SuperMaster10's Master Workshop

Started by SuperMaster10, December 26, 2023, 06:20PM

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July 24, 2024, 08:10PM #15 Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 07:14PM by SuperMaster10

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features gore, violence, blood and swearing. Now that's the usual warning for mature-rated characters like this but this one is a little different:
This mod, by default, comes with a NSFW (Not Safe for Work) skin and a mannequin featuring NUDITY on top of the already existing BLOOD and GORE on the skin. His third loadscreen also features said NUDITY.
And the xtra skin "Dead Starkweather" and its following HUD features some extra GORE.
So, as a result, if you're not in the age range for this mod, playing with your family or simply don't want to see it, then don't download and play it, you have been warned.
HOWEVER, if you want to play it without seeing Piggy's business: a version of both the skin and mannequin without the nudity have been included as an xtra, in this case you can also simply delete his third Loadscreen (textures > loading > 21203), be careful with loadscreen clashes so you don't accidentally leave it behind or delete someone else's!
Obviously the squeaky clean version is used the screenshot. As for Dead Starkweather...simply not install him if you don't want him. Did I make myself clear? Good. Let's get into the mod.

It was a dark cold night, just like any other...up in the attic of a certain director's mansion...
There he was once again, grotesque naked insane homicidal former star, Piggsy...all chained up to the wall and on his knees... waiting here, in his least, as far as he's concerned...

Suddenly, came in two men, covered in black suits and masks head to toe, to bring Piggsy his food which has been wonderfully "prepared" from the remains of the "actors" that he once shared screentime with in said movies...
Not caring, hearing, or perhaps simply not acknowleding the men's insults...Piggsy just devoured his food without hesitation. The disgusted men mocked him and soon seems like they had their hands full with another job tonight...

Not long has passed and now Piggsy was standing and violently shaking his chains, trying to get free and squealing like the pig he is. Suddenly, the chain snapped and Piggsy freed himself!
Taking a glance at the on-looking camera, Piggsy squealed with his arms in the air! Then he walked off and got a hold of his chainsaw...leaving his home and doing the only thing he knew!...

He roamed around the courtyard area, roaring, squealing, tearing, ramming and chopping up anyone who dared come his way! "Piggsy is angry! AHHNNNGGRRRY!" He yelled out loud! Only thing close to his volume was his roaring dull-bladed chainsaw.
Leaving a trail of blood, guts and corpses of more armed men behind him. Piggsy just aimlessly wandered and pierced his way through. He didn't stop for anyone, nor anything...not even the...
The big blue portal that opened right ahead of him!

Piggsy stepped through without hesitation...before it even registered to him...he was in a different wasn't the courtyard anymore...yet the place felt similar...
Now on a stormy place that seemed to be floating above the ground...he soon saw...meat! More fresh meat! Terrified and surpried, the people who came face to face with him were simply asking themselves just what the hell he was!
Piggsy squealed and his chainsaw started roaring again, slowly walking forward them...deciding to not take a chance, they quickly started their assault! Piggsy's angry and his night just has started! So he revved up his chainsaw and charged right at them! He only had one thing to say!:

UPDATED! (September 17, 2024): Powerstyle, Talents & Icons changed. Herostat is changed.
- "Throu' da Grinder" had a massive overhaul, to put it shortly: It plays just like how it should now! This power always used to bother me due to not feeling it's as good as it could be...something was missing and I kept thinking to myself if I had somehow rushed it? That isn't the case, however, as I realized I just haven't found the right way to pull it off... until now!
Took some timed index values from Pepsiman's "Catch a Wave" and here we are! I am proud to say that this chainsaw finally roars continously loud as it should be! Added that darn ' in the name too!
- Got rid of the boredloop entirely as it felt unfitting for Piggsy. This also removes the FightMoves I previously copied to try to change bored anims to idle, reducing FightMoves and triggers.
- Transparency on the sides of the banner is improved.
- Got rid of the herostat requirements for Melee Moves and Might

- 3 Powers, 2 Boosts and an Execution.
- 3 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Hunter Platin's voice from Manhunt.
- SQUEAKY clean alternate skin and mannequin. And 2 xtra skins with matching HUDs.
- 2 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #212 (clashes with Gambit & Iris Yuma on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.

1. Guts & G'ory: Piggsy, the ever-lovable star, tears the suckers apart with his DULL painful chainsaw! This classic is now available to all enemies with the press of a button! As a bonus feature, it also upgrades his gruesome Grab Smash! Now that's some GEWD entertainment!
2. Flying Pigs! - Pigs can fly! Pigs can fly! And so can YOU! In this picture, Piggsy swings his chainsaw right at these poor chumps, making everything fly away! What will land? A hand? A leg? Maybe even a head! Whatever the hell it is, this flick is 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
3. Throu' da Grinder - Piggsy does what he does best, running and slashing! Right through these suckers, no less! The only thing louder than his maniacial noises is his MAD screeching chainsaw! Piggsy saw you and Piggsy puts the 'U' in abuse!
4. (Debuff) Sniff Sniff - Sniff never smelled gut-wrenching action like this before! Watch in awe as Piggsy sniffs out the fresh meat and catches those wandering losers off-guard! Piggsy will be covered in the stench of blood tonight!
5. (Boost) All Fed Up - Wanna know where the remains go after a movie is done? Piggsy will show you as he REVVVVS U^ his chainsaw and gathers all of his RAW strength! Knowing they'll just be chopped up for the next scene, these shmucks have no choice but to just run away in fear!

Piggy's Greatest Hits - See every scene you love of the inimitable Piggsy in this 6 hour compilation, exclusive to VALIANT VIDEO! Piggsy is %15 more violent to his victims and 15% more resistant to all attacks. On top of that, he's completely utterly ungrabbable!! Cut loose!

SKINS (21211-21213):
1. Piggsy
2. Lionel Starkweather
3. Binbag

- My second Manhunt mod! Now, Cash is not so lonely anymore....

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Bolton, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
dedtoot – Ripping Piggsy's Sounds and being an awesome fellow Manhunt fan
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System & Original Blood Effect Base from Skarlet
ak2yny – help with mixing one animation

UltraMegaMagnus - XML1 & MUA2 nSpace assets
Geisteskrakenchan (Garry's Mod) – Ripping Piggsy model, Starkweather model & chainsaw execution sounds
Weirdo Sonic (Dixmor Hospital / Manhunt Modding) – Putting the Dead Starkweather model together & the screenshot used for the HUD
miauz & ermaccer – Binbag skin & originally porting it for Manhunt, respectively
Kaori_Naim (L4D2 Modding) – Ripping chainsaw sounds
Sketch the Cow (Archive) – Manhunt PS2 Manual Scans
Manhunt Wiki – Piggsy renders
Rockstar Games - Creating Manhunt, Piggsy and many of the original assets

- Sometimes the chainsaw might despawn after certain moves, interruptions and possibly events. Simply stop moving or do a different motion to get it back.
- It can also sometime despawn in hub worlds. Talking to someone will restore it.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Piggsy bored. Going home! Go to bed and SLEEEEEP!