Marvel Mods

Off-Topic => Talk about anything => Topic started by: DJay Saint on November 24, 2009, 08:09PM

Title: Man marries video game.
Post by: DJay Saint on November 24, 2009, 08:09PM

Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Soviet Union on November 24, 2009, 08:16PM
Either it's a bad joke, or the guy has been shot in the head with an AK-47.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: DJay Saint on November 24, 2009, 08:19PM
Another option can be that he's just not sane.  Being shot in the head with an AK-47 can be problematic in that he'll have a giant hole where his brain used to be and have a hard time even comprehending a decision to marry said video game.  But he is Japanese, which basically explains it all.

In all seriousness, either this guy went on too many trips to crazy town, or this is a publicity stunt.  I'm leaning towards a little from column A and B, but mostly column A.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Soviet Union on November 24, 2009, 08:25PM
Even without the AK-47, this guy still seems as if he has a giant hole in his head. Who in their right mind would do this? I have heard of video game dating online (and even that is unusual). But to marry a virtual character? I tend to agree, either it is a publicity stunt or he might indeed be short a few cards from the deck. Still, there have been crazier things that have happened in this world.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on November 25, 2009, 03:39AM
this is so ridiculous I don't even know what's there to discuss. I mean...if it's like that and anyone can marry anything I just got engaged to coffee. I really love coffee. We'll have beautiful hyperactive children with yellow teeth ¬¬.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 25, 2009, 04:41AM
Well, I wish the best for you and for your dear coffee :D

But really, this is just pure stupidity. Totally insane.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Dihan on November 25, 2009, 04:53AM
I want to marry my favourite bunch of grapes then! :D

Oh wait... I just ate them.

I really hope this guy doesn't lose his game or anything. :P
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: DJay Saint on November 25, 2009, 06:18AM
So if they get a divorce and he has to pay child support, does he make the check out to the virtual girl or to Nintendo since they made her?  :rofl:
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 25, 2009, 06:24AM
I know! He will pay me! This reminds me, people, you can pay anything to me...with money of course.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Larcetin on November 25, 2009, 06:26AM
Roflmao! So ridiculous!
Anyway, gotta go to the funeral of my old iPod now.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on November 25, 2009, 06:48AM
Quote from: Dihan on November 25, 2009, 04:53AM
I want to marry my favourite bunch of grapes then! :D

you can't marry a BUNCH of grapes, that's polygamy and it's ilegal :P
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 25, 2009, 08:57AM
Well, I don't want to marry any of my items. But my computer is like a brother for me :D
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Dihan on November 25, 2009, 09:14AM
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 25, 2009, 06:48AM
you can't marry a BUNCH of grapes, that's polygamy and it's ilegal :P

Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on November 25, 2009, 09:24AM
I'm pretty sure killing your fincee is ilegal too :P
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Quentin Hex on November 25, 2009, 11:14AM
what a freaking idiot. that man is chemically imbalanced at best...
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: LX - Rampage on November 25, 2009, 11:17AM
Nah, he just escaped some asylum or what...
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Shauny7488 on December 01, 2009, 05:09AM
I would totally marry Dead Or Alive: Beach Volleyball if it made them come to life

Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: kfcrispy on December 03, 2009, 11:42AM
so man can marry video game characters in Japan, but man can't marry another man in the US!
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on December 03, 2009, 12:09PM
if I'm not wrong, there are a couple of states where gay marriage is legal. still far from ideal though.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: hulkpants on December 03, 2009, 01:09PM
straight marriage should be illegal too! we should end ALL government involvement in our sex life! I am extremely uncomfortable with a government that thinks it should supervise what comes into or out of MY body. it seems kind of ridiculous to make something like gay marriage illegal. what are you gonna do put them in jail? lock them up with a bunch of confused sexually frustrated same sex people? that'll teach 'em to be gay! :punisher_logo:
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: hulkpants on December 03, 2009, 01:18PM
So... do gay people have to pay taxes? I mean the government has made a big deal out of denying them, they make up a large enough portion of the population.... No taxation without representation? Who is the gay ambassador- Robin Williams? Bill Maher?

--""dont double post, edit please. And lets stay on topic, i dont want this to turn into a huge debate on gay marriage. Its really not the place for that.""-- nodoubtjr.

So... we can talk about polygamy, marrying food, and divorce but if I joke about gay marriage in response to someone else I get moderated? And...Off Topic/General Discussion, is not the place for an off topic general discussion? OK, thanks for keeping me in line Dude!
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: nodoubt_jr on December 03, 2009, 02:02PM
dont double post, edit please. And lets stay on topic, i dont want this to turn into a huge debate on gay marriage. Its really not the place for that.

Quote from: hulkpants on December 03, 2009, 01:18PM
So... we can talk about polygamy, marrying food, and divorce but if I joke about gay marriage in response to someone else I get moderated? And...Off Topic/General Discussion, is not the place for an off topic general discussion? OK, thanks for keeping me in line Dude!

You were moderated for double posting, there was no need for it since you can just edit in your second response and yours was the last post of the thread. And the topic was about a guy marrying a video game, not about gay marriage so yes you and the other people were off topic from the original topic. The stay on topic was not just directed at you. And my comment about this not being a place to discuss the gay marriage issue was an opinion, the forum is a small forum about modding some Marvel games, hardly the best place to cause a change either way or have a meaningful discussion on a controversial topic. But whatever feel free to discuss it in Off Topic, just do it in the right thread. And you're welcome :D some people need to be kept in line.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 02:38AM
--""the forum is a small forum about modding some Marvel games, hardly the best place to cause a change either way or have a meaningful discussion on a controversial topic. But whatever feel free to discuss it in Off Topic, just do it in the right thread. And you're welcome  some people need to be kept in line.""--

Honestly, I can talk about whatever I want wherever I want. The website is called Marvel Mods, so I am completely aware of what is here. It was a joke partially taken from a Doug Stanhope bit, not a meaningful attempt at anything. In an Off topic thread I continued on a tangent... are you new to the internet? It is funny that you seem proud of "keeping me in line" which was a slightly veiled way of teasing you and your small amount of authority.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: BLaw on December 04, 2009, 03:00AM
I'll just say the following bit:

Quote from: Myself now
We're in the offtopic section but those have TOPICS TOO!

But let's not continue the discussion of gay marriage and let's not argue over such cases

Don't ask me why I quoted myself with a non-existing quote, I do that often ^^

Again: let's stay on the offtopic topic. Want an offtopic discussion topic? Create one. The best way to avoid warnings & argues.

Case closed :P

Japan.. What a country... They have the best things in life there.. Anime, mangas, futuristic technology, great food... And now they add [simoncowellmode]somethin utterly sstu-upidt[/simoncowellmode] to the laws of the country. Gamemarriage? [snoopdoggmode]Brotha please[/snoopdoggmode], [angelinajoliemode]Even my dad could come up with better stuff than that[/angelinajoliemode]. [parismode]That's noh hoh' *chew gum*[/parismode]

Ahwell, if it makes a man happy...
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Shauny7488 on December 04, 2009, 05:28AM
Quote from: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 02:38AM
--""the forum is a small forum about modding some Marvel games, hardly the best place to cause a change either way or have a meaningful discussion on a controversial topic. But whatever feel free to discuss it in Off Topic, just do it in the right thread. And you’re welcome  some people need to be kept in line.""--

Honestly, I can talk about whatever I want wherever I want. The website is called Marvel Mods, so I am completely aware of what is here. It was a joke partially taken from a Doug Stanhope bit, not a meaningful attempt at anything. In an Off topic thread I continued on a tangent... are you new to the internet? It is funny that you seem proud of "keeping me in line" which was a slightly veiled way of teasing you and your small amount of authority.

Off topic, means that this is where you talk about things that are'nt related to modding Marvel games, not, i can post whatever i want, wherever i want.

If you want to discuss gay marriage, make a specific thread about gay marriage.

A thread about a man marrying a video game, has nothing to do with gay marriage. Theres no need to get angry with Nodoubt_Jr, you did something wrong, he was informing you of it, that's his job. Trust me, i've seen him be meaner to people for less. lol :P

I apologise for acting the junior mod, but he disrespectin' the forum man! I don' take dat! :P
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: BLaw on December 04, 2009, 05:33AM
Btw shauny, I know the white guy in your avatar is Butthead, but the other guy can't be Beavis :P

Are there any other countries that have this "game marriage" thing going on?
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Shauny7488 on December 04, 2009, 05:35AM
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 04, 2009, 05:33AM
Btw shauny, I know the white guy in your avatar is Butthead, but the other guy can't be Beavis :P

Are there any other countries that have this "game marriage" thing going on?

lol Nice one BLaw.

I hope to god that it isnt going on in other countries, its pretty darn weird.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on December 04, 2009, 05:56AM
what? now we are discussing gay marriage here? O.o'

Ok, since a moderator started it again...

Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 04, 2009, 05:33AM
Are there any other countries that have this "game marriage" thing going on?
countries with gay marriage: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Sweden, Norway.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Larcetin on December 04, 2009, 08:22AM
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on December 04, 2009, 05:33AM
Btw shauny, I know the white guy in your avatar is Butthead, but the other guy can't be Beavis :P

Are there any other countries that have this "game marriage" thing going on?
lol Your not a very consequent moderator BLaw :D
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: BLaw on December 04, 2009, 12:18PM
@ nowhereman: I said GAME marriage, not gay marriage :P

@ larcetin: why not? :P Should I censor the word b*tt? :P
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Larcetin on December 04, 2009, 12:40PM
 :D Haha I also thought you wrote "gay marriage".
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on December 04, 2009, 01:19PM
oh...I knew that *eyeroll*

My bad. LOL!
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 03:40PM
Quote from: Shauny7488 on December 04, 2009, 05:28AM
Off topic, means that this is where you talk about things that are'nt related to modding Marvel games, not, i can post whatever i want, wherever i want.

If you want to discuss gay marriage, make a specific thread about gay marriage.

A thread about a man marrying a video game, has nothing to do with gay marriage. Theres no need to get angry with Nodoubt_Jr, you did something wrong, he was informing you of it, that's his job. Trust me, i've seen him be meaner to people for less. lol :P

I apologise for acting the junior mod, but he disrespectin' the forum man! I don' take dat! :P

First- again, it was just a joke. jr's point was to tell me that things here should be related to marvel video games, and I was arguing that it was off topic. Second, it was a response to SOMEONE ELSE'S tangent. Third if you have seen him be meaner for less than you have pointed out how small minded he is. I am not disrespectin' your forum man. I am disrespectin a moderate moderator who thinks he has some form of control he does not deserve. I notice a thread on gay marriage was started (so there goes another point nodoubtjr) and, honestly I was only joking. For being a "small modding forum" (quoted from noudoubtjr no disrespect intended) you are all very sensitive to this topic. And the whatever wherever comment meant I literally can speak my mind either way, whether you approve or not. Case in point. I am new to this forum, I don't have to join to use your mods, I joined to ask a question. Every time I went to the mods forum to see my replies there was a lot of off topic stuff getting posted. I happened to see a comment I replied to. From the "new posts" screen I didn't even realize the topic I just replied to the comment. Since nodoubt jumped at the chance to exert his authority, it all snowballed from there. I have real friends and don't need the membership anymore so what are you going to do if I do speak my mind? Scare me with your job you don't even get paid for?
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: piutebob on December 04, 2009, 03:50PM
Man, you're kinda breaking the rules.
Be kind to other users and Don't be rude.
You all know what's rude and what's not.  We're all adult enough for that.
I wonder if TC will get around to reading this topic.

ANYWAYS.... I think it is, as already stated by some of the other members, it is probably just a publicity stunt.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Dihan on December 04, 2009, 04:16PM
Quote from: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 03:40PM
First- again, it was just a joke. jr's point was to tell me that things here should be related to marvel video games, and I was arguing that it was off topic. Second, it was a response to SOMEONE ELSE'S tangent. Third if you have seen him be meaner for less than you have pointed out how small minded he is. I am not disrespectin' your forum man. I am disrespectin a moderate moderator who thinks he has some form of control he does not deserve. I notice a thread on gay marriage was started (so there goes another point nodoubtjr) and, honestly I was only joking. For being a "small modding forum" (quoted from noudoubtjr no disrespect intended) you are all very sensitive to this topic. And the whatever wherever comment meant I literally can speak my mind either way, whether you approve or not. Case in point. I am new to this forum, I don't have to join to use your mods, I joined to ask a question. Every time I went to the mods forum to see my replies there was a lot of off topic stuff getting posted. I happened to see a comment I replied to. From the "new posts" screen I didn't even realize the topic I just replied to the comment. Since nodoubt jumped at the chance to exert his authority, it all snowballed from there. I have real friends and don't need the membership anymore so what are you going to do if I do speak my mind? Scare me with your job you don't even get paid for?

The whole point of what nodoubt was saying was that you were off topic. If you have a problem with that then tough. If you don't conform to the rules then we could do without you.

Shape up or get out.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Nowhere Man on December 04, 2009, 04:19PM

dude, chill! we can speak bout whatever we want here, as long as it's in the right thread. as you said, we're just a small community therefore, there's really nothing anyone can do here that can truly affect your life. For that exact reason there's no need to be so agressive. We're a friendly bunch here, you're the one overreacting.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: nodoubt_jr on December 04, 2009, 04:27PM
hulkpants get over it, its simple don't double post if it's not needed and stay on topic. It's not a major thing or some crazy rule, it's the norm for many forums. Like you said you are new, so I don't understand why you are making all these assumptions of me as a moderator or the forum. Move on, that's what I plan to do.

Quote from: Dihan on December 04, 2009, 04:16PM
Shape up or get out.

I agree.
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 04:29PM
 --""If you don't conform to the rules then we could do without you.

Shape up or get out.""--

Welcome to America!
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: piutebob on December 04, 2009, 04:31PM
That's not how America is, at least California, with all these illegals running around.

Anyways, can't we just go on topic, stay on topic, and just be good, civilised people?
Title: Re: Man marries video game.
Post by: Dihan on December 04, 2009, 04:49PM
Quote from: hulkpants on December 04, 2009, 04:29PM
--""If you don't conform to the rules then we could do without you.

Shape up or get out.""--

Welcome to America!

Welcome to I Don't Care! It's a shame you can't get through immigration.