strength or flexibility?

Started by Rain, February 16, 2011, 02:38PM

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February 16, 2011, 02:38PM Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 02:41PM by Rain
what would you choose between brutal power or speed and flexibility? :P
I am talking about powers, or ... people, why not... :)
if you would have a fight, on whose fighter side will you be: the flexible or the muscle one?

flexibility and speed. 4 sure. Quicksilver style ;)
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

well i'm a dancer, so i have to combine both XD

i would combine both, if you have super strength and a very good speed, you'll be hard to kill.

I love the power of  :quicks:.  Super speed and flexibility.

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

I like x men evo mystique's style :P

i would love strentgh because all i would have to do is hit them once and they'll be knocked out :)

If i were evil i would use it to rip people in half like my avatar Jessica Sanders from heroes

Usually in games and stuff I always play with the flexible ones, I don't like to play with "monster" characters :P So I've to go with speed and flexibility.

I like Quicksilver anD Nightcrawler, so speed and flexibility

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on February 17, 2011, 06:13PM
i would love strentgh because all i would have to do is hit them once and they'll be knocked out :)

If i were evil i would use it to rip people in half like my avatar Jessica Sanders from heroes
I'm with you, although, I would be more like Sub-Zero's old fatality, ripping out the spinal cord of the enemy, while it's head is still on it :D