Marvel Mods

Off-Topic => Video Games Talk => Topic started by: NUTU666 on October 13, 2010, 03:43AM

Title: Hellow
Post by: NUTU666 on October 13, 2010, 03:43AM
I have a spiderman wos skin request.
Can someone make me a spiderman unlimited skin?I would be very thankfull.
Here are some pics
( (

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btw the cape isnt necesary,but if posible with that cape would be more great.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: High5 on October 13, 2010, 08:50AM
If you want the cape, it will need to be attatched. No medel editing stuff. I think there already is a Spidey unlimited  skin already. Look in some of the other threads, I suggest.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: NUTU666 on October 13, 2010, 09:03AM
i searched but didnt found any spider unlimited skin
if u find any post here pls
and i dont understand what u said about cape
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: poison on October 13, 2010, 11:23AM
in that topic there's a spider-man unlimited skin:,2837.0.html
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: NUTU666 on October 14, 2010, 01:14AM
ty u poison,but the unlimited one doesnt look like those from the pics i posted here(original unlimited spidey)
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: High5 on October 14, 2010, 09:58AM
It's hard making a Wos mod. I'm still trying to figure it out, though I'm getting there.

Hey, Did I not make myself clear, did I, I guess? The cape will not be like a cape. If it's on, it will only be like it's been painted on, no matter how good the skin is.  I would advise (anybody making the skin) against the cape.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: NUTU666 on October 15, 2010, 02:41AM
ok,no cape then,at least the unlimited spidey skin if someone can make it?
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: tymaca321 on October 16, 2010, 12:04PM
Quote from: poison on October 13, 2010, 11:23AM
in that topic there's a spider-man unlimited skin:,2837.0.html

This looks mostly like the skin you want, just no cape, in the meantime, i would advise playing as this skin, since its as close as you can get
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: antivenom66 on November 28, 2010, 05:22PM
Unlimited skin you say, well i know that Meganibus has a mod.....go here for download.
Spiderman dosent need a gay cape, thats because spiderman isnt gay and Im not hating on heroes with a cape. Im just saying that with the activities and events spiderman unlimited has to go through, they ruined his costume because capes get in the way, and someone can choke them with their own cape and die........ which would kinda stink. So anyway, they kinda ruined spiderman unlimiteds costume. Plus in MY opinion( again im not hating on capes or heroes with capes) he lookes like a fag. Again, not hating on capes or heroes with capes.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: SamaelValentine on November 28, 2010, 06:23PM
Skinning doesn't alter the model, so it can only cover what is already there, as High5 said. I agree, being able to add things would be cool, because then we could have true Spider-Man 2099 playability, complete with spines, and his air-foil, but to do something like that, someone would need to model them, and in the case of the cape, program cloth flow (Which in itself it ridiculously hard. Ever wonder why they didn't put the air foil on 2099, or the coat on Noir in Shattered Dimensions? And those are professionals.). So that would be from scratch, and would have to be inserted into the game through an override folder, or mod manager, which may not even be possible with this game. Even if it is, that is an absurd amount of very difficult work for a game that is only modded/replayed by dedicated marvel fans. Neither the audience, or the talent pool for WoS are big enough to make that practical.

As for capes on Spider-Man being stupid, I agree to a point. Spider-Man 2099 had a shredded cape, or "Air Foil" made from a futuristic hang glider, which helped when he was plummeting from buildings that reached hundreds of stories. The Spidey Unlimited cape was just a nod to the 2099 design.

Sorry if this was a lengthy rant-type post. I just wanted to try and convey how much work goes into games, and mods alike.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: proton on November 28, 2010, 10:04PM
I am not an experienced modder but I want to suggest that we can use the cloth flow elements from the moon knight model - cant we.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: sosiska on November 28, 2010, 10:20PM
all of model changes are impossible for this game
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: SamaelValentine on November 29, 2010, 12:01AM
Oh hey! I forgot about Batma- *coughcough* Moon Knight! But yeah, I'm sure Sosika is right, as he knows his stuff like nobody else.
Title: Re: Hellow
Post by: TropoSph3r3 on August 15, 2013, 05:55PM
back when I played it there was an incredible modder who was popular before sosiska but I can't remember his name and he seems to have dissappeared without a trace but I will tell you he had the best spidey unlimited design on the WOS texmodders ranks but that legend has is no where to be seen so it looks like sosiska is in the spotlight now