
Weird Question about photo uploading website

Started by 4elementsefww, March 03, 2011, 12:41PM

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Hey everyone

This is a strange question, and I didn't know if I should post about it, or even where to post about it.  I've been using imageshack(.)us and The past few times that I went on it said something about strange activity and virus stuff So I quickly exit out of it, but I ran a critical scan with my anti virus software and it said nothing was wrong.  So I was wondering is anyone else getting this?  It loads the website, then it reloads to what I just said.  Do any of you use different websites?  I'm thinking about doing what Ariel has been doing, using deviantart.  I'll Probably make a new account with deviantart just for what I post on this forum.  Just wondering if you guys have gotten the same thing.  It only just started happening and this is the second time. 
MY deviantART account:

I use photobucket and have for years. I wont go with another site for photo sharing.

Yeah I've just decided to open up another deviantart account.  I'm not going to mess with imageshack anymore.  The only problem is that a lot of people here use imageshack, and the problem happened even when I just clicked on a pic from this forum and it loaded imageshack's website, but it also happened when I tried to upload to imageshack.  So that's a downside but oh well I'll just have to look at the smaller pics on this forum.  :) .  Thanks for your input.
MY deviantART account: