In this topic, you can write down how you feel yourself and even what day you had :D And you can write about your mood and stuff :D
How do I feel:
Woozy, good, but tired.
Day I had:
A free one. Took a day off from school because I felt really naucious XD Better now!
I get it!
Well, I feel better now, I listen to some good Piano Solos (they are from different animes) and it makes me better
I was ill, so I wasn't at school
I feel...addicted to Karma Police by Radiohead. Bored to death cause I moved to a city where there's nothing interesting to do. Happy that I'm starting to get more in touch with my spiritual side.
edit: oh, I'm also addicted to Time to Pretend by MGMT.
Feel overeating, feel the already-used-to pain in my wrists and ankles (last X-Ray made today, tomorrow the doctors are gonna try to tell me what they think I might have), feel sleepy, feel bleh all in all.
is this the forum equivalent to twitting?
Well I start with a little baby oil... Oh wait, I misunderstood when I first read the topic title.
I'm pissed off and angry... basically same Chocolate egg, different day.
Yeah, I made the same mistake initially. Talk about the thread names you really should avoid if you can =)
What're you pissed off at?
Just a solid run of bad luck that never seems to stop. If one thing doesn't go wrong, it's another. That type of thing. Most recently I got a ton of work done as far as modding and what not, had some hard drive problems (power supply went so I couldn't use it anymore), spent $120 on a new hard drive so I could get back to modding. Day after I bought it, I accidentally drop it and it's broken. So I'm out $120, and several week's worth of work.
Video card in my Alienware went out, so no more SLI. After fiddling with it to figure out which card it was, laptop overheats now because I ran out of thermal grease and I found out I need a new heat sink for it anyway. Battery in my other laptop died, so if you bump the cord wrong the laptop shuts off. Basically anything that can go wrong, is and has been going wrong. I just don't have enough time in the day or enough money to keep replacing everything and redoing everything from scratch.
EDIT: Just got off the phone with the store I bought the hard drive from. They said they'll exchange it, but it'll cost me $159 if I want them to take the information off of it to save it for me... I could do it for free if I had another hard drive to put the information on, that's just nonsense. You're talking a 5 minute job to take the hard disk out and put it in another drive. Seriously.
well...look on the bright side. at least you're not feeling ill like everybody else here =P
:D I think this topic will make the forum more lively :D Kidding aside, I'm much much better now, I'm kinda happy!
OMFG, BR, dude, you're like some sort of Murphy's Law magnet, apparently. Although my week hasn't been that great either - what with the fun fact that I have to present my work-in-progress dissertation to my department head next Tuesday (which is still in its a-year-ago state), and if he ever so dislikes it, I'm out the door, and in line for army draft. The consolation is that whichever way you spin it, I apparently have some form of systemic arthritis, which reeeealy undercuts the chance of my being drafted... aside from all the pain and woes being arthritic brings.
But stories like yours remind me why I still keep my old Pentium 1 PC around - the damn thing is still working like a charm despite being half my age and has all I might need in a real emergency, including DosAmp (yes, there WAS a DosAmp, made by the same people that made WinAmp), and even a USB interface (apparently, USB is THAT old a concept). I could theoretically even mod on it, although there's no actual way for me to test anything off it, I suppose, since it's only got a 4 Gb HDD.
And now, let's end the runawayness of this thread back to its twitterific nature =)
Great! Maybe it's just me, but I didn't get half of what you've written :D
it's not just you.
But I got lucky here. I think the army doctor felt my terror bout being drafted and dismissed me for no reason. Yey!
Quote from: Noelemahc on September 22, 2009, 12:50PM
OMFG, BR, dude, you're like some sort of Murphy's Law magnet, apparently.
You have no idea lol. That's just the minor annoyances, but I'm not going to get in to it right now. That's just keeping me from doing what I enjoy during my free time, and that's modding stuff and playing games when I don't have enough time to do anything else.
Quote from: Iron Fist and Deadpool on September 22, 2009, 12:53PM
Great! Maybe it's just me, but I didn't get half of what you've written :D
Who are you talking about?
I was talking about what Noelemahc said before I've posted :D Relax, it's because of my bad English :D BTW: Second page already! Yay! :D
I understood everything he said.
Yeah, but I didn't, that was what I meant :D
I understood it aswell.
Anyway, am in a better mood now, stuff starts to work in 3dsmax (happy happy, joy joy). My gf is home (happy happy, joy joy), taking 2 more days off (happy happy, joy joy) but I need to spend € 40,- just to change my motorped or whatever you call it in english-certificate to a "Drivers-license) for it. STUPID, because I spend almost the same amount of money to GET the darn certificate. If I do not "buy" and change it, I need to start all over again. In my country, that means reading books, doing some tests on your own for practise, then pass the exam. And what's more ridiculious, or at least, will be ridiculious, is that the government is trying to make a new law.. To get the license you have to pass 2 type of exams.. The typical multiple choice questions & driving on the streets.. The latter one.. for a motorped? Which country has this already?
Anyway, I did not yet receive my paycheck nor my scholarship, so time is running out XD (mood drops, slappy slappy, croy croy)
I can shorten it: I've got an unknown problem with my joints (my legs and arms hurt if the weather changes or if I move them in a specific way, HURT A LOT). It might get me out of the army draft, which is a good thing, but it's probably one of those things that can't be fully cured, which is a bad thing. I am going for a post-graduate degree (sort of like a Ph.D, except here in Redland we have two grades of doctorateship, so I won't actually be a doctor of economics if I succeed), and to get it, I need to write a large thesis over three years. My second year just ended and I have to report my results and show my work to my chief, but there isn't enough to show. If I get kicked out, I face the army draft. If I don' get kicked out, I enjoy another year of goverment-paid slackery and maybe even get that degree.
Oh, and I have an old comp00ter with lots of fun stuff in it ^_^
Even shorter noel: *puts parental control on*
Either you're S is skr***d or you are not phu***d ^^ *parental control off*
I wish ya the best of luck and hope it all heals!
I feel sleepy! And everything single day in my life is just alike! Wake up, go to work, get pissed at work (both meanings; getting angry and pissed on by some idiots) , go home, sleep and then all over again and again...
This reminds me about Spider-Man's "What Would You do if You Only Had One More Day?"
I'd probably hold my wife and tell her how much I love her and let her know how grateful I am for having her as my woman and my kids' mom. And call my best friends to tell them there's nothing more that I care for than their friendship and good influence they've given me!
what you have certainly outweights what you lack. you definitely have plenty of reasons to be greatful ^^
Good for you guys, I wish everyone the best. For me, I felt always loneliness, I never had real friends, no one ever liked me and I was always alone. But dunno, I think I try to be happy for the people, who deserves it :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 22, 2009, 10:27PM
what you have certainly outweights what you lack. you definitely have plenty of reasons to be greatful ^^
You know how we say opposites always attract each other? Like two magnets. All the dumb stuff that I usually do (hehehehe), my wife always has a solution... Not to mention she takes care of my babies!
you're a lucky one xlenhsherr.
Quote from: Iron Fist and Deadpool on September 23, 2009, 12:09AM
Good for you guys, I wish everyone the best. For me, I felt always loneliness, I never had real friends, no one ever liked me and I was always alone. But dunno, I think I try to be happy for the people, who deserves it :)
Well, I think you've been a very decent guy so far. If an internet frienship helps, pick me! \o/
:D Okay :D But really, it's hard to make friends in my country. Everyone is so selfish and rude. Everyone thinks that true is what you say, but if someone else says something, than it's false, so you get it :D But this is what I have, I have to love it :D
I just finished one of the most calm days in scool today.Now i just saw blaw's movie skins and im more that thrilled(lol).After doing some math homework im planning to do some of my secret xml2 movie skins.I can say that im in a preety happy mood and a little tired...
Relax than :D
Well, I just had a "taksvärkki" -day. (taksvärkki from swedish "Dags Värk" -> Days Work) Which means that we go to work somewhere for a day and we get 10 euros which we take to school and that money is given to some hospital. (hope anyone understood something)
I was at home, baking and cleaning and stuff. So I feel happy, cause I didn't have to go to school. Still I'm a bit tired cause I couldn't get much sleep in the night. (thinking about someone)
Who was that someone, if I can ask this?
I feel stiff and aching because we had an athletic sports-day at school yesterday. And now I have to learn spanish :)
I'm completely broken. My heart and my soul is broken. Physically I'm okay.
My cheek hurts because I just had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. Whereever I go, people always stare at my swollen cheek...
Well, that's bad too. But you are still cool, because of Iron Fist!
BTW people, what do you think about this new flu thing?
Quote from: iammingy on September 23, 2009, 11:46AM
My cheek hurts because I just had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. Whereever I go, people always stare at my swollen cheek...
*plays music* Stop & Stare....(8)
Quote from: Iron Fist and Deadpool on September 30, 2009, 07:14AM
BTW people, what do you think about this new flu thing?
Government experiment gone wrong. Idiot breaks container, flu spreads from one person onto the other, government keeps it quiet and blames animals for it.
I have that theory on my mind. Must've watched too many movies.
Heh...Maybe :D Still, I want to protection :D I mean, it's kinda bad to die by a virus like that. But I still don't get it. Sometimes they say, that it's just a normal flu, but people eventually die because of it (two so far here in Hungary).
The only people who have died from what I've heard are those with pre-existing conditions. Besides, two people out of a population of around 10 million isn't that bad.
Oh, you mean the "sikainfluenssa" thing. Oooh, I'm not good in English so I didn't get it first. LOL
Well no one has died here in Finland, still everyone are making a terrible fuss about it. -.- We are not allowed to go to school if we have sour throte etc. And if someone gets feverish feeling during school day everybody go all nuts about it. The person must go home immediately, he mustn't go to see school nurse(?)
I think it's overreacted. It's not like a nuclear bomb war throughout the world, it's just a virus. Humanity will find cure and the problem solved. Don't you guys agree?
We've just been told to get over it and carry on as normal. We're going to catch it anyway so why try to stop the spread? So far more people have died from normal flu than swine flu. The only thing that was worrying about swine flu was that there was no medication for it. There is medication now.
Yeah, so I want this new flu shoot or what it's called and I don't have to care for it anymore :D BTW, I've seen some things about some new weird cat hybrids in the UK. What do you guys think?
Today i tought i had a bad day,but at the end it turned out preety well!Now that i saw movie sabretooth i felt incredibly good and for dinner my mom's making a Pizza Hut stile pizza YAY!!!
I feel pretty good, because it's my birthday.. :D Also I feel good because tomorrow is a drama lesson and I like drama. So now I'll probably just write this message and go to sauna in five minutes
Today I had a terrible day! I'm ill again and I'm totally pissed off, because of a little rude girl, who thinks she is some kind of Fairy Godmother, but at the end, she wants to make me angrier and stuff.
i hate homework!
Ok..i just got an oral test in history and got 5 out of 10,wich is not good but i dont have any remorces,i will try to fix it eventualy ^^.My day is neutral for now
Hating my school projects to death, gotta go to work for like 2 hours or so, tired as hell long day at school tomorrow. I.o.w: #$&(#)&$(#*@$.
I always knew that this topic is just great! BTW, I feel better today, but still ill.
I feel great because I have holiday. And now I will eat a croque-monsieur (french toast sandwich) :D.
Well, I ate a super sandwich. Little, but great :D
I think I'm practically done with school. I feel great (I think...)!
Good to hear, that someone feels great! In the moment, I feel better than ever, because of a friend of mine :)
Who would that be?
You don't know her. She lives here in Hungary, but not close to me. I talk with her on MSN, but we are really good friends. Whenever one of us has a problem, the otherone helps and our mood is always 100% great, when we speak :)
Well, my blood test came in today. It's official, my body is screwed up. Joint pain in EVERY one there is in my body, inflammation of both shoulder joints, and the bloodwork says "yeah, it might just be rheumatoid arthrosis". Bleh. Just bleh.
In other news, my parents no longer think that I'm faking it, which is a good thing. I think.
Not so good at this kind of English, but I hope everything will go well with you
How do I hate most of the hungarians under 18! Most of them are unpure souls! They just use cigarettes, drink many alcohol, sometimes uses drugs and even have sexual things with eachother. I feel sometimes alone, cause I'm better in things like these. I don't want to do stuff, which are bad for me, even in this age. Mostly people in Hungary do these stuff at the age of 14 or below! Bad, isn't it?
and that's the modern world we live in. unfortunately.
i had a cross country meet today. tired and i remain to hate homework.
I just don't get it! Why is it, that people are so bad? Why can't we live normally, purely (as pure good)? Is it because Yin-Yang stuff?
Quote from: deedooo on October 06, 2009, 04:40PM
and that's the modern world we live in. unfortunately.
i had a cross country meet today. tired and i remain to hate homework.
Homework?? That's it?
I got a midterm for my course on advanced database systems tomorrow. Yikes!
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 06, 2009, 04:42PM
I just don't get it! Why is it, that people are so bad? Why can't we live normally, purely (as pure good)? Is it because Yin-Yang stuff?
You think you are "normal" and those people are "bad". At the same time, those people would think they are "normal" and you are "bad". We don't live in an ideal world where things always happen the way you want it to.
I know this, but still. People destroy themselves with useless things, like these drugs, cigarettas and other stuff. I don't get the point, why?
Homework?? That's it?
I got a midterm for my course on advanced database systems tomorrow. Yikes!
homework is all o can handle at the moment
-_- •ZZZ
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 06, 2009, 04:59PM
I know this, but still. People destroy themselves with useless things, like these drugs, cigarettas and other stuff. I don't get the point, why?
don't be so judgemental. some of the greatest minds and talents of the world abused some kind of substance. There's a whole variety of other things that can jeopardize our health, like eating junk food, overworking, not exercising and so on. The point is that living is bad for your health. The important thing is to respect everyone's decisions as long as they don't harm anyone other than themselves. don't ever let other people impose their lifestyles on you and don't ever try to impose your lifestyle on them.
Today, I feel much much better. Yay! A hungarian won this Kylie Minogue clip competition or what :D I'm so proud of the guy, even if I don't know him :D :)
Aaaand I've been told I'm also being expelled from my post-graduate educational program (I was going for a doctorate in economics to avoid the army draft) for having done everything BUT the thesis research. Ouch. Talk about being disgraceful. Which means that I will soon once again be in the crosshairs of the army draft board, seeking to enlarge the ranks of the Soviet Army with the likes of yours truly (that is, sick and twisted cynical idjits with complicatedly deformed personalities).
The only saving grace is that my recent horrifying diagnosis sort of makes me exempt from the army draft... provided I gather enough documents to prove my sickness to the draft board. Why, oh why was I not born a girl? PMS is such a small payoff for a significantly less complicated life...
Which all comes down to a rather confused and panicky state.
Still not the best in English, but looks like you don't have much luck nowadays :(
You've read that right. In my country we have the choice to go in the army (either it be the navy, land or airforce) or not. But, everybody is forced to work unless you can prove you have a handicap of some sort.
Here I don't know about army stuff, but what I know is that I'm 100% unable to go :D
Quote from: Noelemahc on October 07, 2009, 09:00AM
Aaaand I've been told I'm also being expelled from my post-graduate educational program (I was going for a doctorate in economics to avoid the army draft) for having done everything BUT the thesis research. Ouch.
They won't let you extend the length of the program by one more year? or are you in the program 2+ years already?
In my country we must choose between army and sivil service. You can also choose an nonweapon army, which will be like army just without any guns etc. And if you don't go to army (or sivil service) you'll go to prison -.-
Finnish army system is tough...
It sounds tough indeed. As a man of peace (cause I'm one), I don't like army and other war stuff. It would be a lot easier, if there wouldn't be stuff like this, but sadly, peace can't exist without war.
I think we have the same system like in Finland.
I am very happy because I already know that I will get a big aquarium for Christmas :D
Until now, my mom never allowed me to have pets.
Good for you! Animals are great :)
In Canada, we don't need to go to army at all, but we would be ordered by the sheriff to become a jury once in a while...
I hope there won't be any war while I live. Or never again. Wars are always bad. Especially for my country.
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 07, 2009, 10:35AM
It sounds tough indeed. As a man of peace (cause I'm one), I don't like army and other war stuff. It would be a lot easier, if there wouldn't be stuff like this, but sadly, peace can't exist without war.
Amen! Peace through superior firepower!
Quote from: Noelemahc on October 07, 2009, 09:00AM
...Which means that I will soon once again be in the crosshairs of the army draft board, seeking to enlarge the ranks of the Soviet Army with the likes of yours truly (that is, sick and twisted cynical idjits with complicatedly deformed personalities).
Oh man! Sorry to hear that!
Quote from: iammingy on October 07, 2009, 10:39AM
In Canada, we don't need to go to army at all, but we would be ordered by the sheriff to become a jury once in a while...
here too.
I'm totally confused right now, because of everything which is linked with me
Does that mean I can easily hypnotize you?
BTW, I am feeling great today (so far. There is no telling what may happen in the dark and dusty confines of my mind)
Dude, no offense, but you are not funny. Really. Still, there are a lots of things, which I have to think about.
Do you think I try to be funny?
The dog on my lap isn't feeling so great. I think she's cold.
Now that you ask it, yeah. It looked like you tried to be funny. But seriously, I don't feel so good, I have a bad mood and other stuff.
Think about positive stuff instead of stuffing yourself full with world's negative stuff. For example, think about the stuff you can say with the word stuff. (trying to cheer ya up, just read your post about stuff somewhere^^)
Thanks BLaw, but I'm now a complete mess, as I said in the other topic. Maybe I need something, but I don't know what. Have to change a lot of stuff.
You are 14 (according to your profile) and you think you are a complete mess... You are still young and you have lots of chances if you keep trying. Don't give up so easily.
I didn't give up, but believe me, I have a lot of problems. It's a bit hard for a kid in my age, but I just have to solve some of them and everything will be okay.
QuoteThey won't let you extend the length of the program by one more year? or are you in the program 2+ years already?
Yup, my second year just ended, and our law allows an extra year only if you've done three and your research is 100% complete, but not yet fully published. My head of department came off slightly shocked that the dude with the shortest list of failed tasks was also the dude with the shortest thesis draft and no published articles (out here, if you're working on a post-graduate degree, you have to occasionally publish articles on the progress of your research, showcasing your discoveries, in specialized magazines -- I didn't discover nothing, so I didn't publish nothing).
QuoteIn my country we must choose between army and sivil service. You can also choose an nonweapon army, which will be like army just without any guns etc. And if you don't go to army (or sivil service) you'll go to prison -.-
Same here, except that the civil service option borders on government slavery (2x the time of an army draftee's service, virtually no pay and a need to PROVE in some way you're too pacifistic to do army service). The only good thing here is that the recent army reforms have finally taken care of the more criminal aspects of mistreatment of drafted soldiers, or so the newscasters say =)
Then again, if my medical problems get confirmed, I will be able to forget all of this and live a happy (painful) civilian life.
Quote from: Noelemahc on October 07, 2009, 11:12AM
Yup, my second year just ended, and our law allows an extra year only if you've done three and your research is 100% complete, but not yet fully published. My head of department came off slightly shocked that the dude with the shortest list of failed tasks was also the dude with the shortest thesis draft and no published articles (out here, if you're working on a post-graduate degree, you have to occasionally publish articles on the progress of your research, showcasing your discoveries, in specialized magazines -- I didn't discover nothing, so I didn't publish nothing).
Damn. That's just too bad. :(
Switzerland has an army? I thought Switzerland was the definition of neutral. :P Oh well, I suppose someone has to protect ickle Liechtenstein. We don't have any conscription in the UK so yay!
As for myself? I'm tired and I have blisters. My first lecture today was at 9am and my last was at 5pm. It's been a long day.
Well then, relax a lot Dihan :)
Well, some people say that Switzerland IS one big army, because everyone has an automatic rifle at home (you can keep your weapon when your finished with the army).
But it's a very useless army. I hate it.
I like weapons, but I prefer close combat blade weapons, like swords and daggers :) BTW, I'm 100% good now. My mood and everything else is A-Okay now! :) Thanks to two person, who helped me realize, that what I needed was there already :)
Gah. Really just... I don't know. Tired, irritated, pissed off, annoyed, etc. I got called in to work yet again today, as it was my day off. I got nothing done as far as modding goes. I was planning on having Emma's Astonishing model 100% complete today, but that just didn't happen Oh well. I don't mind going in to work for extra hours, but today was just so God damn aggravating that I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.
It also didn't help that last night I learned some very awful things. Things about my best friend. We've been in a rocky relationship for a while now and lately things have been kind of weird between us. We both love each other (as in love, more than friends... although we never formally acknowledged it, we were kind of in a relationship), so that made things extremely complicated. Anyway, found out about some lies, some other Chocolate egg she's been doing behind my back... basically avoiding me lately, hiding things from me, other bullshit that she's been putting me through for the past 2 years now. Like one of them being her getting pregnant almost a year ago (not by me). But anyway...
Yeah, so that was on my mind all night last night and I didn't get any sleep, then when I finally DID fall asleep a 7 a.m. this morning, I got a call at 8 a.m. to come in to work for a 12 hour shift. Fucking lovely. The entire day was hell because the people I work with are bastards and don't get Chocolate egg done. I also had to skip my breaks just to get the Chocolate egg done because I had to pick up the slack for everyone else bullshitting around all day. Then I had my best friend on my mind all day with yet another series of bullshit things she's doing to me while I was at work, so that made the day even more miserable. It's like I never get any rest. Anyway... I could go on but yeah. Just felt like ranting I guess. Not that anyone cares or anything.
No one probably cares but I will say it anyway.
Came home only to have an hour and more class over the phone (no not tutoring). After I find out I have this class again tommorrow when it should be on Saturday, not Thursday. I only have one more class but I soon realize I have been enrolled for more classes once a week, one hour, and it ends when December starts. I had stupid History hw of writing 25 notecards on refrigeration. In Math an entrie review page of homework for my test tommorrow. And a Science sheet of coloring and labeling (pretty easy but still it is hw). Tommorrow before my class I have yearbook club and it seems great but I am the only guy there. It's kinda weird with everyone else being girls and last time a girl asked me if I will stay. One of my friends (a guy) refuses to join even though he likes yearbook club so I am very frustrated right now. Not to mention another math test on friday for something I have not studied for the entire 2-3 weeks we had the review sheet.
@burning rage: that sucks. seriously. and here i am ranting about homework...
@marvelfan12345: I do know how it feels to get screwed over with scheduling, so i hear you, man.
Quote from: Burning Rage on October 07, 2009, 05:42PM
Gah. Really just... I don't know. Tired, irritated, pissed off, annoyed, etc. I got called in to work yet again today, as it was my day off. I got nothing done as far as modding goes. I was planning on having Emma's Astonishing model 100% complete today, but that just didn't happen Oh well. I don't mind going in to work for extra hours, but today was just so God damn aggravating that I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.
It also didn't help that last night I learned some very awful things. Things about my best friend. We've been in a rocky relationship for a while now and lately things have been kind of weird between us. We both love each other (as in love, more than friends... although we never formally acknowledged it, we were kind of in a relationship), so that made things extremely complicated. Anyway, found out about some lies, some other Chocolate egg she's been doing behind my back... basically avoiding me lately, hiding things from me, other bullshit that she's been putting me through for the past 2 years now. Like one of them being her getting pregnant almost a year ago. But anyway...
Yeah, so that was on my mind all night last night and I didn't get any sleep, then when I finally DID fall asleep a 7 a.m. this morning, I got a call at 8 a.m. to come in to work for a 12 hour shift. Fucking lovely. The entire day was hell because the people I work with are bastards and don't get Chocolate egg done. I also had to skip my breaks just to get the Chocolate egg done because I had to pick up the slack for everyone else bullshitting around all day. Then I had my best friend on my mind all day with yet another series of bullshit things she's doing to me while I was at work, so that made the day even more miserable. It's like I never get any rest. Anyway... I could go on but yeah. Just felt like ranting I guess. Not that anyone cares or anything.
Oh my. That was one horrible day
this may seem a bit sadistic, but I actually feel better reading bout you guy's troubles. I just grew up in a family where everybody seem to have really pathetic Sex & The Cityish problems, while I've been dealing with deep depression ever since I was 9. It's kinda recomforting knowing that other people I know have some real problems.
just have tiring, boring days. school»cross country»homework»bass lessons on wendsdays»maybe modding, if i have time...
I just came home from school. The worst biology class ever. Our teacher just complained the hole class about how awful our class is... And he was absolutely right. I hate 8D... Our class sucks very badly.
So now I'm on a bad mood. If my sister came home now and start complaining about something, I would probably kill her... :P
I'm depressed, but thank god nex week is vacation...
@ BR. Woah, that sucks. Both. I know how it can be to work for more than 12 hours straight. (I maxed 16 4 times :-< and then I quit lol, was a friday/saturday job, often had to start at 2 AM to noon :/ )
Anyhoo, Is it A relationship or not? If yes, I would have felt completely broken or so.
My day is too good :D I have the mood to make a mod and I fell into love :), I have a good friend (a girl) who I can count on :) :D BLaw has progression in Doc Ock. :D
Man, don't get me started on ruined relationships. Of the two I ruined, none are actually worthy of mention as I still was a bumbling loser nobody back then (most dudes are when they're 18 and never seen a lady naked yet outside of porn) and didn't know my way about not hurting anyone's feelings with my ineptitude. These days I've mostly sworn off ever dating a girl I'm trying to help with crippling psychological problems (it's an issue I have - girls that are afraid of guys because one idiot broke a little more than just their heart are a magnet that attracts me with the intention of helping mend the mental damage in any way I can) after I've cured one far enough to first fall in love with her and then have her walk out on me a week after that blinding realization because she's found someone "who loves her for more than just getting in her pants" (said she after a year of my being afraid to even touch her so as not to provoke a panic attack - she was that bad when I met her). That was one jaw-dropping moment, I'll say.
But that's another story, I guess.
Your story rings with me, BR, because in whatever team I work with, I'm usually the one that cleans up the other teammates' collective fuckups by doing overtime work and maybe some at-home work. Which is half the reason my thesis isn't done, because of a normal summer vacation, I've had to work in my academy's enrollment comission (which basically means dealing with everyone applying to join and the relevant paperwork). I might just be the first dude who ever worked in one of these to have gotten a death threat because of it (thing of note: wherever you live, there is probably an ethnic minority that is struggling badly to become an ethnic majority and generally treats anyone with whiter skin as trash and vermin to be intimidated and beaten and killed as necessary regardless of social status, so try not to piss off anyone of their numbers, like I did).
And yes, this seems to be a ranting day today, what with the foggy rain outside my window (yesterday morning, it is 4 degrees centigrade, two days ago - 1 degree, today? 8 and it turned to 18 by early afternoon, cue weather-induced headache and joint pain). Sorry.
I have fell in love too :D She's that someone I mentioned earlier... (I am male, not lesbian-.-)
She is awsome. She has the same drama lesson's as I do, which is fantastic. It's just that one friend of mine hate's her... Typical.
@Noelemanch, you really have a bad luck with women. That is almost like from movie
Look ThePhoenix, if you love that girl with all of your heart, then don't care with that one of your friend's don't like her. Once I loved a girl and she wasn't in a good relalionship with a friend of mine. I chose love and we were together for a year and a half and that friend of mine became more like an enemy for me, because she hated me because of that. Even tried to ruin my relationship :D
Yeah, I loved another girl for like three years. And the same friend hated her. A LOT. But I just went with love... The girl I loved was in textile work with me. :D We sat on the same table talked about things... We even danced together at the disco, and during gym classes when we had dancing... But that was it. She became a terrible prep. I don't like her anymore
So I fell in love again to another girl, and this time I'm going to do whatever I can to get her. :)
Good luck pal!
I feel better in every minute :) Lets just call this day as a "Hyper-Super-Giga-Mega-Great-Day" :D
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on October 08, 2009, 03:54AM
Anyhoo, Is it A relationship or not? If yes, I would have felt completely broken or so.
That's the thing. For a while it kind of was. However, she started getting weird on me. I finally talked to her last night for the first time in almost 2 months, and confronted her about all of the crap she's done recently. Long story short, there is a wall somewhere that now has a hole in it. I just got tired of her leading me on, then freaking out when we got really close and pushing me away. Even when the relationship got sexual, at first everything was great. Then all of a sudden she just completely shut herself off from me and left me wondering what the fuck? Ah well, can't say I'm not used to it.
It seems I have a long history of friends with whom I end up having relationships with and in some way or another, it always ends up being "I just want to be friends". Whenever they have problems, they always run back to me. I patch them up, then they run off again like I'm not Chocolate egg. This latest one is just perpetuating the cycle I guess. However, this is the one I've had the longest lasting friendship and relationship with, and the one I've been the closest to. It's hard to just walk away some times, but I'm at the point in my life where I'm just like fuck it all. For the record, she was the first one to say "I love you", and she's the one who got weird on me. I just don't get it.
QuoteHowever, she started getting weird on me. I finally talked to her last night for the first time in almost 2 months, and confronted her about all of the crap she's done recently. Long story short, there is a wall somewhere that now has a hole in it. I just got tired of her leading me on, then freaking out when we got really close and pushing me away. Even when the relationship got sexual, at first everything was great. Then all of a sudden she just completely shut herself off from me and left me wondering what the fuck? Ah well, can't say I'm not used to it.
That story I mentioned? Word-for-word, except the relationship didn't have time to get sexual. Trust me on this man, sooner or later you're gonna find yourself a girl that won't come running to you with her problems in, like, ever, and yet you will like her and that will be the one for you. I know because that's the kind of girl I'm seeing now, and it feels amazingly liberating not having to worry about anything you might accidentally say or do because she finds my penchant for saying stupidly offensive things at inappropriate times hilarious.
I'm impressed with all these newcomers showing up all of a sudden. bizarro, emma, nox and so on. glad to see BLaw's dad joining. maybe mrs. law and the little laws could take interest in modding too =P.
BLaw's dad? lol. Who would that be?
Yeah, it's kind of nice when someone joins to comment in my mod thread. It's neat. :D
Mr. Law, of course. =P
I know! it's a joke for chrissake. O.o'
Oh... well I'm tired, I had no idea it was a joke. Jokes don't always translate well over the internet.
true, specially since english isn't my first language.
It's not the English, it's the lack of context or emotion when typing something. No body language, no tone of voice, nothing like that. Just text.
Today I am feeling good.
i went to a really loud concert and it was fun. no really, i thoroughly enjoyed myself (even though i didn't get to play ac/dc's "big balls" :P)
Good for you! I'm quite tired because of this week.
Oh, and Go Hungarian U-20 Team!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 09, 2009, 05:56PM
I'm impressed with all these newcomers showing up all of a sudden. bizarro, emma, nox and so on. glad to see BLaw's dad joining. maybe mrs. law and the little laws could take interest in modding too =P.
Would be nice if my dad was still alive. Died at age of 55 5 years ago, I was still 16 (was before 2 months before my birthday). Oh and don't comment on this.
I'm in a good mood atm, working with 3ds max is getting easier. Perhaps I'm taking requests for skins or so again soon. I mean, requests directed at me through my topics (NOT PMs)
Still a bit confused about some things, but will clear my life :)
He said he didn't want any comment on that and I keep that in respect (maybe this sounded strange, but we say things like this in Hungary).
Still feeling good because modeling stuff work like I want to XD Learning more and more about it.
I'm also in a crazy mood, more like a slap ya head silly mood XD
Great to hear that. Currently I feel all funny. My stomach is growling or what :D I mean, it makes sounds and not because I'm hungry :D
You're not hungry but hungary XD wth is hungary with small h even a word? XD
Back to my problem, I think my stomach is kinda weak. I have problems with it many times.
See a doctor if you didn't do it already.
I did it, but they just can't do anything useless. Give me some lame medicine and nothing more. I hope I will "heal" myself from these things.
well, you've said that you've been sad n' stuff. the stomach is generally one of the first body parts to reflect that. could be psychosomatic.
Great, that's what I needed...:D
I feel...tired of playing MUA with the stuff that's been released so far, since I've finnished the game at least 60 times. Since BLaw is working on importing all MUA2 stuff and great new character mods, BR's improving everyone I thought needed improvements and whiteking is working on Moonstone and my most wanted skin all time (modern Scarlet Witch), I think I'm gonna focus on my recently acquired Knights of the Old Republic. That way, when all this stuff's been released I'll be playing a whole new MUA with a brand new perspective ^^.
This is a good idea. I'm the same in this. I play various games at the time, so whenever I pick a new mod to play with, then it's not that boring :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 10, 2009, 12:28PM
I feel...tired of playing MUA with the stuff that's been released so far, since I've finnished the game at least 60 times. Since BLaw is working on importing all MUA2 stuff and great new character mods, BR's improving everyone I thought needed improvements and whiteking is working on Moonstone and my most wanted skin all time (modern Scarlet Witch), I think I'm gonna focus on my recently acquired Knights of the Old Republic. That way, when all this stuff's been released I'll be playing a whole new MUA with a brand new perspective ^^.
I have that game, I'm planning on getting some weaponry of that game and throw it in MUA XD
Well, that would be interesting :D
speaking of which, can people make models out of most things ripped from games with 3d ripper? what are the requirements for this, i have some...plans...if this works.
Feeling good today. So far :P
I hope your fortunes improve, both The Iron Power of Spider Man and Noelemahc.
I feel myself like a Roller Coaster. Sometimes up and happy, sometimes down and feel bad.
@ deedoo: look around in the stickies of the knowledge base.
I'm feeling like crap.
I have a presentation tomorrow. But I need to finish the presentation XD Which I don't feel like doing because I wanna mod XD
*goes into trailer mode*
One on One.
Him vs the Teacher.
Only one person can get a grade.
Tomorrow in cinemas school.
Well, where can I get tickets for it?
Sold out...
OOOOooooouh....guess i will have to wait it to come in dvd LOL
Don't get the DVD, it's awefulllllll.
From 1 to 10, I got a 6. Which is on the positive side but I could've done better.. The teacher said.. IMO, I couldn't XD I'm bad at speaking/writing German XD
No more spoilers! I still wanna get the DVD with deleted scenes, director's cut, audio commentaries, alternate ending and easter eggs. I read it's 87% fresh on the tomato-meter \o/.
PS: Do I know how to take a metaphor too far or what? :P
Kinda XD
Well, the DVD includes:
- Deleted scenes: see how Mr. Law curses after he got a 6
- Director's cut: a talk with Mr. Law before and after the movie.
- Audio commentaries: listen to Mr. Law throughout some scenes of the movie
- Alternate ending: watch the exclusive alternate endings. Yes people there are more!
- Easter eggs: wait till next year's Easter.
Order the Deluxe edition now which holds 1½ hour of bloopers! If you order now, you'll also get the special DVD of "Mom, I stunned and X-Tremed the teacher"!
Ontopic, I feel tired. One of my teachers is pushing us with the projects and we all feel like crap: no energy or INTEREST in making them. But we had to stand for hours at our school's stand at an education convention in our country. Had to damn walk around for hours at the whole convention, giving out flyers and little brochures and what not to every brat that was walking around there. They promised to comprise our wasted time by removing some assigments in the projects but hell no :<
been there, done that and almost commited suicide right there while doing that.
seriously, the single worst job I ever had.
Aww, I had something like this two weeks ago in French. Horrible.
BTW just ask me if you need help with German :)
Thanks for the offer ^^ But lucky enough I have 1 face-to-face exam left (which the teacher gives us the stuff to learn for) and 2 writing exams. We are allowed to use dictionaries with those 2 though ^^
I'm feeling great. But I got a feeling that the next week will be horrible (school-wise).
Something completely different:
Am I the only one who can't see Iron Power of Spider-Man's avatar?
Yes, you are =)
I'm feeling great pain in my shoulders (inflammation of the joint tissue, or so I'm told), and I'm working on the paperwork to get my joints looked at at another hospital, a specialized one. On the other hand, my girlfriend was with me for most of today, and my being slightly empathic, I was basking in the glow of her happiness, and that's a good thing, yesyes.
that really sucks man. my mom has arthritis too and has been popping pills for years to deal with the pain. hope this new hospital you're going to has a better treatment for your problem.
I'm still not properly/fully diagnosed, that's the funniest part =) I'm not even sure it's actually arthritis >.<
Didn't do well on a test that I could have aced so easily....... :(
I feel like the last person on Earth, when the whole planet explodes
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 14, 2009, 11:35AM
I feel like the last person on Earth, when the whole planet explodes
Isn't that great? The only Earthling able to observe how Earth explodes.
No, it's just bad. Exploding with the planet. The worst thing, which could happen. But still, better then a suicide.
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 14, 2009, 11:41AM
No, it's just bad. Exploding with the planet. The worst thing, which could happen. But still, better then a suicide.
But, you get to die with Mother Nature together?
And that's not so good. Humanity is destroying Mother Nature. When the planet will go boom, there won't be left anything, which is pretty, nice.
Tired and fed up. I'm not going to bother venting.
I had thought you meant you were the only person alive after the planet exploded. I do love explosions. But anyways, I hope your life gets better in very near future, IPOSM (Iron Power of Spider Man)
Thanks piutebob.
Today, I feel so much better!
Feeling great and crap. Great because I got my another good grade for a German exam. Listen exam :P Got a 9 out of 10. Yay! Made another German exam today, that's three out of five ^^
Next week I have the first English exam, presentation.
well, you're gonna breeze through that. you're english is great!
Yah. All my classmates ask me stuff in class, like "how do you spell sympathise" and "how do you say "dutch word/sentence" in English?". As if I'm a dictionary XD I'm the only guy in my class btw. I'm in a class of 11 girls.
Well, in my class, there are 22 girls and 10-11 guys, so yeah...kinda...unfair, when we want something... :D
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on October 15, 2009, 12:02PMI'm the only guy in my class btw. I'm in a class of 11 girls.
how lucky, you have your own little harem there, huh?
I gotta say, I'm really really bored to death here in Brasilia. The weather is terrible, way too hot and dry. There's nothing interesting to do and it's the kinda city where you have to drive for 20 minutes to get to the bakery. I just wanna move someplace else. There's a friend of mine who's moving to Netherlands and said that I should go with him. I'm actually considering this. It is a huge life changing choice and I don't speak any Dutch, so I'm naturally hesitant. How do you like living there MJ?
I'm tired - I blame that on the 5am fire drill we had.
I have an earache.
I have a horrible day tomorrow with four hours of English Literature lectures.
I have a mini essay in for Monday and I'm sitting here procrastinating.
Yeah they call me their pimp. And I protect my b*tch*s :P I've proven that when a classmate was stalked by her ex.
I like it here. But I would avoid major cities because of the criminal youth in our country. Most of those juveniles are Maroccans (according to the research done in those cities). Amsterdam, Rotterdam, both of those cities are ranked for criminal activities, but most happen during the night on the streets.
Anyway, there are better places to visit in our small country ^^ I suggest to visit our country (if anyone is planning to do it) in the summer. Our main beach (called Scheveningen) is a great sight and they have frickin delicious baked shrimps for sale there ^^ (but I live on the other side of the country XD )
I've re-read your post, are you talking about actually living there?
@ Dihan: good luck with the essay. I hope you don't have as much projects as I have XD
Quote from: Dihan on October 15, 2009, 12:17PM
I'm tired - I blame that on the 5am fire drill we had.
I have an earache.
I have a horrible day tomorrow with four hours of English Literature lectures.
I have a mini essay in for Monday and I'm sitting here procrastinating.
Good luck with your exams! Don't give up! Never! :)
BTW, I'm so happy now people! Group hug!
yes! I am seriously thinking about it. My dad's portuguese, so I'm a few months away from having my double nationality. My friend said I could get a job easily t to pay the bills till I learn Dutch, afterwards I can work in my area.
So, I'm kinda feeling that weird chill in my stomach, like when I went bungee jumping for the first time. It would be a huge adventure.
Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 15, 2009, 12:29PMBTW, I'm so happy now people! Group hug!
I'm really glad you're feeling better!
Well, I hope the best things for you Nowhere Man pal :)
thanks mate! :D
I love the word mate! Especially when I hear it with an English accent (or what) :D
Yeah they pronounce it without the T in some parts of the UK, which I toh-ly like m8 :P Makes me wanna speak it all day tomorrow ^^
@ N-Man:
The south of the Netherlands is like the best place to live. Peaceful, yet a lot of interesting stuff to do. Also almost every town and city has a bakery XD
what can I say? I like mi bread :D
PS: Jolly good, how bou a cup o'tea ma*e? :P
I prefer cakes!
Oeuw myh ghod. Shean Connereh on theh televishion. A young Shean Connereh :P I thinK, it'sh a Bondt Movie :'p
The young version just made my day XD
Well, just got home from the store. I went to pick up:
For some reason Target had it on clearance for $5, so I was like hell yeah! I'm installing it as I'm posting this now. :D I absolutely loved the reboot to the series by Crystal Dynamics and can't wait to play this game. So don't be surprised if I disappear for a few days or longer. :rofl: Seriously, Legend was amazing and Anniversary was fun, so I have high expectations for this game and I hope Crystal Dynamics keeps on making more. Eidos made a very good decision to switch from Core to Crystal Dynamics. Anyway, see you guys when my new addiction is complete. :runaway:
speaking of addictions, i have had phsycho killer ( by the talking heads stuck in my head for the past few days and i still love it! i seriously can't stop playing it!
I luv that song too =)
Here's one I love:
BTW, I feel great, finished school early, and happy IPOSM is feeling better!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 16, 2009, 12:48PM
I luv that song too =)
there's a sort of cult about it at my school. my "clique" always sings the chorus and we play the song all the time. we've decided it's the theme-song of the universe. other popular songs are: acdc:big balls, squeez: cool for cats, and bon jovi: livin on a prayre. we have very strange tastes, ok? truth being we got most of those from rock band 2.
in other news, as today was my birthday, i get to eat out at "blue plate cafe". they have the best vegi-burgers in town.
that is all.
Feeling great, but tired. Create some stuff for others today, learned new stuff along the way. Cool stuff ^^. Got the english presentation wednesday. I got a feeling..that tonight's gonna be a good night (8), I mean that it's going to be great XD
no duh. you speak english like a natural. a few problems, i must admit, but i speak in text speak and/or pop culture jokes half the time, so it all evens out.
i feel pretty good, but is am worried about my biology test tomorow and many kids at my school are sick. there's a virus/bug going around, and i hope i don't catch it. i've been reading some runaways books and it has already inspired me for at least one mod.
Thanks, and I have to admit the problems myself XD Next week vacation woohoo ^^
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on October 20, 2009, 12:27AM
Next week vacation woohoo ^^
My vacation's just ended :(
I overslept today and our social studies teacher yelled at us, again. And he wasn't the only one yelling at our class today, also our history and healthcare teachers yelled at us. (yeah, yoohoo 8D (<- not a smiley)) That means that it's not a good day today.
Only good thing is that we got out from school at one o'clock when normally we would get at 4 o'clock.
My long weekend was last week. Still good day and no hw.
woo boy! I feel good (de-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne). i got my biology test over with (it was much easier than i thought) and tomorrow i leave school during in the beginning of fourth period (there are 8 total, + lunch) for a cross country meet that i don't even have to run in. after that there's a long weekend due to parent teacher conferences. so i get a bunch of modding time, and and 4+ days to work on the work i miss in school. i might even find time to do some deviant art, which i haven't had time for in a while.
over all mood: great!
USA Top 20 PC sellings:
1. Aion
2. The Sims 3
3. Champions Online
4. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
5. Aion Collector's Edition
6. Mumbo Jumbo Assortment
7. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe
8. World of Warcraft: Battle Chest
9. Real Deal Slots Treasures of the Far East
10. World of Warcraft
11. Spore
12. Grand Theft Auto IV
13. Starcraft: Battle Chest
14. Zuma's Revenge
15. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack
16. Batman: Arkham Asylum
17. Reel Deal Slots Adventure
18. Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships
19. Civilization IV: Complete Edition
20. The Sims 2 University Life Collection
Something is totally not right around Batman :D
It should at least be above WoW Battle Chest.
Haha "Real Deal Slots Treasures of the Far East" is probably the worst game name I've ever seen.
There are always strange games in the charts, not just in the USA.
Good point.
I think pretty soon Force Unleashed will be up there... Maybe.
On topic more like: I feel... odd. I guess that's normal. Oooh, and cold, too. Never believe someone when they say it's always warm in SoCal.
I'm feeling good. I could've done better with my presentation.. But I had the longest presentation of my class and till now I think the best one with the most public interaction.
Aaaaand more x-rays for me. Hip joints this time. It is now my firm belief that every doctor I go through has a favourite place to check for conflicting symptoms about my potential diagnosis (currently, the dial on the "guess the condition" meter is at "rheumatoid polyarthrosis", which everyone who's ever seen at least one episode of House M.D. knows is NOT GOOD).
Also, discovered that the side-effects of the pills I was prescribed to fight the pain aren't as rare as it says on the instruction paper (or maybe I'm rare enough to be affected by them). Let's just say my day was not a very good one and leave it at that. Bleh.
wish you well noel!
I'm thinking how ridiculous it is that it's part of my spanish homework to make a collage. I haven't done that since I was 7. What's next? finger painting? ¬¬
I'm also enthused that my Wanda booster is nearly done. It's the greatest alteration I've ever done to a character. Of course it's not much if compared to what the big modders do, but I'm learning =P. At the same time a little frustrated cause I'm having a hard time getting Hex Beam do work cause on non-loopy anims and difficult recoloring. it's the only thing left to do.
Got some new flip flops that are very comfortable and stylish. ^^
A little irritated cause my dad's driving all my family crazy cause he has OCD and won't admit it to get some treatment.
Happy cause my docs for the double nationality were finally the right ones this time, so pretty soon I'll be american AND european. =P
Wanda booster! Oh that is fantastic!! May I ask what she may include?
hum...I could tell you, but it will be released very soon. do you really wanna know or do you prefer to be surprised? =P
If it's very soon I can be suprised. Although I don't really mean that as I'm dying to know. But leave it a suprise. I'll be very happy then. By soon is it soon like today or tommorrow or soon by in a week?
today or tomorrow. I just need whiteking to get online to help me with this very last thing I mentioned earlier. the rest is all done. just so you can imagine, 6 of the 7 powers have been altered in someway.
Well then it can be a suprise. Good luck for the final part although maybe I can help a little. What exactly do you mean by problem with non-loopy animations?
I'll pm you about it.
Ok then. I think we are spamming this thread so I'll include stuff about my day.
My friend pretended to be a dino who can see the future (very weird person she is) so she said I would have a good day at school.
Well almost right except I hated my lunch and too much math hw.
and how old is your friend? i would sympathize with you about weird friends, but that's actually pretty normal for my friends (considering one of them is a dinosaur that can see the future, i'm pretty sure one of them is a mercenary, and the other is a rock-star vampire. go figure). which probably just tells you something about me...:P
yay long weekend! now all i need to do is try to not forget about homework while getting my mods to work.
Well I just had a pretty good hour of what I like to call "mime karaoke".
Me, being the person I am and not wanting to disturb anyone, performed the following songs in the comfort of my own room with a hairbrush.
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Queen - Killer Queen
Queen - I Want to Break Free
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round
A-Ha - Take on Me
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Cher - Believe
Bonnie Tyler - I Need a Hero
Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
Jackson Five - ABC
Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer
Spice Girls - Wannabe
Los Del Rio - Macarena
Divinyl - I Touch Myself
I'm feeling pretty hyper now! :D
Funny, I did sing bohemian rhapsody at work today.
lol Dihan, I bet you are a great singer.
Quote from: deedooo on October 21, 2009, 04:34PM
and how old is your friend? i would sympathize with you about weird friends, but that's actually pretty normal for my friends (considering one of them is a dinosaur that can see the future, i'm pretty sure one of them is a mercenary, and the other is a rock-star vampire. go figure). which probably just tells you something about me...:P
yay long weekend! now all i need to do is try to not forget about homework while getting my mods to work.
My friend is my age about 12 or 13. It's kinda a joke we play. In keyboarding we can't talk so we type stuff and look at each other's comp. screens and write something back. She kept writing grr so I asked if she was an animal and she said dino. Asking how she was alive when dinos were extinct she said she was a psychic dino who saw the meteor shower and escaped to safety but no other dino listened to her.
Warning: listening to talking heads for 45 mins straight can cause psychedelic hallucinations.
believe me. i know from personal experience. either way tonight i went to bass lessons and my teacher helped me with psycho killer (still addicted, btw) and a jazz solo i was having trouble on. i also just got extremely powerful new headphones (skull candy is teh greatezorz !!11!!!@@) and tonight i also discovered that motzart isn't half bad. Also dihan has just reminded me to buy livin' on a prayer by bon jovi.
@dihan: sounds like a fun time. been a while since i had a good sing-along session. i was charged for assault last time i tried XD. nice music choice btw.
Quote from: Dihan on October 21, 2009, 05:51PM
A-Ha - Take on Me
I didn't know anyone else actually still listened to that song, haha.
i prefer the reel big fish version ( (the video's a little weird, but the song's good).
Quote from: Dihan on October 21, 2009, 05:51PM
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Lol I like the literal version more. :D
And I sometimes sing too, though only in the shower when I'm alone. Also sometimes when no one else is at home. Yesterday for example I sang The Baseballs - Umbrella, now
there is a song that makes you feel better. Also any song from Mamma Mia! movie makes you wanna dance! (Okay the make me wanna dance)
But about how I feel now. I feel awsome! Listening to the song I mentioned earlier, makes really feel me very good.
Literal versions rule.
QuoteI didn't know anyone else actually still listened to that song, haha.
It's a classic, I tell ya, you can't diss it. Also, has nice black metal cover version of it on tha interwebs. Come to think of it, pretty much EVERY pop music hit has a black metal cover on the interwebs if you search long enough. Most are surprisingly good.
I'm... actually in a pretty good mood today. Not because it's been a great day, the day is too young. But because of my friend I was talking about on the first page. The friend I am in love with, I heard from her today. She actually went out of her way to get in contact with me and wish me a happy birthday. I honestly thought she had forgotten all about it, and that made me happier than ever. Someone asked me the other day what I wanted for my birthday. The only thing I could think about was her, but I thought that was a little out of the question. However, she was all I could ask for because she is all I want. I heard from her this morning finally though, so I'm going to give it a shot and see where it goes. If nothing else, the entire day is going to be good now no matter what because I heard from her.
Aside from that, I'm bored as Chocolate egg. There is nothing to do right now because everyone is at work and it's still early in the day yet so getting drunk by yourself in the morning is kind of stupid. However, aside from being bored I'm still in a good mood. Cheers.
That's great to hear. I'd say, go for it man!
Well, at the moment, I feel all funny. Tomorrow, I want to go somewhere, to meet someone, but I'm a little nervous.
I feel good, even though I got a 2.3 out of 6 in maths last week. But nothing will get me down.
I feel good as well, though we have a chemsitry test tomorrow and I should be reading, since I can't understand a damn thing about chemistry... :S Well I'll read later :P
:rofl: Me too! I also have a chemistry test tomorrow and I don't unserstand it either!
Are you in my class or what? :D
:D Wow, Larcetin. What a coincidence, indeed. lol :rofl: I guess we are on the same class or something :D Just you are in Switzerland and I in Finland
since we can talk bout everything here. did you guys like my new avatar pic and the little scarlet carson on the signature or did you like it better as it was?
I like it. Especially the scarlet carson.
great, tnks =) I really love V for Vendetta. it opened my eyes to a great many things. ^^
How was you test Phoenix?
Mine was easier than I thought.
Yeah, it wasn't as difficult as I thought, but it was still very, very dfficult.
I have a another test tomorrow. History. I´m pretty good at History, so no problem for me.
So, does anyone go out for Halloween?
Here in Hungary, we don't do this Halloween thing (it would be fun) :D
Here in Brazil we don't have the habit of trick-or-treatig , but we have fantasy party, and I think I will be going to one.
I think I'll stick at home. Here we have halloween club parties, but my wallet won't let me go there :<
Ah well, I bet Halloween at home will be a blast 8-)
well, as MW said, we don't trick or treat, and even if we did I wouldn't cause I'm 26 and have a sense of ridiculous =P.
Costume parties are a new thing here too, influence of the US. Here Halloween is called "Finados", which would be the day we pay respect to those who have past away.
I don't think I'm gonna do anything special. I have the same problem as BLaw.
Yeah, we don't exactly celebrate Halloween as well, Halloween. More like a harvest festival type thingy. I mean, seriously, Halloween really is celebrating the Devil's birthday in sense.
What do you mean piutebob? Aren't you from the US?
Quote from: piutebob on October 27, 2009, 02:43PM
Yeah, we don't exactly celebrate Halloween as well, Halloween. More like a harvest festival type thingy. I mean, seriously, Halloween really is celebrating the Devil's birthday in sense.
No its not. My guess is your religous right? Nothing about it is celebrating the devil or his birthday, who the hell knows when he was "born". Read about it here
Seriously its just a fun day to dress up and eat candy, its always demented religous people who turn everything into an evil satanic thing. not everything is about god and the devil.
i plan on going to the school (and i quote) "halloween stomp". then i spend hallloween night at a scary movie marathon. very fun. 15 is just a little old for trick or treating :P.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on October 27, 2009, 03:25PM
Nothing about it is celebrating the devil or his birthday, who the hell knows when he was "born".
Get it? :P
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on October 27, 2009, 03:33PM
Get it? :P
lol yeah i saw that after i typed.
i just think its crap to mess up fun holidays because some people think they see something satanic about it or whatever. seriously in some schools they wont even let kids dress up for halloween and teachers have to make up stuff like "Harvest Parade" "Book Parade" or whatever so that kids can wear customes on that day and no one will complain.
that's crap. not the fact itself, but that that kind of thing happens, it just angers me. that's the good thing about going to a non-religous private school.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on October 27, 2009, 03:37PM
seriously in some schools they wont even let kids dress up for halloween and teachers have to make up stuff like "Harvest Parade" "Book Parade" or whatever so that kids can wear customes on that day and no one will complain.
Yeah, I agree that that's a little over the top. And with this:
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on October 27, 2009, 03:25PM
No its not. My guess is your religous right? Nothing about it is celebrating the devil or his birthday, who the hell knows when he was "born". Read about it here
Seriously its just a fun day to dress up and eat candy, its always demented religous people who turn everything into an evil satanic thing. not everything is about god and the devil.
First of all, there is nothing wrong being religious. There are many very normal religious people. And there are religous people that take part in Halloween. And uh, do you know how Jack O' Lanterns came into existence? Satanists would offer to make a Jack O' Lantern to keep Spirits away for a family if said family would give a daughter to sacrificed. And you are right that no one knows when Satan was born, since he was not born. He was created. I will say no more about this.
More on Topic: I am feeling great! I hope everyone has fun on Halloween (or Candy-day, or All Saint's Day, or whatever you want to call it :P)
Your right theres nothing wrong with being religous, its when you use your religion to close yourself of to the rest of the world, judge others for not believing in your faith, think people who are different from you are unnatural or satanic, or belive that only what your religious texts says is truth and nothing else is. Not that this applies to you, just saying what i feel.
So no it has nothing to do with the devil. kids and adults that dress up on that day are not thinking about the devil, they are thinking about getting candy and dressing up, plus partying.
and no about the Jack O Lanterns, the origin is this
QuoteOriginating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga. Believing that the head was the most powerful part of the body, containing the spirit and the knowledge, the Celts used the "head" of the vegetable to frighten off harmful spirits. Welsh, Irish and British myth are full of legends of the Brazen Head, which may be a folk memory of the widespread ancient Celtic practice of headhunting – the results of which were often nailed to a door lintel or brought to the fireside to speak their wisdom. The name jack-o'-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a greedy, gambling, hard-drinking old farmer.He tricked the devil into climbing a tree and trapped him by carving a cross into the tree trunk. In revenge, the devil placed a curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth at night with the only light he had: a candle inside of a hollowed turnip. The carving of pumpkins is associated with Halloween in North America where pumpkins are both readily available and much larger- making them easier to carve than turnips. Many families that celebrate Halloween carve a pumpkin into a frightening or comical face and place it on their doorstep after dark. The American tradition of carving pumpkins preceded the Great Famine period of Irish immigration and was originally associated with harvest time in general, not becoming specifically associated with Halloween until the mid-to-late 1800s.
Not to mention Satanism is a fairly recent New Religious Movement. Halloween was, and always will be, a festival with its origins in traditional Celtic religion.
There's nothing wrong with religious people. There is something wrong with ignorant religious people spouting nonsense like it's the truth.
I personally don't like Halloween because it's been exploited and lost all of its meaning.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on October 27, 2009, 04:54PMSo no it has nothing to do with the devil. kids and adults that dress up on that day are not thinking about the devil, they are thinking about getting candy and dressing up, plus partying.
And buns. Getting lots of buns while partying. While I'm not thinking about the devil while doing it, it was because of the little devil on my shoulder that I was only thinking about getting buns at the party to begin with. You win some, you lose some.
I'm going to a club with a score of friends for Halloween, yet I still have eggsactly zero ideas for a costume. =(
Go as a doppelgänger of yourself?
I'm not THAT famous to do this shtick yet. And since the party's gothic-themed, it's gonna need some serious improvising, what with my aversion to leather, latex and most other kinky materials that are fashionable amongst their crowd in this land. Let's hope they're not prejudiced against velvet.
How about going as the Crimson Dynamo ? :P You could make it black to fit in better.
We dont celebrate Halloween in my country.
Or get a white sheet and throw it over your head? Eye-holes are optional.
Or just go as yourself and get you some buns.
here's a suggestion I always give people: just put a belt on your head and your underwear over your bermuda shorts and go as quail man.
We have Halloween here. A friend of mine always made a big Halloween party (which is not very common here), but I guess he won´t make one this year, so the only thing I will do this Halloween will be giving candy to all the little kids who ring at my door.
We have Halloween in Finland, but it's mostly just private partying, notihng like trick-or-treat stuff...
For me I think I'll just be at home, unless one of my friends make a party, though I'm quite sure they won't :D
Btw, I feel great, we have a Finnish test tomorrow and I'm good in Finnish (better than anybody else on this forum, I can say :P ) so I think I'll make good grade
Gotcha! You changed your name again Death the Kidd^^
Another crappy day today. On the verge of a blow up of sorts, only thing I can think of to solve it at this point is some good old fashioned drinking and driving. Only issue with that is there's some mothers out there who would get MADD. Oh well. Haven't been in the spirit of modding lately to be honest so I haven't done anything for a while except for the dagger for Dihan which came out like crap because of the limitations of the alchemy tools we have, so that really isn't my fault. It still makes me angry because I know how good I can get it to look but I can't get it that way in game. Makes me feel like an idiot because of how plain it is. Meh. Anyway, gotta do something for a modder real quick then I'm hitting the bars all night. Happy hour is soon so that means $1 drinks. If I make it in to work tomorrow I make it. If not I don't give a crap to be honest. Cheers.
Hang in there, man. Here's something to cheer you up:
i love that video! the best censor out there, in my opinion (and there's a lot, believe me).
Well, feel at least a little better. I ended up sniping an auction on e-bay and got a new set of video cards for my Alienware. Sniping is kind of a mean thing to do (well not really, but a lot of people hate it) because you can catch other people off guard who bid low to start and usually don't go any higher because it doesn't look like they have any competition, and then suddenly someone comes out from under you and outbids you in the last 30 seconds of the auction (like I just did which helped me get the cards hella cheap) leaving you almost no time to counter-bid to win the item if you really wanted it.
But anyway, once they get here I can replace the dead video card inside my Alienware (I have 2 cards in it configured in SLI, but the parent is dead so it crashes if I enable SLI) with one of the working ones, and I have an extra which I'll just put back up on e-bay and resell it. The cards generally go for $200 a piece, so this was a steal because I got 2 for ~$100 each WITH the SLI cable included. I will resell the extra card I won't need at the normal going rate of $200 which means in the end I'll basically get a free video card out of the whole ordeal. The first sign of good luck I've had in the longest time.
Now to get some good thermal grease. I've heard that OCZ Freeze ( was one of the best there is to get, so I'm definitely going to pick some up. I would overclock my CPU but with my luck, it'd fry even with top of the line thermal grease. But anyway, by next week I'll have my awesome monster rig finally back up and running at full power again which means I can play MUA in Advanced Lighting and full graphics settings at 1920x1200 resolution again. It's been over 2 years since I've been able to (because I just quit the game, and then the card died like 10 months ago). I can't wait, it's been a while since I've been able to play any of my games at good settings or even play around with Max and truly jack up the pretties. Anyway, now to finish getting drunk. I just had to be coherent enough for the auction that I've been watching for a week now. :rofl: Cheers.
You sneaky bastard, so it was you! :P And no, it wasn't me or anyone I knew ^^
Got my new video cards ( in the mail today, along with my OCZ Freeze. Awesome stuff getting both on the same day considering the cards came from Florida and the thermal grease came from California so I didn't expect the grease until tomorrow. It was most definitely a pleasant surprise coming home to find them waiting for me. That means I can install my cards right now permanently after I test to make sure they work. Here's to hoping I can finally use SLI in my Alienware again and go back to playing games the way they were meant to be played (I love Nvidia :rofl:). Anyway, going to install my cards now and if everything works properly as expected, probably get distracted for a long time because of my new (old) toy working again. Cheers.
Today is my day. I've played trough MUA 2 on XBox 360 for the first time, I'm happy with my best friend and everything is going OK with my girlfriend. Nothing could make me sad today! :)
I´m pretty happy too. Theres just some school stuff that annoys me.
One reason why I´m happy is that some disagreements I was having with my dad are over now.
Well hell I give up. The new cards work, SLI doesn't still. As soon as I enable SLI poof, my system crashes as it did before. Some further testing leads me to believe my video cards weren't bad to begin with in the first place. After hours on hold with Alienware support they weren't able to help me because my warranty is up, even though I'm asking simple questions. They suggested it could be the SLI EZ selector card that went bad, but if it did I'd get a popup error for the card. Also, I wouldn't get the popup message that says "your system is SLI ready". But to humor them while I was taking my laptop apart over the phone, I asked about where it was at in my laptop. The place they told me to look for it, it didn't exist. The card simply isn't there.
But SLI worked before and when I woke up one morning I just had a blue screen error. I don't know what the hell is up, but I've tried every single driver out there and did everything I could possibly think of and SLI still won't work. I think I just give up now. I don't know what else to do, and now I just wasted $230 on video cards when it looks like I didn't have to now because the problem could be something else. Get screwed much? Gotta love it.
that sucks. majorly. good luck with all that!
I feel good, whereas my stomach feels, well, bleh.
I feel soaked, tired, back hurts. I had to ride my bike for almost an hour to get to my future internship (which is an international company) to have a 10 minute conversation and then I had to ride my back back home, only to rest for a few hours and ride my back again for 30 minutes, only to spend 30 minutes practising with someone at the fitnesscentre I work for and then I had to ride my backa gain do deliver some mail in the freckin rain. Even my jacket was soaked :/
And I have to ride my bike again when the film my girlfriend is watching over at her mom's house has ended to pick her up and bring her home. Getting soaked, again. I reeaaaallllyyyy need to get my driver's license XD (ye I could've gotten it in those years but meh, girls... someone they have the power to make you spend all your money on them when you're "in love")
Gah. To continue my trend of "what can go wrong will go wrong", I was doing a BIOS update for my Alienware in search of that elusive answer to my SLI system crashing problem. Well, in the middle of the BIOS update, my laptop crashes. It crashed after the BIOS was deleted off the chip, and around 68% during the writing process. I mean I couldn't believe it. In the most vulnerable "must not fail" moment, my PC fails, and it fails hard. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Doesn't sound too bad no? Let me give you an inside scoop of why this is the worst possible thing that can happen to a computer:
A BIOS is what tells your computer hardware what to do and allows other software such as your OS (like Windows) to take control over your system after it boots up and determines what hardware your PC has. It's the first thing your computer loads up and has the basic code your PC needs just to function. Think of it as your brain. So during the flashing process, the PC powered off and the BIOS was never written. That's like having a brain transplant of sorts, where the old brain gets destroyed because it's no good anymore, and the new one just turned to jelly when they put it inside your head. So what happens to your body? Well it can't do anything without your brain so now it's a worthless pile of flesh. Now that's where my PC is at. It's now reduced to a $5,400 pile of junk. Epic fail. I can't do anything with my PC now whatsoever, and all BIOS recovery attempts have hit a brick wall face first. I guess if you look at the bright side my SLI problem is now non-existent... mostly because my computer doesn't work at all whatsoever so now the SLI problem is the least of my worries. *sigh* Fuck this I quit.
I'm feeling so depressed that I just wanna shout out just so I can get it out of my system!
Nothing is working alright for me since my birthday! It seems like a snow ball just rolling bigger and bigger each day and it's almost running over me!
QuoteI feel soaked, tired, back hurts. I had to ride my bike for almost an hour to get to my future internship (which is an international company) to have a 10 minute conversation and then I had to ride my back back home, only to rest for a few hours and ride my back again for 30 minutes, only to spend 30 minutes practising with someone at the fitnesscentre I work for and then I had to ride my backa gain do deliver some mail in the freckin rain. Even my jacket was soaked :/
And I have to ride my bike again when the film my girlfriend is watching over at her mom's house has ended to pick her up and bring her home. Getting soaked, again. I reeaaaallllyyyy need to get my driver's license XD (ye I could've gotten it in those years but meh, girls... someone they have the power to make you spend all your money on them when you're "in love")
I had to ride around in the rain too. And sometimes it was even hailing.
Give me the summer back!
i felt demoralized,cause have lots of bad "voti"(italian).But fortunatly my siss cheared me up and im back happy!Plus i intstalled legaly(thx to the guys at LucasArts for letting it)Jedi Academy and i installed some marvel character mods includin MOVIE WOLVERINE wich i aways play with ^^
i am in history class listening to ac/dc's song "big balls".
hahahaha big balls
Neat, I'm almost done with all schoolprojects. Next week is examweek, I missed an exam because I'm ill atm. English exam XD
Anyway, schoolprojects almost done, more free-time again instead of slavery. However, my internship starts in 2 weeks. Meaning an hour biking to work, and back ... Which is crap :P But € 250,- a month and additional travel costs which I'm getting, even if I bike to work, good enough to cover the "damage" ^^ Plus I'm getting even fitter than before hehe :P
BR, that is sooo bad. At this point I suppose I can only offer condolences, as nothing else would really fit, would it? I don't suppose there's a magickal way of using some sort of doodad to flash a BIOS externally?
In other news, I'm beaten with the sudden weather shift for the colder -- my still undiagnosed form of arthritis has driven me to the maximum allowable amount of per-day medication use today, for the first time in the two years I've been feeling joint pain of any sort. Owie.
In other other news, my personal life was never better, and my new comp00ter works like a crazy charm (especially after I've spent two hours this morning unphucking everything the service people phucked up during assembly - it is generally frowned upon to install an expensive processor cooler system in a way that causes the radiators to bend all the way to get IN the way of the fan's ability to rotate. But now, SpeedFan reports the processor having a temperature LOWER than the ambiant room temperature, w00t.
I am 350 words into the next English Literature practice essay in for Friday. It's on Act 3 Scene 7 of King Lear by Shakespeare. I'll probably aim for 600-700 words in all.
Yay for doing things last minute! Anyway, I'm off to cook now. Hunger waits for no man!
Quote from: Dihan on November 05, 2009, 10:20AM
Yay for doing things last minute!
I'm actually doing the projects last minute.. They have to be finished by tomorrow. I completed 4 of the 5 (there were 5 to be exact). The fifth one awaits me. Meh, Word stuff. Create this, create that. Easy-E as hell.
hmm. i am feeling contemplative.
1st i spent i spent almost an hour trying to get my best friend (a girl) to pluck up the courage to ask my other best friend (he's been my friend for years) out. over skype. she was being very shy about it despite the fact that she managed to get me to weasel the fact that he liked her out of him(conused yet?). so it was just a matter of her asking him(which is more than one could hope for usually). i do supose i'd be rather hesitant about it if i was in her shoes, which brings me to the next point.
my firnds are now trying to get me to "go out" (i'm not even sure exactly what that means) with someone but i'm not exactly sure who i want to go out with. there's this person who i kind of like, but it would be rather awkward because there's this joke going around that we're engaged (spread by us and the aforementioned female best friend). we aren't. i really don't know how i feel about her, and (on top of all my other insecurities) i'm worried about starting a relationship because my last "relationship" (if you can call it that)...failed. badly. i don't even know if our personalities are "compatible". she's smart er than the average person and an overachiever (in a good way), and i'm clever (not exactly smart like her) and just a bit lazy. there are a few people i might like other than her, but i really don't know about this entire thing.
like i said i'm feeling rather contemplative.
there's my "gush" for now. also i've been busy preparing for finals so i haven't had much time for modding.
Today, I feel kinda strange. There was a lot of misfortune, but still, it was good (I mean, this day). Can't wait tomorrow.
@ deedoo: Do what your heart tells you to dee-do. lol.
Had my first internship today. I almost screwed up by almost falling into sleep when I was in a meeting (seriously, first section lasted an hour, second another hour). I was like looking seriously, into looking tired, and then falling into sleep and immediately waking up. Was kinda scared they would discover it, but they didn't see it at all. I was happy when we paused, I immediately got me some coffee (I didn't eat in the morning and rode a bike for an hour to get there :P So I had no energy^^)
Well Yeah almost everyone in my family messed up their first internship, in fact my dad and my dearest mom did :D they just told me when I was 9 and I still remeber it! My dad said that he tried to impress the mentor (does this word sound right? or maybe I'll just use a trainer) by study about his job before he got his hand on it, but he ended up making everyone there laught, I dunno what he said but I sure don't want to hear it :P . To conclude! almost everyone felt nervous and tired (because they were so nervous and they didn't sleep enough), trust me almost everyone did. :D I bet you on that.
I feel little tired today, becuase I just had 5 Exams in one day and they were pretty intense, they even made you throw out your phone before get into the test room. It was just fair, enough. :P
PS. No hard feelings about this right ? :)
Well this is actually my 6th or 7th internship, but I meant my first day XD
lol so you messed up everytime ? XD nah just kidding, good luck getting the job tho. :applause:
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on November 16, 2009, 12:32PM
@ deedoo: Do what your heart tells you to dee-do. lol.
actualy today i asked someone out (after much coaxing from the friend that i coaxed into asking out my other friend. life is confusing).it feels pretty good, though i have little emotion cause it's Monday afternoon.
I feel good danananananana!
Seriously my life is easy as hell compared to you guys. No hard exams, nothing.
And Switzerland won the U17 football world cup!
Quote from: Larcetin on November 18, 2009, 04:59AM
I feel good danananananana!
Seriously my life is easy as hell compared to you guys. No hard exams, nothing.
Me too!
Well, good for the ones, who doesn't have a problem. No, really, I meant this. I'm happy for you guys.
Thank you. And I hope your life gets better in the very very near future, then we can happy for you too!
Quote from: Larcetin on November 18, 2009, 04:59AM
I feel good danananananana!
Seriously my life is easy as hell compared to you guys. No hard exams, nothing.
And Switzerland won the U17 football world cup!
Lolz Good for you >:3 , hope you enjoy your life =D Hu-ray!
Quote from: piutebob on November 18, 2009, 01:15PM
Thank you. And I hope your life gets better in the very very near future, then we can happy for you too!
My life is like "half good and half bad". Can't wait how this will turn out.
Great. My firstweek at my internship firm, blewn to bits. I got the M-Flu (you know) since tuesday, I called in on Wednesday to say that I have it, they told me to stay home to prevent any infection, since it's an international firm (Rockwool).
I'm still at home, can't work, feeling crap. I mailed the firm about my illness again today, they told me to contact my mentor because they aren't pleased with my illness and they want to discuss on my progress and what to do (continue or not). I mean, how can I help it? I did not order or ask for the illness! Right now I feel like I never should've called but kept it to myself while working there. Seriously, businesspeople are the worst people out there. And I'm one of them :/
I feel just terrific to be here! I was at a hungarian forum about films and people there are....I won't write it down, I would be banned because of the vulgar words :D But really, I can't talk to them normally. I'm so happy, that this website isn't like that one. :)
Quote from: Death the Kidd on November 19, 2009, 09:13AM
My life is like "half good and half bad". Can't wait how this will turn out.
mine too, the first half was good, but this half I've been in for the past 13 years sucks! :P
Well, mine isn't like yours. I mean, my current life half good and half bad. Like, there are things, which are good and there are things, which are bad. But I'm happy, that this site exists..
I know what you meant, it was a joke....nevermind, I'm having a bad decade ¬¬
Well, hopefully, everyone's problems will be solved. It would really good. I like it, when people around me or something are happy :)
: Dexpresses my mood very well. i am so freaking happy! i am going out with a great girl! yay!
Good for you.
It's cold and it's been raining constantly for the past week. It's about time it stopped.
Quote from: ∂æ∂øøø on November 24, 2009, 10:35PM
: Dexpresses my mood very well.
Haha, me too. Except the part in your post about going out with a great girl....
I'm angry about something totally unimportant. I use an e-mail stuff, called freemail. It's hungarian. They changed it and I just can't log in to one of my e-mail adresses. And it really annoys me. Especially after that I changed the password, via sending a password change to my other adress, I changed the password. And it doesn't want to accept it. This really makes me angry sometimes.
current playlist:
Amy Winehouse - You know I'm no good
Mika - Relax, take it easy
Supergrass - Alright
Jackson 5 - I want you back
Gorillaz - 19-2000
MGMT - Time to pretend
Jimmy Soul - If you wanna be happy
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
Destiny's Child - Say my name
Janis Joplin - Me & Bobby McGee
Soul Asylum - Somebody to shove
White Stripes - Hotel Yorba
Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack - Jai Ho
Well, at the moment, I'm listening to some game musics. It calmes me down. And I'm speaking to the girl, who I love more, then anything else. That calmes me down, aswell. Oh, and it makes me happy, too :)
I came out to a friend last night. He took it well so I'm happy.
Hmm. Seems I just came out here too! :P
Welcome to the brotherhood. LOL! :P
I'd prefer to join the X-Men alongside Iceman! :P
Haha I'm with you guys :P
Quote from: Dihan on December 01, 2009, 02:33AM
I came out to a friend last night. He took it well so I'm happy.
Hmm. Seems I just came out here too! :P
:) Im happy for you.
pissed cus i have to eat lunch in AA for the whole week.....:( :venom:
Quote from: Dihan on December 01, 2009, 02:33AM
I came out to a friend last night. He took it well so I'm happy.
Hmm. Seems I just came out here too! :P
What do you mean by that? I think I know, but...
Quote from: darkslayer114 on December 01, 2009, 02:36PM
pissed cus i have to eat lunch in AA for the whole week.....:( :venom:
why r u eating lunch in AA?
because some1 threw ketchup at me and now we both are in AA i dont even know y i have to
what do you mean by AA? I thought you meant Alcoholics Anonymous
Quote from: darkslayer114 on December 01, 2009, 03:16PM
because some1 threw ketchup at me and now we both are in AA i dont even know y i have to
wow....that's messed up.
Why did someone throw ketchup at you? It sounds kind of random and pointless.
wait, I thought of Alcoholics Anonymous too, is that what you meant? Maybe American Airlines? that would be worse, airplane food..yuk.
its a thing at school(dont even know what it stands for) but is like to pull u out of class or lunch if your bad or wont do your work
except during school
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on December 01, 2009, 02:30PM
:) Im happy for you.
Thanks! :D
Quote from: piutebob on December 01, 2009, 02:43PM
What do you mean by that? I think I know, but...
What you think is probably correct.
I think he meant that it is during regular school hours, not getting detained after class.
Quote from: Dihan on December 01, 2009, 05:43PM
What you think is probably correct.
So, do you feel like Northstar?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 01, 2009, 06:35PM
I think he meant that it is during regular school hours, not getting detained after class.
thats correct
actually detentions during lunch for me.
i just had the best snickers bar ever.
Quote from: piutebob on December 01, 2009, 06:48PM
So, do you feel like Northstar?
Not quite but close enough. You're too young to understand.
Quote from: Dihan on December 02, 2009, 02:49AM
Not quite but close enough. You're too young to understand.
Damn whippersnappers...
Quote from: ∂æ∂øøø on December 01, 2009, 09:47PM
i just had the best snickers bar ever.
I'm more of a Twix man myself :P
Twixes are amazing! :D
I'm really busy with the school right now, that I don't have much time for planning my next mod but I have a couple of ladies in mind, the first one is Vindicator and the other one is Mockingbird, I like both but probably I'll make Mockingbird since I've been reading New Avengers and she's a really cool character, but still, I won't start anything until I finish my current projects on my school :)
Quote from: Dihan on December 01, 2009, 02:33AM
I came out to a friend last night. He took it well so I'm happy.
Hmm. Seems I just came out here too! :P
Congratulations Dihan I'm really happy for you.
And like mr. Nowhere Man said, Welcome to the brotherhood. :)
Quote from: whiteking on December 02, 2009, 07:04PM
Congratulations Dihan I'm really happy for you.
And like mr. Nowhere Man said, Welcome to the brotherhood. :)
Thanks! ^_^
I'm happy for me too. :)
I thought that was a typo when I read it, but reading it a second time I know exactly what you meant now. *shrugs* Glad to hear the friend took it well.
Indeed. I think people who aren't being Michael Jackon (Keep it in the closet (8), pun people, pun) are people who we should bow for. Honesty, key thing in this world.
I feel great. Screwed up the first week of my internship, but the second and third weeks have passed and it went great. I do not have much time atm, but I mod when I can ^^. It's just that I'm so tired in the evening (getting up at 5 AM, preparing, traveling at 6:45 AM, arriving at 7:30 AM, waiting half an hour for my guide to arrive at 8:00 AM, done at 16:30 PM, getting home at 17:30 PM. And I go to bed around 0:00 AM or later XD.
Also, I found out my exams went really well. Scored highest on all of my English exams (9 or higher, out of 10 that is!). Other scores are either 8 or lower. But ABOVE 6 ^^. So yeah passed those. All that is left is 17 weeks of internships (out of 20).
I feel awsome atm. I just had the best French lesson ever. :D We ate croissants and drank café au lait, and we got our exams back, I got 10 from it :P so I'm happy.
Quote from: Dihan on December 01, 2009, 02:33AM
I came out to a friend last night. He took it well so I'm happy.
Hmm. Seems I just came out here too! :P
Gongratulations, Dihan! :D I think I might be one too. Because I can't stop thinking about one guy, but then again I have this crush to a girl... so I'm a little confused
I'm happy too. Got a good german literature exam back. About Perfume - Story of a murderer from Patrick Süskind.
Quote from: ThePhoenix on December 04, 2009, 05:53AM
Gongratulations, Dihan! :D I think I might be one too. Because I can't stop thinking about one guy, but then again I have this crush to a girl... so I'm a little confused
You could always be bisexual (like me). You're still young though so you should wait a bit before you actually tell anyone.
Quote from: Dihan on December 04, 2009, 08:10AM
You could always be bisexual (like me). You're still young though so you should wait a bit before you actually tell anyone.
Yeah well I'm not telling anyone yet, I know that "my sexuality is still evolving..." That's what my health care book says.
Well, I'm feeling great. Good. Okay. Okay, maybe a little annoyed. Er, well, sad. Maybe even emo. Not the cutter kind. Just wants to be left alone to listen to some good screaming crunkcore. I think I'll do that, as well as stay on the internet. Yes, I will go get my iPod.
Black coat, white shoes, black hat, cadillac, yeah!
sorry, I felt an urge to write this somewhere LOL
Burned to a crisp, overworked the whole weekend.
On a positive note, i should be $300 richer for my efforts.
Hi you all again!
I wasn't up the site for a week or two. You know people, my computer just crashed a little (I had to start the whole thing over, because everything gone). But I'm happy, that I'm here again :) Plus, my Saturday was the happiest day ever :)
Hello again! :)
happy bc i snowed today and my teacher got late ya
lol you snowed today?
sorry i dropped the t
teenagers... LOL
I just made a giant paper snowflake! YAY! :D
Um....Good for you! :D
I feel excellent it's snowing at last and I appear in our school's christmas celebration (straight conversion from Finnish don't know what it is in english really) as an elf! yippii -.- But the good thing is my crush appears there too. So my school day today was really just rehearsing all day long. And tomorrow some more rehearsing and on Saturday is then the "juhla" itself.
And I have spoken with my crush a little and I just couldn't be unnoticing that her feet are lovely, also she has gorgeous brown eyes and dimples. *sigh
It snows there? Good for you :) Usually, I don't have a white christmas, because if it snows, it disappears so fast
Quote from: Death the Kidd on December 10, 2009, 07:06AM
It snows there? Good for you :) Usually, I don't have a white christmas, because if it snows, it disappears so fast
Indeed it does, or not right now but it snowed for quite some time. So we have white ground here!! :D Which is awsome, I hope it stays white till christmas. We have had snow on the ground many times this autumn, but it has always melted away. Now I hope it wouldn't get warmer and melt the snow, then everything would be disgustingly wet and slippery.
If you want to have a white christmas for sure. You can always move to Siberia or North Pole etc. :D
Quote from: ThePhoenix on December 10, 2009, 10:25AM
If you want to have a white christmas for sure. You can always move to Siberia or North Pole etc. :D
Nah, I stay here in Hungary. Not because of the country, but because of a person, who is way more important then a white christmas :D :) :)
We don't have snow here at the moment, but I think we'll have a white christmas.
no snow here. EVUR! >.<
Feeling pretty good. Excited cause my Birthdays in about 10 days or so. I will officially be a teenager.
i had a preety decent day i finaly detailized the special skin im gonna wrap up for the people of MM for XMAS ^^
Shweet. A birthday present :D
Quote from: piutebob on December 15, 2009, 02:10PM
Shweet. A birthday present :D
You, Venom, and I have b-day on the same day. :D
We're the brotherhood of evil Santas!
I feel great because it's finally snowing ande the chances of getting a white christmas are like 30 or 40 %.
BTW I was a bit shocked because read "evil Satans" first...
shame here, itsh shnowing outshidte. I kindo like the loock of the shnow ;P it remindsh me of my time ash a teenagesh kid throwing shnowballsh to other kidshsh headhs *connery off*
Snow is cold. Dihan doesn't like cold. Dihan doesn't know why he's referring to himself in the third person. Dihan is hungry. Dihan eat.
O.o' riiiiiight. and Hulk Smash!
"Phone loud! But Hulk louder! Hulk loudest there is!" :D
My fart is ten times louder than Hulk! And fart smells good....
With a gasmask on it does.
Anywhoo, I feel almost relieved.. why? Almost vacation! Two weeks of vacation!
*goes Tobey maguire in Spider-Man 3 ala emo mode dancing*
For me, only 4 days of work and here comes sweet relaxation :D (Thursday, Friday, Monday and a short Tuesday :D )
I finish friday evening. Then I'm off until the 11th of January. I do have some assignments to write over Christmas though.
Good for you. The whole holiday lasts for me to 4th of January. I will meet up again with the girl I love :)
half day of school on friday then break! happyness and stuff.
also i borrowed a friend's tablet for a day and it was freaking awesome. oh the damage i could do if i had one of those...
Friday, 15:30h (in my country).. the time of reckoning... My vacation starts omg RUN!
Saw Paranormal Activity yesterday... Wicked movie. Cool to see that a 15000 dollar budget movie cashes in big time.
I just had a bloody mary on an empty stomach and it was basically vodka with 3 drops of tomate juice. so, I feel pretty drunk :D
by the way i have vacation from next thuesday,BUYA!!!
*goes close to mrlaw and starts emo tobey dance too*
woohoo tag team emo dance !
well you know what they say,2 emo dancers are better than one XD
Quote from: the master$$$ on December 18, 2009, 06:26AM
by the way i have vacation from next thuesday,BUYA!!!
Hehe, I just finished school for the day so guess what? (You guessed it) My vacation starts NOW!! Time to party Family Force 5 style!
Quote from: piutebob on December 18, 2009, 03:06PM
Hehe, I just finished school for the day so guess what? (You guessed it) My vacation starts NOW!! Time to party Family Force 5 style!
Hihhih... My vacation started as well :D
Wu-boy...Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and I have my vacation :D Plus Christmas is almost here, so I get my big money :D
I just discovered I have schizoid personality disorder. not sure what to think about it yet.
so ehm.. what kind of personalities do you have? (imo it's normal, do people around you notice it?)
schizoid, not schizophrenic. I don't have multiple personalities LOL.
here, this is how I am:
Haha, I thought you meant schizophrenic.
Still, none of these are good.
Oh my bad..
Does it affect your surrounds a lot?
it's actually quite the opposite. you internalize so much it's almost like you're a ghost. you DON'T affect your surroundings. it's kind of like having authism and still seem normal. the greatest and practically only complain I hear from everyone is that I don't do anything, that I never leave my room, that I live in seclusion and so on.
Quote from: Death the Kidd on December 21, 2009, 01:30PM
Still, none of these are good.
and even though it's not good, it's nothing like being schizophrenic. I'm not psychotic and nowhere near clinically insane. just...weird.
Well, I think this site may be good for you :) You know, help get you more social :)
oh yeah, that's for sure. I used to be a lot worse when I was a teen, I'm much better now. the big problem is that now that I moved to Brasilia I'm in a city that REALLY doesn't favour socializing. so I practically don't get out of the house.
Well, that's not really good. Hopefully, thing will get better.
How do I fell myself? Easy: quite bad. It's a bad feeling, when someone had a best friend and just lost it, because of unknown circumstances.
that's not the first time you've had this problem. was it the same friend as the other time?
No, if I remember well, this is another one. I mean, we were great friends, but we don't really talk nowadays, plus, when I want to talk, she always something else to do. Whatever she says, she should know, that this won't be good.
Now, I don't have anything. Merry Christmas for me...Worst of all...
Quote from: Death the Kidd on December 23, 2009, 01:39AM
No, if I remember well, this is another one. I mean, we were great friends, but we don't really talk nowadays, plus, when I want to talk, she always something else to do. Whatever she says, she should know, that this won't be good.
Ouch. That sucks.
today i had an exelent day!!!Me,my uncle an my sis played togeter xml2 this afternoon i just triead(and its galactic)the skin i wanted so much plus a MUA2 venom!!!And for dinner pizza!!!
How I Feel?: exhausted
Why is this?: this 20pg report due on Monday :(
What the hell?: I know right, im a Sophmore in high school and never even expected for this to happen. I guess thats what I get for being in honors classes. :\
Damn me, I changed myself again :D (For the ones, who doesn't know, I'm Death the Kidd :D )
Please stop changing your name.
I'm not saying this as friendly banter either.
Sorry, but I'm not good at deciding. I try to not change it.
Who were you before Death the kidd ?
Originally Wade Wilson, I believe.
and there was iron power of spider man.
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 03, 2010, 03:03PM
Sorry, but I'm not good at deciding. I try to not change it.
Well decide and stick with it.
i absolutely hate good books; you curl up for a nice afternoon read and the next thing you know it's past midnight!
that was sarcasm about hating them. that doesn't always transfer well in type.
that doesn't however change the fact that it's ridiculously late here and i'm only slightly drowsy.
completely off topic, i dihan's new pic is really cool. and i just noticed the disclaimer on his northstar conversion. laugh out loud funny.
pissed cus school started :cable:
Quote from: Larcetin on January 04, 2010, 06:05AM
Me too.
Me aswell. Man, I went to school one day and it sucked out everything good from the holiday.
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 04, 2010, 09:12AM
Me aswell. Man, I went to school one day and it sucked out everything good from the holiday.
Me too. But I'll live. I think. Well enough to make it to summer.
Quote from: piutebob on January 04, 2010, 02:55PM
Me too. But I'll live. I think. Well enough to make it to summer.
i hope i can make it that far i've got the gayest teacher again i had her ast semester for German I now i have her for German II and i think she hates everyone
Quote from: darkslayer114 on January 04, 2010, 03:19PM
i hope i can make it that far i've got the gayest teacher again i had her ast semester for German I now i have her for German II and i think she hates everyone
Well, I don't really know what that's like, because I'm and independent student, so yeah...
On zhe brighter shide (or is it a positive note? I am not sure...) I am done now with shchool for zhe day.
it wasnot a positive note :capamer:
Quote from: darkslayer114 on January 04, 2010, 03:19PM
i hope i can make it that far i've got the gayest teacher again i had her ast semester for German I now i have her for German II and i think she hates everyone
Quote from: darkslayer114 on January 04, 2010, 03:19PM
i hope i can make it that far i've got the gayest teacher again i had her ast semester for German I now i have her for German II and i think she hates everyone
this is just me griping, but i hate it when people use the word gay that way. who else agrees?
(darkslayer, this is not me picking on you, just me griping in general)
i do, that's why i quoted him and put that youtube link
Quote from: piutebob on January 04, 2010, 04:32PM
How was it not?
idk you asked
Quote from: ooopǝǝp on January 04, 2010, 04:34PM
this is just me griping, but i hate it when people use the word gay that way. who else agrees?
(darkslayer, this is not me picking on you, just me griping in general)
yea i understand i know plenty of ppl like that
Quote from: ooopǝǝp on January 04, 2010, 04:34PM
this is just me griping, but i hate it when people use the word gay that way. who else agrees?
Me too, it only shows a stupid and immature behavior...
And also that you don't understand either meaning of the word "gay."
actually i know both definitions it is:
a type of happiness
some1 loving another person of the same sex but i dont realy use it to fit its def. so i dont care for it much :carnage:
I also hate the third definition that it has gained.
Quote from: Dihan on January 04, 2010, 07:00PM
I also hate the third definition that it has gained.
and what be that
Unhip/ uncool/ stupid. The definition you seem to prefer over the others.
While I was searching for some things on the net, I found this:
What is this? I mean, I understand most of it, but I think it's not a good idea.
This doesn't sound very good.
That scares me.
It's good that you edited your post :P
Haha. Yeah, I got corrected by my sister.
Just had the first day at school during this year, it was okay.
But it's not all good in here. It's almost -20 C here so it's veery cold. Very, very, very cold. My fingers were almost frozen solid when I walked home from school. :( Not to mention my toes
Quote from: ThePhoenix on January 07, 2010, 07:46AM
Just had the first day at school during this year, it was okay.
But it's not all good in here. It's almost -20 C here so it's veery cold. Very, very, very cold. My fingers were almost frozen solid when I walked home from school. :( Not to mention my toes
You should wear two or three gloves and socks. No joking, I meant it.
I had two gloves, and two pairs of woollen socks. But if it's tomorrow as cold as it was today I'll dig some more gloves and socks from somewhere. Ah, winter, you won't be ablr to survive unless you wear your hole wardrobe.
Over the last day we've had more snow that we've ever had since the 60s. It's also been colder than I've ever remembered it to be in the UK - some places were -16 degrees Celsius!
1) This weather is set to continue for the next two weeks
2) The UK only has enough gas for the next week if the demand continues as it has been
3) I have an assignment in for tomorrow and I need to magic 200 words out of thin air when I can't think of anything else to write about...
4) I'm hungry
Sorry about those two not being about the weather - I just need to vent.
i can not stop laughing about this picture
Finished reading Batman : Hush (Awesome) now my vision is all weird from reading it on my Ipod.
Quote from: deedooo on January 08, 2010, 11:31PM
i can not stop laughing about this picture
Reminds me of...
that just made me smile.
crap, it's 2:30 where i am and i have gotten a ridiculously little amount of sleep in the past couple weeks. and winter formal is tomorrow later today. joy.
I feel energetic right, slept for like 11 hours due to the limited amount of sleep i received this week. =P
so like now im texting 20 people :$
I feel so neutral. I mean, I'm not happy nor sad. It's like, I'm not even alive.
so basically you just feel..there?
Basically, the only thing I feel is that I don't feel anything. I act mostly like if I'm happy, so people wouldn't ask what's wrong.
so the emotion is dormant but yet existant?
why i keep asking question i dont know but this is most definatelly the last one
Well, kinda. And nowadays I get angry so fast. This is frustrating.
It's called puberty :P
i have had so much homework this entire weekend that i have had practically no free time except a little internet and the winter formal dance. it's really quite ticking me off.
Finals today, then i begin new classes
ugh how irritating
just something i did that i'm proud of and i felt like sharing. tell me if sharing is wrong or if we should have a new topic for that.
i really should be doing school work right now, but i really don't feel like it. ^^
What are you doing on the computer instead of being at school?
Or are you homeschooled?
i was screwing around on my laptop in spanish.
I love snow days...
Quote from: piutebob on January 22, 2010, 11:47AM
I love snow days...
To tell the truth I hate snow. No, that's not it... I hate winter. It's so cold, dark and always empty on the streets...I so like Spring, because nature is getting revived.
The thing I like most about snow days: No school.
I just got threathened by my 17 year old nephew who's a weed addict who became paranoid with 2 knives in his hand.
I wanted to knock the crap out of him but didn't, because I thought it was the right choice.
I'm having a hard time deciding to charge him. Either way he's going out of my house today.
All because he couldn't sleep because I took a shower and my gf was talking to our cats.
I'm driving to Houston today to insert multiple crawfish in my mouth. And watch a live one wrestle Godzilla. He always loses. :(
@Law - wow, that sucks. how can anyone get that high and paranoid on weed. if you said he was on crack I'd understand. hope he learns moderation.
Quote from: El Maiz on March 20, 2010, 05:30AM
I'm driving to Houston today to insert multiple crawfish in my mouth. And watch a live one wrestle Godzilla. He always loses. :(
r u BLaw's nephew? cause you talk like you're stoned. :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 20, 2010, 05:35AM
@Law - wow, that sucks. how can anyone get that high and paranoid on weed. if you said he was on crack I'd understand. hope he learns moderation.
r u BLaw's nephew? cause you talk like you're stoned. :P
Because he got treated badly by his mother all these years. We took him into our home but this is how he repaid us. The police arrived an hour ago and I decided that he needs all the punishment he deserves, I didn't hold back on that matter. It could've been worse if I became Mr.Lawless and knocked him the **** out, because nobody points a knive at me, and 2 knives make it even worse.
no he better not point knives at you BLaw. Who will make our awesome meshes and skins if you get stabbed.
(Just Kidding by the way)
Lol he came home and went to take a shower. Called the police, he gave them a bad mouth aswell, and to my mom too. He'll get kicked out of our house and be put in a cell for a day or so.
Just got back from Houston, and My game came!! I CAN"T PLAY THE DANG GAME!!! Don't have a DVD ROM thing.
wow that is bad
I am sad because I have broken my cellphone today
there is no reponse here,4007.msg76321.html#msg76321 (,4007.msg76321.html#msg76321)
so i am sad sad sad sad This night I dreamed that I installed blob dark phoenix mystique but at instant I was going to begin playing my dream suddenly it stopped
nonooooooooooooo it's unfair
so this morning I rushed on my computer sad
life is hard sometimes..... :ohnoes: :nervous:
(EDIT: sorry for double posting)
i live in france
Life is hard indeed. I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday, I just had it with me being a slave to her and being taken for granted (thanks to whoever taught me that sentence, was it NM or whiteking? can't even remember that). However I'm very sad that I had to, because I still love her.. Big ****** dilemma and it's stressing me out.
So I'm taking a break from modding till I get things straight.
QuoteLife is hard indeed. I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday, I just had it with me being a slave to her and being taken for granted (thanks to whoever taught me that sentence, was it NM or whiteking? can't even remember that). However I'm very sad that I had to, because I still love her.. Big ****** dilemma and it's stressing me out.
So I'm taking a break from modding till I get things straight.
oh in fact my story of cell phone and mod is nothing compared to your story
oww good luck
I really hope you'll return with her
QuoteI just had it with me being a slave to her and being taken for granted
if she changes of course .....
if you really love her i think you should give her an other chance :) of course depends on what she did .....
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on March 28, 2010, 03:53AM
Life is hard indeed. I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday, I just had it with me being a slave to her and being taken for granted (thanks to whoever taught me that sentence, was it NM or whiteking? can't even remember that). However I'm very sad that I had to, because I still love her.. Big ****** dilemma and it's stressing me out.
So I'm taking a break from modding till I get things straight.
i'm terribly sorry to hear that. best of luck man!
Thanks. She's unreasonable. Tried to talk today, but she won't hear me out. It's so strange, as if I'm the bad guy, I'm being pointed at while I was her slave... I broke up with her, and now she's mad. She never was a person who talked things out, but instead runs away from a grown-up conversation. I'm stranded...
All she needs to do is change, because I have feelings for her still. But I doubt she will ever change. And I don't wanna be the slave anymore, I work 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, next to that is about 5 hours of dance class spread out over 3 days, when I get home, it's like: can you grab me this, that.. even when it's right next to her!
Hey guys :)
For some reason I couldn't log in for a while after the the forum layout changed, but it works now :D
QuoteThanks. She's unreasonable. Tried to talk today, but she won't hear me out. It's so strange, as if I'm the bad guy, I'm being pointed at while I was her slave... I broke up with her, and now she's mad. She never was a person who talked things out, but instead runs away from a grown-up conversation. I'm stranded...
All she needs to do is change, because I have feelings for her still. But I doubt she will ever change. And I don't wanna be the slave anymore, I work 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, next to that is about 5 hours of dance class spread out over 3 days, when I get home, it's like: can you grab me this, that.. even when it's right next to her!
My grand father is like this too. Always to say :Give me the bread, give me this....
(and you it's worse because it's your girlfriend)
It's inevitable, she will resume.
You must do a 50/50
she mustn't do less than you. If she asks you all the time things ,you have the right not to sell all its required even if she is angry.
if you don't do this you'll be living hell !!!
QuoteFor some reason I couldn't log in for a while after the the forum layout changed, but it works now
oooohhhh my god me too I stressed to death :lamer: :runaway:
my brother and I were screaming :D
She's gone. I've confronted her yesterday, ended up in an argue. She was holding her side all the way, spreading lies and vocally knocking me down. I didn't do her wrong, she was like the queen and I was her slave. I didn't deserve this bulls..
Interesting, isn't it, when you tell someone that's like your best friend (or bettah) what their fault is (or you ask them to stop something) and then they're are your worst enemy suddenly. Odd, isn't it?
Well, BLaw, I wish you the best of luck/fortunes, and I think you didn't deserve that bullcrap either.
I agree. Best of luck, Blaw. I feel relatively well today. I'm helping Ypsi high school with their production of "Grease". But why do people who write online stuff mess up their spelling & grammar? No offense to anyone...
yay for tar baby! best character ever! (don't have a clue what i'm talking about? check the mod releases section :))
I'm really happy cause me and whiteking turned into marvel moddes :) Thanks for it Moderators/Administrators ^^
well congratz to you and whiteking then :).,4252.msg79911.html#msg79911
wow, did I call that or what? :P
Congratulations marvel watcher and whiteking! You both really deserve that!
Last night I went to a concert.... Family Force 5 was playing there. I was so excited for after the entire concert (after FF5 there were 2 other bands) so I could get their autographs. Now I am happy. :P
Quote from: marvel watcher on April 01, 2010, 04:12PM
I'm really happy cause me and whiteking turned into marvel moddes :) Thanks for it Moderators/Administrators ^^
I thought that this was an april fool's joke (talking about my case, not marvel watcher, because he's work is just amazing) ^^
But since now it's April 2nd and I still have the green color on my user name and the title I would like to think that this is true so... Thanks to the Moderators/Administrators :)
This is something that certainly I never expected and I'll continue my work on this amazing site ^^
No it was no joke, both of you are Marvel Modders and it was very much deserved :)
Indeed, Nodoubt_jr was very happy to press the button for marvel watcher as I was for whiteking :P
Well deserved.
and you two became admins, right? well, congrats, you totally deserve it.
It's the week end tomorrow so i'm happy
indeed I was a little tired this week
Oh wow, thank you very much then, as I told you I'll continue to work on this, mostly because I enjoy it a lot ^^
@Mr. Law. You have no idea how gratefull I'm with you, almost all the things I know about modding is because you. Thanks for everything my friend :)
Ohh and by the way, congratulations now that both are administrators, as nowhere man said it, you totally deserve it!
Thanks guys :)
GOING TO CANADA TOMORROW FOR A WEEK!!!!!!! completely awesome. hahaha!!!
Quote from: whiteking on April 02, 2010, 10:28AM
You have no idea how gratefull I'm with you, almost all the things I know about modding is because you. Thanks for everything my friend :)
I say the same for Nodoubt_jr, without him I would be nothing, really. Thank you for all the help ^^. And congratulations Nodoubt and Mr.Law too, to be administrators now, as whiteking said :)
congratulate me! my double nationality just arrived. I am now an official EU citizen :D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 07, 2010, 10:58AM
congratulate me! my double nationality just arrived. I am now an official EU citizen :D
happy citizenship to you happy citizenship to you happy citizenship happy citizenship happy citizenship to you :P
Nowhere Man, which country did ya pick?:O
Thanks tymaca.
I'm Portuguese now. But who cares? I can live anywhere in Europe now. Your country always comes to mind :D.
finally happy that i now understand how to add mods after 2 days of trying and reading.
btw this is deep isnt it :P
Yea Nowhereman, join us Dutchies! :P
I'm not in a good mood today, ''Unfortunatly for you. I'm having a bad day.''. & try to know everything in this world:
- Know the difference which one is right or wrong.
- Try to find a shortcut/quick ways.
- Seek all knowledge that I have 2 know.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 07, 2010, 11:46PM
Yea Nowhereman, join us Dutchies! :P
Completly agree :D
Im going to the movies today with school, its called ''brief voor de koning'' Its kinda boring but hell. its still a movie, :) see you :)
sux to be you (dutch comment): echt een ranzige baggerfilm :P
I added Mystique and War machine today to MUA and loving both, don't have IRL atm but I still gotta get weed before i start my next act
trying to get mr laws attention too but so far no success
boy, are you guys a welcoming people or what? :D
Yes ofcourse we are! :P We are living in a multi-cultural country!
I wanted to say something else but to show respect to that.... sector.. I'm not going to say it anyway :P
:P. Anyways it was a fun movie :). Hell, my class is multi-cultural. We have someone from Hongary. We have someone from a country i dont know how to say in english :P (im patetchic i know *emo music playing in the background* :P).
Just found out my ex also cheated on me. Can you guess my feelings?
Not cool man, know the feeling
know it's a cliché (is that english?) but there are more females mate.
keep ya head up.
I know, but it hurts like hell. And I had to found out two weeks after the break-up. She's got him since the breakup. She's been cheating on me for months... A friend of mine found that out by looking at her "hyves" community page. Though there wasn't any name there of the guy. I found out who it was, she never even saw him in real life, claiming that there cannot be cheated via community sites or MSN/chat. I'm not an idiot. Having a relationship with someone else even if it's via the Internet while having one in real life is also cheating. Because she didn't show any emotion of feelings towards me, but (like I probably said before) she was busy with someone else, laughing about and whatnot, I accused her of cheating before but she denied it, I guess I was right after all...
good ridance. you deserve better.
Sadly, you can never know who is the one, who you can't really trust.
@ suigetsu: that's a risk everybody takes.
@ nowhere man
That's what everybody is saying right now. Stupid B****. I'm over her, but the cheating part is something that left a scar, which I can't take. This is the third time in a row that an ex did that. And yes, I had two other relationships before, I'm careful with that. And look at what being careful brought me.. Bunch off hineyheap. I had class today, couldn't think straight at all... Some of the students knew what was going on and were supportive.. Which is really lovely and not in a sarcastic way..
But when I left for home, they noticed that I couldn't control myself. Got home, bursted out. Injured my right hand because I'm so damn angry. But I can't feel any pain though.. I hope I didn't leave a crack in the wall downstairs.
I wanted to burn all her remainings which she asked for. Really everything. Then her mom came to pick the stuff up, said that we were both wrong, how? I was the f****ing slave! I was cheated on?.. Stupid B****
I said that I didn't wanna see her cheating face in my sight or surroundings anymore. Yesterday night she seemed to be clearing up so I almost wanted to forgive her.. she sent me a text message after midnight when I was asleep. Then she paged me again in the morning, had a paging conversation about.. which turned out that she was only getting on my good side to retrieve her f***ing STUFF! That's playing with feelings right there!
look at how much I just typed what the hell. More than I usually do. But that's the reason why I'm not much into modding lately. I've been cheated on, played with, used.. I gave her a roof above her f****ing head because she didn't have anywhere else to go to! I brought her from the other side of the country back to the town where her mom lives! She has free food, place to sleep and everything... And this is how I got paid...
I hope, for anyone who reads this, to be cautious with men/women. I hope this never happens to ANYONE. I mean it.
I can believe, that you are in a really bad mood, believe me, I always have problems, just, I don't really have a person to talk about it. So I cry at night a lot of times (just when I'm alone of course), but still. You have to forget all of this. It won't make anything better, if you get angry or too sad about it. Though, I don't know if there is any other solution for these kind of problems. This is the worst of all. Having a problem without a solution.
I've been through a similar situation so I kinda know the feeling. When you're too much a of good, giving person you tend to attract leeches who will suck the life out of you and give you very little in return. Yet you keep giving them chances cause you're the kind of person who tries to see the best in everyone, just to get your heart broken again. You end up making excuses for them yourself and thinking of every single possibility as to why they're doing this. I hate do admit it, but that old saying is very true "no good deed goes unpunished". One good way I learned to figure out who is who on the matter is not thinking "oh, they don't know him/her like I do, only I can make that judgement". most untrue. listen to what the people who love you think about this person. they tend to be right and they only want what's good for you.
I cannot judge myself if I'm a good caring person or not. If I say it, it sounds ego or arrogant or whatever someone else will name it. But I DO attract these how you call it "leeches", they suck both my heart dry and my pockets dry till there's nothing off me left to suck on. It has been done three times now. And that's how many exes I had. I slept with all three of them. And boy... do I feel nasty..... They say men think with their HELLO, but I know I don't. If I saw all of this coming, I wouldn't have done it at all, but that's kinda late to say and know eh?
if you went all the way to being slave-like to her, I'd say you're a giving person. not in an arrogant way. but people tend to become suckers when they're in love. I'm generally so calm and patient and never let anything take me out of my inner "happy place". but when I'm in love that's all thrown out the window. it's like I'm a different person altogether. it's like our good canadian friend alanis says:
I can feel so unsexy for someone so beautiful
So unloved for someone so fine
I can feel so boring for someone so interesting
So ignorant for someone of sound mind
ahh, Poor Blaw :*(. Stay strong man! :)
I'm staying strong, I'm done with her. Next time she appears in my face, I'll make an exeption in my rule not to hit women ever. Stupid piece of crap.
Anyway, feeling better today. Been in the city next to our town for like 4 hours straigth, searching for some stuff for my girlcrew (I give lessons to them). At least I know that when I buy stuff for the crew, I don't waste my money on anyone cheating on me lol.
Glad you're feeling better.
I, on the other hand, have a fever and tonsillitis. My doctor did tests for meningitis so it could have been a lot worse than it is.
I'm glad it ain't the latter one, but still. Hope you recover from it!
I will. Tonsillitis isn't life threatening, just very annoying and painful. I get it all the time but it's never been this bad.
I'm not a doctor so I don't know anything about it, but glad to hear it's not life-threatening. Are you also using any painkillers? Ibuprofen or something?
I've got penicillin and paracetamol, the hardest thing is just the recovery process. Tonsillitis is an infection on the tonsils. It makes swallowing hard and painful. Most of the time I don't get any of the other symptoms but this time I've had:
Refracted pain in my ear
Loss of appetite
Muscle tension
Excessive saliva production
Bad breath
I've been stuck in bed since Thursday night and I haven't had anything substantial to eat since Thursday either.
ever thought of getting your tonsils removed? I'm thinking about it. every time I have tonsilitis I get all the symptoms.
My doctor refuses to refer me.
I'm doing this for your own good Dihan & you need to rest right now :(. Let's see, the cures are:
- Eating an healthy natural foods (ex.: veggies, fruits, breads, meats, fish, milk, rices, beans, etc.)
- Get some sleep for a 2 hours in a day
- Buy & drink the medicine to allow you to avoid your sickness
Make a wish you'll be healthy again someday. Rest in Peace my friend, this should'nt take long.
Quote- Get some sleep for a 2 hours in the day
How about 8?
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 14, 2010, 07:04AM
How about 8?
:eek: 8 hours....... :runaway: too much. What if we forgot something we should do this.
Patronising people are patronising. I'm perfectly capable of knowing how to live healthily and how to get better. I am better now.
Power Cosmic: If I wanted advice I would ask. I didn't ask. Therefore I do not need advice. Don't be so patronising. You're not exactly my favourite person so don't push it.
Anyway, my first assignment is done. Got one more to do for next Friday then I'll be working for my exams in May.
They don't mean to be patronising, they want to help you get better.
I am better. The end.
OK back to the topic
I have the feeling people rather Flame first and hate everything they see and then try to understand it
they need to turn that around.
this is general speaking i won't mention names coz it happens everywhere not only on this forum.
I mean the haters ye, people who hate just to hate something and they don't even know why they do it.
Well i got a tip for you: If you wanna hate something, hate your parents for making you a hateful son of a bitch
ok nerdrage over, if it gets deleted i don't care i will type it on other forums till people get it in their thick ignorant skulls.
and then they wonder why I rather play a single player game.............................
Flaming? I'm just a grumpy bitch around here. You'll get used to it.
I like a quite a few people here. I dislike quite a few people here. The rest of them I haven't had the fortune or misfortune to interact with yet. Trust me, a lot more has gone on around here than you can realise and all that bad experience has produced cynicism and angst.
I hate people who think they know everything that's happened around here even if they haven't been around for long.
it's nothing personal, but it's those people that want to interact with other people but have the manners of a caveman.
they insult you 3 times and then they ask you to help them, and next they wonder why u get mad.
And I haven't been here long, but it happens everywhere.
I guess parents quit raising their kids with some social behaviour.
Well its finally weekend again :) (at least here :P) Dont have any plans for the weekend, how bout you guys?
Tomorrow: having a brunch
Tomorrow: traveling back to my hometown with.. someone ^^ (can be fun at times:P)
Sunday: preperations for my danceclass
Whole weekend: celebrating my graduation! INTERNSHIP / SCHOOL FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel good, tadananananaNA (8)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 16, 2010, 03:04PM
INTERNSHIP / SCHOOL FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sounds like a dream to me XD
I actually am really happy. Been going to the studio to sing and record stuff. I feel like I could be famous soon. LOl. I just got back in Chicago from Toronto. It was really nice (a most definite place to vacation guys :D)
that's cool. what do you sing?
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on April 17, 2010, 08:40AM
I actually am really happy. Been going to the studio to sing and record stuff. I feel like I could be famous soon. LOl. I just got back in Chicago from Toronto. It was really nice (a most definite place to vacation guys :D)
Who knows, we are talking with a person who almost could become famous here! :O, if your ever on tv, dont forget to mention me :P
I had some friends over yesterday! It was lots of fun.
Quote from: Dihan on April 15, 2010, 06:55AM
Power Cosmic: If I wanted advice I would ask. I didn't ask. Therefore I do not need advice. Don't be so patronising. You're not exactly my favourite person so don't push it.
No one named Power Cosmic replied? Who are you talking to?
LarsAlexandersson used to go by Power Cosmic on this forum
Im switching houses all the week XD, sleeping in my dad's place in the weekend XD, its already 23:00 here and you cant imagine how tired i am. Oh well, guess watching thousand episodes of these crime scenes series can fix the problem XD, good night guys :)
good night!:P
I'm off to bed aswell. Had a great day today, Can't and won't complain about it ^^
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on April 17, 2010, 01:29PM
LarsAlexandersson used to go by Power Cosmic on this forum
& that name it's not considered me anymore. I rather being call Lars than this. & ohh, what's patronishing..... :confused:
patronize-to treat with an apparent kindness that betrays feelings of superiority.
I've already send another site rules to Blaw & it says:
It's a negative behavior.
After all i have to find get away from this sins. & the sins inside of me getting me sick.
TRY BEING KIND TO OTHERS AND READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING. Of all posts on this forum, your posts have a negative tone to it. You work for a company in real life, you can't use the words said here at your company, can you? If they have succesfully finished a product, you can't go like "it's funny, it's nice, but I don't like it at all" or even worse: "it's Chocolate egg". These were just simple examples. Learn to come over NICER, or the team lower to your level.
Also, the PM you sent me, I'm ignoring it. It's a case which has been closed and doesn't need to be dug up and/or added to the rulebook.
And please, nobody, respond to this post or this matter. Continue on with the topic as if nothing happened.
~ BLaw
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 17, 2010, 02:39PM
good night!:P
I'm off to bed aswell. Had a great day today, Can't and won't complain about it ^^
ahh thx XD.
Today i was going to this place called Den haag, and we where at a lake, and suddenly a boat catches fire, it was freaking epic to watch :).
And there where those guys on ski's behind those boats (dunno the english word for it) and they were like reallllly close to the side where we were sitting, im all wet XD.
Great weekend cant complain, well, i only left my glasses on while sunning...(never EVER do that :P)
Ooh blank eyes. You should buy white contact lenses... With the white around your eyes and those lenses, you'll look like a freakin god :P:P
Bored ._.
annoyed with the *u're in the wrong topic* comments.
if it says emma frost revamp pack on the first page and I say something about emma it's in the right topic.. black queen
not posting anything now bit annoyed, not the only forum here u know, treat people better.
Whiteking meant that in a nice way^^ (ps: meshes and mods are different)
Quote from: Ztony on April 19, 2010, 12:18AM
annoyed with the *u're in the wrong topic* comments.
if it says emma frost revamp pack on the first page and I say something about emma it's in the right topic.. black queen
not posting anything now bit annoyed, not the only forum here u know, treat people better.
I'm really sorry that my comment was so annoying for you, but I considered correct to told you about your mistake. Why it was a mistake? let's make an example, if I found a topic that says "Spiderman's models revamp" and I also have doubts about a bug that I have with an upgrade that someone made for his powers. I'm not going to post anything about the bug on that topic, why? because it's not related to my problem, I mean I search for the topic were people discuss about the new booster or start a new one, instead of posting on the first topic that I found with the word Spiderman. It's logic my friend.
I was not trying to be like an "I know it all", I told you that because as you, I was a new user at one time, and I posted in the wrong places too and I got many advises to stop doing that too. I was trying to help, especially since I know that the owner of the topic where you posted, doesn't like the comments that doesn't relate at all to what he's publishing. You had a doubt about the power of a mod that it's not even his work, he just released one mesh for her.
You already had this childish reaction before, totally unnecessary I have to say because you were not insulted or get a bad treat by me or any other people here. So think about it :)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 19, 2010, 01:06AM
Whiteking meant that in a nice way^^ (ps: meshes and mods are different)
Thank you for your support my friend :)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 18, 2010, 08:25AM
Ooh blank eyes. You should buy white contact lenses... With the white around your eyes and those lenses, you'll look like a freakin god :P:P
:P That would be awsome
i agree with whiteking. you make mistakes, feel embarrassed, learn from them, and you don't let them get you down.
Quote from: Deedooo on April 19, 2010, 12:29PM
i agree with whiteking. you make mistakes, feel embarrassed, learn from them, and you don't let them get you down.
same here, you cant get insulted everytime we correct you. we like to be organized and on topic.
who else saw kesha's *absolutely ridiculous* performance on snl? lazorz and spacechicks!
couldn't be worse than ashlee simpson's fiasco. that was legendary.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 19, 2010, 10:37PM
couldn't be worse than ashlee simpson's fiasco. that was legendary.
That was neat hehe
Hy everyone :D
I'm a member from a little while but I didn't talked to hope I don't bug you all :)
I had a good day today (form what has passed :P ), even if the weather is not so good because it's raining since morning...I went to check if the results of my second exam where announced but no luck...I went to some classes I had and when I was free I meet a good friend that I didn't see for some time... I'm really happy because we had some time to talk about what was happened to us since we last meet...Hope you all have a good day :D
Oh no you're not bugging at all. Tbh, some members here have proved that they actually can be trusted ^^ (not naming anyone like my good friend Whiteking ^^). Glad there are actually happy people about here ^^
there's just one person here you can be sure you cannot trust: ME MWAHUAHUAHUAHUA!
Laugh with me, my acolytes, laugh!
Seriously dude, first you help doom polish his doom-bots, and now you say you cant be trusted....RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
*runs* oh crap a wall *TOOK*
U probly ment well, but at that time after playing MuA for 3 hours straight, I think I'll let some1 know about this detail that might be noticed by some1 else, I post it and it seemed to me like i got pushed aside like *let the big boys talk about stuff*
ye u gave me that vibe.
and I'm sorry for posting in the wrong topic. ever thought about a job at the local policeforce? *attention to detail paragraph 7 page 2* :D
btw that last 1 was a joke, don't get upset
Ok! Thanks Nowhere Man for letting me know that you cannot be trusted... I'm glad that I don't bug you ;D ...If you want I can become one of your acolytes...Just let me know ;)
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 20, 2010, 08:00AM
Seriously dude, first you help doom polish his doom-bots, and now you say you cant be trusted....RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
oh my limited friend. there is no Dr Doom. he is just another doombot created by me for my scheme of world domination.
Quote from: Seth on April 20, 2010, 08:23AM
Ok! Thanks Nowhere Man for letting me know that you cannot be trusted... I'm glad that I don't bug you ;D ...If you want I can become one of your acolytes...Just let me know ;)
You can be an acolyte. You'll move to my castle in Nowherestadt. But I must warn you, the price of failure is a torture unlike any other. Your room mate will be Ashlee Simpson MWAHUAHUAHUA!
ooh can i be an acolyte? please? pretty please?
ok, I'll call you Mini-Me and we'll dance "Just the Two of Us" :P
*applying for Acolyte function without rooms*
:eek: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Please! Not her! Someone else but not her!...How about Deedooo (only if he wants) ?...
I will wait for further instructions and for the first mission...
Quote from: Seth on April 20, 2010, 06:53AM
Hy everyone :D
I'm a member from a little while but I didn't talked to hope I don't bug you all :)
I had a good day today (form what has passed :P ), even if the weather is not so good because it's raining since morning...I went to check if the results of my second exam where announced but no luck...I went to some classes I had and when I was free I meet a good friend that I didn't see for some time... I'm really happy because we had some time to talk about what was happened to us since we last meet...Hope you all have a good day :D
Glad to know you had a happy day. It's always good ^^
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 20, 2010, 07:07AM
Oh no you're not bugging at all. Tbh, some members here have proved that they actually can be trusted ^^ (not naming anyone like my good friend Whiteking ^^). Glad there are actually happy people about here ^^
Ohh that's so sweet from you my friend. You know you can trust me as much as I know I can trust you (But I'm not mentioning your name, even the post is directly related to you, the user called Blaw aka Mr Law, lol) ^^
Yeah we are good people, most of the time, I just need chocolate to be happy, just keep that in mind :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 20, 2010, 09:03AM
ok, I'll call you Mini-Me and we'll dance "Just the Two of Us" :P
I left this place what... 5 hours??? and now you are starting a revolution with acolytes included??? And you didn't iclude me???? How dare you??? I though we were friends....
The only way to fix your mistake is.... well I wanna be the leader or at least, a high place ^^
(Look at my user name, also my real name is Luis, what you were expecting for?)
Quote from: whiteking on April 20, 2010, 09:21AM
Ohh that's so sweet from you my friend. You know you can trust me as much as I know I can trust you (But I'm not mentioning your name, even the post is directly related to you, the user called Blaw aka Mr Law, lol) ^^
Booo, get a room you two :P
Quote from: whiteking on April 20, 2010, 09:21AM
I left this place what... 5 hours??? and now you are starting a revolution with acolytes included??? And you didn't iclude me???? How dare you??? I though we were friends....
The only way to fix your mistake is.... well I wanna be the leader or at least, a high place ^^
(Look at my user name, also my real name is Luis, what you were expecting for?)
oh whiteking. my dear whiteking. you will have a high place. you will train my army of teen followers, the Nowherellions!
QuoteBooo, get a room you two :P
I clearly specified in my application form that I don't want a room ! :D
Quote from: Mr. Law^^
*applying for Acolyte function without rooms*
Thanks Witeking! For that I will put a good word for you to my boss to let you have a higher place in his team :naughty: ...
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 20, 2010, 09:29AM
Booo, get a room you two :P
oh whiteking. my dear whiteking. you will have a high place. you will train my army of teen followers, the Nowherellions!
Sweet as you are. Don't be so jealous, you are on my list too and you know it :)
I wonder why that name lol.
The Nowherellions, sounds cool :D
Quote from: Seth on April 20, 2010, 09:33AM
Thanks Witeking! For that I will put a good word for you to my boss to let you have a higher place in his team :naughty: ...
Haha no problem, lol but I'm going to use my title as White King to train the Nowherellions lol, he recently told me that ^^
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 20, 2010, 08:47AM
oh my limited friend. there is no Dr Doom. he is just another doombot created by me for my scheme of world domination
I knew it! :P.
Oh well, i also wanna be a acolyte :) (this is getting a refrence ''nowherellion/whiteking'' ''hellions/white queen'' :P
I also wanna high rank. I PROMISE I WILL KICK ASS!
I just want the Ha-Ha position. There ain't no Nelson and I don't wanna see Dihan in that spot (according to multiple sources, his forté is switching words and doing the I told you so-dance and whatnot :P)
I could do the Ha-Ha all day... The Falcon Seven Ha-Ha aswell :P
boy, are we an "inside joke" crowd or what? :D
Ive said my jokes, so does that make me an outside joke person?:P
You may be Mr Ha-Ha BLaw! As long as I can do my I-told-you-so dance whenever I wish! :D
YESH A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! I'mma also get a second job as the new Morgan Freeman like in Bruce Almighty:
It's good.. It's GOOD.. It's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 20, 2010, 10:47AM
It's good.. It's GOOD.. It's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
im getting scared o.o
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 20, 2010, 10:25AM
boy, are we an "inside joke" crowd or what? :D
Hell yes :P
Which position do i get in the Nowhere army?
Hey! I was the first who wanted to become Nowhere Man's acolyte! Where is my position?
Being one of Nowhere Man's acolytes has some prerequisites that not everyone will be comfortable with! :P
I know...I am an acolyte but I just don't know my position :P ... and what can be worst than staying with Ashlee S. in the same room in Nowherestadt castle?
here's your positions:
Whiteking will train the Nowherellions
BLaw will be the Ha ha guy, but since he wants a second job he'll also mop the floors (just like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty). :P
Dihan will be the resident pessimist and will do the I-told-you-so-dance whenever anyone screws up.
Deedooo is my Mini-Me, my personal miniature bodyguard, for traveling convenience.
Seth will be the "creature trainer" and will untie Ashlee Simpson when needed (kinda like the Rancor in Jabba's place).
tymaca will be the nowherebots repair guy. Careful, they have 12 very exposed self-destruct buttons each and noone knows exactly where they are. But I trust you can figure it out.
to the conquest!
***damnit! (I censored it in case Morgan Freeman smites me)
nowhere man you insult the Rancor :P
Oh well, im a repair guy :)
BTW: against who does the nowhere army fight?
we oppose the Somewhere army. anyone who's somewhere is our enemy! if you guys do a good job we'll have a vacation in walt disney world! of course, by the end of the trip it will be called NowhereMan World.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 08:59AM
we oppose the Somewhere army. anyone who's somewhere is our enemy! if you guys do a good job we'll have a vacation in walt disney world! of course, by the end of the trip it will be called NowhereMan World.
Yipee :) I wanna shake hands with Mickey XD
So Somewhere is Anywhere and Everywhere? We're so going to lose...
Yay for pessimism! :D
We will never lose! I've trained the creature very good and i have found more creatures that are stronger! their powers are different and so the chances of winning are bigger! And together with our Nowherellions, creatures and nowherebots we will transform Anywhere and Everywhere to NowhereMan World! :laugh:
Stronger then the glass breaking Ashlee Simpson? Wow :P I dont want to even know what that is
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 07:54AM
here's your positions:
Whiteking will train the Nowherellions
BLaw will be the Ha ha guy, but since he wants a second job he'll also mop the floors (just like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty). :P
Dihan will be the resident pessimist and will do the I-told-you-so-dance whenever anyone screws up.
Deedooo is my Mini-Me, my personal miniature bodyguard, for traveling convenience.
Seth will be the "creature trainer" and will untie Ashlee Simpson when needed (kinda like the Rancor in Jabba's place).
tymaca will be the nowherebots repair guy. Careful, they have 12 very exposed self-destruct buttons each and noone knows exactly where they are. But I trust you can figure it out.
to the conquest!
Yay! I have the highest position or at least I'm first on the list :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 08:59AM
we oppose the Somewhere army. anyone who's somewhere is our enemy! if you guys do a good job we'll have a vacation in walt disney world! of course, by the end of the trip it will be called NowhereMan World.
Mmmm interesting.... I want to drink tea in Cinderella's casttle ^^
Quote from: Dihan on April 21, 2010, 09:06AM
So Somewhere is Anywhere and Everywhere? We're so going to lose...
Yay for pessimism! :D
Why the pessimism, I trained the teenagers, and I'm far more sadistic, brutal, sometimes more accurate and bithchy than my beloved White Queen :D
But In case that you are right after all, that means that you can start your "I told you so" dance, do you need backgroud dancers? I know some people who maybe are interested :)
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 21, 2010, 10:06AM
Stronger then the glass breaking Ashlee Simpson? Wow :P I dont want to even know what that is
Actually Ashlee Simpson is a big part of the plan for the conquest, but shhhh!!!! *top secret*
Quote from: whiteking
Yay! I have the highest position or at least I'm first on the list :P
I get no credit for training you? :(
Quote from: whiteking
But In case that you are right after all, that means that you can start your "I told you so" dance, do you need backgroud dancers? I know some people who maybe are interested :)
You... aren't referring to me.. right? :P
And no, the secret weapon is not Ashlee..... ITS ME!!!! I gave hints away come on :( "Morgan Freeman", "Mop floors", "It's Gooooooood".... Hints!!!!! But how... Can't explain, that's secret :P Actually disregard the fact that I said the fact otherwise the fact that this fact is a secret fact will be turned into a fact that turns the secret fact into a non-secret fact and will give away all factual plans that we have.
As a matter of fact.... No wait, that was all ^^
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 21, 2010, 01:17PM
I get no credit for training you? :(
You... aren't referring to me.. right? :P
And no, the secret weapon is not Ashlee..... ITS ME!!!! I gave hints away come on :( "Morgan Freeman", "Mop floors", "It's Gooooooood".... Hints!!!!! But how... Can't explain, that's secret :P Actually disregard the fact that I said the fact otherwise the fact that this fact is a secret fact will be turned into a fact that turns the secret fact into a non-secret fact and will give away all factual plans that we have.
As a matter of fact.... No wait, that was all ^^
Yes and no. Yes you have all the credit in the world for training me in modding ^^, but no, because I earned my position in Nowhereman's army because my intelligence, strenght and friendship with him, which by the way, exist before we started to mod MUA :)
Yeah I know she's not the secret weapon, she's like our plan b, if we fail we can always send ashlee to sing to our foes, I'm sure that all will be dead before you can say "no" :)
And of course I'm not talking about you as a background dancer, I know that your talent can make you the first on the stage, and I don't want a big problem with Dihan and his dance since the spotlight on that dance must be only for him. I was talking about other people ;)
:runaway: you sure have a lot of facts Mr. Law...
I like to set my facts straight :P
I'm sure you do :D
Quote from: whiteking on April 21, 2010, 11:33AM
Why the pessimism, I trained the teenagers, and I'm far more sadistic, brutal, sometimes more accurate and bithchy than my beloved White Queen :D
Oh, don't blame him, he's just doing his job. A pessimist is fundemental so that my men won't get overconfident.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 21, 2010, 01:17PM
And no, the secret weapon is not Ashlee..... ITS ME!!!! I gave hints away come on :( "Morgan Freeman", "Mop floors", "It's Gooooooood".... Hints!!!!!
see, I got that, I was the one that mentioned the mop thing. it's because of these things that I'm the leader of the revolution ;)
Quote from: whiteking on April 21, 2010, 01:41PM
Yes and no. Yes you have all the credit in the world for training me in modding ^^, but no, because I earned my position in Nowhereman's army because my intelligence, strenght and friendship with him, which by the way, exist before we started to mod MUA :)
true, these are the reasons. but the skinky outfits definitely contributed to my decision :P.
the funny thing is that 3:1 i'm taller than you. but i still make an excellent bodyguard. or a backup dancer :P.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 02:56PM
Oh, don't blame him, he's just doing his job. A pessimist is fundemental so that my men won't get overconfident.
see, I got that, I was the one that mentioned the mop thing. it's because of these things that I'm the leader of the revolution ;)
true, these are the reasons. but the skinky outfits definitely contributed to my decision :P.
True, I forgot that he has the pessimist position on the team, sorry for that.
Skinky? me? you must be confused, I never worn that when I was negotiating my place on the revolution... or did I?
Quote from: Deedooo on April 21, 2010, 03:04PM
the funny thing is that 3:1 i'm taller than you. but i still make an excellent bodyguard. or a backup dancer :P.
See mr. Law? we have a backup dancer here, lol
@ deedooo - how do you know you're taller than me (though that's very likely)? oh well, it doesn't matter. the technology of Nowherestadt can fix that easily. I will have my Mini-Me!
@whiteking - you didn't, but as whiteking you gotta wear skinky outfits. emma did and so will you. how else are you gonna get the teens attention? :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 03:14PM
@whiteking - you didn't, but as whiteking you gotta wear skinky outfits. emma did and so will you. how else are you gonna get the teens attention? :P
Hahaha, fool, teens are so easy to control, just confide in me ;)
But if you insist with the skinky outfits... you will need more than ju
$t talk about it.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 21, 2010, 03:14PM
@ deedooo - how do you know you're taller than me (though that's very likely)?
i am a tall person in general, and the fact that you want a mini-me tells is further evidence, as all short people are subconsciously unsatisfied with their shortness and want to be tall so naturally by having a shorter person around they feel taller. that's not a proven fact and i'm not a psychiatrist so don't quote me on that :P.
Quoteoh well, it doesn't matter. the technology of Nowherestadt can fix that easily. I will have my Mini-Me!
oh noes! i can hear your psychotic laughing through the computer :D>
Quote from: Deedooo on April 21, 2010, 05:40PM
as all short people are subconsciously unsatisfied with their shortness and want to be tall so naturally by having a shorter person around they feel taller. that's not a proven fact and i'm not a psychiatrist
Although it sounds very likely.
I am not Nowhere, I believe, thus I cannot be with the Nowhere-ians. I am Nobody.
nah, I have a pretty average height. I just want a Mini-Me cause it's fun to see short people carrying big guns. :P
plus my enemies won't see you coming!
@piutebob. if you're nobody you can't be somewhere, which means you're nowhere. you have just been drafted. welcome to the army!
Yay! We have a new member!No one can confront Nowhere Man :D !Welcome to the team!
Ya know, if my Ha-Ha sounds great I'll enter the Idols and X-Factor contests :O If I succeed the Army of Nowhere will have a really great funding ^^.
Man, I can dream of a singing career... My future hits (some are classic covers):
- Stand By Me.... And fall through the ground, Ha-Ha
- Take On Me.... And Die, Ha-Ha
- Moving Mountains.... On Your Own, Ha-Ha
- Cry Me A River.... And A Lake While You're At It, Ha-Ha
- I Want You Back.... In The Cage, Ha-Ha
- Gin 'n Juice.... But Not For You, Ha-Ha
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.... With Me, Ha-Ha
- Momma Said Knock You Out.... So Ha-Ha
- The Way You Make Me Feel.... *Burp* Ha-Ha
- Can I Get A Ha-Ha?
- Ha-Ha in the Ha-Hangar (Tribute to the Airforce)
- Ha-Ha-Shoe! (The Sneaker Song)
- Get The Party Started.... Without him, Ha-Ha
- Can't Touch This.... Nor This and This, Ha-Ha
- The Jailhouse Rock.... Fell On Yo Head, Ha-Ha
- Sexual Healing.... On Your Own, Ha-Ha
And that would just be for my first album^^
wow! Mr. Law I love your future hits...I know you will have a great success!!! Please announce me when your album will appear ;D
Okay, but you'll notice the title of my album right away:
Mr. Law^^ - Nelson, if you see this, than: Ha-Ha!
LOL, my favourite is this one:
The Way You Make Me Feel.... *Burp* Ha-Ha
i thought about a new song called
''This is it........And your not there, Ha-ha''
Can i be your manager ?
i think we should change the "post ranks" or whatever for fantastic, uncanny, etc to nowhereman army positions :P. and give special members custom titles pertaining to that. that would be awesome.
LOL...let's not get carried away :P
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 22, 2010, 06:47AM
i thought about a new song called
''This is it........And your not there, Ha-ha''
Can i be your manager ?
Unfortunately I'm my own manager. if I succeed in winning those contests I get a manager :p
However, the This Is It will be the bonus track. I've also made some songs for my second album, called: Earth, Wind and Ha-Ha. Tracklist:
1. Blame It On The Boogie.... Okay Ha-Ha
2. Take Me There.... So I Can Ha-Ha
3. Break The Ice.... On Your Forehead Ha-Ha
4. Hey Ya!.... Idiot Ha-Ha
5. It's a Hardknock Life.... Good Ha-Ha
6. Men in Black.... Thongs Ha-Ha
7. They Don't Really Care About Us.... Except For Me Ha-Ha
8. When The Doves Cry.... I Ha-Ha
9. Tell Me When To Go... 10 minutes ago Ha-Ha
10. You're As Cold As Ice.... Now Standing In A Heated Oven Ha-Ha
11. Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll.... And Fall Ha-Ha
12. I Heard It Through The Grapevine.... ROFL Ha-Ha
13. Dancing Machine.... Is Out Of Order Ha-Ha
14. I Ain't Goin' Nowhere, Man.... Ha-Ha (tribute)
15. Black or White.... King Ha-Ha (tribute)
16. Don't Phunk With My Heart.... Or I'll Poke Your Eye Ha-Ha
17. There Goes My Hero.... Who Trips And Rolls Down The Subway, Ha-Ha
18. Keep Playing Games With My Heart.... But I Have The Controller Ha-Ha
19. All I Want For Christmas Is You.... In A Coffin Ha-Ha
20. Billy Jean.... And I Are Laughing At You Ha-Ha
Bonus Disc
1. I Wanna Make Love Right Now (Na Na Na).... OOOOKay Here We Go, Ha-Ha
2. Say I.... Am An Idiot Ha-Ha
3. Break Ya Neck.... Oh Noes He's Really Doin It Ha-Ha
4. Buy U A Drank.... On Your Tab Ha-Ha
5. Everybody's Nose.... Is Too Big Ha-Ha
6. We Need A Resolution..... Of 1900x1200 Ha-Ha
7. I Need A Girl.... In The Kitchen Ha-Ha
8. I Need A Girl Part II.... Because She Wasn't Finished Ha-Ha
9. Broken Strings..... Are Supposed To Be Torn Ha-Ha
10. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See.... Pervert Ha-Ha
11. I Miss You.... Stupid Aim Ha-Ha
Neat eh? :P
11. Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll.... And Fall Ha-Ha ROFLMAF!
Thanks for the tribute! you just got signed to Nowhere Records. People can dowload everything on NTunes. =D
Nowhere Man, I refuse to join your army! Hence, I start the Resistance! (now operating out of a scenic secret location)
Man! Finally other people with a personality of such astronomic and meteoropic proportions who will finally understand my need to quote thus:
If you seek ways of saying humorous,
Your choice of words is numerous.
You have a wealth of various
Expressions for hilarious.
And synonyms for comical?
The number's astronomical!
So. Which group am I admitted into due to my flamboyant yet faithful awesomeness?
OMG! we have a Somewhere spy! Seth, untie Ashlee Simpson on rajincajun!
It's kinda annoyin' having to jump through so many hoops so I can play as new characters on the pc.
ah, but so rewarding :). believe me, there's much more hoops to jump through to get the stuff to you.
Blaw, i demand a tribute to me :P. Finally a enemy, i made a big N on the Nowherebots :D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 22, 2010, 05:04PM
OMG! we have a Somewhere spy! Seth, untie Ashlee Simpson on rajincajun!
Yes Sir! Operation "Crazy Ashlee" started... Rajincajun you can't do anything against Ashlee's powers!
( yay! my first mission... :naughty: )
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 23, 2010, 03:29AM
Blaw, i demand a tribute to me :P. Finally a enemy, i made a big N on the Nowherebots :D
Already wrote one:) It's called:
Thank You My Angry Clowny Assmonkey! 3...2....1.... Ha-Ha (tribute)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 23, 2010, 06:12AM
Thank You My Angry Clowny Assmonkey!
ahh, i feel flattered :P
Don't forget the 321 behind it! :P
I dont, believe me :P
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 22, 2010, 02:42PM
Unfortunately I'm my own manager. if I succeed in winning those contests I get a manager :p
However, the This Is It will be the bonus track. I've also made some songs for my second album, called: Earth, Wind and Ha-Ha. Tracklist:
1. Blame It On The Boogie.... Okay Ha-Ha
2. Take Me There.... So I Can Ha-Ha
3. Break The Ice.... On Your Forehead Ha-Ha
4. Hey Ya!.... Idiot Ha-Ha
5. It's a Hardknock Life.... Good Ha-Ha
6. Men in Black.... Thongs Ha-Ha
7. They Don't Really Care About Us.... Except For Me Ha-Ha
8. When The Doves Cry.... I Ha-Ha
9. Tell Me When To Go... 10 minutes ago Ha-Ha
10. You're As Cold As Ice.... Now Standing In A Heated Oven Ha-Ha
11. Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll.... And Fall Ha-Ha
12. I Heard It Through The Grapevine.... ROFL Ha-Ha
13. Dancing Machine.... Is Out Of Order Ha-Ha
14. I Ain't Goin' Nowhere, Man.... Ha-Ha (tribute)
15. Black or White.... King Ha-Ha (tribute)
16. Don't Phunk With My Heart.... Or I'll Poke Your Eye Ha-Ha
17. There Goes My Hero.... Who Trips And Rolls Down The Subway, Ha-Ha
18. Keep Playing Games With My Heart.... But I Have The Controller Ha-Ha
19. All I Want For Christmas Is You.... In A Coffin Ha-Ha
20. Billy Jean.... And I Are Laughing At You Ha-Ha
Bonus Disc
1. I Wanna Make Love Right Now (Na Na Na).... OOOOKay Here We Go, Ha-Ha
2. Say I.... Am An Idiot Ha-Ha
3. Break Ya Neck.... Oh Noes He's Really Doin It Ha-Ha
4. Buy U A Drank.... On Your Tab Ha-Ha
5. Everybody's Nose.... Is Too Big Ha-Ha
6. We Need A Resolution..... Of 1900x1200 Ha-Ha
7. I Need A Girl.... In The Kitchen Ha-Ha
8. I Need A Girl Part II.... Because She Wasn't Finished Ha-Ha
9. Broken Strings..... Are Supposed To Be Torn Ha-Ha
10. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See.... Pervert Ha-Ha
11. I Miss You.... Stupid Aim Ha-Ha
Neat eh? :P
I love them Mr. Law! :bowdown1: :applause: :bowdown1:
I'm your biggest fan :D
No, im his biggest fan! He made a tribute to me :) (he's biggest fan!)
I am!!!... no.... WE (you and me) are his biggest fans... Agree? :naughty:
I should work on my third album, just in case hehe:P
1. Stop & Stare.... While I Ha-Ha At You
2. Look At Me.... And Get Wedgied Ha-Ha
3. I Can Transform Ya.... Into An Angry Crazy Assmonkey Ha-Ha (Sort of Tribute :P)
4. '03 Bonnie and Clyde.... Are Black Now Ha-Ha
5. Love Don't Cost A Thing.... Just MANY Bucks Ha-Ha
6. Like I Love You.... Yeah Right, Ha-Ha
7. Blame It On The Boogie.... Cuz' The Hand Ain't Listenin' Ha-Ha
8. I'm Just A Kid.... And I Ha-Ha At Nightmares
9. Right Thurrr.... And Hurrr and Hurrr, Ha-Ha (The Confusion Song)
10. Snap Ya Fingers.... And Cluck Ha-Ha
11. U Don't Have To Call.... And I Sure As Hell Ain't Gonna Call U Ha-Ha
12. It's Raining Men.... Who Fall To Platter Ha-Ha
13. It's Gonna Be Me.... Who Ha-Ha's At You
14. Bump, Bump, Bump.... Now You're Banned Ha-Ha
14. Mama Said Knock You Out.... And Dihan Does The Told You So Dance Ha-Ha (Tribute)
15. I Need A Girl Part III.... Cuz' There's A Crumble On The Floor Ha-Ha
16. Billie Jean.... Ha-Ha's With Me Again
17. Black or White.... Ginger Ha-Ha
18. Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll.... Off the Canyon Ha-Ha
I'm also doing movies:O
Dude.. Where's My Car? O wait, I meant yours Ha-Ha
Men In Black.... Thongs Ha-Ha
The Rock.... Beats Scissors Ha-Ha
Blade.... and Kitchen Knife Ha-Ha
X-Men: The Last Stand.... Bad Selling Orange Juice Ha-Ha
You Got Served.... The Wrong Dish, My Bad Ha-Ha
You are a genius Mr. Law^^ !!! And very creative too...I like your tributes too :naughty:
do i get a tribute?
Yea on my fourth album^^
It'll be called "Ha-Ha Greedy Greedy Dumb Deedooo (tribute)" :P
Even a tribute to myself XD "I Saw Mr. Law.... Ha-Ha!" ^^
Hey Mr. Law how do you choose who will you make a tribute?
Inspiration and kindness of the persona ofcourse^^ And socialism of the persona on the forum^^
My third and fourth singles of the fourth album will be:
"Be like I.... Zuper Zexeh Ha-Ha! (tribute)"
"You ain't a Teen.... Come To Me Damnit Ha-Ha! (tribute)"
And one of the bonus tracks will be:
"Ain't Got No Doubt, Junior! Ha-Ha! (tribute)" :P
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 24, 2010, 12:09PM
Inspiration and kindness of the persona ofcourse^^ And socialism of the persona on the forum^^
My third and fourth singles of the fourth album will be:
"Be like I.... Zuper Zexeh Ha-Ha! (tribute)"
"You ain't a Teen.... Come To Me Damnit Ha-Ha! (tribute)"
And one of the bonus tracks will be:
"Ain't Got No Doubt, Junior! Ha-Ha! (tribute)" :P
Thanks for answering... ;D
Quote from: Seth on April 23, 2010, 12:01PM
I am!!!... no.... WE (you and me) are his biggest fans... Agree? :naughty:
Agreed :P
BTW : Im beginning to think Seth wants a tribute :P
Oh i know one!
Gimme Seth (tribute)
I feel a bit tired because I had a very heavy workload :havok:
Thanks for your tribute Tymaca321 :thumbsup2:
I'm sorry for you Sgeorge...hope you will feel better after a nap :D
Okay for those who think I'm a fat kid or anything, I'm not. And to prove that I'm a dance teacher, here's a new video (I'm just promoting myself ^^).
Im up first in that battle^^. (PS: watch if you like dancing).
nice, man. you really are an excellent dancer.
modify: i almost was thinking about going over there to europe to take class from you :P. then of course i remembered that europe was in europe, so going would involve going to europe, which might be a bit of a problem financially (
Very Nice Blaw ^^
I never doubted about your skills my friend :)
that was great, very impressive! but can you do the single ladies choreography? :P
You mean this? :P
Quote from: Dihan on April 27, 2010, 02:16AM
You mean this? :P
Haha, that was awesome, and she did it great! so I'm sure that Blaw can handle it, right Blaw???
I just saw Queen Elizabeth II whilst walking out of my university's Main Arts building!
She waved!! :D
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 26, 2010, 02:30PM
Okay for those who think I'm a fat kid or anything, I'm not. And to prove that I'm a dance teacher, here's a new video (I'm just promoting myself ^^).
Im up first in that battle^^. (PS: watch if you like dancing).
You are a great dancer Mr. Law^^ :thumbsup2: ...did someone said that you where a fat kid ;D ?
No, but online people think that a lot of others.
I ve done harder choreos than "single ladies". Im currently working on a 6 minute love story choreography and a 5 minute 90s dance evolution choreography and a spotlighted curtain choreo (on I got rhythm - Lena horne ft q-tip) which has a bit of jazz in it. My students have a performance upcoming friday, which choreo is also different.
in otherd words, Im a busy man:p i need to stay in shape and make a lot of choreos too, on top of that I need to better my own skills all the time.
Man, I should learn dance moves like that. As it is I just jump around wildly and flail.
Hasn't failed me yet. 8]
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 27, 2010, 06:07PM
My students
*weird vision of Blaw in the costume of Emma Frost* uhh,wha :P
Quote from: ZXValaRevan on April 27, 2010, 10:31PM
Man, I should learn dance moves like that. As it is I just jump around wildly and flail.
So you mosh.
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 28, 2010, 04:23AM
*weird vision of Blaw in the costume of Emma Frost* uhh,wha :P
The things you dream of.... are like.... Can't even describe it, but I bet I would look ugly in her costume :P (Unless you mean her closed trenchcoat one :P)
Pop. Someone told me to try out for Glee but I dont really think so. Maybe so other show. But I wouldn't forget you guys. XD
today me and my friends were just randomly chatting and we came up with some law's of pants. so i thought i'd share them with you, cause you all totally care :P.
deedooo's laws of pants:
1)anything to do with pants is either fun or funny, except putting them on.
2) you can subsitute any noun for the word "pants" to make it more fun and exciting.
3) there is such thing as a pant.
what a pants joke (am i funny now? XD)
Today I heard that I actually became a dad 2 years ago. But my previous ex had a... miscarriage or how you call it.
That's all. Lol. No it ain't lol. So in other words, I know this after the two years have pasted. Weird eh?
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on May 04, 2010, 10:33AM
Today I heard that I actually became a dad 2 years ago. But my previous ex had a... miscarriage or how you call it.
That's all. Lol. No it ain't lol. So in other words, I know this after the two years have pasted. Weird eh?
Wait, you're not joking, right? You really have a two year old child? If so, than it's like a lame TV show. But being more serious, if it's true, than it could bring a lot of emotions to you. Maybe anger, happiness, fear and so. What do you really think about this?
Well I lost the kid at the same time, so I do feel sad about it. I'm a soft guy to be really honest. I didn't know anything about my ex being pregnant. Neither did she till it was too late.
Well, I feel kinda sad for you. But nowadays I'm like "nothing happens without a reason". This is how I see the universe. And it lets me understand and accept every bad and good thing a lot easier.
I'm not paying too much attention to this. Because I don't have a relationship with my ex since 2 years ago. I do feel sad for her and for me a bit but it was unexpected.
Anyway, life goes on^^
Well yeah, life never stops, whatever happens. You know, what you need? A spa-day! Not because you are sad or something, but because spa's are great!
You've just given me an idea^^
I did? Well, what a good kid I am. :D
Down sometimes i fell like killing myself but thats just a saying people say when there sad :bawling:
Some people actually do it, but it's not worth it, even if all odds are against you. People forget that they have the power to the turn tide, even if it means to start over.
Just had a wild night out, national liberation day in the Netherlands. It was fantastic, I got massive respect for my dancing, even when I was battling in the club^^ Something I normally don't do ^^
Had a great time, I haven't been out for like 2/3 years lol, I missed it^^.
I'm glad you had a great time Mr. Law ;D
:runaway: i having a sick day.
Well I shall be heading home in order to work for my exams that start next week and end the following week.
I shall also be taking the opportunity to vote in the general elections for our next Prime Minister. Scary times may be ahead!
Good luck Dihan :thumbsup2: ;D
Well it's a hung parliament. We may or may not have a new Prime Minister, it depends on coalitions now.
Either way there will be no new laws passed in the UK and it's likely that there will be another general election in six months time.
IM BAACKKK!, was that to far? Anyway went on a 4-day trip. Was epic! Went to movie park Germany and camped in a bungalow (house with one floor) and saw a squirrel, i freaking luv squirruels! Good luck Dihan :D
yay squirils!
it's friday afternoon, i just have a small part in a school dance (running around on stage flashing people in the face with a camera. i usually get better parts though :P). then one of my teachers is having an art exhibit so imma show up to that, get some free food, and then i have the evening off. phew...
Flashing peeps in the face with a camera, i think thats a good part :O.
My cat is just back (Bam-Bam, thats right he's named after the Flinstones XD)
but he's acting freaking weird. I wanted to go in the shower, and guess who stands next to me?
He follows me around like mad, and goes in miauw-mode whenever he wants to be scratched,
dunno how its possible, but i still love him :D
Quote from: tymaca321 on May 08, 2010, 02:46AM
Flashing peeps in the face with a camera, i think thats a good part :O.
My cat is just back (Bam-Bam, thats right he's named after the Flinstones XD)
but he's acting freaking weird. I wanted to go in the shower, and guess who stands next to me?
He follows me around like mad, and goes in miauw-mode whenever he wants to be scratched,
dunno how its possible, but i still love him :D
Haha! your cat is funny! :laugh: ... I think he missed you ;D
you know that saying "it's like riding a bike"? SO UNTRUE! Today I sat on a bike for the first time in 17 years and I totally unlearned how to ride it.
I feel like such an idiot being a 26yo who can't ride a bike anymore. I was really good at it. but I'm not that surprised. othen than sex and eating I pretty much suck at anything physical.
:laugh: its good that you are good at that and don't worry you will remember how to ride a bike :thumbsup:
W0W, 17 years :o....(a moment of silence for all the talents that have been fallen please).... Oh well. Hope you learn it ^^
As of the time of me writing this post, the United Kingdom has no Prime Minister!
EDIT: Now we have a new Prime Minister. Dark times are ahead!
XD, 11th may was my b-day (from there the long time off :)) i got loads of stuff, money, wii games, x-box games, nds games XD
Finished exams (finally) so now time for relaxation and getting around to that hud I promised MarvelFan some time ago
Happy Birthday Tymaca! :thumbsup2:
...I'm glad for you Ragincajun...I'm just getting started :(
thx^^ good luck with your exams :)
Today, I feel all bad. It's raining out there, since morning (it's evening here). Plus, my favourite game franchise's next game (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona franchise and I'm talking about Persona 5) won't come out on PS2, it will be PS3 exclusive (It's still unknown, what will be in it, the only thing known, is that there will be P5 and on wikipedia, there's something about PS3 exclusivity, which is bad) :(
I'm sick of raining its raining since yesterday :( :( :(
Happily, it doesn't rain here now, though it's really windy and the sky is grey and dark. Weather like this makes me down all the time :(
harddrive crash! oh noes! i didn't loose too much, but i am incredibly angry about loosing my psd mad bmp file for patriot (the young avenger). it looked really cool and i was hoping to test it in-game today :/.
Just arrived back after my last exam! It finished at 5pm... It is now 1:20am... Yeah. Much fun was had afterwards!
I don't drink but I just end up getting hyper anyway. ^_^
My exams just finished yesterday! With maths being the last! i am ecstatic!
I'm finally a Junior in high school.!!!
excited....oh and I may do American Idol this Summer.(hope they come to Chicago again or somewhere near here).!
I'm gonna google/youtube you when that happened :P
I like what Mr.Law said there! Simon wont be there no more, though.
yeah I know, I hope they don't have an awful judge though. LOl
Been busy lately. Not only with gaming :P (yeah I started playing WoW again lol) but also with forming a dancecrew, arranging some gigs for one of my classes, etc etc.
And time is valuable when you need rest.
So, with that said, I hope to still have time when I attend my new school. That's right, I'm going to attend a new school, another 4 years studying stuff. Bleh.
I currently have 4 certificates in 6 years of studying at the same school (basic ICT, administration times 3) and I don't wanna be the direct slave of a boss (secretary / assistant), so that's why I'm gonna do a major in a different direction. And apparently, the costs are almost DOUBLE AS HIGH compared to my last school. GREAT! No it ain't. Means I have to have a side-job to a) pay it (yeah I'll get money from our government) b) to have some money for myself so I can either a1) collect some cash to buy what I want (in this case, my drivers license and a car) and b1) to go out and have fun (aka party!!!).
But I'll try to work on some mods (in particular Penance) and release them.
I'm happy about all your new possibilities and sad that I'm gonna miss first and foremost you but also your work here. hate feeling ambivalent :P
Who says I'm leaving btw :P
Lol my ex mailed me today, saying that she misses us (but she has a boyfriend, whom she had while we were in a relationship). I'm trying to be really kind and not to trip out on her, but I'm making clear that I don't wanna see her ever again. The reason why I'm still allowing e-mails (no text messages or MSN or anything else) is to get pictures of the 2 cats I lost to her (I gained one from her) and to send pictures of the cat I have. She's really an oddball. I don't think she'll ever get how much she can hurt people, and I think her new boyfriend is next on the list. She's manipulative and can't be trusted, though claimes she changed. I don't believe anything.
Which makes me wonder, why are people like that? Why can that be called fun, when it's hurting people like hell? What's the fun in that?
I guess it's a reality nobody can change. Meh.
I'll pick up Penance soon, can't remember what I did last time though, been a couple of weeks now ^^.
is this the same ex that was gonna sue you for cause of a cel-phone? geez
I feel the same as Nowhere, but I'm happy for you, you have already told me that dance would be better for your feelings, so congratz :)
@ NM: yeah that one. She confessed that she still loves me and misses me. Which is roflcopter.
I think that's cool Mr. Law. I've always wanted to form a dance crew...or something. LOl. You would be an awesome leader. :D
It's good to know that you will start a new stage on your life, Marv, good luck for you on that. Sure we're going to miss you here and your work, but I'm sure that if you took this decision is because it's the best for you, and I'm happy for that :)
Of course you don't believe anymore on that girl right?, Don't make me take the first airplane to your country and slap your face if you fall again, we've already had that conversation :P
My best wishes for you my friend :)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 07, 2010, 03:09PM
"Which makes me wonder, why are people like that? Why can that be called fun, when it's hurting people like hell? What's the fun in that?
I guess it's a reality nobody can change. Meh."
Well, it's like horror movies. I mean, people pay a lot of money to get afraid from something, but in the real life, if something like that would happen to them, they would get in a real shock. So, nowadays, many people are masochists, many people are sadists and many people are the two in one.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 07, 2010, 09:03PM
Well, it's like horror movies. I mean, people pay a lot of money to get afraid from something, but in the real life, if something like that would happen to them, they would get in a real shock. So, nowadays, many people are masochists, many people are sadists and many people are the two in one.
I'd say it's more Machiavellianistic than sadistic or masochistic. Where sadism and masochism are about people enjoying the act of giving or receiving pain, Machiavellianism is all about how people use others for their own personal gain.
Quote from: Dihan on June 08, 2010, 03:02AM
I'd say it's more Machiavellianistic than sadistic or masochistic. Where sadism and masochism are about people enjoying the act of giving or receiving pain, Machiavellianism is all about how people use others for their own personal gain.
Than let it be all, as a lot of people love to make others be in pain, for their own pleasure.
Quote from: whiteking on June 07, 2010, 07:52PM
Who's Marv? Anyways, im making a project for school, which im litterly crapping myself under :*(.
Oh well, its a project about Disneeey :D (im so gonna include they buyed Marvel :() Anyway, nothing else really going on :)
im drinking milk using a straw. i dont know why.
just finished reading my chapters for tomorrows exams, too.
im pissed at school lol
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 09, 2010, 08:38AM
im drinking milk using a straw. i dont know why.
just finished reading my chapters for tomorrows exams, too.
im pissed at school lol
Me too! Happily, it will end soon. Than there comes E3 (which I won't attend at, but I will check it at my favourite video games magazine's website)
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 09, 2010, 06:21AM
Who's Marv?
Marv, short for Marvin, part of Marvin Jean, aka BLaw, aka Mr. Law, aka The guy who makes sausages :P
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 09, 2010, 06:21AM
Who's Marv?
That would be me. Nowhereman and Whiteking know me the best around here, only they and Dihan, Marvel Watcher, Fox and NDJR are allowed to call me that so far ^^. (And Marv doesn't stand for Marvel). If I forgot someone, sorry ^^.
And lol, NW beat me to it :P
Somebody beating you at telling your own name....W0W
nah, if you read the "what's it like being you" thread you'll see he had already told us his name long ago. I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't something of public knowledge already. you never know if people have a problem with these things.
Never checked that thread :P. Yeah your right, people can turn out really weird
:P LOl. Thats a cool name by the way. hmmmmmmm, im already out of school, but so bored. I don't even try doing mods anymore, too complicated for me. :/
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 09, 2010, 09:58AM
:P LOl. Thats a cool name by the way. hmmmmmmm, im already out of school, but so bored. I don't even try doing mods anymore, too complicated for me. :/
Do you have a game console?
like? Xbox, 360, PS3, what doth thou speak of? :P
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 09, 2010, 10:05AM
like? Xbox, 360, PS3, what doth thou speak of? :P
Yep, like those. Do you have a game console? And if yes what is it? :)
Xbox, 360(now has red rings of death or whatever its called), PSP(i broke it by accident), PS3(my brother borrowed it). Yup, thats pretty much it. Oh and a SP that I don't even use.
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 09, 2010, 10:12AM
Xbox, 360(now has red rings of death or whatever its called), PSP(i broke it by accident), PS3(my brother borrowed it). Yup, thats pretty much it. Oh and a SP that I don't even use.
Have you heard about Natal and Move? And if yes, what are your opinion about them?
I've seen it before, I just think that its like...a Wii copycat. I don't even play Wii but its almost like they're taking the ideas. Hmmm...scandalous. LOl :D
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 09, 2010, 10:24AM
I've seen it before, I just think that its like...a Wii copycat. I don't even play Wii but its almost like they're taking the ideas. Hmmm...scandalous. LOl :D
Well maybe. I'm totally into this thing, as I can't wait to play Fable III with Natal :D
LOl. Well then, you might just get a really severe workout. Your arms are going to be mucho tired.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 09, 2010, 10:26AM
Well maybe. I'm totally into this thing, as I can't wait to play Fable III with Natal :D
I'd lower your expectations with Fable3 because Molyneux loves to hype his games up. A lot. Also, consider that Fable 3 is coming out for the PC as well so the Natal stuff in it is going to be minimal.
I agree with Dihan.
fable 3 for PC? oh wow, those are great news =D
Quote from: Dihan on June 09, 2010, 10:46AM
I'd lower your expectations with Fable3 because Molyneux loves to hype his games up. A lot. Also, consider that Fable 3 is coming out for the PC as well so the Natal stuff in it is going to be minimal.
Well, considering the fact, that they started to work on the XBOX 360 version first, it might include stuff, what the PC version won't (like integrating save games from Fable 2).
and this is completely not on the current train of thought, but i finished finals! woo!
i was going to work on skins all afternoon then i ended up doing two then feeling to lazy to email them to myself so i can get them onto my pc and compile them so i ended up talking to a friend and reading webcomics all afternoon...and evening... ah well, its summer now. it feels way to good to be doing nothing. in other news i may have convinced everyone at my school i was gay (which i'm not, i'm just a bit feminine on occasion) today by wearing these tightish pink pants. i just dress flamboyantly :P.
Quote from: Deedooo on June 09, 2010, 10:12PM
today by wearing these tightish pink pants. i just dress flamboyantly :P.
i have never tried wearing anything like that though. must have caught everyone's attention lol
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 09, 2010, 09:07AM
Me too! Happily, it will end soon. Than there comes E3 (which I won't attend at, but I will check it at my favourite video games magazine's website)
sounds like a good plan, still though school sucks hahaha
Quote from: Deedooo on June 09, 2010, 10:12PM
in other news i may have convinced everyone at my school i was gay (which i'm not, i'm just a bit feminine on occasion) today by wearing these tightish pink pants. i just dress flamboyantly :P.
LOl. Dude that must've been fun. What kinda responses did you get from people?
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 10, 2010, 11:18AM
LOl. Dude that must've been fun. What kinda responses did you get from people?
probably the best one was my best friend hugging my legs for a few minuets.
Lol I wish I could've been there to see all that XD Sweet trick :P
This is the internet so therefore... PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! :P
yeah, work those pink pants DD :P
proof (yes slightly photoshoped, but i have other ways of proving it if anyone cares that much :P)
Hahaha awesome. WANT! :D
Those pants are not too flamboyant in my opinion, try with yellow or purple, and tell me the result ;)
No ofense if someone use yellow/purple pants.
I could so totally knock everyone off their feet with those pink pants MUHAHAHAH!
And yeah I was talking about me performing in it :P
Anyway, still I would've liked to be there when you did the trick ^^
Quote from: whiteking on June 11, 2010, 04:43PM
No ofense if someone use yellow/purple pants.
I use yellow green. JK haha
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 12, 2010, 02:03AM
I could so totally knock everyone off their feet with those pink pants MUHAHAHAH!
And yeah I was talking about me performing in it :P
Anyway, still I would've liked to be there when you did the trick ^^
oh it will be even better when my dance company performs a flash mob in them (i'll be wearing them, not the company. it would be hard to fit them all in the pants :P). i'll be wearing a bright pink t-shirt too though so it will be amazing and maybe cause traffic accidents :D.
Hehe love your plans :D
If you want more conspicuous pants, cover marshmallows in bright yellow food coloring, melt them, and slather the mixture onto your pants. Or shirt, if you still want to see all of the pink.
Day: Bad
Mood: Not pleasant
Can I be bothered: Hell no
The end of this message: Yes
just watched Dragon Ball: Evolution. Those are 2 hours of my life I will never get back.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 14, 2010, 06:05PM
just watched Dragon Ball: Evolution. Those are 2 hours of my life I will never get back.
Did you saw that crap????
And why the h*ll you never told me, I could have warn you about it!!!!
I'm your friend remember?? :P
LOL, ok thanks, I'll ask from now on. have you watched the Chun-li movie?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 14, 2010, 06:21PM
LOL, ok thanks, I'll ask from now on. have you watched the Chun-li movie?
Don't do it. If you want to keep safe the image of the great Chun-Li-
yeah, you're right. this is how I always want to remember chun-li, my favourite female street fighter:
yeah. they're really known how to ruin our childhood memories with their crappy tv show to movie remakes. :(
DBE was also 2 hours wasted of my life, so I also could've warned you about it. I wonder if the writer didn't get murdered yet. lols.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 15, 2010, 03:28AM
DBE was also 2 hours wasted of my life, so I also could've warned you about it. I wonder if the writer didn't get murdered yet. lols.
Ahh another one, I'm your friend too!!!!
Why some people doesn't mention on our chats, "Hey I was planning to watch certain Movie...."???
I'm sure he's still alive and well, probably he changed his name and the place where he lives.
Yipee, i also watched the crap! We could have our ''2 hours we never get back'' club :D
I wish I could join, but I didn't watch that crap. Should i watch it still? :D hahahah
Never. The first Dragon Ball movie was even better, and that one was shot in the 80s.
Happily, I was a fan of DB, DBZ and DBGT, so when I saw a trailer of the film, I just decided, to curse the film makers and the film itself, as it was a disgrace for the original manga and anime
Yeah. The commercial honestly ruined the movie for me. The characters looked, weird. It wasn't even based on the real cartoon that everyone was gladly obsessed about (trust me I was too). They're in High School? Psssh, give me a break.
Come on DP.Watch it. Join our little club :D
Don't give in to the Dark Side DP, you're better than that! BTW: Arab Money! Arab Money!
Hahaha, I'm a little afraid too.:D
I've never watched a single second of Dragon Ball Z myself. :P
As for me: I'm really happy with how E3 is going: Nintendo has got such an awesome line-up coming, Sony is spreading the cow manure as thick as ever and Microsoft's Kinect (renamed Natal) fails completely. :D
i've seen the "over 9000 clip" and the "the balls are inert" clip and that's it
I want Persona 5! I want it on PS2, nothing next-gen, HD crap! And if they would make it PS3 exclusive, I will bomb them for sure :D
Edit: Sorry for what was here again, but I'm kinda angry nowadays. So, sorry
I don't have a PS3, in fact I don't like Sony at all. I'm a Nintendo fan through and through. If you get angry about something so trivial then you have problems.
Quote from: Dihan on June 16, 2010, 02:38AM
I don't have a PS3, in fact I don't like Sony at all. I'm a Nintendo fan through and through. If you get angry about something so trivial then you have problems.
Of course I have problems! I have problems with people! With people, who can only say, that this is bad, that is bad...everybody just complains about everything, cause nothing is good enough for them. Plus I'm entirely sick of the unequal life what everyone has to live. A lot of people starve to death, a lot people becomes homeless, because they can't pay for they house, but there's always people, who have born rich and does nothing, but throws the money out of the window. The other is the people, who get rich from the people. The people, who gets poorer every day, but they don't care about it. I hate this capitalist world. Of course, I didn't mean this about you or anyone on this site, but I'm sure, that I'm not the only one, who thinks stuff like this. For example, my whole country is like this, as our politicians doesn't do anything, but "get" our money away for themselves. A normal big politician gets at least 10 or even 100 times more money, than average people and they just make bigger prices and all. I don't like their kind. Again, I didn't mean this to you, or anyone else on the site.
Look, it's the general consensus that Microsoft's E3 conference was a huge let-down (along with the Kinect). To me the Kinect just looks like a glorified Eyetoy. I've been saying from the very beginning that the Kinect will fail.
Quote from: Dihan on June 16, 2010, 03:00AM
Look, it's the general consensus that Microsoft's E3 conference was a huge let-down (along with the Kinect). To me the Kinect just looks like a glorified Eyetoy. I've been saying from the very beginning that the Kinect will fail.
I said, that I don't have a problem with you, so okay. Of course, I can accept it if someone doesn't like the same stuff, like me, but my life is a mess and I get angry over anything randomly. So, I don't count how many times did I write this, but sorry.
XD, from Nintendo to Sony to people who become homeless, deep stuff guys
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 16, 2010, 03:19AM
XD, from Nintendo to Sony to people who become homeless, deep stuff guys
This is life. There are big fishes and small fishes. Plus, it's a fact, that most of the big fishes try to eat up all the small fishes, sometimes even big fishes aswell.
Your comparing live to fishes? XD
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 16, 2010, 04:54AM
Your comparing live to fishes? XD
You're right, life is a giant ocean and the people are the fishes. You don't even want to know, what are the animals... :D
lemme guess, humans :O
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 16, 2010, 07:36AM
lemme guess, humans :O
You shouldn't have guessed...cause I dunno, haven't decided yet. Watermelons maybe...?
Why?: Dihan just posted a post (does that sound weird) in his progress topic that all projects have been cancelled and locked the thread. Why? Slam me dead and i still wouldnt know. (was SO looking forward to pixie :*()
But had a fun day at school (even though that sounds impossible)
EDIT: just checked his account and Dihan said he's leaving :*( Saddest day all year
Why is he leaving? This is all so sudden, no? BTW, you still have school?
(uhh yeah). Read his post on his ac. He was really pissed off and started complaining about to much Jean Stuff in Jeanfans booster disscusion. Then Whiteking said that he should keep his complains in front of him. He replyed that he was in a moody-mood (does that give you the right to complain about whatever you wish? He really lost it whit that one)Then No-doubt said he shouldnt complain because Jean fan can make whatever he wishes, then Jeanfan left a message saying Dihan was mean to him, and that puched im over the edge. He said he's gonna leave the forums for good. Left a message saying ''all projects have been cancelled''' in his modds-in dissucsion topic. And locked it.
I never liked Wither anyway XD (thats Dihan's avatar in case you dunno who Wither is)
Ah, I get it now! Well, to tell everyone the truth, I'm getting kinda sick of all of these Jean stuff everywhere. I mean, come on people! It's getting entirely boring now. And don't get me wrong, it's not just about Jean stuff, but people find a popular character and names themselves after them and it's cool and fun in the start, but after I see a hundred Jean and Phoenix (I count them if they would be the same), well it is kinda boring. But I don't care, do what you wanna do. It's not my life, but I always get sick of these too popular stuff. I'm sure someone understands how I feel.
I do honestly, but still, its not all that hard to ignore it you know. Just find one particual booster you see fit and add it. For the rest ignore it. There's one HUUGE character catalog to choose from. And not everybody makes Jean boosters all day :)
Just almost... :D But really, maybe I have a too tiny brain, but I can't understand why is she so popular. I mean, she is like a freakin' undead! :D She died so many times, I can't even count it! This reminds me... Marvel, Disney or who, bring back Nightcrawler if he is still dead! Pronto or what... :D Plus Capiché :D
Nightcrawler isnt Really dead, he's just dead in the 616 universe :). Seriously...She's telepathic and hot..Need more reasons?
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 17, 2010, 10:40AM
Nightcrawler isnt Really dead, he's just dead in the 616 universe :). Seriously...She's telepathic and hot..Need more reasons?
I prefer acrobatic melee and hot Marvel women. I don't like telepaths. I mean, could you live with Jean Grey? You know, she would always know what you are thinking about.... BTW, it's enough of a problem for me, that he is dead in the 616 world. I only care about that world, so you get me.
So you prefer Elektra (creepy sound). XD, and before you know, she turns epic Dark Phoenix again and flyes away while destroying your entire house ) :) She''s just powerful and amazing :D
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 17, 2010, 10:46AM
So you prefer Elektra (creepy sound). XD, and before you know, she turns epic Dark Phoenix again and flyes away while destroying your entire house ) :) She''s just powerful and amazing :D
I don't like that (Believe me, there's a lot acrobatic melee and hot female in Marvel universe :D ). OKay, for example, I would think that she put on some weight, and she would freakin' kill me (I so love the work freakin')! I should always think stuff like "She is perfect, she is great, I should make her a drink". That would be annoying.
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 17, 2010, 10:40AM
Seriously...She's telepathic and hot..Need more reasons?
oh yeah, that's the unique part about her. it's not like emma or psylocke or rachel or sersi or selene or hellcat or the cuckoos count =P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 17, 2010, 11:20AM
oh yeah, that's the unique part about her. it's not like emma or psylocke or rachel or sersi or selene or hellcat or the cuckoos count =P
Mostly, every comic female is hot, so yeah. But hey, we shouldn't talk about hot non-real female stuff, as it is kinda creepy. :D
not really. models and actresses are so airbrushed these days that they're even more unreal than comic-book women.
jean has a unique and cool personality, that's why i like her. and she has personality flaws too. those are also why i like her. and theres a bunch of mods for her probably because she is a very multifaceted character so that people who like different facets of her can play those facets. it's like why theres a ton of skins for spider man. because they can.
I don't like Jean, cause she is an undead, or something like that :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 17, 2010, 11:33AM
I don't like Jean, cause she is an undead, or something like that :D
i have some undead friends who would be very insulted by that comment :P
:D Nah, really. She died too many times for me. After all of this, they have to bring back Nightcrawler to 616
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 17, 2010, 11:20AM
oh yeah, that's the unique part about her. it's not like emma or psylocke or rachel or sersi or selene or hellcat or the cuckoos count =P
SERIOUSLY...You think the Cuckoos are hot. Emma is just a (insert insulted woman word that starts with the B here) Psylocke its just awsome but too purple. Rachel is just a ripoff Sersi is not hot. Selene is mwa and Hellcat wears a ridicilous outfit
...and Jean died more times than Rasputin in the Russian folk story.
I like jean up to the end of the dark phoenix saga. she should have died for good back than. anything written on her since than has been garbage. it's like they gave the character too much power that they don't know what to do with her anymore other than kill her and bring her back again and again. plus there were all the comics cliches put together: hero turned evil turned hero again, clones, alternate reality versions, kids from future, alternate future, alternate dimension, clone turned evil and so on and so on. the problem is not jean herself it's that noone have done anything interesting with her for over 3 decades. just when I thought they were finally gonna get it right and grant morrison was starting to give her more personality what happens? she dies. uh, how original ¬¬
PS: emma is hot, cuckoos are her clones. ergo, cuckoos are hot. or will be soon enough :P
lame excuses tymaca. using your kind of argument I'd say Jean is just too fiery or too telepathic or too red-haired or too caucasian.
We should make a movie about she dies! :D We have enough comics about it! Heck, even a document film.
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 17, 2010, 11:41AM
SERIOUSLY...You think the Cuckoos are hot. Emma is just a (insert insulted woman word that starts with the B here) Psylocke its just awsome but too purple. Rachel is just a ripoff Sersi is not hot. Selene is mwa and Hellcat wears a ridicilous outfit
the cuckoos are totally hot just saying. emma may have bitchy moments, but has developed into a pretty cool character. psylock is suposed to be purple and i like it on her and rachel is amazing and completely not a ripoff anymore
Period! But really, Psylocke is the only purple thing I like! I'm not much of an Emma Frost fan, but I like the cuckoos and I don't really know Rachel Summers, so she is okay for me.
Just to clear things up:
I've decided to take a break from the forum in order to get some composure back after an incredibly stressful few months of university and other stuff that have been out of my control. I apologise for my recent attitude towards various members of our community and when I return I hope to begin to rebuild any relations that may have been tarnished and regain the respect of people here. I will continue working on my mods but until I fully return I will be doing so in private.
Again, I am deeply sorry for any offence I have caused during the past few weeks.
Good to know you dindt leave us 100% Dihan :). You already have my respect, admitting your wrong and giving it another shot is truly amazing! :D
Quote from: Deedooo on June 17, 2010, 12:04PM
the cuckoos are totally hot just saying. emma may have bitchy moments, but has developed into a pretty cool character. psylock is suposed to be purple and i like it on her and rachel is amazing and completely not a ripoff anymore
Yep. The Cuckoos are also creeps, they totally know what the other is gonna say and if you live with them, they probally talked to each other telepathic all the time. Emma is just to : HAIL ME FOR I HAVE (enter B word here) Psylocke is just a bit to Purple for me, also you cant keep anything secret for her and she's a crazy ninja lady. I still think Rachel is mwa, i mean, romancing the feature isnt completly 100% on my part
Still, they are fictional, so we shouldn't talk about which of them are our type. I was thinking about it and it's entirely wrong and creepy.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 17, 2010, 11:46AM
I like jean up to the end of the dark phoenix saga. she should have died for good back than. anything written on her since than has been garbage. it's like they gave the character too much power that they don't know what to do with her anymore
i am obviously a Jean fan, and although im not a follower of the comic, ive read some things about jean and it's true, i might have to agree with that quoted statement above. i think it's for the sake of the fans that they brought jean back since jean pretty much has a strong fan base (based on my observation). i do think however, that she has become overpowered and has been resurrected countless times, that even for the world of mutants it already sounds funny rather than sad.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 18, 2010, 03:46AM
Still, they are fictional, so we shouldn't talk about which of them are our type. I was thinking about it and it's entirely wrong and creepy.
DeeDoo started it :(
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 18, 2010, 06:36AM
i am obviously a Jean fan, and although im not a follower of the comic, ive read some things about jean and it's true, i might have to agree with that quoted statement above. i think it's for the sake of the fans that they brought jean back since jean pretty much has a strong fan base (based on my observation). i do think however, that she has become overpowered and has been resurrected countless times, that even for the world of mutants it already sounds funny rather than sad.
I guess the Phoenix can fly away from the death XD
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 17, 2010, 11:46AM
lame excuses tymaca. using your kind of argument I'd say Jean is just too fiery or too telepathic or too red-haired or too caucasian.
Fiery is epic and amazing...Too telepethic..Oh yeah telepethy powers are TOTALLY diffrent powers then Psylocke and Emma have
Red haired is hot, fact. Caucasian can never be wrong in my book
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 18, 2010, 03:46AM
Still, they are fictional, so we shouldn't talk about which of them are our type. I was thinking about it and it's entirely wrong and creepy.
100% agree XD
Actually, Psylocke only has very limited telepathy because of the Shadow King.
Now I go back to lurking! :P
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 18, 2010, 06:42AM
DeeDoo started it :(
except that i didn't. that was you.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 18, 2010, 03:46AM
Still, they are fictional, so we shouldn't talk about which of them are our type. I was thinking about it and it's entirely wrong and creepy.
i really don't see it as a bad thing unless it's not purely hypothetical for someone. like those weirdoes who look at porn of marvel characters and such. and please choose your words more carefully next time. "wrong" and "creepy" are not nice words to be called.
I cant find your post right now but i remember someone saying
''but imagine if Jean lives with you, she always knows what your thinking''
Im im pretty certain that someone was you :)
i don't remember saying that, but i would love to see if you can actually find evidence supporting that theory. maybe you or nowhereman or siguitsu?
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 17, 2010, 10:44AM
I prefer acrobatic melee and hot Marvel women. I don't like telepaths. I mean, could you live with Jean Grey? You know, she would always know what you are thinking about.... BTW, it's enough of a problem for me, that he is dead in the 616 world. I only care about that world, so you get me.
Sorry for the false theory. ^^ here we have our true killer :o
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 17, 2010, 11:46AM
I like jean up to the end of the dark phoenix saga. she should have died for good back than. anything written on her since than has been garbage.
I disagree with this. X-Factor Jean is one of my favorites, not overpowered, just naturally powerful. New X-Men Jean was pretty awesome too.
Quote from: Dihan on June 18, 2010, 06:45AM
Actually, Psylocke only has very limited telepathy because of the Shadow King.
Now I go back to lurking! :P
Not anymore. After the whole death by Vargas thing the Shadow King was free (some Xtreme X-Men Annual). She's no longer connected to him.
Ahh ok. I should read more comics! :P
lol she hasnt been in anything good in a while, so you havent missed much (well her last solo mini was pretty good).
when she came back from the vargas death she still wasn't a telepath, in fact she was 100% immune to telepathy and her tk was a lot more powerful than ever, though not refined. kinda like Hellion's. she got her telepathy back after the whole sisterhood os mutants saga. from what I got, after that she got the tp back but her telekinesis got weaker. yeah, shadow king isn't a factor anymore cause the Panther God ate him.
i love psylocke, but she is so damn complicated. her history is such a mess. personally i was hoping that after the sisterhood story that she would remain in her british body. yeah it would have added another little complication to her history, but in the end we still got her with an undefined powerset. i think her tk is the same but her telepathy is weaker.
I have a question by the way: wasn't the X-Men supposed to be about a mutant team who didn't fully develope/control their powers?
Happy Happy, Joy, Joy. Today I got accepted at my new school ! Yay!
Your answer: uhh yeah i guess so. Its like a mutant group helping other mutants to control/develop their powers :)
Yeah but I'm not only talking about other mutants powers, but theirs too. Because to me, ffrom what I've read, some have full control and have it for years. Not counting Cyclops.
How do I feel?
I got an annoying field work to due for thursday and ive only done like 30% of the entire paper. Ill finish it this monday/tuesday xD
Also, I feel a little accomplished cos of a booster i recently made for xml2.
Other than that, I kind of made my parents fight last night, feels a little gutted but aw well. lol
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 19, 2010, 07:25AM
Yeah but I'm not only talking about other mutants powers, but theirs too. Because to me, ffrom what I've read, some have full control and have it for years. Not counting Cyclops.
Well they've been around since the 60s, it would be pretty sad and boring if during that whole time they didnt learn to control their powers. They usually show them not being able to control their powers when they are younger, like early X-Men, the New Mutants, Gen X and New X-Men did. Once they are a little older they are able to control their powers if they have had proper training.
webcomic sharing time :)
romantically apocalyptic ( is so absolutely hilarious, you must read. nao.
ctrl alt del ( is a pretty darn funny one centered around video games and that type of humor so most of you will enjoy it
phoenix requiem ( is a gorgeously drawn webcomic with a really well done and interesting story to boot
super effective ( is a hilarious pokemon themed comic but the maker is kind of lazy and there haven't been many updates lately
clockworks ( may not have the absolute greatest story, and writing, but it gets by and i has a cool art style and its steampunk, and therefore automatically awesome :D
and finally questionable content (http://questionable%20content) is probably the best web comic i have read. the humor and art are great and it is absolutely amazing. this is one you must read. no exceptions.
now share your (yes you) favorites :)
The only webcomic I read is Order of the Stick (
I have been listening to a lot of music mashups recently. Here are some of my favourites:
Lady Gaga vs Linkin Park (
Rick Astley vs Nirvana (
Britney Spears vs Metallica (
Madonna vs Gorrilaz (
Shakira vs Michael Jackson (
wow, those are pretty awesome :) i wish it was more of the good bands on top of the pop music, but hey, what can you do?
I think what makes them good and fun to listen to is the juxtaposition of some of the lighter music on top of the heavier stuff.
I just had the worst nightmare I ever had...I did bad things, terrible things to people I love in it.
I feel awful.
They say, that dreams have they own meanings. Sometimes, deep from your mind. I say, it's just another form of humanity's craziness :D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 20, 2010, 01:55AM
I just had the worst nightmare I ever had...I did bad things, terrible things to people I love in it.
I feel awful.
i'm sorry to hear that :(
Well, dreams are either stemmed from one's unconscious or simply a continuation of your normal, everyday life. Both sides can speak of desires, or something emotionally striking.
I once dreamt of kissing 3 people at once, and when I woke up, I couldnt be bothered remembering it. All i know is that my teacher was in. Ironically, the previous day we were discussing in our health class about what happens deep inside when two people kiss, and I failed a math test (the teacher who teaches my math class who was in my dream).
Im still embarrassed when i think of it every now and then though lol
was your teacher hot at least?
all my math teachers are guys, ive never had a female math teacher sadly haha
he's around 45, too haha
Well, that's bizarre, but no problem. I mean, it was a dream, plus nowadays, everything is acceptable. :D Nah, just joking. Everyone has weird dreams. Once, I had a dream, about the news in the TV, with a female reporter and suddenly, she just died. I still don't have a clue why was I dreaming something like that.
actually everything is acceptable nowadays. no one even bothers to do something about 3rd graders going around school with thick powder and lipstick on their face. and the part about the reporter, lol. maybe you hated the way she reported and was wishing to kill her
i almost never dream. except when i do dream, they are so close to reality (yet always just a little off and kind of insane), that i can never tell i was dreaming until i wake up. and once during finals i dreamt i was studying XP.
I hardly ever remember my dreams, but when I do they're generally terrible. I don't tend to repress stuff so I guess I'm just a major wacko :P.
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 20, 2010, 09:37AM
actually everything is acceptable nowadays. no one even bothers to do something about 3rd graders going around school with thick powder and lipstick on their face. and the part about the reporter, lol. maybe you hated the way she reported and was wishing to kill her
Nah, I don't really watch the news, this is why it's so strange. Plus, I don't want anyone to die. Maybe to be beaten up, but not dead.
Quote from: Deedooo on June 20, 2010, 09:51AM
i almost never dream. except when i do dream , they are so close to reality (yet always just a little off and kind of insane), that i can never tell i was dreaming until i wake up. and once during finals i dreamt i was studying XP.
actually, based on studies, we all dream every night even for just a few minutes or sometimes second, but it's just that it never gets registered into our long-term memory or it doesn't go through the process like how we remember or memorise things. another thing is that, subjects were placed under a controlled lab experiment and everytime they enter the state of dreaming, they're awakened, and put to sleep again. this happened for a few days and all subjects ended up grumpy, mean, really moody and had poor cognitive performance. maybe in your case you're not good at remembering dreams, cos i suck at remembering mine
been watching this over and over again. so cool!
Oh wow, bet he played mario a lot and by a lot, i meant for years and years! pretty cool though
woah. that guy is my new hero!
I was supposed to be hanging with friends today but the plans got ruined cause nobody could get a ride. LOl
I'm really excited right now, because i'm going to leave in a few hours to stay by my cousin's house for a few days :]
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on June 22, 2010, 01:58PM
I was supposed to be hanging with friends today but the plans got ruined cause nobody could get a ride. LOl
hate that! :) i feel ya man.
Not sure if you've heard, but the 2010 Texas Republican Party Platform has some totally unbelievable planks:
-Gay people shouldn't have custody of children.
-Issuing a marriage license or performing a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple should be punishable by jail time.
-19th-century Texas statutes outlawing sex between men should be restored.
-Homosexuality "tears at the fabric of society."
Sign the petition to the national Republican Party chair asking him to reject it:
i totally agree dude. I just wish there was freakin equality in this world.
but when they get the tax-payed dollars from the gay people noone complain. -.-
what i really don't get is why they hate gay people. it makes no sense (to me anyways).
on a throughly different topic i find it amusing that my top 4 downloaded skins go iron man mark 2 (movie), iron man modern centurion, iron man movie, war machine movie. which i probably did the least work on of all the skins (hue/saturation adjustment layer and maybe a filter or two for each XD)
well, I out of the 4 ironman skins I use 3 are yours: stealth, mark II and modern silver centurion. and I also have movie warmachine :D
Well today I officially gave up on trying to mod characters. Im still going to be a little active on this site but just know my mind has completely given up on me for this. LOl
apparently, humans are used to the lifestyle of hypocrisy. we advocate equality, we honour historical figures who advocated racial equality but we never seem to see beyond that. and if we do, we tend to act blind.
it's a sad sad world.
Also, i just started with gambit's booster!
Cool Shadow :). DiamondPheonix@ Yeah. Peace luv and rescpect (three things more then half of the world misses :()
@tymaca321 thanks (i guess you were talking to me?)
im excited cos i just booked for a trip somewhere for august with mates!!
however though, my gaming laptop will be sent somewhere this monday for upgrades, repairs etc.
its kinda sad not having anything to play for a while! aw well...
Ohmygoodnesses, I just realized how FREAKING long it's been since the last time I posted/was active. Please forgive me, all! :P
I feel REALLY excited since tomorrow is my bday ^_^
piutebob: i think there might be a fight between our sigs XD
I think so too.
LOL at the sigs!
LOL, should I change my sig to this?
naw go for this:
a demon? no thanks, I don't believe in them (such liars :P). I'm a buddhist, but this one is just so cool:
oh i really am not a satan worshiper or whatever, i just enjoy the symbols cuz they're cool to me and the offensive value they carry against religion. because i have problems with religion in general (not individual people.), but i don't want to start a real fight so i'll keep my reasons to myself XD. your all perfectly entitled to your personal opinions though.
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 26, 2010, 07:01AM
@tymaca321 thanks (i guess you were talking to me?)
im excited cos i just booked for a trip somewhere for august with mates!!
however though, my gaming laptop will be sent somewhere this monday for upgrades, repairs etc.
its kinda sad not having anything to play for a while! aw well...
Shadow, Shadowslacks. XD, yeah i was talking to you XD
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2010, 11:26PM
Atheist! That is me, I think.
Nah; THIS!
dihan wins XD
Naturally! :D
In other news: I'm exhausted from my day-trip to the zoo. At least I got to see some uber cute red pandas. :D
I feel REALLY happy that i'm finally 16! :D Damn i'm getting old :P
You'd better start saving up for your pension!
Quote from: xxoldlacexx on June 28, 2010, 11:30AM
I feel REALLY happy that i'm finally 16! :D Damn i'm getting old :P
wait til you become 17 lol *sarcasm
edit. also i feel a little bummed now cos my laptop just got sent away for repair and maintenance. currently using my mum's extra, and i cant play games on it D;
hm i am actually starting to agree that there's a bit to many jean/pheonix boosters around. there's currently like five and theres a bunch more in progress right now. i mean no offense to the people who are doing them, it's just starting to get overwhelming and i'm kind of loosing track, which takes away from them. i'm just saying that it really makes me less inclined to use her just because there's so many of them. again i'm not trying to offend anyone, just stating my opinion.
naaaa i personally get you deedoo.
we've (admin, moderators, and marvel modders) discussed this before. heres what i said over there:
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on June 17, 2010, 03:57PM
Oh god this whole thread is kind of stupid IMO. Sorry BLaw, you know I luv ya :), but does it really matter? Now I agree with some of what you said. I wish people would stop with the boost and do new characters. There are so many iconic and new characters that havent even been attempted. Personally I feel if a character is already done, then theres no point in doing it again when there are so many others. But its not going to happen and Im not going to push them to do it and I dont see why others should be bothered by it.
So basically for me it doesnt matter, if people dont like it they can skip those threads or not download those updates. We are not going to stop people from working on a character they like.
I also posted my opinion there and as nodoubt_jr, I don't see any harm on it, I just ignore the stuff that I'm not interested in.
I don't have a problem either, people can make as many jean boosters as they want to. but it is pretty clear that barely anyone is still paying much attention to them. it's kinda like friday the 13th movies. there are so many that noone cares anymore. making a mod takes a lot of time and work. just seems like a waste to have people working and interested in modding that simply won't have their hard work properly appreciated. make as many jean boosters as you want people, but be conscious that by now you're doing it pretty much for yourself and 2 or 3 other jeanfans that can't get enough.
yeah, that's what i'm trying to get at.
btw your pheonix mod is the only one i use, nowhereman. just so you know.
I'm really glad to know, specially considering how many options you have ^^
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 30, 2010, 06:35PM
I'm really glad to know, specially considering how many options you have ^^
And I'll try it SOMEDAY. I promise :P
Got 2 performances today, well, mini-performances. My dance crew (I'm their teacher) have to perform during graduation parties. Hurray!
Now if I didn't eat noodle soup with mega hot peppers yesterday, I would've felt better when I woke up (and that was like 10 minutes ago XD). But me likes noodle soup with hot peppers ^^.
However I'm feeling great because Penance is almost completely finished ^^.
Mr. Law you dance? i didnt know that!
im just a little shocked, ive never pictured any of us here as a dancer or somethin like that!
yeah i'm a dancer too ^^ 'cept i'm not quite as good as mr law, and my school dance teacher is kind of insane so i know some sort of strange combination of ballet and modern XD.
oh and for those of you who remember the discusion about my pink pants and how i promised video of the flash mob i was in, were i wear all pink, here it is. i'm the tall guy in all pink with relatively short dark hair who doesn't come in till everyone is running around and the tables come together.
yeah, I'm a dancer too. I can do the most difficult dance styles there is, such as the running man, the robot and the diver. all very complex, but none as chalenging as trying to learn dihan's told-you-so dance. Michael Flatley retired in shame cause he couldn't do the complex footwork involved.
Oh yeah, I'm not just a Hip-Hopper, but I do Pop music too. I can even dance on rock :) <-- The dancers are the ones I teach to dance ^^. I;m proud of them. Very proud!
@ Deedooo, that dance was actually very cool! I can see that you guys dance with a lot of emotion and pleasure, and that's the way to go!
I can do Hip-Hop in various ways (even a little BBoying ((in commercial words Breakdance)), a little Modern and Jazz (just a little).
And again, I'mma show this one: :P
i joined some dancing thing back as a kid, but it never worked out. although i gotta say the second video was neat! you go dem moves and it's funny how there's quite a number of modders here who happen to be dancers. its not typical or maybe its just me :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on July 01, 2010, 10:32AM
yeah, I'm a dancer too. I can do the most difficult dance styles there is, such as the running man, the robot and the diver. all very complex, but none as chalenging as trying to learn dihan's told-you-so dance. Michael Flatley retired in shame cause he couldn't do the complex footwork involved.
For sure.
In fact, in order to do my told-you-so dance you must be unable to dance. Only the Doctor ( has ever come close to being able to replicate my legendary dance.
Hmm.. you guys are right there are a lot of jean boosters.Which is why im updating her 1 more time.I'm not that much of a jeanfan^^ lol.Anyway i couldn't really picture anyone on this site that can ''dance''(hope that wasn't rude).I have my dancing moments lol i was part of this group called 308 and we like street danced.I had to stop since i never see any of my friends anymore :( .Oh well i can make new ones.
i just decided that i want pad thai.
no thats not relevant to anything XD.
btw anyone else hear of x-women the marvel oneshot?
news article>>
and shadowcat and marvel gurrrll have new costumes too ^^
ive been so bored for the last few days! been going out a lot cos there isnt much to do at home & there isnt any game to play lol
Its offical, the X-woman have become Money milkcows to, it looks like Rogue is humping that thing :P
i thought it was just me thinking of that lol
I will have to find a diet and an exercise program, where I can loose 3 kilogramms a week. Good for me! You're new picture is cool shadowslacks, though, for me, everything is cool, which is Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden (What a fan I am)
so i haven't really been modding for the past week and i don't know how much progress i'll make over the next weeks eiher. why? romance. and yes i do have the length of this relationship already planned XD. it's a long story. just letting you know. i have been doing some skinning on the side though, so you can expect some of those when i get around to compiling them.
well, congrats deedoo. dont mean to get nosey but you finally found her, aye
And I'm feeling like crap because I lost my wallet (with my "creditcard" and a whole lot of cash in it) several days ago. Can't find it anywhere, I think a kiddo from a class I had friday (not my dance class, I was substitude for someone else) stole it or thought, hey, a wallet. I hate unfair people nowadays. Even kids at that age (-10).
Are you in my country? I mean, really, kids are really disrespectful here at every age. They think they are really high and mighty and everything is only good, how they see it. It's quite frustrating. If humanity will remain like this, I don't even want to know how will the next generation act.
That's what kids are like everywhere; it's a huge problem in the UK too. I blame the government for making corporal punishment illegal. This means that parents are unable to hit their children (even if it's just a smack on the bum) as a form of discipline because the child can then call the police and have them arrested for assault. So parents are unable to discipline children and the children get away with murder (metaphorically speaking). Of course, some parents just don't care anyway and let their kids run riot - you'll usually find these people appearing on TV on programs such as The Jeremy Kyle Show ( in the UK or the Jerry Springer Show in the US.
Here to, (not me, altough im at age 12 i have NEVER been called rude, and defnitly not the person that Suigetsu described) We have like two things you could say to somebody here ''je'' which is a thing you say to younger people then yourself and ''u'' or ''uw'' which is a thing you say to older people, lots of kids confuse that here, mainly calling the teacher ''je'' and curse all there is. We have like this kid on school with some sort of autism (i once knew what he had, but i already forgot it :P) and he gets anger issues REAL quick, its like Godzilla. He mainly trows everything at everyone. And then the teacher complains about how we (somtimes its we, some times its others XD) can not go mad on him, when frankly, kids get all mad on each other surely 5x in the pauze. Its like, ''he has autism he needs to be protected'' i have autism to but if the teacher ever tryed to protect me i would SOOO get pissed off :P ''Long post, singing out :P''
im 17 and im probably too young to voice out about this, but Dihan has a point. However, in my point of view, i wont blame much to the kids these days, and im not just saying that to justify my generation or to rationalize. Personally, it starts with HOME. The responsibility lies with the parents (which is what makes it extremely difficult to be one) because parents need to know how to strike a balance between good parenting and at the same time, know the boundary between their child's autonomy and responsibilities. We all know why corporal punishment was banned though, because some parents have issues that they may not be able to control the administration of these certain punishments and may result to even cause death on the child. Also, studies have shown that aggression and pain in our younger years deeply affect the relationship we will have with our parents and with others when we grow up. After all, the things we do are mostly what we see on our parents when we were younger (role modelling concept). The media too has some responsibility to do for the coming generations but considering this type of society, we're all learning to compromise for change (and sometimes it may be too much). Do note that teenage pregnancy mostly results to bad parenting so imagine what happens to the kid when he/she grows up. Also, the lifestyle that we all lead today demands more of our parents' time outside the house to work to get by with paying bills leaving the kid with his/her peers more and lesser parent-children bonding.
But i guess it all comes with a price. I may be wrong though, sorry for being to wordy lol
I think it's unfair to put the blame on one group. I can think of four (in order of who I think is the most to blame):
1) The government: They put the laws in place that make disciplinary action difficult to enforce.
2) The media: They make it seem that ALL children are antisocial and ALL parents are bad. We never hear about the good ones.
3) The children: They know exactly what they are doing. Sometimes it starts with home, other times it doesn't. I know a lot of people who had teachers or police officers for parents and they were the most unruly people.
4) The parents: Some just don't care. It's a minority but the media leads us to believe that it's the majority.
Im more with group 3 though :P. I mean, your resposible for your own actions, you cant blame the government. Since a lot of criminal cases have crimanals beat-up in the past by their own parents, puches and kicks arent required to raise kids the normal way
In group 2. Cause thats only what most of the readers really care about, somthing that breakes star's imago's
for group 4 your absolutly right, SOME dont care, but as you also said, the media makes us believe its more parents then imagiable.
ALTHOUGH again, thats only what viewers/listerners/etc. Really care about, nobody is intressted in hearing that (enter star here) is a good mom/dad Again, they mostly want something breaking, that viewers/listeners/etc. Can disscus
Oh no o wasnt blaming it all in one group, i had mentioned other factors similar to yours but despite it all though, whether it's the media, or the peers, i still feel like it all starts with home. The values we learn, the culture we grow up in, the primary models that we see are the people in our home regardless of whether the people in it are our siblings, parents, etc. It's like for a warrior, he starts to train in his country (where his home is), and as he travels around the world, he will carry the legacy of his "home". I guess similar concept can be applied in today's situation: train a kid and teach it the fundamentals at home and as he grows old, he'll manifest these fundamentals (however a little changed as they do with time, but they will always contain the building blocks that will serve as the foundation of his personality).
But yeah I really do get your point, Dihan. Whatever theory we all use to back it up though, I think we are all are somehow responsible in every angle; that somehow, we have have our share on this whole dilemma. (not necessarily pin pointing on any group/person)
I'm mad. Someone's been using my profile name (Salinium) on a website called and has been posting some seriously disgusting comments on their less-than-wholesome pictures. I get no respect...
This week I started on a new job. I'm tired but I like how it's going so far. People seem nice there.
Oh great to hear :D That explains why you're not being here and msn for a while . Well, good luck with the new job :)
i start drivers ed tomorrow, i have to find a way to get there cause i live so freaking far from the place. So basically, this annoys me. -_-
Good luck with your class and I hope you'll be able to get there :)
i just cant wait for my laptop to be sent back!
Love your new avatar and sig Shadowslacks!!
thanks, it's shino from shipuuden xD thought it fit the name well and im also a fan of this dude
and yeah i like my new sig a lot :)
have i mentioned how all my teams died in world cup. england and germany. guess im left with spain
just saying
England sucks anyway. I can't stand anything to do with the damned sport.
I wanted England to lose from the very beginning - it was only a matter of time. It's just a shame they even qualified.
We had another earthquake like 10 minutes ago, the big one is going to hit any day now :(
Feeling betrayal by a friend... I saw my best friend and didn't realize I was standing right there beside my brother I feel like a third wheel that needed oil My best friend rather talk to my brother over me I'm so piss.. Why do I feel This..
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on July 07, 2010, 05:31PM
We had another earthquake like 10 minutes ago, the big one is going to hit any day now :(
Oh dear! Are you in a hotspot for earthquakes? If it's any consolation it didn't reach the UK ;)
Quote from: DancingIce on July 07, 2010, 05:38PM
Feeling betrayal by a friend... I saw my best friend and didn't realize I was standing right there beside my brother I feel like a third wheel that needed oil My best friend rather talk to my brother over me I'm so piss.. Why do I feel This..
*Pushes imaginary spectacles up and gets a pen and paper*
Well... Why do you think you feel like this?
im in southern california, we tend to get a couple of earthquakes. but recently theres been a lot more closer together. i wish the "big one" would just hit so the news can stop scaring people with "is the big one comming?". i say let it happen and we will just deal with it already.
lol that would have been one hell of a earthquake if it reached all the way to the uk.
We've been known to get very minor tremors here. Everything is more extreme outside the UK - life gets boring when we don't have natural disasters or deadly creatures to contend with!
Well I was stuck on a mountain during the blizzard of 2010 hows that for bad weather.
Hungary is in a cool place (or at least my hometown) as we never get earthquakes, tornados or anything else. The only thing we have a chance for is a tidal wave or what, as the Danube crosses at our town.
i believe the recent earthqaukes are caused by the more active crust beneath and the increased of build up on pressure as well. if my knowledge is right, california is a fast moving state (literally) and is expected to be in line with hawaii or a nearby country in the future. seen it on national geographic, cant really scrape the details well out of my brain now lol
the only things we have here in utah is bipolar weather and the occasional brine-stink storm from the great salt lake. and mormons and republicans. we have a lot of those. and i wouldn't have any problems with that if they didn't have a tendency to hate gay people. some mormon parents actually throw their kids out on the street when they find out that the kids are gay. i don't get why there is so much prejudice against gay people. theres no logical reason for it...
Our weather ranges from grey clouds to white clouds :P
In other news...
I've just had the results for my first year of university... I've passed everything! :D
Congrats for you! How hard was it?
Quote from: Dihan on July 08, 2010, 11:45AM
Our weather ranges from grey clouds to white clouds :P
In other news...
I've just had the results for my first year of university... I've passed everything! :D
THAT's awesome Dihan!!! im sure your really happy. glad you passed too!What do you wanna be wen you graduate?
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 08, 2010, 11:50AM
Congrats for you! How hard was it?
It wasn't too hard except for one thing. I guess I'm good at what I do :P
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 08, 2010, 11:52AM
THAT's awesome Dihan!!! im sure your really happy. glad you passed too!What do you wanna be wen you graduate?
No idea really. I'll probably become an English Teacher or something.
That's cool but i think you should do like something game programming or electronics since your mods are wonderful and you know a lot of things about mods
That's not what I'm studying. Besides, I'm not clever enough for all that stuff.
Becoming a teacher? I hope students there are not like here. Cause here, most students hate teachers, as they think, that whatever bad happens in school (like getting a bad grade or something school stuff) they will always say, that it is the teacher's fault and truly hate them. Not too mature, ain't it?
I've known many teachers who have had respect from students. It comes from being lenient yet strict and having a sense of humour. The rebellious kids love it when teachers break down and scream at them. I have a reputation for cutting people down to size with a few words anyway. :P
Anyway, I have two+ more years before I decide what to do.
Quote from: Deedooo on July 08, 2010, 09:12AM
the only things we have here in utah is bipolar weather and the occasional brine-stink storm from the great salt lake. and mormons and republicans. we have a lot of those. and i wouldn't have any problems with that if they didn't have a tendency to hate gay people. some mormon parents actually throw their kids out on the street when they find out that the kids are gay. i don't get why there is so much prejudice against gay people. theres no logical reason for it...
i dont have anything against mormons but i hate republicans (no offense to Republicans). also,m i barely encounter mormons and know little about their practices, but if this is the case, then they're lame as whack. i hate any type of prejudice (racial, sexuality, gender, yada yada)
I agree with Shadowslacks people can't help the way you they are.Like back then when there was racism people didn't get to choose if they were black or white so this isn't fair to people who wanna get married cause there gay or a lesbian.If they are who cares that makes no sense to me and i am a christian but still
well said jeanfan and just an addition, its funny how people advocate change or the bible (like love and being righteous) yet by advocating these things, they're actually hindering it. how is telling people to love one another by hating on gays or other races not hypocritical right?
I only have a problem with people who break rules or laws. ;)
I have respect for teachers, because I know how they feel (because I am a danceteacher). It's different, because they're work is harder than mine, but I do know how they feel. And believe me, getting on a teacher's good side is fun! Especially if you discover that they are actual kids themselves at times :P.
Quote from: Dihan on July 08, 2010, 06:20PM
I only have a problem with people who break rules or laws. ;)
Become an attorney, i can already imagine
''Dihan Wright Ace attorney/modder : Trials and mods''
(you dont have to be clever to imagine im talking about one of the best ds games XD)
Off topic: i wish i had a wish dust right now. id wish to be an xman haha
I have evidence to the contrary. The Ace Attorney franchise is, in fact, THE best franchise of its kind.
Quote from: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 07:05AM
Off topic: i wish i had a wish dust right now. id wish to be an xman haha
who doesnt?
Quote from: Dihan on July 09, 2010, 07:06AM
I have evidence to the contrary. The Ace Attorney franchise is, in fact, THE best franchise of its kind.
Haha yeah, then i dont have to go to school. Id leave this town and just go around the world saving peeps. (such a dorky thing to say, but i guess we all have that side)
Yeah, everyone has a Marvel Super Hero in them :D :)
why does reality have to be like this? haha we could have been an awesome species! :D
I always wished, that I would be a cartoon or a comic character :D Something, which never dies :D
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 09, 2010, 07:12AM
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 09, 2010, 07:23AM
I always wished, that I would be a cartoon or a comic character :D Something, which never dies :D
haha likewise, apparently it never happens but who knows! kick-ass did it haha
Quote from: Dihan on July 09, 2010, 07:23AM
that was soo random lol
Quote from: Dihan on July 09, 2010, 07:23AM
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 09, 2010, 07:59AM
i'm going to complain a little now, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but just some general advice.
i personally recommend that people use punctuation or some semblance of sentence form because i personally stop caring about posts that are jumbles of words with no punctuation. i can't speak for other members, but i just felt like voicing one of my personal concerns.
Yeah i know i do that and someone sent me a pm earlier and i couldn't understand a word they were saying
Quote from: Deedooo on July 09, 2010, 07:45PM
i'm going to complain a little now, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but just some general advice.
i personally recommend that people use punctuation or some semblance of sentence form because i personally stop caring about posts that are jumbles of words with no punctuation. i can't speak for other members, but i just felt like voicing one of my personal concerns.
+1 - Would read again.
Quote from: DiamondPheonix on July 09, 2010, 11:55PM
that sounded very kinky until i realized what was really going on XD
Quote from: shadowslacks on July 10, 2010, 12:20AM
this too XD
Quote from: Dihan on July 10, 2010, 09:33AM
Let's take this into a new thread...
The ''Objection!'' thread? XD Now that would be awsome
LMAO that's awesome :P
So how's the weekend treating everyone so far?
Guud just tired and im trying to make a npc for MUA i have to figure out why the powers wont work though heres the story
Emma Frost,Jean,Psylocke,and Marvel girl realized there friends are missing so they came to the hellicarrier to track them.While getting there they all sensed there friends where there but the place was heavily guarded with ninjas!! then after they battle them they realize The stepford Cuckoos were the people who took them of course 1 telepath and 60 ninjas were no match for 4 telepaths,that can also turn into a diamond,one is a skilled martial artists and 2 have the power of the phoenix so guess who won?
( (
( (
( (
I got my laptop back!!! :) so many things to install apparently and im having issues with kaspersky! it keeps telling me that my license has expired! just saying x(
Just had heaven between two slices of bread!
Well, I'm kinda happy at the moment, I'm reading some strange video game world based comics :D
These are my favorites so far.
I luved 50 XD
hmm, lately i've kind of noticed that the other marvel games board is kind of lacking in moderating. now i'm not trying to recommend myself or whatever but i feel like that is something that the site staff might want to adress.
edit: just to clarify, i'm not saying that we even need another moderator, just that the issue needs to be adressed
well uhm, awkwardly enough i just met someone who i'm really interested in. && so far we've been talking alot. so im pretty happy about that :D
intrested in Love? Im so glad for you ;)!
Did you guys miss me btw? I was on vacation to French :). Buyed a mini eiffeltower and a saint Michelle model and a Saint Michele model of pure gold :D (fake of course :P)
Quote from: Deedooo on August 04, 2010, 08:58PM
hmm, lately i've kind of noticed that the other marvel games board is kind of lacking in moderating. now i'm not trying to recommend myself or whatever but i feel like that is something that the site staff might want to adress.
edit: just to clarify, i'm not saying that we even need another moderator, just that the issue needs to be adressed
Yep, i left a comment on your comment, oh well. To be honest the board doesnt need much moderating, there's just a teeny mistake here and there
Just like Deedoo, im not addresing myself or somthing, also im not saying we need another moderator, just to talk about it a bit couldnt hurt right?
something random i made because i'm bored and it's 2:30 in the morning here XP.
if you don't get it look at classic coke ads.
isnt it deedoo's? Oh well, pretty cool made!
it works fine as deedooo, if we consider "deedooo" as a brand name and thus an adjective
Ok, you are indeed fancy XD
I just learned, that a lot of Marvel cartoons will be made (Avengers: Earth's Mighties Heroes; Marvel Animes; The Mighty Thor and Ultimate Spider-Man (Instead of Spectacular Spider-Man, as it's cancelled) ). Yippie
I think that they need to bring back Wolverine and the X-men because from what i heard, they wont be developing another season. :(
Damn it...I love someone...Someone I shouldn't...She is my best friend, I know her from kindergarden, but she has a boyfriend...Plus, I don't want to ruin my only real friendship here. I can count on here in anything. Why do I have to love her from all the girls I know....This is not fair....totally unfair....
been there. you'll live through it. but be prepared for what's on hold for you. it's not gonna be pretty and it's still gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. you'll come out of this much stronger.
I don't know. I mean, I really do love her. Not like those people, who say they love someone and the next day, they meet someone, who they love better. To tell the truth, this girl is like a living dream. I mean, for me, I can't even think about someone being more perfect for me. But I don't want to ruin this friendship, plus, not many girls like me. And if she would know about it, nothing would be the same. I'm entirely depressed. We go to the same school. So, I will see her every day for a long time from September 1. I don't know how will get through this. And if I will ever see her with her will be like hell. Of course, I want her to be happy, even if it's not with me, but still, it will cause me big pain. I'm a complete mess...again...
Wow Suigetsu You seen like nice guy but the true is; once you leave friend zone to relationship zone, you can't never go back to being friends ( Ben there done that ) Ex. My guy friend says He likes me more than a friend He's says I'm cool and understanding and pretty cute.... all good in the beginning but down the road I couldn't just take him as my boyfriend any longer because we have too much in common You know.. you want some exciting but different..( That's just me; coming from a girl point of view)
I Feel pretty good today play Dance Revolution with my boyfriend and friends
Last night, while I was crying a lot, I planned about asking her in a tricky way. You know, like: "There's someone I love and that person is a good friend of mine" so you know, like if it's about someone else. I'm curious what will she say to me. About what should I do.
Quote from: UnCanny Jean GreY on August 14, 2010, 04:13PM
I Feel pretty good today play Dance Revolution with my boyfriend and friends
You miss, are the first girl in this forum, congrats :D
Quote from: UnCanny Jean GreY on August 14, 2010, 04:13PM
Wow Suigetsu You seen like nice guy but the true is; once you leave friend zone to relationship zone, you can't never go back to being friends
not 100% true here, it is possible
Im curious to Suigetsu, its only the trick on how you look, so she wont notice your talking about her, You might of course always try to just be close with her, no flirting or somthing, but since you two are going to the same school, oppertunity arrives. Who knows, maybe 2 months later she breaks up, its always possible
It's her first boyfriend, plus, she is not the average type. She is more innocent, than normal people here. So, dunno. Plus, I feel like the opposite of her. I mean, she is just perfect in my eyes, but after so many years, I don't have much positive stuff about myself. She means me a lot, the first person, who was really my friend. And life is not a game. Once I do something, there's no going back. What happened, cannot be undone. So, I just try to see her oppinion, but even if it would be good for me, I might not reveal my feelings. I had problems from something like that before...
I feel sad today because this is my last day before I have to go to school; I don't want to go but I have too...
@ Suigetsu you have to make a decision. Would you rather date her, or do you just want be her friend? Once you make your decision stay with that ok?
Tell her but don't just shout it; take her hand look her in the eye and say " I like you and I want you to be your boyfirend. I want to make you happy if you can't decis right now think about it ok No pressure..
If she say I been waiting for you to say that you're a go :applause:
But if she is like I'm sorry I don't like you like that I think of you as a brother .. say that's just fine but we're always be best friends :sadwavey:
That's the best I can think of...
As I said, she has a boyfriend and they are happy. I mean, I'm the type of guy, who can accept the fact, that I can't be with her as I like to, if she is happier this way. So, I dunno...There are so many things, which pains me...I'm getting to my limits, which is bad, considering the fact how young I am...
Aww....Sugetsu I'm sure she's come arround but in due time date other ppl you will know when the time is right
According to Wikipedia, I found out that at the moment, I'm totally in the state of "emptiness". Well, it's totally logical, as I've always felt, that I'm alone in this huge world. I have so many mental problems, it pains me a lot. I'm totally unnormal. Sad, but true. And yet, I don't want to change. I want to find people, in real life, who would accept me for who I really am. As, if I would change myself, than people wouldn't accept me, but a mask I wear over my true self. She is a friend of me, so I decided what to do. I tell her my feelings like if it's for someone else and I want to see what will she say about this.
...thats deep, but isnt it kinda like desprate to search in Wikipedia in what ''state'' you are? Be positive!, you only live once. If i was you, i just tell her my feelings straight ahead but add ''and if you dont want me im fine with it''. No need to be so Emo about stuff :)
Come On!!! Live it up just like tymaca321 said you only got one life and Everyone got problems but just like my brother say tomorrow is a fresh start
each second is a fresh start :P
But this is an entirely special thing. I mean, either I get accepted or rejected, both of us would have hard times after it. Plus, I loved another friend of mine a few years ago and when I told it, every year in school was hell after it, and not because of that friend of mine, but because of other people. So, I'm in a depressed state. And I can't live like many people, who say idiotic stuff like "Live for the moment" and such. If every people in the world would do that, nothing would improve as they accept their current state. And for me, I do not accept many things. So I will stay like this, until I improve one thing in my life: Looks. More particuliarly, loosing a lot of fat and gaining so called muscles. I'll do everything for that, as if I will get that, I will be able to accept myself and my life would change. For example, I could teach a lessor for a few people, who like to hurt others physically or mentally.
Can I give you and advise?
Tell her everything, it's the hardest thing in this live, confess your love to someone else, but it also helps to clear your mind. Not too long ago, I was liked someone, and I was on the same mood than you, and you know what? I decided to confess everything to this person, and unfortunately this person did not shared the same emotions for me.
I was really sad, but at the same time I just felt free, really, because I did not had to keep that secret anymore and it also helped me to move on.
If you don't want to ruin the friendship, just tell her that, be clear about that doesn't matter what you feel for her, you wont try to ruin her life or something.
Be positive and as tymaca and jean said, you only live once, it's not the "Live for the moment" thing which is not that idiotic as you say (I know that ^^) but I have the feeling that you are still too young so you have the whole life to find your perfect match, and trust me, you will do it :)
Oh and staying "like this" wont help in anything becasue you will make your whole life so miserable... doing excercise? fine, loose some weight? awesome, start liking yourself? perfect, but don't do it this just to impress someone, do it for you, just for you, because you will find that being a "normal" average person or the fucking sexy handsome god, doesn't make a difference, especially in true love things...
I say just tell her, if she is sooo much of a good friend things won't get weird after even if you get rejected. Rejection may hurt but regret hurts even more.
love all you said whiteking. I totally agree. keeping a secret like this can totally eat you up on the inside. just tell her that no matter what she feels for you, you never wanna lose her friendship. If she's a true friend she'll remain such even if she doesn't reciprocate your romantic feelings. and who knows? she just might reciprocate after all.
On a completly diffrent note, i just decided i should try to make my first mod, Loki, so i opened up my Workbench, i probally regret it tommorow (im 12 years old :P) but im going for it :)
As this is a normal talking thread, made by me (and it's like a tell everything you want to topic), first off...about the changes in looks...I want to do it for myself and not for making myself by loved by those people, who only care about looks. Second - I dunno, maybe I will tell her. And third - to tell you the truth tymaca, no offense or anything but so far, I don't feel your Loki mod ideas Loki-like. I don't say my ideas were better, but yours doesn't feel like it for me. I mean, as I said there, I don't get why would he fly for a blast, even though he can't fly. So really, I don't want to argue or make this to be offense, I just wanted to say. It's your mod, you can even make him have a bunny skin, and if people will like it, it's great. As this is only my oppinion, and I think I'm the only who think this. So, good luck in making it.
Personally i dont barely know anything about loki, so im glad you mentioned that, this post would probally be posted before you readed i replaced that power, so its ok :) also like i said probally over a billion times on that thread, suggestions are always welcome :) (i dont see this as offensive btw :))
I'm glad :) I was afraid, that you might take it in a wrong way :)
I know it's double-post, but I just want to tell, that how I like you people! I feel a lot better after talking to you :) And I got determined in telling how I feel, although, I will do everything, to stay in a friendship (not that it would get more, just I'm afraid, that it could end)
if she doesn't want to be your friend anymore cause you like her this way than she wasn't that much of a friend in the first place.
You are right, thanks everyone for the advices :)
I feel super sick school start in 2 hours I feel like I'm going to blackout I don't want to go!!!
Who does?
Some people I know can't even sleep; they're so excited.... I'm scared what if I don't blend in people say I often dress different from others What If the (mean girl) says somethin rude to me what should I do.... ???
Embrace your individuality! Just be yourself - that way people will come to like you for who you are and not some false personality that you have grafted upon your being.
Thanks Dihan I feel alittle better and I will keep what you said in mind Thank You!
Yeah, plus, your problem is like mine, which I had in a long time. But for know, I'm at the "I don't care about them" status, as I'm totally pumped up thanks to WWE :D I'm full with adrenaline and everything is just cool know! :D And don't forget, there will always be "mean people", but they can be defeated. As he said, just be yourself and everything will be A-OK, at least for you :D
Yeah ,Suigetsu, i just wanna say thank you for working with me on the loki mod, even in your Emotinal state :)
It was great, that I was asked about oppinions and stuff, it helped to get my mind off about bad stuff :)
Ok guys I'm back from school there were alot of bad and few of good; I got so lost that I didn't even eat lunch but the last period i saw that my brother was in the same class i was in (JORTC) I'm so happy but then he' had to to say something stupid" Here come fire crotch" everybody laughed I feel so embarrassed and that what my high light of of my first day at school... I'm be back in 2 hours I have Home Work to do
I feel bad for you. But, I dunno. Don't care with them. And your brother, just beat him up, if he does something bad :D
Worst day ever. Some one said I was gay because I liked Jean Grey! :(
Yeah, it's logical. You like a girl, ergo, you are gay. Some people are so unlogical and stupid. Just ignore them. You like what you like, and it won't make you bad (normally. if you like cutting people up, than you are bad).
I mean like Jean is in my top five characters, Deadpool is my #1 favorite, Jean is #4. I didn't mean like she was my favorite, #1.
It still won't change the whole thing I said.
Who cares, i like Jean grey to, but isnt it natural for guys to like Woman? Or is that just me (this is not offensivly meant to gay peeps or somthing :P)
Yeah, I agree. OK, Jean is not my all-time favourite, but there are some really cool Marvel women, who I like, and it is natural with guys like us
Well, i feel a bit sick, and my cat has been following around me like crazy, and giving me his heads (you know where he puts his against your leg etc.) :P
Cats are like that. Maybe it's hungry or just lonely, as it's a living being too. BTW, why do you feel sick?
Quote from: tymaca321 on August 17, 2010, 02:33AM
Well, i feel a bit sick, and my cat has been following around me like crazy, and giving me his heads (you know where he puts his against your leg etc.) :P
I bet he did ;) ;) ;) (just say bumping his head :P)
Freudian Slips! :D
For you too! What does it mean? If it's some English stuff, than I defend myself with "I'm not too expert in this language to understand it" :D
A Freudian Slip is an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings. Tymaca said that his cat was "giving me his heads".
A-ha! Alright! As always, I learned something new today :)
I feel so tired of high school 196 days left until I can leave for good I can't wait
I feel kind of ugly, I'm 21 I weight 175 and I'm 5 "11 , my face has acne, and I'm trying to get myself to look better, so I started working out and I wanna buy something for my face but I'm not sure what to buy yet.
I'm not too sure, on how you look on the outside but on the inside I can tell your a kind person who likes to care for others ( Im guessing your zodiac is cancer, right ?) about the acne hmm I suggest clean & clear package @ walmart for USD 20 and weighting 175 at the 5'11 is pretty good, your just 21 and confused well until 25 things to get better but if you got a goal in life this is a good time to follow it up. I mean I want to be an actor when I finish college so.. I wish I could say more but I have to go to the hell-hole people call school....
i start school on monday. :(...uhm, yesterday i walked out the door and twisted my ankle like badly. so now im suffering from it. -_-
Whoa. I'm lucky. I only start school on September 1. Although, I totally wait it. On Monday, I go to school, to help out with the school books. What a nice person I am :D
Thank you UnCanny Jean GreY, how did you know I was Cancer? So I guess I'm going to Target today :D.
Quote from: edward on August 19, 2010, 08:49AM
Thank you UnCanny Jean GreY, how did you know I was Cancer?
QuoteAge: 21
Birthday: July 8th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
I'm guessing from here :P
Oh lol, I forgot I posted that.
I was right??? I totally like guess that lmao..... I throught of that because I'm a cancer
LOL Cancer is like cancer in my life. and a very agressive one. my sister, my uncle, my 2 best friends, my former best friend, my former love interest, my current crush and even though I'm a gemini my moon sign is cancer. DAMN!
You know, I guess that has more to do with June-July being aproximately 9 months after spring here in the southern hemisphere :naughty:
PS: I'm a cancer too
Yeah. I never thought of it that way :P. I was born in june as well LOL. and yeah, 2 of the modders I like the most are cancer too (you and Dihan).
Awww thanks! :D
I'm honored too!
and I'm not sucking up. it's the truth. ^^
I feel so outcasted :*(, nah kidding, im happy with my zodiac sign (but you gotta read elsewhere what it is, mwahahahaha) :D
Well, I'm still Taurus, which makes me happy (I love 'em)
Oh, don't feel are outcasted :D (Just kidding :D :) )
Damn one supposed guess right, hello parter-taurus XD
i don't get it: how do most of emma's kids have bleach blonde hair when neither she, nor the people she mates with are blonds, which (genetically) is a recessive trait?
Comic continuity is one of the big misteries of the universe, you should already know that...
SHe was a blonde, then when her background was explored, they made her a brunnette, but everyone ignore this and still consider her a natural blonde (like me!), lol.
Oh but remember that all of her kids are result of Emma/Scott, and Scott has a blonde brother (Havok)...
And there are some factors related to genetics that perhaps are affecting her kids and... Oh stop this, haha don't think to much about that, it's a comic, lol! ^^
Well i feel like crap, my fathers dog (sweetest dog on the planet) has somthing with her paw, meaning she has to go to the docter, and there's a big chance she wont be coming home :*( (also, its not one of these little dogs, if the dog stands on 2 paws she would be taller then me)
Sorry to hear that tymaca321.
Well I feel good and bad. My exercise is going really good, but recently we gave my female dog to my sister to watch over for a while but the poor thing got eaten by a big dog they have. I feel so bad and guilty. :(
Omg how sad :( im sorry to hear that edward
Like eaten to death or just wounds? Feel really sorry :( my dog survived :), im so glad, i have been crying in the night for like an hour
She appears to have somthing that misplaces here bones or somthing, so she wont be getting old (she's 2 right now, so she still has some years :))
what happened to gevth? his account was deleted for some reason...
I didn't see it, but whatever happened it's back to normal now. All I can tell you he wasn't banned nor did he delete his account.
Im feeling upsetI been up all night trying to work with zsm and with no luck
Quote from: Nowhere Man on August 27, 2010, 10:20PM
I didn't see it, but whatever happened it's back to normal now. All I can tell you he wasn't banned nor did he delete his account.
weird, this morning i swear i saw him as a "guest"...strange...
Strange things happens. I heard, that Fidel Castro thinks, that Bin Laden is a CIA agent or what. But I don't want to talk about politics, so I just say, that if nothing strange happens, than something really bad is going on.
Working on my homework and strangely I feel at peace doing it. I'm done with it now but I wouldn't have minded if my teacher had given more.
My school will start soon. On 30th (which is tomorrow for me, as here, it's 29th morning) I will have a lot of stuff to do. Get my books, get a haircut and some other stuff. I don't like active days like these.
my school 2 XD, i dont know if its old news but i just watched an actual video of american idol with a wanted terrorist appearing in it XD, yep the world is a small place
University starts again for me on the 27th of September. I'm off on holiday ("vacation" for you American or Americanised types :P) this Friday for two weeks - I don't particularly want to go but it's not like I'm paying for it.
hmm my school started on August 16? but you guys school starts in early September I wonder why but then again that's probably why we get out earlier (May 23) But I hate that first week on school soo much stuff to do and buy
Well, first day of new school was today, and it was mwa, i REALLY need to get used to the whole ''swap classes every hour'' thingie, but my mom arranged (thanks to my autism) that i have somthing they call a ''backpack'' its basicly someone you can just talk to whenever you want, and just free your mind a bit, im right now looking forward to the talks, since my mind is full of the living hell i was just in XD
School starts tomorrow. I don't wait it anymore. The weather is awful, raining whole day. I have to wake up very early, I want to get a good seat in my class. I can't wait the afternoon...
this video always cracks me up:
how I miss the animaniacs. not even reruns here :(.
Well, today is 9/11, so I send my regards, love and peace to the family of those, who lost someone on this date.
Yeah there was a girl in my middle school who died and 9/11, I can't believe it's been 9 years.
Well, yeah. In the next year, it will be the tenth anniversary of condolence (is this the right word? I used an online dictionary to translate it)
something kind of very awesome, and that's coming even from a guy XD
Just got back from Las Vegas, always a fun time! Just sad it was only two 3 days.
cool, did you make money, lose money or just went to see Celine Dion? LOL
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on September 12, 2010, 08:36PM
Just got back from Las Vegas, always a fun time! Just sad it was only two 3 days.
I turned 21 this year and I haven't gone since I was like 19 so I can't wait to go soon. Hope you had fun nodoubt.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 13, 2010, 12:16AM
cool, did you make money, lose money or just went to see Celine Dion? LOL
I just bet a dollar and lost lol. I don't really go there to gamble, just sight see, drink and basically party.
Quote from: edward on September 13, 2010, 08:18AM
I turned 21 this year and I haven't gone since I was like 19 so I can't wait to go soon. Hope you had fun nodoubt.
Thanks and I did. Everything is so much more fun there when you are 21.
Hey, Circus Circus is fun lol.
tsk marvel, you and your unhelpful teaser images that don't make sense to me XD
Well, the fact, that everyone has glowing eyes (and no visible iris) makes me suggest, that this won't be good.
Is kind of cool to see they are doing something with the two cuckoos and the others like Banshee.
Been busy with a new school lately. Just joined and got loads of work to do. That's something else right thurr.
I also have a new (and hopefully last!) girlfriend who I think is THEEEEEEE ONE. Also focussing a lot on what we have, next to school.
Because I wanted to skin something today but my skills are a bit off =P Anyway, I'm doing pretty well, busy (school is killing me), but well (girlfriend for the win!).
Hope this girl works out for you.And good luck with your school
Yeah, good luck with everything :)
Mood: Content. lol
Day: Well, I went to get my hair, nails, and toes done with my mom, layed in the tanning bed, had lunch, came home, went to the beach with some friends, then to the movies. Watched Devil, Movie was decent.. lol Came home, played XML2 for a bit, and now I'm here.. haha :)
Welcome i guess, havent sen you around before :), Devil looks like an epic movie to me XD
Just enjoying my weekend btw, and i hate evil homework :P
Heyy! Haha... I'm new, :) My names Sabra (As you can see.. xD)
Nice to meet you..
Devil was a pretty good movie, I normally don't like scary movies myself.. but it wasn't too bad.. haha definitely worth seeing!! =)
Welcome to the community!
@ the two above you:
Thanks ^^.
@ tymaca: homework ain't evil dude. It's educational stuff that'll help your future get... screw it it's pure evil. Whoever made that crap should rot in any place that's good for rotting there. Period.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on September 19, 2010, 10:08AM
Welcome to the community!
@ the two above you:
Thanks ^^.
@ tymaca: homework ain't evil dude. It's educational stuff that'll help your future get... screw it it's pure evil. Whoever made that crap should rot in any place that's good for rotting there. Period.
You scared me for a bit there XD
lol, last night me and my friend decided we are going to go on a dante-esque adventure through hell to depose homework from it's satanic thrown XD.
Thanks Mr. Law... :)
Quote from: Deedooo on September 19, 2010, 10:25AM
lol, last night me and my friend decided we are going to go on a dante-esque adventure through hell to depose homework from it's satanic thrown XD.
I wish you guys the best of luck in your adventure!^^
@ Sabra
You're welcome ^^ (lol, double sentence for the win! )
Just watched WWE Night of Champions...It was....Wow...
Intercontinental Title: I hoped Kofi would win it, but Dolph won least fair and square
United States Championship: I'm not a fan of The Miz, but I prefer him over Daniel Bryan, but sadly, Bryan is the new US Champ
Big Show vs CM Punk: It was something everyone knew...Big Show won, and I'm happy about it
Unified Diva Championship: Very sadly, Michelle McCool won (or should I say, Layla and Michelle, AKA Laycool), I hoped Melina would win this
World Heavyweight Championship: One of the biggest events. The Undertaker vs Kane for the belt. I hoped the Phenom (Undertaker) would win this, but Kane retained his belt and in the end, The Undertaker was barely able to walk out of the ring on his own feet.
Tag Team Championship: This was a Tag Team Turmoil, first in the ring was The Hard Dynasty (the champions) and they fought against The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) and they got defeated. After that, The Usos fought Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov, and defeated them aswell. Next was The Usos against Evan Bourne and Mark Henry, and The Usos were defeated. The last match was Evan Bourne and Mark Henry vs "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre and they defeated Evan and Mark, thus winning the belts. I hoped Evan and Mark would win this.
The Main Event: WWE Championship in a Six Pack Elimination Match with the current champ, the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus, Nexus leader, Wade Barrett, Y2J, Chris Jericho, the Ultimate Opportunist, Edge, John Cena and the Viper, Randy Orton. This was one big fight. First Jericho got eliminated, after that, a little "alliance" between Edge and Sheamus, Edge got eliminated, after that, Nexus (four other wrestlers) came in and helped Barrett eliminate John Cena, after that, Wade wanted to eliminate Randy Orton, but John Cena helped him out, by beating up Nexus with a steel chair and Randy RKOd and eliminated Wade Barrett (RKO is his finishing move), after that, Sheamus tried to eliminate him, but it didn't work and in the end, Randy Orton RKOd Sheamus and eliminated him, thus, becoming the new WWE Champion. I loved this fight and the outcome aswell.
(Note: I used the colours, just to show which is one team/person. It only goes for stuff one after another, so for example, every blue line is not the same, just I wanted something else, than red everytime. So, for example again: The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus is one person, and Nexus Leader, Wade Barret is one person)
....Personally i dont really care for no one else then the Boogyman and Boogyman junior :P. but whatever i guess :P
As much as I know, they aren't even active know (at least at WWE) :D But still, this was One Great Event and I can't wait this weeks RAW and SmackDown, to hear about these :D
another day another game. just finished Chrono Trigger...again. It's one of my favourite games ever and I hadn't played it in a while. I love the ending where you get to meet the makers. ^^
for the people who never played it, do so! It's the best 32bits RPG game ever. IMO it's better than Zelda: A Link to the Past, and that's saying something!
I believe you. I haven't played this ever, but I never liked Zelda :D I dunno what to play BTW, just finished Spidey game yesterday and Fable II for almost 100% (played it through, to have a save game to be used in Fable III). I so wait next month...some games I will love comes out.
than download it! you'll need the zness emulator and the chrono trigger rom. I promise you won't regret it.
I have a great site to help you with the game. it has all info:
I dunno...One thing is certain. This October will be my month in video games (WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2011, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Fable III and Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm II. I can't wait!)
I hate that fact Melina lost, Michelle most be really working it with the Undertaker.(I haven't seen wrestling in years but once in a while I watch youtube video to see whats new)
I was so sure that Melina would win, and I was sure about Undertaker's victory aswell, but I wasn't right. Even though, I totally wait the next RAW and SmackDown (I always watch these one day after it was aired, so RAW tomorrow afternoon :D )
I haven't seen any wrestling for years. And before that year, haven't seen it for years. I used to watch it when I was rele young, through satellite. (same channel as Cartoon network, at 10 o' in our country, it switched to WCW wrestling back in the day for several hours).
I guess I'll update my mood/day ever so often in this thread.. xD
Mood: Pretty good. lol
Day: Painters came over to paint my house, (I live in the guest house/pool house out back of my parents house), they finished up... The color I picked turned out great... (I think) haha... I got a paleish smokey blue grey for the master bedroom, and hallways... and hot pink for one of my bathrooms:
(I think it MAY be a bit too bright.. xD Camara took AWFUL looking pic, looks much better in person! lol)
And my mom bought me a new hutch for my kitchen, which I think is cute as hell xD :
I didn't know there was a picture being taken, -_- I look rough... look past it.. lol
But, what do you guys think? :)
Was the painting/hutch a success or epic fail? xDD
succes well...i think :P, im not a girl
hahah! xD
Thanks hun! :)
And on a side note, I'm STOKED about Fable III.
My aunt has a hutch just like that one. And If you wanted the painting to be the hottest pink ever I would say success even though pink is my least favorite color.
BTW: It odd to see a girl that likes video games(unless shes asian and besides animal crossing or nintendo dogs)
Hahahah, Well, I wanted it to be really girly.. Because none of the other rooms (Besides the master bedroom) look really girly.. :P Maybe I did go a bit too bright, but I like it :)
And, I get that a lot... But theres a TON of girls into gaming. ;)
I've been a "gamer" since as long as I remember. lol
I've always loved 'em.. haha
Ps. I wasn't texting in that picture of the hutch, I was playing the Sims :D
lol... I enjoyed Fable 2.
Fable 1 was fun, Fable: Lost Chapters was funner.
Hopefully Fable 3 will be EPIC.. ;)
2, meaning there are 2 of us stoked.
I played TLC several times and loved it. never played 2 cause I only play pc games (me likes cheats, trainers and modding them, and using a keyboard instead of a joystick or controller). I always get pissed off when the games aren't released for pc (fable II, MUAII and so on). That's why I'm so psyched bout fable 3.
epic win collection of "what if super heroes were hipsters" pictures
Emo Hulk! How would he ever get stronger if instead of getting pissed he cries? LOL
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 20, 2010, 02:19PM
2, meaning there are 2 of us stoked.
I played TLC several times and loved it. never played 2 cause I only play pc games (me likes cheats, trainers and modding them, and using a keyboard instead of a joystick or controller). I always get pissed off when the games aren't released for pc (fable II, MUAII and so on). That's why I'm so psyched bout fable 3.
I can't wait Fable III either. I will order the Collector's edition of it :D I played Fable: TLC on PC a lots of times and Fable II on Xbox 360 a lots of times. One of the few series I just love :)
Quote from: Deedooo on September 20, 2010, 03:54PM
epic win collection of "what if super heroes were hipsters" pictures
Love Batman XD, i cant believe he'll follow his arch-enemy though :P
These past few weeks have been tiring.
Don't worry, I'm still alive!
back to reality, eh? it's in these moments that you can really appreciate how much reality sucks in comparison :P
so i absolutely love skottie young (the artist) and i thought i'd share some awesome stuff he just posted on da
Catpocalypse 4 the win!
wuut up just thought id pop by! its been a while folks. i see quite a lot of new stuff around here!
and nope im not modding nor playing xml2. just thought id pop by :)
But hello there everyone ! :) It's been awhile hasn't it ! I think I might become more active from now on. I have refound the coolness of MUA and modding :D Though I'm not sure if I myself will mod... It's been sooo long....
Would make me happy :), Love your Syrin mod, so im hopping for a conversion :), Anyways, glad your back :)
Oh my lord! :D Someone actually said they're happy for my return :D I'm honestly surprised :)
Who wouldnt? :D
I got the tonsilites now. this sucks. 40° of fever.
wow, i've been really drained recently. driving, school, stuff. lol. like i've totally stepped away from anything Marvel this year...which is kinda bad. but anyways...hope you guys are enjoying school/work. see ya.
alright this is probably one of the most epic fan art projects i have seen like ever. check it out! ^^
very cool gallery. just found it strange that kitty wasn't in it.
yeah that was kind of weird. but it has some very cool designs i might use for some skins ^^
Wow does are awsome but my team upd wound have been.
silver fox/weapon x people
captain america/nick fury
silver samurai/lady deathstrike
alpha flight
black panther
Master Po
new x-men
ghost rider
i feel great today, i just got Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness, it's actually a really good game, i use a trainer too jajajaja.
A trainer? Where did you found a good one? I got my game from PC Guru some years ago (It's a PC magazine)
i found it here, but you must NOT install the patches that fix bugs and things like that. i wish it would work with the patches but looks like it won't jajaja. but you can still play it good.
Great! Than I might re-install it and play it through this time
ok, i really like that game, but be careful with the unlimited health code, if you use it you wont be able to kill the bosses and the game MIGHT crash, so be careful, it happened to me.
I keep that in mind.
Today i just had a crap of housework assigemnts to work on, so i started using the internet to my advantage, but i feel kinda bad 4 it, so im just gonna say i just had a LOT of help, and ask if the teacher can explain it again :P, still feel really bad though :P
ey, i found a new program for tomb raider 6, for it to work better install the patches. this is the page and it explains everything :, it says tomb raider chronicles but that's only the site name jajaja. hope you like it.
I'm back!! After several long months of inconsistent access to the internet, and I'm amazed to see some of the great stuff that people have made in that time. Also disappointed, because I learned that my computer is unable to run MUA currently. Back to MUA and MUA2 on my Xbox.
welcome back! i hope you get mua working again soon (:
Hey Rajuncajun. Glad to see you back!
welcome back ragincajun! we missed you ^^
20 plus packages to make for marvel girl... drives me craaazy O.o
in other news rachel is almost doneish ^^
well its my birthday and i think i'm in love (: yup that pretty much sums it up ^^
later today imma go celebrate with my friends and it will fantastico ^^
Happy Birthday :D One of my classmates has her birthday today :D
just thought i'd share these tron variants on marvel characters cause they look awesome XD i may even make some skins based on them ^^
Love the TRON variants. My favorite is spider woman.
for me its a toss up between ghost rider, spiderwoman and ms marvel
Quote from: Deedooo on October 22, 2010, 06:00PM
for me its a toss up between ghost rider, spiderwoman and ms marvel
Same here but Moon Knight comes too. I'd love to see skins for these characters. A lot of them could use more like Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Thor, etc.
well my mother got married yesterday! So yeah, it delivers me a day longer vacation and a handfull of new family XD, had a great day!
It's reading week for me now so I have a week off. Ironically this is the week I catch a cold. I feel better thanks to bucklys though.
I think I'm in love... But it's making me feel really depressed.
why so blue? and who's the girl/guy?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 27, 2010, 03:21PM
why so blue? and who's the girl/guy?
i second both these questions
Anyway, got into the whole modding scene again, currently only fixing stuff, like stage 2 mods. And i like it, most of all the stuff is done and it leaves room to do some weird stuff XD
Ah, love, why do you have to be so depressing at times...
I myself hava had probably millions of "oh-so-in-love" happenings :D But I guess that'd be rather normal for seomeone of my age. I even had a short-lived crush on Charlie McDonnell ( The hardest thing for myself is that my latest crushes have been guys, and probably straight guys, soo it has made me reaally depressed at times. But right now I'm not really crushed on anyone... (Apart from that one guy at Dressmann but that doesn't count :D )
But, Dihan, sometimes talking (or in this case writing) about it might help :)
Well I went to my uni's LGBT society club night; mainly because I was dragged along, but I did also want to see if the guy I like was there. He was, of course.
Anyway, I was sitting with friends on the sofas and aforementioned guy came up and sat next to me. He wanted to dance. I'm not really that much of a dancer so I declined but he wasn't relenting. I eventually gave in and he dragged me down to the dance floor and we danced together for probably about 10 minutes before one of my friends dragged me away for whatever reason.
Later on in the night he came up to the lounge area where I was to tell me that he was going to head off because he was tired. So we hugged (which seemed to last for ages, though I'm not sure if that's because it did or because I had the guy I like in my arms and I didn't want it to stop; probably the latter) and he said he'd see me at the "LGBTea" coffee afternoon on Saturday. As soon as he'd gone out of sight I started to feel a bit down - until he came back 10 minutes later saying that he missed the bus.
From that point he was in my general vicinity for roughly 30 minutes, about 25 minutes towards the end his friends wandered off (presumably to check on when the bus was coming) so I had a brief chat with him about the night and then he received a text, gave me a second brief hug, a farewell and went home. From that point on I returned to feeling down and alone (by this point my friends had started to excavate each other's throats).
Anyway, some general things about this guy (some that I learned of afterwards from other friends):
1) He tends to "latch onto anything with 'man-parts'" when he's drunk. Last night, however, he was mostly sober.
2) I've only really started talking to him at the weekend, primarily because I'm quite a reserved person and I'm only really comfortable around people I know quite well.
3) According to his Facebook status from this morning, he had some random person warning people off him... He is, however, single (and very cute, which is why I'm also a bit apprehensive)
4) He's apparently had previous relationships that had ended badly.
It sounds like he likes me from what I've said but I don't know if I'm misreading all of this as just general friendliness or whether it's genuine.
Good luck Dihan, I think the guy likes you.
me 2 Go Dihan!
I agree with edward and tymaca here ! He totally likes you :thumbsup: And good luck. I know this might sound a little gluiche, but I think I know how you feel ;) From what you said wrote, I see no reason to be depressed about :)
well, IMO, don't pay much attention to what people that barely know him say about him. be cautious, but try to create you own opinion about him as you get to know him better.
I don't need to be told to be cautious. I am the definition of cautious.
what was I thinking? :P
Well the rumours are that the guy I like likes someone else. The other guy has just been dumped by his last boyfriend.
Oh well.
theres something i don't get about halloween this year. the pretty much standard day for trick or treating/other halloween activities was saturday, even though Halloween is today. so the part i don't get is why should the customs from the mythology of christianity affect the customs from the customs from pagan culture? all hallow's eve's whole purpose is that on the 31st the wall between this world and the other realms break down a little so that spirits can roam the earth, and the masks are to scare away the bad ones. which doesn't work if you do it on the 30th XP.
this same thing happened with the 4th of july here in america. all of the celebrations went on on the 3rd because the 4th was a sunday XP. i'm fine with religion, i just dislike when it becomes impractical and tries to interfere with things beyond its scope, such as government, gays, science and holidays.
I'm with you, but I always try to not pay attention to those details. I'll party this night as I did yesterday (as a hippie) and the night before yesterday (as a cowboy), not sure which costume I'll pick for tonight...
You seem to party every night anyway :P
Gotta join the Hellfire Club. They have the wildest parties :P
Quote from: Dihan on October 31, 2010, 04:55PM
You seem to party every night anyway :P
Haha I'm studying lol.
Curse you facebook and your albums that all of your friends can see xD
But hey I'm living alone, on a different city, with people from all the world, lol, It's time to be a little bit crazy ;)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 31, 2010, 04:59PM
Gotta join the Hellfire Club. They have the wildest parties :P
My dear, I AM the White King ;)
I meant myself :D. Of course I know you have already joined and is the wildest thing in all their parties :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 31, 2010, 05:28PM
I meant myself :D. Of course I know you have already joined and is the wildest thing in all their parties :P
That's what I meant, I'm one of the top leaders, you don't have to ask, you are always in my guest list :D
yay!!! I wanna be the the White Bishop, cause I'm pale white and have a sex life as active as a member of the clergy LOL.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 31, 2010, 05:40PM
yay!!! I wanna be the the White Bishop, cause I'm pale white and have a sex life as active as a member of the clergy LOL.
Haha ok ok you will be the White Bishop, but that post about your s3x life is confusing because here in México most of the clergy HAVE s3x life, secret yes, but they have :O
If I start going to your parties so will I LOL.
Stop it!
We have kids here in the site!!
And my parties are meetings were people read and discuss about culture, have you seen my facebook?? xD
I hate to bring up politics here, but I gotta get this off my chest. Presidential elections happened a couple of days ago and I'm really unhappy about the results. I know there are several brazilians here who probably voted for Dilma and I mean no disrespect. But she's totally unexperienced and watching the debates and interviews I can't help but notice she stutters a lot and just keeps stonewalling all the time, never really answering any question. It's not about coutinuity versus inovation, nor about supporting her competition. It's about the individual that seems completely unprepared for the role and the highest ranking members of her party being involved in some of the greatest corruption scandals of our history, including her former secretary and current personal advisor (Palocci, who was found guilty and resigned BTW). I like what our current president has done so far, but she doesn't have his experience or charisma. During all of her campaign she's been his puppet. I'm fearful about the future of the country with such a leader.
Hi, my name is thedarkpoet and I have been......wait.....wrong forum lol. Anyway, I feel pretty upset.
upset? why, what happened?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 02, 2010, 06:09PM
I hate to bring up politics here, but I gotta get this off my chest. Presidential elections happened a couple of days ago and I'm really unhappy about the results. I know there are several brazilians here who probably voted for Dilma and I mean no disrespect. But she's totally unexperienced and watching the debates and interviews I can't help but notice she stutters a lot and just keeps stonewalling all the time, never really answering any question. It's not about coutinuity versus inovation, nor about supporting her competition. It's about the individual that seems completely unprepared for the role and the highest ranking members of her party being involved in some of the greatest corruption scandals of our history, including her former secretary and current personal advisor (Palocci, who was found guilty and resigned BTW). I like what our current president has done so far, but she doesn't have his experience or charisma. During all of her campaign she's been his puppet. I'm fearful about the future of the country with such a leader.
Most likely she will be a puppet for people, to control stuff from the background. But hey, at least it's not that obvious. Here, it's so simple. They say all good stuff before being elected, after they are elected, they just ignore people and only care about themselves. Plus, they make/want to make stupid laws, which would only benefit the government (or should I say, them) and would ruin everyone. Okay, would ruin every average people. That's why, if I finish school, I will do the necessary steps in the year after, to be able, to leave the country somewhere better. Or at least not as bad, as this place.
since I haven't bought the Iron Man 2 DVD yet, I'm just thrilled that I can finally watch my favourite scene over and over again. Luv seeing Scarlett kick ass with her mixed martial arts, but predominantly Mexican lucha libre. Never thought the style suited a woman so well.
i find it funny that a bunch of people in my school (particularly the gay people) think that i'm gay. not that theres a problem with gayness, its just i'm not XD. ah well probably happened sometime between the tutu and the dress i wore XD. it also amuses me that a gay kid in my school thought that i was pretty in my dress XD. he hasn't come out yet so i have no clue who he is, but he told this one teacher who is like the main gay support teacher in the school and that teacher told me. i also had a lengthy conversation with him about men who wear dresses and such :P.
my life is so strange XD.
fine, I'll be the one to ask: why were you wearing a tutu and a dress?
oh yeah forgot to mention that the dress was for Halloween XD
the tutu was just for fun though XD
You said it. Your life is strange :D
At least, here in Hungary, we celebrate All Saint's Day in a more traditional form: visiting graves of our dead relatives/friends/etc., light candles and other stuff like that. No free-candy-for-dressed-up-children stuff. I never liked it anyways. I thought, that there are just too many problems with it. Especially the trick part of Trick or Treat.
did females decide as a group that they have to argue with compliments you give them? cause it gets rather tiring after a while XP
Not just restricted to females. I do it, for example. :P
is it just me or is this genious? LOL|de|pv%20zk%20bschk%20pv%20zk%20pv%20bschk%20zk%20pv%20zk%20bschk%20pv%20zk%20pv%20bschk%20zk%20bschk%20pv%20bschk%20bschk%20pv%20kkkkkkkkkk%20bschk%0A%0A
le ghasp! you sir are indeed a genius!
I didn't do it, but it is so awesome :D
has anyone ever heard of this little square?
it's awesome! I'm making some great beats with this. try it!
I loved it!!
So I've been inactive for some time now. Been playing a game, spending time with my girlfriend (Olé!). Surprisingly, Whiteking found me in the game ><'. Epic!
I was studying, but I gave up school for some time now. I'm currently doing nothing, planning to get work in January. School didn't work out for me because they are lame. Didn't help me find an internship close by, instead I had to travel for minimum 2 hours each day to my internship. Second, I needed their help and they didn't respond. So up theirs^^. After 4 weeks of absence, they contacted me. 4 weeks. HOW CRAP IS THAT XD
I am enjoying my time off though. While it lasts.
I'm going to the USA for 2 weeks in 2 weeks, because my gf lives there. Olé! Love has no borders ^^.
I'll try to create some stuff here and there for this community though. Have been trying some stuff but, didn't really like it completely (skins on models etc etc). Author has to like it to you know!
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 05, 2010, 12:27AM
Surprisingly, Whiteking found me in the game ><'. Epic!
Hahaha, lol, "are you Marvin-Jean Bish??... Hmm, Yeah!" hahaha it took me a while you know??
Good luck in USA, and greetings to your lovely girlfriend!
I've been playing the same game lol (still on level 29 >.<) Help me, master Rah!
Would you like to create a model of my lovely character please? ^^
Anyway, I'm sad right now, saying good-bye to amazing people, and still not ready to go back to my city (exchange program on another city since july, for all of those who doesn't know what I'm talking about :P)
what game r u guys playing? I'm feeling left out :(
World of Warcraft: 3.3.5a
Addicting Chocolate egg :P
But yeah Luis I'll be glad to help out when I can :D
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 05, 2010, 01:49AM
World of Warcraft: 3.3.5a
With the 2 avaliable expansions: Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King [so you can access to the same areas that Marv can and that I will when I reach higher levels :')]
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 05, 2010, 01:49AM
But yeah Luis I'll be glad to help out when I can :D
Hehehe yes please, It's taking me a lot to pass the level 29 lol :)
I'll be playing WoW from next weekend too! Although, we won't be on the same server, that's for sure (very different country)
Right now life is turbulent and it sucks. The End.
Quote from: Dihan on December 05, 2010, 04:10PM
Right now life is turbulent and it sucks. The End.
Couldn't agree more...
What's up? What makes you guys say that? (BTW, I'm totally ill, which is not a good feeling)
Today I'm very happy!! Finally school is over for this year. Vactions, here I go! f*ck you, school stuff!!!! Now it's just beach and parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 06, 2010, 09:21AM
What's up? What makes you guys say that? (BTW, I'm totally ill, which is not a good feeling)
A while ago I mentioned meeting a guy I like. Long story short, we saw each other for a few weeks, things were going well, he suddenly started being a bit distant, my insecurities kicked in and then a few days later I got a text saying "let's leave it as friends for now, ok?".
boy, do I know how you feel...the story of my life
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 06, 2010, 09:21AM
What's up? What makes you guys say that? (BTW, I'm totally ill, which is not a good feeling)
Turbulent is really fitting word to describe my life. My moods go up and down and it's frustrating! But nothing frustrates more, than liking someone who could never like you... My crush is a boy, which technically means that we could never be together. I'm pretty sure he is straight, he has said that to me a thousand times. But he is just so wonderful. One of the best things ever happened to me.
One night, about a month ago, we had a party with friends. We had gotten some cider but not quite enough to make as drunk. Of course this mr. J was there too. Actually we were the only boys there, the other ones were girls. We played spin the bottle, and my oh-so-dear-best-friend made us make all sorts of GAY things together :D We hugged, I sat on his lap for quite some time, we kissed twice... I of course had nothing against it, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that he appeared to be fine with it too (: After that we have had these little parties, most of them with a smaller group, in all of them, we have played spin the bottle, and almost every time, me and mr. J have been the ones to do the toughest tasks. I also came out to him last week, and he took it so well I almost fainted. This weekend we are going to have a christmasy party with alcohol and he is coming, he doesn't drink though...
Oh my god I almost skipped Dihan, I'm sorry! I unfortunately can't say that I would know how you feel, but I can imagine... )): Life sucks at times...
Oh come on guys! We don't need someone to be strong ! My relationships never have a long duration too, so I have to get used to be a bit alone, and we are all young . Enjoy the life, make good things that good things will turn to you, even if it takes some time.. ;)
Well, to be honest, I love this topic. Not just the fact, that I created it (what a guy I am), but here, people can be themselves. People can say what they think, what they go through, and dunno, this way this whole forum is not just average "talk about the mod, the game and of course, more about mods and games". This here is a place, where mostly Marvel gamers are, but here, we can talk about all kinds of stuff. We won't just learn about eachother, that who is good in modding and stuff, but more intimate stuff, like real life problems. This makes a society good. And I'm just happy, that this topic has 80 pages. It's more than I thought there will be. Oh, and I'm with Marvel Watcher. Lets just live our lives. That's what I'm doing nowadays, and I feel a lot better :)
If only it was that simple... :P I do feel much better than I did about a year ago, when I was really down all the time. Now I feel like I actually had a LIFE ! And so far I haven't had a better feeling.... ((:
That's good I guess. :) (Hope I did not misunderstood you)
Oh, and before I forget: I hope no one misunderstands that longer post I just did today here (the one I did before this). But the meaning of it is, in my view, that I'm happy, that people can talk about their life on this forum. :)
Im SO PISSED today.One of my teachers pissed me off and then a student threw a pen at me and said I wouldn't do anything and i went over there and hit his face aganst the desk and his nose was bleeding.Then the teacher sent ONLY ME to the dean and i got suspended for 3 days.
I've never been suspended before so you can imagine how pissed i am :mad:
I can imagine! I was never suspensed but if I would, I would be very pissed. Specially if the guy that started the fight wasn't suspensed.
They think that you started the fight, why don't you tell them that the student that threw a pen to you told you that you wouldn't do anything? i think they wouldn't believe you, but it's a good try. and i'm done with school, jajajaja it's summer vacation time for me!! jajajaja
(I live in south america)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 10, 2010, 03:08PM
Im SO PISSED today.One of my teachers pissed me off and then a student threw a pen at me and said I wouldn't do anything and i went over there and hit his face aganst the desk and his nose was bleeding.Then the teacher sent ONLY ME to the dean and i got suspended for 3 days.
I've never been suspended before so you can imagine how pissed i am :mad:
Well what do you expect? What you did was completely disproportionate to what this other guy did. A suitable punishment for assault. Should be relieved that the police weren't involved.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix on December 10, 2010, 03:28PM
They think that you started the fight, why don't you tell them that the student that threw a pen to you told you that you wouldn't do anything? i think they wouldn't believe you, but it's a good try. and i'm done with school, jajajaja it's summer vacation time for me!! jajajaja
(I live in south america)
I did but then the Dean said well you should of told on him
EDIT: @Dihan you're right and stupid things like that get put on my permanent record and my mom always says in middle school they start tracking you serious. Which is bad if i wanna get into schools like M.I.T
Quote from: Dark Phoenix on December 10, 2010, 03:28PM
and i'm done with school, jajajaja it's summer vacation time for me!! jajajaja
(I live in south america)
Same here!!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 10, 2010, 03:08PM
Im SO PISSED today.One of my teachers pissed me off and then a student threw a pen at me and said I wouldn't do anything and i went over there and hit his face aganst the desk and his nose was bleeding.Then the teacher sent ONLY ME to the dean and i got suspended for 3 days.
I've never been suspended before so you can imagine how pissed i am :mad:
face breaking is a perfectly legitimate reason for suspension. pissy making teacher or no, that's no reason to go smack someones face into a desk. really i doubt there's a law against pen flicking, but assault? definitely...
@Deedooo i realize now maybe i should of just threw the pen right back at him or just not have done anything. Well,at least i have more time to study for exams
One thing is sure. This showed, that you are not the kind of guy, who they should pick on
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 11, 2010, 10:56AM
One thing is sure. This showed, that you are not the kind of guy, who they should pick on
i usually never had problems with anyone. I wasn't popular but i also was known very well
lol I am sorry but this is really fun about throwing the person into a desk, and really yeah you probably shouldnt have, but when your in the heat of the moment lol or on the spot like this its really probably the first thing you think of, and everyone has their own thoughts on this but saying that you shouldnt have is not going to change it so no offence but really it doesnt matter what is done is done and cant be changed, unless of course time travel is created, but I dont see this happening for a while and even if you did do this it just helps us relize that next time you probably wont throw someones face into a desk XD
Dunno why (really dunno), but I started to listen to my three all-time Micheal Jackson favourites. Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal and Thriller are just so cool. They have a certain feeling
I'm very good today, with a little cold but fine. I have unlocked three outfits for Lara Croft in Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light (pc). Those outfits are: Biker, Jungle and Doppleganger. I think the legend is the final one to unlock.
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 13, 2010, 10:02AM
Dunno why (really dunno), but I started to listen to my three all-time Micheal Jackson favourites. Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal and Thriller are just so cool. They have a certain feeling
Do You love too Michael Jackson? Do you know when there is a new album with unpublished songs ? I can't wait!!!
(Sorry for my English)
I like Micheal Jackson, he is better with miles, than any of those "musicans", who are hyped up nowadays.
About new albums, try to read this:
BTW, they just released the album "Micheal" on December 14, in the United States. You can probably buy it on the EBay or already.
i am a huge fan
I am so happy that they release a new album and it is so nice i heard it it's amazing!!!!!!! ^^
Well, you don't have to say you are a fan, it's pretty obvious. Like the fact, that I'm a Hulk Hogan fan
each day that passes I get more bored and annoyed by the overall way the world works. it's the big and the small things alike that all seem like such a waste of time and life. It's having to wear a tie, women having to wear high heals, the extremely annoying commercials on TV, the alarmist media that constantly instigates fear and pessimism, the insane amount of time we spend in meaningless tasks, dealing with bureaucracy, in bank lines and so on and so on. it just seems like all life revolves around the things that exist to take our minds off of the really important things, you know? family, friends, art, music, literature, spirituality. the ultimate improvement of ones self. that's what matters, but it's what society seems to appreciate and reward the least. I just hope there is some kind of armageddonin 2012. not the destruction of the world, but that everybody wake up from this collective ignorant and futile halluciation we've all been living in.
sorry, I get more and more existencial as the time passes.
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 15, 2010, 05:53AM
I like Micheal Jackson, he is better with miles, than any of those "musicans", who are hyped up nowadays.
About new albums, try to read this:
BTW, they just released the album "Micheal" on December 14, in the United States. You can probably buy it on the EBay or already.
Oh, thanks! And I completely agree with you !
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 15, 2010, 05:19PM
each day that passes I get more bored and annoyed by the overall way the world works. it's the big and the small things alike that all seem like such a waste of time and life. It's having to wear a tie, women having to wear high heals, the extremely annoying commercials on TV, the alarmist media that constantly instigates fear and pessimism, the insane amount of time we spend in meaningless tasks, dealing with bureaucracy, in bank lines and so on and so on. it just seems like all life revolves around the things that exist to take our minds off of the really important things, you know? family, friends, art, music, literature, spirituality. the ultimate improvement of ones self. that's what matters, but it's what society seems to appreciate and reward the least. I just hope there is some kind of armageddonin 2012. not the destruction of the world, but that everybody wake up from this collective ignorant and futile halluciation we've all been living in.
sorry, I get more and more existencial as the time passes.
Don't worry, you are not alone. Although, I have problems with many of the people too! As they are happy with living for the day, not even caring about the future, which I think is a problem.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 15, 2010, 05:19PM
each day that passes I get more bored and annoyed by the overall way the world works. it's the big and the small things alike that all seem like such a waste of time and life. It's having to wear a tie, women having to wear high heals, the extremely annoying commercials on TV, the alarmist media that constantly instigates fear and pessimism, the insane amount of time we spend in meaningless tasks, dealing with bureaucracy, in bank lines and so on and so on. it just seems like all life revolves around the things that exist to take our minds off of the really important things, you know? family, friends, art, music, literature, spirituality. the ultimate improvement of ones self. that's what matters, but it's what society seems to appreciate and reward the least. I just hope there is some kind of armageddonin 2012. not the destruction of the world, but that everybody wake up from this collective ignorant and futile halluciation we've all been living in.
sorry, I get more and more existencial as the time passes.
I don't trust my eyes!!! You are the same person, as I! You know, how it is difficult to live among insignificant people who spend the time not clearly on what? And I not the such! I don't find with them mutual understanding.... At times becomes so badly, it would be desirable to die... Where the world slides? On this question there is no answer.
I understand that I too wait an Armageddon 2012. I can not so more to live. In my Russia there is a same destruction of human values.
Thanks that there is such theme where it is possible to be uttered... Thanks that you understand me.
wow, some more people that feel utterly and constantly annoyed by the way everything works. what do you know? there is hope after all.
Yes, of course, there is a hope. And it will be always.
I don't wait any kind of armageddon. Not mental, nor physical. I just hope, that some day, stuff will change.
Me to, I hope something happens to give the World a big wake up call but nothing bad, like everything electric stopping or a planet hitting ours or complete destroction, although I think something is going to happen and I am the only one I know fo lol, I just hope nothing bad happens just something kinda good!
the hadron collider. it starts working in late 2012. very close to the winter solstice in dec 21st (the date that most 2012 predictions coin). I think that has something to do with it. humanity will discover something big. maybe a new dimension, the god particle or the imaterial nature of thought. one's hoping.
I hope something will happen too. Something to change people's opinion about life, will make them respect life. And stop the global warming.
I have an idea. People will realise, that how bad they are and...they won't care about it. every average person
Later edit: I was checking out GameSpot, for this Best of 2010 stuff. I voted for a few stuff, than I was like "Meh, I just vote for the funniest game of the year stuff and leave GameSpot". And I was amazed, about how dark and morbid humanity is. They voted Dead Rising 2, to be the funniest game of the year so far! I mean, okay, I can accept it, that sometimes it's fun, to kill zombies with a lawnmower, but the funniest game of the year? One of the most morbid, horroristic games of the year? I mean, this can't be happening. I don't say, that Lego Harry Potter was purely hilarious, but I'm positive, that such a game is funnier, than Dead Rising 2. Sheesh, how low can humanity get...I mean, I could picture some guys, with a retarded laughing, while playing Dead Rising 2, saying stuff like this: "Heh-heh, how funny, we cut off the zombies legs a chainsaw, how hilarious! Oh, grab that bench over there and throw it at them! Wait, let them eat you, I always laugh at the part, when they are eating someone!". Our god, save us...
I feel crazy today I had a dream in gym that my friend said watched out and a basketball hit me in the face and guess what happened? It happened today and I had that dream on Monday and I wuz like whoa deja vu.
Has that happened to anyone else?
life's a piece of Chocolate egg. or at least i always get the shitty bits of it XP
and people wonder why i listen to metal...
Well i know the comment that i posted before but i changed of opinion. Life is Sweet, i like it, i hope the armageddon of 2012 never comes, and i don't believe in that.
What's with the fast change? :)
well, i thought about it, i saw everything that i acomplished at school i have high grades, a good family, good friends, a girl special to me, so i won't give up on living.
No one really talked about giving up life. For me, I only want people, to realise what's going on and all.
well i guess missunderstood, jajajaja
we just want people to have the right priorities. it's not a suicide hotline :P
That would be dark, ain't it? Like having Dead Rising 2 as the funniest game of the year...BUT THAT HAPPENS! REALLY! Which reminds me....CHANGE?! YOU GOT CHANGE?! OH, COME ON! HELP OUT A GUY WILL 'YA! COME ON, CHANGE! I so love those videos. Makes my insanity level way beyond repair.
a nice little wtf for today :D
and while your at it, pause at 23 seconds. nowhereman, do you think you're doing being a little russian girl?
LOL! Remember remember the 25th of december.
some interesting samurai variant covers that are coming out soonish from marvel ^^
those look very cool, they could also make good skins, except Psylocke would have to be changed a bit, since it doesnt look like she has a top on XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 27, 2010, 11:41AM
those look very cool, they could also make good skins, except Psylocke would have to be changed a bit, since it doesnt look like she has a top on XD
oh topless psylocke is just fine by me ;D
HA HA lol what ever your the skin maker so do as you please! :D
i fell very good today, my grandad bought me Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition, Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1. i'm installing The Force Unleashed Right now, next harry potter and last Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light. this day couldn't be better.
I'm going on a trip today and won't be back till jan 20th. In the meantime I'll probably only check the forum once or twice. So, happy new year to everyone! Don't do anything I wouldn't :P.
LUCKY! I wish I could go on a trip, but thats asking to much lol Have fun!!
Dark Phoenix 1, don't play Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows if you like cool games. 'cause this game's REALLY bad, the 5th and 6th chapters are totally better than this. if you don't believe me, watch some reviews of the game
And have a great time Nowhere Man. i know i won't have one :(
Hope you have fun Nowhereman
On other news i had flashback on Disney Channel.I remember the good shows like That's So Raven,Sister Sister,Even Stevens, Kim Possible,Lizzy Mcquire,Brandy and Mr Whiskers,Cory in the House, and The proud family.
Now they play crappy little sh*t like Hannah Montana The good show show is Phineas and Ferb but that's starting to suck.Wizards is good to but there in there last season
You know what was good? The Past. Nope, it's not a show, the timeline. Back in the old days, when I was a few ages old, they aired good cartoons and shows. Now they air only crap. I don't watch TV anymore, because of that. Heck, I only watch TV, if there are some kind of good movies or something. Cartoon Network sucks nowadays, Disney Channel sucks, since it changed from Jetix, I don't have Nickelodeon, but I wonder what would be aired on it...So, yeah. Bring back those "older than 10 years" cartoons and shows and I would be happy.
Umm Hello Spongbob lol he always rules! and lots of people me agree to disagree on this but I grew up with Digimon, that was the first thing I loved before Marvel and anything, And Magic School bus another fav and it made learning fun!
I'm in Hungary. We don't have SpongeBob on any channels here. Here, all the cartoons and shows suck, believe me. The only thing I watch once or twice is Batman: Brave and Bold, and only because he was my first favourite.
I also forgot about Captain Planet, always watched this, Mickeys House of Mouse, and Powerpuff girls lol and Spiderman and His Amazing friends
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 28, 2010, 10:03AM
You know what was good? The Past. Nope, it's not a show, the timeline. Back in the old days, when I was a few ages old, they aired good cartoons and shows. Now they air only crap. I don't watch TV anymore, because of that. Heck, I only watch TV, if there are some kind of good movies or something. Cartoon Network sucks nowadays, Disney Channel sucks, since it changed from Jetix, I don't have Nickelodeon, but I wonder what would be aired on it...So, yeah. Bring back those "older than 10 years" cartoons and shows and I would be happy.
They only suck because you're not in the intended market. You only like stuff from your childhood because you grew up with them so you have memories of them and you associate them with "better" times. It's called nostalgia. The stuff from your childhood sucks as much as the stuff from my childhood and the stuff from the current generation of children.
So many great shows. Transformers (The old one), Tom and Jerry (I always loved Tom, but not that evil mouse), The Mask and many others, which are changed into stupid, pointless and less quality cartoons.
ahh Tom and JerryI loved this show :P
Quote from: Dihan on December 28, 2010, 10:17AM
They only suck because you're not in the intended market. You only like stuff from your childhood because you grew up with them so you have memories of them and you associate them with "better" times. It's called nostalgia. The stuff from your childhood sucks as much as the stuff from my childhood and the stuff from the current generation of children.
Lets just say, that I'm about to cry, when they air something like Best Ed, instead of Transformers or any of those real people played shows on Disney Channel, instead of Spider-Man: The New Animated Series, which was cool on Jetix. They are not the same. Hannah Montana? That show makes her look like a person, who does bad things every day, but solves all of them, because she is just a born Saint, and shows how hard is her life, because of the dual personality (Schizophrenia perhaps?), while in real life, she lives openly as herself. I mean, this girl is like most of those overhyped, young musicians, actors and all. They may be good now, but in a few years, they are done. So, I don't watch that much TV thanks to these people.
Very true! And I totally miss Jetix and all the Marvel shows
X-Men: The Animated Series on Jetix, Fantastic Four on Jetix, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series on Jetix, X-Men Evolution on Cartoon Network, This new Fantastic Four cartoon, in which the Thing has the F4 logo painted on his chest, on Cartoon Network. I loved those. But they don't air those, instead, some stuff, which makes the children so...childish. They stop in their mental growth, that wouldn't surprise me.
lol I miss all those shows, I wish X-Men Evo could have gone longer, and the original X-Men show but oh well But in X-Men Evo they would have brought in Sinister and they could have brought in Emma and Psylocke easy and Some Phoenix force and Rogue with flight and super strength
gambit makes an epic pirate XD
Wow kind of a strange comic cover but what ever X-23 looks like she works for the Honey Nut Cherrios guy lol
in the descritpion of X-23 #7, it says she is heading to Madripoor. i think she's gonna fight Daken. might be epic: Wolvie's clone vs Wolvie's son!
somebody on deviantart said that i look like david tennant :3
totally made my entire day (and my day has just begun so i'm fucking exciting :D)
What's with the useage of vulgar words nowadays? Is it like, we can do that? Cause I hope this won't turn into something like the SVR 2011 official forums
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 31, 2010, 02:23AM
What's with the useage of vulgar words nowadays? Is it like, we can do that? Cause I hope this won't turn into something like the SVR 2011 official forums
vulgar words are fun and artistic! they add depth and strength and spice to a statement if they aren't over used. for example: "so fucking excited" carries much more power than "very excited" yaknow?
...aha...I thought it's just simple. But who knows...nowadays, anything can be art. And people believe it
i'm feeling pretty good, i think i passed my english exam. but thinking about other ones makes me feel bad again :( ...
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 31, 2010, 04:58AM
...aha...I thought it's just simple. But who knows...nowadays, anything can be art. And people believe it
believe you me, i am anything but simple, so we can dismiss that theory right away XD
Did X-men destiny come out today because on gamestop it said it did. And apparently some of the characters you get to choose well just read this:
QuoteIn the action-RPG X-Men Destiny, you control the fate of a new mutant in the X-Men universe. Every choice has a consequence, as your destiny is determined through the decisions you make as you advance through the game. Play as one of three new characters in X-Men lore, each one of whom must come to terms with his or her unique background and powerful mutant identity while uncovering the truth behind an epic event that threatens to tear apart the tenuous peace between humanity and mutant kind. Evolve and customize your core mutant powers with an opportunity to earn and equip "X-genes" to expand and alter your power base. Choose which path to take in key moments that impact your story and how other characters respond to you. Fight alongside and against famous mutants from the X-Men comics, including Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost and more. Will you choose to follow the teachings of the X-Men to unite mutants and humans, or will you usher in a new age of mutant domination with Magneto's Brotherhood? YOU decide.
* Choose from three different characters to play, all with unique history and personalities
* Define and evolve your own X-Men mutant through choice and customization
* Align with either the X-Men or the Brotherhood of mutants
* Select, expand and enhance your powers as you customize your abilities and earn upgrades
* Your decisions shape the story and change the world around you
EDIT:My bad it comes out december 31st on 2011 lol
My gamestop site says that it wont be released until 12/31/11 so a year from now, and it says that you can preorder it
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 31, 2010, 11:24AM
Did X-men destiny come out today because on gamestop it said it did. And apparently some of the characters you get to choose well just read this:
* Choose from three different characters to play, all with unique history and personalities
* Define and evolve your own X-Men mutant through choice and customization
* Align with either the X-Men or the Brotherhood of mutants
* Select, expand and enhance your powers as you customize your abilities and earn upgrades
* Your decisions shape the story and change the world around you
EDIT:My bad it comes out december 31st on 2011 lol
So, apart from the "released today" thing, all the other info is real? Because if yes, than it's cool. Totally cool, like Woo-hoo
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 31, 2010, 11:55AM
So, apart from the "released today" thing, all the other info is real? Because if yes, than it's cool. Totally cool, like Woo-hoo
yes i was so happy im sure whiteking will be happy he gets to use emma.
All i really want is Rogue,Cyclops,Psylocke,Jean,Emma,Storm,and Gambit.It sucks you can only use 3 heroes at a time
I think, you misunderstood it. According to the way it was written, we get to choose ONE from the THREE NEW character, who all have different history and personality. At least, that's how it is written. Although, it is written down, that we can allign with both the X-Men and the Brotherhood. But it might be like in many games. That we get partners, who are NPCs, and we play in a TPS mode. But one thing is certain. We get to customize our character's powers and appearance. OK, maybe not the appearance, but we get to choose from powers at least.
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 01, 2011, 11:44AM
I think, you misunderstood it. According to the way it was written, we get to choose ONE from the THREE NEW character, who all have different history and personality. At least, that's how it is written. Although, it is written down, that we can allign with both the X-Men and the Brotherhood. But it might be like in many games. That we get partners, who are NPCs, and we play in a TPS mode. But one thing is certain. We get to customize our character's powers and appearance. OK, maybe not the appearance, but we get to choose from powers at least.
Well i guess that's great and judging by the short second of graphics i'll look good.(At least for ps3/360) i'm sure graphics will suck for ps2/wii but i'm still gonna buy it for ps3 and ps2
Well, I will get it for the Xbox 360. Now that I think about it, I would be happy, if someone would make a sandbox, GTA-ish Marvel game. You know, the type, where you can go around the town, random things would happen (like bank robbing and stuff); shops, where we could buy stuff (like, for our appearance); the missions would be acceptable the same way like in a GTA; total customization; after the story ends, the game would still go on; many side quests and so on. Now that would be some game. But I'll be happy with this one, because for some change, our character will have some customization, which is non other, but the powers, which rocks!
So, dear developers, more info please, and this time, without ketchup!
ooh, i have some wibbly wobbly timey whimy gossip XD
so david tennant is engaged to georgia moffet, who was his daughter in doctor who and who's (irl) father was the fifth doctor O.o small world, eh?
like my friends said, "two doctors in the family? it's legal in galifrey!" :D
Yeah. He used to date the actress who played Madame de Pompadour in one of his series of Doctor Who as well.
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 01, 2011, 02:48PM
Well, I will get it for the Xbox 360. Now that I think about it, I would be happy, if someone would make a sandbox, GTA-ish Marvel game. You know, the type, where you can go around the town, random things would happen (like bank robbing and stuff); shops, where we could buy stuff (like, for our appearance); the missions would be acceptable the same way like in a GTA; total customization; after the story ends, the game would still go on; many side quests and so on. Now that would be some game. But I'll be happy with this one, because for some change, our character will have some customization, which is non other, but the powers, which rocks!
So, dear developers, more info please, and this time, without ketchup!
I like your idea, but that reminds me of DC Universe Online (which in turn reminds me of Marvel Universe online, which was cancelled) :( WHY DID THEY CANCEL MUO??? I"M SO ANGRY ABOUT IT!!!
Besides that, i still feel bad (mostly because of some family problems and exams that are coming VERY soon).
i wear a fez now. fezzes are cool ^^
as are bowties, but i didn't have mine handy XP
Yeah, uh huh, skip all the polite back and forthness.
I'm back, and hopefully will come on more often.
So, yeah. I hope you're happy.
But I bet you're not.
Akshully (Noel style :P ) I bet you don't care which way or the other.
But there's one thingy I want to-a say:
Hi. :)
Welcome back piutebob!
Why, tank youz. I appreciatez dis welcoming. Were you around before I went inactive?
"fezzes are cool'
sounds like poetry =P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 18, 2011, 07:20PM
"fezzes are cool'
sounds like poetry =P
doctor who reference more than poetry, but i guess that works XD
I think I may have been, but I am not sure, maybe right before
thought you jeanites might be interested by this:
Oh, interesting, although it does just look like X-Men first class, lol
Yeah, been waiting for this since they announced it several months ago. Another thing about Jean to look forward to in February (besides MvC3 and Age of X). They seem to be making one-shots for Cyclops and Iceman and Angel (the latter two are in the same book together). Haven't seen one for Beast yet though.
i just wanted to take a minuet to say how great it is to have a bunch of the senior more advanced modders/skinners back around, though i am a little disappointed to not be the top skinner around anymore :P haha i kid. but really its wonderful to have you all back ^^
In my honest opinion, every talented skinner is a top skinner. Same goes for modders. And yeah, you're talented, so you are a top skinner aswell ^^.
Yeah, there isnt that many skinners here, and any skinner is awesome! So they are top skinners to me!
I'm angry cause for the first time in months I'm really enthused about modding and was testing several of the things I'm working on and all of a sudden now my computer started to crash whenever I start MUA and I don't know why. It's so annoying and I don't know how to fix it.
EDIT: ok, I found a solution that's working for now, but I'm not sure for how long. I downloaded the ATItool cause I believe my video board (a radeon 9550) was overclocked, even though it was set to it's default settings. so, I created a new profile with lowered clock settings. What I don't know is whether this is a temporary solution and that a week from now it will start crashing again orif this is gonna last. anyone here know about this stuff to inform me?
no good. I think I'm gonna need a new videoboard. that sucks, I'm broke.
Sorry Nowhere Man :( I hope you can get your Comp fixed, and then up'n running
i realized it's been forever since i have given a little life-update here. so recently i realized that one of my best friends has been treating me like a little lapdog (somewhere between a pet, a toy and an accessory) for nearly two years (hell, they even gave me scraps from their food) and that was pretty disappointing but now i'm trying to distance myself from them and get some new close friends. and on top of that for this past week i've had rehearsals for a dance concert that i performed yesterday and today. so i'm kind of half completely wired and half exhausted but life goes on so hey, everybody go have a party or something.
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on January 29, 2011, 02:15PM
i realized it's been forever since i have given a little life-update here. so recently i realized that one of my best friends has been treating me like a little lapdog (somewhere between a pet, a toy and an accessory) for nearly two years (hell, they even gave me scraps from their food) and that was pretty disappointing but now i'm trying to distance myself from them and get some new close friends. and on top of that for this past week i've had rehearsals for a dance concert that i performed yesterday and today. so i'm kind of half completely wired and half exhausted but life goes on so hey, everybody go have a party or something.
What i don't understand is how your friend could treat you like that and only now you realized that (and how you realized that). And good luck with your rehearsals
good news! I got my game to work again. The problem wasn't the video board itself. It was the power feed. Just messed around with some wires and now I'm back to modding. yay! \o/
Excellent news my friend!
Any clue of who's the character that you'll work on??, Someone said Namor?? lol
Glad to see you back :)
I said cable but I don't know (A) :P :P
but you're right marv, Cable is the first on my list.
I actually have a list of 11 things I wanna make. 3 of them are just for myself, but the other 8 are the following in no particular order (though Cable will be the first one):
- Cable
- Iron Man booster with a new power and proper repulsor beam
- Balance upgrades for Captain Marvel, just like the ones I made for Black Widow, Ronin and Hawkeye (those weird VV characters)
- Namor
- Major update for my Quicksilver booster with new anims, several new effects and a new power
- Update for Gambit's booster (first one having been made by MarvelFan) with 2 more powers and some new anims.
- Booster for Nightcrawler with some bolton changes, power fixes, power upgrades, double jumping and so on
- And I wanna see if I can finish Nick Fury that Gevth and other modders worked on so far
that's it. after that I'll retire =P
well nowhere even if you do retire after all those (which you must reconsider), it will have been a very impressive run. that list is super fantabulous and i can't wait to see each and every one of them :D
but since this thread is the super journal of the century, i feel like mentioning that i am feeling incredibly happy because i asked a girl out who i have like and she said yes and that made me super :D
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on February 04, 2011, 12:18PM
well nowhere even if you do retire after all those (which you must reconsider), it will have been a very impressive run. that list is super fantabulous and i can't wait to see each and every one of them :D
thanks a lot! but even though I'll retire from personal projects I'll still help out other people in their projects. it's just that my own personal agenda will be fulfilled. plus, it's an ambitious agenda. I still have several months of modding ahead of me.
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on February 04, 2011, 12:18PM
but since this thread is the super journal of the century, i feel like mentioning that i am feeling incredibly happy because i asked a girl out who i have like and she said yes and that made me super :D
congrats! so, going old school (dinner and a movie) or what?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on February 04, 2011, 12:34PM
congrats! so, going old school (dinner and a movie) or what?
heh i wish. there's a rather extravagantly large party we both happen to be going to (a rich friend of mine's sweet sixteen) and that's going to be the first irl contact after i asked her out. not that i mind a bit of grind and bump with a cute girl, it's just nice to start out a bit more simply with a more traditional date. but hey, i really can't complain, now can i? :P
I feel tired just finish 15 page essay about rocks
ah, the ever fascinating subject of rocks. who knows? maybe next time you can write a 20 pages essay bout pinecones or something LOL.
Oh my god! Torture much?
I just knew that I have passed at the driven license test!!!! :D Yeeess, now I have just to wait 15 days to get the driven license and go crazy at the streets xD
congrats rodrigo!
Good Job!!
Quote from: мaгvel wатcheг on February 07, 2011, 09:53AM
I just knew that I have passed at the driven license test!!!! :D Yeeess, now I have just to wait 15 days to get the driven license and go crazy at the streets xD
I hope they read this too, cause I wouldn't give driving licenses to people, who would go crazy in their car :D May the Lord be with those, innocent bystanders on the streets :D BTW, seriously, congrats :D
Thank you a lot guys :D
@Suigetsu haha I was just kidding about being crazy. I'm very peaceful on the streets xD
Oh, so you will hold up the traffic with your old man style 10 km/h speed, huh? Remember, I'm watching 'ya :D
Ok, I'll remember that :P
Congrats Marvel Watcher! Enjoy the road. :)
Gratz amigo :D
haha Everyone is picking on me :P Thanks guys. I'll be careful ;)
@Mr.Law- Have you learned this word with Luis or are you studying other languages? :P
Amigo? Ain't that one of the most known words? :P
Well esse, I think you are right holmes (What did I say? hope nothing offensive, but I was listening to the Los Guerreros theme, We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal and I heard they said these. Oh, and in GTA: SA, Cesar and his gang uses these words often. What do they mean? Pal, friend, man, something like that?)
Amigo = Friend.
But, I thought that the most common word in spanish (for English-speaking people) was Hola (Hello)
I think both are very known spanish words. Like muchacho and other ones.
amigo is spelled and spoken the exact same way in portuguese too.
holmes is like say homies.
Well, that's logical. But what is esse?
esse = this :P
Not too logical, but meh, I believe it :D
I am totally not in a good mood right know. Sometimes, I just wish, that some things could be changed. Like reality
our own little Scarlet Witch LOL
Well, believe me, if I could alter reality, sometimes, the whole world would just dissappear. But for now, I would be a-okay, if some things would be more, normal.
I'm addicted to Florence and The Machine's song Cosmic Love right now. I also think that a Wonder man mod would fit with this song for a video of his mod. I don't know why :P
Thanks everyone, for not giving a damn for my feelings. No, really, I love this. Never mind, at least, I now know, that I shouldn't give a damn about others too
oh, don't be so bitter. it's not that we don't give a damn, it's just that there really isn't anything we can do about it. you haven't even told us what brought up these feelings. I thought it was just a general "I feel like crap today" post, like we all have felt somedays. I tell ya, I fantasize about flying away from earth like I was Silver Surfer and on my way out release a devastating world-exploding beam more often than a mentally healthy person would..
:O Be sure it's not that we don't give a damn. I thought the same of Nowhere. Sorry..
Quote from: мaгvel wатcheг on February 09, 2011, 12:32PM
I'm addicted to Florence and The Machine's song Cosmic Love right now. I also think that a Wonder man mod would fit with this song for a video of his mod. I don't know why :P
omg that is such an epic song. i've been learning some choreography to that song this past couple weeks in dance class ^.^ it's so pretty (both the dance and the song XD)
Quote from: Suigetsu on February 09, 2011, 01:05PM
Thanks everyone, for not giving a damn for my feelings. No, really, I love this. Never mind, at least, I now know, that I shouldn't give a damn about others too
what? just cause nobody gave a response doesn't mean that they don't care. people don't always have something to say in response to vague poetic posts about emotions. the rest of the world goes on...
but beyond that i do sympathise with you. i think you just need to find the right method of escape that doesn't involve drugs, gambling and/or loose women :P
I spent all night last night looking through old posts of myself and close ones here in the forum. kinda like a flashback night. doing this made me realize just how glad I am that I registered here and how many laughs and good times I've had since I joined. I made some great friends here, learned how to mod those awesome characters I love ever since I was 10 and so on. Just wanted to say how much I cherish everyone here and how happy I am that you're all a part of my life. ^^
/cheer Gui!
Quote from: мaгvel wатcheг on February 09, 2011, 06:48AM
esse = this :P
No I think he means when someone calls someone that. That is like saying g(gangster). And is spelled Ese.
i'm not quite well today, yesterday i was looking for images of Cameron Diaz for the computer and the window closed and i got something about system protection and i got like 22 or more trojans and i closed the window as fast as i could, i'm very worried, i askes my mom to reformat my computer just in case, and she said ok. so i passed everything that i needed to my pendrive. and i'm doing an antivirus scanning. so i don't think i should have any problems.
I used to have that problem quite frequently. Then I installed an anti-spyware program that did wonders for my pc.
But not everything is going well here. that effing problem with my video board came back and so, I gotta get a new one. The good part is that I found one online for a very affordable price, so I should be ok in a week or so. And, while it was working I managed to finish one of my personal projects and work on several Cable things so, when my new board arrives it won't take that much to finish my part of his mod.
oh i see, well at least you found a video card, that's the good thing. i hope you can finish his part of the mod.
I will finish it, don't worry about that. this is just a very annoying delay. BTW, he's turning out pretty awesome :D
Ok, can't wait for it's release. oh and Guys you have to watch This: it's a lego new x-men, not a game, it's a video only
loved it!
i totally agree with you mr. Nowhere man , my congrats to the owner of the video
Oh I used to own that, Its a X-Men lego movie, you used to be able to buy it in a box kind of like a video game would come in, it came with 4 legos and the movie, see,
wow, nice, but apart from this, it's pretty sad of what happened to Ms. Marvel in X-Men Episode 9 season 2 because she's in a hospital unconcious while Rogue has her soul. but the good thing is that in the end, she revives. i wish i could see her with the X-Men again and beign friends with Every X-Men including Rogue.
hate to tell you that that won't happen in the series. she's not even gonna appear again. but you can take some comfort by reading comics where that exact thing happened. She made peace with Rogue very recently actually, but she's always been a friend of the x-folks
Havent posted here in a while or did any modding because of school and track.I was so happy i made it we had a meet and i came second in the 400 yard 1st in the 200 and jumped 18.2 feet for long jump so im happy. but exhausted and i'll start modding maybe during spring break.
I'm happy cause I'll get my drive-license next week and I already got a car :D And also my grades were great at University and the girlfriend of my brother just passed to the Uni, today and she is a great friend of mine. So everything is going great, but this week was a very full one. I hope I get more time next week to work on my mods, cause next month I'll make a surgery to take off my amygdalas than little time after, the classes start all over again... So I have to hurry up :P
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on February 17, 2011, 06:07PM
Havent posted here in a while or did any modding because of school and track.I was so happy i made it we had a meet and i came second in the 400 yard 1st in the 200 and jumped 18.2 feet for long jump so im happy. but exhausted and i'll start modding maybe during spring break.
I used to run, but now I have been having health issues and running isnt fun any more lol, but good for you on your run!
and Marvel Watcher congrats on your license and getting a car!
-Jeanfan321, congratulations for making it second!, i'm not so good with speed so congratulations! it must have been tough though running all those yards.
-midnightphoenix123 are you allright? have you seen a doctor?
-marvel watcher
i'm happy because tomorrow i'll buy Kingdom Hearts 2 and emulate it in my pc. i Can't Wait to play in Ariel's world and Pirates of the Caribbean world!
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on February 17, 2011, 08:32PM
-midnightphoenix123 are you allright? have you seen a doctor?
i'm happy because tomorrow i'll buy Kingdom Hearts 2 and emulate it in my pc. i Can't Wait to play in Ariel's world and Pirates of the Caribbean world!
Well yes I did, and we think its something with my blood and maybe asthma, but we havent found anything out yet, but in my gym class every monday we do weights and I almost passed out like 5 times and I threw up once so we need to figure out whats wrong, luckily I dont need to do weights any more but the mile run will suck :P Congratz on Kingdom hearts 2 its so fun! Ariels world is so fun, but you have to get lots of stuff to finish her world, and I love Emulaters, but the ps2 ones always run so slow :/
thank you and yeah it runs kind of slow but i managed to speed it up by looking at this, it helped me a lot. oh and in Kingdom Hearts 2 i had it before but i couldn't defeat the guy with the guitar in the underworld, i have little time to finish the enemies off. and i hope you get better midnightphoenix123, if only Doctor House was not a fiction you would be in perfect conditions right now. yeah the mile run will totally suck, so i hope you can figure out what you have.
Thank you, and I hope I can figure it out to, I dont want to fall over while running lol :D I love Kingdom hearts XD did I say that already? lol watch Kingdom hearts 3 will have Marvel people in it to, although I wouldnt mind seeing Jean transform to a mermaid and swim alongside Ariel under the sea and DESTROY Ursula XD
really? oh i have to see that, yeah, i would love to see that too. and i would add Ms. Marvel too, i like her a lot. i would like to see: Sora, Donald, Goofy, Jean, Carol and Ariel working together to defeat Giant Ursula. that would totally rock
Yes it would and storm and Rogue, Rogue just for laughs because you could drain Ursulas power and then tunr Rogue to Ursula XD And storm because you could totally shock the heck out of Ursula lol
yeah, she would shock Ursula a lot XD, but she would have to be careful because Sora, Donald, Goofy and Ariel are in the water and they might get shocked too. My ps2 controller for the pc doesn't work anymore so i'll have to use the keyboard to play Kingdom Hearts 2. it's kind of annoying, but i'll get used to it. (i hope)
I always find useing the keyboard is confusing because some of the buttons are to far away from each other, or they are to close to each other :/
a bunch of cool new marvel t-shirts ^_^ my favorite is:
I'm so enthused cause my father, sister and I are planning a great trip to western Europe next july/august that's gonna be awesome! We want to go to Lisbon, Barcelona, Paris, Le Mont S'. Michel, London, Stonehenge, Brussels and Amsterdam. If this trip actually does happen I'm gonna have the time of my life!
Amsterdam huh. Amsterdamnit, that's not close to where I live =/ I live in southeast Holland XD
oh, you Europeans are so spoiled when it comes to distances. Even if you had to cross all of Holland it would still be close as hell. I travel at least thrice a year to São Paulo and that's 1000kms away. I'll tell you the same thing I told Bryn: Look how far I'm coming from. It would be so cool if we could hang out together. we could go clubbing, you, me and my sister. She's very pretty you know? I know you're in a serious relashionship and all but you're not dead and looking is not cheating :P Just imagine how much fun we could have :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 18, 2011, 03:22PM
I always find useing the keyboard is confusing because some of the buttons are to far away from each other, or they are to close to each other :/
yeah, i agree, but is easy with kingdom hearts, but it's difficult with MUA2, XML and XML2
Today I feel very happy cause I am going to buy the Little Mermaid dvd and Alladin's 3 dvds and the woman who is going to sell me these ones told me that she will give e a bonus DVD: the little mermaid 2 and 3!!
Great! my little sister has an Ariel doll. she plays with it all the time. i have Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days. it's pretty aswome!
Good for you Ariel! I love those Dvd's lol and I have Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days for my DS Emulator if that counts lol
actually it counts, i have it on my emulator too. what emulator do you use? i use Windspro 2011, No$gba.
I use DeSmuME_x64
ok, that's a good emulator too. but i highly recommend No$gba. it's the best one for emulating DS games
So I took some tylenol pms to kill the pain in my teeth and so i can be well rested for tomorrow. I was so excited about workin on Rogue's booster, and what happens? Sirens are going off and were under a Tornado Warning and yeah... Thank You Mother Nature! lol.
well i watched lady gaga's new "born this way" video and despite all the weirdness, honestly nothing she does surprises me anymore XD
if you haven't seen it here it is:
though i do warn you it's not for the weak of mind haha
i'm very well today, i got Final Fantasy 8 for pc. i Wonder if Squall fights Sephiroth (i know he's from Final Fantasy 7, but i want to know) who would win? i think Squall would.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on February 27, 2011, 08:48PM
ok, that's a good emulator too. but i highly recommend No$gba. it's the best one for emulating DS games
Ok I will surely have to test it out!
yeah, but it doesn't run these games: Kingdom Hearts ReCoded and Bakugan Battle Brawlers Defenders of The Core. Only Desmume 9.6 can
I simply cannot believe how often I'm like, "I'm back!" and then the next week I'm like, "I'm gone!"
Akshully (Noel style [who else remembers this?]), this has only happened like twice, but still....
How very atrocious of me :P
I will try to be on more (hopefully).
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 01, 2011, 09:21AM
yeah, but it doesn't run these games: Kingdom Hearts ReCoded and Bakugan Battle Brawlers Defenders of The Core. Only Desmume 9.6 can
The 1 I use runs them 2, I think, Im sure I tried both Kingdom heats, but now Bakugan
Oh, I'm so happy today ( even my father not leaving me buy the little mermaid movie) but I downloaded it! it spent 4 hours. But, when I watched that, heard the musics... that brought me so good memories!!
He wouldnt let you buy it? That's so stupid, its like a favorite movie who cares if its a "Girl" or "Princess" movie everyone knows it my fav movie from Disney and nobody cares, its like seriously grow up!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 01, 2011, 05:12PM
He wouldnt let you buy it? That's so stupid, its like a favorite movie who cares if its a "Girl" or "Princess" movie everyone knows it my fav movie from Disney and nobody cares, its like seriously grow up!
I agree, although my parents wouldn't.
I'm really upset these days because my 360 has a problem and it has to be sent to Microsoft to be fixed. I've heard that it takes over a month for the 360 to return (and my parents haven't even sent it yet). Looks like I'll be missing all the new stuff for MvC3.
Ah that sucks :( I havent got any of the stuff yet, except Shadow mode since its free :P lol, but idk when I'll get the other stuff, and I dont undertsand why parents wont let kids do what they want! So what you like a movie that maybe something they dont want you to like, to late you like it, and they cant stop you from liking things! Its frustrating! D:
What is worse is that I probably won't even get to play the game on my b-day. Oh well, patience is a virtue (a virtue I can't stand however...) Since Shadow Mode is free I'll defintally get it and I already have 400 microsoft points (leftover from buying DLC for MUA and MUA2) so I can buy the new costumes. I bought the special edition so Jill and Shuma are also free for me, just need the code which will be released through e-mail on March 15th. Too bad I won't have this luck on later DLC.
I agree with what you said. There are a few people who frown upon me in school when I bring Charmed books. Actually most people think I am being a player (lol) as the 3 sisters usually aren't dressed too conservatively on the covers. If I watched the Little Mermaid and my parents caught me, they probably wouldn't make me stop but they would say that there is no reason to watch it. Luckily my personal laptop is in my room.
I am planning to buy special edition from amazon, but untill then I Will need to save up money, since im getting some next week for a trip, I will just spend 20 bucks and then buy an xbox card and buy Shuma, Jill, and the costume packs! Btw are Jill and Shuma going to be sold as a pacl for 400 or will they both be 400 each, xbox points of course lol
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 01, 2011, 06:55PM
I am planning to buy special edition from amazon, but untill then I Will need to save up money, since im getting some next week for a trip, I will just spend 20 bucks and then buy an xbox card and buy Shuma, Jill, and the costume packs! Btw are Jill and Shuma going to be sold as a pacl for 400 or will they both be 400 each, xbox points of course lol
I'm pretty sure it is a pack. Users with a code will get both so I'm sure for buyers it is just a pack with both. Both for 400 would be way too expensive. After all even the MUA and MUA2 DLC gave us 5 characters for 800 points.
I think they are either 400 for both, or 400 for 1 which is super expenisve!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 01, 2011, 05:12PM
He wouldnt let you buy it? That's so stupid, its like a favorite movie who cares if its a "Girl" or "Princess" movie everyone knows it my fav movie from Disney and nobody cares, its like seriously grow up!
If you are asking it, it's because I probably never told you my history:
when I was 3, I bought The Little mermaid movie (1998 version), I loved it! It was my first love! I used to sing the musics of the movie all the time and watch it all the time! then when i was almost five, my parents hid from me. And forbade me to think, to draw, to TALK about her. couldn't make anything! then I in 2001 (I think) the little mermaid 2 was released and I was dying to buy it, I didn't even ask them to buy, I knew the anwer... In 2006, the little mermaid 1 DVD Secial edittion was released and I was really DYING to buy, it's hard to see a lot of girls buying it and perceive you can't. I just started drawing her again this year and I'm so happy, but still they don't want me to draw neither watch or buy her movie.
guess what? now I got my drivers license ^^.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 02, 2011, 10:43AM
guess what? now I got my drivers license ^^.
Congratulations my friend :)
thanks! I was soooo nervous during the exam I have no idea how I passed it.
But you did it!
And someday, when I visit you in Brazil, we'll have so much fun on your car, lol (until we got arrested under the influence of tequila ;))
Note: seriously, boys don't do that, tequila+car is a bad combination, this is just a joke between my good friend Gui and I :)
Congratulations, NM!!
Hm... Do you even remember me? (Quite likely, I presume :P)
thanks whiteking!
and thanks piutebob, sure I remember you :P
cogratulations Xará!
Quote from: Ariel on March 02, 2011, 10:00AM
If you are asking it, it's because I probably never told you my history:
when I was 3, I bought The Little mermaid movie (1998 version), I loved it! It was my first love! I used to sing the musics of the movie all the time and watch it all the time! then when i was almost five, my parents hid from me. And forbade me to think, to draw, to TALK about her. couldn't make anything! then I in 2001 (I think) the little mermaid 2 was released and I was dying to buy it, I didn't even ask them to buy, I knew the anwer... In 2006, the little mermaid 1 DVD Secial edittion was released and I was really DYING to buy, it's hard to see a lot of girls buying it and perceive you can't. I just started drawing her again this year and I'm so happy, but still they don't want me to draw neither watch or buy her movie.
That sucks, im sorry, parents shouldnt do things to kids like that! Mainly when they take something away you almost couldnt live without!
hipster superheroins. its pretty epic ^_^ my favorites are jean, power girl and scarlet witch's
remember how I didn't know whether the problem with my PC was the power source or the video board? well, I got a new video board and it's working great, had 2 wonderful weeks of playing and modding and now the power source crashed and I had to send my pc to maintenance. so, I guess the problem were both things. thursday I'll get it back and till then I can only access the internet in my mom's pc. guess I'll have to catch up on my reading or something. either way I feel lobotomized. :(
hope you get your computer soon!
Congratz Gui :) Now you can make me a visit! ^^ I still have your She-Huk comic haha. Btw guys I'm recovering from my surgery of amygdala it was pretty horrible cause my noise get a hemorrhage and started to bleed a lot, but now I'm getting better.
Feel better soon!
Same here, I hope that you feel better soon my friend :)
oh no! amygdulas are pretty important, are they not? i too hope you feel better soon!
he meant his tonsils :P
FYI Rodrigo, in english, the amigdala is the part of the brain responsible for your primal instincts, such as sex, agression, the "fight or flee" response and so on. also called "reptilian brain".
and thanks! we gotta go out somewhere. can't stand being at home anymore. let's go get yeltsin drunk or something LOL.
get well soon!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 06, 2011, 10:17PM
let's go get yeltsin drunk or something LOL.
I wanna go! :(
come to brazil can stay at my place ^^
fan comic with deadpool and charlie sheen ^_^
Now this was just Deadpoolicious :D
Hope you feel better, Watcher.
On a side note, I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend, and my sis ter bascally asid she would get me a Japanese reading/writing course. Coolest part is, it's in manga form.
i feel Excellent today. i'm playing Rune Factory 3 a Fantasy Harvest Moon on my DS Emulator. By the way, Does any of you guys know how can i marry Raven on Rune Factory 3?
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 08, 2011, 03:19PM
how can i marry Raven on Rune Factory 3?
Have you searched google for it?
i found out how, you have to unite the two villages, complete her 9 requests and you must have her heart level at 10. plus the marriage bed.
Ahh sounds complicated lol
no, it's not complicated at all. you have to follow the main story. everything is part of the main history. Except wich girl you want to marriage, the girl you want is for you to decide. i Chose Raven. she can transform into a Phoenix. She's Very cute like that, not to mention very powerful as well.
!Teenangst Alert!
I'm not sure if you remember, but quite some time ago, I think I told you guys something of how I had a crush on my bestfriend(?) Well now he is together with my other bestfriend, and I still sort of like him... Ssooo things haven't been all that good lately. Though I do my best not to think of it, it all comes rushing into my head the very moment I shut the lights and try to go to sleep. -> I don't get to sleep as early as I should, 'cause I'm thinking too much -> I get too little sleep -> my school grades are coming down... And this spring just happens to be probably the most important time... I'm about to finish comprehensive school and am applying for some upper secondary school -> my average grade should be better. And in addition to that, I really have started to dislike school. I have always liked school so this is rather new feeling for me. But I caught myself almost stealing some cigarettes from one of my classmate's bag, and I have this growing need to get drunk. I also have started skipping classes and everything... I know that might be lame or whatever, but pleaassee shut up about it... I'm angst and you don't want to start arguing with me when I'm angst...
#2 (or3whatever...) I'm eating too much. Seriously. If I continue like this, I'll end up rolling to school instead of walking... I have tried to jog and do some basic exercises at home, but I'm really gaining weight. Everytime I eat, it makes me feel bad about myself, like I was worse and weak... AND I'm afraid that if I continue like this I'll end up with bulimia or something. So far I have avoided that simply with the fact, that I hate puking too much, but still that pops into my head everytime I eat too much. I love eating. I wouldn't want to stop it. It's just that... I think it isn't good for me...
Also. I'm confused about my feelings. As I told you before I like this guy who is a very good friend of mine, and he is going out with this another good friend of mine. And I'm jealous. I'm afraid that it'll destroy our friendship and me in the process. It's just that. A internet-friend of mine told me that I should just tell him the truth, but I'm afraid. Since he is straight and I obviously am not. He might consider it too weird and decide that it's best if we didn't speak with each other. And that would be like a suicide, since he is probably the best friend I have ever had. I don't wanna' loose him. Then again, before I tell him, there is always that little part of me, that is secretly wishing he was gay or bi. Eventhough I know quite surely that isn't true.
And there are some more little things like a school which I would maybe like to go, but it isn't in this city and about this growing fear that I might start hurting myself physically, but I'd rather not start with them now...
!Teenangst ends!
If you read, thank you, I appreciate it, congratulations, and sorry I think it's rather confusing, but I AM confused...
If you didn't read, I understand completely [:
Aw ThePhoenix, You've got some difficult times >.< But if I can give you an advise, don't give up of everything.. it's like a step of your life that you have to pass through. I have already passed for similar things. Just few people know, but when I was 14 I was really fat and couldn't stop eating. I entered in the Weight Watchers and get healthy again.. maybe its a solution for you. About the boy, I know its difficult, but its better to keep his friendship then don't have him in your life. Give your life a time then things will get better ;)
About my health situation, Thanks guys lol I always forget that the right word is tonsils, Luis have already told me that xD And actually my nose get the hemorrhage cause I've done two surgerys : tonsils and septum deviation, the second one cause the bleeding. Now I'm really better, but I still can't eat bread,cakes, cookies these things and I'm tired of only eating sweet things like ice cream, jelly and fruit soups :P
i'm feeling nice today, i don't like going to school, it's so boring, but i go anyways. i wish i could take a nap in every class, time would go faster. maybe i should imitate Karina from Rune Factory 3 and just sleep. but i could get in trouble... i'll think about it
@ThePhoenix - I know how you feel. The thing is that having such strong feelings for anyone is not good for you, even if they were reciprocated. You're getting obsessed and no person in the world should be so important as to be the center of your universe. Life is supposed to have balance. I mean, even if you are in love with someone you should have several other priorities in your life other than romance. I know cause BELIEVE ME, I've been through this. And I guess anyone who's ever been in love at a young age has. As time passes you have to take control of your emotions. I know it's really hard to do this right now, but being able to control your passions is part of growing up and becoming mature. You should never allow any other persons existance be the driving force or condition to yours. Love yourself. You can and will be able to be happy with or without him. Your life is yours. Your happiness is in your hands and noone elses. Take responsibility for it.
oh, my pc came back today! yay!
So I went to the dentist yesterday...cause I have 6 decayed teeth on the top...yay... but they cleaned out my bottom teeth and their saved, Woot! Now I can't have pop or juice, I have to drink water and a little milk... (water is so boring... lol) So yeah, I woke up this morning and everything was fine, even without my Dr. pepper... until I found my phone charger completly chewed up, thanks to my puppy... So now I can't charge my phone...lovely. Thank god for X-Men cartoons. They always calm me down. lol
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 10, 2011, 12:50PM
i'm feeling nice today, i don't like going to school, it's so boring, but i go anyways. i wish i could take a nap in every class, time would go faster. maybe i should imitate Karina from Rune Factory 3 and just sleep. but i could get in trouble... i'll think about it
Ahh school lol, Cant wait till im done! And ThePhoenix, sorry for all your troubles it sounds like you are in a tough spot, Im sure you will figure everything out eventually!
I feel excellent today, i'm playing one of the best RPG games for the DS. Golden Sun Dark Dawn
I feel Damn Good!! Last year of HS,starring College in Texas(Texas Southern University) in October and moving out of parents House and into a apartment with my best-friend YAY!!
can't get this out of my head:
"So pure of heart,
so strong of mind,
so true of aim,
with his marshmallow laser,
marshmallow laseeeeeer!"
damn you deedooo :P
:( I have a terrible day.... It's all because of my study. The teacher hasn't appreciated my report by which I did very long and thoroughly... I always studied very well, therefore it's a blow for me.... :(
Rogue you're not the only one..;(
Having quite a frustrating day today..with technical difficulties & overly-NOT-sensitive morons, my mood for a humorous presentation is ruined.
I'm kinda shocked, that WWE will cancel WWE Superstars. Hope some of the people, who mostly have matches there will get a push. Apart from this, my life is kinda stabil at the moment. I have started to look for some trainings programmes, which I could do home, without buying any kind of equipment. Anyone having a good idea for a trainings to get more muscles on the chest and the waist. Or at least to make them more normal (would be cool, if I wouldn't be too fat at the end of summer, which is still far away, so I have a chance)
Sounds like noone is having a good day. I just got back from out of town last night because my Aunt passed away, and then I find out this morrning, my bill from the dentist is way more than what I was expected or told. So now I don't know if I can get my teeth fixed. And I'm kinda fighting with both my Father and Step-Dad. Yay...
^Wasn't Jeff hardy on the Superstars? I haven't been able to watch any of the WWE's lately.
I feel some upset my grand-dadddy just pass away; I'm tired of ppl complaining about the way they look, OK! like who cares about you look; My dog chew up my carpet which cost 287$ to get fixed and I'm get damn tired of the newbies asking the same question over & over.. HELLO!! There a search tool at the top Please use it . Like what the hell, Man!! :scratchhead:
Sorry for language, I needed to get that off my chest !!
I feel nice cause I bought the little mermaid 1, 2, 3 dvds, and alladin 1,2,3 too. But I feel sad cause I found I pretty Ariel doll. ( I believe my childhood was never complete) but I know my parents would never let me buy it...
See I know my parents know that The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie, and that I love her lol, and they dont care if I own the Dvd's/ VHS's but now that im older they think it would be werid if I had a Ariel doll at least thats what I think, I have gotten Ariel things with them before, but they werent dolls and one of the things was there idea to buy, but if I came home with a barbie doll of Ariel they might have something to say, but if I kept it closed and just placed it on a shelf as a collectiable then Im sure they would fell a little bit better, but my parents know im like that, espacilly, a little off topic from what I was just talking about, when I buy Dvd's and I usually only do this with the Resident evil movies, I buy one, an then there are other versions of the same movie that come out so I buy that to, so I have like 3 or 4 copies of the same movie but with different covers or 2 disc special edition or 1 disc lol
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 21, 2011, 12:47PM
Sounds like noone is having a good day. I just got back from out of town last night because my Aunt passed away, and then I find out this morrning, my bill from the dentist is way more than what I was expected or told. So now I don't know if I can get my teeth fixed. And I'm kinda fighting with both my Father and Step-Dad. Yay...
^Wasn't Jeff hardy on the Superstars? I haven't been able to watch any of the WWE's lately.
Well, Jeff Hardy has been in TNA for quite some time now. So, the programme, WWE Superstars, is more like a place, where all the people fight, who are not in the top. Primo, Zack Ryder, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith and so on. I wouldn't miss most of them, but still...
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 21, 2011, 02:43PM
See I know my parents know that The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie, and that I love her lol, and they dont care if I own the Dvd's/ VHS's but now that im older they think it would be werid if I had a Ariel doll at least thats what I think, I have gotten Ariel things with them before, but they werent dolls and one of the things was there idea to buy, but if I came home with a barbie doll of Ariel they might have something to say, but if I kept it closed and just placed it on a shelf as a collectiable then Im sure they would fell a little bit better, but my parents know im like that, espacilly, a little off topic from what I was just talking about, when I buy Dvd's and I usually only do this with the Resident evil movies, I buy one, an then there are other versions of the same movie that come out so I buy that to, so I have like 3 or 4 copies of the same movie but with different covers or 2 disc special edition or 1 disc lol
I know. I'm too old to play with a doll ( at least in people's opinion, cause IMO, you are too old to do something only if you believe it ). But I mean I would only collect it and not pla with it!
hey, I buy marvel action figures till this day and there's a bunch of collectors that do it too. you want that doll you buy that doll!
Quote from: Suigetsu on March 22, 2011, 12:05PM
Well, Jeff Hardy has been in TNA for quite some time now. So, the programme, WWE Superstars, is more like a place, where all the people fight, who are not in the top. Primo, Zack Ryder, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith and so on. I wouldn't miss most of them, but still...
Oh ok, told ya I aint seen it in awhile. Last time I watched anything, The Rock was coming back to RAW. I think... I don't know, I don't get to watch it all anymore thanks to my fiance lol.
Oh, btw, I agree with Nowhere Man up there. I still collect action figures myself AND, if I can ever find it, WILL be getting the Rogue and Gambit dolls myself. :) It's your life, live it how you want.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 22, 2011, 02:18PM
hey, I buy marvel action figures till this day and there's a bunch of collectors that do it too. you want that doll you buy that doll!
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 22, 2011, 02:32PM
Oh, btw, I agree with Nowhere Man up there. I still collect action figures myself AND, if I can ever find it, WILL be getting the Rogue and Gambit dolls myself. :) It's your life, live it how you want.
I know I still get action figures! My parents know I want all the Jean figures lol so if we see one around somewhere there's no question, it will be in my hands lol!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 22, 2011, 02:37PM
I know I still get action figures! My parents know I want all the Jean figures lol so if we see one around somewhere there's no question, it will be in my hands lol!
Same here. My parents bugged me when I bought the Ms. Marvel figure which annoyed me because I already had about 6 figures which were all male.
Yeah, I love buying figures lol I just found the Marvel Universe Jean Grey 90's figure by chance this weekend and there was no question in that it was coming home with me lol, my comic book store actually currently has lots of Jean things, they have the large Phoenix figure from Marvel Icons, Dark Phoenix Famous cover, and Marvel girl and Cable 2 pack, there site also says they have the Japan made statue but ive never seen it yet, and although I have all the things, except the statue above, I still want them all again as my Phoenix Icon and 2 pack are both open I would like closed ones again, that is also the same store that had the MU 90's one so I dont know if they get these Jean things by chance or what lol
just got back from a "vacation" to idaho, possibly one of the most dull and drab places available for travel. anyone who lives their, you obviously have much more patience than i ever could, but now i have a bunch of skins i want to do haha. so now i shall do them.
by the way sorry nowhereman XD SPACE UNICORN!
ok, welcome back mr.Dee❖Dooo! it's good to have you here again!, and i'm feeling excelent today, i got myself some of Ashley Tisdale's music and had a lot of fun listening to it and singing it! i love her Crack it Up song! it really suits my style.
Lol I member when she was on the Suit Life, and Highschool musical, not she is on that Hell Cats show.
yeah, she gave Candas her voice too in Phineas and Ferb! one day i just had a feeling of looking into Ashley Tisdale, i looked onto her in Wikipedia and saw that she's a singer. i looked into her music and totally fell in love with her! her songs are great!
Her singing isnt my style, but Ive listend to her before, and yeah I forgot about Phineas and Ferb
oh i see. i like her singing a lot, i have her songs in my cellphone as well. i have four of Ashley, two of Hannah Montana (a.k.a. Miley Cirus), four of Maddona and one of Gwen Stefani.
I listen to Gwen, and Madonna they are good! I used to listen to Hannah/ Miley all the time, now I dont like her music I used to have a ton of her songs, but I just got rid of most of them
ah ok. it happened to me too, i liked listening to opera music but i dont like it now (with the exception of Phoenix Rises, that song totally rocks)
Because of my failures I have been strongly upset. To distract, I have decided to change my hair color. Now I'm brightly red as Ariel or Jean! I like it so much!!
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 22, 2011, 09:09PM
ah ok. it happened to me too, i liked listening to opera music but i dont like it now (with the exception of Phoenix Rises, that song totally rocks)
That happens to me all the time lol, and Rogue cool hair due its like extreme!
Quoteand Rogue cool hair due its like extreme!
lol. Maybe but I feel so good now!
Quote from: Rogue on March 23, 2011, 10:54PM
lol. Maybe but I feel so good now!
Well that's good!
Quote from: Rogue on March 23, 2011, 10:54PM
lol. Maybe but I feel so good now!
That's Aswome! i'm glad Rogue.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 24, 2011, 05:28PM
That's Aswome! i'm glad Rogue.
Same here. I'd love to be a redhead as well but it wouldn't suit me.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on March 24, 2011, 05:52PM
Same here. I'd love to be a redhead as well but it wouldn't suit me.
Same here, I always wanted a white streak like Rogue to, I have the brown hair to go with it XD
I dyed my bangs white since I was 16, but I stopped doin that when I was 23. Pretty soon, at 25, I wont have to, cause I already have grey hair (it's wierd...) lol
I hope I dont get gray hair, lol, but white hair, not my whole head, would be cool!
I twas cool for awhile, if i had my old computer, I could share a picture. Now all I have is when I dyed it blonde. It's always fun to try somethin new once in a while lol.
Friends! It's not difficult to guess that.... I had too the hair likethe Rogue some years ago! It was cool!
Quote from: Rogue on March 24, 2011, 10:49PM
Friends! It's not difficult to guess that.... I had too the hair likethe Rogue some years ago! It was cool!
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 24, 2011, 09:40PM
I twas cool for awhile, if i had my old computer, I could share a picture. Now all I have is when I dyed it blonde. It's always fun to try somethin new once in a while lol.
I dye my hair blonde sometimes, Ive been doing it for awhile! I bet it was cool Rogue, I wish I could do it lol maybe someday!
nice idea midnightphoenix123!
How much I want to dye my hair!!... I think I look best with black/brown hair which I have now.. reminds me of Scarlet witch sometimes
Quote from: Optic-Witch on March 25, 2011, 09:50AM
How much I want to dye my hair!!... I think I look best with black/brown hair which I have now.. reminds me of Scarlet witch sometimes
Black hair is cool!
i agree, but i like more Red hair lol. i'm feeling excellent today, i beated the Avalon Code game for DS and discovered that the Phoenix was no evil entity at all, it was an entity but not evil.
Just watched this video and lovd it!!
I'm feeling tired cause the university is taking all my time this semester >.< I don't even have time for modding anymore :( The only day that I have free is friday's afternoons, so I guess I'll take a long time to finish any of my mods :S
Quote from: Ariel on March 25, 2011, 05:52PM
Just watched this video and lovd it!!
What is the video, its blocked in my country :/ lame
it's an Emma Frost Tribute from Wolverine and The X-Men. i gotta say i loved it.
Quote from: мaгvel wатcheг on March 26, 2011, 09:08AM
I'm feeling tired cause the university is taking all my time this semester >.< I don't even have time for modding anymore :( The only day that I have free is friday's afternoons, so I guess I'll take a long time to finish any of my mods :S
What are you going to school for?
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 26, 2011, 09:31AM
it's an Emma Frost Tribute from Wolverine and The X-Men. i gotta say i loved it.
Ahh, was it good? AND I CANT WATCH IT! lol stupid copyright laws :/
yeah, it was very good! in the video for Emma it's like i have the powaa! it's amazing!
Well lately everything boreds me. Saddly i lost the dessire to continue modding, the games are just lame to me. I never though i woul say that. Xml2 is still fun though. I hope i could get back into it but it is really doubtful.
Quote from: edward on March 26, 2011, 10:20AM
Well lately everything boreds me. Saddly i lost the dessire to continue modding, the games are just lame to me. I never though i woul say that. Xml2 is still fun though. I hope i could get back into it but it is really doubtful.
I dont think you are the only one around here, I think everyone is starting to find the games boring, I personally think XML2 is more fun also, MUA is fun, but not as fun
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 26, 2011, 11:14AM
I dont think you are the only one around here, I think everyone is starting to find the games boring, I personally think XML2 is more fun also, MUA is fun, but not as fun
I've dropped the games completely. Especially since I have Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Marvel Superhero Squad Online.
heh i don't really play the games myself. i just enjoy skinning. more of an art hobby than anything now XD i do check out peoples' mods from time to time, but i don't really play through the games. ah well
I enjoyed modding the game more such as changing the characters, adding new powers or costumes, etc.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on March 26, 2011, 11:45AM
heh i don't really play the games myself. i just enjoy skinning. more of an art hobby than anything now XD i do check out peoples' mods from time to time, but i don't really play through the games. ah well
thats what I do, I use mods, but I never get any where past the first mission or so with them then im done lol
Edit: I also think with new characters it makes the games a little more fun, but doing all the same missions over and over again gets a tad boreing
I'm like deedooo, I did enjoy playing with mods. ( 1 year ago, I much wanted jean grey in MUA, then I saw Whiteking's video about Marvelfan12345's mega booster for jean and bought the game and tried to install the mod. I used to love it cause it was something new to do. But nowadays I make it everyday! It is so boring!! But as you know, I'm an artist!! So skinning is a kind of art and I like drawing...)
Same here, i got bored of playing the games so i'm playing Resident Evil 5 now.
Quote from: Ariel on March 26, 2011, 02:51PM
I'm like deedooo, I did enjoy playing with mods. ( 1 year ago, I much wanted jean grey in MUA, then I saw Whiteking's video about Marvelfan12345's mega booster for jean and bought the game and tried to install the mod. I used to love it cause it was something new to do. But nowadays I make it everyday! It is so boring!! But as you know, I'm an artist!! So skinning is a kind of art and I like drawing...)
I love drawing to, and wanted to get into skinning aswell, maybe when I have more time, and your right they are boring
@Rogue For Plastic Arts ^^
And I'm with you guys, I don't remember the last time I really played the game. I just play around with the danger room with the mods xD
I never really got into MUA, and I still love XML2, but I don't really play the game. I love modding it and making new characters, but I hardly ever play it. I mod for myself, so I'll continue making mods even when it's just me using them (I just probably won't try as hard ;) and won't have to worry about damn sounds).
Once in a while when someone releases a new mod that is awesome I do play the game (for example Marvel Watcher's Banshee) and when new skins I like are released (like Dee❖Dooo's 90s Cyclops skin), and I know once whiteking releases his Emma Frost mod I'll be playing the game again.
I think the forum would be a lot more active if we had had a moddable MUA2, or if more games like Marvel vs Capcom 3 were moddable. Or if we had more members who were working on new levels for these games, but sadly with both games memory limits thats not really possible.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on March 26, 2011, 04:41PM
Once in a while when someone releases a new mod that is awesome I do play the game (for example Marvel Watcher's Banshee) and when new skins I like are released (like Dee❖Dooo's 90s Cyclops skin), and I know once whiteking releases his Emma Frost mod I'll be playing the game again.
I think the forum would be a lot more active if we had had a moddable MUA2, or if more games like Marvel vs Capcom 3 were moddable. Or if we had more members who were working on new levels for these games, but sadly with both games memory limits thats not really possible.
Totally agree!!
I still play them, but every time there's a new mod, i start over. lol. Of course I don't really have any other games to play right now (til I get the 360) so I occupy myself with XML2 AND MUA. And of course the skinning now. (I get bored real easily.) I did make costumes and hair for the Sims 2 (X-Men wise) but The Sims 2 runs slow with all them expansion packs.
The only reason I'm playing MUA is because i was doing a preview video for nowhereman's phoenix booster but I had a problem with windows movie maker and it couldn't finish the video. So I'm playing MuA to remake it!
I wish we could make new lvls, but maybe they would replace other lvls, and then it might make the game more fun, and I wish we could mod MUA2 and MVC3 but maybe in the near future it will be possible
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on March 26, 2011, 04:41PM
I never really got into MUA, and I still love XML2, but I don't really play the game. I love modding it and making new characters, but I hardly ever play it. I mod for myself, so I'll continue making mods even when it's just me using them (I just probably won't try as hard ;) and won't have to worry about damn sounds).
Once in a while when someone releases a new mod that is awesome I do play the game (for example Marvel Watcher's Banshee) and when new skins I like are released (like Dee❖Dooo's 90s Cyclops skin), and I know once whiteking releases his Emma Frost mod I'll be playing the game again.
I think the forum would be a lot more active if we had had a moddable MUA2, or if more games like Marvel vs Capcom 3 were moddable. Or if we had more members who were working on new levels for these games, but sadly with both games memory limits thats not really possible.
Agree, I love both games and I still play both it's just that sometimes I just have other things to do (school, travel around my country, friends) ^^
And I'm keep working on Emma lol, she's almost done, it's just the damn shockwaves that refuses to work as I want (and not to mention the astral power lol) :P
What about replacing/upgrading the bosses in MUA?That would make the game a whole lot fun. Like what whiteking did for jean.I went and upgraded my personal NPC Psylocke with new power i just have to get to that level to test it out :P
Good idea! I think I'm going to make that!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on March 27, 2011, 03:50PM
What about replacing/upgrading the bosses in MUA?That would make the game a whole lot fun. Like what whiteking did for jean.I went and upgraded my personal NPC Psylocke with new power i just have to get to that level to test it out :P
I wanted to upgrade Cyclops with new powers and also a special conversation with (of course) my Emma Frost mod.
Mr Law and I had a project for an alternate bosses but we are not that active on the forum these days so it may take too long until we finish something, so upgrade bosses one by one, seems a better idea ;)
maybe since i obviously can't handle creating full mods, i could try my hand at a few new bosses XD
Something new in the game would be great! Then it would feel some what more fun, I wish we could change everything, new lvls, bad guys, blah blah blah << lol Ke$ha!
I know this is gonna sound wierd and off the wall, but I thought about doing skins and mods of members off here, but I thought that would be against the rules so I left it alone... I just think that would be nifty. lol
Well, I dont think it would be, although im not a modder, It could be Members dressed as X-Men as skins for other X-Men or the could be considered custom characters right? which isnt aganist the rules
Yeah, but probably wouldn't do mods, maybe just skins. Cause I'm sure the slots for the mods should be left open to other Marvel characters. I still think it would be cool. I'd do some of them for those who can't skin.
Yeah skins would be better, mods would be hard lol
Today, I feel very sad. My father told me to top liking ariel, change my username, stop drawing girls. And he also tolde me that if don't, he wouldn't let me use my computer, neither see you guys anymore.
Gosh what type of father would do that
Just hang in there you'll get through this toothless just take a deep breath and let it out or have a journal thats what i do to let my anger/sadness out without crying/puching someone in the face
Quote from: Toothless on March 28, 2011, 10:30AM
Today, I feel very sad. My father told me to top liking ariel, change my username, stop drawing girls. And he also tolde me that if don't, he wouldn't let me use my computer, neither see you guys anymore.
That's terrible.
wow, your father is kind of a strange guy, isn't he?
For sure.
Man, what kind of Father would do that? ey mate, confront your father, don't you just stay behind beying attacked man, confront him, tell him how you feel about it, don't you just stay shut up. Do something about it or this Will keep happening.
I'm afraid if I tell jim what I am... worse things will happen. Just to you know:
I don't have many friends ( not including marvelmods people, just school people ), my best friends are: 10 girls and 7 boys. He told I don't have (male) friends enough. He wants me to stop talking to my (female) friends and make new (male) friends. I know making new friends is good, but I'm a shy person, the 17 friends I have are my friends since I was four.
i see, then don't stop talking to them because "your father tells you to" you just do what you want with your friends.
Your father is a little jacked up :/ I feel so bad for you haveing to go through this mess, nobody should have to! I have very little friends I have 2 best friends then some other people who I talk to but arent really my friends, I hope you get through your troubles!
Agreed, he is very strange.
oh yeah, that makes sense. he doesn't want you to be gay, so he wants you to surround yourself with men. brilliant strategy ¬¬.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 28, 2011, 06:03PM
oh yeah, that makes sense. he doesn't want you to be gay, so he wants you to surround yourself with men. brilliant strategy ¬¬.
I just thought of that myself now. It truly is brilliant.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 28, 2011, 06:03PM
oh yeah, that makes sense. he doesn't want you to be gay, so he wants you to surround yourself with men. brilliant strategy ¬¬.
Very true, what a tard lol, guess he didnt think that one though, lol, although being with lots of girls with make you have more feminism, and lots of guys will make you have the hots for them... lol right?
i guess. but still as Nowhere Man said it really is a brilliant strategy.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 28, 2011, 07:34PM
i guess. but still as Nowhere Man said it really is a brilliant strategy.
Is everyone being sarcastic? Really thats what im getting, if you, being gay, put yourself with lots of other guys, I don't think it will help the situation at hand, just make you like guys more, and as everyone says being gay is not a choice then it wouldnt matter
It has pros and cons. You could be attracted to the guys but you might also start thinking like the guys. I think more like a girl so I usually have more in common with girls than guys. In fact a lot of the stuff that the guys in my school talk about really just disgust me and make me want to walk away so being around guys has never made me think like them. In fact it makes me want to be less like them.
well, you're right about that. i was thinking the exact same thing, but i thought it didn't really matter. but oh well, you're midnightphoenix123, i think more like guys, so i'm triying to get myself a girlfriend now, but she sure is hard mate, oh and midnightphoenix123 you're right, it wouldn't help with anything putting him around guys when you like guys.
despite being straight myself, i always hang out with girls simply because most boys are boorish and rude XD i have a few who are my close friends but the majority of my casual socializing is with females haha.
thinking like a man and having more affinities with men isn't bad at all. nor with women. it all depends on what type of men and what type of women you relate to. I have affinities with both.
Man, you're lucky Mr. Deedooo, most of the boys at my school are rude and despite being straight myself, i speak with girls most of the times, and i even got a girl that is my best friend, but seriously, i want my best friend (the girl) to be my girlfriend, i really like her.
excuse me but your father is idiot and that's the word.
you should be unaware of his threats because you are better than him
do not lower has his level because it is so low... you would have badly with the back...
just be yourself
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: it is unthinkable that some of parents do that
he must be unbearable :( he didn't grow up or what ?
oh and sorry for my mistakes I am french..
I also usually only talk with girls, they have always been my bestfriends, always... and just last year I finally got a friend that is a boy now after all these years, but your right all the boys at my school are rude and gross aswell, just the things they talk about its like really? come on now lol
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 28, 2011, 08:02PM
thinking like a man and having more affinities with men isn't bad at all. nor with women. it all depends on what type of men and what type of women you relate to. I have affinities with both.
I know! Me too! But my father wants me to have only (male) friends.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 28, 2011, 06:03PM
oh yeah, that makes sense. he doesn't want you to be gay, so he wants you to surround yourself with men. brilliant strategy ¬¬.
Not exactly, I don't see how making me stay close to a lot of rude and stupid guys ( I'M NOT TELLING THAT EVERY BOY IS STUPID AND RUDE, I'M JUST SAYING THAT THE BOYS IN MY CLASS ARE) will make me be a straigh guy!
It doesn't. And telling you to not draw girls is not smart either. If anything, he should want you to draw girls. Cause the "straight guys" like to see that stuff. At least they used to. And if he doesn't want you to be friends with girls... how does he expect you to ever get a girlfriend? lol I'm not saying anything bad about your father, just somethin' for him to think about.
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 29, 2011, 03:16PM
It doesn't. And telling you to not draw girls is not smart either. If anything, he should want you to draw girls. Cause the "straight guys" like to see that stuff. At least they used to. And if he doesn't want you to be friends with girls... how does he expect you to ever get a girlfriend? lol I'm not saying anything bad about your father, just somethin' for him to think about.
Thats what im sayin!
way to get sarcasm :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 29, 2011, 03:49PM
way to get sarcasm :P
Well, Dark Phoenix is right, thats what I was saying aswell, you dont say hang out with guys to make you more straight, his father cant control his life, and if he wants to draw girls and befriend girls then who cares!
my father cares...
Quote from: Toothless on March 29, 2011, 04:40PM
my father cares...
sadly, im sorry for you have to go through :( ,and now im happy because this marks my 1000th post! YAY! lol
It didn't change bcause off-topic posts don't count as normal posts.
:/ well it counts even if it doesnt show it XD
@toothless.... I was just thinking how you are a little over your head with the whole Little Mermaid thing. I mean no offense I know you like her, but I think you are abit obsessed with the whole thing. The Little Merimaid only had a movie anyways its not like a tv show you are missing out on or something. Plus I think you shouldn't focus too much on the media, cause they are only there to entertain you. I am not dishing you or anything but I hate saying it but that how life really is, you can"t always get what you want you saw the movie and now there is other things to look foward too........
And it seems like your parents are just worry about you, and they don't mean it and a bad way(even if it is) but they probably don't see it like you do. :) Things will get better, just don't let little things get to you.
Trust me there is people out there with bigger problems, like example poor people in Japan.
Quote from: edward on March 29, 2011, 06:43PM
@toothless.... I was just thinking how you are a little over your head with the whole Little Mermaid thing. I mean no offense I know you like her, but I think you are abit obsessed with the whole thing. The Little Merimaid only had a movie anyways its not like a tv show you are missing out on or something. Plus I think you shouldn't focus too much on the media, cause they are only there to entertain you. I am not dishing you or anything but I hate saying it but that how life really is, you can"t always get what you want you saw the movie and now there is other things to look foward too........
And it seems like your parents are just worry about you, and they don't mean it and a bad way(even if it is) but they probably don't see it like you do. :) Things will get better, just don't let little things get to you.
Trust me there is people out there with bigger problems, like example poor people in Japan.
I dont think it is over reacting, if someone is treated like that it sucks and it isnt just a movie its a TV show, and has 2 other movies, and its just like how we faver X-Men or something else and then our family says, dont skin them mod them or draw them its rude, and hurts you where it counts, so I see where your coming from, but I dont think Toothless is doing anything wrong with the situation, just stating the problems.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 29, 2011, 07:00PM
I dont think it is over reacting, if someone is treated like that it sucks and it isnt just a movie its a TV show, and has 2 other movies, and its just like how we faver X-Men or something else and then our family says, dont skin them mod them or draw them its rude, and hurts you where it counts, so I see where your coming from, but I dont think Toothless is doing anything wrong with the situation, just stating the problems.
Will I don't know where parents aren't able to boss around there kids. lol... No for real like I said I don't mean it in any negative way at all but that what parents do.. I think almost everyone alive has been told what to do at one point of there lives. My parents stop me from going to college cause I needed to stay and watch my siblings. And now I am working for minimum wage, now that sucks.
Quote from: edward on March 29, 2011, 07:09PM
Will I don't know where parents aren't able to boss around there kids. lol... No for real like I said I don't mean it in any negative way at all but that what parents do.. I think almost everyone alive has been told what to do at one point of there lives. My parents stop me from going to college cause I needed to stay and watch my siblings. And now I am working for minimum wage, now that sucks.
I know you arent coming from anywhere negative, and I hope I didnt come off mean, but I get that parents do that, but they cant control your life, they can surrently tell you what to do, but not control you if you like something then you like it, people cant stop you
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 29, 2011, 07:13PM
I know you arent coming from anywhere negative, and I hope I didnt come off mean, but I get that parents do that, but they cant control your life, they can surrently tell you what to do, but not control you if you like something then you like it, people cant stop you
Yes In know but I think he is doing himself bad, by letting it bother him as much as it seems like. I just think there is good times and bad times in life you just gotta be strong.
Quote from: edward on March 29, 2011, 07:19PM
Yes In know but I think he is doing himself bad, by letting it bother him as much as it seems like. I just think there is good times and bad times in life you just gotta be strong.
True, I agree with that!
Edward, I understand you. Yes, in our life the quantity of black strips is more than white, unfortunately. But I'm sure, you'll overcome all difficulties! My life is very hard too nowand seems foolish. Try to be stronger!
I feel nice today, i got Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light, and it's very fun. hey guys this pic is so, but so beautiful i wanted to share it with all of you., i Like it a lot.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 31, 2011, 03:35PM
I feel nice today, i got Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light, and it's very fun. hey guys this pic is so, but so beautiful i wanted to share it with all of you., i Like it a lot.
great picture!
i totally agree! i saved it as an image and now it's my wallpaper in my computer! i Love this Phoenix!
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on March 31, 2011, 04:37PM
i totally agree! i saved it as an image and now it's my wallpaper in my computer! i Love this Phoenix!
My wallpaper is the picture I have in my sig lol, I love Phoenix so much aswell! lol :D
It's a really nice pic! I like it too!
I'm glad you do, i really like the picture so i wanted to share it with all of you.
Why does everyone hate this music? I just think it's funny.
Some people think so she will be the next Justin Bieber:
Quote from: Toothless on April 01, 2011, 05:10PM
Why does everyone hate this music? I just think it's funny.
Some people think so she will be the next Justin Bieber:
Me and my sister watched this, and we were like is this a joke? Lol!
i don't really like that music, and Rebbeca Black the next Justin Bieber? is this a joke?
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 01, 2011, 07:19PM
i don't really like that music, and Rebbeca Black the next Justin Bieber? is this a joke?
Do you like Justin Bieber? I hate him, he is just like Twilight and Harry Potter, and Hannah Montana, they were all super popular, then now many people dont care or talk about them at all anymore
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 01, 2011, 07:56PM
Do you like Justin Bieber? I hate him, he is just like Twilight and Harry Potter, and Hannah Montana, they were all super popular, then now many people dont care or talk about them at all anymore
I so agree. though Harry Potter is better than the rest of the list, it's still just a fad.
i hate Justin Bieber as well, so i listen to Ashley Tisdale, Gwen Stefany, Maddona and Miley Cirus. oh and i really like the Harry Potter Movies.
lol my younger sister loves Justin Bieber. I don't care for him, but that's just cause I think he got it easy compared to most other artists. But he's just another icon for real young people. Like Backstreet Boys were when I was little. (Although I liked Nsync better. Notice some of them are still doing things while Backstreet Boys really arent...)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 01, 2011, 08:09PM
I so agree. though Harry Potter is better than the rest of the list, it's still just a fad.
I do agree that Harry Potter is better then the rest, but im not a fan of it at all...
I don't like Justin Bieber and I did once like Miley Cyrus. Nowadays I really don't care for her much. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato are still awesome though. I liked the Twilight books but the movies aren't as good, but I think that is because everyone is so crazy about team Edward and team Jacob.
I'm a little scared right now, my cat has thrown up 3 times since I woke up, he's got round worms and I can't go get anything cause I have no vehicle or money. I have to wait til my fiance gets off work and gets to the store... I pray that he makes it in time... (and as I typed this, he threw up again. I'm freakin' out...I don't think he's gonna make it...)
Oh no, this can't be good, can't you ask your parents for help?
My Mom and her friend (who gave me the cat) came over and gave him medicine, he's doin a lil better, so far hasn't thrown up. I just have to wait and see... time will tell... He's sleepin right now, he's exhausted...
i see, i'm glad he's better. why don't you take him to a veterinary?
Quote from: Scabbia on April 02, 2011, 11:57AM
My Mom and her friend (who gave me the cat) came over and gave him medicine, he's doin a lil better, so far hasn't thrown up. I just have to wait and see... time will tell... He's sleepin right now, he's exhausted...
Poor Kitty :(
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 02, 2011, 12:12PM
i see, i'm glad he's better. why don't you take him to a veterinary?
The only place we can afford is only open Mon-Thur. And it's Saturday... I'm hoping he can make it to Monday cause then I can have my parents or Aunts take me up there to get everything done. But this medice I got is a prescription medicine, so it should work.
ok, he'll make it i'm sure about it.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 02, 2011, 12:35PM
ok, he'll make it i'm sure about it.
Agreed, Kitty be strong!
Thanks you guys. I'm tryin to be "not stressful" cause everyone keeps tellin' me cats tend to feel what you feel, but bein calm through this is tough...I've already lost 2 cats within the past 2 years, I don't need another one...
Don't worry, with the medicine and the veterinary in Monday he'll make it through for sure!, you have to be positive.
Just think of happy things, Rainbows, Unicorns, and what ever else is happy lol or by the way your avatar is Death metal, and darkness lol
lol yeah, but they sing bout real stuff and put things into perspective.
Quote from: Scabbia on April 02, 2011, 02:26PM
lol yeah, but they sing bout real stuff and put things into perspective.
Ok so happy real stuff death metal
This video made laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The big lyrics are in portuguese but there are lyrics in english too! Please watch it!! You will laugh!!
Quote from: Toothless on April 02, 2011, 03:34PM
This video made laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The big lyrics are in portuguese but there are lyrics in english too! Please watch it!! I will laugh!!
Wow that was funny.
Quote from: Toothless on April 02, 2011, 03:34PM
This video made laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The big lyrics are in portuguese but there are lyrics in english too! Please watch it!! You will laugh!!
Amazing! lol I couldnt stop laughing!
Hahahaha! amazing!
Really happy cause i found a song that goes kinda with psylocke in my fan video check it out leave comments,critcisms, and pointers below
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 02, 2011, 01:12PM
Just think of happy things, Rainbows, Unicorns, and what ever else is happy lol or by the way your avatar is Death metal, and darkness lol
rainbows and unicorns?like this song: ^-^
(that is my theme song btw XD)
and while i'm sharing music, for my epic fellow metalheads here's a deathmetal cover of rebecca black's friday:
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on April 03, 2011, 09:08AM
rainbows and unicorns?like this song: ^-^
(that is my theme song btw XD)
and while i'm sharing music, for my epic fellow metalheads here's a deathmetal cover of rebecca black's friday:
Yes, just like that! Lol
lol ^-^ i kind of need to make one now XD
Lol, you should! I wonder how the Iron got there, they threw it at him and then took the pic, so he probably got hit in the face lol, thats what im going with
this unicorn talk is taking me back to good old Charlie:
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 03, 2011, 12:57PM
this unicorn talk is taking me back to good old Charlie:
Ha ha I love Charlie! lol
Edit: Check this out, I love this video
Today I feel... I don't know, I think it's boring because this week I won't spend much time on my computer cause it's EXAM week. I mean, we have exams every week but this are the main exams.
Im depressed and my spring break vacation is over and i gotta go back to school tomorrow uggh and study for that huge standardized test that promotes us to the next grade and then we got exams then summer vacation ughh but only 7 weeks till school so im hangin in dere
School huh? what a pain in the ass, i don't like going to school, and i totally hate tests, i have a geography exam tomorrow, and friday i have an oral exposition of Artistic and Maths test, it's such a pain.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 03, 2011, 07:32PM
School huh? what a pain in the ass, i don't like going to school, and i totally hate tests
I agree 100%
But hey once I go to college and get my degree and go to work and get paid good money I know that I was worth it
Just love this:
Uggh I hate lady gaga I personally think she sounds a hot mess.and people that make videos of jean have lady gaga and poker face I think the only songs I like from her are paparazzi and telephone ft beyonce
i don't like Lady Gaga too much, just a little bit. by the way i beated the game Resident Evil 5!, now i'm going for the Mercenaries Mode with Jill Valentine! (i unlocked Jill Valentine BSAA in the public assembly getting an S rank, but you must get an A rank or higher)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 04, 2011, 01:36PM
Uggh I hate lady gaga I personally think she sounds a hot mess.and people that make videos of jean have lady gaga and poker face I think the only songs I like from her are paparazzi and telephone ft beyonce
I like Lady Gaga. And I made a video for jean and used the Poker face song...
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 04, 2011, 01:55PM
i don't like Lady Gaga too much, just a little bit. by the way i beated the game Resident Evil 5!, now i'm going for the Mercenaries Mode with Jill Valentine! (i unlocked Jill Valentine BSAA in the public assembly getting an S rank, but you must get an A rank or higher)
:D yay for you! I love Jill! Maybe a little crazy :X lol, did you think it was fun?
i like lady gaga actually. well at least relative to other pop stars. she still manages to maintain some more interest and musicality than most people and she has quite an excellent variety if you don't listen to solely the hit singles. for example her song "brown eyes" is possibly one of the prettiest songs i've heard that isn't straight up classical music.
her music videos are still weird as all hell though XD
...of course really all pop music videos are though ^-^ anybody seen ke$ha's one for blow? some crazzy-ass drugs must have been involved with its making.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on April 04, 2011, 03:39PM
i like lady gaga actually. well at least relative to other pop stars. she still manages to maintain some more interest and musicality than most people and she has quite an excellent variety if you don't listen to solely the hit singles. for example her song "brown eyes" is possibly one of the prettiest songs i've heard that isn't straight up classical music.
her music videos are still weird as all hell though XD
...of course really all pop music videos are though ^-^ anybody seen ke$ha's one for blow? some crazzy-ass drugs must have been involved with its making.
I like Lady Gaga to, she is one of my favorites, and I will have to see this Blow video lol, have you seen Pinks F***in perfect video? Pretty werid, A girl cuts her self, and there is a little action in the begin, and not the action you see in a fighting movie either ;)
again hope im not being rude but i actually dislike Ke$ha than Gaga. the ONLY song i like from her is tik tok.Other than that her songs to me are stupid and garbage and she can't even sing!! I hate that song blahh blahh blahh i mean gosh Beyonce can sing better than her and i like beyonce but i don't think she can sing that well
EDIT:Banshee could sing better than ke$ha too
I like tik tok as well. Gaga's songs aren't bad but her videos are very creepy.
heh though her voice is a tad obnoxious, my main problem with ke$ha is her spelling and grammer XD
The video speaks for its self
I don't want to offend anybody. Really! This is my opinion! I hate GAGA! She has the terrible videos about all and about nothing! It only corrupts our modern youth!
Therefore I prefer metal also Gothic rock. I find in it many things for meditation.
Quote from: Rogue on April 05, 2011, 09:29PM
I don't want to offend anybody. Really! This is my opinion! I hate GAGA! She has the terrible videos about all and about nothing! It only corrupts our modern youth!
Therefore I prefer metal also Gothic rock. I find in it many things for meditation.
couldnt the same thing be said about metal and goth rock? i would think "dark" metal and gothic music would be more "corrupting" than "sugary" pop music. Either way, only the weak get corrupted by music, the rest of us just enjoy it.
Well put^ :)
nicely said nodoubt ^-^
Quoteonly the weak get corrupted by music, the rest of us just enjoy it.
We have a just cause to listen to that we want! Everyone makes the choice! All of us are different!
Sorry I haven't been on here much, kinda been "distracted" lol. I got my 360... and some I'm addicted, again. Plus, we've been shoppin for new stuff for our house. (Got new fish and a Dining Table, finally). It wont be long at all and I'll be back on, I got too much skins I still want to do. lol. And no, I didn't get Marvel VS Capcom 3 cause 1) It's way too expensive, especially since there isn't that many characters and there's really not a lot to unlock. 2) Rogue aint in it, so I aint desperate for it 3) Where I'm at, that game has been returned or traded in for something else A LOT. It's crazy. But I did get Resident Evil 5 (which I don't like), Final Fantasy XIII (finally) and Smackdown VS RAW 2010 (Love creating characters on there). So yeah, for the price I would pay for MVSC3, I got 3 games and another discount for my next trip for some games and magazines for a year. :)
I think the problem with mvc3 is people don't have skills to play online. And without that there isn't really nothing else to do. Mission mode is either too easy or pulling hair frustrating. Arcade mode is repeatitive, and all the unlockables are either crap, or unock in the first hour of gameplay.
God I'm so pissed off today. Some people just treat other people like Chocolate egg & when the people that they offended wanted to do things in their own separate ways, those people started causing a scene & play as if they're the only who are the victims. I guess it's good to be the bad guy so that other people can see the truth!
It's not good to be the bad guy, because everyone will see you as somekind of trouble maker and you should not be seing like that, and my school "mates" (this means they're idiots) bother me a lot, and i make jokes of them and muck them in their backs, and i'm the one being bothered, so don't be the bad guy, it's horrible to be the bad guy. Remember, Evil never has the victory.
Quote from: Scabbia on April 08, 2011, 06:28AM
Sorry I haven't been on here much, kinda been "distracted" lol. I got my 360... and some I'm addicted, again. Plus, we've been shoppin for new stuff for our house. (Got new fish and a Dining Table, finally). It wont be long at all and I'll be back on, I got too much skins I still want to do. lol. And no, I didn't get Marvel VS Capcom 3 cause 1) It's way too expensive, especially since there isn't that many characters and there's really not a lot to unlock. 2) Rogue aint in it, so I aint desperate for it 3) Where I'm at, that game has been returned or traded in for something else A LOT. It's crazy. But I did get Resident Evil 5 (which I don't like), Final Fantasy XIII (finally) and Smackdown VS RAW 2010 (Love creating characters on there). So yeah, for the price I would pay for MVSC3, I got 3 games and another discount for my next trip for some games and magazines for a year. :)
Sorry to hear you dont like Resident evil 5, I find it way fun, and pretty simple, but thats just me, and yes Smackdown vs Raw is always awsome!
Today I miss Teancnum. Did he really left us??
He left awhile ago, didnt he, Ive been seeing his posts for awhile saying guest
speaking of guests what happened to tymaca321 did he get banned or did he just delete his account?
he deleted his acount.
aww that suckes did he have any last words at least? I actually really liked him
I dont like the aiming system. I like the classic Resident Evil's system. Plus I flipped out when I had a concert crowd of zombies comin at me. lol. Its ok though. I spent most of the day maken characters on WWE2010.
When you have a crowd of Zombies coming i recommend using a Rocket Launcher but if you don't have it then use the shotgun. i do that with Jill in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (i love that game)
Quote from: Jill Valentine on April 08, 2011, 01:35PM
It's not good to be the bad guy, because everyone will see you as somekind of trouble maker and you should not be seing like that, and my school "mates" (this means they're idiots) bother me a lot, and i make jokes of them and muck them in their backs, and i'm the one being bothered, so don't be the bad guy, it's horrible to be the bad guy. Remember, Evil never has the victory.
i guess you're right, but just like Rogue (TAS Savage Land) said to Storm, you have to let yourself loose sometime..(& look what happened to Storm afterwards XD)
i really love this video and they should of kept this in x3
showing dark phoenix can kill anyone with just a cup
Quote from: Scabbia on April 08, 2011, 08:11PM
I dont like the aiming system. I like the classic Resident Evil's system. Plus I flipped out when I had a concert crowd of zombies comin at me. lol. Its ok though. I spent most of the day maken characters on WWE2010.
See I dont like the way the classic games played with different views all the time, I like this where its one view all the time, but I think they should have at least put both views in game as an option
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 09, 2011, 03:18AM
i really love this video and they should of kept this in x3
showing dark phoenix can kill anyone with just a cup
Oh my, all that with a cup. I love Magneto's look at the end.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 09, 2011, 03:18AM
i really love this video and they should of kept this in x3
showing dark phoenix can kill anyone with just a cup
I own the DVD, so I almost aways watch to this scene! It's awesome!!!!!
Quote from: Jill Valentine on April 08, 2011, 08:59PM
When you have a crowd of Zombies coming i recommend using a Rocket Launcher but if you don't have it then use the shotgun. i do that with Jill in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (i love that game)
Yeah, I didn't even get past the first part of the game. so all I had was a handgun. lol.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 09, 2011, 07:28AM
See I dont like the way the classic games played with different views all the time, I like this where its one view all the time, but I think they should have at least put both views in game as an option
Yeah they should have put that option in there, I'm surprised they didn't with "some" of the complaints they got from RE4. Oh well, if I'm to play this game all the way through, i'd use cheats... lol. But I doubt they'll make a gameshark for 360
Quote from: Scabbia on April 09, 2011, 08:22AM
Yeah they should have put that option in there, I'm surprised they didn't with "some" of the complaints they got from RE4. Oh well, if I'm to play this game all the way through, i'd use cheats... lol. But I doubt they'll make a gameshark for 360
unfortuantly there are no cheats, the only thing close is modding it, but that only works on the PC, and Ps3, but the ps3 doesnt have to many
see, they ruined RE for me. lol. It's alright, I'll let my stepdad play it and I can watch the whole story on youtube anyways.
Quote from: Scabbia on April 09, 2011, 08:39AM
see, they ruined RE for me. lol. It's alright, I'll let my stepdad play it and I can watch the whole story on youtube anyways.
Re5 really could be a stand alone, You dont really need to play the other games to understand it lol because while its loading it tells you the whole history of the series any way, and the only thing you really have to know is why Chris, Wesker, and Jill no each other, and who Jill is otherwise the person playing might get confused as to why Chris is freaking out about some girl lol
I love Tangled! I also love this video:
So does anybody know how to go to the next grade you have to take a standerized test? Well im taking one today though thursday in florida it's called the FCAT.So i'll be kinda studying and relaxing over the few days.
I also bought adobe after effects and im loving it!!! I just created 3 movies using lightning now im gonna do changing eye color so my cousin can be storm and figure out how to use that dang invisiblity thing Any one know how to do it without a green screen? PM me if you do or a link please.
Well wish me good luck so i can go on to the 9th grade which is High School ughh
Good luck! You Should do it!
As an avid WWE fan and fan of the Rated-R Superstar, Edge, I am very sad, about his retirement due to his very serious injuries. I mean, he was one my favourites, he was a funny guy and I am very glad, that he didn't just defeat Alberto Del Rio at his last WrestleMania a week ago, but he embarrased him as well. I will totally miss him, one of the greatest WWE competitors in and outside of the ring. I am very excited aswell, because this means, that the World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules won't be between Edge and Del Rio, but most likely, between Christian and Del Rio.
finished reading Catcher in the Rye. It's amazing how much I feel like Holden Caulfield, how much that kinda disgusts me in a way, and revolting the fact that till the end of the book he never really had any kind of epiphany about his personal problems, so that doesn't help me at all.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 15, 2011, 01:33AM
finished reading Catcher in the Rye. It's amazing how much I feel like Holden Caulfield, how much that kinda disgusts me in a way, and revolting the fact that till the end of the book he never really had any kind of epiphany about his personal problems, so that doesn't help me at all.
That was such an interesting book (for lack of a better word). I read it, well most of it, I still know how it ended even though I didn't finish the last chapter, I read it in my 10th grade year of highschool. I thought his perspective was so realistic, he felt and said what we all have wanted to say at some point, you know how people are phony a lot of times. But he saw some weird stuff, especially in that hotel.
Also I feel really good. I had 2 tests today one for a government class and one for a history class (those are probably my worst subjects), and I had to give a speech on top of that. I think I did very well on my history test (usually I don't do the best on those test), but I felt good once I got the test. I know I did well on my speech because I saw what how my teacher graded and I got high points for most of the portions of her grading rubric. I now feel soooo relieved, now that those are all over. But now I have an essay due for my government class on Monday *UGH* but oh well. That's school I guess. One thing after another.
Everyday I'm hustlin'...This song is just cool, especially since I saw Katt Williams' show about what could he do with this music in GTA IV :D
blehhhhhh... these past few weeks i have had absolutely no motivation to make any more skins XP or even compile the ones that i have made a while ago...blah >,<
I wish I could talk to sprints so I tell them by goodbye
amusing marvel pajamas ^-^
Lol, I like the Emma ones, is the black flaming one Ghost Rider?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 18, 2011, 03:13PM
Lol, I like the Emma ones, is the black flaming one Ghost Rider?
black widow actually
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on April 18, 2011, 03:07PM
amusing marvel pajamas ^-^
Just watched RIO yesterday! That movie is amazing!!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 08, 2011, 06:37PM
aww that suckes did he have any last words at least? I actually really liked him
Pretty much a few things to work out, but im back :), just with a diffrent account name :)
Tymaca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you're back! Welcome back!
thanks Toothless, i dont really recall your previous username, but the work your making rocks!
Quote from: Polygone on April 19, 2011, 08:55AM
i dont really recall your previous username,
Welcome back!
Quote from: Toothless on April 19, 2011, 09:09AM
Yeah, looked on your workbench and saw the initals J G P so it pretty much got back in my head :)
Thanks Midnightphoenix, its good te be back :)
Glad your back wow aint that a coincident. It's gonna be a while before i call you by your new name lol :)
Ow doesnt really matter, I personally dont even care, call me whatever you like :)
Glad you're back Tymaca. I'm feeling Excellent today, i bought Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of The Illuminus and it's very fun! by the way, don't you guys think that Claire Farron (Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII) looks a lot like Ashe from Final Fantasy XII?
i'm feeling good today and depressed because i have school tomorrow (i hate school). hey i'm playing Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of The Illuminus. does anyone know how can i get Meseta fast?
School, Ick... lol Im happy today because I got Resident Evil Outbreak file #2, Resident Evil Survivor, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 1, and Resident Evil 2, plus Dino Crisis and Dino Stalker Yay
Welcome back tymaca. I didn't really understand why you left in the first place, but I'm sure glad you're back. Can't conquer the world without the head engineer for my nowherebots ^^
Your back Tymaca! Welcome back, its nice to have you here again. I'll have to get used to your new name.
ahh yes, the nowherebots :P sure dind't forgot about those :P
Thanks Marvelfan :D
I feel upset. That I'm gonna miss the beach/pools and hanging out for college which start in June and ends in September :-( Grrr I think I'm gonna release some of mods be4 I leave cuz I won't have a chance to visit daily
Yes. I too would be upset because of impossibility to be engaged in my hobby when it's necessary to pass something. But I hope, you'll solve your problems safely!
Well my birthday is saterday so I might not be on here for a while I'm turning 14
So, my best wishes!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 28, 2011, 06:16PM
Well my birthday is saterday so I might not be on here for a while I'm turning 14
YAY For you! Im excited aswell, as my birthday is Monday, and I am turning 15 I will most likely be on lol
Tomorow a tournament will happen in my school! it'll happen to celebrate the school's "birthday". In this tournament we make everything, we sing, we dance... This year we'll dance lambada and I'm going to wear this:
In the previous years: - the main girl is my cousin - of course this isn't her voice. she's just moving her lips to look like she's singing. It's a part of the tournment. - this happened last year! I was the boy wearing Ayrton Senna's fantasy
I know today should be a happy day because osama bin laden's dead, but I think the chaos is only starting, Osama's death will make Al-Qaeda's people want revenge, so, stay alert
you might be right, stay alert just in case.
Ha ha watch it be a fake, the soilders will be looking around and see Osama run across the sand, and they will be like WTF! :O
I'm Feeling Great today, i got Drakensang The Dark Eye for PC it's Aswome! i love this game! i always use the Charlatan Class and a Blonde Female i named Jill Valentine! she's an expert with Fencing Weapons and Magic! i Love this game, i Defenitly Recommend it for all RPG fans!
I'm feeling awesome today, cause I have my PC back :D Plus, I enjoy playing with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood :D Which reminds me about how I wait for the next game already. :D
I can't believe I was one hour late for my final exam today due to overslept. Luckily the lecturer's willing to accept me & even gave me extra hours to complete it.Only God can ever repay you for your kindness and understanding, Prof.Dr. Kamariah! I love you!
Quote from: nuhverah on May 07, 2011, 01:30AM
I can't believe I was one hour late for my final exam today due to overslept. Luckily the lecturer's willing to accept me & even gave me extra hours to complete it.Only God can ever repay you for your kindness and understanding, Prof.Dr. Kamariah! I love you!
God must be watching over you then! Hope you did well on your exams.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 07, 2011, 07:47AM
God must be watching over you then! Hope you did well on your exams.
Thank God for that<3333 Hope everybody else gets the very best in whatever that they are doing as well :)
I'm watching the incredible hulk right now and each time the part of the movie shot in Brazil disgusts me more. is there a lack of brazillian actors or something? 3 characters that were supposed to be brazillian speaking with an accent so thick I can't understand a word they're saying, it's ridiculous. and that lime green guaraná? bet they never saw a bottle of guaraná. looks like apple juice.
it's like in america's next top model when Tyra was announcing that they were going to Brazil and the model that came in to "invite" them was clearly from Portugal. Like there aren't any brazillian models. wtf? and in the end they started playing maracas like they have anything to do with Brazil.
It's not that people have the obligation to know everything about Brazil, but if you are going to do something here, do your homework!
Yeah, I know, Hollywood doesn't have a good history when showing other countries. But, hey, at least they were speaking in Portuguese in Incredible Hulk! I'm pretty sure there have been lots of times when they didn't even do that.
The good thing is that they're now giving more importance to the international market, which means that for most productions they have to have professional advisors on whatever cultures they're portraying.
yeah. take Sunspot, for example. Roberto DaCosta. that's what they used to call him. in portuguese you'd write "da Costa" and not DaCosta, which is a spanish way of writting last names. But that's nothing if you compare him to DC's Fire. Beatriz Bonilla DaCosta. Bonilla is totally a Spanish sirname and, once again, DaCosta. She worked for the National Spying Agency that they called Espiaos Nacionales de Brasil, which doesn't make ANY sense. Nacionales is a spanish word, the correct plural form of spy in portuguese is Espiões and by putting the nacionales after espiãos it mean National Spies of Brazil, which is just weird. Plus it's "do Brasil", not "de Brasil". the correct way would be Agência Nacional de Espionagem. People were always calling her Miss DaCosta, which is completely wrong in portuguese. it would be Miss Costa. and even so, we don't call each other by our last names here, so it would actually be Miss Beatriz. by her friends she was called Bea, which is also wrong, it would be "Bia".
found a link that explores the subject:
Been looking for a job for some time now. Been busy extremely. Well it'll change..
Found a job. Gonna have a job interview tomorrow! And hopefully it'll be something sweet! ^^. How's everyone here doing?
I heard ya Mr law. I hope you have the best of luck........
Well I'm thinkin about studying to become a paramedic ,Do you guys think that's a good job
people should really watch this video. it might raise your conciousness about a great many things: (portuguese subtitles)
Good luck for your job interview, Sir Law!
& if that's your passion, go for it supernatural Witch!
& That's one interesting vid link Nowhere Man :)
Good luck mr.Law! i know you'll do great!
Why was the VS. game locked??
I had the most excited day yesterday since im in 8th grade we have this thing called grad nighht it wuz so fun! We go to universal at 5:00pm and leave 12:00am even though i only went on 4 rides it was fun.Lol but as SOON as we got there rain started pouring on us and and as soon as we entered the park it stopped and everyone was soaking wet!Lol half of us went on the mummy ride and then we all split cause some of use were hungry and some wanted to go on the rides but when we were in line for the rides peeps kept getting in front of us so we had to curse people out and we almost got into a fight too going to islands of adventures and my feet hurt after all that walking.The food was awesome too.I wish it would have never ended
EDIT:Why was the VS game locked?
Going out with my friends tonight to celebrity(in my dad car)hehe ... Time to hit clubs baby!!!
Well, I finally decided what to do with my life and it's great, considering the fact, that I'm only 16. Can't wait 'till Summer, cause on my first day of the Summer holiday, I start the first real day of my life.
Quote from: Toothless on May 14, 2011, 07:04AM
Why was the VS. game locked??
I don't know. I think it reached the max number of pages. 1st time this happens here....and I started the thread. I'm so proud *sniff*.
Guess I'll have to make a new one, the vs game pt 2. Im just gonna wait till a moderator speaks to confirm my theory.
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 14, 2011, 12:48PM
Well, I finally decided what to do with my life and it's great, considering the fact, that I'm only 16. Can't wait 'till Summer, cause on my first day of the Summer holiday, I start the first real day of my life.
cool! so, what did you decide to do?
EDIT: wasn't max pages. just unlocked the vs game. don't know why it was locked in the first place.
The usual stuff. First, I start to change my looks, so that it would match, what I want. Hopefully, I find some Summer job for myself. Then, in a few years, I finish school and after that, I either do some kinda upper school about computers and leave the country after that or I just leave the country and do some stuff, but really live.
good luck! I'm 27 and still haven't really decided to live. I just...survive. The thing is that once you decide to start caring you care about the bad stuff too. and generally I never get to experience the good stuff when I care. they just never happen. so I opt not to care. is it empty? for sure. but it's still better feeling nothing than feeling bad almost all the time.
I had so fun last night!! , it was like this at first... ( then it turned into this ( So I 2 had leave
LOL.... Look at t he nanny go.
I'm very happy. I finally found a 90s Jean Grey Marvel Universe figure. I was searching for it for over a year but gave up when I realized that its gone from stores. Today however I was looking at the MU figures and was so shocked to find a Jean at the very back. I immediately grabbed it (as well as Warpath since the X-Men variant is very rare).
Its cool how a lot of good things are happening lately for you guys. I was suspended from work for two weeks. :( But atleast I get to work on mods :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 15, 2011, 09:45AM
I'm very happy. I finally found a 90s Jean Grey Marvel Universe figure. I was searching for it for over a year but gave up when I realized that its gone from stores. Today however I was looking at the MU figures and was so shocked to find a Jean at the very back. I immediately grabbed it (as well as Warpath since the X-Men variant is very rare).
Wow, you found it at a store? Lol I gave up looking for minw to, but later found it at a comic book store! I also just bought Shadowcat MU figure because I could never find it and I just found 2 at my Walmart so I got her to
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on May 15, 2011, 05:36AM
I had so fun last night!! , it was like this at first... ( then it turned into this ( So I 2 had leave
Lol I love that show! Nanny rules
You found it? aswome! i'm always looking for an X3 Jean but i never find her! and what is the name of that show? it looks great!
Quote from: Jill Valentine on May 15, 2011, 10:56AM
You found it? aswome! i'm always looking for an X3 Jean but i never find her! and what is the name of that show? it looks great!
The show is Nanny, it is amazing! Lol, and when Marvel Legends X3 Jean came out every store I went to they had like 5 lol, I wish I had bought another since I only have 1
ok, i'll have to look for it, thanks!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 15, 2011, 09:45AM
I'm very happy. I finally found a 90s Jean Grey Marvel Universe figure. I was searching for it for over a year but gave up when I realized that its gone from stores. Today however I was looking at the MU figures and was so shocked to find a Jean at the very back. I immediately grabbed it (as well as Warpath since the X-Men variant is very rare).
Glad you found it. I felt the same when I saw ariel. But I'm still looking for a jean phoenix MU figure and a cyclops 90s MU figure.
Quote from: Toothless on May 15, 2011, 01:03PM
Glad you found it. I felt the same when I saw ariel. But I'm still looking for a jean phoenix MU figure and a cyclops 90s MU figure.
They had Cyclops 90s a few days ago but it was gone by yesterday. Luckily I have an 80s Cyclops to fill that role. Also bought Kitty a few days ago. At first I really hated her face but I'm warming up to it now.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 15, 2011, 01:27PM
They had Cyclops 90s a few days ago but it was gone by yesterday. Luckily I have an 80s Cyclops to fill that role. Also bought Kitty a few days ago. At first I really hated her face but I'm warming up to it now.
I hate her face to, but oh well, and her body paint job isnt the best but for 8 dollars I think I can handle it XD
well im happy i got the x-men 3 soundtrack and love it! I'm learning how to make effects and stuff in adobe after effects and wanna remake scenes like Dark Phoenix Vs Xavier Storm Vs Callisto etc.I'm going to post the videos in my video thread (for anyone who cares).At first the storm vs callisto will just be me and my brother but over the summer my cousins are coming and then i can remake it so wish me luck making effects like white eyes,black eyes,lightning,super speed, disintegration, and sound effects are hard to do and make! Especially using windows movie maker.
EDIT:In fact i'll just make a trailer of it so you guys can wager on if you even wanna see the full version
Love the Uncanny X-Force 11 cover! I just don't like jean's hair.
I thought that was Jean's costume, but her hair is gross, it looks black and with that costume she should have long hair
Yeah I hate the short hair. More of AOA Jean for you guys. Can Wolverine make the ultimate sacrifice and lose Jean Grey and Nightcrawler once more?
With that hair, I think yes! Lol jk, but for real Im thinking her hair really is black now! On her alt ego Karen it looks good, but like that, it just makes me want to vomit
Dont' worry its still red. See here.
That is just the shadows and shading. I've been with UXF since the first issue and all the art is quite dark to fit the tone of the book.
It still doesnt look like her, oh well :/
well, he's right, she doesn't look like Jean at all, i like her better with long red hair.
Agreed. I can see why they would give her short hair for the AOA reality but my preference is the long hair.
I love her long hair, but when she was AOA I liked her short hair, this style just looks different and ugly!
This is a really cool pic with the X-Men film stars as their comic counterparts.
That looks really good, but Storms costume is missing the yellow line and the belt
Yeah Storm looks the weakest out of them all because her costume is incomplete and it blends with her hair.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 17, 2011, 07:23PM
Yeah Storm looks the weakest out of them all because her costume is incomplete and it blends with her hair.
Yeah she looks werid
I love Jean because they did a nice merge of Famke and her comic version. Rogue is amazing because they got the Anna Paquin look but added the southern 90s Rogue that everyone loves. That is how Rogue should have been in the films. (that is also how Phoenix should have looked in the films)
I agree 100%
I don't know, why you all don't love so the short hair. Probably, because it isn't womanly. But I love, when characters change the appearance, it doesn't make me miss from monotony. I adore the long hair of guys! In my opinion it looks really amazingly! In general in a question of appearance I am not very basic. I love everything that is beautiful.
About a film. In my opinion the majority of characters on this picture looks ridiculously. Buts I would like them to see in a film in the such suit.
I've just always preferred long hair although I don't think all short hair is ugly. I think Rogue and Storm look nice with it. Even Jean looks nice with it but I think her AOA Phoenix costume looks better with the long hair.
Studying makes my head hurt ** I wan to join him soo bad (
LOOVe the picture and i think they made phoenix and dark phoenix look well.Not every marvel movie has to ALWAYS be exactly like the comic.I loved how they turned her eyes black and veiny in X3.i hate the fact that people were mad that Callisto had super speed in X3 and didn't in the show or comics.But i thought her character was awesome and gave a unique battle between her and Storm.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 18, 2011, 02:01PM
LOOVe the picture and i think they made phoenix and dark phoenix look well.Not every marvel movie has to ALWAYS be exactly like the comic.I loved how they turned her eyes black and veiny in X3.i hate the fact that people were mad that Callisto had super speed in X3 and didn't in the show or comics.But i thought her character was awesome and gave a unique battle between her and Storm.
I meant that in the pic they gave her a Phoenix raptor but not in the movie. After all, the raptor image is the main part and removing that was a bad decision (especially since they hinted it in X2). The black eyes and veins were ok but used too much, and made Jean look like a zombie lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 18, 2011, 12:48PM
I've just always preferred long hair although I don't think all short hair is ugly. I think Rogue and Storm look nice with it. Even Jean looks nice with it but I think her AOA Phoenix costume looks better with the long hair.
thats what im saying, i dont hate short hair, but for her I dont like it
How do i feel:Sad,angry,desperated
day i had:i was all day here,yes no school(5 grade,11 years old)
Im happy because I am starting to play American Mcgee's Alice, I hardly did anything on it so far, but from what I did, run around lol, it was fun
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 18, 2011, 02:32PM
I meant that in the pic they gave her a Phoenix raptor but not in the movie. After all, the raptor image is the main part and removing that was a bad decision (especially since they hinted it in X2). The black eyes and veins were ok but used too much, and made Jean look like a zombie lol.
Lol i kinda liked it because of the "darkness" = Dark Phoenix lol. I guess they should have made a raptor but i what i hated was how Cyclops died.Prof X is alive but oh well.
On other news why in the element is X-Men First Class called first class if beast is the only original X-Man.This better be a good movie.I'm looking forward for Emma Frost,Prof X,Sebastion Shaw, and Havok
finish driving my mom to the store she claims I scare her while driving, just because I don't do 30 mph on the freeway, don't mean I'm bad driver
Why does it seem like theres an open door for bots on here all of a sudden?? "Who let the dogs out!" lol Seriously though, I so wish I was a moderator right now, it'd be like playin' space invaders. lol
Quote from: Scabbia on May 20, 2011, 09:44AM
Why does it seem like theres an open door for bots on here all of a sudden?? "Who let the dogs out!" lol Seriously though, I so wish I was a moderator right now, it'd be like playin' space invaders. lol
I agree 100 % Its so annoying!
Quote from: Scabbia on May 20, 2011, 09:44AM
Why does it seem like theres an open door for bots on here all of a sudden?? "Who let the dogs out!" lol Seriously though, I so wish I was a moderator right now, it'd be like playin' space invaders. lol
because they just made registration open again.Now they might close it because of those little scumbags. *excuse* , my language.
I feel sad today. My pet turtle died because of fungus infections all over its body. I tried to help the little guy but it was too late. If only I attended to him sooner..;'(
оh... So pity, dear! I love too very much the animals and when they die, I want to die too.
I have a terrible dau. People don't understand me, all are windy and thoughtless, I don't know, about what to speak with them. Recently I don't smile and I hate, when others smile. It seems, I begin the depression...
I know what that is like. But I also know, that every feeling can be changed. Even the bad ones. You just have to know how, or with someone's help. I'm sure, that the normal members of this forum (with this, I mean the people, who are usually here) would help in anything, for example
Thanks you for the support! I respect very much all members of this forum. Probably, there is nobody for me more close except you.
I got good news !!!... My college don't start until the fall,which I believe is around August(more time for mods)... YAY!!
Good for you. For me, I still have a few weeks and it's summer break, which also reminds me about how I wait this years SummerSlam! I loved it last year, so I wonder what will be this year (I watched on my PC)
Rogue, you can always talk to me, Suigetsu is here as well :) cause I really understand how it feels,to have that dark thoughts that is slowly killing you inside..
as for SuperNatural-Witch, good for you dear (& more mods yay!)
Rogue, I can so totally understand you. When you get to the point that you think there's no reason to smile cause the whole world works in a way that's completely disfunctional and all you can think is how you don't wanna be a part of it. How you actually regret the fact that you were ever born to be exposed to this kind of reality. And you feel so angry all the time cause you can't just ignore everything that's wrong with the world. So much that when other people smile you always think it's phony cause there's no reason to smile here. People just get busy enough not to think about all these things. Kindred spirits ;)
Quote from: nuhverah on May 23, 2011, 04:00AM
I feel sad today. My pet turtle died because of fungus infections all over its body. I tried to help the little guy but it was too late. If only I attended to him sooner..;'(
Thats so sad. At least your turtle is in a better place now...
Quote from: Rogue on May 23, 2011, 05:25AM
оh... So pity, dear! I love too very much the animals and when they die, I want to die too.
I have a terrible dau. People don't understand me, all are windy and thoughtless, I don't know, about what to speak with them. Recently I don't smile and I hate, when others smile. It seems, I begin the depression...
I understand how you feel. People don't really understand me either (and lots of other people I'm sure) and thats a terrible time when you begin doubting your own life. Just know that like Nuhverah said, we are all here for you if you ever want to talk and vent out your feelings. I think having people close to you and letting all your frustrations out is the best medicine for depression.
Actually to tell you guys the truth, I feel very happy everytime I'm here.It's not just because of the mods, but because of how understanding & supportive you guys are, despite our geographical, cultural & religion differences. So I just wanna say thank you to all for everything, & that you guys can always confide in me if you have problems.. :)
Oh My God! Thank you all for the support dear! it became much quieter to me after your words! Sometimes it seems that I shouldn't live here, on this earth... Here all not for me. It's heavy to me, but I'll try to survive. Thanks you that you are!
QuoteI feel very happy everytime I'm here
me too! 100% !
QuoteKindred spirits
oh yeah!
Incidentally, I have long noticed it. once you have talked about the end of the world, and I realized that we are close in spirit.
I don't feel well today. No, really, I think I something bad, which kinda made me ill. I don't like this, cause whenever I have this problem, I can't anything or even drink as I used to (with this, I meant bottled water, you know, the one with the bubbles)
Sorry to hear that Suigetsu hope you feel better.
In other new where am SCHOOL is done and i graduated middle school with a 3.8 GPA whoo!! now i have more time to work on Wind dancer,Karma, and Invisible Woman
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 24, 2011, 05:07AM
I don't feel well today. No, really, I think I something bad, which kinda made me ill. I don't like this, cause whenever I have this problem, I can't anything or even drink as I used to (with this, I meant bottled water, you know, the one with the bubbles)
aww sorry to hear that dear, everybody does something bad, & most of the cases regretted it, but have faith, there's a reason behind everything..
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 24, 2011, 08:55AM
Sorry to hear that Suigetsu hope you feel better.
In other new where am SCHOOL is done and i graduated middle school with a 3.8 GPA whoo!! now i have more time to work on Wind dancer,Karma, and Invisible Woman
Wow! Now that's what you call POWER! Congrats dear, 3.8 is a superb score, even I only got 3.5 this semester :P
Rogue, i hope things get beter for you and trust me thats how i feel too. I am a really nerves person, and i am really scared of poeple. I hide it and no one knows this, not my coworkers, not my family, not even my own boyfriend. Right now i work as a clerk at a Ralphs food market store. And my number one dutie is too bag for people and greet them. But most of the time right before i ask them i get really nerves and scared, like a feeling that they are gonna do something bad too me. And I feel like a total loser, which gets to my depression. At high school i had really bad things going on, and my step-father was a big pain. The man was sick he had many mental problems, my mother worked taking care of him. There was time he was so nice, and then times when he was awful. Anyways i think that adds up to me being afraid of people. But i always try to remeber there is a lot of good people too. And there is always other people and worst siturations. But sometimes i don't know how long i could hide it.
Quote from: nuhverah on May 24, 2011, 10:44AM
aww sorry to hear that dear, everybody does something bad, & most of the cases regretted it, but have faith, there's a reason behind everything..
Wow! Now that's what you call POWER! Congrats dear, 3.8 is a superb score, even I only got 3.5 this semester :P
3.8 and 3.5 DAMN!!! when I finish middle school all I had was 2.6; y'all some smart folks
oh, wow...lots of kindred spirits here. I'm also really afraid of people. mostly because I have been socially victimized as a child and teenager and noone ever did anything about it. my parents were perfectly aware of it and didn't protect me, didn't comfort me, they just kept criticizing me cause my grades started to drop A LOT. I mean, till the 2nd grade I was an A+ student. after that I started to fail every subject nearly every year. I remember there was a time I even brought knives to school cause I was so afraid of what might happen to me. Being a gay/nerd/fat (no longer fat though, actually very skinny) kid made me a target for everyone to persecute and mock me, including my own family. I've been through terapists nearly my entire life ever since I was 5. And none of them ever helped me either. Everyone always saying there's something wrong with me when there actually wasn't. The world just doesn't tolerate people who are different.
In given time I learned to accept me for who I am and see that there's absolutely nothing wrong with me, but till this day I have a great perception that I'm not a lovable person. Like, I love myself, but that's it. I'll never get to be loved.
I'm no longer persecuted or anything, but I still always feel alone, have a very pessimistic view of the world and society in general. When I start liking someone I get obsessed, always kinda demanding big proofs that that person won't leave me alone, that I won't be abandoned again. And seeing any missed phone call as a great sign that I don't really matter to that someone. This constant need of validation end up pushing people who used to like me away from me. It's like I consume all the oxygen. That creates a vicious circle that I haven't managed to break to this day. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. And this happens to friends, I'm not talking about romance at all.
Now I'm 27, never been in a relashionship, pushed most my friends away and isolate myself in my room in order to be ok. Once I thought I was protecting myself from the pain, but now I realize that I just don't see rewards in actually interacting with people. Of course, at the moment, I'm in a low point, trying to figure things out. I'm not always this sad. But now the culmination of all that has happened to me is starting to happen and I'm not yet sure what will happen from now on.
This isolation has actually been constructive in several ways. I've had some amazing insights about life, myself and the world. Got to think about many things that most people don't get to think about. Gave me strength, cause I've managed to survive and overcome some very terrible events and moods that I have been in. Gave me ideals, ideas and self acceptance. But it's enough. I don't think I'm still learning anything. The time to break this pattern of thought and behaviour has come.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on May 24, 2011, 12:56PM
oh, wow...lots of kindred spirits here. I'm also really afraid of people. mostly because I have been socially victimized as a child and teenager and noone ever did anything about it. my parents were perfectly aware of it and didn't protect me, didn't comfort me, they just kept criticizing me cause my grades started to drop A LOT. I mean, till the 2nd grade I was an A+ student. after that I started to fail every subject nearly every year. I remember there was a time I even brought knives to school cause I was so afraid of what might happen to me. Being a gay/nerd/fat (no longer fat though, actually very skinny) kid made me a target for everyone to persecute and mock me, including my own family. I've been through terapists nearly my entire life ever since I was 5. And none of them ever helped me either. Everyone always saying there's something wrong with me when there actually wasn't. The world just doesn't tolerate people who are different.
In given time I learned to accept me for who I am and see that there's absolutely nothing wrong with me, but till this day I have a great perception that I'm not a lovable person. Like, I love myself, but that's it. I'll never get to be loved.
I'm no longer persecuted or anything, but I still always feel alone, have a very pessimistic view of the world and society in general. When I start liking someone I get obsessed, always kinda demanding big proofs that that person won't leave me alone, that I won't be abandoned again. And seeing any missed phone call as a great sign that I don't really matter to that someone. This constant need of validation end up pushing people who used to like me away from me. It's like I consume all the oxygen. That creates a vicious circle that I haven't managed to break to this day. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. And this happens to friends, I'm not talking about romance at all.
Now I'm 27, never been in a relashionship, pushed most my friends away and isolate myself in my room in order to be ok. Once I thought I was protecting myself from the pain, but now I realize that I just don't see rewards in actually interacting with people. Of course, at the moment, I'm in a low point, trying to figure things out. I'm not always this sad. But now the culmination of all that has happened to me is starting to happen and I'm not yet sure what will happen from now on.
This isolation has actually been constructive in several ways. I've had some amazing insights about life, myself and the world. Got to think about many things that most people don't get to think about. Gave me strength, cause I've managed to survive and overcome some very terrible events and moods that I have been in. Gave me ideals, ideas and self acceptance. But it's enough. I don't think I'm still learning anything. The time to break this pattern of thought and behaviour has come.
That sounds sad :( I hope you are ok, and I am sorry that you got pushed around D: Thats not right nobody, no matter how the person may be different, nobody ever deserves to be hurt in any way!
thanks for the support ^^
Wow that sounds horrible! It seems nobody likes anyone that is different.I honestly am not gay or bi but i dont have a problem with them.There human beings just like everybody else and deserve respect just like any other human.What makes even more sad is that even your OWN family mocked you and i find that tragic.If i get picked on or have a problem i go to my parents.It must be awful to have parents that would do such a thing. Nowhereman your a good,smart,nice, and very talented person.Don't let anyone tell you different.
Wow! thank you very much jeanfan. To be fair my parents came a long way from that time. Once I felt a gratuitus and instense hostility from them, but now, looking back, they were very worried. they weren't exactly mocking me, they were judging me constantly by their standards and were concerned about my future and the expectations they had for me since b4 I was even born. I actually think that having me for a child made them expand their standards, break their paradigms. I see in my own way I helped them grow. Not that I haven't suffered a lot, but they do love me and, nowadays, are very supportive to the best of their abilities. They may not be able to understand me, but at least they are trying, and that's already a lot.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on May 24, 2011, 03:25PM
Wow that sounds horrible! It seems nobody likes anyone that is different.I honestly am not gay or bi but i dont have a problem with them.There human beings just like everybody else and deserve respect just like any other human.What makes even more sad is that even your OWN family mocked you and i find that tragic.If i get picked on or have a problem i go to my parents.It must be awful to have parents that would do such a thing. Nowhereman your a good,smart,nice, and very talented person.Don't let anyone tell you different.
I agree 100%
I feel bad for you Nowhere Man. Well today at work I decided to push my confidence to its highest, and surprisely it went really well. I not only greeted people, I would ask them question or comment on something about them and all of them replied and stuff.
Good for you edward! I know it must have been tough to growup with what seems to be a bipolar step father, but you've grown up, remember that. you'll never be that vulnerable and defenseless again. that's my new mantra ^^
EDIT: wow, just read what I wrote. Have I been watching too much Oprah? LOL
Thanks Nowhere Man, like users have mention you seem like a really nice guy, I don't really understand how someone as smart as you sound has this kind of problems. Everyone gotta remeber emotions change as fast as a blink of an eye.
@ Nowhere Man.
My God! I read your words and find out myself! Every word, every feeling ... I like you afraid very much of people. (Are they people in general? They are the beast.) Nobody thinks about higher values, self-improvement. I do not understand people and they do not understand me too.
In my mind boils the real storm! But no one knows that! I cann't reveal to anyone ...
Yeah.... I had the friends. But they were the same as all. So I moved away from them. We are different people ....
I'm afraid of people and this world ... Really.
Perhaps, if I had any power, all would be afraid of me. and I would feel better and more confident.
The world of a fantasy is much closer to me, than the real life.
A moment ago, I was like checking the unread topics, and I'm like: "Dang!" It was like 10 or more spam threads, from the very same person! It's sad, that there isn't any real solution for not letting in spammers, but letting the normal people enter
Quote from: Rogue on May 24, 2011, 11:57PM
@ Nowhere Man.
My God! I read your words and find out yourself! Every word, every feeling ... I like you afraid very much of people. (Are they people in general? They are the beast.) Nobody thinks about higher values, self-improvement. I do not understand people and they do not understand me too.
In my mind boils the real storm! But no one knows that! I cann't reveal to anyone ...
Yeah.... I had the friends. But they were the same as all. So I moved away from them. We are different people ....
I'm afraid of people and this world ... Really.
Perhaps, if I had any power, all would be afraid of me. and I would feel better and more confident.
The world of a fantasy is much closer to me, than the real life.
For me, I'm not "afraid" of other people, I despise them. Most of the people I know in this country either: smokes cigarettes, drinks too much of alcohol (so they get drunk) or even use some kind of drugs. Or worst, the combination of all these or at least two of these! It's tough to be "an almost straight edge" person, when most of the people who I know are like this. That's why I say, that they are not the normal people, they are the average ones. (An other thing. I'm not a full straight edge person, cause I do not consider myself to be a punk. I'm just a person, who is not addicted to alcohol, drugs or cigarettes and I'm even against these things)
I get despising people, been doing a lot of that myself, though for different reasons than yours. More the fact that people are destroying the world and harming each other for no reason. But I totally get why people smoke and drink, I myself being a smoker. The thing is that people don't take the time to really know and love each other. We keep ourselves busy all the time with work, shopping, TV, games and so on, that we just let other people by bystander of our lives and, therefore, we feel empty. Once that happens it's very easy to need the escapeof alcohol and the addiction to tobacco, among other drugs. Cause if you don't really open yourself up to other people, addiction is all you have. You really shouldn't despise people for the reasons you mentioned. I mean, nobody is forcing you to do these things, right? As long as they only harm themselves I don't really see a reason for you to despise them so much.
I understand it, when someone tries to escape via these bad habits, but it's an entirely other thing, when people do it, because they think it's cool and fun. The other thing is, just think about it: If these people are like this now, than what kind of adults they will be? Or parents? These people, at least who I know, are out of control, disrespectful and selfish. I don't wanna know what will happen to the next generations, if the current one is like this. So, basicaly, my problem with their own "destruction" is, that this affects even the people, who are "clean" and I don't think, that these people, should be an example for the younger generations. No offense for those, who are normal.
Today I feel extremely sad cause i'll leave the forum. Goodbye....
Toothless were are you going? Why are you leaving? Is it your dad? I guess we won't know now that you have left.
this is so awful. :(
OMG Toothless this is horrible i thought that was another member.But it was toothless oh god i pray he'll come back.He was such a good person and a awesome skinner :(
I thought it was a random user also, I wonder why he left! Now I feel bad that I didnt care before
Holy Crap on The Steak! why did he leave?, was it because of his dad?, oh well, i guess we'll never know. so we'll just have to hope that he comes back someday!
I watch him on Devart, I could try to find out that way, Btw why did he change his name? Was it so that we all thought he was some random person?
Nevermind he deactivated his Dev account also, something bad must have happend :(
no no no! I don't want to believe it! My God, it's so awful ....
I'll wait and hope .... :( :( :(
Wow!! I thought it was someone random also. Hope everything is ok with/for him. Hopefully he comes back. :)
What happened with him and his dad? Never heard anything from him with that :P
what's happening to Toothless? :(
why do i feel like alot of people slowly drifting away..(despite new members coming in) ;(
Well, life is kinda like this. Everything changes in every moment. And many times, it's something, which we don't like, but we have to accept this the same way we accept the good thing.
Yes, we must accept this, but it's so hard and painful....
I agree with you Suigetsu.but as Rogue's have said, dealing with it is different from people to people. Guess we have to stay strong no matter what happens :)
That's life. A massive amount of bad and good stuff, which we have to deal with and in the same time, we have to stay as strong and tough as possible. Also, we should never give up on anything, because with enough determination, we can achieve everything, from the ground to the stars on the sky.
BTW, I started to listen to the music from that cartoon Class of 3000. I dunno how old is this (I saw it a few years ago), but I still totally love the music in it :D
I feel kinda angry .. my family seems to like my brother over me..I work Hard,go to College, and try to stay away from mess, if I don't make at-least a C my family would kill me but my brother who drink, smoke, fight back with them.. and they DO NOTHING at all but just begs him to Stop,.. I feel like going dark phoenix on their asses for being so Stupid...
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on May 27, 2011, 01:38PM
I feel kinda angry .. my family seems to like my brother over me..I work Hard,go to College, and try to stay away from mess, if I don't make at-least a C my family would kill me but my brother who drink, smoke, fight back with them.. and they DO NOTHING at all but just begs him to Stop,.. I feel like going dark phoenix on their asses for being so Stupid...
Lol, Im sorry that you have to go through this, the Dark Phoenix part was funny :D
It's tough to have such parents. This is why your only goal should be finishing everything you wanted as fast as possible and leave them there to rust in their own stupidness
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 27, 2011, 10:10PM
It's tough to have such parents. This is why your only goal should be finishing everything you wanted as fast as possible and leave them there to rust in their own stupidness
Not necessary maybe they just expect better about you SuperNatural-Witch than your brother.Parents are parents and still love kids.Leaving them to rot is such a harsh rude thing to do if they cared for you,feed you,roof over your head,protect you etc.
Sorry to change the subject, but WTH!? I just realized Toothless is gone... Has anyone heard from him? I hope he's ok... Sorry, things like that bother me, especially when I'm seeing people ask if it had something to do with his Dad.
I swear, I've had nuthin but bad news and luck here in the past couple weeks... My sisters have been distant and rude, my family hates my boyfriend (which that part don't bother me cause they don't care for me neither...meh), my boyfriend lost his job, all my friends have totally dissrespected me in my own home and now have been distancing themselves as well, everyone's been treating me like I'm dumber than a box of rocks (no offense to nature) and now, even though I usually don't care what people think of me cause I'm always a happy person, I feel like I'm constantly doing something wrong since this has all happened. It's just sad to me that I can't stand to be around my family and friends anymore cause of how they make me feel... Maybe its just a phase or somethin' I don't know, but it's annoying... :(
Quote from: Scabbia on May 29, 2011, 11:29PM
Sorry to change the subject, but WTH!? I just realized Toothless is gone... Has anyone heard from him? I hope he's ok... Sorry, things like that bother me, especially when I'm seeing people ask if it had something to do with his Dad.
I swear, I've had nuthin but bad news and luck here in the past couple weeks... My sisters have been distant and rude, my family hates my boyfriend (which that part don't bother me cause they don't care for me neither...meh), my boyfriend lost his job, all my friends have totally dissrespected me in my own home and now have been distancing themselves as well, everyone's been treating me like I'm dumber than a box of rocks (no offense to nature) and now, even though I usually don't care what people think of me cause I'm always a happy person, I feel like I'm constantly doing something wrong since this has all happened. It's just sad to me that I can't stand to be around my family and friends anymore cause of how they make me feel... Maybe its just a phase or somethin' I don't know, but it's annoying... :(
You will get through it im sure, you have all of us as friends right? Lol
lol right. :) thanks. I think it just hit me a lil harder yesterday when i was with my family at a cook out. my mom was the only one that really talked to me. she asked me bout the new xmen movie. lol
Quote from: Scabbia on May 30, 2011, 09:40AM
lol right. :) thanks. I think it just hit me a lil harder yesterday when i was with my family at a cook out. my mom was the only one that really talked to me. she asked me bout the new xmen movie. lol
Lol, is anyone going to see that Friday or what ever day it comes out in your country
If my grandma wants to see it, then I'll see it Friday... if not... then I'll either see it Saturday or Monday. I really didnt care to see it, but everytime I see the trailer, it changes my mind... lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on May 29, 2011, 11:29PM
Sorry to change the subject, but WTH!? I just realized Toothless is gone... Has anyone heard from him? I hope he's ok... Sorry, things like that bother me, especially when I'm seeing people ask if it had something to do with his Dad.
I swear, I've had nuthin but bad news and luck here in the past couple weeks... My sisters have been distant and rude, my family hates my boyfriend (which that part don't bother me cause they don't care for me neither...meh), my boyfriend lost his job, all my friends have totally dissrespected me in my own home and now have been distancing themselves as well, everyone's been treating me like I'm dumber than a box of rocks (no offense to nature) and now, even though I usually don't care what people think of me cause I'm always a happy person, I feel like I'm constantly doing something wrong since this has all happened. It's just sad to me that I can't stand to be around my family and friends anymore cause of how they make me feel... Maybe its just a phase or somethin' I don't know, but it's annoying... :(
Sorry to hear bout that dear but it seems like it's a tough period for many of us as well (me in particular) my health just deteriorate these days & I felt I'm thinking slower than usual lol 0_0 & I do hv a bit distance with my brother over our last fight..
anyhow, know that every cloud has silver linings..for example the most horrible farts can be used to inflate the most beautiful
I'm sure we'll get thru soon enough. Until then, stay strong everyone :)
Quote from: Scabbia on May 30, 2011, 11:33PM
If my grandma wants to see it, then I'll see it Friday... if not... then I'll either see it Saturday or Monday. I really didnt care to see it, but everytime I see the trailer, it changes my mind... lol.
Im actually excited, maybe not as much as I would be for X-Men 4, but I will take what I can get :P
Speaking of, I'm seeing it tomorrow :P Is every Marvel film this year coming out in England first? o.O
And it's a real shame about Toothless :( I don't talk much on here, but I admire from afar. I hope he's going to be okay and nothing too bad has happened, and if it has I wish him all the best so he can get through it.
Sorry to change the subject (well, sort of :P) but is anyone planning on going to see Transformers when it comes out next month? I'm not entirely sure- I hate when characters don't return (especially when they spent the whole of the last film about how much they love each other), but I'd much rather they say Mikaela died at the hands of Decepticons rather than she just split up with Sam.
I won't watch the Transformers films. I watched the first one, and well...I would prefer to re-watch any of the cartoon series. BTW, I'm totally hyped for the new WWE game (WWE 12, clever, huh?), even though all they did, was give us something of a promo video about Randy Orton. But the all-new features and changes will be cool, according to the official site. BTW, is it just me, or X-Men Destiny is kinda a dead idea from the start? (Did I even get the title right?)
The first film's just a sort of introduction film, the second's a pure action film but the thirds meant to pull the characterization from the first and action from second into one :P and I don't really buy WWE games (my dad does, and sometimes I'll fight with him on it), cause I prefer more fictional stuff :L
And yeah, it seems to suck already. I mean, the names the worst thing I've heard in a while :/
Lol i thought the cartoon is HOT garbage compared to the movies. Thats just my opinion i really thought the cartoon was lame and stupid.The movie is more realistic to me.The second movie is a WHOLE lot better than the first one.More violence,comedy, and action. Plus not to mention Megan Fox was in it and she's a HOT
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 31, 2011, 09:20AM
I won't watch the Transformers films. I watched the first one, and well...I would prefer to re-watch any of the cartoon series. BTW, I'm totally hyped for the new WWE game (WWE 12, clever, huh?), even though all they did, was give us something of a promo video about Randy Orton. But the all-new features and changes will be cool, according to the official site. BTW, is it just me, or X-Men Destiny is kinda a dead idea from the start? (Did I even get the title right?)
i really like the Transformer movies im hyped for 3 mainly cause Meggan skank, oh I mean Fox isnt in it lol I hate her, and yeah X-Men Destiny looks like it will blow :p
I don't care who's in the third Transformers, I'm still gonna see it. I've seen the first two, and the second one IS better, but I'm just curious to see if the third will be better or not.
Is WWE12 gonna be like the All Stars, where they all look like they overdosed on steriods? Cause I aint gonna bother gettin' it if thats the case.
Here, a link about WWE '12. Smackdown vs Raw is over, this is the new series (well, it's more like a name change, but still...)
BTW, I can't update my Xbox 360, cause I don't want that stupid "can't read even legal games" error, cause most likely, I couldn't replace my machine with another one in my country and this whole thing is just too expensive to me. I mean, come on, would it be that hard for Microsoft, to make a patch, without making the machine useless?
From the way it sounds, the game play will be a whole lot better. So that's a good thing. God knows I hate standing there waiting on two people to get done with a grapple move or somethin before I can do whatever. lol That's annoying stuff.
Speaking of All Stars,does this game remind you of wwf No mercy on the N64 alittle bit ? like the entrance, the fighting meter etc.... P.s I read that there no females in the game is that true?
Well, yeah. To tell you the truth, I'm fine with that. At least they are in WWE '12 (Not announced, but it's 100% as always)
I had to give a last explanation. At least for now.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 25, 2011, 12:45PM
Toothless were are you going? Why are you leaving? Is it your dad? I guess we won't know now that you have left.
Yes, It's the monster I call father. He found all the drawings I did, everything. He deleted them and also the 90s pack my projects, everything, I can't use my computer as much as i used to... And he said: "you're not gay, to be gay or not is a choice, and I won't let you choose the wrong opition", he also made me give my 3 TLM dvds to him and he hid it and my doll. he said he didn't want me to save anything that could remember me of these foolish thoughts. Someday I'll have my revenge. Don't worry. Cause:
I don't know when
I don't know how
but I know something starting right now
watch and you'll see
I'll back to be
Part of your.... World.
Quote from: rage on June 02, 2011, 11:51AM
I had to give a last explanation. At least for now.Yes, It's the monster I call father. He found all the drawings I did, everything. He deleted them and also the 90s pack my projects, everything, I can't use my computer as much as i used to... And he said: "you're not gay, to be gay or not is a choice, and I won't let you choose the wrong opition", he also made me give my 3 TLM dvds to him and he hid it and my doll. he said he didn't want me to save anything that could remember me of these foolish thoughts. Someday I'll have my revenge. Don't worry. Cause:
I don't know when
I don't know how
but I know something starting right now
watch and you'll see
I'll back to be
Part of your.... World.
Im sorry for what happend :( nobody deserves to be treated that way no matter what, they may not agree with your life style, the things you like, and the things you do, but oh well
Quote from: rage on June 02, 2011, 11:51AM
I had to give a last explanation. At least for now.Yes, It's the monster I call father. He found all the drawings I did, everything. He deleted them and also the 90s pack my projects, everything, I can't use my computer as much as i used to... And he said: "you're not gay, to be gay or not is a choice, and I won't let you choose the wrong opition", he also made me give my 3 TLM dvds to him and he hid it and my doll. he said he didn't want me to save anything that could remember me of these foolish thoughts. Someday I'll have my revenge. Don't worry. Cause:
I don't know when
I don't know how
but I know something starting right now
watch and you'll see
I'll back to be
Part of your.... World.
Thats terrible. I hope you end up finding a solution to this issue and being happy again. Your father doesnt' know that supression isn't gonna help anything. Well we will all be waiting for you when you get back to our world :)
Quote from: rage on June 02, 2011, 11:51AM
I had to give a last explanation. At least for now.Yes, It's the monster I call father. He found all the drawings I did, everything. He deleted them and also the 90s pack my projects, everything, I can't use my computer as much as i used to... And he said: "you're not gay, to be gay or not is a choice, and I won't let you choose the wrong opition", he also made me give my 3 TLM dvds to him and he hid it and my doll. he said he didn't want me to save anything that could remember me of these foolish thoughts. Someday I'll have my revenge. Don't worry. Cause:
I don't know when
I don't know how
but I know something starting right now
watch and you'll see
I'll back to be
Part of your.... World.
Ack, this sucks.Be strong T. I know you'll find your way back to us someday :)
Well ima miss you toothless cause you were such a great persons,skinner, and really well with effects.Even though your dad is mean to you there's no point on taking revenge on him when you grow older i mean like just be happy and don't pay that much attention.Like all this anger your harboring isn't necessary cause im sure your dad still loves yuh (he has a hella fine way of showing it) but he just want you to be gay cause he's not but just be you when you move out you can do whatever the heck you want.But i think you and your dad need counseling
Hey Toothless, I feel your pain. Don't think of revenge, just think of being happy, bout overcoming all these heartaches and adversities and becoming who you really are. And being happy about it. Take inspiration on your beloved phoenix. You will be reborn from your ashes.
Here's a present, I found this pic and loved it so much that it's my new wallpaper. Use it to motivate you ^^:
here in HD:
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 03, 2011, 02:19PM
Hey Toothless, I feel your pain. Don't think of revenge, just think of being happy, bout overcoming all these heartaches and adversities and becoming who you really are. And being happy about it. Take inspiration on your beloved phoenix. You will be reborn from your ashes.
Here's a present, I found this pic and loved it so much that it's my new wallpaper. Use it to motivate you ^^:
here in HD:
That looks pretty awesome!
Quote from: rage on June 02, 2011, 11:51AM
I had to give a last explanation. At least for now.Yes, It's the monster I call father. He found all the drawings I did, everything. He deleted them and also the 90s pack my projects, everything, I can't use my computer as much as i used to... And he said: "you're not gay, to be gay or not is a choice, and I won't let you choose the wrong opition", he also made me give my 3 TLM dvds to him and he hid it and my doll. he said he didn't want me to save anything that could remember me of these foolish thoughts. Someday I'll have my revenge. Don't worry. Cause:
I don't know when
I don't know how
but I know something starting right now
watch and you'll see
I'll back to be
Part of your.... World.
Hey, i know he might be like an ogre, but he's just worried about you (Although he totally shows it in a strange way), so revenge is Not the solution, believe me, Revenge is not good.
hey guys i think you might like this:, it's a behind scenes interview of X-Men The Last Stand. hope you like it.
Toothless, I know itseems like it takes forever to get to thepoint of livingon your own and being who you want to be, but it just takes patience (if that's how ya spell it). Trust me, it's well worth the wait.
Poor poor Toothless... I miss you..
I thought this was pretty funny to share.
Lol this is so funny! Jean, Emma, and Wolverine made me laugh same with Kitty, Bobby is just like dazzed
Scott looks weird for some reason. Probably because I'm so used to the crybaby, whiney, and sulking Cyclops. If we had gotten a season 2 for the show, then that wouldn't be the case.
I love it! Looks so funny!
Thought this was particularly hilarious, especially since it features three of my fav heroines.
I found this funny scan (
I don't think Jean (or Rachel) should ever wear that costume again lol.
Me either, Im scared for life now D: and just threw up a little lol
Love this picture! Thought I'd share with you guys.
( (
I love that picture also, I faved it on Devinart! Its amazing, wish that actually happend
Great pic! They both look amazing!
The X-Films really should have had more Scott/Jean than Logan/Jean. Logan not only took Scott's role in his love life but also Scott's role as leader of the X-Men (sighs). Another relationship we should have seen was Rogue/Gambit. I believe in Singer's ideas for X3, he planned to introduce Gambit and I'm sure we would have seen Gambit and Rogue together. I think it could have helped develop Rogue into the 90s version that most people know and love. (kinda like what I've been doing in my custom X-Men film fanfiction lol)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 08, 2011, 09:27PM
The X-Films really should have had more Scott/Jean than Logan/Jean. Logan not only took Scott's role in his love life but also Scott's role as leader of the X-Men (sighs). Another relationship we should have seen was Rogue/Gambit. I believe in Singer's ideas for X3, he planned to introduce Gambit and I'm sure we would have seen Gambit and Rogue together. I think it could have helped develop Rogue into the 90s version that most people know and love. (kinda like what I've been doing in my custom X-Men film fanfiction lol)
I know Emma was supposed to be in the movie, aswell as Dazzler two of my favorites that I wish had made it in there :(
I know Emma was meant as the main villain (with empathic powers) but wasn't aware of Dazzler. She would have been great. Singer also had concepts of Juggernaut and Apocalypse for the film (although Juggernaut made it in anyway).
Apperantly Singer is a big Jott fan so I'm sure Wolverine wouldn't have been the main star for both the X-Men team and the love story. Scott would actually do something as leader of the X-Men besides having the title of it lol.
Scott/Jean ? Rogue/Gambit ? OMG!!! And Dazzler?
Guys, is it true? I can not believe it! I love them and wanted to see them! Now I'm going to choke on saliva and wait for the fun! :)
Dazzler would be one or with Longshot? It would be cool!
X3 could have been so much better with Singer!
Quote from: Rogue on June 08, 2011, 09:39PM
Scott/Jean ? Rogue/Gambit ? OMG!!! And Dazzler?
He should have just dumped Superman Returns imo.
I agree, his plans would have been better, Im not a Superman fan either, but I didnt think Superman returns was a great movie, plus if he did X3 it would have most likely been way better and we would have probably gotten an x4 by now
Hello people. As some of you know, today I'm going on a trip to NYC, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, Lisbon and southern Spain. I won't be back till mid August and probably won't post at all till then. If you wanna speak ill of me now is the time, just delete your posts b4 I come back and I'll never know :P.
I'm really gonna miss you guys. Planning this trip has been taking all my spare time but as soon as I come back I'll get back to modding whenever I can.
Oh, what a pity you are leaving ...
But I'm very happy for you! I always wanted to go on a long journey!
I hope you're happy! Have a nice trip!
Personally I will miss you.
AW MAN!!! Were gonna miss ya, Nowhere Man! Hope ya get some good pics or somethin to share! Until then, Nowhere Man stinks... LMAO just kiddin'. :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 08, 2011, 10:53PM
Hello people. As some of you know, today I'm going on a trip to NYC, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, Lisbon and southern Spain. I won't be back till mid August and probably won't post at all till then. If you wanna speak ill of me now is the time, just delete your posts b4 I come back and I'll never know :P.
I'm really gonna miss you guys. Planning this trip has been taking all my spare time but as soon as I come back I'll get back to modding whenever I can.
Hope you have fun! I know everyone will miss you here, at least everyone thats cool! Lol, ick Mid August I cant think about that now, thats when school starts again for me D: Well have fun!
We'll miss you Nowhere Man but your trip sounds amazing! I hope you enjoy greatly! :)
OMG Uncanny X-Men's final issue will be UXM 544! After that the series will end due to the events of Schism. Is UXM's reign of terror finally over? Years ago I'd be crying at this (well maybe not literally) but now this is perfect lol. I will have to get the final issue since it seems like it will tie back to the very first issue and the X-Men's entire history.
However I'm sure it won't be long before a new title comes on or Uncanny is restored. FF got the same treatment.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 09, 2011, 10:09AM
OMG Uncanny X-Men's final issue will be UXM 544! After that the series will end due to the events of Schism. Is UXM's reign of terror finally over? Years ago I'd be crying at this (well maybe not literally) but now this is perfect lol. I will have to get the final issue since it seems like it will tie back to the very first issue and the X-Men's entire history.
However I'm sure it won't be long before a new title comes on or Uncanny is restored. FF got the same treatment.
Even if UXM isnt very good, they shouldnt just end it, they did this with Fantastic Four also. I will have to get this though, mainly because Jean's on the front lol
i hope you have a good trip Nowhere man, we'll all miss you.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 09, 2011, 10:22AM
Even if UXM isnt very good, they shouldnt just end it, they did this with Fantastic Four also. I will have to get this though, mainly because Jean's on the front lol
Front and center to be exact lol. I'm sure UXM will return or start in Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 #1. Fantastic Four ended only to restart as FF.
Yeah true, but why end something if you arejust going to restart it as something a litte differet, and if you plan on useing the same name :P Oh well, Its not like its going to change so at least Jean is in the front, wouldn't it be awesome if Jean returned in this issue, as she is in the Front, it would be an amazing finish!
That would be awesome, not likely, but very cool. The last page could involve Cyclops packing up Utopia only to see Jean who is smiling and says, "I'm back, did you miss me." According to Wolverine 8, Cyclops does lol. I know that the last page for the final FF issue did something like that with Reed's father Nathaniel returning.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 09, 2011, 11:12AM
That would be awesome, not likely, but very cool. The last page could involve Cyclops packing up Utopia only to see Jean who is smiling and says, "I'm back, did you miss me." According to Wolverine 8, Cyclops does lol. I know that the last page for the final FF issue did something like that with Reed's father Nathaniel returning.
Well they better do something like that! And not ruin the moment with Emma walking in being like WTF Scott, what is she doing here, just have Jean and him and then the comic ends, maybe the last part could be them kissing :D
Has anyone seen these I love them lol 1st one 2nd one, there was supposed to be another called Emma's bad day, but I dont think he ever made it
Yeah they are really funny!
We got an iPad so I can post while im in nyc. Isnt technology a wonderful thing?:D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 10, 2011, 05:49PM
We got an iPad so I can post while im in nyc. Isnt technology a wonderful thing?:D
It is!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 10, 2011, 05:49PM
We got an iPad so I can post while im in nyc. Isnt technology a wonderful thing?:D
It is really cool! We will be able to see you here and you're going to tell us about your travels! Excellent! :)
The ipad is really cool have you seen how they show it on aniumaition latley or even on sci fi shows.
Ok so i started playing MUA 2 again and i realized that Jean and Storm share the same animations.Jean's pyrokine blast is the same animation storm uses for Gale Force.Anyone else realize that?
^ I never noticed that... Is this the 360/ps3 version or ps2/wii version?
I went to Gay Pride Festival today... I was in my first Gay Pride Parade! It was really exciting, but I didn't get to stay long cause the heat got to me too bad. I almost passed out and was shakin like I haven't ate in weeks or somethin. I'm hopin I didn't get that sunburn poisoning crap or whatever. Whatever it was, it's gone now. I'm burnt and sore lol. That's a lot of walking and throwing... lol. I even had a few winks :D It was cool.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 11, 2011, 01:55PM
^ I never noticed that... Is this the 360/ps3 version or ps2/wii version
huh... well I'm gonna play it later and check that out. Cause I always have them on my team and never noticed it.
I have an ingrown toenail and it hurts! This morning I cut as much of it out as I could and cleaned the area with peroxide. Then I put neosporin on it, covered by a band-aid. Hopefully it will heal soon. I cannot put too much weight on it right now, so I am walking with a slight limp.
Quote from: Ninja2075 on June 11, 2011, 11:18PM
I have an ingrown toenail and it hurts! This morning I cut as much of it out as I could and cleaned the area with peroxide. Then I put neosporin on it, covered by a band-aid. Hopefully it will heal soon. I cannot put too much weight on it right now, so I am walking with a slight limp.
Wow, im sorry, that must be painful! I looked ingrown toenail up on google just to see some pictures, then went to wikipedia and scrolled down to see more pictures and I almost threw up, I will never search that on google again lol
Just don't search for images on Google unless you want to be... Surprised :P
Quote from: Dihan on June 12, 2011, 09:22AM
Just don't search for images on Google unless you want to be... Surprised :P
Lol, but it was mainly Wikipedia that had the scary stuff on there, some peoples toes
OMG I just seached on google it must be painful and I have seen a video...I hesitate to put the site but but nevertheless.. XD
( (
QuoteI have an ingrown toenail and it hurts! This morning I cut as much of it out as I could and cleaned the area with peroxide. Then I put neosporin on it, covered by a band-aid. Hopefully it will heal soon. I cannot put too much weight on it right now, so I am walking with a slight limp.
I hope yours it is not like that ...
Quote from: mj fan on June 12, 2011, 09:52AM
OMG I just seached on google it must be painful and I have seen a picture...I hesitate to put the site but but nevertheless.. XD (
I hope yours it is not like that ...
Isnt it gross?! Lol, I knew what it was so why did I have to look it up? Well because im stupid! Lol
Quote from: mj fan on June 12, 2011, 09:52AM
OMG I just seached on google it must be painful and I have seen a picture...I hesitate to put the site but but nevertheless.. XD (
I hope yours it is not like that ...
Sorry to double post, but I clicked on the link and..... Wow, I didnt need to see that again, lol, it made my stomach drop D:
midnightphoenix123 I put a video instead XD even worse...
Quote from: mj fan on June 12, 2011, 10:02AM
midnightphoenix123 I put a video instead XD even worse...
Video... Im never clicking a link to crazy ingrown toenails again lol!
QuoteVideo... Im never clicking a link to crazy ingrown toenails again lol!
hahaha me too lol disgusting brr.....but I think I am nevertheless weird to have sought crazy ingrown toenails videos. .isn't it? XD
Quote from: mj fan on June 12, 2011, 10:16AM
hahaha me too lol disgusting brr.....but I think I am nevertheless weird to have sought crazy ingrown toenails videos. .isn't it? XD
Well, I dont think its something people do normally lol, just looking up ingrown toenail videos lol, no Im worried what if I get one! AHH I would vomit every where lol
Quoteno Im worried what if I get one! AHH I would vomit every where lol
oO do not make us think about it :nervous: lol
Quote from: mj fan on June 12, 2011, 11:27AM
oO do not make us think about it :nervous: lol
Lol, How do you think I would feel lol! Vomit every where XD I think we just need to drop the ingrown toenail talk
Aaaaaaawlright! Quick-Topic-Change! Zooooooooooooooooooooooom....The weather is nice, isn't it? (Sidenote: It's hard to write down proper effects)
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 12, 2011, 09:24PM
Aaaaaaawlright! Quick-Topic-Change! Zooooooooooooooooooooooom....The weather is nice, isn't it? (Sidenote: It's hard to write down proper effects)
it is nice XD, thanks for getting off that other topic (almost vomits again) It was nice and sunny here and hot :P Filming a movie out in the heat is not fun, and add being out there for 4 hours and only getting 4 minutes of film done D:
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 11, 2011, 01:50PM
Ok so i started playing MUA 2 again and i realized that Jean and Storm share the same animations.Jean's pyrokine blast is the same animation storm uses for Gale Force.Anyone else realize that?
So did anyone verify this?Cause maybe it's just me
I'm feeling Great today! i just bought Jean Grey in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online!!!, Jean, it's mission time!
That's awesome, I hope you enjoy playing with her! She is really fun and one of the most powerful heroes.
Thanks, Jean is really fun and powerful, and now i'm going to save up silver to buy Ultimate Thor, by the way, can you keep Agents only content that you've bought with a limited subscription?
You keep it but its blocked until you get a new subscription.
ok, but when the subscription expires, i have to use the superhero code to obtain it again right? because i used this code first, and the heroup code didn't work for me.
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 13, 2011, 12:27PM
ok, but when the subscription expires, i have to use the superhero code to obtain it again right? because i used this code first, and the heroup code didn't work for me.
As long as you have a subscription you can play the Agents only stuff, but once you no longer have a subsciption you cant use any of it, it all gets locked, so get your Agents only playing in now, so you can maybe get them to max level before they all get locked
NM's travel log
1st entry: New York City
Ok, Im at JFK airport ready to go to London. So, while i was here i got to visit several places i had never been before, such as MoMA, the frick collection, the guggenheim, watched the lion king musical and loved it all a whole lot. Revisited some great places such as the carnegie deli, the met, the empire state observatory, times square, fao schwartz and so on. Walked at least 50 blocks each day and its great to just walk around here and see the sights. The architecture, shops and skyscrapers are great to just look at. I stayed at a hotel that's right at Columbus Circle, so it was veeeery well located. The only thing I didnt like so much was the High Line that wasnt special at all.
Thats it. Next entry ill be sharing my experiences in England. So, till then mates!
London sucks.
Started playing champions online a while ago. A superhero fan's wet dream. Amazing (free) game tbh.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 15, 2011, 07:31PM
NM's travel log
1st entry: New York City
Ok, Im at JFK airport ready to go to London. So, while i was here i got to visit several places i had never been before, such as MoMA, the frick collection, the guggenheim, watched the lion king musical and loved it all a whole lot. Revisited some great places such as the carnegie deli, the met, the empire state observatory, times square, fao schwartz and so on. Walked at least 50 blocks each day and its great to just walk around here and see the sights. The architecture, shops and skyscrapers are great to just look at. I stayed at a hotel that's right at Columbus Circle, so it was veeeery well located. The only thing I didnt like so much was the High Line that wasnt special at all.
Thats it. Next entry ill be sharing my experiences in England. So, till then mates!
Very interesting!
I'm glad to see ye with us! :laola:
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 16, 2011, 03:46AM
Started playing champions online a while ago. A superhero fan's wet dream. Amazing (free) game tbh.
I played that a little while ago. Not a bad game, not my style, but I've seen a lot worse ones
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 16, 2011, 03:46AM
Started playing champions online a while ago. A superhero fan's wet dream. Amazing (free) game tbh.
See, City of heroes to me is way better, but you have to pay
That's why I never played with that. I believe, that if I buy a game, than I don't want to pay every month just to use it :D
Well, everytime you buy it you get one month free then you can see how amazing it is! I made a Jean Grey character XD I love her
Which is why I don't buy it. "Everytime you buy it it's one month free". CO for example, is FREE. Period. Buy a single player game in a store, and it's free for the rest of your life. Why pay more? When a year has passed, you actually payed for almost if not 12 other games you could've had, and if you ever decide to sell those games, at least they will also give a small profit. So yeah, imo it's one big ripoff. Same with World of Warcraft. And whatnot.
My girlfriend went crazy with CO's char creator. Made a Jean Grey, then a Rogue, then a Storm xD Did see some nightcrawlers running around, Cyclops & Cap America too. Even the Red Skull lol.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 16, 2011, 11:00PM
Which is why I don't buy it. "Everytime you buy it it's one month free". CO for example, is FREE. Period. Buy a single player game in a store, and it's free for the rest of your life. Why pay more? When a year has passed, you actually payed for almost if not 12 other games you could've had, and if you ever decide to sell those games, at least they will also give a small profit. So yeah, imo it's one big ripoff. Same with World of Warcraft. And whatnot.
My girlfriend went crazy with CO's char creator. Made a Jean Grey, then a Rogue, then a Storm xD Did see some nightcrawlers running around, Cyclops & Cap America too. Even the Red Skull lol.
I think its worth the pay if its fun to play! I go crazy with making people, my favorite part is making the costumes XD I see Caps all the time runnin around, but other then that I havent seen many, except one of my good friends I found on the game who was a shadowcat
Ofcourse when its fun, its worth it. But most people have more fun when their wallet aint running dry ;p
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 17, 2011, 01:30AM
Ofcourse when its fun, its worth it. But most people have more fun when their wallet aint running dry ;p
I agree
Just got around playing champions online to, looks pretty cool, I made a Jean, but my jean dies contantly
(she only does what she's supposed to :P)
I made her with fire, but im thinking about making her a real telepath
The "Mind" can heal, even itself. And yeah it's a telepath. Though as a tip, don't name it Jean or anything related to her looks because of the EULA =P
My Jean character in COH is named Dark Flam because she didnt start out as a Jean character but then I made the Phoenix costume and it was all over, now all her costumes her Jean
Quote from: BLaw on June 17, 2011, 09:05AM
The "Mind" can heal, even itself. And yeah it's a telepath. Though as a tip, don't name it Jean or anything related to her looks because of the EULA =P
XD, Nah, i would never name a character by his/her real name, that just stinks :P
I do like to recreate chars on CO though, :P Im just not sure who to pick -_-
Well you CAN create multiple accounts =P
I know, but still, There are just so many marvel chars to chose from (NO, I hate DC)
I also dont want these classical characters, like the hulk or somthing, hulk is easy to reacreate
I just made a Black widow, but I put her on the bruisers, so she's getting a re-make XD
BTW, Blaw are you playing right now?
Haha.. And yeah, I've seen several Hulks already. Spot on though, but still, too easy to recreate:P
Another char I HATE TO SEE there is Duke Nukem. Saw 4 different ones in 1 day.
Never seen a Duke Nukem around, then once again, im no fan of Duke :P
:( Having problems login in :P
hey guys do you play the free for all Champions Online? when i get back my computer, i'll play the free for all.
Yeah XD we were talking bout that, I would play, but im having log-in problems XD
The thing I dont like about Champions is I think it looks to comic like, while coh looks more real, in COH I have a Jean character, Emma, Storm, Shadowcat, Ms Marvel, Poison Ivy (Yeah DC shes my fav out of the DC universe, I think I like really have something with red heads Jean... Ariel.... Poison Ivy.... Ms Frizzle) Jill Valentine, Songbird
Yeeeh I can play again,
Oh and Jill, if you play again, im the black widow at the power house :D
Yeah CO was out for maintenance for less than an hour.
:P, Blaw, how does your char look?
Come to the powerhouse :D xD
I'm in a different instance. I can invite you to my supergroup though. If you give me your name@handle
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 17, 2011, 12:10PM
The thing I dont like about Champions is I think it looks to comic like, while coh looks more real, in COH I have a Jean character, Emma, Storm, Shadowcat, Ms Marvel, Poison Ivy (Yeah DC shes my fav out of the DC universe, I think I like really have something with red heads Jean... Ariel.... Poison Ivy.... Ms Frizzle) Jill Valentine, Songbird
Do you still play? I tend to hang around Defiant if you are around :P
can i have a link to this website? because it sounds cool. Do i have to pay for anything?
Quote from: Dihan on June 17, 2011, 06:12PM
Do you still play? I tend to hang around Defiant if you are around :P
Well, unfourtanatly, my Dad stopped paying for it :( Since he didnt play it much any more, and I dont have the money lol but, we might start paying for it again then I will gladdly let you know
And Jeanfan, if your talking about Champions online you dont have to pay, but for City of Heroes you do
I don't why but Marvel Legend's departure has me kinda depressed. First Ariel and now him.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 18, 2011, 04:47PM
I don't why but Marvel Legend's departure has me kinda depressed. First Ariel and now him.
The marvel legends who made all the MUA2 sounds and all that or someone else?
yes that's him
Now I am very depressed + I have my exams I adored all his mods I do not understand why he left but I hope that it will return one day (just like Ariel)
I looked at his innovations impatiently and every day when I saw that he had left :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Wow now im kinda sad too.he had such GREAT stuff i mean stuff we never even knew was possible like that xmansion and new loadscreen and character selections wow im crossing my fingers and hope he comes back :(.
Lets hope he comes back, although it is just out of the blue that he left, at least with toothless we knew why and he didnt have to tell us, but he came back and did
I just moved, yeeeeh :D
Internet was out for 3 days, i thought i woulndt make it -_-
Quote from: BLaw on June 17, 2011, 02:26PM
I'm in a different instance. I can invite you to my supergroup though. If you give me your name@handle
Its polygone,
just like here XD
polygone@polygone? xD
OOOHHH..French Exam tomorrow :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:
I'm really tired today, and I still got a lot to do. The university is taking so much of my time. I just need a summer break, so I can mod again too ^^. I aint doing this for so long that I'm afraid of forgetting it :(
Well Marvel Watcher do what you think is best.I personally love your mods (especially your aqua and banshee mod) so please don't stop modding we've lost to much good modders and people i would hate to see you go too
hey guys, if any of you play Star Wars The Clone Wars Adventures, do you know a code to Unlock Anakin's Original Robes?
my girfriend was in a car crash with one of her mothers and one of her little sisters. no one was seriously injured, mostly scraped, bruised and shaken both physically an emotionally). it's been kind of scary for me though having to face the fact that there are some things entirely beyond my control that i have no hope of protecting her from. that's a tough idea to have to grasp :p
Still glad it wasn't a BIG accident, but still, hope she'll recover from all of that soon, same goes of her family.
Oh Deedoo sorry to hear that. I hope they are emotionally stable now. Yes some things are just beyond of our control.I've been in an accident before. Even though I'm not physically injured, just the car's on the driver's left side got smashed,I do suffer from post-traumatic disorder once in a while & felt depressed. But I'm recovering thru time :)
Please send my regards to them.
Car accidents are quite scary (though I've never been in one myself). I hope your gf and her family recover soon and please send my best to them.
holy phoenix of the crown, i hope they're ok, i'm sorry about what happended Deedooo, and send my best to them please.
Did you really use Phoenix in that sentence in that way? :D Isn't this a bit too much of fanatism? :D (No offense, but it's fun how it was there)
For them, it's never enough Phoenix-tism. =P
Thank God everyone was okay...
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 20, 2011, 09:24AM
Did you really use Phoenix in that sentence in that way? :D Isn't this a bit too much of fanatism? :D (No offense, but it's fun how it was there)
too much... what are you saying! Lol, and Deedooo Im sorry for what happend to them, I hope they are alright!
well yeah, i used it in that sentence lol.
@Jeanfan321: I don't think of leaving modding yet, but I'll probably work with them just when I have vacations.
@Deedooo: Hope they get better >.<
City of Heroes is going to a hybrid free to play/paid thing later this year for anyone interested.
Quote from: Dihan on June 21, 2011, 04:47PM
City of Heroes is going to a hybrid free to play/paid thing later this year for anyone interested.
OMG, for real! I hope your not joking! Thanks for this info Dihan!
Has it already? On June 20, 2011, City of Heroes will switch to the City of Heroes: Freedom subscription model
It hasn't gone yet. I think it's around September or October when it does.
Those who have put money into City of Heroes at some point will have a Premium account. This means they have access to more things (including everything that you had before you left) than someone who hasn't paid for anything. Those who subscribe will have a VIP account and will have complete access to everything.
Quote from: Dihan on June 21, 2011, 06:06PM
It hasn't gone yet. I think it's around September or October when it does.
Those who have put money into City of Heroes at some point will have a Premium account. This means they have access to more things (including everything that you had before you left) than someone who hasn't paid for anything. Those who subscribe will have a VIP account and will have complete access to everything.
So if you have payed to play the game before you get a premium account of if you bought items for the game? At least I will most likely get a premium account, VIP would be nice, but just not having to pay would be nice :P
First, just want to say I've seen some totally awesome skins here lately... and I really want to get back to it myself... Hopefully I'll be able to. I've had so much go on here lately, it's been nuts. Anywho, tomorrow will be the first in a long time I will be home all day, so as long as noone calls and says "ok, lets go somewhere," then I can actually do the skins I've been saying I will So, sorry, but I'm back :D lol
Second, Whats going on with all these bots or whatever they are here lately? Is there a job opening for security on here? lol I'll accept lol.
Hope to see more from you soon scabbia :)
In other new im at this camp and let me tell it's ridiculous what's going on.There's so much conflict crap coming from everywhere where "he said" "she said"
It's really bad to see all my friends at this camp and them acting up.I mean i just had to stop a fight because one of my friends poured water on this other kid (who's my friend and enemy) and then he got mad and tried to punch him and said "thats why yo daddy aint in yo life and ur momma's a gap tooth b*tch" and the other kid said well at least my sister aint a hoe then that's where it got ugly.
Hopefully there's no more drama because this is day 3 and we have 4 more days to go *sigh*
Scabbia@ - Can't wait to see more of your work Scabbia.
Jeanfan@ - hopefully things get better at your camp. I would recommend just staying out of the drama, although it is tricky.
Yay! Welcome back Scabbia, cant wait to see more skins! and Jeanfan, sorry for all the drama, how do you have a computer at your camp?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 21, 2011, 09:14PM
Yay! Welcome back Scabbia, cant wait to see more skins! and Jeanfan, sorry for all the drama, how do you have a computer at your camp?
Thanks guys im not on my computer im on my phone and btw it's not a camp in the woods though lol it's like a camp where you sleep in dorms and eat food at cafeteria do activities and they have a pool and we go jet ski's
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 21, 2011, 09:29PM
Thanks guys im on my computer it's not a camp in the woods though lol it's like a camp where you sleep in dorms and eat food at cafeteria do activities and they have a pool and we go jet ski's
Yeah thats what I thought, is it a laptop your on though? Its not like you brought your whole desktop with you right? Lol
Lol no im on my phone everything is peaceful now.But tommorow im gonna get everyone together and make everyone say what what they have to say and lets hope it works out.I hope i don't get in an issue either because i have problems with 1 of my roomates and another dude downstairs from me
EDIT:In my above post i meant to say i wasn't on my computer i was on my phone lol
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 21, 2011, 09:34PM
Lol no im on my phone everything is peaceful now.But tommorow im gonna get everyone together and make everyone say what what they have to say and lets hope it works out.I hope i don't get in an issue either because i have problems with 1 of my roomates and another dude downstairs from me
EDIT:In my above post i meant to say i wasn't on my computer i was on my phone lol
Oh ok lol, I hope everything works out for you! I hate camp :P but thats just me, I dont like camping at all, I hate being away from home, I get super home sick, I dont like staying with people I dont know, or that I dont like and yeah lol, I have my friends, but they are my school life once Im at home its a whole different life for me, I never have my friends over to my house, I never play games with them, except for the friends I have on here which is different Im a very antisocial person, and I dont like big crowds, Im a werid person lol, lets not even talk about how picky I am with food and other things lol, I dont even know how I started to take about me :P opps
I understand you, my friend. I am very clam too. I don't like the camps and camping, the crowd! Only at home I feel fine.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 21, 2011, 07:35PM
So if you have payed to play the game before you get a premium account of if you bought items for the game? At least I will most likely get a premium account, VIP would be nice, but just not having to pay would be nice :P
If you have put any money into the game since it first started then you should have a premium account. You can see a side-by-side comparison for Free, Premium and VIP here:
Quote from: Rogue on June 22, 2011, 12:57AM
I understand you, my friend. I am very clam too. I don't like the camps and camping, the crowd! Only at home I feel fine.
Yup, thats just like me, I hate being away from Home, even if I go out of town with family or to visit family, I hate it because im not home!
Quote from: Dihan on June 22, 2011, 03:23AM
If you have put any money into the game since it first started then you should have a premium account. You can see a side-by-side comparison for Free, Premium and VIP here:
THanks for the link, I disagree with a lot of it :( Like the things that are limited accsess or the 2 character slots, on my freedom server its almost full with characters, so you dont lose those right?
Well you don't lose anything that you bought so if you bought character slots you should have those.
Quote from: Dihan on June 22, 2011, 09:01AM
Well you don't lose anything that you bought so if you bought character slots you should have those.
Well, I mean when you pay to play you would have all those slots, I never bought any slots, I filled up the ones that came with the game, so does that mean I lose those characters?
I'm not sure how it works but I think the character slots are considered to be rented so you don't own them. I think if you got the City of Villains edition which came with more slots you should have those. You'll be able to choose which characters you want to unlock the slots of. Any that you don't choose are locked until you either buy the slots (probably only about $5) or you resubscribe and become a VIP.
All I know for sure is that you don't lose anything you bought. Whether that means slots aren't lost if you bought a retail copy or not I don't know.
i'm going away for a few days to a family reunion on a ranch (with cows and horses nonetheless) in the middle of nowhere so i'm not sure if i'll have interwebz or not so i may or may not be gone for a little while. i'll try and do some skinning while i'm gone though
We'll miss you but I hope you have an awesome time there! The family reunion at a ranch sounds fun :)
I'll miss you and have fun hopefully there are no arguments at your reunion then at my camp
It's family, of course there will be arguments :P
I'm having something of an emotional breakdown. I'm all depressed and on top of it, nobody gives a damn. No, really. Not even a bullet in my head would make them care less about me.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 23, 2011, 12:21PM
I'm having something of an emotional breakdown. I'm all depressed and on top of it, nobody gives a damn. No, really. Not even a bullet in my head would make them care less about me.
Im sorry :( We care, im sure it will all get better soon!
I don't think so. My life is still a mess, just like it was, nothing seems to make it better. It just comes, ruins me mentally, makes me do things, which I regret, than it goes by and comes back randomly. And after such a long time, I haven't found anything, which make me feel better.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 23, 2011, 12:30PM
I don't think so. My life is still a mess, just like it was, nothing seems to make it better. It just comes, ruins me mentally, makes me do things, which I regret, than it goes by and comes back randomly. And after such a long time, I haven't found anything, which make me feel better.
Im sure everything will get better :)
I'm not that confident. All I hope, that it won't get worse
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 23, 2011, 12:39PM
I'm not that confident. All I hope, that it won't get worse
Im sure it will all work out for the best!!!
I dunno. Currently, I don't even know what could help
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 23, 2011, 01:10PM
I dunno. Currently, I don't even know what could help
Having faith in yourself, and believing everything will turn out for the best!
Or just a few hours long talking with someone, who I can trust could help :D
I feel the same Suigetsu . Always.... Maybe it's a part of my character.
I myself believe, that most of my problems (these problems) come from the fact, that I'm a bit too emotional.
Actually there's nothing wrong with being too emotional, imho. Sometimes it can make us see something in a way no others can see, which makes it feel...special. :) I cannot tell you exactly what it is or how does it feel, but it just does. After all we're talking about emotions (abstract things is just one of the most beautiful thing in the world, & so does angsty and passion). Have faith,Suigetsu. It would eventually turn out in a way you never expected it to be :)
I feel A-Okay now, but is it bad, that I sympathize with some of the stuff in Death Note? :D Don't get me wrong, cause I myself believe, that no human has the right, to decide about another humans life, but it does have some good points (BTW, I'm watching it for the 4-5 time again, seen it first a few years ago)
Well that's life for you :3 Never in total control, it's like fate already written for you that way. Even so if a human has the right to decide on the life & death of others, I'm sure there's no humans left in this right now. 0.o
Because I believe it is in people's nature to destroy everything, then eventually destroying themselves.
Aren't we all so positive? :D
Quote from: nuhverah on June 24, 2011, 08:57AM
Well that's life for you :3 Never in total control, it's like fate already written for you that way. Even so if a human has the right to decide on the life & death of others, I'm sure there's no humans left in this right now. 0.o
Because I believe it is in people's nature to destroy everything, then eventually destroying themselves.
Hello Nuhverah, I wanna play a game *SAW tune plays*
And aren't we all so serious? :D
*Ties several helium balloons to this thread*
Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.
Lol, I wasn't trying to darken the mood or anything, thank goodness there still some decent humanity exists in the world..people always trying to stay positive (which is a good sign, of course :D) despite all the hardships & my conclusion?It's not life if there's no joy and sadness in it, 'coz life truly is beautiful :)
@ Polygone
Lol can I kill yeh first with ma supah special awesome SAW? I guarantee you it will be extra groovy! XDD
I feel great nuhervah posted some videos and i can't stop watching them it's funny as heck XD
Glad I did..they are funny as hell.& there's plenty more that you would like in his account ;)
Hopefully this might brighten some people's days (especially those who love the 90s ;))
I'm feeling Aswome today! i just came back from the cinema with a friend, we watched X-Men First Class! the movie was aswome!, but there is a bad part, i'm a free user again in super hero squad online.
^ Hey, I'm a free member too! :) Only cause I don't beleive in paying for something that only lasts so long...unless it's food lol.
I just felt like sayin' somethin here real quick... The only booster I've downloaded for none...until last night. I finally broke down and downloaded a few cause I was starting to get bored with everyone (cept Rogue). I got Whitekings Emma Frost Booster, I think Marvelfan's Gambit boost (sorry if I'm wrong) and Nowhere Man's Phoenix booster. And I just wanted to say, AWESOMENESS! lol. Thanks again guys :) It's amazing the little things that can excite someone on here lol.
Glad to know you enjoyed Gambit! Don't worry, I'm the one who made the booster lol.
I'm tired. Having my girlfriend's birthday too and I worked several hours on an X-amount of meshes, including 4 beast meshes which I just released. Damn Beast's a pain ><
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2011, 09:34PM
Glad to know you enjoyed Gambit! Don't worry, I'm the one who made the booster lol.
Ok good lol. I was just glad his melee animations were fixed and the double jump. Feels more like him. And of course the charming power lol. Gotta love it. :)
Quote from: BLaw on June 25, 2011, 10:15PM
I'm tired. Having my girlfriend's birthday too and I worked several hours on an X-amount of meshes, including 4 beast meshes which I just released. Damn Beast's a pain ><
Well at least it's well worth it. :) Your work definetly doesn't go unnoticed. Btw, the blue Beast (Jim Lee style) is one of the best I've seen so far. I can't stand Beast with short hair and little paws lol.
Me neither. Blizz or whoever it was did an excellent job on reskinning one of the beast skins but it just felt wrong to see what they did to that model -_-'.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 25, 2011, 10:28PM
Ok good lol. I was just glad his melee animations were fixed and the double jump. Feels more like him. And of course the charming power lol. Gotta love it. :)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked the charming power, I know many people probably don't think it fits well with the powerset (but with his personality it sure does!)
Quote from: BLaw on June 25, 2011, 10:15PM
I'm tired. Having my girlfriend's birthday too and I worked several hours on an X-amount of meshes, including 4 beast meshes which I just released. Damn Beast's a pain ><
I hope your gf's birthday went well! And like Scabbia said, your work does not go around unnoticed. You've brought quite a revolution modding here imo :D. Hopefully the exhaustion can be eased by tremendous compliments and knowing that your "public" is more than satisified.
Yeah, well the exhaustion will be eased when I hit the bed lol.
Hope your day gets better if you need a break then take a break no point stressing over meshes that are gonna look awesome anyway
Also i remember lots of you saying jean looked like a zombie in X3 well nnow i definantly agree with this pic
Quote from: BLaw on June 25, 2011, 10:57PM
Yeah, well the exhaustion will be eased when I hit the bed lol.
Lol, good point.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 25, 2011, 10:58PM
Hope your day gets better if you need a break then take a break no point stressing over meshes that are gonna look awesome anyway
Also i remember lots of you saying jean looked like a zombie in X3 well nnow i definantly agree with this pic
An actual fiery Phoenix raptor and NO zombie effects would have made X3 so much better.
I liked her black eyes cause it gives her a "dark" feel for "dark Phoenix" but those veins made her look ugly and also am i the only one who thinks halle berry was great for storm because halle berry is beautiful and storm is beautiful in the series so i thought she was perfect.
Just look at her she's so pretty
She is pretty but I always considered Storm with a bit more of an exotic look. I also felt that her voice could have been more like her XML2/MUA/MUA2 voice. She did an awesome job considering what she had to work with though!
Oh and one more thing before i really annoy yall is they have a new character for X-Men Destiny.I thought there was a topic for it but i can't find it so yeah his name is Grant Alexander. To me looking him up he looks like a non factor as in he don't look important but info is from here
NM's travel log
2nd entry: England
Tomorrow morning i'm leaving to Amsterdam. I absolutely loved England. Other than London I visited Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Stonehenge and Windsor Castle. I was overwhelmed abou how much cultural diversity exist in such a small island. No wonder Brittish folks worked so hard in maintaining the independence of each of their countries. During the tour to Stonehenge I even managed to listen to some Welsh being spoken so, now I know how Dihan sounds =P. Beautiful language. Sounds like Tolkien's elvish, which makes sense since they both have celtic origins.
London is great. Seems like the kind of city I'd definitely live in. Major cultural life. Unlike NY, which I had been to before, this was my first time here, so everything was new. English people are very polite and helpful. Several really good looking guys on the streets and I have pretty high standards. People he dress in a more fashionable manner than in either Brazil or USA. The children here are also so god damn cute, it's adorable to hear 2 or 3 year olds with that classy accent.
Cultural life here is unmatched from anywhere I've been to b4. When you see the advertising isn't like in the americas. Instead of eat this, drink this and buy that, most banners here are for expos, galleries, theatre, books, movies and so on. I loved that about here. I went to the National Gallery, the Brittish Museum, the Natural History Museum, Tate Britain, Tate Modern and there are still 4 other major museums I didn't get to see. History is everywhere. Last night I went to a pub that's older than my country and that people like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and, my favourite English writter, Charles Dickens used to go to. And there are even older ones, like the one Shakespeare used to go to. In Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral I got to stand near the graves of people like Chaucer, Dickens, Elizabeth I, Alexander Flemming, William Blake, Darwin and Newton. To a person from the new world this is a HUGE deal. Also loved the Tower of London, where I got to see Henry VIII's armor, among several others, and the crown jewels which are indeed amazing.
Also watched Wicked and loved it. Glinda is so effing funny. Lastly, visited the Globe Theatre and it's absolutely great how much people here respect their great minds of the past.
Guess that's it. Next time I'll write bout Amsterdam, Brussels and Bruge. Miss modding and talking more to all of you, but I am having the time of my life so I can't complain.
That's Aswome Nowhere man! i want to go to England too! Hey guys, i can't make a choise, i want Jean in XML2 to look like her Super Hero Squad Online, but i don't know if leave her with her original powers or give her Shadowlack's all TK booster. what do you recommend me?
Omg NWM is going to be in Holland ^^
OMG Gui ^^ I'm really jealous of you. Seems like you are having an amazing time! Maybe I'll will do an exchange program, so if I do, I will choose London :) Hope to see you when you come back to Brazil, long time no see. Hugs.
wow! Honestly, I'm terribly jealous of you! I want to be in your place!
And I am very happy for you! Have many enjoyable experiences! ;)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 26, 2011, 04:18PMso, now I know how Dihan sounds =P
I doubt that. Wales has about five different regional accents. Also, visiting the south of England can hardly be called visiting the UK. Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Cornwall have their own traditions but even inside those places there's usually a split between north and south or the mainland and surrounding islands. Basically, the south of England is the sugar-coated, fake, tourist part.
So I know this is totally random, but my fiance and I were playin' WWE 2010, and after he went to bed, I played by myself, and I made Rogue, Storm, Phoenix and Emma fight against each other... (4-way match) and Storm Won! Wth!?!!? lol. I had to play after that and make Rogue beat Phoenix just so I'd feel better lmao. I know, it's retarded, but I couldn't help myself... :D
I found this funny picture.... (
Wow, thats funny stuff. lol ^
I hate the fourth of July. I do not get the point in seeing lights up in the air that all look the same. Jus sayin' lol. Plus, the neighborhood I'm in isn't all that great and all these freakin' fireworks sounds like gun shots. I can't wait for this month to be over...
Picture is funny xD
I'm sooo proud of Wanda..... (
@Scabbia I'm actually looking forward to July 4.. My friends & family are going to the Beach and I just brought a new swim trunk....;
OMG Wanda, I can't wait to see what happens.
Quote from: Dihan on June 29, 2011, 02:58AM
Also, visiting the south of England can hardly be called visiting the UK.
Still visited the UK. If I go to someones house and just stay in the living room without ever going to the bedrooms or kitchen, I still payed them a visit. I just didnt get to know everything. And who does really? Not even people from the uk really know the uk.
And that's a fact. I live in Hungary since I was born (which is 16 years) and I haven't been to half of it, at least.
I feel Tired, I been shopping ALL Day!! return later to tell what happen
AAHAH me too I did not feel any more my feet :laugh:
Time for some education:
I wasnt educated at all by this video. I knew all of that already. Perhaps you're just so used to meeting people who dont know that that you just assumed. Either way if you go to Peru you can still say you've been to South America. England is in the UK, unless you live in an alternate reality. Also, 12 million people live in London and most of them are actually English, so I dont see why knowing the place where they live is any less worthy than knowing the rest of England or the UK. If you go to Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazi (and the southern hemisphere for that matter), you are in a touristic place, but still get in touch with the 20 million people that live there, which are 10% of the country's population.
I feel very very sleepy, I just came back from the Beach but I had a lot of FUN!! We had some BBQ, swam alittle bit and check out some Guys... one of the boys give me his number # hehe Got to call him
Wow, I never thought I would get aggravated on a kids game, until today. So many ignorant people... :/
@Scabbia What happened why u got aggravtedd
@Super Natural Witch glad you had fun and the food sounded like it tasted good lol
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 05, 2011, 12:20PM
@Scabbia What happened why u got aggravtedd
Oh it was dumb. I was on MSHS Online and while on a mission with a random person, I was almost dead and this person had full health but still kept taking all the health pick-ups. They kept doing it throught the whole mission... Then I had like tons of people that kept adding me and following me like they were my worshipers or somethin. Annoying stuff... lol. Its all good though, I found something better to do. :D
OOh that pisses me off too they have fulll health and u barely have any health left and they take the health boost and food and stuff.
SHSH be cheating lol i swear i run into the bannanas and strawberrys and they never go to me but they go to the other person playing a mission
ALSO sometimes if your just close to the food it just chases and go''s to you but i feel your pain glad everything is better
EDIT:Also gosh i hate followers and how people just friend request you because your a certain person.When i bought Storm i hade at least 6 friend requests everyday now emma frost i have like 7 and they FOLLOW you until u accept it it's so annyoing i just wanna curse them out but i dont wanna be banned lol
I always try to keep a watch on food and other people's health so I don't take health from anyone. Sadly the same doesn't always happen to me!
Yeah I hate the random friend requests. When I first bought Jean I got about 20 in a row! I was soo mad and then I actually wrote in chat for people not to friend request me anymore. Luckily most people got the message and some actually apologized. A few naughty people would not leave saying that they wanted Jean a a friend.
it's SO ANNOYING! when i first bought IW i had like 8 friend requests! it was SO ANNOYING! and when i first bought Jean, let's not even talk about it!
I wonder if people are just requesting friendships cause they dont know anyone to play with on there...
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 05, 2011, 06:32PM
it's SO ANNOYING! when i first bought IW i had like 8 friend requests! it was SO ANNOYING! and when i first bought Jean, let's not even talk about it!
LOL Everytime Im on, so many people add me XD and I accept lol, because I dont really care I know who all you are in the game so, thats fine and none of them ever try to play with me, so I dont really care XD
Sometimes I feel bad so I add them anyway but tend to delete them after they log out. I doubt they remember me anyway so no loss. I only like keeping the people who I know and get along with, like you guys from this forum or a few friends I've made on the game from chatting.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 05, 2011, 07:07PM
Sometimes I feel bad so I add them anyway but tend to delete them after they log out. I doubt they remember me anyway so no loss. I only like keeping the people who I know and get along with, like you guys from this forum or a few friends I've made on the game from chatting.
lol i do the same thing.
NM's travel log
3rd entry: Amsterdam, Brussels, Mont Saint-Michel, Chateaux du Loire, Giverny.
Last night I arrived in Paris, didn't see much yet and just woke up.
Amsterdam was amazing! I'm so going back as soon as I can. Went to the Rijks Museum, which is being restored, so I only got to see part of it, mostly about the history of Holland, which I actually liked since I knew so little about it. The Van Gogh museum was even better, not only is he one of my favourite artists, there were paintings of some other great impressionists such as Degas and even older ones like Rembrandt. Did the boat ride across the canals, tried the local "coffee", walked around a lot, went to the red light district and all. It was great, I loved the dutchies, they're really kind and relaxed and peaceful. The city is beautiful as well.
After that I went to Brussels which was kinda frustrating. Not that it's not good, it's great, but I was told that in one day I'd get to see enough to know the city, and that was a lie. There was a lot of stuff to do, and I only got to have a superficial image of the city. Still got to see some great churches and cathedrals, some art noveau, beautiful gardens and eat a lot of delicious chocolate. Since we decided to spend another day in Amsterdam I didn't get to go to Bruge. So, when I go back to Holland asap, I'm gonna spend a couple of days in Belgium as well.
After that I went to Mont Saint-Michel, which is one of the most impressing things I have ever seen and I'll never forget the sights, I suggest if you haven't heard of it to google it, cause it's a real wonder of the world. Then there were the Chateux du Loire. Got to visit 4 of them: Blois, Cheverny, Chambord and Chenonceau. They're all beautiful in their own way, but my favourite was Cheverny, partially because it was the inspiration to Captain Haddock's castle Moulinsart, and I'm a huuuuge Tintin fan. Spent one of the nights in Saint Malo, which is a gorgeous city by the sea, with walls and all.
Lastly I went to Giverny, where I got to visit the house and gardens of another of my favourite painters, Monet. The garden is indeed fantastic and I took a lot of pictures that look like I'm inside his paintings.
Next entry I'll share my impressions of Paris. Miss you all. Till then!
I feel so honored to walk the same ground as you did :D, cool you got to see Holland :D.
Oh I'm jealous... The house of Monet??? That's awesome. I bet it was beautiful.
Cool, glad you like Monet too Scabbia.
Wow, that was very flattering Tymaca. I knew you're from Holland, but do you actually live in Amsterdam?
This is hilarious, I had to share XD
Quote from: Nowhere Man on July 06, 2011, 02:52PM
Cool, glad you like Monet too Scabbia.
I love Monet. Monet and Picasso have always been my favorites since I was like 7 or 8.
MarvelFan: I have to say I actually sang the song out loud to make sure I sang it right. lol. love it!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 06, 2011, 06:16PM
This is hilarious, I had to share XD
LOL This made me laugh! Right when I got to the you know havok part I started laughing!
I miss you too Nowhere man
Quote from: Nowhere Man on July 06, 2011, 02:52PM
Cool, glad you like Monet too Scabbia.
Wow, that was very flattering Tymaca. I knew you're from Holland, but do you actually live in Amsterdam?
XD, Went there once, (yeah, only once :P) XD
If im at my mothers place, I live in ''opmeer'' if im at my fathers place (useally in the weekends) I live in Heerhugowaard :D
Man, finally watched the match between Undertaker and Triple H at Wrestlemania 27. It was a good match, but I HAVE seen better. Everyone made it out to be this "match of a lifetime" thing. But, watching Triple H do Undertakers finisher on himself, was awesome. I hope they don't retire...
So the acts are fake, but is the actual match real? Always wondered it.
There are some thing's (like fist to the head or some elbow drops) that are staged. Its so easy to tell. But theres still a lot of things that arent staged. Like DDT's, sometimes the kicks in the face, the chair hits. It just depends. So yeah it's real. When a 200 pund dude lifts a 300 pund dude and can turn him upseide down in midair, then drop him on his head... He aint no light weight. lol.
Whats up with all the spam? Seriously (back in my day, aka 100 years ago XD) there was no spam, but now, this site is full of it :P
Back in your day? Really? You make yourself sound ancient. :/
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 08:41AM
Back in your day? Really? You make yourself sound ancient. :/
(done on purpose XD)
Anyway, my heart is bouncing in my throat my school is gonna call around 16:00 to 18:00 (four pm to six pm) to say if im going to the next class, or if im one of the stuckers point is : No call = Next class, a call = stucker) I seriously dont know what I am XD
so i got myself a new shirt of which ron's dress robes from the fourth movie are jealous!
[/best purchase ever!]
Looks nice and fancy!
Looks brilliant!
That looks nice love the tie :)
I'm feeling really good today, i bought a few X-Men Comics, and i bought the game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, that game is aswome. oh and is that alert thing about Zombies true? because i haven't seen any zombies for now.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 08:46AM
I'm feeling really good today, i bought a few X-Men Comics, and i bought the game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, that game is aswome. oh and is that alert thing about Zombies true? because i haven't seen any zombies for now.
What alert thing?
I dont mean to be rude, but zombie's seriously?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 13, 2011, 09:14AM
What alert thing?
It has somthing to do with the radiation in Japan or something, some guy asked if people are prepared for a zombie apocalypse etc.
Oh well, I dont believe it :P
i for one am completely prepared for a zombie apocalypse. i've got my sword and emergency rations all ready :D
a lot of people seem to think that guns are the best weapons, and though they're effective, what happens when you run out of ammunition? So a sword it is for me.
Nice, i don't believe in it anyways, but it's best to be prepared just in case that that happens.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 09:31AM
Nice, i don't believe in it anyways, but it's best to be prepared just in case that that happens.
Im once again really sorry, but seriously? Played to much Resident Evil or watched to much horror? :P
You would be better off prepared for ex. a hurricane or a tsunami, which also doesnt happen all to much :P
Maybe, but it's best to be prepared for everything including a Zombie Attack, and Deedooo if you don't mind me doing that, it'll be a sword for me too, because as you said, what will happen when we run out of ammo? we're screwed, so a sword for me too.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 09:36AM
Maybe, but it's best to be prepared for everything including a Zombie Attack, and Deedooo if you don't mind me doing that, it'll be a sword for me too, because as you said, what will happen when we run out of ammo? we're screwed, so a sword for me too.
Well, I just pretend your not serious then -_-. when I become a zombie, you guys would be the first one im going to infect as well > : D
If you want to pretend that i'm not serious then go right ahead, but if this happens, i'll do my best to be prepared.
*cough*to much RE*cough* -_0
Lol ok, but i saw it here, i don't believe in that anyways, i think that it's to prepare the people for hurricanes and tornados, i just though i'd share it with you guys. but what if this really happens? it would be really cool to fight off the Zombies!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 09:55AM
Lol ok, but i saw it here, i don't believe in that anyways.
First comment on the article I quote
''You do realize that the article is actually an effort to get people to prepare for real emergencies, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, right? Just thought I'd check.''
^^ Aka plain simple :P, its just for a diffrent audience so that SOME people actually believe it.... XP
Yeah, i know, i don't believe it, but i'll prepare just in case.
it never hurts to be prepared. it's not liable to happen, and i don't believe they're coming any time soon but what i've learned from movies is that when you're not prepared, things go a lot shittyer XD so even if it probably won't happen, just in case, i'm still going to be the guy who survives!
Only the idea ''just in case'' shows you believe it, think about it, if you truly dont believe it, then what do you have to fear?
As Deedooo said, it never hurts to be prepared just in case, if that happens someday and you're not prepared, you're screwed, so it never hurts to be prepared for it. for example, i'm triying to be as prepared as possible, so i totally agree with Deedooo.
Quote from: Polygone on July 13, 2011, 09:57AM
First comment on the article I quote
''You do realize that the article is actually an effort to get people to prepare for real emergencies, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, right? Just thought I'd check.''
Your basicly doing what the article is meant to do, people nowadays believe way more
Whatever, but it never hurts to be prepared, so if i were you, i would prepare
*sigh* -_-, anyway how about a diffrent topic, I seriously feel like a kid talking about zombie's being real :P
So I took my Mom, step-Brother and Step-Sister to the zoo today (got some pics) and actually had a blast! (Although people need to learn how to raise their kids, so many of em were rude. Glad I aint a parent... lol) I'm so exhausted though and my face matches the color of my hair. lol. We might go again next week if we can get more money to have more fun :D
Hope it ain't purple D:
Ha... ha... lol. I'm no Psylocke wanna-be. :P
thought you guys might enjoy this:
it's about a script for a dazzler movie that was written in four days. hilarity ensues.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on July 13, 2011, 06:12PM
thought you guys might enjoy this:
it's about a script for a dazzler movie that was written in four days. hilarity ensues.
XD is this for real? I love Dazzler and it could be a good movie but I find the plot a bit random
I feel so refreshed after the four days trip to the village with my sister & my takes me off my mind from the man who wanted to proposed to me (darn it I'm not ready for any marriage yet >.<) luckily when I get back, a new sweet rule was set, & I was offered a scholarship for my masters programme syukur yay!<3
Congrats on the scholar offer! :D
Nice congratulations : D
Congratulations Nazirah!
Thanks everyone! :'D One less burden on the studying part XD
I think that's good :applause:,you got a scholar, as for me I have to pay and finance Grrr :( but it's all good.. (I start in August )
That's cool as long as we get to continue our studies, isn't that right Supernatural witch? :P
I start my second semester a month later than yours..September :)
Congrats on the scholar nuhervah!!
Im feeling really great i think it's kind of funny how as soon as mr blaw released joker EVERYONE started releasing non marvel skins XD im kind of excited and can't wait for more creations from you skinners :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 14, 2011, 01:50PM
Congrats on the scholar nuhervah!!
Im feeling really great i think it's kind of funny how as soon as mr blaw released joker EVERYONE started releasing non marvel skins XD im kind of excited and can't wait for more creations from you skinners :D
XD it actually started here:,6673.0.html
XD Thank you JeanFan & hail to you Deedoo for bringing up that issue upfront ^^
Now we skinners have no more restrictions to our imagination! :D
Just got back from seeing the HP7 part two midnight premier with my girfriend at about two thirty in the morning my time. It was absolutely fantastic. And sad... my eyes watered up occasionally (and I don't usually do that XD) so I almost smeared the makeup i was wearing cause I was a death eater haha
Best non-spoilery bit (for those of you who are stupid and haven't read the book already) is Voldemort giving Draco an awkward hug in front of the entire school ^-^
XD, the only time my eyes watered for a bit was in part 1, when Dobby dies, the book also watered (and I dont even like reading) 0.o
Dobby's death was seriously sad :P
I have to see the two before that one before I can see it. I think the last one I seen was the 5th one, but that one was boring to me so I stopped watching them. I WILL see them though. My sister's got most of them on DVD.
I'm feeling Excellent, i just came back from watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2 and it was so freaking aswome! i nearly busted into tears in the end! it's so aswome!
oh God, seeing your HP reviews makes me extra super excited to watch it with my sisters tomorrow ^0^
The movie is soo aswome, i'm sure that you're going to like it Nazirah! i loved it!
Yeah!!!It was supah special awesome!! & I cried hard on the Snape's memory part. Very touching. I mean that part did make me cry when I read the books but seeing it onscreen & reliving the thoughts all over again is pretty heartwrenching. T^T
Epic closure, eternal in memory<3
Just got done watching WWE Raw! Woo! I'm excited... Mr. McMahn was fired and Triple H took his position and John Cena is still on! What a night... (I swear I still need to pick my jaw up from the floor... lol)
I'm officially tired from working on the Joker mod. I AM happy with the end results. Voices were fun to do yet painful for my throat, wish I could imitate Mark Hamill's voice but no.
Tomorrow's a new day, and I'll start on XML2 Joker =]
But for now, tired as hell. Going to bed and get a nice nap with my last day off before I have to go to work in 2 days lol.
@Blaw get some rest you definantly deserve it with all the stuff you give us (meshes,skins,mods,mannequins, and sounds) have a nice day at work :)
Quote from: BLaw on July 20, 2011, 07:09PM
I'm officially tired from working on the Joker mod. I AM happy with the end results. Voices were fun to do yet painful for my throat, wish I could imitate Mark Hamill's voice but no.
Tomorrow's a new day, and I'll start on XML2 Joker =]
But for now, tired as hell. Going to bed and get a nice nap with my last day off before I have to go to work in 2 days lol.
With the work you did with him, yeah, you definetly deserve the rest. At least you got, not only the first non-marvel mod, but the best looking and probably the best mod created (non-Marvel wise) on here before you went back to work :D
Thanks^^. Well, back to modding for XML2 ^^
I feel meh, its kinda weird that Marvel Super Hero Squad online worked yesterday, and not today :( :P oh well, it will probally be online again soon :D
I'm ready to explode. (It's not because of the work on the Gianman mod). My Step-dad is filing for emergency custody of my step-brother and sister. I found out the their Mother's Aunt is talking bad about MY Mother, when she's only been around her twice, and both maybe for 5-10 minutes... So yeah, my night became a "Rogue" night... (as I would say to my friends). Tomorrow morning, I get to make an hour and a half drive to help my step-dad do this. :) When all I want to do is erase these so called "bullies" out. Control, Alt, Delete. lol
Sorry, I just needed to vent, even if it is just black and white. 0_o
Quote from: Scabbia on July 21, 2011, 08:33PM
I'm ready to explode. (It's not because of the work on the Gianman mod). My Step-dad is filing for emergency custody of my step-brother and sister. I found out the their Mother's Aunt is talking bad about MY Mother, when she's only been around her twice, and both maybe for 5-10 minutes... So yeah, my night became a "Rogue" night... (as I would say to my friends). Tomorrow morning, I get to make an hour and a half drive to help my step-dad do this. :) When all I want to do is erase these so called "bullies" out. Control, Alt, Delete. lol
Sorry, I just needed to vent, even if it is just black and white. 0_o
I'm sorry for what happend, I hope you get everything figured out.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 21, 2011, 08:43PM
I'm sorry for what happend, I hope you get everything figured out.
Thanks. And it's being takin' care of. I hate drama. lol
I pray for you & your family that everything will be alright :)
@Scabbia sorry to hear that that must be terrible i know one of my mom's friends has like 6 kids and they all have different dads (except 3) and she called us late in the nite one day crying how her ex husband is gonna sue her and take her kids from her
So my prayers are with you scabbia :)
I kinda feeel mad cause i got into a argument at the movies with one of my friend's best friennd and ooh it's late her in florida (5:00 in da morning) so ima put details later on
Quote from: nuhverah on July 21, 2011, 11:07PM
I pray for you & your family that everything will be alright :)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 22, 2011, 01:57AM
@Scabbia sorry to hear that that must be terrible i know one of my mom's friends has like 6 kids and they all have different dads (except 3) and she called us late in the nite one day crying how her ex husband is gonna sue her and take her kids from her
So my prayers are with you scabbia :)
I kinda feeel mad cause i got into a argument at the movies with one of my friend's best friennd and ooh it's late her in florida (5:00 in da morning) so ima put details later on
Thanks :) But my family is ok. I was just mad that someone was talkin' about my Mom, I'm very defensive over that kind of thing. Plus, I think my parents are being dumb about this emergency custody thing. I don't think a grown woman talking bad about another grown woman is a reason to take the kids. It should be about the children, imo. So yeah, I think their just handling things wrong, but their might be stuff I don't know about. Who kows...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 21, 2011, 08:33PM
I'm ready to explode. (It's not because of the work on the Gianman mod). My Step-dad is filing for emergency custody of my step-brother and sister. I found out the their Mother's Aunt is talking bad about MY Mother, when she's only been around her twice, and both maybe for 5-10 minutes... So yeah, my night became a "Rogue" night... (as I would say to my friends). Tomorrow morning, I get to make an hour and a half drive to help my step-dad do this. :) When all I want to do is erase these so called "bullies" out. Control, Alt, Delete. lol
Sorry, I just needed to vent, even if it is just black and white. 0_o
I'm terribly sorry about what happened Scabbia, that must be terrible! I'll pray for you and your family.
Thanks :) Everything's fine. I found out more about the situation today, AND I didn't have to drive for over an hour in 100 degree weather. (Haleluer)
I actually feel way better now, especially after getting my mod put up, gettin the video with the music I want on it uploaded, and making the post with the release look good :D (I feel proud lol)
I am very glad that now Everything's fine! I wish you happiness sincerely!
Thanks Rogue :D Your so sweet.
So today... for the first time... I got into an arguement with an elder... because he works on computers. First off, I will admit, there's a lot I don't know. I learn as I go, BUT, when I say that I'm trying to install a virus protection program, and it doesn't install. It says "Installation incomplete." Why... WHY would this guy argue with me and tell me I need to download a free anti-virus program because McAfee is the worst. 0_o 1. The program's already been paid for, so I'm not going to NOT use it and waist my money (well my Aunts, it was her computer). 2. I don't NEED to download a free program. Especially since the one your telling me to get isn't full protection. 3. All I said was that it wasn't installing, which I knew why and I didn't need help, but I thought maybe by chance this guy would know something I didn't. THEN, he tells me to bring the tower to him so he can fix the Disc Drive?! That has NOTHING to do with the problem. So in my final words...
"If you fix computers for a living, and you can't comprehend 'not installing,' then you need a new job. Not to mention, most people know that most "free" virus programs are NOT better than McAfee. Yes there may be some out there, but NOT ones that don't have full protection." (It didn't help my Father calls and wants to tell me how to do things either. I didn't need help, I had it covered... why do these guys have to treat me like I'm illiterate? lol)
Quote from: Scabbia on July 23, 2011, 01:00PM
Thanks Rogue :D Your so sweet.
So today... for the first time... I got into an arguement with an elder... because he works on computers. First off, I will admit, there's a lot I don't know. I learn as I go, BUT, when I say that I'm trying to install a virus protection program, and it doesn't install. It says "Installation incomplete." Why... WHY would this guy argue with me and tell me I need to download a free anti-virus program because McAfee is the worst. 0_o 1. The program's already been paid for, so I'm not going to NOT use it and waist my money (well my Aunts, it was her computer). 2. I don't NEED to download a free program. Especially since the one your telling me to get isn't full protection. 3. All I said was that it wasn't installing, which I knew why and I didn't need help, but I thought maybe by chance this guy would know something I didn't. THEN, he tells me to bring the tower to him so he can fix the Disc Drive?! That has NOTHING to do with the problem. So in my final words...
"If you fix computers for a living, and you can't comprehend 'not installing,' then you need a new job. Not to mention, most people know that most "free" virus programs are NOT better than McAfee. Yes there may be some out there, but NOT ones that don't have full protection." (It didn't help my Father calls and wants to tell me how to do things either. I didn't need help, I had it covered... why do these guys have to treat me like I'm illiterate? lol)
This is amazing! Good for standing up to him! XD And the then you need a new job! LOL, you showed him!
My sympathy goes out to all the families of the 92 slaughtered people in Norway. Utterly barbaric.
Omg! 92? Do they know who did it?
Yeah, a middle-class extreme right-wing fundamentalist Christian. He bombed offices in Oslo and then went to the island of Utoeya, posing as a policeman, where there's a Norwegian Labour Party youth camp. He waited for them to gather around him before opening fire at them.
Anders Behring Breivik
(had to copy and paste, geez some names are hard to pronounce)
Seriously speechless, about the whole youth camp thing and stuff, the fact that the prime minister was supposed to die was also a horror, glad he'd made it
A childhood friend of mine moved to Norway, I have seen him only once since he moved away (cus the distance is pretty far) but I seriously hope he's ok.
Apparently he is starting a movement with a club according to cnn. We might get more mass murders by them.
In short: Some imbeciles believe, that the world needs more people like Bin Laden. I never understood what people want with all of these act of terrorism. All I have to say is: Killing people because of a so-called God or because of any other kind of "command" will never change anything. Murder is murder. And people like this are one of the biggest scum of this world.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 24, 2011, 01:18PM
In short: Some imbeciles believe, that the world needs more people like Bin Laden. I never understood what people want with all of these act of terrorism. All I have to say is: Killing people because of a so-called God or because of any other kind of "command" will never change anything. Murder is murder. And people like this are one of the biggest scum of this world.
Yeah buts thats what we believe they believe different. They believe that if a "God" wants you to kill people then its ok, and they will still go to "Heaven."
That's why I never liked communities, where parents made their children believe in a certain religion and it's beliefs. People should choose these things when they are all grown up and mature enough to understand it. If they need it, of course. I myself believe in God, Heaven, Hell, but nothing else. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want us humans to suffer while his "men" (AKA priests, bishops etc.) live a good, wealthy life. That's why I liked those monks (or what), back in the past, who only needed their fate, but no money or other stuff like that. I can accept that. But no one should become rich from other people's beliefs.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 24, 2011, 01:48PM
That's why I never liked communities, where parents made their children believe in a certain religion and it's beliefs. People should choose these things when they are all grown up and mature enough to understand it. If they need it, of course. I myself believe in God, Heaven, Hell, but nothing else. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want us humans to suffer while his "men" (AKA priests, bishops etc.) live a good, wealthy life. That's why I liked those monks (or what), back in the past, who only needed their fate, but no money or other stuff like that. I can accept that. But no one should become rich from other people's beliefs.
I've been saying the same thing for years. Which is why I always get into arguements with people who contribute money WHILE their in church. I can't say what I beleive in cause that's too much of debating going on there. lol. Still, have whatever beleif you want, just don't push it on others. There's too many different types of religions out there. Personally I don't need a church or money to pray, if need be.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want us worship him with paying money to some holymen. Plus, if you read the Bible, you can see, that it's very anti-female. I believe in equality, personally. But in the best way. So, if a woman wants to be a man's equal, then they should want the bad parts of being a man aswell. I've seen a lot of girls, who say, that they want to be treated the same way as men, but they only want the good parts of it, not the bad. Somewhat disgusting, if you ask me
What cracks me up is that preists are aloud to do this sort of thing. There is proof that they use these people. It wasn't that long ago that there was an interview with one of them "tv preists" and he said "People want to be healed, and it blinds them. So it pays to be blind." WTF? Seriously, the guy has spent all this money "he's recieved" on his miniture mansion. Getting paid to to act like your THAT connected with god... and were supposed to all get along? I can't do that. lol. People like that get on my nerves. If it's ok for them to get paid that way, then the people who hallucinate should too :D lol
I believe, that everyone will be treated by their actions in the afterlife. Which means, that people like that will live a good life here, but a bad life there, for an eternity. Equality. Although I don't live a holy life myself, but I'm not afraid. If I will have to rot in hell, then I have to accept that. I don't want to be treated any better than I deserve.And I do know, that non of these things will ever be proven for anyone (as these cannot be proven), I still want to believe in these. Because if I couldn't, life would be a lot harder.
XD this video is so funny! Nick Fury goes looking for others to join the Avengers in different movies.
LOL That made me laugh so much! XD
I seen Captain America yesterday. :D It was awewsome! I thought it would suck since I didn't care for First Class and the fact the Chris Evans was playing him, but it turned out real well :)
Quote from: Scabbia on July 26, 2011, 07:42AM
I seen Captain America yesterday. :D It was awewsome! I thought it would suck since I didn't care for First Class and the fact the Chris Evans was playing him, but it turned out real well :)
Right? I thought I would hate it also because I'm not a fan of Cap at all, and the whole Chris Evans thing but I was really surprised with it
I just saw scream 4 and i and really shaking right now lol.I was really shocked at who was the killer because i thought it was trevor or the police lady but wow this movie is awesome but Sidney,Dewy,and Gale are ALWAYS the survivors lol. But the movie was great i suggest yall should watch it this is like the only scary movie i can watch without having nightmares this and i know what you did last summer.
Blah. So I've been preoccupied with a bunch of stuff and have been away for a while again. I can't believe I first join these forums over 4 years ago though. Man time flies by. To be honest I just kinda got bored with MUA and what not. I had so many projects going on that I got overwhelmed. I took a break for a couple days to clear my head and get a fresh start. Next thing I know a couple days turns in to a couple weeks, then I kind of forget about the project as I'm tied up with other things... which turns in to a couple months and longer. At one point I was gone for what... a year or two? :rofl:
Then I browse the net, look at my old bookmarks and go "wow, I've been gone for a long time and haven't stopped in". So if anyone was ever wondering what happened to me... Well that's basically it lol. I got some other personal stuff going on so I haven't had the time to dedicate to modding like I used to. Eventually some day I'll finish the projects I set out to do just for completion's sake. I hate leaving things unfinished.
However to truly finish what I started, I would have to figure out how to make some break throughs that none of us have been able to before. Those would include being able to add hand made skeletons, bump maps, handlers, level porting, etc. The thing that turned me off with the engine is that while you can make new models, skins, powers, etc., it is so limiting to brand new content that I just couldn't get around it. I don't like recycling stuff. I put in a lot of hours making new animations and other effects that I just couldn't use in game, got frustrated, and said to hell with it. I don't like "settling" for something. I have a vision of how I want something, and I want it exactly that.
Anyway, just thought I'd post a "hey guys! I didn't die and sorry for disappearing" message. I'm glad to see this place still around though, and mods still being worked on. In my experience most of the smaller modding communities fold after a relatively short time, especially when a game's engine is as limiting as MUA's where truly new content can't be made.
I'll try to pop on every now and again, and will try to get motivation to finish my mods; especially Emma Frost. She is by far my favorite mod I worked on, but I ran in to a brick wall with her mind control power not working properly (after running ahead in the level with a mind controlled baddie mobs stop spawning and things start to go haywire a bit... and for some reason I can't get enemy powers to activate). Also the no unique skeleton thing really drove me nuts because the current skeletons just didn't match my vision of how I want her animations to be with her new powers I made. But rest assured, whenever it's finally complete it will be the best mod to hit the game and rival even the developers' original characters :D
But alas, I'm not making promises anymore because I feel bad when I don't pull through with expected release dates. I just like things to be perfect before I release them.
Anyway, keep on keepin' on.
Great to hear from you again Mr. Rage ^^. Yeah wondered where you went :P You're not the only one who took a break hehe.
Must say itwould be awesome if custom meshes could be used in XML2, but there has to be some setting that either needs to be changed or added to the exporter file, finding that out, now THAT is a breakthrough (custom anim SETS too lol).
Tbh, I've been thinking about some bypasses lately. To type it out.. meh. Idk WHERE. Anyway it has something to do with making the main char disappear, skinfilters, using animsets for bodyparts (which can be turned into complete anims) and multiple skeletons, as in Mr. Fantastic's powerset which contains such codes.
I would like to finish my XML2 mods as well, but that drove me even more nuts not being able to use custom meshes at all. I hate blocky figures and being forced to just reskin for new chars.
The final, finished meshes of Emma Frost I did for MUA are absolutely amazing. Seriously, I'm not trying to just give myself a pat on the back lol. I'll have to reinstall 3d Max on this laptop (because my "good" Alienware doesn't work anymore... which is also a setback to my modding that made me stop) and take screen shots of them some time. I'm sure you guys would like how she turned out (if you don't remember the work in progress shots from my modding thread).
Any breakthroughs on the new animations though would be grand. I got tired of screwing around with them a while ago. If we could figure out a way to get custom animations in MUA at least I would probably finish Emma on the double. That was the main thing holding me back from it, the mind control being secondary.
You might wanna try to fiddle around with the info I gave above. You know how tails and capes have animations too right? Because they are rigged. And that can be coded. So what if you make a character disappear, make the "bolton" appear and just use the custom animation? :) You could have all animations you want that way, just in separate files because the alchemy exporter can only export 1 animation =/
PS: I haven't tried this out yet.
I haven't messed with alchemy and 3ds in a long time, so I'll have to get accustomed to it again. As far as XML2 goes, I'd like to still port the entire game to MUA some day as we originally planned a long time ago, but the missing Rogue handlers were what bugged me the most. Since I wanted to make Rogue for MUA but couldn't because her power steal wouldn't work correctly. It's a shame :( I wish we got developer help on that end or figured out a way to port the handlers from XML2 to MUA.
Btw I found my old screen shots in my old mod thread here (,3662.msg70669.html#msg70669). One of them being:
That was a WIP shot though, can't wait to load up the finished models and show you guys. Not sure when I can, I have to redo my laptop atm because it's old and mega slow. However seeing those again and remembering my finished work makes me want to finish the mod really.
I don't remember how I animated her cape though, it was like a year and a half ago. I'll have to try the animation idea later at some point when I get a chance. If that works, I'll make a million files I don't care. Anything to get Emma to work properly would make the mod all the more authentic.
I agree, can't wait for those screenshots either. The model looks stunning already.
Welcome back, and I love your Emma it looks so amazing! I hope you finish her!
Alright I'll try to drop in every now and again and check how things going. As soon as I get my pc redone I'll try to get back to modding as well. Good to see you guys again. Take care.
Welcome back Burning Rage!
It's good to see you here again, the mesh looks incredible, can't wait to see the final result :)
Nice to have you back Mr Rage i know u dont know me but i looked at a lot of your work and it still looks amazing! Especially that possession thing you did for emma and her meshes look awesome can't wait :)
Finally, the Emma skin we have all been waiting for :), It certainly looks impressive :D
Whiteking, your avatar looks like a screen cap of a game almost. Is that an actual screen cap of something? Curious about it.
Quote from: Burning Rage on July 29, 2011, 03:33PM
Whiteking, your avatar looks like a screen cap of a game almost. Is that an actual screen cap of something? Curious about it.
Yeah its a picture of Emma from the new game X-Men Destiny
Seen Friends With Benefits earlier, awesome movie! And yes, Justin Timberlake makes a better actor than a singer... or Britney's boyfriend, for those of you that know about them days...
Justin is a better dancer than any of those :p Guess i will watch it with my wifey, is it a romantic comedy?
yes, and its actually funny. No false advertising. :D
I finally got to see Date Night with Steve Carell and Tina Fey. Awesome movie. And I'm downloading 3DS Studio Max so I can test my hands at mannequins then models :) (I can't help it, there's something I don't know how to do, so I challenge myself :D)
Uggh im kind of sad because my summer is ova lol.Next wednesday is school so yeah.But on the plus side i will be going into high school as a freshman and one of the best high schools in my area (Melbourne Florida) but yeah
XD, I still have a month full of vacation fun :D
Then school, then probally somewhere the realese of SHS online in Europe (well, its rumored to be around Septemeber, and they sure took the sweet holy time for it)
So yeah :D
I already find it hard to believe thats it the 8th month of the year already, damn this year was fast for me XD
School starts for me in 3 weeks :( I wish it was longer
I still have two months left.
I have none :D lol.
My school starts next week.. I'm looking forward to it,with college and all .. I can walk off campus anytime I please.. I love that doing that :-)
school I hate you !!!!! :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: leave me alone !!!!!
Quote from: mj fan on August 01, 2011, 03:25PM
school I hate you !!!!! :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:
XD I agree :mad:
School can get you far in life. Don't ever hate it.
Who the eff am I kidding, I'm glad I quit school after so many years :X
lol i could say that too. Cept I was kicked out, pulled out and quit within 5 minutes. lol. Long Story.
I know it gets you far in life, but I still hate it. But not because I think it's stupid
School can get you very far in life, even though that we hate it, we have to go and withstand everything there. Who said that life was easy? and i know, it's totally boring and a drag because they bother you a lot, i don't understand why they do that, it's so wrong to bother other people so that you have fun and i let all my stress go listening to Everything Burns while i imagine a situation (Don't laught ok? this is how i do it) where i turn into the Dark Phoenix and destroy everyone and everything there. But we have to withstand that. i have only 3 years and something left on School. After those 3 years, it's a: Goodbye Suckers!
Honestly I miss going to school. Things were so much simpler back then. All you had to do was go to school, hang out with friends, and come home and do whatever you wanted. There wasn't a thing you had to worry about... save for my shitty living situations when I was younger. It was still better than it is now. High school was one of the best times of my life.
I hate the school/Institute too! I hate my Institute! A month later, this nightmare begins again. I would have to tolerate people I hate ...
QuoteI hate the school/Institute too! I hate my Institute! A month later, this nightmare begins again. I would have to tolerate people I hate ...
I Agree especially teachers who can't see you , with their eyes which are illuminated when comes the hour from the punishments :mad:
and you know the worst of all is that it can be even harder after....
QuoteHonestly I miss going to school. Things were so much simpler back then. All you had to do was go to school, hang out with friends, and come home and do whatever you wanted. There wasn't a thing you had to worry about... save for my shitty living situations when I was younger. It was still better than it is now. High school was one of the best times of my life.
:ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:
Oui. On peux dire que je vis et j'espère que ce mois-ci poursuivra pendant une longue période.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 01, 2011, 05:48PM
(Don't laught ok? this is how i do it) where i turn into the Dark Phoenix and destroy everyone and everything there.
xD, you readed to much X-men ^^ (just kidding, kinda gives you a good feeling when you pretend you destroy the whole school doesnt it? :) )
School and all that bad I just can't handle the pressure sometimes, and mostly teachers here pretty much lay pressure on students because they have pressure (like kinda passing it over)
The last week of our school is called ''Proefwerk week" you would say ''test week'' in English :)
each day you get a test, a test that counts 4 times, seriously, I have never felt that much pressure in my ENTIRE life, just glad I passed :)
Just wait till you get "examen week" and "tentamen week". Those are fun :)
If you want a tip: become friends with the teacher. No seriously, teachers are actually great friends. Till you are done with school.
Having teachers as friends means they are more likely to help you out whenever you need help, and they will notice you faster during classes.
Almost all teachers I had remember me when they see me, because I was always nice towards them and well they offered help during classes when I needed it without raising my hand.
You're still young so ik adviseer hier gebruik van te maken ^^.
So I finally found XML2 for PSP yesterday and played it for a bit today. It really sucks we can't use the models from it. I seen X-Man, and he looks good. Plus, I could use that model for a skin for Gredin :D lol. Oh well...
I booked my flight to my girlfriend's country and city today for December. I managed to get three weeks vacation =] from work. I'm so excited.
However, flight costs... Fckdmnt man can't they lower the prices and make everything environment friendly? Seriously?
Quote from: Polygone on August 02, 2011, 02:26AM
xD, you readed to much X-men ^^ (just kidding, kinda gives you a good feeling when you pretend you destroy the whole school doesnt it? :) )
School and all that bad I just can't handle the pressure sometimes, and mostly teachers here pretty much lay pressure on students because they have pressure (like kinda passing it over)
The last week of our school is called ''Proefwerk week" you would say ''test week'' in English :)
each day you get a test, a test that counts 4 times, seriously, I have never felt that much pressure in my ENTIRE life, just glad I passed :)
Everytime that i pretend to turn into the Dark Phoenix and destroy the School and the people that i hate there makes me feel aswome! and congrats for passing the exams!
So today's been a good day, still constanly heartbroken when I see the ''Marvel Super Hero squad online is currently not avaible in your area'' sign, but its something you need to learn how to deal with :P
And, even though its by FAR one of the most fanboyish things I did, and im afraid to say it, but I actually like it, I changed my Wallpaper to a HD Galactus picture XD
No kidding though, its one of these scenes in MUA where you basicly see a destroyed city with only Galactus reaching out by FAR, it actually looks quite good as a wallpaper,
Galactus Fanboy-ism for the win!
Also, I just wanted to post in this topic again, because its one of these topics we should cherisch the most :D
I have pictures of Phoenix and other marvel characters as my wallpapers all the time XD
I hope they aren't nekkid then ;x
Another 2 days of working late =[ And I don't have weekends anymore this month. Just 1 day off, then work, then another day off, then work again. That's my weekend lol.
Kinda irritating -_-
When were you supposed to leave to see your girl? I thought that was this week, obviously read that wrong.
December unfortunately. I hope she dont read this but eh. am going to ask her to marry me =]
I just looked at the calender myself realizing in two weeks my classes begin again but my classes are enjoyable to me, so i look forward to them. I gotta enjoy my life at this point where it's pretty relaxed, cause i know any day it could pick up and i gotta move forward.
Im feeling good :D, im actually kinda busy with a project on MUA (Still a month vacation, and got nothing better to do, so why not? :P)
Also, my mother and her husband returned from a weekend trip and bought me one of the most amazing shirts I have ever seen it reads
''Liever verwend dan verwaarloosd''
Which translated in English would be something like ''Rather spoiled then neglected'' :D, im so going to wear this shirt first day of school :P
Don't worry, the whole of the UK may be on fire but I'm fine.
Thats good to know :), I saw it on the news yesterday, just wow, its not like the death of a 29 year old man gives you the right to ruin other lifes!
Not to mention that other people are just riding on the chaos, it tends to happen alot you know? That a certain group first does things for a goal, and that the other group tends to do the same thing, only not knowing the goal, just for personal ''fun''
Yeah. This is why I hate cities, London at the top of the list.
Wow I've been gone a while, and my how things have changed around here. How long has it been since non-Marvel characters were allowed on the site? And why?
Since mid july, I believe. Main reasons, I think: so that some modders could share their non-marvel stuff, revitalize the community somewhat, and MUA officially being an old game and because of that, the likelihood of getting the attention of a conflicting company is low, and it's even lower they'll spend money and time in ordering a cease-and-decist.
I'm going to share this here too, since it lifted me up this morning:
Wow, those are some really inspiring pics there Gevth :)
I just feel ugh currently, someone in the offical characters thread wanted help, claiming they dont know how to open exe's on a mac, but to be fair and square, I dindt believe him/her, mainly because to me, its so darn simple to open up a exe file, next thing you know, he says if I dont believe him that I need to leave him alone, his next post? Saying that im a good person because I wanted to help him
I then asked if he could actually put some effort into it, and still its the same old message ''just help me'', now I had one of these ''Let me google that for you'' links on how to open exe's on a Mac, geez, some people I help defnitly don 't deserve it :P
However, Gevths pics cured my annoyed mood :D
Thanks for the inspirational post link Gevth, definitely needed that. :)
@ Polygone
Keep calm dear people like that do exist >.> They desperately asked for help & when they get one & it didn't work out, they tend to vent their anger on us. o_o but when it works out they will thank you for eternity. I guess some kids do behave like that so don't let it bother you so much, okay? :)
Yeah, your right, but honestly, this guy didnt really have a good excuse ''I dont know how to open an exe'', honestly, thats just double clicking a file?, So im kinda getting the feeling the guy wants it bad, but just doesnt want to put ANY effort into it, heck he could have googled his problem, instead, I had to do it for him, Comeon Nuhverah, I know he thanks me for eternity and stuff, but first telling me to leave him alone, and then he actually reads my comment again ,and tells me what a good person I am, I mean Really? :P
I read that earlier, but none of your previous posts were there, so I got confused bad with what he was saying lol. I almost said something about him quadriple posting lol. Glad I didn't.
I feel WAY better today :D I don't hurt and my swelling has gone down tremendously! WOOT! Back to my creations... mwa ha ha h-*cough* yeah. lol. Monday I'll be going to another Hospital, get some XRays done and then I'll have new teeth XD I'm excited just to be free of the nasty stuff and the pain :) Ok, now that I've grossed everyone out, I'm gonna do some skins for Ms Amzon herself >_<
@ Polygone
Lol I know what you mean, but then again you'll cool down & eventually feel bleh about it :P
@ Scabbia
It's great to know you're feeling better! Now you can work your ass off with Miss Lady Amazon lol!
Well, he told me to leave him alone for all that matters, so I just deleted my posts :P, like I almost would never help him in the first place :P, didn't wanna cause a riot aswell XD
Amazing to know your feeling better Scabbia :D, Go working on Wonder Woman now, because a modder (Amazon) NEVER SURRENDERS :P *inner fanboyism again, really sorry bout it XD*
Storm fans have been demanding her prominent rise but I'm sure they never expected this.
Oh god, XD this doesn't need to happen lol. Scott needs to learn his place. And isn't Storm a married woman?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 10, 2011, 01:37PM
Oh god, XD this doesn't need to happen lol. Scott needs to learn his place. And isn't Storm a married woman?
Yes, but that didn't stop her from getting with Namor earlier lol. As for Scott, I always assumed that when he cheated on Emma, it would be with Jean or Frenzy. Marvel seems to consider marriage as a breakable compromise.
Lol when i searched storm's name in google fans of storm and scott said they think they should be together. I don't i think it's quiet nasty.I think she belongs with logan or black pather
OH Guys btw school started for me today and im a freshman in High School i'm going to a private Catholic School and i only knew 4 people from my old school.
My rest of friends went to this other public school oh well make new friends keep the old ones lol (
oO Weird Jean Madelyne then Emma then Storm....who's next? Is it his real power? :/
Has anyone seen the comic teasers for Wolverine and the X-Men and Uncanny X-Men? I cant tell who anyone is on Logans but it seems Emma is the main focus of Uncanny, Scott on Logans team?
Mutant Powers:
- Optic Blasts: shoots optic blasts from his eyes
- Women Hopping: Cyclops has an eye for anyone, hopping from woman to woman.
Get it, an eye for anyone?:P
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 10, 2011, 03:35PM
Has anyone seen the comic teasers for Wolverine and the X-Men and Uncanny X-Men? I cant tell who anyone is on Logans but it seems Emma is the main focus of Uncanny, Scott on Logans team?
The current storyline in X-Men is supposed to break the X-Men in two, one team lead by Wolverine and the other by Cyclops. Since those teasers are for after the end of that event, there's also the chance that Cyclops gets killed.
Quote from: Gevth on August 10, 2011, 06:37PM
The current storyline in X-Men is supposed to break the X-Men in two, one team lead by Wolverine and the other by Cyclops. Since those teasers are for after the end of that event, there's also the chance that Cyclops gets killed.
Theres never comic teasers out. One with Wolverine in the front with everyone else blacked out. The other with Emma in the front and everyone else blacked out
Quote from: mj fan on August 10, 2011, 03:24PM (
oO Weird Jean Madelyne then Emma then Storm....who's next? Is it his real power? :/
Don't forget Psylocke and Frenzy.
Quote from: Gevth on August 10, 2011, 06:37PM
The current storyline in X-Men is supposed to break the X-Men in two, one team lead by Wolverine and the other by Cyclops. Since those teasers are for after the end of that event, there's also the chance that Cyclops gets killed.
I hope he dies. From one of my fav characters, he's become one of my most hated.
Ive never liked him at all, so if he dies I would be happy, but then again I wouldn't really care
I always really liked him but he's been on a total trainwreck for the past few years. Better to kill him off before any more damage can be done. It would be awesome if this Cyclops is revealed to be under Apocalypse's control or a Skrull imposter.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 10, 2011, 08:06PM
I always really liked him but he's been on a total trainwreck for the past few years. Better to kill him off before any more damage can be done. It would be awesome if this Cyclops is revealed to be under Apocalypse's control or a Skrull imposter.
Well good, maybe if he dies Jean can return and get together with Logan. And hopefully Storm and Scott will stop cheating on people XD
You would think that Storm and Cyclops would have learned from their previous affairs in Age of X.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 10, 2011, 09:00PM
You would think that Storm and Cyclops would have learned from their previous affairs in Age of X.
But no, they haven't. You would have thought Scott would have learned the first time when Jean surprised him. But no...
BTW are you guys aware of Marvel Unvierse MMO? Its been restarted and Bendis will be the writer, plus the game will be free.
sounds exciting. hopefully rippable models? mostly for thor and deadpool XD
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 10, 2011, 09:27PM
sounds exciting. hopefully rippable models? mostly for thor and deadpool XD
Ditto especially Thor. I'd also hope to get the Storm model. It's about time that girl gets her cape!
MMO. Thousands of fanboys renaming their char after an existing superhero and violating the rule of that.
if its looks like that.. I might just stay this time
Free? Didn't see that comin' at all. Hopefully they don't do the same crap the DC Universe online did. I like to play as Rogue, not myself lol.
Quote from: BLaw on August 11, 2011, 01:50AM
MMO. Thousands of fanboys renaming their char after an existing superhero and violating the rule of that.
Guilty as charged :D
Im just hoping you can PLAY as Marvel Characters, and not as some new kid interacting in the Marvel Universe, anyway..
Yeah I was aware of it, hopefully they make it a great game :)
Anyways, Anyone know MUGEN??, Well im happy, Ultron got realesed today :D, yeah :P
You are going to play as marvel characters, so no worry about that.
Right on! Then I'll definetly be playing :D Might have to get a better graphics card, but I don't care. lol As long as Rogue is in it.
So my comp needs to get cleaned, badly, everything takes ages to start, and when I even try to touch Internet, it refuses to start, P, im now on my laptop
Yep, the marvel MMO looks epic, love the Deadpool model :P
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 10, 2011, 09:14PM
BTW are you guys aware of Marvel Unvierse MMO? Its been restarted and Bendis will be the writer, plus the game will be free.
game looks like i'll be good
On other new has anyone realized the amount of Spam Bots that are coming? I looked in the Xml2 technical problems and there was at least 6 more topics.I couldn't even report cause it said my last report was less than 60 seconds ago so i couldn't even report 4 of them.Justs a heads up to the moderators/administrators
EDIT:I also hope these models are able to be ripped cause Storm NEEDS her cape every other female got their cape other than Emma and Storn and i think Burning Rage is already making a cape for Emma so. yes storm does need her own cape kinda like WATX :D
You forgot Scarlet Witch as one of the capeless heroes.
The things I hate about comics are that there is never any stability. Events repeat over and over (and over...)
Doesn't seem like they'll just make Magneto a completely evil character once again. After all, if you check the pic below, the top-left shadow, well, then Emma would go all evil too.
Well, that's only the first issue. Magneto could join the team and leave about 2 issues later (sort of like Hulk on the Avengers). But yes I could see the UXM going rogue with Emma leading and members including Magneto and Juggernaut (?)
Yeah I believe I tooked about that comic and the Wolverine and the X-Men one on the other page. It looks like Juggs is in Emmas team also
I'm very happy! Finally I reconciled with my sister after two weeks of silence. It's terrible to quarrel with the family man ...
It must be Danger Magneto and Juggernaut
QuoteI'm very happy! Finally I reconciled with my sister after two weeks of silence. It's terrible to quarrel with the family man ...
I know that...but the last time I was angry with my brother was when I was..5 years old or something like that ( he is my twin brother yes so lucky yes I did not specify it in the The "what's it like being you?" topic because when people are thinking about twins they are thinking about clones and weird sometimes it is a little embarassing and all :D )
but it is a little more complicated with my sister...but that's all right she is cute ..even if sometimes she is :banghead: AGH
so good for you Rogue !!!!!! you feel so much better after
Merci bien! Je ne disais pas aussi à personne ici.... Mias... J'ai la soeur-jumelle! C'est notamment avec elle nous étions dans la querelle. Je suis contente que tout s'est achevé bien. (Je demande pardon pour mon français)
WOW so you have a twin sister too Wow!!! and are you in the same school ?
Mais c'est très embêtant la maniere dont les gens te voient on dirait qu'ils nous prennent pour des bete de foire en tout cas pour nous c'est ça...mais bon
en tout cas je suis Super heureux d'apprendre qu'ici on est pas seuls ;)
PS don't worry your French is very Good (:
^_^ ^_^ ^_^
We have already left the school. Long time . Now we are in the different Universities. :) I LOVE her! SO much!
we are in the same University so it is Very boring because of people They are so annoying..
but she must miss you a lot..I don't know how you can do...because we are together all the time I can't leave my brother even for a second :D
I also get irritated by people. Especially the crowd.
She (my sis) is not bored. Now I explain. We live in the one city, and our universities are being actualised in the another city. We are always together, we go to university together. Night, we back home. Together. ^_^
So cute !! I m so happy to talk to you. Exactly like us but when I said "school" that's because I didn't know how to say it in English XD
sometimes it can be weird because my brother can post here from his computer hee it can be strange sometimes :D
I'm very happy too to talk with you! You really understand me!
Strangely enough, I did not notice any "stranges" of your brother. Maybe you and your brother think the same? :)
I always thought that "MJ FAN" it's you and nobody else. :)
Happily we have the same tastes and we like MJ We wanted to make 2 account but since we can't because of multiple account law we can't :/
does your sister posts here too? It can be amazing you know :D
Interesting! I talked with two people at once? Amazing. :)
We (me and my sis) agreed to talk on the different forums. I am here, my sister chose the Russian Marvel Forum (we are from Russia). I learn the languages, she don't speak English. (By the way, me too. A little better.)
I see that you love Michael Jackson. I loved Michael. And now I love. But before he was the object of all my thoughts. Now feeling relieved. I went back to my favorite music. But I respect his works so far.
And my feelings relieved too (: but I still love his music so much that's so Great!!
But you know what? You must be someone very nice and your sister too and I did not expect it too I thought you were alone
I am not very expert of music ( Wow sounds like an old person lol XD )
I'd like to know what's your favorite music :D No it's not an interview... XD but maybe I could find another singer than Mj
Thank you for your kind words!
Can someone guess have you a brother or sister? No! Because we know how to hide it. :)
I envy you. You and your brother have the same interests. Probably you are the the best friends to each other?
I was a goth for a long time. Maybe I remain... Don't know. My favorite music is gothic rock, darkwave, industrial, gothic metal.
Ahah You know what? for carnaval I was dressed like a Goth I loved it and I still have the clothes XD and of course my brother too plus I had long dark hair lol
but now they are short :/ and I kept on the same clothes the weekend people were shocked lol but now I know I'm bad with make-up XD
I will put a picture at least when I return from holidays because I do not have them on me now
Amazing! I think you looked adorable!
You cut your hair? Pity. On the contrary, I grew my hair. Recently I had a bright red hair! (I love bright colors bloody), now I want something else to do with my hair. But my appearance is different so much from my soul and character. :)
I want to ask: your brother like too Marvel?
Just wanted to say I admire your talents to fill an entire page with conversations between you two XD
Ha-ha! We have a lot in common with my friend MJ fan. :)
Yes he likes Marvel too happily ;)
QuoteOn the contrary, I grew my hair. Recently I had a bright red hair!
OMG Jean Grey !!!
QuoteJust wanted to say I admire your talents to fill an entire page with conversations between you two XD
AhAH lool yeah we are very talented XD maybe we are brother and sister :D
WOW! :) He love Jean too? Or anyone else?
Yes. I was "Jean Grey" :) (to be honest, I have a lot of favorite characters from different movies and cartoons with bright red hair).
QuoteAhAH lool yeah we are very talented XD maybe we are brother and sister
Maybe! :)
We looove Jean Grey so much but this is so boring she dies all the time in the comics anyway I love red hair it makes me think about Jean all the time lol
Amazing! You can discuss With you bro your favorite Jean for hours, right? :)
I confess that I hate her deathes. She is one of the best characters, and they kill her all the time. For what? That's Unfair!
because they will sell more like in the Dark Phoenix saga :/ so boring When will they realize that it is completely silly to kill characters all the time :/ but at least Rogue is not dead
oh and In fact my brother loves Pyro because of xml1 ...that's why I wanted sounds for him Now he has pyro xml1 with effects and all in his roster he is so happy :)
...but he is dead too :/
Edit Hope we don't bother you guys with our family story lol :D :D
I'm very interested in your family history! I listen to you with pleasure! You can tell me whatever you want MJ Fan!
Yes, we love our favorite characters. Even when they die, they remain in our hearts. If my Rogue dies, I will not cease to love her, that's for sure!
I think we will see Jean and Pyro. In the fictional world everything is possible! (I read somewhere that it's time to resurrect Jean!) Wait and hope!
So how im feeling? Bored :P
What do I do when im bored?
Play Minecraft xD, anyone else here play Minecraft to?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 12, 2011, 03:16PM
Yeah I believe I tooked about that comic and the Wolverine and the X-Men one on the other page. It looks like Juggs is in Emmas team also
That's kinda weird to say. Where ever Emma is, Juggs is :X
Quote from: BLaw on August 13, 2011, 11:36AM
That's kinda weird to say. Where ever Emma is, Juggs is :X
Subtle Blaw Real subtle LOL
But I wonder though who the other person is.
I just saw Green Lantern I love this movie ...even if I don't like Green Lantern in the comics I LOVE Ryan Reynolds ! :) And special effects were incredible !!
Ugh, REALLY getting sick of Apple and all of the lawsuits they wanted, okay, some points they mentioned just ARE like that, but really? ''amazon appstore and ''app store'' oh geez, how confusing :P
Have to get my Samsung galaxy tab fast though, who knows if those terrorists win here -_-
Ugggh so i go to this college prep catholic high school.(even though im christian) and i have all honors classes and last wednseday we started school.Everything seemed fined the teachers give the cool amount of work to me.ALl of a sudden today i got so much homework that i don't even know when i'll get finished.Or which one to start. uggh but i guess all this hard work will be payed off when i have a job but man im under so much stress.I guess now i know what it kinda feels like to be an adult
Comeon Jeanfan, you can do it!! :P
Well, luckily, it takes still 5 years for me to become an adult (not if im gonna use my cousin as an example, who even when he is 19 acts like a 5 year old brat) :P
Was just reading a X-men comic, gotta love Psylocke, its just the moment she's back form the death (not sure in what universe, sorry guys)
I just love this little conversation (putted into a nuthshell by me :D)
Psylocke thoughts when hearing Emma ''Cow
Psylocke thoughts after seeing Emma ''Mega cow
Psylocke thoughts when Emma greeted her ''Bitch
Emma proudly saying ''Scott and I rule the school togehter''
Psylocke ''Yeah, I heard you have been doing alot together recently''
Kitty gets all exited about Betsy dissing Emma
Psylocke mentions Jean
Emma ''Next time do us a favor, stay dead''
Dont know why I love the conversation so much, its just epic xD
@Jeanfan: I'd start by telling people I know (including us here in these forum!) what you're homeworks are. As long as people only tell you where you could find information or give advice on how to proceed, it's not cheating and in fact is a quality I consider remarkable (knowing when to ask for help and what help is ok to receive).
@Everyone: when is down, have you ever wondered if it's down for everyone or just for you?
stay death = stay dead.
Just had to get that out xD
:P, Sorry xD, edited it :)
Quote from: Gevth on August 16, 2011, 04:57PM
@Everyone: when is down, have you ever wondered if it's down for everyone or just for you?
LOL I wonder that all the time! But im friends with several people on the site on facebook/ MSN so if I cant get on I ask the others to see if they can. First I always think I got banned, or that something bad happend to the site :D but then it comes back on again
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 17, 2011, 08:11AM
LOL I wonder that all the time! But im friends with several people on the site on facebook/ MSN so if I cant get on I ask the others to see if they can. First I always think I got banned, or that something bad happend to the site :D but then it comes back on again
Lol, i always wonder that, and same here midnightphoenix, i always ask someone first if they can access it when i can't. I'm always afraid that something bad might have happened to the site.
I brought A Little Gift For All Of You Guys! ( sorry I just wanna post that
Oprah taking over xD love your new avatar btw, looks awesome :D
thank you Polygone
God I love that picture xD It's like Oprah is being happy with all the bees /dance xD
Yeeh :D, my computer is back up & Running :D, First goal is to install Mua :D, second is to install M.U.G.E.N then Rollercoaster tycoon 3 and then im up & Running again :), it feels good to type on a keyboard to :D
Got my new videocard in today, HOPEFULLY i can run games AT HIGHEST SETTINGS FOR ONCE. No matter what I upgrade and I upgrade good everytime I swear to god, the game runs choppy (even MUA LOL).
Oh and apparently I need a new motherboard too. It keeps saying battery low and I plucked in like 3 new batteries and the new card gave me BDOD (it works now) so my motherboard is kinda messed up =/
Damnit why can't they make technology malfunctionproof for once.
xD, my videocard is also a LITTLE bit laggy when it comes to mua with advanced lighting turned on and stuff, but heck, it runs games perfectly :D, hope your new video card is gonna be better Blaw :D
I know your pain Blaw; Before I updated my computer I couldn't even ran MUA.. and now that it can run, it still lags on certain levels and about the BSOD, my last PC went thought that,come to find it was just Hardware failure
P.s Neweggs got all kind of Pc stuff
OMFG. ITS ALL SO PRETTY!!!! And everything runs smooth! I love this card :D
To celebrate the above post, let's all laugh rele hard!
XD, love your vid xD
Currently working on Super Skrull and its going pretty good :D, so im happy with that :D, now if you excuse me, im going to watch Blaw's vid again :D
Quote from: BLaw on August 19, 2011, 08:29AM
To celebrate the above post, let's all laugh rele hard!
That guy is crazy funny. I first saw him when I watched a video of him doing his dance to the song torn by Natalie Imbruglia and she did the dance with him as well, both of them were soooo funny.
Yeeh :D, I officaly started my first mod :D, and to be fair, he's going great!
He still has the powers of the FF and stuff, but his X-treme and power 6 are because of his high command in the Skrull army and stuff, no smiley can express how happy I am xD
Ok well I started school today... freshman.... worst day of my life. Not in a bad way. But it was a complete waste of time. From 7:45 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon of pretty much completer boring and stupid crap
Hey, you should get me a new card too. Lol joken'. MUA didn't work when I first got it, at least until I updated my Graphics card. I just can't have advanced lighting on. If I have all my characters as ps2 models, it runs smooth, but it does lag a little if I don't.
Im so excited we just got another puppy yay!:D We already have one dog named Piper that's 2 years old.Now we got another another one that's 15 weeks old.Were gonna name her Dora
Piper: (
Dora: (
AWWWWW both are so freaking adorable
I don't know if I posted this before, but at the bar I go to, theres a drag queen that wears a Rogue costume. I'm gonna try to post a pic. It's awesome. Although the colors are reversed (jim lees). Its still cool.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on August 19, 2011, 06:52PM
AWWWWW both are so freaking adorable
Thanks lol only thing though behind those cute facces is a stubborn,strong minded, and intelligent dog.There one of the top 5 smartest dogs i think or 10. There Shiba Inu's look them up ;)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on August 19, 2011, 08:00PM
Thanks lol only thing though behind those cute facces is a stubborn,strong minded, and intelligent dog.There one of the top 5 smartest dogs i think or 10. There Shiba Inu's look them up ;)
lol my dog is sounds the same as well. Judging from the dogs species name, it must be of japanese decent, because I think inu means dog in Japanese. :)
Yeah they come from japan.There similar to the Akita but a smaller version of them.
i haven't really talked about my personal life here much...cause i just haven't... but i just thought some of you might be amused by this little bit of irony. i've been rased in one of the most dry non-mormon families possible. my parents never have alcohol in the house and only occasionally partake at parties. and since they only go to teacher parties (my dad is a teacher at my school) i couldn't even get like a little sip of their drinks if i wanted to. so my girlfriend of more than six months now, her parents own a saloon. not sure if any of you have heard of the shooting star saloon in utah. it's the longest consistently running bar in utah. but anyways it just funny that i've worked at a bar (doing grunt work like building, painting and moving stuff around; not bartending or such things), illegally been in a bar, but have still never had even a sip of alcohol :P
Celebrate the 6 month relationship with a drink then! =D!!
Not feeling well =(, this wasn't a good day, i got an F in a maths exam, i didn't get the book for tomorrow and maybe i'll get 5 minus (it's for concept, if i get 10 minus, it's an F), Man... this isn't one of my good days =(
@ Blaw
Kanpai~! :D
@ JeanGrey
Aww*hugs* Don't worry good things will eventually come your way..just be strong :)
I'm so sorry, Jean... I'll hack their system and change it :D
Well, with the past week to two weeks being horrible, and since my fiance owes me, I'm on my way to getting a new graphics card. MUA will never look so good :) (and no BLaw, I'm not copying you lol.)
Quote from: nuhverah on August 24, 2011, 11:51PM
@ JeanGrey
Aww*hugs* Don't worry good things will eventually come your way..just be strong :)
Thanks Nazirah =) *hug*
Quote from: Scabbia on August 25, 2011, 06:42AM
I'm so sorry, Jean... I'll hack their system and change it :D
Well, with the past week to two weeks being horrible, and since my fiance owes me, I'm on my way to getting a new graphics card. MUA will never look so good :) (and no BLaw, I'm not copying you lol.)
Lol, that would be aswome =D, and i'm glad that you're getting a new graphics card, maybe Champions Online won't have too much lags with that =)
Lol i thought you would like that. :) and yeah, that was my whole point for getting it. It aggravated me bad yesterday lol. Although I had to get a new power supply for my computer... So I ended up spending too much, but it'll be worth it.
Cool, i'm looking foward to team up again, are you getting online tomorrow in Champions Online? so i can team up Jean with your Rogue, i made a fantastic mixture between the Movie Costume and the Phoenix Costume, it turned out to be FANTASTIC.
Oh cool! I can't wait to see it! :) I'll be on there tomorrow after I check the sounds for Wonder Woman. I'm so excited... I so hope it runs smoother.
So for any of you who know/remember Aaliyah she had a memorial today.
FOr those who don't know who she is she was a singer/actress that was very kind and gave SO much money to charities BUT then on August 25th 2001 her and 8 other people died in a plane crash. ;(
There were several reasons why it might have crashed.1.It was 700 pounds overloaded,the pilot had cocaine and alcohol in his systen and wasn't even authorized to fly the plane.
(R.I.P. Baby Girl)
info bout her for those of u interested
I will never forget the day she died. I just got into her music and was all about her, then my sister comes and tells me that she died in a plane accident... I cried bad... She was too young.
Sue don't look soo good,but the stuff she's saying is badass (
Sue is always badass xD
Kinda cool how she could make his chest invisible :D
Quote from: Scabbia on August 26, 2011, 04:17AM
I will never forget the day she died. I just got into her music and was all about her, then my sister comes and tells me that she died in a plane accident... I cried bad... She was too young.
Yeah when she died i was like 6 or 7 then one day i heard a song by her and was like ooh i love this song.
Then searched for the video's and all the comments said ''she left to soon and she didnt deserve to die"
sO then i looked her up and found out that terrible tragedy.Then Lisa Lope(LEft Eye from TLC died 9 months after her in a car scash
sorry to get off topic but I just saw the Bleach Movie Total BADASS!!!
General talk about everything, so nothing is off-topic ^^
Bleach IS badass xD
I just once again got addicted to Minecraft, god, its such a simple yet so addicting game ^-^ (
I knew it was Danger in the left...But...wait a second is that colossus????????? OMG but he looks like juggernaut anyway I guess emma takes leadership instead of scott
he ain't dead and he is in the team... :/
Hey everybody! I know I haven't posted in quite a while, so this is to try and keep in touch. Haven't even finished my travel log.
Well, anyway, trip is over, later when I have the time I'll post the last half of it. Haven't done it while I was there cause I was bloody exhausted every single day. So much to do, ya know?
My sister is getting married next month, so we're all going kinda crazy here at home helping out with everything. Her fiancée finally decided to tie the knot after 9 years O.o.
So, yeah, haven't been having much time to do anything, but I am not gonna be MIA here, promisse. Still modding whenever I can and still gonna release everything I entended to.
Well, miss you all. Best regards!
Congrats to your sister :)
Congrats Nowhere Man, glad you havent forgotten about us xD
nevaaaaah! ;)
Gui! Congratulations with your sister my friend ^^
Quote from: mj fan on August 29, 2011, 12:45PM (
I knew it was Danger in the left...But...wait a second is that colossus????????? OMG but he looks like juggernaut anyway I guess emma takes leadership instead of scott
he ain't dead and he is in the team... :/
Congrats to your sis, NM! Glad to know that despite you're far away, your heart is close to us & the modding community ^_^
Oh, NM! I'm glad to see you!!!
Congrats to your sister! :laola: :laola: :laola: :laola: :jumping: :jumping:
Feel Sooooo Bad ! Despite the fact that I learned that my grandma has a cancer I fell so bad yes she raised us I also learned that I am completely stuck in my studies because even If my brother and I have good marks the previous year was horrible especially because of my brother: asthma,problems of heart ,depression other things I don't know how to say.. He was always absent so it was harder for us to work well and I was in the same class but as I have problems to explain in English what I want to say I can't write it soo... now We are both stuck and the final exam was a disaster We don't know what to do Oh and guess what when I said that to our French teacher do you know what she said..???? Bitch she laughed and said We were just liars and then we showed her all the times we were at the hospital and all absences justified and signed by the parents and the supervisors ( 5 pages )and said we had to make exams earlier because it was not her fault so she could not modify appreciations and all ...that's why first my holidays were ruined because of my future second because of my grandma who vomitted and was crying all the time Too hard hope she will be better one day and now my brother has problems too :( next because We don't know what to do this year because of the exam and there ar not enougth places in the class we wanted to go
....Annd of course not over our cousin came and everyone were proud of him because of course He Was better than us "oh you are so brilliant we are proud of you the better student of his class" and it was our birthday oh wait for our 18 years old GOOD !!!!
everyone were like that and the worst is that our parents were so jalous I felt so bad thry are helping us but I saw it in their eyes they were saying "God If only I could have a son like that !"and it is not our fault it was because because of the disease
I don't know what to do now friends I am so depressed everything is so dark around us I think I'm done.. We are done
Oh, MJ I felt your pain....
with all those things going on right now, it's understandable to feel so down but I just want you to know that we are always here to listen to you & comfort you. Just be strong everything happens for a reason, sometimes we don't even know why these things happened to us but it just did :(
I pray your grandma & brother for the very best of health, please God make them okay. Just make MJ & all of his family okay ;_;
For the umpteenth time I am convinced, in which bad world we live in! How many bastards are around us! BUT! We should not pay attention to them! Dear, hold on, I want your grandmother good health! We are with you!
Do not worry, my grandma died from cancer the same day with her birthday.......but i believe that she is still with me, in a way........
be strong and always make her feel good, pray for her and be nice :*)
Wow Polygone, for that young age you sure are computer-talented!
When I was around your age I was busy obsessing on boybands lol! XDD
xD, yep, not to seem like the lifleness nerd who doesn't have a social live, but its pretty much what I do most of the day xD
Its also because of a few things that I have (autism) etc. that I know pretty much a ton there is to know about some subjects
(think computers, Greek mythology, English, which I speak fluently since I was 9)
I still hate school and stuff, once again, not a nerd guys ;) (not to say people who like school are nerds, but I think you get my point :) )
Time will tell eventually..just hope for the best! :)
On my side I lost my uncle this morning. He was a heavy smoker, & I guess his lungs failed him this time. Rip Anuar Mohamed, despite his teasings, thank you for making me feel like the prettiest girl in the world who's worth to be loved, may your soul rest in peace. Amen.
This morning!
Oh god, im so sorry :(, Just remember, E.T is not alone now :), They are both resting in your heart ;)
I lost my brother thanks to cancer when I was like 7 (he was I believe 6/7 its been six years ago So I dont really know :P )
This organization worked so hard on giving him his last few moments of happiness (We went to Disneyland Paris with a V.I.P pass, which basicly enables you to be guided by an employee to the exit of the ride, and you could just go for another ride if you want)
It was awesome :)
Some people really think its all wowy im so good at talking about him, but my mom instantly send me to 2 psychologists, so I could let it all out etc.
Then a wave of disspear turned upon me, my parents divorced basicly revealing they didn't want my brother to know they had arguments (thank god they are still friends :) )
My cat died, genuia pig died, other one died, other cat died, then I heard a dog which I basicly adored (he bit to many people, so he went to a farm :( ) Had died, even though the people took a 3 hour ride just to cure him (It didnt work :( ), then my grandpa died
The one still in my heart the most is my brother, we were basicly identical twins (I was 6 months older, but still) and well, lets just say that after he died, I got...Fat :P, yeah, or overweight, whatever you wanna call it, Right now im 13 and 176 pound, it sounds so much, in dutch we would say 80 kilo, which doesnt sound as much xD
Trying to lose fat though, but there's not really a exercise I like (and I dont mean like doing, I mean just seriously dont like), not to mention all the bullying that caused that... :P
Oh and at elemtary school, kids used to call me gay all the time, so one time the teacher came to me and I just bursted in tears :(, glad I did that though, since I never heard another word from them again ;)
So yeah :P my grandpa died totally unexpected, sure he was a smoker, but it was something with his brain that caused it, totally unexpected, still remember the amulances etc. My grandma was basicly babysitting me (was 10 then and my parents thread me like a toddler I know :P ) and my grandma said that I had to go, she didnt say were, so I just followed her, and the day my brother died? I was in a amusment park since one of my friends was moving to Norwegian, my mother didnt call me or anything, but instead I REALLY had the urge to go home, so im glad I made it in time, to this day, his lasts words are inprinted on his grave (its the first grave in the Netherlands to be made of glass! So people like really had to come up with rules and stuff xD) after my grandpa's death we discovered I had autism :P
Thats just my 2 cents on bad luck ^^
I'm really pissed off cause my computer isn't working for like 5 days :( I'm really afraid about loosing all my stuff on it, including the modding ones >.<
@ Polygone
Sorry to hear all of that..:( Even so, in a way, it reminds us that, we're still here, we're alive, let's try to make the best of everything :)
& these experiences make us stronger.
@ Marvel Watcher of my own fear as well. I need to backup everything b4 it's too late! XD
Yeeh :), Blaw is happy :)
Good 2 know :D
I think it's an experience that has given you guys more depth understanding on how you guys relate to each other, & imho sometimes we need these 'events' to remind us who we really are & what we meant to our a way, it will brings lovers much closer than ever before :P
Naw do us a favor & get yourself some rest! After all this things happened, you need ta pamper yaself .
All the best! :D
As sappy as it sounds, it is my strong and honest opinion that in the end love always wins despite various obstacles. I've seen it happen myself on several occasions ^-^
After all the fights and breakups that my fiance and I have had in the past 4 years... yeah, it happens. I think I've grown up some because of it all. So yeah, serious fights happen. I think Pat Benetar said it best, love is a battlefield, lol.
Ben ik denk nog de enige die in Nederland woont op dit forum? xD
Oh well, its fully your choice ;)
Nog wel. xD
The best wishes for you Marv, you both look so cute together. I really wish that this love remains forever and she gets better =]
they really do, don't they?
well, I've been modding as much as I can since I came back. I became kinda fed up about having all my characters great, but none absolutely perfect. So, I decided to go from character to character taking each of them to my own definition of perfection. 49 characters and yes, I've been modding ALL of them in the past 20 days or so. 34 are done, now 15 to go. Once I'm done expect a great number of releases \o/.
Yeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhh! Can't wait for this!!!!
Well, mon last day of vacation :(, Have to go to school at 3'o clock for books, and tommorow lessons follow ( :( )
Oh well, I do know two kids from my previous year, and my history/french teacher are the same.
(my history teacher is a also a guy who helps kids with autism, just like my french teacher, so it doesn't really suprise me ;) )
I don't blame you. If something like that happened to my fiance, fighting or not, I'd be in jail... My fiance would say the same if the tables were turned.
Sorry to change the subject, but in a couple hours, I'll be seeing my Father for the first time since he almost shot himself and started rehab... Im nervous and ticked at the same time. He's my Father, so I do care about him, but... hes also the one that beat me and said I was worthless and a mistake... and tried to disown me. This sucks...
I hope he changed his mind. He should realize he IS a father.
Quote from: Scabbia on September 05, 2011, 02:44PM
I don't blame you. If something like that happened to my fiance, fighting or not, I'd be in jail... My fiance would say the same if the tables were turned.
Sorry to change the subject, but in a couple hours, I'll be seeing my Father for the first time since he almost shot himself and started rehab... Im nervous and ticked at the same time. He's my Father, so I do care about him, but... hes also the one that beat me and said I was worthless and a mistake... and tried to disown me. This sucks...
Thats horrible! Im so sorry, no matter what nobody deserves that!
you know you live in a first world country when you complain for twenty minutes about how there's nothing worth eating even though there's a full fridge full of various foodstuffs... but i have no butter and cheese so i can't make anything worth snacking on...
oh god, I have the perfect answer for that statement but I don't wanna offend anybody. I shall be strong and resist!
@ Scabbia
Sorry to hear bout that :(
despite all those things he's done to you, I hope you won't abandon him :'( I remembered a story I heard a long time ago, about an abusive father who gave his family a living hell. Then he got sick & paralyzed & the family took care of him. He was sorry with all the things he'd done to them & repented. However his family was revengeful & didn't forgive him, so one day they took off from the house without telling him. The mother cooked meal that can last for a week for him & that was it. With his current disability condition,really what can he do?
The neighbours started to feel something wrong when they haven't seen him for a long time, & that there's terrible smell in the air...kinda like the smell of a rotten corpse. They barged in to his house & saw his body on the floor, smelly & rotten. & the food in the kitchen was rotten too, he never ate them.
What's heartbreaking is that, he died not because of hunger, but of a broken-hearted.. over a family who abandoned him & left him to die a lonely death. After all he had done to them, I don't expect the family to totally forgive him, but what they've done was inhuman, in the end he IS still her husband & father. May God bless his soul.
Sorry for the long babbling. I just need to get this sad creeping feeling out of my chest. :'(
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on September 05, 2011, 08:33PM
you know you live in a first world country when you complain for twenty minutes about how there's nothing worth eating even though there's a full fridge full of various foodstuffs... but i have no butter and cheese so i can't make anything worth snacking on...
LOL I do this all the time, and my Mom is like we have tons of food, and I'm just like well I dont want any of it XD
It breaks my heart to know people go threw this really horrible moments in live, which some of the time having no blame in the situation. Why aren't we equal god dammit!! And when will there be at least a hour in the whole world where everyone is at peace.
Quote from: edward on September 06, 2011, 09:26AM
It breaks my heart to know people go threw this really horrible moments in live, which some of the time having no blame in the situation. Why aren't we equal god dammit!! And when will there be at least a hour in the whole world where everyone is at peace.
Lets hope soon :) I agree with you completely!
Yeah, me too! I wish us love and patience
Couldn't agree more, Ed. How we wished for heaven to exists on earth, even for a small moment :(
Yeah i think it's kinda sad when you watch the news it's always talking about something bad either a murder accident etc.There's not been one time i turned on the news and saw or heard good things.
It doesn't even have to be tragic even with this drama it's like you can't go at least 30 minutes without fighting or cursing someone out.This is what one of my acquaintances posted on fb regarding me and anyone thaat was talking bout him behind his back
QuoteOhk bitchs now if u gotta fukkin problem then fukkin cum up and say it to my face u Female Cat ass Forbidden word don't go around my fukkin bak and tell everyone bout Chocolate egg u no ain't tru so any of u from MCC that said fukkin anything bout me u cum say it to my face but if u don't and I find out it was u then imma fuk u up and I don't care who u r cuz I'm finna fade!!!!!!!
He say me in school didnt say a word to me but talked about me behind my back.He thinks he so popular when really no one even knows who he is AND he thinks everyone has his back but really know one does.It's also sad how the only words in his vocabulary are profanity
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 06, 2011, 07:31PM
Yeah i think it's kinda sad when you watch the news it's always talking about something bad either a murder accident etc.There's not been one time i turned on the news and saw or heard good things.
It doesn't even have to be tragic even with this drama it's like you can't go at least 30 minutes without fighting or cursing someone out.This is what one of my acquaintances posted on fb regarding me and anyone thaat was talking bout him behind his back
He say me in school didnt say a word to me but talked about me behind my back.He thinks he so popular when really no one even knows who he is AND he thinks everyone has his back but really know one does.It's also sad how the only words in his vocabulary are profanity
Hes just a moron who doesn't know anything better to do but bully! He should go back to kindergarden because he can't spell anything right, I find people who talk spell/ type like this all the time are stupid. He can't spell come right, or the bad words he says , plus he repeats himself which makes him even more stupid. Dont let him be rude to you and stand your ground, people like that deserve anything bad that comes to them. I deal with people like them daily and I do nothing wrong. They are just bullies like I said before, and have nothing better to do but find little satisfaction on be rude to others.
I know it sounds inmmature, but I really hate it when people can't spell (im not a grammar police type of guy, wont correct em, but I seriously hate it)
its lke tlking lkeths (space forgotten on purpose :) )
School was cool btw :D, im so glad, im nervous as I dont know what though :P
To tell you the truth, I don't really understand what he's talking about with all that bad grammar lol
but then again it's because of people like him, that people like you & me need therapy >.>
Seriously. Why can't the world just mind their own darn business & treat others nicely. but we know that this will never happen ;(
So the dinner with my Father was descent... oddly. Instead of him and me fighting, its my fiance. We really havent been getting along lately. Yay... And people wonder why I'm always in my own little world.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 05, 2011, 12:51AM
they really do, don't they?
well, I've been modding as much as I can since I came back. I became kinda fed up about having all my characters great, but none absolutely perfect. So, I decided to go from character to character taking each of them to my own definition of perfection. 49 characters and yes, I've been modding ALL of them in the past 20 days or so. 34 are done, now 15 to go. Once I'm done expect a great number of releases \o/.
Man I just notice this post and I got to say I can't wait to see who they are. No offense to anyone but a lot of the MUA mods are really broken and really needed of a little boost. I so wounder who is on your list i'm hope Multipleman, Cable, Polaris,(who could use a different voice) Kitty, Cannonball, toad, havok, and Pyro would be great to see but of corse I kow you lean more to the marvel universe outside of the x-men. :/
well, I lean towards the whole marvel universe. I don't have a preference to work on x-men characters. I am gonna release several x-men related stuff though. some people know of, such as Gambit 2.0, but others are a surprise. Out of your list the only one on my workbench is Cable. I actually worked on it some months ago and then my life turned upside down with all the travelling, job and so on. but his mod will be totally upgraded with a whole new powerset. but the one who's gonna release it is BLaw. I'm finishing the powers and effects, which are almost done, then he's gonna make his own improvements in other areas (models, icons, mannequin) and release it.
@Polygone and Nuhverah
Oh i didn't et him get the best to me cause he really is a non factor in my life so i didnt give 2 cents BUT, today i told him on facebook
Quote"that until you can conduct yourself in a more civilized manner and until your vocabulary is more than profanity we can't have an intelligent conversation so you can keep it moving"
he ain't say nuthing back and my friends saw the argument we had on fb and today everyone confronted me and said they got my back if this person trys and fight me.
I'm not a fighter BUT i do believe in self defense and i wont fight fair cuz i'll pick up a brick lol :P
So last saturday night I went and saw the Honda Civic Tour here in Utah at the USANA Amphitheater with my girlfriend. I got all dressed up like Gerard Way from the Danger Days music videos and completely fucked up my hair with so much costuming hairspray (hence the new profile pic. my hair isn't usually that sexy red haha). It was all brilliant even though we mostly went for My Chemical Romance. I'm actually a bit resentful that Blink 182 headlined. I'll admit they're a really fucking great band and all and have some of the most amazing stage presence around, but I don't think that just cause they're a more comercial band they should get to headline. MCR is way better musically. Their lyrics and the way that they bring in elements from older style music and mix it all up with their own ideas make a unique sound is simply brilliant. Even their older stuff is hella gorgeous musically. Haha if you haven't noticed I'm a bit of a fan anyways i loved the set list [link] ( and I have pictures from almost all of the songs linked below. I actually took hundreds of pictures but only a few turned out well. MCR uses a lot of LED light arrays on stage and that makes it really hard to take pictures of XD. I was interested to find out that 'Helena' is about Gerard and Mikey's grandmother. Also I don't really have any close ties to cancer victims, and when I listen to the song on the album I'm always fine, but when they played Cancer I just got chills and teared up. That's actually one of the reasons I love alternative while i have distain or worse for most pop and rap music: Good music and artists in my humble opinion have (beyond just being musically talented) lyrics that invoke emotions that you can relate to deeply, while pop seems to be just about the fake electronic beat and strippers/money/fornication/drugs/booze/dancing/etc. But I digress...I actually went to see them when they stopped here in Salt Lake on the World Contamination Tour but I wasn't really into them or their music at that point so I wasn't able to fully appreciate it which is a shame because (as i may have possibly implied) they're a really fucking talented band and are really fascinating musically. But hey that concert is what turned me on to their greatness in their first place ^-^ well I'm probably rambling now at this point anyways so I'll wrap up. This is just something important to me so I thought I'd share XD <<the best pics
all of the ones that turned out >>
But more relevant to the here and now, I'm having a tough week emotionally. Not sure why but i've just been feeling kind of bleh, kind of dead inside, something I'd almost describe as depression but I wouldn't want to diminish real, clinical depression. Not going to be that kind of silly emo teen XD. Anyways instead of abusing drugs or hurting myself like some people do I choose art as my weapon. I've been listening to lots of My Chemical Romance for catharsis. When I'm under a lot of stress I guess I just kind of shut off everything including my emotions so it feels really good to feel sad and angry and stuff and I can use music to do that. Also I made this piece of art:
@ Jeanfan
That's the spirit! Show him ur elegante, that's he's not in the level matched for you! XD
@ Deedoo
Wow D I've seen some of the pics in dvnrt..they're pretty wicked! It's amazing that 'Helena' is actually dedicated to their grandma, one of my relatives just got diagnosed with cancer so I figured I could relate to the song 'cancer' as well.
& It's okay D to feel sad & numb inside sometimes..after all, it's part of being human, right? I'm just glad you've found a healthy way to channel your feelings, unlike most youngsters now who turned to drugs & self-mutilation..I know coz I was one of them ;)
Well i wanna dedicate this post to all the people that died and the the families who lost someone on September 11th 2001.
May God Bless America and pray a tragedy never happens again
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 11, 2011, 06:34AM
Well i wanna dedicate this post to all the people that died and the the families who lost someone on September 11th 2001.
May God Bless America and pray a tragedy never happens again
I remember the many years ago when I watched this on TV the day it happend. Of course I was little so I didn't think much of it. But now, I pray for all the people who lost someone that day I hope everyone who died R.I.P
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 11, 2011, 06:34AM
Well i wanna dedicate this post to all the people that died and the the families who lost someone on September 11th 2001.
May God Bless America and pray a tragedy never happens again
amen brother
I'm feeling great today, i got to level 25 in Champions Online and i made Dark Phoenix as my nemesis! (i have Jean as a char)
speaking of 9/11, I'm here watching a video of the lion king musical I watched on broadway in june and almost sobbing. it was so beautiful. check it out:
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 13, 2011, 05:30PM
speaking of 9/11, I'm here watching a video of the lion king musical I watched on broadway in june and almost sobbing. it was so beautiful. check it out:
How is it about 9/11 because its sad? I want to see that really bad but The Little Mermaid on Broadway more plus the Phantom of the Opera XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 13, 2011, 06:26PM
How is it about 9/11 because its sad?
No, cause I watched it on Broadway...New York City....The Big Apple...the city that never it? :P
oh, and The Little Mermaid is no longer on Broadway, hate to tell ya :/
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 13, 2011, 06:33PM
No, cause I watched it on Broadway...New York City....The Big Apple...the city that never it? :P
oh, and The Little Mermaid is no longer on Broadway, hate to tell ya :/
Your video makes me really eager to watch the Lion King on Broadway. Luckily I caught the Little Mermaid a few years ago on one of its last few shows. It was beautiful and just superb to watch!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 13, 2011, 06:33PM
No, cause I watched it on Broadway...New York City....The Big Apple...the city that never it? :P
oh, and The Little Mermaid is no longer on Broadway, hate to tell ya :/
Ahh I see, and yeah I know its not such a shame :/ oh well :D
Edit: Anyone who does, or wants to play City of Heroes it has gone free now so give it a try! I strongly recommend it!
Im currently at the COH website, but can't seem to find the Freedom download link
Minecraft got an update as well btw, its now 1.8 :D
Quote from: Polygone on September 15, 2011, 06:10AM
Im currently at the COH website, but can't seem to find the Freedom download link
Minecraft got an update as well btw, its now 1.8 :D
Try making an account on the website ncsoft first
Still no dice...
Quote from: Polygone on September 15, 2011, 07:52AM
Still no dice...
hopefully this does the trick
It kinda does, but it says ''subcriber beta''
You're a not xD
Quote from: Polygone on September 15, 2011, 08:20AM
It kinda does, but it says ''subcriber beta''
You're a not xD
Freedom opened yesterday so it should be free to all now
Im just gonna be risky and download the subcriber beta
Anyway, if im online Ill tell you so we can play :D
My first character is defnitly gonna be nature based, its something I already decided xD
Pardon the double post
Midnight, you're awesome
Im on, character name = tymaca
EDIT : Oh great :P, I figured I neeed to activate my account, site is down for maintance -___-
When im on, my name will & shall be tymaca xD
Quote from: Polygone on September 15, 2011, 08:53AM
Pardon the double post
Midnight, you're awesome
Im on, character name = tymaca
:) Thanks! Currently Im unable to play, I live at two different houses and only one has COH and sadly im at the other that doesn't have it and I wont go back to the COH house for 4 or so more days
Well...Edited my message, so it should take a while for me to xD
Its because the account management part of the site is down for maintance
-_- *sigh* :P
I seriously am tired of the world's government literally STEALING the money of people around the world. I have to pay 15 euros for 1 fucking phone call with the US Consulate in Holland to ask for confirmations and information.
Second, the amount of money that needs to be spent on getting a Visa to live there. Total money required over 2200 dollars. Holy crapalot.
They really tick me off.
I don't understand how people can donate to world funds like save the animals and Chocolate egg while famous people have all the damn money in the world and they don't donate crap. I should make a fund myself and ask for money, u think I'd get some? Hell no.
Suddenly I wish it was all about real trade with items like hundreds of years ago. Nowadays it's all about the money.
Mr Law inc.
Supporting the law since 1975 xD
Make that 1987 loal
Most entertainment artists do have charities and volunteer like Royce Reed,Tami Roman,Ashley Walker,Alicia Keys,Wyclef,Beyonce,Jay-Z, and many more but those are the top ones on my head.
They should donate more money towards schools,medicine,people in Haiti and people in Africa. In my opinion
well, most billionaires don't really do the Oprah charity thing. such a pitty.
I wish I was there to help you fight her :( sorry I missed it.
So far, my day has sucked. Woke up late, got to the laundromat and some idiot parks so close I had to squeeze out of my car (should have slammed my door into that ugly truck) and then everyone is being beyond rude... I'm ready to go back to bed and ignore these people lol. Or just line them up and I'll run past em with my hand out, slappin them all as I go lol
Gosh I'm having a tough & hectic weekend too >.<
Another family member passed away, god two in a row in one month, pretty shocking & depressing.
& I just started my second semester last week, still to figure out which classes should I take & how the scholarship gonna pay 'em..ugh.
When I have time I shall work on thoze requested mannequins. & resume on my 3ds max lessons with Blaw when both of us got our spare time :)
Sounds so sweet! can't wait for your new jobs dear! Have a nice your second semester! :)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 15, 2011, 02:20PM
Most entertainment artists do have charities and volunteer like Royce Reed,Tami Roman,Ashley Walker,Alicia Keys,Wyclef,Beyonce,Jay-Z, and many more but those are the top ones on my head.
They should donate more money towards schools,medicine,people in Haiti and people in Africa. In my opinion
And those that dont? There are homeless people EVERYWHERE getting nothin At all. And those artist keep spending big and only act on a natural disaster to promote their kindness and most likely their new album.
Like Carrie Underwood? lol I can't stand her. Sorry...
i've been having this awful problem in which i can't access the forum and a couple of other sites and I don't know why. the only way I get to post here is by using proxys >.<. tried everything, it's not the firewall, not the anti-virus, not a spyware or an ad aware, tried changing the dns, emptying the caches, everything. nothing works. don't know what else to do.
Call your provider
I did, but it doesn't matter anymore, it's working fine again...go figure...thanks anyway ^^
Feeling good today, i'm going to replace some chars in XML2 to make an XML2 Telepaths Edition, the chars will be: Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Revanche, Lady Mastermind, Professor X, Sage, Karma, Moonstar, the Stepford Cuckoos, X-Man, Rachel Grey. Did i forget another telepath? tell me lol, and i'm not gonna release anything, it's just a character replace XD
Feeling good :D, tommorow school again and im working on a few things on MUA (A possible sort of mod, although my familair issue is that I dont know how to rename, so its probally a mod that stays in my game, hence not mentioning the name xD)
And well...School tommorow(:() speaking of tommorow
QuoteFeeling good today, i'm going to replace some chars in XML2 to make an XML2 Telepaths Edition, the chars will be: Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Revanche, Lady Mastermind, Professor X, Sage, Karma, Moonstar, the Stepford Cuckoos, X-Man, Rachel Grey. Did i forget another telepath? tell me lol, and i'm not gonna release anything, it's just a character replace XD
That's exactly what ima do ima turn my MUA roster into a MUA 2 roster.Maybe ( i don't know yet) but ima try and change some effects around look in scipts, do power modifications and effect changes so i can get into the feeling of MUA 2.Right now im trying to get Storm's Fiery tornado fusion animation to work in MUA.Im also trying to get some of the the mua2 assets powers but for some reason it's not in the Mod releases anymore??
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 22, 2011, 10:25AM
Feeling good today, i'm going to replace some chars in XML2 to make an XML2 Telepaths Edition, the chars will be: Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Revanche, Lady Mastermind, Professor X, Sage, Karma, Moonstar, the Stepford Cuckoos, X-Man, Rachel Grey. Did i forget another telepath? tell me lol, and i'm not gonna release anything, it's just a character replace XD
Dark Phoenix, Shadow King, Cable, and the custom Absinthe.
Ok, should i add Madelyne as well? since she's Jean's clone
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 22, 2011, 03:32PM
Ok, should i add Madelyne as well? since she's Jean's clone
I would, Maddie is fun also XD
Edit: Im very happy today! Im sure some people know, but I love The Little Mermaid, and today I just got an Ursula doll :D she looks so amazing! If only pushing her sea shell necklace made her sing Poor Unfortunate souls. Now I want a Vannessa doll to be released that can sing her few lines of Singing with Ariel's voice to put Eric under a spell, and singing to herself in the mirror :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 22, 2011, 01:32PM
That's exactly what ima do ima turn my MUA roster into a MUA 2 roster.Maybe ( i don't know yet) but ima try and change some effects around look in scipts, do power modifications and effect changes so i can get into the feeling of MUA 2.Right now im trying to get Storm's Fiery tornado fusion animation to work in MUA.Im also trying to get some of the the mua2 assets powers but for some reason it's not in the Mod releases anymore??
Sounds awesome. What's your MUA2 roster so far?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 22, 2011, 04:31PM
I would, Maddie is fun also XD
Edit: Im very happy today! Im sure some people know, but I love The Little Mermaid, and today I just got an Ursula doll :D she looks so amazing! If only pushing her sea shell necklace made her sing Poor Unfortunate souls. Now I want a Vannessa doll to be released that can sing her few lines of Singing with Ariel's voice to put Eric under a spell, and singing to herself in the mirror :D
Look at this doll, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collections complete? But who cares ? No big deal, I want a Venessa doooooooll
So so sorry, I seriously could't help myself xD
(yeah I know I skipped a line on the collection and care part :P )
Quote from: Polygone on September 23, 2011, 05:19AM
Look at this doll, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collections complete? But who cares ? No big deal, I want a Venessa doooooooll
So so sorry, I seriously could't help myself xD
(yeah I know I skipped a line on the collection and care part :P )
I TOTALLY thought about that song when I was typing that XD! I also just bought Ariel's Story Stuido :P
QuoteIm very happy today! Im sure some people know, but I love The Little Mermaid, and today I just got an Ursula doll she looks so amazing! If only pushing her sea shell necklace made her sing Poor Unfortunate souls. Now I want a Vannessa doll to be released that can sing her few lines of Singing with Ariel's voice to put Eric under a spell, and singing to herself in the mirror
I am very happy for you, dear! ;D
I quarreled strongly with my sister again. I think this is the end ... She said she did not need the sister like me. She began to scream terribly in the fit of the hysteria as I was very scared. Now I doubt is everything's okay with her mind? I was left alone ... She was my one friend, but now ... I don't know what to do ...
Ahh, hang in there Rogue :), I hate to see it when bad things happen to people :(
For me, well, I actually did something im quite proud of, I came out of the closet (only to my real best friend, who currently, totally supports me etc. etc.)
And well, as for you guys, I dont feel like its a big deal saying it to you xD (because well, we dont really know each other, you know? :P)
Its like there always was a chain around my stomach, and now that chain is away :)
After I did it, I was like ''what the hell did I just do?'', but heck, I made myself pretty clear (still the same me, dont tell anyone else, I trust you blah blah blah)
So now, im feeling pretty self-confident :D
Now I was actually thinking I told this to one girl I know, turns out another girl was on that girls profile (I told via MSN & translator, I know cheesy, but well, what's told is told right?)
And now that girl other girl I knew I told it to, is online on her own profile xD, not gonna be online though, I thought it was pretty clever to tell on a Friday ( you dont see each other for 2 days, so we both have some time)
It was kinda like I told her via translator, she told me she supported me, and then my father called to eat xD, Great timing dad, honestly, great timing :D
Quote from: Polygone on September 23, 2011, 11:27AM
Ahh, hang in there Rogue :), I hate to see it when bad things happen to people :(
For me, well, I actually did something im quite proud of, I came out of the closet (only to my real best friend, who currently, totally supports me etc. etc.)
And well, as for you guys, I dont feel like its a big deal saying it to you xD (because well, we dont really know each other, you know? :P)
Its like there always was a chain around my stomach, and now that chain is away :)
After I did it, I was like ''what the hell did I just do?'', but heck, I made myself pretty clear (still the same me, dont tell anyone else, I trust you blah blah blah)
So now, im feeling pretty self-confident :D
Now I was actually thinking I told this to one girl I know, turns out another girl was on that girls profile (I told via MSN & translator, I know cheesy, but well, what's told is told right?)
And now that girl other girl I knew I told it to, is online on her own profile xD, not gonna be online though, I thought it was pretty clever to tell on a Friday ( you dont see each other for 2 days, so we both have some time)
It was kinda like I told her via translator, she told me she supported me, and then my father called to eat xD, Great timing dad, honestly, great timing :D
Yay! Im so happy for you, I support you in every way, even though we dont really know each other :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 22, 2011, 06:20PM
Sounds awesome. What's your MUA2 roster so far?
Um from the top of my head
Human Torch
Cap America
Iron Man
Emma Frost
and Moonstone. Im gonna add more in and replace more chars.Can you think of anyone else :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 23, 2011, 06:05PM
Can you think of anyone else :D
Well rogue and emma weren't in MUA2
So you could replace them with/add:
ms. marvel
blade(form ps2 and wii)
She-hulk (I think she was included in the ds)
mr. fantastic
iron fist
luke cage
nanite nick fury (gevth's booster)
green goblin
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. :D
Out of that list
I'll put
Green Goblin
Ms Marvel
Thanks now off to experimenting with there effects and looking at this fusion stuff :D
Looks like City of Heroes is going free next week, if it becomes free to play next week, i'll defenetly give it a try :D
I've just bought MUA! xD
can't wait to try some mods, any suggestion?
My Karma mod! (In my signature )'
Lol there is a lot of great mods here who/what are you looking for?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 25, 2011, 03:51PM
My Karma mod! (In my signature )'
Lol there is a lot of great mods here who/what are you looking for?
I wish I could play with Gambit, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain Marvel
Well Gambit and the rest of the mods are in the mod releases section but you need the official character's mod to make if not all mods work
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 25, 2011, 06:02PM
Well Gambit and the rest of the mods are in the mod releases section but you need the official character's mod to make if not all mods work
So I intall this:,3380.0.html
and then I can swap the characters, right?
Sorry if I sound stupid, but I don't wanna do anything wrong
thats exactly what you do :] don't worry about sounding stupid, you don't, and anyways everyone is a newbie at one point or another
thank you guys
I'm off to the airport now and will be back on oct 20th. I'll still post in the forum, but won't be able to play or mod in the meantime. But when I come back I'll get right on completing and releasing several new things.
Have a safe flight :)
And can't wait for the next batches of mods :D
I wish you a safe and good flight Nowhere Man :)
jean grey school for higher learning? well that's certainly going to make some people happy XD
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on September 28, 2011, 03:16PM
jean grey school for higher learning? well that's certainly going to make some people happy XD
Oh yay! I hope this is a sign :)
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on September 28, 2011, 03:16PM
jean grey school for higher learning? well that's certainly going to make some people happy XD
OMG! WAXTM wasn't on my pull list until now!
Ok, I know this is totally random and probably dumb, but I couldn't help but laugh at this. I was playing Champions earlier today and was hangin in the club with my friend... Yeah... Then this chick comes up and starts threatinin' me saying she's gonna slam my "pretty lil head" in the counter. 0_o Ok, first off, the only way you can hit another character is by dueling, and the other player has to accept... Second, if it was real... Um... Yeah, she'd have no chance. Lol. And the only thing I could come up with was... "Your boring me...seriously" lol. Then, another chick was at the bar, and I was playin' around being a bartender XD (fun stuff yo). So I went up to her and said "What can I get you today?" and she says, "Make a non-copyrighted character." so I replied with, "Actually, I have. But I guess the stick up your *cough* is hurtin' pretty bad, so I'll excuse the pathetic attitude. :)" lol. I just wanna know what gets people to get that urge to be annoying or dumb? Lol. Sorry, but it was just too funny.
Well today im really sad and a bit pissed.
Someone mowed ur lawn and the ONE day we let our 2 dogs stay in the backyard they both ran away and we took their collars of the bathe them.
Someone just called my mom and said they found 1 of them but gave it away cause he didnt know who's it was cause they didnt have their collar :bawling: .
Someone also stole our basketball hoop from the side of our house too.
I just pray for the best and for dogs to return safe and sound so i may not be here for a while :(
Omg, I'm so sorry... I hope they come back, if they've been there long enough and trained well, they may just come back on their own. I hope they do :(
sorry to hear bout your dogs :(
I hope they'll return to you safely<3
me too. I don't know what i'd do if my dogs were missing. I love them to death.
Steve Jobs, 1955 - 2011
R.I.P. ...
so i broke a finger yesterday, now my whole arm is in gypsuim till my elbow, im already looking forward to next week XD, oh well 6 more days to go :P
My God! It's terrible! I can imagine how it hurts! But, maybe, not... I don't know, I never broke anything, thank God! I wish you get well soon!
How did it happen?
basketball, the ball landed on the tip of my middlefinger
(I wasnt flipping anyone off XD)
It's sad. The next time you must play carefully! Take care!
Giving my new avatar a spin!
Great avatar :) Love it!
Your old avatar looked kinda depressing XD
Well it was Wither! :P
Now I'm Denmark from Hetalia :D
Um Has anyone else noticed 20 topics from spam bots?
@Moderators/Administrators I think during registration you should have that thing were you have to type those letters correctly . On facebook they have that to make sure your human.
I noticed them, it's really annoying, and i agree with Jeanfan, you should have to put a certain captcha to make sure you are human
I just saw a picture about Ezio maybe being in the next Soul Calibur game. I was thinking, and I said to myself, it would be so cool, to have Simon/Richter Belmont and Dracula in the game. (Which reminds me, I have to play some old, 2D CastleVania games, from it's golden age)
They'd fit Soul Calibur better than Darth Vader did.
Vader was awesome, so was Yoda, so was Starkiller
But its annoying how they sometimes put guest characters from completly diffrent games/movies in it
Lars in Naturo Ultimate ninja storm 2
Freddy Krueger/kratos in Mortal kombat
Kratos in Soul Calibur broken destiny
And now this
-_- *sigh*
So today my mom got the new iPhone 4S (R.I.P Steve Jobs) and we both LOVE IT!!
The camera and video take AWESOME pictures and videos in 1080p it's just simply amazing but out favorite part is Siri.
She suppose to be able to help you to do tasks like for instance "Siri im hungry for Italian" and Siri will find italian restaurants near you.
She also can send texts,make calls,reminders, set timers send tweets and facebook statuses she's amazing,
Also i found a video with these people taunting her PLEASE watch it it's hilarious
xD, amazing vid Jeanfan!
I FINALLY am able to rename character files properly, so that kinda means I automaticly can make mods :D (yeeh to me :D)
I kinda made a notepad about what everything is supposed to be '''jug = ??? juggernaut = ???''
Im so uber happy xD
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on October 20, 2011, 12:49AM
So today my mom got the new iPhone 4S (R.I.P Steve Jobs) and we both LOVE IT!!
The camera and video take AWESOME pictures and videos in 1080p it's just simply amazing but out favorite part is Siri.
She suppose to be able to help you to do tasks like for instance "Siri im hungry for Italian" and Siri will find italian restaurants near you.
She also can send texts,make calls,reminders, set timers send tweets and facebook statuses she's amazing,
Also i found a video with these people taunting her PLEASE watch it it's hilarious
WOw that video was so funny! LOL
my sister is married! so weird that, I have a brother in a couple of years I'm gonna have a nephew or a niece. hasn't hit me yet.
I feel great now
Manchester United lost 6-1 to Manchester City (sorry united fans)
Arsenal beat Stoke City 3-1
Chelsea will be without 3 key players against Arsenal next week due to suspension
bought football manager 2012 and Arkham City Collector's Edition
and the lady I have an interest in is single :)
so there...grinning ear to ear
here's a nice teaser from marvel:
That better be what/who I think it is, or else! Lol
So is Jean coming back? I sure hope so.
I think hope is the key word, if you catch my drift ;P
Or maybe its some kind of plot about the phoenix Idk but Hope and Rachael are both here,which leaves me to believe it could be about Jean
Quote from: edward on October 23, 2011, 05:01PM
So is Jean coming back? I sure hope so.
I agree with you! Its about time for that girl to come back and fix things. I hope she goes with Logan, never liked Scott, and now he is just in the dumps, if she goes with Scott she better fix the mess he made.
Or hell, I don't care who she goes romantic with, but she should fix everything which happened because of Hope. Bring back Cable and Nightcrawler damnit! Oh, and she can annihilate Hope in the process. Just sayin'
I hope Jean grey.....i really don't lik3 Hope& Rachel i feel like they are a fake version of Jean Grey I'm a 100% Jean fan
Naw... I prefer if Jean didn't date anyone for a very long time,I think Jean needs some time to develop
But if Jean does come back No more Phoenix PLEASE!! It's basically ruined her life and I think she needs to grow without it
I like those ideas Marvelfan had bout having Hope be a part of Jean and reabsorbed, Cable turned into a child and Rachel going to her womb. That way only one active Grey omega mutant remains. The one that matters the most. I'd also like for her to end up with Wolverine eventually, but not right away. Cyke would remain with Emma. The Phoenix should give Jean a break and only merge or manifest when there's some huge cosmic lvl threat, if not, Jean would only have her mutant powers, but keep the cool looking phoenix raptor.
I would really love it if Hope some how got Phoenix Force and takes it away from Jean forever, Hope then could die IDC> :)
God they didn't put Lita as a dlc for this year wwe game. :( I'm soo disappointed, I don't watch wwe anymore since they made PG, but I used to love Lita but instead they put Trish who is also fine but I would have loved to have both.
I dont want her dating anyone either, I just would rather her join Logan's side or Fix the mess Scott made. Hope and Rachel are great characters that I like, and dont find them in any way interfearing with Jean.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 23, 2011, 11:23PM
I like those ideas Marvelfan had bout having Hope be a part of Jean and reabsorbed, Cable turned into a child and Rachel going to her womb. That way only one active Grey omega mutant remains. The one that matters the most. I'd also like for her to end up with Wolverine eventually, but not right away. Cyke would remain with Emma. The Phoenix should give Jean a break and only merge or manifest when there's some huge cosmic lvl threat, if not, Jean would only have her mutant powers, but keep the cool looking phoenix raptor.
Thanks although Marvel has no intention of having that happen. Cable and Rachel are back and seem like they're gonna stay as adults (if they're written well I don't mind then :D). Hope is a long story I don't feel like getting into...
Also I don't see why people like Logan and Jean so much. Originally Logan loved Jean but she had no feelings for him back. However after Jean's "resurrection" Claremont had a deep hatred for Jott (Scott and Jean XD) because he did not like Scott leaving Maddie and child without looking back. After that day he tried everything to get Jean and Logan together (had he remained on the book then Logan and Jean would have been married). Had it not been for Claremont's feelings then Jean would never have cared for Logan in the same way.
As for Scott/Emma, well another long story I do not understand. I don't even understand my own feelings for the couple. I thought I just hated Scott being with any other woman besides Jean but I saw him with Frenzy in Age of X and I loved them together. Perhaps because in the two issues they were together I saw more depth than I saw in the several years Scott and Emma were together (which is basically just being in bed ;)) I'm starting to think I really just don't like Miss Frost herself because I haven't been able to take to her even outside of Scemma (which sounds like a terrible disease. In some forums this is considered a horrible curse word to Scott/Emma fans!)
The Phoenix is yet another convoluted thing. I thought Morrison (and Pak) finally fixed the mess when they retconned the retcon by saying Jean was Phoenix and always had been. They even used ideas from Claremont's old backstories (White Phoenix of the Crown, White Hot Room, etc.) but writers these days seem to consider them separate. Most people basically believe the following...Jean is always Phoenix but the Phoenix isn't always Jean. Which means it has separate manifestations although Jean is the Phoenix's one true avatar. I prefer her with the Phoenix because the Phoenix has been tied to her imagery since the very 70s and is her Superman Emblem or American shield. Marvel actually doesn't have an issue with Jean as Phoenix...their issue is with making the King of Utopia and his blonde barbie look good (mostly the former though. The blonde barbie is really just to make the "King" look good and fulfill the writer's sexual fetishes)
I like Jean as the phoenix as well, but in a cosmic scale. I don't think it's viable to have an active x-person that can do anything. I think it's something you have to choose, you know? either she's a mutant x-man or an all powerful cosmic entity in the white hot room. But as for the imagery, like I said, I'd definitely keep the raptor.
Quote from: edward on October 24, 2011, 03:35PM
God they didn't put Lita as a dlc for this year wwe game. :( I'm soo disappointed, I don't watch wwe anymore since they made PG, but I used to love Lita but instead they put Trish who is also fine but I would have loved to have both.
First up, how do you know she isn't DLC, when they didn't announce the DLC yet?
Second, well, most likely Lita really won't be DLC due to the fact, that she isn't part of the company, where as Trish appeared on their Tough Enough Show and she had a tag match at WrestleMania. BTW, even though the game disk will only have 6-7 Divas as a start, there will be 6 DLC Divas, hopefully they won't use fresh Divas, who BTW suck.
THQ Manager twitter!/THQ_Tank
He kind of hinted that dlc of the dlc divas will be Vickie.
Jerico and Shawn better be DLC.
I dunno about Vickie Guerrero being DLC, but they already confirmed, that 6 from the remaining 13 DLCs are Divas. BTW, I myself hope that HBK and Y2J appear as DLC. Even if that two would be the only DLC, I would be satisfied
Another thing: Somewhere at the end of Tuesday, they will announce 6 of the DLC. Can't wait to see who will they confirm (Here's hoping for HBK and Y2J)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 24, 2011, 07:46PM
I like Jean as the phoenix as well, but in a cosmic scale. I don't think it's viable to have an active x-person that can do anything. I think it's something you have to choose, you know? either she's a mutant x-man or an all powerful cosmic entity in the white hot room. But as for the imagery, like I said, I'd definitely keep the raptor.
I can understand what you're saying but its quite easy to tone them down too. After all the White Hot Room does not overpower Jean. Sure it means she can come back anytime but every character gets that right lol. As for her god-like powers these days, those could easily be restricted to the White Hot Room or any other form of the afterlife. Anyway why can't the X-Men get powerful members? The Avengers have Thor and Dr. Strange and they used to have Sentry (and a bunch of others).
true, but as powerful as those are they can still be defeated. thinking of the phoenix as one of the primal forces of the universe, it's A LOT more powerful than the heroes you mentioned. I'd make it so that the phoenix powers are dormant unless there's a cosmic threat to the multiverse or something like that.
I'd go back to the 70s levels where she was considered the THor of the X-Men. No reality-warping like the Scarlet Witch lol.
She should only be in "White Phoenix of the Crown" mode when in the White Hot Room with Phoenix work to do. And while there she shouldn't be able to change events around as she pleases because she responds to a higher order.
and how would you put dark phoenix in this? or would you dismiss it altogether?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 25, 2011, 04:44PM
and how would you put dark phoenix in this? or would you dismiss it altogether?
I would, otherwise the writers will kill her off for another million years XD
I personally think she has gone past the Dark Phoenix stage. It can only happen so many times lol. But seriously the Dark Phoenix was created over a lack of control and balance. Jean finally achieved that balance when she fully accepted the Phoenix.
However in Endsong Jean/Phoenix was all split apart and incomplete again. This lack of balance caused Dark Phoenix to resurface until the love of the X-Men allowed Jean to regain herself. Basically what I believe is that the lack of control over her powers is not the issue anymore and she has attained her balance HOWEVER if an outside force succeeded in disrupting that balance then the Dark Phoenix could be a potential threat.
In other words Jean herself has mastered the issue but it can resurface if others destroy that balance and control. She herself won't be worrying every few minutes about losing control (like in MvC3 XD) unless somebody disrupts it. Its kinda like forcing alcohol down an ex-alcoholic's throat who had fully recovered. He would be fine but if extreme measures destroy that control then it can happen again.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 25, 2011, 05:10PM
I personally think she has gone past the Dark Phoenix stage. It can only happen so many times lol. But seriously the Dark Phoenix was created over a lack of control and balance. Jean finally achieved that balance when she fully accepted the Phoenix.
However in Endsong Jean/Phoenix was all split apart and incomplete again. This lack of balance caused Dark Phoenix to resurface until the love of the X-Men allowed Jean to regain herself. Basically what I believe is that the lack of control over her powers is not the issue anymore and she has attained her balance HOWEVER if an outside force succeeded in disrupting that balance then the Dark Phoenix could be a potential threat.
In other words Jean herself has mastered the issue but it can resurface if others destroy that balance and control. She herself won't be worrying every few minutes about losing control (like in MvC3 XD) unless somebody disrupts it. Its kinda like forcing alcohol down an ex-alcoholic's throat who had fully recovered. He would be fine but if extreme measures destroy that control then it can happen again.
Quoteit can only happen so many times
this is comics we're talking about :P, nothing can happen "only so many times"'s all incredibly cyclic as long as they can keep making money off of any particular thing haha comics are an industry just like everything else in our capitalist society
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on October 25, 2011, 05:38PM
this is comics we're talking about :P, nothing can happen "only so many times"'s all incredibly cyclic as long as they can keep making money off of any particular thing haha comics are an industry just like everything else in our capitalist society
Lol don't I know that :D
do you guys think it's time I change my sig/avatar or are they still cool? :P
Nah, I don't you need to change anything
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 26, 2011, 03:47AM
do you guys think it's time I change my sig/avatar or are they still cool? :P
I like um, if you change them I wont be able to tell its you any more by just looking at the picture XD
Whatever you feel like no?
You had it for quite a while already :P..
But I know I change mine alot, soooo :P
Quote from: Polygone on October 26, 2011, 08:57AM
Whatever you feel like no?
You had it for quite a while already :P..
But I know I change mine alot, soooo :P
Lol me to :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 26, 2011, 06:46AM
I like um, if you change them I wont be able to tell its you any more by just looking at the picture XD
Quote from: Polygone on October 26, 2011, 08:57AM
You had it for quite a while already :P..
yeah, I know. I've had them ever since I joined back in 1842. I don't think I'll change. it sort of became an extension of my identity here even for me ^^
N stands for Nowhereman xD Guerrero as a DLC in WWE '12....I'm not that surprised, after seeing good ol' JR and Michael Cole as DLC aswell...But your mouth!
Yesterday I bought batman Arkham city, amazing game, seriously love it :D, also brought dragonballz ultimate tenkaichi, anyone else got one of these?
yes on batman, but my video board can't handle it =/
Mwhahaha xD
Serisouly though, I need to help entertain myself since Marvel Super hero squad online still isnt playable here :P (curse you prosienbat, for taking so long xD)
Its an awesome game though, Catwoman plays awesome, However, i dont like the idea of arkham city, seriously ''Hey I know guys, lets build a prison in the middle of the city, let supervillains rule it, and dont look back anymore!, What can possibly go wrong, the island were they where completly isolated was way to unsafe anyway, lets take em here :D''
some pics and model sheets from the marvel universe mmo
Quote from: Polygone on October 28, 2011, 06:09AM
Yesterday I bought batman Arkham city, amazing game, seriously love it :D, also brought dragonballz ultimate tenkaichi, anyone else got one of these?
I'm planning to get these games. How's Dragon Ball? There's a create a character feature this year, right? Did you try it?
Yep there is, Its quite limited till now, but I only beated like one battle in hero mode xD
The game is pretty funny, its really ''ultimate''though, you know, the effects are amazing
Also, I JUST finished Batman AC, A-MAZING game, seriously, I wont spoil to much, but Bruce is breaking the Batman code in the game, Hugo is just plain awesomness, and well, dont even get me started on the al Ghuls, who were both awesome (Talia and Râs)
Also, it includes characters death, which I was saddened about, but it has some of the most amazing boss fights I have ever seen, one last thing, Zsazs is creepy as hell
BTW, did anyone watch Persona 4 - The Animation yet? 4 episodes are already out, and I'm a big fan of the Persona game series, so I was happy to see the anime. It's the same as the game, with minor changes, so that the story would be a bit more whole. I love it (what a fan I am)
Did you guys know Harley was pregnant in Arkham city? First of all, when in Jokers loading bay, you can see her old costume (Arkham Asylum) and next to it a pregnancy test which turned out positive
second of all, this :
Thats it, im postive we're getting a sequal :D
This is going to be horror, or what? :D Batman vs Joker Jr, who is a child version of Joker? :D
in case your interested by "Things to come" type things in things such as uncanny things of the x-things variety
Anybody read UXM 1?
I loved it for 3 reasons!
1) Lifeguard is back
2) Storm asks all former villains on the team to raise their hand and basically everybody does...including Cyclops
3) Emma loses her arm!!!
why is Emma kissing Namor ??
Emma kissing Namor!! That is shocking, i wonder how Scott will react. Hope looking at the Phoenix is neat though
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on November 03, 2011, 12:28PM
why is Emma kissing Namor ??
She probably realized she deserved better after her arm was sliced off and Scott didn't even bat an eyelash.
What do you mean her arm was sliced off?!
In UXM 1 Emma loses her arm. It's actually quite funny :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 02, 2011, 06:43PM
Anybody read UXM 1?
I loved it for 3 reasons!
1) Lifeguard is back
2) Storm asks all former villains on the team to raise their hand and basically everybody does...including Cyclops
3) Emma loses her arm!!!
Colossus gets beaten badly by a foe and Emma, being the b*tch she is, thinks she can get away with anything. Then of course her arm gets sliced off. What an amazing show of hubris. She really needed it ;)
The theory is that Emma will track down Karma and steal her robotic leg as a temporary arm until the X-Club builds her a new one. Hellion won't feel so lonely anymore.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 03, 2011, 01:22PM
In UXM 1 Emma loses her arm. It's actually quite funny :D
Colossus gets beaten badly by a foe and Emma, being the b*tch she is, thinks she can get away with anything. Then of course her arm gets sliced off. What an amazing show of hubris. She really needed it ;)
The theory is that Emma will track down Karma and steal her robotic leg as a temporary arm until the X-Club builds her a new one. Hellion won't feel so lonely anymore.
O_O Emma Frost lost an arm ( what year btw was the comic released ) and i didnt notice it. T_T What was the story creator thinking. Must Emma be destroyed so Jean can take the spot of perfection :'-( this cruel world. Can you show me a pic? Its impossible in the newer comics i can see she has both of her arms T_T
The issue came out just yesterday. Haven't seen any scans for it yet. Most people, on the forum I found this out on, didn't really even care about Emma's lack of an arm. They find her ruined enough already :(
The lack of an arm may actually improve her
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 03, 2011, 01:27PM
The issue came out just yesterday. Haven't seen any scans for it yet. Most people, on the forum I found this out on, didn't really even care about Emma's lack of an arm. They find her ruined enough already :(
The lack of an arm may actually improve her
OMG..uhh **faints**
I wish Hope turns into Jean and reconstitutes Emma's arm.
T_T they ruined my favourite hero. Whats next, her head get cutten off?
Quote from: White Queen on November 03, 2011, 01:34PM
OMG..uhh **faints**
I wish Hope turns into Jean and reconstitutes Emma's arm.
T_T they ruined my favourite hero. Whats next, her head get cutten off?
That is actually Emma's worst nightmare.
Hence the pillow smothering.
Yes i know about that, thats before She kissed Namor btw is the incident after this or before this. T_T how could they destroy her arm. They have destroyed a part of every Emma Frost Fan
Quote from: White Queen on November 03, 2011, 01:41PM
btw is the incident after this or before this.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 03, 2011, 01:27PM
The issue came out just yesterday.
Quote from: White Queen on November 03, 2011, 01:41PM
T_T how could they destroy her arm. They have destroyed a part of every Emma Frost Fan
Perhaps after this..
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 03, 2011, 01:44PM
Perhaps after this..
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Care to explain. Just dont tell me that was Emma saying it and has plans to betray the X-Men which will ultimately kill off the character taking a step to the Ressurection of Jean Grey as she will take the spot of Emma in Scott's heart as every Emma Fan's heart is crushed
Quote from: White Queen on November 03, 2011, 01:48PM
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Care to explain. Just dont tell me that was Emma saying it and has plans to betray the X-Men which will ultimately kill off the character taking a step to the Ressurection of Jean Grey as she will take the spot of Emma in Scott's heart as every Emma Fan's heart is crushed
Lol. Don't worry, her loss of an arm probably won't affect her much. Except maybe hanging out with Hellion more ;)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 03, 2011, 05:47PM
Lol. Don't worry, her loss of an arm probably won't affect her much. Except maybe hanging out with Hellion more ;)
Wont that affect her Diamond abilitys? Her one arm wont be able to change XD
:'-( why what is wrong with Helion?
uh...he lost both his arms :P
Quote from: White Queen on November 03, 2011, 01:34PM
OMG..uhh **faints**
I wish Hope turns into Jean and reconstitutes Emma's arm.
T_T they ruined my favourite hero. Whats next, her head get cutten off?
Oh my, she lost an arm. :D It's fun, because at least Marvel isn't ruining only my favourites (Still want Cable and Nightcrawler back in life)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 04, 2011, 06:13AM
uh...he lost both his arms :P
What's up with losing arms? I think we are running into a theme/strange, perverted fetish here. Is Disney still the owner of this? If yes, they should make some Disney cartoon movies with such gore and brutality
Well that's odd. Got an e-mail from YouTube this morning asking me if I wanted to monetise my MarvelMods YouTube videos... They don't get that many views. I decided to go for it so we shall see if I actually get any money from it. :P
I think i found something about the"missing arm"
at the bottom,you can see emma's arm is missing
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on November 06, 2011, 09:08AM
I think i found something about the"missing arm"
at the bottom,you can see emma's arm is missing
Lol she has a stump! BTW anybody else love Sinister's new look?
oh yes!! (
@Marvelfan how did it get chop off (I read that it got blast off while she was in her diamond form ?
I'm not entirely sure myself (I haven't read the issue and I unfortunately I don't plan too. I only have room for some books and I prefer Wolverine's side over Cyclops'.)
However I recall that Colossus was getting beaten up and then Emma confronts the villain thinking she can take it. Then the inevitable happens.
I feel like her getting her arm cut off was stupid, its just like a moment where, Oh we dont know what to do, oh hey lets cut Emma's arm off! Great idea!.... And if Colossus cant take the villain what makes Emma think she has a chance?
Depends on who it was
Psycial wise, Colossus is stronger then both Emma and Emma Diamond form, however, mental wise, jk :)
oh emma, I wonder who is going heal her arm ?
Hmm if you see carefully on the cover, she has both arms (you can see her fingers behind her leg)
I hate this entire idea of her missing arm, is really stupid but I'm sure that It wont last too long basically since Emma is currently the most important woman on Utopia along Storm and the real power behind it (I'm talking about the money little ones $$$ ;)).
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on November 06, 2011, 09:43AM
oh emma, I wonder who is going heal her arm ?
I have a feeling that it will be related to:
a) Mr. sinister (he's a scientist after all) in order to cover his real plan.
b) Hope/Phoenix doing the same thing that Jean did when Emma's diamond form exploited. I'm pretty sure that this phoenix thing will be another I'm alive/now I'm dead (how original) storyline that perhaps will bring back Jean (which is good, I prefer her to that Hope girl). Another topic for discussion but as Marvel fan I'm not going to talk about it lol.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 06, 2011, 09:29AM
And if Colossus cant take the villain what makes Emma think she has a chance?
Hmm they used to be at the same level of strength hinted on world war hulk when they were able to fight Hulk with no harm (until he got rid of them one by one) Also Morrison created her diamond form to be equal to Colossus, I'm not really sure how powerfull is him no that he's the Juggernaut too, I just stopped reading Uncanny X-men on the fear itself storyline ^^
That's one of the things that I hate about the inconsistencies of her diamond form, some said that it's indestructible, the she was exploited because she has a flaw after all, and now her arm was cut.... Really?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 06, 2011, 09:11AM
BTW anybody else love Sinister's new look?
I do! he looks more sophisticated.
I have to say that I kind of like the new variant on Emma's costume too.
So somebody is pregnant at the Jean Grey School. Who do you guys think it is? Right now I believe the signs are pointing to Kitty :) She'd be a good mom even if the dad is the newest avatar of Cytorrak
it pains me and makes me feel sad everytime i look at Emma with chopped arm. However im sure they will find a way to return her arm. Time Traveling, Healing, Time Warping, Phoenix Force Reconstitution. Im sure they will return her arm. They cant just have her with a robot one.
My guesses are
Shadowcat gets pregnant by something evil, look at her eyes.
More cyc's team vs wol's drama, maybe cyc, new laser power/controls?
Phoenix returns, this time has something to do with Hope.
Charlies dies? Or leaves or learns to walk?
And no comments on all does other nasty stuff.
I hope it's Kitty behind Jean she is my second fav character! I just hope its not some creepy baby XD, and Emma better get her arm back!
I would give Emma's other arm for Cable and Nightcrawler/or at least one of them
funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 21, 2011, 05:59PM
funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P
LOL That is pretty funny :)
And for all the comments above, Kitty is pregnant! Im excited, but not at the same time because knowing Marvel they will do something stupid and make it a freak baby or something, I kind of wish she could keep it and all that but the odds of that are slim :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 21, 2011, 06:27PM
LOL That is pretty funny :)
And for all the comments above, Kitty is pregnant! Im excited, but not at the same time because knowing Marvel they will do something stupid and make it a freak baby or something, I kind of wish she could keep it and all that but the odds of that are slim :/
It is exciting. Kitty would make a good mom (and headmistress ;)) Anyone read WATXM anyway? It's a really good book! Imagine mixing X-Men with Harry Potter in some ways.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 21, 2011, 05:59PM
funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P
The word 'moron' in English refers to an idiot. In Welsh it refers to a carrot.
cool! from now on I'm gonna start saying things like "you're such a carrot" :P
Well carrots are strange :P
So, in Welsh, idiot means carrot? Kind of cool, but how do they say idiot then?
Quote from: Rogue on November 27, 2011, 09:43AM
Finally I decided ....:(
I don't know, I just want to speak ... I'm sick. Seriously ill. This disease is called anorexia. My height is 5.6 feet, my weight is 99.2 pounds. Is it little, what do you think?
My Mom looks at me with tears, she said I'm very thin, a skeleton .. But I don't see it! I think I'm fat! I promised my mother to gain my weight, but I'm so scared. I know it's crazy, but I'm at a loss. What should I do?
What weight you think normal for me?
Do you know anyone else with this problems? Tell me, please. :( :( :(
I urge you to seek professional assistance, but let me tell you that if you're looking to maintain a slim frame while keeping healthy, exercise is the pest way to do it. Not eating will just slowly destroy you, and anyways, eating is not what makes somebody gain wait, it's what their bodies do with the food, and exercise makes your body properly process the fats and cholesterol from food to keep you healthy.
I'm also going threw a weird timing, the thing was that I was trying to lose weight by exercising and eating only healthy food. The problem with me is that all the fat I get goes straight to my stomach. And about a month I lost I guess the water weight, and you could tell right away. So once I started the third month I was like o.k gonna try and eat a lot of good fat and calories so I could gain muscle. At the end of that month, I was getting some results especially in my arms, but I wasn't happy with my new diet and the time I didn't have to exercise daily. Even my partner likes me better a little chunky, so I decided to quiet and now gain some weight. My problem is that I can't seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat.
Quote from: edward on November 27, 2011, 10:54AM
I'm also going threw a weird timing, the thing was that I was trying to lose weight by exercising and eating only healthy food. The problem with me is that all the fat I get goes straight to my stomach. And about a month I lost I guess the water weight, and you could tell right away. So once I started the third month I was like o.k gonna try and eat a lot of good fat and calories so I could gain muscle. At the end of that month, I was getting some results especially in my arms, but I wasn't happy with my new diet and the time I didn't have to exercise daily. Even my partner likes me better a little chunky, so I decided to quiet and now gain some weight. My problem is that I can't seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat.
I'm like that also, well with the eating. Anything I eat no matter what never ends up pounds on my body, although I'm hapy with this because I like being slim :D
So, I deleted my post because I was ashamed. Thank you for your supports. I will control myself and get better... For my mom and my health.
Quote from: edward on November 27, 2011, 10:54AM
I'm also going threw a weird timing, the thing was that I was trying to lose weight by exercising and eating only healthy food. The problem with me is that all the fat I get goes straight to my stomach. And about a month I lost I guess the water weight, and you could tell right away. So once I started the third month I was like o.k gonna try and eat a lot of good fat and calories so I could gain muscle. At the end of that month, I was getting some results especially in my arms, but I wasn't happy with my new diet and the time I didn't have to exercise daily. Even my partner likes me better a little chunky, so I decided to quiet and now gain some weight. My problem is that I can't seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat.
Wow, I have had the opposite problem. For years I couldn't gain weight, I was stuck at 135, now, I'm 150... and I hate it. I'm not like over weight, actually, I've been told I'm at a healthy stage, but I don't feel it, I feel like I'm at the beggining stage of pregnancy lmao. I'm gonna have me some twins :P lol. Seriously though, if you want to gain weight, I don't know if this would work, but I was told to drink one milkshake a day or eat one bowl of alfredo a day for like a week or two. I did the shake thing and it didn't work, but the alfredo did, now i can't get it to go away :( lol.
Thanks for the advice, my friend! :)
How do you think if I'm not inclined to the obesity, it's difficult to gain the weight ? I've never been so fat, so everybody told me , but I always ate a lot of sweet, starchy foods. And I was beautiful :)
Quote from: Rogue on November 28, 2011, 04:21AM
So, I deleted my post because I was ashamed. Thank you for your supports. I will control myself and get better... For my mom and my health.
You shouldn't feel ashamed at all! Your not fat, you maybe a little skinny, but you can get help and everything will be ok! :)
Thank you, midnightphoenix123! :)
Quote from: Rogue on November 29, 2011, 05:12AM
Thank you, midnightphoenix123! :)
Your welcome :) I get people telling me Im way to skinny all the time but Im like what ever XD even thought im 20 pounds off of what I should weigh.
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 27, 2011, 09:38AM
So, in Welsh, idiot means carrot? Kind of cool, but how do they say idiot then?
No, the Welsh for 'carrot' is 'moron. In English 'moron' is a synonym for 'idiot'. The Welsh for 'idiot' is 'twpsyn'.
And twpsyn is pronouncable? I'm always amazed how some languages look so hard to me, but there are people, who use it every day, without a problem. The world is a great and colourful place, isn't it?
Welsh is very pronounceable. Even things like Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerwchwyrndrobwllllantisiliogogogoch. Languages like Greek, Hungarian, Finnish and Russian look unpronounceable :P
Well, I myself speak Hungarian and it's pretty easy (I'm Hungarian, no brainer :D ). But this always depends on where you come from. But yeah, Greek and Russian is really...interesting in this way :D
I think when i saw this i nearly died
Well, I've seen Deadpool without a head, so this is a walk in a park :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 01, 2011, 02:02PM
Well, I've seen Deadpool without a head, so this is a walk in a park :D
Lol, epic win. While it surprised me a lot when I saw trat picture, it's not that bad (actually it's kind of funny), and I'm sure she will get her arm back, but I don't know how :S
Today it's the last day in my english school and I am a bit afraid of the future cause I use the english school's computer to talk to you. But I'll find another way to talk to you guys! And I'll start tying to make skins again somehow. I'm f]starting to get back!! From my own ashes I will rise again!
Quote from: rage on December 01, 2011, 03:12PM
Today it's the last day in my english school and I am a bit afraid of the future cause I use the english school's computer to talk to you. But I'll find another way to talk to you guys! And I'll start tying to make skins again somehow. I'm f]starting to get back!! From my own ashes I will rise again!
Glad to hear that :) Im sure I can speak for everyone when I say we miss you very much and look forward to your return :)
Quote from: rage on December 01, 2011, 03:12PM
Today it's the last day in my english school and I am a bit afraid of the future cause I use the english school's computer to talk to you. But I'll find another way to talk to you guys! And I'll start tying to make skins again somehow. I'm f]starting to get back!! From my own ashes I will rise again!
It's nice to see you again! Hope you return quickly.
Defnitly, your missed :)
Emma's pic, w0w, its not the fact she doesnt have an arm, but its kinda scary you can see her arm lying in the rubble 0.o
That's the part that is creepy to me as well. However losing limbs isn't anything new. Just check out Bishop, Karma, Hellion, etc.
and misty knight and forge and winter soldier...
And of course, the guy, who can be cut to pieces but still won't die: Deadpool
Or Lobo, if DC characters count as well
Lol Deadpool is in exactly that state right now in UXF.
so the phoenix force is coming back to earth and looking for a new of course the avengers and the x-men are going to fight...
Reminds me exactly of the two team's fight in Children's Crusade (pretty much same people and same artist)
Anyway go Avengers! Too bad Storm isn't siding with her new teammates rather than the old :(
wolverine sided with the avengers, huh? weird.
I see Emma has both her arms ;)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 06, 2011, 06:56PM
wolverine sided with the avengers, huh? weird.
Not really weird considering the recent SCHISM between Wolverine and Cyke. If you notice all the X-Men on that image are from the Blue Team. If Beast is involved in this story then he will most likely be on the Avengers as well.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 06, 2011, 06:56PM
I see Emma has both her arms ;)
I know!! <3
And yeah I'm pretty sure Wolverine and Beast are with the Avengers, You can see that Logan is fighting Emma on that pic. I'm not sure why Black Widow is on the X-men side...
Love the picture by the way!
Quote from: whiteking on December 06, 2011, 07:13PM
I'm not sure why Black Widow is on the X-men side...
Natasha is just on the left side like Iron Man, not with the X-Men. She has more class than to ditch her teammates. Yelena on the other hand...
Natasha is the ONLY widow for me :)
The cover is still a little bit confusing, I mean there are more Avengers (current continuity post SCHISM) than X-men there, you can see Cyclops vs Captain America, Emma vs Wolverine, Namor vs Hawkeye, Colossus vs Red Hulk, Magneto vs Spiderman, Strorm vs Iron man and the Black Widow and Beast just standing around there lol (it doesn't seem that they are fighting each other)... maybe Beast is sided with the X men after all, he even have the X logo on his chest.
Quote from: whiteking on December 06, 2011, 07:47PM
Natasha is the ONLY widow for me :)
The cover is still a little bit confusing, I mean there are more Avengers (current continuity post SCHISM) than X-men there, you can see Cyclops vs Captain America, Emma vs Wolverine, Namor vs Hawkeye, Colossus vs Red Hulk, Magneto vs Spiderman, Strorm vs Iron man and the Black Widow and Beast just standing around there lol (it doesn't seem that they are fighting each other)... maybe Beast is sided with the X men after all, he even have the X logo on his chest.
That is indeed intriguing. However Widow and Beast are quite far away although I wouldn't doubt Beast being able to cross that distance. However it looks more like Magneto is his target. I'm quite positive though that Beast is on the Avengers side though for several reasons.
1) He greatly dissaproved of Cyclops and his "band of villains". Enough to make Beast leave the X-Men
2) Beast has rejoined the X-Men but on Wolverine's side which is not shown here. The X-Men here are Cyclops' Blue Team
3) Wolverine is also wearing his X-Uniform like Beast and Wolverine is definitely on the Avengers
EDIT: And yes Natasha is and should be the only Black Widow ;) I'm not a big fan anyway of titles and codenames being passed around like a hot potato. DC is way worse than Marvel about this (Batman, Robin, Green Lantern, etc)
I feel great, i think that i posted here that i failed maths, well, my teacher helped me out a bit, i got a 10 in concept and another 10 because she talked with the principal and blah blah blah and they reached an agreement and i got another 10 and now i didn't fail maths! so to enjoy my summer vacations now! plus i got a really good game named Dungeon Siege 3, i love it, specially this character: ( she's a witch, she uses spells and she uses guns with magical bullets, she uses a rifle as well, it's awesome to play as her in that game
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 07, 2011, 08:32PM
I feel great, i think that i posted here that i failed maths, well, my teacher helped me out a bit, i got a 10 in concept and another 10 because she talked with the principal and blah blah blah and they reached an agreement and i got another 10 and now i didn't fail maths! so to enjoy my summer vacations now! plus i got a really good game named Dungeon Siege 3, i love it, specially this character: ( she's a witch, she uses spells and she uses guns with magical bullets, she uses a rifle as well, it's awesome to play as her in that game
Dear friend, I'm very glad that you are alright ! You deserve it! ;)
I hope the game will give you a lot of fun! Play it, I think it's really cool! Girl looks great, beautiful and sexy! :)
Thank you very much Dear Rogue! how are is everything for you? and i agree. she's beautiful and hot! and i found in Wikipedia that Rebecca Grant modeled for Katarina
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 08, 2011, 07:33AM
i found in Wikipedia that Rebecca Grant modeled for Katarina
Really? Fantastic! :D
Unfortunately, I didn't play this game. I've read a lot about it and I really like it. I hope to be able to buy time and get it. :)
Thats a really good game, I like playing the other girl who can turn into the Fire women!
This is for other Europeans - if you've been keeping up with the latest EU treaty, how do you feel about your Presidents/Prime Ministers deciding to give more financial power over whatever country you are from to Germany and France? Our Prime Minister decide against it and there's now a lot of anger being directed toward Britain (as a whole) from the rest of Europe.
I think they're right. I mean, historically, Germany with power tends to be good news. Right? LOL.
Thats stereotyping, its not the Germans it was (were you refering to that) Hitler, sure Hitler was German, but you cant blaim entire Germany on that :P (in my POV)
I dont feel much about it though, politics dont really intrest me....
I'm not talking specifically about him, and if he was alone he wouldn't have been a threat. His was not an isolated incident, just an isolated cause.
Sure, but I honestly believe he didnt have a BUNCH of followers, most of the people working for him (directly and indirectly) did it purely out of fear for their family's and own life's, glad I wasn't born during that time :)
It's all about context...After WWI germany was neutered by the winning countries and in a rather bad place so Hitler takes the cultural angst spreading from that and directed it at the old government, changing the whole mythology of war in Germany, similar to how the Confederates tried to change history to say that the American Civil War was fought for state's rights instead of slavery like it really was. Hitler was also incredibly charismatic, and so he was able to rally the entire country to war and focus the anger towards the old government, the rest of the world, Jews and anyone else who isn't "Aryan"
Wooo history buff :P Of course on the other hand, I'm not informed enough to make any comments about the present day situation...
No wonder Marvel used him in their comics, the way DeeDoo put it, he really sounds like a super villain xD
I found my happy place today, when I witnessed the return of KANE! Oh, and not just some bald Kane, who does the Santino trumpet (good times), but Masked Kane! He looks so cool, he could be starring in his own horror movie (he already did! Isn't life beautiful? (Isn't it weird, how I found my happy place thanks to something like this?)
Quote from: Polygone on December 13, 2011, 10:57AM
No wonder Marvel used him in their comics, the way DeeDoo put it, he really sounds like a super villain xD
Yeah I forgot the the part where the Invaders go and punch him in the face ^-^ Between comic books and Doctor Who I'm surprised I don't get in more fights with history teachers
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 13, 2011, 04:13PM
Yeah I forgot the the part where the Invaders go and punch him in the face ^-^ Between comic books and Doctor Who I'm surprised I don't get in more fights with history teachers
Lol. On a much lighter note I found this online and thought I'd share since I know these three gals have quite the fans on this forum.
Jean Grey, Storm, and Rogue: Disney Princess Style
That looks really good! I love it :)
They look so cute, i really like it :)
WOW! My three favorite girls look fantastic! I save it to my computer! :)
How do you guys feel about the development in Betsy's power? Rick Remender (UXF writer) clarified that Psylocke is an Omega-Level Telepath (which is not, in ignorance, the same as an Omega-Level Mutant).
However Remender revealed that in UXF 17 AOA Jean helped free Betsy's inner power and unleashed Betsy's full potential as an Omega-Level Mutant. She supposedly even manifested a Phoenix-type telepathic butterfly in UXF 18. I haven't read the latest issue but I'm really excited to see Betsy's development as a newly claimed Omega-Level Mutant. So I believe the following are all the confirmed omegas...anyone else I'm missing?
Jean Grey
Rachel Grey
Nate Grey
Franklin Richards
This have been the longest Week EVER!!! Oh my God!! This what happen I got a new job at petsmart, (ya know I love my animals) See my job is pretty basic.I put things on shelf and sweep the floor but anyway the girl who cut the dogs & cats hairs Got sick last week. and they were like anyone who wants Christmas Bonus have to take her spot.I said I'll do and before you know.I got dogs biting my hands,Cats scratching me up..Worse Week EVER.
But I did buy my myself a new 42in TV tho.
There's only 1 thing bad with Christmas: Everyone buys stuff. See, I wanted to buy Saints Row: The Third on Xbox 360, and 1 day after sending my order, I got a message, stating that it's out-of-stock. Okay, Plan B then: WWE 12 on Xbox 360. Turns out, there's so many people ordering things, that it's not sure, that I get the game BEFORE Christmas. I ordered it on the 14th of December, and they say, that I might not get if BEFORE Christmas! They can't deliver it in 10 days? Come on, it's not even a worldwide knows shop, it's not too famous even here in Hungary! This is just so bad, I was getting in my Holiday-Massacre feeling already (this is a strange tradition for me: I annihilate in video games during the winter holiday season, it satifies me and also makes me calmer, and both SRIII and WWE 12 would be great for such purposes, so I still hope I get it before Holiday-Massacre kicks in.)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 16, 2011, 02:41PM
How do you guys feel about the development in Betsy's power? Rick Remender (UXF writer) clarified that Psylocke is an Omega-Level Telepath (which is not, in ignorance, the same as an Omega-Level Mutant).
However Remender revealed that in UXF 17 AOA Jean helped free Betsy's inner power and unleashed Betsy's full potential as an Omega-Level Mutant. She supposedly even manifested a Phoenix-type telepathic butterfly in UXF 18. I haven't read the latest issue but I'm really excited to see Betsy's development as a newly claimed Omega-Level Mutant. So I believe the following are all the confirmed omegas...anyone else I'm missing?
Jean Grey
Rachel Grey
Nate Grey
Franklin Richards
Some others I can remember:
Mister M
Quentin Quire
Hope Summers
Isn't Prof X,Emma Frost, and Magneto a Omega Mutant too?
The latter two aren't. I don't know about Xavier.
Quote from: Dihan on December 18, 2011, 04:15AM
Some others I can remember:
Mister M
Quentin Quire
Hope Summers
Aw yes I completely forgot them.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 18, 2011, 11:52AM
Isn't Prof X,Emma Frost, and Magneto a Omega Mutant too?
Xavier and Emma are only omega-level telepaths. However Jean and Psylocke are Omega-Level Telepaths AND Omega-Level Mutants.
The thing with the "Omega mutant" status with the current writers is that each has a different meaning of the term, and Marvel has not helped at all with that.
Fraction made Emma and Xavier omega level telepaths so they could have unlimited potential on the use of their telepathy but still retain some flaws so they would not have the Jean Grey effect (being stuck on limbo because she's to powerfull to some writers to handle, ironic, because Xavier is now on limbo and Emma is poorly writen, hope Guillen will fix that)
It's kind of funny that now all the "big" telepaths has reached the Omega status and I believe that the issue depend of the writer that is in charge of the character (again Fraction with Emma and Xavier, now Rick Remender with Psylocke)
In my personal opinion I enjoy those characters without the Omega label, I mean they have demosntrated impresive features before that and doesn't need to be listed as Omegas to be recognized as incredible skilled telepaths on their own right.
But as Marvelfan said, I'll wait to see Betsy's development.
By the way, Storm is considered an Omega? I thought that she has the potential but never got the "tittle", same with Gambit.
Since when was Iceman an Omega?
and isn't Magneto an Omega-Mutant also?
Here are some Omega Level mutants
Storm was confirmed in Origins of the X-Men. Iceman was confirmed in X-Men Forever (series with Jean, Iceman, Mystique, Juggernaut, and Toad). If I am correct Wiccan is also omega-level if I didn't list him before.
As for Uncanny X-Force I strongly recommend it. The Dark Angel Saga has been beautiful and I have loved the characterizations of the five main characters. Another great part of Remender's stories is the AOA universe especially his version of Jean Grey! Can't wait for his AOA spinoff series. Nice to finally see Jean in an ongoing book again.
If you are a Psylocke fan then UXF is even better. Remender has really listened to her fans with the return of her full telepathy, romance with Angel, Lady Mandarin astral armor, british body flashback at the Hellfire Club, AOA Sabretooth fling, and her upcoming reunion with Captain Britain.
Well, since christmas is approcahing (having a Christmas dinner with my school tommorow, gonna be fun!) I thought I'll update my avatar and signature to fit the time, hopefully my sig isnt to big :P
Its gonna be a Galactic good christmas
Quote from: Polygone on December 22, 2011, 07:05AM
Well, since christmas is approcahing (having a Christmas dinner with my school tommorow, gonna be fun!) I thought I'll update my avatar and signature to fit the time, hopefully my sig isnt to big :P
Its gonna be a Galactic good christmas
Lol I did the same with my sig, mine is like the same size to XD but Christmas is only like 3 days away so it will most likely be down shortly.
here are all the omegas I can remember:
- Confirmed
Marvel Girl
Madelyne Prior
Hope Summers
Mister Immortal
Scarlet Witch
Franklin Richards
Jamie Braddock
Quentin Quire
Mad Jim Jaspers
Mister M
- Potential
Magneto (which probably means Polaris is as well, jusy not nearly as developed)
Mikhail Rasputin
and now Psylocke, I guess
@Polygone and MidnightPhoenix.
I would say those signatures are too big.
This is better right? I kinda agreed with you, couldn't find anything better, until I saw these two pics :D
On a complete diffrent note, VAACAATIIOON :D, 2 weeks no school, no stress, only pure awesomness :D
Quote from: Dihan on December 22, 2011, 06:34PM
@Polygone and MidnightPhoenix.
I would say those signatures are too big.
Can I keep mine up for like 2 more days? Since thats when Christmas is, then I will for sure change mine. :)
@Nowhereman @MarvelFan
Wow i never new Iceman or magma was considered omega. Only time where i thought Magma was close to omega was in XML1 when she lost control over her powers in the danger room.
I knew Iceman was powerful but not omega how is he considered omega? Like what other stuff can he do other than freeze things,make ice,get moisture from the air and turn to ice etc,
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 23, 2011, 07:51AM
Can I keep mine up for like 2 more days? Since thats when Christmas is, then I will for sure change mine. :)
Just this once.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 23, 2011, 10:28AM
@Nowhereman @MarvelFan
Wow i never new Iceman or magma was considered omega. Only time where i thought Magma was close to omega was in XML1 when she lost control over her powers in the danger room.
I knew Iceman was powerful but not omega how is he considered omega? Like what other stuff can he do other than freeze things,make ice,get moisture from the air and turn to ice etc,
You see, the writers don't really know what to do with someone once they classify them as Omega because then they're too powerful. So what they do is they kill them off (Jean), write them out of certain plots (Elixir), or make them too stupid to realise their potential (Iceman).
Well, seeing the date and all, let me grab this moment, to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Christmas and Fun Holidays!
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 24, 2011, 06:31AM
Well, seeing the date and all, let me grab this moment, to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Christmas and Fun Holidays!
Same here :), my mom got me Super mario land 3ds, Fight for the light DLC pack for DCUO, and another unknown gift :o
Of course, knowing my luck, the world went down right when I got the DLC pack xD
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2011, 08:20AMmy mom got me Super mario land 3ds
Snap! Along with some other games.
xD, I once went to the game store to look things up, and bought Mario kart 7, but had a hard time deciding, she probally knew :P
I'm also getting Mario Kart 7 tomorrow. What's your friend code? Mine is 3909-7507-9532.
( Christmas to Everyone on here.. I wish the best for everyone.. Just in case anyone didn't know this I register Dec.18 one year anniversary YaY!
Quote from: Dihan on December 24, 2011, 09:45AM
I'm also getting Mario Kart 7 tomorrow. What's your friend code? Mine is 3909-7507-9532.
I doubt its worth giving, Imma kick your ass anyway :P
Mine is 0946-2225-9421
Kinda sad, since its says my favorite software is Rayman 3d, but I lost the game like a month ago or something (its not really really lost, since I haven't really been looking for it, and im normally really carefull with stuff, oh well, sheisse happens :P, one day I will find it! xD)
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2011, 01:25PM
I doubt its worth giving, Imma kick your ass anyway :P
In your dreams! :P
I've added you anywho.
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2011, 01:25PM
I doubt its worth giving, Imma kick your ass anyway :P
Mine is 0946-2225-9421
Kinda sad, since its says my favorite software is Rayman 3d, but I lost the game like a month ago or something (its not really really lost, since I haven't really been looking for it, and im normally really carefull with stuff, oh well, sheisse happens :P, one day I will find it! xD)
Oh good I can add you to :) It will be in a few days tho since I dont have my 3Ds with me
Merry Christmas everyone!! (yeah yeah a little too late but I was eating the whole world last night xD)
Quote from: whiteking on December 25, 2011, 06:31PM
Merry Christmas everyone!! (yeah yeah a little too late but I was eating the whole world last night xD)
O_O So whiteking is just an alias....... Galactus! (sorry I just had to do it, couldn't resist :P)
Soo all this time..I have been a Whiteking fan?? What kind of treachury is this! 0.o
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2011, 01:25PM
I doubt its worth giving, Imma kick your ass anyway :P
Mine is 0946-2225-9421
Kinda sad, since its says my favorite software is Rayman 3d, but I lost the game like a month ago or something (its not really really lost, since I haven't really been looking for it, and im normally really carefull with stuff, oh well, sheisse happens :P, one day I will find it! xD)
Here is my friend code Polygone. I just added you :D 2750 - 1154 - 2255
And here I am still having to add you both :P, im sorry, doing it right now ;)
OMG Midnight you also got RE mercaneries? Awesome :D
Quote from: Polygone on December 28, 2011, 11:43AM
And here I am still having to add you both :P, im sorry, doing it right now ;)
OMG Midnight you also got RE mercaneries? Awesome :D
Pssh yeah I'm only a super Resident Evil fan. XD Tell me if you ever want to play :)
If you copy these QR codes in the Mii thing you can get resident evil Mii's, although they dont really look anything like they should its pretty cool. But dont delete them because you can never scan it again after the first!
Happy new year to you all!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 31, 2011, 09:41PM
Happy new year to you all!
Lol I love it! Mind if I use it ;)
Happy New Year everyone!!!
yeah, happy new year! and welcome to the age of aquarius
when the mooooooon is in the seventh hooouse and jupiteeeeer aligns with maaaaars...
Happy New Year! Make the most of it because it shall be our last!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 31, 2011, 10:07PM
Lol I love it! Mind if I use it ;)
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Sorry for the late response, but i don't mind, go ahead and use it XD
haps new year everyone, and dihan, the end of the world will only come if galactus decides to eat it,there is no other logical explenation :p
If Galactus comes, then Jean will kick his ass like she did last time and we will all be safe XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on January 02, 2012, 09:08AM
If Galactus comes, then Jean will kick his ass like she did last time and we will all be safe XD
Provided, of course, she returns ;)
Damn, I would rather let Galactus eat this whole place fried, than have Jean appear to kick his butt in our world :D (Ooh...Anti-Jeanastic!)
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 02, 2012, 10:24AM
Damn, I would rather let Galactus eat this whole place fried, than have Jean appear to kick his butt in our world :D (Ooh...Anti-Jeanastic!)
Lol that's hilarious :D For some reason I enjoy your Anti-Jeaninism (or however it would be spelled)
I think Anti-Jeaninism would be OK. It's based on the theory, that some people could go over-Jeanastic, even if it doesn't involve the said character. So, I am Anti-Jeanastic, because I was never the type "this character/person is better, or the ultimate entity, because he/she/it is my favourite". :D I can accept facts, but I never go super-fanish :D OK, maybe sometimes, but I'm human too, aren't I? :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 02, 2012, 12:59PM
I think Anti-Jeaninism would be OK. It's based on the theory, that some people could go over-Jeanastic, even if it doesn't involve the said character. So, I am Anti-Jeanastic, because I was never the type "this character/person is better, or the ultimate entity, because he/she/it is my favourite". :D I can accept facts, but I never go super-fanish :D OK, maybe sometimes, but I'm human too, aren't I? :D
Yeah Anti-Jeaninism is perfectly ok...everyone has the right to their own opinions. Lol I've never really seen you go overboard, except for maybe that you would rather the entire world end before you would take Jean saving it :D
Well, even if she would save the world, I wouldn't become a fan of her...First, I would be shocked, that she exists and she saved the world from another comic book character, but the moment I snap back into this reality, I go on to say, with great passion of course: Meh... :D
I would be shocked to see Galactus and Phoenix actually exsist :D I would be greatful non the less that the world was saved.
If they would exist, then other comic book characters would exist as well, right? NOW THAT, would be awesome
So i would be the only one begging to become an herald so I can serve under his awsomness??
Quote from: Polygone on January 03, 2012, 08:13AM
So i would be the only one begging to become an herald so I can serve under his awsomness??
Well if Phoenix couldn't save us from his hunger then I would be like take me with you! Lol he can have more then one herald, because that means more food :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 02, 2012, 10:00PM
If they would exist, then other comic book characters would exist as well, right? NOW THAT, would be awesome
Yeah that would be awesome to see all the Marvel and DC universe heroes just come out and start kickin butt XD
I'd so be a Herald.
Who doesn't want to be Johnny Gat...I mean a herald of Galactus? :D
But even more importantly, Jericho returned on Monday Night RAW, and he "trended worldwide" on twitter, even though he didn't even say a word...Isn't that...well, weird, but cool, too?
Well on a lighter note (because the apocalyptic end of the world, whether it involves World Eaters and his diabolical heralds or massive earthquakes, is always such a bright show ;)) XBOX Live has released shirts and accessories based on the Marvel heroes. The Phoenix shirt is a must buy for me!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 02:49PM
Well on a lighter note (because the apocalyptic end of the world, whether it involves World Eaters and his diabolical heralds or massive earthquakes, is always such a bright show ;)) XBOX Live has released shirts and accessories based on the Marvel heroes. The Phoenix shirt is a must buy for me!
I saw that last weekend, and I was like omg! XD I havent gotten it yet, but once I get some points on there I will for sure!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 02:53PM
I saw that last weekend, and I was like omg! XD I havent gotten it yet, but once I get some points on there I will for sure!
So will I! I'm gonna have to get the boy AND girl versions lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 02:58PM
So will I! I'm gonna have to get the boy AND girl versions lol.
Lol do they have both? My Xbox Avatar is a girl because I plan on buying the Jill valentine costume also so Im ready for the Phoenix shirt XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 03:04PM
Lol do they have both? My Xbox Avatar is a girl because I plan on buying the Jill valentine costume also so Im ready for the Phoenix shirt XD
Girl is the one with sash while boy is below and without it. I actually prefer the version with sash. Any chance of that fitting on a boy avatar? :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 03:07PM
Girl is the one with sash while boy is below and without it. I actually prefer the version with sash. Any chance of that fitting on a boy avatar? :D
Oh I didnt even notice the male one XD Yeah the its just not Phoenix without a sash :D I'm glad she is the only female to really make it in there, unless you count the Shield one as female also. They could have edited the Hulk one to look like SHe Hulk for female avatars also, but what ever XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 03:15PM
Oh I didnt even notice the male one XD Yeah the its just not Phoenix without a sash :D I'm glad she is the only female to really make it in there, unless you count the Shield one as female also. They could have edited the Hulk one to look like SHe Hulk for female avatars also, but what ever XD
Yeah it's nice to know that they chose Jean. I guess she has the best imagery with the phoenix emblem. The only other iconic emblem like that would be Ms. Marvel or Spider-Woman I guess.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 03:48PM
Yeah it's nice to know that they chose Jean. I guess she has the best imagery with the phoenix emblem. The only other iconic emblem like that would be Ms. Marvel or Spider-Woman I guess.
Yeah, I wish they added like a whole costume those, or at least like a little Phoenix pet, a Phoenix fiery rapture for behind your avatar, or pants XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 03:53PM
Yeah, I wish they added like a whole costume those, or at least like a little Phoenix pet, a Phoenix fiery rapture for behind your avatar, or pants XD
Lol I love the thought of a Phoenix pet and a fiery raptor. I'd totally buy those
I thought you guys would be interested by this article about Marvel's real stance on mutant rights ;)
Thanks Dee, I thought the Phoenix comments would never end
xD, well, thats kinda weird, but I dont really see it as a standpoint, more of a quick speech to get even more money, oh well, ''Wolverine and the X-dolls'' it is then :P
Well for me I find all female heroes better then male heroes any way :D
agreed, betsy and natasha all the way!! Although i preffer male villains, dunno why, ugh, just imagine a female galactus :p the only female villain i like is diamondback, cause she remindd me of a more deadlier elektra, but other then that, nah :p
Quote from: Polygone on January 04, 2012, 04:54PM
agreed, betsy and natasha all the way!! Although i preffer male villains, dunno why, ugh, just imagine a female galactus :p the only female villain i like is diamondback, cause she remindd me of a more deadlier elektra, but other then that, nah :p
There is a female Galactus XD I like Mystique, Enchantress, Deathbird, Witchfire, Zaladane, and Vertigo the most :D
At risk of turning things back towards Jean Grey, I thought some of you Team Wolverine fans would enjoy these:
Thanks! The class, events, faculty, etc. is also in the back of the first issue. Anybody else checking the series out?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 04, 2012, 06:17PM
There is a female Galactus XD I like Mystique, Enchantress, Deathbird, Witchfire, Zaladane, and Vertigo the most :D
Yeah his Daughter Galacta, but she's a hero :P
More promotion for avengers vs x-men
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 09, 2012, 12:46PM
More promotion for avengers vs x-men
The one X-Man I hope actually wins this battle. Looks like she's keeping the new (and improved) uniform on Cyke's side as well.
Noes! My fav characters from both sides involved :( im not sure who to vote for here :p
I'd want black widow to win, but don't think that is very possible cause psylocke is way more powerful. unless BW strategize from the beginning and pull a Batman on Betsy. After all, she is smarter, better trained in almost everything except martial arts (in which they're at about the same lvl) and more experienced.
As much as I love Black Widow, Thor and Scarlet With, I'm with the X-men, but I'm sure this will be a (kind of) "Civil War" story where the heroes realize that they must be together or something like that in order to face a common foe (in this case the Phoenix Force, that is back and searching a new host).
What We Know About Avengers vs. X-Men
from what I've read I guess I'm on the Avengers side. I mean, the X-Men are trying to save a mutant, while the Avengers are trying to save the world.
Storm vs Thor. Storm's the only other X-Man (or I should really say X-Woman), besides Psylocke, that I hope wins against the Avengers. Otherwise Avengers all the way! Show King Cyclops and his Brotherhood who's boss :D
Well, I really don't see how Storm could win this one. She's vastly outclassed.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 10, 2012, 06:56PM
Well, I really don't see how Storm could win this one. She's vastly outclassed.
Oh Storm definitely doesn't have a chance. I was just listing my personal preference for the fight. A better idea would have been to switch her and Magneto so the fights would be more balanced like this...
Thor vs Magneto
Iron Man vs Storm
agreed, I can totally see Storm and Iron Man having an incredibly balanced fight. Magneto would be a stronger opponent, but still noticeably outclassed.
Truth is no X-Men is on the same level as Thor. But considering how many "vigilante" heroes the Avengers have (without or nearly without super-powers), it would make sense to have one tough X-Men take care of several so that a small team of some of the most powerful X-Men could try taking Thor down.
EDIT: New preview
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 10, 2012, 08:53PM
agreed, I can totally see Storm and Iron Man having an incredibly balanced fight. Magneto would be a stronger opponent, but still noticeably outclassed.
Truth is no X-Men is on the same level as Thor. But considering how many "vigilante" heroes the Avengers have (without or nearly without super-powers), it would make sense to have one tough X-Men take care of several so that a small team of some of the most powerful X-Men could try taking Thor down.
That's how I see that fight. I think that outside him, the fight is quite balanced, since there's no "i'm too powerfull" member on either team (based on the characters that have been shown in the previews). Probably the Scarlet Witch, but she lost the life force that overloaded her reality powers so she's not overpowered anymore.
Yes, plus her opponent is Hope, who's also an omega lvl who may have a sudden peak of God-like power, so I guess they're balanced even on that.
Yay! Iceman vs Spider-Man! It's obvious who I'm backing :P
Quote from: Dihan on January 11, 2012, 06:41PM
Yay! Iceman vs Spider-Man! It's obvious who I'm backing :P
Well it's quite obvious who would win, anyway ;)
Damn, I was expecting her to mind blast half of the Avengers like she did with Ms Marvel before, not this. Colossusnaut was a better option for me to fight the green guy, it's like the Storm vs Thor teaser, not a very balanced fight.
But I'll be positive, her diamond form is quite strong, based on the last issues of Uncanny Xmen when she recieved 2 blast from the dreaming celestial and she only lost an arm and she managed to fight against Hulk on WWH without a significant injury.
Still I love the teaser, she's fighting a top member of the avengers, so yay for that :P
Hulk has proven himself vastly resistant to telepathy and the Hulk has way more strength than her. I'm starting to think these previews have nothing to do with the actual fights that are gonna happen.
Edit: next 2
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 11, 2012, 08:39PM
Hulk has proven himself vastly resistant to telepathy and the Hulk has way more strength than her. I'm starting to think these previews have nothing to do with the actual fights that are gonna happen.
Yeah I know, It's more as if the artist tried to highlight two important characters in a fight on each cover. Since most of the fights are not balanced on these teasers. My coment about her diamond form is that yeah, while he's way more powerfull, he wont be able to crush her that easily ;)
Ok, Ms. Marvel vs Rogue is a classic lol. Carol is more powerfull now, yet Rogue has the psychological factor on her side ;)
And the other prev, basically shows us which side is taking Beast. I'm not sure how strong is Luke Cage so I wont say anything about that fight :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 11, 2012, 08:39PM
Hulk has proven himself vastly resistant to telepathy and the Hulk has way more strength than her. I'm starting to think these previews have nothing to do with the actual fights that are gonna happen.
That's possible. Most of these fights are quite unbalanced. Psylocke vs Widow, Storm vs Thor, Hulk vs Emma Frost, etc. I'm not too eager about who's gonna win the individual fights anyway. I think it's safe to say that the Avengers will be the ultimate victor. While the X-Men are incredibly popular, Marvel has focused the Avengers as their top franchise. And I can't imagine the Avengers losing in a summer event...the same time that their big movie is coming out! Unfortunately the X-Men have the odds against them right now.
EDIT: More previews.
Wonder how Rogue and Ms. Marvel got to Paris lol. And I'm suprised Beast is fighting Luke Cage. I thought he and Wolverine were confirmed on the Avengers side, not just by fans, but by the writers as well. The writers also mentioned that the Gold Team could either follow Wolverine and the rest of the Avengers or they'd stick with Cyclops's squad. If Rogue really will be fighting Ms. Marvel I guess the X-Men won't let a "schism" separate them for this event.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 11, 2012, 08:54PM
That's possible. Most of these fights are quite unbalanced. Psylocke vs Widow, Storm vs Thor, Hulk vs Emma Frost, etc. I'm not too eager about who's gonna win the individual fights anyway. I think it's safe to say that the Avengers will be the ultimate victor. While the X-Men are incredibly popular, Marvel has focused the Avengers as their top franchise. And I can't imagine the Avengers losing in a summer event...the same time that their big movie is coming out! Unfortunately the X-Men have the odds against them right now.
Wonder how Rogue and Ms. Marvel got to Paris lol. And I'm suprised Beast is fighting Luke Cage. I thought he and Wolverine were confirmed on the Avengers side, not just by fans, but by the writers as well. The writers also mentioned that the Gold Team could either follow Wolverine and the rest of the Avengers or they'd stick with Cyclops's squad. If Rogue really will be fighting Ms. Marvel I guess the X-Men won't let a "schism" separate them for this event.
Well, in a collective fight, each team has a posibility, since both teams has a character that can counter another, and the big guys on each team will have "flaws" to make the fight more realist.
I dont think that the avengers movie would be a factor since most of the people that watch the movies is not a fan of the comics, want an example? most of the people that saw x men first class has no idea of the current continuity on the Xmen, it must be the same with the Avengers.
About Wolverine, I read on an article that he and his team would be with Cyclops and the rest of the Xmen, since with the involvement of the Phoenix force it's more like a Mutants vs the Avengers, instead of Cyclops team vs the Avengers.
beg to differ. Thor ressurected right at the time his movie came out. same with Captain America. when Iron Man movies came out he was more omnipresent than ever b4. WWH was released right on time for his movie as well. Think about it as comics wanting to increase sales by using the movies as advertisement.
Maybe. Then it's more to increase sales than just promote the movie it should not affect the result of a fight (yeah yeah in my world of hapiness). And I insist, the end of this will be more like a "yeah we should be together instead of fighting each other if we want to get rid of that pigeon and the treat it represents"
Quote from: whiteking on January 11, 2012, 09:07PM
Well, in a collective fight, each team has a posibility, since both teams has a character that can counter another, and the big guys on each team will have "flaws" to make the fight more realist.
I dont think that the avengers movie would be a factor since most of the people that watch the movies is not a fan of the comics, want an example? most of the people that saw x men first class has no idea of the current continuity on the Xmen, it must be the same with the Avengers.
About Wolverine, I read on an article that he and his team would be with Cyclops and the rest of the Xmen, since with the involvement of the Phoenix force it's more like a Mutants vs the Avengers, instead of Cyclops team vs the Avengers.
Continuity has never been the same in comics and movies. But remember that the Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, and Avengers are films created by Marvel Studios while the X-Men film franchise belongs to Fox. This is partially why Marvel has sort of removed focus from the X-Films compared to Marvel's own films (not to mention the Avengers have replaced the X-Men as Marvel's top franchise in the past few years).
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 11, 2012, 09:17PM
beg to differ. Thor ressurected right at the time his movie came out. same with Captain America. when Iron Man movies came out he was more omnipresent than ever b4. WWH was released right on time for his movie as well. Think about it as comics wanting to increase sales by using the movies as advertisement.
And like Nowhere Man said about the returns of Cap and Thor as well as Iron Man's stronger presence in the MU, Marvel tries to promote their comics with the films. People who watch the films may get interested in the comics and they'll want to check them out. The above stuff all coincided with the release of their films so that movie-turned-comic fans got a chance to read the characters.
In fact in the 2000s, during Cyclops' merging with Apocalypse, the original plan was that Cyclops was dead and would stay that way. But the movie came out and people who began to read the comics wondered where the X-Leader was which is why Cyclops was "resurrected". Even the New X-Men leather costumes came to match the costumes from the film.
So I just can't imagine Marvel having their huge summer with their biggest heroes all in one film only to have the comic counterparts being the loser of one of Marvel's biggest crossover events
oh boy:
Love them!
I love Gambit so much but....GO SPIDER WOMAN! lol
About the other 2 pics, I'm (as you already knew) team X-men ^^
Go Thing! Even if he has no chance lol. DD is great and I'll root for him since last I checked Archangel was evil...then again last I checked Archangel was dead. Wonder how Betsy will feel about this.
EDIT: Also for all the Betsy fans out there (I sadly don't now too many on this forum), Psylocke was voted as Marvel's 2nd biggest hero of 2011 at That makes her the biggest X-Character of the year! Go psychic butterflies
I really love Hawkeye's new costume. The last one seemed silly...
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 14, 2012, 05:19PM
I really love Hawkeye's new costume. The last one seemed silly...
Agree. He looks much better.
It'll be interesting to see who they put Ironman up against on these covers.
it was the first preview released. the only reason I didn't post is cause I thought it was old news.
Ahhh. Makes sense. I've only been looking at them through here :P
seems that although the previews show Beast and Logan on the X-Men side, they actually won't be. which leads me to believe that those previews really have nothing to do with the fights that are actually going to happen.
The thing that really interests me in this event is Angel's return although it seems to have occurred before this anyway. Everything else seems to be the basic hero vs hero fight with both teams joining to fight a greater power.
Apparently once the big fight in Tabula Rasa was over Angel showed up from the rubbles amnesiac. Guess he's the tabula rasa now :P. Noticed he seems to have normal skin but metallic wings nonetheless?
PS: MF, would you mind severely decrasing the size of your signature?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 16, 2012, 05:34PM
Apparently once the big fight in Tabula Rasa was over Angel showed up from the rubbles amnesiac. Guess he's the tabula rasa now :P. Noticed he seems to have normal skin but metallic wings nonetheless?
PS: MF, would you mind severely decrasing the size of your signature?
Since then Angel has relocated to the Jean Grey Institute (I wrote Xavier first lol). Beast and Kitty have become aware of X-Force's existence and needless to say they are NOT happy. I'm suprised though that an amnesiac Angel is part of an event he has no idea about. Perhaps he's just following Psylocke around. I'm not so sure about the current state of his wings. I swear that in every panel before they've looked metallic.
EDIT: Yeah sure. I was just experimenting with that image and I was certain I had it removed but I guess I was wrong. Give me a sec and it should no longer be an issue.
Edit: Iron Phoenix or Phoenix Fist? LOL
Awwww what. Do I need to start hating Iron Fist now? :(
Wha...What the...This....Im speechless, I truly am...
(BTW Phoenix fist, such a cool name xD)
Well, that would be interesting. But, the fact, that I just love Iron Fist, if he would become Phoenix Fist or what, he would probably die soon afterwards (Still want Nightcrawler back. Plus Cain Marko as the Juggernaut. Plus Dr. Doom as a villian with his mask. Plus Dr. Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme. What the hell is Marvel's problem? Or Disney's?)
Quote from: Dihan on January 18, 2012, 08:37AM
Awwww what. Do I need to start hating Iron Fist now? :(
Unfortunately yes. Personally it wasn't hard to realize that Iron Fist would be the next host. He and Jean have the same taste inc color schemes.
Well I am really happy today! Resident Evil Retrubution the movie trailer got released today. The Resident Evil revelations demo got released for the 3Ds today. And to top it all off. Resident Evil 6 has been announced for November 20th 2012 and a trailer has been released! Thank the lawd XD
The beginning of the trailer was kinda weird, but when Alice showed up :O, so awesome :D
Im also pleased we get to see Jill's all-hail-wesker version, I know some people disliked her that way, but I luve her that way xD, loved the bonus scene in afterlife with her aswell
Quote from: Polygone on January 20, 2012, 10:05AM
The beginning of the trailer was kinda weird, but when Alice showed up :O, so awesome :D
Im also pleased we get to see Jill's all-hail-wesker version, I know some people disliked her that way, but I luve her that way xD, loved the bonus scene in afterlife with her aswell
I agree when I first saw the start of the tralier I was like what THE F**K LOL, but then Alice was pretty awesome after words. If you havent seen the Resident Evil 6 trailer you should check that out if you Like the games! It looks awesome :)
Edit: And I agree I loved Jill like that, but I love Jill no matter what because she is a kick ass lady and my favorite RE character!
I only began to like them after 3 or something, seeing as the zombies were not really the main objective anymore, and it actually got a cool story, I always hated horror games, but RE was a bit of an excepction I suppose
EDIT : just noticed something when watching the trailer again, you had the Umbrella ships come at the boat where the previous movie ended, so retribution will probally start right after afterlife ended (Jill, you're gonna be the first villain to appear on screen :D)
Quote from: Polygone on January 20, 2012, 03:48PM
I only began to like them after 3 or something, seeing as the zombies were not really the main objective anymore, and it actually got a cool story, I always hated horror games, but RE was a bit of an excepction I suppose
EDIT : just noticed something when watching the trailer again, you had the Umbrella ships come at the boat where the previous movie ended, so retribution will probally start right after afterlife ended (Jill, you're gonna be the first villain to appear on screen :D)
Yeah Jill is the main villain for the 5th movie! I agree I hate Horror games, but Resident evil is also an exception for me! I like all the games, but I hate how the first few are played, but thats just me.
Thought you guys here would like all these Art Appreciation Avengers Alternate covers (that's a lot of aliteration)
My favorites are the Easter Island Heads (Invincible Iron Man #515) and the Winnie the Pooh one (Incredible Hulk #7)
I'm bored bored and bored... Chemistry is very very very boring... i hate it.
when i bored i go to marvelmods site and enjoy..... yaaa hooo!!!! :)
So here's some shiny new stuff from
New covers for AVX stuff :D
So now we have pictures of Iron Fist, a Captain Marvel, and Hope with signs of the Phoenix...Multiple phoenix incarnations? Also the New X-men who stuck with Cyclops appear to be imprisoned with a Sentinel and the Avengers Academy Looking at them o.O
Also we have Lego Avengers sets:
Which I hope means that we can have a Lego Avengers video game ^-^ that would be so epic!
OMG This last couple of months have been life changing for me. So me and my boyfriend moved in with his sister, her kids, and husband around April last year, everything was fine until out of nowhere I grew feelings for her husband. I think it started one day that he helped me fix this used fridge I bought. The way he treated me so kind, something he does not do to almost everyone else. Anyways on his wife birthday on Novemeber we started drinking and dancing, and all of a sudden he wanted to dance with me so I got up and joined him. He grab my waist then I tried grabbing his you know what, thats when my boyfriend got mad. Anyways later that night me and my boyfriend started arguing so him and his cousin came to come me down. Thats when I snap and I told him that I wanted to be with him while I was rubbing his pack, he just starred at me seriously. So anyways about 2 weeks ago, since we barely get any time alone we went to the DMV, on our way back home I told him that is funny how my boyfriend thinks I'm after him. I just wanted to see his reaction, once we parked he asked me if I really found him attractive, I told him I did. Then he was like, I'm gonna do you just don't tell anyone. So the first time afterwards he told me that he liked it and he wanted me to do him which I though was odd. Anyways the second time I did him and I seriously though he liked it cause his moaning and other stuff. After he told me that he didn't and that he felt mad the whole time. So then I was crushed to realize the truth that he doesn't care for me and he was just curious. So I told my boyfriend the truth. He got mad and called him telling him not to do that again. Then he though for whatever reason it would be good idea to tell his wife which he did. I haven't seen neither of them since but they talked to my boyfriend and she wanted him to kick me out which he didn't. But anyways I just feel horrible for the whole thing :( . And I don't want to be with my boyfriend no more but the guy is crazy about me.
Here comes advice from a 13 year old, you ready? : relationships arent one sided!! I know, you care about him, but its YOUR life, you shouldnt expect a fairy to popup and make things better, you gotta do it, its the way the world works, other then that i just wanne say i wish you the best and hope you feel better soon
Thats some pretty crazy stuff Edward! I have been wondering where you went all this time, ;) Well you know things happen in life, and everyone makes mistakes, and some people want to try out new things when they get bored of the old ones, and thats all you did. I'm not saying it was right, but there is no going back, and what is done is done. If you don't want to be with this person then don't be, they maybe crazy about you, but are you crazy about them? You can't stay in a relationship if it makes you unhappy.
Thanks for the advice. Well if I could be honest I'm deeply in love with his brother-in-law. :( I feel really guilty cause I cause a lot of problems for everyone.
Quote from: edward on February 21, 2012, 04:14PM
Thanks for the advice. Well if I could be honest I'm deeply in love with his brother-in-law. :( I feel really guilty cause I cause a lot of problems for everyone.
Well obviously his brother in law most feel something for you, if he did do that with you, and more then once, then he obviously has feeliungs for you, and it could be possible that he just doesn't want to accept the feelings that he has for you and he thinks they are wrong. I do hope things work out for you :)
So I found this adorable AvX art by Scottie Young (he's one of my favorite artists) and I thought you guys would enjoy it ^-^
Psylocke, black widow AND jean :D, fanboy moment :P
Poor Daredevil, now we all truly understand why he was blinded
Also, baby storm is adorable :P
I wish we could do characters like that in MUA...Marvel: Play-Pen Alliance: the only thing cuter than SHS
Okay im having a problem hopefully you guys here can help.
I just started my freshman year as a freshman. I like to treat others as I would like to be treated like, I'm the type of person that can be the nicest person in the world then be the rudest person you'll ever meet. I don't start drama but i will be the one to finish to it if it pertains to me. But usually i'm a funny,nice,cool, caring person. But now lets get to the point.
Ever since February i have been having problems with this one kid who apparently doesn't like me but i have no idea why. He says rude comments under his breath, he tells everyone behind my back why he doesn't like me but he's never said it to my face though. He even makes status' about me on facebook and sometimes he tags me in them. He says rude things about saying im stupid, i'll never make it anyway in life , and a bunch of other crap. However, i've tried to be the bigger person and just simply ignore them but every time i log on to facebook I've been tagged in a bashing post about me.
So yesterday i got to the point where i got sick of being disrespected so i started responding back saying really negative things about him. He didn't say anything at all to me today but now all of a sudden one of my friends (who is friends with my enemy) said that the things i was saying was really rude but before I let him finish i cut him off saying "I don't give a f*ck what you think or your wackass friend who always got Chocolate egg to say but never to my face so f*ck off!".
After some words were exchanged he got really pissed off and i got pissed off and he told me that if we weren't in a private school then he would beat my ass so i got in his face and said "He ain't about that life"
So after school was over i spoke to one of my friends saying i didn't feel like I was wrong because i don't know what world you come from where you can talk bad about people and then when the person responds back it's their fault. I'm not a wimp and I was raised to not be afraid of anyone and i feel like I'm always nice to people and people disrecpect me but when i respond I'm wrong?? Am I because I honestly do feel bad about cursing my friend out but as soon as he threatened me i just went off and i feel like he wasn't a real friend to begin with.
Wow, way to go! Im serious though, When I hear someone saying bad things about me, I can make the rest of their lives a whole lot more troublesome (evil Joker laugh), I wouldn't be able to ignore it
No but seriously though, I think you handled good back there, you should go see your conselour and speak with him about said issue, theres always a reason to hate someone, so yeah, start from there, and hopefully he wont hate you anymore! :P
I agree with Polygone, I find it very hard for myself to keep my mouth shut when people are talking about me.
Thanks Polygone and Midnightphoenix i spoke to them both at lunch with a couples of my friends and well it didn't go so well....
When we sat down i said hi to them and they ain't say nothing back and one of them said to me that he don't like me or my ways and i told him he's an ugly 2 faced little liar who talk crap about everyone and needs to get a life.
So as soon as I said that he picked up his drink and threw it at me BUT, he missed because as soon as he got up i got up and grabbed the drink next to me and threw it in his face and then he grabbed my risk and came across the table and started swinging and i did the same but before any of us could even hit each other teachers came and grabbed us both.
I was mad because i got suspended for 2 days but at the same time i was also mad because i swung twice and missed and i was so close but yeah that friendship has sinked and well now it's clear that I defiantly have an enemy
Finally the mood to mod came back after a lengthy absence. Today I just finished one of my pending modding projects and I'm very happy about it. 8 to go. :D
Any Gambit fan wanna be a crash test dummy?
I would love to Nowhere man
I would love too
Ooh Gambit ^-^ I'd love to test :]
thanks for your enthusiasm jeanfan and deedooo. but snw called shotgun. but don't worry, as I said, it's ready, which means it's gonna be released very very soon. I'm just being cautious really.
Nowhere did you get my message?.. cause I keep getting an 500 error message
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on March 02, 2012, 02:23PM
I was mad because i got suspended for 2 days but at the same time i was also mad because i swung twice and missed and i was so close but yeah that friendship has sinked and well now it's clear that I defiantly have an enemy
To be honest you both need to grow up.
There are people in life you like and a lot more that you don't - it doesn't mean you have the right to turn to violence as you feel like it even if you attempt to justify it to yourself and others. You say that you are "a funny, nice, cool, caring person" but from what you've said I don't see it, especially if you can just toss friends aside because they side with your "enemy".
@SNW - I answered you msg, but got the 500 as well, but since I got yours I suppose you got mine.
@Jeanfan - I think you should have stuck to your original strategy. People always talk Chocolate egg about other people most times for no reasonable cause. So what if a guy you barely know trash you on FB? You only validate the criticism when you care about them. People who care about you criticise you to your face and generally in a constructive manner. The rest is just the rest, they don't matter. It's that simple. He's a jerk and people who listen to him instead of getting to know you and create their own opinions are weak minded. So why bother?
So I'm trying out my new profile picture...What do you guys think? it's from this alternate cover :
disturbingly cute. :P
Lol it looks so funny, in a adorable way. I find it hilarious that one of the craziest, ravenous heroes can look so much more adorable than other heroes when in a mini or cartoony little chibi like form. Also at first I was like this strangely reminds me of winnie the pooh for some reason..... And the I saw then text under you profile pic lol
I love cap's pose and expression, it looks hilarious.
Awesome picture, everytime I see it, it makes me think of Pooh :)
Im also going with the flow in the avatar change :), hope you like it all :D
I seriously love cap's pose there aswell, but black widow is waaaaay to small :P
In this week's issue of Avengers: The Children's Crusade, same-sex super-couple Teddy Altman (Hulking) and Billy Kaplan (Wiccan) were shown kissing for the first time ( since they made their debut in Young Avengers circa 2005.
To make things even more interesting, the long-awaited on-panel kiss came after Teddy offered what might have been a serious marriage proposal. Could Marvel's most prominent gay couple be headed toward its first same-sex wedding, or will the fans have to wait another 7 years for that?
Either way, to say that readers are overjoyed about the kiss would be an understatement. Robot6 spotted this reaction GIF ( on Tumblr, which captures the situation perfectly.
Yay ^-^ They're so cute together :D
yes they are. wiccan is very cute and lucky. I'd love to date a shapeshifter. Can you imagine? :P
AHHH! This is amazing, this will be huge for the Comic gay community, for Marvel, and gays! This is surly going to help readers, and writers understand that there is nothing wrong with same sex couples. Im very happy to see this, and they are a really cute couple :) How exciting!
don't get yourself killed ms.marvel (
She looks like she's back to her binary form o.O
Deeds, your avatar is broken xD
Phoenix force lookin sweeeet :D
Gotta love Miss Marvel :D
I thought it would be cool to see Ms Marvel/ Binary taken over by the Phoenix Force
Ok, so for a long time I have felt this way, and it has been eating away inside me to tell someone, and you are all the chosen people. I am Gay, I have known for awhile now, for actually as long as I can remember, but just over the past few years I had been in the denial stage, where I didn't want to believe it, and I didn't possibly think I could be. All my life having kids has been a life goal to me, and I thought well if I am gay that can't happen. Well I now obviously know I can, and I feel as though that was just some excuse for me to try and not be gay. I have now come to except myself now and now know it's not a bad thing. I feel as though I couldn't be happier. Everyone on this site, who reads this of course, is the first person/ people I have ever told. Nobody in my family knows, and non of my friends know. Everyone here is extremly important to me, and even though I don't know any of you in real life, I feel like we are all amazing friends! And I most say this site is like a gay magnet :P I also feel as though a huge weight has been lifted telling you all, but it is a small step as I still have a long journey ahead!
congrats on your coming out! welcome to the brotherhood :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 16, 2012, 08:41AM
congrats on your coming out! welcome to the brotherhood :P
Thanks Nowhere man!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 16, 2012, 07:45AM
I feel like we are all amazing friends!
Im honored :D, I feel the same way aswell, its amazing really, how all that is connecting us are letters and sometimes smiley's, we're all friends here, always a bizzare thought, but an awesome one aswell :D
Congralutions MidNight :D
Quote from: Polygone on March 16, 2012, 09:13AM
Im honored :D, I feel the same way aswell, its amazing really, how all that is connecting us are letters and sometimes smiley's, we're all friends here, always a bizzare thought, but an awesome one aswell :D
Congralutions MidNight :D
:) I'm glad you feel the same way! Like I said even if we never meet, I feel like we are all really great friends!
and Thank you :)
I had no doubts, no offense. Glad you feel happy about it :)
Guess you're not looking at Juggs anymore eh? :P
Congratulations on coming out. Hope you have/can find the courage to tell your family & friends too and ofcourse that they accept it like we do :)
So the Marvel website has been pumping out some exciting articles because of Wondercon that I thought you guys would be interested in. We have things like a small teasers about a collection of alternate reality X-Men working together in a series called X-treme X-men ( and the Avengers Academy's role in AVX ( (they're wearing X-Men uniforms?) and some larger articles discussing a new series with an alternate reality Punisher in space ( (hopefully we get to see some space versions of other heroes too ^-^) and Ms Marvel's new role as Captain Marvel ( I feel some skins coming on!
I always thought that Captain Marvel has been an unnecessary figure in the Marvel Universe since Mar-Vell's death. Genis, Phyla and Noh-Varr tried replacing him, but his legacy truly lives on through Ms. Marvel more than anyone else. Did not like Carol with short hair though.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 18, 2012, 02:01AM
I always thought that Captain Marvel has been an unnecessary figure in the Marvel Universe since Mar-Vell's death. Genis, Phyla and Noh-Varr tried replacing him, but his legacy truly lives on through Ms. Marvel more than anyone else. Did not like Carol with short hair though.
I was thinking the same thing...I started work on my version of it today and it has long hair XD
Quote from: BLaw on March 17, 2012, 09:01AM
Guess you're not looking at Juggs anymore eh? :P
Congratulations on coming out. Hope you have/can find the courage to tell your family & friends too and ofcourse that they accept it like we do :)
Haha, this post made me smilie :) There is always room for Jugg jokes ;) :juggernaut: :juggernaut:
And thank you, I did actually tell my step brother this weekend, and It was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be, and he has no problem with it and it felt good, small steps :)
Quote from: edward on March 16, 2012, 05:16PM
I had no doubts, no offense. Glad you feel happy about it :)
Thanks Edward :)
I got a new catchphrase: "Once you go Nowhere you never go elsewhere." LOL! What do you guys think?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 22, 2012, 12:18PM
I got a new catchphrase: "Once you go Nowhere you never go elsewhere." LOL! What do you guys think?
:D I love it! HAHA It made me start laughing!
Edit: Does anyone watch Iron Man Armored Adventures? I dont really like it because of the CG, but they just came out with an episode that featured Jean Grey and Magneto and I thought that was cool, that was the only episode I ever saw of the show too. It's also really cool because they said Jean moved from Colorado which is where I live :D
Edit 2: The first gay marriage in a Marvel comic should be coming this june!
Cool! Wish Kyle was a mutant as well so that the couple would get more spotlight.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 24, 2012, 05:52PM
Cool! Wish Kyle was a mutant as well so that the couple would get more spotlight.
I agree, but at least its a start!
Wow, aint been on here in a minute. Missin' ya'll :)
Btw, congrats Midnight :D and welcome to the "family" (as some put it).
Well, I'll be moving here soon, hopefully gettin' my own place... then I'll be working on getting a computer...again... then I'll be back (mwa ha!) {You were shakin' you know it :P} So anywho, just wanted to update, I guess. lol.
:D, yeeh, good to hear you're gonna be back, we've missed you :)
*cough*andyourmods* cough xD
Quote from: Scabbia on March 27, 2012, 07:49AM
Wow, aint been on here in a minute. Missin' ya'll :)
Btw, congrats Midnight :D and welcome to the "family" (as some put it).
Well, I'll be moving here soon, hopefully gettin' my own place... then I'll be working on getting a computer...again... then I'll be back (mwa ha!) {You were shakin' you know it :P} So anywho, just wanted to update, I guess. lol.
Yay! Im excited for your return! :) I am really looking forward to Claire if you still plan on working on her :)
Yep, lol. Claire, Tifa and Wonder Woman (XML2), and also updating Rogue's booster and doing an Antman "booster" if someone hasn't done it yet. Also adding someone else... Just cause I feel like it, but that'll be a surprise ;)
Quote from: Scabbia on March 27, 2012, 06:51PM
Yep, lol. Claire, Tifa and Wonder Woman (XML2), and also updating Rogue's booster and doing an Antman "booster" if someone hasn't done it yet. Also adding someone else... Just cause I feel like it, but that'll be a surprise ;)
Yay for Claire! I'm excited for Wonder Woman too! So many mods :D it's exciting!
Retro nostalgia has kicked in! I started to watch the original BeyBlade anime again and the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime as well. Is it just me, or are these "older" animes cooler, than the newer ones?
Quote from: Suigetsu on March 29, 2012, 03:10AM
Retro nostalgia has kicked in! I started to watch the original BeyBlade anime again and the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime as well. Is it just me, or are these "older" animes cooler, than the newer ones?
All originals are better! When they get new they change to much, add to much, and then it just gets annoying.
yeah, right? I myself watch one episode of some new beyblade series (entirely new characters and all) and I was like: Why not air the old one. Than, another channel started airing the original series in the morning (every day, except weekends). I watched it, and I was like: Awesome childhood at it's finest. Still, I will have to watch it on the internet, due to school (I'm ill at the moment).
Quote from: Suigetsu on March 29, 2012, 08:44AM
yeah, right? I myself watch one episode of some new beyblade series (entirely new characters and all) and I was like: Why not air the old one. Than, another channel started airing the original series in the morning (every day, except weekends). I watched it, and I was like: Awesome childhood at it's finest. Still, I will have to watch it on the internet, due to school (I'm ill at the moment).
I know! It's like you watch the new series of the same show and everything is different. They add in new characters, sometimes change old ones, and then its just not the same!
I hope I dont get in trouble for having gif avatars? :P, anywaay,, Thanks to me for the gif (not me, the user me :P)
Quote from: Polygone on March 29, 2012, 10:52AM
I hope I dont get in trouble for having gif avatars? :P, anywaay,, Thanks to me for the gif (not me, the user me :P)
I dont think you will, your not the first to have one lol
Yeah. I just got myself a new gif signature and it's a great feeling :D I don't have a clue why I didn't have one before
I don't have one and i'm happy xD. BUT i'm sad cause i'm not able to add new characters to MUA u_U
Have you read the tutorials?
Yeah Yeah, i have used the XMLBCUI in X-men Legnds 2, and always worked well, i think it's because i'm using Windws Seven.
BUT! yesterday somehow i was able to change some characters (and bugged others), some worked perfectly and some desapeared and Rogue crashs the game if i choose her (more over she is invisible in menu only name appears). Some doesn't show up and can't be choosen cause it seens like they were substituted by Defaulman, YEah i can choose defaultman to team and it doesn't bug. LOL. in a Total of the 27 characters before i have only 20 of them now :hawkeye: hawkey slot desapeared xD but now i have Jubilee, Cyclops, psylock, havoc and others xD
at first I wasn't too sure about it but now it look Much Better :-0
Check out Captain Marvel (
Nah, the old one was better. Which reminds me: Disney peeps are strange ones. I mean, first of all, I know that many of you people are really into Disney movies. Is it just me, or are the old ones have way too many sad/negative scenes (even death)? Than these guys acquire Marvel and characters start dying and change way too much. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer characters to stay the characters they were in the beginning and not become another one (which existed). For me, this is like if Wonder Woman would become Batwoman or the Green Lantern (or something which she resembles more: Superman. I mean, Superwoman, but you get the point). Plus, why not bring back old characters? It's not like they can't just revive anyone.
I think Ms Marvel makes a perfect Captain Marvel. It's a perfectly natural progression and it's a bit less sexist (I believe.) I've actually already made that skin for her ^-^
Edit: Just by the way, It's not like Disney really started interfering with Marvel that much (as far as I can tell anyways)...Marvel writers still operate as they used too. It was more of a corporate/copyright purchase than an intelectual purpose I think. That's just my opinion though haha.
Still pretty strange how things changed so drastically in the past 2-3 years. Especially since many of my favourites died or got changed way too much (one thing though: if they kill off Deadpool just so he could be with Death and practically destroy everything his fans (including myself) like about him, then I'm entirely through with this company)
Haha! but in Marvel world people always ressurect after some time xD I think Peter Parker :spiderman: will ressurect soon, but is not nice when they get too much changed in personality and attitudes;
Well, Nightcrawler is still dead, Deadpool is on the verge of being ruined, Cain Marko is entirely in ruins right now and I'm pretty sure, that the list could go on (only naming some of my own favourites)
has anyone watched the premier of the 2nd season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes?
:confused: Why would I wished for 100 Akumas/Goukis to get myself beaten up..... O[]O!? ......... Oh hell.
Maybe it's just me and my inferior intellect, but...what?
Well my superior intellect cannot fathom it either...
I think he was playing ssf4 arcade edition online or something....
That, sir, might be the proper answer I, myself, was looking for. Thank you very much. Now have a jolly good time, my close acquaintances.
hey guys! Thought I would comment, i feel pretty annoyed to today because the easter holidays are alnost over and then im going to be having to wake up at 7am. :bawling:
So... how is everyone else?
I finished writing a 38 page assignment. How do you think I feel? :P
Quote from: Dihan on April 12, 2012, 05:46PM
I finished writing a 38 page assignment. How do you think I feel? :P
At risk of stating the obvious...that is
a lot of pages o.O I'm in a college prep high school and the longest I've had to write so far is 6 pages.
Quote from: Dihan on April 12, 2012, 05:46PM
I finished writing a 38 page assignment. How do you think I feel? :P
I think I would die... LOL I am one of those people who waits, and waits, and waits to do my projects, so I wouldn't do so hot on that! The most I have had is 6 so far, and that was bad enough :banghead:
Quote from: edward on April 12, 2012, 10:15AM
I think he was playing ssf4 arcade edition online or something....
Street Fighter X Tekken of course. Don't you know?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 12, 2012, 07:42PM
I think I would die... LOL I am one of those people who waits, and waits, and waits to do my projects, so I wouldn't do so hot on that! The most I have had is 6 so far, and that was bad enough :banghead:
im in high school the most i had to write was 4 pages :(
this is tooo funny (
What the!? :P, weeeeeiiiirrdd
Quote from: DeeDooo on April 12, 2012, 06:48PM
At risk of stating the obvious...that is a lot of pages o.O I'm in a college prep high school and the longest I've had to write so far is 6 pages.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 12, 2012, 07:42PM
I think I would die... LOL I am one of those people who waits, and waits, and waits to do my projects, so I wouldn't do so hot on that! The most I have had is 6 so far, and that was bad enough :banghead:
Quote from: naruto13 on April 13, 2012, 04:07AM
im in high school the most i had to write was 4 pages :(
Such easy lives! :P
Though most assignments are around 10 pages. This was my final dissertation. However, I'm applying to do a Master's in English Literature next year so if this dissertation was 8,000 words at 38 pages... And the Master's thesis is 20,000 words... That's approximately 95 pages.
that's a lot.
OMG 95 pages? :eek: Just hearing about it gives me a headache....
Today was an interesting day...One of my classmates had her birthday yesterday and I wrote her a love letter (with a nice little poem in a love theme and all...Did I mention, that I had a crush on her for a month or two now?) and I left it at her desk (anonymously, of course). An hour later, they somehow deciphered the whole thing (A.K.A. they knew it was me), but I was like: "It wasn't me, I have nothing to do with it". I didn't want it to be such a big story, so I somewhat panicked. But before my last class (latin, as in the ancient language, only four of us from the class), I threw a few words back to them as I was leaving (indicating that it was in fact me). Now I can't wait for tomorrow (This was sarcastic of course. There will be so much buzz, and most likely my reputation will go even lower. Hopefully some people will be on my side when it comes to the "what a loser" stuff)
P.S.: Theme for today: Any Death Note theme in relation with L (like L's Theme and L's Theme B). Don't even ask why, I'm just in that mood.
Ahh thats so sweet ;), no you didn't! :P, we're like your diary, but we're talking back xD
Hope 4 the best Suigetsu :D
Thanks for the support :D
As I was thinking, I went through all the possibilities of what could happen (as always. For some reason, I'm not good with strategic games, though). And I ended up with the best statement I could just come up with: I friggin' love the person who I am. Because, if I throw away myself, then what is left for me? Nothing. So I turned into super-positive mode and I'm like: I don't care what happens, these are my feelings, I accept them, I won't get all depressed if I don't have a relationship in the end (I started out with the usual not-so-positive: it won't work out anyway). So yeah, statement of the day: Bring it on life, don't hold it back, cause I'm going full force!
P.S.: New theme of the day: Sonic Heroes, Stage 1, Seaside Hill. It's just super for my current attitude :D
good for u suigetsu. However for me i might fail year nine cause i havent finished my maths which i wasnt even taught and i need to finish it by tomorrow.
So many homeworks to do but i'm still catchin' a col' coz' of yesterday's AC :sneezing:. It's kinda look liked it gives me 100s of them.
I'm catching a cold myself, due to this awful super-windy weather. On the bright side however: Rolling up the Eiffel Tower and stuff even bigger than that in We Love Katamari is just A-W-E-S-O-M-E
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on April 16, 2012, 11:05PM
good for u suigetsu. However for me i might fail year nine cause i havent finished my maths which i wasnt even taught and i need to finish it by tomorrow.
I failed my first semester of Math, which sucks, but I was supposed to be going to summer school this summer, but I just got out of it which im super excited about! That means I can actually make some mods this summer :D
Stupid ass Fox,blocking my highest rated video..see you can't even click on it now
New theme of the day: Twisted Sisters - I Wanna Rock :D
Am I the only one, who listens to older music instead of music popular nowadays?
I listen to music from the 18th and 19th century, so no :P
You sir, you are a fine human speciment :D BTW, just found out my IQ is 124. Not bad, considering average human IQ is around 100 and Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking both had an IQ of 160
it's the same IQ as my mom :P
and no! I prefer to listen to old music as well. From the 17th century baroque, which I love . If it's not baroque, don't fix it (oh Cogsworth :P). All the way to the 1990's grunge songs. Very little of anything recent. I'm very selective.
For the record, I achieved the Level. What is the Level, you might ask? Well, it is practically the happy-place, where you are like: "Damn, life is just too awesome, no one and nothing can ruin it. Bring it on, 'ya aliens (Tekken 5 Paul Phoenix is just so much win)"
Well, I didn't get the girl (she is pretty harsh, considering how romantic of a guy I am), but I got a great friend and I feel happien than ever. Tomorrow, however, I will go a hospital for some tests, but nothing special or anything. No school tomorrow, so: #SoMuchWin
I have very diverse tastes in music XD lets see...
-Jazz of the 20s through 40s
-the Classic Rock of the sixties and seventies
-Modern Alternative Rock/Post-Punk such as My Chemical Romance, The Used, Panic at the Disco, Muse, Lostprophets, Paramore, Neon Trees, etc
-Heavier stuff like System of a Down, A lot Like Birds, Seether, Bullet for My Valentine, Three Days Grace, Madina Lake etc
-Full out Metal bands like Metallica, Mastodon, Winds of Plague, Job For a Cowboy, BLood Stain Child, Dethklok, *Shells, Rwake etc
-Steampunk music like Abney park, Vernian Process, The Cog is Dead, Clockwork Dolls
Here's some random other bands that don't really fit into other categories: Beck, Gorillaz, Snow Patrol, New Pornographers, P!nk, some Lady Gaga. there's a little snapshot into my music XD Not that anyone necessarily cares haha.
I personally mostly don't like most Pop, Hip-Hop, and Rap type music because mostly all of it is inorganic, superficial, unoriginal and just all around boring. Some artists can do it well, but the majority can't >,<
Level of describing interest in music: Superb
Great to see, that not many of you are all over nowadays popular computer noise.
P4/Persona 4's fighting game, Persona 4 Arena cause one of use could "Reach Out The Truth" about fighting game's Persona
I couldn't understand just of half of it. One thing I do know: Been of a fan of P4 ever since it was released and I hope they'll release the fighting game in Europe too (I watched every episode of the new anime too, can't wait for true ending episode)
This sequence of events makes me very happy for some reason...I guess it's just and emo-people-and-their-cats thing XD (Not that I'm necessarily emo...I just like emo things on occasion :P)
My birthday will be tomorrow, (April 25) and as always, I feel more and more sad as it's getting nearer. Usually this is the time of the year, when people can't remember my birthday, except if someone says something that makes responses like: "Oh, really, it's today? Happy Bday". I hate responses like this, because it makes me feel like, that they only say it, because if they don't want to seem rude, since they know about it at that moment. I just hate that whole day (it became even worse, when I got to my current school, as one of my classmates has her birthday on the same day, so whenever someone remembers her birthday and forget can imagine it)
That is so sad Suigetsu! I am sure you will have a fantastic birthday :) Just always try and stay on the positive side of things, and try not to let things get to you, it helps me out alot! I am actually getting a bit excited as my brithday is May 2, although everyone is asking me what I want to do/ get and really I have no idea, except going along with above ^ A cat lol. I love cats :D
11th of may = mah bday :D, all i actually want is the new harley quinn dlc thats gonna be realesed (for arkham city) thats truly all xD
Quote from: Polygone on April 24, 2012, 02:07PM
11th of may = mah bday :D, all i actually want is the new harley quinn dlc thats gonna be realesed (for arkham city) thats truly all xD
I want that too :D but I guess for me thats not something I want for my brithday, I can just go out buy a card get points and then get it. I also really want some of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz books, I love them so much, plus i have some but they are all out of order, and it feels werid reading the final book, and all the others in between when you dont have the ones to connect the rest.
my bdays october 30th. A long time away :)
Mine is in July. Growing up, it was pretty much always after school finished for summer so I've never had anyone say happy birthday to me. Even now, we finish university in May so I don't get to celebrate it. As this is my final year all my friends will be disappearing forever so, yet again, I won't get to celebrate it.
I know that feel. Although my birthday is not in the summer (and it turned out pretty well today). Now, I'm only concerned for my friend. Hope she gets in a good enough shape for her birthday. It sucks to be ill on such a day.
I am going to promote some people to modder status. Stay tuned to see who will be worlds next top modder!
I just notice I got promoted, I'm not worthy! And I see Deedooo did too. Congrats to him and I wonder who else will. I feel we needed some excitement in this forums.
Big thanks Mr Law ^-^ This made my day!
Marvelfan1234 and UltimateVenom have been promoted too. See it as a hall of fame. You guys earned it.
Quote from: BLaw on April 25, 2012, 06:59AM
I am going to promote some people to modder status. Stay tuned to see who will be worlds next top modder!
Now do your Tyra Banks impression :P
Congrats Edward and Deedoo! You guys deserve it :)
Thank you so so much for the promotion! I have already had some trouble with this lol. Sorry for deleting your post saying I got promoted blaw LOL I totally didn't mean to, I typed up a message and didnt see it, then I saw I posted it on yours which I had no idea I could do that now, and then I accidently hit remove instead of modify... ugh... But this means soo soo much to me, and I teared up alittle bit! Thanks for making my day :D and, again sorry for deleting that post. I dont know my new power yet lol
Well, with great power comes great responsibility... Or something like that.
Quote from: Dihan on April 25, 2012, 02:36PM
Well, with great power comes great responsibility... Or something like that.
Yes, yes it does obviously, and brains lol
Why didn't I get promoto ?
grabs Hello Kitty flip phone and conference calls homegirls Wearinisha, Tangela,and Longitudia*
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 25, 2012, 09:30AM
Now do your Tyra Banks impression :P
I was thinking Oprah. "You get a modder status, and you get a modder status! YOU ALL GET MODDER STATUS!"
OMG Really???
Congrats!!! you guys deserve it :D
Quote from: Hman360 on April 25, 2012, 03:09PM
I was thinking Oprah. "You get a modder status, and you get a modder status! YOU ALL GET MODDER STATUS!"
HAHAHAHA! I just died laughing! LOL
"Everyone look under your chair, because you all just got brand new MODDER STATUSES!"
Im sorry I had to XD
Modder status also means a new power on the forum. It's not something I just give away without a thought. Asking for the status is in this case a bad thing. You earn it or you don't.
The new modders have been here and elsewhere (UltimateVenom) for years. And I thought carefully on who to promote. And no I didn't talk to anyone else (NDJR) about it. Own initiative in this case (sorry man D:)
EDIT: I promoted Nowhere Man to Moderator. So spammers, BEWARE OF THE MAN WHO IS NOWHERE!!!!
Quote from: BLaw on April 25, 2012, 04:16PM
or you'll be. LOL
Blue has always been my favourite colour.
Congrats Nowhereman! You totally deserve it!
thanks m8! you too.
Quote from: BLaw on April 25, 2012, 04:16PM
Modder status also means a new power on the forum. It's not something I just give away without a thought. Asking for the status is in this case a bad thing. You earn it or you don't.
The new modders have been here and elsewhere (UltimateVenom) for years. And I thought carefully on who to promote. And no I didn't talk to anyone else (NDJR) about it. Own initiative in this case (sorry man D:)
EDIT: I promoted Nowhere Man to Moderator. So spammers, BEWARE OF THE MAN WHO IS NOWHERE!!!!
That's alright, I trust you to do the right thing ;)
and perfect choice for a Moderator :)
Thanks nodoubt! Hope I'm as good at it as you've always been.
Quote from: BLaw on April 25, 2012, 04:16PM
EDIT: I promoted Nowhere Man to Moderator. So spammers, BEWARE OF THE MAN WHO IS NOWHERE!!!!
Wow that last part has a pretty ominous tone to it lol (the man who is
nowhere). But nevertheless, big Congrats to you Nowhere man :thumbsup2:
dank u ^^
Wow .Thank you Blaw. I'm flattered. ^^
And Nowhere Man... CONGRATULATIONS~!!!
More promotions will follow in time.
And no real need to thank me. The community thanks you for your contribution, delivering quality work (which even goes for non Marvel Modder ranked modders). Thanks to everyone for all the input over the years!
Yes, as a normal member (you could say I'm consumer or what), I can totally say, that I also thank you guys for your hard work. I mean, if it wasn't for most of you, this game would be just another game. But with all the cool mods, it's lifespan is extended and made this game a whole lot better. So thanks everyone for the mods and congrats to everyone, who already got promoted :)
Ship, I cant find the like button for your post T_T
? (No, really, this was the best I could come up with)
Yeeh, so the Nowhere bots, are they stronger now? xD, congrats Nowhere, U deserved it ;)
Also Blaw, im exicted for your Modding empire :D, now if you only had Blaw bots, we could start an all out war 0.o
Also, just to promote a little something, the ''Heromachine 3'' topic, if you havent checked it yet, you might want to :), Heromachine is a really cool program where you can make ALL villains and heroes imaginable, here's a little taste of what you might encounter in the topic ;)
Rogue mostly does X-men stuff, and Ill mostly do the rest of the Marvel universe xD, just couldn't resist doing Mystique though, and for the ones who frequently check it, thank you, and there's a new character up ;)
(didnt mean to Hijack or something btw besides, this IS the talk about everything topic xD, just promoting the work out there, Edward, me , Rogue and occainsly MidnightPhoenix are like, the only one's there xD)
I just went out outside to go feed my dog and he wasn't moving... I called my mom outside and she check him heart beat... I don't know what happen He was fine yesterday running and barking and all that.....I'm just siting here cryiing little bit... I'm gonna miss him....(
Wow thats awful. I lost three of my dogs cause me and my partner finally moved together into a apartment and I felt horrible. But finding your dog dead most be sad. I remember I had a puppy who was about to be a dog, all of a sudden didn't want anyone to touch him a day later he died. I was 13 at the time and I cried so bad seeing my best friend dying. But don't be so sad about it cause I'm sure hes in a better place.
Thank you Edward,It helped alittle bit
I thinks he's in a better place as well.. I remember when he ate the carpet.. I was sooo mad at him...thinking about it now He didn't know any better..He ate the carpet because he want to be with me,when I left to visited my grandma,I think I know how he felt that day cuz i'm feeling like that right my love.. I will see you again one day....
I'm really sorry SNW, I know very well how much we get to love our dogs. My most sincere condolences.
And thanks Polygone. I promote you as well and you're now my head engineer. :P
im truly sory for your loss :(
That is terribly sad :[ I honestly wouldn't know what to do if my cat died or if one of my girlfriend's (who I kind of half live with) family's dogs died...Stay strong!
Nooooo I swear I hate it And really it reminds me my little Fidji :/ that's terrible Awful Life is cruel
Really SuperNatural-Witch trust me I am REALLY sorry and that's not just words..
I love animals and I'd like to say that even if I did not know Max I can say that you will never be forgotten Max..
It gaves me an idea ..maybe a mod of him? why not? that could be cool Like a super dog :)
Mod of a lost dog. Kind of cruel unless you give it infinite hitpoints... =\
@Nowhere Man =v= i'll treat ya' Frozen Yogurt if you want to.
Thanks for sweet words guys....My mom can't seem to let go of him,She won't even buried him...I'm not sure what we gonna do with him..........but umm I'm feeling alittle bit better than yesterday
So his corpse is still lying there?...Thats a pretty creepy thought..
Ill hope both you and your mom come to peace, I wish you much strenght in those difficult times :(
Polygone he's in a box..My brother carried him away few hours ago,We took him to the park where we found him at and buried him
Well, it's a nice gesture. It's like: it has ended where it began. I feel terribly sorry for you. Losing such an important family member (well, a pet it a family member too, plus dogs are typically the type of animal, who are there for you even on your worst days) is hard to get through
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on April 27, 2012, 01:31PM
Polygone he's in a box..My brother carried him away few hours ago,We took him to the park where we found him at and buried him
Phew, was beginning to get creeped out there,
I agree with Suigetsu, dogs are (in my opinion) the best pet a human can have, hopefully you'll feel better soon
Woah just refreshed my marvel mods tab and i see some changes:
And this karma thing, (out of curiosity) what is the karma applaud/smite thing about? Is it like a rating system or like a hurt/heal thing, and does the rating affect us?
SNW, the first dog we had was a dachshund who got cancer, and I had to hold her while she was being put down. It was on a time when I felt really lonely and awkward, and felt like she was the only thing I could count on. During her last months my little brother got a german shepherd pup who grew up to be the most playful and adorable 30 Kg. beast in existance. 2 years ago he died of old age, my brothers and I found him dead after returning from our grandpa's birthday, while my parents were out of town. So we took it to ourselves to bury him, in what felt like the saddest day ever, grey sky, light rain.
I loved them a lot, I miss them dearly, and thanks to them I learned how to love every important person in my life. The thing I love most about dogs is the way in how they just make you feel like you're the most incredible person on earth, the way they are impossibly happy when you're with them. And the great thing is when somehow you learn that actually a lot of people feel the same way about you as them, and it's just that dogs are free of that thing in humans' heads that keep us from actually showing it.
Anyways, recently I've made this my motto, I hope it somehow helps:
A nice little motto. More people should believe this
Whats this Karma thing and sub-catagories thing? :P, they're all so nifty
It's like a Facebook LIKE function. Except smiting means not liking ofcourse.
How anonymous is Applauding/Smiting?
Very. Even I can't see it.
I can. I can see it all. *Twilight Zone music*
I just gave you guys an applaud... did you hear it? :P
I installed a few more features. Like a buddy list. Changed Karma to Post Value.
O and X-Men avatars ^.^
So, I've been having a pretty crappy year, and when things were starting to look up, I get the "come back to reality" card. You know, I know that everything's gonna be just fine, and better, but I just hate those moments where you have no idea of what you're supposed to do. And you just want to finish every single word with the old fashioned f* word.
Loving the new Post Value thing and the Buddy List :)
I like this whole new karma thingy. Been giving goods ever since :D
Quote from: Gevth on April 29, 2012, 10:58PM
So, I've been having a pretty crappy year, and when things were starting to look up, I get the "come back to reality" card. You know, I know that everything's gonna be just fine, and better, but I just hate those moments where you have no idea of what you're supposed to do. And you just want to finish every single word with the old fashioned f* word.
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. sometimes it seems you'll never find a way to make things better. It's a common trait of people with active imaginations, reality always pales in comparison to what's inside our heads.
Wooho, apllauded two times :D, those little things in life just make my day :P
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 30, 2012, 12:48AM
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. sometimes it seems you'll never find a way to make things better. It's a common trait of people with active imaginations, reality always pales in comparison to what's inside our heads.
You sir, chould be a psychiatrist xD, do know what you mean though, sometimes we need a kick back in reality ;)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on April 30, 2012, 12:48AM
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. sometimes it seems you'll never find a way to make things better. It's a common trait of people with active imaginations, reality always pales in comparison to what's inside our heads.
I remember an old quote from Lewis Black on the Daily Show. He says how he hates reality and is always trying to escape it. Then he goes on to talk about a bunch of video games.
I have to admit, in comparison to some other forums I've been on, I really like it here. It's nice and relaxed, and people don't get upset over every little thing.
Quote from: Hman360 on May 03, 2012, 04:49PM
I remember an old quote from Lewis Black on the Daily Show. He says how he hates reality and is always trying to escape it. Then he goes on to talk about a bunch of video games.
I have to admit, in comparison to some other forums I've been on, I really like it here. It's nice and relaxed, and people don't get upset over every little thing.
I was just thinking about these other forums that I check every so often. (Resident Evil Modding Fourm, and Shades of Grey) And on both of those forums people complain all the time and get upset about every little thing and it gets on my nerves alot. Thats why I enjoy this forum because everyone is so nice and happy all the time.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 03, 2012, 04:51PM
I was just thinking about these other forums that I check every so often. (Resident Evil Modding Fourm, and Shades of Grey) And on both of those forums people complain all the time and get upset about every little thing and it gets on my nerves alot. Thats why I enjoy this forum because everyone is so nice and happy all the time.
I know, right? That's why I decided to give back to the Marvel Modding community too, by releasing my own bits and pieces. I also find it awesome that this community has managed to keep a 6-year-old game going and getting better and better.
Wish we could improve overall gameplay though. Graphic wise too but yeah. We are limited.
I always thought, that some people should make remakes instead of new games. I would buy any older GTA, Fable: TLC, Warlords Battlecry 3 with new graphics any day.
Totally agree with you.
Especially seeing how some game series go in a downward spiral right know. For example: I love the Saints Row game series, but the Third game got too carried away, especially with the new standalone downloadable content, that will be released later. And the same goes for Fable 3 as well. I just hope Peter Molyneux will really go back to his roots of being an awesome and creative game designer (Which reminds me: Fable TLC, with new graphics engine and no other changes: They Should Do It)
Well I just saw the Avengers today, and it was amazing! Did anyone else who saw it notice the part where they had a mini fusion?
yup. iron man and cap, right?
The hulk vs loli was the funniest thing ever! I couldnt stop thinking of hot they are.
yeah, one of the best! " Puny god" LOL
Can we have no spoilers? :D I think I won't be able to watch it until Summer.
Sorry mate. Thought you had seen it.
No problem, just asked people. Since nobody knows who seen it, I thought we shouldn't talk about spoilers like this. Maybe I'm the only one, who didn't see it, maybe not.
I didn't see it yet.
That's two now.
Me neither :(, just out here in Dutch cinema's, so imma watch it soon :D
So it's three at the moment, which could change :D So, in short: we shouldn't post any kind of spoilers here until some time passes. :D :)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on May 05, 2012, 06:45PM
yup. iron man and cap, right?
Yup, when it came all I could think about was Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I don't think the fusion thing is a spoiler, but if it is sorry.
i haven't seen it yet either.
Practically, there are quite some people, who haven't seen it yet :D Just started playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance of Facebook. Pretty simple game, but I really enjoy it.
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 06, 2012, 10:34AM
Practically, there are quite some people, who haven't seen it yet :D Just started playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance of Facebook. Pretty simple game, but I really enjoy it.
Takes forever to get anything accomplished in that game though.
The movie was great, so far my favorite non-X-Men Marvel movie. I would suggest starting a new Avenger's movie thread for those that want to discuss it, those that haven't seen it and dont want any spoilers can stay out of it and those who have seen it can discuss the movie without fear of spoiling something for someone.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on May 06, 2012, 01:59PM
The movie was great, so far my favorite non-X-Men Marvel movie. I would suggest starting a new Avenger's movie thread for those that want to discuss it, those that haven't seen it and dont want any spoilers can stay out of it and those who have seen it can discuss the movie without fear of spoiling something for someone.
I just made one.
Excellent idea :)
Well, today became a disappointment. I've decided that days that end with the letter Y are not good days for me.
Umm...If it's a joke, then it's clever. If it's not, then....I don't know what to say
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 07, 2012, 09:42PM
Umm...If it's a joke, then it's clever. If it's not, then....I don't know what to say
Half-joke. It wasn't the best day I've ever had, but I don't really hate all days ending in Y. Just the ones that aren't Friday or Saturday. Or holidays.
Basically you hate every day, which is not a weekend. Like most people in my age in Hungary
I think I gonna watch Avenger movie at friday+i'm so excited going to download SFxT PC once I get home from college & dorm tommorow. The last thing I know that Cap is the 1st & Shellhead is the 2nd, so they were marked as the original Avenger version of Street Fighter's Ryu & Ken Masters.
Rufus: <looking at Iron Man>
Rufus: O[]O, could it be?!
Iron Man: What, wanna autograph?
Iron Man: WHAT?! Wait, you got a wrong guy!
So... 19 essays, 12 exams, 3 presentations and 1 dissertation... I am now done with university.
Until next year at least when I do a Master's in Early Modern English Literature.
congrats Dihan!
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.
Quote from: Scabbia on May 09, 2012, 10:05AM
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.
I can't wait for you dear!
Quote from: Scabbia on May 09, 2012, 10:05AM
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.
Glad to hear you will be back soon! I hope you can figure out how to make stuff for Mua :D
Changed my avatar to one of my favorite characters atm, Harley Quinn :D, I just love her character, if you keep in the back of your mind that she was once a psycatrist, now completly messed up, Love it, sooo Looking forward to Harley quinns revenge :D
Quote from: Scabbia on May 09, 2012, 10:05AM
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.
Good to hear from you Scabs :D
As funny as it sounds, as I read, that you changed your avatar, I looked at it and I didn't see anything :D as if you don't even have one. I so know how this is like, happened to me many times
I took the liberty of fixing it. hope you don't mind Polygone.
Course not, the pic was meant to show up xD
Thanks Nowhere :D
Now it's awesome :D
Quote from: Scabbia on May 09, 2012, 10:05AM
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.
It's a shame your disc was damaged... but it's great to hear you're back! I've been waiting for your Wonder Woman mod for some time.
I haven't bought myself a Lego set for ages now, but the moment, that I saw this Lego, with Wolverine, Deadpool and Magneto...and those Avengers ones. I WILL BUY ME SOME TOYS DAMMIT! :D
Sorry for the repost, but I have something Marvel-ish to discuss. I believe there's a good chance, that they might restart thing with some kind of armageddon in the comics. I mean, if you look at it, they are currently destroying everything. For examples: Nightcrawler died, Cain Marko has nothing, Hulk killed Bruce Banner, Deadpool is an average human again (WHY DAMMIT, WHY?!), Dr. Octopus is destroying the Earth, the Avengers are busy fighting the X-Men (!, plus I believe Hope will play a part in my armageddon theory, maybe even Jean Grey with the Phoenix, who knows), there's no Sorcerer Supreme anymore and I'm pretty damn sure, that there are many other things I forgot to mention. Or, Marvel decided to screw everything, because they can. I really hope it's the first one.
EDIT: I really, really, really, REALLY miss the good old Marvel days. Like a decade ago, for example.
Agreed, marvel made some of the worst desicions this (and previous) year, NC dead, Deadpool (:() you know what I miss? Just the good old comic days where heroes fight the bad guys who try to destroy the city, with nothing major going on
EDIT : yeeh :D, new sig, hopefully not to tall, im in a Harley mood :D
Cool little sig :D
But, really, as you said it. Nowadays, all the story arcs are so huge and emotional and full of drama. As if we care. I really miss those stereotypical comic times, when a story could be told in one or two comic books. I really hope they'll restart soon, with everything back to normal. Or just some new mutant, named Jesus (wouldn't be surprised if this would happen one day) would appear change back everything. Or some time-travelling mutant would go back a few Marvel years and change a few stuff and everything would be awesome again. Really, so many ideas here, hope these changes I named for example in my previous post won't stay like this for long.
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 13, 2012, 10:40AM
I really miss those stereotypical comic times, when a story could be told in one or two comic books.
This ^^, I know that feel
Plus, with time, everything became so depressed and dark. I mean, back in the old days (I talk like this, even though I'm pretty young :D ), every comic was so colourful and there was no problem in it. Sure, a death or two was there, but most of the time, the baddies started something (like a bankrobbery or something), the heroes arrived, saved the day, got the keys to city and stuff. Nowadays, everything is about drama, about personal issues and stuff. Saving people for the purpose of helping is not part of anything now. It's normally just super baddies vs super heroes (or heroes vs. heroes, like Civil War or X-Men vs. Avengers). They fight like they have to. And there are more and more death, sadness and depression in it. Back in the old days (again), the heroes were symbols for the readers. They stood tall and gave strength to the people. They showed, how you should fight for the better. When people felt weak, they could have just read a comic, be like: "Why do I feel weak, when all I have to do is work hard and achieve anything I want?". They were icons, role models. Now, they are just good names for good and easy cash. Sad, how even such simple things changed so easily and unneededly (is this a word? did I write it right?)
Agreed, just for old times sake, I think Marvel should realese a few comic books drawed like older ones ( and just some good old 1-comic book story in them
(with old drawings I meant this)
Or, the ever classic, but still good enough sales wisely tactic: releasing very old stuff, with graphics from nowadays. Like HD remix video games. But the most important stuff is this: Either bring back the dead and give back the power to those, who lost it or just simply reboot the whole Marvel Universe somehow, with every change lost and everyone back to their former glory.
glory in comics pretty much died in the early 90's. when names like John Romita, Jack Kirby and Walt Simonson are replaced by names like Jim Lee and, worst of all, Rob Liefield, that's the end. DC had also went downhill but got to its lowest point right now by doing what Marvel did in the 90's when they were at the brink on bankruptcy. Marvel is actually better than at that time. think now is bad you should read Heroes Reborn or Cable's X-Force. ugly bottom line: ever since the early 90's good stories have been the exception.
Yeah, I heard about the so called Heroes Reborn storyline. It's But you know what? This is a great moment, for a "What-Will-Happen Marvel Lottery", where people could guess about what could happen next to certain characters. Because after all the things happened, I wouldn't be surprised about anything anymore. Stuff like: Wolverine being revealed to be Cyclops father. Now that would be a twist full of drama. And believe me, this wouldn't be surprising at all. Which reminds me, I'm waiting for some crappy soap opera twists in the comics. If you are at the bottom, you might as well enjoy it and give people the middle finger afterwards. :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 13, 2012, 12:51PM
If you are at the bottom, you might as well enjoy it and give people the middle finger afterwards. :D
LOL, that's so right ;).
But, you know what? I give up. They either do something or they won't. One thing is certain: As long as the games (not the ones based on movies) will be OK and based on all this stuff, I'll be happy :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 13, 2012, 09:04AM
Sorry for the repost, but I have something Marvel-ish to discuss. I believe there's a good chance, that they might restart thing with some kind of armageddon in the comics. I mean, if you look at it, they are currently destroying everything. For examples: Nightcrawler died, Cain Marko has nothing, Hulk killed Bruce Banner, Deadpool is an average human again (WHY DAMMIT, WHY?!), Dr. Octopus is destroying the Earth, the Avengers are busy fighting the X-Men (!, plus I believe Hope will play a part in my armageddon theory, maybe even Jean Grey with the Phoenix, who knows), there's no Sorcerer Supreme anymore and I'm pretty damn sure, that there are many other things I forgot to mention. Or, Marvel decided to screw everything, because they can. I really hope it's the first one.
EDIT: I really, really, really, REALLY miss the good old Marvel days. Like a decade ago, for example.
Well, Suigetsu, I actually do like the latest Amazing Spider-Man storylines. Dr. Octopus attempting to destroy the earth is actually kind of cool. I'm actually hoping that any more retcons don't affect Spidey, because the last Spidey retcon ticked me off, since they took away some of the new cool powers he had.
Well, seeing how Spidey said, that they failed, I'm pretty sure that means, that Octopus was able to do, what he did. But, I mainly want change for the characters I named above. I'm pretty sure, that there are even more, which need a retcon, but I dunno.
While Ock's plan is currently succeeding, it doesn't mean that Spider-Man won't stop him. So yeah, I don't really care if they retcon other characters, but I want them to keep Spidey the same now.
You know whose retcon or something I'd like to see? Captain Marvel. Either bring back Mar-Vell or Genis-Vell; to me they are the only two who I want to see in the role. Or maybe have them both back.
I like your idea. Plus, I want an evil, adult, classic Loki.
Don't worry...he's the god of trickery...he'll be right back as a villian before you know it. This kid and good guy stuff is probably just an elaborate ruse, knowing loki :p Which is a shame cause I actually like Kid Loki
Any bet on who will be massacr....I mean changed radically next? After seeing some interesting stuff, I'm trying to come up with stupider and stupider ideas myself (can I be a comic book writer now? :D )
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 16, 2012, 07:19AM
Any bet on who will be massacr....I mean changed radically next? After seeing some interesting stuff, I'm trying to come up with stupider and stupider ideas myself (can I be a comic book writer now? :D )
Well, I have this bad feeling in my stomach that they're going to change Spider-Man's costume in the comics to match the one in the new movie, and while the movie itself looks good, I HATE the new costume.
Here's a massive marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline info-graphic:
Hey guys. So just so you know I'm going to be on vacation in Spain for a week or so starting this Sunday and I probably won't have any access to computers so I'll try and finish up a few requests and personal projects over Friday and Saturday but just know that's why I won't respond to posts or messages or update the skin catalog for a week or so. Cheers!
Quote from: DeeDooo on May 17, 2012, 05:29PM
Hey guys. So just so you know I'm going to be on vacation in Spain for a week or so starting this Sunday so I'll try and finish up a few requests and personal projects over Friday and Saturday but just know that's why I won't respond to posts or messages or update the skin catalog for a week or so. Cheers!
Wow sounds awesome. Hope you have a good time. :)
Quote from: DeeDooo on May 16, 2012, 05:16PM
Here's a massive marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline info-graphic:
Dude, seriously cool!
Went to see the avengers yesterday (dont worry, wont post spoilers xD), Totally loved it though, how every avenger got his/her time to shine, I actually wished the avengers cartoon would be more like it, as the movie had a lot of jokes in it (funny one's at that xD)
Felt like the whole ''finale'' though (as in, every movie marvel pretty much realesed the past years build up to this movie)
but it was a seriously epic finale :D
Also, the Chitauri aren't as bad as I thought, and of course the AMAAZZZINNGG after-post-credit scene, oh, how much I look forward to avengers 2 now :D
Quote from: Polygone on May 18, 2012, 02:27AM
Went to see the avengers yesterday (dont worry, wont post spoilers xD), Totally loved it though, how every avenger got his/her time to shine, I actually wished the avengers cartoon would be more like it, as the movie had a lot of jokes in it (funny one's at that xD)
Felt like the whole ''finale'' though (as in, every movie marvel pretty much realesed the past years build up to this movie)
but it was a seriously epic finale :D
Also, the Chitauri aren't as bad as I thought, and of course the AMAAZZZINNGG after-post-credit scene, oh, how much I look forward to avengers 2 now :D
I didn't get to see anything after the credits... -_- That makes me mad, I'll have to go see it again lol.
Just fyi, I wont be modding, my art program that I used to skin and for the icons and loading screens doesn't work with Windows 7. So the only thing I can do is stuff through XMLBCU or whatever it is. (sucks cause I was so looking forward to it, oh well.)
Just check youtube for it. I didn't get to see the after credits ending either so I looked it up on YT D:.
Doesn't GIMP work for you?
Quote from: Scabbia on May 18, 2012, 06:34AM
I didn't get to see anything after the credits... -_- That makes me mad, I'll have to go see it again lol.
Just remember, there's two of them.
Only in the USA. The 2nd one was made afterwards as compensation for the fact that it premiered nearly everywhere else before.
Quote from: BLaw on May 18, 2012, 01:41PM
Just check youtube for it. I didn't get to see the after credits ending either so I looked it up on YT D:.
Doesn't GIMP work for you?
Yeah, Gimp and photoshop, but my Ulead program that I have and used to actually edit everything doesn't. I just used Gimp to change the files to what they needed to be, same with photoshop.
*That's a big negative* Just talked to my sister, might have a better version that works with W7. So...yeah... sorry for wasting the typing there. lol. Back to buisness. :chuckle:
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 16, 2012, 07:19AM
Any bet on who will be massacr....I mean changed radically next? After seeing some interesting stuff, I'm trying to come up with stupider and stupider ideas myself (can I be a comic book writer now? :D )
I was already thinking about the possibility, that Marvel could make these two blood-related
Tonight I just had Prom and in the morning I leave for Spain for a week! I'll try and drop by when I have access to a computer in hotels or whatnot cause you guys are great ^-^
Cool picture Dee :D It totally tells everything right now :)
I was seeing this and all I thought was ''Two face would be proud'' :P
I feel so unappreciated nowadays. Doing so many things for people and yet, I'm unappreciated. Hate it when life is unfair (even in small things like this)
Do the right thing just because it's the right thing to do. To expect appreciation is to set yourself up for disapointment.
I know I shouldn't want people to appreciate me over a certain level, but just a little bit would be okay. And it's not about doing the right things, it's more like doing favors and stuff. So, yeah.
Today I learned the very huge distinction there is between a person with prejudice and a fanatic. People with prejudice aren't really a problem. You can talk to them, exchange opinions, change their minds. And, who knows? Maybe they'll change your mind. Cause we all have prejudice, since in order not to have prejudice you must have all the information on a subject. And no one anywhere has all the information on any subject. A fanatic on the other hand doesn't even have an opinion. A fanatic isn't open for dialog, isn't willing to change his/her mind if they learn new data. All they have is a "feeling". Generally hatred. They don't know why, they don't care why. As Winston Churchill once said "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". That's just so true.
Just watched the Olympic torch go past my house. I've never seen so many patriotic British people before.
OMG, they're carrying it in front of your house? :o, thats pretty awesome :D
Yesterday was a pretty awesome day. I graduated high school, and since I was valedictorian I gave a speech. Everyone told me afterward that I have a beautiful speaking voice. That means a lot, since one of my dreams is to be a voice actor (like for video games or cartoons).
My idol has seen my work. I'm all choked up *snif*.
And what viewing my topic which says in coop with NWM for CABLE!!!
Just got Blazblue for Playstation Vita (Rated T for Teen's indeed US).
Not sure if anyone else here is a fan of the novel but there's a trailer for a Great Gatsby movie ( starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the titular character :D I absolutely loved the book and I'm hoping they don't bolocks up the movie too much, but based on the trailer it's shaping up to look pretty spectacular. Also I thought I caught a glimpse of Tom Hiddleston who plays F Scotts Fitzgerald, the author of The Great Gatsby, in Midnight in Paris (another epic movie about the 1920s,) though I can't be exactly certain about that.
Edit: Something else I noticed is that the logo at the bottom of the swimming pool (Jay Gatsby's initials JG) looks suspiciously similar to a certain school started by a certain clawed mutant o.O
Wow, nowhere, you can view all the topics I view and stuff...Moderators with their nifty things :P
Anyway, I just did the fourth chapter of my fanfic
^^ over here if anyone wants to read (if you have an account please review the story aswell, I love reading reviews :))
and well, school started, for me anyway ( :( )
oh well, 3 more days till weekend :D
Quote from: Polygone on May 29, 2012, 10:31AM
Wow, nowhere, you can view all the topics I view and stuff...Moderators with their nifty things :P
What? This is not a moderator priviledge. Any member can do this.
for real?? Never seen it :p
right there XD it's at the bottom of the main page
Okay, thats pretty cool :D, more stalking options :D *insert evil laugh here*
I use my neighbor's wireless internet network... and it went down yesterday. Good thing it's back up now.
That's not very honourable.
Just watched the Maltese Falcon with Humphrey Bogart. Good to know that the archetype of what a tough man is supposed to be was just as tacky in the 40's as it is today. :P
If you reeeaaally love consumerism you can get yourself a pair of specialty marvel hero themed sneakers:
If I wore sneakers I might consider the Spidey ones...
Hey guys! I uploaded some dark/melodramatic prose I wrote onto deviantart recently and I was wondering if anyone would read them and give me some critiques/pointers cause I'm fairly new to writing fiction :p
I liked them. In the first one she was turning into a vampire, right?
But I liked the second one a lot more, very surreal, kinda like a Dalí painting in words. I can certainly relate to having nightmares of this sort.
Thanks nowhere ^-^ Yeah the first one was a late night Vampire story...kind of fun but yeah I agree that the second one is much better. What you really don't know how much of a compliment that is: Dalí is one of my all-time favorite painters :D
Mine too! I love surrealism, especially him and Escher (damn you brilliant Dutchies :P).
Have you ever watched this?
I think I'd seen it before but I was too young to understand surrealism at the time XD That's rather perfect ^-^
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 04, 2012, 08:49PM
(damn you brilliant Dutchies :P).
Compliment of the day accepted :D
Sorry, had to share this XD
Its about time! I've been waitin for these two to go at it again. (Don't know why, cause they became friends, but eh...) Go Rogue! :D
GO Carol :D. im really sorry, but I like miss marvel better then Rogue, especially after the SHS show :P,
oh well, lets see who wins xD
Hey Polygone, did you ever play Harley Quinn's Revenge?
Quote from: Polygone on June 05, 2012, 10:07AM
GO Carol :D. im really sorry, but I like miss marvel better then Rogue, especially after the SHS show :P,
oh well, lets see who wins xD
I agree but not because I like Carol better than Rogue. I love them both equally (ok maybe Rogue a little more ;)) but I don't want the X-Men to win in this fight XD.
Oh my god. So last Saturday our dog ate our internet cord, and today we finally got internet back! I am so happy, it is actually really hard going a week without being able to get on here, I guess I have become so attatched. I really missed come on here everyday. And I learned I can not live with out internet very easily lol.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 05, 2012, 10:19AM
Hey Polygone, did you ever play Harley Quinn's Revenge?
haha lol, this weekend actually, Troughly enjoyed it :), although her revenge was a little..well you know? Meh-ish, especially after no one dying or anything, she was just same stupid harley, not even with a real good plan or anything
Still enjoyed it, and looking forward seeing in her arkham 3 :D
Yeah, it wasn't bad, but I kind of felt it wasn't worth the $10.
do either of you know why she got the gross scarred face from Polygon's profile pic? Cause I don't have Arkham city or any platforms for it to begin with. I'm just curious cause I saw it in the trailer and I'm making a skin for her based on it so I'm wondering if I need to make a scarred alternate.
Those aren't scars; that's just her makeup running from all her crying over Joker.
No look at this: theres the one with makeup running down her face like at 32 seconds then theres the scared one at 1:30 with what look like (acid?) burns on her arms and chest.
IDK about the game continuity, but in the comics the Joker asked Harley to cut her own face to prove her devotion to him.
Her face is still just makeup but I could see it on the shoulder. I think that might be part of a tattoo.
I looked at it a bit aswell, its probally a messed up tatoo
do know that in that pic, she was beaten up by robin and rescued by batman from a burning building (she was rescued, not saying she didnt have any damage to her body though)
Avengers Earths Mightest Heroes has been cancelled to be replaced by Avengers Assemble.
Ohh Marvel... I think it gets annoying with the cancelling, and replacing. They dont know a good show when they see one. They did the same thing with The Spiderman show, so they could replace it with Ultimate Spiderman which I dont think is really all that good. But what can you do, they are just really obssessed with the Avengers movie right now, so they have to make anything and everything possible that ties in with the movie.
I still have hope this is BS. AEMH is the best cartoon Marvel has ever made after X-Men TAS. If they cancel it I'm gonna be pretty POed.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 07, 2012, 08:12AM
I still have hope this is BS. AEMH is the best cartoon Marvel has ever made after X-Men TAS. If they cancel it I'm gonna be pretty POed.
I haven't seen very much of AEMH, but from what I have seen it looks pretty awesome! Marvel just doesnt know a good thing when they have it. They just get rid of it, and piss a ton of people off.
yeah, I agree.
BTW luv your new sig.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 07, 2012, 08:27AM
yeah, I agree.
BTW luv your new sig.
Thank you very much :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 07, 2012, 07:22AM
Avengers Earths Mightest Heroes has been cancelled to be replaced by Avengers Assemble.
Ohh Marvel... I think it gets annoying with the cancelling, and replacing. They dont know a good show when they see one. They did the same thing with The Spiderman show, so they could replace it with Ultimate Spiderman which I dont think is really all that good. But what can you do, they are just really obssessed with the Avengers movie right now, so they have to make anything and everything possible that ties in with the movie.
NOOOOOO! JUST *(&#*&#($*$&(*#^!*(&(*# REALLY?
Marvel..This is why DC is winning with Media (not counting avengers) You guys just replaced one of the best marvel shows out there.....Seriously speechless
Well, this is Marvel in the modern days. For them: As long as it's money, who cares?
Agreed, this is just....I mean WHY? The series was (I believe) doing great! This is why we cant have nice things :P
Someone on there commented about how Marvel is ditching all their female characters. AEMH had Wasp, Ms Marvel, and Black Widow but this one only has Black widow. I mean, I'm a huge sucker for female heroes and now there hardly is any.
And whats wrong with just keeping both shows? I mean AEMH is really good, this show might be good too, but they obviously have nothing to do with each other so there really is no need to cancel AEMH, its like what they did with Spectacular Spiderman, and they replaced it with Ultimate Spiderman. Spectacular Spiderman was I believe in the same universe as WATX, and AEMH so it seems like they are just doing away with that whole universe, although Ultimate Spiderman may be connected to them too.. im not sure.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 07, 2012, 08:51AM
Someone on there commented about how Marvel is ditching all their female characters. AEMH had Wasp, Ms Marvel, and Black Widow but this one only has Black widow. I mean, I'm a huge sucker for female heroes and now there hardly is any.
And whats wrong with just keeping both shows? I mean AEMH is really good, this show might be good too, but they obviously have nothing to do with each other so there really is no need to cancel AEMH, its like what they did with Spectacular Spiderman, and they replaced it with Ultimate Spiderman. Spectacular Spiderman was I believe in the same universe as WATX, and AEMH so it seems like they are just doing away with that whole universe, although Ultimate Spiderman may be connected to them too.. im not sure.
No, Ultimate Spider-Man wasn't related to AEMH. There's an adult Spider-Man voiced by Josh Keaton in an episode that hasn't premiered yet. If they have to do this, I hope the new show is at least in the same universe as the Ultimate Spider-Man show. They already have the movies' Fury and Coulson, so it would make sense.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 07, 2012, 09:45AM
No, Ultimate Spider-Man wasn't related to AEMH. There's an adult Spider-Man voiced by Josh Keaton in an episode that hasn't premiered yet. If they have to do this, I hope the new show is at least in the same universe as the Ultimate Spider-Man show. They already have the movies' Fury and Coulson, so it would make sense.
I just read somewhere that all the epsiodes of AEMH that have Spiderman were originaly voiced by the guy from Spectacular Spiderman, but they were dubbed over by Drake Bell who plays Spiderman in Ultimate Spiderman, but like I said they are just getting rid of that whole universe which consisted of all pretty good shows.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 07, 2012, 09:48AM
I just read somewhere that all the epsiodes of AEMH that have Spiderman were originaly voiced by the guy from Spectacular Spiderman, but they were dubbed over by Drake Bell who plays Spiderman in Ultimate Spiderman, but like I said they are just getting rid of that whole universe which consisted of all pretty good shows.
I just looked that up and you're right... I like Drake Bell, I do, but that was a stupid idea. And the Ultimate show would have to be in its own universe. It just premiered and the heroes are much different than they were in AEMH. Spider-Man, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist are kids in the USM show, but adults in AEMH.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 07, 2012, 09:54AM
I just looked that up and you're right... I like Drake Bell, I do, but that was a stupid idea. And the Ultimate show would have to be in its own universe. It just premiered and the heroes are much different than they were in AEMH.
Yeah, I like Drake Bell too, but for some reason when I found out he was playing Spiderman I thought they made a wrong choice, but thats just me. I wish Ultimate Spiderman was just about Spiderman and had a Batman: The Brave and The Bold feeling, where he just teamed up with new heroes and it didnt focus on a whole group, it just doesnt feel like Spiderman.
It just kind of ticks me off that they'd do that to Keaton. He was really excellent in that voice. Sort of like how I felt about Batman the Brave and the Bold actually. I loved Kevin Conroy's Batman in Batman TAS, and then I still liked Rino Romano as Batman in The Batman. They both fit that portrayal of Batman. The guy in Brave and Bold makes Batman sound like he's faking the voice, and it sounds almost comical.
(Incidentally, Rino Romano, who I mentioned above, also voiced Spidey in Spider-Man Unlimited and in those old games, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 Enter Electro.)
I Like Spectacular Spiderman, so I agree I think he voiced Spiderman perfectly. Oh Marvel what will we do with you... lol. Batman TAS was really good too, which should show Marvel or DisneyXD what ever, and DC if you want to make a good show take examples from your earlier work and your shows will work out great, and stop cancelling and replacing all your good shows.
DC has some really good shows, I dont really like batman brave & the bold simply because it doesn't feel like batman to me (teaming up with someone that is, the only partner batman ever will have is Robin :P)
Although this :
and this :
look pretty darn good
Which is why I've been a little more of a DC fan as of late, I just think their heroes are a little more awesome most of the time, and well, their money milk cows are actually a few heroes I like, (Batman and Superman for example, not FREAGING WOLVERINE)
I'm not to big a fan on CGI shows, but the Batgirl one looked really cool. I don't watch much DC at all, so sorry if I said that DC shows aren't good when they really are lol. Marvel is just starting to fall apart in my eyes.
Edit: I agree, DC actually knows how to work their heroes and they give everyone spotlight, unlike Marvel which focuses mostly on the same heroes all the time, they get bored of someone and they just kill um off, they want them back oh like they are alive again. I think I need to get alittle more into DC... I am a huge Poison Ivy fan already, its a red head thing for me I guess.. lol, Catwoman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn all my fav DC girls. Batman comics here I come XD
I think both Marvel and DC have notable flops in animation. I mean, the Teen Titans, Legion of Super-Heroes and Green Lantern cartoons aren't great at all. And their full length animations have several flops as well, such as First Flight, Public Enemies, Wonder Woman, Justice League: Doom and so on.
The difference is that the good DC cartoons keep running their natural courses, but Marvel is cancelling out their best ones like EMH and Spectacular SM.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 07, 2012, 10:19AM
I think both Marvel and DC have notable flops in animation. I mean, the Teen Titans, Legion of Super-Heroes and Green Lantern cartoons aren't great at all. And their full length animations have several flops as well, such as First Flight, Public Enemies, Wonder Woman, Justice League: Doom and so on.
The difference is that the good DC cartoons keep running their natural courses, but Marvel is cancelling out their best ones like EMH and Spectacular SM.
That ia true DC actually keeps their shows, and Marvel cancels them. Although I actually liked Teen Titans.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 07, 2012, 10:13AM
I agree, DC actually knows how to work their heroes and they give everyone spotlight, unlike Marvel which focuses mostly on the same heroes all the time, they get bored of someone and they just kill um off, they want them back oh like they are alive again.
I disagree. DC is a lot more focused on the same old characters. Batman and Superman always. Not even Wonder Woman gets a cartoon and when they try making something with someone else you get those awful Green Lantern endeavours. Heck, even the last Superman movie was terrible. So, in the movies they pretty much only have Batman. Superman in the past several years only had Smallville as a success, and I never even liked it. Even when it comes to teams, DC has the Justice League with those 7 of always, while Marvel has Avengers, X-Men and the Fantastic Four.
Well, my point is DC is pretty much just Batman in every media except comics. Batman had the big Burton and Nolan movies, 6 cartoon series and Arkham games in the past 20 years. What do the other characters have? The Justice League cartoon. Superman had his animated series that had 2 seasons, while it's Batman equivalent ran for 7 and had a spin-off (Batman of the Future).
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 07, 2012, 10:30AM
I disagree. DC is a lot more focused on the same old characters. Batman and Superman always. Not even Wonder Woman gets a cartoon and when they try making something with someone else you get those awful Green Lantern endeavours. Heck, even the last Superman movie was terrible. So, in the movies they pretty much only have Batman. Superman in the past several years only had Smallville as a success, and I never even liked it. Even when it comes to teams, DC has the Justice League with those 7 of always, while Marvel has Avengers, X-Men and the Fantastic Four.
Well, my point is DC is pretty much just Batman in every media except comics. Batman had the big Burton and Nolan movies, 6 cartoon series and Arkham games in the past 20 years. What do the other characters have? The Justice League cartoon. Superman had his animated series that had 2 seasons, while it's Batman equivalent ran for 7 and had a spin-off (Batman of the Future).
I more meant the that DC is more focused on more heroes in their comics, not really other media. They do have their flaws, but I believe they are doing a bit better then Marvel. They even revamped the whole universe and are giving lots more people spotlight, where Marvel just focuses on most of the same people. In the media Batman is obviously most focused on, and with Marvel in media everyone is focused on mostly, but comics DC I believe does better, while Marvel falls behind. But I mean this is just my opinion.
Sorry to break up the big debate but look at this...speaking of Marvel:
Why have just one Phoenix host when you can have five? I literally can't tell if this is a good idea or not. I'm kind of pissed at Cyclops' X-men as of late, though Magik and colossus are pretty cool. Shame there's really no multi-racial/cultural representation in the mix... These will make great skins though XD
Edit: Cyclops' crotch arrow thing is definitely a bad choice though :P
They just like handing the Phoenix force out like a party favor lol. And here we have Emma slutting it up like always I mean all she is wearing is the Phoenix logo attactched by some string lol, and then a cape some boots and gloves for added accessories. And this isnt anything new too Emma, she has had the force before in Endsong. Who else? Jean is rolling over in her grave right now XD
I have to admit: Cyclops' Phoenix outfit is as badass as it comes. But I'm pissed at Colossus as of late (GIVE ME BACK JUGGERNAUT YOU LITTLE FU...), so I won't compliment how cool his suit is...Darn it... :D
About the X-Men, could someone explain what happened to Professor X and why they changed his school's name to Jean Grey? And why Wolverine is the headmaster and Jean Grey isn't even there?
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 07, 2012, 12:27PM
About the X-Men, could someone explain what happened to Professor X and why they changed his school's name to Jean Grey? And why Wolverine is the headmaster and Jean Grey isn't even there?
Cyclops and Wolverine were feeling menstrual so they split and Wolverine decided that to stop younger mutants from dying he would make a school and Cyclops decided to make his team more militant. Wolverine's very contrary and so A. Because he liked her and B. to piss Cyclops off he made his school the Jean Grey School. Not a clue what's going on with Prof. though...
Just watched Justice league Doom (yeah, Haven't watched it yet) EPIC! That is all I have to say, I loved how the team seriously began to doubt Batman, and Batmans plans for the team were really cool to watch aswell
The new costumes look meh-ish, I have to admit, I really DONT like Phoenix Emma, Emma as character, okay, I can live with that, but to me, the phoenix force just belongs to jean grey, and should stay there (bad Phoenix force -_-)
My fav costume is Magik, She looks lovely :D
Ok so I did some research about that whole argument from before I brought up the Phoenixes...
I have concluded that Marvel should copy DC's Teen Titans and make a Young Avengers animated TV show. Because of the comics it would already have a massive fan-base and they could get younger children interested in the comics and Marvel altogether. They could also cameo a lot of heroes and villains that they don't get time for in the comics and even create cheesy young versions of other villains for fun.
The one potential problem would be the controversy caused by Hulkling and Wiccan being gay...Stupid problem, I know but Bert and Ernie aren't allowed to live together on Sesame Street anymore because it was "too gay." Dumb-ass extra-conservatives/anyone too absorbed with their antiquated notions to get their heads out of their buttocks and learn to love everyone for who and what they are... [/unexpected rant]
Edit: I really love those two kids though...I'm not even a shipper and I ship them o.O
I agree. Marvel should make a Young Avengers show, I really liked Teen Titans, and I would watch Young Avengers if it was like that in some ways.
With Hulking and Wiccan, whom I love too :D, they could either just not bring up the whole gay thing at all, which I and I'm sure alot of others would disagree with, or they could bring it up and have it be a big middle finger to society and say there is nothing wrong with this, so deal with it. Kids probably read the comics, and Northstar is about to get married, so if they see that then they can see it on TV, but I mean they dont have to make them all kiss kiss, and hug hug, just show that they are.
I don't know myself. I mean, sure, okay, no problem, but did anyone ever create a cartoon where homosexuality is accepted and the show is not about jokes and comedy? I'm not sure, but most cartoon creators can't take these kind of things naturally. Maybe I'm wrong, but no one watches every cartoon, so who knows?
Quote from: Polygone on June 07, 2012, 12:39PM
Just watched Justice league Doom (yeah, Haven't watched it yet) EPIC! That is all I have to say, I loved how the team seriously began to doubt Batman, and Batmans plans for the team were really cool to watch aswell
Try watching Justice League: New Frontier. It's the best!
Thanks for the tip :D. seems like I've got my weekend planned ahead for me xD
Speaking of DC, I just made a skin of Robin based on his Arkham City appearance. Take a look; the thread is in my signature. Polygone, I know this might interest you. You can use it on Moon Knight and it's actually similar to Robin.
haha, lol, thanks for the tip :D
Quote from: DeeDooo on June 07, 2012, 12:38PM
Not a clue what's going on with Prof. though...
Bishop killed him in the end of Measiah Complex.
:) So....... does anybody in America are having fun at E3 Los Angeles seeing:
*The Amazing Spider-Man (this month will be released at 26 (US) & 29 (EU). :) PC checked, ?_? but i'm not sure which system requirement is compatible with? X-X :praying: please, been in Vita too, many fans of Spidey wanted to be in that version)
*Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (w/ Wii U announced, possible after PS3/X360 then Vita as a promise from Harada-san....... possibly also with 3DS releases)
*Persona 4: Arena (definitely in Vita after PS3/X360 release)
*Street Fighter X Tekken (Vita)
*Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collection (features all DLC packs on default game set now after SFxT Vita release, known to PS3 & X360 release. I wonder if PC will get it soon?)
**Street Fighter II HD Remix
**Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition
**Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Version 2012
**Street Fighter X Tekken
*Dead or Alive 5 (OoO OMG, Akira Yuki of Virtua Fighter?! X-X :praying: plz been in Vita too, as a promise to the fans)
*Resident Evil 6 (definitely be in PC & many fans wants the game in Vita version & as the first RE game in Vita)
*DmC: Devil May Cry (same as RE6 comments)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown already released at PS3's PSN & X360's XBL, -v- well i hope the game will be in Vita as a promise to the fans.
I think you're one of the only people in the world who cares about the Vita. Sony certainly doesn't with the attention they gave it in their conference. I'll stick with my 3DS.
I got -2 to my post value in the past 2 days. It used to be 0 two days ago. What did I do, you haters? :D
I think I hold the record for worst post values ever :P
Oh my, I had this little school trip with the class and I already had a sore throat, before it started. Now, I have all kinds of problems, but it was worth it :D
Quote from: BLaw on June 10, 2012, 12:08AM
I think I hold the record for worst post values ever :P
xD, Im pretty pissed though, because my post value is basicly 29 (30 minus the one).. but 29 is not even, Someone give me either a good or a bad, quick! :P
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 10, 2012, 12:24AM
Oh my, I had this little school trip with the class and I already had a sore throat, before it started. Now, I have all kinds of problems, but it was worth it :D
Haha, glad it was worth it :D, hope you get well soon :D
Quote from: iammingy on June 09, 2012, 11:56PM
I got -2 to my post value in the past 2 days. It used to be 0 two days ago. What did I do, you haters? :D
I know how that goes...I'm down to minus four and I used to have just minus one >,<
Quote from: Polygone on June 10, 2012, 12:52AM
xD, Im pretty pissed though, because my post value is basicly 29 (30 minus the one).. but 29 is not even, Someone give me either a good or a bad, quick! :P
Haha, glad it was worth it :D, hope you get well soon :D
There you go! :P
I don't care what my good/bad thing is.
Hey, until I started making skins, my - outnumbered my +.
My mother is sick. As in, really sick. She's feeling pain in her entire body and her ears are bleeding. To make matters worse, it's really cold here and I don't even feel my hands.
I just gave BLaw, Hyperman, Polygone, DeeDoo, Dihan a +1. Haters, you wanna have a race?
Quote from: Bubbleman on June 10, 2012, 03:42PM
My mother is sick. As in, really sick. She's feeling pain in her entire body and her ears are bleeding. To make matters worse, it's really cold here and I don't even feel my hands.
Sorry to hear that. Whereabouts are you now?
Sorry to hear about your mother. :(
I never really pay attention to my good, and bad.
Grata, now I have 31, still not happy :P xD, Nah, thanks :D
Trully sorry about your mother bubbleman, I know I would probally be unable to do ANYTHING when my mother is sick, only the thought creeps me out already
Bubbleman, I know how you feel, cause my father has been having really serious pain in his stomach very recently and he was already at the verge of death. Althought, he just went to hospital, hopefully he will recover very fast. So yeah, I know your feeling, stay strong
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 11, 2012, 10:51PM
Bubbleman, I know how you feel, cause my father has been having really serious pain in his stomach very recently and he was already at the verge of death. Althought, he just went to hospital, hopefully he will recover very fast. So yeah, I know your feeling, stay strong
wow, you guys just made me realise how happy I'm supposed to be that my parents aren't sick! Both of you best of luck with your mom/dad
now it's official, AEMH was cancelled despite its good audience and reception. Blame it on Jeph Loeb, the creator of Red Hulk and the annihilator of the ultiverse. I'm so pissed off I won't say anything else. I'm grieving.
I know your feel as well. Nowadays, I don't even watch TV at times, cause all the shows, cartoons and stuff I like are not aired anymore and instead, there are all these stuff, which doesn't require a brain to watch or to create! Sad, how TV is losing it too (I loved the cartoons in the 90s)
I know that I was the last person to post, but this wouldn't fit well with the previous post.
So, did you guys see these animated pics yet? I always loved jokes like these:
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 12, 2012, 02:35PM
now it's official, AEMH was cancelled despite its good audience and reception. Blame it on Jeph Loeb, the creator of Red Hulk and the annihilator of the ultiverse. I'm so pissed off I won't say anything else. I'm grieving.
You remember that show Super Hero Squad? I was actually glad when they cancelled that show. I hated it. Mainly because they had virtually every hero show up except Spidey.
Got my degree results today! A 2:1.
How good is 2:1? I would like to know, since I'm still far from stuff like that :)
Oh, and on a funny note for myself: 200th page! Yay!
In order from worst to best grades:
Fail, Pass, Third, Lower Second Class (2:2), Upper Second Class (2:1), First.
It's probably different elsewhere. It's basically the equivalent to a B or something, with the highest being an A.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 13, 2012, 09:19AM
You remember that show Super Hero Squad? I was actually glad when they cancelled that show. I hated it. Mainly because they had virtually every hero show up except Spidey.
Spider-Man wasn't there because of licensing issues, I think. He did appear in the games though.
Quote from: Bubbleman on June 14, 2012, 03:21PM
Spider-Man wasn't there because of licensing issues, I think. He did appear in the games though.
Yeah, that's all true. Still, it bugged me. (No pun intended.)
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 13, 2012, 07:20AM
I know that I was the last person to post, but this wouldn't fit well with the previous post.
So, did you guys see these animated pics yet? I always loved jokes like these:
Thanks. I like the 2nd one.
I'm going to Vans' Warped Tour today :D This will mean I'll probably be gone all day, just in case you want to contact me for any particular reason XD
Oh plus a bonus rant for the day:
I hate when fans get too possessive of their fandoms. You see it a lot with comics and TV shows when fans get so attached to one way of thinking that they blow a massive fit whenever the writers do anything different. The point of a continued series of anything is that it develops and progresses in a natural way and sometimes character development and death are part of that process. I assure you it is very unlikely that somebody is "ruining" your fandom, it's much more likely that fans get too stuck in the past with Golden Age Syndrome ( (and yes I did get the term from Midnight in Paris.) Which is not to say that fans are necessarily wrong all the time – not all writers are created equal – however it's just something important to think about. You see this in music too where a band will change its style or develop in some other way and the fans just get ridiculously bitter about it. Change is part of every aspect life and there's not really anything to be done about it, so learning to deal with it is a very important skill.
One example of this that is very close to home is here on the forum. I don't post things on my workbench anymore because people tend to get way too attached to the way something is made. I've seen it a lot recently, particularly in Broly and Blaw's workbenches where people will say that they are doing it wrong or something similar. Even if your trying to help, It's not your mod. If you don't like the way a modder is making something, you go and learn how to mod and make your own. Or even just fix it for your own personal use after they release it. As an artist a modder can make choices and they don't have to fit perfectly into some vision of yours. Making suggestions is perfectly fine, just don't get too attached.
anyways that's my rant for the day. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone too much! :)
I understand what you. I would never tell anyone how they do something wrong, especially since I can't do it any better.
Side note: Lego Minecraft Set....Why? If you want to play Minecraft, play it on a computer or on a console. I understand legos like Batman or the Avengers one, but this particular Lego Set is the type you create and put on a shelf, cause you can't play with it.
I feel sad! At last I have version of XMLBCUI that works, but still can't add mods to my favorite XML 2! I've try to add my favorite Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde a.k.a. Shadowcat but they didn't work! That's why I feel sad and angry :phoenix:
*_*' I never thought there is something really miracle about PS Vita's full game file. Never realize that the full game file from PSN is actually a folder file that contains full game itself+add-on contents & save data files, not an ISO file. It should be sharable through PC for FREE (no survey), other than wasting money to buy PSN Card to download the game we want. For example, my UMvC3 game (PSCE00004). "I submit the evidence":
^- whatever he said.
Going to pack my stuff and take my time the next two days. USA is coming up for me next Saturday, excited to see my fiance again
Ahh, true love, good luck Blaw :D
Cool BLaw, I hope you like it here in the US! If you don't mind my asking, which state are you going to?
AZ, phoenix AZ
Been there before and I do like it
All this travel talk makes me want to get back home soon and start my TRON Iron Man. I never like being away from home...
Phoenix Force (Marvel entity)>Phoenix Suns (NBA Team)>Phoenix Wright (Capcom character)
What's the next Phoenix for some gag moment?
Do you know Saint Seiya (the anime)? There's Phoenix Ikki there.
I think it may be rather obvious, but the Young Avengers are definitely my favorite Marvel team, so I decided to throw together a Wiccan costume :D I posted pictures on my tumblr:
And these pictures have special effects from photoshop:
Speaking of which I need to finish my Wiccan mod >,<
Dude, you are crazy. Crazy as in Hilarious. Hilarious as in Awesome. Awesome as in.....Awesome. You catch my drift. :) :D So in short: Nice pictures :) :D
I just watched the last episode of AEMH. It took me 3 days to watch it cause of my crappy internet, but it was worth it. I'm really gonna miss this cartoon. It seems we've got some electrical problem that burns all of my modems, so we're installing some fancy electrical filter and buying a new modem. Looking forward to being active here again.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 12:53PM
I just watched the last episode of AEMH. It took me 3 days to watch it cause of my crappy internet, but it was worth it. I'm really gonna miss this cartoon. It seems we've got some electrical problem that burns all of my modems, so we're installing some fancy electrical filter and buying a new modem. Looking forward to being active here again.
I can't believe the Spidey episode premiered here in the US while I was on vacation. And I had to be gone and miss that.
here, watch them all:
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 04:10PM
here, watch them all:
Thanks NM! I watched the Spider-Man episode and the Finale. I'm disappointed Spidey didn't get to play a larger role.
he plays a key role in the episode "New Avengers"
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 04:51PM
he plays a key role in the episode "New Avengers"
Oh yeah I watched that one too. You're right about that; but I still wish he'd been in more episodes. They just had to cancel the series right after Spider-Man joined, didn't they?
Hi again! Just wanted to share with you this new artwork I did:
It's about owl city and his songs. Like "The Saltwater Room, Fireflies, Rainbow Veins, To The Sky, Hot Airbaloon, Vanilla Twilight, Galaxies and Shooting Star"
Currently in Scottsdale Arizona, staying at a hotel called Zona. I was staying nextdoor at Village Mirage Resorts before this, but we couldn't extend our stay there =[ So we're in a less deluxe hotel now but still good.
Bought me a 600USD laptop here :X. And got a nice tan teehee. When I'm back I'm gonna load my laptop with modding stuff so I can mod on every way I go (means I might have time haha :X)
Greetz from AZ USA
I really enjoyed war for Cybertron, so im glad those devs are working on marvel games :D
Quote from: BLaw on July 02, 2012, 10:23PM
Currently in Scottsdale Arizona, staying at a hotel called Zona. I was staying nextdoor at Village Mirage Resorts before this, but we couldn't extend our stay there =[ So we're in a less deluxe hotel now but still good.
Bought me a 600USD laptop here :X. And got a nice tan teehee. When I'm back I'm gonna load my laptop with modding stuff so I can mod on every way I go (means I might have time haha :X)
Greetz from AZ USA
How are you liking things stateside? Anything too different from Europe?
I can't speak for BLaw, but I find the USA to be quite a bit different from the UK. I wouldn't really want to live there - I hate extreme temperatures and weather, I hate how you need a car to get around, I hate the attitudes and beliefs of the very vocal majority (particularly those indoctrinated by Fox News), and most of all, I hate the chocolate!
Seriously. Your chocolate sucks!
I'd gladly go on holiday to the USA but I'd want to come home.
Yeah, for one, the sun. Always up here, temperature above 40 degrees Celcius, around 105-110 Fahrenheit. In Europe, or Netherlands, it's 33 degrees Celcius at it's highest.
Second the people here, so social, friendly. Screw Holland lol (no offense Polygone!)
And yeah, the prices. I spent 600 here, I lose around 520 in Euros. Or something. Lazy to calculate :P
Today in Wales the weather is cloudy, a bit of rain and a slight breeze. Temperature-wise it's about 15 celsius, that's around 60 Fahrenheit. Perfect! :D
Quote from: BLaw on July 03, 2012, 03:08AM
Second the people here, so social, friendly. Screw Holland lol (no offense Polygone!)
Offense taken! lol xD,
That really depends on where you live here though, I live in this village close to Opmeer (ever heard of that Blaw?, Dichtbij de Boet?) and since its so small, everyone knows each other, and always say hi when they see you
Wouldn't say hi to anyone in Amsterdam though :P
I think it's the same in every major city. I know that people in London are very unsociable - if you try to talk to anyone then they'll just look at you as if you've committed a crime before walking off/stabbing you. Another example is with France - Parisians are renowned for being extremely rude. I'd bet that it's the same in New York City too.
It's odd really. The more people you put together the less they want to know each other.
Speaking of Spider-Man in AEMH, We thought Josh Keaton return to voices Spidey, but was re-dubbed by Drake Parker (Drake Bell's role in Nick's Drake & Josh), TT_TT shucks. I wonder if the new Spider-Man game (open world version) features the 4 from Shattered Dimensions again (but different is in the Ultimate: the old one (Peter Parker) replaced by the new one (Miles Morales) according to the universe' canon fiction we saw & heard about it), with the voice actors for respective Spider-Men: Christopher Daniel Barnes (Noir), Drake Bell (2099, might work), Josh Keaton (Amazing, since Edge of Time), Phil LaMarr (Ultimate, since he was voices Virgil Hawkins/Static).
Quote from: Dihan on July 03, 2012, 06:22AM
I think it's the same in every major city. I know that people in London are very unsociable - if you try to talk to anyone then they'll just look at you as if you've committed a crime before walking off/stabbing you. Another example is with France - Parisians are renowned for being extremely rude. I'd bet that it's the same in New York City too.
It's odd really. The more people you put together the less they want to know each other.
Aint that the truth XD I live in a fairly large city but my girlfriend's family owns a bar in a nice small town about an hour away and the cultural/societal difference is astounding. Similarly I go to a tiny private school (there's only 80-90 kids in each grade/class/year) and everyone knows each other, but I really doubt it's the same way in public schools.
Well here in Phoenix you don't even have to know eachother really. People here are very outgoing in my opinion.
The reason why I know: I'm not social in that way :P
Today temperature dropped here to 89 Fahrenheit (31 Celcius or so). And Cloudy T_T There goes my tan D:
On a side note: my fiance has MUA1 on the X360, so I tried it out.... Holy hell what a sucky gameplay :| I like it on the PC, but on the console it's just... weird I couldn't even get used to it.
Strange, it's practically same. Except the fact, that on PC, you can play with a keyboard. I'm, myself, prefer a controller.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 03, 2012, 11:03AM
Strange, it's practically same. Except the fact, that on PC, you can play with a keyboard. I'm, myself, prefer a controller.
Same here. And even with the advanced lighting the game is quite fast when compared to the PC.
If it wasn't for the cool mods, I would prefer the Xbox version. Mods always change the game. Huh, a pun....
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 03, 2012, 12:12PM
If it wasn't for the cool mods, I would prefer the Xbox version. Mods always change the game. Huh, a pun....
Same here. Lolz, good pun.
Meanwhile news for the MU. Marvel NOW! Relaunches the Marvel Universe. Plus the return of Jean Grey!
The faces of Marvel NOW
Clockwise from top: Spider-Man, Hulk, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Nova, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Wolverine, Cyclops, Invisible Woman, Cable, and Thor.
Yay jean is returning! :D
Yay, she's back!! :D I'm so glad they put Jean Grey.. :)
I hope they make Hope be a part of Jean she created that actually likes the power and responsibility implied to take her place as the Phoenix, so she can come back to the X-Men as just regular old mutant Jean so that her character can finally grow, become stronger and more complex without this whole phoenix thing to screw her up (as always) ever again.
I'm curious to see what will happen to Hope and the Phoenix Five after AvX...we know Cyke will be surviving (unfortunately). Since one of the characters was going to die and it won't be Cyclops, most people are assuming Hope or Emma. Hope may actually be of some use now so I'm hoping Emma. It's time to put the b*tch down :P But seriously I haven't enjoyed Emma in years...she's pretty much just eye-candy for the writers and editors :(
I'm also so excited for the Avengers book. With 18 characters I'm looking for Carol, Wanda, Jessica, and maybe Bobbi. So far only Shang-Chi has been confirmed.
Another interesting point to mention is that Havok will be in Uncanny Avengers and Remender said that he will be a major player in the MU. Nice to see a B-lister getting that treatment :)
One person can't die now actually, and it's Colossus. With him being the avatar of Cytorak and Phoenix, he is pretty much one of the strongest things out there. Hope he reverts back to normal Colossus soon (I need Juggernaut back, he is one of my last hopes....)
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 03, 2012, 08:57PM
One person can't die now actually, and it's Colossus. With him being the avatar of Cytorak and Phoenix, he is pretty much one of the strongest things out there. Hope he reverts back to normal Colossus soon (I need Juggernaut back, he is one of my last hopes....)
What happened to Cain after that anyway? Is he still on the Thunderbolts?
He is like, zoom, up and vanished. It's like Marvel saying: "if we pretend he doesn't exist, we don't have to do anything with him."
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 03, 2012, 10:09PM
He is like, zoom, up and vanished. It's like Marvel saying: "if we pretend he doesn't exist, we don't have to do anything with him."
They tend to do that a lot. Don't worry, I can't imagine Colossus remaining the avatar of Cytorak for much longer and when that happens we all know who will be back ;)
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 03, 2012, 10:09PM
He is like, zoom, up and vanished. It's like Marvel saying: "if we pretend he doesn't exist, we don't have to do anything with him."
Reminds me of a certain gold-skinned person.
Quote from: Dihan on July 03, 2012, 03:01AM
I can't speak for BLaw, but I find the USA to be quite a bit different from the UK. I wouldn't really want to live there - I hate extreme temperatures and weather, I hate how you need a car to get around, I hate the attitudes and beliefs of the very vocal majority (particularly those indoctrinated by Fox News), and most of all, I hate the chocolate!
Seriously. Your chocolate sucks!
I'd gladly go on holiday to the USA but I'd want to come home.
I like the US, but yeah, the people do get on my nerves quite a bit. I like nice 70-degree sunny weather, but it doesn't stay like that where I live for more than a few weeks a year. The chocolate's not bad, but I must confess, I do like Cadbury.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 03, 2012, 01:47PM
Same here. Lolz, good pun.
Meanwhile news for the MU. Marvel NOW! Relaunches the Marvel Universe. Plus the return of Jean Grey!
The faces of Marvel NOW
Clockwise from top: Spider-Man, Hulk, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Nova, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Wolverine, Cyclops, Invisible Woman, Cable, and Thor.
I hope they don't reboot the characters; Spider-Man and Iron Man don't need this costume change.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on July 04, 2012, 10:36AMThe chocolate's not bad, but I must confess, I do like Cadbury.
Cadbury was ruined when Kraft, an American company, bought it.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on July 04, 2012, 10:36AM
I like the US, but yeah, the people do get on my nerves quite a bit. I like nice 70-degree sunny weather, but it doesn't stay like that where I live for more than a few weeks a year. The chocolate's not bad, but I must confess, I do like Cadbury.
I hope they don't reboot the characters; Spider-Man and Iron Man don't need this costume change.
Don't worry its not a reboot but a a revamp. Spider-Man and Iron Man do look like they are sporting different costumes...wouldn't surprise me because most of the characters on that picture are.
Spidey looks like they're using the old Alex Ross redesign that was originally concept art for the Sam Raimi movie. More here:
I'm a bit disappointed that they're kind of going the "new 52" route...I'm worried about them screwing everything up. Some things just don't need a reboot. On the other hand it's not a complete reboot and the ideas of the new series cool are cool, like bringing back pre-Phoenix Jean and all the other X-Men before they got too complicated (I'm really not a fan of Cyclops these days) and the Uncanny Avengers fighting an anti-mutant Red Skull is pretty cool. I think I'm going to trust Marvel on this one until I read it. I actually generally love costume redesigns cause it means more skins to make XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 04, 2012, 02:24PM
Spidey looks like they're using the old Alex Ross redesign that was originally concept art for the Sam Raimi movie. More here:
I'm a bit disappointed that they're kind of going the "new 52" route...I'm worried about them screwing everything up. Some things just don't need a reboot. On the other hand it's not a complete reboot and the ideas of the new series cool are cool, like bringing back pre-Phoenix Jean and all the other X-Men before they got too complicated (I'm really not a fan of Cyclops these days) and the Uncanny Avengers fighting an anti-mutant Red Skull is pretty cool. I think I'm going to trust Marvel on this one until I read it. I actually generally love costume redesigns cause it means more skins to make XD
That's the costume I was thinking of as well but I wasn't sure. And they really aren't rebooting anything (yet...the 05 might end up changing their future/our present, but for now it looks like they're here to stay).
I see... I'd really rather they let everything go the way it's been. I like Peter working at Horizon Labs. I just hate costume redesigns like this. I don't like the Spider-Man movie redesign either. Iron Man's one thing, but Spidey's costume should stay mostly the same. As for Iron Man, a blackish armor just looks weird.
Fast and Simple: I'm not interested in revamps/reboots until they bring back some of my favourite characters. Side note: Marvel, stop killing of characters
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 04, 2012, 08:59PM
Fast and Simple: I'm not interested in revamps/reboots until they bring back some of my favourite characters. Side note: Marvel, stop killing of characters
If you don't mind my asking, who are your favs? Besides Juggernaut?
Nightcrawler, Deadpool with his powers, Loki as an adult male character (good or evil, I don't care), Spidey (he is pretty much fine at the moment).
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 04, 2012, 09:17PM
Nightcrawler, Deadpool with his powers, Loki as an adult male character (good or evil, I don't care), Spidey (he is pretty much fine at the moment).
Oh then you probably aren't very happy :(
Juggernaut is in limbo for God knows how long
Nightcrawler you could say the same thing. Personally I'm enjoying AOA Nightcrawler too but he isn't the same as 616...
Loki is still a child and I'm not sure how long that will last. I'm surprised that for the Avengers film he wasn't reaged or something.
Well at least Deadpool and Spidey are good :) And it's inevitable that the other characters will's more a matter of
when rather than
Yeah, but Deadpool is cured and powerless. (Although I'm not sure, since on the Marvel Database he still has his powers, as the only thing listed as former is his deformity.....if this was the only change, I hope it wasn't made, so that Marvel can get more readers with little girls, like how they change up cartoons and stuff for the viewers, instead of doing stuff for the fans) But at least Nightwing and Deathstroke in DC are somewhat okay. Unlike Wally West, who for some reason, thanks to the Flashpoint event, does not exist anymore. Dang, I should be more generic and like characters like Wolverine, Iron Man, Batman and Superman, they won't ever really kill these guys off.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 04, 2012, 09:40PM
Yeah, but Deadpool is cured and powerless. (Although I'm not sure, since on the Marvel Database he still has his powers, as the only thing listed as former is his deformity.....if this was the only change, I hope it wasn't made, so that Marvel can get more readers with little girls, like how they change up cartoons and stuff for the viewers, instead of doing stuff for the fans) But at least Nightwing and Deathstroke in DC are somewhat okay. Unlike Wally West, who for some reason, thanks to the Flashpoint event, does not exist anymore. Dang, I should be more generic and like characters like Wolverine, Iron Man, Batman and Superman, they won't ever really kill these guys off.
Oh I forgot Deadpool lost his powers...I guess that takes away his "umph" (so-to-say). And yeah the more iconic heroes like Wolverine, Batman, etc. will never have to worry about these types of things.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 04, 2012, 09:59PM
Oh I forgot Deadpool lost his powers...I guess that takes away his "umph" (so-to-say). And yeah the more iconic heroes like Wolverine, Batman, etc. will never have to worry about these types of things.
Spidey is iconic though, so at least you've got him. At least until they do some annoying reboot thing to him. And Captain America and Batman have both died for a relatively long time. Spidey died for a few issues too.
The new cast for Uncanny Avengers.
One of my friends just posted this on facebook.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 05, 2012, 02:15PM
The new cast for Uncanny Avengers.
I like Scarlet Witch's new costume and Rogues is pretty cool, but why is Havok back in his old costume? I'd think they would push more in the modern direction with these, like how cap's costume is now like his ultimate one (or at least it was on the Quaseda promo art)
Oh and Hyperman, that made me chuckle :D I want a suit like him!
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 05, 2012, 03:02PM
I like Scarlet Witch's new costume and Rogues is pretty cool, but why is Havok back in his old costume? I'd think they would push more in the modern direction with these, like how cap's costume is now like his ultimate one (or at least it was on the Quaseda promo art)
It's hard to judge the costumes without judging the art. Normally I like John Cassaday's work but it looks horrendous here. Rogue's costume is ok but I preferred the version with the cloak. Wanda looks a bit strange wearing a pantsuit with her trademark headdress on top. I hope she changes costumes soon :P As for Havok I suppose his original look is the most iconic (like when they gave Polaris her green Starjammers costume as a homage to her original one). The "eggbeater" seems to be flat which is a difference.
Rogue is looking very... Masculine. Wolverine is being as annoyingly ubiquitous as ever.
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 05, 2012, 03:02PM
Oh and Hyperman, that made me chuckle :D I want a suit like him!
I like to think I'm like RDJ...
Quote from: Dihan on July 05, 2012, 05:24PM
Rogue is looking very... Masculine.
Yeah, I agree. She's not looking like the Rogue I always knew her as.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 05, 2012, 02:15PM
The new cast for Uncanny Avengers.
Is this an Avengers team? It's kind of....laughable? Why not change Thor and Cap into a mutant and make it a mutant team?
We're expected to have a month's worth of rain over 24 hours today. Beautiful weather.
Quote from: Dihan on July 06, 2012, 03:20AM
We're expected to have a month's worth of rain over 24 hours today. Beautiful weather.
I had a gigantic freak hailstorm one week ago that knocked out the electricity in my entire neighborhood.
Hi, I just would like to say that since I left the form many great things happened and you guys have done an excellent job!!
I'm dying to test Blaw's joker mod. And I wanna play with some old mods that I miss. Love you guys!!
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on July 06, 2012, 12:38PM
Hi, I just would like to say that since I left the form many great things happened and you guys have done an excellent job!!
I'm dying to test Blaw's joker mod. And I wanna play with some old mods that I miss. Love you guys!!
We all miss you very much, and hope you return soon!
Ugh I have been without internet for about a month now, so It feels good to be back on. But now I am leaving for a week vacation, and don't know when I will be able to get on. I miss it here, and I miss everyone on here too :D
Quote from: Dihan on July 05, 2012, 05:24PM
Wolverine is being as annoyingly ubiquitous as ever.
Unfortunately I don't think that will change anytime soon.
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on July 06, 2012, 12:38PM
Hi, I just would like to say that since I left the form many great things happened and you guys have done an excellent job!!
I'm dying to test Blaw's joker mod. And I wanna play with some old mods that I miss. Love you guys!!
Caught your post this time. It's nice to see you back :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 06, 2012, 01:16PM
We all miss you very much, and hope you return soon!
Ugh I have been without internet for about a month now, so It feels good to be back on. But now I am leaving for a week vacation, and don't know when I will be able to get on. I miss it here, and I miss everyone on here too :D
In a few days I'm leaving as well for about three weeks. I'll try to keep checking on from time to time.
I feel like I need to contribute to the site somehow, but I don't know how. Isn't there something and creative I could do?
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 11, 2012, 02:03PM
I feel like I need to contribute to the site somehow, but I don't know how. Isn't there something and creative I could do?
Post wallpapers you'd like to see as load screens, or just post requests!
Anyway, anyone read the last Artemis Fowl book yet? I bought it this evening and just finished it about half an hour ago!
No-no...I meant actually doing something. Not asking others to do something. Just, I dunno what.
Modding? Making Loadscreens?
I know that when you look at tutorials etc. it all looks pretty complicated, but once you figure it out its actually pretty simple and logical
I'll figure out something in the next week, hopefully, this time, I'll be able to actually do something
If you need help, just ask ;)
Hey, you people know me, I WILL ask questions and help :D
EDIT: Well, now that I looked after a few things about photoshop, I decided to try to create at least one skin. There's one problem though: I can't test it myself, because my home computer does not let me play the game (the integrated graphics card does not support hardware t&l and stuff), but I can still do the skinning part. So, if anyone would be willing to try it out for me, when it will be done, I would appreciate it :)
Count me in :), would love to help xD
I just heard about the shooting that took place in Aurora, Colorado at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises. It's just horrible, that any human would do such a thing. Especially, as it seems, that this guy did it without targeting anyone in particular. Another maniac...But, I truly hope, that those, who have been wounded, can pull through the shock that night gave them. For the relatives of those, who died....I don't they would ever read this, but thoughts are important as well, so I hereby want to wish them power, to live through it and I hope all the victims will rest in peace.
I hear you, I have heard about that all over the news and facebook. I live in Colorado so everyone on facebook is posting about it, it seems like Colorado can't get a break right where I live in the Springs, we had a huge fire that burned tons of homes, and forest I believe it was the biggest fire in Colorado history, and now a shooting.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2012, 11:56AM
I hear you, I have heard about that all over the news and facebook. I live in Colorado so everyone on facebook is posting about it, it seems like Colorado can't get a break right where I live in the Springs, we had a huge fire that burned tons of homes, and forest I believe it was the biggest fire in Colorado history, and now a shooting.
And I thought the hailstorm we had here a few weeks ago was bad... And as for the shooting, it's people like that who ruin things for all of us. Now they're considering removing TDKR from theaters everywhere entirely. I really hope they don't.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on July 20, 2012, 12:03PM
And I thought the hailstorm we had here a few weeks ago was bad... And as for the shooting, it's people like that who ruin things for all of us. Now they're considering removing TDKR from theaters everywhere entirely. I really hope they don't.
I believe that would be a poor choice because that's basically saying Batman is the reason people go and shoot other people. There are just sick people in the world who need to rot in jail, and he is one of them.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2012, 12:05PM
I believe that would be a poor choice because that's basically saying Batman is the reason people go and shoot other people. There are just sick people in the world who need to rot in jail, and he is one of them.
Just two words for where he should be: Arkham Asylum.
Oh, don't worry, this movie could still get the good ol' American "Violent movie/game/tv programme/music/etc. is the reason that guy did it, lets ban everything" type of treatment. Like whenever some guy does something and the police finds a violent game at home, the game is the cause. Even though people like this is just unstable to begin with, even if he doesn't appear like that at first, he might have hidden thoughts.
It's ridiculous. What if they tried banning the Bible for all the shitty things people do based on the beliefs in it or the violent passages in it? Plenty of people kill other people and do similar things because of what the Bible says (take the KKK for example) but if you tried to ban it, there would be an outrage. I don't get how that would be any different from videogames or movies or anything like that. They're all just works of fiction. What somebody insane does with it isn't the creators' fault.
Damn me and my stupid fears. I mean, okay, I deeply fear spiders, but why do I have to have a fear of being alone in the dark? Not cool!
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 20, 2012, 12:51PM
Damn me and my stupid fears. I mean, okay, I deeply fear spiders, but why do I have to have a fear of being alone in the dark? Not cool!
I have a fear of Spiders too, I will scream like a little girl at the sight of them lol, and I don't really like thnder and lightning either.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 20, 2012, 12:51PM
Damn me and my stupid fears. I mean, okay, I deeply fear spiders, but why do I have to have a fear of being alone in the dark? Not cool!
I have that same fear! And people make fun of me :( But seriously, i don't know why, i just can't do complete darkness. (Thankfully I work 3rd shift so I never sleep in the dark anymore lol)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2012, 12:57PM
I have a fear of Spiders too, I will scream like a little girl at the sight of them lol, and I don't really like thnder and lightning either.
Me too! Whenever I see a spider (no matter how small), I get frightened and I have to urge to destroy it with whatever comes to my mind. For thunder and lightning: I love it, as long as it doesn't happen above my head. Hey, whenever there's a huge storm in the town, I go insanely happen, just by the sound of it, dunno why. Althought, it is my favourite natural thing (or element or whatever).
Quote from: Scabbia on July 20, 2012, 12:58PM
I have that same fear! And people make fun of me :( But seriously, i don't know why, i just can't do complete darkness. (Thankfully I work 3rd shift so I never sleep in the dark anymore lol)
Fearing the dark whenever I'm alone is something stupid. I always get afraid, when I do something at night, while I'm alone/others are sleeping. I'm like: there's a monster, I know there is wants me dead....
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 20, 2012, 01:01PM
Fearing the dark whenever I'm alone is something stupid. I always get afraid, when I do something at night, while I'm alone/others are sleeping. I'm like: there's a monster, I know there is wants me dead....
It aint stupid... well in my opinion. Before I was robbed, I had the fear, but not as bad. I felt like something or someone was behind me all the time. Now, I feel like I'm surrounded. A few weeks ago, on one of my nights off, I woke up late, and of course it was dark, so I jumped out of bed and ran to the light switch. Yeah... sounds pathetic, but I don't care lol.
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 20, 2012, 01:01PM
Me too! Whenever I see a spider (no matter how small), I get frightened and I have to urge to destroy it with whatever comes to my mind. For thunder and lightning: I love it, as long as it doesn't happen above my head. Hey, whenever there's a huge storm in the town, I go insanely happen, just by the sound of it, dunno why. Althought, it is my favourite natural thing (or element or whatever).
Normally I cant even kill it because I go insane lol I start screaming and running for my life. The almost always show up in my shower, and its this tiny little bos like shower so I start screaming and I fall out the shower door and grab the shower head and wash it down the drain lol. And Thunder and Lightning doesnt bug me all the time, but it seems to always happen when I'm sleeping which annoys me like crazy, and I'm always worried something bad is going to happen even though the odds aren't likely.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 20, 2012, 01:06PM
It aint stupid... well in my opinion. Before I was robbed, I had the fear, but not as bad. I felt like something or someone was behind me all the time. Now, I feel like I'm surrounded. A few weeks ago, on one of my nights off, I woke up late, and of course it was dark, so I jumped out of bed and ran to the light switch. Yeah... sounds pathetic, but I don't care lol.
Doesn't sound pathetic. I do that too, whenever I'm totally alone at home. It's a fear. A stupid fear, because I just don't like it. I'm afraid of stuff, that isn't real....
Quote from: Scabbia on July 20, 2012, 01:06PM
It aint stupid... well in my opinion. Before I was robbed, I had the fear, but not as bad. I felt like something or someone was behind me all the time. Now, I feel like I'm surrounded. A few weeks ago, on one of my nights off, I woke up late, and of course it was dark, so I jumped out of bed and ran to the light switch. Yeah... sounds pathetic, but I don't care lol.
I do that too. I'm usually home by myself durning the day alot, which doesnt affect me really, but if I'm alone at night I hear every little noise, and I freak out at everything and I always feel like somebody is going to jump out. And I hate to go to bed unless someone is home because then I don't know if someone comes in the house or not.
I have a fear of clowns and those wooden ventriloquist puppets. So creepy. I guess I'm also wary of people in full costume - like how Disney Land has people in Mickey Mouse costumes and the such.
My only real fear is spiders, or any other insect xD, and when seeing a horror movie, I'll also check my bed for monsters :P
Also, R.I.P to those who passed away during the shooting, on DCUO we had someone in a league i'm in who had a friend involved in the shooting, and is now waiting to hear something from her, scary stuff going on there..
The guy studied the Nordish guy's manuscripts, Breijvik or something. Idiots.
Second, I would like to show my fake appreciation to the terrorists of 9-11 who fukd up America's immigration process. Not that I'm not allowed, I HATE traveling with a passion. I'm about to travel back to Holland again but I so do NOT want to do it. ^&*#^&*$^
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 20, 2012, 12:51PM
Damn me and my stupid fears. I mean, okay, I deeply fear spiders, but why do I have to have a fear of being alone in the dark? Not cool!
I also have arachnophobia, though I used to really like spiders before a really big one almost bited me.
So last week or so I went and watched the Amazing Spiderman movie. I figured I'd write a little review here :]
I cried.
I literally cried from so much awesome (for those of you who have actually seen it, it was at the scene with the cranes.) I wasn't very impressed by the previous trilogy. This movie captured the essence of Spiderman pretty accurately. Andrew Garfield is brilliant. It was a huge nostalgia trip for me. I know some of you are a bit down on the costume but I really didn't mind it too much. It worked for the purpose
I also loved that they included Gwen Stacy instead of just skipping right to MJ. They were hinting at a goblin storyline for the next one tough so I hope she doesn't have to die :[ that would be too sad.
I think I can remember that while they were in Oscorp, the said something about Normon was dead.
And I think that it is Electro, flash of lightning. Ehh? I don't know. Just my guess.
I'm sort of hoping they do what they did with Batman and revamp the costume; maybe something a bit more traditional.
By the way, I just finished my orientation for University; I realized I'm going to get really homesick. I know some of you guys are in college; how do you deal with that?
Quote from: Me on July 23, 2012, 11:45PM
I think I can remember that while they were in Oscorp, the said something about Normon was dead.
And I think that it is Electro, flash of lightning. Ehh? I don't know. Just my guess.
I wouldn't trust that. He's died multiple times before XD I think they were hinting that he'd take the Goblin serum, maybe a modified version of the Lizard serum to fix his (terminal illness?)
I hadn't thought of Electro yet XD this article speculates more on that subject but it has spoilers so no reading it if you haven't seen the movie:
Well it was Norman. This story is more based on the villains he encountered first.
It wouldn't surprise me that Gwen is going to be killed in a sequel. Or maybe in a sequel after the sequel lol. By the hand of GG.
Yeah :/ honestly i think it would be sad but i was surprised when spidey revealed his identity to Gwen and that is not happening in the comics in fact she hates Spidey so I guess there is hope..Or Gwen will fall, will apparently die Peter screaming and then she will open the eyes I can clearly see that coming Because Gwen story is a wayyy too well known and it would be better knowing "the old fans" like a tribute
As a fan of fighting game community, I'm going to "Reach out to the Truth" in this Japanese release today. Later, North American release at August 5th.
Persona 4 Arena?
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 25, 2012, 11:08PM
Persona 4 Arena?
Triple yep. I'll main Yu once there's a Vita version.
That Vita version kind of pissed me off. I mean, the original Persona 4 game is my favourite game of all time! And after seeing such a game being exclusive....I would have loved playing with it on Xbox. XBLA game or a retail, I would have bought it :D Hopefully, Persona 5 will be released on every console, everywhere. The worst, Persona 4 Golden has just too many awesome new stuff in it
So I have been seeing and hearing a lot about a new game called Slender, which you can download from the internet and I don't mean illegally. And it's supposed to be really scary and from watching videos about it it does seem pretty scary, although I haven't played it yet so I can't be for sure, I'm not the biggest scary game type of person and if a video scares me if I try and play it I would just freak myself out even more lol.
Watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics! As a bit of an Anglophile this is very exciting for me :D I need more Doctor Who though!
Edit: Steampunk Industrial Revolution is acceptable to me though XD
Edit 2: Avengers competing in the Olympics:
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 27, 2012, 05:58PM
Watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics! As a bit of an Anglophile this is very exciting for me :D I need more Doctor Who though!
Edit: Steampunk Industrial Revolution is acceptable to me though XD
I'm also an Anglophile, though curiously I detest watching all sports that are not American Football...
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 27, 2012, 05:58PM
Watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics! As a bit of an Anglophile this is very exciting for me :D I need more Doctor Who though!
It was rather special, wasn't it? I'm just wondering if non-British people understood the bit with Mr Bean... Oh well, it was funny for us :P The person who put that together (Danny Boyle) went to my university!
My family loves the Olympics, and I have watched them my whole life, but I must say I along with everyone that I know who watched it was extremly dissapointed with this opening. The only part I really liked was the dance part with all the different music from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's besides the whole love story that went on durning it. I know I got the Mr. Bean part he did add in some comedy to the opening, but Beijing to me was far better and was most definitly not topped by London.
We weren't going out to top Beijing - we were going for narrative and tribute rather than spectacle, as well as showing what it is to be British.
Mr. Bean always cracks me up. Used to watch him when I was young too (that sounds kinda wrong lol).
Spectacular opening by the brih-ish people yeah :P
Quote from: Dihan on July 28, 2012, 10:05AM
We weren't going out to top Beijing - we were going for narrative and tribute rather than spectacle, as well as showing what it is to be British.
It was just my opinion that I didn't like it, and was hoping for more. I think me saying they didn't top beijing was a bad choice of words, after seeing Beijing I had my hopes set high. And even if they wanted to show all they did they could have bumped it up alittle bit, I just wanted it to pick up and not be so slow. It seemed like a big history leason, which I mean isn't bad, and was sort of what they were going for and I just had different expectaions. It was good in its own way, and I set my hopes to high and was dissapointed in the end, to me it almost seemed more like a musical play then what I had thought it was going to be. Like I said this is just my opinion of what I thought about it, I don't mean to make anyone upset, or make people think I hate it.
Mr. Bean is pretty awesome though; Rowan Atkinson is a fantastic comedy actor. Anyone seen the Johnny English movies? Those are hilarious.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on July 28, 2012, 05:02PM
Mr. Bean is pretty awesome though; Rowan Atkinson is a fantastic comedy actor. Anyone seen the Johnny English movies? Those are hilarious.
Mr. Bean was funny in the opening. I loved the little short film that he dreamt up, and then when he awoke and was pressing away on the piano while everyone else had stopped.
Anyone remember this from the winter Olympics?
I've seen Rowan Atkinson's film, I'll take part the hilarious thing I've just saw on TV/Airplane, such as:
*Mr. Bean (Animated & Live Action, famously):
**Camera Stealing Trash Canned Thief episode, where he's being stabbed by Bean's pencil. :rofl: I can't take it anymore because of the camera thief's "Oww!" voice was too girlish. (Live-Action)
**Street Neighbours' Construction site episode (Animmated)
**Blac Jaques episode (Animated)
*Scooby-Doo (where Scrappy was an antagonist in this film only)
*Johnny English
**"Liked a coil viper. He strikes!" lol Fundge.
**Martial Arts
****Sparring with a monk
****Knots kick (thought it feels painful for him, but successfully work defending himself fromm the antagonist (what's his name again?))
***Battle the assassin in the middle of sea nearby the city, in China
Has anyone else seen this yet? Black Panther and Storm are no longer married.
I'm not even surprised. I wonder what's next....
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 01, 2012, 10:10AM
Has anyone else seen this yet? Black Panther and Storm are no longer married.
Yeah, bit of a disappointment...
Also, anyone see this Q&A thing with Joe Quesada?
The Q&A is down in the comments.
I'm pretty sure some of you knew this, but I didn't know/remember :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on August 02, 2012, 12:05PM
I'm pretty sure some of you knew this, but I didn't know/remember :D
I remember reading about that, I think they would have been awesome characters Marvel or not. There are some videos on youtube with them I believe.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 02, 2012, 12:36PM
I remember reading about that, I think they would have been awesome characters Marvel or not. There are some videos on youtube with them I believe.
A skilled modder could put them back in! ;)
Quote from: Hyperman360 on August 02, 2012, 04:17PM
A skilled modder could put them back in! ;)
That would be nice lol, Samus seems alittle tough with her rolling power, but other then that shes seems do able. I liked her xtreme animation, I wish we had that in game.
Samus would actually probably be very easy, with a modler on hand to help with actually getting her skin in in the first place and the ball mode and such. Link would be fun too...we need a super smash bros alliance XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 02, 2012, 07:28PM
Samus would actually probably be very easy, with a modler on hand to help with actually getting her skin in in the first place and the ball mode and such. Link would be fun too...we need a super smash bros alliance XD
That would be awesome! And you made Samus one of her costumes which is actually my favorite of hers!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 02, 2012, 07:33PM
That would be awesome! And you made Samus one of her costumes which is actually my favorite of hers!
If only whip powers weren't so hard in MUA :P
Why do half the lines in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes sound like pickup lines?
Hela: You don't understand: you're in Nifflhiem. There is no leaving!
Cap: well then miss, we're in for a
long night
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 02, 2012, 08:11PM
If only whip powers weren't so hard in MUA :P
Why do half the lines in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes sound like pickup lines?
Hela: You don't understand: you're in Nifflhiem. There is no leaving!
Cap: well then miss, we're in for a long night
Haha, that is hilarious! Hela has a little crush on Mr A, and he's just playing along with her.
:( Plans screwed years ago for original MUA, such as this failed list:
*Plan to put Samus & Link as Nintendo exclusives
*Putting the PSP characters on Wii too
*Making Moon Knight & Colossus playable default in all consoles
*Plan to put Xbox 360 Gold Edition DLC & PSP (Hawkeye is better in his buff/Xbox 360 Gold Edition version) characters on PC, Wii, PSP & PS3
If only if there's a re-released Edition with mixed both PSP and Gold Edition & new features (with PSP replaced by Vita) after Activision re-licensed their Marvel license, liked Capcom does for MvC3 projects.
Has anyone seen this?
Lol'd at them. But Wiccan as the is very lol :P
I found it through the YA tag on tumblr XD Love it!
it's so sad, that those digital drawing tablets are so damn overpriced in Hungary. The cheapest one is around 50$ worth of forints, but it's to small. The one, which would be great, based on size, is around 150$ worth of forints. Only if it would be half the money :D
I got one from my friend who is insanely rich for my birthday XD Good luck getting one for you. I find it very useful for skinning ^-^
I'm like, hooked on Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel ever since I last visited USA lol. It like really opened my mind to the paranormal side of .. well, life? xD Just saying.
Could this be the return of the actual Jean Grey, or is it a joke?
Okay, I approve this. I would also love to see her revive some of my fallen favourites. And maybe kill of Cyclops. Dude went full bastard in this saga
Quote from: Suigetsu on August 29, 2012, 09:29PM
Okay, I approve this. I would also love to see her revive some of my fallen favourites. And maybe kill of Cyclops. Dude went full bastard in this saga
I agree, although I am pretty sure they released a new design for him, and a cover with him on it D: Cyclops has completely lost his touch and deserves to die. I just hope Jean comes if only for this one comic to make things right. It was said that the end of AvX is the reason Beast goes back to get the original 5 X-Men, maybe Jean opens everyone's eyes to what is happening. But I won't believe Jean is in it till I see it XD because it could just be some variant cover, or the actual cover but it just doesn't have Jean in the book at all.
Edit: I have read some people's guesses, and can also see it happening myself that it could possibly be Hope as this entire AvX thing I'm sure everyone thought Hope would get the Phoenix force in the first place, I have also read some people guessing it may be Scarlet Witch. But someone from Marvel had an interview in which he said that we wont be seeing much of the real Jean Grey, but the Original Jean will play a big role. Him saying this may also mean Jean may return if only for a small appearance or something.
Kinda ironic isn't it. They kill off a pretty unique character (leave phoenix force out) yet they put her in every freaking game, let her stay out of her original comics (X-Men) are making copies of every superhero/villain out there to get a "unique" story. Good thing I don't read comics, I'd want my money back if I was a Jean fan xD
But I am a fan of the X-Men so, they pretty much threw away Jean, and made what, Daken (Clone), X-23 (Clone), Spidey clones, Dark X-Men (Rip-off with clones pretty much), Dark Avengers (you can guess). With clones I don't mean real clones, although they are among them.
Originality is missing at Marvel Comics. You can develope great stories but if you created a hero that's part of history of comics then you'd better keep it alive. Putting her in video games won't help.
Quote from: BLaw on August 30, 2012, 09:23AM
Kinda ironic isn't it. They kill off a pretty unique character (leave phoenix force out) yet they put her in every freaking game, let her stay out of her original comics (X-Men) are making copies of every superhero/villain out there to get a "unique" story. Good thing I don't read comics, I'd want my money back if I was a Jean fan xD
But I am a fan of the X-Men so, they pretty much threw away Jean, and made what, Daken (Clone), X-23 (Clone), Spidey clones, Dark X-Men (Rip-off with clones pretty much), Dark Avengers (you can guess). With clones I don't mean real clones, although they are among them.
Originality is missing at Marvel Comics. You can develope great stories but if you created a hero that's part of history of comics then you'd better keep it alive. Putting her in video games won't help.
I agree with this 100%
I have to say Jean Grey is not an overrated character, the Phoenix Force or just Phoenix is, and when people talk about the phoenix they usually just include Jean because she was the Phoenix.
In short: I miss the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. In long: This 'Ultimate Spider-Man" cartoon is just a bad joke. I mean, seriously, it's far from interesting to me. The Teen Titans level of humor doesn't help it either. But Spectacular was awesome; actually, it was one of my favourite Marvel cartoons.
Deadpool Phoenix variant XD I may very well make this into a skin :D
I think it would make a pretty good skin!
Edit: In case anyone hasn't heard yet, if there are any fans (I know I am) of City of Heroes by the end of 2012 at the latest COH will be no more, the studio is closing and they are closing the game along with them :(
I know. It hasn't quite sunk in yet for me. I've had other things to deal with (my aunty is in the end stage of liver failure and there's no sign of a transplant on the horizon) but when the lights finally go off and my characters all cease to exist...
I don't want to think about that just yet.
I know it really sucks, all the work and effort, and money people and myself included have put in. I know I have played since it first came out, although I have gone through several accounts, I am really happy with all the people I have now and it sucks that they will all soon disappear. It also makes me angry because I share an account with my Dad and he used all the slots to unlock his characters so now I cant even play any of my people one last time.
I feel your pain about the game, guys, and Dihan, I really hope everything works out for your aunt.
Do all their games disappear or just CoH? Like Aion or so¿
Quote from: BLaw on September 01, 2012, 06:21AM
Do all their games disappear or just CoH? Like Aion or so¿
I believe just City of heroes, Pargon studios is who is shutting down, but they only said City of Heroes so I think every other game is safe.
Sorry for the double post, but It wouldnt really make sense combining the two.
So I am a huge Disney movie fan, or just Disney fan. But that really only includes the original movies. I really like all the older animated disney movies, except very few, and I haven't ever really met someone before who is a teenager or older who still is in love with disney movies lol. I can understand that it may seem childesh, but I grew up with Disney movies, and I am "sort of" just know realizing how much I really love these movies because they allow me to remember my childhood. The Little Mermaid is my favorite by far, but Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Tarzan, and Alice in Wonderland are in my top 5 also. I just watched Tarzan today after having not watched it in literally years, and when I was a kid I don't really remember liking it that much, but having watched it today I found that I really love this movie. It also really brought out my emotions. The entire beginning part of the movie when Tarzan is a baby basically made me cry because it was just so sad how he lost his family, but the part that really got me was when his Gorialla father didn't want to except him into the family, and just pushed him away but his gorialla mother was always there for him. This made me think about the relationship I have with my dad, which isn't a very good one, and I know he loves me, but he never really talks to me or includes me anymore, I hardly even see him nowadays, but my Mom is and has always been there for me. So that part really made me chock up. I guess I really found a connection with this movie. I know your probably all thinking, if you even read this, how can you connect with some disney movie. But I really see a huge connection with alot of these movies. Like Ariel in the little mermaid is always trying to be adventures, and wants to learn knew things and is a little distant from her dad, Alice is always thinking up cool things, Simba has to be strong without his dad. I just really feel connected with these things.
I understand if you don't want to read this, I just really needed to say this to someone, so why not here. Everyone on here is a pretty good listener, advice giver, and talker. :P
I know what you mean, mp. I've always been close to my family, so Meet the Robinsons, for example, made me think about how much they mean to me. I shouldn't have watched that right before I moved in to college... And while it's not really a movie, I had a little stuffed Mickey Mouse toy as a little kid, and that little thing meant a lot to me.
MP, I know several people (in their 20s) who still love Disney. One of them squees whenever he sees a Disney Store.
Quote from: Dihan on September 02, 2012, 03:04AM
MP, I know several people (in their 20s) who still love Disney. One of them squees whenever he sees a Disney Store.
:) Well good! I do that when I see a Disney store too lol.
@Hyperman, yeah everytime I watch these movies it always gets me thinking about how much I really love my Mom. I have lots of Disney things too that remind me of my childhood.
I found a comic I think you guys here will appreciate:
and actually on a strangely awesomly related subject:
a couple got married at a recent convention while reenacting the marriage of Northstar and his boyfriend on the cover of Astonishing X-Men. Read more here:
Quote from: DeeDooo on September 06, 2012, 06:52PM
I found a comic I think you guys here will appreciate:
and actually on a strangely awesomly related subject:
a couple got married at a recent convention while reenacting the marriage of Northstar and his boyfriend on the cover of Astonishing X-Men. Read more here:
I lol'd at the comic.
@midnightphoenix: Hot damn I found me another grown person who still likes Disney! It's nice to see there are people who still like the mouse as much as I do and not a bunch of trolls who bash it every opportunity they get (i.e. "The Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon sucks, it's Disney's fault they f---ed it up!!! DOWN WITH DISNEY" I kid you not, I saw this)
But enough about the trolls, I swear I haven't seen Tarzan or any of those others in a while. I guess I'll have to dust em off and have me a movie marathon!
Mickey Mouse may be the greatest cartoon character ever.
@ Deedooo, Hillarious comic and I love the gay marriage cosplay thing. :D
@ Anonymouspunk89, Yay! Disney is so awesome, Tarzan was never a favorite of mine as a kid but I love it now! I am currently buying more disney movies to grow my collection and soon a Disney marathon will be had!
@ Hyperman360, Very true the Mouse rules!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 07, 2012, 02:33PM
@ Deedooo, Hillarious comic and I love the gay marriage cosplay thing. :D
@ Anonymouspunk89, Yay! Disney is so awesome, Tarzan was never a favorite of mine as a kid but I love it now! I am currently buying more disney movies to grow my collection and soon a Disney marathon will be had!
@ Hyperman360, Very true the Mouse rules!
I loved Tarzan, the whole tree surfing thing was freaking epic (I tried to do it as a kid, lol) Have you seen Lilo and Stitch?
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on September 07, 2012, 06:44PM
I loved Tarzan, the whole tree surfing thing was freaking epic (I tried to do it as a kid, lol) Have you seen Lilo and Stitch?
Not in a very very long time so I don't remember any of it. Is it good?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 08, 2012, 02:57PM
Not in a very very long time so I don't remember any of it. Is it good?
Totally good, it's funny and it introduced one of my favorite Disney characters ever (Stitch!)
Can't wait for Tekken Tag 2. Once the console version released tomorrow, i'll buy Vita version if it's announced.
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on September 08, 2012, 04:32PM
Totally good, it's funny and it introduced one of my favorite Disney characters ever (Stitch!)
I will have to watch it :)
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on September 08, 2012, 07:29PM
Can't wait for Tekken Tag 2. Once the console version released tomorrow, i'll buy Vita version if it's announced.
I can't wait for it either. I love the Tekken series.
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on September 08, 2012, 07:29PM
Can't wait for Tekken Tag 2. Once the console version released tomorrow, i'll buy Vita version if it's announced.
O rly? A new Tekken Tag Tournament game, cool. Honestly I'm more of a Street Fighter fan (Ken ftw!!) but I do likes me some Tekken.
I would like to give a shout out/thank you to BLaw for promoting me to Marvel Modder!
Quote from: Hyperman360 on September 09, 2012, 06:29PM
I would like to give a shout out/thank you to BLaw for promoting me to Marvel Modder!
Congrats Hyperman :)
I agree Blaw, I know I have said this like two times already in other topics but thank you so much for promoting me, It really does mean a lot. :)
Congrats to you too, MP! :D
Quote from: Hyperman360 on September 09, 2012, 06:29PM
I would like to give a shout out/thank you to BLaw for promoting me to Marvel Modder!
me tooo...and also congrats to MP,Hyperman360.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on September 09, 2012, 06:29PM
I would like to give a shout out/thank you to BLaw for promoting me to Marvel Modder!
Hey, congrats Hyper!
You're all welcome :)
Has the post good/bad thing disappeared for anyone else? I don't see the good and bad buttons but I still see the +/- count.
Yeah i noticed that too !
I still have mine o.O
It's still there, I'm positive (at least, I see it for everyone), except for myself, but who would rate themselves? :D
Jean or Dark Phoenix gets a new look based on the current comics for Avengers Alliance. Could it be a sign :scratchhead: *laughs at sarcasm* lets not joke here.
This could also make a nice skin :D
I can't wait to see what updates they give her! Also the Phoenix Five storyline is being brought to Special Ops 3. The Phoenix Five, in game, will consist of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Colossus, Scarlet Witch, and Storm. If I'm correct, strains of ISO-8 get mixed with the Phoenix which also returns to earth like in the comic. Human-mutant relations are extremely tense, so Cyclops and Jean pull out mutants from the mainstream world. This all leads to the Phoenix Five.
Sounds like fun. I found this is Deviantart if this was a real cover I would so buy it! Wow that thing is huge, I'll just link it lol
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 14, 2012, 03:09PM
Jean or Dark Phoenix gets a new look based on the current comics for Avengers Alliance. Could it be a sign :scratchhead: *laughs at sarcasm* lets not joke here.
This could also make a nice skin :D
Looks like a very fun skin to make...I'll get on that XD
Edit: released!,4191.msg152464.html#msg152464
I'm excited to see the phoenix designs for Storm and Scarlet Witch too...sounds like they could also be fun skins haha :D
Last Wednesday my best friend who I have been friends with since 7th grade just didn't show up to school, I had talked to him the night before and just assumed maybe he got sick over night or something. Thursday passed, Friday, Saturday, Sunday I still hadn't heard anything from him at all. Then just this past week I heard by some teachers in school that he was in the hospital so obivously I was hoping he was alright and everything. All last week I never heard from either, then just today I read on facebook that out of know where he lived in a different state and was now going to a different school. Now obviously there is nothing I can do about that. I, along with some other friends, am pretty sad and upset. We had all wished that if he knew he was moving that he would have told us. I have never really liked school at all, I know it's important to get a good education, but him and I liked everything the other did, so we could always talk about anything together, we made sure most of our classes were the same and everything. I have other friends but not many. He was my bestfriend, then I have my other bestfriend Hillary, and then like 2 or 3 other people I talk too but they aren't really friends to me. I have always really wanted to be homeschooled because i hate the stress of real school, but now more then ever I don't know how much longer I can deal with school, and the stress. I just don't know what to do anymore. It seems like my life is always filled with stress and when I feel like I may almost escape something else happens. I get bad grades, me and my Dad get in a fight, school life stress, me being Gay, my friends. I just can't escape it and I really just don't know what to do I can't handle it anymore it is really eating away at me. (If it sounds like Im gonna do something bad, don't worry I would never.)
^ Have you tried finding something that helps calm your mind, something like meditation, not saying DO meditation, just something that helps like it. Like myself, I just stop and put my headphones on and either rest my eyes or draw.
I love to draw and write, but it just doesn't seem to help anymore. It used to be my form of relaxing and getting away but my stress affects everything I tend to write darker things, darker worlds, darker characters and I feel like they are just representations of how I feel and who I am. I just can't get away from anything. I really have never liked school and I really just want to talk to my Mom about it. She knows I would rather be homeschooled, but to be honest I would rather just stop with school all together. I know that it would affect my life in the future and I wouldn't be able to work much, but I don't really want to work at all. All I want is to grow up and have a family, that's my dream. It is just hard for me to explain. My Mom always tells everyone how I know my path in life and that I found myself already, but she doesn't understand that I don't see school in my path. I hope I'm not rambling, I just don't know what to do.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 16, 2012, 06:55PM
I love to draw and write, but it just doesn't seem to help anymore. It used to be my form of relaxing and getting away but my stress affects everything I tend to write darker things, darker worlds, darker characters and I feel like they are just representations of how I feel and who I am. I just can't get away from anything. I really have never liked school and I really just want to talk to my Mom about it. She knows I would rather be homeschooled, but to be honest I would rather just stop with school all together. I know that it would affect my life in the future and I wouldn't be able to work much, but I don't really want to work at all. All I want is to grow up and have a family, that's my dream. It is just hard for me to explain. My Mom always tells everyone how I know my path in life and that I found myself already, but she doesn't understand that I don't see school in my path. I hope I'm not rambling, I just don't know what to do.
In the end, people need heroes. As tough as it gets some days, you have to fight on. You can never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."
Don't know if that helps much, but I really do hope you feel better. Whenever I'm ticked off, I usually do what I like to do. Play some sports if you're into that... I always like to play video games, read books (including comix), play on the computer, and just watch TV. If you like comedy, try these sites for good webcomics (I think they're hilarious):
These sites have great political humor (from TV, but I don't know if you watch Comedy Central often):
Whatever you do, just remember to enjoy life.
Thanks Hyperman :) I ended up talking to my Mom and she understands what I'm going through, and she is going to look into online schooling for me. I have never been a social person, and more and more people just stresses me out. And my school is drama times an xtreme level. Plus I am a very controlling and emotional person haha I'm like all these bad things colliding into one. So I always like to have things my way, but everything stresses me and I always let things get to me and I just break down and tend to bottle everything up. I really love this forum and all the people on it because everyone is easy to talk to and is always helpful. Just letting everything out on here makes me feel so much better, and I love you all for it :) And all though we have all never met I really feel like we are all great friends espically some of you and even some people who probably don't even know it or just pass some comments on, that i have a huge respect for and consider to be really good friends.
And I will have to check all those sites out, thanks Hyperman your the best! :)
I feel your pain about your social life, as I've always been the kind of guy who wasn't accepted for being who I am and I didn't really have many friends (luckily, I befriended a few people in high school). I'm also glad that you chose to use this forum to talk about your feelings, because we all know, that here, there are always one or two (but mostly more) people, who listen to what you have to say and help as much as possible. So I hope you get through all these things and whenever bad things get to you, don't forget that you can count on this community. :) Good luck for getting through stress and all :)
Quote from: Suigetsu on September 17, 2012, 11:13AM
I feel your pain about your social life, as I've always been the kind of guy who wasn't accepted for being who I am and I didn't really have many friends (luckily, I befriended a few people in high school). I'm also glad that you chose to use this forum to talk about your feelings, because we all know, that here, there are always one or two (but mostly more) people, who listen to what you have to say and help as much as possible. So I hope you get through all these things and whenever bad things get to you, don't forget that you can count on this community. :) Good luck for getting through stress and all :)
Thanks Suigetsu! I feel alittle better about everything, but I am always so stressed :/ But I am glad that I can come and talk to everyone on here! I really love all the people on here who are always so helpful and just talk through things with people, it means a lot :)
As Suigetsu said, you've always got friendly ears here. By the way with what you said about drama: you have to learn to laugh at it. Seriously, I laugh at soap operas, as I did in high school. Luckily, college is too big to be dramatic, so I don't have to worry about bursting into laughter at inappropriate times there. ;)
My aunty has had a liver transplant and her body is accepting it for now. She's slowly getting better! An organ can be rejected at any point from the next day to a year away so she's not out of the woods yet.
In other news; I've been playing Guild Wars 2 lately. It's really good. Does anyone else play?
Hoping the best for you aunt. On a side note: I don't play Guild Wars 2 :D
Mmm, I wish your aunt all the best! Havent played Guild Wars 2, but I used to play Guild Wars. I was a Mesmer, and mainly went around screwing over Monks. Had quite a lot of fun with the Christmas games as well, like the snowball fights.
I had a Juggernaut pet too. If only they were real ...
Happy October!
Best month of the year :D
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 01, 2012, 05:08PM
Happy October!
Best month of the year :D
It is the best month of the year! I really like going to Knotts Scary Farm. Always scares the crap out of me :pumpkin1:
It's not such a big deal here. We don't have halloween. We remember our loved ones, who passed away. A nice little gesture, don't you agree? Though, there is a reason, why I like this month, and that reason is the fact, that WWE '13 comes out on October 30th. Althought the release date is actually November 2nd here, but that doesn't matter. Can't wait for my collector's edition :D
I love Halloween we already decoreated our house for Halloween lol and we are planning a Rocky Horror Picture Show Halloween Party :D but I pretty much love the stretch from October-January with December being my favorite because I love Christmas time. But I am incredibly happy for this October since Resident Evil 6 released today and I am so hyped :D
I could say it is the best month of the year for now.. I got my K1-Visa granted by the US Consulate on my country. So I'm going to get married in December this year ^_^!!
Quote from: Marvintage on October 02, 2012, 03:14PM
I could say it is the best month of the year for now.. I got my K1-Visa granted by the US Consulate on my country. So I'm going to get married in December this year ^_^!!
Yay! Congrats :D
Quote from: Marvintage on October 02, 2012, 03:14PM
I could say it is the best month of the year for now.. I got my K1-Visa granted by the US Consulate on my country. So I'm going to get married in December this year ^_^!!
Congrats! On a side note I dislike October to early March (it's way to depressing and cold for me), except my birthday is at the end of November.
I think Assassin's Creed III comes out October 30th too.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on October 03, 2012, 02:21PM
Congrats! On a side note I dislike October to early March (it's way to depressing and cold for me), except my birthday is at the end of November.
I think Assassin's Creed III comes out October 30th too.
I love the cold and snow :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 03, 2012, 02:25PM
I love the cold and snow :D
Same here, I do miss the colder climate (I now live in the south, and it gets pretty warm.)
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on October 03, 2012, 09:23PM
Same here, I do miss the colder climate (I now live in the south, and it gets pretty warm.)
I love both warm and cold. I like the cold when it is meant to be cold, like now I am just happily awaiting the first snow, but I know that when march and april come around and it is still cold somewhat I will be wishing for heat again. The snow just makes me happy for some reason and I can't explain why because I don't even know why lol I have just grown up in a some what snowy place so I am used to it.
You guys are lucky you get snow ! In the inland empire all we get is heat ! Sometimes it could be like 85% in December -.-
Quote from: Me on October 03, 2012, 09:56PM
You guys are lucky you get snow ! In the inland empire all we get is heat ! Sometimes it could be like 85% in December -.-
I'm lucky if I even get some snow, I remember one Christmas I had to wear shorts (sucks).
Halloween has never had a particularly big following here. You do it as children until around 12, then you do Halloween parties around your 20s, after that you stay at home with the lights off and sit the night out hoping to avoid people as you eat all the treats. It doesn't usually snow that often either unless you live in the more mountainous areas. I don't know why really but it's probably got something to do with the jetstream over the UK. If it sits above the British Isles then we get warm and dry weather, if it's below we get cold and wet weather. We are actually at the same latitude as Moscow and Alaska so we should get weather similar to them... That's where the Gulf Stream comes in. It's an ocean current that comes from the same general area as the Caribbean and it's warm enough to boost the temperature of these islands by a few degrees.
It's true what they say about us Brits - we are obsessed with the weather!
Quote from: Dihan on October 04, 2012, 01:38PM
It's true what they say about us Brits - we are obsessed with the weather!
I could be British...
Do you begin conversations with "Hello! Nice/Horrid weather today!" or insert meteorological chat into awkward silences? If so, you can be an honourable citizen!
Quote from: Dihan on October 05, 2012, 02:54PM
Do you begin conversations with "Hello! Nice/Horrid weather today!" or insert meteorological chat into awkward silences? If so, you can be an honourable citizen!
Surprisingly often! I also have that unique tendency to immediately dissect compliments after giving them.
We don't tend to use compliments in small talk (apparently it's a very American thing to do). Small talk in the UK is purely to pass through awkward social situations rather than to get to know someone. If we meet someone and say "the weather is terrible, isn't it?" or "how are you?" then it's not an invitation for them to contradict on the state of the weather or delve into their life story. We don't jump straight into quizzing about various personal things, rather we use small talk to gauge whether we want to drift into a proper conversation with someone. If not we say make our excuses to leave, such as by saying "is that the time? I'd really better be going now" or the like.
We're mostly a very indirect nation... Unlike Germany. Small talk doesn't exist in Germany.
On a different note: I was going around, minding my own bussines, when I see a person called Marvintage. Then I see that this person's name is in red. I look at the profile, and BANG: He is BLaw. At least, formerly :D Why is it, that such a simple thing is so shocking for me? I got used to BLaw being BLaw, but well...The winds of change, I guess :D But, to tell you the truth, it's a pretty cool name.
Always wanted to go to the UK, just to check it out (mostly for the history, I'm a little bit of a history nut.)
And BLAW changed his name?
Quote from: Suigetsu on October 06, 2012, 10:19AM
On a different note: I was going around, minding my own bussines, when I see a person called Marvintage. Then I see that this person's name is in red. I look at the profile, and BANG: He is BLaw. At least, formerly :D Why is it, that such a simple thing is so shocking for me? I got used to BLaw being BLaw, but well...The winds of change, I guess :D But, to tell you the truth, it's a pretty cool name.
Haha thanks! I haven't changed names in like.. Ever lol.
I don't know, somehow the word Vintage came to mind and I changed my name to marvintage immediately. And to till you the truth: I DIDNT KNOW WHAT MARVINTAGE WAS TILL MY WIFEY TOLD ME AFTERWARDS LOL. Not to boost ego, but it does fit :P:P!
Quote from: Dihan on October 06, 2012, 02:54AM
We don't tend to use compliments in small talk (apparently it's a very American thing to do). Small talk in the UK is purely to pass through awkward social situations rather than to get to know someone. If we meet someone and say "the weather is terrible, isn't it?" or "how are you?" then it's not an invitation for them to contradict on the state of the weather or delve into their life story. We don't jump straight into quizzing about various personal things, rather we use small talk to gauge whether we want to drift into a proper conversation with someone. If not we say make our excuses to leave, such as by saying "is that the time? I'd really better be going now" or the like.
We're mostly a very indirect nation... Unlike Germany. Small talk doesn't exist in Germany.
Haha, very true! I'm not much of a people person (much to my parents' dismay).
Quote from: Marvintage on October 06, 2012, 11:56AM
Haha thanks! I haven't changed names in like.. Ever lol.
I don't know, somehow the word Vintage came to mind and I changed my name to marvintage immediately. And to till you the truth: I DIDNT KNOW WHAT MARVINTAGE WAS TILL MY WIFEY TOLD ME AFTERWARDS LOL. Not to boost ego, but it does fit :P:P!
I don't see how it fits...? Doesn't vintage essentially mean old?
By the way, I see your name's subtitle says "The
fartist formerely known as BLaw". That made me laugh; did you do that on purpose?
Yeah :P
And well, I've been an oldy here. I also heard it meant high quality too.
Quote from: Marvintage on October 06, 2012, 03:40PM
Yeah :P
And well, I've been an oldy here. I also heard it meant high quality too.
I think it means something like antique.
Well, it can also mean something like classic. And well, he's classic :D
It depends if it's a noun, adjective or verb! :P
1) The yield of grapes from a vineyard.
2) Wine identified by year or location.
3) The pressing of juice for winemaking.
4) Year or place something is produced.
1) Relating to wine identified by specific vintage
2) Having an enduring appeal (classic, high quality, etc)
3) Cars built between 1919 and 1930
1) To harvest grapes.
2) To make wine from grapes.
Okay, so his new name is Marwine. Pretty neat :D Thanks for the info Dihan, I have no clue why I didn't look it up myself :D
Marwine. I like it!
For all the Deadpool fans:
So Bryan Lee O'Malley, the artist who did Scott Pilgrim, has an alternate cover for Young Avengers. I can't possibly imagine this getting any better D:
I've just got jogging this morning & ready for IGS tournament to play Tekken Tag 2 for FIGHT today til Sunday.
:D Don't let me down.
Hello, i have a problem. Not me actually but one of my mmm friends. He's a new and he cant write posts in topics (in ASM skins topic). He wants to post his skins there (nice skins, he is kinda my pupil) and problem in this
he has not reply button. Anyone know what is it?
Did he post in the Hello my name is topic? It's to prevent bots from coming in the forum and spam and stuff.
It might help if you gave his name as well.
I know this is all so sudden, but I found a game that made me go angry, like after few minutes. I'm talking about many people's favourite fighting game, Street Fighter IV (to be more precise: Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition).
Well...damn. I only heard good things about it, but I don't like it at all :D I mean, I have no problem playing with games like Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, Tekken or even Soul Calibur. These are all great series. Enjoyable fighting games. But for me, Street Fighter is not one of these.
As always, I did a little training first, just to get used to the buttons. After like 15 minutes of training with Ryu (he is on the cover, so I assumed, that he is the typical easiest to use character for beginners). The special moves are easy to use to tell you the truth, so I thought: "Hey, I might have a chance with this game".
So I started playing offline arcade mode. And that's where I lost it. As a total beginner in the series, I started playing on easy difficulty, just for a warm up (I thought). After like the second or third opponent, I started fighting Ibuki. And, damn, she beat me like 10 times :D
I mean, seriously, I tried my best, but unlike most fighting games, I didn't find the easy combos. You know, like pressing X X and O for something good looking. No, sir, I didn't find anything like that.
When I finally got through her, I've found myself on this car beating bonus stage. Bonus for what? :D Really, why did the game give me a gift, if I barely got through her. Okay, I enjoyed the fact, that I couldn't lose once, but I think bonuses should be given, if you actually got through like the first four enemies without dying (you know, the gift for all the trouble). But, okay, gimme that car.
After that I faced Dee Jay. As a Tekken fan, I know what capoeira fighters can do (I'm actually good with Eddy Gordo and Christie Monteiro in Tekken). So I assumed I will start losing again. I defeated the guy for my first try. I was like: "Maybe I start to get good at it".
Than came mister Zangief. And yes, I started pushing start to continue for a long time. After like my 20th try (when I was only able to get half of his life drained), I actually gave up. :D
I'm not saying it's a bad game, but for a total starter like myself, it's not easy and accessible enough. At least, not on easy difficulty. I'm sure there are thousands of people, who suffered the same fate and I'm sure there are thousands of rookies who had no problem. But for me, this game is not cool. And I had to write it down like this, just to get cooled down :D
Owl City ( My favorite artist ) + Disney = perfect combination!!
Sooo Halloween is in 3 days and I don't have a Halloween costume xP
What is everyone else being ? :D
I don't think I am dressing up for Halloween, but yesterday we had a Rocky Horror Picture Show party and I dressed up for that.
I'm being a Tim Burtony version of Doctor Who for Halloween itself but I have a bunch of different costumes for wearing this next week XD
I don't really know if there's any point in dressing up here, because I don't know if there are any actual Halloween events where I am. If I do dress up, I'll go as Tony Stark (civilian attire).
I don't do Halloween so I will be nothing.
I will dress up as my humble self, because we don't dress up during this time of the year.
We don't have Halloween here either, they're sorta trying to incorperate it by trowing Halloween party's in certain places, but it isn't considered a holiday here, (sadly)
We do however have Sint-Maarten, the dutch answer to halloween, and Carnaval, which is a dressup holiday aswell, but not as 'scary' as halloween
Carnaval makes us dutchies look like idiots in my opinion. Which is why I won't participate anymore :P Halloween seems fun though. They do it in some parts of our country.
Me and my friend are going to go as Jeff and Jane the Killer(s)
I have a Dutch friend. She feeds me speculaas and stroopwafels.
So... the US Presidential election and the big hurricane... how does everyone feel about those?
I hope Obama stays as president for the sake of the rest of the people on this planet. I don't really know much about the hurricane other than loads of people died and many livelihoods have been destroyed. That's never a good thing.
The news here has just been about a dead TV entertainer who managed to get away with sexually abusing hundreds of children from the beginning to the end of his career - some 50 years. He got away with it by using something else as a smokescreen to divert attention away from the public eye despite the executives knowing precisely what was going on.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on November 02, 2012, 12:29PM
So... the US Presidential election and the big hurricane... how does everyone feel about those?
I'm tired of hearing about it (And I mean where I am, not like on here or anything). People are gonna vote the way they want to, and thats that. There is no wrong or right way, its there choice. Im just sick of hearing people complain about both Romney and Obama. Most of family are going to vote for Obama, and I hope he stays president too. But honestly who ever wins there are going to be some angry people and some happy people, and all presidents have their flaws. And even youtube adds are about the presidents. I JUST WANT TO WATCH THE DANG VIDEO I CAME ONTO YOUTUBE FOR!
Quote from: Dihan on November 02, 2012, 01:56PM
I hope Obama stays as president for the sake of the rest of the people on this planet. I don't really know much about the hurricane other than loads of people died and many livelihoods have been destroyed. That's never a good thing.
The news here has just been about a dead TV entertainer who managed to get away with sexually abusing hundreds of children from the beginning to the end of his career - some 50 years. He got away with it by using something else as a smokescreen to divert attention away from the public eye despite the executives knowing precisely what was going on.
Yeah, I prefer Obama, though I don't agree with everything he's done. What ticks me off is I turn 18 less than a month after this election, so I'm just slightly off from being able to vote for this election.
The hurricane... yeah that's all true. I liked how the NJ governor (Chris Christie) and Obama put aside their (political party) differences to work together. Meanwhile I hear Paul Ryan (the VP candidate for Romney) showed up to help by washing their already cleaned dishes.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 02, 2012, 02:39PM
I'm tired of hearing about it (And I mean where I am, not like on here or anything). People are gonna vote the way they want to, and thats that. There is no wrong or right way, its there choice. Im just sick of hearing people complain about both Romney and Obama. Most of family are going to vote for Obama, and I hope he stays president too. But honestly who ever wins there are going to be some angry people and some happy people, and all presidents have their flaws. And even youtube adds are about the presidents.
Yeah that's all fairly true. Being from Ohio means I'm bombarded by ads everywhere when I come home. And studying in the state of Michigan isn't much better.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 02, 2012, 02:39PM
Dude, haven't you ever heard of AdBlock Plus for Firefox?
I live in the one state where neither candidate has spent one single penny on advertising. Like nobody even cares about us XD It's kind of nice. Having just turned 18 last month I'll be voting this Tuesday. But like I said nobody cares about my state because all of our electoral college (one of the many fucked up practices of American "democracy" IMHO) will be going to Romney anyways. Woo bipartisan America...
xD, well, good luck voting DeeDooo :)
Sandy is awefull, they're saying we get a lot of rain here because of it, the accidents that happened because of the hurricane are just so sad to read about :(
I'm hoping Obama wins, from the moment he won 4 years back, I've seen he really is an awesome president (regulary eating ice cream, that sort of stuff) crossing my fingers :D
Quote from: Hyperman360 on November 02, 2012, 07:54PM
Dude, haven't you ever heard of AdBlock Plus for Firefox?
They are the adds that play before the video starts, which show up on most popular videos once they hit a sertain amount of views, at least thats what I thought, so I am pretty sure you have to watch them. Although my laptop allows me to skip them right away where as my computer makes me watch like 5 seconds of an add and then it lets me skip it.
Adblock gets rid of those adverts too. We've been forecast lots of rain/hail/snow and flooding here in the UK. I blame Sandy.
I honestly cannot wait for the election to be over, like the rest of you I'm kinda getting sick of all of the advertisements (both on youtube and the tv, I mean really can't a man freaking watch Supernatural without like a thousand presidential ads?)
I too hope Obama wins, Romney doesn't seem very trustworthy to me, not one bit (btw, whenever I say "not one bit" online I always hear Heath Ledger's Joker saying it)
But in other news, I'm eagerly awaiting the Christmas season to start (just got done with my other favorite Holiday and am awaiting another, lol.)
I really want to play the Mass Effect trilogy (I've only played part 2, so my sister and I would love to do the whole series from start to finish.)
Oh, Christmas Season! I can't wait for that myself! My yearly "Christmas Carnage" video game extravaganza will happen, as always, I might pick up some older games for this purpose :D Plus, a little trip to Austria's capital city will be one, that I will enjoy (it's a class trip). Buying presents, christmas tree...Damn, I can't wait! :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 03, 2012, 12:37PM
Oh, Christmas Season! I can't wait for that myself! My yearly "Christmas Carnage" video game extravaganza will happen, as always, I might pick up some older games for this purpose :D Plus, a little trip to Austria's capital city will be one, that I will enjoy (it's a class trip). Buying presents, christmas tree...Damn, I can't wait! :D
Sounds fantastic. I'd like to visit Austria, hell I'd like to go anywhere (I don't go to many places and it's freaking boring where I live)
I am so excited for Christmas and the Christmas season! "It's the most wonderful time, of the year." Hahaha. I love the spirit, the happiness, snow, christmas movies and music, christmas baking. And off course Christmas itself.
My fiancée loves christmas. Last year she dressed up as a female santa when we held the christmas party, was so cute
Makes me feel bad though, I should dress up as a Santa :P
In holland I never really participated in any christmas celebrations ever since my dad died. The whole family mood is down ever since.
Quote from: Marvintage on November 04, 2012, 10:07AM
My fiancée loves christmas. Last year she dressed up as a female santa when we held the christmas party, was so cute
Makes me feel bad though, I should dress up as a Santa :P
In holland I never really participated in any christmas celebrations ever since my dad died. The whole family mood is down ever since.
Sounds like she is just the thing you need to boost your holiday spirit!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2012, 10:20AM
Sounds like she is just the thing you need to boost your holiday spirit!
Definetely xD Can't go wrong!
I think this speaks volumes about the presidential elections:
Haha that awesome Dihan, I just texted this to everyone I know who wants Obama to win.
Wow, China is the only place where Romney would have a chance to win. I wonder how will it end
the world votes for obama but have no clue what it is like to live there while he is president. That poll clearly shows it.
leave the voting to us citizens. they know whats up.
I've been away for too long! I was supporting Obama (I'm a US citizen, but I'm only 17 so I can't actually vote) and I ended up staying up until 3 AM on election night making political jokes on Facebook...
For example:
After the second debate, Clinton went up to Romney and whispered "Do you still have those binders?"
Now that the election's over, Romney will be returned to Apple's Foxconn factory in China to be disassembled. His final statement: "I'll be back. With weapons."
And Obama is back on the throne and is going to raise taxes. They say for the people with high income only, but it's in fact for everyone. You got what you voted for lol.
No, not quite. The overall tax rise is only in case he and Congress can't come to an agreement. So it'll probably happen, it just won't be all his fault.
Quote from: Marvintage on November 11, 2012, 01:24PM
And Obama is back on the throne and is going to raise taxes. They say for the people with high income only, but it's in fact for everyone. You got what you voted for lol.
He may not be great, but at least he's better than the alternative. And he doesn't keep his women in binders :D
I'd gladly swap David Cameron (and this whole government that nobody voted for) for Obama.
Quote from: DeeDooo on November 11, 2012, 01:53PM
He may not be great, but at least he's better than the alternative. And he doesn't keep his women in binders :D
seriously, for me either way we lost. But at least with Obama we keep our progression on social issues, not get thrown back to the 1950s.
Quote from: DeeDooo on November 11, 2012, 01:53PM
He may not be great, but at least he's better than the alternative. And he doesn't keep his women in binders :D
:applause: I made this some time ago:
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on November 11, 2012, 03:38PM
seriously, for me either way we lost. But at least with Obama we keep our progression on social issues, not get thrown back to the 1950s.
Speaking of which, ever seen this?
Hahaha love the image you made hyperman! And I love Grease :D I listen to the songs all the time haha!
I wonder if there's Wreck-It Ralph mod in MUA game. Just watch the movie
sorry for you twihard fans
Quote from: Me on November 14, 2012, 03:34PM
Sorry for you twihard fans :laughing:
HAHAHA! If only!
I am a huge Oz fan, and has anyone else heard about the new movie or seen the first trailer, here is the new one they released today! I am so excited, I just love the Wizard of Oz!
Speaking of The Wizard of Oz, my 6 year-old cousin has the leading role in her school's Welsh production of the play.
Quote from: Dihan on November 14, 2012, 03:58PM
Speaking of The Wizard of Oz, my 6 year-old cousin has the leading role in her school's Welsh production of the play.
Thats awesome, I wish my school would do something cool like that but no haha!
I myself always dream to live the normal life of any normal show's normal husband. You know, like going to school plays, where my children act or something, going trick or treating on Halloween, having a big Christmas dinner and watching them, while they open presents. That's all I really want to achieve
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 15, 2012, 01:24PM
I myself always dream to live the normal life of any normal show's normal husband. You know, like going to school plays, where my children act or something, going trick or treating on Halloween, having a big Christmas dinner and watching them, while they open presents. That's all I really want to achieve
:D Ahh thats awesome Suigetsu, thats exactly what I want in life too!
Im excited :D :D :D Im going to the movies tommorow with my friends to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Don't worry about it, I will always remember you as the person you were! :D
Nah, just joking! Have fun! :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 16, 2012, 12:49PM
Don't worry about it, I will always remember you as the person you were! :D
Nah, just joking! Have fun! :D
Hahahaha! Oh god! I just died of laughter XD
I have to say I am not fan of Twilight and never was, that being said I have seen the first movie, and I attempted to read the book, but I never got into it. Something about sparkling vampires that have major depression just doesn't interest me.
Same here. I actually read the first few chapters of the first book, but it was...not my style. Also, I prefer Dracula-styled vampires and for werewolves....Harry Potter's werewolves were okay.
Again, I want to say, that as long as someone is not a super-over-the-top fan of something, I have no problem with it. So, with all seriousness, White Queen, enjoy the movie. If that's what you like, just enjoy it. Who am I to judge anyone anyway? :D Everyone has the right to like what they want. Equallity, that's what I believe in :D :)
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 16, 2012, 01:21PM
Same here. I actually read the first few chapters of the first book, but it was...not my style. Also, I prefer Dracula-styled vampires and for werewolves....Harry Potter's werewolves were okay.
Again, I want to say, that as long as someone is not a super-over-the-top fan of something, I have no problem with it. So, with all seriousness, White Queen, enjoy the movie. If that's what you like, just enjoy it. Who am I to judge anyone anyway? :D Everyone has the right to like what they want. Equallity, that's what I believe in :D :)
I agree completely! I like vampires like Dracula and like Selene and other vampires from Underworld, for werewolves I like the ones from Underworld also, and if you have seen Once Upon a Time (I love that show XD) Ruby/ or Red (Little Red Ridding Hood) Is a simple, but pretty awesome werewolf I think.
Edit: Well in case people didn't hear, Hostess is going out of business. Honestly I like Twinkies but they really aren't my favorite at all, I really like Ding Dongs and cupcakes though. SO go get what you can at your story if there is still any left haha. People are already posting on facebook that stores are sold out and boxes of Twinkies are being sold for 15 bucks on ebay already. Its the apocalypse everybody! With no Twinkies left to survive the apocalypse were all gonna die! HAHA!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 16, 2012, 01:02PM
Hahahaha! Oh god! I just died of laughter XD
I have to say I am not fan of Twilight and never was, that being said I have seen the first movie, and I attempted to read the book, but I never got into it. Something about sparkling vampires that have major depression just doesn't interest me.
Well the reason why they 'sparkle' is because their skin is so hard ( harder or hard as diamond )so their cells have crystalline properties, which reflect the sun's light. XD Just pointing that out there. ;P Anyway 2 hours away from the movie :D
Edit: Just returned from the movie, IT WAS AMAZING!!!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 12, 2012, 09:25PM
Hahaha love the image you made hyperman! And I love Grease :D I listen to the songs all the time haha!
Thanks dude!
Quote from: Me on November 14, 2012, 03:34PM
sorry for you twihard fans
Speaking of movies, a far manlier movie :P: I saw Skyfall opening weekend. Anyone else see it? It was incredible (in my opinion).
By the way guys, sorry I've been virtually inactive recently. I have TONS of work to do these days, so there's virtually no time left to work on the fun stuff. I am making wallpapers and such occasionally, so I'll probably convert those to loading screens when I get time.
Just won a fighting game tournament yesterday. Next week on Tuesday that I hope I win again
It seems like people have been coming here less often now adays, and its a bit sad, at least I think. I know people have lives and have other things to do, but it seems like nothing really happens here very much any more. Everyday there used to be a lot of topic updates, but now there are like 2-5 everyday. I just don't want to see this site dissapear.
On another note, has anyone seen the Wrong Turn movies? Do you like them? I have seen all of them, 1-5, and honestly most of the other should not have been made, if they did a sequel right I could see where it would have went to theaters because I actually like the first one, the fourth which is a prequel is my next favorite I actually think it was done pretty well for a more low budget film and what not. 2 was alright for a sequel but had nothing to do with the first movie, 3 I didn't really like at all, and 5 I didn't like at all either. And now it seems as though each movie is starting to turn into some sick porno movie, the first had no sex involved if I remember right, and then after that they just threw in a ton of naked chicks to make the movies seem less crappy. Its like the only thing the movies even have in common are the killers in each movie are the same, and the first and second both have that weird pepto bismal drinking guy in them. The 5th movie just doesnt seem like it fits in very well at all, you can assume that the guy they are working with turns out to be some body in the other movies but Im not sure, we just assumed he was the pepto guy, but honestly I have no idea haha.
But excuse my Wrong Turn rant, ignore me if you want haha.
Well, it's holiday season. Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas is here in a matter of minutes. I think people are just busy nowadays. I'm not afraid, that the site would disappear or anything :)
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 25, 2012, 01:34AM
Well, it's holiday season. Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas is here in a matter of minutes. I think people are just busy nowadays. I'm not afraid, that the site would disappear or anything :)
I hope not, I would really miss this place if it became dead. I mean I know it most likely wont be around forever, but I don't think that its time has come yet.
As long as enough people stay here, make mods and stuff, I'm pretty sure things will be okay. Once the holidays are all over, and all the school stuff will be dealt with, this place will be more used again
QuoteIt seems like people have been coming here less often now adays, and its a bit sad, at least I think. I know people have lives and have other things to do, but it seems like nothing really happens here very much any more. Everyday there used to be a lot of topic updates, but now there are like 2-5 everyday. I just don't want to see this site dissapear.
Holidays are a pretty busy time. I wouldn't worry too much. I still plan on sticking around. Christmas will mark 1yr to the day that I found this site. Once Deathlok is done w/ testing, I'll have reached my goal of releasing 3-4 mods in 1yr. Next year I plan on releasing the same, if not more.
I don't think it'll disappear. Things should pick up around the spring and summer when everyone tends to have more free time.
Yeah I mean like I said, I know people have lives and I know people tend to be busy around the holidays, it just seems a lot more lonely around here then it usually does maybe its just me or something. I am glad everyone plans on sticking around!
I'll always be here even if I'm not making mods any more.
Quote from: Dihan on November 26, 2012, 05:06AM
I'll always be here even if I'm not making mods any more.
I think that is how a lot of people are on here now, I do make skins and mods but nothing recently I just stay here for the fun and being social with all the "cyber friends" I have on here.
I just haven't made stuff recently because I just don't have a lot of time lately. I still try to check back every so often though.
I remember when I first started my release thread I got replies to every post; now I don't get any.
My workload right now and current progress:
1) Read various plays:
--- The Alchemist - 100%
--- A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - 100%
--- The Shoemaker's Holiday - 90%
--- Bartholomew Fair - 0%
2) Write essay for those plays. Just started. (400/5000 words done)
3) Interdisciplinary seminar review: 80% (4/5 seminars reviewed)
4) Self-assessment: 0%
5) Presentation preparation: 0%
6) Welsh Assignment: 50%
I'm not just sitting here doing nothing! :P
Though I have been playing Pokemon White 2 as well... I <3 Pokemon.
Quote from: Dihan on November 26, 2012, 06:07PM
My workload right now and current progress:
1) Read various plays:
--- The Alchemist - 100%
--- A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - 100%
--- The Shoemaker's Holiday - 90%
--- Bartholomew Fair - 0%
2) Write essay for those plays. Just started. (400/5000 words done)
3) Interdisciplinary seminar review: 80% (4/5 seminars reviewed)
4) Self-assessment: 0%
5) Presentation preparation: 0%
6) Welsh Assignment: 50%
I'm not just sitting here doing nothing! :P
Though I have been playing Pokemon White 2 as well... I <3 Pokemon.
Of course! You have to squeeze in some fun, although I don't know if reading plays in fun to you? I enjoy reading Shakespear which most people I know don't, and if you consider his work plays, but I actually find his work to be pretty easy to understand. Although I may just be going in a completely different direction.
I do find reading plays fun. Writing is less fun but it's something I have to do.
I dislike writing things and reading anything that isn't interesting to me. At my college, the nice thing is that I don't have to take any English courses, etc. because I'm an engineering student.
Quote from: Dihan on November 27, 2012, 02:44AM
I do find reading plays fun. Writing is less fun but it's something I have to do.
See I love writing, unless I have a prompt or something stupid to stick too.
@Hyperman, I dislike reading anything that I dont like too, which is almost every book we read in school, but Shakespeare has been pretty fun to read.
I dont really mind a prompt, but I do like writing alot. Helps me improve my english etc.
EDIT : I'm playing Pokemon black 2 atm, love the improvements, the games really needed it :/
Anyone know Professor Layton and 999? (both DS) I just finished playing Mask of Miracle and I'm getting Zero escape : Virtue's last reward, good people die (say that 10 times fast) for Christmas, totally hyped :D
I'm getting Virtue's Last Reward for Christmas too. The original never came out over here though.
I haven't written a thing in so long. I had a series of super-hero fiction stories I'd update once every week, now I haven't written anything on the new story (feels like I hit a brick wall.)
The writing I'm doing isn't creative, it's academic. It's not that interesting unless you like London city comedies between the late 1590s and the mid 1600s.
I've been doing some pixel art recently. Is the off-topic forum the right place to post it? >.>
I'm pretty sure.
About writing: I write poems; I've written like 5-6 in the last few months. I enjoy it, but recently, it gave me more pain, than joy :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 29, 2012, 07:58AM
I'm pretty sure.
About writing: I write poems; I've written like 5-6 in the last few months. I enjoy it, but recently, it gave me more pain, than joy :D
I would love to read some of your poems! :)
Today's my first time not being home for my birthday...
I haven't released anything in a while and I was on a spree. But it's due to my emigration and immigration to USA lol. I'm leaving ye ole Holland tomorrow, packed with 2 suitcases and a laptop stuffed with all my modding stuff (at least all I could find on my pc)
Quote from: Hyperman360 on November 29, 2012, 09:04PM
Today's my first time not being home for my birthday...
Ahh :( Happy Birthday! I hope you are handleing it well, I know how it feels to not have someone here for a birthday or holiday, my sister has been in college for 3 years now and hasn't been here for her birthday all 3 years, and she missed Christmas last year which is really huge because we always wake up together on Christmas, and it was really hard with her not here. I'm sure your family understands why you can't be there.
@Marvintage, Are you excited to be coming to the USA? I mean I know you have been here before and all, or been there, you know what I mean.
I'll be alone with my mum this Christmas because my Gran is going to Australia to see my aunty, uncle and cousins, my dad is in work in Norway and my brother moved out this summer. My brother and I take it in turns to wake each other up on Christmas day but he won't be here this year.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 29, 2012, 09:30PM
Ahh :( Happy Birthday! I hope you are handleing it well, I know how it feels to not have someone here for a birthday or holiday, my sister has been in college for 3 years now and hasn't been here for her birthday all 3 years, and she missed Christmas last year which is really huge because we always wake up together on Christmas, and it was really hard with her not here. I'm sure your family understands why you can't be there.
Thanks, MP. Yeah, it's not that they don't understand (it's because of college) but it's just kind of sad that I don't get to spend it with them this year. My baby sister's birthday is in 3 days, so I also feel kind of bad that I don't get to be there for that either. I'm glad I at least get to go home for Christmas.
Quote from: Marvintage on November 29, 2012, 09:28PM
I haven't released anything in a while and I was on a spree. But it's due to my emigration and immigration to USA lol. I'm leaving ye ole Holland tomorrow, packed with 2 suitcases and a laptop stuffed with all my modding stuff (at least all I could find on my pc)
Awesome! Excited to live in the fattest country of the world? (We're #1!)
Happy Sinterklaas to all our resident Nederlanders! My dad has spent so much time working in the Netherlands that we recognise the day in our family :P
Haha, thanks Dihan, and there goes my only fellow dutchmen, have fun immigrating Marvin xD
Well, tomorrow is the name day for Nicholas in Hungary and we recognize that day as the official "Saint Nick's day". You could say Santa Claus day. On this day, the children usually put a nice and clean boot in the window, so that good ol' Nick could fill it with candy. It's like America's socks on Christmas day :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 05, 2012, 12:58PM
Well, tomorrow is the name day for Nicholas in Hungary and we recognize that day as the official "Saint Nick's day". You could say Santa Claus day. On this day, the children usually put a nice and clean boot in the window, so that good ol' Nick could fill it with candy. It's like America's socks on Christmas day :D
My dad always talked about this, he lived in Germany when he was a kid and they did this, but they put their shoe outside and if they were bad, the "bad Santa" whom I forgot his name, puts a twig or switch, or a piece of coal in your shoe.
To get you into that holiday cheer!
Ha Ha, I love it!
Quote from: Hyperman360 on November 30, 2012, 03:34PM
Awesome! Excited to live in the fattest country of the world? (We're #1!)
Yes, very excited!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 05, 2012, 03:38PM
My dad always talked about this, he lived in Germany when he was a kid and they did this, but they put their shoe outside and if they were bad, the "bad Santa" whom I forgot his name, puts a twig or switch, or a piece of coal in your shoe.
Well, that thing about bad children is a tradition here too, althought we don't have a good or bad Santa, the same ol' Nick does the dirty work too :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 05, 2012, 03:38PM
My dad always talked about this, he lived in Germany when he was a kid and they did this, but they put their shoe outside and if they were bad, the "bad Santa" whom I forgot his name, puts a twig or switch, or a piece of coal in your shoe.
I remember that I knew the whole Santa Claus thing was fake when I was a kid, but I remember thinking that if he were real, it might be a good idea for everyone to be slightly bad so there would be more coal in the world.
After reading AvX, I was left completely confused about the Phoenix's status. Did Hope and Wanda destroy the Phoenix or did they banish it ( Send it to the White Hot Room or somewhere ) ?
Because I don't think it can be destroyed at all. I mean, it's a cosmic being, and said to be the source of all psionic energy. Wouldn't its destruction cause all psychic's to lose their powers or something.
Quote from: White Queen on December 07, 2012, 07:51AM
After reading AvX, I was left completely confused about the Phoenix's status. Did Hope and Wanda destroy the Phoenix or did they banish it ( Send it to the White Hot Room or somewhere ) ?
Because I don't think it can be destroyed at all. I mean, it's a cosmic being, and said to be the source of all psionic energy. Wouldn't its destruction cause all psychic's to lose their powers or something.
This is what marvel wikia says.
The Avengers fought Summers around the world with the help of the X-Men and Nova, as well as trying to contain the chaos the gigantic force produced around Earth, but who finally managed to defeat him were Scarlet Witch and Hope, the Phoenix left Scott and possessed Hope, but she managed to control it, repairing all the damage Scott caused on the planet, and finally, using the powers of the Scarlet Witch to manipulate reality, she destroyed the Phoenix Force with a final blast of energy which caused millions of people around Earth to manifest mutant powers.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 07, 2012, 09:15AM
This is what marvel wikia says.
The Avengers fought Summers around the world with the help of the X-Men and Nova, as well as trying to contain the chaos the gigantic force produced around Earth, but who finally managed to defeat him were Scarlet Witch and Hope, the Phoenix left Scott and possessed Hope, but she managed to control it, repairing all the damage Scott caused on the planet, and finally, using the powers of the Scarlet Witch to manipulate reality, she destroyed the Phoenix Force with a final blast of energy which caused millions of people around Earth to manifest mutant powers.
Well Im hoping the Phoenix Force isn't destroyed :C I want the actual Jean to return eventually.
Quote from: White Queen on December 07, 2012, 09:16AM
Well Im hoping the Phoenix Force isn't destroyed :C I want the actual Jean to return eventually.
Knowing Marvel it will turn up again somewhere sometime. Nothing is ever dead or gone in that universe. It is just how long something is gone.
I think Jean is already set to return in the Marvel NOW relaunch.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on December 08, 2012, 08:30AM
I think Jean is already set to return in the Marvel NOW relaunch.
She has returned but not the actual Jean. The Jean from the Past. I have read the first three issues of All New X-Men.
Quote from: White Queen on December 08, 2012, 08:34AM
She has returned but not the actual Jean. The Jean from the Past. I have read the first three issues of All New X-Men.
I think he maybe meant the real Jean, but technically the young Jean is the real Jean. I am just happy to see Jean back even if it isn't the current timeline one.
Today it was my last day on school, everybody was crying. But was a happy moment. Now goodbye school and hello college. :'(
Well, congrats or something (I'm not sure if you are OK with it) :) I can't wait to finish High school myself
Quote from: Owl City on December 12, 2012, 05:03AM
Today it was my last day on school, everybody was crying. But was a happy moment. Now goodbye school and hello college. :'(
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 12, 2012, 06:25AM
Well, congrats or something (I'm not sure if you are OK with it) :) I can't wait to finish High school myself
When I finished high school back in May, I was the only one who was really unemotional.
Congratulations to Marvin on getting married. I hope your day was great and I wish you all the best for the rest of your life. :)
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 12, 2012, 06:25AM
Well, congrats or something (I'm not sure if you are OK with it) :) I can't wait to finish High school myself
Oh you said! I am sick of High-school and the drama, now I know there is drama everywhere but I really hate school. Im in high school now and you cant pay me enough to even consider staying any longer then I have to.
And congrats Marvin (Blaw) On getting married so happy for you and the lucky lady :D
Yep, congrats to Marv' :D Have a lot of love-and-laughter :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 12, 2012, 09:10AM
Oh you said! I am sick of High-school and the drama, now I know there is drama everywhere but I really hate school. Im in high school now and you cant pay me enough to even consider staying any longer then I have to.
Tell me about it....In Hungary, the school system is messed up pretty bad. We are somewhere along the lines of "You wanna learn after high school? Pay us more money, than your whole family's worth!"
Believe me, Hungary is at the brink of another revolution (Like back in 1848...but this time, we are not going to go up against two of the biggest powers of the age, but our own leaders....)
Congratulations, Marvintage!
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 12, 2012, 05:07PM
Tell me about it....In Hungary, the school system is messed up pretty bad. We are somewhere along the lines of "You wanna learn after high school? Pay us more money, than your whole family's worth!"
Believe me, Hungary is at the brink of another revolution (Like back in 1848...but this time, we are not going to go up against two of the biggest powers of the age, but our own leaders....)
Well that's sounds horrible! I hope everything is going ok for you :) Don't want anything bad happening to you!
Well, I'm not afraid. I know my people, they are too lazy to do anything against our lovely government. But they do use every time on their hand to hate them :D
Yet another US school shooting... 26 died, most of which 5-10 year old kids. It's disgusting what these kind of people can inflict on others.
Thanks guys! I feel like a new man ^_^ . Will eventually get back to modding after the honeymoon and quality time n stuff :P
And condolences to the people who lost their loved ones in Connecticut
The death of children is one of the highest tragedies possible. Condolences to everyone in CT.
Okay so everybody at my school is all freaking out because of the 21st.
So what do you guys think, do you think the world will really end this Friday?
For me, I don't think so.
Quote from: Me on December 18, 2012, 11:01AM
Okay so everybody at my school is all freaking out because of the 21st.
So what do you guys think, do you think the world will really end this Friday?
For me, I don't think so.
Honestly I really want to believe it wont, but there is a little part inside me that believes it might. I am gonna be home alone on Friday and I know I am gonna be a bit paranoid. I really don't think anything is gonna happen but, it still freaks me out. My dad told me about 2012 when I was a kid, before the movie before anyone really even knew about it, and it scared me to death. I just wish somehow I never even knew about it and still didn't know about it because that would make things easier. I don't think its the fact that the world may or may not end, but that I will be here by myself wondering all day freaking myself out haha.
Actually the end of the world would have happened a couple of years ago, I read something about leap years weren't even thought of at the time the "prediction" was made.
So no, I don't think the world will end.
I mean the world was supposed to end lots of times Y-2K, the Rapture which I believe has been predicted more then once. And a whole lot more
Most believe this to be the real end of the world 10100 (100 being an exponent) The heat death of the universe is a suggested ultimate fate of the universe, in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain motion or life.
But I mean basically the world starts going down hill before that.
500,000,000 - The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will drop, making Earth uninhabitable.
5,000,000,000 - The end of our Sun's current phase of development, after which it will swell into a red giant, either swallowing the Earth or at least completely scorching it. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that the earth will be destroyed around this time. However, as the Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth may become too hot for life in only a billion years' time.
22,000,000,000 - The Big Rip theory predicts that the entire universe will eventually be progressively torn apart by its continual expansion. One hypothetical example of the theory places the end in approximately 22 billion years time.
The world isn't just going to suddenly end in two days time.
I swear for the universe sake
Deep down, people just want this world to end. I mean, it's basic human nature. That explains why do people predict or even think about stuff like this. Me? I believe, that this day won't be the end, because it can't just happen all of a sudden. On the other hand, if strange stuff starts to happen, I'm gonna cry until I fall asleep :D But really, people should just live their lives, do something meaningful and awesome. I also blame the thought of carpe diem for humanity's stupid ideas :D I mean, just live your life, do what you have to and don't even think about dying or death. Just live :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 18, 2012, 04:10PM
I mean the world was supposed to end lots of times Y-2K, the Rapture which I believe has been predicted more then once. And a whole lot more
Most believe this to be the real end of the world 10100 (100 being an exponent) The heat death of the universe is a suggested ultimate fate of the universe, in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain motion or life.
But I mean basically the world starts going down hill before that.
500,000,000 - The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will drop, making Earth uninhabitable.
5,000,000,000 - The end of our Sun's current phase of development, after which it will swell into a red giant, either swallowing the Earth or at least completely scorching it. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that the earth will be destroyed around this time. However, as the Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth may become too hot for life in only a billion years' time.
22,000,000,000 - The Big Rip theory predicts that the entire universe will eventually be progressively torn apart by its continual expansion. One hypothetical example of the theory places the end in approximately 22 billion years time.
*Hiss* MATH!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 19, 2012, 05:02AM
Hahaha, math is my least favorite subject.
Yeah, I'm not good at math at all. Never was good at it; I enjoyed art, history, language, and science.
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on December 19, 2012, 06:07AM
Yeah, I'm not good at math at all. Never was good at it; I enjoyed art, history, language, and science.
Yup those are the ones I enjoy, except for maybe Science
If the world does end, then....Dinkleberg!
Couple things, I've managed to miss a great conversation.
1. Math is a good subject for me, but Computer Science is my calling. Really not that good at everything else (except maybe English).
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 19, 2012, 06:43AM
If the world does end, then....Dinkleberg!
I love this post. In fact...
3. If the world ends, then I strongly believe Arthur Dent will survive and that the Vogons will be the ones to end the planet. Douglas Adams was a prophet and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was his prediction. For those of you who don't understand:
People of Earth, your attention please. As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less that two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.
There's no point in acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning department on Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you've had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it's far too late to start making a fuss about it now. What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? For heaven's sake mankind, it's only four light years away you know. I'm sorry, but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that's your own lookout.
I don't know, apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all.
God I love Douglas Adams!
I don't actually believe the world is going to end tomorrow, but I'm going to live it up just a bit today anyways :3
It's the 21st in Australia and New Zealand now. Everything is fine.
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 19, 2012, 06:43AM
If the world does end, then....Dinkleberg!
I'm actually getting a bit more....paranoid because of this end of the world thing....On the other hand, I just started to play with Saints Row The Third Full Package and I love every second of it. I say, let the "Christmas Carnage Video Game Extravaganza" begin!
Tomorrow: Dude Love, Mankind and Cactus Jack vs. The Undertaker (97-98), The Undertaker (Modern) and The Undertaker (Ministry)
God, I love the holidays!
Quote from: Suigetsu on December 20, 2012, 05:40AM
I'm actually getting a bit more....paranoid because of this end of the world thing....On the other hand, I just started to play with Saints Row The Third Full Package and I love every second of it. I say, let the "Christmas Carnage Video Game Extravaganza" begin!
Tomorrow: Dude Love, Mankind and Cactus Jack vs. The Undertaker (97-98), The Undertaker (Modern) and The Undertaker (Ministry)
God, I love the holidays!
Paranoid eh? How so?
The earth will be saved. I assumed that, cause I made a promise with a god from my religion
words of wisdom ^^ Love GLaDOS are something. Just a moment ago, I wanted come up here and write something in reference to that song :D But, oh well, one thing is certain: Again....the world is still here, we are all alive and I just got my new phone, so life is kinda cool sometimes :D
So by everyone's posts, I assume you're all living? lol
The world didn't end. You're welcome.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on December 21, 2012, 09:43AM
The world didn't end. You're welcome.
I thought I saw you somewhere before!
:D See, everyone?
"Earthrealm is FREE from destruction"
Okay, so we should make it clear: Which hero/god-like being/chosen one do we have to thank for saving us?
I thought the image I made was clear: Iron Man.
It's clearly Squirrel Girl who saved us.
I'd have to go with Big Bertha, evidence just points to her
Quote from: Dihan on December 21, 2012, 08:37PM
It's clearly Squirrel Girl who saved us.
I like Dihan's idea!
-- Flashback --
*On the 21st of December, 2012*
Jean: I can't control it!!! :O
Jean: Kill me :C
Wolverine: T_T oki *stabs Jean*
World is Saved
I like Dihan's idea. Other option is the Doctor. Of course :]
Squirrel Girl is the Doctor's companion, obviously.
I also think Supernatural's Dean and Sam had some hand in saving the world you know from the supernatural things of course
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 22, 2012, 12:02PM
I also think Supernatural's Dean and Sam had some hand in saving the world you know from the supernatural things of course
Is there anything those two can't do?
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on December 22, 2012, 12:36PM
Is there anything those two can't do?
Nope they can do anything, I was just trying to give the other helpers in saving the world credit hahaha!
Another thing. Could be Resident Evil timeline affect this
I thought I saved the world with not eating the last cookie on the plate....Oh, well...
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on December 22, 2012, 04:49PM
Another thing. Could be Resident Evil timeline affect this
I like that idea too! Haha :D
Happy New Year Everybody! :D May this year be a great one, without too much damage in our beloved comic book characters :D
Happy New Year for all of us :)
Happy new year everyone... If my premonitions were correct then may god help us all...
Happy new year to all of you :D, let it be a good one :)
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy new Years I see great happening this year for all of you
Happy new year everyone! (Sooo late to say that right now.. :D)
Also, I just uploaded a MUA Jean Grey vignette to celebrating New Year day :) (
I love it MUALover!!! The Music,the editing I love all of it!!! It makes me wanna make one For Sue When I get my PC back to normal I'm soooo gonna download it
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on January 03, 2013, 02:08PM
I love it MUALover!!! The Music,the editing I love all of it!!! It makes me wanna make one For Sue When I get my PC back to normal I'm soooo gonna download it
I agree w/ SuperNatural. Great job MUALover! On everything. If you don't mind me asking, what video editing software did you use?
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on January 03, 2013, 02:08PM
I love it MUALover!!! The Music,the editing I love all of it!!! It makes me wanna make one For Sue When I get my PC back to normal I'm soooo gonna download it
Thank you :D
Quote from: Harpua1982 on January 03, 2013, 02:39PM
I agree w/ SuperNatural. Great job MUALover! On everything. If you don't mind me asking, what video editing software did you use?
Thanks! :D I was using AVS Video Editor to edit it. :)
Yeah, cool video, MUALover!
On another note, I start my classes Wednesday, so my modding is once again going to be less frequent. I'll try to keep active on the forum though, and if I have time, I'll try to rig a model for the game once Marvintage does his rigging tutorial.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 07, 2013, 11:47AM
Yeah, cool video, MUALover!
On another note, I start my classes Wednesday, so my modding is once again going to be less frequent. I'll try to keep active on the forum though, and if I have time, I'll try to rig a model for the game once Marvintage does his rigging tutorial.
Thank you :D
Well, good luck on your class!
Amazing video MUALover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lego Marvel Super Heroes has been announced today! :D
Quote from: Dihan on January 08, 2013, 03:00PM
Lego Marvel Super Heroes has been announced today! :D
I made a topic for it,8607.0.html
I've been too busy getting hyped over the new Pokemon games to check properly :P
Quote from: Dihan on January 08, 2013, 03:21PM
I've been too busy getting hyped over the new Pokemon games to check properly :P
Haha those were mentioned in the topic too, the new X and Y games?
Yup! October can't come soon enough!
BTW, what's going on? It's only the 9th day of 2013 and so many stuff happened :D Lego Marvel Super Heroes, New Poké game on 3DS (in a 3D environment no less), the Rock returned to WWE for the Road to WrestleMania, and the list could go on. Dang, too much stuff for me at once :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 09, 2013, 12:16AM
BTW, what's going on? It's only the 9th day of 2013 and so many stuff happened :D Lego Marvel Super Heroes, New Poké game on 3DS (in a 3D environment no less), the Rock returned to WWE for the Road to WrestleMania, and the list could go on. Dang, too much stuff for me at once :D
Me too :D There's so much stuff will going to be released!
BTW, it's 29
oC here, very cold. This is a rare temperature for my country, this was never happen on the past.. :ohnoes:
Since the links to resources everywhere tend to go down, I'm making a thread in the Technical Problems section filled with backups. Please contribute if you can.,8626.0.html
WOW, looking at some of the newer and older topics on this site, I just realized, that this place is one of the most open places ever. I mean, no matter who you are, you will find people, who understand you and would talk to you about certain subjects. I find this very positive, and I am also very happy that I also opened a topic where people can openly talk. Makes me feel like I did something. Not much, but something :)
I'm feeling pretty low on self-esteem right now. I don't really know how to make myself feel happier. I guess it's partly due to loneliness as well because I haven't gone back to university yet but... I don't know. I'm not very good at talking about my feelings so it just gets all bottled up until I can't cope.
Quote from: Dihan on January 18, 2013, 06:29PM
I'm feeling pretty low on self-esteem right now. I don't really know how to make myself feel happier. I guess it's partly due to loneliness as well because I haven't gone back to university yet but... I don't know. I'm not very good at talking about my feelings so it just gets all bottled up until I can't cope.
Thats how I am, I bottled them up for a very long time and just last semester I had a major break down it was horrible. But I am pretty good about talking about my feelings on here.
Self-esteem seems to be a major issue nowadays with people. I have problems myself. Everybody needs to find something, that gives them a little boost.
I like to think I'm smarter than other people. So I never end up with low self-esteem.
Okay, so I heard, that in the new Superman movie, Jimmy is a female, with black hair and Lois is a redhead. Are these things true? It starts to smell like X-Men Origins: Wolverine to me :D
But then...Superman would have a romance with.....Jimmy? xD
I can't see this happen, DC tends to be a bit more accurate comic-wise when it comes to movies, its probally just a stupid rumor
EDIT : Appereantly, its Jenny Olsen (its still a variant on Jimmy though, he doesn't show up in the movie) , but...Lois seems to be a redhead....Im still crossing my fingers that this is a rumor, I just dont see the point of changing 2 perfect characters :P
Okay, so when will they announce that Luthor is the brother of Clark Kent, who is not an alien, but a military experiment? :D It can happen :D
I banged this chick this morning, was pretty great.
Indeed she was.
WOW, well that's a post I wanted to read for some time now :D
I have no clue how to respond to this conversation.
You're not the only one hyperman, not the only one 0.o
Quote from: DJay Saint on January 23, 2013, 05:23PM
I banged this chick this morning, was pretty great.
was she awake yet? :p
@Hyperman and Polygone, thats why I didn't post anything haha!
midnight, where do these signature animated pictures come from? They are kinda familiar, but I don't know why
Quote from: DJay Saint on January 23, 2013, 05:23PM
I banged this chick this morning, was pretty great.
Quote from: Dihan on January 23, 2013, 06:18PM
Quote from: RoMunroe on January 24, 2013, 02:01PM
was she awake yet? :p
What on earth do you guys talking about? I'm a little kid here..
Nah, just kidding. I suppose it must be feels great, DJay Saint :D
My response was in a "too much information" kind of way! :P
I was actually being kind of snarky with it.
Let's be honest, it isn't like anyone cares who banged who when. Dj could have been kidding.....or he could have been pipedreaming into the thread. Either way, the old rule applies....if you have to tell strangers what you banged, you might not have banged anyone at all.
So is there anyone feeling some type of way about something else ?
My 2 year old nephew called me Uncle today for the first time, I feel absolutely awesome today.
Quote from: RoMunroe on January 25, 2013, 04:46AM
I was actually being kind of snarky with it.
Let's be honest, it isn't like anyone cares who banged who when. Dj could have been kidding.....or he could have been pipedreaming into the thread. Either way, the old rule applies....if you have to tell strangers what you banged, you might not have banged anyone at all.
Honestly, I think Djay Saint is not kidding. :D
Quote from: RoMunroe on January 25, 2013, 04:46AM
My 2 year old nephew called me Uncle today for the first time, I feel absolutely awesome today.
Congratulations for that, Ro! ;)
I am feeling hungry.
Quote from: Dihan on January 25, 2013, 06:33AM
I am feeling hungry.
Me too
I'm feeling hungry but a little bit full :D
Quote from: RoMunroe on January 25, 2013, 04:46AM
I was actually being kind of snarky with it.
Let's be honest, it isn't like anyone cares who banged who when. Dj could have been kidding.....or he could have been pipedreaming into the thread. Either way, the old rule applies....if you have to tell strangers what you banged, you might not have banged anyone at all.
So is there anyone feeling some type of way about something else ?
My 2 year old nephew called me Uncle today for the first time, I feel absolutely awesome today.
Angry much?
Awww now I hate being home and not at work. Is odd how things change from time to time. And I have a BIG crush on my manager there, I know its wrong but god I hate my stupid feelings!!! I don't know before I always loved being alone, now I can stand it I feel bored and lame. Anyways IDK what it is but when I get a crush on someone I honestly could say they always like me back. Like this guy for example is supposedly married, but these signs and my radar tell me its all I lie. IDK I can't stop thinking about him even when I try to do something to distract me.... Nothing freakin' works!!! And sometimes I daze out and my boyfriend notices and he thinks I'm hiding something. And I tell myself to just tell my manager but when I see him sometimes we have a really good time but other times I act stupid and rude to him like I don't like him at all and yesterday I was screaming at him for no good reason and I felt horrible before leaving... So it was 400 when he came in yesterday, I notice right away but and instead of at least greeting him I went to my other employees and greeted them. He rushly went up to me and ask how I was doing, and I was like yeah yeah yeah. I start chatting with other employees and right before I was leaving yesterday he ask me to do something and I yelled at him telling him I was going home(IDK where that came from) and he was like "then leave" and I was like "I will" I saw his face and man he looked butt hurt.
Sorry for writing so much but this topic is called how do you feel? and right now I feel horrible.... :( god loves sucks for gays.
@Suigetsu they all the warp evolutions from the original digimon from the new PSP game only in japan. (I'm a big fan and I was so happy when I saw they finally made the warp evolutions for the other 6 original)
Quote from: edward on January 25, 2013, 01:12PM
Awww now I hate being home and not at work. Is odd how things change from time to time. And I have a BIG crush on my manager there, I know its wrong but god I hate my stupid feelings!!! I don't know before I always loved being alone, now I can stand it I feel bored and lame. Anyways IDK what it is but when I get a crush on someone I honestly could say they always like me back. Like this guy for example is supposedly married, but these signs and my radar tell me its all I lie. IDK I can't stop thinking about him even when I try to do something to distract me.... Nothing freakin' works!!! And sometimes I daze out and my boyfriend notices and he thinks I'm hiding something. And I tell myself to just tell my manager but when I see him sometimes we have a really good time but other times I act stupid and rude to him like I don't like him at all and yesterday I was screaming at him for no good reason and I felt horrible before leaving... So it was 400 when he came in yesterday, I notice right away but and instead of at least greeting him I went to my other employees and greeted them. He rushly went up to me and ask how I was doing, and I was like yeah yeah yeah. I start chatting with other employees and right before I was leaving yesterday he ask me to do something and I yelled at him telling him I was going home(IDK where that came from) and he was like "then leave" and I was like "I will" I saw his face and man he looked butt hurt.
Sorry for writing so much but this topic is called how do you feel? and right now I feel horrible.... :( god loves sucks for gays.
@Suigetsu they all the warp evolutions from the original digimon from the new PSP game only in japan. (I'm a big fan and I was so happy when I saw they finally made the warp evolutions for the other 6 original)
Not only gays, love can suck in general. But yeah, we have some extra roadblocks to bash our heads through. Just make sure you know where your lines are drawn, anything beyond that could go south very quickly.....
And I thought they were digimon, i remember seeing that rose headed one in one of those animes.
Quote from: DJay Saint on January 25, 2013, 01:01PM
Angry much?
I'm not sure where you figure there's anger in anything I said. We don't know each other to the point where that's even a possibility.
I'm feeling like I want a burrito but Taco Bell is like half-hour away.
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 24, 2013, 10:29PM
midnight, where do these signature animated pictures come from? They are kinda familiar, but I don't know why
I got them on Tumblr, and they are of Rosemon and Ophanimon they are from the new Digimon PSP game based off of the very first season, and in the game they gave everyone their mega levels and animated them to look like they would have on the show.
Quote from: edward on January 25, 2013, 01:12PM
Awww now I hate being home and not at work. Is odd how things change from time to time. And I have a BIG crush on my manager there, I know its wrong but god I hate my stupid feelings!!! I don't know before I always loved being alone, now I can stand it I feel bored and lame. Anyways IDK what it is but when I get a crush on someone I honestly could say they always like me back. Like this guy for example is supposedly married, but these signs and my radar tell me its all I lie. IDK I can't stop thinking about him even when I try to do something to distract me.... Nothing freakin' works!!! And sometimes I daze out and my boyfriend notices and he thinks I'm hiding something. And I tell myself to just tell my manager but when I see him sometimes we have a really good time but other times I act stupid and rude to him like I don't like him at all and yesterday I was screaming at him for no good reason and I felt horrible before leaving... So it was 400 when he came in yesterday, I notice right away but and instead of at least greeting him I went to my other employees and greeted them. He rushly went up to me and ask how I was doing, and I was like yeah yeah yeah. I start chatting with other employees and right before I was leaving yesterday he ask me to do something and I yelled at him telling him I was going home(IDK where that came from) and he was like "then leave" and I was like "I will" I saw his face and man he looked butt hurt.
Sorry for writing so much but this topic is called how do you feel? and right now I feel horrible.... :( god loves sucks for gays.
@Suigetsu they all the warp evolutions from the original digimon from the new PSP game only in japan. (I'm a big fan and I was so happy when I saw they finally made the warp evolutions for the other 6 original)
Yay I am glad I am not the only one excited about this game and that the other 6 got their mega levels! I hope they port the game to other countries so everyone else can join in on the fun!
And I am sorry about all that :( I hope you work it out with him!
Quote from: RoMunroe on January 25, 2013, 01:28PMI'm not sure where you figure there's anger in anything I said. We don't know each other to the point where that's even a possibility.
Was referring to the childish remarks that you apparently felt oh so necessary to say.
Thanks guys for telling me that Digimon thing. I knew I saw those things somewhere before.
Um....BTW, is there a feud here between DJ and Ro? It seems like it :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 26, 2013, 12:08AM
Um....BTW, is there a feud here between DJ and Ro? It seems like it :D
I hardly think so.
Quote from: DJay Saint on January 25, 2013, 07:10PM
Was referring to the childish remarks that you apparently felt oh so necessary to say.
Writing about you banging a chick, I suppose in your world, is no less childish? And then replying "angry much". You took offense to what I said, but you post in a forum where open discussion, as far as I can tell, is allowed. That's your problem not mine. You put it out there, deal with whatever response comes.
Aside the fact that nowhere in anything I said was there anything offensive....So I'm guessing you're THAT type, huh?
Well I wasn't born yesterday, so if you want to come at me, please do, because I can return the favor tenfold.
Other than that I suggest we do the grown up thing and leave it be
now. I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm not apologizing either for something you chose to get butt hurt about.
Don't take yourself so seriously.
Okay, stop it, both of you.. I'm not trying to offend you guys. Don't take it so seriously. Pretend it as a fun activity (banging)
RoMunroe and DjSaint, now would be a good time to stop.
You've had a disagreement, and made your respective points, so there is nothing to be gained from continuing this publicly.
If you absolutely must continue, do so via PM or email.
This is not a place for feuds, flame wars or one-up-manship.
By all means discuss, disagree and argue many topics, but the topics of discussion cannot be the other posters, except in a positive way.
Personal attacks or comments about other posters will not be tolerated.
If you dislike each other intensely, just do your best to ignore or not read the other persons posts. If possible, strive to not reply to each others posts.
If you feel someone has crossed a line, please report it to the moderators and admins, who will deal with it.
Feel free to ignore me, at which point I will start deleting offending posts. Proceed beyond that point and I will be inclined towards temporary bans. And so on.
Please and thank you.
Agreed. Enough is enough.
Quote from: Dihan on January 26, 2013, 04:54AM
Agreed. Enough is enough.
I wholeheartedly agree, which is why i said my piece and left it at that. I like this site and some of the people I have met too much to get nasty in troll like fashion.
Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on January 26, 2013, 02:33AM
RoMunroe and DjSaint, now would be a good time to stop.
You've had a disagreement, and made your respective points, so there is nothing to be gained from continuing this publicly.
If you absolutely must continue, do so via PM or email.
This is not a place for feuds, flame wars or one-up-manship.
By all means discuss, disagree and argue many topics, but the topics of discussion cannot be the other posters, except in a positive way.
Personal attacks or comments about other posters will not be tolerated.
If you dislike each other intensely, just do your best to ignore or not read the other persons posts. If possible, strive to not reply to each others posts.
If you feel someone has crossed a line, please report it to the moderators and admins, who will deal with it.
Feel free to ignore me, at which point I will start deleting offending posts. Proceed beyond that point and I will be inclined towards temporary bans. And so on.
Please and thank you.
Well put, friend.
DJay Saint, not to be a real downer or anything, but a lot of members are kids here, so referring to the post that started all this, maybe we could try to keep it PG-13, especially in this thread?
Whatevs. Guess I just won't post anything since people take things too seriously and want to look for an argument about it. Posting in a random thread about "how do you feel", someone makes a negative post about what I said, and I'm the bad guy in it? At least I wasn't negatively impacting anyone or talking Chocolate egg about them going "lolz u probably never get laids!" like someone else did who I won't name. If it makes you feel better then I guess, as long as it helps you sleep at night.
However I don't appreciate the internet tough guy act and the rampant circle-jerk shoulder crying after the fact, pretending to be the victim. If people are going to say something negative to someone else, be a man about it and stop hiding behind your computer and forum mods. Just saying.
Delete this post if you want, I don't really care. I like Tommy and Dihan because of my history here at this forum, so I won't say anything else about this topic due to their request. Now I'VE said MY piece about it.
Thank you. :)
I'm feeling lazy right now because tomorrow I have to go to school :D
Me to! xD Oh well, school ain't that bad when you do nothing xd
School wouldn't bug me so bad if they didn't require us to take Gym, I hate gym with a burning passion.
i just dont understand how its neccasary, like, If I wanna excercise, I excercise, dont need school telling me what to do :P
Quote from: Polygone on January 27, 2013, 12:37PM
i just dont understand how its neccasary, like, If I wanna excercise, I excercise, dont need school telling me what to do :P
I actually liked gym, until they had us climb that damn rope. They acted as if it was some right of passage. I tried once, and refused forever after that lol
Quote from: Polygone on January 27, 2013, 12:37PM
i just dont understand how its neccasary, like, If I wanna excercise, I excercise, dont need school telling me what to do :P
Exactly, and I am sorry but if your trying to teach us stuff that we can use in life, I will never use what I learned in gym in my life. I know how to excercise, but I dont like playing sports, so thanks for nothing Gym. You have wasted one period of my life for years now!
I support you Midnight. I despise Gym ( almost as much as Math ).
And I find it an unnecessary subject/period.
I feel kinda the same way about Math ( or the current Math we're learning, which I don't understand, when in my life will I ever use that, the whole X, Y, pie or whatever stuff >.> )
I feel like Gym and Math ( Math from 8th Grade onwards ) should be optional ( or at least just Gym )
Quote from: White Queen on January 27, 2013, 05:38PM
I support you Midnight. I despise Gym ( almost as much as Math ).
And I find it an unnecessary subject/period.
I feel kinda the same way about Math ( or the current Math we're learning, which I don't understand, when in my life will I ever use that, the whole X, Y, pie or whatever stuff >.> )
I feel like Gym and Math ( Math from 8th Grade onwards ) should be optional ( or at least just Gym )
Agreed! Now I totally understand why they are teaching this to us, they want us to be smart and know things in life, but honestly like you said this math is pointless, it just expands on everything else we know already and then they throw in some other things too. We need to know the basics and the rest of it is stupid, our teacher even told us that we will never use any of this stuff unless we become a math teacher.
Our school is really strict on the whole gym thing too. They get mad if anyone even thinks they will find away to not take gym, I understand its a pretty easy credit to get, but when you hate it as much as some people do you really wonder why you even bother showing up. I mean my teacher doesnt even care if you just stand there and do nothing but I hate it to the point that I dont even want to stand there and act like I want to play sports. And dont get me wrong I am not unhealthy, I could eat better sure, but I just hate gym and sports in general, I don't even watch any sport on TV or anything thats how much I dislike them, and my family loves sports, I just wish it was an elective so that we could take it if we wanted too but we that we aren't required too.
Yes, gym felt like a huge waste of time. As for math, you wouldn't believe how useful it will be, especially if you're either doing some sort of science or engineering. Even subjects like Economics include things like statistics.
That's not to say I enjoy it most of the time. It bores me.
I'd rather studying than gym / doing sports :D
Quote from: MUALover on January 27, 2013, 08:49PM
I'd rather studying than gym / doing sports :D
Agreed 100%
@Hyperman, I understand what your talking about. I know it can be useful but you have to do something with it to make it useful, and I dont plan on doing anything with it honestly. I'm not an economics fan, or science haha. I know they all have their uses and that all classes teach you something that you will use but they also have a-lot that you will most likely never use.
And speaking of Gym, I also hate changing in the locker room, I never liked it, its just weird ya know? At least for me I dont like being in a small isle of lockers crammed with people. It's strange because I don't care what people think of me, but I am really self consious which makes no sense I know haha, plus I have a ton of stretch marks on my back and I just hate it when people stare at me. I'm just full of weird.
Gym is understandable. It's exercise for the body. It's never a problem. Althought, normally we only play football (Soccer for some, but meh, it's football).
Classes like biology, chemistry and such, now those should be optional! :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 27, 2013, 09:13PM
@Hyperman, I understand what your talking about. I know it can be useful but you have to do something with it to make it useful, and I dont plan on doing anything with it honestly. I'm not an economics fan, or science haha. I know they all have their uses and that all classes teach you something that you will use but they also have a-lot that you will most likely never use.
Understandable. Do you have an idea of what you'd like to do after high school?
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 28, 2013, 02:54PM
Understandable. Do you have an idea of what you'd like to do after high school?
I used to want to be a teacher, but now I know I don't really want to do that. I don't see college in my direct after school future, it may come but I am not to sure. I love to write and I am currently working on a "book" at the moment, I use the term book loosely because It's more of a rough draft currently, but I am not to sure otherwise.
Writing a book might be a bit hard; I hear it's tough to find a publisher.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 28, 2013, 04:27PM
Writing a book might be a bit hard; I hear it's tough to find a publisher.
Oh well, if it's a bit difficult to do what you love I will take it regardless.
It used to be difficult but sadly we're in the age where any old rubbish can be sold electronically on things like Kindles.
Quote from: Dihan on January 28, 2013, 05:57PM
It used to be difficult but sadly we're in the age where any old rubbish can be sold electronically on things like Kindles.
See I don't like Kindles, they just bug me, if I want to read a book I want to hold it and flip thep ages myself, otherwise it's just not the same.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 28, 2013, 04:27PM
Writing a book might be a bit hard; I hear it's tough to find a publisher.
It's always been tough, even before ebooks and what not. Most people self publish their books before a bigger publisher hires them. I don't think it's any more tougher now than it was about thirty years ago.
May I have an opinion? I don't like it. I like this, myself:
Quote from: DJay Saint on January 29, 2013, 12:22AM
Lol!! YOLO = You Only Live Once :rofl: BTW, this is a good video, and music IMO :)
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 29, 2013, 08:19AM
May I have an opinion? I don't like it. I like this, myself:
That is a hard rock music for sure!!! :rockon: I like this, but mainly because the video makes no sense.
And because I have walked some of the streets in it
Time to swing!
Quote from: Dihan on January 29, 2013, 01:30PM
Time to swing!
Agent Romanoff, you miss me?
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 29, 2013, 04:25PM
Agent Romanoff, you miss me?
Nice ;)
speaking of soundtracks <3 <3
I know this is only the "loop" but I hotdamnit if it didnt make me watch the trailer over and over again.
The batman one is awesome!
Resident evil Retribution had an awesome soundtrack or at least I thought so and probably one of the best intros to a movie Ive ever seen.
Here's an awesome song from the movie:
Here's the intro, with the same song ^:
All of them is looking great! ;)
For those who enjoying Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, and a Harry Potter fan, you will know this song : (
IMO, this is the best masterpiece ever made (I'm a HP fan :D)
Remember that guy CB Cebulski in the game? The one who Weasel is supposed to talk to for info? Turns out he's named after an actual person!
Quote from: MUALover on January 29, 2013, 04:45PM
All of them is looking great! ;)
For those who enjoying Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, and a Harry Potter fan, you will know this song : (
IMO, this is the best masterpiece ever made (I'm a HP fan :D)
;D Dear, Ive been listening to this and "Statues" this entire month :P
And I have to agree, it is a masterpiece, though personally I find Statues better ;D
:( sheesh, i can't believe in Superior Spidey #2 that Petey's luck is not as lucky as Ock's
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 31, 2013, 07:42AM
:( sheesh, i can't believe in Superior Spidey #2 that Petey's luck is not as lucky as Ock's
I only have one word for this issue: ARGH!!!
I mean really? M.J. can't see that it's not Peter, but (surprise, surprise) Carlie can? I mean M.J. figured out that Chameleon was posing as Peter just by his behavior alone so why not here? It's kind of infuriating that Slott is writing her like she's kind of dumb.
And the "Spock" scene where he's using Pete's memories was......Ick.
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 31, 2013, 07:42AM
:( sheesh, i can't believe in Superior Spidey #2 that Petey's luck is not as lucky as Ock's
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on January 31, 2013, 09:35AM
I only have one word for this issue: ARGH!!!
I mean really? M.J. can't see that it's not Peter, but (surprise, surprise) Carlie can? I mean M.J. figured out that Chameleon was posing as Peter just by his behavior alone so why not here? It's kind of infuriating that Slott is writing her like she's kind of dumb.
And the "Spock" scene where he's using Pete's memories was......Ick.
Come on, I haven't even gotten 700 yet!
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 31, 2013, 11:33AM
Come on, I haven't even gotten 700 yet!
Dammit, I did it again didn't I? Sorry. :(
Damnit I really have to get back to modding. I have enough time for months but I haven't gotten to it yet x(. I got hooked on Star Wars the Old Republic, such an epic game. It's better than WoW imo.
I just found out one of my mmos is ending, probably will login one last time to say goodbye to my characters. And then return to modding.
Edit: I haven't really been playing it, but I spent money on it. Now I guess I know how alot of online gamers feel. It was also my first mmo so it cuts deeper than it should.
Edit: I haven't really been playing it, but I spent money on it. Now I guess I know how alot of online gamers feel. It was also my first mmo so it cuts deeper than it should.
Wow. Sorry to hear about that. Which game was it?
Quote from: Techon 7 on February 02, 2013, 09:30PM
I just found out one of my mmos is ending, probably will login one last time to say goodbye to my characters. And then return to modding.
Edit: I haven't really been playing it, but I spent money on it. Now I guess I know how alot of online gamers feel. It was also my first mmo so it cuts deeper than it should.
What mmo is it?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 03, 2013, 09:02AM
What mmo is it?
It is actually not shutting down, the company that owns the game has decided that they want to run it in the US and so it's going to be down a grand total of eleven days. The news that I got from the current website had not sounded hopeful at all. But I signed up for the possible account transfer, and might get hooked on it a bit after playing today.
It's called Lost Saga and is a 3-d fighting game, where heroes from past, present, future, and fantasy fight each other. The only thing I don't like is that people who just play have to constantly hire their heroes, unless they buy with real money or win them, but it's still fun for me atleast.
Quote from: Techon 7 on February 03, 2013, 05:41PM
It's called Lost Saga and is a 3-d fighting game, where heroes from past, present, future, and fantasy fight each other. The only thing I don't like is that people who just play have to constantly hire their heroes, unless they buy with real money or win them, but it's still fun for me atleast.
Ah, Lost Saga, the most played game in my country. My friends playing it until now, I'm not playing it :D I've looked at the gameplay and it looks really fun!
Anyone got any suggestions? I need to draw a superhero (muscled) for art class, First, I was really bumped and decided to go into silence mode, cause I wanted to do harley, but harley doesnt have muscles, then I decided to be ignorant, and draw Arkham City Bane xD, but I need some suggestions, preferably one of the lesser known heroes, preferably DC, but I dont really care if its Marvel :P
Anyone got Ideeaaas? (if anyone has, please post a link with a good picture of the muscles)
How about Atom Smasher?
Woah :o, that looks pretty badass xD, thanks Suigetsu :D
You are welcome, I'm happy to be of service :D
Wow, it's been a long time since I last came here. I even forgot my name here is Bubbleman. When looking at the online users list, I thought I was hidden.
You seem familiar for some reason :D
On another topic, after waiting for a long time, I saw Madagascar 3. As a movie, it's pretty mediocre, but man, is it awesome anyways! :D Somehow, this movie caught me. I haven't seen a movie, that caught me for quite some time now. That circus show part, where Katy Perry's Firework can be heard, it was just beautiful. Makes me want to go to a circus everyday. A circus like in Kaleido Star would do :D
One time I was in a chatroom from another forum and someone said "To obtain, something of equal value must be lost". I immediately remembered this forum and came back. Also, I still didn't watch Madagascar 3.
It's an awesome little movie. I hope you'll watch it, it's worth it :D
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Now you can't complain if you don't get any :D
But seriously, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :D
Ever notice the initials of Valentine's Day?
Quote from: Hyperman360 on February 14, 2013, 11:08AM
Ever notice the initials of Valentine's Day?
Venereal disease?
Vulture Diarrhoea?
Quote from: RoMunroe on February 14, 2013, 12:04PM
Venereal disease?
Yep. It's what I always think of when I think of Valentine's Day.
Maybe it's my sense of humor that causes me to be single every year...
My brother always thinks of some massacre that happened on february 14. I'm no good in History, so I can't remember what it was. BTW, why can't people be happy for eachother on this day? :D I see a lot of people hate couples and such, not cool :D
2005 perhaps?
I'm just glad Valentine's day is over tbh :P
Or it just rhymes with D-Day (
I actually love Valentine's Day. Or, to be more precise, I love loving someone. Sounds a bit strange, but that's the way I was built :D
I don't particularly hate Valentine's Day. I'm pretty much ambivalent toward it. But I love making jokes about it.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Neither are useful or necessary for life
Quote from: Dihan on February 16, 2013, 04:00AM
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Neither are useful or necessary for life
Well there aren't many words that end with violet!
Omlette rhymes with violet, no?
Roses are red,
Violets are violet,
Don't be too mad,
Can I have an omlette?
Not my best work, though :D
Roses are red
Violets are violet
Be right back
I need the toilet
Roses are red,
Violets are Violet,
If you fly a plane,
You must be a pilot.
Damn, I wish I was a totally rich guy. If I was, I would give these guys 1.000.000$. I mean, look at these stuff, it's like the ultimate game for any comic book fan:
That looks pretty dang awesome :O
Quote from: Suigetsu on February 17, 2013, 05:15AM
Damn, I wish I was a totally rich guy. If I was, I would give these guys 1.000.000$. I mean, look at these stuff, it's like the ultimate game for any comic book fan:
OMG <---speechless
Quote from: Suigetsu on February 17, 2013, 05:15AM
Damn, I wish I was a totally rich guy. If I was, I would give these guys 1.000.000$. I mean, look at these stuff, it's like the ultimate game for any comic book fan:
My God :O .... this will never run on my computer >.> T_T
Quote from: White Queen on February 17, 2013, 01:15PM
My God :O .... this will never run on my computer >.> T_T
Same. And mine's fairly decent. But this looks like an amazing idea.
They said on their kickstarter, that they plan to release the game eventually to every platform, that can run an UE4 game. That means, that this game might be available on the next-gen consoles, once they are released
Quote from: Suigetsu on February 18, 2013, 07:09AM
They said on their kickstarter, that they plan to release the game eventually to every platform, that can run an UE4 game. That means, that this game might be available on the next-gen consoles, once they are released
Right, but it's probably going to be nigh-impossible to mod on them.
Well, that's true
Was made this when I was bored :
Quote from: Suigetsu on February 17, 2013, 05:15AM
Damn, I wish I was a totally rich guy. If I was, I would give these guys 1.000.000$. I mean, look at these stuff, it's like the ultimate game for any comic book fan:
I have to buy a new video card for just trying to play this game!! :)
:huh:? that's weird. My media fire suits fine.
Wow it's a bit dead around here...
In other news my brother just got engaged!
Quote from: Dihan on March 14, 2013, 04:33PM
Wow it's a bit dead around here...
In other news my brother just got engaged!
That is exciting, congratulations to your brother :)
So I just read online that for the Resident Evil 6 PC release, which will be releasing on Steam, they have worked together with Valve and they are adding in characters from Left 4 Dead 2 into the Mercenaries mode.
I am super excited now XD
Leon vs a Witch from Left 4 Dead.
Looks cool :o
I always loved these cross-company stuff :D
Personally, I've gotten around playing with some of the newer Lego games. Have to catch up until Lego Marvel Heroes is released :D
Just ripped a Delisted DLC of MUA GE/Xbox 360 files from digiex & i might need a help from someone to test the files compatible on PC.
Founded from here:
I'm going to release the link soon until it already tested by someone.
Quote from: Suigetsu on March 16, 2013, 12:21PM
I always loved these cross-company stuff :D
Personally, I've gotten around playing with some of the newer Lego games. Have to catch up until Lego Marvel Heroes is released :D
Me too! I love crossovers they make me excited XD
The lego games are amazing, I am really excited for the Marvel Lego game!
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on March 16, 2013, 01:19PM
Just ripped a Delisted DLC of MUA GE/Xbox 360 files from digiex & i might need a help from someone to test the files compatible on PC.
Founded from here:
I'm going to release the link soon until it already tested by someone.
The DLC characters are already included with the character pack available here.
Quote from: RoMunroe on March 16, 2013, 05:14PM
The DLC characters are already included with the character pack available here.
The one i ripped is only just for asset like the way how Teancum's MUA2 Assets does & it contains an official models & huds as well, to make sure someone wants to mod it. I heard from the Admin/Moderators/Modders that someone has uploaded the Gold Edition file before me does.
Haven't been here in a while... Been ridiculously busy, so most of the stuff in my lists is currently delayed indefinitely.
They are making a 4 issue mini what if series for What if? AvX to tell how it may have gone if the Phoenix Force found a different host(s) other then Cyclops, Emma, Namor, Colossus, and Magik.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 22, 2013, 05:18PM
They are making a 4 issue mini what if series for What if? AvX to tell how it may have gone if the Phoenix Force found a different host(s) other then Cyclops, Emma, Namor, Colossus, and Magik.
Sounds like more fun skins to make XD Hoping we get more designs in the style of the Phoenix Five. Say what you want about that plot device, the designs were badass.
Quote from: DeeDooo on March 22, 2013, 06:58PM
Sounds like more fun skins to make XD Hoping we get more designs in the style of the Phoenix Five. Say what you want about that plot device, the designs were badass.
More skins are always a must! And I completely the designs were badass, the story had its ups and downs most definitely, but those costumes were awesome. I wonder if they will make a new phoenix 5 group or if they will give Hope the Phoenix force from the get-go. It seems like they are always very ballsy with What If comics, and they will do just about anything in it so we could be in store for some awesome stuff, I at least hope.
I also think it could be nice to see what would happen if they actually threw Jean Grey in the mix, or gave Scarlet Witch the Phoenix Force which were two popular rumors.
Yesterday was a sad day for me because...
My Chemical Romance broke up :bawling:
Really? Huh, didn't know of that...I like some of their songs, not too much of a fan, but it's always sad to hear about a great band breaking up.
Quote from: Me on March 23, 2013, 09:39PM
Yesterday was a sad day for me because...
My Chemical Romance broke up :bawling:
This was the saddest thing ever. My girlfriend was literally bawling for hours. I've been listening to them and watching DVD's and the likes since then :[ This makes me want to finish that Gerard Mod I was working on a while back :p
That does suck, never really listened to them much but it still sucks. Didn't the lead singer write the Umbrella Academy comics?
but anyhow, I got a job!!! YAY!! I CAN PAY FOR STUFF WITH MONEY NOW!!!
Did anyone hear that Raven (one of the companies that made MUA) released the source code for the Star Wars Jedi Knight games? I would absolutely love if they did that for MUA. It'd open up so many possibilities!
Yeah I heard that. Just like I heard about Disney ending the LucasArts developer team. But, since now anyone can license Star Wars for a game, maybe there will be a chance for a new Jedi Knight game. That would be sweet
Stadust Crusaders has been announced after watching the last of ep 26. It most likely an OVA remake of this year's anime.
So today I animated this Uncanny X-Men cover. I thought I'd share it because it's super cute ^-^
That is amazing Deedooo!
The next Batman Arkham game has been announced!
Its a shame its a prequel :(, I never really liked prequels :p
Deathstroke looks awesome though, Batman does aswell, but he never changes :P, Seems like this is the exact same style as in Arkham city, black & white with a hint of color :P
Quote from: Polygone on April 09, 2013, 09:21AM
Its a shame its a prequel :(, I never really liked prequels :p
Deathstroke looks awesome though, Batman does aswell, but he never changes :P, Seems like this is the exact same style as in Arkham city, black & white with a hint of color :P
I like prequels if they offer more information to the storyline established already, but if it's just a game/ story that happens to take place before the others and doesn't really expand on the story at all then it kind of bugs me.
I agree that they both look awesome!
Yay for new Batman! Also with the making of Origins they are making a handheld version of the game for 3DS and PSVITA. So I'm excited! New game for my 3DS!
It will probably be overrated and overshadow other equally great superhero games, but I'll play it if possible. Arkham City was great.
Batman Arkham Origins, with a functional Gotham City as the playground? Sweet
Anyone noticed the little christmas lights on Batman's pic? Could this game play during christmas or dare I say it, be realesed by Christmas?
As much as I know, the game is set around Christmas (if not on Christmas) and it will be released on October 25th. If, I remember right
BTW, I had the foolish idea, to play through the Mass Effect trilogy again, so I had to start with the first one. If I compare it to the 2nd and 3rd...I have to say, I totally hate the very 1st game :D So much harder due to my squadmates standing around and dying. Plus, Mako :D
It occurs to me that in going away to college next year I will not have a windows computer to use MUA or any other of the programs I need to mod. I'll still be able to make skins but not compile them. This makes me really sad, but now I really want to make at least three to seven (if not more!) mods this spring and over the summer. I'm sure I'll find ways to release things because I just can't stay away from the forum but it'll be harder :(
I hope you find time to come back every now and then, it wouldn't be the same on here without you!
Oh I always drop by (often refresh the page a bunch every couple minutes because it's so nice here) but I just am going to get restles not making anything. I can always send bmps to people and have them compile them for me as skins but it's just not the same :p
Some more new covers for the What if? Avengers vs X-Men series. They are pretty big so I just put the links.
I must say I really like Hope's phoenix costume, it looks like a modern Phoenix outfit. Magneto's is pretty awesome too!
It also looks like X-Force and the Uncanny Avengers are gonna have a throw down.
Those look great! *downloads into skin reference picture folder* :D
I feel like I abandoned everyone here lol. Miss ya'll. Hope everyone's doing ok! :)
I got this new job and it's practically taken over my life lol, but well worth the money. I got on Guild Wars 2 today for a bit and was talking bout how I did a few mods and stuff, so thought I'd swing by. :) I try to check in, but got so much going on anymore. Anywho, Again, hope ya'll are doin' good. <3
Quote from: DeeDooo on April 12, 2013, 06:13PM
Those look great! *downloads into skin reference picture folder* :D
Those would make awesome skins for sure!
Quote from: Scabbia on April 13, 2013, 02:51AM
I feel like I abandoned everyone here lol. Miss ya'll. Hope everyone's doing ok! :)
I got this new job and it's practically taken over my life lol, but well worth the money. I got on Guild Wars 2 today for a bit and was talking bout how I did a few mods and stuff, so thought I'd swing by. :) I try to check in, but got so much going on anymore. Anywho, Again, hope ya'll are doin' good. <3
Everyone really misses you around here! Everything you made is just amazing, and you yourself were such an amazing person! Darn real life for taking you away! haha, I am glad you have a job that pays well at least, and I hope you stop by every now and then :)
Praying For Boston! Hope everybody is safe!
Quote from: Me on April 15, 2013, 07:02PM
Praying For Boston! Hope everybody is safe!
As am I <3
However I do want to take a minute to put this in context. These few bombs in a well developed city in a first world country are going to get a hell of a lot more media coverage and the victims are going to get a lot more support than the hundreds of bombs that go off across third world countries across the middle east and africa every day (In a series of bombings in Iraq at least 31 people died and more than 200 were injured
this morning alone. I'm not trying to devalue the hardships of boston, I'm just trying to put that in perspective of the world. We should value all of the hardships and lives lost equally.
I kind of feel like that quote from the Joker applies here "You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan." But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds! "
However, to conclude, my heart still goes out to those suffering in boston and around the world.
Edit: speaking of which, if any of you are living in Venezuela, I wish you the best of luck and safety. apparently S**T is going down in rather spectacular ways. I've only heard partial bits and pieces but it seems as if the government is turning all totalitarian and burning elections and there's something of a civil war going on. So they should also be in your thoughts and hearts!
Anyone read anything about the Age of Ultron as of late? I have a feeling that this might be Marvel's Flashpoint. If not, then it's an M-Day for humanity and heroes alike. Oh, and if it's not a reboot and everything that happened stays, I'll be pissed.
Edit: After reading through some of the not-yet-released comics' synopsis, I have came to the conclusion, that this is most likely a reboot storyline. I'm pretty sure others knew this, but personally, I didn't. Sadly, the last issue of this storyline isn't released until July, so I'll have to wait quite a lot to see how things will end and begin.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 13, 2013, 07:34AM
Everyone really misses you around here! Everything you made is just amazing, and you yourself were such an amazing person! Darn real life for taking you away! haha, I am glad you have a job that pays well at least, and I hope you stop by every now and then :)
Aw, yeah, I'm stoppin by as much as I can. ^_^
A new story line called X-Men: Battle of the Atom will be happening soon, where X-Men from the future go back in time to the present to send the original X-Men back to the past.
I'm not to sure how I feel about this, I mean really, how much worse can the future get it's pretty bad as it is, which is why the original X-Men were brought there in the first place. The X-Men seem to always be making alternate F-ed up futures for themselves anyway I mean what does it really matter lets be honest. Then it will almost seem as if bringing them into the present in the first place was just a waste of time and was used as a story to hook people in. I just really hope they know what they are doing, because as of lately I'm not really sure they do with anything.
X-Men from the future coming to send the X-Men from the past back to the past from the present? Wow try explaining that to someone on the street lol.
I'd have hope/speculation this could lead to some fix ups for the main universe. I'd expect probably some kind of ressurection or something big to deal with the whole split.
Quote from: Oddark123 on April 29, 2013, 02:08PM
X-Men from the future coming to send the X-Men from the past back to the past from the present? Wow try explaining that to someone on the street lol.
I'd have hope/speculation this could lead to some fix ups for the main universe. I'd expect probably some kind of ressurection or something big to deal with the whole split.
I think the Marvel Universe needs some major fixing and damage control to be honest. While I will always be faithful to the comics I just don't like them very much anymore. Back in the 80's and before they had a certain feel and I feel like they have lost that now. But oh well what can I do :P just my opinion.
I consider it more the nature of the medium. Comics (and for another example soap operas) are often things people drop and pick up based on what happens. Some characters, events, ideas, etc. entertain more people than others. I think it's very rare to find someone who doesn't hit snags every now and then to not like it as much as you used too.
I have a habit of being either "in" or "out" of comics as is. Right now i'm going back checking in on things that happened, i like some storylines more than others. I'm not really feeling fully into everything going, so i'm not really feeling i'm good to have an opinion on Marvel as a whole currently.
Well I just saw Iron Man 3. I really liked it, but I was very dissapointed with what they did with the Mandarin.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 04, 2013, 03:12PM
Well I just saw Iron Man 3. I really liked it, but I was very dissapointed with what they did with the Mandarin.
I personally think it's better than having another racist portrayal of a generic foreign (particularly asian) villain.
Quote from: DeeDooo on May 04, 2013, 04:21PM
I personally think it's better than having another racist portrayal of a generic foreign (particularly asian) villain.
I just think they should have left him out completely with what they did with him, I liked him up until the point of realization about him. (Don't want to spoil anything)
If they just would have made him like that the whole movie I would have liked it, but they messed it up.
I understand why everyone is upset about not having him be the "correct" ethnicity according to the comic books, but this wouldn't be the first time they changed something for the movies it does get annoying in some cases but oh well what can you do. Honestly I wouldn't even care if they decided to make Tony Stark Asian, as long as the portrayal of the character is good, which is the problem I have with Mandarin. The way they decided to have Mandarin play out in the movie was disappointing, I read online that he wouldn't be what you expected, but I didn't expect that.
Nonetheless the movie was fantastic, which I did expect.
So sad, that Project Awakened didn't get enough funding on Kickstarter. I had so much faith for this. Hopefully they'll be able to release one day
Appereantly, they will continue to develop it, but in their own time more or less, nice to see they didn't give up
Yeah, I read about that. It's just sad, that among so many Kickstarters, this one didn't get the required money. Hopefully they'll still be able to make it as awesome as they wanted it from the beginning.
EA/Maxis just announced The Sims 4! Im excited! :D AHHH! :P
Quote from: White Queen on May 06, 2013, 12:19PM
EA/Maxis just announced The Sims 4! Im excited! :D AHHH! :P
While I am excited, since I am a huge Sims fan and have played it since the first game which still holds that special place haha, I am a bit ehh about it. They are still making new Sims 3 games, which Sims 4 could take awhile to make, but I don't know how I feel you. I would like them to add/ change some things in the Sims 4 though.
I would like to actually see inside of buildings, since its always blank inside and you kind of just wait there while the Sims are inside. If you could go in you could play them at school or work, which would be pretty awesome! There is more, I just can't think of them all on the top of my head.
Because it was so dark in the movie it was hard to see all the 42 armors, but here they are:
I'm definitely going to need to turn some of these into proper skins :3 Also Hyperman come back we need you to make some of these!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 06, 2013, 02:39PM
While I am excited, since I am a huge Sims fan and have played it since the first game which still holds that special place haha, I am a bit ehh about it. They are still making new Sims 3 games, which Sims 4 could take awhile to make, but I don't know how I feel you. I would like them to add/ change some things in the Sims 4 though.
I would like to actually see inside of buildings, since its always blank inside and you kind of just wait there while the Sims are inside. If you could go in you could play them at school or work, which would be pretty awesome! There is more, I just can't think of them all on the top of my head.
I too have played the Sims since the first game, I can say it's my favourite Video Game Series, and I feel that the time is right for a new installment.
I also hope for the removal of Rabbit Holes, so, you can control your Sims at work or at school ( so I can make my child sims sneak out of class :D...or harass the teacher xD )
Like many others, I also hope Sims 4 will include a height slider.
And I hope they don't make the graphics too realistic, I would love it more if it retains the slightly 'cartoony' style.
( It would also be kinda interesting if they added a first-person mode. Where you control your sim with the arrow keys or WASD keys. That would be kinda neat :P )
Knowing the developers, the style of the graphics remain the same. However, I'm afraid that it will be like Sims 3 was for me. You see, the first game blew my mind. The second game had lots of improvements and new ideas, so it was equally mindblowing. The third one, however, didn't have the same type of feel to it, at least for me. It didn't have that charm. While in the first and the second, I enjoyed every minute, in the third, it felt like an average game for me. A game that is endless, so it can't be beaten. Plus, there wasn't as many changes between the games. Also, for me, no matter how hard I tried, most of my creations looked too alike :D Oh, well....I hope this game will be a new milestone in life-simulation video games.
I do love the Sims, but it isn't my favorite. I will get to the point of playing it everyday, or not touching it for months.
I just really hope they make Sims 4 fantastic, and not just Sims 3 with improvements. The only thing that I don't like about the Sims 3, that was easy in Sims 2 was killing people hahaha. Not really, but seriously. In the Sims 2 you could delete the pool ladder and they didn't realize you could climb out and they would just drown in the pool, and they never put out fires, but in sims 3 they do everything and you just can't kill Sims like you used too.
It's EA. It'll be the same as always with marginal improvements and shoehorned always-online "features".
Plus a billion and one smaller and medium-sized Stuff packs and Expansions.
Speaking of Expansions, Im really excited for Sims 3: Island Paradise coming out next month. :D Mainly cuz it has mermaids and underwater diving :P
Quote from: White Queen on May 09, 2013, 05:09AM
Speaking of Expansions, Im really excited for Sims 3: Island Paradise coming out next month. :D Mainly cuz it has mermaids and underwater diving :P
I'm excited about it too, I really hope you can be mermaids that would make my life haha.
But to be honest I really don't like all the Stuff packs they kind of annoy me :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 09, 2013, 02:33PM
I'm excited about it too, I really hope you can be mermaids that would make my life haha.
But to be honest I really don't like all the Stuff packs they kind of annoy me :/
Yeah, I stopped buying stuff packs. Im more interesting in new features than clothing and objects. Though Master Suite Stuff and Diesel add really nice clothing. :P
And btw yes you can be a mermaid, a SimGuru confirmed it on twitter. He said sims can be transformed into mermaids.
Hopefully mermaids have two forms. One with tail and feet. Because if its just tail form, playing as mermaids will be very limited...unless they add the ability to build underwater houses :D
Maybe you could pull yourself on the floor/ground instead of walking :D
Quote from: White Queen on May 10, 2013, 05:32AM
Yeah, I stopped buying stuff packs. Im more interesting in new features than clothing and objects. Though Master Suite Stuff and Diesel add really nice clothing. :P
And btw yes you can be a mermaid, a SimGuru confirmed it on twitter. He said sims can be transformed into mermaids.
Hopefully mermaids have two forms. One with tail and feet. Because if its just tail form, playing as mermaids will be very limited...unless they add the ability to build underwater houses :D
Maybe it will be like Splash so that when your wet you become a Mermaid, but when your dry your a human?
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 10, 2013, 11:36AM
Maybe you could pull yourself on the floor/ground instead of walking :D
That would be the funniest thing ever!
Hopefully a mermaid sim would be more functional on the ground than Magikarp's Splash.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 10, 2013, 02:31PM
Maybe it will be like Splash so that when your wet you become a Mermaid, but when your dry your a human?
That would be the funniest thing ever!
A new tweet from a SimGuru says that mermaids will have a tail while in water. Meaning that they will have legs when outside of water.
Also she said that mermaid will be the term for both males and females. So no Mermen or Tritons.
BTW, what's up with Sims 3 Dragon Valley? I mean, shouldn't something like that be part of Sims Medieval? Or that game failed? I remember trying it out at my friend's place, it was okay, not great, but okay. So, again, what's up with dragons in Sims 3? :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 11, 2013, 04:22AM
BTW, what's up with Sims 3 Dragon Valley? I mean, shouldn't something like that be part of Sims Medieval? Or that game failed? I remember trying it out at my friend's place, it was okay, not great, but okay. So, again, what's up with dragons in Sims 3? :D
Alot of players are actually happy that they are reintroducing dragons in the Sims Series. Cuz they were pets in The Sims: Makin' Magic.
And, I guess it would really fit in well with The Sims Medieval Series, but there is no point in continuing that series with Sims 4 being released next year, as it will use a whole new engine I assume.
I loved the Medieval Series, but it just had so many elements removed that it was more like an RPG than a Simulation game. :/
I am excited for Dragon Valley though, I saw a couple of pictures of it. The Landscape is magnificent.
I saw the movie Beautiful Creatures yesterday, It was amazing. I liked it alot. :D
I have to see Oz The Great and Powerful, because I missed it when it first premiered.
Im really excited for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones movie. :)
And, I just finished editing my new Avatar and Signature :P To match Emma's new look.
Quote from: White Queen on May 11, 2013, 04:11AM
A new tweet from a SimGuru says that mermaids will have a tail while in water. Meaning that they will have legs when outside of water.
Also she said that mermaid will be the term for both males and females. So no Mermen or Tritons.
Yes so I was right! They will be like Spalsh!
@Suigetsu hahaha, I was talking about the movie Splash, but ya know Pokemon works to. I'll go with it.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 11, 2013, 08:27AM
Yes so I was right! They will be like Spalsh!
@Suigetsu hahaha, I was talking about the movie Splash, but ya know Pokemon works to. I'll go with it.
Yeah, I guess. Kinda like H2O Just Add Water too, have you watched it?
I'm feeling nostalgic, I started watching W.I.T.C.H. :D
Quote from: White Queen on May 11, 2013, 09:59AM
Yeah, I guess. Kinda like H2O Just Add Water too, have you watched it?
I'm feeling nostalgic, I started watching W.I.T.C.H. :D
Yup I used to watch it all the time, I love mermaids XD.
They are making a spin-off of H2O, called Mako Mermaids.
It looks really good.
Quote from: White Queen on May 11, 2013, 01:31PM
They are making a spin-off of H2O, called Mako Mermaids.
It looks really good.
I know I heard about that! It does look really good, I hope it can live up to H2O.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 11, 2013, 01:45PM
I know I heard about that! It does look really good, I hope it can live up to H2O.
It might live up to it, but In my heart, it will never surpass it :P
I will always prefer Emma, Cleo and Rikki ( I liked Bella too, but not that much )
Emma was my favourite :D
Claire Holt is an amazing actress. One of the reasons Rebekah is my fave character from the Vampire Diaries xD lol :P
Quote from: White Queen on May 11, 2013, 02:00PM
It might live up to it, but In my heart, it will never surpass it :P
I will always prefer Emma, Cleo and Rikki ( I liked Bella too, but not that much )
Emma was my favourite :D
Claire Holt is an amazing actress. One of the reasons Rebekah is my fave character from the Vampire Diaries xD lol :P
Yeah H2O was really awesome, I loved the original 3. But I did always really want to see a Merman so I guess thats what I am most excited about in the Mako Mermaids.
Looking at the trailer, Zac ( The Merman ) seems to be more of an antagonist than a protagonist.
I do like the three new mermaids in the new show though.
It seems like the show is set in its own universe, and not being chronologically after or before H2O.
Damn, one of the pro wrestlers suffered a concussion and he also has retrograde amnesia because of that. Hopefully he'll get better soon. It's not cool to become a champ, only to have to vacate the belt after a few weeks. At least, this just shows how dangerous this can be and how real it is, even if most of the things are in fact staged.
I just watched the season 2 finale of Once Upon A Time. It was amazing!
I can't wait for the third season :D
Ariel ( From the Little Mermaid ) and Tinker Bell might be possible characters in season 3. :) :D
And a spin-off was announced called - Once Upon A Time in Wonderland. :D YAY! I love Wonderland! <3
Quote from: White Queen on May 13, 2013, 03:01AM
I just watched the season 2 finale of Once Upon A Time. It was amazing!
I can't wait for the third season :D
Ariel ( From the Little Mermaid ) and Tinker Bell might be possible characters in season 3. :) :D
And a spin-off was announced called - Once Upon A Time in Wonderland. :D YAY! I love Wonderland! <3
Oh my god! I know it was amazing, I am so happy Regina didn't die, but I freaked out when they kidnapped Henry and you find out they are working for the Lost Boys, most likely. I was also excited when Belle got her memories back because I love Belle and I died inside when she got shot and lost her memory. I can't wait for Season 3, and I am super exicted for the spin off because Alice in Wonderland is one of my obsessions.
I really hope Ariel is brought in, but they better do her character right haha.
Yeah, I was relieved too. In the trailer, it looked like Regina was gonna die :(
I'm happy she didn't :D She's my favourite.
Lana is an amazing actress :P
I too hope Ariel and TinkerBell are new characters in the next season.
Has anyone else noticed how many people have supposedly died during the ongoing Age of Ultron storyline?
The Owl
Black Panther
Jessica Jones and her daughter
Luke Cage
She Hulk
Captain America
And I believe all the Fantastic Four were killed as well, except for Sue who managed to escape, but I read that the Fantastic Four were brought back to life?
Of course not all have been confirmed to be dead, but it has been mentioned by people within the comics that these people have died. No big deal lets just kill everyone.
That's why this is either a reboot storyline or a totally pointless time travel story, which won't be mentioned by the characters ever again. I'm hoping for reboot
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 16, 2013, 09:14PM
That's why this is either a reboot storyline or a totally pointless time travel story, which won't be mentioned by the characters ever again. I'm hoping for reboot
I am too, if they are just killing people off just because then it is just a waste of time, but if they plan on rebooting everything then I'm fine with it.
The Marvel Univerese to me isn't what it used to be so if they reboot they better take this second chance and make it great.
Watched the Vampire Diaries Season 4 Finale. It blew my mind away. It was fantastic. :O :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 16, 2013, 04:00PM
Has anyone else noticed how many people have supposedly died during the ongoing Age of Ultron storyline?
The Owl
Black Panther
Jessica Jones and her daughter
Luke Cage
She Hulk
Captain America
And I believe all the Fantastic Four were killed as well, except for Sue who managed to escape, but I read that the Fantastic Four were brought back to life?
Of course not all have been confirmed to be dead, but it has been mentioned by people within the comics that these people have died. No big deal lets just kill everyone.
Well you can add Carol Danvers, Medusa, Max Modell and Brian Braddock to that list too.
I so hope that everything will be back to normal once this is over. Hopefully I'll be getting my Nightcrawler back if this is really a reboot. The guy has been dead for 3 years now, which is painful for me, cause he is actually one of my favourites in Marvel.
Reminds me. Looks like Logan wears a SW costume again (the one for inflirtate inside Castle Doom before Civil War)
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 17, 2013, 10:38PM
I so hope that everything will be back to normal once this is over. Hopefully I'll be getting my Nightcrawler back if this is really a reboot. The guy has been dead for 3 years now, which is painful for me, cause he is actually one of my favourites in Marvel.
They just never should have killed Nightcrawler off, I mean really.
I really hope they recreate Marvel and make everything right again. I would really love to see the real Jean again, and have nightcrawler back, maybe even throw in Banshee and just make everything the same again.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 18, 2013, 09:09AM
They just never should have killed Nightcrawler off, I mean really.
I really hope they recreate Marvel and make everything right again. I would really love to see the real Jean again, and have nightcrawler back, maybe even throw in Banshee and just make everything the same again.
I totally agreed with you. I just miss Jean Grey so much after X-Men : The Last Stand. I'd love to see her back in action in one of Marvel movies.. Reboots is great, IMO, some people don't like reboots now.
If they reboot stuff, they should just bring back lots of dead characters, even ones who died long ago or just disappeared or something. People like Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Nova (Richard Rider), Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Professor X etc.
Personally, I would go as far as to go back a few years and restart from a certain point.
Quote from: Suigetsu on May 18, 2013, 11:39AM
If they reboot stuff, they should just bring back lots of dead characters, even ones who died long ago or just disappeared or something. People like Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Nova (Richard Rider), Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Professor X etc.
Personally, I would go as far as to go back a few years and restart from a certain point.
I agree, they need to bring back a-lot of people. They could go a route like X-Men Forever where it picked up after a certain point in the X-Men.
That's a bit silly in my humble opinion. Why would Marvel do a reboot just after they do a relaunch? I'm sorry they messed with your characters, but like that's just part of life. Or death as the case may be. But like characters can't just live forever. Then there would be no sense of reality and no sense of danger. If they just brought characters back to life or rebooted the universe every single time a few fanboys get mad about their favorite characters, they would be physically incapable of telling any good stories or having arcs that lasted more than a week. Lets just be realistic here.
And by the way, Jean Grey was dead for at least ten years, before they brought a past version of her to the present. So Nightcrawler still has like seven years to go :P. And (just as a fun fact) she died at least fourteen times on-panel.
Quote from: DeeDooo on May 18, 2013, 02:33PM
That's a bit silly in my humble opinion. Why would Marvel do a reboot just after they do a relaunch? I'm sorry they messed with your characters, but like that's just part of life. Or death as the case may be. But like characters can't just live forever. Then there would be no sense of reality and no sense of danger. If they just brought characters back to life or rebooted the universe every single time a few fanboys get mad about their favorite characters, they would be physically incapable of telling any good stories or having arcs that lasted more than a week. Lets just be realistic here.
And by the way, Jean Grey was dead for at least ten years, before they brought a past version of her to the present. So Nightcrawler still has like seven years to go :P. And (just as a fun fact) she died at least fourteen times on-panel.
I think they need to fix things, but I don't think they need to reboot the whole universe just go back in time somewhat. And it's not that they messed with our characters its the fact that they are starting to kill tons of characters off from the universe. Even before Marvel NOW, and Age of Ultron I believed Marvel need to be fixed, and now just happens to be a perfect time to do it. And to be honest Marvel NOW really isn't all that special. They just ended a ton of comic books and created new ones in its place.
Regardless of whether or not they decided to reboot, or not I still think Marvel needs major fixing.
I think the "fixing" of the Age of Ultron is a foregone conclusion with some possible ramifications.
However as far as death/rebirth "fixing". I'm far more concerned for the poor Avengers Arena kids and the whacky supernatural thing that is X-Factor right about now.
Where are those cosmic cubes when you need them?
I wanted to have an honest and unbiased look at the next-gen consoles as they were revealed.
I don't like the Wii U, since it's not much of an improvement next to PS3 or Xbox 360 and I think most people agree. Looks like innovative controls are no longer enough to sell a console and it's repeating games.
PS4 seems to be a really good improvement over the PS3 and it seems to be a fun gaming console. The games revealed (exclusive and multiplatform) so far seem really cool.
Now, the Xbox One. I was so afraid, I wanted to believe, but I lost all my faith. The new Xbox is entirely based on the idea, that the console has to be an all-out compilation of entertainment.
Of course, the first thing we have to realise, is that most of it's "super cool TV features" are US only at the moment of release and I'm sure it will take at least a year or a year and a half to have something like that work in other countries as well.
Also, I can't really talk about the games, since they were really into talking about the most important features, like how it affects our fantasy football team and such and actually forgot to give us some actual trailers.
I mean, EA Sports games got somewhat of a trailer and COD Ghosts got one as well.
On the other hand, I have no clue about what to expect from Quantum Break or Forza 5, since Quantum's trailer was mostly done with actual actors and there was like 5 seconds of game footage (or at least, it looked like something from the game). Also, I read this about it: "the game will feature live-action videos blended with regular gameplay." I the only one who is reminded about those old console games, which utilised full-motion videos as a major part of a game? Personally, I never liked such stuff. Oh, and Forza 5 will probably be an awesome game, but since the footage was not game footage, I don't know much about it.
Sooooooo....yeah.....I'll probably start saving up my money for the PS4 :D
Any thoughts on the subject?
First off, I dont like the new design of the Xbox one, it looks so old :P, but I agree with you, Microsoft doesn't really seem to realise that most Xbox'es are used only for gaming purposes, and they didn't really focus on that with the new Xbox, but fine, Im a ps fanboy, so I'll end up saving for the ps4 anyway xd
I read like hundreds of comments from people about this topic. Some people just didn't like it at all and some (like myself) already stated, that they will have to turn into a PS-fan because of this :D
I'm honestly a fan of both, I have an Xbox 360 and a Ps2 and Ps1, I still haven't gotten a Ps3. So I will most likely end up getting both eventually down the road, they both have things that are good and bad about them and I like them equally.
I'm a fan of Nintendo's IPs so I have a Wii U. The IPs belonging to Sony and Microsoft don't really interest me so I stick with PC for multiplatforms.
Quote from: Dihan on May 23, 2013, 02:16AM
I'm a fan of Nintendo's IPs so I have a Wii U. The IPs belonging to Sony and Microsoft don't really interest me so I stick with PC for multiplatforms.
Is the Wii U any good, I have heard different arguments about it so I am not really sure?
Playstation series is always have a backward compatibility since PS2 console, PSP handheld & onwards
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 23, 2013, 06:54AM
Is the Wii U any good, I have heard different arguments about it so I am not really sure?
Right now it's not too exciting, but when Nintendo's first party titles start rolling out properly then it's going to be good. I can't wait for Super Smash Bros. 4. If you're after a powerful console then it's not for you, but if you're interested in Nintendo's titles then it's the only place you're going to be playing them in HD.
I am really excited for SSBB! Especially since there is there is a version coming out for the 3DS!
Yeah, well these are the only things I miss on other consoles. I would love to play Zelda games, Mario games, Super Smash Brothers games, Mart Kart games on Xbox or PS
It'll never happen because the Wii made them so much money that even if the Wii U fails then they'll still be able to support themselves. Iwata, the CEO of Nintendo, has also said that he'd rather Nintendo die altogether than go third party and lose control over their IPs (Sony often makes demands of other developers over a game's content).
Understandable, but things might change once in the future. In a better place, where everything consists rainbows and unicorns.
In a better place, every console would be successful without others wishing failure just because they don't wish to invest in a platform.
Just saw Iron man 3, Overall great movie, nice plot twists, effects, and Amazing acting :D
My only real con for the movie was the Mandarin...The freaking Mandarin, now, I'm not gonna spoil anything, but this was littarly a case of ''We could put any villain in this spot that we wanted, we just picked one''. I had so many high hopes for this character, and was left extremly dissapointed.
Nevertheless, I did like the movie, especially all the armors :D
Quote from: Polygone on May 24, 2013, 12:39PM
Just saw Iron man 3, Overall great movie, nice plot twists, effects, and Amazing acting :D
My only real con for the movie was the Mandarin...The freaking Mandarin, now, I'm not gonna spoil anything, but this was littarly a case of ''We could put any villain in this spot that we wanted, we just picked one''. I had so many high hopes for this character, and was left extremly dissapointed.
Nevertheless, I did like the movie, especially all the armors :D
That is exactly how I felt!
Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to say
You guys should come and join the RP Thread with Polygone and I! You get to see what happens when the Marvel and DC Universe connect, it's really fun, and you can play up to a total of 3 characters either 2 DC and 1 Marvel, or 2 Marvel and 1 DC! It's just us right now and while we are making it work the best we can, it would be awesome to have some others in the story aswell!
And if you do decide to join, I would suggest reading the story first so you know what's going on.,8824.0.html
Anyone have a Steam account and interested in ArmA3's Beta? I have a code and since I don't really play on my computer nowadays (weakling machinery), I thought I could give it away if anyone cares.
I have one(since 2005) but i do not very like arma's games.too much brothel agahahahahhahaah
Well now i get to be upset due to
Nico dies in Avengers Arena :(
I hope this gets un-did/dead sooner rather than later.
Quote from: Oddark123 on June 06, 2013, 02:55AM
Well now i get to be upset due to
Nico dies in Avengers Arena :(
I hope this gets un-did/dead sooner rather than later.
Everyone is dying in the comics lately. They are going on a killing frenzy.
I just played Remember Me yesterday, and it is a pretty fun and amazing game! I had high hopes for it, and it met my expectations!
Watching V/H/S/2 On-Demand with my older brother now.. It's very scary, gory, and bloody! >_<
EDIT : I'm very proud with my country's (Indonesia) directors for directing the 'Safe Haven' segment (Gareth Evans and Timo Tjahjanto). I even want to applause in front of them if I can. :D The "Safe Haven" segment, by the way, is the most favorited segment on V/H/S/2 by me and EVERYONE of all time ^_^
EDIT2 : For those of you who curious and want to see what "Safe Haven" segment looks like, here's a short clip that will leave you shaking : (WARNING : Contains heavy and strong gory scene) (
Quote from: Oddark123 on June 06, 2013, 02:55AM
Well now i get to be upset due to
Nico dies in Avengers Arena :(
I hope this gets un-did/dead sooner rather than later.
Well, pretty much everyone is dying right now. Like Wolverine. Even that guy died. I mean, who else is left? :D
Can't wait to see the outcome of all this killing and dying and stuff
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 06, 2013, 07:36AM
Everyone is dying in the comics lately. They are going on a killing frenzy.
I just played Remember Me yesterday, and it is a pretty fun and amazing game! I had high hopes for it, and it met my expectations!
Midnight, I love the gif in your signature :)
What is that, I haven't seen it before, is it from a game or tv series?
Cuz I saw Jean and Emma in it so Im interested xD
Quote from: MUALover on June 06, 2013, 08:28AM
Watching V/H/S/2 On-Demand with my older brother now.. It's very scary, gory, and bloody! >_<
EDIT : I'm very proud with my country's (Indonesia) directors for directing the 'Safe Haven' segment (Gareth Evans and Timo Tjahjanto). I even want to applause in front of them if I can. :D The "Safe Haven" segment, by the way, is the most favorited segment on V/H/S/2 by me and EVERYONE of all time ^_^
EDIT2 : For those of you who curious and want to see what "Safe Haven" segment looks like, here's a short clip that will leave you shaking : (WARNING : Contains heavy and strong gory scene) (
Wait,wait,wait...VHS 2?Is the sequel already released?
Quote from: White Queen on June 06, 2013, 11:06AM
Midnight, I love the gif in your signature :)
What is that, I haven't seen it before, is it from a game or tv series?
Cuz I saw Jean and Emma in it so Im interested xD
I just saw it on tumblr today haha, its actually two separate ones and they just happened to connect together on here. It said that it is the opening sequence to Marvel Heroes or something like that?
It can be,the characters are the same
Quote from: Tundercaos on June 06, 2013, 11:37AM
Wait,wait,wait...VHS 2?Is the sequel already released?
It's On-Demand now. It will get a theatrical release on 12th July worldwide ;)
God, there was so much blood and gory in V/H/S/2. Amazing and better than the original. :)
I know they've got AoU on going so chances are that storyline could fix any damage down elsewhere if they wish, but tis still sad. I do admit AA has made Apex a cool villain but losing characters i cared about far more isn't fun.
But thank goodness death in comic books is flimsy XD Well unless your Uncle Ben lol
Quote from: MUALover on June 06, 2013, 02:21PM
It's On-Demand now. It will get a theatrical release on 12th July worldwide ;)
God, there was so much blood and gory in V/H/S/2. Amazing and better than the original. :)
Gut!It'll be better to watch ahahahhahahahahahahha.Actually i'd rather experience fear then simple blood xD,as i did in the first film.
A bunch of people online seem to be heading towards the idea of Avengers Arena being virtual reality. I didn't really put two and two together at first but a lot of people are point out the character who is doing whatever the hell she wants is the person who controls machines. Kinda interesting theory there that since shes kinda nuts she may be just enjoying the power trip but is being reckless on purpose because she knows it's all virtual.
Well I've made a start on my next - and possibly last for a year or so - assignment. It's 20,000 words long and in for the end of September. I've done 1,250 words so far! Still some way to go but it's not bad for a day's work.
Just graduated from my grade, and I have to choose the Scientific class (Math, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology) or Sosialistic class (Economy, Geography, History, Sociology). Apparently I've chose the Scientific class, so I feels very happy and proud of myself now. ^_^
Im overly excited for the 6th season of True Blood. The first two episodes were amazing :D
On Wednesday (or Thursday, only my school knows) I will have a final exam about computers (oral exam). I will be fun, I hope.... After that, I will write a video game review (it will be for a Hungarian video game magazine for a possible online review job), which has to be around 2000 words long. I can't wait to get through my exam
Good luck on that test.
Today i found myself kinda shocked. I went to a store with the primary intent of buying one item, they didn't have it. But by some odd coincidence the change i had left from that store matched exactly what i needed to buy the same item on Amazon.
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 24, 2013, 12:22PM
On Wednesday (or Thursday, only my school knows) I will have a final exam about computers (oral exam). I will be fun, I hope.... After that, I will write a video game review (it will be for a Hungarian video game magazine for a possible online review job), which has to be around 2000 words long. I can't wait to get through my exam
Good luck!
I've applied to do a PhD. With any hope I'll get the funding and then in three/four years you will be able to call me Dr!... Not a medical doctor - a doctor of arts!
Well, three/four years are only a few minutes away, so good luck. :) A doctor of arts...That actually sounds cool. Like, this should be a title for you. You go somewhere, and when you enter a building or something, they announce you as "The Doctor of Arts". I need a title like that.
Although, I never really liked this word. Doctor....I mean, upon hearing this, most people imagine a surgeon or some dude/dudette wearing a white coat, but really, there's like a bagillion people called Dr. something and they are not related to medication. It's just a weird thing
Quote from: Dihan on June 26, 2013, 02:59AM
Good luck!
I've applied to do a PhD. With any hope I'll get the funding and then in three/four years you will be able to call me Dr!... Not a medical doctor - a doctor of arts!
Oooooh, a doctor of arts. :P Sounds smexy ;) Good luck :)
The Sims 3: Island Paradise is released and Im having soo much fun playing it. My sim already befriended a mermaid and the mermaid gave me mermaidic kelp, which I ate and became a mermaid :)
I always wondered about how to turn into a mermaid. I mean, after playing with Skyrim, where I could turn into a vampire or a werewolf, I thought a lot about, if it was possible, how could you turn into other beings. For example, if there ever was a way, how could someone turn into a gnome, or a fairy or maybe a golem. What kind of methods could people come up for these things. I love mythical stuff.
Quote from: White Queen on June 27, 2013, 01:29AM
Oooooh, a doctor of arts. :P Sounds smexy ;) Good luck :)
The Sims 3: Island Paradise is released and Im having soo much fun playing it. My sim already befriended a mermaid and the mermaid gave me mermaidic kelp, which I ate and became a mermaid :)
You are so lucky! I only found one Merman, after forcing my swim to snorkel for 8 days straight, and he didn't give me any mermaid kelp XD But I used cheats to force him to live with my sims haha.
@Suigetsu, I love mythical stuff too! It is all so exciting and fun and it lets you open up your imagination.
That's why I love games like Skyrim. It's just the best thing for people like me, with lots of imagination. I just do these side quests and I'm narrating the whole game, everything I do. I come up with backstories for the characters, all kinds of motivations for them in their quest etc. It's just one of those hobbies I do without any effort and I enjoy it all the time
Quote from: Suigetsu on June 27, 2013, 10:30AM
That's why I love games like Skyrim. It's just the best thing for people like me, with lots of imagination. I just do these side quests and I'm narrating the whole game, everything I do. I come up with backstories for the characters, all kinds of motivations for them in their quest etc. It's just one of those hobbies I do without any effort and I enjoy it all the time
Yup, I do the exact same thing! It makes everything more fun when you have a back story to everything!
Hey guys! So I wanted to offer a Marvel Role-Play opportunity to you. It's called the Marvel Academy and we're a very active, very friendly group and we can always use more players
- Here is the group's main page:
- These are the already taken characters:
- And this page advertises characters that we need, but really if there's anyone you want to be who isn't on that list we'd be glad to take you:
If you have any questions or want me to direct you to the right people to ask about things, just shoot me a PM.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 27, 2013, 07:22AM
You are so lucky! I only found one Merman, after forcing my swim to snorkel for 8 days straight, and he didn't give me any mermaid kelp XD But I used cheats to force him to live with my sims haha.
@Suigetsu, I love mythical stuff too! It is all so exciting and fun and it lets you open up your imagination.
My mermaid found herself a boyfriend and they got engaged. So then I was completing my mermaid's wants so I can get 25,000 lifetime hapiness points so i can buy the Mermaidic Kelp, and so I did and gave it to her fiancee and he became a merman and they got married. She now owns a resort, he is a life guard and they are expecting their first mermaid child. If its a girl il name her Ariel
Also you first need to become good or best friends with a mermaid and you have to use the interaction Ask for Fish Parts, while both of you are underwater. To get her or him to come with you underwater just summon him or her with a conch shell if yoou cant find the same mermaid, then form a group and go diving together. Also once u are a mermaid u can buy the Permanent Mermaid reward with 5k life time hapiness rewards so u cant lose ur scales by not swimming in the ocean for too long. The dehydration persists though.
Quote from: White Queen on June 27, 2013, 02:40PM
My mermaid found herself a boyfriend and they got engaged. So then I was completing my mermaid's wants so I can get 25,000 lifetime hapiness points so i can buy the Mermaidic Kelp, and so I did and gave it to her fiancee and he became a merman and they got married. She now owns a resort, he is a life guard and they are expecting their first mermaid child. If its a girl il name her Ariel
Also you first need to become good or best friends with a mermaid and you have to use the interaction Ask for Fish Parts, while both of you are underwater. To get her or him to come with you underwater just summon him or her with a conch shell if yoou cant find the same mermaid, then form a group and go diving together. Also once u are a mermaid u can buy the Permanent Mermaid reward with 5k life time hapiness rewards so u cant lose ur scales by not swimming in the ocean for too long. The dehydration persists though.
Well lucky you haha, the only Mermaid I am EVER able to find is a Merman named Triton King I have literally never seen another mermaid ever. But I used cheats to give myself enough points to buy the kelp myself :P
I wish they had more interactions underwater I think that would be cool, instead of the exact same 4 options for every conversation.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 27, 2013, 02:48PM
Well lucky you haha, the only Mermaid I am EVER able to find is a Merman named Triton King I have literally never seen another mermaid ever. But I used cheats to give myself enough points to buy the kelp myself :P
I wish they had more interactions underwater I think that would be cool, instead of the exact same 4 options for every conversation.
Yeah, but still, the underwater experience is very nice. I also wish mermaids had some hydrokinetic abilities, like being able to throw water balls at sims and that knocks them out :D
Also she had a boy mermaid noooo :c i want a girl :D ... Well time for another child lmao, ths time the mother will eat more watermelons
Quote from: White Queen on June 27, 2013, 03:00PM
Yeah, but still, the underwater experience is very nice. I also wish mermaids had some hydrokinetic abilities, like being able to throw water balls at sims and that knocks them out :D
Also she had a boy mermaid noooo :c i want a girl :D ... Well time for another child lmao, ths time the mother will eat more watermelons
I agree the underwater world is pretty cool, I just wish it had more to offer. Like it would be cool for Mermaids to live in houses underwater haha, or have abilities like you said, or something. I also feel like the amount of underwater life such as fish and plants is really lacking.
I think that Mermaids don't age while they are in their mermaid form. :/ Im not sure if this is only while they're underwater or in general.
Also my sims had two children, Nereus and Ariel, with the latter being the youngest. :)
Nereus has a green tail while Ariel has a light pink one. Their mother has a light blue/cyan tail while their father has a deep blue tail. :D
Also my mermaids eat only kelp :P, I try to stear clear from eating normal food. And fish too cuz I find it a tad bit canibalistic. :D
And thanks to the resort and underwater treasure we have around 180,000 Simoleons :)
Never thought Naruto UNS3 Full Burst went PC first time. I know :): The Fourth World War between the Alliance & Akatsuki of course, that's why
Does anyone here watch True Blood ? :3
I've been away for a while now, because I'm now looking for a job in USA. Yes, the immigration process went as we hoped, I already got my greencard (took a few months though!). How's everyone else doing?
Just watched Money In The Bank, and it was full of surprises!
I always wondered how one gets that greencard. Also, what kind of a job are you looking for?
Glad everything went well for you Marvintage!
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 15, 2013, 03:14AM
Just watched Money In The Bank, and it was full of surprises!
I always wondered how one gets that greencard. Also, what kind of a job are you looking for?
Marriage or finding work. Or if the whole reform thing passes, just enter illegally >_>.
At the moment I'm just looking for anything just to add
Quote from: SuigetsuMoney in the Bank
This whole immigration thing cost us thousands of dollars.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 15, 2013, 09:24AM
Glad everything went well for you Marvintage!
Thanks ^_^
After reading about Marvel movies, comics, storylines, I decided not to care about these things anymore. With the whole pointless Age of Ultron, bad movies that don't connect to eachother or are just plain stupid and evil Spider-Octavius going on, I have nothing to care about. My favourites are killed off or changed, I have no reason to care anyway. If only I knew why are they doing things like this. Not that it would change anything for me
Man, it's been quite a while since I was last here, hasn't it? How are you guys?
Quote from: Marvintage on July 14, 2013, 11:53PM
I've been away for a while now, because I'm now looking for a job in USA. Yes, the immigration process went as we hoped, I already got my greencard (took a few months though!). How's everyone else doing?
That's fantastic; congratulations Marvintage!
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 16, 2013, 11:32AM
After reading about Marvel movies, comics, storylines, I decided not to care about these things anymore. With the whole pointless Age of Ultron, bad movies that don't connect to eachother or are just plain stupid and evil Spider-Octavius going on, I have nothing to care about. My favourites are killed off or changed, I have no reason to care anyway. If only I knew why are they doing things like this. Not that it would change anything for me
I know what you mean. I'm mainly just into the MCU now.
Marvel is like WWE. They come up with these new ideas, which are weird or fail, for characters who work fine already. Those who don't work well enough, those characters get forgotten or just killed off. And don't make me start talking about Marvel movies (not all, just some). If not-Robin from Dark Knight Rises becomes Dr. Strange, I'll riot. No joke
Good news ( hopefully ) to Little Mermaid and Once Upon a Time fans.
It looks like Ariel will be in the 3rd Season. :P
Once Upon a Time Season 3: The Little Mermaid Trailer:
And Im also super excited for Once Upon a Time in Wonderland :D I saw the trailer, it looks amazing. <3
Ugh, I have four tv series on my plate xD
The Vampire Diaries (S5), The Originals, Once Upon a Time (S3) and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland
Quote from: White Queen on July 24, 2013, 02:46PM
Good news ( hopefully ) to Little Mermaid and Once Upon a Time fans.
It looks like Ariel will be in the 3rd Season. :P
Once Upon a Time Season 3: The Little Mermaid Trailer:
I know!! I am so excited! This has got me more excited about season 3, not the mention the fact Once Upon a Time: In Wonderland is also coming, and they just announced Jafar for Wonderland! Also a totally weird random fact is that the guy playing Jafar (Naveen Andrews) was Barbara Hershey's boyfriend for several years, and she so happens to play Cora.
Got a new computer, woohoo! xD
yeeh! :D, I assume this one has better graphics than your older one? xD
Way better, Runs Sims 3 on max settings smoothly.
Downloading several games like DCUO and Marvel Heroes xD
Just saw The Wolverine and I must say it was pretty amazing. Although it didn't really feel to much like an X-Men movie, which is good I guess since it's The Wolverine, about Wolverine, but it just felt different. Jean's cameo(s) was amazing although her hair bugged me because it looked brown. I loved Viper, since she is one of my favorite villains, and I like what they did with her character. And the end credit scene was amazing as well.
Im gonna see it today :D, Judging from the trailers, i'm a bit skeptical about Viper, she has this poisonous lizardy tongue? Oh well, guess I'll have to wait and see xd
EDIT : I looked at the after-credits scene on youtube (so I don't have to stay :P) And it does look amazing :D
Just realized that CMPunk was the one who message us true believers about whatever write on Avengers vs. X-Men complete pages book before we read the storyline, also that my bro was having a pic w/ him back in his college hood at UK
Quote from: Polygone on July 28, 2013, 03:45AM
Im gonna see it today :D, Judging from the trailers, i'm a bit skeptical about Viper, she has this poisonous lizardy tongue? Oh well, guess I'll have to wait and see xd
EDIT : I looked at the after-credits scene on youtube (so I don't have to stay :P) And it does look amazing :D
The scene wasn't very far into the credits, it was before all the super long credits. Yeah Viper wasn't much like her comic book version in the movie, but I still really liked her, she definitely lives up to her name in the movie.
There was a small change of plans, went to see Pacific rim instead :P, great movie :D
I still need to make plans to see The Wolverine though, don't wanna miss it in the cinema's like I did with Man of Steel :/
I watched The Wolverine too. I really liked the movie, the only thing I didn't like was the way Jean was desperate to have Logan with her. And that Jean sounded more like Dark Phoenix than Jean. But the scene after the credits was just AMAZING!
Quote from: Owl City on July 29, 2013, 06:51AM
I watched The Wolverine too. I really liked the movie, the only thing I didn't like was the way Jean was desperate to have Logan with her. And that Jean sounded more like Dark Phoenix than Jean. But the scene after the credits was just AMAZING!
I agree she was a little to desperate, but I mean if she is still who she was when he killed her maybe she is just trying to get him to die so he can join her, because of what he did to her. Because regular Jean wouldn't do that I don't think, so I assume the phoenix had some influence.
So I just watched the Wolverine, and I totally loved it, didn't think I would enjoy a Wolverine movie so much, but here I am
I thought the amount of Jean in the movie was just right, especially when one of the supporting characters asked who Jean was, that was like a wake up call as in 'Sequel to X3, remember?' which I liked xd
I also loved all the little details (Viper's green telephone case when she films the wedding action scene) and loved how the movie was divided (in the first part, before the cinema break, the main enemy was the Yakuza, in the second part, Viper totally stole the show xd)
All in all, amazing movie, amazing villains, and an amazing experience :)
I did something so stupid. I made out with one of my best friends... Who is dating another one of my best friends. I feel terrible.
If it was a one time only deal, be honest about it. You are good friends, so you can talk it through. However, if you want more, you need to make a decision: friend or "possible love interest"
It didn't mean anything and it's not going to happen again. We've just been feeling a bit lonely and fed up of life. I don't think admitting it would do much good. Sure, I do like him but I can't put myself first in this - I'd end up losing all my friends for my one person and I can't do that.
So it appears Galactus is going to be get rid of the Ultimate universe soon. And looks like Miles may be coming to 616. But the thing i find the most puzzling is that there's some speculation online he might be coming to 616 as a herald.
Broke my relationship with my girlfriend. Feels great :D
And feels excited when I heard there's gonna be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that will be released on August, 2014! :ohnoes:
I don't feel ready for a graduate at my current senior class. Something must be retaken to clear my mistakes for not being myself before i'm a senior back then in my head. Better restart what needs to be done in my live.
For people who either reads or has read graphic novels, which do you prefer, hardcover or paperback? I cannot decide between the two >.<
Personally, I always preferred hardcover.
Other news: I played through Saints Row The Third, GTA IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of G*y Tony (censored it; I don't want to offend anyone). All this just because Saints Row IV gets released on Friday in my country and also, GTA V is only like 20 something days away. I'm completely, utterly and 100% ready! :D
I actually have Saints row IV right now!
Its OK, as in, as IGN stated it 'a bit too crazy' still, nice game :D
I didn't realize it was getting released so soon haha. I need to get it now. While I do love the Saints Row series, I love GTA more and I am very excited for GTA 5.
I like Saints Row in that it has kind of gone from a GTA style game, to being a crazy totally out there game and I think that is what makes it work.
It seems Ben Affleck will be Batman in that Batman vs Superman movie. Any thoughts?
Quote from: Suigetsu on August 22, 2013, 07:50PM
It seems Ben Affleck will be Batman in that Batman vs Superman movie. Any thoughts?
I'm very unsure on how I feel, to be honest I don't really like anything he has done, not saying he won't be a good Batman, but everything I have seen him in wasn't good. I guess he has an ok face for Batman, but after the current Batman movies, it will be tough to follow up. Plus I really think DC needs to stop picking new people to play the same character all the time.
Well, to be honest, Bale didn't want to be Batman anymore, so it makes sense that they were looking for someone else. Personally, I hope it will be good, but who knows...
About Ben Affeck? Is it because he was known for his role as DD?
I just noticed yesterday that the first 13 episodes of the H2O: Just Add Water spin-off show, Mako Mermaids have been released on Netflix on the 26th of July. I have to say, the show is really good, it's really addicting.
I can't wait for the remaining ( 14-26 ) episodes to be released on September 15th.
Okay I am so confused on this All New X-Men. If they were brought from the past into the future, shouldn't that erase the existence of the future X-Men? Like Cyclops, Iceman, etc.
Quote from: Me on September 05, 2013, 02:54PM
Okay I am so confused on this All New X-Men. If they were brought from the past into the future, shouldn't that erase the existence of the future X-Men? Like Cyclops, Iceman, etc.
Yeah, I recently got issue 16. I got so confused at the end. xD
But I'm kinda happy an actual mature Jean Grey is present now.
All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men 2013 are the only comics I buy. xD
I actually laughed when Young Jean and Rachel bumped in the hallway. lmao xD
It was so awkward and hilarious. :P
Quote from: Me on September 05, 2013, 02:54PM
Okay I am so confused on this All New X-Men. If they were brought from the past into the future, shouldn't that erase the existence of the future X-Men? Like Cyclops, Iceman, etc.
Well currently there is a story going on called X-Men: Battle of the Atom where the X-Men from the future come into the present to make the X-Men send the young ones back to there time before something happens, and I believe in one of the recent issues Young Cyclops died and it briefly erased the present Cyclops from existence but one of the mutants on Scott's team brought the young Scott back to life.
But regardless of whatever if they send them back they will have to hide or erase all the memories of them being in the present unless they want the current timeline to be completely altered. Since they all know about the present and things that happened in their past, for example Jean knows all the times she has died in the past, or future for her, so she could try and change this.
Here is the issue Preview alert! xD lol
And WOOW this!
It seems Marvel finally found a way to bring our dear jean back. thanks to a in between step with young jean ..
I think i finally get why jean said she had to gather herself in the Hot White Chamber ..but in fact she does not gather pièces,in fact, she is not even dead anymore, just removed from this plane of existence
And that's why this Future jean looks so close to the present one ;P even Kate Pryde looked older than her
But i still don't get why she hides herself.. that does not make sense It would just have made the things easier
Quote from: mj fan on September 05, 2013, 04:00PM
Here is the issue Preview alert! xD lol
And WOOW this!
It seems Marvel finally found a way to bring our dear jean back. thanks to a in between step with young jean ..
I think i finally get why jean said she had to gather herself in the Hot White Chamber ..but in fact she does not gather pièces,in fact, she is not even dead anymore, just removed from this plane of existence
And that's why this Future jean looks so close to the present one ;P even Kate Pryde looked older than her
But i still don't get why she hides herself.. that does not make sense It would just have made the things easier
I saw another page from Battle of the Atom and she said she can only keep the Xorn mask off for a brief period of time. Some people believe it helps keep her powers in check, others believe it may not actually be Jean Grey at all. Who knows. It is nice to see another Jean tho!
Ah okay :) Waw i'm so excited now :D :D and when she meets Rachel xD waw
Oh and why lil jean keeps saying that Charles is going to mind whipe the team oO If he reads their minds he'll see that he's killed by cyclops so he would try to change Okay it creates a paradox..but he would be seriously idiot as hell --""
Also, jean could have show her face to her younger version instead of waiting ;P
Age of Ultron broke time and space screwing everything up. Beast used a version of doom tech to stablizie the timeline while they are gone, but in the past we only saw that with someone in the future staying in the present, not with someone from the past. So clearly something bad would happen if one of them died before they could return.
People seem divided on the future x-men but a lot of people think they are lying about what they are there to do. Given the fact had they not have shown up the O5 were about to sent back. So one leading theory is that the "battle of the atom" means the future x-men are going to something to one (or several of them) before sending them back to avoid their bad future.
My theory is that whatever it does it's going to revive Jean to the present. Since i get the feeling Xorna isn't who she says she is.
But a lot of people think it will end with a Jean back in the present since Starlord has some kind of strange vision over in GOTG of past/present/future events and one of them is him hugging Jean.
But at the same time it could be Cyclops' Atom that needs some adjusting since he died. And i didn't actually see the full last uncanny book but apparently some guy from the future is sending sentinels to stop him, so maybe it's Cyclops who doomed the future and/or tried to ressurect Jean himself after he remembered being brought back to life himself and created the Jean that is now Xorna who can't control her powers?
Alright that's enough speculation for now XD
I have also heard rumors that the future Jean/Xorn is actually the real Jean Grey but she returned in the future instead of the present which could explain why she hasn't aged much, or that she is actually the 05 Jean grown up. It's pretty hard to put it all together right now, I don't know what to believe.
I do however think it would be a good thing if the true Jean returned, I believe if she was written right she could help do some serious damage control. But if they decide to allow her to use the Phoenix, which I am somewhat torn on, but I feel as tho they should, then it should be her and she should be it. No more of this Dark Phoenix stuff, or power hungry anything. Just Jean Grey with the Phoenix abilities which she should have been the only one to use in the first place.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 06, 2013, 02:35PM
I have also heard rumors that the future Jean/Xorn is actually the real Jean Grey but she returned in the future instead of the present which could explain why she hasn't aged much, or that she is actually the 05 Jean grown up. It's pretty hard to put it all together right now, I don't know what to believe.
I do however think it would be a good thing if the true Jean returned, I believe if she was written right she could help do some serious damage control. But if they decide to allow her to use the Phoenix, which I am somewhat torn on, but I feel as tho they should, then it should be her and she should be it. No more of this Dark Phoenix stuff, or power hungry anything. Just Jean Grey with the Phoenix abilities which she should have been the only one to use in the first place.
I agree with you 100%. I want the actual Jean back and with the Phoenix Force. Two as one, and no more Dark Phoenix drama that would possibly lead to another death.
Quote from: White Queen on September 06, 2013, 05:30PM
I agree with you 100%. I want the actual Jean back and with the Phoenix Force. Two as one, and no more Dark Phoenix drama that would possibly lead to another death.
And I also believe they shouldn't mess with the whole her and Scott thing. Of course I do believe it should be brought up, He has changed very much and I believe Jean would be shocked to see who he has become. He isn't a terrible person, except for the whole Professor thing while under the influence of Phoenix, but whatever. Don't get me wrong, I like and don't like Scott. He just has never been a favorite of mine, but I do try and like him. But he isn't who he used to be, none of the X-Men are.
But I just believe they should remain separate.
Okay, NOW I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED! I mean, okay, they killed off my very favourite mutant, Nightcrawler, in 2010. I was mad, but at least some time later, I had another Nightcrawler from the Age of Apocalypse universe, since he was still alive. I was like, lets check on him. Turns out, he died this June. Marvel took away my favourite character twice, in the same month, in 3 years. What am I left with now?
QuoteOkay, NOW I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED! I mean, okay, they killed off my very favourite mutant, Nightcrawler, in 2010. I was mad, but at least some time later, I had another Nightcrawler from the Age of Apocalypse universe, since he was still alive. I was like, lets check on him. Turns out, he died this June. Marvel took away my favourite character twice, in the same month, in 3 years. What am I left with now?
Oo I know that.. with jean xDDD
Don't worry He may return soon I sense that X-Men: Battle of the Atom will lead to something big
Hope i'm right :D :D
And I also believe they shouldn't mess with the whole her and Scott thing. Of course I do believe it should be brought up, He has changed very much and I believe Jean would be shocked to see who he has become. He isn't a terrible person, except for the whole Professor thing while under the influence of Phoenix, but whatever. Don't get me wrong, I like and don't like Scott. He just has never been a favorite of mine, but I do try and like him. But he isn't who he used to be, none of the X-Men are.
But I just believe they should remain separate.
I agree with you two 100% xD I like jean grey with great powers, she's a fiery Redhead and a real badass! The problem is that Marvel gave her too much power to follow a story properly so that leads always to the Dark phoenix mess..
jean should be a strong independant person now..with the phoenix powers she had when she first began as phoenix :)
Not overpowered but really powerful, like she always was, like a really hardworking telepath :)
I think marvel should stop to relate her to phoenix but instead, say that jean has developped her powers so much that she is as strong as the early green phoenix
Or Maybe she could keep a dark side (like gambit or Angel in iron form) changing her into a Dark Phoenix look a like but with her own personnality! that could be fun(Not Dark Phoenix plz!!! xD)
I think scott should hunt her not the contrary xDD cause she's far better than him
Read again the new Xmen serie and try to imagine what Jean felt..
I believe they should remain separate too, that's the life. But i must admit i'd like to see more regrets from scott
The reason that I can't stand Emma is that she constantly spit on jean while she should apologize for her outrageous actions she made.. She's a selfish character.
If she could at least just once act like an adult and admit that she acted like a bitch to jean I would love Emma xD No really I liked her before new xmen xP i was kinda disappointed by her personnality : P
I kinda gave up on comics on the most part, its all shows for me now, you can't pick up a comic without a 10-part story arc detailing the multiple revivals & death's of characters nowadays
Quote from: mj fan on September 07, 2013, 02:58AM
The reason that I can't stand Emma is that she constantly spit on jean while she should apologize for her outrageous actions she made.. She's a selfish character.
If she could at least just once act like an adult and admit that she acted like a bitch to jean I would love Emma xD No really I liked her before new xmen xP i was kinda disappointed by her personnality : P
From what I know of Emma, isn't that EXACLTY what Emma does, act like a bitch, and don't give a heck about it? I know she does apologize sometime, but most of the time, she just continues her behaviour xd
QuoteI kinda gave up on comics on the most part, its all shows for me now, you can't pick up a comic without a 10-part story arc detailing the multiple revivals & death's of characters nowadays
From what I know of Emma, isn't that EXACLTY what Emma does, act like a bitch, and don't give a heck about it? I know she does apologize sometime, but most of the time, she just continues her behaviour xd
XD!! I'm with you! yeah xD lol
Well i kinda gave up comic books for the same reasons xD
Hope Battle of the atom will lead to something new ;P
I've never ever hated or disliked Emma's behaviour in all honesty. Always like her personality and scintillating wit. :P
And I don't dislike Scott, but I blame him a little bit for the loss of Emma's telepathic abilities. I mostly blame the Phoenix Force and Iron Man though. xD
I would however like to see Emma leave the current X-Men ( Magneto, Magik and Cyclops ) and go teach at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, and the other X-Men there slowly learn to trust her again.
Besides I would love to see a little bit more Kitty and Emma interaction.
But all that's probably never going to happen.
I also wanna see, as I mentioned before, the actual Jean and Phoenix as one return, and her presence would restore the damaged powers of the X-Men and Emma gaining small control over her latent telekinetic potential. But that's all purely my opinion and hopes. xD
No really what makes me crazy is that i know that Jean and Emma could be like impossible to beat if they could do things together
But for now it's like cat and dog fight --" I could see them as best friends xDD Okay i can always dream but that would be so fun! Jean (knowing the phoenix force) could give her powers back (a little like emma did with reactivate it) then we could have interaction and it could be the beginning of a great friendship
Emma go teach at the Jean Grey school AHHHhhhhh if only --" !! This Emma frost, more human would be awesome! And less bitchy :P honestly i've always loved her powers and all, so that would be great :)
lmao That pic made me laugh. xD
Yeah, that would be cool, Jean and Emma becoming besties.
Quote from: Polygone on September 07, 2013, 03:25AM
I kinda gave up on comics on the most part, its all shows for me now, you can't pick up a comic without a 10-part story arc detailing the multiple revivals & death's of characters nowadays
I've kinda given up on marvel comics and switched to dc. :ohnoes: Since some of their New 52 comic series are pretty good :3
Nightcrawler is already in the works to be coming back. He spoke to Broo in WatXM and the whole opening story of the new book that's replacing Astonishing is to go find him.
The team apparently is Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar.
And here's a funny fancomic on that very subject
This is true? If yes, then my other question: Have you heard any hallelujahs recently? I did
Oh yes it's true. and this book is going to be under the Amazing X-Men name. Here's the press image
Quote from: Oddark123 on September 07, 2013, 12:37PM
Oh yes it's true. and this book is going to be under the Amazing X-Men name. Here's the press image
That looks like Firestar too! I love her!
Oh mommy! It's so beautiful! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! Wait...
I keep replaying the song La La La by Naughty Boy. I always do this, I like a song and listen to it over and over again and then I just abandon it and pick it up a month later. xD
New Harry Potter spin off movie series is being written by JK Rowling. I can now die in peace.
So I was watching videos of the Scarlet Witch, and I found this one.
Wanda as she appears in the Iron Man 1994 series.
Um...I'm not sure how to react to that. @_@
AHAHA yes i saw this video a long time ago and i was like :eek: :eek: eek!
"shalalala shalalalala lalalalalalalalalalaaaaaa! HiiiIuuUmm BraaaaAAAAAAH" (gargle AND pidgin noises xDDD) Okay.. Awkward
Her conclusion is just pretty basic! No, Okay I know her goal is to show us she can make creepy sounds xD
She's just singing and she just shoes how much useless she is lol. But that's funny I laughed so hard the first time i saw this xD
So i'm back from having my computer's operating system fail. It's been super fun, not lol.
NEXT Launch the viewer
Not to mention that.. (
lol that was a snarky comment..but i thought that would be Emma.. --"
Marvel gets to have everything: they get to fool Jean Grey fans, they get to have a de-powered White Queen winning one for a change (and they'll probably justify that by saying that skill wins over raw power), Emma's fans will be happy (because they seem to believe that when Jean ignored Emma's diamond form and forced her presence into the other woman's mind, she counted with the power of the Phoenix, even though some issues later she had to die to really become the Phoenix again...). and they get to sell lots of comics.
those guys wouldn't and couldn't write her well anyway...I was excited but now that's a real mess. Future feat present feat past...and Old young versions of characters..and old Young Jean..too much for me ;P
I hardly find these comics here, but i'll stop buying..Jean died in 2004..and all we had were alternate versions of it's still the case..but i won't waist money anymore
If that's no Jean of adult Scott, that's no Jean of mine. Suddenly I feel free! I really don't have to care about this crazy story anymore.
Ok, I recently entered a small Britney Spears phase.
Now I can't stop listening to her songs. @_@
Her older songs from the late 90s and early 2000s bring back so many memories from childhood.
For me, GTA V brought back hip hop, as I listened a lot to the game's radio station, West Coast Classics. Funny thing is, that I'm more of a rock/metal fan :D
I'm not to happy about the music they picked to put in. There is really only one station I listen too. And I still have mixed feelings on GTA V so far, I like it, but I'm still iffy on it.
Non-Stop Pop is totally the best radio station :P
I prefer Los Santos Rock Radio, West Coast Classics and Channel X
The first episode of Season 3 of Once Upon a Time was amazing. :)
There were mermaids in it. :D
Also, I'm excited for the premiere of Britney Spears' Work Bitch music video tomorrow.
Quote from: Dihan on September 30, 2013, 01:26AM
Non-Stop Pop is totally the best radio station :P
That is the only station I really like to listen too haha
@White Queen, I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I am so excited!
Does anyone watch American Horror Story? I am so ready for Coven to start!
Anyone here watched Agents of Shield? I can't find any place to watch it (even though its stated that episode 1 is already realesed, so is 2)
I watched short clips of it, I'm still having doubts about it, its like SHIELD highschool (which, in my opinion, completely ruins the entire point of SHIELD training in the first place) cant judge until I've seen the full episode though.
However, Spiderman and Dr Strange are rumoured to have cameo's, I'm pretty pumped to watch the Soccerer Supreme appear :D
Also, from what I've read *SPOILER* Coulson's death was entirly faked, because we've never seen the body, it was all orchestrated by Nick fury..Now Im sorry, but did we all forget LOKI STABBED HIM?! We know LMD's isn't something new to Fury, but still, what the hell (SPOILER once again, Coulson wasn't an LMD, he was forced to 'hold his breath') because we all know thats the best way of faking your death when 2 gods are watching.
Quote from: Polygone on October 01, 2013, 10:45AM
Anyone here watched Agents of Shield? I can't find any place to watch it (even though its stated that episode 1 is already realesed, so is 2)
I watched short clips of it, I'm still having doubts about it, its like SHIELD highschool (which, in my opinion, completely ruins the entire point of SHIELD training in the first place) cant judge until I've seen the full episode though.
However, Spiderman and Dr Strange are rumoured to have cameo's, I'm pretty pumped to watch the Soccerer Supreme appear :D
Also, from what I've read *SPOILER* Coulson's death was entirly faked, because we've never seen the body, it was all orchestrated by Nick fury..Now Im sorry, but did we all forget LOKI STABBED HIM?! We know LMD's isn't something new to Fury, but still, what the hell (SPOILER once again, Coulson wasn't an LMD, he was forced to 'hold his breath') because we all know thats the best way of faking your death when 2 gods are watching.
Try and see if that works for you.
I think Coulson could end up being Vision.
Quote from: Dihan on October 01, 2013, 02:09PM
I think Coulson could end up being Vision.
That is a very interesting theory!
I watched it, I'm not to sure how I feel about it yet.
As of today, I am officially excited for EverQuest Next.
The Combat looks amazing, and I love the Voxel Based Environment, as well as the Character Movement styles thing.
Personally, I returned to my Anime-Inspired JRPG Fan phase. I started playing Tales of Vesperia on the Xbox 360 (which is the only game from the Tales series on the system, much to my sadness) and the opening video itself captured me. The only other game that did this to me before was Persona 4, which is somewhat similar.
Thanks to this, I want a PS Vita, because I want to play Persona 4 Golden, which is practically not a HD remake or something, but an upgraded version of the original with lots of new content and I want it. Just simply, I want it.
Let's get ready for the Ultimax... -v-' Suplex Hold (NEW Char: Sho Minazuki, friend or foe?)...... Y'guys go ahead. i'm havin' an impotant assignment from college
The Second episode of Once Upon a Time's third season was awesome.
A nice amount of flashbacks. :)
The next episode is gonna feature Tinkerbell. :D
Sorry about the double post everyone.
But I found out today about a new show which premiered yesterday on Lifetime, called Witches of East End.
I watched the first episode, and I just got so many 'Charmed' vibes off of it, it's amazing.
If there is anyone here who enjoyed Charmed, there's a chance you might like Witches of East End.
It's really neat, and I personally really like it. xD :P
Quote from: White Queen on October 07, 2013, 12:42PM
Sorry about the double post everyone.
But I found out today about a new show which premiered yesterday on Lifetime, called Witches of East End.
I watched the first episode, and I just got so many 'Charmed' vibes off of it, it's amazing.
If there is anyone here who enjoyed Charmed, there's a chance you might like Witches of East End.
It's really neat, and I personally really like it. xD :P
Sounds pretty good, I will have to look into it.
Watched the first episode of American Horror Story: Coven.
It was interesting. A little disturbingly creepy and mildly confusing, but interesting none the less.
Also, watched the first episode of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
I have to say, the's pretty bad. Plus the lighting seems off, as well as the special effects.
But the story and the whole theme of Wonderland is promising.
Today I feel overwhelmed by homework and, as usually, impatient about going to high school because the numerous, immature idiots at my school :/
Quote from: Suigetsu on September 27, 2013, 09:04PM
For me, GTA V brought back hip hop, as I listened a lot to the game's radio station, West Coast Classics. Funny thing is, that I'm more of a rock/metal fan :D
Dear heavy metal fan, I am pleased I am not alone.
Quote from: corvetterules on October 28, 2013, 11:25AM
Today I feel overwhelmed by homework and, as usually, impatient about going to high school because the numerous, immature idiots at my school :/
Oh, no need to worry. There will always be numerous, immature idiots in life. Just strive to become better than them. Makes you feel so much better.
Quote from: corvetterules on October 28, 2013, 11:26AM
Dear heavy metal fan, I am pleased I am not alone.
In metal, people are never really alone.
Oh, and I know I shouldn't go around changing my profile like this, but I needed the change, so that I could be me
Something random but..
Wouldn't it be awesome if Marvel decided to port the first X-Men Legends game to PC.
Like how SEGA did with Sonic Adventure 2.
I just really want to play the first X-Men Legends, I have a PS2 but I can't find the game anywhere cuz it's old.
can't agree more with that ;P that's the problem, I don't want my game to be lost forever I love Xml1. It is one of my best games so far
but also we could maybe make mods on it.. just keep my finger crossed even if i doubt this will ever happen :(
That would be nice, I feel like they won't do it though.
My six year-old german shepherd dog, Aja, was ill for about a week and half, and she was honestly getting better, my parents took her to the vet today for a blood transfusion and when they got back they told me she passed away. :(
I'm so sad right now. :'(
I'm thinking I should go outside while my parents are asleep, and put a lit candle near her dog house.
Quote from: White Queen on November 05, 2013, 12:54PM
My six year-old german shepherd dog, Aja, was ill for about a week and half, and she was honestly getting better, my parents took her to the vet today for a blood transfusion and when they got back they told me she passed away. :(
I'm so sad right now. :'(
I'm thinking I should go outside while my parents are asleep, and put a lit candle near her dog house.
I'm so sorry, losing a pet is such an awful thing.
ohhn noo :( you can't imagine how much i understand you! :'( really I'm with you That's soo sad! :i
I'm really sad for you.. and that's not just words I feel your pain :'(
My dog IS like my little brother and that's much more than an animal for me. When my first dog died I was yound but i couldn't even see him :S it is really hard to hold on :((
I really wish you'll feel better =((
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on November 05, 2013, 04:42PM
I'm so sorry, losing a pet is such an awful thing.
Quote from: mj fan on November 06, 2013, 10:20AM
ohhn noo :( you can't imagine how much i understand you! :'( really I'm with you That's soo sad! :i
I'm really sad for you.. and that's not just words I feel your pain :'(
My dog IS like my little brother and that's much more than an animal for me. When my first dog died I was yound but i couldn't even see him :S it is really hard to hold on :((
I really wish you'll feel better =((
Thanks, you two. :)
I'm getting better, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's gone. Usually when I got back home from school, Aja would be waiting for me, now there's no one. :(
I'm gonna really miss her, but at least she's not suffering due to that illness anymore. I would like to believe she's in a better place.
Has anyone here played Bioshock Infinite?
Is it good, cuz I'm thinking of getting it.
IT is ssoooooooo good, It was defenitly one of THE best games I've ever played, and I don't even like shooters, it does have a story thats a bit slow at times, but you have to fight your way trough it, cause the result is soo worth it.
And there's new DLC for it aswell, Burial at Sea, but I strongly recommend to play the story first and then perhaps buy it.
But yeah, I recommend it xD
Quote from: White Queen on November 17, 2013, 12:56PM
Has anyone here played Bioshock Infinite?
Is it good, cuz I'm thinking of getting it.
Yeah it is an amazing game, and a very stunning environment! I haven't been able to play the DLC yet but that looks just as amazing!
I sorta read the story (I might play it later on, but Rapture is so scary xd) It does look amazing, but I think for the sake of me and my tears, Ill refrain from the dlc :P
Personally, I didn't play any of the games from the Bioshock series. On the other hand, after so many years, I tried out both Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 2. Well....These are awesome, especially TF2! Woo!
Neither did I, I dont like real scary games, but Infinite got rid of the horror part, so I gave it a whirl, and yeah, TF2 is awesome :D Still have to play Half life 2..
Quote from: Polygone on November 19, 2013, 01:01PM
Neither did I, I dont like real scary games, but Infinite got rid of the horror part, so I gave it a whirl, and yeah, TF2 is awesome :D Still have to play Half life 2..
Hmm..well if we ever play Truth or Dare, and if you pick dare, I'll dare you to play Amnesia. xD hehehe
Bioshock 1 and 2 definitely have a scare factory, but Infinite doesn't. It didn't really look like the DLC did either, but I could be wrong. Because the DLC is before the mess of 1 and 2.
Finally got Spider-Man Vita
Hey, my favourite game is Persona 4! So when they announced Persona 4 Golden, I was really happy....until I heard it's a Vita-only game.....DAMN!
Hey, Persona 5 was announced! I was super happy....until I read that it's PS3-only.....DAAAMN!!
I love it how Atlus kicks me in the worst spots every time they announce something :D Aren't they lovely?
Well I feel a little frustrated because I feel many things I had for this games are now gone and I had it all on my computer before it crashed on me, :( So many dead links is not even funny.
Guess Ultimax is like a Chronophantasma all over again (Blazblue).
Anyway, any changes on unlocking costumes from Spider-Man Vita? There's no Iguana Mission & another
Woohoo! Lifetime renewed Witches of East End for a second season! :D Yay
Apparently the actor Paul Walker from Fast and Furious died yesterday in an horrible car crash killing him and he driver.,0,6107365.story
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 01, 2013, 09:25AM
Apparently the actor Paul Walker from Fast and Furious died yesterday in an horrible car crash killing him and he driver.,0,6107365.story
He will be missed! He was an amazing actor, and person!
I am soooo sad now :/ I've always wanted to look like him cause he was my idol. I used to search news that's sad :( MJ was my fav' singer, paul Walker was definitely my favorite actor ever!! :( and a great person as well.. I just can't realise that he is gone now :'( I had hoped that it was only a really bad joke
Rest in peace*
So apparently Gal Gadot is supposed to play Wonder Woman in the new Man of Steel. I don't really know the actor so could some tell me if she is good at acting? Lol
In my opinion she's a good actress, but I'd still preffer Megan Fox as Wonder Woman.
I still think Jaimie Alexander (Plays Sif in Thor) would be perfect for Wonder Woman.
Quote from: Me on December 04, 2013, 11:29AM
So apparently Gal Gadot is supposed to play Wonder Woman in the new Man of Steel. I don't really know the actor so could some tell me if she is good at acting? Lol
Oh I'm excited now! I love Gal Gadot in the Fast and Furious movies! I'm sure she will be a great Wonder Woman.
QuoteIn my opinion she's a good actress, but I'd still preffer Megan Fox as Wonder Woman.
Same here! I like Gal Gadot She is great but for obvious reasons I'd pick Megan Fox xD She looks more like an amazon to me, even if she's not the best actress ever I think she could be great and she looks a lot like Diana, her face,body is perfect ;P She is supposed to be an amazon xP I really like the character like that
I think these fan pics That's just gorgeous xD
Personally, I don't like Gal Gadot as WW. She seems like a typical slim woman. Nothing special, especially her acting. On the other hand, I don't get it why Megan Fox would be a better choice. She doesn't seem like an amazon either. I mean, aren't amazons supposed to be like big and strong women? Both of them are so fragile, weak looking. Nothing about them makes me feel like: "Oh, god, she will snap me in half!"
Quote from: LX - Rampage on December 06, 2013, 09:35AM
Personally, I don't like Gal Gadot as WW. She seems like a typical slim woman. Nothing special, especially her acting. On the other hand, I don't get it why Megan Fox would be a better choice. She doesn't seem like an amazon either. I mean, aren't amazons supposed to be like big and strong women? Both of them are so fragile, weak looking. Nothing about them makes me feel like: "Oh, god, she will snap me in half!"
I agree, neither of them really seem fitting to play Wonder Woman. I would really dislike if Megan Fox got the role because I don't really like her acting. I do like Gal Gadot however, so I am excited to see her even though it seems strange for her to be Wonder Woman.
meh, in most recent WW comics, its all about sex appeal, she still has some muscle, but is mostly kept slim, Havent seen Gal Gadot act yet, but I have faith
Well, comic books are overly sexualized, right? And most movies based on comic books change a lot, right? Why can't we change they this? Make it less about how "hot" the heroes/heroines are and more about how interesting their characters, their personalities are. I would love to see that....not that it would ever happen, since it's made for the masses.
I saw Frozen this weekend and it was really good! It had a twist that I didn't see coming, and the songs had an amazing broadway feel to them which I loved!
Here in Brazil, Frozen will hit theaters in january :(
Quote from: Owl City on December 10, 2013, 04:04AM
Here in Brazil, Frozen will hit theaters in january :(
I'm sorry, well it is definitely worth seeing I believe! I can't really compare it to anything other then an animated Broadway musical. A-lot of TV ads have compared it to the Lion King which I don't think you can do because they are nothing alike.
Yes! Two days until my birthday!!! I think I'll finnally get my just dance 2014! I love the just dance games so much!!!!!
Since we had a bit of fairy tale movie talk earlier, the trailer for the french language beauty and the beast movie was recently released.
It looks awesome
Reminds me of songs from Disney movies :D
Merry Christmas everyone!
It's 00:01 here :P
Thought I would stop in to wish everybody a Merry Christmas.
Merry christmas. Unfortunately my christmas started sucking the minute I got sick today. So I'm at home with a fever -_-' but the missus is taking care of me :P
merry xmas everybody :D
Merry Christmas everyone! :) :P :D
Merry Christmas Everybody! I hope everyone's holiday will be a good one!
Quote from: B.L.A.W on December 24, 2013, 10:36PM
Merry christmas. Unfortunately my christmas started sucking the minute I got sick today. So I'm at home with a fever -_-' but the missus is taking care of me :P
Get well soon
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas! :) ^^
Quote from: LX - Rampage on December 25, 2013, 12:05PM
Merry Christmas Everybody! I hope everyone's holiday will be a good one!
Get well soon
Working on it ><'
How was everyone's Christmas so far?
Quote from: B.L.A.W on December 25, 2013, 10:19PM
Working on it ><'
How was everyone's Christmas so far?
Mine was good. I got to spend time with family, did some gaming with my step brothers, and found out what a pain Steam can be to configure if you're worried about security.
Mine was fun. Spent lots of time with my family, played some video games like Tekken Tag 2 or Team Fortress 2, so it's a lot of fun. Cheers everyone!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I enjoyed. Spent time with family, saw the Hobbit, played Lego Marvel Superheroes, and finished with two Doctor Who Christmas Specials.
Same here. But the DLC still not out yet on Steam (lego Marvel i mean) + luckily i'm hearing this in a peaceful life of Winter this month:
Happy New Year everybody!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy new year!
Happy new year guys ;D !!
Happy new year everyone !
Sadly in New Year
:angry: WTH Man?!
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 01, 2014, 08:31PM
Sadly in New Year
:angry: WTH Man?!
It isn't just the Deadpool game.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on January 02, 2014, 07:57AM
It isn't just the Deadpool game.
:eek: oh no.
:| Wait, was the Identity Crisis DLC is FREE of charge DLC patch like TTT2 was?
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 02, 2014, 09:48AM
:eek: oh no.
:| Wait, was the Identity Crisis DLC is FREE of charge DLC patch like TTT2 was?
No I don't believe it was free, I may be wrong though.
& then there's real-life bizarre thing on the previous news in China after hearing these Activision's Marvel games removed since UMvC3 & MvC2 removal on Capcom is:
is this for real? who is that person with a black outfit at night? mutant? alien? superhuman? supernatural creater?
Looks like the Ultimate Comics are getting updated just like the regular ones.
I saw Frozen today, and omg it was amazing!
I loved it. :D Great story (awesome twist), great songs, fantastic voice acting and awesome comedic elements. :P
no disney villain death :D
I also heard that Anna and Elsa will be added into the Disney Princesses.
Also I'm excited because there will be Alice in Wonderland 2 (2016) and a Cinderella (2015) live action movie. Helena Bonham Carter is set to play the role of the Fairy Godmother in the Cinderella movie.
Plus I can't wait for the Maleficent movie. :P
Edit: Just updated my Profile and Signature Pics. :P
I haven't actually seen Frozen yet, but my ears have heard enough of the soundtrack to state i'm kind of addicted to it lol.
And in other news, one of those near impossible things that nobody thought would really happen, is actually happening.
The Adam West Batman tv show is finally getting a DVD release, news just broke today. What else can anyone say but...HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!
Really? The Adam West Batman show on DVD? I always wondered what they were like, I might buy it then :)
Here is DC's news:
Oh, yeah! I hope it will be released soon. Like, before I have to start my next school in September.
According to this article, Gal Gadot, will not only be appearing in Man of Steal as Wonder Woman, but may possibly be appearing in her own movie, as well as a Justice League movie.
What I heard was that after a DC movie is over, they will be giving us a short 15 minute movie explaining a random character and introducing them into the cinematic universe. They will apparently be doing this with all of the movies. I also read that the movie was delayed to 2016, but rumors have said that they were gong to be making a Themyscira, where Wonder Woman and all the other amazons are. Maybe that could be the short film they were planning but idk, just my theory,
Meh, 15 minutes... I dunno how to feel about that. Its quite long, and since the main story is over, people tend to leave (especially if they decide to do it after the credits) will have to wait & see I guess
I typically stay out of the movie type discussions because often they're just not what interests me about super heroes. But DC did make something has me interested more than well anything else comic related not named Marvel Ultimate Alliance (lol)
So apparently they made a direct-to-video movie that's essentially a fun justice league adventure. Which is truly a breath of fresh air to me. Since most of DC's animated fare bores the mephisto's realm out of me from being far too serious and forced.
As of right now it's exclusive to US Target stores, due to that agreement WB has with Target. (Like seriously i don't know what terms it is, since it seems what Target gets exclusive is random each year, two years it got animated show releases, and this year it's gets a brand new animated feature?) But like all of them it will get a wide release in a few months. But the earliest i can get to a target is next wednesday. I'm going to try to pick it up then.
:( i still can't find a way how to play MUA PC in 8 w/out getting downgrade. My computer already set in 8 since my Mac OSX Pro (w/ 7 in it)'s screen broken
Yay, Frozen has been nominated for two Academy Awards.
- Best Animated Feature
- Best Original Song ( Let It Go by Idina Menzel )
Also Disney released a Let It Go Multi-language Video on their disneyanimation YouTube channel.
It's really cool. 25 Languages.
And from all those 25, I know only two. xD
:D & No Disney Villains' death like i said before. But there is justice. Especially an uppercutting an antagonist
Quote from: White Queen on January 25, 2014, 05:42PM
Yay, Frozen has been nominated for two Academy Awards.
- Best Animated Feature
- Best Original Song ( Let It Go by Idina Menzel )
Also Disney released a Let It Go Multi-language Video on their disneyanimation YouTube channel.
It's really cool. 25 Languages.
And from all those 25, I know only two. xD
It definitely deserves to win both of those awards.
Ahh, the finale of American Horror Story: Coven was amazing!
I'm really satisfied with the ending.
Today was....interesting. A little backstory:
In the last two weeks, I had some stomach problems, real nasty stuff, for everyone's sake, I won't go into detail. This week, I was able to go to school again. Sadly, I bought some kind of bad food in the school's cafeteria and I started to experience serious pain again. More painful, than before. So, I asked the teacher to let me go home.
On my way home, I got to the point, that I was barely able to walk. I couldn't stand straight, I was bending over, grabbing my stomach the whole time. I was only like 4-500 meters away from home, when I had to stop. This girl I've never seen before walked past me, only to turn back and actually ask if I'm okay, how far do I live, if I need any help etc. After I told her, that I'm not so far away and I'll be fine, she still walked with me for like half of the remaining distance. She asked again, if I can make it home. Of course, I didn't want to trouble someone, who I don't even know, so I told her again, that I'll be okay, and we went different ways.
Now, I'm feeling okay, I got through the whole problem, but that's not what this is about. Someone, a total stranger offered me help and shown more concern towards me, than most of the people who I know. She was around my age, maybe a bit younger. To be honest, this random act of kindness and caring made me feel better than anything in the last month or even more. It gave me hope for the future, made me feel like, that not everyone is selfish, that there are people, who could be an example to others.
Honestly, I'm very said, that I didn't ask what her name was or even look at her face, because, most likely, I will never be able to properly thank her. She would deserve to know all this.
X_X Damn my home country in Jakarta is in disaster (flooding (night raining is affect to this), i have to finda way outta my current place & i wished i moved to another country like Singapore.
Quote from: LX - Rampage on January 30, 2014, 10:29AM
Today was....interesting. A little backstory:
In the last two weeks, I had some stomach problems, real nasty stuff, for everyone's sake, I won't go into detail. This week, I was able to go to school again. Sadly, I bought some kind of bad food in the school's cafeteria and I started to experience serious pain again. More painful, than before. So, I asked the teacher to let me go home.
On my way home, I got to the point, that I was barely able to walk. I couldn't stand straight, I was bending over, grabbing my stomach the whole time. I was only like 4-500 meters away from home, when I had to stop. This girl I've never seen before walked past me, only to turn back and actually ask if I'm okay, how far do I live, if I need any help etc. After I told her, that I'm not so far away and I'll be fine, she still walked with me for like half of the remaining distance. She asked again, if I can make it home. Of course, I didn't want to trouble someone, who I don't even know, so I told her again, that I'll be okay, and we went different ways.
Now, I'm feeling okay, I got through the whole problem, but that's not what this is about. Someone, a total stranger offered me help and shown more concern towards me, than most of the people who I know. She was around my age, maybe a bit younger. To be honest, this random act of kindness and caring made me feel better than anything in the last month or even more. It gave me hope for the future, made me feel like, that not everyone is selfish, that there are people, who could be an example to others.
Honestly, I'm very said, that I didn't ask what her name was or even look at her face, because, most likely, I will never be able to properly thank her. She would deserve to know all this.
Well that doesn't sound good, I'm sorry you have to go through that. It would be nice if there were more people like her in this world.
Anyone, who has a Facebook account, might find this interesting:
Has anyone watched The Lego Movie yet?
I heard it's really good.
It looks like, according to X-Men Vol 4 #10, that the New Sisterhood will be attempting to resurrect Madelyne Pryor and Selene Gallio and bring them back to the land of the living.
Idina Menzel will perform "Let It Go" at the Oscars.
Excited!!! :D :D :D
Yup, before I back to the modding world, I have to reinstall my laptop 'cause there's like a ton of viruses in there. I hope I find the MUA installation disc or else I'm gonna buy the game again :runaway:
Also, I got excited for the upcoming Naruto game (Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Revolution) because of the 'Combination Ultimate Jutsu' feature. It's seriously tempting me XD
Frozen won Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song (Let it Go) at the Academy Awards! :D :)
:phew: at last I made it on Akira's 1 frame move in Vita version, console version might almost there.
Quote from: White Queen on March 03, 2014, 03:54AM
Frozen won Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song (Let it Go) at the Academy Awards! :D :)
I listen to the song like, everytime on my phone. :grin:
I admit, it's an amazing song.
IMO, Idina Menzel's version sounds better than Demi Lovato's version.. But both of them are awesome :D
Well seems like Harley Quinn is making a TV appearance in the show Arrow. @the 0.7 mark
I sorta stopped watching Arrow after like the first 5 episodes xD (I suck at watching tv shows) but this is an episode I'll definitely watch :o
I personally don't watch this show at all(Never seen any episodes). But after hearing this tid bit of news I'll be tuning in more.
Haha, this made me laugh. xD :D
I suppose there are OUAT lovers on here? Any opinions on the new fabulous witch? (
Quote from: Aragogo on March 09, 2014, 08:36AM
I suppose there are OUAT lovers on here? Any opinions on the new fabulous witch? (
I am very excited to see the new episode. I love the show, and I am a huge Oz fan so I hope they do her justice.
Saw the ep, it was amazing!
Can't wait to see more Wicked Witch of the West scenes. :D
Welcome Back Peter Parker
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on March 28, 2014, 12:21AM
Welcome Back Peter Parker
Thanks for that, I didn't know about it :) At last, this storyline is over.
Beware Google users
Hackers from Hefei, Anhui, China
Someone has hacking into my YouTube account using my mail and password :|
Quote from: LX - Rampage on March 28, 2014, 12:31AM
Thanks for that, I didn't know about it :) At last, this storyline is over.
Oh yeah not yet. 1 more
In all honesty :D :
Very satisfied with how Once Upon a Time in Wonderland ended.
Everyone got their happy ending...except..well Jafar. xD
I've also heard, that some of the characters might crossover and become regulars in Once Upon a Time, so that's exciting. :D
Quote from: White Queen on April 04, 2014, 03:00AM
Very satisfied with how Once Upon a Time in Wonderland ended.
Everyone got their happy ending...except..well Jafar. xD
I've also heard, that some of the characters might crossover and become regulars in Once Upon a Time, so that's exciting. :D
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland was a nice show, but it just didn't have the same feeling and I feel like that worked against it for me. Alice rubbed me the wrong way sometimes. And Jafar was so evil that I couldn't once find myself liking him at all. I am also disapointed that the Jabberwocky didn't get saved. I also didn't really like how Alice and Cyrus have a kid in the end, it just didn't feel right to me.
And for some reason I am still confused how England seems like it is still years and years in the past, and everyone looks Victorian, yet Storybrooke is in the same universe. Alice didn't even know what anything in Storybrooke was, so I am a bit confused with some things. But none the less it was enjoyable.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on April 04, 2014, 02:46PM
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland was a nice show, but it just didn't have the same feeling and I feel like that worked against it for me. Alice rubbed me the wrong way sometimes. And Jafar was so evil that I couldn't once find myself liking him at all. I am also disapointed that the Jabberwocky didn't get saved. I also didn't really like how Alice and Cyrus have a kid in the end, it just didn't feel right to me.
And for some reason I am still confused how England seems like it is still years and years in the past, and everyone looks Victorian, yet Storybrooke is in the same universe. Alice didn't even know what anything in Storybrooke was, so I am a bit confused with some things. But none the less it was enjoyable.
Victorian England is a different world/realm. I guess it's like an alternate Earth where everything is just a bit behind. xD
The character I most enjoyed was Anastasia. I think she would make a perfect addition to Storybrooke. :P
Quote from: White Queen on April 05, 2014, 02:38AM
Victorian England is a different world/realm. I guess it's like an alternate Earth where everything is just a bit behind. xD
The character I most enjoyed was Anastasia. I think she would make a perfect addition to Storybrooke. :P
That's what I was assuming. I liked Anastasia as-well, I did read that Will may become a regular on the main show, but that's all I heard about any of the Wonderland characters.
Last night i realized i missed the older days when technology would just fail all at once, now instead i get the "fun" of dealing with two disc drive lasers both in their own ways slowly go downhill. It's like technology taunts us now instead of just disappointing us all at once.
I'm still shocked to hear that the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak is finally over. Brock Lesnar beat him. I think Taker's finally hanging it up to ride off into the sunset. What a run by a legendary wrestler - one of the greatest of all time.
Apart from making no sense, it sure was a shocker. I was in this shocked state the whole day. I wonder what's next and if they still want a Sting vs Undertaker match at WM31. Maybe a retirement match....
BREAKING NEWS: The Ultimate Warrior, born James Hellwig, seems to have passed away.
Omg this is hilarious.
It's the song "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid sang by a girl named Melinda Kathleen Reese.
And what she did was, use Google Translate to translate the English lyrics into another language, and then translate that to another different language and so on. And then she returned it to English, and sang the lyrics that came out.
It so messed up and funny, but she has an amazing singing voice though.
Wow, Once Upon a Time is getting intense, can't wait for the next episode. :)
And I was happy to see Rose McGowan as Young Cora again. :D
Quote from: White Queen on April 21, 2014, 04:38AM
Wow, Once Upon a Time is getting intense, can't wait for the next episode. :)
And I was happy to see Rose McGowan as Young Cora again. :D
I agree it was a great episode! I was hoping we would see more of Oz, or learn more about Zelena's past in Oz as the Wicked Witch. Hopefully they show more before the season is up, I am glad that Glinda is finally going to appear in the next episode tho!
Soul Calibur Lost Swords delayed? X_X
Hey everyone, just wanted to mention that I'm looking for an apprentice to take on the task of getting the Assassin (Assassin's Creed) mod done. I planned to make it but I haven't had any time to mod for a while. I really want you guys to get to play it (especially since one of the skins is finished). Check in my thread for details.
I can't believe this. Tony Stark is adopted?
Hoenn remake announced :D
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on May 06, 2014, 09:42PM
I can't believe this. Tony Stark is adopted?
I read about this and.....they are really in need of good, new ideas. This reminds me about those crappy soap operas :D
Quote from: Me on May 07, 2014, 11:20AM
Hoenn remake announced :D
I simply love Pokémon Emerald, so Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire are welcome in my book. Now I totally need a 3DS. Pokémon XY, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, etc. So many awesome games I want to play :D
Another thing are after original universe's Peter Parker returns, Ultimate one returns, what will he be? a Scarlet Spider? Which means Ultimate Pete & original Eddie (Toxin), Flash (Agent Venom) & Kaine (original universe's new Scarlet Spider) might be in Spider-Verse. I wish Miles meet Miguel if he is transported into 616 w/ Ultimate Peter for an emergency about many universes Spiders (except that has already been deceased are suddenly captured or killed by original universe's Morlun)
OMG The Finale of Season 3 of Once Upon a Time was mind-blowing.
And at the very end, the character that appeared....I was screaming. I can't believe it!
OMG OMG OMG! I can't wait for Season 4!
I seriously cannot contain myself right now!
Ok I seriously cannot stop! My mind is imploding! That was the best end scene/cliffhanger ever!
I can't even..... I can't even be mad about the fact that we have to wait until like Winter or Fall until Season 4!
I'm still at season one but after your post I just had to sneek a quick peek, and I can't believe they actually used said character, I need to catch up real fast right now xD
Quote from: Polygone on May 12, 2014, 10:44AM
I'm still at season one but after your post I just had to sneek a quick peek, and I can't believe they actually used said character, I need to catch up real fast right now xD
I'm happy you started watching too. :D I seriously did not expect that character to show up, I mean the writers talked about including said character, but I never thought they would do it so early.
I was literally staring at my screen with my mouth open wide for about two minutes after that scene. xD
People, can I ask a favour from you? I would like to achieve something in TF2 and it requires that I upload a video to YouTube and get like 1000 views. Can you guys help me with this?
I viewed your video!
That Once Upon a Time finale was crazy, and the ending was insane. I can't believe they used that character, and so fast too. Bring on Season 4 please!
Ben Affleck's bat suit was shown off today.
Quote from: Me on May 13, 2014, 10:14PM
Ben Affleck's bat suit was shown off today.
Not gonna lie: this costume is one of my favourite Batman movie costumes so far. And I honestly believe, that if the movie will suck, then it won't be Affleck's fault. Especially after the Man of Steel movie.
Yay! Reserving seats for X-Men Days of Future Past on Saturday (Sadly can't go on Friday xD)
X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theaters here in Brazil today!!!!!
I should be going to see it Saturday too!
I saw it today. It was pretty amazing.
I'm catching it on Saturday as well. I highly doubt it will disappoint. And I'll admit, Jennifer Lawrence is influencing me to work on a mod of :mystique: Mystique as soon as I'm done with The Mandarin.
My god, the movie was mind-blowingly amazing!
The Jean Grey cameo left me with a dopey grin, and dat end credits scene!
Seriously, the best X-Men movie to date, I can't wait for X-Men: Apocalypse. :D :D :D
lalalala, dont wanna hear it dont wanna hear it, still need to see it!
Man, so many great movies coming out, so little time, this is torture :(
The movie was awesome! I really wish the past had more action, it seemed to fall a bit short on the whole X-Men mark for me. But everything about the future portion was amazing, I would love if they made a whole movie about that.
I am a bit disspointed on the way the handle the other characters that didn't appear from First Class, because most of those characters had potentinal to be great if they used them again.
I was just a tad nitpicky with some of the things with the past that I wish they didn't do, or that I wish they had, but all in all it was one of the best X-Men movies. I don't know if I would call it the best, since X2 and First Class are still two of my favorites, but this one might tie with those two.
:fro: I dig the film. Without giving too many details, Magneto looked god-like, Mystique's fight scenes were short but nice (I wonder if a skin of Mystique's film version has been made yet...), and Quicksilver was hilarious! The future scenes were great, and VERY Mortal Kombat-like. The ending made me wonder though... and White Queen is correct -- that after credits scene was an awesome prelude.
I liked the film a lot! I have to agree with midnight, I would love to see a movie based off of the future and see what happened to all the mutants. I just wish this movie had more screen play of Quicksilver and Blink because imo they kinda made this movie amazing.
Now.. I wonder what they are going to do for the X-Force (if they are even making it) and Apocalypse.
People are complaining a little that in the new 2023 future timeline where everyone is alive and well, that the X-Men look as young as they did 20 years ago. I mean technically that is kinda correct, but if you look at the fact that the X2 movie was about 11 years ago, that technically covers the aging portion a little since the actors have aged (obviously). xD But yeah.
Favourite character was most definitely Mystique (I love Jennifer Lawrence) and Blink, and yeah kinda disappointed on the "treatment" they gave the X-Men: First Class characters that didn't appear. (Emma T_T)
Mystique was definitly one of my favorites, Blink as well. I read that she signed on a 5 movie deal with FOX so hopefully we see more of her.
I didn't really think about the whole age thing, I mean obviously they are aging, they all just age really well I guess since they all look pretty similar.
Happily ever after in X-Men DOFP. Early bird = not quite. Just think about Marvel Cinematic Universe for example.
The four dead mutants from First Class could easily come back considering the next film is about Apocalypse.
Quote from: Dihan on May 27, 2014, 03:22AM
The four dead mutants from First Class could easily come back considering the next film is about Apocalypse.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. Hmm, that would fit well, you have some nice ideas here. ;)
Banshee counts this. Foreshadowed from the comic.
I wonder there's a Lego Marvel 2 (w/ portable versions may similar to the console ones: open world), which include most of the characters that appears in Movie & its based media not just Avengers, but also Spider-Man (kinda mix of Marc Webb & Sam Raimi, only Spider-Man can kept his current movie (Webb) appearance), X-Men, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, DD, Blade. If announced soon.
Anyway for Persona fans:
Atlus was lucky to be bought by Sega, i think
I only hope Persona 5's development will continue as scheduled.
Hey, guys, Lego Batman 3 is also in development (BTW, why not just change the title into Lego Justice League or something?)
A sidenote from me: I started watching MLP and I actually like it so far :D
Quote from: LX - Rampage on May 29, 2014, 10:54AM
I only hope Persona 5's development will continue as scheduled.
Hey, guys, Lego Batman 3 is also in development (BTW, why not just change the title into Lego Justice League or something?)
A sidenote from me: I started watching MLP and I actually like it so far :D
I agree they should have just called it Lego Justice League last game, but who knows why they don't feel the need. Maybe because they still keep Batman as the primary character.
I found this, it's so cool. The X-Men re-imagined as medieval characters. You know this would a perfect concept for a TV Series based on the X-Men, but in a medieval setting and facing the problems of that time period. Like being prosecuted because people would think their gifts come from the devil or something. xD
Quote from: White Queen on June 01, 2014, 11:43AM
I found this, it's so cool. The X-Men re-imagined as medieval characters. You know this would a perfect concept for a TV Series based on the X-Men, but in a medieval setting and facing the problems of that time period. Like being prosecuted because people would think their gifts come from the devil or something. xD
That reminds me of one of the episodes of the X-Men cartoon back in the day. It was the second-to-final episode - "Jubilee's Fairy Tale." Jubilee imagined she was the hero in medieval times, with a beast-like Wolverine, and thief Gambit as her sidekicks. Professor X was an oracle, Magneto was the evil warlord, and Sabretooth was some evil hunchback minion of his. (My memory is vague on the details.) Needless to say, that would be an interesting idea.
It's not medieval, but there's Marvel 1602. Mutants are known as "Witchbreeds".
I know it's not the modern platform but stretching back to the old ps2 days, did anyone ever remember any problems with faulty memory cards? I'm still using it (for the worlds game for one thing) but i had one that i bought never used, and it wouldn't be recognized in slot 1, and only in slot 2. Until today where it allowed me to upload, but when it came time to save it wouldn't recognize it. Luckily i had a spare, but another brand new one and that one was able to be read in both slots from the start.
I'm guessing i just got a bad one from the start.
I'm in a huge ordeal right now. You see, I graduated high school this year, and after graduation, we have our school leaving exams. I already completed my written exams, with pretty good results. I still have two exams left, which I will have next week on Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday (we only find out about it on Wednesday).
The problem is: I can't study. I just can't make myself. I am not exhausted or anything. I feel fine. I just can't bring myself to do it. I know it's important, my future may be on the line, since these might ruin my chances for getting into a good university. If I won't study, I'm sure I won't do well. I can probably do okay on History with a little effort, but I can't get the minimum on Literature or Grammar if I won't study. Even though I'm fully aware how much I need the time to prepare and study, for some reason, I still can't do it. I don't even need to ace my exams, as long as I get like 60% or somewhere around that, I will be doing great (these exams don't matter THAT much when it comes to my school plans, but failing them will affect my chances greatly).
I don't know what is going on with me, but I sure hope I can get over this thing by tonight or early tomorrow, because if yes, I will have time to prepare enough. If not, I would need all the luck in the world.
Forgive me anyone if i'm a little slow updating any threads or replying to help messages right now. I lost one of my dogs this morning, so it may take me a little while to get around to some of that stuff. Thanks.
Quote from: Oddark123 on June 19, 2014, 08:25AM
Forgive me anyone if i'm a little slow updating any threads or replying to help messages right now. I lost one of my dogs this morning, so it may take me a little while to get around to some of that stuff. Thanks.
I know the feeling. Take your time.
Omg, these Jean/Scott comics are hilarious. xD
Feeling peace today:
Happy 4th of July to all the Americans! :D
At last
Guys check this web page out I think it is really cool that they showed hidden Disney characters in other Disney movies. Like Goofy in the Little Mermaid movie.
Just got back from the new Transformers, and honestly. I liked it, but hated it too.
First of all, its a 3 hour movie, and for every second you watch Michael Bay returns with two explosions (No seriously, once you start paying attention it becomes ridicioulous)
The Dinobots served little to none story telling wise, and were really thrown in for the fans (which I'm ok with, to be honest)
I felt like the movie was waay to long though, it should've ended somewhere around Lockdown's ship.
(also, really? Lockdown? Lockdown is like the Boba Fett of Transformers, it's like making a Star wars movie with Boba Fett as the main villain.)
The *SPOILER* return of Megatron was nice, but I was hoping he would refer to himself as Megatron, and not Galvetron*END OF SPOILER*
All in all, good movie, but seriously way to many explosions
(I'm also going to be checking out Maleficent and Days of Future past when it comes out here :D )
While this response means more personal to me and i feel like posting it just because lol but any way.
After a few days of comment drama on youtube, Polygone you have no idea how happy i am to see someone expressing their thoughts on a transformers movie and using the word "I" and not just passing around a blame game. I knew there was a reason i like being here over other sites XD
Quote from: Polygone on July 11, 2014, 02:49AM
Just got back from the new Transformers, and honestly. I liked it, but hated it too.
First of all, its a 3 hour movie, and for every second you watch Michael Bay returns with two explosions (No seriously, once you start paying attention it becomes ridicioulous)
The Dinobots served little to none story telling wise, and were really thrown in for the fans (which I'm ok with, to be honest)
I felt like the movie was waay to long though, it should've ended somewhere around Lockdown's ship.
(also, really? Lockdown? Lockdown is like the Boba Fett of Transformers, it's like making a Star wars movie with Boba Fett as the main villain.)
The *SPOILER* return of Megatron was nice, but I was hoping he would refer to himself as Megatron, and not Galvetron*END OF SPOILER*
All in all, good movie, but seriously way to many explosions
(I'm also going to be checking out Maleficent and Days of Future past when it comes out here :D )
Maleficent was an excellent movie I love how they told the story of the villain and not the princess or heroine. Don't want to spoil the movie for you but I did feel bad for Maleficent. And Xmen Days of Future Past was an great movie also.
Also about Transformers I fell asleep on that movie it was boring to me. But I could see why because I'm not a big transformers fan also it was wayyy to long lol. :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on July 11, 2014, 10:46AM
Also about Transformers I fell asleep on that movie it was boring to me. But I could see why because I'm not a big transformers fan also it was wayyy to long lol.
I'm still trying to learn all of their names xd, currently playing Fall of Cybertron, so thats helping
I can see how you might fall asleep yeah, but our showing was at 9AM, and I had to work that day, starting around 8PM, so I was kinda tired, maybe if we went around the evening, I would've enjoyed it more, but oh well.
Quote from: Polygone on July 11, 2014, 10:52AM
I'm still trying to learn all of their names xd, currently playing Fall of Cybertron, so thats helping
I can see how you might fall asleep yeah, but our showing was at 9AM, and I had to work that day, starting around 8PM, so I was kinda tired, maybe if we went around the evening, I would've enjoyed it more, but oh well.
LOL! I went to an outdoor theater to see Transformers at 9:00pm to 12:00am so I was kind of tired. :storm:
I have to say I really liked the new Transformers movie, but the side plot with Megatron I felt was not needed at all and if they took it out it could have cut down the time and still been a great movie.
So far I'm quite enjoying the second season of Witches of East End, It's quite a bit darker than the first one which is nice. :P :D
I´m so unhappy due to the news of Thor , sadly its turning into a woman
Well i really don´t understand, this will be forever or just in a series of books?
Quote from: dsl on July 16, 2014, 03:10PM
I´m so unhappy due to the news of Thor , sadly its turning into a woman
Well i really don´t understand, this will be forever or just in a series of books?
I don't really seem to think Thor being a female is a problem.
The Thor that everyone knows, Thor Odinson, Will still have a comic book as well but he is now "Unworthy" and can no longer hold Mjolnir.
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if HE be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
"This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it's unlike any Thor we've ever seen before."
I hope it fails , in my opinion its really stupid.
They are messing up.
I hope it doesn´t change nothing in the tv series or movies
Quote from: dsl on July 16, 2014, 04:08PM
I hope it fails , in my opinion its really stupid.
They are messing up.
I hope it doesn´t change nothing in the tv series or movies
I don't exactly see how they did anything wrong? She hasn't even been introduced into the comics yet so therefore she has done nothing to mess anything up yet. I honestly don't think this change would get as much backlash if it were a male character replacing the former Thor.
And I seriously doubt the movies or tv shows would do such a thing, they stick to well known and established characters.
"The New Thor Is a Big Deal, But Not Because She's a Woman"
I'm super excited for this.
They did the same thing with the "Captain Marvel" moniker and Carol Danvers and that book was one of her most popular to date (#carolcorps).
And like Midnightphoenix said Thor Odinson will still have his book, he just won't have the power of Thor and he won't fight with Mjolnir anymore.
I think the new Thor will be a great addition to the Marvel pantheon. The comics industry is learning that it needs more non-male, non-white characters to appeal to its actual audience AND to branch out to new audiences.
I can understand if people are concerned that Thor Odinson is leaving, or are upset that he no longer has the power of Thor, but the needs of the industry are far greater than that one character.
And dsl, WHY do you think its stupid? Is it because she's a girl? Would you feel more comfortable if it was another male character taking up the mantle of Thor?
I don't really want to get into a sticky conversation that's not appropriate for these forums, but that is another reason why Marvel NEEDS to do this.
No it´s not because it's female or male , it's because they are changing something that they shouldn't.
As i love nordic mythology , thor is my second fav of marvel, and i kinda don't like this idea (i understand this is not mythology, but i think if they want to give more credits to female, they should give them more importance but never change the gender of a hero.
Just my opinion
Edit: What now falcon is captain america?
Damn my 2 favourite marvel characters messed up :(
That I can definitely understand; I love mythology, and that's one of the reasons I read Thor. But the needs of the comic industry outweigh the needs to history. They need to evolve to capture a wider audience, especially given the success of comic-book movies which introduced these characters to people who might not have known them before. The MU feeds off Norse mythology, but it is its own beast with its own rules and history and characters. To be upset because they aren't sticking to mythology would lead me to ask, "Why now? Why is this departure from mythology such a big deal, but the other departures weren't?"
It would be better if they could make a new female character, but by transferring a well-known title to a female they are more likely to capture a new audience for that character. Take Valkyrie, for instance. She is Asgardian, and her recent series was quite good (imho) but short-lived. I think by capitalizing on the success of "Thor" they hope to introduce this new character, and the rest of the MU with it, to a new audience that might relate more to or be more interested in a female perspective. They want this book to be successful.
Personally, if I saw the two Thor's books standing side by side (without knowing that much about either) I'd pick up the new Thor first simply because I know I relate less to the blonde, hetero-normative, machismo that a Norse God typifies. But a bad-ass warrior woman? I'm all about that. lol.
Your mileage may vary.
Edit: It's the same thing with Falcon becoming Captain America. The MU needs to diversify its heavy hitters to stay current. I'll miss Steve Rogers, but he's passed on the mantle of Captain America before. Which leads me to the same question as before, "Why is this transfer of the C.A. moniker such a big deal, but the other times weren't?"
Well i understand what your telling, but i just don´t see it fine, hope some day it returns like it was now.
Full costume look (
I'm all about kickass woman in comics 100%, but pl-uhease (and this isn't just Marvel, this is DC, Marvel, the guys behind Witchblade whose name's I can't come up with right now) If they're truly about respecting woman in comics, stop oversexualising them so much!
In the sketch, it's still pretty natural, sure, most of the light reflection is going to the dongers, but not an aweful lot.
I get that they're all about respecting woman, and I support it, but as long as we have a Black Widow costume where she slightly unzips the top for no purpose whatshowever, or a Viper costume with her back fully exposed, or a Harley Quinn costume which is practically naked. and a FULLY COVERED BATTLE-READY CAPTAIN AMERICA BECAUSE OH GOD PLEASE DON'T SHOW THESE POOR PEOPLE SKIN. I feel that woman are still underrespected
Quote from: dsl on July 16, 2014, 03:10PM
I´m so unhappy due to the news of Thor , sadly its turning into a woman
Well i really don´t understand, this will be forever or just in a series of books?
Marvel have done that before, they have the rights to do it, is a product, and they want to make money with it. But, with all that in mind, take a look to female Ghost Rider and how far that go, and say good luck with making Thor a woman to Marvel.
I understand your feeling, but it wont be forever, even if it's take it like what it is: a product that you dislike and don't buy it.
Also with this whole New Thor and Cap thing, do realize that the Avengers comics are jumping forward in time. Supposedly the Cap we all know is no longer a super solider and has aged without it, so now Falcon takes on the role. Same with Thor, he is unworthy of holding the hammer, so why not change it up.
I feel like comics now a days are starting to get much more bland and tasteless as they recycle old plots. These changes are ones that I welcome, because I want to know what they are going to do with it. Yeah it may not last forever, and I am fine with that. But there is no point in judging it already when we don't even know the course they are taking.
And for anyone who hasn't seen yet, they announced the new Avengers NOW team, consiting of some people such as; The new Falcon Cap, the Female Thor, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man (also going through some changes), Medusa, Bucky, and several others. I am pretty excited to see where they are going to take this new team, and I like the diversity. Super Humans, Inhumans, Mutants, etc.
Quote from: Odinson012 on July 17, 2014, 05:05PM
Marvel have done that before, they have the rights to do it, is a product, and they want to make money with it. But, with all that in mind, take a look to female Ghost Rider and how far that go, and say good luck with making Thor a woman to Marvel.
I understand your feeling, but it wont be forever, even if it's take it like what it is: a product that you dislike and don't buy it.
Yeah its true, but i though Thor was a name of a god and not a title, cuse if this one continues existing (it must) , and now a female its Thor , its not a name.
In the case of Cap, its more common , but i still want to see steve rogers
Georgina Haig on set as Elsa. ( Once Upon A Time: Season 4 )
I really like the dress, hope the cape's in the shape of a snowflake at the end, like the actual one in the movie. :P
And I'm glad the dress we saw in the S3 finale wasn't the actual one/final version.
Georgina seems like a really good actress to play Elsa, I'm really excited for this new season. :D
Once Upon a Time: Season 4 Episode 1: "A Tale of Two Sisters" premieres September 28th, 2014
The new Avengers team of course takes some odd looks at first, but i'm interested to see how the changes go. And it's more than likely that they won't stick forever, but just like many other shorter changes, i look forward to seeing what they do with it.
That's good casting of Elsa.
I agree that is a really good casting as Elsa.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 17, 2014, 07:30PM
Also with this whole New Thor and Cap thing, do realize that the Avengers comics are jumping forward in time. Supposedly the Cap we all know is no longer a super solider and has aged without it, so now Falcon takes on the role. Same with Thor, he is unworthy of holding the hammer, so why not change it up.
I feel like comics now a days are starting to get much more bland and tasteless as they recycle old plots. These changes are ones that I welcome, because I want to know what they are going to do with it. Yeah it may not last forever, and I am fine with that. But there is no point in judging it already when we don't even know the course they are taking.
And for anyone who hasn't seen yet, they announced the new Avengers NOW team, consiting of some people such as; The new Falcon Cap, the Female Thor, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man (also going through some changes), Medusa, Bucky, and several others. I am pretty excited to see where they are going to take this new team, and I like the diversity. Super Humans, Inhumans, Mutants, etc.
I'd say I'm actually bored with these "high-stakes character-redefining" plots. I actually really want to go back to more of what we used to have with the classic identities, self-contained stories, no more than 3 issues long that aren't really about long-term impact. Maybe some fun superhero team-ups. There's nothing I've been wanting to see more again than a team up consisting of Tony Stark and Peter Parker fighting crime and cracking bad jokes.
I agree, I do miss the old comic charm that comics used to have.
So while reading about some x-men and spider-man tv show history I discovered that in the Spider-Man TAS show, during the secret wars 3 episode saga there was a script made for at least one other episode which saw the return of the X-Men, and Spider-Man's symboite suit, and would also have either Magneto, or Sinister as a villain. But due to budget problems they were unable to do it. I guess a script still exists and I was really hoping to find it online.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 22, 2014, 03:12PM
I agree, I do miss the old comic charm that comics used to have.
So while reading about some x-men and spider-man tv show history I discovered that in the Spider-Man TAS show, during the secret wars 3 episode saga there was a script made for at least one other episode which saw the return of the X-Men, and Spider-Man's symboite suit, and would also have either Magneto, or Sinister as a villain. But due to budget problems they were unable to do it. I guess a script still exists and I was really hoping to find it online.
I actually really would have liked to see the next season where they would go find Mary Jane.
Quote from: Tony_Stark on July 22, 2014, 11:10PM
I actually really would have liked to see the next season where they would go find Mary Jane.
I wish both the 90s Spider-Man and X-Men shows would have continued they both had such great potential, but I feel like during the final episodes they fell a bit short.
So since my Transformers 'review' had some people talking, I figured I'd do the same for Maleficent, cus y not :P
Great movie, compared to Transformers it was a work of art. However, if you love Sleeping Beauty. I honestly recommend to not watch it. I was unfamilair with Sleeping Beauty, but I heard a lot of people that were a fan of the orignal, saying they'd think Maleficent could do better.
Few points of intrest without spoiling the whole movie for you guys
-The, as I'd like to call it 'Once Upon A Time Threatment'. Yeah sure, Mal did some bad stuff, but allow us to explain so she's not really a villain anymore.
-OH MY GOD, mild spoiler ahead. Mal doesn't turn in a dragon, but her pet raven does. I know I said I was unfamilair with sleeping Beauty, but even Once Upon A time got this right, oh well, at least we still got a dragon.
-Like I said, she sort of becomes a hero in this film, no more 'mistress of all evil'. Also, I'm pretty sure only ONE scene was pulled straight out of Sleeping Beauty, the scene where Mal curses Aurora. The rest of the film (from as far as I can tell) doesn't copy Sleeping Beauty.
I watched Sleeping Beauty after watching Maleficent. But with all the wonderful CGI in that movie, I'd recommend you watch Sleeping Beauty BEFORE Maleficent.
Still one wonderful movie!
I didn't like maleficent very much, now she had to be the hero in this movie, but I think she could have done more evil stuff and then she'd regret that. And i was really disappointed she didn't become the dragon in the ending, I was also disapointed that the dragon was almost useless, it couldn't even kill some guards :/
I agree, Maleficent could have been much better. I thought it would be a "re-imagining" of Sleeping Beauty and try and make her an anti hero, but instead they changed everything about Sleeping Beauty.
And Maleficent's whole thing is the dragon, and she is also one of, if not the most recognized and notorious Disney Villain. They didn't need to make her as good as they did. And the Fairies frustrated me, the original movie was basically all about them and this movie changed everything about them, and Aurora's father. Phillip was useless too.
So apparently one of my favorite actors/comedians died this morning; Robin Williams, at the age of 63.
They speculate that the cause of death was suicide by asphyxiation. It's so sad to hear, because for me, Robin Williams was this jolly man. I liked his kiddie movies, his raunchy stand-up shows and even some of his more serious work. Whatever was the cause of his death, I can only hope that he will be able to rest in peace now and that his family can get through these tough times. He will surely be missed by a lot of people in the world.
:mourn the death: :( Robin Williams...... tch. i can't believe he died this year, he was a well known being Popeye in 80s, Genie in Alladin, even main casting in Flubber and Jumanji.
i need a spicy snack to prevent my tears dropping
It's hard to accept, I can't believe it. I really like him,
What a great loss! He was an incredible Actor, I will miss him :(
who else think that Phineas & Ferb Star Wars is a side story of alternate New Hope?
I'm thinking of watching the movie Lucy, the trailer looks really good. :D
Quote from: White Queen on August 17, 2014, 08:29AM
I'm thinking of watching the movie Lucy, the trailer looks really good. :D
It looks like a really good movie!
It has Scarlett Johansson walk down a corridor destroying nameless minions. It's pretty much identical to that scene in Iron Man 2.
Who think this 3DS game is more like a Dynasty Warriors based game?
Hoping it will be like Dynasty Warriors, looks pretty good
Xentax is free registered now. For those who wants to join now, hurry before becomes registered donation again
I feel like a gremlin (folklore kind not movie kind) is out to get me. Technlogy seems to have me this week.
My laptop registry screwed up again, similar to what happened last year but much less, so it had to go to the shop to get fixed
A thumbdrive needed to be reset when i tried to transfer some videos
For whatever reason my phone account was delayed in getting paid
And one of my tv cords seems to be going up.
Either i have bad luck this week, or i swear gremlins are real lol
Other note: Has the creation of PS2 memory cards gone really downhill or am I just having bad luck?
As those here may know i'm using a PS2 game for that Worlds game, but each card only has so many create slots, so i have quite a lot of them. But with all the ones I have (made by Sony or otherwise) i've never had much problems with them working. The worst to ever happen was a game save going corrupt and needing to reformat, but it seems ever since i've wanted to expand my cards, i can't seem to find ones that seem to want to work.
I tried two of the bigger cheap ones just to see, and one stopped being recognized a week later, the second of those two is doing fine, but i'm hesitant to trust it. And now today I picked up a two pack, where one seems dead after a few entries in the slot, while the other is so far so good. But again super hesitant to trust it either.
Boy, it's good to be back!
I totally missed MarvelMods a week ago. This site has been down for what? 2 weeks?
Now that the site is up again.. It's awesome to be back :)
Quote from: MUALover on October 23, 2014, 08:18AM
I totally missed MarvelMods a week ago. This site has been down for what? 2 weeks?
Now that the site is up again.. It's awesome to be back :)
Agreed. Although I haven't been here as long as some people, I have been here for awhile and I come on every single day. Once the site went down I honestly didn't know what to do, the original back up forum wasn't working either and I kind of felt lost.
I am happy we have a new backup forum now, and glad the main one is back. I missed it, and everyone on it.
Omg, finally. I've been trying to access the forum every day since it closed, I thought it was a problem on my end or something. I'm so happy it's finally back, I missed you guys. :D :)
It's gonna take me some time getting used to this new layout though... I wonder if I can change it somehow.
Edit: Figured out how to change the forum layout, back to the original one. Yay! :D
Edit...2..: Also Midnight, I love your Profile Pic, where is it from? (do you have a full image, xD) :)
I miss all of y'all honestly I thought it was my computer but its good to be back!! :storm:
Quote from: White Queen on October 24, 2014, 09:54AM
Omg, finally. I've been trying to access the forum every day since it closed, I thought it was a problem on my end or something. I'm so happy it's finally back, I missed you guys. :D :)
It's gonna take me some time getting used to this new layout though... I wonder if I can change it somehow.
Edit: Figured out how to change the forum layout, back to the original one. Yay! :D
Edit...2..: Also Midnight, I love your Profile Pic, where is it from? (do you have a full image, xD) :)
It's great to see you back!
And here is the full image,
what just happen back there?
+ my laptop envy m6 1113tx got suddenly shutdown recently and i can't turn on and even charging before i find out this website online again :(. is there any solution to fix this troubleshoot?
Battery problem or your processor in your laptop is not working anymore.
& this website before my laptop got shut down yesterday?
about my sudden shutted down laptop: i did try follow some of hard reset instructions, but still not working. maybe your right @BL, i think maybe both battery or/& the laptop's processor.sometin tells me that either my cable cord or/& ac adapter also counted too
Could be your adaptor. Does your adaptor have a LED light on it? Is it plugged in? If so; is it on? If not: broken cable/adaptor. Try a different power socket and see if that works. If not, try a different cable. If not, adaptor is broken.
The last time i saw on adapter, i didn't see where its LED is :(
I know this may be a dumb question but can somebody please explain to me the TV series Agents of Shield. And why they don't show superheroes like the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Wolverine fighting bad guys. :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on October 27, 2014, 06:07PM
I know this may be a dumb question but can somebody please explain to me the TV series Agents of Shield. And why they don't show superheroes like the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Wolverine fighting bad guys. :storm:
Well Wolverine will most likely never show up unless Marvel gets the rights back to the X-Men films, or Marvel and Fox come to an agreement. And the other character's actors are most likely tied to other obligations or just haven't been brought into the show yet.
It's rare for me to post on this particular topic, but it's cool to see MM back (albeit in a different look).
Quote from: White Queen on October 24, 2014, 09:54AM
It's gonna take me some time getting used to this new layout though... I wonder if I can change it somehow.
Edit: Figured out how to change the forum layout, back to the original one. Yay! :D
How'd you do that? I have to look into it when I get a chance to. As for modding, I'm working on Red Sonja now, though considering Halloween's coming up, I should've picked Dormammu... Lol. Anyway, after my hiatus, it's damn good to be back.
Dormammu would be amazing :P
Quote from: Outsider on October 28, 2014, 10:01AM
It's rare for me to post on this particular topic, but it's cool to see MM back (albeit in a different look).
How'd you do that? I have to look into it when I get a chance to. As for modding, I'm working on Red Sonja now, though considering Halloween's coming up, I should've picked Dormammu... Lol. Anyway, after my hiatus, it's damn good to be back.
Thanks to White Queen's help I figured it out too! If you go into Profile > Forum Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout its the very first thing on the page that says "Current Theme," Just click the change button and you can pick the old one again, or whichever you prefer.
Quote from: Lightning249539 on October 27, 2014, 06:07PM
I know this may be a dumb question but can somebody please explain to me the TV series Agents of Shield. And why they don't show superheroes like the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Wolverine fighting bad guys. :storm:
Wolverine was mentioned by someone else.
The others cost too much money for a TV show. Straight forward and simple. There's also the case of contracts etc. Plus major characters would outshine the other characters on the show. Which is why you won't see them, they get referred to. However, RDJ wants a cameo on the TV show and they might let him. Again, contractual agreements and price is the issue. And he will probably only show up as Tony Stark, not Iron Man.
And yes, Sam Jackson appeared a couple times on the show but his character in the movies isn't as big as the heroes are.
Logged in, 5 different people asking for help in pms. One of them calling me selfish. Not being logged in for a day and then calling me selfish is just weird and doesnt make me want to help that person.
Some people really need to grow balls and ask publicly for help, they might get an answer faster than one can respond.
Attack on Titan and Marvel crossover comic... I'm not sure how I feel about this. Sure it may be cool and all but the Titans would stand no chance against the heroes >_<
might be a different earth. SnK (not SNK Playmore)/AotT sure is popular since the anime debut.
Anyway, about a broken laptop problem, what's up with a motherboard? some kinda source of the laptop programming & temperature signals?
These past couple weeks have been really rough for me. For the past two weeks I got pretty sick and was in pain and switching between hot and cold for days, then add on all my stress from school and life.
Last week on Tuesday I finally went to the hospital where they thought something was wrong with my liver, my pain got worse and we went back the next day. After an ultra sound and a CT scan they discovered my appendix was inflamed and next thing I know I am getting surgery to get it removed. I'm pretty sore and still recovering but I finally got to go home on Saturday, now it will be a rough few weeks trying not to hurt myself or lift to much.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on November 10, 2014, 10:27AM
These past couple weeks have been really rough for me. For the past two weeks I got pretty sick and was in pain and switching between hot and cold for days, then add on all my stress from school and life.
Last week on Tuesday I finally went to the hospital where they thought something was wrong with my liver, my pain got worse and we went back the next day. After an ultra sound and a CT scan they discovered my appendix was inflamed and next thing I know I am getting surgery to get it removed. I'm pretty sore and still recovering but I finally got to go home on Saturday, now it will be a rough few weeks trying not to hurt myself or lift to much.
Oh that's awful, I'm so sorry :(. I hope you feel better now though with the pain gone, and I hope you get even better soon. :)
Look at the bright side though, at least you'll get a small break from school (I assume), so you got that going for you, which is nice. :P
Btw, have you been keeping up with Once Upon a Time S4 ? :D
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on November 10, 2014, 10:27AM
These past couple weeks have been really rough for me. For the past two weeks I got pretty sick and was in pain and switching between hot and cold for days, then add on all my stress from school and life.
Last week on Tuesday I finally went to the hospital where they thought something was wrong with my liver, my pain got worse and we went back the next day. After an ultra sound and a CT scan they discovered my appendix was inflamed and next thing I know I am getting surgery to get it removed. I'm pretty sore and still recovering but I finally got to go home on Saturday, now it will be a rough few weeks trying not to hurt myself or lift to much.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you guys!
@White Queen, Yes I've already missed a week and will miss at least one more until I get the ok to go back.
And yes I have been keeping up with Once Upon a Time! How do you like it so far?
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on November 10, 2014, 10:27AM
These past couple weeks have been really rough for me. For the past two weeks I got pretty sick and was in pain and switching between hot and cold for days, then add on all my stress from school and life.
Last week on Tuesday I finally went to the hospital where they thought something was wrong with my liver, my pain got worse and we went back the next day. After an ultra sound and a CT scan they discovered my appendix was inflamed and next thing I know I am getting surgery to get it removed. I'm pretty sore and still recovering but I finally got to go home on Saturday, now it will be a rough few weeks trying not to hurt myself or lift to much.
Damn... had no idea, MP. Take care of yourself. Hope you heal up soon.
And in case people haven't heard, guess who just joined Marvel Comics (at least for a little while)? Former WWE wrestler CM Punk! ('s going to be writing for Thor Annual #1, out in February 2015. How do you think he'll do? I know he's been a long-time comic fan, but time will tell if he can cut it as a writer.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on November 10, 2014, 01:17PM
Thank you guys!
@White Queen, Yes I've already missed a week and will miss at least one more until I get the ok to go back.
And yes I have been keeping up with Once Upon a Time! How do you like it so far?
I'm loving it, they outdid themselves with the casting and the costume design. Unlike most people, I love Ingrid. She just wants people who accept her, and is somewhat misunderstood. I felt really sad for Helga though. :( (And despite everything Gerda was a bitch to her older sister in the end :()
Really excited to see how it all plays out, because the 11th episode is the last one in the Frozen arc. After that comes the Maleficent arc, which I'm super excited about. (I love Kristin Bauer van Straten)
Quote from: White Queen on November 11, 2014, 02:05AM
I'm loving it, they outdid themselves with the casting and the costume design. Unlike most people, I love Ingrid. She just wants people who accept her, and is somewhat misunderstood. I felt really sad for Helga though. :( (And despite everything Gerda was a bitch to her older sister in the end :()
Really excited to see how it all plays out, because the 11th episode is the last one in the Frozen arc. After that comes the Maleficent arc, which I'm super excited about. (I love Kristin Bauer van Straten)
Are you telling me our Lord and Saviour Queen Bauer will be coming as Maleficent?
I thought she was killed...and her corpse was under the clocktower..?
Quote from: Aragogo on November 13, 2014, 11:03AM
Are you telling me our Lord and Saviour Queen Bauer will be coming as Maleficent?
I thought she was killed...and her corpse was under the clocktower..?
She was, she became this undead lich woman zombie...thing. Not sure how she's gonna come back, but I'm excited! :D :P
Quote from: White Queen on November 13, 2014, 02:13PM
She was, she became this undead lich woman zombie...thing. Not sure how she's gonna come back, but I'm excited! :D :P
I have just one thing to say
I'm expecting snarky banter between Regina and Maleficent. I'll live so much for it.
I feel like I have been gone for so long. I have had a pretty rough month.
You may have read my last post about me going to the hospital, well that wasn't the last time. In total I spent 16 days in the hospital.
First trip I got suprised with my first surgery and got my appendix removed, suffered complications and had to stay longer then expected.
After getting released on Saturday that following Wednesday I was in extreme pain, the worst pain I have ever been in that my Mom and Nurses could only describe as labor pains. I got put in the hospital again so they could try and treat my pain and believed I had a bowel blockage. During my second stay the scariest thing in my life happened and I was given a drug that caused me to pass out, waking up from that was like waking up from your worst nightmare. I also had to have an NG tube stuck down my nose and throat and have everything sucked out of my throat. One of the worst things ever as well. I was finally able to leave on Sunday.
The following week was awful, I was in less pain, but still bad pain and wasn't eating at all, nor had I really eaten in the past two weeks either. That following Thursday my bad pain came back, not to mention me getting sick from extreme stomach acid all week and bad bowel blockage. Back in the hospital we discovered I needed to go in for a second surgery because they believed something was wrong with my bowels. They discovered part of my bowels had twisted into a figure 8 of sorts and had to be removed. After I woke up I was in extreme pain and had a second NG tube put in my stomach. I was thankfully able to leave Wednesday night and celebrate Thanksgiving at home.
I believe I am finally making a full recovery and have finally been able to eat food. I have to get my strength back after basically not eating for a month, and I have to deal with having a giant stapled up incision on my stomach. I am also unable to lift anything above 10 pounds for 5 weeks. While being weak and in some pain sucks, I am so glad to finally be home for what I believe is for good this time. I am ready for my life to go back to the way it was, and I really missed coming on here every day.
Sorry for the long post.
Aww, I really hope you feel much better now Midnight, and I hope your health improves immensely in the coming days. For now, just chill, take a lot of naps and listen to soothing music. (basically embrace laziness and relax :P)
Also now is the time to take advantage of your family, and make them your slaves. Make them bring you food and stuff while you lay in bed. :3 :magma: (evilface) lol just kidding ;).
But no really, I hope you get better real soon. I wish health and happiness to you & your family. <3
PS: Remember to keep up with Once Upon a Time. ;) We have Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella de Vil coming to Storybrook somewhat soonish. (After the Frozen arc) It's gonna be an exciting season. :P :3
Also from what I just read, it seems Maleficent will be getting a massive makeover, one closer to the animated movie. And also including the awesome horned headpiece. *_* Much happy, very excite, cannot contain.
And Anastasia, The Red Queen might also be coming back. This might turn out to be the best season thus far. <3 Excited!!!
Hope you recover quickly, Midnightphoenix.
Thank you for the kind wishes both of you!
@White Queen, I am very excited for the new villains, especially Ursula! I am also excited for Maleficent's return and glad to hear she is getting a makeover. I was never really a fan of her outfit. I hope for some Octopus Ursula and not just her human self. I would also love for the Red Queen to come back, Will has been getting on my nerves this season and it seems like something happened with him and maybe the Red Queen so hopefully that gets resolved.
I'm pretty excited for this movie if I do say so myself. The cast is actually looking really good :D;k=pmc-adi-31bb2464aad8b905af7a81e1d57b77ae
Last thursday was Thanksgiving for us in America, but this week I think i need the moment to say I'm thankful my laptop lets me play Marvel Ultimate Alliance. As it looks like it doesn't like me playing another of my games for whatever strange reason. I'm starting to think some gremlins got a distinct agenda against me. None of these games ever caused me as much problem on my old laptop with the same anti-virus software.
I suppose it may seem more personal given I only play like a handful of PC games that I have for years and years, and it seems like each year this laptop pretty much goes "oh you can't play this one anymore"...I just don't get it.
Quote from: Me on December 02, 2014, 04:45PM
I'm pretty excited for this movie if I do say so myself. The cast is actually looking really good :D;k=pmc-adi-31bb2464aad8b905af7a81e1d57b77ae
I'm just glad for a proper live action Harley. Jared Leto as the Joker....Idk, but who knows, he might do a good job.
I'm really busy catching up on multiple tv-shows, I just finished catching up with Gotham (which is, by the by, amazing) but I'm still catching up with Under the Dome and The 100, I'll watch the new Once Upon a time later (I really hate to say this, but this season is mehish so far, season 3 is by far still my favourite, although the second half of season 4 is looking better) and I'm also really excited for the new American Horror Story (Stupid americans with your thanksgiving, making one of my favourite shows not air last week :P)
Once Upon a Time: Victoria Smurfit and Merrin Dungey on-set as Cruella de Vil and Ursula.
Excited!!! :D :D :D
Today is my final test! After that I'm a lawyer! I'm spamming all over the internet.
Quote from: Odinson012 on December 05, 2014, 08:55AM
Today is my final test! After that I'm a lawyer! I'm spamming all over the internet.
Congratulations and I hope you do well.
for those who planned to join in, don't wait, or else you won't be able register free there to get some of the file ripping you need there
EDIT: drat. i'm too late
Bad news everyone. It's from Capcom: The Origins will be the last one to be removed from Network:
*PSN: ALERT!! 23 Dec
*XLA: 31 Dec (just like MUA2 PS3 all over again since both versions of MUA2 DLC are suddenly removed along with MUA X360 GE DLC in 2011, then also DP, X-Men (20th Fox's movies & Destiny), non-Sony rights' Spider-Man (FoF (although it has Sony's design) (DLG in 360), WoS (DLG in 360), SD (Cosmic suit, safe for PC), EoT (i'm not sure if costume code unlock work, since I don't have that game) in 2013)
Hey is Once Upon a Time a good TV show i'm thinking about watching the series. And are any of y'all interested in Scream MTV series? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 21, 2014, 12:54PM
Hey is Once Upon a Time a good TV show i'm thinking about watching the series. And are any of y'all interested in Scream MTV series? :storm:
Once Upon a Time is definitely a good show, though sometimes as of lately I feel like they get a bit repetitive.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on December 21, 2014, 01:38PM
Once Upon a Time is definitely a good show, though sometimes as of lately I feel like they get a bit repetitive.
What is it about? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 21, 2014, 02:20PM
What is it about? :storm:
It's about how the Evil Queen casts a curse that sends mostly everyone in the fairytale world into our world where they all lose their memories and are torn away from their fairytale endings. The show follows Emma Swan who is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. She was sent to our world as a baby and grew up not knowing her parents but is eventually found by her "used-to-be" son who she put up for adoption who tells her she is the savior of the town full of lost fairytale characters.
That's really just the basics for Season One, then everything starts getting crazy in the next seasons haha.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on December 21, 2014, 04:02PM
It's about how the Evil Queen casts a curse that sends mostly everyone in the fairytale world into our world where they all lose their memories and are torn away from their fairytale endings. The show follows Emma Swan who is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. She was sent to our world as a baby and grew up not knowing her parents but is eventually found by her "used-to-be" son who she put up for adoption who tells her she is the savior of the town full of lost fairytale characters.
That's really just the basics for Season One, then everything starts getting crazy in the next seasons haha.
Interesting really looking forward to watching it! :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 21, 2014, 12:54PM
Hey is Once Upon a Time a good TV show i'm thinking about watching the series. And are any of y'all interested in Scream MTV series? :storm:
I definately recommend it. Right now it's my favourite tv series, and I can't wait for Season 4B. So excited! (March 1st is soo far away though T_T)
Also Pinocchio will be returning (adult form), and King Poseidon has been cast. (Poseidon will be Ursula's father)
Ariel will also be returning, probably for Ursula's backstory.
Hurry up PSN Users. Tomorrow the last day for MVCO: BYE BYE
Quote from: White Queen on December 22, 2014, 05:29AM
I definately recommend it. Right now it's my favourite tv series, and I can't wait for Season 4B. So excited! (March 1st is soo far away though T_T)
Also Pinocchio will be returning (adult form), and King Poseidon has been cast. (Poseidon will be Ursula's father)
Ariel will also be returning, probably for Ursula's backstory.
I am very excited to hear Pinocchio is returning as he was one of my favorite characters.
I am however curious as to ow Ursula's back-story will play out. When Ariel first appeared on the episode "Ariel" and started walking on land due to legend that every year during hightide Ursula grants all Mer-People the ability to walk. Snow asks Ariel why she doesn't just ask for more time, she explains that nobody has physically seen Ursula in over a thousand years, and is thought of to be a myth.
So according to what Ariel said she doesn't seem to have seen Ursula, or I suppose as far as she knows given the word "physically." Or I suppose she could be lying, regardless I am curious to see how Ursula's back-story plays out.
So far I'm on season 1 episode 6 and I iam looking really forward to season 2. I love how they give the back story of each fairy tale character and what cause things to change. And the Evil Queen pisses me off always taking Henry away from Emma! Like back off!! :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 23, 2014, 07:03PM
So far I'm on season 1 episode 6 and I iam looking really forward to season 2. I love how they give the back story of each fairy tale character and what cause things to change. And the Evil Queen pisses me off always taking Henry away from Emma! Like back off!! :storm:
Don't worry, you'll grow to love Regina. She's an extremely likeable character. :D
Also, Sebastian Roché has been cast as King Stefan. (The husband of the Original Sleeping Beauty, and the father of Princess Aurora)
(I love the actor, he's from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
Upcoming Episode Titles: Darkness On The Edge Of Town, Unforgiven, Enter The Dragon and Poor Unfortunate Soul.
Quote from: White Queen on December 25, 2014, 03:37AM
Don't worry, you'll grow to love Regina. She's an extremely likeable character. :D
Also, Sebastian Roché has been cast as King Stefan. (The husband of the Original Sleeping Beauty, and the father of Princess Aurora)
(I love the actor, he's from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
Upcoming Episode Titles: Darkness On The Edge Of Town, Unforgiven, Enter The Dragon and Poor Unfortunate Soul.
Am I the only one who was disappointed in two things, first how weak Maleficent was portrayed vs Rumple and second, Ursulas colour scheme. But I understand why shes green instead of black and purple, what with all the black already in the show.
Also...I think I would've preferred Yzma over Cruella. Cruella's too modern for the other two and Yzma still has that flamboyant flair to her, like Cruella.
Though Cruella rocks the snark and sass.
Well this is turning in the OUAT thread isn't it xD
Rumple is one of the most powerful magic users in Storybrooke/Echanted Forest/Whatever, he could pretty much kick anyone's ass (A lot of OUAT versions of fairy tales relate back to Rumple, so it makes sense he's pretty powerful) Maleficent was portraid as weak, but we've only seen her new version for a mere minute or so, so I guess she would become more powerful later on.
Ursula is pretty bad ass, though I'm wondering how A: She got in the real world, B: How she managed to get out of Storybrooke and C: (SLIGHT SPOILER) Wasn't she a myth in OUAT's Little mermaid?
Cruella just doesn't really add up, you've got two women that almost wiped out entire kingdoms, and then you have the doggy snatching criminal... I dunno who I would've prefered, but oh well...
OUAT (I believe) resumes in March, while my dear American Horror Story continues in two weeks :D
Merry christmas & happy new year everyone :D
Ahh my friends this where having a multitude of fiction knowledge can come in handy. :P
Most people seem only really familiar with 101 Dalmatians through the Disney movie. So one of the most bizarre parts of the original book is no doubt not found in a lot of people's memory banks.
Besides Cruella's very telling surname, the book went way farther than just a name. She's infamous for having drunk ink during his days in school, and when characters go to her home, she has it always raging with a open fire because she can never feel warm enough and has all of her food prepared to taste like the hottest of peppers. As you can see she's got a lot of devilish implications that aren't really natural.
While some may see this nowadays as "symbolism", but going further back I'll remind you the books original sequel features a dog from outer space as key to the plot. So yes I assume Dodie Smith meant Cruella to be some kind of demon straight from the start. It was through Disney magic that she became a normal crazy fur lady. *draws mickey mouse symbol like kids on Disney channel*....Always wanted to do that part XD
Quote from: Polygone on December 26, 2014, 07:19AM
Well this is turning in the OUAT thread isn't it xD
Rumple is one of the most powerful magic users in Storybrooke/Echanted Forest/Whatever, he could pretty much kick anyone's ass (A lot of OUAT versions of fairy tales relate back to Rumple, so it makes sense he's pretty powerful) Maleficent was portraid as weak, but we've only seen her new version for a mere minute or so, so I guess she would become more powerful later on.
Ursula is pretty bad ass, though I'm wondering how A: She got in the real world, B: How she managed to get out of Storybrooke and C: (SLIGHT SPOILER) Wasn't she a myth in OUAT's Little mermaid?
Cruella just doesn't really add up, you've got two women that almost wiped out entire kingdoms, and then you have the doggy snatching criminal... I dunno who I would've prefered, but oh well...
OUAT (I believe) resumes in March, while my dear American Horror Story continues in two weeks :D
Merry christmas & happy new year everyone :D
I agree about Rumple he is very powerful and probably one of, if not the most powerful character on the show. Although seeing him grab Maleficent so easily was a bit odd even though she always seemed to be kind of a push over in the early seasons.
I talked about Ursula on the last page too, according to the episode Ariel got introduced in, she has never met Ursula and is only a legend of the merfolk. So I am very curious to see how they tie her in.
Ok so I am on season 2 and I agree I did start liking Regina/ Evil Queen actually I started feeling bad for her because of Snow White not keeping her mouth shut. But I still have to keep my eye on her for she did try to use her evil powers against the people when Rumple realesed I think the magic dust upon storybrooke. But I love how Mulan and Aurora came in!! And I heard Mulan is going to be bisexual!! I truly love Once Upon a Time!!! And yall really drawed me into watching it. Also when are they going to give a more background on Malefeciant? The made it seem defeating her as a dragon so easy tbh.
One more thing I like how they made Red the wolf like I really was not expecting that!
And they should add Yzma into OUAT!
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 27, 2014, 08:39PM
Ok so I am on season 2 and I agree I did start liking Regina/ Evil Queen actually I started feeling bad for her because of Snow White not keeping her mouth shut. But I still have to keep my eye on her for she did try to use her evil powers against the people when Rumple realesed I think the magic dust upon storybrooke. But I love how Mulan and Aurora came in!! And I heard Mulan is going to be bisexual!! I truly love Once Upon a Time!!! And yall really drawed me into watching it. Also when are they going to give a more background on Malefeciant? The made it seem defeating her as a dragon so easy tbh.
One more thing I like how they made Red the wolf like I really was not expecting that!
And they should add Yzma into OUAT!
Well unfortunately, Maleficent will not be showing up again until season four. She only ever appeared in season one, and I believe one episode in season two sort of. She also appears in one episode of the spin off.
Pull the lever Kronk!
Yeah, I would love it if Yzma came on the show (I kinda imagine Maggie Smith portraying her) and yeah, I as well hate how Rumple easily overpowered Maleficent. Hate how he's so overpowered, it would kinda ruin it for other villians if he's a hero though, cuz no one can really stand against him unless said evil person had his dagger.
I feel like Ursula was once a mermaid (some thousand years ago) and when that was stripped away from her, she stripped the ability of mermaids (another theory of mine) to change into human forms at will, and only to be able to change when the tides are at their highest. But as the years went by, the mermaids forgot about Ursula's curse and that they were even able to change into human forms at will, and so they thought she had blessed them with the ability to assume a human form during the highest tides.
That's my poorly constructed theory at least. xD :D
Quote from: White Queen on December 28, 2014, 05:51AM
Pull the lever Kronk!
Yeah, I would love it if Yzma came on the show (I kinda imagine Maggie Smith portraying her) and yeah, I as well hate how Rumple easily overpowered Maleficent. Hate how he's so overpowered, it would kinda ruin it for other villians if he's a hero though, cuz no one can really stand against him unless said evil person had his dagger.
I feel like Ursula was once a mermaid (some thousand years ago) and when that was stripped away from her, she stripped the ability of mermaids (another theory of mine) to change into human forms at will, and only to be able to change when the tides are at their highest. But as the years went by, the mermaids forgot about Ursula's curse and that they were even able to change into human forms at will, and so they thought she had blessed them with the ability to assume a human form during the highest tides.
That's my poorly constructed theory at least. xD :D
I agree with you! Maggie Smith should play as Yzma think she would be a great character to add onto Once Upon A Time also because of her dark magic. And they can tell us a more backstory on her. She would have been better than Cruella to be honest.
But I finished season 2 and was happy that Regina was not going to die but mad at the same time because Tamara and Greg/Owen took Henry! And im so confused why did they make Peter Pan the villain!!! Why do they have to make him take Henry! But im still excited about seeing Ariel, Eric, Alice, and Jafar come in the season 3. And how they tie things back to Aurora, Mulan, and Prince Philip.
Also I cant believe Snow White, Bae, Prince Charming, Henry, Emma, Rumplestiltskin, and the Regina/Evil Queen are a family now! Like its a villain/hero family I just cant believe it!
Also, you should watch Once Upon a Time in Wonderland at the same time as Season 3. So you don't miss out on anything, cuz one main character from Once: Wonderland is now a main in Season 4.
Season 3 is awesome, especially the second part. (Season 3B as it's called) No spoilers of course. :P
Quote from: White Queen on December 29, 2014, 03:56AM
Also, you should watch Once Upon a Time in Wonderland at the same time as Season 3. So you don't miss out on anything, cuz one main character from Once: Wonderland is now a main in Season 4.
Season 3 is awesome, especially the second part. (Season 3B as it's called) No spoilers of course. :P
Why is Peter Pan evil? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 29, 2014, 11:31AM
Why is Peter Pan evil? :storm:
Finish the first part of S3 and you'll find out. :P
Quote from: White Queen on December 29, 2014, 01:41PM
Finish the first part of S3 and you'll find out. :P
I can't believe it Peter Pan is Rumplestiltskin father who abandoned him to stay in never land and now he wants his great grandson! :0 :o :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 30, 2014, 02:04PM
I can't believe it Peter Pan is Rumplestiltskin father who abandoned him to stay in never land and now he wants his great grandson! :0 :o :storm:
You're gonna love Season 3B ;) and Season 4A. I'm so happy you're enjoying the series. :)
Also are you watching Once Upon a Time in Wonderland too?
Quote from: White Queen on December 30, 2014, 02:26PM
You're gonna love Season 3B ;) and Season 4A. I'm so happy you're enjoying the series. :)
I feel so bad for Henry now that he is trapped in Peter Pan body :(. But my plan is to watch once upon a time in wonderland so I will know who the main character is in season 4A. And do I need to watch Frozen since Elsa and Anna is coming in.
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 30, 2014, 03:44PM
I feel so bad for Henry now that he is trapped in Peter Pan body :(. But my plan is to watch once upon a time in wonderland so I will know who the main character is in season 4A. And do I need to watch Frozen since Elsa and Anna is coming in.
They put a spin on the Frozen characters so you don't really need to be familiar with the movie. There are a few things that take inspiration from the movie, and what happens with the characters takes place after the ending of Frozen, but other then that the biggest thing is just knowing who the characters are.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on December 30, 2014, 03:55PM
They put a spin on the Frozen characters so you don't really need to be familiar with the movie. There are a few things that take inspiration from the movie, and what happens with the characters takes place after the ending of Frozen, but other then that the biggest thing is just knowing who the characters are.
Ok I seen half of frozen and i know Elsa wanted to go away so her ice powers will not effect no one else, but this guy that I think liked Anna called Elsa a monster. Anna and this guy with his horse went to search for Elsa which they eventually found her. Are they going to portray Olaf in some type of way? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 30, 2014, 04:23PM
Ok I seen half of frozen and i know Elsa wanted to go away so her ice powers will not effect no one else, but this guy that I think liked Anna called Elsa a monster. Anna and this guy with his horse went to search for Elsa which they eventually found her. Are they going to portray Olaf in some type of way? :storm:
No Olaf isn't in the show at all, so no need to worry about him. You really only need to know Elsa, Anna, Kristof, and I suppose Hans. There are a few other characters who appear in the show from the movie but are a bit minor in comparison.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on December 30, 2014, 04:28PM
No Olaf isn't in the show at all, so no need to worry about him. You really only need to know Elsa, Anna, Kristof, and I suppose Hans. There are a few other characters who appear in the show from the movie but are a bit minor in comparison.
Ok thanks I'm really enjoying the once upon a time series! :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 30, 2014, 04:35PM
Ok thanks I'm really enjoying the once upon a time series! :storm:
It is a good one that's for sure!
I remember when I first got into it towards the end of Season One. I tried to set it to record on my TV but it conflicted with other programs so I just never recorded it, then after the first season ended I decided to check it out and then wound up binge watching the entire first season.
I'm thinking we should open up a Once Upon a Time thread. xD :P
Also, I suggest watching the entire Frozen movie, cuz I would've felt totally confused watching Season 4A if I hadn't watched Frozen before-hand. :P Even though they explain/mention major plot points of the movie during the episodes, it still woudn't hurt watching it. :)
And yes, do not start S4 if you have not watched Once: Wonderland. :P
Curse ABC for having such a large winter/spring break with Once. T_T I can't wait till March 1st.
Quote from: White Queen on December 30, 2014, 06:06PM
I'm thinking we should open up a Once Upon a Time thread. xD :P
Also, I suggest watching the entire Frozen movie, cuz I would've felt totally confused watching Season 4A if I hadn't watched Frozen before-hand. :P Even though they explain/mention major plot points of the movie during the episodes, it still woudn't hurt watching it. :)
And yes, do not start S4 if you have not watched Once: Wonderland. :P
Curse ABC for having such a large winter/spring break with Once. T_T I can't wait till March 1st.
I was thinking the same thing.
Winter hiatuses for shows are always so frustrating, same with summer hiatuses. Those are the times when most people have more time to watch things. And after the mid season final, I just left me wanting more and more.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on December 30, 2014, 06:21PM
I was thinking the same thing.
Winter hiatuses for shows are always so frustrating, same with summer hiatuses. Those are the times when most people have more time to watch things. And after the mid season final, I just left me wanting more and more.
So who will start the once upon a time thread? And i can't believe the wicked witch of the west is The Evil Queen/ Regina half sister! :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on December 30, 2014, 09:58PM
So who will start the once upon a time thread? And i can't believe the wicked witch of the west is The Evil Queen/ Regina half sister! :storm:
I thought it was a creative idea for them to be sisters, but I don't think they handled it as much as I thought they should have.
Happy New Year 2015!
Happy New Year!! :storm:
which means the MUA gold edition models are rippable through this.
oh btw, it still the first built. according to wiki, the Xenia's dev will update into fastest one for other 360 games
Is anyone still looking at The Sims 4 page anymore??? :storm:
Reading Spider-Verse #2 makes me say "<8[ ] NOT, CAPCOM SPIDEY!!!"
Which means either MvC becomes defunct or if MvC4 announced, there won't be possible on adding this world's Spidey because of this issue or possibly as hidden unlockable character.
I got a feeling that Capcom & most of MvC fans won't be happy about this
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 15, 2015, 10:13PM
Reading Spider-Verse #2 makes me say "<8[ ] NOT, CAPCOM SPIDEY!!!"
Which means either MvC becomes defunct or if MvC4 announced, there won't be possible on adding this world's Spidey because of this issue or possibly as hidden unlockable character.
I got a feeling that Capcom & most of MvC fans won't be happy about this
Well after having googled it, it appears Spidey was only knocked unconscious, and it then showed a kid playing the video game. So I doubt he is seriously injured. It is also just a game, and comic. I don't think him getting punched in the face would stop them from putting him in the game.
Not to mention fighting games live for KO's, I don't think it should be anything to worry about.
i bet Niitsuma-san & his fellow Capcom employees must have reading this. Seeing this version Spidey confirmed be killed off won't be very happy that MvC is no more. If he still alive just KOed, maybe the upcoming issue would tell how he survived from being killed by Morlun's life absorbtion... Of course, Capcom characters are in there + perhaps Street Fighter's Ryu, Juri Han, & Akuma may appeared there as guest characters who'd become main supporting (Akuma still anti-villain BTW) for Spider-Men:
*Akuma: his encounter with Morlun and merely equals Solus causes Morlun to escape leaving Capcom vs. Series Spidey alive due Akuma's interference, as the dark shoto tails him from behind, leading his goal to hunt all Inheritors (mostly Solus)
*Ryu: follows Akuma to stop him from eliminating Inheritors on absorbing their stolen essence from a fallen spiders to achieve its full power as Shin Oni then plan to eliminate a strongest fighters, including himself (then might also being implanted by that new curse) and the strongest Spider-People. He carried his world's Spider-Man to join the Spider-Army as a chi giver, although he's not a spider totem, but he may also be a most valuable ally due to his great powers that has been implanted by a power of nothingness and Satsui no Hado by both shoto brothers
*Juri: Spider motifs, duh, what else? Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain, well she sided with SIN, but in reality is planning to eliminate them for what they did to her past. Seems to be one of Spidey's harem, as she stalks her world's Spidey to be her lover & no girls dares to confront her world's Spidey, especially MJ & Black Cat themselves
I think it's about time something happens, to be honest.
I think they are going to make the X-Men disappear forever with this event :(
I'm really hoping they don't wipe out anyone completely (specifically the Young X-Men characters), they should use some of the characters they have right now, and not just have three copies of A-listers.
Edit: They have advertised AVX, House of M, Days of Future Past, AOA, and X-Men '92 as all having their own corners of Battleworld.
On a lighter note, I think it's kind of funny that DC is working on their Multiverse and Marvel is making so they only have one world.
I like the idea of one world, it makes things simple, but don't get me wrong I do love alternate universes and I doubt they will keep with just one universe.
They have stated that the Secret Wars event, and all the comics they announced to go along with Secret Wars, such as the ones Techon listed, will all help shape the new universe that will come out of the event.
I think Marvel would be stupid to get rid of the X-Men characters, or anyone else big for that matter. Now is there time to restart everything. Even if for some reason the X-Men all become Inhumans, I'll be happy as long as they are still there.
Sooo it's essentially a reboot kind of like what DC did with their New 52? Also does anyone know if Zombies will be included in this?
The only real difference being between them I'd say is strategy. I think Marvel's seen DC alienate their fanbase enough with choices among reboot ideas. Marvel was building to this for quite awhile now, and with their surge in popularity i'm not surprised the end game is the chance to undo/redo some older choices and move forward with some edits to established history.
My only hope being that it's not as jarring as DC. I won't be surprised if the new history is mostly 616 with all the cool parts of other worlds edited in so that they can make sense.
Quote from: Me on January 21, 2015, 01:47AM
Sooo it's essentially a reboot kind of like what DC did with their New 52? Also does anyone know if Zombies will be included in this?
Indeed they will be, according to this teaser.
I assume the zombie world is somewhere on the Battle World map as well.
If this is a reboot, i just hope they treat it like one and start fresh, or at least somewhat fresh and establish a base for the stories instead of going off what was.
Here's the Battleworld map for those interested.
Just heard Emma Watson will portray Belle in Disney's upcoming live-action Beauty and The Beast film. I can't wait, so excited she's gonna play her! :D
Meet Elena of Avalor, Disney First Latina Princess!
Disney Junior has a new princess!
Princess Elena of Avalor, a "confident and compassionate teenager," will be introduced next year as Disney's first Latina princess, Nancy Kanter, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Disney Junior Worldwide announced today.
"Our creative team has delivered a universal story with themes that authentically reflect the hopes and dreams of our diverse audience," she said. "What excites us most is the chance to use distinctive animation and visual design to tell wonderful stories influenced by culture and traditions that are familiar to the worldwide population of Hispanic and Latino families and reflect the interests and aspirations of all children as told through a classic fairy tale."
Elena is described in a news release as "a confident and compassionate teenager in an enchanted fairytale kingdom inspired by diverse Latin cultures and folklore."
She will debut in a special episode of "Sofia the First" on Disney Junior next year, and then have her own spin-off series on the network, "Elena of Avalor."
The princess will be voiced by Aimee Carrero, of ABC Family's "Young & Hungry."
Disney is the parent company of ABC News.
Full Body pic:
Marvel has announced a new all female Avengers team featuring some pretty awesome and familiar faces, as well as a new character who was once herself a universe.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on February 06, 2015, 12:41PM
Marvel has announced a new all female Avengers team featuring some pretty awesome and familiar faces, as well as a new character who was once herself a universe.
So let me see:
Nico, Dazzler, She-Hulk, Medusa, Jean, Rogue, Storm, Scarlet Witch, Singularity, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Monica, Spider Woman, Gwen, Pixie, Elektra, Aurora, Vindicator, Snowbird, Moondragon, Black Widow, Karoline, Jubilee, Firestar, Rescue, and the Cat.
Six X-Men and one's Pixie. Yes! There's hope for my Young X-Men. Wonder how this is going to affect some games that rely on affiliation, like Marvel Heroes, Avengers Alliance, and Heroclix (I want to run an Avengers team of Jean, Rogue, and Storm)
Also, I wonder if they will use this to get some of these characters under dual right ownership. Hey, I can hope, right?
Quote from: Techon 7 on February 06, 2015, 01:45PM
So let me see:
Nico, Dazzler, She-Hulk, Medusa, Jean, Rogue, Storm, Scarlet Witch, Singularity, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Monica, Spider Woman, Gwen, Pixie, Elektra, Aurora, Vindicator, Snowbird, Moondragon, Black Widow, Karoline, Jubilee, Firestar, Rescue, and the Cat.
Six X-Men and one's Pixie. Yes! There's hope for my Young X-Men. Wonder how this is going to affect some games that rely on affiliation, like Marvel Heroes, Avengers Alliance, and Heroclix (I want to run an Avengers team of Jean, Rogue, and Storm)
Also, I wonder if they will use this to get some of these characters under dual right ownership. Hey, I can hope, right?
Well they will be a team from part of the Battleworld world, so It can probably be assumed that after the collision of the universes they will either no longer exist or they may end up going their separate ways.
Though I really hope they stick around, I have always dreamed of an all female team. I am also excited to see Pixie, and maybe this is Jean's chance to come back into play.
So, an all-female Avenger team, taking place at Arcadia - referred to as a "feminist paradise." I just hope this series doesn't trash the male gender in the process -- it's been done to death. The Lady Liberators back in the day making the male characters appear as male chauvanists, Valkyrie in some other series saying that in the end men will just let you down in all aspects, and then the whole Thundra/Femizonia thing (Mahkizmo, seriously?) There's nothing wrong with female empowerment, but I don't dig when they try to make men look inferior while doing that. There is no inferior or superior gender. Same thing with race or anything else. All that said, I hope it'll be a good series. It's got She-Hulk and Dazzler, so it should be great. (End of rant.)
Though I really do not want to get into this too much, there are like 200000000000000000000000000 movies/games/media/whatever that thrash the female gender as a whole, so perhaps a few jokes about men won't be that misplaced.
Looking forward to the series and seeing some kick ass ladies again :)
I really like the idea of them having just a team of women! I always thought the female superheroes were more powerful than males in my opinion. :storm:
Quote from: Polygone on February 08, 2015, 07:01AM
Though I really do not want to get into this too much, there are like 200000000000000000000000000 movies/games/media/whatever that thrash the female gender as a whole, so perhaps a few jokes about men won't be that misplaced.
Looking forward to the series and seeing some kick ass ladies again :)
Agreed, I had to keep my mouth shut.
I'm ready for the female super heroes to get some actions and light shown on them, they deserve it.
This is just my two cents, to me there is a huge difference between "we're awesome" and "we're awesome because men are incompetent chauvinistic pigs." I think it would be out of character and a disservice to these characters and their fans and a waste of this comic's potential to turn a diverse cast of strong characters into a group of flat stereotypes.
Quote from: Techon 7 on February 08, 2015, 06:52PM
This is just my two cents, to me there is a huge difference between "we're awesome" and "we're awesome because men are incompetent chauvinistic pigs." I think it would be out of character and a disservice to these characters and their fans and a waste of this comic's potential to turn a diverse cast of strong characters into a group of flat stereotypes.
I agree with you, I don't think they need to bash the male gender. But I don't think a few jokes will harm anyone.
Quote from: Techon 7 on February 08, 2015, 06:52PM
This is just my two cents, to me there is a huge difference between "we're awesome" and "we're awesome because men are incompetent chauvinistic pigs." I think it would be out of character and a disservice to these characters and their fans and a waste of this comic's potential to turn a diverse cast of strong characters into a group of flat stereotypes.
I agree -- that's all I was saying. They are awesome without all that. But hey, my bad, fellas. Didn't mean to turn it into a discussion of this sort. As I've said, A-Force should be a good series. I definitely like She-Hulk and Dazzler, and it's nice to see Nico Minoru in the spotlight.
Discussion is good. The issue of gender risks being stifled and becoming one-sided if both sides aren't allowed a say.
I have a few issues with the female Avengers but that's just part of my disagreement with the current wave of, what I call, Tumblr Feminism. Namely that it's gone beyond equality between the genders (which it really should be) to simply being discrimination against men because of a genetic dice roll and history.
Some other issues I have:
-It's inventing an issue. If there weren't already mixed gender teams then it'd have a place. There could do with being more women on teams in general, but I'm struggling to think of any teams that are specifically and discriminatingly male-only.
-Completely different characters with different ideologies are just being thrown together because they're female. The team and its members are all defined by their gender and not who they are.
-From the artwork accompanying the announcement, nearly every character is depicted with emphasis on their breasts; the characters "flying" with arms outstretched, She-Hulk, Medusa and Singularity are standing tall with emphasis on their breasts. Every character has the exact same body shape. The outliers, specifically those who aren't wearing catsuits are pushed out to the extremities and concealed in some way. Notice how Big Bertha isn't included?
-It's also about the villains. The villains should be female too. If it's "the patriarchy" then it'll just scream Tumblr.
It's done some things right - the characters are all highly popular, the writer is female, and they're including racial and sexual minorities too... But the artist is male. The art is the main draw of a comic and that means the target demographic is the male gender. At least it's not Greg Land with his pornstars.
Good point. It's not that I don't trust a male artist to draw for the series, but if the announcement art is anything to go by... If you're gonna make a series that dismisses the regular 'damsel in distress' cliché then the art should've been more 'equal' as well (that sounds vague, hope it made sense though)
Tumblr feminism is definitely a little too much sometimes, but some of them have really good points. You just gotta stay openminded, I usually see something where I'm like 'yeah, you have a point. That's not the way to bring it, but you do have a point.'
As for the ideologies, well dihan, you do have a point :P. But I'm guessing (and hoping) that the team roster will be explained once the series launches. To quote the article
"We've purposefully assembled a team composed of different characters from disparate parts of the Marvel U, with very different power sets, identities and ideologies."
Meaning the writers do know that these aren't characters that usually team up.
I'm hoping for a diverse cast of villains as well. Nothing against throwing in a few male villains, but MARVEL has some great villainesses as well.
I get what you're saying about the teams by the way. But do keep in mind that in most comic book assembled teams, men pretty much take charge. (Wolverine being the mascot for the X-men, Cap and Iron man being mascots for the Avengers) etc.
Holy mother of Aquaman..
I have a feeling Jason is going to shut up those who bag on Aquaman so much :laugh:
:O Frozen 2 has been announced! :D Really happy and excited now. :D :D :D
Quote from: White Queen on March 13, 2015, 01:53PM
:O Frozen 2 has been announced! :D Really happy and excited now. :D :D :D
Another special season after events of Frozen 2 maybe?? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on March 13, 2015, 08:47PM
Another special season after events of Frozen 2 maybe?? :storm:
Are you referring to Once Upon a Time?
Quote from: White Queen on March 13, 2015, 01:53PM
:O Frozen 2 has been announced! :D Really happy and excited now. :D :D :D
That doesn't surprise me at all. The first one was such a huge hit, and my little niece to this day still sings the song "Let It Go." It's adorable!
Frozen is her favorite alongside
The Princess And The Frog.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on March 13, 2015, 08:56PM
Are you referring to Once Upon a Time?
Yeah I meant to put that. :storm:
Good News Xbox lovers
Is anybody else getting that German Ray-Ban spam through the site's private messages? I'm up to 3 copies of it in a little under 24 hours.
Hi, has anybody try out Marvel Ultimate Alliance on xenia yet?
hello guys, check my new project on youtube! read description and subscribe if you like! not sure if i can post outlink there but i'll try:) that's talk about everything anyway
also i reupload all skins i have on usable host, so check topics for spider-man skins
Happy 70th Independence Day, Indonesia!!
Woop, gettin a new laptop with windows 10 installed, still wondering how it is with modding, but I might make a grand return. And aaw independence day in Indonesia! We don't have one here, so I'm not really sure how that's being celebrated and all xd
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is rumored to be in development for PlayStation 4 and XboxOne :laola:,manual
That's interesting news. But if it's not on PC I'll be heavily disappointed. And hopefully they don't focus on the Avengers that much, I've had enough of the Avengers, Cosmic Cube, Thanos, Infinity Gems and Loki.
Way too early bro, way too early. I was hoping for a Remake of the 4 previous X-Men Legends series games (which includes MUA series there for being part of it, due to same gameplay engine) in a addition of new contents, besides divide console exclusive characters into one & reused the unused files that was found inside the game folder (particularly known as ISO for most console games)
i'm not sure if I'm happy or not. Marvel is not including the X-Men neither the fantastic 4 in their games anymore. This game will probably be: Marvel Avengers - Ultimate Alliance feat. Guardians of the Galaxy
Yeah, I wish they put a bit more focus on the X-Men rather than Avengers. I would honestly prefer a re-mastered X-Men Legends 1 & 2 than a new MUA.
X-Men Legends 1&2 HD Remake > X-Men Legends 3 > MUA3
Yeah I wish they make a Xmen Legends 3! :storm:
Very interesting news, though like some others have said hopefully it wont be Avengers focused. The Fantastic Four and X-Men are huge Marvel properties, and should be included.
As both a proud American and as a New Yorker, I will never forget the one day that changed the world forever -- 9/11/01. I still recall where I was when it happened. Seeing the horrible sights in the distance and on news stations. Watching people even jumping out of the crumbling towers, smoke engulfing the streets... One thing that didn't break however, was the American spirit, for you can't break what is unbreakable -- al-Qaeda failed. They should have known better than to f*** with us. Now their cowardly leader is gone, as well as many of their stupid followers. One day, ISIS will learn as well.
Still, my heart goes out to the many victims of 9/11, and my condolences to their families and loved ones. Those of you reading this -- whether you're American or not (since al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups attacked other countries as well), we should all remember 9/11, and remember that no matter what happens to your country and its' people, if you have a spirit like America proved it does, you can and will rebuild, become stronger, and continue to wave your flag with pride. Today, remember those victims and fallen heroes. God bless America -- land of the free, home of the brave.
Okay, Julio reports to me that the Xentax is now free register again. Register today before it closes again in some year/week/month.
You can also register Zenhax as an alternative, a fully free register version of Xentax
One of the superheroes of pop music is gone.R.I.P David Bowie .
RIP Bowie
Absolutely shocked. Rest in Peace Alan Rickman. Incredible actor, you will be missed. :(
The film industry has lost a giant today.
First Snape, now himself? RIP
Quote from: White Queen on January 14, 2016, 10:43AM
Absolutely shocked. Rest in Peace Alan Rickman. Incredible actor, you will be missed. :(
Rest in peace! :storm:
RIP Alan Rickman. You'll be missed.
RIP Alan and David, you both shall be missed.
And that's why anatomy is relay important ;)
Hey everyone who still here..Missed you all and god is nice to see projects still being worked on. Wow Outsider is crazy at poping mods and animated mannequins? Sweet!
It is great to see you popping back in edward! I saw you post something a few days ago and had to take a double take haha
Thanks MP! Are you still skinning? Missed your work.
No I haven't skinned for awhile unfortunately, I should try and get back into it. It seems like importing other game models has almost taken the place of skinning.
Over the past years I've done a lot of tinkering on this game, to reach a perfect roster with characters who are all balanced out against each other and good reflections of the heroes as I know them from the comics (so it won't be the case that, for example, Tigra is way more powerful than Thor. You won't believe the spreadsheet I maintain where I'm keeping tabs on power costs, damage, effects for every character on my roster...).
I've done a fair share of mod-remixes and I might still see about releasing some of them as boosters some day.
That said, lately I haven't had much time at all for tinkering or trying out mods, but that's for a very good reason. A month ago I became a proud father of a very lovely and healthy daughter!
(You guys might appreciate her middle name: Sif.)
Congrats man,that's wonderful news
Congratulations on becoming a father! Best of wishes throughout your new journey :)
So I feel like i can share any thing with this community,last tonight my great grand mother passed away.She was a hundred and one.
Quote from: jaybird on March 29, 2016, 07:45AM
So I feel like i can share any thing with this community,last tonight my great grand mother passed away.She was a hundred and one.
You have my sincere condolences on your loss. At least she lived a very long life. May the Lord grant you and your family comfort in this difficult time, and may your great-grand mother's soul rest in peace.
thanks outsider
So sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing well through this rough time.
thanks midnight,I'm doing ok.
Has anyone watched X-Men Apocalypse yet? I watched it twice and need to coment the movie with someone lol
Going to see it Sunday.
I should hopefully be going to see it this weekend as well.
Watched it today! AMAAAZING movie, so glad to have seen it
Just got back from X-men and I thought it was pretty good.I think it just come out at the wrong time,critics are giving it negative reviews cause it has to follow up Deadpool,and Civil War.If this had swaped places with Deadpool and come out in Februray everything would be fine.
I just got back from seeing it as well, and I agree. The critics are being pretty harsh.
The only thing I really wish it would have had was more action. The trailers pushed the action sequences and yet the movie felt less action like. I do know a lot of scenes got cut as well. I also think that Jubilee must be cursed, considering she has cameos in 3 X-Men movies, was originally going to be in Days of Future Past, and was finally put in this movie and then almost all her scenes got cut that just isn't good luck.
But I do believe this movie finally got so many characters and plot points right.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on May 29, 2016, 07:41PM
I just got back from seeing it as well, and I agree. The critics are being pretty harsh.
The only thing I really wish it would have had was more action. The trailers pushed the action sequences and yet the movie felt less action like. I do know a lot of scenes got cut as well. I also think that Jubilee must be cursed, considering she has cameos in 3 X-Men movies, was originally going to be in Days of Future Past, and was finally put in this movie and then almost all her scenes got cut that just isn't good luck.
But I do believe this movie finally got so many characters and plot points right.
I was disappointed that Jubilee didn't get much action time too :storm:
Y'all I think I'am Bi. I mean I've been confused about my sexuality for four years now and right now I think Its clear that I like females and males. :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on June 05, 2016, 04:10PM
Y'all I think I'am Bi. I mean I've been confused about my sexuality for four years now and right now I think Its clear that I like females and males. :storm:
Well congratulations on coming to terms with your sexuality!
Does anyone here besides me still try to play older PC games on modern computers? Because I know with constant updates things change, but I've come to rather annoyed conclusion Marvel Ultimate Alliance seems to be about the only old game my laptop even let's me play anymore. Without either giving me errors or damaging my system. Does anybody else deal with this?
Quote from: Oddark123 on June 08, 2016, 08:09PM
Does anyone here besides me still try to play older PC games on modern computers? Because I know with constant updates things change, but I've come to rather annoyed conclusion Marvel Ultimate Alliance seems to be about the only old game my laptop even let's me play anymore. Without either giving me errors or damaging my system. Does anybody else deal with this?
I've gotten Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 to work on mine. My computer's less than a year old. That's about it though. I've heard Star Wars Battlefront 2 works too.
I play older games on mine. A lot of them seem to not want to work unfortunately. I have also gotten all the Roller Coaster Tycoon games to work on mine, as well as some other Tycoon games. But a lot of other games I try won't run, like the older Command and Conquer games don't want to work for me.
I reassured , it seems every little tackle (which is required for skinning) runs well on Windows 10.
I installed 3dsmax 5.1 Alchemy Artist Pack and all the plugins for max, without no serious tie-up.
The only problem was with the OCP. But luckily I solved the problem.
In fact, I lost sleep thinking about it ... ;D
Congrats to W10 then
Well my stillness was too early... I installed every program successfully. But I can't change skins in the : M.U.A\ Actors folder.It's quite irritating.When I first tried to overwrite the original Blackwidow skins with BLAW's skins it looked like it works. But when I started the game nothing change, the new skins did not appear. I tried to do the whole process as admin , unlocked the write protection, but nothing helped yet. So cross your fingers for me, because if I cant solve this problem, I will not able to test my skins anymore ... :banghead:
That have to be something really simple, the folder is actors not Actors; you only need to pay atention to the skins names/numbers to be replaced. NPC Black Widow is 14801 I think, the skins for the mod go to 14802 to 05.
If none of this have relation to your issue, sorry, no idea.
I can't believe main universe Cap implanted with a false memories. Just like what happened in Heroes United Animated movie when he was brainwashed there.
That little girl Kobik was actually evil all along. Buck & Sam did not aware of this, even Hill & other heroes too. This makes him like Brainwashed & Crazy, or False Memories for the tropes.
i swear to god that we need X-Men & the mutant heroes from that former team (like a now Avengers members Cannonball, Rogue, Sunspot & Sunfire) help Steve up in a chance to get Xavier's brain back
Quote from: Julio Cabral on June 29, 2016, 03:34AM
That have to be something really simple, the folder is actors not Actors; you only need to pay atention to the skins names/numbers to be replaced. NPC Black Widow is 14801 I think, the skins for the mod go to 14802 to 05.
If none of this have relation to your issue, sorry, no idea.
Well you were right Julio ! It was a really simple thing. The problem happened because I run Total Commander as an admin and made the changes, but I forgot to run the game.exe as an admin. So my journey in skinning isn't come to an end temporariliy :)
Happy New Year everybody! Wishing you all prosperity and happiness.
It looks like this place is becoming fairly inactive after a decade of amazing mods. I'm sorry to see it die down. I'll still be around to keep things updated from time to time.
Hopefully they release MUA 3 soon so we can revive this forum.
& Unlimited Edition of 2 MUA & 2 XML Remastered games since RE5GE, DMC (3-4, & AU) & SCIIHD
So, noone one is going to even mention today is Valentine's Day lol? I guess we are all in the same boat here.
I'm all alone, so no. Lol
Haha, we need to create the society of "LONELY GUYS" :D
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on February 15, 2017, 06:04AM
Haha, we need to create the society of "LONELY GUYS" :D
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 15, 2017, 06:00AM
I'm all alone, so no. Lol
Damn these post. . .makes me sad lol.
Me checking my old topics haha
Oh hell, Marvel kills Black Widow in Secret Empire?
How many memorable characters killed off permanently? like ORU (Original Universe) Jean Grey, Bill Foster, Mandarin, Professor X, ORU Wolverine, ORU Cyclops, Multiple Man, War Machine, Phil Coulson, even a cyborg Emily Preston
Just wanted to throw something in here, mainly about the status of this forum.
Truth is the game is slowly dying out. I know I dont have a lot of time for it, but I can tell others also don't. Part of me is OK with it, we've been keeping this game alive for a gooooood couple of years now. Part of me isn't, but that's because im a sucker for nostalgia :P.
But browsing through the forum right now. It's all just kinda funny. I've been on this forum for I think about 5-ish years now? Maybe more? I've come to consider quite a few of you guys friends, and learned a lot from you about modding and sometimes coding in general.
Whether I see an Outsider post announcing a new mod to his 150th, knowing it'll be a well written announcement, but also seeing someone like Tommyboy post, who's been here longer than I have. Not to mention browsing through older release threads such as Nowhere Man's or Dihan's. It's crazy what this site has mean to me, and still does. Like anyone else at some point in their life I've felt alone, but then I go on here, see all those familair names pop up, and I don't feel so alone anymore.
I might not be releasing new content anymore, but Idon't plan on leaving anytime soon. I wanna say a sincere thank you to anyone who is keeping our little game alive and well. Hope this site continues to last!
Im Gay :storm:
Good for you. :applause:
When will I ever find love? :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on January 15, 2019, 10:41PM
When will I ever find love? :storm:
Straight or gay, no one knows the answer to that question. You just have to live life one day at a time, and one day the right person will come along and it'll happen for you. It's one of those things that has to come naturally. It can't be forced. It can't be rushed. It can't be predicted. For now, don't dwell on it, but keep the hope alive that one day it will happen. And if you believe in God, then pray on it -- he will hear you.
Quote from: Outsider on January 15, 2019, 11:53PM
Straight or gay, no one knows the answer to that question. You just have to live life one day at a time, and one day the right person will come along and it'll happen for you. It's one of those things that has to come naturally. It can't be forced. It can't be rushed. It can't be predicted. For now, don't dwell on it, but keep the hope alive that one day it will happen. And if you believe in God, then pray on it -- he will hear you.
Thank you! I really needed this. :storm:
In these busy days feel to go outside and a take a long break, after this pandemic it's scary to go anywhere !
Hi everyone! Sorry for resurrecting a very old topic. It has been a few years since I was last here but I got recommended the new Marvel Mods youtube page so I had to come back and say hi! I'm not sure if any of the older members are still around or if anyone even remembers me, but hello to all! I've missed this place so much, it was the first community I was ever apart of. Thanks to my mental health it is far more difficult for me to be social nowadays but this place has a lot of happy feelings. ❤️
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on April 08, 2024, 11:46PMHi everyone! Sorry for resurrecting a very old topic. It has been a few years since I was last here but I got recommended the new Marvel Mods youtube page so I had to come back and say hi! I'm not sure if any of the older members are still around or if anyone even remembers me, but hello to all! I've missed this place so much, it was the first community I was ever apart of. Thanks to my mental health it is far more difficult for me to be social nowadays but this place has a lot of happy feelings. ❤️
Good to see you around! Kinda fun to see how many old members still stalk this forum years later lol. Hope the fun stuff around here gives your mental health some positivity :)
Quote from: Polygone on April 14, 2024, 04:42AMGood to see you around! Kinda fun to see how many old members still stalk this forum years later lol. Hope the fun stuff around here gives your mental health some positivity :)
It is so good to hear from yall! Happy 2025!