

Started by JETORONE, July 09, 2009, 09:55AM

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July 09, 2009, 09:55AM Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 12:11PM by JETORONE
 :deadpool: I have a problem  :deadpool:

:deadpool: Hawkeye, black widow and dazzler they installed me only spending(passing) the files to MUA's folder.  :deadpool:

:deadpool: But now I try to put to iron fist, war machine, psylocked, falcon, mr. sinester, beast, angel, and emma frost and cannot play with it  :deadpool:

:deadpool: For that this spends to me?  :deadpool:

That answers me someone please whiteking in you also

Segun entiendo, instalaste a Hawkeye, Black WIdow y Dazzler pasando los archivos a sus respectivos folders cierto? si es asi, ya a aprecen en tu juego ?
Luego intentaste agregar a los demas que mencionas, pero no puedes jugar con ello, lo mismo que lo anterior, ya aparecen? o simplemente no estan.

Ya modificaste tu herostat, agregando las entradas de cada uno de dichos personajes?
Es importante que cada vez que instalas un mod, inicies el juego desde el principio y con las opciones que viene  por default, no cargues las opciones de un juego anterior, porque de lo contrario tus mods no van a funcionar.

Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

muchas gracias

lo probare gracias por el consejo

si no me funciona ya hablaremos otra vez gracias por la atencion

pero lo que queria decir era una guia de la fase de asgard

pero no he encontrado niguna en todas las paginas de 12 busquedas

whiteking, lo he puesto todo el juego en default pero los trajes y los personajes estan todos desbloqueados y sigo sin tenerlos, he mirado el herostat de uno y me pone el y tiene el XIV(24) y ahora al meterme en el programa para editarlo me pone error y me dice que me falta un archivo pero lo meto y me sigue poniendolo

no se si es que soy muy torpe o no me entero de nada asi que si me lo pudieras enseƱar como se hace te lo agradeceria mucho porque ya mismo esta a qui el MUA2 y para eso ya paso de tenerlos porque tendre el segundo

a y sabes que el MUA2 no estara para PC

gracias por la atencion

um i can't understand what you guys are saying, but if you changed your roster, you need to start a NEW GAME.

August 02, 2009, 01:54AM #6 Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 12:10AM by Unknown
Translate it:

Quote from: whiteking on July 10, 2009, 02:21PM
As I understand it, installed a Hawkeye, Black Widow Dazzler and moving files to their respective folders right? if so, APREC already in your game?
Then try to add to the others you mention, but you can not play with it, the same as above, already? or not.

And modify your herostat adding entries in each of these characters?
It is important that each time you install a mod, start the game from the start and the options that comes by default, no options to load a previous game, because otherwise your mods will not work


Quote from: JETORONE on July 11, 2009, 11:13AM
thank you very much

This result proved by the council

if I do not work and we will talk again thanks for your attention

but what he meant was a guide on the stage of Asgard

None but I have not found in all 12 pages of search

Quote from: JETORONE on July 12, 2009, 10:51AM
whiteking, I put all the game in default but the costumes and the characters are all unlocked and I still have them, I watched one of the herostat and puts me and the XIV (24) and now to get into the program for editing makes me error and tells me that I am missing a file but it still put me and putting

if not I'm very clumsy or not I find anything so if I could teach you as you would greatly appreciate it because it is at the MUA2 here and take this step because it already has the second

and to know that the PC will not be MUA2

gracias por la atencion
Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...