Links: https://app.box.com/s/cgo7p00l6ftyhisdaves7hnjtin2emh4
MUA2, Re-improvement:
Picture Preview taken from: http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac89/COOKIE_D_/GreenGoblinWallpaperMUA2.jpg
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg79170.html#msg79170 (Blaw original MUA2)
http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,5117.0.html (Dark_Mark Movie Version MUA2)
Note: Only compatible on Green Goblin MUA2 Conversion by Blaw.
Picture Previews taken from: http://virginsteel.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Fist-Wallpaper-134241059 + http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff241/kaioshin_2007/Ironfist.png
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,1338.0.html
Note: Only compatible to Iron Fist Mod by iammingy & replace Classic & Topless Loadscreens. Download Blaw's Meshes Iron Fist MUA2 4 Packs. We better hope there will be Iron Fist mod based conversion of MUA2 someday.
Picture Preview taken from: http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac89/COOKIE_D_/PenanceWallpaperMUA2.jpg
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2561.msg92806.html#msg92806
Note: Only compatible on Penance MUA2 Conversion by Blaw.
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3914.msg90030.html#msg90030
Picture Preview taken from: http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac89/COOKIE_D_/SongbirdMUA2Wallpaper.jpg
Note: Only compatible on Songbird MUA2 Conversion by whiteking (Originally Blizz should do that).
XML1, Official Loadscreens:
Picture Preview: http://www.gamespot.com/users/clau7188/view_image?id=bIUM5h8v7hqb5hzikQ
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2144.msg40963.html#msg40963
Video Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkYx1WoS9ck&feature=related
For Mod Releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2144.msg50260.html#msg50260
Note: All of to Loadscreens are compatible on Marrow & Shadow King Mod Conversion by Dihan
Known credits goes to:
Mr. Blaw for Green Goblin & Penance MUA2 Conversion, Iron Fist MUA2 Models
iammingy for Iron Fist Mod
whiteking for progressing Songbird MUA2 Conversion
Blizz on spotting for Songbird MUA2 spots
Venom on spotting for Penance MUA2 spots
Dihan for Marrow & Shadow King Mod Conversions ( :laugh: >scratchhair< ara. Sorry i forgot to permit you Dihan, but i'm try to do a right thing to help people, myself & you for our own sakes)
nodoubt_jr for uploading XML1 Loadscreens
Dark_Mark for other Green Goblin MUA2 Conversion of Movie Version
COOKIE_D for amazing wallpaper
HeroHQ for a MUA2 fankit on this website http://cdn.herohq.com/marvel/common/uploads/fankit/mua2_fankit.zip
:thumbsup: Remember. Fankit is our friend for wallpaper & anything else we want for.
Fixes/Updates & Prototypes & Misc.:
Link: https://app.box.com/s/jbvpr03k1oul5pcyw5fbk6m17he51pxi
Real Preview: http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww199/Power_Cosmic/HawkeyeArrowsPreview.jpg
- 4 different arrows for a certain numbers numbers (3 reskin (01, 03, 04) + 1 original (02) arrows)
- Like :capamer: when using a shield throw powers in his different skins, :hawkeye: will have a different arrow shots for his certain skin number.
- Updated entities, powerstyles & generated characters packages w/ different arrow numbers
- Updated effects of: Adamantium Arrow, Piercing Shock & Hawk's Revenge w/ different arrow numbers
- Minor change on all powers except Ice Pick & Hyper Shot
- Completed Sounds
Preview: http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww199/Power_Cosmic/thing_icons.jpg
For Mod releases: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,5061.0.html
-An update numbers of icons (see below)
-In a gameplay & texture finder, this is a prototype. Means it's not really good well. Feel free to fix it.
-Only Compatible to Gevth's MUA2 Stun Conversion & Additional Booster Teaser
-Use XMLBCUI to change/edit the icon numbers on his powerstyle & talent files
-Icon Numbers Descriptions: Hard Rock (5), Payback (7, already included in the game), Grimm Shockwaves (8)
-It may give an empty spot on other fight style & will not crash like how we waste of 4 fight style files
-Works for every agiled character who were originally can do flip jump in comic, video games and MUA2:
--Including any MUA1 OC's & XML2 PC Characters: see below
--Does not include: Nick Fury, Cyclops, Venom and every modder's custom characters w/out permissions first
---NOTICE: Nick Fury, Cyclops and Venom will used their MUA2 segments
--Note: in README.txt, 91 & 33 are Hawkeye's and Sabretooth's primary DLC spots
--New edited Spider-Man's combat, now can do flipjump liked in VVisions' MUA2
--More will be here soon..... Sorry, I can only include a flipjumped characters from Official MUA1 & XML chars only. See the characters herostat that include in the README.txt file
-For those who play as Lizard & Toxin, to see them use flipjump. You can try Wolverine's MUA2 fightstyle from the MUA2 Assets, uploaded by Teancum on them to do a flip jump.
-Feel free to add the "fightstyle_flipjump" to another characters you want to do a flip jumps.
*Heart of Ice Double Jump to Ice Slide patch. Only includes powerstyle and talent. You must download B.L.A.W.'s Iceman Booster to get it work: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3569.msg60360.html#msg60360
*Ice Block sound
*Now based now VVisions MUA2 version: No power draining during ice slide & only act as Abiility like the slingers does
*Known problems/bugs: Sound won't loop during ice slide while using loop timer and while w/out loop timer when done ice slide, the sound won't stop noising.
*Tips: to kept him higher after ice slide wanna ice slide higher, tap jump quickly (then hold during ice slide if not hits the wall) if y'don't wanna get fall from the stage pits.
*Trivia: Outside MUA, it reminds me of Sega VF's Akira Yuki's 1 frame knee move/Teshitsu Dantai (which is hard to mastered it)
DLC Menu Fixes:
*NEW Slot Number (based on the hex edit on old PSP2PC Mod)
**Sabertooth: 99
**Dr. Doom: 98
***User*Number* wasn't include in hex, but feel free to change the number if you want to
**Nightcrawler: 97
*Suggestion (for now): You can replace either 98 (Doom) or 97 (Nightcrawler) via hex, while 99 (Sabertooth remained default). Unless you want to use both Doom & Nightcrawler's slots, means you'll have to sacrifice one of the DLC slots
*Hopes: There something else to get mlm_team_back.igb file up to date on adding another User*Number*. Cause my feelings after adding User*Number* on hex may cause crashes, for now
*Issue found: just like 27 - 33, 93 - 94 cause problems like Stage went down & crashed/auto exit
*NOTE: Don't get fun/cocky adding more than 27 yet, but still hope there is another way. You'll might need to look on & edit some of slot pad models inside team_back by decreasing the 6 unused slots w/ bit of slot select arrangement edits via XMLBCUI
*Place under ui/menus as usual
*Featuring Items code for 1 (2 for Hawkeye) console exclusives (Note that one of them already in OC Pack)
*It's very IMPORTANT: replace the files from the old OC 1.3 pack ones
* For those who don't know other slots besides 96 (Venom) & 26 (Hulk, & the above fixed error slots, these are the remaining slots that is still very useful:
** 95: Magneto (slots for flight or web hanging characters only. Suggestion if planning to make your favorite flight or web hanging characters' mannequin(s) have the floating animation 50 frames set per-Z positions. The description about the auto key thing is on the max)
** 91: Hawkeye
** 92: Cyclops (Suggestion if planning to make your favorite characters' mannequin(s) for this slot should be rotated to 45o)
Known credits goes to:
Dark_Mark for his Official Characters 1.x Mod (THX for the permit, man :D)
Nowhere Man Hawkeye Booster parts
Gevth for MUA2 Stun Conversion & Additional Booster Teaser
B.L.A.W. for Iceman's Boosters
iammingy for the first Iceman Booster, alot
Teancum & Noelemach for PSP-XBOX sounds (Teancum: MUA2 Assets)
Blizz XML2 PC Characters Mod
N-Space If there wasn't for them, there will be no MUA2 PS2/PSP/Wii version of MUA2
Skins & Huds:
Link: https://app.box.com/s/zl1tmsrrcjwnpam0bx3ot45k9j2mrgp8
Dark Edition:
:doom: :stark::
Preview: http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww199/Power_Cosmic/DoomIronManNewAvengers.jpg
-This is the 3rd one, New Avengers one. The 2nd one, Ultimate already been made by Marquis.
-Includes hud & the secret full offset hint.
Updated Doom Boss Pack (1st ( :capamer: :colossus:) & 3rd ( :spiderman: :thor:)):
Preview: http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww199/Power_Cosmic/DarkHeroes.jpg
-Includes shield & hammer, as well the effects for their models.
-Includes the secret full offset hints for Captain America, Colossus, Thor.
-Does'nt includes the data/entities & powerstyles on Dark Cap's shield & Dark Thor's hammer models.
-Backup original files if there's anything buggy on it.
Updated Doom Fantastic Four Boss Pack ( :fantastic:, :iwoman:, :thing:, :humant:):
Preview: http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww199/Power_Cosmic/DarkFantasticFourNEW.png
-Includes the secret full offset hints
Red :hulk_icon: *NEW* Hud:
-This is :hulk_icon: 's original MUA DLC Hud recolor. Dat's all :peace:
-Replace the OC one
- :hulk_icon:'s Classic & Original's DLC Huds can be found on iammingy's topic: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,2463.0.html
:silvers: OC Pack Costume replacements + The *NEW* Keeper Hud:
-8002 (Original) & 8004 (Dark Surfer): replaces Human Form & Savage
--Surprise changes on Dark Surfer costume also changes his board bolton. I have no idea what just happen but... seems fit to the SH Show one
--The version of Dark Surfer i made has no Infinity Gauntlet(s)
-Huds are recolored of his default MUA Hud
-Renamed Herostat Costume: "Surfer Form" renamed to "Classic"
-Original costume can be identified for its underwear/underpants/short pants texture & Hud's light eyes
-Preview costume inside the .rar file
:magneto: DLC Textured skin for Classic & Ultimate :
*Uses DLC textures
**Classic: XML2 PC
**Ultimate: Unused MUA PC one
*For Classic preview, you'll might wanna check nodoubt_jr's release PS2 skin version: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,450.msg46774.html#msg46774. Anyway this is XML2 PC version, so i made it myself BTW
*.max file of Classic (modified AoA, but no helmet emblem) includes for mesh modder use, which i rip from 3dx Ripper for Mannequin (also skin if you want to).
**UPDATED (2/9/2015): .obj & .mtl provided for those who uses max 5 or 4.5
*For XML2 modeled 80s Magneto skin, you'll might find it on iammingy's release: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,435.0.html
**DLC Huds from previous OC Pack versions
**Herostat to hide celshades (2501 as default)
Known credits goes to:
Marquis for his 2nd :doom: :stark: color outfit idea for my Dark Edition Skin projects.
UltimateVeNoM for :spiderman:'s web body. I owe you #1.
Most of the people whose been working on OC Packs
Other Official PSP Simulators:
* :ronin:: https://app.box.com/s/jbvpr03k1oul5pcyw5fbk6m17he51pxi
**Same as usual, featuring all files from PSP
**Elektra now uses her own normal attacks
**Screenshots Preview inside the rar
**Her own Comic Book Sims Cover
**Has a realism version of Official PSP NPC, which has been included in OC 1.3
**NEW YEAR UPDATE (1/2/2015): Fix Comic Book Cover that has been in opposite side
Known credits goes to:
Blaw for Realism Mod.
??? for PSP2PC Mod in in 2006.
For Remastered section:
For OCP 36 Preps section:
It's cool that you are making loadscreens so soon! Thanks.
He's been here before fox. That's why he knows it. And am glad he's contributing.
Keep up the good work/converting work/etc. Nice of you to mention where to download mods / other stuff too, good thing!
Quote from: fox456 on April 08, 2010, 05:36AM
It's cool that you are making loadscreens so soon! Thanks.
Not just loadscreen but: sounds, prototypes, fixes/update patches, arcade android fix issue on the released meshes/models/skins requestment, etc for released mods.
But most of it, tried to make the Highest Booster Level called:
UNLIMITED BOOSTERMeans, tried to combine the original installation & users booster that should permit first into maximum(9) powers. Example:
Adding some Nowhere Man's powers that he made of without removing the original powers.
Did you get iammingy's permission to release something for his boosters? you have to get his permission even if its just updated packages.
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on April 09, 2010, 09:43PM
Did you get iammingy's permission to release something for his boosters? you have to get his permission even if its just updated packages.
Woops. you right. :scratchhead: Is he inactived, i forgot to permit him. :confused:
Take down the link and send him a private message, he comes and goes and the pm gets sent to his email anyways. If he says yes then put it back up. Always get permission first!
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on April 09, 2010, 09:54PM
Take down the link and send him a private message, he comes and goes and the pm gets sent to his email anyways. If he says yes then put it back up. Always get permission first!
:D THX. ''Should i have to practice a little''. & btw. I'm only just uploading the pkgb files inside:
Packages/generated/characters & fightstyles, that all. I did'nt add his booster.
XML1 Official Loadscreens of Marrow & Shadow King are added to the first post.
I like the Marrow loadscreen. Thanks for posting it.
:nod: Nah it's OK. It was part of my job to upload some missing, wrong, fixed files for/& to help the modders & our peoples. Blaw says he's goin 2 work on Penance MUA2. I should edit the first post.
Add New Green Goblin & Songbird MUA2 Loadscreen (re-improvement) on the first post.
@ Blaw, whiteking - here's your new perfect campaign for your MUA2 Conversion. Good as new.
I really like the Songbird loadscreen.
Added Hawkeye Update Powers & 3 Prototype Arrows in second.
These are nice. Do they have the MUA2 banner on them too?
Nope, i'm not good on making icon banners. It will be mess up.
No I meant the loadscreens. Do they have those words on then like in the picture.
Nope, i'm taking those words away. So it will be liked the other loadscreen.
Added New Updated Character Icon Banner for The Thing.
Cool new updates!
Add a preview of the Hawkeye Arrows on the wall during in Piercing Shock Projectile Power.
Added new Doom Iron Man New Avengers Skin on the 3rd post.
Doom Boss Pack has been includes.
I'm back. Flipjump Edition released.
Glad to see you back! The Flipjumps will be a nice addition to the game. Thanks!
Love the flipjump addon it works with every character (apart from flying & teleporting ones) only thing is it requires a new game
Can you please reupload the :hawkeye:'s arrow variation and how do i get flip jump to work on :venom:?
Hulk's NEW Red Hulk hud has been updated
NEW Dark Fantastic Four Skin has been updated
NEW Blaw's Iceman Heart of Ice patch has been updated. See the descriptions on the main topic
What changes were made in the Heart of Ice patch?
@fox456 VVisions MUA2 based (no power draining, only act as Abiility like the slingers does). I forgot to mentioned those thing.
Okay, Ronin's sims is finally complete
Fix Ronin's Comic Cover that has been opposite
Brand new Silver Surfer Costume replacement for 2nd & 4th costumes + 3rd Hud has been released
DLC Menu fixed (+ other console exclusive items codes) is finally out
DLC Textured Magneto skins is out. Visit the main page
nice job with the magneto skins, and thank you very much for sharing his DLC huds, you have no idea how long I've been searching for them, I knew they were in previous versions of the Official Characters, but their link was broken, thanks :D
:) Hai Hai. Sometimes i'd wish i know how learn to do PS2 skinning
i use your hawkeye booster.
then basic attack motion is not working.
what's the problem ?
That's weird. Have you already try check the coding on xmlbcui, the differents between mine and OC 1.3 release one?
Updated: .obj & .mtl for Classic Magneto mesh modding provided
I still don't get it.Does the dlc menu fix let me add more characters or not because there is alot of empty places in the select screen that contain the name of a single hero and when you press that place,you get that hero.there is 3 or 4 places empty.thanks in advance and thanks for all your upgrades specially the heart of ice upgrade(it was really a mess for iceman,I could only fly with him for 5 seconds).
For Iceman patch, yr'welc' & remember what i said early about rapid tap thing when Iccy hit to the wall during slide
For DLC Menu fix, we can't add more than 27 since there's no news how to max it out look like in 360 GE/DLC Update, it's only slot number fix & you can choose some useful slot in there MAX 27 only
Quote from: oOInfernal death4Oo on February 18, 2015, 07:25PM
I still don't get it.Does the dlc menu fix let me add more characters or not because there is alot of empty places in the select screen that contain the name of a single hero and when you press that place,you get that hero.there is 3 or 4 places empty.thanks in advance and thanks for all your upgrades specially the heart of ice upgrade(it was really a mess for iceman,I could only fly with him for 5 seconds).
27 characters are the most you can have on PC. He just made it so that if you wanted to you could put those characters in one of those other slots instead of the ones they're currently in.
Remastered Section Open. For those who prefer to extract the bin files from quickbms & replace them:
Released on 11/21/2016: https://mega.nz/folder/hWA2mBDS#WnyLPO5DWLi_vRA1c4fZTQ
* 1.01 UPDATE on 02/22/2017
* 1.02 UPDATE on 03/03/2017
* 1.1 UPDATE on 03/11/2017
* 1.2 UPDATE on 03/27/2017
* 1.3 UPDATE on 04/05/2017
* 1.4 UPDATE on 04/21/2017
* 1.41 UPDATE on the same date as 1.4
* 1.42 UPDATE on 04/22/2017
* 1.5 UPDATE on 09/26/2017
* 1.51 UPDATE on 11/24/2017
* 1.52 UPDATE on 11/30/2017
* 1.53 UPDATE on 12/04/2017
* 1.6 UPDATE on 12/20/2017
* 1.61 UPDATE on 12/21/2017
* 1.62 UPDATE on 12/23/2017
* 1.63 UPDATE on 12/24/2017
* 1.64 UPDATE on 12/25/2017
* 1.65 UPDATE on 01/10/2018
Gallery (some are captured): To be updated, due to my old Steam account (LarsKusanagi) has been compromised
EDIT: It has been restored, now the link can only be seen on doc
Instruction for bin extraction:
1. Download latest quickbms on zenhax
2. Download the latest marvel ultimate alliance bms file, or copy paste the code text to notepad, and save as bms or txt
3. Open quickbms via Right Click to Run as Admin
4. Select the bms or txt that contains MUA extraction codes
5. Select a bin file
6. Create a folder for extracted file under a same name as a bin file you have chosen and enter there then, WAZAAAMM!! That's work
EDIT: Due to max text spaces here, all Full Descriptions about: New Features, Gameplay Updates, Unused Files, Credits, .etc are described in my Steam publish & Google Drive:
Nowhere Man,
LarsAlexandersson/LarsKusanagi (myself),
Zoe Mode,
n-space and
Vicarious Visions
What this mod does change?
Excuse me,cuz i'm didn't understand correctly
Quote from: Dorpond on September 06, 2016, 10:54PM
What this mod does change?
Excuse me,cuz i'm didn't understand correctly
It's to replace the old files which were extracted from a certain bin file. I tried playing as Dr. Doom & his heli3_dlc.pkgb didn't work, so i compile to the original heli3.pkgb to make it work for example
Remastered Unofficial Update Patch 1.0 is up
Remastered Unofficial Update Patch 1.01 is up. Only a small fix on DD + new link due to dropbox sharing issues
What about the psp characters?
Have you read the warning why PSP characters not included?
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on September 06, 2016, 09:47PM
* Does not contain PSP/unused Wii animations and effects IGB due to the HQ Wii Model and Power Icons, even other pre-Remastered models including XML models and mesh mods are still incompatible than than still compatible effects and animation IGB and original PC's hud IGB
** As well as not included Blade's original correct Daywalker hud and Wolverine's jacket Loading Screen, which are only on PSP/Wii
The researchers besides Teancum & DJaySaint confirmed this for now. & now the RE currently on research stage how to get mesh mod works there & adds more files like character slots within exe, yet it might take too long
1.02 Remastered Unofficial Patch updated. Hawk's Ricochet Rocket coding updated
Remastered Unofficial Update 1.1 is up
i have wii psp models
Actually, the models it won't work on RE. I just want the textures, power icons & huds that's all. The only one i can transfer to RE would be power icons & huds
but the animations are the same
Of course, I already mentioned on this & put it on some topic about RE on MUA2 sections, didn't I?
I saw psper codes,do you have to remove anyone?
It's just for bonuses & testing, but yes require to replace due to the current state of the game still those of 360's
1.2 is up
1.3 is up
EDIT: Pardon, forgot to update moveset flying, please re-download again
1.4 is up
UPDATE: Same date on small update in 1.41
Unofficial Patch update list renamed, small update will be under 1.XX, and large update will be under 1.X
1.42 is up. Storm gets new & presumably missing _v sounds
1.5 will be up in few minutes later tonight
UPDATE: Now is up
1.51 is up now
1.52 is up
1.53 is up. & due to multiple issues on text space, the main page on Gameplay updates will be described on my Google Drive & REUO Steam page
1.6 is up & Merry Christmas
1.61 is up now. An update regarding of the living victimized X-Men + actual ITAB on mephisto3. Again. Merry Christmas
1.62 is up. My apologize for accidentally removed Blade's grabsmash.
1.63 is up, script fix on the special dialogue between Uatu & Spider-Woman, & Triton & Mr. Fantastic prior going to Shiar
1.64 gets recent nerf updates regarding of Hank's Doom Stark HQ dialogue file issues
Sorry forgot to add that 1.65 already out 5 months ago
thank you for this patch!!!
Is there any update? I see in readme that 1.7 is in progress.
Just another one question, if I want to play Remastered with just bugfixes, without addons and updated stuff, is it enough to apply things from "Simple Fix" part of readme?
Thanks again!
It's been a while coming. My hands is pretty full, & I might be planning to come back to this since Mesh Conversion/Mod via Alchemy 5 is now work.
Using simple fix would be enough.You're pick, whether you want to use bug fixes, add-ons & update stuffs as well, or not
Thank you! Looking forward to next release.
I played original long time ago, and wanted to play through "vanilla" Remaster first, with just bug fixes.
Then with all addons and restored content you added. If it would be possible to add all you have planned from readme, that would be ultimate Ultimate Alliance. :)
MUA 36 Roster Preps
Link: https://mega.nz/folder/hWA2mBDS#WnyLPO5DWLi_vRA1c4fZTQ
Full Sounds
What's New?
* Full 360 Gold Edition (still the same from 2016 re-release)
* Full PSP exclusive sounds: mostly from Xbox 360, & some from 2016 re-released where they (the characters (safe for Hawkeye) are forgotten to be included there
* Silver Surfer's missing sounds since he was originally meant to be a boss character
What's Updated?
* Thor's missing sounds, which are playable in Wii & 2016 re-release. Provided by whiteking & Blizz
* Storm's updated sounds. Also Provived by whiteking, w/ additional rearrangement on one of her dialogue by myself. Not sure if this is from MUA or XML2
* Colossus' missing sounds, probably also in OCP 1.3. Also provived either Blizz, Teancum, Dark_Mark, or maybe someone else(?)
* Moon Knight's secondary Xtreme sound originate from OG Xbox Mod. Provived by Teancum
* Proper OCP X_Voice. Updated from Krisan Thyme's MUA Gold Edition. Which fixes Black Widow & Captain Marvel's files (Widow now as "BlackWidowVV")
* :silvers: Proper OCP Skins + New Keeper Hud: Captain Universe & Shadow Surfer (replaces Human Form & Savage). The screenshots of their costumes also shown in REUO, but these are implemented OG 2006-style texture arrangement (you'll noticed Shadow Surfer's board color change)
* For Dark Edition, see here (NOTE: Marquis has his own Ultimate Doom Iron Man; while proper Dark Cyclops costume also included on REUO Patch as "17205"): https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4488.msg84539.html#msg84539
* Full Retro :pman: Model & Hud + :thor: Asgardian Armor Hud
* Dark :wolverine: + New :doom: 's Evil :stark: (Minions for Ultimate (now replaces Marquis') & brand new Classic, & the main one now uses New Avengers)
* Proto God Emperor :doom:: What happen if Doom gains Odin's power prior to Secret Wars 2015 - 16
* UI Icons updated + Comic Loading. Some might be already existed in OCP Pack
* New Huds for :blackwidow: (Yelena & Ultimate) & Echo :ronin: . Contains 64 & 128 size counteparts. NOTE: Preview Size uses 64 counterpart to match their other costumes' huds
* 256 Size of Updated :daredevil: Huds
* Hud Updates for:
** Full: Ultimate :elektra: (Maegawa's a recolored from Stealth/Assassin, then why not recycled between old one w/ parts from Classic Hud?) & New Marvel :fantastic: (from 2016 version)
** Minor Fixes: AoA :iceman: (Mouth fixes, see differences between my fix & current 2.4 OCP one) & Modern :panther: (Same as OCP 2.4, no need a preview, but only changes to accurate DXT1 on image format)
* Listed Villain Huds: Accurate Contour Glow Colors ( :galactus: , Classic :scorpion: & Winter Soldier) & New for Ultra versions ( :scorpion: & :shocker: ). Ultra :scorpion: meant to match his OG mismatch hud's head size & the color of contour glow. All are at OG 64 size.
* New animations for specific characters & commons. NOTE: Preview first before using them
* Universal Shared Animation Combat Datas. Recommend to download new animation igbs pack above
* Updated Modern :blackwidow: & :moonk:
* Mannequin fixes for MUA1 OCP. Some might be already existed in OCP Pack
** Derived from Actor Models to Emulate Original Pose Accurate: :elektra: (fixed finger by either ak2ny, nikita & UMM); :blackwidow: (Modern); :humant: (texture by ak2ny); :fantastic: (Ultimate); :magneto: (Ultimate); :genis: (Ultimate (optional) & Classic, textures ripped by either ak2ny, nikita & UMM); :venom: (Classic, has mannequin tongue), :doom: (now uses actor model to match his belt), Ultimate :stooth: (optional)
** Fix Original Models: :storm: (only remove floor part), :capamer: (floor touch position & actor texture); :hulk_icon: (rotation & floor touch position, scale & actor texture); :stooth: (floor touch position); :cyclops: (rotation & floor touch position); :hawkeye: (rotation & floor touch position, Optional); :thing: (rotation position and scale); :pman: (rotation position and scale); :colossus: (rotation & floor touch position, scale)
** NOTE: :nightcrawler: & :ronin: already has accurate poses (the former also cutscene costume/pre-DLC first appearance) in recent OCP pack, as well as Ultimate :hawkeye: already PSP accurate on both pose, segment appearances & costume (albeit 7th-gen model)
Credits: Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Teancum, whiteking, Blizz, Dark_Mark, nikita488, MrK, KingsAdam, Enigma, Ultimate Norman, Rasdel, Maegawa, UltraMegaMagnus, ak2ny, BloodyMare, Activision, Ravens Software, n-space, Marvel, .etc
Silver Surfer Proper OCP Costumes also included too
Comics & Updated Icons already set for OCP 36
New animations for specific characters & commons has been added. Please, Preview first before using them
Universal Shared Animation Combats has been added
Universal Shared Animation Combat Datas has been updated via small patch, please download again
Blade & Daredevil's animations fixed, please re-download the new animation pack
Update IGB animations for Venom, Hulk, Colossus, Doom, Daredevil & GR has been updated, including Universal Shared Nodes Combat & Moveset Flying too
Nightcrawler's NPC & Combat, & Luke's Combat has been fixed
Update on Moon Knight's glide, weapon moveset (now no longer clash w/ multipart-based blocking), & universal common combat updates
ak2yny & Outside just found mispelling on each 2 getup_attack_face & throw_ally animations' naming, please re-download the New 1.041 Animation Pack I made.
MUA2 Iron Man flight idle still considered, but much re-check between him & Captain Marvel's.
As for Jean's MUA2 flight. I feel like it's a no, due to head effect issue, as shown on Ultra's demonstration video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9DB936hXGs
Fix Mannequins for OCP has been added.
Updated version of my Recently released fixed & updated Mannequins for MUA1 OCP is up. Now includes Storm, & both Ultimate Sabretooth & Classic Captain Marvel.
Full Retro :pman: Model & Hud + :thor: Asgardian Armor Hud bundle pack is up.
New Huds for :blackwidow: (Yelena & Ultimate) & Echo :ronin: are uploaded. Contains 2 sizes
Updated Modern versions of :moonk: (now Mesh Mod, thank Rasdel for face texture) & :blackwidow: (now uses PSP version's playable Modern texture on weapons) + 256 size version of updated :daredevil: Huds are uploaded included separately.
Dark :wolverine: + Updated Evil Iron Men added :stark: ( :doom: :stark: Minions for Ultimate & Classic, w/ Dark one being New Avengers)
A pack containing 4 Hud Updates
- Full: Ultimate :elektra: & New Marvel :fantastic:
- Minor Fixes: AoA :iceman: & Modern :panther:
Welcome... Proto God Emperor :doom: . Now added on page 6
Contour Glow Accurate of :galactus: , Classic :scorpion: & Winter Soldier + Newer Ultra :shocker: & :scorpion: Huds added. Mega.NZ link on Page 6 as usual