Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: hemlot on February 08, 2016, 12:28AM

Title: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on February 08, 2016, 12:28AM
Decided to start a new thread, since I expect to have many releases on the months to come.

Black Cat booster/mod:,9677.msg180651.html#msg180651

( Woman:,9693.msg180857.html#msg180857

 :hulk_icon: Alternate Hulk voice:,9693.msg182078.html#msg182078

 :wolverine: Akihiro mod:,9693.msg182141.html#msg182141

 :warpath: Warpath mini-mod:,9693.msg184466.html#msg184466

 ( Batman:,9693.msg184723.html#msg184723

 :xavier: Lex Luthor:,9693.msg184754.html#msg184754

 :hawkeye: Hawkeye voice pack:,9693.msg186164.html#msg186164

( Red Tornado:,9693.msg186392.html#msg186392


( Green Arrow:,9693.msg187402.html#msg187402

 :iceman: Ice and Killer Frost:,9693.msg189797.html#msg189797

Solomon Grundy:,9693.msg189915.html#msg189915



 :greengoblin: Joker:,9693.msg193044.html#msg193044

 :tmaster: Taskmaster:,9693.msg193969.html#msg193969


Alternate Flash voicepacks:,9693.msg199046.html#msg199046
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on February 08, 2016, 12:45AM
Wonder Woman mod v1.0

Custom conversion of Scabbia's MUA Wonder Woman mod. She feels a lot like Rogue, but I hope the skins, effects, and voices give a different playing experience.

Download here:


( (
( (
( (
( (
( (

Smash (Melee): Increased melee punch with $KB
Hera's Blessing (boost): Increases skill ranks for entire team temporarily
Speed of Hermes (boost): Increase movement speed
Bracelet Slam (Wind Radial): Slams bracelets to create a wave of concussive force in a 180 degree forward arc (can extinguish fires)
Flying Charge (Melee): Lunges forward and attacks in a torpedo fashion knocking enemies back
Tremor (Melee): Leaps into the air and comes down hard with a smash attack
DIVINE LIGHTNING (XTREME): Strucks bracelets together to summon divine lightning
AMAZONIAN MIGHT (XTREME Boost): Makes Wonder Woman invicincible, and increases her $DMG for a time
Gaia's Protection (Passive): Mother Earth's protection adds to Wonder Woman's resistances
Pankration (Passive): Increases $AR and $DR

New icons
Maybe recolor effects?
Maybe more skins?

- Scabbia for original MUA mod, from which skins and some coding was taken
- HUD by Outsider
- Nodoubtjr for MUA and XML2 PS2 stuff (as well as being an inspiration to mod)
- Everything else (Character select portrait, voices -ripped from Justice League Heroes-, loadscreen, etc.) by hemlot
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Polygone on February 08, 2016, 11:13AM
Awesome to see some XML2 mods out there :), Wonder Woman looks great!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on February 08, 2016, 11:27AM

I recently took up modding. It's a great deal of work, but it's great to see the result. I want to make DC mods. Maybe some day release a DC Universe Edition. I hope getting around to converting your Star Sapphire mod to XML2.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Polygone on February 09, 2016, 09:36AM
You´d have my permission if you were to do that :), good luck on your modding journey!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on February 10, 2016, 09:21PM

I'm currently working (and struggling) with Green Lantern. Star Sapphire will make a great addition to the game. And thanks for letting me convert her.

I've one question, though:

I see you use some icons from Infinite Crisis. Do you have icons for any other character?
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Polygone on February 16, 2016, 09:07AM
Depends on which character you're refering to. I used the Infinite Crisis wiki to find her icons and saved them to my pc
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Midnightphoenix on February 16, 2016, 05:38PM
I agree with Polygone it is awesome to see some more XML2 mods, especially Wonder Woman! I can't wait to see what else you put out!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on May 20, 2016, 11:33PM
 :hulk_icon: Alternate Hulk voice pack:

Fully compatible with Nodoubtjr's Awesome Hulk mod. Uses voice clips from MVC3 and Marvel Heroes.

Download Hulk mod here:,4051.msg87689.html#msg87689
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Lean on May 22, 2016, 11:20AM
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on May 24, 2016, 07:18PM
Meet Akihiro, son of Wolverine: his powers are the same as his father's (except for one of his boosts), but a new voice, new skins, effects from MUA, different claw boltons, and slightly different attack animations make him a nice addition to a roster. It's pretty cool to have him along his father, Sabretooth, and X-23.

( (http://"")


24301 Modern Skin by BLAW
24302 Modern Skin by UltimateVenom
24304 Modern Skin by DeeDoo
24305 Dark Wolverine Skin by UltimateVenom

HUDs by UltimateVenom

Claw boltons by BLAW

Still needs:
Custom icons

Akihiro in the game is called by his previous code name, "Daken." However, due to the previous code name being a little-known racial slur, we changed the name references in the forum to that of "Akihiro."

Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Erik Lensherr on May 31, 2016, 05:43AM
You do nice job with your XML2 projects! Keep it up :)
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on September 30, 2016, 09:04AM
Hey, everyone.

I'm active once more. I'm on my way to finish Rhino and Batman. I'd very much appreciate help with icons (besides skins, that's the only thing I can't do). Anyone interested in making icons for Rhino, Batman, Daken, and Wonder Woman?
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on October 09, 2016, 07:21PM
Here comes a new challenger: Warpath!

It's more of a mini-mod than an actual mod. Warpath is basically Colossus with iammingy's beautiful Warpath skins, Outsider's HUDs, and T. Hawk's voice from street fighter. Still, it's pretty neat to be able to play as him alongside Wolverine.

Here are Iammingy's skins (reskinned into XML1 Sabretooth so the cel-shading can be hidden):



And here he is:

iammingy: Skins
Outsider: HUD and some attack names
nodoubtjr: All XML2 modders owe him a lot.

Still needs: Icons
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on October 09, 2016, 08:06PM
I've been waiting for a warpath for a while! Good job!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on November 26, 2016, 03:33PM
This one's not a mini-mod, but a full mod.

Behold: THE BATMAN V.1.5
( (

Download it here:

iammingy for all the wonderful Batman skins, as well as the cape.
BLAW for the original MUA mod, from which I took the batarang models, as well as some of the names for the attacks, and icons.
Maegawa for the HUD.
nodoubtjr for his XML2 mods - Batman is based on nodoubtjr's Moon Knight mod.
I used Kevin Konroy's voice for this mod, and a couple of the power sounds are taken from Justice League Heroes

Changelog for v.1.5.:
-Updated Bat texture - now has a higher resolution
-Added trail effects to the "Freeflow combo"
-Modified Xtremes
-Updated sounds
-Cleaned Powerstyle and talents
-Added icons (by BLAW)
-Added loading screen
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Polygone on November 27, 2016, 12:21PM
Texture looks really cool, neat to see XML2 getting some love!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on November 27, 2016, 08:59PM

I've still got pending releasing Star Sapphire. I'll probably use some stuff from your mod.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Polygone on November 28, 2016, 02:04PM
Excited to see how it turns out!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Maegawa on November 29, 2016, 10:05AM
Nice job with Batman, hemlot!

Just took him for a test run, and man I have to admit, his explosive Batarang power is a blast (like, literally! lol). To be honest, all his powers are awesome, but my favorite ones are Explosive Batarang and Freeflow Combo, the latter reminds me of his fighting style from the Nolan Trilogy, and anything that reminds me of those films is always a win! Cable Shot is also a great-looking power, too...

Overall, it's a fantastic mod, iammingy's skins really add a special touch to it, that, along with his great set of powers, make up for his missing icons.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on November 29, 2016, 08:55PM
Beware Lex Luthor!

Superman's greatest foe has come to X-Men Legends II. He's basically a mix of Dr. Doom and Iron Man. Steve Blum's voice acting from "Infinite Crisis" make him very unique.

( (
Download him here:

Skin by BLAW
HUD by Erik Lensherr
Many effects ware taken from nodoubtjr's Dr. Doom mod
I drew inspiration from some elements of Erik Lensherr's MUA mod
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Owl City on December 01, 2016, 10:04AM
Man, i hadn't been active for a while so I never saw this but you did an awesome job!!!! Batman looks so fun to play with!!!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on December 01, 2016, 10:12AM
Thanks! I hope you return to skinning.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on December 10, 2016, 07:02PM
Batman's been updated. Most likely that's his final version.

-Updated Bat texture - now has a higher resolution
-Added trail effects to the "Freeflow combo"
-Modified Xtremes
-Updated sounds
-Cleaned Powerstyle and talents
-Added icons (by BLAW)

Get him in the original post (download link updated):,9693.msg184723.html#msg184723
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 25, 2016, 02:42AM
Hey, I see really cool stuff here! Nice job ;)
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 01, 2017, 02:25PM
I believe there's a solution to your Superman skins problem.
See how Wolveriene claws are actually boltons and not part of his skins? If someone make a Superman S logo bolton you could add it to the skins v¨ªa herostat.
Only problem will be that every skin will have to use the same logo.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on January 01, 2017, 04:18PM
Actually, Owl City already did a very good Superman skin.

Here it is:

I'm just hoping he can make a "classic" skin with the symmetrical logo and red underpants.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on January 01, 2017, 04:42PM
That's looking really good.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 07, 2017, 09:14PM
Any progress on your mods? I'm really looking forward to more DC Characters.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 10, 2017, 11:14PM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 07, 2017, 09:14PM
Any progress on your mods? I'm really looking forward to more DC Characters.

I was on hiatus for a while, but I'm back. I don't mean to ever leave XML2, and I'm definetely going to release all my planned mods.

I do need skins, though. If you're willing to help, I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 10, 2017, 11:16PM
Not a mod, but a new release nonetheless:

New voicepack for Hawkeye, taken from Marvel Heroes. Fully compatible with nodoubtjr's awesome Hawkeye mod.

Download link:

Hawkeye mod:,4051.msg109973.html#msg109973
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 11, 2017, 04:39AM
Quote from: hemlot on April 10, 2017, 11:14PM
I was on hiatus for a while, but I'm back. I don't mean to ever leave XML2, and I'm definetely going to release all my planned mods.

I do need skins, though. If you're willing to help, I'd appreciate it.

I would love to help
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on May 01, 2017, 10:46PM

The Red Tornado:

Baconwizard17 for skin
Baconwizard17 for icons
Maegawa for hud
BLAW for the Vision's 3D HUD
nodoubt_jr for Cannoball's fly effect, from which I based Red Tornado's fly effect, and being an inspiration to mod

Still needs:
Perhaps a few more skins
Clean and recolor some effects

Feel free to give feedback.

Title: Hemlot's Mods: Superman!
Post by: hemlot on May 11, 2017, 12:18AM
Look up in the sky!

It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's a mod!

FINALLY, here's my Superman mod for XML2.

It took me a long time to finish this mod. The lack of XML2 compatible skins made it difficult for me to finish this mod. Thankfully, Owl City helped me out with a skin for him, based on his Superman 3000 look. BaconWizard then helped me out with a Classic and Kingdom Come skin. And the awesome huds made my Maegawa helped him to be a complete mod! I took the icons from BLAW's Superman MUA mod (with his permission, of course). Here are the complete credits:

Superman New 52 skin by Owl City (revamped by Baconwizard)
Classic and Kingdom Come skins by Baconwizard17
HUDs by Maegawa
Icons by BLAW
I drew inspiration from some elements of BLAW'S MUA mod (attack names, descriptions, and such)
nodobutjr for XML2 mods

Although he is already credited, I really want to thank Baconwizard: he's a great skinner that has helped me with skins. Thank to him, XML2 will eventually be full of DC mods (although some will be copycats of their Marvel counterparts).

Some current WIPs:
Green Lantern
Killer Frost (she's basically ready -just an Iceman clone-, just waiting for a couple of skins before I release her)
Martian Manhunter
Dr. Fate
Green Arrow

Expect all these mods sooner or later. They will be made.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 11, 2017, 04:49AM
Quote from: hemlot on May 11, 2017, 12:18AM
Although he is already credited, I really want to thank Baconwizard: he's a great skinner that has helped me with skins. Thank to him, XML2 will eventually be full of DC mods (although some will be copycats of their Marvel counterparts).

Well shuck, thanks!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Maegawa on May 11, 2017, 01:21PM
Astonishing job with Supes, hemlot!

Really liked the animation for Heat Vision (the way you combined 2 animations, very creative!), and the Krypton Clash power is just beautiful to see, but Flying Charge is probably his most iconic power! I also loved how you made him hovering in his idle animation, a small detail that makes a huge difference, really makes the greatest superhero of all time stand out from from the others!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on May 11, 2017, 01:36PM
Thanks! I try to be attentive to detail! This is most likely Superman's first and last release (maybe I'll update with new skins, but I don't think I'll change powers: I'm very happy with how he turned out).

Stay tuned for my next mods, which will be released in a week or two: Green Arrow, Killer Frost, and Martian Manhunter.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Pirata on June 25, 2017, 11:04AM
Nice to see someone keeping the XML2 Mods alive, good work!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on July 17, 2017, 07:44PM
After a relatively long hiatus, behold: The Emerald Archer: Green Arrow!


The Green Arrow mod is basically a Hawkeye clone. I changed a couple of his animations and recolored his effects, as well as his bow and arrow.

Baconwizard17 for the fabulous skin
Maegawa for the HUD
nodoubtjr for the original Hawkeye XML2 mod, from which most of the coding, as well as the effects and models, were taken.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Erik Lensherr on July 19, 2017, 02:31AM
Nice job! I'm glad to see someone trying to keep XML2 modding alive ;)
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on July 21, 2017, 06:09AM
He looks awesome
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on July 21, 2017, 10:00AM
If he looks awesome, it's because of your skin.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on July 23, 2017, 07:17AM
Quote from: hemlot on July 21, 2017, 10:00AM
If he looks awesome, it's because of your skin.
Well thank you :)
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 27, 2018, 09:48PM
After a really long hiatus, I present to you Ice, from DC Universe.

She's an Iceman clone, but has her own number, packages, voice, loadscreen, and a couple of her effects are from Iceman MUA instead of XML2. If anything, she's worth checking out just for Baconwizard17's beautiful skins.

Download her here:

Skins by BaconWizard17
HUD by Maegawa

EDIT: This mod was updated and released along Killer Frost. You can find them both here:,9693.msg189797.html#msg189797
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 27, 2018, 09:58PM
Terrific! So glad you're back. And thanks for the praise!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 28, 2018, 04:38PM
I now present Ice and Killer Frost!

I decided to release them together since they are clones: Same moves and animations. Different skins, voices, HUDs, and even alignments (Ice=X-Men, Killer Frost=Brotherhood). I'm convinced BaconWizard17's skins are so good, it would have been a disservice to just have one ice-girl mod, so I split them up into two mods.

Killer Frost:


BaconWizard17 for all skins: Thank you and Happy Birthday!
Maegawa for HUDs.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 28, 2018, 08:25PM
Excellent as always. Great job!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 28, 2018, 08:43PM
Thanks! I think Lobo is up next on my list. He's basically done. He's just some minor tweaking away from being release ready (at least code-wise). I still need icons, and maybe a little tweaking on his skin...
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 29, 2018, 04:21AM
Alrighty cool! Let me know if you need anything!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 29, 2018, 11:20AM
I will, thanks!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 03, 2018, 09:31AM
Just had an idea for another mod: Mr. Freeze.

Another ice-themed DC villain. But, unlike Ice and Killer Frost, he wouldn't be a clone. He'd have to be based on either Bishop, Nick Fury, or Winter Soldier. I'd have to make an ice gun bolton (or have a gun bolton reskinned to look like an ice gun).

His powerset could consist on two freeze-gun attacks (one that slows down enemies, another one that freezes them), a heat-seeking auto turret (like the one that Ironman and Cyclops use), a freeze grenade, and perhaps a radial ice discharge from his suit. One of his boosts could be a cold armor (like Iceman). Passives would include the ep regeneration and increased resistances from his armor.

His skin could be modeled on the Prelate (the same model BLAW used for his Lex Luthor skin).

What do you think?
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 03, 2018, 02:55PM
I think that would be cool!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 03, 2018, 03:43PM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on April 03, 2018, 02:55PM
I think that would be cool!

Was that an ice pun?
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 03, 2018, 04:08PM
Quote from: hemlot on April 03, 2018, 03:43PM
Was that an ice pun?

I didn't intend it to be, but now I wish that I did.

Lobo's skins are almost done
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 03, 2018, 04:34PM
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 04, 2018, 11:43PM
New Release: Solomon Grundy!

He's basically a Thing clone: same powers. Recolored effects, changed boosts and passives, new voice, a Hulk reskin made by Maegawa, icons by BaconWizard17. He's a bruiser that can regenerate and revive (he even has revival quotes).

Born on a Monday:

Skin and HUD by Maegawa
Icons by Baconwizard17
3D Head Models by BLaw
Thing XML2 mod by nodoubt_jr
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 05, 2018, 04:23AM
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on April 09, 2018, 11:55PM
The baddest bastich has arrived to X-Men Legends II: Lobo!

He's pretty bluntly a clone of Luke Cage, but the chain strike and melee attacks fit him perfectly. Has a regeneration passive, as well as an XTREME Boost that revives him. Check him out.

The Main Man:

Default skin by aventureiromax
Classic (shirtless and with tanktop), civilian, and modern skins by BaconWizard17
Icons and HUD by Maegawa
Luke Cage XML2 conversion by noudoubt_jr
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 10, 2018, 04:21AM
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on September 23, 2018, 08:04PM
After a really long wait, I present you: Bane!

Even though he's mainly a Colossus clone, he features his own voice, as well as unique skins by Tony_Stark and BaconWizard17.

Venom Addict:

Knightfall skin and icons by BaconWizard17
Arkham skin by Tony_Stark
HUD by Maegawa
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on September 23, 2018, 09:27PM
Amazing! I love when it all comes together
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on September 23, 2018, 09:29PM
Me too! Even finishing "simple" mods makes me very happy. There's still a lot of work put to it. Next, I want to work on more "original" mods. I'm starting to play around with Joker. It'll be fun. I also want to work on Nightwing, and perhaps update some of my past mods.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on September 23, 2018, 09:45PM
I can't wait to see!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on December 01, 2018, 04:07PM
After another long hiatus, I'm back. I'm releasing a mod I'm very proud of: Joker.

BLAW initially released an excellent Joker mod, way back in 2011. It is great and I still recommend it. Check it out here:,4614.msg128186.html#msg128186

But I wanted to try out my own version of Joker. I contacted BLAW a long time ago and asked him if it was fine if I used some of his stuff (actually, a lot) for my mod. He gave me a go-ahead, and here he is.

Clown Prince of Crime:

BLAW for the original Joker mod, from which many things were taken (skins, models, some coding, some power descriptions, etc.)
BaconWizard17 for icons, as well as for being a great friend
Maegawa for HUD
nodoubtjr for being an inspiration to mod: any mod released in XML2 has to measure up to his great works
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on December 01, 2018, 04:39PM
Looks terrific!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on December 01, 2018, 04:42PM

I love this mod, but it feels a little empty without one of your skins. I hope someday I have to make a skin-update featuring your works!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on December 02, 2018, 08:32AM
Quote from: hemlot on December 01, 2018, 04:42PM

I love this mod, but it feels a little empty without one of your skins. I hope someday I have to make a skin-update featuring your works!

As time goes on, I'll be able to fill up all of your mods with new skins
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 10, 2019, 08:54PM
After another long hiatus, I'm back. I'm releasing one of the first I ever worked on: Taskmaster.

edwards initially released an excellent Taskmaster mod. This is just my very personal take. You should definetely check edwards' work:,7057.0.html

Master of Tasks:

Original Taskmaster XML2 mod by edward, from which a lot of stuff was taken
Baconwizard17 for skins and icons
BLAW for custom boltons: Taskmaster's sword and shield
nodoubtjr for XML2 mods (I'm sure I took some of his coding)
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 10, 2019, 08:56PM
It's always great to see it all come together!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on March 10, 2019, 09:03PM
Every time you send me skins, I'm convinced it's worth the trouble! All skins are great, but Classic and Udon are outstanding. Among yor finest skins.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 11, 2019, 12:15PM
Quote from: hemlot on March 10, 2019, 09:03PM
Every time you send me skins, I'm convinced it's worth the trouble! All skins are great, but Classic and Udon are outstanding. Among yor finest skins.

Thank you! You help bring out the best in my work
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: Daniel Kings on May 11, 2019, 06:09PM
Hey hemlot, any progress on your Green Lantern mod ?
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on May 12, 2019, 11:21AM
Thanks for the interest!

Unfortunately, I haven't worked on him lately. He's on my "to-do" list, so he'll definetely come to be. Right now, I'm working on mods of the Bat-family.
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on June 19, 2020, 01:10AM
Flash mod v1
By hemlot, Cohollow, and BaconWizard17

Fastest Man Alive:

1.- Speed Punch: Increased melee attack with $KB
2.- Sonic Blast: Pulls energy from the Speed Force and hurls it as a projectile
3.- Speed Vortex: Pulls in surrounding enemies and objects, damaging them on contact
4.- Lightning Charge: Charge against enemies and objects, knocking them back
5.- Pinball Attack: Rapidly runs from enemy to enemy, attacking each one
6.- Quantum Tunneling: The Speed Force makes projectiles phase through Flash and his allies
7.- Protective Aura: The Speed Force supplies Flash and his allies with a protective aura that increases resistances
8.- FLASHPOINT: Attacks multiple enemies in a blinding flurry
9.- SPEED FORCE: Allows Flash to move at super speed, dodging all enemy attacks and bypassing enemy defense
10.- Regeneration: Heals over time
11.- Enhanced Combat: Flash learns to carry himself better in combat
12.- Supersonic Evade: Increases chance to dodge melee attacks and projectiles

-BaconWizard17: All skins (custom PS2 styled models) and icons
-Cohollow: Lots of coding, tweaking, and testing
-Polygone and Maegawa: Special trail effects
-nodoubt_jr: Original Quicksilver XML2 mod, from which some coding was taken
-Turbine Inc.: Infinite Crisis (2015) game assets, including the voice of Michael Rosenbaum as the Flash, as well as art used for loading screen, HUD, and character select portrait
-Alex Ross: Artwork of Jay Garrick used in HUD and loading screen
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on June 19, 2020, 01:23AM
Here are alternate voicepacks for Flash (100% compatible with my Flash mod!):

Jay Garrick (Injustice 2, voiced by Travis Willingham):

Wally West (Justice Leage: Heroes, voiced by Chris Edgerly):
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 19, 2020, 06:02AM
He came together so well! It's awesome to see some new XML2 releases!
Title: Re: Hemlot's Mods
Post by: hemlot on February 12, 2021, 06:17PM
Make sure to check out tubularspacedude's awesome Flash voicepack, featuring lines from Injustice!,10887.0.html