
More! Marvel! Movies!

Started by Noelemahc, May 05, 2008, 11:02PM

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the announcement of deadpool's appearance in the new x-men origins: wolverine movie (with wolvie again being played by my native hugh jackman, and deadpool being played by ryan reanolds) makes me wonder if we have a deadpool movie in the making

i think a deadpool movie with the graphic novel style (a play on the fact that deadpool knows he's a comic book character) similar to what was used in sin city would be awesome!

I read somewhere that Thor would be introduced in Iron Man II, in order to make a spin-off movie. I can't wait for all these new Marvel Movies

'the incredible hulk' director Louis Letterier said in an interview: "There's a point when Bruce Banner gives up on his quest for the cure and decide to kill himself. So he travels far North and reaches the Arctic Circle. You might have seen bits of it in some of the promos. The result was a very dark and strong scene, which Marvel, me and everyone else's considered to be too hard to young audiences to take, so we've cut it. Having that said, when Bruce arrives at his destination he meets up with Captain America! At some point this week, we will make it available on the internet - but I cannot tell you where or when - and the material will definitely be on the DVD."

So...did anyone catch Iron Man's cameo in the Incredible Hulk movie?

yea that was sick, i was thinking that something like that would be after the credits though, like in Iron Man

I knew of the cameo from before, but the audience reaction was priceless. Some laughed, some were telling the ones who didn't watch Iron Man why everyone else was laughing. Marvel should be ecstatic, by now it's pretty clear that they're other "Avenger" movies will be sure hits.

Well I think Gen. Ross will cameo in Cap's who will then cameo in Thor. Then somehow they'll all merge together.

captain america, thor and ant-man have been confirmed to have individual movies before the avengers movie comes out.
not too sure about ant-man, personally, i think vision would be better but thats just me.
i have 3 concearns
1 paul walker as cap? paul walker is a shoddy actor, another candidate was matthew mccounnehey (however you spell it :S), again, not that great, he sorta does the opposite of all the things cap stands for.
2 im worried that the avengers movie will have too many heroes in it and people, having favourites from the previous movies, will be dissapointed because their favourite didnt get enough screen time because it will have to be distributed evenly.
3 edward norton actually wrote the script for the incredible hulk, the editors cut basicly all of bruce banners character development stuff out (in case people were wondering why banner was a bit of a bland character), so i dont think it is 100% that edward norton will be returning to play bruce, (side note, anyone else notice that most of edward nortons characters have some sort of split personality?) and john faverou stated that he wont do an avengers movie unless all the original actors return, so dont hold your breath for an avengers movie, cos it might not happen.

oh and btw i use to check all the marvel movie stuff

peace :)