all goes well, firestar will get a small update today. Her powerset will get an update later, because she feels too torchy.
I am going to update scarlet spider aswell, trying to make him a bit more unique. Ofcourse, he will also be able to transform, and he will have killer powers.
forge will get a small update containing 2 meshes, change in herostat code. Version 2 will be ready next year.
no, still not working, ill wait for the updated version, maybe ill have better luck
:phoenix: Classic
:phoenix: Original
:phoenix: Modern
:phoenix: Ultimate
This mod features:- 5 attack powers, 2 boosts, 1 X-treme
- 2 skins
- 2 custom models
- Each skin comes with their own hud.
- Own mannequin.
Instructions should be clear enough. Just place everything in the main folder of your game. Open up the text file in the rar for the Herostat entry and give it a menu location and you're done.
NEW: A new mannequin. Make sure you download the mannequin patch! Install it in the
ui/models/mannequin folder.
If you want to enjoy better looking models of the Classic and Original skins, download the patch located below the mod link. It only contains model files which belong in the Actors folder. They will, when you choose to overwrite, replace the 22401 and 22402 skins of the mod. EDIT: Added the other 2 HQ models too. Your choice.
FIRESTAR 1.0 (http://www.mediafire.com/?j1k2mwqnzju)
FIRESTAR HQ MODEL PATCH (http://www.mediafire.com/?ljqjcy9k12fxy42) Note: Contains the classic Firestar model with realistic Firestar mask.
For the PS2 versions of the skins, visit this page: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg51772#msg51772 or click here (http://www.mediafire.com/?moydtdznvzm) for a direct download.
Known Bugs:- Effectcolor of Stunwave needs to be fiery
- Possibly no sounds, the mod doesn't have it's own sounds yet.
Feedback:Drop it either:
- In my workbench topic: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2428.0 ;
- In my release thread: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.0 .
Future updates:Certified: Loading screen by Shafcrawler
Certified: Unique soundset
I moved her entry to this post to save up some space in the first post.
say, before i get the gobster, what do you mean when you say the mannequin isn't positioned correctly?
that means that it's offset from the "slot" a little. minor effect unless you like your character select screen perfect.
ah yeah i see now. you kinda shoved him way to the right
he overlaps with like two other characters because of that
Added a mannequin patch for Firestar here: CLICKY (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.msg75056#msg75056). It only includes a new, smoothy mannequin.
(http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9189/marvel0033.th.png) (http://img199.imageshack.us/i/marvel0033.png/)(http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4525/marvel0032.th.png) (http://img10.imageshack.us/i/marvel0032.png/)
Features- 4 unique models and huds
- Own iconset
- Own powerset
- Self-healing abilities
- Stealth brawler
- Akihiro's Bone & Marumasa claws
- Own mannequin (Backrow Character)
Future Update features- own soundset
- Shaf's loadingscreen
- New model(s)
- Powerset update
Known BugsNone yet. Feedback welcome.
The mod doesn't feel *right* to me, but I hope it's enjoyable to everyone else. He's the Wolverine without a rage meter, which means you take full control over his powers. Hack & slash away everyone!
DOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE. PASSWORD PROTECTED (http://www.mediafire.com/?p8uqm8fr1mxhftd)
Akihiro in the game is called by his previous code name, "Daken." However, due to the previous code name being a little-known racial slur, we changed the name references in the forum to that of "Akihiro."
wahoo! another member of the dark avengers!
Man, you're just awesome! Nothing else, Pure Awesomeness!
:sandman: SANDMAN :sandman:
(http://www.laserevents.nl/img/links/youtube_logo.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At4lLMCOtOw)
(http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/7807/sandskinsmua.jpg) (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/sandskinsmua.jpg/)
Features :sandman: Four unique skins: Classic, Modern, Wild Pack and Ultimate! (all with sausages if I might add!)
:sandman: Three unique attack powers: Fist Impact (as of version 1.1), Earthquake and the all-time favorite Mole Game!
:sandman: The infamous Sandform boost, useable with all other boosts!
:sandman: One unique boost called Dust Dome and the ability to spawn a Sand Minion!
:sandman: The most unique and oh-so deadly X-Treme: FUNERAL!!!
:sandman: Unique iconset!
:sandman: Unique sounds!
:sandman: Unique bolton models and effects!
:sandman: Unique huds and a unique mannequin!
:sandman: Something something unique!
How To Install1. Get WINRAR if you haven't done so, at www.rarlab.com (free unexpirable trial)
2. Download the VANILLA mod and put that file in your MUA Installation folder (drive:/program files/activision/marvel ultimate alliance e.g.)
3. Rightclick on the file and choose EXTRACT HERE, make sure you make backups of the files which are being asked for an overwrite. If you have done so, just overwrite everything needed (I think no overwrite is needed^^)
For patches:
1. Download the patch and put that file in your MUA installation folder.
2. Rightclick on the file and choose EXTRACT HERE. If asked for overwrite, choose Yes to All.
ChangelogVersion 1.1 :sandman: Seperated some skinsegments and turned them into boltons;
:sandman: Replaced Grand Sand Slam with Fist Impact;
:sandman: Replaced 220_sandman with 08_iceman's animations;
:sandman: Replaced 220_sandman_4_combat with MUA2's Mr. Fantastic's animations;
:sandman: Rewrote several animation entries in the 4_combat and fightstyle_sandman files;
:sandman: Fixed costume passives bug in the second, third and fourth costumes;
:sandman: Fixed several talent descriptions, for example the (TAP) instruction in non-tap powers;
:sandman: Corrected the knockback in Grand Sand Slam (now Fist Impact) to use that of the talentfile;
:sandman: Added hide-codes in the idle animation for the skinsegments in case they stay on when being tripped or knocked back.
DOWNLOAD SANDMAN (VANILLA) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mgjjwlymidu)
DOWNLOAD THE SANDMAN UPDATE (1.1) (5MB) (http://www.mediafire.com/?dzunngz3tyn)
Known bugs...
CreditsBurning Rage & Nodoubt_jr - help^^
tymaca321 & deedooo - bug reports^^
Everybody else I forgot: thanks^^
As always, I am in awe of your skill Mr. Law. Thank you!
nice work mr. law. Sandman cool.
yay! excited to download this mod!
I readed the progress XD. orignally i was going for an x-man roster but heck. This one is in XD
Edit: Blaw, the dust animation doesnt show up for me? (bug?
Also from the mole game attack some sand always seems to lay on the floor (after the attack) it does dissepair though :p)
(another bug?
and last = the mole game attack. I played through the first level i noticed that the sand fist of mole game stays under the floor? its probally somthing you didnt expect since you can close to never see trough the floor but...
edit: oh ik ben toch zo goed :D
Known. I may have left dust dome efffect out of THE pack I Will check it in 30 minutes
Checked. I'll reupload the pack. Dustdome was indeed missing. Thanks for the heads up medenederlander^^
The whole mole game issues are normal. It's because I didn't pull the sand and the fist all the way down in 3ds max.
EDIT: Reuploaded the mod with Dustdome in it.
Green Goblin - The Wii/PS2-MUA2 Conversion 1.2
You know who it is... It's Green ****ches! :P
No screenshots now. Check my mod workbench why.
Features- 1 MUA2 converted Wii model - Modern Green Goblin
- 3 Unique reskinned and remodeled models - Classic Green Goblin, Classic Hobgoblin and Classic Jack O'Lantern! Including the flaming head effect!
- Unique weapon models, like the iconic Goblin PUMPKIN BOMBS and a glider for both Green Goblin models, Hobgoblin's glider and Jack O'Lantern's "glider" aka DISC! FLY AWAY!
- 1 unique boost added to his arsenal called Hallucination, including a Hallucination model!
- 4 Attack powers, MUA2 attack powers!
- 1 MUA2 TOGGLE BOOST, Goblin Flame!
- 2 MUA2 passives converted to costume passives for Classic Goblin & Hobgoblin
- MUA2 iconset plus an unique icon for the Hallucination boost!
- MUA2 sounds assigned to several of the powers, including the voices!
Make sure you pick up X_Voice when it's released. It'll include Green Goblin's callout and menu sounds!
Installation InstructionsUnpack in your Marvel - Ultimate Alliance folder. Use the herostat provided in the rar to add Goblin to the roster. Oh and make sure you have the latest Official Characters Pack installed first.
The file should be Virus Free. If you're unsure about it, download it, scan it with your own anti-virus programs. Note: IGB files are harmless. My anti-virus (norton 360) specified it as a unsafe, but that may be due to not having the Alchemy Artistpack installed on my OS.
DOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE! PASSWORD PROTECTED (http://www.mediafire.com/?qyznkjzjmin) < version 1
DOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE! PASSWORD PROTECTED (http://www.mediafire.com/?3ygmz3ibjiv) < version 1.1
UpdateDOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE! PASSWORD PROTECTED (http://www.mediafire.com/?z0ynoqhjiym) < version 1.2
Update only.
Future Update's Features and Known Bugs- Fixed X-Treme (He doesn't juggle with his pumpkin bombs);
ChangelogVersion 1.2:
- Fixed a typo in the herostat code;
- Added a new power: HEP Bomb (High Explosive Pumpkin Bomb);
- Changed the animation for the hallucination power;
- Removed the Surfer's board effects from the Heavy attack;
- Version 1.1
Applied BGR DXT1 textures instead of BMP's. Changes filesize and usage of memory.
Applied internal numbers to each model in the pack, from 01 to 04 and the hallucination model (09).
Lowered resolution for the hand textures.
Removed unnecessary skinsegments.
Everyone who helped me. Too tired to name everyone now, people who realize: hey, I helped him! are thanked now. Thanks.
Also, YOU, for downloading the mod if you do. I hope you enjoy it.
Feedback is always welcome.
KNOWN BUGSNo complete melee moves. It's something MUA2 has, and Goblin's animations doesn't have the animations for it.
Sounds need to be added. I rushed to upload the mod because of my pc problems.
looks good, hopefully i can try it out later today :)
yay! totaly gonna give this a spin asap.
It's worth it! Green Goblin is fun. His melee is kind of weak, but his powers are superb. Plus flying around, throwing bombs all of the place.... Couldn't be better. Which reminds me that there's no pumpkin bomb thrown in the menu screen and when using the X-treme.
Oh and one thing is standard, no bug: he doesn't repower while flying. So if you want to regenerate energy, land.
Once my system is back and running @ 100%, I'll create a small "choose what you want" addon featuring 1 model I already made and one I need to create still, but the skin is ready. My WB-readers may know what I'm talking aboot.
To complete the team of Spider-Man, there remains only Doc Oc. Congratulations Blaw's.
But aw shucks...
I want to finish this round first, so i won't get it straight off.
It is bloody awesome that it came out tho!
GREENIE! Finally thanks a lot Blaw :D
aventureiromax@ There is also a Electro mod out. That does it for me :P. OR Mysterio or Lizard or Punisher etc.... XD
F**K YEAH GOBLIN! downloadin'... =D
just tried the gobby mod and it's great! I was expecting it to be more betaish, but it's a lot more finnished than I imagined. the skins are absolutely perfect, great job!
hey blaw, a few things.
first off, i absolutely love daken. goblin is very fun too. he has a concise amount of powers that are all fun and useful (love the 1st, 4th and grabsmash especially.
second off, some bugs: occasionally green goblin is completely unable to regain energy, and not just while flying. also for goblin there is a verticle line in the "heavy" attack. also when sandmen isn't being controlled by the player, the skinsegments don't hide after powers are used.
edit: molegame is also deliciously inventive and fun. you should make it so 1 out of 10 times or something the fist is actualy giving the finger ^^.
Oh lol the finger idea is great hahaha
@ nowhereman: thanks^^
@ deedoo again: I think, after reading your message, that I know how to hide the segments when a power fails due to a pre-attack of an enemy. I'll update the mod soon with the fix, if I'm correct at all. I didn't knew how to fix it, just until now :P
The vertical line was coded for his heavy attack in the MUA2 files. I thought: why not leave it that way. I think he has a heavy attack on his glider, but I couldn't really see it at the start and middle of the animation, only at the end (he jumps off the glider). However, I think it the glider part wasn't coded for the heavy attack. I'll recheck that.
:o btw just an idea you should recoler the sand on sandmans skins (ultimate and wildpack) to the same color the sand attack uses.
it looks kinda weird seeing him using darker and lighter sand. But its just an idea :P
(example is = use wildpack skin and try to do the first attack (with the big fists forgot its name XD) then you see that the fists are lighter then sandmans sand color (its just a idea again)
I get your point. I'll keep it in mind, thanks.
I guess Sandman needs an update. I found another thing in his powerstyle, which is linked to colossus instead of himself. A costume passive, of the first skin.
I have to go through his coding again.
Had a chance to finally give Gobby a whirl today. Wow. Really, really fun. Haven't had the opportunity to go all out with him yet, but so far, so good. Excellent job, BLaw.
Thank you for the nice comment^^.
could i bother you again with a request for a non-installer version of scarlet spider? installers don't work for me as i do not have necicary user privileges on my pc.
Excellent work as usual Mr. Law :) I had a question, how would I go about changing Sandman's size\height? he seems a bit...small compared to my other characters.
i believe add this to the herostat:
scale_factor = 1.X ;
where x is how much percent you want to increase by. for example 1.15 is 15 percent and if you wanted smaller for some reason, 0.8 is 80 percent.
Oh sure. Wanted to pack his files up anyway because of the new models.
sweet! thanks blaw.
:spiderman: Scarlet Spider - MUA Ps2 skin (0903)
:spiderman: Ben Reilly - HQ model by BLaw
:spiderman: Joe Wade - HQ model by BLaw
:spiderman: Spider-Carnage - by BLaw
This mod features:- 8 powers, most which Spider-Man does not have to make Scarlet Spider different
It also makes Scarlet a technical fighter;
- 2 skins: 1 MUA original Scarlet Spider and 1 reskin: Spider-Carnage
- 2 HQ models: Ben Reilly & Joe Wade
- 1 Bonusskin to replace Spider-Man's Scarlet Spider skin... Cosmic Spider-Man!;
- Each skin comes with their own hud, except for Cosmic Spider-Man. Search the forum for a Cosmic Spidey hud or download the Spidey Booster I made.;
- 1 mannequin. Visit my Mannequin Museum at marvelmods.com/forum for more Scarlet Spider mannequins!
- Playable with Spider-Man.
Unpack everything in your Marvel - Ultimate Alliance folder and replace any character with Scarlet Spider. His herostat is included in the rar.
DOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE! PASSWORD PROTECTED! (http://www.mediafire.com/?mdkimxjqmmm)
All my files will be scanned with Norton 360 from now on. If there are any files of mine which contain any EXE programs IN THE RAR, then delete the EXE file. It might be a VIRUS or TROJAN or MALLWARE. This does not apply to NEW FILES (just older files, which are posted in any of my topics).
Changelog 1.72:- Fixed shadowshot;
- Fixed Costume Passives by making the identifier shorter, thanks to Sidewinder for the feedback
- Replaced the default MUA reskins Ben Reilly and Joe Wade with HQ models. Ben Reilly looks like he should now.
Feedback:Drop it either:
- In my workbench topic: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2428.0 ;
- In my release thread: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2561.0 .
Future updates:New Model: Spider-Carnage
Modified Soundset
Loadingscreen by Shafcrawler (Forgot to include it again *slaps forehead*
New Powers / Boost
umm...why is it removed? (i probally might be the only one asking this couse i dindt read this topic very much XD)
Egoistische russen. Lees meer in de offtopic gedeelte ^^. Ik upload de mods weer zodra het een stuk meer "rip-proof" is.
Gee.. Do we dutchies use English words a lot in our language eh? :P
Translation: Read more in the offtopic section^^. I'll upload the mods when it's a bit more "rip-proof".
In Soviet russia, I own Them!, could you send me the link or somthing, You know im not russian XD
Updated the links to Green Goblin, Scarlet Spider and Daken. All are now password protected.
EDIT: Sandman too.
Awsome work on scarlet Blaw!
EDIT: You might wanna check Scarlet again. Multiple attacks litterly arent working. (meaning he just uses his 3 combo again)
the password ???
Wouldn't that be sweet to tell in public. I won't tell it public but through PM's, if one requests it and ain't from RUSSIA.
No intention to discriminate, but ya'll know why I'm doing this.
Quote from: CaptainAmerica on March 11, 2010, 01:50PM
the password ???
LOL want my credit card and bank account passwords too?
Hey, the :greengoblin:... the 6th power, I think the goblin flame... this power... it finish with the power energy and the power energy don ' t recovery again? Or is this just a question of time? Or a bug?
Green Globin and Sandman are amazing!!!
- 1 MUA2 TOGGLE BOOST, Goblin Flame!
That's why reading a post completely before downloading it is necessary.
I read, but my English is poor!
What is a TOGGLE BOOST? Which is the difference between a normal boost and a TOGGLE BOOST?
Your version from Green Goblin is so much better than the MUAII!!!!!
In the Spider-man III the movie... the Green Goblin when he is flying, his have something like a sword... is a idea for another power. Is not the traditional, but is a idea. He was so nice in the movie.
Toggle = Boost with on and off switch. Press to activate, press again to deactivate.
Oooooooow, so nice!!! Thanks!
Hey, BLaw, I think i found a typo in Goblin's herostat:
StafEffect {
bolt = fx01 ;
effect = models/weapons/pumpkinbomb ;
fxlevel = 1 ;
menuonly = true ;
zoneonly = false ;
I could be wrong here, but isnt that supposed to say SatEffect, not StafEffect?
Nice found. it should say STATeffect. No wonder why I couldn't make it work like it should XD. Thanks for the heads up!
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on March 16, 2010, 01:46AM
Nice found. it should say STATeffect. No wonder why I couldn't make it work like it should XD. Thanks for the heads up!
You're lucky I have eyes like a Hawk :P
Going to release an update for Green Goblin soon, which will address some memory issues. Most likely all BMP textured models will cause a higher usage of memory. Quality is great, but apart from that, more memory is consumed. This may also cause stuttering. I think.
Download the version 1.1 of the Goblin mod here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg79170.html#msg79170.
View the changelog for details.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on March 18, 2010, 03:50PM
Download the version 1.1 of the Goblin mod here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg79170.html#msg79170.
View the changelog for details.
You forgot to change the herostat, it still says StafEffect lol
That's why I didn't mention it in the changelog. Somehow I knew that you would come up with that :P
I'm saving that for the powerfixes + power addition. Like I said in my workbench, this is more of a model update.
Mr. Law - I'm playing with Firestar and noticed some kind of glitch with her pop-up power (the one that explodes under enemies and pops them up). When the power is unlocked, I put skill points into it and set it to button 3 (on my game controller). It looks fine. Then during gameplay, when I press the trigger to activate powers, the spot where I've placed the power doesn't show the power's icon. It's not even blank. It shows a big "3" instead.
I checked to make sure all of her files are in the game directory properly, and they appear to be so. Any idea what might be going on here?
Also, I noticed that Gobby's health regen passive seems buggy. No matter how many SHIELD credits I spend on it, it's at 0.0% health regen rate. Hard to tell if it's working properly in-game though.
I'll take a look at it when I'm going to update him again. Previous update was model-wise, next one will be ehm, coding wise :P
You've got some pretty impressive mods, here. I haven't had a problem with any of them, except Scarlet Spider. Some of his powers make the game crash, upon use. I'm'a go reinstall and move some folders around, maybe it's something I did.... Anyways, great work, Mr. Law!
In the DS version of MUA2, which is terrible by the way, Gobbie has an attack where he throws two spinning blades. Not sure if this was in any other console for Mua2, because the DS was so different. If you don't have that in your mod already, you could do that, possibly using Black Panther's energy dagger animation.
Gobby has three. They are animated pumpkin blades, the power is called "Spinning Blades".
Ok. I had no clue.
Nice work!
Daken Loadscreen already been upload by Shaf:
>headslap< Aww man. i forgot to add his loadscreen topic.
ok I finally got it to work using only the xlbcui program with engb
great succes
may i have mr osborn now plox
:chuckle:. Ok.... why i was thinking on Sandman's Alt.Skin after the mod was release.
Somethings wrong with Scarlet Spider Mod:
File Name: Version 1.71
Powers: powerstyle & talent names are differents, which can't use the powers & black (while using controller)
Type: Version 1.5 (look at below)
Skins: 22501 (MUA Installation, hmmmm...... :idea: it should be 2 skins includes there: PS2 & Installation/MUA Version), 22504 (Stark Armor, not Spider-Carnage)
Mannequin: unliked Spidey's manny
Let me set this rule straight: I will only hand out passwords through PM and not through EMAIL. Security issue. I've gotten some e-mails so far and I won't respond to them. It's through PM or no password.
My apologies for the confusion. Psyduck must've done it (darn you Nowhereman with your Hydro Pump Blastoise thing!)
LOL, blame it on Dihan, he got me hooked up on pokemons all over again XP.
I'm going to try and finish a green goblin update today. If I can :P
He'll get a loading screen (unique one). I'll also throw in more loading screens if I can. Just some random pics I found on the internet, but cool ones though.
this is amizing finaly tommorov im gonna test it down ohh and sorry for multy pms really sorry
no problem. I overlooked one. I hope you'll enjoy it, and come back soon for the update!
If you join deviantart. You can find the user name neal2k. He has MUA2 Character Select Render. I don't know where that Renders come from, except Iron Fist & Penance (already who was found anywhere else in hi-res version at photobucket. I'll keep contact with him & he'll know where did he get the Character Select Render that seen on PS3/360.
Green Goblin version 1.2 UPDATE ONLY available HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg79170.html#msg79170).
View the changelog for changes.
Read the README included for information and credits.
i cant download Daken. what's the password?
Like if I would yell that in public^^
and how i can get the password?
Quote from: jester on April 21, 2010, 02:23AM
and how i can get the password?
PM him of course
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 10, 2010, 03:01PM
Let me set this rule straight: I will only hand out passwords through PM and not through EMAIL. Security issue. I've gotten some e-mails so far and I won't respond to them. It's through PM or no password.
Im sure he knows that, if you mean how you can pm Blaw, just click on his avatar (picture or name doesnt matter)
and just click ''send PM'' :)
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 21, 2010, 04:52AM
Im sure he knows that, if you mean how you can pm Blaw, just click on his avatar (picture or name doesnt matter)
and just click ''send PM'' :)
Below avatars too. :scratchhead: What is it called that speach out picture liked in comic book again........
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on April 21, 2010, 06:15AM
Below avatars too. :scratchhead: What is it called that speach out picture liked in comic book again........
you mean the ''view profile'' button :P right next to that is also a PM button :P
He's talking about this button, tymaca321: (http://marvelmods.com/forum/Themes/Thing2rc3/images/im_off.gif)
Already realised that :P Its also what i meant but i guess it came out wrong XD Thx for the help though Teancum :jumping:
Where can I take a X-voice for green globin?
ayer estuve probando algunos mods entre otros firestar, daken, green globbin, me parecieron EXCELENTES sobre todo el mod de green globbing que a pesar de ser un personaje que no me interesaba en el juego, el mod cambio mi parecer.
Pd: la tabla quedo de lujo y las skins muy buenas.
Saludos!!!, muchas gracias por compartir
Whiteking, help out here! :P
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 26, 2010, 12:47PM
Whiteking, help out here! :P
I'm here :)
He liked Daken, Firestar and Green Goblin, and consider those mods to be EXELENT jobs, especially Green Goblin, who never was interesting enough to consider to play with him, but your mod changed his mind. He also liked the skins.
Quote from: zero-b on April 26, 2010, 11:08AM
ayer estuve probando algunos mods entre otros firestar, daken, green globbin, me parecieron EXCELENTES sobre todo el mod de green globbing que a pesar de ser un personaje que no me interesaba en el juego, el mod cambio mi parecer.
Pd: la tabla quedo de lujo y las skins muy buenas.
Saludos!!!, muchas gracias por compartir
Zero-bTe recomiendo ampliamente que cuando hagas un post lo hagas en inglés. El 99% de esta comunidad habla en ese idioma, por lo que es mucho más facil que te puedan entender. Comprendo que es posible que no hables y escribas perfectamente el idioma ya que ni yo mismo lo domino al 100% pero es importante que hagas un esfuerzo, de lo contrario tus post serán ignorados debido a que simplemente no los van a entender. Además no siempre estamos presentes aquellos que si entendemos el español.
Haz una búsqueda en Google, hay demasiados traductores en la red que pueden ayudarte.
Saludos y espero lo tengas en consideración.
Blaw, I was saying to the guy that he need to post in english, otherwise no one here will understand him :)
en realidad escribo en ingles, pero traduje al español para que entiendan ese 1% que entiende español, "broma"...., ok, tratare, saludos y muchas gracias
actually write in English but translated into Spanish so that they understand that 1% who understand Spanish, "joke" ...., ok, case, greetings and thank you very much
anteriromente: ayer estuve probando algunos mods entre otros firestar, daken, green globbin, me parecieron EXCELENTES sobre todo el mod de green globbing que a pesar de ser un personaje que no me interesaba en el juego, el mod cambio mi parecer.
Pd: la tabla quedo de lujo y las skins muy buenas.
Saludos!!!, muchas gracias por compartir
previously: Yesterday I was testing some mods including firestar, daken, green globbin, is excellent especially the green mod globbing that despite being a character who was not interested in the game, the mod change my mind.
Pd: luxury table and stay very good skins.
Greetings!, Thank you very much for sharing
Haha, a nombre del 1% que habla español aqui, agradezco mucho tus intentos :D
Lol, in name of the 1% that talk in spanish here, thank you so much for trying :D
Thanks for the translation thing^^
My passwords on my stuff will be removed due to changes in the forum's policies. All of my rules will still be active, one of them still being:
In this is, that would be me ^^. Sounds fair eh?
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 29, 2010, 01:05AM
Thanks for the translation thing^^
My passwords on my stuff will be removed due to changes in the forum's policies. All of my rules will still be active, one of them still being:
In this is, that would be me ^^. Sounds fair eh?
All THX to Dihan at the first place.
Why thanks to me?
You made a rules for your mod releases w/out password protection. it says on the rules:
Quote from: Dihan on July 05, 2008, 03:32AM
- You will not edit these files
- You will not claim credit for these mods
If these rules are broken then you will be punished accordingly.
If it was'nt you who add a new rules in 1st place, :scratchhead: so what makes the site change due to new site policies. I think Blaw's got point, he says:
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 29, 2010, 01:05AM
My passwords on my stuff will be removed due to changes in the forum's policies. All of my rules will still be active, one of them still being:
In this is, that would be me ^^. Sounds fair eh?
Blaw, don't you mean the real author from this site. Oh well, forget about this one bud, just skipped this up.
Sigh... Not the place of discussion.
It's all thanks to the nice cooperation of the Russian community. There, said it.
Our biggest friends ^^
Released an update to the sandman mod. Make sure you have the basic sandman mod installed, because it ain't the full mod, but just a patch.
Get it HERE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg78734.html#msg78734)
sandman was fun, maybe ill try it soon.
still have 5 games that needs playing so bear with me.
I just noticed i am credited in your sandman mod.....i never noticed that :o, it feels good to be credited :D
thanks for daken,man.fantastic job....keep up the good work:D :wolverine:
Thanks ^^
Pardon me but, :scratchhead: so what's with the shield blocking thingy on ps_file. :confused: is it me or just i really did'nt see the shield bolton anywhere inside the 1.1 rar file when i check inside of it.
Because I haven't got the bolton placement correct yet. So I left the code in, so I won't have to add it in case I got it down.
(http://www.laserevents.nl/img/links/youtube_logo.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFSeUcv4MJU)
(http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/1963/naamloos2v.jpg) (http://img686.imageshack.us/i/naamloos2v.jpg/)
Features :archangel: Four unique character models: Classic (MUA2 Wii/PS2 converted), Robbie Baldwin, Speedball and Unmasked! (all with sausages if I might add!)
:archangel: All converted powers, boosts and passives.
:archangel: A unique X-Treme: Ultimate Agony!
:archangel: Unique iconset!
:archangel: Unique (not too great quality) sounds!
:archangel: Unique huds and a unique mannequin!
:archangel: Unique costume passive effect for Speedball!
:archangel: Unique loadingscreen! (10 minute work :P)
:archangel: If I might add, the name Speedball is not referring to one of his *TEST 1,2,3... BLEEP*. ^^
How To InstallDownload the file and unpack it to your Marvel Ultimate Alliance folder. Use the HEROSTAT_README.txt file in the rar to get the herostat entry.
For patches:
1. Download the patch and put that file in your MUA installation folder.
2. Rightclick on the file and choose EXTRACT HERE. If asked for overwrite, choose Yes to All.
ChangelogDOWNLOAD THE VANILLA MOD! (http://www.mediafire.com/?k3th1numnwg)
Known bugs...
CreditsNodoubt_jr - help^^
Dihan - Self Torment effect, Speedball effect, color codes for the X-Treme effect^^
Everybody else I forgot: thanks^^
Cool video! I can feel power of pain! Waiting for release ^^ Speedball looks in game very effective ;) Btw...how have you done those unlimited X-Treme?
Wow. Nice hq icons. Wha..... on that Suffering Heal at 2:34, what's with the effects on his huds screens.
Well, all I know, is that this will be a lot better, than the PS2 version :D
Quote from: ds22489 on June 19, 2010, 11:58PM
Cool video! I can feel power of pain! Waiting for release ^^ Speedball looks in game very effective ;) Btw...how have you done those unlimited X-Treme?
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on June 20, 2010, 02:13AM
Wow. Nice hq icons. Wha..... on that Suffering Heal at 2:34, what's with the effects on his huds screens.
I activated a trainer so I could show off the X-Treme without constantly having to hit enemies to get itXD
Ah, thanks XD...i did never know about any trainer for MUA XD
All kinds of awesome! Did you just use his MUA2 skeleton, or did you use others?
BTW the is an unlimited momentum cheat code. Don't know what a trainer is.
Quoteor did you use others?
I can't be sure, but Robbie Boldwin's face looks like Wyatt Wingfoot's.
Because it's Wyatt's head.
I mean the animations.
I was responding to the guy above my post.
I used the MUA2 anims.
His x-treme looks kinda soft, but great job on him!
Now we I will definatly have a thunderbolts team songbird green goblin penance and venom
Same here at the moment i'm using blade instead of penance, but once he's released i'm gonna swap em over
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 20, 2010, 10:21AM
I was responding to the guy above my post.
So was I.
really looking forward to this release, then i'll be able to do a sort off MUA to MUA2 roster
plus why do people always think Penance is a bit emo?
Because he acts like one. Most obvious reason :P But I read that he's going to be Speedball again.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 21, 2010, 02:16AM
But I read that he's going to be Speedball again.
He already is(Avengers Academy)
oh and can't wait to play with him
Quote from: lordbane2110 on June 21, 2010, 02:12AM
plus why do people always think Penance is a bit emo?
cuz he practically lived in a suit filled with spikes that cut him and constantly caused him pain because he felt a bunch of guilt for the steamford explosion.
Quote from: Marquis on June 21, 2010, 07:19AM
[penance] already is [speedball](Avengers Academy)
and his new costume sucks XP
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 20, 2010, 10:39AM
His x-treme looks kinda soft, but great job on him!
At least he ain't OP (Overpowered) ^^. That's what I like about my changes to his powerset. What he lacks in power, he doesn't in REGENERATION. Considering he has a great boost which can heal him. If people will choose the Penance outfit for play, you get the Health Per Kill ala Blade costume passive. The Speedball outfit will change the maximum energy he has. But not to the standard Max Energy values found on other outfits, but slightly higher.
I should start on converting sounds soon. Some sounds will sound sound.. I mean crappy. It's a standard thing with the conversion process, as explained with the Green Goblin mod and the XML2 MUA2 conversions.
After Penance comes Cable. I'm collaborating with my dear friend Nowhere Man on it, to make him also more unique and having the MUA2 X360/PS3 powers in his arsenal.
Anyway, stay tuned at this topic for the release!
i cant' wait for cable, a) to see heim done justice with your great models, and b) to play him with your and nowhereman's powers, which will be quite fun. and deadpool gets a buddy :)
haha but don't they pratically hate each other? ^^
they did have a series running for a while, so they can't hate each other too much. they do have frequent disagreements though XD.
Lemme guess Deadpool wants to just kill and Cable wants to save lives right?
and what's wrong with killing indiscriminately? plus you've got love deadpool the guy is awesome
RELEASED PENANCE (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg92806.html#msg92806)!!!!
cool!!! now i have a thunderbolts team with songbird Green goblin,penance and moonstone
Great! Mr. Law^^, can we release it with all credits on our Russian site?
looks awesome even though there is no more Penance in the universe, especially with speedball being one of the skins with unique effects
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 01, 2010, 03:27AM
cool!!! now i have a thunderbolts team with songbird Green goblin,penance and moonstone
don't forget about macgargan venom ;)
Amazing! Great work as useal (again XD)
Great Job Mr. Law!!!
damn you mr law! i was in the middle of an all x-men run of the game and now you torment (yes pun intended) me with this!
but seriously it looks f***ing awesome and i can't wait to play him.
Quote from: ds22489 on July 01, 2010, 04:13AM
Great! Mr. Law^^, can we release it with all credits on our Russian site?
With all credits, yes. Keep in mind that I may release updates. Oh and inform me with the link to your site ^^.
Thank you very much ^^
I'll defintally try Penance!
I don't know if I posted before, but Penance is fantastic!!
Mr. Law, as always, you did some excellent work. Penance is a fun character to play with. And kudos to Dihan for the Speedball effects. Now, if only the Nova mod hadn't died and someone could put together a Namorita and/or Night Thrasher mod...
Beautiful job on these conversions.
Since I got MUA to run on my rig yesterday I have been installing mods like crazy. I ran into a problem with Jean earlier...she was not showing up with any powers or abilities or a hud, but I think that is in my editing of either the herostat or not getting the files stored correctly in the directories.
I just re-copied the files into the directories now...so I'm gonna check it out real quick after a quick check of the herostat.cfg file as well
EDIT: Nope....Jean has no Hud showing, and no powers or abilities to choose. Not sure what I did wrong there.
Jean Grey has been made by Marvelfan12345. You have to go to your packages folder. There are packages of Jean. You need to replace them in the "packages/generated/characters". So it must help you.
Quote from: ds22489 on July 09, 2010, 11:09PM
Jean Grey has been made by Marvelfan12345. You have to go to your packages folder. There are packages of Jean. You need to replace them in the "packages/generated/characters". So it must help you.
Thank you.
Is the link to the Green Goblin download broken? Because for me the download isn't appearing, it's saying that the file doesn't exist. Anyone else getting this? Thanks
No... It works.
Are you using the link the Character Mod Catalogue? Or the one from this topic?
Both work.
Awesome, Dude!!! but one quick question why do your game quality looks better, like an Xbox 360 while my mines look like an ps2 verison..... sorry if this is off topic
it could be your resolution is down. of course if you turn it up sometimes it makes it so you can't turn on advanced lighting if you don't have a powerful enough comp.
Hey Blaw, if you still unique sounds for Ben Reilly you could try using Raiden's voice from MGS4, since Spider-Man and Raiden are both voiced by Quinton Flynn.
Hmm. Good call. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try it out.
Blaw, im eating my words, sorry for the late reaction but i was to busy playing :P
Penance rocks, his X-treme rocks everything rocks! Someone really should be amming for a couple a good ol new warriors around here
Make sure u don't choke on them! :P Thanks!
3 things about Penance:
-He looks great!
-His herostat says "autospend = balance". Is that ok? I thought the only options were support, support_heavy, bruiser and bruiser_light.
-Do I have your permission to mess around with him? I want to try giving him 2 passives, one that gives him energy back whenever he got hit (like the item Armor of Galactus) and another that makes him stronger if his health is below 30% (like in MUA2 PS2).
EDIT: One more small thing. His sounds are in the wrong folder (they're on sounds/eng/e, not on sounds/eng/p/e where they're supposed to).
1. thanks
2. gotta change it soon, thanks
3. sure ^^
4. thanks for the heads up. Never knew XD Must've passed the P when I was making folders in winrar.
Okay first off, all of your mods are fantastic! Secondly, I have a bit of an issue concerning Sandman, every time I let off of the block button, or perform a dodge roll with him, I get a sort of white ice shattering effect...is this normal, or is something conflicting with the files in this mod?
Its normal, its an effect on Iceman, where the Sandman mod is a bit based off
Affirmative, how would I go about getting rid of this small effect? I'm sure I could do it if someone posts some simple directions.
It's a leftover of the block effect I wanted to add. (sand can turn into glass, so glass could shatter)
Sorry for late reply
Anyone know where i can get the newest verison of firestar?i got 1.0 but ive been told there have been more updates to it
O yeah I removed the links back then for certain reasons, I'll reupload it soon.
hey so i was using scarlet spider and i encountered some problems. the 2nd, 4th and 6th powers aren't working for me (i'm playing on hard mode, not sure if that means anything) and he doesn't build momentum.
I know no one has posted in this topic in almost a month but i'd just like to know if there's any new "news" about the Firestar mod (has anyone continued to work on her loadscreen and voice files)?
Loadscreen is done by shafcrawler, I have it somewhere. Voice files: I have been working on that. That's the last thing I know.
@ deedooo: sure you installed everything right? What about a normal mode game? Same problems?
O and FYI:
no need to PM me for passwords and whatnot, I removed them all from my links some time ago. Just download whatever you need and have fun! Do mind the rules in the first post.
Ok... good to know. Thanks for the info on Angelica's progress Mr. Law.
:warmachine: Great MODs... Especially Penance... I really like it...
I LOVE these mods!
Thanks for the comments! Hope to release more in the near future :) *hint*
Hey, Mr. Law, is there any chance you'll re-upload Firestar? I'd love to try her out :D
Is the link broken? If so then ofcourse!
Before the link wasn't working, but now it does and when I click to download, it says
"Access to the webpage was denied
You are not authorized to access the webpage at http://download555.mediafire.com/8tjflf059t2g/j1k2mwqnzju/MUA_Firestar_Mod1.0_BLaw.rar. You may need to sign in.
HTTP Error 403 (Forbidden): The server refused to fulfill the request."
Error downloading file too.
It was removed.
Reuploaded, now downloadable here:
Thanks, Mr. Law :D She truly is amazing!
:docock: Doctor Octopus :docock:
Been a while eh? I know...
This is version 1.0 of the Doctor Octopus mod. It features:
- 4 customized models;
- 4 unique huds;
- 1 customized mannequin;
- Unique iconset;
- Own powerset.
It does not yet include:
- Own sounds;
- Own Loadingscreen.
It's a very complex character. Due to limitations in the game it's not possible to make him walk on tentacles and LOOK GOOD. Don't bother asking about it.
Please report any bugs you find. Non-tentacle related.
DOWNLOAD version 1.0 HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/?my6oep176jy1jyi)
(http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/507/naamloos1ox.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/naamloos1ox.jpg/) (http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6476/naamloos1o.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/194/naamloos1o.jpg/)
(http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/8883/naamloos1p.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/naamloos1p.jpg/) (http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/4326/naamloos1sw.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/819/naamloos1sw.jpg/)
Screenshots of the offensive powers can be found here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2428.msg126108.html#msg126108)
cool. i can't wait to try it!
C'est Magnifique! i can't wait to try it out!
Awesome --- you've released him! I'm downloading him now.
Wanna contact me? Fine, here's my card:
(http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8742/naamloos1dy.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/naamloos1dy.jpg/)
Oh god I'm such a tease XD
Tested and approved. So far no bugs. great job :thumbsup:.
Wow!!! It's so incredible!!! Great work! :bowdown: :eek:
Can't wait to try this one out. I've been curious to see how he moves :).
*looks up* Thank you God :D
Finally Blaw, amazingly thanks for him :D
Very good indeed, it was amazing!
great doc ock :docock: mod,well done
problem with green goblin's :greengoblin: xtreme may be caused because it does not have fx01,fx02,fx03,fx04 bolton points in the mesh.
Thats right. It doesnt. He will get an update when i finish the joker. Known or not, thanks for the feedback
X_X Crap. I'm late for a Doc Ock gameplay, well i hope it will be a fun play on him.
BLaw, I think it's time we ask: Are you Stan Lee undercover?
I'm 24. No thanks xD
that's what you SAY, but are you really 24...
:greengoblin: The Joker :greengoblin:
MarvelMod's first DC mod released. And the funniest one too!
This mod features
- 4 unique models;
- 4 unique huds;
- 1 unique mannequin;
- 1 unique loadingscreen;
- unique sounds;
- a unique weapon for one of his powers;
- unique powerset with 7 powers in total;
- a bonus skin.
Method to install can be found all around the forum.
To use the bonus skin, edit the herostat and change any of the skins you don't like (2802, 2803, 2804 or 2805) with the bonus skin (2806). And make a separate package for it =]
Another method is to rename any of the used skins to 280x_reserve.igb and rename the bonus skin to 280x.igb (x being the number of the skin). Same goes for the hud.
Feedback is always welcome. This mod WILL RECEIVE updates in the future. So be on the lookout for someone who will reinforce the Joker: Harley Quinn =].
His callouts and menu breaks will be included in the next X_Voice update by Fox456.
For credits, view the .RAR file commentary.
From left to right: Modern, Classic, Movie (tribute to Heath Ledger) and Humane.
(http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/1783/naamloos1k.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/naamloos1k.jpg/) (http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/1912/naamloos1kv.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/naamloos1kv.jpg/) (http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2198/naamloos1ee.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/560/naamloos1ee.jpg/)
The fourth model has been replaced in version 1.1. Make sure you still download this version first!
Get the update to version 1.1 here! (http://www.mediafire.com/?oi3z308qsadot9k)
(http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9113/naamloos1b.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?bewfl91n1p80fy8)
BliZz for the Gambit conversion (effects and eventual conversion codes from XML2).
The creators of MUA and MUA2 (Green Goblin's effects)
Everyone who gave me ideas
You for downloading
Me for about everything else.
Yay! Thanks so much Blaw! First non marvel mod release! He looks great! I cant wait to add him in!
Edit: Im making a Non Marvel Character Mod Catalog, and I was wondering if I could put him in?
look out marvel heroes there is a new villain in town.ha! ha! huh!.
Well he does have that sound hehe.
Wow, Joker looks Aswome! I can't wait to try him!
Looks outstanding!!!! Waiting for the xml2 version :)
Wow that was fast he looks great :applause:
Amazing, simply amazing. I'm downloading him now so I can try him out tomorrow :D
Fantastic! I'm glad you figured out the problem with the sounds. I look forward to adding him to the game! Thank you.
Simply fantastic, i cannot wait to try Batman mod... :thumbsup2:
that makes two of your mods i have to try out ^-^ it looks great. i'm still curious what kind of terrible thing you added as the bonus skin
He looks incredible amigo!!
Thank you so much for this one ;)
Congrats on the mod BLaw and being the first to release a DC mod.
Thanks for the Joker<3
Oh goodie. Our favorite trollker (Troll+Joker) is here.
Very good. Thank you so much for that Blaw
Thank you again Joker is a killer bro. I gotta know is one of the sounds Nelson from The Simpsons? I heard it and damn near pissed my pants. :docock: :greengoblin:
Hahaha yes!! I figured it's perfect for the Joker teeth :X
Blaw, nice touch with the Nelson laugh on the Joker teeth. Very clever. Overall, fun mod to play with. Can't wait to see what you do with Batman!
:greengoblin: The Joker v1.1 Update :greengoblin:
Changelog- Changed the name "Sandman" to "Joker" in the talentfile of the Contract: Goon talent.
- Smile of Agony is supposed to lower the damage done to the Joker. It does, but when the talent increases, he takes a bit more damage.
- Increased damage of Painful Laughter.
- Skin 4: Humane has been replaced with a modified model: Two-Face.
Please use the new provided Herostat coding for the new skin. You won't have to start a new game. Alternatively, just open the Herostat and replace Humane with Two-Face.
(http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/1562/naamloos1ym.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/naamloos1ym.jpg/)
(http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9113/naamloos1b.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?jmhxuwjqv6bces8)
I guess it's not a Dark Knight Film's 2-Face after all. :scared: It's kinda creepy back there
Finally got to try out Joker today :D Awesome work! I loved it. Everything fit him to the "T".
Love this look! Fantastic job.
Edit: now that that spammer is gone, I'll edit my post so it doesn't look like I'm being an ahole to Blaw :-D
The Joker mod is a lot of fun to use. Thanks a lot for it ;-)
Those are cool mods BLaw... Great work
Quote from: bobbyraw on August 14, 2011, 02:15AM
Edit: now that that spammer is gone, I'll edit my post so it doesn't look like I'm being an ahole to Blaw :-D
The Joker mod is a lot of fun to use. Thanks a lot for it ;-)
Oh u ahole!!!! :P Kidding, thanks for the nice comment and hope you enjoy it.
Quote from: JamesRockFan on August 17, 2011, 11:55PM
Those are cool mods BLaw... Great work
Same goes for you ^^
when i unpacked the daken mod error messages popped up saying some of the archive files were corrupt and couldn't be extracted, does the mod need to be reuploaded or was my comp just being dumb?
Have to be reuploaded I guess. I'll do so soon
thanks blaw :)
Quote from: BLaw on January 23, 2010, 01:52PM
(http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9189/marvel0033.th.png) (http://img199.imageshack.us/i/marvel0033.png/)(http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4525/marvel0032.th.png) (http://img10.imageshack.us/i/marvel0032.png/)
- 4 unique models and huds
- Own iconset
- Own powerset
- Self-healing abilities
- Stealth brawler
- Daken's Bone & Marumasa claws
- Own mannequin (Backrow Character)
Future Update features
- own soundset
- Shaf's loadingscreen
- New model(s)
- Powerset update
Known Bugs
None yet. Feedback welcome.
The mod doesn't feel *right* to me, but I hope it's enjoyable to everyone else. He's the Wolverine without a rage meter, which means you take full control over his powers. Hack & slash away everyone!
DOWNLOAD IT FROM MEDIAFIRE. PASSWORD PROTECTED (http://www.mediafire.com/?ftztzljezug)
not trying to be rude or anything but i read that daken has no soundset, why not use sunfire for voice and sabretooth for other sounds? #just saying
hi Ive been using ur firestar mod but ive noticed her fire pop ability (power number 2) wont go off for me she just punches... any help?
otherwise great character though keep up the awesome work
Still can't understand, why i can't use him in game, i dunno why i can't install new chars
Quote from: Redman23 on July 25, 2012, 01:43PM
Still can't understand, why i can't use him in game, i dunno why i can't install new chars
installing new characters isn't too hard pm me an i can go over it with u if u like
great jop :)
So I'm trying to add all my favorite characters into 1 big loadout.
I've got Official Chars 1.2 on, Toxin, a buggy nightcrawler, UlTiMaTeVeNoM's Venom mod (I prefer the skins :3)
XML2 Toad mod, and finally, Scarlet Spider.
I have discovered a problem with SS.
It appears he loses health at random (causing death) and is a single hit kill.
Is it possible to fix it?
Maybe the mods stated above just don't work together.
So if you're planning to use some of these together, beware.
hey can u reupload the ultimate goblin character? i found my Ultimate comic sagain and now i wanna play as a very,very savage green goblin. :D
I will whenever I have time enough. Gotta find it on my drive first.
thanks man
The Ultimate Green Goblin links are broken.
I've seen you've been busy :) Awesome job man ;)
Quote from: DeeDooo on December 26, 2010, 07:40PM
hey so i was using scarlet spider and i encountered some problems. the 2nd, 4th and 6th powers aren't working for me (i'm playing on hard mode, not sure if that means anything) and he doesn't build momentum.
Blaw, I just recently downloaded Scarlet Spider and I'm having the same problem as some of his moves don't work at all. Also, none of his passives work... or maybe they do, but the value is 0. If you look at his costumes, and look at the description of each passive, they say something like "+0% Melee Damage," or "-100% Web Damage." All of them say +0 or -100.
Quote from: Outsider on March 19, 2013, 07:43PM
Blaw, I just recently downloaded Scarlet Spider and I'm having the same problem as some of his moves don't work at all. Also, none of his passives work... or maybe they do, but the value is 0. If you look at his costumes, and look at the description of each passive, they say something like "+0% Melee Damage," or "-100% Web Damage." All of them say +0 or -100.
I just had to reinstall a lot of stuff after a change over. I have this same problem too. So your not alone. Some of the powers don't work. Everything else seems in order though.
BLaw, you know the wings animation you contributed to Scabbia's Wasp mod, and the Giant Man mannequin & loadscreen you contributed to Scabbia's Giant Man mod? I'm (kinda) creating a Hank Pym mod, and I'd like to get the OK from you to use them. (Credit will be given, of course.) Let me know as soon as you can.
go ahead.
Quote from: Outsider on March 19, 2013, 07:43PM
Blaw, I just recently downloaded Scarlet Spider and I'm having the same problem as some of his moves don't work at all. Also, none of his passives work... or maybe they do, but the value is 0. If you look at his costumes, and look at the description of each passive, they say something like "+0% Melee Damage," or "-100% Web Damage." All of them say +0 or -100.
So much has changed since I wrote that post... I can fix him, BLaw. I'd like to get the green light from you to do a Scarlet Spider booster that will get the moves and passives to work, and I'll add a loading screen for him as well. Also, could you evaluate to see if I'm in the running for "Marvel Modder" status? I'm looking at that as like an X-Box 360 achievement, but I'm not sure what the requirements are. Thanks in advance.
Man you have Very Awsome mods but Green Goblin HEP bomb does very low damage unlike description say also why does it have 0 chance of KO ?
@ Marvintage why have you blocked my personal messages, you...?
Quote from: Dark_Ansem on July 14, 2013, 01:52AM
@ Marvintage why have you blocked my personal messages, you...?
He has blocked messages from all users, not just you.
ah ok then :P
Link for Forge mod not working please post Forge mod and please update forge mod Thank you
It works fine, look in his modding empire, not this thread