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Off-Topic => Talk about anything => Topic started by: DJay Saint on April 16, 2007, 12:55PM

Title: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: DJay Saint on April 16, 2007, 12:55PM
Story (

Alright, this is getting out of control.  How many times does this need to happen?  Seriously, I've been way pissed of many times, but I never felt the need to go kill and injure a ton of people just because I'm not getting my way.  That's just rediculous...  I guess the only way to somewhat help this issue is metal detecters outside the campus door, and have more security.  Then this screws everyone else because one asshole decided he was going to go on a rampage.  It makes campuses feel more like a prison, and uglifies them if anything.  It's amazing you don't hear stuff like this happening outside the U.S. on a daily basis.  This crap has to stop.
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: BliZZ on April 16, 2007, 01:37PM
People suck.

My brother goes to Tech, and he can't get a hold of one of his friends. I met the guy, too. He was nice.
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: THX on April 16, 2007, 07:47PM
My sis is there too, no cell phone service most of the day due to switchboards overloading. :\  But she was saying many are really depressed and even going home.

People need to learn how to deal with their feelings and not choose suicide as a way out.  What a cowardly way to go... Mass murder of strangers puts this on a whole different level. :(
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: R0GUE on April 16, 2007, 09:36PM
Makes you wish the superheroes were real. :(
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: DJay Saint on April 16, 2007, 09:41PM
You mean they're not?!  :runaway:

Hopefully people were able to find their friends/family that were there...  I heard a lot of cases where certain people couldn't be reached.  This is terrible.
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: R0GUE on April 16, 2007, 10:06PM
Quote from: Burning Rage on April 16, 2007, 09:41PM
You mean they're not?!  :runaway:

Well they are but they are called the police and firefighters.

If only the police had some web shooters...
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: Noelemahc on April 16, 2007, 10:45PM
Quote from: Burning Rage on April 16, 2007, 12:55PMHow many times does this need to happen?  Seriously, I've been way pissed of many times, but I never felt the need to go kill and injure a ton of people just because I'm not getting my way.
It's usually something beyond the capacity for understanding of such people. If a person really wants to go out and hurt others, there is precious little that can be done in terms of persuasion to prevent them from doing it. Now, the big question is - has anyone ever tried investigating WHY a particular person could have been driven to this?
And I mean, REALLY investigated, not done a cursory search of the culprit's bedroom, found a Dungeons and Dragons PnP game or good ol' DooM -- or, since more recently, Grand Theft Auto -- and blamed it ALL on that, which was the case with the last few decades.

I mean, nobody can just SNAP like that without a good enough reason. Most of the shooters were social outcasts of some sort - geeks, gamers, the kind that spend a lot of time being picked on at school and playing video games. And the authorities, instead of looking into the 'being picked on' part just blame it on the socially convenient cause in the hobby list of the shooter and leave it at that. The fact that most of the student-shooters are geek kids loans itself well to such an approach - almost all of us geeks play violent games at one time or another.

I mean, great, wouldn't it be fun if I was to get that fire axe and go mow down some innocent bystanders? No, actually it wouldn't be. Only raving lunatics do these things for *fun*, and rooting those out is also something the authorities should be doing.

Everybody has their own way of venting out frustrations, on a national scale. The Finns and the Russians drink. Lots. The Japanese drink and engage in (seriously overexagerated) debauchery. The Germans, reportedly, leave the drinking out and focus just on the debauchery. I'm sure everyone of you could name a few generic habits pertaining to your own regions, either assumed or real.
Point is, killing people is NOT one of those. So a person would have had to have either a very skewered outlook on life (which may very well come from school, social or any other abuse; though the oft-maligned and scapegoated improper upbringing sometimes ACTUALLY is to blame) or a verrry good reason for this.

The problem with America in general, it seems, is that the US of A like to pretend they're a dream country, where everything happens - but beyond attracting scores of immigrants for the last few centuries, they've done little beyond that. When those dreams crush -- and, more importantly, when people realize that they were impossible to begin with -- people can get crushed too. The addition of 'political correctness' into the mix creates a social chaos. I've always believed that the most unlucky people in the USA are supposed to be white, atheistic heterosexuals -- whatever they say to ANYone can be a basis for a lawsuit on some form of harassment. Thank God I'm living in a prejudiced bigoted country where it can sometimes hurt to be even part Jewish (like I am) - but where I can also implement my freedom of speech in any given direction in any form of rudeness without any repercussions other than getting my ass kicked if the target of the insult takes it personally.

I will now promtly shut up before this thread escalates into a discussion on how right Carpenter was with the description of "New Moral America" in Escape from L.A. and drives away from the main point.
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: THX on April 16, 2007, 11:21PM
speaking of which i'm 80% through Escape from LA right now.  nice post  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: cvc on April 20, 2007, 12:34PM
This bothers me on so many levels being a coward is one thing but to destroy others many others life and family is selfish beyond understanding, sadness for all touched by this. :mad:
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: jonchang on June 23, 2007, 01:25AM
Quote from: R0GUE on April 16, 2007, 10:06PM
Well they are but they are caled the police and firefighters.

Police and firefighters aren't SUPERheroes. Anyway, one of my friend's older brother was killed in the shooting. Truly bad stuff.
Title: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting
Post by: Teancum on June 23, 2007, 04:57AM
Dude.  STOP bumping old threads and spamming.  I'm not a mod, but consider it a warning as the mods are in agreement.