If you use these skins for your mod you do not need to ask permission, but please shoot me a message. I like to know where they end up!
☞ | My XML2 skins are here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=4210.0). |
☞ | My skinning workbench is here. (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,9422.msg175777.html#msg175777) |
☞ | If the issue bothers you, you will need to hex edit these skins for them to work properly when you encounter arcade androids. |
☞ | My HUD releases are here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4443.0.html).
☞ | Thanks to Sub-Mariner, there are some more HUDs to my skins here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,7916.msg141914.html#msg141914l).
Micro Catalogues:☞Age of X: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg150898.html#msg150898
☞Black Parade: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg138145.html#msg138145
☞Jean Grey Skin Pack: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg111644.html#msg111644
☞Tron Variants: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg109287.html#msg109287
☞X-Men Movie Uniforms: coming soon!
Akihiro:-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/?7bkp5qy1nhk05wd
Angel:-Modern Archangel: http://www.mediafire.com/?myyyigz3izk
-First Class: http://www.mediafire.com/?xu8a03i8an3wew0
-MSHSO: http://www.mediafire.com/?nb9khsx7aqanain
Aqua:-Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/?uqldu2pwa1jaho5
-Ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?i6sxmqvbz6h514h
-Young X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?6i8ajovvk8kbl6k
Ares:-Dark Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4be1c64gbeue7cd
Black Panther:-Civil War: http://www.mediafire.com/?iyytmtftmng
-Ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?35mu3ty5fr2
-Doom War 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?jnniounmnjd
-Doom War 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?t5h01hzjyfn
-Steampunk: http://www.mediafire.com/?jguaehvn9aj1zeu
Captain America:-Avengers Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?069cai79rr4euw6
-Military: http://www.mediafire.com/?fs4nyht13b850ud
-Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/?l2hhlud1bs92pv1
Crimson Dynamo:-Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2zndt4onzt
-Jungle: http://www.mediafire.com/?fyyxzzj0tum
-Steampunk: http://www.mediafire.com/?2ym2mlqil2c
Cyclops:-Operative: http://www.mediafire.com/?zznlgziynxd
-X2: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmou2xjzhk5
-Astonishing Black & Gold: http://www.mediafire.com/?mhtmmdiyjnu
-Astonishing Silver Detail: http://www.mediafire.com/?dmhwnztuj01
-Astonishing Black & Silver: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmdnqwioqbq
-Jungle: http://www.mediafire.com/?2ymnmgonojm
-First Class: http://www.mediafire.com/?bk0y07vzhafywz6
-XenoGenesis: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4mf4gzrarw
-Basilisk (AOX): http://www.mediafire.com/?sk9bpbcmgy696mb
-Young WATX: http://www.mediafire.com/?xv4pxp3q8uataj0
-Ghost Boxes: http://www.mediafire.com/?l14rca3b172mlzs
-90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?fzxd4vs59vcx4w4
-Alt Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d66a23475c48yhn
-Alt Original: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?rklr63ksl4shgf5
-X-Men Destiny: http://www.mediafire.com/?68axjj2uw4ijs59
Dagger:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?3qoj1uj3bx12v3f
Daredevil:-Revamp: http://www.mediafire.com/?ezn4nhhxe52
-MUA2 Alternate: http://www.mediafire.com/?lo3m2jim3i1
-Demon: http://www.mediafire.com/?2nddntahtym
-Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?twz2ignojdu
Dazzler:-Lady GaGa: http://www.mediafire.com/?sqn5567lcfxvmzu
Deadpool:-Classic Enhanced: http://www.mediafire.com/?t05jjgzjil5
-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/?juymj5m4c5m
-Uncanny X-Force: http://www.mediafire.com/?xlvspo906nr9xm8
-X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?zitqdndoyly
Doctor Strange:-Cultist: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jnzljg5gmy
Doctor Voodoo:-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?teonfz3sj28rhvb
Domino:-SHIELD Agent: http://www.mediafire.com/?cu1665b4swb95jz
Dormammu:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?izymjnqjyoy
-Ultimate SMSD: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ynz7zs6a9v0655
Fantomex:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?2b5m8zd9dki8526
Gambit:-MUA2: http://www.mediafire.com/?wjnmmztynnd
-AOX: http://www.mediafire.com/?5zrq4bttb2bgr78
Hellion:-New X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?emwyma0znnd
Human Torch:-Ultimate (MUA2): http://www.mediafire.com/?p8q8wiz4f1xqikk
-Ultimate (MUA2) Flame On: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d9j2rs5atimxxg
Iceman:-WATX Full Blue: http://www.mediafire.com/?gzjmujmmany
-WATX White Detail: http://www.mediafire.com/?tmddyjjeiyz
-Street Gear: http://www.mediafire.com/?lkfytyhytzy
-Board Shorts: http://www.mediafire.com/?jmnlzjmhttq
-MUA2 Alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?awhkaeu5me1u0sx
-First Class: http://www.mediafire.com/?iiw8z8e81z4ftgy
-First Class Human: http://www.mediafire.com/?vwggl4u2xhxcvez
-MUA2 Style: http://www.mediafire.com/?n88dwa9ase621am
Invisible Woman:-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/?x0mwyzw55qq
-WGH: http://www.mediafire.com/?gwg0qsz8j4bw6jc
-Black 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?kznkgmemtmd
-Black 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?1tzw2ijz3o2
-Black 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?kfgjyzwzynz
-Flame On 1 (Skin #2242): http://www.mediafire.com/?jimi3j1zwyz
-Flame On 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?jjwwjjjnkoz
Iron Fist:-Avengers Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?000165kfpyadyj0
Iron Man:-Modern Centurion: http://www.mediafire.com/?jm2gdzig2zr
-Gold: http://www.mediafire.com/?tmw3dumgyii
-MK2: http://www.mediafire.com/?zm5gginmumz
-Mainframe: http://www.mediafire.com/?wn21m5qoyyk
-Dark 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?0nzzti5y2zt
-Dark 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?oogonygqedd
-Silver Centurion: http://www.mediafire.com/?2xgttzznzdn
-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?ujywgzttoie
-Artic: http://www.mediafire.com/?amkz4ll1i4u
-MK3 (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?ihmxwldjqlm
-MK4 (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?zunyt0wnzin
-MVC3 Tin Can: http://www.mediafire.com/?45tmt59o2ym74cn
-MVC3 Silver Centurion: http://www.mediafire.com/?z3wd5t68dl8hnou
-MVC3 Stealth: http://www.mediafire.com/?pcgusa6hgbf0s4u
-Alt Ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?d3qokpp7s912fi4
-Iron Mandarin: http://www.mediafire.com/?8z97n2gpv1js141
Jean Grey:-White Phoenix alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqwb1oyymue4y33
-Young WATX: http://www.mediafire.com/?7cf89ah4pwynic6
-Phoenix WATX: http://www.mediafire.com/?7an5l5e4x5w4r8h
-90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?t938igpnsy6a6n1
-Red Phoenix: http://www.mediafire.com/?7m888sy4y480qj0
-White Phoenix: http://www.mediafire.com/?0lu95cz94554axv
-Modern Marvel Girl: http://www.mediafire.com/?y3z5ev2vazgw2iz
-First Class (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?mf7629qu230o799
-X-Factor: http://www.mediafire.com/?8p4ax1118nd9j3s
-Revenant Phoenix: http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dibvdl6cxyxpt
-Brighter Evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?amvxr26zcg0rlkp
-Purple Phoenix: http://www.mediafire.com/?i0y984fq94dx1eg
-AoA Long Hair: http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9pwmcdymk1ccr
-What If? Phoenix Green: http://www.mediafire.com/?ds1c3xk3832zl35
-What If? Phoenix Red: http://www.mediafire.com/?tguqw1b4cbgcwfe
-What If? Phoenix Green: http://www.mediafire.com/?8dq9bohox0qhj6i
-X1 (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?xd13ek9ex16xnbe
-Phoenix Redesign: http://www.mediafire.com/?684h934773iqbp1
-MVC3 Alt New X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?to7j8a7b3z5e9pp
-MVC3 Alt 90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?8sect05eqyraheg
-X-Tastic Four: http://www.mediafire.com/?okm1tzjmjfm
Jessica Jones:-Jewel Pink Hair: http://www.mediafire.com/?hvm3fniijdn
-Jewel Brown Hair: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmmmzhnnizz
-Jewel Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?e95rxqko47pac06
Kingpin:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?e344i9gv8soh1z9
Magneto:-Regal: http://www.mediafire.com/?y97alrgg9arc969
-X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?3o792gef7hhfg1u
-Evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?49smibndpd1misi
-Formal: http://www.mediafire.com/?68c29cggxxjox7n
-Prisoner: http://www.mediafire.com/?t8g3d18cn1w815t
-Custom Design: http://www.mediafire.com/?soyzvn0c4fj9k9i
-Capeless Ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?njow8sxf07e4g97
-Black Parade: http://www.mediafire.com/?qtf13tt5jfx1fgx
-First Class (with helmet): http://www.mediafire.com/?lqmn4wvmwmw49i4
-First Cass (no helmet): http://www.mediafire.com/?f1h07l35fof2fnr
-Marvel Nemesis: http://www.mediafire.com/?1f0r9wbr0z9k1hb
-Revamp: http://www.mediafire.com/?b4prpfth0kn22f2
Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr):-Dark Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?h4kmrm08fmbe8fp
Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers):-Classic Hound Red: http://www.mediafire.com/?61uo7as2ls15fz7
-Classic Hound Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?664u7b4ffu4gamg
-Pack I: http://www.mediafire.com/?k4yynxmtm13
-Pack II: http://www.mediafire.com/?ywzzmmm2o5d
-Updates Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?5x9jesfv8fp5zif
Mr. Fantastic:-Black Suit: http://www.mediafire.com/?1qlxfnmqzzb
Ms. Marvel:-Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?0pa9jm6x0fy5oyz
-Avengers Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oarbhmo345f98kl
-Captain Marvel: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ge6xsndv50rhra
Mysterio:-Dark: http://www.mediafire.com/?zi52fl3monj
Namorita:-Armored: http://www.mediafire.com/?5oniyh4aymd
-Fantastic Four: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2jgjmddtny
-Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?mjyz55zdz2y
-Bikini: http://www.mediafire.com/?zeiwnnz0yke
-Blue: http://www.mediafire.com/?3uttozmwedd
Nick Fury:-Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?ddytrzdzxji
-Camo: http://www.mediafire.com/?z2mbjl5mknq
-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/?njnmjyzoyxj
Patriot:-Original: http://www.mediafire.com/?x1ymd1zdjth
Pixie:-Street Gear: http://www.mediafire.com/?3gmxzzk32mn
Polaris:-WATX: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hli84tb5e3jxvg1
-Movie Uniform: http://www.mediafire.com/?wzt1zovouwh2ds0
Professor X:-First Class (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?smwjzcc3t1smm1x
Psylocke:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?mjj2zxtrngy
-Tron: http://www.mediafire.com/?kl321ckow6vo2g2
-Uncanny X-Force: http://www.mediafire.com/?5oj9pcuzr3wtjz3
-Utopia: http://www.mediafire.com/?n4nkiephq11bc1d
-Classic British: http://www.mediafire.com/?ykdamnrgqhwr42g
-Exiles: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ax2dj2b4zpqt6o
-Street Gear: http://www.mediafire.com/?l5wzclx7wp8ugdo
Red She-Hulk:-MVC3: http://www.mediafire.com/?x2r8so2sr9744eg
-Military: http://www.mediafire.com/?u4l35po8r0apusj
Revanche:-Utopia: http://www.mediafire.com/?9g2td6n853mimge
-Classic British: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrkhsd3hdcxvsr4
-Exiles: http://www.mediafire.com/?l8pu4nkijlh8ind
-Street Gear: http://www.mediafire.com/?dicpa99439n51ae
-Psylocke Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?v5s9ib3r7jx0t6q
-Uncanny X-Force: http://www.mediafire.com/?ttjmsi7rk9umkl5
-X-Men (Movie): http://www.mediafire.com/?2y75rb2bchulayl
Rockslide:-Limbo: http://www.mediafire.com/?tmkuyjrtdyn
Rogue: -AOX(Sans Cape): http://www.mediafire.com/?iosp11ld9on6zu5
-Movie X-Men Uniform: http://www.mediafire.com/?91x315x312a13vv
Scarlet Spider:-Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?nyi3gizyakj
-Fooray: http://www.mediafire.com/?5d23ktjezqa
Scarlet Witch:-Gothic Princess: http://www.mediafire.com/?mkmvf5b9aknbbwt
-First Class: http://www.mediafire.com/?28tom1al0nz0yaj
-AOA: http://www.mediafire.com/?90r02meyo9lrvo9
-Ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?s5u8tvv6b1oro46
-AOX: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ej71f5hazygor5
Selene:-Necrosha: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ucc4mrib6yzkc6
-White Queen-Based: http://www.mediafire.com/?uw85ua5la9w0hbb
-Capeless Black Queen: http://www.mediafire.com/?ne1xm67crboetsc
-Custom Jumpsuit: http://www.mediafire.com/?a31huqh2au623ai
-Alternate Skin 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?skvot02ht8q8lt2
-Alternate Skin 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?0hq3oz0wkmfhkyi
-Masters of Evil: http://www.mediafire.com/?b7xbpvcfn6wqnpz
-Bikini: http://www.mediafire.com/?833p3p4clcm39aw
Shadowcat:-WATX: http://www.mediafire.com/?bo7jg6zp129bxdy
She-Hulk:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?2alv5a1p96c3xaa
-Classic + Jeans: http://www.mediafire.com/?wttsilhw1ho34ec
-Savage: http://www.mediafire.com/?a9suavs2ke4eu2f
-Savage Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?713eog3rh79iley
-Savage Leotard: http://www.mediafire.com/?f6f4jlwba5nwz9t
-Avengers Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?glwkvgaxa3hn7r0
Songbird:-Modern Thunderbolts: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y3tblb6xwrxxv3x
Spider-Girl:-Black Costume 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?modmczxjnyz
-Black Costume 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?im2g0ycono3
-April Parker: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmr2nkmwuj2
-Armored: http://www.mediafire.com/?mdm1lyvjggw
-X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?zjyixomylez
-Stark Armor: http://www.mediafire.com/?mn1t2211uvx
-2099: http://www.mediafire.com/?2gmytjhijnx
Spider-Man:-Black and Red: http://www.mediafire.com/?2m2nh2hmzni
-Big Time Neon: http://www.mediafire.com/?6d5bhf3f3wjajc1
-Spider-Goblin(PC model): http://www.mediafire.com/?k5tj1dtlnzz
-Ultimate Symbiote 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?ytkremzrxd3
-Ultimate Symbiote 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?dn33zdb3dtm
-The Spider: http://www.mediafire.com/?gatw4cdg4nt
-Insulated: http://www.mediafire.com/?izo1mtnwiu3
-Alex Ross: http://www.mediafire.com/?jn20zfxzdio
-Fairy Tale: http://www.mediafire.com/?nzdmfnjnjge
-PS2 Big Eyes: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmdngjjgnby
-Ultimate X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?likyinjjjjj
-Mangaverse: http://www.mediafire.com/?tzzww5to4of
-2099: http://www.mediafire.com/?bs40vg48buv9noq
-Spider-Woman Design: http://www.mediafire.com/?x8q2n0h8qxlnbwn
-SHIELD: http://www.mediafire.com/?61965ct4o7tvbbg
-Cosmic (SMSD): http://www.mediafire.com/?56iidjj6cd6c1n0
-Ultimate Comics: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4xuv0s59wfevwn
-Iron Spider: http://www.mediafire.com/?8j11d00u89sp23c
-Big Time (EOT): http://www.mediafire.com/?96s2twjs5wqw2dc
-Post Civil War: http://www.mediafire.com/?6mdbiws2cdkz8xy
-Dusk: http://www.mediafire.com/?aguaid0ra9hamu9
Spider-Woman:-Symbiote: http://www.mediafire.com/?mylxmnz5xht
-Black and Gold: http://www.mediafire.com/?zoymq2lhxoj
-SHIELD Agent Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?5mzzwy1jmwo
-SHIELD Stealth Uniform: http://www.mediafire.com/?xkj4xyrumlf
-Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ig8zpka3j8laee
Stepford Cuckoos:-New X-Men (skin #22608): http://www.mediafire.com/?2ndewnzqzyn
-Phoenix: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jjziw3jmmm
-X-Men: http://www.mediafire.com/?nl3ymcyuwfz
Storm:-BloodStorm: http://www.mediafire.com/?h3dzdvzdmnu
-Young (X-Men Forever): http://www.mediafire.com/?us219io389e2j2i
-Uncanny (Leotard): http://www.mediafire.com/?dbhds8bwznb8zc2
-Uncanny (Pants): http://www.mediafire.com/?tanoq1l8ikcguga
Super-Skrull:-MVC3 Colossus Alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?3aoa8r75dwdah34
-MVC3 Red & Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?dcdy4cbo9ud1qgc
Thor:-Gold 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?ojmjyzonimd
-Gold 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?xtdmzm2tzxk
-Steampunk: http://www.mediafire.com/?nznhgkzzyt4
-Modernish: http://www.mediafire.com/?ntsvi3lyd1du8ii
-Movie Silver: http://www.mediafire.com/?36kx7haw9idacvr
-Movie Black: http://www.mediafire.com/?025951wpuvsai5k
Tigra:-Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?yaq4b9lg8kbf7h6
-Fairy Tale/Cheshire Cat: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4z3eq61xb09dkus
Venom:-Dark Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?mnzz5olgynn
-Anti-Venom: http://www.mediafire.com/?zl2gxeje7dod8b3
Vision:-Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?49dg6rsdoc92sbp
War Machine:-Movie: http://www.mediafire.com/?mwwnzjynlkz
Winter Soldier:-Enymy's Avengers: http://www.mediafire.com/?r5w2krgoqc7rn10
Wolverine:-Evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?mnlezn5z23m
-Xenogenesis: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1t4diwmjlk
-Modern: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2ykniy5gne
-Astonishing alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?wegjujmzwgz
-AoA (MVC3): http://www.mediafire.com/?6deuonnw4r80npx
X-23:-Massive Skin Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?31jpxdbnjptwbhk
-MVC3: http://www.mediafire.com/?9pvozx577mkqu1l
-X-Force: http://www.mediafire.com/?jew8770g73x0g7p
-Street Gear: http://www.mediafire.com/?dc8d8ax49147axd
-Weapon X: http://www.mediafire.com/?x69mxg6ygykrjjz
-Messiah Complex: http://www.mediafire.com/?j115grtwargg6pa
-Movie Uniform: http://www.mediafire.com/?ghtoffudgz3pucw
Misc Characters:-Gremlin NPC: http://www.mediafire.com/?zon4wxv2nzy
-Shield Agent (Black): http://www.mediafire.com/?zqjqazwdwh5
-Hydra Agent: http://www.mediafire.com/?yn2x2dhjy1z
Hey, the Armored Spider-Girl looks real neat. Nice!
I liked the Armored Spider-Girl ^^
thank you both!
i forgot to mention that the spider girl skins are on ps2 models. for those of you who don't know what that means, that means that they work in xml2.
Quote from: marvel watcher on January 28, 2010, 05:57PM
I liked the Armored Spider-Girl ^^
Me too!
And the Spider Goblin looks great too.
Good job :)
I have to echo the cheers of the others who said how great the Armored Spidergirl looks! Excellent job.
Dude- Spider-girl... FIRST RATE!!! Thank you Deedoo!
thank you all for the compliments. they mean a lot to me.
uploaded spidergirl x-men to the first post.
edit: also added spidey ultimate symbiote to the first post
these look great, especially the x-men one
The ultimate symbiote is really cool, definitely my favorite of all the ones you've done so far. You're starting to get pretty good at this!
Great job on your skins. Same here your spidey : ultimate symbiote is my fav , you got eyes down perfect :).
yay. i'm glad people like my skins.
a question: does anyone know a good way to keep muscle texture on skins but change the color and make it look good? i'm having that issue with the spider logo on some symbiote skins...
make the texture grey/white (not greyscale mode). Just whiten it so the muscles are still visible. Next create a new layer in Multiply or Color mode and use the color you want in that layer.
i'm still a bit confused. do i make a black and white adjustment layer (in photoshop)? when do that on spidey's symbiote skin, the venom logo still shows through...
no, duplicate the original texture as a new layer, make it black&white without using greyscale mode
with photoshop, you can adjust the black/whiteness of each color. If you match the blueish parts of spidey to the whiteness of the logo, then spidey will be all white with muscles etc.
oh. i get it. thanks!
the spider
an alternate universe version of peter parker where he merges with the carnage symbiote and becomes a psychotic killer with a deadpoolesque sense of humor. fun bit of trivia; he was condemned to 67 consecutive life sentences.
i think this skin would work pretty well with mingy's toxin mod, but i'm not sure
found here:
looks hella good deedoo! remember the tip I gave, it'll come in handy with all skins:P
thanks blaw. for both the tip and the compliment.
now i deiced to index my skins, i need to put the skins from the first post somewhere so here seemed like as good a place as any. so her goes nutin:
Quotespidergirl skins
(http://i45.tinypic.com/xggmbm.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?im2g0ycono3) spidergirl: all black v0.78 (PS2) | (http://i49.tinypic.com/30vbt34.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mdm1lyvjggw) spidergirl: armored (PS2) | (http://i49.tinypic.com/1e2zk7.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?zjyixomylez) spidergirl: x-men (ps2) |
will update the all black skin sometime. make it slightly more natural and fix the spider logo a little.
spiderman skins
(http://i48.tinypic.com/v5zq85.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?k5tj1dtlnzz) spiderman: spidergoblin | (http://i45.tinypic.com/29li51j.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?ytkremzrxd3) spidey: ultimate symbiote (ps2) |
jean grey-X-tastic four (if anyone has a better name for this skin, please do tell)
this skin is on a ps2 model. also the picture above distorted the face a little.
it can be found here:
And there's more:
three flavors of invisible woman black outfit, for your pleasure. click the pic to downlood.
(http://i47.tinypic.com/2vsg17m.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?kznkgmemtmd)(http://i50.tinypic.com/2wqqx6e.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?1tzw2ijz3o2)(http://i45.tinypic.com/2ln8pzn.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?kfgjyzwzynz)
What goes for Rocco600 also goes for you.
Credit the creators of MUA for the "Spider-Man dark avengers" skin. Because:
Quote from: deedoospiderman's symbiote skin repurposed for venom. it's not perfect, but it works for me
I don't know if it includes packages for a fifth skin, but anyone can do a skin swap.
oh. i thought saying it was repurposed was enough. i'll run and fix that.
Ah well it's kind of fair eh^^.
PS: I like ultimate spidey's eyes btw ^^.
thanks. i personally am really happy with how his eyes turned out.
i'm going to alter venom dark avengers just a little. mainly so that it looks ok with spiderman's symbiote skin (but if you were cool, you would have replaced spidey's symbiote with my ultimate symbiote :P ).
(who says I won't?:P)
Btw, perhaps an idea: Negative zone Spider-Girl? :P
sounds fun. i'll look into it.
this style (http://gofigureactionfigures.com/product85.html) or this style (http://www.sideshowtoy.com/mas_assets/jpg/71463_press02-001.jpg)?
looks possible. i'll try it.
can anyone think of a name for the jean skin found here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=4191.msg78549#msg78549)?
it was just a custom skin i randomly made, but i can't think of a proper name for it...
Quote from: Deedooo on January 30, 2010, 02:54PM
i think this skin would work pretty well with mingy's toxin mod, but i'm not sure
I just tried out your skin on Toxin, and it looked great!
thank you! i'm glad it works well.
now for not one, but two new releases.
(http://i47.tinypic.com/2m2uibl.jpg) V2.0
a slight update so that it doesn't look the same as spidey's symbiote skin for those of you not cool enough to use my ultimate symbiote skin :P. i'm actualy pretty impressed by how this turned out.
found here:
invisible woman-flame on
she and torchy have swapped powers several times. i may just make a power swap mod for them.
found here:
Sue Storm "The human torch"? Cool!
You could also include the fire effects ^^
Great job!
that's a really good idea. i'll go do that soonish.
behold; mighty thor skins!
first off, not one, but two shades of gold! (yes, i can count in order usually, thank you very much)
one: http://www.mediafire.com/?ojmjyzonimd
two: http://www.mediafire.com/?xtdmzm2tzxk
next off we have my own steampunk thor. bask in it's sexy steampunk glory, and that's an order.
clickilishious linktron: http://www.mediafire.com/?nznhgkzzyt4
Cool, I like these skins :)
spiderwoman-black and gold
ooh. tough crowd. well either way, here's my next release:
iceman-wolverine and the x-men. it's not exactly true to form because i was forced to use a symmetric model but it's pretty close. i have 2 flavors for your icing pleasure. click on the picture for download link.
(http://i48.tinypic.com/2con2f9.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?gzjmujmmany) full blue | (http://i45.tinypic.com/2dk0909.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?tmddyjjeiyz) true/white details |
ps. i apologize for the armband. i'm pretty sure it's part of his model but if anyone knows how to hide it, that would be greatly appreciated
BIG release! right here, right now!
crimson dynamo skins:
(http://i48.tinypic.com/1zsyoh.jpg) black | (http://i46.tinypic.com/25p4jlu.jpg) jungle | (http://i47.tinypic.com/2uigdww.jpg) steampunk(ish) |
black= http://www.mediafire.com/?m2zndt4onzt
jungle= http://www.mediafire.com/?fyyxzzj0tum
steampunkish= http://www.mediafire.com/?2ym2mlqil2c
iron man skins
(http://i46.tinypic.com/35lvn8i.jpg) silver centurion modern based on this (http://www.neurosoftware.ro/programming-blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/bc517_Marvel_Adventures_Iron_Man_10_by_francis001.jpg) image | (http://i47.tinypic.com/34pm2yo.jpg) gold | (http://i45.tinypic.com/118eq8z.jpg) mainframe this guy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainframe_(comics)) |
mark 2 (like the movies)
centuron modern= http://www.mediafire.com/?jm2gdzig2zr
gold= http://www.mediafire.com/?tmw3dumgyii
MK2= http://www.mediafire.com/?zm5gginmumz
mainframe= http://www.mediafire.com/?wn21m5qoyyk
wolverine-astonishing blacki realize it might be a stylistic thing amongst artists, but i really like it when wolverine's blue looks black. so here it is.
Amazing !
thank you!
and more releases! click the pictures to download.
(http://i45.tinypic.com/n4e6pe.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?h3dzdvzdmnu)
(http://i47.tinypic.com/3166a9v.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mjyz55zdz2y)
(http://i49.tinypic.com/11ch7px.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mmr2nkmwuj2)
spidergirl-april parker
(http://i47.tinypic.com/2cqe9g4.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?ddytrzdzxji)
nick fury-black suit
(http://i45.tinypic.com/f19lbo.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?z2mbjl5mknq)
nick fury-camo
great skins :)
thanks :) they wouldn't be possible without you uploading the ps2 models, so thank you, nodoubt_jr. ^^
more of em!
found here
spiderman--black and red
found here
still not entirely convinced by the x on his chest, but i got sick of it after ten minuets of fiddling. cheers.
get it here:
Very cool!
Love the operative skin. Gives me some ideas on new skins :P (on the same model)
Bloodstorm looks very cool!What skins do you plan to do?
Quote from: Drax207 on February 14, 2010, 03:03AM
Very cool!
thank you!
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on February 14, 2010, 03:05AM
Love the operative skin. Gives me some ideas on new skins :P (on the same model)
i really like how it turned out.
P.S. keep yo hands off my watx cyclops, bee-otch! :P
Quote from: ~Phoenix~ on February 14, 2010, 05:34AM
Bloodstorm looks very cool!What skins do you plan to do?
thanks! i'm working on watx cyclops (as i said), some valkyry skins for fox 456, a bishops x-men wolverine skin for ragin cagun (spelled horribly wrong), whatever other people request, and really whatever i feel like doing.
speaking of that cyclops model...
found here:
Wow that Cyclops skin looks incredible.
I really like it.
Great job!
thanks! i'm impressed with it myself :P.
more skins! i'm pretty sure i got all the files right, but if there's a problem please tell me. click on the pictures to download.
(http://i50.tinypic.com/2ezic1x.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mhtmmdiyjnu)
cyclops--astonishing black and gold
(http://i49.tinypic.com/b51lza.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?dmhwnztuj01)
cyclops--astonishing silver details
(http://i50.tinypic.com/f4fmoo.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?nmdnqwioqbq)
cyclops--astonishing black and silver
(http://i48.tinypic.com/24fn49u.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?2ymnmgonojm)
(http://i47.tinypic.com/r060qq.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?twz2ignojdu)
storm--x-men forever (also used in uncanny x-men)
found here:
based on:
great job! black/gold cyke and storm are on my must list ^^
wow!!! Storm's costume is fantastic!!! thank you so much deedooo :) (I'm sorry for my english xD)
@nowhereman: thanks. that really means a lot to me.
@naxooo: glad to please :D
unless someone wants to add skinsegments to my xml2 black widow skins, theres a way to have them in mua. unfortunately it involves some replacement of skins on domino, a very cool character. download the skins and rename them to go on the domino mod. also take 14801.igb(black widow npc skin) if you want that. if youre picky about huds you can use hud_head_14801. just tellin you guys something i thought of. good luck.
I would like to request 2 skins if it´s possible. 1º Can you use Ms. Marvel´s Binary skin to criate ultimate phoenix or dark phoenix, you could paint it orange with yellow eyes and use ghost rider burninghead effect bo be more nice! And I would like yu create a cyclops movie skin but not that you used I think you should use or cyclops' ultimate skin or cyclops' new X-Men skin. I prefer his ultimate skin. Thanks!!
whiteking is making a different coatless movie cyclops skin, don't know if it's the exact one you're thinking of, but just so you know.
for ultimate pheonix do you mean like one of the below or something else?
pic one: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/15530/374056-7258-129066-1-ultimate-x-men_super.jpg
pic two: http://img2.pict.com/7e/29/5f/5d72362e486ba133a3d6182e70/HtL0o/800/ultimatexmen23093013.jpg
Quote from: ☞DEEDOOO☜ on January 28, 2010, 05:20PM
i will look into requests if you put them in my workbench topic. i still leave no guaranties that i can fulfill them, but i will definitely look into them.
you can get away with it this time, but next time, i'll make fun of you.
Quote from: ☞DEEDOOO☜ on February 22, 2010, 06:51PM
whiteking is making a different coatless movie cyclops skin, don't know if it's the exact one you're thinking of, but just so you know.
Deedooo is right, I'm making a coatless movie cyclops skin and my base is certainly Ultimate Cyclops. When it will be ready? I don't know so be patient.
:emmafrost: :cyclops:
Thanks Whiteking, I will be waiting and deedooo I prefer the second picture!!
kaya. i'll see what i can do. seems relatively easy.
daredevil--mua2 alternate.
the picture is old, but i just made some really minor changes since it so it should work fine.
found here:
looks great thanks, i'll be adding it to the XML2 mod :)
thanks nodoubt :).
Hello, I saw a Marvel Girl skin here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,1463.0.html .But when I put it on the game her skin became blue. I wanna know why this happen and if you could do the same skin for Marvel Ultimate Alliance!Thanks!
You just asked that same question in another topic, you don't have to spam Deedooo's thread.
In other news, the Daredevil MUA2 skin looks awesome, Deedooo!
thanks :)
and remember scotty-boy, every time you spam a puppy dies. ¬.¬
4 more skins! (yes, these are random personal projects when i have a long lists of requests planned. what of it?)
iceman-board shorts
tell me how this looks, i may try other similar skins if people like it
2 flavors of dark iron man (click the pic download for less confusion)
(http://i45.tinypic.com/24fiqzr.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?0nzzti5y2zt) (http://i48.tinypic.com/wqor6f.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?oogonygqedd)
and finaly wolverine with x-men evolution colors. enjoy!
Nice skins but from what I remember, wolverine skin should be orange and black!Hey, did you finish ultimate phoenix skin?
i haven't had a chance to see what it looks like in game yet, so be patient.
also, behold: http://xrayvision.today.com/files/2009/02/010.jpg
it's blue enough for me.
Yeah the Evolution skin was more a mixture of his 1990's and astonishing costumes (the orange from one and the blue from the other) than an exact copy of the orange on black one
update spidey skins with gorgeous hq models by blaw (look at those glorious sausages!). click the pictures to download.
(http://i48.tinypic.com/otjcl5.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?gatw4cdg4nt)
the spider
(http://i48.tinypic.com/2yvwh0l.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?dn33zdb3dtm)
ultimate symbiote
Older (ps2) versions in order respectively:
Ok, in your pic, wolverine skin like blue but here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KD10u0DPT9I/SE8jMTX17pI/AAAAAAAABss/7qdHrOCWI-A/s400/XMEN.jpg and here: http://i.s8.com.br/images/dvds/cover/img6/1519136_4.jpg it looks like black.
isn't that funny? if it bothers you that much, then make it yourself.
edit: that sounds so much meaner than i meant it to sound. it really wouldn't take that long to do it either. forgive me, it's been a long week. ill throw that together real quick some point this week.
edit 2: adventuriromax (i think that's his name) has a black and orange evolution skin now. enjoy.
The skin on your version of wolverine is much better. Could you spend some offsets Deedooo these textures without cel-shading: D.
Not hit by the offsets TEXTURE FINDER :(
If you can give me some offsets will help me a lot.
Thanks in advance :).
hmm...i'm using the wolverine astonishing ps2 model. my offsets are all at home but i can send them to you when i get back (probably. unless i have too much homework) remind me this weekend if i haven't given them to you then. i'm forgetful like that :P
also, everyone note:
i really don't feel like going through and password protecting my 50+ files or going to the trouble of deleting them all. they were made for public use, but if you uploooood them somewhere else you could at the very least credit me. notifying me would be nice, but at least give me the credit. i don't think this will be a major problem with the new security measures, but hey, if your the type that does steal things and credit yourself, you should feel horrible about yourself and should really just not be on the internet in the first place. that should be all for now. peace.
Ok Deedooo, do not worry about the credits :).
Thanks again.
dark ironman1 rocks! good for an alternate Stealth skin
@nowhererman (or as blaw put it, N-man :P): thanks. i didn't intend it that way, but that's a great use of it ^‿^.
@adventureiromax: you don't need to credit me for offsets. that note was mainly about the russian thieves :P.
Ok... lol :D
2 more releases for now. there's more coming but i don't have time right now. sorry.
iron man: silver centurion (for you classic iron man fans :))
link: http://www.mediafire.com/?2xgttzznzdn
more jiggly info here: http://www.ironmanarmory.com/silvercenturion.html
iceman: street gear
link: http://www.mediafire.com/?lkfytyhytzy
Deedooo, I like your Iceman - Street Gear skin!
Iceman looks nice indeed ^^
thanks guys! :D
the x-men xenogenesis pack1
i call it a pack cause i'm slowly working on more from it. emphasis on slowly.
cyclops: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4mf4gzrarw
wolverine: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1t4diwmjlk
and as a completely unrelated release, wolverine "modern" without that annoying bullet hole.
http://www.mediafire.com/?m2ykniy5gne <<clicky here to get it
sorry i don't have a pikture.
I know you've relased them a long time ago, but i just tried all your iron man skins and they ROCK! awesome work mr. dooo
between modern, mark II, silver centurion, hulkbuster, heroes reborn, stealth and mainframe, it's gettin so freakin's hard to chose which 4 skins I'm gonna use.
thanks man! i'm having the same problem choosing skins for my iron man booster :P.
any possibility to get huds for your skins? unfortunatly stuff that has to do with using gimp aren't my strengths :/
Deedooo has asked me to make huds for a couple of his skins, which I PROMISE I will get to soon.
cool ^^ cooler than cool. icecold :P
and I see through his hud requests that deedooo is planning on releasing an Iron Patriot skin. Great news! :D
i could probably make some huds for some of my skins. i'll probably start with the most downloaded ones, but if there are any specifics people want, tell me now.
and the iron patriot hud request was for my (hopefully) upcoming mod, cause blaw already made a delicious iron patriot skin.
since you're offering it so open-handedly ^^. I'd love Modern Silver Centurion, Stealth, Mainframe and Storm X-men Forever. I know, it's a lot. sorry about that :P
ironman classic (based off doombot model)
just a little variety...if you want it
found here>>http://www.mediafire.com/?ujywgzttoie
here are some cool ones :)
link>> http://www.mediafire.com/?tmkuyjrtdyn
namorita--smexy bikini
link>> http://www.mediafire.com/?zeiwnnz0yke
they all look good :)
please report any problems with these skins as they're not just raw igb files.
stepford cuckoos--x-men (contains packages and hud)
☞skin number 22608
NOTE: the hud i included is not my work, it came with the mod. if there's a problem with this please let me know.
invisible woman- flame on (updated with fiery effects and packages, yay)
☞skin number 2242
Cuckoo looks really good deedooo ^^
Yeah the skin looks great :)
thanks guys, i too am very pleased with how cuckoo turned out :D.
Yeah Cuckoo looks great.
http://www.mediafire.com/?2iizj2mmud2 (http://www.conservativecat.com/Ferdy/image/FakeVirusMSN.html)
Looks great indeed! :)
doombot shiny looks so....Shiny :P Awsome work Deedoo :)
i figured doom wouldn't want dirty unpolished minions, so i helped him polish them :P.
invisible woman modern
link: http://www.mediafire.com/?0gifnwz3zky
nice skins
your Doombot remind me...XML2 Version of Dr.Doom's Classic skin))
Awesome skin, mind if i use it for her xml2 update?
feel free :)
namorita-fantastic four
spidergirl-black (updated)
invisible woman modern and namorita are beautiful, good work :thumbsup:.
thanks adventureiromax :)
Quote from: Deedooo on April 05, 2010, 09:04AM
i figured doom wouldn't want dirty unpolished minions, so i helped him polish them :P.
Your working for the masters of evil, how dare you! :P
IW looks nice. Gawd, we already have a ''sexy skin'' made by whiteking and now your also making her half naked :P Im gonna imagine whats next XD
if you think that's skimpy you should see my namorita bikini skin :P
Quote from: Deedooo on April 06, 2010, 06:43AM
if you think that's skimpy you should see my namorita bikini skin :P
Already saw that XD, i just dont have that much with clones :P. (and i think IW looks hotter XD)
Never noticed this too!
Well done on the new skin for Susan. I'm glad that you made it because she looks really good and really needs a modern skin that looks diferent from the 3 variants... I mean alternate costumes from the game ^^
Great job :)
thanks whiteking. i like making invisible woman skins for just that reason.
Very nice skins! And Sue really does need more costumes.
thanks. i could use some help with ideas for the second part. i could find a true modern pic [link] (http://www.bscreview.com/wp-content/gallery/deadpool-21/deadpool-21-2.jpg), but i could really use some more ideas for skins for her (to make her more individual, if you didn't figure). i may do a worlds greatest heros version too. but still i could use ideas.
Possessed by Malice
New FF cartoon
Marvel Adventures
As Madame Hydra
Alternate Ultimate
Mrs Doom
Purple Suit
hope it helps :)
holy crap! that's a lot of costumes you've found me. thanks nowhereman, hopefully i can put some of those pictures to good use :).
Ok..... I think her Malice Possessed Costume reminds me that Yatterman's numskull villain name Doronjo from Tatsunoko.
(http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/20782/400231-2045-130904-1-fantastic-four_thumb.jpg) = (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/scratchpad/images/thumb/d/d9/Lord_Pain.png/180px-Lord_Pain.png) + (http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/yattayatterman/Yatter_Char/doronjo_08.jpg)
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on April 07, 2010, 07:35PM
Ok..... I think her Malice Possessed Costume reminds me that Yatterman's numskull villain name Doronjo from Tatsunoko.
And what's that about exactly?
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 08, 2010, 12:49AM
And what's that about exactly?
Don't know. But there something keeps talking into my devil's eye. Which make me can see and remembered something else from 17 years ago. .... >Headache<!!!! .... I'm ok. Should this topic post I posted move somewhere. :confused:
here are some skins for everyone's favorite merc with a mouth. ignore the junk in his hands.
classic with enhanced colors
modern ("assassin" with classic eyes)
and some cool webslinger skins :)
From when he was fighting electro
spiderman--alex ross
like this picture [link] (http://sfstory.free.fr/images/Spiderman/spiderman1024.jpg)
great work dd! deadpool looks vicious ^^
thanks brah!
insulated looks great :)
thanks man.
Nice Electro Proof (Insulated) Costume. :)
Great job!
dude icemans street gear is awesome good job man. but when i download it, it downloads as a igb file with all this crazy jibberish.i downloaded a skin for rouge a while ago and it worked but i somehow lost the instructions on how to replace it.i think her skin downloaded as something different though.what should i do? also i accidentally forgot to uncheck the "always open with this program" button so now it and all the files in the actors folder etc. open with notepad.is that bad?
you won't be opening them anyways, so it shouldn't matter.
ps, thanks everyone for the nice comments
ooo youre right sorry about that i thought i messed it up somehow but it works. thanks a lot man Ice man looks so bad ass. my favorite costume is human torch's modern skin so its really cool iceman gets one.looks so sick
thanks. i'm glad to help :)
invisible woman--modern. based off of this picture [link] (http://www.bscreview.com/wp-content/gallery/deadpool-21/deadpool-21-2.jpg)
looks great thanks
Thanks it looks really nice.
I'd like to cast my vote for the sue storm alternate ultimate costume with the bikini top and jacket hubba hubba! :)
I'd like to see Sue in her Mua2 alternate costume. i think its like what you want WaRi0. She has her jacket opened with a top underneath.
i can try that :)
on a different subject:
doom-house of m
man, and i thought that that was a cool skin too... ah well, some more releases. just simple recolors this time.
scarlet spider--black
iron man--artic
sheild agent-- black. to match the nick fury--black skin i did
A Mysterio skin! Awesome! His mod could use a couple for sure.
thanks! he's another one of my projects to make cool skins for :).
Cool, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent :). Mysterio looks sweet to !
They look really cool!
thanks guys.
archangel- modern (like in recent uncanny x-men comics)
scarlet spider--fooray [reference pic] (http://jpjohansson.deviantart.com/art/Fooray-s-Scarlet-Spider-99218705)
Archangel looks great! You are whipping up skins every day.
Wow, unique approach on Archangel! I really like the skin :)
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 17, 2010, 01:58PM
Wow, unique approach on Archangel! I really like the skin :)
Depends on the previous Archangel - X-Force skins (Norrin and me both made one, mine has eyebrows and a metal effect to it^^)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 17, 2010, 01:35PM
Archangel looks great! You are whipping up skins every day.
Quote from: tymaca321 on April 17, 2010, 01:58PM
Wow, unique approach on Archangel! I really like the skin :)
thansk for the compliments :)
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 17, 2010, 02:29PM
Depends on the previous Archangel - X-Force skins (Norrin and me both made one, mine has eyebrows and a metal effect to it^^)
oh, i completely forgot about your version of the skin. sorry Blaw.
No harm done man. It proves your progress is going in the right direction ^^. (I actually made the same mistake, I released mine but found out that Norrin also made one himself).
well i'll be intrigued to find out who releases one next :D
Haha, I can't make a guess :P
Anyway, keep up the good work! Are you releasing the steampunk skins in 1 complete pack? (yeah I definetely dig the Black Panther one)
yeah. i plan on making one with just the skin files and one with a herostat and packages that includes some boosters by people.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 17, 2010, 02:29PM
Depends on the previous Archangel - X-Force skins (Norrin and me both made one, mine has eyebrows and a metal effect to it^^)
Dindt know that...Oh well im gonna skin hunt (made-up word :P)
Imo someone should do a fourth one, and make a new Angel mod with the ability to switch to Death Persona mode :P (he really has that power, so I've read). But that's not related to this topic :P
@ Deedooo: I'll probably get to your spidey HQ versions next week or at the end of the week.
not related, but very awesome. i would love that mod.
thanks again for doing those models.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on April 18, 2010, 08:21AM
Imo someone should do a fourth one, and make a new Angel mod with the ability to switch to Death Persona mode :P (he really has that power, so I've read). But that's not related to this topic :P
Maybe Nowhere Man could make this? Ohh well, time will tell :P.
Deedoo, whats next??
psylocke, rachel gray, some skins for nodoubt_jr, steampunk skins and more.
Psylocke, Rachel, and Steampunk skins. Cool!
BTW what Rachel costumes will we see??
well here are some of the ones i was looking at. i may do all of them or just some, but if you like any in particular, tell me. the ones with the *'s are the ones that "must" be done.
*1) classic (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/261659-118612-marvel-girl.jpg) (and a version with the pheonix brand (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/40/77102-28113-marvel-girl_large.jpg))
*2) shiar (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/261661-114145-marvel-girl.jpg)
3) war of kings (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/6754/1053744-rachelgrey__commission__color_by_windriderx23.jpg)/ alt ref (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/231/8/a/Rachel_Grey_by_Crimsonsea.jpg)
*4) pheonix (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/261684-130539-marvel-girl.jpg)/ alternate referance (http://www.comicvine.com/rachel-summers/29-3566/all-images/108-204235/rachel4/105-831400/)
5) end of greys (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/261670-127178-marvel-girl.jpg)
6) sorceress (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/261679-62177-marvel-girl.jpg)
7) cosmic (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/6754/831784-marvel_girl_own_version_by_runawayangel1633.jpg)
8) not sure what to call this ^^ (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/6754/831794-marvel_girl_by_runawayangel1633.jpg)
9) red shiar (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc54/AXMfan/100_2929.jpg)
10) x-men evolution style (http://fc06.deviantart.net/images3/i/2004/11/9/1/Rachel_Summers_Evo_style.jpg)
11) street gear (http://www.comicvine.com/rachel-summers/29-3566/all-images/108-204235/040325_155009_1003_main21/105-831371/)
12) astral form (http://www.comicvine.com/rachel-summers/29-3566/all-images/108-204235/109171-marvel-girl/105-261675/)
13) pheonixy classic (http://www.comicvine.com/rachel-summers/29-3566/all-images/108-204235/123254-marvel-girl/105-185757/)
14) x-men (http://www.comicvine.com/rachel-summers/29-3566/all-images/108-204235/197604-marvel-girl/105-174414/)
They are all very nice, but the most important to Rachel would be classic, shi'ar, and phoenix. Her hound costumes (red and black) are also kinda important to Rachel. These are her most known looks. BTW where did u get the last one from?
i just don't like the hound looks :P. oh, and i just found the las pic whilst surphing on comicvine.
The hound looks are kinda weird and emoish. The last one looks like fanfiction work, because I'm sure Rachel has never worn that in comics.
i'm pretty sure she never did wear it in the comics, but it still looks cool.
edit: added some more costume ideas here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg86451.html#msg86451
ladies and gents, may i present to you the *slightly* long anticipated Rachel Grey skin pack! just click on the pic to download it.
Note: some of these skins are outdated. Click here for updated versions. (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg110445.html#msg110445)
(http://i40.tinypic.com/2me4b60.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?k4yynxmtm13)
be sure to scroll over and check out the first class skin :)
there's an actors folder inside that you drag into the mua directory to completely replace all the skins for her with my updated versions. i also included 2 bonus skins for your gaming pleasure.
please report any issues :).
Amazing skins!!!!!
they look great, especially starjammers and classic/uncanny
Great job Deedooo :)
thanks guys :)
awesome work Deedooo as always
Rachel's skins look awesome! Great work as always.
thanks. does someone want to tell me how they look in xml2?
I'll try them soon. The only problem is that the Rachel mod's link has been removed so I'm gonna look for an alternate link.
thanks (http://i43.tinypic.com/1htlra.jpg)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 25, 2010, 01:44PM
I'll try them soon. The only problem is that the Rachel mod's link has been removed so I'm gonna look for an alternate link.
I just reuploaded it.
Quote from: Deedooo on April 25, 2010, 01:42PM
thanks. does someone want to tell me how they look in xml2?
just tried them and they look great
I found the link. Thanks Nodoubt.
EDIT: Deedooo, they look really good in XML2.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on April 25, 2010, 02:05PM
just tried them and they look great
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 25, 2010, 02:06PM
Deedooo, they look really good in XML2.
great to hear guys (http://i43.tinypic.com/1htlra.jpg)
Nice.... All right. Let's Rock.
Well done Deedooo all of them looks amazing, especially her clasic skin.
Great job!
Awsome :) DD
Awsome DD smiley btw (confusing :O)
thanks guys, i'm glad you like that pack as much as i do (http://i43.tinypic.com/1htlra.jpg).
dr voodoo>>http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?teonfz3sj28rhvb
Amazing!Great work!
thanks :)
Cool skin!
I like your Dr. Voodoo, Deedooo.
thanks guys :)
(http://i44.tinypic.com/s10yld.jpg) (http://gaygamer.net/images/spider-man-fairy-tales.jpg)
ps2 spiderman--fairy tale
ps2 spidey with big eyes
aww... i though those looked good...
either way, more releases:
mister fantastic--black suit
(edit: please report any problems on this one as i'm not sure exactly how mr fantastico skins work)
spiderman-ultimate x-men (this is one of my personal favorite skins that i did ;))
all 3 skins look awesome and as always thanks for using ps2 skins, XML2 players thank you :)
edit: and thanks for giving Mr Fantastic a non blue/white custome. now he can look different from the other FF members.
thanks and your welcome :)
i even have 2 more
daredevil demon. looks like a beast with advanced lighting on (the picture on the right).
spiderwoman symbiote
i may revisit this one in the future, but consider it done for now.
black panther civil war
i already told you this over pms, but it doesnt hurt to say it again: i love the new Black Panther skin
and again, thanks :)
wow, finally a skinner remembered that mr fantastic exists! :P great job, he desperately needed a new skin ;)
Quote from: Nowhere Man on May 06, 2010, 08:25PM
wow, finally a skinner remembered that mr fantastic exists!
i know, right? i'm really hoping to be able to get another one out, but no guaranties. it's a bit of an undertaking :P.
All skins are awesome! ^^ Great work!!
oooh spiderwoman downloading now great gob
Everything looks great Deedooo ^^
ah, thanks guys :)
I was gone for 4 days and you freaking realesed 10 skins already, whats your secret :O
(love SW symbiote!)
my secret? finding old bmps that i left lying around, a few simple skins, some free time and most of all some mad skillets :P
Quote from: Deedooo on May 07, 2010, 11:16AM
my secret? finding old bmps that i left lying around, a few simple skins, some free time and most of all some mad skillets :P
XD, go mad skillets!
Great skins~
thank you.
here's one that i personally think is pretty awesome
dr strange--cultist
looks good
thanks nodoubt :)
:scratchhead: Never seen that thing before. But sounds cool. :thumbsup:
thanks and yeah, about half of my costumes are either made up by me or fan art :P
Oh well, it shows how much you care about us ^^ :)
That Dr. Strange looks really great!
thanks :)
war machine--ironman 2
i'd love to hear how this looks in xml2
it looks great :)
thanks nodoubt jr :)
about warmachine. if you apply it on the warmachine mod will the weapons show up?
EDIT : OK :)
Quote from: tymaca321 on May 15, 2010, 06:40AM
about warmachine. if you apply it on the warmachine mod will the weapons show up?
weapons are added by Bolt On
so they WILL sow up
ooh love the psylocke skin looks great :)
thanks :)
Both Psylocke and War Machine are great!
thanks marvelfan :)
They are very good.
Wow! Psylocke and Warmachine look great ;D :thumbsup2: I like them very much
thanks guys (http://i43.tinypic.com/1htlra.jpg)
Warmachine and Psylocke are amazing...nice work :thumbsup:
thanks :)
iron man--movie
enjoy :D
iron man--mark 2 movie is found here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg79371.html#msg79371
war machine--movie is found here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg89298.html#msg89298
Looks sweet ^^
He looks cool... and shiny ;D
thanks guys. shiny definitely is a plus :D.
wow that looks really good
thanks :)
iron man-movie centurion
i may make a version like the magic breifcase armor later
really cool he looks quite sharp to!
thanks :)
black panther--civil war
black panther--ultimate (it could also work as an hom costume)
3 wonderful skins, Patriot looks awesome great job!
Amazing skins
thanks guys :)
great skins ... especially patriot :thumbsup2:
thanks, mate :D
(http://i48.tinypic.com/2m6a1bm.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?jnniounmnjd)(http://i47.tinypic.com/fjdggi.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?t5h01hzjyfn)
black panther--doomwar
2 versions, with tattoos and without, so click on the picture to download the one you choose.
based off of this image:
Luv the tattoos! ^^
Great job!!!
thanks guys :)
Awesome, im loving Doomwar so its cool to have the skin :)
loved the skin. he looks a lot like jamie foxx :P
Great skins... especially black panthers... :thumbsup2:
thanks everyone for the nice comments :)
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on May 22, 2010, 01:36PM
Awesome, im loving Doomwar so its cool to have the skin :)
is that skin called doomwar? that would definitely be better than "modern" :P.
yes he's been wearing that oufit in Doomwar and covered himself with the tatoos when he took back Wakanda. BTW the skin is great and the tatoos look great in game.
Black panther looks incredible with the tattoos
My favorite are the Iron men (I- m movie, centurion, war machine) but the others look very good too
i love your black panther doomwar ( amazing job with the tattoos :D )
thanks all for the comments and thanks nodoubt jr for the new name :P.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on May 23, 2010, 12:16AM
he's been wearing that oufit in Doomwar and covered himself with the tatoos when he took back
in fact he covered himself with taatoos earlier
during arc "Power"
when he tried to find the way to defend himself from magic attaks
Cool job!
Everything looks great :)
thanks guys :)
Patriot is good
i love all your black panther skins they are very nice in game
thanks :)
i'd just like to thank everyone for all the nice feedback. it's really validating :).
hey dd, the cultist skin link isn't working, mind checking that when you have the time?
i believe that that is just one of those temporary problems and should be cleared up in about a day or so, but tell me if the problem persists and i'll re-upload the file.
the weapons should work properly ingame, but if they don't, please do tell me! i would love to try and fix them as oposed to people just not using it.
Good job!!
thanks :)
you asked so I'm telling you the cultist link is still broken.
oh, speaking of that, I was searching some dr strange imgs and found his mutant X version that seems to match this same base skin perfectly. just a thought:
indeed. i will definitely try and think that though as soon as i can figure out some computer troubles i'm having.
in the meantime, i'll try and upload that skin later today.
oh and here is something:
jean grey first class
i have already released this for xml2, but adventuriromax said he didn't mind if i released it for mua so here it is!
Looks sweet. Great job on the details!
thanks :)
Very good!!
awesome :)
Amazing as I said before.
thanks guys :)
hello deedo could you make this iron man suits for me? a huge iron man fan. cant get enough. i started playing MUA again because of the movie lol
and this
http://www.republiquelibre.org/cousture/bd/images7/IMSENT.GIF (http://www.republiquelibre.org/cousture/bd/images7/IMSENT.GIF)
the first one looks relatively easy, and the second one is heroes return so check the more alternate skins thread for it.
wooohoo saw it! now i guess i need to learn how to make som huds..
and will be anticipating for the iron man TAS.. /crosses my iron fingers :stark:
Kind of surprised not to see these classic ones for Rachel Summers-Marvel Girl-Phoenix (unless I missed 'em, and if so, sorry...please point me in the right direction to find them!).
Classic X-Men:
Dark Phoenix (short hair):
theres the pheonix skin included in the pack, i did a version of the hound skin in my pack because i really just don't like how the excalibur one looks. oh and that classic one is the only thing delaying me releasing the second pack for her. it's being tricky.
For Marvel Girl, would be cool to do a booster for her that mimics the Dark Phoenix or White Phoenix powers from NowhereMan's Phoenix booster, where her skin changes. For Rachel, that would be to the Hound costume http://www.rachel-summers.com/gallery/excalibur50a.jpg (http://www.rachel-summers.com/gallery/excalibur50a.jpg).
Just a thought, anyway.
jean grey first class is awesome! :)
thanks nikitozik
and legion of doom; i was going to make a set of skins for her that could work with the pheonix mod
Quote from: Deedooo on June 01, 2010, 07:01AM
theres the pheonix skin included in the pack, i did a version of the hound skin in my pack because i really just don't like how the excalibur one looks. oh and that classic one is the only thing delaying me releasing the second pack for her. it's being tricky.
Thanks for the update. Hope the classic costume stops being tricky, because I'm really excited to see it in the second pack!
spiderwoman shield uniform black
spdierwoman shield uniform stealth (like nick fury)
these are both really simple reskins of whiteking's amazing shield spidewoman skin, so thanks much for that skin and permission to alter it a little
Great job!!!
thats a cool idea to match fury's stealth skin. looks great.
thanks guys :)
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on June 10, 2010, 05:07PM
thats a cool idea to match fury's stealth skin. looks great.
i liked it. i need to make some more shield skins for characters.
both look great indeed! if you want to make more shield skins, see if you can make a black one for black widow based on her movie uniform. that would be awesome.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 10, 2010, 05:19PM
both look great indeed! if you want to make more shield skins, see if you can make a black one for black widow based on her movie uniform. that would be awesome.
i'm thinking spidey, natasha, dar-dufel (original spelling win :P), cap maybe, and maybe penance. anyone else who needs one? deadpool?
Quote from: Deedooo on June 10, 2010, 05:26PM
dar-dufel (original spelling win :P)
I don't get it O.o
agents if shield...hum..kitty pride, falcon, miss marvel, maybe a shield ironman armor. don't know.
i like the idea of an iron man armor, i could probably do a kitty one, i'm working on a moonstone and/or ms marvel shield skin. i just don't see falcon though.
oh and dar dufel is dare devil.
moonstone-agent of hammer
She looks great, and thanks for making more skins for Moonstone ^^
thanks and your welcome :D
Great spiderwoman skins I like how it matches nick fury's.ima download both (even though I don't have nick fury),
Awesome Moonstone. Glad to see that she has more skins now. Also I love the Spider-Woman shield designs especially the stealth one.
Note: some of these skins are outdated. Click here for updated versions. (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg110445.html#msg110445)
second marvel girl skinpack.
get it here>>http://www.mediafire.com/?ywzzmmm2o5d
there will be one more pack including classic x-men, ultimate x-men and more.
Jean_Grey_Phoenix for the orginal design of mua2/modern
shafcrawler for the design of ultimate
Those are really good you now just made me put Marvel Girl back in my team great job :)
Wow, amazing skins!
Thanks deedooo!!Rachel is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG and MS look totally amazing! Escpecially like the mua2 costume :D
thanks everyone :)
street gear and house of m look great
thanks nodoubt jr :)
psylocke-house of m
(yes it is xml2 compatible :D)
Oh...it's...ahem...not bad ^^ But i will never use this in MUA :D (kidding)
Cool, you released it.
Awesome I prefer the dragon on her like this
Nice skin!!
thanks guys :)
Amazing work!, fits well with Dihans mod :D
i dont know maybe im wrong but id like to know if youre link are really dead or no because alll of them appears like dead to me thank you for the whole thing all in your post looks awesome and i just like to download a few skins and the jean mod.... thanks deedooo
they should all be working, but what is a specific one that is "dead"?
mediafire was acting weird earlier, maybe it still is
yeah we'll chalk it up to that because i just checked a few of them out and they worked fine for me.
spidergirl stark armor
pixie street gear
the new spidergirl skins are awesome
I don't no why but ever since I learned how 2 skin your skins look better great job already said but I love the pixie skin
thanks guys :)
Pixie is very beautiful.
Is the pixie skin for rachel or for pixie who hasn't been released?
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on June 20, 2010, 03:14PM
Pixie is very beautiful.
thanks :)
Quote from: lordbane2110 on June 21, 2010, 03:26AM
Is the pixie skin for rachel or for pixie who hasn't been released?
pixie who hasn't been released yet. who i'm hoping will use wing boltons. otherwise we'll need an xml2 pixie mod for it to work XD.
Sweet skin, pity we can't use it yet then
i know, right?
oh and a new skin.
agent of hydra-not perfect but i use it on my npcs and it works well. you could also use it as a bob skin :D. oh and it makes me want to do a paladin skin.
Oooh yes, do a Paladin skin, that would be awesome!
I agree it would be very awesome
and i learned how to do cloth wrapped around arms so i may update the psylock hom skin
Cool. The cloth looks great on that skin.
thanks guys. :)
here's a new skin for hellion roughly based on his new x-men skin. yes the x is supposed to be crooked like that.
heres the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?emwyma0znnd
looks great
Yes, very nice.
It is great.
thanks guys :)
looks good but it kinda looks like he has boobs...
no hermaphrodites here, sir. tis just a trick of the light. XD
omg i beg you to update the dr strange/cultist link..... please ... please ... for god sake!!!! :strange:
i would like to, but i can't right now. i'll try and remember to do it tomorrow, but if i don't send me a pm tomorrow or the next day.
i wish i knew how to make a full mod! hellion looks fantastic! great great great job
thanks :) mods aren't really as hard as you might think. it's just a matter of having all the right files.
paladin-modern. it should work perfectly on the punisher mod.
(http://i46.tinypic.com/24qrfrb.jpg) (http://i48.tinypic.com/33cqiia.jpg)
classic jewel with not one but two colors of hair!
pink hair: http://www.mediafire.com/?hvm3fniijdn
brown hair: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmmmzhnnizz
and the updated link for dr strange cultist: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jnzljg5gmy
Cool you made Jessica and one with pink hair. Thanks. And Paladin is great too.
They are great!!=D
thanks Deedooo !!!! :)
Both looks great!
Well done, Deedoo :)
hey, thanks a lot guys :) i really appreciate it.
cuckoos new x-men costume. they don't actually wear this in the comic, but i felt they need some more "field uniforms".
custom gremlin thing. it could work as an alternate skin for ghost rider if you want or you could put it on an npc
dormammu. for the flame effect add this code to your herostat of whichever character you add him to and make the skin number match whichever slot you put the skin on.
StatEffect {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = base/weapon/torch_weapon ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
skin = 0X ;
good job :)
thanks guys :)
Great job!
why thank you :].
now for some releases
my version of gambit's mua2 costume on the xml2 model
the celeste's (i think) pheonix costume.
Where is the link for the Celeste skin?
woops, sorry about that. i have added link now XD
Thanks for them especially Gambit.
They are great!! Thanks!!
I love them. You got some serious talent! :)
Jackpot. This is getting better & better than MUA2 Model.
Your are getting better and better really love the Stepford Cuckoo phoenix skin and Gambit MUA.and thanks for making them ps2 :)
BTW These look great in X-Men Legends 2 they look simply amazing.
thanks everyone for the nice comments :)
Gambit looks sweet! With these red line's i preffer to call the skin ''movie'' XD (this is not a suggestion or somthing btw, just a fun fact XD since the X-men in the movie's have an addiction of having lines in each color possible on their costume)
Looks great Deedooo ;)
Quote from: tymaca321 on July 08, 2010, 01:54AM
Gambit looks sweet! With these red line's i preffer to call the skin ''movie'' XD (this is not a suggestion or somthing btw, just a fun fact XD since the X-men in the movie's have an addiction of having lines in each color possible on their costume)
just wait and see till i get to an actual movie skin XD
Quote from: marvel watcher on July 08, 2010, 07:14AM
Looks great Deedooo ;)
thanks :]
Quote from: Deedooo on July 08, 2010, 08:59AM
just wait and see till i get to an actual movie skin XD
Now that would be awsome ^^
gambit-movie x-men uniform
the offset of the line on the leg is caused by the anim and it barely registers in gameplay
psylocke movie x-men uniform
Wow those look awesome.Downloading now
thanks :)
I LOVE the Celeste costume!! Now during the finisher I can use her costume and the Phoenix's come up so she turns into the dark phoenix and back to her costume! :cuckoo:
I really love the X costumes. They really look good on them and match them perfectly.
........Im blown away, Psylocke and Gambit, AWSOME! Amazing work DeeDoo :D
EDIT: Love Movie's Gambits shoes XD
thank you all for the kind words. i think i might do some other movie x-men uniforms so post if there's anyone specific you want to see. they don't have to have been in the movie officially as an x-men.
(just to remind you in case you forgot, i requested A-bomb, not sure if you already started on it (doesnt matter in fact) but just to remind you ;)) (Refrence pic : http://img11.imageshack.us/i/abomb.jpg/, in MUA2 he was seen without pants (i know...Streaker) so if the underwear is to hard thats also an option)
I would like to see you try movie Stepford Cuckoos, sure theyre not X-men, but theyre basicly part of the ''x-men universe'' so to speak
i'll see what i can do about a-bomb.
domino movie x-men uniform
Oh she looks awesome!!Thank you for the skins!!Now i have another skin for Domino other than her WATX skin :P
Domino looks great! Blue fits her well
Movie x-men uniform are amazing. you will make a team? :thumbsup2:
Quote from: aventureiromax on July 26, 2010, 07:15AM
Movie x-men uniform are amazing. you will make a team? :thumbsup2:
yuppers. check my modding workbench for the list
polaris movie x-men uniform
young storm (from the x-men forever universe)
both look great, im glad you did x-men forever storm im actually enjoying that series
both look amazing!
Cool!! thank you so much for Polaris and Young Storm!!! both look great
thanks guys ^^
storm x-men movie uniform
yes i know this is different from the movie. if you have a problem with this, go make your own skin.
rachel grey movie x-men uniform
i plan on making a version with the hound face tatoos because they look cool XD
rogue movie x-men uniform
ahh yes thank you so much for both of the storm skins!! your the best.And i strated playing xml2 again and they look really good.Even though gambit had cell shading.They had really good details
Looking GREAT! Are you also gonna remodel movie Nightcrawler? He coud use a slinkier suit
thanks guys ^^ i wasn't planning on doing nc, but i might. no promises though .
and now for some releases
dazzler movie x-men uniform
rockslide movie x-men uniform
thanks for dazzler.Now i have another skin to use other than her first skin :)
Dazzler and Rockslide look great! I especially like her pink hair :D
Wow they look great but Dazz is my fav.
They look all great ;)
Wow Nice work I love the Cuckoo Phoenix one and the movie Dazzler Fantastic work!
thanks for the positive feedback guys ^^
yes i did just get around to responding now XD. i've seriously had this tab open for like a week now XP.
(http://i34.tinypic.com/16jothd.jpg) (http://i36.tinypic.com/15np0cp.jpg)
nightcrawler and scarlet witch movie x-men uniforms
kurt - http://www.mediafire.com/?w0z3dxxd2e3245i
wanda - http://www.mediafire.com/?5r8r5gsctl1jeed
just like storm, nightcrawler is slightly different from his movie look, so if thats a problem, go make your own skin.
rogue comes soon ^^ then maybe jean (depending on how i feel) and some new x-men boyos if i can get the models workin out for me.
looks awesome.Realy liked how you used the emma model cause wanda looks like a witch lol. Love nightcrawler keep up the good work :)
They both look really nice. The Wanda one also could sub as another Jean movie skin if you think about it.
Good job with the skins they look good.
Wow awsome work love the Wanda skin, lol I thought it was jean at first.
thanks guys for all the nice wordzorz ^^
regarding the similarities between jean and wanda, i suppose that one could use it for either, but it was designed with wanda in mind. now i need to make a skin for jean that is unique somehow. any suggestions on what to do or models to use?
domino agent of shield
rogue movie x-men uniform
the musclez look a tad wonky, but i don't think it has a major effect on gameplay, and i don't feel like tweaking it at the moment. maybe later...
Cool rogue skin soon everyone can have a movie costume Yay! lol
They both look really nice!
Dfo u draw the muscle textures and clothes textures?cuz it looks really good :)
thanks guys and yes, i do draw on the muscle features of my skins (both clothing and skin). i use the models' original textures for reference though, of course.
I need to pratice that then lol thanks for the info :)
Love your new skins.
Could we expect a Wolverine movie skin? The current one just don't match your x movie skins because yours are black and Wolverine's is grey?
i was thinking about doing a wolverine one last night. and then i didn't XD. but i'll try again!
oh and i already did a storm skin here> http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg98088.html#msg98088
Yeah I never saw those skins until just now searching so I edited my post. BTW the skins on that page look great!
why thank you :)
Saw Polaris and Domino X movie skins now as well and they also look really great. Also could there be a chance for a Iceman movie skin to match your others?
maybe, i don't like doing human skins for him though XP
now for some releases:
x-23's x-men movie uniform
revanche's movie x-men uniform.
spiderman 2099 (yes there is a different version, and i acknowledge i fully, i just felt like making my own. so i did.)
Wow they all are great but Revanche is my fav! I just love her skin!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 07, 2010, 02:41PM
Wow they all are great but Revanche is my fav! I just love her skin!
same here that Revanche skin looks great
Wow love the awsome movie skins!
Love your new skins!! Revanche is the best!
WOW Revanche looks awesome
thanks all for the pleasant comments ^^
i just edited the first page with a new banner so go tell me what you think ^^
Luv all three of them, I like X-23 the most though :)
Banner looks great btw :)
spiderman with a spiderwoman-like costume
spiderman as an agent of shield
both of these were inspired by the designs of spiderman11 that can be found in the other marvel games board
Looks Great! :)
thank you! ^^
there is something suspicious going on with the letters in your name, btw XD
Hehe yeah XD I changed some of them with some bulgarian letters, I guess . I can't remember right now lol
i love the spiderman spiderwoman skin, very clever
They both look really great!
heh, thanks guys ^^
Looks amazing! This is how he should have looked in WWII
Great skin!
scarlet witch--goth (for lack of a better name XD. please put forth any suggestions if you have them)
speaking of this topic, i totally need to update the first page XP. been months now XP
Wow your work is great! Would you do a Wonderman (black and red costume)?
depends. do you have a reference pic?
ooooooooooohhh I LOVE that Scarlet Witch costume. I wasn't much of a fan of the costumes in her XML2 conversion to MUA. So now I'll use this one :)
Yeah that is a really good Wanda one.
(http://i56.tinypic.com/2wrm0xj.jpg) (http://i51.tinypic.com/1xyruv.jpg) (http://i55.tinypic.com/98yj3r.jpg)
skins for the aqua mod (also work in xml2). right to left: movie, ultimate, young x-men
movie: http://www.mediafire.com/?uqldu2pwa1jaho5
ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?i6sxmqvbz6h514h
young x-men: http://www.mediafire.com/?6i8ajovvk8kbl6k
aqua is marvel watcher's oc and as such is belongs to him. respect that.
dagger classic, been updated since the one i posted in my workbench
akihiro modern a la >> http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/5344/1384801-daken1_super.jpg
jean grey x-factor forever based on a piece of fan art i saw of it, that's why it's slightly different XD
Like them all but Dagger and Jean's are my favs. I just really love the X-Factor Forever costume.
You release Dagger, Awesome! I love them all thank you for sharing them. Now I feel like doing a Cloak&Dagger mod if I do could I please use you skins.
Quote from: edward on September 12, 2010, 09:49AM
You release Dagger, Awesome! I love them all thank you for sharing them. Now I feel like doing a Cloak&Dagger mod if I do could I please use you skins.
feel free ^^ i have a few ideas about how to do the mod, if you don't mind me suggesting. i'll send them in a pm if you want them. i also plan on doing a few more skins for her, so stay tuned for those ^^
Really? Awesome can't wait. Yeah if you have ideas I would love to hear them. I'm not sure if there is a Dagger mod for MUA, but if not It would be cool if I could make the mod for both games.
naw, there isn't one for either game yet. writing up a pm for you right now ^^
OOOHTHank you so much for the Aqua AKins Deedooo!!! Your the best now she has 4 good skins your the best. I can use them for the mod right?
yes you can. i'm working on a few more skins and maybe some remakes of her original costumes, depending on what marvel-watcher says.
Ok thank you and i will :)
Love all of them, jean is my fav. :)
Finally a good Dagger skin!, are there any plans to make the tattoo? Or is that to hard?
face is symmetrical so it would appear on both sides. that's the only problem.
can u please make Iron Man's skin from MUA2?
Quote from: Deedooo on January 28, 2010, 05:20PM
i will look into requests if you put them in my workbench topic. i still leave no guaranties that i can fulfill them, but i will definitely look into them.
yes, that and mr law already made one with a new mesh. check it out ^^
you mean his modern iron man skin?it didn't work.or maybe i didn't find the right one.can u pls give me a link? (:)
Quote from: Deedooo on September 12, 2010, 10:13AM
yes you can. i'm working on a few more skins and maybe some remakes of her original costumes, depending on what marvel-watcher says.
Feel free Deedooo, you have my permision with any Aqua questions :) And all the skins are awesome, great job! ;)
sweet, thanks for everything marvel watcher
"modern" phoenix
if peoples want i can sometime make red and white pheonix versions
thanks to jean_grey_phoenix for compiling and uploading and for the original design for marvel girl i've adapted to my purposes several times.
Looks awesome! One thing I noticed is that there is something on her chin. Is that on the skin or just the lightning or something.
OOOHHHHH awesome skin. I would love it if you made a version of the white phoenix. (White phoenix is my favorite costume for Jean so far)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 21, 2010, 05:06PM
Looks awesome! One thing I noticed is that there is something on her chin. Is that on the skin or just the lightning or something.
it's the skin, thanks for pointing that out. i'll mend it and reupload when i release the dark phoenix and white phoenix variants
Quote from: 4elementsefww on September 21, 2010, 05:08PM
OOOHHHHH awesome skin. I would love it if you made a version of the white phoenix. (White phoenix is my favorite costume for Jean so far)
thanks ^^ yes a white version will come too ^^
Cool, two more versions. I really do love the Marvel Girl design that Jean_Grey_Phoenix created and you (Deedooo) made into skins!
2 wonderful artists (Deedooo and Jean_Grey_Phoenix) combining there heads and designs to make wonderful awesome skins.It looks great :)
haha yeah his designs are awesome. he should totally make some designs of skins for me to make for marvelfan12345's children of the x-men mods. j_g_f (abreviation ftw) if you want pm me and i'll send you info about possible chars
That would be awesome, if he was interested of course.
"modern" phoenix
redone version, touched it up a little. i think this my new favorite skin for her ^^
normal: http://www.mediafire.com/?l7bo0fjwlqhalsw
dark: http://www.mediafire.com/?5db6ja0r9ha46qs
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?ban9ff513bnx36r
Great and yes, I was planing to design something for his mod.
Those are nice, I actually like that design better than her MUA2 costume. Awesome work.
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on September 22, 2010, 02:42AM
Great and yes, I was planing to design something for his mod.
great i sent you a pm ^^
Quote from: RogueDW331 on September 22, 2010, 08:39AM
Those are nice, I actually like that design better than her MUA2 costume. Awesome work.
why thank you very much (:
Lol, Phoenix looks really rough love it :)!
Awesome, defintally one of my new favs.
Warpath, then X-Force 2009 would be available.
Quote from: EZKiil on September 23, 2010, 09:36PM
Warpath, then X-Force 2009 would be available.
is that a request?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 22, 2010, 01:01PM
Awesome, defintally one of my new favs.
Quote from: tymaca321 on September 22, 2010, 10:29AM
Lol, Phoenix looks really rough love it :)!
thanks guys ^^
Wow Jean looks awesome!!! This is how she should be in astonishing.
well, I'm already using all three jeans in an alternate skin-swapping :D
thanks guys ^^ i'm glad you all like it as much as i do (:
Oh wow, cool skin for her, if someone needs a new design of her costume is Ms. Grey... and this looks pretty much updated to me ^^
Great job :)
thanks a lot whiteking, it means a lot ^^
and now here by special request by marvelfan12345:
white phoenix revamp
Looks beautiful! One of my new fav skins.
No problem friend :)
Jamie Fay's new design for the white phoenix, is one of my favorites too ^^
Great job on this one ;)
Great job!
Could you make something like this for emma or someone? And I love the new phoenix skins!
thanks everyone for the compliments ^^ i appreciate the feedback
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 25, 2010, 09:49AM
Could you make something like this for emma or someone? And I love the new phoenix skins!
yeah i can probably do that.
Oh cool. I always loved that Jean/Emma Skrull anaglam. I bet Cyke would love that. Will you be making a human version of it too?
oh most definitely just human. skrulls are ugly with a capital "ugh". in fact it will most likely just be a emma skin.
Glad about that. Skrulls really are hideous. So she'll be blonde then?
Cool then.
Can't wait!
hey dd, whatever happened to your steampunk skins? there were so many great ones finished, why no release?
Yay cant wait for it!
Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 25, 2010, 11:22AM
hey dd, whatever happened to your steampunk skins? there were so many great ones finished, why no release?
i was planning on releasing them as a pack, then i got bored of it and never ended up releasing them XD. i'll try and remember to do that tomorrow when i have access to my home comp XP
awesome, thanks!
Can't wait for them.
Yeah they all looked so great and unique so I can't wait.
Can you put up a diff download for phoeinx revamp it isnt working for me :(
probably just mediafire? i just checked it and it worked fine.
can I include them in the next (and final) phoenix update?
yes you can ^^
When I click download it will download but it is a blank file and asks save or find and I cant use it
do you know how to install skins in general?
ok, let's do this:
- download de file
- when the download window pops up select save.
- after that change the name of the file to the number of the skin you want to replace
- when you put it in actors and (only if) a window pops up select replace.
and that should be all.
i hope it helps.
I do know how to add a skin but when I download the skin it cant find the file there is nothing there
wich skin did you download, maybe i can take a look.
So sorry for the trouble I just got it to work :) lol silly me, I have a diff question tho is it possible to have Mua2 jean and xml2 jean togther cuz when I put mua2 jeans files in it replaces the xml2 jeans stuff so it only lets me use one is there a solution?
as far as i know, no there is no solution, so you will have to choose between XML2 Jean and MUA2 Jean. i'm sorry if i could do anything i would
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 27, 2010, 04:09PM
So sorry for the trouble I just got it to work :) lol silly me, I have a diff question tho is it possible to have Mua2 jean and xml2 jean togther cuz when I put mua2 jeans files in it replaces the xml2 jeans stuff so it only lets me use one is there a solution?
this is kind of very much not the right place to ask that and in the future will be called spam, but i suppose you could go through and rename the whole mod if you have a few spare hours.
Sorry Deedooo and I tried to rename the files but it didnt work, also hope this isnt a bad question either,but can you use phoenix boosts on mua2 jean?
not just the files, the entire inside of the mod. anyways this is offtopic and therefore spam so go make a new post in the general mods topic
Sorry Deedooo
Deedooo I can't seem to download any skins. Do you know whats up?
probably mediafire's problem? what goes wrong?
For some reason it treats them like Images?
Edit: Nevermind... Sorry about that.
haha alright glad it's working (:
fantomex classic
jean x1
my rip off of jean grey pheonix's skin, designed to be more uniform with the rest of my movie skins. so props to him for the original design ^^
Great deedooo!
Awesome on both. Also is Jean's hair red. Just can't tell from the pic.
I believe Deedoo's version has a darker red hair.
yeah it is red. wouldn't be jean without it XD
Deedooo - Sorry for being off topic but did you get the mesage I sent you??
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on October 06, 2010, 04:49PM
Deedooo - Sorry for being off topic but did you get the mesage I sent you??
yeah but i was at school and busy with stuff so i just haven't gotten around to responding yet.
Awesome skins Deedoo! You still planing on the Emma phoenix skin?
magneto regal
Looks nice!
Love the Magneto skin.
thanks guys (: its one of my personal faves too ^^
spiderman neon / big time
it kind of looks a bit funky in the character menu but it looks a lot better during gameplay XD
Sorry to bug you about it Deedooo but are you still making Phoenix Emma skin?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 14, 2010, 04:08PM
Sorry to bug you about it Deedooo but are you still making Phoenix Emma skin?
maybe not cause you keep bugging me about it. it's thoroughly disappointing to see a new reply to my new skin and instead find some spam. skins will be done when they are done, and asking me about it will not help anything unless it's been like a few months.
Pretty cool skin. It does look fuzzy in the pic but I'm sure it will look excellent once I try it out in game. BTW what model was your Magneto skin based on?
thanks. it's fuzzy cause i added a glow effect, which looks a lot better in game XD i'll probably release a not glowy version too sometime.
oh yes magneto was the zealot minion model.
Cool, thanks.
Great SM skin deedooo.
like it! Kinda reminds me a bit of noir and Tron (you know, computer guys :P, for the ones who dont know, trons a movie :P)
thoor modernish. a new skin design thats a mix of classic and modern (pjs) thor, but on the asgard armor, which i personally really like as a model ^^
Love it!
Great job.
Is Spidey Neon Suit was a so technologic because of the suit's shiny green lines, spider marks and eyes. If it was. Kinda reminds me it would be fit to 2099 in Shattered Dimensions as new DLC, but it isn't. Only Cosmic Spidies Pack are the only 1 right now.
ultimate electro from shattered dimensions
OMG Luv it!, amazing, thx Deedoo!
another satisfied customer ^^
I love your spiderman neon skin mister deedoo you are the best !
Great job deedooo.
Loving the new Thor and Big Time Spidey skins, DeeDooo.
thanks for the nice comments, guys (:
Cool. It's Mr. No Pants (Ultimate Electro Full Power).
spiderman big time neon
i redid it a little and thinks it looks a lot better ^^
this is a little skin i like to call "lady dazzler"
Pretty cool skins.
Haha! I was planning on doing a Lady Gaga skin for dazzler! Geniuses think alike ^^
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on October 30, 2010, 03:50PM
Haha! I was planning on doing a Lady Gaga skin for dazzler! Geniuses think alike ^^
lady gaga? i don't know what your talking about (;
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 30, 2010, 01:26PM
Pretty cool skins.
thanks (:
at the behest of "jerkman" here is a red version of the neon skin based on spiderman 650
download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?cl48zmc23xyrzc7
love it very much!
and here's the darker red version of the spidey big time skin
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?28v7s785cuwm7c8
(lighter red and green versions farther up this page)
just great.
awesome, thanks man, i really like the neon suits!!
thanks (: another satisfied customer :D
hey guys, where can i find the mods of Doombot or Agents of Hydra, cause it would be stupid to have the skin without the mod itself(
Quotehey guys, where can i find the mods of Doombot or Agents of Hydra, cause it would be stupid to have the skin without the mod itself(
be careful with your words, jerkman. "stupid" has very offensive implications and that word will generally get you significantly less help than if you try to be polite.
as such; no, there are not mods of those characters mostly because they are designed with replacing existing minion skins in mind. for some of my other skins that don't have mods, the mods simply haven't been made yet which means you can A) go cry in a corner, B) make mods for them or C) replace skins on characters that they would make sense with. with the skins in question (doombots and agents of hydra), having mods made from them would be rather pointless and, as you like to say, "stupid."
Lol this probably isnt funny at all. but Deedooo that was awesome XD
have yourself some pretty little tron ladies:
(http://i54.tinypic.com/s40y76.jpg) (http://i53.tinypic.com/9027hz.jpg)
ms marvel: http://www.mediafire.com/?8pm5hj7ltwc67iy
spiderwoman: http://www.mediafire.com/?bo4p755sohutjmx
Update nuhverah made a great set of huds for these skins ^^
and you can download them here: http://www.mediafire.com/?hbaj6cfmtvumu3e
and inspired by all the tron skins i did today, spiderman black futuristic suit. this is not just a simple throwing a texture over the original skin though, cause i went through and redrew everything. that spider logo took forever XP. i even have the psd to prove it haha
Those skins look awesome! Thanks for making them, especially since they really needed more skins (Well Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel did, but more Spidey skins are always welcome). I actually own the comics with those Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel's Tron designs (I buy Avengers and NA and I prefered the Tron variants than the normal covers.)
WOW those skins look really cool!!!
thanx for making them. i knew that they would be liked :))
update: ouch. i really hoped you can, like, use the minions as separate mods. guess i'll go to a corner and cry ((
these skins are very nice.
great tron skins. to think a couple of months ago I was joking bout a spidey suit that looked tronnish. now they all have it officially =P
daredevil: http://www.mediafire.com/?8u49upw9e7jyxxp
deadpool: http://www.mediafire.com/?f7w49ygc20vrfgy (weapons should act normal in-game, in case you were worried)
songbird: http://www.mediafire.com/?s3ps66f81369sj8
credit goes to marvelwatcher for the head of songbird ^^
All three of them look fantastic!
Amazing, as always!
I like songbirds colors good job :thumbsup2:
Really great!
awesome... all fo then ;D
great job
man, i almost thought you made 2 deadpool tron skins, i didn't realise it was DD :D anyways, great job, respect dude)
cyclops tron!
Cyclops looks pretty awesome!
for those of you who downloaded my tron spiderwoman and ms marvel skin, nuhverah made a great set of huds for them
and you can download them here: http://www.mediafire.com/?hbaj6cfmtvumu3e
Glad to know that they suit your tron series nicely :D
*grabs SongBird Tron* ah I just lovelove her sweet face!<3
Love the Cyke skin! Just wonder how he breathes lol.
Quote from: nuhverah on December 28, 2010, 05:11PM
Glad to know that they suit your tron series nicely :D
*grabs SongBird Tron* ah I just lovelove her sweet face!<3
Thanks :D i'm quite proud of that particular skin myself :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 28, 2010, 05:15PM
Love the Cyke skin! Just wonder how he breathes lol.
the suit has air ports. same way this guy breathes XD >> http://www.jiklet.com/pix/tron_legacy_jiklet.jpg
Wow, I got inactive for three days and then when I back I found a lot of great tron skins. Great job deedooo!
Lol how do they breath? thats funny but to answer the question he doesnt lol in about a couple seconds flat he will fall over on the floor and die jk great job on all the tron skins so far Deedooo!
man, you are close to the creation of "MUA: Tron Legacy edition exclusively on PC. Download it on MarvelMods.com. It's free!!!"
Looks Nice!
moonstone: http://www.mediafire.com/?ckc1vwu8iwanido
polaris: http://www.mediafire.com/?91w8h6sl3a6mdxp
human torch: http://www.mediafire.com/?a2mncb0ebm9qsa9
invisble woman: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmxaus1vn58aw59
lots of credit goes to whiteking for the moonstone skin cause i used his ms marvel skin as a large reference
They look fantastic!
updated latest post with moonstone cause now i have permission to release :D
moonstone looks so amazing... thank you for her.
i love sue's and moonstone
They are all amazing!
funny that Torch's face makes him look old, while Sue's face makes her look like a teenager :)
here is for convenience's sake a giant compilation of all my tron skins so far and it will be updated when i release new ones.
you can expect one of these for my movie skins soon too :D
tell me if five skins across is to wide for your browser windows...
moonstone: http://www.mediafire.com/?ckc1vwu8iwanido
polaris: http://www.mediafire.com/?91w8h6sl3a6mdxp
songbird: http://www.mediafire.com/?s3ps66f81369sj8
spiderwoman: http://www.mediafire.com/?bo4p755sohutjmx
ms marvel/warbird: http://www.mediafire.com/?8pm5hj7ltwc67iy
daredevil: http://www.mediafire.com/?8u49upw9e7jyxxp
invisible woman: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmxaus1vn58aw59
human torch: http://www.mediafire.com/?a2mncb0ebm9qsa9
cyclops: http://www.mediafire.com/?355z8wepkzicp3r
deadpool: http://www.mediafire.com/?f7w49ygc20vrfgy
is unmatched, and the red spider is?
spiderman11, you've mistaken Cyclops, Daredevil or Deadpool for spidey
Quote from: spiderman11 on December 31, 2010, 03:08AM
is unmatched, and the red spider is?
links underneath go from right to left
Wow thats alot so far! I think Spiderwomans is one of the best along with songbird and deadpool good job!
Very beautiful skins. And very realistic. In a word, I like it very much!
today i have a special big release for all you good little boys and girls :p
some psylocke skins:
(http://i56.tinypic.com/8xkje8.jpg) (http://i55.tinypic.com/r2rrc0.jpg)
tron: http://www.mediafire.com/?kl321ckow6vo2g2
uncanny x-force: http://www.mediafire.com/?5oj9pcuzr3wtjz3
which brings me to deadpool uncanny x-force:
and on a completely unrelated note:
wolverine aoa based on the mvc3 alternate skin
and finally ultimate iron man on the new avengers model
not sure why, but this wolvie's mask seems a bit funny. but others look... (i don't have a good enough word for this) :)
Psylocke looks very cool, aswell as iron man and deadpool, wolverine just looks like he needs some blue stars and some white on the costume lol, awesome job!
omg omg I just love Psylocke's!<333
Last night I've watched Tron, & now I understand why you're deeply !amazingly inspired by it! :D
One word: Superb!
Man, just two words: ama zing! Hehehe!
really like psylocke, but I LOVED Ironman.
Wow they are all so great! And thanks for making Uncanny X-Force skins for Psylocke and Deadpool. I recently requested them in the big skin request thread, so not sure whether that is why you made them or not.
thanks everyone for the compliments and flattery!
now to adress a few comments more specifically:
Quote from: Jerkman on January 03, 2011, 11:05PM
not sure why, but this wolvie's mask seems a bit funny. but others look... (i don't have a good enough word for this) :)
that was just a three second recolor of the default ps2 wolverine skin so any face funnyness can be blamed on not me XD
Quote from: nuhverah on January 04, 2011, 09:17AM
omg omg I just love Psylocke's!<333
Last night I've watched Tron, & now I understand why you're deeply !amazingly inspired by it! :D
One word: Superb!
i actually haven't managed to get around to seeing the movie yet XP but i have been avidly following fan art and screenshots online XD
Quote from: Canino on January 04, 2011, 09:50AM
Man, just two words: ama zing! Hehehe!
lol! two excellent words ^^
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 04, 2011, 11:27AM
Wow they are all so great! And thanks for making Uncanny X-Force skins for Psylocke and Deadpool. I recently requested them in the big skin request thread, so not sure whether that is why you made them or not.
when i first saw the preview art i was excited to make them, and then i didn't for a while and then i saw several posts about them in various requests and then finally i got around to doing them haha
well, now, I urge you to go see it! :D
I was skeptical at first, but wow, the action & the soundtrack score (which mostly from Daft Punk) totally blown me away!
& it's nice to see Tron inspired skins in the community :)
yeah i've been really wanting to go, but i keep running into reasons why i can't XP it's quite obnoxious haha
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on January 05, 2011, 05:42PM
yeah i've been really wanting to go, but i keep running into reasons why i can't XP it's quite obnoxious haha
Same here. I still haven't seen the movie. I was really bad about Harry Potter and even Tangled, because I didn't see them until a few days ago.
I want to go see tron to! But things keep getting in the way, and Tangled would be awesome to, but im nto a Harry Potter fan so I really dont care about those movies
haha yeah tangled was the reason i didn't see tron last weekend XD
those new psylocke skins look great, love them
so here are my mua versions of the mvc3 iron man alt costumes
tin can: http://www.mediafire.com/?45tmt59o2ym74cn
silver centurion: http://www.mediafire.com/?z3wd5t68dl8hnou
stealth: http://www.mediafire.com/?pcgusa6hgbf0s4u
All of them are great! Can't wait to add them to Iron Man's skin selection.
Sweet they all look really cool!
i figured super skrull could use some extra skins so here's a few based on his mvc3 alternates:
colossus: http://www.mediafire.com/?3aoa8r75dwdah34
red and black: http://www.mediafire.com/?dcdy4cbo9ud1qgc
also thanks to nowhereman for the reminder to release steampunk black panther. i guess he's more of the brass panther now, but thats ok XD
download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jguaehvn9aj1zeu
Great stuff Deedooo ;) Keep the great work ^^
Amazing job. Glad to see steampunk skins again! Hope you can release them all because they are great!
I love the Super Skrull and Black Panther skins!! They are all amazing.
Awesome Tron inspired skins, Deedooo. How about you do tron skins for:
Spider-Man(classic/red and blue)
Ghost Rider
Wolverine(yellow and blue)
Captain America
Moon Knight
These are just suggestions of course. You don't have to do them, if you don't want to.
yay! steampunk black panther! I've been so looking forward to this.
man, steampunk bp looks awesome. are there more like this?
Thanks for the new skins, they all look great!
very cool! thanks!!!
i now present 2 versions of storm's x-men forever and modern uncanny costume, one at the request of nowhereman and the other a redo of the original one XD
(http://i54.tinypic.com/k3xfrm.jpg) (http://i51.tinypic.com/mkd76e.jpg)
leotard: http://www.mediafire.com/?dbhds8bwznb8zc2
pants: http://www.mediafire.com/?tanoq1l8ikcguga
storm looks se.y, as always :)
Cool Storms skins!
Storm never looked better!
wow, that was so quick! thanks so much deedooo. I never thought you'd get it done so fast. I won't even be able to download it till the 20th, but it looks perfect. and so does the revamp. I really appreciate it.
Storm looks amazing, more great skins to add to your resume
They are both amazing!
Note: These X-23 skins are outdated.Click here for updated versions. (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg140657.html#msg140657)
x-23's mvc3 costume ^^
x-23's x-force costume with long hair (as requested by marvelfan12345) that sets it apart from mr law's ponytailed skin
x-23's street gear from the cover of x-23 issue one
x-23's weapon x uniform (the one she wore while looking for mercury with hellion)
and finally here's the much anticipated phoenix redesign ^^ (recolors on the way ^^)
and here's the marvel girl (rachel gray) skin update and recolor pack :D
get it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?5x9jesfv8fp5zif
Those X-23 skins look amazing
I agree the X-23 skins are great.
The Phoenix one turned out very nice too.
Love all the new skins especially Storm's x-men forever with pants please keep up the good work
thanks everyone for the comments ^^
i updated the most recent post with two new x-23 skins ^^
edit: i have also added the rachel grey update and recolor skin pack to my most recent post
All the skins are wonderful! Like I said before I thought Rachel's skins were great but now they look amazing. X-23 is awesome on the new model and thanks for making the open hair version! And finally the Jean costume looks so unique and cool on her.
Love Rachel's. X-23 is also great.
Thank You!! Those X-23 costumes are great :)
great job ☞Dædooo ☜!
WOW Deedooo, all of these skins look amazing! I really love how the Phoenix redesign turned out!
dusk. cause somebody requested it. yup.
iceman first class with a matching ice form
i'm going to make a blond version as well soon
hooman: http://www.mediafire.com/?vwggl4u2xhxcvez
ice form: http://www.mediafire.com/?iiw8z8e81z4ftgy
Great job!
fantastic (to continue others)!!
amazing!especially x-23's x-force costume!
reminds me so much of 'black swan' :P
x-23 messiah complex:
and now for some age of x skins:
basilisk (cyclops): http://www.mediafire.com/?sk9bpbcmgy696mb
revenant (phoenix): http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dibvdl6cxyxpt
Revenant looks good, hope you and Toothless can figure out the wings!
Loving the Basilisk/Cyclops Skin. Design looks so cool and your skin gives it justice in MUA form. Good job
great job as aways.
great skins!
They are wonderful as always! I really love Cyke and Jean's Age of X skins the most.
Quote from: Oddark123 on January 18, 2011, 12:18AM
Loving the Basilisk/Cyclops Skin. Design looks so cool and your skin gives it justice in MUA form. Good job
Same here, congrats for a job well done and thanks!!
Great skins Deedooo ^^
phoenix mvc3 alternate colors:
new x-men: http://www.mediafire.com/?to7j8a7b3z5e9pp
90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?8sect05eqyraheg (i plan on doing a legitmate x-men forever costume for her in the future)
(http://i55.tinypic.com/ie1b9v.jpg) (http://fast1.onesite.com/fans.marvel.com/user/marvel_interactive/14382e225be12ee8b947907e04e21a7b.jpg?v=191040) (http://i56.tinypic.com/25rce1j.jpg)
red shulk in a her mvc3 alternate color and military outfit (based on this) (http://www.incredible-hulk-library.com/superhero-library/Img/Gallery/shulka-vs-lyra-l.jpg)
mvc3: http://www.mediafire.com/?x2r8so2sr9744eg
military: http://www.mediafire.com/?u4l35po8r0apusj
classic shulkie and lyra the savage she hulk (based on this) (http://marvel.com/images/gallery/character/1009583/images_featuring_she-hulk_jennifer_walters/image/841071)
classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?2alv5a1p96c3xaa
classic plus jeans: http://www.mediafire.com/?wttsilhw1ho34ec
savage: http://www.mediafire.com/?a9suavs2ke4eu2f
two more savage she hulk skins. classic and leotard
classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?713eog3rh79iley
leotard: http://www.mediafire.com/?f6f4jlwba5nwz9t
and some British alternates to psylocke costumes
classic: http://www.mediafire.com/?v5s9ib3r7jx0t6q
x-force: http://www.mediafire.com/?ttjmsi7rk9umkl5
They're all amazing, just as usual. My personal favs are Red Shulkie and 90s Phoenix Jean. I think it really is cool that you made British Psylocke in her bathing suit costumes.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 21, 2011, 07:43PM
They're all amazing, just as usual. My personal favs are Red Shulkie and 90s Phoenix Jean. I think it really is cool that you made British Psylocke in her bathing suit costumes.
i think they are more like leotards but whatever, potato; potato (that analogy doesn't work as well in typing XP) glad your pleased though :)
updated the most recent post with savage and classic she hulk skins
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 21, 2011, 07:43PM
They're all amazing, just as usual. My personal favs are Red Shulkie and 90s Phoenix Jean. I think it really is cool that you made British Psylocke in her bathing suit costumes.
i think they are more like leotards but whatever, potato; potato (that analogy doesn't work as well in typing XP) glad your pleased though :)
updated the most recent post with savage and classic she hulk skins
edit: added another red shulk skin
Love the other Shulkie skins as well! Really glad you are making them.
damn i am on fire tonight. added another she hulk skin ^^
for she hulk that pretty much just leaves lyra's classic costume like this: http://www.incredible-hulk-library.com/superhero-library/Img/Gallery/shulka-vs-lyra-l.jpg
any other requests while i'm at it? hurry or i'll get bored of she hulk XD
You are really on a roll!
The millitary one is really great.
The only Shulkie skin I think that is very iconic and hasn't been made into a skin is her original white torn suit. Not sure if you like it or not but I've seen a lot of other people request it.
though it is a pretty great racy outfit, the model isn't great for that, and i suck at torn stuff XP
though speaking of she hulk i've added two more savage lyra skins and i think i'm done with she hulk for the night. off to some more projects ^^
cool, after Red, Green and White Phoenix suits, you made Black and Blue Phoenix suits. Thumbs up for Purple and Azure Phoenix!!
Quote from: Jerkman on January 22, 2011, 01:22AM
cool, after Red, Green and White Phoenix suits, you made Black and Blue Phoenix suits. Thumbs up for Purple and Azure Phoenix!!
i'll compile the purple phoenix tomorrow morning. azure just didn't look very good XP
you are really making purple?? i thought i was just kidding! can you make a gray one, to fit "Jean GREY"?
awesome as aways deedooo.
utopia psylocke
asian: http://www.mediafire.com/?n4nkiephq11bc1d
british: http://www.mediafire.com/?9g2td6n853mimge
psylocke's classic british costume
british: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrkhsd3hdcxvsr4
asian: http://www.mediafire.com/?ykdamnrgqhwr42g
psylocke's new exiles uniform
british: http://www.mediafire.com/?l8pu4nkijlh8ind (image down)
asian: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ax2dj2b4zpqt6o
and here's my own design of a street gear for psylocke. roughly inspired by ultimate psylocke
asian: http://www.mediafire.com/?l5wzclx7wp8ugdo
british: http://www.mediafire.com/?dicpa99439n51ae
tigra. cause everyone needs more cat-women in underwear in their lives XD
actually underwear is one of the trickiest things i've had to draw so far :P
anyways heres the download: http://www.mediafire.com/?yaq4b9lg8kbf7h6
and for you traditionalists, here's marvel girl's classic hound suit (almost. had to keep it a little modern XD)
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?61uo7as2ls15fz7
black: http://www.mediafire.com/?664u7b4ffu4gamg
purple phoenix. cause i like purple. XD
also because some people don't like short haired aoa jean (i don't know what's wrong with you guys :P), here we have age of apocalypse jean grey with long hair
purple: http://www.mediafire.com/?i0y984fq94dx1eg
aoa: http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9pwmcdymk1ccr
marvel loves "what ifs" so here's one: what if deedooo had drawn the default phoenix skins? well this is the result haha. it's not really supposed to be revolutionary or anything, just to make the default phoenix skin look that much better :p
green: http://www.mediafire.com/?ds1c3xk3832zl35
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?tguqw1b4cbgcwfe
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?8dq9bohox0qhj6i
i'll see if i can make a package to replace the skins on nowhere man's lovely phoenix mod.
I LOVE you deedooo!!!!!
So amazing! Street gear is an awesome design and I love how you made a new 80s Original Betsy with longer hair, plus her Utopia swimsuit!
wow i never expected such positive reviews XD thanks guys ^^
updated the latest post with tigra and rachel grey's classic hound skin.
Wonderful as usual!
I LOVE them, specially Jean's outfits and Psylocke's outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the skins ☞Dædooo ☜!!!!!!!!
Oh my god! You are on a roll Deedooo, I love all the new skins! She Hulks, are so awesome!!!!!
updated the most recent post with purple phoenix and long haired aoa jean (for you freaks who don't like the short haired one ;))
Lol, I dont mind short hair, I just love Jean with long hair! But you still made her look goood! :D
Classic hound looks great, she looks awesome and i love long hair AOA jean.
thanks guys ^^
yaknow, i've made and released 23 skins in the past 24 hours. i'm sure iv'e set some sort of new world record XD
thanks for the long haired aoa.
updated the most recent release post (on the last page) with a black version of the classic rachel grey hound skin and my own little phoenix skin set
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!<3
It's amazing that you can come up with lots of quality skins in a short time!
My personal favourites are Psylocke's Utopia, long-haired Jean AoA & your own Phoenix default skins!
The new ones you posted are just as great.
WTF? wow deedooo, you're on a roll! do you have a recently acquired cocaine addiction? LOL
great skins! thanks for all you're doing for us man :D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on January 22, 2011, 11:13PM
WTF? wow deedooo, you're on a roll! do you have a recently acquired cocaine addiction? LOL
great skins! thanks for all you're doing for us man :D
photoshop is a drug O.o
i'm not addicted; i can quit whenever want!
no i really cant... :P
now Jean has 6 Phoenix skins with 6 different colors, i totally won't need other skins :)
Wow so many awesome skins I'm not sure which one to say is the favorite.
oh! great skins! I LOVE it!!!
Great job on all the skins but my absolute favorite is asian psylocke!
Ohh I missed the new releases!
They all looks awesome, I'm going to download Utopia Psylocke because I'm in love of it, but I don't know which variant I like most, british or asian...
Dark Phoenix also looks great, love the new color :)
Quote from: whiteking on January 23, 2011, 08:29PM
Ohh I missed the new releases!
They all looks awesome, I'm going to download Utopia Psylocke because I'm in love of it, but I don't know which variant I like most, british or asian...
Dark Phoenix also looks great, love the new color :)
you could solve your problems by putting asian on psylocke and british on revanche. or vise versa XD
Haha, true, but I already decided, it will be British :)
Quote from: whiteking on January 23, 2011, 09:04PM
Haha, true, but I already decided, it will be British :)
nice choice. that's my personal one too ^^
and now for a skin:
x-men forever's jean
download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4k7xymd36w4y0u
outdated! new one here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg111644.html#msg111644
love this one and rachel's, psylocke and your phoenix designs! they look like MUA2 jean.
I had to browse through a lot of pages to see what you were up to (aka releasing) and all I can say is great job on all releases! (yes I have some catching up to do still hehe). I just looked back up to Jean's picture, is that a patch of hair on her chin or is she just freaked out to see me comment here :P
Noticed the patch too but I still love the skin! Thanks for making it Deedooo.
it's a tricky bit of the model XP i would have fixed it but it's barely visible during gameplay and not really a big deal. though now that you've brought attention to it i feel self conscious XD
want me to fix and send you?
Well imo it's not even a real big deal. Standard MUA models have more patches of hair (as I'd like to call em) than PS2 models (just look at Storm's MUA models). lol.
Quote from: Toothless on January 24, 2011, 01:59PM
want me to fix and send you?
i can do that just fine myself thank you very much.
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on January 23, 2011, 09:15PM
nice choice. that's my personal one too ^^
and now for a skin:
x-men forever's jean
download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4k7xymd36w4y0u
Cool skin! love
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on January 23, 2011, 09:15PM
nice choice. that's my personal one too ^^
and now for a skin:
x-men forever's jean
download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4k7xymd36w4y0u
Wow I Love the Skin, Thanks ☞Dædooo ☜!!!
You senor has some amazing talent. I am wondering if you are still working on does Dagger skins? I been working on my mods again (after months of vacation) and needed of skins for Dagger.
Quote from: edward on January 29, 2011, 09:19AM
You senor has some amazing talent. I am wondering if you are still working on does Dagger skins? I been working on my mods again (after months of vacation) and needed of skins for Dagger.
lovely. how many skins do you need?
so here is steampunk rogue based on the vampire wars images. i may revisit this later because i'm not completely satisfied but it can be considered complete for now.
It looks amazing!
i now present to you the greatest collection of jean grey/phoenix skins ever to hit the forum! ^^ (it is possible i am pompous)
i have included some of my past masterpieces for ease and simplicity
note: all of them appear to have a few problems where the legs meet the hips, but that's just the anim. works just fine in game
evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d1zk9wru4c31zm
evolution (smexy): http://www.mediafire.com/?jvnwtbm49d92214
first class: http://www.mediafire.com/?1iu5yz1ctwhz2lo
x-men forever: http://www.mediafire.com/?o51b79tsdtdsy0i
i darkened the evolution green so that it would look more moder/professional. i personally like how it came out, but i'd love to hear your guys' opinions. also i know i already did a pretty epic first class skin but here it is even better ^^ xmen forever is prety much the same but i got rid of the "facial hair" (as mr law likes to put it)
astonishing: http://www.mediafire.com/?hkwt5s3l9nc9fml
ghost boxes: http://www.mediafire.com/?an23jny9zjjgwhw
these are part of a seres i'm working on; "what if jean didn't die in new x-men and wore normal x-men uniforms?" the astonishing is based upon shadowcat's and cyclops' astonishing uniforms and the ghost boxes is based on armor's and cyclops' ghost boxes uniforms. i may revisit the astonishing one but for now i'm pretty pleased with it.
here is my famous "modern" phoenix skin. also available with skin-swapping in nowhereman's phoenix mod (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3554.msg59950.html#msg59950).
normal: http://www.mediafire.com/?l7bo0fjwlqhalsw
dark: http://www.mediafire.com/?5db6ja0r9ha46qs
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?ban9ff513bnx36r
marvel loves "what ifs" so here's one: what if deedooo had drawn the default phoenix skins? well this is the result haha. it's not really supposed to be revolutionary or anything, just to make the default phoenix skin look that much better :P
green: http://www.mediafire.com/?ds1c3xk3832zl35
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?tguqw1b4cbgcwfe
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?8dq9bohox0qhj6i
i'll see if i can make a package to replace the skins on nowhere man's lovely phoenix mod.
purple phoenix. cause i like purple. XD
also because some people don't like short haired aoa jean (i don't know what's wrong with you guys :P), here we have age of apocalypse jean grey with long hair
purple: http://www.mediafire.com/?i0y984fq94dx1eg
aoa: http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9pwmcdymk1ccr
revenant (age of x): http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dibvdl6cxyxp
the mvc3 alternate colors
new x-men: http://www.mediafire.com/?to7j8a7b3z5e9pp
90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?8sect05eqyraheg
and finally here's a little fan-service:
bikini for the win! get some here >> http://www.mediafire.com/?0b4e6zwwdl7gasc
I like how you named the 2nd evo skin Smexy ha ha made me laugh! All the skins are great!
I like the ghost boxes one; I love it
I Love all the skins!!! thank you very much ☞Dædooo ☜!!!
i love the idea of "what if jean didn't die in new x-men and wore normal x-men uniforms?", those two skins look amazing, i've been pretty set my jean skins, but i may have to switch one out for one of these.
I personally love your Jean X-Men Evolution:Darker version. To me the look is classy,& yes, one of the true signs of modding ^^
The skins are amazing!
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on January 30, 2011, 02:10PM
i love the idea of "what if jean didn't die in new x-men and wore normal x-men uniforms?", those two skins look amazing, i've been pretty set my jean skins, but i may have to switch one out for one of these.
Everything you said I agree with/to.
seriously, Deedoo, you made so many good skins i can't pick just 6 to use in the game, and i hate you for that!!! (also i love each and every your skin)
I love all skins! thanks!
cyclops ghost boxes variant (to match my ghost boxes jean skin) mostly for xml2 XD
brighter jean evolution
jewel avengers uniform
spiderwoman avengers uniform
ms marvel avengers uniform
Really cool skins! love it! Thank you ☞Dædooo ☜!
Oh I'm glad the Avenger skins are comming.
All are great!
All the new skins are great! Jewel looks really good! BTW did you ever finish Phoenix tron or Emma tron? I cant remember :/
thanks for the comments all
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 17, 2011, 03:12PM
All the new skins are great! Jewel looks really good! BTW did you ever finish Phoenix tron or Emma tron? I cant remember :/
no not yet. i have a preview of phoenix tron for later today and i had to completely redo emma tron cause i failed incredibly hard the first time around
Ok sweet, thanks for the reply, and Im glad that you are still planning on finishing them! Thanks so much :)
i Love the skins ☞Dædooo ☜!!! thank you so much and i'm glad you're going to finish them! thank you so much!!!
some jean skins
left to right: young watx, watx 90s/phoenix (design based on this image (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/240/8/b/phoenix_wolverine_and_the_xmen_by_miguelyanke-d2xgqe1.jpg)) and finally 90s jean
young watx: http://www.mediafire.com/?7cf89ah4pwynic6
phoenix watx: http://www.mediafire.com/?7an5l5e4x5w4r8h
90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?t938igpnsy6a6n1
red and white phoenix variants of the watx phoenix/90s design
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?7m888sy4y480qj0
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?0lu95cz94554axv
first class cyclops mostly for you xml2 players who can't use mr law's epic custom meshes
and leading competitor for the worst pun name ever: iron mandarin
I love them all! Especially the Scott and Jean ones.
yep, that IS the worst pun name ever :)) nice skins anyway!
Love jean and Scott's! Great my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool skins!!!!
Cool the Jean skins are great! The WATX Phoenix design turned out great! Is the 90's based off of the WATX to or no?
updated the latest post with red and white phoenix variants of the watx phoenix/90s design.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 20, 2011, 09:43AM
Cool the Jean skins are great! The WATX Phoenix design turned out great! Is the 90's based off of the WATX to or no?
nope it's just her 90s skin
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on February 20, 2011, 11:49AM
nope it's just her 90s skin
Ok, it does look like Jean's WATX season 2 desgin a bit Great job!
alright! more skin-swapping for my phoenix booster ^^ I'm so happy.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on February 20, 2011, 12:15PM
alright! more skin-swapping for my phoenix booster ^^ I'm so happy.
:D that was the point haha
sweet. now all we need is ultimate phoenixes and all skins will swap. :D
Vou ver se eu posso providenciar isso!
relaxa q o deedooo e eu já conversamos sobre isso e está sendo providenciado. mas muito obrigado pela oferta ;)
hey dd, just tried to make skin-swapping work for jean with the binary skin and it worked so, good news, you can use that model :D
Quote from: Ariel on February 20, 2011, 12:35PM
Vou ver se eu posso providenciar isso!
please don't try and hijack my work in my own thread. its just disrespectful.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on February 20, 2011, 12:57PMhey dd, just tried to make skin-swapping work for jean with the binary skin and it worked so, good news, you can use that model :D
lovely i'll get that started sometime today ^^
Quote from: ☞Dædooo ☜ on February 20, 2011, 01:00PM
please don't try and hijack my work in my own thread. its just disrespectful.
Sorry I didn't want to be rude or anything. I just told I could make the ultimat phoenixes if you're too busy!
vision avengers uniform
scarlet witch in a first class uniform
Scarlet witch looks nice! Vision too!
Both look great!
one question Deedoo: no offense, but you were so good with Tron skins. what stopped you from continuing?
Quote from: Jerkman on February 21, 2011, 08:56AM
one question Deedoo: no offense, but you were so good with Tron skins. what stopped you from continuing?
quite simply i got bored of making them XD
Great skins :O Lovely job ;)
Great job!
scarlet witch needs some more love in the costuming department so here:
age of apocalypse and my version of the ultimate skin respectively
aoa: http://www.mediafire.com/?90r02meyo9lrvo9
ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?s5u8tvv6b1oro46
(and yes i know the hips don't line up but that's just the menu idle. works fine in-game)
there's already an ultimate skin and i respect the author, but i was making some other skins based on it so i needed a frame of reference XD
wonderful! ultimate wanda on my must list ;).
Nice skins!
wow, they're all aswome!!! thank you very much!!!
the skins are very good. Great job man, especially with
modern Phoenix!
Scarlet witch is great.! Good job!
Awesome, finally Scarlet Witch gets her AOA skin :) Very happy about that.
thanks guys ^^
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on February 23, 2011, 11:21PM
Awesome, finally Scarlet Witch gets her AOA skin :) Very happy about that.
i'm glad you like it. it's only been like a year or so since you requested it XD
Awesome job on Jean and Psylocke's skins : D especially Jean Modern really and truly amazing : D
hey dd, just started to use dormammu's skin on dr strange with ghost rider's head flame effects. it's looking soooooo good. thank you for that =D
Quote from: Nowhere Man on March 02, 2011, 10:49AM
hey dd, just started to use dormammu's skin on dr strange with ghost rider's head flame effects. it's looking soooooo good. thank you for that =D
thanks ^_^ thanks for reminding me about that skin; i need to make another version of the skin based on the 1602 dr strange skin or the mandarin skin.
scarlet witch age of x
i'm using the cape from whiteking's scarlet witch modern skin:
angel first class. making my own wing texture like a boss.
Great work!
She looks awesome :)
thanks guys [:
added angel first class to the latest post
Great job with the skin of the angel.
Thanks Dædooo.
nodoubt jr also made a mua version of my cyclops 90s skin so here it is, if you're not already using mr law's mesh
Greit! Thanks!!!
Hello, I have a problem when I use the skin of the Iceman first class. When I transform to ice, everything works perfectly, but when the transformation ends he returns to the Uatu, The Watcher skin.
How do I fix it?
Thank you very much.
The skin probably needs to be he edited. Sorry if I'm wrong deedooo.
yeah they both have to be hexed to work correctly.
And where can I learn how to do this?
Thank you for your attention.
if you open the skin with a hex editing tool (you can download one from a google search, there's plenty out there) and you scroll through all the random code, you'll eventually see the skin number (should be 10901) then replace it with the skin number of the skin you're renaming it too. it might take some experimentation, but just do that to all of the numbers in the file (there should be two or three)
Okay, thanks for the tip.
yeah it could take some trial and error. if you have too much trouble i might be able to help after this week.
Thank you. I will try to resolve alone. Later I notice if I did, otherwise I come to ask for help. xD
as requested by marvelfan12345, cyclops classic and original on the astonishing model
Classic: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d66a23475c48yhn
Original: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?rklr63ksl4shgf5
thanks to ariel for uploading and compiling ^_^
Thanks, they look wonderful!
These both look fantastic! Great job!
Well, it seems I'm too newbie to do it properly. After numerous attempts, my game keeps crashing.
I appreciate your help when you can.
Thanks a lot Dee❖Dooo
karma movie x-men uniform
thanks to ariel for uploading the pic and compiling the skin for me
Very nice! Great job!
human torch mua2 ultimate with a bonus mua2 flame-on
ultimate (is hexed for skin slot 1301): http://www.mediafire.com/?p8q8wiz4f1xqikk
flame on: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d9j2rs5atimxxg
shadowcat wolverine and the x-men
gambit age of x
you'll need this code in your herostat:
Multipart {
health = 0 ;
hideskin = 11901_gun_segment ;
young cyclops from wolverine and the x-men
awesome skins and i have to say cyclops and kitty's are the best great job! :)
Kitty's looks great!
Awesome work!
New skins look great, Age of X Gambit looks awesome
I love WATXM cyclops will it work on XML2
love Gambit! awesome job.
Quote from: Optic-Witch on March 26, 2011, 02:28PM
I love WATXM cyclops will it work on XML2
All of Deedooo's skins are Ps2 so they will all work in XML2. In other words yes the WATXM Cyke will work.
LOVELY!!!!!!!! You finally released the MUA2 burning skin!! I love it! I aways used to check the first pages of your workbench to see pics of that skin!!
Quote from: Optic-Witch on March 26, 2011, 02:28PM
I love WATXM cyclops will it work on XML2
of course ^-^
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on March 26, 2011, 02:13PM
New skins look great, Age of X Gambit looks awesome
thanks. its my personal fav too :D
Quote from: Ariel on March 26, 2011, 02:55PM
LOVELY!!!!!!!! You finally released the MUA2 burning skin!! I love it! I aways used to check the first pages of your workbench to see pics of that skin!!
haha thanks ^-^ i kind of had to start the whole thing over from scratch, but using the same textures cause i learned so much from when i started XD
Quote from: RogueDW331 on March 26, 2011, 02:38PM
love Gambit! awesome job.
well thanks to you're idea for the model ^-^
and if i missed anybody else,: thanks for the great compliments ^-^
oh my love the kitty skin!great job!
thanks :D
oh i almost forgot, you need to add this code to your herostat for gambit aox:
Multipart {
health = 0 ;
hideskin = 11901_gun_segment ;
a modernization of jeans marvel girl skin
Lovely job!!
and here is the capeless rouge age of x (aka legacy aka reaper) skin. if you want a caped one roguedw331 said they were planning one.
Love your new skins especially Jean's new costume :)
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on March 27, 2011, 02:58PM
and here is the capeless rouge age of x (aka legacy aka reaper) skin. if you want a caped one roguedw331 said they were planning one.
Incredible!! Just to you know, I'm maing my own version too! A version with cape using Selene's model! Check my workbench!
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on March 27, 2011, 02:11PM
a modernization of jeans marvel girl skin
:D I love it! Thanks so much for making it, it looks FANTASTIC!
OMG! Rogue looks really lovely! Thank you!
Thank you very much for the Skins Deedooo! i Love them!
Love them especially Rogue and Jean's!
as promised some magneto skins ^-^
left to right:
x-men: http://www.mediafire.com/?3o792gef7hhfg1u
evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?49smibndpd1misi
formal: http://www.mediafire.com/?68c29cggxxjox7n
woah the magneto set is amah-zing..
great job! love it!
They look great!
awesome job! I'll be downloading later. Not on my computer right now.
some more magneto skins:
left to right:
prisoner: http://www.mediafire.com/?t8g3d18cn1w815t
custom design: http://www.mediafire.com/?soyzvn0c4fj9k9i
cape-less ultimate: http://www.mediafire.com/?njow8sxf07e4g97
They look great!
alright i just couldn't wait any longer: during a study break i made my first version of thor's movie skin. i may or may not go through a few more versions in the future but i don't really have all that much time as of this right now D:
Really good :)
I'm amazed :O I love it!
Very impressed!
It looks really good!
winter soldier based on enymy's art: http://enymy.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3arhea
i'll see later if i can make it work on captain america :D
invisible woman-worlds greatest heroes
Oh MY God!!! Thank You DeeDoo You just don't know how long I been waiting for this !!! (http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/animatedgifs/comments/thankyou/images/agcthankyou34.gif)
Invisible Woman looks great, what happend to the 4 on her chest?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 05, 2011, 11:03AM
Invisible Woman looks great, what happend to the 4 on her chest?
it's a symmetrical model and fours are persistently asymmetrical. there wasn't much i could do about it...
Really good! I also love the model you used for Sue (rather than her default model)
Aswome! i love the invisible woman skin! thanks a lot Deedooo!
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on June 05, 2011, 11:37AM
it's a symmetrical model and fours are persistently asymmetrical. there wasn't much i could do about it...
It looks great though! The 4 can be easily looked past
Like em both. And the four will definetly be looked over since most of the time when someone plays the game, you mostly see their backside anyways lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 05, 2011, 05:34PM
Like em both. And the four will definetly be looked over since most of the time when someone plays the game, you mostly see their backside anyways lol.
my thoughts exactly. i've been working harder on not freaking out about tiny details that aren't very noticeable during gameplay XD
Great! I like the outfit ^_^ , deedoo um can u make an Jean xmen evolution outfit i no its some on here but....I just want her to wear heels (boots)
Awesome skins! I really like movie Thor.
As for the "4" in Invisible Woman: how about making the symbol a 45° rotated 4, which is mostly simetrical?
(http://xs.to/media/2553) (http://xs.to/photo/2553)
Quote from: ThePhoenixOfIllusion on June 06, 2011, 09:49AM
Great! I like the outfit ^_^ , deedoo um can u make an Jean xmen evolution outfit i no its some on here but....I just want her to wear heels (boots)
i actually have several versions of that skin, but none of them have heels cause the models aren't originally made with heels, so there's not much to be done about that. sorry. i think that's what your asking about.
the ones i do have however are here:
Quote from: Gevth on June 06, 2011, 01:07PM
Awesome skins! I really like movie Thor.
As for the "4" in Invisible Woman: how about making the symbol a 45° rotated 4, which is mostly simetrical?
(http://xs.to/media/2553) (http://xs.to/photo/2553)
that had crossed my mind, but that section of her chest on the model is so warped anyways it wouldn't really make a difference, but i do appreciate the suggestion.
Magneto in a uniform based on My Chemical Romance's Black Parade uniforms (I love that band ^-^). Same logic that allows me to make Tron skins should work for this too.
Magneto's X-men First Class uniform. I prefer the more faithful-to-the-comics older Magneto look.
Two versions-
One without the helmet: http://www.mediafire.com/?f1h07l35fof2fnr
And one with said helmet: http://www.mediafire.com/?lqmn4wvmwmw49i4
And I think this means a few more First Class skins should be made :D
The new First Class Magneto skins look great!
Awesome job!
I love it maybe i should make a HUD lol what model is that?
EDIT:Um i have a little problem i tried the first class skin and it looks awesome BUT he's body is so puny compared to everyone Jean and Storm's body is bigger than his.
(http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/5183/marvel0065.th.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/714/marvel0065.png/)
(http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4299/marvel0086.th.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/marvel0086.png/)
it uses the xml2 zealot minion model, and i checked in xml2 and the size looked fine. is there a scale factor on magneto? it's possible it's the model's fault, which would mean there's not a lot to be done...
oh and speaking of which i just updated the skin links above so you'll have to redownload. i made the back look more accurate to the movie
Magneto doesn't have a scale factor at least not on his herostat.
well i suppose you could add one if it really bugs you XD
Okay i'll try that and thanks it's such an awesome skin great details
Hey, Very good job with Magneto! It's amazing as well!
Agreed! These skins are awesome, Ausgezeichnet! ;)
thanks guys :D
jean grey first class (movie) she's pretty young at this point XD
Like it especially the diff. model you used for her. It looks better since she should be younger at that age.
Looks good!
Jean is great! Great job!
She looks nice, specially the model, because she's younger at that age.
I like it but the arm looks kinda weird or is that a animation problem thing?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 18, 2011, 11:14AM
I like it but the arm looks kinda weird or is that a animation problem thing?
what do you mean?
Looks wonderful!
Amzing job deedooo!
DeeDooo,Could I include Invisible Woman WGH in a Sue boost (v.1.2) I made, a hud for that outifit btw
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on June 27, 2011, 12:06PM
DeeDooo,Could I include Invisible Woman WGH in a Sue boost (v.1.2) I made, a hud for that outifit btw
of course :) just credit me. thanks for asking ^-^
I think that model fits her younger self perfectly :)
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on June 11, 2011, 11:38AM
Magneto in a uniform based on My Chemical Romance's Black Parade uniforms (I love that band ^-^). Same logic that allows me to make Tron skins should work for this too.
Wow! I admire you! Magneto in My Chemical Romance uniform looks so beautiful! I like it and a group too. ^^ The great work, deedooo!
Quote from: UltimateVeNoM on June 28, 2011, 10:41PM
Wow! I admire you! Magneto in My Chemical Romance uniform looks so beautiful! I like it and a group too. ^^ The great work, deedooo!
Thanks :) i'm very honored especially coming from you, one of the best skinners around!
Haha, you exaggerate. Thanks.)
Yeah, thanks for the crimson dynamo!!!
click the pics to download (skins only)
(http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/172/e/1/custom_skin__justin_bailey_by_deedooo-d3jm07e.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?j5pss52ozhgsod3)
(http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/173/6/1/custom_skin__zero_suit_samus_by_deedooo-d3jp96b.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?pxcpsq5l5lqvgdf)
Thanks for these Samus is awesome! Your number 6 to release something non Marvel XD
They look amazing! Great job!
cyclops's costume from x-men destiny. i like it better than his original astonishing haha :]
Looks Great!
Ah so THATS what was different! Didn't even see xD Looks kewl keep up the good work!
Cyclops looks great!
I like it better than his original Astonishing too. It's not so bright lol. Awesome work as always :)
i love it XD it kinda matches storm's astonishing
Looks fantastic!
Great new skins.
Deedooo are you gonna release the aoa Havok skin you made on the quicksilver model? You know for us xml2 players.
Deedoo can I use your Moonstone Skins for my custom mod for XML2?
Thanks in advance :)
Quote from: whiteking on August 20, 2011, 03:30PM
Deedoo can I use your Moonstone Skins for my custom mod for XML2?
Thanks in advance :)
of course you can ^-^ i based it on your skin in the first place XD
Quote from: edward on August 06, 2011, 03:36PM
Deedooo are you gonna release the aoa Havok skin you made on the quicksilver model? You know for us xml2 players.
yes i am :] just need to find some time to do...everything :p
captain america movie uniform
Im speechless
It looks epic!, love the detail into it :),
Thanks Deedoo, your awesome :D
McDonalds. I'm lovin it xD
Its great. Tnk you so much.
I just test the skin. It was wonderful, really a great job.
Again, thank you.
Cool skin!
cause it's hard to find names for selene skins, i didn't name some of these XD and some just get a description or a reference pic
1) http://www.mediafire.com/?6ucc4mrib6yzkc6 <<necrosha
2) http://www.mediafire.com/?uw85ua5la9w0hbb <<based on emma frost
3) http://www.mediafire.com/?ne1xm67crboetsc <<capeless black queen
4) http://www.mediafire.com/?a31huqh2au623ai <<custom jumpsuit thing
5) http://www.mediafire.com/?skvot02ht8q8lt2 << http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/5599/146691-42000-selene.jpg
6) http://www.mediafire.com/?0hq3oz0wkmfhkyi<< http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/126985-76788-selene.jpg
7) http://www.mediafire.com/?b7xbpvcfn6wqnpz <<doctor doom and the masters of evil
8) http://www.mediafire.com/?833p3p4clcm39aw <<custom bikini skin XD [/fanservice]
i'll release blue versions as soon as i can.
Wow deedooo, these are amazing! Could I use 1 or 2? :) Im guessing these are ps2
OMG! I love the skins! They look amazing and so dark! Mmmmmmmmmm :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 21, 2011, 07:24AM
Wow deedooo, these are amazing! Could I use 1 or 2? :) Im guessing these are ps2
of course they are. almost all of mine are ps2 XD. and feel free to use them ^-^
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 21, 2011, 07:34AM
of course they are. almost all of mine are ps2 XD. and feel free to use them ^-^
:runaway: Thank you much :D
These Selene skins look epic!
Wow they all look so good and you made so many.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 20, 2011, 08:05PM
of course you can ^-^ i based it on your skin in the first place XD
Thank you! by the way the new skins looks amazing! :)
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on June 05, 2011, 10:47AM
winter soldier based on enymy's art: http://enymy.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3arhea
i'll see later if i can make it work on captain america :D
invisible woman-worlds greatest heroes
man, those skins are amazing, i want the winter soldier skin, but i cant find the link to download...
Quote from: sesaru1984 on August 21, 2011, 10:49AM
man, those skins are amazing, i want the winter soldier skin, but i cant find the link to download...
psh you don't need a link to download it!
...i kid :P here you go :] http://www.mediafire.com/?r5w2krgoqc7rn10
Quote from: edward on August 21, 2011, 08:48AM
Wow they all look so good and you made so many.
just enough for you to have them and her base game one :D i'll make you a blue form for that skin too :]
and to everyone else thanks for the kind words ^-^
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 21, 2011, 12:32PM
psh you don't need a link to download it!
...i kid :P here you go :] http://www.mediafire.com/?r5w2krgoqc7rn10just enough for you to have them and her base game one :D i'll make you a blue form for that skin too :]
and to everyone else thanks for the kind words ^-^
Are you making blue version for all of them?
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 21, 2011, 02:09PM
uh huh ^-^
:D *eyes start glowing* Thank you for all your work :) can't wait for them!
Quote from: sesaru1984 on August 21, 2011, 10:49AM
man, those skins are amazing, i want the winter soldier skin, but i cant find the link to download...
amazing skins like i said before, by the way, if you know how to add the shield of Captain America, I would greatly appreciate and sorry for the inconvenience
Just a quick question btw, but why are your skins not in the skin catalogue? Everyone needs to see your magic skinning skills :D
Not to be rude to staff, but a lot of these catalogues needs a bit of updating (character mod catalog ex. Vertigo, Karma, Havok etc)
Not to be rude Polygone, but not everyone has enough time like you do.
Second, fox456 started the catalog.
:P, cant help that I got vacation and got nothing to do -_-
Its just something I noticed :P
Quote☞ | you will need to hex edit these skins for them to work properly when you encounter arcade androids. if it bothers you too much. |
^^ how do you do this ?
many thanks
open the skin witha hex editor and then find the number and change it to the number you want the skin to be.
invisible woman-worlds greatest heroes
hi guys im new and i dont know where to put the file.....
can you help me please?
actors folder. i made a tutorial on adding skins in the knowledge base :]
thanks lol.........
spider man shattered dimensions cosmic amazing: http://www.mediafire.com/?56iidjj6cd6c1n0
ultimate comics spiderman: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4xuv0s59wfevwn
iron spider from smsd 2099: http://www.mediafire.com/?8j11d00u89sp23c
Wonderful job!!
Hmph, Great job! I like details of the iron spider. ^^
Wow love them! Agreed the details are amazing.
Wow dude, those are great. I love the texture you've put on Iron Spidey.
Quote from: Polygone on October 04, 2011, 02:57PM
my new favorite adjective XD
and now for some symbiote action:
that monster is incredibly fun to photograph XD
download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?zl2gxeje7dod8b3
also spiderman big time from edge of time:
Incredible work! I love it really!
awesome new anti-venom skin, and just in time for my xml2 venom update :D
It looks perfect!
spiderman's black suit from the new avengers post civil war like: http://dailypop.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/new-avengers.jpg
it will be an alternate skin on amazing spiderman in my upcoming shattered dimensions
Nothing of :juggernaut: or Dr Voodoo Hud?
I made a hud for voodoo for my game: http://www.mediafire.com/?w8hey7lzcjjmwr6
You have done an excelent job deedooo!
wow magnificent as always!
Perfect job!
mua2 alt iceman as requested by jeanfan
Wow amazing skin!!! Miss your work.
Quote from: edward on November 06, 2011, 10:01AM
Wow amazing skin!!! Miss your work.
thanks! I miss being able to work haha school and life just usually gets in the way but i've had a wee bit of free time this weekend :P
Thank you so muchh! :D
He looks awesome! Best of luck balancing school!
A series of skins inspired the artistic style of My Chemical Romance's album The Black Parade
QuoteWhen I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the savior of the broken,
the beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
your demons, and all the non-believers,
the plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join The Black Parade!"
-Welcome To The Black Parade
These were the founding values of the Xavier Institute of the Black Parade
Cyclops: http://www.mediafire.com/?ujjb4bfh82c5qyt
Angel: http://www.mediafire.com/?p09rx3zl1iy7hsv
Iceman: http://www.mediafire.com/?qewv8pv7tmwktac
Beast: http://www.mediafire.com/?1ydb0mljok2zmk7
Marvel Girl: http://www.mediafire.com/?eylbmret33a0vfr
I'll look into requests for more skins in this style
Oh! Awesome skins! Great work Deedooo!
So dark! Mmmmm... Super!
Awesome work here deedooo!!! Sooo definitely adding this to my roster.
I like it especially Cyclops!! :-)
Awesome that you released!
These look awseome! Great job :D
Great Skins
They all look good, Iceman is my favorite
Here's my X-23 mega skin pack. I made some of these earlier but I've updated them all. This was inspired by Nshinnosuke's X-23 booster: [click here] (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,7214.msg140420.html#msg140420)
In order (links lead to reference pictures): MVC3 (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/24453/1511603-x_23___mvc.png), X-force (http://www.comicbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/xforce2.jpg), X-Men (http://www.unleashthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/332316-33646-x-23_super.jpg), Modern (http://i.newsarama.com/images/x23_1_02.jpg), Evolution (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101014200919/marveldatabase/images/c/c2/X-Men_Evolution_Season_3_11_-_X23_(Earth-11052)_0005.jpg), First Class (http://therealmtoys.com/wordpressorg/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/x-men-first-class.jpg), Weapon X (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/6/68218/1337407-img_0005_new.png), Elektra (http://images.wikia.com/marveldatabase/images/3/3f/Elektra_Natchios_(Earth-616)_003_Fan_Art.jpg), Wolverine (http://www.popcultureshock.com/papes/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/wolverine-cassaday.jpg), and finally Classic (http://marcianos.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/30-X-Men-Wolverine.jpg)
Download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?31jpxdbnjptwbhk
Are there any other skins for her people want to see?
Love them all! I'm really glad somebody finally made the Classic skin.
Outstanding!Thanks for the new skins!<33
Great skins! Love them all!
Great new skins, they look awesome! :)
They look awesome :)
Wow! Great skins and great work.)
Angel Marvel Super Hero Squad Online style. I'm using the long blond wig bolton found here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,435.msg41172.html#msg41172
It will also add hair to the other skins so I'm sorry about that for now. I'll eventually draw some hair on XD
but for now, here's the download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nb9khsx7aqanain
Fanatastic skin Deeds :D (deedoo = deeds, im so smart :P)
Especially since getting him yesterday, been waiting to play with the skin :D
This angel skin is a unique welcome addition. Thank you for your hard work.
posted link to some huds in my thread(hope you don't mind))
Just for everyone's information, I finally updated the first post (it's probably been years since I did that XD) and it took me more than two hours so you had better enjoy it! It's not the prettiest, but it's functionally sound :) So I'm going to try and stay on top of that from now on! Please post any issues I've missed in my tiredness...
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on February 03, 2012, 02:02AM
Just for everyone's information, I finally updated the first post (it's probably been years since I did that XD) and it took me more than two hours so you had better enjoy it! It's not the prettiest, but it's functionally sound :) So I'm going to try and stay on top of that from now on! Please post any issues I've missed in my tiredness...
You did a nice job - now it's so easy to find this or that stuf)
as for issues - Rogue is not
bold )
Thanks for mentioning that Sub-Mariner :)
I also updated my title image and included a link to some brilliant HUDs by the aforementioned Sub-Mariner.
Jean Grey/Phoenix
You typod pheonix xD
Agreed, everything is so much easier to find now, I even stumbled across some skins I didnt even know you did!
Thanks deedoo :D
Quote from: Polygone on February 05, 2012, 05:40AM
Jean Grey/Phoenix
You typod pheonix xD
Agreed, everything is so much easier to find now, I even stumbled across some skins I didnt even know you did!
Thanks deedoo :D
Thanks for the tip and I'm glad it helped you find new things...I guess that's how I know it's working! :D
I also fixed an issue with a few of the skins not having a "-" in front of them. Who knew having a professional looking thread would be so much work :P
Quote from: DeeDooo on January 30, 2011, 12:59PM
i now present to you the greatest collection of jean grey/phoenix skins ever to hit the forum! ^^ (it is possible i am pompous)
i have included some of my past masterpieces for ease and simplicity
note: all of them appear to have a few problems where the legs meet the hips, but that's just the anim. works just fine in game
evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d1zk9wru4c31zm
evolution (smexy): http://www.mediafire.com/?jvnwtbm49d92214
first class: http://www.mediafire.com/?1iu5yz1ctwhz2lo
x-men forever: http://www.mediafire.com/?o51b79tsdtdsy0i
i darkened the evolution green so that it would look more moder/professional. i personally like how it came out, but i'd love to hear your guys' opinions. also i know i already did a pretty epic first class skin but here it is even better ^^ xmen forever is prety much the same but i got rid of the "facial hair" (as mr law likes to put it)
astonishing: http://www.mediafire.com/?hkwt5s3l9nc9fml
ghost boxes: http://www.mediafire.com/?an23jny9zjjgwhw
these are part of a seres i'm working on; "what if jean didn't die in new x-men and wore normal x-men uniforms?" the astonishing is based upon shadowcat's and cyclops' astonishing uniforms and the ghost boxes is based on armor's and cyclops' ghost boxes uniforms. i may revisit the astonishing one but for now i'm pretty pleased with it.
here is my famous "modern" phoenix skin. also available with skin-swapping in nowhereman's phoenix mod (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3554.msg59950.html#msg59950).
normal: http://www.mediafire.com/?l7bo0fjwlqhalsw
dark: http://www.mediafire.com/?5db6ja0r9ha46qs
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?ban9ff513bnx36r
marvel loves "what ifs" so here's one: what if deedooo had drawn the default phoenix skins? well this is the result haha. it's not really supposed to be revolutionary or anything, just to make the default phoenix skin look that much better :P
green: http://www.mediafire.com/?ds1c3xk3832zl35
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?tguqw1b4cbgcwfe
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?8dq9bohox0qhj6i
i'll see if i can make a package to replace the skins on nowhere man's lovely phoenix mod.
purple phoenix. cause i like purple. XD
also because some people don't like short haired aoa jean (i don't know what's wrong with you guys :P), here we have age of apocalypse jean grey with long hair
purple: http://www.mediafire.com/?i0y984fq94dx1eg
aoa: http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9pwmcdymk1ccr
revenant (age of x): http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dibvdl6cxyxp
the mvc3 alternate colors
new x-men: http://www.mediafire.com/?to7j8a7b3z5e9pp
90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?8sect05eqyraheg
and finally here's a little fan-service:
bikini for the win! get some here >> http://www.mediafire.com/?0b4e6zwwdl7gasc
LOVE that skins of Jean! Can you, please, take off the X signs from her shoulders in your Evolution Skin of Jean? I love the texture you used on the green part. You may take off the X signs. :P And another idea, you could replace that X with little green phoenix sign on her left shoulder (as she has on her chest in her phoenix skins) :D Pleaseee ;;) again, love the texture of evo and phoenix green, white, red :x
That seems like a rather small detail to change an old skin over >,< What is the problem with the X?
hehe was just a fact :P well, there's no problem, I just thought that would be interesting :)
the x-men movie skins you are planning, will it be based off first class? wich x-men are gonna get it?
I'm hoping for atleast beast, wolverine, cyclops, storm, iceman, Nightcrawler.
you are doing a gGood job with your skins! thanks
Quote from: Rain on April 11, 2012, 03:39AM
hehe was just a fact :P well, there's no problem, I just thought that would be interesting :)
I'll see if I can tend to this after I finish dealing with a few Avengers Month things
Quote from: deskp on April 12, 2012, 06:31PM
the x-men movie skins you are planning, will it be based off first class? wich x-men are gonna get it?
I'm hoping for atleast beast, wolverine, cyclops, storm, iceman, Nightcrawler.
you are doing a gGood job with your skins! thanks
By movie skins I meant these kind: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg97682.html#msg97682 from those two on I have lots of similar ones for various characters. There's also a few First Class movie skins in my catalogue for Jean, Magneto and Professor X. I may eventually return to making more of those type for other characters like the ones you mentioned :) only issue right now (Like I mentioned to rain) is I'm busy with Avengers Month but I can get more done afterwards
Hi I'm Agustin!!!
Maybe I'm in the wrong place to do this question but I need to know only one thing!
Can you tell me how can I do to change the standing position about Jubilee!??
Because I don't like the way she moves when she stands still in the game, or when I go to the details of her powers.
PD:If you know about other skins for Jubilee , please tell me WHERE!! :jubilee: :jubilee:
So here's an older skin that I finally got compiled...
MUA2 style Iceman:
With much thanks to nodoubt jr for compiling it.
nice! will have it.
I saw the Avengers movie tonight! So here's some skins from and inspired by it (click for download link):
(http://s19.postimage.org/lttqjk0j5/capmovie.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?069cai79rr4euw6)
(http://s19.postimage.org/bwfjmeuup/She_Hulk_Avengers_Movie.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?glwkvgaxa3hn7r0)
(http://s19.postimage.org/mu73n1nld/Iron_fist_Movie.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?000165kfpyadyj0)
(http://s19.postimage.org/y0r4syab5/Ms_Marvel_Movie.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oarbhmo345f98kl)
See Also:
Thor: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4210.msg120193.html#msg120193
Iron Man: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg89558.html#msg89558
Special thanks to Whiteking for converting the MUA2 Shulk Texture
Oh I can't see the pictures, but if you tell me that you have a Black Widow and Hawkeye skins I'll download the pack lol ;D
Well not sure which skin uses the MUA2 She Hulk texture (because as I told you, I can't see anything), but thanks for the credit =D
Quote from: whiteking on May 05, 2012, 09:01AM
Oh I can't see the pictures, but if you tell me that you have a Black Widow and Hawkeye skins I'll download the pack lol ;D
Well not sure which skin uses the MUA2 She Hulk texture (because as I told you, I can't see anything), but thanks for the credit =D
That's weird about the pictures :p I only have Black Widow and Hawkeye for XML2 cause I don't really work with non-ps2 Models >,<
Oh I can see the pictures now (on another tab but it worked lol) loved them all! Ms marvel looks so cool, custom design right?
Thanks for the info I'll search those xml2 skins for Natasha and Clint, I have them on my game with their old boltons so I can use new skins ;)
Quote from: whiteking on May 05, 2012, 09:32AM
Oh I can see the pictures now (on another tab but it worked lol) loved them all! Ms marvel looks so cool, custom design right?
Thanks for the info I'll search those xml2 skins for Natasha and Clint, I have them on my game with their old boltons so I can use new skins ;)
Good choice :] where can I find those bolton mods?
The Old OCmod.
If I'm right the new OC still contain their boltons, so you just need to change some entries on their powerstyles with the old entries that uses boltons.
Alright thanks :]
just tried the Iron Fist skin and it looks really beautiful.
Yay ^-^ That's always encouraging to hear!
Avengers Month: Dark Avengers
Marvel Boy/Captain Marvel and Ares
(http://s19.postimage.org/kvbmmugfn/marvel_boy.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?h4kmrm08fmbe8fp)(http://s19.postimage.org/9b4euv5pv/ared.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4be1c64gbeue7cd)
See also:
Venom: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg78646.html#msg78646
Whiteking's Moonstone Mod: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3914.0.html
Blaw's Daken Mod: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.0.html
Blaw has an Iron Patriot skin somewhere
And here For NowhereMan-Ms Marvel as Captain Marvel
(http://s19.postimage.org/sqqrfefg3/Ms_Captain_Marvel.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ge6xsndv50rhra)
thanks DD, you da man!
Congratulations their skins are wonderful.
I saw that you made skins UMvC3
Could you ask to make the Storm please?
You are a genius of skins
Quote from: Felipe Araujo Melo on May 12, 2012, 07:28PM
Congratulations their skins are wonderful.
I saw that you made skins UMvC3
Could you ask to make the Storm please?
You are a genius of skins
Firstly, thank you very much! Secondly, about Storm skins: I can't do them with the cape, but I might be able to make some of the alternates she has from there. Which were you asking for?
And here by request: Polaris WATX
(http://s19.postimage.org/lcz0kvik3/polaris_Watx.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hli84tb5e3jxvg1)
Here's a new Songbird skin based on Luke Cage's Thunderbolts
(http://s19.postimage.org/le8yeakdv/songbird_modern.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y3tblb6xwrxxv3x)
Ref Pics:
That Songbird skin is awesome, i will be downloading that and installing ASAP
Thank you for the Polaris skin you made her perfectly im glad I asked ^_^
Quote from: Polaris on May 12, 2012, 11:39PM
Thank you for the Polaris skin you made her perfectly im glad I asked ^_^
i agree she looks perfect and songbird skin is also great.
Songbird lookin' sweet! Love the pink in her hair :D
Lorna looks awesome aswell :D
Polaris looks so awesome! I love it! Songbird is very awesome aswell :D
Hello DeeDooo, the link of your skin of Doctor Voodoo is broken.
Thanks everyone for the nice words :]
Quote from: Polaris on May 12, 2012, 11:39PM
Thank you for the Polaris skin you made her perfectly im glad I asked ^_^
Yay! It's always nice when people are satisfied with requests. I had actually been wanting to do some Polaris skins for a while so that was a good reason to start XD
Quote from: kiadar on May 13, 2012, 08:38AM
Hello DeeDooo, the link of your skin of Doctor Voodoo is broken.
Thanks for reporting! Updated >> http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=4191.msg88422#msg88422
Here's Tigra from Avengers Fairy Tales, also known as the Cheshire Cat:
(http://s19.postimage.org/ifb8inpo3/tigra_fairy_tale.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4z3eq61xb09dkus)
Great skins! The girls are awesome!
Tigra looks awesome! Two awesome characters combined :)
Great skin, I am quite a fan of Tigra
Quote from: DeeDooo on March 19, 2010, 04:29PM
the x-men xenogenesis pack1
i call it a pack cause i'm slowly working on more from it. emphasis on slowly.
cyclops: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4mf4gzrarw
wolverine: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1t4diwmjlk
and as a completely unrelated release, wolverine "modern" without that annoying bullet hole.
http://www.mediafire.com/?m2ykniy5gne <<clicky here to get it
sorry i don't have a pikture.
Deedoo, can you reupload the Xenogenesis Wolverine ?
Somehow I can't download it and it keeps leading to the Modern with no bullet hole link
Even better, I'll reupload it for now and then I'll remake those with skins for the others too, sound good?
Awesome skins! X-boys are cool! :)
So I had asked UMvC3 skin of the Storm.
Sorry for being slow to respond.
thank you
Quote from: Felipe Araujo Melo on May 17, 2012, 05:37PM
So I had asked UMvC3 skin of the Storm.
Sorry for being slow to respond.
thank you
I'm sorry I don't understand still. I can make skins that look
similar to what storm has in UMVC3, but I cannot make skins with the cape. Is that ok?
Exactly a similar skin
(http://s19.postimage.org/9utg1bvhv/HQ_Asylum.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nq589551cyebc56)(http://s19.postimage.org/a6awe3bxv/HQ_AC.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e7dmk10mhm288tr)
Arkham Asylum and Arkham City Harley Quinn Skins special for Polygone. I made them as close as I could so I hope they turned out ok :]
Next up: This one's for you, Mister J (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N3t0jjOz3g)
They look amazing DeeDooo!
OMG, You're doing Revenge to? You're an amazing human being (or whatever you are for that matter xD)
And wow, didnt see the AC skin yet, THEY LOOK AMAZING Deedoo :D, really like how you handled her, the (annoying) colors in her costume, her face paint, you even did the little symbols on her City pants :D, Thank you Deedoo :D
Both of Harleys skins look amazing!
So before I go away for a week or so I thought I'd finish releasing my Avengers Month stuff ^-^ The Hawkeye skins may not work with the most recent version of the OC mod...
Modern/Heroic Age skins for a bunch of characters: Thor, American Panther, Protector (Captain Marvel), Hawkeye Secret Avengers,
(http://s19.postimage.org/qoxkzlnzn/Thor_Pjs.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1wu11nkl27hk1ld)(http://s19.postimage.org/keqf0esoj/Black_Panther_american.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d5na0o74nq77fhm)(http://s19.postimage.org/ix4younxv/protector.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dnc21eji0oxhsdu)(http://s19.postimage.org/gpreau2ep/hawk_secret_avengers.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?kb9o57ysji2asa6)
Here's some more retro ones: Hawkeye from Heroes Reborn, Goliath, Captain Marvel Kree Warrior
(http://s19.postimage.org/pvatp7stv/hawkeye_reborn.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qwiuqt5uv7ej4ag)(http://s19.postimage.org/mputcqzlf/goliath.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4usrhdyzuky7snu)(http://s19.postimage.org/aipc0rmwj/Captain_Marvel_Kree.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bz5g55z75l1mafj)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes TV Show: Black Panther, Ms. Marvel
(http://s19.postimage.org/bz0uiwptf/black_Panther_EMH.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?sqyv526q4crya3v)(http://s19.postimage.org/65hgs8xwz/warbird_emh.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mia0v58g1con665)
Now for some alternate realities:
Ultimate: Ultimate Avengers Nick Fury, Black Panther Ultimates Uniform, Captain America (Death of Spiderman), Hawkeye Ultimate Shield Agent, Hawkeye Ultimate Comics: Hawkeye,
(http://s19.postimage.org/hxbwkwf5f/Fury_Ultimate_avengers.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?l98cq2frzcmd7ty)(http://s19.postimage.org/h6lxnd6er/Black_Panther_Ultimates.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tvadq0vxjijgjkd)(http://s19.postimage.org/de4621xo3/capult2.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xod5bb67h6rxl9o)(http://s19.postimage.org/ah62h94tv/hawk_ult_shield.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ovdi2g3n8c51s3z)(http://s19.postimage.org/90ujz41wz/hawk_ult.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?8nr4f6to7qnjhbr)
AoX: Captain America, Spiderwoman (AKA Redback)
(http://s19.postimage.org/bjilc7ctv/capaox.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tw9iae1ysteds1w)(http://s19.postimage.org/v2sqplbcj/spiderwomanaox.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wditbibl97c3j92)
SOO many new stuffs, what are you? A skinning machine? 0.o, looks amazing as always Deedoo, love the skins for Hawkeye, he needed a few
Those were already made XD haha I'm fast but not quite that fast XD. Oh and just a warning about the hawkeye skins they may not fully work with the latest oc pack's Hawkeye >,<
yay! some of my most awaited are here! Thanks DD, you just put a smile on my face.
What a great number of skins. Amazing works Deedooo, especially Harley, Cap and Hawkeye.
Been scrolling around a big part of your pages dude :) .I have to say,you got some serious s&%t going on here!Really awesome skins ;)
Awesome mods DeeDoo. Quick question though, what can I use the Spider-Girl skins on? Because as far as I know there isn't a Spider-Girl character mod that's been made (trust me, I've looked.)
The original Spider-Girl skin that comes with the game is an alternate skin of Spider-Woman.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on May 28, 2012, 12:20PM
The original Spider-Girl skin that comes with the game is an alternate skin of Spider-Woman.
So in that case, I can use the Spider-Girl skins with Spider-Woman. Correct? Thanks for the info Nowhere. :)
Hey guys! It's been a while since I released anything so I figured I'd share some of these Magik skins that I made a little while back by request and will be included in an update for the XML2 mod. I'll post more over the next few days. Click for download ^-^
First off New Mutants with an armored arms variant:
(http://s19.postimage.org/8s0zaw84z/Magik_newm.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ni1bkx9ynkygnbe)(http://s19.postimage.org/6v496bhgz/magik_newm2.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?t43dsywo483y12y)
Amazing DeeDooo! :thumbsup:
Quote from: DeeDooo on December 31, 2010, 02:28AM
here is for convenience's sake a giant compilation of all my tron skins so far and it will be updated when i release new ones.
you can expect one of these for my movie skins soon too :D
tell me if five skins across is to wide for your browser windows...
moonstone: http://www.mediafire.com/?ckc1vwu8iwanido
polaris: http://www.mediafire.com/?91w8h6sl3a6mdxp
songbird: http://www.mediafire.com/?s3ps66f81369sj8
spiderwoman: http://www.mediafire.com/?bo4p755sohutjmx
ms marvel/warbird: http://www.mediafire.com/?8pm5hj7ltwc67iy
daredevil: http://www.mediafire.com/?8u49upw9e7jyxxp
invisible woman: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmxaus1vn58aw59
human torch: http://www.mediafire.com/?a2mncb0ebm9qsa9
cyclops: http://www.mediafire.com/?355z8wepkzicp3r
deadpool: http://www.mediafire.com/?f7w49ygc20vrfgy
Love these Tron-style skins! Do you have a Spider-Man one?
Love the new Magik skins, they are amazing! Very detailed, and love the armored arms varient!
Cool new Magik skin! Black Widow is perfect for her.
You guys are too sweet :]
Just for that I also present to you another goodie: House of M Magik! I'm particularly proud of this one. Again I made these skins for an upcoming update to the XML2 mod so I only thought it would be fair if MUA had them too ^-^
(http://s19.postimage.org/zbtkd18oh/magik_HOM.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?xh4zx4jy9v644h9)
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 08, 2012, 10:32AM
Love these Tron-style skins! Do you have a Spider-Man one?
No...I do have Big Time Spidey skins which are similar though...It's been a while since I've done any tron skins but I might try revisiting them soon.
Uhm..Pic's broken :P
Im sure it looks good though!
Hope to see the tron skins back, they looked cool!
Just right click and open image in new tab.
Quote from: DeeDooo on June 09, 2012, 10:59PM
You guys are too sweet :]
Just for that I also present to you another goodie: House of M Magik! I'm particularly proud of this one. Again I made these skins for an upcoming update to the XML2 mod so I only thought it would be fair if MUA had them too ^-^
Ooh wow i just love it! I really understand what you mean when you say you're particularly proud of it :)
Thanks guys ^-^ It means a lot to me. Oh and yeah Polygon, the image hosting site i use sometimes borks >,< like Ghost Rider just said it should work if you right click and open it in a new tab :p
Here's another one ^-^ (click to download)
(http://s19.postimage.org/4gcdlw183/magik_x_force.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?nlzfpjazfkkgn14)
This one actually won't even maybe step on any toes at all cause it's based on this custom design:
Love all the new Magik skins they all look fantastic :)
WoW! They all are great! Very nice job! :)
Behold! Messiah CompleX for Magik (click to download)
(http://s19.postimage.org/du444m8tv/Magik_Messiah_complex.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?83br7mww5s3bq3q)
Ok fine! If that isn't enough to get you guys excited I'll just give you another goodie: Magik as an avatar of the Phoenix Force. Click the link to download and I'll try and make some Phoenix ones soon :D Cyclops maybe? Emma can be on the Black Queen model for the cape and we'll just have to see with the other two (colossus and Namor.) Shouldn't be too hard :D
(http://s19.postimage.org/t1fib8bar/Magik_Pheonix.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qga1rolblb5zjvo)
Magik looks fantastic! Really beutiful and perfect job!
Awesome, I love when we get current skins, cant wait for the other 4 Phoenix Five
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on June 16, 2012, 01:00AM
Awesome, I love when we get current skins, cant wait for the other 4 Phoenix Five
Totally agree! I love current skins. Amazing job Deedooo.
Love the Magik phoenix skin :)
Awww, midnight tricked me. I thought there was a new skin. D:<
I decided to use the Black Bolt model to remake some Spiderman skin with wings :D however, there are some problems with the model. It has the forehead prong and some arm bands on the arm, so if those bother you I included some links to alternate versions without wings. So without further blabbering, I present to you:
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?00f13fvni446wgn
Wingless version: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg110488.html#msg110488
UltimateVeNoM's Wingless Version: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4598.msg135727.html#msg135727
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?c22bcc1ks4bb9bq
Wingless version: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg99199.html#msg99199
The brand new skins look awesome! I don't think the extra things on the Black bolt model really matter, the skins are just to amazing for them to make a difference.
I rather like the Spider-Man skins; and this gives me an idea for some new versions of mine!
By the way, if the prongs were a skin-segment, would we already know this?
You can always use a hexeditor to figure it out. Just look for "segment" anywhere in the igb. If it's there, you can hide it alright. Haven't checked Black Bolt, but I'm almost certain it's not a segment...
Quote from: hemlot on July 26, 2012, 11:50AM
You can always use a hexeditor to figure it out. Just look for "segment" anywhere in the igb. If it's there, you can hide it alright. Haven't checked Black Bolt, but I'm almost certain it's not a segment...
Can't find it, so I guess it's not. Oh well...
This is Tony Stark's under-armor jumpsuit from Avengers: Earth's Mightyest Heroes. The face isn't my favorite but you can't really notice it in gameplay and most of it is problems with the model, not the texture so there's not much I could do.
It looks very tron XD
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?x102y6e61h15gdx
The skin looks awesome! The face lookes fine to me :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 28, 2012, 07:51PM
The skin looks awesome! The face lookes fine to me :)
Thanks :]
Now I decided to make some hellion skins. These may seem close to previously existing ones but they have at least slight differences :]
1) Hellion's costume from the Quest for Magik Series: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?p29j4a3m94mocro
2) Hellion's New X-Men costume with a bit of a different texture and his cybernetic arms: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nzgct7co7f7yc0j
3) I'm calling this one Utopia cause I don't have a better name but it's from a bit of a scene when he was arguing with Surge and X-23 about the latter's involvement in X-force: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1n5ozj2285ly7f0
Deedooo i really love the new versions of Hellion you made i'm sure they look cool in game so im going to try them Lv what you did with the textures by the way :thumbsup2: It may be a fool question but what model did you use for these The hair look shorter it really suits him
Otherwise for me the iron man skin you released looks exactly the same than the picture you posted with the blue things, the head He is really well made :)
Quote from: mj fan on July 29, 2012, 03:19AM
Deedooo i really love the new versions of Hellion you made i'm sure they look cool in game so im going to try them Lv what you did with the textures by the way :thumbsup2: It may be a fool question but what model did you use for these The hair look shorter it really suits him
Otherwise for me the iron man skin you released looks exactly the same than the picture you posted with the blue things, the head He is really well made :)
That would be the Zealot minion model. It's kind of my go-to male model. And thanks about the Stark Jumpsuit skin :D
And here's Hellion's AoX skin:
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?z9u0q7o3h3mz2hn
Already? Wow you're superspeed :D On top of that the skin is cool ^^
Hellion skins look amazing!
Great job!
Nice Stark Jumpsuit skin. Now we have 2!
Actually, there's 3. BLaw released his own version some time ago.
Quote from: hemlot on July 30, 2012, 12:14PM
Actually, there's 3. BLaw released his own version some time ago.
Really? Haven't seen that one anywhere...
Yay Hellion skins! :)
Quote from: Dihan on August 17, 2012, 08:32AM
Yay Hellion skins! :)
Thank you ^-^ Loved your mod for him but it was hard for me to find more designs for him XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 17, 2012, 01:43PM
Thank you ^-^ Loved your mod for him but it was hard for me to find more designs for him XD
Being a skinner means you're also an artist! Make your own designs too!
I do and I have in the past (some of my Penance skins, some of my Tron designs and a few of the movie skins, just for a few examples) but it's usually a matter of inspiration: Sometimes I have it and sometimes I don't XD I find it easier to design costumes for original characters then existing characters cause there's just too much baggage associated with them.
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 17, 2012, 02:20PM
I do and I have in the past (some of my Penance skins, some of my Tron designs and a few of the movie skins, just for a few examples) but it's usually a matter of inspiration: Sometimes I have it and sometimes I don't XD I find it easier to design costumes for original characters then existing characters cause there's just too much baggage associated with them.
That's why one of my favorite things is to use an existing costume as a base idea, then add my own spin to it. Like what I did with all my TRON costumes.
Uncanny X-force Psylocke as requested a while back
Pixie's Messiah CompleX skin. I was working on AoX Pixie so I figured I might as well do some more Pixie skins. Blaw previously did one (maybe not released?) but mine has black hair with pink highlights and is on a ps2 model. Pointless without a mod so somebody should make that happen. I'd even collaborate if need be :)
Age of X skins Master-Post:
Click Images to download
Force Warriors:
Stand off:
(http://s19.postimage.org/6m9hi4mur/Stand_Off.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yv5acp3o6v7tcva)
Revenant (Normal, White and Dark Phoenix Variants):
(http://s19.postimage.org/ahcvkp60j/revenant1.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3de6fazcc06fchb)(http://s19.postimage.org/y72b9e4dv/revenant2.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wpabaw0v45361hx)(http://s19.postimage.org/6v7281zn7/revenant3.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7swcmqlhoh29z7a)
(http://s19.postimage.org/5qd02od6b/Psylocke_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1c7x6b1mf80fn3t)
I'll release an Asian variant if people request it.
(http://s19.postimage.org/d56qgoyer/Hellion_AOX.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/?z9u0q7o3h3mz2hn)
Moonstar Cadre:
(http://s19.postimage.org/pz4z251v7/Moonstone_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9ulk9lr45wrc0c3)
(http://s19.postimage.org/e13eo8y43/Magma_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?de59eulf38e5ge3)
Eclipse (Sunspot):
(http://s19.postimage.org/ymi6g5foz/Eclips_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jj0trxsr99akgxb)
(http://s19.postimage.org/ci3f5j25v/Dust_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lvdg5xj2mhnkm2l)
Complete version with packages and proper hex editing coming soon
Tempo's Cadre:
(http://s19.postimage.org/qr7n1c62b/Tempo_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?rlex513kwb1vex1)
Nightmare (Pixie):
(http://s19.postimage.org/6srryyldf/Pixie_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?utasv18u8ywgujd)
Summers Brothers:
Basilisk (Cyclops):
(http://s19.postimage.org/npc9dn3jn/cyke_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e9ogib2qd8944cg)
(http://s19.postimage.org/70athq6yb/Havok_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9hg97ltg1eeb3tv)
Custom design of mine. I tried to mimic Cyclops' rather closely to show that they are brothers, something I feel that should be explored more in the comics...
The Rest:
(http://s19.postimage.org/pv1yuehmb/Magneto_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?5s90h8dvm1i5bss)
Reaper (Rogue):
Scarlet Witch:
(http://s19.postimage.org/we3zyt8kz/Husk_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6186ur9uu129hqi)
Properly Packaged and hexed version will come later.
(http://s19.postimage.org/7fm3aqsvn/Iceman_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9ll4p74h08j6bj5)(http://s19.postimage.org/j3bjrjsmr/Iceman_Ao_X2.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nw9a35evfsm93er)
Second one is a custom design by me
(http://s19.postimage.org/9lkzizlpv/Namor_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?abt88dao5u254fq)
(http://s19.postimage.org/qyqok3rn7/storm_Ao_X.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ux4s5cbw069xt53)
So many skins! And they are all so wonderful! :D
What model did you use for dust? I could never figure out who that is.
Amazing job with all the skins
Amazing skins like always! :)
Nice job on the Storm skin!
dangg thoze skinz are teh b0mb! Loving the nightmare Pixie so muchhh :venom:
Nice job on the Magneto Skin ^_^ I didn't think of that model. Love all the skins, amazing... simply amazing. (And so glad you released these cause I was getting annoyed that I didnt have the Age of X skins for everyone lol.)
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments ^-^ It's always nice to know my hard work does not go unappreciated
Quote from: Me on August 20, 2012, 09:49PM
So many skins! And they are all so wonderful! :D
What model did you use for dust? I could never figure out who that is.
Thanks ^-^ that's the Valkyrie Model. Which reminds me that I forgot to include the code to hide her spear...
Quote from: iammingy on August 21, 2012, 08:02PM
Nice job on the Storm skin!
Haha thanks XD it's surprisingly difficult to draw undergarments cause of all the weird ways models tend to stretch :p
Quote from: nuhverah on August 22, 2012, 12:58AM
dangg thoze skinz are teh b0mb! Loving the nightmare Pixie so muchhh :venom:
She's one of my favorites too ^-^ thanks!
Quote from: Scabbia on August 22, 2012, 07:36AM
Nice job on the Magneto Skin ^_^ I didn't think of that model. Love all the skins, amazing... simply amazing. (And so glad you released these cause I was getting annoyed that I didnt have the Age of X skins for everyone lol.)
It took me a while XD I was like going through every single model that existed trying to find one that worked. I decided the shoulder spikes only made him more badass ^-^ And yes I felt they were lacking too even been considering making an AoX herostat for all of them! I'm still working on a few of the skins, like Avalanche, Dazzler and Jubilee and I can't think of proper models for others like Colossus or Domino :p
I thought you said you'd just been too lazy to update the catalog. Looks like you've been too busy making these great skins!
Quote from: Hyperman360 on August 22, 2012, 10:06AM
I thought you said you'd just been too lazy to update the catalog. Looks like you've been too busy making these great skins!
Doesn't mean I'm not lazy ;D Although I
did try and I discovered there actually has been a legitimate technical issue stopping me from updating. It'll probably end up meaning a lot more time and reformatting in my future. But more on that in the proper thread...
Thanks for the compliment by the way :D
What the hell am I doing I don't even like Robin?
(http://s19.postimage.org/lwoigo1bn/Robin_AC.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?efuk0j88s4w89db)(http://s19.postimage.org/5kegqxn03/Robin_tas.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?74nkjnzn3jr6ki6)
Tim Drake (unhooded) and Robin TAS from Arkham City. Enjoy! Click the pictures to download. Sorry no asymmetric Robin logo :( I think the Tim Drake one actually works pretty damn well without a cape bolton. TAS does surprisingly not bad on its own but you can tell it was supposed to have the cape. IMHO. You can decide for yourselves.
I made them in anticipation for Hyperman 360's upcoming mod. Cause he's a pretty chill guy who does cool things. I don't like Robin or DC very much for that matter. But I digress. When he uploads the mod I'll see what steps need to be taken to use these with the mod if he doesn't feel like including them. Either works just fine for me :)
For the asymmetric for the R you can use the Angel no wing model, it has an X on the side of the chest which you could change into a R.
Anyways the skins look good !
Nice skins. The cape for the first skin is a yellow cape bolton. The others are part of the skins. You could replace the first skin with these if you want a cape, but it'll be bright yellow.
Nice skins!!!
Awesome Robin skins!
I've been having them Iron Lad feels lately...so skins:
Unmasked (design slightly based off of this comic (http://watadrag.deviantart.com/art/Cookies-278956242)): http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wf8ly7o77677bq2
Iron Lad as the unmasked Vision: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?8lfuvg7jz2yreh1
Am I the only one who's completely obsessed with Young Avengers around here?
Quote from: DeeDooo on September 09, 2012, 10:16AM
I've been having them Iron Lad feels lately...so skins:
Unmasked (design slightly based off of this comic (http://watadrag.deviantart.com/art/Cookies-278956242)): http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wf8ly7o77677bq2
Iron Lad as the unmasked Vision: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?8lfuvg7jz2yreh1
Am I the only one who's completely obsessed with Young Avengers around here?
Nice skins! Can I ask what model you used? I've kinda taken a step back from comics ever since AvX has been running, I just need to convince myself that not all comics will go down the road AvX did lol...
Zealot minion. It's my go to generic male mode.
WOW! Looks awesome as always!
Amazing job with the new skins Deedooo :)
Love the new skins :)
Jean Phoenix Five based on this post:
How would I make Dark/White phoenix variants to go with Nowhereman's booster?
See also (not all are by me):
Magik: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4191.msg147138/topicseen.html#msg147138
Namor: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3769.msg149345.html#msg149345
Emma: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3769.msg149345.html#msg149345
Cyclops: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8049.msg148679/topicseen.html#msg148679
Love it! Completely forgot you made a Magik version as well. Well definitely have to download that too! :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 15, 2012, 10:02AM
Love it! Completely forgot you made a Magik version as well. Well definitely have to download that too! :D
Thanks! I'm glad it turned out well!
I actually have two more Skins:
Steampunk Iron Lad: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qsmjzydqsu1e9xd
Vision: Capeless http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hyobtwm5uj3eexw
Quick and Amazing skinner though The result is always stunning Thumbs up! :thumbsup:
Love them both but the steampunk Iron Lad skin is just amazing. I don't know why, but I just love it! :smile:
Wow Deedooo that was fast :D I love it!
Quote from: DeeDooo on September 14, 2012, 10:50PM
How would I make Dark/White phoenix variants to go with Nowhereman's booster?
Make the red parts white and/or green. Tada! :D
Love your phoenix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This version is so amazing!!!!!!!!
Quote from: DeeDooo on March 26, 2011, 12:56PM
human torch mua2 ultimate with a bonus mua2 flame-on
ultimate (is hexed for skin slot 1301): http://www.mediafire.com/?p8q8wiz4f1xqikk
flame on: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d9j2rs5atimxxg
shadowcat wolverine and the x-men
gambit age of x
you'll need this code in your herostat:
Multipart {
health = 0 ;
hideskin = 11901_gun_segment ;
young cyclops from wolverine and the x-men
Can't believe I just found this Human Torch Skin, tis fantastic. Any plans on doing the other three DeeDoo?
How can I hex edit your Ravenant skins? I can't find the internal number and I want to make them compatible with Nowhere man Phoenix booster :C
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on October 05, 2012, 09:14AM
Can't believe I just found this Human Torch Skin, tis fantastic. Any plans on doing the other three DeeDoo?
I was working on them but I was having issues with Invisible woman and gave up :p
Quote from: wladekwagner on October 06, 2012, 08:35PM
How can I hex edit your Ravenant skins? I can't find the internal number and I want to make them compatible with Nowhere man Phoenix booster :C
The number should be 9601. In answer to your post in the other thread, are you sure you started replacing at the 9? Also is that all you changed in the Hex?
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 06, 2012, 08:58PM
The number should be 9601. In answer to your post in the other thread, are you sure you started replacing at the 9? Also is that all you changed in the Hex?
Yes, at first I changed all the 9601's included the one who's followed by .png, then I realized I was terribly wrong so I just changed the other 3 or 4 (i guess they're 3) aaaand I facepalmed myself so hard because I didn't started at 9 but one space before because there are some entries like 9601_skel that have just 4 spaces to overwrite on, does that mean that I should overwrite 9601_skel with 123XX_skel as well? (starting at 9, of course) I'm trying it in a few minutes. And thanks a lot for the quick reply
EDIT: I did it as you told me and the game didn't crashed but I can only get to swap the Dark Phoenix variant, not the White Phoenix, both powers swap to the 12312, said Dark Phoenix. Same goes with White phoenix, depends on what swap I execute first
You just need the instances of 9601 on its own, not any of the others...
Have you tried taking a looksie at nowhereman's hexing on the WatX jean skins (cause they use the same model I believe)
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 06, 2012, 11:04PM
You just need the instances of 9601 on its own, not any of the others...
Have you tried taking a looksie at nowhereman's hexing on the WatX jean skins (cause they use the same model I believe)
I looked for the thread but I was unable to find it, do you happen to know where it is?
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 06, 2012, 08:58PM
I was working on them but I was having issues with Invisible woman and gave up :p
Bummer dude, lol.
btw, I saw that Winter Soldier skin you were working on. Did you release that one? (Was going to use it on either the Winter Soldier NPC or on Fury or something)
Quote from: wladekwagner on October 07, 2012, 11:18AM
I looked for the thread but I was unable to find it, do you happen to know where it is?
I think its in nowhereman's thread here? http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3554.0.html (if I understand the question right)
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on October 07, 2012, 12:43PM
Bummer dude, lol.
btw, I saw that Winter Soldier skin you were working on. Did you release that one? (Was going to use it on either the Winter Soldier NPC or on Fury or something)
I may take another try sometime later ^-^
Which Winter Soldier skin where? XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 07, 2012, 04:46PM
I think its in nowhereman's thread here? http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3554.0.html (if I understand the question right)I may take another try sometime later ^-^
Which Winter Soldier skin where? XD
This one:
oh here's the download. I can't believe I forgot to put the link there even though people have asked about this before >,<
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 08, 2012, 06:44PM
oh here's the download. I can't believe I forgot to put the link there even though people have asked about this before >,<
S'cool DeeDoo. thank you for the link, I shall download and apply him to my game tomorrow!
btw, any luck on that Daredevil skeleton for the Spider-Girl mod we're working on? I suddenly remembered that we were working on it. lol
Doctor Strange's modern costume! You need the code I included below to hide the cape. change the skin entry if you want it to only hide the cape on one skin, but if you don't really care, you can just remove it.
Multipart {
health = 0 ;
hideskin = cape_segment ;
skin = XX ;
Wish I had more things for you guys, like some of the things I promised I'd actually get done, but I've been either super busy or not really in a good place emotionally lately (or both) and that's not good for getting things done. I think I owe a few people icons >,<
Now that I've got that off my chest, check out what I did (It's not quite done yet)
And they said you couldn't make a Sentinel mod! Seems easy enough to me. this guy is bigger than the Hulk and he still seems to fit through doors and stuff just fine.
And... Doctor Strange - Modern has been downloaded ^_^ Love it. I actually like that look for him anyways, and you doing the skin just made my day :D
Amazing skins like always! Awesome doctor strange skin. Nice job!!
:storm: :emmafrost:
The Sentinel looks awesome Deedooo! I would love to see a mod of him, if you think about making one let me know please :D
Quote from: Scabbia on October 20, 2012, 12:59PM
And... Doctor Strange - Modern has been downloaded ^_^ Love it. I actually like that look for him anyways, and you doing the skin just made my day :D
Oh wow thanks! Always glad for feedback like this!
Quote from: pabliku on October 21, 2012, 11:21AM
Amazing skins like always! Awesome doctor strange skin. Nice job!!
:storm: :emmafrost:
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2012, 12:28PM
The Sentinel looks awesome Deedooo! I would love to see a mod of him, if you think about making one let me know please :D
I am considering it ^-^ Would you like to help?
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 21, 2012, 12:38PM
I am considering it ^-^ Would you like to help?
I would like to help with what ever I can :)
Wow great skins! Love them especially Dr. Strange.
Wow I've been gone so long my thread has that warning about how it could be a dead thread *shudder*
Anyways I'm not saying I'm back, but what I am saying is I love the Young Avengers. So here:
Kate Bishop: Team Hawk-Guy (AKA Marvel NOW) and Modern Hawkeye
(http://s19.postimage.org/maqego3eb/hawk_II_team.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ncullcy618n8bpz)(http://s19.postimage.org/e3yep3dbn/hawk_IIhawkeyemodern.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6mt72hwj6xyptjo)
Noh Varr: Young Avengers (AKA Marvel NOW)
(http://s19.postimage.org/lvf4nnhgz/Noh_Varr_Young_Avengers_I.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6hwhacrb7mmh774)
Ah but this gives me MarvelMods feels! I had like three or four mods I wanted to do :p Ugh I've been so busy with senior year of highschool and colleges and just life in general I haven't had time to do anything marvelmods recently. It kind of sucks now that I'm back here. Maybe I'll try and bust out a few mods in my (rare)spare time over the next few months :p I feel like if I mention their names in public they'll be cursed and never get finished though...
Great job!!
Good too see you post again, and great job as always
The Skins look really good and After seeing a few reviews on the new Hawkeye series my interest in Kate Bishop has grown!.
Awesome new skins! It's nice to see you back here if only for a short time.
I was just thinking about how you haven't been around lately just a day or so ago too.
Horray for the new skins!
How did you add the bow on Hawkeye?
When I use them the bow is not there :-(
Your hawkeye is supercool though.
EDIT: I got the bow to work with bolton. Anyone know how to get the arrow to work?
Uniforms from Uncanny X-Men NOW. In case you can't tell it's Cyclops, Emma Frost and Magik respectively. I included Magik's head-dress thing but I can upload a version without it in case anyone hates it :) Enjoy!
(http://s19.postimg.org/bge1ze33n/cyclops_NOW.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?rrnksi1r8s0x7y6)(http://s19.postimg.org/sjgtuwjsj/Frost_NOW.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?eay56f8le9uuxst)(http://s19.postimg.org/e979jf3g3/Frost_NOW_D.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vo3mtrstvcof3wv)(http://s19.postimg.org/umr92kjlf/Magik_NOW.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6b4gnl18462tc4w)
I think I'm going to go back and design some more costumes in this style for more characters who aren't in UXM right now just cause the designs are so cool! The new Uncanny X-Men series also makes me wonder if a pure Diamond-form Emma mod would be interesting or just another boring bruiser.
Again I love the skins Deedooo! They are starting to grow on me a little bit, still not to sure on Cyclop's visor yet though. I think a full Diamond Emma mod would be interesting since that's all she has now.
Your Emma Frost skins looks very much exquisite :D Same with the awesome Cyclops and Magik :eek: Thank you for this one :bowdown1:
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 08, 2013, 06:39PM
Again I love the skins Deedooo! They are starting to grow on me a little bit, still not to sure on Cyclop's visor yet though. I think a full Diamond Emma mod would be interesting since that's all she has now.
I agree about Cyclops' Visor...just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe I'll make an alternate skin with a different visor? I definitely think the
concept of the Emma mod is interesting, I just hope it would actually work in gameplay because Bruiser anims don't always look good on other models. The other problem is of course the time it would take, even though bruisers are fairly simple. Hmmm...
Quote from: Zuzu_009 on April 08, 2013, 07:15PM
Your Emma Frost skins looks very much exquisite :D Same with the awesome Cyclops and Magik :eek: Thank you for this one :bowdown1:
Believe me, the pleasure was all mine on that Emma skin ;D no but seriously thank
you for the kind words :]
Yay you released them. Solid work. When my next playthough is done, Magik is coming back in and that skin is so on her.
Quote from: Oddark123 on April 08, 2013, 07:25PM
Yay you released them. Solid work. When my next playthough is done, Magik is coming back in and that skin is so on her.
You make it sound dirty! Really though I just wish there was a complete Magik mod or maybe a conversion of Nodoubt's XML2 version. I have a few other Magik skins if you're interested for when you install her.
I meant i just don't have her in my current herostat. It's a stage 2 mod. Pretty good though. As are most of the stage 2 mods are. The only two of those i think that really need a makeover would be Cannonball and Mandarin. I don't really have any irks about the others. And i also consider Mr Sinister and Super Skrull to be stage 2 when you add all the little parts sprinkled to be found around the forum XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on April 08, 2013, 07:24PM
I agree about Cyclops' Visor...just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe I'll make an alternate skin with a different visor? I definitely think the concept of the Emma mod is interesting, I just hope it would actually work in gameplay because Bruiser anims don't always look good on other models. The other problem is of course the time it would take, even though bruisers are fairly simple.
A different visor could be nice!
Yeah the Emma mod could either turn out really good, or really bad.
As per usual, click the pictures for the download link. For these skins to work properly you will need to remove the bolton part of Wiccan's herostat. I think I got the skins named right but if the download doesn't look like the picture just tell me and I'll fix it.
So I was playing around with the idea of Wiccan not wearing his cape...
(http://24.media.tumblr.com/00d9b81582284bd27c46b4e2f2b5a228/tumblr_ml9g8j068d1rprh7to3_500.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?z551qo9hnaf7gdh)
(http://25.media.tumblr.com/3c6033e4da3f86915d17f05d542d79c4/tumblr_ml9g8j068d1rprh7to2_400.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ob1ym8t84v3817y)
(http://25.media.tumblr.com/b64a0e64bda07767811b7d710e06888e/tumblr_ml9g8j068d1rprh7to1_400.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?kjsu7774k2fnscw)
That last design is by Hyperactive Neko on deviantart. I'll released a caped variant too :)
Also I was reading this idea for an alternate universe on tumblr (http://xkalisto.tumblr.com/post/42970872306/witch-hunters-au-william-kaplan-the-witch)and I loved the design for Billy so I made the closest version I could. He looks too good in a long coat to resist! :D I think I'll make a few more alternates with him in this coat.
(http://25.media.tumblr.com/765fb90530b9463333eab0c33639fc49/tumblr_ml9gmv3Y0Q1rprh7to1_1280.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?77ovq98nmh81c63)
Those new costumes look amazing Deedooo! Amazing work :D
I'm glad you like them too :] I was particularly proud of this batch :D
Quote from: DeeDooo on April 15, 2013, 03:25PM
I'm glad you like them too :] I was particularly proud of this batch :D
You should be they are amazing!
Nice, as the guru of the Young Avengers you've done it again.
Although i do hope one of these days Billy uses those powers of his to make sure Teddy gets a mannequin update lol.
Love the capeless and jacketless look. Also how did you get that camera angle on that pic of the jacketed. Pic? Did you just have to corner and wrestle the camera?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 15, 2013, 03:26PM
You should be they are amazing!
Aww thanks :3
Quote from: Oddark123 on April 15, 2013, 03:44PM
Nice, as the guru of the Young Avengers you've done it again.
Although i do hope one of these days Billy uses those powers of his to make sure Teddy gets a mannequin update lol.
Haha someone had to pick up the Young Avengers slack around here! I thoroughly agree. He's probably too busy kissing Teddy to make the damn mannequin though! Or dealing with "Mother" in the current YA series...
Quote from: Lionsden99 on April 15, 2013, 06:10PM
Love the capeless and jacketless look. Also how did you get that camera angle on that pic of the jacketed. Pic? Did you just have to corner and wrestle the camera?
I'm glad you like :) That camera angle is actually through Gevth's 3rd person camera mod (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3609.0.html), but there's an alternate file to download that makes the camera angle from the front instead of from behind.
Geez! these are awesome! Really love the textures you used and the details
And i wanted to say that the haircut is really well made! knowing the model it is always painful to make
but we can see that you know how to use it really nicely and it creates great volume.
Not to mention Uncanny X-Men skins which are..@@@ amazing! :P definitely want to try these in game
DeeDooo think you could do a movie skin for magma jubilee and havok? one thats more similar to the gambit or x-23 version. with the colored lines and X
Quote from: DeeDooo on October 20, 2012, 12:43PM
Doctor Strange's modern costume! You need the code I included below to hide the cape. change the skin entry if you want it to only hide the cape on one skin, but if you don't really care, you can just remove it.
Multipart {
health = 0 ;
hideskin = cape_segment ;
skin = XX ;
Wish I had more things for you guys, like some of the things I promised I'd actually get done, but I've been either super busy or not really in a good place emotionally lately (or both) and that's not good for getting things done. I think I owe a few people icons >,<
That's a pretty cool skin! I really dig Dr. Strange's modern look. Do you think you could make a version that most closely resembles the following pic?
The cape looks pretty good on Dr. Strange. Basically, it would just be a reskin of the neck piece.
Hey Deedooo, I've seen your :warbird:'s captain marvel costume and I think it's good. But can you make the one like Marvel Heroes had?
And could you make her HUD as well? Thanks :)
Quote from: Grove on August 13, 2013, 02:34AM
Hey Deedooo, I've seen your :warbird:'s captain marvel costume and I think it's good. But can you make the one like Marvel Heroes had?
And could you make her HUD as well? Thanks :)
Do you have a suggestion for the model that has hair like that?
Quote from: hemlot on July 27, 2013, 05:22PM
That's a pretty cool skin! I really dig Dr. Strange's modern look. Do you think you could make a version that most closely resembles the following pic?
The cape looks pretty good on Dr. Strange. Basically, it would just be a reskin of the neck piece.
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 13, 2013, 09:18AM
LOL'd when looking on the GIF. XD Can't wait for Dr. Strange's new skin. :3
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 13, 2013, 09:18AM
Do you have a suggestion for the model that has hair like that?
Maybe using mandarin's hair?
You could try using Storm's model or Elektra's. The head part on Captain Marvel makes it tricky to find a model suitable.
Maybe using her default model is fine? Or if you can make a skin using NPC's model, you could try using Hussar or Medusa
So, is the Captain Marvel skin I requested possible to make?
Quote from: Grove on September 05, 2013, 08:20AM
So, is the Captain Marvel skin I requested possible to make?
I'm currently rather isolated from my resources because I'm not at home (with my PC) but I will give it a try when I can!
Ok speaking of which,
and this applies to everyone:
If I have promised to make you skins for a mod or for some other reason, please send me a PM reminder. I've been super busy starting college and I need to get my metaforical ducks in a row. I'm so sorry if some of you have been waiting for a little while. I know I owe Techon and Outsider skins, but please let me know which other ones I owe!
Gwen Stacy:
Bursting out of the pages of Edge Of SpiderVerse 2, Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman costume is now available for download (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hhXqVFdhaSa1J0T3hKZzc0T3c/view?pli=1). I think I shall revamp my old idea for a Spider-Girl mod just because of this lovely lady. If you haven't already read EOS 2, go buy/download/whatever it
right now. You won't regret it. Spider-Gwen is the new queen.
She looks great, good job on your first skin since you've been back.
Yay Spider-Gwen.
Or as Rocket would say after that
"As per freakin usual"
Great job!
Nice work on Gwen Stacy. Doesn't surprise me at all.
Quote from: Quentin Hex on September 06, 2013, 01:34PM
Ok speaking of which, and this applies to everyone:
If I have promised to make you skins for a mod or for some other reason, please send me a PM reminder. I've been super busy starting college and I need to get my metaforical ducks in a row. I'm so sorry if some of you have been waiting for a little while. I know I owe Techon and Outsider skins, but please let me know which other ones I owe!
If I recall, it was skins for
Silver Sable, but you don't have to worry about that for now, as you just came back. Take your time whenever you get around to that. I'm working on other projects, anyway. Keep doin' your thing. :fro:
Quote from: Grove on August 13, 2013, 02:34AM
Hey Deedooo, I've seen your :warbird:'s captain marvel costume and I think it's good. But can you make the one like Marvel Heroes had?
Odinson012 already made a skin/mesh of that one. Check here: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8485.msg153701.html#msg153701
Quote from: Quentin Hex on November 16, 2014, 08:27PM
Gwen Stacy:
Bursting out of the pages of Edge Of SpiderVerse 2, Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman costume is now available for download (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hhXqVFdhaSa1J0T3hKZzc0T3c/view?pli=1). I think I shall revamp my old idea for a Spider-Girl mod just because of this lovely lady. If you haven't already read EOS 2, go buy/download/whatever it right now. You won't regret it. Spider-Gwen is the new queen.
so when your Spider-Girl mod release, u'll make a Spider-Gwen skin for her?
Quote from: Quentin Hex on November 16, 2014, 08:27PM
Gwen Stacy:
Bursting out of the pages of Edge Of SpiderVerse 2, Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman costume is now available for download (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hhXqVFdhaSa1J0T3hKZzc0T3c/view?pli=1). I think I shall revamp my old idea for a Spider-Girl mod just because of this lovely lady. If you haven't already read EOS 2, go buy/download/whatever it right now. You won't regret it. Spider-Gwen is the new queen.
not to quicken u but if u really make the Spider-Girl mod, then when can u release
Quote from: UltimateSpidey Superior on January 18, 2015, 03:18AM
not to quicken u but if u really make the Spider-Girl mod, then when can u release
I think he abandoned the project, in his workbench there is an icon set for her and some words written but they are all crossed.
Love the Gwen Stacy skin! I can't believe I missed it!
Quote from: Maegawa on January 18, 2015, 07:24AM
I think he abandoned the project, in his workbench there is an icon set for her and some words written but they are all crossed.
damnit, well i hope Someone makes one
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on January 18, 2015, 09:53AM
Love the Gwen Stacy skin! I can't believe I missed it!
You didn't -- you can still get it. The link still works. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hhXqVFdhaSa1J0T3hKZzc0T3c/view?pli=1
Quote from: Outsider on January 18, 2015, 02:18PM
You didn't -- you can still get it. The link still works. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hhXqVFdhaSa1J0T3hKZzc0T3c/view?pli=1
I just meant that I missed it being released, I must have not payed enough attention.
Quote from: Quentin Hex on August 13, 2013, 09:18AM
Do you have a suggestion for the model that has hair like that?
Did you ever get around to updating Dr. Strange's cape?
Quote from: Maegawa on January 18, 2015, 07:24AM
I think he abandoned the project, in his workbench there is an icon set for her and some words written but they are all crossed.
I did bench the project
until I decided to reboot it as a general "Female Spider Character" Mod including Ultimate Spider Woman, Mayday Parker/Spidergirl, and Gwen Stacy: Spiderwoman. I had Five or so powers complete. This was disrupted by my hard drive crashing and me loosing everything. Will be picked back up when I have a new copy of MUA. Sorry for the confusion, all. Thanks UltimateSpidey Superior for taking an interest in my mods.
Quote from: hemlot on January 21, 2015, 10:34PM
Did you ever get around to updating Dr. Strange's cape?
This was also disrupted by my computer dying. It's up there on my list for when I return!
Quote from: Quentin Hex on January 22, 2015, 05:31PM
I did bench the project until I decided to reboot it as a general "Female Spider Character" Mod including Ultimate Spider Woman, Mayday Parker/Spidergirl, and Gwen Stacy: Spiderwoman. I had Five or so powers complete. This was disrupted by my hard drive crashing and me loosing everything. Will be picked back up when I have a new copy of MUA. Sorry for the confusion, all. Thanks UltimateSpidey Superior for taking an interest in my mods.
This was also disrupted by my computer dying. It's up there on my list for when I return!
oh ok I hope it'll be release someday, I can't wait to add Spider-Gwen(and other female Spiders) to my SpiderTeam
though I got a question (regarding creating Spider-Gwen mod) will she have her own female voice
hey when i am emma forst and use the diamond form look normal but when i back to normal mode they are a problem doesnt go back to dthe emma normal skin :emmafrost:
make more emma frost skins with these style of jreans model , like wolverine and the xmen, new xmen and with that pure diamons, excelent job , but please hexedit the marvel now costumes (emma frost) please because when i 'play with her , have a problem
can you make your arms please for mr fantastic with the black suit, pleae or you can make costumes like the new movie reboot of fantastic four please by fox studios
Quote from: cherrapincroft on July 28, 2015, 03:40PM
make more emma frost skins with these style of jreans model , like wolverine and the xmen, new xmen and with that pure diamons, excelent job , but please hexedit the marvel now costumes (emma frost) please because when i 'play with her , have a problem
Quote from: cherrapincroft on August 04, 2015, 03:41PM
can you make your arms please for mr fantastic with the black suit, pleae or you can make costumes like the new movie reboot of fantastic four please by fox studios
Clogging up a modder's release thread with requests makes it harder for everyone to find what they are looking for. Here is a link to the categories where different kinds of requests go. Modders definitely read them, as I have seen requests answered.
1-All my modded skins made it on my box 80HD, So I dont know work will or not on your box...
2-You can use skins as you like on internal images or external flash ...
Quote from: Quentin Hex on February 19, 2011, 11:35PM
some jean skins
left to right: young watx, watx 90s/phoenix (design based on this image (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/240/8/b/phoenix_wolverine_and_the_xmen_by_miguelyanke-d2xgqe1.jpg)) and finally 90s jean
young watx: http://www.mediafire.com/?7cf89ah4pwynic6
phoenix watx: http://www.mediafire.com/?7an5l5e4x5w4r8h
90s: http://www.mediafire.com/?t938igpnsy6a6n1
red and white phoenix variants of the watx phoenix/90s design
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?7m888sy4y480qj0
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?0lu95cz94554axv
Quote from: Quentin Hex on January 30, 2011, 12:59PM
i now present to you the greatest collection of jean grey/phoenix skins ever to hit the forum! ^^ (it is possible i am pompous)
i have included some of my past masterpieces for ease and simplicity
note: all of them appear to have a few problems where the legs meet the hips, but that's just the anim. works just fine in game
evolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?8d1zk9wru4c31zm
evolution (smexy): http://www.mediafire.com/?jvnwtbm49d92214
first class: http://www.mediafire.com/?1iu5yz1ctwhz2lo
x-men forever: http://www.mediafire.com/?o51b79tsdtdsy0i
i darkened the evolution green so that it would look more moder/professional. i personally like how it came out, but i'd love to hear your guys' opinions. also i know i already did a pretty epic first class skin but here it is even better ^^ xmen forever is prety much the same but i got rid of the "facial hair" (as mr law likes to put it)
astonishing: http://www.mediafire.com/?hkwt5s3l9nc9fml
ghost boxes: http://www.mediafire.com/?an23jny9zjjgwhw
these are part of a seres i'm working on; "what if jean didn't die in new x-men and wore normal x-men uniforms?" the astonishing is based upon shadowcat's and cyclops' astonishing uniforms and the ghost boxes is based on armor's and cyclops' ghost boxes uniforms. i may revisit the astonishing one but for now i'm pretty pleased with it.
here is my famous "modern" phoenix skin. also available with skin-swapping in nowhereman's phoenix mod (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3554.msg59950.html#msg59950).
normal: http://www.mediafire.com/?l7bo0fjwlqhalsw
dark: http://www.mediafire.com/?5db6ja0r9ha46qs
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?ban9ff513bnx36r
marvel loves "what ifs" so here's one: what if deedooo had drawn the default phoenix skins? well this is the result haha. it's not really supposed to be revolutionary or anything, just to make the default phoenix skin look that much better :P
green: http://www.mediafire.com/?ds1c3xk3832zl35
red: http://www.mediafire.com/?tguqw1b4cbgcwfe
white: http://www.mediafire.com/?8dq9bohox0qhj6i
i'll see if i can make a package to replace the skins on nowhere man's lovely phoenix mod.
purple phoenix. cause i like purple. XD
also because some people don't like short haired aoa jean (i don't know what's wrong with you guys :P), here we have age of apocalypse jean grey with long hair
purple: http://www.mediafire.com/?i0y984fq94dx1eg
aoa: http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9pwmcdymk1ccr
revenant (age of x): http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dibvdl6cxyxp
Me pueden decir donde consigo las "mascaras", caras flotantes, o hud... de estos skin. por favor??? las instale en Marvel legends. Me han encantado TODAS!!!! fue un reto solo elegir 9 XD
necesito sobre todo son los huds de la versión de jean first class y evolution. bueno... casi todas las de jean jeje
Can you tell me where to get the "masks", floating faces, or hud ... of these skin. please??? install them in Marvel legends. I have loved ALL !!!! it was a challenge just to choose 9 XD
I need especially the huds of the version of Jean first class and evolution.
well ... almost all of jean jeje
If the skin doesn't have a floating head, one has to be made, and very few people can do that.
Quote from: rachel_grey on November 30, 2017, 10:26AM
Me pueden decir donde consigo las "mascaras", caras flotantes, o hud... de estos skin. por favor??? las instale en Marvel legends. Me han encantado TODAS!!!! fue un reto solo elegir 9 XD
necesito sobre todo son los huds de la versión de jean first class y evolution. bueno... casi todas las de jean jeje
Can you tell me where to get the "masks", floating faces, or hud ... of these skin. please??? install them in Marvel legends. I have loved ALL !!!! it was a challenge just to choose 9 XD
I need especially the huds of the version of Jean first class and evolution.
well ... almost all of jean jeje
Hey, to rachel_grey and anyone elese who's interested in huds for the aforementioned skins, I made them; MUA version can be found here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,9124.msg188315.html#msg188315), and XML2 version (with 3D heads) can be found here (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10047.msg188335.html#msg188335).