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Off-Topic => Talk about anything => Topic started by: jonchang on November 04, 2008, 07:41PM

Title: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: jonchang on November 04, 2008, 07:41PM
Barack Obama vs. John McCain

10: 41 pm EST:

Obama 194
McCain 69

Live updates.

Go Obama!
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: jonchang on November 04, 2008, 09:56PM

Obama wins! First African-American president!

338- Obama
155- McCain
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Teancum on November 05, 2008, 04:12AM
I didn't have a favorite this time around, but I'll say one thing:  They need to ditch the electoral college.  We have the technology to go by the popular vote now, and it would have been a much closer race if we had gone by that.  It was only a 5% difference in the popular vote, versus Obama more than doubling McCain's electoral votes.

Still, like I said I don't have a favorite.  I'm just glad all the election advertisements are over.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Dihan on November 05, 2008, 06:13AM
All the Americans in the UK went to their nearest American Embassy and voted.

I personally wanted Obama to win, the world needs a change from the Bush Regime
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Power Cosmic on November 05, 2008, 06:49AM
Wow, Obama's my favorite too. Thank goodness his won.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: jonchang on November 05, 2008, 07:02AM
Thank goodness Florida didn't go for another 8 useless years of the Bush-McCain policies.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: scifiguy on November 05, 2008, 07:42AM
I'll second that notion and also throw in a "thank goodness" that Sarah Palin can now disappear back into the wild of Alaska.  Maybe she can get a handle on the theory of evolution.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 05, 2008, 10:27AM
I don't care about them, just that Mrs. Clinton goes to hell, because she hates video games and she thinks, that "every crime is happened, because video games"!
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: thesharki on November 05, 2008, 01:00PM
Go Obama!!
And I will agree with juggy.  Down with Mrs. Clinton :p
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 06, 2008, 06:23AM
Yeah! Marvel Power, or a funnier one, MARVEL FOR PRESIDENT!!!! FREE MARVEL COMICS FOR EVERYBODY!!!!! :D :D
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 06, 2008, 07:30AM
I'd go for that! Specially Spidey and X-Men! Go Marvel Go!
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 06, 2008, 07:47AM
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Sasquatch on November 06, 2008, 09:09AM
I don't like to speak about politic of other countries because I don't live their and I don't know the true reality of them but for me Obama look like Lula, Brazilian President, a man who spoke what people want to hear and always talked about changes but when He finally gets the power he only continues what the other politicians did (just rob a "Bit" more) and claim all the good things that were did by the others for him and the dummy and poor mass people keep believing in everything he spoke.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 06, 2008, 09:40AM
You said it all, Sasquatch! At least we can still hope he won't do what Lula did in Brazil!
Let's just seat back and see what he can do, will do or can't, won't do!
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Nowhere Man on February 09, 2009, 04:40AM
I'm Brazilian too and don't get me started on Lula, the guy takes pride on being ignorant. It's ok not to get an education if you have to work from an early age to support your family. But he had every opportunity to finish school, go to college or learn a second language. It's embarassing to have a president that needs a translator to talk to pretty much every other head of state in the world. The thing is he uses his ignorance to make the ignorant majority of people empathise with him.

In the case of the US I think they're putting all their hopes and dreams on Obama's shoulders, definitly setting themselves up for disappointment. Even so he has a great chance of becoming immensily popular...Bush is a VERY easy act to follow.
Title: Re: US Presidential Election 2008
Post by: Teancum on February 09, 2009, 05:34AM
Please don't bump old topics.