The game is set to release sometime this year but for now they have released a beta version for players to test for bugs. The beta version is free but requires a code that they send you if you sign up to get the code. It is a first come first serve basis so if you sign up now I don't think they will send it but it doesn't hurt to try. The game is really fun but has more of a kid feeling. It is kinda like the marvel equivalent to DC Universe Online, but not as much for adults although a lot of adults play it. Basically the main target audience isn't for adults.
The beta version features most of the characters listed on the home page but some characters like Cap, Elektra, Black Panther, etc. are not on there. Other characters like Jean Grey, Daredevil, and War Machine were on the beta version but removed for some reason. I am assuming that these characters (including Cap, Elektra, and Panther) will be (re)added to the beta game later on. The alternate costumes (like Mohawk Storm, Symbiote Spider-Man, Wolverine in street clothes, etc) are not included yet. According to the game's makers they act like entirely new characters as they have new powersets. The game also has four extra characters not on the home page. She-Hulk, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman and a character who only appears in the show (I think his name is Reptile).
There is a card game but it isn't operational yet. There are 2 zones to explore which are the Daily Bugle and Baxter Plaza. The former is more civilian type and bright and cheery. The latter feels more like the town of superheroes and has lots of neat things to do. You can shoot out like a rocket from one of the tall buildings, turn invisible like Sue Storm from one of Reed's experiments, and eat pizza at Thing's restarauant. The homebase is the Shield Hellicarrier which starts out only as the bridge, but you can buy more rooms like a lab, detention center, training room (like the Danger Room), cafeteria, gym, and 6 dorm rooms.
ahh, this game sounds so fun, I want in im going to try and sign up hopefully it ends in sucess!
On Monday the game will be updated and they will send more beta testing codes. If you haven't signed up yet you should do it now. Hopefully the update will bring back Jean, DD, Cap, and War Machine (who were all removed from the beta for some reason) and add Elektra, Surfer, Black Panther, and Dr. Strange who were never included.
I hope they send out codes, I really want one :/
The game is kinda babyish at times but really fun. I actually prefer the character's powers in this game than in XML and MUA. Characters like Iron Man, Cyclops, Scarlet Witch, and Thor are more fun.
Are Spiderwoman, and Spidergirl fun or boring?
I have not tried them but I have heard that Spider-Woman is really fun. I've seen Spider-Girl and she can climb walls on buildings. The developers said that they were fixing her web-swing so she does have one, just not sure if it is available yet.
Scarlet Witch has really cool powers as she can create quick shields, cause enemies to slip, covert enemies, and turn enemies into hamburgers. She can also summon birds.
Storm is nice but she isn't as powerful as others and her attacks are more slow. She can throw enemies up in the air with wind and create a whirlwind around her that knocks enemies back if they get too close. Her combo attacks are throwing lightning from her hands and throwing it from the sky.
Lol, Wanda sounds super fun, I want to turn someone into food :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 03, 2011, 12:29PM
Lol, Wanda sounds super fun, I want to turn someone into food :/
ANd you can use the food as health replenisher (all food brings your health up). She also summons birds onto enemies and somehow that converts them. Guess the birds are just too cute for the enemies.
Cyke is way better with his optic attacks which are varied and pretty handy. Iron Man is one of the best with his repulsor rays. His unibeam isn't very good but his missile swarm is awesome. Thor's combo attacks are powerful but his specials aren't as good.
Is Storm good? She seems like someone who would be, Iron Man, sounds pretty fun from what you have said aswell
Storm is nice but she isn't as powerful as others and her attacks are more slow. She can throw enemies up in the air with wind and create a whirlwind around her that knocks enemies back if they get too close. Her combo attacks are throwing lightning from her hands and throwing it from the sky.
Wasp is another fav of mine. She is very fast and dashes quickly with her combos. Her specials are pretty good as well.
Man I really want to play, hopefully they send me a code, or I will just have to wait till it comes out
Are they only going to have a select number of characters to play as? It'd be nice if they have all Marvel super heroes.
Quote from: Scabbia on April 03, 2011, 04:23PM
Are they only going to have a select number of characters to play as? It'd be nice if they have all Marvel super heroes.
They have a lot so far they have: Black Panther, Black Widow, Black costume Spiderman, Captain America, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Elektra, Hulk, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Iron Man, Jean Grey, Mohawk Storm, Mr Fantastic, Ms Marvel, Scarlet Spider, Scarlet Witch, Silver Surfer, Spiderman, Storm, Thing, Thor, War Machine, Wasp, Wolverine, and Wolverine in Jeans, plus Spiderwoman and Spidergirl came with the beta, and I think some others.
She-Hulk and Reptile (a custom character from the show) are also included in the beta version.
is Ms. Marvel good to play as?
Yeah she is also pretty good. Her combos involve energy beams but she can stun enemies, fly up and slam down, and create energy shields that slam enemies away.
Aswome! i'll buy the game as soon as it's released!
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on April 04, 2011, 01:34PM
Aswome! i'll buy the game as soon as it's released!
Same here, although I thought it was maybe going to be free idk
Just curious but did anyone get an e-mail?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 04, 2011, 02:24PM
Same here, although I thought it was maybe going to be free idk
i hope it's free, i really want to play it.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 06:40PM
Just curious but did anyone get an e-mail?
Unfortuantly no :(
Midnightphoenix: Hopefully you might still get it.
Dark Phoenix 1: Its not free sadly, but then why would they make a game that won't make any money. However I think the actual game may be free but the subscriber version will certainly have to be bought. If you aren't a subscriber then you can't get gold and buy new characters, missions, and furniture for your HQ.
BTW which character do you guys think I should buy? She-Hulk, Spider-Girl, Human Torch, or Giant-Man? Right now I have Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Falcon, Thing, Scarlet Witch, Mr. Fantastic, Storm, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Wasp, and Invisible Woman.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 06:52PM
Midnightphoenix: Hopefully you might still get it.
Dark Phoenix 1: Its not free sadly, but then why would they make a game that won't make any money. However I think the actual game may be free but the subscriber version will certainly have to be bought. If you aren't a subscriber then you can't get gold and buy new characters, missions, and furniture for your HQ.
BTW which character do you guys think I should buy? She-Hulk, Spider-Girl, Human Torch, or Giant-Man? Right now I have Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Falcon, Thing, Scarlet Witch, Mr. Fantastic, Storm, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Wasp, and Invisible Woman.
She Hulk or Spidergirl, and I got a code, are you on?
Yes I am now. We can play a mission together. Just tell me your username when you get your account all made. I am Warfare Goalie.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 07:01PM
Yes I am now. We can play a mission together. Just tell me your username when you get your account all made. I am Warfare Goalie.
Is the username your account name or the silly name? Its either Midnightphoenix123 or Princess Sorceress Enchantress lol
Its the silly name lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 07:04PM
Its the silly name lol.
Ok I have no idea what im doing, and my computer runs a tad slow Lol
Would you mind if we play tommorrow. I have to prepare some stuff for my test so I won't have time tonight. It'll give you time to lounge around and get used to everything.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 07:28PM
Would you mind if we play tommorrow. I have to prepare some stuff for my test so I won't have time tonight. It'll give you time to lounge around and get used to everything.
Ok that is fine, my thing is still downloading any way lol
It was fast on my pc, but took forever on my laptop.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 07:31PM
It was fast on my pc, but took forever on my laptop.
Yeah tomorrow I will be at a different house from 3:00-5:00 my time and on that computer it should go much faster
Ok cool then. On a diff. comp you will need to reinstall the unity web player and the game's mission thingie but it should be quicker. I would recommend using tickets you find in the game to play the prize wheel. You can win gold bricks, from tickets, to buy more characters and stuff but everytime the gold slot is used it is replaced by silver. The gold slots replenish everyday so make sure to go daily to get your gold's worth every day.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 04, 2011, 07:42PM
Ok cool then. On a diff. comp you will need to reinstall the unity web player and the game's mission thingie but it should be quicker. I would recommend using tickets you find in the game to play the prize wheel. You can win gold bricks, from tickets, to buy more characters and stuff but everytime the gold slot is used it is replaced by silver. The gold slots replenish everyday so make sure to go daily to get your gold's worth every day.
How do you get Jean grey, I saw on the Shades of Grey, they were saving up tickets
She's not available yet. We thought that on Monday she would be but no new characters have been (re)added yet.
I know I saw someone with her online
I just got my account yesterday! It took over a week. I've played around in the two zones and done one mission (three times). The third time, someone else joined me but dropped out halfway through it.
I wasn't able to find any directions/tutorial stuff, so here's a couple of questions. When I first started the game, I had four characters to choose from. Does everyone start out with the same four characters? (Cyclops, Falcon, Ms. Marvel and Thing) Do you keep these four in your roster always or can they be replaced? I know you can buy more heroes, but I don't think you can buy Black Widow or Iron Man unless you subscribe.
Also, how do you get any powers to work? I'm playing as Falcon and can use his "extreme" if that's what they call it when you hit the yellow button with stars that pops up on the screen periodically. However, I don't see how to use any regular powers.
NOOO! Everyone is playing it....exept me :'-( . I just signed up for an account and i cant wait, how long does it take for them to give a code?
And what!? the game wont be free, are you sure?
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 06, 2011, 10:35AM
NOOO! Everyone is playing it....exept me :'-( . I just signed up for an account and i cant wait, how long does it take for them to give a code?
And what!? the game wont be free, are you sure?
They may not give a code this late. I think Monday was the last day to recieve one as it is a first come first go basis. And the game certainly won't be free. Why make a game that won't make any money.
Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2011, 03:39AM
I just got my account yesterday! It took over a week. I've played around in the two zones and done one mission (three times). The third time, someone else joined me but dropped out halfway through it.
I wasn't able to find any directions/tutorial stuff, so here's a couple of questions. When I first started the game, I had four characters to choose from. Does everyone start out with the same four characters? (Cyclops, Falcon, Ms. Marvel and Thing) Do you keep these four in your roster always or can they be replaced? I know you can buy more heroes, but I don't think you can buy Black Widow or Iron Man unless you subscribe.
Also, how do you get any powers to work? I'm playing as Falcon and can use his "extreme" if that's what they call it when you hit the yellow button with stars that pops up on the screen periodically. However, I don't see how to use any regular powers.
Everyone starts with those four and you cannot replace them. You may be a subscriber already as I didn't think I was but I could buy them all.
Hero up is when you hit the yellow button. Clicking on enemies is the basic combos. Click on an enemy and hold onto the left mouse button as its easier than to keep clicking. Right click on the mouse starts a power (you can choose them before you start the mission) but you must have some yellow stars in the bar. Hope that helps.
I'm going to get online now and check out your suggestions.
Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2011, 02:22PM
I'm going to get online now and check out your suggestions.
We should all play together!
I'm Falcon and my "code name" is Super Samurai.
Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2011, 02:24PM
I'm Falcon and my "code name" is Super Samurai.
Ok im princess sorceress enchantress XP
Edit: and im Storm
OK, I'll look for you.
I'm Warfare Goalie. I'll search for you guys.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 06, 2011, 03:00PM
I'm Warfare Goalie. I'll search for you guys.
currently we are doing a mission
That was really fun. The more players, the funner it is. Especially if your team characters work well together (like Wasp, Falcon, and Storm :))
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 06, 2011, 03:58PM
That was really fun. The more players, the funner it is. Especially if your team characters work well together (like Wasp, Falcon, and Storm :))
Totally! It was so fun!
I had alot of fun with you guys too. We'll have to try it again tomorrow.
Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2011, 05:58PM
I had alot of fun with you guys too. We'll have to try it again tomorrow.
Yes we will!
QuoteThey may not give a code this late. I think Monday was the last day to recieve one as it is a first come first go basis.
NOO! :''-( .... i feel left out.
QuoteAnd the game certainly won't be free. Why make a game that won't make any money.
Well if the game is kid basses, designed specially for kids, then it will be free to play. I mean why would they make a game for kids if it will be for paying. I dont think parents will let the kids pay to play. So its most likely free to play. And they have enough money as it is. They have so many marvel games, so many comics and other million things. So i am sure they wont need money
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 07, 2011, 12:38AM
NOO! :''-( .... i feel left out. Well if the game is kid basses, designed specially for kids, then it will be free to play. I mean why would they make a game for kids if it will be for paying. I dont think parents will let the kids pay to play. So its most likely free to play. And they have enough money as it is. They have so many marvel games, so many comics and other million things. So i am sure they wont need money
Then the parents pay the game and the kids play it. After all when kids buy a game for a nintendo ds then the parents pay for it. Kinda common sense. Anyway they already confirmed it won't be free, they just haven't established the method of payment. In a survey they are still deciding how we will pay for the game.
Then why does it say here that its free to play
EDIT: I found something else and it says this:
QuoteFans can play the game entirely for free or subscribe to unlock additional heroes, missions and rooms for the HQ. Spin the Prize Wheel for additional in-game Gold, Silver and items. The free-to-play online game is accessible from any browser without complicated downloads or installs, so it’s fast and easy for families to jump in and start having fun.
This means the game will be free, but not all the heroes and missions and other things. So for normal members ( not subscribed ones ) to unlock them is to spin the prize wheel.
So the game will be free, but not everything, i dont care if i cant play with jean, at least i can play with storm and ms.marvel
But i have one question:
In the E3 gameplay, they said you move around and attack using the mouse. Can you move using the keyboard' up,down, left and right buttons?
You misunderstood what I'm saying. I said that the game will surely not be free because if you make a product then you sell it. You make money out of it, its the natural thing of life. And I'm still correct. Even if the game won't be purchased you still have to pay for the extra things. Take it from one of the beta players, without those things (such as gold) there isn't much you can do in the game. You won't unlock the full version without paying.
Anyway, with this arguement hopefully finished, has anyone tried Wolverine and Spider-Man yet? I've seen Wolverine in action and he is really good especially when paired with Cyclops for some reason. They both cover each others strengths and weaknesses.
Nope ive tried neither, I beat Logan, Scott, Jean, and Storm make a really good team!
Finally bought Wolverine and he is really good. I think all the 1000 gold coin characters are the best. And yeah Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Logan probably make an awesome team. They are the Uncanny X-Men after all. ;)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 08, 2011, 03:40PM
Finally bought Wolverine and he is really good. I think all the 1000 gold coin characters are the best. And yeah Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Logan probably make an awesome team. They are the Uncanny X-Men after all. ;)
Hopefully we get Jean soon :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 08, 2011, 04:57PM
Hopefully we get Jean soon :/
I know. It seems we have Wolverine to keep us company instead lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 08, 2011, 05:52PM
I know. It seems we have Wolverine to keep us company instead lol.
lol, who is your most used character? Although I only have 2 bought people plus the 4 you start with, I think Storm is my fav so far
Who is the other one you have besides Storm?
My fav is tough especially with my list of characters. I'll just give my thoughts on each.
I love Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine.
I also have the Scarlet Witch
Yeah she isn't too powerful but she is really fun.
Of the starting four heroes, I like Falcon the best.
The only hero I've bought so far is Wasp. She is cool and I like how small she is. But sometimes, I lose sight of her! lol
Quote from: fox456 on April 08, 2011, 06:57PM
Of the starting four heroes, I like Falcon the best.
The only hero I've bought so far is Wasp. She is cool and I like how small she is. But sometimes, I lose sight of her! lol
I have that problem too lol.
Hey the game is free to play, it says *Name: Marvel Superhero Squad Online *Type: Client Download, *Payment Model: Free to Play. the game is free to play as it says on this page.
I finally got a beta code ( strange when you said they dont give ), Ok i was playing with Ms.Marvel up to level 10 ( which i thought was the MAX Level , and i thought i would get my 3rd power emote ) but i saw it wasnt so i bought Scarlet Witch who is now lvl 8 ( saving gold for invisible woman ). So i have a qustion: What is the max level of the game?
Cool you did get one! I didn't think they would but it seems they will give more. Max level is the highest level your character can reach. To reach it try finding all the character icons.
NOOO! I just lost my adamantiam medal to gold when i was knocked out by Doc Ock and his stupid laser projectile throwing tenticles. But my transperant pink magical cauldrons smashed him. And i mean the max lvl as a number?
And i didnt know Invisible Woman can fly in the game, that is after i heard a sound like a UFO, and then i saw one character in a force buble flying around. lol
And my squaddies are annoying, the thing smashes my house items when he is hungry, cyclops blasts them with his optic blasts, mis marvel grabs them and smashes them on the ground, Falcon...well i dont know what he does cuz i dont pay attention to him, but the most annoying one is Scarlet Witch, she keeps going in one of the 5 dorm rooms on the hellicarrier ( i have bought all rooms for the hellicarrier btw ) and starts to push ms.marvel's bed. Which annoyins me cuz i have to place it back or load the room as it was. Good thing i dont have hulk
EDIT: LOL i just started playing with a friend in the mission bombs away ( featuring green goblin ) and i saw the headline under the bigger headline , Green Goblin goes GAGA for grenades! LOL
Lol, that must mean that your heroes are hungry and you haven't been feeding them. They throw tantrums and break everything.
BTW Max level is the level right after level 10.
Then i am gonna use Ms.Marvel to throw a bigger tantrum, as i know she is an expert in nagging and complaining
EDIT: At the end of the mission when we defeated green goblin, i jumped and standed on one of his bombs ( thinking it would not go off ) and just as i was gonna jumt it exploded and i was knocked out LOL. Oh now i have to go shop to get hamburgers to feed those idiots i call squaddies lol ( with exeption of ms.marvel )
Squaddies lol. I think I'll use that. Anyway on a mission I was playing with Storm and the other player was Jean Grey. I heard that Jean was powerful but because she used to cost 350 I thought she wouldn't be too strong. But in battle Jean was at the power levels of 1000 gold coins. She could wipe out the screen with her combos and inflict damage on bosses that characters like Wolverine, Spider-Woman, and Thor do and they are all second to Iron Man. Now I can't wait for her.
That must have been one of the creators of the game. Cuz Jean Grey isnt in the beta..yet. Or is she buyable, i didn't see her in the squaddies shop. Nor in the shield agents only shop. Is she playable in the beta? Oh and does she use phoenix force or something like that?
EDIT: Oh and in the my Squad HQ, in the training room, i building a wall with the blocks and triangles and i threw my squaddies ( using click and hold ) and watched who would break the wall, of course it was the Thing. lol
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 09, 2011, 02:28PM
That must have been one of the creators of the game. Cuz Jean Grey isnt in the beta..yet. Or is she buyable, i didn't see her in the squaddies shop. Nor in the shield agents only shop. Is she playable in the beta? Oh and does she use phoenix force or something like that?
She was originally in the beta but for some reason they removed her, War Machine, Captain America, and Daredevil (probably for bugs). The people who bought her still have her so that player was someone who had already purchased Jean. She is at her Marvel Girl levels so she is not Phoenix yet. Her powers are the sparkly pink telekinesis and telepathy. Alternate costumes like Black Spider-Man or Wolverine in Jeans will soon be available and these alternate costumes will have different powers than the original so I'm assuming we will eventually see a Phoenix version of Jean with her fiery raptor powers.
BTW what is your name in the game? Mine is Warfare Goalie.
Wait a second i think i know you, mine is Dragon Sergeant. I have seen you around the city. And i wish they re-add Jean Grey, i think i know why they removed all those heroes, to make way for new heroes for players to test in the beta. In its release when all heroes are tested all heroes will be available.
EDIT: Strange Jean should have phoenix powers, as she displayed her phoenix force in the Mysterious mayhem at mutant academy in Super Hero Squad Show.
EDIT 2: Ugh i cant get that little song out of my head. When Falcon dances a little song is heard. Which is a little funny and nice but also very painful and annoying at the same time. Its wierd, it actually pleases me and annoys me at the same time.
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 09, 2011, 02:34PM
Wait a second i think i know you, mine is Dragon Sergeant. I have seen you around the city. And i wish they re-add Jean Grey, i think i know why they removed all those heroes, to make way for new heroes for players to test in the beta. In its release when all heroes are tested all heroes will be available.
EDIT: Strange Jean should have phoenix powers, as she displayed her phoenix force in the Mysterious mayhem at mutant academy in Super Hero Squad Show.
EDIT 2: Ugh i cant get that little song out of my head. When Falcon dances a little song is heard. Which is a little funny and nice but also very painful and annoying at the same time. Its wierd, it actually pleases me and annoys me at the same time.
Yeah thats what I think as well. I'm sure for release we will see these characters again along with the others who were confirmed but not included, like Elektra, Black Panther, and Dr. Strange.
Yeah in that episode Jean had Phoenix powers and a new Marvel Girl costume. I guess they wanted a Marvel Girl version first and then progress her into Phoenix.
And lol I didn't know Falcon had a little song when he dances. I'll try that soon.
When another falcon dances not you as Falcon, then you dont hear music. Oh wait this was his power emote, but it looks like dancing.
Oh and they probably might make new characters ( cuz in the site i see unfilled spots ) the characters might be Emma Frost, Colossus and ect
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 09, 2011, 02:31PM
She was originally in the beta but for some reason they removed her, War Machine, Captain America, and Daredevil (probably for bugs).
I was wondering what was going on when I saw War Machine three days ago. Thanks for the explanation.
Does someone know what the MAX level is in the game? ( as a number )
Super Hero Squad Online will be a free to play game for all kids and even some adults. But the game will also have an optional subscription.
These are the benefits of a subscription:
- Subscribers can win gold coins via the prize wheel ( While normal members can win only silver coins, thus normal members cant have gold coins )
- Subscribers can buy SHIELD ONLY characters using silver coins ( not gold coins )
- Subscribers can buy more missions available only trough gold coins
New Changes:
- New Zone will come: Oscorp
- Card game will be finally in the game
- Many bugs will be fixed
- Characters like: Jean Grey, War Machine, Captain America and Doctor Strange will also return to the game
- Characters will be bought using silver coins ( but i do believe that the price will increase as silver is easier to get than gold )
- More Missions will come
- More items for your uncanny, fantastic or marvelous HQ
- Teleport to Friend HQ will be in the game, and you will finally be able to throw parties with your friends
- New Characters are coming to Super Hero City.
- Deadpool - Marvel's funniest character is coming to superhero city. So be on your guard or he might pull a prank on you.
- Rogue - This Western little gal is always ready for a fight. With her touch that can put you in a sleeping coma.
- Psylocke - Psylocke cant be described with words. Her psionic blades can slash metal like bread and a knife.
- Shadowcat - Wherever you hide, she can find you. No bother locking your room, she can pass trough the walls any time.
- Emma Frost - Your mind cant escape her...seriously it cant. Emma is MARVEL's precious diamond and its White Queen.
A Hold bundle of characters and there are many more to come!
Losses and unpleasant things:
- Beta Accounts will be deleted
- The game will be more time in maintenance
Super Hero Squad Online! Coming 2011 Q2
Come and HERO UP!!!
Can't wait for Osorp and the new characters. Too bad we have too lose everything we got on our beta account. I wonder when the game will be released.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 10, 2011, 11:08AM
Can't wait for Osorp and the new characters. Too bad we have too lose everything we got on our beta account. I wonder when the game will be released.
I cant wait too. And they have to delete the account because new updates might cause bugs with old saves and files. It will be released May or June. And i hope i can use Jean, and a hope her hero up power is : She flies in the air as a phoenix aura appears on her back and she knock backs all enemies around her then she transforms into dark phoenix and destroy the enemies then the mission area, then it reaches the game world then it destroy the entire game and then she goes to the screen watching at you and breaking the 4th wall saying "My next victim is you, so be ready for the MIGHT OF PHOENIX!" LOL
Im glad it will be free, but I sucks we have to lose everything we have already :P
I was able to buy (hire) Iron Man today, even though he is set up for subscribers only. That will probably change with the final version too.
Quote from: fox456 on April 10, 2011, 06:59PM
I was able to buy (hire) Iron Man today, even though he is set up for subscribers only. That will probably change with the final version too.
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 10, 2011, 10:38AM
These are the benefits of a subscription:
- Subscribers can buy SHIELD ONLY characters using silver coins ( not gold coins )
Im sure Iron Man, and Black Widow will remain the same
I just hope jean is buyable for non-subscribers
I wish they would have given Jean this costume, I dont really like the costume they gave her
Aw, thats a really cute costume. The best phoenix costume ever.
It seems that we will get to see more new characters eventually however Giant-Man and Elektra are missing for some reason. I'm glad we have more X-Men like Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke, etc. although I hope we see Iceman and Nightcrawler as well. The goal for this game is to get all the marvel heroes so I'm sure we can expect more heroes like Namor, Beast, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, etc.
I also hope we get another costume for Jean. The original one is probably the last one they should have included and looks out of place with the rest of the X-Men.
More nitpicky stuff but I noticed that Jean's eyes are blue and Kitty's eyes are green when they should be green and brown in that order. But that's just my nitpicky rant lol.
Also noticed how in this pic there are 6 characters yet in the game we can only have four per team. Hopefully that means the team slots will increase.
Aoww that's so cute! ^^
But I have to agree, all the other X-men has their 90's look, Cyclops, Emma, Rogue, Psylocke.. Jean should have either Phoenix (cheerleader Phoenix lol) or Jim Lee.
I think I'll play this, it seems fun.
Emma's look is interesting. They kept the short hair (one of the few women who I actually kinda like short hair on) and gave the Astonishing costume (New X-Men and the Hellfire Club just isn't appropriate enough for children lol).
I don't mind starting with Jean's original version as Marvel Girl and progressing into Phoenix later but her 90s, Marvel Girl, or Cheerleader costumes would have been way better than the Original X-Men. Kitty would have fit way better in the original costume.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 12, 2011, 01:26PM
Emma's look is interesting. They kept the short hair (one of the few women who I actually kinda like short hair on) and gave the Astonishing costume (New X-Men and the Hellfire Club just isn't appropriate enough for children lol).
I don't mind starting with Jean's original version as Marvel Girl and progressing into Phoenix later but her 90s, Marvel Girl, or Cheerleader costumes would have been way better than the Original X-Men. Kitty would have fit way better in the original costume.
Yup i'ts her current look with some details from her White Queen look. Actually all the females with a "revealing" look (Emma, Storm, Psylocke, Ms. Marvel) uses trousers, lol
I actually like her Original X-men, but I think that Phoenix or 90's is more iconic.
Elektra also has trousers although in game Ms. Marvel doesn't. I'm surpised that Wanda's costume is more revealing.
I like her Original costume too but it doesn't fit in with the other costumes and her Phoenix and 90s are more iconic as you said. Her Marvel Girl or Cheerleader costume would also have given her a more individualistic look that could help her stand out amongst the others. After all she doesn't have to match with Scott and Logan all the time. But I'll quit complaining about her costume choice considering that I don't even have Jean right now and since even in her Original costume Jean looks really cute (but so does everyone else)
Im glad Emma will be in! And I wish Jean would have got another costume :/
I'm impressed with the X-Women. Emma and Psylocke will be fun but I think Rogue and Kitty will be more fun because their powers will be more unique. There isn't too many powers that can be recycled for them.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 12, 2011, 03:14PM
I'm impressed with the X-Women. Emma and Psylocke will be fun but I think Rogue and Kitty will be more fun because their powers will be more unique. There isn't too many powers that can be recycled for them.
Well they can focus on the unique features of them, I mean the fact that the 3 are psychics doesn't mean anything, from the screenshots I saw, Jean seems the classic tk character so Psylocke can combine her ninja skills with some tk powers and Emma can use some telepathic blasts and her diamond form to be a bruiser like character.
I'm curious about how they will include Rogue's and Kitty's powers considering that both, while unique, are kind of problematic on games.
Im so hyped to see Kitty!
Quote from: whiteking on April 12, 2011, 03:28PM
Well they can focus on the unique features of them, I mean the fact that the 3 are psychics doesn't mean anything, from the screenshots I saw, Jean seems the classic tk character so Psylocke can combine her ninja skills with some tk powers and Emma can use some telepathic blasts and her diamond form to be a bruiser like character.
I'm curious about how they will include Rogue's and Kitty's powers considering that both, while unique, are kind of problematic on games.
I think Kitty's specials will be more melee with a dash of phasing and a Lockheed power. More than likely her hq "show-off" powers will be more phasing. Rogue is more of an enigma as I have no idea how the game will manage her as her powerset has changed quite a lot. The game seems to be more classic (with the exception of some more recent characters like Spider-Woman, Emma Frost, Deadpool, etc.) as you can tell by the costumes and choice of characters. I think they'll end up using the 90s powerset for Rogue since Ms. Marvel is a mix of energy and strength.
YES I KNEW SHE WAS GONNA BE PLAYABLE I JUST KNEW IT...because she had her own supehero squad toy figure
I cant wait for her, i hope its after the maintence. If Emma is in it on Friday i will totaly forget about jean and DO EVERYTHING I CAN DO TO GET GOLD EVEN IF EMMA IS 200000000000000000000000 GOLD. I can believe it Emma will be in the game. lol When i saw the picture and looked down and saw Emma i nearly cried of happy-ness. I cant wait.
I cant wait she looks so cooooooool.
I just wish they would go with the classic look, who cares about the little children. The Astonishing looks good to ,but the top should be more up like this.
See how her top is on up , and her belly is seen. lol
They probably made it like that because of the children.
The Hair a little longer and white lipstick not red.
EDIT: Where did you get the picture? ....... WHERE!!!!! XD
I found it interesting that even on other forums like Cbr, Shades of Grey, Psylocke: Like a Butterfly, etc. people seem to dislike the costume choice for Jean. Apperantly many people are asking the developers why they chose that costume.
I don't mind jeans costume. It isn't detailed really, but I think most people expected her phoenix or marvel girl look. To me it doesn't scream jean grey, but it isn't bad.
I actually like the costume. Its very cute on Jean but doesn't seem right when Jean is in her training costume yet Kitty Pryde is in an individual costume. It would make more sense vice-versa. My deal is that she should just have a more iconic otufit like the rest of the X-Men. Scott and Logan have their 90s costumes, their most iconic. You could say Storm's 90s costume is more iconic but her 70s costume just speaks out to Storm's character more and most of her costumes look similar to her original one. I really don't care too much for Jean's costume as long as we eventually get a more iconic one for her (as well as more costumes for others. Not just Spidey, Wolverine, and Storm)
BTW the game is under work right now so it won't be available for a while. It'll probably be back up by tonight or tommorrow morning.
EDIT: 4elements do you have an account?
Yeah like I said I think people thought she would have a more distinguishing costume. To me it would have made more sense to give these characters the costumes that they had in the show, since the game has the same character design and name as the show
Unfortunately I don't have an account right now. I have seen pics and stuff but I don't have an account. I will probably play/register after my classes end. It looks neat. I started playing champions online, but it wasn't that fun, but this game looks a lot more fun. It also has some of my fav marvel characters in it, so that would be fun to play as them.
Hope you do make an account later. The game is more fun with people you actually know, or kinda know.
Im hopping we get something out of the game being down for 2 days now, at least it has been for me! And I dont hate this costume on Jean, I just dont like how it looks in this game, if they had not given her a pony tail and had maybe used the face mask version like the green marvel girl, I might have liked it more
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 13, 2011, 01:35PM
Hope you do make an account later. The game is more fun with people you actually know, or kinda know.
Quote from: fox456 on April 13, 2011, 02:19PM
Totally, not like werid stalker people, who fallow you, lol It happend to me!
Its happened to me as well!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 13, 2011, 03:25PM
Its happened to me as well!
Its so weird, but I find it funny some times to, because I try and run away somewhere where they cant get me and see if they find me again :P
Cant wait for maintence to end, i think they put new characters in- i hope they put emma frost
When will the Updating End so i can play the game
Full game is now available. I am now Princess Puffin lol (the usernames I got this time were really bad. Stuff like Intellect Cowgirl or Brainiac Elastic Waistman.) Sadly no card game, no Oscorp, and the only new characters are Black Panther, Black Spider-Man, War Machine, and Silver Surfer. No Cap, Jean Grey, Dr. Strange, Daredevil, etc. Becoming a subscriber is not available right now.
I've been trying to get back into the game for over an hour. The game acts like it is loading forever. Then, after several minutes, I got a "content" error of some kind. I was able to get on earlier today (under my original name, Super Samurai) and go through the simple training tutorial and then start going around the Daily Bugle for a few seconds, then the screen froze. I haven't been able to get back in since. I actually downloaded all the files again. Do you have to re-register too?
Yes you have to register again.
When i try to go to the site or it shows the Maintence Screen. It says that its not available in my region. How?! It was available before?
Yeah the game is released. Subscription is also not available yet. Right now I have the four default characters (Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Falcon, and Thing) as well as Iron Man and Hulkbuster Iron Man.
I can't get in. I even re-registered and that's not working. The screen just freezes (or sometimes I just an eternal hour glass) when I get to the screen that asks, "Do you want to play full-screen?" :(
Try reinstalling the game software. Also try using a more powerful computer if possible.
The Game isnt available in my country. Thats lame, it was available on the beta and not on the release?!
How do you buy characters like Storm, Invisible Woman and ect now. With gold or silver coins
What country are you in?
All the normal heroes are still gold, but some are more expensive like Spider-Man and Spider-Girl. Iron Man, Black Widow, Surfer, Black Spider-Man, and War Machine are all silver. You can get Hulkbuster Iron Man and Tuxedo Thing with codes.
Hey Marvelfan12345,
I finally got it -- I'm Winter Fighter now. I re-installed, but that didn't work. I unistalled and then re-installed, and that worked. How did you get Iron Man and War Machine? Isn't Iron Man only for subscribers, which hasn't started yet?
I about fell over when I saw Silver Surfer was 25,000 silver!!! He is the only character I can even buy. I might be able to afford him by the end of the summer. HA!
I'll search for you. I never got War Machine but I did get Iron Man and Hulkbuster Iron Man. I became a subscriber with a special code. Use the code "superhero" to become a subscriber for free. Use the code "heroup" to get Hulkbuster Iron Man. I dont' know the code for Tuxedo Thing yet.
I'm in the Daily Bugle area right now. Where'd you get those codes?
People in chat gave them to me.
Im downloading stuff to play right now! AHH, its still on the beta site right? I'll let you know what im called IM SO EXCITED!
Yeah its cool but still no Jean. Hoping they add her soon.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 16, 2011, 02:53PM
Yeah its cool but still no Jean. Hoping they add her soon.
Still no Jean :O Lame, anyone else new tho?
Black Spider-Man, War Machine, Silver Surfer, Hulkbuster Iron Man, Tuxedo Thing, and Black Panther.
Ahh :( they need more people!
Edit: Where do you use the codes to get the heroes and to become a subscriber?
No, just need to re-register -- at least that's what I did. Add the two codes (superhero and heroup) before you start the game.
It's weird to see so many Cyclops, Ms Marvel, Thing and Falcon characters running around.
Here's another code. Mamarosas. It unlocks Thing in a tuxedo. There may be a Captain America one as well but not sure. If I get it I'll post it here asap.
Quote from: fox456 on April 16, 2011, 03:11PM
No, just need to re-register -- at least that's what I did. Add the two codes (superhero and heroup) before you start the game.
It's weird to see so many Cyclops, Ms Marvel, Thing and Falcon characters running around.
so, where do you put the codes tho?
the main page.
I'm sure glad that you have these "contacts" somewhere to get the passwords for the extra cool stuff! Thank you.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 16, 2011, 03:15PM
so, where do you put the codes tho?
In the little box that says, "Redeem Code."
(oops, sorry for the double post.)
Ok thanks I got it now, I thought that was for codes you get in the email lol!
Edit: I see that all the gold on the prize wheel is mostly 5 now :/
BTW my new name is Spirit Marshmellow
Hey, do you guys think the game will restart everything you have earned again when they revamp the site to add more characters, the other zone, etc.?
Quote from: fox456 on April 16, 2011, 03:16PM
I'm sure glad that you have these "contacts" somewhere to get the passwords for the extra cool stuff! Thank you.
Your welcome! And I know right, these contacts are very helpful. Still investigating the Cap one.
And no I don't think they will restart everything again since this was the final game.
Well, they will have to do something to make money if everyone ends up with the code to be a subscriber. Even as a subscriber, it takes twice as long to make gold since they cut the values in half on the wheel.
Quote from: fox456 on April 16, 2011, 03:28PM
Even as a subscriber, it takes twice as long to make gold since they cut the values in half on the wheel.
Yeah that is annoying.
I think if oyur a subscriber the gold should always stay gold, and then you have another option to go play the silver wheel, its going to take for ever to get people now :/
I'm pretty sure that the Cap code is fake now so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
LOL, if they had a Cap character, I'd be picking him for sure. :D
Are you guys in there yet?
Same here. Where are you Fox?
Daily Bugle -- at the Wheel. I'm Winter Fighter (Falcon).
I'll be there soon
midnightphoenix123, are you in yet?
I am from Bulgaria, almost like the middle of Europe. I managed to bypass the security codes put on the site, that prevents players from the reach of the game's server to enter the site where you register. So i registered used the subscribtion code, but i cant download the game files. IT gives me a blue screen ( on a nother window ) and says unity and there is a bar under the UNITY that should load, but it dosnt load? i guess the server isnt in europe yet so i cant get the game files
Ok, I am Marvelous Roamer, also in the game.
If anyone would like to play with me add me :)
Quote from: fox456 on April 16, 2011, 04:09PM
midnightphoenix123, are you in yet?
Yes I am in my name is Spirit Marshmellow :P
Edit: Unfortuantly the free Subscribe code only lasts till May 29th so save up your gold!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 17, 2011, 06:58AM
Yes I am in my name is Spirit Marshmellow :P
Edit: Unfortuantly the free Subscribe code only lasts till May 29th so save up your gold!
Can I add you as a friend? :)
I just installed it last night, and what little I've tried, I enjoyed. But does anyone know why most of the heroes seem to be subscribe only? Or when the rewards refresh, because I logged on this morning and they hadn't.
By the way, who do you guys recommend I save for?
Have you used the subscriber code I posted on this thread? If you haven't use that because you can only buy heroes as a subscriber. I think the rewards will refresh every 7:00 PM or around that time.
For silver I'd recommend Iron Man and War Machine. Both are great fun characters to use. Surfer seems great but he costs way too much. You'll have to have lots of savings for him. Even if you saved 1000 silver coins a day, it will take around 25 days to get him lol.
For gold there is a lot more choices. I'd stick with my fav characters for gold.
What should I buy with my silver coins?
Any suggestions?
Iron Man and War Machine are both great. Black Widow isn't that bad if you like quick melee characters.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 17, 2011, 06:58AM
Edit: Unfortuantly the free Subscribe code only lasts till May 29th so save up your gold!
Hmmm, what does this mean exactly? On May 29, do we start over completely again?
Thanks MarvelFan12345.
I too would like to know what fox456 asked... Sorry for asking silly questions, but I'm still new at this.
There is no way to get gold coins now, right?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 16, 2011, 02:05PM
... I became a subscriber with a special code. Use the code "superhero" to become a subscriber for free....
Put this code in the REDEEM CODE box. Then you can get some gold once a day (for awhile anyway).
That means that by May 29th you won't be a subscriber anymore although you'll keep everything you've got.
Oh my... *blush*
Thank you all for the information :)
I finally created an account and I've been playing, it's simple, but fun. No Emma or Jean yet (boooo!) but Black Widow is there so I'll get her as soon as I have the money ;)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 17, 2011, 10:30AM
That means that by May 29th you won't be a subscriber anymore although you'll keep everything you've got.
Thank you!
From what I've seen, Silver Surfer is the only one able to be bought with out subscribing. So, I guess I better be saving up.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 17, 2011, 07:59AM
Have you used the subscriber code I posted on this thread? If you haven't use that because you can only buy heroes as a subscriber. I think the rewards will refresh every 7:00 PM or around that time.
For silver I'd recommend Iron Man and War Machine. Both are great fun characters to use. Surfer seems great but he costs way too much. You'll have to have lots of savings for him. Even if you saved 1000 silver coins a day, it will take around 25 days to get him lol.
For gold there is a lot more choices. I'd stick with my fav characters for gold.
Yes, I did and thank you. It's nice having two extra heroes at the beginning.
All beta testers have access to Captain America. As our prize we get 1250 gold coins and a code to unlock Cap who is only available for beta testers. I also e-mailed the developers of the game about the other characters (Jean, DD, Elektra, and Strange) and he told me that they are working on these characters and will include them soon but there is no date.
I was wondering where all the Caps were coming from....
I just checked my e-mail, but I didn't get any codes. I believe I was in the Beta testing for about a week or two. Did anyone get their code for Cap?
I got mine (as you know thanks to our Cap-Falcon teamup). You should check your spam folder and if it isn't there then I would e-mail the developers.
I havent got my code yet either :/
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 18, 2011, 08:13PM
I got mine (as you know thanks to our Cap-Falcon teamup). You should check your spam folder and if it isn't there then I would e-mail the developers.
Yes, that was a classic teamup! Just like old times when Cap and Falcon worked together. :)
I thought I had to re-register when the Beta trial ended, so I did. Now, I'm guessing I won't get a "Cap" code with my new registration. However, I checked my old account and it works now. Of course, none of the characters have experience. That e-mail address hasn't received anything either. I may write the developers as you suggested.
Quote from: fox456 on April 19, 2011, 07:42AM
Yes, that was a classic teamup! Just like old times when Cap and Falcon worked together. :)
I thought I had to re-register when the Beta trial ended, so I did. Now, I'm guessing I won't get a "Cap" code with my new registration. However, I checked my old account and it works now. Of course, none of the characters have experience. That e-mail address hasn't received anything either. I may write the developers as you suggested.
Let me know if this works for you
I never got one too, but it's not a problem, Captain America is not one of my favorite heroes so, I don't really care if I'm able to play with him or not, currently I'm with Black Widow, I love her, she's fast and really fun!
I dont care abour him either, but hes 1 more hero! But still dont have him, I just wanted the money that came with it so I can save for Jean. Im trying to work owards Black Widow now so I have someone else because I dont plan on spending any of my gold, plus I got an Email regarding Jean and all the other people, and they will be put in soon
Same here I wanted Spider Woman, but I'll wait.
We have seen screenshots from Jean but did they confirmed, on the e-mail you got, other characters like Rogue, Emma or Psylocke?
I'm not getting any e-mails from Marvel Super Hero Squad at all. I did write the developers and explain the problem about re-registering and not receiving any code for Captain America. They said they could only mail out the code (and gold) to my original account. That account is working now but I still haven't received anything for Cap. I'm not sure I want to start all over a third time.
Quote from: whiteking on April 19, 2011, 12:16PM
Same here I wanted Spider Woman, but I'll wait.
We have seen screenshots from Jean but did they confirmed, on the e-mail you got, other characters like Rogue, Emma or Psylocke?
no, it doesnt really talk about any hero directly, but you know who they are talking about, everyone who is not included :P
Thank you for contacting us regarding the available Heroes.
We're still working on creating our heroes selection, as such some heroes may be in the Playtest for testing and then removed to allow us to focus our testing on other heroes. This means that you may see some Heroes in game that are not currently available for purchase. This also means more heroes may become available as testing goes along.
Please keep in mind that the "Closed Beta" Playtest period of the game is designed to help us polish the game, and sadly we cannot guarantee that any content such as characters (including progression), game content, subscriber status, or coins obtained during this testing period will be remain on your account. For more information on this, please review our Terms of Service.
Thank You,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Hmmm, interesting, well I'll have to wait then lol.
Thanks for the info :)
Quote from: whiteking on April 19, 2011, 12:45PM
Hmmm, interesting, well I'll have to wait then lol.
Thanks for the info :)
No prob, glad to help. Has anyone found any bugs, I reported 1 in the original beta testing that when I spun the wheal it sometimes took awhile to take tickets away, so it would seem like when you spin the wheal for the 15th time it would take 3 tickets away, making it seem like it was taking to many, and it hasnt happend since the new one came out
Midnightphoenix and Fox, are you guys checking the e-mails you used for the beta accounts. If you used a different e-mail for your new account, they will be sending the code to the e-mail listed with your beta account. It doesn't matter if you registered as a new player, as long as you used the same e-mail (or are checking your old e-mail) you should get it.
Cap is also not one of my favs so I was kinda dissapointed until I got him. He is probably the best character in the game, even more than Iron Man, War Machine, and Spider-Woman. I may not like the character but he will be my constant (until I get some more characters).
In the e-mail I sent to ask about the new characters I referred to the characters by name and mentioned Jean Grey, Daredevil, Elektra, Dr. Strange, and Captain America (at the time he was not yet a code). The developer replied and informed me that those 5 would be available soon and they were just fixing their bugs and finishing them off.
In the e-mail I also mentioned if the other heroes we had seen from the magazine cover (Gambit, Deadpool, Emma, Psylocke, etc) would be included in the game. He said he is not involved with them but they will certainly be included. As he is not involved with them he is not sure if the other developers have started on them yet or not nor does he know when they will be included. All he is certain about is that they will be included, so no new info about them yet but I'll ask him if he can give me the address for a developer who is working on these characters.
Thanks for all the info you guys are sharing here.
I re-registered using my second e-mail address, but I have checked both and haven't gotten any codes (just checked before I wrote this.) Do you think that if they do send the code to my original e-mail address that I'll be able to use it with my new account? Otherwise, I have to either forget Cap and continue with my present account or start all over with my old account and have Cap.
The code will work in any account you have, but it only works once. If you do get it (which you should) then you should just use your first account (Winter Falcon I believe?) and use the Cap code there.
Im checking both emails, and Im getting nothing :/
I would recommend e-mailing the developers. Its the only thing I can think of as there is no reason why you guys shouldnt' have the codes.
Quote from: fox456 on April 19, 2011, 02:16PM
Thanks for all the info you guys are sharing here.
I re-registered using my second e-mail address, but I have checked both and haven't gotten any codes (just checked before I wrote this.) Do you think that if they do send the code to my original e-mail address that I'll be able to use it with my new account? Otherwise, I have to either forget Cap and continue with my present account or start all over with my old account and have Cap.
Ok I sent an email, and got a reply, and this is what they said
Thank you for contacting us regarding the Closed Beta reward.
We are still in the process of sending out the reward emails. Please check your spam folder to assure it has not gone there. Further you may want to add "" to your safe sender or "white list" to assure the message is not filtered as spam.
As it may take a few days for us to send out all of the emails, if you still have not received a message from us by the evening of April 21st, 2011 please reply to this message and we will investigate the issue closer.
Thank you for your patience.
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Midnightphoenix what is your username in the game? We haven't met there yet in our new accounts.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 06:54PM
Midnightphoenix what is your username in the game? We haven't met there yet in our new accounts.
I'll get on now, its Spirit Marshmellow
I'm Princess Puffin. I'll search for you. I'm Spider-Woman in the FF Plaza.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 07:05PM
I'm Princess Puffin. I'll search for you.
Ok, im currently loading the game
Ok I'll be Spider-Woman and I'll be in the FF Plaza. Who will you be?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 07:06PM
Ok I'll be Spider-Woman and I'll be in the FF Plaza. Who will you be?
Ok im coming, and I'll be Ms Marvel as she is my fav currently!
"SHS twitter: Stay tuned! Jean Grey should be back in game soon." thanks to Joshtylen from Shades of Grey.
Looks as though we can expect Jean soon and that developer was right then. I can't wait for Jean! I was planning to buy Storm tommorrow but with Jean coming any day now, I don't want to have no gold when she gets here. I'll keep it all untouched until she arrives. Hopefully the other characters will come too.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 07:21PM
"SHS twitter: Stay tuned! Jean Grey should be back in game soon." thanks to Joshtylen from Shades of Grey.
Looks as though we can expect Jean soon and that developer was right then. I can't wait for Jean! I was planning to buy Storm tommorrow but with Jean coming any day now, I don't want to have no gold when she gets here. I'll keep it all untouched until she arrives. Hopefully the other characters will come too.
Yay, im so happy! Did Magenta invite you to the mission?
Yes Magenta did but sadly I have to go to bed now so I can't attend. Please tell Magenta through chat why I couldn't attend. You'll have to do it after the mission is over though. Hopefully tommorrow we can all team up together!
EDIT: Never mind already explained it to you guys. By tommorrow we can all team up, hopefully by then we will all own Jean.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 07:29PM
Yes Magenta did but sadly I have to go to bed now so I can't attend. Please tell Magenta through chat why I couldn't attend. You'll have to do it after the mission is over though. Hopefully tommorrow we can all team up together!
Ok, see you tommorow!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 19, 2011, 03:17PM
Ok I sent an email, and got a reply, and this is what they said....
By the way, I got the EXACT e-mail message when I asked about not receiving the Cap code yet.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 19, 2011, 02:19PM
The code will work in any account you have, but it only works once. If you do get it (which you should) then you should just use your first account (Winter Falcon I believe?) and use the Cap code there.
That is great to know. I was just about to start building up my old account again (Super Samurai) (gold, heroes, etc.) just so I could use Cap. Now, I will add him to my present account (Winter Fighter -- you were close on your guess!) when I get the code. Thanks.
Quote from: fox456 on April 19, 2011, 07:37PM
By the way, I got the EXACT e-mail message when I asked about not receiving the Cap code yet.
Lol, well at least they replied, are you on now?
I'm getting back on if you want to do a mission together.
Quote from: fox456 on April 19, 2011, 07:48PM
I'm getting back on if you want to do a mission together.
Ok, whats your name, im in the Daily Bugle
I had to quit for tonight. I'll check in with you again soon!
Twas really fun playing with you guys, thanks :)
Just bought Black Widow, and I've got to say she is one of my favs. She's fast, from what I can tell has two dash powers, and an awesome hero up move.
Yes she is.
I bought her and I love her jump and her speed, I mostly used her to destroy those bots so I could get the tickets.
Quote from: TheStorm on April 20, 2011, 07:58PM
Twas really fun playing with you guys, thanks :)
I had amazing fun with you and Midnightphoenix! Mystique had no chance against our marvelous ladies. :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 21, 2011, 04:18PM
I had amazing fun with you and Midnightphoenix! Mystique had no chance against our marvelous ladies. :)
No she didnt!
Finally got my code, although I did have to email them again, but what ever! And I had another stalker excperince! YAY for stalkers lol but seriously this person would not, and is still not leaving me alone
Yeah, there was this person using Falcon and kept following me and stood right in front of me and laughed...
Weird stuff.
I wrote to him/her on chat, I said : what's funny? you're the one who looks like a bird.
and then he/she left, hahaha.
Quote from: TheStorm on April 21, 2011, 05:59PM
Yeah, there was this person using Falcon and kept following me and stood right in front of me and laughed...
Weird stuff.
I wrote to him/her on chat, I said : what's funny? you're the one who looks like a bird.
and then he/she left, hahaha.
Lol i love when people fallow me its funny because I try to run away and see if they can find me
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 21, 2011, 05:15PM
Finally got my code, although I did have to email them again, but what ever! And I had another stalker excperince! YAY for stalkers lol but seriously this person would not, and is still not leaving me alone
Glad you got your code. I'm still waiting on mine.
Quote from: TheStorm on April 21, 2011, 05:59PM
Yeah, there was this person using Falcon and kept following me and stood right in front of me and laughed...
Weird stuff.
I wrote to him/her on chat, I said : what's funny? you're the one who looks like a bird.
and then he/she left, hahaha.
So that is why you were saying that.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 21, 2011, 06:47PM
Lol i love when people fallow me its funny because I try to run away and see if they can find me
yeah I like seeing if they can find me after I run away and try to hide. And glad to see that you got your code.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 21, 2011, 09:29PM
yeah I like seeing if they can find me after I run away and try to hide. And glad to see that you got your code.
Quote from: fox456 on April 21, 2011, 08:49PM
Glad you got your code. I'm still waiting on mine.
Thanks, and Fox you should email them, it said on mine to reply to them by April 21st if you have yet to get your code
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 22, 2011, 12:31PM
Thanks, and Fox you should email them, it said on mine to reply to them by April 21st if you have yet to get your code
That was a good idea. I e-mailed them again and did get my code. Did you enter the code under your NEW account?
Quote from: fox456 on April 22, 2011, 07:36PM
That was a good idea. I e-mailed them again and did get my code. Did you enter the code under your NEW account?
Sorry for the late reply, but yes I did, since I dont want to re do anything on my old one
Yes, finally. The game is finally available in my country. My in-game name is Spider Spirit. I used the "heroup" code and became a free subscirber till 15 May. I am wondering, if i should get gold and buy Storm, or wait for Jean or Emma?
You should buy Storm, she is very much fun and strong, besides if you use the superhero redeem code you can get gold every day, so you can collect some more for later purchases.
Yeah I agree you should buy Storm. Jean might be coming soon but Emma probably will be a while (as will the other characters). No point in waiting for them. If you want to have gold for them then I would advise keeping enough gold to buy new stuff and enough to buy Jean and Emma when they come. I'm keeping 350 gold safe for Jean in case she comes after I lose my subscription (but I'm sure she will be here before that). Jean will cost 350 but I have no idea about Emma. She will probably be 350 or at the most 600.
Code for getting gold everyday? What is it?
@ Diamond Girl
The code "superhero" (without the quotes) will establish you as a subscriber and reset the wheel with gold once each day.
@ MarvelFan12345
How did you find out that Jean Grey will only be 350 gold? I would have guessed at least 1000.
isnt the code for making you a subscriber heroup
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 16, 2011, 02:05PM
I'll search for you. I never got War Machine but I did get Iron Man and Hulkbuster Iron Man. I became a subscriber with a special code. Use the code "superhero" to become a subscriber for free. Use the code "heroup" to get Hulkbuster Iron Man. I dont' know the code for Tuxedo Thing yet.
I was just using this post.
BTW Happy Easter to everyone!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 24, 2011, 08:02AM
BTW Happy Easter to everyone!
Thank you! I'll add my wishes:
H A P P Y E A S T E R !
Quote from: fox456 on April 24, 2011, 08:11AM
Thank you! I'll add my wishes:
H A P P Y E A S T E R !
Very colorful!
Happy Easter everyone! (Fox's is way better though :)). I learned that Jean is 350 because when she was available in beta someone else confirmed she was 350. After she was removed they replaced her with the Scarlet Witch.
EDIT: Bought Surfer last night and while he is fun I don't think he is worth all the money. Just a tip for those who may not have him yet. I'd probably save up for him once your subscription ends and you have no other characters to buy. Also finally maxed out Black Widow and I love her third power emote :)
Yeah he is definitely way too expensive for me. I love black widow especially because of her double jumps. I mainly use her for the zones to collect tickets. I also love wasp. I use her the most for missions. I just got symbiote spidey yesterday. I have been playing the game for about three days now, and it is pretty fun. The only downside is not being able to sell things like when you get multiples of the same thing at the prize wheel, and not being able to trade silver for gold, like if you have 100 silver you could trade it for 25 gold, or something like that.
Yeah the not selling stuff is annoying. I haven't bought Wasp yet but I'll get her tommorrow. In the beta she was one of my fav characters to play as so I'm looking forward to her. Is black suit Spider-Man good? In beta I bought Spider-Man and I really hated him. His combos weren't very good and he was a major dissapointment to me.
Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 22, 2011, 11:34PM
Yes, finally. The game is finally available in my country. My in-game name is Spider Spirit. I used the "heroup" code and became a free subscirber till 15 May. I am wondering, if i should get gold and buy Storm, or wait for Jean or Emma?
That is weird. I became a subscriber before you and mine doesn't expire until May 28.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 24, 2011, 06:36PM
Yeah the not selling stuff is annoying. I haven't bought Wasp yet but I'll get her tommorrow. In the beta she was one of my fav characters to play as so I'm looking forward to her. Is black suit Spider-Man good? In beta I bought Spider-Man and I really hated him. His combos weren't very good and he was a major dissapointment to me.
Not the biggest fan of spidey in general, but I didn't like symbiote spidey that much (being as non biased as possible lol). I like his web swing (double jump) but that works in the zones, since he was sold as silver I decided to get him. He has more melee attacks it seems like, and I don't really like that especially when your up against the bosses, so I probably wouldn't advise it. But I haven't really played much with him, since I got him yesterday, and I haven't played at all today. I have a feeling though that spidey and symb spidey are similar, so if you didn't like spidey, you probably wouldn't like symb spidey.
Yeah. I think they are the same besides the costume change and maybe webbing color change. I also like the web swing but nothing else really makes me enjoy him. Imo he and Mr. Fantastic should be some of the funnest because they could have done a lot with Spidy's webbing and Mr. Fantastic's stretching but so far they have both been dissapointments to me.
yeah I am hoping to get war machine with silver next and then with gold, maybe Storm, sue, she hulk, human torch, spiderwoman, scarlet witch, or if jean gets here, maybe her. Also can't wait for Dr. Strange, psylocke, Emma, Rogue, Nightcrawler and gambit.
I agree with you guys that it would be great to sell things or even heroes that you don't want. I've been standing on the street corners trying to sell paint but so far no one has taken me up on the offer. :)
Wait so you can sell items you win?
LOL, no I was just kidding. I WISH you could sell them!
BTW, has anyone been using their headquarters much?
I wonder when Jean will be in the game. Where does it say that Jean will come back in the game. And does someone know when?
Can someone please explain to me how the missions function?
I do the mission, and while I'm doing it, it says I earned an adamantium medal and when I'm finished it says I barely got the gold medal -.-
This is to my understanding:
There are certain factors in the mission that determine your final score. Death is a factor in your final score (called survival bonus), also whether or not you comply with the objective. For instance in the mystique mission it says to use the explosive barrels when attacking an enemy. So doing, or infact no doing those things affect your mission score. Now if you're talking about the medal that appears every-so-often in the bottom left hand corner, those are medals. For instance say you defeat 10 enemies in the mission with a certain character, then you earn a bronze medal, then if you defeat a total of 25 with that character, then you bump up to silver, and so on (i don't know the actual numbers, it just gives you an idea of what I'm talking about). Those medals appear when you go to your hero info in the my squad hud. Other medals include the number of bosses you defeat, etc.
Hope that answered your question. :)
Quote from: Rapunzel on April 25, 2011, 04:18AM
I wonder when Jean will be in the game. Where does it say that Jean will come back in the game. And does someone know when?
No confirmed date but sometime last week on Twitter they confirmed that Jean will be added soon because a fan of hers was asking.
Quote from: fox456 on April 25, 2011, 03:24AM
LOL, no I was just kidding. I WISH you could sell them!
BTW, has anyone been using their headquarters much?
The only time I use mine is to stack stuff up super high and then hit play and watch it fall, then I just through stuff around until I get bored
Lol. I've been decorating the heroes rooms with their stuff. So far I'm pairing heroes together as roomates through their paint and item color.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 25, 2011, 02:22PM
Lol. I've been decorating the heroes rooms with their stuff. So far I'm pairing heroes together as roomates through their paint and item color.
Lol, they have rooms? I had no idea XD I should really get on more :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 25, 2011, 02:14PM
The only time I use mine is to stack stuff up super high and then hit play and watch it fall, then I just through stuff around until I get bored
How do you find stuff after it falls? I know I have certain stuff in the room, but it has disappeared from site and it's not in the inventory either.
I dont know I just leave and go to Baxter Plaze or something and when I go back its all in my inventory again
Strange, when i try to go to the site it shows me the maintence window again. There might be an update, maybe bringing back JEAN! :-)
Its working for me. It could be that the game hasn't reached your country yet.
I'll like this game so much more if it didn't look like a kid's cartoon
I actually kinda like the kids look .Without the superhero squad theme then we wouldn't be able to have block dance parties lol! Plus the squaddies are all so cute.
Turns out that there was an update. But what is it? Come to Parker House to find out what type of sweet suprise it is.
I'm confused :P lol
Still shows me the maintenence screen. And i think all of your countries well they must get the message for update a little late. I found someone on YouTube and has the same problem he posted recently that he played the game about a day ago and now there is a maintenance screen. So i dont think that its not reached our country i was playing it about a day ago and then the maintenance screen came up. So i think they are updating and at the Parker House when you enter it they give you a pie when you get out and then you eat it. I hope they add Jean
I went to Peter's house, but I found nothing new...
Go inside the house through the door.
Is it because you get a piece of pie? Whats the secret? All I got was pie
Thats the secret lol!
Why is it such a secret! Lol I finally figure it out so I go in and get pie and im like :I XD
I got the pie in the house before the update :D
Really? Everyone else didn't until after the update. Maybe that isn't the changed thing then.
There is a maintenance tonight, by the way, site and game. So, Jean might be there tomorrow.
Jean!! Yay!! I hope she is i really hope she is. And i hope Jean is 350 i have that much because i cant wait to buy her. One of her power emotes are really cool, she levitates a little and starts sensing the minds around her as she emits psychic transparent pink waves that cover allot of the area and you hear whispers. I cant wait. And are you sure its tommorow.
There was no maintenance for me anymore, and sadly still no Jean :(
There is a maintenance screen here. Some countries must be slow on updates :P
A really nice pic of the major Marvel Women all chilling and dancing (along with a pic of Jean. They came attached). Glad to see more pics of Psylocke, Kitty, and Rogue (although the latter two don't seem to have unique dances).
BTW you can now pay to become a subscriber if you aren't using the subscriber code.
Is Jean in the game? Is Emma in the Game?
Neither yet. Jean will be included soon but no official date. We've only seen Emma in a promo along with other characters shown above like Rogue, Kitty, and Psylocke. Since they were just recently shown they will likely be included sometime afterward.
I hope they come before my free subscriber goes away
Jean, DD, Elektra, and Dr. Strange probably will. Can't say anything for the others.
Just played as Black Spider-Man and he is really good. I don't know if his powerset is different from the other Spider-Man or they revamped him but all I know is that he is really fun. Hopefully the other Spider-Man is also like this because when I played as him in beta he was really bad imo.
Human Torch is also really good. I thought he would be a Ms. Marvel knockoff but he is very unique and fun to use. I'm glad I bought him and now I only need Mr. Fantastic to complete my FF.
I'm starting to think that no new characters will be added until the "free" subscriptions run out near the end of May.
Quote from: fox456 on May 04, 2011, 02:29PM
I'm starting to think that no new characters will be added until the "free" subscriptions run out near the end of May.
Me too, although I havent bought any new heros yet
LOL, me neither. I have a little over 4000 gold now. I was waiting for the newer ones, but I may have to start spending on the ones currently available.
I dont even have 2000 yet lol, but I think I will keep saving! XD
There is supposed to be another mainteance soon which will last a few days. The ones that last for several days usually give us something so I'm hoping we get new characters, missions, and the card game otherwise I think Jean, DD, Elektra, and Strange will be added after the free subscription ends.
I've been spending my gold because I can't stand waiting. I've only left some untouched to buy Jean as soon as she comes out. Might save some for Dr. Strange as well.
Quote... I've been spending my gold because I can't stand waiting....
That sounds like my brother! He spends his money as soon as he gets any. ;)
Does anyone know what the card game will be like?
Lol. That applies to me in real life too, not just this game.
Not sure but it seems fun.
Ha ha thats me to, I get money and in like a day or so its all gone!
Coming this May to Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is Asgard! In honor of the Thor film we will be seeing Asgard as well as some new stuff (no exact date though). Hopefully the Loki mission will be added as well as new characters. We already know that Valkyrie will be added along with all this stuff. Hopefully Jean, DD, Elektra, and Dr. Strange will finally make it.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 07, 2011, 09:19PM
Coming this May to Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is Asgard! In honor of the Thor film we will be seeing Asgard as well as some new stuff (no exact date though). Hopefully the Loki mission will be added as well as new characters. We already know that Valkyrie will be added along with all this stuff. Hopefully Jean, DD, Elektra, and Dr. Strange will finally make it.
Do you think the other two Thors will be added as well? Anyways, has anyone seen any any infomation on how to get Scarlet Spider because I saw one running around the game a few days back. In other news, I thought some of you might want to see this, but it is kinda old:
Not sure. Right now alternate costumes tend to be codes you earn or buy. To get Scarlet Spider you must buy one of the Marvel Super Hero Squad products and you get a one-time use code for him.
Anyway according to the web page there will be new heroes and missions so the important thing is plural. That means we can expect more than Valkyrie and the Loki mission. I think they might have a mission involving the Frost Giants and hopefully we will finally see Jean by this update. The word that Twitter used, "soon", is vague but I think they are referring to this update. Hopefully DD, Elektra, and Strange will also be added.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 08, 2011, 05:15PM
Not sure. Right now alternate costumes tend to be codes you earn or buy. To get Scarlet Spider you must buy one of the Marvel Super Hero Squad products and you get a one-time use code for him....
I think someone was saying that you had to buy Spider-Man twice to get Scarlet Spider, but I'm not sure I understood the person right.
Quote from: fox456 on May 08, 2011, 09:01PM
I think someone was saying that you had to buy Spider-Man twice to get Scarlet Spider, but I'm not sure I understood the person right.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 08, 2011, 05:15PM
Not sure. Right now alternate costumes tend to be codes you earn or buy. To get Scarlet Spider you must buy one of the Marvel Super Hero Squad products and you get a one-time use code for him.
Anyway according to the web page there will be new heroes and missions so the important thing is plural. That means we can expect more than Valkyrie and the Loki mission. I think they might have a mission involving the Frost Giants and hopefully we will finally see Jean by this update. The word that Twitter used, "soon", is vague but I think they are referring to this update. Hopefully DD, Elektra, and Strange will also be added.
Thanks for the info. Anyway, the update is tonight. It unfortunately looks as though it is just Valkyrie and Ultimate Thor (with Classic coming soon!), The Loki mission (with one involving Frost Giants coming soon), and of course Asgard. But who knows, Jean might just sneek in or be right around the corner.
The update is already finished! A brand new loading screen starts the game with four new heroes and four new villains, including Valkyrie, a new skin for Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Loki, Enchantress, and a Frost Giant. I'm downloading the new files now. :)
Asgard is truly amazing and beautiful. You can chase statues of Loki, turn into gold, watch puppet shows lol. Valkyrie is available for 600 gold while Ultimate Thor is available for 3000 silver in the subscriber section. Ultimate Thor is much different from the other Thor and Valkyrie is one of the best fighters in the game. I love her a lot as she is a quick melee fighter with some good attacks to choose from.
Logging on now!
Yes, Asgard is great! I am very impressed with the improvements that the producers of the game add with each maintenance. When you download new files, the game now shows which files are completed and which are still downloading. Also, a big improvement for me is that the prize wheel is MUCH faster now.
The only thing is that I've been disconnected from several missions today.
I agree. The faster prize wheel is probably the best part lol!
Have you tried Ultimate Thor or Valkyrie? Valkyrie is another of my favorites and a beast in combat. I should have Ultimate Thor by tommorrow and luckily he is very different than the other Thor.
I haven't bought anyone yet. But, Valkyrie is tempting. I have always liked her. I think I will try to get enough silver for the new Ultimate Thor first.
It would be possible to see a Venom/Spider-Venom Flash Thompson as playable on that online game.
Anyone have any suggestions on weather I should get Spider-girl, Mr. Fantastic, Scarlet Witch, or any one else that's gold. I already bought Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Wasp, and Reptil. I should be able to get a 350 one tomorrow.
I haven't seen many people playing with any one of those three (Spider-girl, Mr. Fantastic, or Scarlet Witch -- probably more with Scarlet Witch though). If it was me, I'd get Mr. Fantastic to finish off the Fantastic Four.
Which one of all the heroes you have bought do you like best?
Depends on your playing style. Scarlet Witch is very unique and fun to use but Mr. Fantastic is also fun but more melee oriented. Haven't tried Spider-Girl yet.
I bought Spiderwoman yesterday, it was between her and Valkyrie so now im saving 350 for Jean, and now working for 600 for Valkyrie
I'm assuming that Jean will be released along with the other X-Men during June, when X-Men first Class is released. Especially since I doubt that they will have another update during this month. I've been using my gold freely now but before my free subscription ends I'll resave those 350 gold.
Do you guys really think they will let us keep the stuff we bought now after the free subscription runs out?
Of course. They aren't gonna erase everything we have otherwise why let us have it in the first place. The code was created by them after all, likely so we could get a taste of the game and then choose to continue with it by buying the subscription.
I finally bought Black widow to, I am happy now as I have finally spent the first of my money lol
Hope you enjoy Widow. She is pretty good although her specials kinda suck (her heroup is really good though). BTW your Spirit Marshmallow right?
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
Dark Phoenix 1 - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Hiddenhope213 - Emperor Rat
Jeanfan321 - Flash Steel Viper
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Scabbia - Funny Cat
SuperNatural-Witch - Simplicity Psionic Ghost
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
Whiteking - Solid Midnight Prince
Wolverine Fan 221 - Silver Soul
T_T i still cant play, it says its not available in my area. I had 330 gold the last time i played about 24 of April. I hope i got 400 gold, they say that with every mounth you gain 400 gold or something. I hope i have enough for jean. i already have Black Widow and Scarlet Witch and Iron Man.
PS: Cant wait for X-Men First Class, i am only exited because emma will be in XD
My name is Marvelous Roamer :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 12, 2011, 07:31PM
Hope you enjoy Widow. She is pretty good although her specials kinda suck (her heroup is really good though). BTW your Spirit Marshmallow right?
Yes I am Spirit Marshmellow, I know I have you and I think Fox as friends, but Idk who else
Quote from: fox456 on May 13, 2011, 03:39AM
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Techon 7 -
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
I am Sir Marshall, I'm not sure on the spelling though.
Classic Thor has been released and he is actually different from Thor and Ultimate Thor! Classic is more thunder oriented while Modern Thor is more hammer oriented.
I think mine is mega island alchemist. Also I lost my free sub and it wouldn't let me use my agent only characters. But thankfully I didn't use the code for the free sub. I used the hulkbuster ironman code which allowed me to get gold. But I never used the one for free sub only. So I just put that code in and it gave me the sub status again. Don't know how long it will last though. Hopefully they will allow free people to get gold, and have the subs get like 100-200 extra gold per week.
For anyone who wants to join, this is a new forum for this game.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 20, 2011, 01:36PM
For anyone who wants to join, this is a new forum for this game.
I joined.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on May 19, 2011, 07:29AM
I think mine is mega island alchemist.
QuoteAlso I lost my free sub and it wouldn't let me use my agent only characters....
Does that mean that after May is over and our free subscriptions are up that any of the Agents we purchased will be lost???
Quote from: fox456 on May 20, 2011, 02:12PM
Does that mean that after May is over and our free subscriptions are up that any of the Agents we purchased will be lost???
Probably. I know I lost the ones I had (They were blocked, so I couldn't use them). The ones that I had that were agent only were, black widow, symbiote spidey, and hulkbuster ironman. I didn't put in the code for tux thing, but I sure that one would be gone also. But as soon as I put in that code, they were unblocked.
I would join, but I am already on a lot of fourms and I dont have time for another lol
Tonight there will be another update that will release Gladiator Hulk, Surtur/Ymir Mission, Enchantress Mission, and more HQ items.
My free subscription ran out today along with all the Agents-only heroes I had purchased. Both Tuxedo Thing and Hulkbuster Iron Man were blocked too. I think the prize wheel will no longer have gold on it each day. Don't know if I will be buying a subscription.
What is everyone else doing regarding their accounts?
I dont even get on that much any more, im just waiting for Jean
I've been collecting the gold each day until it ended today. I'll be back when the X-Men get released (which should be right after the movie is released)
I've been saving up gold for the X-men. So, if they don't refreash the gold tomorrow, I'm going to take a break and play with some neglected, and new games.
Same here. I'm sure I have enough for four characters. Jean and Psylocke are musts for me and I'm gonna go with Rogue since these days she is starting to become one of my favs. Gambit will probably fill the last spot just for the Rogue/Gambit relationship.
you all are lucky. Im waiting for it to be availalbe in my country. I sent a report to the Super hero squad online staff. They said that due to their new updates and for the big releases ( which they told me about like in the form of a hint that something big is going to be released ) they arent able to make if available in my country. But they said after its finished they will expand the reach of the game so it might be available
The big releases are probably the Thor, X-Men, and Cap ones. BTW what country do you live in?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 30, 2011, 12:09PM
The big releases are probably the Thor, X-Men, and Cap ones. BTW what country do you live in?
I was wondering the same thing....
Well they released all this Thor stuff for the film and we know they have plenty of X-Men they are going to release so it makes sense that they will release them this month. I can practically bet on Jean, Emma, and Wolverine. They already said Jean is coming, Emma is in the movie so she would make sense, and Wolverine is too popular not too include. I wouldn't be suprised if all the others are included as well. I expect that Cap will come in the store when his movie comes out.
Apperantly there are rumors that Jean and Deadpool will be playable in June.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on May 31, 2011, 12:36PM
Apperantly there are rumors that Jean and Deadpool will be playable in June.
I sure hope so, but i would like Emma and Kitty to :D
There's an update tonight -- we'll see if there's anything new tomorrow!
I hope so, I beat my subscription ended to lol I havent been on in awhile but I only bought Black Widow so I wont be able to play her, I just thought having all that silver was stupid so I spent some :D Hope Jean comes soon!
From Super Hero Squad online on Facebook:
Guess who's showing up very soon... just in time for the new movie! Play as this heroine and other famous Marvel heroes at! (
I wonder who that could be lol? (sarcasm intended). Yay!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 01, 2011, 12:42PM
I wonder who that could be lol? (sarcasm intended). Yay!
YAY! Lol I think it is wolverine, but I cant tell :/
Jean is officially playable! I'm really enjoying her right now.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 02, 2011, 12:00PM
Jean is officially playable! I'm really enjoying her right now.
Right as I read this im like OH SNAP! I HAVE TO GET ON NOW!!!!!
I read your guys' messages about Jean Grey last night and decided to get online and see how much she cost. I was surprised to find out that you actually paid silver rather than gold. I bought her right away. A few minutes into the game, I got a request from another player (our own Marvelfan12345) to join a mission. I thought that this will be cool to try Jean out in her first mission. I was laughing so hard when I got into the mission "setup page" and found that Marvelfan12345 had already selected Jean! :D
I was surprised to see that Marvelfan12345 was the only other person in any zone who was playing with Jean Grey.
NOOOOOOO! Cant they hurry with the stupid updates, i really want to play with her and how much is Jean anyway and is she with silver or gold coins
Maybe I should try out this website 2 what's going on
@ Emma Frost:
Jean costs 5000 silver.
@ SuperNatural-Witch:
Yes, you should try it out. It's free to play. There are some options that require a subscription. Let us know if you join up and what your game name is.
Im still trying to get my silver :/ im so sad! *crys*
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 03, 2011, 01:59PM
Im still trying to get my silver :/ im so sad! *crys*
What did you spend all your silver on? I've still got 20,000 silver! I wish I could give you some.
Quote from: fox456 on June 03, 2011, 06:21PM
What did you spend all your silver on? I've still got 20,000 silver! I wish I could give you some.
It would be fun if you could give silver, gold, and items to each other. I'd make multiple accounts and transfer all the gold into one lol.
Jean is really fun. Of course, I do enjoy most range heroes and she is one of my favorites. In addition, they have concept art of Beast on Facebook now. Looks like this could be the first game where we can play the classic five (excluding mods of course).
Quote from: fox456 on June 03, 2011, 06:21PM
What did you spend all your silver on? I've still got 20,000 silver! I wish I could give you some.
I didn't spend It I just never really got much :/ I only have like 1000 now, I wish you could trade stuff to, I also wish I could sell the people for subscribers only as I could live without them any way
Quote from: Techon 7 on June 03, 2011, 09:03PM
Jean is really fun. Of course, I do enjoy most range heroes and she is one of my favorites. In addition, they have concept art of Beast on Facebook now. Looks like this could be the first game where we can play the classic five (excluding mods of course).
Yeah the original five would be great. Could you post a pic of Beast though?
Here is Beast, and another picture that stars the X-Men
One thing I dont like is all the X-Men costumes are mixed matched, I wish they had been all newer versions or 90's
Thanks for posting the pics. Beast looks great so far and I love the 2nd image! Its got the four main X-Men (the heart and soul of the team) so I think I'll use it as a bookmark. :)
I think they are picking the most popular costumes at least for Storm, Cyclops, and Wolverine. I'm still clueless about Jean's costume choice. If they wanted her original power levels then the Marvel Girl/miniskirt would have been the best choice.
And for anyone else who loves these 4 X-Men, heres another pic with them (plus Hulk and Spider-Man). I guess the X-Men have accepted 2 new outcasts to their team.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 03, 2011, 10:13PM
I didn't spend It I just never really got much :/ I only have like 1000 now, I wish you could trade stuff to, I also wish I could sell the people for subscribers only as I could live without them any way
If I could sell something, I'd open a PAINT store. I'm overloaded with that stuff!
I wish I could sell a ton of stuff, lol, I really don't like Jean's costume at all it's my least fav costume of hers, I love the green marvel girl one, plus like all the others! HELLO! Lol
Quote from: fox456 on June 04, 2011, 06:44PM
If I could sell something, I'd open a PAINT store. I'm overloaded with that stuff!
Same here. I have so much paint and multiples of furniture.
Some announcements...
Jean Grey is available for 5000 silver
Deadpool is available only for Jr. Shield Agents
The daily mission will be either Magneto or Mystique until June 14
Improved mission scoring
New HQ items
Sentinel, Juggernaut, and Sabretooth missions are planned
Rogue, Classic Wolverine, Gambit, and Emma Frost are coming soon
I finally got Jean earlier this week! Im so happy! Im excited for Emma
Yeah Jean is really fun and powerful! ALso when you unlock her 2nd move (if you haven't already) it will seem pointless at first but its actually the most effective. It slows down enemies and can affect whole crowds (I think with the 2nd update to it). It also causes some pretty good damage.
I'm also really excited for the other X-Men. Used all the gold I saved up for Hulk and Wolverine but I've become a subscriber again and am saving up for them!
Just got Deadpool although haven't tried him in a mission yet. He seems like he will be very fun though.
Im not a deadpool fan so i wont be buying him. I dont think i will become a subscriber at least for now the good thing about not being a subscriber is the prize wheel only gives you silver which helped me get jean a lot faster
Tried Deadpool and he's ok. Really fun but his attacks are very slow and he may seem like the ultimate fighter at first, but after some time with him you will realize he isn't all that.
I only have a little over 600 gold left so Im saving that, but idk if he is gold, btw I saw preview are for Dr Strange on facebook awhile ago
Edit: Here he is (
Can't wait for Strange. He'll be at the top of my list (under Rogue and Gambit though). I wonder if the bunny will be a part of his powerset though. Also Deadpool is 3000 silver but even if he was gold I would recommend saving the gold for someone else, at least if you aren't a major fan of him. He is sort of a letdown in combat imo.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 10, 2011, 04:16PM
Some announcements...
Jean Grey is available for 5000 silver
Deadpool is available only for Jr. Shield Agents
The daily mission will be either Magneto or Mystique until June 14
Improved mission scoring
New HQ items
Sentinel, Juggernaut, and Sabretooth missions are planned
Rogue, Classic Wolverine, Gambit, and Emma Frost are coming soon
Thanks for this info. I haven't been on there in a while. After I bought Jean, I must say that I was disappointed. Maybe that's because she's so good now on MUA. HA!
I'm glad they are improving the mission scoring. They were really good at first, but didn't it seem like that they got really hard to get anything much higher than silver? I've even been getting some bronze, rarely gold, and never adamantium for quite a while now.
I'm not resubscribing right now either. Have you noticed fewer people around lately? I am not a Deadpool fan either, so I don't feel I'm missing out on anything there. I do look forward to both Dr. Strange and Gambit.
Im happy with jean but i think she could have been better, i dont get on much either and i get silver sometimes when i do missions but not a lot
Hey guys, i just started playing online for free, and i wanted to know if you can buy Jean Grey playing free
Never mind, i know now that i can buy her for 5000 silver. do you guys know how can i obtain silver faster (or gold, since i want to buy Invisible Woman)
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 11, 2011, 04:42PM
Never mind, i know now that i can buy her for 5000 silver. do you guys know how can i obtain silver faster (or gold, since i want to buy Invisible Woman)
Well, if your not a subscriber then you just spin the prize wheel for silver and play missions, if your a subscriber you spin the wheel for gold and silver, but if your not a subscriber you can only get silver
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 11, 2011, 02:25PM
Hey guys, i just started playing online for free, and i wanted to know if you can buy Jean Grey playing free
Yes she is 5000 silver so you can buy her without being a member. Here are some codes you might want though.
Mamarosas - unlocks Thing in tuxedo
Superhero - gains free membership for limited time
Heroup - unlocks Hulkbuster
Quote from: fox456 on June 11, 2011, 01:00PM
Thanks for this info. I haven't been on there in a while. After I bought Jean, I must say that I was disappointed. Maybe that's because she's so good now on MUA. HA!
I'm glad they are improving the mission scoring. They were really good at first, but didn't it seem like that they got really hard to get anything much higher than silver? I've even been getting some bronze, rarely gold, and never adamantium for quite a while now.
I'm not resubscribing right now either. Have you noticed fewer people around lately? I am not a Deadpool fan either, so I don't feel I'm missing out on anything there. I do look forward to both Dr. Strange and Gambit.
I think we are all so used to have millions of variations for Jean lol. Her powers are pretty balanced imo with a good mix of tk and telepathy. My main issue is that she is more focused (which is really handy with bosses, not soo good with crowds) but her Brain Freeze can slow down a crowd and her heroup radial can cause pretty good damage against crowds at first. Once it changes to knockback only, its better against the light enemies who die with one hit.
Missions have been greatly improved now. Now the final score is what you get in the top right corner plus more. The scores are way better now so you can definitely get more gold and adamantium scores now.
Yeah I've noticed many people gone since free membership codes died out. New stuff brings them back for some time though.
Deadpool is fun and seems really good at first but you'll like him less as time goes on. Plus his attacks get slow in the middle which is pretty dangerous in missions.
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 11, 2011, 04:42PM
Never mind, i know now that i can buy her for 5000 silver. do you guys know how can i obtain silver faster (or gold, since i want to buy Invisible Woman)
Silver faster is just from going on lots of missions, and saving up lots of tickets for the prize wheels. I have more than a 1000 tickets right now lol.
As for gold I mentioned a free code above. You may not want to use the Hulkbuster code just yet since I have heard that also offers free membership (not sure though). Use the heroup code which gives free membership for a while. After that try the Hulkbuster/superhero code which might give a few more weeks of free membership. Buying membership (whether monthly, 6 monthly, or yearly) gives you access for that time plus 500 gold every month. You'll get the first 500 as soon as you buy the first membership.
ok, thanks a lot for the codes, and can i keep using the superhero code to keep my free membership?
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 11, 2011, 05:08PM
ok, thanks a lot for the codes, and can i keep using the superhero code to keep my free membership?
No it will only work once (its the heroup code that is free membership. superhero gives hulkbuster and maybe free membership). I'd use the heroup code first since it lasts quite some time and then superhero (or vise-versa. Just don't use both at the same time.
oh crap, i used both at the same time. maybe i should close the account i have and create another one and then use the code
Like I said I'm not too sure if the Hulkbuster code gives free membership as well. I've heard some people say it does and some people say it doesn't. It didn't work for me and I don't see why it would have different results. I personally think people are just confused and used both but I could be wrong.
ok then, i think i'll keep my old one then, and just in case, do you know how to close accounts?
I don't think you can close an account, just start another one.
ok, thanks for the codes marvelfan12345
Welcome btw are you on right now and what is your account name? Then we can add each other.
My account is Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher (although i wanted to put Phoenix as a name) by the way for now i play as Ms. Marvel (she's the strongest char i have), what's the name of your account? so i can add you.
I'll add you then. I am Princess Puffin.
ok, i accepted you as a friend, i'm getting offline, i have to study for a geography test on monday, but i'll be online at 12:00 o'clock (eleven o'clock in your country)
Cool then, good luck with your geography test!
Quote from: fox456 on May 13, 2011, 03:39AM
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
@ Jill Valentine:
I added you to our growing list of players.
My current team. Managed to max them all out with the exception of Deadpool who I'm still working on.
ok, thanks for adding me, btw i'm online right now, so if anyone wants to play a few missions with me, you're more than welcome
Yeah I'm online now, whenever you are ready.
Thanks for playing with me marvelfan, it was pretty fun and cool!, by the way when is Dr. Strange coming out?
Yeah it was fun. Not sure when Strange will get released, I don't think he will this month because it seems exclusive to the X-Men. On the other hand Rogue, Gambit, and Emma Frost should be released some time soon. I wouldn't be suprised if it was sometime this week or the next one. Maybe when they are released we can all double date with Scott, Jean, Rogue, and Gambit lol. Go 90s!
Yeah, we could all double date, and if that time comes i'll be scott. Go 90's!
I call Jean then but the Southern Belle and the Rajun Cajun are still available! I think tommorrow I'll post my short little comments/reviews on each character. It might help people decide who they might want to buy, not just in terms of character but in combat as well.
Anyway got to check out now, good night everyone. :)
good night marvelfan!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 11, 2011, 09:22PM
....Maybe when they are released we can all double date with Scott, Jean, Rogue, and Gambit lol. Go 90s!
I call Gambit (if I'm able to purchase him).
I call Rogue, if Im able to purchase her, or Emma who can slip her way in on Scott :D I like that idea (Rubs hands together and laughes like and evil person!)
Jean will be mighty pleased I'm sure. As will Gambit who will be loveless (kinda like he is right now in the comics lol).
i reached 2505 silver! i'm at half-way of obtaining Jean! btw i hope that they make Jean Grey in her Phoenix Costume and New X-Men costume, and i'm online now, so if anyone wants to play a few missions with me, i would thank you.
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 12, 2011, 01:00PM
i reached 2505 silver! i'm at half-way of obtaining Jean! btw i hope that they make Jean Grey in her Phoenix Costume and New X-Men costume, and i'm online now, so if anyone wants to play a few missions with me, i would thank you.
I hope we get a Phoenix also
I'd also like to see...
Hey Guys!! I figured i should try this Super Hero Squad thing and i joined and i love it!! It sucks you have to be a member to have more rooms and deadpool and black widow (sigh).Anyway i have questions if you guys can answer them that would be awesome XD
1)When i turn the wheel and i get 10 gold coins then turn the wheel again the gold 10 coins turn silver.Is it gonna turn back?
2)Does anyone know if Emma Frost is playable?
3)If you unlocked Storm and Invisible Woman what are there best powers? are they good?
4)And who wants to do some missions together? my name is Tyler2813 on there btw
1) It resets every day
2) No she is not. She, Rogue, and Gambit will be added later
3) Storm's final power. IW's heroup and 1st power
Jeanfan321, glad you joined up! What is your gamename? I'll add it to this post:
Quote from: fox456 on May 13, 2011, 03:39AM
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Jeanfan321 -
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
Welcome to the fold Jeanfan321! hahahahahaha, you should try Jean Grey too, she's really fun and powerful, her strongest attacks are her Heroup and her Mind Eraser power (the third power), by the way my account name is Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher.
Jean's first power involves her mind-controlling a foe and making him dance. Its really funny to watch :D
Jean's second power involves her releasing a psychic attack that slows a foe down. It also affects enemies nearby the chosen victim (so it can affect whole crowds.) the damage is pretty helpful too.
Jean's third power has her using tk energy to crush the foe. Its really powerful and also the most helpful power against bosses.
Jean's heroup starts out with a radial psychic wave. This wave slams enemies back and causes a lot of damage. After that the wave stays around Jean in the form of an aura, and foes who get too close are thrown aside. Its really fun to run around battering enemies (like the Juggernaut!)
Her combos are very quick and cause very powerful damage to foes and even bosses. She is actually one of the most powerful characters to use and what really helps is that she probably has the best range out of all the characters. She can attack and take down enemies from afar and be safe unless they have ranged attacks (and she usually already takes them out by then)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 15, 2011, 08:40AM
Jean's first power involves her mind-controlling a foe and making him dance. Its really funny to watch :D
Jean's second power involves her releasing a psychic attack that slows a foe down. It also affects enemies nearby the chosen victim (so it can affect whole crowds.) the damage is pretty helpful too.
Jean's third power has her using tk energy to crush the foe. Its really powerful and also the most helpful power against bosses....
OK, this is a lame question, but how do you actually activate the three different powers? Can you use them all in the same mission?
You right click to activate a power. You can only select one for a mission which you do in the character selection menu. Your heroup remains so you technically always have two powers at your disposal.
OK, that's what I've been doing all along, but I thought I might have been missing something and there were some keys you could use to activate all (4) powers in a single mission. Thanks.
@Fox456 My name is Flash Steel Viper
Thanks -- I added you (on page 20 of this thread).
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 15, 2011, 09:17AM
You right click to activate a power. You can only select one for a mission which you do in the character selection menu. Your heroup remains so you technically always have two powers at your disposal.
Actually, if you press shift + 1, 2, or 3, you can switch to a different power. I found this out by looking at the ingame manual.
it's true, i've just confirmed it, thanks for the info Techon 7!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 11, 2011, 04:50PM
Yes she is 5000 silver so you can buy her without being a member. Here are some codes you might want though.
Mamarosas - unlocks Thing in tuxedo
Superhero - gains free membership for limited time
Heroup - unlocks Hulkbuster
How do i use this code?
Ugh cant they work faster, so they can finally make the game available here where i am. Ugh i have grown tired of waiting. I will kill the creators if they release Emma before they make it available here xD
1 Question. Jean is 5000 Silver Coins right. Ok i read somewhere that she is member content ( subscriber only character ) is it true. Can only subscribers ( or free subs using the code ) buy her or can non- members ( non subscribers ) buy her too? I dont understand
PS: Subscribers are officially called Members ( said by Gazzilion Entertainment )
@ Nerissa
I am not a subscriber (member) but I bought Jean recently for 5000 silver and she is totally playable.
@ Jeanfan321
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 15, 2011, 10:36PM
How do i use this code?
I don't see where a person can enter in the codes like before. Does anyone know?
I finally got Jean Grey to her max level! oh and you can enter codes going to your account.
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 16, 2011, 08:33AM
I finally got Jean Grey to her max level! oh and you can enter codes going to your account.
how? when i log in what do i press?
go to membership, then you'll see that it says My account, go there and look for (i think) where it says redeem code, there you put the codes.
Do i need to be logged in?Cause when i press membership i see no redeem codes.WHen you log on can you press redeem codes cause maybe they don't have it anymore
yeah, you need to be logged in, then you go to membership, you go to where it says my account and then you can enter the codes, and there is a maintenance tonight, so we won't be able to play Super Hero Squad Online tonight.
by the way guys, does any of you know if a player can lend some gold to some other player?
I wish you could. As far as I know, you can't exchange gold, silver, paint, objects, heroes, ... nothing.
Holy Phoenix of The Crown, ok, i hope they make it avaliable to exchange stuff.
@Jill Valentine thanks i got the code to work *sigh* i still only have 250. And i really want storm or invisible woman.And those gold coins keep turning silver so it's very hard to win it.Why can't they give us free membership for like 1 or 2 days.The characters i want right now is invisible woman,storm,jean grey, and wolverine.Hopefully when rogue,gambit, and emma come hopefully everybody can buy them
EDIT:Anyone wanna play a mission with me im bored af
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 16, 2011, 11:41AM
and there is a maintenance tonight, so we won't be able to play Super Hero Squad Online tonight.
Awesome, that means tommorrow we will get the new X-Men characters. I already have enough to buy two characters (if they are 600 gold). By Saturday I should be able to buy the third and have them all.
@Marvelfan12345 hey i sent you a friend request wanna play?
Yeah give me a sec and I'll be right there. What was your name again?
Flash Steel Viper oh you added me lol invite me to a mission
Sorry my pc keeps freezing so i'll have to play with you late *sigh* sorry if i wasted your time.But when i have marvelmods open and this game it freezes up
Are well all still on for the double date! XD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 11, 2011, 09:22PM
Maybe when they are released we can all double date with Scott, Jean, Rogue, and Gambit lol. Go 90s!
I dont know who I want to get, I know I wanted to be Rogue with Gambit, but I think im leaning more towards Emma interfearing with Scott and Jean! :D BTW Jeanfan I need to add you
Then who will go with Emma? Don't worry, Jean won't let anyone steal her guy and Scott's too dense too notice lol. But even he isn't dense enough to notice Logan making goo-goo eyes at his girl.
I know Rogue is a must for me to buy because these days I'm really starting to love her! I have enough gold to buy another but don't know if I want Emma or Gambit. It probably doesn't matter though since I just need to wait another day and then I'll have enough gold to buy the third character (this is all assuming that they are 600 gold. If they are even cheaper, then thats great. More expensive then boo!)
I know I want Emma and Rogue, but who can Emma double date with? I think I will be Emma, as long as I figure out who to date with XD but currently I call Emma, and Rogue is my back up
Edit: From Super Hero Squad Online on Facebook, they also posted a picture of Hulkbuster Iron Man and said Jr Agents will be able to buy him for Silver (
Hopefully Namor will be brought into the game, then Emma can have her lover. I remember in MUA I used to love double dating Scott/Jean and Emma/Namor.
Luckily we already have the Hulkbuster code so no need to waste silver on him when we can get him for free.
Yay Mohawk Storm will be coming. I'll love to see how different she is from normal Storm.
Tomorrow we're getting the X-Men? Aswome!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 16, 2011, 01:45PM
@Jill Valentine thanks i got the code to work *sigh* i still only have 250. And i really want storm or invisible woman.And those gold coins keep turning silver so it's very hard to win it.Why can't they give us free membership for like 1 or 2 days.The characters i want right now is invisible woman,storm,jean grey, and wolverine.Hopefully when rogue,gambit, and emma come hopefully everybody can buy them
EDIT:Anyone wanna play a mission with me im bored af
you're welcome, oh, and Jeanfan321 there is a code for free membership, the code is "superhero", without the "
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 16, 2011, 03:46PM
Hopefully Namor will be brought into the game, then Emma can have her lover. I remember in MUA I used to love double dating Scott/Jean and Emma/Namor.
Luckily we already have the Hulkbuster code so no need to waste silver on him when we can get him for free.
Yay Mohawk Storm will be coming. I'll love to see how different she is from normal Storm.
Yeah Namor would be good, I hope we get the new X-Men after the update!
Anyone on the game right now?
Their update will be starting in about 10 minutes so no point now. Hopefully tommorrow when we all have new characters. I want to give Rogue and ? (Gambit or Emma?) a try.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 16, 2011, 08:48PM
Their update will be starting in about 10 minutes so no point now. Hopefully tommorrow when we all have new characters. I want to give Rogue and ? (Gambit or Emma?) a try.
Yeah i was just on it and they said they will start maintenance in 10 minutes so log off now.I can only hope rogue and emma and gambit can be bought with silver coins. if not then marvelfan i would ask you who's better jean or emma lol.MarvelFan i really want to see what your headquarters look like it must be FILLED lmao no seriously you should take a video XD
Haven't you tried the free subscription code? Its "superhero"
I don't think the X-Men characters will be silver since Deadpool seems to be the silver character for the month but I wouldn't mind because it saves my gold for other characters (Shulkie and Panther) and I have 10000 silver saved up right now.
Between Jean vs Emma, I think we already know my answer lol. But if it comes to that I will try to give my unbiased opinion no matter what xd.
Actually, believe it or not, but my hq is not that filled. We can only get 6 rooms and I have too many characters now for my squaddies to even share bunks. I did decorate my HQ but it was a long time ago and now I have even more furniture that I think its time for redecorating. Spring Cleaning is coming a little late in Super Hero City :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 16, 2011, 08:56PM
Haven't you tried the free subscription code? Its "superhero"
I don't think the X-Men characters will be silver since Deadpool seems to be the silver character for the month but I wouldn't mind because it saves my gold for other characters (Shulkie and Panther) and I have 10000 silver saved up right now.
Between Jean vs Emma, I think we already know my answer lol. But if it comes to that I will try to give my unbiased opinion no matter what xd.
Actually, believe it or not, but my hq is not that filled. We can only get 6 rooms and I have too many characters now for my squaddies to even share bunks. I did decorate my HQ but it was a long time ago and now I have even more furniture that I think its time for redecorating. Spring Cleaning is coming a little late in Super Hero City :D
I tried the code and it worked and when i spinned it on the prize wheel all the gold turned back silver so i only have 300 gold coins right now.Im saving my silver coins for Jean,But at least now since im a "member" i bought 2 rooms and i love it.Lol i really think you should make a video of your HQ.I think for my HQ (when i become a full member) im going to buy all the X-Men and have like a x-men mansion.And im really suprised don't you basically have ALL the players except for like 4 or 5?
Hmm so the new X-men (aparently) will be available tomorrow?
I think I have to get back to this game in order to get them hehe, obviously I want Emma, but Gambit and Rogue seems cool. Also I saw a video of Jean on youtube, she seems fun, but her costume.. ugh, why?? Phoenix or 90's are much better...
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 16, 2011, 09:09PM
I tried the code and it worked and when i spinned it on the prize wheel all the gold turned back silver so i only have 300 gold coins right now.Im saving my silver coins for Jean,But at least now since im a "member" i bought 2 rooms and i love it.Lol i really think you should make a video of your HQ.I think for my HQ (when i become a full member) im going to buy all the X-Men and have like a x-men mansion.And im really suprised don't you basically have ALL the players except for like 4 or 5?
I'm just missing She-Hulk, Black Panther, Reptile, Classic Thor, Modern Thor, Gladiator Hulk, and Spider-Man. I could buy a few of these right now but keeping my gold safe for the X-Men. I think its a cool idea to make a sort of X-Mansion. It'll be even better once Kitty, Psylocke, Colossus, and Beast arrive.
Quote from: whiteking on June 16, 2011, 09:19PM
Also I saw a video of Jean on youtube, she seems fun, but her costume.. ugh, why?? Phoenix or 90's are much better...
I think we all agree with you there!
I don't mind the look as long as we get another one. She looks really cute with the ponytail imo. I'm sure we can imagine a Phoenix version of her soon. I've seen quite a few people, even people who aren't huge Jean fans, requesting her.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 16, 2011, 10:06PM
I don't mind the look as long as we get another one. She looks really cute with the ponytail imo. I'm sure we can imagine a Phoenix version of her soon. I've seen quite a few people, even people who aren't huge Jean fans, requesting her.
I just wish, they had made the belt red for more color, and gave her the X mask in the blue color with let down hair, or still the pony tail, because this costume was to manly, and doesnt have enough color, and it doesnt fit with the other X-Men costumes, they could have at least given her her Green Marvel girl costume, but that would have been to adult for the game. As Storm, She Hulk, and Ms Marvel's costume are all supposed to end in underwear, but they change them all to pants :/
For some reason I think a skirt might still be allowed as many little girls wear them. She also wore a miniskirt in the show.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 16, 2011, 10:12PM
For some reason I think a skirt might still be allowed as many little girls wear them. She also wore a miniskirt in the show.
The miniskirt is more unique than the current one and was a better option in my opinion... but yeah hopefully her Phoenix outfit will be added later, much like retro Storm.
I love her Marvel Girl look, but in all the girl costumes that were supposed to have underwear or skirts, they didnt get them, but Im glad we got Jean at all
Quote from: whiteking on June 16, 2011, 10:15PM
The miniskirt is more unique than the current one and was a better option in my opinion... but yeah hopefully her Phoenix outfit will be added later, much like retro Storm.
That was my hope as well but the developers must have thought otherwise. I do like Emma's look though. They've bascially given the White Queen look but less revealing. I'm not too big a fan of short hair but the short bob looks cute on Emma.
Same here, Emma's look is fine, considering this is a game for kids and all the "revealing" females has more clothes on (Ms. Marvel, Elektra and Psylocke to name some of them)
See I love Emma with long hair, and Im not the biggest fan of their costume choice, they could have at least given her an X-Men based symbol, with this costume it makes me think she will be the first "villian" playable
I don't think she can be considered the first "villain" playable since the game is called Marvel Super HERO Squad Online :P
I don't think she is being adapted as a villain here. Which is fine as long as she still has some of her bitchy edge translated into a kiddy form. If not then Fraction may as well be running the show.
Well thats why I put the " because she isnt really a villian, its just her look gives her the evil White Queen look, besides the smile on the loadscreen, so it gives the feel that she is part of the Hellfire club and is a villian even though she isnt
hey do any of you know how to get captain america
As of now, Captain America was only available to players who participated in the Beta test a while back.
hiddenhope213: What is your in-game nickname?
emperor rat
glamorous isnt it
LOL, at least it's short and easy to remember! There are some weird nicknames there.
I added you to the roster (on page 20).
Well the update is finished but annoyinglly enough we only got one new character and that is Hulkbuster. None of the X-Men, suprisingly, came. Guess we have to wait some more for the new characters.
It's really annoying and a let down that we didn't get the X-Men today, and i wanted Emma Frost, but the character i want the most is Dr. Strange, when the hell are they going to release him?
Well, thats a let down! Plus most everyone has Hulkbuster Ironman already :/
yeah iceman wouldve been cool to get he was my fav xmen for a long time
Can anyone tell me which one should i buy Invisible Woman or Storm? Which one is better in combat?
I personally like storm, but thats just me :D
i don't have IW or Storm, but Storm looks better. by the way if you want a really fun and powerful char, buy Scarlet Witch, she's really fun to play with.
ok thanks guys! @Jill Valentine i think i saw as a matter of fact you had scarlet witch and you were at the daily bugle.Your name is dazzling something right? XD
yeah, the name's Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher lol XD
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 17, 2011, 08:20PM
yeah, the name's Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher lol XD
yeah i knew i saw you but you were just standing still so i guess you weren't really playing and just to let you guys know i just bought the magneto mission so if anyone wanna play just ask
i want to make the current avengers but cap and hawkeye arnt buyable yet
Scarlet Witch is really fun and cheap to buy. Between Storm and IW both are fun to use but IW's combos are quite slow and her powers are fun but not too effective. Storm would be the better choice between the two.
Thanks everyone for the info.I think i might just by Storm.My "free" subscription ends june 30th.And im online in case anyone wants to play
i'll play a few missions with you if you want.
That was fun XD. I think we should all have the 4 original x-men play against magneto.I know jill valentine has jean marvelfan has about every character lol and i only have cyclops so i call cyclops i don't know who'll be storm and wolvie
well, it would be really funny to play with the 4 original X-Men against Magneto, so i Take Jean as my char, who wants to be Storm and Wolverine?
My game has loaded now so I can play.
I have Wolverine and Storm as well so I could be them if no one else has them. Between the two I choose Storm (she's more fun :))
Hold on marvelfan12345 i'll play soon but guess what?
I experienced what my characters do when there angry and now im kinda pissed cause they destroyed EVERYTHING.They can't sit down anywhere,activate any computers nothing.All they can do is run around and clap.BTW i bought the training room and you can't do anything in there or at least the heroes dont
When you don't feed them they cause tantrums and destroy stuff. When they're normal then still do stuff like sit down on chairs, jump on beds, use computers. But they also run around a lot and clap. I don't believe the heroes do anything in the training room which is really annoying.
That was the main reason i bought it *sigh* if i knew i would have bout the cafeteria
The cafeteria is more fun actually.
Sorry Jeanfan that I left the mission. My internet was starting to slow down again and when it does that the game does not run and I have to shut it down.
That's okay i have to go eat anyway but playing with you was really fun! hopefuly we can have 2 more people play with us *cough* jill valentine,fox456,midnightphoenix *cough* lol
I'm here now for a little while if anyone else is available.
are u able to stop heroes from appering in ur hellicarerier or block them from entering rooms
hey guys, does any of you want to play missions with me? i'm online right now.
sure i will lemme log on
does anyone know what the episode is called when reptile and wolverine go to the xmansion?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 19, 2011, 02:30PM
does anyone know what the episode is called when reptile and wolverine go to the xmansion?
Its Mutant Mayham something
Ok thanks midinightphoenix!
I bought Jean and she's awesome.She's such an awesome melee fighter and i love her power called just dance it powerful i wish it affected all crowds though.And i changed my mind im buying invisible woman she just seems so cool
@jill valentine
sorry i didn't do anything on our mission my pc frozed and it shut down :/
no problem, it happened to me too while i was on a mission before, so no worries.
Glad you gave in to Jill and my suggestions. Jean is totally worth the money and although just dance doesn't affect crowds, her 2nd power does (and even her third to a small limit)
yeah im playing with her right now she's so cool XD. Ohh would you mind playing with me twice one using invisible woman and one using storm so i can video tape it and see what her moves are and if she's cool pretty please im online btw too
My parents don't want me to play the game right now at night but tommorrow morning I'll be on and I can play as both Storm and Sue for you.
Ok if you can that would be awesome cause im still trying to decide
i cant play probly with all u guys because im in australia and the time zones like 10 pm here is 9 am in argentina:(
That was fun Jeanfan, thanks for the mission today, and sorry i had to skip the second one, i have to study for a test.
Anyone want to play right now? I was hoping that there would be the X-Men today (since the game closed everyone out) but it doesn't look like it.
Sure i'll get on lets redo that mystique mission
For some reason the game is still booting me out. Is it happening to anybody else?
well, it isn't happening to me now, i'm online.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 20, 2011, 03:41PM
OMG! This has made my day! I'm so happy now :D Sorry had to get that off my head, now I'm calm. Its pretty obvious that if you promote the character you want and the developers agree, your wish will come true. Happened with Beast, and now with Phoenix.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 03:47PM
OMG! This has made my day! I'm so happy now :D Sorry had to get that off my head, now I'm calm.
Im not calm lol, I was just looking around on facebook like what ever, never really use it any way, and then BLAM I saw it and I was like OMG! NO WAY!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 20, 2011, 03:41PM
OMG, Finally! i'm so excited about this i can't wait!
Quote from: Jill Valentine on June 20, 2011, 03:51PM
OMG, Finally! i'm so excited about this i can't wait!
I know right?!
Well I've forwarded it to the other two sites with Jean fans like us so they know as well. Quite a few of them play this game as well and have been actively asking for Phoenix in the game. BTW Midnightphoenix, are there any others besides Jean, Strange, Storm, and Beast?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 03:54PM
Well I've forwarded it to the other two sites with Jean fans like us so they know as well. Quite a few of them play this game as well and have been actively asking for Phoenix in the game. BTW Midnightphoenix, are there any others besides Jean, Strange, Storm, and Beast?
no I dont think so I will look again
Did you put it on the fourm Jean grey phoenix fans because look at what this says, that fourm is the reason we got her! This is for Josh T and all of our fans at! Here is Jean Grey as Phoenix! (There is no date yet for when Phoenix will be in the game at
Edit: Nope nobody else on Facebook
BTW can you post a link to the Jean pic. I'm searching on facebook but I can't find it.
Thanks, the Jean post was dedicated to Shades of Grey. I'm glad that the support of the fans there helped the developers pick Jean.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 04:04PM
Thanks, the Jean post was dedicated to Shades of Grey. I'm glad that the support of the fans there helped the developers pick Jean.
Lol I just now see on fb that the 1 million to save WATX posed pics of Jean's design for season 2 colored versions :D And I agree its nice to know that all us Phoenix fans are helping Phoenix come back!
I'm glad that they have seen Jean's demand. We have Phoenix, but I wonder if we can expect any other of Jean's incarnations? I'm pretty content as the other versions don't offer anything new now but neither should Thor but they have 3 different versions of him. In that case I'd love either 90s, Marvel Girl, or New X-Men.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 04:08PM
I'm glad that they have seen Jean's demand. We have Phoenix, but I wonder if we can expect any other of Jean's incarnations? I'm pretty content as the other versions don't offer anything new now but neither should Thor but they have 3 different versions of him. In that case I'd love either 90s, Marvel Girl, or New X-Men.
I agree with all 3 costumes for Jean you picked! All 3 of my favs I seems like we get original Jean, so we have a beginning, then Phoenix which is her middle, now we need an end
White Phoenix of the Crown lol? She would be way to powerful but I'd love to see her in white. New X-Men would be the best for an end if Phoenix doesn't always care. BTW check out all the comments for her pic. There are so many and the pic just came out.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 04:14PM
White Phoenix of the Crown lol? She would be way to powerful but I'd love to see her in white. New X-Men would be the best for an end if Phoenix doesn't always care. BTW check out all the comments for her pic. There are so many and the pic just came out.
I know there are a ton of commets! I dont think they would do white tho, because They already have green
Like I said I'm pretty content. Phoenix will look so much better next to the other X-Men. IMO each character now has their most iconic costume so Jean will actually fit in.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 04:22PM
Like I said I'm pretty content. Phoenix will look so much better next to the other X-Men. IMO each character now has their most iconic costume so Jean will actually fit in.
I agree, and no matter what era costume the others have Phoenix always fits in, because she wears it all the time :D
That's what I love and hate about it lol! It worked in the 70s, the 90s, and even now. WOnder if she will still have it by 2046 lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 20, 2011, 04:25PM
That's what I love and hate about it lol! It worked in the 70s, the 90s, and even now. WOnder if she will still have it by 2046 lol.
Lol, most likely everyone will have like crazy robotic suits and then Jean will be standing in the middle with her Phoenix costume on
i agree with you lol! and does someone want to play a few missions with me? i'm online right now.
that was fun jill valentine and marvelfan12345 we'll have to do this again tommorow And i think there needs to be a dark phoenix mission at the xmansion and a sentinel mission
Agreed. Sorry I couldn't join that last mission though. I accidentally clicked no instead of yes and after that I got bored of sitting around.
Jean looks great! Nice to see a different outfit. Hope she's free to play.
hey guys, does any of you want to play a mission with me? i'm online now, so see you there :phoenix:
Im online right now if anyone wants to play a few missions
I came on but I only got a short time before the game booted me out.
sure, i'll get online now, and marvelfan did that happen to you again?
Yeah it was working fine but suddenly booted me out. I went back in but I couldn't even get the loading complete before it happened. I think its happening to the whole game (like yesterday or was it the day before yesterday)
ok, it says to me that i can't acces missions now.
OMG Jean is so cute in her phoenix costume. I wonder if they changed her powers a little
hey guys, i'm online right now, does anyone want to play a mission with me?
I can come on now if your still on.
Sorry marvelfan and jeanfan, the game said to me that i can't enter missions right now. I'm sorry.
Its all right. I'm returning to the game if anyone else is coming too.
I think were getting some xmen tonight because they said there gonna be down at 9:00.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 22, 2011, 03:45PM
I think were getting some xmen tonight because they said there gonna be down at 9:00.
God lets hope!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 22, 2011, 03:45PM
I think were getting some xmen tonight because they said there gonna be down at 9:00.
I hope so! These X-Men are long overdue!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2011, 03:46PM
I hope so! These X-Men are long overdue!
I agree!
Edit: Hold on a sec uploading something!
Is she still a villain? Or is she a hero? Whatever you think she is, she's coming very soon to!
i hope we get Emma, Rogue, Gambit, Shadowcat, Phoenix and Dr. Strange tomorrow! that would be totally cool!
I really can't wait im just gonna log off and wait for it to be over.Is it gonna be over anytime today or is it just gonna be over tommorow?
By tommorrow probably. Hmm I wonder who that person is? But I bet I prefer her as a villain lol!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2011, 08:01PM
By tommorrow probably. Hmm I wonder who that person is? But I bet I prefer her as a villain lol!
Same here lol I hope they used her diamond form for some of her powers
I'm sure they did. I actually love the combination of Emma's personality, telepathy, and diamond form. Her love life...not sooo much lol.
Now I'm sure the new characters will come tommorrow. I hope its not just Rogue, Emma, and Gambit (and Classic Wolverine?) but Colossus, Psylocke, and Kitty too.
Emma!! <3
Now I'll have to play again to get more money so I can get her :)
ANd the other X-men should be with her, so I'm excited!
I'm really excited for her, but I do wonder what would happen if I put her and Jean in the same room.
Quote from: Techon 7 on June 22, 2011, 09:44PM
I'm really excited for her, but I do wonder what would happen if I put her and Jean in the same room.
You'll have a lot of fun, of course ;)
Quote from: whiteking on June 22, 2011, 09:50PM
You'll have a lot of fun, of course ;)
Lol, they would most likely run around laughing and start to dance :D
Quote from: whiteking on June 22, 2011, 09:50PM
You'll have a lot of fun, of course ;)
Lol, unfortunately in this game, fun is patty-cake and jumping on beds :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2011, 10:03PM
Lol, unfortunately in this game, fun is patty-cake and jumping on beds :D
Lol, even better, they can patty cake with each other!
Lol all the other X-Men will be watching with their jaws open
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2011, 10:09PM
Lol all the other X-Men will be watching with their jaws open
Lol, I can see it now, Scott :O while Jean and Emma are doing patty cake on a bed, everyone else :O lol, all the x-men will begin to wonder 1 what happend to the real Jean/ Emma, 2 Something happend to Jean when she came back to life this time 3 This Jean is from an alt reality in which she is still in the original 5 X-Men team and has never met Emma yet, and according to Emmas costume and the whole is she a villian thing, she must still be part of the hellfire club and thus has also never met Jean :P
Somehow I have a feeling they still wouldn't get along, even the original versions of them.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2011, 10:14PM
Somehow I have a feeling they still wouldn't get along, even the original versions of them.
Well then they are both on some crazy stuff :D I think Gambit is some kind of dealer... LOL he is really the only kind of person who would do something like that XD
Hmmm I was talking about their powers and you created a whole what if lol.
Well I doubt she's a villain here, because if that was the case she should be a boss not a playable character, besides she's with the X-men so...
Also it's a child's game so I doubt anything about the psychic affair thing will be included here, so they can be friends (a pretty weird friendship between Emma/Scott/Jean, but still a friendship ;))
Quote from: whiteking on June 22, 2011, 10:20PM
Hmmm I was talking about their powers and you created a whole what if lol.
Well I doubt she's a villain here, because if that was the case she should be a boss not a playable character, besides she's with the X-men so...
Also it's a child's game so I doubt anything about the psychic affair thing will be included here, so they can be friends (a pretty weird friendship between Emma/Scott/Jean, but still a friendship ;))
I agree, although I still think Gambit is into some shaddy business :P I have always imagined them as friends, but of course thats only in my head
Emma Frost was Released Finally! im sooo going to buy her!
Maintanence is over guys and guests who's playable a sassy bitchy character lol.
Plus new missions with villians like sabertooth and juggernaut XDD
Tried out Emma and she is fun! Her effects are more of a royal blue in contrast to Jean's who has sparkly pink. I did notice that Emma's combos are strikingly similar to Jean's but more tp oriented than tk. Her first power is pretty fun (although similar to Jean's heroup in some ways). I didn't like her heroup though because the effects are all rainbow colored and don't suit Emma at all, they would be better off for Jubilee or Dazzler.
I just bought her, but only tried her in the game world. As can be expected most of her emotes have a touch of high society, (it is Emma after all). I really like her walk and dance animations. Her first power emote seems to be telepathic slam, but she turns to diamond at the end, so I'm not sure.
I love her run lol. Her dance is good for her although I think its really her way of saying that she can't dance lol. So much for telepathic illusions.
Have tried her in combat and she's fun but also a bit of a dissapointment when in solo against bosses. She can do good against crowds if you keep her far but against bosses she really sucks. She feels a lot like Jean in combat but less powerful. I tried Emma against Sabretooth and he clobbered her (she should have looked like Nuhverah's zombie skin for Emma lol). Then I tried Jean against Sabretooth and it was a reanactment of X-Men 28 (In other words, Toothie had no chance).
Haven't tried any diamond attacks for Emma yet but they seem like fun.
EDIT: Do not solo with Emma. Some characters are solo material and some aren't, Emma is one who is not. Perhaps unlocking her other powers can boost her up but I don't think they can save her too much. Besides that she is quite fun with other players.
AHHH! Im getting on right now!
@Marvelfan do you mind playing a mission with me so i can see how she is?
How much is she?
600 gold as you now know. BTW are you coming back?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 08:06AM
I love her run lol. Her dance is good for her although I think its really her way of saying that she can't dance lol. So much for telepathic illusions.
Have tried her in combat and she's fun but also a bit of a dissapointment when in solo against bosses. She can do good against crowds if you keep her far but against bosses she really sucks. She feels a lot like Jean in combat but less powerful. I tried Emma against Sabretooth and he clobbered her (she should have looked like Nuhverah's zombie skin for Emma lol). Then I tried Jean against Sabretooth and it was a reanactment of X-Men 28 (In other words, Toothie had no chance).
Haven't tried any diamond attacks for Emma yet but they seem like fun.
EDIT: Do not solo with Emma. Some characters are solo material and some aren't, Emma is one who is not. Perhaps unlocking her other powers can boost her up but I don't think they can save her too much. Besides that she is quite fun with other players.
No offence, but if you play solo at the very first levels, ANY hero will suck, and I know that because I created a new account and currently I'm playing with Cyclops and Ms Marvel and both were kicked in their a$$ twice by Sabertooth and Doom (and both were my most powerfull chars on my last account) Besides I imagine that your Jean is on her max level right? :P
Anyway the reason why I had to start a new game on another account is because Emma cost 600 gold and I only have 550 with no possibilities of getting more since I'm not a member (and I don't want to pay a memebership) So I started again and I'm going to play a lot in order to save all the gold that I can get :)
man i only have 320 gold, i won't be able to have enough gold for the 25th, my membership will expire that day
Sorry that I got off my computer freaked lol, Emma is ok but a washed up jean
ok, and what do you mean a washed up Jean? did Emma totally beat Jean? and i think i'll have to create a new account, when Phoenix is out, so i have enough gold and buy her and buy Emma as well.
She is way better then Jean, but her attacks are almost the same if not the same as Jean's but weaker
Quote from: whiteking on June 23, 2011, 09:50AM
No offence, but if you play solo at the very first levels, ANY hero will suck.
Not exactly true. I've done pretty good with some characters like Thing, Hulk, Captain America, Jean, Storm, etc. on their first try against powerful foes like Doom, Super Skrull, Magneto, etc. Emma was quite different considering how many deaths I got at the hands of Super Skrull and Sabretooth lol.
I've already started to level Emma up and her diamond powers look really good (and flashy) but aren't too powerful. Even so I think I will spam her 2nd attack because it looks really good (you'll know once you get it)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 10:14AM
Sorry that I got off my computer freaked lol, Emma is ok but a washed up jean
I agree. I had high hopes for her and Invisible Woman but they are both washed up versions of Jean imo.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 10:21AM
She is way better then Jean, but her attacks are almost the same if not the same as Jean's but weaker
If she is weaker than Jean than how is she better lol? Emma isn't that bad but she can't handle huge crowds or bosses on her own due to low damage. She wouldn't even be that bad if her attacks weren't so similar to Jean's and quite weaker.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 10:35AM
Not exactly true. I've done pretty good with some characters like Thing, Hulk, Captain America, Jean, Storm, etc. on their first try against powerful foes like Doom, Super Skrull, Magneto, etc. Emma was quite different considering how many deaths I got at the hands of Super Skrull and Sabretooth lol.
I've already started to level Emma up and her diamond powers look really good (and flashy) but aren't too powerful. Even so I think I will spam her 2nd attack because it looks really good (you'll know once you get it)
I agree. I had high hopes for her and Invisible Woman but they are both washed up versions of Jean imo.
If she is weaker than Jean than how is she better lol? Emma isn't that bad but she can't handle huge crowds or bosses on her own due to low damage. She wouldn't even be that bad if her attacks weren't so similar to Jean's and quite weaker.
I ment to say Jean is way better then Emma lol, Emma is ok, but she isnt the best
Emma isn't bad as I said above, she's about average. She can be really fun but her damage level drags her down as she isn't meant to be a powerhouse. The big issue with her is that she plays pretty much like Jean but much weaker. In combo and telepathic powers I mean, her diamond form is quite unique but its also weak.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 10:49AM
Emma isn't bad as I said above, she's about average. She can be really fun but her damage level drags her down as she isn't meant to be a powerhouse. The big issue with her is that she plays pretty much like Jean but much weaker. In combo and telepathic powers I mean, her diamond form is quite unique but its also weak.
I wish they made her better I mean even the way she does her powers is just like jean throw throw spin drop
Even her hair is recycled. It must be a washed-out Jean trend (Sue and Emma lol). On the other hand I've heard lots of people saying that Gambit and Rogue will be following. I hope so because I'm really looking forward to them.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 11:09AM
Even her hair is recycled. It must be a washed-out Jean trend (Sue and Emma lol). On the other hand I've heard lots of people saying that Gambit and Rogue will be following. I hope so because I'm really looking forward to them.
Lets hope they are good
i'm looking foward to them too, i hope Rogue is as good as she is on TAS.
Lets hope they actually feel unique. I'm sure Gambit will be since nobody else has his powers/abilities. Rogue has Ms. Marvel's powers but not the energy projection which is what Ms. Marvel is based off of in this game.
Hey guys, does any of you want to play a few missions with me? i'm online now.
Our little block party today :D
Lol, see that storm thats me :D
are any of u guys on? oh and 200 gold away from me getting spiderman
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 05:05PM
Lol, see that storm thats me :D
You were Storm
Puma was Spider-Woman
Jill/Dark Phoenix was Invisible Woman
I was Jean
It was really fun! Especially the Phoenix races we were having earlier. We should do that again some time. Go Phoenix Club! We have some very exclusive parties ;)
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on June 23, 2011, 05:11PM
are any of u guys on? oh and 200 gold away from me getting spiderman
I've been on the whole day so I'm gonna take a break now but congrats! Two more days and you will have Spider-Man :D
ok thanks
Here are some of my fav emotes from the heroes :)
so noones on im guessing
Lol Emma looks like shes on drugs
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 05:39PM
Lol Emma looks like shes on drugs
Lol yeah she kinda does. Her diamond form is missing textures. Maybe the developers should ask you Midnightphoenix?
Jean looks really weird in that last pic too. In game its much better.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 05:42PM
Lol yeah she kinda does. Her diamond form is missing textures. Maybe the developers should ask you Midnightphoenix?
Jean looks really weird in that last pic too. In game its much better.
Lol, I will take the offer
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 05:45PM
Lol, I will take the offer
Lol while you are at it, ask them to make Phoenix Jean's hair longer.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 05:59PM
Lol while you are at it, ask them to make Phoenix Jean's hair longer.
Yeah lol, and maybe give Emma new powers :D
hey im going to my french tutor now wish me luck:)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 23, 2011, 06:00PM
Yeah lol, and maybe give Emma new powers :D
That would be awesome. Her diamond form could be used more since she only has one power with it.
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on June 23, 2011, 06:18PM
hey im going to my french tutor now wish me luck:)
Good luck :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 04:52PM
Our little block party today :D
Lol, take a look at Invisible Woman, that's me lol, and it was aswome! I really liked the Phoenix Races! marvelfan won all the time! and i agree with marvelfan here, we should do that again sometime! Go Phoenix Club!
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on June 23, 2011, 08:25PM
Lol, take a look at Invisible Woman, that's me lol, and it was aswome! I really liked the Phoenix Races! marvelfan won all the time! and i agree with marvelfan here, we should do that again sometime! Go Phoenix Club!
I agree, I think I won once because everyone went to late lol, every other time I lost XD
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on June 23, 2011, 08:25PM
Lol, take a look at Invisible Woman, that's me lol, and it was aswome! I really liked the Phoenix Races! marvelfan won all the time! and i agree with marvelfan here, we should do that again sometime! Go Phoenix Club!
It was fun. We Phoenix Club really do know how to have a good time!
Today was so fun, probably the best day with this game. Hanging out with all the heroes/friends and getting chased by stalkers lol!
Everytime Ranger Spider appeared somebody would shout "run for your lives" and everyone would scramble in all different directions with Ranger following. He was on my tail at first too but luckily Jeannie's flight saved me.
He was so weird though, stalking people. Its a good thing SG can keep tabs on his location so we can avoid him lol. He kept crashing our block parties! ):
I really loved when I used Jean's mind control emote on Ranger to get him to move. He actually did run away and retreated into a mission lol, which really suprised me because I was only doing it for fun. Maybe Jean is really out there in the White Hot Room, watching over us xd.
So I tried playing this yesterday, but everytime I get on there, I end up getting kicked off. Guess my internet aint good enough lol. I wont care anyways until Rogue and Gambit are on there. :D
What is your in-game name, Scabbia? I'll add you to our roster on p. 20 of this thread.
@whiteking, do you want to add your new account's name also?
Is anyone on, Im getting on!
Funny Cat. I'm gonna try to play again real quick and see if I can stay on long enough to enjoy it. lol.
Anybody on? I'm coming now.
I guess I'll come UserName: SuperNatural-Witch
Well that was a blast Dark Phoenix 1 and Marvelfan! Thx a lot to dark phoenix because he bought the juggernaut mission and it was fun and hard and it nice of him to buy it.
Sorry marvelfan if i didnt do anything during the sabertooth mission my pc kept on freezing and to wrap it up you guys make this game very fun and im glad i signed up
Yeah it was really nice of you Dark Phoenix 1! Thanks again :)
Thats all right. Sabretooth was harder to beat on my own but at the end we showed him who's boss. Btw just checked out the game's facebook page and I think its hilarious how many people want the developers to make Phoenix's hair longer. If they don't I have a feeling that they are gonna show the developers their own wrath of the Dark Phoenix XD.
Anyway I've got to redecorate my HQ for the new characters' arrival (whenever that is)
Lol, well I have another account at an attempt to get more gold :D I will use SpiritMarshmellow still, untill I get more characters on my new account btw the Hulkbuster code doesnt work anymore, idk about the Tux thing I cant remmeber what it was but could someone maybe post it here?
BTW: My new name is Firey Princess Vapor, I got bored of looking threw all the stupid names it kept giving me and firey made me thing o f Jean lol
hey guys im on now
emperor rat where are u
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on June 24, 2011, 04:51PM
emperor rat where are u
Daily Bugel spinning the wheel
Edit: Never mind, Im getting on my old Account because I dont want to start all over XD my name is Spirit Marshmellow
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 24, 2011, 02:11PM
Well that was a blast Dark Phoenix 1 and Marvelfan! Thx a lot to dark phoenix because he bought the juggernaut mission and it was fun and hard and it nice of him to buy it.
Sorry marvelfan if i didnt do anything during the sabertooth mission my pc kept on freezing and to wrap it up you guys make this game very fun and im glad i signed up
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 24, 2011, 02:16PM
Yeah it was really nice of you Dark Phoenix 1! Thanks again :)
Thats all right. Sabretooth was harder to beat on my own but at the end we showed him who's boss. Btw just checked out the game's facebook page and I think its hilarious how many people want the developers to make Phoenix's hair longer. If they don't I have a feeling that they are gonna show the developers their own wrath of the Dark Phoenix XD.
Anyway I've got to redecorate my HQ for the new characters' arrival (whenever that is)
You're welcome guys, i wanted to play it too, and it was really fun! and i'll create a new Account when Phoenix comes out, and i guess the developers are going to make us feel the fury of the Phoenix Force! lol XD
brb getting somthing to eat im at the daily bugel at the front
im back where are u midnight phoenix
The tuxedo thing code is mamarosas
are u on marvel fan
Hey guys these are the gameplay videos me marvelfan and dark phoenix one did
They need to add a new way to obtain gold other than spinning the wheel and buying a membership, ex missions or buying it with silver
Now that you mention it, i got a Fantastic Idea!, why dont we ask them if they can make a way to get gold for Free Members? so we wouldn't have to create another accounts in order to get gold!
Love the video! Thanks for posting.
It sounds great but they will probably never do it. The gold is their way of making money, because that is what lures people into buying the subscription so they can buy new characters.
ok, looks like they won't ever do that then, but it wasn't a bad idea though.
I was just on there and as soon as I spun the wheel, it kicked me off... I think I'll just wait til Rogue's on
Hey Scabbia, i sended you a friend invitation, my account name is Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher.
Half-a-minute later, I'm on again. Sorry again Dark Phoenix 1, blame Sinister or my computer. Whichever one you prefer.
That was a fun date/mission though. Scott and Jean fighting their old enemy Juggernaut like old times. And Deadpool crashing the date sure made it fun!
yeah, it was really fun! and don't worry i blame Sinister LOL!, and i got muted by some reason, and i didn't share any personal info, but simple things like Now Face the Fury of The Phoenix Force! can't be typed.
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on June 24, 2011, 07:42PM
Hey Scabbia, i sended you a friend invitation, my account name is Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher.
Cools. I'll add you when I get done with my second skin I'm working on right now. :) (If I can stay on long enough lol)
im on right now, name is aqua soldier
Quote from: fox456 on May 13, 2011, 03:39AM
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
Dark Phoenix 1 - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Hiddenhope213 - Emperor Rat
Jeanfan321 - Flash Steel Viper
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Scabbia - Funny Cat
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
Wolverine Fan 221 - Aqua Soldier
I added both Scabbia and Wolverine Fan 221.
@ Jeanfan321:
Your video was great! I didn't even know you could do that. (I also watched some of your MUA videos. Very fun! My hereoes don't stay together like yours do. Also, mine seem to move around faster and you can't keep track of them like I could when I watcher your vidideos.)
i got mutated by a moderator! do you know when i can speak again? it says time remaining 0 but i can't speak!
Guys! i can speak again! I'M SO HAPPY! Thanks a lot Marvelfan for having faith that everything would turn up to be ok! Thanks a lot to all those that supported me!
I'm just glad it is working for you now my friend!
Here's another pic of all of us dancing (right before Magenta came and I was kidnapped by Sinister). I was Jean, you were Cyclops, and Jeanfan was Storm.
Lol that's cool. Too bad I keep gettin kicked off, I'd go with ya'll. But everytime I spin the wheel to use those tickets, its bye bye for me. (sucks...)
I'll add you once I get on tommorrow. I wonder why the wheel doesn't work? You should sent a ticket/bug to the developers using the help section of the site. Are you sure everything has installled for you?
I think so. I downloaded the game files, which took forever, and then when I get on there, I let everything load up first. Then as soon as I spin the wheel, it keeps spinning, then says the server had a time out and kicks me off. I think it might be our internet cause we got the lowest speed with the company were with. So that might be it...
Which character should i buy? I have Cyclops, Ms Marvel, Iron Man, Thing, and Falcon. Just started and almost have enough gold for a 600 gold char
@fox456 thanks a lot i try my best
@Marvelfan12345 love that pic how is the camera zoomed in like that for you XD.I think you need to crop one of the wolverines out and the picture would be even greater (it alreaady is) cause there's two logans but oh well storm looks good wonder who was using her :P
@Wolverine Fan221 You should buy Storm,Emma, or Scarlet Witch. But i would buy storm she's beast
EDIT:BTW i was recdording our little "party" and wanna put it on youtube so which song should u put on beyonce who run the world
or nicki minaj super bass
Quote from: Scabbia on June 24, 2011, 10:09PM
I think so. I downloaded the game files, which took forever, and then when I get on there, I let everything load up first. Then as soon as I spin the wheel, it keeps spinning, then says the server had a time out and kicks me off. I think it might be our internet cause we got the lowest speed with the company were with. So that might be it...
I think its the slow internet connection. Sometimes my internet is glitchy and the slowness affects the game.
Quote from: Wolverine Fan 221 on June 24, 2011, 10:14PM
Which character should i buy? I have Cyclops, Ms Marvel, Iron Man, Thing, and Falcon. Just started and almost have enough gold for a 600 gold char
If you plan to get Jean then no need for Emma because Emma is just a weaker copy lol. Go with the original. Same goes for Sue imo (although she is more unique in powers but still has many similarities to Jean and also weaker). I'd cross those out plus I have a feeling you wouldn't like them too much.
One choice is Storm because she is just like Jeanfan said...beast! Giant-Man is very strong and powerful, I would recommend him as well. Human Torch is really cool (lol) and fun to use. Finally there is Wasp who may seem small (which she is of course) but she is very fun and fast to use. You may look down at her but your mind will change after you play as her.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 24, 2011, 10:19PM
If you plan to get Jean then no need for Emma because Emma is just a weaker copy lol. Go with the original. Same goes for Sue imo (although she is more unique in powers but still has many similarities to Jean and also weaker)
I'd go for Storm because she is just like Jeanfan said...beast! Giant-Man is very strong and powerful, I would recommend him as well. Human Torch is really cool (lol) and fun to use. Finally there is Wasp who may seem small (which she is of course) but she is very fun and fast to use. You may look down at her but your mind will change after you play as her.
Thanks, will be buying either torcy or storm
Quote from: Wolverine Fan 221 on June 24, 2011, 10:22PM
Thanks, will be buying either torcy or storm
Glad to be of help.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 24, 2011, 10:14PM
@fox456 thanks a lot i try my best
@Marvelfan12345 love that pic how is the camera zoomed in like that for you XD.I think you need to crop one of the wolverines out and the picture would be even greater (it alreaady is) cause there's two logans but oh well storm looks good wonder who was using her :P
Use the little device on the mouse. I have no idea what it is called lol, but the thing you can role in between the left and right click buttons. It can zoom in and out.
I'll crop the pic out later, one Wolverine seems better than two these days. It will mean less of Thing, Emma, and the other Wolverine though. Oh well. I can't spin the Prize Wheel...(no biggy...) And I can go through a whole mission, but as soon as I'm done (beating whatever boss) then it kicks me off again. lol. Still have the exp., but just gotta refresh...I guess. But at least I'm there! :D
I had soo much Fun, playing with Scabbia fighting Fing Foom
OMG! That was you!? I didn't know that! lmao. That was fun! I thought it was someone from here, but I didn't know for sure. I forgot everyone's name. lol.
YEP!! LMAO!! I kept trying to tell you but, that stupid chat box will not open
lol Well I'm glad it was you cause if it wasn't someone from here, then it probably woulda been awkward for That was fun though. I felt kinda dumb cause I didn't know what to do at first with Fing Fang. lol.
Finally I got Emma and Jean, and honestly I don't know why you Jean fans are always complaining about their similar abilities and who's better. Because, I'm sorry, Jean is not that great and Emma is not that bad as you like to believe.
Both has their strengths and weakness, for example, Jean is indeed a little bit more powerfull (but not THAT powerfull), but Emma's combos has more range and unlike you said before, do great against bosses because you can attack them without being too close.
Their powers are similar yes (and that's pretty obvious because both are telepaths :P) but each one has some differences that adds them a unique gameplay, Jean focus more on her raw power and Emma on her tactics, much like in comics.
In my opinion both are worth to be tested and are fun to play. So anyone who want to test them, do it, and adapt them to your gameplay.
And to prove my point, here:
( (
The mission against Sabertooth where Marvelfan12345 described that Emma as a solo player was "clobbered by Sabretooth", guess what? Adamantium reward, with Emma at level 2 and I survived the whole mission, not that bad right?
I'm going to test Invisible Woman just to prove that she can be a great character too, it depends of how you play.
By the way my name is Solid Midnight Prince, I usually play solo, because of my job, I cant reach all of you in time when you play together, but maybe someday we can do a mission :)
hey im going on now who can i expect to meet
and i just got the web head
Quote from: fox456 on May 13, 2011, 03:39AM
We need a post to keep track of our in-game names. How about this one?
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
Dark Phoenix 1 - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Fox456 - Winter Fighter
Hiddenhope213 - Emperor Rat
Jeanfan321 - Flash Steel Viper
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix123 - Spirit Marshmallow
Scabbia - Funny Cat
SuperNatural-Witch - Simplicity Psionic Ghost
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
Whiteking - Solid Midnight Prince
Wolverine Fan 221 - Silver Soul
Added you, whiteking.
simplicity psionic ghost is my User-name
I added you, see above.
Quote from: whiteking on June 25, 2011, 02:09AM
Finally I got Emma and Jean, and honestly I don't know why you Jean fans are always complaining about their similar abilities and who's better. Because, I'm sorry, Jean is not that great and Emma is not that bad as you like to believe.
Both has their strengths and weakness, for example, Jean is indeed a little bit more powerfull (but not THAT powerfull), but Emma's combos has more range and unlike you said before, do great against bosses because you can attack them without being too close.
Their powers are similar yes (and that's pretty obvious because both are telepaths :P) but each one has some differences that adds them a unique gameplay, Jean focus more on her raw power and Emma on her tactics, much like in comics.
In my opinion both are worth to be tested and are fun to play. So anyone who want to test them, do it, and adapt them to your gameplay.
And to prove my point, here:
( (
The mission against Sabertooth where Marvelfan12345 described that Emma as a solo player was "clobbered by Sabretooth", guess what? Adamantium reward, with Emma at level 2 and I survived the whole mission, not that bad right?
I'm going to test Invisible Woman just to prove that she can be a great character too, it depends of how you play.
By the way my name is Solid Midnight Prince, I usually play solo, because of my job, I cant reach all of you in time when you play together, but maybe someday we can do a mission :)
You made it with Emma! Perhaps it is possible to solo because the only way I was able to solo with Emma was by cheating XD. But I must disagree about the range. Emma's range is quite bad actually for an energy type character while Jean (and Sue) have probably the best range in the game.
But I guess as for who is good and who is not, it all matters on taste. I really don't like Emma that much in this game as her combos are really good, but she is brought down by terrible range, bad health, and weak powers (and the fact that her combos are basically recycled from Jean ;).) And at the same time I think Jean is one of the best, yet another thing a matter of taste. Its like I told Wolverine Fan 221, that his taste is probably quite different from mine which is why I removed some characters from my recommendations because I had a feeling he would not like them as much as me. I do hope that Storm or Human Torch satisfied his quench.
You made it with Emma, and let me say, i want Jean more, she's the one of the best chars in the game, and i would buy Storm, but i don't have enough time to get gold, my membership ends today.
Here was are little party at the baxter building
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2011, 08:49AM
You made it with Emma! Perhaps it is possible to solo because the only way I was able to solo with Emma was by cheating XD. But I must disagree about the range. Emma's range is quite bad actually for an energy type character while Jean (and Sue) have probably the best range in the game.
But I guess as for who is good and who is not, it all matters on taste. I really don't like Emma that much in this game as her combos are really good, but she is brought down by terrible range, bad health, and weak powers (and the fact that her combos are basically recycled from Jean ;).) And at the same time I think Jean is one of the best, yet another thing a matter of taste. Its like I told Wolverine Fan 221, that his taste is probably quite different from mine which is why I removed some characters from my recommendations because I had a feeling he would not like them as much as me. I do hope that Storm or Human Torch satisfied his quench.
Torch was a really good character, beat Ultron solo with him without dying. Its also just really fun to fly him around
Also, I used the membership code and got enough silver for Iron Man
@Jeanfan - I'm glad you posted the video!
@Wolverine Fan 221 - Glad you liked Human Torch! I had a feeling you would enjoy him, he is really fun to use. Ultron is extremely tough so beating him on adamantium just shows how powerful Human Torch can be.
I was bored so I redecorated and made a room for Scott and Jean. Luckily they don't just go together love-wise, but color-wise as well ;) The little blocks are a pretty cool find I found in the store. The description for them says that Scott and Jean use them in the Danger Room for training, so I immediately bought a bunch of them.
Some more shots
I'm planning to make rooms for Reed/Sue, Wanda, Storm, Wolverine, and maybe Valkyrie.
guys, marvelfan and i were muted! and we didn't do anything wrong! can you guys believe it?
Wait a moment, Marvel Super hero Squad is free? Cool :P
Its not avaible in my country yet, a shame for sure :P
I'm sure it will pass like yesterday but I'm sick of waiting.
me too, if you can't speak in the game it's like they're taking 50% of the fun there.
A few days ago, right before Ranger Spider was stalking everyone, a bunch of people were talking about how they were getting muted for no reason. It looks like that rumor is true after all.
is it just me or can nobody else on the membership thing to pay?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2011, 01:34PM
A few days ago, right before Ranger Spider was stalking everyone, a bunch of people were talking about how they were getting muted for no reason. It looks like that rumor is true after all.
The rumor is True, i think Ranger Spider has created another account and now is reporting us so we get muted, and i think he's doing that for Revenge. At least that's what i think lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2011, 12:23PM
@Jeanfan - I'm glad you posted the video!
@Wolverine Fan 221 - Glad you liked Human Torch! I had a feeling you would enjoy him, he is really fun to use. Ultron is extremely tough so beating him on adamantium just shows how powerful Human Torch can be.
I was bored so I redecorated and made a room for Scott and Jean. Luckily they don't just go together love-wise, but color-wise as well ;) The little blocks are a pretty cool find I found in the store. The description for them says that Scott and Jean use them in the Danger Room for training, so I immediately bought a bunch of them.
Some more shots
It's really cool! you gave me the perfect idea for Jean's and Scott's Room!
I'm planning to make rooms for Reed/Sue, Wanda, Storm, Wolverine, and maybe Valkyrie.
My new name on Super Hero squad online is Silver Soul due to my old account not letting me on the game
Okay i have enough silver to buy either black spiderman or dead pool.Which one should i buy?
Deadpool is more unexpected and kinda unique. Black Spider-Man is pretty fun too plus he has the web swing in the city.
hmm well im sure i can come up with enough money to buy them both. After im done im not buying anyone else because i need to play with my other chaacters except for storm lol.Ms Marvel and Storm are the only "MAX" characters i have heck thing i dont even have things bed yet but i have everyone elses lol
@ Wolverine Fan 221 - Made the change to your game name.
@ MarvelFan12345 - Can you limit which characters go into which rooms of your headquarters?
Since I had to get a new account, I lost all my heroes. I rebought Human Torch, but am wondering weather i should just get Iron man or save up for the others.
I'd say, save up for those you REALLY want. :D
So, I may just try to get as many silver coins as I can before Tuesday, going on a vacation, and see who I could buy. Want iron Man, but also want War Machine
Of all the "Agent" characters, I liked War Machine the best. Black Widow was pretty good.
ok, I may just try to get 3000 silver already have 1000 for both Iron Man and War Machine
Also, what does it mean when you connect to your "child's" account?
I don't know. It always encourages kids to get their parents to play too.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2011, 08:49AM
You made it with Emma! Perhaps it is possible to solo because the only way I was able to solo with Emma was by cheating XD. But I must disagree about the range. Emma's range is quite bad actually for an energy type character while Jean (and Sue) have probably the best range in the game.
But I guess as for who is good and who is not, it all matters on taste. I really don't like Emma that much in this game as her combos are really good, but she is brought down by terrible range, bad health, and weak powers (and the fact that her combos are basically recycled from Jean ;).) And at the same time I think Jean is one of the best, yet another thing a matter of taste. Its like I told Wolverine Fan 221, that his taste is probably quite different from mine which is why I removed some characters from my recommendations because I had a feeling he would not like them as much as me. I do hope that Storm or Human Torch satisfied his quench.
You and whiteking are right, how you play the hero is important to how powerful they seem. I've played as Invisible Woman, and I think she's better at crowd control than Jean, especially at low levels. While Jean needs to either have five stars or wait till the Brain Freeze upgrade to deal an aoe attack, Invisible Woman gets one that costs one star from the get go, and her third and fifth combo moves are great for dealing with crowds. So, to sum all this up, it all depends on playing up the heroes unique strengths.
That's what I feel about Sue. Jean is more focused and while she does have some area of effect attacks, Sue's are easier to use. I prefer Jean as a damage dealer while Sue as support. Her abilities to turn invisible and shield heroes only add to that.
Im just gonna hop in the dispute between Emma and Jean.
Emma is harder to get if you are not a subscriber, making Jean a powerful choice and she is more available. Emma may have some powerful combos, but Jean is the better all around character with better range, powerful heroups and powers, and higher health. Also, she is easier to obtain than Emma.
Same goes with Sue, but with her being the better character early on with Jean being better when she levels up.
Jean is basically the only character any "casual" player can get. If you aren't a subscriber you can't buy any Jr. Shield Agent characters nor any gold characters. This leaves only Jean and Surfer but Surfer is so expensive rarely anyone has him. I think Jean makes for a very good introductionary character.
ya, thats kinda what i was getting at
For anyone interested I'm gonna post the damage levels for the characters. I started with Jean and decided to do Emma as well to see the exact difference between damages. Sue will be next. EDIT: Added Storm
Jean Grey
1 - 9
2 - 12
3 - 16
4 - 24
5 - 42
Heroup - 66 (Initial) 3 (Impact)
Just Dance! - 37
Brain Freeze - 30
Mind Eraser - 70
Emma Frost
1 - 9
2 - 12
3 - 16
4 - 24
5 - 35
Heroup - 37
Mind Blast - 14, 3, 3
Action, Refraction - 35
Hearts and Minds - 10
1 - 9
2 - 13
3 - 17
4 - 31
5 - 40
Heroup - 5 (Impact)
Storm Cloud - 21
Tornado Wave - 25
Cyclone Launch - 62
This is interesting information. Could you add either Falcon or Captain Amercia to this data?
Yeah I won't forgot the males!
Guys, I know that they wont really add a way for nonmembers to obtain gold easily, but maybe they could make it so you get 500 gold a month and 50 gold or something like that a week if you subscribe, cuz 500 gold per month is a long wait
I wish they had some sort of treasure chest in each of the zones that would be hidden in different places every day. If you found it, it would have a little gold in it. At least that would give everyone more of a reason to scout the zones.
Quote from: fox456 on June 26, 2011, 02:41PM
I wish they had some sort of treasure chest in each of the zones that would be hidden in different places every day. If you found it, it would have a little gold in it. At least that would give everyone more of a reason to scout the zones.
and they would still gain money if they made it so only members could find it
Ultimate Thor
1 - 12
2 - 14
3 - 18
4 - 28
5 - 36
Heroup - 83
Mjolnir Heave - 31
Hammer Spin - 29
Thunder Wave - 52
Captain America
1 - 12
2 - 16
3 - 19
4 - 38
5 - 15, 15, 15, 15
Heroup - 51 (Each Hit)
Shield Slash - 35
Stars and Stripes Forever - 43
Surfin' U.S.A. - 19
1 - 12
2 - 13
3 - 16
4 - 23
5 - 17
Heroup - 33 (Each Hit)
Redwing! - 30
Feather Flurry - 15
Prepare for Liftoff - 22, 22, 22
Invisible Woman
1 - 7
2 - 9
3 - 11
4 - 23
5 - 45
Heroup - 3, 6 (Initial) 3, 6 (Impact)
Invisiburst - 26
Invisibat - 17
Invisiblast - 38
One question, to email the devolpers, do you send a ticket or, if not, could I have the email
@ Wolverine Fan 221:
I contacted the developers once. I think you get a ticket number after you send your message. But, I'm not sure now.
Thanks for posting the Captain America and Falcon data. I'm going to watch for that and compare them with others too. Just by looking at the numbers, these two don't look more powerful than the others (as I thought they would be).
I know this is totally random, but I can spin the Prize Wheel now! Woot woot! lol. And I can go through a whole mission too. I had to disable some of my add-ons on my browser. It still lags once in awhile, but thats expected with an online game.
I'm really glad that you can get on the prize wheel now and finish missions! Don't hold me to this, but I have heard that we may have a maintenance tommorrow which could mean we get either Rogue or Gambit by Tuesday! Now you have the chance to save up your gold for Rogue as well.
it's really good that you can finally use the wheel and finish missions! and i hope that we get them! Plus we might get Phoenix bub!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 26, 2011, 07:55PM
I'm really glad that you can get on the prize wheel now and finish missions! Don't hold me to this, but I have heard that we may have a maintenance tommorrow which could mean we get either Rogue or Gambit by Tuesday! Now you have the chance to save up your gold for Rogue as well.
Oh don't say all that and tell me not to hold you to it! lol That's a tease right there... lol. I wont have enough gold at all. I have 150 and I don't know how to get anymore.... I'm a free member... They need to make her cost
Use the code superhero. Hopefully it still works. It makes you a free subscriber for a while. Every day you can get 150 gold from the prize wheel. If you collect today, tommorrow, and Tuesday plus the 150 you already have you should have 600 which Rogue (or Gambit) will likely cost.
Oh, I didn't know that... Where do I use this code?
On the home page with the announcemts and latest news, click on my account after you log in. There should be a place to enter codes.
Oky doky, I'll try that after I'm done with my lil project :)
Sounds great!
Ohh!! I'll try it out
BTW Scabbia, I sent you a friend request for when you get on. I'm Princess Puffin.
Oky Doky. :) I'll add ya.
Thanks. BTW I would recommend being quick about getting the gold for tonight. By midnight the prize wheel will reset and any gold you didn't get will be lost which means you will have to wait another day (Wednesday) to get Rogue or Gambit if they come Tuesday since you will need all the gold for each day to have 600 (which is what I'm guessing Rogue or Gambit will probably be if they are playable). That means lots and lots of tickets and using about 100 a day lol. At least thats what I do.
im online if anyone wants to play Flash Steel Viper
I am getting on right now, so if anyone wants to play a mission or something, my name is Silver Soul
I'm finally done with my skins, so I'm bout to jump on. :)
Just a another quick question, I have allot of these, but should i wait 5 days to get either hulk or wolverine, or wait 7 days to get Spidey? currently have 285 gold and counting
I think Wolverine, only cause your Wolverine Fan lol.
I had to take a break, it was startin' to lag real bad... 0_o I hope they put Rogue on there soon, cause I was thinkin bout spendin the silver on Jean, but I don't want to if Rogue "might" be a silver coin character... grrr... descisions...
i got spiderman hes preety fun to web swing with
im getting wolverine next (try to build the avengers)
Quote from: Scabbia on June 27, 2011, 01:43AM
I had to take a break, it was startin' to lag real bad... 0_o I hope they put Rogue on there soon, cause I was thinkin bout spendin the silver on Jean, but I don't want to if Rogue "might" be a silver coin character... grrr... descisions...
Wait till Rogue is released, she should be available soon (I was surprised that she was not in a pack along Gambit and Emma Frost).
But I have a feeling that most of the new releases will be gold coin characters... so keep getting the gold coins, hear Marvelfan123's advise, 100 tickets do the trick to get the 150 gold coins in the prize wheel everyday and a lot of silver coins as well lol
I was playing tonight I wanted to see anyone of you guys/gals but I didn't :( it was fun to play a mission with a team, so I really want to try that all of with you.
I was on there... I'm also not gettin friend requests on there though. I had to send one to MarvelFan... I'll send one to you :) And I went ahead and spent the silver on Jean (which is good cause Ms Marvel is maxed out and she was gettin' boring lol. But yeah, I got my gold yesterday and today, I'm up to 450, so I'm stayin on this. I got to play a mission with MarvelFan, which was cool, cept I had to battle Juggernaut alone... lol but it worked out just fine. Then we tried the Loki Mission and that didn't go too well, but I think it was my fault. I've been on that game for hours. It needs a break once in a while. lol.
That was fun marvelfan and scabbia hope to do it with you guys again.
And i couldnt take it anymore i bought emma frost and now ima buy invisible woman.I already bought black spiderman. I figured i cant take it anymore and if rogue and phoenix come and i dont have enough money i'll just make another account.and if psylocke and songbird come i'll just buy them on my second account.
Yeah it was. :) I made a lil pic of us dancin too :D
1st: Cap (MarvelFan), IronMan (Jeanfan) and Ms Marvel (Me)
2nd: Same, only Marvelfan switch to Jean Grey :)
And Emma can't dance lol
Quote from: Scabbia on June 27, 2011, 09:15AM
I was on there... I'm also not gettin friend requests on there though. I had to send one to MarvelFan... I'll send one to you :) And I went ahead and spent the silver on Jean (which is good cause Ms Marvel is maxed out and she was gettin' boring lol. But yeah, I got my gold yesterday and today, I'm up to 450, so I'm stayin on this. I got to play a mission with MarvelFan, which was cool, cept I had to battle Juggernaut alone... lol but it worked out just fine. Then we tried the Loki Mission and that didn't go too well, but I think it was my fault. I've been on that game for hours. It needs a break once in a while. lol.
I knew you love Rogue but had no idea that Jean and Gambit were your favs right after her. Hopefully they will come soon enough and we can play against Mystique with an X-Men team just like you said before. You can be Rogue and I can be Jean and two other people can fill out the slots for either Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Gambit, or Emma Frost. Heck those other two should be Gambit and Cyclops and we can have ourselves a double date, playing with our fav X-Girls and their lovers.
Sorry again for not helping against Juggernaut, I have no idea why that mission froze me to one spot. I was gonna start cheering for you but I couldn't even do that lol. As for Lok, he is always glitchy these days. Astonishingly enough he actually worked fine yesterday with two other people but he bugged up again today.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 27, 2011, 11:18AM
That was fun marvelfan and scabbia hope to do it with you guys again.
And i couldnt take it anymore i bought emma frost and now ima buy invisible woman.I already bought black spiderman. I figured i cant take it anymore and if rogue and phoenix come and i dont have enough money i'll just make another account.and if psylocke and songbird come i'll just buy them on my second account.
Yeah it was fun, we should all do it again sometime. So how do you like Emma so far? It seems like making a 2nd account is on a lot of people's minds these days. It is a good way to be able to play as multiple different characters even if they are spread out in several accounts.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 27, 2011, 12:16PM
Yeah it was. :) I made a lil pic of us dancin too :D
1st: Cap (MarvelFan), IronMan (Jeanfan) and Ms Marvel (Me)
2nd: Same, only Marvelfan switch to Jean Grey :)
And Emma can't dance lol
Love the pic! I was gonna post some too but I couldn't get a really good shot of all of us. And no she can't dance lol. High society must not teach dancing anymore.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2011, 02:26PM
I knew you love Rogue but had no idea that Jean and Gambit were your favs right after her. Hopefully they will come soon enough and we can play against Mystique with an X-Men team just like you said before. You can be Rogue and I can be Jean and two other people can fill out the slots for either Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Gambit, or Emma Frost. Heck those other two should be Gambit and Cyclops and we can have ourselves a double date, playing with our fav X-Girls and their lovers.
Sorry again for not helping against Juggernaut, I have no idea why that mission froze me to one spot. I was gonna start cheering for you but I couldn't even do that lol. As for Lok, he is always glitchy these days. Astonishingly enough he actually worked fine yesterday with two other people but he bugged up again today.
Yeah it was fun, we should all do it again sometime. So how do you like Emma so far? It seems like making a 2nd account is on a lot of people's minds these days. It is a good way to be able to play as multiple different characters even if they are spread out in several accounts.
Love the pic! I was gonna post some too but I couldn't get a really good shot of all of us. And no she can't dance lol. High society must not teach dancing anymore.
If we were to do that, I would be Cyclops
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2011, 02:26PM
Yeah it was fun, we should all do it again sometime. So how do you like Emma so far? It seems like making a 2nd account is on a lot of people's minds these days. It is a good way to be able to play as multiple different characters even if they are spread out in several accounts.
Love the pic! I was gonna post some too but I couldn't get a really good shot of all of us. And no she can't dance lol. High society must not teach dancing anymore.
Wel i tried emma and she's exactly like jean lol.Her attacks are unique i like her for noe but she needs more radial attacks.Buts she fun and i like her but her last combo move is so rainbowey it fits dazzler more
BTW im online if anyone wants to come play a mission (Flash Steel Viper)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 27, 2011, 06:29PM
Wel i tried emma and she's exactly like jean lol.Her attacks are unique i like her for noe but she needs more radial attacks.Buts she fun and i like her but her last combo move is so rainbowey it fits dazzler more
BTW im online if anyone wants to come play a mission (Flash Steel Viper)
Her combos are pretty much Jean's except for less range. Plus the final combo is slower and less damaging. I like her power attacks although her radials have very low area of effect. I also hate the rainbow effects while the psychic effects look so good so I wonder why they weren't used for her entire powerset. Her powers are fun to use but quite weak but Emma isn't really built as a powerhouse. Leave that to Jean, Emma is better as a support character with her ability to control enemies.
That's also what I regard Sue as. A much better support character than a powerhouse. Turning invisible and sneaking up on enemies as well as using force fields to protect the team really add to this. Her combos aren't bad except for the final two which are very slow. This is pretty annoying considering that they are the height of her damage scale. Her powers are mostly weak except for the last one but its basically a watered down version of Storm's popup attack. So while Sue can't dish out damage she is really fun to use as a support character.
Looks like no update tonight. :(
Can someone post a review video of Emma Frost, the game is still not available in my country, and the SHSO staff are getting really annoying. They updated so much and still havent released the game here. Its unfair. Im tired of waiting, the best characters are released and i missed them ugh. I just cant wait anymore T_T
I got my hopes up too :(... jus kiddin' lol. Although they should hurry up with it, cause I want my girl..., just sayin'. lol
I think I'll do that preview video of Emma, but I'll wait untill she's on max level :)
Where are you from Nerissa?
Quote from: Scabbia on June 28, 2011, 05:22AM
I got my hopes up too :(... jus kiddin' lol. Although they should hurry up with it, cause I want my girl..., just sayin'. lol
I agree. Although there have been apparent rumors that during the next update we will get the card game. It might be only available for subscribers so you and I are safe if its true. Who else?
Well, I just did the promo code, so I wouldn't be safe for long right? Which its no big deal, once we get back on our feet here at home, then I can renew it. :) But it'd be nice to actually finally get to try this card game instead of staring at the symbol lol. Is it supposed to be like the Marvel Trading Card game (or like Pokemon... 0_o)?
Quote from: Scabbia on June 28, 2011, 07:50AM
Well, I just did the promo code, so I wouldn't be safe for long right? Which its no big deal, once we get back on our feet here at home, then I can renew it. :) But it'd be nice to actually finally get to try this card game instead of staring at the symbol lol. Is it supposed to be like the Marvel Trading Card game (or like Pokemon... 0_o)?
Not sure to be honest. I only watched one trailer with the card game and I was too busy watching Jean's card lol.
lol I don't blame ya, I probably would have done the same thing lol. (Btw, I got 600 gold today :) Yay me! lol)
I'm going to my Mothers today to do some laundry and she wants to check this out...I'm kinda wierded out cause I can't play a videogame with my mother...unless its one of those hidden object type games lol. I think she justs wants to try it out cause I told her Cyclops is one of the default characters and it's real easy to get Jean. >_< I shouldn't have said anything... lol
Is she a Jott fan by any chance lol?
I'm just worried that for this card game we will have to pay gold to buy cards. If the developers are smart they will let us buy cards with silver since most people need a reason to use silver and I imagine more people would be able to play the card game. But then again these are the same people who made furniture cost gold so I'm not so sure anymore.
Unless they do the same thing they did with the heroes. Some are gold and few are silver... I'm surprised they did it like that since it's more for children than adults. Makes no sense.
And yeah, she's a huge Phoenix fan. She has Phoenix tattooed on her leg. Which my step-dad did (it's awesome lookin).
Since it's a sneak peek I hope that they add it for nonpaying players too. What I saw of it made interested me. I'm also curious if they do something like with the heroes is who they will make sliver.
When is the card game supposed to come out? I mean we have been waiting for ever
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 28, 2011, 08:23AM
When is the card game supposed to come out? I mean we have been waiting for ever
MarvelFan said their "supposed" to do it on the next update. But they might not... I guess we'll find out.
I'm bout to hop on there in 2 minutes. (I'm listenin to J.Lo >_<)
im online too im emma frost at the daily bugle (flash steel viper)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 28, 2011, 10:55AM
im online too im emma frost at the daily bugle (flash steel viper)
I was tryin' to find you, and then when I tried to go on that mission with you, you weren't loading up... Sorry... :( But I've also been haven problems with it today. It's been lagging bad...
Apperantly the card game is coming according to the game's facebook page. The sneak peak of the card game will be available for paid members only and afterwards the game will be available for everyone. Its coming "soon" but they said that about Jean too and it was more than a month before she was playable.
Wonderful... Did they say the same for Rogue too??? 0_o lol
I noticed Marvel's site is way out of the loop. The just posted yesterday that Storms a new character... lol
I'm going to be in about an hour and half, in case anyone wants to do a mission.
NOOOOOOOOOO! my memberships gone on july 1st:(.hopefully i still get that 500 then i can wolvie
im going to be on techon 7 whats your name
Quote from: Scabbia on June 28, 2011, 04:47PM
Wonderful... Did they say the same for Rogue too??? 0_o lol
I noticed Marvel's site is way out of the loop. The just posted yesterday that Storms a new character... lol
Sorry no new news. It there is I'll make sure to let you know first :)
Lol, I think they are picking a random character and posting about it every once and a while.
wait soz i cant go on my bros going out and i cant be home alone
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 28, 2011, 07:00PM
Sorry no new news. It there is I'll make sure to let you know first :)
Lol, I think they are picking a random character and posting about it every once and a while.
Aw, tanks :)I just found out I'm only going to be a "subscriber" til July I'm gettin gold everyday til then so i can save for Rogue, just in case they get a wild hair up their behind :D
Uh how rude and annoying the staff of Super Hero squad are. I sent them a message about how i cant wait anymore for the game and asked when will it be available and they answered with the same thing they answered before when i asked XD. How rude xD
EDIT: Ok i found a difference in the two replies. the first one which i sent at may they said " is coming soon" but in the new one it says ".its coming in the very near future" i wonder if thats a sign
^Probably, sounds promising anyway...
I JUST SEEN IT!!! I'm excited... Rogue's comin next! Woot!! I'm haven my own little party in my head lmao
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 11:47AM
^Probably, sounds promising anyway...
I JUST SEEN IT!!! I'm excited... Rogue's comin next! Woot!! I'm haven my own little party in my head lmao
Yay! I saw it also, on Facebook XD I cant wait and it says very soon!
Yep yep! I'm hoping they do it tonight, cause I wont be home to keep check on it and make myself go crazy lol. Plus, it'll give me a reason to wake up. (Yeah... I aint desperate or nuthin lol)
Don't know if any of you have ever played it, but I'm hoping the card game is kind of like Magic the Gathering.
Quote from: fox456 on June 29, 2011, 12:19PM
Don't know if any of you have ever played it, but I'm hoping the card game is kind of like Magic the Gathering.
Ive played magic before, I just hope its good for as long as we had to wait :/
Same here ^ I'm sure it'll be descent, it looks like it anyway.
Looks who coming
I know! I seen that! I checked heroup too and it shows her statein they'll be down tonight at 9pm! Woo! I'm excited! I told my fiance that noone is to bother me in the morning. I will be busy... lmao Unless it's one of you guys, then it's ok :D
Lol, I'm so excited for Rogue! Sooo much but I'm sure Scabbia is more of course :) We can all test her out tommorrow and finally make that dream X-Men team even if Gambit won't be part of it.
I hope she is silver or I will just die :(
Luckily I have more than 1000 gold right now so it doesn't matter as much for me but silver would be most appreciated!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 29, 2011, 04:30PM
Luckily I have more than 1000 gold right now so it doesn't matter as much for me but silver would be most appreciated!
....Well lucky you XD jk, I wish had like 1 million gold XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 29, 2011, 04:17PM
I hope she is silver or I will just die :(
Your a free member??? Oh... that sucks... I'm sorry. I am too, but I used that promotional code so I have until July 11th. I just hope she aint over 1000 gold, then I'LL be upset... seriously cryin lol jk.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 29, 2011, 03:48PM
Lol, I'm so excited for Rogue! Sooo much but I'm sure Scabbia is more of course :) We can all test her out tommorrow and finally make that dream X-Men team even if Gambit won't be part of it.
I thought about that earlier, cause I totally forgot about Storm and Wolverine. lol Even though Cyclops, Jean and Emma are good too :) And go figure, Mystiques Mission was the daily one today... I was like "Really? Couldn't wait until Tomorrow???" lol It's ok though, I should be able to get that mission too tomorrow if Rogue is only 600.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 04:32PM
Your a free member??? Oh... that sucks... I'm sorry. I am too, but I used that promotional code so I have until July 11th. I just hope she aint over 1000 gold, then I'LL be upset... seriously cryin lol jk.
I thought about that earlier, cause I totally forgot about Storm and Wolverine. lol Even though Cyclops, Jean and Emma are good too :) And go figure, Mystiques Mission was the daily one today... I was like "Really? Couldn't wait until Tomorrow???" lol It's ok though, I should be able to get that mission too tomorrow if Rogue is only 600.
I used the code to but that was long ago, and the last gold I had was used for Emma
I thought there was another one, for the same thing and the tuxedo Thing?
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 04:42PM
I thought there was another one, for the same thing and the tuxedo Thing?
I used all the codes
Aw... that sucks. Make another account. :D lol I thought about doing that later if I wanted to try all the other characters (SpiderWoman, Deadpool...blah blah blah.) I doubt I will though. I just want Rogue and Gambit. I got Jean and Cyclops, so I'm good lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 04:49PM
Aw... that sucks. Make another account. :D lol I thought about doing that later if I wanted to try all the other characters (SpiderWoman, Deadpool...blah blah blah.) I doubt I will though. I just want Rogue and Gambit. I got Jean and Cyclops, so I'm good lol.
I did make another account, but I dont want to start over
Luckily I have the Mystique mission already so we can use that tommorrow :) So Rogue and Jean are counted for, wonder who else we can add to our X-Team.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 29, 2011, 05:09PM
Luckily I have the Mystique mission already so we can use that tommorrow :) So Rogue and Jean are counted for, wonder who else we can add to our X-Team.
I'll be either Storm or Emma
Well i'll just be emma
Ok, Then MidnightPhoenix can be Storm :D That would be totally awesome! I can't wait for this, you have no idea. lol. If they release the card game, i might be on that when everyone logs on (if it's up by then). If it sucks, then I wont be.:/
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 10:03PM
Ok, Then MidnightPhoenix can be Storm :D That would be totally awesome! I can't wait for this, you have no idea. lol. If they release the card game, i might be on that when everyone logs on (if it's up by then). If it sucks, then I wont be.:/
Lol I keep opening the heroup page to see if its done XD
lol I have to keep myself from checking it, otherwise I'll be up all night and my fiance would not be happy... so I have to be patient and good...which is really hard. lol
Quote from: Scabbia on June 29, 2011, 10:07PM
lol I have to keep myself from checking it, otherwise I'll be up all night and my fiance would not be happy... so I have to be patient and good...which is really hard. lol
Lol Its so hard not to check :P I just checked and still nothing XD I dont know what is taking so long! For this we better get Rogue, Gambit, Phoenix, Mohawk Storm, Beast, Dr Strange, Shadowcat -stops breathing- lol jk, at least Rogue and the card game, another character would be great also but :P
It WOULD be nice if they released Rogue AND Gambit... and it would make sense... lol. But I think it's just Rogue and the preview of the card game. I noticed it went from 9pm-6am for Emma and some missions, so it might take longer this time since there adding the preview of the card game... (which I know, it sucks, but...still........I want ROGUE! lol)
When Rouge comes out please show some kind of gameplay video of her or preview video. T_T i really want to see her and Emma
EDIT: And they might be adding rogue at this moment. As when i try to go to says the site is down for maintenence
its just rogue no card game
Rogue costs 600 gold so she should be easy to access. Haven't tried her in missions yet but her in-game model is fabulous imo. Her emotes are more boring because they are really just the generic ones recycled for her. Even her first emote, which looks really cool, is recycled from Human Torch. I hope her powers are more unique.
In missions, shes good. To me, it seems she's got more of a "combo punch." And yeah, her emotes are boring (even though they all fit her, cept the dancing...that just aint her lol) She looks great though :D
The emotes fit her though so I dont' mind. Lol I actually do kinda like the dance. It suits her in some ways, in other ways not soo much. Sadly there are no absorbing powers but her 2nd attack involves her kissing the enemy and stunning them. I did that with Loki and Thor finished him off with a mighty blow, I knew we made a good team.
XD Well now Im getting on my new account to get gold will someone do some missions with me so I can get some tickets?
Edit: My name is Fiery Princess Vapor
Sorry... I was having problems with the game. I upgraded my Browser and now the game runs super slow... so I have to downgrade before I can play again. It was crazy lagging.
Hey guys who wants to play im online right now and is rogue good?
Yes, Rogue's good. :) And I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan.
Got Rogue, and 3 missions today. Rest of the gold will be saved for Gambit, whenever he's released...bout to get nline, so if anyone wants to join in a mission, just let me know.
Oh and if anyone has friend requested me and I declined, sorry but I gotta know it's you cause I wrote everyone's name down but I also know that a lot of people have made seperate accounts. I can't keep track of all these names lol.
X-Women Alert!
BTW anybody seen Rogue's second emote yet? It's so cute and sad at the same time. :(
Ugh, when the game comes here, im getting on and buying Emma Frost and Jean. Im sure i had more than 600 gold as i was going to buy storm then. T_T hurry up SHSO Staff
Hey guys we can buy gold now. "Sigh" i wish my mom would buy me some gold, i could easily get a lot of chars like that. "Sigh"
Quote from: Dark Phoenix 1 on July 01, 2011, 12:55PM
Hey guys we can buy gold now. "Sigh" i wish my mom would buy me some gold, i could easily get a lot of chars like that. "Sigh"
I will definitely be using that. Its pretty handy imo
well yeah it's really handy, hey marvelfan, how do you convince your parents to let you buy gold? my mom doesnt even let me to buy a one month susbscription.
Buy gold isnt that good...i have 2000 gold already,play(and pay)enought and one day you will gain thousands piles of gold.
Sooo cute. If I was Jean I would be nice enough to levitate Scott's stuff as well but I think she is too giddy over all the clothes she bought :D
I have a debit card which I use so my parents don't mind too much.
yeah, it's really good!
At least she has green eyes now :) Scott's face and visor looks sooo cute though lol. Poor Scott.
I am SO PISSED OFF.I had the code to get a free membership and i was using spiderman (on level 5) black widow (level 7) iron man (level 3) i also bought the training room,cafeteria,labortory,detention cells,dorm 3 4 5.Now when i come to play i can't even use Iron Man,Black Widow,Spider Man anymore.
And i cant access my dorms 4 5 and 6 or training room,detention cells, or cafeteria. I am so pissed it's like i spent all that silver for know reason
So it's like they force you to pay money so you can keep your stuff that's disrespectful
If you get your membership back they should give it all back to you
I really don't see a point in buying gold... maybe for the impatient... :/ I'll just stick with gettin on everyday and spinning the wheel. Gives me a reason to be on it lol.
Can you buy gold as a non-subscriber?
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 01, 2011, 01:25PM
If you get your membership back they should give it all back to you
Why though i bought all those characters and rooms and in order to get it back i have to pay again and again thats stupid i'll never pay for this
Quote from: fox456 on July 01, 2011, 01:44PM
Can you buy gold as a non-subscriber?
Yes,i think so,i wish i was a (paying)subscriber...
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 01, 2011, 01:47PM
Why though i bought all those characters and rooms and in order to get it back i have to pay again and again thats stupid i'll never pay for this
Yeah,but at least you will have the characters and rooms back,if they dont give back when we return to be subscriber i personally teach then a lesson...
but its dumb though i have to spend real money that i can use for something else and when my membership ends i'll have to pay again that's stupid
P.S. I hope im not sounding rude im just really pissed
Its just how i was feeling yesterday(my membership expired),i hate to pay to have fun,thats really dumb.
That's how most things are anymore. That's how they make their money... Even though I don't think they should do that for this game personally since it's more for children than adults.
hey guys, my grandad will buy me gold, but we don't know how to do the transference of the money, do you guys know how can i do the transference?
Buying golg, hmmm seems like a nice feature. But might ruin the game for those who use it. You will buy characters faster, lvl them faster then when u have all nothing is left goes down to booring
mmm, if you look at it like that, White Queen is right, it will get boring faster.
Yup. And has anybody watched the series itself. Im watching Season 2 its mega funny. I havent watched the 1st one but i will once i finish the 2nd. Kinda a wierd start xD
Im thinking Nova is coming soon too. As he is seen in pictures around the internet and in the official release trailer of Super Hero Squad Online flying.
( In this pic u can see him flying. His flying effect behind him is really cool.
Nova, Daredevil, Elektra, and Doctor Strange are all characters who are shown on the main site but not been included as playable yet. I'm assuming that the developers are planning to release them at a certain time like they did for Jean during X-Men month.
MarvelFan can you tell me Emma's 3 power emotes and her combos in battle and 3 powers and hero up power? :-)
No problem. I can post some pics of her later as well :)
1st Emote - like in your signature. Releases a psychic wave when ends with Emma becoming diamond for a sec
2nd Emote - Emma turns into diamond with a septer and crown waving to the folks like she is a real queen. You can hear a croud cheering for her
3rd Emote - psychically summons a pigeon to bring her coffee
Her combos are basically psychic bolts much like Jean's. The final combo ends with a popup psychic explosion.
Her heroup is a radial stun
Her first power is 3 psychic bolts
Her second power is turning into a diamond and reflecting the Sun into an energy beam
Her third power is mind controlling enemies into attacking each other. Just like Wanda's heroup.
Thanks and yup she is awesome in my opinion. She seems poweful even if people say she isnt that powerful.
Edit: Does she have flight? because i heard the has developed telekinetic abilities. So i thought they might have added flight for her like she lifting herself with telekinesis. Like Jean
Quote from: The White Queen on July 02, 2011, 03:03PM
Thanks and yup she is awesome in my opinion. She seems poweful even if people say she isnt that powerful.
Edit: Does she have flight? because i heard the has developed telekinetic abilities. So i thought they might have added flight for her like she lifting herself with telekinesis. Like Jean
She is powerful, but not a one hit killer. I prefer this because it gives you a chance to actually play a little and use a strategy instead of just kill everyone in a second...
No she cant flight. She has latent telekinetic powers but never developed those abilities, and again I prefer that because it makes her different from Jean and other psychics.
EDIT: I would like to see Elektra and Songbird (even if there's nothing that indicate that she might join to the cast :()
Quote from: The White Queen on July 02, 2011, 03:03PM
Thanks and yup she is awesome in my opinion. She seems poweful even if people say she isnt that powerful.
Edit: Does she have flight? because i heard the has developed telekinetic abilities. So i thought they might have added flight for her like she lifting herself with telekinesis. Like Jean
I don't really consider her to be too powerful. Her combos are strong but her powers really aren't, they are better for controlling enemies. I prefer her as a support character than a damage dealer which I've failed at with her. Its really more evident if you have already tried some of the more "powerhouse" type characters.
Really there aren't any one-hit kill characters in the game but the most powerful would probably have to be Cap, Iron Man, Jean Grey, Spider-Woman, Hulk, and Thing imo.
Quote from: whiteking on July 02, 2011, 03:15PM
She is powerful, but not a one hit killer. I prefer this because it gives you a chance to actually play a little and use a strategy instead of just kill everyone in a second...
No she cant flight. She has latent telekinetic powers but never developed those abilities, and again I prefer that because it makes her different from Jean and other psychics.
EDIT: I would like to see Elektra and Songbird (even if there's nothing that indicate that she might join to the cast :()
I'm glad Emma has never developed her tk powers. There are already too many tk/telepaths. Xavier once said that Jean's powers were both quite rare and coveted but that doesn't seem to be the case these days with Psylocke and many hints that Xavier is also a latent tk. And of course Jean's many offspring with Rachel, Cable, Stryfe, Nate, etc. Already people believe that Emma is just another Jean replacement (I'd say Psylocke but thats just my opinion) and this would be yet another reason for fans to scream. Emma needs to keep some uniqueness amongst the other psychics.
I'm quite looking forward to Elektra and Doctor Strange. And of course the X-Men characters like Beast, Psylocke, Kitty, Gambit, etc. The biggest character I'm looking forward to is (of course) Phoenix! However for unconfirmed characters I'm really hoping we get Iceman, Nightcrawler, Polaris, Hawkeye, and Songbird.
Hey guys how do i enable the chat?Anybody knows?
The button should be up near your player icon or you can just press Enter.
And Rogue's pretty powerful people! Don't forget her. Heck I use her special and it knocks everyone out. lol. Love it! (I don't think other people do though cause that gives me more points lol.)
Quote from: Scabbia on July 03, 2011, 01:57PM
The button should be up near your player icon or you can just press Enter.
And Rogue's pretty powerful people! Don't forget her. Heck I use her special and it knocks everyone out. lol. Love it! (I don't think other people do though cause that gives me more points lol.)
Yeah,i know but i press it and it says "Feature not available"
thats odd... did u download the game files?
Yeah Rogue is sooo strong! Her heroup KOS any enemies near her and her third power is just beast!
Quote from: Scabbia on July 03, 2011, 03:22PM
thats odd... did u download the game files?
Thx,i downloaded now,it works!
lol No problem... :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 03, 2011, 03:26PM
Yeah Rogue is sooo strong! Her heroup KOS any enemies near her and her third power is just beast!
Oh yeah! It almost reminds me of her special on MVC2
One question!, I can't see Rogue on the store do I have to download the files again?
Shouldn't have to. I didn't. But I also downloaded the files right after Emma was I don't know myself. I noticed though that a major solution to all the problems I had, I had to disable all my add-ons on my browser for everything to work properly. But again, I do not know for sure.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, a promo for the card game and Gambit.
Its talking about the card game when it says a sneak peak but the way Gambit is used in the image makes me feel that he will be a Jr. Shield Agent only character. Its a good thing my subscription is still active so I can get Gambit.
I hope not... But I can see that...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 03, 2011, 07:35PM
Shouldn't have to. I didn't. But I also downloaded the files right after Emma was I don't know myself. I noticed though that a major solution to all the problems I had, I had to disable all my add-ons on my browser for everything to work properly. But again, I do not know for sure.
Hmm I downloaded the files again and still no Rogue... perhaps she's a USA exclusive?? who knows lol?, I'll try again later, I have the gold to buy her :)
Rogue's been removed from the character shop as has Hulkbuster Iron Man. I'm just glad that I purchased Rogue before she was removed.
She was??? I wonder why... Hopefully their updating her (since she was mostly using everyone elses stuff and had no sound). Why would they remove Hulkbuster?
She was probably removed for bugs like the lack of sounds, kinda like Jean was removed for bugs back when she was first playable. Not sure why Hulkbuster was removed but he only lasted a few days in the shop.
i hope that this won't happen to Phoenix when she is released.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 04, 2011, 08:01AM
She was probably removed for bugs like the lack of sounds, kinda like Jean was removed for bugs back when she was first playable. Not sure why Hulkbuster was removed but he only lasted a few days in the shop.
Hmm that explains all... I'll wait then... I'm not too interested on Gambit (only if he's silver lol), especially since it appears that he will be Jr Agent's only.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 04, 2011, 08:37AM
i hope that this won't happen to Phoenix when she is released.
I hope not but it seems like it only happens to characters who have bugs/minor issues. Either way, I'll make sure to get Phoenix as soon as she is released.
They said this happened with Emma Frost as well. So most likely Rogue will be back in a day or two.
God! Stupid internet.... I havent been on in awhile, I just saw Rogue was taken off, and the card game promo! YAY! Now we just need Phoenix
hey, is anyone in the mood for a few missions now? i've been playing other online games, and i miss this one lol, so is anyone in the mood to play with me now?
I was on but I'm going to see a movie now. Tommorrow we can catch up because I haven't been very active in this game either.
ok, let's chat tomorrow marvelfan, anyone else avaliable? my squad name is Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher.
sorry guys, maybe tomorrow, the game booted me out lol, it said connection to the server lost.
I'll be on in a few. Gotta get my gold for the day :D
okay, so i just tried some sort of workaround, but did any of you guys have to wait so long at the presents... screen?
Just to know if my workaround worked or not :P
EDIT : Nevermind, it didnt :P, however, I did read somthing about Marvel Super Hero squad coming to Europe somewhere in September? Hope its true :D
Gambit will be coming after the update tonight! Hopefully the card game as well.
hopefully i doubt i'll buy him though im stuck between buying rogue and sue or waiting for phoenix
I need gold.... XD
WOOOO!!!! I'm excited. Rogue will have her man! lol. I've been saving my gold for him, if he is gold...
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 06, 2011, 12:03PM
hopefully i doubt i'll buy him though im stuck between buying rogue and sue or waiting for phoenix
You should get Rogue :D only cause she's a good beat-em-up character. Everyones sayin that IW is a good support character like Emma
i need gold AND a membership lol, i can't wait for Gambit and Phoenix!, should i make another account to get more gold? like in one account have Emma Frost, in another one Phoenix and stuff like that. and a code that gives you free membership? the ones that i had don't work anymore.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 06, 2011, 12:29PM
i need gold AND a membership lol, i can't wait for Gambit and Phoenix!, should i make another account to get more gold? like in one account have Emma Frost, in another one Phoenix and stuff like that. and a code that gives you free membership? the ones that i had don't work anymore.
i would wait and just make sure that gambit comes and i hope phoenix is 600 or 350 so i can buy her and scarlet witch
or maybe they will put Hulkbuster Iron Man, Tuxedo thing and Rogue, and maybe Gambit (let's hope that and i want him to be buyable for Silver!)
Gambit and Cap have been added to the shop while Rogue, Tux Thing, and Hulkbuster are readded. It seems like we will be getting Nick Fury, Bucky Cap, and a She-Captain America as playables soon. It also looks like there will be a Red Skull/Hydra mission coming soon. Besides that no card game but I'm looking forward to the new stuff coming for "Cap Month" XD
Gambit = 600 Gold
Cap = 1000 Gold
Bought Gambit and he is really fun. His combos are all staff combos but are quite fun and powerful. His heroup and first power are pretty weak but I'm sure they will get better. No unique dance for him either, Remy likes Wolverine's style. And Wanda's lol. BTW Rogue has sounds now but she sounds like every other female.
Oh The game is coming in September in Europe. NOOO!! Thats when school starts T_T
Oh man, what a let down!, i soo wanted Gambit to be buyable with Silver, but noo, they had to make him buyable with gold, *Sigh*. i wish i had tons of gold now, and my parents won't buy me gold! And i hope that when Phoenix comes out, they will replace Marvel Girl with her and everyone that already bought Marvel Girl, instead of her, they will have Phoenix! that is my highest hope for now.
oh yeah got my membership back anyone on now
could somone give me the run down on the new sneak peek for the card game
I'm bout to get on there and get my man :D lol. I was hopin' they would put him as silver too, just so I'd have more gold to spend on other characters. :( oh well. They need to finish puttin all the characters that were on that poster on facebook. Like Kitty or Nova... that's a huge tease... lol
Quote from: Scabbia on July 07, 2011, 06:19AM
I'm bout to get on there and get my man :D lol. I was hopin' they would put him as silver too, just so I'd have more gold to spend on other characters. :( oh well. They need to finish puttin all the characters that were on that poster on facebook. Like Kitty or Nova... that's a huge tease... lol
Do you still have that postetr/pic? If so can you post it because I haven't seen it yet.
I wish they would make some of these people silver
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 07, 2011, 07:36AM
Do you still have that postetr/pic? If so can you post it because I haven't seen it yet.
I'll have to look it up later, but yeah. I'll be at my mom's in a bit, while I'm there I'll see if I can find it.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 07, 2011, 07:47AM
I wish they would make some of these people silver
They should since there are too many that aren't a Jr. Agent. Plus, again, it's a game mostly for children... lol
Quote from: Scabbia on July 07, 2011, 07:50AM
I'll have to look it up later, but yeah. I'll be at my mom's in a bit, while I'm there I'll see if I can find it.
They should since there are too many that aren't a Jr. Agent. Plus, again, it's a game mostly for children... lol
They want to drain the children dry and take all their money XD
Darn Bullies... lol
Quote from: Scabbia on July 07, 2011, 07:52AM
Darn Bullies... lol
Lol you can't ever get away from them, even on the internet cyber bullies :( I think I need to talk to their parents about making everyone gold! That is a NO NO! XD
LOL Sorry, wrong thread for the history lol XD XD XD XD XD
Ohh since gambit is released we should do a double date now against the sentinels i call cyclops
i call Jean, that's the only X-Woman i have.
Omg! I wanted to do that too. lol. I wish I was home, but I aint. I probably can do it tomorrow though :D If we do, i call Rogue or Gambit :)
BTW, here's that picture I was talking about. As of right now, there's 7 characters in this pic that haven't been released yet.
I think I have a plan XD I want to buy gold and a subscription, I want to spend 10 bucks to get 1,025 gold, then spend 10 bucks to get a subscription because every month for the subscription you get 500 gold so that will add to my total plus I will have a month to load up on gold, and then I can buy Rogue :D And maybe She Hulk, Scarlet Witch, and Sue
@midnightphoenix sounds like a plan for 20$ lol
btw when you use the free subcription code how long does it last 30 day's right?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 07, 2011, 02:52PM
@midnightphoenix sounds like a plan for 20$ lol
btw when you use the free subcription code how long does it last 30 day's right?
Yeah have you not used it yet?
Thanks Scabbia for posting the pic. I'd already seen it though but its the thought that counts.
BTW guys the card game is now up! Its really fun to use and I'm really liking it. I have so much silver so I abuse it by buying a pack of 10 cards as much as possible lol. Even unreleased characters such as Psylocke, Nova, Stealth Iron Man, Red Hulk, etc. can be seen in the card game. It's unfortunate that when I was using Psylocke's attack it was blocked so I couldn't see her in action but luckily I have her card available for other rounds.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 07, 2011, 04:50PM
Thanks Scabbia for posting the pic. I'd already seen it though but its the thought that counts.
BTW guys the card game is now up! Its really fun to use and I'm really liking it. I have so much silver so I abuse it by buying a pack of 10 cards as much as possible lol. Even unreleased characters such as Psylocke, Nova, Stealth Iron Man, Red Hulk, etc. can be seen in the card game. It's unfortunate that when I was using Psylocke's attack it was blocked so I couldn't see her in action but luckily I have her card available for other rounds.
I might be getting on soon for anyone else who might be getting on/ is on
Is the card game up?Im trying to play it but i cant.
Im on right now and it wont let me use it, isnt it members only?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 07, 2011, 04:57PM
I might be getting on soon for anyone else who might be getting on/ is on
I'm getting on. We can match each other!
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 07, 2011, 05:52PM
Is the card game up?
try reading two posts above your own
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 07, 2011, 05:53PM
Im on right now and it wont let me use it, isnt it members only?
Im member and i cant!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 07, 2011, 05:53PM
Im on right now and it wont let me use it, isnt it members only?
That is probably why. Keep trying though just in case
Really its starting to annoy me,i pay for this thing and it wont let me play it
It should be working. I'm sending a card game match to Midnightphoenix but he hasn't responded yet.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 07, 2011, 05:54PM
That is probably why. Keep trying though just in case
Mine says "We're sorry this part of Super Hero Squad online is not currently avaliable, and in the shop, I cant even go into the card thing
Edit ^^ Im not getting it
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 07, 2011, 05:58PM
Mine says "We're sorry this part of Super Hero Squad online is not currently avaliable, and in the shop, I cant even go into the card thing
Edit ^^ Im not getting it
Same here,it wont let me play,already tried to clear the cache and nothing again!Tried everything and it doesnt load.
@Midinightphoenix i used it but ima be smart with my new account since you get 150 gold everyday it'll take you 4 days to get it and for 30 days guess how much gold i can get XD
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 07, 2011, 06:23PM
@Midinightphoenix i used it but ima be smart with my new account since you get 150 gold everyday it'll take you 4 days to get it and for 30 days guess how much gold i can get XD
Lol Yeah I Wasnt smart when I had it XD
So the card game has proved to be really fun! Got some sneak peaks for some of the characters..
Psylocke - uses psychic knife and butterfly effect
Stealth Iron Man - uses energy and fire attacks
Mohawk Storm - uses electrified batons for combat. Appears to have no active powers
Everything got even more exciting (or annoying) when a member named "Commander Hat" had Psylocke playable. Rudely enough she refused to tell anyone how she got Psylocke.
sorry i wasnt talking to you marvelfan my cousin was the one who was actually playing but btw i think it's only for members because i tried to acces the card game and it didnt work
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 07, 2011, 09:53PM
sorry i wasnt talking to you marvelfan my cousin was the one who was actually playing but btw i think it's only for members because i tried to acces the card game and it didnt work
It's all right, I didn't notice anyway. The card game is only for members and if you send an invite to a non-member, then they won't recieve it.
BTW Emma's first emote has been fixed now and there is also a way to transform her into diamond, for a short time anyway.
@Really? at first i was using emma's 2nd power emote and then since there was a trouble bot near me i picked it up and threw it and she remained in diamond form for at least a minute
@card game that's stupid if you send it to non member they dont get it they really are forcing people to pay money
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 07, 2011, 10:29PM
BTW Emma's first emote has been fixed now and there is also a way to transform her into diamond, for a short time anyway.
What do you mean?, by the way I'm going to be online hope to see some of you, I would like to play some missions together :)
And im still waiting for it to be playable in Europe XD
I feel out of the loop. lol. I forgot about the card game. I'll try it in a bit.
Nick Fury is now avaliable, but I don't really care because I dont like him any way
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 06:55AM
Nick Fury is now avaliable, but I don't really care because I dont like him any way
Same here... I'm more focused on getting gold for Rogue, I got Invisible Woman when Rogue was removed and now I don't have enough money xD And I have a feeling that Psylocke or Phoenix are coming next so I'll need more and more gold... oh well lol...
Quote from: Polygone on July 08, 2011, 02:52AM
And im still waiting for it to be playable in Europe XD
Me too. Its really annoying. And they are getting quite rude the staff. They are nearly on the edge of forcing people to pay xD
Quote from: whiteking on July 08, 2011, 07:12AM
Same here... I'm more focused on getting gold for Rogue, I got Invisible Woman when Rogue was removed and now I don't have enough money xD And I have a feeling that Psylocke or Phoenix are coming next so I'll need more and more gold... oh well lol...
I know, I want Rogue so bad, Im going to hopefully get a membership tonight, and maybe one of the gold packs then I can get Rogue :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 07:22AM
I know, I want Rogue so bad, Im going to hopefully get a membership tonight, and maybe one of the gold packs then I can get Rogue :D
I know the gold packs will be by choice when my membership expires...
Quote from: whiteking on July 08, 2011, 07:50AM
I know the gold packs will be by choice when my membership expires...
:) I want to get both a membership and a gold pack 10 bucks each because that would be 1000 gold, plus the 500 gold you get free when your a member plus I can get more on the wheel :D
I seen that Nick Fury was available, but I didn't see him in the shop. I had to quit cause my game was lagging terribly...then I remembered that the options go back to default after mager changes. lol. I got Gambit, and it was awesome making him beat up Mystique :D
guys, it keeps saying to me connection to the server lost, does this happen to you too?
Its not happening to me. BTW any of you guys have access to the card game? Its really fun but even better when you play against friends. Plus I have to test my new Jean/Psylocke deck against somebody XD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 10:33AM
Its not happening to me. BTW any of you guys have access to the card game? Its really fun but even better when you play against friends. Plus I have to test my new Jean/Psylocke deck against somebody XD
If I get a membership tonight I will play with you!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 10:37AM
If I get a membership tonight I will play with you!
Cool its really fun but some cards are hard to get. If you buy the Silver Pack you can get several Jean cards. There is a solo Jean, Scott/Jean, and Scott/Logan which features Jean. If you buy the gold cards you can get two Jean cards which are both quite useful. One of them is especially powerful because it can KO a Keeper (a Keeper is your opponent's ally). I still have yet to get the Scott/Logan one.
I cant wait!
I hope you get it soon because by Sunday I'm going to a summer camp and for the rest of the month I won't be able to play :(
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 11:01AM
I hope you get it soon because by Sunday I'm going to a summer camp and for the rest of the month I won't be able to play :(
I should get it tonight! Lets hope, and you will be missed for the time your gone :(
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 11:05AM
I should get it tonight! Lets hope, and you will be missed for the time your gone :(
Thanks. I'll try to remain active on this forum as well.
What!? Your leaving!? That aint right. Your my MSHS buddie! :( lol. I would play it, but I can't, I think it's just cause I'm on the free trial thing.
Guys only for a month :P
Hope you have a great time Marvelfan :D
Thanks everyone! :) Like Polygone said its only for the rest of the month and after that I'll be back.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 08, 2011, 12:28PM
What!? Your leaving!? That aint right. Your my MSHS buddie! :( lol. I would play it, but I can't, I think it's just cause I'm on the free trial thing.
Even if your on free trial it should work because its still a membership.
Well it told me the same thing it's been saying whenever you click it. That portion of the game is not available yet.
how do you get a free trial?
The promotion codes. SUPERHERO and when that's over, (I don't know if it works or not anymore) I think its somethin like MAMAROSAS (I could be wrong)
mmm ok, i used them both but they didn't work, does anyone else have another code for this?
Superhero didn't work??? Oh, that sucks if they took them away.
The free trial was the code we used for free membership.
Anybody going to comic-con. If so they are handing out codes to get Psylocke.
Anybody going to the comic con? they are going to give you Psylocke codes there, and marvelfan and i can't go so, can someone give us the code for her please when you get it? Thanks a Lot Guys!
Sorry for leaving, I accidentally closed out. Brb in a sec.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 02:19PM
Anybody going to the comic con? they are going to give you Psylocke codes there, and marvelfan and i can't go so, can someone give us the code for her please when you get it? Thanks a Lot Guys!
Im going to the Comic Con,if i find the code(will use it first)i will let you all know.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 02:26PM
Im going to the Comic Con,if i find the code(will use it first)i will let you all know.
Thanks Daken :D. I'm not sure if its one of those one-time use codes or a code like Hulkbuster where you can always use it. Its probably the first/former one but who knows.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 02:26PM
Im going to the Comic Con,if i find the code(will use it first)i will let you all know.
Thanks a Lot Daken!, really Thank You So Much!
I wish I could go to comic con, I had plans to but, that didnt work out XD
OMG! I want to go! So not fair! :( I love ComicCon. If it is a code that can be used more than once, I'm sure someone will post it, if not Daken, then maybe someone on Facebook or somethin. (Not on their official facebook page...)
You all are welcome,i will try to use it in two accounts to see if we can use it multiple times.
If they are giving out codes that can only be used once then try to get multiple ones for us, if you don't mind of course. I'm gonna see if I can send one of my family members there to also get some codes. It should lessen the burden on you if my relative goes and gets multiple codes as well.
ok, let's hope that works Daken and marvelfan, i'm diying to get Psylocke!
I wonder if when they pass them out they will just hand out codes or require your game username/e-mail.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 02:50PM
If they are giving out codes that can only be used once then try to get multiple ones for us, if you don't mind of course. I'm gonna see if I can send one of my family members there to also get some codes. It should lessen the burden on you if my relative goes and gets multiple codes as well.
I will get at least 4,money is for this XD.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 02:53PM
I will get at least 4,money is for this XD.
lol! Cool, I think the codes are free so no worry about that expense. Can't say the same for the tickets.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 02:59PM
lol! Cool, I think the codes are free so no worry about that expense. Can't say the same for the tickets.
Maybe i will ask the guy who will give the code about this,he must know.
ok, Thank you SO much for getting us the codes Daken! you have my gratitude!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 03:05PM
ok, Thank you SO much for getting us the codes Daken! you have my gratitude!
Just trying to help,i know how is want something and cant have.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 03:08PM
Just trying to help,i know how is want something and cant have.
You have my utmost gratitude and thanks as well! Not everybody does this. I also hope that whatever thing you desire will come to you :)
Do you think that they have unlimited or a big amount of codes because if they just give them out then Im sure they will be gone fast
Not sure. Facebook's page about it doesn't really give info. The exact words are, "The demo team will be giving away codes for Psylocke at the Marvel booth"
I think its the same code for everyone,it would be easier,if it isnt the same code all of them gonna be given in a while.
Well I hope you get a lot, because Im sure they wont give one person more then one, but lets hope, bring a ton of costumes with so you change in the bathroom and go back and get another :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 03:29PM
Well I hope you get a lot, because Im sure they wont give one person more then one, but lets hope, bring a ton of costumes with so you change in the bathroom and go back and get another :D
Hahaha,my 2 cousins go with me,i dont think they play SHS,they could give the codes to me.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 03:31PM
Hahaha,my 2 cousins go with me,i dont think they play SHS,they could give the codes to me.
Well good :D Or you just punch the guy in the face who is handing them out take a bunch and run for your life :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 03:38PM
Well good :D Or you just punch the guy in the face who is handing them out take a bunch and run for your life :D
That would be fun,if he is distracted i will just take a lot of codes and hide.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 03:41PM
That would be fun,if he is distracted i will just take a lot of codes and hide.
Good plan XD this is what SHS posted online about Psylocke
QuoteBreaking news! Psylocke was seen yesterday in Super Hero City. Rumor has it that she (and several of the Super Hero Squad Online development team) are on their way to a top-secret mission at San Diego Comic-Con...
Now almost everyone know about it,gotta be quick to get the codes untill all of them are given!
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 03:47PM
Now almost everyone know about it,gotta be quick to get the codes untill all of them are given!
Lol push everyone out of the way and yell "FIRE!" "EVERYONE RUN!" Lol im sure tht will get everyone to run, or just yell "BOMB" XD then you can have all the codes you want, plus some other stuff XD, or just be like "Yeah um I need like 10 of these for Marvel yeah thanks" take a handful and walk away :D
Lol i would love to see that! XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 03:52PM
Lol push everyone out of the way and yell "FIRE!" "EVERYONE RUN!" Lol im sure tht will get everyone to run, or just yell "BOMB" XD then you can have all the codes you want, plus some other stuff XD, or just be like "Yeah um I need like 10 of these for Marvel yeah thanks" take a handful and walk away :D
Maybe if i give some additional money to sure they will agree to give me more codes.
Lets hope, if not you have all these ideas XD
Let's hope that they give you more codes, or like midnightphoenix said, you have all these ideas lol XD! btw when is that comic con?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 03:57PM
Let's hope that they give you more codes, or like midnightphoenix said, you have all these ideas lol XD! btw when is that con?
Lol these are where costumes could come in handy, you dress up scream bomb or fire take the codes change into your normal clothes and run out with everyone else lol
I would like to fight with the guy who give the code,with a few punches,he will be down.Or i could use all this ideas together,that would be to guarantee my codes.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 03:57PM
Let's hope that they give you more codes, or like midnightphoenix said, you have all these ideas lol XD! btw when is that comic con?
ok, lol that would be aswome! don't forget the moustaches for your disguises lol XD
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 03:58PM
I would like to fight with the guy who give the code,with a few punches,he will be down.Or i could use all this ideas together,that would be to guarantee my codes.
Yes it would guarantee you as many codes as you like, plus anything else/ everything else at comic con, maybe a bit of Jail time, but can't do the time don't do the crime XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:00PM
ok, lol that would be aswome! don't forget the moustaches for your disguises lol XD
A teen with mustasche would be weird...just some glasses can do the work.
lol ok, use the glasses then
Wow... I was just gonna say I got booted off, but wow. lol
Lets keep it clean first, save the ideas for plan B. :D
Quote from: Scabbia on July 08, 2011, 04:03PM
Wow... I was just gonna say I got booted off, but wow. lol
Lets keep it clean first, save the ideas for plan B. :D
And wat is plan A anyway?
Quote from: Scabbia on July 08, 2011, 04:03PM
Wow... I was just gonna say I got booted off, but wow. lol
Lets keep it clean first, save the ideas for plan B. :D
Im guessing Plan A is try to get as money codes for free, or without hurting anyone :D
Lol, shh lets keep this on the downlow XD can't have anyone elses knowing of are plans!
What Midnight said lol. Thats all I wanna see on the news, some guys gets in a fight over codes... lol
lol, that would be so funny
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:05PM
Im guessing Plan A is try to get as money codes for free, or without hurting anyone :D
Lol, shh lets keep this on the downlow XD can't have anyone elses knowing of are plans!
I have so many ideas and plans that i have even a plan Z.
lol aswome and can someone back up my comment in the Phoenix picture at the Super Hero Squad Online facebook? i requested a Dark Phoenix mission.
In my country we see this all day in the news,here we do anything for anything!Lol,btw its possible to mod Super Hero Squad?(Yes i accept hacks)0
Quote from: Scabbia on July 08, 2011, 04:07PM
What Midnight said lol. Thats all I wanna see on the news, some guys gets in a fight over codes... lol
Lol "In other news, a teenage boy screamed bomb at the San Diego Comic Con in order to get unlimited Psylocke codes for an online game known as Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, we are investigating further." I would be like... hmm I wonder what kind of person would do something like that, probably some crazy person told him to. lol
lol i would be just like you say midnightphoenix! and in the rules it said that triying to hack it would result in a Permanent Bann so i don't advice you to do that.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:09PM
lol aswome and can someone back up my comment in the Phoenix picture at the Super Hero Squad Online facebook? i requested a Dark Phoenix mission.
BTW where did you post it?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:09PM
lol aswome and can someone back up my comment in the Phoenix picture at the Super Hero Squad Online facebook? i requested a Dark Phoenix mission.
I would use Wolverine to defeat Dark Phoenix,seriously this guy never loses,i get Adamantium Medal in every mission!
on the Phoenix Picture in their facebook.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:12PM
on the Phoenix Picture in their facebook page.
K I found it, I liked it and posted under you
Thanks for the Backup!
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 04:08PM
I have so many ideas and plans that i have even a plan Z.
Lol, but no mustache plan right? The glasses and maybe a wig work better. Especially if you and your cuz all do it.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:09PM
lol aswome and can someone back up my comment in the Phoenix picture at the Super Hero Squad Online facebook? i requested a Dark Phoenix mission.
Coming on Facebook now to help
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 08, 2011, 04:12PM
I would use Wolverine to defeat Dark Phoenix,seriously this guy never loses,i get Adamantium Medal in every mission!
Not just in the game but look at the comics. He escaped from Hell and back.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 04:18PM
Not just in the game but look at the comics. He escaped from Hell and back.
Although I have to say if Phoenix really tried she could kill him
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 04:18PM
Coming on Facebook now to help
Thanks for the Backup!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:19PM
Although I have to say if Phoenix really tried she could kill him
I Agree here!
BTW I think it's funny how almost every comment on the Phoenix design for SHS is Phoenix needs longer hair :D if they don't give her longer hair, I think they will lose a lot of respect
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:21PM
BTW I think it's funny how almost every comment on the Phoenix design for SHS is Phoenix needs longer hair :D if they don't give her longer hair, I think they will lose a lot of respect
Lol I've noticed the same thing.
We better get long hair, I would argue that her hair should be more red also :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:21PM
BTW I think it's funny how almost every comment on the Phoenix design for SHS is Phoenix needs longer hair :D if they don't give her longer hair, I think they will lose a lot of respect
I've noticed the exact same thing
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:24PM
We better get long hair, I would argue that her hair should be more red also :D
I would argue that as well! XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:26PM
I've noticed the exact same thing
I would argue that as well! XD
Ok i'm glad I'm not the only one :D It's just to orange for me :P
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2011, 04:28PM
Ok i'm glad I'm not the only one :D It's just to orange for me :P
it's really orange for me too, it looks like the Phoenix costume in XML1 lol XD. Let's Complain! XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 04:29PM
it's really orange for me too, it looks like the Phoenix costume in XML1 lol XD. Let's Complain! XD
I think we should try to get her hair longer first XD I would rather have long hair then ugly hair
Same here! I can live with it though since normal Jean was also given orangish hair. I don't like the thought of one of them having orange and the other red. However if they decide to change both of their hair color then I'd be willing to neogotiate lol.
Me too lol XD
Still can't wait for Psylocke. Her powers look amazing. I'll take some shots of them and post them here.
We better get longer hair at least :D
I cant wait for Psylocke either
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 04:32PM
Still can't wait for Psylocke. Her powers look amazing. I'll take some shots of them and post them here.
She is better than Jean(not Phoenix)and Emma Frost,thats be cuz in getting her,she is one of the most powerfull(and only) telepaths.
As promised...
SO are the pictures above the cards, the card game? XD it looks amazing!
Yes the pics above the cards are the card game. Every card you use spawns a character for an attack and those are some of Psylocke's that I had.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 08, 2011, 05:12PM
Yes the pics above the cards are the card game. Every card you use spawns a character for an attack and those are some of Psylocke's that I had.
I need a membership now! XD
Here are all the Jean cards so far.
I like the X-Treme cool XD
She looks Great!
I just relieased one of my former teachers is going to comic con, would it be werid to ask them for a code :D
Lol ok.
I haven't been able to get onto the game lately. I think I read that all of the cards are bought with silver -- is that right? Also, is it a requirement to be a subscriber to play the card game?
Quote from: fox456 on July 08, 2011, 07:21PM
I haven't been able to get onto the game lately. I think I read that all of the cards are bought with silver -- is that right? Also, is it a requirement to be a subscriber to play the card game?
Yes you must be a subscriber, and I think cards are bought with silver and gold
but later it will be for all members, so we will all be able to play it! btw, if anyone wants to backup midnightphoenix's and my comment in their facebook, you're more than welcome, you can find it in the BUY GOLD NOW! picture, it's about keep using the members only stuff that we bought while we were members, so, please help us. Thanks a lot guys!
So the card game kinda reminds me of pokemon when it first came out... I hope watching the battles make it better cause I am not interested in stuff like that.
Yeah i dont like card games much either
I don't know if anyone seen this, but are free members getting one slot on the prize wheel changed back to gold once a day? I seen that on FB, but I didn't know if it was true or not.
I've seen it so yes it's true
That's cool. At least the free members can somehow get the gold. (May take forever to get at least 600, but still.) I just tried to get on, but there's too many people online. So it kicked me off. (I swear these people have a party on there or somethin. Seriously, just sitting at Daily Bugle and giggling... 0_o whats up with that?)
Free Members? You mean normal members ( those who dont have free membership by code or pay-membership ) Normal Members cant get gold...or can they.
EDIT: I wonder what zone they will release next. Im counting on a X-Mansion / Mutant Academy zone. That would be really awesome. X-Men groups can hang out there :P
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 07:55PM
btw, if anyone wants to backup midnightphoenix's and my comment in their facebook, you're more than welcome, you can find it in the BUY GOLD NOW! picture, it's about keep using the members only stuff that we bought while we were members, so, please help us. Thanks a lot guys!
I was gonna back you up, but I couldn't find your post.
Quote from: The White Queen on July 10, 2011, 01:02AM
Free Members? You mean normal members ( those who dont have free membership by code or pay-membership ) Normal Members cant get gold...or can they.
Here's a statement I saw on Facebook:
A gold stop every day! Every player's prize wheel will refill one gold stop each day, after they log into Super Hero City. (Subscribers will still get a full gold wheel every day).
Our comment is on the picture that says "BUY GOLD NOW!" you can find it in the SHSO facebook.
I clicked on the Buy Gold Now pic, but all I get is a series of pics to show up on my screen. (I don't use Facebook myself. I was just trying to back you up. Do you have to be a member to comment?)
I don't know really, i guess not, but you can find a place to comment at the bottom of the all those comments that appear there.
Yes, you have to be a facebook member to comment on stuff like that.
Backing up on what ?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 08, 2011, 07:55PM
btw, if anyone wants to backup midnightphoenix's and my comment in their facebook, you're more than welcome, you can find it in the BUY GOLD NOW! picture, it's about keep using the members only stuff that we bought while we were members, so, please help us. Thanks a lot guys!
Another words, their trying to make it to where if you purchase an Agents Only Item, you still get to keep that item after you lose your paid subscription. (Or free trial).
Gazillion Signs Euro Marvel Super Hero Squad Online Deal
San Mateo, CA-based MMO publisher Gazillion Entertainment on Thursday said it signed a deal with German media corporation ProSiebenSat.1 Digital to bring Marvel Super Hero Squad Online and Fortune Online to Europe.
Gazillion said that ProSiebenSat.1 Digital will bring "cross-media promotional support" to the two free-to-play browser-based games, and will also operate the titles in Europe.
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online and Fortune Online are both currently in beta. Marvel is an MMO that puts players in the roles of Marvel super hero characters while Fortune is a Diablo-inspired online action RPG.
"Gazillion's goal is to deliver entertaining console-quality games through the browser around the world," said Gazillion CEO John Needham in a statement.
"Part of our strategy in bringing our titles to international audiences is to work with world class partners like ProSieben."
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online Coming To Europe in Sometime in Fall / Autumn
Im so happy, because I got a membership and tried the card game! Yay! It was fun :D, and I know own Rogue!
Awesomeness! I hope you like her. :) My free trial is gonna end tomorrow.. :( poo...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 06:43PM
Awesomeness! I hope you like her. :) My free trial is gonna end tomorrow.. :( poo...
:( Im sorry its ending, and I do like her :D She is beast! And has hugh crowd control XD
lol I know, right? Have you gotten her third power yet?
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 07:03PM
lol I know, right? Have you gotten her third power yet?
Emote or like in mission power, because I have neither XD
Oh! Well I meant Mission power. (Now that's beasty lol) But her 3rd Emote is cute. :)
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 07:11PM
Oh! Well I meant Mission power. (Now that's beasty lol) But her 3rd Emote is cute. :)
She is one of my favs now XD she is so amazing!
lol. Yeah, shes still my favorite on there. Gambit's pretty good too. I just maxed him out last night. Then I bought GiantMan (who isn't that bad so far).
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 07:13PM
lol. Yeah, shes still my favorite on there. Gambit's pretty good too. I just maxed him out last night. Then I bought GiantMan (who isn't that bad so far).
I dont like Giant Man in general so I dont plan on buying him unless he is fun, is Gambit?
Gambit is, yeah. Giant Man is a tad slow, not like real bad, but its enough to tell. But he's cool to watch on the emotes lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 07:25PM
Gambit is, yeah. Giant Man is a tad slow, not like real bad, but its enough to tell. But he's cool to watch on the emotes lol.
XD Yeah Ive seen some of his, lol, are you online right now, im not sure if we are friends on it yet
No, I'm bout to go to bed. I'll be on in the morning though. Im Funny Cat if you ever see me. :) Heck if I can't get that other promotion code to work after tomorrow, I might not be on there as much. I wont be able to get a membership til after this month. Maybe...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 10, 2011, 07:29PM
No, I'm bout to go to bed. I'll be on in the morning though. Im Funny Cat if you ever see me. :) Heck if I can't get that other promotion code to work after tomorrow, I might not be on there as much. I wont be able to get a membership til after this month. Maybe...
Ok see you tomorrow, and I understand thats why I stopped playing alot because after nto getting any new people, or being able to do some stuff it gets a little boring
Yeah, I might still be on until I get all of Rogue's medals and level up GiantMan. Plus, now that they have it to where free members get one gold spot a day on the wheel, I can still save up for who I want. Idk...
Well me and midnightphoenix had a little party of out own.
If only that one guy ould stop posting stupid stuff about how he wons hydra and he's a snake
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 10, 2011, 08:23PM
Well me and midnightphoenix had a little party of out own.
If only that one guy ould stop posting stupid stuff about how he wons hydra and he's a snake
XD The party was fun :D and that guy was so annyoing, I wanted to kill him XD BTW did anyone know that Mohawk Storm had cards already to?
Midnight what membership did you get. 1 mount, 6 mounts, a year ? You are soo lucky i want one too but i cant since the game isnt available here and a small problem having with my mom not buying me it..but...i have plans on stealing her credit card XD
EDIT: Btw can someone pleeeeaseee make a Emma Frost Review Video showing her 3 power emotes, combos in combat, as well as her 3 combat powers and Hero Up! Power pleeeease :-)
whats the point of buying a membership if the game isnt avaible in your region (Europe I guess?) XD
In Fall / Autumn it launches in europe
Quote from: The White Queen on July 11, 2011, 01:07AM
Midnight what membership did you get. 1 mount, 6 mounts, a year ? You are soo lucky i want one too but i cant since the game isnt available here and a small problem having with my mom not buying me it..but...i have plans on stealing her credit card XD
EDIT: Btw can someone pleeeeaseee make a Emma Frost Review Video showing her 3 power emotes, combos in combat, as well as her 3 combat powers and Hero Up! Power pleeeease :-)
I only got 1 month, nut thats alright with me :D I wish it could ave been longer, but oh well
I know its rumored to be around september but still you dont even know if you like how it plays etc. Not to sound rude but isnt it a bit obivous why your mother dindt want to pay :p
Quote from: Polygone on July 11, 2011, 08:41AM
I know its rumored to be around september but still you dont even know if you like how it plays etc. Not to sound rude but isnt it a bit obivous why your mother dindt want to pay :p
Exuse me? What do you mean "you dont even know if you like how it plays.." i know how to play the game i know its contents i know the missions, features ect. I have played the game in its beta. Played it after the beta but then it begin to show me its not available here. And i dont want to buy a membership before the game is available here lol. And my mother doesn want to buy me membership because she doesnt know the game and doesnt trust much xD
Well...Lot of things can change in Beta?
Anyway, I thought you where going to buy a membership before the game becomes avaible XD I know I could make an account, and just before it was ALMOST done loading, it quit on me redirecting me to the (its not avaible here) site :(
So my trial thing ended and yeah,the codes dont work no more... (sad) so I wont be on it much...
hey im going on now anyone else going on
So scabbia, how long is this trail? Like when it gets realesed you just be able to play it full time right? (even if your a free member?)
I think a month (even though it didn't feel that long, but whatever). The codes don't work anymore though. I dont know if you get a free trial when you sign up on it or not though. But while you have it, your prize wheel gets gold everyday (150 all together) and you can try out the Agents Only stuff. But now, I can't play as Black Widow (cause she was Agents Only) and I only get one gold spot on the wheel (which is no big deal to me, just takes longer to save up gold).
The code "Superhero" works only 1 time per acount. So you can use it again with a new account. Lets hope the code isnt removed cuz that will be awful. But i dont think they will ever remove it.....i hope xD
It doesn't work. New members have tried it already. They just recently changed it.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 12, 2011, 07:30AM
It doesn't work. New members have tried it already. They just recently changed it.
Oh thats really sad. Dumb idiots, they might lose players that way. But the new feature that u get one spot refil of gold in the coin wheel is true right. There must be some way for normal members( non subscribed non paying members ) to get gold
Yes its true, I just seen it myself today. They stop doing it because people were making several accounts.
Oh Such a relief xD
I Had the idea to make multiple accounts, in one i would have Gambit and Rogue, in another one Emma and idk who else XD and in another one i would have Phoenix and Dr. Strange, and they ruined my master plan XD
Lol i had a simmiliar plan xD I wonder which character will be next?
Also is the She-Captain America, Bucky-Captain America Characters and the Red Skull Mission in ?
I thought it would be cool to have a slot on the wheel added each day that was gold. But, a big "5" gold isn't really going to help much. :(
I discovered that if you let those 5 gold there and you wait 'til next day, there will be a Slot with 20 Gold, so don't take those 5 gold and in the next day, you'll get 20. And we'll be getting Nick Fury, i want Phoenix not Nick Fury!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 12, 2011, 09:34AM
I discovered that if you let those 5 gold there and you wait 'til next day, there will be a Slot with 20 Gold, so don't take those 5 gold and in the next day, you'll get 20. And we'll be getting Nick Fury, i want Phoenix not Nick Fury!
GAH! I wish I would've known that. I already got my 5gold! That sucks monkey butt. lol. Oh well, Guess I'll wait a couple days. Thanks for tellin' us this. Cause that helps tremendously. I have 555 gold, and I'm wanten' Wasp.
So wait the superhero code doesn't work anymore? WOw they r rude for that they don't care about the kids they care about the kids money.I currently have 980 gold but im saving it for phoenix (hopefully she's 600) and buying the juggernaut mission.I have a 5 year old little brother who watches me play the game and he drops what he's doing to watch.I just made him a account cause he wants me to buy spiderman and i told him you can get spidey on your account this is so frustrating
No problem, now let us hope that the developers don't change those 20 gold that come after those 5 gold, and no, the superhero code doesn't work anymore, i had a huge plan with that code, but the developers totally ruined it XD.
I know what ya mean ^ I have a 7yo brother and a 9yo sister who gets into it, but I had to explain to them how they couldn't get all the characters they want cause it would take some time. So I told them next time they come to our Dad's house, I would have the characters they want and they can play them on my account. (I'll just chaperone. lol)
@JeanGrey wow my plan was ruined too. im glad i saved up my gold
@Scabbia This just makes me pissed off espicially since your not a member anymore you can't play with your jr shield agent cause i was really feeling black spider man.That's F*cked up
I started playinmg SHS last night and my comp almost died cuz I had only 48kb memory left on C xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 12, 2011, 10:23AM
@JeanGrey wow my plan was ruined too. im glad i saved up my gold
@Scabbia This just makes me pissed off espicially since your not a member anymore you can't play with your jr shield agent cause i was really feeling black spider man.That's F*cked up
Im sure you know, but me and JeanGrey777 posted on Facebook about being able to keep your agents only stuff after you have bought it
:O yall did lemme log on to curse them out shoot they better respond that proves there greedy for money.And no one is gonna play if all there stuff is 60$.
What if some kids are poor and they can't afford a membership wow
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 12, 2011, 10:33AM
:O yall did lemme log on to curse them out shoot they better respond that proves there greedy for money.And no one is gonna play if all there stuff is 60$.
What if some kids are poor and they can't afford a membership wow
Its on the Buy Gold now or what ever it says picture :D I also posted a few extra things besides that Like a market to be able to sell stuff you dont want, and a trading system to trade items with friends
I like both of those ideas -- market and trade.
i Like 'em too, i hope that the Developers hear us, and our comments are in the "BUY GOLD NOW!" picture. I use caps because, that's how it is in the picture XD
Quote from: fox456 on July 12, 2011, 11:01AM
I like both of those ideas -- market and trade.
Thank you :D I thought it seemed like a nice idea! Because we have all this stuff that we dont want or we want to give friends gold or something it would be nice. And the trading would be straight up with whom ever, and the market would be like you put your stuff up for sale and wait till people buy it then get your coins
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 12, 2011, 11:21AM
Thank you :D I thought it seemed like a nice idea! Because we have all this stuff that we dont want or we want to give friends gold or something it would be nice. And the trading would be straight up with whom ever, and the market would be like you put your stuff up for sale and wait till people buy it then get your coins
I love that idea then in that case everyone's happy because i need to sell some paint lol
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 12, 2011, 11:22AM
I love that idea then in that case everyone's happy because i need to sell some paint lol
Lol, I need to sell a lot of stuff XD I dont even know
Is anyone online?
Hey I like that idea too! Cause I got my one room decorated for Rogue (soon Gambit too) and that's it. lol. I don't care bout the rest.I think it's pointless, especially since you get most of the same things on the prize wheels.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 12, 2011, 01:10PM
Hey I like that idea too! Cause I got my one room decorated for Rogue (soon Gambit too) and that's it. lol. I don't care bout the rest.I think it's pointless, especially since you get most of the same things on the prize wheels.
I hate those things, it seems you get more of those then actual coins :P
Hi guys. Been at camp so couldn't be active but now I can on my phone! Any new stuff since Gambit and Cap? Plus any change in Dakens plan to get the Psylocke codes for us? Hopefully not since I want one so badly! You still have my deepest gratitude Daken!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 12, 2011, 01:28PM
Hi guys. Been at camp so couldn't be active but now I can on my phone! Any new stuff since Gambit and Cap? Plus any change in Dakens plan to get the Psylocke codes for us? Hopefully not since I want one so badly! You still have my deepest gratitude Daken!
Nobody new yet :(
Update: Nick Fury will be soon, so says Facebook
Thanks for the info. Won't really miss him lol
Ok, I became a subscriber by an accident, and I say "by an accident" because I thought that I bought the subscription like a month ago when Emma was released but I was wrong, it was the "superhero" code, but now, paypal, took my money from my credit card today and I didn't knew it, do'h!!
Oh well I bought Scarlet Witch and I'm going to save the gold for Psylocke and some new missions, I wanted Spider woman but 1000 gold coins are too much for me u_u
Quote from: whiteking on July 12, 2011, 11:30PM
Ok, I became a subscriber by an accident, and I say "by an accident" because I thought that I bought the subscription like a month ago when Emma was released but I was wrong, it was the "superhero" code, but now, paypal, took my money from my credit card today and I didn't knew it, do'h!!
Oh well I bought Scarlet Witch and I'm going to save the gold for Psylocke and some new missions, I wanted Spider woman but 1000 gold coins are too much for me u_u
xD u just made my day xD
Guys, the developers just ruined another of my plans, i didn't take the 5 gold yesterday and now i checked and there were ANOTHER 5 gold there. they ruined my plan.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 07:46AM
Guys, the developers just ruined another of my plans, i didn't take the 5 gold yesterday and now i checked and there were ANOTHER 5 gold there. they ruined my plan.
What do you mean? I dont understand what they did...again xD
i mean, after seeing 5 gold there i didn't take them and in the next day there was 20 gold. yesterday there were 5 again and today i went to pick up my 20 gold but there two gold slots with 5 gold, so they ruined my plans again! XD
Ok let me get this streight. The Developers ruined your plan by adding an extra gold slot that both gold slots might turn into 20 tommorow. And that way you gain 20 more gold = 40 gold. Interesting i dont get how its ruined xD
no, there were 5 gold instead of 20 gold, so i got 10 gold today.
no no. Today you have 2 gold slots that are both 5 gold. If you have taken them u ruin your plans more. If u didnt tommorow you will have 40 gold total. since both will turn into 20 each
no, they won't turn into 20 gold each, i readed in facebook that a random silver spot will turn into gold, so today there were only 10 gold to pick up instead of 25, so they will not turn into 20 gold each.
Wow now im more confused. Where did you read it? ( link xD ) there, you can read it there, a random silver spot will turn into a gold spot, i got 5 gold at first and after that 20 gold for 2 daysm, and after those days i got two gold spots with 5 gold, so i got it wrong when i thought that after those 5 gold another spot would always turn into a 20 gold spot. so, now, i had a super plan that i would gather those 20 gold every two days and i would buy Gambit but it turns out that after those 5 gold that i got yesterday, i got 5 gold today too, so looks like i was wrong when i thought that i would get 20 gold every couple of days. i hope that you understand now.
I think its stupid though, if I understand correctly, most characters cost aroudn the 600 gold? That means you have to twist 120 times? (and then your supposed to be lucky if you get gold) :P
I get it....kinda xD
yeah, i think that it will be better if all members could get their wheel fully filled up with gold every day to get 150 gold each day, i would totally love that. and it would make more sense like that since the game is Specially for Kids.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 09:38AM
yeah, i think that it will be better if all members could get their wheel fully filled up with gold every day to get 150 gold each day, i would totally love that. and it would make more sense like that since the game is Specially for Kids.
Quote from: P.Frost on July 13, 2011, 01:19AM
xD u just made my day xD
Lol I know, oh well, I'm taking that on a positive way, now I'll have time to get more gold lol :)
The gold method should be approved. It would be great if it was!
I agree about the gold,but then what about paid members who get the gold every day? I Think non members get gold everyday that turns into silver after you get the spot like a paid members does. And then members should get gold all the time and it never turns to silver, and then in missions you get silver and card games etc so members can still get silver or you can trade gold for silver if you want silver that bad
Or the should make the free members get at least half the wheel in gold. (Not including the non coin spots, those spots are pointless). I hope I have two spots tomorrow since I didn't get on today, otherwise, their gettin a huge complaint. (And they'll probably ban me lol, but I don't care)
I totally agree, if this continues, let's complain! and The game will be down tonight, i wonder if there will be any surprises.
Probably Nick Fury. Wasn't he announced on FaceBook yesterday?
he already is on the game, maybe we'll get Scarlet Spider to buy with gold or silver (hopefuly silver)
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 04:44PM
he already is on the game, maybe we'll get Scarlet Spider to buy with gold or silver (hopefuly silver)
I hope its American Dream or somebody good, if its a person at all
let's hope so, but i want Shadowcat to be on the game next, we need Kitty's touch there XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 04:46PM
let's hope so, but i want Shadowcat to be on the game next, we need Kitty's touch there XD
I agree, btw did anyone see that classic Daredevil's character code is being offered with his Super Hero Squad toy? I dont like him but hey its a free character in the game :D Although I do have to say I would rather it had been a better character.... Jean maybe? XD
XD yeah, Phoenix better XD oh and they said in a comment that Phoenix AND Dark Phoenix are not YET in the game, so looks like we'll be getting a Dark Phoenix mission!!!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 04:52PM
XD yeah, Phoenix better XD oh and they said in a comment that Phoenix AND Dark Phoenix are not YET in the game, so looks like we'll be getting a Dark Phoenix mission!!!
Where is the comment?
i don't remember lol XD, look for it in their pictures, you'll find it somewhere around there.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 05:08PM
i don't remember lol XD, look for it in their pictures, you'll find it somewhere around there.
Alright is the comment in English? Because I know they send comments in a different language sometimes
yup, it's in english
It's in the picture of Dr. Strange! you can see that comment there.
I thought they had a bug with Nick Fury? So they put him on there yesterday?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 13, 2011, 06:01PM
It's in the picture of Dr. Strange! you can see that comment there.
I didn't see the comment. Could you post it here?
Ok, here are the comments: John Carlo Salvaleon ho got darkphoenix and phoenix i do have a darkphoenix and phoenix in
and thyey answered this: John, Dark Phoenix and Phoenix are not yet in the game.
I really hope we get Phoenix and Dark Phoenix with long hair XD!
:D this makes me happy!
Hey guys, who wants to play a few missions with me? I'll take Jean
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 14, 2011, 08:14AM
Hey guys, who wants to play a few missions with me? I'll take Jean
I'll be Emma, Rogue or Cyclops see you there I'm solid midnight prince :)
Quote from: whiteking on July 14, 2011, 08:17AM
I'll be Emma, Rogue or Cyclops see you there I'm solid midnight prince :)
See you there
See you there Whiteking! I'm Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher.
Sorry Whiteking I cant do missions yet all my stuff is still updating in game XD
Ok I'll be online in a while ^^
Don't worry midnightphoenix, I had a problem too, lol
Mine was almost done loading up, but froze...(and I aint jokin' on this) at 95%. Every single one, cept the cities. It was messed up. So I quit.
Looks like the Juggernaut mission is glitchy today.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 14, 2011, 08:43AM
Looks like the Juggernaut mission is glitchy today.
After you left it worked XD
Pff the game died, I'm going to be online again in a few minutes, what was wrong with the juggernaut mission?
im online if anyone wants to join me ima Flash Steel Viper
Hey guys, the rooms for the HQ are for all members now! i bought every single room for my HQ! and with Silver! it's so aswome!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 14, 2011, 09:30AM
Hey guys, the rooms for the HQ are for all members now! i bought every single room for my HQ! and with Silver! it's so aswome!
Really thats nice, I dont think they vneed to be members only stuff they arent that cool XD
Ok my game died again ¬¬' i'll be online again soon (now it's like a joke to me lol) need to check that thing about the rooms ;)
Quote from: whiteking on July 14, 2011, 09:39AM
Ok my game died again ¬¬' i'll be online again soon (now it's like a joke to me lol) need to check that thing about the rooms ;)
Lol my game used to do that, but I play my game on firefox now :P and do everything else on explorer
I think something is wrong with scarlet witch and her power to transform someone in food, the mission just freeze after you used that power on juggernaut's mission and now with enchantress..
Yeah, i think so, maybe i should use Jean and see if it's that. btw if we go to a mission, please invite me, i'll be fooling around my HQ for a bit XD
It was really fun guys, but now I have to work lol, now I think I'll get She Hulk, she seems great, or maybe Thor, I'm curious about him, but which version is the best?
For me, it's the Ultimate Version, the one that's for members only.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 14, 2011, 09:30AM
Hey guys, the rooms for the HQ are for all members now! i bought every single room for my HQ! and with Silver! it's so aswome!
Cool now I don't have to worry about losing Jean/Scott's room!
I second that ^ lol. I was gonna do a room for Rogue and Gambit, but now I can have a room for each of my favorite X-Men :)
Quote from: Scabbia on July 14, 2011, 01:31PM
I second that ^ lol. I was gonna do a room for Rogue and Gambit, but now I can have a room for each of my favorite X-Men :)
Awesome idea! I can now give Scott, Jean, Logan, Ororo, Rogue and Gambit their own rooms.
I am now very happt they did this.Because when my free trial was gone i was pissed about losing my chars and rooms now im glad its for everyone now.
For rooms since i love having everyone running around i give the 3 dorms to the girls and 3 dorms for the guys.
Also i think they need to make a X-Men Map/zone dont yall think so?
Is it possible to designate only certain heroes can go into certain rooms?
Guys! The Card game is avaliable for all players now! Yes!!!!
Quote from: fox456 on July 14, 2011, 03:09PM
Is it possible to designate only certain heroes can go into certain rooms?
No...which blows... lol. I usually just put them in there after I'm done editing the room.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 14, 2011, 03:44PM
Guys! The Card game is avaliable for all players now! Yes!!!!
Sweet! I'll definetly try that in the mornin :D Can't wait!
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 14, 2011, 01:44PM
I am now very happt they did this.Because when my free trial was gone i was pissed about losing my chars and rooms now im glad its for everyone now.
For rooms since i love having everyone running around i give the 3 dorms to the girls and 3 dorms for the guys.
Also i think they need to make a X-Men Map/zone dont yall think so?
Id love to see the XMansion or Muir Island
I would love to see the X-Mansion, i would be hanging out there a lot XD, should we ask them in their facebook to make an X-Mansion map?
it would be hard to make the x mansion seeing theres civilians on the other zones
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on July 14, 2011, 10:49PM
it would be hard to make the x mansion seeing theres civilians on the other zones
Instead of civilians it could be young mutants, but not actual ones as they maybe become real characters. Just like the people from X-Men Destiny
I tried the card game out last night for the first time. I really liked it! I couldn't stop playing. HA! The one thing that is surprising to me is that an attack doesn't necessarily do the full damage that the card says it can. I guess the attack number is just the maximum. But, it was alot of fun.
So i bought invisible woman and i think she's a pretty fun character but
1.Here melees are kinda slow
2.Her invisibat is really weak
3For her melees the last one (the one with the forcefield bricks) doesnt always show up.
Other than that she's fun her effects are awesome
Well, it DOES show up, you musn't move her while she is doing that move, or it will not show up. that happened to me too.
Anybody got the special card game gift?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 15, 2011, 09:58AM
Well, it DOES show up, you musn't move her while she is doing that move, or it will not show up. that happened to me too.
no even if i dont move it doesn't show up.
Also why doesn't her powerup protect her? Its practically like Jean's and Storm's heroups
Strange, mmm, i think that this is a good idea, send a ticket in the help center, they might be able to help you, and i too wonder why her hero up doesn't protect her... a bug maybe?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 15, 2011, 10:10AM
Anybody got the special card game gift?
No, what is that?
has anyone got silver surfer and if so whats the quickest way to get him
Quote from: fox456 on July 15, 2011, 11:03AM
No, what is that?
It's a free silver card deck
I just tried the card game. It was cool :) Interesting seeing the characters that havent been released yet. And I thought the Jean and Cyclops attack was cute. It kicked me off as soon as I quit, too much to load up I guess lol. I'm gettin back on though. I want to level up some characters :)
How do you get the free silver deck?
Quote from: fox456 on July 16, 2011, 05:38PM
How do you get the free silver deck?
I got it by clicking the card thing, and then clicking the cards and deck button or what ever its called then something should pop up saying you have unopend booster deck or something like that then you click open
Lucky you! Nothing like that happened for me.
Quote from: fox456 on July 16, 2011, 06:15PM
Lucky you! Nothing like that happened for me.
:/ really? Thats strange I don't know how I got it then! Did anyone else?
Actually its two gold card packs and three missions.
I got it. I have to say the card game is pretty fun, and I love the fact I can access the all the rooms again.
Edit: How do you get that one? I just got the sliver pack, Iron Man's starter, and his quest. Plus, I bought a gold pack.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 16, 2011, 07:15PM
Actually its two gold card packs and three missions.
Yeah I only got the silver also, the iron man one and the quest is what everyone gets.
I can't access the game right now. I got a booster pack, but it wasn't "silver" that I recall. I think it had the Hulk on it.
i got a silver card 2 gold cards and black panthers card quest
Still isnt available. When! WHEN!!! will it be released uh tired of waiting
Uhh. it still isnt avaible in Europe :P
EDIT: The Internet says it IS, but here in the Netherlands (last time I checked, we are part of the EU) :P it still isnt avaible, well, I honestly hope its gonna be avaible here in my vacation, so I can play non-stop 0.0
The game will be down tonight, maybe we're getting the Red Skull mission! and hopefully American Dream!
it did say sometime this week on facebook.
btw, who should i get? Storm or Wasp?
idk, but if you ask me, Storm looks really cool, with the exception of that egiptian dance. and did you buy Sue? she is really strong and fun to play with.
No... I'm trying to get all the X-Men first. But! I already have Giant Man and I thought he should have Wasp with him :D
Lol ok, Wasp is strong too, i saw her in missions, she is freaking aswome lol XD.
Maybe they release a new character,one we cant see in any of the released pictures.
Maybe they will, maybe they won't, who knows? XD, but seriously, it would be aswome to see a character that hasn't been showed yet in any pictures like, Surprise! that would be cool lol.
I just want another X-Men,maybe Colossus,his cards are awesome!
Ok, i want Sage to be there, she would be aswome! but for now, the only character that i want is Phoenix.
I think Phoenix will be released soon,almost all the new characters so far are X-Men.
Let's hope so, Phoenix will be really fun to play with, i'm sure about it.
Phoenix is immortal,so i think she will be really fun to play with...XD
EDIT:10 minutes and the game will be down...
Dont forget the Bucky and female Capt. America.
I think they will be all the same,its like war machine and iron man,all the same...Bucky and American Dream arent that diferent from Cap.
Yeah, oh and the female cap is named American Dream, i hope that she comes next in the game, she must be powerful and she's so beautiful XD
Agree...btw Bucky still alive?
No, he's dead XD
Facebook said the Red Skull mission is coming soon, so I beat thats what we are getting tonight. I would liek a character but Im not setting my heart on anything :D I hope American Dream is silver but it seems they only do one silver hero and 3 or so others for gold and we already have Cap for the first gold, and Nick Fury is silver, but he shouldn't count because he is agents only
Doesn't it seem strange for you guys that the members-only content costs silver and the all members content (most of it) costs gold. doesn't it seem strange to you? i mean all members content should be silver and members-only content gold. at least it seems strange to me, unless they made it that way, so people would buy a membership and then play with the all members and members-only content, while they split the money that they win.
I just wanna smash Red Skull with Wolverine,Cap or Bucky the 2nd World War best soldiers(makes sense huh?).And someone else is playing the game at the time they would shut it down for maintenance?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 18, 2011, 06:11PM
Doesn't it seem strange for you guys that the members-only content costs silver and the all members content (most of it) costs gold. doesn't it seem strange to you? i mean all members content should be silver and members-only content gold. at least it seems strange to me, unless they made it that way, so people would buy a membership and then play with the all members and members-only content, while they split the money that they win.
I never thought about it that way -_- that is stupid. XD They need to fix that, and add something really unique to the agents only stuff because I find the heroes for the agents arent all that great :(
They DO need to fix that XD, and there aren't heroes there that are all that great anyway.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 18, 2011, 06:15PM
They DO need to fix that XD, and there aren't heroes there that are all that great anyway.
They just want the money,but i woudnt become member for the agent only heroes,they are just common heroes.
Yeah, same here, i won't become an agent anyway, as you say, and as we all know, they are in it just for the money.
I have a trick,cancell your membership at the last day of the month and in the first day of the next month you get it back!(No i never tryied but it may work)
And how did you know about that trick? because it actually doesn't make any sense, if you cancel it the last day, or cancel it whenever, you'll only get it back by paying again, so please forgive me, but it doesn't make sense. Oh and it says that if you are playing and they start to make the updates, you will not leave the game, you can still playing. But i think that if you leave, you will have to wait until they are done with it.
I didnt know we have to pay until the membership expires.
You don't have to keep paying until the membership expires, you pay once for a membership and you'll keep it for 1/6/12 months (depends on wich one you choose)
I hate membership...they just want our money,pay to have fun isnt right.
Well, nothing in life is free, i don't like the idea to pay to have fun, but oh well. Oh and, i hope that we get American Dream in the game tonight or tomorrow.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 18, 2011, 06:32PM
Well, nothing in life is free, i don't like the idea to pay to have fun, but oh well. Oh and, i hope that we get American Dream in the game tonight or tomorrow.
Just 4 heroes and silver lol.American Dream is related to Cap?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 18, 2011, 06:32PM
Well, nothing in life is free, i don't like the idea to pay to have fun, but oh well. Oh and, i hope that we get American Dream in the game tonight or tomorrow.
I agree! I want her bad, but if she is a lot of gold or not silver Im not gonna buy her. I saving all my gold for Phoenix now
Maybe Beast will come tomorrow(i saw him in a pic).Anyway i just want a X-Men.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 18, 2011, 06:34PM
Just 4 heroes and silver lol.American Dream is related to Cap?
I dont believe she is related to him. She isnt even from the 616 universe Sharon Carter is her mother, but no info on her father
I have seen Dr Strange, Beast, Mohawk Storm, and Phoenix in pics but doubt they will come tomorrow
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 18, 2011, 06:38PM
I dont believe she is related to him. She isnt even from the 616 universe Sharon Carter is her mother, but no info on her father
I have seen Dr Strange, Beast, Mohawk Storm, and Phoenix in pics but doubt they will come tomorrow
I think its Bucky or American Dream cuz they release all characters in the intro picture(the one with hydra and red skull at the beginning of the game)or the classic Wolverine from the X-Men intro pic.
I still dont even know if we are getting a character, I beat 100% Its the Red Skull misson, but I dont know if we will get a character also or if we have to settle for the mission only, but I find that all the missions have to many bugs :/
Yeah, all the missions have bugs, example: the Loki mission. oh and if we DO get a character I don't want Bucky, he is Dead XD, i want American Dream, oh and her real name is Shannon Carter., so, i want Shannon! XD
The Loki mission has so many bugs! Everytime I played it we couldnt ever beat it because of the bugs
I agree! it has so many bugs! once i was playing with marvelfan and we couldn't even pass the first part because it had a lot of glitches!
I thought it was just me who was having the bugs with the newer missions. I'm surprised that they haven't fixed those by now. It seems that their updates have been pretty good in the past, but they should try to fix the bugs as well as upload new content.
hey did u guys know that at the dorm rooms u can pause and press the green button and put a hero in the room it would say do u want this hero assinged to this room?
They apparently finished the "update", i didn't see anything new, i didn't even see the Red Skull mission.
Its kinda boring without anything new(have adamantium in all missions and have all X-Men).Why they update something without adding nothing?That doesnt make sense!Someone saw something new?
Nope I saw nothing, maybe they fixed some mission bugs or something.
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on July 19, 2011, 01:02AM
hey did u guys know that at the dorm rooms u can pause and press the green button and put a hero in the room it would say do u want this hero assinged to this room?
So, does that mean that the unassigned characters can get in too or not?
Well guess we have to wait even longer for American Dream because Facebook says we are getting Bucky soon
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 19, 2011, 03:20PM
Well guess we have to wait even longer for American Dream because Facebook says we are getting Bucky soon
Isnt Bucky supposed to be Winter Soldier?Anyway,if he have a machine gun attack just like winter soldier its okay for me XD.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 19, 2011, 04:04PM
Isnt Bucky supposed to be Winter Soldier?Anyway,if he have a machine gun attack just like winter soldier its okay for me XD.
Idk, I dont really care for him at all anyway. I dont like Captain America altogether, so I wont be getting Bucky either. And I dont know then why I want American Dream, but what ever :D
Bucky helped cap, after he aparently exploded with that rocket, his col-preserved body was found and he was turned into the Winter Soldier, when Cap confronted him, he remembered that he was bucky, and then he helped cap again, when cap was killed, Bucky took his shield from the Black Widow and headed to kill Tony Stark, but the one that murdered him was Red Skull, so he killed him (i guess) and he became the new Cap America.
Quote from: fox456 on July 19, 2011, 10:16AM
So, does that mean that the unassigned characters can get in too or not?
i think it just means that any hero items that u got (like iron mans chair) and assign the hero into the room all the hero items get put in there by default
sorry i just worked that out now
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on July 19, 2011, 05:53PM
i think it just means that any hero items that u got (like iron mans chair) and assign the hero into the room all the hero items get put in there by default
sorry i just worked that out now
That's still a cool thing to know. I wish I would have known that when I did GiantMan's room. lol. (Even though Wasp's stuff will be in there too. 0_o)
Bucky is on already. He is 15,000 silver :(
Thanks for the updated info. I am doubtful that I'll buy him. I'd rather have Silver Surfer.
Quote from: fox456 on July 19, 2011, 06:13PM
Thanks for the updated info. I am doubtful that I'll buy him. I'd rather have Silver Surfer.
I agree, I dont think he is worth it
Thanks for the info, i think i'll start gathering up some silver to buy him, i wanna try him out
I'm getting him. Just cause I want someone new and I don't have enough for Wasp yet lol. I'm glad he's silver though. We needed a silver character. They need to do more for silver. :D
I agree 100%, i wanna buy him to have someone new as well, i only have a few heroes.
Well I bought Jean, Rogue, Gambit and Giantman, but I play the game so much that I've maxed them all out. lol. The only ones I have that aren't maxed out are Falcon and Thing. I just maxed Cyclops this morning. lol. I figured if I don't play the game so much, maybe limit myself everyday with him, then I'll have enough for Wasp before I max him out. And I can start saving for the next character I want. (sucks being a free member...just sayin')
I know what you mean, i bought Jean, Sue, Wanda and i maxed out Jean, Ms. Marvel, Cyclops and Sue, and now i wanna max out Wanda, and my next objective is to buy Phoenix (When she comes out) and American Dream (i hope that they make her buyable with silver, although i doubt it)
You never know, American Dream really isn't that popular of a character. (In my opinion) Heck I didn't even know about her until I read something on that she was Rogue and Captain America's daughter in a What If? comic. (Rogue being taken over by Ms Marvel's persona of course) So they just might make her silver. The Jean they have now is her Marvel Girl outfit, which a lot of people who Don't know much about her (which is rare these days), don't know HER when she was Marvel Girl. And I, personally, don't know many Silver Surfer fans. I didn't know about him til MUA came out lol. Anyways, I'm just saying it's possible, but we wont know til she's released of course :D
Of course, i knew about Marvel Girl already, and i didn't know that American Dream was Rogue taken over by Ms. Marvel's persona (if that's what you said XD) but i did know that she was Cap America's Daughter.
OMG did anyone else see daredevil because i did and it wasnt the card game hold on im going to upload a pic for proof
Red Daredevil, or Classic Daredevil? because i saw classic Daredevil once there.
IDk what type of name this is but look:
( (
( (
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 19, 2011, 07:22PM
Of course, i knew about Marvel Girl already, and i didn't know that American Dream was Rogue taken over by Ms. Marvel's persona (if that's what you said XD) but i did know that she was Cap America's Daughter.
lol no, I meant that in the "What If?" comic, Ms. Marvel's persona took over Rogue, so it was Ms. Marvel, only in Rogue's body. She married Cap and they had American Dream as a daughter, but that was in the What If? comic so it didn't really go with the actual story line behind her... I think... I don't know. lol
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 19, 2011, 07:29PM
IDk what type of name this is but look:
( (
( (
Isn't he a code that you get from the toy or somethin?
Oh yeah, if i'm not mistaken that's classic Daredevil, you can get him with the code that you can get buying the latest super hero squad toy in hasbro.
@ Scabbia: Oh ok, i misunderstood then XD, i would like to see Cap marry Ms. Marvel XD
That answered my question. lol. Too bad you need a code, I'd get him too. He's one of them characters that I don't freak out over, but I like to check and see how he's doing once in awhile in the comics lol. He looks cool though.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 19, 2011, 07:31PM
Oh yeah, if i'm not mistaken that's classic Daredevil, you can get him with the code that you can get buying the latest super hero squad toy in hasbro.
@ Scabbia: Oh ok, i misunderstood then XD, i would like to see Cap marry Ms. Marvel XD
I'm surprised they havent yet. The way they beleive in American rights and stuff. They go so good together.
They make the perfect couple, i wonder if another good couple could be Spider-Man with Spider-Girl perhaps?
I don't know, cause Spider-Man and MJ are really good together, especially with their past.
hey is anyone on now
im emperor rat
I might get on in a little bit. Helping someone right now though... might be about 10 minutes... maybe... >_<
ok ive got 2 hours to play
I'll post on here when I'm bout to log on. I'm hopin' I have enough silver to buy Bucky, but if not it's cool, I'll wait til I have time to sit on the prize wheel...for hours... lol.
gonna get thor today where u from scabbia
Which Thor?
I'm from the USA. Indiana. (It's the Hoosier state :D) Oh and Funny Cat is my name on there, I should be Rogue when I log on. (At least I think that's the last character I played as...)
original thor
im from australia so it hard to play with most people on this forum
ill be at the pond at the daily bugle
lol I understand. Most of the time, I'm up for 24 hours (which really isn't good, but I'm an insomniac, if I spelled that right.).
Are you not a paying member?
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on July 19, 2011, 08:25PM
ill be at the pond at the daily bugle
oky doky
nah im a paying member
Why not get the Ultimate Thor, or have you already? (Hopefully I'll be a paying member too at the end of this month...)
because after ive my mebership ends i cant play with agent only heroes
besides i think classic thor looks cooler
I have to agree there. Ultimate Thor looks...old...horribly old... imo. I bought Black Widow while I had the free trial, and now I regret it, she's the only one I regret too. lol. Shame... Anywho, I'm bout to log on. (I can't have this and MSHS running at the same time, our internet is too slow at the moment... >_<)
ok then see u there
so will u be rogue
Yeah, I'm Rogue. I'm there, sittin on the bench by the pond :)
i cant see u go to the van where the burgular is in baxter plaza
Oh crap... hold on, I'll friend request ya. (computer is being slow since i'm on here and there lol)
i just saw a dare devil too
GUYS! Its FINALLY Avaible in Europe :D, im so happy ;D
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 03:30AM
GUYS! Its FINALLY Avaible in Europe :D, im so happy ;D
congratz man
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 03:30AM
GUYS! Its FINALLY Avaible in Europe :D, im so happy ;D
Awesome! Can't wait to see you on there :D
Ladies and getlemen
May I present to you
JR shield agent Tymaca321 :D
Yep, im A JR shield agent, And I love it :D, my first purcahse is Giant Man, and he's Epic to play as! I seriously love this game :D
Wait so did you get to pick your in game name?
Well whats your In Game name?
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 07:42AM
Yeah? Not my Squad name :P, but its my login name, so I would say yeah?
Oh, well then never mind. Nobody is going to be able to find you with your Tymaca name in the game :D thats why I asked. I thought you had that name in the game.
XD, no my name is Captain Passable witch, and im currently playing as Giant man, I think that we have a diffrent server though, but im now at the spin wheel at the Daily Bugle
FINALLY. After "decades" of waiting the game is available in Europe
XD, It certainly felt like decades yeah :), let me know when you play :),
Now that game is gonna be full of people lol
XD yeah, I keep wondering though, how do people get Jean Grey so quickly? I believe today was the day it got realesed in Europe, yet they are like 30 Jeans already? :P
Well she is the lowest silver character. She's only like 5,000 I think. Rather than 25,000 like Silver Surfer. lol. Plus, she's a popular crazyness.
She's 3.000 but still, its pretty hard to believe that people are so into her, Oh well, whatever :P
I just have to wait for like 3 days and then I can buy another gold character XD
I wonder though, who would you buy : Jean grey or Iron man
Theyre both pretty awsome but they differ in price ALOT!
They must price things differently for ya'll there, cause I spent 5,000. That's so not fair! lol Oh well.
I already got Jean, so I know she's pretty cool. Although I have seen a lot of people lately with Iron Man. So I'm guessing he's pretty good too. So far, out of all the characters I've gotten (Rogue, Jean, Gambit, GiantMan and Bucky Captain America), Rogue, Gambit and Bucky are awesome. Rogue's a good strength character, Gambit's good with combos and so far, Bucky's pretty strong too.
That isnt fair XD i paid 5,000 to
XD :P thats your own fault for purchasing her XD
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 11:37AM
XD :P thats your own fault for purchasing her XD
Im not complaining. And its not my fault. Its the creators fault for making her 5,000 here and 3,000 there. She is my favorite character so why wouldn't I buy her
XD, just a joke :P, well, cant say I purchased my favorite character yet, but im trying to buy all my favorite characters XD
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 11:50AM
XD, just a joke :P, well, cant say I purchased my favorite character yet, but im trying to buy all my favorite characters XD
I know it was XD, but its Jean XD I have to get serious lol. Isnt your favorite Galactus, I dont think he is in there XD
Meh, Ill wait for Scarlet witch and Emma, those are my favorite (and one of the major reasons I got a JR shield agent membership)
However, I would be happy with a Galactus boss-fight (which is highely likely to appear, since he also appears on the actual show)
Plus, rumors about Dr Strange and Psylocke also make me happy :)
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 11:54AM
Meh, Ill wait for Scarlet witch and Emma, those are my favorite (and one of the major reasons I got a JR shield agent membership)
However, I would be happy with a Galactus boss-fight (which is highely likely to appear, since he also appears on the actual show)
Plus, rumors about Dr Strange and Psylocke also make me happy :)
They arent rumors! They will be in, along with Mohawk storm, beast and phoenix
I know :P, srry for that XD
Anyway, I saw a Skrull change into Dr Strange as well, so he's closer then most think?
Anyway, I might just buy Phoenix and Psylocke XD
Quote from: Polygone on July 20, 2011, 01:04PM
I know :P, srry for that XD
Anyway, I saw a Skrull change into Dr Strange as well, so he's closer then most think?
Anyway, I might just buy Phoenix and Psylocke XD
If you play the card game you can see tons of unreleased heroes. (Mohawk Storm, Psylocke, Elektra) for some reason I cant think of any more but I know there are some
Psylocke's gonna be a code thing for awhile and then released for sale in the game. Just like they did (or are doing) with Scarlet Spider and Daredevil.
I'm sure the next one will be the American Dream, then they'll go on with others. (Hopefully Phoenix or Dr. Strange.)
Its almost time for the Comic Con(Psylocke code),and if i give some extra money to the guy who give the codes he will let me take more codes,so you all can expect Psylocke to be playable very soon XD.
Well hopefully it's a code more than one person can use so that way no money is involved :) And if not, hopefully they'll accept money. lol.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 20, 2011, 02:16PM
Its almost time for the Comic Con(Psylocke code),and if i give some extra money to the guy who give the codes he will let me take more codes,so you all can expect Psylocke to be playable very soon XD.
Are you for sure he will give you more? Don't forgot all the ideas we gave you XD
Quote from: Scabbia on July 20, 2011, 02:18PM
Well hopefully it's a code more than one person can use so that way no money is involved :) And if not, hopefully they'll accept money. lol.
If they dont accept my money they will aceppt my fist in their faces.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 20, 2011, 02:18PM
If they dont accept my money they will aceppt my fist in their faces.
Good plan!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2011, 02:20PM
Good plan!
lol yeah,im the best at what i do and what i do isnt very nice(if it isnt clear what i do,i explain,i punch ppl.)
Breaking news guys!If you are a X-Men fan like me you will love what i found on the net,look at it
And yeah thats Beast,i dont think he will come soon but now we know he will come!
Im not sure if I will get Beast, im not a huge fan of him. BTW is that how cyclops looks in that because I found this picture and he looks different
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2011, 03:41PM
Im not sure if I will get Beast, im not a huge fan of him. BTW is that how cyclops looks in that because I found this picture and he looks different
Yeah i think the Cyclops from your picture is from the beta cuz the one from Beast picture is just how mine is.
Now that I think about it, look at the picture closer. You can tell its cropepd/ photoshopped, the white around him is to pixaly compared to the others, his head doesnt fit there properly and he is all pixaly, the others are mainly just blurry
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2011, 03:46PM
Now that I think about it, look at the picture closer. You can tell its cropepd/ photoshopped, the white around him is to pixaly compared to the others, his head doesnt fit there properly and he is all pixaly, the others are mainly just blurry
The lines are really strange,and the white around him isnt correct,maybe it is just another fake...
Well even if the pictures a fake, I know 100% he will be in it. They can't just make a character design and never put him in.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 20, 2011, 03:49PM
Well even if the pictures a fake, I know 100% he will be in it. They can't just make a character design and never put him in.
I think that so,and i compared the head to the character model head it fix very well in the body.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 20, 2011, 02:16PM
Its almost time for the Comic Con(Psylocke code),and if i give some extra money to the guy who give the codes he will let me take more codes,so you all can expect Psylocke to be playable very soon XD.
Awesome thanks again. Don't forget the disguises and ur cuz as alternatives to paying more lol. Will u pm the codes btw?
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 20, 2011, 02:18PM
If they dont accept my money they will aceppt my fist in their faces.
LMAO haha btw if you do have to purchase the codes then thank you very very much this is such a nice thing your doing :)
three cheers for daken hip hip
Strange what happend? The game isnt available again. I played it yesterday now i cant. When will they really release it. And Polygone did u buy a membership or used a code ( idk if its still working )
Yeah. weird but its probally maintence + its only like 7 euro each month, I just buyed membership btw
Also, think about it logically, if it worked yesterday, I doubt it will take long before its avaible in Europe again, because they already found a way to make it work here, so yeah :P
i dont think its a maintence. It says the game isnt available here and since people say its coming fall i dont think it will come back tommorow or late today. If thats true u just waisted a membership. Thats what i call not thinking while purchasing, you have to be sure the game is here ready to be played not just hurry and buy a membership on the second u see u can enter the site
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 20, 2011, 06:21PM
Awesome thanks again. Don't forget the disguises and ur cuz as alternatives to paying more lol. Will u pm the codes btw?
If i can get only some codes i will pm only to some persons, and if i get only one i use it and post here but if i get alot of codes i post all here to everyone,btw the comic con is today!Im really excited to complete my X-Men collection.
Quote from: Fairy of the Sun on July 21, 2011, 08:10AM
i dont think its a maintence. It says the game isnt available here and since people say its coming fall i dont think it will come back tommorow or late today. If thats true u just waisted a membership. Thats what i call not thinking while purchasing, you have to be sure the game is here ready to be played not just hurry and buy a membership on the second u see u can enter the site
If his membership continues, he can send in a ticket and they will fix that for him. Their not gonna just take money from someone like that without giving them what they paid for.
Look, I dont really mind, ok? Sure, it ll be 7 euros waisted, so? Its not like im poor :P PLUS, I only paid for 1 month, so its not completly waisted (seeing as how I got Black Widow and Giant man) And then, admit it, you also thought the game was going to stay, I seriously think its stupid that they removed it again while it worked :P And Fairy of the Sun, sure it was said to be around September, but think about it like this
They already got it to work, that means they figured a way to make it work in Europe, I dont think they are going to spend a month doing nothing about it, seeing how its also one of the most popular shows here, which gives THEM more players :P, so I dont believe its going all the way to fall just so its online again, but thats my point of thinking
Oh and Daken, I doubt this is gonna be their last X-men realese, seeing as how its one of marvel fans most wanted teams (even here I can fully complete my MUA roster with X-men characters XD)
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 21, 2011, 08:24AM
If i can get only some codes i will pm only to some persons, and if i get only one i use it and post here but if i get alot of codes i post all here to everyone,btw the comic con is today!Im really excited to complete my X-Men collection.
good luck with the codes hopefully you get a bunch :D
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 20, 2011, 02:16PM
Its almost time for the Comic Con(Psylocke code),and if i give some extra money to the guy who give the codes he will let me take more codes,so you all can expect Psylocke to be playable very soon XD.
Thank you so much Daken! Will you pm the codes?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 21, 2011, 12:06PM
Thank you so much Daken! Will you pm the codes?
Yes,but if i get alot of codes i will post here.
Ok, thanks a lot Daken!
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 21, 2011, 12:09PM
Yes,but if i get alot of codes i will post here.
So are you in San Diego?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 21, 2011, 12:11PM
So are you in San Diego?
Yeah,im here since the beginning of the vacations.
Ok, and when does the Comic Con start?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 21, 2011, 12:34PM
Ok, and when does the Comic Con start?
Already started,but im going tonight,around 7 pm.(6 pm. in the U.S.A.,and yeah thats confuse)
Ok, thanks a lot Daken!
Got Wasp :D She's pretty cool... and so cute! lol.
i got classic thor
I wonder when the game will be online in Europe.....again xD I had 415 gold trying to buy Emma Frost, then do missions with her to get silver to buy Jean. 3 of my heroes are locked Iron Man, Black Widow and Hulkbuster IronMan.
well, if it is true then its September, which I think is amazingly dumb (im sorry but really) because then school starts again, making kids have less time to game :(
i know right. But i dont think its September, i sent a help ticket thingy regarding its release date and about the short availability of the game 2-3 days ago. It might have been a test to see if ProSebien ( dk if i spelled it right ) can make the game available in Europe ect. I will see they're answer when they recive the ticket
Cool, could you post the reply here as well? Really curious what they have to say about it :)
Also, call me dumb call me stupid, but how do you send a help ticket? I have been googling a bit but I couldnt find a direct link to these tickets (I wanna send them bout my member issue)
i will upload the ticket what they sent me if its something new not the same old message
hey im going on soon will i be able to hang out with anyone
why havent they replied yet
When are we getting the Psylocke codes? i'm getting impatient.
You mean from Fox? Come on, its Comic-Con, it defintly could take a while, you should be happy he's atleast willing to share these codes
Quote from: Fairy of the Sun on July 26, 2011, 08:53AM
why havent they replied yet
Who knows? perhaps they're getting enough messages about the whole Europe thing?
But seriously, how do you send one of these tickets??
I am happy and i'm very grateful, i'm just commenting that i'm getting impatient XD
Its not even sure who gets the codes, and if he has more then one code(s)
Well, by the time its avaible in Europe, anyone is walking around with Psylocke XD
lol, it wasn't me who was getting the codes. It was Daken Howlett.
About the Psylocke codes,its a one-time code,so i cant just give it away,so i used it,sorry for everyone who wanted the codes,but i coudnt do nothing,they wont let me take another,i tried,its not that easy.Im sorry,i would like to give codes to everyone but i cant,i tried to get more but they just didnt let me in,i hope you all forgive me.
You don't need to be forgiven, it isn't your fault. :) Were all just gonna have to wait to she's purchasable in the store.
Thanks for trying, Daken Howlett.
Thanks for triying Daken.
im going on in an hour and a half who will join me
Quote from: Daken Howlett on July 26, 2011, 03:53PM
About the Psylocke codes,its a one-time code,so i cant just give it away,so i used it,sorry for everyone who wanted the codes,but i coudnt do nothing,they wont let me take another,i tried,its not that easy.Im sorry,i would like to give codes to everyone but i cant,i tried to get more but they just didnt let me in,i hope you all forgive me.
I need to play the game with you to see how Psylocke is!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 26, 2011, 04:43PM
I need to play the game with you to see how Psylocke is!
Her first power emote remind me of Emma Frost,its almost the same,and the second i didnt unlocked...anyway i will try to get some images of her in the game.
im going on in half an hour will somone be joining me?
hey cool american dream is at the shops for 600 gold
Quote from: fox456 on July 26, 2011, 01:06PM
lol, it wasn't me who was getting the codes. It was Daken Howlett.
xd sorry
Its all right Daken. We all understand and its fine. You tried and that's what counts.
Can anyone tell me what Jean's powers are.
Power Emotes
3 Powers in Missions
Hero Up
I wrote them in this thread a while ago. Try searching for it.
Ugh, the website is really killing me :P, perhaps it is going to be online in Europe, but it just kinda sucks, each day, I look at the site, and each day, I get the same message :P
(Can someone PLEASE tell me how I can send these help tickets??)
This is the message the SHSO Staff answered my sent ticket
Thank you for contacting us regarding the availability of Super Hero Squad Online in your area.
At this time Customer Support does not have any additional information on when we will be live in your region.
For a brief period, Super Hero Squad Online may have been mistakenly available in some areas outside the US, however the issue was corrected.
Thank you for patience during this time, and we look forward to seeing you in Super Hero City,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
I think thats kind of messed up. It was mistakenly available. So first off it should be avaliable, second I find that kind of rude
I should try American Dream, although i preffer to save up for Dr. Strange and Phoenix. Who do you think that's coming next? Daredevil, Psylocke, Dr. Strange, Phoenix? who? i think Dr. Strange
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on July 28, 2011, 09:09AM
I should try American Dream, although i preffer to save up for Dr. Strange and Phoenix. Who do you think that's coming next? Daredevil, Psylocke, Dr. Strange, Phoenix? who? i think Dr. Strange
Or Beast and Mohawk Storm.
Well that answer sucks :P
But seriously though, How do you send one of these TICKETS???
I really want to know, and I cant find a link :P Please say :)
Red Hulk is coming sometime this week... (boooo) Whatever.
Quote from: Polygone on July 28, 2011, 11:57AM
Well that answer sucks :P
But seriously though, How do you send one of these TICKETS???
I really want to know, and I cant find a link :P Please say :)
When you go to the site, look through all the tabs at the top (like my account...I think) But if your sending a ticket about it not being available there, it's not gonna help. They only help on minor things, like with the gold or buggs.
I know what hero is coming next thanks to facebook
QuoteComing next week... he's big, he's smart, and he's very red!
Red Hulk, all though I must say I could care less.
Edit: Well know I want a Red She Hulk XD
Quote from: Fairy of the Sun on July 28, 2011, 08:31AM
This is the message the SHSO Staff answered my sent ticket
I thought that was a poor reply to your question. What about the people who actually paid for a subscription during that "short" time? Will they get credit when the game does become available or will they get a refund? I hope they don't get scammed.
I'm sure they'll continue from where they left off. Other wise, that's a court date :D lol
So I made an account to see what this is all about and i got through the tutorial just fine, then i came back later and played a mission and it was really slow and laggy. anybody know what that's all about?
It's usually like that for me because of how many people are online. Plus, I change my look of the game to "fastest" in the options menu. That helps a lot too. Some missions have some bugs as well, but most of them don't...I think... lol.
The game does take alot of system resources.
the staff is really killing me with the whole unavailable in Europe thing. I mean how long will it take for them to launch it since it ran a couple of days ago. I find it rude and annyoying, its like they dont want us to play xD
Well not to give you guys in Europe false hope, but I believe the redirection link changed, first it was always international.heroup (that was the sign of doom for me :P)
But now its international.stag.heroup.
But I dont know what stag means XD
Yeah i noticed that too, and there are only 2 people from Europe. Me and you. Or is there someone else i havent noticed
Oh well, I like to talk that way, so everyone knows more of us are suffering XD
But I think they did the stag for either 1: Because they're finally TRYING to get it to work
or 2 : To test if they have good control over the website in Euorpe,
But I think they ARE realising that People will notice this, so its probally (and hopefully) 1 :)
Do we need a paypal account to get a subscription? Or at least offer to take paypal?
Quote from: Scabbia on July 29, 2011, 11:06AM
Do we need a paypal account to get a subscription? Or at least offer to take paypal?
No you dont need one
Do you know if they take paypal? If they don't then i have to get a prepaid card and I don't want to waist the money like that.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 29, 2011, 11:16AM
Do you know if they take paypal? If they don't then i have to get a prepaid card and I don't want to waist the money like that.
Im sure they do, did you go into the membership thing and all that until you could pick what you used for your payment option?
I havent tried yet. I'm not at home. Im shopping... But I just thought I would ask here so I knew if I should stop to get a prepaid card or not
Quote from: Scabbia on July 29, 2011, 11:22AM
I havent tried yet. I'm not at home. Im shopping... But I just thought I would ask here so I knew if I should stop to get a prepaid card or not
Im sure you can, but Im not 100% and do they even have prepaid cards?
I don't know if THEY do, but i know they'll take a visa prepaid
I was able to go to the other part of the website like now i cant because of the new stag thing
well in a sense you should be happy because they are focesing on the europian site :)
i used paypal
I tried to see if I could use paypal earlier, but it kept saying there was an error. So I think I have to get a prepaid card... Which sucks...
Yeah, just tried again to use paypal and still gives me an error. This sucks.... oh well. Just have to waitabout4 months before I can get my next character lol.
i dont think they are making a special europeon site or server. I think there will be only one server the current one. They are just expanding the server's reach
Yep, but personally I dont really care about the realese date anymore, the SHS team promised its gonna be realesed in Europe, it was rumored to be around september (which once again, is pretty stupid, cause school starts in september, so THEY have less players during laucn but whatever) and well, there's only one month between September
According to the rumors, it was going to be around 22th of September, but seeing as the company made a deal with philips digital something something , it COULD be earlier (as I doubt this deal was planned :) )
I'm saving up all my gold since my membership should be ending soon. But I dont know if I should buy one hero. I kind of want American Dream and Wasp but I dont want to buy them both, if I even buy one. Because I plan on buying Mohawk Storm and Phoenix first, and Psylocke eventually I just wish we knew when they were coming out and how much they are going to cost because they we would know how much to save up.
Then why dont you still save? :P
From my first and last playday, I learned you still get plenty 'o gold if you're a free member, and well, Psylocke IS confirmed, so If I where you, I would just save :P But its your choice
If you however really want to go buy, I'll personally recommend Wasp, But thats just because I dislike these ...... America American...... characters (no offense to the Americans, I just dont like the characters Marvel ripped off from the name XD)
Plus, Wasp actually has powers :D
I know I want to save I already have like 2500 gold, but since both of them are 600 when I reached 2600 I didn't know if I should buy one and then save the 200 and what ever else I can get before my membership runs out. I wouldn't buy both or more the 1, but I dont know if I even will buy one.
You don't get "plenty" of gold as a free member. You got a 5 gold spot on the prize wheel a day. That's it. Which means if a free member gets that 5 gold a day, it will take 4 months just to get 600 gold (If they started with 0.) Not to mention it'll take longer just to get a 1000... My opinion, I'd save. Wasp is a good character, but being a Phoenix fan... yeah, I'd stick with saving. American Dream is just like Captain America and Bucky, maybe with a few differences, but not much. I'd just get bucky if you want a character like her since he's silver.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 30, 2011, 10:39AM
You don't get "plenty" of gold as a free member. You got a 5 gold spot on the prize wheel a day. That's it. Which means if a free member gets that 5 gold a day, it will take 4 months just to get 600 gold (If they started with 0.) Not to mention it'll take longer just to get a 1000... My opinion, I'd save. Wasp is a good character, but being a Phoenix fan... yeah, I'd stick with saving. American Dream is just like Captain America and Bucky, maybe with a few differences, but not much. I'd just get bucky if you want a character like her since he's silver.
I dont really have much silver lol, I think Im up to 3200 XD. And I wish they would get rid of those stupid things that give you paint and crap. I hate those, its such a waste. I dont know about anybody else but I never use my shield thing I think Ive been there once with my Spirit Marshmellow account
Agreed, especially since all that stuff is real cheap in the store AND you get the characters paint and stuff when leveling up. I've been on there since they made all the rooms for all members. Only cause I wanted to do Rogue and Gambit's room. Then I ended up doing Jean with Cyclops and Giant Man with Wasp. lol I was bored...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 30, 2011, 10:44AM
Agreed, especially since all that stuff is real cheap in the store AND you get the characters paint and stuff when leveling up. I've been on there since they made all the rooms for all members. Only cause I wanted to do Rogue and Gambit's room. Then I ended up doing Jean with Cyclops and Giant Man with Wasp. lol I was bored...
I started to do Jeans room, but I couldn't figure out how to make it her room (Because isnt there away to set it?) And then I accidently moved a piece of the furiture and it flew across the room and everything went flying every where, so I was like I'm done XD
Furniture everywhere? lol That would have been cool to see. I don't know if you can set it like that. I just put their stuff in the rooms. And I gave Rogue and Gambits room Rogue's paint :D I didn't care too much cause I don't really get on there.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 30, 2011, 10:49AM
Furniture everywhere? lol That would have been cool to see. I don't know if you can set it like that. I just put their stuff in the rooms. And I gave Rogue and Gambits room Rogue's paint :D I didn't care too much cause I don't really get on there.
Yeah if you put the stuff down and then click on it and throw it it will hit other stuff and it will all go flying around everywhere, same with the people
Been there done that XD, I think im still having a messy helicarrier XD
Quote from: Polygone on July 30, 2011, 10:54AM
Been there done that XD, I think im still having a messy helicarrier XD
Lol, thats mainly the only reason I go in there, Is to pick up the heroes at throw um across the screen XD. Or pause and the put all the stuff I have ontop of each other and then watch it fall XD
Btw Phoenix is rumored to be a member-only character as well as Mohawk Storm. All alternative characters are going to be only members only
Quote from: White Queen on July 30, 2011, 12:06PM
Btw Phoenix is rumored to be a member-only character as well as Mohawk Storm. All alternative characters are going to be only members only
.... WTF Im gonna be so mad if they do that! First I would be like :hyper: "Phoenix oh my god shes out!" Then when I saw shes member only :eek: Then when I try to buy her, even tho I cant :lamer: Then I would run and scream :runaway:
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 12:14PM
.... WTF Im gonna be so mad if they do that! First I would be like :hyper: "Phoenix oh my god shes out!" Then when I saw shes member only :eek: Then when I try to buy her, even tho I cant :lamer: Then I would run and scream :runaway:
LOL what a nice plan xD
And im sure they will do it, Phoenix, Mohawk Storm, Red Hulk and future alternative characters will be member only content. But im not 100 % sure.
Quote from: White Queen on July 30, 2011, 12:18PM
LOL what a nice plan xD
And im sure they will do it, Phoenix, Mohawk Storm, Red Hulk and future alternative characters will be member only content. But im not 100 % sure.
Lol thank you very much! :bowdown1: I wish they would at least make it so after you buy member only things once your not a member any more you can still use the things you own, but not buy the members only stuff
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 12:19PM
Lol thank you very much! :bowdown1: I wish they would at least make it so after you buy member only things once your not a member any more you can still use the things you own, but not buy the members only stuff
yeah that would really make it better. I think when Doctor Strange is released they might release a Dormammu mission as well or Mephisto mission. I would love if they add an X-Mansion zone or Oscorp Zone. Do you know that the danger room is also their cafeteria, jym and Chess Club room xD they said it on one of the episodes of super hero squad show
Quote from: White Queen on July 30, 2011, 12:23PM
yeah that would really make it better. I think when Doctor Strange is released they might release a Dormammu mission as well or Mephisto mission. I would love if they add an X-Mansion zone or Oscorp Zone. Do you know that the danger room is also their cafeteria, jym and Chess Club room xD they said it on one of the episodes of super hero squad show
We need more worlds to go to, the X-Mansion would be so fun, or the Astral Plane XD released along wtih Phoenix and a Dark Phoenix mission or Shadowking mission.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 12:29PM
We need more worlds to go to, the X-Mansion would be so fun, or the Astral Plane XD released along wtih Phoenix and a Dark Phoenix mission or Shadowking mission.
Oooo Astral Plane. Me like Astral Plane xD Yeah but only telepaths can go there. I think they might add a Shadowking mission if they add Professor X as a playable character. Wheelchair version
Quote from: White Queen on July 30, 2011, 12:32PM
Oooo Astral Plane. Me like Astral Plane xD Yeah but only telepaths can go there. I think they might add a Shadowking mission if they add Professor X as a playable character. Wheelchair version
Well they can make a special portal where non Telepaths can go XD Haven't they done that before? Like in XML1 they did that
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 12:39PM
Well they can make a special portal where non Telepaths can go XD Haven't they done that before? Like in XML1 they did that
Well yeah they did that, i just dont know where they will put the portal xD
They should have added a Stephford Cucoos mission when they added Emma
Quote from: White Queen on July 30, 2011, 12:45PM
Well yeah they did that, i just dont know where they will put the portal xD
They should have added a Stephford Cucoos mission when they added Emma
Well when you go to the astral plane before you can enter it could make you stand on a thing that makes a buuble around you or something that makes you able to go in the astral plane, like how the baxter building has the thing that can make you invisible. And I agree about the cuckoos, but we havent had a mission yet where there was more then one main bad guy.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 12:19PM
Lol thank you very much! :bowdown1: I wish they would at least make it so after you buy member only things once your not a member any more you can still use the things you own, but not buy the members only stuff
I agree 100%.
Oh, and isn't there a mission that has two villains that involves fire and ice?
Quote from: fox456 on July 30, 2011, 01:48PM
I agree 100%.
Oh, and isn't there a mission that has two villains that involves fire and ice?
Oh yeah maybe, when it was May and all the Thor stuff was coming out. But Ive never played it so I dont rememeber
Quote from: fox456 on July 30, 2011, 01:48PM
I agree 100%.
Oh, and isn't there a mission that has two villains that involves fire and ice?
Yes it is between Ymir and Surtur and quite a fun mission?
Anybody tried Nick Fury, American Dream, Bucky Cap, or the Red Skull mission yet? Just bought Fury and might get American Dream.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 02:34PM
Yes it is between Ymir and Surtur and quite a fun mission?
Anybody tried Nick Fury, American Dream, Bucky Cap, or the Red Skull mission yet? Just bought Fury and might get American Dream.
I havent tried any of them, BTW are you back from Camp now? I need someone to play on the game with it seems not many people get on much :P
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 02:34PM
Yes it is between Ymir and Surtur and quite a fun mission?
Anybody tried Nick Fury, American Dream, Bucky Cap, or the Red Skull mission yet? Just bought Fury and might get American Dream.
I have Bucky, already have him maxed. He's good.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 02:40PM
I need someone to play on the game with it seems not many people get on much :P
I get on everyday, just in the mornings cause in the afternoon, I'm busy. Sometimes I gt on late at night though...
Quote from: Scabbia on July 30, 2011, 02:42PM
I have Bucky, already have him maxed. He's good.
I get on everyday, just in the mornings cause in the afternoon, I'm busy. Sometimes I gt on late at night though...
Really! We need to play, because I dont think Im even friends with you yet. I normally only get on to get my daily gold and get a few more tickets because nobody else is on that I want to play with XD
I thought I had you on my friends list....oh well, if you ever see Funny Cat, that's me. I almost have my last character Maxed (Wasp) so if I am not her, then I'm Rogue.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 30, 2011, 02:46PM
I thought I had you on my friends list....oh well, if you ever see Funny Cat, that's me. I almost have my last character Maxed (Wasp) so if I am not her, then I'm Rogue.
Ok, Hmm i hope I didnt delete you If I had you as a friend because I used to add everyone that wanted to be my friend and I guess you can only have 100 friends and a meesage poped up XD so I deleted everyone but the people from here, but I know I wouldn't have deleted you because I had the list open from here of all the people who play :/
I need to do that same thing with the "friend list cleaning." :)
BTW, I have played the Red Skull mission and it's alot of fun because it's different from all the others. I won't spoil it for you....
Quote from: fox456 on July 30, 2011, 05:00PM
I need to do that same thing with the "friend list cleaning." :)
BTW, I have played the Red Skull mission and it's alot of fun because it's different from all the others. I won't spoil it for you....
Well at least its different then all the others. And yeah about the friends, I cant believe that I had that many friends when the message poped up I couldn't believe it!
Yeah I'm back from camp so I'll be regularly on like before. Thanks for the info about the new stuff btw.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 07:40PM
Yeah I'm back from camp so I'll be regularly on like before. Thanks for the info about the new stuff btw.
Yay! Glad your back! :laola:
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 07:41PM
Yay! Glad your back! :laola:
Thanks, glad to be back.
Tried out Fury and he is really fun. American Dream on the other hand is basically just Cap with a few variants that make really no difference to be honest.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 08:01PM
Thanks, glad to be back.
Tried out Fury and he is really fun. American Dream on the other hand is basically just Cap with a few variants that make really no difference to be honest.
XD Well then Im glad I didn't buy her.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 30, 2011, 08:02PM
XD Well then Im glad I didn't buy her.
I enjoyed Cap enough that I can live with American Dream although I was hoping for better. I still have a subscription going so I don't mind too much.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 08:03PM
I enjoyed Cap enough that I can live with American Dream although I was hoping for better. I still have a subscription going so I don't mind too much.
I have Cap already so if she is just like him then I dont need to buy her, would you like to do a mission?
I've had a long day thanks to a boring flight, running between buildings, and lots of crying and hugging so I'm turning in now but I'll be glad to play with you tommorrow.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on July 30, 2011, 08:13PM
I've had a long day thanks to a boring flight, running between buildings, and lots of crying and hugging so I'm turning in now but I'll be glad to play with you tommorrow.
i'm severely unimpressed with this game. on my computer it's extravagantly laggy (even on fast settings), gameplay is depressingly over basic and limited making boss fights unnecessarily hard, especially considering many of the people on there are inconsistant and tend to leave missions before you get through the first section. it's just not worth the time i could put in >,<
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on July 30, 2011, 10:38PM
i'm severely unimpressed with this game. on my computer it's extravagantly laggy (even on fast settings), gameplay is depressingly over basic and limited making boss fights unnecessarily hard, especially considering many of the people on there are inconsistant and tend to leave missions before you get through the first section. it's just not worth the time i could put in >,<
I dont think people always leave the mission. But there game crashes or the loss connection. I dont think Ive ever had someone just leave before, but maybe Im wrong
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on July 30, 2011, 10:38PM
i'm severely unimpressed with this game. on my computer it's extravagantly laggy (even on fast settings), gameplay is depressingly over basic and limited making boss fights unnecessarily hard, especially considering many of the people on there are inconsistant and tend to leave missions before you get through the first section. it's just not worth the time i could put in >,<
Boss fights are fairly easy. Especially when you play by yourself. If you play with 3 or 4 other people, expect at least 1 or 2 to leave while in the middle of battle. (Which is ok cause then the mission becomes a bit easier.) Once in a blue moon does the mission completely succeed with all 4 players. (At least in my experience) This morning was like maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I played a full mission with 4 people all together. The game was made mostly for children (like younger than 13), so don't expect too much. However, when your on with people you know (like everyone on here) then it makes the experience better. For myself, I just like to get on there and beat up Mystique with Rogue, plus it's a challenge to get all the characters I have maxed out and all the medals for each character :)
Well, I am basicly someone with tons of friends (the kind of guy who accepts friend requests from everyone :P) and when you like get 100 invites for the daily mission, (mostly accepted these also) but I honestly got sick of Doc Ock! His mission has 3 SECTIONS, 3!, (including the boss, but whatever) so mostly when I saw what mission we did, I left XD
I've never left a mission with someone by choice. However, I've lost the connection a couple of times and I'm guessing it appears that I left the mission on purpose. Also, I have only once finished the first Asgard mission (Loki's?). It would get to a point where the game would just not let anyone continue on or something else would happen. One time I went "falling" off the screen, floating downward to oblivion. Actually, that floating off the main level of fighting has also happened in some other missions. But it's usually one of the villains. Then, you can't proceed until you kill him. However, you can't reach him to fight him, so you have to restart.
Ive never left a mission either. Only several due to crashes, disconnections and bugs ( especially the picking up an object one and still being in your hand and not being able to be thrown ) but i think they fixed that
It seems like even when the mission is buggy for me, I start dancing while everyone goes running around trying to see whats wrong XD
Anybody on right now?
Getting on in 5-10 minutes. :)
Red Hulk was added, you can buy him with 1000 gold. Hopefuly Dr. Strange will be next.
Why are you so certain, its Dr. Strange who is going to be added next?
I don't know, i said Hopefuly he's going to come next, i really want Dr. Strange, or maybe they'll add Elektra and Daredevil.
I think we might know which zone is coming next.
A person posted this in facebook
"I heard that VillianVille is the next gamezone. I hope it is! =D"
Another posted this
"Maybe the X-Mansion should be the next zone, we have a lot of X-Men so it would make more sense, and i imagine it being XML1 style. (XML1= X-Men Legends 1)"
which was replied with this
"Again, the game is based off the cartoon. And there is no X-Mansion in the cartoon. It's an X-School.
You can see here in this picture, taken from an episode of Super Heor Squad Show. in this episode the hero city is flooded ( i cant remember why ) and you can see Jean Grey here standing on the roof of the school, using her telekinetic powers to keep the water from flooding the X-School
Has anyone played City of Heroes/ Villians? If so you'll know what Im talking about. I think we should have these places for heroes/ Then in Villianville we can buy villian characters, but in the hero citys the villians are locked and same with the heores in the villian city. But there are/ is 1 or more special place where you can play both villians and heroes and also do joint missions.
Quote from: White Queen on August 03, 2011, 02:09PM
I think we might know which zone is coming next.
A person posted this in facebook
"I heard that VillianVille is the next gamezone. I hope it is! =D"
Another posted this
"Maybe the X-Mansion should be the next zone, we have a lot of X-Men so it would make more sense, and i imagine it being XML1 style. (XML1= X-Men Legends 1)"
which was replied with this
"Again, the game is based off the cartoon. And there is no X-Mansion in the cartoon. It's an X-School.
You can see here in this picture, taken from an episode of Super Heor Squad Show. in this episode the hero city is flooded ( i cant remember why ) and you can see Jean Grey here standing on the roof of the school, using her telekinetic powers to keep the water from flooding the X-School
do you know what episode of the show that is? also i hope they make a x-men zone i would always be there :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on August 03, 2011, 02:34PM
do you know what episode of the show that is? also i hope they make a x-men zone i would always be there :D
Yes the episode is from season 1 - Ice Man Cometh. And if they make an x-men zone i will always be there too xD
btw has anyone heard the peppy cheer ( she is a cheerleader, the only one also xD ) "Call me Phoenix, call me Jean. Red-haired, mutant, prom night queen. I'll rap you with a mental hurl, if you call me Marvel Girl Go Mutants!"
Quote from: White Queen on August 03, 2011, 02:45PM
Yes the episode is from season 1 - Ice Man Cometh. And if they make an x-men zone i will always be there too xD
btw has anyone heard the peppy cheer ( she is a cheerleader, the only one also xD ) "Call me Phoenix, call me Jean. Red-haired, mutant, prom night queen. I'll rap you with a mental hurl, if you call me Marvel Girl Go Mutants!"
Yeah i thought it was cute she had to do all that just to turn into phoenix or use her powers lol
Quote from: White Queen on August 03, 2011, 02:09PM
I think we might know which zone is coming next.
A person posted this in facebook
"I heard that VillianVille is the next gamezone. I hope it is! =D"
Another posted this
"Maybe the X-Mansion should be the next zone, we have a lot of X-Men so it would make more sense, and i imagine it being XML1 style. (XML1= X-Men Legends 1)"
which was replied with this
"Again, the game is based off the cartoon. And there is no X-Mansion in the cartoon. It's an X-School.
You can see here in this picture, taken from an episode of Super Hero Squad Show. in this episode the hero city is flooded ( i cant remember why ) and you can see Jean Grey here standing on the roof of the school, using her telekinetic powers to keep the water from flooding the X-School
Hey i posted that in facebook: "Maybe the X-Mansion should be the next zone, we have a lot of X-Men so it would make more sense, and i imagine it being XML1 style. (XML1= X-Men Legends 1)" and let's hope that that X-School will be the next zone. Btw, this scene reminds me a lot of X2 X-Men United, where Jean (sadly) sacrifices herself to save the others.
Just an FYI, the city was flooded because the villians made a machine on one of the pole's (north or south, I dunno :P) which reverses polarity or something.
Loved that episode, Especially because of Iceman XD
There was an update last night. Wonder if we got anything although I doubt it.
I got online today, there is nothing new. I wonder if they fixed some bugs.
A new zone, Villainville, will be coming this month. I wonder if its "villain theme month" considering how we got Red Hulk this month as well.
Are you sure Villianville is coming this mount. Where did you read it. In some article if yes can you please post the link :-) This article just says Villianville is coming in August!
Actually while thinking this over in my free time (aka, the entire day :D) Im actually happy its not yet realesed in Europe
Think about it (not to discredit the beta) but its like each week they get something new, however, we never really knew the beta, we can just play the finished product (Im 100 % positive that they still be coming with more and more characters, but thats not my point) that means we pretty much get a glitchfree game :)
Anyway, Villianville sounds awesome, I just think its weird if you go to the shop there, you will still have to buy heroes instead of villians :P
P.S even though I denied it in previous post, Ill think we get to play the game around september, I saw a post which said that the rumors were that it was gonna be realesed around the 22 of September :), so thats a month and something like 2 weeks :D
Quote from: Polygone on August 05, 2011, 09:45AM
Actually while thinking this over in my free time (aka, the entire day :D) Im actually happy its not yet realesed in Europe
Think about it (not to discredit the beta) but its like each week they get something new, however, we never really knew the beta, we can just play the finished product (Im 100 % positive that they still be coming with more and more characters, but thats not my point) that means we pretty much get a glitchfree game :)
Anyway, Villianville sounds awesome, I just think its weird if you go to the shop there, you will still have to buy heroes instead of villians :P
P.S even though I denied it in previous post, Ill think we get to play the game around september, I saw a post which said that the rumors were that it was gonna be realesed around the 22 of September :), so thats a month and something like 2 weeks :D
I agree about the buying heroes in villianville. Im sure you will have your fare share of Glithes we do, everyday people are running around inviting their friends to missions because they found a new glith XD
Now thats what I call true friendship XD
Quote from: Polygone on August 05, 2011, 09:50AM
Now thats what I call true friendship XD
:highfive: Yes it is :P
Im getting online if anyone wants to play a couple of missions
My name is Flash Steel Viper
Uh i want it to be in europe as early as it can be. I want to try the new content xD
And i read about the Villianville coming to August.
They will probably release new characters with that. As they did with the Asgard Expansion Pack.
Between Spider-Girl and Classic Thor, who do you guys think I should buy? Note that I have every character, gold and silver, with the exceptions of Red Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, Reptile, and Spider-Man.
Ooh hard one, im not postive but im pretty sure Spider-Girl has the exact same moves as Spider-Woman, if I were you I would buy Thor, but thats just because im not all to familair with Spider-Girl
I'm not familiar with Spider-Girl either but she is quite different from Spider-Woman (They have completely different powers). However I'm not sure if she isn't identical to Spider-Man. A New female is coming, this time its hard to tell who she is. It is said that she isn't in the game already. So no Phoenix im guessing XD
I'm guessing either red she-hulk or Kitty. I hope it's Kitty lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 08, 2011, 08:37AM
I'm guessing either red she-hulk or Kitty. I hope it's Kitty lol.
I forgot about Kitty, I hope for her to. I would love a Red Shehulkie to :D
Well it does say she's not already in the game. So that's why I thought of Kitty, especially with the outline of the character. But I also though red she hulk since red hulk is already out. Idk, guess we'll find out :)
:jumping: I hope for Kitty now, as long as she isn't agents only or I will probably go insane! XD
I don't think its Kitty as Kitty has different hair and shoulderpads according to her model. Its probably (and unfortunately) Red She-Hulk.
Yeah, I just said that on facebook. lol. Now that I've looked at it more, it does look more like Red Shulkie. Which sucks.
I still think it doesn't make sense because there is already a She Hulk in game and they said she isn't already in game. And if its Red She Hulk I would think that would count
She Hulk is, but Red She Hulk isn't. :) It makes sense though sense Red Hulk was just released.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 08, 2011, 08:48AM
I still think it doesn't make sense because there is already a She Hulk in game and they said she isn't already in game. And if its Red She Hulk I would think that would count
She-Hulk and Red She-Hulk are different people. Even if they weren't, I think they'd count as different playable characters.
I know they are different people. Jen, and Betty but I think this should have been a different female character although I do like Red She Hulk :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 08, 2011, 08:54AM
I know they are different people. Jen, and Betty but I think this should have been a different female character although I do like Red She Hulk :D
Agreed. I'm not really interested in the Hulk family and I was hoping for somebody else as well. I really wish it was Kitty or at least somebody else.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 08, 2011, 08:55AM
Agreed. I'm not really interested in the Hulk family and I was hoping for somebody else as well. I really wish it was Kitty or at least somebody else.
I agree... Well Kitty see you next time XD
With luck Villainville will be released alongside Red Shulkie but I doubt it. BTW later this month they will release a new card quest, this time on the Thing. So we have Thing, Black Panther, Iron Man, and Classic Thor now.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 08, 2011, 08:58AM
With luck Villainville will be released alongside Red Shulkie but I doubt it. BTW later this month they will release a new card quest, this time on the Thing. So we have Thing, Black Panther, Iron Man, and Classic Thor now.
I want Villianville with her to, but I think we need us A Phoenix card Quest or an X-Men quest
We won't be getting a Phoenix card quest anytime soon but a Jean one is likely. BTW did anybody buy the Super Hero Squad ONline magazine. I found it (but did not purchase it as it was between this and a Magik/Warlock Minimate Pack) and looked through it and there are plans for new zones such as the Savage Land, Madripoor, Wakanda, and Atlantis.
They also had a page called the Hulk family with Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, She-Hulk, and Red Hulk. The lack of a Red She-Hulk there gives me hope that the new character will be somebody else.
Pics of Madripoor, Wakanda, Atlantis, and Villainville. BTW they will also have a White version of Elektra as playable.
Well lets hope its someone else good. :D Thanks for the pics
Oh! I hope they make everyone swim in Atlantis, that'll be my new favorite place :D lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 08, 2011, 09:31AM
Oh! I hope they make everyone swim in Atlantis, that'll be my new favorite place :D lol.
:DDD That would be amazing! And then they could release Namor, Namorita, possibly Namora or more likely Andromeda
(Not to change the subject, but...) OMG! Why do people have to argue with me online? lol. This guy keeps saying that Kitty would be "wack" cause all she can do is phase. Then said that even though she knows martial arts, she still would be wack and they wouldn't make her use Lockheed? um... If she uses her martial arts... PLUS phasing powers... PLUS Lockheed helping her, I don't think she would be "wack." And she's already planned to be on there anyways. lol Not to mention, like I said on there, most characters have a limit of what all they do. (I'm not any better argueing back I know) But geez, don't down something that you obviously don't know nothing about.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 08, 2011, 09:46AM
(Not to change the subject, but...) OMG! Why do people have to argue with me online? lol. This guy keeps saying that Kitty would be "wack" cause all she can do is phase. Then said that even though she knows martial arts, she still would be wack and they wouldn't make her use Lockheed? um... If she uses her martial arts... PLUS phasing powers... PLUS Lockheed helping her, I don't think she would be "wack." And she's already planned to be on there anyways. lol Not to mention, like I said on there, most characters have a limit of what all they do. (I'm not any better argueing back I know) But geez, don't down something that you obviously don't know nothing about.
Punch that jerk XD Kitty is one of my most favorite characters, in my fan fic for the longest time all I used was her phasing abilitys so she can be way unique. Give her duel swords, Lockheed and she can go kick some A$$
Edit: And I dont think anyone else can walk threw a robot and make them explode
lol I wouldn't punch him, but I'll laugh when they do release Kitty and the guy says she's fun to play. :D Then I'll be like " In Your Face!" lol joking. I wouldn't do that.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 08, 2011, 09:50AM
lol I wouldn't punch him, but I'll laugh when they do release Kitty and the guy says she's fun to play. :D Then I'll be like " In Your Face!" lol joking. I wouldn't do that.
I would >:D LOL
Well, im kinda happy right now, 20/21/22/23/24/25 September is drawing closer, while it kinda makes me pissed as well, seeing as how they contantly update the game with all kinds of new stuff, while they should make the game playable in other regions as well
Its kinda like updating a Beta of a certain game only you and a few friends can play :P
I personally love She-hulk, but its kinda of unneccasary to add Red-Shulkie, its kinda like the case of symbiote spiderman and spiderman, if you bought spiderman what would be really the need of symbiote Spiderman? Just for a symbiote look?? :P
Also, I have been managing to get to the news and stuff, but thats just to see the website (and no, its not the regular Google way)
Cant play the game though :P
Thanks for the pics, Marvelfan12345. I'm glad to hear that we are getting a new card quest and a new zone.
ok is it just me or did anyone know that if u pause the game and right click on a hero in your hq and then right click on a useable item they go to it
I didn't know that. I'll have to try it.
Since Wednesday seems to be the update today, its likely that Red Shulkie (or whoever the mystery character is) will be released tommorrow. Meanwhile some Wolverine cards I found which I felt like sharing.
I only have Telepathic Bonds so far and the rest are not available yet except for Fastball Special.
Those are some cool cards, especially the first and the last.
I've been locked out of the card game lately. Over the past week or so, I try to play a card game by hitting PLAY. No default character shows up in the middle of the page. So I choose a character from my roster. Nothing happens. I can't even get back to ANY part of the game. I just have to close the window.
Has anyone else had this problem? I sent them a ticket to see if they can fix it.
ive given up on the card game. i used 2 12 attack cards and they both only did 2 damage
Can just please ANYBODY tell me how to send these Tickets :P, I wanna send one to :P
The cards look great! I have not been a fan of the card game, but thats because I hate cards (I have nothing against Gambit though :P)
I love the second card :), Jean with her ''Im not impressed'' attitude XD
Quote from: Polygone on August 10, 2011, 03:26AM
Can just please ANYBODY tell me how to send these Tickets :P, I wanna send one to :P
I thought I told you this already? Oh well, go to the main site. If you can, log in. Go to "Help" A new window should pop up, then click on the tab "Request Support" and then click "Submit Ticket"
Ahah, I wonder how fairy of the sun was able to send em a ticket then? :P oh well
And im Pretty sure you didnt tell me, in case you did, sorry I didnt read it :P
EDIT : sorry, you told me :P, your post was on the bottom of the page so maybe thats why I dindnt read it :P, oh well, once again sorry XD
lol Its ok. I couldn't remember myself if I did or not. :) At least you know how to now though. That's all that matters :D
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on August 10, 2011, 12:22AM
ive given up on the card game. i used 2 12 attack cards and they both only did 2 damage
That used to bug me like crazy. But, I found out why. As the defender's deck is peeling off cards from the damage you gave him, if a card of the color needed to defend the attack pops up, that ends the damage. It's sort of like the heroes in the deck are doing a little something to protect you.
Quote from: fox456 on August 10, 2011, 12:37PM
That used to bug me like crazy. But, I found out why. As the defender's deck is peeling off cards from the damage you gave him, if a card of the color needed to defend the attack pops up, that ends the damage. It's sort of like the heroes in the deck are doing a little something to protect you.
Yeah those cards have a chance to block you. Its really annoying but helpful when its happening to your opponent lol.
Anyway I was bored so I went ahead and redecorated my whole HQ. I'll post the rooms right now.
I thought Reed was married? XD (cus he's sitting next to Rogue XD)
Looks great, love Spider-woman hopping on her bed even though she can fly :P
So far nothing new on the entire Europian thingie *sigh* :P, well they better make it avaible THIS year XD
Who's room is Wasp in? And I love how you put the Mystique punching bag in Rogue's room lol. I actually thought about buying that just to put it in her room in my HQ. (That was yesterday) But I aint waistin gold.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 11, 2011, 04:14AM
Who's room is Wasp in? And I love how you put the Mystique punching bag in Rogue's room lol. I actually thought about buying that just to put it in her room in my HQ. (That was yesterday) But I aint waistin gold.
Wasp is in Storm's room. Yeah I really felt that Rogue needed more for her room so I went ahead and got her the punching bag.
Quote from: Polygone on August 11, 2011, 04:10AM
I thought Reed was married? XD (cus he's sitting next to Rogue XD)
Marriage is an empty promise in the Marvel Universe.
Love all of them but my favorite are Rogue's room and Jean's.There quit creative i think i might decorate my rooms like that :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on August 11, 2011, 02:33PM
Love all of them but my favorite are Rogue's room and Jean's.There quit creative i think i might decorate my rooms like that :D
Thanks. There's a new plant collection in the store so I'll make sure to add those to Storm's room.
Man! I was just about to get on, then I see "Gamedown Time 8pm" ... and it's 9pm. That was a slap in the face. lol
Quote from: Scabbia on August 11, 2011, 06:02PM
Man! I was just about to get on, then I see "Gamedown Time 8pm" ... and it's 9pm. That was a slap in the face. lol
Hopefully we are getting an update
Well I'm sure it's either Miss She Rulk herself or it's Villain Ville... or whatever. lol. I wish it was someone completely new... like Colossus or Kitty... Even though I can't get anyone anytime soon... (This 5 gold a day is crap.)
i getting sick of old dance on new dudes why cant they make new ones?
So we have Arcade Games coming, The Patriot Iron Man? And another Silver Surfer? I'm glad I don't have a membership this month, I'd be dissapointed. Although it's cool they finally added a card slot on the Prize Wheel. And hopefully we'll be getting a MODOK mission this month :D
We'll be getting MODOK and Abomination this month as well as Iron Patriot and Dark Surfer for playables. Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman are on sale for 600 gold while Red Shulkie is 600 too. You can now also buy silver with gold.
I thought Spider Woman and Spider Girl were already 600... And why would anyone want to buy silver with gold? Silver is too easy to get. It needs to be the other way around. Buy gold with silver. :D
When I first read Marvelfan12345's comment, I was thinking, "YES!" But I thought it was buying gold with silver! I agree with Scabbia, we need that feature. I am glad that there is now a card slot on the wheel, that's a thousand times better than paint at least. The card slot must be very new because I didn't see it on there yesterday afternoon.
Im getting ons so if anyone else is want to play? :)
The card slot just came out today. Is anybody buying Red Shulkie? I want to see if she's good or not.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 12, 2011, 10:07AM
The card slot just came out today. Is anybody buying Red Shulkie? I want to see if she's good or not.
I'm thinking about it. She is one of my favorite marvel characters (She Hulk not really Red She Hulk) But I will most likely buy her.
Bought Spider-Girl and she's really good! One of my new favs now.
I played with Marvelfan, and Spidergirl looked amazingly fun! I also bought Red She Hulk, She is extremly fun, but in some ways she is similar to She Hulk. Their fighting moves start out the same but end different. And a few other things but she is still fun and I dont regret buying her
aw, ya'll played without me. lol Dang. :) Actually i haven't been playin much since I lost the free trial. Kinda bored with it.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 12, 2011, 11:17AM
I played with Marvelfan, and Spidergirl looked amazingly fun! I also bought Red She Hulk, She is extremly fun, but in some ways she is similar to She Hulk. Their fighting moves start out the same but end different. And a few other things but she is still fun and I dont regret buying her
The Hulks have the most addictive jumps! I'd buy them all just for that. Tommorrow I might buy Red She-Hulk (or Reptile but I doubt him honestly) I don't care that much for Iron Patriot or Dark Silver Surfer so I think I'll go ahead and catch up on characters I don't have.
Are you guys still playing the card games? I don't have Panther or Thing's card missions yet but it looks like we can expect the Mole Man, Mysterio, Venom, and Bullseye eventually.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 12, 2011, 11:20AM
aw, ya'll played without me. lol Dang. :) Actually i haven't been playin much since I lost the free trial. Kinda bored with it.
Same here I got bored. I mean even before when you would get like 150 gold a day with the trial, I still got bored because it took too long in order to get new characters. Most people are about 600 gold, so it would take 4 days, and that means getting every bit of gold possible on the prize wheel which would take me like all day, so usually when I played, I would get like 50 gold a day because I couldn't spend that much time on the game. For me the game just got very boring. LOL I just don't have much patience when it comes to things like that.
They need to up it some. Leveling the characters up to 11 (being max) seems too short and the getting gold part is annoying, so yeah, it gets boring. I just got on there again, and didn't know what to do, cause I got everyone maxed out and no way of getting gold... so yeah. I'll be more happy when the Marvel Universe MMO comes out.
sorry marvelfan my stuff was loading so i couldn't join the game
For me, since all of my (few) characters are maxed out, I just take one hero around and pick up tickets and silver. I'd say half of my characters are members only, LOL! I agree with Scabbia that the max level should be raised ALOT. Even finding all the hero's tokens means nothing, although I usually still do that.
The new missions continue to be more varied, which is good. However, I haven't been playing them much.
The main thing I'm doing is the card game. I got my problem fixed by reloading a Unity file (or something) that the developers told me to check. The card game still has alot of freshness for me, especially when you play someone who has been buying the card sets that require gold. Plus, it's fun to make different decks as you get more cards. The bad thing is when someone quits the card game at the very end and you get no rewards at all. The quests are good to try out a new deck, but otherwise they are kind of dumb since you earn the same reward card every time you win the quest.
I liked the card game, but I find it kind of boring now. Even when you have attack cards it never lets me use them in the start of the game. And it just drags on so I dont do it any more. Im kind of bad with my characters because I only have like 3 maxed out, out of the bunch I have I believe Jean, Sue, and Maybe Storm XD
The card game is what I've been doing too. I've been trying to get all the medals for each hero. Mostly Rogue :D lol. But i cant play but maybe 1 or 2 card games cause it lags so much and then it kicks me off. Which is ok since I don't need to be on it all day lol. If we could buy gold with Silver at least, then I'd be on it more. But until then, something else has my attention :)
Ok, I have decided imma change my signature into a countdown XD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 12, 2011, 11:23AM
The Hulks have the most addictive jumps! I'd buy them all just for that. Tommorrow I might buy Red She-Hulk (or Reptile but I doubt him honestly) I don't care that much for Iron Patriot or Dark Silver Surfer so I think I'll go ahead and catch up on characters I don't have.
Are you guys still playing the card games? I don't have Panther or Thing's card missions yet but it looks like we can expect the Mole Man, Mysterio, Venom, and Bullseye eventually.
Reptile, as true as it is, is kinda of a waist I have seen the character trailer from him and he pretty much remains in basic Dinosaur mode, having a tail and I believe red skin :P
Ok let me tell you how much I hate playing missions with 1 other person and they dont do anything. They just fallow me and let me kill everything and let me die and they do nothing. In the daily mission DR OCt one this guy jumps over to the other side I stay behind so he has to do something, he does nothing he doesnt attack them, he runs around in circles thinking im comin to save him but no. I hate people like that...
Edit: Then Im cornerd in I cant even get one hit in he doesnt come to help, I die and he leaves the game -_-
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 13, 2011, 02:47PM
Ok let me tell you how much I hate playing missions with 1 other person and they dont do anything. They just fallow me and let me kill everything and let me die and they do nothing. In the daily mission DR OCt one this guy jumps over to the other side I stay behind so he has to do something, he does nothing he doesnt attack them, he runs around in circles thinking im comin to save him but no. I hate people like that...
Edit: Then Im cornerd in I cant even get one hit in he doesnt come to help, I die and he leaves the game -_-
OMG that sounds terrible! Do you know the name of the guy?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 13, 2011, 03:18PM
OMG that sounds terrible! Do you know the name of the guy?
No, if I saw him again I think I would, I was very mad tho. After the mission was like I sware to god if I find him! LOL
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 13, 2011, 03:23PM
No, if I saw him again I think I would, I was very mad tho. After the mission was like I sware to god if I find him! LOL
That's occured with me once as well. The player did not even move from his spot once however I know he was there cuz he was switching emotes all the time. At the boss battle he just danced while I fought. Then more annoying was that the boss killed him once and ruined my whole efforts.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 13, 2011, 03:40PM
That's occured with me once as well. The player did not even move from his spot once however I know he was there cuz he was switching emotes all the time. At the boss battle he just danced while I fought. Then more annoying was that the boss killed him once and ruined my whole efforts.
I know it just annoys me. Its like seriously come on. I get if your a hero they really want to see how they play so you kind of let them do more of the fighting, but not everything
I've never had that problem, I have a problem of people continuesly attacking the boss instead of having a plan or somethin. Then they die nonstop by doing that and our rank goes down. Very aggravating, but I think I'd be more aggravated if they didn't do anything at all lol. I'd just restart the mission with new people lol.
People like that make me want to slam my head into a wall XD
Quote from: Scabbia on August 13, 2011, 04:37PM
I've never had that problem, I have a problem of people continuesly attacking the boss instead of having a plan or somethin. Then they die nonstop by doing that and our rank goes down. Very aggravating, but I think I'd be more aggravated if they didn't do anything at all lol. I'd just restart the mission with new people lol.
OOh i wont even tell u what they did one time we were playing the ultron mision and NOBODY died.And we had a VERY HIGH adamantium award.All of a sudden one person that had thing knew he had low health and didn't even bother to go and get the food.In fact everyone else stopped getting the food cuz he had the lowest health and he died.SO we ended up having a gold medal
I hate it when the person does nothing, you do everything, your low on health, they know it. Yet they go and get the fruit while your trying to also... :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 14, 2011, 08:45PM
I hate it when the person does nothing, you do everything, your low on health, they know it. Yet they go and get the fruit while your trying to also... :/
I have to admit that sometimes I forget and chase down the fruit, etc., out of habit when I'm playing solo. But when I remember, I let the others get the bonuses.
hey does anyone know if they will bring out hawkeye cause i really REALLY want him
I'm sure they will, but doubt it'll be anytime soon.
cause my membership ends tonight and i got 1600 gold to spend and i want the current avengers team
You can still spend your gold after your membership expires. You just can't buy (or use) the Agents only characters.
i know that but i hope he comes out soon cause im a big spender
oh btw im on right now if anyone wants to join
Well you still get gold, not as much, but you can save up while playin the other characters you get.
really cool i bought like 7 heroes and there all level 5 so ive got lots of time to play with them
see. I maxed all my characters, but I want to get all their medals to, so that way Im not THAT bored. lol
does anyone wat to do a mission or 2
fyi, I'm not using my own computer and don't have the MSHSO files on this one. Otherwise, I'd play some missions with you.
mshso is down for maintenance right now
I bought my one month subscription on the 14th of July and they said it will end on the 16th of Augest. Then i checked out why my subscription wasnt ending today it said ive got till 7th of September. Im so happy.:) Anyone else experienced it?
An Arcade is coming to Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. With 2 mini games. Its probably a zone
Iron Patriot is up for 3000 silver as an Agent only hero. His powers are basically based off of Iron Man but with a few differences such as new effects. His heroup is amazing though; he summons Sentry to come smashing down on his foes!
The Abomination mission is also up
I dont find him worth it. With all the Iron Mans, Hulks, Thors etc they are all almost the same with small differences. Although Ive heard both Thors are Different.
All 3 Thors are completely different. Iron Man's variations are all different except for Iron Patriot while the Hulks and Caps are all basically the same.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 17, 2011, 01:01PM
All 3 Thors are completely different. Iron Man's variations are all different except for Iron Patriot while the Hulks and Caps are all basically the same.
Yeah I was pretty sure about the thors/ I forgot there was 3 tho. Iron Mans I thought were the same, I was pretty sure about Cap, but thought the 3 Hulks would be a bit different
Im still trying to beat the national security system :D no luck though -_- iron patriot sounds epic oh well, im just hoping its gonna get released somewhere around autunm :D
Iron Patriot has been added to the game, he's Members-Only. and there is also a new mission, i don't remember the name lol.
I got annoyed again! XD I dont know if its just me but I hate when theres tons of people in one place. They are all talking you can barley see what your friend posted before its swept away in what everyone else is saying and they are using CAPS it makes me angry
Same here, it's SO annoying! i hate when they use Caps and when there is a CROWD of people there, it's so annoying!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 18, 2011, 10:32AM
Same here, it's SO annoying! i hate when they use Caps and when there is a CROWD of people there, it's so annoying!
I know! Its so annoying! I just want to yell out SHUT UP! XD but I just left and went to Asgard :P
XD, it happens to me too, i wish i could attack outside of the missions lol, i would be attacking everyone XD, but i go to Baxter or Asgard, depends if i want to have a small party, or just relax for a while XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 18, 2011, 11:17AM
XD, it happens to me too, i wish i could attack outside of the missions lol, i would be attacking everyone XD, but i go to Baxter or Asgard, depends if i want to have a small party, or just relax for a while XD
To me it seems that nobody is ever in Asgard, like there are people but its so silent and peaceful. Daily Bugle is always the loudest place with Baxter right up there with it
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 18, 2011, 11:23AM
To me it seems that nobody is ever in Asgard, like there are people but its so silent and peaceful. Daily Bugle is always the loudest place with Baxter right up there with it
Lol yeah, i'll keep that in mind. Btw, anyone wants to play some missions with me now?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 18, 2011, 11:26AM
Lol yeah, i'll keep that in mind. Btw, anyone wants to play some missions with me now?
Maybe in a little, im making Selene skins currently XD
XD ok, i got to go now, so maybe we'll play later XD
in my opinio is just seems like if 2 people are having a conversation one person comes, then two then three it is annoying i wish i can just say shut the f up or get away.But that language isn't acceptable or something like that
They need to change that like you cant type numbers, you cant type some stuff that should be able to and you type a long sentence like this and then it tells you its bad language and you have to retype it
Yeah it gets really annoying.I haven't played the game for at least 2 months now.I want psylocke,elektra,phoenix and some other x-men first
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on August 18, 2011, 02:04PM
Yeah it gets really annoying.I haven't played the game for at least 2 months now.I want psylocke,elektra,phoenix and some other x-men first
I agree I really only get on because my membership ends tomorrow, and I want to get the last bit of gold I can
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on August 17, 2011, 01:04AM
I bought my one month subscription on the 14th of July and they said it will end on the 16th of Augest. Then i checked out why my subscription wasnt ending today it said ive got till 7th of September. Im so happy.:) Anyone else experienced it?
You're lucky! You're getting almost 2 months for the price of one. Enjoy!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 18, 2011, 11:23AM
To me it seems that nobody is ever in Asgard, like there are people but its so silent and peaceful. Daily Bugle is always the loudest place with Baxter right up there with it
Lately, I pretty much stay in the Daily Bugle zone.
I'm pretty much over this game. I'll wait for Marvel Universe, until then, I'm gonna be on Champions Online. Thanks to JeanGrey777 lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on August 19, 2011, 04:41PM
I'm pretty much over this game. I'll wait for Marvel Universe, until then, I'm gonna be on Champions Online. Thanks to JeanGrey777 lol.
See I dont really like Champisons online. I dont like how it looks and plays. I had it when it first came out, when you actually had to pay... and I thought it wasn't worth it. I play City of Heroes and find thats worth the pay :D
Well its free now, which is the only reason I'm playin' it. Thats why I liked Guild Wars. No pay to play. I hate that... Lol. I like MSHS, don't get me wrong, but I'm not paying to play as characters I like for 2-3 days.
I think its worth it if you like the game. Ive been playing COH for many years now, and I love it. I find it worth the pay.
Hey do u think they will make a 2099 spiderman hero to buy?
Could be, seeing as he's in edge of time?
There is a sale of 4 missions for 100 silver each: Super Sized & magnetized, Bombs Away!, Ock it to me! and Unstopabble Skrull. i bought the 4 missions (although i previously had 2 of this, so i bought only 2). And Villianville is coming in the end if this month, so we'll have a new zone soon. I wanted Xavier's School though.
Oh cool. I hope their on sale for awhile. I'll get them either tomorrow or Friday.
They last for a week so get them soon! BTW Thing's card missions are now both 10 silver which is a really good price (especially since they were gold before!) Also Dark Surfer is released for 600 silver.
Oh yeah, i bought the thing's quest pack, luckly they were silver (thanks god, now i can practice). And, i have 310 gold, i gotta get to 600 to buy Emma Frost, and, they say that Phoenix will be buyable with Silver on October, but save up Gold just in case, i will.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 24, 2011, 07:59PM
Also Dark Surfer is released for 600 silver.
I missed out on that one. Dark Surfer is now 600 gold. :(
Aw man, I was gonna get SilverS. Too. Oh well. I hope the Things card thing is still on sale today...
Yes, they are still Silver, don't worry, you can buy them :)
I got Thing's card missions too. Thanks for the "heads up" MarvelFan12345!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 24, 2011, 08:08PM
Oh yeah, i bought the thing's quest pack, luckly they were silver (thanks god, now i can practice). And, i have 310 gold, i gotta get to 600 to buy Emma Frost, and, they say that Phoenix will be buyable with Silver on October, but save up Gold just in case, i will.
To bad u cant trade gold with people or i could lend u some gold from my 2500 stash:).
Cool, i hope that we get a trade option later on, maybe i could ask you for 290 gold lol. and there is going to be an update tonight, maybe we'll get Villianville tomorrow!
They just need to make it to where we can exchange silver for gold. I'm stickin' with that lol. I hope its Villainville. Just to see somethin new.
just went to villan ville and it seems preety dark. Theres a arcade door like a shop and at the front theres a little sewer that u can jump in and out of. Theres a giant eye from the series and 2 doom statues that electricity comes out of there hands. Friendly robots replace civilians and u can get a bot head to run around with. Seems preety fun place atm.
Villianville, finally! I'm going there with Jean, see if i can kick some bad guys asses lol
Going in now... I may see one of you guys there!
I went earlier today, I didn't think it was all that. I guess its not "dark enough" for me lol. And i missed the things cards quests... But I did get the missions :) took forever to load up everything though...
Im getting on now... even tho loading is taking for ever :/
I have 350 gold now, i don't know if i should save up more gold for Emma, or buy Mr. Fantastic. What do you think i should do?
I would buy Emma but never played with Mr Fantastic be4 so idk.Emma is more like a defensive character but her powers are fun
Mr. Fantastic is pretty fun to use but his damage is mostly average. His heroup isn't that useful either.
Emma on the other hand is basically a weaker Jean. Her powers are pretty fun to use with good crowd control skills but not much damage.
If u get 600n gold just by sTORM she so beast i love her :D
Cool, i'll keep that in mind, thanks to both of you!
MODOK mission coming soon. BTW what themes do you guys want to see for the next few months? My hopes are..
Avengers - Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Quicksilver, Vision
Cosmic - Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, Nova, Phoenix
Femme Fatale - British Psylocke, Dazzler, Firestar, Hellcat,
Spider-Man - Arachne, Black Cat, Scarlet Spider, Stark Armor Spider-Man
Street - Daredevil, Elektra, Luke Cage, Street Wolverine
Supernatural - Blade, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist
Villains - Anti-Venom, Archangel, Namor, Songbird
Wolverine - Classic Wolverine, Jubilee, Samurai Wolverine, X-23
X-Men - Beast, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke
X-Men (2) - Angel, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Polaris
I love all the themes espically Femme Fatale, because I really want Firestar and Dazzler
For Me the X-men 1 and 2. XD i would also want songbird and phoenix :D
i just want hawkeye and an extra dorm room to buy
I really want all the X-Men especially Phoenix! Songbird and Doctor Strange are other must haves for me.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on August 29, 2011, 03:44PM
MODOK mission coming soon. BTW what themes do you guys want to see for the next few months? My hopes are..
Avengers - Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Quicksilver, Vision
Cosmic - Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, Nova, Phoenix
Femme Fatale - British Psylocke, Dazzler, Firestar, Hellcat,
Spider-Man - Arachne, Black Cat, Scarlet Spider, Stark Armor Spider-Man
Street - Daredevil, Elektra, Luke Cage, Street Wolverine
Supernatural - Blade, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist
Villains - Anti-Venom, Archangel, Namor, Songbird
Wolverine - Classic Wolverine, Jubilee, Samurai Wolverine, X-23
X-Men - Beast, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke
X-Men (2) - Angel, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Polaris
You've got alot of great themes there! Here's a few I'll add:
Inhumans: Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Gorgon
Avengers: Moondragon, Vision, Mantis, Hawkeye
Champions: Hercules, Angel, Iceman, Ghost Rider
I want: Cosmic: Phoenix, Femme Fatale and X-Men 1 and 2
Apperantly September's theme will be MM. Most people think that means mutant month! I really hope to see Colossus, Shadowcat, Psylocke, Phoenix, and anyone else.
In facebook, they say that it's Spider Man month, although, i hope that it's the Mutants Month, i soo want Phoenix, and i saw at the game that Dark Surfer is now 25.000 silver, i don't know if it's a sale or not, plus, they added the M.O.D.O.K. mission.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on August 31, 2011, 10:19AM
In facebook, they say that it's Spider Man month, although, i hope that it's the Mutants Month, i soo want Phoenix, and i saw at the game that Dark Surfer is now 25.000 silver, i don't know if it's a sale or not, plus, they added the M.O.D.O.K. mission.
Where does it say Spider-Man month? I have found it on facebook except for some people's comments who think it might be Spider-Man.
The 600 gold was the sale but I'd rather have used my silver than gold to buy him so I really feel like the opposite lol. BTW Storm has her card quest up!
Yay! Storm card quest!
Just finished playing it and there are soo many cool Storm cards (mostly Mohawk Storm). The storyline is based off of House of M so you fight Scarlet Witch and Magneto (who is the ultimate villain). The final card is the coolest; its a double card of Psylocke and Storm!
I was just on there and didn't see Storm's card quest. I crashed like three times trying to play cards. Does here card quest cost silver or gold?
Storm's card mission cost gold.
When I logged on today, it said that Wasp's card quest was available. It wasn't in the shop. Has anyone seen it yet?
Quote from: fox456 on September 01, 2011, 03:30PM
When I logged on today, it said that Wasp's card quest was available. It wasn't in the shop. Has anyone seen it yet?
Its not here too,maybe they added this update before they released the Card Quest,thats just another error.
Good to see you around, Daken! I haven't seen you in awhile. How do you like Villainville?
I seen Wasps too. Thats so false advertisement. lol
They did that with Nick Fury too. They advertised him before his release and it took a couple of days. By next week I'm sure they will have Wasp's card quests released now.
I saw Stan Lee recoreded voices for the game. Do you think its just for something, or do you think they are going to put his Mayor character in the game as kind of a joke character?
It would be cool if they included Stan Lee in the game some way. They've been pretty creative, so they just might do it!
Quote from: fox456 on September 01, 2011, 07:24PM
It would be cool if they included Stan Lee in the game some way. They've been pretty creative, so they just might do it!
Yeah they did say that its based off the show so it would make sense, yet you look at Jean and she looks nothing like she does in the show. So Stan may end up as something else maybe a super crazy hero with tons of powers XD
Edit: I found this on Facebook. With Kitty, Psylocke, and Elektra
Quote from: fox456 on September 01, 2011, 05:49PM
Good to see you around, Daken! I haven't seen you in awhile. How do you like Villainville?
Good to see you too.Villainville is cool but as a X-Men fan i would like the X-Mansion XD.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 01, 2011, 07:44PM
Yeah they did say that its based off the show so it would make sense, yet you look at Jean and she looks nothing like she does in the show. So Stan may end up as something else maybe a super crazy hero with tons of powers XD
Edit: I found this on Facebook. With Kitty, Psylocke, and Elektra
Yeah that's the pic I posted some time ago. Its really nice to see all the Marvel girls together.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 02, 2011, 01:18PM
Yeah that's the pic I posted some time ago. Its really nice to see all the Marvel girls together.
I agree :D
i havent touched shso in a looooooong time. got sick of collecting tickets for gold. was starting to be like a chore:(
I havent been on for at least 3 months.It got kinda boring especially since ur limited to how many things u can get,buy, or play.
I don't go on much either. I'm probably be back once Phoenix becomes playable but it won't last too long.
hey guys when u buy a subcription for a month is it for a month and thats it or do u have to continuesly pay for it
Its only for a month ;), if you want another sub you gotta buy it again ;)
Scarlet Spider will be coming to the Shop sometime this week. Pure Elektra will be the new code hero after Original Daredevil.
Black Cat has been spotted so I imagine we can expect her this month. Looks like MM stands for Spider-Man month somehow...
Well actually, Scarlet Spider is already on the shop along with Wasp's card quests.
well it was continued for me as in i had to pay another 10 bucks for another month even though i didnt want to untill i cancled it but i still have to pay.
i was robbed :(
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on September 07, 2011, 04:41PM
well it was continued for me as in i had to pay another 10 bucks for another month even though i didnt want to untill i cancled it but i still have to pay.
i was robbed :(
Mine has done that also, I have to cancell mine tomorrow
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 07, 2011, 03:19PM
Well actually, Scarlet Spider is already on the shop along with Wasp's card quests.
Yeah I just noticed that. I cancelled my subscription a few days ago but I'm thinking of restarting it maybe.
Is anyone having trouble getting into the card game? It keeps saying that I can't join a card game at this time. (I've tried several times and have tried to play other people as well as quests).
It happened to me this morning. I'm coming on now to check again.
Thanks -- let me know what you find out.
I'm using my laptop right now and its getting all the updates for the game and unfortunately the card game is the last thing it updates :( so it may take some time...hope you dont' mind being patient for a little bit.
No problem -- I'm a very patient person. :)
The card game is working now. Sorry again for the long wait.
Thanks for checking. I'm still having trouble with it. Sometimes I get in, and other times I don't.
There was an update last night. There's a new loading screen which includes Black Cat and Venom among others. There's a new daily reward system that offers silver, tickets and even (a little) gold. One of the stores (probably others) has been replaced with an arcade. The arcade isn't open yet though.
Another new feature I like is that there is a little "tab" that keeps constant track of the hero tokens you've found each day. It disappears once you've found them all.
There's a sale for one week where you can buy Spider-Man for 1400 gold. I can't remember his original price -- maybe 2000 gold? Also, there's a new mission, featuring Venom!
Yup they said they will add an acrade with mini-games. I believe playing those mini games, you can win silver, tickets and even gold probably. They will also add Doctor Strange and Nova as well. However i believe it wont be this mounth.
There was a maintanance last night.
Heres a list of the new things so far:
1:Of course a new loading screen
2:Venom mission
3:Spidey is for sale for 1400 gold
4:Lokis statue is back in asgard
5:There is now a robber version in villainville.. ITS A DOG!
6:The new arcade game is out
7:Daily missions are now fixed
8:Spiderman has a new emote
9:All zones now have the arcade
10:They updated the look of the daily bugle building
11: There are daily rewards now
Thanks for the news!
Like Jean says in MUA, My pleasure.
Thanks for the info! YAY! Black Cat im so happy! :D
I honestly saw no improvements other than the missions.
I didnt get my daily reward (was on for at leasst an hour in a half)
I didnt see any difference in the baxter building...
the daily bugle building not the baxter building
Oh well i found it they just added windows (WOW huge update their huh? :P)
Anyway i also found invisible woman has a new flight effect and her effects are slightly recolored but i think they look MUCH better.
Wont say what color you'll just have to find out urself :D
Do you guys remember a week or so ago when Thing's card quests were on sale? Does anyone know WHY they went on sale? I was hoping another set may go on sale soon, but I didn't know if there was a specific reason to watch out for.
Quote from: fox456 on September 15, 2011, 03:49PM
Do you guys remember a week or so ago when Thing's card quests were on sale? Does anyone know WHY they went on sale? I was hoping another set may go on sale soon, but I didn't know if there was a specific reason to watch out for.
Wasn't that when everything was going on sale, Things card quests, tons of Missions were silver, Dark Surfer was cheap, Spiderwoman and Spidergirl were also on sale
Yes, I think that was the same time. Do you know if they are going to do that sort of thing each month?
Quote from: fox456 on September 15, 2011, 04:14PM
Yes, I think that was the same time. Do you know if they are going to do that sort of thing each month?
Im not sure, I doubt it. Spiderman is the only things on sale I believe
What is invisible woman's new flight effect is she still trapped in a globe xD
Idk, wait a second, let me check.
It is a globe, but it's color is a dark blue now, and at the beggining it looks like an aura. you gotta see it for yourself, you'll understand better
Easy enough for you to say while not being in Europe xD
Quote from: Polygone on September 16, 2011, 07:13AM
Easy enough for you to say while not being in Europe xD
xD. I wish it came out in Europe already, Polygone when did u say it should be out? u had a countdown on ur signature before
It SHOULD be somewhere around September (read it before, heck, I even emailed the company a question when it came out (in German) but never got a response )
However the guy saying that it should be coming out in September dind't say his source, and told that that was the earliest plan date (somewhere around autumn) so yeah, we all know how these ''earliest'' realese dates things come true -_- sigh
Quote from: Polygone on September 16, 2011, 09:31AM
It SHOULD be somewhere around September (read it before, heck, I even emailed the company a question when it came out (in German) but never got a response )
However the guy saying that it should be coming out in September dind't say his source, and told that that was the earliest plan date (somewhere around autumn) so yeah, we all know how these ''earliest'' realese dates things come true -_- sigh
I want it now xD
I have so many things i must do
1) Get Gold
2) Buy Emma Frost
3) Play with Emma
4) Max out Emma's level
5) Get Gold
6) Explore Asgard
7) Buy Jean
8) Play with Jean
9) Max Out Jean's Level
10) Die
I maxed out Jean already and she's aswome, but i really want to buy Emma Frost, but i lack the gold XD
Quote from: White Queen on September 16, 2011, 10:00AM
I have so many things i must do
1) Get Gold
2) Buy Emma Frost
3) Play with Emma
4) Max out Emma's level
5) Get Gold
6) Explore Asgard
7) Buy Jean
8) Play with Jean
9) Max Out Jean's Level
10) Die
HA! I hear ya!
Quote from: fox456 on September 18, 2011, 07:56PM
HA! I hear ya!
xD school is like hell, one and the same , and the teachers are the devils minions while theh headmaster is the devil
This game just got more fun! Several people from another forum have grouped together to make their own team. Now we meet up and play theme missions (basically we pick a theme of heroes and battle a villain who fits the theme: like Bruisers vs Juggernaut, Agile Warriors vs Mystique, Fantastic Four vs Dr. Doom, Marvel Women vs Enchantress, etc.)
If anybody else is interested we can meet up and you can officially join the team!
Wow cool, i'm interested in Joining, can i join?
Of course. We can get together and I'll introduce you to the team!
Ok, thanks!, when do we get together in SHSO?
I'm coming on now.
Ok, i'm looking for you now XD
Its taking a few minutes to get me on cause I have something downloading in the background. Sorry for the wait.
No problem, i'll log in again, i just logged out XD
Lol be on soon. I keep trying to log in but my download closes it. It should be done in a minute or two and then I can get on without issues.
There's a new card quest -- Spider-Girl.
What do you guys think about the arcade games?
I dont like the Arcade games all to much, but they are all right. I just want Phoenix, Mohawk Storm, Psylocke, Kitty, and Black Cat lol :P
I'm not a fan of the arcade games either. I was disappointed in them big time.
I think Black Cat could be a very unique character!
I don't really like the arcade games either. I like the card game though! - although I haven't bought the Wasp or Spider-Girl ones yet.
I'm still waiting for Black Cat. Pretty annoyed she didn't come out today :(
The card game is my favorite too. I only need 20 more gold and I will have FINALLY saved 200 gold from spinning the wheel. It sure did take forever.
Regarding the card game, I sent a suggestion to the game's creators to make a change in the rewards for winning a game. Instead of silver, I thought it would get more people involved if the reward was gold, even 1 or 2 gold pieces would be better than 10 silver.
I know, im waitinf for Black Cat to get released I love her :D and the Card game is also a fav of mine I agree with what you said Fox, Silver is to easy to get, we want gold!
Maybe you'll get Black Cat tomorrow, there is gonna be a maintenance tonight. I hope they add Black Cat.
Gonna check things out now! I'm looking forward to tonight's update and I'm hoping there be some sales on items tomorrow too.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 22, 2011, 04:56PM
Maybe you'll get Black Cat tomorrow, there is gonna be a maintenance tonight. I hope they add Black Cat.
Same here!
Don't get excited, There is nothing new on the game except that White Elektra is now avaliable to obtain via a hasbro toy code. besides that, there is nothing new.
I know, I got on this morning and I was dissapointed :( I want Black Cat now! XD
Kinda sucks how they mostly realese some sort of alternate skin (I believe normal Elektra was already avaible?)
And then she costs like 400 gold, and just to have your team complete, you're gonna buy white Elektra even though you already have red normal Elektra (sounds like something I would do xD)
It's weird how sometimes the maintenance sessions bring alot of cool changes and then other times there's basically nothing.
Anything new in Super Hero City xD
If anyone is interested (and i'm sure midnightphoenix is) Black Cat was released, There is a Spider-Man card quest as well now.
Cool! I'm going in to check things out right now.
Falls on floor crying of Happeniss yay! Finally a reason to play again!
Black Cat seems awesome so far, I love swinging around in the air :D
Edit: Black cat is so FUN! She is so unique, to me atleast, I love her :D
Black Cat is amazing fun. She has a web-swing but with a grappling hook. Her combos are fun and fast and her last one is just amazing. Check out her emotes too!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 28, 2011, 03:56PM
Black Cat is amazing fun. She has a web-swing but with a grappling hook. Her combos are fun and fast and her last one is just amazing. Check out her emotes too!
Isnt she just great! I love her :D
We'll have to team up soon! I might get on in a few hours.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 28, 2011, 04:01PM
We'll have to team up soon! I might get on in a few hours.
Ok, Im not sure If I will be able to I have alot to do but maybe :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 28, 2011, 04:02PM
Ok, Im not sure If I will be able to I have alot to do but maybe :)
I'm very busy too these days. I don't even spin for gold anymore. I just get on to get my daily 20 gold.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 28, 2011, 04:10PM
I'm very busy too these days. I don't even spin for gold anymore. I just get on to get my daily 20 gold.
Lol me to! I dont have my membership any more, but if I remember right after you cancel you can still spin again for one more full wheel of gold, and im just saving it for when I need gold
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 28, 2011, 04:14PM
Lol me to! I dont have my membership any more, but if I remember right after you cancel you can still spin again for one more full wheel of gold, and im just saving it for when I need gold
Lol no need for that. Now every day you log in you get a prize. It starts off with silver then goes to tickets then gold. On the 7th day you get 10 gold and on the 8th day you get 20 gold. After that every day you log in you get the 20 gold (i'm not sure what happens if you miss a day but I'm not gonna let that happen lol.)
If you miss a day it goes back to day 1, it happend to me already but I was only on day 2
The daily prizes are different if you're not a member. It does start off with silver and tickets, but the 8th day is the only day you get gold (and it's only 5 gold). I've been on day 8 for a couple of days now.
EDIT: October 3
Has anyone heard of updates coming this week? Some of you have reported some very accurate rumors in the past! :D
"accurate" rumor is that October will be Halloween month and facebook seems to be proving that. One clue they gave is to remember what month it is. ALso today they revealed that Blade is one of the new characters! I think we can expect to see him released tommorrow along with the new loading screen which should give us a sneak peak of the new heroes and missions. I'm almost positive that Doctor Strange will be released this month!
I still hope we get Jean :P but its a hot chance XD
Probably not considering this month's theme.
I bet they will release her at the end of 2012 since Phoenix is so dangerous she might cause the end of the world too, such a perfect match xD
Lol, maybe XD
There's a new card quest out -- Hulk! He has some interesting Keeper cards that do damage to your opponent if they do damage to you....
Also, there's an update tonight, so we may get some more new things tomorrow.
Hopefully either Blade or Ultimate Spider-Man.
BTW at the New York Comic-Con they will be passing out more Psylocke codes. Best shot to get her early again :D
Also Doctor Strange will be available in a contest like Ultimate Spider-Man. Contrary to the facebook page you can enter the contest without being at the New York COmic-Con.
Enter the contest without being at New York? how?
Um yeah, I didn't read that anywhere. It just says People will receive more Psylocke codes at the CC and will also have a chance to win Doctor Strange AND if their wearin' a marvel costume, they can get more prizes. I didn't see anything about the contest being held online or anything.
Check the cbr thread for it.
Sad Phoenix will be a member only character. And im really tired of waiting when will the game come to Europe already! xD
Quote from: White Queen on October 09, 2011, 09:05AM
Sad Phoenix will be a member only character. And im really tired of waiting when will the game come to Europe already! xD
Where does it say that about Phoenix?
Quote from: White Queen on October 09, 2011, 09:05AM
And im really tired of waiting when will the game come to Europe already! xD
I second this! It really seems like they're not even trying
ANybody here have the code heroes like Yellow DD or Pure Elektra? I might get a Pure ELektra soon.
No I want the Elektra one, but once a new toy code comes out the other ones stop working so you cant get the DD or te one before him anymore.
Hey, where does it say that Phoenix will be for members only?
i dont remember, but she will be member only or will either cost a high gold price. However im pretty certain it will be member only , as i read somewhere that many future alternate costume heroes will be member content, such as the upcoming mohawk storm
News Flash:
Blade came out this morning!
Awesome gonna definitely buy him.
Hey guys, there's a "contest" to get Dr. Strange. You just have to enter the code they give you in the "Redeem a Code" box. Maybe at least one of us will be a winner!
They did the samething with Ultimate Spiderman, I entered but didnt win sadly XD
Same here.... Hope we have better luck this time!
speaking of hope, i wonder if they will add Hope Summers. She has mimicry powers i wonder how they might make her if they decide to add her.
Guys! now i have a reason to play SHSO again! a friend gave me a PSYLOCKE code! yay!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 15, 2011, 08:25PM
Guys! now i have a reason to play SHSO again! a friend gave me a PSYLOCKE code! yay!
Congratz, lucky you. I hope Psylocke is really fun. I cant wait for the game's Europeon release
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 15, 2011, 08:25PM
Guys! now i have a reason to play SHSO again! a friend gave me a PSYLOCKE code! yay!
Awesome! I'm really happy for you. Keep us posted on how she plays ;)
Thanks! that friend said that he has 4 more codes, so i can ask him ;)
Oh wow really! I'd love it if your friend could do that! Thanks :)
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 16, 2011, 07:57AM
Thanks! that friend said that he has 4 more codes, so i can ask him ;)
I would like one if you can get one :) Would love to play with you to, to see how she plays!
BTW there will be a big event for Halloween. The facebook page implies that the squaddies will have masks and there might even be zombies. Some people also believe that the Sanctum Sanctorum will become the next zone either by Halloween or November. The game will also be introducing a new challenge system soon. You will battle other players with your heroes (ex. She-Hulk VS Red She-Hulk) and you can earn new heroes like Sentry and Firestar.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 16, 2011, 10:27AM
BTW there will be a big event for Halloween. The facebook page implies that the squaddies will have masks and there might even be zombies. Some people also believe that the Sanctum Sanctorum will become the next zone either by Halloween or November. The game will also be introducing a new challenge system soon. You will battle other players with your heroes (ex. She-Hulk VS Red She-Hulk) and you can earn new heroes like Sentry and Firestar.
Wow, awesome.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 16, 2011, 08:12AM
Oh wow really! I'd love it if your friend could do that! Thanks :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 16, 2011, 08:53AM
I would like one if you can get one :) Would love to play with you to, to see how she plays!
If he still has them, i'll ask him for some :)
Thanks my friend :) I really can't wait to play as Psylocke. BTW have you tried her out yet?
Also from what I've heard on CBR, the challenge system will be implented really soon and we can expect all types of new playable characters like Dr. Strange, Sentry, Firestar, and Nova this month.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 16, 2011, 05:17PM
Thanks my friend :) I really can't wait to play as Psylocke. BTW have you tried her out yet?
Also from what I've heard on CBR, the challenge system will be implented really soon and we can expect all types of new playable characters like Dr. Strange, Sentry, Firestar, and Nova this month.
YES! Firestar :) Like October? Or November?
I'm not entirely sure but I think October. I'll post the cbr link in a few min.
A sneak preview of Firestar and Future Foundation Spider-Man.
The link to the new stuff is here.
Sentry?! He should be really awesome. That gives me hope that some of my other favorites may be possible now, like Vision and Moondragon.
Thanks to my good friend JeanGrey777, I can now play as Psylocke :)
I'm really glad that i could help, i really wanted you to have Psylocke :)
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 17, 2011, 02:35PM
I'm really glad that i could help, i really wanted you to have Psylocke :)
It means alot :) Im so glad I have her name, saves me the gold XD
XD, yeah, it's lucky that we have Psylocke, we save up some gold XD
"With the amount of content, features and updates we are unleashing during the month of October, we are shouting to the world, we are all done with Beta! We are LIVE!" stated Jay Minn, VP, Studio Director of Gazillion's Seattle-based studio, The Amazing Society."
All thats left is to get rid of that Beta symbol and no more beta!
Lol omg. I got on this again yesterday since I aint been on it in a while, was a tad dissapointed, not much was added, but I did enter to win Dr. Strange XD. I hope I get him, I love that guy lol. But I wasnt on it long cause it was takin forever to load everything up. And it kicked me off :( oh well lol. I'll get on again if they ever make another Rogue, like the "Hybrid Rogue" lol. Doubt it though.
Psylocke is an amzing character to play and very easy to solo with. I just beat Sabretooth with her at level one without losing a life which is a prety hard feat. Thanks again Jean777.
My pleasure, Psylocke is a really good character, although, Phoenix will be better XD
Once Shadowcat, and Phoenix come out I will be on more. And most likely the same with Firestar. I wonder if the themed months have stopped now. Its just getting one or two new heroes a month now with no theme. I still want a lot of heroes tho...
Rachel Grey
Hope Summers
Banshee/ Syrin
Jubilee (Maybe)
Nightcrawler/ Nocturne
Prof X (Would be kind of cool maybe released with the X-Mansion)
Julia Carpenter (Alt Spiderwoman costume)
Lol long list, not includeding alt Jean costumes... XD
Lol what a long list.
I think they are still going with the theme months. THe spidey month just gave us less stuff since Black Cat was the only new character (besides Ultimate Spider-Man) and we didn't even get the Mysterio mission. ALso this month is Halloween based which explains Blade. However the rest of the stuff (besides the Halloween event) is out of theme cause this is the month they are launching this game as fully complete and not beta.
My top 10 wishlist is...
Lol, that's what i call a long list, maybe it will take 2 pages if you write all the outfits that you want for Jean XD.
my wish list is this one (including zones XD):
1- Phoenix
2- Shadowcat
3- Rachel Grey
4- Cable
5- X-Man
6- Professor X
7- a stronger Emma lol
8- Dazzler
9- White Phoenix
10- Xavier's school as zone
11- Santo Sanctorum as zone
Lol I forgot all about Cable, Rachel, and Nate. Xavier too for that matter.
ANyone suprised that Firestar made it in the game before SPidey's another amazing friend, Iceman?
I'm really excited for Firestar I'm just worried that she will be a Human Torch copy. I've noticed that happen before to her(although Edwards's mod for her is not the case. THe game developers should check his version of her before they make her a carbon copy like the various Spideys.)
Let's hope that Phoenix won't be a carbon copy of the current Jean, i swear, i'll die if that happens XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 17, 2011, 04:20PM
Let's hope that Phoenix won't be a carbon copy of the current Jean, i swear, i'll die if that happens XD
I doub thtat will happen. Phoenix Jean has very different effects than regular Jean. ALso then she would have already been released if she was a carbon copy. Kinda like MOhawk Storm and Beast who are very different characters which is why they ares pending os much time on them.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 17, 2011, 04:30PM
I doub thtat will happen. Phoenix Jean has very different effects than regular Jean. ALso then she would have already been released if she was a carbon copy. Kinda like MOhawk Storm and Beast who are very different characters which is why they ares pending os much time on them.
Oh i see, well, i'm really impatient and i can't wait for her anymore to be released, i want her now! lol
@ JeanGrey777:
I just wanted to say that was super generous of you (and your friend) to pass along some Psylocke codes to others at the Marvel Mods forum. Very cool!
I am a tad surprised at Firestar getting added, but extremly happy beyond words! She has been one of my Favortie characters, possibly new about her before Jean. I dont have Human Torch so I wont know if she is a copy, but her powers are different since they are like Microwave beams, or Heat beams, not really fire. At least thats what I read before.
Sometimes the developers might just hook her with Torch's powerset which I hope they don't since there is a difference between their abilities. It scares me even more since Human Torch also uses heat beams (like Ms. Marvel)
well ive gone back to playing shso again but can only play till saturday cause im going to tasmania for a week:)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 17, 2011, 06:07PM
Sometimes the developers might just hook her with Torch's powerset which I hope they don't since there is a difference between their abilities. It scares me even more since Human Torch also uses heat beams (like Ms. Marvel)
Lets hope they are smarter then that! I would love one of her emotes to be like the classic Spiderman and His amazing Friends show where she transforms from Angelica to Firestar :) I would love that!
Everyone stay tuned! Very exciting news for this week and more.
Wednesday's patch will add the Sanctum Sanctorum. It will NOT be a new zone however be a new building added to the Daily Bugle which you can enter. Also many new Halloween decorations will be added.
We will see about 9 new heroes! Daredevil, Doctor Strange, and maybe even Firestar. Some will be unlocked from playing challenges. The challenge system and new characters are MOST likely tommorrow otherwise sometime this month.
Next two months is Nova-mber and X-Men Month. Luckily enough Phoenix can fit in both of those themes as she is cosmic like Nova and an X-Man if she doesn't come tommorrow! Colossus has been confirmed for X-Men month.
Yay sounds exciting!Wednesday's patch as in Today or next week?
I'm so glad that we are gonna get so much stuff tomorrow. Thank god I saved all my gold! XD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 18, 2011, 02:44PM
I'm so glad that we are gonna get so much stuff tomorrow. Thank god I saved all my gold! XD
Me to! I dont have all that much, but I dont care about Male heroes that much XD so Female heroes hello! :D
Me too lol. Hope to see Elektra, Firestar, Mohawk Storm, and Phoenix!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 18, 2011, 02:47PM
Me too lol. Hope to see Elektra, Firestar, Mohawk Storm, and Phoenix!
Me to! I did a mission with Pure Elektra and she looked fun, I wish I had her now XD
Lol just coming to see you and you logged off!
EDIT: have misioned with Elektra a few times myself and she looks really great. Maybe tomorrow we can use the real Elektra :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 18, 2011, 03:13PM
Lol just coming to see you and you logged off!
EDIT: have misioned with Elektra a few times myself and she looks really great. Maybe tomorrow we can use the real Elektra :D
Sorry I got off lol, Im about to leave. I hope we can get the real Elektra to! I need to play more lol, I still need to max alot of heroes XD
Thanks for all the news, MarvelFan12345. I'm trying to figure out where they are going to put Dr. Strange's Sanctum Santorum.... Maybe they will "extend" the playing area.
Ugh no update today and people ae getting really annoyed by that. Perhaps by Wednesday's patch/update they meant that they would start the patch today and it would release tommorrow. Anyway I just hope this update comes asap.
I believe that when the game leaves beta and becomes official release it will also be released in Europe...i hope
Yep, thats 4 sures
Question is : WHEN does the game leave beta? If they keep adding characters like this (no disrecpect) the game is never finished -_-
Quote from: Polygone on October 19, 2011, 05:17AM
Yep, thats 4 sures
Question is : WHEN does the game leave beta? If they keep adding characters like this (no disrecpect) the game is never finished -_-
mhm, i believe it might be november when the game goes official version. I cant wait, and i cant wait to play with Emma Frost and Phoenix ( assuming she isnt a member only content and that she is added )
EDIT: it would be cool if they add a Dark Phoenix character in eddition to Phoenix
one more month? Could be, I think that Phoenix is a very wanted character, and assuming their keeping the best for the last, who knows? (although they of course, still could add characters once the game is out of beta)
I think they will continue to add characters, zones, cards, arcade games, buildings, etc. Otherwise, the game will become stale.
I believe either this month or November they will be launching as "complete." People who went to the Comic-Con said that they were celebrating that their beta period was ending. In fact this upcoming update is whats gonna finish the game off if I'm correct. They are adding 9 more characters so the game will have 60 in total. This is also partly why I believe we will see Doctor Strange, Elektra, DD, etc. as they were some of the first characters announced with this game and still have not been included. This and also become at Comic-Con they announced they were coming with the update (how we get all this upcoming news! :))
Wait so does that mean after the game reachs 60 characters they wont add any more?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 19, 2011, 05:06PM
Wait so does that mean after the game reachs 60 characters they wont add any more?
Don't worry they definitely will otherwise no one would play the game. All these past updates, however, have been to fully complete the game and fulfill their master plan
BTW I was reading somewhere that said both DD, and Elektra normal versions had to have a code to get used, I thought that was false. It also said nothing about Phoenix or Beast, and it said Mohawk Storm was only avaliable to the card game and not the normal game. I find all these to be false, at least I hope.
Mowhawk Storm for card game only? i thought that she was going to be for the normal game as well, and it said nothing about Phoenix and Beast? darn, i hope that they release them though. for NORMAL game and Card game lol
1) Some of it is wrong
2) It's all wrong
3) It's been misinterpreted
I can tell that the part about Mohawk Storm is untrue because it makes NO sense that she would be released for the card game only. Makes me wonder if the rest is true as well. Also I doubt DD and Elektra are only available as codes. Their alternate costume (Classic and Pure) are only codes but even they will come to the shop eventually like Scarlet Spider. DD and Elektra's normal versions will have to be in the shop. That or they will be unlocked from the challenge system which is you earn them from defeating other players or having tons of squad points. I'm actually glad they didn't say anything about Beast and Phoenix because it would probably be untrue.
Yeah I was pretty sure it was all untrue, I just couldnt believe it lol!
LOL all the girls are having a party to celebrate the upcoming arrival of new heroes. They are especially excited to meet Elektra and Firestar :D
my rooms are soooo bland compared to yours marvelfan
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on October 19, 2011, 06:50PM
my rooms are soooo bland compared to yours marvelfan
Lol thanks. Just keep spinning that prize wheel and you can unlock wonders for your HQ. And trash...endless trash ;)
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on October 19, 2011, 06:50PM
my rooms are soooo bland compared to yours marvelfan
Mine too. Pretty cool party goin' on!
Pretty cool! although, you are missing one girl there, Emma Frost XD
There's a reason for that lol. She's been locked up in the brig. Long story short, Emma was mocking the other girls for eating too much and not watching their figures so they all hid every piece of food they could find from her. Without food she lost it (as the squaddies tend to do ;)) and the girls convinced Fury that she was actually returning to her old ways. So now she is locked up lol.
But the real reason was that when I put her there she hadn't ate and destroyed lots of things so for punishment I locked her up and kept her from going to the party lol.
Lol, i wonder if Jean will take Revenge by brainwashing her now... lol
Perhaps XD. All of the heroes were in high spirits but they're getting pretty annoyed now. Another night and it doesn't appear like there is going to be an update. I can understand why they might have it today rather than yesterday but if the update doesn't start today then they're just plain out lying lol. Even more annoying is that there WAS mainteance this morning but there was nothing new.
I totally hate whenever that happens...
It feels like it happens a lot for some reason. I'll check again tomorrow morning in case they did it late at the last minute. They've done that before but I don't think it was this late.
EDIT: If nothing happens tonight then maybe there's hope for tomorrow. Also on Saturday you might have the luck of winning Dr. Strange (if you entered the contest anyway).
Oh and btw, i bought a Sentinel Torso, but i don't know where to put it lol
Lol I won a few from the prize wheel, the 100 gold was too steep for me. I put them in my brig so all captured villains can beware. That's basically what Emma has been watching for the past few hours :D
Looks like she's a bit scared lol XD
Actually she's still so hungry that she's mostly just shaking her fist in anger. I feel bad now so I'm gonna let her out and give her a private feast (in other words: bananas, mushrooms, brocolli, and ice cream lol)
lol, most of my girls are at the lab now fooling around XD
One bit of news:
A NEW card quest was just released a few minutes ago: Blade!
Cool so the update did give us something (even if it wasn't what we wanted lol). Just checked out the cards on Facebook and I love the Endless Thirst one.
When are they going to add Phoenix and the Santo Sanctorum??????????? lol
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on October 19, 2011, 07:56PM
When are they going to add Phoenix and the Santo Sanctorum??????????? lol
Lol I feel the same way. Also a friend of mine bought the Polaris/Wolverine 2pack with the code. Then he accidentally threw the box with the code away. I'm really annoyed now XD. Lost my chance to get Pure Elektra.
Lol, i would be annoyed as well XD, btw, any news if Phoenix will be avaliable at the shops? or the challange sistem?
Unfortunately no. The only thing I've heard of her is the original gameplay model sheet for her. Same with Beast.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 19, 2011, 05:03PM
I believe either this month or November they will be launching as "complete." People who went to the Comic-Con said that they were celebrating that their beta period was ending. In fact this upcoming update is whats gonna finish the game off if I'm correct. They are adding 9 more characters so the game will have 60 in total. This is also partly why I believe we will see Doctor Strange, Elektra, DD, etc. as they were some of the first characters announced with this game and still have not been included. This and also become at Comic-Con they announced they were coming with the update (how we get all this upcoming news! :))
You can't understand how much hope you gave me there :D
Although, if the game isn't complete this month or november, im going to need your adress....and a kitchen knife *murder look* xD
Quote from: Polygone on October 20, 2011, 02:19AM
You can't understand how much hope you gave me there :D
Although, if the game isn't complete this month or november, im going to need your adress....and a kitchen knife *murder look* xD
Whats to code to enter to win Dr Strange?
Lol the contest is over now. The results will come tomorrow.
The update will be tonight! Also strong chances that Kitty might be released before the X-Men month.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 20, 2011, 01:15PM
Lol the contest is over now. The results will come tomorrow.
Oh well XD I dont like him much anyway, just wanted to see if I could win something lol
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 20, 2011, 02:45PM
Oh well XD I dont like him much anyway
Lol! Will you say the same thing if you win him?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 20, 2011, 03:24PM
Lol! Will you say the same thing if you win him?
Well I didnt enter the code for him, but if I did win him I dont think it would change my mind lol. I would most likely play him until he is max and then not play him any more XD
well ive got less than 24 till i leave for tamania. but my mums bringing her laptop and some internet thing so i might play it there:)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 20, 2011, 03:43PM
Well I didnt enter the code for him, but if I did win him I dont think it would change my mind lol. I would most likely play him until he is max and then not play him any more XD
I forgot you couldn't enter the contest. I really hope I win him since he is one of my favs otherwise i'll have to buy him XD
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on October 20, 2011, 04:43PM
well ive got less than 24 till i leave for tamania. but my mums bringing her laptop and some internet thing so i might play it there:)
This is a vacation, right? What sort of things are you going to be doing in Tasmania?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 20, 2011, 05:09PM
I forgot you couldn't enter the contest. I really hope I win him since he is one of my favs otherwise i'll have to buy him XD
I wonder when he will come out tho. If you think about it Psylocke, Pure Elktra, and Classic DD have all been code characters and have yet to come out in the store, same with Ultimate Spiderman so Dr Strange may take awhile to come out in the store.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 20, 2011, 05:13PM
I wonder when he will come out tho. If you think about it Psylocke, Pure Elktra, and Classic DD have all been code characters and have yet to come out in the store, same with Ultimate Spiderman so Dr Strange may take awhile to come out in the store.
Scarlet spider has tbeen the only one to come out sadly. However the update should bring Dr. Strange tomorrow. I guess its good timing. I fyou dont win him then you can buy him instantly.
For some reason I dont think they would do that. WHy have a contest then?
True I suppose. However if the poster who told us the update news is right then Dr. Strange will be coming tomorrow along with DD and 7 other characters (most likely including Sentry, Firestar, and Elektra)
Quote from: fox456 on October 20, 2011, 05:11PM
This is a vacation, right? What sort of things are you going to be doing in Tasmania?
yeah for a week. visiting historical buildings,waterfalls,cadbury factory,bushwalking,plays and a air walk.:)
Have a good time, hiddenhope!
WOW! now, u can do challenges that get u stuff like tickets, silver......AND FREE HEROES!
each mission is now 100 silver, u can now buy ultimate spiderman and the free heroes are street clothes wolverine, mohawk storm, sentry, firestar, normaldae devil and elektra. there is ff spiderman, invisi iron man suit and collosus but i dont know ho to get them(there notscrl overable)
Well I now own Firestar, Mohawk Storm, and Wasp. The 4th challenge makes you buy one hero and I choose Wasp XD Now to unlock more heroes!
Edit: If anyone hasnt noticed yet, the Beta symbol is gone now :)
Now i'll start playing this game more :D they need to have these challeges once every month this is really cool i only have Mohawk Storm and Stealth Iron Man but i cant wait to get Wolverine :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on October 21, 2011, 09:05AM
Now i'll start playing this game more :D they need to have these challeges once every month this is really cool i only have Mohawk Storm and Stealth Iron Man but i cant wait to get Wolverine :D
Inlcuding Stealth Armor Iron man, you can get 4 heroes total so far. It says more challenges to come. I got Mohawk Storm, Firestar, Stealth Iron Man, and Elektra
Cool the the four heroes I have too. Although I also bought Red Hulk. I really wanted DD and Sentry a well though :(
Well, I bought Silver Surfer for Challenge #4 and I've added Sentry, Daredevil and Mohawk Storm along with Stealth Iron Man. It was fun to see you other guys there too working on the challenges!
I thought the fall leaves, darkness and Halloween decorations were really cool. Soon after I got done exploring around the Daily Bugle, I went to check out VillainVille and about fell over when I saw Mohawk Storm. I didn't know anything about the challenges at that time and was trying to figure out where the heck she came from! I was surprised to find out that she doesn't fly.
The decorations are all really neat and I especially love the small touches. I've heard Sentry is really powerful which sounds pretty cool. Too bad the Mystique mission is much, much, harder than before.
BTW for any members of the CBR theme missions our new HQ will be the Sanctum Sanctorum.
I was surprised that Mohawk Storm couldn't fly either I find it a tad dumb! lol, oh well, Firestar's attacks are just like Ms Marvel but she is still really fun, Mohawk Storm is very unique, and Elektra looks fun but I have yet to use her. I bet more challenges will arrive soon and we can get more heroes. I just hope they dont require me to spend more gold, lol, I wanted to save the gold but I had to use it lol
I'm playing this game again and I like the new features and characters.Currently I'm doing the challenges and I'm exactly with the one where you have to "wave" to 4 (or 5?) players and I don't know what's a wave lol. Of the new characters I have Ironman, Elektra and Firestar. I wanted the new Storm but if she doesn't fly I'm not really sure lol.
So yeah what's a "wave", guys? ^^
Good news to the EU wannabe players out there xD
I just got a message that basicly says ''goodbye to beta''
Please, please marvel god, let my moment be close :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2011, 01:20PM
I was surprised that Mohawk Storm couldn't fly either I find it a tad dumb! lol, oh well, Firestar's attacks are just like Ms Marvel but she is still really fun, Mohawk Storm is very unique, and Elektra looks fun but I have yet to use her. I bet more challenges will arrive soon and we can get more heroes. I just hope they dont require me to spend more gold, lol, I wanted to save the gold but I had to use it lol
They seem to kinda have based Mohawk Storm off the time period in the X-Men where she was depowered. However they left her with the lightning. I actually prefer how she can't fly because its comic accurate (Mohawk Storm rarely had the chance to fly) and it makes her even more different. And you should really try Elektra because shes really fun (as you would know when you, me, and Dream teamed up!)
Quote from: whiteking on October 21, 2011, 01:34PM
I'm playing this game again and I like the new features and characters.Currently I'm doing the challenges and I'm exactly with the one where you have to "wave" to 4 (or 5?) players and I don't know what's a wave lol. Of the new characters I have Ironman, Elektra and Firestar. I wanted the new Storm but if she doesn't fly I'm not really sure lol.
So yeah what's a "wave", guys? ^^
Like Wave at a person, its one of the emotes. You click on someone and then hit the greet button
@Marvelfan, Yeah Elektra looks really awesome, and I figured out Storm has double jump
I only had to use my gold today to buy a new character which was unfortunately Red Hulk. However no other character who I hadn't bought yet really interested me. Guess I just need Ultimate Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, and Gladiator Hulk to complete my collection (and the code heroes although a Polaris fan from CBR might be able to provide a code for Pure Elektra :D)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2011, 02:01PM
Like Wave at a person, its one of the emotes. You click on someone and then hit the greet button
Thank you :)
By the way I read that Psylocke was available via code? how can I get one? I would like to have her on my team ^^
Quote from: whiteking on October 21, 2011, 02:09PM
Thank you :)
By the way I read that Psylocke was available via code? how can I get one? I would like to have her on my team ^^
Your welcome, and you have to have a special code from Comic Con inorder to use Psylocke.
@Marvelfan, I bought Wasp because it was between her and Spidergirl, but Wasp cost less XD I could have gotten American Dream but I forgot about her lol. Just tried Elektra and she is Boss! LOL I was surprised at how good she plays :D
Wasp is really fun so I'm glad you got her! Spider-Girl is ok too although I prefer Wasp lol and yeah the cost is less. American Dream is cool although a ditto copy of Captain America for the most part. If you don't have him then AD is a good and cheaper replacement.
Also so glad that I got my Pure Elektra code although not much use now as I have regular Elektra. But the next code hero is Classic Wolverine who I don't care for much considering the huge number of Wolverines by then.
Internet just closed out (again lol. This update definitely should have included more servers for the game) so be back in a minute. Then we can have our Elektras team-up!
Ok, and question can people post their names again so I know everyone lol I dont want to go searching for the other List
I know the following....
Jeanfan's is Flash Steel Viper
JeanGrey777's is Dazzling Linebacker Philospher
Fox's is Winter Fighter
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2011, 02:15PM
Your welcome, and you have to have a special code from Comic Con inorder to use Psylocke.
Oh just great one of those things "exclusive" for people from USA... oh well I'll wait I imagine that she will be available for all users without a code for the next updates, just like the missions now for 100 silver each ;)
Thanks again :)
And I'm Solid Midnight Prince by the way,but I'm sure I have most of you as my friends already ^^
Wow that Elektra teamup was really fun! Who knew playing as the same characters could be enjoyable XD. I loved the part where we both started throwing knives from the sky down upon the ninjas. THey had no chance!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 21, 2011, 02:55PM
Wow that Elektra teamup was really fun! Who knew playing as the same characters could be enjoyable XD. I loved the part where we both started throwing knives from the sky down upon the ninjas. THey had no chance!
We kicked some butt lol! I liked how one of us would throw the knives down and then right after the next so the ones who lived died XD thats probably what your talkin about :D
Yup i believe its ture, the game will be released i Europe once it is realeased officialy
I just saw someone running around with Dr Strange, he said he didnt really win him tho, but got him because he had everyone else. I doubt that but what ever...
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2011, 03:38PM
I just saw someone running around with Dr Strange, he said he didnt really win him tho, but got him because he had everyone else. I doubt that but what ever...
I doubt that too. That probably means the codes are out.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 21, 2011, 04:04PM
I doubt that too. That probably means the codes are out.
I know, why lie about something like that? lol so dumb!
There is a new theory lol. One of the challenges requires you to add a new hero but some players already had all the characters so you were stuck on that challenge. So the developers sent them a new hero (one person got Classic DD. This person must have got Doc Strange)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 21, 2011, 04:24PM
There is a new theory lol. One of the challenges requires you to add a new hero but some players already had all the characters so you were stuck on that challenge. So the developers sent them a new hero (one person got Classic DD. This person must have got Doc Strange)
Oh, well that would have been cool :P
Edit: Everytime I try to load my game it gets to 93 and then says it cant connect grr!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 21, 2011, 04:38PM
Everytime I try to load my game it gets to 93 and then says it cant connect grr!
Same here. And when I do get in, it's crashing sometimes. I think there's just alot more people playing today than there's been for awhile.
Here's a new theory. :) I think that there will be two more sets of 20 challenges each. Since there's still Colossus and Spider-Man to earn (in the top tier).
Quote from: fox456 on October 21, 2011, 05:52PM
Same here. And when I do get in, it's crashing sometimes. I think there's just alot more people playing today than there's been for awhile.
Here's a new theory. :) I think that there will be two more sets of 20 challenges each. Since there's still Colossus and Spider-Man to earn (in the top tier).
I hope so :)
i dont understand what are these chalanges
Currently, there is a list of 20 tasks to do. Tasks involve going to certain zones or buildings, greeting other players, and even buying a new hero. Each task has a reward. Rewards include tickets, silver, gold and new characters (like Sentry and Elektra). There's been alot of players yesterday and today because of the challenges -- more than I remember ever seeing.
One player has been found as Dr. Strange. According to him Dr. Strange will be the next hero released for sale (probably this month due to the loadscreen) followed by Nova. Beast and Classic Wolverine are being worked on. Nova will probably be available next month which is Nova month while Beast should come in December which is X-Men month. Classic Wolverine will be the next code hero.
Uggh now im starting to get mad :/
Im on the challenge where you have to complete Iron Man's Card Quest and im stuck and i dont even like the card game and to me it seems like the game cheats to make the computer win because the boss ALWAYS gets a freaking lucky block and 15 keepers and i never seem to get them plus i had a captain america and iron man keeper and there were suppose to attack the boss before i draw a card out of my hand but they didnt
Does anyone have some tips to defeat Hulkbuster & Dr Doom?
Guys, who should i get? Logan, Mowhawk Storm, Firestar or Sentry?
Logan is very powerfull and Storm is fun to play with but if you want someone powerfull choose Logan.
I got Firestar, and Mohawk Storm because they are both Favorite characters of mine and I believe them to both be fun :)
@Jeanfan, I had the same problem, but I just beat it out of luck. My guess is just keep trying :/
Sentry I've heard is really enjoyable and he has a similar playstyle to Rogue. Elektra is also really fun so I'd recommend her.
I wonder if they plan to make a Cyclops Astonishing skin, then Him, Emma, Kitty, and Colossus can all have an Astonishing adventure XD or FF costumes for the rest of the FF, Sue, Reed, Thing
Top 5 Characters I want to see:
1. Dazzler
2. Songbird
3. X-23
4. Rachel Grey
5. Polaris
Lol alot shorter then my other list XD Firestar would have been up there but shes now released, some what suddend and out of know where :P
guys, I never really checked this thread, but considering its 119 pages I guess I should have. It's obvious that something really cool got a lot of people with whom I have a lot in common interested. Well, I'm a little too lazy to read all 119 pages so, can anybody be so kind as to brief me what this game is all about?
Sorry ^^"
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 22, 2011, 07:55PM
guys, I never really checked this thread, but considering its 119 pages I guess I should have. It's obvious that something really cool got a lot of people with whom I have a lot in common interested. Well, I'm a little too lazy to read all 119 pages so, can anybody be so kind as to brief me what this game is all about?
Sorry ^^"
Lol well, Its kind of a kiddy game, but I dont believe to many kids play it. Its online, and its has tons of Marvel Heroes you can buy and lvl up threw missions, collect character bubbles, card game, smashing little robot things around the city. You spin the wheel in the cities to get more money by using tickets you get from smashing the little robots. Its actually pretty fun lol. I dont think I missed anything :P and every month new characters, missions, and other little things are added to the game.
thanks a lot mate! so, by buying, do you mean an in-game money or is it actually payed?
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 22, 2011, 08:22PM
thanks a lot mate! so, by buying, do you mean an in-game money or is it actually payed?
Well it depends. Silver is free, and you get some gold free. But if you pay to become a member your wheel gets gold everyday instead of silver. Most heroes are bought with gold with the exception of Jean Grey, Silver Surfer, Dark Surfer, and Bucky Cap. The Agents only heroes are also bought with Silver but are for members only.
i wonder if they will add Hope Summers or the Stepford Cuckoos. lol that would be wierd since they are 3 ( 5 originally ). But alot of players with stepford cuckoos can form stuff like Three in One, Five in One, Ten In One or even Thoasand in One xD a collective mind of Stepford Cuckoo Heroes.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 22, 2011, 08:46PM
Well it depends. Silver is free, and you get some gold free. But if you pay to become a member your wheel gets gold everyday instead of silver. Most heroes are bought with gold with the exception of Jean Grey, Silver Surfer, Dark Surfer, and Bucky Cap. The Agents only heroes are also bought with Silver but are for members only.
Weird isnt it?The member only are Silver and the others a member but thats not fair.
Does anyone know how long this tournament lasts?
Also i beat Hulkbuster but now i gotta defeat Dr Doom *sigh*
ALSO: Wouldn't you guys b pissed if you were only able to play with these characters for a limited time :P
AND Street CLothes wolverine is awesome and WHy can't Mohawk Storm Fly? :O
EDIT: SO i beat Doom and OMG why the hell does Doc Oc Have like 50 cards and i have 36? I almost beat him with this Mohawk Storm card that's suppose to do 12 damage but of course he either got a lucky block OR the damage did like a minimum of 3 and it got me mad cause he only had 3 cards left in his hand, so that could of killed him and i only had 1 left so im starting to get mad and sad :(
LOL, I can relate to your frustrations with those "lucky blocks." They make any deck weak or they can make the same deck strong. They are maddening when your opponent gets a lucky block but they are funny when you get one. HA! Don't give up, you'll beat Doc Oc.
Wow I just checked my e-mail and found out I won Dr. Strange! That's really strange as I never win anything.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 24, 2011, 01:33PM
Wow I just checked my e-mail and found out I won Dr. Strange! That's really strange as I never win anything.
Wow thats so cool! Im so happy for you :)
It turns out that a few of my friends were also able to win the Dr. Strange contest. Looking across other forums I've found a similar pattern: the people who entered the contest last usually won! Luckily those friends of mine are just casual players and don't care for the code so they gave them to me. I already have one now but I have 3 spare lol. One I am offering to JeanGrey777 as he was kind enough to obtain a Psylocke code for me (unless he doesn't want it XD)
The rest I am willing to give away to the people of this forum. One code will go to whoever replies here first and says he/she wants the code.
The last code I will give away in a contest. I'll give a few days and whoever wants the code must post a pic of their squad rank (it should be where you look at all your characters, their levels and items, your rewards/challenges). Whoever has the highest squad rank wins the code. I'm giving a few days so you guys can get to to work (or not) on your squad rank. If lets say there are three people who enter the contest and the squad ranks are: 10, 10, and 11 then the person with the squad rank of 11 will get it. Lets say another person comes in the contest but has 200 compared to the 10, 10, and 11 then the person with 200 gets it. Your squad rank increases from playing more missions, buying more heroes, leveling up your heroes, etc. The deadline day will be Saturday and anyone can enter the contest before then. Happy playing :)
EDIT: THanks Midnightphoenix
I want the code please (if it's still available ;)) :)
@Marvelfan12345 congrats on the codes! :)
Im still stuck on Doc oc Card quests im still trying to figure why every game he gets at least 6 "lucky blocks" but i NEVER gotten any.Im startin to get pissed :mad:
Oh can i have a code too plz :)
Congrats Whiteking! You have won a Dr. Strange code. I'll send it through pm :)
And Jeanfan the first code was being given out to whoever replied to my first post. You almost made it but Whiteking beat you ;)
You can still one a code by participating in the contest.
Many thanks! I think that I'll test my new character now (I have some homework but mehh I'll play anyway xD)
Even tho he isnt a favorite of mine, I would like him :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 24, 2011, 01:33PM
Wow I just checked my e-mail and found out I won Dr. Strange! That's really strange as I never win anything.
YES!!!!!! Glad to hear that one of us won! How do you like him?
Edit: And your contest idea is really cool. That is nice of you to offer it and creative too.
I hope they release Phoenix. I wonder what powers she will have and i mean i know fiery and pyro-telekinetic type of powers. I mean you know combost, the 3 powers and power emotes. Oh i wonder if they will add the Phoenix Raptor when she is flying ( simmiliar like the one in Wolverine and the X-Men ) that would look scary and cool
Quote from: fox456 on October 24, 2011, 07:40PM
YES!!!!!! Glad to hear that one of us won! How do you like him?
Edit: And your contest idea is really cool. That is nice of you to offer it and creative too.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 24, 2011, 07:29PM
Even tho he isnt a favorite of mine, I would like him :)
If you want him then you should enter the contest! You can join anytime before the deadline day which is Saturday. Before then if anyone would like to participate please post here so I can get a list of names XD
BTW a bit more news about X-Men month. It will last a month-and-a-half (half of November and all of December).
Characters who have been rumored/confirmed to be included!
Cyclops (current costume)
Professor X
The first 6 (Colossus, Shadowcat, Beast, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, and Iceman) were confirmed at Comic-Con while Angel, Cyclops, and Professor X are highly rumored (apperantly they were also mentioned during Comic-Con so they may as wellbe confirmed!)
Of course I'm really excited about Phoenix and I'm glad to know Nightcrawler, Angel, and Iceman are being added as well. Will love to see how Professor X will play and I can't wait to see Cyclops too because I love the modern outfit. Looks much better next to the Phoenix costume than the 90s costume imo XD
Im so excited for Kitty and Phoenix! Prof X to :)
I will enter the contest :D
I'm gonna love to see how Kitty and Prof X work! And good luck with the contest. As no one else is in it yet then maybe you won't even need luck XD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 25, 2011, 03:56PM
I'm gonna love to see how Kitty and Prof X work! And good luck with the contest. As no one else is in it yet then maybe you won't even need luck XD
Lol I can hope :D and me to!
Ahh, sorry to disappoint you midnightphoenix123, but I'm going to enter the contest too. I'm pretty sure you have alot higher squad level than I do, but at least it will be a contest. I thought it was a clever idea so I want to support it.
Thanks for the X-Men news, MarvelFan12345! I am looking forward to both Angel and Iceman.
Yay Fox! Sorry Midnightphoenix but I didn't want it to come that easy ;)
GOod luck guys with the contest.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 25, 2011, 04:37PM
Yay Fox! Sorry Midnightphoenix but I didn't want it to come that easy ;)
GOod luck guys with the contest.
Lol Im sure someone is higher then me XD but I hope not lol
Aw, I kinda wanted Dr. Strange... Lol oh well. I'll be on tomorrow mornin to check stuff out again. And really glad to hear about the X-Men month, been waitin for Kitty and Colossus. And Phoenix too, I aint gonna lie lol.
Scabbia, you can enter the contest too!
i finally beat Doc Oc BUT, after that i was only able to choose one character.
It said more challenges to come oh well but EVERYONE Elektra is awesome btw i totally recommend her :)
I agree Elektra is awsome, I recommend Mohawk Storm and Firestar! Mohawk Storm is super fun, and her not being able to fly can be over looked, at least for me :P Firestar is amazing aswell :) Btw I noticed on the challenge system the character slots, there is only 4 left but there is more then 4 people to choose from so Im guessing you need to pick your characters wisely!
Yeah i have Mohawk Storm,Elektra,Street Clothes Wolvie, and Stealth Iron Man.
Hopefully these aren't limited time heroes cuz i would b pissed lol :P
I've been meaning to ask you guys: Does anyone else have the login problem I'm having? Ever since the Halloween update, the game never takes my password on the first screen. I ALWAYS get the message that their "spidey sense" detects that I've entered the wrong one. But, I'm not! Then, it always works on the second screen....
I get that some times, but not everytime.
Quote from: fox456 on October 26, 2011, 03:34AM
I've been meaning to ask you guys: Does anyone else have the login problem I'm having? Ever since the Halloween update, the game never takes my password on the first screen. I ALWAYS get the message that their "spidey sense" detects that I've entered the wrong one. But, I'm not! Then, it always works on the second screen....
Yeah i get this everytime,its really annoying.
Their Spidey Sence isnt tingling correctly then. I knew they should have put Emma Frost, Jean Grey or Psylocke on the watch instead of Spider Man.
@fox45 hmm i never gotten this problem have u installed/downloaded the files to ur PC?
For anyone who is wondering Dr. Strange is released in the store for 1,000 gold and the Dorm mission is out for 200 gold, I played it and it was fun, but very hard!
Some good news is that I've managed to get hold of an additional Psylocke code which will also be offered as a prize. I may even recieve yet ANOTHER Psylocke code for a total of three prizes (2 Psylocke codes and one Dr. Strange code).
Basically whoever wins first place for the contest (first place would be the contestant with highest squad points) will get to pick one code. Then whoever wins second place will get to pick from the latter two. And third place gets whatever left (that is if I get another code though but I think I will ;))
Ok now im definantly entering the contest!
ALSO what time does the contest end on Saterday?
Where are you getting all these codes btw?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on October 26, 2011, 02:35PM
Ok now im definantly entering the contest!
ALSO what time does the contest end on Saterday?
Lol cool! The more the merrier. Got the 2nd Psylocke code so now there are a total of three prizes: 2 Psylockes and one Dr. Strange. As we only have 3 contestants so far each of you can win something!
And the contest ends as soon as Saturday begins (Midnight or a minute after 11:59 PM of Friday) unless there are any objections about day and time.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 26, 2011, 02:36PM
Where are you getting all these codes btw?
Lol I have many contacts ;)
Lol I have Psylocke, Fox and Jeanfan pick the Psylockes lol ;) jk
I tried to get a Pure Elektra code as well but was unsuccesfull :(
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 03:03PM
I tried to get a Pure Elektra code as well but was unsuccesfull :(
Well that sucks :(
Yeah I really wanted to have three different codes for variety but that wasn't the case. The toy code heroes aren't that common especially since most stores in the US have stopped selling the new waves.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 26, 2011, 03:01PM
Lol I have Psylocke, Fox and Jeanfan pick the Psylockes lol ;) jk
Lol that wouldn't be fun for you.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 03:14PM
Yeah I really wanted to have three different codes for variety but that wasn't the case. The toy code heroes aren't that common especially since most stores in the US have stopped selling the new waves.
Lol that wouldn't be fun for you.
XD I know!
Oh Psylocke! I'm In then lol, I probably have the last rank because I did not played the game like for 2 months but I still would like to try :)
Lol my Rank isnt very high either, im close to Fox, not close at all to Marvelfan XD, and Jeanfan I dont know what yours is currently at, yours either Whiteking.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 26, 2011, 03:01PM
Lol I have Psylocke, Fox and Jeanfan pick the Psylockes lol ;) jk
Hmmm, so MarvelFan, how does Psylocke compare to Dr. Strange?
Quote from: whiteking on October 26, 2011, 03:50PM
Oh Psylocke! I'm In then lol, I probably have the last rank because I did not played the game like for 2 months but I still would like to try :)
Cool so we now have four contestants with three prizes. The competition really begins now XD.
Quote from: fox456 on October 26, 2011, 04:21PM
Hmmm, so MarvelFan, how does Psylocke compare to Dr. Strange?
My own opinion may be somewhat biased as Psylocke is my favorite character after Jean and holds pretty high in my views lol but this is my review of her.
She is a very fast and agile melee fighter. Her combos are full of kicks and psychic blades (which are devastating btw!). Her heroup is one of the most powerful in the whole game as even at level 1 it will instant KO all small and medium sized foes (basically everybody but the larger foes and bosses). However the down side of the heroup is it is extremely slow and takes several seconds before actually causing damage. This allows foes the chance to really hurt her if given the chance :( Her powers are slightly more of a letdown but only because her combos are so powerful and fast. 2nd power is extremely weak but adds a damage buff which is the main reason to use the power while the 3rd power can hit multiple foes at once.
And for those people who would like to know about Dr. Strange this is what I have for him right now. He isn't a powerhouse unlike what most people might think. His combos are very fun and visually cool to watch however the time between each combo is extremely slow. I'd say that the average character's combos (Psylocke for example) could occur almost twice in the time it takes him to complete his combos once. Heroup is not very damaging yet either but it has a very HUGE radius and the ability to cripple foes (by making them dance lol) is extremely beneficial. Powers are once more very fun and interesting to see but not meant to deal damage. They are more for taking foes out of action (like turning them into bunny rabbits as Fox and Midnightphoenix saw today :))
IMO they are both very fun characters but who you like better may depend on your character archetype.
I know Psylocke is fun, very fast to. Dont know much about Strange :P
Thanks for the reviews on Psylocke and Dr. Strange!
LOL I had just got on with my other account to get Sentry, and then I saw my tickets and silver and I was like never mind to lazy XD
Quote from: fox456 on October 26, 2011, 05:09PM
Thanks for the reviews on Psylocke and Dr. Strange!
I think it really comes down to two types of characters
1) Quick and fast melee character who can smash/slice through foes with ease. The heroup complements the combos while the powers are usually avoided as they aren't too useful
2) Ranged character who can take out foes from afar but is usually slower and not too damaging. Powers however are much more fun to use so you will use them often. Not really damage-dealers but more for support
1) Examples: Black Widow, Wolverine, Reptile, etc.
2) Examples: Scarlet Witch, Invisible Woman, Emma Frost, etc.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 05:17PM
I think it really comes down to two types of characters
1) Quick and fast melee character who can smash/slice through foes with ease. The heroup complements the combos while the powers are usually avoided as they aren't too useful
2) Ranged character who can take out foes from afar but is usually slower and not too damaging. Powers however are much more fun to use so you will use them often. Not really damage-dealers but more for support
1) Examples: Black Widow, Wolverine, Reptile, etc.
2) Examples: Scarlet Witch, Invisible Woman, Emma Frost, etc.
OK, after all this time, there must be something I still don't get about the game. What are these "powers" and how do you activate them? When I play, I just left click on the enemy and let the hero do his thing. When I get enough power, I click on the Heroup icon. Is there more?
Quote from: fox456 on October 26, 2011, 05:39PM
OK, after all this time, there must be something I still don't get about the game. What are these "powers" and how do you activate them? When I play, I just left click on the enemy and let the hero do his thing. When I get enough power, I click on the Heroup icon. Is there more?
Yeah if you look at your stars before it turns to a heroup, some of the stars with light up sometimes single stars or double. They are the things you pick in the start of a mission, the yellow, orange, and red power things. You click the right mouse button when a star or stars are lite up then they do a special power
LOL, I NEVER noticed that! So when you right click, does it use up the stars that you've earned for the Heroup?
Quote from: fox456 on October 26, 2011, 06:05PM
LOL, I NEVER noticed that! So when you right click, does it use up the stars that you've earned for the Heroup?
Not all of them, it depends on which power you pick, its mostly 1 star, but sometimes 2 I dont know if there are ones that take more then 1 or 2
1st power takes one star
2nd power takes two stars
3rd power takes three stars
Just right click once you've earned enough stars for the powers you've chosen to use it. If all the stars are full and you right-click then the heroup will activate so be careful!
Also while picking characters for missions you pick one of the three powers. However using both shift and either #1, #2, or #3 can change power number. Lets say you picked a hero's third power and after getting into the mission you want to use the first power. Then press shift and #1 and the power will switch to that. Or vice-versa.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 07:31PM
1st power takes one star
2nd power takes two stars
3rd power takes three stars
Just right click once you've earned enough stars for the powers you've chosen to use it. If all the stars are full and you right-click then the heroup will activate so be careful!
Also while picking characters for missions you pick one of the three powers. However using both shift and either #1, #2, or #3 can change power number. Lets say you picked a hero's third power and after getting into the mission you want to use the first power. Then press shift and #1 and the power will switch to that. Or vice-versa.
I didnt know that, :) Thanks for that!
Btw can someone tell me both what Jean's and Emma's powers are.
Power Emote 1:
Power Emote 2:
Power Emote 3:
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:
Hero UP!:
Thank you in advance :)
Quote from: fox456 on October 25, 2011, 05:37PM
Scabbia, you can enter the contest too!
Thanks for the thought Fox, but I'm not on enough to enter any contests :). Bout to get on for a tad bit...
Quote from: White Queen on October 27, 2011, 04:11AM
Btw can someone tell me both what Jean's and Emma's powers are.
Power Emote 1:
Power Emote 2:
Power Emote 3:
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:
Hero UP!:
Thank you in advance :)
I'll upload videos showing their powers tommorrow and i have emma's power emotes that are uploading...
EDIT: Here are Emma's
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on October 27, 2011, 09:53AM
I'll upload videos showing their powers tommorrow and i have emma's power emotes that are uploading...
EDIT: Here are Emma's
Thank you sooo much. :)
Lol the third one made me laugh. She used her telepathy to take control of a bird's mind forcing it to get her a cup of coffee. xD
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 07:31PM
1st power takes one star
2nd power takes two stars
3rd power takes three stars
Just right click once you've earned enough stars for the powers you've chosen to use it. If all the stars are full and you right-click then the heroup will activate so be careful!
Also while picking characters for missions you pick one of the three powers. However using both shift and either #1, #2, or #3 can change power number. Lets say you picked a hero's third power and after getting into the mission you want to use the first power. Then press shift and #1 and the power will switch to that. Or vice-versa.
This is very helpful. Thanks!
"Starting tomorrow and continuing through this weekend... it's a major sale, with 20% off nearly all gold items in the store. This sale including heroes, missions, card quests and booster packs, and more. Check it out this weekend at!" Facebook, MSHSO
Hero sales, yay! Theres only like 4 missions that you buy with gold so no big deal on that lol!
Thanks for the news flash! And to think that I just bought some cards yesterday. :( Is anyone thinking of buying anything in particular?
Quote from: fox456 on October 27, 2011, 05:04PM
Thanks for the news flash! And to think that I just bought some cards yesterday. :( Is anyone thinking of buying anything in particular?
I'll probably buy some new characters Mostly Rogue or Gambit but since i only have 365 gold then idk.
Plus i'll be buying some new missions too
EDIT: Here's Jean Powers,Emotes,Melees, and Heroup tommorrow Emma's!
Quote from: fox456 on October 27, 2011, 05:04PM
Thanks for the news flash! And to think that I just bought some cards yesterday. :( Is anyone thinking of buying anything in particular?
Might buy the remaining missions and card quests. Or instead maybe the characters I haven't bought yet (Scarlet Spider, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Gladiator Hulk)
I wish I could buy a new hero, but yeah... I only have 140 gold and 7,000 silver... :( and being a free member makes it real hard to gain enough... lol. Makes it worse cause I have that "Gain a new hero" Challenge... -_-
Quote from: fox456 on October 27, 2011, 05:04PM
Thanks for the news flash! And to think that I just bought some cards yesterday. :( Is anyone thinking of buying anything in particular?
I want all female characters, so I still need Spidergirl, American Dream, and Valkyrie, but I really want to save my money for X-Men month and Nova-mber so unless it is a good sale I dont know if I will get anything
Quote from: White Queen on October 27, 2011, 11:35AM
Thank you sooo much. :)
Lol the third one made me laugh. She used her telepathy to take control of a bird's mind forcing it to get her a cup of coffee. xD
Ok here's all of Jean's stuff:
here's Emma Frost's:
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 02:31PM
Some good news is that I've managed to get hold of an additional Psylocke code which will also be offered as a prize. I may even recieve yet ANOTHER Psylocke code for a total of three prizes (2 Psylocke codes and one Dr. Strange code).
NOOO! im in tassie for awhile still (till sunday) oh hey everyone tasmanias great.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 26, 2011, 02:31PM
Some good news is that I've managed to get hold of an additional Psylocke code which will also be offered as a prize. I may even recieve yet ANOTHER Psylocke code for a total of three prizes (2 Psylocke codes and one Dr. Strange code).
lol soz about above post yeah i wont be home till sunday and im on a public comp right now so i cant download it.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on October 27, 2011, 07:02PM
Ok here's all of Jean's stuff:
here's Emma Frost's:
Thank you sooo much JeanFan for showing me Emma and Jean. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH :) :phoenix: :emmafrost:
Btw i dont understand Emma's HeroUp. The video didnt show it well it lagged a bit. Can you please explain it? :-)
Btw im sure they will Release the Game in Europe in 2012. Since after Novaember and X-December's content are released then the game will be full so i presume it will be released after December. As people say that the last months will make the game official ready for official release
sigh, oh well, my membership ended properly anyway, its just annoying on how long it takes -_-, but I pressume your right...
Did you guys saw the "special" gold items sale?The best heroes still in the same price!
Quote from: White Queen on October 28, 2011, 04:57AM
Thank you sooo much JeanFan for showing me Emma and Jean. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH :) :phoenix: :emmafrost:
Btw i dont understand Emma's HeroUp. The video didnt show it well it lagged a bit. Can you please explain it? :-)
Btw im sure they will Release the Game in Europe in 2012. Since after Novaember and X-December's content are released then the game will be full so i presume it will be released after December. As people say that the last months will make the game official ready for official release
Her heroup basically stuns enemies but it doesnt do a good radial
Quote from: Scabbia on October 27, 2011, 06:14PM
I wish I could buy a new hero, but yeah... I only have 140 gold and 7,000 silver... :( and being a free member makes it real hard to gain enough... lol. Makes it worse cause I have that "Gain a new hero" Challenge... -_-
Do you have Jean Grey? You could buy her with your silver for the "new hero" challenge. I was going to buy either Dr. Strange or Scarlet Witch because they cost the least gold, but then I realized I could buy one of the silver characters I didn't have.
@Scabbia - Try saving silver for Bucky Cap
Finally got all missions and almost all characters from the shop (all but Ultimate Spidey!)
"You the man, MarvelFan!" Guess I'm a little envious. :shy: :shehulk: :sauron: :scorpion: :sskrull: :hulk_icon:
Well I bought Spidergirl, and both of Storm's card quests. Now I need to save my gold!
Edit: Oh and Marvelfan do we need to post a picture of our Squad level or just post what it is?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 28, 2011, 02:33PM
Well I bought Spidergirl, and both of Storm's card quests. Now I need to save my gold!
Edit: Oh and Marvelfan do we need to post a picture of our Squad level or just post what it is?
I was wondering the same thing -- maybe we should PM you for the suspense! :)
I think I'm going to buy the Spider-Man card quest, but those cards are basically only good in a Spider Deck, so I'm not sure. I'm also considering other quests. Anyone have any favorites?
Post the picture of it. And yes the suspense is killing me too XD! Only some hours left :D
Guess you know where I am right now.... LOL!
Heres mine, I have a party tomorrow so no time to play
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 28, 2011, 05:03PM
Heres mine, I have a party tomorrow so no time to play
Ok! BTW you can still change it anytime before midnight (in case you end up getting some time). After that time is up. Until then this is your official squad rank.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 28, 2011, 06:00PM
Ok! BTW you can still change it anytime before midnight (in case you end up getting some time). After that time is up. Until then this is your official squad rank.
I may find some, but I dont know for sure
Here's mine as of Friday night.
Quote from: fox456 on October 28, 2011, 06:53PM
Here's mine as of Friday night.
Is this your final rank as well for the night?
LOL, I'm still on there, playing cards. Can I update it if it changes before midnight, Eastern time?
Ok, here's mine as I expected I have the lowest rank lol, but in my defense I have to say that increasing my rank from 115 to 143 in just 2 days was really cool and fun :)
I would like to play more and try to increase my rank a little bit but there are a lot of players right now and my game crashes :(
I'll be online until next sunday, so If I won something (which I doubt) let me know and congratulations Fox that's great rank!!! :)
Oh shoot omg i totally forgot to post my rank oh well i would of lost anyway cause mine is 114 lol congrats to Midnightphoenix,Fox, and Whiteking :)
OMG!!! :eek:
Wel I think we have our winners! Congratulations players :)
1st Place Gold goes to Fox456!!!
2nd Place Silver goes to Midnightphoenix123!!
3rd Place Bronze goes to Whiteking!
Fox you wil get first choice at the prizes which are once more....2 Psylocke codes and Dr. Strange!
Midnightphoenix picks after Fox and Whiteking takes what is left. Fox feel free to inform me of your prize on this thread or over pm!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 29, 2011, 08:53AM
OMG what Whiteking? Lol
Lol I actually made it xD well I hope I can get Psylocke since I already have Dr. Strange ^^
Now I'm gone again until tomorrow, I "stole" my cousin's computer and now she wants to use it :)
Fox has chosen his prize now leaving one Psylocke code and one Dr. Strange code. Midnightphoenix it's now your turn to pick! You can do it on this thread or over pm.
OH yay! Since I have Psylocke... hmm whom will I choose XD Dr Strange :) Please and thank you! Thanks for picking Psylocke Fox :P
Have sent you your Dr. Strange code Midnightphoenix!
Fox, once more I want to compliment you on your generosity for picking Psylocke so Midnightphoenix could get somebody new :) Perhaps after playing with Psylocke you will find her even better ;)
Now all this is left is Whiteking and the remaining Psylocke code. I will send it to you through pm
That concludes this little contest here! I know I really enjoyed hosting and I hope you all loved playing.
Thanks so much for organizing the contest and donating the prizes, MarvelFan! It was alot of fun!
I'm glad that the prizes worked out too.
Thanks again Marvelfan! You to Fox :)
DAMMIT! i have 187 squad level but i didnt enter cause i though u guys would have like 300+ squad level
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on October 29, 2011, 08:13PM
DAMMIT! i have 187 squad level but i didnt enter cause i though u guys would have like 300+ squad level
I thought I was gonna lose, but I had more then some, you should have just entered just because even if you lose.
Well i knew i was gonna lose cause i have 115 lol :P
How did you guys raise yours so high?
I just kept playing and raising the levels of the heroes I already had.
Do you guys realize that there are evidently going to be more card sets (not quests) to be released in the future (like those for the villains)? That makes me wonder if the villains (Mysterio, Loki, Dr. Doom, etc.) will be playable in the future too.
Im excited for the months to come, I want Phoenix and Kitty!
Thanks MF I got my code and I'm going to test it soon :)
Quote from: fox456 on October 30, 2011, 09:58AM
I just kept playing and raising the levels of the heroes I already had.
Do you guys realize that there are evidently going to be more card sets (not quests) to be released in the future (like those for the villains)? That makes me wonder if the villains (Mysterio, Loki, Dr. Doom, etc.) will be playable in the future too.
I really wanna play as Sabretooth,Magneto or Mystique,there can be villain missions too where the hero is the boss,it would be amazing experience the villain side of the fight.
I think those are some good possibilities. And if they haven't thought of them yet, hopefully someone from the developers is reading your ideas!
Quote from: fox456 on October 31, 2011, 08:12PM
I think those are some good possibilities. And if they haven't thought of them yet, hopefully someone from the developers is reading your ideas!
I agree, I wish they would make a Marketplace where people can sell Cards, Items, Heroes maybe, and other stuff I would love that so much, because then you could get rid of all the junk you have and make a little money XD Or have like an idea box where we can send emails to or something!
I agree 100% -- I would love a Marketplace where you could trade in items to the "bank" or to each other.
Even though they have had some good updates, it seems as though they ignore our comments and bug reports. I have reported several things that have been wrong and receive no thank yous, no updates, and nothing has gotten fixed that I have specifically written about.
Note that the 20% off gold items sale is over. But, they added a new card quest -- Dr. Strange.
In a game video preview of Emma Frost i saw that the player used all her 3 powers in the mission. And i was wondering i though that you can use only the selected power. I didnt know you can use all 3 of them which is confusing.
Quote from: White Queen on November 01, 2011, 08:16AM
In a game video preview of Emma Frost i saw that the player used all her 3 powers in the mission. And i was wondering i though that you can use only the selected power. I didnt know you can use all 3 of them which is confusing.
You can use it by pressing 1 for first power 2 for second and 3 for third.
Quote from: White Queen on November 01, 2011, 08:16AM
In a game video preview of Emma Frost i saw that the player used all her 3 powers in the mission. And i was wondering i though that you can use only the selected power. I didnt know you can use all 3 of them which is confusing.
Yeah if you wanna use your selected power you just simply right click but,if you wanna use your different power you would press Shift+1,,2 or 3
Wow thats even better, i didnt know that xD
Sorry for double posting, however i wanted to say this that i belive Songbird ( as well as an alternative cosume Screaming Mimi ) might be added in the near future. Since Songbird appeared in one episode of the Show and Screaming Mimi ( undercover Songbird Shield Agent ) appeared in about 5 or so. Collosus will be released in X-December no news about Phoenix nor if there will be a Dark Phoenix Mission ( or character, but doubtful ) Iceman might be added as well, Xavier is as well a rumor to be added as a hero ( wheelchair included XD ). Other characters such as Hercules might be added as well ( not in X-December ) since he has also appeared in the Show ( much to the disliking of Thor xD ). Other characters will be the Mayor of Super hero City and Cynthia "Coco" Von Doom ( ok im joking about the mayor and coco xD but who knows :P ) Also Captain Marvel might as well appear ( boyfriend of Ms. Marvel xD ) however im not fully sure. As well as Hawkeye being a possible eddition
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 25, 2011, 01:36PM
BTW a bit more news about X-Men month. It will last a month-and-a-half (half of November and all of December).
Characters who have been rumored/confirmed to be included!
Cyclops (current costume)
Professor X
The first 6 (Colossus, Shadowcat, Beast, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, and Iceman) were confirmed at Comic-Con while Angel, Cyclops, and Professor X are highly rumored (apperantly they were also mentioned during Comic-Con so they may as wellbe confirmed!)
Of course I'm really excited about Phoenix and I'm glad to know Nightcrawler, Angel, and Iceman are being added as well. Will love to see how Professor X will play and I can't wait to see Cyclops too because I love the modern outfit. Looks much better next to the Phoenix costume than the 90s costume imo XD
Not so much exited about Nightcrawler, Collosus, Angel and Beast. Im mostly exited about Charles, Kitty and Phoenix
Nova-ember will include Nova, Captain Marvel, and a new Ultron mission.
Yay! Another favorite -- Captain Marvel!
I wonder if when Nova-ember comes out, like Loadscreen and all if they will add more Challenges!
I hope so! They were fun, but it was like we were all trying to complete them in one night!
Are the challenges hard? Also can you buy hellicarriar rooms without being a member.
Also i found a list of all playable and soon to be playable characters on the game.
American Dream
Black Cat
Black Panther
Black Widow
Bucky Cap
Captain America
Classic Daredevil
Doctor Strange
Pure Elektra
Emma Frost
Gladiator Hulk
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Iron Man
Hulkbuster Iron Man
Stealth Armor Iron Man
Iron Patriot
Jean Grey
Mr. Fantastic
Ms. Marvel
Nick Fury
Red Hulk
Red She-Hulk
Scarlet Spider
Scarlet Witch
Silver Surfer
Dark Surfer
Black Suit Spider-Man
Future Foundation Spider-Man
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Mohawk Storm
Tuxedo Thing
Classic Thor
Ultimate Thor
War Machine
Street Clothes Wolverine
There is alot of people missing from that list. If X-Men month is giving us everyone Marvelfan posted, then we should have Captain Marvel, Shadowcat(Who was announced for sure), Angel, Iceman, Prof X, Beast(Who was announced for sure) plus anyone else im forgetting XD
SHSO Open Beta in Europe is now LIVE! Players in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK... it's time for you to Hero Up! Play =NOW= at!
Great to have the Europeans aboard. ;)
Quote from: fox456 on November 03, 2011, 03:08PM
Great to have the Europeans aboard. ;)
I agree, although I wonder if they will play on the same Servers as us because it sayd Europen Beta leading me to think they will have their own server
I think you are right. Plus, there sure aren't many people in the game right now. I would have expected more if Europe was now with "us."
Quote from: fox456 on November 03, 2011, 03:22PM
I think you are right. Plus, there sure aren't many people in the game right now. I would have expected more if Europe was now with "us."
I think it would be better if you could choose your language,and if they added more extra languages for people like me who want to play in the "native" language.So everyone could enter the European servers and all that.
That's a really good idea!
Just noticed that there's going to be an update tonight. I wonder if they will remove the fall/Halloween theme. I really liked the darker scenes and the leaves blowing around. They did a nice job with that. I hope it stays on until Christmas! :D (or maybe they will decorate for Thanksgiving).
Well, they did revert back to the "spring-like" environment. There's a new loading screen. AND, a new set of challenges!!!
(They also removed the daily token counter).
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 03, 2011, 02:44PM
There is alot of people missing from that list. If X-Men month is giving us everyone Marvelfan posted, then we should have Captain Marvel, Shadowcat(Who was announced for sure), Angel, Iceman, Prof X, Beast(Who was announced for sure) plus anyone else im forgetting XD
SHSO Open Beta in Europe is now LIVE! Players in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK... it's time for you to Hero Up! Play =NOW= at!
Thank you so much midnight for telling us this. :-) However..
Is there a maintenance on that server because when i go to it shows a maintenance screen ( saying its not available in my area ) but there is no stag this time its only
I hope its fully available in Europe and not only in some contries in europe, because that would be fully unfair. **Begs that this is only a maintenance**
Quote from: fox456 on November 04, 2011, 03:51AM
Well, they did revert back to the "spring-like" environment. There's a new loading screen. AND, a new set of challenges!!!
(They also removed the daily token counter).
Yes I am so excited, and wait whats the Daily Token counter XD?
@White Queen, I hope for you it is only a Maintenance, I know they had one last night so maybe its just a longer one for Europe so they can get everything set.
I just had the GREATEST nerd freak out ever -_-
THANK YOU SO MUCH Whitequeen for telling me :D
These Challenges seem a bit more difficult. Fly the Rocket thing 20 times... ugh its taken forever! And then win a card battle aganist someone 10 times!
So my mom and I agreed that when tommorow, its still avaible here, Ill get my membership back, gawd im so happy with this :), I love to play as Miss Marvel :D
Do you have the Challenges there? And god Im so mad! I just got 20,000 score on Base Invasion and quit and it didnt save my score, so now I have to start all over....
I dunno yet, we also have Villainvile so it seems the game is up to date with your guys version
Its not fully loaded yet, since its my second time play (the last time being 5 months back or so xD)
EDIT : where can you find the challange missions?
EDIT 2 : There those, ''get to the roof of the Daily bugle'' challanges right? yes we do then xD
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 07:40AM
I dunno yet, we also have Villainvile so it seems the game is up to date with your guys version
Its not fully loaded yet, since its my second time play (the last time being 5 months back or so xD)
EDIT : where can you find the challange missions?
EDIT 2 : There those, ''get to the roof of the Daily bugle'' challanges right? yes we do then xD
Yay now you can get more heroes!
Its not available in my area T_T i hate the SHSO staff. They should just call it Available in Some parts of Europe not Available in Europe since it isnt available in some countries. T_T
I guess i have to wait more months :'( as if i havent waited already to much. What if they dont make it available to the rest of the contriues at all?! T_T
PS: Once you complete about 25 Challenges you get Collosus as it says on the Facebook
White Queen Ill promise you, everything you want to see, I take a pic for you, I feel really bad kinda, happy and bad I guess -_-
So yeah :P
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 07:54AM
Its not available in my area T_T i hate the SHSO staff. They should just call it Available in Some parts of Europe not Available in Europe since it isnt available in some countries. T_T
I guess i have to wait more months :'( as if i havent waited already to much. What if they dont make it available to the rest of the contriues at all?! T_T
PS: Once you complete about 25 Challenges you get Collosus as it says on the Facebook
It's not 20, its like 5 or something, before Colossus tho you have to do a lot inorder to get other heroes
Edit, can someone help me with the Card Challenges, like you let me win 10 times, I let you win 10 times XD
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 08:02AM
White Queen Ill promise you, everything you want to see, I take a pic for you, I feel really bad kinda, happy and bad I guess -_-
So yeah :P
I will wait until further news about ( if ) they will be expand the Europeon Server's reach. Also Polygone did u use your acount which u created on the North America site or did u create an entirely new one. Also i believe NA Server players cant play with EU Server Players. However im happy that at least one of us is able to play
Had to create a new one, which sucks (black Widow and Giant man) oh well
I buyed the Loki mission where he creates thor clones, incredibly addicting mission, although EXTREMLY hard xD
Any other missions you guys recommend (or characters?)
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 09:00AM
Had to create a new one, which sucks (black Widow and Giant man) oh well
I buyed the Loki mission where he creates thor clones, incredibly addicting mission, although EXTREMLY hard xD
Any other missions you guys recommend (or characters?)
Did u try ur old one to see if it works?
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 09:00AM
Had to create a new one, which sucks (black Widow and Giant man) oh well
I buyed the Loki mission where he creates thor clones, incredibly addicting mission, although EXTREMLY hard xD
Any other missions you guys recommend (or characters?)
I have played the Sabertooth mission and one of the Skurll missions the most out of any mission, plus I have almost every mission except like 4 or so
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 09:01AM
Did u try ur old one to see if it works?
Yeah I love the Sabre mission aswell, also played one of the arcade games with blackpanther, looks awesome :D
There are multiple Skrull missions, but I believe you talk about one where your locked in some sort of area right?
Also, Loki can transform you into thor :), Was kinda fun to preview a character like that, dont think Ill buy him, since in my opinion, the character is really slow -_-
Any other character suggestions? (for tommorow, when I receive 500 gold, I already have 100, so that covers characters who cost 600 gold)
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 09:09AM
Yeah I love the Sabre mission aswell, also played one of the arcade games with blackpanther, looks awesome :D
There are multiple Skrull missions, but I believe you talk about one where your locked in some sort of area right?
Also, Loki can transform you into thor :), Was kinda fun to preview a character like that, dont think Ill buy him, since in my opinion, the character is really slow -_-
Any other character suggestions? (for tommorow, when I receive 500 gold, I already have 100, so that covers characters who cost 600 gold)
Yup thats the Skurll one XD And for characters, I dont know. It depends on if you like Close up attacks or far back attacks. And for one of the challenges you have to buy a hero so you should wait till that challenge comes along, I believe its the 5th or something like that XD
You get 500 Gold tommorow? Is that because ur going to be a member?
Aww i wish i could ( i wish i could play the game as well -_- ) How much gold do you get if you are a non member ( a day )
@midnight, yeah already got to that challange *sigh* its the fifth, I might be buying Jean (if its once again still avaible tommorow)
If your a nonmember and you spinned all the gold slots, its something around the 140
If your a member and you spinned all the gold slots, its like 500 (no joke) and you get 500 gold each month :D
EDIT : Kinda funny, like an hour ago, I was like the only one playing, now all the rooms are loaded with Falcons and Miss Marvels xD
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 09:26AM
@midnight, yeah already got to that challange *sigh* its the fifth, I might be buying Jean (if its once again still avaible tommorow)
If your a nonmember and you spinned all the gold slots, its something around the 140
If your a member and you spinned all the gold slots, its like 500 (no joke) and you get 500 gold each month :D
EDIT : Kinda funny, like an hour ago, I was like the only one playing, now all the rooms are loaded with Falcons and Miss Marvels xD
But how much gold slots do recover for a day. As i know all spots turn gold if u are a member.
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 09:34AM
But how much gold slots do recover for a day. As i know all spots turn gold if u are a member.
If your a non memeber you get one gold slot a day, but if you log in the game like 10 days the final reward is 5 gold and if you continue to log in after that it will keep giving you 5 gold I believe
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 09:36AM
If your a non memeber you get one gold slot a day, but if you log in the game like 10 days the final reward is 5 gold and if you continue to log in after that it will keep giving you 5 gold I believe
In that case i will buy Emma Frost only in my dreams, at least i can play with Jean since she is silver. Makes up for it. Also i am not the only one experiencing problems with the unavailability in certain countries in Europe. Two comments in Facebook say a simmilliar problem. A boy in Spain is unable to Play the game as it says Unavailable in your Area that same thing happend to another boy who is from the UK. So i believe its some satelite problems or whatever.
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 09:50AM
In that case i will buy Emma Frost only in my dreams, at least i can play with Jean since she is silver. Makes up for it. Also i am not the only one experiencing problems with the unavailability in certain countries in Europe. Two comments in Facebook say a simmilliar problem. A boy in Spain is unable to Play the game as it says Unavailable in your Area that same thing happend to another boy who is from the UK. So i believe its some satelite problems or whatever.
Well if you do the challenges you can rack up gold to
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 10:12AM
Well if you do the challenges you can rack up gold to
Oh interesting, how much gold do they give and are they hard
No, but theyre kinda bitchy (xD)
The fifth challange is to unlock a new hero, as a free player, the only options are either jean or Silver Surfer
Jean is 5000 silver, surfer 25000, The average silver you get (average, not counting all players) is like 1000
So it takes 5 days (or in my case, if you become a jr shield agent one day :) )
Also, im positive this will last, because the website is a completly new url, not like in july, so im getting the Shield membership :D
How much gold coins to challanges give?
I would check for you, but for some reason I keep getting an error so I cant get on :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 11:12AM
I would check for you, but for some reason I keep getting an error so I cant get on :/
Error? What kind of error? Maintenance?
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 11:20AM
Error? What kind of error? Maintenance?
Maybe Im not sure, it works now tho
If you complete all the challenges you can get a total of 335 gold so far. First gold 10, then 35, then 50, then 100, then 150
That isnt much of good news however it does help. I still believe its a bit too little
Also here are two pics of Super hero Squad Toys.
Emma Frost ( Classic Look )
Jean Grey ( Phoenix Look )
Do you think this outfit of Emma should have been in the game instead the one she has now?
Also, does anyone know a good way to get plenty of tickets and/or silver? (or a mission)
I want miss Grey :D
Yeah, Emma looks way better (in my opinion)
Just keep destroying the bots in the towns, thats a good way to get tickets (doing missions as well). Then use your tickets on the wheel to rack up the silver.
Yeah, figured troublebots helped me out aswell, but they're difficult to find sometimes :P
I usually get them all in one town, then switch towns and go for them... and so on and so forth... lol.
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2011, 11:45AM
Also, does anyone know a good way to get plenty of tickets and/or silver? (or a mission)
I want miss Grey :D
Yeah, Emma looks way better (in my opinion)
Do challenges or mission you gets lots of tickets and silver for the challenges! And I think they didnt use that Emma because its not child friendly lol but I like it better
Is it true that Emma's first emote allows you to stay in diamond form and walk around for several seconds
Okay this is just plain weird, the option to be a member doesn't exist yet xD
Kinda funny for a game where basicly your only option is to pay xD
Oh well, Ill just wait, maybe they have done it tommorow (for anyone who can check, go check for yourself, the in-game ads for a Shield agent JR dont correspond xD)
Polygone i believe that the cause of no Member Option is because this is Beta Europeon Server. Meaning that there isnt a Member Option just yet. However try the codes -- HeroUp or Superhero -- maybe they will work but doubtful
You also cant enter codes
The buy gold function is curtainly under contruction, and since both these options (member and gold) both have the company get money, I expect they are the very first functions to work properly (just my guess here, but most company's work like that)
I wonder when i can play the game. It will take me about 15 days or more to get 600 gold and buy Emma
For the winning 10 card quest chalelnges, I suggest we all get together and lose to each other. It should speed up the process
Hey MarvelFan have you completed all the challanges?
Btw what do you do on these card games?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 04, 2011, 01:32PM
For the winning 10 card quest chalelnges, I suggest we all get together and lose to each other. It should speed up the process
I agree, I asked if someone could help me the last page
@ midnightphoenix123:
The daily token counter is the little window at the left of the screen that told you how many of the hero's tokens (out of 5) that you had accumlated for that day. It would disappear once you collected all 5. I liked it since it was small and went away eventually. Anyway, they've removed it.
There sure has been alot of action in this thread today!!! I'm going into the game now. If anyone needs help with the card game, just hit me up and I'll play you.
Quote from: fox456 on November 04, 2011, 02:14PM
@ midnightphoenix123:
The daily token counter is the little window at the left of the screen that told you how many of the hero's tokens (out of 5) that you had accumlated for that day. It would disappear once you collected all 5. I liked it since it was small and went away eventually. Anyway, they've removed it.
There sure has been alot of action in this thread today!!! I'm going into the game now. If anyone needs help with the card game, just hit me up and I'll play you.
Yeah I need help, let me win 10 and I will let you win 10 :)
No problem.
CORRECTION: The daily token counter is back. I don't think it was there this morning.
LOL, "Princess Puffin" is working hard on his challenges.... I flew with him on my first (and apparently his last) spaceship ride. Right after that he quickly went to the Arcade. ;)
Where is the arcade located
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 07:34AM
Do you have the Challenges there? And god Im so mad! I just got 20,000 score on Base Invasion and quit and it didnt save my score, so now I have to start all over....
Same happened to me. ANyway to stop this from occuring again?
Quote from: fox456 on November 04, 2011, 02:27PM
LOL, "Princess Puffin" is working hard on his challenges.... I flew with him on my first (and apparently his last) spaceship ride. Right after that he quickly went to the Arcade. ;)
Lol you did!?! I didn't even notice. I entered a sort of hypnotic trance after completing 20 rocket missions lol. I'm so sorry for not seeing you! :(
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 04, 2011, 02:41PM
Same happened to me. ANyway to stop this from occuring again?
You just let he robots get to where you are 3 times and lose all your lives, then it saves your score
Have they removed the Sanctum Sanctorum from the Daily Bugle Zone
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 02:48PM
Have they removed the Sanctum Sanctorum from the Daily Bugle Zone
I dont know, lol, I didnt even check!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 02:50PM
I dont know, lol, I didnt even check!
xD lol. Btw can you enter the Sanctum Sanctorum and if you can what is there inside. Anything special and interesting?
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 02:52PM
xD lol. Btw can you enter the Sanctum Sanctorum and if you can what is there inside. Anything special and interesting?
Yup you can go inside, and there is a clocking device like where you go invisible
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2011, 02:47PM
You just let he robots get to where you are 3 times and lose all your lives, then it saves your score
Thanks. NEver thought suicide would be so handy
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 04, 2011, 02:54PM
Thanks. NEver thought suicide would be so handy
Me either lol!
I wonder if after the Europeon Server Beta ends they will merge the two servers. Because it will be a little lonely there. The other thing when will they actually make it so we can call it "Available in Europe" and not just "Available in Some Parts of Europe"
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 04, 2011, 02:43PM
Lol you did!?! I didn't even notice. I entered a sort of hypnotic trance after completing 20 rocket missions lol. I'm so sorry for not seeing you! :(
No problem. I was messaging you after we landed and then all of a sudden you disappeared into the "Arcade" oblivion! HA!
For thou who dont have it, BUY the redskull mission, its an amazing mission :D
Got somewhere around the 2400 silver today, so im like half on Jeannie, seeing as how I only spend like 5/4 hours on this, I pressume tommorow is the day imma get her :D
Anyone need to win/lose some card missions?
I'm letting Midnightphoenix win 9 games right now. I may need to win some later though. Thanks.
EDIT: Midnightphoenix, did you get all the games you needed?
Unlocked Colossus (finally!) and he is really fun. He plays like a wrestler and his heroup is completely unique
Quote from: White Queen on November 04, 2011, 02:48PM
Have they removed the Sanctum Sanctorum from the Daily Bugle Zone
Yeah its gone.
Quote from: fox456 on November 04, 2011, 03:12PM
I'm letting Midnightphoenix win 9 games right now. I may need to win some later though. Thanks.
EDIT: Midnightphoenix, did you get all the games you needed?
Fox do you still need any more missions? I'll be glad to get a beatdown from you ;)
EDIT: Finally bought my last character from the shop! Now I have all the characters who can be bought.
Gah! I must play now! I want Colossus! XD lol.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 04, 2011, 05:16PM
Fox do you still need any more missions? I'll be glad to get a beatdown from you ;)
EDIT: Finally bought my last character from the shop! Now I have all the characters who can be bought.
That is AWESOME that you've got all the heroes now! I wonder how many people have done that. I may take you up on the offer for card games. I'll let you know if I have trouble getting some wins. :)
So wait is there more challenges now? And if so are they hard?
@Marvelfan so you have every single character in the game now XD
Well from all the talk you guys make about December, marvelfans trophy wont be for long >:D
Like expected, the game is still avaible, and I dont see it leaving anytime soon
Most of the challanges are quite easy ''use all the flight spots in the Baxter plaza'' ''Raise your squad level to 15''
Im currently charging my silver for Jeannie cause theres a challange that says ''Add one hero to your squad'' xD
EDIT: I got Jean Grey and Sentry, Woohoo :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on November 04, 2011, 10:16PM
So wait is there more challenges now? And if so are they hard?
All but one of the recently added 5 challenges take more time to achieve. (The easy one just requires you to "be rude" in three locations). The last of the five is to get your squad level up to 200. Mine was just over that amount already, so I automatically fulfilled it. I'm sure the next squad level requirement will be higher than what I will have so it will take considerable time to reach it.
Now that you currently have all of the characters, which ones do you think are the most unique? Also, which ones do you think are the most fun to play? And, which ones do you think are the strongest in missions?
xD, my challange is to raise it to 60, its currently 34 :P
Just have fun with it. There's no rush. The whole idea is to enjoy it.
Simply put, yeah your right, but for me the whole point of the game is both to have fun and collect characters :P
Oh well its 38 now :P
Quote from: fox456 on November 05, 2011, 05:04AM
All but one of the recently added 5 challenges take more time to achieve. (The easy one just requires you to "be rude" in three locations). The last of the five is to get your squad level up to 200. Mine was just over that amount already, so I automatically fulfilled it. I'm sure the next squad level requirement will be higher than what I will have so it will take considerable time to reach it.
Now that you currently have all of the characters, which ones do you think are the most unique? Also, which ones do you think are the most fun to play? And, which ones do you think are the strongest in missions?
Most unique is pretty hard. ALmost all characters are unique except for the carbon copies (Bucky Cap, American Dream, Iron Patriot, Scarlet Spider, etc.)
Most fun is also pretty hard. I especially love using Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch as their powers have funny secondary effects. I'd also say Valkyrie, Gambit, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Jean Grey, etc.
They have quite a few in strongest of missions.
Ranged - Spider-Woman, Iron Man, Classic Thor, Jean Grey, Human Torch
Melee - Hulk, Thing, Hulkbuster, Rogue, Captain America, Valkyrie
For the melee part, i would add Psylocke
Thanks MarvelFan. I'll keep those in mind when I have to buy more characters.
For those that I already maxed out, I think Captain America is still my favorite for missions. Sentry and Falcon are good too.
It would be awesome if they make Phoenix float instead of walking just like Sentry
So I'm playing with the new challenges but I'm stuck with the one on the arcade, you'll see my game crashes every time I try to play on the arcade. At first I thought it was because there was a lot of players playing the challenges at the same time than me, but the "crash" still happen to me anyway. Do you have any problem with the arcade on your computers?
Also, is there a way to skip this challenge?
Arcade doesnt seem to crash for me
Quote from: White Queen on November 05, 2011, 02:18PM
It would be awesome if they make Phoenix float instead of walking just like Sentry
I dunno, they need to make her quicker though, because sentry is pretty slowish (although an amazing melee character, agility wise, he sucks) :P
I want these emotes for Phoenix ( Jean )
1) Holds out her hand as a small fiery bird appears and waves at Jean with it's wings. Jean pets the bird and smiles and then bird disappears.
2) Jean holds her head as she feels a headache and she transforms into Dark Phoenix and begins to laugh just before reverting to her normal self.
3) Jean flies in the air, a phoenix raptor appears behind her and she releases a fiery shockwave ( simmiliar to Emma's first emote )
Somebody from Shades of Grey made this for fun! Hope the developers make something like this.
She should definitely raptor it up while flying. It's never been done before.
1. Phoenix Force - float up and slightly phoenix up (eagle cry sound effect)
2. Phoenix Rapport- holds hands in front while a small raptor appears flapping it's wings
3. Searching - levitating while eyes closed and sensing with telepathy
Angry Emote - Turns into Dark Phoenix
Courtesy to Joshtylen!
I think emote number 3 isnt very Phoenix like, nor worthy of spot number 3. I believe it should be the Pose emote.
I thought that as well. Although now I kinda like it because it seems like she's connecting with the universe lol. I kinda like the pose that normal Jean has and think it would fit Phoenix's pose though. However emote 3 could always be scrapped with a Dark Phoenix emote (along with the angry emote XD)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 06, 2011, 09:10AM
I thought that as well. Although now I kinda like it because it seems like she's connecting with the universe lol. I kinda like the pose that normal Jean has and think it would fit Phoenix's pose though. However emote 3 could always be scrapped with a Dark Phoenix emote (along with the angry emote XD)
Yeah I agree. Phoenix for the win :D
Quote from: Polygone on November 06, 2011, 03:42AM
Arcade doesnt seem to crash for me
Hmm, anyone else?
I tried to skip that challenge but nothing. I'll try again because if that doesn't work I'll have to ask someone to play that challenge for me ^^
Any news of when they will release Phoenix?
Quote from: whiteking on November 06, 2011, 10:43AM
Hmm, anyone else?
I tried to skip that challenge but nothing. I'll try again because if that doesn't work I'll have to ask someone to play that challenge for me ^^
Any news of when they will release Phoenix?
The release of Phoenix is going to be on X-December
She may be also released on Nova-ember due to the fact that Phoenix is a cosmic entity
Quote from: whiteking on November 06, 2011, 10:43AM
Hmm, anyone else?
I tried to skip that challenge but nothing. I'll try again because if that doesn't work I'll have to ask someone to play that challenge for me ^^
Any news of when they will release Phoenix?
You can skip challanges??
Quote from: White Queen on November 06, 2011, 11:01AM
The release of Phoenix is going to be on X-December
She may be also released on Nova-ember due to the fact that Phoenix is a cosmic entity
She's already been confirmed to be released in December along with the other X-Men (Kitty, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Beast, Angel, Xavier, and Modern Cyclops) The only characters coming in Nova-ember will be Nova and Captain Marvel. However Nova-ember is only half a month and X-Men month will be a month and a half so she may be one of the first X-characters to come in November!
Quote from: Polygone on November 06, 2011, 11:04AM
You can skip challanges??
No, if you could skip challenges then what would be the point of them?
Maybe that you can skip em and do them later? I dunno :P
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 06, 2011, 11:06AM
She's already been confirmed to be released in December along with the other X-Men (Kitty, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Beast, Angel, Xavier, and Modern Cyclops) The only characters coming in Nova-ember will be Nova and Captain Marvel. However Nova-ember is only half a month and X-Men month will be a month and a half so she may be one of the first X-characters to come in November!
No, if you could skip challenges then what would be the point of them?
However im still 100% Certain she will be for Members Only. Since she is such a wanted character, And a famous and powerful one as well. There have been rumors about her being member only as well
Unforuntately you have to do the challenges in order. I suppose it makes sense considering how every 5th challenge gives you a new hero.
Quote from: White Queen on November 06, 2011, 11:12AM
However im still 100% Certain she will be for Members Only. Since she is such a wanted character, And a famous and powerful one as well. There have been rumors about her being member only as well
There are lots of characters who are very wanted but they are not Members Only. I can see Phoenix being silver like Jean or Surfer (fingers crossed for Nova and Captain Marvel to be silver as well!) but I don't see why she MUST be Members only.
And what rumors?
It's too bad nobody asked about her playability at the Comic-Con. They actually gave a lot of info to people who asked. Someone else asked about Beast and apperantly he will be very fun and unique. Not only the heroes we get from the year ends but also the order of some of the card quests. Not sure about most of the heroes but I do know that Spider-Woman's won't be coming soon lol.
Hmmm so I can't skip, I'll have to see if the arcade works on another computer =/
Quote from: whiteking on November 06, 2011, 11:30AM
Hmmm so I can't skip, I'll have to see if the arcade works on another computer =/
A friend of mine on another forum had the same issue. She said that she give it a few hours and it ended up working.
Agreed, really sorry but they kinda suck at teasing,
Black Widow? Of course she's an awesome character, but I cant see people begging to play as her
Nick fury? Neh
All the cool characters are either gold or ridicoulousy overpriced silver xD
Anyway, I think 3 more characters are supposed to be free, since theyre going for the 60 characters right? that should make 6 characters free (free being payed with silver) (at least, if they want to round beatifully and have 10% of the game that the casual player could earn aswell :D)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 06, 2011, 11:35AM
A friend of mine on another forum had the same issue. She said that she give it a few hours and it ended up working.
I'll check that. Thanks for the advise ^^
Quote from: Polygone on November 06, 2011, 11:44AM
at least, if they want to round beatifully and have 10% of the game that the casual player could earn aswell :D
Sounds depressing lol.
Quote from: whiteking on November 06, 2011, 11:46AM
I'll check that. Thanks for the advise ^^
If worst comes to worst send a ticket.
Looking as how everyone is playing and having fun i am beggining to feel very despressed xD
Also i believe that in 2012 when the Ghost Rider 2 Movie and Avengers Movie comes out we will get new characters. Such as Ghost Rider himself, Hawkeye and others.
I kind of feel like if so many people want Phoenix, and they make her for members only. They will make alot of Phoenix fans really really angry!
Quote from: Polygone on November 06, 2011, 03:42AM
... Sentry is pretty slowish (although an amazing melee character, agility wise, he sucks) :P
I thought I was the only one that felt that way. Do you think it's because he's floating? We need to have a race around the city and check to see if he really is slower.
I wonder if they will make White Phoenix of the Crown, that would be one powerful character. However its a bit doubtful. I hope the release the game to the rest of Europe soon. Im really starting to feel sad and depressed. Also this is reply 2011 xD same as our year currently
My fellow squad players, I need help once again xD
I cant seem to find fish, I have an ice cream, a hotdog, and a pizza, but fish seems to be unfindable (I thought you could eat fish in Asgard, but im pretty sure I was wrong) :P
Polygone do you mind sending the Support Team a ticket about the release of the game for Bulgaria and the rest of the countries in Europe. :)
The help part is still under construction on the site, you could perhaps mail them at
Facebook revealed a Nova teaser. He should be coming, if not tomorrow, this week.
Quote from: Polygone on November 07, 2011, 11:06AM
My fellow squad players, I need help once again xD
I cant seem to find fish, I have an ice cream, a hotdog, and a pizza, but fish seems to be unfindable (I thought you could eat fish in Asgard, but im pretty sure I was wrong) :P
Yes Fish are in Asgard I'm pretty sure of it!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 07, 2011, 03:35PM
Yes Fish are in Asgard I'm pretty sure of it!
Yes fish is next to the stairs I believe.
Quote from: Polygone on November 07, 2011, 11:06AM
My fellow squad players, I need help once again xD
I cant seem to find fish, I have an ice cream, a hotdog, and a pizza, but fish seems to be unfindable (I thought you could eat fish in Asgard, but im pretty sure I was wrong) :P
I found that I was able to complete some of the challenges without actually doing exactly what they said. For example, I ate the number of items the challenge asked, but not the exact items. The same thing was true for flying from all the hubs in the Baxter Building zone (I think it was). Anyway, I flew the required number of times, but I repeated some of the "hubs."
I believe I encountered the same thing Fox mentioned, as I went to May Parkers house hoping to get fish (oh well)
Currently, I am doing armored wars 1 2 and 3, but it took me like 5 times to beat War Machine, im really bad at the card game xD
don't worry, war machine is the toughest of them XD
xD, well I beat it, currently at raise your squad level to 110, im 63 0.0
Nova is confirmed to be either 1000 Gold or 600 Gold. He will probably be Member Only
And where has he been confirmed as 600 or 1000 gold? And I strongly doubt that he will be Members Only if he is gold as all members Only characters have been silver so far.
News Flash:
Nova is now available to ALL players. He is only 350 gold, putting him on the level of Scarlet Witch and Mr. Fantastic.
Quote from: fox456 on November 09, 2011, 04:28AM
News Flash:
Nova is now available to ALL players. He is only 350 gold, putting him on the level of Scarlet Witch and Mr. Fantastic.
Thats even better then.
Also how much space does the Game Files take. I believe you cant set the directory it automatically goes to C:
Well, the help section is finished on the Europe site...Now to wait for the shop, and then hopefully the membership option
Nova is very fun to play with and I love his heroup! I probably love him more thanks to the low 350 gold price. Much better than the...."confirmed" price of 600 or even 1000 gold.
LOL! I was thinking earlier today that we should be getting a "review" of Nova from MarvelFan soon. That was quick! No one had Nova this morning. I'm going onto the game now, so I'll be curious to see how many are running around at this point.
Lol. Btw tried out Dr. Strange and Psylocke yet?
Just unlocked Strange's third power and it is brilliant! He astral projects and unleashes a heavy blow. Its incredibly powerful and can KO the average and most common enemy. It even affects more than one enemy!
I actually dont really get on very much, but once Phoenix is out I will. I only get on everyday to get my 5 gold, and then I get off.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 09, 2011, 03:58PM
Lol. Btw tried out Dr. Strange and Psylocke yet?
Just unlocked Strange's third power and it is brilliant! He astral projects and unleashes a heavy blow. Its incredibly powerful and can KO the average and most common enemy. It even affects more than one enemy!
Not yet -- and it's HARD to avoid the temptation to use them! I'm waiting on those new challenges to see if we will need to add new characters to our roster. One thing that has helped is that I got Colossus. He is unique. His Hero Up power is cool and it helps weaken all the enemies when he starts spinning so that everyone can kill them quicker. However, his Hero Up is totally useless against every boss I've played against. They take no damage at all during his spinning punches. It's very frustrating.
I think alot of the non-members are doing the same thing as midnightphoenix -- they only get on for a short time. What do you guys think they could do to get people (and new people) to play? I sent a suggestion about the card game to let the winner receive a little gold rather than just silver to try to get more people involved in that.
Quote from: fox456 on November 09, 2011, 04:34PM
Not yet -- and it's HARD to avoid the temptation to use them! I'm waiting on those new challenges to see if we will need to add new characters to our roster. One thing that has helped is that I got Colossus. He is unique. His Hero Up power is cool and it helps weaken all the enemies when he starts spinning so that everyone can kill them quicker. However, his Hero Up is totally useless against every boss I've played against. They take no damage at all during his spinning punches. It's very frustrating.
I think alot of the non-members are doing the same thing as midnightphoenix -- they only get on for a short time. What do you guys think they could do to get people (and new people) to play? I sent a suggestion about the card game to let the winner receive a little gold rather than just silver to try to get more people involved in that.
If they gave out more gold for non members I would get on more, plus if they added alot of stuff. Maybe add villains, 5 more Jean Greys XD I don't know its hard to say :/
Something like ''buy silver with gold!'' only vice versa.
I dont care if its 1000 silver for 10 gold coins, but that would defnitly be awesome
EDIT : weirdest thing just happened, my squad level was suddenly 118 (ya got that right people :D)
And I could buy Shield agent only heroes even though it wont let me play as them, and I got 2 gold slots on the spinwheel
Pretty strange, Oh yeah, and I managed to get firestar (Elektra, daredevil and wolverine arent really my type of heroes)
Srry for dble post
It seems like we have Full Shield membership thanks to the open beta!!
Then after commercial launch all accounts are wiped clean -_-, sigh
Quote from: Polygone on November 10, 2011, 10:17AM
Srry for dble post
It seems like we have Full Shield membership thanks to the open beta!!
Then after commercial launch all accounts are wiped clean -_-, sigh
yay after the euro open beta ends and all acounts are wiped im pretty sure the server's reach will expand.
Hey you guys in Europe,
When I was part of the beta trial here, we got to KEEP everything we had during the trial AND they even gave us a bonus "free" Captain America after it was over! During the trial, we were able to buy the "members-only" characters and also play with them (until the beta period ended). We could rack up gold every day too. Do any of those features exist for you?
Also, I saw some guys speaking on our server in French the other day. Always in the past, it was banned to do that. I think it's great that they are allowing foreign languages now.
Quote from: fox456 on November 10, 2011, 03:16PM
Hey you guys in Europe,
When I was part of the beta trial here, we got to KEEP everything we had during the trial AND they even gave us a bonus "free" Captain America after it was over! During the trial, we were able to buy the "members-only" characters and also play with them (until the beta period ended). We could rack up gold every day too. Do any of those features exist for you?
Also, I saw some guys speaking on our server in French the other day. Always in the past, it was banned to do that. I think it's great that they are allowing foreign languages now.
I find it horrible that they banned people for speaking there most likely main language
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 10, 2011, 03:51PM
I find it horrible that they banned people for speaking there most likely main language
Yes i agree, some people havent learned their second language ( like english ) and they dont know how to speak it. So if you dont know english you cant play?! The staff are really rude if they bann people for speaking in their native language
Quote from: fox456 on November 10, 2011, 03:16PM
Hey you guys in Europe,
When I was part of the beta trial here, we got to KEEP everything we had during the trial AND they even gave us a bonus "free" Captain America after it was over! During the trial, we were able to buy the "members-only" characters and also play with them (until the beta period ended). We could rack up gold every day too. Do any of those features exist for you?
Also, I saw some guys speaking on our server in French the other day. Always in the past, it was banned to do that. I think it's great that they are allowing foreign languages now.
Rub it in Fox, Rub it in xD
I dunno, they did mention some sort of bonus price to those who keep playing, after you saying this, I seriously hope the Whole account wipe thing was just a misscommunication, especially since I finally got Miss M to Max :D
For those who may have forgotten, Nova-ember will also feature Captain Marvel and a new Ultron mission. You should have recieved this in e-mail!
The only downside is that Captain Marvel is only for agents only :( Although they call him a sneak peek so perhaps he will become regular soon.
I got an email with that. From my long lost unused North America Server Acount.
New character art. Cable and Onslaught will both be coming (former for playable, latter for boss)
No new art for Phoenix, Beast, Professor X, Angel, and Modern Cyclops.
I was just thinking earlier today that it's about time for a "preview" announcement of some kind by our own MarvelFan! Thanks for the info.
Cable looks so much more mature than the others, especially Nightcrawler. And Iceman sure looks different.
When should all these people be getting released?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 15, 2011, 04:11PM
When should all these people be getting released?
No date although they should be here in December.
Quote from: fox456 on November 15, 2011, 04:09PM
I was just thinking earlier today that it's about time for a "preview" announcement of some kind by our own MarvelFan! Thanks for the info.
Cable looks so much more mature than the others, especially Nightcrawler. And Iceman sure looks different.
Lol, my pleasure
And I really like Cable's apperance as well. Nightcrawler with slicked hair is new but looks good on him. I'm so glad they went with a Modern Iceman rather than the bald version ;)
Also some more news from the devs about "X-Mas!"
"We can't give all the details now but expect a very exciting X-Mas, there will be elves and lots of ice and snow"
I had a feeling that they'd decorate everything up for Christmas! They did such a good job for Halloween.
Ooh such a wonderful gift but IF i had a lot of gold i wold only get Iceman and Shadowcat.
Love Iceman's costume almost lloks like the one for MUA 2 for PS3/360
In keeping with the Nova-ember theme, guess whose card quest came out this morning ------ Mr. Fantastic! (LOL, don't know how that's part of theme really, but there are some different cards included.)
EDIT: Abomination's mission is on sale for only 100 silver. That could be its new permanent price, but I'm not sure.
Lots of new stuff! Captain Marvel and Ultron mission is out. Captain Marvel is for Agents ONLY however this will only last a short time before he becomes available for all players. Agents get a sneak peek ;) Because of this his price is 600 gold.
ALso new challenges to unlock any hero you still need. I'm debating between Daredevil and Sentry. The challenges are pretty tricky though.
The first one was easy, but the next two are time consuming. You're not kidding that the last of the five new challenges is tough. You have to raise your squad level to 300! I don't think I'll be able to do it with the squad I currently have, so it will be interesting. If I do make it, I'm guessing it will be really hard to get the next squad level requirement they make without buying alot of heroes.
@ MarvelFan12345:
Since you have (virtually) all the characters, what is your current squad level and how many of your heroes are NOT maxed out yet?
My squad level is 740.
My unmaxed heroes....
Captain Marvel - 1
Colossus - 5
Elektra - 8
Pure Elektra - 6
Gladiator Hulk - 2
Stealth Iron Man - 2
Nova - 3
Reptile - 9
Scarlet Spider - 3
Ultimate Spider-Man - 2
Mohawk Storm - 7
I'm usually good with maxing heroes but ever since the challenges I've lost my streak.
I havent raised my squad lvl enough to get Colossus yet XD I dont think I will be doing challenges for awhile till Shadowcat comes out
Pigeons take a while but I'm 4/5 of the way there. Almost done now lol! BTW make sure to keep your effects level at "Good" otherwise pigeons don't show up. That happened to me and a few others.
hmmmm, it's hard to find people who have Hulk and She-Hulk AND will stick to a mission.
are there any quick easy ways to unlock new heroes? i've been trying to complete challanges and i'm stuck on number four cause don't have nearly enough game monies to buy any of them, or enough irl monies to buy game monies >,<
Assuming you aren't an agent and don't have enough gold I would recommend completing lots of missions, and going to the prize wheel a lot to get enough silver to buy Jean Grey, Bucky Cap, Silver Surfer, or Dark Surfer.
I think they need to change the challenges because non members who only have silver characters can not get their squad lvl to 300
Have you maxed out all your heroes?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 19, 2011, 02:02PM
Have you maxed out all your heroes?
No XD im just saying for people who only have silver and only have like 1 or 2 heroes bought with their silver. I still have several to max, but I got a bit bored of the game so I'm waiting for Shadowcat, and Phoenix's release
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 19, 2011, 02:03PM
No XD im just saying for people who only have silver and only have like 1 or 2 heroes bought with their silver. I still have several to max, but I got a bit bored of the game so I'm waiting for Shadowcat, and Phoenix's release
The only way to raise your challenges then would be to max them out. The game can be somewhat boring if you can't progress with new heroes. It does get better if you have lots of friends on the game to paly with.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 19, 2011, 02:05PM
The only way to raise your challenges then would be to max them out. The game can be somewhat boring if you can't progress with new heroes. It does get better if you have lots of friends on the game to paly with.
Well I have done most of the challengs except the newer ones that were just released. I just got tired of playing the game. If I was still into it im sure ever hero I had would be maxed!
what are the new 5 challanges
Let's see. The 5 new challenges are:
1. Score 7500 points on Whack-A-Moloid in the Arcade. (Easiest one)
2. Stun 100 pigeons.
3. Activate 30 gumball machines.
4. Complete 4 different missions, one each with Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, Red Hulk and She-Hulk. (I'm still working on this one!)
5. Raise your Squad Level to 300. (I'm only at 248. I will have to buy heroes to make this one).
hey so i've started playing a lot more and i need five more friends for a challange...anyone feeling friendly? i'm "the polite beast"
Just go up to anyone and ask them to be a friend -- almost everyone accepts the offer. I'm going on now and I'll look for you.
i guess i've never just been the type to randomly friend complete strangers XD
I just checked and it said that you weren't online. I'm Winter Soldier if you get on.
i've been on mostly all night...maybe it doesn't show that if you're running a mission?
Maybe it's because we hadn't become friends yet. When I tried inputing your name and friending you, it didn't work.
"Classic Wolverine will be the last of the Hasbro toy code heroes. Redeem your Hasbro toy code and play as Classic Wolverine today at!"
WOW! I couldn't believe it when I saw that Vision is going to be one of the new characters at some point!!! Even Moon Knight will be there. Jean looks good too. This is cool that they are planning so many more heroes. I don't even recognize everyone that you pictured (like 6 of them)! Thanks for posting them.
Quote from: fox456 on November 23, 2011, 02:10PM
WOW! I couldn't believe it when I saw that Vision is going to be one of the new characters at some point!!! Even Moon Knight will be there. Jean looks good too. This is cool that they are planning so many more heroes. I don't even recognize everyone that you pictured (like 6 of them)! Thanks for posting them.
You welcome, they were on Shades of Grey and I was like OMG! XD on Shades of Grey the pictures are smaller and I could have sworn the Red head in red was Dark Phoenix, but they said it is Pepper Pots (Rescue) Apperantly, and when I looked at the bigegr picture I saw she was wearing Iron man armor.
That was one I didn't know. Who is in the picture with Jean (upper right)? And who is in the picture with Professor Xavier (also upper right)? And, who is in the last picture?
Quote from: fox456 on November 23, 2011, 02:15PM
That was one I didn't know. Who is in the picture with Jean (upper right)? And who is in the picture with Professor Xavier (also upper right)? And, who is in the last picture?
The last picture is Squirral Girl, the one by Xavier I'm guessing is Black Panther, the one by Jean I have no idea XD
That "Black Panther" looks like a female. Maybe it's Storm dress up like a panther. LOL
There was an update last night but nothing really changed in the game that I saw.
Yup I believe it is, the necklace and the white fur on the shoulder
Her name is Shuri, she is the Sister of Black Panther
And the one next to Jean is the Monkey King appearntly, thanks to Shades of Grey I found out XD
Good detective work! I don't think I've ever heard of Monkey King.
Quote from: fox456 on November 23, 2011, 03:32PM
Good detective work! I don't think I've ever heard of Monkey King.
Thank you very much :). Ane me either I have never heard of him, lots of people are praising him as a good character though.
Who's the hero on the last picture?
Honestly, im looking forward to Xavier, Angel, Phoenix and Nightcrawler (im assuming nightcrawler can use flight spots as teleport spots)
Also there seems to be some sort of bug, with chrome, I cant get past 77%, with other browsers it works fine, it worked fine before with chrome though, anyone an idea?
In europian super hero city, things have taken a leep to the worst! Spiderman is taking over! (I saw like 40 spideys and symbiote spidey's in there xD)
Scarlet witch is one of my newest, im currently trying to get either Nick Fury, or Dark surfer, big price diffrence, but thats how far I get :P
EDIT : OK this is just stupid, prosienbat being a german company made EVERY part of the site by default german, so now each time you wanna see something in English you gotta click the english icon
English is the languege most speak, its like their trying (not meant to be disrespectful) to germanize the whole game
Ok, most of them look totally awesome and I can't wait for! Especially Phoenix and Original Ms. Marvel. Love them!
Quote from: Polygone on November 24, 2011, 05:58AM
Who's the hero on the last picture?
Midnightphoenix123 answered that above (because I had the same question). :) It's Squirrel Girl.
OK this is just stupid, prosienbat being a german company made EVERY part of the site by default german, so now each time you wanna see something in English you gotta click the english icon
English is the languege most speak, its like their trying (not meant to be disrespectful) to germanize the whole game
That would be a major pain!
And I just discovered the prize wheel aint working, it doesnt seem to be only for me ,as most people are very quickly done with it :P, oh well, currently playing missions to get these 2.000 coins of silver!
So glad to see Vision and of course Phoenix! Original Ms. Marvel will be very fun too! Love the costume they picked for's one of my favs. Not suprised at all to see Joe Fixit Hulk and LUke Cage. Asgardian Thor on the other hand does...hopefully he is different from the other Thors.
Im excited for Phoenix, and Ms Marvel. I also really want to see how Squirral Girl plays :)
Pressumably, using lots and lots of squirrels, just a thought xD Rachel and Beast also seem to be fun to play with :D
hey squirrel girl is possibly one of the most powerful heros ever XD she's taken down people like thanos and doctor doom. i mean just check out her wikipedia article: i've actually wanted to make a mod of her for mua for a while :P
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 24, 2011, 08:30AM
Im excited for Phoenix, and Ms Marvel. I also really want to see how Squirral Girl plays :)
Original Ms. Marvel was very requested so I'm not suprised. And I'd love to see Squirrel Girl too. I'm kinda sick of all the Hulks, Spideys, Thors, Caps, and Iron Mans though.
Quote from: Polygone on November 24, 2011, 08:40AM
Pressumably, using lots and lots of squirrels, just a thought xD Rachel and Beast also seem to be fun to play with :D
Where are you getting Rachel from?
woops,I got it completly messed up, so sorry, I meant pepper, thought pepper was her last name, and somehow Rachel got stuck in my head...Yeah, im weird xD
THey need to make Astonishing Storm or Classic Storm lol
I wonder how Prof X is gonna work will he just be levitating in his wheelchair during missions?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 24, 2011, 08:49AM
Original Ms. Marvel was very requested so I'm not suprised. And I'd love to see Squirrel Girl too. I'm kinda sick of all the Hulks, Spideys, Thors, Caps, and Iron Mans though.
I agree It's kind of annoying :/
The end of the open beta is sceduled 27th of November, the Offical launch of the game will happen on the 29th
The prize they were talking about (with wipin all accounts clean) Includes an addional hero (Pressumably Cap, like in the US version) and a addional card quest
Super Hero Squad Online Facebook Page posted this
Who is the first of the X-Men that'll be arriving in Super Hero Squad Online in December?
I easily guessed its Shadowcat, as do every other comment saying Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat. So Yup she is the first X-Man to come in December. I wonder who will follow..
Yeah!, KITTEH xD
Quote from: White Queen on November 28, 2011, 12:18PM
Super Hero Squad Online Facebook Page posted this
Who is the first of the X-Men that'll be arriving in Super Hero Squad Online in December?
I easily guessed its Shadowcat, as do every other comment saying Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat. So Yup she is the first X-Man to come in December. I wonder who will follow..
Awesome it's about time!
Yay Im excited for Kitty to come :) Hope she gets released on the 1st of the month!
Edit: Shades of Grey says Psyloke and Kitty are up next
I think they are behind in their schedule -- if half of November (as well as December) was supposed to be X-Men. I think November was the most disappointing month. We only got Nova and Captain Marvel (if you're a member) and one card quest (Dr. Strange).
Maybe Shadowcat is such a complex, unique, cool character that it took them all this time to develop her! :P
Apperantly November was supposed to be full Nova-ember. December and half of January will be X-Men month instead
Oh, okay! Well, they still could have added some more Nova/Silver Surfer/Captain Marvel/Sentry stuff.
:O I wanna hear all about Kitty when she's released, if anyone gets her. Unless she's silver, then I'll just try her out myself lol.
Quote from: fox456 on November 28, 2011, 04:06PM
Oh, okay! Well, they still could have added some more Nova/Silver Surfer/Captain Marvel/Sentry stuff.
I agree! Considering how the month turned out to be full they had no reason not to include more stuff. I guess everything we get for X-Men month makes up for it :)
Polygone any news on the expansion of the server ( if there will be )
They're still under maintance, sorry :(, Its said to launch on 11:11 here, but Ill check back tommorow, as I believe where im living, its gonna be somewhere around midnight (also 11:11 has passed here)
Ill check back tommorow for any possible news, or you could check both URLs tommorow :)
(the newsfeed, during the maintance, isnt working aswell)
Thanks for the info, i hope they expand the server :) :( :)
We have an update tonight.... I wonder if it will be the beginning of the X-Men.
Quote from: fox456 on November 29, 2011, 03:30PM
We have an update tonight.... I wonder if it will be the beginning of the X-Men.
Lets hope so :D
So after you max a character does any experience you gain from them just go to nowhere or does it all go to the squad level?
It's just wasted. :( Squad levels go up as character levels go up, but once you have maxed out your character, the squad level won't go up anymore as a result of that character's experience gains.
so basically when you play with your favorite character a lot, you get rewarded by them getting stronger until you can't use them anymore if you want to progress in the challenges...
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on November 29, 2011, 06:08PM
so basically when you play with your favorite character a lot, you get rewarded by them getting stronger until you can't use them anymore if you want to progress in the challenges...
Well you can always use the characters you like no matter, but once they reach max lvl they wont lvl up any more, but that wont stop you from using them if thats what you mean. But for Challenges where you need to raise your squad lvl, you have to have an unmaxed hero or I believe you can play card games and stuff to gain higher lvls.
White Queen, try both URLS now!!
Cant wait to play this again, first thing im doing after coming home from school :)
Also, the site seems to be less glitchy (with the newsfeed that wont appear sometimes for example)
Our update consisted of a new card quest, Falcon -- and that was it. I'm guessing there will be more this week.
Quote from: Polygone on November 29, 2011, 11:37PM
White Queen, try both URLS now!!
Cant wait to play this again, first thing im doing after coming home from school :)
Also, the site seems to be less glitchy (with the newsfeed that wont appear sometimes for example)
Nope sorry nothing works. It was proably a minor update
Ouch, will try to send a ticket for you though :)
Quote from: Polygone on November 30, 2011, 07:54AM
Ouch, will try to send a ticket for you though :)
Thanks :)
Well, its really downy now (again :P)
The game wont connect (again :P), I dunno really, even with basic internet explorer, the stupid part is when it says the game cant connect, you can see the loadbar loading further *sigh*
Oh well, lets just hope its startup issues :P
lets hope it expands
Phoenix's hud is up. Finally green eyes ;) And I'm glad they changed the hair to her trademark fiery mane.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 30, 2011, 02:16PM
Phoenix's hud is up. Finally green eyes ;) And I'm glad they changed the hair to her trademark fiery mane.
:') she looks beutiful
Also some "news" about Kitty. According to a source from another player, Kitty will be Agents Only. It's only a rumor now but it could be true as Kitty has been part of SHIELD.
Phoenix looks great :) Glad they changed her hair, hope she comes out soon!
And then Phoenix is supposed to be agents only, supposedly... And this is why I stopped playin' this. If I spend money, I wanna keep the stuff I get. Sorry, but that aggravates me.
Quote from: Scabbia on November 30, 2011, 04:01PM
And then Phoenix is supposed to be agents only, supposedly... And this is why I stopped playin' this. If I spend money, I wanna keep the stuff I get. Sorry, but that aggravates me.
I don't think Phoenix will be Agents Only. She doesn't fit the profile anyway like Jean and the cosmic heroes.
Also the game's number one fan (so-to-say XD) from another forum has many contacts. He's the one who said that Kitty will be Agent Only and he also says that Cable will be coming next year. He's done a lot of work with the game's unofficial forums and much that the developers really like him and share inside stuff with him. In fact Beast was dedicated to this guy because Beast is his fav hero (like Phoenix was dedicated to the Shades of Grey forum).
Also some more inside info. Card quests are planned to come once a month if not more.
Villains' Fury (a villains card deck) will be coming soon when finished.
The X-Mansion zone will be coming but not this month. They have other things they are focusing on first which are....
holiday decorations for Christmas including an unusual Santa!
The other main thing is new stuff for the Avengers movie!
Quite a few themes will be focused on the movies (Avengers, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man)
I hope Phoenix will be for everyone, and glad to hear there will be an X-Mansion! It would be funny if Xavier was Santa :D
Well still... I got Black Widow, thankfully I finished maxing her out before I went back to silver, i just hate that. Maybe it'll be better later on like most online games.
Forgot one other piece of news. Iceman will have an ice slide but they won't specify on how it will work and look. Apperantly the loading screen for the X-Men will come soon and we will be able to see it.
Thanks for the updates, Marvelfan. I enjoy the card game, but I can't afford all the cards. And there's alot of duplicate cards -- same abilities with a different face. I will say that there are some cool villain cards that I've seen in the card quests.
lol Midnight Phoenix - Xavier as Santa xD that will be wierd and funny. And wow i knew they would make an X-Mansion Zone, hmm i wonder if they will make it so the Danger Room is the cafeteria, gym and chess club room.
Also polygone any response for the ticket
Question: So you might know the two confirmed females of our X-Men month have quite the fan base, could you tell me something we might expect from Shadowcat and her gameplay?
Something you have probably noticed is the fact that we have kept Shadowcat`s gameplay a bit of a secret considering how early she was announced and thats why we decided to make her the first addition to the X-Men month, all I can tell you is that her fighting style might not appear as different at first sight but it will really appeal to her fans
Question: Okay thanks for that, also another character which might be one of the most anticipated will appear, what can you tell me about Phoenix?We gave all player the chance to play as Jean but all I can say for now is that Jean was only a sneak peak at what Phoenix will be
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 02:12PM
Question: Okay thanks for that, also another character which might be one of the most anticipated will appear, what can you tell me about Phoenix?We gave all player the chance to play as Jean but all I can say for now is that Jean was only a sneak peak at what Phoenix will be
I just hope that she "use" the phoenix raptor when she flies and on some of her powers.
It makes me a bit worried when they say they let all players play as Jean, that may mean Jean will be Agents only. Im really excited for Kitty. It is the 1st of December so lets hope she is out soon!
Apperantly according to the source I mentioned last page (the guy who loves Beast XD) Kitty will be coming next week.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 03:59PM
Apperantly according to the source I mentioned last page (the guy who loves Beast XD) Kitty will be coming next week.
Glad to hear that she will be coming soon :) I cant wait!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 01, 2011, 04:01PM
Glad to hear that she will be coming soon :) I cant wait!
Me too! Although I'm actually dissapointed because I thought she might be coming tomorrow. I'm glad to know though that this guy is so close to the developers. Inside info is always great :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 04:02PM
Me too! Although I'm actually dissapointed because I thought she might be coming tomorrow. I'm glad to know though that this guy is so close to the developers. Inside info is always great :)
Yeah I Wish she was coming tomorrow also, but I'm glad she is the first to be coming this month :) Having a Shadowcat and Colossus team up will be fun for sure!
There have been some rumors that Psylocke will be coming along with Kitty. I suppose that's great for those who don't have her.
Yeah I heard that also she is fun, a good Match with Kitty since they are both Ninja like :D
Indeed! The info about Kitty sounds pretty interesting. How her fighting style may not seem unique at first but fans will like it. I wonder if it means she will have martial arts combined with phasing for her combos.
Yeah that would be nice, I would love to see her uses some swords but who knows maybe for one of her heroups
I hope Lockheed will be in her powerset although I'm almost positive he will. He really fits in a game like this! And Falcon has Redwing so why can't Kitty have her sidekick?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 04:09PM
I hope Lockheed will be in her powerset although I'm almost positive he will. He really fits in a game like this! And Falcon has Redwing so why can't Kitty have her sidekick?
I agree I want to see some Lockheed!
I wonder what missions we will get? Onslaught is confirmed but I'm sure we will get more than him. Hope to see Dark Phoenix!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 04:15PM
I wonder what missions we will get? Onslaught is confirmed but I'm sure we will get more than him. Hope to see Dark Phoenix!
Is Onslaught a mission or a character? I wish we would get Dark Phoenix, or maybe the Hellfire club!
Onslaught is a mission! Dark Phoenix would be great to go with Phoenix! I know lots of people requested Dark Phoenix on facebook and other forums.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 04:19PM
Onslaught is a mission! Dark Phoenix would be great to go with Phoenix! I know lots of people requested Dark Phoenix on facebook and other forums.
Yeah they did listen about her hair, so we can hope :)
Im pretty sure Phoenix will be for all players but the CATCH is she'll be like a 1000 gold...
Probally :P
Anyway, the hero we got for supporting the beta was the Human torch, he's pretty sweet :D, also, im getting my membership tommorow :D
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 01, 2011, 04:09PM
I hope Lockheed will be in her powerset although I'm almost positive he will. He really fits in a game like this! And Falcon has Redwing so why can't Kitty have her sidekick?
Yeah, Lockheed sounds pretty cool, I imagine him popping up and doing something similair to firestars second power :P
Quote from: Polygone on December 01, 2011, 11:43PM
Probally :P
Anyway, the hero we got for supporting the beta was the Human torch, he's pretty sweet :D, also, im getting my membership tommorow :D
Yeah, Lockheed sounds pretty cool, I imagine him popping up and doing something similair to firestars second power :P
Polygone did u get an answer for the ticket u sent. Im really sad, its still hasnt came out. I think they wont expand iit T_T
Honestly, I still havent sent it, the Help function appears to be a little corrupt sometimes :P, also, the site is sometimes really buggy (with no icons to show, newsfeed not opening and stuff) and sometimes, everything is there :P, very odd indeed -_-
When I can FINALLY send it Ill be sure to let you know the answer !
Quote from: Polygone on December 02, 2011, 06:24AM
Honestly, I still havent sent it, the Help function appears to be a little corrupt sometimes :P, also, the site is sometimes really buggy (with no icons to show, newsfeed not opening and stuff) and sometimes, everything is there :P, very odd indeed -_-
When I can FINALLY send it Ill be sure to let you know the answer !
k thanks in advance :)
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 01, 2011, 10:20PM
Im pretty sure Phoenix will be for all players but the CATCH is she'll be like a 1000 gold...
Not really a catch anymore as the majority of characters are 1000 gold :(
Something must be done about that ;)
Im currently on the 'win 10 card battles from another player' misson and just had a quick thought, but wondered if anyone tried it?
Anyway, you make a seperate account on your for example laptop, and together with your computer (logged in on your real account) you challage your other account to a card battle, and then let that account just pass the whole time, while your own account is winning
Anyone tried this, I honestly suck at card battleing and wondered if this is a good way to kinda cheat on the challange :P
Also, for those who didnt read my previous post, im a JR shield agent :D
Quote from: Polygone on December 03, 2011, 02:11PM
Im currently on the 'win 10 card battles from another player' misson and just had a quick thought, but wondered if anyone tried it?
Anyway, you make a seperate account on your for example laptop, and together with your computer (logged in on your real account) you challage your other account to a card battle, and then let that account just pass the whole time, while your own account is winning
Anyone tried this, I honestly suck at card battleing and wondered if this is a good way to kinda cheat on the challange :P
Also, for those who didnt read my previous post, im a JR shield agent :D
Fox helped me with that, he just passed all the time to let me win.
Quote from: Polygone on December 03, 2011, 02:11PM
Im currently on the 'win 10 card battles from another player' misson and just had a quick thought, but wondered if anyone tried it?
Anyway, you make a seperate account on your for example laptop, and together with your computer (logged in on your real account) you challage your other account to a card battle, and then let that account just pass the whole time, while your own account is winning
Anyone tried this, I honestly suck at card battleing and wondered if this is a good way to kinda cheat on the challange :P
Also, for those who didnt read my previous post, im a JR shield agent :D
Thats what i did but in the same computer on diferent Internet Explorers.
Game update tonight:
Could Santa Claus be coming to town?
Possibly, maybe Santa and a gift: Kitty Pride! XD
I hope we get Kitty although, I have no idea when I will be able to become a member to buy her!
Expect Kitty and the christmas decorations :)
New christmas decorations with Santa Ymir up. Loadscreen shows Kitty, Psylocke, Beast, Iceman, Magneto, Onslaught, and Mystique! Shadowcat is now playable Agents Only for 3000 silver. Captain Marvel has become available for all players as 600 gold.
Kitty is amazing and one of my new favs! She is a mix of martial arts and kung fu and all her combos are mixed with phasing.
All her punches have phasing effects to go through enemies. And her last one even involves her charging forward while phasing. It really is fun!
Heroup involves her phasing the floor and sinking enemies which is awesome. Her 1st power is my fav as it involves her going into the ground and coming back up and uppercutting an enemy. Lockheed is her 1st emote and I'm sure a soon-to-be-unlocked power.
Christmas decorations are just as great. All water (and fishes) are frozen including the fountation. Presents are everywhere and if you find them they give you bright glows or some Christmas head-thingy XD. Wreaths and lights are everywhere and the Halloween cat is back but as a reindeer this time. Also carolers at main street! I've only checked out the Daily Bugle so I wonder what else there is.
At the Baxter building, there's the bulldog from Halloween, dressed in Christmas attire like the cat. There also is a magic-driven sleigh ride. Santa Ymir gives out candy canes. I thought for sure we'd be able to sit on his lap! That headgear can be either a snowman or deer antlers.
Early this morning, when I first went to the store and clicked "specials," I saw that Shadowcat was only 3000 silver. I thought, "YES!, I can buy her." But a couple of seconds later, I saw she was member-only. I'm going in now to see how many Shadowcats are wandering around.
I just got Street Clothes Wolverine and Stealth Armor Iron Man, and there are like 1000 Shadowcats around every zone lol
Let me know if you see any Gladiator Hulks. I still have to do a mission with one of them. They aren't too easy to find. :D
I'm online now. Meet up with me and we can arrange something.
Don't know if you're still in there, but I'm going in again.
Anybody else here got Kitty?
So for the rest of the month we can expect new characters Beast and Iceman along with the full release of Psylocke. And of course the Onslaught mission.
January will be half an X-Men month where Nightcrawler and Phoenix will most likely make their release. The developers said Cable will be scheduled after January and Angel, Professor X, and Astonishing Cyclops most likely as well.
So who else has Kitty cause i really wanna see a gameplay of her XD
MARVEL doesn't have a gameplay video of her yet
Here is a video of her!
Her attacks looks super duper cool only thing i don't like is that the distortion they put when she uses her melees
Hey, i have to raise my squad level to 110 and it's currently on 104, and i didn't pay attention on how to raise it, do you know how?
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 10, 2011, 04:29PM
Hey, i have to raise my squad level to 110 and it's currently on 104, and i didn't pay attention on how to raise it, do you know how?
Level up your characters and buy new ones
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 10, 2011, 04:45PM
Level up your characters and buy new ones
Ok, thanks Deedooo. i leveled up 2 chars and i got to 106, i have 15.000 silver for Bucky cap, but i'll save it up for Phoenix
I have a bit of inside news which I'd like to share from the developers. I'm not really supposed to share but you guys here on this forum are really great and I know you guys are trustworthy. Just try to keep this news on this forum and ONLY on this forum.
The first bit of news I posted sometime back but I'll do it again in case anyone forgot or didn't see. The X-Mansion zone is in planning however it won't be released for the X-Men month we have now. I think they are waiting until after the Avengers movie.
The developers have some plans on how Iceman, Nightcrawler, and Phoenix will work but quite a bit is WIP (this news is from a while back) so not everything is confirmed. In missions Iceman will be able to freeze people instantly and one power in debate is Ice Gloves from XML2 and MUA. Nightcrawler will be a melee character and he can teleport in zones. However his teleportation method hasn't been decided yet. It will either be by flight spots or it will be double/triple jump like Spidey's web-swing. Phoenix will be a flying ranged character with fiery effects (no word on a Phoenix raptor). They have two powers in mind for her to make her really unique. One power will transform her into Dark Phoenix and another power will resurrect her (wonder how this will work if it makes it in the game considering how characters already come back after death)
For the next comic-con they are planning another exclusive but the hero hasn't been confirmed yet. They plan on picking one of the five following characters.
Professor X
White Phoenix of the Crown
Wow awesome, thank you very much for sharing these news with us, and Phoenix seems to be pretty Unique, i hope that she's for all members! and maybe she will be back to life but without loosing the power stars, if that's the case it would be soo cool. and we'll all keep this info on this forum, don't worry
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 10, 2011, 06:13PM
Wow awesome, thank you very much for sharing these news with us, and Phoenix seems to be pretty Unique, i hope that she's for all members! and maybe she will be back to life but without loosing the power stars, if that's the case it would be soo cool. and we'll all keep this info on this forum, don't worry
Welcome. Coming back to life without losing the power stars would be very unique and awesome considering how annoying it is to die with full five stars. Thanks for keeping the news secret too :)
BTW out of the possible comic-con exclusives who is your choice?
Hard to decide since there are many chars who i want but the one that i would love to see there is Hope Summers
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 10, 2011, 08:38PM
Hard to decide since there are many chars who i want but the one that i would love to see there is Hope Summers
I mean out of the five I posted. Dazzler, Professor X, White Phoenix of the Crown, Polaris, and Hercules. Those are the five that the developers are thinking about. One of them will get selected as the comic-con exclusive.
Oh lol duh, obviously White Phoenix :)
Lol should have known :D
White Phoenix of the Crown is my fav too but I also really want Polaris and Dazzler (Polaris is one of my top favs. Check signature ;))
I saw your signature, awesome signature btw XD, i really want to see Dazzler too
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 10, 2011, 09:06PM
I saw your signature, awesome signature btw XD, i really want to see Dazzler too
Lol thanks. I'd love to see Disco Dazzler! Can you imagine her at the Baxter Plaza disco. I totally miss dancing there XD
BTW can you come online right now?
Lol, yeah, i'm online now, i just got Firestar and yeah i can, totally a show!
I'm for dazzler or polaris, both would be fun but dazzler would have the coolest powers visually i think
Meh Lorna Ftw :P
Dazzler would visually have the coolest powers no doubt, but Polaris, I wonder (if she appears) how her attacks would work etc..
I have to go with............... HERCULES!
I really want Dazzler or Polaris, White Phoenix could be cool to!
Nightcrawler and FF Spidey in game. Nightcrawler looks cute although I really detest that X-Belt on him. It just looks wrong! :D
Also more news from Beast's number one fan (I presume you guys haven't forgotten about him and his backstory ;)).
Some of the X-Characters have been switched around. Nightcrawler will be coming this month instead while Psylocke has been pushed back to January. FF Spidey will be the final challenge hero and will come out in January or February. No word on Phoenix although those who went to the comic-con are certain that Phoenix will be coming in our 1.5 X-Men Month along with Iceman, Beast, Nightcrawler, etc.
Cool pic! Thanks for the updates.
Also apperantly we will not be getting a new hero this week (also from Beast's biggest fan). Most likely one week will get two heroes in one week. So save your gold guys!
Speaking of gold...I just barely got enough to buy Gambit today ^-^ He's pretty fun. He has a good balance of powerful melee attacks and effective powers. Now just six hundred more gold till I get to buy another character...should only take two months or so...
Gambit's one of my favs. He's really strong with his melee attacks and his powers are very fun to use! His heroup is one of the worst in the game though :( (not visually just in terms of damage)
yeah i noticed i just use all my star power on powers XD
I just bought Nova, he's awesome and really fun to play with, and cheap XD
Nice to see getting Kurt released this month, I wonder why they switched him and Psylocke she is obviously done! I should, crossing fingers, be getting a membership again this week so I can buy Kitty and try and get more gold although I have gold with X-Men month out Im sure it will go down the drain a bit fast lol
xD, I just bought kitty and had to do something I thought I 'lll never do, trade my gold for silver :P
It was worth it though! Kitty is EXTREMLY fun to play with, she looks graphicly impressive and her hero up is really creative
I also love her first power (its just a phase) where she goes full body undergrond and pops her enemy up when she appears again!
Once again, I wish we could trade/give things away in the game. I have plenty of silver to spare. I could have given Polygone more than enough silver to buy Shadowcat.
I agree, they need to make a marketplace where you can trade items you dont want, maybe characters for cheaper then they are in the catalog, and a trade system to trade between friends which is where the money could play in. If they have an email I think we should all send them this idea so we can maybe get a trading system!
Quote from: fox456 on December 13, 2011, 02:42PM
Once again, I wish we could trade/give things away in the game. I have plenty of silver to spare. I could have given Polygone more than enough silver to buy Shadowcat.
dont think thats possible thanks to diffrent servers (should there be a market place, but the gesture is nice :)
Quote from: Polygone on December 13, 2011, 02:55PM
dont think thats possible thanks to diffrent servers (should there be a market place, but the gesture is nice :)
I think it would be smart if they make a marketplace to allow it in all servers so that you can buy things from people who dont play the game on your server. If they were smart they would combine all the servers together. At least thats what I think
Actually, a "market" across servers would be cool because even if you gave gold to another player to buy a character, that additional character wouldn't even appear in the giver's world. (If that makes sense!)
Oh, and sorry about that -- my game crashed when I was going in the card game.
Is anyone online right now who has Shadowcat? I really want to see how she plays!
I really wish they would let us trade silver for gold, but I can see why they don't let us. Gold is the way that they make money off of the game. In one day you can make philosophically unlimited amounts of silver but a finite amount of gold (without paying) so being able to trade in silver for gold breaks the idealogical value of the gold, meaning that they get less money, which (sadly) is the whole point. While it's a pretty fun game for free, you're supposed to eventually make the switch to buying gold and/or a membership so that you can fully enjoy it's capabilities. I'm guessing that they actually get more membership purchases this way over making people sign up first, especially with kids as the target demographic. They browse the web, find the game for free and then go make their parents buy them things in-game so that they can have more fun playing it. Alakazam: Capitolism!
You got it -- well said!
There's a new card quest -- Rogue! I've noticed that often a new card quest is followed by a bigger update the next day. We'll see....
I need help, could someone loose 10 card games against me please? it's for the challange, thank you :phoenix:
Im living with you :P, my stepdad wont allow me to use the laptop simply for a game.. :P
I do wonder though, what happens when you guys try to reach
Oh, and btw, I dont really care bout the laptop, he works the entire day and Imma need it soon anyway for school xD, I WILL WIN MY 10 CARD GAMES xD
Pics of the new x-Men.
The amazing Nightcrawler
"Frosty" the Iceman
The Bombastic Beast
And last but definitely not least, the Marvelous Phoenix with full fiery raptor.
EDIT: MOre news
Angel - coming in January. Angelic Halo emote. Harp emote
Beast - combos will be acrobatic
Iceman - ice skating emote. Ice clone emote. Ice slide through flight-spots
Nightcrawler - combos will be acrobatic w/teleportation. Teleport out emote
Phoenix - coming in January. Fiery effects with raptor
Phoenix looks good :)
Edit: A look at X-Mas with tons of X-Men and an ending with Phoenix
Sounds like some cool emotes, MarvelFan! Btw, your pics aren't showing up on my computer. It might just be a problem on this end.
The pictures are the same from the video. The emotes are on the video s well.
Phoenix looks cool.! Definetly going to get her! Hopefully she is not a jr shield agent member. I don't have one-.-
Honestly, I hate the card game, whoever even THOUGHT about it should burn
My opponent contantly gets a luckly block, I just got beaten by a someone who's squad level is like 19, Ugh, Is Colossus worth this torture? :(
He has a fastball special attack, so you can randomlly throw wolverine at your enemies.
I think that makes him special.
If you sign up for a jr shield agent membership, and get some characters off of that, but your membership expires, would your character go away or stay there.?
The way I understand it (I haven't gotten the membership, but I did have the trial), the only ones that would become unavailable would be the agent's only section (Nick fury, Black widow, right now shadow cat, and others), but normal characters would still be accessible. For me when I had the trial I got black widow, and symbiote suit spidey, and when the trial ended, the character were still in my squad section, but I just wasn't able to play as them. Hope this helps. Again this is what I experienced so I don't know for sure.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on December 18, 2011, 06:30PM
The way I understand it (I haven't gotten the membership, but I did have the trial), the only ones that would become unavailable would be the agent's only section (Nick fury, Black widow, right now shadow cat, and others), but normal characters would still be accessible. For me when I had the trial I got black widow, and symbiote suit spidey, and when the trial ended, the character were still in my squad section, but I just wasn't able to play as them. Hope this helps. Again this is what I experienced so I don't know for sure.
This is exactly what happened to me too. Remember that even though you can't play those characters any more, they do add to your Squad Level.
I need a little advice, Nova or Valkerie? Both are 350 gold , which one is more fun?
i would recommend nova, but that's just my personal opinion haha :]
Already buyed Helmet man :P, he's great! I love how first he looks a bit like a miss marvel copy, but then goes to completly his own style, his fly effect looks great as well xD
Well I finally got a membership and bought Kitty. And then BAM my Squad lvl went from 160 to 215, I look in my characters and I have Colossus :O I was like Wait what? I jumped like 50 points XD
Woohoo! That's awesome.
How do you like Shadowcat?
Quote from: fox456 on December 19, 2011, 06:29PM
Woohoo! That's awesome.
How do you like Shadowcat?
Shes really fun! Amazing! And also really strong :)
Lol I know some people may have more then this, but I go to the Prize wheel and Im like, hmm I wonder how many tickets I have maybe like 100 or something. Open up the wheel and I have 674 tickets. LOL Im like wow ok, time to save up some gold XD
Awesome. Hope you enjoy Kitty, she is definitely one of the best heroes in game.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 19, 2011, 07:22PM
Awesome. Hope you enjoy Kitty, she is definitely one of the best heroes in game.
It surprised me at how good she was. She hardly got hurt!
Does anybody know when those new character are coming out?
Quote from: Me on December 19, 2011, 10:10PM
Does anybody know when those new character are coming out?
Between now and January. Phoenix for sure in January, same with Psylocke. I assume both Iceman and Beast will get released sometime this month, along with Kurt I believe!
Yah.! I have time to save up on Psylocke and Phoenix.!:D
Quote from: Me on December 19, 2011, 10:15PM
Yah.! I have time to save up on Psylocke and Phoenix.!:D
Are you a member? Im pretty sure Phoenix will be gold, idk about Psylocke. I dont think they will be agents only tho.
Kinda weird, They already got Psylocke cards and a Psylocke code, yet she's still really late :P
Also, a weird question, but do you guys maybe think of a blademaster Wolverine character? With the card ''blademaster'' and stuff :P
that would be exciting ^-^ claws AND swords! that would be an alternate version of the same character worth paying for haha XD i actually have a screenshot of that card on my computer to maybe make for mua :P it could also be a fun booster that makes wolverine more unique
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 19, 2011, 10:41PM
Are you a member? Im pretty sure Phoenix will be gold, idk about Psylocke. I dont think they will be agents only tho.
No I'm not a member. Will she probably be part of the jr shield agent members?
Nah, Phoenix is high requested, so I dont think its jr shield agent only character
Quote from: Me on December 19, 2011, 11:35PM
No I'm not a member. Will she probably be part of the jr shield agent members?
No Im postive they wont be, at least Phoenix. Psylocke would be a dumb choice to make angents only to.
@Polygone. Like this Im sure he will become playable soon enough. Wish they would give it a rest with the Wolverines, Spidermans, Iron Mans etc.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 19, 2011, 10:41PM
Are you a member? Im pretty sure Phoenix will be gold, idk about Psylocke. I dont think they will be agents only tho.
Psylocke has been confirmed gold and she isn't agents only. Phoenix is heavily requested to probably be agents only not to mention Kitty is X-Month's agent only hero.
Its not that im really looking foward or something, but I just figured with the cards and all :P
Also, I honestly think they need to make Mole Man in game, he played a pretty huge part in the MSHS show..
Quote from: Polygone on December 19, 2011, 11:24PM
Kinda weird, They already got Psylocke cards and a Psylocke code, yet she's still really late :P
Also, a weird question, but do you guys maybe think of a blademaster Wolverine character? With the card ''blademaster'' and stuff :P
That Samurai Logan?I think it could be a good idea,but i prefer more character than pallette swaps of em.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 20, 2011, 06:55AM
Psylocke has been confirmed gold and she isn't agents only. Phoenix is heavily requested to probably be agents only not to mention Kitty is X-Month's agent only hero.
On Shades of Grey Josh said non of the O5 X-Men will be agents only, or silver hope its true!
Ohhhh yay.! One last thing: do the toys still have the codes inside them along with the comics?
I dont think so.
Can anyone help me I need help with the Hulk/ She Hulk Challenge
That one took me forever! I just waited around until I caught a glimpse of a Hulk or a She-Hulk and tried to get them to join my mission. They were pretty rare to find and I only had about a 50% success rate getting them to join. HA!
In the end, I had one mission to go. I think it was Gladiator Hulk. MarvelFan has all of the characters and helped me finish that objective.
But, I'm at 251 and haven't changed for a long time since all my characters are maxed. It will be awhile before I get any further (and meet the next objective of a 300 squad level).
What is your squad level up to now, midnightphoenix?
Yeah I have both She Hulk and Red She Hulk, but I only needed She Hulk so she is done, along with Red Hulk. I need plain Hulk and Gladiator Hulk. And currently my Squad lvl is 220 I believe. I need to start maxin my characters lol I have a lot to go XD
Had fun today with you Midnightphoenix (and Magenta and Cowgirl!) But where did y'all go? I left for a few minutes and came back and all three of you were offline.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 20, 2011, 03:58PM
Had fun today with you Midnightphoenix (and Magenta and Cowgirl!) But where did y'all go? I left for a few minutes and came back and all three of you were offline.
Lol sorry I went AFK to and decided to just get off for a little while, Ive been trying to get my Squad lvl up all day along with the challenges I needed to beat. Im only at 221 still have a long ways to go! XD
So today I just upgraded myself to member for the month so that i can get a few more characters and level up my squad. I bought black cat, deadpool, tuxedo thing and black widow. Black Cat and Black Widow are both incredibly fun, powerful, agile characters. Black Widow has a flip jump ability like Electra that's pretty fun to play with and Black cat has a swinging jump like spiderman. Tuxedo Thing is exactly like normal Thing, but ten times classier ^-^ Deadpool is a bit of a disappointment though >,< his attacks are way too slow and that just really detracts from playing missions with him :[ Also for one of my challange characters I chose Mowhawk Storm and she's very fun ^-^ i've been trying to figure out skeletons to make a mua booster/mod of her, but it's difficult haha
@Deedooo Yeah i always thought Black WIdow was fun she is really fast too.Deadpool looked liked fun but i think he's way to overated.
I thought Psylocke was released already in the store because MARVEL uploaded a video of her not to long ago.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 20, 2011, 05:48PM
@Deedooo Yeah i always thought Black WIdow was fun she is really fast too.Deadpool looked liked fun but i think he's way to overated.
I thought Psylocke was released already in the store because MARVEL uploaded a video of her not to long ago.
She was supposed to be released last week but they dropped her for Nightcrawler who I believe is coming out sometime this month, ad Psylocke was moved to January
:O @Deedoo, No Rogue!? jk. lol.
I can't play this at the moment, but sounds like everyone is haven more fun than it was a few months ago :) If I could play, I'd get on and hang with ya'll... :( One day I will... lol. w/e. Glad to know their actually updating this and making it better, even though they still need to make it to where you can trade silver for gold. :D Jus' sayin'
Quote from: Scabbia on December 20, 2011, 06:54PM
:O @Deedoo, No Rogue!? jk. lol.
I can't play this at the moment, but sounds like everyone is haven more fun than it was a few months ago :) If I could play, I'd get on and hang with ya'll... :( One day I will... lol. w/e. Glad to know their actually updating this and making it better, even though they still need to make it to where you can trade silver for gold. :D Jus' sayin'
I couldn't agree more.
Lol Ive been going threw every mission starting from the end. Althought I dont have like 4 missions. And I go threw every single one to get my Squad Level up. It does help but it goes pretty slow.
Do the cards give you one of the cool characters? Like pure elektra, or Psylocke.
Quote from: Me on December 20, 2011, 10:15PM
Do the cards give you one of the cool characters? Like pure elektra, or Psylocke.
There are Psylocke cards, and Elektra cards I dont know about pure Elektra. And no if you mean codes to get them. Psylocke was a San diego Comic con code only, and Pure Elektra was a SHS toy code that no longer works.
Coming soon... a very cool new hero!
Hmm I wonder who? LOL
OMG they're realising Psylocke? xD
Nah, Iceman would be fun, looking forward to him
Quote from: Polygone on December 21, 2011, 01:41PM
OMG they're realising Psylocke? xD
Nah, Iceman would be fun, looking forward to him
Yeah Psylocke will most likely come out next month I believe. Im excited for Bobby to :D
Yay Iceman! Wonder if he comes tomorrow or Friday?
Yay he's coming out soon.! :iceman:
Also Nightcrawler, he's coming out with Iceman i guess, check it on the SHSO facebook page
And here is proof for the non-believers.
Hope everyone saved their gold! I know I have lol.
Lol, now the non-believers will have to become believers, there is the proof XD
Game Update Tonight at 9:00PM PDT
A Maintenance, looks like Bobby and Kurt are coming tomorrow, i'm looking foward to Phoenix actually, but whatever, if one of them is Silver, i might waste my 17,000 silver XD
Posted: December 21, 2011 at 11:02 pm
Game Maintenance
Welcome to our newest players! Tonight is game maintenance, where we update Super Hero Squad Online with awesome new stuff! The game and website will be unavailable tonight, Wednesday, December 21st, starting at 9:00PM PDT and continuing until the updates are completed.
We will be back as soon as we can!
- The Super Hero Squad Online team
Inside info from the Beast has given us some prices. Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman, and Psylocke will all be gold (and most likely 600 gold). Onslaught mission has been moved to January.
I see, so looks like i will still save up silver, any news about Phoenix?
Only that she will come in January along with Angel, Psylocke, and ONslaught. Beast says that she and Angel could go either way as gold or silver. However neither of these two (or Psylocke) will be Agent Only.
Oh ok, that's good news though, i'll save up gold and silver for Phoenix, in case that she's silver, wich she hopefully will be, thanks Marvelfan.
Well both Bobby and Kurt are out, but Kurt is agents only.
Kurt (Agents Only): 1,000 gold
Iceman: 1,000 gold
Kurt is temporary for Agents Only, he will become avaliable to all players in several weeks.
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 22, 2011, 08:01AM
Kurt is temporary for Agents Only, he will become avaliable to all players in several weeks.
I hope he becomes cheaper. I saw a bit of Iceman, and he looks ok kind of like a copy character. And instead of walking he kind of skates :D And instead of flying he uses his Ice bridge thing to get around XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 22, 2011, 08:16AM
I hope he becomes cheaper. I saw a bit of Iceman, and he looks ok kind of like a copy character. And instead of walking he kind of skates :D And instead of flying he uses his Ice bridge thing to get around XD
Who's he a copy of?
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 22, 2011, 10:26AM
Who's he a copy of?
Well kind of like Ms Marvel with his beam attacks, but I didn't get a great look at him, so Im not sure exactly. He still seems really fun though. I want to get him, just need to save up more gold so I know I have enough for Phoenix.
LOL -- There's some major "hatin" going on today! There are some Firestars that must have something against Iceman. They are plotting to "melt all the Icemans!" HAHA!
Lol it shouldn't be that way. Since both Angelica and Bobby are Spidermans Amazing Friends :D
Well, it's kind of funny to read their chats about it. I'm thinking that some of the Firestars don't have the gold for Iceman!
Seriously, though, I've noticed some people being mean on there before -- like they won't let someone "play" with them by joining a certain mission or they say that someone betrayed them or worse stuff.
Quote from: fox456 on December 22, 2011, 01:04PM
Well, it's kind of funny to read their chats about it. I'm thinking that some of the Firestars don't have the gold for Iceman!
Seriously, though, I've noticed some people being mean on there before -- like they won't let someone "play" with them by joining a certain mission or they say that someone betrayed them or worse stuff.
Lol that is the funny stuff on there. Thats why I love just watching what people type. XD some guy told me, Marvelfan, and Magenta today that a guy named Hero Marven is like amazing, and knows everything there is about the game. He seemed to get really mad when I said that Kurt would most likey be cheaper when everyone could buy him. I forgot Captain Marvel didnt so I maybe wrong be seriously lol. And just early today some guy said someone was avoiding login on because he wanted to break up with someone on the game :D Ahh people are funny lol
Polygone did you send a ticket to SHSO Staff? If you did thanks if you didnt please do. Im starting to lose hope that the game will be available in the rest of Europe. Also when i try to enter ( both sites ) it just doesnt load like shows error, no maintenace screen or unavailability screen. :(
Quote from: White Queen on December 22, 2011, 01:46PM
Polygone did you send a ticket to SHSO Staff? If you did thanks if you didnt please do. Im starting to lose hope that the game will be available in the rest of Europe. Also when i try to enter ( both sites ) it just doesnt load like shows error, no maintenace screen or unavailability screen. :(
QuoteProSiebenSat.1 Digital brought "cross-media promotional support" to Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, including bringing the MMOG to Europe. However the game is still not available in some parts of Europe.
Dont worry, the deal with ProSienbat is that they make the game avaible Everywhere, so dont worry :), once again, if you ever want a vid or a pic of anything let me know ;)
You know I was just thinking I wish Kitty's 3rd emote was once activated for a sertain amount of time it would allow you to phase threw buildings etc, without going threw the blue field that blocks the city and without going threw stairs, you just walk up them.
True, they could atleast have her phase trough doors instead of opening them, I love how they did the melee thing with Kitty, but other then that, she's pretty basic :P
From Marvel Super hero Squad Facebook page
It's a Holiday Sale! Starting today and continuing until December 27th... you'll get 20% off most of the gold items in the in-game store. This sale including heroes, missions, card quests, booster packs, and more. Check it out today at!
Spiderman: 1,280 gold
Dr Strange: 800 gold
Ultimate Spiderman: 800 gold
Blade: 800 gold
Black Cat: 480 gold
Captain America: 800 gold
Wolverine: 800 gold
Thor: 800 gold
Hulk: 800 gold
Gladiator Hulk: 800 gold
Red Hulk: 800 gold
Red She Hulk: 480 gold
Flat Broke and Rusted (Ultron): 160 gold
Modok Mo' Problems (Modok): 160 gold
Symbi-Oh NO (Venom): 160 gold
Dormammu Mia (Dormammu): 160 gold
Unleashed booster packs: 160 gold
Falcon card quest 1: 160 gold
Falcon card quest 2: 180 gold
Also: In case anyone hasnt noticed, you can buy all the presents effects and use them when you wish. You can also buy for 50 gold a hero up token to lvl up one of your heroes.
Thanks for the info! I just bought one card quest... we'll see what else I can afford. ;)
Quote from: fox456 on December 23, 2011, 08:46AM
Thanks for the info! I just bought one card quest... we'll see what else I can afford. ;)
See as I dont really like male heroes all to much, I want all the female heroes, but the only two on sale I already have. Although I did buy Kurt. Now I need to save the rest of my gold for Phoenix :D
Oh woow-.- I bought 3 of those characters yesterday. Now I regret it. I could have gotten the for cheaper.
From CBR
Coming Soon:
Beast - [December]
Psylocke (General Release) - [January]
Angel - [January]
Phoenix - [January]
December - X-Men Month!! - [Possibly Month + 1/2 - Numerous New Chracters]
Black Panther [Shuri] (Confirmed)
Bishop (Confirmed)
Cable (Confirmed)
Commander Steve Rogers (Confirmed)
Classic Falcon (Confirmed)
Classic Ms. Marvel (Confirmed)
Cyclops [Modern] (Confirmed)
Future Foundation Spider-Man (Confirmed)
Hawkeye (Confirmed)
Iron Spider-Man (Confirmed)
King Thor (Confirmed)
Modern Luke Cage (Confirmed)
Monkey King (Confirmed)
Moon Knight (Confirmed)
Mr. Fix-It (Confirmed)
Professor X (Confirmed)
Rescue (Confirmed)
Samurai Wolverine (Confirmed)
Squirrel Girl (Confirmed)
Tigra (Confirmed)
Vision (Confirmed)
So I'm guessing Beast will be coming next week, or on Christmas XD. I wonder who will be first in January, I hope it doesnt go in the order listed above XD I dont want Phoenix out last.
... and I don't want Vision last! (j/k, I know the bottom ones are in alphabetical order!)
Quote from: fox456 on December 23, 2011, 01:18PM
... and I don't want Vision last! (j/k, I know the bottom ones are in alphabetical order!)
That makes me have less hope for the top lol. Was December the half month for X-Men or is it January? If January is a half month then it wouldn't be to bad. I wonder if all the bottoms are for sure all the next ones in the coming months to be released or if they will make tons of other new characters besides these and release them along with like one of these. XD
December sure seemed like the half-month. The only X-Men item that may have come out in the first half of December was Rogue's card quest.
I'm just one of those typical Americans who always wants more -- at least when it comes to MSHSO!
Quote from: fox456 on December 23, 2011, 01:28PM
December sure seemed like the half-month. The only X-Men item that may have come out in the first half of December was Rogue's card quest.
I'm just one of those typical Americans who always wants more -- at least when it comes to MSHSO!
LOL me to :D I'm like gimme gimme gimme, one hero a week is not enough I want like 5 new heroes a week so I have options LOL. I also wish they made the challenges a tad easier like Im only half way to 300 squad lvl and then after that I have to get up to 400 :/ why not 350 or something? I mean jezz la wezz XD
Are you serious? 400 is the next Squad Level requirement??? I can't get past 251 for now. With the sale, I was tempted to buy a hero or two, but that still won't put me up to 300 when they are maxed. So, I guess it will be a long time before I can work on that objective.
Just to keep you guys up to date :P
I FINALLY completed challange 24 ''gambit's sidekick'' (win 10 card battles against other players), and with the 150 gold and my 200 gold, brought the stunning hero Valkyrie :P, im currently squad level 170 btw, aiming for colossus :D, wonder when those ''Hero-up tokens'' are added to the EU game, they sound pretty handy
Quote from: fox456 on December 23, 2011, 01:48PM
Are you serious? 400 is the next Squad Level requirement??? I can't get past 251 for now. With the sale, I was tempted to buy a hero or two, but that still won't put me up to 300 when they are maxed. So, I guess it will be a long time before I can work on that objective.
I know Im at 243 I believe, and then its like now get to 400. Im like.... Yeah ok get right on that! LOL
Quote from: Polygone on December 23, 2011, 03:01PM
Just to keep you guys up to date :P
I FINALLY completed challange 24 ''gambit's sidekick'' (win 10 card battles against other players), and with the 150 gold and my 200 gold, brought the stunning hero Valkyrie :P, im currently squad level 170 btw, aiming for colossus :D, wonder when those ''Hero-up tokens'' are added to the EU game, they sound pretty handy
Is Valkyrie fun? And yeah I bought 1 hero up token XD I wanted to buy more, but I need to save my gold. I may buy a card for gold to have extra and maybe buy more hero up tokens. Early today I just ran around collected all 5 hero token things around the city and destroied some trouble bots for most of my characters and lvled pretty much every single one of them.
Yeah, Valkyrie is fun, one of the more serious characterd
One last thing how would you ,less say spider girls web bursts. What botton do you press to use the powers that you get when you level up.?
Finally got Colossus :D, squad level is 201, I did buy Hulkbuster Ironman and Tuxedo thing to complete the task, (300 gold to waste, but I dont really care about the gold, as I get like 100/'150 a day :P)
He's probally like one of the strongest characters in the game xD (along with Hulkbuster IM)
Oh well, off to do the other challanges awaiting for me xD
can someone help me with the rocket in the baxter building!?? I can't find it-.-
Quote from: Me on December 26, 2011, 06:00PM
can someone help me with the rocket in the baxter building!?? I can't find it-.-
You mean the one where you fly with it? There is a door on the right side of Baxter leading up to the dance floor that has a Rocket on it, go to that and keep going up the doors until you reach the rocket
Out of the top of my head
1 : Right to the prize wheel (player perspective)
2 : first door to the right
3 : first door to the left (player perspective)
4 : walk further until you see Mr fantastic with his lenght thingie :P)
5 : ???
6 : Profit :D
Thanks.!:D I got it.
The sale is over, but Beast is out!
Ugh, you have Nightcrawler Iceman and Beast, we're still stuck on Shadowcat :P
Well I'm glad Beast is out, now I just need Phoenix!
Lol me too. Although I spent all my gold on cards so I can't get Beast until tomorrow. Also a friend of mine got a sneak peek at Phoenix. She says that her hair is basically the length and width of Elektra's.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 28, 2011, 09:42AM
Lol me too. Although I spent all my gold on cards so I can't get Beast until tomorrow. Also a friend of mine got a sneak peek at Phoenix. She says that her hair is basically the length and width of Elektra's.
The Hair is always the most important thing ;)
Quote from: White Queen on December 29, 2011, 02:16AM
The Hair is always the most important thing ;)
Lol that's what I said.
Anyone have some Hulks and want to run a few missions for the Hulks challenge? I already have Red Hulk
I am The Polite Beast
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 29, 2011, 09:56AM
Anyone have some Hulks and want to run a few missions for the Hulks challenge? I already have Red Hulk
I am The Polite Beast
I have She Hulk, Im getting on now :)
Thanks for that midnight ^-^ sorry i left so browser crashed :p
Right now i'm trying to decide between beast and emma frost to buy >,< any suggestions?
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 29, 2011, 12:46PM
Thanks for that midnight ^-^ sorry i left so browser crashed :p
Right now i'm trying to decide between beast and emma frost to buy >,< any suggestions?
Your welcome :) And dont worry about, that happens all the time! I dont know how Beast plays, but Emma is a Jean/ Sue copy
@Deedoo here is my emma frost video if you wanna see how she plays
And just look at another video and see how beast plays im sure there's a couple around on youtube
thanks for the feedback :]
So on a different subject I just sent in a feedback/suggestion ticket to them about getting some new x-men characters in. I included a transcript below in case anyone's interested haha :]
I think that the New X-Men team would be a great source of new playable characters that would be appealing to a variety of demographics of players.
Pixie would be great because she has a variety of powers and could appeal to female players. Her personality would be fun and easy to show through animations. She could use her soul dagger and the pixie dust that can create hallucinations of unicorns and rainbows and even teleport for an emote.
Rockslide's exploding component would bring another side to the generic bruiser type character.
Dust would be good because she would have visually unique powers and bring another demographic to the Squad roster.
Anole could be a pretty unique acrobatic bruiser with his visual aesthetic and you could have him use his long tongue for some attacks.
Elixer would be an exciting support character because of his "golden" healing powers. These could be complimented by his "black" disease attack powers.
Mecury could be easily turned into a Mr fantastic clone, but it would be cool if she could have a lot more spiky and liquidy type attacks
Armor, X-23 and Hellion would all be pretty basic yet fun characters that could bring fairly unique elements to the game.
I'm a person who does character mods for a different video game so I understand how much work doing even a fraction of these would be but I figured I'd get the ideas out there.
Thanks for your time,
P.S. I think Gambit should have the acrobatic flip double jump because of his acrobatic thief training.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 29, 2011, 01:57PM
thanks for the feedback :]
So on a different subject I just sent in a feedback/suggestion ticket to them about getting some new x-men characters in. I included a transcript below in case anyone's interested haha :]
I think that the New X-Men team would be a great source of new playable characters that would be appealing to a variety of demographics of players.
Pixie would be great because she has a variety of powers and could appeal to female players. Her personality would be fun and easy to show through animations. She could use her soul dagger and the pixie dust that can create hallucinations of unicorns and rainbows and even teleport for an emote.
Rockslide's exploding component would bring another side to the generic bruiser type character.
Dust would be good because she would have visually unique powers and bring another demographic to the Squad roster.
Anole could be a pretty unique acrobatic bruiser with his visual aesthetic and you could have him use his long tongue for some attacks.
Elixer would be an exciting support character because of his "golden" healing powers. These could be complimented by his "black" disease attack powers.
Mecury could be easily turned into a Mr fantastic clone, but it would be cool if she could have a lot more spiky and liquidy type attacks
Armor, X-23 and Hellion would all be pretty basic yet fun characters that could bring fairly unique elements to the game.
I'm a person who does character mods for a different video game so I understand how much work doing even a fraction of these would be but I figured I'd get the ideas out there.
Thanks for your time,
P.S. I think Gambit should have the acrobatic flip double jump because of his acrobatic thief training.
This is awesome :) I like alot of the characters you have chosen!
Me to! Dust would be awesome :D
Anyhow, I'm currently trying to go for Dark Silver Surfer or Silver Surfer, im already at 10220 silver (need 25000)
Hopefully im still getting him this vacation lol xD
Quote from: Polygone on December 29, 2011, 02:47PM
Me to! Dust would be awesome :D
Anyhow, I'm currently trying to go for Dark Silver Surfer or Silver Surfer, im already at 10220 silver (need 25000)
Hopefully im still getting him this vacation lol xD
Lol Im trying to work towards one of them also, I have about 10,000 now :/
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on December 29, 2011, 01:57PM
thanks for the feedback :]
So on a different subject I just sent in a feedback/suggestion ticket to them about getting some new x-men characters in. I included a transcript below in case anyone's interested haha :]
I think that the New X-Men team would be a great source of new playable characters that would be appealing to a variety of demographics of players.
Pixie would be great because she has a variety of powers and could appeal to female players. Her personality would be fun and easy to show through animations. She could use her soul dagger and the pixie dust that can create hallucinations of unicorns and rainbows and even teleport for an emote.
Rockslide's exploding component would bring another side to the generic bruiser type character.
Dust would be good because she would have visually unique powers and bring another demographic to the Squad roster.
Anole could be a pretty unique acrobatic bruiser with his visual aesthetic and you could have him use his long tongue for some attacks.
Elixer would be an exciting support character because of his "golden" healing powers. These could be complimented by his "black" disease attack powers.
Mecury could be easily turned into a Mr fantastic clone, but it would be cool if she could have a lot more spiky and liquidy type attacks
Armor, X-23 and Hellion would all be pretty basic yet fun characters that could bring fairly unique elements to the game.
I'm a person who does character mods for a different video game so I understand how much work doing even a fraction of these would be but I figured I'd get the ideas out there.
Thanks for your time,
P.S. I think Gambit should have the acrobatic flip double jump because of his acrobatic thief training.
Love the characters that you chose, Elixir would be an awesome addition as well as Hellion, X-23 and Dust :) and i have 17,000 silver right now XD
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on December 29, 2011, 03:53PM
Love the characters that you chose, Elixir would be an awesome addition as well as Hellion, X-23 and Dust :) and i have 17,000 silver right now XD
Lucky lol!
Beast has confirmed January's schedule. First will be Psylocke followed by Phoenix and finally Angel. No word on Monkey King.
Psylocke and Phoenix will most likely be 1000 gold (Phoenix might even be more!) while Angel is most likely 600 gold.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 02:43PM
Beast has confirmed January's schedule. First will be Psylocke followed by Phoenix and finally Angel. No word on Monkey King.
Psylocke and Phoenix will most likely be 1000 gold (Phoenix might even be more!) while Angel is most likely 600 gold.
Dang it have to wait even longer on Phoenix! UGH! Lol Are there any dates?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 02:45PM
Dang it have to wait even longer on Phoenix! UGH! Lol Are there any dates?
No exact dates except for the order. I'm actually happy because at least Phoenix isn't last. With luck Psylocke will come this week leaving Phoenix for next week.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 02:49PM
No exact dates except for the order. I'm actually happy because at least Phoenix isn't last. With luck Psylocke will come this week leaving Phoenix for next week.
As long as we get her soon! Im just dieing to have her XD, not much of the whole being a fan thing of her, but just I have gotten so bored of playing SHSO lately that I hope she lights the spark again!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 02:52PM
As long as we get her soon! Im just dieing to have her XD, not much of the whole being a fan thing of her, but just I have gotten so bored of playing SHSO lately that I hope she lights the spark again!
I get those feelings time to time as well. The challenges plus the heroes re-sparked it for me and so did X-Men month.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 02:57PM
I get those feelings time to time as well. The challenges plus the heroes re-sparked it for me and so did X-Men month.
See for me the Challenges in the beginning helped, but now I have to get my squad lvl up and thats alot of work so that didnt help. Shadowcat did respark it for awhile, but I kind of lost the spark again XD so I'm hoping Phoenix will help with that and I wont get bored in a week like last time lol
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 03:03PM
See for me the Challenges in the beginning helped, but now I have to get my squad lvl up and thats alot of work so that didnt help. Shadowcat did respark it for awhile, but I kind of lost the spark again XD so I'm hoping Phoenix will help with that and I wont get bored in a week like last time lol
Lol have you tried your luck at Iceman, Nightcrawler, or Beast?
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 03, 2012, 03:06PM
Lol have you tried your luck at Iceman, Nightcrawler, or Beast?
I have both Nightcralwer, and Beast but i havent realyl played them yet. I still want to get Iceman to tho
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 03:03PM
See for me the Challenges in the beginning helped, but now I have to get my squad lvl up and thats alot of work so that didnt help. Shadowcat did respark it for awhile, but I kind of lost the spark again XD so I'm hoping Phoenix will help with that and I wont get bored in a week like last time lol
At least you have some heroes to work with. I'm maxed out, so the I'm stuck with completing any challenges for quite a while. I was really into them when there was a chance to fulfill them.
I bought a bunch of cards in the last sale. They haven't been as fun as I thought they would be. But, I'm still winning some of the cards in the quests and need to revamp my decks. The worst thing about the card game is the "Lucky Block." I HATED that for so long. It does help me as much as it hurts me I guess. But, it really removes alot of the skill and makes the game weigh too heavliy on luck. For a while, my goal for playing the card games was to get three more copies of the one card that I only have one of. I STILL haven't won any more copies of it. AHHHH! Otherwise, I have 4 or more of all the rest of that series of cards.
Quote from: fox456 on January 03, 2012, 03:23PM
At least you have some heroes to work with. I'm maxed out, so the I'm stuck with completing any challenges for quite a while. I was really into them when there was a chance to fulfill them.
I bought a bunch of cards in the last sale. They haven't been as fun as I thought they would be. But, I'm still winning some of the cards in the quests and need to revamp my decks. The worst thing about the card game is the "Lucky Block." I HATED that for so long. It does help me as much as it hurts me I guess. But, it really removes alot of the skill and makes the game weigh too heavliy on luck. For a while, my goal for playing the card games was to get three more copies of the one card that I only have one of. I STILL haven't won any more copies of it. AHHHH! Otherwise, I have 4 or more of all the rest of that series of cards.
Yeah i have tons of heroes to max still, Im just to bored to do it. :/
Well I finally got Shadowcat maxed. And I just bought Valkyrie, to add to my must own all female heroes list XD I only have American Dream left, plus Phoenix who will be coming out soon. Im still about 50 away from a squad lvl of 300 XD
You'll make 300 once Phoenix comes out!
Quote from: fox456 on January 03, 2012, 04:12PM
You'll make 300 once Phoenix comes out!
LOL I sure hope :D Im surprised to because I have lots of heroes that I really liek that have yet to be maxed, like Emma, Psylocke, Firestar, Black Cat etc. I need to get on the ball!
I'm pretty sure they will still count towards your squad level if you ever unsubscribe and can't play with them.
Quote from: fox456 on January 03, 2012, 04:18PM
I'm pretty sure they will still count towards your squad level if you ever unsubscribe and can't play with them.
Yeah Im glad I got Kitty maxed, I need to Blackwidow maxed just in case I ever unsubscribe, I kind of want my Subscription goes on for more then a month, because im not the one paying for it XD Im so werid with my money tho. I have 2,000 gold but I wont spend any of it I have to have over that amount before I spend it and it cant go under 2,000, but once Phoenix comes out that will change LOL
That sounds a little like me -- saving some of that hard-earned gold for what goodies the future might bring!
Quote from: fox456 on January 03, 2012, 04:26PM
That sounds a little like me -- saving some of that hard-earned gold for what goodies the future might bring!
Lol, I have had this gold for ever! Since I last subscribed which was way back when I dont even remember sometime in summer I believe.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2012, 04:30PM
Lol, I have had this gold for ever! Since I last subscribed which was way back when I dont even remember sometime in summer I believe.
yeah ive been saving up my gold for hawkeye to complete my avengers :)
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on January 04, 2012, 12:29AM
yeah ive been saving up my gold for hawkeye to complete my avengers :)
I love the Avengers too. Remember that Vision will be coming out as well. :D
Wolverine card quest are out! :D
Quote from: Me on January 04, 2012, 08:11PM
Wolverine card quest are out! :D
That usually means a bigger update the next day....
Ugh, membership renewal isn't automatic here :P oh well, when I get my 500 gold +100 gold, Ill probally buy Spiderwoman (or Dark Silver Surfer choices choices :P)
Silver Surfer is fun to use -- I'm guessing that Dark Silver Surfer would be fun too.
once i get my daily reward up to 20 gold again ill make it my goal to get 1000 silver a day, I actually after discovering 500 gold is good for only 5000 silver (i thought 10000 :p) bought Wasp, not what I expected, but also a real fun character :)
How do you get a daily reward of 20 gold?
Play for like 8 days in a row I believe, once you did that, it just continus (9th day also gives 20 gold, 10 day aswell etc.)
BTW, to compete (hopefully) a little bit with Midnightphoenix, my silver balance is currently 1444217025 19000 :D :D
Either today or monday im probally getting him, decided to use Silver surfer after all, since im trying to aim for the original super hero squad (Silver surfer, Hulk, Wolverine,Ironman,Falcon,Thor) (and Scarlet witch if you count second season :P)
Quote from: Polygone on January 06, 2012, 04:16AM
Play for like 8 days in a row I believe, once you did that, it just continus (9th day also gives 20 gold, 10 day aswell etc.)
BTW, to compete (hopefully) a little bit with Midnightphoenix, my silver balance is currently 1444217025 :D
Lol I dont know how much I have right now XD ill look later
I don't know how to find the pingeons. HELPPP D:
If you can't see the pigeons try putting your graphics on a higher setting. It should be in the options tab (located across from the friends tab)
Quote from: Me on January 09, 2012, 06:46PM
I don't know how to find the pingoens. HELPPP D:
The pigeons are the birds flying around places like the daily bugle (I don't know but I think the baxter plaza also has them). To knock them out, or whatever you call it (assuming you're asking because of the challenge), then you just use your first power emote when you are close to them (without them flying away of course)
I'm just writing this, just in case they are there, but you didn't know that is what you were supposed to do.
dragons also count as pigeons ^-^
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 09, 2012, 07:43PM
dragons also count as pigeons ^-^
Ohh yeah I forgot about those. Is there something that is equivalent to the pigeons in villainville? I don't really care for the villainville map so I don't go there that often.
Also aside from that I have a question for you all. I have 510 gold, and what polygone said has so far been right about the 20 gold, (I noticed something like that, but I thought it was because I played the game through midnight my time, and I had a theory that they give you more gold if you are on after the game day resets, but it seems I was wrong) and I have about 12,000 silver, so I am saving up for one of the surfers, but I was thinking about which character to get once I get the gold and I've narrowed it down to Storm, blackcat, red shehulk, shehulk, emma frost, or Spiderwoman. I am leaning more towards spiderwoman and storm though. But I wanted to see who you guys thought would be best.
Do you have one of the Hulks yet? If not, you might want to get She Hulk or Red She Hulk because they appear to be a more unique character with their huge jumping ability. They look like they would be fun to play.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 09, 2012, 07:43PM
dragons also count as pigeons ^-^
Actually for the challenge the dragons don't count. I remember knocking the dragons out but they never increased my challenge count like the other pigeons.
Does it usually take long to update your graphics?/: I chose beautiful...
I've never changed mine -- how do you do that?
Does anyone know if there is an update tonight for tomorrow? They always seem to be for Wedensday. Plus there was no update last week.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 09, 2012, 06:47PM
try putting your graphics on a higher setting. It should be in the options tab (located across from the friends tab)
MarvelFan explained it to me! :D
Quote from: fox456 on January 10, 2012, 05:55PM
I've never changed mine -- how do you do that?
on the left hub there are some gears that when you hover over them say "options" so you click that and can change the graphics and various other things. When you switch you have to log back on but other than that there's really no "time" that it takes to update.
Quote from: fox456 on January 10, 2012, 02:39PM
Storm is one of my favorite X-Men, but my allegiance belongs to the Avengers -- Go Thor!!!
Lol I mean to post that in the "How are you feeling today" thread but I accidentally posted it here. Edited it now. Sorry bout that :)
Quote from: Me on January 10, 2012, 05:57PM
MarvelFan explained it to me! :D
Cool hope it worked for you!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 10, 2012, 05:55PM
Does anyone know if there is an update tonight for tomorrow? They always seem to be for Wedensday. Plus there was no update last week.
No idea but there should be an update this week (hopefully tomorrow). I can't imagine them going 2 weeks without anything new. Also Beast said that this week for sure will release Psylocke while next should be arriving Phoenix and then Angel in that order.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 10, 2012, 06:09PM
on the left hub there are some gears that when you hover over them say "options" so you click that and can change the graphics and various other things. When you switch you have to log back on but other than that there's really no "time" that it takes to update.
At the most time you might have to log out of the game and then restart it for the graphics change.
HA :D, sorry just had to get that out, bought Silver surfer and dont even regret it!, he's incredibly fun to play as, really wobbly, first I was kinda of like (which one do I buy?) but then I decided with my dream of having the original super hero squad, and silver surfer :D, he's probally the closest to galactus I get to play in this game, and he's pretty fun, next stop, one of the hulks! (probally She-hulk, Gladiator Hulk, Red Hulk, Hulk, in that order, for the hulk challange :P)
Polygone, you probably know this, but YOU don't have to own one of the Hulks for the challenges. You just have to use one of your characters in a mission WITH someone else's Hulk. (But, I think it would still be cool to have at least one of them!)
If anyone hasn't seen on their Facebook page, Psylocke will mostly be releasing today! :)
Looks like you're right, Me! I just finished playing and when I signed out there was a notice that there is going to be an update tonight. I'm thinking they'll take down the Christmas decorations too.
I do know fox, but first of all, its better fir my squad level, and missions are either denied or really unstable, so ill just prefer to have em :p
Last night's update includes a new loadscreen which features Angel and Phoenix (both of whom look great!) and... Galactus!!! As I suspected, the Christmas decorations have been taken down.
5 new challenges from the simple (Dance at Johnny's club for 500 silver!) to incredibly difficult (Raise your squad level to 540 for Future Foundation Spider-Man).
It took around 20 minutes for the game to update. Well, to "try" to update. Then, it crashed!
Are you completly sure that it's Galactus? i only see: Phoenix, Angel, Nightcrawler, Sabretooth, Juggernaut and a Sentinel, there is no Galactus there.
Zomg can someone take a photo of the loadscreen, although since its xmen month i suppose jean greys explanation sounds more logical..
QuoteOur first update of 2012 has lots of great things for you to enjoy!
A New Mission! Our newest Mission, “Onslaught Onslaught!” features a new Villain for your heroic efforts!
New Heroes! Psylocke and Nightcrawler are now available to join your Squad!
A New Card Booster Pack! Our newest Card Booster Pack is called “Villain’s Fury” is now available to add to your decks!
The lasted Goodie, called Stinkbomb, is now available.
The Winter Holiday has come to an end and “Santa” is now back where he belongs.
We have added 5 MORE Challenges to the Challenge System and you can now unlock Future Foundation Spider-Man!
The Heroes and Villains pages of the website have new Bios for you to check out!
We hope you enjoy the latest additions to Super Hero Squad Online!
– The Super Hero Squad Team
That's the official word on the update :]
@fox: try restarting your computer. I had that problem at one time then I came back a few days later and tried it and it worked fine
BETSY! Gurl im coming for you :D,
However, it would probally take around a couple of weeks before they finally update it here though -_-
cant wait to challange Onslaught!
Quote from: JeanGrey777 on January 12, 2012, 04:52AM
Are you completly sure that it's Galactus? i only see: Phoenix, Angel, Nightcrawler, Sabretooth, Juggernaut and a Sentinel, there is no Galactus there.
LOL! No, I'm (obviously) not sure. :rofl: Guess I was just hoping it was Galactus and it kind of looked like him so I jumped to conclusions.
Thanks for completing the update that I wasn't able to finish this morning. I've got the game working now.
These challenges make me want to punch myself in the face XD
Just checked out the update and Phoenix looks amazing! Love the wings :D
As for "Galactus" I believe Fox has mistaken a Sentinel for the infamous world eater.
LOL!!!! Ok, who else wants to slam me for my "Galactus" :galactus: sighting!?! :chuckle: HAHA! Go ahead, I can take it. :D Can you blame me? It would be AWESOME to have Galactus in a mission, wouldn't it?
I agree with midnightphoenix -- The new challenge where you have to get a squad level of 540 is about ridiculous.
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 04:24PM
LOL!!!! Ok, who else wants to slam me for my "Galactus" :galactus: sighting!?! :chuckle: HAHA! Go ahead, I can take it. :D Can you blame me? It would be AWESOME to have Galactus in a mission, wouldn't it?
I agree with midnightphoenix -- The new challenge where you have to get a squad level of 540 is about ridiculous.
I know! Im still trying to raise my lvl to 300 -_- LOL! I give up XD
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 04:24PM
LOL!!!! Ok, who else wants to slam me for my "Galactus" :galactus: sighting!?! :chuckle: HAHA! Go ahead, I can take it. :D Can you blame me? It would be AWESOME to have Galactus in a mission, wouldn't it?
I agree with midnightphoenix -- The new challenge where you have to get a squad level of 540 is about ridiculous.
Lol I'm sorry for making fun but yes a Galactus mission would be amazing!!
@ midnightphoenix:
I already gave up and I've been at 251 for a long time now. I'm not so "driven" to raise it anymore. I still like playing but now the only goals I have are to get better medals. However, it's not as good as working on your squad level.
@ MarvelFan:
No problem at all. I think it's funny!
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 04:30PM
@ midnightphoenix:
I already gave up and I've been at 251 for a long time now. I'm not so "driven" to raise it anymore. I still like playing but now the only goals I have are to get better medals. However, it's not as good as working on your squad level.
I think I'm right around there also. I just dont have that fire to do it any more.
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 04:30PM
@ midnightphoenix:
I already gave up and I've been at 251 for a long time now. I'm not so "driven" to raise it anymore. I still like playing but now the only goals I have are to get better medals. However, it's not as good as working on your squad level.
@ MarvelFan:
No problem at all. I think it's funny!
Are there any other heroes that you have yet to buy? New characters usually boost your enthusiasim (they do for me!)
I think somebody asked for a loading screen. Here's one of the new ones!
Also check this January news!
Now get ready to take
flight with Angel, fight baddies with
Psylocke's psionic powers, and protect Super Hero City with the awesome
cosmic flames of Phoenix! Also be sure to check out our new booster pack -
Villains' Fury!
There's alot of heroes yet for me to buy. I just would rather save my gold for the ones I think I REALLY want (for now, I think I'd like Angel and Vision) and especially for some of the card sets.
I was a HUGE fan of the card game for a long time. I've lost some enthusiasm for it because of those "Lucky Blocks." They help me as much as they hurt in the long run, but I'm used to games with alot lower luck feature. I thought the card game would be more like Magic the Gathering which involves much more skill in making the decks.
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 04:47PM
There's alot of heroes yet for me to buy. I just would rather save my gold for the ones I think I REALLY want (for now, I think I'd like Angel and Vision) and especially for some of the card sets.
I was a HUGE fan of the card game for a long time. I've lost some enthusiasm for it because of those "Lucky Blocks." They help me as much as they hurt in the long run, but I'm used to games with alot lower luck feature. I thought the card game would be more like Magic the Gathering which involves much more skill in making the decks.
Angel and Vision are high on my list as well. It's really the only reason I'm not buying any Villain's Fury decks yet. However if the Onslaught mission is out (haven't checked the shop yet) I think I can buy that without making a huge dent in my gold.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 12, 2012, 04:49PM
Angel and Vision are high on my list as well. It's really the only reason I'm not buying any Villain's Fury decks yet. However if the Onslaught mission is out (haven't checked the shop yet) I think I can buy that without making a huge dent in my gold.
I bought 1 villain card pack, I shouldnt of, but I did. I still have 2,000 gold but I had 200 so why not XD I should have just bought the new mission!
Did you get any good cards in your villain pack? I've seen some really good ones in the quests.
Quote from: fox456 on January 12, 2012, 05:25PM
Did you get any good cards in your villain pack? I've seen some really good ones in the quests.
Umm the 2nd row was alright, but the first row kind of sucked. I think I got 2 or 3 cards with Mageneto and Mystique together.
For me I am trying to get Colossus I am at about 145 I have about 12 characters I can play as, so I'll have to get a couple more before I can get therel. The only characters I've bought are Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Jean Grey and Nova. And I have DD, Mohawk Storm, Firestar and Stealth Ironman from the challenges (Thank goodness for being able to win heroes from the challenges). I recently maxxed out Wasp and Ms. Marvel. Those are the only ones I've maxxed out. I am about one level away from maxxing out firestar and mohawk storm. LOL so that is where I'm at, so I can't even Imagine getting to 540 ugh I don't even really like spidey so I may not be working that hard to get there.
Also for anyone that doesn't know or hasn't thought about it, every day, you can find each of your characters coins, and you get about 500 xp, so it is a really good way to level up, at least for me it is.
I think a really cool addition to the game would be, instead of making different versions of characters, like pure elecktra, all the alts for spidey, etc I think it would be cool if the made them achievements for challenges like each character has like 3 costumes and that when you achieve certain challenges, the you get to pick a costume for your character, or even make it where you can buy the costumes, for those that want them. Or even by leveling up to a certain level, you get a new costume to choose to switch between. But the only problem is some of the different versions of characters have different powers, like the two storms.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 12, 2012, 06:13PM
2000 gold is how much I have (although I think I won some more from the challenges). I'm not gonna go less than that so I can buy Phoenix and Angel.
I know I'm not going any lower also, But i need more because I would liek to have the 05 also which means Angel, and Iceman. Phoenix is a given XD
@4elements - Yeah I used to get the token things, but I get to bored to run around lookin for them for everybody XD I also agree that characters should have alt costumes, but I do believe that every character has different abilites minus the 2 Elektras I believe.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 12, 2012, 07:00PM
@4elements - Yeah I used to get the token things, but I get to bored to run around lookin for them for everybody XD I also agree that characters should have alt costumes, but I do believe that every character has different abilites minus the 2 Elektras I believe.
LOL I go to asgard and the daily bugle to find the coins, since those maps they don't have many buildings, and they seem to be smaller or more compact. It seems though that they are usually in the same spot. But I only find them for a couple of characters, mainly firestar, stealth ironman, DD, and mohawk storm. DD and mohawk storm mostly because of their double jump, which makes it fairly quick to get around the map.
I like using the fliers when I'm trying to collect tokens. Too bad they can't collect the tokens for the non-fliers!
@ 4elementsefww:
I really like your idea of earning new costumes or buying them from the store (preferably earning them). It's too bad they didn't think of that when they were designing the game. It could have made it alot more interesting.
I also think they should change the rewards for card games so that at least you earn one gold piece. It's not much, but I think it would encourage some people to play cards more.
I used to use flyers all the time, but it seems like they take longer because they fly in loops and twists and such and then they have to land.
I too wish that we could earn gold through the card games, even the missions, I think we should be able to earn some gold as well.
I think though that the costumes would give people something to look forward to earning, since it takes a long time to get enough gold to get characters. That's why I left the game for a little while, because it took forever to get gold, and I got bored with playing as the four default characters and the one that I bought. I think that the idea of the challenges helped a little, since you could earn some characters, and some gold. I still wish though that we could sell some things like paint. Geez, sooo much paint! I at least they'd let us trade it for silver, or something.
LOL! Yes, SO much paint! And since everyone has the same problem, paint is worthless. No one would want to trade paint with each other so the best thing you could do is sell it to the "bank."
I don't mind the tokens personally... they're an easy straightforward way of leveling up characters that I don't care to play missions as. I mean I'm already up to squad level 281. I don't have enough money to keep up a subscription or enough time to run missions everyday so I've been buying as many members only characters as I can, collecting the gold every day and running all of the tokens so that I can level them all up so when I don't have a subscription any more i'll still have a lot of extra characters adding to my squad level. I have pretty much all the members only except Iron Man, Hulk Buster, Iron Patriot and Shadowcat. I'll write up reviews of the characters I've been buying as soon as I've got some time.
Some more news!
Here are the official descriptions for Angel and Phoenix and their official powers.
Description: When the Phoenix Force possesses Jean Grey, she's one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. And that's saying something.
Power 1: Phoenix Wings
Power 2: Healing Flames
Power 3: Flame Rush
Description: There are many heroes that can fly above Super Hero City, but only Angel has wings. Plus, he can heal you if you've been injured.
Power 1: Angel Strike
Power 2: Angelic Heal
Power 3: Flying Charge
So it looks like our two newest X-Men will be healers! Fits them both perfectly. Angel is definitely gonna be able to heal his allies but Phoenix might only be a self-healer. Either way will be awesome.
Also through my own group of contacts (who have contacts lol) I have heard news that White Phoenix is one of the confirmed heroes. It's believed that she will be a code hero (although if its for comic-con is uncertain). Either way this is her description, the only other piece of news I got with her confirmation. Also I'd ask that it would be better to keep this on the down-low for now. It helps so I can continue to get more inside-info for us.
Description: When Jean Grey leaves Earth, she appears in this white costume before coming back. Sometimes she keeps it on because it's so cool.
I hope there are more code heroes. It adds one more aspect to the game. I thought I read that somewhere that there wouldn't be any more, but this is good news!
I have to admit one thing guys
Im defnitly going for Dark Silver Surfer now, Hulks can wait, Surfers cannot, im currently at 3387 silver
Quote from: Polygone on January 15, 2012, 09:01AM
I have to admit one thing guys
Im defnitly going for Dark Silver Surfer now, Hulks can wait, Surfers cannot, im currently at 3387 silver
LOL I love the face :) Im still at 11,000 silver or so. I think I'm gonna get Dark Surfer first unless anyone believes he isnt as good as the regular Silver Surfer.
Quote from: smarshal7 on January 15, 2012, 09:53AM
I'm sorry I did not get any screen shots of Phoenix... she was really zooming through the mission and I did not see her when we popped out of the mission to the Daily Bugle Zone. She did use quite a bit of fire and was taking down enemies left and right!
Found some more tidbits for the Phoenix fans!
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 15, 2012, 07:23PM
Found some more tidbits for the Phoenix fans!
Wow. She seems really strong. I love it. :phoenix:
Currently at 5289, getting around 2000 silver a day is possible it seems
I dont really wanna buy Jean when Phoenix is coming out (besides, before the beta when my acount wasnt wiped clean, I also had her) :P oh well xD
From Beast
QuoteSo I wonder if Phoenix will go live late late tonight like Beast did the week Christmas. Since we know both her and Angel are already pre-loaded onto the game servers when they did the last update. Since they've been seen in game already by people who are playtesters.
Although I wish this would happen, I kind of doubt that it will.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 16, 2012, 03:15PM
From Beast
Although I wish this would happen, I kind of doubt that it will.
That'd be awesome! I'm expecting her release this week and Angel's next week.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 16, 2012, 05:45PM
That'd be awesome! I'm expecting her release this week and Angel's next week.
Yeah Im sure she will be out with the normal Wednesday Release.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 16, 2012, 05:52PM
Yeah Im sure she will be out with the normal Wednesday Release.
Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be certain :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 16, 2012, 05:54PM
Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be certain :)
Yup :) I'm getting more excited, I had a not so great weekend, so I'm really happy for this week as Phoenix will be coming out, and a Trailer for Resident Evil: Retrebution is going to get released this week around the same time Phoenix should be out so that should lighten me up this week!
Hope you have a better upcoming week, midnightphoenix!
Quote from: fox456 on January 16, 2012, 08:37PM
Hope you have a better upcoming week, midnightphoenix!
Thanks Fox :) I am also guessing no Phoenix because if there was people would probably be freakin out lol
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 16, 2012, 06:10PM
Yup :) I'm getting more excited, I had a not so great weekend, so I'm really happy for this week as Phoenix will be coming out, and a Trailer for Resident Evil: Retrebution is going to get released this week around the same time Phoenix should be out so that should lighten me up this week!
Fortunately you weren't the only one with a "not so great" weekend. Hope it gets better for everybody...:)
I'd wait a few hours more before making judgement about an update. They don't usually announce anything until late evening.
Check their Facebook page. Phoenix will be releasing soon! :D
Quote from: Me on January 17, 2012, 07:33PM
Check their Facebook page. Phoenix will be releasing soon! :D
DARN you beat me too it XD
QuoteAn amazing new hero, coming very soon to Super Hero Squad Online!
The Phoenix pose for MSHSO kinda looks like the one profile picture. Hahah
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 17, 2012, 07:35PM
DARN you beat me too it XD
OMG I'm so excited! I had just given up and now I see it! (my heart skipped two beats lol). Her pose reminds me of this...
Quote from: Me on January 17, 2012, 07:40PM
The Phoenix pose for MSHSO kinda looks like the one profile picture. Hahah
LOL yeah it actually does XD thats really funny!
Went ahead and updated all the Jean forums with it lol. I'm gonna have to wake up early tomorrow to try her out. Stupid school... :(
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 17, 2012, 07:45PM
Went ahead and updated all the Jean forums with it lol. I'm gonna have to wake up early tomorrow to try her out. Stupid school... :(
LOL! Ain't that the truth. :drool1:
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 17, 2012, 07:45PM
Went ahead and updated all the Jean forums with it lol. I'm gonna have to wake up early tomorrow to try her out. Stupid school... :(
Story of my life >.> I hope she is coming out tonight/tomorrow and not tomorrow/thursday
Quote from: fox456 on January 17, 2012, 07:47PM
LOL! Ain't that the truth. :drool1:
School has been so infuriating these days, I swear! Usually 2nd semester gets better but it feels even more annoying than usual (can that be possible?)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 17, 2012, 07:49PM
School has been so infuriating these days, I swear! Usually 2nd semester gets better but it feels even more annoying than usual (can that be possible?)
No I feel the same way, I also know I have to go to summer school to make up Math because I obviously didnt do so good XD so I'm not really looking forward to Summer either :(
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 17, 2012, 07:51PM
No I feel the same way, I also know I have to go to summer school to make up Math because I obviously didnt do so good XD so I'm not really looking forward to Summer either :(
Eh summer school...I can only imagine the pain. I feel for you, if it's any consolation.
But now back on topic before the mods shut us down!
Yes, let's talk about more pleasant subjects!
I almost forgot about the X-Mansion. Is there going to be a new zone or maybe just a building for the X-Men? Seems like we talked about it some here. Did that get postponed to February or something?
Quote from: fox456 on January 17, 2012, 08:01PM
Yes, let's talk about more pleasant subjects!
I almost forgot about the X-Mansion. Is there going to be a new zone or maybe just a building for the X-Men? Seems like we talked about it some here. Did that get postponed to February or something?
They did have an X-Mansion in the works but it was postponed because of the work they were putting for the Avengers films.
It would be kinda cool if you could make the X Mansion your headquarters! Hahah
I knew some guys who played alot together and made Dr. Strange's Sanctum Santorum their "headquarters" -- at least for the month or so that it was around.
So my subscription is running out so I splurged and bought captain marvel, rogue and storm ^-^ my level is now 307 and I haven't maxed all of the ones i have yet :D
The moment you've all been waiting for:
Phoenix is finally here!
Phoenix is available for 1000 gold! Many of the people who used her before said she was known for taking down enemies left and right and you'll get this feeling even at level 1! Her combos are quick and have lots of range. They have cool new fiery effects and pulverize enemies. Her heroup in particular deals a lot of damage. 1st power is well...meh like most 1st powers tend to be so I'm looking forward to unlocking the other ones. 1st emote is "Phoenixing" up while her dance is the same. Her pose is the same as we saw in the Christmas video while her rude emote is burping fiery feathers. Her flight is especially cool with new fiery effects and of course a phoenix raptor. Plus a phoenix sound which is what completes it! I personally love her hair length and have no issue with it.
:P I'm getting on before schol to get her, crossing my fingers for the day to go by fast!
WWWOOOOOOWWWW :D IM SOOOO EXCITED :D, F silver surfer, X-men, professor Polygone is coming 4 you :D
Im so happy they are out, seems here like they got some sort of X-bang, seeing as all the x-men (Phoenix, Iceman, Psylocke, NC, and of course Beast) are all realesed
Also, the eu version launched a card game tournament, they say its worth competing in, but I suck at the card game :P
Soo I was just about to buy Phoenix and then my computer shut down. -.- I was excited to get her since school. D:
Quote from: Me on January 18, 2012, 03:04PM
Soo I was just about to buy Phoenix and then my computer shut down. -.- I was excited to get her since school. D:
She's worth it, believe me. Her combos are devastating even at lower levels and her heroup is incredibly powerful. Her 2nd power heals her which is really needed. I think it's funny how Jean is known for dying and even the game pokes fun at this yet she has the best chances of survival with her healing power (even more than Wolverine and Rulkie as their healing powers cost more stars!)
OhMiGod.... Phoenix is sooo AMAZING!!!! :phoenix:
Anybody maxed her out yet? I love her emotes (especially the last two!).
I saw a gameplay video of her and she looks really cool and fun but i'll just wait for other people to be released before i spend money.
I have her at almost lvl 6
Does anyone know how much Angel will cost? *Keeping fingers crossed for 600 or 350*
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 19, 2012, 08:46PM
Does anyone know how much Angel will cost? *Keeping fingers crossed for 600 or 350*
I heard either 600 or 1000 gold
So im probally gonna buy gold tomorrow, so I just wanna know, which hero is a must have? (for a lot of gold probally)
Dr strange? Hulk? R-hulk G-hulk? (i will probally buy all the hulks with it, probally including red Shulkie and buy Phoenix and Psylocke most likely)
Gladiator hulk and hulk! Mostly cause I haven't gotten them for the challenge yet ;D so yeah I have an agenda...
Hulk and Gladiator Hulk 4 sures, Shulkie will follow, but the red counterpats, I dunno, they seem kinda lamish :P
............I caved. I got bucky capt. I was saving up for one of the silver surfers, and I had just reached 15,000 yesterday, and Bucky was glaring at me, so I caved and got him. I also reached 600 gold, but I am saving it. Bucky though is pretty fun, and powerful. I mean he took out like 2 enemies with one full combo at like level 1, so he's pretty cool, and his heroup is pretty awesome also, because it is a radial attack. I don't know how capt. america is, so I don't know if they are really similar, but bucky seems pretty good. I guess the splurge was worth it getting bucky, instead of using my gold. So far out of the characters I have, I have wasp, ms. marvel, mohawk storm, stealth ironman, firestar, daredevil, jean, and scarlet witch now maxxed out. I still need to max out thing, bucky, cycke, falcon, and nova. My squad level is 170 right now, so I have about 165% to go until i get colossus.
I too hope angel is silver or at least 350 gold, I Really hope he isn't 1,000 gold. I mean We've had MANY of those 1,000 gold characters released recently, I think we need a break, I mean Phoenix, nightcrawler, iceman and dr. strange are all 1,000 and they are part of that recent released group, especially the first three, since it was x-men month.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on January 20, 2012, 12:35PM
I too hope angel is silver or at least 350 gold, I Really hope he isn't 1,000 gold. I mean We've had MANY of those 1,000 gold characters released recently, I think we need a break, I mean Phoenix, nightcrawler, iceman and dr. strange are all 1,000 and they are part of that recent released group, especially the first three, since it was x-men month.
All the gold I have is only 600. He NEEDS to be at a cheaper price. Preferably 350. :D
Oh and for the hulk challenges, I just try to find someone with a really high squad level and ask them to help me out with it. (:
Captain America is one of my favorite characters as well as one of my most powerful ones. I've used him more on missions than just about any other of my characters.
Oh Phoenix is released i saw a video of her. She is amazing. I wish i can play the game :( im sadder than ever. Also Phoenix's Combos are weaker than Jean's but on par with Emma's. I wish there was someone who can send a ticket to the Developers. Everytime i try or it loads ( but loads nothing ) and then it says that "Connection Timeout" or something. I tried it on my phone too and the same thing, on my computer and on a friend's computer ( to see if its not only on my computer ) i dont understand why its not available in the rest of Europe. Have they forgotten to expand it or something or blocked it in some contries on purpose. :( I keep having dreams that i might play the game one day, but with this i guess they will forever be just dreams :(
Im sad to :(, hopefully you still get to play it!
On a diffrent note
Imma buy gold today :), dont know how much, guess 50 euro's (6.900 gold) is a bit expensive, so it will probally be 25 euro's (something like 3.something)
Will probally have to charge my gold for another Hulk but I dont really care, im secretly hoping for 6.900 gold though, since that way, I can probally get most of the X-woman, along with all the hulks)
EDIT : Ok, got 10 euro's :P, 1.260 gold, so that leaves room for a character for 1000 and if ill charge my gold a bit 600
Phoenix and Betsy *maniac laugh* IM COMING FOR YOU :D
Quote from: Polygone on January 21, 2012, 04:50AM
Im sad to :(, hopefully you still get to play it!
On a diffrent note
Imma buy gold today :), dont know how much, guess 50 euro's (6.900 gold) is a bit expensive, so it will probally be 25 euro's (something like 3.something)
Will probally have to charge my gold for another Hulk but I dont really care, im secretly hoping for 6.900 gold though, since that way, I can probally get most of the X-woman, along with all the hulks)
Polygone as i see they arent making any announcements or doing anything to expand the Euro Server i dont think i will ever play it. :( Il never get to play as Emma or Jean or Phoenix
You dont know if they arent doing anything, they might aswell try something behind the scenes
On a diffrent note again, I uesd my remaining gold to max Jean out xD, im such a promise to myself breaker :P
Maxed out heroes 4 me are : Phoenix,Human Torch, Invisible woman, Ironman, and im getting close to maxing Silver Surfer and Shadowcat
How do you like using Human Torch?
He's okay, I got him for free thanks to supporting the open beta, and he was basicly my OK to go ahead and get the entire FF, he's attacks are really in character though so to speak, really over the top, a ''Showoff'' as the game describes him
It's good that they developed him to be a character true to himself.
Quote from: fox456 on January 21, 2012, 08:03AM
It's good that they developed him to be a character true to himself.
Yeah I love the Human Torch. He's my fav out of the entire FF team (although Sue comes close. I just prefer the damage-dealers over weak support)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 21, 2012, 08:45AM
Yeah I love the Human Torch. He's my fav out of the entire FF team (although Sue comes close. I just prefer the damage-dealers over weak support)
Same here!
@White Queen, I remember seeing somewhere that they said that they hadn't expanded to all of Europe. It may not be their fault, it just might be the only places they are aloud to expand too. And I don't believe that Phoenix's combos are as weak as Emma's, Phoenix is pretty powerful.
And the funny thing is, is well yesterday and the day before there were these people arguing that Thor could kill Phoenix just by throwing his Hammer at her, and then they said Thor could disinagrate her, and Phoenix didn't have a chance. The same people were pretending to have a play fight yesterday. I wasnt going to step in and say anything because no matter what everyone can say what they want, but those people are really annopying. I hate getting online, and then seeing that when I'm on it annoys me. And they like seriously flood the chat so you cant even really say something before your sentance is gone.
Phoenix's combos are actually a tad weaker than Jean's but only a tad. They are still more powerful than Emma's by a bit more. And of course Phoenix's powers and heroup are far superior to either Jean or Emma. Her heroup causes instant KO and mass damage to larger enemies while her third power is already incredibly damaging AND it strikes her foes multiple times. And don't even get me started on her team heal power :D
Kinda sad to see her heroup in a straight line though, since I always imagined she's more of an area fighter
Well I just maxed a couple of heroes! I now have a squad level of 291, 300 I can taste you XD I maxed Phoenix, Psylocke, Emma, and Firestar
How absolutly pathetic it might sound, I just maxed Silver Surfer and Kitty current squad level of 296 xD
I also got a maxed Black Widow btw
Quote from: Polygone on January 21, 2012, 12:59PM
Kinda sad to see her heroup in a straight line though, since I always imagined she's more of an area fighter
True but her third power does that just well. Also I love how her heroup can demolish waves of enemies in front of her. Get a good position and you can destroy everyone :D
FINALLY a jr shield agent member! :D
So I've started playing with Rogue and Psylocke and they are fantastic. Both of them have really quick nice combos and super powerful hero-ups. I fully recommend them!
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 21, 2012, 07:44PM
So I've started playing with Rogue and Psylocke and they are fantastic. Both of them have really quick nice combos and super powerful hero-ups. I fully recommend them!
Awesome you finally tried them out! They're two of my personal favs as well.
I just bought Bucky Cap, he's awesome, he has melee combos and ranged powers because of the gun and the shield, he's actually a pretty good character, His Heroup is awesome and deals 22 dmg 3 times, it's awesome
Angel is coming soon!
Quote from: fox456 on January 24, 2012, 05:17PM
I'm not sure, Facebook's MSHSO page just said coming soon and they had his blanked out picture
midnightphoenix was right -- Angel is now available! He costs 600 gold. Also, a new card quest is out. It is called "Civil War" and costs silver instead of gold! It features 6 different heroes: Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Wolverine, Nick Fury, Captain America and Black Widow.
Angel is out here to :D
For some reason his head on character tokens wont show up (yup, bought him :D)
His flight is REALLY cool!, he's a bit of a rogue type of X-men, he can dash up on enemies, but cant take that much damage...(dont have his healin power yet, figured with this, it will change)
He's a great char though :D
Does Angel seem faster at flying or moving than other characters? I got the impression today that he was when I was trying to keep up with another Angel.
Now you mention it, a bit, he also has a ''double'' jump, where he elevates himself a bit, and also does this jump on missions (sort of like how Black widow can get a roll jump, but can also jump normally, same goes for angel, only then for elevation)
Well I know own every female hero in MSHSO my task is completely, ubtil the next one is released. I also finnaly got a squad lvl of 300 just now and I want to know out of the 3 I can choose from who is the best? Wolverine, Sentry, or Daredevil?
Edit: Facebook posted a new code that if you enter it you get a Villains card pack free. VILLAINSFURY
I have both Sentry and Daredevil. I'd rate them both in the top part of my roster. Daredevil is all melee while Sentry has a more varied mix of powers, still tending to the melee side. I like using them both in missions, but I'd have to give the edge to Daredevil for being just a little bit faster, but just a slight advantage. But, if you throw in the fact that Sentry is a flier, I like that alot for roaming around the zones. Even with Daredevil's double jump (which is nice), Sentry gets the bump because he flies. So, it's really too close to call!
Oh, and thanks alot for that code. I'm going to try it out now and see if I get any good cards.
Quote from: fox456 on January 27, 2012, 04:13PM
I have both Sentry and Daredevil. I'd rate them both in the top part of my roster. Daredevil is all melee while Sentry has a more varied mix of powers, still tending to the melee side. I like using them both in missions, but I'd have to give the edge to Daredevil for being just a little bit faster, but just a slight advantage. But, if you throw in the fact that Sentry is a flier, I like that alot for roaming around the zones. Even with Daredevil's double jump (which is nice), Sentry gets the bump because he flies. So, it's really too close to call!
Oh, and thanks alot for that code. I'm going to try it out now and see if I get any good cards.
Your welcome :) I wish I hadnt bought one pack awhile ago now lol! Im thinking either Sentry or Wolverine because I have heard Sentry is really fun, but Im not a DD fan really XD
LOL, yes I'm not a Daredevil fan either. But, he is really good in the game. So, I'm just basing my opinion on how he plays. I don't like Wolverine at all (as a character), but I could be persuaded to buy him in the game if he was awesome. :)
Quote from: fox456 on January 27, 2012, 04:43PM
LOL, yes I'm not a Daredevil fan either. But, he is really good in the game. So, I'm just basing my opinion on how he plays. I don't like Wolverine at all (as a character), but I could be persuaded to buy him in the game if he was awesome. :)
To me I dont really like him either, but I dont hate him exactly lol I just think he is to used. I just want him because he is an X-Man lol.
I vote for sentry :] he's great!
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 27, 2012, 10:03PM
I vote for sentry :] he's great!
:) Im thinking that I'm gonna get him. Thanks for the vote :D
I like sentry better than daredevil.
Sooo which would you perfer angel or iceman? I got some gold today and I can't decide on which one to get.
Ok, so I heard Phoenix was released, and totally flipped. So I started playing again so I can build up my gold for her XD. Now that they've changed it since I've been on, its more fun to play. So yeah, I got Mohawk Storm, Stealth Iron Man, Sentry and um... Civilian Wolverine? But yeah, so far, out of those... Not impressed at all. Still like Rogue and Gambit :) But as soon as I get the gold, I'm gettin Phoenix. Oh yeah, how do you raise your Squad Lvl besides lvling your heroes up?
Quote from: Me on January 28, 2012, 08:34PM
I like sentry better than daredevil.
Sooo which would you perfer angel or iceman? I got some gold today and I can't decide on which one to get.
I haven't played either of them, but I'd say Iceman first. He just seems like more fun on missions :]
Quote from: Scabbia on January 28, 2012, 10:09PM
So yeah, I got Mohawk Storm, Stealth Iron Man, Sentry and um... Civilian Wolverine? But yeah, so far, out of those... Not impressed at all.
Oh yeah, how do you raise your Squad Lvl besides lvling your heroes up?
Yeah I have mohawk storm and I didn't like her, but I do have Stealth IM and I liked him. But I don't know about street wolvie or sentry though, but elektra was fun and firestar was fun. Dare devil is ok.
About your question, I'm pretty sure that is the only way. My advice for leveling quickly, is find the 5 hero tokens for each character, and you can get like 500 XP per character per day just by collecting those, and I would suggest playing dr. dooms send in the clones mission, since when I play I get a good amount of XP, and the mission doesn't take long, like some of the others do, and I think it was silver to buy.
I on the other hand love mohawk storm. Though her Hero-Up attack is a bit weak, she still has powerful combos and looks like a bad ass...Punk Rock Forever!
Or do the Abomination battle. It is also really quick and he is very stupid.
I like to do one of the SKrull missions. I can't remember which one it is, but there is only 2 parts to it. Although Super Skrull I always find to be hard. But its a pretty quick mission. You can do card games to cant you?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 29, 2012, 09:12PM
I like to do one of the SKrull missions. I can't remember which one it is, but there is only 2 parts to it. Although Super Skrull I always find to be hard. But its a pretty quick mission. You can do card games to cant you?
For me the thing about card games, is that they take as long, or longer than a mission, and you get 100-150 XP (if you win), and with missions like the one I mentioned, with adamantium, you can get like 400 XP.
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on January 29, 2012, 03:38PM
I on the other hand love mohawk storm. Though her Hero-Up attack is a bit weak, she still has powerful combos and looks like a bad ass...Punk Rock Forever!
I liked her look but I wasn't to keen on her attack personally, I don't really think she is weak, but with melee characters I feel that they need to have good health, because it is easier for them to get attacked, and I feel Mohawk storm didn't have the endurance that was needed for a melee type character. But as always it comes down to everyone has different preferences. Plus I think I might have expected too much because I was excited about getting a storm character (since I don't have the regular character) and I think I expected her to be somewhat like regular storm, since storm is one of the characters I want.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on January 29, 2012, 09:25PM
For me the thing about card games, is that they take as long, or longer than a mission, and you get 100-150 XP (if you win), and with missions like the one I mentioned, with adamantium, you can get like 400 XP.
I liked her look but I wasn't to keen on her attack personally, I don't really think she is weak, but with melee characters I feel that they need to have good health, because it is easier for them to get attacked, and I feel Mohawk storm didn't have the endurance that was needed for a melee type character. But as always it comes down to everyone has different preferences. Plus I think I might have expected too much because I was excited about getting a storm character (since I don't have the regular character) and I think I expected her to be somewhat like regular storm, since storm is one of the characters I want.
Yeah I dont really like Card Games at all, they make me so bored just sitting there XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 29, 2012, 09:37PM
Yeah I dont really like Card Games at all, they make me so bored just sitting there XD
LOL I know what you mean. I wish there was more of an incentive to play (like at least more silver, XP, tickets, or even a minor amount of gold, like 2-5 gold, or something). And I also wish that the title, or picture in the card, would be what the attack looked like, because a lot of the times the attacks have nothing to do with the picture or the title of the card.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on January 29, 2012, 09:44PM
LOL I know what you mean. I wish there was more of an incentive to play (like at least more silver, XP, tickets, or even a minor amount of gold, like 2-5 gold, or something). And I also wish that the title, or picture in the card, would be what the attack looked like, because a lot of the times the attacks have nothing to do with the picture or the title of the card.
I know! Like the card has a Sentinel on it, and then out of no where an X-Men pops out. And your like.. umm no XD And I agree there is really no reason to play because you dont really get anything. You want XP go play missions, you want tickets go smash those little bots, You want cards go spin the prize wheel, you want silver go do anything LOL!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 29, 2012, 09:52PM
I know! Like the card has a Sentinel on it, and then out of no where an X-Men pops out. And your like.. umm no XD And I agree there is really no reason to play because you dont really get anything. You want XP go play missions, you want tickets go smash those little bots, You want cards go spin the prize wheel, you want silver go do anything LOL!
But wait, right before you have to level your squad level to 400, there is a card battle challenge where you have to complete 5 easy or power quest. It is soo hard because I can't beat that freakin hulk buster -.-
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 29, 2012, 09:52PM
I know! Like the card has a Sentinel on it, and then out of no where an X-Men pops out. And your like.. umm no XD And I agree there is really no reason to play because you dont really get anything. You want XP go play missions, you want tickets go smash those little bots, You want cards go spin the prize wheel, you want silver go do anything LOL!
Yeah It is pretty ridiculous. Sometimes I like playing the card games, but only when I am doing multiple things at once, because the card game doesn't require much attention lol.
Oh yeah, speaking of card games, has anyone gotten the civil war quest and got to the battle where you fight ms. marvel, if so do any of you think it is not fair that she gets the keepers she gets as opposed to the 3 you start out with. I mean one of her cards hits for one every turn, then if it is misfired if goes back in her hand, the only way to get rid of that card is to block it from her hand, the one that she has I think says that cards 3 or less, hit +1 or something, while you get one that if you use an energy of 5 you get xtra attack then it is discarded, and one is for black panther and storm and the other is capt america or falcon. For me the keepers didn't seem very fair, and she was so hard for me to beat because of that stupid ironman card she had.
Quote from: 4elementsefww on January 29, 2012, 11:10PM
...Oh yeah, speaking of card games, has anyone gotten the civil war quest and got to the battle where you fight ms. marvel, if so do any of you think it is not fair that she gets the keepers she gets as opposed to the 3 you start out with. I mean one of her cards hits for one every turn, then if it is misfired if goes back in her hand, the only way to get rid of that card is to block it from her hand, the one that she has I think says that cards 3 or less, hit +1 or something, while you get one that if you use an energy of 5 you get xtra attack then it is discarded, and one is for black panther and storm and the other is capt america or falcon. For me the keepers didn't seem very fair, and she was so hard for me to beat because of that stupid ironman card she had.
Yes, I've encountered that! At first, I didn't even know what hit me -- HA! However, I was lucky and misfired it back to her hand with the first hit. I thought, "What was that?" Then I was luckily able to get rid of it soon thereafter.
That's just the thing that aggravates me about the card game -- too much LUCK. I've written here before how those "Lucky Blocks" are so frustrating. I admit that they help me as much as hurt me, but I prefer skill games to luck. But, for some reason, I still like that card game!
Regarding Mohawk Storm, she is my least favorite character in my roster. Like 4elementsefww, I thought she'd me more like regular Storm (since I don't have her either) and was extremely disappointed.
I'll play my Mystique mission, its always been my fav XD. But about Mohawk Storm, I thinks she's ok in balance of everything, but her using "lightning rods" is what throws it off for me. Other than that, she's fine. But not as exciting to use as others. Has anyone gotten Phoenix, Angel or Nightcrawler yet?
Quote from: Scabbia on January 30, 2012, 06:20PM
I'll play my Mystique mission, its always been my fav XD. But about Mohawk Storm, I thinks she's ok in balance of everything, but her using "lightning rods" is what throws it off for me. Other than that, she's fine. But not as exciting to use as others. Has anyone gotten Phoenix, Angel or Nightcrawler yet?
I have Phoenix, and Nightcrawler. I'm pretty sure Marvel fan has them all though!
Quote from: Scabbia on January 30, 2012, 06:20PM
I'll play my Mystique mission, its always been my fav XD. But about Mohawk Storm, I thinks she's ok in balance of everything, but her using "lightning rods" is what throws it off for me. Other than that, she's fine. But not as exciting to use as others. Has anyone gotten Phoenix, Angel or Nightcrawler yet?
I have all three!
I haven't heard much about Nightcrawler. How do you guys like him?
Quote from: fox456 on January 30, 2012, 09:53PM
I haven't heard much about Nightcrawler. How do you guys like him?
He's pretty fun to use. Unlike double jumping like deadpool, he can teleport. His attacks are really cool cause he teleports around the villains and attacks them.
Quote from: Scabbia on January 30, 2012, 06:20PMBut about Mohawk Storm, I thinks she's ok in balance of everything, but her using "lightning rods" is what throws it off for me.
Lol the "lightning rods" I think are supposed to be drum sticks, since she is a punk rocker chick i guess..........IDK i thought she wasn't very or useful, other than her having double jumps, which made it easy for me to collect her tokens quickly so I could max her out fast.
Quote from: fox456 on January 30, 2012, 09:53PM
I haven't heard much about Nightcrawler. How do you guys like him?
Yeah I haven't seen much of him or Phoenix around, I would've figured people would be getting them quick.......Could be though that they just don't have enough gold right now. I have seen a couple of angels running around, more often than I see phoenix or nightcrawler. I don't have any of them, but I really like how angel seems to have both double jump and flight.
I think it just depends on when you get on, If you get on closer to when they get released then you will probably see more of them. I know just around the wheel I saw like 9 Angels
Quote from: 4elementsefww on January 30, 2012, 11:04PM
Lol the "lightning rods" I think are supposed to be drum sticks, since she is a punk rocker chick i guess..........IDK i thought she wasn't very or useful, other than her having double jumps, which made it easy for me to collect her tokens quickly so I could max her out fast.
xD, I luv Mohawk storm! Havent bought her yet but I know how she plays (before offical launch)
Her second power is really usefull (damage and speed boosts)
Sure she doesnt seem much like original storm, but I sorta was expecting that XD
Quote from: Polygone on January 31, 2012, 10:43AM
xD, I luv Mohawk storm! Havent bought her yet but I know how she plays (before offical launch)
Her second power is really usefull (damage and speed boosts)
Sure she doesnt seem much like original storm, but I sorta was expecting that XD
And a bunch of people are complain about all the costume clones (for spiderman, hulk, etc) so having a different gameplay on a different costume should be welcome XD
I don't believe putting on a "tuxedo" should change your powers. ;) So, speaking in general terms, the same character in a different costume doesn't mean new powers, etc. That's probably the reason I hoped and assumed wrongly that Mohawk Storm would be similar to Original Storm (and the reason for my disappointment with her).
However, this game is different. You have to pay another sum of gold or silver to add characters to your roster. We all like to see different animations and powers (even the dancing moves) on each character and can be disappointed when there is too much copying of those things. Since we are paying "good money" for each character, we'd like them to have some new moves. That being said, I'm glad Mohawk Storm has different moves than the original, I just don't like them. HA!
Well I seen Phoenix in a card game, but that doesn't really show her off in missions -_- Makes me so mad. lol. I just wanna know if Phoenix is worth it, cause as soon as I have the gold, i'm gettin her or Nightcrawler :/
I think I've only seen Phoenix twice since she's been out. I figured half the characters would be Phoenix by now! :)
Im planning on getting Nightcrawler
Phoenix is really fun!, although I immideatly maxed her (hero up tokens ftw :D), she's still fun, and I love her effects!
I've been meaning to ask you guys about something. Has anyone been having trouble in the zones with your character's laughing? None of my characters have any sound when they "laugh."
I noticed that too. Rogue lost her voice lol. I thought it was just me.
I could have sworn I read something about somebody saying everyone lost their voice.
Well, at least we know we're not alone!
FROM MSHSO Facebook page, if you enter in the code GHOST2012 you will be entered in a chance to win Ghost Rider, and if you enter the code before Febuary 12th, you will get 25 silver and 10 prize tickets!
Thanks for yet another code for the game!
Ghost rider = Coming? Kewl :D
Quote from: fox456 on February 02, 2012, 09:10PM
Thanks for yet another code for the game!
Your welcome :) Hope someone here wins him that would be awesome!
And the small picture they had of him showed him on his bike so, I wonder if we will be able to drive around the city XD
Now THAT would be awesome xD
Reaching 600 gold tommorow, any suggestions for characters?
(only 600 character That I got is Angel, I believe)
Spider woman? Spider Girl? Emma frost? Storm?
Quote from: Polygone on February 03, 2012, 12:59PM
Now THAT would be awesome xD
Reaching 600 gold tommorow, any suggestions for characters?
(only 600 character That I got is Angel, I believe)
Spider woman? Spider Girl? Emma frost? Storm?
All 4 are great characters. Spider Woman is really fun, same with Storm. Spider Girl is alright, it little bit like Spiderman, but not completely. And Emma is kind of a washed down Jean, Sue clone.
Yeah, I really do dig the fact that Spider woman can fly AND climb, but storm, i dunno, I love her as a character (spiderwoman as well btw :P) and I love her whirlwind flight effect xD
Any other 600 characters? Giant man? Black cat? I really have a fun character
Quote from: Polygone on February 03, 2012, 01:07PM
Yeah, I really do dig the fact that Spider woman can fly AND climb, but storm, i dunno, I love her as a character (spiderwoman as well btw :P) and I love her whirlwind flight effect xD
Any other 600 characters? Giant man? Black cat? I really have a fun character
Black Cat is also relly fun! Shes fast to, at least I believe. Ant Man I havent played, so I couldn't say on him.
I like Giant Man in general, but he looks slow in this game. Does anyone know if Black Cat is actually faster than the other characters? That would be different if it's true. I don't have any of the characters you've mentioned, but from what I've read about those being discussed, Spider-Woman sounds like the most fun.
So there was an update last night. However, I haven't noticed any additions. Did anyone find some upgrades, new features, etc.?
I don't know if you've done this already polygone, but you might want to look at he has a lot, if not all character vids, how they play, how they move around in the zones, and emotes. So that might help in making your decision.
I did actually, but the most fun about a character is seeing what they can do, and i dont really wanna spoil myself
Spider woman it is then :D, thanks fox :D
I sent a ticket to the staff a month ago and they finally sent a reply.
And i am guessing by 'soon' they mean next millenium.
Thank you for contacting us.
While we previously made changes to the game that resulted in disabling game access for certain countries, we are thrilled to announce that Super Hero Squad Online is now available at: ( for the following locations:
United Kingdom
If your country is not on this list, we may not be ready to launch in your area just yet, but please stay tuned — we expect to be live in your region soon!
Thank You,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Where do you live, White Queen?
Sorry to change the subject :/ but just wanted to say if you had me on your friends list, you can re-add me if you'd like, if not thats fine lol. I just had too many people and forgot who's who so I deleted everyone -_- sorry. But I'm headed on there now. Name's "Funny Cat" (Ha ha! lol)
Could we recreate a list of all the MSHSO players here? I also have to many friends but I dont want to delete anyone that is from this site.
I will try and make sure I update this as much as possible with everyone's names as they are posted.
Scabbia: Funny cat
Midnightphoenix123: Spirit Marshmellow
DeeDooo: The Polite Beast
4elementsefww: mega island alchemist
Marvelfan: Princess Puffin
Me: Marvelous Ninja Bear
Jeanfan: Flash Steel Viper
fox456: Winter Fighter
Europe Members:
Polygone: Cosmos Bard Colossus
dado2600: Pudding Mind
DeeDooo: The Polite Beast
4elementsefww: mega island alchemist
(for all the eu members here!) Polygone : Cosmos Bard Colossus
dado2600: Pudding Mind
Europe server..
By the way, is it possible for European players to redeem a code or w/e? I can't find the option on the site.. Sorry if it's been asked already :P
Quote from: dado2600 on February 05, 2012, 01:10PM
dado2600: Pudding Mind
Europe server..
By the way, is it possible for European players to redeem a code or w/e? I can't find the option on the site.. Sorry if it's been asked already :P
Well for us, I know the code thing is on the main page in the very bottom corner I believe.
Me: Marvelous Ninja Bear
Jeanfan: Flash Steel Viper
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 05, 2012, 01:12PM
Well for us, I know the code thing is on the main page in the very bottom corner I believe.
I know mid, it's just that it doesn't show up on the home... Anyone knows why? ^^
I think Eu is still in beta. If I not mistaken, I think polygone said that he didn't have the code thing either, and that they were still in beta. I think for the U.S. when they were under beta they didn't have the codes either. I think it was only until it was closed for testing that they incorporated the code thing.
Thanks, 4el.. I suppose I'll just have to wait for the end of the beta phase, then! :)
Dado, we should meet up, ill send you a friend request :D
Also, I encountered my first storm in the wild :P, I LOVE her dissaprove emote (I believe it was her dissaprove emote)
I can just hear her saying in my head ''oh no you didn't'' :P
Accepted, and agreed! :D
Also, I'm now playing as Mohawk Storm at Daily Bugle, I need to amp up my Squad Level lol
Edit: Great mission, by the way! :)
Yeeh :D, I was the phoenix totallly pwning you at the Home invasion mission xD, t was fun, but its late over here, and i really need to sleep :P
Edit : You were a great Storm aswell xD
Quote from: Polygone on February 05, 2012, 03:34PM
Yeeh :D, I was the phoenix totallly pwning you at the Home invasion mission xD, t was fun, but its late over here, and i really need to sleep :P
Edit : You were a great Storm aswell xD
Indeed! LOL
I'm kinda new at the game (as is clear from my heroes selection XD), how long have you been playing to get such awesome characters?
However, we must totally meet again to have some other X-Mission xd
Where are you from?
@ midnightphoenix123:
Thanks for revamping the player list. My MSHSO name is Winter Fighter.
Quote from: fox456 on February 05, 2012, 07:40PM
Where are you from?
@ midnightphoenix123:
Thanks for revamping the player list. My MSHSO name is Winter Fighter.
Your welcome :) I was just having problems, because I tend to accept every friend request I get because I hate to decline them, but I really need to stop.. lol.. so I need to know who everyone is so I dont delete everyone! Plus i'm sure it will help everyone else!
Quote from: Polygone on February 05, 2012, 03:23PM
Also, I encountered my first storm in the wild :P, I LOVE her dissaprove emote (I believe it was her dissaprove emote)
I can just hear her saying in my head ''oh no you didn't'' :P
This made me laugh so hard XD Oh no you didn't lol I can so picture her doing that kind of movement and saying that in my head LOL!
The Reason the Euro Server hasnt got the code thing is because the Ghost Rider contest is USA Only. So its available only there. However the Euro Server might make their own contest which will not be available in the USA Server. Each are different and are run by different companies so each has different contests. So i suggest Euro Members to not look for contests at the Super Hero Squad Online's facebook page, as it only has contests available in the USA. I dont know if there is a Euro Facebook Page
Where are you from?
Italy, actually. Are you on the European server too?
QuoteThe Reason the Euro Server hasnt got the code thing is because the Ghost Rider contest is USA Only. So its available only there. However the Euro Server might make their own contest which will not be available in the USA Server. Each are different and are run by different companies so each has different contests. So i suggest Euro Members to not look for contests at the Super Hero Squad Online's facebook page, as it only has contests available in the USA. I dont know if there is a Euro Facebook Page
So you say that after the Ghost Rider contest thing the might activate the code window?
As for 4elements said, it looks like we'll just have to wait for the closed beta in Europe.. Which I don't know when it is lol
Any contests posted on the Super Hero Squad Online facebook page arent for the Euro Members only for the NA Members ( North America ). And as far as im aware of the Euro Server should be already in closed beta, and we can presume that on the official release of the Euro Server its expanding will occur as well as it having its own contests. But who knows maybe they might link both servers in the future doubtful but possible.
I don't know for sure if it is still in beta, but to me it would make sense. But I'm on the NA server so I don't know. It was just something that I thought I remembered seeing in an earlier post from a person on the Eu server. But I don't know for sure.
Quote from: dado2600 on February 05, 2012, 03:53PM
Indeed! LOL
I'm kinda new at the game (as is clear from my heroes selection XD), how long have you been playing to get such awesome characters?
However, we must totally meet again to have some other X-Mission xd
I dunno, like 6 months or something
Also, Red Shulkie and Deadpool joined my squad today, and I only need a mission with a willing gladiator hulk to complete the Hulked out challange (im saving my gold for him though, incase I cant find one)
Red Shulkie = awesomness btw :D
Quote from: Polygone on February 06, 2012, 12:32PM
I dunno, like 6 months or something
Also, Red Shulkie and Deadpool joined my squad today, and I only need a mission with a willing gladiator hulk to complete the Hulked out challange (im saving my gold for him though, incase I cant find one)
Red Shulkie = awesomness btw :D
I'll trust you on that one, even though I'm admittedly a fan of ranged characters XD
I accept everyone as a friend (unless I'm at the limit). Then I go through and eliminate several people that I haven't heard from in a while or I don't recognize their name.
I remember when I had to make a certain number of friends for one of the challenges, and not everyone would "friend" me. So, I'll just be friends with whomever. They might be working on the challenge or maybe they want to try to call someone to be on a mission with them.
@ dado2600:
I'm on the NA server. I wish we could play on both!
@ Polygone:
Did you ever get Spider-Woman? If so, how did you like her?
Unfortanly, no, The gold orginally for her was spend on Storm, soorrry :P, now Aiming for Gulk (gladiator Hulk, not a typo :P), and then probally Jessica, also, my squad level is 350 :D
Good work! You're 99 higher than me (and climbing!).
Quote from: Polygone on February 06, 2012, 02:56PM
Unfortanly, no, The gold orginally for her was spend on Storm, soorrry :P, now Aiming for Gulk (gladiator Hulk, not a typo :P), and then probally Jessica, also, my squad level is 350 :D
Wow thats pretty high. I think I am 300, I forgot though XD so 50 higher then me! I just get bored to fast, and to get to 300 I bought like a ton of hero up tokens.. lol
Is there any way to contact people in the game and leave them a message to become friends if they are offline?
Quote from: fox456 on February 06, 2012, 05:39PM
Is there any way to contact people in the game and leave them a message to become friends if they are offline?
I have just tried to do that a little bit ago, and it said that the person needed to be online. I was like,awhhh-.-
I think this is a little unusual, especially for a Thursday night. But then, there hasn't been much of an update for two weeks. Here's a quote from the game site:
Tonight, Thursday, February 9th, we have a major game update, starting at 9:00PM PST.
Major game update huh? this should be worth checking
What do you think about this -- our characters can talk!? The game crashed while I was loading it, so I haven't heard any of them yet. But it sounds like a cool idea. Also, there's a new loading screen. That's all I know so far.
Yes, heroes can now talk. All heroes have a voice of their own. As well as the villian bosses and enemies. However this feature is currently not available in the Euro Server ( YET ). Most heroes and villians ( who have appeared in the series ) have the same voice actors. But im wonder how Jean, Phoenix and Emma Frost sound ( i hope Jean/Phoenix's voice actress is Jennifer Hale ) and Emma Frost's voice actress is Kari Wahlgren :D
Also Classic (yellow and red) Daredevil is now available and a new Bullseye mission.
WOOW, amazing stuff dudes and duddetes :P
Im agreeing, wondering how they all sound
I COMPLETED THE HULK HEROES CHALLANGE :D, im so happy :P, I chose Firestar because she's awesome
Also fox, I finally got around today buying Spiderwoman (was saving it for gladiator hulk, and right after I thought that challanges dont matter to me and ill just buy a new character, I encountered a gladiator hulk xD)
And she's AWESOME, really, not a copy of someone or something, just pure awesomness, recommend you check her out :D
Glad you liked Spider-Woman, Polygone! I'll keep her in mind for the future.
Hopefully they update the game here fast, I know we mostly get some sort of ''update bang'' so to speak, where they add multiple features at once, we're also not able to get FF spiderman :P hopefully they update it saturday or sunday :s
Ugh i envy all of you people :P
Quote from: Polygone on February 11, 2012, 01:14AM
Hopefully they update the game here fast, I know we mostly get some sort of ''update bang'' so to speak, where they add multiple features at once, we're also not able to get FF spiderman :P hopefully they update it saturday or sunday :s
Congrats for the challenge, Polygone!
By the way, I hope they update the European version soon, adding new features (such as the ability to redeem codes, plus the voiceover thing sounds amazing! )
Ok, so i played this yesterday since they added the voices and in the missions, I think its cool, but when you constantly hear Storm say "Your lucky I didn't kick the door down" Nonstop... -_- It gets annoying... I muted the computer so i didn't have to hear them repeat themselves... lol. But anywho, if you add me on there, try to say somethin first, at least til i get everyones names written down... -_-
I really like the fact that they added the voices, but honestly, I think Grey DeLisle voiced most of the women, they all sound really similar to me, hahha.
I agree that most of the female characters sound the same. I like how they all try to say something to get you to "Pick me!" when you are switching characters. I find Jean's voice funny when she introduces herself. She sounds like a little kid.
The Phoenix's voice is just plain annoying ( well to me ). Especially when she says , "The Phoenix has rissen"
( (
Monkey King and Cable might be the next to be released.
Hmm i tried to game out today to hear the "unique" voices but i don't hear anything. Should i install the game files?
I'm not sure what's going on with the new sound files. I have only been able to hear them twice, all the other times I couldn't. Another weird thing is that most times when I get into the game, certain parts are "reloading." For example, this morning, I noticed the card game was loading and was only at 11%. Just yesterday, it was fully loaded and there weren't any updates on Sunday night. I'm going to get on now and see what the situation is.
Just got Street Clothes Wolverine and bought Scarlet Witch!
Both are really fun to play as (Wolverine's first power emote is just lol), although Scarlet is a bit weak powerwise.. But I'm just at level 2, we'll se :P
No idea how to get gold for the X-Heroes on my list, though XD
I was surprised to find TWO new card quests this morning!
Did anybody win Ghost Rider?
Good to see you here midnightphoenix! You've been absent for awhile.
Regarding Ghost Rider, do they tell you in your account or in your e-mail? If it's through your account, then no, I didn't win. But, if it's through e-mail, I don't know. :( My e-mail account for MSHSO got sabatoged. And I can only get it back if I give them a cell phone number, which I'm not planning on doing.
UPDATE: Now I see why you were asking about Ghost Rider. He's available in the store for 1000 gold.
Quote from: fox456 on February 14, 2012, 08:11PM
Good to see you here midnightphoenix! You've been absent for awhile.
Regarding Ghost Rider, do they tell you in your account or in your e-mail? If it's through your account, then no, I didn't win. But, if it's through e-mail, I don't know. :( My e-mail account for MSHSO got sabatoged. And I can only get it back if I give them a cell phone number, which I'm not planning on doing.
UPDATE: Now I see why you were asking about Ghost Rider. He's available in the store for 1000 gold.
It is through email. And facebook said that Ghost Rider will only cost 1000 gold for a week or so, and then he will be raised to 1200 gold.
Wow, did anyone noticed Juggernaut's voice over? I was just watching youtube and it contains one of the reasons SHSO is awesome
''Im the Juggernaut Bi.uhh...Buddy'' xD
Oh marvel, where would we be without you
Lol xD
I'm having trouble entering the site this morning -- it says I don't have access. Anyone else?
The Punisher is now available for buying from the Heroes Store. Or so i believe :P
He is, he costs 600 gold
I tried entering the eu game ''we are currently under maintance'' Hopefully they'll add Ghost rider, punisher, Bullseye and VOICES! :D
Sorry for le double post
We're up to date people :D
Im buying punisher today :D
Just when you think you're up to date, we're having another update tonight.
Evil shso people xD
We don't have new challanges yet though, so no FF spidey :(
The only update I can find is that they put the five cheapest heroes on sale. Instead of 350 gold, they now cost 300 gold.
WOW Such a big difference :P
I honestly had to read it twice cause i thought you said All the heroes were 300 cause if that was the case i would have bought either Phoenix or Iceman lol
LOL, so true! But, looking closer, it does seem that some of the 1000 gold heroes only cost 600 gold now. One example is Captain America.
Luke cage is coming soon :D unless it's some other bald guy with "nearly unbreakable skin" :P
Does anyone remember what the original prices were for Iceman and Angel when they first came out? They are both 600 gold right now and I was trying to determine if that was a good buy.
Iceman was 1000 but angel was originally 600
Thanks, deedooo.
Regarding Luke Cage, he's available now. Also, Kingpin's mission is too.
So I found this on tumblr:
I got an email from them today saying they wanted me to return to Super Hero City, I mean I feel like I was just on a couple days ago, and they even sent me a code for 500 free silver. Anyone else get this?
I didn't get it which is funny because I stopped playing for a long time now...
I hate askin this, but if anyone could help me with one thing :/ I got that "Do missions with hulk, red hulk, gladiator hulk and she hulk." And its really hard to do so when noone plays as them... -_- if noone can, then its alright, just thought I'd give it a shot :)
I'd help you out, but I don't have any of those guys.
lol Its ok. :) I think i'm just gonna give up anyways, I got Colossus and thats the main one i wanted out of all them quests. Now I just gotta save up for Phoenix... I did get luke Cage, and so far, he's pretty awesome. :)
There are others here who might help. Also, I just keep my eye out for a Hulk and then I'd ask him/her to play a mission. I got about a 50% positive response.
ive got hulk but im in australia and its gonna be pretty hard finding a good time to play with u scabbia. sorry :(
There was an unexpected update last night -- a new character and a new card quest. Now we have Pure Elektra (all white costume). The new card quest is Deadpool. As you might have guessed, there's some unusual and fun cards in the set.
Thanks for the update fox :) Did anyone else get the email, where you enter a code and get a ton of stuff. Like the christmas present effect things, and 1 hero up token?
Yep I got it: I like the 'goodies' they gave us, especially the hero up token
Quote from: 4elementsefww on March 07, 2012, 05:44PM
Yep I got it: I like the 'goodies' they gave us, especially the hero up token
Yup, the hero up token is my favorite thing lol! Just who to put it on, lol
I got the Goodies Bag too. :)
Just got nightcrawler since wasreduced from like 1,000 somthing to 600, I think along with phoenix, iceman, the hulks, and dr strange who I think were in the thousands and got dropped.
Night crawler is pretty fun I really like him in the world's, but in missions he seems pretty good. I also bought a couple of silver missions and the loki one I thought was cool because if you get struck by loki's lightning you get turned into one of the thors (i don't know which one) but you get to use his powers and everything including heroup.
Also I haven't played for a while, but did anyone get the feeling that you get more for completing a mission....
Missions seem the same to me. But I think they should change up the rewards for completing a mission.
I recently bought Iceman, and yesterday I got Pure Elektra for my new heroes but thats all I really get on to do, I dont really play any more.
There was another update last night. There's a new loading screen featuring Hawkeye and Vision among others. Also, some of the characters have new voices. Two that I noticed were Dr. Strange and Colossus.
I'm sure you're excited to see vision in the loadscreen fox!
I honestly though don't like the dull brownish color in the loadscreen it looks blah (I guess they did that for maybe an upcoming moleman mission since he is the featured villain in the loadscreen. I think it is interesting to see ant man in the loadscreen too. I don't remember if he was one of the numerous characters announced, but it will be interesting to see what powers he'll have, especially if they utilize ants in his attacks.
I got Luke Cage and Colossus, don't care for colossus in missions but Luke Cage is awesome. And I noticed Antman on the loadscreen, can't wait for him :)
You are absolutely right about Vision, 4elementsefww! I'm hoping he will be unique.
Antman could be another really cool character. I was surprised to see him on the loadscreen.
Update today:
1. Super-Soldier Captain America is available
2. Four more heroes have been reduced in price (not sure if it's permanent or temporary), from 600 gold to 300 gold.
3. Three card quests have been changed to costing silver instead of gold. [Unfortunately, I had already purchased them previously for gold!].
Iron Man Mark I will be an upcoming character
I can't even play it for some reason on the computer I've been usin' and when I got their "suggestions" on fixin the problem, wasn't fixed, so I gave up, til I get my own computer.
Great news for all Phoenix/Jean Grey fans. Acording to the official SHSO Wikia. White Phoenix of the Crown is an upcoming character. With a description of this:
"When Jean Grey leaves Earth, she appears in this white costume before coming back. Sometimes she keeps it on because it's so cool."
Other upcoming characters are: Arctic Armor Iron Man, Avengers Costume Captain America, Avengers Costume Thor, Hawkeye, Iron Man MK 1, Ant Man, Monkey King and the Vision.
Cool! Thanks for the news.
Quote from: White Queen on March 18, 2012, 12:52PM
Great news for all Phoenix/Jean Grey fans. Acording to the official SHSO Wikia. White Phoenix of the Crown is an upcoming character. With a description of this:
"When Jean Grey leaves Earth, she appears in this white costume before coming back. Sometimes she keeps it on because it's so cool."
Other upcoming characters are: Arctic Armor Iron Man, Avengers Costume Captain America, Avengers Costume Thor, Hawkeye, Iron Man MK 1, Ant Man, Monkey King and the Vision.
How exciting! :) Thanks for the update!
I never play this game anymore xD . It has become even more boring for me time and time. :/ But I can't wait until Marvel MMO comes out! (:
Guess I just figured out what they are doing with the characters. Most of them are being listed at 600 gold with a few exceptions (like Ghost Rider at 1200 gold) which means they've raised the price of some and lowered the price of others. Then they've been running a sale on 4 heroes a week for 300 gold each.
Hawkeye became available today.
And, the latest news for the card game players -- there is going to be a "real" card game coming out next month.
It seems like everytime I get on, I some how come out with another hero lol. I go into the market place and take a look at everyone and then I bought Angel. I dont know why I do that because I never really play anymore I get on like once every month or so. Oh well lol! And I finally heard there voices, I think Storm's voice sounds more like Jean, but what can you do?
Alot of the voices sound the same to me. And I can't get over how much Jean sounds like a kid.
midnightphoenix, are you still a member? And, how do you like Angel?
Quote from: fox456 on March 24, 2012, 05:34PM
Alot of the voices sound the same to me. And I can't get over how much Jean sounds like a kid.
midnightphoenix, are you still a member? And, how do you like Angel?
Yeah I am still a member, and I think he is ok I didnt really play as him, I just bought him and started running around and jumping XD
Iron Man MK I was released yesterday. He is Agents only and is 2,000 silver.
Description: When Iron Man first had to make a quick escape, he made this armor out of anything he could get his hands on - and it shows.
Team: Avengers / Unknown (no cards yet)
Playable: Yes (Agent Only)
Cost: 2,000 Silver
Voice Actor:
Marvel Lore: + 2
Fight Style: Melee
Movement: Double Jump
Combo Damage: 14+16+17+28+60=135
Power 1: Flamethrower -1 Star- 11+ Damage
Power 2: Arc Reactor Overload -2 Stars- 47 Damage
Power 3: Machine Guns MK1 -3 Stars- 19+ Damage
Hero Up: Rockets slowly fly up and land onto enemies for 100 Damage
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 29, 2012, 08:09AM
Iron Man MK I was released yesterday. He is Agents only and is 2,000 silver.
Also I think the mole man mission was released that day as well
How did you get all that information on MK I Iron Man already? Did you buy him? Also, what is "Marvel Lore?" Does that impact your squad level?
Quote from: fox456 on March 29, 2012, 02:22PM
How did you get all that information on MK I Iron Man already? Did you buy him? Also, what is "Marvel Lore?" Does that impact your squad level?
It is all from the Marvel SUper Hero Sqaud wiki page, the Marvel Lore is how much it will add to your squad level.
Looks like the site has added Portuguese and Spanish.
Well i bought myself another subscription and decided to get every hero i can like in a collection and thats it. So i bought kitty, mark 1 iron man, and hawkeye which im totaly loving right now. Ive been with the game since it first came public and i can happily say that im glad that there isnt 20 Things in the same area and that there seems to be a variety now of heroes chilling in the zones.
Facebook has posted that Vision will be released soon!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 03, 2012, 04:19PM
Facebook has posted that Vision will be released soon!
I will get it as soon as it releases(Tomorrow i guess)!
Vision Has been released!
Description: He may have been created by Ultron, but Vision now uses his solar energy beams and density control alongside the Super Hero Squad.
Team: Avengers / Unknown (no cards yet)
Playable: Yes
Cost: 600 Gold
Voice Actor:
Marvel Lore: +1
Fight Style: Ranged
Movement: Flight
Combo Damage: 6+(6+6)+10+(27+27+27)+33=142
Power 1: Phase Disruption -1 Star- Phasing punch at an enemy for 24 Damage.
Power 2: Density Control -2 Stars- Phase into ground and pop up for 26 Damage and Armor Boost.
Power 3: Super-Dense Android -3 Stars- Jumps into air and lands as a heavy weight for 60 Damage.
Hero Up: Flies and phases through enemies for 83 Damage
hey i was just wondering are they bringing villians in SHSO cause that will be pretty cool.
Quote from: hiddenhope213 on April 06, 2012, 04:27AM
hey i was just wondering are they bringing villians in SHSO cause that will be pretty cool.
I agree it would be really cool, but I cant really say that they are.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 06, 2012, 02:22PM
I agree it would be really cool, but I cant really say that they are.
But we can assume yeah since Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk are villains and are playable,maybe they will add some others later.
Quote from: Daken on April 06, 2012, 05:08PM
But we can assume yeah since Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk are villains and are playable,maybe they will add some others later.
I actually believe that both Red Hulk and Red She Hulk are on the good side.
Here is Marvel Wiki
Red Hulk: Alignment Good
Red She Hulk: Alignment Good
I mean I could be wrong aswell as this, I just thought because I saw Red Hulk fighting along side the Avengers in the new Avengers vs X-Men comic.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 06, 2012, 05:46PM
I actually believe that both Red Hulk and Red She Hulk are on the good side.
Here is Marvel Wiki
Red Hulk: Alignment Good
Red She Hulk: Alignment Good
I mean I could be wrong aswell as this, I just thought because I saw Red Hulk fighting along side the Avengers in the new Avengers vs X-Men comic.
So it seems they are not bad anymore...but there's still hope since they released Villainville.
Quote from: Daken on April 06, 2012, 05:48PM
So it seems they are not bad anymore...but there's still hope since they released Villainville.
I do believe that they may in some way be bad, like I said I could be wrong and they could be bad guys. But I am hopefull that they will release some baddies! But they would have to release some hero missions, so if your playing a villain because it would be strange to be Magneto and fight him aswell. I am also awaiting the next world. I never really go to the others I like the home world, and the fantastic four world but Villainville I really dont like, and Asgard is not a favorite of mine either. Still hopeing for an X-Mansion!
Edit: I also wanted to post other characters that still haven't come out yet.
From the Marvel Superhero Squad wiki:
Arctic Armor Iron Man
Avengers Captain America
Avengers Hulk
Avengers Thor
Avengers Iron Man
Avengers Nick Fury
Monkey King
Samurui Wolverine
White Phoenix
Not to mention all those heroes from the pictures some pages back
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 06, 2012, 05:59PM
I do believe that they may in some way be bad, like I said I could be wrong and they could be bad guys. But I am hopefull that they will release some baddies! But they would have to release some hero missions, so if your playing a villain because it would be strange to be Magneto and fight him aswell. I am also awaiting the next world. I never really go to the others I like the home world, and the fantastic four world but Villainville I really dont like, and Asgard is not a favorite of mine either. Still hopeing for an X-Mansion!
Edit: I also wanted to post other characters that still haven't come out yet.
From the Marvel Superhero Squad wiki:
Arctic Armor Iron Man
Avengers Captain America
Avengers Hulk
Avengers Thor
Avengers Iron Man
Avengers Nick Fury
Monkey King
Samurui Wolverine
White Phoenix
Not to mention all those heroes from the pictures some pages back
It would be good if they released the X-Mansion since there are alot,i mean really alot of X-Men fans.Of all those heroes i think Ant-man will be the best to play,i just hope he is not just another costume for Giant Man.
Ugh ok so, I just went searching around threw all the pages to find these lol. There are still lots of heroes from here aswell
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 07, 2012, 08:56AM
Ugh ok so, I just went searching around threw all the pages to find these lol. There are still lots of heroes from here aswell
So before Villains get released we will have to wait for 18 other heroes to come.
Well I think they release a few of these heroes every so often. As some of them have been released already. Like Beast, Vision, Luke Cage, Angel, FF Spiderman, Black Cat, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Hawkeye
For anyone who hasnt been on today. There is a new loadscreen with all the characters from the Avengers movie/ Loki has taken over Asgard, Rogue and Gambit are on sale for 300 gold, Antman is now released for 600 gold.
That's weird! I was on the site this morning and there hadn't been any changes. I thought all the changes occurred around midnight Pacific time (3:00 a.m Eastern time).
Thanks for the info. I think I'll head in there right now.
Im on aswell, There is something you can do in asgard, but my game is updaying really slowly so I cant figure out what it is yet XD
The game crashed for me while it was updating. I'm trying again now.
But, before it crashed, there was a group of people who all had Ghost Rider. They formed a motorcycle gang and were having races and were running people over. It was pretty funny! HA!
I didn't even know Ghost Rider had that cycle. Is it new too?
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2012, 03:41PM
The game crashed for me while it was updating. I'm trying again now.
But, before it crashed, there was a group of people who all had Ghost Rider. They formed a motorcycle gang and were having races and were running people over. It was pretty funny! HA!
I didn't even know Ghost Rider had that cycle. Is it new too?
Im not sure, but I had to turn off my volume because I was gonna shot my computer XD The motorcycles noise and ghost rider's voice was starting to make me angry lol, I never figured out what you could do in Asgard because my game never finished updating and I got tired of waiting!
Mine won't get past 99% on the Missions and 99% on the Card Game. As far as Asgard, the townspeople are frozen and it's cloudy looking. At the back center "mountain" there is a cube surrounded by ice. You have to get this cube somehow. I don't know if you have to work as a team or not. There is a message at the beginning of Asgard that the Avengers and Super Hero Squad have to work together to defeat Loki.
Whenever I try to get the cube, the download progress screen pops up. It makes me think that I can't do anything since the Missions upload isn't completed. That doesn't really make sense either, so maybe more than one character have to go in together at the same time....
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2012, 04:34PM
Mine won't get past 99% on the Missions and 99% on the Card Game. As far as Asgard, the townspeople are frozen and it's cloudy looking. At the back center "mountain" there is a cube surrounded by ice. You have to get this cube somehow. I don't know if you have to work as a team or not. There is a message at the beginning of Asgard that the Avengers and Super Hero Squad have to work together to defeat Loki.
Whenever I try to get the cube, the download progress screen pops up. It makes me think that I can't do anything since the Missions upload isn't completed. That doesn't really make sense either, so maybe more than one character have to go in together at the same time....
Same here, they both just stay at 99. I unfroze some people in asgard, and then went to the cube. I saw people all around had cubes floating around them, but didn't really know what they were for.
Well, in the chamber where you used to turn gold when you sit in the throne chair, now you turn gold and get these little cubes or something to spin around you too. I don't know if that's what you saw or not.
I'm going in for a third time to see if I can get past the 99%'s.
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2012, 04:38PM
Well, in the chamber where you used to turn gold when you sit in the throne chair, now you turn gold and get these little cubes or something to spin around you too. I don't know if that's what you saw or not.
I'm going in for a third time to see if I can get past the 99%'s.
Oh maybe thats what it was, I saw people who clicked on the Frozen cube thing ended up dissapearing like when you change a character or something, so maybe its a mission. I also like how the rainbow path was falling apart like in the movie!
I managed to do the cube mission and its actually a solo mission where you need to find the real path to defeat Loki,at the end there is a maze like room where you need to find the teleporter that leads to Loki.
Thanks, Daken. I wondered how this Loki mission worked. When I went back into the game, Missions was back at 90% and the Card Game was back at 89%. Missions is up to 97% now....
I just completed the new Loki Mission (as Dr. Strange). It was alot of fun! It was very unique. You get a feeling of not knowing exactly what to expect. I won a cosmic cube, but don't know what it's for. LOL.
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2012, 05:55PM
I just completed the new Loki Mission (as Dr. Strange). It was alot of fun! It was very unique. You get a feeling of not knowing exactly what to expect. I won a cosmic cube, but don't know what it's for. LOL.
LOL Sounds fun, Im gonna get back on now and see if I can get it working!
New update today: Avengers Captain America is now available (600 gold). Two sale items are Reptil and Red She-Hulk (300 gold each). Also, there's a new card quest set available -- Giant Man. There's not alot of great cards in that set. :(
I finally got to play the Loki mission and got a cosmic cube, but I used it lol Do they go away or what? Also I like the sales they have on characters even if I dont really like them I still buy the character XD Since I have every female character in the game, I just buy the male character for 300 gold
I like the sale for heroes too. I wish they'd do something like that for cards.
Regarding the cube, I got one when I played with Colossus. But, I don't even know how to use it or how long it lasts. I've seen people walking around with cubes floating around them, but what does the cube do for you?
Quote from: fox456 on April 18, 2012, 02:31PM
I like the sale for heroes too. I wish they'd do something like that for cards.
Regarding the cube, I got one when I played with Colossus. But, I don't even know how to use it or how long it lasts. I've seen people walking around with cubes floating around them, but what does the cube do for you?
I have no idea what it does lol, but you go into items and use it and then it starts floating around you
Did you find out if the cube is still in your items after you used it?
Quote from: fox456 on April 18, 2012, 04:59PM
Did you find out if the cube is still in your items after you used it?
I dont believe that it is, when I used it, it went away from my items. ButI didnt check today. I am going to go threw the mission again to get another so I can have one unused just incase my other one goes away.
I should do that too and see if it lets you accumulate them.
Quote from: fox456 on April 18, 2012, 05:23PM
I should do that too and see if it lets you accumulate them.
I know I have seen people running around with like 5 cubes at a time, so it should let you keep more then one.
Im getting on now to see if it works, I will like run through it 2 times. Do you maybe want to play a real mission too? I haven't done that in awhile
Sure -- if you are still on there we can do a mission. I have been playing cards.
Quote from: fox456 on April 18, 2012, 06:40PM
Sure -- if you are still on there we can do a mission. I have been playing cards.
Well I got off lol, I did the mission again and it said I got a cosmic cube but I went in to see and it said I only had 1 and that is was active, and I dont know how to unactivate it lol
I was looking for you and didn't see you online. The cube is just supposed to show you defeated Loki. It apparently doesn't do anything else. :(
Is your cube still spinning around you?
Quote from: fox456 on April 18, 2012, 06:46PM
I was looking for you and didn't see you online. The cube is just supposed to show you defeated Loki. It apparently doesn't do anything else. :(
Is your cube still spinning around you?
Yeah it is still spinning
oooo look at the upcoming Avengers Black Widow. She looks exactly like Scarlett Johansson
Lookin good!
Is there anything new, has anyone played it recently :)
From what I understood, today was supposed to be an update. There hasn't been one for two weeks. I was in the game yesterday and people were guessing as to what the updates would be. However, there was no update this morning. I'm going to check now.
Wasn't like the virtual card game thing established? I think that is the only thing i remember but other than that i think the game *has been* dead
The card game has been up for quite awhile. It's my favorite part of the game right now.
I just tried to get online and the game is currently down for maintenance. Perhaps they are updating now.
lol, No not the regular one, I'm talking about the updated one the trading card game is what they called it, I got an E-mail about being released on April 26th
I haven't tried it out, but like you the card game was my favorite thing in the game
Oh, are you talking about the actual trading card game you can buy in the stores now?
Yeah I saw that you can get it in stores, but it said that you can play online as well. I haven't played in a long time, so I haven't checked it out yet. I thought they said something about the virtual card game changing, but maybe all it was was that you can now play it, as they say offline.
I think that's what it was -- unfortunately. The card game is becoming a little stale for me. I hope they do something soon to spice it up. They recently made 3 card quests available for silver. You might want to buy those if you don't have them. With my luck, I already had purchased those three for gold. HA!
I have seen on Facebook that Avengers Thor and Iron Man are coming soon
Yeah that's why I haven't played in a long time. I don't buy anything that is gold, unless I need it for a challenge or if I want a character (since it takes me so long to get gold lol), so chances are I probably haven't gotten them unless you're talking about the ones that I think were the thing thor and someone else. Those ones I got and the civil war ones also but I think those are the only card games I've gotten. I go through spurts in the game and since I have crazy school stuff that takes a lot of free time.
Yes, Thor, Thing (and Black Panther?) are the three card quests I was talking about. I've been trying to get into the game, but it keeps crashing. The game is becoming a resource hog for me. Is anyone else having these kinds of crashes?
I did get far enough to see there has been an update. It sounds like thunder when you start to enter the game, but I could be wrong. Emma Frost and Spider-Girl are the two heroes that are on sale this week for 300 gold....
I just got in. Daily Bugle has been attacked and both Asgard and Baxter Plaza have been taken over by Loki. Things are a mess. New ominous music along with the thunder and lightning. It's pretty cool looking.
Quote from: fox456 on May 02, 2012, 03:05PM
Yes, Thor, Thing (and Black Panther?) are the three card quests I was talking about. I've been trying to get into the game, but it keeps crashing. The game is becoming a resource hog for me. Is anyone else having these kinds of crashes?
I did get far enough to see there has been an update. It sounds like thunder when you start to enter the game, but I could be wrong. Emma Frost and Spider-Girl are the two heroes that are on sale this week for 300 gold. That's all I know.
Geez yes it was ALWAYS crashing on me (and I say always with a passion). Probably (and I'm not joking) 80% of the time or more it will crash me and multiple times, I think every time I first log in and hit play it will crash no matter what, but then after the 2nd very very rarely will I get in, most of the time it will take like 5 times before it lets me in, and sometimes after that I would quit trying. Then once I do get in, it will stop responding after like 30 mins and it will reload back to the home page. At first I thought it was my internet connection, but then I tried it in another place and it did the same thing. I might get on though sometime this weekend to get either emma or spidergirl, since both seemed pretty good.
About the thunder, it would make sense since the avengers movie is coming out and thor is one of the featured character, and the whole thing with the loki takeover in the game
Edit: Ohh that sounds cool about the take over hopefully i will get on this weekend I always like the special looks for the zones like the winter one
Wow, I thought it was just my computer. It crashes on my almost every first try that I log in too! Just now, I got to play for awhile, but the card game and missions never finished loading up and I just got another crash.
Two other new things. Midnightphoenix was right when he said that Avenger Thor and Iron Man were coming out. Thor is 600 gold and Iron Man is 1200 gold. Also Thor has a new card quest. No other changes to the card quests offered.
Facebook just said that if you use the cosmic cube, for some reason it will kick you out of the game "so just leave it in your backpack."
That's weird. I used to see alot of people walking around with the cosmic cube, but maybe it's a new glitch.
When will Marvel Super Hero Squad be avilable in Romania?
Quote from: fox456 on May 02, 2012, 03:05PM
Yes, Thor, Thing (and Black Panther?) are the three card quests I was talking about.
You can also buy both the easy and power cival war cards quests (not the real marvel cival war just vegatarian registration act LOL) for silver. The power quest cards are amazing. The best card from it is "9000 volts". That card is boss.
The Official MSHSO Wiki has added pages for new upcoming characters:
Iron Spider
Spider-Man 2099
All of which are part of the "Spider Friends" Team. :) I think they will probably be released when The Amazing Spider-Man Movie is released :P
Thanks for the info, White Queen. Do you know when that movie is set to be released?
Quote from: fox456 on May 17, 2012, 02:44PM
Thanks for the info, White Queen. Do you know when that movie is set to be released?
July 3, 2012 :D
Thanks, Me. That's going to be awhile yet. I hope they do something to improve the card game soon.
Started playing the game again, love how Loki took over Asgard and is a boss fight, hooray for avengers :D :P. I also LOVE Ant man, They totally nailed him
I really haven't been playing it at all anymore, I only get on to check and see if Movie Black Widow was released.
I'm on most every day for a little while. I'm thinking that they will eventually do more to advance the game.
I kind of almost think they release to many characters. When that video came out showing all the new characters to come I thought they would all be next in line, but its like every month they make newer and newer characters for the theme and other characters that I feel should get released dont. I mean I do like new characters, but most characters that come out are just different versions of other characters already out. I guess its alright if they release like 2 similar characters, but when there is like 10 spidermans, and 10 Hulks to choose from I feel like those spots could have been used better with other characters.
I agree 100%. At least they try to give the newer "skins" better powers and effects to get more people to buy them.
Has anyone purchased the actual card game at the stores?
I haven't even been able to find the actual card game anywhere.
I just got to playin this again, went to play it and realized I just had the Gladiator Hulk left to do a mission with in my little mission thing, got all excited for a sec to see a hulk and realized it was the "movie version"... -_- I was very upset... lol. But yeah, I just get on there to get the gold, cause I'm expecting another Rogue or Gambit. (Death Gambit or "hybrid Rogue" or Rogue as Ms. Marvel or somethin..)
the only 2 problems i have in this game are when i dont who I should buy in the shop and sometimes this game freezes alot
Hey Guys1
I wanted to ask which character should i buy Psylocke or Phoenix?
Or should I just wait until they go on sale?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 25, 2012, 01:38PM
Hey Guys1
I wanted to ask which character should i buy Psylocke or Phoenix?
Or should I just wait until they go on sale?
Psylocke! She's really fun and powerful
I prefer Phoenix myself, but that's just my opinion. :) (Btw, Avengers Nick Fury is not good in missions lol)
Quote from: Scabbia on June 26, 2012, 04:50AM
I prefer Phoenix myself, but that's just my opinion. :) (Btw, Avengers Nick Fury is not good in missions lol)
I actually really enjoyed him in missions XD He always does really well for me. I actually wanted to make a MUA mod based on him XD
At first I liked him, but after leveling him up a bit, he didn't seem any better... he just became..."blah" for me. But I've gotten a lot of characters too. (Like a full list of characters, workin on getting them all XD) Rogue's still my favorite, but Iron Man's next to her in my book.
My list of characters is much shorter than you guys, but my favorites are Sentry, Daredevil and Captain America.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 25, 2012, 01:38PM
Hey Guys1
I wanted to ask which character should i buy Psylocke or Phoenix?
Or should I just wait until they go on sale?
That's a tough one. I don't know about you but Psylocke and Phoenix rank at my top 2 fav characters.
They both have cool effects (purple butterflies or fiery raptors) and some very cool powers. However I find Phoenix far more powerful and she has one other thing no other hero has. She has a team heal that can make or break getting adamantium (or gold) on your missions.
Well thank you guys for the suggestion. I finally beat the challenge where you have to win 10 card battles so now i have enough gold for a character thats 600 gold and I thought psylocke was neat and cool and so was phoenix.
But I think ima wait until there's a sale on them so i save more gold
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 28, 2012, 04:49PM
Well thank you guys for the suggestion. I finally beat the challenge where you have to win 10 card battles so now i have enough gold for a character thats 600 gold and I thought psylocke was neat and cool and so was phoenix.
But I think ima wait until there's a sale on them so i save more gold
I think you might have missed that sale. There was one a few weeks back and both Psylocke and Phoenix were 300 gold each. Every few weeks they release a pair of heroes on sale. Like now, after Psylocke and Phoenix, they have Gambit and Rogue for 300 gold each.
Well Jeanfan, they are different in their own ways. Psylocke is more of the ninja/martial arts style character. (She can double-jump like Captain America/Daredevil/Deadpool/etc) Phoenix is a flying character, like Iron Man/Captain Marvel/Ms Marvel/etc. I believe they were on sale not too long ago actually, because I had Psylocke already but didn't have Phoenix, so I got her for 300 gold.
Not quite sure about either of their fighting abilities though... I've only played through 1 mission, believe it or not... but my squad level is above 620. (Many, many days of collecting each characters' 5 tokens... probably not the best way to level up, but it works. I got to the point now that I know every token location at the Daily Bugle, so I don't travel to the other locations much... :deadpool: ) I really need to play someone (who will let me win, preferably lol) in that challenge to beat a player 10 times in the card game so I can get Colossus and continue completing challenges. Not sure how you add specific people to your friends, but my in-game name is Space Iron Avenger.
And remember, if you're a Jr Shield Member, you can spin the wheel for gold daily. Also, log in and start the game every day to get the daily bonus... after 7 days, you'll earn 10 gold, then 8 days and more you get 20 gold/day as long as you just start the game once every day!
Yeah, I think its funny with the sales they've had. I bought Storm at 600g, then she went on sale, did the same with Red SheHulk lol. Then, of course, they got Gambit and Rogue on sale, and I already have em -.- but I did get Avengers Hawkeye, he aint bad. Still waitin' on Black Widow though :/
Yeah I'm kinda annoyed that I bought all the heroes at full price. I'm kinda hoping for another full-store sale like they had a long time ago (was it Christmas? or Thanksgiving?).
I think it was both of those holidays. I've been hoping for the same thing, but several (American) holidays have already passed and no sales. Of course, our Independence Day is coming up soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sale, but I'm not holding my breath!
Guess who completed every single challenge! Yup, I did XD That really only happened cause I bought membership for another month. But hey I'd say it was worth it. I now have all the members only characters, and all but two of them are maxed, plus I bought a bunch of new characters (including my new favorite, Vision) so maxing those guys will be enough to keep me busy for a while XD The challenge where you have to get cheered by citizens 100 times is a bit tedious...
Maybe it's just me but I think they really need the Young Avengers. They would be so cute :D
Edit. I have a lot of gold from challenges, so i'm debating between Ghost Rider and Avengers Iron Man (both 1200 gold). Any suggestions?
Quote from: fox456 on June 28, 2012, 11:46PM
I think it was both of those holidays. I've been hoping for the same thing, but several (American) holidays have already passed and no sales. Of course, our Independence Day is coming up soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sale, but I'm not holding my breath!
What if they add Jubilee on Independence Day :P
Most of the Avengers heroes are the same as their default versions with a few variations and different emotes. Ghost Rider is pretty fun and his bike is so cool!
Quote from: DeeDooo on June 29, 2012, 09:04AM
Guess who completed every single challenge! Yup, I did XD That really only happened cause I bought membership for another month. But hey I'd say it was worth it. I now have all the members only characters, and all but two of them are maxed, plus I bought a bunch of new characters (including my new favorite, Vision) so maxing those guys will be enough to keep me busy for a while XD The challenge where you have to get cheered by citizens 100 times is a bit tedious...
Maybe it's just me but I think they really need the Young Avengers. They would be so cute :D
Edit. I have a lot of gold from challenges, so i'm debating between Ghost Rider and Avengers Iron Man (both 1200 gold). Any suggestions?
Let's hear it for Vision!
Regarding Ghost Rider, I would choose him. I don't have him but he seems really cool. Certainly, he is unique with his ability to ride around town. Once I saw four of them in a little motorcycle gang. :D I try to hitch a ride when one is around!
Quote from: DeeDooo on June 29, 2012, 09:04AM
Guess who completed every single challenge! Yup, I did XD That really only happened cause I bought membership for another month. But hey I'd say it was worth it. I now have all the members only characters, and all but two of them are maxed, plus I bought a bunch of new characters (including my new favorite, Vision) so maxing those guys will be enough to keep me busy for a while XD The challenge where you have to get cheered by citizens 100 times is a bit tedious...
Maybe it's just me but I think they really need the Young Avengers. They would be so cute :D
Edit. I have a lot of gold from challenges, so i'm debating between Ghost Rider and Avengers Iron Man (both 1200 gold). Any suggestions?
I just finished the missions too XD lol. I have all the agent only heroes cept a few of em that I don't care to have. (Tuxedo Thing, Hulkbuster Ironman and Mark I Iron Man or whatever.)
It'd be nice to see some new characters like Jubilee. I really want Rachel Summers and Cable...maybe X-Man too. I really want to see Banshee though, just to see what emotes he would have XD.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I bOught Phoenix and I think she's really unique. I love her healing power which I think is very useful when I'm on a mission and we have a adamantium metal and someone dies and and we get a silver metal instead.
Also how do I raise squad level? My next challenge is to raise it to 200 and I'm at 135. When I bought Phoenix it raised to 137. Everytime I level up it raises up one. So is their s faster way to do this?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 01, 2012, 09:43PM
Thank you all for the suggestions. I bOught Phoenix and I think she's really unique. I love her healing power which I think is very useful when I'm on a mission and we have a adamantium metal and someone dies and and we get a silver metal instead.
Also how do I raise squad level? My next challenge is to raise it to 200 and I'm at 135. When I bought Phoenix it raised to 137. Everytime I level up it raises up one. So is their s faster way to do this?
Nope. Buying characters and maxing their level can get you extra squad levels but the main thing is leveling up your characters. It helps when you have multiple characters your leveling at the same time. If you collect all the tokens and smash a lot of trouble bots you can get usually a level every day or two on each. I have a level of about 560 and I've just bought two months of subscription over my life. One at christmas and one this month cause I have spare time to get all the tokens and all the prize wheel gold every day. You can get a max of 150 gold on the wheel plus twenty gold if you have the max daily bonus so every four days or so you can get a new character. every two days if they're on sale. it's a pretty good deal. Plus when you start getting more challenges taken care of they reward you with things like gold, silver, tickets and characters, all of which help you get more squad level.
Well, as DeeDooo already knows, I'm a bit biased towards Iron Man, so when they came out with the Mark VII Avengers Iron Man, I was all over that!! :stark: Its a bit of a low-blow by Gazillion to charge twice as much for Avengers Iron Man than they do for the other Avengers characters they have released so far. But, whatever...
Now they need to make all the movie Iron Man armors... they already have 2 (the Mark I and Mark VII). And the Iron Man 2 War Machine armor would be nice too. There are 5 Iron Man armors for SHSO (6 if you include Iron Patriot, but Norman Osborne in there, not Tony Stark, so I don't consider it in the same category), and only 1 War Machine... come on Gazillion! :warmachine:
I thought they would release the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man character for the big movie release tomorrow... they still have time, but I'll be disappointed if they don't.
So now I'm deciding between Avengers Captain America, Ant Man and Ultimate Comics Spiderman...Suggestions?
Ive heard that Ant Man is pretty fun, not to sure on the others.
It has been awhile since they last updated hasnt it?
Well, they've "updated" pretty much every week for awhile if you call changing the heroes that are on sale, "updating." Tomorrow should be the next "update." Avengers Month has been going on for nearly three months, or so it seems.
I was thinking that they need to do something more than that because it's getting stale. Perhaps they've moved some of their employees to other projects.... I hope they don't let it just rot away.
Yeah I see that they change the on sale characters, but I mean like bigger updates. Like no new characters really get released, Movie Black Widow hasnt been released yet, Avengers Month is now 3 months long, when it should be more about Spiderman now I think or at least something different.
I agree with you 100%.
They posted on FB to be patient, cause their still working on the next update and are tryin to perfect it. So I doubt it'll be much longer.
Hopefully that means it's something big like the x-mansion or something XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 17, 2012, 08:38AM
Hopefully that means it's something big like the x-mansion or something XD
We can only hope lol :D
Quote from: Scabbia on July 17, 2012, 08:23AM
They posted on FB to be patient, cause their still working on the next update and are tryin to perfect it. So I doubt it'll be much longer.
Nothing so far today.
I saw that they posted on facebook the game will be down for about an hour or so today. Hopefully something happens.
Sounds like its just a character update... It'd be nice if they added more activities to do, just my opinion.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 17, 2012, 06:05PM
Sounds like its just a character update... It'd be nice if they added more activities to do, just my opinion.
I agree, they really need to add in something new. It is very boring to play now, at least I think it is. I think they need a new world, maybe some cool new missions that have new villains in them that haven't been used yet. And just some brand new things to the game. I also would love to see them add in playable villain characters.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 17, 2012, 06:09PM
I agree, they really need to add in something new. It is very boring to play now, at least I think it is. I think they need a new world, maybe some cool new missions that have new villains in them that haven't been used yet. And just some brand new things to the game. I also would love to see them add in playable villain characters.
I know right. I wanna play as Mystique... lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on July 18, 2012, 06:23PM
I know right. I wanna play as Mystique... lol.
That would be so amazing! I would love to play as Mystique soooo much :D
I want Magneto :D you're only making a villain right if you an at least agree with them part of the time, and that's what Marvel did with Magneto. Like his motivations are really realistic and relatable. Hes even a hero some of the time haha... And it would be really fun to use his powers in SHSO XD
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 18, 2012, 07:02PM
I want Magneto :D you're only making a villain right if you an at least agree with them part of the time, and that's what Marvel did with Magneto. Like his motivations are really realistic and relatable. Hes even a hero some of the time haha... And it would be really fun to use his powers in SHSO XD
He would be really fun to, plus like you said he is a hero sometimes. I think it would be fun playing a mission and just tossing random metal objects at the enemies lol
Finally some news! Facebook has posted that, very soon, movie Black Widow will be released.
Hey Heroes!
The servers are back up and you are now able to play as Avengers Black Widow and look who she brought with her!
Recruit Avengers Black Widow and Ben Reilly into your Squad at!
They also have a new loadscreen up featuring a bunch of Spider-Men + Black Cat on one side and The Lizard, some Moloids and The Mindless Ones ( on the other.
For anyone who's into the card game, I bought one of the new Emma Frost card quests. In some of those "battles," I saw that there are several more card quests yet to come, including Shadowcat, Spider-Woman, Cyclops and Colossus. I noticed some "Unleashed" cards I have never seen before too. Evidently there's going to be another card series like "Rise of Heroes." This one is called, "Dark Justice."
Quote from: fox456 on July 24, 2012, 12:45AM
For anyone who's into the card game, I bought one of the new Emma Frost card quests. In some of those "battles," I saw that there are several more card quests yet to come, including Shadowcat, Spider-Woman, Cyclops and Colossus. I noticed some "Unleashed" cards I have never seen before too. Evidently there's going to be another card series like "Rise of Heroes." This one is called, "Dark Justice."
I got a bit bored of the card game, but maybe I will have to give it a try again and maybe get the Emma quests!
According to the Facebook page, Monkey King will be coming soon.
I also got tired of the card game because there is SUCH a luck factor. I prefer games that require skill. I suppose the "skill" involved here is to keep trying to create a deck that can withstand the "lucky blocks!"
Quote from: fox456 on July 24, 2012, 09:11AM
I also got tired of the card game because there is SUCH a luck factor. I prefer games that require skill. I suppose the "skill" involved here is to keep trying to create a deck that can withstand the "lucky blocks!"
I know, I hate the luck thing, because I always think I am going to do good and then its a luck block and then they kill me or do extreme damage and I just get frustrated.
Yesterday, I lost like 3 out of every 4 games I played, probably even worse than that. I was trying out some revised decks with the Emma Frost cards. They didn't work too well and then neither did my trusty older decks. LOL
I'm going in there now to see what's up.
I always try to put in the cards that seem like they would be really good, and the ones that are supposed to do the most damage, but still it never really works out that well.
Edit: According to facebook not only is the Monkey King coming, but they showed a question marked blue picture of a Spiderman and said this, everyone is saying Spiderman 2099.
You never know who's going to turn up in Super Hero City... gods, monsters and sometimes... people from different times!
Which one do you think this new hero is?
Definitely Spiderman 2099. Here are the silhouettes for him and Monkey King
Also a new lizard mission:
Monkey King, and Spiderman 2099 are released and Phoenix and Psylocke are on sale. I bought Avengers Black Widow and she is actually really fun to play. But of course I had to join the mission with the one member who always takes all the food even when they don't need it, luckily I never died even though I came extremely close more then once.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 25, 2012, 08:22AM
Monkey King, and Spiderman 2099 are released and Phoenix and Psylocke are on sale. I bought Avengers Black Widow and she is actually really fun to play. But of course I had to join the mission with the one member who always takes all the food even when they don't need it, luckily I never died even though I came extremely close more then once.
I am laughing so hard!!! I've been on missions with people like that. But, I have to confess that sometimes I start gathering up "food" out of habit. I'm getting better at watching the energy bars that show who is full and who needs it.
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2012, 10:19AM
I am laughing so hard!!! I've been on missions with people like that. But, I have to confess that sometimes I start gathering up "food" out of habit. I'm getting better at watching the energy bars that show who is full and who needs it.
Lol, it's no annoying because they totally see you running for it and they just run infront of you and grab it and all the other ones around. I'm bad at looking at my health, so usually I catch myself when I'm pretty low on health.
What gets me the most is during the boss battle. That's the time when I'm the most aware of my health and I can see that I am way lower on health but the other guy runs for the energy. If I die, then I figure that the lower rating we get serves him right since he grabbed all the goodies. :P
That bugs me too, it's like seriously this is all your fault now. I tend to get the people who just run off and don't do anything and leave me too everything. Are you on right now by the way, want to do a mission or anything?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 25, 2012, 08:22AM
Monkey King, and Spiderman 2099 are released and Phoenix and Psylocke are on sale. I bought Avengers Black Widow and she is actually really fun to play. But of course I had to join the mission with the one member who always takes all the food even when they don't need it, luckily I never died even though I came extremely close more then once.
are you F'N kidding me? So your telling me I bought phoenix for full price when i could have bought both of them that a load of crap! Marvel Heroes needs to be released cause this game is ticking me off.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 25, 2012, 11:22AM
are you F'N kidding me? So your telling me I bought phoenix for full price when i could have bought both of them that a load of crap! Marvel Heroes needs to be released cause this game is ticking me off.
Yeah it does bug me that they do that, but I think Phoenix was on sale before too. But for Phoenix it doesn't really bug me that bad since I think she is worth the full price.
I think was worth full price too but at the same time not a few pages ago I was deciding on whether to buy Psylocke or Phoenix or to just wait for them to go on sale. But i didn't have any patience so I bought Phoenix. So this kinda made me mad because if I would have waited I could have bought them both instead of spending 600 gold on one character.
Plus why can't they release other characters like Songbird,Jubilee, or Dazzler instead of making 5 versions of Hulk and SPider Man
I wanted to try out this game, but I couldn't even enter the website. Bummer
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 25, 2012, 11:35AM
I think was worth full price too but at the same time not a few pages ago I was deciding on whether to buy Psylocke or Phoenix or to just wait for them to go on sale. But i didn't have any patience so I bought Phoenix. So this kinda made me mad because if I would have waited I could have bought them both instead of spending 600 gold on one character.
Plus why can't they release other characters like Songbird,Jubilee, or Dazzler instead of making 5 versions of Hulk and SPider Man
I am very impatient too so once that character I want comes out if I have the money I will buy them lol, but I agree I would love to see Songbird, Jubilee and Dazzler instead of all the same characters again and again.
And that's strange that you can't get on Suigetsu maybe the game inst available where you live yet?
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 25, 2012, 11:35AM
...Plus why can't they release other characters like Songbird,Jubilee, or Dazzler instead of making 5 versions of Hulk and SPider Man
I agree also! Have you noticed that they are mostly putting the female heroes on sale? And you're right midnightphoenix123, this is the SECOND time that Phoneix has been on sale. They have bypassed many others.
I am in the game right now if you want to play a mission or a card game. Be warned that I might eat up all the food! HAHA! In case you forgot, I'm Winter Fighter.
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2012, 12:35PM
I agree also! Have you noticed that they are mostly putting the female heroes on sale? And you're right midnightphoenix123, this is the SECOND time that Phoneix has been on sale. They have bypassed many others.
I am in the game right now if you want to play a mission or a card game. Be warned that I might eat up all the food! HAHA! In case you forgot, I'm Winter Fighter.
Haha thats ok I've been warned. And you are right I remember when they first put heroes on sale it was 1 male and 1 female if I remember correctly. Because I really only cared about the female heroes, but I own everyone single one of them in the game so I started the buy the male on sale ones, but now its almost always females. And I am coming on now!
Well me and Fox has a blast on Super Hero Squad, we had a little dance party, so here is a video made from 4 smaller videos of us dancing with random people lol.
Don't mind the sad Phoenix, she just thought she was ugly.
Yes, we are easily amused! It was alot of fun -- you all should have been there. We could have had a dance line that stretched all the way across the dance floor! Nobody could match us when we got into sync. :D
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2012, 06:25PM
Yes, we are easily amused! It was alot of fun -- you all should have been there. We could have had a dance line that stretched all the way across the dance floor! Nobody could match us when we got into sync. :D
HAHA We really are easily amused, we were up there forever. It was a blast, we were just to skilled for all those other people ;)
Look for us on the next season of Dancing With the Stars!
Damn, why can't they just make this game like any other MMO? I've never seen an MMO like this, which is "unavailable" in my country. Sheesh....
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2012, 11:00PM
Look for us on the next season of Dancing With the Stars!
HAHAHAHA! That's was really funny fox! :D ;D
If anyone wants to go on and play a mission, card game or have a dance party ;) let me know :D
I would, but I'm still trying to figure out a way...
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 26, 2012, 10:05AM
I would, but I'm still trying to figure out a way...
Hope you can figure something out :)
Can anyone play with this outside of US territories? I mean, the international site won't open and what ever I do, I can't seem to "cheat" by trying to play the US version or something, because it redirects me to which doesn't seem to work since....Did it ever work? I found some people talking about the same thing and date was 2011 May :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 26, 2012, 10:23AM
Can anyone play with this outside of US territories? I mean, the international site won't open and what ever I do, I can't seem to "cheat" by trying to play the US version or something, because it redirects me to which doesn't seem to work since....Did it ever work? I found some people talking about the same thing and date was 2011 May :D
I know that there are places outside the US that it works in, but I also know that some places outside the US also dont work.
What I heard, some places like Ireland has no problem, but there's a chance, that they are added to the US territories for some reason. Maybe every place, where English is a national language?
Hope you can find out a way!
Okay so I haven't play MSHSO I'm months, and before I stopped playing, I was a junior shield member (I signed up for 1 month). Well I just started playing this game again and I still am a junior shield member, and still receiving gold! Maybe a mistake? But I like it cause I can continue to play as deadpool! :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 26, 2012, 10:28AM
What I heard, some places like Ireland has no problem, but there's a chance, that they are added to the US territories for some reason. Maybe every place, where English is a national language?
Possibly, I know that some places in like Europe for example can play the game, but other places in Europe dont have access to it.
@Me, MSHSO Im pretty sure charges monthly, thats probably why
Quote from: Suigetsu on July 26, 2012, 10:28AM
What I heard, some places like Ireland has no problem, but there's a chance, that they are added to the US territories for some reason. Maybe every place, where English is a national language?
I'd just say try to use a proxy?
Quote from: Me on July 26, 2012, 10:31AM
Hope you can find out a way!
Okay so I haven't play MSHSO I'm months, and before I stopped playing, I was a junior shield member (I signed up for 1 month). Well I just started playing this game again and I still am a junior shield member, and still receiving gold! Maybe a mistake? But I like it cause I can continue to play as deadpool! :D
If you don't manually unsubscribe, it automatically refreshes your membership every month. So you've probably been paying for all those months :p
Anyone wanna play around? I'm in Baxter (: lol I'm bored!
Quote from: Me on July 27, 2012, 09:41AM
Anyone wanna play around? I'm in Baxter (: lol I'm bored!
I'm finishing up a mission right now, then we can do something if you want! Whats your username?
Marvelous Ninja Bear !! (:
Quote from: Me on July 27, 2012, 09:53AM
Marvelous Ninja Bear !! (:
Ok I'm Spirit Marshmellow
My game crashed >.< And now it won't load! D:
Quote from: Me on July 27, 2012, 10:09AM
My game crashed >.< And now it won't load! D:
I was like I don't think it takes that long to change a character lol. We are such freaks just standing up there doing all the power emotes.
People just came around us watching us, and we're like BE AMAZED WITH ARE AMAZING POWERS!! :D
Quote from: Me on July 27, 2012, 10:15AM
People just came around us watching us, and we're like BE AMAZED WITH ARE AMAZING POWERS!! :D
HAHA I know they would just walk up and like try and include themselves but, they new they couldn't hang with the awesomeness that was our power emotes!
I think they just gave up trying to include themselves!
Quote from: Me on July 27, 2012, 10:21AM
I think they just gave up trying to include themselves!
Probably lol, they were just so overwhelmed.
Sounds like another good time was had in MSHSO! :D
Quote from: fox456 on July 27, 2012, 10:55AM
Sounds like another good time was had in MSHSO! :D
Definitely, lol.
Well, they usually update on a Tuesday, but there was no update today. Has anyone heard if there is going to be an update tomorrow?
Quote from: fox456 on July 31, 2012, 01:57PM
Well, they usually update on a Tuesday, but there was no update today. Has anyone heard if there is going to be an update tomorrow?
Actually yes, Facebook posted a picture of who everyone believes is Cable who is "arriving soon."
That would be a very fresh addition!
Figures, after i cancel my sheild account
Why did you cancel Scabbia?
Quote from: Scabbia on July 31, 2012, 04:34PM
Figures, after i cancel my sheild account
I know that feel. I bought a months worth of subscription where there was no new characters, now they're putting all of them out >,<
I got a membership awhile ago, and just forgot about it, so it renews every month, buts its not that big a deal I guess. I mean I don't play it very much, but when I get into it I play it non stop.
... That was great!!! I finally just beat this guy in a card game! He has the most awesome deck. I think nearly all his cards are from quests and card packs (Unleashed and Villains Fury). He's got alot of keepers too. I mean, he has like all these Scarlet Witch and Nova cards and huge (level 11 and higher) dual color cards. He even hit me for one card near the end that was a 14/14 (Dr. Doom) where if he does 2 damage, I have to discard my whole DECK! It's grey, and I had a grey blocker in my hand. Of course, it didn't hurt that I had not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR "Lucky Blocks" of my own in this game and the weird part is that every single one of them was for a purple card he was attacking with.
There's no doubt that luck was on my side in this game. I bet he was pissed. HA! (I know the feeling well. :D )
UPDATE: Cable is now available (600 gold). Spider-Woman and Scarlet Witch are both on sale for 300 gold. But, here's something I can't figure out. Iron Man is also available for 600 gold. However, it says that I already own him. Have they switched him from "Agents Only" to "public domain?"
Quote from: fox456 on July 31, 2012, 09:39PM
... That was great!!! I finally just beat this guy in a card game! He has the most awesome deck. I think nearly all his cards are from quests and card packs (Unleashed and Villains Fury). He's got alot of keepers too. I mean, he has like all these Scarlet Witch and Nova cards and huge (level 11 and higher) dual color cards. He even hit me for one card near the end that was a 14/14 (Dr. Doom) where if he does 2 damage, I have to discard my whole DECK! It's grey, and I had a grey blocker in my hand. Of course, it didn't hurt that I had not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR "Lucky Blocks" of my own in this game and the weird part is that every single one of them was for a purple card he was attacking with.
There's no doubt that luck was on my side in this game. I bet he was pissed. HA! (I know the feeling well. :D )
UPDATE: Cable is now available (600 gold). Spider-Woman and Scarlet Witch are both on sale for 300 gold. But, here's something I can't figure out. Iron Man is also available for 600 gold. However, it says that I already own him. Have they switched him from "Agents Only" to "public domain?"
Yeah I believe your right, if I remember right he was next to Black Widow and was worth 1,000 silver.
Edit: Iron Man's description is werid, it says #CAT_PG_DESC_41499, I feel like its not supposed to say that or is it?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 01, 2012, 08:14AM
Yeah I believe your right, if I remember right he was next to Black Widow and was worth 1,000 silver.
Edit: Iron Man's description is werid, it says #CAT_PG_DESC_41499, I feel like its not supposed to say that or is it?
I don't think that's right.! Maybe they screwed up somewhere.
Quote from: fox456 on August 01, 2012, 08:16PM
I don't think that's right.! Maybe they screwed up somewhere.
At first I thought someone maybe hacked into the game and mad him buyable with gold, which is maybe stupid of me to think, but their facebook page said that he is now avaliable to all. So maybe sometime in the future they will release the other agent only heroes avaliable for all.
And has anyone bought Cable, is he any good?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 01, 2012, 09:21PM
At first I thought someone maybe hacked into the game and mad him buyable with gold, which is maybe stupid of me to think, but their facebook page said that he is now avaliable to all. So maybe sometime in the future they will release the other agent only heroes avaliable for all.
And has anyone bought Cable, is he any good?
That's cool! I hope other characters are also slowly released for everyone (although tuxedo Thing is not the first in mind :P)
I'm curious about Cable as well!
I haven't seen any Cable characters running around at all. I'm going to check now.
I know I haven't seen any Cables running around either.
@MarvelFan12345 I agree, I wouldn't want to see Tuxedo Thing become available to all, but I almost see like its not worth it. If Iron Man was worth 1000 silver and is now worth 600 gold, that's a big difference. It would be better to by the Agent Only heroes now for silver and then when they become gold you can play them with out a membership.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 02, 2012, 07:21AM
@MarvelFan12345 I agree, I wouldn't want to see Tuxedo Thing become available to all, but I almost see like its not worth it. If Iron Man was worth 1000 silver and is now worth 600 gold, that's a big difference. It would be better to by the Agent Only heroes now for silver and then when they become gold you can play them with out a membership.
That's a good idea. I tried doing just that, but you can't buy the Agents Only stuff if you're not a member. I bought Iron Man back at the beginning of the trial period I had.
Quote from: fox456 on August 02, 2012, 10:57AM
That's a good idea. I tried doing just that, but you can't buy the Agents Only stuff if you're not a member. I bought Iron Man back at the beginning of the trial period I had.
Thats to bad, they should let people buy them with out a membership even if they can't play them. It wont hurt anybody if they do.
Plus, it helps your squad level rank. :)
Quote from: fox456 on August 02, 2012, 11:07AM
Plus, it helps your squad level rank. :)
True, I'm thinking about buying some Agent only heroes, but I don't know which ones to get.
I'd say go for the more unique ones. But you have to consider how fun (and effective) they are on missions too.
Quote from: fox456 on August 02, 2012, 12:42PM
I'd say go for the more unique ones. But you have to consider how fun (and effective) they are on missions too.
Very true, I'm still not sure which ones to get if I get any at all. I have looked several times and calculated how much it would be to get a few, but I'm still not sure yet.
Wish I could give you some silver to buy them with. I've got plenty to spare. Did you try the code that gives you (a little) free silver? It would be nice if people could trade heroes or cards or at least gold/silver. I know we've mentioned that before, but maybe they will do it some day.
Quote from: fox456 on August 02, 2012, 02:51PM
Wish I could give you some silver to buy them with. I've got plenty to spare. Did you try the code that gives you (a little) free silver? It would be nice if people could trade heroes or cards or at least gold/silver. I know we've mentioned that before, but maybe they will do it some day.
I wish we could trade that would be awesome, so you can give your friends gold, silver and items. I have about 20,000 silver though lol, I was just calculating how much it would be if I bought several.
As far as agent only characters go, I like Avengers Nick Fury, Avengers Hawkeye, Black Widow and MK1 Iron Man. Deadpool is awesome in zones but rubbish in missions >,<
Quote from: DeeDooo on August 02, 2012, 07:34PM
As far as agent only characters go, I like Avengers Nick Fury, Avengers Hawkeye, Black Widow and MK1 Iron Man. Deadpool is awesome in zones but rubbish in missions >,<
Thanks for your input! Avengers Nick Fury and Hawkeye were on my list of possibilities, I have both Black Widows already, and everyone else for me is a toss up as of now.
Samurai Wolverine is the next hero getting released.
Facebook page quote:
QuoteA new hero is sharpening his sword, getting ready to arrive in Super Hero City....
In honor of Spiderman's 50th anniversary Marvel Super Hero Squad is allowing everyone to add Spidey to their squad for only 500 gold for 1 week only.
Can someone tell me if this is worth it?
I am going in now and the screen that popped up when I was logging in said it costs 800 gold for Spider-Man. I've been trying to get into the game for awhile now, but it keeps crashing on me. I have one of the Spider-Man characters (members only) so I can't use it. As I recall, he was fun. However, I wouldn't spend 800 gold for him. But then again, you are a member and get alot of gold.
I don't even really get on much unless something new that I want comes out lol. I have Spidergirl and Spider Woman already and didn't really know if Spidey was worth the gold.
So, midnightphoenix123, did you buy Spider-Man?
Quote from: fox456 on August 26, 2012, 06:20PM
So, midnightphoenix123, did you buy Spider-Man?
No I didn't really know if it was worth it, maybe I can sometime later on if I want him.
He'll eventually come down in price I think.
Quote from: fox456 on August 26, 2012, 06:57PM
He'll eventually come down in price I think.
He should I think they should change some of the pricing once they have been up for so long.
"Avenging" Wolverine was released today, like we need another Wolverine. And Hawkeye has been updated. And a new mission has been released where Magneto controls all the different Iron Mans called "Attack of the Iron Men."
That must have been late today because all I saw for "updates" this week was a sale for Gambit and Rogue....
The Magneto mission sounds cool. I wish they would do more with the card game though.
By the way, how do you guys like Gambit and Rogue in the game? I might get one of them.
I think Rogue is awesome! I don't know If I have gambit, if I do then I obviously have never played him.
Rogue is amazing! lol. She really is good in the game, Gambit's good as well, but not as good as others... Gambit's like a medium level... I guess... That's my opinion.
SO this is what should be expected to come
New Characters: Iron Man MK II, Moon Knight, Black Knight, Professor X, Classic Ms Marvel, Namor, Jubilee, Iron Fist, Arachne, Iron Spider, Anti-Venom, Mockingbird, Astonishing Cyclops, Bishop, and Hope Summers.
^ These characters are either tested , going through testing or have code program files already encoded.
Missions: Whiplash, Phoenix 5, Mysterio, Mastermold, Thanos, and Masters of Evil.
Zone: X-Mansion
Can't wait for Professor X, Jubilee, Iron Fist, Arcachne, and Mockingbird! Also don't forget White Phoenix :D
I really hope these all get released soon, and hopefully they all actually get released. It seems like they announce a lot of new characters and then months later they release one at a time. I am actually excited for Hope too! I really hope they make that Phoenix 5 mission, I would just love to go in there with Jean and Phoenix and show them who's boss!
I'm looking forward to Namor, Iron Fist, Moon Knight and Jubliee.
Thanks for the big update, midnightphoenix! I'm almost afraid to ask -- was there any mention of the card game (or even a Len Goodman character to judge the dance competitions -- HA!)?
Quote from: fox456 on September 04, 2012, 02:38PM
I'm looking forward to Namor, Iron Fist, Moon Knight and Jubliee.
Thanks for the big update, midnightphoenix!
Very welcome :)
I can see the X-Mansion zone and Prof X getting released together, you could also say Jubilee, Bishop, Cyclops, and Hope I guess Namor too could be released with it, maybe another X-Men month?
Quote from: fox456 on September 04, 2012, 02:38PM
I'm looking forward to Namor, Iron Fist, Moon Knight and Jubliee.
Thanks for the big update, midnightphoenix! I'm almost afraid to ask -- was there any mention of the card game (or even a Len Goodman character to judge the dance competitions -- HA!)?
Nope no card game news D: I wish, and they wish they could judge our awesome dance skills!
Anyone playing right now, im trying it out on my laptop. Hope it works :D
I'll go in now.
Quote from: fox456 on September 04, 2012, 03:03PM
I'll go in now.
Ok my game is at 76% and has been for awhile so hopefully it gets to movin.
Well my game keeps freezing and when I actual get in, I just stay up in the air and I am never able to do anything :(
It took me at least 5 minutes or more to load and then another 10 minutes for the game to get to normal speed. I don't know if you guys experience this, but sometimes the game is really slow for awhile when I first join it.
I did see your name in my online friends list, midnightphoenix. But, I never saw you running around or anything.
Quote from: fox456 on September 04, 2012, 03:56PM
It took me at least 5 minutes or more to load and then another 10 minutes for the game to get to normal speed. I don't know if you guys experience this, but sometimes the game is really slow for awhile when I first join it.
I did see your name in my online friends list, midnightphoenix. But, I never saw you running around or anything.
Yeah I would come online, but I wouldn't be able to do anything and it just should the above part of the world and never scrolled down. I tried reloading it several times but each time the same thing happend or it just wouldn't load.
A team of Phoenix and Hope will definitely teach the P5! Haha but I wonder what they will do for Magik...will she become playable too?
The game has awful lagging issues. It can take forever just to get the game loaded and in the zones and even then you have to load the other zones, shops, card games, arcade, missions, etc. Beyond that there is constant freezing and dropping out :(
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 04, 2012, 04:10PM
Yeah I would come online, but I wouldn't be able to do anything and it just should the above part of the world and never scrolled down. I tried reloading it several times but each time the same thing happend or it just wouldn't load.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 04, 2012, 05:23PM
The game has awful lagging issues. It can take forever just to get the game loaded and in the zones and even then you have to load the other zones, shops, card games, arcade, missions, etc. Beyond that there is constant freezing and dropping out :(
You both describe things that happen to me too. One thing that is weird: when my game is lagging and I go into the shop, it's just too much for my computer and the game crashes alot.
Quote from: fox456 on September 04, 2012, 05:56PM
You both describe things that happen to me too. One thing that is weird: when my game is lagging and I go into the shop, it's just too much for my computer and the game crashes alot.
I have the same issue. Also it's awful to leave the game open while opening another browser or so. Sometimes I might be checking something else and the game gets even more screwy :(
Same here again. LOL! I thought it was just MY computer.
It's the main reason I haven't gone on in months. I'm hoping it gets better though...maybe we can all get together for a little playdate ;) If one (or more) drops out we will all know the reason :P
That all happens to me too, like I will have more then one window open and it gets super slow and laggy. I really hope we can all play together soon :D Dance party!
OK, so this week's update was pretty lame. The only thing was to put Black Panther and Iceman on sale. I'd been looking forward to getting Iceman, BUT the sale price is still 500 gold. What's up with that? Guess he's going to have to wait.
Quote from: fox456 on September 05, 2012, 03:45PM
OK, so this week's update was pretty lame. The only thing was to put Black Panther and Iceman on sale. I'd been looking forward to getting Iceman, BUT the sale price is still 500 gold. What's up with that? Guess he's going to have to wait.
I saw that on facebook and I was like 500! What is this, highway robbery that's what that is lol, even though I'm a member I don't get on enough to keep getting my gold, so I don't have all that much. I have Iceman already, but I would have bought Black Panther had he been cheaper, but I don't like him hardly at all, and 500 is not worth it.
Was Iceman 1000 or 600 previously? Also Black Panther is sadly one of the worst heroes in the game. Don't recommend him at all :(
I'm pretty sure that both Iceman and Black Panther had been 600 gold. There's only a few heroes who are 1200 gold -- Ghost Rider is one of them. (This is just from memory. Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Yeah I think they were 600 gold. Thanks for the info! :)
I wonder if they'll do anything special for the Avengers dvd release?
I'm starting to wonder if they will ever release it in the rest of Europe. It has almost been a year since they launched it in 'Europe'.
In case anyone ever wants to check anything out here's an awesome website
Heroes on there so far who should be coming soon are:
Astonishing Cyclops
Hope Summers
Iron Spider
White Phoenix
Unfortunately, not one of those characters interests me too much. Man, are they ever gonna spice up MSHSO again?! :(
But, thanks for that link, midnightphoenix. I'm going to check it out now.
I'll be excited for Hope, unless she's agents only, then oh well.
I am excited for Hope and Arachane a little bit, White Phoenix too but I believe she is code only and is most likely a copy of regular Phoenix so not like anyone is missing out.
I really like that MSHSO website, midnightphoenix. I spent quite a while checking it out. Thanks again for the link.
Quote from: fox456 on September 12, 2012, 09:56PM
I really like that MSHSO website, midnightphoenix. I spent quite a while checking it out. Thanks again for the link.
Your very welcome! I love that site too, it lets you know when most new things are coming.
Here is an article that explains how they/ what makes a hero. It also reveals that Astonishing Cyclops, Mark II Iron Man, and Hope Summers are indeed coming our way!
It also talks about how they pick a Theme where they reveal this month's theme to be Avengers vs X-Men, which leads me to believe that Phoenix 5 mission may in fact be coming also.
And they revealed this about Halloween:
Before I go, I wanted to give some hints about the future. Halloween is coming soon, and so are some of Marvel's creatures of the night! Which ones? I'll give you a clue... two of these supernatural heroes began as enemies.
They'll get to team up to fight a boss that's new to the streets of the city... but who could it be? Let's just say he wants to take a bite out of any heroes who get in his way...
I'm thinking Dracula as the new boos?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 13, 2012, 04:45PM
Here is an article that explains how they/ what makes a hero. It also reveals that Astonishing Cyclops, Mark II Iron Man, and Hope Summers are indeed coming our way!
It also talks about how they pick a Theme where they reveal this month's theme to be Avengers vs X-Men, which leads me to believe that Phoenix 5 mission may in fact be coming also.
And they revealed this about Halloween:
Before I go, I wanted to give some hints about the future. Halloween is coming soon, and so are some of Marvel's creatures of the night! Which ones? I'll give you a clue... two of these supernatural heroes began as enemies.
They'll get to team up to fight a boss that's new to the streets of the city... but who could it be? Let's just say he wants to take a bite out of any heroes who get in his way...
I'm thinking Dracula as the new boos?
Kind of oddly similar to making a mod XD
Maybe Dracula, maybe Moribus, Maybe carnage?
My first guess was Dracula as well.
Quote from: DeeDooo on September 13, 2012, 04:54PM
Kind of oddly similar to making a mod XD
Maybe Dracula, maybe Moribus, Maybe carnage?
That's what I was thinking too. And like you guys, Dracula is the first character that came to my mind.
Its a shame they stopped updating the EU game, we have no Cable, Monkeyking etc. etc. Ugh, screw Prosiebensat, honestly -_-, I cant see why developers think that they will benefit a game :P
There really have been many significant updates in 2012 here in the USA either. Changing what's on sale from week to week isn't an update. We have gotten a few new characters and a couple of card quests and a mission or two. It really has slowed down alot.
Is it losing players or anything? The entire update team seems to quit on it... :P
There seem to be fewer characters running around the zones for the past several months.
Well, don't blame em. The game isn't that interesting once you've beat all the missions, leveled up your characters, and played the card games so much. (And if your a silver player, it gets old trying to save up gold for months just to get a new character to play as. I understand silver members should be limited, but that's ridiculous. I'm not playing everyday for 3 months solid just to have enough gold for one standard character. I'd rather play some old marvel games on Sega or Nintendo before I do that lol)
Quote from: Scabbia on September 15, 2012, 10:16PM
Well, don't blame em. The game isn't that interesting once you've beat all the missions, leveled up your characters, and played the card games so much. (And if your a silver player, it gets old trying to save up gold for months just to get a new character to play as. I understand silver members should be limited, but that's ridiculous. I'm not playing everyday for 3 months solid just to have enough gold for one standard character. I'd rather play some old marvel games on Sega or Nintendo before I do that lol)
That's me!
I try to log in every day to get a bit of gold, but even that gets old. Then, just when I think they are going to have a sale on some of the characters I wanted, they don't reduce the price as much as I expected.
However, I do understand they have to make money, so I really don't blame the company either. I am glad that I can play as many characters, missions and cards that I have been able to. (Still, I will keep looking for the sales. LOL!)
I just think its completely stupid that if your not a member you can't keep playing with the members only heroes. I bought black widow and black spiderman when I had a free membership and now I can't even play with them anymore which I think is retarted because who is it hurting if I don't have a membership anymore. Plus I can't do half of the hero quests because my squad level isn't high enough which means I have to buy new heroes and to me it's a waste of money. I play it once in a while but when this game first came out I played everyday now it's not that interesting. They need to stop releasing 6 versions of spiderman and release brand new much as I would want white Phoenix it would make sense to stop releasing alternate versions of costumes and release brand new characters.
I agree I don't like seeing all the same characters being released and that if you buy member only heroes, and then get rid of your membership you should still be able to play the characters you bought, I mean they can lock the others so you can't buy member only heroes, but if you own them It wont hurt anyone if you play them.
Or Making some characters only available if you have a membership gives you an incentive to pay for the membership. They are running a business here. Like they make their livings off of this. The fact that it's free to begin with is a gift. It's the new gaming business model: Just like you can try on clothing at a store, you try out games before you buy them. We live in a global capitalist society where it's hard to do things for free. Making a new character for them is a lot like making a mod for us, except they often make new animations and have to hire a voice actor to do the lines. So sometimes it's a lot easier to make new versions of old characters. It also gives people more visual variety (what would we be here without skins?) I'm not saying anyone here is entirely wrong or anything, just giving a few alternate perspectives :]
Quote from: DeeDooo on September 17, 2012, 03:18PM
Or Making some characters only available if you have a membership gives you an incentive to pay for the membership. They are running a business here. Like they make their livings off of this. The fact that it's free to begin with is a gift. It's the new gaming business model: Just like you can try on clothing at a store, you try out games before you buy them. We live in a global capitalist society where it's hard to do things for free. Making a new character for them is a lot like making a mod for us, except they often make new animations and have to hire a voice actor to do the lines. So sometimes it's a lot easier to make new versions of old characters. It also gives people more visual variety (what would we be here without skins?) I'm not saying anyone here is entirely wrong or anything, just giving a few alternate perspectives :]
I see where you are coming from. I think there are plenty of reasons that you should buy a membership but if you have one character that is members only, and you become a free member again it wouldn't hurt to still be able to play them. Or at least give people the ability to buy the member only stuff when they aren't a member but they just can't use it.
In case anyone is interested, I didn't want you to miss this:
One day sale only (Saturday): Avengers Captain America and Avengers Hulk, 300 gold each.
Quote from: fox456 on September 22, 2012, 05:54AM
In case anyone is interested, I didn't want you to miss this:
One day sale only (Saturday): Avengers Captain America and Avengers Hulk, 300 gold each.
Damn...Wish I had any gold :p
Thanks for the heads up Fox! I really hope we get some new characters soon though.
I ended up buying Avengers Hulk. Gonna test him out a little right now.
I bought both just for the heck of it lol, haven't tried them out yet though.
Doesn't it seem like Avengers Hulk runs kind of sideways?!
Astonishing Cyclops is on his way.
Quote from: fox456 on September 25, 2012, 05:00PM
I am not sure it just said coming soon to lead and then it should his blanked out picture, but I am assuming that he will be out tomorrow hopefully.
No Cyclops this morning -- only two characters on "sale" for 500 gold -- Power Man and Nightcrawler.
Isn't that always the case. I'm sure Cyclops will come this week, or next week or never.
Astonishing Cyclops is out for 600 gold.
And Super Hero City has been taken over by Loki again.
When will Loki ever learn? :)
Astonishing Cyclops looks pretty good. Are you going to get him?
Quote from: fox456 on September 27, 2012, 06:43PM
When will Loki ever learn? :)
Astonishing Cyclops looks pretty good. Are you going to get him?
I'm not too sure yet.
For one day only, the 5 movie Avengers characters are 25% off :hyper: :runaway: :ohnoes: :wiggle: :applause: :bowdown: I know I know control your excitement LOL!
Cap is 480 gold
Hulk is 480 gold
Iron Man is 960 gold
Thor is 480
Black Widow is 480
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 29, 2012, 10:02AM
For one day only, the 5 movie Avengers characters are 25% off :hyper: :runaway: :ohnoes: :wiggle: :applause: :bowdown: I know I know control your excitement LOL!
Cap is 480 gold
Hulk is 480 gold
Iron Man is 960 gold
Thor is 480
Black Widow is 480
Lolz! What an amazing sale, the best one they could have ever though of!! Haha but honestly it's a bit silly imo. BTW off-topic but I love your signature gifs of Ariel and Odette ;)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 29, 2012, 06:38PM
Lolz! What an amazing sale, the best one they could have ever though of!! Haha but honestly it's a bit silly imo. BTW off-topic but I love your signature gifs of Ariel and Odette ;)
Haha I know it is totally silly to me too I was being way sarcastic! And thank you very much two of my favorite movies, I just watched Swan Princess today for the first time in years and it made me so happy :D two amazing girls!
Iron Man -- 960 gold!? I didn't notice that when I was in the game. That's ridiculous.
Quote from: fox456 on September 30, 2012, 07:32PM
Iron Man -- 960 gold!? I didn't notice that when I was in the game. That's ridiculous.
I know right! I saw it and I was like, umm how about no XD Is it just me or did they make like almost all the characters 600 gold, or was it always like that?
No, but I can't remember for sure what the prices were. I'm pretty sure that some of the characters were 1000 gold and others (like Mr. Fantastic) were much less, maybe 300 gold. Others were in the middle range -- maybe it was 600 gold. Then they sort of averaged most of them out and started charging 600 gold for almost everyone, except a few, like Ghost Rider and Spider-Man were 1200 gold.
Thats just crazy, I liked the prices before :/ What am mess. Has anyone played recently? I got on a few days ago I am still slowly working on those challenges haha!
The old prices had more characters costing more gold. Like the old spiderman cost 1800 gold. Sure there were a few 380 gold characters (Scarlet Witch, Nova, etc) but I like the new more balanced one better. I do miss the 300 gold character sales though >,<
I miss the cheaper sales too. The new sales for characters are a joke. I kind of liked the old prices, but thats because most of the characters I wanted were the cheaper ones XD
Iron Man MKII Or MK11 or what ever was released today.
Thanks for that info. I haven't been on today. I'm gonna check it out now.
Facebook posted that for one day only, which I believe is today he is only 800 gold, which doesn't seem that great, but just to let you all know.
I bet Iron Man Mark II will end up being 1200 gold! I haven't seen anyone playing him yet.
Loki has been eliminated from the city once again!
They are merging the Europe and North American servers and websites into one server and website. I hope that means expanding the server to encompass more regions of europe :D
Also a new hero has been announced ( obviously you could tell its Hope Summers since they said that its a 'fiery hero' plus all the comments say HOPE!!!! XD )
This fiery Hero is gearing up to come to Super Hero City!
Yay so everyone can play together now :D and yay for Hope I can not wait for her!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 25, 2012, 02:27PM
Yay so everyone can play together now :D and yay for Hope I can not wait for her!
We absolutely must have a team-up with her and Jean. They also have some sort of special conversation.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on October 25, 2012, 06:13PM
We absolutely must have a team-up with her and Jean. They also have some sort of special conversation.
We most definitely will for sure!
Speaking of which, did anyone else notice the special conversation with Cyclops and Cable?
And we're back online! This Mutant Messiah has come to save Super Hero City! Recruit Hope Summer into your Squad today!
This Vampire Hero is on sale now! Don't forget to add Blade to your Squad for this special price!
Heroes don't scare easily, do you? Test out your fear meter with our newly added Halloween event!
Thanks for all the updates, White Queen. I'm going to check them out now.
I'm so getting on now! Anyone else? :D
Edit: They also changed the front page.
I saw one Hope Summers while I was on -- I thought it might be one of you guys! :D
Im on right now, and I do have Hope she is pretty awesome!
Edit: The Marvel Super Hero Squad Wiki has added new blank hero circles of heroes to come.
Old ones:
-Anti Venom
-Iron Spider
-White Phoenix
-Battle Armor Thor
-Moon Knight
They also added a blank circle for Dracula as a villain.
Hmmmm, Tigra and Moon Knight!
I've been looking for you, but I haven't seen you yet, midnight.
Oh I am sorry fox, I got off D: I can't get back on if you want me too!
I am excited for Tigra :D
I got back on, played for awhile, then it crashed. Now, I'm back on a third time. :)
I love Halloween! So much! Has anyone else bothered checking out the graves by Strange's House?
One has the Sentry logo, one has HT and some fire for the Human Torch (who was believed dead until recently), One for Ben Parker (AKA Spiderman's Uncle just in case you never read any comics ever), and one more that says BB and has wings on each side. I don't know who that last one is. My best theory right now is that it's Bucky Barnes cause he apparently died in fear itself but I don't know... I love everything about SHSO's Halloween decoration though. Wish it could be that way all year long D:
Edit: also I love the Baxter Plaza's Zombie invasion. I hope that's what the Holiday Mission is about!
I agree I love the Halloween they have up, I feel like they put them up a lot earlier last year. I hope they keep them up for awhile into November since they dont do anything for Thanksgiving.
I have been trying to finish some of the challenges that I have yet to complete. I was on this morning running around collecting hero tokens for all of my heroes, since i need to get 100. I will need to raise my squad level eventually too, since im at 340 something, but I have a ton of heroes that I have yet to max out, since im kind of lazy. I usually just buy heroes and then get bored of the game before I can max someone out.
Haha lucky you. I have nothing to do. I'm not a shield agent so I can't get more characters and I've Maxed out everyone I have, plus I've beat every challenge >,< My squad level is 709
Also I didn't notice this earlier but apparently they added extra stops on the prize wheel, including more useless card/extra crap slots and took away one of the 40 stops but added a 30 and some 15s...I don't know how I feel about this..
Why can't they just leave the prize wheel alone!
That is a huge squad level haha, I wish mine was that high!
Well my squad level is now 368. I have lots of heroes at level 1 and 2 so when I was running around getting hero tokens I leveled most of them up one, I also maxed out Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers Black Widow, and Hope Summers Hope was the only low level all the others were between 7-10
Straight from the EU site : ''Unfortunately, we have to inform you that we will need to cease operations of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online on 11/9/2012. The American publisher Gazillion, Inc. (San Mateo, CA)(hereinafter "Gazillion") will assume the European distribution of the game under Due to data protection rules, we cannot and will not forward your detail (including account name, e-mail address, squad name, cash or items in your possession) to Gazillion.
Your account still allows you access to all other existing games on the alaplaya platform, Your local account data is not affected by the changes in SHSO. As a thank you for your participation in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, we (ProSiebenSat.1 Games GmbH, Medienallee 19, 85774 Unterföhring) offer all PSG players who are affected by the shutdown an item package for our game Audition worth 10 € as a gift. To receive this item package, you'll need to log in to alaplaya with your SHSO account and then start Audition. Within 3 days, the package will be uploaded to your account - without you being required to purchase anything. The use of the above-mentioned package is also free of any other cost implications (such as subscription obligations, etc.)
If you wish to continue playing Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, Gazillion will welcome you to register as a new user on
We regret that we must part ways with Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. We hope that you had as much fun with the superheroes as we did, and that that we'll meet you again in our other games here at!
Your Super Hero Squad Online Team''
Maybe that means they're mending the servers together, more recent updates, Thank you Gazillion..Thank you :*)
Yes they are mixing them together so everyone will beable to play together, but it kind of sucks for people on the EU site because you lose everything :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 28, 2012, 01:35PM
... but it kind of sucks for people on the EU site because you lose everything :/
I would be very upset if they had flipped things around and said was disbanding. I certainly wouldn't start over.
Quote from: fox456 on October 28, 2012, 04:11PM
I would be very upset if they had flipped things around and said was disbanding. I certainly wouldn't start over.
Me either I would be done with it if that happened.
Quote from: Polygone on October 28, 2012, 01:24PM
Straight from the EU site : ''Unfortunately, we have to inform you that we will need to cease operations of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online on 11/9/2012. The American publisher Gazillion, Inc. (San Mateo, CA)(hereinafter "Gazillion") will assume the European distribution of the game under Due to data protection rules, we cannot and will not forward your detail (including account name, e-mail address, squad name, cash or items in your possession) to Gazillion.
Your account still allows you access to all other existing games on the alaplaya platform, Your local account data is not affected by the changes in SHSO. As a thank you for your participation in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, we (ProSiebenSat.1 Games GmbH, Medienallee 19, 85774 Unterföhring) offer all PSG players who are affected by the shutdown an item package for our game Audition worth 10 € as a gift. To receive this item package, you'll need to log in to alaplaya with your SHSO account and then start Audition. Within 3 days, the package will be uploaded to your account - without you being required to purchase anything. The use of the above-mentioned package is also free of any other cost implications (such as subscription obligations, etc.)
If you wish to continue playing Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, Gazillion will welcome you to register as a new user on
We regret that we must part ways with Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. We hope that you had as much fun with the superheroes as we did, and that that we'll meet you again in our other games here at!
Your Super Hero Squad Online Team''
Maybe that means they're mending the servers together, more recent updates, Thank you Gazillion..Thank you :*)
All thats left to do is expand ;P
I'm so happy I finally get to play with you guys :), l gave up on the eu game a while ago due to lack of updates, looking forward to it :D
Quote from: Polygone on October 29, 2012, 10:59AM
I'm so happy I finally get to play with you guys :), l gave up on the eu game a while ago due to lack of updates, looking forward to it :D
I like how its been a year since i last played the game, yet it feels like a decade :/ ( Ive been reading through this topic from the first page which was like 2011 April. ) Wow its been so much time :/
Quote from: Polygone on October 29, 2012, 10:59AM
I'm so happy I finally get to play with you guys :), l gave up on the eu game a while ago due to lack of updates, looking forward to it :D
Yay Polygone! We can finally play together :D GET EXCITED! :laola:
Haha, I am, still a month to go though :/
Grants a two-week membership ( only useable by newly created acounts )
not to be beggy or anything but does anyone have any unused character codes they can send me? through pm btw. :)
It doesn't hurt to ask! I don't have any, but someone might have one.
Also, you might want to check out this website for codes:
I also check here
I guess they sometimes release new codes monthly, most of the time, but recently they haven't been.
or some gold maybe? im trying to complete my challenge #9 :)
Most codes expire a few weeks after they go out. If you use the code that White Queen posted, if it works for you, you can get gold. But I don't believe there is another code for gold at the moment.
my account isnt new soo i cant use that one :(
Quote from: Stickbro on October 30, 2012, 04:50PM
my account isnt new soo i cant use that one :(
Sorry :( Wish I new some more codes!
well can someone tell me an easy way to EARN gold?
Quote from: Stickbro on October 30, 2012, 04:58PM
well can someone tell me an easy way to EARN gold?
The only ways I even know how to get gold are
Prize wheel
Buy it
I dont think there is anyother way
...well, I guess you could enter the Halloween contest!
If anyone enters and wins the 1000 gold, you should post your winning picture here too! :D
I WOULD but 1. I have no marvel costume i can use and 2. Im using a guest computer that doesnt have winzip OR winrar
Werewolf is available for 800 gold.
Ghost Rider is on sale for a mere 1000 gold.
There's a new Dracula mission for 200 gold.
Im gonna check everything out!
Edit: Welp I bought the wearwolf. Honestly I didn't think I would buy him in a million years, but it said limited time only, and it sucked me in.
aww crap i only got 328 gold -_- and i wanna use it for chars :(
Are all the charactes that used to be 300 like 600 now? Because I remember quit a few of the characters being at least 300? I believe they changed it when they balanced every thing out and now all the characters are around the same price range.
Characters like Scarlet Witch and Nova were 350 before they balanced out the prices >,<
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 31, 2012, 09:15PM
Are all the charactes that used to be 300 like 600 now? Because I remember quit a few of the characters being at least 300? I believe they changed it when they balanced every thing out and now all the characters are around the same price range.
The only 350 characters were Scarlet Witch, Mr. Fantastic, and Nova.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 31, 2012, 02:48PM
Im gonna check everything out!
Edit: Welp I bought the wearwolf. Honestly I didn't think I would buy him in a million years, but it said limited time only, and it sucked me in.
I laughed so hard when I read what you wrote about getting sucked in to buying the Werewolf! Well, now that you've got him, what is your review of him?
Quote from: fox456 on November 01, 2012, 04:07PM
I laughed so hard when I read what you wrote about getting sucked in to buying the Werewolf! Well, now that you've got him, what is your review of him?
HAHAHA! It was the limited time only ya know?! It just does that kind of thing to you, lol. Well he seems pretty fast, I don't think he is super amazing but he isn't really that bad either.
They mended the servers :D. First I had my doubts if they actually mended them, but then I saw someone with squad level 1247 and I was like..yeah, they mended them alright xD, Im gonna buy werewolf aswell, shame I have to start all over again though :/
EDIT : I can't seem to hear the voices..anyone else have this issue?
Quote from: Polygone on November 02, 2012, 10:03AM
They mended the servers :D. First I had my doubts if they actually mended them, but then I saw someone with squad level 1247 and I was like..yeah, they mended them alright xD, Im gonna buy werewolf aswell, shame I have to start all over again though :/
EDIT : I can't seem to hear the voices..anyone else have this issue?
I had that issue along time ago, it may just be because the game hasn't updated all the way. I don't know how it fixed for me but I tend to play with no volume any way.
If any of the game files haven't completely loaded, certain sounds (like voices) won't work. Lately, almost every time I log on, the files have to partially reload.
It might be because I didn't press the download game files button on the homepage, I cant do it on this computer, because its tremendously slow, for anyone intressted, my squad name is ''Gecko Musquito'' (thats how you spell it, right? xd)
Im gonna add all of you guys aswell :D
Also, I bought Werewolf, with pain in my heart, as I really wanted to see how Hope/Cable/Avengers Black Widow played, but oh well, it was limited
Werewolf is decent, once you get past his first two basic attacks, he makes a really quick combo, this is probally the closest you're ever gonna get if you want to play as Sabretooth xD
I think it might be Gecko Mosquito. I'm Winter Fighter.
I tried adding you Fox, but you have to many friends xD
EDIT : Its indeed Gecko Mosquito :)
I always add anyone who asks. (There's a task that has you "friend" people, so I just agree to help them on their way in case they are trying to advance).
I'll delete some of them.
I added Polygone! We got to play the Dracula mission. It was the first time I got to play that mission. Plus, Polygone used Werewolf. I hadn't seen Werewolf in action before. He seemed pretty effective. Thanks Polygone, that was fun. I'm sure we'll play again.
My name is Spirit Marshmellow :D
Gonna log in now to add you :D
EDIT: If you're reading this midnight, I crashed, gonna log in again :P
Quote from: Polygone on November 03, 2012, 09:55AM
Gonna log in now to add you :D
I'll come on too :)
Edit: For anyone who cares, by November 14th Wearwolf will dissapear.
Wait a minute... do you mean that the people who bought him won't even get to play him anymore either???
No I think it means by November 14th he will be gone from the store, and can no longer be purchased.
Can anyone help me later on with Gambits sidekick? A challange im sure we all remember very well xD
Hey everyone :) Guess who can finally play Super Hero Squad Online .... ME! :D
Oh yeah, btw my squad name is Miss Spectacular Goalie Lost Emerald Princess ( took me 15 minutes to get that name >.> or at least one i liked ) i got in the game ( without downloading the files ) just to see if i can. I exited im downloading the files atm i cant play today il probably play tommorow. :)
I have the files downloaded, I got an adamantium on the Red Skull Mission. Completed the first two challanges. :) And bought the magneteors mission
I think they need to work that out over at the support center, not really much we can do from here xD
Glad you finally got playing :), Red skull is a fun mission, along with Loki out of the Pokey/Enchantress/all the Fin Fang Foom missions (just my personal recommendations) Im gonna log in now aswell :)
Yeah i know :( I Was hoping someone here had experienced this issue before, and knows how to fix it xD
Sorry White Queen, I crashed...again xD, Im gonna go eat now, be back in a few minutes :)
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2012, 04:46AM
Sorry White Queen, I crashed...again xD, Im gonna go eat now, be back in a few minutes :)
Ok xD and i think it has a bigger chance to crash when the game is on Fullscreen. And some browsers support the game more than others. Mozzilla Firefox works best, Google Chrome is good but crashes sometimes, I havent tried Internet Explorer while Opera doenst support it at all ( at least for me ) cuz its insta crash when you click play xD
Ima make another account and test the challanges to see if i get the error again
WARNING: Its gonna take a little, cuz im super picky with the Squad Name >.> xD
xD, can you post the name once you're done?
Nvm still has the same error
So im staying Miss Spectacular Goalie Lost Emerald Princess
Polygone when your done eating, wanna do a mission with me ?
Sorry White Queen, I really tried to play but crashing every 5 minutes ruined it for me, Im gonna log back on again when I'm at my dads, hopefully you're not mad at me :(
Quote from: Polygone on November 04, 2012, 06:40AM
Sorry White Queen, I really tried to play but crashing every 5 minutes ruined it for me, Im gonna log back on again when I'm at my dads, hopefully you're not mad at me :(
Its ok :) I just cant wait for you to be on xD
UPDATE: I deleted the game files, removed unity player. Installed Unity Player. Entered the game without downloading the game files. And i managed to complete challange 3. I did this with another acount. Which is now my official one. My squad name is "Lost Emerald Princess"
The marvel super hero squad has added Morbius to the list of playable characters, so he is coming soon I guess.
I just got platnium membership from a friend..:) WAR MACHINE :D IS AWESOME!!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 04, 2012, 03:14PM
The marvel super hero squad has added Morbius to the list of playable characters, so he is coming soon I guess.
Mhm he is an upcomming hero. Alot of ppl have been talking about him on the Official Facebook Page
Yay i have 400 Gold and 2500 Silver. 200 more gold for Emma and 2500 more Silver for Jean
I have like 21,000 silver. I keep wanting to buy a ton of Agent only heroes, but then I convince myself to save it just in case someone comes out that I want hahaha.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 05, 2012, 03:52PM
I have like 21,000 silver. I keep wanting to buy a ton of Agent only heroes, but then I convince myself to save it just in case someone comes out that I want hahaha.
:O Wow thats alot of silver XD
Finally bought Jean :D she is powerful
A Maintenance just started :P
They said a new hero is coming to Super Hero City with this update. The Update will end in two hours or so.
I think its Moon Knight, cuz alot of ppl say Moon Knight xD
Also i cant see any civilians or zombies in any of the zones. :/
Is it a bug, or intentional or am i the only one who cant see them:(
Hmmm, there's still a maintenance going on. This morning, the only change I saw was that Ghost Rider was no longer on sale but Reptil is.
It's up and running now. Moon Knight IS the new character (800 gold).
I just bought Phoenix, she is amazing :D
Is it just me, or does MSHSO have a terrible customer support group? Most of the times I have written (since beta), there is usually a generic e-mail that I get that thanks me for my comment/question but adds that I most likely won't get a reply.
This time, I got a reply to my question. I asked when would they update the card game. (It's been a LONG time!) Here is their "informative" reply:
Thank you for your message.
While we can't give away the super secret changes in Super Hero Squad Online, we are always working on new and improved features of the game. Keep your eyes peeled in the game and on the website for the latest news and feature updates!
Thank You,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Good news: At last, I was able to register myself for this game, so I'm gonna play too! :D
Glad you're joining us, Suigetsu. What is your squad name?
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 10, 2012, 01:19AM
Good news: At last, I was able to register myself for this game, so I'm gonna play too! :D
Thats great :D
@fox456 I know right, Its like they don't even take the time to write something that would actually help, instead they copy and paste one of their generic/default responses they must have.
Ferocious Charisma Warrior :D Cool little game, to tell you the truth. :D
Quote from: Suigetsu on November 10, 2012, 08:22AM
Ferocious Charisma Warrior :D Cool little game, to tell you the truth. :D
Il go on now and add you if you're on too XD Im Lost Emerald Princess
Quote from: White Queen on November 10, 2012, 08:29AM
Il go on now and add you if you're on too XD Im Lost Emerald Princess
Alrighty. I think I'll be able to play this game at home as well. It's a bit frustrating on the laptop I'm currently writing this, cause it has overheating problems.
My laptop has overheating problems too, so I always have it hanging half way off the computer desk.
@Fox, it seems like they are always like that, they never give out any information, but it seems like they try to make it seem like they are doing something when they really aren't.
Quote from: fox456 on November 09, 2012, 06:38PM
Is it just me, or does MSHSO have a terrible customer support group? Most of the times I have written (since beta), there is usually a generic e-mail that I get that thanks me for my comment/question but adds that I most likely won't get a reply.
This time, I got a reply to my question. I asked when would they update the card game. (It's been a LONG time!) Here is their "informative" reply:
Thank you for your message.
While we can't give away the super secret changes in Super Hero Squad Online, we are always working on new and improved features of the game. Keep your eyes peeled in the game and on the website for the latest news and feature updates!
Thank You,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Well Angela wasn't really much help was she xD
Quote from: Me on November 11, 2012, 12:26PM
Well Angela wasn't really much help was she xD
LOL!!! No, she wasn't. :D
Sigh -_- I never get a break from these bugs do I. This one keeps repeating over and over.
Edit: And it keeps repeating once I reach Stage 4. Il never finish this challange >.> I sent a ticket, lets hope they reply...with something that would actually be useful -.-
They owe me a free Emma Frost for all these bugs I keep getting that prevent me from doing challanges XD
Also Tigra is coming soon.
This Heroine has been seen lurking around Super Hero City, but who could it be?
Yay! I am so excited for Tigra! I will buy her for sure!
Tigra is released for, you guessed it, 600 gold!
I was just coming to the forum to look for you midnightphoenix!
Are you online now? I am having some troubles. The files are taking A LONG time to download. It's like I didn't have any files at all. Plus, I just played an arcade game and got the highest score I have ever gotten. And it seems it's the record for all players. BUT, it didn't save my high score. :( Are you having any troubles?
It does seem to download a little slowly, and it just crashed right as I clicked on Tigra :/
I saw your shopping bag, and then "poof," you disappeared!
Quote from: fox456 on November 14, 2012, 03:50PM
I saw your shopping bag, and then "poof," you disappeared!
Hahaha I was like *click* And then it crashed and I was like well perfect! But I did buy her, I just haven't done anything with her yet.
Yeah...I'l need help with Gambit's Sidekick challange ;-D
"Tonight at 9:00pm PST (12:00am EST) there will be a game update. We expect this update to be about 2 hours long." They will introduce the first Marvel Now hero, which everyone believes is another Hulk.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 20, 2012, 12:25PM
"Tonight at 9:00pm PST (12:00am EST) there will be a game update. We expect this update to be about 2 hours long." They will introduce the first Marvel Now hero, which everyone believes is another Hulk.
Hmm interesting, I do hope its not another Hulk, as there are enough already.
Quote from: White Queen on November 20, 2012, 01:34PM
Hmm interesting, I do hope its not another Hulk, as there are enough already.
Agreed. I guess you could kind of consider Marvel Girl the "first" Marvel Now hero.
The Marvel Super Hero Squad Wiki, , has taken down some of the blank heroes they had up before, which I believe most of them were the Spiderman characters like Archane, and Ultimate Venom etc. They added Battle Armor Thor and Indestructible Hulk, which is who I believe is the Marvel Now character.
Oh yeah I forgot, does anyone know about the new code "MJR12" ( works only on newly created accounts ) which gives a free Iceman
Free Iceman? I think he'd be fun. Are you sure that the rest of us can't get him? I think that SLVR is a code I saw somewhere too (also for free accounts only). I believe it gives 2500 silver.
Well I tried both codes just to see, and they both say that a new account must be created for them to work.
Thanks for checking that out. I might just create a new squad to play with Iceman....
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 20, 2012, 12:25PM
"Tonight at 9:00pm PST (12:00am EST) there will be a game update. We expect this update to be about 2 hours long." They will introduce the first Marvel Now hero, which everyone believes is another Hulk.
I would rather they kept creating new characters rather than new skins of current characters. If they repeat someone, I'd rather have another Hulk than another Iron Man or Wolverine.
Quote from: fox456 on November 20, 2012, 04:57PM
Thanks for checking that out. I might just create a new squad to play with Iceman....
I would rather they kept creating new characters rather than new skins of current characters. If they repeat someone, I'd rather have another Hulk than another Iron Man or Wolverine.
Your welcome! Worth a shot! I agree, I wish other characters would be released. I sort of wish that some of the other costumes would be other costumes for characters. And with that costume they may get 1 or 2 new Heroups for that costume. And they could be bought for like 50-100 gold and silver for some? I mean some characters are better different I think. Like the two Storms for example are pretty different in play style, same with Marvel Girl and Phoenix they both play different aswell. And like the Red Hulks (both She hulk and Hulk) Could be their own characters and not costumes, being that they are somewhat different, but I could see where they could also be costumes.
I like your "costume purchase" idea.
I was just trying to play the card game. Alot of times the card game crashes for no apparent reason. But, tonight was weird. Twice, I got into a game and my opponent won the coin toss. He starts playing and waits for my block. The whole time I am only able to watch. He keeps poking me, but the green pop up window on the screen says "Waiting for opponent." It never goes away and I have to just quit the game.
Quote from: fox456 on November 20, 2012, 05:31PM
I like your "costume purchase" idea.
I was just trying to play the card game. Alot of times the card game crashes for no apparent reason. But, tonight was weird. Twice, I got into a game and my opponent won the coin toss. He starts playing and waits for my block. The whole time I am only able to watch. He keeps poking me, but the green pop up window on the screen says "Waiting for opponent." It never goes away and I have to just quit the game.
Well thats annoying, the card game bugs me. It crashes and messes up for me all the time too, so I don't really play it much. It takes long enough to finish a match or battle, and then if it messes up I just get frustrated. And I am on the challenge currently where you have to beat 5 battles or something like that and if I lose one of those I just get angry, haha, so I don't play the card game much.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 20, 2012, 05:40PM
Well thats annoying, the card game bugs me. It crashes and messes up for me all the time too, so I don't really play it much. It takes long enough to finish a match or battle, and then if it messes up I just get frustrated. And I am on the challenge currently where you have to beat 5 battles or something like that and if I lose one of those I just get angry, haha, so I don't play the card game much.
Are you talking about having to beat 5 card quests, each of which has three card games a piece? Some of those are difficult to beat. But, I haven't reached that challenge yet. It will be awhile I guess. I have to purchase some more heroes to raise my squad level.
Quote from: fox456 on November 20, 2012, 06:00PM
Are you talking about having to beat 5 card quests, each of which has three card games a piece? Some of those are difficult to beat. But, I haven't reached that challenge yet. It will be awhile I guess. I have to purchase some more heroes to raise my squad level.
Yeah thats the one! I kind of buy heroes and then never really play them so my squad level needs to be raised alot. I do a little of the challenge I am on every time I log on, but the card game just makes me angry, and I get bored really easily with the card game just by playing one round most of the time.
I know that they removed Werewolf from the store, but is he still a playable character in your roster?
Quote from: fox456 on November 20, 2012, 06:56PM
I know that they removed Werewolf from the store, but is he still a playable character in your roster?
I believe so, but I cant say for sure I haven't been on in awhile.
I want to see some alternative costumes for Emma. Like Phoenix Five or Classic. But the problem would be - how are they gonna make the costumes look kid friendly xD
So the new hero is Indestructible Hulk. And he is Jr SHIELD Agent Only.
He's the first Agent Only hero to actually be gold.
A new mission was released called Modok madness, and there are two versions of it. A regular version that is somewhat easy, and a Crisis edition that they recomend you bring a friend or two with to help you out. They also said that more heroes will be coming for the holidays both naughty and nice, and that more villains will get crisis missions.
So does anyone know what it up with this?? The game is apparently eliminating 12 characters, or at least not allowing them to be purchased any more after November 28. Do you think it is temporary? The characters include Emma Frost, Elektra (white uniform), Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, two Thors, Valkyrie, Wasp, American Dream, Super-Soldier Captain America and Gladiator Hulk. They are on sale for 480 gold (20% off).
Quote from: fox456 on November 22, 2012, 10:27AM
So does anyone know what it up with this?? The game is apparently eliminating 12 characters, or at least not allowing them to be purchased any more after November 28. Do you think it is temporary? The characters include Emma Frost, Elektra (white uniform), Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, two Thors, Valkyrie, Wasp, American Dream, Super-Soldier Captain America and Gladiator Hulk. They are on sale for 480 gold (20% off).
That is really werid, I wonder why.
I own Emma, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Valkyrie, Wasp, and American Dream already haha. That leaves Luke Cage, Thor and another Thor, Gladiator Hulk, and Super Solider.
Maybe their trying to build the excitement for players that are just coming into the game...and to make room in the store for new characters to buy? I don't know, just guessing.
They're probably the characters who are bought least often. They probably won't be loosing profit by taking them out of the shop or reducing the price. In fact people are more likely to buy them if they hear they're going away for a while and are to be had at a relatively cheap price. It's a good marketing ploy.
I think they should lower the price a bit more, I mean 600 to 480 really doesn't make me want to buy them that much.
NO NO NO! Emma why! T_T Il never get 480 gold in time!!!
-______- Especially since non-members can get at least 30 ( maximum ) Gold a day ( very rare, 25g from Prize Wheel and 5 from Daily Reward thing )
Oh yay! I found my old account that i created way back in 2011 after the beta ended ( when they deleted the beta accounts ). After the beta ended there was a small period ( a really SMALL period ) of time when you could play the game no matter where you lived. So I just found my old account, I had enough gold on it to buy Emma :D ( as i did ;P ) i had Scarlet Witch and Iron Man bought already, and Black Widow and Hulkbuster Iron Man. So Im happy xD
Gladiator hulk? but what about the hulked out heroes challange? :/
Found my old account aswell, it only has giant man though xD
Polygone are you on :) ? I wanna add you as a friend xD
Heres pretty much the same thing Fox posted.
Get'em Before They're Gone!
Greetings Heroes! To make room for all the awesome new content we have planned for you, TWELVE of our Heroes are going to be going away from the store for a while next Wednesday, November 28th, 2012!
We're not sure when they'll be making a return, so act fast and recruit them for your Squad now for 20% OFF before they're gone!
The heroes that will be leaving the store are:
• American Dream
• Captain America, Super Soldier
• Classic Thor
• Emma Frost
• Gladiator Hulk
• Luke Cage
• Pure Elektra
• Spider Girl
• Spider Woman
• Thor
• Valkyrie
• Wasp
These are all amazing Heroes that you don't want to miss out on, so act quickly!
Aww that sucks that those people are leaving/: I already have most of them but I hope people who don't have them yet can get them !
I guess I have Thor too, I didn't know that haha! So there are only 4 that I don't have, but I don't really know if I want to buy the others. Are Luke Cage, Gladiator Hulk, Classic Thor, or Super Solider any good or worth it?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 23, 2012, 01:03PM
I guess I have Thor too, I didn't know that haha! So there are only 4 that I don't have, but I don't really know if I want to buy the others. Are Luke Cage, Gladiator Hulk, Classic Thor, or Super Solider any good or worth it?
I have all the heroes except for Super Soldier. And I admit that I can't say much for Cage or Gladiator Hulk because I've rarely used them. However Classic Thor is one of my favs. He is very strong and sooo much more fun than regular and ultimate Thor (don't know about Avengers Thor). His powers are all lightning based.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 23, 2012, 03:17PM
I have all the heroes except for Super Soldier. And I admit that I can't say much for Cage or Gladiator Hulk because I've rarely used them. However Classic Thor is one of my favs. He is very strong and sooo much more fun than regular and ultimate Thor (don't know about Avengers Thor). His powers are all lightning based.
I think Thor would actually be one of the only ones I would consider buying, maybe Hulk or Super Solider but I don't really like Luke Cage.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 23, 2012, 06:08PM
I think Thor would actually be one of the only ones I would consider buying, maybe Hulk or Super Solider but I don't really like Luke Cage.
From what I have played, Cage is mostly melee oriented. Hulk is like the other Hulks but probably the most different cause he utilizes weapons. IMO once you have played one Hulk, you have played them all (also applies to other heroes like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, etc.) Classic Thor is the one exception because he is a huge difference form the other ones! My fav version of him tbh.
Also you can use this site to help you out with your decisions.
It has videos of all the heroes with their powers and emotes.
EDIT: Also Havok and Avenging Rogue will be out soon. Avenging Rogue has all new powers (check out the site above for her hud and power names.)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 23, 2012, 07:27PM
From what I have played, Cage is mostly melee oriented. Hulk is like the other Hulks but probably the most different cause he utilizes weapons. IMO once you have played one Hulk, you have played them all (also applies to other heroes like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, etc.) Classic Thor is the one exception because he is a huge difference form the other ones! My fav version of him tbh.
Also you can use this site to help you out with your decisions.
It has videos of all the heroes with their powers and emotes.
EDIT: Also Havok and Avenging Rogue will be out soon. Avenging Rogue has all new powers (check out the site above for her hud and power names.)
I use that site all the time and post stuff from it here often! I love it because it is so helpful and you can see new heroes on it aswell! Yay! Super excited for the new Rogue! I hope we don't have to wait until after November 28th until these new heroes come out to replace the old ones.
Edit: They still have Morbius listed, so I am wondering when he is gonna come out since he has been up there awhile, and I wonder if Havok will be from Marvel Now or if he will just be normal Havok.
This Rogue seems to be good oll power stealing rogue..Excited :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 22, 2012, 10:13PM
I think they should lower the price a bit more, I mean 600 to 480 really doesn't make me want to buy them that much.
Same here -- I'd buy more if they were half price (300 gold). As it is, I may buy Wasp, but I think that's it.
Quote from: White Queen on November 23, 2012, 06:00AM
Oh yay! I found my old account that i created way back in 2011 after the beta ended ( when they deleted the beta accounts ). After the beta ended there was a small period ( a really SMALL period ) of time when you could play the game no matter where you lived. So I just found my old account, I had enough gold on it to buy Emma :D ( as i did ;P ) i had Scarlet Witch and Iron Man bought already, and Black Widow and Hulkbuster Iron Man. So Im happy xD
Glad to read that you were able to get your old account and it is still running -- especially since you were able to buy Emma!
Quote from: fox456 on November 25, 2012, 06:14PM
Same here -- I'd buy more if they were half price (300 gold). As it is, I may buy Wasp, but I think that's it.
Glad to read that you were able to get your old account and it is still running -- especially since you were able to buy Emma!
Thanks :D
I just noticed we had reached 200 ( 201 with this post ) pages :D Thats a milestone :)
Get excited :laola: here is to 200 more pages! Hahaha XD get on it everybody!
200 MORE pages!? The developers better get THEIR acts together so we have alot to talk about. :D
Quote from: fox456 on November 26, 2012, 04:01PM
200 MORE pages!? The developers better get THEIR acts together so we have alot to talk about. :D
Amen to that.
Avenging Rogue is coming tonight!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 29, 2012, 03:40PM
Avenging Rogue is coming tonight!
I was thinking that you meant tonight, as in "now." I just checked and she's not there. I guess you meant "overnight" tonight. :)
Quote from: fox456 on November 29, 2012, 08:10PM
I was thinking that you meant tonight, as in "now." I just checked and she's not there. I guess you meant "overnight" tonight. :)
Haha sorry for the misunderstanding Fox! Yeah I believe they are doing th update overnight or in the evening sometime and she should be added!
I just seen the post on Facebook!!! :O I'm so on my way right now to get the gold to get her XD I'm totally excited... (You knew this was comin' lol)
I got her! And I love her so far. They made her like she should be. She's using other mutant's powers. So far, these are the powers I've seen : Nightcrawler's, Storm's, Jean Grey's, Iceman's, Psylocke's and either Sunfire's or what's her's a fire power. I think that's it so far, but I've only got her to level 2. :D Yeah, i'm like a child with candy right now lol.
Quote from: Scabbia on November 30, 2012, 07:27AM
I just seen the post on Facebook!!! :O I'm so on my way right now to get the gold to get her XD I'm totally excited... (You knew this was comin' lol)
I got her! And I love her so far. They made her like she should be. She's using other mutant's powers. So far, these are the powers I've seen : Nightcrawler's, Storm's, Jean Grey's, Iceman's, Psylocke's and either Sunfire's or what's her's a fire power. I think that's it so far, but I've only got her to level 2. :D Yeah, i'm like a child with candy right now lol.
Firestar :P
And I like Avenging Rogue, I saw her in a Hero Review Video on Youtube. She looks really powerful.
I am going online now to get her!
Edit: There are also new challenges added.
Avenging Rogue is really strong, I almost hardly even got to see her last attack because she was already done killing the bad guys by then.
Edit 2:
On the Marvel Superhero Squad wiki they have a ton of custom character icons that are pretty awesome.
These are custom, and not real so be aware XD and these are not all of them.
Ok maybe I went a little overboard... haha, but honestly I could see all of these people in the game. It looks like some people even made icons of characters that became real all though I guess they could have been made after. Like I see the Wearwolf, Antman (which could just be a different version), Vision, There is a Havok made and a Havok is coming out, Moonknight.
I got to squad level 400! Whoot!. Just 200 more levels to go and I can get Sentry to finish off the challenge heroes.
Quote from: Techon 7 on December 02, 2012, 10:09PM
I got to squad level 400! Whoot!. Just 200 more levels to go and I can get Sentry to finish off the challenge heroes.
Lucky! I have so many heroes I need to level up, I have enough to probably get me above 500 but I just lose the drive to play and I get bored of leveling the characters up after awhile.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 30, 2012, 03:31PM
I am going online now to get her!
Edit: There are also new challenges added.
Avenging Rogue is really strong, I almost hardly even got to see her last attack because she was already done killing the bad guys by then.
Edit 2:
On the Marvel Superhero Squad wiki they have a ton of custom character icons that are pretty awesome.
These are custom, and not real so be aware XD and these are not all of them.
Ok maybe I went a little overboard... haha, but honestly I could see all of these people in the game. It looks like some people even made icons of characters that became real all though I guess they could have been made after. Like I see the Wearwolf, Antman (which could just be a different version), Vision, There is a Havok made and a Havok is coming out, Moonknight.
When I saw Astonishing Emma Frost, I had like the biggest freak out in my life and I was soo happy...then I read they were custom...
@ midnightphoenix,
Those custom icons are so cool! They sure do look real. Did one person create all of those?
Thanks for posting them. Now the developers have their work cut out for them!
@White Queen, sorry to disappoint! They just look so real!
@Fox, I don't think it was only one person, and I agree lets send these to the developers.
Gosh, there's so many to chose from, I don't know who I would recommend first! I think either Multiple Man or Quicksilver (or Northstar) would be unique, fun-to-play characters.
I would really love to see Dazzler, Blink or Polaris and like everyone else there, but those would be my top 3 probably. Polaris would give people somewhat of a chance to play Magneto in a way, Blink could also be considered a "villain" type character, and I love Dazzler and would rather see her over Jubilee.
Only people from that list I want is Pixie, Songbird, Dark Phoenix, Medusa, Quicksilver, Mimic, Dazzler, and Multiple Man would be very fun :D
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 04, 2012, 04:40PM
Only people from that list I want is Pixie, Songbird, Dark Phoenix, Medusa, Quicksilver, Mimic, Dazzler, and Multiple Man would be very fun :D
I noticed today that instead of "retiring" heroes, they have put a couple of them on sale for SILVER instead of gold. They are both 20,000 silver: Red She-Hulk and Classic Daredevil.
Hmmm, I just went back and looked more closely. Angel, Rogue and Gambit have lower prices now, too. Angel is 300 gold while Rogue and Gambit are only 200 gold each.
Another edit: There are so many Gambits running around! I just bought him too. By the way, Beast is also on sale -- for 300 gold.
Darn it I have all of those people, except possibly Classic Daredevil although I believe I might have him.
I like Gambit. He powers up really fast in the missions for his Hero Up move, although it is very weak. I guess that's why it powers up so fast. Plus, I like that he speaks a bit of French.
I actually like all the characters they have put on sale, except for the possible Classic Daredevil. Rogue and Gambit are really fun, and Beast is quick and strong. Angel is pretty awesome too. And I love Red She Hulk!
Edit: I just noticed the Special tab in game is blanked out and if you hover over it, it says "Restocking in progress, please check back later."
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 05, 2012, 03:41PM
Edit: I just noticed the Special tab in game is blanked out and if you hover over it, it says "Restocking in progress, please check back later."
I've seen that message several times in the past. Sometimes they don't "restock" for an entire week. I hope they have something more in store for us this week.
Quote from: fox456 on December 05, 2012, 03:57PM
I've seen that message several times in the past. Sometimes they don't "restock" for an entire week. I hope they have something more in store for us this week.
I hope so too, I wasn't able to stay on long I got on 3 times and every time I would get into the shop and it would kick me out of the game every time.
Edit: Another custom icon, look Fox its you!
Oh Yeah!!!! Go Herc!!!! I saw his icon pop up when the page opened and I thought for a couple of seconds that it was real (until I started reading your post, that is!). :D
Maybe they'll surprise us all and come up with a character we aren't expecting that isn't even on the custom page. Like, ummmmmmmmm, maybe, Moondragon.
Quote from: fox456 on December 05, 2012, 04:57PM
Oh Yeah!!!! Go Herc!!!! I saw his icon pop up when the page opened and I thought for a couple of seconds that it was real (until I started reading your post, that is!). :D
Maybe they'll surprise us all and come up with a character we aren't expecting that isn't even on the custom page. Like, ummmmmmmmm, maybe, Moondragon.
Moondragon would be awesome! There are so many characters they could chose from yet they keep releasing more and more alternate characters.
I saw a guy yesterday who appeared to have every single character ever introduced into the game. I don't remember if he had Werewolf or not. Every one of his characters was maxed out. His squad level was 1364. Has anyone seen any squad level higher than that?
Hmm so I almost am capable of getting some new characters. I have 500 gold and I just barely got 20,000 silver last night. I was shooting for one of the two surfers before, but now that She-Red Hulk and Classic DareDevil are for silver I'm severely considering one of those two. Also I don't know if I should buy one of the 600 gold heroes in a few weeks when I have that much gold or if I should get some of the newly cheaper 300 gold heroes. Thoughts? I don't have either Angel or Beast but I was also thinking about getting Avenging Rogue, Astonishing Cyclops or Hope. Hmm.... decisions decisions...
Either way I should probably save up for whatever christmas/new years sale they have this time around.
Quote from: DeeDooo on December 06, 2012, 10:43AM
Hmm so I almost am capable of getting some new characters. I have 500 gold and I just barely got 20,000 silver last night. I was shooting for one of the two surfers before, but now that She-Red Hulk and Classic DareDevil are for silver I'm severely considering one of those two. Also I don't know if I should buy one of the 600 gold heroes in a few weeks when I have that much gold or if I should get some of the newly cheaper 300 gold heroes. Thoughts? I don't have either Angel or Beast but I was also thinking about getting Avenging Rogue, Astonishing Cyclops or Hope. Hmm.... decisions decisions...
Either way I should probably save up for whatever christmas/new years sale they have this time around.
I heard Hope is really powerful, and Astonishing Cyclops is better than the normal one. Besides his second power emote is hilarious.
But then again..Avenging Rogue is really powerful too. :/
If you are working on building up your squad level, buy the cheaper ones. If you aren't concerned about that, buy who you think you'd like playing. I bought Angel today. He is fun and has some unique moves. Plus, he is my favorite X-Men character.
White Queen is right, Hope is really powerful and fun to play, Avenging Rogue is really powerful too! Facebook posted a new character coming out also from Marvel Now, people believe it to be Havok.
Hmmmmm, the site is temporarily down for maintenance. That's kind of odd for a Thursday night at 9:10 p.m (Eastern).
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is down at the moment for maintenance :(
It happens when I was playing it 7 minutes ago... (9:17 AM now in Asia)
Interesting, MUALover. We both experienced the same thing. Evidently we are 12 hours apart. Is it Friday there?
Quote from: fox456 on December 06, 2012, 07:21PM
Interesting, MUALover. We both experienced the same thing. Evidently we are 12 hours apart. Is it Friday there?
Yes, it is. It's friday now in here.
I wonder how long does the site is down.. :confused:
I think the site shuts down everywhere at the same time, and I don't mean like 5 o'clock everywhere I mean when it goes down in the USA, it goes down in every state and every other place the game is available at the same time if that makes sense. And like I said above a new mutant is coming so I believe that is what the update is for to bring who people believe to be Havok.
Yay! MSHSO is online again! :) Better play it right now ;)
Havok has been released for 600 gold and American Dream has been upgraded and re-released for 1 week for 600 gold! And Christmas decorations are up aswell!
And did you notice that they have already brought American Dream back out of retirement -- new and improved?! What do you think, midnightphoenix -- is she all that improved?
Quote from: fox456 on December 06, 2012, 08:41PM
And did you notice that they have already brought American Dream back out of retirement -- new and improved?! What do you think, midnightphoenix -- is she all that improved?
Haha just edited my post to say that. I haven't played her yet, but she is only out for 1 week I believe. My game keeps crashing everytime I get on with some weird error so I barley get to do anything before it closes out.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 06, 2012, 08:43PM
My game keeps crashing everytime I get on with some weird error so I barley get to do anything before it closes out.
The same thing is happening to me. I am now going in for the fourth (and maybe last) time tonight.
Quote from: fox456 on December 06, 2012, 09:13PM
The same thing is happening to me. I am now going in for the fourth (and maybe last) time tonight.
Yeah the other day it did it 3 times in a row, but everytime it happened I was in the shop so I don't know if the shop has something to do with it, which seems silly, but I have no idea. I hope it stops crashing all the time though I would like to play a little lol.
Everything looks so christmas-y :D I like how Ymir gives candy canes :3 Also I saw a video of Havok he looks pretty strong and the blasts he shoots ( as combo / basic attacks ) are like Jean's except colored blue.
I needed a new character to level up so I went ahead and bought Red She-Hulk for 20,000 silver. She's not too bad from what I've played so far. I hope this will tide me over until I can go buy a 600 gold character :3 Now I also have Havok on my list as a possibility to get once i have 600 gold...too many choices :p
These new challenges are difficult. I only have two of the Iron Men, no Wolverines and one Spiderman >,< I guess that's what makes them extra challenging? Does anyone have MKII or Avenging Iron Man?
Quote from: DeeDooo on December 07, 2012, 08:55AM
I needed a new character to level up so I went ahead and bought Red She-Hulk for 20,000 silver. She's not too bad from what I've played so far. I hope this will tide me over until I can go buy a 600 gold character :3 Now I also have Havok on my list as a possibility to get once i have 600 gold...too many choices :p
These new challenges are difficult. I only have two of the Iron Men, no Wolverines and one Spiderman >,< I guess that's what makes them extra challenging? Does anyone have MKII or Avenging Iron Man?
No :( I only have the normal Iron Man and Stealth Armor.
I have Avenger's Iron Man. But now I need to make choices about who to get. With the characters now on sale, and these new challenges I need to make choices and stick with them.
I have MKII, but I don't pay the monthly thing anymore, so I can't play as him -_-' I just got my Avenging Rogue, I don't care til the next Rogue comes out lol.
The Developers left an easter egg. When you play any magneto mission with friends you will see a small magneto head on the mission newpaper picture thing when your waiting for your friends to pick a character. Hovering over the Magneto head says that "This Hero is not allowed in this mission" Meaning that Magneto will be an upcomming playable character :O :D
Probally means we can play as bosses in their own missions or something? Seems like they're starting with magneto
He's technically a hero now anyways since he's been working with the X-Men at Utopia. It sounds more like they'll be rolling out villains but you just can't crate a paradox by putting them against themselves. Which is just a shame of course XD The main ones I'm looking forewords to are Venom, Loki and Magneto.
I bought indestructible hulk, thinking he was silver (-_-), oh well, his heroup is pretty sweet, and he's a killing machine, im just not a big fan of hulk xD
I hope they add in villains as playable characters, that would add something to the game!
Im hoping for an X-Mansion zone. :D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 10, 2012, 10:08AM
Me too!
Me three! Hope we get some more X-Men like Professor X, Dazzler, Polaris, Jubilee, etc.
As for villains, Magneto ought to be fun.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 10, 2012, 12:34PM
Me three! Hope we get some more X-Men like Professor X, Dazzler, Polaris, Jubilee, etc.
As for villains, Magneto ought to be fun.
I would love all and any of those people! Mystique would be an awesome villain to play as.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 10, 2012, 01:55PM
I would love all and any of those people! Mystique would be an awesome villain to play as.
Love to see shape-shifting implemented.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 10, 2012, 02:01PM
Love to see shape-shifting implemented.
If they didn't include that, then she just isn't worth it.
Anyone submitted his/her Christmas song?
Here's mine :D
Flying trough the snow
In a mechanical powered sleigh
over the field she goes, punishing villains all the way
her guns are ready-ing, her bullets are burning bright
oh what fun it is to be a SHIELD agent tonight
Oh Black Widow, Black Widow
Kick them all the way
Oh what fun it is to be a Black Widow tonight
A day or 2 ago,
she thought about a plan
To ditch Nick fury,
and become the leading woman
Her plan continued to work
making SHIELD agents sad
But then she decided to just give up on being bad
Oh Black Widow, Black Widow
Kick them all the way
Oh what fun it is to be a Black widow tonight
LOL! I couldn't help putting your words to the Jingle Bells music as I read through it!
Quote from: fox456 on December 11, 2012, 08:46AM
LOL! I couldn't help putting your words to the Jingle Bells music as I read through it!
Haha me too!
Not sure, but it looks like they might be retiring Invisible Woman. That's the only change I saw today (so far).
Quote from: Polygone on December 11, 2012, 08:26AM
Anyone submitted his/her Christmas song?
Here's mine :D
Flying trough the snow
In a mechanical powered sleigh
over the field she goes, punishing villains all the way
her guns are ready-ing, her bullets are burning bright
oh what fun it is to be a SHIELD agent tonight
Oh Black Widow, Black Widow
Kick them all the way
Oh what fun it is to be a Black Widow tonight
A day or 2 ago,
she thought about a plan
To ditch Nick fury,
and become the leading woman
Her plan continued to work
making SHIELD agents sad
But then she decided to just give up on being bad
Oh Black Widow, Black Widow
Kick them all the way
Oh what fun it is to be a Black widow tonight
Love the song :) You're very creative with lyrics :P
But isn't this contest US only, cuz I saw this on the comments of the facebook post:
I dont really know, seeing as how the prices are digital, it wouldn't really matter..right? :P
EDIT : After giving it some thought, you might be right..Oh well, didn't expect to win anyway xD
Im going on right now
I still need to win 4 card games, Its one of the most annoying challanges :/
I added you as a friend with my second acount ( Lost Emerald Princess ) If you're still on i want to add you with my main account as well ( Spider Spirit ) :P
A New Hero is coming and is coming fast! Here is a hint: he has been naughty and nice.
The Maintenance just began
Also people think its Morbius
I think it's Morbius too he has been on the Marvel Super Hero Squad wiki for like a month now.
Well, it IS Morbius. There's also a new loading screen.
Hey, when they brought back the "new and improved" American Girl, did you guys see anyone playing American Girl at all in the past week? I didn't see one of them but I thought I would see several.
Quote from: fox456 on December 13, 2012, 11:10AM
Well, it IS Morbius. There's also a new loading screen.
Hey, when they brought back the "new and improved" American Girl, did you guys see anyone playing American Girl at all in the past week? I didn't see one of them but I thought I would see several.
No I wasnt on much, but in the small time I was I never saw anyone play as her.
The Marvel Superhero Squad wiki has added Magneto to the heroes page, so I am assuming he may be a playable character in the near future.
You sure that isn't another one of those custom icons? (j/k) I think Magneto will be popular since he will be the first playable villain.
On another topic, when are they ever going to update the card game? It's been something like 6 months! (Sorry for the rant, but it's one of my favorite parts of the game.) :confused:
Quote from: fox456 on December 14, 2012, 11:31AM
You sure that isn't another one of those custom icons? (j/k) I think Magneto will be popular since he will be the first playable villain.
On another topic, when are they ever going to update the card game? It's been something like 6 months! (Sorry for the rant, but it's one of my favorite parts of the game.) :confused:
Haha nope it is in the actual character section.
And I agree the card game really needs an update.
I think they are going to make Doom playable too. cuz there is a White Doom on the loading screen along with Magneto and other recently released characters. I also want Dark Phoenix as a playable character :p
Technically Doom in his white FF uniform was a hero, so I guess it works ^-^
I just finally got 600 gold today. I'm wondering if they're going to have big christmas sales and stuff that I should wait for or if I should just buy a character I like now (too many to choose from!) or get the two 300 gold characters. I already have a huge Squad level so I'm not worried about that aspect but it's still nice to have more characters to level up and play around with. Hmm... Maybe I should buy another month's worth of membership?
I hope they have Christmas sales I like when they do that and It seems like they don't do it all to often anymore.
I know, it has been a LONG time since they had much of a sale. Seems like they may have had one in early 2012, but that's it for this year. If they do have one, I think it will be between Christmas and New Year's Day.
This is one of those custom icons, but I'm sure if the White Dr Doom gets put in this is what we can expect somewhat.
It's been a LONG time coming, but my Squad Level is now 298. It will max out with the characters I currently own at exactly 300 (Challenge $30)! Finally, I will be able to move on in the Challenges.
I have a question. I thought that if you completed all the challenges, you would eventually earn all the heroes (like Colossus, Firestar, etc.) However, now that I'm counting them up, it appears that you get all of them but one. Is that right?
If so, which one of these is the worst -- Elektra, Firestar or Street Clothes Wolverine?
You do get all 6 of them, I can't account for Wolverine but Firestar and Elektra are fun, Firestar is a favorite character of mine! I forgot what squad level I am at I could get higher but I just get to bored all of them time to level characters up and my game keeps crashing all the time.
I know what you mean about that constant crashing. I just made 300, the star came up on the screen saying that the challenge was completed, and then the game immediately crashed. So much for my reward. LOL
I was going to look again, but since my game crashed, I'm writing this from memory. I still need Wolverine, Firestar, Elektra and Spider-Man. I will get one of them once I finish challenge 30 (which I supposedly just completed. Then, you get another after completing challenge 35. But, after you finish challenge 40, I thought that you got Spidey and that leaves one of them out....
Quote from: fox456 on December 18, 2012, 09:40AM
I know what you mean about that constant crashing. I just made 300, the star came up on the screen saying that the challenge was completed, and then the game immediately crashed. So much for my reward. LOL
I was going to look again, but since my game crashed, I'm writing this from memory. I still need Wolverine, Firestar, Elektra and Spider-Man. I will get one of them once I finish challenge 30 (which I supposedly just completed. Then, you get another after completing challenge 35. But, after you finish challenge 40, I thought that you got Spidey and that leaves one of them out....
On the Marvel Super Hero Squad wiki it said that the final challenge is to raise your squad level to 600 and you get the last hero. Im not sure if that challenge is in game yet because I know they post things before they arrive in game, but I believe it is. I tried to get on earlier but right as I clicked to not play in full screen the game crashed.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 18, 2012, 10:45AM
... I tried to get on earlier but right as I clicked to not play in full screen the game crashed.
That same thing happens to me too!
Well, I think the (currently) final challenge says something about picking a hero when you complete it. I thought it meant to pick any one of those that you could purchase. Perhaps that is when you get the last one of the "Colossus bunch."
Quote from: fox456 on December 18, 2012, 01:16PM
That same thing happens to me too!
Well, I think the (currently) final challenge says something about picking a hero when you complete it. I thought it meant to pick any one of those that you could purchase. Perhaps that is when you get the last one of the "Colossus bunch."
Yeah I think its just the last hero.
I can't even really play anymore because it crashes all the time. To even say I can play is a joke because the farthest I have gotten was in the shop to see what's new before and then it crashes, but it usually crashes before I can do anything which sucks.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 18, 2012, 01:43PM
Yeah I think its just the last hero.
I can't even really play anymore because it crashes all the time. To even say I can play is a joke because the farthest I have gotten was in the shop to see what's new before and then it crashes, but it usually crashes before I can do anything which sucks.
I'm laughing so hard because, once again, I do the same thing. When I don't have alot of time to play, my goal is to get into the shop before the game crashes. Have you cleared your cache? That might help. I think the game hogs alot of memory which really drains my system.
Quote from: fox456 on December 18, 2012, 02:13PM
I'm laughing so hard because, once again, I do the same thing. When I don't have alot of time to play, my goal is to get into the shop before the game crashes. Have you cleared your cache? That might help. I think the game hogs alot of memory which really drains my system.
No I will have to try that later. I dont know whats going on. I think something may be wrong with the Unity web player for me because I play a facebook game that uses it and it has some problems too, so I think I will try and find the problem tomorrow.
Haha, when my game loads im like ok can I get into the shop before it crashes? I think the longest time it stayed on without crashing was enough to update things in the game, I opened the shop looked around for a small second and then it crashed. Sometimes it crashes before its even done loading on the loading screen, and other times it crashes when the daily reward thing pops up. Its very frustrating.
I'd say over half the time my game crashes during the initial load.
Quote from: fox456 on December 18, 2012, 09:56PM
I'd say over half the time my game crashes during the initial load.
Same with mine, I'm lucky if I even get in game for a little.
Facebook announced a new hero is on his way, and it is Magneto. The picture is just a dead give away haha. So he will probably be up late tonight or tomorrow.
Magneto = sheer awesomness, I bought him with the gold i had left on my other (non active) account, he looks really good & fun
They finally release a character I'm willing to pay for right away but it's too damn expensive :p I guess I'll buy a month's worth of membership and get some more gold then buy him
How much does he cost, 600 gold? Or it he more then that?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 21, 2012, 04:02AM
How much does he cost, 600 gold? Or it he more then that?
900 Gold. I saw someone in the game as Magneto, and I was like totally stalking the person XD
Quote from: White Queen on December 21, 2012, 06:28AM
900 Gold. I saw someone in the game as Magneto, and I was like totally stalking the person XD
Haha I think its funny when people fallow me around because I try and act like they aren't fallowing me and then I go on some crazy path trying to lose them and see if they can keep up. XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 21, 2012, 06:32AM
Haha I think its funny when people fallow me around because I try and act like they aren't fallowing me and then I go on some crazy path trying to lose them and see if they can keep up. XD
XD!! Happened to me once. I was in the Daily Bugle, playing as Emma. And a Cyclops was following me around, I literally made several circles around the main area where the Prize Wheel is. And then I ran for the tall Bank building, I enter it, and the camera zooms out and I see that the same player entering the building as well. So I quickly jump of the building and run for the other building infront of it, the one with the terrace/balcony thing. And the person cought up, and then I just changed zones -.-
Quote from: White Queen on December 21, 2012, 06:40AM
XD!! Happened to me once. I was in the Daily Bugle, playing as Emma. And a Cyclops was following me around, I literally made several circles around the main area where the Prize Wheel is. And then I ran for the tall Bank building, I enter it, and the camera zooms out and I see that the same player entering the building as well. So I quickly jump of the building and run for the other building infront of it, the one with the terrace/balcony thing. And the person cought up, and then I just changed zones -.-
I usually fly around and get onto a building and then when they start to come to the building im on I change characters and then run away. XD
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 21, 2012, 07:13AM
I usually fly around and get onto a building and then when they start to come to the building im on I change characters and then run away. XD
Teehee :3 XD
Future Foundation Dr. Doom has been added to the Marvel Superhero squad wiki, his picture isnt up yet, but he will probably be arriving soon.
excited for him :D
I'm gonna be on all day, My entire school has christmas vacation (2 weeks on non-schooliness) so I dont really have anything better to do atm :P
EDIT : I bought the new MODOK crisis mission, its great fun :D
I managed to solo it with Avengers Black Widow and got a gold medal
Here's a little strategy guide :
Doc Ock - First boss, try to get rid of all the minions before fighting him, and he's pretty straight forward
Abombination - once again, try to get rid of all the AIM agents first, then he just mindlessly bashes you, piece of cake
Bullseye - Try to hit him when he doees his flip/sai move, he gets stuck in the ground a little
Annihulus - Once again, henchman first, then its time for him to go down
Mystique - Try to lure her to Annihulus's boss arena to get rid of the floating MODOK, it eases the fight
Stage 2
Sabretooth - Try to get him to your beginning area, to get rid of the floating MODOK
Ultron (I believe) - Try to atleast get him to the corner of the arena to get rid of MODOK, Ultron isn't one for walking, so the corner will do
Abombination - This fight is simple, he just mindlessly bashes you when he's done bashing, start the smashing
Venom - He's hard, try to go for all the health barrels that drop, and just hope for the best, when he's using his bashing move (Here we come) start to attack him (once he's finished doing that move)
Super Skrull - Once again, lure him out of his arena to get A) rid of MODOK B) Rid of flame wall, His flamewall move wont work outside his arena, making him vurneable
MODOK - He's such a pain, this fight consists out of MODOK, and weakened versions of Loki, Juggernaut, Doctor Doom, and Enchantress
Try to focus on MODOK, once's he's down, they're all down. Try to pay little attention to what Juggernaut is doing, he mostly misses, Im pretty sure that at a certain point, they start fighting each other (not doing damage) so try to get that little bug, (juggs starts fighting Doom) Try to get rid of Enchantress, even though she has a shield she's simple to defeat, and it gets rid of her annoying magic beam attack, Loki, Jugs and Doomy all end up in a corner, and MODOK is trying to fight you...alone xD
Aww, just when you invited me i crashed XD poop XD
xD, luckly I never really crash, dunno why xD
At first, you took a long time, so I checked, then it said you were in a mission, lol, whats going on? xD
oh wow that crisis mission was the longest mission i have ever played
EDIT: I need help with Gambit's Sidekick challange :3
I have been wanting to try that Crisis mission, I need to figure out why my game crashes all the time so I can play the game again!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 22, 2012, 02:42AM
I have been wanting to try that Crisis mission, I need to figure out why my game crashes all the time so I can play the game again!
What browser are you using ?
Quote from: White Queen on December 22, 2012, 02:57AM
What browser are you using ?
Google Chrome, but it never did this before, I think I just need to fix something :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 22, 2012, 03:38AM
Google Chrome, but it never did this before, I think I just need to fix something :/
Maybe, uninstall Chrome and install the latest version of it. And delete the game files from the cache folder and then redownload them ?
Quote from: White Queen on December 22, 2012, 03:41AM
Maybe, uninstall Chrome and install the latest version of it. And delete the game files from the cache folder and then redownload them ?
Yeah I will have to try that.
I use IE8 and the game crashes quite often for me too.
Quote from: fox456 on December 22, 2012, 09:29AM
I use IE8 and the game crashes quite often for me too.
Try Chrome or Firefox. :P
FYI, there is a sale today. Ten heroes are on sale for 20% off -- Cable, Avengers Hulk, Giant Man and more.
Quote from: fox456 on December 25, 2012, 12:43AM
FYI, there is a sale today. Ten heroes are on sale for 20% off -- Cable, Avengers Hulk, Giant Man and more.
Yh :D Hope is also on sale so I managed to buy her on my second acount.
Looks like Future Foundation Dr. Doom is on his way according to facebook.
Future Foundation Dr. Doom is now available for 900 Gold but for a Limited Time.
No doubt they'll release normal Doom sooner or later
Srry for the double post, trying to start brining this back to life xD
I purcashed Dooooooooommm, xd, He's pretty awesome, anyone else got him?
Emma Frost is back for a limited time.
I guess Battle Armor Thor was released, didn't really know about that. He is 600 gold
I'm not sure what's going on over there. Two days ago, that shuffled up all the card quests, but didn't do anything else with the cards. Then yesterday, they changed both Gambit (from 150 gold) and Rogue (from 600 gold) to 200 gold. But, later on that same day, the two heroes were back at their previous prices.
Sounds like the game is going a bit crazy haha.
I cancelled my membership, game is getting a tad boring I guess, anyone else feel this way?
I agree I haven't been on in awhile. I mean I am sure I will play it again when they maybe release a new hero I want or when I get the urge.
I try to get on a short time every day to get my "precious" five gold. LOL! But, this gold is worthless if they don't add some things that I'm interested in. Occasionally, I'll meet someone and then stay in the game longer.
According to facebook Jr Shield agents will be able to get their hands on two new Crisis Missions of Mystique and Venom.
Is it even possible to make the Mystique mission harder? 0_0
Quote from: Polygone on January 25, 2013, 02:05PM
Is it even possible to make the Mystique mission harder? 0_0
I guess so haha! I haven't tried any of the crisis missions yet, are they good?
Wearwolf is on sale, more like for sale, for today only.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 25, 2013, 03:33PM
I guess so haha! I haven't tried any of the crisis missions yet, are they good?
Well some time ago I played the MODOK Crisis Mission with Polygone, it was really long and fun. Even though I died....a couple of times... xD
Quote from: White Queen on January 27, 2013, 02:54AM
Well some time ago I played the MODOK Crisis Mission with Polygone, it was really long and fun. Even though I died....a couple of times... xD
Haha, I think I tried to get on to play one with somebody but my game kept crashing :/ I can't really remember. They sound fun, and really hard at the same time.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 25, 2013, 03:33PM
I guess so haha! I haven't tried any of the crisis missions yet, are they good?
I've played them a couple of times. They are definitely harder, which is a good thing.
I think some missions could be harder, but I think some missions are hard enough as it is, which is why I like the crisis mission idea.
The two new crisis missions are now available. Strange that they updated the site on a Monday.
Gladiator Hulk is back, and they added Guardian
They are having a Valentine's Day contest
Quote from: fox456 on January 28, 2013, 06:38PM
The two new crisis missions are now available. Strange that they updated the site on a Monday.
Interesting...! When these two missions first came out two days ago, I think anyone could buy them. This morning I saw that they had "disappeared." I just read that they are Agent-only purchases now.
A new hero is coming sometime tonight/ today ish I believe I think it's Sasquatch.
You're right -- Sasquatch is available now. Plus, 15 other heroes are 20% off and there's a new mission (plus a crisis edition of the same mission).
I don't really play this game much anymore, But I am still a billionaire in this game XD. I have almost every character and almost all of my characters are maxed out I just hate going on the prize wheel cause It takes like ten years to get that last piece of gold!
I hate getting tickets haha, I mean all you really have to do is run around throwing little robots and things at walls and playing missions, but it's really time consuming.
one time I had over 1000 tickets but were all used when getting silver surfer, now I'm too lazy and just wait for 500 gold a month and get a little gold every now and then, anyways I'm still disappointed they never made a amazing spider-man character (costume from movie) hopefully they add the iron-man 3 costume cause I like it a lot!
Quote from: Donaldfun8 on February 18, 2013, 10:08PM
one time I had over 1000 tickets but were all used when getting silver surfer, now I'm too lazy and just wait for 500 gold a month and get a little gold every now and then, anyways I'm still disappointed they never made a amazing spider-man character (costume from movie) hopefully they add the iron-man 3 costume cause I like it a lot!
I usually wait for the 500 gold a month too, since I am too lazy to do the wheel most of the time
Goliath is coming soon.
Edit: And he is released, but for Agents only.
All these heroes will be in the shop for 2 more weeks and on sale, and then they will be gone.
I already had everyone on sale except for the new Cyclops, Movie Thor and Punisher.
I got in some nice play time, and ran around for like 40 minutes while the shop loaded and I leveled up a handful of my characters, then I bought Cyclops and Punisher. I thought why not, not that I have a ton of gold, but I have nothing better to do so what ever its just fake gold.
Are these hereos being retired like Wasp and all the others or are they leaving permanently?
Quote from: fox456 on February 28, 2013, 07:34PM
Are these hereos being retired like Wasp and all the others or are they leaving permanently?
This is all it said on facebook
"8 more Heroes are leaving the Shop soon! For two weeks only these Heroes will be on sale and then they will be going, going, gone! Hurry and add them to your Squad today!"
I am assuming they will maybe be brought back a few times here and there maybe?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 28, 2013, 07:37PM
I am assuming they will maybe be brought back a few times here and there maybe?
That's what I think too.
Oh, and when the heck are they EVER going to do anything with the card quests. They have been ignored for such a long time!
Quote from: fox456 on February 28, 2013, 07:39PM
That's what I think too.
Oh, and when the heck are they EVER going to do anything with the card quests. They have been ignored for such a long time!
I agree they need to do something with it :/ it is pretty dull now.
Wonderman is coming up next
I read that Arachne and Quicksilver are next in line after Wonderman....
Quote from: fox456 on March 05, 2013, 06:43PM
I read that Arachne and Quicksilver are next in line after Wonderman....
Yup I have seen that too. I remember awhile ago when Arachne was rumored when they thought a Spiderman themed month was going to occur again and they rumored several spiderman characters that were set to come out, but it never happened. Now she is set to be released again, and I am excited. I just hope she isn't a Spiderwoman/ Spidergirl or any Spiderman copy. Quicksilver should be really exciting too since he is different from anything on there yet.
I think Quicksilver has alot of potential too. I hope that he moves faster in all the zones, not just in the missions.
Quote from: fox456 on March 05, 2013, 06:47PM
I think Quicksilver has alot of potential too. I hope that he moves faster in all the zones, not just in the missions.
I hope so too, if they don't make him run fast in the zones I will be dissapointed :/
Looks like Arachne is on her way to the game after tomorrow's update.
Watch out Squaddies! Villains are loose in Super Hero City! Hurry and defeat them in the newly added feature Mayhem Mode.
So like this ^^ says villains are in the different worlds, if you click on them you can choose to fight them.
Arachne has been released, and Wonderman was released awhile ago too, I just forgot to update.
Thanks for the updates, midnightphoenix (and for clearing up the little mystery about the villains around town!).
Quote from: fox456 on March 12, 2013, 03:23PM
Thanks for the updates, midnightphoenix (and for clearing up the little mystery about the villains around town!).
Your welcome :D
Quicksilver was released today, but is Agents only.
Damn they always release a bunch of Agent-Only characters right after my subscriptions wear out D:
I dislike how the agent only heroes are all 600 gold now, except for the ones released awhile ago. I thought it was nice that the Agent heroes cost only silver before, but oh well :/
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 20, 2013, 04:00PM
I dislike how the agent only heroes are all 600 gold now, except for the ones released awhile ago. I thought it was nice that the Agent heroes cost only silver before, but oh well :/
I think this might discourage some people from becoming or staying on as members. They aren't getting as much value for being members now.
Has anyone seen Quicksilver in action yet?
Quote from: fox456 on March 20, 2013, 04:06PM
I think this might discourage some people from becoming or staying on as members. They aren't getting as much value for being members now.
Has anyone seen Quicksilver in action yet?
I agree it almost isn't even worth it now, the only thing that sucks is if you have purchased agent only heroes, and then get rid of your membership because then you can't play as those characters anymore which sucks. I think if you buy them you should be able to play them whenever you want, but just lock the agent only heroes when people aren't members you have to be a member to buy them.
ANd no I haven't seen Quicksilver yet today.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 20, 2013, 04:10PM
I think if you buy them you should be able to play them whenever you want, but just lock the agent only heroes when people aren't members you have to be a member to buy them.
I agree with that too. At least they do count towards your squad level.
Quote from: fox456 on March 20, 2013, 04:26PM
I agree with that too. At least they do count towards your squad level.
Very true!
The Marvel Super Hero Squad wiki has these characters as who should be coming out next, for anyone that cares.
Squirrel Girl: This bushy-tailed mutant may be a little nuts, but Squirrel Girl is super-sweet and super-tough!
Bombastic Bag-man: Don't let the bag fool you... that's actually Spider-Man in that outfit!
Venom: Powered by an alien symbiote, Venom is one of Spider-Man's deadliest foes!
They seem to be busy adding new characters lately. Of course I wish they'd add more card quests... (my same old rant!).
Speaking of cards, I finally hit a "milestone" today!!! I now have at least 4 copies of ALL of the Rise of Heroes cards. I've had all but one for months and months. The fourth copy of Comrades In Arms (Falcon) was the card that eluded me. :)
Well congrats to that :)
I don't bother with the card game any more, it's just the same ol' same ol' all the time. I really wish they would update it. I mean there are tons and tons of characters that don't even have one card in the card game just putting in new hero/ villain cards would be a step up, let alone new card quests, or something to spice it up a little bit.
One way to spice it up would be to change the rewards for winning a game to include a little gold instead of silver.
Quote from: fox456 on March 21, 2013, 03:09AM
One way to spice it up would be to change the rewards for winning a game to include a little gold instead of silver.
I agree with that completely that would be really nice!
Squirrel Girl should be getting released today in the update!
Also, if you guys haven't heard, they are putting one hero on sale every day until April 15 to celebrate their 2nd anniversay. If I remember correctly, so far they've had Mr. Fantastic, Giant Man, Wasp and, today, Cylcops. It's just 20% off, but if you really wanted one the characters, I thought I'd make sure you knew. They brought Werewolf out of hiding yesterday too, just for a day, but no sale price.
Quote from: fox456 on March 28, 2013, 07:44AM
Also, if you guys haven't heard, they are putting one hero on sale every day until April 15 to celebrate their 2nd anniversay. If I remember correctly, so far they've had Mr. Fantastic, Giant Man, Wasp and, today, Cylcops. It's just 20% off, but if you really wanted one the characters, I thought I'd make sure you knew. They brought Werewolf out of hiding yesterday too, just for a day, but no sale price.
Thanks for the info Fox!
You're welcome. By the way, have a nice Easter.
Quote from: fox456 on March 28, 2013, 12:21PM
You're welcome. By the way, have a nice Easter.
You too :)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on March 28, 2013, 07:28AM
Squirrel Girl should be getting released today in the update!
You're right as usual... she's available now!
I've already seen one person playing her, while the only time I've seen Quicksilver was in a game of cards.
Quote from: fox456 on March 28, 2013, 04:34PM
You're right as usual... she's available now!
I've already seen one person playing her, while the only time I've seen Quicksilver was in a game of cards.
I haven't seen Quicksilver at all, I wonder if that means he isn't good.
I plan on buying Squirrel Girl once I get a chance to get in the game!
Are you having trouble getting into the game?
Quote from: fox456 on March 28, 2013, 05:26PM
Are you having trouble getting into the game?
No, I am on my laptop right now and MSHSO runs to slow on it :/
The MSHSO Wiki has added a few characters to who may be getting released soon, they are almost always right, but you can never be to sure.
Current List:
Bombastic Bag-Man
End of the Earth Spider-Man
Lol, Modok realese? Sounds pretty sweet, I'm gonna be honest though, I dont really play the game anymore, to little new content,it just got a little boring I guess :/
Quote from: Polygone on March 31, 2013, 05:13AM
Lol, Modok realese? Sounds pretty sweet, I'm gonna be honest though, I dont really play the game anymore, to little new content,it just got a little boring I guess :/
I agree, I never really play it anymore either. I get on if there is something I want to buy, or just randomly to check in.
For some reason when I try to play, during the loading screen it sends me back to the Homepage. :( It was fine a day ago.
Quote from: White Queen on March 31, 2013, 03:47PM
For some reason when I try to play, during the loading screen it sends me back to the Homepage. :( It was fine a day ago.
I don't know if it would help, but did you try to re-download the game files? Or delete the files you have already and then re-download them?
The game is always screwy when I try and play too :/
Il try that now :(
and Now I have to wait a year and a half :P
EDIT: Done, AHHHHH IT DID NOTHING T_T It still sends me back to the Homepage during the Gazillion Presents... screen T_T
Quote from: White Queen on March 31, 2013, 03:54PM
Il try that now :(
and Now I have to wait a year and a half :P
EDIT: Done, AHHHHH IT DID NOTHING T_T It still sends me back to the Homepage during the Gazillion Presents... screen T_T
Grr, darn game! :/ I wonder why it's being stupid.
Ok it's been like a day... more or less. I still can't play :( I can't even send a ticket because I can't open the Help/Support thing. :( This has never happened before T_T
Edit: I Managed to cancel the resend thing, but it just stays at the "Gazillion Entertainment Present..." screen for all eternity
For today only, Bombastic Bag man has been released for 25,000 silver!
Can someone please send a ticket for me, because I can't for some reason :( it won't open the support/help.
Everytime I try to play the game, when it reaches the "Gazillion Entertainment present..." screen it sends me back to the homepage of
I tried everything to fix it, redownloaded the game files, launched the game without downloading the game files, removed and re-installed unity, java, flash player, shockwave player. And repairing/cleaning the registry. And using the anti-malware software I have.
Nothing works :(
The game works fine on my mom's laptop though.
So the problem is from my computer, but I don't have any other ideas on how to fix it :C
Also I think this is the same issue that's preventing me from playing any flash game, they appear but stay on the 'Loading' Screen forever.
Everything was fine two days ago :/
I can try and send one for you.
Venom, the Symbiote Villain, is now available in our brand new Mystery Box! Inside the Mystery Box, you will find a random selection of awesome Items (including unreleased Cards for our Online Card Game) and Heroes. Mystery Boxes can be purchased in the Shop under the Goodies tab.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 01, 2013, 04:34PM
For today only, Bombastic Bag man has been released for 25,000 silver!
Did you get him?
Quote from: fox456 on April 02, 2013, 08:56PM
Did you get him?
Yeah I bought him and Squirrel Girl and now im poor bahahaha, I have like 25 gold and 14 silver.
OK, I think I'm about to be really bummed. This 25,000 silver deal -- was it YESTERDAY???
Quote from: fox456 on April 02, 2013, 08:58PM
OK, I think I'm about to be really bummed. This 25,000 silver deal -- was it YESTERDAY???
Yeah it was :(
Man, I miss one day.... How do you like him?
Quote from: fox456 on April 02, 2013, 09:07PM
Man, I miss one day.... How do you like him?
He seems alright, I haven't gotten a chance to play a mission with him or Squirrel Girl yet. So far he seems like Spiderman, I would assume since I don't think I have a spiderman.
Hmmm, don't you have Black Suit Spider-Man? I can't play him anymore because he's members only.
Have you bought a Venomous Box? I'm wondering if it could be a dud prize of some kind.
Oh! Nevermind about that ticket, for some strange reason the game is working now o.o Ive done nothing to try and fix it after I tried and failed so many times the day before yesterday. And it started working all of a sudden o.o Even the Support/Help thing is loading now.
My computer was probably just harassing me >.> .... and mocking me >.> XD Im still confused though :/
Glad it's working for you now (although it would be nice to know what caused the problem)!
Quote from: fox456 on April 03, 2013, 07:23AM
Glad it's working for you now (although it would be nice to know what caused the problem)!
Thanks. :)
I wish I knew what caused it though :/
Quote from: fox456 on April 02, 2013, 09:14PM
Hmmm, don't you have Black Suit Spider-Man? I can't play him anymore because he's members only.
Have you bought a Venomous Box? I'm wondering if it could be a dud prize of some kind.
I did buy a venom box, or two. Which is also why I am so poor now haha. I kind of wish I didn't buy them but oh well. I got some cards, and some other dumb stuff :/
I'm not sure if I have black spiderman I forgot, I'll check next time I go on.
I'm not a SHIELD agent so I don't have much gold but I was hoping I could get Venom so I used basically all my gold on a Venom box...and struck out :( Just got some cards and some furniture. Though one interesting item I got was the "Anti-Venom Chair" but when I went to the HQ to try it out and it said WIP o.O
Quote from: DeeDooo on April 03, 2013, 04:13PM
I'm not a SHIELD agent so I don't have much gold but I was hoping I could get Venom so I used basically all my gold on a Venom box...and struck out :( Just got some cards and some furniture. Though one interesting item I got was the "Anti-Venom Chair" but when I went to the HQ to try it out and it said WIP o.O
Thats neat, I don't know if I got anything special I didn't really pay much attention. I was just hoping for Venom.
@ midnight & deedoo (or anyone else who bought the Venomous boxes),
Can you guys be a little more specific about your Venomous boxes? I've read mixed reviews. Some people have gotten heroes, like Hope Summers (and of course Venom), even on their first try. Others mentioned potions. You both got some cards. You know I'm into the card game.... :drool1: Could you tell me how many cards you got and were they from the new set (Dark Justice) or older sets? I know you guys aren't into the card game as much as me. I'm just trying to see if it's worth 200 gold or not.
It was similar to buying a booster pack of cards: there's three levels of rewards. In mine the most common were all furniture, the more special ones were like four or five cards and the "rare" prize was also a card. I believe the cards can come from any of the packs but they can also be ones that were never released in the game until now in the Venom box. That's my understanding anyways.
I got furniture, food, shrink and growth potions, some other potions I can't remember which ones. And of course cards. I wish I at least got some hero.
Thanks guys. I gave it a try and got almost all gadgets and stuff for headquarters, even one of my uncommon items was a cube or something like that for the headquarters. The other two uncommon items were cards, but one of those was actually a common card from Unleashed. The other card was from Villains Fury. My rare item was Wasp's Power Quest.
Quote from: fox456 on April 04, 2013, 04:29AM
Thanks guys. I gave it a try and got almost all gadgets and stuff for headquarters, even one of my uncommon items was a cube or something like that for the headquarters. The other two uncommon items were cards, but one of those was actually a common card from Unleashed. The other card was from Villains Fury. My rare item was Wasp's Power Quest.
Oh yeah I forgot I got a card quest too, I think it was one of Thor's.
Spider-Man End of the Earth is now available.
In his new armor, Spider-Man's ready to battle his foes to the ends of the earth! Spider-Man built this armor and packed it with gadgets designed to tackle his toughest foes! Add him to your Squad today!
Haven't seen any of him yet. And I still haven't seen any Quicksilvers at all. I'm really surprised. I thought he'd be popular.
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2013, 07:47PM
Haven't seen any of him yet. And I still haven't seen any Quicksilvers at all. I'm really surprised. I thought he'd be popular.
I actually saw one Quicksilver but he didn't do anything.
Check it out! Armored Spider-Man has made his first ever appearance in the store! Be sure to add him to your Squad because he is only available for ONE week.
What an exciting day! 20 new Challenges are available for you to enjoy! Complete all 20 new Challenges to unlock M.O.D.O.K.
I'm still behind on the other challenges still :/
Yeah, and I was reading through these new challenges. There are some tough ones.
Quote from: fox456 on April 24, 2013, 07:32PM
Yeah, and I was reading through these new challenges. There are some tough ones.
Ugh great, I'm still trying to get my squad level up hahaha.
My squad level is only in the 300's so I have a long, long way to go.
Quote from: fox456 on April 25, 2013, 03:33PM
My squad level is only in the 300's so I have a long, long way to go.
I can't remember where mine is at, its either 300 or 400
Looks like Green Goblin is coming soon.
You were right about Green Goblin. He is available now -- through a Mystery Box like Venom was.
Also, they are starting a new concept -- badges. There is a badge for each character (currently only those available to members). These badges allow you to go beyond the maximum level and add new powers. It sounds like a cool idea.
Quote from: fox456 on May 03, 2013, 03:48AM
You were right about Green Goblin. He is available now -- through a Mystery Box like Venom was.
Also, they are starting a new concept -- badges. There is a badge for each character (currently only those available to members). These badges allow you to go beyond the maximum level and add new powers. It sounds like a cool idea.
It does sound cool, but if it is only the agent heroes purchased that count that kind of sucks :/
And I don't know how I feel about the mystery boxes they seem kind of like a cool concept, but also like a rip off.
Have you bought any more mystery boxes lately? I haven't, but it would be interesting to see how many purchses it would actually take me to get Venom (or Green Goblin).
Quote from: fox456 on May 03, 2013, 02:38PM
Have you bought any more mystery boxes lately? I haven't, but it would be interesting to see how many purchses it would actually take me to get Venom (or Green Goblin).
I think I bought 3 awhile ago, :/ I wish i hadn't bought so many but oh well haha, I didn't get Venom either.
Is it chilly in here? Oh no, it's Arctic Armor Iron Man. AAIM is available in the shop for one week. Add him to your Squad!
Iron Patriot has been released as well as Iron Man MK 42 which I am not sure if I posted about already.
Rescue is supposed to be released soon also.
I guess Sasquatch got released, I don't remember seeing him before, but maybe I just forgot?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 17, 2013, 03:07PM
I guess Sasquatch got released, I don't remember seeing him before, but maybe I just forgot?
I believe that was a few weeks ago. :) You're always on top of things in MSHSO, so what's one oversight with your excellent record?!
Quote from: fox456 on May 17, 2013, 06:13PM
I believe that was a few weeks ago. :) You're always on top of things in MSHSO, so what's one oversight with your excellent record?!
Haha, Since I don't get on very much anymore I guess I forget that some characters are released.
I bought Shadowcat's badge or whatever it is, that allows you to level up more also.
Let us know to what level you can raise your character now and if there are new powers.
Here's a code for 25 gold. It's not much (and I don't know how long it will work), but every little bit helps I suppose.
The Devs give us really lame Gold Codes.
I mean come on!
A 250G code is only for new members, while to normal members they give us 25G codes. I mean I guess it would be nice if they gave one 25G code every week. >=(
Introducing..... Sidekicks! Sidekicks are now available in the shop. Read all about them in our newest Dev Blog.
Rescue was released apparently
And I believe Mystique is going to be the next villain to be playable.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 23, 2013, 01:58PM
Introducing..... Sidekicks! Sidekicks are now available in the shop.
These are kind of cool (but I STILL want to see some action with the card game!). :D
I wish the sidekicks weren't all 200 gold :/ I really want a Herbie sidekick, even though they dont have him haha.
I bought Rescue, she is pretty fun to play as. And I agree the card game needs to get an update.
Did anyone notice they added some new challenges, Maybe we talked about it before and Im just stupid and can't remember, but you can get Modok now, but it's crazy one of the challenges you have to raise your squad level to 800. Now I know some people have that and beyond already but I am around 420 and that is insane to me.
Hey Vegita, what does the scouter say about my squad level? It's over 900!
It's actually not that hard to get: You just need to max all of your characters XD It should be extra easy for you with the membership because you can get all the tokens for the members only characters for just silver and you get all the gold to buy new characters. The tokens add something like nine new levels to the characters, which means like nine more squad levels. I believe in you :D
Quote from: DeeDooo on May 31, 2013, 09:51PM
Hey Vegita, what does the scouter say about my squad level? It's over 900!
It's actually not that hard to get: You just need to max all of your characters XD It should be extra easy for you with the membership because you can get all the tokens for the members only characters for just silver and you get all the gold to buy new characters. The tokens add something like nine new levels to the characters, which means like nine more squad levels. I believe in you :D
900, wow! That is really high haha. I did buy a token for Shadowcat already, so that should help.
And thanks :D now that it's summer I do have the time to max a ton of heroes! I am stuck on the challenge where you have to beat 5 card quests though, which is gonna take some time.
For me, I got the 5 card quests without a single loss. But then, you know what a card fanatic I am!
It's been a while since i did them, but I think you can beat the same card quest multiple times?
@Fox, you are quit the card master!
@Deedooo, I don't know if you can I don't really play the card game all to much, But I will give it a try and hopefully it works.
You can replay any quest that you want and it counts as another win if you beat it a second time.
Quote from: fox456 on June 02, 2013, 07:27PM
You can replay any quest that you want and it counts as another win if you beat it a second time.
Oh good thanks for telling me!
Hey guys, have any of you noticed a change in your Squad Level? This morning I saw mine was 40 points higher but I have no idea why.
Also, I now have the option to pass a goal -- if I do, I get 500 gold.... Is this new or have I just overlooked it in the past?
Quote from: fox456 on June 04, 2013, 03:31AM
Hey guys, have any of you noticed a change in your Squad Level? This morning I saw mine was 40 points higher but I have no idea why.
Also, I now have the option to pass a goal -- if I do, I get 500 gold.... Is this new or have I just overlooked it in the past?
Hmm, I am not sure if it's new or not, I don't really pay attention that much. So do you mean goal as in one of the challenges or something different?
It's the challenge where you have to get your squad level up to 400. I was at 327 and now I'm at 367, but I didn't do anything to increase it. It just went up over night. So, I thought maybe something had changed with the challenges. They were the same, but I had never seen the button near the top that says "Skip for 500 Gold."
I wonder if it's like a once-in-a-lifetime "lifeline?" LOL
Quote from: fox456 on June 04, 2013, 03:38PM
It's the challenge where you have to get your squad level up to 400. I was at 327 and now I'm at 367, but I didn't do anything to increase it. It just went up over night. So, I thought maybe something had changed with the challenges. They were the same, but I had never seen the button near the top that says "Skip for 500 Gold."
I wonder if it's like a once-in-a-lifetime "lifeline?" LOL
Well that is good, haha, I wish my squad level raised randomly. I had to use the Skip for 500 gold on the card quest challenge. I kept trying and it just wasn't going to happen :(
Now that you used the Skip option, what happened? Did you just move to the next challenge? Is the SDkip option gone now? I'm dreaming, but wouldn't it be cool if you could skip EACH challenge for 500 gold?!
Quote from: fox456 on June 04, 2013, 07:17PM
Now that you used the Skip option, what happened? Did you just move to the next challenge? Is the SDkip option gone now? I'm dreaming, but wouldn't it be cool if you could skip EACH challenge for 500 gold?!
It's still there! You can skip any challenge you want, and you still get the reward for it too. They aren't all 500 gold though, I have noticed on challenges that give you say 300 gold as a reward, the skip price would be 400, so its usually 100 gold above the reward gold. I believe the card challenge skip price was only 200 gold.
If anyone's online and would like to run through a crisis mission, I'm on right now and my hero name is The Polite Beast. For the final challenge I need to beat the Modok Crisis mission five times and it's just kind of boring to do it on my own
Hey Squaddies! In honor of Father's Day this weekend, we are having a sale on a few of our Heroes! Heroes that are 20% off include: Wolverine, Hulk, Cable, Ant-Man, Vision, Captain Marvel and more! This sale ends Tuesday June 18th, 2013.
They've got a bunch of new sidekicks now too. Has anyone bought a sidekick at all? If so, do you like it?
Sidekicks are cute. Kind of useless, but they're definitely cute if you go for that. I have a Fire Imp and a Black Cat as well as the ones you can buy for silver.
In other related news, I beat all of the challenges and got MODOK. I wish they had more. My squad level was already way too high to even have to beat any of the squad level requirement challenges. I want challenging challenges!
How do you like MODOK?
Lucky Deedooo, haha, is MODOK fun?
Modok (being Modok) is kind of funny. He's not my favorite character, but he does decent in missions (even though he's only like level 2 so far). In the zones he flies by shooting rocket fuel out of his ass and his dance is actually pretty hilarious (spinning around on his head).
hey ya'll I'm new here sort of haha XD and I just found this forum, anyone looking to play with someone? Like more than once haha XD I have been looking for someone to play with consistently instead of random people all the time. haha
Right now I can't give you a specific time, but I'd like to get together and play in the future. I am Winter Fighter.
sounds good I'll definitely play whenever you want to set something up :)
Count me in too! I usually get on randomly, so hopefully we can find a good time to play haha.
sounds good :D just message me on here when you're about to get on and I'll join you if I can :)
anyone wanna meet up in the game and help me out with a challenge? :l XD
Don't know if you are online, but I can help you out tonight.
I'm here now if you're up for it, I'm on that stupid challenge where you have to beat ten people at the card game and I've only beat one -.- and thank you for your time :D
I can let you beat me, no problem. I missed you tonight, however. We'll keep trying!
omg you're amazing thank you! :D
She costs 900 gold, and I am too poor to buy her XD
White Phoenix is basically Phoenix, power emotes, attacks and everything. I don't think there is anything special about her, except the fact that you can buy a badge to increase her powers and make her stronger than normal Phoenix.
Btw, none of my characters have voice sounds, and other characters and bosses too. :/
I still want her even though she is almost the same as the regular Phoenix haha. To be honest I don't really like all the noises and voices in the game so I usually turn them off.
Quote from: White Queen on July 05, 2013, 04:52AM
Btw, none of my characters have voice sounds, and other characters and bosses too. :/
This happens to me when there has been an update and parts of the game are still uploading. The last thing to update is the card game. If you experience no voice sounds again, try to play a card game. Most likely it is updating and generally voices won't return until everything is updated.
Card Game works fine, still no character voices though :(
Im still on that challange where I have to beat 10 players in a card duel xD
Also I learned that there is a small difference between White Phoenix and normal Phoenix. White Phoenix's normal attacks pass through enemies like the Flame Rush attack.
Squad Level 150, I want to raise it sooo bad....but Im too lazy to level up characters that I don't find that interesting xD
My technique was just to always run trough my entire squad finding character tokens, Once I was done with that, I continued playing missions with my favourite characters :)
Yh thats exactly what Im doing xD But these fractals distract me lol
Pick four characters, assign one to each zone and run through all four zones each day, smashing all trouble-bots and picking up all tokens. It helps if you divide leveling your characters down into small, manageable goals. This is how I have a squad level of 1115 XD.
Did you get some assistance from the perks of Gold Membership xD
Cuz, for such a high squad level you need ALOT of heroes. :P
Il try your method though ;)
Yay :D Invisible Woman is available for 450 gold for today. :) I bought her, was saving up for Phoenix but meh, I can buy her later xD ... I have only 50 gold left though :(
Three or four times In the past (when I'm on holiday) I've paid the ten dollars for a month's membership to get some extra gold (you can get up to 150 a day if you do everything that's on the wheel)
Quote from: DeeDooo on July 07, 2013, 10:42AM
Three or four times In the past (when I'm on holiday) I've paid the ten dollars for a month's membership to get some extra gold (you can get up to 150 a day if you do everything that's on the wheel)
I would get a membership too, even though I think it's not that worth it. But seeing as I'm too young to have a credit card of my own, and the issue with not being able to convince my parents to use theirs, I can't :P
Hey guys, any suggestions? I have maxed up all my heroes and am stuck at squad level 178. Trying to get lots of tickets in a short time by smashing trouble bots and catching robbers, but what do I do once they're all gone? I need new heroes to max up, made Red She-Hulk as a new target. (and yes, I do have Jean Grey, Bucky Cap AND Gambit besides the free heroes and the ones you start with.)
Quote from: corvetterules on July 08, 2013, 12:01PM
Hey guys, any suggestions? I have maxed up all my heroes and am stuck at squad level 178. Trying to get lots of tickets in a short time by smashing trouble bots and catching robbers, but what do I do once they're all gone? I need new heroes to max up, made Red She-Hulk as a new target. (and yes, I do have Jean Grey, Bucky Cap AND Gambit besides the free heroes and the ones you start with.)
Well trouble bots respawn pretty quickly compared to robbers and such, so you can go between the 4 maps and get all the tickets you can. And once you have done all 4 maps you can go back to the first and do it all over again. Missions are a good way to get tickets, not really that fast I guess, or card games, or arcade games are other ways to get tickets.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 08, 2013, 12:43PM
Well trouble bots respawn pretty quickly compared to robbers and such, so you can go between the 4 maps and get all the tickets you can. And once you have done all 4 maps you can go back to the first and do it all over again. Missions are a good way to get tickets, not really that fast I guess, or card games, or arcade games are other ways to get tickets.
Thanks for the tip. By the way, I would also ask whether I should get Red She-Hulk. I could also get Classic Daredevil, but I already have the regular Daredevil. Both cost 20k silver. What do you think?
Quote from: corvetterules on July 09, 2013, 09:24AM
Thanks for the tip. By the way, I would also ask whether I should get Red She-Hulk. I could also get Classic Daredevil, but I already have the regular Daredevil. Both cost 20k silver. What do you think?
I am not a fan of Daredevil, so I can't really say anything about him because I haven't really played as him, but I really enjoyed playing Red She-Hulk.
Get Red Shulkie, she's more diffrent than She-hulk, Classic DD is pretty much normal DD with one added effect, not worth it
Quote from: Polygone on July 09, 2013, 11:10PM
Get Red Shulkie, she's more diffrent than She-hulk, Classic DD is pretty much normal DD with one added effect, not worth it
Many thanks to both you and phoenix. Just got her. Love how she jumps that high! Totally worth all that myself-killing to get the silver.
One more thing. What happens if I don't feed my heroes at HQ? Do they run away or something and you must buy them again?
Quote from: corvetterules on July 10, 2013, 11:28AM
One more thing. What happens if I don't feed my heroes at HQ? Do they run away or something and you must buy them again?
Haha, no that would be awful. The headquarters is just for fun where you can make rooms and play around, you don't need to feed them at all, and you will never lose them.
*clink* *clank* *clink* *clank* Do you hear it getting louder? It's getting closer to Super Hero City, but what or who could it be?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 10, 2013, 02:01PM
*clink* *clank* *clink* *clank* Do you hear it getting louder? It's getting closer to Super Hero City, but what or who could it be?
*audience says "Who's that Pokemon?"*
Quote from: corvetterules on July 11, 2013, 01:03PM
*audience says "Who's that Pokemon?"*
Hahaha, that is perfect.
I know it is kind of hard to hide what some characters are, but I remember when they used to post these pictures and people would actually wonder who they were, but now you almost know every time.
The Shso workers have finally fixed voice sounds. But for some reason, now I wish they hadn't. Red She-Hulk has pretty awful sounds and sounds like she's chewing plums.
EDIT: Okay, truth be told, I was listening to some loud rock when I first heard her sounds. Scratch that plum-chewing thing, Red She-Hulk sounds DEMONIC! I think it took 2 voice actors to make her a voice. But she doesn't have any sounds for the cheer emote, except for the hand-clap. Anyway, whoever has her will now love the angry emote.
LOL, now I kind of want to get Red She-Hulk just to hear her "chew plums." :)
Quote from: fox456 on July 22, 2013, 05:17AM
LOL, now I kind of want to get Red She-Hulk just to hear her "chew plums." :)
Cool. When you get her, try the laugh emote for a best experience of her plum-chewing-like voice.
Is anyone else having problems getting into Villainville? It just doesn't load for me!
P.S. Am I posting too much? Will I get banned for it?
Quote from: corvetterules on July 24, 2013, 03:54AM
Is anyone else having problems getting into Villainville? It just doesn't load for me!
P.S. Am I posting too much? Will I get banned for it?
No you aren't posting too much haha, I think 2 messages one after another is fine, but 3 may be pushing it. You can always edit your post, but then it wont show up as a new post and nobody will see it.
I've been able to get into Villainville, that is pretty strange.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 24, 2013, 07:54AM
No you aren't posting too much haha, I think 2 messages one after another is fine, but 3 may be pushing it. You can always edit your post, but then it wont show up as a new post and nobody will see it.
I've been able to get into Villainville, that is pretty strange.
Maybe there were too many players there. I'll try again.
I was going to try to check it out today, but the game crashed three times on me for some reason. I'll try again.
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2013, 08:44AM
I was going to try to check it out today, but the game crashed three times on me for some reason. I'll try again.
1. About Red She-Hulk... forget what I said that she sounds like she's chewing plums. I was listening to some loud rock at that time and that was my first impression when I heard her voice for the first time. Once played as her without music and did some emotes. Her voice sounds demonic! Oh, and if you really are gonna get her, do it. You'll grow to love the angry emote.
2. Crashing? Make sure you have the game files downloaded. Also make sure you have the latest Unity Web Player version.
By the way, this is weird. I have already earned the platinum medal for Street Sweeper with Red She-Hulk. But when I destroyed a trouble bot, it said I earned a bronze Street Sweeper medal by destroying 10 trouble bots with Red She-Hulk. Has anyone else encountered this?
Quote from: corvetterules on July 25, 2013, 12:45PM
Crashing? Make sure you have the game files downloaded. Also make sure you have the latest Unity Web Player version.
I believe I have all the game files, but how do you know if you have the latest version of the Unity Web Player (and where do you get it)? I don't remember downloading it individually. But I constantly get Unity Web Player pop up windows after there is a crash. Which also reminds me, do any of you guys get "Tab recoveries" along with your crashes? I get those almost every time too.
Quote from: corvetterules on July 26, 2013, 07:17AM
By the way, this is weird. I have already earned the platinum medal for Street Sweeper with Red She-Hulk. But when I destroyed a trouble bot, it said I earned a bronze Street Sweeper medal by destroying 10 trouble bots with Red She-Hulk. Has anyone else encountered this?
This has never happened to me as far as I know.
EDIT: I just got into Villainville and played there for awhile with no issues.
Quote from: fox456 on July 26, 2013, 11:23AM
I believe I have all the game files, but how do you know if you have the latest version of the Unity Web Player (and where do you get it)? I don't remember downloading it individually. But I constantly get Unity Web Player pop up windows after there is a crash. Which also reminds me, do any of you guys get "Tab recoveries" along with your crashes? I get those almost every time too.
This has never happened to me as far as I know.
EDIT: I just got into Villainville and played there for awhile with no issues.
Not sure how you can know about the Unity Web Player. I just Googled it up and downloaded it again in hopes of getting the latest version. Oh, and maybe these measures are a bit too extreme, but you might have to download game files every time you enter the game. Once downloaded them again and did not crash in a long time.
Here is a reason why you should ALWAYS feed your heroes (unless you just do not care about your HQ). If a hero remains unfed for too long, they will start smashing furniture and destroying it. That is what happened when I left Gambit unfed.
Quote from: corvetterules on July 27, 2013, 03:02AM
Here is a reason why you should ALWAYS feed your heroes (unless you just do not care about your HQ). If a hero remains unfed for too long, they will start smashing furniture and destroying it. That is what happened when I left Gambit unfed.
Well that sounds awful haha. I never even go into my HQ unless it is to mess around, which is like once in a blue moon, so there is no furniture for them to mess up.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on July 27, 2013, 04:00PM
Well that sounds awful haha. I never even go into my HQ unless it is to mess around, which is like once in a blue moon, so there is no furniture for them to mess up.
Yeah, pretty awful. I like trapping all of my heroes in the training room and watch them mess around, but they will smash my barricades!
I'd hate to see my HQ at this point. I haven't fed my heroes for a long time and there's no longer any food on the prize wheel, so it's in short supply!
If anyone is on and whats to play for a little, I'm on and just standing around haha
I'll try to join! I think I do need to catch upon a few updates, since its been a year since I played the game xD
EDIT : Downloading the game files now...This is gonna take a while
Quote from: Polygone on August 02, 2013, 09:41AM
I'll try to join! I think I do need to catch upon a few updates, since its been a year since I played the game xD
EDIT : Downloading the game files now...This is gonna take a while
Haha alright, just let me know if you're able to get on!
I'm able to get on :)
Edit : Bought a mystery doc ock box, found steve rogers instead :P Oh well, still a new hero :D
Quote from: Polygone on August 02, 2013, 10:12AM
I'm able to get on :)
Edit : Bought a mystery doc ock box, found steve rogers instead :P Oh well, still a new hero :D
Alright I'm on, are we friends yet?
I thought so but no appearently :P, Gecko Mosquito is my squadname :)
Quote from: Polygone on August 02, 2013, 10:34AM
I thought so but no appearently :P, Gecko Mosquito is my squadname :)
Ok we are friends then, I'm Spirit Marshmallow.
Could someone help me with Hulked out heroes? :s
What do you need? Do you mean the goal where you have to do missions with various "Hulks?"
Yup, Gladiator Hulk, Shulkie, Normal Hulk & Rulk
I've got Avengers Hulk, would that one help?
Nope, sorry :/, thanks for the offer though :)
Also I'm gonna be a JR shield agent again today, yeeh :D
Did you pay for a month's membership or what?
I'll get it later on in the day, but yeah, I mostly pay for a month's membership, it sounds kinda weird, but I tend to switch from game to game, so its easier to cancel
If you still need some help I have She Hulk.
Edit: I bought Mystique yesterday, she is really fun to play as, I'm working on leveling her up to see what else she can do.
Quote from: Polygone on August 03, 2013, 07:47AM
Yup, Gladiator Hulk, Shulkie, Normal Hulk & Rulk
I have Rulk. I'll be off and on periodically for the next few hours as The Polite Beast
Deeds, you have to many friends xD
Sorry I didn't notice this message until now but I've fixed it!
Sorry, a kind person already offered their Rulk for a mission, Only normal Hulk and Gladiator hulk though
so I think (I'm gonna try to just do it the normal way) I might be skipping this challange (with gold), will have to wait & see who I encounter
EDIT 2 : Only Gladiator Hulk, ugh, sooo close :P
Don't give up... You'll probably need that Skipping option more so later on.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 03, 2013, 10:12AM
If you still need some help I have She Hulk.
Edit: I bought Mystique yesterday, she is really fun to play as, I'm working on leveling her up to see what else she can do.
You have She-Hulk? Can you try and help me too? She-Hulk dudes are really rare nowadays. My name is Prince Tundra Sloth in the game.
Quote from: Polygone on August 03, 2013, 01:27PM
Sorry, a kind person already offered their Rulk for a mission, Only normal Hulk and Gladiator hulk though
so I think (I'm gonna try to just do it the normal way) I might be skipping this challange (with gold), will have to wait & see who I encounter
EDIT 2 : Only Gladiator Hulk, ugh, sooo close :P
I'd strongly advice not to skip for gold. Not now at least. Challenges like Hulked Out Heroes may be hard, but the squad level ones are the hardest. When you reach your peak, skip these challenges.
Thanks :), I managed to do it by myself
It was more like
''Does anyone have Gladiator Hulk''
And then some dude said ''Yeah, want a quick mission''
and then I said ''YES, BLESS YOUR SOUL, THANK YOU!'' And I continued cheering troughout the entire mission xd
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 09:44AM
You have She-Hulk? Can you try and help me too? She-Hulk dudes are really rare nowadays. My name is Prince Tundra Sloth in the game.
Sure thing! If you are on just let me know and I will help you, it's also a good thing for me because I still need to level She Hulk up haha.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 04, 2013, 10:37AM
Sure thing! If you are on just let me know and I will help you, it's also a good thing for me because I still need to level She Hulk up haha.
Thanks a bunch! Hey, is it alright if we log in now? Let me know what your name is in the game.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 11:39AM
Thanks a bunch! Hey, is it alright if we log in now? Let me know what your name is in the game.
My name is Spirit Marshmallow. I tried to add you but you have to many friends.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 04, 2013, 11:49AM
My name is Spirit Marshmallow. I tried to add you but you have to many friends.
Oh. Ok, hold on. I will delete a few.
EDIT: Ok, try now.
By the way, I'm the Red She-Hulk guy around Daily Bugle.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 11:50AM
Oh. Ok, hold on. I will delete a few.
EDIT: Ok, try now.
Just a second, my game crashed.
That was fun! And thanks again, phoenix. Now Rulk is left and I can complete the challenge! Oh, and I can help you level your heroes up if you wish.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 12:16PM
That was fun! And thanks again, phoenix. Now Rulk is left and I can complete the challenge! Oh, and I can help you level your heroes up if you wish.
You are welcome :)
I have a lot of heroes to level up still haha.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 04, 2013, 12:23PM
You are welcome :)
I have a lot of heroes to level up still haha.
No problem! You "hooked me out of the mud", as to refer to it this way. Besides, I'm getting pretty much bored just roaming around and destroying trouble bots and Mayhem bosses. Especially that after both are exhausted I have to do the boring Mind Match arcade, since I'm earning tickets for the surfers.
P.S. Glad I'm no longer the only one who doesn't need Menu Chat.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 12:27PM
No problem! You "hooked me out of the mud", as to refer to it this way. Besides, I'm getting pretty much bored just roaming around and destroying trouble bots and Mayhem bosses. Especially that after both are exhausted I have to do the boring Mind Match arcade, since I'm earning tickets for the surfers.
P.S. Glad I'm no longer the only one who doesn't need Menu Chat.
Menu chat is stupid haha, I understand its there to be safe, but like come on. The make it so you can't say anything remotely bad anyway. You cant even type in numbers or smile faces haha.
I get really bored too, I have actually been playing a lot these past few days. I'm trying to rack up more gold since I spent it all, and I have barley any silver either :/
Just a second, my game crashed with the message "Too many heap sections". Wait for me at the prize wheel at daily bugle.
P.S. Mohawk Storm sounds like she's screaming "Hell" when she does her hero up :P
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 04, 2013, 12:34PM
Menu chat is stupid haha, I understand its there to be safe, but like come on. The make it so you can't say anything remotely bad anyway. You cant even type in numbers or smile faces haha.
I get really bored too, I have actually been playing a lot these past few days. I'm trying to rack up more gold since I spent it all, and I have barley any silver either :/
Yeah, I've also wasted all of my gold on a stupid Doc Ock box which only gave me some furniture, some cards and the Symbi-Oh-No! mission. As for the silver... well... if I spinned all of my tickets I would be at 20k silver... Currently have 3k silver and around 1650 tickets.
Mohawk Storm kind of sucks to be honest haha, it took me forever to finish that mission.
I wasted a lot of my gold on those darn boxes too grr. I only have about 3000 silver also.
Edit: Well my game crashed again, I guess I do need to take a break anyway haha.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 04, 2013, 01:03PM
Mohawk Storm kind of sucks to be honest haha, it took me forever to finish that mission.
I wasted a lot of my gold on those darn boxes too grr. I only have about 3000 silver also.
Well then no doubt I'm going to leave Mohawk Storm as the last free hero with the serum. My next target is Firestar. So far I have Elektra, Daredevil and SC Wolverine. I'll mainly get Firestar because of her Super nova emote. For some untold reason it makes me laugh how she says "Super Nova!". Other than that, I saw she's just another Ms. Marvel.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 04, 2013, 12:57PM
Yeah, I've also wasted all of my gold on a stupid Doc Ock box which only gave me some furniture, some cards and the Symbi-Oh-No! mission. As for the silver... well... if I spinned all of my tickets I would be at 20k silver... Currently have 3k silver and around 1650 tickets.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one wasting Gold on Mystery boxes xD, I actually prefer it though cause (I guess with me being a shield agent) I get a lot of heroes from the mystery boxes, so far, I have received Wasp, Invisible Woman, and Captain America Supersoldier trough Mystery boxes, spended 600 gold for 3 heroes, not bad, if I do say so myself
EDIT : I'm gonna be online to, its not like I've been doing something else all day xd, my name is Gecko Mosquito
Firestar is pretty fun, I Was excited to see her because she has always been a favorite of mine. I thought it would have been cool if they gave her an emote like her transformation in Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.
I'm pretty sure i've spent about a 1000 gold on mystery boxes haha, and I've only gotten Classic Thor, but oh well can't really complain.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 07:19AM
Firestar is pretty fun, I Was excited to see her because she has always been a favorite of mine. I thought it would have been cool if they gave her an emote like her transformation in Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.
I'm pretty sure i've spent about a 1000 gold on mystery boxes haha, and I've only gotten Classic Thor, but oh well can't really complain.
I have made several accounts before when bsl5 was still avilable to redeem (it gives 200 gold to new accounts). Tried Venomous box over and over and got Hope Summers. Still a sort of victory, if I do say so myself.
As for Firestar, I find it weird how in the rewards section when you check your squad she has her eyes covered but other than that she always has them uncovered.
EDIT: I saw Firestar has an emote when she turns the heat up and covers herself in microwave radiations.. You could sort of consider that a derivate of her transformation.
So the bullseye mission that is the daily mission today, is probably the worst mission I have ever played. I just don't like it, the set up is weird and there is just way to much going on.
Edit: @Corvetterules, you are right you could consider that her transformation.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 08:10AM
So the bullseye mission that is the daily mission today, is probably the worst mission I have ever played. I just don't like it, the set up is weird and there is just way to much going on.
Agreed. There are so many thieves it's ridiculously hard to achieve adamantium on that mission. Heard EOTE Spiderman is one of the most powerful heroes. Maybe if it were for him on a mission, you could get adamantium.
P.S. Now that I mentioned EOTE Spiderman, why is he considered so powerful in this game?
Quote from: Polygone on August 04, 2013, 01:32PM
Glad to hear I'm not the only one wasting Gold on Mystery boxes xD, I actually prefer it though cause (I guess with me being a shield agent) I get a lot of heroes from the mystery boxes, so far, I have received Wasp, Invisible Woman, and Captain America Supersoldier trough Mystery boxes, spended 600 gold for 3 heroes, not bad, if I do say so myself
EDIT : I'm gonna be online to, its not like I've been doing something else all day xd, my name is Gecko Mosquito
Originally, I wanted to save for either Angel or Beast, since I had 165 gold and I was just about to complete the Hulked Out Heroes challenge. But then that scumbag side of the human brain awakened and I decided to buy a mystery box. Complete waste of gold. Hopefully it won't be so long before I get it back.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 08:16AM
Agreed. There are so many thieves it's ridiculously hard to achieve adamantium on that mission. Heard EOTE Spiderman is one of the most powerful heroes. Maybe if it were for him on a mission, you could get adamantium.
P.S. Now that I mentioned EOTE Spiderman, why is he considered so powerful in this game?
I have no idea, I don't think I have ever seen anyone playing as him.
Yeah I played the bullseye mission and died several times because there were so many thugs and all those lasers being fired off it was hard not to get hit by something.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 08:20AM
I have no idea, I don't think I have ever seen anyone playing as him.
Yeah I played the bullseye mission and died several times because there were so many thugs and all those lasers being fired off it was hard not to get hit by something.
What's weird is that EOTE Spiderman dudes are pretty much everywhere in free roam, but I never ever saw one in a mission.
By the way, you can destroy the lasers. The scary part of the mission are those juggernaut thieves who charge into you. And if that's not enough, they also deal like 40 damage. It's really hard, even with a Wolverine or with Red She-Hulk, which can boost her health regeneration with her second power attack.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 08:27AM
What's weird is that EOTE Spiderman dudes are pretty much everywhere in free roam, but I never ever saw one in a mission.
By the way, you can destroy the lasers. The scary part of the mission are those juggernaut thieves who charge into you. And if that's not enough, they also deal like 40 damage. It's really hard, even with a Wolverine or with Red She-Hulk, which can boost her health regeneration with her second power attack.
Yeah I was able to destroy some of them, but it was hard when you were being attacked by so many thugs. Those juggernaut thugs were awful they were the ones who killed me so many times.
Does anyone here have Red Hulk?
EDIT: Nevermind, I completed the challenge.
I played the Bullseye mission with Dr doom today and I only died once, Its not my favourite mission, but I don't consider it that bad,
Also, I thought it was kinda funny that a mission that costs gold gets picked as daily, they should do that more often xd
Quote from: Polygone on August 05, 2013, 09:34AM
I played the Bullseye mission with Dr doom today and I only died once, Its not my favourite mission, but I don't consider it that bad,
Also, I thought it was kinda funny that a mission that costs gold gets picked as daily, they should do that more often xd
I thought that was pretty cool too, they should pick more gold missions as dailys.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 09:36AM
I thought that was pretty cool too, they should pick more gold missions as dailys.
Agreed, even though it makes buying gold missions pointless as long as they get picked daily.
Does anyone know the best way to get silver other than the prize wheel? (Yeah, I know, tickets. But I'm trying to lower the amount of tickets I have to get as I'm earning for the surfers, have 3720 silver and 1700 tickets. My goal is 2150 tickets so far, but it lowers as I get more silver.)
I would say the prize wheel or playing missions and card games would be the best way to gain silver.
I've encountered a bug with Dr. Doom mayhem mission. Despite the fact that I didn't die at all, when I beat him, I still got just silver. What's with that?
Well anytime I click Play Now it loads up and then goes right back to the home page :/
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 09:40AM
Agreed, even though it makes buying gold missions pointless as long as they get picked daily.
Not really, you get a good preview of the mission, and in case you want to play it solo, (or with a selected friend) you can buy it :P
Also, I can't enter right now, Its probably my PC acting up, can anyone else?
Quote from: Polygone on August 05, 2013, 10:53AM
Not really, you get a good preview of the mission, and in case you want to play it solo, (or with a selected friend) you can buy it :P
Also, I can't enter right now, Its probably my PC acting up, can anyone else?
Actually, you can play a daily mission solo. Just choose Play Solo when you're with the daily mission and ta da!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 10:52AM
Well anytime I click Play Now it loads up and then goes right back to the home page :/
Hmm... what browser do you use? I prefer Google Chrome. Maybe it's the browser.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 11:03AM
Hmm... what browser do you use? I prefer Google Chrome. Maybe it's the browser.
I also use Google Chrome
Edit: Well it's working again, strange.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 11:07AM
I also use Google Chrome
Edit: Well it's working again, strange.
Well, truth be told, not so long ago, I finished a Send in the clone bots mission and at the end it took my character to the celebration room but it didn't show any scores, any Check out this mission!, just the background.
EDIT: Here's a few tips to finish Send in the clone bots! on adamantium:
1. ALWAYS pick a character than can regenrate health (Red She-Hulk works fine too)
2. Always beat the clone bots first. They are a real pain in the butt. Especially when you battle Doom.
3. When you battle Doom, keep in mind that there are 6 canisters. If you have a damage boost power attack, use it, then throw the canisters at him.
4. Always depart from Dr. Doom inbetween the combat animations (for eg., if he threw a lightning blast, depart from him at the end of the animation-he could be using the 4 lightning strikes or the radius lightning attack.)
Optional: Try to pick a character which can knock enemies back at middle animations (most characters have 5 animations). She-Rulk works fine too.
I'm giving these tips because, at least in my opinion, the mission is one of the only truly interesting ones. It also has a reference to MUA since you battle Dr. Doom in the end and dark clones of heroes.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 11:11AM
Well, truth be told, not so long ago, I finished a Send in the clone bots mission and at the end it took my character to the celebration room but it didn't show any scores, any Check out this mission!, just the background.
I've had that happen before. It sucks.
Edit: Well I finally maxed out Mystique, I might buy her badge to get her higher later on, but I really need to work on other heroes now.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 11:14AM
I've had that happen before. It sucks.
Edit: Well I finally maxed out Mystique, I might buy her badge to get her higher later on, but I really need to work on other heroes now.
Need help? I can pick some rather easy missions to max them up in no time!
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 12:03PM
Need help? I can pick some rather easy missions to max them up in no time!
Sure if you would like!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 12:05PM
Sure if you would like!
Ok, meet me at Daily Bugle's prize wheel.
Hold on, my game just crashed.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 12:10PM
Hold on, my game just crashed.
I'm actually about to leave really quickly, I shouldn't be gone too long. Then if you are still on we can do some missions?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 12:11PM
I'm actually about to leave really quickly, I shouldn't be gone too long. Then if you are still on we can do some missions?
Sure! Just let me know when you're back. I check this thread constantly so that won't be a problem.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 12:14PM
Sure! Just let me know when you're back. I check this thread constantly so that won't be a problem.
Alright will do!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 05, 2013, 12:15PM
Alright will do!
I see you're back. Ok, meet me at Daily Bugle's prize wheel. Hold on there until I can finish Asgard's mayhem missions. Won't take long. Not with Jean Grey. I promise.
Sorry, I have to go. See you tomorrow!
I finally finished the card quest challange, I literally spend like, 5 hours on that, So glad I finished :D, now to get my squad level to 400 xD
Quote from: corvetterules on August 05, 2013, 12:46PM
I see you're back. Ok, meet me at Daily Bugle's prize wheel. Hold on there until I can finish Asgard's mayhem missions. Won't take long. Not with Jean Grey. I promise.
Sorry I accidentally left my game running so I was kind of just standing there. And I was gone for longing then I thought I would be, we can play tomorrow though!
@Polygone, I'm currently trying to raise mine too
Quote from: Polygone on August 05, 2013, 02:16PM
I finally finished the card quest challange, I literally spend like, 5 hours on that, So glad I finished :D, now to get my squad level to 400 xD
Good luck reaching that squad level. Though you can always spend some gold to get a character for free.
Just in case you see this phoenix, I'm back online but not for long. I'll try to get those 50 tickets I have left to earn for a surfer and then I'll be off due to some stuff I must do.
I'm going in now (Winter Fighter).
Quote from: fox456 on August 06, 2013, 05:48AM
I'm going in now (Winter Fighter).
Well... you'll see me at the Prize Wheel spinning all the cr*pload of tickets i earned.
P.S. PLEASE facepalm me for just keeping on earning 2000 tickets instead of using them every 50 tickets. This is gonna take a while...
I was playing the card game. I don't see you at the wheel now.
Quote from: fox456 on August 06, 2013, 06:28AM
I was playing the card game. I don't see you at the wheel now.
Maybe I'm bragging. But I'm pretty surprised seeing as you weren't surprised that I earned that much tickets. Sorry if bragging.
Oh wow, sorry Polygone! My game crashed right in the middle of our mission. :(
No, that's not bragging. Pretty cool you have that many tickets -- don't spend them all in one place!
haha, doesn't matter, I figured your game crashed xD, I still completed the mission though, with a gold rating
I'm getting on now.
Quote from: Polygone on August 06, 2013, 07:05AM
haha, doesn't matter, I figured your game crashed xD, I still completed the mission though, with a gold rating
A gold rating is really good considering I crashed out. Usually, when someone leaves me in a mission, I get a lower rating.
The SHSO workers really need to work on the ticket system a bit. They could as well allow us to trade, for example, 50 tickets for 500 silver, 75 tickets for 750 silver etc. so that the fear of too many tickets would be wiped away. Spinning the wheel will then become useful if you feel lucky to get 40, 30 or 20 silver slots too.
Why would there be a fear of to many tickets though? You can spin the prize wheel when ever you feel like and get silver. I do agree that trading should be a thing, but I would rather have "to many" tickets then not enough.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 06, 2013, 12:41PM
The SHSO workers really need to work on the ticket system a bit. They could as well allow us to trade, for example, 50 tickets for 500 silver, 75 tickets for 750 silver etc. so that the fear of too many tickets would be wiped away. Spinning the wheel will then become useful if you feel lucky to get 40, 30 or 20 silver slots too.
I'm glad they replaced the fruit slots with cards and then with fractals. The fruit was useless unless you visited your headquarters alot.
That reminds me, I don't remember reading anyone's comments about the fractals. What do you guys think of them?
They're cool, but quite useless, some of the players have a ridicoulous amount of fractals, and the chance you get picked is 1/700, so thats quite small, I do like them, but you're either a fanatic about them or you can't win anything
Am I right that there is only one thing to do with fractals -- to try to win Spider-Man?
Quote from: fox456 on August 07, 2013, 05:17AM
Am I right that there is only one thing to do with fractals -- to try to win Spider-Man?
Yup that's it, I thought they would give you something else if you gave some fractals but I guess not. I feel like it's pretty dumb, they could at least make a second way to buy heroes using fractals, but you need more fractals then the amount they are already so people without gold could get other heroes.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 07, 2013, 07:26AM
Yup that's it, I thought they would give you something else if you gave some fractals but I guess not. I feel like it's pretty dumb, they could at least make a second way to buy heroes using fractals, but you need more fractals then the amount they are already so people without gold could get other heroes.
You know, what would be even better is if you could win the big prize by reaching top 3, and still getting some prizes like 10000 silver for top 7-10, 250 gold for top 6-3 and a free hero for top 3-1! That way maybe less players would be frustrated.
After countless clicks done by my auto clicker program, I finally got Dark Surfer! He has a pretty dangerous hero up with long range and 45 damage at level 1.
xD, I used to use auto click software aswell xd, How many tickets did you get in the end? 2500?
Quote from: Polygone on August 07, 2013, 10:37AM
xD, I used to use auto click software aswell xd, How many tickets did you get in the end? 2500?
Nah, 2050 was enough. I had like 4600 silver at the time. And I still have 183 tickets!
What is this "auto clicker" program? How does it work? I've never heard of that before, but it sounds useful.
Quote from: fox456 on August 07, 2013, 01:49PM
What is this "auto clicker" program? How does it work? I've never heard of that before, but it sounds useful.
It doesn't just sound useful, it IS useful. Google up Auto clicker (the name of an auto-clicking program). It will click automatically instead of you left-mouse-buttoning. Very useful if you have a cr*pload of tickets like I did. All you have to do is just wait or do something else you'd want to. Auto clicker will do the rest.
Does the clicker know to give the wheel time to spin or does it just keep clicking away?
Quote from: fox456 on August 07, 2013, 04:33PM
Does the clicker know to give the wheel time to spin or does it just keep clicking away?
It can click at a rate of your choosing. While the clicker is open, you can choose a spot for your cursor and press the space bar to copy the horizontal and vertical axes which the clicker will click on. When I first opened it, the rate of clicking said 500. Leave it that way. Also, leave the number of clicks at 0. It will click until you press the Esc button to stop it. Mean while, you can do just about anything outside of the computer. Oh, and don't worry about moving the cursor, the program will keep it there no matter how hard you try to move it.
Cool! I'm going to look into this. Thanks.
There is another Gold Mission as today's Daily Mission. Flat Broke and Rusted.
Edit: Looks like Thanos is up next.
He's avaible in a...Behold....INFINITY BOX!
I swear to god, this whole box thing is just to get people to buy more gold, and its plain sad, they need to realese more normal heroes/villains
EDIT : Next 3 villains will most likely be Mysterio & Sabretooth & Abombination, the only non realesed villains in the loading screen
I agree I really dislike the whole box thing, I will admit I spent too much gold on them, only gaining one hero in the process. I just wish they would release the villains like regular heroes. They could still have the boxes but instead it's just like a mystery box. All heroes and villains, cards, items, food etc are included in the box. Heroes and Villains being much harder to obtain.
And according to the Marvel Super Hero Squad wiki, which has been right for the most part, but sometimes wrong, has Mysterio, Beta Ray Bill, and Archangel up for release. They could come out whenever or not at all.
Edit: And remember this video that came out showcasing new heroes that were supposed to come out? Well we still have yet to see several of them.
Classic Ms. Marvel
Joe Fixit/ Grey Hulk
Asguardian Thor
Steve Rogers
Iron Spider
Classic Falcon
Professor X
Classic Black Panther/ Female Black Panther.
They also showed Pepper Pots/ Rescue but without her helmet, so that may have been changed.
Edit 2: Oh thank the Marvel lords they have answered one of our prayers! haha
QuoteNo longer a Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent? Miss playing your favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes? Now you can keep playing S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Only Heroes even after your subscription expires!!
Just encountered a bug on the Doc Ock mission Claw and disorder. But this time, it was to my advantage. OK, so I just found an armor boost while fighting Doc Ock and it lasted much longer than usual. It lasted for 1 minute and 30 secs, the rest of the battle. Or is it just me? It usually lasts long like a damage boost or speed boost?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 08, 2013, 12:10PM
... Oh thank the Marvel lords they have answered one of our prayers! haha
FINALLY! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that message. I was in doubt until I actually saw my member characters in my lineup. I have six of them. I mistakenly thought that they would help me raise my squad level alot, but come to find out, three of them were already maxed out. The other three were on levels 5, 9 and 10. Anyway, I am happy that they made this change. I always thought it was bad that you lost access to those characters.
Quote from: fox456 on August 09, 2013, 05:51AM
FINALLY! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that message. I was in doubt until I actually saw my member characters in my lineup. I have six of them. I mistakenly thought that they would help me raise my squad level alot, but come to find out, three of them were already maxed out. The other three were on levels 5, 9 and 10. Anyway, I am happy that they made this change. I always thought it was bad that you lost access to those characters.
I agree it was due time that they allowed you to still play as the member characters.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 07:29AM
I agree it was due time that they allowed you to still play as the member characters.
Is it weird that this makes me wish the Shso admins made the member characters available to non-members for 3 days? Maybe for Christmas or their next birthday. Getting all of those heroes and maxing them=lots of fast squad points!
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 07:37AM
Is it weird that this makes me wish the Shso admins made the member characters available to non-members for 3 days? Maybe for Christmas or their next birthday. Getting all of those heroes and maxing them=lots of fast squad points!
Do you mean to play as or to buy?
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 08:38AM
I guess it would be nice, but then it would pretty much defeat the purpose of the membership. I mean if you had over 20,000 silver you could purchase several of the silver heroes and if you wanted to drop 900 gold on the other ones, then there would really be no need for the membership almost.
Other Heroes
Thats pretty much what a membership is for now, there are some missions, and character badges that are for members, and some of those title things and pets, but I mean if you start giving out heroes, then the membership isn't really worth it. That's just my opinion.
How do I post images to my comment?
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 08:42AM
I guess it would be nice, but then it would pretty much defeat the purpose of the membership. I mean if you had over 20,000 silver you could purchase several of the silver heroes and if you wanted to drop 900 gold on the other ones, then there would really be no need for the membership almost.
Other Heroes
Thats pretty much what a membership is for now, there are some missions, and character badges that are for members, and some of those title things and pets, but I mean if you start giving out heroes, then the membership isn't really worth it. That's just my opinion.
Well, I was only suggesting for at least 2 days, not permanently. Agreed, what would membership even give that interesting if it was permanently? Maybe for New Year or their next birthday.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 08:46AM
Well, I was only suggesting for at least 2 days, not permanently. Agreed, what would membership even give that interesting if it was permanently? Maybe for New Year or their next birthday.
I get what your saying, I hope I didn't sound rude haha. It was also kind of an argument towards the membership in general. I think they need more things. Plus I liked that the member heroes used to be all silver, but now they are just as much as regular heroes.
You post images by puting [ img ]*insert picture here*[ /img ] but without the spaces.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 09:03AM
I get what your saying, I hope I didn't sound rude haha. It was also kind of an argument towards the membership in general. I think they need more things. Plus I liked that the member heroes used to be all silver, but now they are just as much as regular heroes.
You post images by puting [ img ]*insert picture here*[ /img ] but without the spaces.
I mean a picture from my computer. Tried inserting a link, but there was nothing! Not even the [img][img]!
P.S. It's ok, you didn't sound rude.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 09:05AM
I mean a picture from my computer. Tried inserting a link, but there was nothing! Not even the [img][img]!
P.S. It's ok, you didn't sound rude.
I don't think that is possible you probably have to upload to the internet first.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 09:11AM
I don't think that is possible you probably have to upload to the internet first.
Hmm... well, as I mentioned before, I did try to upload the image to a sharing site or something like that. But when I put the link between the 2 [img]'s the picture wouldn't appear. Not even the [img]'s with the link inbetween. Can't see what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I changed pages too soon and it didn't appear at that time because the page was loading?
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 09:53AM
Hmm... well, as I mentioned before, I did try to upload the image to a sharing site or something like that. But when I put the link between the 2 [img]'s the picture wouldn't appear. Not even the [img]'s with the link inbetween. Can't see what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I changed pages too soon and it didn't appear at that time because the page was loading?
Did you have the slash in the last img [ /img ] because you need that, and you may just have the wrong link. Some sites have the IMG code on the page for you already so you can just copy that after you upload the picture.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 10:02AM
Did you have the slash in the last img [ /img ] because you need that, and you may just have the wrong link. Some sites have the IMG code on the page for you already so you can just copy that after you upload the picture.
A slash? Well, then it's obvious that's the problem here. Let's see if that does it.
EDIT: Never mind. I didn't notice it did have a slash at the last [img].
That's pretty much what I get instead of the pic.
Are you copying the code from the site, or taking the link and doing it yourself. If you uploaded it to a photo site just taking the url probably wont work so you might need to right click and hit copy image url and then try it.
That did it!
P.S. I would insert some humor, but since it took me so long to figure everything out, it would barely even bring a smile to your face.
P.P.S. I saw the guy who posted the news about Member only heroes being playable after expiring posted the picture in a bigger size. What now?
Quote from: corvetterules on August 09, 2013, 01:18PM
That did it!
P.S. I would insert some humor, but since it took me so long to figure everything out, it would barely even bring a smile to your face.
P.P.S. I saw the guy who posted the news about Member only heroes being playable after expiring posted the picture in a bigger size. What now?
Wow your picture is small haha. I just copied the picture off of facebook and it's the same size on here as it was on there.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 09, 2013, 01:55PM
Wow your picture is small haha. I just copied the picture off of facebook and it's the same size on here as it was on there.
Is it the picture itself? Or is there a trick to make it bigger in my post? Or maybe it's the site?
EDIT: Never mind. I uploaded it wrong. Let me try this: (
Dark Surfer starting his car...
By the way, I've been wondering which of these heroes is best in a mayhem mission: Falcon, Thing, Ms. Marvel, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Colossus, Dark Surfer, Classic Daredevil, Daredevil, SC Wolverine, Elektra, Stealth Armor Iron Man, Bucky Cap, Red She-Hulk and Gambit.
Glad to see you figure the picture out!
I'm not sure honestly, I have only played one Mayhem mission so far.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 11, 2013, 07:36AM
Glad to see you figure the picture out!
I'm not sure honestly, I have only played one Mayhem mission so far.
You should do more Mayhem missions, this is how I earn 200 tickets/day. Easy. Start with the Daily Bugle ones. When you're done with them, don't go to another place. Destroy whatever trouble bots there are and then move on to another place. Repeat for the other 3 places. Mayhem missions usually re-spawn 3 minutes after you're done. Then repeat this whole process. It stops whenever YOU stop.
Missions are fine too, but they can take really long. Doing all the mayhem missions on adamantium=60 bonus tickets.
P.S. For the M.O.D.O.K. mayhem mission, pick a long range character. Jean Grey is almost perfect for it. Also make sure to depart as much as you can when you start blinking pink. That means M.O.D.O.K. is pulling you towards him. If he pulls you too close, he will do the rocket thrust, which deals 71 damage. You won't have time to get up to dodge it either. Ouch!
Well I don't own any Mayhem missions, and I don't have to much gold so I don't really want to buy any. I have only ever bought one mission for gold. I usually just play one of the Magneto missions because I get adamantium every time so its over 400 XP, plus tickets and whatever else.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 11, 2013, 02:44PM
Well I don't own any Mayhem missions, and I don't have to much gold so I don't really want to buy any. I have only ever bought one mission for gold. I usually just play one of the Magneto missions because I get adamantium every time so its over 400 XP, plus tickets and whatever else.
By mayhem missions I meant the bosses you see around zones in free roam. If I misunderstood their names, please correct me. I heard they are called "mayhem missions". Anyways, they might give 5 tickets/adamantium, but doing all of them means 60 more tickets. A decent way to earn more fractals too, if I do say so myself.
P.S. I forgot to give tips on Venom. Unless you make sure you always have the boost the venom puddle gives you, you have no chance of getting adamantium because of the troublesome Venom Swing. By walking into the puddle you get a speed boost, meaning that you can dodge the swing. Be careful though-it also lowers your defense. Also, ONLY IF YOUR HERO IS MAXED, don't bother dodging the projectiles Venom's throwing at you-they won't cause much damage.
P.P.S. I gave some tips on defeating Dr. Doom on a previous page, check it out.
Well, guess I'll be giving tips on each mayhem mission.
Abomination: Dodge when he's charging at you. And make sure you have a long range character. When he does a fart/butterfly catch/roar attack, depart from him a little and lay the combos on him. If your hero is maxed, you'll take him down in no time.
M.O.D.O.K.: Take a really long range character-Jean Grey is the most common and decent from the heroes I know. Only attack him from a long range. Also, when your hero starts to blink pink, depart as far as you can. Get pulled too close and M.O.D.O.K. will most likely use his rocket thrust, which deals 71 damage. You won;t have time to get up. Oh, and attack ESPECIALLY after doing the super beam when he rotates and feels dizzy.
Dr. Doom-This one is tough. Pick a hero who can regen health (RedShe-Hulk is fine too). Keep in mind you have canisters. If your hero has a power attack which gives you a damage boost, use it, then throw the canisters at him. Whenever he deploys clone-bots, take them down first, then worry about Doom-they are a real pain in the butt.
Continued in a next comment.
Super Skrull: Dodge his flame blast-his projectiles each deal 15 damage, dealing a total of 45 damage if you dodge none of them. When he uses flame walls, don't bother dodging them unless you're in the center of the fighting arena. Also, if there are shapeshifters, definitely take them down first. They will once again cause a lot of trouble. When SS turns invisible, just pick on other skrulls until he comes back.
Mole man: Just lay the combos on him. Forget about his little men. They are as dangerous as a waffle. You might wanna worry about the huge plant though. Make sure you're not too close to it. Also, if you are too close to MM, he will knock you back when he gets back on surface.
Annihilus: It's best to pick a long range character because of his radius attack when he says "You can't hurt me!". Also, make sure to dodge his projectiles as each deals 37 damage (NOT the ones when he flies-each deals 20 damage in that case.). When he starts flying, pick on his annihilation wave (the other insects who come to his aid)
P.S. Why are his eyes red in the Annihilus background, but during the battle and the intro they are blue?
Continued in next comment.
Venom: He is a dangerous opponent. ALWAYS make sure you have the boost from the venom puddle. It will give you enough speed to dodge his Venom Swing. Also, only do this if your hero is maxed. Don't bother about Venom's projectiles. Just lay your combos in him.
Green Goblin-Make sure you have a long range character. Dodge when he says "Get out of my way!" since it will knock you on the floor and deal 45 damage. Don't mind his pumpkin bombs. They only deal 20 damage. Only recommended if your hero is maxed. The reason you need a long range hero is because he will turn his thrust to you, knock you back and deal 75 damage. No, a medium range character won't work against this attack either. A character with the range of Jean Grey is required to dodge this one and still lay combos on him.
Doc Ock: This one is rather easy. He is a bit buggy, he sometimes just sits idly, so you have enough time to lay some good combos on him. However, always attack from a distance. There is a chance that, if you're too close, he will do his radius attack, which would take away all of your health bar-even if your hero is maxed. Also, dodge his "Get a little closer!" attack- it will stun you and leave you vulnerable. Also, don't mind his lasers. Only recommended if your hero is maxed. Just continue laying the combos on him. Continued in the next and last comment.
O.K., the Asgard mayhem missions are the easiest.
Loki: This one's easy. Just make sure you dodge his teleportation spots (they are marked in turquoise) and ESPECIALLY his lasers, as they will deal 80-85 damage total. Also, dodge when he's charging at you (he will make a lime green barrier and run towards you.).
Avengers Loki (the Loki in a dark suit): This one is the easiest of the 3. Just lay your combos on him. Make sure to dodge his projectiles as they will not only deal 45 damage, but also knock you back. Lay your combos on him ESPECIALLY when he has these 2 lines: "My victory is assured", "The disseract is all-powerful"(sorry, don't know how to spell it.). And most importantly, dodge his melee attacks. Especially the one when he prepares to rotate and swing his scepter towards you.
Enchantress: This one is a bit tricky. A short range character would be suitable for this one as she has the Sorcerer beams which will go around her 180 degrees and you can jump over her to dodge the attack. Also, dodge the Hex Bolt and the Abracadabra. And don't worry about her seducing attack. It may stun you, but it only deals 15 damage and stuns you for like 4-5 seconds. Also, don't miss any opportunity to lay your combos on her when she uses her Rune Wand (ESPECIALLY then) and her fire and ice summonings. Oddly enough though, the fire and ice demons might be a little annoying here.
I hope this helps you. Defeating all of these bosses on adamantium will get you a total of 60 tickets. Also, I noticed that they will spawn a hour from the last time you defeated a boss. Until then, take some trouble bots down.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Pick a long range character (except for Enchantress)
I'm sorry I was wrong, I was confusing the Mayhem and Crisis missions. I've done the little villain missions around the cities but they never really offer me very much so I don't do them very much. It's nice that you put a ton of tips up for the missions. But that's a lot of posts, you could have edited your other post and added them all on to that.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 11, 2013, 06:18PM
I'm sorry I was wrong, I was confusing the Mayhem and Crisis missions. I've done the little villain missions around the cities but they never really offer me very much so I don't do them very much. It's nice that you put a ton of tips up for the missions. But that's a lot of posts, you could have edited your other post and added them all on to that.
Maybe, but at that time I thought there would be a character limit on each comment. Guess I was wrong. Sorry for unnecessarily filling the page.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 12, 2013, 08:10AM
Maybe, but at that time I thought there would be a character limit on each comment. Guess I was wrong. Sorry for unnecessarily filling the page.
It's alright, just keep it in mind for next time. They are very good and helpful tips though!
Edit: Here is a code for 100 gold: MVL8
And this gives an armor boost for an hour: ARMRBST
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 12, 2013, 08:24AM
It's alright, just keep it in mind for next time. They are very good and helpful tips though!
Edit: Here is a code for 100 gold: MVL8
And this gives an armor boost for an hour: ARMRBST
Thank you. Like, SO much. I finally have enough gold for Angel/Beast! Which one should I get though?
I believe I have them both, I've been working on Angel these past couple days. He's pretty fun. I can't say much for Beast since I haven't played him very much.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 12, 2013, 10:39AM
I believe I have them both, I've been working on Angel these past couple days. He's pretty fun. I can't say much for Beast since I haven't played him very much.
Well then, I guess Beast is boring. Anyways, I saw some gameplay videos of both and would say I would prefer Angel. Besides, unlike most heroes in the game, Angel can also double-jump and fly.
EDIT: Boy, Angel's double-jump is pretty confusing. When I jump the second time it seems as if he's jumping a bit further than the rest of the double-jump characters, but he's not.
You'll get used to Angel's double jump. He is one of my favorite characters to use. Thanks for all the tips for the "mayhem missions." I'll look through them some more before I play one of those missions again.
Quote from: fox456 on August 12, 2013, 06:46PM
You'll get used to Angel's double jump. He is one of my favorite characters to use. Thanks for all the tips for the "mayhem missions." I'll look through them some more before I play one of those missions again.
You're very welcome. By the way, Angel must be one of the strongest heroes! I have already maxed him and now he's badder than ever! Guess he really does "own the air"!
P.S. If you're tired of maxing your heroes on Doc Ock missions, try Super sized & magnetized or unstoppa-skrull or even unsecret invasion! The Doc Ock, Super Skrull and Magneto missions are, at least for me, the easiest missions.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 07:25AM
You're very welcome. By the way, Angel must be one of the strongest heroes! I have already maxed him and now he's badder than ever! Guess he really does "own the air"!
P.S. If you're tired of maxing your heroes on Doc Ock missions, try Super sized & magnetized or unstoppa-skrull or even unsecret invasion! The Doc Ock, Super Skrull and Magneto missions are, at least for me, the easiest missions.
Super sized and Magnetized is usually the only mission I play when I'm maxing heroes because it's so easy.
I mostly just take each & every character token of all my heroes, and then look at their exp to see how much they need, the one's that need 500 or less are useually the ones I take on short missions like home invasion or Unstoppa-Skrull
Also, I bought the crisis edition of the titanium man mission (I was quite happy that I dindn't waste it on mystery boxes xD) Its a lot of fun, you fight Titanium man for like 7 times or so, and Modok and A-bomb are also involved, in his boss fight you're actually able to call Avengers Iron man for help etc. pretty awesome
I've just been going from the top of the list of my heroes down and trying to level them up, which is a lot of people. I usually just buy a hero I want and then get off and never play as them haha
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 13, 2013, 09:06AM
I've just been going from the top of the list of my heroes down and trying to level them up, which is a lot of people. I usually just buy a hero I want and then get off and never play as them haha
Hah. Well, if you ask me how I would do this entire hero maxing thing, I would just boy a hero then max it, then buy another hero... so that it doesn't start teasing me to max them all up...
Tried to buy a membership today... sucks that I'm Romanian in this case.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 11:20AM
Hah. Well, if you ask me how I would do this entire hero maxing thing, I would just boy a hero then max it, then buy another hero... so that it doesn't start teasing me to max them all up...
Well that would have worked if I did that XD, but some heroes went on sale and I bought those, or I got codes for other heroes. And I made it my mission to purchase all the female super heroes since I tend to favor them more, and I have every last one except for White Phoenix.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on August 13, 2013, 11:35AM
Well that would have worked if I did that XD, but some heroes went on sale and I bought those, or I got codes for other heroes. And I made it my mission to purchase all the female super heroes since I tend to favor them more, and I have every last one except for White Phoenix.
Codes for other heroes? What do you mean? Old ones like that Iceman code?
I just sent a friend request to someone and suddenly the message of the player having too many friends showed up. But in a different way; only the message appeared, without the box. I couldn't move either. Then the game crashed.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 12:08PM
Codes for other heroes? What do you mean? Old ones like that Iceman code?
Well I got codes for Psylocke, White Elektra and Doctor Strange.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 13, 2013, 01:44PM
Well I got codes for Psylocke, White Elektra and Doctor Strange.
Some contest the Shso admins organized? (If yes congrats) Or a code they released for everyone?
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 11:20AM
Hah. Well, if you ask me how I would do this entire hero maxing thing, I would just boy a hero then max it, then buy another hero... so that it doesn't start teasing me to max them all up...
That's pretty much what I do too.
Quote from: fox456 on August 13, 2013, 03:32PM
That's pretty much what I do too.
But even so, the worst part if you're used to this method is maxing the incredibly boring "noob characters": Falcon, Thing, Ms. Marvel and Cyclops. They are pretty boring if you ask me. Well, maybe not Thing, but the others...
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 02:41PM
Some contest the Shso admins organized? (If yes congrats) Or a code they released for everyone?
Well Psylocke was a Comic Con code that I got from someone, White Elektra was a toy figure code that I got from someone, and I got the Doctor Strange code on here from a contest that was held.
I agree the starter characters are pretty boring, I don't have any of them maxed yet either.
Falcon has been one of my favorites from the very beginning. I didn't think I would like him, but I do. Besides, he has one of the best dances! :)
Quote from: corvetterules on August 13, 2013, 11:22AM
Tried to buy a membership today... sucks that I'm Romanian in this case.
What happened? Were you able to get a membership?
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 12, 2013, 08:24AM
...Here is a code for 100 gold: MVL8
And this gives an armor boost for an hour: ARMRBST
Thanks for these codes, midnightphoenix! It's always good to add some gold. :)
Quote from: fox456 on August 13, 2013, 07:37PM
Falcon has been one of my favorites from the very beginning. I didn't think I would like him, but I do. Besides, he has one of the best dances! :)
What happened? Were you able to get a membership?
Nope... I stopped at the "Sorry, you can't purchase membership in Romania." page.
Quote from: fox456 on August 13, 2013, 08:04PM
Thanks for these codes, midnightphoenix! It's always good to add some gold. :)
I'll say! if it weren't for that gold code, I wouldn't have gotten Angel! Which is a good enough character to replace Red She-Hulk (Yes, I referred to that hero because both Angel and She-Rulk have healing power attacks)
You are welcome :D
Of the starter heroes Ms Marvel is the only one I have really played.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 14, 2013, 07:26AM
You are welcome :D
Of the starter heroes Ms Marvel is the only one I have really played.
Meh... Ms. Marvel's combos are too terribly slow. Especially her last attack from her combo. I counted 3 seconds for it to hit!?
Firestar is almost identical, although I think firestar's combo is executed more quickly, Falcon & Cyclops are my only max starters
Quote from: Polygone on August 14, 2013, 11:23AM
Firestar is almost identical, although I think firestar's combo is executed more quickly, Falcon & Cyclops are my only max starters
To be honest, I left Cyclops the last starter to max. And when I turned to him, I would be bored cr*pless doing missions with him. I would of thrown a party when I finally maxed him.
In this picture, the surfers look like they're having a rap battle, but if you have them you know it's not.
Ohh new badges, or at least I think they're new. Emma, Jean, Psylocke and Phoenix have badges among others.
I bought Emma's badge :P they cost 200 gold
See I like the badges and I don't like the badges. While I am a member, I really don't get on very often so I don't have a ton of gold so I try and save for heroes, and I can't go dropping 200 gold for all these tokens. The only one I bought was for Shadowcat, I may get more once I have more gold.
Well there is a code for a free Cyclops badge that was sent to emails.
Quote from: White Queen on August 19, 2013, 04:39PM
Well there is a code for a free Cyclops badge that was sent to emails.
When did they send that one, is it active still?
The code's still active yes, and I think a week ago or less.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 15, 2013, 05:03AM
To be honest, I left Cyclops the last starter to max. And when I turned to him, I would be bored cr*pless doing missions with him. I would of thrown a party when I finally maxed him.
Quote from: White Queen on August 19, 2013, 04:39PM
Well there is a code for a free Cyclops badge that was sent to emails.
I can tell that corvetterules is going to be thrilled with this badge of all we could have gotten! Nevertheless, thanks for that code, White Queen!
Weird how phoenix always keeps me from making stupid decisions. I was about to buy a Gambit badge and leave Beast for later... Guess it would not be worth it.
Quote from: fox456 on August 19, 2013, 07:59PM
I can tell that corvetterules is going to be thrilled with this badge of all we could have gotten! Nevertheless, thanks for that code, White Queen!
Yeah, I could so go celebrate with Deadpool right now. But, well... they would have released it anyway, just like they would be going to release a Falcon, Thing and Ms. Marvel badge. Better now than later! Besides, I need squad levels for Firestar.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 20, 2013, 09:29AM
Weird how phoenix always keeps me from making stupid decisions. I was about to buy a Gambit badge and leave Beast for later... Guess it would not be worth it.
Sorry :P
I'm just so iffy on the badge thing.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 20, 2013, 03:13PM
Sorry :P
I'm just so iffy on the badge thing.
By the way, what is the max level with a badge? 18? 22? I certainly hope 22, but I saw the last power upgrade is at 18.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 21, 2013, 08:06AM
By the way, what is the max level with a badge? 18? 22? I certainly hope 22, but I saw the last power upgrade is at 18.
I honestly have no idea.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 21, 2013, 08:06AM
By the way, what is the max level with a badge? 18? 22? I certainly hope 22, but I saw the last power upgrade is at 18.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 21, 2013, 03:28PM
I honestly have no idea.
I'm not sure either, but I have the Cyclops badge thanks to White Queen and I'll let you know if I find out before anyone else here does.
Another question about badges: Do they automatically raise your squad level? I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that my squad level went up 10 points after I got the Cyclops badge.
Quote from: fox456 on August 21, 2013, 04:32PM
I'm not sure either, but I have the Cyclops badge thanks to White Queen and I'll let you know if I find out before anyone else here does.
Another question about badges: Do they automatically raise your squad level? I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that my squad level went up 10 points after I got the Cyclops badge.
I'm not sure on that either, but if they do raise your squad level then I guess that is a really good thing about them.
The Max Level with Badges I believe is 21, but don't quote me on that one.
And if you've played with a hero that was already maxed out ( lvl 11 ), once you get his or her badge the EXP that you've accumulated when playing with the maxed out hero will explode xD, when I got Emma's badge she auto-became lvl 15.
And yes, they do raise squad level.
Quote from: fox456 on August 21, 2013, 04:32PM
I'm not sure either, but I have the Cyclops badge thanks to White Queen and I'll let you know if I find out before anyone else here does.
Another question about badges: Do they automatically raise your squad level? I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that my squad level went up 10 points after I got the Cyclops badge.
Depends. If once you maxed your hero without the badge you stopped, then no, it will not raise squad level. But if you used that hero LOADS of times... then ka-boom! Max level with badge! Just like my Jean Grey, I think I would already have at least level 17 seeing as I did a LOT of Mayhem Missions with her.
I tried the game out because I was bored (and waiting for stuff to arrive here ((STILL)). It's an OK game if you're bored as an adult =P
Quote from: B.L.A.W on August 22, 2013, 10:23AM
I tried the game out because I was bored (and waiting for stuff to arrive here ((STILL)). It's an OK game if you're bored as an adult =P
This game is actually among the only ones I play at present because I am bored of others. So far one of my favorite Marvel games as I prefer MMO games to single player/competition-only-multiplayer (NFSHP2010 and MUA, as examples) games.
The site is down temporarily for maintenance....
I was just thinking about how we all used to report those maintenance sessions here and would try to guess what the next update(s) would be! :D ;) :)
Quote from: fox456 on August 22, 2013, 02:32PM
The site is down temporarily for maintenance....
I was just thinking about how we all used to report those maintenance sessions here and would try to guess what the next update(s) would be! :D ;) :)
That was always fun! Haha, and then we would all rush on to see whats new and find out they just fixed some glitches.
Quote from: fox456 on August 22, 2013, 02:32PM
The site is down temporarily for maintenance....
I was just thinking about how we all used to report those maintenance sessions here and would try to guess what the next update(s) would be! :D ;) :)
Well... I certainly hope they add 2 more sidekicks (preferably for silver) or at least one of them silver. They can make a big step towards completing a squad level challenge. Or maybe they will change the tokens... Maybe they will add universal tokens. As in, collect 5 tokens then pick a hero to add the experience to. Preferably, there would still be 5 tokens/hero. But I doubt-then it would be much too easy to level a hero up. I very much doubt they would make such an update in the first place actually.
EDIT: I can't fantasize about any good changes. Whatever is above was written as soon as it got in my mind.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 22, 2013, 03:22PM
Well... I certainly hope they add 2 more sidekicks (preferably for silver) or at least one of them silver. They can make a big step towards completing a squad level challenge....
Do you mean that purchasing a sidekick adds to your squad level or that they help you get experience faster? (Can you tell I don't have any sidekicks yet!?)
They could actually make one of their new goals involving sidekicks.
Mysterio, the master of illusions and tricks is now available in store for Agents only!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 22, 2013, 04:21PM
Mysterio, the master of illusions and tricks is now available in store for Agents only!
Oh my, not a mystery box, what a suprise xD
So next is Sabretooth/A-bombination?
Quote from: White Queen on August 22, 2013, 03:50AM
The Max Level with Badges I believe is 21, but don't quote me on that one.
And if you've played with a hero that was already maxed out ( lvl 11 ), once you get his or her badge the EXP that you've accumulated when playing with the maxed out hero will explode xD, when I got Emma's badge she auto-became lvl 15.
And yes, they do raise squad level.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 22, 2013, 05:05AM
Depends. If once you maxed your hero without the badge you stopped, then no, it will not raise squad level. But if you used that hero LOADS of times... then ka-boom! Max level with badge! Just like my Jean Grey, I think I would already have at least level 17 seeing as I did a LOT of Mayhem Missions with her.
Evidently, this is what happened to me when I said that my squad level went up 10 points after getting the Cyclops badge. I had maxed him out (level 11), continued playing with him over time, and now he is still listed as MAX.
Quote from: fox456 on August 22, 2013, 03:37PM
Do you mean that purchasing a sidekick adds to your squad level or that they help you get experience faster? (Can you tell I don't have any sidekicks yet!?)
They could actually make one of their new goals involving sidekicks.
Sidekicks add to your Squad level without rising whatever hero you are playing as' level. Purchasing a sidekick gives 5 free squad levels. So if you ask for my opinion, I think sidekicks are a must have if you need a high squad level.
According to the Super Hero Squad wiki they have listed that Archangel, Sabertooth, Dark Phoenix, and Beta Ray Bill will be future releases, they have been known to be wrong, but they are usually right.
Quote from: corvetterules on August 23, 2013, 03:23AM
Sidekicks add to your Squad level without rising whatever hero you are playing as' level. Purchasing a sidekick gives 5 free squad levels. So if you ask for my opinion, I think sidekicks are a must have if you need a high squad level.
Hmmmm, that is a good bonus that I didn't know existed.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 23, 2013, 02:30PM
According to the Super Hero Squad wiki they have listed that Archangel, Sabertooth, Dark Phoenix, and Beta Ray Bill will be future releases, they have been known to be wrong, but they are usually right.
I still am mind-blown as to why everyone wants to see Archangel make an appearance in this game but none but me has ever requested Mephisto. Is he that under-rated that none lifted a hand for him? If it's that way so they don't scare kids... Well still a dumb excuse as they added Dormammu, who, again, is quite demon-like. Not to mention Ghost Rider.
I think that's the entire point, they already added Dormammu, who is quite similair to Mephisto
Quote from: Polygone on August 26, 2013, 12:57AM
I think that's the entire point, they already added Dormammu, who is quite similair to Mephisto
Even so... they added Black Cat, which is pretty similar to Black Panther. Or an even better example, Spider Girl, which is similar to Spider-man. Not to mention the similarity between Onslaught and Magneto.
And, even more so, think about the numerous versions of Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Spider-Man, etc.
I meant bosses actually xD
I didn't really notice the similarities between Onslaught and Magneto..
But so far, all the bosses have been (in my opinion) pretty unique (A strength guy, A-bomb, a psychic, MODOK, two bosses, Ymir & Fire dude) etc.
Also, I;m not entirly sure, But did Mephisto ever come to earth? In that case, he would only be fightable in Hell/Hades, and to bring such a place up in a kids game...
Besides, Dormannu also appeared in the show, so it was pretty logical he would become a boss
Oh, Archangel has been released.
Oh well... Guess my dream of seeing Mephisto in this game remains a dream for a while... Mean while I'll keep on collecting gold for Beast, which isn't so far away from happening. 260 gold... in maximum 4 days I'll be able to get him... But what THEN?
EDIT: New sidekicks! Bunny sidekick for 500 silver! Also, new background when the game is loading.
Ahh, this Bunny sidekick is like the cutest thing ever. xD
Quote from: White Queen on August 29, 2013, 04:31AM
Ahh, this Bunny sidekick is like the cutest thing ever. xD
Yeah :P
An original member of the X-Men, the high-flying Archangel now has wings made of organic steel! Add him to your Squad today!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 29, 2013, 06:52AM
An original member of the X-Men, the high-flying Archangel now has wings made of organic steel! Add him to your Squad today!
Organic steel? So Colossus is no longer forever alone made of organic steel...
I had quite the luck today, when I logged in to keep the 5 gold streak, I went to the prize wheel and saw I could draw 15 gold instead of 5. Having 290 gold at the moment, I can get Beast by tomorrow :D
Quote from: corvetterules on August 30, 2013, 09:55AM
I had quite the luck today, when I logged in to keep the 5 gold streak, I went to the prize wheel and saw I could draw 15 gold instead of 5. Having 290 gold at the moment, I can get Beast by tomorrow :D
Glad you had some good luck with the wheel. I just checked it out and everything looked the same to me.
Quote from: fox456 on August 30, 2013, 04:06PM
Glad you had some good luck with the wheel. I just checked it out and everything looked the same to me.
What do you mean it looks the same to you? Fake rumors the SHSO workers would change the system of the spin wheel?
The wheel seemed to have the same gold values marked on it (no increases) and, of course, the fractal and card slots.
Here's an interesting update:
QuoteIntroducing Feedback Fridays! Have a question about Super Hero Squad Online? Want to ask the Devs a question? Well now you can! Every Friday we will be answering your questions during our Feedback Friday segment. Send your questions to and you may just see your question answered. Watch for the post every Friday on our Facebook Page!
I don't know how serious they are about answering our questions, but can you guys do me a favor and write in and ask why aren't they updating the card game?
Let us know if there are questions you want answered too. Maybe the more requests they get, they won't ignore it.
Quote from: fox456 on September 03, 2013, 03:05PM
Here's an interesting update:
I don't know how serious they are about answering our questions, but can you guys do me a favor and write in and ask why aren't they updating the card game?
Let us know if there are questions you want answered too. Maybe the more requests they get, they won't ignore it.
This is interesting. I will definitely ask about the card game, I wonder if they will actually answer questions of some things tho like why some heroes aren't in the game or if they will be adding new worlds. Because I feel like they would either say it's a possibility we may see new worlds or that character, but not fully answer the question as to not give away any "surprises" they may have. I mean they don't do the best job answering the support tickets people send in.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 03, 2013, 07:54PM
This is interesting. I will definitely ask about the card game, I wonder if they will actually answer questions of some things tho like why some heroes aren't in the game or if they will be adding new worlds. Because I feel like they would either say it's a possibility we may see new worlds or that character, but not fully answer the question as to not give away any "surprises" they may have. I mean they don't do the best job answering the support tickets people send in.
So true! We've seen many examples of their vague answers and complete avoidance of certain questions.
I am 100% sure most of it is really just sort of a bot answering, like if you send a ticket, and they sort of read it, and notice that you're asking for a certain future that isn't yet in the game, you get the standard 'We can't reveal anything right now' answer
Do any of you guys know EXACTLY how much your squad level goes up if you buy Beast and max him out?
Quote from: fox456 on September 06, 2013, 03:22AM
Do any of you guys know EXACTLY how much your squad level goes up if you buy Beast and max him out?
According to my calculations.
3 being Beast's Marvel Lore.
The nine 1s being the Squad Level's he adds when he levels up (Lvl. 2-10).
And the 2 being the Squad Level's he adds once he's maxed out (Lvl. 11).
So buying and maxing out Beast gives you 14 Squad Levels.
Thanks White Queen. 14 is what I had figured as well. I think I will buy him. My squad level is currently 386, so he should eventually bring me to 400. :)
Wait a minute... so if you buy a hero you get 2 squad levels, if you progress him through levels 2-10 you get 9 levels and if you max him you get 2 instead of 1?
Quote from: corvetterules on September 07, 2013, 06:18AM
Wait a minute... so if you buy a hero you get 2 squad levels, if you progress him through levels 2-10 you get 9 levels and if you max him you get 2 instead of 1?
When you purchase a hero the amount of Squad Level you get depends on their Marvel Lore.
And leveling them from and including lvl 2 to 10 gives you 9 Squad Levels. And maxing them out gives you 2 squad levels.
Quote from: White Queen on September 07, 2013, 06:24AM
When you purchase a hero the amount of Squad Level you get depends on their Marvel Lore.
And leveling them from and including lvl 2 to 10 gives you 9 Squad Levels. And maxing them out gives you 2 squad levels.
Sorry, I think I look like a newbie now, but what is a Marvel lore?
This is where a hero's marvel lore is displayed. ( In Shop and My Squad Page )
Quote from: White Queen on September 07, 2013, 08:19AM
This is where a hero's marvel lore is displayed. ( In Shop and My Squad Page )
Oh, thanks, I thought it had to do with appropriate age and stuff... Nice thing to consider when you buy heroes.
Quote from: corvetterules on September 07, 2013, 08:41AM
Oh, thanks, I thought it had to do with appropriate age and stuff... Nice thing to consider when you buy heroes.
Hmm yes, Emma Frost is appropriate for 1 year-olds and up. xD
Quote from: White Queen on September 07, 2013, 08:55AM
Hmm yes, Emma Frost is appropriate for 1 year-olds and up. xD
I don't know... it looked strange to me too, but still, it looked like the kind of appropriate age other kids MMO's such as Club Penguin have... And as a matter of fact, I wasn't thinking of Emma Frost particularly, I was thinking of the game itself that would be in that age range.
But you've got a point there. Idiotic thought of mine.
I do wonder when they'll release a new game zone. :/
I want the X-Mansion.
Quote from: White Queen on September 07, 2013, 10:12AM
I do wonder when they'll release a new game zone. :/
I want the X-Mansion.
To be honest, I sort of wish we could enter buildings. But not just touch-and-go, like we currently do. I mean, actually roam inside the buildings. Would be cool to roam around the Baxter Building. And... perhaps this would also lead to the X-Mansion.
Fantastic news for Jean and Phoenix Fans!
I got an email. Looky here. ;)
Quote from: White Queen on September 08, 2013, 05:34AM
Fantastic news for Jean and Phoenix Fans!
I got an email. Looky here. ;)
Yay I am glad she has been officially announced now! I hope she plays different compared to Phoenix.
She's here!!! Dark Phoenix debuted today.
Quote from: fox456 on September 12, 2013, 02:00PM
She's here!!! Dark Phoenix debuted today.
Dark Phoenix costs 600 Gold and her badge costs 200 gold.
Also the Phoenix Force bundle is available for 2,400 gold containing Normal, White and Dark Phoenix including their badges.
I bought Dark Phoenix, but haven't played her yet since I got her on my laptop which is super slow. I wanted to buy the Phoenix Bundle to get both Dark Phoenix, and White Phoenix plus their badges but sadly I didn't have enough gold :P
If you ask me, having bought all of the items included in the Phoenix bundle separately would have saved at least 500 gold; since Darky is 600 and Whitey was either 600 or 900, plus their 200-ish badges, it would be either 1600 gold or 1900 gold. So yeah... waste of 500 gold to buy the bundle unless you haven't bought Whitey and really want her.
Quote from: corvetterules on September 14, 2013, 12:41AM
If you ask me, having bought all of the items included in the Phoenix bundle separately would have saved at least 500 gold; since Darky is 600 and Whitey was either 600 or 900, plus their 200-ish badges, it would be either 1600 gold or 1900 gold. So yeah... waste of 500 gold to buy the bundle unless you haven't bought Whitey and really want her.
Well it includes Dark Phoenix, White Phoenix, and Phoenix plus all their badges. White Phoenix was 900 I believe, Dark Phoenix is 600 their badges are 200 and Phoenix is 600 I assume her badge is 200. So the set it priced pretty accurate, it basically charges 600 per character, and 200 per badge Which is equal to 2400, which means if White Phoenix was 900 you actually save money, if she was 600 then the set is priced at the equal amount of all the items included.
News Flash:
Everyone one receives one week of free junior agent status to celebrate the fact that they have reached 6,000,000 players. Check the site for the code.
... and maybe someone knows why my Squad Level went from 396 to 447 today!?
Quote from: fox456 on September 20, 2013, 03:53AM
News Flash:
Everyone one receives one week of free junior agent status to celebrate the fact that they have reached 6,000,000 players. Check the site for the code.
... and maybe someone knows why my Squad Level went from 396 to 447 today!?
OMG, thank you for informing us. :)
And, my squad level was increased as well. @_@
Bought Shadowcat, she's really fun to play with :) I'll be saving for Dark Phoenix and her badge.
The code VIGILANT will get you a free title, nothing fancy but it's free.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 20, 2013, 02:33PM
The code VIGILANT will get you a free title, nothing fancy but it's free.
Thank you for sharing the code :D :)
I'm getting on the game now, since Marvel Heroes is offline. :P
Quote from: White Queen on September 20, 2013, 03:04PM
Thank you for sharing the code :D :)
I'm getting on the game now, since Marvel Heroes is offline. :P
I was trying to get on but when ever I hit the Play button the window would never stop loading, so I guess I won't be getting on right now haha
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 20, 2013, 03:07PM
I was trying to get on but when ever I hit the Play button the window would never stop loading, so I guess I won't be getting on right now haha
Awww.. :( ...Maybe download/update the game files?
Quote from: White Queen on September 20, 2013, 03:19PM
Awww.. :( ...Maybe download/update the game files?
I don't think it was the game, because the loading screen never came up it was just the window loading.
I had some troubles getting into the game this morning. But, when I finally got in, I bought all the silver characters that I didn't have plus their badges.
I will probably buy Quicksilver because I have NEVER seen him in the game.... I'm just now wondering if that is because he isn't fun to play.
I'm going to try to log in now.
I finally got on thankfully, I just noticed Red She Hulk is now 20,000 silver, and pretty much all the missions have been switched to gold now.
I have also been wishing they would lower the price on some heroes, like how Beast and Angel are only 300 gold and Gambit is 150.
Edit: And I also wish they would change the little machines in the city, so instead of collecting several stars to get 1 silver, each star is worth 1 silver. Because that would be much more worth it. And maybe throw in 1 or 2 gold stars for 1 or 2 gold.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 20, 2013, 04:30PM
I finally got on thankfully, I just noticed Red She Hulk is now 20,000 silver, and pretty much all the missions have been switched to gold now.
I have also been wishing they would lower the price on some heroes, like how Beast and Angel are only 300 gold and Gambit is 150.
Edit: And I also wish they would change the little machines in the city, so instead of collecting several stars to get 1 silver, each star is worth 1 silver. Because that would be much more worth it. And maybe throw in 1 or 2 gold stars for 1 or 2 gold.
I agree with what you said about the stars. It takes a long time to accumulate silver that way.
I thought Red She Hulk was already 20,000 silver....
Oh, and thanks for the VIGILANT code!
Quote from: fox456 on September 20, 2013, 04:44PM
I agree with what you said about the stars. It takes a long time to accumulate silver that way.
I thought Red She Hulk was already 20,000 silver....
Oh, and thanks for the VIGILANT code!
Maybe she was, I just saw it today so it's new to me haha
Man, the game has crashed/frozen on me so many times today!
Hey, I was just thinking that the wheel will replenish itself each day, won't it? If so, then you guys who haven't used the code yet should spin the wheel and get all the gold before applying the code.
Played a little this morning, got all the gold from the prize wheel so I should have enough for Dark Phoenix tommorow.
Purchased Shadowcat and Black Widow's badges and leveled up a few heroes, so now my squad level is 252. :D
I gotta purchase the remaining SHIELD Agent only heroes though.
I got Dark Phoenix today, and I just unlocked her second power emote. xD
Quote from: White Queen on September 22, 2013, 04:09AM
I got Dark Phoenix today, and I just unlocked her second power emote. xD
Haha that is hilarious!
I'm stuck on the Hulked Out challange where I have to complete missions either with or as Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, Red Hulk and She-Hulk.
Quote from: White Queen on September 22, 2013, 10:33AM
I'm stuck on the Hulked Out challange where I have to complete missions either with or as Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, Red Hulk and She-Hulk.
That was a tough one. I think it would be tougher now that people have more characters to choose from (meaning that there is less likelihood that people will have the Hulk characters) than they did when I faced that challenge.
There's a bunch like that coming up for me soon, like the Wolverines challenge and the Spider-Men challenge (if I remember them correctly).
Unbelievable....I was playing a mission as Dark Phoenix with Hulk ( for the challenge ) and we almost defeated the boss when the game crashed ....sigh....seriously?!
Is there anyone here who has the heroes ( Hulk, Gladiator Hulk, She-Hulk, Red Hulk ) who can help me please :) ?
The game has been crashing ALOT for me lately.
The only "hulk" I have is Avengers Hulk. Wish I could help you.
Quote from: fox456 on September 23, 2013, 08:07PM
The game has been crashing ALOT for me lately.
The only "hulk" I have is Avengers Hulk. Wish I could help you.
Maybe it crashed because of the browser. Some browsers are more compatible with the Unity Engine than others.
As far as I know Firefox and Internet Explorer work best, Chrome, Opera and other browsers are less compatible
I myself almost never crash, I crashed yesterday only because it was a universal problem as the Dev's had shut down the server to fix the crashing issue.
Just bought Dark Phoenix's badge and Deadpool. :D
Edit 2: Bought Avengers Nick Fury and War Machine.
Ok, Dark Phoenix is officially my favourite hero/villain. She's just so powerful, she's stronger than the rest of the Phoenixes.
@ White Queen,
Don't know if you're around, but I just saw a Gladiator Hulk running around the Daily Bugle.
Aww, still can't find a Hulk Hero for the challange.
At least I got my squad level to 309 today though. :D
Introducing Crafting!
Greetings Squaddies!
We have a lot of pretty crafty heroes here in Super Hero City that have made some pretty amazing creations. Now you can join them in making your own awesome inventions!
Scattered throughout Baxter Plaza, Asgard, Villainville and the Daily Bugle are new tokens for you to pick up. Each token will give you a particular part needed for your inventions. Each hero in your squad can find 5 parts each day, so if you can’t find any more parts, grab a different hero and keep searching! Each area has different parts, so if you can’t find the part you need in Asgard, try looking in the Daily Bugle or in Villainville.
Once you’ve gathered up some parts, go to your My Squad page and click on the Crafting tab. Here you can find a list of all the things you can make including a bunch of potions, a brand-new Title, and two all-new Sidekicks! Just click on the item you want to craft and you’ll see all the parts you need. Some of those parts are super-powered versions of the parts you’ve already found out in Super Hero City, but do not fear, you can use the power of the Crafting Hammer to combine the parts you’ve found into even more powerful versions! Just click on each of the pieces of the item you want to craft and you’ll discover all the parts you need to finish your new creation!
This is only the beginning. Over the coming months, you’ll be able to craft new Titles, more Potions, a bunch of new Sidekicks, and even a Hero! You’ll be able to find crafting pieces in missions, collect them from the Prize Wheel, and win them from Mystery Boxes!
And coming soon, you’ll be able to use your new inventions to give your Sidekicks super powers!
Hero Up!
Skimming Moon Prime (aka Jared)
QuoteHere’s what you can make:
Red Annihilation Trooper
Brown Ultron Legion Bot
The Apprentice
Power Surge
Light Show
Stink Bomb
Dance Party
Winter Globe
Winter Storm
Plasma Orb
Raise the Roof
Invisibility Potion
Ghost Potion
Gold Potion
The Berseker Box now available!
QuoteThe savage Sabretooth is mad, bad and dangerous to know… just ask Wolverine! One of Wolverine’s oldest enemies is now available for you within his very own Berserker Box!
Checked out the Crafting, wow there's alot of ingredients. Like you collect the simplest ( tier 1 ) of ingredients from zones, and then you need 5 ( tier 1s ) to make a single tier 2 ingredients. And most ingredients have 4 tiers.
The Crafting system looks very promising.
I just wish they added a Crafting Skill of some sort. So when you craft stuff or collect ingredients, you gain Crafting Experience. And when you gain a Crafting Level you unlock new recipies. And gaining a crafting level should also increase your Squad level. :)
Also, you can purchase the tier 4 of ingredients from the shop under the Goodies section. One costs 100 Gold so It's not worth it at all.
The crafting idea sounds really neat, it was about time they added something new in!
Thanks for posting all this White Queen!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on September 27, 2013, 02:39PM
The crafting idea sounds really neat, it was about time they added something new in!
Thanks for posting all this White Queen!
The Crafting isn't difficult or complicated though, just time consuming. Since you need a good amount of heroes to collect parts.
I'm focusing on The Apprentice title, then I shall focus on the Sidekicks.
Also got my Squad Level to 330. :D So yay me. My 6 Million code membership expired today though. :/
Though I might get enough gold for Psylocke, since I still haven't collected the gold from the wheel...cuz I don't have tickets. xD
Btw do you have any of the Hulk Heroes required for the Hulked Out Challange. ( Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk and Gladiator Hulk )
Quote from: White Queen on September 27, 2013, 02:57PM
The Crafting isn't difficult or complicated though, just time consuming. Since you need a good amount of heroes to collect parts.
I'm focusing on The Apprentice title, then I shall focus on the Sidekicks.
Also got my Squad Level to 330. :D So yay me. My 6 Million code membership expired today though. :/
Though I might get enough gold for Psylocke, since I still haven't collected the gold from the wheel...cuz I don't have tickets. xD
Btw do you have any of the Hulk Heroes required for the Hulked Out Challange. ( Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk and Gladiator Hulk )
At least its something to do haha. Yay for you!
Yeah I have Red She Hulk!
Quote from: White Queen on September 27, 2013, 02:57PM
The Crafting isn't difficult or complicated though, just time consuming. Since you need a good amount of heroes to collect parts.
I'm focusing on The Apprentice title, then I shall focus on the Sidekicks.
Also got my Squad Level to 330. :D So yay me. My 6 Million code membership expired today though. :/
Though I might get enough gold for Psylocke, since I still haven't collected the gold from the wheel...cuz I don't have tickets. xD
Btw do you have any of the Hulk Heroes required for the Hulked Out Challange. ( Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk and Gladiator Hulk )
Thanks for telling us about the crafting, White Queen. You sure have been busy raising your Squad Level so much in such a short time! My Agent membership ran out today as well. It was fun while it lasted. I ended up buying Nick Fury, Deadpool, Shadowcat, Dark Iron Patriot, Iron Man Mark I, Avengers Hawkeye, Avengers Nick Fury and Quicksilver.
I will try out the crafting. However, I hope it's better than Marvel Heroes. (And I can't end this message without saying that I would have rather they updated the card game than add crafting. :D )
Code for 10 free Adamantium Fragments. ( For Crafting )
Quote from: White Queen on September 30, 2013, 12:09PM
Code for 10 free Adamantium Fragments. ( For Crafting )
Hi, sorry I have been off for so long.
Anyways, I saw two people phoenix and queen talking about an increase in their squad level... but mine is still 265 as before???
By the way... do not waste your time downloading Mozila. It will not fix the game crashes. Tried it myself... As for Internet Explorer... well, too slow generally.
And speaking of crashes... how come I crash every 5-10 minutes? The game was not even close to this in Google Chrome before the patch...
Glad to see you back, corvetterules! Where have you been? Did you get in on the one-week of free membership? The code might still work for you. If I remember correctly, it was 6milplyrs.
On the previous page, you had asked about people's squad level increasing. Right after I entered the code, mine went from 396 to 447. Then I bought some of the members-only characters, and it went up to 471. Now I'm at 508. I hope the code still works for you.
They have updated the game for Halloween in case you didn't know yet.
Quote from: fox456 on October 03, 2013, 08:01PM
Glad to see you back, corvetterules! Where have you been? Did you get in on the one-week of free membership? The code might still work for you. If I remember correctly, it was 6milplyrs.
On the previous page, you had asked about people's squad level increasing. Right after I entered the code, mine went from 396 to 447. Then I bought some of the members-only characters, and it went up to 471. Now I'm at 508. I hope the code still works for you.
I owe you just SO much for that code, fox. Now I have an opportunity in a million to get more silver characters! Thank you!
EDIT: I just redeemed the code and already have Dark Iron Patriot, Nick Fury (or how I like to call him, rap clothes fury), Hulkbuster Iron Man, Symbiote Spider Man, Deadpool, Black widow, War Machine and Ultimate Thor!
Oh, right. And to respond your question as to where I have been... well a small part on vacantion, a bigger part school, but mostly, because I kinda did not want to play for a while after forgetting to log in for the free gold. You know... sometimes it gets annoying and you do not play for a while...
Well, I know what you mean, but it's good that you're back. Also, I'm glad that the code worked for you.
Quote from: fox456 on October 04, 2013, 04:09PM
Well, I know what you mean, but it's good that you're back. Also, I'm glad that the code worked for you.
By the way... Sure thing my streak would have been reseted. But somehow, when I logged in it did not reset and give me 20 gold as a 8 streak log in. What was that? Not that I am against it of course :P
By the way, the free 1-week membership code is usable ( once per account ) until 29th of October, then it expires.
Sorry for so many questions, been a while since I last played.
But this is the last one. Are the normal and Avengers Nick Fury's intended to double jump? Because sometimes they roll forward when they jump, pretty much what we see with usual double-jumping characters. However, I can't seem to jump the second time while in air. Bug? Animation mistake?
For me, Avengers Nick Fury has no double jump or any special skill when you press the space bar twice. However, regular Nick Fury "sometimes" does a somersault. It may be a glitch, because it's not consistent. It happens more when I am changing directions when pushing the space bar. Other times it happens when I just press the space bar once.
One last thing.
Ok, now I am at 525 gold, so, very close to an average gold hero. What should I do? Buy an Agents one and if yes, which one, or buy one of the non-agent heroes and if yes, which?
Don't worry about asking questions; that's part of the reason the forum is here. :)
When I had the membership, I bought Quicksilver (an agents-only character). I bought him because I had never seen him at all. Right after I bought him, I saw another one! LOL But he is a unique character in many ways and I like him.
The obvious thing to keep in mind is that you won't have access to any of the agents-only characters after a week, so if any of them appeal to you, buy them now. And remember, you can still use them after the membership period ends.
Quote from: fox456 on October 05, 2013, 08:11PM
Don't worry about asking questions; that's part of the reason the forum is here. :)
When I had the membership, I bought Quicksilver (an agents-only character). I bought him because I had never seen him at all. Right after I bought him, I saw another one! LOL But he is a unique character in many ways and I like him.
The obvious thing to keep in mind is that you won't have access to any of the agents-only characters after a week, so if any of them appeal to you, buy them now. And remember, you can still use them after the membership period ends.
I am thinking of keeping for Mysterio, to make a first 100% villain in my squad, though another side of me says I should buy Magneto. Though I could turn my head to Magneto any time, and to Mysterio only until the end of the week... And it's completely O.K. about the gold earning process too, the wheel goes gold every day, so I could probably get him in a day or two after today.
EDIT: Having thought of it twice, I don't dig any of the gold agent heroes... But I'll get Dark Phoenix. Speaking of phoenix... can't wait to do some missions with him while I have Mrs. Darky!
If you didn't get Dark Phoenix yet, you better do so. She has an awesome melee combo, great powers at level 3 and a radius hero up which deals 75 damage at level 1... She's only 600 gold. Yes, I said only because you get 20 gold as an 8th day streak with membership and the prize wheel also goes gold every day.
Yeah I got her and her badge. She's pretty cool.
Also she doesn't have a melee combo, she has a ranged combo. xD
Code for Free Shadow Potion: HLWNSHDW
@ corvetterules:
Sounds like you made a good choice!
@White Queen:
Thanks for the new code.
@Both of you:
What is your in-game name?
My in-game name is Spider Spirit.
I can get on now if you want to add me. :)
Btw, what's you in-game name?
Also, since it's Halloween in Super Hero City, I am The Wicked Witch of the West!
Quote from: White Queen on October 06, 2013, 06:35AM
Yeah I got her and her badge. She's pretty cool.
Also she doesn't have a melee combo, she has a ranged combo. xD
Code for Free Shadow Potion: HLWNSHDW
Yeah, you're right about the combo :P
And thanks for the code!
Aaaaand, to answer your questions, my name is Prince Tundra Sloth. If you wish to add me come at Villainville. I'm currently earning metal parts for crafting. Look for an Ultimate Thor.
For those with Dark Phoenix, if you find a Ghost Rider motorcycle race, you can use her third power emote to make a start line composed of Cyclops and Wolverine fire holograms. Just to make her seem so much more fun.
Quote from: White Queen on October 06, 2013, 06:42AM
My in-game name is Spider Spirit.
I can get on now if you want to add me. :)
Btw, what's you in-game name?
Also, since it's Halloween in Super Hero City, I am The Wicked Witch of the West!
Great picture! LOL!
White Queen = Spider Spirit
corvetterules = Prince Tundra Sloth
fox456 = Winter Fighter
I wasn't on the rest of today, but I'll be looking for you guys.
Quote from: fox456 on October 06, 2013, 08:22PM
Great picture! LOL!
White Queen = Spider Spirit
corvetterules = Prince Tundra Sloth
fox456 = Winter Fighter
I wasn't on the rest of today, but I'll be looking for you guys.
Only one with three names in the list...
Quote from: corvetterules on October 07, 2013, 08:50AM
Only one with three names in the list...
xD lmao.
Yeah, the squad name generator doesn't generate 2-word names anymore, I think. :P
Quote from: White Queen on October 07, 2013, 11:00AM
xD lmao.
Yeah, the squad name generator doesn't generate 2-word names anymore, I think. :P
I wish they would have just let us pick out own names, but I have to say I do enjoy my name haha.
I should have added you already Midnightphoenix.
I copied and edited an old list of players and MSHSO account names. Some of you may have started new accounts since this was first published. (Now corevettrules won't feel so alone!) :)
4elementsefww - Mega Island Alchemist
corvetterules - Prince Tundra Sloth
Dark Phoenix 1 - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
fox456 - Winter Fighter
Hiddenhope213 - Emperor Rat
Jeanfan321 - Flash Steel Viper
Jill Valentine - Dazzling Linebacker Philosopher
Marvelfan12345 - Princess Puffin
Midnightphoenix - Spirit Marshmallow
Polygone - Gecko Mosquito
Scabbia - Funny Cat
SuperNatural-Witch - Simplicity Psionic Ghost
Techon 7 - Sir Marshall
The Phoenix - Spider Spirit
TheStorm - Marvelous Roamer
White Queen - Spider Spirit
Whiteking - Solid Midnight Prince
Wolverine Fan 221 - Silver Soul
If you're name isn't listed, please add it for us.
My updated name's Gecko Mosquito, but I barely play anymore :P
Thanks for the updated name. You may at least want to take advantage of the free one-week membership.
I did :), but was kinda bummed to find out it didn't add the 500 gold that comes with a month xd, I don't really play anymore other then that day I went to check the code:P
I think I was able to get about 1000 gold for the one week of membership by "spinning out" the wheel until all the gold was gone each day plus the 20 gold for signing on each day. I used it to buy Quicksilver.
Ok, so I redeemed the membership code last Friday. Does this mean today is the last day? Today is Thursday. If today is the last day, then my hopes of getting Magneto tomorrow are vanished...
I think today is your last day unfortunately. I'm not 100% sure. I know that it seemed like mine expired before I realized it had been a week. Just to be sure, I would "spin out" the wheel today.
After an unbelievably amount of broken bones on spinning the wheel and wishing to get him, the master of magnetism is finally on my side! (
Quote from: fox456 on October 09, 2013, 01:40PM
I think today is your last day unfortunately. I'm not 100% sure. I know that it seemed like mine expired before I realized it had been a week. Just to be sure, I would "spin out" the wheel today.
Oh, and by the way, it would seem yesterday was not the last day. Which allowed me to buy Magneto! If you have Mystique, then I am available at any time to do some missions together! Sabretooth welcome too!
Maybe this is a dumb question, but is Frankenstein a Marvel character?
@ corvetterules,
Glad you were able to get Magneto! How do you like him so far?
Seems like they were really looking for a suitable realese, I like that its a not well known character, but they could've realesed so many other better known characters xd
Quote from: fox456 on October 10, 2013, 05:50PM
Maybe this is a dumb question, but is Frankenstein a Marvel character?
@ corvetterules,
Glad you were able to get Magneto! How do you like him so far?
Pretty slow in melee combo (or RANGED, as queen referred to), but a damaging one. The moving animation just gives you the feel of epicness while looking at the cape. In other words, I would say it was worth getting Magneto instead of Mysterio. Besides, if I got Mysterio I would not be able to get his badge because that is also agents only, and when I bought Magneto I only had 975 gold. I can buy Magneto's badge at any time of the day.
Personally, I like the conclusion of this agent-week of mine; I got two villains!
But now something pressures me... I have play-with-four-characters challenges (such as Hulked out heroes) coming my way, and I'm wondering whether I should have gotten some Iron Men or Wolverines instead of Dark Phoenix and Magneto.
Me having bought a Goblin box
Quote from: Polygone on October 10, 2013, 11:26PM
Seems like they were really looking for a suitable realese, I like that its a not well known character, but they could've realesed so many other better known characters xd
Wow, that's an old one!
@ corevetterules,
If I have any Wolverines or Iron Men that you need to match up with, let me know. Your Goblin box looks pretty crappy except that you got Invisible Woman -- that would be more than worth the price if you didn't already have her. Those "uncommon" cards you got are bascially ridiculous. Thanks for sharing the pic of what you got in the box. I was wondering exactly what other players were getting when they bought boxes.
Quote from: fox456 on October 11, 2013, 02:46PM
Wow, that's an old one!
@ corevetterules,
If I have any Wolverines or Iron Men that you need to match up with, let me know. Your Goblin box looks pretty crappy except that you got Invisible Woman -- that would be more than worth the price if you didn't already have her. Those "uncommon" cards you got are bascially ridiculous. Thanks for sharing the pic of what you got in the box. I was wondering exactly what other players were getting when they bought boxes.
To be honest, I was hoping one of the potions would be an experience one. Oh, referring to that, does any of the boxes drop that?
I don't remember about the experience potions. It's been awhile since I got mine and, at the time, all of my heroes were maxed out so, if I got an experience potion, it really didn't mean anything to me.
I remember getting two cards that I didn't have, Wasp's Power Quest, and then miscellaneous items.
Code for Free Void Potion
Thank you, White Queen.
Quote from: White Queen on October 13, 2013, 01:12PM
Code for Free Void Potion
Thanks for the code. Any code is welcome no matter what they have to offer!
Do any of you guys know where the game files get stored on your computer? I can't find them anywhere.
Quote from: fox456 on October 14, 2013, 07:39PM
Do any of you guys know where the game files get stored on your computer? I can't find them anywhere.
Sorry, I have no idea myself. Though I don't see the point in knowing their location anyway.
Quote from: fox456 on October 14, 2013, 07:39PM
Do any of you guys know where the game files get stored on your computer? I can't find them anywhere.
Well for me they are:
C: > Users > MyUser > AppData > LocalLow > Unity > WebPlayer > Cache > SHS
Just type %AppData% in the Windows Search thing, and go from there.
( Windows 7 Ultimate )
The reason I wanted to know is that I'm getting a new computer and I wanted to see which of the two drives it would be best to install the game's files on. Right now, I'm using Windows XP but I'll be using Windows 7 on the new computer. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to configure it (if we even have a choice, that is) so that it won't have so many crashes.
Wow! Using some of White Queen listed, I just found the bulk of the files -- there's way over 5GB. I wonder how you would delete those files if you ever wanted to. I bet there would be lots of leftover files on the computer in various places.
Here are a few tips should you be trying to earn craftings (crafting parts) for side kicks and the appretience title:
Recommended: Have plenty of heroes (at least 25 works fine for plenty of parts)
1) Start in Villainville where you collect plenty of metal parts (adamantium rods and metal screws). Keep on collecting ONLY THERE until you are done with the metal. You can also get some Vishanti craftings along the way.
2) (maybe the hardest part) Now keep on collecting craftings at Daily Bugle. You would most likely finish the screws before the adamantium rods so in Daily Bugle you can collect rods, symbiotes and also those toxic glasses (and occasionally, pym particles, though you might earn them while in Villainville). Finish until you are done with the rods.
P.S. This is the hardest map to earn craftings because of the unexpected places they can be put at. It is especially a pain with flying characters.
3) Now go to Asgard for the Dark Energy orbs. You will get some Uru dust too along the way.
I posted this tutorial because some people might just fear the amount of parts of each type which need be earned. This fear can be minimized by doing everything in order. So, follow this and see if it gets you rid of some sweat!
Make sure to take a Magneto for metal craftings, a Dr. Strange for Vishanti craftings, a Dark Surfer for Dark Energy orbs, a Thor for Uru dust and a Black suit Spider-man/Venom for symbiotes :P (does not really work)
Quote from: corvetterules on October 16, 2013, 12:51PM
Make sure to take a Magneto for metal craftings, a Dr. Strange for Vishanti craftings, a Dark Surfer for Dark Energy orbs, a Thor for Uru dust and a Black suit Spider-man/Venom for symbiotes :P (does not really work)
LOL! When I was first reading this, I thought that I needed to get some other heroes that I don't have, like Magneto and Dark Surfer!
Quote from: fox456 on October 16, 2013, 02:48PM
LOL! When I was first reading this, I thought that I needed to get some other heroes that I don't have, like Magneto and Dark Surfer!
Honestly, I never thought that post would make anyone laugh... just posted for the fun of it
Error P13100. Cannot load page. Dear 5-gold streak, you will be missed...
Did you try it again later?
Quote from: fox456 on October 25, 2013, 03:29AM
Did you try it again later?
No, and it's not like I could either. I had to go to bed...
EDIT: Nevermind. It seems my streak survived. How different the game clock is from my country's...
What happened to this site? Recently I could not enter it because it only said a message that the site is marked as crashed and should be repaired.
P.S. If this thread is not where this should be posted, please repost this in its right thread. Thank you.
Quote from: corvetterules on October 28, 2013, 11:09AM
What happened to this site? Recently I could not enter it because it only said a message that the site is marked as crashed and should be repaired.
P.S. If this thread is not where this should be posted, please repost this in its right thread. Thank you.
It's not really the right thread, but ehh who cares, I don't mind going off topic sometimes. I had the same issue. I Don't know what was going on, I tried to go on the backup forum but it was shut down for being inactive.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on October 28, 2013, 02:30PM
It's not really the right thread, but ehh who cares, I don't mind going off topic sometimes. I had the same issue. I Don't know what was going on, I tried to go on the backup forum but it was shut down for being inactive.
At first I thought Marvel mods was shutting down. That would have really made me sad. This thread is pretty much the only means of chatting with other players, seeing as so many players are under 13 years old, thus, unable to type messages and forced to talk with messages from Safe Chat.
But all that is besides the point. Back to SHSO, did you (or anyone else) manage to take advantage of the very small period of time when you could earn more than just one of a kind of crafting part in free roam? I mean, when the update with earning craftings in missions and modifications to the health bar HUD came out. The one that ruined the stability of the game. For example, if you found a rough diamonds token, you would get 20 of those parts, not just 1.
Quote from: corvetterules on October 25, 2013, 05:54AM
EDIT: Nevermind. It seems my streak survived. How different the game clock is from my country's...
What country to do you live in, corvetterules?
Quote from: corvetterules on October 28, 2013, 02:57PM
At first I thought Marvel mods was shutting down. That would have really made me sad. This thread is pretty much the only means of chatting with other players, seeing as so many players are under 13 years old, thus, unable to type messages and forced to talk with messages from Safe Chat.
But all that is besides the point. Back to SHSO, did you (or anyone else) manage to take advantage of the very small period of time when you could earn more than just one of a kind of crafting part in free roam? I mean, when the update with earning craftings in missions and modifications to the health bar HUD came out. The one that ruined the stability of the game. For example, if you found a rough diamonds token, you would get 20 of those parts, not just 1.
I didn't know anything about being able to get more crafting pieces. :(
Quote from: fox456 on October 28, 2013, 07:51PM
What country to do you live in, corvetterules?
I didn't know anything about being able to get more crafting pieces. :(
I am from Romania. Though I think I did mention my country before. As for the other quote response, it seems you did not behold the craftings update at its first time.
Here are some pics that I just can't help but post :P
Haha I love when you get multiples of the same character all together and dance.
Fractal battle won by Prince Tundra Sloth!!
I think it would be rude not to give some tips on winning Spider-Man Noir to you guys since I seem to be the first among us to have won him. O.K., so here; I won him with 8600 fractals, though the second place was 6000-ish. The point is, if you want to stand a good chance to win, you need over 8600 fractals.(only if you have enough fractals) Oh, and during the last 5 minutes, remain at Baxter Plaza and earn some fractals with characters that you did not earn fractals with yet. And at the last minute, as long as you would be 1st place, keep looking at the clock and refreshing the leader board, and if you can still top them all, when the clock says 15 seconds left, redeem all fractals. And make sure you are next to Uatu. This will assure your victory! Though you might have to wait a bit more after the fractal contest is over to redeem the good old Noir.
And you might wanna redeem 10 fractals just in case. It's not just the winner who wins Noir, but also a lucky participant. You might as well win him before getting enough fractals to top everyone.
Has anyone here won a Vishanti crafting part in missions? No such thing in Annihilus missions, Venom missions etc.
EDIT: Dr. Doom missions seem to give that. If you need some for Blue Mimic or Red Annihilation trooper... Though you are most fortunate for the Mayhem version as you earn many blue ingots in missions.
P.S. I have reached the They are Iron Men challenge. I would like to play missions with each Iron Man besides the Stealth Armor and normal. If you are available, reply and meet me at Daily Bugle at the prize wheel.
I have some Iron Men characters. If you see me online, message me and I'll be glad to play with you.
Quote from: corvetterules on October 31, 2013, 02:55AM
Fractal battle won by Prince Tundra Sloth!!
This is totally awesome! Glad to see someone I "know" actually won Spider-Man Noir. How do you like him? That sure is alot of fractals -- over 8000! When you give your fractals to Uatu, do you have to give him ALL of them at once?
Quote from: corvetterules on October 29, 2013, 10:12AM
Here are some pics that I just can't help but post :P
Fun! This reminds me of the time Midnighphoenix and I won the "Dancing with the Stars" competition in Baxter Plaza. :D
Haha those were fun times Fox!
Noir is a slight bit better than Black Suit Spider Man. I think you have Black Suit Spider Man too, so you can tell. Well, in missions, anyway. His first 2 melee moves in his combo are slower, but his 4th move is like a shot gun: it fires webs in 3 different directions and as for the 5th move he pulls the enemy towards him and punches him in the air. Just like BS Spider Man, but you can get out of the animation of the 5th move if you want. You know, with BS Spider Man you cannot move for 2 seconds during the 5th move when you punch the enemy in the air, while the animation is finishing.
Power attacks: 3 shots of his gun-1st; a kick similar to Daredevil's 3rd power attack-2nd and the power attack which is like SC Wolverine's hero up-3rd.
Hero up: The same as Punisher's 1st power emote.
Outside of missions... well he's like a Spider-Jackson. Oh, and he double jumps instead of swinging.
Quote from: fox456 on November 06, 2013, 05:21PM
I have some Iron Men characters. If you see me online, message me and I'll be glad to play with you.
This is totally awesome! Glad to see someone I "know" actually won Spider-Man Noir. How do you like him? That sure is alot of fractals -- over 8000! When you give your fractals to Uatu, do you have to give him ALL of them at once?
Fun! This reminds me of the time Midnighphoenix and I won the "Dancing with the Stars" competition in Baxter Plaza. :D
You don't HAVE to give all of them when you redeem them. You can always redeem 10, 15, 21 (depends on how many you want). Before winning Noir, I always redeemed 10 fractals (I would have redeemed 1, but it doesn't let you for some reason) just in case. You can also be the lucky participant who wins Noir.
I am online right now and need Iron Man Avengers and MK II. Prince Tundra Sloth, in case you forgot. Daily Bugle at prize wheel.
Well, I missed you by several hours this time around....
Quote from: fox456 on November 07, 2013, 04:51PM
Well, I missed you by several hours this time around....
Ignore the Avengers Iron Man part... all I need now is the MKII.
Loki's taken over Asgard and destroyed the Daily Bugle and Baxter Plaza.
I just got on to defeat him and get my Cosmic Cube item thing. :P
He was no match for the power of the Dark Phoenix!
Quote from: White Queen on November 08, 2013, 01:03PM
Loki's taken over Asgard and destroyed the Daily Bugle and Baxter Plaza.
I just got on to defeat him and get my Cosmic Cube item thing. :P
He was no match for the power of the Dark Phoenix!
I beat him with Magneto. Puny gods are no match for the Master of Magnetism!
P.S. Here is another pic which marks my second side kick crafted! Blue is happy too!
Who was your first sidekick to craft?
Code for 50 Gold!
Quote from: fox456 on November 08, 2013, 07:33PM
Who was your first sidekick to craft?
Brown Ultron Legion Bot... and also I crafted red lizardling and red mindless one incoming!
Honestly, chatting here is dull since we cannot even chat at the same time. Here is a link to a chat-dedicated page about SHSO.
@ White Queen,
Thank you for the code to get gold!
@ corevetterules,
Thanks for the link to the chat site. I tried it out -- there were usually 12-14 people chatting during the time I was there.
The dev's stated that they stopped producing new character-unique furniture ( which was replaced by default SHIELD furniture ) because players don't spend time in their HQs.
I think players would spend more time there if you could actually control your hero as if your HQ is a zone.
Also it would be nice if you could visit your friend's HQs and hang out.
Code for Free 1-Week Subscriber Access
Quote from: White Queen on November 16, 2013, 06:28AM
The dev's stated that they stopped producing new character-unique furniture ( which was replaced by default SHIELD furniture ) because players don't spend time in their HQs.
I think players would spend more time there if you could actually control your hero as if your HQ is a zone.
Also it would be nice if you could visit your friend's HQs and hang out.
Code for Free 1-Week Subscriber Access
I totally agree, I never go to mine because it's boring. I'd much rather control my character or visit other people's HQs.
Finally maxed out Dark Phoenix ( lvl.20 )
And with the one week membership code, I'll get enough gold to purchase Psylocke and her badge. :P
I also skipped the Hulked Out heroes challenge using gold. xD Don't judge me. lol :D
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could fly in zones, and I don't mean the hot spots. Like double tap spacebar and fly, and hang out with friends while flying. That would be really fun....or just fly around with a Phoenix raptor and yell "Fear the power of the Phoenix Force!" xD
....yeah...Dark Phoenix is my fav hero. :P
I reached the 5 Easy/Power Card Quests challenge...sigh I cannot believe how much I'm mentally swearing cuz I'm losing. >.>
This is gonna be a pain in the a....bootie...
Ugghhh this is utter torture!
Yeah...I skipped it. xD
Quote from: White Queen on November 18, 2013, 11:02AM
Finally maxed out Dark Phoenix ( lvl.20 )
And with the one week membership code, I'll get enough gold to purchase Psylocke and her badge. :P
I also skipped the Hulked Out heroes challenge using gold. xD Don't judge me. lol :D
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could fly in zones, and I don't mean the hot spots. Like double tap spacebar and fly, and hang out with friends while flying. That would be really fun....or just fly around with a Phoenix raptor and yell "Fear the power of the Phoenix Force!" xD
....yeah...Dark Phoenix is my fav hero. :P
I reached the 5 Easy/Power Card Quests challenge...sigh I cannot believe how much I'm mentally swearing cuz I'm losing. >.>
This is gonna be a pain in the a....bootie...
Ugghhh this is utter torture!
Yeah...I skipped it. xD
I wish we had the ability to fly whenever we wanted, that would be awesome!
I've skipped some challenges too before, some are just to challenging or time consuming.
Quote from: White Queen on November 16, 2013, 06:28AM
The dev's stated that they stopped producing new character-unique furniture ( which was replaced by default SHIELD furniture ) because players don't spend time in their HQs.
I think players would spend more time there if you could actually control your hero as if your HQ is a zone.
Also it would be nice if you could visit your friend's HQs and hang out.
Code for Free 1-Week Subscriber Access
Cool! Thanks for this code.
Does anyone know when the deadline is for entering the code. I'm really busy right now and would like to wait a while if I could....
Quote from: fox456 on November 19, 2013, 10:07PM
Cool! Thanks for this code.
Does anyone know when the deadline is for entering the code. I'm really busy right now and would like to wait a while if I could....
I would assume it's valid until the end of November, but don't quote me on that one. :P
I finally got Psylocke and Avenging Rogue!
So, now my squad level is 418, I have 32 heroes, so I'm very happy! xD
In other news...
The First Craftable Hero: Destroyed is released!
QuoteHe's an invincible Asgardian fighting machine created by Odin himself. He is a tall, silent and dangerous fighting machine!
Sidekick Abilities!
QuoteYou can now craft badges for your Sidekicks that gives them various abilities like combat, ticket creation, killing troublebots, etc. Also, don't miss out on crafting Mini Fin Fang Foom!
There's a code for a free sidekick in the most recent news items. I can't remember what it was, but it will come up once you go to the home page and check the news features.
Use the code: MOONBAT
It'll give you a free Moonbat sidekick....obviously. xD
There's a "one-day only" sale today. They have the retired heroes at 30% off. Earlier in the week, they said it was going to be the biggest sale ever.... I was disappointed but maybe some of you are interested so I hope you don't miss it.
Yeah, the sale was quite dissapointing.
I'm also starting to think they won't be adding any new relevant content ( like new zones ) anytime soon.
They just keep giving us new missions which are basically more or less copies of existing ones, just made harder ( Crisis/Survival Missions ), badges and sidekicks. That all they focus on.
They've forsaken HQ and Card Game content.
Sure they add new heroes and update the crafting system, but that's not really...appealing. To me at least. :P
Well...unless they add a new Emma Frost alternative hero... xD
The sale was pretty lame. I guess it would have been great for people who hadn't gotten the chance to buy the old heroes before they got retired, but only 30% isn't that great.
And I agree White Queen, they never really do anything with the game besides adding in a few new heroes and missions every now and then. They need to do something.
Hopefully they release a X-Men Zone when Days of Future Past comes out.
But i really think they should do player vs player mode that would be fun!!! or for 1 day all heroes are 100 gold.
I was also very pissed at the fact that if you buy "Agents Only" heroes when you have a membership you lose them when your membership expires which is dumb
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 01, 2013, 04:44PM
...I was also very pissed at the fact that if you buy "Agents Only" heroes when you have a membership you lose them when your membership expires which is dumb
That's the way it used to be, but they changed it a while back so that you always have access to the members only characters. At least, I still have access to all of mine as of today and I'm not a member.
@White Queen and Midnightphoenix,
I agree with you about how they are lacking in the development of this game. You know what a card game fan I am and there hasn't been any new content there in SO long. I write them every week to get their input regarding new card quests, etc., for Feedback Fridays, but no responses so far.
Quote from: fox456 on December 01, 2013, 07:27PM
That's the way it used to be, but they changed it a while back so that you always have access to the members only characters. At least, I still have access to all of mine as of today and I'm not a member.
@White Queen and Midnightphoenix,
I agree with you about how they are lacking in the development of this game. You know what a card game fan I am and there hasn't been any new content there in SO long. I write them every week to get their input regarding new card quests, etc., for Feedback Fridays, but no responses so far.
They could at least add something to the card game, or at least address your question by saying they are or aren't doing something with it.
Here's a couple of December codes:
WNTRDMGBST for a damage boost potion
WLCMWNTER for a winter globe
Quote from: fox456 on December 16, 2013, 04:26AM
Here's a couple of December codes:
WNTRDMGBST for a damage boost potion
WLCMWNTER for a winter globe
Thanks for the codes Fox!
QuoteWe've added a bunch of new benefits to being a Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent!
Iron Spider has joined Super Hero City for players with a 12-month membership. Players who have activated a new 12-month membership starting after 1 Aug will be granted Iron Spider Iron. Log in before 15 January to claim your Iron Spider.
Players that upgrade to a 12-month subscription with a currently active 1-month or 6-month will need to contact CS at to have Iron Spider added to their account.
Exclusive Giganto Sidekick will also be granted for players with either a 6-month or 12-month membership.
Additional Mission rewards for all members
QuoteIn celebration of the Holidays and our awesome new additional Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent benefits, all 3 tiers of membership are 20% OFF through January 1st, 2014!
Is anyone who isn't already a member thinking of taking out a membership due to this sale?
Introducing the Featured Hero of the Week!
For S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, each week a retired Hero will be on sale!
This week's Hero is Future Foundation Dr. Doom.
"Sometimes, even dire villains can do good! Doctor Doom joins forces with his enemies in the Future Foundation, but how long will he fight on the side of the angels?"
Are you currently a SHIELD Agent, midnightphoenix?
Quote from: fox456 on January 03, 2014, 07:27PM
Are you currently a SHIELD Agent, midnightphoenix?
Yeah I am, I haven't gone on to actually see how much he is yet though.
Here's a couple of new codes if you haven't seen them:
Elemental flames: LMNTLSPRKS
100 silver: JAN14SLVER
Thanks for the new codes!
I missed the last Agents hero sale for White Phoenix, grr. They said she would be up for a week, and technically she should still be up till tomorrow, but she got switched out and now Emma is the hero on sale.
That sucks. They usually go longer than a week rather than cutting it short.
Quote from: fox456 on January 23, 2014, 08:44PM
That sucks. They usually go longer than a week rather than cutting it short.
They must have known I was coming on, so they took her off really quick.
It's sure been a long time.
How I'm doing? Here are a few self-explanatory pictures.
Mocking thieves with Stomper Destroyer.
Thinking about Cyclops after being lucky enough to win in the 12 Christmas giveaway days (I won on the 9th day) and doing plenty of Crisis Survival where I spammed the X-factor.
Got Vision during the Avengers Loki event and broke him.
Also got Tigra who slashes and dashes. Too bad she pretends she doesn't realize she's a cat and not an elephant (the picture says why.)
Aaaaand got the Time to take A.I.M. crisis survival mission.
No pic for you. U mad?
And now for how YOU are doing.
@ corvetterules,
That sure is FANTASTIC progress!!! And sounds like you've had some luck too. How do you like Destroyer?
For me, I've gotten my squad level up to 593. I need to find people who have the various Wolverines (Samurai, Avenging) to help with the Wolverine challenge. Then, I've got to do the same with the Spider-Man challenge. If you are ever around and have any of those characters, let me know and we can play some missions.
Quote from: fox456 on January 27, 2014, 05:42PM
@ corvetterules,
That sure is FANTASTIC progress!!! And sounds like you've had some luck too. How do you like Destroyer?
For me, I've gotten my squad level up to 593. I need to find people who have the various Wolverines (Samurai, Avenging) to help with the Wolverine challenge. Then, I've got to do the same with the Spider-Man challenge. If you are ever around and have any of those characters, let me know and we can play some missions.
The 2nd picture indicates that I can be of help. Although you should click the CBOX link so we can talk there, because of the gigantic time between our replies. That will make it easier to meet in the game and do missions.
However, I can only help you with Avenging. And by the way, you should make him your next gold hero. His maximum health is very small, but his 2nd power attack is a health (15 health recovered/second) and damage boost that lasts for about 30-40 seconds. Very useful for Crisis survival, from which you get Vibranium Ore.
How I like Destroyer? Well, thanks to him, I now have 2 team healers (the 1st is Angel) and one more fun hero that even when maxed, I use in missions. All that time you spend on doing tons of missions for crafting parts and all the sweat is worth it. Trust me.
NOTE: The link I provided the last time I posted leads to a forum completely dedicated to SHSO, although you might notice people talking about MAA (Marvel Avengers Alliance). Together they are guaranteed to help you with every one of those annoying do-mission-with-specific-heroes challenges.
NOTE (2): Classic Wolverine=Avenging Wolverine regarding basic combos, power attacks and Hero Up. Including the power of the 2nd power attack.
:| Is this game open-world?
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on February 01, 2014, 07:47PM
:| Is this game open-world?
If I recall, the game started in North America and then opened a European server. Eventually, the two were combined. I'm not sure if it's available everywhere.
Quote from: fox456 on February 02, 2014, 07:59AM
If I recall, the game started in North America and then opened a European server. Eventually, the two were combined. I'm not sure if it's available everywhere.
I don't think this will help much, but in Romania this game is available. And I think in the U.K., but I'm not sure, though Gazillion would earn perhaps twice as much cash with availability in the U.K.
Also, my progress continues with the addition of mini Fin Fang Foom + his badges and Destroyer's badge.
NOTE: Don't bother crafting the titles for future craftable heroes. If Destroyer required no title, then what are the chances other heroes will?
Quote from: fox456 on February 02, 2014, 07:59AM
If I recall, the game started in North America and then opened a European server. Eventually, the two were combined. I'm not sure if it's available everywhere.
;| actually i mean like in Spider-Man games (2, 3, WoS & ASM series) & Lego Marvel
Its not, the game consits out of 4 zones that are explorable
It's been giving me this Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is not currently available in your area but we are working on it! message for like a week now.
*Sigh* I thought we were past this little misunderstanding, game. >.>
@ corvetterules:
To get all the items to craft Destroyer, don't you have to play ALOT of missions and even some of those have to be specific missions?
Quote from: fox456 on February 09, 2014, 05:32PM
@ corvetterules:
To get all the items to craft Destroyer, don't you have to play ALOT of missions and even some of those have to be specific missions?
A lot? Yes. Specific missions? Mostly. But I am a nice guy, so here are the missions I know that give parts you will need.
Vibranium-Any CRISIS Survival mission.
Cosmic-Un-secret invasion, Skull and Void, He's baaaack etc. (many missions give it)
Shrouds-Jugger-naught, Wendi-go, Malekith
Spheres-Malekith, He's baaaack, Freezer burn (rare drop), U turned out the lights, Skull and void
Uru-Enchantress, although it is recommended not to waste time on doing that mission just for Uru. You'll get tons of it every day if you collect daily crafting items in Asgard with every hero AND you have at least 3 pages of heroes, which I think most of us do.
Flames-Flame on!, Un-secret invasion, The gods of Thunder, Freezer Burn.
Important note: If you need both Shrouds and Spheres, do Malekith, even if the best option for dark energy balls is Avengers Loki mission "He's baaaack". It gives both of them including Negative sparks and even energy.
Tip: Not getting parts you need in these missions? Try mission diversity; it worked for me, strangely. For example, you're doing missions for Dark Energy spheres, and you're not getting that part. If it doesn't give you, switch to Skull and Void, for example. If it gives you the part, keep on doing it until it stops the dropping streak.
Thanks for all the tips, corevetterules. At least this way, I'll know which missions to focus on.
Quote from: fox456 on February 11, 2014, 02:50PM
Thanks for all the tips, corevetterules. At least this way, I'll know which missions to focus on.
You're welcome, buddy. You will feel like the happiest man in the world once you're done crafting the Destroyer, especially after seeing just how fun he is in missions.
Even so, make sure to craft mini FFF before Destroyer's badge. Reason(s)?
1. Best summonable sidekick, both in health and damage.
2. Mega Collect.
3. Speed and damage passive buff.
4. An armor boost (useful if you're doing un-secret invasion - for the last part; you can use it so minions can't disturb you while typing at the computers to self-destruct the map)
5. Something common among all sidekicks; 2 bonus squad points. Either for swag, or for challenges AND swag.
The sidekick will make missions faster... mainly because of the speed buff and the sidekick being summoned itself. And maybe because of the damage buff... but it's tiny, really. Upgrades a HU from 92 to 96.
Here is a chain of random SHSO pictures to relieve the boredom on this thread.
Wolverine's reaction to me being too stubborn to quit buying Ock boxes:
And no. He is NOT crying.
The bad guys are plotting something...
Intercepting another Skrull Invasion? Ain't nobody got time for dat! Magneto's back... and he's teamed up with Elektra! ELEKTRA!!!
NOTE: Sentry and Elektra are there because of the fact that Sentry was part of the Dark Avengers led by Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) and Elektra because she was associated with both the Hand and the Kingpin, so I should say they are countable as villains.
Also, dark I.P. IS in fact Green Goblin.
After the 23th match of Tetris...
Nick Fury:"That's another win in my book. U mad cyclop Fury?"
Avengers Nick Fury: "Aaargh!" *rage quits and closes the holographic Tetris game screen*
Love the little stories and pictures! The Wolverine picture is how I feel when I buy too many boxes.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on February 17, 2014, 08:23AM
Love the little stories and pictures! The Wolverine picture is how I feel when I buy too many boxes.
At least in my case, that. ESPECIALLY when I go for boxes which if I buy I buy out of boredom.
Note: Never ever EVER choose Black Suit Spiderman or any other character with which you can't exit the combo animation after dealing the damage when picking a Doc Ock mission. If you want Adamantium, that is. If Doc Ock starts with his pew pew pew and you just attack him with your melee anyway, expect a "Get away from me!" which consists in 100 or more tentacle-slaps... , each hit dealing 7 damage. Not only will you descend to silver medal, you will also have gotten pwned by a nerd.
This master of kung fu is coming to Super Hero City soon!
Looks like Iron Fist is on his way.
Iron Fist... That's a cool addition to the game!
Brace yourself... another gold hero incoming,
How can one simply do sports by flying?
Pretty cool that you got your heroes all training hard. :)
Quote from: fox456 on February 23, 2014, 08:15PM
Pretty cool that you got your heroes all training hard. :)
Not all. Magneto is cheating... AND wasting electricity by uselessly activating the running-machine.
LOL! You need to crack the whip on Magneto!
Not sure if high or just their own faction of Russians...
Has anyone bought any prize boxes lately? If so, what are they putting in them these days?
Quote from: fox456 on March 02, 2014, 08:11PM
Has anyone bought any prize boxes lately? If so, what are they putting in them these days?
You mean the mystery boxes? Well, I am currently only buying the Ock Box, but after getting Doc Ock, I will turn to Ultron.
Pretty much the same as before: Card quests, potions, retired heroes, cards, furniture, badges. And obviously, the premium character.
Thanks for the info. Hope you get Doc Ock soon!
Quote from: fox456 on March 03, 2014, 05:11PM
Thanks for the info. Hope you get Doc Ock soon!
I am about to open another Doc Ock box. Hopefully, the angels will make me cool with another 200 gold spent.
EDIT: I could really use the Bagman himself... not just his stylish hats.
:( How many of those Doc Ock boxes do you think you have bought?
Quote from: fox456 on March 04, 2014, 07:03PM
:( How many of those Doc Ock boxes do you think you have bought?
At least 9, for sure.
Ultron: I was created by one of the smartest men on earth, Hank Pym.
Destroyer: LOL. I was created by Odin.
Haters gonna hate.
There are alot of new badges and many of the heroes' badges are on sale. It may end tomorrow....
Taskmaster available in the store.
Also, there is a mission where only villains are playable and you can defeat heroes.
Quote from: corvetterules on March 13, 2014, 10:02AM
Taskmaster available in the store.
Also, there is a mission where only villains are playable and you can defeat heroes.
Have you played this new mission? If so, how was it? I don't have any villains, so I wouldn't be able to play it anyway. Sounds like a good idea for a mission though.
Quote from: fox456 on March 13, 2014, 08:06PM
Have you played this new mission? If so, how was it? I don't have any villains, so I wouldn't be able to play it anyway. Sounds like a good idea for a mission though.
No, I do not have it. But my guess is that the bosses would do the same damage as playables (for example, Morbius, Moon Knight and Werewolf in Monster Smash, Loki without helmet in Asgardian Warriors, or Mysterio in Strike of the Spidey Foes), which does pose quite a threat.
I think Dark Surfer counts as a villain, but good luck with getting gold with him. Especially on THIS mission.
Save for Dark Phoenix or Loki. They will do fine.
Here are more random pics to keep this thread alive.
You came in the wrong neighbourhood.
Magneto's version of the Titanium Man's armor... Made on Easter day.
Quote from: corvetterules on March 18, 2014, 02:35PM
Here are more random pics to keep this thread alive.
Magneto's version of the Titanium Man's armor... Made on Easter day.
Good time of year to be playing this version of him!
Pop! This mischievous alien can turn into a variety of fun and dangerous things! Pop! Add this shapeshifter to your Squad today!
I haven't seen anyone playing the Impossible Man yet. But, he has the potential to be a fun and unique character!
Hey can anyone help me with this problem
My cousin just got a 64-bit Windows 8 computer and I tried installing MSHSO on her computer and it says "try running on 32-bit operating system" or something similar to that and I installed Unity 3D on her computer, restarted it and it still wouldn't work she just gets a blank white screen when she hits the play now button.
Any suggestions?
When I got my new computer, I chose Windows 7, but maybe you can try the following. Right click on the game icon and select the Compatibility tab. Under there, you can switch to Windows XP and other OS modes.
The game won't work for me on Chrome any more, so I have to use firefox. I don't really know why it isn't working. It just goes to the screen where it should be loading but it stays blank.
Ah, yes, I had the same trouble on my old computer as midnightphoenix. I wrote a ticket and eventually got a reply that had me go through a couple of updates. Those didn't help. Their second piece of advice was to switch to Firefox from Internet Explorer. I did that for a while, but eventually, Internet Explorer started working again.
Thanks guys for the suggestions i'll try those and see if they work :)
Quote from: fox456 on March 24, 2014, 03:54PM
Ah, yes, I had the same trouble on my old computer as midnightphoenix. I wrote a ticket and eventually got a reply that had me go through a couple of updates. Those didn't help. Their second piece of advice was to switch to Firefox from Internet Explorer. I did that for a while, but eventually, Internet Explorer started working again.
Last time I remember Internet Explorer didn't work for me either, but maybe I will have to go back and check again.
Introducing our first ever Buy one Get one Sale! This event will start at 12:01 PM PDT on Friday, March 27. Players will be rewarded a "Heroic Box" containing a FREE random hero simply by purchasing a hero that is at least 400 gold! You can find your awarded "Heroic Box" in your backpack.
This event ends Monday, March 31 at 12:01 AM PDT, so be sure to BOGO while you can!
I checked out this BOGO event and was going to buy a hero, but when you get into the store, there's no mention of this extra hero bonus. Hmmm, is this a BOGUS BONUS BOGO event? :)
I am going to try it out now and will let you know....
Quote from: fox456 on March 29, 2014, 07:12PM
I checked out this BOGO event and was going to buy a hero, but when you get into the store, there's no mention of this extra hero bonus. Hmmm, is this a BOGUS BONUS BOGO event? :)
I am going to try it out now and will let you know....
I bought two heroes over 400 and got two boxes, I bought Cable and Captain America (The one on sale currently), and I got Iron Man and Scarlet Spider. I also bought 3 Thanos boxes, because why not, and on the third try I got Thanos!
Congrats on getting Thanos!!!
I did try the BOGO event and purchased Vision. In my backpack, I found a box which gave me various items AND Giant Man. That's cool.
Thank you! Congratulations on getting Giant Man, and Vision, I was considering buying Vision myself. I may have to go back in a get him haha.
Congrats in getting Thanos. And do get Vision - I have him myself, since the Avengers Loki event last year. He's pretty fun.
Anyways, boxes are getting really unhelpful. I guess I'll just start earning for 600g heroes. Atm I'm not playing SHSO so much, mainly because the only way in which I can progress through the game right now is badge-maxing Avengers Nick Fury and Black-Suit Spider-Man, which, IMO, are boring enough to be among the worst characters in the game.
P.S. Rumors say Bagman is coming for silver on April Fools Day.
I wonder if it (Bagman assuming he shows up) will be for members only?
@ corvetterules,
I think you said you had some of the Wolverine characters that are needed for the special Wolverine challenge.... Are you going to be around this week so we can play some missions?
Quote from: fox456 on March 31, 2014, 09:24PM
@ corvetterules,
I think you said you had some of the Wolverine characters that are needed for the special Wolverine challenge.... Are you going to be around this week so we can play some missions?
I'm afraid it's just about impossible to time it good through this thread. A live chat would be MUCH more helpful. Of course, as long as Avenging Wolverine is among your needed heroes.
Either way, follow this link: since there are people of at least squad level 1100 that have what heroes you need to do ALL challenges. Also, it's overall a good SHSO/MAA/MH/MPQ community and even tell who's the next hero coming to these games. And it's a live chat.
P.S. If you could choose your user-name on the live chat the same as your Marvel Mods name, it would be very helpful for me to find out whether it's you.
P.P.S. Just got Bagman. He is a slightly buffed Black Suit Spider-Man, because you don't need to wait for the whole animation on the last attack in his basic combo to finish. You can skip it. As in, with BS Spidey, you need to wait for the whole animation to finish on the web-pull and punch part, which is his last basic attack, unlike with Bagman. He also has a "KICK ME" note on his back. Used to think of Bagman as a hobo Spiderman, but now he seems like a school-bullied Spidey.
Either way, because this game is 80% about recruiting heroes, I am happy to have even the hobo-est heroes if it completes my collection and adds to my squad points.
Thanks again for the link. I've been in the chat for awhile (along with 9 others), but no one is responding yet.
Btw, I bought Bombastic Bagman too, since he was silver.
Quote from: fox456 on April 01, 2014, 09:45AM
Thanks again for the link. I've been in the chat for awhile (along with 9 others), but no one is responding yet.
Btw, I bought Bombastic Bagman too, since he was silver.
I saw a message from a guy named "I can't use my username". Try again if it was you. I'll stay on Cbox and see if we can talk through live chat.
P.S. My name on Cbox is Tundra-Man.
LOL, that was me. They said that my user name (Winter Soldier) was protected. I may have signed up in the past, but I don't remember my password if I did and I didn't see any way to recover it.
I'll check to see if you're there right now.
Abomination has arrived in the game. Thank God they didn't change his voice.
Abomination was a surprise to me. Did you buy him? I think he'd be fun to play.
Quote from: fox456 on April 03, 2014, 11:42AM
Abomination was a surprise to me. Did you buy him? I think he'd be fun to play.
I'm not even a member, so getting gold is way too harsh for me to get Abomination in such a short time. But I have played a daily mission with someone that had Abomination and heard the same voice from his missions. Also, he appears to have a health boost and, as far as I saw, because it was Jugger-naught mission (lots of stomping and dust etc.-stuff that don't let you see basic combos and such well), I couldn't see his basic attack too well. He brings back the fart as a power attack though.
It's very odd, I still recieve the "Coming Soon! Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is currently not available in your area but we're working on it." message when I go to the site.
They merged the Europe and NA servers quite a long time ago, and I was able to play just fine, but ever since the start of this year ( I think it's been since the start of this year ) I've been getting this error.
Can someone please send a ticket to the staff and ask why this is happening.
I'm from Europe btw.
I was starting a ticket for you but saw that they wanted the following information:
Technical Support
To assist you as quickly as possible, please remember to include the following:
• Please include if you are on a Mac or PC
• Your web browser
• Any error messages (including the error number) you may have received.
Also, I can give them your in-game name if you want. I'm not sure they would even respond to your e-mail address if we send it, but I'll let you decide that as well.
I am pretty sure Gazillion has not made SHSO available for ALL countries of Europe. Heck, I feel lucky they made it available for Romania.
Perhaps they retreated the game from where you play for the moment.
Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2014, 06:21PM
I was starting a ticket for you but saw that they wanted the following information:
Technical Support
To assist you as quickly as possible, please remember to include the following:
• Please include if you are on a Mac or PC
• Your web browser
• Any error messages (including the error number) you may have received.
Also, I can give them your in-game name if you want. I'm not sure they would even respond to your e-mail address if we send it, but I'll let you decide that as well.
Well I'm on a PC.
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 28.0
Error Message:
Quote from: corvetterules on April 07, 2014, 01:03AM
I am pretty sure Gazillion has not made SHSO available for ALL countries of Europe. Heck, I feel lucky they made it available for Romania.
Perhaps they retreated the game from where you play for the moment.
Well it's available for most Europeon countries, It used to work absolutely fine. I honestly don't understand why they would roll back on that decision and make it unavailable again. xD
Just sent a ticket for you. I'll let you know if they send a response.
@White Queen
Here is the reply I received today from MSHSO:
Thank you for contacting us.
While we previously made changes to the game that resulted in disabling game access for certain countries, we are thrilled to announce that Super Hero Squad Online is now available at: ( for the following locations:
•United Kingdom
If your friend's country is not on this list, we may not be ready to launch in his area just yet. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank You,
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Quote from: fox456 on April 09, 2014, 04:41PM
@White Queen
Here is the reply I received today from MSHSO:
Thanks Fox for sending a ticket for me. :D
So..they downgraded their server, and split it up to Europe and NA again.
Perfect, oh well. XD
Well, sadly my country isn't in that list, so I guess I'd have to wait...again.. like last time... which lasted about two years.
I think I'm gonna have a mid-life crisis at the age of 16. lol xD
The biggest chore in my SHSO playing experience is finally over. I have gotten past challenge 60 at last!
I am really glad I played so much as Magneto, despite him already being at level 11 and without badge before.
The SHIELD only characters helped too... Although very boring. TBH, I exploited a token glitch which caused all tokens to respawn after you enter a new area during the Loki world event to max BS Spidey and Bagman.
Now on challenge 62. Wish me luck in getting to MODOK before Gaz adds the achievement system... Because all the effort will have been effort should mess this up...
I can relate although I'm not nearly as far as you are in the challenges. My main goal is to get through the Wolverine and Spider-Man challenges before the changes are made so I can get the gold rewards, but I haven't found anyone with Samurai Wolverine or Wolverine yet.
The mutant Master of Magnetism, Erik Lehnsherr, has discovered an ancient portal to the Vishanti's dimension!
Nah. With all seriousity, what is this supposed to be? It just appeared on my map after mega-collecting as Magneto (Yes, he is badge-maxed and I mega-collected as him. U mad?)
First I thought it was some sort of glitch. But then I ran across this forum. The first entry on this page (at the time I accessed it) sort of looks like your picture.!-Super-Hero-Squad-Online-Discussion-Oh-5th-X-Thread!!/page330
Quote from: fox456 on April 11, 2014, 06:01PM
First I thought it was some sort of glitch. But then I ran across this forum. The first entry on this page (at the time I accessed it) sort of looks like your picture.!-Super-Hero-Squad-Online-Discussion-Oh-5th-X-Thread!!/page330
Could you be direct and show the picture on this site? The administrator IP issue haunts me to no end. That page is the only one I'm redirected to when I enter the CBR site.
This is the picture I saw on the forum:
Quote from: fox456 on April 12, 2014, 10:23PM
This is the picture I saw on the forum:
Gazillion mentioned that fractals might be used for crafting and as a currency. I'm guessing this is a crafting recipe that currently can't be obtained, but just floats above your head, scaring you when you see it for the first time.
I only got this crystal when I used Mega-Collect. Unless you can also get it when you collect all fractals manually, I think you'll need mini FFF/Giganto and their badges in order to be able to craft whatever will need this crystal.
Quote from: fox456 on April 10, 2014, 03:42PM
I can relate although I'm not nearly as far as you are in the challenges. My main goal is to get through the Wolverine and Spider-Man challenges before the changes are made so I can get the gold rewards, but I haven't found anyone with Samurai Wolverine or Wolverine yet.
I know this is an old comment, but I just feel like quoting this one.
I think you should keep trying to find people on the Cbox live chat. Link here, so you needn't go back a few pages: Some people have all of the challenge heroes, and there are many who have at least 6 of them.
After you get past it, my advice would be to NOT stop here with the challenges. Yes, the achievement system is coming, but even if you don't get MODOK, it still is nice to have the other prizes. Since the challenges are going to be removed, you won't be able to get the rest of the prizes. So just drive until your wheels pop.
Thanks for the encouragement and I'll keep checking the chat for people who have the heroes I need.
Oh, and yesterday I saw that huge, swirling, fractal thing. I was standing on top of a building and jumped up and it was visible in the sky above me. It wasn't as plain as the one shown in the picture above.
Quote from: fox456 on April 13, 2014, 08:35PM
Thanks for the encouragement and I'll keep checking the chat for people who have the heroes I need.
Oh, and yesterday I saw that huge, swirling, fractal thing. I was standing on top of a building and jumped up and it was visible in the sky above me. It wasn't as plain as the one shown in the picture above.
TBH, I'm not surprised it was somewhere very high in the area. When I mega-collect, it just comes from above, it doesn't pop outta nowhere.
Here's another wild thought of what it might be: an item worth 100 fractals or so. If that's the case then I'm guessing Gaz is planning to make whatever can be bought with fractals REALLY expensive. Or just maybe help us own the current hall of fame.
Behold! The strongest one there is!
I didn't say physically...
I feel relieved because of 2 things:
1) I don't have to worry about starting my path to MODOK from scratch anymore because of the achievement system replacing challenges
2) A relief in general... The pressure of the challenges... All gone. Now to just fool around and recruit heroes.
Yo dawg! I heard you like chairs, so I put a chair on this chair so you can sit while you sit.
P.S. I know this is triple posting, but I've been wanting to make this joke for a long time now.
Glad to see you got MODOK!
Here are more random pictures that, again, I cannot help but post :P
Don't worry! Our beloved Captain America isn't dead! He just felt tired. And this is how he froze during WW2.
To be honest, I always though Venom looks like a derp when he's defeated.
P.S. Just know this. Don't expect M.O.D.O.K. to be anywhere near decent in missions. He is very slow, and because he can start from long range with his basic combo, one rarely hits with ALL basic attacks.
But you should still get him because:
1) He's a villain. Everyone wants villains!
2) He's a token of finishing all challenges.
3) He's otherwise fun in game areas.
4) You'll feel like all the stress you had to put up with passing the challenges will not have been in vain.
And to those who didn't get M.O.D.O.K. yet, don't panic. The achievements system is likely to come at summer time... from what I've heard.
I like the pics, especially this one:
Quote from: corvetterules on April 17, 2014, 02:23AM
Here are more random pictures that, again, I cannot help but post :P
Don't worry! Our beloved Captain America isn't dead! He just felt tired. And this is how he froze during WW2.
And to those who didn't get M.O.D.O.K. yet, don't panic. The achievements system is likely to come at summer time... from what I've heard.
This is good to hear. It gives me a little more time.
Sam Wilson answers the call of duty equipped with the all new Falcon EXO-7 suit. Take this high-flying hero of the skies into combat with some of the coolest power attacks in the game! Buff up with S.H.I.E.L.D. Upgrades and finish the job with Wingstrike and Cyclone Strike. Even Captain America can use a little backup sometimes. Mission accomplished, soldier!
The weekend is here, which means another exciting World Event awaits you! Topping the fractal leaderboard now features a three for one reward: the Card Heroes Bundle, which includes White Phoenix, Arctic Iron Man, and Armored Spider-Man! This event is live NOW and cycles every 4 hours, so be sure to turn in those fractals to The Watcher located in Baxter Plaza. This special weekend event ends Monday, April 28 at 1:00 PM PDT. See you in game, Heroes!
XP Boost code: 1THSNDXP
Thanks for all those updates, midnightphoenix. For a little while, I thought there was FINALLY a card update when I saw the "Card Heroes" event. :banghead: :)
Quote from: fox456 on April 25, 2014, 04:47PM
Thanks for all those updates, midnightphoenix. For a little while, I thought there was FINALLY a card update when I saw the "Card Heroes" event. :banghead: :)
I did too, I got pretty excited when I read that haha.
I bought a ton of Winter Solider boxes because why not, I did get the Winter Soldier but I am also now broke haha.
Glad you finally got Winter Soldier. Do you know how many boxes it took?
I know this is WAY late, but have you guys heard of the Emperor Challenge?
Well, it still is on, but you cannot ENTER the tournament anymore since there was a series of challenges that had to be done in order and the first one expired. It involved winning a box villain of your choice. The first 3 to complete all challenges wins.
If you got in the contest, which challenger are you on?
If I win... Mine shall Ock be.
Quote from: fox456 on April 27, 2014, 07:11PM
Glad you finally got Winter Soldier. Do you know how many boxes it took?
Umm I don't know maybe 5
Quote from: corvetterules on May 01, 2014, 12:26AM
I know this is WAY late, but have you guys heard of the Emperor Challenge?
If you got in the contest, which challenger are you on?
If I win... Mine shall Ock be.
I didn't get in the contest. :(
Quote from: fox456 on May 02, 2014, 05:36PM
I didn't get in the contest. :(
I'm sorry you didn't get in the contest. It was on the FB page of SHSO though.
Anyways, I was the 2nd to complete all current challenges. If I can have this luck for when it counts, then I can actually be among the winners.
There are like 12 people who managed to get as far as to still be in the tournament, so I probably have a good chance.
Wish me luck
Nowadays I wonder what retired heroes there are in the Titanium Box... I heard there is Arctic IM and even Dr. Doom... But just in case anybody here is aiming for the T-man, or already has him, what retired heroes did you get so far?
P.S. I have changed my Marvel Mods account since I uninstalled the only browser on which I was logged in forever as corvetterules. On top of that there are some other issues that I'd rather not mention which don't allow me to still log in as my old account.
Glad you are still with us here!
Regarding the retired heroes, I don't have many to speak of.
... and good luck in the tournament.
Here are a couple of pics to heal the thread, because it is dying again.
Destroyer did ABSOLUTELY not do this.
Then Erik came looking for the Destroyer...
And thinking he was behind the office door, he tried valiantly to open it. And no, he's not using magnetism; he's just making the effect so he looks really epic while opening a door.
Falcon's reaction to fish still being in water despite all the destruction and ruined buildings in the Daily Bugle
And check this out! Spider-Ham can hold his whole body worth of weight with just the back of his palm!
On a serious note... Why is the piano invisible?
With Loki controlling the nine worlds, everything is under the reign of chaos.
Let's take a look at how people are doing on earth, shall we?
Due to the unbearable cold, people would warm themselves up with anything; even burning cars that have a big chance of blowing up!
P.S. I know it's Nick Fury and not some civillian; but to me he looked like the best inspiration for the apocalypse-turned average civillian.
Are you one of those who simply LOVE the fallen zones but still feel like it's missing something?
I bet what you feel is missing is Uatu coming and telling you what must be done to prevent the new evil from succeeding, like he's informing Magneto of the situation and asking him to save the universe in this picture.
Then the magnetic anti-villain went over to Charles to inform him of the new threat.
Since Beast has a fair amount of knowledge in every department (...I think?), the X-men sent him to analyze the ancient book that suddenly appeared in Baxter Plaza.
Aaaand I'll make this the final picture of the post.
P.S. Sorry if I posted too many pictures at once. I was thinking that only countinuous posting is bad, and not continuous photo-posting in the same comment.
I don't think it is xD
Great pictures!
I liked the pics too! My faves were the first two and the one with Uatu and Magneto.
I love how Nick Fury is warming himself with a burning car.
Well, the tournament is finally over, and I didn't win. But if I were to be honest, I'm not even mad. The tournament made SHSO tons of fun while it lasted, which is what one is supposed to see in a game.
EDIT: Big news. Someone that can codebreak SHSO (see what next patches bring) said that the next patch will include not only Agent Venom... But the achievements system. Better hurry up and get MODOK. The clock is ticking.
Haha, this made me laugh a lil. xD
Here are some recent codes you might want to use. They all worked on Friday, June 13.
FRCTLS2 (50 fractals)
SPDBST614 (speed boost)
FFTYG514 (50 gold)
DMGBST514 (damage boost)
FRCTLS514 (100 fractals)
Quote from: fox456 on June 13, 2014, 08:45AM
Here are some recent codes you might want to use. They all worked on Friday, June 13.
FRCTLS2 (50 fractals)
SPDBST614 (speed boost)
FFTYG514 (50 gold)
DMGBST514 (damage boost)
FRCTLS514 (100 fractals)
Thanks for all the codes Fox!
Once again, I've been off for a while. After tons of fractals collecting, I got the Summers family bundle. And what if I told you... I had to find them?
Don't ask me what Scott was doing in a sewer; 'cause I dunno. He seems to enjoy the smell though.
Hope seems to have forgotten which side she's on. Then again, I don't think that in her apocalyptic age there are any Villainville civillians that flirt interact just like a normal civillian.
Curious how this happened? Well, Hope kept whining that she has no brothers. Nathan acted quickly and grabbed a baby from an adoption center. But since he didn't have any money (because he comes from a war torn future; duh.), he gave the shopkeeper a time travelling device out of his thousands.
And besides that... Nothing really. How have YOU been?
Like that Cable pic, corvetterules. How many fractals did you have to spend to win the Summers family?
Quote from: fox456 on June 22, 2014, 10:54PM
Like that Cable pic, corvetterules. How many fractals did you have to spend to win the Summers family?
I used 11k fractals. Don't rely on it though; the campers that compete for bundles often redeem 15k-30k. If I had any advantage, it was that I prayed like 3 times to be able to get the bundle, since 11k fractals in a short time such as this is only obtainable ONCE.
If you have a stack of say 11k fractals (which I'm actually nowhere close), but you only want to contribute 5,000, is there a way to do that or do you have to give them all away at once?
Quote from: fox456 on June 23, 2014, 08:40AM
If you have a stack of say 11k fractals (which I'm actually nowhere close), but you only want to contribute 5,000, is there a way to do that or do you have to give them all away at once?
I think you can just delete the number of fractals it says and type in "5000", just like that. If that's not possible, you can still do it. But good luck being patient enough to click the right arrow all the way up to 5k.
So the game is going down, and they are supposedly having the biggest update ever.
I guess we will see about that.
I love this update, because I managed to do these:
And also this!
BUT... Most importantly... The nerd we all know and love!
Cutest. Thing. Ever. (his blush emote)
Now time for Ultron.
Love the pictures!
Use the code RECHARGED and you will get Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk and Black Widow. They are also the four new starting heroes.
Here is everything you need to know about the update.
Hang on to your hats, Squaddies! Today we unleash the biggest update to Super Hero Squad Online since we first launched 3 years ago!
There's a lot of stuff in here, so let's jump right in!
First, we have completely changed how you earn currency in SHSO. Gold is still Gold and you can buy it on the website, but we've released smaller (and larger!) Gold packages to give you more choices. The larger packages also come with exclusive items like the Sidekick Box (also gives a Sidekick!), the Rare Hero Box (always gives out a Mystery Box Hero like Thanos or Agent Coulson!) and the super-rare Au Ultron!
You can now earn Fractals from nearly everything in the game (grabbing Tokens, catching Robbers, bopping Troublebots, etc). We've increased the number of Fractals you earn from Missions, and you can now spend Fractals in the Shop! Almost everything in SHSO is now available for purchase with Fractals, meaning that the longer you play, the more Heroes you can buy!
We've totally revamped the Shop. We gave it a brand new look and feel, more categories, and added the ability to search a category for whatever you need. Every Hero in the game now has ability icons so you can see at a glance if a Hero fights hand-to-hand, or if they can fly, teleport, heal others, and more! Missions have new icons as well to tell you about how long the mission takes to complete, and whether it is a Crisis mission or if it is a Survival mission. (Coming soon – information on what Crafting Items can be found in a given Mission!)
We've slashed the prices of everything in the game so the Gold you buy goes further! Heroes can now be bought for 500g or less (or for Fractals!), Sidekicks are now 300g or less, Mystery Boxes are all 50g, head into the new Shop and check it all out!
We simplified how you move around the game. The two "wheels" in the lower right and left corners of the game are gone and replaced with a new Global Nav in the upper right corner. Get one-click access to every feature in the game and even check out your Gold and Fractal levels whenever you want! The new Global Nav also includes your current Hero's abilities (like if they can fly, teleport, double-jump, etc) in addition to any abilities your Hero has because of their Sidekick.
But wait! We aren't done! Achievements are here! Now you can earn Fractals, Titles, Heroes (like MODOK!) and Medallions just by doing the things you like doing! Everyone starts out on the new Destiny Achievements, check out the lower right corner of your game to see what your next task is. Earn a ton of Fractals right away by completing those Achievements and get a walkthrough of all the new content in the game! Open up your Achievements window (using the new Global Nav!) to check out and track more Achievements. Not sure how to complete a particular Achievement? Check out the Help button on the trackers in the lower right corner of your screen to get more information. Want more information on the Achievements, check out our last Dev Blog which has all the details!
There are also new things to do in Super Hero City! Keep an eye out for the rare Golden Fractal, worth 10 times as much as a regular Fractal. Every Hero in your squad can find one each day, but it only appears in one zone for that Hero. If your Iron Man can't find his Golden Fractal in the Daily Bugle, try hunting in Baxter Plaza, Asgard, or Villainville! You should also watch out for Impossible Man. He's trying to sneak into the city by hiding inside ordinary objects like fire hydrants and benches, but he leaves behind a tell-tale cloud of multicolored smoke. Poke the things he hides in to scare him off and earn Fractals and XP! If you scare him off 5 times with a single Hero he's got a surprise for you!
To simplify the number of things you need to keep track of (and because Fractals are so awesome) we've removed Tickets and Silver from the game completely. Having 4 different kinds of 'money' to track just wasn't fun. This also means that the Prize Wheels have been removed from all zones in the game. If you had saved up a bunch of Tickets or Silver don't worry, we converted them all over to Fractals so you should have a bunch of Fractals waiting for you to spend. We also removed the bonus you get for logging in every day in a row because then if you missed a day it all reset and everyone felt sad L We replaced it with a new daily reward where every day you log in you have a chance to win Fractals, Potions, and even free Mystery Boxes! Log in each day for a new prize, but don't worry if you miss a day.
Finally, check out the new My Heroes screen. We combined the Hero Chooser with the Hero Information windows so now you can check out all the Heroes in your squad, get information on all their vital stats like Health, Powers, etc from one screen, or choose a new Hero to play.
All this and more awaits you in Super Hero Squad Online! See you in game!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 26, 2014, 07:16AM
Love the pictures!
Use the code RECHARGED and you will get Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk and Black Widow. They are also the four new starting heroes.
Here is everything you need to know about the update.
Hang on to your hats, Squaddies! Today we unleash the biggest update to Super Hero Squad Online since we first launched 3 years ago!
There's a lot of stuff in here, so let's jump right in!
First, we have completely changed how you earn currency in SHSO. Gold is still Gold and you can buy it on the website, but we've released smaller (and larger!) Gold packages to give you more choices. The larger packages also come with exclusive items like the Sidekick Box (also gives a Sidekick!), the Rare Hero Box (always gives out a Mystery Box Hero like Thanos or Agent Coulson!) and the super-rare Au Ultron!
You can now earn Fractals from nearly everything in the game (grabbing Tokens, catching Robbers, bopping Troublebots, etc). We've increased the number of Fractals you earn from Missions, and you can now spend Fractals in the Shop! Almost everything in SHSO is now available for purchase with Fractals, meaning that the longer you play, the more Heroes you can buy!
We've totally revamped the Shop. We gave it a brand new look and feel, more categories, and added the ability to search a category for whatever you need. Every Hero in the game now has ability icons so you can see at a glance if a Hero fights hand-to-hand, or if they can fly, teleport, heal others, and more! Missions have new icons as well to tell you about how long the mission takes to complete, and whether it is a Crisis mission or if it is a Survival mission. (Coming soon – information on what Crafting Items can be found in a given Mission!)
We've slashed the prices of everything in the game so the Gold you buy goes further! Heroes can now be bought for 500g or less (or for Fractals!), Sidekicks are now 300g or less, Mystery Boxes are all 50g, head into the new Shop and check it all out!
We simplified how you move around the game. The two "wheels" in the lower right and left corners of the game are gone and replaced with a new Global Nav in the upper right corner. Get one-click access to every feature in the game and even check out your Gold and Fractal levels whenever you want! The new Global Nav also includes your current Hero's abilities (like if they can fly, teleport, double-jump, etc) in addition to any abilities your Hero has because of their Sidekick.
But wait! We aren't done! Achievements are here! Now you can earn Fractals, Titles, Heroes (like MODOK!) and Medallions just by doing the things you like doing! Everyone starts out on the new Destiny Achievements, check out the lower right corner of your game to see what your next task is. Earn a ton of Fractals right away by completing those Achievements and get a walkthrough of all the new content in the game! Open up your Achievements window (using the new Global Nav!) to check out and track more Achievements. Not sure how to complete a particular Achievement? Check out the Help button on the trackers in the lower right corner of your screen to get more information. Want more information on the Achievements, check out our last Dev Blog which has all the details!
There are also new things to do in Super Hero City! Keep an eye out for the rare Golden Fractal, worth 10 times as much as a regular Fractal. Every Hero in your squad can find one each day, but it only appears in one zone for that Hero. If your Iron Man can't find his Golden Fractal in the Daily Bugle, try hunting in Baxter Plaza, Asgard, or Villainville! You should also watch out for Impossible Man. He's trying to sneak into the city by hiding inside ordinary objects like fire hydrants and benches, but he leaves behind a tell-tale cloud of multicolored smoke. Poke the things he hides in to scare him off and earn Fractals and XP! If you scare him off 5 times with a single Hero he's got a surprise for you!
To simplify the number of things you need to keep track of (and because Fractals are so awesome) we've removed Tickets and Silver from the game completely. Having 4 different kinds of 'money' to track just wasn't fun. This also means that the Prize Wheels have been removed from all zones in the game. If you had saved up a bunch of Tickets or Silver don't worry, we converted them all over to Fractals so you should have a bunch of Fractals waiting for you to spend. We also removed the bonus you get for logging in every day in a row because then if you missed a day it all reset and everyone felt sad L We replaced it with a new daily reward where every day you log in you have a chance to win Fractals, Potions, and even free Mystery Boxes! Log in each day for a new prize, but don't worry if you miss a day.
Finally, check out the new My Heroes screen. We combined the Hero Chooser with the Hero Information windows so now you can check out all the Heroes in your squad, get information on all their vital stats like Health, Powers, etc from one screen, or choose a new Hero to play.
All this and more awaits you in Super Hero Squad Online! See you in game!
Oh yeah, that code too. Well, considering just how EASY, I should say, it is to get heroes in this game, I couldn't care less about Hulk, Iron Man and Spidey right now. Focusing on Ultron, Mystique and Dracula at the moment. And maybe after that Green Goblin.
I know I had Black Widow, I believe I may have had Iron Man and or Spider-Man, but I used the code anyway. Free heroes are free heroes haha
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 26, 2014, 01:23PM
I know I had Black Widow, I believe I may have had Iron Man and or Spider-Man, but I used the code anyway. Free heroes are free heroes haha
Same here. I got them to level 3 from mega-collecting, at least.
Also, I noticed that strangely my squad level went down a notch. About 90 levels. Am I the only one here?
From the FAQ :
Why did my Squad Level change?
With the release of the new Achievements, the old Challenges went away. Because new players cannot access them, we removed the bonus to Squad Level from challenges. Additionally, because Squad Level is designed to be a number representing the size and power of your squad, adding a bonus to it for subscribers never made any sense, so we removed that as well.
So yeah
Not gonna lie, reading this got me excited to play the game again. I'm glad they're finally realising some of the stupid things they've done in the past
Quote from: Polygone on June 27, 2014, 03:18AM
From the FAQ :
Why did my Squad Level change?
With the release of the new Achievements, the old Challenges went away. Because new players cannot access them, we removed the bonus to Squad Level from challenges. Additionally, because Squad Level is designed to be a number representing the size and power of your squad, adding a bonus to it for subscribers never made any sense, so we removed that as well.
So yeah
Not gonna lie, reading this got me excited to play the game again. I'm glad they're finally realising some of the stupid things they've done in the past
Oh, right. I forgot about the challenge bonus to the squad level. Although they were only 1 per challenge, so in total 65. As for subscription bonus, I seriously never knew you'd get a bonus. Well, I guess it DOES kind of make it more fair. And more realistic. I barely even had 55 heroes and I was at level 900+ before the achievements update.
Dang I am LOVING this game. Just bought Psylocke, Phoenix and Thanos in one day :D, loving all the new stuff
Quote from: Polygone on June 27, 2014, 07:20AM
Dang I am LOVING this game. Just bought Psylocke, Phoenix and Thanos in one day :D, loving all the new stuff
Just that? You're way behind. I bought Ock, Falcon Exo-7, Dracula, Abomination AND Taskmaster. And now T-man, Ultron and Dr. Doom (maybe) will follow.
Don't worry. It's a pretty good amount of heroes in a day. I just said that to put the awesomeness of this update in an indirect way. On top of all that, I completed all the Valor, Exploration and Emotes tasks.
This update is so much nicer then the older version of the game. It is much easier to get fractals then it ever was to get other money, except for maybe silver. But I definitly like it a lot better, and am having fun doing the little challenges.
I also feel like it is much easier to level up, has anyone else noticed that? Before I had to play mission after mission when I was higher, but I just leveled up Dark Phoenix to max while just running around doing stuff.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 27, 2014, 01:02PM
This update is so much nicer then the older version of the game. It is much easier to get fractals then it ever was to get other money, except for maybe silver. But I definitly like it a lot better, and am having fun doing the little challenges.
I also feel like it is much easier to level up, has anyone else noticed that? Before I had to play mission after mission when I was higher, but I just leveled up Dark Phoenix to max while just running around doing stuff.
Sounds great! What's even better is that now boxes are literally cheap to get, so we can try out without the worry of wasting an unbelievably important source in the game.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on June 27, 2014, 11:20AM
Just that? You're way behind. I bought Ock, Falcon Exo-7, Dracula, Abomination AND Taskmaster. And now T-man, Ultron and Dr. Doom (maybe) will follow.
Do keep in mind that
A ) I haven't played in a long time and was way behind concerning both Silver and tickets
B ) Most of my fractals went to Thanos Lockboxes
Im gonna be online now :)
@ Midnightphoenix,
What did you mean by this post? Is the game ending soon?
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 25, 2014, 02:46PM
So the game is going down, and they are supposedly having the biggest update ever.
I guess we will see about that.
I'm glad you all are excited about the new changes to the game. Overall, I think there are improvements. I just can't get over the fact that I feel I got the shaft on the silver and tickets conversion to fractals. I had over nearly 30,000 silver and I think about 18,000 tickets. I only got about 5,000 fractals for all of that.
Quote from: fox456 on June 28, 2014, 06:53PM
@ Midnightphoenix,
What did you mean by this post? Is the game ending soon?
I'm glad you all are excited about the new changes to the game. Overall, I think there are improvements. I just can't get over the fact that I feel I got the shaft on the silver and tickets conversion to fractals. I had over nearly 30,000 silver and I think about 18,000 tickets. I only got about 5,000 fractals for all of that.
No the game isn't ending, they just took it down to update the game.
And I agree, I am sure I had way more silver then I got in fractals.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 28, 2014, 07:21PM
No the game isn't ending, they just took it down to update the game.
And I agree, I am sure I had way more silver then I got in fractals.
I think Gazillion added the number of tickets to the amount of silver and divided it by 6. Because my sum before the update was around 32k and I got 5.5k fractals. That way the older players who built up on tickets and silver don't have a stupidly high advantage over the newbie and medium players. Well, perhaps they already do, since with a great number of heroes comes a great number of mega collects for a good amount of fractals every day.
But I've got to admit; I think this update was VERY OP. Now you can basically get all heroes in not such a long time. Like, EVERY hero. The only things I saw are exclusively for gold are Vibranium ore and Anti Metal.
This update made gold aproximatively useless, since you can just build up on fractals for everything. Even though with membership you can get 4 times as many fractals as you would as a normal player. While the update is very enjoyable for me, I'll keep hoping it won't bankrupt Gazillion concerning whatever money they get from this game.
P.S. A Gazillion dev (YES, we have even that kind of people there) over at Cbox confirmed that the next hero is Agent Venom, followed by Superior Spiderman, two more people that I can't remember and then Anti Venom. Some people got him early. If you see anybody roaming around as Agent V, write down their squad name, or preferably take a picture of them, and report them to Gazillion... is the sum of what the guy said.
Gazillion also runs Marvel Heroes, I dont see them going bankrupt anytime soon tbh.
But I do agree, especially now, a membership is something a lot of people wouldn't do, because its dang easy to get fractals. But they could always change it up a little. Im a free player atm, so I dont mind the update, but I can't see how this is profitable for them
Quote from: Polygone on June 29, 2014, 03:45AM
Gazillion also runs Marvel Heroes, I dont see them going bankrupt anytime soon tbh.
But I do agree, especially now, a membership is something a lot of people wouldn't do, because its dang easy to get fractals. But they could always change it up a little. Im a free player atm, so I dont mind the update, but I can't see how this is profitable for them
Well, considering that membership now makes missions give 4 times as many fractals (up to 192), people might still want membership. Going all the way to the OP 5k fractal heroes just getting up to 48 fractals/mission does sound like a chore, doesn't it?
I just hope this game won't be shut down by what seems like an end-bringing update to me.
This update just keeps getting better and better... Let's compare our favorite Cyborg to a meme.
Unlock ALL the characters!!!
Also, I recently got Iron Man Gold Centurion.
Well, he used to be Silver Centurion, but when Tony wanted to paint his dragon the machine painted him instead.
P.S. If you love characters that have tons of movement in their basics, powers or whatever, ABSOLUTELY get Silver Centurion. He moves in over 9000 directions per turn (obviously, seemingly xD) in his basic combo and deals one hella good amount of damage as well. His HU is pretty average, but with a basic like that it's impossible NOT to get tons of fractals by the time you get bored of him.
I've been trying to get Agent Coulson, but I have had no luck. Although I just got Agent Venom's badge which seems weird considering he isn't even available yet.
I've also gotten two Agent Coulson boxes in my backpack, but when ever I open them they never give me anything.
I saw Spirit Marshmallow today, and I'm like, 99% sure that was one of you guys, I tried to wave but Spirit Marshmallow ran away with Winter Soldier :P
Quote from: Polygone on June 30, 2014, 11:06AM
I saw Spirit Marshmallow today, and I'm like, 99% sure that was one of you guys, I tried to wave but Spirit Marshmallow ran away with Winter Soldier :P
That's me! Haha, what is your squad name again?
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 30, 2014, 10:40AM
I've been trying to get Agent Coulson, but I have had no luck. Although I just got Agent Venom's badge which seems weird considering he isn't even available yet.
I've also gotten two Agent Coulson boxes in my backpack, but when ever I open them they never give me anything.
They DO give you stuff, but you can't see exactly what. Same goes for the T-man and Ultronic boxes.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 30, 2014, 11:19AM
That's me! Haha, what is your squad name again?
Gecko Mosquito!
Seriously guys, you should join Cbox so we can chat more easily, invite ourselves to missions etc.. This forum is a good way to post our achievements and newly gotten heroes, but it just won't work for good chatting. Here's the link:
P.S. It'd be easier if you guys used your squad names as names. I am currently designated as Rockoholic Tundracrank there.
Quote from: Polygone on June 30, 2014, 12:18PM
Gecko Mosquito!
I don't think I saw you, are we friends on there?
Yup your squad name was green
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 30, 2014, 10:40AM
I've been trying to get Agent Coulson, but I have had no luck. Although I just got Agent Venom's badge which seems weird considering he isn't even available yet.
I've also gotten two Agent Coulson boxes in my backpack, but when ever I open them they never give me anything.
My advice? Just keep at it. I think the chances of getting something good (card quests, badges) have been buffed. This is only for the best, since with every one of these you have slightly beter chances at getting the box dude himself.
P.S. Has anybody here gotten any retired hero from boxes? I haven't gotten one despite having bought like 65 boxes already. And I have gotten 2 box exclusive dudes.
P.P.S. I recently got Ends of the earth Spidey's badge in a box, but since it's highly unlikely Gazillion will release a membership code any time soon, and my country doesn't allow purchases for SHSO yet, I can't get EoTE. Should I be happy about what I got?
And here I am, waiting for this game to be re-re-released for the rest of the world. :P
Honestly I don't get Gazillion, the game started out available to everyone, then it became available only to those in the US.
Then they added a Europeon server (that includes like only about 8 countries out of 49), then they merged the US and EU servers and the game was once again made available to everyone.
And then they split them up again and now the game is once more, not available to about 70% of Europe.
Can they make up their minds already, honestly why can't it be like Marvel Heroes. (Worldwide, no regional restrictions)
Quote from: White Queen on July 01, 2014, 02:05AM
And here I am, waiting for this game to be re-re-released for the rest of the world. :P
Honestly I don't get Gazillion, the game started out available to everyone, then it became available only to those in the US.
Then they added a Europeon server (that includes like only about 8 countries out of 49), then they merged the US and EU servers and the game was once again made available to everyone.
And then they split them up again and now the game is once more, not available to about 70% of Europe.
Can they make up their minds already, honestly why can't it be like Marvel Heroes. (Worldwide, no regional restrictions)
Sorry to hear you can't get in the game.
Well, according to Gazillion, some countries have no access to SHSO because of certain "laws". Whatever they are, don't ask me.
I am currently having a similar issue... SIMILAR. SHSO accepts no payments from my country because of legal reasons. Does that count as a "I know that feel bro"?
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 01, 2014, 12:32AM
P.P.S. I recently got Ends of the earth Spidey's badge in a box, but since it's highly unlikely Gazillion will release a membership code any time soon, and my country doesn't allow purchases for SHSO yet, I can't get EoTE. Should I be happy about what I got?
I'd say you've done extraordinarily well in this game with the amount of characters you have, etc., given that your country doesn't allow purchases.
Quote from: fox456 on July 01, 2014, 08:12AM
I'd say you've done extraordinarily well in this game with the amount of characters you have, etc., given that your country doesn't allow purchases.
Thanks! I honestly can't believe myself either...
And now that I see what luck I'm having with boxes, I'm actually gonna try to get all the box characters. Besides that, boxes do also give me some useful cards for the card game achievements when I get to them. Right now I'm on T-man and Green Goblin will be next.
Since I have Exo-7, I can't see any major reason to get Archangel anymore. Right now I'm just focused on getting as many villains as possible. I'd get Mystique, but she's on the back of my to get list for now.
Here are more revitalizing (hopefully) pics, because they seem to keep the thread up and running:
Ultron going Super Saiyan:
Ock starving so much for candy he forgot to use his 24 feet long metal limbs to get them:
Magneto, one of the most powerful mutants ever, is not only limited to magnetism. He also controls electromagnetism!
Get it?!
I have gotten at least one retired hero from a box before, but I feel like it may have been more.
I have only managed to get Winter Soldier, Venom and Thanos from boxes, I haven't had much luck with the others. I have bought tons of Coulson boxes but I'm not doing to good on those.
I'm currently aiming for Ock, I feel like some boxes are more generous then others. Thanos took me about 7 boxes total, Im already on a good 20 with Ock
What are your guys' squad levels now? Mine is 555.
Quote from: fox456 on July 01, 2014, 01:06PM
What are your guys' squad levels now? Mine is 555.
555? I always believed everyone here except me was way above squad level 1200... Well, to reply to your question, 984.
The other boxes never took me this long I've gotten probably about a good 20 or more boxes for Coulson.
My squad level is only 510.
Mine 490
Does anyone have tips for Golden Fractals? I need to find 5, but after an hour of playing, only found one :/
I think only one spawns per hero for all four areas. So, basically you have to search all areas. :/
So I sent in a ticket about the boxes in my backpack, and apparently they are actually a bug and you shouldn't be getting anything. So if you are then you are lucky.
I always thought Titanium Man's face resembled this meme.
So just started playing this game again and I really like the update.! When I logged in I had a box in my backpack and the "rare" item I got was Rogue so I was happy about that. So since I started playing I got Spider Man,Hulk,Rogue, and Psylocke! :D
However how do you buy boxes that have random heroes in it? I saw different types of boxes like a Sabretooth one but does that mean if I buy it i only have a chance at unlocking Sabretooth or would I be able to unlock other characters too within that box?
Also do these hero badges give your characters more powers or does it just upgrade them to do more damage and give you a larger health? Also whats the max level with the badge 20?
My very last question is do you guys know if any heroes are coming soon? I want to buy Magneto and Havok but i wanna save my money because I really want to see Songbird and more X-Men.
I thought since Avengers came out they would make movie versions of the X-Men too. Im hoping for Warpath, Blink, or a new Storm (mohawk storm sucks to me :P)
There used to be a box that would let you get heroes from the retired heroes of the game, but you can't get it anymore. I believe it is possible to get other heroes and villains from the other boxes, but it is pretty rare. If you go on the wiki ( ) it will tell you what it is possible to get from boxes, including other characters.
I'm not to sure on the badges, but the max level with a badge is 20.
Currently the only other characters I know of that should be getting released are Agent Venom, Anti-Venom, and Lizard.
A slight note: Gazillion avoids adding X-men to the game because they do not appeal to children, the community that this game is oriented towards. Another reason behind this would also be the failure to get the rights to add most of the new X-men. Believe me, it really sucks for me, as a fan of the X-men, and particularly a fan of the Brotherhood of evil mutants.
We are getting the X-force in a month or so though, according to the dev that I did mention chats in Cbox ( Consider it a miracle, as the main heroes Gazillion will add are Iron Men, Spider men and Avengers.
That adds even more terribad to the situation IMO, because it's not like we don't have enough Iron men and Spider men in the game. I honestly haven't counted, but just taking a quick look at the numbers I'd say the amount of Iron men in the game is at least 10. Same for the Spider men and, as mentioned above, the main heroes Gazillion will NOT add are mutants. (which makes sense because the most recent mutant was Sabretooth).
The above automatically adds for double the amount to Avengers. This makes me wish kids liked blue fuzzy teleporting dudes or unstoppable brutes with neat looking, orange helmets on their heads more than STUPIDLY overexposed-in-comics dudes who throw shields and have Super Soldier Serum in their blood or millionaires who fly around and shoot beams in armors.
P.S. If you're one of those people who jumped around in excitement when you read the X-force thing in this comment because they'll add a new female (X-force Psylocke) in the game (because, seriously, the most recent female is Dark Phoenix), you should stop right there. Apparently, females don't sell as well, so while the news of some X-force members being added to the game are true (Wolverine, Fantomex are guaranteed from what I know), Psylocke (and even Deadpool on a side note, who isn't appealing enough to kids either) are only limited to a chance-to-be-added. All mutant lovers here, let's pray for as many X-force members as possible. Be it or not the case in which they will be terrible in missions. (because more mutants are always welcomed, no matter what)
P.P.S. As someone who got Dr. Octopus, Ultron AND Titanium Man (each taking 15-25 boxes) without getting a single retired hero, I'd say that Gazillion removed retired heroes from boxes. But honestly, who even needs those chances anymore? Now they will be available to everyone (...maybe) for a CUT price AND for fractals whenever they are featured in the shop. Besides that, we're even getting the Summer Box back soon. (not guaranteed, but very likely since, well, it's summer) Fractals, IMO, are extremely easy to get. In 2 days you have enough fractals to get a 5000 fractals hero IF YOU ARE A NON-MEMBER (I speak from personal experience). If you're a member, farming fractals will lterally become a joke; you'd probably have a 5k fractals in like 2 or 3 hours of fractal farming, since you get 4 times as many fractals. Even that much seems kind of prolonged to me, but you get the point. I feel like we shouldn't judge Gaz for this one.
I think the amount of Spider-men is OK, 2099 and noir are differce enough. Armored, symbiote and normal are pretty much the same, but I can live with that.
I do think there's a little too much Iron Man in there, but most of them are pretty different to each other too.
I don't really mind the amount of the same hero if they don't just copy their original counterparts moveset.
I do hope for more avenger themed characters though, would be pretty awesome
Also, didn't they plan Professor X to be realesed? ( A long time ago, a screen showed a couple of heroes, including him)? Whatever happened to that?
Quote from: Polygone on July 06, 2014, 04:21AM
I think the amount of Spider-men is OK, 2099 and noir are differce enough. Armored, symbiote and normal are pretty much the same, but I can live with that.
I do think there's a little too much Iron Man in there, but most of them are pretty different to each other too.
I don't really mind the amount of the same hero if they don't just copy their original counterparts moveset.
I do hope for more avenger themed characters though, would be pretty awesome
Also, didn't they plan Professor X to be realesed? ( A long time ago, a screen showed a couple of heroes, including him)? Whatever happened to that?
Neither the dev over at Cbox nor the codebreaking dude never mentioned Charles being released any time soon. We're just getting Agent V, Lizard, Anti Venom and some X-force dudes now.
I just got Norman Osborn... NO, not Dark Iron patriot, I mean the elf we all know and love.
He's real fun in missions; both because of the movement in his basic combo and because of his laughing. Hard not to enjoy playing as him.
Also, I know it was a while ago, but in case I haven't mentioned it yet I reached squad level 1000 4 days or so ago.
It's pretty disappointing to hear about the X-Men, to be honest I feel like that's a load of crap that they aren't as child friendly. Because this game is based on making characters child friendly, so it just seems lazy to me and a cop out. Some of the characters in the game, quite a few actually are not characters I would think a child would want, and non of them are really X-Men.
Same with female characters, I own every female from the game, and would rather buy them over a male character.
And about a year or two ago there was a video that showed tons of new characters that were going to be released, and there are still about half of them that haven't yet and I am pretty sure Charles was on that list.
Quote from: Jeanfan321 on July 05, 2014, 01:19AM
So just started playing this game again and I really like the update.! When I logged in I had a box in my backpack and the "rare" item I got was Rogue so I was happy about that. So since I started playing I got Spider Man,Hulk,Rogue, and Psylocke! :D ...
I received a Ultron box for logging in and my rare was ... 3 potions. That was certainly a surprise.
Thanks guys for the info!
However that X-Men news is pretty disappointing I wonder if we start a petition if i'll change their minds or if we just simply email them about wanting these characters.
Also has anyone else noticed that you barely get anything from the adamantium medal? I did a mission with Dark Phoenix and got the medal filled ALL the way up and only got 30XP points, 9 fractals, and 1 craft item!
Sometimes if it's filled half way up I get like 225 XP, and like 12 fractals and 2 craft items but I still think it sucks.
You get more XP points, and fractals from getting a silver-gold medal...
Has anyone had this problem?
Also who wants to get on and do some pretty hard missions plus survival missions? I just bought tons of them and tried the titanium man and it was only me and my brother and man it was extremely hard!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 03, 2014, 04:06PM
So I sent in a ticket about the boxes in my backpack, and apparently they are actually a bug and you shouldn't be getting anything. So if you are then you are lucky.
this actually happened to me yesterday! I got 1 venom box and 2 winter soldier box and the winter soldier box worked perfect for me the second time I actually got Winter soldier but the venom box gave me nothing.. I was so mad lol
Im trying to log in but can't right now, anyone else has this problem?
A few more notes: It appears retired heroes CAN still be found in boxes. I bought an Infinity box (aiming for Thanos) and got Spider Girl (pretty fun actually). But I'm not sure whether ALL boxes give retired heroes.
Not being able to get in the game is most likely due to too many players being in at once. Just spam the refresh button and you'll get in. It's a server problem; full servers.
As for the X-men, I don't think the problem here is child friendlyness. Just as mentioned in my last post, it's most likely due to the fact that Gazillion hasn't yet got the rights to add in the newer X-men, despite apparently bringing in some X-force dudes soon enough. That and no appeal in general to kids; it's not that X-men are too violent or anything (that's pretty much what I understand offends child friendlyness), it's just that kids find mutants boring. I don't see why, but that's simply the way it is.
Well, maybe that way we'll be happier about having mutants in the game.
P.S. Here's a code that shall aid you in your quest to complete the title achievements: CPTROGERS
Missed them before? Get them now! All previous Challenge Heroes are available for purchase in our store now! This sale ends July 15th. Heroes on sale include: Colossus, Daredevil, Firestar, Mohawk Storm, Red Elektra, Sentry, Stealth Armor Iron Man, Street Clothes Wolverine, and even Future Foundation Spider-Man.
Also enter AGNT41WEEK and you will receive a one week membership!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 09, 2014, 10:23PM
Missed them before? Get them now! All previous Challenge Heroes are available for purchase in our store now! This sale ends July 15th. Heroes on sale include: Colossus, Daredevil, Firestar, Mohawk Storm, Red Elektra, Sentry, Stealth Armor Iron Man, Street Clothes Wolverine, and even Future Foundation Spider-Man.
Also enter AGNT41WEEK and you will receive a one week membership!
I was about to post that.
This little goody drove me crazy about SHSO; Just yesterday I got Mystique, White Phoenix and Armored Spidey and today I got Ultimate Comics Spidey, Loki and EoTE.
Pro tip: Poke Impy with all of your heroes; might take a lot of time, but trust me; now that you're a member, you'll be getting 5000 fractals in around 1 hour and a half... Well, as long as you also mega collect from time to time (hint: mega collect, then do 2 Impys, repeat.).
Okay, this is a MUST post for me. I was alongside some devs the other day, and my newly-gotten Mysterio unleashed himself...
... And then he took things up a notch and cloned himself...
... which made not only heroes, but also the grim Dr. Doom join in and jump around like completely nuts!
... But then came Anti Venom who saw that as wrong and purged him of his enthusiasm.
I know you people already saw Anti Venom's model in the loading screen, but I thought that a sight from a zone would be much more pleasant to the anxious eye.
All in all, I never thought I'd have so much fun with these devs.
Anti Venom looks pretty awesome, thanks for the pictures! I was wanting to get on, but my internet is so bad that it wont run the game at all.
Almost got 5.000 fractals again, who should I buy? I wanna take advantage of the Agent code soo
I already got Loki
That leaves
-Super Skrull
I dunno who's the better one? (I saw a gameplay vid of Mysterio, but he looked meh-ish)
Quote from: Polygone on July 12, 2014, 04:38AM
Almost got 5.000 fractals again, who should I buy? I wanna take advantage of the Agent code soo
I already got Loki
That leaves
-Super Skrull
I dunno who's the better one? (I saw a gameplay vid of Mysterio, but he looked meh-ish)
In case you don't have EoTE, GET HIM ASAP. The most OP hero in the game. If not, get White Phoenix. Best healer in the game.
But if I were to choose from that list... Mysterio. He's the best from what you provided.
EoTe, I dunno, seems like just another Spider-man, but if you say so, I'll guess I'll get him
Also, Strongly recommend Loki to everyone, great character!
Quote from: Polygone on July 12, 2014, 07:14AM
EoTe, I dunno, seems like just another Spider-man, but if you say so, I'll guess I'll get him
Also, Strongly recommend Loki to everyone, great character!
EoTE is even better than Loki. He will make almost EVERY mission child's play to complete on adamantium. Trust me. Every player should have this guy in their roster.
Did as you said, He's pretty good! Can't get adamentium on all missions (Winter soldier, other crisis stuff) but he's definitely better than most characters
Quote from: Polygone on July 12, 2014, 09:10AM
Did as you said, He's pretty good! Can't get adamentium on all missions (Winter soldier, other crisis stuff) but he's definitely better than most characters
Many people would say that he's better than every other character than just better than most characters. If you use his HU right, you don't need any HU upgrade to one hit KO a boss in solo mode.
Guys, two questions:
1. I have been having alot of trouble getting on the site. I keep getting a message that "Wolverine has cut some wires" and to try again. Actually, I'm getting that message right now.
2. Second, I was able to get on yesterday at 1:20 Pacific time and played for about 45 minutes but never saw a developer. I kept inquiring in the chat, but no repsonses. They were supposed to come on at 1:30.
Quote from: fox456 on July 12, 2014, 11:47AM
Guys, two questions:
1. I have been having alot of trouble getting on the site. I keep getting a message that "Wolverine has cut some wires" and to try again. Actually, I'm getting that message right now.
2. Second, I was able to get on yesterday at 1:20 Pacific time and played for about 45 minutes but never saw a developer. I kept inquiring in the chat, but no repsonses. They were supposed to come on at 1:30.
The Wolverine message happens to a lot of people, including me, it's just the way for the game to tell you the servers are full and it's trying to do everything for the characters such as give them tickets, achievements, etc. They said you are just supposed to keep refreshing the page until it lets you in.
Quote from: fox456 on July 12, 2014, 11:47AM
Guys, two questions:
1. I have been having alot of trouble getting on the site. I keep getting a message that "Wolverine has cut some wires" and to try again. Actually, I'm getting that message right now.
2. Second, I was able to get on yesterday at 1:20 Pacific time and played for about 45 minutes but never saw a developer. I kept inquiring in the chat, but no repsonses. They were supposed to come on at 1:30.
1. What Midnightphoenix said there.
2. Surely, you DID follow a EST clock, didn't you? If not, then there's issue. If you have, then you probably missed the server that they joined or didn't go in the Bugle. or perhaps you came in right when they went out on missions.
P.S. BREAKING NEWS: Mentioned by the devs themselves, Electro, Sandman, and perhaps even Toad are in the works. Expect them to be in SHSO after X-force.
Woohoo, these are great characters, glad to see em :D
(Although, when are we getting more characters that actually appeared on the show? Pyro, Songbird, The Mayor?)
So from what I'm gathering, Silver was removed and Fractals became a currency?
How much do average heroes cost now?
And is it easier to get Fractals now? (or faster I mean)
Quote from: Polygone on July 12, 2014, 03:31PM
Woohoo, these are great characters, glad to see em :D
(Although, when are we getting more characters that actually appeared on the show? Pyro, Songbird, The Mayor?)
No word on 'em just yet. I'd rejoice the bits out of the fact that we've got a chance at Toad, a mutant, besides the X-force, though. Add Pyro and we might be pushing our luck.
I'm also excited about Electro and Sandman, mainly because we'll be able to have the Sinister Six theme when doing missions. (Ock-Mysterio-Electro-Venom). That, in my opinion, escalates the Spider Villains (Ock, Mysterio, Gobby, Venom-a team up I like) up a notch.
Quote from: White Queen on July 12, 2014, 04:41PM
So from what I'm gathering, Silver was removed and Fractals became a currency?
How much do average heroes cost now?
And is it easier to get Fractals now? (or faster I mean)
There is the "News" section on the SHSO page, that's a fact. But I'll just tell ya the sum of it:
Silver and Tickets removed
Conversion to fractals of tickets and silver
Prize Wheel removed
Fractals obtainable in any way (collect crafting parts/tokens/etc., missions, card games etc.)
The gold prices have been reduced heavily
The only things that are now exclusively for gold are Vibranium Ore, Anti Metal and another crafting part which i can't recall
Heroes will now be 100 gold/1000 fractals, 300 gold/3000 fractals or 500 gold/5000 fractals.
The highest amount of gold for purchase will give you Au Ultron, along with a hero box, which gives you a guaranteed random hero.
Gold is no longer obtainable as a daily prize. Only purchaseable.Achievement system
Members will get early access to characters (all new characters will be members only at first when they hit the shop, but after a week they will be available for everyone.)
A lot of new mayhem missions: Mysterio (broken), Destroyer (broken), Malekith, Mystique, Ultron, Bullseye, Lizard, Fin Fang Foom
New feature: Impossible Man mayhem which can be accomplishable by poking him 5 times (there will be a green-purple colored aura around objects in the zones; when you see it you'll know what I'm saying)
Members get 4 times as many fractals as a non-member
Apparently, when you buy a mystery box you get an extra one in the backpack, but when opened it seems to give nothing. It does; it's how I got a Giant Man power card quest.
The following heroes are no longer available for everyone: Loki, EoTE, White Phoenix, bundles (except Mysterious Mutants), Movie Avengers
The starter heroes are now Black Widow, Hulk, Spider-Man and Iron Man.
Looooong post. I know XD. But I thought I'd share with you some stuff unmentioned by Gazillion as well. As you can see it's quite a big update that changed SHSO's feel just about completely.
P.S. Mayhem Destroyer and Mysterio are broken because you can't get Adamantium rank; they give as much score as a minion when killed, which limits you to the bronze medal.
P.P.S. Gazillion will also avoid adding Asgardians to SHSO, due to similar reasons that they avoid adding mutants; no aparent appeal to children. So if you're another fellow player who wants Enchantress in the game, then I'd stop right there.
Glad to hear about those other characters that may make it in, but sadly I was hoping Enchantress could maybe make it in. Honestly I feel like she would be very easy compared to others to add, being they already have her model and some powers for her.
Oh well, what can you do.
Yeah I think Enchantress being playable would be cool.
And I was just asking cuz ya know, I can't play the game or access the site. XD
So I rely on you guys for updates. :3 Tnx for the info btw. :)
Quote from: White Queen on July 12, 2014, 05:55PM
Yeah I think Enchantress being playable would be cool.
And I was just asking cuz ya know, I can't play the game or access the site. XD
So I rely on you guys for updates. :3 Tnx for the info btw. :)
Sorry, forgot about that aspect.
Don't worry, though; there are tons more people playing this game now. More people=More money=Better content.
Besides, Gazillion had what it took to release Anti Venom, Agent V, SpOck and Lizard. I figure that they will also expand the availability of the game further throughout the world with these money. You might be able to play SHSO again eventually.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 12, 2014, 05:31PM
Glad to hear about those other characters that may make it in, but sadly I was hoping Enchantress could maybe make it in. Honestly I feel like she would be very easy compared to others to add, being they already have her model and some powers for her.
Oh well, what can you do.
This also brings good news, I suppose; the more popular a character, the more chances that they'll be boxed or members only. Because, you know, Gazillion gets good cash from such heroes. Since Asgardians ain't so popular, when Enchantress is released, because everyone is released at some point, she will very likely be available for everyone.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 13, 2014, 01:10AM
Sorry, forgot about that aspect.
Don't worry, though; there are tons more people playing this game now. More people=More money=Better content.
Besides, Gazillion had what it took to release Anti Venom, Agent V, SpOck and Lizard. I figure that they will also expand the availability of the game further throughout the world with these money. You might be able to play SHSO again eventually.
Let's hope so cuz I really want to play it again. I do hope they add a new zone though, cuz its been a long time since the last one.
Quote from: White Queen on July 13, 2014, 03:32AM
Let's hope so cuz I really want to play it again. I do hope they add a new zone though, cuz its been a long time since the last one.
They won't add zones any time soon for the simple reason that it's hard work for no profit; it won't make them money, unless they made it unlockable with a lot of fractals or something.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 13, 2014, 09:01AM
They won't add zones any time soon for the simple reason that it's hard work for no profit; it won't make them money, unless they made it unlockable with a lot of fractals or something.
Well that basically crushed my X-Mansion Zone dream. xD Oh well, I hope one day they add one though, even if it's not the X-Mansion.
With all these major changes, I really wanna play this game so bad right now! :C Let's hope they don't make me ( and many others of course ;) ) wait another 2 years. :P
Quote from: White Queen on July 13, 2014, 05:15PM
Well that basically crushed my X-Mansion Zone dream. xD Oh well, I hope one day they add one though, even if it's not the X-Mansion.
With all these major changes, I really wanna play this game so bad right now! :C Let's hope they don't make me ( and many others of course ;) ) wait another 2 years. :P
As much as I'd LOVE the X-mansion, I'm not sure how they'd manage to make it a zone, to be honest. The best case scenario would mean half of it being the outside of the X-mansion and the other half the interior of the institute itself (since Gaz hasn't ever made it so the interior of a building becomes a big part of the zone, there's your reason for my questioning.)
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 12, 2014, 02:34PM
2. Surely, you DID follow a EST clock, didn't you? If not, then there's issue. If you have, then you probably missed the server that they joined or didn't go in the Bugle. or perhaps you came in right when they went out on missions.
Well, I went into the game at 1:20 PST (4:20 EST). I stayed for about 45 minutes. I saw one other guy asking where the developers were too. I don't believe I had the time wrong. There weren't a lot of people playing at the time which also surprised me.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 16, 2014, 05:52AM
The devs mentioned 1:30 PST as being their time of logging in. You were late by at least 2 hours. Sorry.
I think Fox was on time actually, or do you mean 1:30 EDT and not 1:30 PDT.
Also, I believe you replace the S with a D since it's Daylight Saving Time, since it's summer. xD
Quote from: White Queen on July 16, 2014, 09:17AM
I think Fox was on time actually, or do you mean 1:30 EDT and not 1:30 PDT.
Also, I believe you replace the S with a D since it's Daylight Saving Time, since it's summer. xD
I just saw the stupidity in that comment and removed it. Sorry, I sometimes post even when I'm very tired xD
Thanks for the agent for a week code guys. It was really nice to be able to get heroes I wanted or the badges for ones I had that got changed over. I managed to get White Phoenix, Loki, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, the Doctor Doom bundle, Ends of the Earth Spider-Man, and the badges for some of the Avengers I had gotten previously. And Lizard's coming I'm so excited! my second favorite Marvel villain, yes!
Quote from: Techon 7 on July 16, 2014, 09:59PM
Thanks for the agent for a week code guys. It was really nice to be able to get heroes I wanted or the badges for ones I had that got changed over. I managed to get White Phoenix, Loki, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, the Doctor Doom bundle, Ends of the Earth Spider-Man, and the badges for some of the Avengers I had gotten previously. And Lizard's coming I'm so excited! my second favorite Marvel villain, yes!
Glad you took advantage of the code!
I personally did Impy poking like crazy this entire week, although I started skipping near the end because the amount of heroes I have, even with a speed boost, makes this entire thing a chore.
But now I just hope Lizard's early access will be released before tonight, when my membership ends. Otherwise, so much for having every villain in the game.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on July 17, 2014, 01:35AM
Glad you took advantage of the code!
I personally did Impy poking like crazy this entire week, although I started skipping near the end because the amount of heroes I have, even with a speed boost, makes this entire thing a chore.
But now I just hope Lizard's early access will be released before tonight, when my membership ends. Otherwise, so much for having every villain in the game.
He was there when I got EotE. But you probably already found that out.
Seein' as there has been no new comment in like 2 days, it's time to ressurect the thread and once more give it a subject (maybe?)
Age of Otto
Age of Ultron
Card games have just gotten twice as cool for me.
How Osborn's bad guy career started:
If the Skrulls and the humans ever make peace, it'll be because of this:
Sorry for potentially poor descriptions (if it bothered you); I just had too little inspiration at the time.
Well, let the thread be reborn!
The last picture is my favorite, they both look like they are doing Gangnam style.
I'm glad you guys aren't having much trouble getting into the game. The game has crashed 3 times in a row just now as soon as get into the opening scene.
I used the membership code three days ago and still have only gotten to play about 20 minutes total. :( I'll keep trying.
Quote from: fox456 on July 21, 2014, 10:28AM
I'm glad you guys aren't having much trouble getting into the game. The game has crashed 3 times in a row just now as soon as get into the opening scene.
I used the membership code three days ago and still have only gotten to play about 20 minutes total. :( I'll keep trying.
Due to my slow internet I haven't been able to get on in a few weeks. Every time I try it gets to around 90% loaded and the crashes.
I got in on the fourth try but then it was so slow. I collected about 4 fractals and it froze up.
Quote from: fox456 on July 21, 2014, 11:11AM
I got in on the fourth try but then it was so slow. I collected about 4 fractals and it froze up.
Have you guys tried downloading game files? As in, outside the game, at "Manage your account".
If yes, try uninstalling and installing them again.
Our internet got fixed today, and I uninstalled the game files and re-installed them and I still can't get in. I keep getting Error 201.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 22, 2014, 08:58AM
Our internet got fixed today, and I uninstalled the game files and re-installed them and I still can't get in. I keep getting Error 201.
Have you tried different browsers to see if it works?
I have tried both IE and Firefox.
I do have a question for you guys. How the heck are you uninstalling it??? I can't find any way to do that.
Quote from: fox456 on July 25, 2014, 12:31PM
I have tried both IE and Firefox.
I do have a question for you guys. How the heck are you uninstalling it??? I can't find any way to do that.
Click on your account name in the upper right hand corner then scroll all the way down and there is a little button under the Install button that says Uninstall game files.
I was able to get on today, so hopefully it stops messing up.
Thanks, Midnightphoenix. I see it now. It sure was hard to find!
Time for a lil' boasting. Let's all list all the things we've gotten so far ever since the achievement update. I'll go first: Titanium Man, Dr. Octopus, Abomination, Thanos, Venom, Green Goblin, Sabretooth, Mystique, Wonder Man, Black Cat, Falcon Exo-7, Ends of the Earth Spider-Man, Avengers Hulk, Indestructible Hulk, Avengers Black Widow, Armored Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Lizard, Superior Spider-Man, Mysterio, White Phoenix, Loki, Guardian, Avengers Iron Man, Silver Centurion Iron Man, Dr. Doom, Future Foundation Dr. Doom, American Dream, Dracula, Spider-Girl, Pure Elektra, Avenging Rogue, Super Skrull, Taskmaster and Werewolf.
Besides that, my Achievement Points have raised to 7150.
I have also earned numerous badges (Silver Centurion Iron Man, Daredevil, Superior Spider-Man, Ends of the Earth Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultron, Dark Phoenix, Werewolf, Classic Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider, Blade, White Phoenix, Loki, Dr. Octopus, Green Goblin, Spider-Girl, Dr. Doom, Future Foundation Dr. Doom, Falcon Exo-7, Iron Man, Mysterio, Future Foundation Spider-Man, Avenging Wolverine) and sidekicks (Mini Arctic Armor Iron Man, Mini War Machine, Crimson Mimic, Alley Cat, Zombie Gal, Zombie Guy, Mini Ultron, Frost Imp, Dragonfly, Green Annihilation Wave Trooper, Green Ockbot, Asgardian Dragon, Mini Wendigo, Mini Iron Patriot, Mini Mummy, Blue Ockbot and Villainville Robo-Girl).
Over time it seemed like a small amount of progress, but looking at it right now, I've done pretty well. Winter Soldier is to soon join my squad, and will make my 90th hero.
Of course, this post is to all that can still play the game.
Also, I have recently given myself the goal of getting every single villain in the game. Right now all I need for that goal to become reality is Winter Soldier, Impossible Man and Archangel. Lots of fractals, but mega collecting makes wonders! Especially with 89 heroes.
That's fantastic, corevetterules2!
I can't compare with those achievements at all. The only thing I can say now is that I bought all the card quests finally! HAHA! Midnightphoenix knows how much I love the card game. :D
I haven't bought any new characters yet. I have been working on achievements, but my valor is only the 50 badge. I'm not exactly sure about these achievements. Are you supposed to each one of them with each hero?
Also, I emailed gazillion about the trouble I was having with my account and that I wasn't able to use the free membership week hardly at all. He wrote back and said that there have been server issues that cause slow loading of the game and crashes and offered to extend my free membership once issues are resovled. We'll see.
Quote from: fox456 on July 27, 2014, 04:55PM
That's fantastic, corevetterules2!
I can't compare with those achievements at all. The only thing I can say now is that I bought all the card quests finally! HAHA! Midnightphoenix knows how much I love the card game. :D
I haven't bought any new characters yet. I have been working on achievements, but my valor is only the 50 badge. I'm not exactly sure about these achievements. Are you supposed to each one of them with each hero?
Also, I emailed gazillion about the trouble I was having with my account and that I wasn't able to use the free membership week hardly at all. He wrote back and said that there have been server issues that cause slow loading of the game and crashes and offered to extend my free membership once issues are resovled. We'll see.
The character-specific achievements (in the Heroes section when you open the Achievements window) are to be done with each hero.
Also, hope you get your free membership expansion. I'd like to see what you guys can do with available to the game AND fine speed.
The villains having a party at their HQ.
Unfortunately, because of how gross Lizard is, everybody rejected him and didn't allow him at the party.
On a serious note though, a bug doesn't allow me to place Lizard anywhere in my HQ.
What this is supposed to mean? I did it. I got all the villains in the game... Well, all that I can possibly get, anyways. Au Ultron is only given by buying the highest amount of gold, and since I can't buy anything in my country, I'll never get him.
Possible pre-emptively F.A.Q.
1) Why is Impy there?
Impy is a villain in the comics, despite his seemingly humorous personality. According to Cbox's codebreaker, Impy is also coded as a villain.
2) Why is Archangel there?
This version of Archangel is the Horseman of Death, one of Apocalypse's top 4 thugs, A.K.A. a bad guy. Gazillion might have presented him to be a good guy, but in the comics only the black and blue Archangel (X-force) is a good guy. The blue and purple one is bad.
3) What's Future Foundation Dr. Doom doing there?! Isn't the Future Foundation a group of good guys?
Dr. Doom is still Dr. Doom. He just allied himself with the Future Foundation... Or at least that's how my comics knowledge serves me. Once whatever threat the Future Foundation is disposed of, Dr. Doom will most likely leave the team as well.
4) Why is Iron Patriot in there? Didn't he try to be a good guy?
This is just Norman being an anti-hero. Doing good things so whatever bad things he's planning can be possible.
5) And Taskmaster? I thought he was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
He is. But not only is he just being an anti-hero, he's also mostly been shown to be a villain in the comics, working for the Red Skull and battling hard hitters such as Captain America, Bucky, Spidey, Daredevil, Wolverine... You name it.
6) And Winter Soldier? (SPOILER ALERT) He was just brainwashed into working with HYDRA, but at heart he's still a good guy.
He was shown as a villain, and the being-a-good-guy part, according to my current comic knowledge, was only in the movie. In the comics he's a villain, and even in Marvel Ultimate Alliance he works for Dr. Doom.
Woah, Thats impressive! Awesome to see!
(And btw, Winter Soldier is actually a hero, but whatevs I guess xD)
Also : Anti-Venom is up for early acces, I checked MrGamesRus video about him, he's mehish I guess. Venom with a new heroup and healing boost :P
Mystique posing for the camera:
If a mutant can become a super model, especially when they're evil, then you've got no excuse to NOT become one. (obviously joking, like from now on :P)
Reptil, Lizard and Lizard's girlfriend, Betsy, (the REAL name of Fin Fang Foom's daughter) dancing at a reptile party.
This is probably the real reason why Lizard didn't show up at the villain party. I'm not a villain, so I wouldn't know.
Super Skrull decided it's time to try out something from humanity's menu. He tried to eat a pineapple by throwing it and catching it with his mouth. But he forgot the sewers have a ceiling, so he missed and his precious pineapple fell into toxic waste.
Why he went into the sewers out of all places on Earth? He says the toxic waste reminds him of the lakes in the parks on his planet and that he loves the atmosphere.
Ott - Peter Parker tapping his luxury car out of love.
Why the Superior Spider-Man loves it? He says he's attracted to simplity. If even someone superior can appreciate simple things, then let's start appreciating them too!
An epic battle is at hand!
Mysterio V.S. Mystique. 2 mysterious villains. Who will win????!!!!
... Find out by doing the Mysterio mayhem as Mystique/the Mystique mayhem as Mysterio!
What Need For Speed would look like in Super Hero Squad Online:
Luckily, Villainville is a town of evil people, so there are no cops, therefore, no intrerruption of the race!
Quote from: corvetterules2 on August 01, 2014, 10:33AM
The villains having a party at their HQ.
Unfortunately, because of how gross Lizard is, everybody rejected him and didn't allow him at the party.
On a serious note though, a bug doesn't allow me to place Lizard anywhere in my HQ.
What this is supposed to mean? I did it. I got all the villains in the game... Well, all that I can possibly get, anyways. Au Ultron is only given by buying the highest amount of gold, and since I can't buy anything in my country, I'll never get him.
Possible pre-emptively F.A.Q.
1) Why is Impy there?
Impy is a villain in the comics, despite his seemingly humorous personality. According to Cbox's codebreaker, Impy is also coded as a villain.
2) Why is Archangel there?
This version of Archangel is the Horseman of Death, one of Apocalypse's top 4 thugs, A.K.A. a bad guy. Gazillion might have presented him to be a good guy, but in the comics only the black and blue Archangel (X-force) is a good guy. The blue and purple one is bad.
3) What's Future Foundation Dr. Doom doing there?! Isn't the Future Foundation a group of good guys?
Dr. Doom is still Dr. Doom. He just allied himself with the Future Foundation... Or at least that's how my comics knowledge serves me. Once whatever threat the Future Foundation is disposed of, Dr. Doom will most likely leave the team as well.
4) Why is Iron Patriot in there? Didn't he try to be a good guy?
This is just Norman being an anti-hero. Doing good things so whatever bad things he's planning can be possible.
5) And Taskmaster? I thought he was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
He is. But not only is he just being an anti-hero, he's also mostly been shown to be a villain in the comics, working for the Red Skull and battling hard hitters such as Captain America, Bucky, Spidey, Daredevil, Wolverine... You name it.
6) And Winter Soldier? (SPOILER ALERT) He was just brainwashed into working with HYDRA, but at heart he's still a good guy.
He was shown as a villain, and the being-a-good-guy part, according to my current comic knowledge, was only in the movie. In the comics he's a villain, and even in Marvel Ultimate Alliance he works for Dr. Doom.
Cool pic -- there's a lot of partying goin' on in there!
Also, remember the contest for Electro which implies getting the highest score on ANY survival on either multiplayer or single player? I did it. I came on the first place on Time to take A.I.M. multiplayer with a score of 643k and I stuck with that score on the first place even to this moment, which is 2 hours away from the end of the contest. I will have another villain at the point in which he's released!
Geez!!! That's really cool! Wish I could watch you in action. What is the prize?
Quote from: fox456 on August 04, 2014, 06:53AM
Geez!!! That's really cool! Wish I could watch you in action. What is the prize?
I DID mention Electro... The winners will receive him the second the patch that releases him is officially released.
48 players out of several millions will WIN Electro; 24 who became top 1 in either SP or MP on ANY survival mission and the other 24 will be chosen at random from everyone that played survival.
Duh... that makes sense! I thought there might be something else too. Congrats!
I did get an extension of the free membership. That week went by fast. I didn't get to play a whole lot -- partly due to continued game crashes although there weren't as many and also partly due to other things I had to do.
I got Avengers Hulk's badge (I already had him) as well as White Phoenix and Ends of the Earth Spider-Man along with their badges. I chose EOTE Spider-Man based on corevetterules2's earlier recommendation. I like him so far.
Quote from: fox456 on August 05, 2014, 09:33PM
Duh... that makes sense! I thought there might be something else too. Congrats!
I did get an extension of the free membership. That week went by fast. I didn't get to play a whole lot -- partly due to continued game crashes although there weren't as many and also partly due to other things I had to do.
I got Avengers Hulk's badge (I already had him) as well as White Phoenix and Ends of the Earth Spider-Man along with their badges. I chose EOTE Spider-Man based on corevetterules2's earlier recommendation. I like him so far.
Like EotE so far?
You're gonna love him when he's badge maxed and when you just can't get an adamantium rank on that super tough mission.
Also, your friends are gonna love YOU when they're gonna need a healer and they see you with a White Phoenix spamming dat P2 and giving them something better than Wolverine's healing factor while they rain down destruction on enemies.
But... You DID get Loki and Mysterio too, right? Loki is the hybrid between EotE and WP; he heals well and he has a destructive HU. As for Mysterio, his HU is also strong, and on the leaderboard of strongest HU's in the game, only below Loki.
Unfortunately, I didn't get Loki or Mysterio -- didn't earn enough fractals. :(
Quote from: fox456 on August 06, 2014, 02:13PM
Unfortunately, I didn't get Loki or Mysterio -- didn't earn enough fractals. :(
Oh well...
Not a tragedy though. You have EotE and White Phoenix. Mysterio and Loki are just other very easy and fun to level up characters. If you have EotE and WP, you don't NEED them.
Also, I have recently come to love boxes. But that's probably because I also like card games. There are excellent cards coming out of boxes.
And yes, I know I could just buy card packs, but:
1) Card packs are the same price as a box
2) The common slots for boxes can even have super rare cards
3) You get great cards AND a chance at a new hero/sidekick/badge.
Looks like SHSO is gonna have the Electro update in 25 minutes.
If I get Electro right away and not after a week or anything, Imma post some pics of him as soon as I get into the game. For a little sneak peek on him for you guys.
EDIT: Here you are! His Electricness powering up the "SEWER" sign in Villainville!
I honestly never thought I'd win him. It's a great thing I don't have to wait another week so he's out of early access so I can say I once more have all the villains I can possibly get.
Electro is looking great! I think he would be fun to play.
I love the card game. And you are right about getting some cool cards out of the boxes -- some of them you can't get anywhere else because they are in unreleased card quests or sets. Speaking of boxes, I had 3 Venom boxes and I got him on the third one. :D
Quote from: fox456 on August 08, 2014, 06:53AM
Electro is looking great! I think he would be fun to play.
I love the card game. And you are right about getting some cool cards out of the boxes -- some of them you can't get anywhere else because they are in unreleased card quests or sets. Speaking of boxes, I had 3 Venom boxes and I got him on the third one. :D
Congratulations on getting Venom! You'll enjoy him, that I can tell you.
I also recently got Mr. Fixit and Beta Ray Bill. Of course, that's not all I got in this much time, but if I were to list my newly gotten heroes, it'd take a while.
Here's a Code for the level up potion: LVELCTRO
And looks like the Guardians are coming.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 08, 2014, 03:07PM
Here's a Code for the level up potion: LVELCTRO
And looks like the Guardians are coming.
Hey, thanks for the code! Will come in handy for my Werewolf.
As for the guardians, it'll still be a while. First we're getting Sandman and then the guardians, according to our Cbox codebreaker.
Not gonna lie though. I'm more anxious for the guardians than for Sandman. Especially Rocket. Raccoons are little, but deadly.
Do you know which Guardians are being released I've seen supposedly Rocket and Groot, I would assume Starlord. And I do really hope Gamora gets released as well.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 09, 2014, 09:52AM
Do you know which Guardians are being released I've seen supposedly Rocket and Groot, I would assume Starlord. And I do really hope Gamora gets released as well.
Rocket, Groot and Starlord are guaranteed, apparently. It's only Gamora and Drax that are limited to a chance, sadly.
When you realize that your favorite characters from a team are limited to only a chance because of the fact that it doesn't appeal to kids, it really makes you wish SHSO was simply oriented towards anime fans who LOVE the chibi style. That'd absolutely give Gamora and Drax, as well as mutants and maybe even asgardians some love.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on August 09, 2014, 01:18PM
Rocket, Groot and Starlord are guaranteed, apparently. It's only Gamora and Drax that are limited to a chance, sadly.
When you realize that your favorite characters from a team are limited to only a chance because of the fact that it doesn't appeal to kids, it really makes you wish SHSO was simply oriented towards anime fans who LOVE the chibi style. That'd absolutely give Gamora and Drax, as well as mutants and maybe even asgardians some love.
I agree, I know the game is geared towards kids and lots of kids play it, but there are lots of older people who play it as well and I think they need to take in to account what those fans want to see. Most of the kids who play it probably don't know as much about Marvel as the older fans do, which is why they probably only offer Avengers, Spider-Man, etc because those are the movies kids are watching.
Gamora and Drax are just as good as the others, and deserve to be included just as equally.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 09, 2014, 03:40PM
I agree, I know the game is geared towards kids and lots of kids play it, but there are lots of older people who play it as well and I think they need to take in to account what those fans want to see. Most of the kids who play it probably don't know as much about Marvel as the older fans do, which is why they probably only offer Avengers, Spider-Man, etc because those are the movies kids are watching.
Gamora and Drax are just as good as the others, and deserve to be included just as equally.
There's probably some good news to this though; if Gamora and Drax are added, then it's very unlikely they're going to be boxed. As for the other guardians, Groot will probably be boxed, because the "Wooden Box" term hasn't been used yet. Either that, or all of the guardians will just come in a bundle that will probably cost 27k fractals.
Most magical thing happened today, I got 500 fractals again, and thinking 'aw what the hell' bought a ock box. I closed my eyes, heard a magical sound and I FINALLY GOT HIM!!!!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 08, 2014, 03:07PM
Here's a Code for the level up potion: LVELCTRO
Thanks for the code, midnightphoenix!
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 09, 2014, 09:52AM
Do you know which Guardians are being released I've seen supposedly Rocket and Groot, I would assume Starlord. And I do really hope Gamora gets released as well.
I vote for Moondragon of course. :)
Quote from: Polygone on August 13, 2014, 06:27AM
Most magical thing happened today, I got 500 fractals again, and thinking 'aw what the hell' bought a ock box. I closed my eyes, heard a magical sound and I FINALLY GOT HIM!!!!
Holy ****, Its my lucky day, 2 mystery boxes and I got ULTRON :D
Now I'm thinking of saving up, I really want both Impy and Mystique
That IS Great Luck!
Yeah, pro-tip, close your eyes when you buy one xD
Website is currently down for maintance but enter SPIDEYST01 for a free mystery box!
Thanks for the code Polygone!
I watched the 8 minute video they released, while I do believe it is a good concept and a great way to get out information, the guy who was doing the video seemed a tad annoying almost like his humor and attitude were forced.
I'm really hoping to get more info on the Guardians because I have been debating on what to spend my gold/fractals on and if I knew how much the guardians would be I would save up for them.
Yeag, that guy was sorta annoying, and I hate the concept of that challange section, I was intrested in what the guy from Gazillion actually did. As long as they keep giving prices, Ill watch :p
Seems like everybody here's been lucky lately. Well, can't say you're the only ones. I recently got Coulson as well and officially completed my collection of mystery box heroes. While I was a little sad to have gotten here because I love the mystery box mechanics, I also felt a little proud.
Now I'll just go ahead and say what I think of each box hero in a few words:
Venom: Fun, but would be even more fun if his HU couldn't be intrerrupted by knock back or stun.
Green Goblin: VERY fun, especially if you play with sounds. Weak HU compared to other rain from the sky HU's, but overall decent.
Dr. Octopus: Pretty good. Great range in his basic attack and a strong HU.
Titanium Man: Pretty fun to play as. He can slow minions and go invisible, so that makes him pretty powerful, too.
Ultron: INSANELY fun. I was sad when I badge maxed him, contrary to my reaction to badge maxing other heroes. He's also, in my opinion, even more powerful than Thanos.
Beta Ray Bill: He's real fun in my opinion. The screen shaking caused by his basic combo makes him look like a god, like he should be.
Mr. Fixit: He's good for a Hulk. Okay in general.
Agent Coulson: As someone who didn't enjoy Nick Fury at all, I really can't praise Coulson. He's a lot like Nick Fury. His HU is a summon and deals good damage, but it's annoying because the bots can get in the way and block you from doors or box you in when you need to make a quick escape.
Sabretooth: Fun to play as and pretty good too in general due to his P2 which team-grants healing and speed boost.
Thanos: Powerful due to his HU being a nuke and his P2 being a team armor and speed boost. Also, his P3 is a AoE stun that lasts 6 seconds. In the fun department, though, he's okay and just that. I expected his pimp hand combo to give me more of a cool experience playing as him, but meh.
Winter Soldier: He's a blast to play as. He's both fun, mostly due to his basic combo, and powerful due to his strong HU and triple boost.
I did see gameplay videos of all of them, so I knew how powerful they would be. I personally didn't struggle too much to get Coulson, because he seems weak. But I got him anyway due to my love for boxes.
Putting mystery boxes aside, looks like Gamora has been confirmed to come to SHSO. Drax has been confirmed to NOT come, unfortunately. Rumors say it's like this because he's too violent. Then again, he DID butcher Thanos twice in the comics.
Nevertheless, I personally wouldn't have been hyped about Drax even if he came, but I'm very much hyped about Gamora. She's by far my favorite of the GotG.
That seems...weird, Groot and Rocket are already confirmed, Gamora confirmed. Star Lord will most likely show up as well....Wondering if they're gonna be doing at least something with Drax..
I'm glad you guys are having luck with the boxes! I haven't had much luck at all, I have bought countless Coulson boxes, as well as others and never seem to get any of them.
I'm glad to hear Gamora has been confirmed! And I agree, Drax wasn't a favorite of mine, and I am not that upset that he wont be appearing.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 14, 2014, 01:39PM
... I watched the 8 minute video they released, while I do believe it is a good concept and a great way to get out information, the guy who was doing the video seemed a tad annoying almost like his humor and attitude were forced.
I actually liked the video. It made me feel like there were some developers who really were into the game and gave me a better attitude towards it. The Venom Box I got had basically nothing worthwhile in it though.
Quote from: fox456 on August 16, 2014, 01:05PM
I actually liked the video. It made me feel like there were some developers who really were into the game and gave me a better attitude towards it. The Venom Box I got had basically nothing worthwhile in it though.
I liked it, and I agree it did make it feel like they were actually into it. But the guy who did it, I did not like.
My venom box was pretty lame too.
Mine had Mini Titanium Man in it. Still useful for me as it raises my chances of getting the next box heroes slightly.
I have news regarding the GotG. Just make sure you ignore whatever I said in the last comment concerning them.
All of them are pretty much confirmed. "Guardians of the Galaxy pre-sale bundle. Buy this and get each of the guardians plus their badges when they are released!". Only thing being that in the code are only Groot (with Gamora involved in his P3) and Rocket Raccoon at the moment. I think it's only a matter of time before the code gets some Starlord, Gamora and Drax in it.
Also, scratch all I said about Drax being violent. Looks like that wasn't confirmation, just fake rumors.
As for the order we're getting them in, I'd say Groot>Rocket>Starlord>Drax>Gamora. We already have Groot and Rocket in the code, just more of Groot than of Rocket at the moment, and out of the three remaining, kids like Starlord the most, and Gazillion knows it. Between Drax and Gamora, Drax will come first merely because Gamora is a female and kids, for some reason, don't like females.
As for how we're gonna get them? Well, either separately, in which case one of them might be in a box (most likely Groot, since he's got the most coding), the rest being for early acces, either we get them all at once in an early access, over-the-top expensive bundle. Prepare your fractals in either case, because it might be a pain getting them all.
Thanks for all the information regarding the Guardians. I like Groot! Do you know why Moondragon wasn't included in the movie in first place?
Quote from: fox456 on August 18, 2014, 02:56PM
Thanks for all the information regarding the Guardians. I like Groot! Do you know why Moondragon wasn't included in the movie in first place?
Not really. But as someone with about 12% of the full GotG knowledge (see what I did thear?), just MAYBE, Moondragon appeared at the beginning of the movie on that hospital bed.
Thanks for inviting me to the Bullseye mission. It was pretty cool seeing Sandman in action. I like his animaitions and "Sandstorm." How do you like him?
Quote from: fox456 on August 20, 2014, 04:48PM
Thanks for inviting me to the Bullseye mission. It was pretty cool seeing Sandman in action. I like his animaitions and "Sandstorm." How do you like him?
Quite simply, he's awesome. Much more fun than expected and seen in the gameplay video provieded by Gazillion. His heal is rubbish, but that's not what HE's about. His combo is good enough to make up for it.
That said, his "sand pillar" model *(e.g. when performing his 4th basic attack of storming bad guys with a mini sandstorm) looks a bit like chocolate ice cream instead of sand in my opinion. Also, I would have liked his model to be bulkier in general.
Also, I'm really looking forward to doing more missions with you guys. I'm the guy with "Tundra" in his name on Cbox ( Just make your usernames your Marvel Mods names so I can tell that it's you. This thread, while good to share achievements on, is still not as good for plans such as missions.
Quote from: corvetterules2 on August 18, 2014, 07:46AM
Also, scratch all I said about Drax being violent. Looks like that wasn't confirmation, just fake rumors.
Guess this was true after all, if it wasn´t he would be in the pre-order pack...
Kinda weird that you can't get the 'full' team this way, here's to hoping he'll be involved in power attacks..
Quote from: Polygone on August 24, 2014, 06:20AM
Guess this was true after all, if it wasn´t he would be in the pre-order pack...
Kinda weird that you can't get the 'full' team this way, here's to hoping he'll be involved in power attacks..
Actually, he's likely to be boxed. That makes me happy, since it's been some time since we got a boxed hero and I like the box mechanics.
Speaking of boxes....
When I get 500 fractals, I buy either an Unleashed booster pack of cards or I buy a box. I keep going back and forth because I'll get a crappy set of cards and promise myself that I'll buy a box the next time (and visa versa) LOL!
So, last night, I was debating whether to buy a pack or a box. I bought my first Agent Coulson box, hoping to get some unique cards at least. And, to my true surprise, I got Agent Coulson!! :D
Lucky Fox! No matter how many times I buy a Coulson Box, I can't get Coulson. haha.
I really wanted to buy the Guardians Pre Sale bundle, but I was a little over a hundred gold short.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 25, 2014, 08:57PM
Lucky Fox! No matter how many times I buy a Coulson Box, I can't get Coulson. haha.
I really wanted to buy the Guardians Pre Sale bundle, but I was a little over a hundred gold short.
If you want box heroes, then try this: do NOT focus entirely on getting that hero. Take it as victories also when you get sidekicks, badges and sidekick badges, like I do. That way the whole thing becomes passive, and thus the time it takes to get the hero himself seems really short.
I haven't really been playing that much, just logging in for the daily rewards. I also only bought a Coulson box or two I think. Anyway, I got a Winter Soldier box yesterday, and it was either my first or second one of those. So I opened it today, and the rewards were coming out and I got Winter Soldier. I did need a pick me up, so it was a great surprise.
That's cool, Techon 7! I bought a box today and my "rare" was a Mystique badge. LOL, I don't even have her!
What is worse is when I get something like 3 XP Boost Potions for my "rare" item in the box. That is just a waste of fractals to me.
Quote from: fox456 on August 30, 2014, 11:29AM
That's cool, Techon 7! I bought a box today and my "rare" was a Mystique badge. LOL, I don't even have her!
What is worse is when I get something like 3 XP Boost Potions for my "rare" item in the box. That is just a waste of fractals to me.
I have to agree, if something is considered rare, it should be a badge, a sidekick, a card quest, a hero, or I suppose a card if it is a good and hard to get one.
I got Mini EotE recently. He's a blast; helpful Smartbomb and pretty good summon. And before you ask, yeah, I bought boxes even though I've got every boxed character.
I got Rocket! It only took me a few boxes luckily, but sadly I have hardly any gold or fractals now haha. I still have yet to get Coulson, no matter how many boxes I get I just can't get him.
Cool, midnightphoenix! I just logged on now myself and found out for the first time that Rocket Raccoon was going to be a boxed character. (...and I see that you already have him!)
His gameplay vid looked pretty fun, although he looks quite small. a little too small maybe, idk :P.
I don't understand the double golden fractal thing for this weekend. Are there TWO golden fractals for each character but they are not in the same zone?
A golden fractal is worth 20 fractals
20 instead of 10, got it. Thanks!
As someone who would buy thousands of boxes in a heartbeat, I was kind of disappointed to see that even boxes will be for early access from now on. Buuuut before the release of the skunk, I also had doubts that any of the GotG would be boxed, so overall his release is ok news for me. Next time Gaz releases a box hero as early access though I'll see it comig and be as happy as though the box weren't for early access :P. I would especially buy Rocket's box in a heartbeat since he seems to give a triple team boost of damage, health and armor, which is new and, I should say, so VERY useful.
Also, might I add, Gamora's model was done WAY better than I expected. When I first saw her head model in the GotG presale bundle icon, I thought her chin was really pointy. Then I saw her complete model and she looks great! Although I kind of wish she kept some of the silver on her face, I'm still happy to get her as soon as she's outta early access.
As for Drax, I'd say he's out of this. Since the FB page on SHSO doesn't have Drax on their cover photo, I'd guess the rumors that he'd not come WERE correct. Also, Rocket being boxed likely translates to no other GotG also being a box, so Drax not being there because he's boxed is out of the question.
If anything, Marvel probably doesn't want him out yet. He may be the one who de-hearted Thanos with his bare hands, but I guess comics make a whole bunch of characters that are in SHSO violent.
Want some examples? Okay, here you go. (SPOILER ALERT) Magneto ripped Apocalypse in half using the iron in his blood. Superior Spiderman beat most villains with cold blood unconscious, even breaking Scorpion's jaw. He also electrocutes the Vulture and headshot kills Massacre. Or Groot. Even in the movie, he grew a wood tentacle and impaled multiple enemies with it before ramming the tentacle against two walls.
Also, I got Groot recently and I must say he's MUCH more fun than I expected him to be. He's just stomping on the battlefield and making the screen shake like hell, the same reason why I also loved Beta Ray Bill. His HU is also insanity incarnated! Or wooden.
As for Starlord, I thought his mask was entirely silver painted. I couldn't see any yellow on his mask in the movie, but that's MAYBE just because most of the times he had the mask on it was dark.
I just dont get it. Yeah, drax is violent. But they made SO much MORE violent characters. Just think of all the horrible things the likes of Dark Phoenix did. They could've given him a similair moveset to Elektra. But whatevs I guess, here's to hoping that atleast he makes an appearnce in power attacks (again :P)
Quote from: Polygone on September 06, 2014, 01:52PM
I just dont get it. Yeah, drax is violent. But they made SO much MORE violent characters. Just think of all the horrible things the likes of Dark Phoenix did. They could've given him a similair moveset to Elektra. But whatevs I guess, here's to hoping that atleast he makes an appearnce in power attacks (again :P)
I can't say I get it either. People on Cbox, who frankly, know more than me when it comes to what's coming and what's not, (I'm just sharing whatever I see here) comment mixed rumors about Drax. And I have to agree with you, although by "violent" I think Gaz didn't worry much about Dark Phoenix as her powers are so... Erm, shiny? XD that there's no blood to be seen. Just the enemies desintegrating, which IMO isn't as violent.
Some sweet news from Squad time (I usually just skip to the ending, but they had a Q&A session aswell), first of all
Second of all
Enter the game code "STBREVIKWINS" to win 500 fractals! Yeeeh
Third of all
New contest : You need to get closest to a mystery score in the survival editon of Doomsday in Space for a chance to win Star-Lord when he comes out. Mystery score is "4XXXX"! Yeeeh
I was glad to see Drax is coming (eventually) too!
This video was not as good as the first two, however I do think the host did a good job with his accent at the beginning. He seems pretty talented and good in front of the camera -- unlike his two "co-hosts" on this video. Neither of them could look straight into the camera for long.
I keep getting badges with my mystery boxes. That is, badges of characters I don't have. :( But, it is certainly better than potions because I may get those characters eventually.
Words need not be said to express this.
On another topic, I'm really not moved in any way that Drax is coming other than the possibility to complete the team. I'm just glad we got Gamora. Also, according to a video I saw the other day, she's pretty sweet to play as; fast combo, health and speed boost for self and HU that hits 3 times for 51.
Also, I recently got the Rocket Skunk and am pretty impressed with him. His HU is even stronger than EotE's at times and he's the first ever hero to triple-team-boost; health, armor and damage. The healing sucks though; badge max=5 health/second for 20 seconds. Either way, if you're not a member and don't already have EotE, you can try this guy. Exo-7 works too, but RR damages more. And he's more fun.
With Gamora finally released, and my hopes and dreams amplified by NOT making her the last to be released, I can't say I care as much about the GotG month anymore. Just gimme a smexy money-colored sword-swinging chick and I'll give you my soul.
As for Groot, I'd recommend him. He's highly fun. His basic combo involves shaking the screen a lot by stomping and thunderclapping. His HU is also extreme... Just not in damage, but in size, as you may have seen.
If you own Emma Frost, how do you like her?
Quote from: fox456 on October 30, 2014, 03:00PM
If you own Emma Frost, how do you like her?
She's decent, If I remember right she may be similar to Jean or Invisible Woman but I haven't used her in awhile.
Quote from: fox456 on October 30, 2014, 03:00PM
If you own Emma Frost, how do you like her?
I like her I got her badge in a mystery box recently as a matter of fact. She's like Jean Grey but has telepathic melee attacks. She's a decent character but I wished her powers did more damage as well as her having a shield boost when in diamond form.
Thanks for the info guys. She is on sale and I thought I might buy her.
EDIT: Man, I didn't know that Emma Frost was an "Agents Only" hero. Has she always been Agents Only -- even before the big revamp?
Quote from: fox456 on November 01, 2014, 05:22AM
Thanks for the info guys. She is on sale and I thought I might buy her.
EDIT: Man, I didn't know that Emma Frost was an "Agents Only" hero. Has she always been Agents Only -- even before the big revamp?
No she never used to be Agents Only, that must be a new change.
So if you want codes here are two that I just checked.
Squad Time episode 5 also includes gameplay for X-Force Wolverine, X-Force Psylocke, and Drax. If you're interested.
They also said Carnage is absolutely going to be in the game.
Thanks for the codes. I watched the video and got the second one, but I hadn't seen the first one.
The fifth episode was good, but I didn't like the beginning too much where Snacks starts off in bed.
Quote from: fox456 on November 15, 2014, 01:30PM
Thanks for the codes. I watched the video and got the second one, but I hadn't seen the first one.
The fifth episode was good, but I didn't like the beginning too much where Snacks starts off in bed.
They give out codes in their newsletter, generally whenever they release a new hero.
Thank you for the Codes Techon!
More codes
STSNACKSWINS(1000 fractals! + Christmas Crushbot)
Cool, thanks again! I was just playing so I'll have to go back in and enter these codes.
I sure am glad that Marvel Mods isn't dead. Long time no see everybody.
How has everybody been doing on SHSO in the mean time? I could start saying what I've been doing, but... It's a long story :P
P.S. Christmas'd Merriness!
Thanks for the codes Techon!
Hi corevetterules! I see you every now and then on SHSO. Didn't one of your questions make it to Squad Time (maybe episode 3 or 4)?
And for all you Luke Cage fans who are currently members of SHSO, he is on sale.... But, it looks like his sale price is wrong. The sale price is 240 gold or 240 fractals. I think it's supposed to be 2400 fractals. You may get a sweet deal if you act now! :D I'm not a member or I would buy him and let you know.
Quote from: fox456 on December 27, 2014, 07:37AM
Hi corevetterules! I see you every now and then on SHSO. Didn't one of your questions make it to Squad Time (maybe episode 3 or 4)?
And for all you Luke Cage fans who are currently members of SHSO, he is on sale.... But, it looks like his sale price is wrong. The sale price is 240 gold or 240 fractals. I think it's supposed to be 2400 fractals. You may get a sweet deal if you act now! :D I'm not a member or I would buy him and let you know.
Thanks for letting us know Fox!
I'm not really a Luke Cage fan, but for 240 fractals I couldn't pass him up!
You see me around every now and then because I have made the most insane of decisions ever... Getting all the heroes I can in the shop, then going for none other than Midas. I just farm fractals by running around VV with EVERY single hero I have in my roster, for fractals, crafting parts and tokens. Yes, I'm just that crazy.
300,000 fractals ! ? ! ? !
Good luck with that feat. How many do you have now?
Quote from: fox456 on December 27, 2014, 04:24PM
300,000 fractals ! ? ! ? !
Good luck with that feat. How many do you have now?
I have 144 heroes now... This goal has driven me into getting the following so far: Battle Armor Thor, Ant-Man, Iron Man MKII, Mr. Fantastic, Spider-Man Ben Reily, Black Panther and Monkey King. Only 2 heroes left to complete the 3000 fractals roster: Captain Marvel and Storm.
I'd say I'm fine as I earn about 3500 fractals every day as long as I collect everything with every one of them. The only trouble here is the flying heroes though. *shiver* Too many hotspots.
LOL, then I should see you online more often. ;)
Quote from: fox456 on December 28, 2014, 02:13PM
LOL, then I should see you online more often. ;)
You can add Captain Marvel to that list too. Just recently got him.
Here's a code for an armor boost, MGNTARMR15
By the way, if you play the selected missions during the timeslots in the next three weekends, you can get a free heroic box.
I wasn't sure if you had to play one of the designated missions each weekend at the appropriate time or one mission in the exact timeslot each weekend. I am guessing the latter.
Thanks for this code too!
According to Facebook, you just have to play one of the missions in that mission's timeslot. Just one per weekend.
LOL, I'm already disqualified. I didn't have the mission that was required during the time I was able to play.
He's an unstoppable, mystically mighty force of nature! Make way for... the Juggernaut! Cain Mark is available NOW for SHIELD Member Early Access.
Did you get him, Midnightphoenix?
Quote from: fox456 on January 14, 2015, 06:29PM
Did you get him, Midnightphoenix?
Unfortunately no. Just a bunch of cards and silly things as usual.
Get ready for the our most ridiculous weekend sale... ever! They are ALL out of the box and ready to join your Squad. For this weekend only EVERY Mystery Box hero and villain are available outside their boxes! Now is the best chance to grab ALL those hard to get boxed characters including Rocket Raccoon, Juggernaut, Winter Soldier, Thanos, Ultron, Agent Coulson, Sabretooth, Dr. Octopus, Green Goblin, Titanium Man, Beta Ray Bill, Mr. Fixit, and Venom. Don't miss out on this ultra-rare one time only sale. Sale ends Tuesday, February 24th.
I got excited until I saw that they are all 1000 gold each. Are you guys buying any of them?
I've been getting the feeling that MSHSO is on its last legs. To "open up" those mystery boxes is taking away another appealing part of the game. I know it is for a limited time, but I am wondering what their motives are.
Quote from: fox456 on February 21, 2015, 03:32PM
I got excited until I saw that they are all 1000 gold each. Are you guys buying any of them?
I've been getting the feeling that MSHSO is on its last legs. To "open up" those mystery boxes is taking away another appealing part of the game. I know it is for a limited time, but I am wondering what their motives are.
I was a bit excited being that I have spent more fractals and gold then I can count to try and get Coulson, but the 1000 gold price tag turned me away. That is pretty steep.
I have Coulson and Venom. I thought about buying Rocket Raccoon, but when I looked more closely, he is one of the two that you have to be a member to buy.
Oh, and a question about Marvel Heroes for you Midnight. I was just playing there earlier and there was a player that walked by me whose name was MidnightPheonix. I thought for sure it was you. I quickly tried to message "you" and they said the player was not online. I had to look more closely and saw that the player reversed the "o" and "e." So, I guessed it wasn't you. Do you play Marvel Heroes at all?
Quote from: fox456 on February 21, 2015, 07:38PM
I have Coulson and Venom. I thought about buying Rocket Raccoon, but when I looked more closely, he is one of the two that you have to be a member to buy.
Oh, and a question about Marvel Heroes for you Midnight. I was just playing there earlier and there was a player that walked by me whose name was MidnightPheonix. I thought for sure it was you. I quickly tried to message "you" and they said the player was not online. I had to look more closely and saw that the player reversed the "o" and "e." So, I guessed it wasn't you. Do you play Marvel Heroes at all?
Coulson is the one box hero that always manages to escape me haha.
No I don't really play it, I do have an account though. I can't remember what my username is, I will have to look.
New code: CRNGEXP15
Hadn't seen this one yet. Thank you, Techon 7!
Thanks for the code!
So I bought Enchantress, and I must say I am very impressed.
Her attacks are really awesome, and her Hero Up ability is fantastic. She summons both Surtur and Ymir, though smaller then they are when you fight them in game, they are pretty powerful and help you defeat some enemies. They also act as not only helpful during boss battles, but as a good distraction as well.
here's another code: ENCHTSPD15
When I saw Enchantress, you are the first person I thought of, Midnightphoenix! I figured you would buy her right away. Glad that she is fun so far.
Thanks for the new code, Techon 7.
Quote from: fox456 on March 09, 2015, 05:30PM
When I saw Enchantress, you are the first person I thought of, Midnightphoenix! I figured you would buy her right away. Glad that she is fun so far.
Thanks for the new code, Techon 7.
Haha you thought right! I instantly went on and bought her.
New Code: LKIBXP15
Cool, thank you!
Thank you for the code!
I saw Professor X will be on his way soon, so that has me a little excited! Hopefully you can zoom around in his hover chair!
New code:TRSMNXP15
New code: SPM62ARMR15
Thank you for the code!
New code: BSSGHB15
You sure are good at finding these codes! Thanks, Techon 7.
Don't know if you guys heard, but the hero boxes are on sale for half price. It took me 8-10 boxes (lost count eventually), but I got Rocket Raccoon.
Quote from: fox456 on May 11, 2015, 07:04PM
Don't know if you guys heard, but the hero boxes are on sale for half price. It took me 8-10 boxes (lost count eventually), but I got Rocket Raccoon.
I finally got my hands on Coulson after buying at least 50 or more boxes in total over the past several months.
New code: 3kFRACTLS
Also the new update has finally changed the level cap to 40, and the HQ and HQ items have been removed from the game.
Quote from: Techon 7 on June 04, 2015, 07:25PM
New code: 3kFRACTLS
Also in the their recent update, they have cut way back on the fractals you can earn for accomplishing different tasks in the game. I sure don't see how that is going to help the developers survive. Sometimes it's a ghost town when I log on.
Quote from: fox456 on June 06, 2015, 06:40AM
Also in the their recent update, they have cut way back on the fractals you can earn for accomplishing different tasks in the game. I sure don't see how that is going to help the developers survive. Sometimes it's a ghost town when I log on.
I agree, I don't know why that choice was made. It was nice getting the amount of fractals that you could get before. Now it will be even harder. They keep removing things from the game, which I believe is only hurting them more.
They said they took out the HQ to focus on other things more since they never found time to get around to working on the HQ but they only ever seem to have time with characters, which all mostly seem like variants of other characters.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on June 06, 2015, 03:27PM
I agree, I don't know why that choice was made. It was nice getting the amount of fractals that you could get before. Now it will be even harder. They keep removing things from the game, which I believe it only hurting them more aswell.
They said they took out the HQ to focus on other things more since they never found time to get around to working on the HQ but they only ever seem to have time with characters, which all mostly seem like variants of other characters.
thank you I completely agree with you on this. When I was reading the site on the update changes as to why they took the HQ out the game I was shocked because what else have they really been working on other than multiple version of Spider Mans?
That's kind of why I stopped playing the game because it got repetitive and they never add anything new. I for one would love to see a PvP added or some new powers or just simply more X-men. What happened to Xavier? Maybe I'm biased but half of the X-Men suck IMO and the only decent ones are Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Jean. They made Emma Frost suck big time and Iceman is a washed up version of Elektra and Invisible Woman.
Sadly as much s I've like this game I dont see it being around for long
I agree with you as well. With the way they are going, they really need to step it up if the game is gonna stick around for much longer.
For one we have all been saying the Card Game needs updating for years now, it has become very stale in my opinion. And I agree with you that a PvP would be totally awesome. Zones I feel are also lacking, I haven't been very impressed with Villainville or Asgard that much, and they haven't given us a new one in ages and I think it is time that they do.
Supposedly there is a big list of characters who are coming. I can't really guarantee, but whenever the Super Hero Squad wiki puts up upcoming characters they always come eventually.
The list includes; Professor Xavier, Avengers Loki, First Appearance Cyclops, Big Time Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Ronan the Accuser, Iron Mongar, Shadowland Daredevil, Thunderbolt's Punisher, X-Force Archangel, Spider-Man Earth 8351, SP//dr, Future Foundation Invisible Woman, Future Foundation Mister Fantastic, and Future Foundation Thing.
The official SHSO page has pictures of some of these characters.
I kinda feel the downfall coming already, it's been a while since the game has an update and this one is rather dissapointing. Ronan has also been in the works for a while now, they shouldve done him when the GotG hype was still there. The alternate costumes look cool, but it seems like all they're doing is copys nowadays
Quote from: Polygone on June 07, 2015, 11:52AM
I kinda feel the downfall coming already, it's been a while since the game has an update and this one is rather dissapointing. Ronan has also been in the works for a while now, they shouldve done him when the GotG hype was still there. The alternate costumes look cool, but it seems like all they're doing is copys nowadays
I agree. Instead of having a ton of Spider-Mans running around they should have just released them as costumes. They could still charge for them but at a much cheaper price then characters. But of course then they would probably make more money.
There are many characters they could make for the game that would be different then what we have, it just doesn't seem like they feel the need. A lot of people like Spider-Man so they figure why not make more of him. I feel like it is only hurting them.
We all seem to be thinking similar things! I had to laugh when they said they eliminated the HQ in favor of focus on other areas. They aren't doing anything with ANY area! How stupid do they think we are?!
And, when I started reading midnightphoenix's post about several new characters coming in the near future, I thought, well, maybe I was wrong about them. Maybe they really are going to add some new things to the game. That thought didn't last long once I saw the list was basically the same characters once again but in different costumes.
Did any of you delete your game cache as suggested by this post?
I haven't deleted my cache, I didn't even know we were supposed to.
If anyone does, let us know if it impacts your gameplay.
Began to play the game stopped loading on 76% and then 2 indicates errors and wherein comes a glitch!
Then I removed cache but again stopped loading on 76% and 2 again indicates errors and overlooks a glitch !?
Then I uploaded game files inversely and started again and stopped again on 76% and then popping 2 errors and a glitch !?
Please tell me what to do why is this happening?
That "76%" has been the number that my loading has stopped at many times when I have tried to play. Are you using IE? If so, you may want to try Firefox.
However, mine eventually loads up with IE. Just have to keep trying.
The Future has arrived!
Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and Thing are reporting in with the Future Foundation!
Joining them in a special bundle is Future Foundation Spider-Man and a fiery free bonus hero! Silver Badges are included.
Now available for Early Access to Agents then all Recruits next week.
Meanwhile, Doctor Doom will not be denied! Future Foundation Doctor Doom awaits you as The Watcher's reward in Baxter Plaza from Thursday the 16th, 5pm to next Thursday the 23rd, 5pm PDT
Also, there is also a (small) sale on Ant-Man, Wasp, Goliath and Giant Man. I already had the latter two, but I did buy Ant-Man and Wasp. Wasp is fun so far.
Ant-Man is the only one I don't have yet so I am thinking about picking him up. Is he any good?
I wanted to get the Future Foundation bundle or at least Sue, but I guess my membership finally ran out.
I haven't tried Ant-Man yet. Regarding the Future Foundation, it would be cool to have their costumes, but I do have Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, two Things and plenty of Spider-Men. All I really want is the "bonus" Human Torch. LOL I think it was over 19,000 fractals for the set, which isn't worth it to me at this point.
Is the bonus Human Torch the same as the regular version or is it different?
I'm not even sure if the Future Foundation characters are any different either or if they have the same kind of powers.
I'm pretty sure that the Human Torch bonus is the old character because they aren't showing any pics of it for advertising. I would hope that the other four in the bundle would have some new powers along with their new costumes.
I did some poking around and it looks like their powers are exactly the same, except they changed the names to include Future in place of other words they used.
omg, that is ridiculous! It is getting so bad over there. Even the scant "new" material sucks.
They really need to pick up their game. They keep updating the same things and leaving everything else to die.
Daredevil is back in Super Hero City with an increased focused on ridding crime in Villainville. But is Matt Murdock still the man under the mask, or has something more sinister returned with him? Shadowland Daredevil is now available in the Shop for Agent's Early Access, then next week for all recruits!
Anticipating his return, The Watcher in Baxter Plaza has gathered new rewards at 5pm PDT:
Thursday: Daredevil
Friday: Classic Daredevil
Saturday: Shadowland Daredevil's Gold Badge
Sunday: Luke Cage
Monday: Elektra
Tuesday: Pure Elektra
Wednesday: Armored Daredevil's Gold Badge (8 hour rotation)
xD Two years later, still unavailable here in Europe.
Quote from: White Queen on August 05, 2015, 11:21AM
xD Two years later, still unavailable here in Europe.
I would guess that in another year, it will be gone here too.
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on July 23, 2015, 05:07PM
Daredevil is back in Super Hero City with an increased focused on ridding crime in Villainville. But is Matt Murdock still the man under the mask, or has something more sinister returned with him? Shadowland Daredevil is now available in the Shop for Agent's Early Access, then next week for all recruits!
Anticipating his return, The Watcher in Baxter Plaza has gathered new rewards at 5pm PDT:
Thursday: Daredevil
Friday: Classic Daredevil
Saturday: Shadowland Daredevil's Gold Badge
Sunday: Luke Cage
Monday: Elektra
Tuesday: Pure Elektra
Wednesday: Armored Daredevil's Gold Badge (8 hour rotation)
I'm not sure I get this. Are you supposed to turn in your daily fractals? Didn't there used to be a screen that showed how many had been turned in on a daily basis so you could see how you compared? Is that still available because I can't find it.
I'm not sure Fox, I haven't been on the game much lately. It has problems loading for me. But I believe if it is like before you just turn them in, I'm not sure if the counter is still there.
Btw, I read somewhere (honestly cannot remember if it was an earlier post on this thread) Is it true that you can't choose (Randomize) your Squad Name anymore? (when creating an account) And you're assigned a random one when you create your account. Is that true? o.o
Edit: Went back to through the thread to see if I can find it (still unsure if I read that here), and the first thing I see is that in a recent patch they've removed HQ. :O Really ?! ;-; I liked HQ though. xD
Quote from: White Queen on August 07, 2015, 11:10AM
Btw, I read somewhere (honestly cannot remember if it was an earlier post on this thread) Is it true that you can't choose (Randomize) your Squad Name anymore? (when creating an account) And you're assigned a random one when you create your account. Is that true? o.o
Edit: Went back to through the thread to see if I can find it (still unsure if I read that here), and the first thing I see is that in a recent patch they've removed HQ. :O Really ?! ;-; I liked HQ though. xD
I'm not sure about the usernames, but yeah HQ is gone. They said that it had to many problems and they didn't want to have to worry about it so they removed it. Seems a bit lazy to be honest.
Oh wow...I knew the answer to this unavailability problem all along, and I've been going the wrong way about it.
Originally I tried using Proxy sites to bypass the website's "We're unavailable in your area" thing, problem was, that only allowed me access to the site, but not to the game or the game files.
However I found a very basic but highly-efficient IP Mask/Hider program, that basically masks my IP into making it seem like it's a US one, so now I can access the site and the game.
Downloaded the game files, played around and wow... So many things have changed. Found only 2 problems though (originally 3, but that was fixed fast)
1) The Crafting Menu button does not work, it's like I'm clicking the ground behind the UI.
2) Opening the Achievements window gives me "You have been disconnected from the server error".
3) [Fixed] My game was only loading up to 76%, switched from Firefox to IE, that seemingly fixed it. Got back to Firefox and it works fine there as well.
Edit: 4) Bonus: An apparent lack of UI adjustments, like it's not adjusted to full screen or something. (looks fine when it's not in fullscreen) The store looks really weird in fullscreen (completely usable but weird)
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on August 07, 2015, 01:46PM
I'm not sure about the usernames, but yeah HQ is gone. They said that it had to many problems and they didn't want to have to worry about it so they removed it. Seems a bit lazy to be honest.
I agree.
@ White Queen,
Glad things are working for you, at least somewhat.
I just sent a Support Ticket (categorized as Suggestion, Feedback)
I addressed the sub-par Fractal, Experience and Crafting rewards received from missions. (especially the Crisis Missions that take a while to complete)
Basically I made a suggestion that the game should apply multipliers on the quantity of XP and fractals depending on the average time to complete the chosen mission and of course final score.
The Rank of Crafting supplies would be determined by the average time to complete the mission, while the QUANTITY rewarded would depend on final score.
And extra bonuses depending on how many heroes are in the team. (since a mission's difficulty increases with the amount of heroes)
Also addressed older heroes not being optimized to be on par with this new power standard. (With Emma being my main focus, she is incredibly weak in Crisis Missions, even being a lvl 19)
Also made a suggestion for a new zone. Focused on X-Mansion with a secondary option being Avengers Tower.
And lastly I made a small suggestion for an alternative variation Marvel NOW Emma Frost with pure melee diamond form powers. xD Why not? lol
Quote from: White Queen on August 09, 2015, 11:32AM
I just sent a Support Ticket (categorized as Suggestion, Feedback)
I addressed the sub-par Fractal, Experience and Crafting rewards received from missions. (especially the Crisis Missions that take a while to complete)
Basically I made a suggestion that the game should apply multipliers on the quantity of XP and fractals depending on the average time to complete the chosen mission and of course final score.
The Rank of Crafting supplies would be determined by the average time to complete the mission, while the QUANTITY rewarded would depend on final score.
And extra bonuses depending on how many heroes are in the team. (since a mission's difficulty increases with the amount of heroes)
Also addressed older heroes not being optimized to be on par with this new power standard. (With Emma being my main focus, she is incredibly weak in Crisis Missions, even being a lvl 19)
Also made a suggestion for a new zone. Focused on X-Mansion with a secondary option being Avengers Tower.
And lastly I made a small suggestion for an alternative variation Marvel NOW Emma Frost with pure melee diamond form powers. xD Why not? lol
I'll be curious to know if you get any
encouraging response back.
Quote from: fox456 on August 09, 2015, 01:15PM
I'll be curious to know if you get any encouraging response back.
Well it says that a Feedback/Suggestion ticket won't necessarily receive a response from the dev's, it might but it's not certain.
If I do receive one, I'll post it here. Hopefully it's better than the previous generic responses I've received on my several previous tickets.
You'd think it'll hurt them to take some time to write a normal type of response, instead of those auto/generic responses one normally receives. Besides, I doubt they get many support tickets these days.
Edit: Yay finally got Enchantress. :D
Here is the reply I received:
Greetings Spider Spirit,
Thanks for contacting us. We greatly appreciate your thoughtful and constructive feedback and suggestions you've provided us, especially your thoughts on how to improve Emma Frost and your ideas about a new zone, such as the X-Mansion.
I will make sure that your feedback will be forwarded over the Super Hero Squad Online team so it can be further reviewed. Please note that Customer Support won't be able to provide you any updates about your suggestions.
Again, we highly value your input and appreciate you taking the time out to share it with our team.
Super Hero Squad Online Support
Well, that reply sounds better than average. Let's hope that the development team actually receives and considers your suggestions. I liked your idea of awarding fractals and experience on a more fair basis.
They are back!
There was a new update!
And a lot of new in store!
Am I the only one experiencing a horrid bug with the Mission window. It's completely blank, besides the X (Close) button. ;-;
Quote from: White Queen on April 07, 2016, 07:30AM
Am I the only one experiencing a horrid bug with the Mission window. It's completely blank, besides the X (Close) button. ;-;
I have same, only X button does not work!
Do not close! T_T
I am experiencing the bug as well
Oh wow... I've been going through my oldest posts on this forum. I can't believe it's been half a decade since this thread started.
Quote from: White Queen on April 06, 2011, 10:35AM
NOOO! Everyone is playing it....exept me :'-( . I just signed up for an account and i cant wait, how long does it take for them to give a code?
And what!? the game wont be free, are you sure?
My very first post on this thread... the cringe is real. Still though, I can't believe it was 5 years ago... I was 13 when I wrote that, and soon I'm turning 19. It's kind of mindblowing and highly saddening at the same time. Sometimes I feel like it's been only a week or so. Silly I know. :P
This game has changed so much over these years, and even though I haven't played it that much (since it was unavailable here, and still isn't, but I'm crafty xD) I feel like it has lost it's touch... or maybe it's just me having grown up and all.
The cool thing is, I still have my original account from back then. The one I made after the beta ended and before they made it unavailable in my country.
So many childhood memories are buried in posts I made on this thread, It's really refreshing and comforting knowing that they are somewhat preserved somewhere, as they have (sadly) mostly faded from my mind. It's nice having a place where you can go to jog your memories, reminisce and fill yourself with nostalgia.
Ah, I remember Super Hero Squad Online. It was such a fun little game. I eventually gave up on it as I got older, but it was still fun.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on June 25, 2016, 11:16AM
Ah, I remember Super Hero Squad Online. It was such a fun little game. I eventually gave up on it as I got older, but it was still fun.
And when I became older, I still play this game and playing it currently, but is quite rare! In order to remember when I still a small play with my friends in this game!
I haven't played it in quite awhile. I have gone on occasionally, when the game actually decides to load for me, and will look and see if there is anything new or any good sales.
I feel like the game had the potential to be great, and at first it was, but they really don't release new content anymore and when they do it takes forever for it to come out. They really only seem to release clone characters, or characters that are very similar to others. They left behind the card game and other games which could have been updated to offer more fun but only seem to get dull after a few plays. And they haven't released a new world since Villainville and even that would be a nice addition to the game.
The game was good fun when it first came out, and then when they overhauled it and added in a bunch of new features it was fun, but now it just seems dry.
The game is pretty much dead at this point to be honest.
Dear Marvel Super Hero Squad Online Community,
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online launched more than five years ago. Over that time we've released 196 playable characters and 80 missions, along with countless other additions and improvements to the game. We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished, but the time has come for the final update to the game, which comes this week.
The game will be available until January 2017, and there's likely still plenty of content for you to unlock over hours and hours of gameplay. We are cutting Gold and Fractal prices of all Characters by 20%, so you can try out all of it! All Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent benefits remain in force, and everything remains available. We will no longer sell Gold, but we are upping the fractal drop rate, so you should be able to unlock and play everything.
We'd also like to send a huge thank you to all of those who have played and supported SHSO over the past few years. We've had the best time making it, and have especially loved hearing directly from you how many kids, parents, and everyone in between have enjoyed and connected over this game.
Thanks for all the great times,
–The Gazillion Super Hero Squad Online Team
So sad. :( The game no longer exists, since the website now redirects to Marvel Heroes' site. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted, even though the game declined in quality later in its lifetime. Not a bad 6-year run though. It will be missed.
It's impressive it ran that long. Most MMOs that are that specific only last 2-3 years.