
VENOM skin SMSD request

Started by Eddie Brock Venom, June 06, 2011, 01:33PM

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June 06, 2011, 01:33PM Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 02:44PM by Eddie Brock Venom
Could someone please try to make an VENOM skin for Spider-man Shattered Dimensions. The same Eddie Brock blue version of Venom for all dimensions. To make it look like the whole game you play as Venom that would be great. In 2099 and ultimate no gloss so that all the skins look the same, white webs in wltimate and in the end clash with carnage that would be epic. :venom:

Or at least an Anti-Venom skin for all the dimensions like the one from  sosiska he's great:

I hope there is somebody out there who can do the VENOM skin the same for all dimensions
NOIR(Negative zone-->Venom)

Sorry, man, but I don't do skins. Ask sosiska to do them. He is the best out of all of this. Hope this helps, good luck! d[-_-]b
Spider-man Web of Shadows is the best Spider-man game ever.

June 09, 2011, 12:26PM #2 Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 02:23PM by Eddie Brock Venom
Thanks I already asked him. Now I am just waiting for a response :venom:

I hope ep2991952 would try, his skins are great to.