I finally got Internet back, and I am eager to play some MMO's curently playing Forsaken World and I am not liking it anymore its not the game it used to be, so far I played WoW, DCUO, Allods ( probably will play it again ) Perfect World, CoH and Champions online.
I am looking for some good fantasy I dont ask much just that it has interesting classes and fair customization if u know some good ones pls tell or link me in PM I really wanna waste my time on that and I found nothing interesting O_O
Oh yea! I also played Super Hero Squad online its cool but its meh too much childish...
I'm thinking about getting Guild Wars 2 but I don't know much about it. Other than that there's always Marvel Heroes which goes into closed beta in October - that's still some ways off though.
Quote from: Dihan on September 01, 2012, 07:06AM
I'm thinking about getting Guild Wars 2 but I don't know much about it. Other than that there's always Marvel Heroes which goes into closed beta in October - that's still some ways off though.
I kinda need something right now xD and free and even if GW is free I dont like it nor do I like Marvel Heroes DC beated Marvel at games in a way that should make Marvel go hide and cry in a corner and never see sunlight again... so any other suggestions?
I am updating DCUO man it takes some time havent played in Ages probably will make a new char so if anyone wants to meet up there or something just post here or in PM.
I dunno about that "DC beating Marvel at games" thing (they are only better in MMORPGs so far), but getting a good MMORPG for you (which is also free) is a tough question. But maybe try Vindictus or Lord of the Rings Online.
I've only really heard bad things about DCUO - though I don't like DC anyway so I'm already conditioned into not liking it :P
I also disagree that DC makes better games than Marvel.
Quote from: Suigetsu on September 01, 2012, 08:04AM
I dunno about that "DC beating Marvel at games" thing (they are only better in MMORPGs so far), but getting a good MMORPG for you (which is also free) is a tough question. But maybe try Vindictus or Lord of the Rings Online.
I dont think so in my oppinion Arkham Asylum and City beat any Marvel game so far in story ( ofc MUA and XML's are awesome ) But if u ask me Marevel always focused more on action then on story itself none Marvel movie ever made it to the oscar or top 10 video game while DC's Batman did and both Batman and Superman movies where recived good criticism althou DC is less popular it tends to beat Marvel when ti comes to quality of Entertinment but sadly fame is where the money is so guess Marvel wins?
idk never been a fan of LOTR but seems interesting I must say maybe I will give it a try thnx : D Vindictus sounds farmiliar...
Quote from: Dihan on September 01, 2012, 08:06AM
I've only really heard bad things about DCUO - though I don't like DC anyway so I'm already conditioned into not liking it :P
I also disagree that DC makes better games than Marvel.
DCUO is awesome, from graphics to story but when it comes to Membership area and Free Players are thats when its tight Free players have no Auction and cant trade and can only carry 1500$ which is lame but ok since u can aquire items pretty fast its not that bad...
And movies 2 when ti comes to quality but still Marvel beats DC at fame except Batman and Superman ofc everybody knows em xD
Batman Arkham Asylum/City beats any Marvel game. That's true. And DCUO isn't that bad. It allows customization of YOUR character. Something that the upcoming Marvel Heroes doesn't allow.
On topic: Try League of Legends. Free, doesn't take as long as DCUO or any game.
Quote from: BLaw on September 01, 2012, 09:36AM
Batman Arkham Asylum/City beats any Marvel game. That's true. And DCUO isn't that bad. It allows customization of YOUR character. Something that the upcoming Marvel Heroes doesn't allow.
On topic: Try League of Legends. Free, doesn't take as long as DCUO or any game.
Yea DCUO is great but I want something fresh xD I have LoL its awesome : D for such a small game with not much environment its amazing O_O xD
I just finished Harley's Revange its disappointingly small : / but still awesome thou xD But I wish it had more Catwoman in whole Arkham : /