Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Julio Cabral on September 24, 2013, 06:59AM

Title: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 24, 2013, 06:59AM

The Sentry V1.0  (,8986.msg182645.html#msg182645

Loki (,8986.msg182646.html#msg182646

Odin (,8986.msg182647.html#msg182647

Thor  :thor:,8986.msg182648.html#msg182648

Lady Sif (,8986.msg182649.html#msg182649

The Punisher (Booster)  :punisher_logo:,8986.msg182650.html#msg182650

HERCULES (,8986.msg185150.html#msg185150

OTHERS (Demogoblin, Mockingbird, more to come),8986.msg182651.html#msg182651

BACKGROUND MUSIC MODS,8986.msg182652.html#msg182652

New missions, with new maps. Or same missions with new maps. Advanced lighting doesn't work with missions that use maps from other games.
Always compile the texts files I provide with XMLBCUI.
Report any bug please.,8986.msg182653.html#msg182653

Tenth Anniversary special releases,8986.msg183886.html#msg183886

NON-MARVEL MODS (Saint Seiya, Mortal Kombat, Star Wars, 20 th Century Fox, TMNT),8986.msg171413.html#msg171413
Part 2:,8986.msg185772.html#msg185772
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Polygone on September 24, 2013, 09:28AM
Excited :D, downloading him!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Aventureiromax on September 24, 2013, 10:52AM
The link is broken mi amigo :(
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Polygone on September 24, 2013, 11:30AM
Thats not the link, those are the pictures, these are the links

Quote from: Odinson012 on September 24, 2013, 06:59AM ( (
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 24, 2013, 06:13PM
Quote from: Polygone on September 24, 2013, 09:28AM
Excited :D, downloading him!
Thanks for download it!.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: fox456 on September 24, 2013, 06:40PM
Your Sentry mod looks like it will be very cool.  Congratulations on your first mod!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: BLaw on September 27, 2013, 10:21AM
For those who experience powers not working
Have you started a new game yet? It's a typical "bug" which occurs if you install a new character. Always start a new game when installing a new character. Save games will do you no good.

If a power still isn't working properly, then leave feedback here for Odinson.

This message was posted because of a MOD report which shouldn't even be done by anyone unless a post contains bad material. Please leave feedback directly in this topic. Thank you.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Polygone on October 16, 2013, 09:35AM
Very nice mod! Loki's army doesnt seem to be doing much though xD, but still, love it, his illusion power is amazing!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 16, 2013, 11:09AM
Quote from: Polygone on October 16, 2013, 09:35AM
Very nice mod! Loki's army doesnt seem to be doing much though xD, but still, love it, his illusion power is amazing!
They do something. You need to guide them :-)
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Polygone on October 16, 2013, 11:14AM
How? I've tried attacking, walking away, rolling, guarding xD
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 16, 2013, 11:38AM
Quote from: Polygone on October 16, 2013, 11:14AM
How? I've tried attacking, walking away, rolling, guarding xD
Try engage an enemy an they'll follow you.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Oddark123 on October 16, 2013, 12:23PM
I'm gonna be downloading this soon. Really awesome release to see.  Keep up your amazing work.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 17, 2013, 05:29PM
Wow great job with loki mi amigo :thumbsup: , installed and running  :rockon: ... keep up the great work  :applause:
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Outsider on October 19, 2013, 11:46AM
Nice work releasing Loki! I'll try him out as soon as I get the chance. Hope you saw my moveset you can use for Odin. Good luck.

EDIT: A few bugs I found. Loki's Army works in that it does create 12 clones of himself, but they don't seem to attack even when I attacked Scorpion in the first stage, and it also slows down the game, there are some icon issues, and he has ground attack if an enemy's down. I don't know if I can fix Loki's Army but I'll fix the rest of these in a Loki booster. He is a great mod overall, though.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: robbiedizzle on November 23, 2013, 05:50PM
For some reason i can't get the Loki Mod. Mediafire can"t connect to server. 4shared just gets stuck loading. Any chance for a new link?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 23, 2013, 07:12PM
Quote from: robbiedizzle on November 23, 2013, 05:50PM
For some reason i can't get the Loki Mod. Mediafire can"t connect to server. 4shared just gets stuck loading. Any chance for a new link?
Let me check it.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 23, 2013, 07:16PM
Quote from: robbiedizzle on November 23, 2013, 05:50PM
Any chance for a new link?
Mediafire is working for me. Maybe you have internet problems. What server you'll like?.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: robbiedizzle on November 24, 2013, 04:05PM
Looks like it was a browser issue. I figured it out. Thank you.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: sbarth13 on November 25, 2013, 09:05AM
i'm going to move my Hellstrom mod number to 88, so you can have Odin's spot for your mod.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 25, 2013, 03:48PM
Quote from: sbarth13 on November 25, 2013, 09:05AM
i'm going to move my Hellstrom mod number to 88, so you can have Odin's spot for your mod.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 14, 2013, 04:40PM
Odin is free for anyone who wanna try it. Check the first page on this topic.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 08:45AM
My heroselect is not working. It happened right after installing  of the Odin. The herostat of the Odin is disturbing my heroselect?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 20, 2013, 09:06AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 08:45AM
My heroselect is not working. It happened right after installing  of the Odin. The herostat of the Odin is disturbing my heroselect?
Can't be, is working on mine. Do you replace Thing? Odin is in Thing's spot by default.
Check for errors, you can paste the herostat here.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 11:16AM
You do not have to offer me another number? I want to have all the old characters in my game.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 20, 2013, 11:20AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 11:16AM
You do not have to offer me another number? I want to have all the old characters in my game.
You can select any other place, but, his mannequin is created to be in the middle, for a good look.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 04:30PM
This is the herostat of the Odin, who came in the rar file. How I can harmonize the Thing character with the character Odin?

   stats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser ;
   body = 7 ;
   characteranims = 49_odinh ;
   charactername = Odin ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 23 ;
   mind = 8 ;
   moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
   name = odin ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_odinh ;
   scale_factor = 1.1 ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 4902 ;
   skin_01_name = Classic ;
   skin_02 = 03 ;
   skin_02_name = Modern ;
   skin_03 = 04 ;
   skin_03_name = Destroyer ;
   skin_04 = 06 ;
   skin_04_name = Original ;
   skin_05 = 05 ;
   skin_05_name = Movie ;
   sounddir = odin_m ;
   strength = 7 ;
   team = hero ;
   textureicon = 7 ;
      Race {
      name = Mutant ;

      Race {
      name = XMen ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = odin_power1 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = grab ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = flight ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = boss_resistances ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = might ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_odinh ;


Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: BLaw on December 20, 2013, 04:36PM
I suggest reading THIS (,6868.0.html) thoroughly. Mainly PART 4 XMLBCUI because that's what you're asking. You can't have more than 27 heroes in your roster/select screen, so will have to switch one for Odin.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 20, 2013, 05:01PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 04:30PM
How I can harmonize the Thing character with the character Odin?
Switch Odin with one of the 27 characters like Blaw just post before this. Sorry, I thought you know about the characters limit.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 06:05PM
I think I did not express myself well. I'm trying to add the mod of the Odin in my game  through of the heroselect, but I suppose it is conflicting with some of the mods I have. For example, the number of Odin (49) is equal to the number of Hellstrom. I tried to modify the numbering of all his files to 215, numbering of Wolfbane, since no use this mod in my game, but still did not work. My heroselect does not work when I choose the Odin  between the 27 characters of the menulocation. How can I repair?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 20, 2013, 06:24PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 06:05PM
My heroselect does not work when I choose the Odin  between the 27 characters of the menulocation. How can I repair?
I never use heroselect, always use the traditional XMLBCUI decompile/compile metod; but the only conflict I could find is the Thing menu location, change the number for something else.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 06:05PM
For example, the number of Odin (49) is equal to the number of Hellstrom.
Hellstrom was renumbered(download an update version of the mod, if is doesn't exist don't worry it'll be). Don't change Odin's number(49) you don't need to.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 08:58PM
I will wait the update of Hellstrom, because I searched and not found. Previously I wore only the  xmlb compiler but agility of the changes by the heroselect led me to reject the  xmlb compiler. Anyway appreciate the attention. You could to create some huds for the skins Hulk Marvel Hero version, created by BLAW?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Outsider on December 20, 2013, 10:07PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2013, 08:58PM
I will wait the update of Hellstrom, because I searched and not found. Previously I wore only the  xmlb compiler but agility of the changes by the heroselect led me to reject the  xmlb compiler. Anyway appreciate the attention. You could to create some huds for the skins Hulk Marvel Hero version, created by BLAW?

You can also download my number change file, which has Hellstrom's new #88:,8753.msg166312.html#msg166312

Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 02:51PM
I can not understand ... renumerei the mod Hellstrom according to package of Outsider, but Odin keeps generating error in my heroselect. Hellstrom works perfectly but I can not fix Odin, someone else is experiencing this same problem?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2013, 02:54PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 02:51PM
I can not understand ... renumerei the mod Hellstrom according to package of Outsider, but Odin keeps generating error in my heroselect. Hellstrom works perfectly but I can not fix Odin, someone else is experiencing this same problem?
Send me your herostat, I'll compile it.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 03:06PM
You want my herostat config file (heroselect), the file herostat eng or just the collage of the herostat Odin that I have in this message?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2013, 03:07PM
What I want is the herostat.eng file located in data folder.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 03:27PM
I'm looking for a way to send you the file but I can not find the means, unless I decompile my file and paste in full here.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2013, 03:37PM
Send the text in PM
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 04:24PM
I'm still not very familiar with the ways of transmission of data on the site, so I sent my herostat engb, pasted into three parts in PM. I hope it's enough. Since now I thank you!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2013, 05:53PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 21, 2013, 02:51PM
I can not understand ... Odin keeps generating error in my heroselect. Hellstrom works perfectly but I can not fix Odin, someone else is experiencing this same problem?
Ehm the file I link you wont work. Problem:
You change Odin's number. I Told you not to do it. Try download it again and paste everything in the right place. Use the herostat I put in the rar. Everything should be fine.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 07:37AM
I will test and then I inform you the result.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 06:37PM
Guy unfortunately it did not work. My heroselect does not work when I insert Odin among the 27 characters. Even removing the herostat Hellstrom, still does not work. I'll be without this mod Odin?

Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 22, 2013, 06:50PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 06:37PM
Guy unfortunately it did not work. My heroselect does not work when I insert Odin among the 27 characters. Even removing the herostat Hellstrom, still does not work. I'll be without this mod Odin?
I have told you, you change Odin's number, you shouldn't. To bad I knew this after I send you the compile herostat. Put all the original Odin files in the game and use the original herostat.
You put this:
characteranims = 215_odinh ;
It should be:
characteranims = 49_odinh ;
Also change back the skins numbers to 4902, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 07:23PM
I did the way you guided me.
I downloaded the mod again, I pasted the herostat him, how came and I pasted the files again, but the error persists.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 22, 2013, 07:45PM
Quote from: B.L.A.W on December 20, 2013, 04:36PM
I suggest reading THIS (,6868.0.html) thoroughly. Mainly PART 4 XMLBCUI because that's what you're asking. You can't have more than 27 heroes in your roster/select screen, so will have to switch one for Odin.

Hope this helps.
I also suggest you to read the post Blaw link you to, cause using XMLBCUI is much more effective. I'll study this issue when I have the time for it.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 08:05PM
Thank you for attention, I'll waiting!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 22, 2013, 08:32PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 08:05PM
Thank you for attention, I'll waiting!
I'll ask you to try the XMLBCUI metod(no just wait).
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 09:10PM
Ok! I'll test.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 09:44PM
Guy, modifying by the xmlbcui the mod Odin worked perfectly. But then that means can I not access it by heroselect?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 23, 2013, 02:23AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 22, 2013, 09:44PM
Guy, modifying by the xmlbcui the mod Odin worked perfectly. But then that means can I not access it by heroselect?
I don't know. I never use heroselect. But, if you know how to use XMLBCUI, you don't need it anymore.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Blacklight521 on December 23, 2013, 04:36PM
Quote from: Odinson012 on December 23, 2013, 02:23AM
I don't know. I never use heroselect. But, if you know how to use XMLBCUI, you don't need it anymore.

Amen to that. I learned XMLBCUI before I even knew that Heroselect was a thing! I feel it suits me better too.

If I may, though, did you add his herostat entry to the file with the list of all the herostat entries for your heroselect? (Can't for the life of me remember the name of that file...)
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 02, 2014, 03:00PM
Hey, Odinson, your Odin mod is very cool, but the xtreme is malfunctioning. The soldiers are not attacking my enemies and sometimes prevent the extreme of the other characters. What can I do to fix this error?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 02, 2014, 04:03PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 02, 2014, 03:00PM
Hey, Odinson, your Odin mod is very cool, but the xtreme is malfunctioning. The soldiers are not attacking my enemies and sometimes prevent the extreme of the other characters. What can I do to fix this error?
Yes, try using in combat only(when you have enemies  around). You say it prevent the xtreme of others, wich ones? Loki?. I have try to fix it but..I'm not getting any fix. I'll try Multiple Man to see if the same problem is with him.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 04, 2014, 09:56AM
Loki and Odin fixed files are now released(first page). Now Loki has something to say in the xtreme, have default fightstyle and other things. Odin's xtreme works now. Thanks to andersonbrazil for the feedback.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 04, 2014, 10:08AM
Thank you! Hey man, I admire your work and for me it was an honor to contribute.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 12, 2014, 02:53PM
I add a new kind of mod: Background musics!.
My first music mod is fot Thor diskmission.
Check the page # 1 to download.
I'll take request for this type of mods.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: fox456 on January 14, 2014, 04:05AM
Quote from: Odinson012 on January 12, 2014, 02:53PM
I add a new kind of mod: Background musics!.
My first music mod is fot Thor diskmission.
Check the page # 1 to download.
I'll take request for this type of mods.

This is a new type of mod!  Thanks for starting it
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2014, 04:08AM
Wow! Thank you for the background music mod, I just tried it and I really love it!

Could you do something with the music from the Avengers movie? I always thought that really suited the heroic action, I wouldn't mind changing some general in-game music to that soundtrack.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 17, 2014, 05:46AM
Quote from: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2014, 04:08AM
Wow! Thank you for the background music mod, I just tried it and I really love it!

Could you do something with the music from the Avengers movie? I always thought that really suited the heroic action, I wouldn't mind changing some general in-game music to that soundtrack.
Yes, but how is called?. I have one, Avengers Assemble, but is short.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2014, 06:01AM
Hmmm... I see that the soundtrack album release consists of 18 short tracks and I wouldn't know which track sounds like what (I don't have a copy of that CD), but a search on youtube led me to this 15 minute suite of the movie's score by composer Alan Silvestri: (

It's especially that recurring theme which is first heard at 00:44 to 00:57 in that suite that gives this piece the proper bombastic heroic drama. I just found out that the same composer was behind the score for Back to the Future, which I find interesting as I always loved that one for similar reasons.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Oddark123 on January 17, 2014, 09:03PM
Nice to see a new type of mod like that.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 07, 2014, 04:51AM
Quote from: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2014, 04:08AM
Could you do something with the music from the Avengers movie? I always thought that really suited the heroic action,
It's done. Check the 1st page for download, I put it in Ultron's mission. Also Ghost Rider and Iron man now have movie music.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 09, 2014, 03:15AM
Thank you, excellent work!
Is it difficult to convert soundfiles to what the game requires? So great that you figured it out though, these game mods bring a whole new kind of enhancements/customisation to the MUA experience!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 09, 2014, 04:35AM
I just use this tutorial,1359.0.html (,1359.0.html)
To edit/export the sounds I use the Audacity software.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: LikeAnEagle on February 13, 2014, 09:33AM
Hey, bub, great job on the mods! I've been downloading them and having some grand fun. The background music mods are especially appreciated; there's just something Epic about the appropriated music.

I've a question though. When I took Loki out on a new playthrough, he can't fight, well, Loki. If I solo run with him, the game freezes during the Spire's Ascent boss fight; if I don't bring him, I just get the "Loki is no longer KO'd" message thing as soon as I touch down on Attilan. Seems like the hero!Loki replaces the villain!Loki, sort of, so that the boss battle is literally against the Loki in your mod (found out the hard way when he used the mod's powers against me whilst I was soloing Thor). Did I do something wrong, or is this the way it's meant to work?
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 13, 2014, 10:01AM
Quote from: LikeAnEagle on February 13, 2014, 09:33AM
Seems like the hero!Loki replaces the villain!Loki, sort of, so that the boss battle is literally against the Loki in your mod (found out the hard way when he used the mod's powers against me whilst I was soloing Thor). Did I do something wrong, or is this the way it's meant to work?
Oh, no. I haven't test that, but it's possible that is a conflict with the talent file. I must fix that. Thanks for let me know.
Try changing the Loki herostat. Put "Loki Laufeyson" in character name instead of just "Loki". The problem is that in the herostat is a "charactername = Loki"(the hero) and in the npcstat is also a "charactername = Loki", that's the conflict.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: BLaw on February 13, 2014, 03:42PM
Quote from: Odinson012 on February 13, 2014, 10:01AM
Oh, no. I haven't test that, but it's possible that is a conflict with the talent file. I must fix that. Thanks for let me know.
Try changing the Loki herostat. Put "Loki Laufeyson" in character name instead of just "Loki". The problem is that in the herostat is a "charactername = Loki"(the hero) and in the npcstat is also a "charactername = Loki", that's the conflict.

You should rather use loki_hero as the name to avoid confusion. That's pretty much what has been done for official character mods as well. Also, no blank space can be used. Let me give an example.

Let's say Green Goblin is a boss character, but I want to add Ultimate Green Goblin as a playable.

   stats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 9 ;
   characteranims = 161_greengoblin ;
   charactername = Green Goblin ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 10 ;
   mind = 10 ;
   moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
   name = greengoblin ;

The above represents the "boss" character. It's actually the herostat code but just pretend it is. Notice how "charactername" and "name" are different? "Charactername" represents the name shown in-game. "Name" represents the identifier needed to ensure that it's the only "greengoblin" in the game, and no other character have that identifier.

Now watch the Ultimate Green Goblin code:

   stats {
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 9 ;
   canthrowally = true ;
   characteranims = 161_ultgreengoblin ;
   characteranimsclass = humanoid_large ;
   charactername = The Green Goblin ;
   ignoreboundsscaling = true ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 18 ;
   mind = 7 ;
   name = ultgreengoblin ;

See there? Same thing. But I gave them separate "name" identifiers to make sure the mod and the boss character doesn't collide.

With that said, you should update Loki and give him "loki_hero" or something, whatever you prefer, as long as it's not taken by the boss character. It'll prevent confusion for people who like your mod.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 13, 2014, 04:16PM
Quote from: B.L.A.W on February 13, 2014, 03:42PM
Hope this helps.
Yes, it does. Thanks Blaw. I was kinda having an idea about it and already fix it. This is the new fix file: (
It was the "name = loki", now I have change it for  "name = lokih", the charactername remain as just Loki. I have fixed the packages, talent, sounds, scripts, no more conflicts with boss Loki.
Also thanks to LikeAnEagle for the feedback.
Plus I have add a new custom skin: The Dark World.
I can't update my first page from my mobile, so this link will be here for now.
Notes: backup the icons in case of bugs.
Report any problem.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: LikeAnEagle on February 13, 2014, 10:54PM
Whoa, didn't expect to see such fast action! I was genuinely thinking I'd made some noobish mistake and installed him wrong or something. Thanks for the update and help! Will download and try the fix immediately.

Update: Tried him out in-game. Loki v Loki now works, but he suddenly lacks menu sounds (both the callout when he is selected and his "No-one can defeat the God of Mis-" (sic) which he usually says before the game interrupts him to exit the selection menu. Icons work just fine, no bugs there. The TDW skin is a nice addition, though!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 14, 2014, 12:30AM
Quote from: LikeAnEagle on February 13, 2014, 10:54PM
but he suddenly lacks menu sounds (both the callout when he is selected and his "No-one can defeat the God of Mis-" (sic) which he usually says before the game interrupts him to exit the selection menu. The TDW skin is a nice addition, though!
I haven't create menu sounds for him. Where do you get those from?:D
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: LikeAnEagle on February 14, 2014, 01:03AM
Ah, then I must have gotten them from Outsider's booster. When the Loki mod was updated, I did a clean install without the booster, to be on the safe side. Sorry for the false alarm.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Oddark123 on February 14, 2014, 02:56PM
I believe it may actually be in the x-voice. Before Odinson's mod there was an attempted team work mod for Loki, i think a few mods around that time had callouts put into x-voice in anticipation of their releases and i think Loki was one of them.

Fox handles that i believe, so maybe he can confirm this.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: fox456 on February 14, 2014, 03:57PM
Yes, Oddark is correct.  Loki is included in the most recent x_voice release.  He has a menu callout and a break where he says, "None can defeat the god of mischief."

Hmmm, I am thinking that the x_voice file will have to be edited since the character name of "loki" was changed to "lokih."
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 14, 2014, 04:38PM
I can download it and see what's going on. Thanks Fox and Oddark.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: LikeAnEagle on February 15, 2014, 03:30AM
If that's indeed to be done, maybe a different sound can be added instead for the menu break? Because I'm pretty sure he never manages to say more than "NONE can defeat the god of mis-", and while it's a bit funny at first, eventually it's a touch annoying. Dude never gets to finish what he's saying.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 11, 2014, 07:19AM


Saint Seiya Gold Saints
1º Pack: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra
This mod contain: 4 new characters, 4 skins, custom effects, boltons, sounds.
Needs: some huds, mannequins, talents fix.
Get it here: (
herostats (

2º Pack: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius.
Also: Aries fix, new powers for Libra.
Needs: huds, mannequins, talents passives fix.
Get it here: (
Bugs: None so far

Final Pack: All gold saints.
New: Sagitarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Also: improves on some of them, and animated mannequins for all.
Needs: some huds and maybe more sounds.
Bugs: Some of the grabs won't work, sounds that don't play right; and they may be some problems with the team_xtreme powers.
Click on the pic and enjoy!
( (
Credits: -Raul Vidaurre for all his models from the Saint Seiya games, please support him (
-Fredy Yamid Hernandez and all the other guys from Saint Seiya Models Facebook group (
-Aventureiromax for some of the huds.
Saint Seiya belongs to Masami Kurumada, Toei Animation and Namco Bandai. And The Lost Canvas Spin-off is a creation of Shiorio Teshirogi.

One of the original characters from the popular game Mortal Kombat, the God of Thunder Raiden is now playble in MUA.
This mod contains:
-5 custom skins, 4 basic and one more for the ones who like dark things (
-1 custom mannequin (
-Custom huds, icons and loadscreens
-Sounds from MK 2
-Custom bolton
-Use 4 animations sets(in a way)
Basic: For the basic moves I use Moonknight's, even the staff combat
1) Chain Lighting: Lightning shoots from his hands chaining from enemy to enemy Use Storm's effects.
2) Lighting bolt: Fires a thunder bolt to a single target. Dr. Doom's effect.
3) Torpedo: Fly forward and charge enemies. Need a trail effect.
4) Staff slam: Slams his staff in the ground, summon lightnings.
5) Teleport: Also a classic move, teleport himself and other heroes.
6) Staff Combat: Activate staff for melee attacks.
7) Conduction: Adds $DMG_ELECTRICITY to all melee attacks.
8) Fatality: Radial lightning attack. Should take more damage, not a fatality if you ask me.
-The Torpedo move stop for no god reason sometimes, I think that if I change the animation it will work better.
-Outsider for the icons and loadscrenns, also some ideas.
-UndeadMentor, OGloc069, deexie, AppokalipsSurvivor (Deviantart users) for 3d models and custom meshes.
-Ed Boon and John Tobias for Raiden itself.
Get it here: (

Scorpion & Sub-Zero
The two MK mods any fan will love to see has come to life with this new release featuring both Scorpion and Sub-zero from Netherrealm studios, with four skins, mannequins, classic sounds and special moves.
Scorpion(use most of Ghost Rider animations)
1) Hell fire: Summon fire under enemies.
2) Teleport-Punch: Teleport over enemies and smash them one by one.
3) Spear: Throws his spear to grab enemies and pull them back to him (It looks ok, could be better)
4) Hell fire breath(Ghost Rider's booster move): Remove his mask and attack the enemy with fire from his mouth.
5) Ninja Sword: Enable sword combat for a time.
6) Inferno Scorpion: Turns into a burning zombie, add DMG FIRE to all attacks(like in MKSM).
7) Fatality: Teleport to each enemy and finish them with his ninja sword.

Sub-zero: (Most of Iceman's stuff)
1) Ice-ball: Ice beam that freeze enemies for a time.
2) Ice-clone: Creates an ice-clone of himself that freeze enemies that touch it (not so awesome like I wanted but...)
3) Ice-slide: Slides to enemies causing dmgmod_trip.
4) Ice_shower: (MK3 move) Send ice beams to the sky that'll land on enemies to freeze them.
5) Ice shield: Create an aura of freezing energy(Movie move).
6) Fatality: Radial freeze attack.
Bugs: -The range of single attacks most be adjust cause it hurts like radial ones sometimes.
-Some sound fix could do a better game experience.
-Raven Darkholme for the Ice-clone code.
-UndeadMentor, OGloc069, deexie, AppokalipsSurvivor (Deviantart users) for 3d models and custom meshes.
-Ed Boon and John Tobias for both Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
Get the mod here: (

A long time ago(1977) in a galaxy far, far away (but kinda part of Marvel Comics now)...
Back when films were boring and visual effects were lame, George Lucas create the most spectacular, epic and innovator film of all the times (back to those days) about good versus evil and democracy vs tyranny. After the film came out, the culture change, the social media, the hole movie industry change; and with all that, we have books, toys, t-shirts, posters, more toys...and videogames.
I have the placer to bring you two mods of the most iconic characters from Star Wars franchise, please welcome to:
Obi-wan Kenobi: The old Master Jedi in all his glory, from Padawan to Master. This mod includes:
-4 skins.
-1 mannequin.
-Icons and huds.
-Custom sounds.
-3º animation set.
1) Mind trick: Use the Force to mind control enemies.
2) Sabre throw: Based on Battlefront videogame. Throw his saber like Thor's hammer.
3) Force Push: Use the Force to telepathically knockback enemies.
4) Ligthsabre: Enable lightsabre combat, change the basic combo for a time.
5) One with the Force: Pass to astral from and give all allies unlimited power for a time.
6) Jedi Knight Assault: Slash all enemies using the Force Speed.

Darth Vader: The most iconic villian of all times, he even walk like a villian(for those asking about Anakin, sorry I couldn't make individuals sounds and move sets). This mod includes:
This mod includes:
-2 skins.
-1 mannequin.
-Icons and huds.
-Custom sounds(include his breathing sound)
-3º animation set.
1) Force Choke: Use the Force to choke enemies until they die.
2) Sabre throw: Based on Battlefront videogame. Throw his saber like Thor's hammer.
3) Force Push: Use the Force to telepathically knockback enemies.
4) Ligthsabre Mastery: Increase damage of all attacks and add bleed damage.
5) The Dark Side of the Force: Increase speed and damage, power cost is reduced to zero for a time.
6) The Force Unleashed: Explode the Force in an full anger mode to attack enemies with all objects from the enviroment.

Bugs: Some basic combo are not working.

Credits: *George Lucas, Lucasfilm, Walt Disney Pictures for Star Wars and all the characters related.
-John Williams for The Force Theme and Vader Theme.
-Xnalara users for Obi-wan Kenobi models(couldn't find the names anymore).
-ooCroftyoo from Xnalara Forums for Darth Vader model.
-Unknow autor for the lightsabres models.
-Soundboard for Obi's and Vader's sounds.
-Mualover and Outsider for ideas and fixes.

Get the mods here:

Also know as Yautja, the Predators are an alien race characterized by its trophy hunting of other species for sport. First appareance was back in 1987 in the movie called PREDATOR (Jean Claude Van-Damme was supposed to be the Predator lol), an instant classic of Sci-fi Horror movies and must bloody movies of all times.
But made no mistake here, the yautjas are honorable creatures that hunts only worthy preys and never kill for fun; with a huge package of cool weapons and advanced tech, to make a mod of this magnificent character was so appropiate.
Move list, I have more to add but no enough time, maybe in a future update:
1) Wrist Blades: Slash enemies with his blades.
2) Smart disk: Launch a single sharped projectile. (I use the AVP design)
3) Hunter Spear: Impale enemies with his special iconic spear.
4) Plasma  Caster: Fire a mortal blast from his shoulder.
5) Heat Vision: Show all enemies in the map.
6) Cloaking divice: Becomes invisible.
7) Beast roar: Remove his mask to scare enemies for a time.
8) Self destruct divice: Activate his bomb and blast every thing(It will kill the Predator).
Bugs: *Invisibility stop working after the buffself time is out, you can preform it again or turn it off (read the read me).
*Don't know why but the xtreme cause freeze for a time, not forever, things back to normal if you wait while the smoke go away(sorry, I couldn't fix it).
( (
Pleas report any other bug

From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Casey Jones is some guy in a hockey mask that fights crime with sports sticks. Yep, just a guy, don't expect to get an easy gameplay with him lol. Created as a parody of vigilante characters that were in comics, the character have grown charisma in the fans of the series. He have appear in live action movies, games and of course cartoons.
For the mod I took inspiration from the early 2000's cartoon more than anything, the voice files are from there. The fighstyles are mixed with hockey stick and baseball bats, but he can also use a cricket bat and a golf club in the grabsmash.
Move list:
1) Flying Puck: Projectile attack, yeah, a hockey disk.
2) Cricket Bat: Smash really hard with it.
3) Baseball bats (boost): Switch his main weapon (hockey stick) with baseball bats.
4) Hockey Player (boost): Switch back to hockey stick and become faster.
5) Goongala!(xtreme) Go nuts and smash everybody with his baseball bat.
That's it lol
Skins: (
Mannequin: (
Bugs: none so far
Get it here: (
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Techon 7 on April 11, 2014, 09:27AM
Wow, that was fast!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Polygone on April 11, 2014, 09:36AM
Uhm.. I cant find the herostats Odinson xD
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 11, 2014, 09:48AM
Quote from: Polygone on April 11, 2014, 09:36AM
Uhm.. I cant find the herostats Odinson xD
Haha epic fail :P I'll upload it after class.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 11, 2014, 09:50AM
Quote from: Techon 7 on April 11, 2014, 09:27AM
Wow, that was fast!
I didn't include the herostats, very fast :-D
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 11, 2014, 03:10PM
herostat included now, 2nd link. thanks for check it.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Aventureiromax on April 11, 2014, 06:14PM
wow amazing mi amigo  :rockon:  i download now :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Damian292 on April 18, 2014, 05:01PM
From Odinson012  ... this file was missing from "TheSentry" boost, paste on data/entities  ... enjoy it :D

Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 18, 2014, 05:05PM
Quote from: Damian292 on April 18, 2014, 05:01PM
From Odinson012  ... this file was missing from "TheSentry" boost, paste on data/entities  ... enjoy it :D
Yep, thanks to this guy the mod is complete. Nobody report the bug before.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Tony Stark on April 29, 2014, 10:29AM
Those music mods look amazing! I was hoping to do something like that for Stark Tower!
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 29, 2014, 03:03PM
Quote from: Tony_Stark on April 29, 2014, 10:29AM
Those music mods look amazing! I was hoping to do something like that for Stark Tower!
Yes, they are :-D
Notice that some maps cause the "remix-music", wich is easy to evade: press pause and continue, the music will play normal.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 07, 2014, 06:23AM
Saint Seiya mods are now updated with four new alternate mods: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Only 4 more mods remain to complete the zodiac gold saints .
Remember, this mods aren't part of the official mod catalog.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Aventureiromax on September 07, 2014, 11:47AM
Good job mi Amigo ;)
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2014, 06:23PM
Happy new year guys! I have update the first page with my new Thor booster, hope you like it, new skins, new powers, new icons!.
Title: Re: Odinson012 mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: ctepan 89 on December 31, 2014, 07:57PM
Oh yeah) Thor booster is very great !!! Great release on New Year
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 03, 2015, 10:54AM
New Lady Sif mod is released, check page 1 of this topic.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Polygone on April 06, 2015, 09:43AM
Awesome :D Thanks!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 13, 2015, 01:30PM
Raiden is released, check page 6 for download.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: TheMK on July 18, 2015, 11:53AM

Your mod of him is amazing! I'm so happy you did this, he's one of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters. I really love that you went out of your way to include skins from different eras of his too, and things like his staff combat and electrical conducting! The Deadly Alliance skin made me really nostalgic, and I love the Armageddon one too; Dark Raiden was always really cool to me.

Do you have any other MK characters you'd like to make mods for? I know there's a lot of skins for the ninjas in adventureironmax's thread and characters they line up with (Sub-Zero for Iceman, Scorpion for Ghost Rider, etc.) but I'd really love to see things for other characters besides the ninjas, like Johnny Cage, Goro, Kenshi, and Quan Chi.

You seriously made my day with this mod! I've been dying to play as more MK chars (besides just ninja skins and close-enough resemblances) in MUA for the longest time!

Thank you so much for your awesome work!!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 18, 2015, 07:25PM
Quote from: TheMK on July 18, 2015, 11:53AM

Your mod of him is amazing! I'm so happy you did this, he's one of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters. I really love that you went out of your way to include skins from different eras of his too, and things like his staff combat and electrical conducting! The Deadly Alliance skin made me really nostalgic, and I love the Armageddon one too; Dark Raiden was always really cool to me.

Do you have any other MK characters you'd like to make mods for? I know there's a lot of skins for the ninjas in adventureironmax's thread and characters they line up with (Sub-Zero for Iceman, Scorpion for Ghost Rider, etc.) but I'd really love to see things for other characters besides the ninjas, like Johnny Cage, Goro, Kenshi, and Quan Chi.

You seriously made my day with this mod! I've been dying to play as more MK chars (besides just ninja skins and close-enough resemblances) in MUA for the longest time!

Thank you so much for your awesome work!!!
Hello. I'm glad you like it and thanks for the feedback.
A week ago I ask about what MK character should be next, in a way all the ninjas where voted, so those are the mods I'm working on right now. It may take more time than expected but I already planning to keep releasing MK mods, like Sonya, Liu Kang and the Emperador Shao Kahn itself.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: cleisson on July 23, 2015, 05:45AM
Your Sentry/Void and Loki mods are fantastic! Thank you very much! I would only make a suggestion about Sentry: rename his voice file as "sentry_m" instead of "sent_m" and change the entries in powerstyle, otherwise it will overwrite the sentry robots voice files. (I can upload my files if you want, with the back-up of the original sent_m files)

Soon I will try out your new mods as well! Thanks again
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 23, 2015, 10:49AM
Quote from: cleisson on July 23, 2015, 05:45AM
Your Sentry/Void and Loki mods are fantastic! Thank you very much! I would only make a suggestion about Sentry: rename his voice file as "sentry_m" instead of "sent_m" and change the entries in powerstyle, otherwise it will overwrite the Act 4 robots sentries voice files. (I did it already, I can upload my files if you want, with the back-up of the original sent_m files)

Soon I will try out your new mods as well! Thanks again
OMG, you're telling me that my sentry robots have lost their sounds?. Very sorry about this.
It will be nince if you could upload your fixed files. Thanks.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: cleisson on July 23, 2015, 05:57PM

These are the voice files from the sentry robots.
As a second thought, I think it will be easier renaming these and changing the sentry robots' entry in npcstat to refer to these files.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 23, 2015, 07:06PM
Quote from: cleisson on July 23, 2015, 05:57PM
These are the voice files from the sentry robots.
As a second thought, I think it will be easier renaming these and changing the sentry robots' entry in npcstat to refer to these files.
Question: These "sentry robots", where are they? what level?.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: cleisson on July 24, 2015, 10:55AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on July 23, 2015, 07:06PM
Question: These "sentry robots", where are they? what level?.

I'm sorry.
The file "sent_m" refers to Outsider's mod Sentinel, these files are the ones overwritten.
I checked the entries in npcstat, sentry robots are doombots (called Doom Sentry - slot 135), and have another sound file, "doombt_m", your mod doesn't interfere with them.
I'm sorry for the mistake.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Aventureiromax on July 24, 2015, 05:01PM
Good job with Raiden mod mi amigo  :applause:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 23, 2015, 03:19PM
Greetings, today I'm proud to announce that I have release the full Saint Seiya Gold Saints mod for MUA. For those who don't know wth is Saint Seiya, is a manga and anime series about greek mythology, in wich history some armored mortals called Saints protect the goddess Athena from the evil army of Hades, and others enemies also. The gold saints are the strongers, and each on them wear an armor from one of the zodiac sings. The original history was written by Masami Kurumada and adapted by Toei Animation.
Anyway, check the page 6 for downlad and I hope you guys enjoy it just as I did it while I create this mod.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 23, 2015, 04:17PM
I'm downloading now mi amigo ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 23, 2015, 05:13PM
Quote from: aventureiromax on October 23, 2015, 04:17PM
I'm downloading now mi amigo ;)
Thanks! Remember to leave a coment about the gameplay. Here is a little teaser about the mod (

I may need someone else to upload gameplay videos  lol
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 24, 2015, 05:05PM
I tested and liked it a lot ^_^ The only thing that bothers a little is a bug to use the team_xtreme powers as cited.

anyway a great job :applause: thanks for sharing ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 25, 2015, 06:32AM
Quote from: aventureiromax on October 24, 2015, 05:05PM
I tested and liked it a lot ^_^ The only thing that bothers a little is a bug to use the team_xtreme powers as cited.

anyway a great job :applause: thanks for sharing ;)
I think it's a problem with the time codes. It only happens with some of them, I think with Aries and Libra.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin).
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 22, 2015, 01:21PM
Scorpion & Sub-zero are released, check page 6 for download.
I'm sorry for not have been able to create Ermac or Reptile for now. When I finish Sub-zero I was on my way to start with Ermac but I find out my brother erased my folder with all the meshes and textures I have ripped from Deception and Deadly Alliance so far(goodbye to a lot of cool stuffs) and because I remove all the games files for my PC disk space, I can't recover any of those things. I'm so frustrated.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 08, 2015, 09:36AM
I feel a little bad for not been able to create lightsabre effects. But, I couldn't let that stop me to release the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader mods. Now released on page 6 of this topic! Enjoy.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 08, 2015, 11:24AM
Thanks, Julio by these innovations! Downloading now!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 08, 2015, 02:31PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 08, 2015, 11:24AM
Thanks, Julio by these innovations! Downloading now!
Thanks for downloading! Come back with feedback please.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on December 16, 2015, 03:51AM
great mod Julio thanks
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 04, 2016, 12:08PM
Julio, I saw the preview of Predator on Face Book. It's getting a very Nice work!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 06, 2016, 04:59PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 04, 2016, 12:08PM
Julio, I saw the preview of Predator on Face Book. It's getting a very Nice work!
I'm glad you like it, and I hope you have the chance to test it cause Predator is now released.
Please check page 6 for download.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on January 07, 2016, 11:43AM
Amigo Julio ... este fue uno de los mejores que has hecho ;) Muchas gracias por compartir ^ _ ^ .

Continuar este hermoso trabajo :D por favor ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 07, 2016, 12:01PM
Julio, I very enjoyed of the mod. It is really cool! I just realized that the plasma caster has a different effect. This also happens to you?

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: sinisterstoneage on January 07, 2016, 01:09PM
Oh wow, what a great looking Superior Spidey skin! Can't wait for Small Pack 5 :D
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 07, 2016, 01:23PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 07, 2016, 12:01PM
Julio, I very enjoyed of the mod. It is really cool! I just realized that the plasma caster has a different effect. This also happens to you?

That's with advanced lighting right? I never play with that on. Maybe I delete something I shouldn't when I edit the effect color. I'll take I look to that.
Thanks for report it.
Edit: The effect have some hd codes that I remove now and it works for me with the highest settings on. Here, try this: (
Rename it to p1_power.xmlb and paste it in the pred effects folder.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 07, 2016, 01:49PM
Quote from: aventureiromax on January 07, 2016, 11:43AM
Amigo Julio ... este fue uno de los mejores que has hecho ;) Muchas gracias por compartir ^ _ ^ .

Continuar este hermoso trabajo :D por favor ;)
Thanks for download, feedback when you have free time.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 08, 2016, 05:12AM
Julio, it worked! Now the effect is working perfectly. Thank you and congratulations on mod Predator, I'm having so much fun with it!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 22, 2016, 12:40PM
Disk missions mods are now released on page 1, this time I bring you Lizard in the sewers (XML2 map).
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 22, 2016, 07:59PM
BTW Classic Lizard's Hud is 6102 & the skin was found on PC disk to begin with. It should be affect to Asgard 3 as well, so the Asgard one should be named Ultra Lizard instead

Anyway... about the riser
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 23, 2016, 02:52AM
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 22, 2016, 07:59PM
BTW Classic Lizard's Hud is 6102 & the skin was found on PC disk to begin with.
I didn't know that.
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 22, 2016, 07:59PM
It should be affect to Asgard 3 as well, so the Asgard one should be named Ultra Lizard instead
Not at all, the mod is just a map switch from helicarrier (I think) to sewers, the only change I did to the NPC was the Lizardman minion, using 6109 and 6110 numbers. The Classic Skin you see in the preview is only optional.
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 22, 2016, 07:59PM
Anyway... about the riser
What about it?  :ugh:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 23, 2016, 03:15AM
The riser model i sent to you?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 23, 2016, 10:50AM
Link to preview video of the disk mission mod have been add. I need a new computer, the frames are just lame.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 23, 2016, 11:03AM
Wait. Have you backed up the original m_team_stage yet? If not, i should upload the file on official recovery
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 23, 2016, 11:08AM
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 23, 2016, 11:03AM
Wait. Have you backed up the original m_team_stage yet? If not, i should upload the file on official recovery
I really don't want to do this but, this have nothing to do with the mods I have in this topic. I have a backup.
I'll show the result in your topic. Sorry, the way you're asking it is a little rude.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 23, 2016, 02:56PM
-|/^\|- pardon me. -|/v\|- I was only worried that's all
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 29, 2016, 05:57PM
Julio, I tested the lizard's mission and unfortunately it did not work for me. The ultrons were replaced by the skin of the ant-man. I am using this skin for both mod Hank Pym as for the new mod Ant-man, both created by Outsider

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 29, 2016, 07:09PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 29, 2016, 05:57PM
Julio, I tested the lizard's mission and unfortunately it did not work for me. The ultrons were replaced by the skin of the ant-man. I am using this skin for both mod Hank Pym as for the new mod Ant-man, both created by Outsider

Mmm. . .well, the Antman thing have nothing to do with my mod. But, if I find out that  Lizardmen are replacing Ultron warriors, then I should make an update.
I must add that I have start a new game alot and I haven't see this happening. Maybe I didn't include a file.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 30, 2016, 05:02AM
This is a new game, no Lizardmen, everything is fine.

Maybe you didn't compile the npcstat and simulator codes I provide in the file.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 31, 2016, 07:06AM
Hulk VS Simulator mission is released. Check page 1 for download.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 31, 2016, 08:17AM
Julio I'm trying to install the Lizard mission but I have not had success. You say that the code arena must be in alphabetical order in the simulator, but my commands arena are not fully in alphabetical order. The error can this be?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 31, 2016, 08:40AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 31, 2016, 08:17AM
Julio I'm trying to install the Lizard mission but I have not had success. You say that the code arena must be in alphabetical order in the simulator, but my commands arena are not fully in alphabetical order. The error can this be?
Try paste it in the last place, after the last Arena code you find. Not the Course code, just the Arena part. The course code must replace the old Lizard mission course code.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 05, 2016, 05:25PM
Anderson's little issue was fixed, wasn't a mod related bug.

A new background music mod is released at page 1, Daredevil's OST from Netflix series can be hear in the hero's Disk mission.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on February 10, 2016, 07:25AM
Is true! Julio sorry, I forgot to post my feedback. People, I was replacing COURSE codes mod NPC file by COURSE codes of the original file. But, I just needed to add them below the last sequence COURSE.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 10, 2016, 04:59PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 10, 2016, 07:25AM
Is true! Julio sorry, I forgot to post my feedback. People, I was replacing COURSE codes mod NPC file by COURSE codes of the original file. But, I just needed to add them below the last sequence COURSE.
I put instructions in the files anyway, I don't think it will happen again.

Time for some punishment! The Punisher Booster is released, check it out at page 1 for new skins, mannequins, powers, battle van, etc. Disk mission isn't released yet cause I got hope to fix the voice bugs.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on February 21, 2016, 07:47AM
My friend julio will see some further new mod mortal kombat ?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 21, 2016, 09:32AM
Quote from: StarAndy on February 21, 2016, 07:47AM
My friend julio will see some further new mod mortal kombat ?
Well, I haven't see coments about the last ones, don't know if people is even trying those.
Each mod takes time to make, and if nobody want it, isn't worth to be make.
The thing about MK is that I already have plans but all the models from the game series I got are gone. A shame but I'll find a way get the models again, someday.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on February 21, 2016, 11:41AM
Hey Cabral,

I'm really sorry I've been quiet for so long, but I just wanted to come back on to say I really love your MK mods and I would love it if you wanted to make some more. I'm really sorry you lost your old models when your brother accidentally deleted them, I know how stuff like that is really disheartening when you work really hard on something and then it vanishes.

You might remember I left an enthusiastic comment on your Raiden mod when it came out. I meant to comment again when you released Scorpion and Sub-Zero but I've been away and very tired for a while which is why I've been sort of inactive on the internet. I'm really happy with what you've done so far, Raiden and Sub-Zero are my favorite Mortal Kombat characters, and Mortal Kombat is my favorite game series.

Even if you decided not to make any more or stopped for a while, I'd be content with just those two, but it would make my day like nothing else if you made even more. The characters I'd be most excited to see in would be Johnny Cage, Reptile, Goro, and Quan Chi. Maybe even a few of the new characters like Erron Black and Cassie Cage.

I'd be more than happy to try to make mods for all the MK chars I loved if I could but I know absolutely nothing about programming or anything. Maybe someday I might try but I don't know.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know, your work is appreciated and if you do continue to make MK stuff, I can't speak for anybody else but at the very least I would definitely love it.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dr. Bruce Banner on February 22, 2016, 04:23AM
During the time when I working my projects , I totally forget to try out the mods that modders are released in the past few weeks ( months ). So I tried out your works in this weekend, and I have to say that these are fun. Seriously a lot of fun. Butching the enemies with Darth Vader or the Punisher booster you made , its a good reduction after a  hard day. But I have a question for the Disk mission mods you made. I just started using the XMLBCUI so maybe its sound a little bit silly ...
So should I do the compile -decompile process with the engb files ? Or it refer only the xmlb files ?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 22, 2016, 04:30AM
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on February 22, 2016, 04:23AM
I just started using the XMLBCUI so maybe its sound a little bit silly ...
So should I do the compile -decompile process with the engb files ? Or it refer only the xmlb files ?
You should do the process especially with the engb files. Some files are only in xmlb format but when there's a engb file of the file you're editing, you'll need to compile to engb.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on February 23, 2016, 10:35AM
create mod mk kung lao e liu kang two classics characters on mk
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 23, 2016, 11:33AM
Quote from: TheMK on February 21, 2016, 11:41AM
Hey Cabral,

I'm really sorry I've been quiet for so long, but I just wanted to come back on to say I really love your MK mods and I would love it if you wanted to make some more. I'm really sorry you lost your old models when your brother accidentally deleted them, I know how stuff like that is really disheartening when you work really hard on something and then it vanishes.

You might remember I left an enthusiastic comment on your Raiden mod when it came out. I meant to comment again when you released Scorpion and Sub-Zero but I've been away and very tired for a while which is why I've been sort of inactive on the internet. I'm really happy with what you've done so far, Raiden and Sub-Zero are my favorite Mortal Kombat characters, and Mortal Kombat is my favorite game series.

Even if you decided not to make any more or stopped for a while, I'd be content with just those two, but it would make my day like nothing else if you made even more. The characters I'd be most excited to see in would be Johnny Cage, Reptile, Goro, and Quan Chi. Maybe even a few of the new characters like Erron Black and Cassie Cage.

I'd be more than happy to try to make mods for all the MK chars I loved if I could but I know absolutely nothing about programming or anything. Maybe someday I might try but I don't know.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know, your work is appreciated and if you do continue to make MK stuff, I can't speak for anybody else but at the very least I would definitely love it.
Thanks for the kind words.
Is all about the time that take to create a full mod, right now I'm trying to create more Simulator missions, I think the future in modding is there like Mellomods said to me. I'm not putting away the MK mods, I'll back on those in time and according the feedback I get.
Quote from: StarAndy on February 23, 2016, 10:35AM
create mod mk kung lao e liu kang two classics characters on mk
I'll have it in mind. Lui Kang is awesome cause I can create a Bruce Lee alternate skin for him lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on February 23, 2016, 11:41AM

Yes , I understand the work that is to create a mod , most will wait for a more mods future mk or SW.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: 15cyber on February 24, 2016, 09:17AM
Eu estou tendo problemas com o poder M4 do justiceiro, ele atira mas não aparece a arma.

I 'm having problems with the  punsiher M4 power  , he shoots but does not appear the gun.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 24, 2016, 09:42AM
Quote from: 15cyber on February 24, 2016, 09:17AM
Eu estou tendo problemas com o poder M4 do justiceiro, ele atira mas não aparece a arma.

I 'm having problems with the  punsiher M4 power  , he shoots but does not appear the gun.

Did you start a new game to play with it?.
I'll check the powerstyle file anyway.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: 15cyber on February 24, 2016, 10:33AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 24, 2016, 09:42AM
Did you start a new game to play with it?.
I'll check the powerstyle file anyway.

Sim. Isso só esta ocorrendo com ele, eu tenho outros personagens como o agent venom , nick fury e winter soldier , e nada disso ocorre com eles. Mas mesmo assim o mod ficou muito bom , parabens pelo seu trabalho.

Yes. So this only happening to him, I have other characters like agent venom, nick fury and winter soldier, and nothing that happens to them. Still, the mod was very good, congratulations for your work.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 24, 2016, 11:09AM
Quote from: 15cyber on February 24, 2016, 10:33AM
Sim. Isso só esta ocorrendo com ele, eu tenho outros personagens como o agent venom , nick fury e winter soldier , e nada disso ocorre com eles. Mas mesmo assim o mod ficou muito bom , parabens pelo seu trabalho.

Yes. So this only happening to him, I have other characters like agent venom, nick fury and winter soldier, and nothing that happens to them. Still, the mod was very good, congratulations for your work.
You have the original Punisher mod? In the models/punisher folder there's a m4.igb file, copy it and paste it in the models/bolton folder.
If you don't have the original Punisher mod installed, I'll upload a new link with the missing model.
Thanks for report it.
EDIT: I already add a new link for the mod, download it again and copy the m4.igb file to the bolton folder
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: 15cyber on February 26, 2016, 04:37AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 24, 2016, 11:09AM
You have the original Punisher mod? In the models/punisher folder there's a m4.igb file, copy it and paste it in the models/bolton folder.
If you don't have the original Punisher mod installed, I'll upload a new link with the missing model.
Thanks for report it.
EDIT: I already add a new link for the mod, download it again and copy the m4.igb file to the bolton folder

It worked perfect . thank you !
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 26, 2016, 05:26PM
Quote from: 15cyber on February 26, 2016, 04:37AM

It worked perfect . thank you !
I hope you also have time to test the Punisher's disk mission, now released at page 1!
I'm so proud with this mod, too bad I couldn't fix the sound problems.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: 15cyber on February 27, 2016, 04:31AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 26, 2016, 05:26PM
I hope you also have time to test the Punisher's disk mission, now released at page 1!
I'm so proud with this mod, too bad I couldn't fix the sound problems.

Of course! downloading now

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 09:52AM
Julio, congratulations! Your mod is very cool. I'm having too much fun with it!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 27, 2016, 10:54AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 09:52AM
Julio, congratulations! Your mod is very cool. I'm having too much fun with it!
Glad you like it. I see you send me feedback via PM, I'll like to see that here,I think I'll be useful for others.

I have also release a Demogoblin minimod at page 1.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:54PM
I tested Punisher mission!

Its incredible and fun,seriously, it is very well done!Very well,julio! :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:58PM
Julio, his punisher mission is very cool. I liked very much! I'll get you the feedback that I promised.
1 - the music is pretty cool, but it lasts for a short time. it would be possible to extend it up until the bullseye?
2 - the enemies are very nice, but they do not get dazed, when doing the sequence, low punch, hard punch, hard punch. The destroyed objects not have particles.
3 - I think after to defeat the bullseye, the mission should end, although the 30 enemies has not been slaughtered. The progress of the points would propoercional to the progress of the mission .
I liked this mod, and I know how hard it is to do this, so I want to congratulate you by the mod and say that the way it is, I think a lot of fun. Thank you!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 27, 2016, 02:49PM
Quote from: SpideyWebSlingerBrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:54PM
I tested Punisher mission!

Its incredible and fun,seriously, it is very well done!Very well,julio! :thumbsup2:
Thanks! And thanks for the replay!.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:58PM
1 - the music is pretty cool, but it lasts for a short time. it would be possible to extend it up until the bullseye?
Every time you pause the game and restart, the music restart. This also happens when you find Bullseye, so the music does play when you're fighting him. If I made the sound longer, it'll
irregularly increase the volume(it happens in the Hulk VS mission).
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:58PM
2 - the enemies are very nice, but they do not get dazed, when doing the sequence, low punch, hard punch, hard punch. The destroyed objects not have particles.
This is rare, they should get those types of damages, maybe Punisher hasn't stun attacks or something like that. The particles thing should be found in one of the XML 1 folders, I didn't thought it'll matter.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 01:58PM
3 - I think after to defeat the bullseye, the mission should end, although the 30 enemies has not been slaughtered. The progress of the points would propoercional to the progress of the mission .
I liked this mod, and I know how hard it is to do this, so I want to congratulate you by the mod and say that the way it is, I think a lot of fun. Thank you!
The 30 enemies can be defeated. They respawn, once you beat the first two minions, other two takes their place and successively with the others. But, if you want to change that you can:
   arena = NYC_4 ;
   boss_damage_scale = 1 ;
   boss_health_scale = 4 ;
   bossname = Bullseye ;
   comicmission = true ;
   hero = punisher ;
   killlimit = 30 ;----------------------------------->Change this for a lower number or delete it.
   name = CMPUNISHER ;
   timelimit = 1200 ;
   title = Punisher ;
      file = sim/punisher/intro ;
      name = intro ;

Thank you for the feedback my friend!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on February 27, 2016, 05:12PM
Hey Cabral,

These new Punisher and Hulk VS missions are very awesome! I like them a lot!

Do you think perhaps these XML1 maps could be used for other VS missions that any playable character could be used on? Personally I think MUA is awesome and everything, but I got a little bored with how they kept always picking exotic and otherworldly settings and was hoping for a little more grounded, down-to-earth New York environments like the ones you've included in these.

I don't know if it's possible but I think it would be cool if there was a way to get to partake in missions against any other playable character in your roster. The fights one could arrange would have limitless possibilities! However, I'm sure it's not so simple and is probably very complicated and more trouble than what it's worth. I don't suppose anyone could do something like use the NPC AI teammates not currently being played as and turn them into enemies for that scenario. But then again, I know absolutely nothing about programming, so I truly have no idea.

Anyhow, hope to see more cool missions like these! Really enjoying them a lot!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 27, 2016, 06:56PM
Quote from: TheMK on February 27, 2016, 05:12PM
Hey Cabral,

These new Punisher and Hulk VS missions are very awesome! I like them a lot!

Do you think perhaps these XML1 maps could be used for other VS missions that any playable character could be used on? Personally I think MUA is awesome and everything, but I got a little bored with how they kept always picking exotic and otherworldly settings and was hoping for a little more grounded, down-to-earth New York environments like the ones you've included in these.

I don't know if it's possible but I think it would be cool if there was a way to get to partake in missions against any other playable character in your roster. The fights one could arrange would have limitless possibilities! However, I'm sure it's not so simple and is probably very complicated and more trouble than what it's worth. I don't suppose anyone could do something like use the NPC AI teammates not currently being played as and turn them into enemies for that scenario. But then again, I know absolutely nothing about programming, so I truly have no idea.

Anyhow, hope to see more cool missions like these! Really enjoying them a lot!
What you are trying to get is some kind of Danger Room (XML2) type of hero vs hero missions right? I don't think something like that can be made. But, all the heroes from your roster, and all the NPC characters can be used as villians for particular missions, or that's what my work seems to mean.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on February 27, 2016, 08:06PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 27, 2016, 06:56PM
What you are trying to get is some kind of Danger Room (XML2) type of hero vs hero missions right? I don't think something like that can be made. But, all the heroes from your roster, and all the NPC characters can be used as villians for particular missions, or that's what my work seems to mean.

Sort of, which would be really cool, but I guess overall I'd just be really happy to see more "street level"/rooftop/New York City type comic missions overall.

Maybe if creators of other mods could allow permission for it the characters they made that weren't originally in the game could be used as villains and boss characters for other comic maps. Just as an example BLAW's Joker, Harley, and Bane and Outsider's Poison Ivy could be used as bosses for Gotham City map(s). Or there could even be ones against Venom, Deadpool, and Magneto since they weren't enemies in the game, and perhaps even characters from other things entirely like Jackie Estacado (forgot who created his mod for this game, but it's very cool!) or even your very own Predator mod as a boss NPC. And if you get around to creating modding/ripping more MK characters you could have VS maps for Shao Kahn, maybe even tarkatan and shokan NPC enemies. There's a lot of cool ideas that could be done with stuff like this!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 28, 2016, 07:30AM
Quote from: TheMK on February 27, 2016, 08:06PM
Sort of, which would be really cool, but I guess overall I'd just be really happy to see more "street level"/rooftop/New York City type comic missions overall.

Maybe if creators of other mods could allow permission for it the characters they made that weren't originally in the game could be used as villains and boss characters for other comic maps. Just as an example BLAW's Joker, Harley, and Bane and Outsider's Poison Ivy could be used as bosses for Gotham City map(s). Or there could even be ones against Venom, Deadpool, and Magneto since they weren't enemies in the game, and perhaps even characters from other things entirely like Jackie Estacado (forgot who created his mod for this game, but it's very cool!) or even your very own Predator mod as a boss NPC. And if you get around to creating modding/ripping more MK characters you could have VS maps for Shao Kahn, maybe even tarkatan and shokan NPC enemies. There's a lot of cool ideas that could be done with stuff like this!
Well, I have a thing or two in mind for future Disk missions. I'm not so much a fan of DC, maybe that's why I haven't release almost nothing related. Now, the disk missions don't use the characters mods, I only give a code that make the game recognize the character that's already in the herostat or in the npcstat, my point is, a simple mention like "You'll need this mod to make this mission work" will do it, and of course the credits to the author.
You're right about the possibility to create more NPC enemies, creativity is the limit. The thing is, I don't really have much time anymore, I stop being a kid a couple years ago lol, got to work, or search for a new job to live; but, in time I'll be releasing more stuff.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on February 28, 2016, 09:11AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 28, 2016, 07:30AM
Well, I have a thing or two in mind for future Disk missions. I'm not so much a fan of DC, maybe that's why I haven't release almost nothing related. Now, the disk missions don't use the characters mods, I only give a code that make the game recognize the character that's already in the herostat or in the npcstat, my point is, a simple mention like "You'll need this mod to make this mission work" will do it, and of course the credits to the author.
You're right about the possibility to create more NPC enemies, creativity is the limit. The thing is, I don't really have much time anymore, I stop being a kid a couple years ago lol, got to work, or search for a new job to live; but, in time I'll be releasing more stuff.

That's totally understandable, everybody has stuff going on in their life, and there's only so much time for things like this. I myself want to write stories someday but there's just too much going on for me right now so really all I can do is daydream and write notes. Honestly if I had any talent with programming I'd love to get to do stuff like this but since I know absolutely nothing that'd be even further off from now for me! If I ever did I'd probably be super late to the MUA modding game, maybe even after everyone else stopped being interest in it assuming that eventually happens.

Just curious, can the disk missions potentially recognize anybody in the herostat as the boss enemy or does it only do that for characters that were in MUA to begin with? But then again Hulk was only on the Gold Edition/Xbox 360 originally if I remember right, and is only available here on PC because of the official characters pack mods. If it's possible I'd love to be able to take VS missions and change the bosses to characters in my herostat just for fun.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 28, 2016, 12:17PM
Quote from: TheMK on February 28, 2016, 09:11AM
That's totally understandable, everybody has stuff going on in their life, and there's only so much time for things like this. I myself want to write stories someday but there's just too much going on for me right now so really all I can do is daydream and write notes. Honestly if I had any talent with programming I'd love to get to do stuff like this but since I know absolutely nothing that'd be even further off from now for me! If I ever did I'd probably be super late to the MUA modding game, maybe even after everyone else stopped being interest in it assuming that eventually happens.

Just curious, can the disk missions potentially recognize anybody in the herostat as the boss enemy or does it only do that for characters that were in MUA to begin with? But then again Hulk was only on the Gold Edition/Xbox 360 originally if I remember right, and is only available here on PC because of the official characters pack mods. If it's possible I'd love to be able to take VS missions and change the bosses to characters in my herostat just for fun.
I start in this site knowing anything too. All the knowledge is here, you only need to take a look to what you want to know.
And like I posted before, according to my work with these missions, ALL the heroes from the herostat and ALL the characters from the npcstat can be used as villains for disk misssions.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on March 02, 2016, 03:09PM
julio is great booster , disk mission the punisher, great job friend
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on March 03, 2016, 11:14PM
Quote from: TheMK on February 27, 2016, 08:06PM
...and perhaps even characters from other things entirely like Jackie Estacado (forgot who created his mod for this game, but it's very cool!)

That would be me, and good to hear that you like The Darkness, as Top Cow or Image characters aren't as popular around here as Marvel or DC. Hope you managed to see my boosters for Cabral's Mortal Kombat character mods, which includes stage fatalities! Also, Julio Cabral recently fixed up Raiden's mannequin. It can now stand at any menulocation except for #23 (the Thing's spot) -- it no longer has his back turned. Unsure when he'll update it.

Julio -- nice job on the Punisher disk mission. Well done.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on March 16, 2016, 07:51PM
Julio, the Demogoblin skin is very cool! The bolton glider works perfectly. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: prtk237 on April 12, 2016, 06:07AM
can you make a vs map with mephisto's arena?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 12, 2016, 08:41AM
Quote from: prtk237 on April 12, 2016, 06:07AM
can you make a vs map with mephisto's arena?
Is a possibility. I want to do a Odin disk mission vs Surtur.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: brownie23 on April 13, 2016, 12:23PM
I love your changes to the punisher however I'm just wondering about the assault rifle sound effects.

When I use his assault rifle move and the gunshot sounds of the assault rifle start to play they continue to play long after I'm done using the ability. This only occurs if I use the ability for just around 1-2 sec, it eventually stops but it's annoying to hear bullets flying when there are none.

Anyway to fix this?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: sbarth13 on April 13, 2016, 12:47PM
if you know how, open up the powerstyle, then just change the time that the effect is ending to match the time the sound is ending. its not hard to do, but a little time consuming, due to trying to match the two together.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 13, 2016, 01:10PM
It was hard to me in fact lol
The way it's now was the best I got to be honest.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: sbarth13 on April 14, 2016, 11:03AM
no offense meant. i meant in terms of whats the most difficult aspects of modding, that one is relatively easy.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 14, 2016, 11:52AM
Quote from: sbarth13 on April 14, 2016, 11:03AM
no offense meant. i meant in terms of whats the most difficult aspects of modding, that one is relatively easy.
No worries. I'm just kidding
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 16, 2016, 10:06PM
You know what character would be interesting to see made playable from the more obscure Marvel roster? Howard the Duck.

I mean hey, someone's managed to make Rocket Raccoon work within the limits of Marvel Ultimate Alliance. So it wouldn't be completely out of left-field, for a talking duck who knows kung-fu and a bit of magic to appear in the game too :P

Just putting it out there as a potential idea, considering there aren't many Marvel characters left now, who haven't been made playable after nearly 10 years, since this game came out in '06.

EDIT: Man-Thing could be another interesting one to play around with, so long as you know what you're doing with him.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: dsl on April 17, 2016, 02:47AM
Justice league dark could be a really nice idea in a roster dc vs marvel
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: blackheart on May 05, 2016, 01:08PM having a bug with sentry...his first skill isnt causing any damage xP (i have the venom mod and sentry mod as you said was needed) his hands start to bright but when i release: no damage
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 05, 2016, 01:22PM
Quote from: lockx on May 05, 2016, 01:08PM having a bug with sentry...his first skill isnt causing any damage xP (i have the venom mod and sentry mod as you said was needed) his hands start to bright but when i release: no damage
There's a missing file. Someone else post it before but I think it was deleted. I'll update Sentry one of these days anyway.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: blackheart on May 05, 2016, 01:28PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 05, 2016, 01:22PM
There's a missing file. Someone else post it before but I think it was deleted. I'll update Sentry one of these days anyway.
ok thank you, i really like him, and i prefer your version, so ill wait for it =)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Folv on May 15, 2016, 07:10PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on February 28, 2016, 07:30AM
Well, I have a thing or two in mind for future Disk missions. I'm not so much a fan of DC, maybe that's why I haven't release almost nothing related. Now, the disk missions don't use the characters mods, I only give a code that make the game recognize the character that's already in the herostat or in the npcstat, my point is, a simple mention like "You'll need this mod to make this mission work" will do it, and of course the credits to the author.
You're right about the possibility to create more NPC enemies, creativity is the limit. The thing is, I don't really have much time anymore, I stop being a kid a couple years ago lol, got to work, or search for a new job to live; but, in time I'll be releasing more stuff.

Its for situations like this that I wish donations were an integral part of the modding community here. These things take time, and having a simple method of compensating modders always helps to push projects along. People have lives, and it just isn't fiscally responsible to spend the time required to produce, update, and maintain mods for the longhaul.   
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Folv on May 15, 2016, 07:16PM
I really enjoy the vast majority of your mods, but were there ever any plans (or perhaps updates) for Odin? Two major concerns I have is that he simply doesn't fit anywhere comfortably in the character selection screen. His throne is absurdly cumbersome and I would love to get my hands on Odin without this limitation (it is the number one reason I don't include him in my rosters).

Secondly, his voice audio is sometimes alarmingly loud. It seems that his volume just spikes above 80% higher than my in game volume and very often startles me. Has this been fixed and perhaps I just have an outdated version? What are your thoughts?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 15, 2016, 07:39PM
Quote from: Folv on May 15, 2016, 07:16PM
I really enjoy the vast majority of your mods, but were there ever any plans (or perhaps updates) for Odin? Two major concerns I have is that he simply doesn't fit anywhere comfortably in the character selection screen. His throne is absurdly cumbersome and I would love to get my hands on Odin without this limitation (it is the number one reason I don't include him in my rosters).

Secondly, his voice audio is sometimes alarmingly loud. It seems that his volume just spikes above 80% higher than my in game volume and very often startles me. Has this been fixed and perhaps I just have an outdated version? What are your thoughts?
Hey there. This is the first Odin feedback. . . ever, maybe that's the reason I haven't make any updates on him.
The mannequin fit in Thing's spot. It was created to be that way. If you want Odin, give another spot to the Thing lol.
I like the loud voice, it gives a god presence to the character. But, you're right, I'll see what can be done about that.
Don't worry about donate anything lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Folv on May 16, 2016, 12:30AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 15, 2016, 07:39PM
Hey there. This is the first Odin feedback. . . ever, maybe that's the reason I haven't make any updates on him.
The mannequin fit in Thing's spot. It was created to be that way. If you want Odin, give another spot to the Thing lol.
I like the loud voice, it gives a god presence to the character. But, you're right, I'll see what can be done about that.
Don't worry about donate anything lol.

Glad to hear you are willing to check out the audio situation. And fair enough, I will make do with his ginormous throne ;)

If there is even just a way for me to easily disable the audio, that would work too. So let me know if that is an easy fix or not. Thanks!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 30, 2016, 01:03PM
New Disk Mission released, The Hand! Defeat 200 ninjas in NYC! Check page 1 for download.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on May 30, 2016, 01:39PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 30, 2016, 01:03PM
New Disk Mission released, The Hand! Defeat 200 ninjas in NYC! Check page 1 for download.

Well freakin' done! I saw the preview video, and The Hand mission looks awesome to play. Just the right amount of fun and difficulty. The NYC backdrop looks dark, which is very cool. It's also fitting that the Hand come out of nowhere and can make you bleed, being that they are ninja. Can't wait to play this bad boy. Nicely done.

Now that I've released the Kingpin mod, if you wish to revise the Punisher mission, go right ahead. Again, nice work. :rockon:

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Lean on May 30, 2016, 01:49PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 30, 2016, 01:03PM
New Disk Mission released, The Hand! Defeat 200 ninjas in NYC! Check page 1 for download.

It's freaking great!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 31, 2016, 01:17PM
Quote from: Outsider on May 30, 2016, 01:39PM
Well freakin' done! I saw the preview video, and The Hand mission looks awesome to play. Just the right amount of fun and difficulty. The NYC backdrop looks dark, which is very cool. It's also fitting that the Hand come out of nowhere and can make you bleed, being that they are ninja. Can't wait to play this bad boy. Nicely done.

Now that I've released the Kingpin mod, if you wish to revise the Punisher mission, go right ahead. Again, nice work. :rockon:
Quote from: ヅヅLeandralan on May 30, 2016, 01:49PM
It's freaking great!
Thanks! It was in my mind since I managed to add NYC maps in MUA; it ends up being easier than I thought. I hope to see more feedback once you guys get it to work.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 07, 2016, 06:16PM
Hello, Julio! I'm renovating my game again, from scratch. And now I'm facing a lot of bugs. I'm having trouble with demongoblin. I am following the instructions to edit the powerstyle, yet only skin demongoblin, n. 16105, appears the glider. In the others does not appear. Can you help me?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 07, 2016, 07:49PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 07, 2016, 06:16PM
Hello, Julio! I'm renovating my game again, from scratch. And now I'm facing a lot of bugs. I'm having trouble with demongoblin. I am following the instructions to edit the powerstyle, yet only skin demongoblin, n. 16105, appears the glider. In the others does not appear. Can you help me?
You probably replace all the codes for the rest of the skins. A back up file is always created, try recovering the original powerstyle codes and make sure every skin have a similar code. You don't need to replace but add a new one.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on June 09, 2016, 01:11PM
julio you would be thinking of a new Star Wars mod with the characters Kylo Ren and Rey 's episode VII , because I'd like to play them.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 09, 2016, 05:08PM
Quote from: StarAndy on June 09, 2016, 01:11PM
julio you would be thinking of a new Star Wars mod with the characters Kylo Ren and Rey 's episode VII , because I'd like to play them.
I'm not a hater but no fan either of the new movie; with that said, I think the moveset, the powers, everything, will be more or less the same so, skins maybe but no mods. Is only my opinion.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on June 11, 2016, 01:04PM
I understood perfectly julio but thanks for the reply
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 14, 2016, 06:04PM
New Non-marvel character mod have been released, Casey Jones from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! check page 6 for download.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on June 15, 2016, 12:47PM
the casey jones is perfect mod thanks julio.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 15, 2016, 03:14PM
Quote from: StarAndy on June 15, 2016, 12:47PM
the casey jones is perfect mod thanks julio.
Thanks for try it! I'm glad you like it.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 15, 2016, 07:08PM
Hello, Julio! I really liked your initiative to create mods with movie themes! Congratulations on your innovative idea! I'll send you the feedback mod Casey Jones:
1 - I'm having trouble with icons. They not to appear.
2 - I'm having trouble with the powers. I use a joystick and I am unable to change the powers of the X and Y buttons I can just swap the boosters powers.
3 - I'm having trouble with the sequence of low punch strokes, strong punch, low punch. The enemy takes a creeping but falls to the ground.
4 - His number, 186, is in conflict with the mod Sauron Outsider.
I made a video for you view my feedback. Thanks for the mod, Julio! I hope looking forward to the Turtles!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 16, 2016, 04:54AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 15, 2016, 07:08PM
Hello, Julio! I really liked your initiative to create mods with movie themes! Congratulations on your innovative idea! I'll send you the feedback mod Casey Jones:
1 - I'm having trouble with icons. They not to appear.
2 - I'm having trouble with the powers. I use a joystick and I am unable to change the powers of the X and Y buttons I can just swap the boosters powers.
3 - I'm having trouble with the sequence of low punch strokes, strong punch, low punch. The enemy takes a creeping but falls to the ground.
4 - His number, 186, is in conflict with the mod Sauron Outsider.
I made a video for you view my feedback. Thanks for the mod, Julio! I hope looking forward to the Turtles!
Ok, let's see:
1-They icons do appear, I can see some of them, maybe the issue is about the powers he have, he only have 2 powers, 2 booster and 1 xtreme, don't know if that have something to do with it. But I'll check the powerstyle searching for something to fix.
2-I believe that this must be caused for the same reason that not all the icons appear, I don't think there's troubles in the keyboard.
3-I try to give him unique combos, I change some order to the animations, there's no issue there, the way I see it in the video is the way I create him.
4-I know that, he's part of the Non-Marvel mods, his number will coincide with any Marvel character,  in this case Sauron, but I pick high number for the skins, I don't think Sauron have so many skins that can conflict with Casey Jones, except for the mannequin, the conflict means nothing. I also put a warning in page 6, all the mods you see there aren't part of the Marvel Custom Characters Central.
I'll look in the powerstyle to see if there's something I can do about the joystick issue.
Edit: Please try this new powerstyle (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dr. Bruce Banner on June 20, 2016, 07:08AM
Hey Julio ! I just tested your Casey Jones mod.
For me, it works perfectly ( although I didn't use josytick ).
I really like the "simplicity" of it.
It's good to see the way you use your creativity in modding,
and the way you try to be true to the characters .
Hope you bring us more TMNT mod in the future .
Congrat & thanks for this one !!!  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 20, 2016, 07:59AM
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on June 20, 2016, 07:08AM
Hey Julio ! I just tested your Casey Jones mod.
For me, it works perfectly ( although I didn't use josytick ).
I really like the "simplicity" of it.
It's good to see the way you use your creativity in modding,
and the way you try to be true to the characters .
Hope you bring us more TMNT mod in the future .
Congrat & thanks for this one !!!  :thumbsup2:
Thanks! I hope the joystick issue is solved with the new powerstyle file I posted days ago.
I know people would love to see the turtles, I'll see if I got the inspiration needed for the challenge, not saying that I'll work of them right now, maybe someday.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 21, 2016, 06:48PM
A booster for Mockingbird is released, check page 1 for download, batons combat, new skins, mannequins and stuff.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Jaybird on June 21, 2016, 07:30PM
Good job Julio,Mockinbird is one of my favorite avengers and I think you improved an already great mod with this booster.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 21, 2016, 11:20PM
Whuhoaoaoaa!!!! That Mockingbird release is really the Big Thing I was hoping I'd see released sometime! Incredible, can't wait to install it later today!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Lean on June 22, 2016, 03:56AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on June 21, 2016, 06:48PM
A booster for Mockingbird is released, check page 1 for download, batons combat, new skins, mannequins and stuff.

Fantastic, I like Mockingbird!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:11AM
SENTRY/VOID Mod and Updates

The Sentry V1.0  (
Warning: This mod need Venom mod(DarkMark) and Sentry mod(sbarth) to be installed first
Remember: for a mod to work, always start a new game before use it.
The Sentry is a very complex character. Robert Reynolds, an schizophrenic man, drink one of the super soldier retry-formula and his multiples personalities came alive. He believes he is The Sentry(a Superman type superhero), but he also is The Void(a evil-demonic-monster).
Thanks: OMG, so many people that help me with this:
Let's start with the 3d modeling:
-Tommyboy. You help me with tips in 3dsmax and stuff when I was already giving up with it.
-Blaw. There's to much things to be grateful with him, all his tutorials, plus he give me some tips with powers and coding.
With effects:
-MUAlover. Help me with the editing.
-Polygone. Good advices.
-Lakan. Help me with rage system.
-Outsider. This one rock(check his posts). Also with rage system.
Special Thanks:
-DarK Mark(for all his contributions to the forum, in this case Venom mod).
-Sbarth(Sentry mod, anims, effects, powers, icons, passives).
New stuff(my work).
-New skeleton anim(from Wolverine to the mod). Add flight charge and a fury move.
-New skins and manequin. (
-New powers.
-New sounds(It's a rip of the XML2 Sentry mod sound. I won't be so proud of this, not my best contribution). 
-Icons(just a little change to Sbarth's icons).
Bugs: -The passives(still need some work).
-The effects from his hands don't hide after using them, but not a bug if you consider Sentry's powers.
-Some sounds don't play.
If I have forget about something/someone, please consider: this is my first mod :P
Get it here: (

Fixes: -The missing file (entities file) is now included.
-Effects of the hands now dissapear as they should.
-Icons shows in order now.
-All the four primary  skins have passives now, but the last one have only two.
Additions: -New voice files kindly provided from the guys behind the awesome fan made The Sentry Film.
-New skins with more detail and more consistency.
-Other effects (I'll like to say better but not so much difference).
-New flying mannequin.
-1 new skin (New Avengers) requested by the guys from The Sentry Film.
-New grabsmash, now he can tear apart the enemies(like with Carnage and Ares) and scare the ones that are close, to use it against bosses, try beat them first.
-New passives added in the powerstyle as events, health regen, resurrection, and fire resistance.
-He now fly instead of walk.
-Damien Gulde voice for Sentry, Ed Slopek voice of the Professor and Void. . .to be assigned(I'll find out). Christopher Tung, Matt Mitchell and all the guys behind The Sentry Film. More info here: ( and please like their page if you like it (
-Zen Studios for Marvel Pinball models.
-Maegawa for the passives in the powerstyle metod.
-Anyone else I forgot.
Previews: ( (
Video: Uploading...
Get it here: (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:14AM
LOKI Mod and Updates

Loki (
Description: This mod takes the in_game Loki files and moves, powers and sounds; and add other powers based in comics and movies.
Power1: Teleport_trick(game own)
Power2: Illusion. Press and hold this power to remain intangible, confuse enemies. And release the power button to back to normal.
Power3: Lighting chain(game own)
Power4: Magic ray from his hand.
Power5: Casket of acient winters. Freeze enemies
Power6: Norn stones. Add health regen.
Power7: Invisibility.
Xtreme: Loki's army. Lot of Lokis. They work in battle, don't use the xtreme for no reason( Cause Loki's army work for the O.N.U. Peace Corps and they wont attack first, they just response :P )
For skins, I'll upload some pics or a video maybe; but know that includes 6 skins(MUA, Classic, Original, Ultimate, and bonus two movies skins). (
I'm not in charge of x-voice updates but, the sounds can be ripped from my zss files I have included.
Thanks:- Intangible script ripped from Vision mod.
-Blaw for some tips in coding.
-Dark Mark Hawkeye model.
And..that's all.
Missing: Loadscrens?
Bugs: Some sounds doesn't play for some reason :/
Get it here: (

Loki fix 1:
Fixed things:
-The xtreme attack now has sound(HA HA HA HA). Multiplication intead of Loki's army cause now they're only 6 copies to be created.
-The default fightstyle moves are working. Also the moves attack light and knockback now do regular damage.
-The interact victim makes more sense, the victim change into a loki troll and back to normal when mental control is over.
Bugs that keep coming: The intangibility power sometimes doesn't work.
Loki fix2:
What it have?: -Conflict with boss Loki fixed.
-New sounds.
-1 new skin.
Thor Ragnarok Movie Skin
Credits: -All for Netmarble and Sega.
-Pitermaksimoff and Oo-fill-oo from deviantart for the model extractions.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:16AM
ODIN Mod and Updates

Odin (
We all know who Odin is, from comics, cartoons, movies, and in this case from MUA.
My mod take Odin's warrior side in a fightstyle that mix Thor's and Loki's, with multiple weapons to use(my favorite move is the charge attack).
His powers are based in comics and in Dr. Doom's, they cause much, much damage( from energy blast to even crows boost) (
The skins(except for the first one), are convertions from other game models. (
Bugs: Not a bug, but someone could dislike the excesive values that I add to the passives.
Thanks: -Blaw for hex-edit tips, max errors, and changing the characters numbers.
-Outsider for invulnerable code and to help with the character number conflicts.
-Sbarth13 for acept the number change, and other tips.
I'll like to take any request for Odin skins, if you fell I didn't include one you like.
Notes: Fox has tell me nothing wrong with my PC, but scan it with Antivirus anyway ok?.
The mod is by default in Thing's location(for the mannequin look good).
Special stuffs: -Clancy Brown voice(Odin in AEMH, Krugan in Highlander :p )
-Unique mannequin and boltons.
Uploading more pics...
Get it here (
Xtreme problem fix:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:20AM
THOR Boosters and Updates

Thor  :thor:
Warning: This mod need MUAlover's Thor Booster effects to be installed first
Get that here,7526.msg165716.html#msg165716 leave a coment
Thor Booster.
This mod contains:
Custom powers
-New custom effects for Thor's power1, so now he can twirl his hammer around when he charge the power.
-Mjolnir slam, with new animation, what I did was swap the xtreme animation for power 2 and power 2 for xtreme.
-Custom hammer boltons for Hammer toss, add movie hammer, Marvel Now hammer.
-Also add "Leaping Smite" power(Marvel Heroes, yeah), with it Thor will charge with mjolnir knocking enemies.
-MUAlover's Lighting rod now have Dr. Doom power1 effect, fixed the effect-bone position problem.
-Asgard's Blessing with Classic Thor will summon Beta Ray Bill as a minion. With Movie Thor will swap the skin for the capeless one.
-God speed with Movie Thor will swap the skin for the final Avengers battle one.
-Xtreme changed, now Thor spin around Mjolnir and call a ligthing from the sky to smash the groung with a fully charged hammer(like in the movies, and EMH like).
New skins:
-Add all my convertions, plus Age of Ultron optional skins, new Modern Thor, a super classic Thor, new Ultimate Thor.
New icons.
New huds. (
New sounds:
-Add a few sounds for the moves, and add Chris Hemsworth voice in one optional voice file.
New mannequin(Classic Thor).
Preview(uploading..) ( (
Credits: -All the efects are MUAlover's work, I'm so glad you have swap the colours back in the day.
-Any modder who have share his knowledge to get this mod done.
Bugs: -With God Speed on, the hammer twirl effects get hide by seconds.
-The xtreme effects need to be placed better.
Get it here: ( (

This file give you a new skin, based on Thor's look from the movie Avengers Infinity War (2018) and a hammer bolton for his powers. Instructions are included.
-Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight.
-SSingh511 and Pitermaksimoff for MFF files.
Get it here:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:23AM
LADY SIF Boosters and Updates

Lady Sif (
Warning: This mod need Lakan's Sif mod to be installed installed first
Lady Sif Mod/Booster
When I release some Sif skins I test them with Lakan's mod but the body parts where looking bad, so I start working in a 3º Animation set booster but I finish making pretty much a new mod cause I wasn't so happy with the result and I was searching for a more "traditional" mod for her.
This mod contains:
-New animations, menu, fight moves, standing.
-New powerset, based in Avengers Alliance but you know, a little more dinamic.
-New fightstyle moves, I have try so hard to get a mod that's not a Thor copy at this point.
-New huds.
-New skins.
-New sounds. I use some sounds from the in-game Sif and from Storm MVC 3.
-New Mannequin, if she is placed in the 15 spot she'll very romantic with Thor, but she's holding a sword.. lol
-New icons, I like what Lakan do with the icons but I have more like a minimalistic taste for this things.
*What it remains from Lakan's original mod: effects, the map script.
-Lakan: Original mod idea, effects, script.
-scibott from Xnalara forums for the Marvel Heroes movie 3d model.
-Oo-fil-oO for the God of Thunder 3d model.
-Anyone I forgot :P
Get it here: (

-Fightsyle moves, Classic Skin.
-New sounds from Gameloft's Thor TDW game.
-New skins for The Warriors Three.
-New Powers:
*Fandral the Dashing. Summon Fandral and add % chance to dodge attacks.
*Volstagg the Voluminous. Summon Volstagg and taunts enemies, increase resistance.
*Hogun the Grim. Summon Hogun. Reduce energy spend.
Special Note: I have to erase the Warriors Three summon at the same time move cause they were useless. The way it's now you can summon one per boost and they actually fight and do stuff.
-Bug: Each member of the Warrior Three have a sound to play when they appear. But after that every they get hit or die, they'll have Sif's voice. No way to fix this right now.
Get it here:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:26AM
PUNISHER Booster and Updates

The Punisher (Booster)  :punisher_logo:
(My personal favourite mod so far)
Even if this is a standalone mod, I recomend to download the original Punisher Mod from Blizz first, it can be found here,826.0.html (,826.0.html)
Changes this mod give:
1) Idle/standing animation in combat.
2) New powers:
*M4(Assault rifle)
*Rapid Fire (machine pistols)
*Explosive mine.
*Battle Van in the xtreme.
3) New animations, I remove some of the Deadpool's moves and give Bishop's moves cause Frank is an old man and he couldn't move ninja like.
4) New icons and huds.
5) New mannequin.
6) New skins: Classic, Modern, Marvel Knights, Max, Movie, Omega Effect. More can be found in my generic release topic (Like Thunderbolts, Military, Suicide Run).
7) New sounds: Get a girlfriend respawnafirm, some for the new powers.
Credits: -Gazillion Entertainment for all Punisher's costumes.
-THQ for Punisher icons, and Max skin's coat model. Also the voice files but those also belongs to
-Thomas Jane for voice files.
-Blizz for the original Punisher mod.
-Gerry Conway, John Romita Sr. and Ross Andru for The Punisher/Frank Castle itself.
-Anyone I forgot to mention.
Get it here: (
Notes:- In the preview video of the gameplay you can see spawnminion move for Rachel Alves, but I have to discard that idea cause I couldn't make it like I wanted to.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:29AM

This mod will add Demogoblin skin to your Green Goblin mod. Features:
-1 new skin, Demogoblin.
-1 hud for it.
-1 new flyer model.
-Powerstyle codes that you'll have to compile.
Seems we got two versions of Green Goblin, Blaw's and Darkmark's, I only upload the codes to compile in the powerstyle in order to make this mod work.
-Extract all the files in the MUA folder.
-Decompile your Green Goblin powerstyle file and add the codes I provide in the data/powerstyles folder, compile the powerstyle.
Get it here: (

You need to download Outsider's Mockingbird mod first
This booster gives to the original Outsider Mockingbird mod:
-Batons combat as basic combo.
-4 new skins.
-1 new hud to the All New All Different skin.
-Power 6, The Huntress, enable staff combat.
-New menu and idle animations.
Previews: (
Credits:-Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight game.
-Datkofguy from deviantart for her Modern and AoS models.
-Pitermaksimoff from deviantart for her All New All Different model.
Get it here: (

RONAN (Marvel Future Fight Skin and Mannequin)
Link: (
Preview: (
Credits: Netmarble and ssingh511 from deviantart.

IRON FIST  :ifist:
This mod contain:
-4 new skins, Classic, All New All Different, Weapon of Agamotto, Inmortal Weapon. In the style of Marvel Future Fight.
-3 new huds.
-New mannequin.
-New sounds(UMVC3) but...Outsider already did it, so you no neccesary need to add these if you already have those.
-The dragon trail effect have more life now so it looks more like a flying dragon.
Preview: (
Get it here: (

This file gives you a new Thanos skin based on his lookfrom Avengers Infinity War and a new voice file from Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite.
-Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight and all his contents.
-Capcom for MVCI.
-SSingh511 from Deviantart for the MFF Thanos model.
Get it here:
*Armored Infinity War skin (follow the same instructions for the gauntlet to show or hide)
Credits: Epic Games for Fortnite game.
Deviantart user papkapapka for the model extraction.

IRON MAN   :stark:
This file include an Avengers Infinity War skin with instructions on how to use it. Read it please.
Credits:Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight
Ssingh511 from deviantart for the model and textures.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:32AM
Thor Disk mission:
Thor the dark world - Brian Tyler (

Ghost Rider Disk mission:
More sinister than popcorn-The west was build on legends - Christopher young (

Iron Man Disk Mission :
AC/DC Shoot to thrill (
Driving with the top down - Ramin Djawadi (

Ultron Disk Mission :
The Avengers theme - Silvestri (

-Daredevil Disk Mission:
Main Title-Fogwell's Gym- John Paesano (Netflix OST) (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:34AM
Disk Missions

This mod allows you to fight the Lizard and his minions in the sewers.
-XML2 Danger Room sewers map.
-All models from the maps.
-New npc minions: Lizardman.
-Spiderman 90's cartoon background music.
-Optional new costumes: Cinematic Spidey and Lizard with larger snout.
-Comicbook cover.
-RGB switch to the map, but it's on the sewers, kinda look fine the way it is.
- Classic Lizard skin by Blizz.
- Activition for X-men Legends II.
-Mellomods for his simulator modding notes.
Bugs: None so far.
Previews: ( ( (
Video: (
Get it here: (

HULK VS  :hulk_icon:
Warning: You can't fight the Hulk if he is not in your heroes roster.
This mod allows to fight the Hulk in a New York city map from XML 1.
-New map: NYC from XML1.
-New objects: defeated shield agents.
-Effects and models from XML1 that complete the map.
-The Incredible Hulk theme as a background music.
Adds from the Modder's Co-op version:
-Fixed the sound problem.
-Change Dark Hulk for Hulk.
-Models can be grabbed and destroyed.
-Background music.
-The sounds can cause problems but you can press pause and the problem will be fixed.
-Right before you turn the corner to find the Hulk one of the police cars starts jumping with no reason.
*Activision for XML 1 itself.
*Teancum for XML PC built.
*DarkMark for the Hulk mod.
*Craig Armstrong for the Incredible Hulk main theme.
Previews: (
Get it here: (

PUNISHER MISSION  :punisher_logo:
This mod allows you to play a hero simulator mission in the XML 1 map called North Rooftops, with new villian minions (Fisk's men). Features:
-New simulator map, NYC 2 (rooftops).
-New minions, Fisk guard and Fisk soldier.
-New models for the characters, a new Bullseye (optional).
-New heli map effect, Kingpin takeoff.
-Comic cover.
-Background music from the beautiful OST from The Punisher movie, Carlo Siliotto's work.
-Conversations from THQ Punisher game.
*Activision for XML 1 itself.
*Teancum for XML PC built.
*Carlo Siliotto for The arrow, Call me the Punisher and The Punisher main theme sounds.
*Netmarble Games for Bullseye's Future Fight skin.
*I couldn't make the voice files work for Punisher or Kingpin.
*Kingpin's hud isn't showing uo.
*The helicopter can be seen in the streets when you are fighting Bullseye.
Get it here: (

This mod allows you to play in NYC streets, fighting 200 Ninjas from The Hand, maybe they're easy to beat but two slashes and you'll bleeding out.
*Activision for XML II itself.
*MelloMods for ps2 models.
*Nowhereman for Elektra's booster that give us The Hand ninjas.
*Main Title-Fogwell's Gym- John Paesano (Netflix's Daredevil OST).
Bugs: -Volume increasse for no reason at all, but I'm ok with it, loved the music anyway.
-The map is from the PC version of XMLII, that's way the blue colours.
Preview: (
Get it here: (

This mod gives you the chance to play a Shao Kahn VS simulator in the Astral map from XML 1 game.
-New map, Astral, to make it look like Outworld.
-New enemies, Tarkatan Warrior, Kahn's Soldier and Oni.
-UMK3 The Pit theme, the one that plays at the final boss fight.
*Activision for XML 1 itself.
*Teancum for XML PC built.
*Eb Boon and John Tobias for Mortal Kombat itself.
*Netherealm Studios for the characters designs and music used in this mod.
Previews: ( ( (
Bugs: *You'll need to press pause sometimes if you want to hear the music.
Get it here:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:40AM
Quote from: jaybird on June 21, 2016, 07:30PM
Good job Julio,Mockinbird is one of my favorite avengers and I think you improved an already great mod with this booster.
Thanks! I just give her the same codes for Casey Jones so she can have those batons in her basic attacks. I have to create new skins too for the skin segments.
Quote from: Hobgoblin on June 21, 2016, 11:20PM
Whuhoaoaoaa!!!! That Mockingbird release is really the Big Thing I was hoping I'd see released sometime! Incredible, can't wait to install it later today!
Thank you. I really liked the way it came out with the new animations. I hope to see more feedback once you install it.
Quote from: ヅヅLeandralan on June 22, 2016, 03:56AM
Fantastic, I like Mockingbird!
Thanks! He he, I think we all like her.

People, I have to change my mods location for more space in the page 1, all of them are now in page 14, and I'll keep updating the new ones so nobody get lost in the search for some of my stuff. Sorry for the inconvenient.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 22, 2016, 02:47PM
Installed Mockingbird, really really love your work there! Amazing skins, a gorgeous mannequin and finally those batons that I'd been yearning for! With Outsider's mod as the basis she may be one of the coolest characters in the game now.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 22, 2016, 04:44PM
Quote from: Hobgoblin on June 22, 2016, 02:47PM
Installed Mockingbird, really really love your work there! Amazing skins, a gorgeous mannequin and finally those batons that I'd been yearning for! With Outsider's mod as the basis she may be one of the coolest characters in the game now.
I'm glad to know the booster works fine.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Maegawa on June 22, 2016, 06:20PM
The Mockingbird Booster sounds awesome, Julio! I just downloaded it, will test as soon as possible and leave my feedback afterward.

EDIT: Just took her for a run in the helicarrier; gotta say I loved the Classic skin, the way you used Scarlet Witch as base (I'm a PS2 skin lover, so it pleases my eyes seeing a skin that's made from or remodeled after a PS2 model), it's just amazing! That, along with those awesome baton models makes a perfect Mockingbird skin! Also, the new menu animations you gave her are just sweet, that kick in her goodbye is killer, it really helps making the character different from others (using other animations for the menu studd), I might do something similar in a future update for my Flash mod.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 23, 2016, 06:03AM
Quote from: Maegawa on June 22, 2016, 06:20PM
EDIT: Just took her for a run in the helicarrier; gotta say I loved the Classic skin, the way you used Scarlet Witch as base (I'm a PS2 skin lover, so it pleases my eyes seeing a skin that's made from or remodeled after a PS2 model), it's just amazing! That, along with those awesome baton models makes a perfect Mockingbird skin! Also, the new menu animations you gave her are just sweet, that kick in her goodbye is killer, it really helps making the character different from others (using other animations for the menu studd), I might do something similar in a future update for my Flash mod.
Well, I try to make something close to MUA style, I'm happy with the result too. The "HD" skins are sometimes too different from the other skins.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 23, 2016, 06:44AM
Julio, I want to download the Mockingbird booster, but the link from page 1 does not lead to the download ....
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Cobalsh on June 23, 2016, 07:23AM
Yeah, can't get to Sentry either without backtracking a few pages.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 23, 2016, 08:38AM
Quote from: Cobalsh on June 23, 2016, 07:23AM
Yeah, can't get to Sentry either without backtracking a few pages.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 23, 2016, 06:44AM
Julio, I want to download the Mockingbird booster, but the link from page 1 does not lead to the download ....
Sorry guys, the link should lead you to page 14, I think it's fixed now. Just scroll down the page 14, all my mods are there.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 30, 2016, 07:03AM
New Ronan stuff can be found at,8986.msg182651.html#msg182651
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 03, 2016, 07:14PM
Julio, I downloaded the Sentry and I am enjoying it much! I'm just having a conflict with his voice files and Sentinel voice files, mod Outsider. Can you help me with this problem? Taking the opportunity I would like to leave a opnion. His power, Exploding core, would be really cool if it to generate the same repeated impact, equal the power of Jean Grey booster nshinnosuke, power Phoenix Fury, according with the repetition to press the button.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 03, 2016, 07:48PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on July 03, 2016, 07:14PM
Julio, I downloaded the Sentry and I am enjoying it much! I'm just having a conflict with his voice files and Sentinel voice files, mod Outsider. Can you help me with this problem? Taking the opportunity I would like to leave a opnion. His power, Exploding core, would be really cool if it to generate the same repeated impact, equal the power of Jean Grey booster nshinnosuke, power Phoenix Fury, according with the repetition to press the button.
I'm glad you give this feedback now(I haven't release the update yet), the thing is that the Sentry mod, the original one, already got the designation "sent_m" for his sounds, I just give him new ones, and the Sentinel mod came after, so I believe it's not my fault. Correct me if I'm wrong guys.
For the second thing is an animation issue, the one I use is an idle animation that can't work that way, for the time it take to play. I could give him the Ironman animation but it'll be too similar in my opinion.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 11, 2016, 12:27PM
New Sentry/Void mod update have been released, check him at page 14 or go to page 1 to be redirected.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 13, 2016, 04:00PM
New Iron Fist stuff can be found in the Minimods (OTHERS) section. Future Fight skins and little more.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 15, 2016, 09:39AM
Tenth Anniversary releases

Cinematics skins

Fury and Doom
( (

Thor and Loki
( (
Credits: Activision for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2
Gazillion for Marvel Heroes
Zen Studios for Marvel Pinball.
Models extracted by: Triballizer from facepunch and Dorpond from marvelmods.

Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Spidey
(This skins are not perfect, they do not fit the game well, too realistic in my opinion but, they're the MUA 2 original designs after all)
( (
She-Hulk, Yellowjacket, Cable and Wonderman
She-Hulk have MVC3 sounds and Cable have now his MUA 2 ps3 sounds thanks to Jaybird.
Wonderman looks little but only in the menu.
( (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Starkiller on August 15, 2016, 11:18PM
That looks nice. Thanks
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Owl City on August 23, 2016, 02:16PM
Amazing job!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 13, 2016, 09:19AM
Quote from: Darthpool on August 15, 2016, 11:18PM
That looks nice. Thanks
Quote from: Owl City on August 23, 2016, 02:16PM
Amazing job!!

I'm glad you guys like them.
I hope everyone also enjoy the Thor & Loki especial Cinematics skins that I've just release also at page 15.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 20, 2016, 05:24PM
Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Spider-man MUA 2 skins can be found at page 15.
EDIT: I can pretty much get any model from MUA 2 now, so if you're a mesher or you got a request just ask.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: ndp on December 20, 2016, 09:48PM
Love the Mu2 love! Are you gonna do the NPC possibly? Sweeeet Christmas! :pman: :daredevil: :ifist:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: MelloMods on December 21, 2016, 05:03AM
Excellent work, Julio. Are you planning on converting Cable too?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: ctepan 89 on December 21, 2016, 06:08PM
Incredible,any plans about Psylocke  :psylocke: and  :shehulk: ? though She-Hulk is npc character but she looks very cool
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2016, 06:27PM
Quote from: ndp on December 20, 2016, 09:48PM
Love the Mu2 love! Are you gonna do the NPC possibly? Sweeeet Christmas! :pman: :daredevil: :ifist:
Quote from: MelloMods on December 21, 2016, 05:03AM
Excellent work, Julio. Are you planning on converting Cable too?
Quote from: ctepan 89 on December 21, 2016, 06:08PM
Incredible,any plans about Psylocke  :psylocke: and  :shehulk: ? though She-Hulk is npc character but she looks very cool
I do have plans for most of those request. I thing I'll be able to convert more meshes during Christmas.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: edward on December 21, 2016, 10:28PM
Please do cable, cloak and dagger.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: sinisterstoneage on December 21, 2016, 11:35PM
I'd love to see Green Goblin.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: milo on December 24, 2016, 05:58AM
Master Cabral, your mods is awesome. I love the detail of hero's costume. Thanks for those. I want to give my opinion, first, Fury & Doom colour looks too pale. Then, Spiderman's head looks too small and not proportional i think. But overall, it's a great mod. If you dont mind, would you like to post the 'colour offsets' of Doom & Fury costumes? So i can recolor it by myself.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 24, 2016, 07:33AM
Quote from: milo on December 24, 2016, 05:58AM
Master Cabral, your mods is awesome. I love the detail of hero's costume. Thanks for those. I want to give my opinion, first, Fury & Doom colour looks too pale. Then, Spiderman's head looks too small and not proportional i think. But overall, it's a great mod. If you dont mind, would you like to post the 'colour offsets' of Doom & Fury costumes? So i can recolor it by myself.
Hello, is nice to see some feedback to my work, sometimes I feel like I'm doing these things for myself only lol.
First, I didn't touch the Spidey model, it was made like that for MUA 2, I just give bones to the model and maybe I reduce the size of the arms a little.
About Fury and Doom, their colours are pale to make them look more like the "Cinematics" models. I couldn't give you the offsets cause I don't work with those numbers to create the skins. But you could try the tools to find the offsets.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: milo on December 24, 2016, 08:01AM
i'm successful to find offset and extract the texture. but after i recolour and import that texture back, the game was error. this case is similar like when i recolour a spiderman mod by another modder, and the result is colour changed correctly with 3d bug (eyes looks fall, like bone error). well i'm not expert in 3d things, i'm just working in 2d stuff. i think i need to learn more about 'Skinner UI'. thanks for your response master :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 29, 2016, 07:59AM
She-Hulk, Yellowjacket, Cable and Wonderman have now MUA 2 skins; Cable have his two costumes and his sound files, She-Hulk have MVC3 sounds. Check,8986.msg183886.html#msg183886 to download
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 29, 2016, 08:07AM
They all look awesome! I especially love Wonderman and Cable :) Great job as always!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 15, 2017, 01:33PM

This Mod is a modification of the Tommyboy and Hobgoblin Hercules Mod, that gives new skins, new powers, an own sound set, new mannequins, icons, textures and announce and break sounds to incorporate in the x-voice file. To avoid any bug, and in respect of the work of the modders, please install those mods first.
Previous Mod features:
-218_ character official number.
-Talents passives and some powers descriptions.
-Loading screens.
-Grabsmash system.
Changes and improvements:
-New animations set that make this changes:
*Allow to preform hand clap and hammer toss moves, just like the earthquake move, new fightsyle and idle animations. Also change the run animation so Herc can look elegant.
-New fightstyle:
*The fightstyle is based in the fightstyle_wrestling from X-men Legends II, but I give the Golden mace to the popup and trip attacks.
-New power set:
1) Have a Thee: Devastating punch that send enemies flying away and get stunned for a time (no longer chargable)
2) Golden Mace: Mace attack. When fully charged, has chance to instant-kill stunned enemies.
3) Hand Clap: Claps his hands together and creates a concussive wave that blasts and stuns enemies in front of him.
4) Earthquake: Pounds the ground with his fists, damaging enemies in an increasing radius.
5) Olympian Charge: Charges forward, tackling all enemies.
6) Hammer Toss: Grab nearby victims, swinging them around and throwing them on release.
7) Battle Thirsty: Challenges all nearby enemies to attack him. Reduces damage taken and Striking for a time (same as Luke Cage)
8) Olympian Blessing: Add health regeneration and reduce the power cost to zero for a time.
9) Demolition (Xtreme attack): Leaps into the air and comes back down doing massive radial damage.
-New Sounds, his original sounds of MUA 2 from ps3 is now converted to MUA 1, thanks to Jaybird. I also include two breaks and a announce sound file.
-New Skins: I made 4 MUA styled skins using some bodyparts from other meshes, and include models (the golden mace and the harness model) created by Tommyboy, all the credits to him; and also Blaw's MUA 2 Hercules model parts.
*I also manage to convert the MUA 2 Hercules from PS3 and work as a 5th skin.
-New huds, icons, effects and mannequin.
Credits go to: -Marvel for Hercules itself.
-Tommyboy for his meshes and mod.
-Blaw for his MUA 2 Hercules.
-Hobgoblin for his Hercules mod.
-Jaybird for his awesome MUA 2 sound collection.
-Anyone else I forgot.
Bugs: None so far.

Get it here: (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on January 16, 2017, 06:38AM
Good job with Hercules  :applause:  :rockon:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Erik Lensherr on January 16, 2017, 10:46AM
Yeah, with Hercules I definitely can crush some heads! Great job ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 16, 2017, 12:59PM
Quote from: aventureiromax on January 16, 2017, 06:38AM
Good job with Hercules  :applause:  :rockon:
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on January 16, 2017, 10:46AM
Yeah, with Hercules I definitely can crush some heads! Great job ;)
Thanks for testing! I'm pretty happy with the result.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 16, 2017, 01:56PM
I had a look at Herc, it's a great mod! Thank you so much for giving one of my all-time favourite characters a proper release! I love the new skins as well (you even got the 90's beardless Herc in!)

The only issue I could see is that the mannequin seems to be oversized, as opposed to other mannequins. Is there a way to fix this?

(A small thing: in the download, the 'char' subfolder is missing inbetween the 'effects' folder and 'herc' subfolder.)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 16, 2017, 02:15PM
Quote from: Hobgoblin on January 16, 2017, 01:56PM
I had a look at Herc, it's a great mod! Thank you so much for giving one of my all-time favourite characters a proper release! I love the new skins as well (you even got the 90's beardless Herc in!)

The only issue I could see is that the mannequin seems to be oversized, as opposed to other mannequins. Is there a way to fix this?

(A small thing: in the download, the 'char' subfolder is missing inbetween the 'effects' folder and 'herc' subfolder.)
Thanks for the feedback. The mannequin is that big because Thing's and Luke Cage's huge mannequins. It's possible to fix it with Alchemy Finalizer, use scale igActors and rebind igActors tools at the same time.
I'll fix the effects folder issue as soon as I can (I knew I was forgetting something lol).
Edit: The missing subfolder issue is fixed now
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: ctepan 89 on January 27, 2017, 06:54PM
Since I had problems with my pc in forum was released Hercules . Yes Hercules is very great mod, cool job
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 20, 2017, 10:27AM
Quote from: ctepan 89 on January 27, 2017, 06:54PM
Since I had problems with my pc in forum was released Hercules . Yes Hercules is very great mod, cool job
Hobgoblin have inform me that the Golden Mace move is using the power 1 damage because I make a mistake in the powerstyle. Is a minor bug but I'll fix it when I have the time.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 08, 2017, 06:16PM

In the future, a radioactive wasted world remains as humanity homeland, the populations live in huge blocks know as mega-cities. Since the world have changed, the System changed, and now the Law is in the hands of the Street Judges, who are police, judge, jury, and executioner. Judge Joseph Dredd is the most famous judge from Mega-City One, born in a lab from the DNA of the very first judge and charged with the knowledge of the Law and grow to become the most righteous Judge, he Is The Law.
V1 Release: This mod fit in MUA so much, even when is pretty much a shoter, the gameplay is unnique. But, the challenge to give him the Lawmaster bike is not yet surpassed since I couldn't find a motorcycle model that fit all Skins variations and I have so little time to be honest.
1) Standard Bullet: Fire simple bullets from the lawgiver es(prs and hold)
2) Stun Gas: Use a stun grenade to stun enemies (it'll make Standard Bullet damage to increase).
3) Heatseeker: Fire a bullet that follows the enemy and cause energy damage. (press and hold)
4) Ricochet: Fire a bullet that bounce multiple times. (press and hold)
5) Incendiary: Multiple flare bullets that burns all targets.
6) Armour Piercing: Special bullet that have no defense and can kill if is charged.
7) Hi-Ex: Explosive bullet, can instan kill damaged enemies. 
8) State of Emergency: Increase defense and decrease power cost for a time.
9) Medipack: Health regen for the entire party.
10) I am the Law: Execute all enemies around (instan kill if the enemies are damaged).
Content: Custom skins, animations, textures, huds, mannequin and sounds.
Disclaimer: This is a free, fan made mod, only for fun, the creator take no money for the use and is maded in full respect of the source material and the game in wich is played.
Credits: -John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra for Judge Dredd itself.
-IPC Media and Rebellion Developments for Judge Dredd comics and videogames contents (models, textures, sounds, etc.)
- Dark_Mark, Iammingy, BliZZ and all the modders that give us the Official Charecters Mod for Hawkeye effects and data codes.
Bugs: None so far.
(Warning: Mannequin will clash with John Wraith & Zealot.)
Get it Here:

Disclamer: I take no profit from the creation or release of these mods, all these characters are intelectual property of Akira Toriyama, TOEI Animation, Fuji TV, Funimation and BANDAI NAMCO.

WARNING: Due to the game memory limits you can't use all the Dragon Ball mods in the same team without having problems with the skin_segments. Major issues happens with Hit and Goku. The combo I use is in this order: Piccolo, Goku, Vegeta and Freeza. Vegeta will have his SSJ hair displayed by default. Avoid mixing Hit with more than 2 of the saiyans.

Son Goku  (Booster)
This is a file that needs Outsider's Goku mod to be installed first. Contents:
*5 New skins, new mannequin, icons and huds.
*Added some new sounds.
*Replaced the animations so he can have standing/idle animation and better fighting/power animations.
*Changed the transformations system via skin_segments, replaced the skin_swap metod.
-Modern skin can go SSJ, SSJ2 (press and hold power7) and SSJ3.
-Classic skin can use Kaioken, Times 10 (press and hold power7) and SSJ.
-Super and Super Broly skins can go SSJ, SSGod and Blue.
-Damaged skin do the same as Classic skin.
*Remove Solar Flare, Destructo Disk and other moves in order to keep the mod simpler (not that Goku can't do any of those things).
Bugs: Kamehameha sounds keep overlaping.

Get it here:

Full new mod. (Mannequin will clash with Shatterstar, Speed, & Hermod.) Moveset/How to use:
Fightsyle special: Attack Trip includes a stretch arm animation.
1) Special Beam Cannon: Press and hold to charge and release more damage.
2) Destructive Wave: Also charge attack.
3) Light Grenade: Press and hold as well. Release should damage multiple enemies.
4) Hellzone Grenade: Fires multiple ki blast. Doesn't work exactly like in the anime but it's fair enough.
5) Regeneration.
6) Power Up: Charges his ki to reduce power cost.
7) Time to get serious: Remove his cape and turban.
8) Giant Form: Increasse his size and taunt enemies to attack him. Can't use powers in this form.
9) Explosive Demon Wave (Xtreme): Radial explosion.
Bugs: -Grabsmash isn't perfect.
-Light Grenade keeps malfunctioning sometimes.

Full new mod. (Mannequin will clash with Pixie & Kraven the Hunter.) Moveset/How to use:
Fightsyle special: Blocking have special features.
1) Cage of Time: Freeze a single enemy.
2) Assasin Punch: Use time-skip to attack a single target.
3) Time Skip Rampage: Target multiple enemies. Change according to level ups.
4) Vital Points Strike: Radial attack. Need to TAP the power.
5) Time Skip Combo: Attacks a single enemy with multiple punches.
6) Assasin to Fighter: This is a manga thing, he removes his cloth and start fighting the old way, I added more speed and damage.
7) Phantom Clone: Use this to dodge all the melee attacks, you'll have to dodge the projectiles though.
8) Constant Improvement: This will made him execute attacks in a higher level than he is at the moment.
9) Time Lag (Xtreme): Same as power1 but to multiple enemies.
Bugs: -Power1 should be power5, can't change it for some reason.

Credits: -UltraMegaMagnus for all the 3d models he shared with me and the Hit voice files.
-Outsider for the Black Panther aura effects and original Goku mod.
-Models Resource for Hit 3d model.

Get them here:

Full new mod. (Mannequin will clash with Husk & Fixer.) Moveset/How to use:
1) Ki Blast Rush: Projectiles. Press and hold.
2) Energy Beam: Single power beam attack.
3) Elite Combo: Preform a 3 part melee attack, finish with a ki blast.
4) Rage Explosion: Radial attack. Can also use press and hold function.
5) Gallick Gun: Charge and release an energy beam. Also press and hold.
6) Big Bang Attack: Single projectile that explodes and causes radial damage.
7) Saiyan Pride: With Modern, Super, Buu Saga and Super Broly skins it will go Super Saiyan. But it'll only power-up with his Classic skin. Also, if you press and hold it'll turn into Ascended Super Saiyan (Modern and Buu Saga skins) and God form (Super and Super Broly skins).
8) Elite Transformation: With Modern and Buu Saga it'll turn him into Super Saiyan 2,with Classic skin it'll go Super Saiyan and with Super and Super Broly skins it'll turn into Blue form.
9) Final Flash: Single ki explosion.

Full new mod. (Mannequin will clash with Hellion & Aspen Matthews.) Moveset/how to use:
1) Death Beam: Single projectile. Can produce instant K.O.
2) Death Beam Rush: Multiple projectiles. Press and hold.
3) Ki Explosion: Radial attack. Can also use press and hold function.
4) Nova charge: Charges and causes knock down enemies in his path.
5) Death Saucer: Unleash a single projectile that works like Captain America's shield. Hold and use the keyboard to direct it.
6) Laser Eyes: Beam attack that causes damage fire.
7) 1º Transformation: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to second form. With Modern skin it'll go 100% power.
8) 2º Transformation: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to third form. With Modern skin it also ascend him to 100% power.
9) Final form: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to his Final form. With Modern skin it'll turn into Golden Freeza.
10) Supernova: Similar to Goku's Spirit Bomb.

Get them here:

With this release you'll have bronze saints as Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and Ikki in your roster (I am still having trouble with chains to release another one) and also the evil tricky Radamanthys.
But that's not all, you are now also capable of playing a Saint Seiya simulator mission in Hades Castle.
So, if you're a fan, install this, follow the instructions and have a good time.
Credits: -Masami Kurumada for Saint Seiya.
-Bandai Namco, Tencent Games, SEGA and Perfect World  for the models, textures and artwork.
-Seiji Yokoyama for the awesome music.
-Activision for X-men Legends.
Special thanks to:
-Teancum for The X-men Legends PC project.
-Raúl Vidaurre for model extraction.
-Ultramegamagnus for all the support and assets provided.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 09, 2017, 11:56AM
Boom! Judge Dredd is released! sorry, I couldn't give him the bike this time (maybe in a future update).
Check. . .the prev post in this topic lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 09, 2017, 12:19PM
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: dsl on March 09, 2017, 04:30PM
Thank you so much!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Erik Lensherr on March 10, 2017, 07:55AM
Amazing job with Dredd! I love his powerset :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 10, 2017, 11:36AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on March 09, 2017, 12:19PM
Quote from: dsl on March 09, 2017, 04:30PM
Thank you so much!!
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on March 10, 2017, 07:55AM
Amazing job with Dredd! I love his powerset :)
Thanks guys! I'm very happy with this mod and it was fun to made at the same time that it took a lot of work to put it together. I hope to be able to give him the Lawmaster bike in the future.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on March 10, 2017, 06:37PM
good job mi amigo ;)  :thumbsup2:  :rockon:  :applause:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: ctepan 89 on March 16, 2017, 09:11PM
Great job with Dredd
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 28, 2017, 03:01PM
Quote from: aventureiromax on March 10, 2017, 06:37PM
good job mi amigo ;)  :thumbsup2:  :rockon:  :applause:
Quote from: ctepan 89 on March 16, 2017, 09:11PM
Great job with Dredd
Thanks! I'll make time for myself for updates soon enough.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 15, 2017, 04:31PM
An Update for Sif is released! Warriors Three. New sounds and more! Check her section in this topic to download.
Title: Shao Kahn (The Outsider & Julio Cabral)
Post by: Outsider on June 04, 2017, 12:27PM

Sitting on his throne over at Outworld, the Emperor known as Shao Kahn has been watching events at Earthrealm unfold. He becomes rather annoyed at the so-called Masters of Evil, and decides to take it upon himself to conquer the world. Now... Feel the power of Shao Kahn!!!

This mod is a joint production of Julio Cabral and myself, ensuring the most accurate mod of the Emperor there can be. Boss-level strength, insane powers, and highly-detailed skins complete the experience. Discover the dominance for yourself.

UPDATE: Added Shaolin Monks and Dark Kahn skins. Herostat has changed.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme (known for all MK mods as a Fatality).
-Abilities of Might, Leadership, Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality), Throw Mastery (can grab smash or use enemy as a weapon), and Emperor's Resistance (Too much to write here. See for yourself...)
-14 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDS, icons, loading screen, 4 mannequins, and sound files featuring his klassic voice from the MK games.
-Uses assigned number #246 (Clashes with the Wasp in only mannequin)

1. Charging Spikes: His shoulder tackle that knocks back enemies. Also improves Stage Fatality.
2. Mallot Throw: Throws his Wrath Hammer at enemies, stunning them. Also improves Grab Smash.
3. Emperor's Shield: Reverses damage with a power shield, then counters with a devastating hammer uppercut.
4. Dark Spear: Throws a deadly spear of dark magic that can pierce through enemies.
5. Wrath Hammer: Crushes enemies with his mallot, stunning him and weakening enemy defense.
6. Explosive Blast: Fires a destructive green projectile from his helmet that explodes on impact.
7. Motaro: Can summon the gigantic centaur to attack with a lethal punch that knocks back enemies in his way.
8. (Boost) Kintaro: Can summon the massive tigrar to attack alongside Kahn for a time.
9. (Boost) Emperor's Might: Gains boss-like strength in melee and power attacks. Also takes less damage.
10. (Fatality) Outworld Chaos: Kahn levitates all enemies before releasing dark magical energies, destroying them.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, effects recolor, loading screen, some icons, sounds, most voice, hex-editing of all skins, earthquake script, animation work
Julio Cabral - Alternate skin, all version 2 skins & mannequin, some voice, Wrath Hammer bolton & projectile, most icons, HUDs, some sounds, animation work, Motaro & Kintaro models
Aventureiromax - All version 1 skins except Original, all version 1 mannequins
Escanor610 - Dark Kahn skin
epicanddragon94 - Carryguy_fightstyle files

None so far.


Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Polygone on June 04, 2017, 01:34PM
Cool mod!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 04, 2017, 02:00PM
Thanks for everything Outsider! With your aid, making mods is ALL TOO EASY
To make Shao Kahn was one thing I left behing after I lose most of my MK data, when my PC suffer another OS reboot I decide to do anything to get back some old projects. Now, my dream rooster for Mortal Kombat is complete!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on June 04, 2017, 02:14PM
This is really amazing!

Cabral and Outsider, thank you for making another wonderful addition to the presence of Mortal Kombat in MUA : ) I have a good feeling that between the two of you and Erik there will be plenty of great things to come for the MK Universe here!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: AdrianoAp on June 04, 2017, 02:50PM
Incrivel, mais um maravilhoso mod pro nosso MUA...muito obrigado aos envolvidos e que venha  mais MK :)

Incredible, yet another wonderful mod to our MUA ... thank you very much to those involved and to come more MK :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on June 04, 2017, 05:40PM
Great partnership  :applause: :rockon: if a modder was already good, imagine two in the same project :D

Nice work ;) Keep up the good work always  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Erik Lensherr on June 05, 2017, 06:29AM
All in this mod just amazing! I really enjoy Kahn's powerset! Enemies can feel Shao Kahn's wrath now, great job guys ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 07, 2017, 12:03PM
Quote from: Polygone on June 04, 2017, 01:34PM
Cool mod!!
Quote from: TheMK on June 04, 2017, 02:14PM
This is really amazing!

Cabral and Outsider, thank you for making another wonderful addition to the presence of Mortal Kombat in MUA : ) I have a good feeling that between the two of you and Erik there will be plenty of great things to come for the MK Universe here!
Quote from: AdrianoAp on June 04, 2017, 02:50PM
Incrivel, mais um maravilhoso mod pro nosso MUA...muito obrigado aos envolvidos e que venha  mais MK :)

Incredible, yet another wonderful mod to our MUA ... thank you very much to those involved and to come more MK :)
Quote from: aventureiromax on June 04, 2017, 05:40PM
Great partnership  :applause: :rockon: if a modder was already good, imagine two in the same project :D

Nice work ;) Keep up the good work always  :thumbsup2:
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on June 05, 2017, 06:29AM
All in this mod just amazing! I really enjoy Kahn's powerset! Enemies can feel Shao Kahn's wrath now, great job guys ;)
Thanks guys! I enjoy working with Outsider and making mods for characters I like.
Now, now. Once again I'm using a poll to help users choose what kind of mod wanna see next.
Poll be up until June 15th.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on June 11, 2017, 05:08AM
No ... Only I voted for anime ... total sadness  :bawling: :banghead:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 11, 2017, 04:26PM
Quote from: aventureiromax on June 11, 2017, 05:08AM
No ... Only I voted for anime ... total sadness  :bawling: :banghead:
The Polling is not over yet. . .lol
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Rinswind on June 15, 2017, 06:48AM
Omg the Shao Khan mod is flippin amazing! Love it! Definitely a main stay on my roster from here on out.

One question about his Mallet Throw and Dark Spear powers - So it's either the way the mod works right now or I can't seem to get mine working properly. When he goes to throw the mallet, he swings it etc and there is an impact animation but there is no projectile, like it's invisible. Also the effects appear to be orange (like base Thor style) instead of green like his other powers.

The dark spear power, while having a proper green theme (exact particle animation from the Mallet throw cept green), appears to be throwing a very small spear compared to say someone like Shadow King. Any way to make that bigger or so? Would also be awesome for his Charging Spikes to also be green instead of white if that's at all possible for a future update.

Love Mortal Kombat and been lovin these MK mods, appreciate the awesome work guys!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 15, 2017, 07:48AM
Quote from: Rinswind on June 15, 2017, 06:48AM
Omg the Shao Khan mod is flippin amazing! Love it! Definitely a main stay on my roster from here on out.

One question about his Mallet Throw and Dark Spear powers - So it's either the way the mod works right now or I can't seem to get mine working properly. When he goes to throw the mallet, he swings it etc and there is an impact animation but there is no projectile, like it's invisible. Also the effects appear to be orange (like base Thor style) instead of green like his other powers.

The dark spear power, while having a proper green theme (exact particle animation from the Mallet throw cept green), appears to be throwing a very small spear compared to say someone like Shadow King. Any way to make that bigger or so? Would also be awesome for his Charging Spikes to also be green instead of white if that's at all possible for a future update.

Love Mortal Kombat and been lovin these MK mods, appreciate the awesome work guys!
Hello. Thanks for the feedback. That's always welcome.
I know exactly how to fix the issue. In fact I fixed it before the release but I guess somehow the issue remain. I will look at the final release and post a fix file for it.
Edit: I figure that it will be better if Outsider update the previous link instead. I'll wait for confirmation from Outsider.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on June 15, 2017, 09:17PM
Quote from: Rinswind on June 15, 2017, 06:48AM
Omg the Shao Khan mod is flippin amazing! Love it! Definitely a main stay on my roster from here on out.

One question about his Mallet Throw and Dark Spear powers - So it's either the way the mod works right now or I can't seem to get mine working properly. When he goes to throw the mallet, he swings it etc and there is an impact animation but there is no projectile, like it's invisible. Also the effects appear to be orange (like base Thor style) instead of green like his other powers.

The dark spear power, while having a proper green theme (exact particle animation from the Mallet throw cept green), appears to be throwing a very small spear compared to say someone like Shadow King. Any way to make that bigger or so? Would also be awesome for his Charging Spikes to also be green instead of white if that's at all possible for a future update.

Love Mortal Kombat and been lovin these MK mods, appreciate the awesome work guys!

Message received.

Shao Kahn has been updated. Julio fixed those issues, and I confirmed that it works. On the Mallot Throw, you may not see Thor's effect anymore, but you will see the hammer now. However, the Charging Spikes stayed white, as that's how it looks in MK3. Having it green will look too much Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick.

I can't say who exactly, but more MK mods are coming...

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Rinswind on June 16, 2017, 02:11AM
Quote from: Outsider on June 15, 2017, 09:17PM
Message received.

Shao Kahn has been updated. Julio fixed those issues, and I confirmed that it works. On the Mallot Throw, you may not see Thor's effect anymore, but you will see the hammer now. However, the Charging Spikes stayed white, as that's how it looks in MK3. Having it green will look too much Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick.

I can't say who exactly, but more MK mods are coming...

Sweet! Thanks! I just tested him and it works great now :) And ah I did not know that about MK3 with his charge being white, I've played that one when I was like 7-8 or something so I just remember the recent green ones mostly. But yes as you say, Johnny Cage would pose a similarity problem in that regard so it makes sense.

Thanks again for the update though, and I can't wait to see some more MK mods, they've all been awesome, currently enjoying Shang Tsung as well!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 16, 2017, 06:16AM
So, the Poll ended and the next character mod will be a Marvel character! I guess we got too much Non-Marvel releases and people want to see more legit Marvel material.
Well, I will delimitate the options so people can choose the character itself.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 21, 2017, 06:00AM
New poll added. Sorry, I'm extremely bussy these days.
Edit: Poll ends the 1st of July
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 21, 2017, 06:58AM
The new poll isn't letting me vote
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 21, 2017, 07:01AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on June 21, 2017, 06:58AM
The new poll isn't letting me vote
Lol sorry. I have unlocked it now.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Erik Lensherr on June 21, 2017, 08:20AM
Kang has so much potential, I hope he'll win the poll :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: AdrianoAp on June 21, 2017, 09:14AM
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on June 21, 2017, 08:20AM
Kang has so much potential, I hope he'll win the poll :)

I thought the same thing ... I've been noticing that we are in need of more villains in the collection of mods and by talking about that you have been filling that gap with your mods of great villains;), my vote is guaranteed kk
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on June 21, 2017, 09:41AM
Aw man, I voted for Kraven The Hunter : ( I guess Kang would be cool too.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Agent Bachello on June 21, 2017, 12:09PM
Kazar ! I hope, he will become good addition to Shanna!
Maybe its better to add K-character: Kamala Khan :)
So, it's up to you. I just remember, that she was mentioned in Big Mod Request thread.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on June 21, 2017, 05:25PM
I voted for Kang(though I hope we'll see Kraven and Ka-Zar tackled by you at some point).
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 01, 2017, 07:09AM
The Poll ended in a tie with Kang and Kraven.
We will continue this Poll until we get a winner. . .but. . .in my workbench (you need a forum profile to participate).
Be part of the decision here:,8970.msg187185.html#msg187185
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 03, 2017, 07:22AM
Hello Julio! Dude, your work with the skins has always impressed me since the day I joined this forum. And now your mods impress me even more. Congratulations! I'm really enjoying the mod Judge Dredd and the mod Shao Kahn! They are perfect! I see that your work still has great promises for the future! Thanks!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 04, 2017, 05:30AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on July 03, 2017, 07:22AM
Hello Julio! Dude, your work with the skins has always impressed me since the day I joined this forum. And now your mods impress me even more. Congratulations! I'm really enjoying the mod Judge Dredd and the mod Shao Kahn! They are perfect! I see that your work still has great promises for the future! Thanks!
Thanks Anderson! I put my heart in Judge Dredd and I'm so happy with the result. I hope someday to give him the lawmaster motorcycle. Shao Kahn was more like Outsider's work, I just give him models and some animations fix.
Let's see if I can continue with the mods.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: ♡Tomoko♡ on August 19, 2017, 11:19PM
nevermind hes a whole mod?!?!?! no way!!! so cool you rock its time to judge marvel as dredd haha XD
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on August 27, 2017, 10:14AM
Hello, Julio,Congratulations! The Sentry Mod is fantastic! I have a lot of fun playing with it! Julio I saw a video of him here that caught my attention and I noticed that for me here, the mod behaves differently. I downloaded the fix of his mod and installed but it still kept different ... The Exploding Core power, I saw in the video that it has a continuous and intense brightness. It does not work that way for me. I also know that Xtreme is pretty intense too. I saw that it releases a very large radial of energy and even into the eyes. For me, these effects do not appear. I noticed that the hud of the first skin does not appear either. Can you help me? I really liked this mod. The video I saw was this here. Thanks Julio!

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2017, 06:18PM
Quote from: Xenoses on August 19, 2017, 11:19PM
nevermind hes a whole mod?!?!?! no way!!! so cool you rock its time to judge marvel as dredd haha XD
Lol yes, Judge Dredd is a full mod. I think I make him really decent. Please come back to coment your experience with him
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 27, 2017, 10:14AM
Hello, Julio,Congratulations! The Sentry Mod is fantastic! I have a lot of fun playing with it! Julio I saw a video of him here that caught my attention and I noticed that for me here, the mod behaves differently. I downloaded the fix of his mod and installed but it still kept different ... The Exploding Core power, I saw in the video that it has a continuous and intense brightness. It does not work that way for me. I also know that Xtreme is pretty intense too. I saw that it releases a very large radial of energy and even into the eyes. For me, these effects do not appear. I noticed that the hud of the first skin does not appear either. Can you help me? I really liked this mod. The video I saw was this here. Thanks Julio!
There's one thing with Sentry, we got two or more versions of him here in the forum. I'm sure that the one you saw in that video have different effects for the Xtreme power at least.
Prehaps you should post some pics of the issues you're having.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 11, 2017, 11:23AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2017, 06:18PM
Lol yes, Judge Dredd is a full mod. I think I make him really decent. Please come back to coment your experience with himThere's one thing with Sentry, we got two or more versions of him here in the forum. I'm sure that the one you saw in that video have different effects for the Xtreme power at least.
Prehaps you should post some pics of the issues you're having.

I used the Sbarth13's Sentry mod, but then I decided to trade for yours, because its set of powers caught my attention. But I realized that there were some animations that worked strangely for me, until I found this video demonstrative of him:

I conclude that this must be the correct form of animation. When I installed your mod I noticed that the animations were slow, the opponents suffer the damage quickly and the animation not end, leaving the Sentry vulnerable to attacks. I also noticed that it is missing a hud to the first skin. Julio, his mod is really cool, I would really like it to work for me as in the video above. I installed the Venom mod, in fact I had installed it before the mod Sentry. Can you help me? This video, I made using the mod. Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 13, 2017, 01:31PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 11, 2017, 11:23AM

I conclude that this must be the correct form of animation. When I installed your mod I noticed that the animations were slow, the opponents suffer the damage quickly and the animation not end, leaving the Sentry vulnerable to attacks. I also noticed that it is missing a hud to the first skin. Julio, his mod is really cool, I would really like it to work for me as in the video above. I installed the Venom mod, in fact I had installed it before the mod Sentry. Can you help me? This video, I made using the mod. Thank you in advance!

Hello. I have tested the mod and the problem is simple, that power is a Press and Hold Power, try using it in that way, press and hold the button.
With the hud problem I don't know what happened, mine got one. I could reupload the link if it's missing in the files.
Funny thing is I wanted to do a preview video to show you but my PC just can't do it.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 07:20AM
Julio, unfortunately, is not working properly. Even though I hold the button down the animation is still wrong. The xtreme is also different. Light effects on the eyes are not present. But do not worry, these details do not detract from the fun of the mod. But I can not deny that I kept wishing it worked like that video. If you find some idea let me know. Thanks for the mod, it's one of my favorites!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 14, 2017, 07:40AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 07:20AM
Julio, unfortunately, is not working properly. Even though I hold the button down the animation is still wrong. The xtreme is also different. Light effects on the eyes are not present. But do not worry, these details do not detract from the fun of the mod. But I can not deny that I kept wishing it worked like that video. If you find some idea let me know. Thanks for the mod, it's one of my favorites!
The effects in the eyes are not part of the mod, don't know how it's present in that video you mention.
Is rare, that power does have a slow animation, but when I hold the button the lights keep coming, like a shinning sun.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: frozenblood on September 15, 2017, 02:03PM
I want this Angela *_* . when will the release of this mod?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 01, 2017, 07:13AM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 07:20AM
Julio, unfortunately, is not working properly. Even though I hold the button down the animation is still wrong. The xtreme is also different. Light effects on the eyes are not present. But do not worry, these details do not detract from the fun of the mod. But I can not deny that I kept wishing it worked like that video. If you find some idea let me know. Thanks for the mod, it's one of my favorites!
Hello. I made a test video so you can see for yourself. I hope it helps you.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 17, 2017, 09:34AM

Kung Lao is a Shaolin Monk and a member of the White Lotus Society, descendant of the Great Kung Lao, Champion of Mortal Kombat, who Goro defeated and killed. Present in Mortal Kombat since Mortal Kombat II and now released for Marvel Ultimate Alliance to join the Forces of Light; please give a try to this new character mod!
-4 powers, 1 fatality and 1 boost.
-From Outsider format: Abilities of Acrobatics and Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality).
-4 skins, 1 mannequin, icons, loading screen, huds and sounds.
-It clash with Arclight, use number 98.
1-Whirlwind Spin: Spin around and slice enemies, causes popup damage.
2- Dive Kick: Jumps in the air and preform a kick down to an enemy. Tap to prefrom it multiple times.
3- Hat throw: Throws his hat to slice enemies on the way. Returning projectile.
4-Teleport: Teleport behind multiple enemies and punch them.
5- Shaolin Monk: Increasse dodge, speed and damage for a while.
6-Fatality: Teleports to each enemy on screen and slice it.

Secret move: Unfriendly Rabbit: Grabsmash.

-Outsider: Sounds, loading screen, Dive Kick coding, Taunt and stage fatality habilities.
Dive kick is a little tricky to do, you need to press the power button and again to prefrom the kick.

Get it here:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on December 17, 2017, 10:42AM
Great work!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on December 17, 2017, 01:36PM
Good job mi amigo  :rockon:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Bruce Bixby on December 20, 2017, 09:42PM
Does anyone happen to have B.L.A.W.'s Iron Man mark 6 and mark 7 skins?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2017, 07:23AM
Quote from: Bruce Bixby on December 20, 2017, 09:42PM
Does anyone happen to have B.L.A.W.'s Iron Man mark 6 and mark 7 skins?
I believe Blaw delete those skins links himself. I recall downloading the Mark III one but it was an earlier version that have an issue with the texture that caused the model to stay in T-pose, he was trying to give to the skin a more metalic look. Prehaps he reupload it after that but if is not in his topic, is not here anymore and even if any of us have it I don't think we can share it without his permission to be honest.
He's still around but just too busy according to his last posts; maybe he'll reupload those sometime.
Now, now. I did create some Iron Man skins. You can check them here,8485.msg153701.html#msg153701
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on December 21, 2017, 08:14AM
Hey Julio, you working on anything 😉
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2017, 08:56AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on December 21, 2017, 08:14AM
Hey Julio, you working on anything 😉
I'm working on Kraven but I'm a little stuck with him.
I also have other plans in mind but the lack of time allow me to release only small updates.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on December 21, 2017, 09:35AM
I understand. Did you see Thor Ragnarok??
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Bruce Bixby on December 21, 2017, 07:16PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 21, 2017, 07:23AM
I believe Blaw delete those skins links himself. I recall downloading the Mark III one but it was an earlier version that have an issue with the texture that caused the model to stay in T-pose, he was trying to give to the skin a more metalic look. Prehaps he reupload it after that but if is not in his topic, is not here anymore and even if any of us have it I don't think we can share it without his permission to be honest.
He's still around but just too busy according to his last posts; maybe he'll reupload those sometime.
Now, now. I did create some Iron Man skins. You can check them here,8485.msg153701.html#msg153701

Thanks for replying Julio, I have some of your armors, but I really like how metallic and shiny B.L.A.W's are. Do you or any older members have any way to contact B.L.A.W. outside the forum? He hasn't been on here since May.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 22, 2017, 03:31AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on December 21, 2017, 09:35AM
I understand. Did you see Thor Ragnarok??
Please don't you. . .terrible flim mate.
Quote from: Bruce Bixby on December 21, 2017, 07:16PM
Thanks for replying Julio, I have some of your armors, but I really like how metallic and shiny B.L.A.W's are. Do you or any older members have any way to contact B.L.A.W. outside the forum? He hasn't been on here since May.
Sorry but I don't know how contact him.

Now people, please remember that this is a mod release topic. Not for requests and not to start a conversation about things that have nothing to do with me lol.
Feedback is always welcome.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on December 22, 2017, 11:37AM
Hey Julio, do you still have the custom MUA 2 Thor skin? Thought you were going to release it with the Hulk Vs Simulator but I couldn't find it there.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 22, 2017, 01:02PM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN link=topic=8986.msg188386#msg1r88386 date=1513967861
Hey Julio, do you still have the custom MUA 2 Thor skin? Thought you were going to release it with the Hulk Vs Simulator but I couldn't find it there.
Actually nobody else asked for it before. After the release of the Hulk VS simulator mod no one remember it, I guess I forgot about it too.
I don't have it anymore since I get the real one. Haven't release it yet.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on December 22, 2017, 01:04PM
Ohhh, are you planning on releasing the MUA 2 one anytime soon? Do you also have Iron Man's MUA 2 skins?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 23, 2017, 01:22PM
Merry Christmas everyone!

I give you a new Simulator mod to play, this is the final goal I have when I started creating Mortal Kombat mods, is a Mortal Kombat Simulator mission! Fight against tarkatans, onis and outworld soldiers until you get to the final boss, the man itself, Shao Kahn!
Follow the instructions in the readme file, is not simple to install but when you get it, it will worth the wait.
Get it here:,8986.msg182653.html#msg182653
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Kaiko on December 23, 2017, 01:32PM
Amazing !!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 23, 2017, 02:12PM
This is incredible, Julio !! As always, your work impresses me! Thanks for the Kung Lao mod and the disk mission! Have a happy Christmas! May the great Sir's  this birthday fill his life with much peace!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on December 23, 2017, 06:09PM
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on December 23, 2017, 08:23PM
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 23, 2017, 08:28PM
Oh man, this is so cool! Definitely gonna start up MUA again and give this simulator mission a go. Thanks and Merry Xmas to you too Julio!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on December 25, 2017, 01:59PM
Great! Thank you so much for that!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 25, 2017, 03:53PM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on December 17, 2017, 01:36PM
Good job mi amigo  :rockon:
Thanks my friend! Have fun.
Quote from: KingAdam85 on December 23, 2017, 01:32PM
Amazing !!
Thank you! It's simpler than it looks actually.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 23, 2017, 02:12PM
This is incredible, Julio !! As always, your work impresses me! Thanks for the Kung Lao mod and the disk mission! Have a happy Christmas! May the great Sir's  this birthday fill his life with much peace!
Thanks Anderson, blessings for you too.
Quote from: TheMK on December 23, 2017, 06:09PM
Have fun. Thanks for the reply.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on December 23, 2017, 08:23PM
Thanks! Takes some time to assemble the whole thing but the result worth it.
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on December 23, 2017, 08:28PM
Oh man, this is so cool! Definitely gonna start up MUA again and give this simulator mission a go. Thanks and Merry Xmas to you too Julio!
Thanks!. Yeah, I guess we can all use some new content for the good old game. Merry Christmas for you too.
Quote from: Canino on December 25, 2017, 01:59PM
Great! Thank you so much for that!
Thank you for posting!.

I hope you guys manage to install the Simulator without trouble but if there's some issue just let me know here.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on December 31, 2017, 09:05AM
Julio, I think I have found a minor bug in The Hand disk mission.  When I first tried this mission it was crashing only 10-15 seconds after I would start it, basically once I started moving around.  I play the game with advanced lighting and high shadow detail, and my PC is fast enough that normally this runs smoothly, but there seems to be some issue with it for this mission.  I turned off advanced lighting and it worked OK, and then I turned it back on with low shadow detail, and that seemed OK, too.

Perhaps it's a shadow/lighting compatibility problem with the map from the older game?  Or maybe it's a result of a limitation in the game's ability to use resources, like the way it sometimes crashes when playing with more than three modded characters at a time.  Anyway, just thought I'd point this out,  if anyone else is having this issue, there is at least a workaround.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2017, 09:36AM
Quote from: scottsum on December 31, 2017, 09:05AM
Julio, I think I have found a minor bug in The Hand disk mission.  When I first tried this mission it was crashing only 10-15 seconds after I would start it, basically once I started moving around.  I play the game with advanced lighting and high shadow detail, and my PC is fast enough that normally this runs smoothly, but there seems to be some issue with it for this mission.  I turned off advanced lighting and it worked OK, and then I turned it back on with low shadow detail, and that seemed OK, too.

Perhaps it's a shadow/lighting compatibility problem with the map from the older game?  Or maybe it's a result of a limitation in the game's ability to use resources, like the way it sometimes crashes when playing with more than three modded characters at a time.  Anyway, just thought I'd point this out,  if anyone else is having this issue, there is at least a workaround.
Hello. Thanks for the feedback. I think you might be the first one asking lol.
I'm going to need information about all the steps you take before try the mod. Advanced lighting is not an issue for the maps, so that can't be the problem, unless you're playing with the Remastered MUA from 2016. Normally the simulator crash when there's something missing.
Questions: -Did you start a new game before try it?
-Is the Hand Ninja installed in your npcstat file?

EDIT: This is a screen capture from my PC, I put the HD settings and I have no issues
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on December 31, 2017, 11:49AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2017, 09:36AM
Hello. Thanks for the feedback. I think you might be the first one asking lol.
I'm going to need information about all the steps you take before try the mod. Advanced lighting is not an issue for the maps, so that can't be the problem, unless you're playing with the Remastered MUA from 2016. Normally the simulator crash when there's something missing.
Questions: -Did you start a new game before try it?
-Is the Hand Ninja installed in your npcstat file?

It's a cool mission, nice change of pace.  I especially like throwing cars at bad guys.  Also, I can go backward at the beginning of the map and then fly high above the city...  I assume that's a bug too, but it's one I have no intention of fixing =D

My MUA is the OG, circa 2006 if I recall correctly.

I copied the all the files over,  I added the hand ninja to the npcstat and recompiled.  I updated the "zoneinfo" and "simulator" files per your instructions in the download.  If I hadn't done those things, or if anything else was missing, I'd expect the mission to have the same problems regardless of the lighting/shadow settings.  The map looks right and the ninjas are all there, like in your video.

When I first encountered the problem, it was on a saved game, but then I did try a new game and got the same results.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2017, 12:10PM
Quote from: scottsum on December 31, 2017, 11:49AM
When I first encountered the problem, it was on a saved game, but then I did try a new game and got the same results.
I see. I'll take a look at the uploaded files and see if there's something missing.
I fear it may be an incompatibility with your video driver since you can see in my screen capture, my game didn't crash having the same settigns.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on December 31, 2017, 12:24PM
OK, thanks.  I suppose a driver issue is always a possibility, lots of variables there.  In case it's helpful to know, my video card is a Radeon HD4850, running the latest driver they released for this card before they discontinued updates for it.

This bug is very minor anyway, I can just turn off/turn down the shadows for it and turn back on when done.  If anyone else has this issue, they can try the same workaround.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on January 01, 2018, 11:07PM
FYI, I just swapped the older ATI video card for an NVidia GeForce GTX 1050.  I got the same results, so it's not a driver issue.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 02, 2018, 12:06PM
Quote from: scottsum on January 01, 2018, 11:07PM
FYI, I just swapped the older ATI video card for an NVidia GeForce GTX 1050.  I got the same results, so it's not a driver issue.
I see. Is a bug I can't explain for now.
Tell me, did you try any of the other simulators mod I made?.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on January 03, 2018, 09:18AM
I was looking at your custom simulator missions and on several you have a problem with RGB-BGR switch. You can use PS2 map igb files to fix that problem.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 03, 2018, 09:41AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on January 03, 2018, 09:18AM
I was looking at your custom simulator missions and on several you have a problem with RGB-BGR switch. You can use PS2 map igb files to fix that problem.
Yes. Actually I asked a lot for help with getting those PS2 maps before the release.
Since The Lizard mission is in the sewers and  with The Hand Ninjas the dark tone actually work; I didn't bothered with fixing that. Those are XML II maps.
The XML 1 maps don't have that problem, thanks to Teancum for that.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on January 04, 2018, 02:29PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on January 02, 2018, 12:06PM
I see. Is a bug I can't explain for now.
Tell me, did you try any of the other simulators mod I made?.
No, this was the one that caught my interest.  Having Superman and Supergirl flying over the city streets seemed like fun.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Chimichangas on April 27, 2018, 12:07AM
Hey, where's the link for the star wars mods?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 27, 2018, 12:11AM
^Hmm, seems the pic which serves as a link to the mods proper has disappeared. Thankfully, I saved the link on an archived document of mine for easy download reference & it still works.

Here ya go :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 27, 2018, 05:02AM
Quote from: Chimichangas on April 27, 2018, 12:07AM
Hey, where's the link for the star wars mods?
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on April 27, 2018, 12:11AM
^Hmm, seems the pic which serves as a link to the mods proper has disappeared. Thankfully, I saved the link on an archived document of mine for easy download reference & it still works.

Here ya go :)
I have fixed it. Just click on the gif.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 27, 2018, 08:59AM
Guys! Thanos Avengers Infinity War skin released now with a new voice file for the mod. Check the instructions. Get it here,8986.msg182651.html#msg182651

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on April 27, 2018, 09:19AM
Did you see the movie yet??
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 27, 2018, 10:49AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on April 27, 2018, 09:19AM
Did you see the movie yet??
Not yet. If I don't see it today I'll go tomorrow for sure. I can't dodge spoilers anymore lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on April 27, 2018, 11:16AM
RIGHT! I saw it yesterday and so many people are spoiling the heck out of the movie today haha.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on April 27, 2018, 02:29PM
This Thanos skin is amazing Julio! I'm glad to see you contribute to the forum after a while. Thanks for the skin!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: MelloMods on April 27, 2018, 08:10PM
Great Job Julio! So looking forward to seeing the movie tomorrow! (I am saving your mod until after viewing)!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Agent Bachello on April 28, 2018, 04:56AM
Mad Titan almost killed me.  Only "Avengers Infinity War" helps me!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 29, 2018, 01:00PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on April 27, 2018, 02:29PM
This Thanos skin is amazing Julio! I'm glad to see you contribute to the forum after a while. Thanks for the skin!
Quote from: MelloMods on April 27, 2018, 08:10PM
Great Job Julio! So looking forward to seeing the movie tomorrow! (I am saving your mod until after viewing)!
Thanks guys!
Quote from: Agent Bachello on April 28, 2018, 04:56AM
Mad Titan almost killed me.  Only "Avengers Infinity War" helps me!
He'll return though.

New Infinity War skin released on Thor topic, scroll down,8986.msg182648.html#msg182648

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on April 29, 2018, 07:02PM
Hypeeee. Did you see the movie yet? :D
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 30, 2018, 04:21AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on April 29, 2018, 07:02PM
Hypeeee. Did you see the movie yet? :D
Yep. We are discussing about the movie here,4057.msg190107.html#msg190107
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 05, 2018, 06:30PM
A new Loki skin is released here,8986.msg182646.html#msg182646
Is from the movie Thor Ragnarok. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on May 05, 2018, 08:56PM
This is amazing. Are you also planning on doing Iron Man from Infinity War?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 08, 2018, 02:42PM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on May 05, 2018, 08:56PM
This is amazing. Are you also planning on doing Iron Man from Infinity War?
It will need some powerstyle modifications.

NEW INFINITY WAR THANOS skin released here,8986.msg182651.html#msg182651
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on May 08, 2018, 02:48PM
I mean, just the skin itself would be fine. I just want to use the skin and also the new Black Panther skin as well! :D
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on May 08, 2018, 07:52PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 08, 2018, 02:42PM
It will need some powerstyle modifications.

NEW INFINITY WAR THANOS skin released here,8986.msg182651.html#msg182651

I see you're fond enough of this new skin to make it your new icon XD I absolutely understand though, it's really cool. I'm honestly not sure why he didn't wear it more in the movie. Maybe he will in the next one.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 13, 2018, 01:16PM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on May 08, 2018, 02:48PM
I mean, just the skin itself would be fine. I just want to use the skin and also the new Black Panther skin as well! :D
I'll see what can be done.
Quote from: TheMK on May 08, 2018, 07:52PM
I see you're fond enough of this new skin to make it your new icon XD I absolutely understand though, it's really cool. I'm honestly not sure why he didn't wear it more in the movie. Maybe he will in the next one.
I wanted to make a MCU Thanos for so long, that's the reason I use him as my profile now.
And I guess he will use the armor again since the set photos from Avengers 4 suggests that he wears it link (

Iron Man Infinity War skin released now!, get it here:,8986.msg182651.html#msg182651
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on May 13, 2018, 02:06PM
WOW, this brought me to tears. Thanks Julio!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 13, 2018, 08:12PM
That iron man skin is so cool!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Bruce Bixby on May 13, 2018, 08:20PM
Amazing! I Love this!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 16, 2018, 04:33PM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on May 13, 2018, 02:06PM
WOW, this brought me to tears. Thanks Julio!
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 13, 2018, 08:12PM
That iron man skin is so cool!
Quote from: Bruce Bixby on May 13, 2018, 08:20PM
Amazing! I Love this!
Thanks guys!
Notice that Infinity War Thor skin just have a makeover with the Thor God of Thunder game face I always used for MCU skins like you can see in my profile pic. So, download him again please.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on May 16, 2018, 06:13PM
Hypeeee. I really like the new Thor face! Looks soooo much better. Was wondering what other skin you're working on??
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on May 16, 2018, 07:30PM
Loving these Infinity War skins :D
Amazing stuff as usual!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 19, 2018, 08:07AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on May 16, 2018, 06:13PM
Hypeeee. I really like the new Thor face! Looks soooo much better. Was wondering what other skin you're working on??
I didn't have time to add that face before. It looks so much better now IMO.
Actually I don't work on anything, I just make myself some free time and do what I can with it.
But you can expect some new skins pretty soon.
Quote from: nickjustint on May 16, 2018, 07:30PM
Loving these Infinity War skins :D
Amazing stuff as usual!
Thanks a lot!

Now, now. I was wondering what's something I haven't done before and I figure that I haven't create any Vision or Wanda skins ever before so I give it a try aand...I'm so proud of these two:
MCU VISION  :vision: & SCARLET WITCH  :scarletw:
( (
CREDITS: *Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight content.
-pitermaksimoff deviantart user for the models.
Special notice: Since Netmarble hasen't release Infinity War Scarlet Witch yet, I wanted to clarify that I take no credit, no profit for creating these skins. These aren't for sale and should be consider as fanarts at best.
I want to encourage people to keep playing Marvel Future Fight, a game that have made possible for me to create such contents from it.

(click in the pic to download)

I will create a special galery to host all these MCU skins in the future.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on May 19, 2018, 09:16AM
Just downloaded them. WOW! they look amazing! and do you play Future Fight?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 19, 2018, 09:48AM
Those are slick! I love them
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on May 19, 2018, 10:39AM
Love those both especially Scarlet Witch.
Well done! Can't believe how quick you are at putting these out, truly a master :bowdown1:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on May 20, 2018, 08:17AM
These are awesome.  Also, it's great that the file size is small.  I have long suspected that the large file size of some of the higher def skins may be what causes the game to crash when playing with 4 modded characters.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on May 20, 2018, 06:20PM
Excellent work in these of the skins Vision and Scarlet Witch, Julio! I'm enjoying them a lot! Thanks!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Agent Bachello on May 22, 2018, 03:10AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 19, 2018, 08:07AM
I didn't have time to add that face before. It looks so much better now IMO.
Actually I don't work on anything, I just make myself some free time and do what I can with it.
But you can expect some new skins pretty soon.Thanks a lot!

Now, now. I was wondering what's something I haven't done before and I figure that I haven't create any Vision or Wanda skins ever before so I give it a try aand...I'm so proud of these two:
MCU VISION  :vision: & SCARLET WITCH  :scarletw:
( (
CREDITS: *Netmarble for Marvel Future Fight content.
-pitermaksimoff deviantart user for the models.
Special notice: Since Netmarble hasen't release Infinity War Scarlet Witch yet, I wanted to clarify that I take no credit, no profit for creating these skins. These aren't for sale and should be consider as fanarts at best.
I want to encourage people to keep playing Marvel Future Fight, a game that have made possible for me to create such contents from it.

(click in the pic to download)

I will create a special galery to host all these MCU skins in the future.

OMG! OMG! OMG! They look incredible!! And Vision's cape is so cool!
Thanks, thanks a lot, Julio!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 22, 2018, 05:16PM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on May 19, 2018, 09:16AM
Just downloaded them. WOW! they look amazing! and do you play Future Fight?
Thanks! Not right now since I need a better phone (not enough memory in my current one)
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 19, 2018, 09:48AM
Those are slick! I love them
Thank you!
Quote from: nickjustint on May 19, 2018, 10:39AM
Love those both especially Scarlet Witch.
Well done! Can't believe how quick you are at putting these out, truly a master :bowdown1:
Thanks! I do have other Scarlet Witch model from a mobile game, have more detail but the Olsen face is some nigthmare material lol.
Quote from: scottsum on May 20, 2018, 08:17AM
These are awesome.  Also, it's great that the file size is small.  I have long suspected that the large file size of some of the higher def skins may be what causes the game to crash when playing with 4 modded characters.
Thank you. Howerever I believe that the issue with modded characters is caused due to custom animations or animations sets from other games (MUA 2 ps2 or Wii).
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 20, 2018, 06:20PM
Excellent work in these of the skins Vision and Scarlet Witch, Julio! I'm enjoying them a lot! Thanks!
Thanks! I saw some of your videos. Once I get a better computer I'll try to do some gameplay videos myself.
Quote from: Agent Bachello on May 22, 2018, 03:10AM
OMG! OMG! OMG! They look incredible!! And Vision's cape is so cool!
Thanks, thanks a lot, Julio!
Thank you for download and share your opinion. The cape thing is an opacity trick I figure when I create the Predator mod lol.

Okay guys, next time I post here it'll be to create a skin gallery with some old and new stuff.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Owl City on May 23, 2018, 03:55AM
Vision and Scarlet Witch look stunning!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 09, 2018, 07:41AM

The following is a compilation of my old work and some new additions for the MCU representation in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. This content should be considered as free fantarts and is not maded to earn money from it.
Each link will give you files and instructions.
-Activision for Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
-Marvel Mods Forum community. Special thanks to Outsider and UltraMegaMagnus.
-Zen Studios
-Xentax Forum community.
-Deviantart community with special mention to users: DatKofGuy, SSingh511, Pitermaksimoff and Xelandis.
-Xentax Forums community with special mention to user: shakotay2.

Notes: Skins can be scaled via herostat or IGB tools.
Skins may need hex edition for the Arcade-Bots fight.
This post is not complete yet...

Ant-man (2015) Ant-man and Yellow Jacket, Civil War (2016) and Ant-man & The Wasp (2018) skins. I tested these with Outsider's Hank Pym mod.

Black Panther :panther:
CA Civil War (2016), Black Panther (2018) and Infinity War (2018), not sure but I think is the same costume.

Black Widow :blackwidow:
MCU Booster. New animations and powers.
1) Snap Shots: Fires the two pistols she use in the movies. Name of the power after the Marvel Heroes Online game (RIP).
2) Flash Bang: Emulates Blade's move. changed the animation for a less ridiculous one.
3) Wido's bite: Same that Outsider create but changed the animation, damage type and effects.
Skins: Avengers (2012), Age of Ultron (2015), Civil War (2016) and Infinity War (2018).
Needs: Install Outsider's booster first,8753.msg184959.html#msg184959

Update: Iron Man 2 skin

Captain America :capamer:
Captain America The First Avenger (2011), Avengers (2012), Age of Ultron (2015), Civil War (2016) and Infinity War (2018) skins and huds. Check the Instructions please.

The Avengers (2012) skins and bolton.

Dark Elf
Thor The Dark World (2013) skins.

Doctor Strange :strange:
Doctor Strange (2016) and Infinity War (2018) skins (it's just one but since is pretty much the same...). Different from my prev release.

GOTG (2014) and GOTG Vol. 2 (2017) skins. Included new sounds and a hud head.
Edit: Replace the old bolton herostat codes with this:
      BoltOn {
      bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      model = models/weapons/drax_knife_r ;
      slot = ebolton_clawright ;

      BoltOn {
      bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      model = models/weapons/drax_knife_l ;
      slot = ebolton_clawleft ;

Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014), Captain America Civil War (2016) and Infinity War (2018) skins and huds.

Frost Giant
Thor (2011) skins.

GOTG (2014) and GOTG Vol. 2 (2017) skins. Check the instruction for new additions.

Hawkeye  :hawkeye:
Avengers (2012), Age of Ultron (2015) and Civil War (2016) skins with huds.

Thor The Dark World (2013) and Thor Ragnarok/Infinity War (2017-18) skins and huds. Also comes with a new mannequin and a new voice file.

Thor (2011), The Avengers (2012), Thor The Dark World (2013) and Thor Ragnarok/Infinity War (2017-18) skins and huds; also comes with new mannequin and voice file.

GOTG Vol.2 (2017) and Infinity War (2018) skin and hud.

Doctor Strange (2016) skin for the NPC. Hud included.

Thor The Dark World (2013) skins and hud. Also comes with new mannequin, boltons and voice file.

Pepper Pots
Iron Man 2 game model. I am using it with number 15902, replacing one of the office workers at Stark Tower.

Red Skull
Captain America The First Avenger (2011) skins and huds.

Ronan the Accuser
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Captain Marvel (2019) skins and huds.

GOTG (2014) and Infinity War (2018) skins. Check the instruction for new additions

Sharon Carter
Captain America Civil War (2016) skin and hud.

MCU update with Thor (2011) and The Dark World (2013) skins. Also comes with new segments, sounds and mannequin. Warriors Three have also new sounds and new skins with removable weapons.

Spider-man   :spiderman:
Civil War(2016)/Homecoming(2017) and Infinity War (2018) skins.

GOTG (2014), GOTG Vol. 2 (2017) and Avengers Infinity War (2018) skins. Included new boltons and huds. Read the instructions.

MCU Booster/Mod
Special Credits to: MUALover for the effects, MelloMods for the original Thanos mod and UltraMegaMagnus for the sounds.
Content: -4 MCU skins and huds. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Infinity War (2018) and Endgamex2 (2019).
-New animations (idle, menu animations, some attacks).
-New soundfile (voices from Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, Marvel Battle Lines and some form the movie Infinity War).
-New moveset: It's based on MCU Thanos with the Infinity Stones.
*Attack Knockback is a Power Stone smash to the ground attack.
*Grabsmash is similar to Luke Cage's.
*Thanks to Outsider's metod, Press Block+Smash to Taunt. Taunt results in summon Ebony Maw.
*All his powers are based in one Infinity Stone but I've also added the Black Order and it works this way: Press Power 10 one time and Proxima Midnight attacks. Press and hold and Corvus Glaive attacks. Press and hold a little longer and Cull Obsidian shows up to fight for Thanos.
*Xtreme is the same but with a different animation and with a snap sound.
Bugs: The Black Order power is not perfectly animated. Modding limitations.

Thor :thor:
MCU update with Thor (2011), The Avengers (2012), The Dark World (2013), Age of Ultron (2015), Ragnarok (2017) and Infinity War (2018) skins. Also includes: new huds, boltons, mannequin and sounds.
Notice that these skins can swap costumes with the boost powers. This way:
Thor --> Puts helmet on.
The Avengers --> Removes Cape-->Put on cape and chainmail on the arms.
Age of Ultron --> Changes to The Dark World.

Tony Stark NPC  :stark:
Not based in a specific movie but with his hairstyle from Ironman 3, Age of Ultron and Civil War. Facecredits go to deviantart user ScannerJOE.

Ultron  :ultron:
Ultimate Ultron from Age of Ultron (2015) skin.

Thor Ragnarok (2017) skins.

The Dark World (2013) skins for the NPCs Viking Warrior and Viking Archer, the villains have an undead look like in Ragnarok (2017). Also comes with a new sword and shield bolton.

Wasp :wasp:
Ant-man & The Wasp (2018) skin.

Winter Soldier
Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014), CA Civil War (2016) and Infinity War (2018) skins and huds. Also included one for the NPC.

Vision :vision:
Avengers Age of Ultron (2015).

GOTG (2014) and GOTG Vol.2 (2017) skins and huds. The outfit is the same in both movies. This is material for modders since he have no character mod yet. Note: I tested both with Nick Fury.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on August 09, 2018, 12:43PM
AHHHHHH, excited!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on August 09, 2018, 01:20PM
Man!!! I'm thrilled!!! Amazing!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 15, 2018, 04:51PM
Quote from: Canino on August 09, 2018, 01:20PM
Man!!! I'm thrilled!!! Amazing!
Quote from: TQB on August 09, 2018, 12:43PM
AHHHHHH, excited!!
Be sure to regularly check the post for updates.
New stuff: Drax and Star-Lord. Read the instructions and back-up yout files!!. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Seven on August 15, 2018, 05:29PM
I've been looking all over for a Drax movie skin! I love all your stuff by the way, keep it up.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on August 18, 2018, 05:16AM
Great job Julio! Downloading Now!
Do you have plans to create new weapon boltons for Gamora and Rocket Raccoon?
By the way, I'm a fan of this Spider-Man and Drax!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 19, 2018, 02:31AM
Quote from: Seven on August 15, 2018, 05:29PM
I've been looking all over for a Drax movie skin! I love all your stuff by the way, keep it up.
Thanks!! Yes. I notice that we haven't see a MCU Drax skin before.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 18, 2018, 05:16AM
Great job Julio! Downloading Now!
Do you have plans to create new weapon boltons for Gamora and Rocket Raccoon?
By the way, I'm a fan of this Spider-Man and Drax!

Thank you.
Gamora have new boltons now but Rocket have just new skin_segments for now.

That means that Gamora and Rocket are now released. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on August 19, 2018, 12:24PM
EEEEEEEEEEEEEk, new stuff!

Gamora  :runaway:

Awesome job on these.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Seven on August 19, 2018, 02:16PM
It's great to see all the guardians get some love. Awesome work as always. It seems like Rocket's hair textures aren't showing transparency though, at least for me.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: X-Men 55 on August 20, 2018, 01:36AM
Nice stuff! :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 22, 2018, 05:04PM
Quote from: nickjustint on August 19, 2018, 12:24PM
EEEEEEEEEEEEEk, new stuff!

Gamora  :runaway:

Awesome job on these.
Thanks! I wanted to create a voice file for her but I didn't have the time for it.
Quote from: Seven on August 19, 2018, 02:16PM
It's great to see all the guardians get some love. Awesome work as always. It seems like Rocket's hair textures aren't showing transparency though, at least for me.
Thank you. May I see what's the issue with Rocket? Feel free to upload a picture.
Quote from: X-Men 55 on August 20, 2018, 01:36AM
Nice stuff! :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on August 22, 2018, 06:31PM
Excellent work with the Guardians of the Galaxy. I clearly have some updating to do on Star-Lord... Do you know if Mantis will get some attention? A skin and mannequin of her movie costume would fit great with her mod. Anyway, well done. :rockon:

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Seven on August 22, 2018, 06:55PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 22, 2018, 05:04PMThank you. May I see what's the issue with Rocket? Feel free to upload a picture.

The white should be transparent if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 23, 2018, 04:44PM
Quote from: Outsider on August 22, 2018, 06:31PM
Excellent work with the Guardians of the Galaxy. I clearly have some updating to do on Star-Lord... Do you know if Mantis will get some attention? A skin and mannequin of her movie costume would fit great with her mod. Anyway, well done. :rockon:
I have plans for Mantis (actually I already have her movie skin). And since you mention mannequin I notice that those are kinda needed if I want to make a full MCU gallery here.
Quote from: Seven on August 22, 2018, 06:55PM
The white should be transparent if I'm not mistaken.
Oooh...that. I was hoping that nobody notice it lol. No. Actually I don't have the knowledge or prehaps it's not possible to made that kind of texture work with custom models.
I leave it like that since is white anyway but I guess I can fix it somehow.
(I could use the Marvel Future Fight head model but the Marvel Heroes one looked better imo)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Seven on August 23, 2018, 05:49PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 23, 2018, 04:44PM
I leave it like that since is white anyway but I guess I can fix it somehow.
(I could use the Marvel Future Fight head model but the Marvel Heroes one looked better imo)

Sorry to point it out then lol. I can be overly observant at times I'll admit.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Doctor Strange on August 24, 2018, 07:10AM
Hey, guys, first of all, great job.
I'm using many of your mods and skins (Julio Cabral's and Outsider's among them) and they are really nicely done and fun to play.
I'm too preparing a game with a movie-based hero roster to play and would like, at some point in the future, to include two four-membered Guardians of the Galaxy teams.
So (now that Mantis is planned to be released and Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot and Nebula are already playable), I would appreciate it if you could make a Yondu (movie skinned) mod at some time in the future (future meaning months).
Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Jaybird on August 24, 2018, 08:03AM
I see you, Julio!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2018, 03:54AM
Quote from: Doctor Strange on August 24, 2018, 07:10AM
Hey, guys, first of all, great job.
I'm using many of your mods and skins (Julio Cabral's and Outsider's among them) and they are really nicely done and fun to play.
I'm too preparing a game with a movie-based hero roster to play and would like, at some point in the future, to include two four-membered Guardians of the Galaxy teams.
So (now that Mantis is planned to be released and Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot and Nebula are already playable), I would appreciate it if you could make a Yondu (movie skinned) mod at some time in the future (future meaning months).
Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the kind words. I'll have in mind your request.
Quote from: jaybird on August 24, 2018, 08:03AM
I see you, Julio!

New skins released. Doctor Strange and Mordo are now part of the galery.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Doctor Strange on August 29, 2018, 06:30AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2018, 03:54AM
Thanks for the kind words. I'll have in mind your request.
Thanks, man.
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2018, 03:54AM
New skins released. Doctor Strange and Mordo are now part of the galery.
Awesome job!
I've been looking for these ones as well for quite some time.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 02, 2018, 06:57AM
New skins for Hawkeye have been released now at page 24. They look a little more like Jeremy Renner now lol.
Also a new booster for Black Widow is up; it'll change some of her powers and give MCU skins (make sure you follow the instructions).
Credits goes to Outsider for the original Black Widow booster and UltraMegaMagnus for Hawkeye Marvel Future Fight files.
Go here,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on September 02, 2018, 02:19PM
Wow! Natasha and Clint are both incredible!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: milo on September 07, 2018, 09:29AM
amazing updates. finally the NPC's got new skin. please make more NPC skin such the inhumans. very nice work master Cabral.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 07, 2018, 06:50PM
Quote from: Canino on September 02, 2018, 02:19PM
Wow! Natasha and Clint are both incredible!
Thank you. I'm finally happy with the Hawkeye face lol.
Quote from: milo on September 07, 2018, 09:29AM
amazing updates. finally the NPC's got new skin. please make more NPC skin such the inhumans. very nice work master Cabral.
Oh, so you did notice him huh? I haven't announce it because I wanted to upload more stuff but anyway:
Captain America, Mantis, Tony Stark and Yondu MCU material can be found now at page 24.
Please let me know what you think about those.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on September 07, 2018, 11:33PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on September 07, 2018, 06:50PM
Captain America, Mantis, Tony Stark and Yondu MCU material can be found now at page 24.
Please let me know what you think about those.

Nice job with these. I have updated Mantis as a result. It will take a bit longer to update Star-Lord though. Keep up the great work.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 08, 2018, 04:26AM
Hello Julio! It's great to see you producing. Your mods are fantastic! Julio I'm not having success with the edition Dr. Strange's powerstyle issue. Can you help me?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Doctor Strange on September 08, 2018, 05:18AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on September 07, 2018, 06:50PM
Captain America, Mantis, Tony Stark and Yondu MCU material can be found now at page 24.
Please let me know what you think about those.
Thanks for fulfilling my request, Julio.
Keep up the great work, bro!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 08, 2018, 05:42AM
Quote from: Outsider on September 07, 2018, 11:33PM
Nice job with these. I have updated Mantis as a result. It will take a bit longer to update Star-Lord though. Keep up the great work.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 08, 2018, 04:26AM
Hello Julio! It's great to see you producing. Your mods are fantastic! Julio I'm not having success with the edition Dr. Strange's powerstyle issue. Can you help me?
EDIT: I just saw your gameplay video. Did you add both the skin_segment event and the fly codes?
Thank you.
Sure. Feel free to post your problem here or via PM.
Quote from: Doctor Strange on September 08, 2018, 05:18AM
Thanks for fulfilling my request, Julio.
Keep up the great work, bro!
Hope you like it. I know is not that different one skin from the other but I'm telling you, he use the same clothes in both movies lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 08, 2018, 07:40AM
Many thx man, I'm so happy with your release, thx again for sharing :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Cykal455 on September 08, 2018, 08:55PM
Cool Skins! Can you make Black Panther or Ant-Man?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Doctor Strange on September 09, 2018, 05:57AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on September 08, 2018, 05:42AM
Hope you like it. I know is not that different one skin from the other but I'm telling you, he use the same clothes in both movies lol.
Yeah, man, it's great stuff. Really well done!
UltraMegaMagnus has made a skin as well that differs a bit from yours, so we're good.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on September 09, 2018, 12:28PM
Quote from: gothamsavior on September 08, 2018, 08:55PM
Cool Skins! Can you make Black Panther or Ant-Man?

No need -- Aventureiromax already did Black Panther's movie skin & HUD, which is in my booster for him. He also did Ant-Man's movie skin (I created the HUD), which is included in my Ant-Man mod.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Cykal455 on September 09, 2018, 03:55PM
Quote from: Outsider on September 09, 2018, 12:28PM
No need -- Aventureiromax already did Black Panther's movie skin & HUD, which is in my booster for him. He also did Ant-Man's movie skin (I created the HUD), which is included in my Ant-Man mod.

Well... Ant-Man and Black Panther doesn't have skins for their new movies (Ant-Man and the wasp or Avengers Infinty war)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 09, 2018, 04:26PM
Quote from: gothamsavior on September 09, 2018, 03:55PM
Well... Ant-Man and Black Panther doesn't have skins for their new movies (Ant-Man and the wasp or Avengers Infinty war)
Don't worry. I'm going to release new ones for each.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 15, 2018, 05:57PM
Everyone. New MCU skins released now. Red Skull, Johann Schmidt from Captain America The First Avenger and Black Panther from Civil War, Black Panther movie and Infinity War.
Notice that Black Panther's look hasn't change that much from his solo movie to Avengers Infinity War so is the same skin. But I did add a vibranium energy variant.
Get them here,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on September 16, 2018, 04:57AM
That's great! BP is one of my favorites.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 16, 2018, 06:23AM
Quote from: Canino on September 16, 2018, 04:57AM
That's great! BP is one of my favorites.
The Civil War one is different from the MMO one I created years ago. Not better but it'll match the others from MFF.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on September 16, 2018, 11:40AM
Wow! Great job as usual, these have all come out so great and I find myself eagerly awaiting your posts.  :applause: :bowdown1:

Edit- Are you gonna do a Shuri skin? that would be awesome :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: milo on September 19, 2018, 07:05AM
Master Cabral, i really like your MCU theme skins. really accurate. just some skin have weird shoulder shape (as i see in Iron Spider skin, Black Panther skin). would be great if you may have time to fix it.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 19, 2018, 08:02AM
Quote from: milo on September 19, 2018, 07:05AM
Master Cabral, i really like your MCU theme skins. really accurate. just some skin have weird shoulder shape (as i see in Iron Spider skin, Black Panther skin). would be great if you may have time to fix it.
May I see the issue you're referring to?. Please upload some pics here.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 02:32AM
Hi.. I can not properly edit the powerstyle file to show segments with ironman and spiderman infintiy war skins... i know how to compile and decompile the file with NRcompiler but i'm wrong to insert strings ..i think. :(
Someone can help me or link a tutorial?

(sorry for bad english)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 22, 2018, 08:18AM
Quote from: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 02:32AM
Hi.. I can not properly edit the powerstyle file to show segments with ironman and spiderman infintiy war skins... i know how to compile and decompile the file with NRcompiler but i'm wrong to insert strings ..i think. :(
Someone can help me or link a tutorial?

(sorry for bad english)
Dani, what's your native language?
While the process of compile/decompile is actually easy, other than tell you to learn how to use the XMLBCUI tool I can't explain it any easier than how I wrote it in the instructions file.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 09:59AM
I'm italian.. i have edit Herostat to make segments disappear and it works and i used the same method to edit ps_ironman.xmlb but not work :( .. can you send me your ps_ironman file? maybe I can understand where I'm wrong
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 22, 2018, 10:05AM
Quote from: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 09:59AM
I'm italian.. i have edit Herostat to make segments disappear and it works and i used the same method to edit ps_ironman.xmlb but not work :( .. can you send me your ps_ironman file? maybe I can understand where I'm wrong
Oh, Italy. I have an aunt living there.
I could have just upload my edited file but since there's at least 2 different Ironman mods here. I can't just do that cause it could cause major data lost.
Send me a PM with your powestyle in code so we can take a look there.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 10:25AM
My ironman powerstyle is the original one.. i have not booster or mod installed.. only Infinity War skin downloaded from your post "MINI MODS, BOOSTERS, SKINS, FIXES" . I try to attach the powerstyle code to PM but exceeds the maximum characters.

(thanks for your patience)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 22, 2018, 01:32PM
Quote from: Dani-El on September 22, 2018, 10:25AM
My ironman powerstyle is the original one.. i have not booster or mod installed.. only Infinity War skin downloaded from your post "MINI MODS, BOOSTERS, SKINS, FIXES" . I try to attach the powerstyle code to PM but exceeds the maximum characters.

(thanks for your patience)
Then upload your ps_ironman.xml file and send it to me.

Everyone. New releases at,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Ant-man and The Wasp content avaible for download.
I was thinking about creating new animated wings for Wasp until I tested my skin with Blaw's animated wings and wow. Those ones do the trick just fine. Is simply remarkable the quality of Blaw's works.
About shoulder issues some members reported. I believe it's better to give weight to the shoulders because in dinamic animations for the arms the shoulder will look deformed (in the blocking animations or every hit attack). So I choose to give that look to the shoulders. It may look bad in some animations as well but I find it better that way.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Dani-El on September 23, 2018, 02:32AM
ok :stark:.. i've upload it on google drive and sent you the link

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on September 23, 2018, 04:17AM
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 25, 2018, 04:57PM
Quote from: Canino on September 23, 2018, 04:17AM

Always remember to check page 24 for some updates...oh, look at that! There's Valkyrie lol.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on September 25, 2018, 06:22PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on September 25, 2018, 04:57PM

Always remember to check page 24 for some updates...oh, look at that! There's Valkyrie lol.

Wow I love that skin! Great job on everything so far btw :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on September 26, 2018, 02:47AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on September 25, 2018, 04:57PM

Always remember to check page 24 for some updates...oh, look at that! There's Valkyrie lol.

Lol! That's amazing! Great job.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: edward on September 26, 2018, 11:58AM
Amazing stuff!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on September 26, 2018, 04:58PM
Putting in work! I really like all of these!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 04, 2018, 12:56PM
Quote from: Canino on September 26, 2018, 02:47AM
Lol! That's amazing! Great job.
Quote from: edward on September 26, 2018, 11:58AM
Amazing stuff!  :thumbsup:
Quote from: TQB on September 26, 2018, 04:58PM
Putting in work! I really like all of these!
Please download Valkyrie again because thanks to Outsider I've give you one more MCU skin for her; yep, she got her "Scrapper" look now (have in mind that it's a custom skin).
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 09, 2018, 05:11PM
Sorry guys, I've been busy these days. New updates are coming and they'll be worth the wait.
Here's a preview of what's coming.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on October 09, 2018, 05:35PM
Very cool! It's a mystery to me. I'm looking forward to see.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Agent Bachello on October 10, 2018, 11:05AM
Its so thrilling! All of your projects are thrilling!
Look forward to your skins!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on October 10, 2018, 05:13PM
That's dopeeee
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 26, 2018, 05:47PM
Guys, new content released in my MCU release page,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
I was going to release a lot more but I can't catch a break with other things to do and I am releasing Heimdall, Loki and Odin in a rush to be honest.
Hope you guys like them.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on October 27, 2018, 11:32AM
Awesome dude! Great job!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 27, 2018, 03:48PM
Quote from: Canino on October 27, 2018, 11:32AM
Awesome dude! Great job!
I am glad you like them. And get ready for more asgardian content now since I've release the second part (is going to be a 3º one) of the MCU Asgard Pack with Dark Elf, Frost Giant, Undead Asgardians, Lady Sif and Thor (highly recomended).
Go check them out and post any question or review please.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: milo on November 03, 2018, 07:21AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on October 27, 2018, 03:48PM
I am glad you like them. And get ready for more asgardian content now since I've release the second part (is going to be a 3º one) of the MCU Asgard Pack with Dark Elf, Frost Giant, Undead Asgardians, Lady Sif and Thor (highly recomended).
Go check them out and post any question or review please.

Wow, so excited with Thor film characters. Perfect creations.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on November 03, 2018, 02:58PM
Thor link is down :(
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 03, 2018, 04:17PM
Quote from: milo on November 03, 2018, 07:21AM
Wow, so excited with Thor film characters. Perfect creations.
Quote from: Aventureiromax on November 03, 2018, 02:58PM
Thor link is down :(
Thanks for report it, I've update it. Is not a pretty thing that it was unavaible though. Wonder why.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 08, 2018, 05:17AM
New MCU skins avaible now at,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Falcon, Sharon Carter and Winter Soldier.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on November 08, 2018, 08:32AM
Wow! Great work!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: kompa on November 10, 2018, 08:24AM
Thanks allot man.Been waiting for that winter soldier IW skin since the movie came out.Huuge thank you
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on November 13, 2018, 05:43AM
R.I.P. Stan Lee. All I can do in honor to you is release new content for your MUA mod.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on December 11, 2018, 02:00PM
Julio your link this off by kung lao Mod , please check again , thanks my friend.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 11, 2018, 02:46PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on November 13, 2018, 05:43AM
R.I.P. Stan Lee. All I can do in honor to you is release new content for your MUA mod.

Congratulations Julio! Another great launch! A worthy tribute!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: kintzo on December 12, 2018, 10:34AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on November 08, 2018, 05:17AM
New MCU skins avaible now at,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Falcon, Sharon Carter and Winter Soldier.

Your links are not working mate, i'd love to install that  :strange: skin

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 12, 2018, 07:36PM
Hey Julio, none of your mediafire links are working mate. Any chance you could fix 'em?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: DasRoteBaron on December 13, 2018, 01:05PM
The mediafire links are dead, as far as I can tell.  If they can't be fixed, does anyone have the skins for Thor, Loki, and Winter Soldier that they can send me?

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 13, 2018, 02:24PM
It mades me sad that I got to inform everyone that I made the decision of not releasing mods for a while.
Please do not upload my stuff. I don't know what I am going to do with my mods yet but I do not authorize those who have them to use them outside entertainament.
This decision was taked since I find out that people not only upload and redistribute my mods but also disrespect me.
I do not work for anyone. All my mods are for free. And when I put in balance the time I've spent in making them, the hard work it took me with this kind of behavior, it makes me think: Why should I keep doing it?
I am always avaible for those who need help in modding though.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 13, 2018, 04:46PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 13, 2018, 02:24PM
It mades me sad that I got to inform everyone that I made the decision of not releasing mods for a while.
Please do not upload my stuff. I don't know what I am going to do with my mods yet but I do not authorize those who have them to use them outside entertainament.
This decision was taked since I find out that people not only upload and redistribute my mods but also disrespect me.
I do not work for anyone. All my mods are for free. And when I put in balance the time I've spent in making them, the hard work it took me with this kind of behavior, it makes me think: Why should I keep doing it?
I am always avaible for those who need help in modding though.

Julio, I'm sad to see this news  :( :( :( ... but you're right!
And more ... if you know that this happens through users of our forum, report to administrators so they can apply the appropriate discipline.  :mad: :mad: :mad:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 14, 2018, 02:52AM
Hey Julio,

I haven't posted on here in a while but I just saw your message and wanted to share some support.

I've always loved your work, thank you for your many contributions, I think you are one of the legends on here.

It is a true shame that you encountered disrespect. It is unfair and appaling on the part of whoever behaved like that to you.

I hope to see you return some day and wish for only positive things to come your way.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 23, 2018, 04:21PM
Everyone, thanks for your support.
Having in mind all the debt I have to the people who worked hard to create this site from zero, to all the modders and members that have give their best to make this place active all this year, I've decide to reactive the links for all my mods and skins.
Now, consider that 1 wish granted
However...the Dragon gives two
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 23, 2018, 05:02PM
Thanks Julio for making this decision!
Your contribution is very important to me, and I can say without any doubt, for the whole forum.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nickjustint on December 23, 2018, 05:08PM
I'm happy your stuff is back Julio, you're one of the nicest guys on here and your work is always so awesome and has contributed so much. Welcome back :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 23, 2018, 05:40PM
Thank you Julio. Its heart-breaking enough when there are some old mods from back in the day, that have been lost forever to the mists of time. So to have your stuff available once again, is an immense amount of relief :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on December 23, 2018, 10:36PM
Welcome back, old friend.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Jaybird on December 23, 2018, 11:11PM
It's a Christmas Eve miracle.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 24, 2018, 12:38PM
Now, like I promised in Discord. New mods are release.
More Dragon Ball characters are now full mods, get them here:,8986.msg185772.html#msg185772
Read the instructions!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on January 09, 2019, 05:16AM
I'm very happy to see an Hit Assassin here, as well as Piccolo himself. Very good job, I like it. Goku is perfectly crafted, i hope the Creator will release someone else still.

( (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 09, 2019, 05:19AM
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on January 09, 2019, 03:19AM
I hope the Creator will release someone else still.


No kidding. Thanks for the reply.
Expect some news in the next week.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Clarityman on February 03, 2019, 09:29AM
Hello Julio, I was hoping you could help me understand simulator modding better, and why I'm getting clones of the first hero in my herostat in some simulator missions, but not others.

Basically I love the Punisher mission (although I tried to replace the music with the Netflix theme and encountered problems, it probably needs heavy hex editing that I don't understand) and I have Fisk Guards as the NPC enemies before Bullseye and it works PERFECTLY!

But the Sewers with Lizard I have clones of the first hero in my herostat (Iron Man) instead of Lizardmen. Kinda ruins the point of the fight in the sewers. I have the actors 6109.igb and 6110.igb in the actors folder and the Lizardmen entries in the right place in NPCstat.

Outsider mentioned in another post that this can happen with limits in character entries, which I don't understand. So I tried to cut down the number of Lizardmen to no avail. Unless I'd need to start a new game to see the difference...? Any insight or knowledge you could provide on limits and fixes would be greatly appreciated!!!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 03, 2019, 04:27PM
Quote from: Clarityman on February 03, 2019, 09:29AM
Hello Julio, I was hoping you could help me understand simulator modding better, and why I'm getting clones of the first hero in my herostat in some simulator missions, but not others.

Basically I love the Punisher mission (although I tried to replace the music with the Netflix theme and encountered problems, it probably needs heavy hex editing that I don't understand) and I have Fisk Guards as the NPC enemies before Bullseye and it works PERFECTLY!

But the Sewers with Lizard I have clones of the first hero in my herostat (Iron Man) instead of Lizardmen. Kinda ruins the point of the fight in the sewers. I have the actors 6109.igb and 6110.igb in the actors folder and the Lizardmen entries in the right place in NPCstat.

Outsider mentioned in another post that this can happen with limits in character entries, which I don't understand. So I tried to cut down the number of Lizardmen to no avail. Unless I'd need to start a new game to see the difference...? Any insight or knowledge you could provide on limits and fixes would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hello. Thanks for posting. I am glad to know that people enjoy this simulator mods I made.
About the music in Punisher's mission you'll need to learn how to mod sounds in general. It's easy. Just look for tutorials.
And the Lizardmen issue could be fixed by starting a new game but sadly I didn't made these missions to match other mods like the Gold Edition Mod so that could also be a problem.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Clarityman on February 03, 2019, 10:52PM
Thanks for the reply, I really do enjoy the sim missions, I think I play them more than the actual game!

Anyway, I have no problems modding sound files in general with ZSM, but for the music track in Punisher it seems there's problems with constant looping and such and I wonder if hex editing is the only way to solve it.

Also I have restarted the game but I still have clones of the first hero in herostat in many of my custom sim missions... like I said, Outsider mentioned something about a limit of characters per sim mission but I don't understand what that means. I'm also playing around with the packages, but I can't seem to find a tutorial on packages.

Anyway thanks for taking the time, I'll keep experimenting and try to figure it all out the best I can!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on February 04, 2019, 02:01PM
Quote from: Clarityman on February 03, 2019, 10:52PM
... Outsider mentioned something about a limit of characters per sim mission but I don't understand what that means...

Ah, Clarityman seeks some... clarity.

What that means is that in the whole game, there is a 39 character limit for each stage (main game or sim mission). So in any particular stage, if there are more than 39 characters total (including your roster), then you will see clones of the first character on your herostat.

Take Captain America's sim mission for example: If I'm not mistaken, there were 9 NPCs (Winter Soldier, Doombot A & B, Ultron Striker A, B, C, and Ultron Warrior A, B, C.) By the numbers, 33 + 9 = 42. That's over the 39 character limit, so you would have seen clones there. But with the 33 Roster Hack, I've eliminated all B and C versions of the NPCs and replaced them with only A versions. That reduced the number of NPCs down to 4 NPCs (Winter Soldier, Doombot_A, Ultron Striker_A, Ultron Warrior_A). 33 + 4 = 37. That's within the limit, so you won't see any clones there. Basically, all sim missions must have a maximum of 6 NPCs. Any more than that will cause clones of your first listed hero to appear.

Hopefully, I've explained it well enough. If you have any questions, you can mention them on the 33 Roster Hack thread or PM me. I don't want to flood Julio's thread with this info.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 04, 2019, 03:34PM
Fair enough.
I created some extra NPC for my simulator missions like Lizardman, Fisk Guard, Fisk Soldier, Tarkatan Warrior, Oni, Kahn Soldier and maybe more, so I was always afraid about the fact that the 33 Roster Hack wouldn't work with them cause the way I create them, this is by adding more B, C, even D versions of the NPC villains.

EDIT: On a different subject but since I am receiving some PM about Vegeta, Vegeta is done people, I am working with Freeza and Broly before release him.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Clarityman on February 04, 2019, 09:33PM
Quote from: Outsider on February 04, 2019, 02:01PM
Ah, Clarityman seeks some... clarity.

Haha I'm always seeking clarity! Indeed, it's in the name.

Outsider, thank you so much for this info. This was exactly what I needed. I understand now. This will definitely help me mod my simulator and fix certain missions.

And yes, I'll conclude the discussion here, as I don't wish to clog this thread either. I didn't want to double post in the 33 limit thread and figured it was relevant since I need to fix my Lizard mission, but now I can forge onward and fix this thing.  :thing: Thanks again to both of you for the assistance!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 02, 2019, 06:01PM
¡Everyone, new Dragon Ball mods released!
Vegeta and Freeza. Check them here:,8986.msg185772.html#msg185772
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on March 03, 2019, 10:59AM
Very nice work!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on March 08, 2019, 03:31PM
Nice work my friend, as soon as I can  I'll try to start a new MUA DB game ;)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on March 24, 2019, 02:35AM
Freeza and Vegeta were perfectly built, perfectly.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 24, 2019, 06:25AM
Quote from: TheMK on March 03, 2019, 10:59AM
Very nice work!
Quote from: Aventureiromax on March 08, 2019, 03:31PM
Nice work my friend, as soon as I can  I'll try to start a new MUA DB game ;)
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 24, 2019, 02:35AM
Freeza and Vegeta were perfectly built, perfectly.
Thanks guys! I've put some effort in making those.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on April 05, 2019, 12:24PM
Julio Cabral, you make a mod on Hsien-Ko please?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on April 05, 2019, 03:32PM
@Beerus - Would you please stop posting such large images, especially in your signature?  It completely spams and takes over the thread.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on April 05, 2019, 03:47PM
scottsum, good. I'll choose a smaller image.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on April 05, 2019, 05:57PM
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on April 05, 2019, 12:24PM
Julio Cabral, you make a mod on Hsien-Ko please?
Hello. I am afraid I am not in position of taking requests right now.
Other thing is that I couldn't do justice to the character since I don't know it.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on April 06, 2019, 03:55PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on April 05, 2019, 05:57PM
Hello. I am afraid I am not in position of taking requests right now.
Other thing is that I couldn't do justice to the character since I don't know it.
I understand you.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Username on May 05, 2019, 05:09AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on March 08, 2017, 06:16PM

In the future, a radioactive wasted world remains as humanity homeland, the populations live in huge blocks know as mega-cities. Since the world have changed, the System changed, and now the Law is in the hands of the Street Judges, who are police, judge, jury, and executioner. Judge Joseph Dredd is the most famous judge from Mega-City One, born in a lab from the DNA of the very first judge and charged with the knowledge of the Law and grow to become the most righteous Judge, he Is The Law.
V1 Release: This mod fit in MUA so much, even when is pretty much a shoter, the gameplay is unnique. But, the challenge to give him the Lawmaster bike is not yet surpassed since I couldn't find a motorcycle model that fit all Skins variations and I have so little time to be honest.
1) Standard Bullet: Fire simple bullets from the lawgiver es(prs and hold)
2) Stun Gas: Use a stun grenade to stun enemies (it'll make Standard Bullet damage to increase).
3) Heatseeker: Fire a bullet that follows the enemy and cause energy damage. (press and hold)
4) Ricochet: Fire a bullet that bounce multiple times. (press and hold)
5) Incendiary: Multiple flare bullets that burns all targets.
6) Armour Piercing: Special bullet that have no defense and can kill if is charged.
7) Hi-Ex: Explosive bullet, can instan kill damaged enemies. 
8) State of Emergency: Increase defense and decrease power cost for a time.
9) Medipack: Health regen for the entire party.
10) I am the Law: Execute all enemies around (instan kill if the enemies are damaged).
Content: Custom skins, animations, textures, huds, mannequin and sounds.
Disclaimer: This is a free, fan made mod, only for fun, the creator take no money for the use and is maded in full respect of the source material and the game in wich is played.
Credits: -John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra for Judge Dredd itself.
-IPC Media and Rebellion Developments for Judge Dredd comics and videogames contents (models, textures, sounds, etc.)
- Dark_Mark, Iammingy, BliZZ and all the modders that give us the Official Charecters Mod for Hawkeye effects and data codes.
Bugs: None so far.
Get it Here:

Disclamer: I take no profit from the creation or release of these mods, all these characters are intelectual property of Akira Toriyama, TOEI Animation, Fuji TV, Funimation and BANDAI NAMCO.

Son Goku  (Booster)
This is a file that needs Outsider's Goku mod to be installed first. Contents:
*5 New skins, new mannequin, icons and huds.
*Added some new sounds.
*Replaced the animations so he can have standing/idle animation and better fighting/power animations.
*Changed the transformations system via skin_segments, replaced the skin_swap metod.
-Modern skin can go SSJ, SSJ2 (press and hold power7) and SSJ3.
-Classic skin can use Kaioken, Times 10 (press and hold power7) and SSJ.
-Super and Super Broly skins can go SSJ, SSGod and Blue.
-Damaged skin do the same as Classic skin.
*Remove Solar Flare, Destructo Disk and other moves in order to keep the mod simpler (not that Goku can't do any of those things).
Bugs: Kamehameha sounds keep overlaping.

Full new mod. Moveset/How to use:
Fightsyle special: Attack Trip includes a stretch arm animation.
1) Special Beam Cannon: Press and hold to charge and release more damage.
2) Destructive Wave: Also charge attack.
3) Light Grenade: Press and hold as well. Release should damage multiple enemies.
4) Hellzone Grenade: Fires multiple ki blast. Doesn't work exactly like in the anime but it's fair enough.
5) Regeneration.
6) Power Up: Charges his ki to reduce power cost.
7) Time to get serious: Remove his cape and turban.
8) Giant Form: Increasse his size and taunt enemies to attack him. Can't use powers in this form.
9) Explosive Demon Wave (Xtreme): Radial explosion.
Bugs: -Grabsmash isn't perfect.
-Light Grenade keeps malfunctioning sometimes.

Full new mod. Moveset/How to use:
Fightsyle special: Blocking have special features.
1) Cage of Time: Freeze a single enemy.
2) Assasin Punch: Use time-skip to attack a single target.
3) Time Skip Rampage: Target multiple enemies. Change according to level ups.
4) Vital Points Strike: Radial attack. Need to TAP the power.
5) Time Skip Combo: Attacks a single enemy with multiple punches.
6) Assasin to Fighter: This is a manga thing, he removes his cloth and start fighting the old way, I added more speed and damage.
7) Phantom Clone: Use this to dodge all the melee attacks, you'll have to dodge the projectiles though.
8) Constant Improvement: This will made him execute attacks in a higher level than he is at the moment.
9) Time Lag (Xtreme): Same as power1 but to multiple enemies.
Bugs: -Power1 should be power5, can't change it for some reason.

Credits: -UltraMegaMagnus for all the 3d models he shared with me and the Hit voice files.
-Outsider for the Black Panther aura effects and original Goku mod.
-Models Resource for Hit 3d model.

Get them here:

Full new mod. Moveset/How to use:
1) Ki Blast Rush: Projectiles. Press and hold.
2) Energy Beam: Single power beam attack.
3) Elite Combo: Preform a 3 part melee attack, finish with a ki blast.
4) Rage Explosion: Radial attack. Can also use press and hold function.
5) Gallick Gun: Charge and release an energy beam. Also press and hold.
6) Big Bang Attack: Single projectile that explodes and causes radial damage.
7) Saiyan Pride: With Modern, Super, Buu Saga and Super Broly skins it will go Super Saiyan. But it'll only power-up with his Classic skin. Also, if you press and hold it'll turn into Ascended Super Saiyan (Modern and Buu Saga skins) and God form (Super and Super Broly skins).
8) Elite Transformation: With Modern and Buu Saga it'll turn him into Super Saiyan 2,with Classic skin it'll go Super Saiyan and with Super and Super Broly skins it'll turn into Blue form.
9) Final Flash: Single ki explosion.

Full new mod. Moveset/how to use:
1) Death Beam: Single projectile. Can produce instant K.O.
2) Death Beam Rush: Multiple projectiles. Press and hold.
3) Ki Explosion: Radial attack. Can also use press and hold function.
4) Nova charge: Charges and causes knock down enemies in his path.
5) Death Saucer: Unleash a single projectile that works like Captain America's shield. Hold and use the keyboard to direct it.
6) Laser Eyes: Beam attack that causes damage fire.
7) 1º Transformation: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to second form. With Modern skin it'll go 100% power.
8) 2º Transformation: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to third form. With Modern skin it also ascend him to 100% power.
9) Final form: With Classic skin it'll make him ascend to his Final form. With Modern skin it'll turn into Golden Freeza.
10) Supernova: Similar to Goku's Spirit Bomb.


MAN where is SUPER SAJAN 4?!?!?!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 05, 2019, 06:24AM
Quote from: Username on May 05, 2019, 05:09AM

MAN where is SUPER SAJAN 4?!?!?!
SS4 not only would compromise the whole transformation system but is not even neccesary imo.
Please don't quote the entire post.
And, did you fix your Iron man issue?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: andersonbrazil on May 05, 2019, 08:12AM
Hello Julio!
Congratulations on the anime characters you created. Our mod content has never been as diverse as in recent years. I particularly like non Marvel characters.
Julio, speaking Marvel characters, I've been testing to find out why the Sentry mod problem does not work properly on my PC.
I discovered something interesting .... I play using joystick. When I play with Sentry on the joystick its powers work poorly,  :(  but when I use the keyboard, they work normally. Has anyone ever reported this to you? Have you faced this problem already? :nervous: :nervous:

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: StarAndy on May 06, 2019, 08:45AM

julio you would be thinking of creating some mod in the future of anime naruto with the akatsuki group just like you did with the 12 golden knights of cdz, it would be formidable to see playing
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 12, 2019, 03:53PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 05, 2019, 08:12AM
Hello Julio!
Congratulations on the anime characters you created. Our mod content has never been as diverse as in recent years. I particularly like non Marvel characters.
Julio, speaking Marvel characters, I've been testing to find out why the Sentry mod problem does not work properly on my PC.
I discovered something interesting .... I play using joystick. When I play with Sentry on the joystick its powers work poorly,  :(  but when I use the keyboard, they work normally. Has anyone ever reported this to you? Have you faced this problem already? :nervous: :nervous:
I only play with keyboard. Maybe that's why I didn't notice. Not sure how to fix it sadly.
Quote from: StarAndy on May 06, 2019, 08:45AM
julio you would be thinking of creating some mod in the future of anime naruto with the akatsuki group just like you did with the 12 golden knights of cdz, it would be formidable to see playing
Sorry. I was to old for Naruto, I am not a fan and I wouldn't do the characters right for lack of knowledge.

Breaking News! I am still alive!
I bring you some new MCU skins. Visit page 24:,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713

Include a new, better looking Vision and finally the Black Widow you'll wanted:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: JTN98 on May 13, 2019, 06:32AM
looks awesome,Very good job,If you are updating skins,do you plan adding Spiderman Far from home skins?
In my opinion Civil war/homecoming model could be updated by this one ,looks very acurate
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Username on May 14, 2019, 01:21AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 05, 2019, 06:24AM
And, did you fix your Iron man issue?

yeah, fixed it. it was easy at the end ahahah
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 19, 2019, 01:35PM
Everyone. A Thanos MCU Booster have been released, contains MCU skins, Infinity Stones powers, Black Order and more. Check it out here:,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on May 19, 2019, 05:37PM
Good job mi Amigo ;) It was what he needed :applause: :rockon:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 20, 2019, 06:40AM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on May 19, 2019, 05:37PM
Good job mi Amigo ;) It was what he needed :applause: :rockon:
Also, thanks to user Stickbro for notice that Thanos health can be compromised, so I've take care of that issue, link updated.
If you want to do it yourself, just edit the "body = 50 ;" from herostat to "body = 7 ;"
Sorry guys. My bad.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: MelloMods on May 20, 2019, 02:59PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on May 19, 2019, 01:35PM
Everyone. A Thanos MCU Booster have been released, contains MCU skins, Infinity Stones powers, Black Order and more. Check it out here:,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713

Looks very impressive. Thank You! Thanos has come a long way!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on May 23, 2019, 09:22PM
Hello, I have a problem. Today, I downloaded MCU-THANOS' Mod. But unfortunately, When I used the "all power" code (game mode: normal), the HP was modified to "2/2". I've checked the HEROSTAT but The HP is still changing. PD: I tried to use other codes but It's the same problem.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 24, 2019, 06:50AM
Quote from: neutralen on May 23, 2019, 09:22PM
Hello, I have a problem. Today, I downloaded MCU-THANOS' Mod. But unfortunately, When I used the "all power" code (game mode: normal), the HP was modified to "2/2". I've checked the HEROSTAT but The HP is still changing. PD: I tried to use other codes but It's the same problem.
You are not the first reporting this. However, looking into it, I can't find the same issue. I have done the same you have, use the cheat code in normal, easy and hard mode, but nothing.
You are using the mod in a New game right?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on May 24, 2019, 04:30PM
Yes. Maybe I should try in a Game with only Thanos' mod in the files of MUA. Perhaps I forgot something to install before like the Official Characters pack/mods.
Pd: This is funny. yesterday, I wanted to play with thanos, magneto, dormammu and galactus but the game stopped working. I didn't think they were so powerful to affect the videogame. Hahaha.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on May 24, 2019, 05:22PM
By the way, when I put 5 points to the "power blast" (MCU THANOS' MOD 1st power), it indicates that you need to reach "LEVEL 140" in order to add another point (it happened when I played with the normal mode).

Ah... I have another question, if I wanted to modify the scope range of an xtreme attack, What file I need to modify??
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on May 24, 2019, 06:28PM
When I modified this:

Thanos "talent file":

   talent {
   descname = Power Blast ;
   description = A powerful cosmic beam.  $PT_CHARGE ;
   descshort = Beam ;
   icon = 0 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/thanos_icons.png ;
   name = than_p1 ;
   power = power1 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 1 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 5 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 5 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 6 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 14 ;               (the original had value = 140, 200, 270, 340, 380)

         talentvalue {
         level = 9 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 20 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 10 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 27 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 14 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 34 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 15 ;
         name = than_p1_req ;
         value = 38 ;

The problem with "Power blast (power1)" = "rank required: 140" was fixed, tha's What I think.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 25, 2019, 05:51AM
I see, that talent requeriments for power 1 was wrong. Thanks for notice it. I'll see if I can upload an update.

Quote from: neutralen on May 24, 2019, 05:22PM
Ah... I have another question, if I wanted to modify the scope range of an xtreme attack, What file I need to modify??
That is a thing in the powerstyle, you should touch the radius of the power.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on May 25, 2019, 01:09PM
Got it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 27, 2019, 02:56PM
Quote from: MelloMods on May 20, 2019, 02:59PM
Looks very impressive. Thank You! Thanos has come a long way!
Thanks! I hope to update Thanos in his Comicbook versionas well.

Everyone. Notice that MCU Captain America have been updated with new faces and new Endgame skin. Also Endgame Rocket Raccon is released.Check them here:,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Marco123Gutierrez on May 27, 2019, 11:30PM
Hey Julio would you be able to release all four black order skins
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 01, 2019, 02:36PM
Quote from: Marco123Gutierrez on May 27, 2019, 11:30PM
Hey Julio would you be able to release all four black order skins
The ones that are in my Thanos MCU Booster are rigged. Not sure if they work as skins.

Everyone. Ronan the Accuser and an update to Tony Stark is released along with some Chitauri at,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Aventureiromax on June 01, 2019, 03:16PM
Hello Julio, I noticed that Thanos was losing his life by falling from some surface in the first skin. I think I discovered the problem:


I changed all the "_outfit32" from the first skin in the talent files to "_outfit12" ;)

Here he stopped with this problem by modifying this part of the coding of the passive of the first skin.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 01, 2019, 03:30PM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on June 01, 2019, 03:16PM
Hello Julio, I noticed that Thanos was losing his life by falling from some surface in the first skin.

I changed all the "_outfit32" from the first skin in the talent files to "_outfit12" ;)

Here he stopped with this problem by modifying this part of the coding of the passive of the first skin.
Thanks! You are a genius. I forgot about the passives.
Still doesn't explain why I don't have such bug.
EDIT: Link updated. Thanos should be fixed now.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: neutralen on June 02, 2019, 02:53PM
I found another problem. The "Mind Stone" effect doesn't work. This power only turns enemies into allies for one or two seconds. I tried to fix it in several ways but the only thing that worked for me was when I used the dr.doom's booster (erik lensherr) to imitate the mind control effect (I compared it to the other to find the problem). After I changed some data in the "talent" and "powerstyle" of thanos, it worked correctly. I think you should check the talent and powerstyle files again. Just in case.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 02, 2019, 03:01PM
Quote from: neutralen on June 02, 2019, 02:53PM
I found another problem. The "Mind Stone" effect doesn't work. This power only turns enemies into allies for one or two seconds. I tried to fix it in several ways but the only thing that worked for me was when I used the dr.doom's booster (erik lensherr) to imitate the mind control effect (I compared it to the other to find the problem). After I changed some data in the "talent" and "powerstyle" of thanos, it worked correctly. I think you should check the talent and powerstyle files again. Just in case.
It does work. You just have to level up in order to make it last longer. I never wanted to make it last forever.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: jayglass on June 08, 2019, 11:28AM
Can you do a lower resolution hawkeye?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BloodyMares on June 14, 2019, 01:30PM
Hey, Cabral. Quick question about your and MUALover Thor boosters. I like the new hammer-spinning animation that your booster adds and the Leaping Smite power (though I'd like to increase its knockback range and damage). But MUALover's booster plays like a God of Thunder that he is. Is there a way to somehow merge these boosters into one so that it keeps the general playstyle of MUALover's booster (combo extensions, powers) but adds the spinning animation, Boost costume changes and the Leaping Smite?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 14, 2019, 02:28PM
Quote from: BloodyMares on June 14, 2019, 01:30PM
Hey, Cabral. Quick question about your and MUALover Thor boosters. I like the new hammer-spinning animation that your booster adds and the Leaping Smite power (though I'd like to increase its knockback range and damage). But MUALover's booster plays like a God of Thunder that he is. Is there a way to somehow merge these boosters into one so that it keeps the general playstyle of MUALover's booster (combo extensions, powers) but adds the spinning animation, Boost costume changes and the Leaping Smite?
Fair enough.
There should be a way. Try this:
With XMLBCUI (tool) decompile the file data/ps_thor.engb.
Download MUALover's Booster and have it in a different folder. With XMLBCUI decompile the ps_thor.engb from it as well.
Open both generated ps_thor.xml files and from MUALover's copy the text from the attack_light1 code until the grabsmash code.
Replace the codes from mine ps_thor.xml from also attack_light1 until grabsmash.
Save it and compile it with XMLBCUI to .engb.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 14, 2019, 03:12PM
*Gazillion Entertainment.
Special thanks to: UltraMegaMagnus for the tools, tutorials and source files.

Dr. Strange  :strange:
Includes two animated capes. One for his Classic skin and another for his MCU skin.
Instructions are in .txt file

Includes an animated cape and a custom skin.

Dr. Doom  :doom:
Includes 4 new skins, huds, a mannequin, configured powerstyle for regular Doom mod, and animated capes.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BloodyMares on June 14, 2019, 10:05PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on June 14, 2019, 02:28PM
Fair enough.
There should be a way. Try this:
With XMLBCUI (tool) decompile the file data/ps_thor.engb.
Download MUALover's Booster and have it in a different folder. With XMLBCUI decompile the ps_thor.engb from it as well.
Open both generated ps_thor.xml files and from MUALover's copy the text from the attack_light1 code until the grabsmash code.
Replace the codes from mine ps_thor.xml from also attack_light1 until grabsmash.
Save it and compile it with XMLBCUI to .engb.
Would you show the code segment that I need to replace? I'm slightly confused as grabsmash is located before ea_light_attack1.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BarryAllen on July 12, 2019, 05:58PM
Hi Julio, your Thanos mod is amazing, though I am having one issue with icons. When using a controller, the icons are all mixed up. The Meteor power icon is missing and all the other icons move down one, leaving the Xtreme with no icon. Switching back to keyboard controls corrects the icons again. Not sure why this would occur, do you know how to resolve this?

EDIT - Nevermind! I updated the icons for each power in the powerstyle to match the talents file and they are all working now, think one icon was also missing as it was listed in talents with icon_texture = textures/ui/than_icons.png, rather than thanos_icons.png. Thanks for the awesome mod.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 05:56PM
pls can anyone share me Loki fix files? download links dont work

also if anyone can share me sif files, pls
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 26, 2019, 06:27PM
Here ya go. Managed to archive everything long before 4shared started deleting old files on their servers:


Lady Sif:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 08:27PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on December 26, 2019, 06:27PM
Here ya go. Managed to archive everything long before 4shared started deleting old files on their servers:


Lady Sif:

TY so much you are life saver, it is good to know there is good people on net
again thank man :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TQB on December 31, 2019, 08:12PM
Hey Julio, where can I find the Classic Thor skin in your profile?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 04, 2020, 12:15PM
Quote from: TQB on December 31, 2019, 08:12PM
Hey Julio, where can I find the Classic Thor skin in your profile?
Not released yet.
Speaking of stuff I haven't release. I just add a Pepper Pots skin if anyone want to use it at Stark Tower. Go to,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Tobi777 on January 04, 2020, 12:51PM
Any chances of the Far From Home skins being released?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 04, 2020, 03:25PM
Quote from: Tobi777 on January 04, 2020, 12:51PM
Any chances of the Far From Home skins being released?
Sorry. Not from me. I am pretty much done with the MCU content.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: nando915 on January 04, 2020, 04:41PM
Julio, while on the topic of Pepper Potts/Rescue; any chance you'd want to convert the model of Ironheart from MFF as a skin for Rescue? I find it's be the perfect skin to round out the amazing three she already has in her Mod. Of course, only if you're interested. Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: scottsum on January 12, 2020, 07:12PM
The Tony Stark NPC skin appears to have the wrong hud, it's Captain America's.
Nice work on the skin.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deadjoke on February 28, 2020, 03:56PM
Hi Julio, or anyone else that may know. The mk simulator, do you have to ACTUALLY have Shao Kahn in your herostat for the mod to work? Or is having him installed enough? Because I triple checked to ensure I did EXACTLY as the read me and 2 text files instructed, which I did, and the simulator mission isn't showing up.

I have installed 3 other simulator missions of yours successfully for what it's worth.

Edit: adding him to my herostat made no difference.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deadjoke on March 01, 2020, 06:56AM
The instructions in the mk sim say to paste it AFTER the last course in the simulator engb, instead of REPLACING a sim mission like your other ones instruct. Could that be why it's not showing up in my simulator missions?

A reply on this issue would be appreciated please.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deadjoke on March 01, 2020, 03:44PM
Not that I want to criticize you because you are excellent​at mods and I can't even make a hud lol but yep the instructions in your mortal kombat mod are outdated. Replacing a mod worked. Pasting it after the last course in the simulator engb as per the instructions given didn't work.

Just updated readme for newbies like me is in order I think.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 04, 2020, 04:02PM
Quote from: deadjoke on March 01, 2020, 03:44PM
Not that I want to criticize you because you are excellent​at mods and I can't even make a hud lol but yep the instructions in your mortal kombat mod are outdated. Replacing a mod worked. Pasting it after the last course in the simulator engb as per the instructions given didn't work.

Just updated readme for newbies like me is in order I think.
Glad to know you have figure it out. I guess you I forgot to include that we can't increase the number of sim missions, therefore, your only choice is to replace one.
Sorry for the late response, I don't use my Marvel Mods account that much these days.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deadjoke on March 06, 2020, 08:01AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on March 04, 2020, 04:02PM
Glad to know you have figure it out. I guess you I forgot to include that we can't increase the number of sim missions, therefore, your only choice is to replace one.
Sorry for the late response, I don't use my Marvel Mods account that much these days.

Fair enough.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deadjoke on March 11, 2020, 06:38PM
Your hulk vs mod, is there anyway that I could edit it so it's outsiders Bruce banner mod I'm fighting, in hulk form, instead of the hulk that came with the official characters pack?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on March 22, 2020, 04:38AM
(EDITED: No need to quote an entire post.)

I understand everything of course but I want to see the Beerus mod as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on March 22, 2020, 04:58AM
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 22, 2020, 04:38AM
I understand everything of course but I want to see the Beerus mod as soon as possible.

Then learn how to make character mods yourself if you're so desperate for Beerus (because everyone's perfectly inclined to refuse requests, especially from one so rude and entitled as yourself).

Julio doesn't really come online here much at present and has moreorless taken a break as an active modder, so its a waste of time to make such forceful demands his way.

I warn you. Keep up this rash behaviour and I will have to mute you from making any further posts for an as-of-yet undetermined amount of time. So for your own sake, mind your manners and play nice.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 24, 2020, 04:20AM
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 22, 2020, 04:38AM
I understand everything of course but I want to see the Beerus mod as soon as possible.
I haven't answer your PM due to lack of time but like I said it before I have Broly on my list but I don't have Beerus planned.
You can post your requests at the requests topic.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 24, 2020, 04:21AM
A new animated bolton released at,8986.msg195150.html#msg195150
This time: Spawn's cape.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on March 25, 2020, 12:01PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on March 22, 2020, 04:58AM
Then learn how to make character mods yourself if you're so desperate for Beerus (because everyone's perfectly inclined to refuse requests, especially from one so rude and entitled as yourself).

Julio doesn't really come online here much at present and has moreorless taken a break as an active modder, so its a waste of time to make such forceful demands his way.

I warn you. Keep up this rash behaviour and I will have to mute you from making any further posts for an as-of-yet undetermined amount of time. So for your own sake, mind your manners and play nice.

This is exactly what I did not expect to hear from the Administrator himself, as if I am malevolent, are you really not joking about the ban?

I also rarely go to this site, and I am the same ordinary user as everyone else, I can not create a mod myself, why are you so sure that I will be able to create a mod myself Beerus?

And as for the expression I have not yet expressed myself like the one you described.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Beerus God of Destruction on March 25, 2020, 12:10PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on March 24, 2020, 04:20AM
I haven't answer your PM due to lack of time but like I said it before I have Broly on my list but I don't have Beerus planned.
You can post your requests at the requests topic.

Thanks a lot Julio Cabral.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on March 25, 2020, 02:07PM
Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 25, 2020, 12:01PM
This is exactly what I did not expect to hear from the Administrator himself, as if I am malevolent, are you really not joking about the ban?

One of the administrators actually, and I'm certain that he is not joking about the ban, only if such behavior continues. Everyone here has to be respectful and kind towards others -- modders, skinners, or otherwise. Your response "I understand everything of course but I want to see the Beerus mod as soon as possible" comes off as rude, as if shunning away/ignoring that Julio can't take your request. (The way that Julio responded implies that he already told you that Beerus wasn't on his list of projects.) Basically, if someone says that they can't take your request, for any reason, one is supposed to accept and respect their decision. Thanking him for responding, as you did in your last post was a good response.

Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 25, 2020, 12:01PM
I also rarely go to this site, and I am the same ordinary user as everyone else, I can not create a mod myself, why are you so sure that I will be able to create a mod myself Beerus?

I can't speak for Ceamonks, but as I mentioned to you in response to your PM, modding Beerus yourself appears to be your only option at this point. As Julio said, you can make your requests known at the Big Mod Request Thread, which is here (,4082.0.html). However, if you really can't wait for Beerus, then create him yourself -- if you are willing to learn, that is. Visit the Knowledge Base, the Tutorials section, and see "The Outsider's Guide to Modding." You'll find all of the information that you need to attempt him yourself. It is a lot, so pace yourself. Take one lesson at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. Never tell yourself that you "can not." Attempt it at least once. You may surprise yourself.

Also, you don't need to quote Julio's entire Alternate Mods section or any large release post -- that's not necessary. You can just respond and/or quote something small before responding -- as I am doing now.

Quote from: Beerus God of Destruction on March 25, 2020, 12:01PM
And as for the expression I have not yet expressed myself like the one you described.

Questioning an admin is never a good idea. If an admin or moderator sees someone not following the forum site rules (being kind is one of those rules) and calls them out on it, it's for a good reason. A warning was given, so take it seriously. Instead of questioning it, just be careful what you say and how you say it is all. Doesn't matter if you're here all of the time, or hardly ever here at all. Everyone must follow the rules.

And on that note, let's not flood Julio's thread by discussing this any further. The matter is closed, and our staff will be watching.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 28, 2020, 06:38AM
New animated capes and more released for Dr. Doom! :doom:,8986.msg195150.html#msg195150
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Travis von Doom on March 28, 2020, 10:27AM
This Doom booster is amazing!   :doom:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on March 28, 2020, 12:10PM
Quote from: Travis von Doom on March 28, 2020, 10:27AM
This Doom booster is amazing!   :doom:

Everyone, please download Spawn cape again, I've updated it to fix the texture and animation.
Credits to MrKablamm0fish and UltraMegaMagnus.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: anonymouspunk89 on March 31, 2020, 04:54PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on March 28, 2020, 06:38AM
New animated capes and more released for Dr. Doom! :doom:,8986.msg195150.html#msg195150
Is-is that the Infamous Iron Man skin? Oh my god, that is one skin I've been looking all over for!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 14, 2020, 04:23PM
I am very happy to announce that a second part of Saint Seiya mods is now released at,8986.msg185772.html#msg185772
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: yellowreller97 on June 11, 2020, 10:00AM
Hello, I am having issues with Goku and Vegeta's saiyan hair not properly hiding the skin segments. I already reinstalled the files. any help is appreciated thank you.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 11, 2020, 11:10AM
Quote from: jjr0801 on June 11, 2020, 10:00AM
Hello, I am having issues with Goku and Vegeta's saiyan hair not properly hiding the skin segments. I already reinstalled the files. any help is appreciated thank you.

If you have a lot of characters in your herostat that have skin segment hide codes in the herostat, that can prevent them all from hiding. We currently don't know the limit for this, as it hasn't been properly researched. You'll need to remove one or two characters from your herostat that have a lot of herostat hide codes.

More information on game limits can be found here:,10884.0.html (,10884.0.html)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 11, 2020, 11:12AM
Quote from: jjr0801 on June 11, 2020, 10:00AM
Hello, I am having issues with Goku and Vegeta's saiyan hair not properly hiding the skin segments. I already reinstalled the files. any help is appreciated thank you.
Any chance you:
1) Tried the mods in a saved game?
2) Have any of the hacks to increase the number of playble characters installed?

Edit: I've update te release topic with a warning about memory limits.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: yellowreller97 on June 16, 2020, 05:55PM
thank you, I will try those methods. I apologize for not looking at the limitation thread before posting :)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deathbyombie on August 04, 2020, 01:03PM
my 10 year old is dying to be Vader.
i am not sure if i am missing the link or i am not looking in the right place?
maybe it was removed for a reason i couldnt find?
just curious if it is a dead link or if i am just not seeing where to click lol
any help with this is much appreciated.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on August 04, 2020, 01:36PM
Quote from: deathbyombie on August 04, 2020, 01:03PM
my 10 year old is dying to be Vader.
i am not sure if i am missing the link or i am not looking in the right place?
maybe it was removed for a reason i couldnt find?
just curious if it is a dead link or if i am just not seeing where to click lol
any help with this is much appreciated.

The link originally had an image with it, but it seems the image was taken down. If that happens in the future, you can press "quote" and then scroll through the code to find the link that you need. Here it is: (

All the mods can also be found in the different catalogs here:,10301.0.html (,10301.0.html)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: deathbyombie on August 04, 2020, 03:26PM
thank you kindly.
i tried to figure out the quote thing just now. i have no idea how to do that lol
i will check out the other link as well. i was just using the mua1 characters and non mua1 character list posts.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 04, 2020, 04:21PM
Quote from: deathbyombie on August 04, 2020, 01:03PM
my 10 year old is dying to be Vader.
i am not sure if i am missing the link or i am not looking in the right place?
maybe it was removed for a reason i couldnt find?
just curious if it is a dead link or if i am just not seeing where to click lol
any help with this is much appreciated.
Hello. Thanks for that. I see you have figured how to get the link.
And I promise you, I'll upgrade the Star Wars mods soon enough.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Danieru on September 15, 2020, 07:01AM
Hello! Can someone re-upload Loki's fixes, because files are no more there.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 15, 2020, 05:54PM
They're in my community archives under Julio's works here-,n2dwu8p6cd5rs/shared
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Danieru on September 16, 2020, 01:54PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on September 15, 2020, 05:54PM
They're in my community archives under Julio's works here-,n2dwu8p6cd5rs/shared
Thanks! By the way, do you upgrade this archive up to date? If someone makes something new.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 16, 2020, 05:44PM
On a daily basis when possible. So yes, mods that I have uploaded there are usually the most up-to-date releases by modders at any given time.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2021, 04:47PM
With the help of tubularspacedude for the Spider-man 4 demo 3d model and UltraMegaMagnus for the Spider-man 3 model, I gave you Tobey's Spider-man:
Notice that I also added the masked version but now uses just one texture and I reworked a little of the rigging on the model.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Canino on September 01, 2021, 01:16PM
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 02, 2021, 04:38PM
Just like with Tobey, I am now releasing Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin custom model.
I used Spider-man The Movie Game and Beyond: Two Souls assets.
The result is more than enough to recreate Raimi's Green Goblin. Enjoy.

Notice that I've also include a Norman Osborn model.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 04, 2021, 12:43PM
I've remake my Netflix Daredevil models, making them with less textures and using the 3d model moss43 created for me (thanks a lot). So, these are the new ones, enjoy:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 08, 2021, 12:32PM
Movie Venom skin released! Credits to UltraMegamagnus
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Marco123Gutierrez on December 15, 2021, 12:13AM
Hey Julio i downloaded your venom movie skin and the skin i got was spiderman 3 venom with topher grace face is that what it was supposed to be
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: BaconWizard17 on January 05, 2022, 08:53PM
Quote from: Marco123Gutierrez on December 15, 2021, 12:13AM
Hey Julio i downloaded your venom movie skin and the skin i got was spiderman 3 venom with topher grace face is that what it was supposed to be

Yeah, I think Julio did that as a joke
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 21, 2022, 07:39PM
No Way Home Green Goblin skin released!
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 22, 2022, 09:58AM
Released new Comicbook skins for Green Goblin.
Customized from Marvel Pinball and Marvel Endtime Arena. Includes a mannequin and an unmasked skin.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on February 04, 2022, 07:02PM
Kate Bishop MCU skin released!
Credits to moss43 for the headsculpt and Ultra for the FN assets.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: JracoMeter on February 14, 2022, 01:10PM
Loki plays very well and can be a great asset to any team, just don't get on his bad side. This character comes with a great power selection and some awesome suits.

Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 02, 2022, 07:25AM
Marvel Modding's life Farewell Thread
I am saying goodbye for good to this beautiful community. I have done pretty much all I could in my prime years of modding, there is little to nothing else for me to do here since I am out of free time to dedicate it to MUA or XML.
All that been said, I am plannig to release everything I didn't release before I go, here in this topic.
So, stay tunned for final surprises.

MUA 3 Dr. Doom:

Raimiverse J Jonah Jameson:

Classic Kraven the hunter:

MCU White Vision:

Spider-man Unlimited Game Venom:
Includes an Spider-man The Animated Series Skin and the long awaited animated tongue model (sadly it works fine just with these two new skins)
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: TheMK on May 02, 2022, 07:53AM
I'm sad that you're leaving, but I deeply appreciate everything you've done for this game and these mods and this forum. Your creations have always given me tremendous joy and I'm going to continue to savor them. Thank you again for all of it, please enjoy a well-deserved rest and good luck in all of your future endeavors.
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: SSRK on May 12, 2022, 08:01PM
I'm sad you're leaving as well Julio, I've enjoyed your work over the years. Please bless us with one last creation! An Electro skin from Spider-Man No Way Home :electro:
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: alexwesker123 on June 03, 2022, 08:53AM
I can't find  Venom mod(DarkMark) and Sentry mod(sbarth)  can  you give me a link ?
Title: Re: Cabral's mods (M: The Sentry/ Void, Loki, Odin, Thor, Sif. NM: MK, SW, ANIME).
Post by: Outsider on June 04, 2022, 07:13PM
Quote from: alexwesker123 on June 03, 2022, 08:53AM
I can't find  Venom mod(DarkMark) and Sentry mod(sbarth)  can  you give me a link ?

No need to bug Julio with that. You'll find them in our Character Mod Catalog. I just checked -- the links for both are in their respective posts.,399.msg6954.html#msg6954