xmlConverter by Norrin Radd RELEASE V1.8 Special Edition
This stand-alone program converts XML1 files to XML2 file format. I only tested it with the sample files I was given, so it might not work for everything. Please report any errors you find with different files, and if possible send me working example files of what format you want supported. Before saying the program doesn't work please check if your XML1.xml file is in a similar start and end format as the example file provided.
For all versions, and pretty much any program of mine, use DIFFERENT input and output file names.
Version 1.8 Special Edition (link also contains Extent converter V1.0 and Ultimate alphabetizer V1.2)
Download Here (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yokneyumkmy)
======Using xmlConverter V1.8 Special edition =======
Put xmlConverter_SE.exe in c:\windows
On the XML1 file, right click and select "open with"
Check "always open these types of file with it"
The XML1 file are then transormed into XML2 style after double-click
The new XML2 files are named "XML2_file.xml2"
Open the command prompt and go to the directory with the files (and program), then type:
xmlConverter.exe XML1_file.xml XML2_file.xml
The known file types supported are eng type, chr type, nav type, and powerstyle type.
I included example files for all file types supported.
Note that the file names can be whatever as long as they don't have spaces. If you put xmlConverter.exe in c:\windows you should be able to use it from any directory. Make sure that whichever directory you call the program from, the XML1_file.xml is there. Also note that the XML2_file.xml is created if it doesn't exist, or it overwrites whatever was there before.
Big thanks to:
BliZZ for the idea to make the program and example files, and Teancum for file type examples
nyc1_1_1.eng and the converted nyc1_1_1.engb (http://www.momoshare.com/file.php?file=2ccf8eab5c8290790c17e4b6cdd03fef)
Hope it helps......
If you need more examples, I've got some.
yeah that will definately help, thanks :thumbsup:
hope you get a xml to xmlb converter going, its a b*tch converting those things by hand. good luck :)
i released the xml1->xml2 converter (see first post), let me know if it doesnt convert a specific type of file properly.
I will work on the fb extractor later.
Shouldn't it be XML2_file.xmlb?
This should come in VERY handy. I'll test it a little later, I'm in the middle of something atm.
no, it doesnt convert to xmlb, just xml
this way you can edit it as you would an MUA xml file, then you can create the xmlb file using nba2kstuff's program
it converts the XML1 file you sent to the XML2/MUA format file you sent.
also, if anyone has any ripped fb's (extracted files from fb's) and original fb files can i have them please? i need example files to test future programs
Kay, understand now. I've ripped SOME files from fbs, but never EVERY file. Sorry. :shy:
np, although all the extracted files wouldnt be necessary, i just need an idea of how i should go about it, and to test to see if the extracted files that people have done are equivilant to the ones the program does.
the program does what you wanted it to though, correct? although not to xmlb, but xml.
i meant what it 'should' be able to do, not whether it works or not, haha. its ok, i will wait until you test it. Thanks.
Dunno, haven't been able to test it yet and probably won't be able to til tomorrow.
If nothing else it converts the xml into a semi-readable format, a great start from XML2 xml.
@Teancum, if you see it doesnt convert a format correctly and you want it to, just send me how the file should look and what the xml1 file is, then i can fix it
CHR format: What needs to change.
<character name="sentinelflashback" />
<character name="civilianMale" />
Result of conversion:
XMLB characters {
<character name = sentinelflashback ;
<character name = civilianMale ;
What it should be:
XMLB characters {
character {
name = sentinelflashback ;
character {
name = civilianMale ;
ok, the problem is the spaces in the original (before the <cha... part)
i think.
i will look into this when i have time though, thanks.
NAV issues: (only part of the file is shown)
<nav cellSize="40">
<c p="59 60 -11" />
XMLB nav cellSize="40" {
<c p = 59 60 -11 ;
[b] /nav {
The bold needs removed, replaced by a single }
What it should be:
XMLB nav {
cellsize = 40 ;
c {
p = 59 60 -11 ;
same thing, the spaces
but i see other potential problems, thanks.
i changed the program to handle chr file types, i will try to handle the other one (nav) later
@ Teancum, can you show me how the NAV file ends in xml1 format please, also in the xml2 file also.
thanks, i'll try to add that one when i have time
XML1 NAV (shortened)
<nav cellSize="40">
<c p="22 56 0" />
<c p="23 56 0" />
<c p="22 55 0" />
<c p="23 55 0" />
<c p="22 54 0" />
<c p="23 54 0" />
<c p="19 52 0" />
<c p="20 52 0" />
<c p="62 90 0" />
<c p="61 90 0" />
<c p="60 90 0" />
<c p="59 89 0" />
<c p="59 88 0" />
<c p="59 87 0" />
<c p="59 86 0" />
<c p="50 77 144" />
<c p="51 77 144" />
XML2 NAVB (shortened)
XMLB nav {
cellsize = 40 ;
c {
p = 27 62 0 ;
c {
p = 16 78 0 ;
c {
p = 17 78 0 ;
c {
p = 4 74 0 ;
c {
p = 3 74 0 ;
nav file type supported, thanks for the examples Teancum
It keeps telling me that it cannot find the file I am trying to convert. Now, I'm an idiot, so this is probably something dumb on my part, but any ideas why this might be the case?
can you tell me what you type in at the command line, which directory you are in when you call the function, and where the files are located.
I type "xmlConverter.exe -eng ps_avalanche.eng ps_avalanche.eng"
I am in a folder on my Desktop (which means there ARE spaces from "Documents and Settings, don't know if that is the problem)
xmlConverter.exe is in C:/Windows.
why do you call the input and output files the same name?
what version are you using?
type "xmlConverter.exe" to find out
It is still telling me "could not open file".
when you type "xmlConverter.exe" it is telling you it could not open the file?
didnt another version work for you?, its weird that this one wouldnt. sorry to ask but could you try version 1.2, or even 1.0 (just omit -eng for 1.0)
"Abnormal Program Termination" with 1.0.
ok, let me check
@blizz its because you are using THE SAME file for input and output. (for the abnormal termination part anyway)
thats a nono.
your input file is erased when you open to read it.
so its not a problem with the program.
i did what you did and got the same errors, but i tried a new file, using a DIFFERENT output file, and it worked, so let me know if it works for you.
Now it is saying "ERROR:Could not open file."
To be clear: I have the folder with the file open, I run the command prompt, I type in the line (with the different XML1 and XML2 file names), and the error pops up. :banghead:
did you replace your ps_avalanche.eng file?
it may have been completely erased.
edit: also, did you revert back to version 1.4?
Yes and Yes.
could you paste the ps_avalanche.eng file in c:\windows directory, open Dos prompt,
type 'cd c:\windows'
then type 'xmlConverter.exe'
check if it if version 1.4
then type 'xmlConverter.exe -eng ps_avalanche.eng testout.eng'
and see what happens
pretty please?
That worked, sweet!
Although the conversion wasn't perfect.......
the conversion wasnt perfect because it is a powerstyle
give me examples, and i should be able to fix it
your problem is maybe where you run the command from the directory. you need to be in the correct directory within the prompt for it to see the file, thats why it couldnt find your files. probably that was the problem, because i used it and it works fine for me, and if it worked fine for you in c:\windows, it should work in any other folder too.
ps_avalanche as it appeared fresh out of conversion and a fixed version.
And yeah, that appears to have been my problem.
thanks, but i could i trouble you for the xml1 file as well, or could you direct me on where to find it
<PowerStyle CanSteal="true">
<FightMove name="idle" animenum="ea_idle1" lockchaining="false" handler="ch_idle" noncombat="true">
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="walk" animenum="ea_walk1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="jog" animenum="ea_jog1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="run" animenum="ea_run1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove Name="attacklight1" animenum="ea_attack_light1" startchaintime="0.8" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 L Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight2"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attacklight2"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="attacklight2" animenum="ea_attack_light2" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 R Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="attackheavy1" animenum="ea_attack_heavy1" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 R Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="crack1" animenum="ea_power1" priority="5" lockangles="true" aitype="projectile" aireusetime="8">
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0.15" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power1a"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power1_smash"/>
<trigger time="0.5" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power1b"/>
<trigger time="0.6" name="projectile" tag="1" filename="avalanche_ents" entity="quake_crack" count="1" Speed="300" knockback="0" PowerUsage="P3" AttackType="projectile" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="800" Arc="0" Damage="L5" Targetable="false">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_popup"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_attack" fallback="crack1" inherit="crack1">
<require cat="talent" item="aval_crack" level="1"/>
<trigger tag="1" damage="M3"/>
<FightMove Name="quake1" animenum="ea_power2" priority="5" lockangles="true" aitype="aoe" aireusetime="15">
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power2_quake"/>
<trigger time="0" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power2a"/>
<trigger time="0.65" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power2b"/>
<trigger time="0.79" name="kick" tag="1" PowerUsage="0" AttackType="kick" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="150" Arc="180" verticalrange="12" height="-24" knockback="1000" Damage="L1">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_auto_knockback"/>
<trigger time="0.8" tag="3" name="powerup" powerup="move" level="0.5" affect_type="scale" life="3" apply_self="false" apply_enemy="all"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_smash" fallback="quake1" inherit="quake1">
<require cat="talent" item="aval_quake" level="1"/>
<trigger tag="3" life="4" level="0.4"/>
<FightMove Name="power_boost" animenum="ea_power3" priority="uninterruptable" lockangles="true">
<trigger time="-1" tag="1" name="cage_victim" type="ce_victim" nodename="earthencage_v" useeventvictim="true" usesponsornode="true" targetdistance="-1" setowners="false"/>
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3a"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_cage"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_charge" bolt="Bip01 L Hand"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_charge" bolt="Bip01 R Hand"/>
<trigger time="0.4" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3b"/>
<trigger time="0.4" name="radial_cage" inherit="punch" AttackType="blast" PowerAttack="true" damage="L3" victimeventtag="1" maxrange="275" Arc="180"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="earthencage_v" nodamage="true" lockangles="true" priority="uninterruptable" animenum="ea_pain_quake">
<trigger time="0" name="relative_spawn" filename="avalanche_ents" entity="earth_cage" useownerteam="false"/>
<trigger time="0.36" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3c"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_xtreme" Description="Quake" animenum="ea_power4" blendtime="0" playspeed="10" lockangles="true" aitype="simon">
<trigger time="0" name="xtreme_start" life="4"/>
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power4_charge"/>
<trigger time="0.6" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power4_impact"/>
<trigger time="0.1" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power4"/>
<trigger time="0.65" name="kick" tag="1" PowerUsage="0" AttackType="kick" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="96" Arc="180" verticalrange="180" height="180" knockback="1000" Damage="L1">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_auto_knockback"/>
<trigger time="0.8" tag="3" name="powerup" powerup="move" level="0.5" affect_type="scale" life="3" apply_self="false" apply_enemy="all"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
thank you, i will add it to the supported list when i have time
blizz, i noticed in the xml1 file there are things being referenced to that you did not include in the 'fixed' version of the powerstyle file, are these important?
such as animenum=..., handler=... on the second line, and Description=... later on in the file.
Yeah, these are quite important. They Must've been taken out by the program.
they were missed because they were all in one line. If you could, whenever you have time, fix a complete example file up for me it would be much appreciated.
i have included powerstyle file support in newly released version 1.6
use -ps to use it
Just ran the NPCstat through it with -ps, and it appears to convert it fine, but it crashes JUST after BishopKid. Perhaps NPCstat is too long?
Quote from: BliZZ on August 05, 2007, 12:19AM
Just ran the NPCstat through it with -ps, and it appears to convert it fine, but it crashes JUST after BishopKid. Perhaps NPCstat is too long?
could you pass me the npcstat code so i could see it please.
its most likely not to have anything to do with the size, but something on the line after BishopKid
edit: Nevermind, i found the npcstat, i will check it out
i fixed it, i will upload a *patched* version
the reason why it was doing it is because there are some '/' used for file name, which do not indicate the end of a 'funtion'
i released a new version (1.8) where you no longer have to specify file type (-nav, ...) and also fixed the problem BliZZ was having with the npcstat (because of the extra '/'s)
Sweet. I bet if you defined a name for each file, rather than the user choosing it, something like "new.filename.filext", it could be run like fbExtractor as an application rather than with a command prompt.
yeah, is that what you want?
i can make a special edition
Yeah, I'd <3 that.
done, and tested.
the special edition version includes both the V1.8 xmlConverter.exe and includes xmlConverter_SE.exe
xmlConverter_SE.exe is the one that you put in c:\windows and use with double click
the new file created is called XML2_file.xml2
since you are probably one of the only ones using it, i might as well tailor it to your needs, haha
Yeah, too bad XML1 maps still won't run :banghead:
Tis probably due to the lack of the boyb file in XML1.
even just switching the igbs doesnt work?
have you loaded any xml2 levels after they were exported with fbextractor? i am wondering if this may be the problem
No. Switching igbs works, but because the boyb file isn't synced with the map (or something, though I should think it is the boyb), the players just fall.
And no, I haven't loaded any fbed XML2 levels, just PS2 ones.
well at least the levels load, but i guess figuring out this boy(b) is of some importance
have you loaded a map with water (using script), so they dont fall?
i just ran stark1 with no boyb file, and it loaded fine, with no falling men or women, so i'm not sure if this boyb file is to blame, although i only did this one test to test this theory.
just tried it out (the special edition one), and once again :applause: :bowdown1: . This will make finishing up converting the XML1 NPC/Boss so much easier now (seriously Master Mold has 24 effects, 24 effects conversion i would have had to do by hand)
No, I haven't. I'm really too busy on building new packages for ALL of these NPCs (XML1&2) and working on XML2 maps to spend too much time on XML1 maps. I hope someone does figure out the culprit, though. I imagine it'd require comparing EVERY XML1 map file to a similar XML2 or MUA map file. And that'd be a HUGE pain in the ass.
It was v1.6 last night... :rofl:
This is really great! Thanks! :thumbsup2:
Thanks guys,
@BliZZ, maybe Teancum has some ideas about the falling issues. If i have time i may start comparing the xml1 and xml2 files to see where this difference may lie or change the mua files to get characters to fall
Norrin, any way that you can add support for effect files?
XML1 File:
<Effect LoopTime="0.3" RandLoopTime="0" PersistLoop="0">
<Spark Name="Blue" Count="1 1" Life="0.15 0.15" Delay="0 0" origin="0 0 0 0 0 0" velocity="75 0 0 100 0 0" acceleration="0 0 0 0 0 0" Gravity="0 0" drag="0 0" radius="0 0" radius2="0 0" height="0 0" red="0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 -10000" green="0 0 0.251 0 0 0.251 10000 -10000" blue="0 0 0.502 0 0 0.502 10000 -10000" alpha="0 -1 1 0 -1 1 10000 -10000" size="-4 3 3 -4 3 3 10000 -10000" length="-24 28 4 -24 28 4 10000 -10000" Blend="additive" orient="forward" Texture="textures/dot.png" viewoffset="0" primitiveFlags="256" spawnFlags="1073741824" Interval="0"/>
XML2 File
XMLB Effect {
LoopTime = 0.3 ;
RandLoopTime = 0 ;
PersistLoop = 0 ;
Spark {
Name = Blue ;
Count = 1 1 ;
Life = 0.15 0.15 ;
Delay = 0 0 ;
origin = 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
velocity = 75 0 0 100 0 0 ;
acceleration = 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
Gravity = 0 0 ;
drag = 0 0 ;
radius = 0 0 ;
radius2 = 0 0 ;
height = 0 0 ;
red = 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 -10000 ;
green = 0 0 0.251 0 0 0.251 10000 -10000 ;
blue = 0 0 0.502 0 0 0.502 10000 -10000 ;
alpha = 0 -1 1 0 -1 1 10000 -10000 ;
size = -4 3 3 -4 3 3 10000 -10000 ;
length = -24 28 4 -24 28 4 10000 -10000 ;
Blend = additive ;
orient = forward ;
Texture = textures/dot.png ;
viewoffset = 0 ;
primitiveFlags = 256 ;
spawnFlags = 1073741824 ;
Interval = 0 ;
um, ok, done, haha, it already works for effect files, i just tried it. i think i am running the latest version.
i converted what you had for the xml1 file and it output the same as what you have for the xml2 file.
let me know if you have any troubles
I asked because I had trouble. The program crashed when I tried to convert the effect file. (it is in the grso_flamethrower_5301 fb)
which effect file, the one you posted? because that one works fine for me
i dont know if it makes any difference but i had an extra Enter space at the end of my file:
<Effect LoopTime="0.3" RandLoopTime="0" PersistLoop="0">
<Spark Name="Blue" Count="1 1" Life="0.15 0.15" Delay="0 0" origin="0 0 0 0 0 0" velocity="75 0 0 100 0 0" acceleration="0 0 0 0 0 0" Gravity="0 0" drag="0 0" radius="0 0" radius2="0 0" height="0 0" red="0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 -10000" green="0 0 0.251 0 0 0.251 10000 -10000" blue="0 0 0.502 0 0 0.502 10000 -10000" alpha="0 -1 1 0 -1 1 10000 -10000" size="-4 3 3 -4 3 3 10000 -10000" length="-24 28 4 -24 28 4 10000 -10000" Blend="additive" orient="forward" Texture="textures/dot.png" viewoffset="0" primitiveFlags="256" spawnFlags="1073741824" Interval="0"/>
Both of the ones in that particular fb cause a CTD for me.
yeah it works for effects. i had a problem with the t-mansion effect, it would not convert it, so i went in with a hex-editor and saw that there was two of those square boxes before <effect>, deleted them and then it would convert it. Maybe that's it.
That was the problem. In the .xml, there is an empty line before <effect>, and that CTDs the program.
yes i just noticed that (after i extracted that particular fb), so as long as you delete the empty space, it works
good catch nodoubt_jr
Norrin Radd, can you upload Version 1.8 Special Edition again? The links don't work now. :(
EDIT: Thanks! ^^
sure, give me a few minutes ;)
let me know if you want help converting stuff, or if you have any problems using the programs,
good luck!
The link isn't working anymore. Could you post it again? Thanks.
ok, reuploaded,
im not sure which files you will be converting, but you may also want to look into the alphabetizer and extentconverter, but those links are probably pretty old too
Thanks, man.
Sorry for reviving an old thread, but can anyone reupload the xmlconverter?
Go there
Why did you give him a link to NBA2K's programs this was made by Norrin Radd.
Quote from: Grig 32 on April 25, 2009, 04:01AM
Go there
that is incorrect, please read what he is asking for
I miss-read, I'm sorry
To make up for it I looked to find the converter but I guess I can't... sorry again
It's all right. Anybody else have the converter?
Updated link on first page and included two other programs in the pack:
xmlConverter Version 1.8 Special Edition (link also contains Extent converter V1.0 and Ultimate alphabetizer V1.2)
Download Here (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yokneyumkmy)
I have a requestion, if it isn't too bad: a XML2 to XML converter. Thanks.