Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: shadowslacks on August 13, 2009, 02:46AM

Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: shadowslacks on August 13, 2009, 02:46AM
A LITTLE INTRODUCTION: What's up shadowslacks here!  I only do boosters for XML2, and I do not have a lot of modding experience. I however have stopped making mods so read my<a href=",3593.msg96842.html#msg96842"> ANNOUNCEMENT HERE</a>.


GAMBIT BOOSTER (two versions below):   :gambit: :gambit: :gambit: :gambit: :gambit: :gambit:
Download herostat entry for both boosters:<a href="">  CLICK HERE</a>
(note you must download his herostat above for charged throw and royal flash to work accordingly)
<a href="">DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>
CLICK ME FOR PICS and DETAILS (,3593.msg93756.html#msg93756)
Update Released: 6/27/10

<a href="">DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>
CLICK ME FOR PICS and DETAILS (,3593.msg93705.html#msg93705)
Released: 6/26/10

Credit: Deedoo for lending me some of the explosion effects from MUA1
Note: im keeping the beta version incase if some of you would prefer the old effects
SURGE BOOSTER::surge: :surge: :surge: :surge:
<a href="">>DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>
CLICK ME FOR PICS and DETAILS (,3593.msg92718.html#msg92718)
Released: 6/20/10
Updated: 6/21/10
Credits: ThePhoenix for converting Surge to XML2 PC.

JEAN GREY BOOSTER WITH PURE TK SKILLS:  :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix:

CLICK ME FOR PICS and DETAILS (,3593.msg90633.html#msg90633)
Released: 1/6/10
Updated: 4/5/13

I am keeping the link for the previous version, the one with Tk TRIP incase some of you prefers that skill.
<a href="">>DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>

Credits: A modified version of ThePhoenix's Jean Grey booster; Shadow for emma forst's effect; nodoubt jr for cannonball's effect; Matt710's Jean grey Booster
note: you will need matt's booster if you encounter a problem of her from the ashes xtreme. simply follow the "click me for pics and details" link above and check the bottom part.
STORM's BOOSTER:  :storm: :storm: :storm: :storm: :storm: :storm: :storm:
<a href="">>DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>
The link above contains two booster versions.
CLICK ME FOR PICS and DETAILS (,3593.msg90482.html#msg90482)
<a href="">CLICK ME FOR THE VIDEO PREVIEW</a> (blue version only)
Released: 5/23/10 (blue version); 2/6/10 (yellow version)
Updated: 5/26/10 (both versions)
JEAN GREY BOOSTER MIXED TK AND PHOENIX SKILLS: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix: :phoenix:
<a href="">>DOWNLOAD BOOSTER</a>
CLICK ME FOR Pics and DETAILS (,3593.msg90484.html#msg90484)
A modified version of ThePhoenix's Jean Grey booster
Released: 8/26/09
Updated: 6/6/10
Credits: A modified version of ThePhoenix's Jean Grey booster; Shadow for emma forst's effect; nodoubt jr for cannonball's effect and his conversion of human torch as i used one effect from him ; Matt710's Jean grey Booster

Title: Re: JEAN GREY BOOSTER [shaowslacks version]
Post by: touch_death on August 13, 2009, 06:03AM
Yey, the mod is wonderful.The effects words.
Title: Re: JEAN GREY BOOSTER [shaowslacks version]
Post by: shadowslacks on August 13, 2009, 08:08AM
hey thanks touch_death well, so much for my first attempt ^_^ has there been any problem when you tried it though so far?
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [shaowslacks version]
Post by: touch_death on August 13, 2009, 08:23AM
No problems :)
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [shaowslacks version]
Post by: shadowslacks on August 13, 2009, 08:30AM
glad 2 know :)
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: ariesxj on August 19, 2009, 09:23PM
oh WOW!

i'm having graphics problems with

telepathic illusion
phoenix combustion (white yellow and pink squares)
psychic wave

"what to dooo...what to dooo" :o/
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: shadowslacks on August 20, 2009, 05:29AM
Quote from: ariesx41483 on August 19, 2009, 09:23PM
oh WOW!

i'm having graphics problems with

telepathic illusion
phoenix combustion (white yellow and pink squares)
psychic wave

"what to dooo...what to dooo" :o/

it may be your graphics card? although im not entirely sure. pls refer to this thread and ask for help maybe nodoubt_jr will be able to help u :)
OR NEVERMIND PHOENIX HAS ANSWERED UR PROBLEM. suppose a re-installation of the game might help?
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: ThePhoenix on August 20, 2009, 05:33AM
Pink and yellow squares come out if you are missing a texture. Have you deleted anything from you Texture folder?
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: nodoubt_jr on August 20, 2009, 01:03PM
The texture used in the new effects, especially the new fire effects, uses a texture from MUA. If you dont have it already in your game than you need to find it and add it. Look here matt710 uploaded some of the MUA textures here download and install.
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: ariesxj on August 21, 2009, 08:46PM
thanks you guys i got the textures :o) but telepathic illusion doesn't have the "being attacked by little phoenix forces" effect.
(oh my god i love mental guardian so much now lol)
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: shadowslacks on August 22, 2009, 12:06AM
true that "being attacked by little phoenix forces" isn't there anymore. i decided to remove it and changed to aura to a little blue circle that rotates on their head. figured its a mental attack and would look better if its emphasis is on the head and not some phoenix wings attacking the enemy lol BUT you can always try to tweak it and change the effect :) thanks though and true mental guadrian is indubitably a killer
Title: Re: JEAN GREY SKILL BOOSTER [update! shadowslacks version]
Post by: shadowslacks on August 23, 2009, 04:38AM
skill update here folks
Post by: shadowslacks on August 25, 2009, 09:22PM
ive also updated the TK blast skill i think it looks better now
( (
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and the mental guardian too as well as mental spikes

re uploaded the boosters too links at the very top
Post by: ariesxj on August 30, 2009, 10:07PM
shadow i got your message...
oh. my. GOD!!!!!! :oD now THAT is a jean grey character.
Post by: shadowslacks on September 01, 2009, 06:40AM
lol, thanks m8
Post by: sesaru1984 on September 03, 2009, 06:09AM
Great mod, great effects...
Post by: noxnyc on September 08, 2009, 11:31AM
shadow, why did you decide for blue over pink for the psychic attacks?
Post by: marvelfan12345 on September 08, 2009, 01:05PM
He wanted her to look like the Jean from original X-Men.
Post by: Jeanfan321 on December 27, 2009, 01:53AM
um i recently went and bought xml2 for pc cuze of your wonderfull beatiful booster!! GOOd job on it.But i wanted to know if you can reupload the regular Psychic Wave the one that looks like fire and also are you gonna make more boosters for Jean cause this is just beautiful art i also now feel better about using matt170 tas skin for her
Post by: shadowslacks on January 05, 2010, 07:32PM
Quote from: Stormfan321 on December 27, 2009, 01:53AM
um i recently went and bought xml2 for pc cuze of your wonderfull beatiful booster!! GOOd job on it.But i wanted to know if you can reupload the regular Psychic Wave the one that looks like fire and also are you gonna make more boosters for Jean cause this is just beautiful art i also now feel better about using matt170 tas skin for her

if you want to have the psychic wave with the fire effect, then im afraid i dont have the file for the fire psychic wave anymore
and i havnt been playing xml2 since october but I am planning on finishing what I started for this. Just probably until i am done working on my sorceress and necromancer on diablo 2 median xl mod :) thanks by the way. i appreciate that
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 22, 2010, 07:48PM
storm's booster can be found ont he first page. note: it doesnt have a sound yet and the icons need a wee bit of updating but other than that, i suppose the skills are working just well.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on January 22, 2010, 08:13PM
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on January 22, 2010, 09:35PM
Storm looks really nice!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: whiteking on January 22, 2010, 11:48PM
Great I'm going to try this now. Thanks :)
Check your mods in progress topic, I posted some info that helps you with the missing sounds.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 23, 2010, 11:57PM
thanks everyone! and ive noticed that when you max the slots for chain lightning, storm is unable to hit any enemy. ill work through that bug soon. so for now, try not to max chain lightning. i reckon leaving two or three spaces free before reaching max
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 24, 2010, 03:17AM
okay folks try this out! i think i've fixed the chain lightning problem AND i've finally added sounds thanks to WHITEKING for this!
here ya go
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: sesaru1984 on January 25, 2010, 12:07PM
wao, the storm booster is awesome, i love it...great job
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: HikaruJuno on January 26, 2010, 06:28PM
Storm booster is nice! I did a little change for personal preferences in terms of giving her Lightning Bolts power the same sound as her Lightning Strike only because the sounds didn't really synch with me.

Other than that, well done good sir!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 27, 2010, 07:18PM
thanks  folks! @HikaruJuno i thought it was in synch though but we all have our preferences.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: HikaruJuno on January 27, 2010, 07:34PM
Oh no, yours was fine! I just liked the crack of the impact originally in the game.

Don't let my comment take away from the mod. I am thoroughly enjoying Storm now as I speak!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: whiteking on January 27, 2010, 08:38PM
Ok I finally had the chance to try this and I have to say that you did a great job, So far my favorite power is Wind Blast, she really needed that power.
Another power that I liked was "Lighting bolts", pretty cool. Hipotermia is also another favorite of mine.
As HikaruJuno I will make some changes in order to satisfy my personal (and I repeat my personal ^^) preferences, but in general this booster is a cool adition to her.
Well done :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 28, 2010, 05:51AM
@hikarujuno its cool man. :) @whiteking thanks again u helped me with the sound thing & i do like wind blast a lot, too and the effects for catastrophy is my most fave. i think it represents all of storms powers as one.

and yall can keep tweaking the mod as long as much as you like. i dont mind really :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: rainw7 on January 28, 2010, 04:17PM
cool mods. but I have a problem on storm. on lightning bolts, I can't see the lightnings, but the damage on enemy is done. what is the problem? as well, sometimes the hypothermia chaos move can be done, but I can't see that ice mist effect every time I do....
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 28, 2010, 07:38PM
@rainw7 all i know is that the lightning effect on the lightning bolts only appear when there is a target or an enemy. for the hypothermia chaos, im not quite sure. maybe asking no_doubt or any other modders will aid you.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: rainw7 on January 29, 2010, 09:30AM
I reinstalled the game and now it works fine. thanks anyway
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on January 30, 2010, 08:15AM
oh and ShadowSlacks do you think you can make a jean grey mod with the powers she had in Mua2 for the ps3 and Xbox360 if u need a link to the powers ask me oh and if you want too could you also make that her first class suit thanks
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 30, 2010, 08:44PM
@Stormfan321 lol as far as im concerned though, my storm and jean grey projects are done for good but i might change my mind, who knows? as of this moment, im starting to reconsider on improving pyro. But uhh thanks i guess? Im just not that good yet with modding.

edit. for ps3/xbox? I dont think you can create a mod for those consoles mate unless you're really good.

For what its worth, i think i stated in my main page to post requests/suggestions/bugs here
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 31, 2010, 04:53AM
storm booster 1.2 (latest)
changed the effects for electrocute, changed some sound effects and now catastrophe is correctly spelled.


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Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: rainw7 on January 31, 2010, 07:26AM
so cool, thanks
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: whiteking on January 31, 2010, 08:10AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on January 31, 2010, 04:53AM
storm booster 1.2 (latest)
changed the effects for electrocute, changed some sound effects and now catastrophe is correctly spelled.


( (

The effect looks better. Downloading right now!
Great job!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: HikaruJuno on January 31, 2010, 11:11PM
Getting the pink and yellow blocks with the new Electrocute power. Anybody else having this issue?

Might be missing a texture somewhere in the download.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 01, 2010, 04:55AM
Quote from: HikaruJuno on January 31, 2010, 11:11PM
Getting the pink and yellow blocks with the new Electrocute power. Anybody else having this issue?

Might be missing a texture somewhere in the download.

you're definitely missing a texture. Here you go
thats the link nodoubt gave one of the users who had the same problems as yours with my jean grey booster.
im guessing it'll solve it.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 01, 2010, 04:57AM
@whiteking thanks man. Im having issues with the green colour on the lightning for electrocute. Noticed that annoying little green thing? I changed the midcolor, startcolor and endcolor already to a uniform yellow but meeh it stays the same. Its nothing major, its just annoying me lol
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: HikaruJuno on February 01, 2010, 10:11AM
Beautiful. Electrocute looks great. Thanks for that link. I thought I had all the Textures.

Excellent work, ShadowSlacks. Enjoying the Storm booster.

EDIT: The greenish tint gives it some originality. Shows the difference from Chain Lighting. Keep up the great work.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 02, 2010, 08:04AM
@HikaruJuno thanks! well you are right about the electrocute effect though
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on February 05, 2010, 09:07PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on January 30, 2010, 08:44PM
@Stormfan321 lol as far as im concerned though, my storm and jean grey projects are done for good but i might change my mind, who knows? as of this moment, im starting to reconsider on improving pyro. But uhh thanks i guess? Im just not that good yet with modding.

edit. for ps3/xbox? I dont think you can create a mod for those consoles mate unless you're really good.

For what its worth, i think i stated in my main page to post requests/suggestions/bugs here
no im saying if you can make a jean grey booster with powers she had from mua2 for ps3 like telekinetic grip or do you get what im saying?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 05, 2010, 10:19PM
yea got it, well i cant really promise. pretty much jean grey is boosted enough. but if someone else is willing then its your lucky moment. lol if you do have a suggestion or request next time just post it
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 06, 2010, 12:29AM
hey storm fan check out yhe update for storm. i will be releasing it soon
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM and JEAN GREY BOOSTER RELEASED)
Post by: shadowslacks on February 06, 2010, 08:45PM
I will be busy for the next few days or weeks so here it goes
Storms Booster 1.3 --->
jean grey's booster 1.3 tk ver ---->

Jean grey's tk lift has a different charge effect.
Storms booster has a new effect for wind blast, a new skill with new effect hypothermic sleet (replacement for hypothermia chaos) and better effect for catastrophe.

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( (

pls report any bugs on my page @ the modding discussion
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.3 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: whiteking on February 08, 2010, 08:42PM
Tried the latest version of the Storm's booster, the effects looks much better in my opinion. Great job :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Storm update 2/14 and jean grey 2/10
Post by: shadowslacks on February 13, 2010, 07:29PM
storm booster 1.4 FINAL

after a thorough trial and error with the ps codes, ive been able to do do the following
fixes and updates: Catastrophe can now FREEZE enemies.   hypothermic sleet now has a time limit with regards to the slowing period of the enemies and both affecters are auto removed on death.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: rainw7 on March 12, 2010, 05:56AM
can you give her phoenix force back? on phoenix booster
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 13, 2010, 08:44PM
@rainw7 sure i can but i cant promise if i can post it any sooner. :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 13, 2010, 09:09PM
just a teeny weeny update. storm's booster 1.5
went on to try storm's black phoenix and i was impressed so i decided to
just release this small update which i did quite sometime ago.
changed her elctrocute into something more realistic and remodified the sound effects
and a new skin for the freeze effect of catastrophe
( (
( (

dload link:
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on March 13, 2010, 09:17PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on March 13, 2010, 09:09PM
just a teeny weeny update. storm's booster 1.5
went on to try storm's black phoenix and i was impressed so i decided to
just release this small update which i did quite sometime ago.
changed her elctrocute into something more realistic and remodified the sound effects
( (

dload link:
i love this effect!!! u should show me how 2 create them so i can make full mods
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 14, 2010, 03:39AM
@jeanfan321 thanks! that would be possible but would require a lot of time. took me months to figure the codes alone. my suggestion would be to keenly read the tutorials for modding. im guessing you know where to find them.
and then, try to search the tutorial for understanding POWERSTYLES AND TALENT CODES. They're actually pretty easy to understand. The rough part is when you're actually re-modifying the codes cos it requires a lot of trial and error.0
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: rainw7 on March 14, 2010, 08:59AM
I love your booster for storm. is so realistic
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: mj fan on March 26, 2010, 06:10AM
shadowslacks , you are the best !!!!
jean and storm look like just incredibe :popcorn:
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 26, 2010, 09:06PM
Quote from: mj fan on March 26, 2010, 06:10AM
shadowslacks , you are the best !!!!
jean and storm look like just incredibe :popcorn:

hey thanks! glad to know someone loves my works!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 31, 2010, 08:34PM
1.5/1.6 is the final version (i would like to just point that out)
the correct link is (i already edited my main page so if you dloaded using the link form the main page before, then you have the final booster. the key to know is if your catastrophe skill has the ice skin where it literally coats the enemies with ice when frozen) sorry for the confusion.
happy easter!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: Rain on April 22, 2010, 06:25AM
can you please remove the flight pink effect and the telekinesis effect to be like invisible woman's effect (not pink). please, do this on tk jean grey booster. the last thing. please
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: FrostBite on April 30, 2010, 08:36AM
Good job!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on April 30, 2010, 09:58AM
@rainw7 i no longer posses the programs and the files for these mods, im sorry man. also, ive uninstalled the game just last week.

@frostbite why, thank you! have fun trying the rest around here! :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 20, 2010, 12:57AM
I just finished my maths exams today and im totally free from school (for now)! Well, I havnt been playing MUA lately and I currently like (JUST NOW) re-installed XML2. Apparently, it's hard staying away from it and I miss it! Im currently trying to "recover my old files" and im getting myself acquainted with the changes and new stuff around! I am delighted to see the X-MEN EVOLUTION STORM COSTUME!
Anyway i wont promise any new mods, I'm honestly not in a modding mood right now, but if i do fancy modding, ill let you all know!
Glad to be back officially!

Right now, im just cleaning my section as it really does look messy!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: Rain on May 20, 2010, 05:42AM
so glad to hear that. I love your job ;)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 20, 2010, 06:04AM
Quote from: rainw7 on May 20, 2010, 05:42AM
so glad to hear that. I love your job ;)

hey, thank you! :D:D
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: nodoubt_jr on May 20, 2010, 07:00PM
Good to see you back and i hope you give us some new good stuff :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (STORM 1.4 2/14 and JEAN GREY BOOSTER 1.3 NEW 2/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 20, 2010, 11:09PM
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on May 20, 2010, 07:00PM
Good to see you back and i hope you give us some new good stuff :)
right now im just updating storm (this will be the last update) as well as jean
and then ill proceed to Surge! that is if no one is doing surge :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 21, 2010, 04:52AM
LOVE THE NEW EFFECTS FOR STORM!!!!I guess its from evolution right I wanna add this to her bosster for MUA
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Rain on May 21, 2010, 05:01AM
love your storm booster. on your jean grey upgrade can you please replace that pink effect on telekinesis with something ales..more invisiblele; replace the from the ashes with something similar with invisible woman's extreme, and jean's second extreme to be like a psyhic-telekinetic minion..kinda magneto's... that should be great ;))
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 21, 2010, 05:13AM
Since that's a request that would get more attention in Shadowslacks modding workbench oh and shadowslacks remember how you said you wanted jean to have a power from X-men Evolution where she shoots out a telepathic minion well ask whiteking for help he has a power like that called astral shock based on wolverine and the x-men check his workbench in mua for all the powers
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: мaгvel wатcheг on May 21, 2010, 05:42AM
Glad too see you back too ^^ . About Surge, she was already made , take a look:,3018.msg52205.html#msg52205
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 21, 2010, 08:07AM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 21, 2010, 05:13AM
Since that's a request that would get more attention in Shadowslacks modding workbench oh and shadowslacks remember how you said you wanted jean to have a power from X-men Evolution where she shoots out a telepathic minion well ask whiteking for help he has a power like that called astral shock based on wolverine and the x-men check his workbench in mua for all the powers
hey thank you so much! i will look into that soon! :) and i got your message and also, no problem! go ahead and convert. by the way, it was inspired by x-men evolution and wolverine and the x-men because I was watching clips of storm from both shows last night
and suddenly got the urge to do an update. :D

Quote from: rainw7 on May 21, 2010, 05:01AM
love your storm booster. on your jean grey upgrade can you please replace that pink effect on telekinesis with something ales..more invisiblele; replace the from the ashes with something similar with invisible woman's extreme, and jean's second extreme to be like a psyhic-telekinetic minion..kinda magneto's... that should be great ;))
for jean grey's update, im actually looking forward into replacing her effects with the same "power effect" in x-men evolution which is the "invisible" or transparent colour effect. i am trying to work on it as a matter of fact, and have already asked for some textures, etc. however, i cannot promise anything but i really am eager to do it. note: PLEASE post on my section in the modding discussion part for requests like these. thank you
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 21, 2010, 08:08AM
Quote from: marvel watcher on May 21, 2010, 05:42AM
Glad too see you back too ^^ . About Surge, she was already made , take a look:,3018.msg52205.html#msg52205

Yeah i saw that before, but i was hoping to make a booster. I tried earlier but i got a little lost. right now, im still contemplating on whether to push through with my surge booster. thanks by the way :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 21, 2010, 08:52AM

bad news for those who want to have the astral projection skill of jean because I guess ill be releasing an update without it. this is mainly because meshes wont work with xml2. whiteking already responded. :)

good news: (still waiting for one) ive posted a request topic at the modding discussions section. please check it there as any of you out there reading this might have the texture that I need for jean's update.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 23, 2010, 08:17AM
im currently working on surge guys. here's the <a href=",3545.msg89875.html#msg89875">PREVIEW OF SURGE'S BOOSTER</a>  <<<--- click that
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Seth on May 25, 2010, 11:28AM
I love your new booster for Storm...She is incredible...I've played 2 acts only with her  :bowdown1: :bowdown1: :bowdown1:
and your Surge booster looks good  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: mj fan on May 25, 2010, 01:32PM
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on May 25, 2010, 02:00PM
Surge looks great! Wonderful job so far.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 25, 2010, 02:11PM
Yeah Surge is looking real good like i said dont no who she is but when you release it ima download it
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 25, 2010, 08:18PM
Quote from: Seth on May 25, 2010, 11:28AM
I love your new booster for Storm...She is incredible...I've played 2 acts only with her  :bowdown1: :bowdown1: :bowdown1:
and your Surge booster looks good  :thumbsup2:
hey glad to know! i usually get hyped playing with storm on ACT 4 NYC! haha it reminds me of the good old x-men scenes!

Quote from: mj fan on May 25, 2010, 01:32PM
both arent always in my team but for most times, i do include either one but not both.  :) nevertheless, both characters are great!

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 25, 2010, 02:00PM
Surge looks great! Wonderful job so far.
thank you mate! im still figuring stuff though so i cant really promise any release soon

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 25, 2010, 02:11PM
Yeah Surge is looking real good like i said dont no who she is but when you release it ima download it
she's an interesting character! google her lol

PS. while experimenting with surge, I used some of Storm's effects and just altered some things. Surprisingly, it made storm better but then I find it a hassle for everyone if i keep releasing a storm booster. Would u want me to release her? No need to start a new game; just install the folders in their proper places and yeah.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 25, 2010, 08:25PM
ok guys, so since ive gotten a few good reviews about storm's new booster, so i decided to release this. it's a little experiment i did, no need to start a new game. just extract them properly. if you want the modified effects of course, make sure to choose Storm (blue version)

of course this update is NOT necessary only a few changes but yeah, if you wanna see a little more then dload it.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 25, 2010, 10:22PM
cool ill try and download this if my computer lets me my internet is really ticking me off but once ive tried ill let you know what i think
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 25, 2010, 10:37PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 25, 2010, 10:22PM
cool ill try and download this if my computer lets me my internet is really ticking me off but once ive tried ill let you know what i think
it ticks me when my internet starts to act up! anyway its not really major, like a tiny weeny modification esp for catastrophe.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Rain on May 26, 2010, 01:49PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 25, 2010, 08:25PM
ok guys, so since ive gotten a few good reviews about storm's new booster, so i decided to release this. it's a little experiment i did, no need to start a new game. just extract them properly. if you want the modified effects of course, make sure to choose Storm (blue version)

of course this update is NOT necessary only a few changes but yeah, if you wanna see a little more then dload it.
wow, I like the change ;)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: scott summers on May 26, 2010, 03:04PM
All your boosters look awesome and storm blue effects in MUA look great too!!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 26, 2010, 10:05PM
Quote from: rainw7 on May 26, 2010, 01:49PM
wow, I like the change ;)
thank you!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 26, 2010, 10:06PM
Quote from: Jean_Scott_Summers on May 26, 2010, 03:04PM
All your boosters look awesome and storm blue effects in MUA look great too!!
are you talking about the original storm in MUA or my booster converted for MUA?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 26, 2010, 10:12PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 26, 2010, 10:06PM
are you talking about the original storm in MUA or my booster converted for MUA?
i think he probably just put the effects in in MUA but i already converted your Storm booster i just need to test and make sure theres no bugs and he's right the lightning blue effects look awesome in MUA :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 26, 2010, 11:22PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 26, 2010, 10:12PM
i think he probably just put the effects in in MUA but i already converted your Storm booster i just need to test and make sure theres no bugs and he's right the lightning blue effects look awesome in MUA :)
oh so have you worked on the catastrophe skill?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 26, 2010, 11:25PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 26, 2010, 11:22PM
oh so have you worked on the catastrophe skill?
yep she is a lot more fun now i renamed Wind Blast to gale force and i added a power called funnel cloud i thought it was cool all it it is is a tornado that comes underneath a villain and it pops them up
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 29, 2010, 08:42AM
Hey guys, here's a new preview for <a href=",3545.msg90380.html#msg90380"> JEAN GREY'S BOOSTER UPDATE </a>   <<<---- click that
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 29, 2010, 03:19PM
the effects are wicked!!! is this a update to the phoenix booster or pure telekinetic booster
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 29, 2010, 08:56PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 29, 2010, 03:19PM
the effects are wicked!!! is this a update to the phoenix booster or pure telekinetic booster
TK, i dont think ill be doing the phoenix. Im a fan of TK jean not the phoenix jean although it's what made jean more awesome.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 29, 2010, 09:27PM
yeah it does but Tk jean is cool and everyone is trying to make a phoenix booster but TK booster is cool which is why i asked to convert to MUA and i don't think anyone is has made something like this before :)

EDIT: also are you giving jean different powers? if so could you explain some or any names?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 29, 2010, 10:50PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 29, 2010, 09:27PM
yeah it does but Tk jean is cool and everyone is trying to make a phoenix booster but TK booster is cool which is why i asked to convert to MUA and i don't think anyone is has made something like this before :)

EDIT: also are you giving jean different powers? if so could you explain some or any names?
check this for further details,3545.msg90439.html#msg90439 and for the new powers, I do not know yet although I have thought of immobilze  and Telekinetic Swipe as her new skills but I do not know yet. I kind of figured out the codes for telekinetic swipe but I haven't decided fully. Please post further discussions on my modding corner.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 05:48AM
Storm (Blue lightning)

( (
( (

Storm (yellow lightning)
( (

Wind blast - Summons a massive, raging wind current that blows the target area.
Electrocute - Electricity shoots from her hand.
Hypothermal Sleet - Summons snow and alters the temperature of her environment to slow her enemies.
Catastrophe (best skill i'd say and this is not an xtreme) - A radial mix of Wind, Thunder and Ice Storm! Enemies will receive massive damage and will be frozen.
New chain lightning (blue version only)
Tropic Cyclone - Summons a max of 5 tornadoes.
Lightning Bolts - Strikes multiple enemies with lightning bolts.
New Whirlwind Armor (blue version only) - Surrounds herself with whirlwind for protection from attacks

Blue version is the latest version and contains most of the new modifications but if you prefer to stick to the old Storm, the yellow version is for you which still has some new skills, fortunately. :)

<a href="">VIDEO PREVIEW</a> (blue lightning only)

- Lightning Bolts will only show up when there is/are an enemy/enemies present, or at least, if you aim at a target. If there is not target nor an enemy, no bolt will show up. I tried fixing this issue, but I couldn't. So im guessing it'll remain that way. Anyway, it's a really minor bug and it wont affect your game at all.

- if you see PINK AND YELLOW SQUARES APPEARING, download the mua1 texture pack here,2124.0.html and extract or drag and drop after extraction to activision/textures

I have noticed that if you don't start a new game, some of the effects won't show up. I have a solution:
A: Quit the game, close it and start it again. Load your saved games, and it should be back to normal.
Again, this is another minor bug. There's like 1 in a thousand chance of anyone ever encountering this.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 05:51AM
( (
( (
( (

New Skills include:

Telekinetic Blast
Telekinetic Trip
Telekinetic Shield
Telepathic Illusion
Psychic Wave
Mental Darts
Telekinetic Lift
Mental Guardian (modified)

Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 05:55AM
( (

a few new/improved skills:
Psychic Spikes
Phoenix Rage (improved)
Mental Guardian (modified)
Psychic wave
Phoenix Insanity
Psychic Wave
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Seth on May 30, 2010, 05:59AM
I just love your Storm effects .... you really make her a goddess  :thumbsup2: ... She is my favorite  ;D :applause: :applause: :applause:
Jean's effects look good too...
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 06:13AM
Quote from: Seth on May 30, 2010, 05:59AM
I just love your Storm effects .... you really make her a goddess  :thumbsup2: ... She is my favorite  ;D :applause: :applause: :applause:
Jean's effects look good too...
Thank you, seth! About time someone unleashes her true potential in the game! LOL
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Seth on May 30, 2010, 07:23AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 06:13AM
About time someone unleashes her true potential in the game! LOL

Yeah!  ;D ...You don't know how happy I am to see someone that sees Storm this way  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 08:04AM
Quote from: Seth on May 30, 2010, 07:23AM
Yeah!  ;D ...You don't know how happy I am to see someone that sees Storm this way  :thumbsup2:
Yeah, she is awesome!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: tymaca321 on May 30, 2010, 08:56AM
I dont have the feeling that this is gonna be the final storm booster, you keep realising these incredible updates :) XD
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 10:39AM
Quote from: tymaca321 on May 30, 2010, 08:56AM
I dont have the feeling that this is gonna be the final storm booster, you keep realising these incredible updates :) XD
me either but im trying to end it. however, a few weeks later, i think of something and end up trying it out and then this urge to just release it begins. it's like a funny addiction haha however, I havnt worked on storm and I've moved to Jean Grey's updates and Surge's Booster so more likely Storm will remains as that. I guess?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on May 30, 2010, 01:08PM
For a phoenix booster since are you recoloring efftects more 'phoenixy'? Like psychic wave it should be fiery and for telepathic illlusions you should put my effect in it so they look like there being attacked by little phoenic forces and rename telepathic illlusion to phoenix insanity
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: theo_mm on May 30, 2010, 04:22PM
The blue lightning is Awesome!! btw Is Storm's X-men Evo costume included in the latest version?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 09:05PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 30, 2010, 01:08PM
For a phoenix booster since are you recoloring efftects more 'phoenixy'? Like psychic wave it should be fiery and for telepathic illlusions you should put my effect in it so they look like there being attacked by little phoenic forces and rename telepathic illlusion to phoenix insanity
I am not doing the phoenix booster, as mentioned earlier, mate.

Quote from: theo_mm on May 30, 2010, 04:22PM
The blue lightning is Awesome!! btw Is Storm's X-men Evo costume included in the latest version?
Thank you! :)
I am not allowerd to publish the x-men evolution costume since I have no rights in it, and i do not own it. However you can get the costume here:,4284.0.html

edit: not all skins there work for xml2 but the evolution ones and the first class are guaranteed to work.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 31, 2010, 01:59AM
Another update for Jean Grey guys!  CLICK ME  (,3545.msg90546.html#msg90546)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: theo_mm on May 31, 2010, 02:29PM
Thanks, Jeans one looks even better than before... I really hated the pinkiness lol
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 31, 2010, 11:06PM
Quote from: theo_mm on May 31, 2010, 02:29PM
Thanks, Jeans one looks even better than before... I really hated the pinkiness lol
haha you're welcome and likewise mate ;) im not a fan of pink either. you should stay tuned for the update, i think it'll go well. 
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 02:15AM
I'm just posting this here, as my final reference for when I release the booster!
( (

Here is a  VIDEO PREVIEW ( for the booster!

TK Shield - creates a shield around her.
Telepathic Link - Creates a telepathic link between Jean and all teammates, increasing damage.
Mental Mastery
Telekinetic Net

Telekinesis - levitates and throws objects/enemies. can build bridges
Telekinetic Blast - Fires a single telekinetic ball of energy to a target.
Homing Spikes - fires several mini telekinetic balls, that will chase enemies
Telepathic Illusion - Telepathically alters the minds of the enemies making them think that they're being hit.
Telekinetic Trip - Discs of telekinetic energy that blast enemies surrounding her
Telekinetic Lift - Lifts ALL enemies with in range.
Psionic Entity - Summons (max of 3) entities that will serve as her ally. All three can fire psychic bird/blades.
Psychic Wave - A massive wave of telekinetic energy, knocking down enemies. All those affected will not be able to use their skills temporarily (excluding your team of course).
FROM THE ASHES - Xtreme: Makes her invincible as she turns into the white phoenix! Can ressurect ally/allies. (Originally by thephoenix (;u=1221))


Please DO NOT report bugs here. Post them on my Project Corner
<a href=",3545.0.html">HERE</a>

KNOWN ISSUES/ Additional Stuff:
I think that for FROM THE ASHES to work properly, you will need  Matt's booster (,1067.msg19719.html#msg19719). Just follow that link and do the following:
1.) download it, and install/extract
2.) download my booster and then install/extract.
Only do this if you encounter the "not swapping skin" issue after from the ashes expires. Which means that when From the ashes ends, Jean sometimes doesn't return to her normal costume or switches to a random costume. However, it is not liekly that you will be using this Xtreme on every game anyway. Nothing major, once again. :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: tymaca321 on June 01, 2010, 03:14AM
She really looks awsome!
Telekenetic lift rocks!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 03:43AM
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 01, 2010, 03:14AM
She really looks awsome!
Telekenetic lift rocks!
Thank you, my favourite is psychic wave though. :)

edit: i apologise for this hassle, this is NOT necessary but i edited mental mastery and changed it's level 1 critical from 70% to 35% because her mental attacks are too strong on lower levels. If you want your Jean grey's attacks to be of moderate damage then reinstall the booster. the only thing I changed there is the talent file. Note, this is not necessary.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 05:38AM
:O Speechlles, It's far better than the old one. I have a prolem, not with your mod but when I have some costumes Jean's powers dont work, would any of you happen to know how I could fix this? thanks

Also with the Storm booster (which is amazing :O) The thunder bolts show up as different colours like Im missing something lol any help/advice?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 06:19AM
Quote from: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 05:38AM
:O Speechlles, It's far better than the old one. I have a prolem, not with your mod but when I have some costumes Jean's powers dont work, would any of you happen to know how I could fix this? thanks

Also with the Storm booster (which is amazing :O) The thunder bolts show up as different colours like Im missing something lol any help/advice?

Hey, thank you! :) i did all that i could and please post further issues here -->  CLICK ME  (,3545.0.html) I do not know what could be the problem. For thunder bolts, it is suppose to show up when there are enemies present or when there's a target which is the only issue i've had. Could it be that you're missing something? Thus, the colours? I am unable to help you right now but, for a start, maybe you're missing a texture? try dloading this,2124.0.html

For the costume issue, please elaborate. Do you mean that when you use another costume? Or when you add another costume? Post your reply on the link i gave you.  Have you tried starting a new game?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 06:44AM
kk will do, also Jean's Telekenetic trip has to be the best!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 07:18AM
Quote from: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 06:44AM
kk will do, also Jean's Telekenetic trip has to be the best!
did it work?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 07:27AM
The thunder worked thanks :D and as for the costume problem im about to put some screenshots on the link you just gave me.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 07:29AM
I've just uploaded a response with some screenshots
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 07:54AM
Quote from: theo_mm on June 01, 2010, 07:27AM
The thunder worked thanks :D and as for the costume problem im about to put some screenshots on the link you just gave me.
welcome, and i posted a reply. I think may have detected your problem.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: scott summers on June 01, 2010, 02:48PM
Jean is fantastic!!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 01, 2010, 08:20PM
Quote from: Jean_Scott_Summers on June 01, 2010, 02:48PM
Jean is fantastic!!
thank you! i meant the booster as it is, so any changes, etc. were meant that way. Also, since my first booster for jean, i've always made it a goal to never put any effect on her TK, because I was trying to follow the X-men evolution jean. However, all that changed when i learned that shading isn't allowed in xml2 which means that transparent, wavey effects like magneto's shockwave won't work but i decided not to put any effect for TK but thanks, I got your message. Still gonna try it, though  like when i get back:)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 01, 2010, 09:52PM
ive tested your booster and the psychokinetic spikes moven so slow haha it's funny
it's also funny u sed you werent gonna release her anytime soon and you did like the next day
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 02, 2010, 09:55PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 01, 2010, 09:52PM
ive tested your booster and the psychokinetic spikes moven so slow haha it's funny
it's also funny u sed you werent gonna release her anytime soon and you did like the next day
read everything ive posted to get a clearer picture.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 05, 2010, 11:50PM
my laziness didint catch me and I decided to make a video for Jean Grey. I'll do Storm's in a bit!

ignore the banner in the video, i havnt got any other video editing software.
WMM would be good, but then i hate using that software. it doesnt give you much options
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 12:14AM
Looks great.
I especially liked telekinetic blast and telekinetic lift, and that gave me an idea, both would be quite fun on the fight against brainwashed Jean on Murderworld... Can I take a look and see what can I use from it, if you don't mind it of course ^^
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 12:50AM
Quote from: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 12:14AM
Looks great.
I especially liked telekinetic blast and telekinetic lift, and that gave me an idea, both would be quite fun on the fight against brainwashed Jean on Murderworld... Can I take a look and see what can I use from it, if you don't mind it of course ^^

Yeah, no problem! ^_^ i havnt gotten MUA yet sadly but I can already imagine!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 12:55AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 12:50AM
Yeah, no problem! ^_^ i havnt gotten MUA yet sadly but I can already imagine!

Jean is incredible weak and boring on her mini boss fight, a little update would be nice for her, let me see what can I do for her using your skills.
Thank you :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 12:57AM
Quote from: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 12:55AM
Jean is incredible weak and boring on her mini boss fight, a little update would be nice for her, let me see what can I do for her using your skills.
Thank you :)
The jean used in MUA is kinda like the jean used on xml2 if im correct? jean in xml2 was boring, too. the booster is originally done by thephoenix! I just altered thins and added new skills in it! :) and you're welcome
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 12:58AM
Done with Storm's video! Here's here preview guys:

Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: theo_mm on June 06, 2010, 02:10AM
Telekenisis looks better and Telekenetic Illusion looks BEAST!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 02:37AM
Quote from: theo_mm on June 06, 2010, 02:10AM
Telekenisis looks better and Telekenetic Illusion looks BEAST!
Thank you! By the way, Telekinesis is the same. It just looks like it has an effect because I was using her personal shield while doing the tk attack lol
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: mj fan on June 06, 2010, 03:03AM
Don't have download storm booster yet but i will
cause i've seen the video and it's magnificent
all the effects are just incredible (electrocute and chain lightning look like darth it)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 04:15AM
Quote from: mj fan on June 06, 2010, 03:03AM
Don't have download storm booster yet but i will
cause i've seen the video and it's magnificent
all the effects are just incredible (electrocute and chain lightning look like darth it)

lol, thank you! that means a lot coming from you guys! ^_^
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (New Jean Grey TK Booster 1/6/10 & Storm Booster 5/22/10)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 04:17AM
Here's the last video guys!

I updated the phoenix & tk mix booster but they're really minor. to find out, check out the Video (  and if you wish to download it, here's the Download Link (

nothing major really and if you are to ask me, i'd much prefer the pure TK version. It's just that ive discovered a few glitches in it and some contradicting effects.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: tymaca321 on June 06, 2010, 04:50AM
First of all Wow, looks amazing, second of all. Maybe its a good idea to re-film it? The watermark really is annoying. Sorry if its too much though :)

Edit: Oh,  ok XD
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 04:54AM
haha yeah it is really annoying, but i really am too lazy to look for another software xD
it was the quickest that I could find, and I couldnt be bothered usng WMM cos it doesnt give users a lot of options.

and thanks :)


do any of you guys out there know of a free video editing software? :D
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: theo_mm on June 06, 2010, 06:05AM
There's one called cam studio but it's kinda low quality lol but I think you can change the quality
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 06:15AM
Quote from: theo_mm on June 06, 2010, 06:05AM
There's one called cam studio but it's kinda low quality lol but I think you can change the quality
checked it but can i edit videos? cut, shorten, effects, etc?  i already have a recording software, my issue is the video editor.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 06, 2010, 07:07AM
great job on the video :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 07:23AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 04:54AM
do any of you guys out there know of a free video editing software? :D

Well I use Windows movie maker, yes it's very limited but, at least you can make a decent video with basic tools, nothing spectacular though ^^

By the way, you changed the effect of Wind Blast right?, I downloaded one of your first versions and I remember that the effect was differtent than the last one... or it was my imagination...
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 07:34AM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 06, 2010, 07:07AM
great job on the video :)
thank you
Quote from: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 07:23AM
Well I use Windows movie maker, yes it's very limited but, at least you can make a decent video with basic tools, nothing spectacular though ^^

By the way, you changed the effect of Wind Blast right?, I downloaded one of your first versions and I remember that the effect was differtent than the last one... or it was my imagination...

true but im a lazy guy and i like to cut and alter videos and modify tracks so theyd fit the video limit and the only option i have is the avs with the annoying watermark apparently.
and yeah you're not imagining things lol i did change the effect for wind blast lol
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 07:43AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 07:34AM
thank you
true but im a lazy guy and i like to cut and alter videos so the only option i have is the avs with the annoying watermark.
and yeah you're not imagining things lol i did change the effect for wind blast lol

You can cut and alter (a bit) your videos on movie maker as well ^^
Could you be so kind to tell me which effect did you used on your first version? I really liked that one :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 07:47AM
Quote from: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 07:43AM
You can cut and alter (a bit) your videos on movie maker as well ^^
Could you be so kind to tell me which effect did you used on your first version? I really liked that one :)

the first version i believe had  p9_charge in activision/effects/char/storm
it's from her raging tempest xtreme. I do not know where to find that in mua but thats the location for xml2.
if both games have the same location i am sure it is under p9_charge or p9_power.

and ill just add what i edited on my prev post, i also cut tracks, slow down or speed up videos to fit them and avs is the only option that i have available. it really sucks but im not willing to pay either haha
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 08:17AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 07:47AM
the first version i believe had  p9_charge in activision/effects/char/storm
it's from her raging tempest xtreme. I do not know where to find that in mua but thats the location for xml2.
if both games have the same location i am sure it is under p9_charge or p9_power.

and ill just add what i edited on my prev post, i also cut tracks, slow down or speed up videos to fit them and avs is the only option that i have available. it really sucks but im not willing to pay either haha

Oh ok, I'll look for that one ^^
You can cut tracks, and I guess that you can use the other tools on movie maker as well, never tried, but the option should be there... I'm not going to pay anything either so I'll keep using that software lol ^^
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 08:45AM
Quote from: whiteking on June 06, 2010, 08:17AM
Oh ok, I'll look for that one ^^
You can cut tracks, and I guess that you can use the other tools on movie maker as well, never tried, but the option should be there... I'm not going to pay anything either so I'll keep using that softwere lol ^^
yeah, ive already spent so much this year and it's not even christmas yet. mum's been complaining esp when she got her bills haha i kept a copy of her credit card and taadaaah! xD anyway, think ill stick to avs for now, but ill try experimenting with windows movie maker. i used it a couple of times before, but it just got me pissed.  lmao
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: scott summers on June 06, 2010, 09:02AM
Amazing work in all them!!!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 06, 2010, 09:15AM
Quote from: Jean_Scott_Summers on June 06, 2010, 09:02AM
Amazing work in all them!!!
thank you very much!!! :) :D
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:15PM
I saw the videos and they were great. However the Storm one does not give her justice. Her effects are amazing in the game!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 12, 2010, 08:33PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:15PM
I saw the videos and they were great. However the Storm one does not give her justice. Her effects are amazing in the game!
thank you! and yeah i thought the storm video was too short that it really didnt show her potential that much
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:36PM
I can't wait for Surge btw. I was wondering if you have any ideas on what to do next.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 12, 2010, 08:50PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:36PM
I can't wait for Surge btw. I was wondering if you have any ideas on what to do next.
Well, aside from surge I was contemplating on gambit instead of iceman but i really don't know yet. I got school stuff to finish and other annoying commitments that is why I havnt really done any update or anything
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:58PM
Yeah Gambit does kinda need an update.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 12, 2010, 09:20PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 08:58PM
Yeah Gambit does kinda need an update.
Yeah but i had the feeling it wont be easy, since im guessing ill need to manipulate boltons too?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 09:32PM
The card boltons. And the staff will need to be used as well.
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner (Jean grey and Storm booster plus video previews)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 12, 2010, 10:39PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 12, 2010, 09:32PM
The card boltons. And the staff will need to be used as well.
yeah those two boltons, which i gotta experiment later on, if ever i do decide to do gambit
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 19, 2010, 09:20AM
Im putting this up for the release of Surge's Booster:
( (
( (
( (
( (

Uploaded with (

<a href=""> WATCH THE VIDEO PREVIEW!</a>

It's Saturday and I have a lot of free time, so I decided to continue with Surge and gladly, it's worked well! I got in a modding mood xD

- Added a few skills, and redid some effects.
- I edited the damage for her chaining voltage skill
- took off thunder balls and replaced it with electric sphere
- changed some skill anim
- i noticed one or two skills kind of reach their peak before filling all the skill slots, so i modified some of that
- If you may notice, most of her effects in this booster have so much electricity all over. The idea there is to emphasize her weak control over her mutant power. In the comics, it is said that while her mutation gives her the ability to absorb electricity and channel them in various ways, she has some issue with controlling it particularly when she channels the energy into attacks.
- here are some New skills:
Bolt Discharge - Absorbs massive lightning bolts from the sky, and discharges an intense amount of electricity around her.
Air Current Absorption - Absorbs Electricity from the air around her, and creates friction on the air around her producing small electric bolts. Tap rapidly to continue the skill.
Electric Sphere - A sphere of electricity radiates from her body causing knockback and radiation damage.
Chaining Voltage - Chaining Lightning (Telsa Coil renamed, with new effect)
Electricity Bolt - Fires electricity from both hands
I did not do anything new with her melee skills, because I got lazy and could not think of
anything else to add to it. :)

Compliments and insults are to be posted in this section while bugs/issues should be posted <a href=",3545.0.htm">HERE[/b]</a>

Known bugs/issues:
She doesnt have sound.
Weird kicking in her skill anim (fixed 6/21/10 so make sure to download the update found above or at the first page)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: scott summers on June 19, 2010, 09:33AM
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 19, 2010, 09:41AM
Thank You Jean_Grey_Phoenix :)
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 19, 2010, 09:44AM
yeah her powers are awesome!!!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 19, 2010, 09:53AM
well, yeah guess thats why i decided to make a booster for her
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 19, 2010, 10:14PM
Idk what came to me, but one member did tell me how storm's video didnt show storm's booster potential in the game. I decided to do a little bit of editing and tadah! for whatever purpose this is, just enjoy!
the clip also contains a few comparisons to the Storm form x-men evolution.

edit. and here's the additional new video for Surge!

Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 19, 2010, 10:20PM
this is so cool!!! XD im so glad you redid storm and you released Surged awesome there shouldnt be any insults cause your works are way to good!!

EDIT:You didnt release her btw ThePhoenix is inactive he/she said you can use his works as long as credit is givin he sent me message saying that
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 19, 2010, 10:31PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 19, 2010, 10:20PM

EDIT:You didnt release her btw ThePhoenix is inactive he/she said you can use his works as long as credit is givin he sent me message saying that

Hey thank you so much :) And about the quoted statement above, that is a really good news! but perhaps he was only referring to you?

edit. surge is done, i just need to clear some things up with regards to permission. no doubt did remind me that im not suppose to do this especially that i have not asked for permission, which is my fault. ive already sent Thephoenix a PM
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters
Post by: shadowslacks on June 20, 2010, 04:05AM
THIS IS ANOTHER POST, i do not mean to double post but it is to clear up a certain issue regarding the permission for the Surge Booster release.
As it turns out, I actually have already asked from ThePhoenix himself. Sent him a PM before and wrote on one of his sections.

Re: ThePhoenix's mods Newest: Siryn v2.0
« Reply #80 on: May 23, 2010, 11:23AM »
Hey Phoenix I would like to ask your permission to allow me to release a surge booster?
Here's a preview of what i've worked on so far,3545.msg89875.html#msg89875

And then I got a PM reply saying:
"« Sent to: shadowslacks on: May 30, 2010, 01:00PM »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message.
Of course you can!  I'm sorry I haven't been really active but I've been really busy with school and everything... Your booster looks excellent by the way "

So i guess it's all cleared up!

I'm done doing Surge folks! ! Download it  RIGHT HERE (
Also, I made two new videos incase if you guys haven't checked them. One is a NEW SURGE VIDEO containing all the final changes, and a new STORM VIDEO.
VIDEOS AND DETAILS CAN ALL be found on the first page under this topic.

Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 20, 2010, 06:31AM
Oooh yes cool!!!!!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 20, 2010, 07:46AM
Thanks man!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 20, 2010, 07:47AM
Ooh and I like your new signature image
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 20, 2010, 07:52AM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 20, 2010, 07:47AM
Ooh and I like your new signature image
thanks to photoshop lol
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2010, 02:39PM
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 20, 2010, 06:27PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2010, 02:39PM
thanks :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 21, 2010, 04:04AM
I apologise for this slight inconvenience! I just noticed now a little glitch in two of her skill animations.
one for the electricity blast and the other for her air-current channelling.
i did some changes on the animation of these two skills and yeah it is my fault because i didnt know
that some animations change after starting a new game. if you are contented with the
weird kicking animation though then there is no need to download this update.


( (

Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 01:33AM


- I altered the levels of some skills
- changed the damages of his skills
- added 2 new skills
- new effects

Charged Throw  - throws a single card that causes cumbustion (new)
Staff Assault - multiple staff melee attacks in quick succession (modified)
Detonation - charges objects/enemies
Staff Slam - hits the ground with his staff causing a radial energy damage
Full House - throws max of 20 cards on the ground causing explosion on contact. (I like this skill)
Royal Flash (new) - throws a deck of cards that wil chase multiple enemies (one of my favourites!)

Report bugs RIGHT HERE (,3545.0.html)

The reason why this one got an early release is because I will be having my gaming laptop repaired and upgraded and it'll take a couple of weeks and I have been so busy and im sure i will be by July. Also, it will help me identify bugs and gain more suggestions for modifications
once I resume on this booster. So help me test it and enjoy! ^_^

Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 06:29AM
Here is the download link for Gambit's Booster (beta):

Details above this post. :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner Surge, Jean Grey and Storm Boosters RELEASED!
Post by: мaгvel wатcheг on June 26, 2010, 06:40AM
Wow looks very cool shadowslacks ^^ I'll certainly use this booster ;) Well done.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 06:51AM
Quote from: marvel watcher on June 26, 2010, 06:40AM
Wow looks very cool shadowslacks ^^ I'll certainly use this booster ;) Well done.
Thanks man! :)  it's sitll in beta though so dont forget to report any bugs or suggestions, i badly need suggestions so i have somewhere to go with this booster when i continue doing it probably near august when i get my laptop back
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 26, 2010, 08:25AM
I can't wait to play with it. It looks great so far.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 08:31AM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 26, 2010, 08:25AM
I can't wait to play with it. It looks great so far.
Thank you, I especially love his last two skills: full house and royal flash.
The lower level skills are pretty much just ok in my own opinion but thanks for the compliment! :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 26, 2010, 08:34AM
The last 2 skills are the ones I want to try the most.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 26, 2010, 10:01AM
just tried it and it's awesome!!!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: scott summers on June 26, 2010, 01:54PM
Gmabit is fantastic !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 05:33PM
Thanks guys, i appreciate the comments! :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 09:18PM
Final day for my laptop before it gets sent away =O!!!
Anyway, here is the final output for the GAMBIT BOOSTER! Im keeping the BETA version here incase some of you would prefer the older effects.


<a href=""> ---> CLICK FOR VIDEO PREVIEW</a>

Download Booster : (
Download Herostat : (
- the herotstat entry is needed so his first level skill is the charged throw and not his 30th level skill, royal flash. That is if it bothers you.

- I altered the levels of some skills
- changed the damages of his skills
- added 2 new skills
-  skill animation
- took off his ace of spades skill since it seemed redundant with full house and replaced it with a base lvl 1 skill called charged throw

differences from the beta version:
- changed effects and attributes his Charged Throw skill. Instead of one card, i made it three cos i found him a little weak in his lower levels.
- better effects in general
- new flame/explosion effects for Staff Slam, Staff Assault, and Full House
- recoloured some effects. beta version some effects had red, while others had pink and it kinda looked ugly while this one has a mixture of red and pink!
- fixed the pre-requisites for his skills

Charged Throw  - throws a three cards that cause cumbustion and knocback
Staff Assault - multiple staff melee attacks that explodes on each contact to a target
Detonation - charges objects/enemies
Staff Slam - hits the ground with his staff causing a radial explosion and energy damage
Full House - throws max of 20 cards on the ground causing explosion on contact. (I like this skill for traps)
Royal Flash - throws a deck of cards that wil chase multiple enemies (one of my favourite!)
- he has the same extremes and boosts.

Possible Issue and additional notes:
- If pink/yellow squares show up when you use his effects, make sure to download the MUA1 texture pack. You can get it
- you HAVE to start a new game due to the herostat entry

Report bugs RIGHT HERE (,3545.0.html)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER BETA RELEASED!)
Post by: whiteking on June 26, 2010, 09:31PM
Ohh nice, I watched the preview video and he looks great.
I especially loved the power where he throws cards and the explosion looks like fireworks (?) I don't know how to describe that effect but looks awesome. In fact it gave me an idea, but I'll tell you via PM :)
Wondefulll work!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 09:33PM
Thank you! means a lot coming from a modder like you!
I dont know what it is either haha but fireworks will do :P
Sure you can PM me anytime :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on June 26, 2010, 09:49PM
I played the final version and it is really cool. I'm glad you released a version with pink effects as well as they seem to suit him more for me.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Quentin Hex on June 26, 2010, 10:30PM
that looks awesome! i'm glad you got the explosion effects working :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: LX - Rampage on June 26, 2010, 10:39PM
Looks totally great! Sad, that I don't have my XML2 here with me. Maybe next week, I'll try it out!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 11:02PM
@ MarvelFan12345 thanks! exactly why i reverted it back to pink. i thought it suited him better

@Deedoo thanks for the pack btw! all i had to do was replace the missing texture with the available ones in the pack

@Suigetsu thank you!! hope it wont disappoint or anything. weren't you the gambit fan?
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: LX - Rampage on June 26, 2010, 11:04PM
Yeah, I'm a fan of Gambit, Nightcrawler, Deadpool and some other ones, but those two are my all time favourite X-Men!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 11:12PM
Gambit's starting to grow in me thus the booster! :D and thanks again!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: nodoubt_jr on June 26, 2010, 11:12PM
looks good, great job :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 11:19PM
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on June 26, 2010, 11:12PM
looks good, great job :)
thank you! nodoubt_jr! :D that means a lot!

btw guys i provided a herostat entry link for gambit and a new download link for his booster. forgot to include that! it totally slipped out of my mind. so sorry.
also, if any of you will find a dead link here tell me cos i kind of cleaned my files in media fire. enjoy ^_^
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: scott summers on June 27, 2010, 07:09AM
Great job!!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 27, 2010, 07:48AM
wow you and nodoubt_jr make Xml2 very fun he looks wonderful :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 27, 2010, 10:19AM
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on June 27, 2010, 07:09AM
Great job!!
thanks dude!

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 27, 2010, 07:48AM
wow you and nodoubt_jr make Xml2 very fun he looks wonderful :)
thank you for that compliment!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on June 30, 2010, 04:32AM
whats up guys, i may stop modding for a while like perhaps months and all. if any of you would wish to do something with my mods, just PM me or write on either corners and be patient with replies. been a fun ride so far! byeee
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 07, 2010, 05:08PM
I install your storm boost which by the way ROCKS!!! but umm Storm lighting is not right its like its pixlies or something, it comes out pink & purple... How can I fix this
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: StrangeEvil on July 07, 2010, 05:11PM
I love gambit. He needed more juice and now he has it.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 08, 2010, 02:25AM
Quote from: DancingIce on July 07, 2010, 05:08PM
I install your storm boost which by the way ROCKS!!! but umm Storm lighting is not right its like its pixlies or something, it comes out pink & purple... How can I fix this
hey thanks! pink and purple eh? try installing this all you gotta do is extract the file OR drag and drop them  to activision/textures

Quote from: StrangeEvil on July 07, 2010, 05:11PM
I love gambit. He needed more juice and now he has it.
hey thanks man! :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 08, 2010, 04:33AM
 :storm:Thanks that fix it. :highfive:. but if I may ask what could had been the problem in the texture file....
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 08, 2010, 06:08AM
Quote from: DancingIce on July 08, 2010, 04:33AM
:storm:Thanks that fix it. :highfive:. but if I may ask what could had been the problem in the texture file....
glad it's fixed! well the problem is that the needed texture for the effects of her lightning bolt skill is missing. this is because some of the effects used are from mua1 and not from xml2. by downloading and putting all those texture files from mua1, you've pretty much spared yourself from other missing texture problems.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Rain on July 09, 2010, 03:34AM
Hey Shadowslacks ;)! :applause: I really like your boosters, but I got some issues on Storm, on the TROPICAL CYCLONE whirlwinds just aren't moving on, they disappear.., and the second issue is the lightnings are just on targets functional. Could you, I please you, do just TWO changes on Storm's blue booster? :bowdown: Just to replace the 2nd power: LIGHTNING BOLTS with the ORIGINAL one SINGLE Lightning Bolt (texture and everything), and the TROPICAL CYCLONE to be replaced by the ORIGINAL one SINGLE Whirlwind..? :bowdown: I really appreciate your work, all of us I thing we do, I don't wanna be rude, just because of that issues I want you to do this two changes. thank you :bowdown1: :bowdown1: :bowdown1:
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 09, 2010, 06:08AM
I got some problem with storm.. I was trying to give her some skins but it's like she's appear but her powers won't so if you could please give me all storm files ( actor, hud ex.) I would gladly be thankful.. :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 06:47AM
Quote from: rainw7 on July 09, 2010, 03:34AM
Hey Shadowslacks ;)! :applause: I really like your boosters, but I got some issues on Storm, on the TROPICAL CYCLONE whirlwinds just aren't moving on, they disappear.., and the second issue is the lightnings are just on targets functional. Could you, I please you, do just TWO changes on Storm's blue booster? :bowdown: Just to replace the 2nd power: LIGHTNING BOLTS with the ORIGINAL one SINGLE Lightning Bolt (texture and everything), and the TROPICAL CYCLONE to be replaced by the ORIGINAL one SINGLE Whirlwind..? :bowdown: I really appreciate your work, all of us I thing we do, I don't wanna be rude, just because of that issues I want you to do this two changes. thank you :bowdown1: :bowdown1: :bowdown1:
thanks for the comments but im if you may notice, i havnt been modding because my gaming laptop has been sent away for upgrades :) ill try to resolve that when i get it back approximately a week or two from now. also, im confused like the whirlwinds just disappear after summoning them? about the lightning, yes they only show up when there is a target and im afraid i cannot fix that. i really tried to fix it but i just couldn't.  and thephoenix (a fellow modder around) tried to fix it either and still still he got the same results. try starting a new game for a start
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 06:54AM
Quote from: DancingIce on July 09, 2010, 06:08AM
I got some problem with storm.. I was trying to give her some skins but it's like she's appear but her powers won't so if you could please give me all storm files ( actor, hud ex.) I would gladly be thankful.. :thumbsup2:
i dont have xml as of the moment. my laptop has bee sent away as mentioned above, im sorry. there was a thread about pkgb files in the tech problems section. try looking it up there. basically, you just need to rename some pkgb files's number into a corresponding skin.

ps. im not trying to double post, but i figured this looks more organized.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's Release Corner (GAMBIT BOOSTER FINAL VERSION RELEASED!)
Post by: Rain on July 09, 2010, 09:14AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 06:47AM
thanks for the comments but im if you may notice, i havnt been modding because my gaming laptop has been sent away for upgrades :) ill try to resolve that when i get it back approximately a week or two from now. also, im confused like the whirlwinds just disappear after summoning them? about the lightning, yes they only show up when there is a target and im afraid i cannot fix that. i really tried to fix it but i just couldn't.  and thephoenix (a fellow modder around) tried to fix it either and still still he got the same results. try starting a new game for a start
Yes , the whirlwinds disappears after summoning them, the whirlwind is viewable only when Storm spins to create the wind, after that the whirlwinds disappears. I think the best choice, at least for me, is to let the ORIGINAL files for Lightning Bolt and Cyclone. Thank you for understanding, I will wait until you will get back your laptop.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 10:37PM
Quote from: rainw7 on July 09, 2010, 09:14AM
Yes , the whirlwinds disappears after summoning them, the whirlwind is viewable only when Storm spins to create the wind, after that the whirlwinds disappears. I think the best choice, at least for me, is to let the ORIGINAL files for Lightning Bolt and Cyclone. Thank you for understanding, I will wait until you will get back your laptop.

For now, can you try these effect files? They're my back-up from my USB. Not exactly the original but perhaps these can solve the issue
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 11, 2010, 05:36AM
I love your jean boost but is there is way to put Phoenix force into Jean moves again
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 11, 2010, 06:03AM
Quote from: Lieutenant#61 on July 11, 2010, 05:36AM
I love your jean boost but is there is way to put Phoenix force into Jean moves again
thanks for trying it out! :) and there is a way to put phoenix force back but it has to be edited again, and im to lazy to do that. also, i dont have the game at the moment, since my laptop has been sent away for repairs and upgrades.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 11, 2010, 09:05AM
Al'right mate.. Well when you get your laptop and have some free time on your hands... Could you tell me how to change it  myself... Cause I'm not the best at modding characters
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: shadowslacks on July 12, 2010, 03:35AM
Yeah i can try, but that is if i do proceed on modding again. I have plans of "hibernating" from modding even after when I get my laptop back lol

btw. if phoenix force will be placed in jean's "skill tree" again, then one skill has to be taken out due to the limit
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: Rain on July 12, 2010, 03:43AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 10:37PM
For now, can you try these effect files? They're my back-up from my USB. Not exactly the original but perhaps these can solve the issue
this makes no difference
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: shadowslacks on July 12, 2010, 03:56AM
have you tried requesting under a new thread? those are the files that i can only offer, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: Rain on July 12, 2010, 06:50AM
yes, I did,4952.0.html . thanks anyway. hope it will be solved soon :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 14, 2010, 03:19AM
I'm back .. *AGAIN* well I was using Jean Grey boost, Then I use From The Ashes and now jean don't turn back she turns into a jean with a black bra or one of  those solder you fight when your on aybass ship
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: shadowslacks on July 14, 2010, 08:00AM
I cant give you a very credible answer but check this link:,3593.msg90633.html#msg90633
and look below, you'll find a link directing you to that issue. that is how i solved the issue. at least it worked for me
the point of that is you'll need need matt's herostat for jean grey from his jean grey booster so make sure to
(1.) copy the skins from his booster to your actors folder and (2.) copy the herostat entry
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases
Post by: shadowslacks on July 17, 2010, 04:14AM
Whats up guys?
So i am posting here for some very important notices.

- Yes! this time, it's for real! I MAY stop modding and playing because i have other things to take care of. I decided not to install the game in my laptop anymore. it's been fun sharing all my mods and thank you to everyone who helped me in making them as well as to those who decided to use them. I wasnt really much of a brilliant modder, knowing little of the functions and codes but thanks for those who were kind enough to compliment them. :) i dont wanna talk like it's really the end, but who knows right? I stopped before and missed the game so maybe the same thing will happen.


- simple! I HAVE OTHER important matters, and i have been very busy lately...very very busy as a matter of fact. also, it's kinda sad that the number of xml2 modders are decreasing but its expected to happen with time. third, i have some issues with regards to some here (actually just 2 members) but im not letting those biases stop me (im just saying....again).

- you may use my stuff without the need to obtain my permission; ill let the admins handle you if you do anything illegal with them. ;)

THANK YOU! :) xml2 has got to be one of the funnest games out there. Cheers
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 17, 2010, 04:28AM
Wow!! Really!! , That sucks BIG TIME!!, But Hey take care and hopefully you change your mind in do time.. P.S your mods ROCKS!!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on July 17, 2010, 10:27AM
Yes that does such you and noudobt_jr make xml2 fun and marvel watcher not to mention your boosters.Well hope you come back cause Xml2 can't be played on my pc without your boosters especially gambit and surge
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on July 17, 2010, 05:15PM
That's sad. I'll miss you and your work but I understand. Hope to still see you around sometimes.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: tymaca321 on July 18, 2010, 09:44AM
Sad sad end, and seriously what about ''i wasnt really a brilliant modder'', dude you where one of the BEST XML2 modders out there! Wish you luck my friend :)
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on July 21, 2010, 07:09AM
thanks guys :) im still kind of around! im just not playing and modding anymore
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on July 23, 2010, 03:41PM
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 18, 2010, 09:44AM
Sad sad end, and seriously what about ''i wasnt really a brilliant modder'', dude you where one of the BEST XML2 modders out there! Wish you luck my friend :)
Question I own MVC2 also and do they really have DLC? Just wondering lol :)
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: tymaca321 on July 24, 2010, 10:01AM
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 18, 2010, 09:44AM
MUA 2 DLC is still unfindable for me

MUA 2 as in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 :P
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on July 24, 2010, 10:27AM
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 24, 2010, 10:01AM
MUA 2 as in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 :P
Oh really what do you have it for Xbox 360? Cuz I have that 2 and I got the DLC just a couple days ago.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: tymaca321 on July 24, 2010, 01:02PM
Yeah, but i have an EU disc, and USA DLC doesnt work on that, so i need to wait till they re-upload it here (wich i hope they do, since it was also in the orignal upload plan)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on July 24, 2010, 09:37PM
Ahh lol didnt really see where you live so guess that explains why, Well hope you get your DLC!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on August 27, 2010, 08:13AM
hey guys! been a while! id like to inform everyone that you may use my stuff from now on without the need to obtain my permission.
i'll let the admins handle you guys if you do something illegal with them. :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on September 01, 2010, 04:30PM
lol nice :)
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: John Sage on October 13, 2010, 03:07PM
I downloaded the Storm booster and I'm really enjoying it!

The only problem is that wind blast doesn't have any "wind animations" other than a little bit of electricity - have I done something wrong?
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Rogue on November 10, 2010, 12:13AM
Storm's booster it is delightful! Others are   excellent too! Our favourite heroes  become stronger and stronger!)))
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: KipKorn on December 23, 2010, 02:36PM
Hi, hey i'm sorry to bother you but uhmm i have a question i downloaded your Storm and Jean TK booster and I love them both to death :D very nicely done but the Telekenetic Blast ... well she makes the movement and the sound but there's no blast :S and I don't know how to make that damn thing show up
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on December 23, 2010, 03:08PM
Im just saying but he hasnt posted since August and that was like 4-5 months ago so I dont think u will get an answer from him, but maybe someone else, did you install the mod right any how?
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: scott summers on December 23, 2010, 05:37PM
I think it's a problem with the entity file.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on December 24, 2010, 04:06AM
i still visit every now and then but rarely. anyway, ive checked my usb and found jean's entity file. just extract this to the right folder for the tk blast to work.  i've downloaded jean's booster and have realised that i forgot to include the entity file
link :
and Happy Holidays everyone!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Rain on December 24, 2010, 04:35AM
happy holidays !
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: White Queen on March 01, 2011, 02:49AM
Coolest booster ever, I love her TK blast, I love to throw enemies to the wall with it , especially when the wall is breakable , then they fly trough it  :phoenix:
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Rogue on March 01, 2011, 05:31AM
Nice booster! Thanks!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on March 13, 2011, 04:43AM
Quote from: Gwen on March 01, 2011, 02:49AM
Coolest booster ever, I love her TK blast, I love to throw enemies to the wall with it , especially when the wall is breakable , then they fly trough it  :phoenix:
Quote from: Rogue on March 01, 2011, 05:31AM
Nice booster! Thanks!

hey thanks, glad you two enjoyed the booster! it's been a while since my last post! glad to know there are a few who still use my boosters!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 11, 2011, 03:32AM
Hey guys, i just went to my mediafire account and found the files to still be intact gladly!
However, I no longer have the back-up files for any of these stuff here so if any of you have it, feel free to upload them and link them to anyone incase any of the links ive provided don't work.

Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Shunshi on May 12, 2011, 03:15PM
Hello  :gambit:, very good your boosters, the Gambit I worked well so far, but the Storm is not much, the problem is that the effects do not do very well at all, for example, flying does not make any power, and I want this while flying as it should be, as well as the TK Jean, also when flying, balls of energy from the hands are not, and some effects are not what I installed because I installed the old version but instead of appearing Chaos Hypothermia appears, Hypothermal Sleet, would be very grateful if you help me, the truth is I do not know what happens because Gambit's worked well, but Jean also gives me problems, the color of telekinesis is not equal to the video, the fly is still pink, not blue as shown in the video, the Telekinetic Blast, gives me problems, install the file "ents_phoenix" which appears along with the effects, but after a while playing, doing so effect fades until the effect wears off and did not cause any damage to the enemy. Sorry to bother so much but anyway, thanks
AH excuse my bad English
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on September 23, 2011, 07:01AM
Good to be back. I hope you have found the solutions to the problems you've inquired about. I apologize for my lack of responses and the amount of time it took to respond,
For future reference, iv'e laid out a couple of tips on each booster regarding the bugs that might be encountered. Moreover, to at least address some of it, anyone who has a problem with powers not appearing while flying (to characters with flight capability) you will need to download a certain tweaked file found around this site (if it's still in existence) so just look it up. With regards to the pink and yellow squares, nodoubt jr had provided a link for it before. If I can still recall, some effects used in my boosters were borrowed from MUA so the MUA effects pack is crucial to these boosters. Try looking it up as well around the site.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 12, 2013, 09:11AM
Hey everyone! Just checking back! Been a while! It's nice to see that this community is still pretty active! Happy new year :) I think it has been more than a year since I've last posted/checked this site.
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on January 12, 2013, 09:28AM
It is like everyone is returning now, haha. Welcome back for how ever long you plan on staying for!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Owl City on January 12, 2013, 02:05PM
Welcome back Shadowslacks!!!!!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 12, 2013, 11:04PM
Quote from: Owl City on January 12, 2013, 02:05PM
Welcome back Shadowslacks!!!!!

Hey thanks for the warm welcome!

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 12, 2013, 09:28AM
It is like everyone is returning now, haha. Welcome back for how ever long you plan on staying for!

Really? That would be good news! Won't be staying for too long, but I kinda miss this place! :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: Lightning249539 on February 08, 2013, 04:10AM
Good Job with the Storm and Gambit booster! :storm:
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on April 05, 2013, 08:33AM
Quote from: Lightning249539 on February 08, 2013, 04:10AM
Good Job with the Storm and Gambit booster! :storm:

Hey, thank you!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (IM NO LONGER MODDING)
Post by: shadowslacks on April 05, 2013, 08:33AM
UPDATE: To anyone who actually still plays....tadaaah

I do not have XML2 installed but prior to releasing the tk booster for Jean Grey with the TK Trip skill (years ago), I made a different version, and I am releasing it now out of boredom.
While I have uninstalled xml2 eons ago, I actually have not removed xmlbcui and I still had some files all intact on my mediafire account, so I took some time to edit the talent and powerstyle files just to balance a couple of things out.

This version has a skill called TELEKINETIC PUSH, which is an advanced form of telekinesis that pushes several enemies (instead of just one) away from Jean. From what I remember, I found this skill to be of great use, and it is fun throwing a bazillion of enemies at once. As usual, the inspiration was X-Men Evolution from way back. I've also changed a couple of skill names and attributes.


If anyone would be kind enough to also update the booster catalog with the latest link, I would appreciate that. The latets link already has the entity file so it will not be a hassle to those who have not tried this booster.

It should look something like this perhaps:
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: fox456 on April 05, 2013, 12:43PM
Hey shadowslacks!  Good to see ya.  It's cool that you still remember the intricacies of modding!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: Midnightphoenix on April 05, 2013, 02:30PM
This is awesome Shadowslacks! When ever I get around to playing XML2 again I will try this out for sure!
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: shadowslacks on April 05, 2013, 07:22PM
Quote from: fox456 on April 05, 2013, 12:43PM
Hey shadowslacks!  Good to see ya.  It's cool that you still remember the intricacies of modding!
Well I don't remember much, but I am surprised myself at how I still remember a couple of things given the span of time.

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 05, 2013, 02:30PM
This is awesome Shadowslacks! When ever I get around to playing XML2 again I will try this out for sure!
Well I hope you enjoy it :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: Shunshi on August 11, 2013, 04:01PM
Hello Shadowslack, Now I return to play XML2 and re instaled your booster for jean and storm, and instaled the mua textures pack that you told me, but again I have the same problem, telekinesis and when Jean flies, the tk still pink, I want change it to blue :/ I don´t understand why is the problem. Welcome again!

:colossus: :capbrit: :phoenix: :psylocke: :scarletw: :storm:
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on August 15, 2013, 06:12PM
Quote from: Shunshi on August 11, 2013, 04:01PM
Hello Shadowslack, Now I return to play XML2 and re instaled your booster for jean and storm, and instaled the mua textures pack that you told me, but again I have the same problem, telekinesis and when Jean flies, the tk still pink, I want change it to blue :/ I don´t understand why is the problem. Welcome again!

:colossus: :capbrit: :phoenix: :psylocke: :scarletw: :storm:
did you replace her entities files and did you make sure you installed it correctly
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: Shunshi on August 17, 2013, 03:38PM
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on August 15, 2013, 06:12PM
did you replace her entities files and did you make sure you installed it correctly

Hello, I installed the booster, replacing this folders: Data and Effects, and then I instaled the MUA textures.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 02, 2016, 06:22AM
Woot woot, it's been 6-7 years since this thread was created. It's quite surprising seeing that people still play this game! There is just so much nostalgia around here! I'm now about a year away from graduating college! Lol wow long live the x-men :)
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: satch4684 on June 05, 2016, 08:27PM
hey just wanted to say thanks for all your work, I've not played XML2 since it was newly released (got into MUA mods later) but now I am going to give it a try with a lot of your mods they sound pretty amazing.

I've been searching this site all day and getting mixed results so I'm glad I spent the time reading this topic!
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: JustMally on June 07, 2016, 11:54PM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 05:48AM
Storm (Blue lightning)

( (
( (

Storm (yellow lightning)
( (

Wind blast - Summons a massive, raging wind current that blows the target area.
Electrocute - Electricity shoots from her hand.
Hypothermal Sleet - Summons snow and alters the temperature of her environment to slow her enemies.
Catastrophe (best skill i'd say and this is not an xtreme) - A radial mix of Wind, Thunder and Ice Storm! Enemies will receive massive damage and will be frozen.
New chain lightning (blue version only)
Tropic Cyclone - Summons a max of 5 tornadoes.
Lightning Bolts - Strikes multiple enemies with lightning bolts.
New Whirlwind Armor (blue version only) - Surrounds herself with whirlwind for protection from attacks

Blue version is the latest version and contains most of the new modifications but if you prefer to stick to the old Storm, the yellow version is for you which still has some new skills, fortunately. :)

<a href="">VIDEO PREVIEW</a> (blue lightning only)

- Lightning Bolts will only show up when there is/are an enemy/enemies present, or at least, if you aim at a target. If there is not target nor an enemy, no bolt will show up. I tried fixing this issue, but I couldn't. So im guessing it'll remain that way. Anyway, it's a really minor bug and it wont affect your game at all.

- if you see PINK AND YELLOW SQUARES APPEARING, download the mua1 texture pack here,2124.0.html and extract or drag and drop after extraction to activision/textures

I have noticed that if you don't start a new game, some of the effects won't show up. I have a solution:
A: Quit the game, close it and start it again. Load your saved games, and it should be back to normal.
Again, this is another minor bug. There's like 1 in a thousand chance of anyone ever encountering this.
hey wanted to know how do I get Storm to be able to use her powers while flying?
Title: Re: ShadowSlack's Corner ( NEW STORM BOOSTER FINAL UPDATE Blue & yellow 5/21/10)
Post by: rachel_grey on November 25, 2017, 10:45AM
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 30, 2010, 05:48AM
Storm (Blue lightning)

( (
( (

Storm (yellow lightning)
( (

Wind blast - Summons a massive, raging wind current that blows the target area.
Electrocute - Electricity shoots from her hand.
Hypothermal Sleet - Summons snow and alters the temperature of her environment to slow her enemies.
Catastrophe (best skill i'd say and this is not an xtreme) - A radial mix of Wind, Thunder and Ice Storm! Enemies will receive massive damage and will be frozen.
New chain lightning (blue version only)
Tropic Cyclone - Summons a max of 5 tornadoes.
Lightning Bolts - Strikes multiple enemies with lightning bolts.
New Whirlwind Armor (blue version only) - Surrounds herself with whirlwind for protection from attacks

Blue version is the latest version and contains most of the new modifications but if you prefer to stick to the old Storm, the yellow version is for you which still has some new skills, fortunately. :)

<a href="">VIDEO PREVIEW</a> (blue lightning only)

- Lightning Bolts will only show up when there is/are an enemy/enemies present, or at least, if you aim at a target. If there is not target nor an enemy, no bolt will show up. I tried fixing this issue, but I couldn't. So im guessing it'll remain that way. Anyway, it's a really minor bug and it wont affect your game at all.

- if you see PINK AND YELLOW SQUARES APPEARING, download the mua1 texture pack here,2124.0.html and extract or drag and drop after extraction to activision/textures

I have noticed that if you don't start a new game, some of the effects won't show up. I have a solution:
A: Quit the game, close it and start it again. Load your saved games, and it should be back to normal.
Again, this is another minor bug. There's like 1 in a thousand chance of anyone ever encountering this.

Y la herostat de esa versión? ._.
Title: Re: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 05, 2021, 04:04AM
Happy New Year everyone!
Amazing that this forum is still alive!
It's been about 11 years maybe since I stopped playing but thought I'd visit the site just to see what's going on!

In that span of time, I have literally graduated from uni twice, moved overseas, obtained a job and well, became an adult!

I hope you are all well if anyone still remembers me haha

Stay safe!
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: BaconWizard17 on January 05, 2021, 08:37AM
Congrats on all the big achievements in life! It's always really cool when folks come back and check in with how things are going
Title: Re: Shadowslack's BOOSTER Releases (JEAN GREY TKBOOSTER UPDATE 4/5/13)
Post by: shadowslacks on January 10, 2021, 04:23AM
Hey thank you!!! :)
I hope you are safe and well given the current circumstance!

Long live marvel! Lol