Did you think I was dead?
Option 1: I was pretty sure, yeah
votes: 0
Option 2: Nah I figued you just dipped
votes: 0
Option 3: I always knew you'd come back!
votes: 0
Option 4: Wait is this really 14 years old?
votes: 1
>>=-DOWNLOAD THESE SKINS IN A PACK- (http://www.mediafire.com/?fb2b152zzbrl4i4)=<<
>-CLICK HERE to download JUST THE NEWEST SKINS (http://www.mediafire.com/?0ddub0wsth9rnq7)-<
Click the image of the skin to download it.
*YouTube video on how to apply these skins here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCtRS7u-Tcw&feature=g-upl&context=G28e4052AUAAAAAAAFAA)
Last Update: July 8th, 2012
Major Updates:
Besides several new skins, several older skins have had updates applied to them that may not be reflected in their preview pictures (such as Zombie Venom)
Spider-Man Skins:
Amazing Spiderman (2012)
Batman Beyond
Ben Reilly
Flash Thompson
Future Foundation
Lantern Corps (All of them!)
Miles Morales
Scarlet Spider
Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
Ultimate Deadpool
Spiderman Unlimited
Venom Skins:
Flash Thompson
Orange, Red, and Yellow Lantern Corps
Hello, true believers!
After playing Ultimate Spiderman for some time, I decided to look and see what types of mods were available for it. For better or worse, the best I found were various skins.
SO, I thought to myself, "I could do that..." and did!
P.S. If anyone told you you can't mod Ultimate with Texmod, they LIIIIED.
Spider-Man Skins:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/2099Hydra.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?matr8lzex65z3i4)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/2099.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?uugq9zn8chhcnb6)
The Alex Ross skins come as a pair.
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/AlexRoss.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?izdggsmbhcsglhc)
Amazing 2012 comes in both normal and black-suit.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/Amazing2012.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?bu0dx475cbl8rxo)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/BatmanBeyond.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?o6zw6olhd1fz74e)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BattleDamaged.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?oezg0de155ir57u)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/BenReilly.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?263nvx2i93ehl2r)
The Big-Time Spidey skins come as a set.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/BigTime.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?kuuywv1y4yww10y)
The Brightest Day - Blackest Night set comes with all 9 colors of the Lantern Corps.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/BrightestDay-BlackestNight.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?1pjvmimvqhqf95a)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BullseyeSuit.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?2omo0d9hqk1okii)
My FIRST 'original' creation:
What If... Spider-Man Had Become the New Captain America?
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/CapAmericaSuit.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?9eip90e67hblo6g)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/CosmicSpidermanCaptainUniverse.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?vp91yvopoh0vnb0)
Based on the Shattered Dimensions costume:
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/UltimateCosmicSpiderman.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?gv36grd5qp44sta)
The Man Without Fear
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/DaredevilSuit.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?z6in6vn8wgu5scs)
The Merc With A Mouth swings around on ropes and uses them to hogtie his enemies!
Comes with special intro screen!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/DeadpoolSuit-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?ubz4psc5cy5o3bt)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/UltimateDeadpool.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?t8y93vubqj002u6)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Dormammu.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?u7dzblijkoy8nbe)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Dusk.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?7a8ba97j2974dnw)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Earth-70105BruceBanner.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?efbpcimyw1u2u62)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/FlashThompson.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?c3q266d125d8z04)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/FlipsideSuit-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?dify9tgyus3azut)
Future Foundation comes in a black and white variety.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/FutureFoundation.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?a121z52u9or828g)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/GerryDrew.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?zum93rs20d3oo57)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/HouseofM.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?dznr75lqqudclbj)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/IronFist.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?etjh7g05m8h5a1k)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/IronSpider.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?9oqhvpwz3ccv6zu)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/Kick-Ass.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?f047be81lits7t1)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/MarvelZombies.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?1mve6a7dsr31kyn)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/MilesMorales-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?s8c144tnwo3xxxe)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/MillennialVisions.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?3oq9s74ox8jc57m)
Spidey's costume based on Sam Raimi's films:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/MovieSuit.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?91sa3023axt3ruv)
New (Updated) black movie suit
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BlackSuit-2.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?b3zz37cgit78na6)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/NegativeSuit-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?2pixkdepa5ql4la)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/NegativeSuitv2.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?ovvc4rnkf14p2kn)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/NinjaSpidey.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?88gp01deepu8hyq)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Noir.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?w72m17d0jvey17i)
The Bucket-Head himself, Nova!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Nova.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?vds4xob5s445rcp)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Poison.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?lmi2t020w59ngno)
In Marvel's world of What If... the question is brought up..
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Punisher-Spidey.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?s8688yh0nitz8u4)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/ScarletSpider.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?f7h196ou967g9gy)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/ScarletSpiderKaine.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?nx61pvowufp297x)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Sharp-Dressed.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?nyems67fi8bydvh)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Spider-Armor.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?mtrkcb8cx3286uv)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Spider-Phoenix.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?3928vvkphpsp8qf)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Spider-Venom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?0ckghfoy1awvocw)
What If... Spiderman VS. Wolverine?
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/SpideyVSWolverine.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?vu06xgvhq3hzhzv)
One of Spidey's long-time, and most unsuccessful villains!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/TheShocker.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?g8z6qha645nnnwx)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ToxinSuit-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?269iv7ovdn039dd)
Ultimate Carnage, my first, and by far most popular creation.
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/UltimateCarnage-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?1jobvgfcqodvobi)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/Unlimited.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?025vcogndsjvwr9)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/Unmasked.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?a5wce74fw6easea)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/WebmanSuit-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?pawsjootn1lyrf1)
As an April Fools joke one year, the folks at Marvel drew up some sketch art... What If Spidey had Joined the X-Men?
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/X-MenSuit.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?d1agqg4lxio7v6d)
Venom Skins:
Venom's second host...
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/AngeloFortunatoVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?k8d7knndmbkqd9r)
Just when Eddie Brock thought his super-powered life was over, a touch from Mr. Negative turns him into...
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Anti-Venom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?3yifdll58nmpc05)
Blackest Night comes with Red, Orange, and Yellow Lantern versions of Venom.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/BlackestNightVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?431pb6ak5pnhgnd)
Classic Eddie Brock!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ClassicVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?4b5kozk98563zrr)
Classic... Back in Black!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ClassicVenomBlack.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?85d9cvnarv7ffav)
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/FlashThompsonVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?k5okhmaqb7cnyb6)
The Ultimate Goblin takes on a symbiote look (This was done on a request, sorry it's so terrible. If you want, pretend it's the Lizard instead.)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/GreenGoblin-VENOM.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?w3guq1d4mwdny73)
Morbius the Living Vampire, in a much more monstrous form!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/MorbiustheLivingVampire.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?9t5cliaxy1b99bv)
When the Venom symbiote begins to take control over Frank Castle, the results are much more... unstable.
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Punisher-Venom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?r5rw2gg9y72w1rf)
Based on his Web of Shadows form:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/SymbioteWolverine.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?e1cemr14ot9bre8)
You wouldn't like TOXIN when he's angry...
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ToxinVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?o6zflqm79a3bsby)
Ultimate Carnage - sized up a bit!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/UltimateCarnage-VENOM.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?vzqcqho3vly6mn8)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ZombifiedVenom.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?njnysypg4ysai2m)
Other Characters:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BlackWidow-1.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?c294gz0hgc8c67r)
Turns the Silver Sable into the dangerous and mysterious Natasha Romanav - the Black Widow!
Turns Peter's second love, into his first!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/GwenStacy.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?a8ltaga63c1u43m)
Let me know what you think, and if you like them, show me by downloading them, or linking others to this thread!
*note: Ultimate Spiderman makes use of some weird in-game shaders that make skinning certain characters (like Venom) or certain parts of characters (like Spidey) difficult, so I do the best I can with what I have to work with.
great mods! especially ultimate carnage mod is amazing, good job
very impresive i prefer ultimate carnage but they are all great
i prefer skins which are not spider man but i love your black suit :thumbsup2:
Thanks. I didn't go out on too much of a limb yet because I'm just starting this. I'll probably start working on more difficult stuff, and will probably start to skin Venom.
Quoteand will probably start to skin Venom
wow !!! great news
i will follow what you are going to make because they look good
Quote from: Carnage_Rules! on May 29, 2010, 12:25PM
Thanks. I didn't go out on too much of a limb yet because I'm just starting this. I'll probably start working on more difficult stuff, and will probably start to skin Venom.
At you it will not turn out to change Venom texture since its texture is a small violet square...only colour...
And your works are rather good!
Venom, I saw what you were talking about. Kinda disappointing, but I can still tinker with it and see what I can come up with.
Speaking of which, I'm finding the shaders in USM make it kind of difficult to make skins. But I'm still trying.
Here are two more, one of which is another of the Symbiote family!
see above
and my 2nd favorite so far:
see above
Toxin was rather difficult, because of the symbiote tendrils of red and blue that overlap each other, and the earlier shading difficulty I told you about. But, I got him done nonetheless! (he, like Carnage, has a custom webbing.)
Ohh, shoot. This is perfect. Toxin & Black Suit SM3 Style are my favs. As well Deadpool.
Thanks a lot guys!
Got 2 big updates for you.
First, is my latest creation..
The Merc with a Mouth!
*see above*
Swings around on ropes and uses them to hogtie his enemies.
Secondly, I've put all of my skins I've made so far - including Deadpool - into a downloadable RAR file! (and even included a tutorial on how to apply them.)
Click the link at the top of the thread to get 'em!
All your skins are super (My favorites are ultimate carnage , the black suit and latest creation of course.....deadpool!)
Nice job!!
lurvs deadpool!
Hey guys, unfortunately no updates or new skins this time around, but good news about the future!
I've reached the point where I can finally start to play around with Venom in free-roam, so with that the point where I can skin him too!
Also, I'm going to work on customizing skins I've already released to make them more immersive, i.e. customizing the pause menus for them, the picture on the health bar, etc.
So, I'm starting off with my Ultimate Carnage one, making a few tweaks to the skin itself and customizing the layout of the game a bit more.
Stay tuned!
im really curious about the new result you get!
I just love these skins! The next weekend I will totally reinstall the game and put in Deadpool :D
Hey guys! HUUUUUGE update!
I've made tweaks to each and every skin I've already made, some tweaks small, and some huge!
I added custom graphics to the HUD and to the pause screen for each skin, some more extensive than others.
I've also added some VENOM skins, and one Silver Sable skin as of late.
I've updated the Download link as well.
Give them a look! Download if you like them, and lemme know what you think!
- :carnage: Rules!
I have a question.......is it possible for you to make a thing with green goblin using venom and with hud like you have done for carnage?
No new updates as of late, I've been out of town for a couple days, and busy the days I've been in town.
Mj, I'm workin' on the Green Goblin you were talking about. I have to get to a point in-game where he is to get his HUD icon, though.
Also, this is a bit of a bump. Let me know what you think if you stop to look!
QuoteMj, I'm workin' on the Green Goblin you were talking about. I have to get to a point in-game where he is to get his HUD icon, though.
thank you very very much
i really appreciate it :bowdown1:
sorry i I hope i don't bug you with my little question :)
Thanks a bunch for these! I love them. By the way, can you add the Carnage tendrils and make Ultimate Carnage like the one in your avatar? Or you can make a .tpf file to replace Venom :) Sorry if this is trouble to you. And thanks for these again
It isn't easy to modify USM skins, so you are great. I've never seen works better! Professional job, but unfortunately i can't use them (i don't have USM on my PC).
That's right boys and girls, after a long wait and a busy week for Carnage, he's back with an update!
Adds both Mj Fan and Varimathras's requests for Venom Skins, as well as fixes for the previous ones.
On top of this, there's 1 brand-new Spidey Skin, and an update for another.
To MJ and Varimathras, if the skins aren't what you were hoping for, I'm sorry, skinning for USM is rather hard.
Anyway, THANK YOU to everyone who's stopped to look, comment, and download! You're the reason I keep goin' with this!
And what will be the next skin? :) Maybe a Daredevil skin? :D
Quoteif the skins aren't what you were hoping for, I'm sorry, skinning for USM is rather hard.
don't worry i love your skins they are perfect
by the way could you add his torn pants
that would be great but if you don't do it don't worry your goblin is already awesome :jumping: and I know I ask a lot :)
and i know it isn't easy to modify USM skins
thanks for these again You are an amazing usm skinner
THANK YOU !!!!! THANK YOU !!!!! :popcorn:
Quote from: mj fan on June 22, 2010, 05:55AM
don't worry i love your skins they are perfect
by the way could you add his torn pants
Thanks very much for your kind words! I don't mind doing this at all. I'm hoping more people who play USM will be able to find these, since googling 'Ultimate spider man mods / skins" doesn't return a whole lot.
ANYWAY, unfortunately so far, I haven't found a way to add something like torn-up pants to Venom.
Not that I haven't tried. But Venom's (end of story mode) texture is only this:
So you can see how it's somewhat difficult to get Venom to have unique features. My apologies!
What's Next?Well, I have a few characters in mind for my next skins (Daredevil, maybe Bullseye)
and I also plan to begin experimenting with my own designs, so we'll see what road that takes us down.
*check out the new poll and let me know what you think
Calling all Daredevil fans!
Presenting the Man Without Fear and his arch-enemy, Bullseye! Bullseye swings around on black ropes, similar to Deadpool, and Daredevil of course swings on his blood red ones.
They look totally great!
DARDEVIL AND BULLSEYE !!!!! I love them !
and once again they are perfect ... ^^
About the new poll... How about... Both? A pack AND individual download.
Quote from: VarimathrasXX on June 24, 2010, 09:57AM
About the new poll... How about... Both? A pack AND individual download.
Great idea!
So much so, that it's done! IF anyone was deterred from downloading these because of the fact that they were packed, they are now all up for grabs either by themselves, or all at once!
Also, another question. If you didn't use Texmod, then how did you make these? Also, can you post the images you used to convert these to .tpf files...?(If you want)
I did use Texmod is what I was saying.
Some people around the boards have claimed you CAN'T use Texmod, which I was disproving as false.
If you're interested in trying this for yourself, I recommend you give this link (http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/meteorite/how-to-mod-ultimate-spider-man-yourself/87-37897/) a visit.
The texmod link is broken. I think I have found an offset for Spiderman to replace him with Ultimate Carnage. Not a mod, the Ultimate Carnage you know, the MONSTER, the one in your avatar. I thought to export some kind of skin/image.
Sorry for such a late reply. To Varimathras, that was actually the first thing I tried. I exported the Carnage in-game skin, and tried to see if it could be used to overwrite the Spider-Man skin, but unfortunately they are of two completely different Dimensions (x by x pixels) and arrangements (different parts in different places.)
Hmm... And it seems there's no way to put tendrils to Carnage... Hmm... I could help if the texmod link wasn't broken O_O
By the way... About the advertising... Video ads are possible right?
Working Texmod here (http://www.bigdownload.com/games/texmod/pc/texmod/).
Oh, and as a matter of fact, yes!
I've already delved into it a little bit on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT0on2rotZ8)
I actually had Texmod, but it didn't have Texmod.log O_O
Anyway, I'm glad I found your mods. If it weren't for you, I'd STILL be messing with the Bull**** people say about Carnage. They just TOY with people like me. They say, go to pause menu and push continue. do that 15 times and you'll play as Carnage.(There's not even continue there, man, I tried going to pause menu and then exiting and nothing). They also say, complete the game delete your file, complete again, delete your file, start a new game and you'll play as Carnage(This also doesn't work). Others say 600 people. I don't even know how many people I ate as Venom <_< I tried, this doesn't seem to work either. 1 last thing is to download GBA version, yeah right <_< The GBA version has NOTHING to do with the PC version. Probably for DS not the PC. This all is just CRAP.
That's why I really like your mods. So don't think they're bad. They're the best.
Wow, that video does a good job of showing everything off. Thanks! =D
And I feel your pain. The old Spidey games for the PS1 were my favorites because of all of his different costumes you could unlock, but I've always wanted the chance to play as a different character (the Green Goblin in the movie games didn't count xP)
So if anyone can get enjoyment out of these, I feel all the work I've done is worth it.
I'm gonna keep trying on hacking though. You see at hacking something cannot be replaced with something bigger, so... If I replace Spiderman's values with Carnage's, the images will become one, and we could export the skin and make a mod out of it. I also tried this with Green Goblin, but I didn't bother using that skin searching option of Texmod... You should keep up the good work too :)
EDIT: Just to let you know I have a save before the fight with Carnage, in case you need it.
Hey there everyone! Sorry, no new skins today, BUT
Happy 4th of July!
My download numbers have almost tripled since making the downloads individual, as well as Varimathras's video ads. And, I'm happy to say that my own video ad has become the featured YouTube video for Ultimate Spiderman mods!
So, big thanks to Varimathras, and a HUGE thanks to everyone who offered kind words, spread the word in any way, or gave a download!
There is also a killing spree I had done with the classic Venom mod, I might upload a video with the real Carnage too :)
(Replaced Carnage fight with a video playlist @ signature)
CR, you just rule! I can only say: Keep up the great work!
Let's not rush him though. We shouldn't be greedy. Have some time to enjoy the current mods, until he finishes the next skins.
I didn't mean to rush him. I meant, that he is just awesome
Can't help. Just need to wait :P
Also @ Carnage Rules, can you put tendrils to the Carnage mod(I don't think it's possible though :()
Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible. Tendrils were apart of Carnage's model, and had skins of their own, so as far as I know there is no way to add them to Spidey's model.
Then I might as well think of exporting that skin. Also, can you make a Morbius mod? You know, the Vampire?
I checked out Morbius, several different versions from several different Multiverses, and I'm having a hard time seeing a way I could transfer him to USM Spidey without making him look terrible.
HOWEVER, I didn't empty handed.
Behold, my first, somewhat original, creation. To my knowledge, this isn't a real Marvel Storyline, which would make this idea my own.
What If... Spider-Man Had Become the New Captain America?
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/CapAmericaSuit.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SY35GZ57)
Time for an ad video.
For morbius mod:
For the beginning make a blue Venom with Red eyes. It suits Vampires. Vampires and symbiotes, who both want Plasma and life force are both parasites.
You Sir, are a genius.
I agree. Now waiting for a Venom Mod to combine with Captain America Mod.
I would love for a Spiderman Noir skin. That would be Awesome considering there are no noir skins.
Sorry to seemingly have been neglecting you folks. Morbius is possible in fact, I'll see what I can pull off.
As far as noir, I can give it a go too. I tried skinning 'Arachnoman' into Noir because of the eyes, but it didn't look that great.
As I look now, the pack I released has 40 downloads. If I can hit 50, I'll start work on another massive update.
I'm trying to keep from slacking or going with totally mainstream kind of skins that have been done before (like 2099, Captain Universe, stuff like that.)
I've been seeing some cool Spidey designs out of 'What If' comics and stuff like that, so we'll see where we go.
I'll wait for the big update then. I don't wanna make small vids.
I promised it, and I delievered!
Spidey Skins:
*The Shocker
*one or two extras not shown here, only available in the pack download
Venom Skins:
*Classic (in black, for those who dispute black vs blue)
*Morbius the Living Vampire
*Angelo Fortunato
Plus, a skin of Gwen Stacy to replace Mary Jane!
10 New Skins released in this pack, including the requests made by Varimathras and The Line.
I decided that regardless of how mainstream an idea may be, or whether it's been done before, will no longer factor into my decisions. As is obvious by the inclusion of Spidey 2099 in this update.
I worked hard on these, so I hope you all enjoy! I will be making a new YouTube video very soon showcasing the newest releases.
Thank you so much they are incredible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laola:
I'll make teh ad video right away!
Really it's not so easy to modify USM textures, and you do it perfectly!
Haha, thanks very much everyone! I've worked hard on these for the past couple days, I felt like I owe you all after such a long time of nothing new.
These wouldn't be as popular as they are without you guys, so I thank you!
I hope to breathe new life into USM for everyone.
I finished uploading the ad vid, it's processing. I didn't put all the mods, because my recording program couldn't handle it for some reason :'(
Damn, I was hoping nobody'd made classic style Venom before me. Great mods! By the way, how do you do the eyes? Or the mouthes? I've never been able to do them, so I just generally content myself to Spidey's eyes and a black line for a mouth.
Eyes and mouths are a pretty big pain.
What I do, is take the textures of a regular character, like Peter or Adrian Toomes, and cut the mouths or the eyes out of those.
Then, through a lot of trial and error, I cut the mouth roughly in half and find the right position to put it on the mask.
It'll end up looking something like this (just an example):
For the eyes, well, I'll post Bullseye's... eyes, as an example.
This is Spidey's texture in his costume's eyes:
You want to make sure, when placing an eye in there, that the area surrounding the eye is similar to that corresponding area on the mask.
So, if you were say trying to make Iron Fist, you would want the black in the image above to be yellow.
Sorry if I couldn't be any help. I do everything I can to make my skins look good, even if it's a long painstaking process.
Keep working for Ultimate Spiderman a bit. You've done good work, keep working for one more month or two, I'm sure you can do it. Plus, WoS is harder to mod, and my computer can't handle much recording with it :( I repeat you still can do many things with USM
How did you do the image of the spidermans in the health bar?
He uses Texmod to export images or Google to find them.(I think)
Quote from: Carnage_Rules! on August 02, 2010, 12:57PM
Eyes and mouths are a pretty big pain.
What I do, is take the textures of a regular character, like Peter or Adrian Toomes, and cut the mouths or the eyes out of those.
Then, through a lot of trial and error, I cut the mouth roughly in half and find the right position to put it on the mask.
It'll end up looking something like this (just an example):
For the eyes, well, I'll post Bullseye's... eyes, as an example.
This is Spidey's texture in his costume's eyes:
You want to make sure, when placing an eye in there, that the area surrounding the eye is similar to that corresponding area on the mask.
So, if you were say trying to make Iron Fist, you would want the black in the image above to be yellow.
Sorry if I couldn't be any help. I do everything I can to make my skins look good, even if it's a long painstaking process.
Thanks a lot! I've never been much good with those, but I think, given your examples, I might be able to fix all those eyes properly. By the way, you didn't say, did you? How do you do they eyes? Do you copy and paste like with the mouth?
Quote from: High5 on August 03, 2010, 07:12AM
Thanks a lot! I've never been much good with those, but I think, given your examples, I might be able to fix all those eyes properly. By the way, you didn't say, did you? How do you do they eyes? Do you copy and paste like with the mouth?
Copy-Paste is possible, but he can also design the eyes. You never know, it's possible, since it's a basic part of modding.
Quote from: betterhero on August 03, 2010, 02:06AM
How did you do the image of the spidermans in the health bar?
To answer this one, it depends. If it's a Spidey costume (like Phoenix or Web Man) I just alter the picture that's already there. Same with Venom.
If it's a whole new character (like The Shocker or Morbius) I'll find an image off the internet and crop it to the right size.
Quote from: High5How do you do they eyes? Do you copy and paste like with the mouth?
Yes, I'll get the eye texture from say Peter Parker or the Silver Sable, cut out just the eye part (color/pupil), and adjust it to whatever color I need it to be.
Hope I've helped!
New skin, on top of all of this.
Now available in the pack.
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/GerryDrew.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=82AL3ZAH)
Jerry looks good)
I recommend you to forget USM for a time, why don't you try WoS? It has no limitations kinda like these ones in USM.
Quote from: kolbaser on August 03, 2010, 11:23PM
Jerry looks good)
I recommend you to forget USM for a time, why don't you try WoS? It has no limitations kinda like these ones in USM.
He might not work on USM again, he still can do some things :p Plus WoS is harder to mod.
WoS is much easier to mod. I tried both games and found USM being not as taken lightly as Web of Shadows))))
It's harder for me. Oh well. That's his job.
BTW carnage rules, can you make a scarlet spider mod/skin? Thanks in advance.
Quote from: VarimathrasXX on August 04, 2010, 12:44AM
BTW carnage rules, can you make a scarlet spider mod/skin? Thanks in advance.
Well, I can, but due to USM's rather annoying limitations, he won't look exactly like his comic-book counterpart. He will have to have the same light-blue color on both his torso, and part of his legs.
So what are you planning to do? Are you gonna start WoS?
I've tinkered with it a bit. I may give it a try, but almost everyone else has already conquered WoS, Kolbaser and Sosiska alone have just about mastered it (no offense to anyone else, everyone does great.)
So, by no means am I abandoning USM. Now that I've finally churned out the big update, I've gotten back into the groove of things, and am working on more as I type.
So I may or may not give WoS a try, but I will continue to work on USM, definitely.
Hey Carnage_Rules. I ask you because when I try it the image uses the back's colour too. Which files do you change to do the image?*
*I ask it because maybe I've done it with the wrong files.
And how do you change them?
Sorry I forgot to say that I'm talking about the health bar images.
Sorry BetterHero, but you lost me.
What do you need help with, exactly?
Quote from: Carnage_Rules! on August 05, 2010, 03:30PM
So I may or may not give WoS a try, but I will continue to work on USM, definitely.
DO start working on WoS, but DO continue on USM. It's awsome.
you make awesome skins for USM, but i believe it's time to forget about it for a time. As you wish, anyway.
Quote from: kolbaser on August 06, 2010, 01:58AM
you make awesome skins for USM, but i believe it's time to forget about it for a time. As you wish, anyway.
Usually, when people forget about something, they forget it forever. Not many people know how to mod USM. I agree, it's good working on WoS, but not stop working for USM.
Carnage_Rules, I'm talking about this:
The health bar.
Alright, and which part of it are you looking to change?
Spidey, the green, the blue in the back, or the gray border?
Quote from: Carnage_Rules! on August 06, 2010, 01:23PM
Alright, and which part of it are you looking to change?
Spidey, the green, the blue in the back, or the gray border?
Here is your answer.
Quote from: Betterhero on August 05, 2010, 03:44PM
Sorry I forgot to say that I'm talking about the health bar images.
He probably meant all of these.
Spidey :spiderman:, the image of Spiderman
BetterHero, you're gonna want this image:
I crop out the gray background, sometimes the black bar, and edit Spidey as I see fit.
The image, on my computer at least, has the filename "USMEXE_0xDD1FA97D" without quotations.
It might be different on yours.
But the background and the black bar, do I have to clear them? Or, do I have to paint them?
You just change what you wanna change and leave the others they way they are...
But when I use the image in the game it uses the background colour and bar's black colour too.
Ohhhhh, okay, I think I have your solution.
What image type do you export the textures as? I export mine as PNG's, because PNG image types can have transparent / invisible backgrounds, unlike JPEGs or GIFs. That could be your problem.
For example, this is the Spidey image I use / edit in a finished product:
I'm still having the same problem. I've edited the file with paint and I saved it as png file. But it doesn't work well.
Hm.. maybe you need a different image editing program?
I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I haven't come across this problem yet.
BTW Carnage_Rules can you send me the Texmod.log(NOT Texmod the application) file you used?
Carnage_Rules, which program do you use to edit the images?
And, do you get the images from the game on png format?
Quote from: Betterhero on August 07, 2010, 12:36PM
Carnage_Rules, which program do you use to edit the images?
And, do you get the images from the game on png format?
I'm pretty sure he uses paint and photoshop.
Carnage_Rules, I don't need more help, because I know that to do this I need photoshop. But thanks anyway.
Quote from: Betterhero on August 07, 2010, 01:17PM
Carnage_Rules, I don't need more help, because I know that to do this I need photoshop. But thanks anyway.
To answer your questions, I export the game's images in PNG format, yes.
And actually, the program I use is Macromedia Flash 8. I find it much easier to use than Photoshop, and you can animate with it as well.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Thanks for the log file, I'll try doing something important with it...
good skins and btw the one who's having problems you should use paint.net for editing and I reccomend saving as bmps cause thats what I do with mine
I miss playing ultimate spidey I used to play it on the NGC back just a while before the wii was released it was a great game and
I hope they make a sequal plus I kinda miss racing human torch those races gave me a mix of frustration fun
and relief when I finally beat him when I first played USM ...I sucked and could never get passed the first torch race
then about half amonth later I beat the game and luckily saved my progress just before a power cut happened
nowadays i can play like I never could before i'm more of a strategic but lately ive realised it pays to
take the jump and have guts rather than be cautious like I used to
e.g. in UT3 on the [cbs] sniper server they always found me when I was hiding now I'm the hunter but lately I havent been able to play cause of a glitch what i'm trying to say is if your afraid of losing in agame don't worry as long as there a retry menu that pops up and checkpoints you can get up and try again. or save it and try again later ive learned in game like web of shadows
make sure you have eaten and had drinks don't starve yourself and stay on it all day its bad for you I start shaking when I haven't had enougth food
so on cbs sniper server thats bad cause I panic when i'm face to face with an enemy and my aim is off but when i'm filled I don't faulter much.
sorry if non of this has to anything to do with your thread C.Rules
No worries Troposph3r3!
New skins!
*Bruce Banner Earth-70105
The rules are clear, only Marvel owned characters. Please remove that Kick-Ass skin.
Turns out I was wrong, Kick-Ass IS owned by Marvel.
Kick-Ass is listed as a Marvel Comics film on wikipedia.
Also, Kick-Ass is produced by Icon Comics, which is an imprint, and is owned, by Marvel.
If you don't believe me, take a look atIcon Comics official website. (http://marvel.com/comics/icon)
And, is in the Marvel Comics online catalog. (http://marvel.com/searchresults?client=pub-8939399227234062&channel=8923961910&cof=GALT%3AABABAB%3BDIV%3A545454%3BVLC%3A266CB3%3BALC%3A266CB3%3BLC%3A266CB3%3BBGC%3Affffff%3BT%3A545454%3BGFNT%3Aababab%3BGIMP%3A266CB3%3BS%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmarvel.com%3BFORID%3A9%3B&sitesearch=marvel.com&q=kick+ass)
Kick-Ass is not owned by Marvel.
This is from a previous post were this was discussed:
Owning and publishing are not the same thing. Mark Millar owns those characters, just look at the first line from that link you posted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kick-Ass_(comics) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kick-Ass_(comics))
"Kick-Ass is a creator-owned comic book series written by Mark Millar and illustrated by John Romita, Jr."
and from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icon_Comics
Mark Millar has described the deal with Icon in relation to his Kick-Ass series:
"The creative team get all the rights and you do all the promotion yourself. "
Marvel doesnt own it, so in my opinion those mods shouldnt be allowed here. Sorry about that.
Sorry but we have the rule for a reason. Marvel has been cool about the whole modding thing. That doesnt guarantee that Mark Millar wont have issues with his characters being used in that way. The rules are pretty clear about why we dont allow non-Marvel owned characters.
You can work on the mod for personal use, but you wont be able to release it here.
Im not trying to be a jerk, but this rule has been around since the beginning of the forum and we have never had an issue with Marvel. The same may not be true of others. So either you remove it or we will. Sorry but the rules are the rules.
But what if he released it in the off-topics? Will that be possible?
Yeah yeah, I get the 'rules are rules' part.
I'll take it down.
Quote from: marvel1404 on August 09, 2010, 12:13AM
But what if he released it in the off-topics? Will that be possible?
I just wondered in case it maybe was possible.
Nice of the admins to rub salt in the wounds. :| The forum not being a 'safe place' because I tried releasing a Kick-Ass skin is a little far fetched, especially since I've seen non-marvel skins released on this forum and no one says a thing, or is put in danger.
Anyway, I've started work on Web of Shadows.
No non-marvel characters this time.
Yeah ! I'm sure you'll make amazing skins !
I'm waiting for them. Start with a Ultimate Carnage mod(NOT ORIGINAL CARNAGE, THERE IS ALREADY ONE[But I'm sure you can make a better one :) ])
your skins for usm are best
I've never seen such a quality work with this game
Nice Noir! I've been using it ever since
yo if you have more mods plz upload them palz your so cool
Thanks a ton for the kind words to everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long.
With school recently picking back up, I haven't had much time for skinning at all.
That being said, unfortunately, I decided to scrap my work in Web of Shadows. There are already plenty WoS skins to go around, and this is what I'm accustomed to.
That being said, I'm working on another decently sized update. I've got 7 skins done so far.
The skins' popularity on YouTube has skyrocketed, with my latest pack at up to 160+ downloads, and several people claiming to have gotten the game just to use my skins.
So, stay tuned my friends! I'm not done here yet.
I'm back boys and girls, and this time I've brought several of your favorites!
Spidey Skins:
*Alex Ross (Black & White, Red)
*Update to Bullseye
*House of M
*Iron Spider
*Marvel Zombies
*Negative Suit v2
*Spider Armor
*What If... Spiderman VS Wolverine?
*X-Men Suit
No Venom skins this time, but I can't get very creative with those anyway.
I did a lot of ones I, and other people wanted to see this time, so I'm pretty satisfied. Hope you enjoy!
very nice ^^
Cool skins! :D This reminds me, I played the new Spidey game and it has a feel like no other Spidey game :) BTW, you are the best
can it use in fake usm game ? :venom:
Maybe I should record the next advertisement video then?
Quote from: sycat2@ on September 18, 2010, 11:02PM
can it use in fake usm game ? :venom:
You meant in an illegally downloaded game?
I have made the advertisement video for this update, I rendered it in HD. Now waiting for the next update or Carnage_Rules!' Web of Shadows skins(If he will ever make any).
Nice skins!
hey, Carnage_Rules, they are crazy! Amazing Tuxedo-Man is exciting, yeah)
i found u guys on utube made reinstall the game for these mods thanks :)
:carnage:why dont make a spider-carnage,spiderman 2 unmasked or teared up costume,spidey unlimited,scarlet spider,cosmic spidey, and a spidey ninja!!!!! Please
:spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman:
plus, Bombastic Bag Man always a plus. ;)
I tried all the mods skins. & it does feel cool to have them both from Shattered Dimensions (2099, Armor, Flipside, Iron, Noir, Negative Zone V1). /_\ But the problem is i still have no idea how do i replace the other costumes w/ your costume made, other than just Original Ultimate.
Hey there, guys! Sorry it's been so long. You'd think after all this time I'd have an update for you, but alas, I do not. :C Just wanted to let you guys know, I didn't forget about you.
In the time that I've been gone, download numbers and YouTube views have absolutely EXPLODED, with my first video having roughly 12,500 views. My latest update has been downloaded off of megaupload 550 times. Might not be that impressive, but to me it's an amazing achievement.
I've been really busy lately. I'm a senior in high school (believe it or not!) So the shadow of being a soon-to-be college student looms over me constantly. On top of that, I'm in a local heavy metal band, so I juggle school, that, my friends and family, etc.
I can't say for sure when I'll get back to work. But trust me when I say that I am not done with this hobby. lol. Most likely when the Summer rolls around, or maybe during random sporadic moments of free time now, I will continue to work on these. I have a laundry list's worth of requests, both from here and from YouTube.
I'm mildly interested in picking up Shattered Dimensions and starting work on that, but I just have no time.
Thank you all very much for being supportive and downloading, though! I'm glad I could help to breathe new life into a very underrated game. :D
Remember, I'm always watching!
Hey you're gonna continue making USM skins, no?
He said he will, when he has the time.
DUDE I HAVE A GREAT IDEA, CAN YOU CHARACTER HACK INTO IT AND HAVE SPIDERMAN BE CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!! IT WOULD BE THE BEST SICKEST GREATEST MOD FOR THIS GAME EVER!!!!! sorry for caps im really excited. :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage: :carnage:
Quote from: antivenom66 on December 09, 2010, 05:06PM
You're actually not the first person to suggest this!
Trust me, I would if I knew how. That would make my life :D
BUT for now,
I've began work again.The next update should be nothing short of 11 skins.
Sounds cool to me :D
>-CLICK HERE to download ONLY THE SKINS YOU SEE IN THIS POST (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0WVWHBN0)-<
Back again folks, and I brought what I promised!
14 new skins for you. Ranging from the modern-day comic costumes, to the more obscure out-of-the-way stuff.
Even 3 new Venom skins!
Spidey Skins:
*2099 Hydra
*Battle Damaged
*Big Time (Red & Green)
*Cosmic / Captain Universe
*Millenial Visions
*Nova :nova:
*Ultimate Cosmic / Ultimate Captain Universe
Venom Skins:
*Symbiote Wolverine
*Toxin (Venom)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/2099Hydra.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J7R8I5A1)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BattleDamaged.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q22GWJ27)
The Big-Time Spidey skins come as a pair.
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/BigTime.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3E4FV1EJ)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/CosmicSpidermanCaptainUniverse.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0P5AW89D)
Based on the Shattered Dimensions costume:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/UltimateCosmicSpiderman.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TPP6V3C0)
Based on this image. (http://www.angelfire.com/myband/skacorps/chris/lastsman/Spider-Man_Defenders_v3__4.jpg)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Dormammu.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6RLF345Q)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/MillennialVisions.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DPHGISF1)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/NinjaSpidey.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KOUKOPDP)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Spider-Venom.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L4FBSYWN)
The Bucket-Head himself, Nova!
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/Nova.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QQOM0ZXL)
Venom Skins:
Based on his Web of Shadows form:
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/SymbioteWolverine.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NLPHGLWZ)
You wouldn't like TOXIN when he's angry...
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ToxinVenom.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q2TVCVTQ)
(http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b81/roflmcsexbunny/ZombifiedVenom.png) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L56EFTFY)
On top of this, I've already begun some slight work on Shattered Dimensions. Keep your eyes peeled :D
There are 2 Captain Universes, let me get you the fixed text:
-Ultimate Cosmic/Captain Universe (descripted in his original attire)
-Ultimate Symbiote/Black Suit Cosmic/Captain Universe (otherwise it's mixed up w/ black suit)
Great job.
awesome, these are cool!
I like your mods Carnage Rules.
Cool, is that Wolvenom from WoS?
Wait the minute........ didn't seems really zombified but................ oh well, doesn't matter.
Regarding the Wolverine-Venom, it's as close as I could come to the one from WoS. A youtuber requested it, and I thought it would be fun to try.
As far as Zombified Venom, a youtuber said the same thing about that as well.
The difference is, he is more of a dark gray than a black, and he has blood splatters on his teeth and chest design - unfortunately, I didn't make the blood noticeable enough.
Hey everyone, I'm not dead - but unfortunately, I'm not bringing an update with me this time.
Just wanted to let you all know I haven't abandoned you, or abandoned skinning - granted, I haven't skinned in quite awhile though.
My skins have been quite the hit on YouTube (and here, it seems) with over 2,500 downloads on my last pack. I have no immediate plans to get back into skinning, though I have been wanting to try and make Spidey's new Fantastic Four outfit...
I'm going to college in the fall, so I've been getting ready for that. But fear not, for I know the urge to get back into this will strike me, and when it does, I will not disappoint you.
Thanks to everyone for all their praise, and their downloads!
Remember, all of these are 100% original (as in I make the textures myself) and 100% from me. Some accusatory fingers have been pointed on YouTube by idiot commentators claiming I don't make these - trust me, I do.
texmod dosent seem to work for me...when i click run it says ultimate spiderman has stopped working any idea how to fix it guys?
Have you check if you have texture?That should be the problem because it's done that to me to and when I saw if I had texture it said no.
Texture is one thing that you need for texmod for texmod to work.It is usually the main problem when it says that.So check that first before you do again because it will say that over and over again.
where do i go to check it?
Check your video card it will tell you if you have texture.
carnage rules,I like Ultimate Carnage out of that pack ,but how did you get the webs to change color and spiderman face in the pause menu?
also how to do venom mods?
Hey chrisw, your not in any trouble or anything. But keep all of what yoiu say on one whole post, not a few words per post. I think its spam.
I know I know I just forgot to add that to it.
Hey antivenom 66 do you know how to do venom mods because I want to do venom mods but I don't how to do them.
Hey Dude Make A Unmasked spidey for once and a magneverse
I did make a magneverse mod and i will try to make the unmasked spidey.
Hey Carnage Rules,can you make Monster Ock for venom.
I would kill to see CR take on the 2012 reboot suit in USM. I know it's been done by others for Web of Shadows, but USM is the only free-roam Spidey game that matters IMO. :spiderman:
im just curious, but what is "woss" every time i download something :spiderman:
I have a few requests... 1. Could you possibly create a symbiote spidey mod with a medium bluish tint? 2. could you make a ben reilly spider-man skin? ANd finally could you create a mod that adjusts venoms health so he doesnt have to keep feeding?
Dude, ive done it! at least 2 of ur suggestions...go to my thread http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,6953.0.html ...best I could do!
Quote from: gokussr4 on August 05, 2011, 08:22PM
Dude, ive done it! at least 2 of ur suggestions...go to my thread http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,6953.0.html ...best I could do!
Thanks for the tip, but to be honest I was hoping for a regular version of ben reilly's costume, not some inspired design. And I dont actually own the pc version of the game (yet) so I just want to see pics of the mods first. if they look nice I'll be buying the game for sure.
Hey boys and girls! Once again, no update. :C I am so sorry. College life is definitely something I'm not used to!
That being said, I'm not ignoring your cries. I've been compiling a list of requests and ideas that I've wanted to do myself, and once I get started on these again (which I will, this is not something I've abandoned), I'll begin cutting down the list.
If anyone's interested, I have done work on a few odd's and end's skins. One of which being the much-requested Unmasked Spidey. Yes, yes it is done. I'll also be doing the new version of Ultimate Spidey, and I may take a crack at the upcoming movie version of Amazing Spiderman. As far as Ben Reily goes, I'm not sure if I'll take him on yet. Due to the way the textures in USM work, the legs have to be the same color as the sides. So, making his baby-blue hoodie with the red tights on the bottom is impossible. I'm still debating ways to take that one on.
Also, I'm looking to expand my collection of skins past just the regular spidey characters you're used to. I won't divulge too much on it now, so I don't spoil the surprise, but I think you'll be pleased. Until next time! I'm always watching.
megaupload links... great
due to the recent shutdown of megaupload I can't use your links luckily I downloaded the media fire pack you put on youtube but it would be helpful if your next creation woud be on mediafire.
but yes I would I agree with the others I was in fact going to ask but I realised someone has maybe if you have sparetime in summer you could create an amazing spiderman (2012) costume for usm I would be very grateful and to be honest after comparing your usm skins to other usm skin creators your the best for usm
Hello? Is this thing on..? Are you still out there? -peers out-
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring good news. I have replaced all of the broken Megaupload links with working MediaFire ones!
After a successful first year at college, I have once again began to take up skinning. I already have several new skins done, and several old skins have had updates made to them. I'm not quite finished with the next big update yet, and I don't want to spoil any surprises, but several fan requests (such as the upcoming Amazing Spiderman) will be fulfilled, and there will be some unexpected surprises in there as well!
And, just to show you all that I'm not all smoke and mirrors, I come baring a gift, one of the most requested skins to date...
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x138/NightmareClock/Ultimate%20Spiderman/Unmasked.png) (http://www.mediafire.com/?a5wce74fw6easea)
Stay tuned, boys and girls, because I'm back on track, I've missed some pretty monumental costume changes that happened in the last year, and I plan on fixing that.
Sorry to double-post, but I wanted to give this a bit of a bump to say I've just recently learned that non-Marvel releases are now allowed here. (How slow am I, huh?)
The Kick-Ass skin that was previously only exclusively available in the pack has been added to the front page.
And let's just say, this means my next big update is going to go down a lot smoother..
Major Updates:
Besides several new skins, several older skins have had updates applied to them that may not be reflected in their preview pictures (such as Zombie Venom)
Spider-Man Skins:
Amazing Spiderman (2012)
Batman Beyond
Ben Reilly
Flash Thompson
Future Foundation
Lantern Corps (All of them!)
Miles Morales
Scarlet Spider
Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
Ultimate Deadpool
Spiderman Unlimited
Venom Skins:
Flash Thompson
Orange, Red, and Yellow Lantern Corps
Hit the front page to see 'em, and get 'em while they're hot!
the classic deadpool skin is great but his all his legs must be all red no the boots only :)
CR, you are best, seriously