Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Lean on March 31, 2016, 01:28PM

Title: Vertigo Booster v3.3
Post by: Lean on March 31, 2016, 01:28PM
Booster for Vertigo

!!!Update (version 3.3)!!!

Talents, Powerstyle - by me and Midnightphoenix.

Fixed v1.2:
Sudden Slumber - new effect and been extended sleep time!
Hypnotic Disturbance - began to beat stronger, began taking less Energy.

Update v1.5
New effect - Stun Blast.
Superseded power - Strength Boost on Hypnosis Trap.
New Power - How Many Can You See Me, by Nowhere Man.

Fixed v1.7
New Power - How Many Can You See Me, by Nowhere Man. (Fixed Bugs)

Update v2.4:
Update HUDs - by Dorpond
Update Animation.
Update Effects.
New Sounds.
Update Power 3, Now for some time from them is subtracted by itself HP.
Update Herostat.
New attack knockback.

Update v2.7:
NEW Skins and Mannequin - by aventureiromax.
All powers were slightly corrected.
Update HUDs, Turned over from left to right.

Update v3.3:
Fixed Bugs (Description below).
New Icons.
New Boost: Why Are You Hitting Yourself.

1. Stun Blast - A blast of energy that stuns a group of foes/ foe and causes some damage. (To stun foes/ foe need to collect energy.)
2. Hypnotic Disturbance - Blasts out a strong amount of energy that throws her foe offbalance.
3. Loss Of Consciousness - Sends energy around her, which causes the enemies to lose consciousness. And it is creating headaches from enemies.
4. Hypno Beam - A beam of hypnotic energy that hypnotizes a foe and makes them become an alley for a short time.
5. Vertigos Touch - A shockwave of vertigo energy that hurts her foe.
6. How Many Do You See - Strong headaches and hallucinations create a feeling in front of the enemy that Vertigo has become larger in number. And creating a sense of headaches, it seems that hallucinations attack the enemy.
7. (Boost) Invisiblity - With the help of hypnosis, becomes invisible to enemies, increases the probability of critical strike and stuns enemies who have fallen under critical attacks.
8. (Boost) Hallucination Trap - Because of strong hallucinations, Vertigo grows in front of enemies. Although it is not so, but it gives a great advantage.
9. (Boost) Why Are You Hitting Yourself - The feeling of hallucinations seems to the enemy, that his blows are reflected on him.
10. (Xtreme) Dead Ringer - Sends out a giant vertigo shockwave that destroys everything in its path.

!!! Warning!!! The Vertigo Booster conflicts with the Elektra Booster (by Nowhere Man).
So that they do not conflict:
First install the Elektra Booster (by Nowhere Man), and then install the Vertigo Booster.

I hope you will enjoy! :)

Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: StarAndy on April 04, 2016, 02:35PM
great booster thanks
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Lean on April 05, 2016, 06:59AM
Quote from: StarAndy on April 04, 2016, 02:35PM
great booster thanks

Thanks :D
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Erik Lensherr on April 07, 2016, 11:30AM
You give Vertigo interesting effects. Actually, I think this character is deserves more and more upgrades. Good job :)
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Midnightphoenix on April 07, 2016, 09:02PM
I wish I could test out your booster, but I bet it plays wonderfully! She definitely could use a nice booster that is for sure.
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Lean on April 08, 2016, 04:48AM
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on April 07, 2016, 11:30AM
You give Vertigo interesting effects. Actually, I think this character is deserves more and more upgrades. Good job :)
Quote from: Midnightphoenix on April 07, 2016, 09:02PM
I wish I could test out your booster, but I bet it plays wonderfully! She definitely could use a nice booster that is for sure.
It is so great, thank you!
This is my first job!
Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Lean on April 17, 2016, 10:53AM
Update v1.5!
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster
Post by: Lean on April 18, 2016, 08:43AM
Sorry for bugs! :(
I forgot to give instructions! Updated v1.7
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster v2.7
Post by: Lean on May 27, 2016, 06:58AM
Vertigo Update v2.7:
NEW Skins and Mannequin - by aventureiromax.
All powers were slightly corrected.
Update HUDs, Turned over from left to right.
Title: Re: Vertigo Booster v3.3
Post by: Lean on April 03, 2017, 07:37AM
Fixed bugs:
1. Stun Blast - now stuns.
2. Hypno Beam - removed the effect of the explosion as soon as the hypnosis time has elapsed.
3. Vertigos Touch - After using it, strange flashing appears, this is now fixed.
4. How Many Do You See - Changed the code, now it does not conflict with other mods and you can place herostat.txt anywhere. But it conflicts with the Elektra Booster (by Nowhere Man) to fix this I wrote on the page.
5. Grab Samsh - And there it is clear what was wrong.

The description of some forces is changed.

New Boost.
New Icons.