love the conversation with Stark and Cap also him and Hulk
i wish they had wasp and giant man in it!
I'll wait soo long for and Avenger Movie and the number 1 character I wanted in the movie wasn't,Where are you Scarlet Witch
Amazing trailer, but no doubt, I think it should be one of the most anticipated films in 2012
Im just wondering, especially with the tiny scene, but does Hulk just make a little cameo, or does he have longer scenes?
in most promo material Hulk is listed as a main character so I'd say it would be a main role
Oh well, I shall only watch the movie for Black Widow I guess (Can't help it, she's the only female character in the movie, and most marvel females kick ass) :D
Maria Hill is in this movie as well played by the lovely Cobie Smulders
Ooh maria :D, good to know S.H.I.E.L.D is getting some serious business down :D
Kinda makes me wonder with this, will we ever see a civil war movie? xD
A movie the scale of Civil war is impossible at the current time...I do hope Civil War makes it out of comic media though...maybe as several animated movies
''ever'' as in, anytime xD, I can see its impossible, reason 1 being money, and reason 2 being heroes the movie audience still doesn't know about
Quote from: edheng23 on October 22, 2011, 11:21AM
maybe as several animated movies
Now that, would be awesome :D
well, considering they are making the second season of the avengers cartoon based on secret invasion/kree-skrull war, and the 1st season was also based on comics stories, I think we just might see animated Civil War soon.
Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 22, 2011, 12:13PM
well, considering they are making the second season of the avengers cartoon based on secret invasion/kree-skrull war, and the 1st season was also based on comics stories, I think we just might see animated Civil War soon.
Civil War will be so cool,the best part is Hulk will be there,so which side will he choose?I dont think Cap will die but who knows...i would like to see he winning,i never liked Iron Man and when i knew he killed Cap i disliked him even more.
I think it's pretty obvious which side hulk would choose? Imean, can you imagine the hulk carrying his little register card and working for the man?
if Thor is included he'd also be with cap, so the two heaviest hitters of the avengers on that side, Tony and gang wouldn't stand a chance.
then again Tony's side would have the entire Thunderbolts so could it mean we can see Bullseye, Gargan Venom, Songbird, Moonstone, MACH-IV and gang finally being animated? :D
Not sure about the Thor and cap part, as the offical MUA 2 game states he belongs with the pro's (not saying that the game had the story completly correct, but keep in mind it was made with Marvel)
But guys, we're going off topic here xD