
XBox 360 question

Started by LX - Rampage, September 10, 2009, 07:34AM

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I've bought a brand new XBox 360 and I want to know: did they fix the Red Ring Of Death thing? I want to know, cause it would be hard for me, to send it and fix it.

Depends, if you bought it second-hand, and it is one of the 360s released in the first "wave". Then your in trouble, if you bought it brand new, your good to go.

Well, as I wrote brand new (freshly bought from the store), then it means, I won't have that problem? 100%?

September 10, 2009, 08:46AM #3 Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 08:48AM by Teancum
Not necessarily, but it's very likely you're safe.  There are still a few versions of the older models in circulation.  The ones that are 100% fixed are the "Jasper" models (click here to see if you have one). Don't worry though, as Microsoft repairs RROD problems for free should it ever happen.  Just be sure you treat it like you would a computer -- give it plenty of room for air, don't put it on carpet, and don't stack other things on top of it.  Treat it nice and you'll be fine. 

September 10, 2009, 08:54AM #4 Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 08:57AM by Iron Fist and Deadpool
I've bought an XBox 360 Arcade and it's a "Jasper" model, so great! Thanks for the help!

Oh, and just to make sure: Do I need XBox Live inorder to activate Juggernaut?

Every xbox has xbox live and you should be able to get it with xbox live silver which is what everyone has if their not subscribing to gold.
So you should still be able to get it.

September 16, 2009, 07:24AM #7 Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 07:48AM by Iron Fist and Deadpool
What I really want to know, that do I need the XBox-es internet inorder to get him, cause I don't have that, not even the cabels for it.

I'm 99% sure that silver allows you to download content, however you can't play online.

Okay, but still, this thing will cost me much, because I have to order some things for my machine (cables, more memory and stuff) :D


Second result when it comes up

September 16, 2009, 09:59AM #11 Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 10:23AM by Iron Fist and Deadpool
Okay, I'm about to buy a Wireless Network Adapter, I hope it will work 100%.

Okay, now the question for 100000000 pounds! I have to update my XBox 360's BIOS or what. How can I do that?

The system should do that for you.  Just follow the prompts.