NOTE: To know about details of my on-going mods and for ALL requests, BUG reports, suggestions, complains --
refer to my modding corner which can be found by clicking that --> <a href=",4397.0.html">JEANFAN321'S WORKBENCH</a>
Aqua Mod 2.0 HERE (,4304.msg102267.html#msg102267)
:storm: -Storm Booster 1.0- HERE (,4304.msg115610.html#msg115610)
:phoenix: Jean Telekinetic Booster 1.4- HERE (
:iwoman: Invisible Woman mini booster- HERE (
:phoenix: Jean Head Effect HERE (,4304.msg115611.html#msg115611)
:moonstar: Karma Mod HERE (,4304.msg125856.html#msg125856)
:cuckoo: Stepford Cuckoo NPC HERE (,4304.msg130150.html#msg130150)
:storm: :rogue: :magneto: :gambit: X-Men NPC's HERE (,4304.msg130541.html#msg130541)
:phoenix: Jean MSHS Flying effect HERE (,4304.msg133498.html#msg133498)
:emmafrost: :quicks: :storm: NPC Mod Booster
HERE (,4304.msg146031.html#msg146031)
The link just takes me to Mediafire's main page.
that's cause stormfan didn't set up a special url for his/her folder. this can be done under settings.
also a full description of the powers and what is replaced would be nice.
Is this a conversion of Shadowslack's XML2 mod?
Quote from: ragincajun on March 05, 2010, 07:03PM
Is this a conversion of Shadowslack's XML2 mod?
why yes it is and the website is fixed!!! check it out!!
Quote from: ☞DEEDOOO☜ on March 05, 2010, 06:25PM
that's cause stormfan didn't set up a special url for his/her folder. this can be done under settings.
also a full description of the powers and what is replaced would be nice.
lol thanks
Quote from: Stormfan321 on March 05, 2010, 04:57PM
Sorry website here ------------>
dont have any thing to take a pic so if anyone can upload a pic greatly apreciated!!!!
report any bugs you find!!! Credits go to ShadowSlacks,Whiteking,Mr Blaw, Nodoubt_jr, and anyone else who helped Shadowslacks.
Telekinetic Blast-Blast Enemies with a telekinetic ball
Psychic Spikes-Sends out a menttal homing projectile that chases and pops up enemies'
Psionic Insanity(i think)-Enemies go insane from immense pain as they slowly whether away
Phoenix Combustion-Jean summons a ring of fire and burns enemies popping them up and up
Psychic Wave-Summons a HUGE wave that nullifies enemies of there powers for a time.
Psychic Shield-Jean creates a psychic shield
Phoenix Force-You all know what this is
to add in game just drag and drop the folders. its set up Exactly like MUA
edit, dont triple post
What are jean's skins?
Quote from: scott summers on March 06, 2010, 09:42AM
What are jean's skins?
i didnt conclude any skins this mod replaces her entities powerstyles and talent files to give her new powers use the same skins you already have
try the "more alternate skins" thread. a bunch of great jean skins there :D.
please dont forget to credit shadow. i used his effect on the telepathic/psionic insanity and recoloured it. :)
and i think her basic TK power shouldnt have been removed. it's her "mark" as jean grey mostly. just saying, dont take it any other way man. :)
Yea I was about to point that out as well. The booster is nice, but you can't take away her Telekinesis. Frankly that's the only reason I don't use this booster :S.
I agree with Arclight.If telekinesis have been then would be cool! And have the opportunity to add it?
Quote from: shadowslacks on March 07, 2010, 07:47PM
please dont forget to credit shadow. i used his effect on the telepathic/psionic insanity and recoloured it. :)
and i think her basic TK power shouldnt have been removed. it's her "mark" as jean grey mostly. just saying, dont take it any other way man. :)
for some strage reason i knew some people wont like it cause of the removal of telekinesis but dont worry in the 1.1 version ill more than happy put that in
Quote from: Arclight on March 08, 2010, 03:41AM
Yea I was about to point that out as well. The booster is nice, but you can't take away her Telekinesis. Frankly that's the only reason I don't use this booster :S.
Quote from: ~Phoenix~ on March 09, 2010, 12:56PM
I agree with Arclight.If telekinesis have been then would be cool! And have the opportunity to add it?
yh lol ill put it in there for the 1.1 version but im busy studying for the FCAT in FL but that aint gonna stop me for 1.1 version ill add telekinesis and fix that bug that prevents you from using Phoenix Combustion
i suppose this is appropriate to do. well, jeanfan has been asking me to help him convert my storm booster and to fix some of jeangrey's powers from my booster so he could convert both to xml2.
problem is, im really busy at the moment and could take months before i get back into the gaming world. if anyone is interested and can help,,3593.0.html here's the link. everything you need is there.
hope that helps jeanfan321
good booster mod is anyone planning to make its video.
website fixed!! check it out!!
Can someone tell me why i can´t use her X-Treme power?!
Quote from: scott summers on March 24, 2010, 03:42PM
Can someone tell me why i can´t use her X-Treme power?!
oh shoot lol i overwrote her xtreme!! lol ill fix that
Hey, can you do her powers all blue? because her telekinesis and anothe power that I dont remember the name are pink.
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on March 25, 2010, 10:55AM
yh I may do it tommorow cuze my mom toook my computer 4 work but other than the phoenix force problem did u lik the booster? Wat wuz ur fav power? And btw I didn't make da booster shadowslacks did I jst converted it and the only power that's pink is telekinesis
Guys, does this booster work with Jean Grey 2.1, or the MUAII conversion of Jean Grey?
Quote from: jkilla1974 on March 27, 2010, 05:21AM
Guys, does this booster work with Jean Grey 2.1, or the MUAII conversion of Jean Grey?
only if u don't replace the her entities powerstyles talents and effects
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on March 27, 2010, 11:45AM
only if u don't replace the her entities powerstyles talents and effects
Jeanfan, so I only installed the 1.2 Jean Grey, so I could use this booster? One more question, besides the extreme not working, the mental homing projectiles are very power, 1 or 2 hits and the enemy is done. Is that supposed to be like that?
Quote from: jkilla1974 on March 28, 2010, 12:00PM
Jeanfan, so I only installed the 1.2 Jean Grey, so I could use this booster? One more question, besides the extreme not working, the mental homing projectiles are very power, 1 or 2 hits and the enemy is done. Is that supposed to be like that?
1st question kind of just dont replace her data entities powerstyles and talents and her effects 2nd question not really Mental Guardian is just suppose to be more powerful than the old fashioned mental guuardian. if u place 3 of them in a room well then it WILL it well kill everyone
Ok thanks!
Hello again, can u do her powers spend less energy, please?Because they spend so much energy!!:D Thanks!!
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 01, 2010, 03:29PM
Hello again, can u do her powers spend less energy, please?Because they spend so much energy!!:D Thanks!!
I don't no my mom took my comp so I migght have 2 pause my plans here use da cheat code if its 2 much energy up down up down up left down right start
I used magneto's magneto beam power from his mod here:,726.0.html for her telekinesis and now when she uses her telekinesis the effect likes her effects in X-Men evolution series !! It is nice!! :phoenix:
and the code is very nice
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 02, 2010, 08:19AM
I used magneto's magneto beam power from his mod here:,726.0.html and it for her telekinesis and now when she uses her telekinesis the effect likes with her effects in X-Men evolution series !! It is nice!!
cool ill try dat effect wen I get my comp bak nd yh her powers do cost a lot of energy cuze all her powers r powerful so yh I use dat cheat
Here is her power in the powerstyle :
FightMove {
aireusetime = 5 ;
aitype = projectilenear ;
animenum = ea_power2 ;
combotextfinisher = Control ;
combotextstarter = Telekinetic ;
handler = ch_telekinesis ;
icon = 1 ;
lockangles = true ;
lockchaining = true ;
name = power2 ;
powerup_tag = pho_power2 ;
priority = 5 ;
startchaintime = 0.1 ;
require {
cat = skill ;
item = pho_telek ;
level = 1 ;
trigger {
attacktype = psionic ;
damage = 0 ;
damagelevel = 1 ;
damagescale = none ;
damagetype = dmg_telekinesis ;
maxrange = 300 ;
name = telekinesis_dmg ;
tag = 2 ;
time = -1 ;
type = ce_atk_self ;
damageMod {
name = dmgmod_environment ;
damageMod {
name = dmgmod_no_damage ;
trigger {
name = stop ;
time = 0 ;
trigger {
name = powerusage ;
powerusage = %pho_telek_pwr ;
time = 0 ;
trigger {
effect = char/magneto/p3_power ;
name = effect ;
tag = 100 ;
time = -1 ;
trigger {
effect = char/phoenx/ ;
name = effect ;
tag = 101 ;
time = -1 ;
trigger {
damage = %pho_telek_dm1 ;
damagetype = dmg_telekinesis ;
heaviness = %pho_telek_hvy ;
impactdamage = %pho_telek_dm2 ;
name = suspend ;
tag = 1 ;
time = -1 ;
tklevel = 11 ;
chain {
action = special ;
result = power2_hold ;
chain {
action = idle ;
result = power2_release ;
FightMove {
animenum = ea_power2 ;
energypersecond = %pho_telek_pwr ;
handler = ch_telekinesis ;
icon = 1 ;
lockangles = true ;
lockchaining = true ;
locktransitionangles = true ;
name = power2_hold ;
priority = 5 ;
startchaintime = 1 ;
trigger {
effect = char/magneto/p3_power ;
name = effect ;
tag = 100 ;
time = -1 ;
trigger {
effect = char/magneto/p3_power ;
name = effect ;
tag = 101 ;
time = -1 ;
trigger {
loop_timeout = 5 ;
loop_type = start ;
name = sound ;
sound = char/phoenx_m/p2_charge ;
time = 0 ;
chain {
action = special ;
result = power2_hold ;
chain {
action = idle ;
result = power2_release ;
FightMove {
animenum = ea_power2_end ;
lockangles = true ;
name = power2_release ;
priority = uninterruptable ;
trigger {
name = sound ;
sound = char/phoenx_m/p2_throw ;
time = 0 ;
trigger {
bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
effect = char/phoenx/ ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
loop_type = stop ;
name = effect_sound ;
sound = char/phoenx_m/p2_charge ;
time = 0 ;
chain {
action = idle ;
result = idle ;
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on April 02, 2010, 08:51AM
cool ill try dat effect wen I get my comp bak nd yh her powers do cost a lot of energy cuze all her powers r powerful so yh I use dat cheat
Can you not type like a 2 year old? It's really annoying.
Ok ill try but this is how I type. Regardless if I hav my phoene or computer
Jeanfan321, did you receive my message?
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 04, 2010, 05:41PM
Jeanfan321, did you receive my message?
yes I replied back
Hey, did you fix that problem with her Xtreme?
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 05, 2010, 03:36PM
Hey, did you fix that problem with her Xtreme?
no I don't have my computer what you can do is look in someone elses booster for jean and. Take the phoenix force power from powerstyle and talent file and put that in my booster powerstyle and talents get ut ?
This is my version with diferent effects: . Sorry but no Xtreme.Enjoy!! :phoenix::D
I don´t Know if have to credit someone, so , if I have, put your names here and I will put it in the booster. :phoenix:
Important : For this mod you must have magneto mod and stepford cuckoo mod.If you don't want to play with them, just put their effects folders in the place.If you preffer I can put these folders in this booster!!
If u want to release it for MUA then you have to credit me and ShadowSlacks
Ok I'll put this in her booster!!:)
I will try make a new version with her X-treme!But now here is a verion with credits and stepford cuckoo's and magneto's effects folders: :phoenix: :magneto: :cuckoo:
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 05, 2010, 05:37PM
I will try make a new version with her X-treme!But now here is a verion with credits and stepford cuckoo's and magneto's effects folders: :phoenix: :magneto: :cuckoo:
awesome some bad news though :( I got my computer back but All my files got deleted and my mom gave me crappy computer and it can't handle MUA so till I get my comp from my mom ill have to pause my plans and I can't test them out until I. Get my good comp back, but I just think its so cool you no how 2 make effects
Quote from: Jean_scott_summers on April 05, 2010, 05:37PM
I will try make a new version with her X-treme!But now here is a verion with credits and stepford cuckoo's and magneto's effects folders: :phoenix: :magneto: :cuckoo:
i'm not sure if you mean that you used cuckoos effects in the booster or edited cuckoos effects in the booster, but you should probably ask dihan if you can use and/or the effects cause it's his mod.
Thanks!!I'll ask him.But now here is the lastest version with phoenix force and a new grabsmash: .Enjoy!! :phoenix: :thumbsup2:
Quote from: Jean_Scott_Summers on April 06, 2010, 03:16PM
Thanks!!I'll ask him.But now here is the lastest version with phoenix force and a new grabsmash: .Enjoy!! :phoenix: :thumbsup2:
man those effects were off the bomb!!
sorry for double posting but ima need your help Jean_Scott_Summers for Wind Blast
ok fixed the pics hey what do you guys think bout Funnel Cloud power instead of Tornadoe
Funnel Cloud-Pops enemies in the air with a miniature funnel cloud
ok pics were reuploaded on the first page
So you're still working on the conversion of my Storm booster for MUA1? I am not experienced with modding MUA1 as I have not tried yet but I'm afraid it'll take a lot of effort to work through the whole Catastrophe skill.
it took me a few weeks to figure the skill itself (considering though that I got lazy in between).
Unless someone knows, or someone else helps, I suggest replacing the skill with another skill.
I'd like to see my booster on MUA1. Ill be playing it soonish..again
Quote from: shadowslacks on May 20, 2010, 07:08AM
So you're still working on the conversion of my Storm booster for MUA1? I am not experienced with modding MUA1 as I have not tried yet but I'm afraid it'll take a lot of effort to work through the whole Catastrophe skill.
it took me a few weeks to figure the skill itself (considering though that I got lazy in between).
Unless someone knows, or someone else helps, I suggest replacing the skill with another skill.
I'd like to see my booster on MUA1. Ill be playing it soonish..again
no im not thats a old post i finished the booster im just testing it to see if it has a bugs
Wow i just noticed, the first page has exactly the same layout as mine.
just saying. for a sec i thought i got lost
Quote from: shadowslacks on June 03, 2010, 04:28AM
Wow i just noticed, the first page has exactly the same layout as mine.
just saying. for a sec i thought i got lost
it is?? wow im putting my boosters on different pages and im trying to make picture collages to show some pics but it's not working
Jeanfan321 very cool booster)But where is a link to download it?
Quote from: ~Phoenix~ on June 04, 2010, 01:44AM
Jeanfan321 very cool booster)But where is a link to download it?
there is no link yet im put it there later today i just wanted to put the pic and the description there
Jeanfan321 thank you for information)I`ll wait with impatience!
the effects for my storm booster really do look better in MUA than in XML2. good job
There will be a updated one soon but for now enjoy
This booster includes:
9 powers
Version 1.0 of the Storm Full Mod Version 1.0
Electrocute-Sends out a ball of electricity from her hands
Lightning Bolts-Strikes enemies with lightning
Gale Force-Knocks Back enemies with a powerful wind current
Hypothermia Sleet-Alters the temperature and makes it cold causing enemies to move slow for a while
Twister Tempest-Makes 7 tornadoes that lift and throw enemies about
Chain Lightning-Shoots out lightning from her hands causing it to chain from enemy to enemy
Catastrophe-Lightning,Hail,Rain,and wind effects enemies and causes knockback
Storm Shield-Shields Storm and allies from most damage
Thunder Struck-Extreme radial lightning attack doing damage
link here for full booster -->
the Mini Booster here -->
Please report any bug here or in my workbench tread. Positive feedback is always appreciated. If someone has an account on a different site from Mediafire, please post a mirror for those who can't access to Mediafire :)
ShadowSlacks - Original booster for Xml2 and his awesome effects used in this booster so don't thank me for the effects thank him he did a great job :rockon: :applause: :bowdown:
Deedooo - Help, codes.
Marvelfan12345-Help with catasprophe
Creators of MUA and Xml2
Good job!!
thanks it took so much work but she still isnt fully done i still need to do a yelllow version and skins and a loading screen for her
Just tried your booster for Storm...It's great! :applause: :thumbsup2: ;D ...I love the new thunder effects and the hail storm is great and I am very happy for the catastrophe power for mua ... Great job :thumbsup2:
Quote from: Seth on June 06, 2010, 05:27AM
Just tried your booster for Storm...It's great! :applause: :thumbsup2: ;D ...I love the new thunder effects and the hail storm is great and I am very happy for the catastrophe power for mua ... Great job :thumbsup2:
those arent my effects there shadowslacks so thank him not me
I've tried it and i like the effects but can you check the grab smash...her grab smash is better before...
oh never mind i figured it out already...
I know...I thanked him ;D and now I'm thanking you for converting them :D
this Storm booster is really awesome dude,she's like a God especially with Catastrophe...isn't she too overpowered? your upcoming Jean booster should be as strong as this as Jean is much stronger than Storm
Quote from: nshinnosuke on June 06, 2010, 11:34PM
isn't she too overpowered?
No she isn't...On the contrary this booster show how strong Storm can be
Great work! Love her powers!
Cool, you released it! I can't wait to try. BTW what is the difference between Storm's microbooster and the full version?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 10, 2010, 05:35PM
Cool, you released it! I can't wait to try. BTW what is the difference between Storm's microbooster and the full version?
for the mini booster I only modified 1 power which was whirlwind or tornado
Oh, ok thanks.
( (
This Mini Booster Includes 1 new power and 1 upgraded power
Kinetic Slam-Knocks back enemies with kinetic energy
Kinetic Crush-Telekinetically lifts enemies in a field then crushes them(this is a radial)
get it here (
Jean_Grey_Phoenix-General help,blue effects upgrade,and general kindness
Iammingy-used his booster as a base
MarvelFan12345-Used his telekinetic crush code for Kinetic Crush
Blizz-For converting the telekinetic crush code to MUA
ThePhoenix-original telekinetic crush code for Xml2
Dihan-Stepford Cuckoo conversion,mental slam code used for Kinetic Slam
Nodoubt_jr-Stepford Cuckoo mod for Xml2
You for downloading
Note:this isn't the official booster im giving her cause i don't really no what other powers to give her if you have any suggestions please post it here on my workbench,4397.0.html
Notes:She now is a wonderful character.I always enjoyed playing with Sue but for me she always a bit weak to me.She is a really powerful person who can make people explode move objects turn invisible and other things invisible this will defiantly make her more enjoyable
Oh, i's great! I like her effects) Thanks for that. Keep working ;)
Good Job guy!!!!
And about it
Quote from: ds22489 on June 18, 2010, 10:21PM
I like her effects) Thanks for that. Keep working ;)
Just to you know, the effects that come in the game were recolored for me and the telekinetic crush was made by me too.
I know this :p And of course you made great job.
This Booster Includes
10 powers Version 1.4
Telekinesis-Lifts enemies and objects
Telekinetic Blast-Blast Enemies with a telekinetic ball
Restraining Wave-Suspends enemies in a telekinetic sphere
Psychokinetic Surge-Fires mental homing projections
Telepathic Illusions-Make enemies feel immense and unbearable pain
Telekinetic Trip-Jean sends the enemys away spinning
Psychic Wave-Sends out a HUGE psychic wave that nullifies enemies from there powers for a while
Mental Guardian-Jean creates a mental guardian (maximum of 3)
Personal Shield-Draws out a psychic shield that takes heavy damage
Phoenix Force-same as always
Shadowslacks-the man who made this booster and the awesome new effects he did so if you get a chance thank him for this booster he made for Xml2
Shadow-psychic wave effect but Shadowslacks just modified it
ThePhoenix-Person he started the booster for Xml2 Shadowslacks modified it
She doesn't have her extreme the code just wouldnt work
also use her old icons not her new icons from Deedooo/Nowhere Man
Notes:I really like this mod.She has some fun attacks but my favorite powers are Psychic Wave and Telekinetic Balls.Psychic Wave is really useful against enemies cause it knocks them back and removes there power for a time.Telekinetic balls are fun cause they may split off and hit other enemies not to mention that theres 10 balls. i like Telepathic Illisuions to cause it's funny to watch the enemies pop there heads up and down.But i owe this all to Shadowslacks for his booster for Xml2
What did you change in this booster?
Quote from: ds22489 on June 22, 2010, 11:25PM
What did you change in this booster?
not much just thanks to shadowslacks her moves are updated it has better effects and i personally edited mental darts to make it 10 and Shadowslacks decreased the speed so that the mental bolts can split off and hit other enemies she has 10 mental bolts in all
Oh, good, but one thing was interesting. Her mental *birdie* was orange. Did you make it blue? Or it's impossible?
that was the ''old'' which was orange ill have that one in the jean phoenix booster shadowslacks recolored it blue and to my opinion it looks very good
and for your upcoming Jean booster, is it going to be fiery or blue-ish?
fiery ALL fiery :)
I'm so glad to hear that
are you working together with Jean_Grey_Phoenix?
he's got some of the coolest phoenix effects I've ever seen
as a fan of Jean you should fall in love with them :phoenix:
yeah were working together were also working on a Storm full mod with new skins,icons,HUDS, etc
then are you going to use his effects from his upcoming fiery booster?
they look unbelievable especially Phoenix Force
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 23, 2010, 10:56AM
yeah were working together
as in yess im using his effects
awesome, I can't wait to see how Phoenix Fury and Pyrokinetic Blast are going to look like,
which animation are you going to use for it?
for Phoenix Fury im using her flying animation for Pyrokine Blast im gonna use probably jean's mental spike animation since she doesnt really have a good animation for that i gonna give her 2 nnew icons 1 for the Telekinetic Booster and 1 for the Phoenix
EDIT:Plus this isnt the right discussion for this please post any questions about my mods in my workbench plus check the first page of my rules
do you have an idea about what to use for an extreme instead then?
jeanfan321, what's the difference between the full and the mini update for storm????
I think so the difference is the file 04_storm.igb . In the mini booster there isn't this file but in the full booster, there is.
Quote from: rainw7 on June 24, 2010, 06:48AM
jeanfan321, what's the difference between the full and the mini update for storm????
that and he mini booster i only modded 1 power which was storms whirlwind the full booster i updated all her powers from Shadowslacks booster of her
Adds 9 Skins for Storm and exclusive stuff including icons,huds,banner,power upgrades,
preview video:
( (
( (
download the entities file (needed to make powers work) (
Deedooo-gave me the a new template for the icons i made for storm
Jean_Grey_Phoenix-Cooperation,support,kindness,skins Uncanny and WATX skin
Shadowslacks-storm booster for Xml2 that i converted to MUA and awesome effects
LarsAlexanderson-Gave me offsets for a loading screen I made.
Whiteking-Gave Jean_Grey_Phoenix the decompiled Storm astonishing Model
Notes:This is the mod im most proud of cause this is my first 'Full Mod' and i learned a lot of things here i learned how to make icons thanks to Deedoo i made her a loading screen,huds,banner, etc.The 2 things i love most about it is the skins and powers.The powers are fun and cool and have great effects thanks to Shadowslacks who granted me permission to convert his booster from Xml2 to MUA.The power i love the most is Gale Force.The Skins were amazing thanks to Jean_Grey_Phoenix who made them.He did an awesome job on these.Plus he was just generally kind. I loved how she turned out and she is now an amazing character thanks to Jean_Grey_Phoenix,Shadowslacks, and Deedooo.She's not that boring character she used to be. and you'll have a hard time removing her from your roster.Anyway download her and tell me what you think comments,criticisms, and compliments are welcome :) and check my workbench for my upcoming Jean Phoenix Booster
Cool! BTw love the new skins especially WATXM and astonishing ghost boxes. btw I noticed in the first version that Elecectrocute had way more power circles in the menu where you upgrade powers. Is that fixed in this version? Also one of those powers (wasn't it the whirlwind power) had this really weird green effect at first for some reason. Is that still there?
yeah i fixed the whirlwind issue but not the electrocute pproblem when the mod uploads im do a patch for her and Invisible Woman(her kinetic slam is too weak)
The link for Storm isn't working.
thats cause it's still uploading just wait like 3 minutes :)
EDIT:great the upload was a failure i swear ima stab my computer ima try again
those skins look good, especially the white ones
thanks but Jean_Grey_Phoenix made them not me^^ he's a wonderful artists
Can't wait for Storm. BTW played with IW and she's really cool especially the effects. I ended up readding the kinetic bolts power so she has 9 in my game. The cool thing is that she has an awesome force field icon in passives so I just switched some icons around and now every power has a individual icon that works for the power.
glad you like her^^ ill be updating her soon though cause her Kinetic Slam is to weak at least for me
I haven't used her alone against a lot of enemies so I haven't really experienced that power. I only tried it on level 99 against the beginning Ultron warriors so they get instant KO. Btw if mediafire is giving you glitches you can always post it on rapidshare or maybe boxnet. But you probably will have to make an account to upload stuff on those. I've never tried on there so I don't know.
thank you already tried box net and i aint paying so ill try rapidshare thanks
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2010, 03:36PM
BTw love the new skins especially WATXM and astonishing ghost boxes.
Thanks, and great job jeanfan321!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have you to thank Jean_Grey_Phoenix you used your time and creating these skins and they look beautiful.if you havent offered to help then i would have put 2 skins in the mod but now theres 9 so thank you Jean_Grey_Phoenix
You really are an awesome skinner. Storm's ghost boxes costume looks really detailed in the comics yet you pulled it off and managed to make it look just like the comic version. The greatest thing about the skin is that it looks good even without a cape. It would be awesome to see more of your skins.
You are welcome my friend.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2010, 04:42PM
You really are an awesome skinner. Storm's ghost boxes costume looks really detailed in the comics yet you pulled it off and managed to make it look just like the comic version. The greatest thing about the skin is that it looks good even without a cape. It would be awesome to see more of your skins.
Thanks and I am working on Jean skins
Downloading Storm now and can't wait for the Jean skins Jean_Grey_Phoenix! Although she has many skins she still is missing some skins of great costumes she has worn since the 60s to current time.
If you want to request some skin, just post a picture on my workbench on send me a pm with a pic.
And I downloaded storm.She is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did you guys like her icons?? i know they werent good but hey im still a begginer
If you mean Storm's then your wrong cause they really look good. Power 4 (the icon with the skull electrocuted) good have tricked me to be part of the official iconset if I didn't know better. And I'll keep a note of that Jean_grey_phoenix.
HERE IF RAPID SHARE doesn't heres another link on media fire
Thank you for this very cool mod!
I have a question , there are a few gltiches i encountered, first of all, she doesnt have an animation with me (with her wind attack) and i tried re-installing 2 times, then the tropical cyclone attack spawns electric circles, after that the eletric circles dissaeper. and storm gets a lighting effect rounded up about her, the eletric circles spamn in around her, and those leave a flash effect behind, its pretty annoying since i dont know how to make it stop, any hints?
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 28, 2010, 11:25AM
I have a question , there are a few gltiches i encountered, first of all, she doesnt have an animation with me (with her wind attack) and i tried re-installing 2 times, then the tropical cyclone attack spawns electric circles, after that the eletric circles dissaeper. and storm gets a lighting effect rounded up about her, the eletric circles spamn in around her, and those leave a flash effect behind, its pretty annoying since i dont know how to make it stop, any hints?
I had the same problem, and I couldn't fix it, just re-installing the game and let the original storm like she is
Could you post a pic and she has no animation cause you probably didn't put her actors file in it
EDIT:i forgot to put her actors file in it i'll reupload it soon but i dont no y u have those effects problems cause i dont have them can u put a pic in my workbench cause thats where bugs are suppose to be put
Sorry i cant seem to find my pic. she spawns these little eletric circles if you know what im talking about? I know from the previous versions storm is supossed to spawn 5 tornados, but in my game she spawns these little circles (its the exact same effect the electro mod has you should check it out)
perhaps during conversion, someone didnt include the entity file? or forgot to link the correct name of the effect on her entity file. im not sure how modding in mua goes but in xml2 the whirldwind that is suppose to spawn is under ents_storm.xmlb
try checking that out as a head start
i reckon just putting a new download link with the talent file, powerstyles and entities
thats what i was thinking but my internet is lagging and it keeps cutting every 3 seconds and im at my friends house and his internet is slow so it would have probably took like 2 hours to upload.And ima very impatient person when it comes to mediafire
I hope its okay to report this, but she's missing her fly effects someway, for me it doesnt really matter, since i think she looks better without her fly effect, but for someone else well, you never know
GREAT MOD btw, the whirlwind attack looks amazing, damn her x-treme looks weak now XD
So i assume it worked tymaca321? well in my booster, i took off her flyign effects because i found it unnecessary. i dont tink storm likes to fly with a a huge ball of whatever those are on her hands and some mini tornado around her body, that would make her a show off. storm is never like that xD
about the xtreme, i never really liked xtremes in xml2 so i never bothered to do anything with them. it's a different case in mua1 though ^^
@jeanfan its ok, just do it when the internet is stable enough
ah she has her flying effects from Xml2 and i dont use them cause i too think she is better with out the flying effects
Yeah, well to be honest i never really liked any of the flying effects even for Jean. But maybe it's just me
A bit of topic, but now thinking about it, can somebody please tell me the flight effect files for Jean so i can remove them? :P
nope it can't be you i really don' like how there suppose to be like thousand of effects to lift a crate or a box.I like how it should be when she lifts up a object and theres no effect like in the movies or in X-men Evolution,and Wolverine and the X-Men.Or if she attacks someone psychically there shouldn't be like all pink around her and the enemy just a simple pink aura around the head.Plus i hate pink and i love blue which is why i love your boosters cause you know how to give characters there fullest powers (without crazy effects) like i stated with jean.Your effects are awesome
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 29, 2010, 07:48AM
A bit of topic, but now thinking about it, can somebody please tell me the flight effect files for Jean so i can remove them? :P
all her stuff relating to flight like abilty_fly_hand etc
exactly, its just too bad that shading isn't supported in xml2 so i had to stick with the blue effect, cos if it was, id make a booster based on x-men evolution's jean grey.
Off-topic again : Where are these files located, cant seem to find em :P
How would Jean need a Booster for evelution? She has exactly the same powers :l
its in the effects folder for that person and its in there herostat
Quote from: tymaca321 on June 30, 2010, 06:01AM
Off-topic again : Where are these files located, cant seem to find em :P
How would Jean need a Booster for evelution? She has exactly the same powers :l
He means that all the powers would be clear colored and not pink, or blue, or red.
Kay :) Sorry for the misunderstanding
Its all right. It would be cool if that could be done so we could make a Evolution and a WATXM booster for Jean.
how was her powers in WATXM ? she only appeared in a few episodes so I can hardly remember it..
isnt it Phoenix-y ?
she was enough.Her really cool phoenix mov e was when she made a HUGE psychic wave of 500ft that knocks everyone unconscious
I think I remember that scene,
too bad the show didnt return for a second season as promised before,
I'd like to see Jean and Emma on the same team together (Emma was confirmed to be back for the 2nd season before it got cancelled)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 01, 2010, 03:30AM
she was enough.Her really cool phoenix mov e was when she made a HUGE psychic wave of 500ft that knocks everyone unconscious
Yeah that was my fav moment. That and her and Scott's moment.
Remember when you asked me about my surge and gambit booster for conversion and I said no, cos i was planning to do an update? as it turns out it will really take a little long for me to do one, and i hate to keep everyone waiting. just do the conversion as soon as you have a free time.
cant wait to see my mod work on mua1. my gambit booster especially. that is, if you're still interested on it. i dont mind if you no longer have the plans
Quote from: shadowslacks on July 09, 2010, 07:20AM
Remember when you asked me about my surge and gambit booster for conversion and I said no, cos i was planning to do an update? as it turns out it will really take a little long for me to do one, and i hate to keep everyone waiting. just do the conversion as soon as you have a free time.
cant wait to see my mod work on mua1. my gambit booster especially. that is, if you're still interested on it. i dont mind if you no longer have the plans
i can only do the gambit one not the surge
yeah thats cool, just dont forget to credit.
I won't :)
added a preview video for the storm mod
Awesome video! That is so much better than words or even pictures to show a character's powers. (Plus, I got to be the first person to rate the video on Youtube!)
Good job, Jeanfan.
Thanks and check out my other videos too please and thanks for voting
this topic will be locked tomorrow
But are you still gonna realese Aque and Winddancer on how they are now? Im really eager to see them ;), again, its a shame your leaving, wish you luck :)
Aqua MUA Mod (Beta)
( (
This Mod includes
-4 skins,banner,icons,
Marvel Watcher - creator of the New Morlocks and Aqua.
Jean_Grey_Phoenix - Aqua Queen Of Water skin.
Deedooo - The person who made the beautiful icons for Aqua and banner ^_^
Her classic,street gear,aoa costume need to be color flipped so they look good and not discolored like how they are.I tried to do it but know one helped me.
When you upgrade her powers she has more circles than she's suppose to.I don't know how to fix that.
-No mannequin.If anyone has the rogue manny offsets please give them to me.
-2 xtremes.She has two extremes in the future im giving her telekinesis.WHy?If she can control water and if people have tons of water in there bodies the she can probably control them right?Either way im still gonna add her that power.
I really like how she turned out.She is a really fun character and you'll enjoy having her on your team as much as i did.She has some preety fun attacks too.Don't worry in the future her and ALL my mods will get an update so she'll have no bugs.Hope you like her.
Download Here (
GREAT JOB! I really like her!
Just an quick off-topic question : where did you get those Ninja skins? Love em
I think he got it on Nowhere mans's elektra booster.
no i didn't.I don't have Electra in my roster anymore.I got it here,212.0.html
Is Aqua the person someone made in X- Men Legends 2 that is a custom character??
Quote from: Me on July 24, 2010, 08:19PM
Is Aqua the person someone made in X- Men Legends 2 that is a custom character??
Whats the ultron warrior skin number?
EDIT : Found it :P
Aqua Mod 2.0
( (
Icons by Deedooo
( (
Marvel Watcher - creator of the New Morlocks and Aqua.
Jean_Grey_Phoenix - Aqua Queen Of Water skin.
Deedooo - The person who made the beautiful icons for Aqua and banner and the amazing skins ^_^.
Deedooo,Marvelfan12345,Edward, and 4elementsefww - For helping me figure out what was wrong with the skins swapping.
-No mannequin.If anyone has the rogue manny offsets please give them to me.
Thanks download right now.
She looks great. :thumbsup:
Noticed several bugs. The first two may not be bugs but she doesn't have menu animations/idle and no sounds.
The 2nd power (ice shards) are labeled to cause 0 damage and 0 energy and she does not fire any ice shards.
Her 3rd power causes her to stay still and the same with the 4th power but after an extended amount of time the power started.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 13, 2010, 03:06PM
Noticed several bugs. The first two may not be bugs but she doesn't have menu animations/idle and no sounds.
The 2nd power (ice shards) are labeled to cause 0 damage and 0 energy and she does not fire any ice shards.
Her 3rd power causes her to stay still and the same with the 4th power but after an extended amount of time the power started.
well i couldn't fix her menu animations and stance without screwy animations with out bugs.
i could of swear i fixed her 2nd 3rd and 4th power i'll double check the talents
When you use the an animation file for her menu animations does the rest of her powers get messed up? Whose animations are you giving to Aqua. Sometimes if the menu animation file has power animations they conflict. One thing would be to use a hex editor and remove all power animations from the menu animations.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 13, 2010, 03:54PM
When you use the an animation file for her menu animations does the rest of her powers get messed up? Whose animations are you giving to Aqua. Sometimes if the menu animation file has power animations they conflict. One thing would be to use a hex editor and remove all power animations from the menu animations.
yeaha all of them do..when i gave her menu animations they had power animations also.I'll try and experiment with them but for now im working on fixing Storm,Jean,Invisible Woman and Windancer
i can take a look at the anims sometime, and i'll tell you if i can make something work. can't say how soon, cause school keeps me busy XP.
To be really honest, i dont see any improvements exept for the skins and icons, the first power doesnt work, (its taking 20 seconds or so), Iceshards power does nothing 4th power (with the hyper waterbeam) also takes up to 20 seconds, and the water toradoe attack doesnt work at all! :P, im sorry if this may sound rude, but you might just wanna check your files before uploading
yeah the same thing that tymaca321 is getting I too am also getting. Everything takes like 10 seconds to display the power and if it doesn't take 10 seconds and displays right away there is no actual power just an effect at her hand and it doesn't do damage. I hope this all works out for the mod because I can't wait till it is full up and running.
ganbaru (keep trying in japanese)
@Deedooo thanks if yu can!
@Tymaca321 all the powers worked for me the tornado worked the 1st and 2nd power work I noticed her 3 shards and 4th power don't work.I"l try my best to fix them but it's a animation problem not the power...
Also, just a small request, but isnt it possible to replace the queen of water skin with Aqua's orginal street gear or modern skin (the skin with the rogue trenchcoat)? With the QOW skin you can somtimes see storms brown skin, so it kinda ruins it
Just replace it yourself. I also didn't like the queen of water skin because I just wasn't the biggest fan of it. Not saying it's a bad skin cause it isn't, I just personally wasn't thrilled about it. I made my own aqua skin and I am using that. Just replace them. Some people might like the queen of water skin. Jeanfan321 might like it and he may have wanted to put it in with the package. I'm not trying to sound rude or mean. So sorry if it comes off that way. Just saying it in a friendly way. lol it's hard to represent feeling when the words are typed.
BTW I think jeanfan321 said that the trenchcoat skin had to be color flipped, as did some of the others from the beta version of aqua.
In my opinion Jeanfan321 should replace the skin ( I did the skin and I don't like it very much, I was planning to make another version and release the movie and the ultimate skin that I did. But first I need Marvel Watcher's permission.)
Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on September 15, 2010, 09:53AM
In my opinion Jeanfan321 should replace the skin ( I did the skin and I don't like it very much, I was planning to make another version and release the movie and the ultimate skin that I did. But first I need Marvel Watcher's permission.)
also i would advise making it actually look like aqua with the white skin and markings
Looks really great!
Re uploaded it cause i forgot to put the entities file so download it again for Cosmic Bolts to work properly
Yipee, now i can finally telekentic wave my enemies to death, Mwahahahaha :), must honestly say that my only personal edit was to recoler the wave and call it phoenix wave or somthing, but this is good as well, the effects look amazing
Quote from: tymaca321 on September 19, 2010, 04:30AM
Yipee, now i can finally telekentic wave my enemies to death, Mwahahahaha :), must honestly say that my only personal edit was to recoler the wave and call it phoenix wave or somthing, but this is good as well, the effects look amazing
thank you.I actually made and recolored 4-5 effects and loving the result.Especially telekinetic lift
hi jeanfan, ey this Jean Grey Booster works with XML2? i ask because it's really good.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix on September 19, 2010, 12:13PM
hi jeanfan, ey this Jean Grey Booster works with XML2? i ask because it's really good.
No not at all.If someone wants to convert it feel free i just need credit and the people posted in the credits
Wait, why is it deleted? I just re-installed my game :*(,
EDIT : nVrmind, i just got it in my handy trashcan :P, but why is it deleted?
Quote from: tymaca321 on September 22, 2010, 11:46AM
Wait, why is it deleted? I just re-installed my game :*(,
EDIT : nVrmind, i just got it in my handy trashcan :P, but why is it deleted?
cause I'm sure whoever wanted it got it that's why.if you don't have it I'll pm you it.I mostly deleted it cause of the numerous jean boosters/mods and I didn't want to add on to it.Caue really we have to many
..Oh well, its not like making Jean boosters is a crime :P
Storm Booster 1.0
( (
This Mod includes:
*New Powers
*New Effects
Lightning Strikes-Casts lightning bolts on enemies
Hypothermia Sleet-Summons sleet and snow that slow down enemies
Tropic Cyclone-Creates numerous tornadoes that lift objects and enemis about
Chain Lightning-Shoots lightning from her hands that chain from enemy to enemy
Gale Force-Knocks Back enemies with a powerful wind current
Catasrophe-Massive Outburst of wind,lightning,hail,snow, and rain that knocks back enemies
Mist Cover-Creates fog around storm that enables storm to be invisible
Conduction-Adds electricity damage to melee attacks
Thunder Struck-You know what this is
NowhereMan-Mist Cover code and used his effect as a base for the fog effect
Shadowslacks-For some coding and effects token from his Xml2 Storm Booster
Notes:In future update i'll add telekinesis to her powerset as i promised to Nuhervah.I'll also work on her Mist Cover so that allies are invisible too. Other than that she's really fun to play with and not to overpowered and not to weak either :)
The only bug i found was that when you upgrade her powers and look at Hypothermia Sleet the description is the same as tropic cyclone so i don't know what's up with that but it's nothing really minor.
Jean Head Effect( (
This Mod Includes:
*New Telepathic/Head Effect for Jean
CREDITSAriel-For Drawing me this texture
MarvelFan12345-For Showing me a picture of this effect and gave me an idea
Whoever drew that pic-For drawing a telepathic effect for jean that i used for a new texture
Notes:In a future update i'll give her a "glow" around the effect but until then enjoy!
Also to have this effect you need to put this code in her powerstyle
Quotetrigger {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/phoenx/phoenix_head ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
name = effect ;
time = 0 ;
Very nice job and cool boosters!! Love them all!
They look cool!
cool i'll have to try them out sometime
MAN!!! MUA get all the good stuff :-(
Quote from: Optic-Witch on March 28, 2011, 10:32AM
MAN!!! MUA get all the good stuff :-(
Lol no you can get this same booster for Xml2 here,3593.msg90482.html#msg90482
I'm almost sure that Jean's Phoenix effect it's like Psylocke's Butterfly and Emma's crown so it should work on XML2 as well.
By the way love the new effect ^^
Quote from: whiteking on March 28, 2011, 11:02AM
I'm almost sure that Jean's Phoenix effect it's like Psylocke's Butterfly and Emma's crown so it should work on XML2 as well.
By the way love the new effect ^^
Thanks Whiteking that means a lot coming from a modder like you
And the jean head effect works for MUA and Xml2 btw guys
Awesome job!
Good job!
absolute love!my fave is the mist cover one..really cool!
Quote from: nuhverah on March 29, 2011, 01:44AM
absolute love!my fave is the mist cover one..really cool!
Mines too glad you like it.
im gonna have to give this a try, great job!
Edit: Yes 100oth post fo real! lol sorry to get off topic XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 29, 2011, 04:47PM
Edit: Yes 100oth post fo real! lol sorry to get off topic XD
Now you got it!
Quote from: Toothless on March 29, 2011, 04:57PM
Now you got it!
I know! lol Invincible Member! :P
Quote from: Toothless on March 29, 2011, 05:09PM
Thank you, thank you! :runaway: :laola: :jumping: :hyper: :bowdown: lol sorry Jeanfan, for getting off topic lol great booster!
I really like the phoenix effect for Jean, the butterly for Psylocke, and the crown for Emma. But when i put the phoenix in for Jean, it was there, but it got lost in the original effect that manifests with her powers. How do I get rid of the original effect?
Quote from: psifan on May 03, 2011, 11:59AM
I really like the phoenix effect for Jean, the butterly for Psylocke, and the crown for Emma. But when i put the phoenix in for Jean, it was there, but it got lost in the original effect that manifests with her powers. How do I get rid of the original effect?
I have no idea what your asking
I downloaded the effect that produces the Phoenix signature above Jean's head when she uses her powers, but the original animation is still there when whe uses her telekinesis; the pink "disk"-like aura that surrounds her head.
ok then delete the effect
Well, that's the thing; I don't know what information makes up the original effect. I don't even know where it would be. I'm guessing, however, that it is somewhere in the powerstyle since that's what i had to edit for the phoenix effect.
yeah look for a effect that has something like this
trigger {
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/phoenx/p2_charge ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
name = effect ;
time = 0 ;
Karma MUA Mod 1.0
( (
Preview Video
Download Link
( (
This Mod Includes
*Loading Screen
Nodoubt_Jr-Original Mod for xml2
Whiteking-New Mutants Skin and hud
Deedooo-Amazing Icons
Ultimate VeNoM-New Mutants Mannequin
Shafcrawler-For original,classic, and 60's skin?
Blaw-For the awesome tutorials
You for downloading
Notes:She is really fun to play with.My favorite attacks are here possesion and mental beam power.She takes control of enemies and its really fun to watch the enemies beat each other up.Her sleep power is really cool and really effective when you have a crowd around you.So tell me what you think :)
None so far if you find any report in my workbench
Looks awesome! Can't wait to play when I get back home :)
Wow, looks awesome. I'l download her in the morning and check it out :)
Ahahah, great! Great job! This looks amazing!
WOW! Karma for MUA! Great job!
Ohh a new mod! I love the XML2 version so I'm sure I'll love this as well, it looks really cool, great job! =D
Fantastic, good job.
Thank you all for the great comments really appreciate it
so i tried out the karma mod. its very fun ^-^ only issue i noticed was that you possibly forgot to include a texture? the one around her head like this? cause it looks kind of weird in game
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on July 21, 2011, 09:52AM
so i tried out the karma mod. its very fun ^-^ only issue i noticed was that you possibly forgot to include a texture? the one around her head like this? cause it looks kind of weird in game
hmm must be a position problem i double check thanks for reporting.
Stepford Cuckoo NPC
( (
This Mod Includes:
-New Powers,Effects, and animations for Stepford Cuckoo/Scorpion
-New Phoenix Skin
*Deedoo for Cuckoo Skin
*Nodubt_Jr for effects?
*Developers for MUA and XML2
*Brandonmeek for inspiration
Download Here:
NOTES:She has no sounds or her voice. But in an update i plan on giving her a unique conversation and more powers and 3 cuckoos. Maybe even a special conversation with there Mom Emma Frost. ;)
BTW i plan on updating A LOT of NPC's that are kinda boring to me so expect more :)
Great! She looks fantastic! I never liked Scorpion any way in the game XD
very impressed! I love it!
Looks amazing! Though I probally wont download it, seeing as how Im also busy changing a few NPC's to my likeing :)
X-Men NPC's
( (
Preview Video:
Download Link:
This Mod Inlcludes:
New Powers
Please Note that these npc's are kind of hard but not impossible to beat.
no sounds.
Shadowslacks for storm and gambit's effects and coding
developers of xml2 and mua.
whoever for storm's xml1 skin?
Mr Law for some advice in some other thread.
Whiteking for Rogue's Legacy outfit and hud
Looks stunning! Do they use their powers from their actual mods?
If so, could you tell me how to do it in a PM?
Would be really nice to know :)
Looks really good! :)
Thanks guys much appreciated :)
Thank you for this! :'D
Yeah, they are so much fun to fight.
Thanks Nuhverah and Edward yeah they are fun Especially Gambit and Storm and challenging lol
hey it looks great! the npcs should be awesome :x
Jean Grey MSHSO Flying Effect Version 1( (
( (
PUT this code in herostatQuoteStatEffect {
anim = flying ;
effect = char/phoenx/fly ;
fxlevel = 1 ;
StatEffect {
anim = flying ;
bolt = Bip01 Head ;
effect = char/phoenx/fly ;
fxlevel = 2 ;
This Effect includes:
-New Flying effect for Jean Grey
Creators of MUA and XMl2 for effects and the game itself.
Download Link:
NOTES:I'll probably make the pink a bit darker but for now this is it.There really is no good base for this effect so this all i can offer :)
Can I use that effect in my Jean Grey booster?
that looks pretty awesome, fits better than having energy around her head and hands, this makes it look like she is lifting her whole body
Its really nice especially the addition of the sparkly effects.
It looks aswome! i'm defenetly going to try it out!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 06, 2011, 05:23PM
Can I use that effect in my Jean Grey booster?
sure that's actually a reason why i released it since u were making a telepathic booster for her :)
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on September 06, 2011, 06:30PM
that looks pretty awesome, fits better than having energy around her head and hands, this makes it look like she is lifting her whole body
thanks a lot means a ton coming from someone like you :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 06, 2011, 06:34PM
Its really nice especially the addition of the sparkly effects.
Thanks that's my favorite part XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 06, 2011, 06:44PM
It looks aswome! i'm defenetly going to try it out!
Thanks and you should!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 06, 2011, 07:20PM
sure that's actually a reason why i released it since u were making a telepathic booster for her :)
:D *Eyes shinning like the sun* Thank you :) Thats so nice! Now I need to put my Jean SHSO skin in the booster!
It's sooo beautiful...thankyou so mucho!
It's beautiful....(
Very nice and beautiful job! Adore it!
I try my best
I just tried it out, it works to the perfection! thanks a lot for this!
WONDERFUL effects!!!
I loved the boosters and mods!!!
Great job with the effects it fits her really nice.
I tested it also and I love it!
Quote from: MARVELfan:D on September 08, 2011, 11:46AM
WONDERFUL effects!!!
I loved the boosters and mods!!!
Quote from: edward on September 08, 2011, 02:24PM
Great job with the effects it fits her really nice.
Thanks i thought it wouldn't be good cause the pink isn't dark enough but i guess it's really good XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 08, 2011, 02:40PM
I tested it also and I love it!
Thanks so glad you loved it :D
Hard?? Really? I finally got to that point in the game,and made this video
Everyone in my game is level 99 btw
Jean's Level 42
Invisible Woman's level 37
Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on September 23, 2011, 01:35PM
Hard?? Really? I finally got to that point in the game,and made this video
Everyone in my game is level 99 btw
Jean's Level 42
Invisible Woman's level 37
Try playing without those force fields on :P
I kinda thought it was hard.The thing i realized is Rogue's Power theft isnt draining energy like it should
Storm only attacks if you go near her and she should have used her lightning power.
Gambit i thought was the hardest but since you had the shield on his cards didnt hurt you
Magneto was the easiest cause his damage scale aint that high.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 23, 2011, 06:20PM
Try playing without those force fields on :P
xoxoxo LMAO!!! I might just do that with Invisible Woman,just to see if I make it
Oh btw, does the SHSO fly effect work on XML2?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 24, 2011, 01:19PM
Oh btw, does the SHSO fly effect work on XML2?
yeah it should
Hello Jeanfan, really like your Jean TK Booster so I installed it in my saved game (Shiar level)..
Unfortunately, most of Jean's powers don't activate when I push the relative buttons: the faulty ones are Telekinetic Blast, Telekinetic Lift, Psionic Entity, Personal Shield. Besides, Psychic Wave and Telepathic Illusion don't do nearly as much damage as their description says, and they seem to share the same, identical effect.
Any suggestions? I'd really like to try this booster, I'd been wanting for a long time to use "normal Jean" XD
Hmm i noticed that it spends a lot of energy and you'll most likely need a cheat...
However i installed this booster long ago and only saw that they spend a lot of energy.Did you install the 1.4 version or 1.3?
You'll need to look in the talents folder and if it has the storm talent file in it then dont install it.
Yes, I installed the 1.4 version, it had the storm powerstyle file, I just checked..
should I install the 1.3? ^^
Yeah install 1.3 version.
In the near future (most likely during June or July) i'll update it.
But the only only bugs really is it spends a lot of energy,missing effects, and lots of skill circle's...
Thanks a lot, it worked wonders! ^__^
Does the Jean grey booster only have the color blue?
Quote from: Me on November 05, 2011, 11:54AM
Does the Jean grey booster only have the color blue?
Like this?(:
Yepp :)
On it to a site I see only 1 model Jean Grey, prompt where still to find...
Quote from: Pheonix035 on April 14, 2012, 08:22PM
On it to a site I see only 1 model Jean Grey, prompt where still to find...
i'm sorry are you asking for one of jean's skins in the picture? I don't really know what your asking...
NPC Mod Booster
Preview Video:
Download Link:
This Mod Includes:
New Bosses to Fight that replace Ultron Warrior,Ultron Striker,Scorpion,AIM Trooper,AIM Reaver,Super Soldier,Bullseye,Winter Soldier,Radioactive Man, and MODOK.
Please Note that these npc's are kind of hard but not impossible to beat.
None if found please report
Deedooo,Fox,and Polygone for beta testing
Whiteking for Emma Frost NPC from Xml2 and Sabertooth
Nodoubt_jr for Quicksilver
Teancum for MUA2 Assets
Blaw for Quicksilver and Moonstone Mesh
Creators of MUA and Xml2
Deedooo for Songbird Skin
If I forgot to credit you please let me know.
Notes: I honestly love this mod. It adds a little challenge to the game with juicy new bosses to fight. From Songbird and Moonstone, to Emma Frost, and then the Morlocks its pretty cool and fun. It adds a little challenge but it's not impossible to beat. This is just a early preview of what I'm doing. I honestly want to replace all the bosses in MUA with new ones and even replace the HUDS and convos also. But for now enjoy
Yay!! You released it!
Glad you finally released your NPC mod. It's great, and now everyone can enjoy it!
Might I say that this NPC mod is amazing!! I love the way that you replaced the AIM troopers and people with Morlocks! Amazing!! And the everyone else, they make the game even more challenging!
But I noticed that your Morlock Brutes don't have any costumes, they are still the super soldier's but I found a costume for them so they can all have new costumes! :D
Oh and in your workbench I posted a picture with the Stepford Cuckoo's replacing Mysterio. So that way you don't have to get rid of them!
Love the mod, alread had a little preview of course, but its still awesome
This is amazing! Great work. Do you have the JUggernaut and Blob NPC booster that replaces shocker and rhino?
^^ no I made it :) you can find it here,8141.0.html
Thx Jeanfan321 i love the boosters!
THx Me! i it brings back the xmen legends memories when i fight the bosses. Keep up the great work!
Hi, the Storm booster 1.0 mod link does not work anymore. Is there anywhere else I can download it? Thanks for your time.
Yes, the link for the Storm Booster is down! Could someone upload it please? :storm: :storm:
LOVE the Jean head effect and I LOVE the 1st skin that you used on the preview (the one on the left), where can I get that one cause It's not in the "link-based skin catalog"?
The skin you're looking for was done by me sometime ago. Here you go:
Does anybody have this?
The link is down and it's not working.
Does anyone have the npc booster.
would love to test this myself if anyone could re up the link that'd be awesome thank you
Good afternoon, does anybody have this incredible mod?
I've been playing MUA fora long time and i would love to play with new npcs.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on March 28, 2011, 01:51AM
Storm Booster 1.0
( (
This Mod includes:
*New Powers
*New Effects
Lightning Strikes-Casts lightning bolts on enemies
Hypothermia Sleet-Summons sleet and snow that slow down enemies
Tropic Cyclone-Creates numerous tornadoes that lift objects and enemis about
Chain Lightning-Shoots lightning from her hands that chain from enemy to enemy
Gale Force-Knocks Back enemies with a powerful wind current
Catasrophe-Massive Outburst of wind,lightning,hail,snow, and rain that knocks back enemies
Mist Cover-Creates fog around storm that enables storm to be invisible
Conduction-Adds electricity damage to melee attacks
Thunder Struck-You know what this is
NowhereMan-Mist Cover code and used his effect as a base for the fog effect
Shadowslacks-For some coding and effects token from his Xml2 Storm Booster
Notes:In future update i'll add telekinesis to her powerset as i promised to Nuhervah.I'll also work on her Mist Cover so that allies are invisible too. Other than that she's really fun to play with and not to overpowered and not to weak either :)
The only bug i found was that when you upgrade her powers and look at Hypothermia Sleet the description is the same as tropic cyclone so i don't know what's up with that but it's nothing really minor.
Can someone re-upload this amazing booster please? the link is down.. :storm: