* Note that this is software developed by Discreet. *
* I do not own the rights to this software, and Discreet is now Autodesk. *
* This is an old version of the 3d Studio Max version 4.2. *
* Please read everything carefully. Failure to do so is just failure on your own end. *
* This does not work on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, so don't bother nor ask. *
* You can use VMWare to simulate Windows XP. Google for it.
Instructions:1. Download every file in THIS FOLDER (http://www.mediafire.com/folder/qg63bw1sv7abq/3dsmax4_demo).
-> Redownload parts 20(2) and 24 if step 2 fails.
2. Right click on part 1 and choose Extract Here. When it's done do not restart your computer yet. If you get errors about corrupted parts, re-download the corrupted parts and redo this step.
3. Install the 4.2 update from the update folder.
-> For license keys, don't touch anything.
-> If asked for a restart, press Yes. Your system will be rebooted.
4. After restarting, download THE CDILLA WINDOWS XP FIX (http://download.autodesk.com/mne/web/support/3dstudio/C-Dilla3.27.zip) and extract the file to any location of choice.
5. Run Cdsetup.exe and press Install. Reboot when asked to.
6. Go to the folder you downloaded all those rar files to and extract 3dsmax4_0.rar to the same location.
7. Open the cdillakeygen and start running 3ds Max 4.2
-> If you've followed all the steps up till now, you will get no errors but you will be prompted to Authorize the program. If you do get errors, just redo every step :). This is a failproof step-by-step guide made while I was reinstalling it, so there ARE NO ERRORS.
8. Choose to Authorize the program (not register).
-> You can use this key: 629-12312312
-> Copy the Request Code and paste it in the Cdillakeygen
-> Hit the button and copy the Authorization Code
-> Paste it in the Authorization Code field, select your country and confirm
-> Hit Finish and you're done. 3ds Max should now be opened.
9. Open the cs-keygen.exe program.
10. Try placing a Biped. You'll be prompted to Authorize the Character Studio, do so.
-> Copy the key provided by the Character Studio into the cs-keygen program and hit the button.
-> Copy the result back into the Character Studio and complete the Authorization.
Now all you need to do is set up the Units to Metres, do the same in Preferences. Voila, you're done!
Extra Tools:Physique2Skin Modifier (http://www.mediafire.com/?ivb813hcdlnbmv2)
Alchemy ArtistPack 2.5 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/m3eorsmkau4skqz/Alchemy25-ArtistPackMax-030218.zip)
-> Key: alchemy4max25
.Obj to Max importer. (http://www.mediafire.com/download/5t6ydi4t32yn5n9/obj2max4.zip)
.Obj importer (http://www.mediafire.com/download/15rdairn9eta8dc/Objimp42.zip)
3DS Max DDS plugin (http://www.mediafire.com/download/0c6lmr216gm3hk3/3DS_Max_DDS_Plugin_1.0.0827.1100.exe)
Quote from: Owl City on August 12, 2013, 10:14AM
Is this the program you use to make custom 3d models?
Weird question to ask considering all tutorials mention this program. Knowledge Base isn't for questions either =P
First post now complete. Contains all instructions on how to install it, and some answers to most likely what will be the frequently asked questions that I'm trying to prevent.
Do not ask questions here. If the links are not working for you but for everyone else, I'm sorry, it's working for me. It might be your browser or country's limits or some stuff like that.
Anyway, enjoy!
Installed per your instructions using VMWare. It worked great. Now I just have to figure out you to get the Ninja Ripper files into such an old version of 3DSMax. I'm going to rip from the original Iron Man game since it has the Mark I, plus the meshes are lower poly and will work better on the PSP.
Quote from: Teancum on February 01, 2014, 01:53PM
Installed per your instructions using VMWare. It worked great. Now I just have to figure out you to get the Ninja Ripper files into such an old version of 3DSMax. I'm going to rip from the original Iron Man game since it has the Mark I, plus the meshes are lower poly and will work better on the PSP.
I use an OBJ import plugin. For ripped 3D ripper DX models. It kinda depends on the file type.
And to export:
Still getting errors on extracting parts 20(2) and 24, re-downloaded it many times:(
i redownload te file 20 and 24 are damaged and when i extract said canot run for the fie of the update