Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Console Versions => Topic started by: 3zazer1 on May 28, 2007, 07:10PM

Question: when will they make psp mavel ultimate alliance chacter mods
Option 1: never votes: 10
Option 2: somtime votes: 6
Option 3: right away votes: 9
Title: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: 3zazer1 on May 28, 2007, 07:10PM
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: Gevth on May 28, 2007, 07:12PM
Can't find the option "a couple of months ago"...
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: Teancum on May 28, 2007, 07:17PM
The Official Site of the PSP mod:

*drumroll*...... :runaway:

Scroll down, look for the PSP mod

Can someone lock this?
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: Gevth on May 28, 2007, 07:21PM
Not before at least 10 people make witty remarks.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: DJay Saint on May 28, 2007, 07:33PM
I am going to have to sue you for those few seconds of my life back.  Seriously, my IQ dropped while reading this. :lockie:
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: BliZZ on May 28, 2007, 08:12PM
He means character mods FOR the PSP... not the PSP exlusives. At least that is what his other posts imply (if not, feel free to stop me from defending you, bud :laugh:)

Regardless, Piccolo made a Colossus/Moon Knight mod LOOOONG ago (like in December...). Search for it. And I don't think anyone else is planning on doing any more. You could always do them yourself; but that'd be too crazy, right?
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: aerophex on May 29, 2007, 07:46AM
so I am witty reply #6 of 10 ... hmmm... 
how about
Before entering all forums perhaps there should be a portal that has you type in what you are looking for before you can post because 7 outta 10 posts are requests for stuff that's already been done or hasn't been done cuz its not possible
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: iammingy on May 29, 2007, 03:08PM for... never.... :rofl:
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: jonchang on May 30, 2007, 08:12PM
No, Scotty Joe.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: 3zazer1 on May 31, 2007, 06:05PM
I mean for psp
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: jonchang on May 31, 2007, 06:27PM
Yes I mean for PSP!

Colossus and Moon Knight were made available for PSP by member Piccolo, but he has not been seen ever since December of last year. So I voted for never. Lol, dude, you ask this in almost every board of the entire forum!  :rofl:

This is #10 witty post!  :lockie: :lockie: :lockie:
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: Teancum on June 05, 2007, 07:32AM
I'll tell you what 3zazer1 --  If you can get your PSP modded and find out how to run games off of your USB drive then I'll do a small mod and will replace two charcters of your choice with two new characters from this list (since they are already done)

Moon Knight

Again, you need to know how to run a PSP disc image on your USB drive.  If you do, posting assetsfb.wad to prove that you know how.  After that, I'll be happy to do a quick mod for you.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: jonchang on June 23, 2007, 12:20AM
 :laola: :applause: :bowdown:

Kudos to KaiserBreath and xDisciplex for following in Piccolo's footsteps to create a fully functioning next-gen. mod for PSP WITH sound. If you ask me :orly:, follow this link: (

Gambit is up next!
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: 3zazer1 on June 28, 2007, 05:44PM
X is a member?!
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: iammingy on June 28, 2007, 05:47PM
Quote from: 3zazer1 on June 28, 2007, 05:44PM
X is a member?!

Who is "x"? @_@

Professor X?? :confused:
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: jonchang on June 28, 2007, 06:31PM
I believe he means xdisciplex. Anyway, go to Mod Releases and Conversions, and find the next-gen. mod for PSP. It's already expired, so you need to talk to KaiserBreath.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: 3zazer1 on June 30, 2007, 10:38AM
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: jonchang on June 30, 2007, 10:18PM
:banghead: xdisciplex

Anyway, PM Kaiser to attempt getting it renewed on another server than YSI.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: 3zazer1 on July 06, 2007, 07:17AM
kazier hasen't been on for weeks.
Title: Re: psp marvel ultimate alliance mod
Post by: xDisciplex on July 06, 2007, 10:47AM
I know - Teancum and I are the only ones that I know of that are actually trying to progress the PSP mods, I know the PC and XBOX world has quite a few mods for MUA, I wish some of that love would come toward the PSP :P

HUGE PROPS to Teancum for helping me out as much as he has so far - much appreciated!

Hopefully with his help, we'll be able to release a good amount of new mods/characters to the PSP version of MUA soon.