Marvel Mods

XML and MUA - Common Items => Knowledge Base - (not for questions) => Topic started by: BliZZ on December 24, 2006, 11:37AM

Title: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 24, 2006, 11:37AM
I haven't seen anything about this yet: Has anyone been able to modify the hero team files to include the PSPers yet? I don't have access to the game currently, as I'm not at home right now, but is it possible to edit those files using one of nba2k's programs?

If so, the following changes need to be made to reflect the PSP version:
Add Ronin to:
Agile Warriors
Femme Fatale

And Add Black Widow to:
Agents of SHIELD
Femme Fatale
Weapons Specialists

For some reason, Hawkeye and Mar-Vell were not included on any PSP teams ???
But, I feel as though to accurately add them, Hawkeye should be on:
Agile Warriors
Dark Past
Weapons Specialists

And Captain Marvel should be added to:
Air Force
Power Platoon

Also, this would be a good time to fix some errors of the game makers, namely adding Colossus to 'Bruisers' and Ghost Rider to 'Marvel Knights'
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 24, 2006, 11:47AM
Yes, the file supports override adding of characters, so we may attempt to add new ones. Got to experiment. *files off to the drawing board*
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Joshco on December 24, 2006, 12:31PM
Hawkeye should probably be in "Classic Avengers" as well...
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 24, 2006, 12:36PM
Quote from: Joshco on December 24, 2006, 12:31PM
Hawkeye should probably be in "Classic Avengers" as well...
No, because putting Cap, Thor, Stark, and Clint will cause problem for the system. Personally, I'd like to see T'Challa put on 'Avengers' and 'Classic Avengers' dropped completely, as it doesn't even call out that team's name when I select it. We could then replace 'Classic Avengers' with any team, and keep the +15% Energy.
How about we call it 'Portable Heroes', or something to that effect, and make it be all 4 PSP exclusives?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 24, 2006, 10:01PM
Or make a separate "Ultimate Team-Up" team and list only the Ultimate-costumes, like it was done for the Flashback and Alternate Identity bonuses?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 01:44AM
Here's the new team_bonus.engb, based off the PSP one (so Ronin and Widow are already everyplace they should've been).
Also adds:
Ronin's masked costume to "Alternate Identities",
Hawkeye, Wolverine and Deadpool to "Dark Past",
Ronin to "New Avengers",
Fury and Widow to "Marvel Knights", because while they may not have been part of the original Marvel Knights team-up, they both WERE on the Knights imprint. Punisher will also go here once he's in, as well as to the "Weapon Specialists" team and a new "Old Soldiers" team for him, Fury, Logan and Moony.
Captain Marvel and Iron Man to "Air Force",
Deadpool to "Martial Artists" as the only guy to beat Taskmaster in hand-to-hand with the odds stacked against him,
Captain Marvel to "Power Platoon",
Classic Black Widow to "Flashback".

I'm considering the need for adding Mar-Vell to "Scorchers".. Also, we NEED a "Matt's Angels" team, featuring Daredevil, Elektra, Ronin and Widow.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 25, 2006, 07:00AM
Quote from: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 01:44AM
I'm considering the need for adding Mar-Vell to "Scorchers".. Also, we NEED a "Matt's Angels" team, featuring Daredevil, Elektra, Ronin and Widow.
How about Hawkeye on Avengers and Weapon Specialists? Oh, and if you can add specific costumes, how about adding US Agent and Vengeance to Alternate Identities? It's actually rediculous that they are not. Oh, and Colossus to Bruisers/Ghost Rider to Marvel Knights.
Quote...a new "Old Soldiers" team for him, Fury, Logan and Moony.
Don't forget the Thing!!
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 07:18AM
Colossus IS already in Bruisers, at least in my version of the file.

Uploaded the new file with the following changes, as requested:
U.S. Agent (Cap 3rd skin) and Vengeance (Rider 3rd skin) to 'Alternate Identities',
Hawkeye to 'Classic Avengers' and 'Weapon Specialists',
Ghost Rider to 'Marvel Knights'.
Link is the same, I replaced the archive. Have fun!
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 25, 2006, 07:24AM
Thanks a bundle.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 25, 2006, 09:26AM
Alright, I composed a list based on Noelemahc's file, and here it is:

Team Bonuses
Agents of SHIELD: +5 to all Resistances
Black Widow
Captain America
Nick Fury

Agile Warriors: 10% Reduced Energy Cost
Black Panther

Air Force: +15% Max Health
Captain Marvel
Human Torch
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel

Alternate Identities: +5% increased chance of Criticals
Captain America - US Agent
Ghost Rider - Vengeance
Ghost Rider - Western
Iron Man - War Machine
Ms. Marvel - Ventura
Ronin - Ronin
Spider-Woman - Secret Wars
Thor - Beta Ray Bill

Assassins: +60% Credit Drop
Black Widow

Avengers: +5% Damage
Captain America
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel - Warbird

Bad to the Bone: 5% of Damage inflicted goes to Health
Ghost Rider
Luke Cage

Bruisers: +15 Striking
Captain America
Luke Cage
Ms. Marvel

Classic Avengers: +15% Max Energy
Black Panther
Captain America
Iron Man

Dark Past: +5% to Experience gained
Ghost Rider

Defenders: 5% of Damage Inflicted goes to Health
Dr. Strange
Luke Cage
Silver Surfer

Double Date: +5% increase in Health Regeneration
Black Panther
Invisible Woman
Mr. Fantastic

Fantastic Four: 20 Health per KO
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Mr. Fantastic

Femme Fatale: +5% Damage
Black Widow
Invisible Woman
Ms. Marvel

Flashback: +15% Max Health
Black Widow - Classic
Captain America - WW2
Daredevil - Original
Ghost Rider - Original
Iceman  - Original
Iron Man - Classic
Ms. Marvel - Original
Wolverine - Classic

Martial Artists: +15 Striking
Black Panther
Captain America
Moon Knight
Nick Fury

Marvel Knights: +6 Body, Strike and Focus
Black Panther
Black Widow
Dr. Strange
Ghost Rider
Luke Cage
Moon Knight
Nick Fury

Marvel Royalty: +60% to Credit drops
Black Panther
Dr. Strange

Natural Forces: 5% Damage inflicted as Health Gain
Human Torch

Natural Leaders: +5% to Experience gained
Captain America
Dr. Strange
Mr. Fantastic
Nick Fury

New Avengers: +5% All Resistances
Captain America
Iron Man
Luke Cage

New Fantastic Four: +15% Max Energy
Ghost Rider
Luke Cage

Power Platoon: 20 Energy per KO
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel
Silver Surfer

Raven Ultimates: +6 Body, Strike, and Focus
Invisible Woman
Moon Knight
Silver Surfer

Scorchers: Power Cost of Moves reduced by 10%
Ghost Rider
Human Torch

Supernaturals: Health regeneration increases by 5%
Dr. Strange
Ghost Rider

Think Tanks: +15% Max Health
Dr. Strange
Iron Man
Mr. Fantastic

Weapons Specialists: +5% increased chance of Criticals
Black Widow
Captain America
Nick Fury

X-Men: +15 Max Energy

The only problem I see concerning your file is there is TONS of team overlap, especially concerning Fury and Widow. SO those looking for a certain bonus might end up with an entirly different one.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 09:47AM
Hey, ain't my fault that Nick and Natasha seem to be the proverbial "everyone's uncle and their monkey" that made their way into everything :D
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: durfal on December 25, 2006, 01:29PM
OK for those who are afraid to add this to an existing game.
I tried it and it works with no problems. All new personal are working.
Probably only a problem if new teams are added to the file!
Title: Updated team bonuses.
Post by: Eniena on December 28, 2006, 11:35PM
I decided to mod the team bonuses file and see if I could add in some characters to teams I thought should've been in there in the first place. So, using the compile/decompile tool, knowledge of the Marvel universe and rereading a comic or two, I bring you...

The team bonuses includes Moon Knight, Colossus (For use with the Moon Knight/Colossus mod) and the other gaming system exclusive characters (Hawkeye, Ronin, Black Widow, Captain Marvel) so this file can be used with the "18 steps to using Hawkeye" thread. This file also contains and a couple of modifications to teams that included the pre existing PC characters...

-Elektra and Wolverine are now a part of the Martial Artists team. I always did find it odd that although it has been shown and said that both Elektra and Wolverine are very well versed in the martial arts. If that's true, why weren't they on the team to begin with?

-Elektra is now on the Marvel Knights team. I would've added Wolverine onto the marvel knights (He teamed up with Spider-Man and The Punisher in Marvel Knights comic titles), but I realized that this would possibly mess things up if he were picked along with Elektra, Black Panther, Moon Knight, and Nick Fury since they are all on the Martial Artists team.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 29, 2006, 01:00AM
Topic merged with similar one.

Yeah, the Marvel Knights team is growing out of proportions in both your mod and mine. I think we gotta shrink it back down from all who appear on the MK imprint to the original MK team-up and leave it at that to prevent any sorts of troubles. Right?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Eniena on December 29, 2006, 01:11AM
I was actually rushed to release my mod due in part because I was hard pressed for time. Now that I'm back from the errand I intended to do I'm taking a look over my mod and noticing some possible overlaps. I'm going to see if I can make some revisions.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Eniena on December 29, 2006, 01:17AM
In any case, I'm probably going to leave this up to you guys for a while. I'm going to go and experiment with some of the MUA files for a while.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: TooMuchCoffee on December 29, 2006, 03:27PM
The "Alternate identities" team doesn't work for me. I tried several combinations, but I don't get the announcer voice or the headline with the bonus. Anyone else experiencing this?

I suggest to add Moon Knight to the weapon specialists and Deadpool to "bad to the bone". Would it also be too far fetched to add Moon Knight to "dark past"?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 29, 2006, 11:37PM
QuoteThe "Alternate identities" team doesn't work for me.
Try the default line-up first. Sharon Ventura, Western Rider, War Machine and Secret Wars Spider-Woman. Then change one of them. Rememember to get my latest file to reduce buggage.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: TooMuchCoffee on December 30, 2006, 09:46AM
D'oh! I thought Scarlet Spider also belonged to the alternate identities. No wonder I couldn't get the team bonus. But why isn't he in there?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 30, 2006, 10:12AM
Hmm. Because nobody's really sure whether Ben Reilly was the REAL Peter Por-- er-- Parker, or the clone? I, for one, missed this era of the comics, so I don't really know :D

Or maybe just because someone (*cough*Raven*cough*) forgot about that?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 30, 2006, 10:20AM
Similar to how someone 'forgot' Hawkeye was an Avenger? Or was even in their game ???
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Eniena on December 30, 2006, 03:58PM
I think maybe we should hold of on adding any of the PSP characters to teams until we finalize a way to add them into the extra slots. For now, I see no problems adding Collossus, Ronin, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight to teams simply because we've recently be able to add them to the character selection without the need to replace any characters.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on December 30, 2006, 06:28PM
Quote from: Eniena on December 30, 2006, 03:58PM
I think maybe we should hold of on adding any of the PSP characters to teams until we finalize a way to add them into the extra slots. For now, I see no problems adding Collossus, Ronin, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight to teams simply because we've recently be able to add them to the character selection without the need to replace any characters.
Too late for a number of reasons. First of all, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who is actually in you herostat, that character just can't be loaded onto a team. Second of all, Noel's file ALREADY has Mar-Vell and Widow. Thirdly, just because one guy requested Ronin/Hawkeye does not mean everyone is using them. In fact, it is actually quite easy to replace, say, Ronin with Captain Marvel.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Noelemahc on December 30, 2006, 11:30PM
Yeah. The two files are independent, and the less times you replace your DATA files, the better. You won't get confuzzled with the amount of revisions you'd otherwise need if you wanted to only include the characters on your herostat :P
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Eniena on January 01, 2007, 05:41PM
By the way, I've just learned that the Black Widow (Learned martial arts through military), Spider-Woman (Learned martial arts through the Taskmaster) and Hawkeye (Learned martial arts from Captain America are martial artists. So, if you feel like it, you can add any and/or all of these characters to the martial artists team.

Also, you can add Mandarin to the martial artists team (Yes, The Mandarin is a superb martial artist) if you have the Mandarin mod installed and want a good excuse to put him on a team.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: DrewP_85 on January 26, 2007, 07:54PM
I tried creating a two new teams the team_bonus.engb file and it won't compile, i go to compile it, but it doesn't even ask me to hit enter (to start the process) then it gives me the "make sure the file is named correct and run game to view changes" as if it compiled it, but the new team_bonus.engb file isn't there. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, am I editting the wrong file, do I need to edit another file too, or is there just something wrong with my coding?  Also I'm pretty sure it's not the program, it compiles the herostat.engb file fine.

below: X-Men is the same as it was when I started the two teams after it are the new additions...but you probably already knew that.

   bonus {
   descbonus = +15%% Max Energy ;
   descname1 = X-Men ;
   powerup = shared_team_max_energy ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_xm ;
      hero {
      name = iceman ;

      hero {
      name = storm ;

      hero {
      name = wolverine ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;


   bonus {
   descbonus = +5 Health Regeneration ;
   descname1 = West Coast ;
   descname2 = Avengers ;
   powerup = shared_team_health_regen ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_dd ;
      hero {
      name = spiderwoman ;

      hero {
      name = captainamerica ;

      hero {
      name = ironman ;

      hero {
      name = hawkeye ;

      hero {
      name = moonknight ;

      hero {
      name = thing ;

   bonus {
   descbonus = 20 Health per KO ;
   descname1 = Heavy ;
   descname2 = Metal ;
   powerup = shared_team_health_per_kill ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_ff4 ;
      hero {
      name = wolverine ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;

      hero {
      name = ironman ;

      hero {
      name = silversurfer ;

Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on January 26, 2007, 07:59PM
Check between X-men and WCA, you are missing that between your 2 teams :P

EDIT: The extra '}', in case I was being unclear.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: DrewP_85 on January 26, 2007, 08:07PM
Thanks, I can't believe I missed that bracket
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: DarkVenomAndCarnage on July 13, 2007, 06:23PM
Hope you don't mind if I continue this topic in a part 2!!
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: The Raptor on June 11, 2008, 04:52AM
Quote from: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 07:18AM
Colossus IS already in Bruisers, at least in my version of the file.

Uploaded the new file with the following changes, as requested:
U.S. Agent (Cap 3rd skin) and Vengeance (Rider 3rd skin) to 'Alternate Identities',
Hawkeye to 'Classic Avengers' and 'Weapon Specialists',
Ghost Rider to 'Marvel Knights'.
Link is the same, I replaced the archive. Have fun!

USAgent and Vengeance aren't alternate identities, they're replacements.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Teancum on June 11, 2008, 09:24AM
That's what the game calls "Alternate Identities" -- Scarlet Spider, US Agent, Vengeance, Arachne (Julia Carpenter version of Spider-Woman), etc.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: urthman on June 28, 2008, 10:24AM
What about a "Villians" team that would include Dr. Doom, Magneto, Venom, Mysterio, Omega Red, etc?

It would be fun to give them a name that implies they're doing that thing where villians sometimes team up with heroes to defeat a cosmic / world-ending threat.  "Reformed Villians" isn't quite right.  "Selfish Agenda"?  I got nothin'.

Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Power Cosmic on June 29, 2008, 05:36PM
Oh yeah wait, i saw inside the Official Character team bonus file.
Doom's actors is 19xx, so i changed Kristoff Skin name or number 17404 into
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: D3xt3r on September 06, 2008, 11:03AM
Can any1 pls help me? Im trying to make bruisers team and cant make it work. Im using xmlb compiler as it says in instructios ive decompiled team_bonus.engb add my chracters (rogue, juggernaut, she-hulk) to the bruisers team ive compiled file back and replace the original one and only Rogue work as bruiser. Ive read somewher that u can have only 6 members in each bonus team so ive deleted capt america and luke cage and replace it with she-hulk and juggernaut. The final result was that capt and luke are no longer in bruisers team but so does she-hulk and juggernaut. What am i doing wrong? Why the first character ive add (rogue) works fine but others dont? Thats how it looks

bonus {
   descbonus = +15 Striking ;
   descname1 = Bruisers ;
   powerup = shared_team_increase_striking ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_br ;
      hero {
      name = juggernaut ;

      hero {
      name = thing ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;

      hero {
      name = hulk ;

      hero {
      name = rogue ;

      hero {
      name = shehulk ;


P.S Sorry for my english
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: BliZZ on September 06, 2008, 11:19AM
"juggernaut" should be "juggernaut_hero". I'm sure She-Hulk's problem is similar, check what the name in the herostat is.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: D3xt3r on September 06, 2008, 01:11PM
Yeap that was it. I didnt realize that it should be the name from stats i thought it should be the name you put in in the list at the begining of the file. Thx a lot BliZZ :D. But still its wierd cos the name of she-hulk in herestat is - SheHulk and ive putted shehulk so this should work since all characters in team_bonus are written with small letters. It started to work when i change it to exactly as it is in herostat. I think it might be co of the 2nd big letter in the middle of the name. Anyway so whats with the limit of heroes in a bonus team? is it 6, 8 or there is non cos theres 3 versions. Which one is the true? And ive got some question out of topic. I couldnt find answer anywhere here. Ive seen on some screens people posted here that they play the 1st mish where the s.h.i.e.l.d is under attack using different characters then original ones (capt. america, spidey, thor, wolverine). How can i do that?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Norrin Radd on September 06, 2008, 01:21PM
Quote from: D3xt3r on September 06, 2008, 01:11PM
Ive seen on some screens people posted here that they play the 1st mish where the s.h.i.e.l.d is under attack using different characters then original ones (capt. america, spidey, thor, wolverine). How can i do that?

Decompile and open charinfo.engb. You'll see a list of characters, and startgame = true (or somthing similar). Put these lines for the 4 characters you want to start. If you put more than 4, it will pick the first four. You can also unlock characters using this file.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: D3xt3r on September 06, 2008, 01:35PM
Thx Norrin Radd :D. So back to the question with team bonus limits. Is it 6 or 8 or there is none?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Norrin Radd on September 06, 2008, 01:37PM
I believe the limit is 8 in MUA and 6 in XML2
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: D3xt3r on September 06, 2008, 01:38PM
Thx. WOW that was quick :P. Got everything i needed. Thx a lot guys
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 03, 2008, 08:24PM
I added this to the team_bonus but it just won't recompile and I can't figure out why. Does it have anything wrong or is there a limit to quantity of team bonuses?

   bonus {
   descbonus = +15 Striking ;
   descname1 = Ultimate ;
   descname2 = X-Men ;
   powerup = shared_team_increase_striking ;
      hero {
      name = cyclops ;
      skin = 17202

      hero {
      name = deadpool ;
      skin = 1702

      hero {
      name = rogue ;
      skin = 20802

      hero {
      name = wolverine ;
      skin = 0304

      hero {
      name = magneto ;
      skin = 17504

      hero {
      name = colossus ;
      skin = 7801

      hero {
      name = scarletwitch ;
      skin = 20503


   bonus {
   descbonus = +6 Body, Strike, Focus ;
   descname1 = Marvel ;
   descname2 = Ultimates ;
   powerup = shared_team_increase_traits ;
      hero {
      name = captainamerica ;
      skin = 0701

      hero {
      name = deadpool ;
      skin = 1702

      hero {
      name = thor ;
      skin = 1001

      hero {
      name = moonknight ;
      skin = 4102

      hero {
      name = magneto ;
      skin = 17504

      hero {
      name = ironman ;
      skin = 1504


   bonus {
   descbonus = 5%% Dmg inflicted as Health Gain ;
   descname1 = Age of ;
   descname2 = Apocalypse ;
   powerup = shared_team_damage_to_health ;
      hero {
      name = cyclops ;
      skin = 17203

      hero {
      name = wolverine ;
      skin = 0306

      hero {
      name = magneto ;
      skin = 17504

      hero {
      name = gambit ;
      skin = 21203

      hero {
      name = rogue ;
      skin = 20803

Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Norrin Radd on November 03, 2008, 09:06PM
You don't have any ; at the end of your skin lines
      skin = 20803

should be

      skin = 20803 ;
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 03, 2008, 09:20PM
Oh yeah! Of course! Really missed those!

Thanx Man!
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 04, 2008, 12:36AM
after i added a "AoA" and "ultimate x-men" team bonus, i noticed some of the bonuses don't come out exactly the one i wanted although i did put a determined skin to each character to compose the team!
is it normal? does the order of sequence in the team_bonus file alter anything?

the teams i mentioned are the ones from my previous posts! Tks to all that helped me!
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Teancum on November 04, 2008, 06:18AM
What exactly do you mean by some of the bonuses don't come out exactly the one i wanted?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 04, 2008, 06:23AM
Like I have for AoA: cyclops, rogue, wolv (aoa skin) and gambit. When i select these, instead of coming "Age of Apocalypse" team bonus, it becomes "X-Men" team bonus. BTW, all in the aoa skin
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Norrin Radd on November 04, 2008, 06:29AM
Did you check if there is already a team in your team bonus file that has these characters and is called 'x-men'?
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: xlehnsherr on November 04, 2008, 06:50AM
I did. But I really wanted actually was the "alternate reality" version of them as well as the "normal" version at the same time. It's stupid, I know, just a matter of different skins.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Power Cosmic on November 19, 2008, 06:13AM
Damn, i can't remember anymore. How much we add all teams & characters in team_bonus.
Title: Re: Team Bonuses
Post by: Teancum on November 19, 2008, 06:47AM
Maximum 8 characters per team bonus, and only one new team bonus can be added.