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Off-Topic => Talk about anything => Topic started by: Midnightphoenix on April 29, 2011, 12:13PM

Title: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Midnightphoenix on April 29, 2011, 12:13PM
Ok, hopefully you guys dont think this is a stupid topic! But I just wanted to pot about my Custom Fan Fic series called The End of Wonderland. It is the original Wonderland series, mainly, with a dark and sinister twist... I will post all the storys I have written so far and give some detail, then if you guys want to read the whole thing I will be glad to type them up and post them here, im sure you all would like them very much.

So the 1st Saga, as I like to call it, is The End of Wonderland saga, in which Alice returns to Wonderland to find out it is dead and destroied, she must use all her knowledge to stop the evil Queen, but can she?

All right now I will list the 1st saga stories. But before I do so I will list Main Characters Here and Main objects

Alice, Queen Red, Mad Hatter, Lilly (White Queen's Daughter) White Queen, Queen of Hearts, Hope (From my other story Final Hope) Cheshire Cat, Zombies, and the main object basically through the series is the Crystal staff that holds all the power to light, White Queen is its original and main holder, but not anymore.

Evil Red (Not the first story I wrote, but it is a Prequel): In Evil Red it tells the events in Wonderland before it was destroyed. Queen Red, mainly known as Red has taken over Wonderland as Queen, but just being Queen isn't enough, she thinks she must destroy it all in order to know she rules it, thus with it destroyed nobody can stop her. She creates and evil/deadly virus to destroy Wonderland and journeys to the Entrance of Wonderland, where all will end. The Mad Hatter informs the White Queen and she fallows Red, to try and stop her. The Cheshire Cat sees Red and knows something is wrong so he fallows her as well. At the Entrance Red and The White Queen fight until the crystal staff is used to try and stop the virus from escaping, but instead the staff's power of light spreads the virus, killing the White Queen and morphing Red and the Cheshire Cat together.

The End of Wonderland (The first story I wrote, for a contest :P): Alice finds the entrance to Wonderland by a dead tree, but she finds it strange that all the others trees in the forest are still alive. She enters the hole and climbs down. When she is finally down she enters Wonderland... Now dead and destroyed she is shocked to see her other World gone. She sees the Infected/ Zombies walking around Wonderland. She meets up with the Hatter and journeys with Him and the Cheshire cat to Red's castle. In a fight against the infected Hatter is killed and the Cat and Alice are left to go on their own. When they reach the castle the Cat leaves (Since in the Prequel it is revealed He is Red) When Alice enters the Castle in is destroyed aswell, and Red walks in the main entrances, in a quick battle with Alice she easily uses the Crystal staff, now the power of all Darkness to blast a hole through Alice's chest killing her, maybe. Then a little part at the End explains how a new girl named Zoey (The main character in the 2ndor 3rd book) enters Wonderland and sees dead bodies piled up by the entrance to Wonderland, including a body with Alice's clothes on but with Red hair and bloody messages on the walls telling people to leave. Then A Blond Queen walks in, Queen Alice, with Infected by her side telling Zoey she shouldn't have come.

Dawn of Wonderland: Zoey wakes up in a prision ceil, scared and shocked she doesn't know what to do. Lilly, the White Queens daughter, comes and breaks Zoey free. After escaping the castle Lilly goes back, but Zoey continues on, as she wants to leave. She meets the White Rabbit who explains to her what this place is but he leaves in a hurry, she then meets the Caterpillar. He explains what happened and that she needs to be careful, but as she leaves the zombies attack the caterpillar. She then finds a broken down house, most likely the house of the Hatter and meets Tweedledum, after Zoey and him leave he is bit, but doesn't relize it. They then relize the Chesire Cat is fallowing them, he turns into Red and tells Zoey she cant leave. Tweedledum turns into a zombie and bites Zoey, but she refuses to stay. She continues to run to the Entrance/ Exit of Wonderland, Red kills Tweedledum and fallows her. Zoey reaches the way out, along with Red who is fallowing her. Zoey feels herself changing so she runs, but is hit by a car and killed, then brought back to life by the virus and begins the feast on the living, Red turns back to the Cat and walks away in the Dark.

Pretty Posion: People are beginning to try and escape the city, but an emergency broadcast goes out telling people to stay calm. A Husband and Wife pull over their car and try to see what is happening. A large vine breaks out of the ground and begins to violently crush people and destroy the city. (The Vine is being Controlled by Red, who has control over plants and Nature because of her Dark magic.) It flashes back and hour telling of Red standing in the Rain and letting the zombies of Wonderland run free. Back in the present Queen Alice escapes Wonderland to stop Red, Red makes the dead friends of Alice, mainly just the Hatter come out of Wonderland to attack her, along with the red haired body with Alices old clothes on them from the first story. Red's body is then destroyed but she moves Alice's soul to the Red haired body, and then takes Alice's body for her own as her's drops to the ground and is crushed.

The End of Red: Lilly and Alice are being helt in a Prision, the Prision now being Wonderland itself. (Wonderland has been turned into Wonderland's Prision.) Red then hangs Alice up on the wall by shakles and leaves Hatter to kill her. Lilly Breaks free and kills him, and frees Alice. Red returns very angry. She uses the Crystal staff to transform into a giant monster. She kills Alice, leaving Lilly to stop Red. Lilly uses the broken Crystal from the staff and kills Red with it once and for all... (btw at the end the crystal glows red and there is a flash of light, and Lilly is gone.)
This marks the end of the 1st Saga
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Midnightphoenix on April 29, 2011, 12:14PM
My 2nd Saga isnt complete yet, but I will post what I have done soon, my hands need a rest :D

Edit: By the way this series was greatly influenced by Alice is Dead, a game on Newgrounds, Resident Evil the Series, movies and games, Alice from Resident Evil, The Looking Glass Wars/ Seeing Redd, Poison Ivy fomr DC for Pretty Posion, and Kingdom Hearts
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Polygone on April 30, 2011, 03:44AM
How about american's mcgee Alice? Your story pretty much screams it :P

Good story, maybe you could also speak in characters direct? (not from a 3rd point of view)?
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: nuhverah on April 30, 2011, 05:50AM
I love the ideas, & they made me think of american alice mcgee as well~
Gosh 'I'm so excited for the game this juunnee :fantastic:
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Midnightphoenix on April 30, 2011, 09:54AM
See I have never played those games, so I dont exactly know what they are about :D lol and I dont really like 1st person stories it seems werid to me, but I can try it!
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: nuhverah on May 01, 2011, 12:39AM
Aww dear look what you have been missing! XDD American Alice McGee is a gothic tale of Alice (better than Tim Burton's version in my opinion)

check out the old trailer of the game at
& the new one due this June
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Polygone on May 01, 2011, 05:59AM
American's mcgee alice in a nutshell, (written by me :P)

Years have passed and alice in an 16/17 year old girl, one day, while working outside on her own, her house is on fire, she loses both her parents, alice goes mentally insane and is taken into an asylum, where she is one of the most insane patients ever, (talking about the chesire cat, the red queen etc.)

One day, when Alice is asleep in her asylum, she visits wonderland (game begins here) only to see that it changed drasticly. Tweedle dee doo and tweedle dee dum are guards of the red queen (red queen is an merge of all the persons alice knows in Wonderland, including herself) the wobberjacky is also back (or however you spell it, the dragon is perhaps the best name for him :P), each of these persons represent a diffrent emotion, and Alice is not killing them softly (she has a freaking knife in her hand!)

So yeah, thats basicly American mcgee's alice XD
Title: Re: The End Of Wonderland
Post by: Midnightphoenix on May 01, 2011, 12:46PM
It sounds like a good game, I have always wanted to get/ play it, but I just never got the chance