Ok, Ive gotten a few requests to make this so I thought why not?
Please comment below and tell me if this process worked for you, and if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask!
Step 1: To begin you need at least Gimp, but I use both Gimp and Photoshop. You can download Gimp here: http://www.gimp.org/downloads/
Step 2: You will need to the .dds Gimp plugin, in order for .dds files to open in GIMP, you can download that here: http://code.google.com/p/gimp-dds/downloads/detail?name=gimp-dds-2.1.0.tar.bz2
Step 3: Now you need to download this, or at least ths is what I use: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4715.0.html
Step 4: To use the MUAPS2 Skinner above, you will need to download this. This file although large, has tons of PS2 skins in it, which are the only skins that work for MUAPS2 Skinner. http://www.mediafire.com/?yl21tmc1yd4
Step 5: Now you are ready! In the MUAPS2 Skinner folder, there is a word/ notepad document. This has tons of offsets in it. Just open it up and see what skin you want to make!
Step 6: Ok for example I am going to use skin 9601.igb, which is Medusa. The big MUA1 PS2 Skins and Skeletons pack you just downloaded has that skin included. Take it from that file and drag it into the MUAPs2 Skinner folder.
Step 7: Now open the MUAPS2 Skinner program, it looks like this:
Step 8: Now that you have that open press 1, and then hit enter. After that type the name of the skin number you want to use. So I would put, 9601.igb and the hit enter (*note* do not forget the .igb part!) Then pick a name for what you want the dds to be called. So I will do, Medusa.dds (Dont forget the .dss part) and then hit enter.
After you hit enter this should pop up:
(http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz137/tempus_01/Capture-2.png) After that pops up just hit enter and it will close.
Step 9: Now open up Gimp. Once Gimp is open, go to File Open and open up the .dds we just made. So Open up Medusa.dds, if something pops up saying load mipmaps just make sure the box is checked, it should look like this once opened:
Step 10: Now go to, Image>Mode>RGB, then go to Image>Transform>Flip Vertically. After you do that it should look like this:
If you want to make you skin in Photoshop please scroll down, if not and you want to use Gimp just read the next step.
Gimp Users!
Step 11: Now you are ready to color and all that fun stuff! I just put green on her just so you can see!
Step 12: Now what you want to do is flip it back to the way it was, and change it back to indexed so, Image>Mode>Indexed, something may pop up I just hit convert, then Image>Transform>Flip Vertically so it should look like this again
Step 12: Now go to file save as, but change the .bmp part to .dds and save it! Something will pop up say Generate Mipmaps, make sure that box is checked and then click save
Step 13: Now open up MUAPs2 Skinner again, this time instead of pressing 1 press 0 and then hit enter, then everything else is the same as long as you didnt change what the .dds fiel was called when you saved it after editing. So 9601.igb enter Medusa.dds enter. It should be like this:
Then hit enter and this should pop up
Step 14: Now test your skin in game, I always test my skins on Phoenix because its a skin number I can remember so I take the 9601.igb that the skin is now compiled to, change the number to 12302.igb and then put it in the actors folder
Your skin should now work in game
Photoshop users!
Now picking up where step 10 left off!
Step 11: (*note you are still in Gimp*) Go to file save as and change the .dds to .bmp and click save.
Step 12: Open up photoshop, and then open up your .bmp, should look like this in Photoshop
Step 13: Now Color it up! I added yellow so you could see what it looked like:
Step 14: Now we want to change it back to normal, Go to Image>Rotate>Flip Vertical and then go to Image>Mode>Indexed color and save it, when you save it something will pop up that shows you the different ways you can save the file, it will most likely be set on a photoshop file change that to a bmp file and save. It should now look like this:
Step 15: Now open up Gimp if you closed it, then open up the Medusa.bmp, all you have to do is go to File>Save As> And then change the .bmp to .dds and your good.
Step 16: Now open up MUAPs2 Skinner again, this time instead of pressing 1 press 0 and then hit enter, then everything else is the same as long as you didnt change what the .dds fiel was called when you saved it after editing. So 9601.igb enter Medusa.dds enter. It should be like this:
Then hit enter and this should pop up
Step 17: Now test your skin in game, I always test my skins on Phoenix because its a skin number I can remember so I take the 9601.igb that the skin is now compiled to, change the number to 12302.igb and then put it in the actors folder
You skin should now work in game!
Congrats you are now a skinner :)
awesome tutorial !!!!! :D It is the best tutorial of skins it has many pictures and examples, and the way you explain it makes sense !!!!! :D :D
I haven't read it really closely yet, but your tutorial does appear to be very good. Thanks for taking the time to compose all this for everyone.
not to brag but i gave him the idea to make the tutorial once he tought me to use MUAPS2Skinner
Thanks everyone it means alot :) I hope it helps you make tons of amazing skins!
And yes Venom64 did tell me I should make a skinning tutorial, I have had others tell me aswell, and I know others on this site were planning on making their own but they never did so I thought why not me? :D
QwQ i love you !!!!! this is actually rlly simple thanks now i understand how to make skins xD
Quote from: PhEoNiXRoSe on January 14, 2012, 04:30AM
QwQ i love you !!!!! this is actually rlly simple thanks now i understand how to make skins xD
Glad it worked :)
This is such a great tutorial that I am feeling able to start skinning! Thanks a lot!
Quote from: Zilar on January 18, 2012, 04:36PM
This is such a great tutorial that I am feeling able to start skinning! Thanks a lot!
Yay, I'm glad it is working for people :)
i cant make step 2 i cant download it! help pls.....
i mean this is what i do:
1) openning NRskinner
2) pressing 1
3) (put storm) 0401.IGB
4) write Storm.DDS
5) it writes that it cant find the CFG file
what should i do?
and when i doesnt write it i cant open it in Gimp :(
MARVELfan, would you help me?
I`ve got Daredevil :daredevil: offsets here in the Forum and opened in MUAskinner. It opened the file and gave me a bmp (not in BGR, but in RGB, is it right?)
I`ve saved the bmp and edited in psd. ( ok, this is my first skin, this is a learning experience I`ll live by myself lol)
The problem is:
When I open Muaskinner, go to skinner option, load the IGB (ok)...when I import my new skin bitmap it comes (visually)
a little bit stranger. The top part of it ( where legs and other parts are) comes with a strange "mini-skin" copy on it, actually two copies.
Nevertheless, I accepted and tried to play with the skin, normally replacing my new 0201.igb file for the original 0201.igb file from Actors folder ( normal, replacing Daredevil`s first skin)
However...the skin just comes up into the game. Does not load.
What am I doing wrong? I must confess since I`ve started here in Marvel Mods I learned a LOT and after learning how to skin/ add or remove skins boltons and effects...I hope until july I release a mod...so...I think my 1st lesson is " skinning"
Please, could you help me?
Thanks a LOT! : ) :moonk:
I dont know what to do......why are you asking me?
i need help because the NR skinner writes that it can't fing the .cfg file...
I don`t know if it helps you, but in MUAskinner this .cfg file is that you MUST put the offsets ( a specific line, alike the herostat texts) in the .cfg file. To do so, you must get the offsets, open via Skinner the .cfg ( edit) , insert this line and save. After the program got this "direction" he will be able to open your skin. I hope I could be of some help!
Quote from: MARVELfan:D on February 15, 2012, 02:53AM
i mean this is what i do:
1) openning NRskinner
2) pressing 1
3) (put storm) 0401.IGB
4) write Storm.DDS
5) it writes that it cant find the CFG file
what should i do?
and when i doesnt write it i cant open it in Gimp :(
What I do, is I copy and paste the skin I want into my Muaps2skinner folder, then I rename it to whatever, then open the cgf file and add your offset, so for instance say you want to make an alternate storm skin, get the skin, copy and paste, rename it to something like stormalt.igb, then go to the cgf, add the offset, so for storm's 0401 offset, it looks like this 0401.igb ps2 256 256 9419 79067 . copy and paste it to the top of the file, and delete the part that says 0401, and replace it with stormalt, just like what you did with the actual igb. Then save and open the kinning program, hit 1 type in the igb name for this example it is stormalt.igb (don't forget the .igb) then hit enter, then type the dds name, which will also be stormal.dds (don't forget .dds) and hit enter. I always decompile/name the dds file the same as my igb file. Then just do the rest of the steps. That is how I do it.
It sounds to me like your using Skinnerui not Muaps2skinner. Skinnerui is for pc models, and custom meshes. Muaps2skinner uses ps2 skins. This topic is about muaps2skinner.
Quote from: Zilar on February 15, 2012, 06:36AM
When I open Muaskinner, go to skinner option, load the IGB (ok)...when I import my new skin bitmap it comes (visually)
a little bit stranger. The top part of it ( where legs and other parts are) comes with a strange "mini-skin" copy on it, actually two copies.
This is what makes me think that it is skinnerui the "mini skin" as you put are most likely different sizes of the skin, which is required for skinnerui, when using texturefinder. When you have the wrong size, the muliples of a size will show up, for instance if you were looking for the 256 offset, but you were at the 128 spot in the skin, then there would be 2 skins pictures, but when you find the correct size for the right spot in the skin, then you would just have one skin picture, and it would be in a square shape.
Hopefully this helps you guys. :)
Oh! THANKS! :) That`s why it happens! I`m using the wrong program! ....oh, jesus...lol thanks!
thanks i made my first skins lol....
No probs.
Glad it worked out for you both :)
Guys, I've donwloaded Gimp, got the dds plugin ( to open dds file) but when a I open my skin ( this time a Black Panther Cerimonial Skin, I found my MUPS2skinner has it's offsets in the .cgf file) I get a bizarre rainbow like image instead of a nice skin like the tutorial shows.
What's wrong?
(http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9509/skinningproblem.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/skinningproblem.jpg/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
try putting the offset at the very top of the cgf file that is what I do. Also make sure that the actual igb file your using is in the same folder as the program your using to decompile which would be muaps2skinner, and make sure the cgf file is in that same folder as well. That is how I do it.
Edit: oh yeah also make sure the offset for texturefinderv21 and v13 are in the right spot, and make sure there is a space and then a period at the end. Also make sure that the skin is a ps2 skin
Allright! If it is not too much, I would be eternally grateful if you post a image about this "right spot" on texture find. I read a lot of times abouts "finding the offsets" and things like "you'll know when you get the right offset", but I've never seen an image showing this step. Do you have it? I read about the "first pixel on the left (or right, I can't remember)" but without an image it is indeed kinda hard to get it.
I know it is really boring reading posts like mine, but I think theres a good side on this process of teaching. We multiply the chances of new mods to come up. Now I'm trying to learn how to skin, but in matter of fact I hope to release mods in the future. I love Mocking Bird, a really cool playset of cannonball powers, a wolf changing and werewolf wolfsbane powerset and great things. Even a hole collection of new X-men that I will post images (colored) in the next few days. I know it will take a while until there. But this is the path. I really appreciated all the help you're giving an d I hope I can retribute it releasing more cool stuff. Well, so lets try to learn how to skin first! lol
Is there any chances its not working 'cause I'm running MUAPS2skinner in Windows 7?
Quote from: 4elementsefww on February 18, 2012, 01:17PM
Edit: oh yeah also make sure the offset for texturefinderv21 and v13 are in the right spot, and make sure there is a space and then a period at the end. Also make sure that the skin is a ps2 skin
I can`t get it. Please, would you post a pic of what`s this "V13 are in the right spot" ? Thanks! :)
What i mean is that there are two offsets in the cgf file. 1 is from the texturefinder v21 and the other is from texturefinder v13. So if you try to find, for instance the offsets for storm's 0401 skin, the texturefinder v13 offset goes first, and the second offset is from texturefinder v21. So her offset would look like: 0401.igb ps2 256 256 9419 79067 . (which is what the cgf file says)
I would recommend that you first try finding offsets that are already in the muaps2.cgf file. That way you get the hang of it by being able to check your work, and then you can try finding your own. Also I will try to post the process of finding offsets as soon as possible, but I'm really busy with school stuff right now. I tried when you first asked, and I was almost done, and I left my computer for about 30 mins, and found out that it updated itself, thus restarting my computer, making me lose the work.
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!! :laola:
Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:23PM
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!! :laola:
:) Your welcome!
Oh wait i put it in my game but it crashed? why is that?
Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:40PM
Oh wait i put it in my game but it crashed? why is that?
The skin? I am not sure, I need to know more of what you did to see if I can help.
i used deedoos nude generic medusa
put into photoshop edited
saved forgot to index (caused it to go all weird)
on my second attempt i indexed it , then saved it, then changed to dds,then changed to igb
then put it into the game and it crashed when i picked the character
Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:47PM
i used deedoos nude generic medusa
put into photoshop edited
saved forgot to index (caused it to go all weird)
on my second attempt i indexed it , then saved it, then changed to dds,then changed to igb
then put it into the game and it crashed when i picked the character
Did you download the MUA ps2 models from the link on the first page, the ps2 skin.igb must be present in the same folder as the skinning program or it will not work. Im not sure if thats your problem though.
yep they were both in the folder
I managed to get the skin in but this happened:
Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 03:23PM
I managed to get the skin in but this happened:
It is possible that you are compiling the skin to the wrong model. You have to compile the skin back to the medusa.igb then you can rename it to what ever skin you want
oh yh i was doing it to invisible woman no wonder thanks
Yay ITs WORKING!!! :jumping:
I made the eyes more Anime :D
Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 03:39PM
Yay ITs WORKING!!! :jumping:
I made the eyes more Anime :D
Glad its working for you :) Her eyes are huge! :laugh:
hey midnightphoenix I can't seem to find the way to change the color in Gimp. Help me??
Quote from: Me on May 20, 2012, 01:52PM
hey midnightphoenix I can't seem to find the way to change the color in Gimp. Help me??
What Gimp do you have? I have Gimp 2, and to the left there should be a toolbox, although if it isnt you should be able to go into the tool tab and click toolbox. And then there is a box with the current color in it, if you click the box it should open the thing to change what color you are using.
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on May 20, 2012, 01:55PM
What Gimp do you have? I have Gimp 2, and to the left there should be a toolbox, although if it isnt you should be able to go into the tool tab and click toolbox. And then there is a box with the current color in it, if you click the box it should open the thing to change what color you are using.
Okay so my toolbox isn't on the left, and when I go to change the color in the in the tools tab, there is nothing that says toolbox, just Create New Toolbox. Should I just reopen Gimp and see what happens?
Quote from: Me on May 20, 2012, 02:13PM
Okay so my toolbox isn't on the left, and when I go to change the color in the in the tools tab, there is nothing that says toolbox, just Create New Toolbox. Should I just reopen Gimp and see what happens?
Yeah you can try to reopen it.
Whenever I tried to save the skin that i just named, it always ends up with the wrong thing, fieryphoenix.xcf, but shouldnt it be fieryphoenix.bmp, then I change it to fieryphoenix.dds. What is wrong with it? Oh and when ever I try to change the xfc to dds, I get a message reading, You can use this dialog to save to the GIMP XCF format. Use File→Export to export to other file formats. Im really confused.
When ever I do file save as in GIMP I can choose what file format I want it to be.
Did you get the dds plugin for gimp? (Just curious)
Quote from: Scabbia on May 21, 2012, 06:34AM
Did you get the dds plugin for gimp? (Just curious)
Yes but did I have to download 2 files ? If yes then where do I extract the files to?
No, you just need the one file and no exctracting needed. Once it is downloaded, just copy and paste the dds file (or application) into your plugins folder. But I'm not sure if that would be the problem or not, I don't know much about Gimp. I just know you need that plugin.
Okay I figured out that I have to export the file into a folder. Where should I export it into? The MUASkinner folder?
If your talkin about the dds plugin, you copy and paste the file here: C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
Oh no, the .dds image I just made, it says that I cannot 'save as', it tells me to export the file, and when I export them, I choose a file to put it in, and it says dds, and then the pop up comes and I click the load mipmaps. I just don't know where to extract it to.
Really useful tutorial!
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 06, 2012, 10:14AM
Really useful tutorial!
Thank you :) I'm glad I could help! It makes me feel good!
Oh, one thing I noticed, in the step where you convert the RGB image back to Indexed, you have to make sure the palette is 255. If it isn't the skin doesn't work.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 06, 2012, 10:33AM
Oh, one thing I noticed, in the step where you convert the RGB image back to Indexed, you have to make sure the palette is 255. If it isn't the skin doesn't work.
Really? Lol, I have never done that before, maybe it's just set up that way for me already.
I will be very silly, but I can not do step 9 and the following
The Gimp does not open, you have to do something with the plugins?
Sorry if not understood, but I wrote it with google translator
Hi, please someone could upload the gimp plugin in another link? I'm having problems with the one Midnightphoenix posted.
I updated the DDS plugin to the actual download page now, so it should work for you all now! If it doesn't let me know :)
Thanks again for this topic, it was super helpful! I have a much better understanding of the basics of altering and applying skins now :venom:
I just want to join to the remarks : it is realy a usefull tutorial.
A lot of thanks to Midnightphoenix123 !!! :) :) :)
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on March 23, 2015, 04:07AM
I just want to join to the remarks : it is realy a usefull tutorial.
A lot of thanks to Midnightphoenix123 !!! :) :) :)
You're very welcome! I'm glad it is proving useful!
Tthanks fr you tortle its gooooooooooood you are good person!
Quote from: sueinvisiblewoman on October 11, 2015, 07:27AM
Tthanks fr you tortle its gooooooooooood you are good person!
Thank you!
Hopefully this isn't a dead topic, because I need help. Whenever I try to decompile a skin (I'm using Luke Cage's default skin just to try), all I get is a black box. I added the offsets exactly as they appear on the offset central to the cfg file, I opened NRSkinnerSE, I hit 1, typed 15701.igb, typed lukecage.dds, and hit enter. When I open it in GIMP, it's a black box. I didn't delete any of the dds files in the folder with NRSkinner.
Edit: It's not an entirely black box, there are a few 4x4 colored squares in there
Edit 2: PS2 Skins seem to work fine