Someone had to film this with a camera, so it's not the best footage. All I know is the last 10 or so seconds are EPIC!
War Machine!! Awesome!!
Still waiting for Black Widow ^_^
Wasn't that the Widow in that short fight in the middle of the footage, where this suspiciously black-clad redhead with long hair clocks out some dude in a white hallway?
Damn you are right!
Man, I need to see a doctor because my sight is failing me :P
Thank you ^_^
I don't like Samuel L. Jackson as Fury but the rest looks awesome.
Can't be helped, really - Ultimate Fury looked sorta-kinda like him from day one.
For me movie/ultimate fury is the most badass so far.Every single character got me interested.Tony,Fury,Widow,Whipplash and most of em WAR MACHINE(he was epic at the end)!
Quote from: Noelemahc on September 20, 2009, 01:55AM
Can't be helped, really - Ultimate Fury looked sorta-kinda like him from day one.
Quote from: wikipedia
In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, General Nick Fury is African-American, with his look and personality tailored after actor Samuel L. Jackson. This was done with the actor's explicit permission. Jackson also played Nick Fury in the 2008 film Iron Man (appearing in a post-credits scene) and will reprise the role in the sequel.
just an interesting fact in case anyone didn't know.
I know he's black in the ultimate universe, but I would have prefered the classic one.