SMALL PACK 13 14/06/2018Hello guys! With joy I release the Small Pack 13. I managed to convert skins that a long time I wished for our game, and now I share with everyone.
There are skins in this pack that I have updated the textures or size.
I want to thank the
collaboration of AdrianoAP for his beautiful work on the mannequins of this pack and leave here the link of his topic for all those interested to access his great content:,10024.0.html
I want to thank the
collaboration of UltraMegaMagnus for the beautiful huds produced and also present the link of your topic, which in fact has a very diverse mod content:,10196.0.html
I will be releasing more skins, updating this pack soon.
Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Midway Games
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Savage Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
VISUAL UPDATE 108/18/2018With great satisfaction, guys I just released my first visual upgrades in Small Pack 13.
In addition to upgraded skins, new converted skins are present as well.
I thank Nikita488 once again for creating this magnificent tool, MUA Material Editor, and to shared with the whole forum. Thank you!
I hope everyone enjoys!
VISUAL UPDATE 211/06/2018Hello guys! My real wish was to launch the Small Pack 14, but as I got more involved in skin textures updates already converted than in conversions, I decided to launch another VISUAL UPDATE in this pack 13. I want to thank Aventureiromax's participation in the production of variant textures for Crimson Dynamo skins, and to UltraMegaMagnus, who provided me with the Asgardian Groot model with cape. Thanks for all, guys!
I hope you like it, and do not worry, new skins are coming. Have fun with MUA!
SMALL PACK 12 10/02/2018I decided to release these skins so we could play with them in advance, but keep the eyes on why I will update this pack with new skins. Have fun with MUA!
UPDATE: Thanks and credits to AdrianoAP for the excellent mannequins of Grim Reaper and Noob Saibot. Thanks Adriano!Credit for Creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, Gameloft, Capcom
SMALL PACK 11 30/12/2017I could not finish this pack to give us in this Christmas, but I want to mark our end of the year with this pack. I know that my participation is not like before, but I want to state that I will continue to contribute to our fun at MUA. I want to wish everyone a happy new year, and may God bless our projects of life, and enlighten us in the journey, and give us peace on all things, peace in Christ Jesus!
Well, I hope everyone has a lot of fun with MUA, just like me!
Credits Creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, Netmarble, Capcom
SMALL PACK 10 13/09/2017Hello guys! It took a while but I finished our Pack 10. I hope you enjoy! I will announce in the order list the opening of Pack 11. Please remember that I will only serve the first 5 requests that are posted after my announcement. I'm excited! I want to start the projects as soon as possible! Have fun with MUA!
SMALL PACK 9 22/04/2017Hello guys! Although it took me a while to share my conversions during these months, here it's. You realize that this pack is really small. My time to convert now is too limited. Things are not like before ... But within my possibilities I will continue to contribute to the forum, after all we all love MUA. I want to portray myself with all the users who were expecting to see their requests placed in this pack and unfortunately they are not present. I have not retired yet, but now I need everything in the long run. Well ... I hope this little collection pleases you. Have fun with MUA!
Credits Creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, Netmarble
SMALL PACK 8 23/12/2016Hello guys! Once again I want to share my latest fur conversions with you. Lately, I has converted litle skins, but in this year end, I want to leave this gift to everyone who interest. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and remind everyone that this is the day we decide to celebrate the birthday of JESUS CHRIST, so let's not forget his. He's the center of the party! Well ... I hope you like the skins! See you next year! Happy New Year to everybody!
Credits Creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, DC Comic
SMALL PACK 7 25/08/2016That's it users friends of marvelmod ! Finally I finished and now I am very pleased. I share with all of you my Small Pack 7. This pack It took too long because of my time that is little to convert. This pack includes some skins request. I want to tell everyone that I'm going to convert skins only for existing mods and if their modders are interested in atulizações. This will take me to work on mods that can be enjoyed in a short time. I need to warn you that I have great difficulty with textures. The Marlo Chandler Mistress Death skin is with disproportionate size in MB. So do not be alarmed by the size of it. She is working perfectly for me. I want to thank Aventureiromax who helped me with the textures of Supergirl and I want to deliver to Donpord the credit for the rip models MUA2 that are now part of this collection. I hope it will be to everyone's liking. Have fun!
Credits Creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, DC Comic, Turbine, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
SMALL PACK 6 13/06/2016Friends users from MarvelMods forum , I now release the Small Pack 6 for our enjoyment. My options are becoming more limited, but my pace dropped to convert quite, because of my time. I'm not very good with textures, so in the Batman models you will notice the transparent capes and even a different aspect. This is because of my clumsiness to apply some textures. Well, I think it still gives to play. Have fun!
Credits creation: Marvel Comic, DC Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, Raven Software, Actvision, Capcom, Netmarble, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
SMALL PACK 5 01/04/2016Greetings to all users friends in this magnificent forum! With much joy I compartlho with all my last converted skins. This fifth package that I present has less skin that the the fourth package. I decided to limit myself because now we have many 3D models of converters in our forum. I believe that all of them are coming very excited and eager to share their work with users. So I restrained myself so there is no repetition of skins converted and to give the opportunity of participation of the new users converters. Besides that I am again enjoying the novelties of the modders friends. I want to thank Julio Cabral, because it gave me a brief tutorial, teaching me to add one bolton extra in character Silver Surfer Exile! Thanks Julio! And I want to thank Aventureiromax because perfected the textures of the Silver Surfer Savage skin and Shuri skin! Thanks Max! Well ... I hope that you all can enjoy this package! Have fun!
Credits creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, Raven Software, Actvision, Capcom, Netmarble.
SMALL PACK 4 01/01/2016To the users forum Marvel Mods I want to leave my sincere wish of Happy New Year. That in 2016 the Hero of heroes, Christ Jesus, enlighten the lives of all and that He bless you with the greatest of all blessings.
Now, to celebrate the year 2016 I want present to all my Small Pack 4. In this image there are fur Silk and Mary Jane, I forgot to add, but will be in the pack. I want to thank to the Aventureiromax because converted the Psylocke House of M and allowed me to cast her in this pack. Have fun!
Credits creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment, DC Comics, Sony Online Entertainment.
SMALL PACK 3 10/11/2015For those who patiently waited more this release, with great joy I present to all, my small pack 3! Here are my most recent conversions (there are still others for the future) and are the most pleasing to me. I want to thank to Aventureiromax which contributed a lot in this pack, creating textures for She-Hulk fantastic four and red, and, perfecting the textures of Ultimate Spiderwoman and the textures of Storm! I hope it's to everyone's liking!
Credits Creation: Marvel Comics, Capcom and Gazillion entertainment.
SMALL PACK 2 17/09/2015Hello guys! After a long time without appearing now I come to present my last conversions in this second little bundle of conversions that most pleased me. There's more, but I decided to release the skins converted for me gradually. I hope you enjoy. Have fun!
Credits for creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment
Credits: With the special participation of Aventureiromax in skin texture ice form ice man All New X-Men.
ARCLIGHT updateFor those who likes the mod Arclight Outsider, here is an update of the skin that before I converted. We will create new variants soon.
( (
CABLE PACKThis package is of the Cable from Marvel Heroes. The backs were not well agreed upon but eventually I will make an update.I hope you enjoy! Have fun!
credits for creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment
Black Widow PackI decided to update some old projects and expand them. Here's a Black Widow package, there is still one more skin to convert, but for now I thought for well provide these. Have fun!
credits for creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment
SMALL PACK 05/05/2015This is a small pack for our delight. I am yet not a expecional modder, but all the that I can do for our fun going stay here.
Huds and a mannequin Jill accompany the skins.
Credits for Capcom, Marvel Comic and Gazillion Entertainment for creation of the models.
Small Pack 1\DR STRANGE
MAGNETO MN/black MHcredits for texturing: Aventureiromax
credits for creation: Gazillion Entertainment
MAGNETO MN/white MHcredits for texturing: Aventureiromax
credits for creation: Marvel Comic, Gazillion Entertainment.
VENOM - Flash Thompson
THANOS by Dejavue89 (update)
The credits by creation of this skin are of Dejavue89, user from Deviantart web site.
Credits for texturing: Aventureiromax
Credit for character: Marvel Comic
Black Widow Dress by G0ldenArcher and Wolverine Weapon X MvC3There are some minor flaws in the models but I think it gives to play with a minimum of beauty.
The Hud of the Black Widow is in my topic for Hud and of the Wolverine is of source MH I created and is there also.
First RealeasesWell... here are the first skins resulting from everything I learned. I yet have not mastered completely the art but I know it will happen after a lot of study and training. My releases are marked with wrong details so please forgive me in advance, but still I will fix them in the future. I want to thank BLAW who patiently instructed us in a video tutorial that was the suffice to demonstrate to us the secret of art. I know was laborious, thanks for the effort.
Well enjoy! Those who want to correct my mistakes to improve what I still can not just ask me and I will give the scene files 3ds 3ds max 5.
I hope you have fun!
Cable DG
Domino DG (update)_release
Note: Some HUDs have been produced are in my topic HUDs.
They look nice. Good job! I really like that Cable.
Great job with skins! Cable looks perfect!
Ooowwh, gonna download Psylocke! These look awesome! Great job!
Baixando agora ;)
Mt bom :) , espero que no futuro estejam aqui as minhas
Nice work, AB! They came out nice in that pic, so I'm sure they'll look great in the game. If you attempt Arclight from that same Deadpool game, let me know, as she is currently on my future projects list (you can view that at The Lab), and that skin would be her primary. Some on my list are from MVC3 as well. Again, nice job. :rockon:
EDIT: Do you have the link to that Domino DG skin? The link above leads to her hud.
Oops !! Domino DG now is with the link fixed. THX!
Muito legal!
That Cable skin is beast! Gracias.
Sweet!Cable's my favorite can't wait to try them out.
Nice job! Can't wait to try Psylocke (and maybe I should try importing all those MHs skins now....)
Updated topic. Pack skins MvC3 X-23 included
Muito bom!!! Excelente trabalho na Skin Evolution!!
Gostei muito desse modelo :P
Obrigado por me deixar fazer parte desses lançamentos :thumbsup2:
Great work love the models!
I converted this Black Widow to some time. That day I did not know apply the dds texture, so it size is great, but I leave the arrangement, later I redo it with new weaponry. Have fun.
Note: I have a hud available to her in my topic "Huds from Marvel Heroes".
Gostei da viúva negra! Ficou muito legal! Parabéns!!
I updated my topic including two skins for Superman. Enjoy!
Wow...belo trabalho Anderson ;)
Topic update.
Scarlet Witch MN add.
Ms Marvel MvC3 added.
Added Luke Cage Modern MH. I just could not adjust the pelvis correctly. In the future I will update this skin. Enjoy!
Ótimo trabalho Anderson ;) só não achei o link pra baixar rs ^_^
Pode atualizar a página que agora está arrumado. Você recebeu a Ms. Marvel MvC3 que te enviei pelo Face?
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 11, 2015, 07:38AM
Pode atualizar a página que agora está arrumado. Você recebeu a Ms. Marvel MvC3 que te enviei pelo Face?
Agora consegui :D . Recebi sim, show de bola :thumbsup: Valeu ;)
:pman: SWEET CHRISTMAS! Love the Luke Cage skin thank you!
Then, I'll give improved in his arms. I'm glad you liked it!
I converted these outstanding models in my list, but some have small problems in the clavicles. Sometimes the arms do not move correctly, but off it, all is well. Hope you enjoy!
More Luke Cage baby, loving it thanks for converting the MH models.
I'm glad you liked it! Soon I will launch more new stuff!
Awesome skins! I love that you converted some Jill models. I also really like the Black Widow Thunderbolts model!
Simply amazing, but you got to have Iron Fist! He's Luke Cage's buddy! :pman: :ifist:
For sure! You will soon see it here!
Personally, I moved my topic of HUD to this topic in order to facilitate our access. Enjoy the HUDS releases.
HULK 2099 (
CYCLOPS 90'S ('S.igb
THANOS by Dejavue89 (
I have news. A new skin for Thanos to download.
Andersonbrazil, this Thanos' skin is breaktaking!!!
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the link for downloading this one :(
Thanks for the warning. Problem solved!
oh yes !!! Thanos with infinity gauntlet incredible...
More new skin to our collection. I hope you enjoy. Venom, Flash Thompson. It can be used also as Eddie Brock.
Parabéns Anderson, e obrigado por compartilhar todos seus modelos convertidos com os outros usuários, adorei o modelo do Venom que você converteu, continue assim!
Ótimo trabalho Mr. Anderson ;)
Quote from: Maegawa on January 25, 2015, 04:21PM
Parabéns Anderson, e obrigado por compartilhar todos seus modelos convertidos com os outros usuários, adorei o modelo do Venom que você converteu, continue assim!
Quote from: aventureiromax on January 26, 2015, 04:51AM
Ótimo trabalho Mr. Anderson ;)
Gente, valeu pelos elogios!
This msmarvel I and the aventureiromax did some time ago. Thanks Max! We hope you enjoy!,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Your skins are really, really cool, but I find some of them have a lot of shadow on them, like Luke Cage and Scarlet Witch. Even with advanced lightning and shadow effects off, I can't really see a lot of them. Would it be possible to reduce the shadow on those skins?
I received recently a tip of the BLAW to solve it, addition to find another solution after of to search our tutorials. I'll try the two solutions to see if I can solve this problem.
I'm developing some projects conversions and I managed to finish these two skins for Juggernaut. They are not totally perfect but it is possible to play. This SMSD skin I ripped of the game itself. If anyone knows how to rip skins Marvel Heroes, if not uncomfortable, teach me because I am very interested. I hope you guys enjoy these skins.
Nice jugs. If you don't mind me asking who is the mannequin in the background of the juggernaut photos?
Thanks for the compliment, ndp. The manequim in the pictures appeared unnoticed. It is a project to be launched. For now it should be kept secret.
Belas skins Anderson :D continue o belo trabalho ;)
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 10, 2015, 06:11PM
If anyone knows how to rip skins Marvel Heroes, if not uncomfortable, teach me because I am very interested.
I think ninja ripper works for the models. And you'll need the last version of Noesis to import the models and then export to .obj
:punisher_logo:'s udon is uncanny!
Looking forward for your cool realises!
New Huds to you guys. Jugger MCoC and SMSD.,9377.30.html
Anderson vai considerar converter skins do flash (dcuo e/ou igau) ?
Como a Maegawa fez um excelente trabalho no mod ficaria a matar umas novas skins xD
Eu ja pensei em converter os modelos do jogo Injustice: Gods Among Us para o Flash, acho eles muito reais. Mas antes tenho que terminar alguns projetos que sao prioritarios.
Claro termina os projetos que tens em andamento.
Se for possivel fazer 1 pedido, pediria para converteres tambem a modelo do flash no jogo "Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe" ( , que é o modelo simples (o que mais gosto) e que nao tem infelizmente no igau
Muito legal! Na verdade, talvez eu use ele como proposta para ser a primeira skin do mod.
Ainda bem que gosta!
Boa sorte e obrigado :)
Ok! After some time without release for my topic, now I bring two new and some updates. Peles Magneto Marvel Now from Marvel Heroes the game and fixes in the skins of Domino, Storm and Thanos. Enjoy!
Opa...belas conversões Anderson ;) Depois irei recompilar aquelas texturas que fiz na primeira versão ;)
Opa Max! Me esqueci de creditar suas texturização! Vou corrigir o negócio agora!
Launched small pack of skins for Dr Strange, Luke Cage, Jill Valentine and Thor. Have fun!
Oh yes! I am so glad to play with skin doctor strange from defenders)))This is very great job
Dr. Strange is pretty awesome! Waiting Classic skin :)
Unfortunately, archieve doesn't conatain the LC Classic skin :(((
Oops! My fault, Nigativ! But now is corrected!
You're "Umnitsa"!!
In Russian, this word means, that man does something properly, on time...;)
Thanks a lot!!!
Good job Anderson ;)
A new pack is available, guys. Black Widow Marvel Heroes. Have fun!
Nice work on the Widow! Will try them out.
Thank you, Outsider! A large Moonstar package was launched by Aventureiromax. I hope it's to your liking for an update of the mod.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 21, 2015, 06:00PM
Thank you, Outsider! A large Moonstar package was launched by Aventureiromax. I hope it's to your liking for an update of the mod.
I have just received them -- excellent job on the skins, HUDs, and especially the mannequins (and boy, do my mods need some...) You two, the AA-Team are clearly the World Tag Team Champions on this forum.
I'm currently working on Spiral, but I'll update both Moonstar and Satana very soon.
Your skins are really awesome!!
One question: I'm using some of your skins for Luke Cage, including the Street skin (the one with the white shirt & blue jacket and cap). The skin is probably my favourite for him, but whenever I play with that skin and execute a jump move, the jump is set at a decreased level, to the point that part of Cage briefly disappears under the floor. It looks odd. Does this happen to you (or anyone else) as well? Any ideas what could be the cause?
The modern skin, on the other hand, works perfectly fine.
In my game it usually works. This is a mistake that unfortunately I have no answer to help. But I'm happy by feedback and if anyone else have this problem or some other problem with any of my skins I would like to be notified. Thanks !!
I always dreamed of this pack for Cable and now I managed to convert. I hope you enjoy. I have not yet prepared the huds but I will soon do so. Check out the first page of my topic.
Awesome as always! Good work!
Wow Cable looks great can't wait to see him in game
Eae Anderson Aquela Imagem do Juggernaut, aquela skin que fica atras dela, (não sei o nome e.e) Em fim, Se você tiver o link, pode passar ela para baixar? Pfv :D
Arclight update.
Ótimo trabalho Anderson com as peles do Cable e da Arclight :applause: Thanks for sharing ;)
Nice work on Cable and Arclight. I'll update Arclight as soon as I'm able, and if you are creating more variations of her, be my guest.
Thanks for the compliments, guys! With the help of Aventureiromax I hope we can do this Outsider. Thanks!
Se não me engano aquele atrás do juggernaut é o Taskmaster
Coloca o link dele anderson, quero a skin :/
Cara, eu fiz a pele dele mas eu estou esperando o lançamento dele antes. Não posso dizer quem é modder, por razão de sigilo, mas quando ele lançar o mod eu vou postar as peles variantes pra baixar.
Ata foi mals, não sabia que ele não tinha sido lançado ainda, xD obrigado pelo aviso entao
E parabéns pelo seu trabalho! :D
Great work on Arclight's mannequin! I love the pose.
Found the Cable skins really beautiful, gotta test them soon.
Ah preciso comentar, estou mais do que surpreso por encontrar pelo menos uns tres brasileiros aqui. uau.
Cara, seja bem vindo ao clube, mas acredite, creio eu, deve haver quase dez brazucas neste fórum.
can you please make skin to mua 2 havok please :havok:
Quote from: cherrapincroft on July 31, 2015, 05:54PM
can you please make skin to mua 2 havok please :havok:
Just typed MUA2 Havok and this (,4598.msg129754.html#msg129754) came up. The search button is your friend, remember this next time.
yeah i put that skin in the game and doesnt look like the marvel ultimate alliance 2, i want the type of model mua 2 like the people did with jean grey with the style of mua 2 look these
Quote from: cherrapincroft on August 04, 2015, 12:48AM
yeah i put that skin in the game and doesnt look like the marvel ultimate alliance 2, i want the type of model mua 2 like the people did with jean grey with the style of mua 2 look these
I'm afraid that UltimateVeNoM's skin is the closest thing to the MUA2 Havok you'll find. The PS3/360 MUA2 models aren't compatible with MUA1 as they no longer use the .igb format from what I heard. However, the PS2/Wii models can be converted, B.L.A.W converted a lot of them a long time ago, you can find most of them here (,4077.0.html).
Does anyone have the other version of Cable mod/booster ? I have downloaded norrin radd's version, it's so good but i want to try some other, like Blizz's version but his link has down
I have yet to meet a mod booster for Cable. This is a good request to the modders that make boosters. But, do you managed find some booster for him?
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 05, 2015, 04:09PM
I have yet to meet a mod booster for Cable. This is a good request to the modders that make boosters. But, do you managed find some booster for him?
Yep, I really want a mod/booster like Cable in Mua2 Ps3/Xbox 360 version: ,he's a realy badass, but it seems no one has ever done
Beside, i have found a PC convertion of Mua2 (Ps3/Xbox 360) by gamhacker, but i don't know how to download it, hope you guys can do something with this link:, and reupload to mediafire
Man, unfortunately this site takes the user to a surveys link. These sites have a single intention. Fool us! Not have there the MUA 2 for download. I will confess to you that I was excited by the news, but I see that we still have to wait to get him to PC. Even so I thank you.
just to ask, is download link for X-23 skins off? it dont work for me, others do work
This is strange, because for me is working well. Look at the link
Anderson, Faz uma skin do carnage igual a do MUA 2, você poderia fazer a conversao dele (se isto é possivel) ja que ele é uma DLC
Quote from: Scarlat on September 08, 2015, 02:49AM
Anderson, Faz uma skin do carnage igual a do MUA 2, você poderia fazer a conversao dele (se isto é possivel) ja que ele é uma DLC
Eu posso converte-lo sim, mas eu vou precisar do modelo 3D. Se você tem ele posta pra mim, e se tiver outros que não têm aqui no fórum pode me enviar que eu converto pra gente. Valeu!
Tenho as DLC do MUA 2 vou enviar quando chegar em casa :D
Espero que de certo
Quote from: Scarlat on September 08, 2015, 10:32AM
Tenho as DLC do MUA 2 vou enviar quando chegar em casa :D
Espero que de certo
Scarlat, o problema é que o arquivo natural do jogo não é o arquivo que costumamos usar. É preciso ripar o modelo do jogo. Isso ocorre com o uso de um software especifico. Daí após ripado é preciso organizar o arquivo e convertê-lo para o formato adequado ao 3DS MAX, para aí sim, ser convertido. O problema é que este processo eu conheço para o PC. MUA 2 não foi lançado para PC. Mas alguns conseguiram ripar esses modelos para PC. Eis o mistério! Mas se você conseguir o modelo, você pode enviá-lo em formato "obj" ou "mesh". Valeu!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 08, 2015, 11:58AM
Scarlat, o problema é que o arquivo natural do jogo não é o arquivo que costumamos usar. É preciso ripar o modelo do jogo. Isso ocorre com o uso de um software especifico. Daí após ripado é preciso organizar o arquivo e convertê-lo para o formato adequado ao 3DS MAX, para aí sim, ser convertido. O problema é que este processo eu conheço para o PC. MUA 2 não foi lançado para PC. Mas alguns conseguiram ripar esses modelos para PC. Eis o mistério! Mas se você conseguir o modelo, você pode enviá-lo em formato "obj" ou "mesh". Valeu!
My friend, when will the Deadpool game costumes be released for MUA? Just curious about them. :)
Quote from: Deadpool_69 on September 08, 2015, 12:22PM
My friend, when will the Deadpool game costumes be released for MUA? Just curious about them. :)
I'm trying to develop three projects at the same time. And Deadpool is among them. This is a job that will take a little time, but I will go soon release a package with the other skins converted in the past.
Eu simplesmente não entendo muito dessas coisas mas mesmo se der ou não der, eu achei as DLC neste site
Aqui tem as DLC de todos os personagens que foi disponivel pro MUA 2 (Carnage, Cable, Juggernaut, magneto Etc..) da uma olhada ai, se der certo, eu ainda não baixei pois não to com o MUA 2 no meu video game haha xD
Released my second little bundle of conversions. Have fun!,9377.0.html
Any news if you are planning to port Venom model from Future Fight?
I really like your Iceman and Jean Grey's skin. Now i have a suggestion, can you make a mannequin for Rogue AoX like this? I know you have converted this skin and hud but i think it's awesome if she have a mannequin :D
Quote from: Lồn mẹ nó on September 17, 2015, 09:56PM
I really like your Iceman and Jean Grey's skin. Now i have a suggestion, can you make a mannequin for Rogue AoX like this? I know you have converted this skin and hud but i think it's awesome if she have a mannequin :D
I can yes, but not for now. I have to finish the other projects first. That done, I'll be able to take your order. Thanks!
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on September 17, 2015, 08:04PM
Any news if you are planning to port Venom model from Future Fight?
I have not looked at it, but I'll see! Thanks!
Nice work on that pack, Anderson -- it's cool seeing hilarious new skins for Deadpool. And I especially like you've created Alejandra Blaze and Lady Deadpool -- because they are new.
I personally hope to see more models/skins for characters that haven't been done before. Let's say I wanted to create a mod of Alejandra Blaze or Lady Deadpool -- now you've just made it possible. See what I mean? Thanks for beginning to work on that list I've sent you, as it opens the door for me to create more playable mods for everyone to enjoy. Keep up the great work.
Its funny that you call it "small pack" .Big thanks for all your great works & and all of your compact and realy understandable tutorials master Anderson ! :bowdown1: These are big help for beginner meshers like me. Even I dont realy understand portuguese ;)
Quote from: Outsider on September 18, 2015, 05:48AM
Nice work on that pack, Anderson -- it's cool seeing hilarious new skins for Deadpool. And I especially like you've created Alejandra Blaze and Lady Deadpool -- because they are new.
I personally hope to see more models/skins for characters that haven't been done before. Let's say I wanted to create a mod of Alejandra Blaze or Lady Deadpool -- now you've just made it possible. See what I mean? Thanks for beginning to work on that list I've sent you, as it opens the door for me to create more playable mods for everyone to enjoy. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the comment, Outsider! Your mods please me a lot. Thanks for your work and for letting me participate in it !!
: -)
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on September 18, 2015, 07:39AM
Its funny that you call it "small pack" .Big thanks for all your great works & and all of your compact and realy understandable tutorials master Anderson ! :bowdown1: These are big help for beginner meshers like me. Even I dont realy understand portuguese ;)
Thank you for the compliments, Bruce Banner! If you have any doubt can count on me to help!
Great job!
Thanks for accepting my request :D, hope you will done with your works soon. Actually, I wonder if someone can make this skin, hud, mannequin for Angel from Marvel Avengers Alliance. You can try it if you have freetime, thank you so much! :D
We want Spider-Woman from Marvel Heroes 2015 :spiderwoman:
Quote from: frozenblood on November 04, 2015, 04:32PM
We want Spider-Woman from Marvel Heroes 2015 :spiderwoman:
Calm ... She and others are coming!
great ^_^
Anderson teria como você fazer ou converter essa skin pro Carnage? queria muito usar ela :3
Certamente. Pra falar a verdade eu já tenho esse modelo pra converter, além do modelo carnage de spider-man shattered dimension. Estou procurando alguns outros diferentes pra poder criar um pack completo pra ele, mas provavelmente irei lançá-lo no small pack 4. O small pack 3 já tá fechado. Valeu!
Feliz em saber disso! :3 obrigado pela informação, Realmente gosto do seu trabalho. ;) continue assim brother :D Seria bom se tivesse o modelo dele na versão do Marvel Ultimate alliance 2 aquela skin dele é demais D:
Is released the SMALL PACK 3. Check the news!,9377.0.html
Wow , so much interesting skins asspecially very like Dormammu and Magik skin
That is quite a collection you've assembled. I particularly like Dormammu (of course), Magik, and the female Thor. Now, she's a possibility to become a mod herself (not confirming that, just saying.) I will test the Dormammu skins and update him as soon as I can. Nice work! :rockon:
wait. where that Classic Dormammu come from?
Perfect Magik skin :). Now i think we just need Emma Phoenix Five skin so that we can complete Phoenix Five team. It seems like Blaw has made it but i can't find that download link in his topic. Do you have it or can you make it ?
thanks for the wonderful skins but I guess there's an error in thor skins, actually it's an old man thor skin. :magneto:
also african storm doesn't fit with the image on page 1 but it's cool too.
Quote from: ctepan 89 on November 10, 2015, 10:11PM
Wow , so much interesting skins asspecially very like Dormammu and Magik skin
ctepan 89, I was happy that you liked this pack. Thank you for the compliments!
Quote from: Outsider on November 10, 2015, 10:49PM
That is quite a collection you've assembled. I particularly like Dormammu (of course), Magik, and the female Thor. Now, she's a possibility to become a mod herself (not confirming that, just saying.) I will test the Dormammu skins and update him as soon as I can. Nice work! :rockon:
Thank Outsider! I have not forgotten your requests, I want you to propose you first present your mods because I can analyze the animations and to prepare the models more accurately. Thanks!
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on November 11, 2015, 04:00AM
wait. where that Classic Dormammu come from?
LarsAlexandersson, I was happy that you enjoyed the skins. I learned to rip the direct models of Marvel game files vs Capcom 3 PS3. I'm preparing to launch several more in the future.They will soon be shared. Thanks!
Quote from: Lồn mẹ nó on November 11, 2015, 04:25AM
Perfect Magik skin :). Now i think we just need Emma Phoenix Five skin so that we can complete Phoenix Five team. It seems like Blaw has made it but i can't find that download link in his topic. Do you have it or can you make it ?
Lồn mẹ nó, In fact I think it's just missing the skins of Namor Phoenix Five and gives itself Jean Grey Phoenix Five. I still have not found models for them. But the Emma that BLAW converted, you find here.,8049.570.html
Quote from: on November 11, 2015, 06:49AM
thanks for the wonderful skins but I guess there's an error in thor skins, actually it's an old man thor skin. :magneto:
Quote from: on November 11, 2015, 07:16AM
also african storm doesn't fit with the image on page 1 but it's cool too., I'm glad you enjoyed the skins. I did everything quickly and I ended up failing with a few things. But now everything is fixed. The African skin Storm, I forgot to paste her image, but there are five skins for Storm. Thanks!
Of course, i have seen that Blaw's post but as i said, i can't find the download link, it just have the image but no link for download it, if you have the download link can you give me, please?
Besides, Namor Phoenix Five is with Emma in this duo pack made by whiteking but i think Blaw' Emma is better:,3769.msg149345.html#msg149345
And this is Jean Phoenix 5, may be not perfect:,4191.msg152464/topicseen.html#msg152464
Quote from: andersonbrazil on November 11, 2015, 10:27AM
Thank Outsider! I have not forgotten your requests, I want you to propose you first present your mods because I can analyze the animations and to prepare the models more accurately. Thanks!
I appreciate that you still have my requests for new characters planned. However, I can only present/release mods if there's
at least one skin of the character. I can't create a mod if there are no skins for the character at all.
For example, if I wanted to create a mod of let's say Radioactive Man, I can because there is an in-game skin of him already. My current project is of Black Canary. She is possible because Aventureiromax created a skin of her Young Justice costume before, so I'm working with that skin for now. If an XML2 skin of a character is available and it's MUA-compatible, I can use that for now. And in your newest collection, you've just made the female Thor -- so if I wanted to create a mod of her,
now I can.
But, if I wanted to create mods for other popular characters like say Red Skull, or Exodus, or Mach-5, or Maria Hill, etc. I can't because there are
no skins of them at all. So I can't confirm to everyone that any of those guys can be made, and they end up ignored. Sometimes, I'll attempt at least one skin myself (like I did with Satana, Omega Sentinel, and Dormammu), but some guys like Red Skull I can't make the skin, so I seek help from talented skinners or model converters. Creating a mod is very hard, and I'm a relatively fast modder who tries to provide quality fun innovative mods, but there's only so much I can do.
What I can do to help with your proposal is that if a character is planned, I can tell you via PM which animations I plan on using beforehand to help prepare you. Then, I'll put the project on hold until at least one model or skin is presented. Hope that helps.
Quote from: Outsider on November 12, 2015, 07:40AM
I appreciate that you still have my requests for new characters planned. However, I can only present/release mods if there's at least one skin of the character. I can't create a mod if there are no skins for the character at all.
For example, if I wanted to create a mod of let's say Radioactive Man, I can because there is an in-game skin of him already. My current project is of Black Canary. She is possible because Aventureiromax created a skin of her Young Justice costume before, so I'm working with that skin for now. If an XML2 skin of a character is available and it's MUA-compatible, I can use that for now. And in your newest collection, you've just made the female Thor -- so if I wanted to create a mod of her, now I can.
But, if I wanted to create mods for other popular characters like say Red Skull, or Exodus, or Mach-5, or Maria Hill, etc. I can't because there are no skins of them at all. So I can't confirm to everyone that any of those guys can be made, and they end up ignored. Sometimes, I'll attempt at least one skin myself (like I did with Satana, Omega Sentinel, and Dormammu), but some guys like Red Skull I can't make the skin, so I seek help from talented skinners or model converters. Creating a mod is very hard, and I'm a relatively fast modder who tries to provide quality fun innovative mods, but there's only so much I can do.
What I can do to help with your proposal is that if a character is planned, I can tell you via PM which animations I plan on using beforehand to help prepare you. Then, I'll put the project on hold until at least one model or skin is presented. Hope that helps.
This can also help. I realized that some animations sometimes need different treatment. For example, a mod with the pose of Emma Frost in the start menu needs a more detailed conversion to it. if you let me know the animation of the character you want to use, this will help me in the tests I do when I convert the model.
awesome work. keep those skins coming. i'm glad you choose to make whatever skins you want, and of non-popular characters. i get tired of seeing 15 different spiderman/thor/jean grey skins. some of the lesser characters need a lot of love in the skins department.
Quote from: sbarth13 on November 12, 2015, 02:29PM
awesome work. keep those skins coming. i'm glad you choose to make whatever skins you want, and of non-popular characters. i get tired of seeing 15 different spiderman/thor/jean grey skins. some of the lesser characters need a lot of love in the skins department.
sbarth13, I agree with you, for it, I intend to present conversions of models from other games that bring a remarkable update for the characters.
Belo trabalho Anderson...como sempre ;)
Good job always ;)
Quote from: aventureiromax on November 17, 2015, 04:32AM
Belo trabalho Anderson...como sempre ;)
Good job always ;)
Valeu, Max! Eu estou terminando uns modelos aqui, MvC3. Em breve enviarei um preview deles pra você.
Great works Anderson !!! And I realy glad to see these particular Storm skins .
Keep on these great jobs :rockon:
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on November 17, 2015, 09:20AM
Great works Anderson !!! And I realy glad to see these particular Storm skins .
Keep on these great jobs :rockon:
Thanks for the compliment, Bruce Banner! I have seen their work, many of their skins increment my game today.
Um, there's a problem with small pack 3. The She-Hulk skin called "law_desorder_15906" isn't the attorney skin, it (and the same numbered hud included) is the purple and white one with the shorts in the image. The attorney skin and hud aren't included in the download. Could you please fix this? The skins look great and I'd like to use the attorney one in my next playthrough. Thanks.
Quote from: Enigma on December 14, 2015, 08:41PM
Um, there's a problem with small pack 3. The She-Hulk skin called "law_desorder_15906" isn't the attorney skin, it (and the same numbered hud included) is the purple and white one with the shorts in the image. The attorney skin and hud aren't included in the download. Could you please fix this? The skins look great and I'd like to use the attorney one in my next playthrough. Thanks.
Thanks for the warning, Enigma! It is now fixed!
Happy New Year! To start the year here's Small Pack 4. Check!,9377.0.html
Amazing work! However, the Doctor Doom, Captain Marvel, and Carnage skins are missing from the pack.
Anderson you are the best !That is big gift for New Year! I am very like your skins for shuma-gorath and doctor doom.That makes games more and more interesting!
Quote from: ctepan 89 on January 01, 2016, 09:22PM
Anderson you are the best !That is big gift for New Year! I am very like your skins for shuma-gorath and doctor doom.That makes games more and more interesting!
Thanks for the compliment, guy ! I like to convert skins for the game, so everything that I meet, that be interesting, I'll try to post to us.
Thanks for updating, this is why you're the best.
Wow there's a lot of awesome skins in that pack.
Quote from: sinisterstoneage on January 02, 2016, 09:52AM
Thanks for updating, this is why you're the best.
Guy, thanks for the compliment! I converted to our fun. So, have fun too!
Quote from: Oddark123 on January 02, 2016, 02:26PM
Wow there's a lot of awesome skins in that pack.
I had a little work ... but frankly speaking I like that!
Excellent work! It looks like Shuma-Gorath won't need to possess others anymore... Curious to see how the skins look on his mod. Will update soon.
By the way, I've noticed that in the pictures, you also made mannequins for Shuma-Gorath and Black Canary. They aren't in the file though. I think you also made one for Mockingbird a while back -- is that right? If you did make them, and you can send or upload them, that would be helpful, as my mods are in need of mannequins.
Quote from: Outsider on January 02, 2016, 06:06PM
Excellent work! It looks like Shuma-Gorath won't need to possess others anymore... Curious to see how the skins look on his mod. Will update soon.
By the way, I've noticed that in the pictures, you also made mannequins for Shuma-Gorath and Black Canary. They aren't in the file though. I think you also made one for Mockingbird a while back -- is that right? If you did make them, and you can send or upload them, that would be helpful, as my mods are in need of mannequins.
Thank you for the compliments, Outsider! I forgot to add the mannequins, but is now corrected. I have more models to convert, but I'll wait a while to do this. Soon we'll have more updates. Thanks!
All your skins are amazing, thank you very much!!!!!! l specially love the x-23 skin with the black and white shirt since she is one of my favourite characters and that cover is my favourite of the x-23 comics. l noticed you got some skins from spidey shattered dimension so could you make red and blue ultimate sipdey please?
any small chance of adding Superior SpiderMan skin to the next pack? :spidergirl:
I hope you plan ripping XML2 PSP models through PPSSPP & Ninja Ripper
Anyway. Thx for Carnage & I never thought Shuma's UMvC3 Alt Costume (what's the character name again) port to this game is way creepier, making me first thought it's like those creepy spiders from RE... X^X yikes & KO me
Quote from: spider axiom on January 02, 2016, 09:30PM
All your skins are amazing, thank you very much!!!!!! l specially love the x-23 skin with the black and white shirt since she is one of my favourite characters and that cover is my favourite of the x-23 comics. l noticed you got some skins from spidey shattered dimension so could you make red and blue ultimate sipdey please?
I'm glad you liked it! There are other X23 skins to convert, but for now I'll aim some characters who long ago are not updated, and the new characters that are being introduced and need be completed. But about the spider, I perked up to convert some skins that will make it more interesting. Thanks!
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on January 02, 2016, 11:50PM
any small chance of adding Superior SpiderMan skin to the next pack? :spidergirl:
I found a model of it that interested me a lot. Certainly, in the next pack, it will be present. Thanks!
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 03, 2016, 01:49AM
I hope you plan ripping XML2 PSP models through PPSSPP & Ninja Ripper
Anyway. Thx for Carnage & I never thought Shuma's UMvC3 Alt Costume (what's the character name again) port to this game is way creepier, making me first thought it's like those creepy spiders from RE... X^X yikes & KO me
Long ago I wanted the models MvC3, but I never found those that most wanted the net. So I managed figure out a way to rip the direct models of game files to PS3. I did not lose time! And this is the result. But regarding of the XML2 models, I never thought of tearing them. It may be a proposal for the future. My greatest now desire is to rip MUA2 models and be able to convert skins for Angel. I keep trying, to no avail. I believe that soon I will succeed. Hence we go have mods with different skins. Thanks!
Considered that the model port script on bms is still in beta. Better hope the finalization of that is completed someday. For now Zenhax is the only place for us porters to register free there.
Love the new pack.Any chance for some moon knight and black panther skins,they don't have a lot of skins here.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 03, 2016, 06:58AM
I'm glad you liked it! There are other X23 skins to convert, but for now I'll aim some characters who long ago are not updated, and the new characters that are being introduced and need be completed. But about the spider, I perked up to convert some skins that will make it more interesting. Thanks!
Sounds cool, l like how you make unexpected mods :)
Parabéns pelo Small Pack Anderson! Fico otimo todas, valeu por adicionar o Carnage :3
Quote from: Scarlat on January 05, 2016, 10:30AM
Parabéns pelo Small Pack Anderson! Fico otimo todas, valeu por adicionar o Carnage :3
Vleu, Scarlat! Eu queria acrescentar um modelo Carnage feminino, mas não consegui encontrar nenhum. Se eu encontrar mais modelos pra ele então eu vou fechar as 4 skins.
Quote from: jaybird on January 03, 2016, 06:24PM
Love the new pack.Any chance for some moon knight and black panther skins,they don't have a lot of skins here.
I have several models of the Black Panther here with me ... I will ponder this idea. Thanks!
Does the "Jane Foster" skin in Small Pack 3 display as a "King Thor" skin for anyone else? :thor:
That aside, thanks for your work Andersonbrazil. I keep coming back to this game just for the mods. :blink:
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 05, 2016, 07:00PM
Vleu, Scarlat! Eu queria acrescentar um modelo Carnage feminino, mas não consegui encontrar nenhum. Se eu encontrar mais modelos pra ele então eu vou fechar as 4 skins.
Que nada, pack está otimo, todas essas skins ai, parabéns pelo trabalho xD
Have you made Psylocke's Uncanny X-Force Skin?
Mt bom seu novo pack :)
Espero q para o proximo consiga incluir aquela pele do flash ;)
Continua com o excelente trabalho!!
Belo trabalho Anderson ;) como de costume hehe :applause:
Quote from: dsl on January 09, 2016, 12:43PM
Mt bom seu novo pack :)
Espero q para o proximo consiga incluir aquela pele do flash ;)
Continua com o excelente trabalho!!
Vleu pelo elogio, dsl! Estou tentando ripar algumas dlcs dele do IGAU. Eu pretendo converter elas e aquela que você me apresentou. Em breve as veremos!
Quote from: aventureiromax on January 11, 2016, 03:32PM
Belo trabalho Anderson ;) como de costume hehe :applause:
Valeu, Max! Eu vi seu trabalho e já estou aproveitando dele. Fiquei feliz!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 11, 2016, 07:00PM
Vleu pelo elogio, dsl! Estou tentando ripar algumas dlcs dele do IGAU. Eu pretendo converter elas e aquela que você me apresentou. Em breve as veremos!
Mt obrigado anderson, fico mt grato!!
As suas skins tem melhorando e muito o jogo!
Espero tambem ver novas skins da dc :)
Todo o apoio do mundo
Grande Anderson...o PACK 3 não tem pele da Jane Foster do Thor :/ vc colocou a do Old Thor no lugar hehe ;)
Vish! Peraí q eu vou consertar isso!
Max, agora o arquivo está consertado! Fiz tudo correndo e acabou gerando alguns erros. Vleu!
otimo trabalho meu amigo anderson parabens hehe
Quote from: StarAndy on February 20, 2016, 11:36AM
otimo trabalho meu amigo anderson parabens hehe
Valeu, StarAndy! Em breve vou lançar o Small Pack 5, aguarde! Valeu!!
aguardarei sim deve vir recheado de inovações kk
Gostei muito do seu trabalho Anderson , parabéns cara, e obrigado pelas skins !! :cable:
Quote from: 15cyber on February 22, 2016, 04:09AM
Gostei muito do seu trabalho Anderson , parabéns cara, e obrigado pelas skins !! :cable:
Valeu, 15cyber! É bom saber que tem mais um brazuca aqui no forúm!
Amazing releases, I hope that Cable update is coming soon. :cable:
otimos pack anderson espero pelo small pack 5
Quote from: StarAndy on February 26, 2016, 12:11PM
otimos pack anderson espero pelo small pack 5
Valeu, StarAndy! Eu estou tirando meu tempo livre para converter. Em breve libero ele!
Quote from: edward on February 25, 2016, 04:48PM
Amazing releases, I hope that Cable update is coming soon. :cable:
Almost there, edward, almost there ...
Quote from: andersonbrazil on February 27, 2016, 02:05PM
Almost there, edward, almost there ...
Mal posso esperar !
Hey Andersonbrazil! First of all, great work on all your skins. You're one of my favorite users on these forums, you helped me out a lot a while back with my Emma Frost hex editing issues!
I especially like the Arclight mannequin, that really helps make her mod extra special!
Question: have you thought about making an updated Domino mannequin to go with the MH models? The old Domino mannequin is okay, but the new models look SO much better and the Domino mannequin could match.
Quote from: Clarityman on March 13, 2016, 10:45AM
Hey Andersonbrazil! First of all, great work on all your skins. You're one of my favorite users on these forums, you helped me out a lot a while back with my Emma Frost hex editing issues!
I especially like the Arclight mannequin, that really helps make her mod extra special!
Question: have you thought about making an updated Domino mannequin to go with the MH models? The old Domino mannequin is okay, but the new models look SO much better and the Domino mannequin could match.
I still have not converted any model Domino MH, but if it has more skin changes in MH game, I me motivo for converting a pack to her. I converted only the version of Deadpool game, the Aventureiromax created all other variants.
Ah I gotcha. Okay thanks!
This looks insane xD! Great jos man!
Question: How do I add them to the game? Don't think decompile/compile works here xD. Do I just copy/paste?
Thanks in advance, and keep up the AWESOME job.
you can simply drag and drop them to the 'actors' folder, or copy and paste.
Thanks ^^
Guys, I have just launched the Small Pack 5! Enjoy! I hope you like it !!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on April 01, 2016, 05:05PM
Guys, I have just launched the Small Pack 5! Enjoy! I hope you like it !!
You just made my day with this new pack.I love the black panther skins.
Belo trabalho...como sempre Anderson ;) Obrigado por compartilhar ;)
Excellent work on the new skins. Nicely done. I will update Winter Soldier with that skin in my mod package when I have time. Same for Sentinel -- excellent additions.
And thanks for converting Shuri! Since she is a character not in the game already, it makes modding her now possible. Not saying I particularly will, but it's now possible. New characters are always welcome.
One thing, though -- with Sentinel, from the picture, it would appear you've also made a mannequin of the unit, but it's not included... Either way, nice work. :rockon:
Estão ótimos Anderson!Parabéns! :applause:
Agora,você não me disse que ia converter o classic wolverine,e eu acabei convertendo ele...hehe!Mas tudo bem,como você disse lá no meu post "quanto mais material para compartilhar melhor" e você está certo!Por isso,bom trabalho! :thumbsup2:
Mt bom!
Gostei principalmente do sentinela e do black panther!
Pena não ter vindo aquela do flash ainda, q venha no proximo!
Muito obrigado e continua :)
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on April 01, 2016, 05:07PM
Quote from: jaybird on April 01, 2016, 05:48PM
You just made my day with this new pack.I love the black panther skins.
Guys, thank you for the compliments! I'm glad that you liked it! Have fun!
Quote from: aventureiromax on April 01, 2016, 06:25PM
Belo trabalho...como sempre Anderson ;) Obrigado por compartilhar ;)
Vleu, Max! Eu percebi que me esqueci de dar crédito a você pela textura da Shuri. Você me ajudou com as texturas transparentes, lembra? Vou corrigir isso!
Quote from: Outsider on April 01, 2016, 06:31PM
Excellent work on the new skins. Nicely done. I will update Winter Soldier with that skin in my mod package when I have time. Same for Sentinel -- excellent additions.
And thanks for converting Shuri! Since she is a character not in the game already, it makes modding her now possible. Not saying I particularly will, but it's now possible. New characters are always welcome.
One thing, though -- with Sentinel, from the picture, it would appear you've also made a mannequin of the unit, but it's not included... Either way, nice work. :rockon:
Outsider, thank you for the compliments and the alert! I always do everything rushed and it always happens an error. But now it's fixed! The mannequin already inserted it. Thanks Outsider!
Quote from: dsl on April 02, 2016, 03:49AM
Mt bom!
Gostei principalmente do sentinela e do black panther!
Pena não ter vindo aquela do flash ainda, q venha no proximo!
Muito obrigado e continua :)
Obrigado dsl! Sinceramente falando eu me esqueci foi de incluir ele neste pack junto com outras peles que já preparei, mas isso é bom porque me dá tempo de converter mais umas para acompanhar ele. Do jeito que nosso fórum está indo, se enchendo de novos meshers, agora posso ir mais devagar.
Quote from: SpideyWebSlingerBrazil on April 01, 2016, 06:45PM
Estão ótimos Anderson!Parabéns! :applause:
Agora,você não me disse que ia converter o classic wolverine,e eu acabei convertendo ele...hehe!Mas tudo bem,como você disse lá no meu post "quanto mais material para compartilhar melhor" e você está certo!Por isso,bom trabalho! :thumbsup2:
Pois é me esqueci de mencionar esta pele pra você. Mas daquela lista que eu te passei muitas eu não lancei também. Eu gastei muito tempo quebrando cabeça pra tentar acertar as asas do Angel, que decidi, meio de susto, lançar este pack dessa forma. Mas vamos fazendo assim, um avisando o outro de projetos que possivelmente poderão coincidir. Vleu!
Great Work andersonbrazil. And thank you for you contributions! It amazes me how fresh this game still feels to me.
And that's all b/c of you, outsider, julio, blaw, bruce and all the other great modders past, present and FUTURE on this forum!
I wonder how many playable characters and skins there actually are here at Marvel Mods. Lost count years ago..
Blza cara!Toda vez que eu tiver um novas skins para converter,eu lhe aviso! ;)
Quote from: MelloMods on April 02, 2016, 10:17AM
Great Work andersonbrazil. And thank you for you contributions! It amazes me how fresh this game still feels to me.
And that's all b/c of you, outsider, julio, blaw, bruce and all the other great modders past, present and FUTURE on this forum!
I wonder how many playable characters and skins there actually are here at Marvel Mods. Lost count years ago..
I'm very glad you're enjoying the skins converted! Thanks for the compliment! In fact your mods are very pleasing for me. His mods Adam Warlock, Thanos and Nova are part of my set of heroes, constantly . We miss of the presence of his work here in the forum. My game is much more fun because of the their contribution and of the other modders who initiated this forum. We expect the return of your work here! :) :)
I really like all your skins ,specially the conversions of cable.
Wow! Skins wonderful!
All skins and packs with skins, all downloaded 0_0
Great job as usual ! I would especially like to thank the Wolwerine & the Silver Surfer skins !
Keep on the good works ! ;)
Quote from: mindworm on April 02, 2016, 02:43PM
I really like all your skins ,specially the conversions of cable.
Quote from: ヅヅLeandralan on April 03, 2016, 02:52AM
Wow! Skins wonderful!
All skins and packs with skins, all downloaded 0_0
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on April 04, 2016, 05:19AM
Great job as usual ! I would especially like to thank the Wolwerine & the Silver Surfer skins !
Keep on the good works ! ;)
Thank you for the compliments, guys! I did an update in this pack 5. I added more skins Sentinel and another mannequin. In addition to more skin to black widow. I felt I should make a little more for the mod Sentinel Outsider and I decided to complete four skins for it.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on April 02, 2016, 04:51AM
Guys, thank you for the compliments! I'm glad that you liked it! Have fun!
Vleu, Max! Eu percebi que me esqueci de dar crédito a você pela textura da Shuri. Você me ajudou com as texturas transparentes, lembra? Vou corrigir isso!
Outsider, thank you for the compliments and the alert! I always do everything rushed and it always happens an error. But now it's fixed! The mannequin already inserted it. Thanks Outsider!
Obrigado dsl! Sinceramente falando eu me esqueci foi de incluir ele neste pack junto com outras peles que já preparei, mas isso é bom porque me dá tempo de converter mais umas para acompanhar ele. Do jeito que nosso fórum está indo, se enchendo de novos meshers, agora posso ir mais devagar.
Ah, não tem problema!!
Tem razão, dá-lhe mais tempo para preparar outros trabalhos. Aliás a rapidez é inimiga da perfeição!
E se vem outras skins dele junto melhor!
Continua mano :)
Thanks for the extra Sentinel models -- I will add them in when I get a chance. I have just now sent you a PM in regards to perhaps your next collection -- hope you're interested in taking it on...
awesome skins. i do have a problem though that i hope someone could help with: the black panther skins, and the black widow skin all have slowed down attack animations. anyone else having this problem? or is this just one of those 'weird bugs' that happen. and yes, this is a newly installed and started game.
Quote from: sbarth13 on April 09, 2016, 05:13PM
awesome skins. i do have a problem though that i hope someone could help with: the black panther skins, and the black widow skin all have slowed down attack animations. anyone else having this problem? or is this just one of those 'weird bugs' that happen. and yes, this is a newly installed and started game.
sbarth13, is an honor for me to know that my work interested you! I enjoy very much of the your mods. My favorites are Beta Ray Bill, Gamora, Drax, Dagger and Magik. I miss the presence of more new stuff in your topic. But which is the bug you found it? I could not understand.
i'm not sure its anything you did. after I installed a couple of your skins, the characters combat animations became really, really slow. but they moved around at normal speed. I haven't ever created skins, so I don't know if there is a problem with the skeleton, or if its just a random bug from modding.
I haven't done anything recently for 2 reasons: I upgraded my pc to new windows version, so many of the modding tools don't work now; and I kinda lost the desire to mod. plus, most characters have been done anyways, so people are down to mostly villains and obscure characters. I have been trying to find a way to have 'class bonuses [tactician, scrapper, etc]' show up based on what outfit the character is using. if I make any headway, I might do updates to my mods.
keep up the good work with the skins. I was glad to see human torch and black panther.
edit: i solved the problem. it was something i did.
thank you, just downloaded all packs =)
Quote from: lockx on May 04, 2016, 08:11AM
thank you, just downloaded all packs =)
I'm glad you liked it! Have a good time!
Hey I got a question regarding Pack 4
It said in its description it has Silk skin but I downloaded just to be sure and it doesn't contain one
Mind explain why?
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on May 15, 2016, 02:17PM
Hey I got a question regarding Pack 4
It said in its description it has Silk skin but I downloaded just to be sure and it doesn't contain one
Mind explain why?
Oops, my fault! If you want to download again, you will now find it there. Thanks for the warning!
Was wondering if you are going to release the Spawn skin from your video? Is it the Xbox game rip?
Quote from: ndp on June 09, 2016, 08:39PM
Was wondering if you are going to release the Spawn skin from your video? Is it the Xbox game rip?
I'm already finalizing the quota of skins and mannequins for Small Pack 6, so I think I will not take long to release the skin. This skin Spaw I downloaded of the deviantart site, and I have not figured out from where it was ripped. I need one more for him. I wanted the classic with cover, but have not found a good model for this. If you find any send me the link and I convert to us.
You either have the one from Spawn Armageddon or Soulcalibur 2.Look at some images and let me know which one you have and I will get you the other one.
Olá Anderson, parabéns pelas skins estão muito legais. Especialmente a Classic da Psylocke.
Eu gostaria de tirar uma dúvida contigo, pois estou tendo um problema com essa skin. Atualmente eu conheço 3 mods feitos da Psylocke (Dihan, BlizZ e Markloto) Eu tentei utilizar a skin da Psylocke no mod feito pelo BlizZ que é o que eu uso e não deu certo ficou aparecendo uma falha na perna dela, em seguida testei no mod da Psylocke feito pelo Markloto e em ambos os mods aparece uma falha na perna dela (eu anexei a foto para vc). Posteriormente verifiquei o mod feito pelo Dihan e constatei que somente nesse mod a skin se encaixa.
Skin error image:
BlizZ Psylocke mod Download link: (
Thread link:,155.0.html (,155.0.html)
É possível ajustar isso?
Eu até reinstalei o jogo do zero, baixei arquivos novos para ver... E até então parece só se encaixa em um modo.
Coloquei somente essa foto para não ficar imenso, mas no jogo fica bem esquisito, parece que as pernas estão fora do tronco.
Obrigado pela atenção.
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho.
Somente passando pra dizer... que eu sou Brasileiro viu (rs) meu post vc ainda colocou em Inglês hehe ;)
:O oopps... Valeu por avisar :)
Quote from: rodfaul on June 10, 2016, 04:53PM
Olá Anderson, parabéns pelas skins estão muito legais. Especialmente a Classic da Psylocke.
Eu gostaria de tirar uma dúvida contigo, pois estou tendo um problema com essa skin. Atualmente eu conheço 3 mods feitos da Psylocke (Dihan, BlizZ e Markloto) Eu tentei utilizar a skin da Psylocke no mod feito pelo BlizZ que é o que eu uso e não deu certo ficou aparecendo uma falha na perna dela, em seguida testei no mod da Psylocke feito pelo Markloto e em ambos os mods aparece uma falha na perna dela (eu anexei a foto para vc). Posteriormente verifiquei o mod feito pelo Dihan e constatei que somente nesse mod a skin se encaixa.
Skin error image:
BlizZ Psylocke mod Download link: (
Thread link:,155.0.html (,155.0.html)
É possível ajustar isso?
Eu até reinstalei o jogo do zero, baixei arquivos novos para ver... E até então parece só se encaixa em um modo.
Coloquei somente essa foto para não ficar imenso, mas no jogo fica bem esquisito, parece que as pernas estão fora do tronco.
Obrigado pela atenção.
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho.
Na verdade dá pra corrigir sim. O que acontece é que esta pele que você está usando é uma conversão antiga minha alterada pelo Aventureiromax. Eu já atualizei ela mas ainda não postei. Vou fazer isso no próximo small pack. Mas também tem o fato de que as peles são ajustadas para se adaptarem a uma determinada animação. Quando eu postar o pack, faça o teste com a nova pele e se ela não se adaptar à animação, então converterei de novo.
Opa, muito obrigado Anderson!
Aguardarei ansioso pelo novo pack! :D
Hey, guys, I released the Small Pack 6! Have fun!,9377.0.html
Awesome work! thanks you so much for Brainiac :)
Edit: That left (or right) arm it fixable?
But anyways,you did brilliant work! thanks a lot!
thank you for the new release!
Awesome! Do you manage to fix the Batman cape thing?
espetacular pack 6 anderson muito obrigado amigo hehe
awesome! I'm so happy you did Deathlok. I was working on one of them, but didn't even get finished separating skin segments yet.
Besides, I'd rather put my focus on the new skin from Marvel Heroes and the new skin from Future Fight for Starlord. Although, I haven't figured out how to rip them yet...
Great release!
Obrigado pelo brainiac e pelo batman!
Vejo q o flash vai ficar pro proximo pack né?
Vlw :D
The Spider-Girl Mannequin is truly Astonishing. Thanks for that :spidergirl:
Nice job with the skins and mannequins! I will update Spider-Girl and Spawn when I get a chance.
Thank you so much these are awesome!
Quote from: Dorpond on June 13, 2016, 05:52AM
Awesome work! thanks you so much for Brainiac :)
Edit: That left (or right) arm it fixable?
But anyways,you did brilliant work! thanks a lot!
I realized this ... Well, I tried adjust the biped twice to fix it, but no succeed. I will update this pack because some skins are missing, and on this occasion I will make another attempt to biped adjustment. I'll do it soon.
Quote from: blackheart on June 13, 2016, 07:48AM
thank you for the new release!
I'm glad you liked it!
Quote from: Julio Cabral on June 13, 2016, 09:56AM
Awesome! Do you manage to fix the Batman cape thing?
Well, still it is not the way it should be, but it was the closest way to achieve. Thanks, Julio for their tips that always help me, Thanks!
Quote from: StarAndy on June 13, 2016, 11:17AM
espetacular pack 6 anderson muito obrigado amigo hehe
Valeu, StarAndy! Divirta-se muito com MUA!
Quote from: MelloMods on June 13, 2016, 11:22AM
awesome! I'm so happy you did Deathlok. I was working on one of them, but didn't even get finished separating skin segments yet.
Besides, I'd rather put my focus on the new skin from Marvel Heroes and the new skin from Future Fight for Starlord. Although, I haven't figured out how to rip them yet...
Great release!
I'm glad you liked, MelloMods! Actually I was also eager to convert these models. I appreciate your mods. I know that to rip the models of Marvel Heroes you must use the UE model program. I not had success with it here on my PC. Marvel Future Fight models are also a mystery to me. I have a Starlord model here with me. I'll update this pack 6, I think I'll add it. Thanks!
Quote from: dsl on June 13, 2016, 01:52PM
Obrigado pelo brainiac e pelo batman!
Vejo q o flash vai ficar pro proximo pack né?
Vlw :D
Cara, eu me esqueci de adicionar ele! Eu vou atualizar este pack e vou colocar ele aqui. Me perdoe!
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on June 13, 2016, 03:08PM
The Spider-Girl Mannequin is truly Astonishing. Thanks for that :spidergirl:
Thanks for the compliment, Superior Spider 2002!
Quote from: Outsider on June 13, 2016, 05:11PM
Nice job with the skins and mannequins! I will update Spider-Girl and Spawn when I get a chance.
Thanks for the compliment, Outsider!! I will try to update some skins I made to you in the past who are with lighting problems in advanced light mode. I researched in some of my posted and I saw that the problem in the effects of fireballs and flames Spawn may be related to the full-screen feature. I play with full screen. Perhaps the effect was not enabled for full screen.
Quote from: ndp on June 13, 2016, 05:52PM
Thank you so much these are awesome!
Thanks for the compliment, ndp! I'll update the 6 pack soon!
Ah sem problema :)
Fico aguardando
Boa sorte!
Think you could make IronMan mark VI :stark:
Hey guys! I updated the Small Pack 6. Now we have a new skin and a mannequin for Flash, DC. We have a skin converted back to Psylocke. We have a skin for the npc character, Crimson Dynamo. We have the Brainiac skin corrected. Now crossed arms do not enter the chest. I hope you enjoy!,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 16, 2016, 12:02PM
Hey guys! I updated the Small Pack 6. Now we have a new skin and a mannequin for Flash, DC. We have a skin converted back to Psylocke. We have a skin for the npc character, Crimson Dynamo. We have the Brainiac skin corrected. Now crossed arms do not enter the chest. I hope you enjoy!,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Olá Anderson,
Testei a skin da psylocke :psylocke: e funcionou perfeitamente no mod do BlizZ. O problema que ocorria foi resolvido com essa atualização!
Muito obrigado! Essa skin ficou sensacional! :)
Muito obrigado Anderson!!
A skin ficou ótima e esse manequim também!
Tudo de bom!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 16, 2016, 12:02PM
Brainiac skin corrected. Now crossed arms do not enter the chest.
Thanks a lot! :)
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 14, 2016, 06:06AM
I'm glad you liked, MelloMods! Actually I was also eager to convert these models. I appreciate your mods. I know that to rip the models of Marvel Heroes you must use the UE model program. I not had success with it here on my PC. Marvel Future Fight models are also a mystery to me. I have a Starlord model here with me. I'll update this pack 6, I think I'll add it. Thanks!
Quote from: MelloMods on June 16, 2016, 04:25PM
This model will take some time to release ... I'm having a little problem in alchemy exporter ... I'll try to fix it without uninstalling, but if necessary, so will be! I'm sorry for this moment, but he will not go out of my projects!
what is that ghost rider skin? never seen it before
Quote from: sbarth13 on June 21, 2016, 04:17PM
what is that ghost rider skin? never seen it before
It's Star lord.
Quote from: sbarth13 on June 21, 2016, 04:17PM
what is that ghost rider skin? never seen it before
I did also not know of this Ghost Rider costume, but it refers to a limitida series, launched in 2015, called Secrets Wars. This series just for Ghost Rider has 4 volumes. In this series, it seems that the heroes seek to save their souls and the world vying in a race of the hell. I saw that there are many other characters that can to relate to the Ghost Rider. Who knows the Gazilion make more skin at it from this series!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 22, 2016, 08:55AM
I did also not know of this Ghost Rider costume, but it refers to a limitida series, launched in 2015, called Secrets Wars. This series just for Ghost Rider has 4 volumes. In this series, it seems that the heroes seek to save their souls and the world vying in a race of the hell. I saw that there are many other characters that can to relate to the Ghost Rider. Who knows the Gazilion make more skin at it from this series!
Oh, you mean the it, I'm sorry!
Quote from: ヅヅLeandralan on June 22, 2016, 09:16AM
Oh, you mean the it, I'm sorry!
Do not worry! You mentioned that knows how to adapt the effects of powers for advanced graphic settings. Can you teach us this in a tutorial?
Hi anderson! I love your mods and the Small Packs have a consistent place in my game setup. I was wondering if you could add the Daisy Johnson/Quake skins from Future Fight in your next pack? Keep up the great work!
Quote from: sinisterstoneage on June 23, 2016, 04:43PM
Hi anderson! I love your mods and the Small Packs have a consistent place in my game setup. I was wondering if you could add the Daisy Johnson/Quake skins from Future Fight in your next pack? Keep up the great work!
Actually, no need for that. Aventureiromax had already done skins for
Quake from Future Fight. They will be included when my Quake mod is released.
Quote from: Outsider on June 23, 2016, 04:49PM
Actually, no need for that. Aventureiromax had already done skins for Quake from Future Fight. They will be included when my Quake mod is released.
Awesome, great news. Looking forward to it!
Can you add Marvel Heroes's Amazing Spider-Man as skin and mannequin(100% optional) in your next pack :spidergirl:
Because I find this more awesome than other classic suits so far
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on July 10, 2016, 10:10PM
Can you add Marvel Heroes's Amazing Spider-Man as skin and mannequin(100% optional) in your next pack :spidergirl:
Because I find this more awesome than other classic suits so far
I can try to convert this model. Sends me his link to download. I never did mannequin for the spiderman. I can try, but if it depend on animation, I go take a little of time. I still not know to master the animated mannequins.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on July 11, 2016, 04:54PM
I can try to convert this model. Sends me his link to download. I never did mannequin for the spiderman. I can try, but if it depend on animation, I go take a little of time. I still not know to master the animated mannequins.
This link is the best I could find
I was watching a couple of your youtube videos and saw a couple of characters/mannequins I've never seen before. Starlord and Bishop (mannequin), for example. Do you plan on releasing these anytime soon?
You probably mentioned something about this in one of your videos, but I can't understand the language.
Quote from: MelloMods on July 30, 2016, 05:26AM
I was watching a couple of your youtube videos and saw a couple of characters/mannequins I've never seen before. Starlord and Bishop (mannequin), for example. Do you plan on releasing these anytime soon?
You probably mentioned something about this in one of your videos, but I can't understand the language.
Soon I'll launch, MelloMods! Lack bit for me to finish my list of skins. I want to update some mods that I find indispensable in my group of heroes and others that I waited for long time to find models to renew. One of them is Bishop.
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on July 11, 2016, 05:04PM
This link is the best I could find
I've converted your model. It's a shame that I can not produce that glow in texture, but the rest I believe that it is good. I will soon launch this skin in my pack 7. Wait!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on July 31, 2016, 08:42PM
I've converted your model. It's a shame that I can not produce that glow in texture, but the rest I believe that it is good. I will soon launch this skin in my pack 7. Wait!
Awesome I hope it'll look cool :D
What about some MUA2 models? :D
Can you convert them?
P.S Personally i don't need these models,i'm just suggesting
Quote from: Dorpond on August 02, 2016, 09:15AM
What about some MUA2 models? :D
Can you convert them?
P.S Personally i don't need these models,i'm just suggesting
OMG. How did you get them! I want to convert some.
Quote from: Dorpond on August 02, 2016, 09:15AM
What about some MUA2 models? :D
Can you convert them?
P.S Personally i don't need these models,i'm just suggesting
This is wonderful! I can convert them yes! How did you manage to rip this models? I tried but I did not succeed! I do not want to abuse of your disposal ... but can I ask you a few more models? If the answer is positive I want really to convert the normal skin and alternatives of the juggernaut, of the songbird, of the cable, of the carnage. I also want to convert the alternative gambit skin, and the skin of the npc bishop, the npc cloack, the npc dagger, whew ...! I think I'm starting to exaggerate. Well ... of this big list, you could rip will make me very happy. I thank you very much for informing me of their work. If you have time, teach me the method you used to rip models MUA2. Thanks!
Quote from: Dorpond on August 02, 2016, 10:46AM
Ninja Ripper
How strange ... I tried the ninja ripper but he did not run the dll D3D9 nor D3D11. Are you using an update ninja ripper?
I told you guys Ninja Ripper work! Anyway, are planning to extract more models Dorpond? Sorry to spam in your topic Anderson.
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 02, 2016, 11:16AM
Anyway, are planning to extract more models Dorpond?
Yes,of course! i have plans about rip some dlc chars,idk how much time i will rip them,but I will try to do it ASAP
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 02, 2016, 11:07AM
How strange ... I tried the ninja ripper but he did not run the dll D3D9 nor D3D11. Are you using an update ninja ripper?
Maybe you used wrong version? try to use x64 version with intruder inject,also don't forget to run Ninja Ripper exe file as Administrator.
I was having trouble with ninjaripper too. It would run but i get a ctd as soon as I tried to capture. Maybe I was trying to rip at in the wrong part of the game? (Char select and as soon as team bravo is introduced) but then again, I've never used ninja to rip before.
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 02, 2016, 11:16AM
I told you guys Ninja Ripper work! Anyway, are planning to extract more models Dorpond? Sorry to spam in your topic Anderson.
Feel free to speak, Julio! No problem!
Ripped some Dlc chars models (as i promised),enjoy guys.
P.S Next on the list is the NPC chars models,i think.
Quote from: Dorpond on August 15, 2016, 05:54AM
Ripped some Dlc chars models (as i promised),enjoy guys.
P.S Next on the list is the NPC chars models,i think.
Thank you for the link, Do Nord! I'll download now!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 15, 2016, 02:39PM
Thank you for the link, Do Nord! I'll download now!
You are welcome!
P.S Do :D
Quote from: Dorpond on August 16, 2016, 12:13AM
You are welcome!
P.S Do :D
Oops! Forgive me! I use google translator, at the time of posting I not reviewed the sentence because I was in a hurry! :D :D
Ok,no problem.
When "Small Pack 7" will be released?
P.S I hope it will be today
Hey Anderson! Can you convert Tanya from Mortal Kombat X to MUA?
She is a Sorceress and Pyromancer, so she she could use a mix of Miss Marvel and Dr. Strange power sets.
Modify message
Anderson, I see in one of your youtube clips that you have a supergirl skin that looks like the TV show version. Is there a link to that somewhere? I have searched all over the site and I cannot find it.
Good news,now almost any model from MUA2 can be ripped through Noesis (no more Ninja Ripper).
P.S And keep in mind you need unpacked game,and you can't install 2 scripts (for textures & models) at the same time
P.P.S Noesis scripts download links (By AceWell)
Models :
Textures :
Perfect! Someone already upload the actors folder I believe.
Quote from: Dorpond on August 20, 2016, 03:10AM
Good news,now almost any model from MUA2 can be ripped through Noesis (no more Ninja Ripper).
P.S And keep in mind you need unpacked game,and you can't install 2 scripts (for textures & models) at the same time
P.P.S Noesis scripts download links (By AceWell)
Models :
Textures :
Very cool! Thank you for sharing with us! I'll download now!
Quote from: scottsum on August 17, 2016, 07:56PM
Anderson, I see in one of your youtube clips that you have a supergirl skin that looks like the TV show version. Is there a link to that somewhere? I have searched all over the site and I cannot find it.
This skin I still have not released. She and two others will attend the Small Pack 7. I will soon launch. Keep an eye! Thanks!
Quote from: Contralto Songbird on August 16, 2016, 03:22PM
Hey Anderson! Can you convert Tanya from Mortal Kombat X to MUA?
She is a Sorceress and Pyromancer, so she she could use a mix of Miss Marvel and Dr. Strange power sets.
Modify message
So ... my pack 7 is practically ready. I am no longer producing skins without their mods or their creation project. My time is short so I decided to do this. But beyond that I want to give some support to the creation of new mods. But your idea can be the inspiration for new mods. Make this proposal to a modder and if be positive response, I make the skins for it.
QuoteQuote from: andersonbrazil on August 20, 2016, 06:51AM
So ... my pack 7 is practically ready. I am no longer producing skins without their mods or their creation project. My time is short so I decided to do this. But beyond that I want to give some support to the creation of new mods. But your idea can be the inspiration for new mods. Make this proposal to a modder and if be positive response, I make the skins for it.
Yes, you are right.
P.S. Most of us are looking forward your cool Small pack #7 :laola:
Eae Anderson podia converter alguma skin do Black Bolt? (Raio Negro) :blackshake:
Quote from: Scarlat on August 22, 2016, 09:09AM
Eae Anderson podia converter alguma skin do Black Bolt? (Raio Negro) :blackshake:
Uai, for pra esse pack infelizmente acho difícil acrescentar mais alguma outra pele. Eu tô tendo uma série de problemas com texturas e outros acertos dos modelos que me propus a fazer e meu tempo pra converter anda muito pouco. Eu terei q recolher os pedidos para o próximo pack!
Finally! I managed to launch the Small Pack 7. Confer in the page 1! Have fun!
Oh man Loving that Amazing suit I requested :spidergirl:
and Carnage is so SWEET :toxin:
Your "Small" Pack 7 is actually quite big, and full of great material. I think it should be called "Epic Pack 7." Nice work as usual. I will test some of these on my mods when I get a chance.
Nice work,conglaturations on releasing new pack!
P.S Thanks for my requested Circe/Bestiamorph models & my mention as author of MUA2 (songbird/jugs) Rips.
Once again, nice work. It looks like you didn't include the mannequins for :bheart: Blackheart, Circe, and :bishop: Bishop, which are seen in that picture. However, I do see one for Immortal :ifist: Iron Fist, which isn't pictured.
Great work, as always! Can't wait to d/l
Just downloaded and tested some (not all) and they look fantastic. However, your Blade skin has a white diamond that sits above/behind his head. Only issue I've noticed.
This is another awesome pack can't wait to download.
Wow This is a big pack! I love Songbird skins from MUA2, she looks so pretty now!
Thanks for sharing and congratulations for your great job.
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on August 25, 2016, 08:13PM
Oh man Loving that Amazing suit I requested :spidergirl:
and Carnage is so SWEET :toxin:
Thanks for the compliment, Superior Spider 2002! Enjoy with MUA!
Quote from: Outsider on August 25, 2016, 08:20PM
Your "Small" Pack 7 is actually quite big, and full of great material. I think it should be called "Epic Pack 7." Nice work as usual. I will test some of these on my mods when I get a chance.
Thanks for the compliment, Outsider and count me for your projects!
Quote from: Dorpond on August 25, 2016, 09:55PM
Nice work,conglaturations on releasing new pack!
P.S Thanks for my requested Circe/Bestiamorph models & my mention as author of MUA2 (songbird/jugs) Rips.
I that must I thank you, Dorpond! Its models gave an unexpected beauty to my pack!
Quote from: Outsider on August 26, 2016, 02:24AM
Once again, nice work. It looks like you didn't include the mannequins for :bheart: Blackheart, Circe, and :bishop: Bishop, which are seen in that picture. However, I do see one for Immortal :ifist: Iron Fist, which isn't pictured.
Oops! My mistake Outsider! I updated the pack! You can download again!
Quote from: MelloMods on August 26, 2016, 05:28AM
Great work, as always! Can't wait to d/l
Thanks for praise, MelloMods ! Have very fun with MUA!
Quote from: Scabbia on August 26, 2016, 06:11AM
Just downloaded and tested some (not all) and they look fantastic. However, your Blade skin has a white diamond that sits above/behind his head. Only issue I've noticed.
Thanks for the warning, Scabia! Now everything is fixed!
Quote from: ndp on August 26, 2016, 07:51AM
This is another awesome pack can't wait to download.
Thanks for the compliment, ndp! Do not waste time, download the pack and start enjoying the skins! It is for our amusement!
Quote from: Contralto Songbird on August 26, 2016, 09:59AM
Wow This is a big pack! I love Songbird skins from MUA2, she looks so pretty now!
Thanks for sharing and congratulations for your great job.
Thanks for the compliment, Contralto Songbird! Have fun with very MUA!
I´m also here to thank you for your amazing work as always, you guys made this game one of the best of all times :)
Mt obrigado Anderson :D
Belo PACK Anderson ;)
Ótimo trabalho mestre Anderson !
E obrigado pela Blade skin. I was wondering why nobody is convert some of his costumes from MH.
But now my wish come true ;)
Meu deus! você converteu as skins da Songbird e do Carnificina do MUA 2 cara, eu te amo muito <3 amo essas skins
fine work as always, but i did notice 2 minor details. 1) the uncanny inhumans human torch is about a head taller than your other human torch models; 2) there are 2 tiny white squares at the feet of the dagger skin. i notice them in the menu screen, but not while playing. good job with all the skins, keep them coming.
Quote from: spider axiom on August 26, 2016, 07:28PM
I´m also here to thank you for your amazing work as always, you guys made this game one of the best of all times :)
Thanks for the compliment, spider axiom! Have very fun with MUA!
Quote from: dsl on August 27, 2016, 03:51AM
Mt obrigado Anderson :D
Vleu, dsl! É pra nossa diversão!
Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on August 30, 2016, 02:56AM
Ótimo trabalho mestre Anderson !
E obrigado pela Blade skin. I was wondering why nobody is convert some of his costumes from MH.
But now my wish come true ;)
Thanks for the compliment, Bruce! Actually I was hoping for something new of the Blade! This skin was a desire accomplished!
Quote from: Scarlat on September 03, 2016, 07:10AM
Meu deus! você converteu as skins da Songbird e do Carnificina do MUA 2 cara, eu te amo muito <3 amo essas skins
Kkkkkkk, Valeu pelo elogio, Scarlat! Divirta-se muito com MUA!
Quote from: sbarth13 on September 04, 2016, 06:35AM
fine work as always, but i did notice 2 minor details. 1) the uncanny inhumans human torch is about a head taller than your other human torch models; 2) there are 2 tiny white squares at the feet of the dagger skin. i notice them in the menu screen, but not while playing. good job with all the skins, keep them coming.
Thanks for the compliment and the alert, sbarth13! I updated the pack with corrected skins, just download again! I need to confess I'm a fan of his mods and I feel miss of watching novelties in your topic. I hope the return of their mods not take too long. You are a great modder!
Hey guys! I'm with my sequence of gameplays in progress. Until I post new skins again, I thought in share with you my videos. I hope you enjoy!
While I can't understand Portuguese, I did understand a few things, like when you laughed when Jean died :laugh: or when you said "I am Groot!" Good to see you were having fun playing as several of my mods. The videos were enjoyable to watch.
I noticed you played as Green Lantern. I would suggest to try out "Outsider's Fix" as it contains a small booster for him, as well as more voice files for Batman, Superman, and the Flash (,8753.msg166312.html#msg166312). I also noticed Blade was in your roster. Did you see that I have a Blade booster as well? I made him much more powerful, adding some of his powers from his anime series and improving his boosts (,8753.msg173072.html#msg173072).
I need a favor. You have Mistress Death in your game. Can you try her out at Mephisto's Realm? A report came a while back that she somehow can't get the demon leapers off her like everyone else can. I am curious to see if you encounter the same problem. I am unsure how to fix it.
Would you be able to convert the Ghost Rider model from here
Love your packs btw.
Quote from: Outsider on September 26, 2016, 04:10PM
While I can't understand Portuguese, I did understand a few things, like when you laughed when Jean died :laugh: or when you said "I am Groot!" Good to see you were having fun playing as several of my mods. The videos were enjoyable to watch.
I noticed you played as Green Lantern. I would suggest to try out "Outsider's Fix" as it contains a small booster for him, as well as more voice files for Batman, Superman, and the Flash (,8753.msg166312.html#msg166312). I also noticed Blade was in your roster. Did you see that I have a Blade booster as well? I made him much more powerful, adding some of his powers from his anime series and improving his boosts (,8753.msg173072.html#msg173072).
I need a favor. You have Mistress Death in your game. Can you try her out at Mephisto's Realm? A report came a while back that she somehow can't get the demon leapers off her like everyone else can. I am curious to see if you encounter the same problem. I am unsure how to fix it.
Hello, Outsider! I really like your mods. I'll download your boosters to include in my game. I'll change my set of heroes and I go select the Mistress Death. I'll test it. It will take a little while until I get on the stage Mephisto, but I'll start playing now. I like of the Green Lantern but I suffer many bugs when playing with him. Still I do not give up this mod. You sent me a PM. Your order is ready. I'm just trying to add a simple animation to vary a little . Soon I go send you the link to download. Thanks for watching the gameplay. I have fun when I'm recording! Is very good!
Quote from: Darthpool on September 26, 2016, 05:11PM
Would you be able to convert the Ghost Rider model from here
Love your packs btw.
I'll give you good news. This model has been converted by Aventureiromax! Soon he'll launch him to our joy!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 26, 2016, 05:51PM
I'll give you good news. This model has been converted by Aventureiromax! Soon he'll launch him to our joy!
That's great news. Thank you so much.
where did you get the MUA2 Venom Skin? is it in your future packs or someone else's? :venom:
Also another request I want to ask, will you do Mark VI for IronMan? :stark:
Already got link for it here:
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on September 26, 2016, 09:50PM
where did you get the MUA2 Venom Skin? is it in your future packs or someone else's? :venom:
Also another request I want to ask, will you do Mark VI for IronMan? :stark:
Already got link for it here:
This Venom I downloaded in this topic of the BLAW.,4077.0.html
About to convert skins for the Iron man, I'm not very interested in these models. I want is to correct the Hulkbuster skin that I converted and convert a few more models MUA2. But in the last topic of BLAW there is a vast gallery of skins converted the Iron man. I think you'll find many interesting models there to download.,8049.msg144208.html#msg144208
These skins are absolutely stunning. Great work!
Guys, my gameplays are still in sequence. During the period that I am converting new skins and testing new mods I decided to create these videos. That way I can play with MUA a little while I produces. I hope you like it! It's in PtBr.
Hey, guys! I just released Small Pack 8! Hope you like!
Awesome, loving that Cloak and Dagger. :cd:
Merry Christmas!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 05, 2014, 10:47PM
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and remind everyone that this is the day we decide to celebrate the birthday of JESUS CHRIST, so let's not forget his. He's the center of the party!
Amen to that! I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas! Enjoy the holiday with your family and loved ones.
Guys, I've posted more MUA videos for our fun! Hope you like!
great work as always, master anderson. :runaway:
Anderson, I have to say, I find your videos entertaining -- even though I can't understand Portuguese for the most part. You were laughing hysterically playing as Morbius and using his Crimson Tide xtreme that bites on all enemies while you hear female screams! It was on "PLAY_32" around 15:51. Your reaction to that was really funny!
I see during the videos that you made a mannequin for a certain someone -- thanks for that. I know you said that you haven't seen all of my mods yet, so I think you'll be very excited when you play as some of them like Captain Universe, Silver Samurai, Aspen Matthews, and The Darkness! Other ones are good too such as Namorita, Attuma, and Darkhawk. And my booster for Dazzler will definitely get you dancing! Oh, and wait until you play as the secret mods!!! One of them could use more costumes...
I would like to ask for a favor, though -- can you convert a skin and mannequin of Harley Quinn in her Suicide Squad costume?
Without Jacket:
With Jacket:
If you can do both with and without her jacket, that would be cool.
I also saw this one if you think it's better:
I like this model, except her face is too child-like:
The thing is, it needs to be compatible with BLaw's mod of her (which you may have), so it has to have "Harley_Hammer," "Harley_Bat," and "Harley_Bazooka" as removable skin segments, just as Blaw's skins do. If you can do that, I think everyone (myself included) would appreciate it. Anyway, good luck with your future stuff.
Quote from: Outsider on January 17, 2017, 04:16PM
Anderson, I have to say, I find your videos entertaining -- even though I can't understand Portuguese for the most part. You were laughing hysterically playing as Morbius and using his Crimson Tide xtreme that bites on all enemies while you hear female screams! It was on "PLAY_32" around 15:51. Your reaction to that was really funny!
I see during the videos that you made a mannequin for a certain someone -- thanks for that. I know you said that you haven't seen all of my mods yet, so I think you'll be very excited when you play as some of them like Captain Universe, Silver Samurai, Aspen Matthews, and The Darkness! Other ones are good too such as Namorita, Attuma, and Darkhawk. And my booster for Dazzler will definitely get you dancing! Oh, and wait until you play as the secret mods!!! One of them could use more costumes...
I would like to ask for a favor, though -- can you convert a skin and mannequin of Harley Quinn in her Suicide Squad costume?
Without Jacket:
With Jacket:
If you can do both with and without her jacket, that would be cool.
I also saw this one if you think it's better:
I like this model, except her face is too child-like:
The thing is, it needs to be compatible with BLaw's mod of her (which you may have), so it has to have "Harley_Hammer," "Harley_Bat," and "Harley_Bazooka" as removable skin segments, just as Blaw's skins do. If you can do that, I think everyone (myself included) would appreciate it. Anyway, good luck with your future stuff.
I have a lot of fun with your mods, Outsider! To tell you the truth, more than half of my mods currently are of your authorship! I'll try out the mods you indicated to me. I'm going to include the Harley in my projects. I'm collecting material to try to customize some furs for Monica Rambeau as well. I'll send you the mannequin and the new skin I made of the mod you saw in the video.
Belo trabalho com o Pack 8!! gostei das Skins do Luke, existe alguma chance de você converter a skin alternativa do magneto do MUA 2 , acho ela incrível. :magneto:
Quote from: 15cyber on February 13, 2017, 08:23AM
Belo trabalho com o Pack 8!! gostei das Skins do Luke, existe alguma chance de você converter a skin alternativa do magneto do MUA 2 , acho ela incrível. :magneto:
Tem sim! Eu já tenho o modelo disponível no meu note e ele já tá na minha lista o small pack 9. Em breve o lançarei! Fique de olho!! Vlw!
Amazing work as usual!
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 13, 2017, 06:27PM
Amazing work as usual!
Thanks for the compliment, BaconWizard17! Soon I will launch the small pack 9! Keep an eye!
Hello Anderson , I would ask you about Rachel and Madelyne Pryor , Could you make skin on them because they have amazing mods
Hello Anderson, I do not know if you remember me I've been exchanging some ideas with you for MP. Moving on to congratulate you on everything you have done and say that I am enjoying the work of the staff here, I am still trying to learn something to try to contribute as well.
A hug, my dear.
Ola Anderson, não sei se lembra de mim tive trocando umas ideias com vc por MP. Passando pra dar os parabens por tudo o que tem feito e dizer que estou curtindo bastante o trabalho do pessoal aqui, ainda estou tentando aprender alguma coisa pra tentar contribuir tambem.
Um abraço meu caro.
Thank you Andersonbrazil, your packs are greats.
Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on March 20, 2017, 12:12AM
Just a few ask but can you port the X-23 Wolverine and Innocence Lost skins? :x-23: :wolverine: (
that link is expired. xelandis just moved his resource here :
Hey, guys, I just released Small Pack 9. I hope you like it!,9377.0.html
Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on another epic set of skins and mannequins! I have plenty of updating to do. It was a long wait, but it was well worth it, as expected. :rockon:
You released very HQ skins, congratulations! I wish I could create skins like you, but I guess we just need to find what closer to us. ;)
Anderson, there is a problem with the mannequin you made for Monica Rambeau. As the camera moves, so does the mannequin, which is distracting. See if you can look into it when you have a chance.
EDIT: Also, from your videos, I saw that you also made a skin of Silk in her webbed costume. However, that skin is not included. If you can release that one too, I can then update Spider-Girl, and may have to separate Silk as her own mod -- as she'll have three skins total.
Anderson e ae blz?
As always your Skins are very good, congratulations.
Anderson e ae blz ?
Como sempre suas Skins estão muito boas, parabens .
Guys, the Colossus skin and Monica Rambeau mannequin are defective. I corrected! I recommend downloading the package again! Thanks!
Quote from: Outsider on April 22, 2017, 08:49PM
Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on another epic set of skins and mannequins! I have plenty of updating to do. It was a long wait, but it was well worth it, as expected. :rockon:
Thanks Outsider! This pack does not have a very satisfactory number of skins like the previous ones, but I'm glad you liked it!
Quote from: Outsider on April 23, 2017, 04:58AM
Anderson, there is a problem with the mannequin you made for Monica Rambeau. As the camera moves, so does the mannequin, which is distracting. See if you can look into it when you have a chance.
EDIT: Also, from your videos, I saw that you also made a skin of Silk in her webbed costume. However, that skin is not included. If you can release that one too, I can then update Spider-Girl, and may have to separate Silk as her own mod -- as she'll have three skins total.
Outsider, I made some changes and I exported the mannequin again. I tested it and now everything looks okay! Thanks for your Feedback!
As for Silk, I'll include her in this pack. I'll try to do this week yet. I want to put it in the picture too! Thanks for reminding me of it!
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on April 23, 2017, 01:47AM
You released very HQ skins, congratulations! I wish I could create skins like you, but I guess we just need to find what closer to us. ;)
Thanks for the compliment Erik! Making skins is not so hard, but compared to your creativity to create mods, I can truly say it's easier!
Quote from: AdrianoAp on April 23, 2017, 06:14AM
Anderson e ae blz?
As always your Skins are very good, congratulations.
Anderson e ae blz ?
Como sempre suas Skins estão muito boas, parabens .
Vleu Adriano! No próximo tentarei compartilhar um numero maior de peles!
Você sempre me surpreendi com os mods, Obrigado pela skins da Angela :carnage:
I was trying to use some skins from these packs and I think I found some problems.
Small Pack 3:
Storm's huds are wrong. Huds 3, 4, and 6 are from skins not in this pack (movie, yellow and blue x-men and 90's white costume respectively)
The asgardian and astonishing skins are incorrectly labeled as each other.
Small Pack 2:
Pirate Deadpool's hud is Cablepool.
I'm sorry if I got this wrong or screwed something up but I double checked and I think I'm right.
Quote from: Scarlat on May 08, 2017, 06:27AM
Você sempre me surpreendi com os mods, Obrigado pela skins da Angela :carnage:
Vlw, Scarlat! Eu estou passando por alguns problemas técnicos mas meu interesse é compartilhar um pacote mais peles. Vamos ver o que o tempo dita!
Quote from: Enigma on May 09, 2017, 10:51AM
I was trying to use some skins from these packs and I think I found some problems.
Small Pack 3:
Storm's huds are wrong. Huds 3, 4, and 6 are from skins not in this pack (movie, yellow and blue x-men and 90's white costume respectively)
The asgardian and astonishing skins are incorrectly labeled as each other.
Small Pack 2:
Pirate Deadpool's hud is Cablepool.
I'm sorry if I got this wrong or screwed something up but I double checked and I think I'm right.
You're probably right! When I release these packages from time to time I leaves some errors ... unfortunately I will not be able to fix them now. My PC is damaged and I did not have time to back up my files. It's going to take a while, but as soon as I get this resolved I'll take a look at these packs.
Com o tempo tudo dá certo, é bom ter você no ramo dos mods
In-game (and in the menus), the Steven Rogers mvc3 skin from small pack 6 has a transparent/see-through shield.
Quote from: Enigma on August 11, 2017, 04:43PM
In-game (and in the menus), the Steven Rogers mvc3 skin from small pack 6 has a transparent/see-through shield.
Yes! In fact, the skin should use a transparent shield and smoothly
shiny, but I am not able to add these two effects together yet.
Hello would you be willing to do a skin for me if i sent you the model? if not can you send me a link to some programs i should use to convert a model to be used as a mua skin plz?
Quote from: Xenoses on August 19, 2017, 06:33PM
Hello would you be willing to do a skin for me if i sent you the model? if not can you send me a link to some programs i should use to convert a model to be used as a mua skin plz?
Hello Xenoses, welcome to the forum! For this pack 10, requests are already closed, but when I open the opportunity to request the pack 11 you can include your requests in my request topic. As for learning how to convert 3D models, I did some tutorials and I posted in the tutorials topic, however they are videos in Brazilian Portuguese idiom. If you focus only on the steps of the conversion process I think you will succeed in learning. I do not know how to speak English but I learned to convert models with BLAW, and he was speaking English. I only repeated his steps and it worked for me. If you decide to watch my videos I hope they are useful for you!
This is a preview of the skins to be featured in Small Pack 10. I made 6, 9 missing.
Small Pack 10 is released, for the our joy!,9377.0.html
I've been playing Marvel Future Fight and I found inhumans there. It might be really nice if you can convert those skins (I think most of MFF skins look really nice and fitted well in MUA game). But unfortunatelly I cannot help you to find any of those models in google. Anyway, your skins are great as always.
Excelente! Muito bom mesmo!
Would you be able to make a Drax skin based on the film version? Your skins look amazing :)
E aí? Vai ter um Small Pack 11?
Quote from: Canino on November 24, 2017, 04:46AM
E aí? Vai ter um Small Pack 11?
Vai ter sim meu amigo! Eu estou terminando de converter as ultimas skins. Já que a participação do pessoal lá no tópico que eu criei foi muito tímida acho que vou voltar à minha forma livre de conversões. Mas vai ter sim! Aguarde atento! Vlw!
Valeu! tu é o cara!
Have you seen the newest Marvel Heroes skins that didn't make into the game? Is it possible to convert them? There are two amazing Spider-Woman costumes that I'm just dying for.
Also how difficult would Medusa be? I'll be on vacation in a couple of weeks and I want to try converting too.
Hola cara!
Thank you so much for your skins and and your tutorials on YouTube, even if I'm Italian they helped me a lot.
May I suggest you a couple of models from the new DLC of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite? What about the new Venom :venom2: and Anti-Venom ones?
Quote from: IronManRocks on December 09, 2017, 05:30PM
Hola cara!
Thank you so much for your skins and and your tutorials on YouTube, even if I'm Italian they helped me a lot.
May I suggest you a couple of models from the new DLC of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite? What about the new Venom :venom2: and Anti-Venom ones?
Hello IronManRocks! Welcome to the forum! I anticipated and already and converted some models of MvCI. But there are new premium covers that I would like to convert. If you have access to the MvCI models, I would like to have Ghost Rider Premium covers, Dormmamu, Ms Marvel (she has two) and Gamora, all Premium. If you have these templates or know where to find them, let me know, I'll convert them to us.
Have fun with MUA!
What about Marvel Future Fight models?
Are you planning to convert them? There a lot of MCU skins of characters there. It is very pleasant to see MCU heroes in MUA)
Quote from: Agent Bachello on December 10, 2017, 12:31PM
What about Marvel Future Fight models?
Are you planning to convert them? There a lot of MCU skins of characters there. It is very pleasant to see MCU heroes in MUA)
Yes, I also intend to convert MFF skins. I've already converted some to the Small Pack 11. I did not interest fo all, honestly speaking, but I already have some ready for conversion, especially Age of Apocalypse X-men skins.
Hey there,
I haven't looked for MvCI yet, but I found some really good stuff concerning Venom :venom: and Carnage :carnage: that might be really enjoyable; this is what I found so far:
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Future Fight
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Contest of Champions (Static model)
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Contest of Champions (No Static model)
- Classic Venom ( from Marvel: Future Fight
- Venom ( from Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
I hope you find them interesting!
Quote from: IronManRocks on December 15, 2017, 02:53PM
Hey there,
I haven't looked for MvCI yet, but I found some really good stuff concerning Venom :venom: and Carnage :carnage: that might be really enjoyable; this is what I found so far:
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Future Fight
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Contest of Champions (Static model)
- Carnage ( from Marvel: Contest of Champions (No Static model)
- Classic Venom ( from Marvel: Future Fight
- Venom ( from Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
I hope you find them interesting!
Hello IronManRocks! These models I've seen them too ... the problem is that they are very basic, and the majority of the skinners have converted good skins to venom and carnage in basic style. I for example converted a skin to the Carnage coming from the MUA2 game, which I think be better than of MFF, MH and MCoC skins.
Actually I'm trying to diversify a bit. That's why I'm behind MVCI's premium meshes. They are different ... I even dream of mods boosters for them. For example: It would be very cool to have a booster for the Ghost Rider, in which he can ride a horse, to match this skin:
Perhaps you can consider converting this model of
Captain Marvel from
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite?
I know there's already a Captain Marvel skin, but I like this one much better with her hair down. Also, I know you know how to convert MUA2 models. I'm trying to get in touch with Dorpond to rip one more model from MUA2 for you to possibly convert. It's for a future mod. No response from him so far. If you know how to get in touch with him, or you know hop to rip a certain MUA2 model yourself, let me know. If you're interested, I will PM you on who it is.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 15, 2017, 05:27PM
... I even dream of mods boosters for them. For example: It would be very cool to have a booster for the Ghost Rider, in which he can ride a horse, to match this skin:
Ghost Rider with a horse instead of a motorcycle sounds cool -- reminds me of
Carter Slade (Caretaker). The problem with that is that the horse model would have to move its legs instead of being still, which I'd imagine is extremely difficult. Slightly easier would be for someone to convert a still black car so that
Robbie Reyes version of Ghost Rider can be possible, as long as all four wheels can be on fire.
I think the possibility of creating an animation of a four-legged character is quite remote anyway ... nobody knows the process of creating animation, but I see a solution in the skinsegment feature. I think we can create a fake animation using a sequence of skinsegment.
Hey guys, I just released Small Pack 11. Have a happy new year and have fun with MUA!
This is very nice, but it looks like you accidentally linked Small Pack 10 twice. The link for Small Pack 11 isn't there.
Not criticizing, just trying to point something out politely.
Quote from: TheMK on December 30, 2017, 02:54PM
This is very nice, but it looks like you accidentally linked Small Pack 10 twice. The link for Small Pack 11 isn't there.
Not criticizing, just trying to point something out politely.
Oops! This time I erred ugly. Thank you for the warning. Now it's fixed to download!
Great Pack!!! Hyperion!! Beast!! Hawkeye!! Spiderwoman!! all beautiful skins!! Thanks for your excellent work!!
Quote from: Rodrigo79 on December 30, 2017, 04:13PM
Great Pack!!! Hyperion!! Beast!! Hawkeye!! Spiderwoman!! all beautiful skins!! Thanks for your excellent work!!
Thanks Rodrigo! Have a lot of fun with MUA!
Ótimo trabalho Anderson :applause: :rockon: :thumbsup2: Obrigado por compartilhar ;) Tenha um ótimo ano novo meu amigo. Fica com Deus.
PERFECT choices of skins.
We are truly blessed by your work. :applause:
Happy New Year to you!
Quote from: nickjustint on December 30, 2017, 04:24PM
PERFECT choices of skins.
We are truly blessed by your work. :applause:
Happy New Year to you!
Thanks nick! For me it is a joy to serve our forum with these skins! Have a happy new year!
Very nice way to end the year!
Thank you cara!
Quote from: IronManRocks on December 30, 2017, 05:37PM
Very nice way to end the year!
Thank you cara!
I'm who must thank you for your appreciation, friend. Have funy whith MUA and have a happy new year!
Happy new year, l also wish you just the best and l want to thank you again for your continued contributions, making our dreas true :D
What a way to end the year! Those skins look awesome, can't wait to use them especially Gambit and Human Torch. :)
Quote from: Aventureiromax on December 30, 2017, 04:21PM
Ótimo trabalho Anderson :applause: :rockon: :thumbsup2: Obrigado por compartilhar ;) Tenha um ótimo ano novo meu amigo. Fica com Deus.
Valeu Max! Nossa parceria rendeu muito para o fórum. Tenha um feliz ano novo e que Deus te abençoe!
Quote from: X-Men 55 on December 31, 2017, 09:46PM
What a way to end the year! Those skins look awesome, can't wait to use them especially Gambit and Human Torch. :)
Thanks guy! I'm glad you liked the skins!
Incrível!!! Tu é o cara! Quando eu crescer quero ser igual a ti Anderson!
Quote from: Canino on January 01, 2018, 08:31AM
Incrível!!! Tu é o cara! Quando eu crescer quero ser igual a ti Anderson!
Kkkk, Valeu Canino! Mas eu peço que você seja melhor!
Small Pack 12 is released ... with few skins but will soon be updated.,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Awesome stuff as usual Anderson!
Great selection, I love that Psylocke skin in particular! :nod:
Very detailed skins, congratulations!!
These agents venom skins look great, just what I've been waiting for.Also, did you release the jean grey skin cause she recently returned?
Muito bom Anderson! Parabéns cara!
Belo PACK ;) :applause:
Great pack as always, happy you converted that Venom McCI; Thank you!
However there's a mistake: the whole hud folder contains exactly the same igb files we find in the actor folder, instead of real huds, and it can be noticed since they have the same size. For now I just tested with Venom and Agent Venom, but i'm pretty sure it's for all the huds.
Quote from: IronManRocks on February 22, 2018, 04:00AM
Great pack as always, happy you converted that Venom McCI; Thank you!
However there's a mistake: the whole hud folder contains exactly the same igb files we find in the actor folder, instead of real huds, and it can be noticed since they have the same size. For now I just tested with Venom and Agent Venom, but i'm pretty sure it's for all the huds.
Dude thanks for the warning! I released this pack in a hurry and I made that mistake. Thanks!
It's now fixed! You can to download again!
Hey Anderson! Are you including the Black Panther Skins from the movie??
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on February 22, 2018, 10:52AM
Hey Anderson! Are you including the Black Panther Skins from the movie??
If you want black panther movie skins, you should check out my PS2 versions here (,9904.msg185320.html#msg185320)
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 22, 2018, 11:00AM
If you want black panther movie skins, you should check out my PS2 versions here (,9904.msg185320.html#msg185320)
Your work with PS2 skins is incredible!
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on February 22, 2018, 10:52AM
Hey Anderson! Are you including the Black Panther Skins from the movie??
In Black Panther's mod booster, created by Outsider, has a skin of the movie, so I think it's unnecessary to convert another one, that one was really cool.
Now we have a very complete collection. PS2 style skins and converted Black Panther Movie skins.
At least 3 of the huds in smallpack 3 are wrong. Nightcrawler's classic and modern huds are the classic and aoa ones from Official Characters. Storm's mohawk hud is her yellow x-men uniform. I think a couple other of Storm's huds from that pack are wrong, too. Sorry if you already know this.
Quote from: Enigma on February 22, 2018, 12:00PM
At least 3 of the huds in smallpack 3 are wrong. Nightcrawler's classic and modern huds are the classic and aoa ones from Official Characters. Storm's mohawk hud is her yellow x-men uniform. I think a couple other of Storm's huds from that pack are wrong, too. Sorry if you already know this.
Ooooops! I'm sorry guys! I'm doing the thing with hurry again ... I'm going to stop now and fix this with calm for us.
Hey guys, I upgraded Small Pack 12 with seven more skins. Hope you like it!,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Muuuuuito bom!!! Tu é o cara Anderson!
That's sick! Glad you added more skins. :)
Anderson, o pack não contem as skins da Raven ;)
Quote from: Aventureiromax on March 28, 2018, 03:58PM
Anderson, o pack não contem as skins da Raven ;)
Ops! Foi mal Max! Vlw pelo aviso! Vou corrigir agora!
The pack was fixed, guys!
Dope update.
Quote from: jaybird on March 28, 2018, 07:30PM
Dope update.
Stay tuned! New skins are on the way!
Quote from: Canino on March 28, 2018, 12:28PM
Muuuuuito bom!!! Tu é o cara Anderson!
Vlw Canino! Em breve irei postar mais um lote pra gente!
Quote from: X-Men 55 on March 28, 2018, 12:56PM
That's sick! Glad you added more skins. :)
Thanks X-Men 55! It's not over yet, have more!
Pfiuuuuu!! wow that was so worth the wait. Honestly I'm just thrilled to get back home to try this out... wow!
And I couldn't imagine something better for Viper :bowdown1:
Can't wait to see the rest of the skins you have hidden in your pockets haha
Thanks again
Quote from: mj fan on March 29, 2018, 07:18AM
Pfiuuuuu!! wow that was so worth the wait. Honestly I'm just thrilled to get back home to try this out... wow!
And I couldn't imagine something better for Viper :bowdown1:
Can't wait to see the rest of the skins you have hidden in your pockets haha
Thanks again
I'm glad you liked it! The skins you produced made and still make the experience of my game very cool! They are indispensable to me!
Obrigado Anderson ;) belo trabalho com a atualização ;)
Quote from: andersonbrazil on March 29, 2018, 05:51AM
Thanks X-Men 55! It's not over yet, have more!
Cool!!! I'm so pumped. :wiggle:
Master Andersonbrazil, if you don't mind, please make some skins for heroes which not have much custom skin yet (i.e. iceman, capt. marvel, quicksilver, etc.), or for enemy/NPC which already exist ingame (i.e. mordo, wong, mysterio, namor, the inhumans, etc.), i'd like to change the default skin of all NPC's. thank you so much for your contribution.
Good to hear that more are coming -- including my requests from a while back. I am certain they will be worth the wait.
Quote from: mj fan on March 29, 2018, 07:18AM
Pfiuuuuu!! wow that was so worth the wait. Honestly I'm just thrilled to get back home to try this out... wow!
And I couldn't imagine something better for Viper :bowdown1:
Can't wait to see the rest of the skins you have hidden in your pockets haha
Thanks again
Hold up, wait a minute... is that...
MJ Fan?!? Man, haven't heard from you in a long while! Some of the newer guys here may not know who you are. So...
Everyone, before there were model converters, all skins here used (mostly) PS2 models, and when it came to that, the legendary skinner known as "MJ Fan" (meaning "Michael Jackson Fan") was one of the best that ever did it -- with remarkable attention to detail. For those of you are not familiar with his work, check out his page here:,8078.0.html. It is a gallery full of masterpieces that won't disappoint anyone with a pair of eyes.
Outsider recommended.
QuoteHold up, wait a minute... is that... MJ Fan?!? Man, haven't heard from you in a long while! Some of the newer guys here may not know who you are. So...
Everyone, before there were model converters, all skins here used (mostly) PS2 models, and when it came to that, the legendary skinner known as "MJ Fan" (meaning "Michael Jackson Fan") was one of the best that ever did it -- with remarkable attention to detail. For those of you are not familiar with his work, check out his page here:,8078.0.html. It is a gallery full of masterpieces that won't disappoint anyone with a pair of eyes. Outsider recommended.
Indeed it's been a lifetime haha, wow I am very honored!
tbh like I told andersonbrazil I never even use mines and prefer to use the releases of others hahaha, they are just so brilliant.
I'm so glad you are still posting a lot for the community. I'm impressed with all the good stuff i see. I really miss it but I'll definitely be there more often
Anyway just major thanks :)
ps Viper looks even better in game ;)
Thanks for your work, bub.
Have some problems, though - johnny blaze from your SP 2 has some weird white spots on his soles and on his left hand. GR 2099 from SM 4 has similar problem with his boots
Hey guys! Update released for Small Pack 12. Wait, there's more!
Quote from: ErmakTremor on April 08, 2018, 01:38AM
Thanks for your work, bub.
Have some problems, though - johnny blaze from your SP 2 has some weird white spots on his soles and on his left hand. GR 2099 from SM 4 has similar problem with his boots
I saw what you said now. I'll take the time to fix it later!
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 04, 2018, 06:16PM
Hey guys! Update released for Small Pack 12. Wait, there's more!
Excellent additions! I will update
Ancient One,
Starfire and some others as soon as I can.
Wow! Small Pack 12 turned into Big Pack ;)
Awesome additions! I spy Gamora so I'm happy :bowdown1:
So many skins! That's amazing!
i try to play with the x-23 char, but i didnt find her in the game? It doesnt work with the Steam Version?
Sorry i am new here with that game.
Quote from: laurakinney on May 09, 2018, 12:35PM
i try to play with the x-23 char, but i didnt find her in the game? It doesnt work with the Steam Version?
Sorry i am new here with that game.
X-23 is found here --,1444.0.html. Just scroll down to her name. I am uncertain, however, if it will work on the Steam version. I have heard that some mods work while others don't.
To find mods of various characters, first search through mega-threads like the Character Mod Catalog, the Non Marvel Character Mod and Booster Catalog, and The Outsider's Crypt. Then search through smaller threads like Cabral's Mods, Maegawa's Stuff, Erik Lensherr's Lair, and others. Between those and more, you'll find mods for hundreds of characters -- Marvel or otherwise.
No guarantee any of them will work on the Steam version though. LarsAlexandersson describes it in detail here:,9911.0.html
Quote from: Outsider on May 09, 2018, 01:23PM
X-23 is found here --,1444.0.html. Just scroll down to her name. I am uncertain, however, if it will work on the Steam version. I have heard that some mods work while others don't.
To find mods of various characters, first search through mega-threads like the Character Mod Catalog, the Non Marvel Character Mod and Booster Catalog, and The Outsider's Crypt. Then search through smaller threads like Cabral's Mods, Maegawa's Stuff, Erik Lensherr's Lair, and others. Between those and more, you'll find mods for hundreds of characters -- Marvel or otherwise.
No guarantee any of them will work on the Steam version though. LarsAlexandersson describes it in detail here:,9911.0.html
i think i buy the "normal" pc version too, i found it cheap on amazon than it works i think. But ty a lot.
Thank you for continuing to show DC love even if the movies suck. I have thought Robin always needed some real Tim Drake skins and they look fantastic! Hope you can still stop by and continue your work when you have a chance. :applause: :applause: :applause:
Quote from: nickjustint on May 05, 2018, 10:24AM
Wow! Small Pack 12 turned into Big Pack ;)
Awesome additions! I spy Gamora so I'm happy :bowdown1:
Thanks for the compliment Nickjustint! I still plan to convert more skins to her from the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (MvCI) game. However I do not find her dlc model ... the primary model, I already have. If you find Gamora's dlc model give me the link that I convert her to us.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 05, 2018, 08:32PM
So many skins! That's amazing!
Thanks for compliment, BaconWizard!
Quote from: ndp on May 09, 2018, 08:05PM
Thank you for continuing to show DC love even if the movies suck. I have thought Robin always needed some real Tim Drake skins and they look fantastic! Hope you can still stop by and continue your work when you have a chance. :applause: :applause: :applause:
Thanks for the words ndp! In fact, I enjoy the DC characters a lot, and I think characters like Robin deserve an update on both the skins and the power set. In the case of Robin I believe that he is worthy of powers that are more characteristic of his character. This Robin we own is very cool, but he took a lot of Moonknight borrowed power. Maybe some modder is interested in the character and create a cool booster for him.
Do you or anyone on here has Drax MCU skin?
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 17, 2018, 05:28PM
Thanks for the words ndp! In fact, I enjoy the DC characters a lot, and I think characters like Robin deserve an update on both the skins and the power set. In the case of Robin I believe that he is worthy of powers that are more characteristic of his character. This Robin we own is very cool, but he took a lot of Moonknight borrowed power. Maybe some modder is interested in the character and create a cool booster for him.
I would love to have both a Tim Drake mod and a Damien Wayne mod. That way we could have Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin on a team.
Hey all of your work is awesome, can I just do a small request? Could you please make a mannequin for dagger using the model not from mh?
Quote from: Bruce Bixby on May 28, 2018, 04:03PM
Do you or anyone on here has Drax MCU skin?
I do not remember seeing this skin on any topic ... for now I can't receive requests of immediately, but in the future I can convert it to us.
Quote from: edward on June 04, 2018, 08:18PM
Hey all of your work is awesome, can I just do a small request? Could you please make a mannequin for dagger using the model not from mh?
I think I still have a model of it from MUA2. I'll see if AdrianoAP skinner can receive this request.
Hey guys, I released the pack13. I hope you like it. Thanks!,9377.0.html
Thx as usual for your incredible work man, u're truly too kind, can't wait to use Mortal Kombat hero and the Iron Man IF.
Very awesome work! :) That Dagger mannequin is very cool and I love the Thanos with his helmet and the Cyborg skins.
Excellent work as usual, Anderson! (I will look at those when I get a chance.) And you pulled those off faster than usual -- well done. I have much updating to do...
Dagger looks perfect thank you both Anderson and AdrianoAP and all the new skins are also good choices! :jumping:
Great as always!
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 14, 2018, 07:17AM
Thx as usual for your incredible work man, u're truly too kind, can't wait to use Mortal Kombat hero and the Iron Man IF.
Thanks by the kind words, UltraMegaMagnus, and for the material shared by discord! I'm keeping some of them to launch on the next update with the proper credits. I did not add huds on this smallpack 13. I am counting with your work. Thanks!
Quote from: X-Men 55 on June 14, 2018, 04:49PM
Very awesome work! :) That Dagger mannequin is very cool and I love the Thanos with his helmet and the Cyborg skins.
Thank you X-men 55! Give credit to AdrianoAP, the Dagger's mannequin is his work!
Quote from: Outsider on June 14, 2018, 09:07PM
Excellent work as usual, Anderson! (I will look at those when I get a chance.) And you pulled those off faster than usual -- well done. I have much updating to do...
I'm very glad you liked it, Outsider! I look forward to seeing the updates I proposed for you. I know the incredible mods will be even more incredible!
Quote from: edward on June 16, 2018, 08:05AM
Dagger looks perfect thank you both Anderson and AdrianoAP and all the new skins are also good choices! :jumping:
Thanks for the compliment edward!
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on June 16, 2018, 01:09PM
Great as always!
Thanks BaconWizard17!
Guys, SmallPack 13 updated with 7 more skins!
Wow! Didn't expect this! Also have you seen Antman and the Wasp??
Nice update!
Sweet! The Merged/Professor Hulk from Peter David's Hulk comic run. Thanks so much :hulk_icon:
Great job as always!
Can you make Psylocke's Marvel Future Fight costume?! I really want to play with her looking like this! :psylocke:
Você poderia fazer a skin da Psylocke em Marvel Future Fight?! Queria muito jogar com ela tendo essa aparência! (BR tbm :D)
I already made her hud
Já até fiz a hud dela
MY WORKS:,10347.0.html
Quote from: TQB on July 17, 2018, 10:09AM
Wow! Didn't expect this! Also have you seen Antman and the Wasp??
Not yet, but I look forward to watching.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on July 18, 2018, 12:42AM
Nice update!
Thank you! I still have a lot of work to do.
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on July 18, 2018, 01:09AM
Sweet! The Merged/Professor Hulk from Peter David's Hulk comic run. Thanks so much :hulk_icon:
I'm glad you liked it! My satisfaction is knowing that we are all having fun with MUA!
Quote from: Canino on July 18, 2018, 09:54AM
Great job as always!
Thank you! Your satisfaction is my motivation!
Quote from: AllanHoult on August 09, 2018, 03:52PM
Can you make Psylocke's Marvel Future Fight costume?! I really want to play with her looking like this! :psylocke:
Você poderia fazer a skin da Psylocke em Marvel Future Fight?! Queria muito jogar com ela tendo essa aparência! (BR tbm :D)
I already made her hud
Já até fiz a hud dela
MY WORKS:,10347.0.html
E aí Allan! Cara eu posso tomar seu pedido, mas vai demorar um pouco...meus projetos e minha lista de pedidos é muito grande. Se você tiver paciência em breve terá seu pedido em mãos. Valeu!
Launched the first batch of updated skins.,9377.msg174890.html#msg174890
Awesome man! Such great skins!
Wasp looks awesome.
Quote from: AllanHoult on August 09, 2018, 03:52PM
Can you make Psylocke's Marvel Future Fight costume?! I really want to play with her looking like this! :psylocke:
Você poderia fazer a skin da Psylocke em Marvel Future Fight?! Queria muito jogar com ela tendo essa aparência! (BR tbm :D)
I already made her hud
Já até fiz a hud dela
MY WORKS:,10347.0.html
Found one here,10196.90.html
Quote from: JohnConquest12 on September 05, 2018, 10:10PM
Found one here,10196.90.html
I visited the discord and saw that UltraMegaMagnus has already converted this skin, so I found it unnecessary to repeat this conversion. Search the topic mua-modding.
Please, add in SMALL PACK 14 Mysterio and Lizard from Marvel Future Fight
Guys, I released VISUAL UPDATE 2, for Small Pack 13. Enjoy!,9377.0.html
Anderson você tem intenção de Atualizar seus outros smalls packs também?
Tipo o SMALL PACK 7? Meu favorito aliás. x)
Quote from: Scarlat on November 06, 2018, 07:45AM
Anderson você tem intenção de Atualizar seus outros smalls packs também?
Tipo o SMALL PACK 7? Meu favorito aliás. x)
Olá Scarlat!
Cara eu quero sim. Eu pretendo atualizar todas as peles. Eu ando é meio desorganizado...atualizando de forma aleatória, mas eu vou me ajustar pra lançar a coisa com mais ordem.
Quote from: Canino on November 06, 2018, 01:48PM
Valeu, Canino! E mais uma vez, obrigado pelo excelente tutorial de como criar icons!
Aquele Abraço!
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on November 06, 2018, 01:59PM
Thank you UltraMegaMagnus!
Your collaboration with the ripped models is helping me a lot, and your work is getting better every day. Thanks!
Anderson seus packs são incríveis cara, muito bom mesmo esta de parabens !
Quote from: StarAndy on November 19, 2018, 05:50PM
Anderson seus packs são incríveis cara, muito bom mesmo esta de parabens !
Valeu Andy!
Eu tô preparando mais algumas atualizações aqui pra lançar.
Eu acho q vou fazer compartilhando já de imediato do que esperar juntar um monte de peles pra fazer isso.
Anderson, você devia atualizar a Soprano, tenho problemas com o cabelo dela quando jogo com os gráficos no máximo.. não sei se é só comigo.
P.S: Fica transparente em certas fases com muito brilho
Quote from: Scarlat on November 21, 2018, 04:56AM
Anderson, você devia atualizar a Soprano, tenho poblemas com o cabelo dela quando jogo com os gráficos no máximo.. não sei se é só comigo.
P.S: Fica transparente em certas fases com muito brilho
E aí Scarlat!
Cara o cabelo dela fica transparente porque as pontas exigem texturas transparentes, porém nosso exportador não é muito compatível com este tipo de textura. Com o novo processo que aprendi posso refazer. Quanto ao brilho eu não sei o porquê...excetuando o cabelo todo o resto funciona bem. Em breve vou atualizá-la com efeito specular e tvz um gloss.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on November 21, 2018, 06:04AM
E aí Scarlat!
Cara o cabelo dela fica transparente porque as pontas exigem texturas transparentes, porém nosso exportador não é muito compatível com este tipo de textura. Com o novo processo que aprendi posso refazer. Quanto ao brilho eu não sei o porquê...excetuando o cabelo todo o resto funciona bem. Em breve vou atualizá-la com efeito specular e tvz um gloss.
Entendo, Só é com ela que eu tenho esse problema, mas quando eu baixo os efeitos nas configurações, o cabelo dela deixa de ficar transparente, mas de qualquer maneira, obrigado, seus mods são incríveis de qualquer jeito. ;)
Can you convert original Captain America with the triangle shield, from Marvel Heroes?
Quote from: LTCProductions on December 17, 2018, 07:34AM
Can you convert original Captain America with the triangle shield, from Marvel Heroes?
If I have the 3d models in hand, I can.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 17, 2018, 07:56AM
If I have the 3d models in hand, I can.
I do have a model for the costume itself, and the ingame WW2 skin has the shield.
Quote from: LTCProductions on December 17, 2018, 08:21AM
I do have a model for the costume itself, and the ingame WW2 skin has the shield.
The model of the shield that can be availed from the game is bolton, which is the model you see in the throw. I need a model of that shield to fit on the arm. They are practically two models. One stays snug on the arm and the other is used for be throwed in animation.
Well, here's another model that apparently does have the shield.
Quote from: LTCProductions on December 17, 2018, 03:22PM
Well, here's another model that apparently does have the shield.
These models that you indicated to me do not accompany the shields, but on this same page I found these models. The sheild you want is a little different on these models.
OK then.
SMALL PACK 14 and VUFROM CHRISTMAS 25/12/2018This is my last package for this year of 2018. After taking stock, I concluded that my collaboration was not as significant as in previous years, but in the time I had, I feel satisfied with the result of the few skins I converted, this thanks to tool for textures, MUA Editor, created by Nikita488. Again, thank you Nikita488!
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I tell everyone that the best gift we have to receive is Jesus Christ himself. If you to believe Him, in who He is, and in your words, to the point of having Him as direction for your life, you will indeed experience the joy of this great gift.
May God bless your year 2019. Bless you and your whole family!
Have fun with MUA!
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Midway Games
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
DC Comics
Vicarious Visions
Savage Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
Hey guys! I made this pack in a hurry, so if have any new or updated skin absent, and you have seen in my gameplay videos, let me know so I can update this pack.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 25, 2018, 05:16AM
Hey guys! I made this pack in a hurry, so if have any new or updated skin absent, and you have seen in my gameplay videos, let me know so I can update this pack.
It looks like only the Batman skins are missing. Still great work :)
Great work as always! Well done! 👏👏👏👏
I'm going to use all of these new skins. Great job as always Anderson.
Anderson, you did a classic blonde-haired skin of Elsa Bloodstone. However, I don't think you released it anywhere, including this new Small Pack. Any chance on releasing it soon so I can update her?
Quote from: Outsider on January 06, 2019, 12:03AM
Anderson, you did a classic blonde-haired skin of Elsa Bloodstone. However, I don't think you released it anywhere, including this new Small Pack. Any chance on releasing it soon so I can update her?
Thanks for the reminder Outsider!
I will add it in an upgrade to this pack!
I know there must be other skins that I forgot, I have not yet stopped for searching file by file in my notebook.
UPDATE SMALL PACK 1403/21/2019I thought a little and I decided to launch these skins as an update to the last pack ...
Maybe I'll begin to share my material in a more isolated way than trying to reach a considerable volume to compose the small pack.
Anyway I hope you like it!
Have fun!
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Midway Games
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Savage Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
Sem palavras! Vlw pela Melissa, não te peço mais nada!
That unmasked Deadpool skin looks terrifying. Good Job.
How about that Omega Red skin?
Those look gorgeous! :)
And it's really nice to finally get a Crystal skin too.
Excelente Anderson! Muito bom mesmo.
Hey just a quick question but are most of the skins available as mannequins as well? I tried using a few I liked and the characters are appearing in the right outfit in the menu select but they stand sideways with their arms outstretched. lol
Quote from: Bingerz on March 26, 2019, 12:03PM
Hey just a quick question but are most of the skins available as mannequins as well? I tried using a few I liked and the characters are appearing in the right outfit in the menu select but they stand sideways with their arms outstretched. lol
Generally this is the kind of result you get when you try to use a skin as a mannequin. Also if you try to use a mannequin as a skin, it will often cause the game to crash when you select that character/outfit. So, make sure not to mix these up.
Anderson, a skin do Deadpool Era do Apocalipse não está no arquivo.
Quote from: Canino on March 27, 2019, 01:22AM
Anderson, a skin do Deadpool Era do Apocalipse não está no arquivo.
Opa! Erro meu Canino! Eu atualizei o download e gora você pode baixar novamente. O arquivo tem o nome "170MUA2".
Quote from: andersonbrazil on March 27, 2019, 11:54AM
Opa! Erro meu Canino! Eu atualizei o download e gora você pode baixar novamente. O arquivo tem o nome "170MUA2".
I adore your work Anderson, truly remarkable stuff! Thanks a lot for revitalizing my game with your excellent models :elektra:
Can I make a request? Would you be willing to make a Mannequin for either your EARTH-X Female Thor (Small Pack 8) or your Jane Foster Thor (Small Pack 3)?
Quote from: Aucella on May 04, 2019, 11:57AM
I adore your work Anderson, truly remarkable stuff! Thanks a lot for revitalizing my game with your excellent models :elektra:
Can I make a request? Would you be willing to make a Mannequin for either your EARTH-X Female Thor (Small Pack 8) or your Jane Foster Thor (Small Pack 3)?
Thanks for the compliments Aucella!
In a free time, I will can work a jane foster mannequin, because I still have this project open, but first I need to finish other projects that I promised to deliver.
SMALL PACK 15 and VU14/05/2019Hey guys, I have a stack of open projects to upgrade and others to finish, so this package has a larger amount of previously converted but now updated skins than new skins. In addition to my purpose of updating the skins I have other projects to complete in collaboration with other modders for creation of new mods, so I hope you guys are not disappointed by this package and that everyone likes .
I want to thank Nikita488 once again for creating the MUA Editor tool, because without it my work would not have this result, and I want to thank UltraMegaMagnus who always helps me with both knowledge and material, in particular with the model of Magik Form Demon. Thank you friends!
Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Midway Games
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
DC Comics
Vicarious Visions
Savage Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
All your skins are great, but I have to say that I love that Hulk :hulk_icon: and that Wolverine :wolverine:!!!
Super nice pack again, I really love the Hulk too!
All of these looks very cool. Love the update on the Magik ones.
Nooossa! Muito bom Anderson! Excelente mesmo!
These look amazing!
Quote from: Rodrigo79 on May 15, 2019, 09:26AM
All your skins are great, but I have to say that I love that Hulk :hulk_icon: and that Wolverine :wolverine:!!!
I'm glad you liked, Rodrigo79.
I also really liked the look of the Hulk. These MvCI models are really high quality.
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on May 16, 2019, 12:57AM
Super nice pack again, I really love the Hulk too!
Thank you for enjoying, UltraMegaMagnus.
Whenever possible I will be trying to present something in our store.
Quote from: JubilationLee on May 16, 2019, 08:40AM
All of these looks very cool. Love the update on the Magik ones.
Thank you JubilationLee!
In fact, my biggest desire to Magik is that she has a mod booster, with a new animation of menu, of fighting, new powers and that has the possibility to use the swords with the corresponding appearance for each skin.
I hope this is a reality for a not too distant future.
Quote from: Canino on May 18, 2019, 03:27AM
Nooossa! Muito bom Anderson! Excelente mesmo!
E aí, Canino!
Cara obrigado pelo elogio! Já que meu tempo não é o mesmo que antes para criar um pack mais abundante, tenho que tentar compensar isso na qualidade. Vou me esforçar para trazer pele com mais qualidade. Valeu!
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 18, 2019, 03:39AM
These look amazing!
Thanks, BaconWizard 17! There are few skins in this pack, but I hope they will be nice in your game and of all the others people that downloading.
Your skins are absolutely incredible. Way better Robins than the ones I made for my Robin mod!
Would you be willing to make this Batman skin? It's one of my favorites.
BLAW already made that skin
Did he really? I know he has an Arkham skin, but his is from Arkham Asylum (it's the one I made the Tron one with), while the one I linked is from the beginning of Arkham Knight.
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 01, 2019, 06:38PM
Did he really? I know he has an Arkham skin, but his is from Arkham Asylum (it's the one I made the Tron one with), while the one I linked is from the beginning of Arkham Knight.
Hello Tony!
It's good to see you around here. The forum very needs lot of your presence like this, dude. I have some Batman models to convert and these are some of them.
I have both versions.
Arkham Knight
Arkham City
Soon I will share with the guys.
Both of those are fantastic choices too!
Actually, tell you what, I have all 4 of the Batman games and I'm willing to rip any models from them that you like! (I don't know how to rip models from them, but I'm willing to try!)
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 01, 2019, 08:53PM
Both of those are fantastic choices too!
Actually, tell you what, I have all 4 of the Batman games and I'm willing to rip any models from them that you like! (I don't know how to rip models from them, but I'm willing to try!)
This is great news Tony!
I believe you can rip the Batman games using Gildor's UE Viewer.
You can find it at this link.
If you learn how to rip the models of the Batman game, and I do not doubt it will, I would like to convert this model of the Robin from the Batma Arkham Origins. I searched for this model on the net but did not find it.
Anderson, I have two ideas for your next epic "small pack" (which is anything but small, really)...
One of them is a custom-made skin of Invisible Woman in her bad-ass Malice attire...
Her mod, which MUALover and I did a long while back is in desperate skin of a better skin & mannequin, as her skins look outdated. A updated skin and mannequin of this costume would set her apart from her usual F4 version.
The other is Psylocke's newest skin from Marvel Future Fight.
However, her hair color is incorrect -- it should be a lighter purple (lilac) so it matches her comic appearance...
This would look great on Psylocke or Revanche.
Anyway, keep up the great work.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 02, 2019, 03:44AM
This is great news Tony!
I believe you can rip the Batman games using Gildor's UE Viewer.
You can find it at this link.
If you learn how to rip the models of the Batman game, and I do not doubt it will, I would like to convert this model of the Robin from the Batma Arkham Origins. I searched for this model on the net but did not find it.
Hey Anderson, I looked into it, and it looks like unfortunately Umodel doesn't support Arkham Origins Multiplayer (where all the AO Robin skins are from), as explained here:,2007.msg21726.html#msg21726
Are there any models in singleplayer or in any of the other 3 games you want me to try to get for you?
Found the XNALARA model of that robin skin here:
it can be easily converted to Blender/3DSMax, etc.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 23, 2019, 12:09PM
Thank you JubilationLee!
In fact, my biggest desire to Magik is that she has a mod booster, with a new animation of menu, of fighting, new powers and that has the possibility to use the swords with the corresponding appearance for each skin.
I hope this is a reality for a not too distant future.
No problem. :)
That'd be a super cool booster. We gotta have it!
Quote from: Outsider on June 02, 2019, 01:16PM
Anderson, I have two ideas for your next epic "small pack" (which is anything but small, really)...
Hello Outsider!
Thanks for the kind words. :)
I'm interested in converting this Psylocke, yet the Malice mod did not attract me enough to invest time in it :(. I do not really like customizing because it requires a lot of work and time, but I want to make another skin for Vindicator and, after solving problems with other pending projects with other modders, I plan to customize a skin that is iron man's prototype armor.
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 02, 2019, 02:44PM
Are there any models in singleplayer or in any of the other 3 games you want me to try to get for you?
I'm going to give a look at Arkham Knight models because I know there are a Batman models in it that I could not find in the net ...
Hi anderson, I love your stuff so much, I didn't really want to make requests since I thought I would be annoying, but is there any chance you can convert a few skins for Marvel Future Fight? Most of the recent updates have AMAZING models, better than even Marvel Heroes since the proportions and art style fit better in MUA
here are the ones I'd mainly like to see
X-Force Deadpool (This model is AMAZING):
Doctor Doom:
that's all, if you need i can rip and provide you with the .obj files necessary :)
if not, no problem whatsoever, thank you for all that you do in the community still
Hey Anderson have you or anyone else on here converted Future Fight fat Thor from Endgame?
Quote from: Stickbro on June 02, 2019, 11:54PM
here are the ones I'd mainly like to see
X-Force Deadpool (This model is AMAZING):
Doctor Doom:
that's all, if you need i can rip and provide you with the .obj files necessary :)
if not, no problem whatsoever, thank you for all that you do in the community still
I couldn't agree more! These MFF character models are on point! And your conversions of them are always A+, Andersonbrazil! I could go on and on about MFF requests, but I'd rather just echo what Stickbro is saying in that these models are some of the best available atm!
Looking forward to the next pack!!
Also, Sitckbro...I've tried to rip but failed miserably!!
Quote from: Stickbro on June 02, 2019, 11:54PM
Hi anderson, I love your stuff so much, I didn't really want to make requests since I thought I would be annoying, but is there any chance you can convert a few skins for Marvel Future Fight? .....
I'm glad you like my job Stickbro!
I've been seeing that this year there are very impressive MFF skins. Some I decided to convert, to prepare the new pack, however I also have interest in continuing my updates ... we will see how I will manage to manage the time, because this is fatal ...
Quote from: Bruce Bixby on June 03, 2019, 01:21PM
Hey Anderson have you or anyone else on here converted Future Fight fat Thor from Endgame?
Hey Bruce!
Man I have not yet converted Endgame models, but the aventureiromax has already converted pelts for Thor and Julio Cabral already made some skins too.
Quote from: MelloMods on June 03, 2019, 05:13PM
I couldn't agree more! These MFF character models are on point! And your conversions of them are always A+, Andersonbrazil! ....
Thanks for the compliments MelloMods!
Actually the MFF models improve a lot within a year. I remember the first models, basically composed of a texture map (at least that was what came in the files to download) and had few vertices. To convert was a marvel, but the geometry of the model in the game did not cooperate much, even applying 3dsmax modifiers to smooth the skin. Now they are more complex, but at the same time easy to convert.
great stuff, would you ever consider more AoA to stand alongside your wolverine and nightcrawler,
perhaps gambit, storm, juggernaut or magneto
just a suggestion
Small? Small? SMALL??!?!?!?
Oh this is no small pack. You've got mods on top of mods! In all of these! This is awesome!! I've been dying to play as Misty Knight for too long. This is too kool! If anyone has a character for her (to go with the models) please link me! And if you wanna make one I'm down to help!!! No I'm serious, especially on the voices.
AND TRIPLE THAT for Ms. Marvel!
SMALL PACK 16 and VU22/08/2019Hello guys!
I am happy to release this new pack. It took a while but I managed to finish some of what I have scheduled to share with you. I am working on other projects that I will soon share too. I Thanks to the Aventureiromax who provided me with the practically ready animated Hawkgirl wings, I just added a few details to the model. I thank UltraMegaMagnus for providing me with high quality templates to convert. I thank Julio Cabral who with just one image taught me how to correctly position the bolton models. Thank you guys!
I hope you all enjoy this pack, although more limited in quantity I struggled to produce more quality skins.
The "package" folder is to enable two more skin numbers for the Green Goblin mod.
The "data" folder is to enable one more glider for the skins I converted to Green Goblin.
The "texts" folder contains files that will make the huds transparent, as in MUA Gold Edition.
The "hud" folder has transparent huds and metallic huds.
The "model" folder have the Green Goblin's glider and the Hawkgirl's wings.
Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Midway Games
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
DC Comics
Vicarious Visions
Savage Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
Yes, finally! Still not sure if you should call them "small" tho. But I like Doom's skins, they are pretty badass. Also I said it before, but Hawkgirl's wings look very beautiful :)
Well done, Anderson. Those skins came out amazing -- particularly Dr. Doom. When I get a chance, I'll update Juggernaut and Mystique with those.
Skins look cool...
I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I just downloaded the file, and it looks like the Hawkgirl skin you referenced isn't in there.
Quote from: scottsum on August 23, 2019, 06:17PM
Skins look cool...
I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I just downloaded the file, and it looks like the Hawkgirl skin you referenced isn't in there.
Hawkgirl's skin is mod's own. The image is for to demonstrate the new wings. Wings animated from the game Marvel Heroes.
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on August 22, 2019, 01:16PM
Yes, finally! Still not sure if you should call them "small" tho. But I like Doom's skins, they are pretty badass. Also I said it before, but Hawkgirl's wings look very beautiful :)
Thanks for appreciating Erik!
I also really like the mods you create.
Quote from: Outsider on August 22, 2019, 05:44PM
Well done, Anderson. Those skins came out amazing -- particularly Dr. Doom. When I get a chance, I'll update Juggernaut and Mystique with those.
Thank you Outsider!
I am interested in updating the skins I have converted that many of your mods use. Gradually I am doing this!
Parabéns Anderson ;) As skins estão muito boas :applause: Obrigado por compartilhar ;)
Congratulations Anderson ;) The skins are very good :applause: Thanks for sharing ;)
Quote from: Aventureiromax on August 24, 2019, 05:13AM
Parabéns Anderson ;) As skins estão muito boas :applause: Obrigado por compartilhar ;)
Congratulations Anderson ;) The skins are very good :applause: Thanks for sharing ;)
Valeu demais Max!
Eu tô curtindo muito os Power Rangers aqui. Depois eu te mando um feedback.
Hey would you be cool with making an MUA 2 Wolverine model and his Secret War alt model, and Spider-Man FFH model?:spiderman:
Parabéns Anderson! Mais um excelente trabalho!
Quote from: Aventureiromax on August 24, 2019, 05:13AM
Parabéns Anderson ;) As skins estão muito boas :applause: Obrigado por compartilhar ;)
Congratulations Anderson ;) The skins are very good :applause: Thanks for sharing ;)
Valeu demais Max. Eu também vejo que você tá crescendo muito na criação de mods. Um lançamento melhor que o outro. Parabéns!
Quote from: Canino on August 27, 2019, 09:58AM
Parabéns Anderson! Mais um excelente trabalho!
Vleu demais Canino!
Tô curtindo muito sua Captain Marvel aqui. Eu tenho uns projetos em aberto dela aqui. Em breve concluo e te mostro pra você opinar.
Quote from: Tobi777 on August 27, 2019, 12:52AM
Hey would you be cool with making an MUA 2 Wolverine model and his Secret War alt model, and Spider-Man FFH model?:spiderman:
Hello Tobi777!
Man I may take your orders, but I'm not prioritizing orders for now. I have the purpose of updating all skins, or at least as much as possible, that I converted in the last few years. If any request hits my interest, it may come out in less time.
Lol It wasn't an order it was just a request I apologize if it came across that way.But I understand it won't for a while I just really want the MUA2 Wolverine model along with his Secret War alt because they both look badass, but I understand if that will take awhile thanks for responding!
Quote from: Tobi777 on August 28, 2019, 09:36PM
Lol It wasn't an order it was just a request I apologize if it came across that way.But I understand it won't for a while I just really want the MUA2 Wolverine model along with his Secret War alt because they both look badass, but I understand if that will take awhile thanks for responding!
Actually, Anderson meant requests but our Portuguese to English translator almost always change requests by order and that may sound weird lol :D
Quote from: Aventureiromax on August 29, 2019, 04:25AM
Actually, Anderson meant requests but our Portuguese to English translator almost always change requests by order and that may sound weird lol :D
At these times it is difficult to depend on Google... (
Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 28, 2019, 06:12PM
Vleu demais Canino!
Tô curtindo muito sua Captain Marvel aqui. Eu tenho uns projetos em aberto dela aqui. Em breve concluo e te mostro pra você opinar.
Vamo dá-lhe!
Como eu consigo usar essas asas? Queria usar no Anjo.
How can I use these wings? I want to use in Archangel.
Quote from: UltraBittar on September 06, 2019, 10:50AM
Como eu consigo usar essas asas? Queria usar no Anjo.
How can I use these wings? I want to use in Archangel.
Cara, infelizmente essas asas são exclusivas para o mod da Hawkgirl. As asas do Archangel são feitas num esquema diferente dessas da Hawkgirl.
Poxa, que pena! Eu estava quebrando a cabeça aqui de tanto tentar kkkkk
Mas obrigado, viu? E parabéns pelo trabalho :quicks:
Quote from: UltraBittar on September 06, 2019, 11:37AM
Poxa, que pena! Eu estava quebrando a cabeça aqui de tanto tentar kkkkk
Mas obrigado, viu? E parabéns pelo trabalho :quicks:
Vlw demais Bittar! Em breve lançarei uma atualização para este ultimo pack. Ficaram algumas peles pra traz...
O que eu mais gosto no jogo é a parte de fuçar kkkk jogar mesmo eu nem jogo tanto, mas mudo os arquivos que é uma beleza kkkkkk
Não sei se cheguei a perguntar pra você, mas tem interesse em fazer as skins novas da Jean e da Tempestade do FF?
Anderson, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for your big contribution to the MUA's modding comunity!!
Now, I don't know if it's only me, but the oldest "small packs" (I believe until small pack 10 or 9) the pictures won't show and they said they are no longer available, but the most recent packs do show pictures. I was wondering if you could please + fix this or at least include the skin pictures in the mediafire download so I can know what I'm downloading. I once had a gorgeous storm skin and I certainly believe it was from one of your packs, but now I can't find it. :(
I hope you can please fix the problem!! Thanks so much again!
Quote from: IOwnALego111 on October 06, 2019, 06:18PM
Anderson, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for your big contribution to the MUA's modding comunity!!
Now, I don't know if it's only me, but the oldest "small packs" (I believe until small pack 10 or 9) the pictures won't show and they said they are no longer available, but the most recent packs do show pictures. I was wondering if you could please + fix this or at least include the skin pictures in the mediafire download so I can know what I'm downloading. I once had a gorgeous storm skin and I certainly believe it was from one of your packs, but now I can't find it. :(
I hope you can please fix the problem!! Thanks so much again!
I'm also not sure what happens ...
My mediafire images and youtube videos can no longer be displayed. I'll ask Discord if anyone knows why and how to fix it.
:( :( :(
Quote from: andersonbrazil on October 07, 2019, 02:32PM
I'm also not sure what happens ...
My mediafire images and youtube videos can no longer be displayed. I'll ask Discord if anyone knows why and how to fix it.
:( :( :(
Oh man that's sad! I hope you get it fixed. What it says it that Tinypic is no longer hosting images so that must be the reason why theuy arent showing.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on October 07, 2019, 02:32PM
I'm also not sure what happens ...
My mediafire images and youtube videos can no longer be displayed. I'll ask Discord if anyone knows why and how to fix it.
:( :( :(
Anderson correct me if I'm wrong, but I firmly believe you had some or if not all of the Storm skins from the game Marvel Heroes in one of your small packs (I'm specfically looking for the Astonishing X-men):
If that's not the case, do you know where I can find it? Thank you!
My man your Punisher 2099 mod does NOT work. Crashes my game everytime.
Oh wait, never mind. But since I'm here, do you know how to pull from Future fight to make skins/actors? It would really help for him.
Quote from: IOwnALego111 on October 08, 2019, 02:03PM
Anderson correct me if I'm wrong, but I firmly believe you had some or if not all of the Storm skins from the game Marvel Heroes in one of your small packs (I'm specfically looking for the Astonishing X-men):
If that's not the case, do you know where I can find it? Thank you!
Yes, Astonishing X-Men is in Small Pack 3. Others from Marvel Heroes too, but not all of them.
She has the Astonishing X-Men costume as an alternative in MUA 2 as well:
Quote from: ak2yny on October 11, 2019, 11:48PM
Yes, Astonishing X-Men is in Small Pack 3. Others from Marvel Heroes too, but not all of them.
She has the Astonishing X-Men costume as an alternative in MUA 2 as well:
Oh, thank you SO MUCH!
Quote from: IOwnALego111 on October 06, 2019, 06:18PM
Anderson, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for your big contribution to the MUA's modding comunity!!
Now, I don't know if it's only me, but the oldest "small packs" (I believe until small pack 10 or 9) the pictures won't show and they said they are no longer available, but the most recent packs do show pictures. I was wondering if you could please + fix this or at least include the skin pictures in the mediafire download so I can know what I'm downloading. I once had a gorgeous storm skin and I certainly believe it was from one of your packs, but now I can't find it. :(
I hope you can please fix the problem!! Thanks so much again!
I found out what the problem is with the display of my videos. The flash plugin must have already been abolished on the site, although Aventureiromax has confirmed to me that he can still view my videos on his PC. I use the version of Win 8.1 and so I suspect it. The flash preview feature will definitely be disabled in December 2020 if I'm not mistaken. The question is, will our forum upgrade to another video resource that can be viewed on our website pages?
Quote from: andersonbrazil on October 13, 2019, 03:57PM
I found out what the problem is with the display of my videos. The flash plugin must have already been abolished on the site, although Aventureiromax has confirmed to me that he can still view my videos on his PC. I use the version of Win 8.1 and so I suspect it. The flash preview feature will definitely be disabled in December 2020 if I'm not mistaken. The question is, will our forum upgrade to another video resource that can be viewed on our website pages?
Videos? Sorry I am confused. I'm talking about the pictures that show the skins to the Small Packs. Or maybe I'm not understanding :(
Quote from: andersonbrazil on October 13, 2019, 03:57PM
I found out what the problem is with the display of my videos. The flash plugin must have already been abolished on the site, although Aventureiromax has confirmed to me that he can still view my videos on his PC. I use the version of Win 8.1 and so I suspect it. The flash preview feature will definitely be disabled in December 2020 if I'm not mistaken. The question is, will our forum upgrade to another video resource that can be viewed on our website pages?
Ok just checked and I am now actually able to see the pictures until Small Pack 6. From there on I can't. Although some of them are bad quality or small but still I can see what im downloading. Thanks! :)
Quote from: IOwnALego111 on October 07, 2019, 02:57PM
Oh man that's sad! I hope you get it fixed. What it says it that Tinypic is no longer hosting images so that must be the reason why theuy arent showing.
That site appears to be out of business. Anyone looking to upload and embed images will need to use something else. I believe Google Drive can be used for this purpose, in case anyone needs an alternative.
Wow...this stuff is OUTSTANDING!!!!! I'm curious to know if you still have the Marvel Heroes Assests? I'm actually looking for Cyclops' visually updated Astonishing costume AND if at all possible, his Utopian verison of his astonishing costume. I''ve got pics for references if you're curious. Cheers!!
Quote from: JRodB07 on October 25, 2019, 01:21AM
Wow...this stuff is OUTSTANDING!!!!! I'm curious to know if you still have the Marvel Heroes Assests? I'm actually looking for Cyclops' visually updated Astonishing costume AND if at all possible, his Utopian verison of his astonishing costume. I''ve got pics for references if you're curious. Cheers!!
I certainly had it, but due to a problem I recently faced on my PC I lost it in the formatting I did. My backups were out of date.
I suppose UltraMegaMagnus has this model and its animations too.
Quote from: JRodB07 on October 25, 2019, 01:21AM
Wow...this stuff is OUTSTANDING!!!!! I'm curious to know if you still have the Marvel Heroes Assests? I'm actually looking for Cyclops' visually updated Astonishing costume AND if at all possible, his Utopian verison of his astonishing costume. I''ve got pics for references if you're curious. Cheers!!
You can find this costume here:,8049.msg169341.html#msg169341
I believe this is the one anyway... look for "Modern"
Quote from: ak2yny on October 25, 2019, 11:46AM
You can find this costume here:,8049.msg169341.html#msg169341
I believe this is the one anyway... look for "Modern"
Yeah I saw and installed that one, and it's good, but the model is a bit offputting. His body has weird proportions, is smaller than normal, and just isn't as satisfying as I know the VU edited version could potentially be. I appreciate you replying to me, though! I'm always thankful for people trying to show me new stuff I may miss on the site. Thanks!
SMALL PACK 17 and VU22/12/2019(
Hello guys!
Before the end of this year I could not fail to post more one pack for our enjoyment. It took a while but I managed to reach the goal I wanted.
Thanks to UltraMegaMagnus for making me available the Marvel Super Wars and Marvel Heroes models with their animations. Thank you my friend!
I want to wish you all a merry Christmas, and for that I will never tire of announcing that the feast is of Jesus Christ. That in every hug, gift, smile, we can honor the one who changed the history of the world, and the life of everyone who believe in Him.
I wish you a happy new year, and that your plans and projects are successful. God bless you all!
Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Muito bom Anderson! Demais como sempre!
Quote from: Canino on December 20, 2019, 11:13AM
Muito bom Anderson! Demais como sempre!
Vlw Canino! Eu tenho uma quantidade boa de modelos de MSW mobile. Vamos ter muitos desses modelos pra MUA agora.
Well done, Anderson. I particularly like Storm and Taskmaster. I'll need to do some updating when I get a chance.
Quote from: Outsider on December 21, 2019, 12:08PM
Well done, Anderson. I particularly like Storm and Taskmaster. I'll need to do some updating when I get a chance.
Thank you Outsider!
I found some cool Sentinel models. I plan to update the old skins and convert these new models.
You asked me about the skins features for Sindel. I will try to find MK animations so I'll see what can be viable.
That iceman skin is my favorite, I've been waiting on someone to convert that. Thanks, Anderson.
This is quite a lot! Not sure "small" pack is an appropriate name...
The Storm AvX costume mannequin is cool, been looking for that one. By chance, is a matching skin on the radar?
General question: Does the Alchemy finalizer tool have a simple way to adjust the height for flying mannequins? Sometimes they are too high or too low depending on where I place them.
Quote from: scottsum on December 23, 2019, 02:32PM
This is quite a lot! Not sure "small" pack is an appropriate name...
The Storm AvX costume mannequin is cool, been looking for that one. By chance, is a matching skin on the radar?
General question: Does the Alchemy finalizer tool have a simple way to adjust the height for flying mannequins? Sometimes they are too high or too low depending on where I place them.
In addition to this Storm animated MH skin, there's her MFF skin. Maybe I will make another mannequin with this model.
Unfortunately I don't know any features in finalyzer that change the position of the model. Actually I think the places in menulocation are very variable. You need to look for the best place this mannequin fits.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 23, 2019, 03:33PM
Unfortunately I don't know any features in finalyzer that change the position of the model.
Ok, it was a shot in the dark, thanks for the quick reply.
fantastic bomb :applause: :applause:
Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 23, 2019, 03:33PM
In addition to this Storm animated MH skin, there's her MFF skin. Maybe I will make another mannequin with this model.
Unfortunately I don't know any features in finalyzer that change the position of the model. Actually I think the places in menulocation are very variable. You need to look for the best place this mannequin fits.
Bravo on small pack 17 Anderson, these skins are beautiful. I agree with you and Scottsum; I'd personally love to see a Storm MFF skin or the matching MH skin for your amazing mannequin. I also wanted to know if you had any interest in converting the Future Foundation skins for the F4 from MFF? I personally think the models are spectacular but it all depends on your interest on them. Regardless, keep up the amazing work; your Small Packs are consistently well put together. :) :) :)
Quote from: nando915 on January 02, 2020, 10:50AM
Bravo on small pack 17 Anderson, these skins are beautiful. I agree with you and Scottsum; I'd personally love to see a Storm MFF skin or the matching MH skin for your amazing mannequin. I also wanted to know if you had any interest in converting the Future Foundation skins for the F4 from MFF? I personally think the models are spectacular but it all depends on your interest on them. Regardless, keep up the amazing work; your Small Packs are consistently well put together. :) :) :)
Thank you nando915!
I haven't considered the idea of converting Storm MFF skin yet, but there is an MSW Storm skin that caught my attention. In fact the MSW models will be my conversion target. The models are very high quality.
Really awesome job! This is so awesome i like Wanda AOU alot!! :scarletw: Thank you for sharing this! :) Also sorry to bothering you, would u mind if u make for emma frost super war skin too? she is look so beautifull on MSW, i will really apreciate if u want to make emma skin too :emmafrost: Thank you! :)
Quote from: Clarice on January 05, 2020, 01:21AM
Really awesome job! This is so awesome i like Wanda AOU alot!! :scarletw: Thank you for sharing this! :) Also sorry to bothering you, would u mind if u make for emma frost super war skin too? she is look so beautifull on MSW, i will really apreciate if u want to make emma skin too :emmafrost: Thank you! :)
Thanks for the compliments, Clarice!
MSW skins are in my plans this year, and thanks to UltraMegaMagnus, I have a lot of models on hand, but I don't think I have these models from Emma Frost, but I'll see if I can get it, because it is also in my interest.
I'm feeling those Scarlet Witch improvements! Probs getting them tomorrow. Btw do you still have that Alternate Kamala?
Andersonbrazil, congratulations on so many amazing releases. Some of these models are absolutely stunning. They are complimenting the 50 Roster Hack quite nicely!
I wanted to ask, did you ever convert a Juggernaut skin for that amazing animated mannequin in Small Pack 16 (also updated in Small Pack 17)? I only see the skin with the muted brown, not the classic red. The mannequin model is perfection, but I can't find the skin associated with it.
EDIT: Nevermind! I found it in Aventureiromax's thread. Truly that updated Juggernaut mannequin is a thing of beauty.
Quote from: Clarityman on February 20, 2020, 09:02PM
Andersonbrazil, congratulations on so many amazing releases. Some of these models are absolutely stunning. They are complimenting the 50 Roster Hack quite nicely!
I wanted to ask, did you ever convert a Juggernaut skin for that amazing animated mannequin in Small Pack 16 (also updated in Small Pack 17)? I only see the skin with the muted brown, not the classic red. The mannequin model is perfection, but I can't find the skin associated with it.
EDIT: Nevermind! I found it in Aventureiromax's thread. Truly that updated Juggernaut mannequin is a thing of beauty.
Thanks for the compliments Clarityman!
In fact, I intend to update this classic Juggernaut MH skin to match his mannequin.
Quote from: Tobi777 on August 28, 2019, 09:36PM
Lol It wasn't an order it was just a request I apologize if it came across that way.But I understand it won't for a while I just really want the MUA2 Wolverine model along with his Secret War alt because they both look badass, but I understand if that will take awhile thanks for responding!
Haven't tried it myself yet as I've only just found it but here's one from blaw.
SMALL PACK 18 and VU19/03/2020Hi guys!
Without much to say, I share my pack18 with everyone.
I already thank UltraMegaMagnus for sharing amazing models with us.[shadow=red,left]
Have fun with MUA![/shadow]
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Nossa, ficaram muito boas. Parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho. Gostei principalmente dessas skins pro Blade, já que antes ele não tinha muitas opções de skin.
Great work as always! They're so awesome.
I didn't think you could MAKE Cable look any better than you already had lol
This latest small pack is amazing! I especially love the Storm skins, and underrepresented guys like Black Panther and Blade getting some attention.
Thanks Anderson!!
Quote from: Enchlore on March 19, 2020, 09:21AM
Nossa, ficaram muito boas. Parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho. Gostei principalmente dessas skins pro Blade, já que antes ele não tinha muitas opções de skin.
Eu fico feliz que vc tenha gostado. Meu sonho é ver o sobretudo do blade animado. A pele ficaria muito mais valorizada assim. Vlw!
Quote from: Canino on March 20, 2020, 04:12AM
Great work as always! They're so awesome.
Thank you Canino!
I really liked your mod Robbie Reyes.
I am planning to convert some things for him. :) :) :) :)
Quote from: Grig 32 on March 22, 2020, 05:33PM
I didn't think you could MAKE Cable look any better than you already had lol
I'm glad you liked it!
:) :) :) :)
I particularly like Cable and Bishop, but the material I found from Cable caught my attention more.
Quote from: Clarityman on March 26, 2020, 03:04PM
This latest small pack is amazing! I especially love the Storm skins, and underrepresented guys like Black Panther and Blade getting some attention.
Thanks Anderson!!
Thank you for enjoying! :) :) :) :) :)
Actually for Storm, in the past, a lot of xml2 skins were produced, but in fact, I always saw Blade as a little explored character in terms of mod possibilities. All the 3D content that I find from him, and that is worth converting, I will make the possible to share with everyone.
Really amazing work for those skin especially for Storm "Queen of Wakanda" just like always i never dissapointed with all your creation on MUA Skin! ^_^ And also sorry to bother u, wont u mind if i request skin for Ancient One from MFF (Doctor Strange movie skin) in the next SMALL_SKIN update? please i will really appreciate it cuz i really love Ancient One! ^_^
Quote from: Clarice on April 26, 2020, 10:22AM
Really amazing work for those skin especially for Storm "Queen of Wakanda" just like always i never dissapointed with all your creation on MUA Skin! ^_^ And also sorry to bother u, wont u mind if i request skin for Ancient One from MFF (Doctor Strange movie skin) in the next SMALL_SKIN update? please i will really appreciate it cuz i really love Ancient One! ^_^
Please don't quote giant posts with lots of images, as they take up a lot of space. I edited your post to remove the quote. Thanks!
Quote from: Clarice on April 26, 2020, 10:22AM
...wont u mind if i request skin for Ancient One from MFF (Doctor Strange movie skin) in the next SMALL_SKIN update? please i will really appreciate it cuz i really love Ancient One! ^_^
The Aventureiromax made great conversions from the film's Ancient One. Take a look here.,4284.msg189981/topicseen.html#msg189981 ;)
SMALL PACK 19 and VU14/05/2020Hi guys!
The spider universe has attracted me a lot. I hope it will please everyone!
I already thank UltraMegaMagnus for sharing amazing models with us.I thank MrKablamm0fish for teaching us the incredible solution to correct the color state of the skins, which eliminated the bug of the total black color, on the skins when they suffer fire damage, for example.[shadow=red,left]
Have fun with MUA![/shadow]
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Griptonite Games
Foundation 9 Entertainment
Ótimo trabalho! Com essa do Homem de Ferro eu finalmente fechei minhas skins pra ele. O Homem-Aranha 2099 também ficou mais bonito que as skins anteriores dele, e as skins novas com efeitos pra Capitã Marvel ficaram muito boas.
Quote from: Enchlore on May 13, 2020, 10:53AM
Ótimo trabalho! Com essa do Homem de Ferro eu finalmente fechei minhas skins pra ele....
Eu fico feliz que vc tenha gostado, meu amigo.
Eu gostei muito de suas conversões do Homem de Ferro e do Darkhawk. Pra falar a verdade eu apenas fui perceber o mod do Darkhawk por causa da pele que vc converteu. O mod é muito legal mas passou despercebido pelos meus olhos.
Muito lindas essas skins. Ótimo trabalho como sempre. Notei que faltaram as imagens da Viúva Negra no preview.
Quote from: Canino on May 14, 2020, 08:06AM
Muito lindas essas skins. Ótimo trabalho como sempre. Notei que faltaram as imagens da Viúva Negra no preview.
Vlw demais Canino!
Nesse lançamento eu me esqueci de muitos detalhes :D
Vou atualizar a imagem agora.
Ah, tô ansioso pra ver as versões fantasmas q vc tem reservado pra lançar!
Meus dedos estão coçando de vontade de jogar!! Hahahaha
Amazing pack! :thumbsup: i love the Captain Marvel skins ^^ Please do skin for Fantastic 4 too especially Invisible Woman.. :iwoman:
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on May 15, 2020, 12:22AM
UltraMegaMagnus, your new background for menulocation is great! I really liked how it's now! Thank you!
Quote from: Clarice on May 14, 2020, 09:22PM
Amazing pack! :thumbsup: i love the Captain Marvel skins ^^ Please do skin for Fantastic 4 too especially Invisible Woman.. :iwoman:
I'm glad you liked it!
Yes, a few months ago I was considering a skin upgrade for Sue.
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 15, 2020, 01:00PM
I'm glad you liked it!
Yes, a few months ago I was considering a skin upgrade for Sue.
Yes please..^^ Finally Susan Storm get her new skin! i hope its from MSW and with hair physics, its gonna be so amazing! ^^ :iwoman:
Thank you for these amazing skins that has helped to enhance the appearance of this game.
SMALL PACK 20 and VU26/07/2020This pack took more time than I was planning, but I hope it will please everyone, these last skins.
I need to leave a few comments:
1 - The Dante DMC2 skin was converted by 3ds max2010 and I think for this reason that it is so big. Approximately 24mb. Bugs can occur because of this. Use with caution.
2 - My huds are all with a transparent background. Whoever wants to use them, I recommend searching in one of my packs, because I posted other files necessary for the transparency of the huds to work.
3 - I recommend to those who are waiting for the Human Torch, Canino' booster, to dispose of any other numbers related to the Human Torch to avoid errors in the operation of the transformation skins in a burned form.
I thank Nikita488 for achieving the great feat of ripping the Angel model with bones that enabled us to convert wings that work perfectly in the game.I already thank UltraMegaMagnus for sharing amazing models with us and his incredible work on Angel's wings, where he managed to fit them flawlessly on the bones.I thank MrKablamm0fish for teaching us the incredible solution to correct the color state of the skins, which eliminated the bug of the total black color, on the skins when they suffer fire damage, for example.Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Griptonite Games
Foundation 9 Entertainment
Amazing as always!
Hey Anderson. Just thought I'd let you know that the supposed DMC2 Dante skin you imported is actually Sparda (Dante's father).
This is what Dante's outfit looks like in DMC2:
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on July 26, 2020, 01:35PM
Amazing as always!
Thank you BaconWizard17!
I'm glad you liked it! :) :) :) :)
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on July 29, 2020, 02:21AM
Hey Anderson. Just thought I'd let you know that the supposed DMC2 Dante skin you imported is actually Sparda (Dante's father).
This is what Dante's outfit looks like in DMC2:
Thanks for the info Ceamonks890.
I don't know much about the DMC universe. :chuckle: :chuckle:
I found other really cool Dante models. I think I will convert more skins for him. Worth it!
;) ;) ;)
MarkV23, please try to avoid quoting very long posts, as it can make the thread hard to get through. If you need to discuss a certain post, please just put a link to it in your comment instead. Thanks!
SMALL PACK 2108/01/2021This is the first package this year. Thought I could launch 3 packages last year but my time was running for that.
I have fulfilled some requests to complete Small Pack 21 but I must say that I will not always be able to fulfill requests. If I said no to someone or if I did not convert any skin that I committed to convert, it is because of supervening situations that have reduced my time.
Despite that, I tried to convert these skins in the best way I can.
Hope you like it.
Special thanks to Nikita488 who provided me with the M.O.D.O.K. of MUA, with bones present, which made it possible to animate different parts of the model.
Special thanks to UltraMegaMagnus who kindly provided me with MSW models to convert.
[shadow=red,left]Have fun with MUA![/shadow]
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Griptonite Games
Foundation 9 Entertainment
* Click on the "spoiler" button to view the image.
Perfect work))thank you)
New skins for Vision and Phoenix! Yay! \o/
Thanks a lot, Anderson! They are all really beautiful.
Hello, thank you for all these skins, id like to ask you if you can take in consideration this request:
Thanks in advance
Quote from: andersonbrazil on May 13, 2020, 08:08AM
Hi guys!
The spider universe has attracted me a lot. I hope it will please everyone!
I already thank UltraMegaMagnus for sharing amazing models with us.
I thank MrKablamm0fish for teaching us the incredible solution to correct the color state of the skins, which eliminated the bug of the total black color, on the skins when they suffer fire damage, for example.
Have fun with MUA!
Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
NetEase Games
Griptonite Games
Foundation 9 Entertainment
Anderson, é possível colocar aquelas teias nas costas do Homem-Aranha 2099?
Parabéns pelo grande trabalho!
E aí Diogo!
Cara pra incluir isso eu teria q converter a pele novamente. Vou resevar sua dica pra um próximo update. Vlw!
SMALL PACK 2231/03/2021Hi guys! It took me a while to launch this package but I was glad that I could share the last 30 skins that I produced in the last few months. I realized that annually I am being able to share 3 packages. Although my production is low, I want to strive to do the best.
In advance, I would like to thank UltraMegaMagnus for sharing incredible MSW models with me and Aventureiromax for sharing knowledge on how to convert models with a need for rotation without affecting the lighting incident in the converted model. Thank you guys!So I wish you all good fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
Netmarble Monster Inc.
Epic Games
People Can Fly
* Click on the "spoiler" button to view the image.Spoiler
Wow!!! Incredible! You such a skin wizard!
Uau!!! Incrível! Você é uma mago das skins!
Amazing skins as usual, Anderson. Well done. :rockon:
Quote from: Canino on March 31, 2021, 05:34PM
Wow!!! Incredible! You such a skin wizard!
Uau!!! Incrível! Você é uma mago das skins!
Vlw demais Canino! Com relação a mods completos vc se tornou o mestre dos magos cara!!
:thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
Quote from: Outsider on March 31, 2021, 07:21PM
Amazing skins as usual, Anderson. Well done. :rockon:
Thank's Outsider!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
They look great! Good job as always.
Quote from: Panaka_69 on March 31, 2021, 11:15PM
They look great! Good job as always.
Thanks man!
I'm glad you liked it!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Quote from: andersonbrazil on March 31, 2021, 07:41PM
Vlw demais Canino! Com relação a mods completos vc se tornou o mestre dos magos cara!!
:thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
Hahaha! Engraçado você dizer isso. Na faculdade meu apelido era Mestre dos Magos.
Thank you for the skins, im enjoying iron fist and angel a lot!
Quote from: blackheart on April 04, 2021, 09:38AM
Thank you for the skins, im enjoying iron fist and angel a lot!
Thank's man! I'm glad you liked it! :) :) :)
Your work is gorgeous. Congratulations !
SMALL PACK 2326/06/2021What's up guys! I managed to finish our pack number 23 and I can say this is the biggest pack I've ever shared. We have new models and old models, updated with new texture maps, plus mannequins and boltons. The file is large in Mb.
thank Canino who retextured the Hyperion model, and Aventureiromax who retextured the Spiral model. In both models I just added new texture maps. Thanks to moss43 for the amazing personalized models with realistic faces. Thanks to Kaiology from deviantart for Spiral 3d model. Thank you guys!Hope you like it! Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
High Moon Studios
Epic Games
Team Ninja
* Click on the "spoiler" button to view the image.Spoiler
Incredible conversion as usual :)
I'm very glad to see more MSW models, they are the best.
SMALL PACK 24 29/10/2021What's up guys! It took me a long time to post this year's first pack, but I'm still having fun with MUA and making skins for the game. I intend to explore the knowledge base for creating mods. Possibly soon we will see a complete mod in my thread. Until then I hope you enjoy these skins.
I want to thank the UltraMegaMagnus who provided me with amazing MSW templates. Thanks bro!Hope you like it! Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
High Moon Studios
Epic Games
Team Ninja
* Click on the "spoiler" button to view the image.Spoiler
SMALL PACK 25 25/12/2021 (
Merry Christmas everyone!
I think everyone knows that I'm a Christian and Christmas is a very important date for Christianity, so I wish you all a lot of happiness and that this date is propitious for us to reflect on Jesus Christ.
Is he important to us? Why? What do I think about Jesus Christ? What's the reason to celebrate his birth?
Sounds very philosophical, Lol!
...but is seriously!
In fact this is the gift I wish for all of us, that we can know Jesus Christ deeply so that every day can be Christmas in our lives.
He is our star and can to drive anyone looking at him like the Christmas star.
As usual I share my latest skins and
I thank everyone who cooperated in converting these models!Thanks guys!Hope you like it! Have fun with MUA!Brand Credits:
Marvel Entertainment
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment
High Moon Studios
Epic Games
Team Ninja
* Click on the "spoiler" button to view the image.Spoiler
So good marry Christmas 🎄 ⛄
Quote from: edward on December 25, 2021, 11:17AM
So good marry Christmas 🎄 ⛄
Have a happy new year my friend!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Two DRAX skins are missing on the Small Pack 25 (the Drax folder is empty).
(By the way: your skins are excellent!!!)
Nevermind that. The two Drax "missing" skins (4305 & 4306) are in the DEADSHOT folder. :elektra:
Hey man, thanks for the compliment!
Forgive me, my fault.
I have updated the download file. thanks!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
any hope of converting Psylocke's MUA 2 House of M outfit?
Quote from: Tobi777 on August 22, 2023, 07:35PM
any hope of converting Psylocke's MUA 2 House of M outfit?
I'm pretty sure that Psylocke skin has been converted before. I don't remember by whom, though.
Check if you can find it:,10921
Hi!! @andersonbrazil
First of all, congratulations for the amazing work you did. I reaaaally love it.
I wanted to ask if you could upload the spoiler images for "Small Pack 17" and "Small Pack 21" again. The images are down and I would like to see the skins before downloading and installing.
Thank you very much and best regards.
:storm: :emmafrost: