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Off-Topic => Talk about anything => Topic started by: BLaw on January 24, 2010, 07:07AM

Title: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 24, 2010, 07:07AM
I'm in the mood for good Chuck Norris jokes. You know who he is right?

- The Texas Walker
- Muscled
- Martial Artist
- Actor
- Everything you ever dreamed of
- The only one who beat Bruce Lee
- The latter one in a movie
- Always wins, even if he loses, which is never

If Nick Fury would've summoned him in MUA, Dr. Doom would've lost in 1 minute.
Forge can create anything he wants, Chuck created Forge
He is immune to Rogue's powers.
Chuck punishes the Punisher whenever he wants to.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Nowhere Man on January 24, 2010, 07:13AM
the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are based on a Chuck Norris fact. Once Chuck swallowed a small aquarium turtle. When he defecated it, it really was 1.7m tall and fought karate.

The only way Chuck Norris can shave is by roundhouse-kicking his own face cause only Chuck Norris can cut Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't believe in the periodic table of elements cause the only element he believes in is the element of surprise.

At first there was nothing. Then Chuck said to God "GET A JOB!!!"
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 24, 2010, 07:26AM
The last one is incorrect, it was Chuck who said to God: if you want some rest while you're doing everything, make yourself invisible...

God created men, Chuck created himself.

The Stanley-Knife was named that way because Chuck doesn't need knives.

Chuck is the best teamplayer. If he needs help, his shadow will be there for him.
Chuck is left out in every game because he's overpowered by default.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Nowhere Man on January 24, 2010, 07:52AM
Chuck Norris does not have a chin. Beneath his beard lies another fist.

Chuck only eats beef jerky, when he defecates it it's turned into gun powder which he uses to make bullets to kill cattle in order to make beef jerky. that's called "the Chuck Norris cicle".

If you google Chuck Norris the answer will be "No one finds Chuck Norris, he finds you".

Nobody knows who's Chuck Norris's father but the most accepted theory is that he went back in time, screwed his mother and fathered himself, cause only Chuck Norris can make Chuck Norris.

Nagazaki wasn't really a victim of nuclear weapons, Chuck had a paper route back than and accidentally threw one newspaper too far.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 24, 2010, 09:12AM
Professor Xavier's secret identity is Chuck Norris, but only Wolverine knows it. That makes him the most powerful telepath and martial artist of the universe.

If chuck was gay, he wouldn't just come out of the closet.. Instead he would jump-kick out of it.

Chuck Norris doesn't have doors in his house, because it's HIS house. Safe enough.

Chuck was left out of Rock-Paper-Scissors, because Chuck breaks rocks, Chuck cuts Scissors, and Chuck covers the paper.

Chuck doesn't listen to music, the music listens to him.

Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: piutebob on January 25, 2010, 03:06PM
Chuck Norris killed 2 stones with 1 bird.

When Chuck Norris does push ups, he is not pushing himself up, he is pushing the world down.

With the rising cost of gasoline, Chuck Norris is beginning to worry about his drinking habit.

Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter

When taking the SAT, write "Chuck Norris" for every answer. You will score over 8000.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity... Twice.

What was going through the minds of all the victims that Chuck Norris killed? His shoe.

Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 27, 2010, 07:14AM
when chuck nods yes, get out of his way
when chuck nods no, it's too late.

A ray can be deadly.. Chuck's name is Ray.

To prevent chuck from harming the world, nintendo invented the Wii Nunchuck. Now he can't harm the world... without the chain attached to a nunchuck.

Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Larcetin on January 28, 2010, 12:09PM
Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd. Nobody fools Chuck Norris.

Ghosts are a result of Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.

Jesus walked on water. Chuck Norris swims through land.

Chuck Norris didn't wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear.

Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character of 24, but he was replaced after he killed all the terrorists in only 24 seconds.

Chuck Norris can squeeze orange juice... from a banana.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Quentin Hex on January 28, 2010, 12:14PM
love that last one.
heres one that's a bit inappropriate. only look if you feel you can handle such things.
chuck norris's penis has a tonail
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 28, 2010, 12:32PM
I lolled myself there :P

chuck is a Crip, he even kills the blood of his victims
mike tyson broke his jaw by chucks ear.
chuck was casted in "Cast Away", but they dropped him because he pulled his home towards the deserted island.
mozes split the sea in two...yep chuck split mozes and the sea
chuck always says: you have two choices. Or you have a hole in this wheel, or this wheel in your.. yeah you get the point.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Pooltastic on January 31, 2010, 02:54AM
how about...

Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norrised
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his fighting skills and good looks. Then he round-housed kicked the devil and took his soul back.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 31, 2010, 05:17AM
Chuck's fist is a discount pass for all stores.
Chuck has his own football/soccer team: the Texas Walkers
What's the sound of Norris' axe when you use it: CHUCK!
Chuck doesn't have nightmares, because he's always awake
Chuck's wife is like the whipcream on the pie. Chuck's both.
Chuck can make heat melt, and chuck can make frost freeze.
Even when there's a round table, Chuck can still sit at the corner of it, because he wants to....
Hitler commited suicide.. Because he was talking to Chuck.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Quentin Hex on January 31, 2010, 09:22AM
QuoteChuck doesn't have nightmares, because he's always awake
exactly; chuck noris doesn't sleep. he waits.
when he's going the bed, when he flips the light switch off, he can get into bed before the light goes out.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 31, 2010, 10:15AM
yeah, chuck finishes each book before he even opened them.

I see, I see, what we all can't see and it's: Something that Chuck Norris only can see.

The A-Team can turn a screw into a tank. Chuck Norris can turn the A-Team into a screw.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Quentin Hex on January 31, 2010, 10:26AM
chuck noris doesn't even need to read, he just stares books down until they give him the info he needs.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on January 31, 2010, 10:32AM
Chuck norris can turn dust into a deadly weapon without altering it's properties.
Chuck makes sandwiches with a needle.
Chuck's voice can make you deaf. Wait I see my mom talking but can't hear her, brb.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Larcetin on February 01, 2010, 07:44AM
Chuck Norris bit into the Apple-Apple.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on February 03, 2010, 01:24PM
Nobody knows it, but I do.. Chuck's hideout is at the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

Everytime Chuck holds his thumb up, he shoots down another alien.

Chuck only wants 15 feet tall icebergs in his Ice tea, which he cuts down himself.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: ReverseNegative on August 15, 2010, 01:26PM
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his Dad.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: the master$$$ on August 25, 2010, 04:50AM
lol loved the dad one
i saw this one once:

when bruce banner gets angry he transforms into hulk,when hulk gets angry he transforms in chuck norris
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: BLaw on August 27, 2010, 03:23AM
Chuck doesn't want to be named "The Legendary", because that's old news.

Chuck doesn't need to remove make up after shooting movies: he kung fu chops it all off.

Chuck Norris pity's the devil, for it was he who roundhouse kicked the devil back to hell.

While Chuck's army is behind enemy's lines, Chuck himself is behind enemy's behinds.

Even the almighty Zeus fears the power of Chuck Norris, because he can hit faster than lightning.

Chuck Norris is the ultimate macho man, cuz he can talk the talk and Texas Walk the walk.

Chuck Norris was not casted for any of the scroodge films/movies because he knocked all ghosts out before they reached him.

Chuck Norris is so dangerous, he killed the wooden stake with a Dracula. Go figure

Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Shauny7488 on August 28, 2010, 06:46AM
When Chuck Norris is in the bedroom, he doesn't teabag the ladies, he potato sacks them.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Nowhere Man on September 07, 2010, 06:54PM
whenever someone says "Chuck Norris" a fairy get it's nuclear warhead

Chuck's first girlfriend was Eve. She hooked up with him after Chuck ripped Adam's rib from his chest.

Chuck never wanted to be God cause God always does what Chuck says.

YOU wear Superman pijamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pijamas.

The large poppulation of China is Chuck's fault. Once his jet flew over China and all women there got impregnated.
Title: Re: Chuck Norris jokes
Post by: Sazandra125 on October 25, 2010, 07:58AM
Chuck norris doesn't churn butter, he just kicks the cow and butter comes straight out.
There is no ctrl button on chuck's computer, because he is always in control
Alien vs Predator was originally going to be Alien vs Predator vs Chuck Norris but the writers then realized no one would pay for a movie that lasts only 10 seconds.
Chuck Norris has two walking speeds: walk and kill.
Chuck Norris was once denied an egg mcmuffin at Mcdonalds because it was 10:31.  Chuck then Roundhouse kicked the building so hard it became a Wendys
Chuck Norris ordered a big mac at burger king and got one.
Once every year on his birthday Chuck Norris selects one lucky kid to be thrown into the sun.