Which one of this should be the name of X-Men 4?
Option 1: X-Men 4:Revenge of Magnetism
votes: 1
Option 2: X-Men 4:Creed Claw
votes: 1
Option 3: X-Men 4:Armaggedon
votes: 2
Option 4: X-Men 4:Dead Rising
votes: 0
Option 5: Other(SAY WHICH!!)
votes: 0
Option 6: X-Men 4:Hellfire
votes: 2
Option 7: X-Men 4:Rise Of Apocalypse
votes: 6
I was thinking what should be the name of the new movie of the alien vs predator X-Men they are planning,they i decided to make this poll,vote every time you want!The poll will be here for 1 week,and if you want you can ask me to put a new option!Great didnt it?Bye!
I voted other because I think it should be called X-Men: Rise of Apocalypse and we need some good Apocalypse action!
Agree with midnightphoenix123
See, I think it should feature the return of the X-Men's first enemies; THE HELLFIRE CLUB, like X3 was meant to have. (so, X4: Hellfire) Of course, the line-up'd of changed, maybe Emma would unite with the alive Xavier (and still be young, fresh January Jones by being in her diamond form for over 40 years). They'd be a group working for Apocalypse, which'd lead into X-Men 5, where the X-Men must fight the 4 horseman (I suggest a revived Cyclops, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Archangel) and finally Apocalypse.
i agree with midnightphoenix123, we need some apocalypse action, and i specially want Jean Grey to be there with all her powers unleashed! (but not being the Dark Phoenix)
Quote from: zmikey08z on May 31, 2011, 09:27AM
See, I think it should feature the return of the X-Men's first enemies; THE HELLFIRE CLUB, like X3 was meant to have. (so, X4: Hellfire) Of course, the line-up'd of changed, maybe Emma would unite with the alive Xavier (and still be young, fresh January Jones by being in her diamond form for over 40 years). They'd be a group working for Apocalypse, which'd lead into X-Men 5, where the X-Men must fight the 4 horseman (I suggest a revived Cyclops, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Archangel) and finally Apocalypse.
Actually X3 would have featured Emma Frost but only her, not the rest of the Hellfire Club. I'd like to see an X4 with the return of Cyke, Jean, and Xavier to undo the damage (we all know they will return anyway) and re-introduce the Hellfire Club which is led by Sinister along with Selene, Harry Leland, Trevor Fiztroy and maybe Emma (but I doubt it. She could still be young thanks to her diamond form but SPOILER Emma leaves the Club to join the Brotherhood in First Class, at least I've heard that) He attempts to resurrect Apocalypse which they end up doing but after Sinister betrays the Club for Apocalypse. The X-Men and Brotherhood would try to prevent Apocalypse's return.
I think Apocalypse should be the main villian of the movie, with the Innercircle/ hellfire club as side villians lead by Sinister with Selene, Emma and the others in the group Sinister is using them to help the rise of Apocalypse and using them to find horseman of Apocalypse Cyclops returns but doesnt remember what happend but is found by Emma who joins the X-Men with Scott to take over Jean's place With other new X-Men coming in aswell, When Jean returns it awakens Apocalypse which makes Emma mad because in 1 second Jean destroied all the work the X-Men did, Emma and Jean fight while all the others fight Apocalypse who kills everyone in the Hellfire club after Sinister joins Apocalypse and the see they were only being used. In the End the X-Men are left in defeat and Emma and Jean must work together to stop Apocalypse or the world will be destoried, they may both possible do it for their love Cyclops who tells them to stop Apocalypse good? lol I just thought of that on the spot, and the Hellfire club would be the only side villians as Rogue, Magneto, and Mystique are all in recovery but may all make cameos, Mystique may possible be possing as someone through out the movie or something, and then in the end it is revelead Magneto has his powers back, but none of the X-Men know yet, and he is living in Genosha with his 3 children, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Polaris of course, and is plotting on stopping the X-Men with the hundreds of mutants he has on his side, but this may be to much like X3 so maybe he is just their plotting on stoppig the X-Men with the help of some new evil baddies and Scarlet Witch, Polaris, and Quicksilver dont all have to be Evil or good, this may be at the end of the movie or after the credits, and then maybe a small scene in which we see the Making of millions of Sentinals to stop the mutants so that we know what the "next," movie may be like and of course this has no ties to first class as Havok would most likely be a new X-Men to take over his brothers place, but he returns and Emma would be the same age as first class most likely and I know 40 years of being in dimond just wouldn't do for her :P
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 31, 2011, 05:28PM
I think Apocalypse should be the main villian of the movie, with the Innercircle/ hellfire club as side villians lead by Sinister with Selene, Emma and the others in the group Sinister is using them to help the rise of Apocalypse and using them to find horseman of Apocalypse Cyclops returns but doesnt remember what happend but is found by Emma who joins the X-Men with Scott to take over Jean's place With other new X-Men coming in aswell, When Jean returns it awakens Apocalypse which makes Emma mad because in 1 second Jean destroied all the work the X-Men did, Emma and Jean fight while all the others fight Apocalypse who kills everyone in the Hellfire club after Sinister joins Apocalypse and the see they were only being used. In the End the X-Men are left in defeat and Emma and Jean must work together to stop Apocalypse or the world will be destoried, they may both possible do it for their love Cyclops who tells them to stop Apocalypse good? lol I just thought of that on the spot, and the Hellfire club would be the only side villians as Rogue, Magneto, and Mystique are all in recovery but may all make cameos, Mystique may possible be possing as someone through out the movie or something, and then in the end it is revelead Magneto has his powers back, but none of the X-Men know yet, and he is living in Genosha with his 3 children, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Polaris of course, and is plotting on stopping the X-Men with the hundreds of mutants he has on his side, but this may be to much like X3 so maybe he is just their plotting on stoppig the X-Men with the help of some new evil baddies and Scarlet Witch, Polaris, and Quicksilver dont all have to be Evil or good, this may be at the end of the movie or after the credits, and then maybe a small scene in which we see the Making of millions of Sentinals to stop the mutants so that we know what the "next," movie may be like and of course this has no ties to first class as Havok would most likely be a new X-Men to take over his brothers place, but he returns and Emma would be the same age as first class most likely and I know 40 years of being in dimond just wouldn't do for her :P
Nice story!If X-Men Legends 2 was like that it would be great,maybe if they release a X-Men-4 it would be cool to have this story.
Quote from: Daken Howlett on June 01, 2011, 01:59PM
Nice story!If X-Men Legends 2 was like that it would be great,maybe if they release a X-Men-4 it would be cool to have this story.
Thank you, I thought of it on the spot :D Im pretty impressed myself XD
I think they should do their Sentinel story first, then Apocalypse. Just because they have the technology to do it now and I would love to see what they would do with it. Of course there's so many stories they could do with X-Men so...yeah... lol. My main thing is, if they are going to make a 4th one, they better not make Rogue some whiny wimp. She needs some attitude. Just sayin...
Quote from: Scabbia on June 02, 2011, 10:32AM
I think they should do their Sentinel story first, then Apocalypse. Just because they have the technology to do it now and I would love to see what they would do with it. Of course there's so many stories they could do with X-Men so...yeah... lol. My main thing is, if they are going to make a 4th one, they better not make Rogue some whiny wimp. She needs some attitude. Just sayin...
I agree Rogue needs to be way more tough! She needs to get her super strength, and flight as well that will make her stronger!
What they need to do !! Is add Scarlet Witch be4 I get CRAZY!!! (http://de.acidcow.com/pics/20101125/gif_04.gif)
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 02, 2011, 10:36AM
I agree Rogue needs to be way more tough! She needs to get her super strength, and flight as well that will make her stronger!
I really don't care if she gets Ms. Marvel's powers, but she just doesn't need to be so wimpy. She's always been upset she couldn't touch another person, but she wasn't ever beyond dramatic about it. She's a freakin' southerner for cryin' out loud lol.
@SuperNatural-Witch: They do need to bring her in. Along with Quicksilver. I think they would be good for an Apocalypse story too.
Quote from: Scabbia on June 02, 2011, 10:48AM
I really don't care if she gets Ms. Marvel's powers, but she just doesn't need to be so wimpy. She's always been upset she couldn't touch another person, but she wasn't ever beyond dramatic about it. She's a freakin' southerner for cryin' out loud lol.
@SuperNatural-Witch: They do need to bring her in. Along with Quicksilver. I think they would be good for an Apocalypse story too.
I just think with super strength and flight she might become more head strong and just strong, and I agree for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
Quicky as a horseman would be nice.
Yes I like the Apocalypse idea too. But first we need to introduce the ShadowKing and Sinister. Continuing from the Last stand, The Phoenix rises being weilded by the Shadow King and this time we see a PROPER mental battle Matrix style on the Astral Plane between Xavier (who is back in his own body after being host in twin brothers) against the Shadow King and Jean Grey. He enlists the help of Emma Frost who will be played by Heather Locklear. While Cyclops is found by Nightcrawler and they both rejoin with Wolverine, Beast, Storm, Shadowcat, ANGEL, Collosus, Rogue and Iceman as the take the battle to Sinister, Multipleman and his Nasty Boys. That would be my dream X-Men 4. All the original cast plus Heather Locklear as Emma Frost and maybe set up Denzel Washington for X-Men 5 as Bishop.
Quote from: warmachine300 on June 05, 2011, 01:09PM
Yes I like the Apocalypse idea too. But first we need to introduce the ShadowKing and Sinister. Continuing from the Last stand, The Phoenix rises being weilded by the Shadow King and this time we see a PROPER mental battle Matrix style on the Astral Plane between Xavier (who is back in his own body after being host in twin brothers) against the Shadow King and Jean Grey. He enlists the help of Emma Frost who will be played by Heather Locklear. While Cyclops is found by Nightcrawler and they both rejoin with Wolverine, Beast, Storm, Shadowcat, ANGEL, Collosus, Rogue and Iceman as the take the battle to Sinister, Multipleman and his Nasty Boys. That would be my dream X-Men 4. All the original cast plus Heather Locklear as Emma Frost and maybe set up Denzel Washington for X-Men 5 as Bishop.
See I like January as Emma, but I think this plot has to much, having Apocalypse, Sinister, Shadow King, and the Nasty Boys thats to much, im not trying to be rude, I just think its to much, thats why when I made mine I chose the Hellfire club as the main villians and Apocalypse as the end movie battle I like Nightcralwer returning Scott to, but I just think thats to many people because Shadow King, and Apocalypse could both be main villians and Sinister plus the Nasty boys are like side villians so maybe ShadowKing comes in the 5th movie or something
Shadowking would be great for a First Class sequel IF Storm is included, otherwise a Spin-Off. Just my opinion.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 05, 2011, 08:11PM
Shadowking would be great for a First Class sequel IF Storm is included, otherwise a Spin-Off. Just my opinion.
That would be great. I believe First Class is meant as a prequel trilogy anyway.
Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on June 05, 2011, 08:11PM
Shadowking would be great for a First Class sequel IF Storm is included, otherwise a Spin-Off. Just my opinion.
That would be good, Shadowking and Storm, maybe even Jean to help with the fight
Sorry Midknightphoenix123 you mis-understood me. Maybe my post wasn't clear enough, let me go back.
I want to save Apocalypse till the end of X-Men 5 with a Bishop and Cable storyline hopefully being introduced then. I want a 3 part story like Lord of the Rings. X-Men 4 would purely be about the Shadow King. X-Men 5 would be Sinister with an introduction to Apocalypse and then X-Men 6 would purely be about Apocalypse and Sentinels. Continuing from the Last Stand, January Jones would be too young to play Emma which is why I want Heather Locklear for that role as she's in the same age bracket of Famke, Halle, Hugh, Kelsey and co and she's well suited to that character. Apocalypse is a Huge character that can't just be wrapped up in ONE film he needs to be spread over the course of maybe 2 or 3 films. That was the only mistake they made with the 3rd film they tried to cram the Phoenix Saga, The Cure and Magneto Revenge all in one film. They need to spread out the storyline over 3 or 4 more films.
Quote from: warmachine300 on June 06, 2011, 05:38AM
Sorry Midknightphoenix123 you mis-understood me. Maybe my post wasn't clear enough, let me go back.
I want to save Apocalypse till the end of X-Men 5 with a Bishop and Cable storyline hopefully being introduced then. I want a 3 part story like Lord of the Rings. X-Men 4 would purely be about the Shadow King. X-Men 5 would be Sinister with an introduction to Apocalypse and then X-Men 6 would purely be about Apocalypse and Sentinels. Continuing from the Last Stand, January Jones would be too young to play Emma which is why I want Heather Locklear for that role as she's in the same age bracket of Famke, Halle, Hugh, Kelsey and co and she's well suited to that character. Apocalypse is a Huge character that can't just be wrapped up in ONE film he needs to be spread over the course of maybe 2 or 3 films. That was the only mistake they made with the 3rd film they tried to cram the Phoenix Saga, The Cure and Magneto Revenge all in one film. They need to spread out the storyline over 3 or 4 more films.
Ok, I thought you wanted to cram all that stuff in one movie and it seemed to be to much! I still think Heather is to old, if Emma uses her diamond form alot she wouldn't age to much but thats my only problem with it lol
Apperantly X-Men 4 will be on the way since First Class is finished, and X5 will come right after X4. Sounds good although most of the old actors haven't signed up for any more sequels. All this info is from wiki btw but I think it is true. I wouldn't mind a reboot though or at least all the damage caused by X3 to be fixed in the later films.
I have recently had some ideas for a whole new X-Men Trilogy that is closer to the comics. It would include the First Class, Second Genesis, Sentinels and Weapon X, the Dark Phoenix Saga, and Apocalypse. Here is the summary for the first film. Comment if you guys like it :)
X-Men: First Class
The film opens with narration by Xavier during a Danger Room training session with the five original X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast, and Angel). Xavier explains what a mutant is, why he opened the Xavier Institute, and the point of the X-Men. We also see some flashes of how Xavier found his first class.
Magneto resurfaces and takes over a millitary base however the X-Men arrive to stop him. Magneto seems to be the victor until threatening Scott causes Jean to become Phoenix. She is able to hold him off long enough before fainting (due to Xavier knocking her out psychically) and a shocked Magneto retreats.
The X-Men return home where Xavier reveals how he and Magneto were once close friends who moved on due to their different beliefs about mutants and humans. He also explains that Jean possesses almost unlimited psychic powers which he dampered with psychic blocks but during the battle, Jean broke through those barriers to protect Scott. Xavier has now reformed those psychic blocks but fears that Jean will eventually break through them again. Meanwhile Magneto retreats to his base, Asteroid M, where he meets with his Brotherhood of Mutants (Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, and the Blob). Magneto recognizes Jean's immense power and hopes to use it to achieve his goal of mutant domination.
He sets a trap with Toad on TV, being attacked by a human mob. The X-Men rush to save Toad only to be attacked by the Brotherhood who kidnap Angel and return to Asteroid M. Toad is left behind, allowing Xavier to telepathically gain the knowledge of entry to Asteroid M. The X-Men (and Toad) arrive at Asteroid M only to find it as a metallic death trap. Each X-Man is separated and forced to battle a member of the Brotherhood, while Jean faces off against Magneto who is holding Xavier captive. Each X-Man defeats/outsmarts his Brotherhood foe and rush to find Jean and Xavier.
Magneto attempts to get Jean to use her full power but she refuses until Magneto tries to kill Xavier and the rest of the X-Men. This causes Jean to release her full power and transform into Phoenix. Jean attacks the Brotherhood and the X-Men, but Cyclops is able to reach out to her long enough for him to strike her down with an optic blast. However this causes one of Jean's tk blasts to go astray which leads to Asteroid M ripping in half. Although Jean is now down, Asteroid M is collapsing back to Earth, but both teams manage to get on the side of Asteroid M that is crashing towards Earth. Magneto is left behind as he uses his last ounce of power to control Asteroid M's descent into Earth before the side he is on detonates.
The X-Men return safely home while the Brotherhood disbands with Magneto's death (Wanda and Pietro wish to have normal lives, and Xavier lets Toad and Blob go home free). Xavier is able to restore the psychic blocks back in Jean's mind and Scott proclaims his true love to Jean (while she is asleep although she hears his every word and then wakes up and reveals that she loves him too.) The couple also forgive Angel (the subplot of the film is the love triangle between Scott-Jean-Angel. The former two are in love with each other but Angel loves Jean and causes a misunderstanding between Scott and Jean. Eventually they both discover that Angel is at fault but finally forgive him by the end.) Xavier and the X-Men they graduate as the First Class.
This is the ending that takes place after the credits and involves Bolivar Trask with Weapon X leader, Cameron Hodge. Trask has begun production of the Sentinels and reveals that he has sent some prototypes to recover a mutant that was detected in space. The Sentinels uncover Magneto's body and discover that he is alive. Hodge and Trask then order the Sentinels to bring Magneto back to the base as they begin their evil plans for mutants.
This was amazing! I love it, very true to the Comics! The only thing that im at odds with is the Phoenix coming so early, but I love the whole idea, I just don't know if this first movie is right for it, although with the Phoenix action it might draw more people in! It actually reminded me of Pryde of The X-Men a little bit beside Emma and Pyro and all that, this is well put together, do you have any other ideas?
Yeah I have a whole trilogy or at least 4-5 films planned. I did think of Phoenix being introduced too early but I decided it probably best fit here, at least for my plans.
I'll give a full summary of X2 later but here is the shortened version. Hodge (leader of Weapon X) sends Sentinels to attack the X-Men (which now include Havok and Polaris). The X-Men are all kidnapped except for Cyclops who meets Moira MacTaggert and uses her help to create a new X-Men. This new team consists of Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, and Thunderbird. The new team arrives at the base and rescues their teammates although Beast has been mutated into his furry form, Angel's wings have been amputated, and Jean has lost the psychic barriers and truly become Phoenix. The new team and old defeat the Mastermold and Hodge although at the cost of Thunderbird and Trask (who decides to join the X-Men's cause instead) who both sacrifice themselves to put an end to Hodge and Weapon X. Both teams also rescue Wolverine, Magneto, Juggernaut, and Destiny who were prisoners of Weapon X. Magneto accepts Juggernaut and Polaris into the Brotherhood (Polaris joins because she suspects that Magneto knows of her heritage). The entire first class (plus Havok) leaves the X-Men except for Cyclops and Jean while Wolverine joins. As such the new team of X-Men is Cyclops, Phoenix, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Rogue. The ending after the credits reveals that Destiny has joined the Hellfire Club and revealed that the messiah for mutantkind is Jean Grey who shall bring the golden age for all mutants with the Inner Circle as their leaders.
Well I guess it depends on everyones personal perception of Emma and how old you see her. From Hellfire, To Hellions to Generation X and what have ya shes seen it all. Emma has a lot of history which needs to be respected.And if she's portrayed too young then all that history lacks credibility. Shes a cougar to me. Thats just my op anyway. So she would be around the same age as Storm and Jean and if they ever were to pick up where X3 left off by the time the movies made Heather(49) Hugh (43), Halle (45) and Famke (47) will ALL be hitting their 50s anyway. Unless you want a reboot of the cast but to to me I thought the cast were perfect. And Heather still looks good.
Anyway, I hope they do pick up from X3. Would love for them to introduce Banshee and maybe Psylocke at some point.
I've always seen Emma as about somewhere in her mid-40s by now (in comic time). When you are a powerful telepath and are known for having had many plastic surgeries you could make yourself look as young as you want. She's a cougar all right! :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 06, 2011, 11:03AM
Yeah I have a whole trilogy or at least 4-5 films planned. I did think of Phoenix being introduced too early but I decided it probably best fit here, at least for my plans.
I'll give a full summary of X2 later but here is the shortened version. Hodge (leader of Weapon X) sends Sentinels to attack the X-Men (which now include Havok and Polaris). The X-Men are all kidnapped except for Cyclops who meets Moira MacTaggert and uses her help to create a new X-Men. This new team consists of Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, and Thunderbird. The new team arrives at the base and rescues their teammates although Beast has been mutated into his furry form, Angel's wings have been amputated, and Jean has lost the psychic barriers and truly become Phoenix. The new team and old defeat the Mastermold and Hodge although at the cost of Thunderbird and Trask (who decides to join the X-Men's cause instead) who both sacrifice themselves to put an end to Hodge and Weapon X. Both teams also rescue Wolverine, Magneto, Juggernaut, and Destiny who were prisoners of Weapon X. Magneto accepts Juggernaut and Polaris into the Brotherhood (Polaris joins because she suspects that Magneto knows of her heritage). The entire first class (plus Havok) leaves the X-Men except for Cyclops and Jean while Wolverine joins. As such the new team of X-Men is Cyclops, Phoenix, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Rogue. The ending after the credits reveals that Destiny has joined the Hellfire Club and revealed that the messiah for mutantkind is Jean Grey who shall bring the golden age for all mutants with the Inner Circle as their leaders.
I like it! The two stories have a nice flow to them!
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on June 06, 2011, 12:02PM
I like it! The two stories have a nice flow to them!
Thanks. I like the thought of a flow between each of the movies. Here is the full version of the 2nd film. Its much longer than the short summary I gave above so read it at your own cost lol. It basically gives more details and explanations if you like that sort of stuff.
X-Men II: Deadly GenesisThe X-Men have grown up now and also have two new additions: Havok and Polaris. Angel is reunited with old friend Cameron Hodge, but doesn't realize that Hodge is leader of Weapon X, an organization plotting against mutants. Already aware that Angel is a mutant, Hodge now is certain that the rest of the students at the Xavier Institute are also mutants. Hodge then sends three Sentinels at the X-Mansion where they battle the X-Men. The entire team including Xavier is kidnapped with the exception of Cyclops.
In the subbasement, searching for something to help his teammates, Cyclops accidentally contacts Moira MacTaggert who reveals herself as a mutant scientist as well as Xavier's old friend. Cyclops arrives at Muir Island and explains the situation to Moira and her lover Banshee, with Moira revealing the Cerebro Files. The Cerebro Files were given to her by Charles and include information on every mutant who has been tracked by Cerebro (Cerebro is first introduced in this film). Using these files, Cyclops goes around the world in the Blackbird, tracking down mutants who are mature and experienced with their powers to form the second generation of the X-Men. The new X-Men team includes: Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, and Thunderbird.
Moira is aware of Weapon X's location as they invited her to come and join them, but she refused as she heard rumors of their anti-mutant plots. The new team travels in the Blackbird to Weapon X and manage to make it into the base. This is all part of Hodge's plan though and he sends brainwashed versions of Havok and Iceman to battle the X-Men. The new team manages to defeat them with difficulty and enters the labs where they meet the mutant psychic Destiny. They also find Angel and Beast however they are both changed: out of spite for his former friend, Hodge amputated Angel's wings while he had Beast experimented on transforming him into a furry ape-like creature. The X-Men are then attacked by brainwashed versions of Jean Grey and Wolverine.
Hodge had earlier placed Jean in a cell with Wolverine who she initially feared. After psi-blasting Wolverine, Jean learned of all the horrors Wolverine had been through thanks to Weapon X and she comforts him, forming a deep bond between the two. Shortly afterwards Hodge had both of them brainwashed to fight against the new X-Men team. Jean's psychic barriers have been broken and she is once more Phoenix, allowing her and Wolverine to overpower the rest of the team. However seeing Scott in danger from Wolverine allows Jean to regain control overherself and she breaks the brainwashing on Wolverine as well as Havok and Iceman.
The team continues on only for Hodge to send Juggernaut after them. Juggernaut is Xavier's half-brother but hates him deeply so he is glad to have a chance to crush Xavier's team. Even with all of the X-Men and Jean's full power, they barely stop him. Rogue then absorbs him and learn's Hodge's plan. Bolivar Trask has created Mastermold, a machine that can create Sentinels much faster than normal but to power Mastermold, the magnetic power of Magneto (and now Polaris as well) must be used. Xavier is being used to power Trask's own version of Cerebro, so he can detect every mutant in the globe, allowing Sentinels to reach them. The X-Men, old and new, rush to the site of Mastermold however learn that Mastermold is already operational.
The X-Men battle Sentinels, guards, and Mastermold while Wolverine finds Trask. Trask only planned to separate humans from mutants, not genocide and tried to rebel against Hodge however Hodge locked Trask up, threatening his family. Trask reveals that Mastermold is well protected but it is secured to a chamber where Magneto and Polaris are, and the chamber is the weak point. Trask believes that by destroying the chamber as well as detonating the base, it can destroy all of the Sentinels and Mastermold but at the price of everyone's lives.
The X-Men are willing to give their lives and use all their powers collectively at the chamber. At the last minute Jean jumps in using her telekinesis to take control of the energies allowing the rest of the X-Men to escape. Trask detonates the base and the collective exposions destroy the entire base as well as all of Mastermold and the Sentinels. As the X-Men regroup outside of the base they see the Phoenix effect, with Jean, Polaris, and Magneto all safe from harm however Jean reveals that Trask is indeed dead as he gave his life to stop what he created.
Hodge however is also alive and tries to escape on a private plane. Thunderbird (who was crippled during the battle with Mastermold) destroys the plan killing both himself and Hodge. As the X-Men mourn his death, Magneto parts ways with Xavier once more, now more determined to make mutants the master race. He is joined by Juggernaut and Polaris (Polaris suspects that Magneto knows of her heritage and that he is her father) while Destiny goes on her own way. The X-Men return home for Thunderbird's funeral where his brother (or the movie counterpart of Warpath) and Thunderbird's tribe comes to pick up his body. Iceman, Havok, Angel, and Beast all leave the team (Angel has no place without his wings now while Beast feels he needs to focus on how to adapt to his further mutation.) Wolverine also wants to leave but Jean tells him that the X-Men is his home now. Wolverine agrees although he mainly does it to stay with Jean, something Cyclops suspects and argues against. This leaves the X-Men team with Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Rogue. Xavier sees his new team, full of mutants all over the world with different customs and beliefs, making him believe that his dream for peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants is still possible.
In the ending after the credits, Destiny arrives in the altar room of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle led by Sebastian Shaw (also featuring Emma Frost, Harry Leland, Donald Pierce, and Sunspot.) She reveals that the Inner Circle has long seen the day where the mutant messiah will come and usher in a new age for mutants, one where the Inner Circle rules. Destiny reveals that she has forseen who this mutant is and within the flames of a fireplace, the image of Jean haloed by the Phoenix Raptor is seen with Shaw cackling.
I have recently come up with an Idea for an X-Men First Class, or a new X-Men movie but it wouldnt be the 4th movie at all. And it's also not very true to the comics :P It also has similar plot lines to the actual First Class movie
It starts as Xavier visits Jean's home. Much like in X3 except with out Magneto. Xavier talks to Jean's mother. She explains Jean is getting worse, Xavier askes if he could take her in and help her understand her powers. She calls Jean down, who is at least 16 or 17 and he asks her if she would like to come with him. This is also not the first time the two have meet as he says how big she has gotten since the last visit. Jean decides to go with Xavier as he is the only person who could truely help her. 2 Years go by and Xavier is on his death bed, for unknown reasons, before he dies he tells Jean he wants her to start a school for mutants and keep his legacy going. Jean is at odds and can't answer before he is dead.
The Next day Jean is walking outside and meets Erik Lensher. He explains his saddnes for Xavier's death, but tells Jean he needs to show her something that Xavier and him worked on. Cerebro, he asks Jean to use it, but she doesnt want to. She tells Erik that running a school for mutants would be to hard for just her, and she cant do it. She leaves and continues her walk. She then bumps into a girl about 19, now Jean's age aswell. Jean apologizes and her and the other girl go to have tea. Jean relizes that the girl is mutant, but that girl doesn't want to show her power in public so they go into an ally, she shapeshifts into some else, thus she is Mystique, after showing her blue form and changing back to her human form the two shack hands and tell each other their names. On their way to Xavier's mansion they see a large crowd around a club. The Hellfire club. The two go in to see what everyone is their for, Jean then relizes other mutants are in the building somewhere. The two investigate untill they come to a room much like in the First Class movie. They see Sebastion Shaw talking to to someone and explaining that they need to start a war. The man declines and trys to leave but the girls of the Hellfire club stop him, The Black Queen is Miss Sinister, except she doesnt have blue/ white skin although when she uses her powers it changes, Emma is the White Queen, and then Margert Slade is also a member along with the Black Womb who has been a long time member along with Shaw as they both have lived a long time.
Jean and Raven leave and head back to the mansion. They both agree they have to stop the Hellfire club. But in order to do so they need more mutants. They go back to Erik Lensher and Jean uses Cerebro. They visist Storm in Africa, then Husk, Scott, Bobby, Skids,Dust, and Pixie. Everyone joins and they all want to save the world from destrouction. They all begin to train as they know it will be a tough battle. Shaw has Hellfire clubs all around the glob and each club has members from the comics as well, like the real Selena who works in South America, Emma Stead who works in Russia, and Mastermind who is in China, in every country he works on starting a war aganist all other countries like in First Class, The X-Men decided since they are a team they need code names, a team name, and costumes, they all come up with code names, plus the name X-Men and make costumes, search X-Men Genesis on Devinart for the costumes.
The war aganist everyon begins with Shaw leading the pack. The X-Men go into battle with the Hellfire club Skids is killed. Emma and Jean face off and everyone else fights another person, a missle and gun war breaks out between the different Armies and Shaw. Margert Slade is killed. Miss Sinister dissapears and Black Womb is in Brazil recruiting new members into her and Shaws Hellfire club like Selena and Jane Hampshire(Scribe). Emma is left alone with the X-Men, btu Shaw comes to her rescue and attacks the X-Men and leaves them in defeat excpet Mystique and Erik who just recently showed up. The two stop Shaw and the US Military takes him to Jail, but he knows of Black Wombs plans. Erik knows he doesnt have the same plans the X-Men do so he makes his own team, Mystique joins, Emma joins, and Dust joins then everyone goes home. The X-Men now know that since Skids is dead, and they lost Mystique and Dust to the new Brotherhood that they will have to recruit new members. The screen goes black And it shows Sentinals being made with Miss Sinister working with the new Senetor Kelly so they can use the Sentianls to stop the X-Men. I have a second and Third made as well and will post later
Edit: X-Men 2 Deadly Gen is amazing Marvelfan, im making a new topic called X-Men custom stories where we can post these if you would like
Oh I love your story! Its so original and different, really refreshing. :)
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 06, 2011, 12:55PM
Oh I love your story! Its so original and different, really refreshing. :)
Thank you so much! I love the original 5 but i wanted to change it up and add in some new people, i'll post my second one in the custom topic, do you have a third?
Yes, I will post that one soon.
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 06, 2011, 01:14PM
Yes, I will post that one soon.
Alright Im going to start typing my part 2 in the custom topic and then I will movie it here
Ok here is X-Men First Class 2, the first is on the other page
X-Men First Class 2The sky is shown, the stars. Jean is talking about mutants, how they came to be, then she talks about losing control and not being able to find your way back. The screen flashes and the Mansion is shown. Jean, Scott, Bobby, Storm, and Pixie are shown sitting on a couch watching TV. Senator Kelly is explaining the Sentinel Program that he worked on with his assistant, who remains nameless although she is Miss Sinister. He explains that they will be used for Human safety as mutants are a threat, little does he know Miss Sinister is a mutant herself and is going by the name Sally Blevins which is actually Skids real name, but Skids is dead. Jean turns the TV off and is angered at this. She storms off as the others begin to talk Jean goes into cerebro and begins to search for new mutants.
The X-Men take the X-Jet to recruit new members. Rogue, Kitty, Dazzler, Angel, and Havok are all recruited. The Brotherhood is now shown in Genosha. With Leader Magneto talking to his team, Emma Frost, Mystique, Dust, Vertigo, and Pyro. He explains that they must stop the X-Men! Dust begins to yell at him for working with the X-Men, and now he wants to stop them, then the fight is turned around on her as she did the same. She leaves the room.
As the X-Men are walking outside in a park a Sentinel comes to attack the X-Men, set up by Kelly to make mutants look as though they are trying to hurt humans. The Sentinel is destroyed but the town is outraged. The X-Men go back to the mansion and begin to think up a plan on what to do, but are attacked by the brotherhood. Emma sneaks in the mansion while all the others are outside. Emma breaks into cerebro to try and track down Shaw. She sees him with a new Hellfire club in England with the Black Womb and sees that her two sister have joined his team. Emma throws the cerebro helmet and it breaks on the ground as she runs out of the room screaming Shaw's name. She turns to diamond and destroys the inside of the mansion. After the fight the X-Men go back in and see the ruined house. Jean sense's Emma was the one who did it and she uses the broken cerebro the next day, barley working, to find her. She locates Frost in England and the X-Men go. They find a surprise waiting for them, the brotherhood. Dust goes on a rampage and starts to destroy the town, Mystique shapeshifts to Magneto and kills her. Jean leaves to find Emma, but is fallowed by Kitty who wants to prove she is worth of the X-Men. Emma is now in the England Hellfire club building trying to locate Shaw.
Jean goes in fallowed by Kitty. Emma Stead (the 2nd Black Queen) and Cordelia Frost (The Red Queen) stop Kitty with illusions and such. Jean continues to go on, not knowing Kitty fallowed her. Emma is now fighting Selene (The Black Queen), Selene had told Emma Shaw wasn't there and that she wasn't welcome. Emma yells at Selene telling her that she was everything to Shaw and he did nothing! Selene just calls Emma a useless tool and Emma trys to kill her, but is stopped by the Black Womb and her sister Adrienne (The new White Queen) Emma astral blast slams into Selene, but some how bounces into the Black Womb, but is now mixed with Selene's vampire like power and kills the immortal Black Womb. Selene and Adrienne now very angry attack Emma. Jean comes in and throws Selene and Adrienne off and freezes everyone but Emma. Emma then turns to her diamond form so Jean cant read her mind, but Jean makes Emma turn Human form again and chains her up. Jean begins to yell at Emma telling her she knows the secret! It is then reveled Emma is the person responsible for Xavier's death. Emma had the help of Destiny to see the future and new what Xavier had planned, but she killed him to late. (I guess in like the DVD release there would be added movie footage where the scene is witnessed of Emma and Destiny talking, but you never know it was Emma who killed him until now.) Jean almost kills Emma, but Kitty comes in a saves her telling Jean it isnt right. Jean agrees and knocks Emma out. The X-Men fly back to New York where everything is "well" again. The Screen goes black, but then a Shi'ar ship is seen in space and the M'Kraan crystal is seen falling to Earth. I'll post part 3 later