alrighty guys i think my heads about to explode after like a week of trying to get skinnerui to make sense.... my initial goal is just to edit one of the existing skins and get this baby back into the game. i've been searching through the forum for an easy step by step but i'm still having trouble. i understand where to find the IGB files for the character i want to edit, but when i load them into the skinnerui it says the whole...
"muaskinner.cfg has not defined the BMP locations for this IGB.file...etc"
i opened the 15702.igb in the texturefinder but i don't see nearly enough information to successfully fill in all the availible offsets. the only thing i can see is that it's DXT3. I'm trying my best to search through the forum before nagging anyone but i have a good feeling i'm making it more difficult than it needs to be. It's a shame i feel like i could probably make a fairly impressive skin, unfortunately it seems as though all i make is a mediocre modder, haha. anyhow if there's someone out there who could maybe direct me in the right direction i'd really appreciate it, and again i'm sorry if i'm regurgitating an older thread here...i did try my best to search through the forums before posting i just think it's a matter of my understanding it all. thanks again guys.
here are a few things that you need to pay attention to:
1. All the entries in the CFG file are arranged alphabetically and no spaces between each line.
2. The file name (15702) and extension (.igb) match the ones listed in your CFG entry. This means both letters and case have to match. In this case, 15702.igb works but 15702.IGB doesn't work.
3. There is one empty line at the end of the CFG file.
For example:
<empty line>
Good Luck. :)
PS: I had lots of problems with SkinnerUI for quite a few months until I upgraded to Windows Vista... I got no spyware defenders in Windows XP, but it closes without my command and it crashes all of a sudden!??! :soapbox: However, SkinnerUI is a really handy tool! :)
The hardest part of using Skinner for me is finding offsets. Are you scrolling the offsets (changing the values) until the very first pixel of the BMP is on the upper left corner of the TF preview window? Have you checked the cases or tried with both combinations (.igb and .IGB)?
http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=320.0 (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=320.0)
hmm i think i better back up a bit and be less specific with my questioning. oh and thanks guys for all the help...
so i've edited an IGB file with photoshop (sort of paiting over an already existing character to one i desire) and saved it as a BMP. here is where i'm stuck. I suppose i just don't know how to make the custom BMP back to an actually IGB file so that i can put it into the game. I haven't a clue if it's even that simple. Can you guys maybe give me a step by step from here if it's possible?
:lamer:....this is generally what i look like right about now. haha.
did you extract the bmp file with skinnerui to edit it?
(if so, it will be really easy to put it back in)
nahh i actually used the texturefinder program and exported the orginal IMG as a bmp , so that it could be edited.
if you go here:
and get muaskinnerui or muaskinner, install it, and read this:
http://www.nba2kstuff.org/mua/help_skinner/index.html (for graphical version)
http://www.nba2kstuff.org/mua/muaskinner.txt (for command line version)
it says how to use the program (how to import and export files), I use the command line version so I do this:
c:> MUASKINNER 1203.igb 1203.mymod.bmp
to import a file, but before you do that, you have to edit the MUASKINNER.CFG file, to know what to put in it, you can see the link Burning Rage posted above.
To find the offsets for the skins (if you havent found them yourself) look here:
I've been having several headache-inducing problems myself, channel--so you are not alone, lol. I've read tons of pages in the forum and still can't seem to get the hang of it. Everytime I load muaskinner I get a "create dev" pop-up--which I though was only supposed to pop up after you entered a command (???). That aside, I'm almost absolutely positive I've gotten the offsets correct for 0403.igb (I've found all except 16x16) and entered it into the muaskinner.cfg
And my bmp is flipped and RGB channel changed to BGR...but everytime I enter the "import" command line and hit "enter" the program just exits :( I'm really lost about what to try or change next.
Just to make sure I have things correct, and to give a better idea of exactly what I'm doing--this is the edited bmp after its been flipped and the RGB channel changed to BGR (note: was changed from .bmp to .png upon uploading to imageshack):
and this is what I have entered in muaskinner.cfg :
and then to import the edited bmp into the 0403.igb file, I entered this:
C:\Documents and Settings\Tetragene\My Documents\MUA\muaskinner20>muaskinner 0403.igb dazzlerclassic2.bmp
but then it closes out :? I'm feeling pretty stupid right about now. I could get skin editing for XML2 pretty easily...but MUA is just confusing the hell out of me.
did you save your bmp as 32bit,
also, are your entries in muaskinner.cfg in alphabetical order (if you only want to convert this skin, 0403.igb,DXT1,512,512,822030,256,256,953102,128,128,305934,64,64,280718,32,32,1543198. can be your only line)
I believe so--in paint shop pro I haven't seen a an extra "save as" option come up when saving bmps :/ But--I took the 0403.bmp I was able to export from 0403.igb (in the GUI version of skinner) and just edited it, so I assumed when you exported it saved the bmp as 32-bit. I dunno, I'm getting so confused :(
Quote from: Tetragene on July 01, 2007, 09:52AM
I believe so--in paint shop pro I haven't seen a an extra "save as" option come up when saving bmps :/ But--I took the 0403.bmp I was able to export from 0403.igb (in the GUI version of skinner) and just edited it, so I assumed when you exported it saved the bmp as 32-bit. I dunno, I'm getting so confused :(
I dont know about paint shop pro, but it doesnt necessarily save as the same bit number as what you imported. you can right click on the picture, then properties, and search one of the tabs, it says how many bits the picture is.
Edit: the summary tab, look for Bit depth
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 09:54AM
I dont know about paint shop pro, but it doesnt necessarily save as the same bit number as what you imported. you can right click on the picture, then properties, and search one of the tabs, it says how many bits the picture is.
Edit: the summary tab, look for Bit depth
I just checked the properties and they were all 24-bit (O_o). Apparently PSP doesn't have a way of saving 32-bit bmps, so I'm downloading a trial version of photoshop to test out. Thanks for your help and patience--will post later if it works or not.
Well I'm glad you found the problem.
By the way, I use the Gimp program, it is free and can export to 32 bit, and has alpha channel handling etc., so if you want one thats free, I suggest that one. For the 32 bit export you need to use an "unstable" version (which works fine for me) however, I cant remember what version that is (because Im not at my home computer), but I can check if you want, and I should be able to find the link for the download.
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 10:15AM
Well I'm glad you found the problem.
By the way, I use the Gimp program, it is free and can export to 32 bit, and has alpha channel handling etc., so if you want one thats free, I suggest that one. For the 32 bit export you need to use an "unstable" version (which works fine for me) however, I cant remember what version that is (because Im not at my home computer), but I can check if you want, and I should be able to find the link for the download.
Thanks, I would appreciate it
Quote from: Tetragene on July 01, 2007, 10:45AM
Thanks, I would appreciate it
ok, i'll get it tonight (around 10pm eastern)
I have Gimp 2.3.14
If you want, you can try a newer version of the unstable Gimp 2.3.18, it should have all the same features and more, but I have never tried it, so it may not be very stable. Version 2.3.14 has alpha channel and save as 32bit capabilities. Note that the newest version of the stable Gimp (2.2.15) might have these capabilities, but I doubt it can save to 32bit bitmap.
To download the required GTK+2 and the helpfiles, and 2.2.15 for windows
To download the newest versions of Gimp (stable start with 2.2 and unstable start with 2.3)
To download 2.3.14 the one I have and know it works:
Note: I think for all of them, you will first need the GTK+2 installed first (see first link)
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 04:43PM
I have Gimp 2.3.14
If you want, you can try a newer version of the unstable Gimp 2.3.18, it should have all the same features and more, but I have never tried it, so it may not be very stable. Version 2.3.14 has alpha channel and save as 32bit capabilities. Note that the newest version of the stable Gimp (2.2.15) might have these capabilities, but I doubt it can save to 32bit bitmap.
To download the required GTK+2 and the helpfiles, and 2.2.15 for windows
To download the newest versions of Gimp (stable start with 2.2 and unstable start with 2.3)
To download 2.3.14 the one I have and know it works:
Note: I think for all of them, you will first need the GTK+2 installed first (see first link)
Thanks so much, I really appreciate all your help. And this is much better than the nearly 500mb photoshop trial I was going to download, lol
np, and yeah this isnt a trial, its the full version, so no worries about expiry date
Ok, saved the edited skins as 32bit .bmps with GIMP, which worked great (thanks again). But when I tried to import with SkunnerUI I got a pop-up error message then it closed out (but it exports just fine). So I tried to import it with the command line Skinner (which still gives me a "create dev" pop-up when I start it...have no clue what to do for this) and when I entered the import command and location of the file ("C:\Documents and Settings\Tetragene\My Documents\MUA\muaskinner20>muaskinner 0403.igb dazzclassic.bmp") the program just exits. Any thoughts? :confused:
did u put the muaskinner .exe and .cfg in the same folder as the pic and .igb?
Edit: and what do you mean by exits, do you mean the command line window closes?
Edit: this is what is says for me when i do it successfully:
C:\ ... >muaskinner x.igb y.igb (what I enter)
SKINNER ... (output comments)
Importing x.bmp to y.igb (says what it did)
C:\ ... (back to command line)
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 06:56PM
did u put the muaskinner .exe and .cfg in the same folder as the pic and .igb?
Edit: and what do you mean by exits, do you mean the command line window closes?
Edit: this is what is says for me when i do it successfully:
C:\ ... >muaskinner x.igb y.igb (what I enter)
SKINNER ... (output comments)
Importing x.bmp to y.igb (says what it did)
C:\ ... (back to command line)
Yeah--they're all in the same directory. And yeah, the command line window closes out after I input anything and hit "enter." I'm getting so discouraged :(
did you try exporting the pics from the command line?
muaskinner -xbmp x.igb
i am just curious what happens, also make sure that the case is correct because the program is case sensitive
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 07:51PM
did you try exporting the pics from the command line?
muaskinner -xbmp x.igb
i am just curious what happens, also make sure that the case is correct because the program is case sensitive
Just tried it an the same thing happened--it seems like regardless of what I type...just typing something and hitting "enter" closes it out. I can hit just "enter" when the program starts and it will show several lines detailing how to import/export--hitting "enter" afterwards (or entering text and hitting "enter") closes it out. Is the "create dev" pop-up (when I start muaskinner up) the source of the problem? I can't think of any other reason why its doing that :/
do u type muaskinner then enter?
Ive never tried that before, i type everything on one line then enter at the end of the line
which version did u download, i will try it
Also, ive never seen the "create dev" popup
Ah i found something:
Try using -v0 -v1 or -v2 option if your gfx card gives a create dev error
so you could try:
MUASKINNER [-v0|-v1|-v2] [-xbmp] xxx.igb [xxx.bmp]
--> it says v0 is the default so try
muaskinner -v1 x.igb y.bmp
if that doesnt work try
muaskinner -v2 x.igb y.bmp
edit: i found this in http://www.nba2kstuff.org/mua/muaskinner.txt
I am having the same issue as well.
It seems the way gimp saves the file. it just crashes.
I using a older version of the skinner which has a gui(not to bad) bad thing is when I go to make any changes and "save" it I crash when I import.
If I do nothing and immidiately import it after export works perfectly fine. so leads me to think how gimp saves the file blows it up. is there a pluging that I need to keep the format the same?
**ps incidently the -V0\v1\v2 didnt help**
its not gimp, because i use gimp and it works fine for me
brassbaron, did u save it as 32bit , A8 R8 G8 B8?
For the format question, you need to save it as 32bit, thats why you need the gimp version 2.3.14 (or others with 32bit handling), I also had the problem you are talking about until i saved it correctly
Possibly not.
When I save it doesnt give me those options. Let me look at gimp and try and get that popup!!!!!
great, that must be your problem then, also, check what version of gimp you have
Edit: you will get that option when you try to save as .bmp (from the extension menu)
ah ha
gimp version 2.2.15
let me look at your links for the update
Incidently I love gimp!!!
even on this windows xp box
YEAH we possibly found the problem!! :thumbsup2:
Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 08:39PM
Incidently I love gimp!!!
even on this windows xp box
haha, i didnt know it was available on windows platform until recently
Worked like a champ!
imported in now lets see if I can hose all my original files :hyper:
Oh @ Tetra try using the older skinner. V1.1 I believe.
it seemed a bit more user frendly than tring to cypher syntax!
Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 08:50PM
Worked like a champ!
imported in now lets see if I can hose all my original files :hyper:
YEAH, now just 2 more people to help
If Skinner crashes when you import, it's most likely you have a dash in front of "DXT3" or "DXT1" in the CFG file. This is what happens on all my computers btw. (Export is fine with and without the dash) Switch the color channels from BGR to RGB first, then save the file. Import the BMP without the dash, then it shouldn't crash... The latest version of skinner has "more" functions.
Quote from: iammingy on July 01, 2007, 09:03PM
If Skinner crashes when you import, it's most likely you have a minus in front of "DXT3" or "DXT1" in the CFG file. This is what happens on all my computers btw. Switch the color channels from BGR to RGB first, then save the file. Import the BMP without the minus, then it shouldn't crash... The latest version of skinner has "more" functions.
does it crash on export too then if there is a minus? (because some people cant export)
i can swap minus or not and it always works, just changes the channels
The dash/minus works perfectly for export for me!
hmm... that's just really weird. @_@
Since yall have been very helpful so far.
so in looking at skins and reading as much of the forums as I could. I still not sure where to actually make the change.
Meaning if I say want capt america in a green wetsuit (heaven forbid he turn to aquaman!). what dxt do I need to modify. I just changed the 512's and nothing came up in game. that is what is confusing me.
I read somewhere that the other dxts are for shading ect. I guess I need to change them all? if so that is a lot of redundant work.
mostly DXT1 for skins FROM MUA (PC) and DXT3 for skins FROM XML2 (PC).
EDIT: In this case, your Captain America should be DXT1. If you view the skin in Texture Finder, the texture should look "crispier" (lol) in DXT1 format.
thats the wierd thing I make a change and it doesnt appear.
maybe someone can give me some incite as to why it seems there are like 20 hands and heads in the igb file. thats what confuse me I keep wondering if I moded the wrong head.
it doesnt appear in texture finder or in game?
also, what igb is it (number?)
for the 20 hands and heads, do you mean that there are multiple cap. am. heads just different sizes?
if yes, then this is how it should be, when you import your picture you overwrite all of these thats what all the numbers are for in the .cfg file, sorry if you already know this, i just dont understand what you are asking
Looks like iammingy just posted this info
hmmm... how should I explain it? lol
There are many heads and hands because there also smaller BMP (512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4) of the 1024x1024 BMP. If you have the "correct" entry in the CFG file, then importing an (edited) 1024x1024 BMP should be resized and inserted automatically to the smaller pics in SkinnerUI.
EDIT: The colored ones are your priority.
it says it imported the changes are there but.................
well I had a ID10T error somewhere.
I shall find it
haha... good luck!
Just check that whether you inserted the edited BMP into the colored ones in Texture Finder.
So why do you have all the bitmaps? it seems like a very bad way to do skinning. All the other games I have modded have had one giant skin in which the games put on it.
seems wierd that this game has several diffrent resolutions that it randomly picks from.
this is what confuses me the most.
btw you guys rock for responding to us so quickly!!
you just have to edit one skin/bitmap, it can be the biggest, then muaskinner assigns it to the smaller ones, using the .cfg file.
as long as the offsets are known for the smaller pics, it places the imported pic in those places
Edit: for example, lets say you have a 512x512 image of iammigny's sandman and you changed it to have blue pants, and you have this line in your .cfg:
then when you import your picture it will place your 512 image into the 512x512, 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 32x32, 16x16, and 8x8 image spots. If you dont replace it in all these areas, some of the old skin might show up.
Edit: the number after the 512,512 is where in the file the picture of that size is. these numbers can be found using texture finder
Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 09:37PM
So why do you have all the bitmaps? it seems like a very bad way to do skinning. All the other games I have modded have had one giant skin in which the games put on it.
seems wierd that this game has several diffrent resolutions that it randomly picks from.
this is what confuses me the most.
btw you guys rock for responding to us so quickly!!
hehe, that is so true!
You can read more about it here:
Tetragene here is a thread talking about the error you get (create dev). they fixed it using the thing i mentioned before (the -v0 -v1 and -v2 options), hope it helps.
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 10:33PM
Tetragene here is a thread talking about the error you get (create dev). they fixed it using the thing i mentioned before (the -v0 -v1 and -v2 options), hope it helps.
Nope :( I tried all three and the command line Skinner still exits everytime after I hit "enter." I also removed the dashes in front of DXT1 in the cfg file for SkunnerUI, but I still can't import (can export just fine though--so at least that program works halfway for me). I noticed a page or two back you told someone to save as "A8 R8 G8 B8" 32 bit bmp--but when I save in GIMP I only have the option to save as "X8 R8 G8 B8" 32bit bmp--the "A8" option is grayed out. So I'm guessing that may be why importing in SkinnerUI still crashes. Know of anyway to enable me to use the "A8" option instead of just the "X8" option? Thanks again
ok i dont think importing using 'X8 R8 G8 B8' doest work, so i think this is the problem, especially if you can export fine.
after you export it, can you open the .bmp and try to save it directly? (i am wondering if you edited it with another program first, then used gimp to save it, this may not work)
if it still doesnt allow you to save as 'A8 R8 G8 B8', then i'll have to think about why it wont let you.
also, which version of gimp do you have
btw, i remember trying to save a few of my pics in 'A8 R8 G8 B8' but had the same problem as you where i could only pic the 'X8 R8 G8 B8' option, but i may have saved the pic with another program first (into a non-32 bit format) then tried to save it using gimp (into a 32bit format) so this may be the problem.
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 02, 2007, 07:57AM
ok i dont think importing using 'X8 R8 G8 B8' doest work, so i think this is the problem, especially if you can export fine.
after you export it, can you open the .bmp and try to save it directly? (i am wondering if you edited it with another program first, then used gimp to save it, this may not work)
if it still doesnt allow you to save as 'A8 R8 G8 B8', then i'll have to think about why it wont let you.
also, which version of gimp do you have
btw, i remember trying to save a few of my pics in 'A8 R8 G8 B8' but had the same problem as you where i could only pic the 'X8 R8 G8 B8' option, but i may have saved the pic with another program first (into a non-32 bit format) then tried to save it using gimp (into a 32bit format) so this may be the problem.
Ok, I exported a bmp from 0403.igb and then imported it with no problems. I have Gimp v 2.3.14. I used Paint Shop Pro to edit/modify the skin I wanted to import--saved it as a bmp--opened it with Gimp--then saved it as a 32 bit bmp. I tried creating a new 1024x1024 image with just scribbles in Gimp--and then went to save it, but still only had the "X8 R8 G8 B8" option :/
thats your problem i think, you saved it with psp
try exporting, opening WITH gimp, edit one small thing (optional), then save it and see what the options are
for the scribbles, you may have to add an alpha channel before you can save as A8 R8 G8 B8
You can access the add alpha layer command from the image menubar through Layer → Transparency → Add alpha Channel
Edit: I think i was able to save it using gimp2.2 as a 24bit bmp and then open it with gimp2.3.14 and save as 32bit and it worked, but i'm not sure if it will work with the psp program. but definately i think you should try to open the export directly with gimp and try to save it (no psp step in the middle), thats the best way to tell if its a psp problem.
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 02, 2007, 08:22AM
thats your problem i think, you saved it with psp
try exporting, opening WITH gimp, edit one small thing (optional), then save it and see what the options are
for the scribbles, you may have to add an alpha channel before you can save as A8 R8 G8 B8
You can access the add alpha layer command from the image menubar through Layer → Transparency → Add alpha Channel
Edit: I think i was able to save it using gimp2.2 as a 24bit bmp and then open it with gimp2.3.14 and save as 32bit and it worked, but i'm not sure if it will work with the psp program. but definately i think you should try to open the export directly with gimp and try to save it (no psp step in the middle), thats the best way to tell if its a psp problem.
Dude, you're a miracle worker. Did as you said--and the exported skin imported perfectly with the scribbles on it. So PSP was def causing the problems. So--I opened the exported file in Gimp again, pasted my edited skin into it--merged the visible layers--and was able to save it as an "A8 R8 G8 B8" 32bit BMP--then import it into 0403.igb with no problems. Thanks so much for all your help! :D
YEAH!!! right on, now just member channel (original poster) left to help with this problem!! :wiggle:
alrighty to first off i'd just like to thank everyone who's been giving us a hand. you guys are wonderful. i think somewhere in all of your posting i figured out my main problem. i have one question though....really because all of this has got me working with a different igb file now. when i load the one i'm using in texturefinder the visible image is way too huge to export as one .bmp and not cut off some of the image. i've read several people saying it may need to be in two parts or something. if that's the case i'm gonna be asking a few more questions, haha... thanks again guys.
hey channel great to hear about the progress, can you tell me what igb you are opening? maybe i can help
Edit: did you change the width in texture finder (bottom left corner of the window)?
for example you can change it to 1024, 512, 256, etc. to change the width of how the picture shows up
yeah i was working with tommyboys giantman skin. its 15702.igb which was originally luke cage's i believe. i think i may have had it at 256 and then 512 only, i couldn't remember all the number values there were to try, perhaps partly due to the fact i've been up for hours the whole week trying to do this, haha. but i didn't spend a whole lot of time on this specific igb because i had been working on an entirely wrong one for a while beforehand thinking it was the one i had wanted... (oh boy!) but after opening this one i can see the image perfectly clear, but it seems too big to have all of it included in a single frame as i said. i'll have to take a second look at it tonight when i have more time. hopefully it was just a matter of the size. thanks for posting more for me to try. i'm real excited to see how this all works out!
i'll take a look at it tonight also, and no prob. for the help, the more skinners the better!
hopefully it was the width issue, which could be it since it was luke cage's, an original from mua.
do you get your images from texture finder directly? because if so, then i see what you mean. For 15702 I am using a width of 512 and shift of 1593, is that where you have him lined up?
If you use muaskinner it is easy to get the full 512,512 picture,
use this in your .cfg file
muaskinner -xbmp 15702.igb
Note: i just tried it now and it worked, i got the full 512x512 image
i'm not sure that you can get the full picture from the texture finder program directly since i never use that method
those offsets were perfect! thanks for kicking ass. looks like i'm almost there...the only thing i could use some help with is the antenne and belt that are on the character...they apparently aren't a skin thing...maybe a mesh thing. dunno, but hopefully it's not too hard to remove them. any clue where i go from here?
If I understand what you said correctly, I don't think you can remove those stuff just by re-skinning. It's not that simple.
If the antennae and the belt aren't part of the "main" skin, then you need find seperate offsets for those, too! Also, they might not be a square BMP...
i can see where they are located...almost looks like a blue print. it's pretty tuff trying to get it at a fully legible size though. now seperate offsets, does that mean i need to get the antennae and the characters skin together in one whole image? i just don't understand how everything would work out with seperate offsets...i'm sure the files would have to stay together at some point i just don't understand if they need to be exported as a bmp together (even though the characters skin itself is already finished) so that i can remove the anntenae or i just focus on the antennae and such and some how comebine them later.
man i think i know what i mean but it's so confusing to try and explain...
"does that mean i need to get the antennae and the characters skin together in one whole image?"
Nope, separate offsets means you do things... separately!?! lol This means they are separate pieces of BMPs for you to export, edit, and import!
Quote from: channel on July 04, 2007, 11:14PM
those offsets were perfect! thanks for kicking ass.
no problemo
and for the separate pieces, like iammingy says you can make them separately. so you use different lines in your .cfg file. so you get the bmp for the main character skin using the offset i pasted above. color it and replace it. then, you change the line in .cfg to have the offsets for the other pieces, you export the bmp, change it then reimport it. So basically you just change the line in the .cfg file to get only what you want and replace only what you want.
alrighty so it looks like all i can do right now is change the color of the belt and antennae, but how exactly would i go about removing them from the character all together?
i dont think its possible if they are contained in the same igb file as the body. I had this problem for omega red, but i dont think there is anyway to solve it. For your case, since i think the skin and model were made by tommyboy, maybe if you ask him super nicely he can make you the same igb just without the antenna and belt, or you can look for other skins with no belt or antenna.
Quote from: channel on July 05, 2007, 09:29AM
alrighty so it looks like all i can do right now is change the color of the belt and antennae, but how exactly would i go about removing them from the character all together?
Only three ways that I can think of, two of which may not work, and the other may not happen:
1. "alpha" them out in the skin then re-import the texture. May not work because: an alpha'd out skin may be bigger than the original (which I can't remember but strongly suspect had NO alpha channel)
2. All the pieces in my (or anyone elses for that matter) meshes have a "flag" which is set to "visible" or "hidden", set in 3dsMax before export. In theory, one could find and change the value of this flag for any given piece (ie belt or antennae) in a Hex editor. May not work because: nobody knows which value within the mesh contains the flag. But someone could try to find it. I'll devote maybe an hour to looking tonight and post back here if I can find it.
3. Have the original mesh-maker re-export a version without the bits you don't want. Possible, but I don't particularly want to open those particular floodgates at the moment. There are other "male basic" type meshes you could use (I started off reskinning one of the prof x meshes from xml2 for giant man, for instance).
Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on July 05, 2007, 09:55AM
2. All the pieces in my (or anyone elses for that matter) meshes have a "flag" which is set to "visible" or "hidden", set in 3dsMax before export. In theory, one could find and change the value of this flag for any given piece (ie belt or antennae) in a Hex editor. May not work because: nobody knows which value within the mesh contains the flag. But someone could try to find it. I'll devote maybe an hour to looking tonight and post back here if I can find it.
do you think this flag is present in the original mua and xml2 igbs?
sorry if i misunderstood
Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 05, 2007, 09:58AM
Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on July 05, 2007, 09:55AM
2. All the pieces in my (or anyone elses for that matter) meshes have a "flag" which is set to "visible" or "hidden", set in 3dsMax before export. In theory, one could find and change the value of this flag for any given piece (ie belt or antennae) in a Hex editor. May not work because: nobody knows which value within the mesh contains the flag. But someone could try to find it. I'll devote maybe an hour to looking tonight and post back here if I can find it.
do you think this flag is present in the original mua and xml2 igbs?
sorry if i misunderstood
As far as I know, it should be present in ALL meshes. There is a flag in the alchemy exporter dialogue for "invisible" in addition to the "ordinary" Max "hidden/unhidden" flag.
But I should add that as far as MUA/XML2 meshes are concerned I AM guessing. I can only be 100% certain of my own meshes.
I've had a quick look in my Giant Man meshes with a hex editor, and found that there are as many as four or five instances of such things as "belt_flat", which about a dozen possible locations of the flag following each one. I'll have to look some more and compare two meshes with slightly different hidden/unhidden bits.
I'll post back when I know more.
alrighty, thanks tommy for spending the time to give me a hand here.
Hmmm....potentially a problem here.
I exported two versions of my Hulk, one with both ripped trouser legs unhidden, one with only one unhidden.
I then opened them up to compare in a hex editor.
The one with both visible had five instances of the "tube02" (the trouser leg), the one with it hidden had only three instances.
Also the two files differed in size, as well as numerous other differences.
So my theory (based on my experience with Freedom Force meshes) may be either just plain wrong, or may be very difficult to implement.
It may be that MUA/Alchemy meshes have a different structure to FF meshes, and the "simply change one address" method may not work here.
There are times when I hate this game.
I did another test, with 2 hulks, one with a belt, one without, and compared in a hex editor.
Again the "visible belt" appears 5 times compared to the "hidden belt"'s 3 times.
Why is this such a big deal? It means that we cannot UNHIDE hidden bits and pieces.
It also probably means that HIDING bits is a no-no too.
I won't rule it out completely, but I just don't have the time to work it out right now.
thanks for trying thetommyboy2002
damn, i wonder what i can do. anyone have any suggestions? it seems like there's no easy way to edit those features out of there.
Quote from: channel on July 05, 2007, 05:42PM
damn, i wonder what i can do. anyone have any suggestions? it seems like there's no easy way to edit those features out of there.
No, I don't think that there are any easy ways to do ANYthing in this game.
Editing the skins is more difficult than it should be. As is everything else.
Have you tried the Alpha suggestion?
Or using another mesh, like Prof X from xml2? You'd have to reskin from scratch, but it'd work.
(Incidentally, if you ARE re-skinning my meshes, I would prefer that you don't simply recolour them, or alter one area of the skin. I've provided a wiremap so people can make their OWN skins. Obviously I can't STOP you kitbashing my skins and re-releasing them, but if people want me to keep releasing meshes for this game, I'd strongly recommend respecting my wishes. Not having seen your work, I have no way of knowing whether you start from scratch or simply add a moustache to my skins, so I'm not accusing you personally of kitbashing, or directing this AT you personally. It's more like a general statement of my wishes.)
I think Xavier, Wyatt Wingfoot, Guardian, street clothes Cyclops, human-form Colossus, may be less complicated and flatter replacements for what you're trying to do.
On the other hand, I can't avoid feeling alluded by thetommyboy2002, since I DID recoloured Hawkeye and Wonderman (mostly to avoid bothering him with requests). However, you have to admit that it's very attractive for us, who don't have the means to make meshes for ourselves, to have a base that is at the same time asymetrical and works as a mannequin.
Quote from: boreman on July 05, 2007, 06:35PM
I think Xavier, Wyatt Wingfoot, Guardian, street clothes Cyclops, human-form Colossus, may be less complicated and flatter replacements for what you're trying to do.
On the other hand, I can't avoid feeling alluded by thetommyboy2002, since I DID recoloured Hawkeye and Wonderman (mostly to avoid bothering him with requests). However, you have to admit that it's very attractive for us, who don't have the means to make meshes for ourselves, to have a base that is at the same time asymetrical and works as a mannequin.
No, I hadn't specifically stated this till now, and it's NOT aimed at anyone in particular.
It's not something I want to make people feel bad about.
In the Freedom Force Community there is a stock of "base" skins for male_basic, female_basic etc that people can use as a starting point for their skins. We need something similar. With the fiddly bits and extras on my meshes I dont mind kitbashing as much as it's harder to work out what goes where. But for the main mesh, I would prefer that FROM NOW ON, people TRY to avoid recolours, or at least run it by me if they feel they have no other options.
My statement definitely isn't about singling people out, and isn't aimed at Boreman or anyone else individually or collectively. Sorry if it could be read that way.
It's a statement of my wishes from here on in.
If you need "base" skins for my meshes, let me know, I'll provide them. If you need wiremaps (the "blueprints") I'll provide them. If you ask, I'll probably say "yes" to recolours or kitbashes, but I really think it benefits us all to avoid them and develop the talents that we have by making all-original stuff where possible.
So, No, I have no problem with your recolours Boreman, because I hadn't, at the time you did them, stated I'd rather you did anything else. And I'm a big fan of Expediency, and Getting It Done Quick, so I understand why you did it that way.
I just wanted to state publicly that I'd rather see someone elses talents, as I'm used to mine, and I think that once people see what they can do, they'd rather make their own than recolour mine.
yeah tommyboy don't worry i totally respect what you're saying, i simply used your giantman as a start because i enjoyed your version and though it would be easier..figure it's the same character just a different outfit. what i actually started doing was cutting up my profile image of the ultimate giantman in several areas and doing whatever it is us graphic people do to make it fit accurately over the alotted skin space. (i even added a real human mouth for detail) i would never just recolor your work and post it as my own. i also understand you weren't accusing anyone i just wanted to let you know where i was with the project. I think i'll try an xavier or maybe guardian. and as far as reskinning from scratch...that's no problem at all since i enjoy the process and there are several things i need to fix anyhow. ooh i have a question actually. i noticed that the ultron warrior might serve as a good model. he has a similar body suit to the ultimate costume. i think the ultron warroir is like 9201.igb. could i use this model as a skin for giantman? i think i may have tried and the game crashed. i don't remember though. i don't know if it's that drastic of a difference or if it even matters.
Do you think Bullseye could be a good base for Ultimate Giant Man?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/ivan_k/Marvel/MUA/ModelList/59-30-52-34.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/ivan_k/Marvel/MUA/ModelList/59-30-52-34.jpg)
yeah definitely...i'd just be a little scared the belt and gun holster would cause me the same problems as the antennae. i can still try! i did get the ultron warrior to work, but he seems a bit too thick to be hank pym. i'll work with both. thanks for the suggestion boreman!
man i've spent so much time trying to get the mod right i haven't even played the game for like a month now, haha i'm sure i'm not the only one in this boat. anyway, so here's what i'm running into now. when i edited tommys characterskin as my base and import it back into the game the process worked just fine. now that i'm trying to editing over skins originally from the game (ie: bullseyes or the ultron warrior skin) i can edit them just fine (and even check them with the skinnerui to make sure changes have been saved) but once i import them back into the game i just have the orignally bullseye or ultronwarrior skin as if i didn't edit them at all. i reskinend maybe three times already and the problem persists, anyone know whats happening?
This is from page 3:
Quote from: iammingy on July 01, 2007, 09:20PM
hmmm... how should I explain it? lol
There are many heads and hands because there also smaller BMP (512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4) of the 1024x1024 BMP. If you have the "correct" entry in the CFG file, then importing an (edited) 1024x1024 BMP should be resized and inserted automatically to the smaller pics in SkinnerUI.
EDIT: The colored ones are your priority.
In your case, I think the largest BMP should be 512, but I haven't checked, yet.
I hope that helps. :)
you can read reply #48 in this thread. maybe it is related to your problem, as iammingy is suggesting.
yes definitely. i was about to do more work than i had to there....
Woot out of the blue just messin with the skinner some how I got the thing working,8 months :soapbox: later.
your lucky, out of the blue mine wont let me extract or import +,-DXT3 or -DXT1, it will only do DXT1 for some reason. I just noticed that recently, but i never had that problem before.
guys im at a loss here. :( whenever i export the bmp this si the one that shows.
(http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8063/15702ee2.png) (http://imageshack.us)
(http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8063/15702ee2.7d98e56e1a.jpg) (http://g.imageshack.us/g.php?h=521&i=15702ee2.png)
it's different from the one's i see in tutorial. can some1 tell me what wrong im doing?
Your offsets are wrong.
Quote from: iammingy on June 25, 2007, 10:22PM
<empty line>
alright scratch that. T_T imma try to find it on my own. meanwhile im going to choose another model to practice on
Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 12:44AM
Quote from: iammingy on June 25, 2007, 10:22PM
<empty line>
alright scratch that. T_T imma try to find it on my own. meanwhile im going to choose another model to practice on
Don't base your offsets on these ones....
I just posted that simply to show channel the format for a CFG file. You have A LOT more reliable offsets to work with in the TWO offsets centrals in this community.
im now in the part on how to import the edited bmp. im at a loss here. :(
(http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/7950/0101kt0.png) (http://imageshack.us)
here's what i've done. i just want to check out and practice. gave him a beard. okay here's where im at. i clicked import then chose the edited bmp then what now? :(
EDIT: i followed the offset you wrote because i just want to practice and get a feel on skinner. of course i never knew that those were not correct.
Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 12:54AM
im now in the part on how to import the edited bmp. im at a loss here. :(
here's what i've done. i just want to check out and practice. gave him a beard. okay here's where im at. i clicked import then chose the edited bmp then what now? :(
EDIT: i followed the offset you wrote because i just want to practice and get a feel on skinner. of course i never knew that those were not correct.
If this is so difficult (It shouldn't be; you just need some sleep :laugh:), then I am gonna play a little game with you... This is just a game to work out the logic in your mind. :wtflol:
Which button should you click in the window after you have clicked import? (This means the edited BMP is now in the IGB file)
A. Minimize - Minimizes the window
B. maximize - Maximizes the window
C. close - Closes the window
D. load IGB - loads an IGB file into SkinnerUI
AGAINE. export - Exports a BMP
F. import - Imports a BMP into SkinnerUI
AGAING. accept - Accepts what you have done.
H. cancel - Cancels what you have done.
ACCEPT! but for some reason in game it doesnt appear?
EDIT: check this out. i even made another edit of the bmp i colored the face of blade with bright green so that i can see the change when i import it. so there i imported the new edited bmp when it appears on the skinner i can see no change? what gives? i know the change should be seen in the skinner right?
CORRECT! :thumbsup:
The changes you made don't appear, you mean?
yeah. the changes dont appear..
i kind of saw what the problem is awhile ago i've read that the edited bmp should be 32 bit right? when i checked the properties of my edited bmp it's only 24 bit. is this the problem?
I think this skin has another set of MIPs for the face. Try coloring his coat green and see whether it shows up in the game.
EDIT: 32bit or 24 bit... It doesn't really matter for these ones because you aren't using the alpha channel
i recolored the coat but still when i import the image the changes never seem to show up? maybe this'll help the bmp is saved as 24-bit RGB 1 layer
Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 01:22AM
i recolored the coat but still when i import the image the changes never seem to show up? maybe this'll help the bmp is saved as 24-bit RGB 1 layer
I never got the chance to produce any 32-bit BMP before I got Photoshop CS2 and my old skins work fine.
How come the pic you uploaded is 600 x 600? It should be 1024 x 1024?
EDIT: Also, you need offsets from 1024*1024 all the way to 8*8!!! (divide dimensions by 2 in between)
it's not in full size but it should 1024x1024. it's 1024x1024 on my pc. hmmm maybe i need to find another model to work on.
Try these ones:
Serph21 I don't know if this will help but in the xml2 CFG I had to change to IGB,DXT3 and not igb,-DXT3 or they stayed the same.
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say. i changed -DXT1 to DXT1 for mua and there whenever i export bmp the color palette changes for example blades skin becomes bluish and when i edit that bmp and import it back again i can finally see the changes i did to the bmp however it still doesnt show in the mua. man im close to giving up on this skinning business.
Serph21 hang in there let me go see what I did and I'll tell you.
Ok this is Ironman MUA 1502 put this in the cfg--- 1502.igb,DXT1,512,512,769450,256,256,1572714,128,128,690362,64,64,1605474.
Put 1502 out of MUA actors folder in the windows
after you work on it save it. In the skinner import it than export it and it should work.I always make at lease 3 layers.
(http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07440/Marvel0090.JPG.xs.jpg) (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs221&d=07440&f=Marvel0090.JPG)
See the white and black lines.Make sure to get the 1502 out of windows.
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.
What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...
Quotei changed -DXT1 to DXT1 for mua and there whenever i export bmp the color palette changes for example blades skin becomes bluish and when i edit that bmp and import it back again i can finally see the changes i did to the bmp however it still doesnt show in the mua.
If this is the problem, then don't add the dash in front of "DXT" in the CFG file.... Just use Irfan View (or swap the color channels in PS) to switch from RGB --> BGR and vice versa.
Quoteman im close to giving up on this skinning business.
Now, you see why poeple here get frustrated in modding... This is only the beginning...haha
Quote from: iammingy on November 04, 2007, 02:36PM
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.
What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...
what i meant was i haven't tried editing xml models. :) sorry for not being so clear. anyway imma try what cvc said. :) thanks
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 07:19PM
Quote from: iammingy on November 04, 2007, 02:36PM
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.
What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...
what i meant was i haven't tried editing xml models. :) sorry for not being so clear. anyway imma try what cvc said. :) thanks
Oh no, it's alright. If you have questions, just ask. :)
You can try Norrin Radd's new skinner, too. :)
i did thor (1002) and i got pixleated, colerful dots (preety....) wats wrong?
In TextureFinder or when you injected the skin using SkinnerUI and tested in-game? If it's TextureFinder you're having problems with, I recommend looking at THIS (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=1351.0) topic, starting with Iammingy's post to find out how to use it.
this is skinner ui not in game but when i placed the skin in a gave me pixleated, colerful dots like cavillac's pic of the texturefinder. o- yes.i got my offsets :)