Started by White Fan, October 06, 2010, 03:51PM

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no matter how excellent storm is, thor is a freaking god, and went head to head with the sentry, so i'm pretty confident he'd win.

Yes, i agree. I preffer to see storm winning but thor is a god. :(

Thor, for sure. not because he is a god, cause storm could beat several marvel gods. some are not that powerful. but he's Thor, son of Odin and Elder Goddess Gaia. He's the guy who lifted the Midgard Serpent, cracked the armor of a celestial, injured Galactus, has beaten people like Hulk, Gladiator, Silver Surfer and Hyperion. He's just too powerful, way out of storm's league.
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she claimed she's a goddess for a while, but not really is.

Quote from: Deedooo on October 06, 2010, 07:27PM
she claimed she's a goddess for a while, but not really is.

She still is a godess

No she's not, she's treated like one by the people from Africa because of her powers, but she's just a mutant, strong, yes, but not in the same league than Thor.
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Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
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say what you want i still think storm :storm:

10 to 1. At least it won't be a flawless victory for Thor

well thor is a god which gives him higher endurance, strength, power.  But without his hammer he would be a little more limited but I think he would still win, unfortunately.  But if thor's power and life is binded to his hammer( because according to wiki, the hammer was broken and dr. strange repaired it using odinforce which was like thor's life force) then if storm destroyed the hammer then thor would be a goner.  Storm is just a REALLY powerful mutant, but not as powerful as a god but something could always happen in a fight and thor or storm could get caught off guard and one could be defeated.  It's just that the odds are in thor's favor I think .  even though I like storm more.  :(
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Storm is strong but defintallty Thor. Storm isn't even a goddess.

I think the results are pretty obvious.  Storm is only called a goddess, Thor is a god so my vote goes to Thor.

Storm is not the goddess. But nevertheless I will vote for her. Because she is pleasant to me

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