
Spider-Man reboot teaser

Started by BLaw, July 21, 2011, 02:03AM

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Site is in dutch but the movie ain't.

My god... not even a preview of the villain -_-

Important fact: He gets bit in the neck.

Bitten in the neck? Does this mean, that this film will give us every Twilight fans superhero dream of a vampire Spider-Man? Hope not. Hey-hey! I have another one! Looking at the trailer, this feels like the teenage girl version of an Ultimate Spider-Man film, filmed by them aswell! But in a serious way: Man I hate this from the very moment I saw it. I say: Give me Spider-Man 2 and 3 instead of this. For me, those were a whole lot better, judging by what I saw so far. Oh, and the last thing: Please, someone kick the new Spidey in nuts for me.

I hate the new costume, its to complexy. And hello I want the Black Cat XD

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