
View Shake, View Follow, etc....

Started by colossusjames, August 03, 2008, 04:11AM

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So, what does view follow and view shake do?

I assumed that view follow is what made the game automatically follow your characters without you manually doing such, but it didn't stop doing that when i turned it off....and I have NO CLUE for view shake.
I messed with turning them on and off and having noticed anything except when I have view follow OR view follow AND view shake off that it keeps shaking.

Having view shake on doesn't keep it from shaking, and off doesn't make it worse. Only when I turn off view follow does it shake a bit o.O

I played through half of a level before i stopped messign wit it because it was annoying.

Mind clearing things up on what they should do?


I assume you're talking about using them in PY scripts.  The only thing I can tell ya is that we're still learning about all the functions.  Norrin might know a bit more than I do about those commands, but I don't know.  You might also play through and watch for places where the screen shakes, then exit out and try to match up a script with where you were playing.  That should give you some clues as to how they use it.

Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, I mean the "view shake" and "view follow" that can be turned on and off in "options" on X-Men Legends 2.
